Leadership Styles
Leadership Styles
Leadership Styles
Emphasizes action and directing functions + information and opiniongivers ,. + decision making is easy for them + often the keeper of the vision in a group + great at taking a stand, being direct and making things happen + usually not too shaken.by critical feedback I:J. often will urge "let's decide" as indecision can drive them crazy !:J. will sometimes decide Without input from others and step on toes !:J. make mistakes when moving too quickly without adequate 'info i:" can come across as too impersonal and lose connection with their group . f)' have to be careful not to "over-lead" if strongly in this quadrant .,
Emphasizes meaning and conceptual junctions + information and opinion seekers + good at analysis and process ,observation + prefer to make decisions based 011 facts + prefer as much information as possible before deciding + can come out with totally off the wall solutions, that work + translate feelings and experiences into ideas !:J. can be slow in making decisions or dogged in the facts '!:J. can happily leave most decisions to others and focus on only one decision !:J. have to watch out for non-involvement or unrealistic ideas if they get into their world If a leader has this style, honor their need for information while also requesting them to tell you how they will decide or delegate and when. Some Affects on Group Architects and analysts are often in the minority but the function in essential, If a group doesn't pay attention to this area, it will miss out on significaut learning that comes from observation and analysis. The group may also be missing important process steps or other ways to view a situation. Too much of this style in a group and the group may not move on much, because the discussion, laissez-faire attitude and analysis allows opportunity to pass.
o)f a leader has this style, be as direct as possible. Bring problems and opinions to them they expects this.
Some Affects on Group If.a group does not have drivel's, they must pick up driver functions or they can fail to meet far reaching goals. Mature drivers are non-reactionary individuals with much ability in the other quads and help ground a group. When this style is not mature, there may be too much individuality or structure. Turfbattles or a lack of member autonomy and collaboration ensue.
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Emphasizes caring junction , + excellent at building and sustainmg co~iy + work well on a team + great at building rapport, consensus, commrtment, seeking feedback + support, praise, are concerned + display high regard for other's wishes, viewpoints and actions. !:J. may not take an unpopular stance if it puts a relationship at risk !:J. can put so much emphasis on relationship that task and decisionmaking fall behind !:J. can forget or down play their own needs, to their detriment If a leader has this style, you may need to ask them to be more specific in outlining their expectations. Encourage critical feedback from them and tell them when you want to know what they think and want. Some Affects 011 Group You cannot have too much caring and respect as part of your capacity-it is the connective glue and essential for a functional group. As a leader, it is powerful when combined with other quadrant functions. If it is the only style a group has, the group may not take enough risks or make enough decisions to move forward significantly, The group may also avoid conflict to the extent that there is lack of depth in genuine connection and innovation.
Educator Notebook
Core Leadership
Skills: Self-Awareness