Handout Numerical Analysis
Handout Numerical Analysis
Handout Numerical Analysis
INSTRUCTION DIVISION FIRST SEMESTER 2012-2013 Date: 03/08/2012 In addition to part I (General Handout for all courses appended to the time table) this portion gives further specific details regarding the course. Course No. AAOC C341 Course Title Numerical Analysis Instructor-in-Charge BHUPENDRA KUMAR SHARMA Instructors D. K. Maiti, Lajja, Pankaj Biswas Scope & Objective Enables one to devise algorithms for the numerical solutions of mathematical 1. of the Course problems. Also discusses the error analysis of different algorithms. 2. Text Book Applied Numerical Analysis by Curtis F. Gerald, Patrich O. Wheatley Pearson education (7th Edition) 2003. 3. Reference Books i. Numerical Analysis, Burden and Faires, 7th ed., Thomson Learning, 2001. ii. Numerical methods for engineers and scientists by J. D. Hoffman, 2nd ed. CRC 2010. iii. A friendly introduction to Numerical Analysis by Brian Bradie, Pearson Education 2006. iv. Elementary numerical Analysis, SD Conte & Carl de Boor 3rd ed., TMH 2006. v. Introduction to Numerical Analysis 3rd ed., Devi Prasad, Narosa 2006.
Course Plan
Lec. No.
Topic to be Covered
Introduction, Using computer to do numerical analysis, Errors, Sources of errors, Floating point arithmetic, Arithmetic accuracy in computer, 0.1-0.6 Significant digits, Relative error, Propagation of errors, avoiding loss of significant digits, Evaluation of polynomial. To find roots of nonlinear equations and Bisection, secant, method of false understand the relative strengths and position, Newtons method, 1.1-1.3, 1.5, 1.6 weaknesses of each Fixed point iteration method. method for system of non-linear equations. Order of convergence, multiple roots.
To solve a linear system using Gaussian elimination and iterative methods To compute inverse of a matrix and understand the relative strengths and weakness of each computational method.
To compute numerical derivatives and integration using discrete data points and to know how to integrate functions containing singularities. To compute numerical solutions of initial value problems
Eigen values and eigenvectors of matrices How to deal with irregular boundaries using Finite Element Methods (FEM)?
The Elimination method, Gaussian Elimination, Other direct methods, Pathology in linear systems-singular matrices, Determinants and matrix inversions, Tri-diagonal systems, Thomas algorithm, Norms, condition numbers and errors in computed solutions. Jacobis method, Gauss Seidel method, Newtons methods, fixed-point methods for non-linear systems Existence and Uniqueness of interpolating polynomial, Lagrange polynomials, divided differences, evenly space points, error of interpolation, interpolation with repeated abscissa. Derivatives from difference table, Higher order derivatives, Newton-Cotes Integration formulas, The Trapezoidal rule- a composite formula, Simpsons rule, Gaussian Quadrature, Taylor series method, Euler and Modified Eulers method, Runge-Kutta (RK) Methods Multistep methods: Milnes method, Adams-Moulton method, Predictor corrector formulas System of equations and higher order equations. The shooting method, Finite difference method, solution through a set of equations, Derivatives boundary conditions. Power method, Inverse Power method of finding eigenvalues and eigenvectors of matrices. The Rayleigh-Ritz method, The Collocation and Galerkin Methods.
2.1-2.5, 1.7
5.1-5.3, 5.6
All All
5. Evaluation Scheme S. No. Components ii. Mid- Sem Test iii. Lab Assignment* / Quizzes iv. Comprehensive Exam
Marks 70 40 90
Remarks CB CB CB +OB
6. Problems: Students are strongly advised to work out all the relevant problems in the text-book and do similar problems from the reference books. It is also recommended that the students should try out the algorithms on computers by using MATLAB to get a better understanding of the subject. 7. Only text book and hand written notes are allowed in open book.
8. Chamber Consultation Hours: To be announced in the class. 9. MAKE-UP: Make-up for any component of evaluation will be given only in genuine cases of absence. No makeup will be given for lab examination and quizzes. 10. Notices: All notices related to this course will be put only on the Notice Board III (Old FD III). * For Lab examination (Assignment) MATLAB will be used.