CS302 Fall 2012 Assignment No. 2: Due Date
CS302 Fall 2012 Assignment No. 2: Due Date
CS302 Fall 2012 Assignment No. 2: Due Date
Due Date:
Your assignment must be uploaded/submitted before or on 03 Dec, 2012.
Your answer must follow the below given specifications. You will be assigned no marks if you do not follow these instructions. Font style: Times New Roman Font color: Black Font size: 12 Bold for heading only. Font in Italic is not allowed at all. No formatting or bullets are allowed to use.
The objective of this assignment is to prepare students to familiar with the solution of real life problems using Boolean expressions. This assignment involves the understanding of mapping truth table to k-map, deriving Boolean expressions from k-map and finally implementing simplified Boolean expressions using logic gates
Problem Statement
You have to design an electronic system. In this system you have four on/off switches S1, S2, S3, and S4 as input and two light bulbs (Red and blue) on out put as shown in block diagram below. S1 S2 S3 Blue S4 RED
This electronic system should work on the following conditions. 1. Bulb Red should be ON if switches S1 and S3 are ON 2. Bulb Blue should be ON if switches S2 and S4 are ON 3. Both the bulbs should remain OFF in any other condition
You have to first draw the truth table of whole system then after calculating the boolean expression for each bulb, draw the circuit diagram for each bulb