2011oct17 Foundations Class One
2011oct17 Foundations Class One
2011oct17 Foundations Class One
Options involve risk and are not suitable for all investors. Prior to buying or selling an option, a person must receive a copy of Characteristics and Risks of Standardized Options. Copies are available from your broker, by calling 1-888-OPTIONS, or from The Options Clearing Corporation at www.theocc.com. The information in this presentation is provided solely for general education and information purposes. Any strategies discussed, including examples using actual securities and price data, are strictly for illustrative and educational purposes. In order to simplify the computations, commissions and other transaction costs have not been included in the examples used in this presentation. Such costs will impact the outcome of the stock and options transactions and should be considered. Multiple leg strategies involve multiple commission charges. Investors should consult their tax advisor about any potential tax consequences. No statement within the presentation should be construed as a recommendation to buy or sell a security or to provide investment advice. Supporting documentation for any claims, statistics, or other technical data is available from Sheridan Options Mentoring at www.sheridanoptionsmentoring.com. Chicago Board Options Exchange, Incorporated (CBOE) is not affiliated with Sheridan Options Mentoring or OptionNet. This presentation should not be construed as an endorsement or an indication by CBOE of the value of any non-CBOE product or service described in this presentation.
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+1-630-835-4691 dan@SheridanMentoring.com
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Week 1 ( Free) Foundational Concepts, the Greeks and Live execution Week 2 Week 3 Intro to Spreads and adjustments Volatility
Week 4 Credit Spreads and Iron Condors Week 5 Calendars Week 6 Butterflies Week 7 Long Term Strategies
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Week 1 ( FREE) Mon and Fri Oct 17 and Oct 21 Week 2 Monday Oct 24 Week 3 Monday Oct 31 Week 4 Monday Nov 7 Week 5 Monday Nov 14 Week 6 Monday Nov 21 Week 7 Monday Nov 28 All classes are recorded and archived for you
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Todays Outline
Big picture perspective- Complete Options Portfolio? Where is the edge to this Business? Standard Deviations and Time Decay? What is the key to winning? Risk Management Foundational concepts? Picking a Broker and live trade execution? The Greeks with examples?
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Portfolio Plan
Income Strategies
Speculative Strategies
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Portfolio Plan
Calendar Spreads Double Calendar Spreads Double Diagonals ATM Butterflies Condors
Collars LEAPS Covered Writes/Straddles Long Stock Long Term Calendars
Long Calls/Puts, Diagonal Spreads OTM Butterflies Vertical Spreads Directional Calendars Long Straddles
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Key to Consistency
January $500 February $500 March April May June July August $300 - $800 $500 $500 -700 $400
November $300 December $500 Net profits for 12 months = $1500 (30%) capital $5000 target 10% ($500)
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Standard Deviations
Dans Short Cuts
Time 1 Day 1 Week 2 Weeks 17 Days 31 days Divide by 19.112 7.223 5.108 4.635 3.433 Multiply by 0.05232 0.13844 0.19578 0.21574 0.29133
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Dan Sheridan
+1-630-835-4691 dan@SheridanMentoring.com
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