Converters: Reference Book: Electrical Measurement & Instrumentation, By-A.K. Sawhney
Converters: Reference Book: Electrical Measurement & Instrumentation, By-A.K. Sawhney
Converters: Reference Book: Electrical Measurement & Instrumentation, By-A.K. Sawhney
A current, proportional to the input voltage, charges a capacitor for a fixed time interval Tcharge. At the end of this interval the device resets its counter and applies an opposite-polarity (negative) reference voltage to the integrator input. With this oppositepolarity signal applied the cap is discharged by a constant current until the voltage at the output of the integrator reaches zero again. The timeTdischarge is proportional to the input voltage level and used to enable a counter. The final count provides the digital output, corresponding to the input level.
Note that even the clock frequency does not have to have high stability, because both ramp-up and ramp down time are measured with the same clock.If the clock slows down 10%, the initial ramp will go 10% higher than normal, requiring 10% longer ramp down time resulting in the same final count. Only the discharge current produced by precise Vref has to be of high stability. Integrating ADCs are extremely slow devices with low input bandwidths. But their ability to reject high-frequency noise and fixed low frequencies such as 50Hz or 60Hz makes them useful in noisy industrial environments and applications . Provide 10-18 bit resolution. A coversion time for a medium speed 12 bit integrating ADC is about 20mS. This type of ADC is most commonnly used in multi-meters.
The sample and hold circuits are essentially used in linear systems. In some kinds of analog-to-digital converters, the input is often compared to a voltage generated internally from a digital-to-analog converter (D-A-C). The circuit tries a series of values and stops converting once the voltages are "the same" within some defined error margin. If the input value was permitted to change during this comparison process, the resulting conversion would be inaccurate and possibly completely unrelated to the true input value. Such successive approximation converters will often incorporate internal sample and hold circuitry. In addition, sample and hold circuits are often used when multiple samples need to be measured at the same time. Each value is sampled and held, using a common sample clock.