Learning Environment
Learning Environment
Learning Environment
Environment Classroom Climate When I begin teaching in my very own classroom I will have a welcoming atmosphere. All students will feel safe when they enter the classroom. As a teacher, I would like for students to feel comfortable in the classroom and understand that their presence and opinion is greatly valued. At the beginning of the year, I will inform students of how important all their ideas are. I will encourage them to share their thoughts and contribute to classroom discussions. Students should feel ownership in the classroom. Evidence of student work will be on display around the room and outside the classroom door in the hall. Behavioral Expectations As a teacher, my classroom rules would be Be positive Be kind to others Follow directions Have fun and Make your teacher proud.
I would have these as my classroom rules because they are all optimistic and it will not be telling the students what they can and cannot do. These rules are extremely broad and will allow students to be independent. Rules will be discussed and implemented starting on the first day of school. Discussing the rules at the beginning of the year will allow students to quickly become familiar with them and
no one can break a rule before the rules are established. After introducing my rules to the class, I will ask the students if there are any other rules we need to make for the school year. I would expect answers such as do not kick, listen, no running, and use inside voices. I would be able to redirect those rules and show students how they fit into our pre-made classroom rules. For example, I would explain to students that if they were kicking then they would be breaking the rules of being kind to others and making your teacher proud. I expect the students in my class to act like kids but be responsible. I want students to take pride in being good school citizens. Consequences Students will be expected to follow rules at all times. At the beginning of the year when the rules are stated for the year consequences will be addressed as well. When a student misbehaves or does not follow the classroom rules, the follow consequences will take place for each offense 1) students will be given a warning and this will be documented in my daily checklist, 2) students will have silent lunch and a note will be sent home, 3) the student guardian(s) will be called and informed of the misbehavior and 4) student will be taken to the principals office. If a student is behaving severely and their actions are putting the safety of my classroom in jeopardy they will be escorted directly to the principals office. Reinforcements Reinforcements will be used all throughout each day. When students are following directions, I will outwardly express my appreciation for their good behavior. For
example, I may say Sarah is sitting nice and quiet on the carpet, thank you Sarah. This will spark other students to follow from Sarahs example. Other reinforcements for good behavior that I may use with my own class would be allowing students to be the first person to line up, the classroom helper, etc. Routines and Procedures When in my own classroom, I will begin each day with some sort of good morning movement song. Then students will have the opportunity to greet to meet and greet with friends and neighbors after finishing their breakfast. Class attendance will be taken as students enter the classroom. I will have a magnet board near the door and when students enter the classroom they will have to move their magnet over to the side of the board labeled present before placing their daily homework folder in its designated area. Before beginning calendar, weather, etc. lunch choices will be made. This will be done first thing in the morning so that it is prepared and ready for the cafeteria staff when they come to collect that data. My class will transition as smooth and calm from activity to activity throughout the day. Students will be responsible for turning in assignments that they complete during the day. I will have a Im finished bin for students to submit their work. When specific materials are needed to complete a lesson I will have a class helper to distribute those out. My class helpers will be chosen each morning during circle time. Helpers will be chosen at random, however, proper behavior is a requirement to be a helper. The duties of the classroom helpers will vary depending on what activities we participate that day.
During the day in the classroom, students will be allowed to use the restroom when needed as long as it is not being occupied. Students will only be allowed to sharpen pencils in the morning before circle time and during center time. I will keep a jar of sharpened pencil for emergencies; however, students will have to give a pencil to receive a pencil. When traveling throughout the school, students will be expected to be quiet in the halls and stay on the right side of the hall at all times when walking. I will not be a stickler on students walking in a straight line unless these rules are enforced by the school I work for. I will supervise my students to the best of my ability each and every second of every school day. If an emergency was to arise and I needed to step out of my classroom, I would ask another teacher to listen out for my class. Under certain circumstances I may call the office and ask them to send someone down to watch my class momentarily. At the beginning of the year, I will educate students about tornado and fire safety and drill. Periodically throughout the year I would reiterate the importance of safety drills and the proper procedures that are to be carried out. I will make sure my students are prepared for these events. Each day will be child-centered and learning filled. At the end of each day, I would like to have a write and share period of time. At this time students would have the opportunity to write in their journals. There would be no prompt given and students would be allowed to share if they would like. All students will take their folder home each day to complete homework assignments and get proper signatures on certain papers that are to be returned. Students would be dismissed each day to the designated area for their particular departure transportation.