Action Research Assignment and Rubric
Action Research Assignment and Rubric
Action Research Assignment and Rubric
Each teacher candidate will conduct Action Research to include pre and post assessment. You will work with your mentor teacher to determine an area of focus. The assignment should include the following components: Title of Action Research Project Abstract: Provide a brief summary of your action research report. Topics may include student sample, instructional focus, and data collection and analysis. Introduction: Provide a description of students, school, district or important features that ensure understanding. The purposed is included and clearly stated.. Research Problem: Provide a description of your identified classroom problem. How did you identify the classroom problem? Describe the students who were affected and possible causes of the problem. What were the goals for improvement?(ACEI 1) Literature Review: Prior knowledge of and experience with the problem was addressed by reviewing current literature. (ACEI 5.2) Methodology (Research Process): Provide a detailed description of your research process. How did you implement the research? The timeline should be detailed. (ACEI 1,
3.1, 3.2, 3.3)
Procedures: What instructional strategies or practices were implemented that were aligned to the classroom problem? Describe your implementation/intervention procedures. (ACEI 1, 3.1, 3.2) Results (Data Collection and Analysis): Provide a narrative summary of your collected and analyzed data. If appropriate, include graphs and tables to accompany the narrative summary. Include templates of your data collection sources as well as student work samples.(ACEI 4) Conclusion (Taking Action): Provide a summary of your decisions based on your analyzed data. What are your next steps? Do you need to continue your action research using the same procedures? Do you need to revise your action research procedures? How? Were you satisfied with your results and ready to investigate new concerns? Includes refection- What did you learn through this process? How did conducting action research impact your teaching?(ACEI 5.2) References: Citations appearing in the text should match the reference list and be consistent with APA format. Organization and Presentation: Is your paper error free? Does your presentation flow and include all requirements? Do you include technology for your presentation? Did you include student work samples?
Adapted from Improving Student Learning through Classroom Action Research: A Guide to Becoming an Action Research; Florida Department of Education
Introduction Score:__________
ACEI 5.4
ACEI 5.2
Methodology Score:___________
Procedures Score:_________
ACEI 1, 3.1, 3.2
Results Score:_________
Conclusion Score:__________
ACEI 5.2
Includes detailed and clearly explained data analysis so the reader understands the path of the analysis. Also includes detailed events, circumstances, overall accomplishments, and new understandings. Includes detailed description of the researchs effect on teaching, student or school outlook. Also includes detailed plans as to how the researcher will amend his/her teaching next steps. Points 3 All citations appearing the text match the reference list. Contains five or more sources. The reference list is consistent in APA style and error free. Points 17-25 The paper reads well, is polished and grammatically error free. The presentation flowed well and included all requirements.
Analysis techniques are vaguely explained. Includes description of events, circumstances, overall accomplishments and new understandings. Includes the researchs effect on teaching, student, or school outlook but is not fully developed. Mentions how the researcher will amend his/her teaching next step but is not fully developed. Points 2 References partially match text citations. Contains at least 5 sources. Reference list is inconsistent with regard to APA style. Points 9-16 The paper reads adequately and problems with mechanics and grammar exist. Some presentation requirements were met and/or presentation was not polished.
Analysis techniques are not explained. Analysis methods are incorrect or not appropriate for data collected. Underdeveloped inclusion of overall accomplishments and new understandings. This section is mainly descriptive writing with little or no attempt to suggest an understanding of the researchs effect on teaching, student, or school outlook. Points 0-1 References missing or do not match citations. Reference list is not consistent with APA style. Points 0-8 Surface errors disrupt the meaning of the paper and make the paper difficult to read. The presentation was poor, and there were several errors.
References Score:__________ Organization & Presentation (includes: PowerPoint, resources, use of grammar/mechanics, student work samples) Score:__________ A: 180-200
B: 160-179
C: 159-140
Total Points____________