Thesis Chapter 1
Thesis Chapter 1
Thesis Chapter 1
This chapter contains background, problem statement, objectives, significance, and scope of the research: A. Background The mastery of English is quite necessary and urgent for Indonesia people particularly for students. The main goal of it is to enable the students to communicate and express their ideas in English and to have a good command in comprehending text book and written information in English. Vocabulary is one of the most important aspects in mastery English because the ability of the students to read and comprehend the subject is relatively determined by their vocabulary. In this case vocabulary plays very important role in developing the for language skills (reading, listening, writing, and speaking). Because more vocabulary learners have easier for them to develop for their four language skills. If the learners have no or lack of vocabulary the ability the communicate couldnt be established. Ahmad (1992:51) concludes that some factors that may cause students lacks of vocabulary: motivation, interest, and poor technique or strategies by the teachers. In teaching vocabulary, many techniques can be applied by the teacher, they are building vocabulary introducing letter, idiom, phrase, sentence, clause, song, quiz, puzzle, reading, and writing, passages, and games. One of the strategies in developing the learners vocabulary is playing game. Playing game is
a good way in teaching vocabulary. This is not a new method. It has been around and used for a long time. Playing game is considered very effective and teachers indirectly add an element of fun of relaxation in vocabulary practices. The purpose is to make the material are more interesting enjoyable and challenging specially introduction new vocabulary. Harmer (1991:161) points out some strategies in teaching vocabulary; he states that using game in teaching vocabulary is keeping the classroom survive and life atmosphere. Game can increase learners motivation to reinforce skill and concept learned. One of the games that will be tested here is the hangman game. The hangman game is a technique used in teaching vocabulary and as media in language. The hangman game can interest the learners to learn vocabulary. They are challenging to find the words to run up the game, Ayurini (2006). The writer was the first researcher to research this game, because there was no one researcher has been research this game before. The result was this game can improve the students vocabulary. Based on the description, the research tries to use Hangman game as the method to improving the vocabulary at the first year students of SMPN 3 Makassar. B. Problem Statement Based on previous statement, the researcher formulates the research questions, as follows: Does the use of hangman game improve the vocabulary mastery of the first year students of SMPN 3 Makassar?
C. Objective of the Research In relation to the problem statement above, the objective of this research was to find out whether or not using Hangman game improve students vocabulary to the first year students of SMPN 3 Makassar.
D. The Significance of the Research The result of the research was expected to be a piece of useful information to the readers, especially English teachers who teach vocabulary for the first year students and to be helpful for further research who is interested in teaching and learning process.
E. The Scope of the Research This research was under discipline of applied linguistics. It is specific on the use of Hangman game of the first year students in improving the vocabulary mastery. The kinds of vocabulary were presented in this research are nouns, verb, and adjectives.