Steel Alloy Elements Intro
Steel Alloy Elements Intro
Steel Alloy Elements Intro
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Chromium is a highly reactive element and accounts for the passive nature of all stainless steels. The resistance to the chemical effects of corrosion and the typical rusting (oxidation) that occurs with unprotected carbon steel, is the direct result of the presence of chromium. Once the composition contains at least 10.5% chromium, an adherent and insoluble surface film is instantaneously formed that prevents the further diffusion of oxygen into the surface and prevents the oxidation of the iron in the matrix. The higher the chromium level the greater the protection.
Nickel is the essential allying element in the 300 series stainless steel grades. The presence of nickel results in the formation of an austenitic structure that gives these grades their strength, ductility and toughness, even at cryogenic temperatures. It also makes the material non-magnetic. While the role of nickel has no direct influence on the development of the passive surface layer, it results in significant improvement in resistance to acid attack, particularly with sulfuric acid.
The addition of molybdenum to the Cr-Fe-Ni matrix adds resistance to localized pitting attack and better resistance to crevice corrosion (particularly in Cr-Fe ferritic grades). It helps resist the detrimental effects of chlorides (316 with 2% moly is preferred over 304 in coastal and de-icing salt situations). The higher the molybdenum content (there are stainless steels at 6% moly), the better the resistance to higher chloride levels.
Generally manganese is added to stainless steels to assist in de-oxidation, during melting, and to prevent the formation of iron sulfide inclusions which can cause hot cracking problems. It is also a austenite stabilizer and when added in higher levels (from 4 to 15%) replaces some of the nickel in the 200 series stainless steel grades.
In austenitic and duplex stainless steels, nitrogen increases the resistance to localized pitting attack and inter-granular corrosion. Low carbon austenitic grades (designated with an L since they contain less than 0.03% carbon), are suggested for welding operations, since the lower carbon minimizes the risk of sensitization. The low carbon levels, however, tend to reduce the yield strength. The addition of nitrogen helps to raise the yield strength levels back to the same level as standard grades.
Niobium additions prevents inter-granular corrosion, particularly in the heat effected zone after welding. Niobium helps prevent the formation of chrome carbides, that can rob the microstructure of the required amount of chromium for passivation. In ferritic stainless steels the addition of niobium is an effect way to improve thermal fatigue resistance.
Titanium is the main element used to stabilize stainless steel before the use of AOD (Argon-Oxygen Decarburization) vessels. When stainless steel is melted in air, it is difficult to reducing the carbon levels. 302, the most common grade before AODs, was allowed to have a maximum carbon level of 0.15%). At this high level, something was needed to stabilize the carbon and titanium was the most common way. Titanium will react with the carbon to form titanium carbides and prevent the formation of chrome carbides, that could affect the formation of the passive layer. Today all stainless steel are finished in an AOD vessel and the carbons levels are generally low due to the absence of oxygen. The most common grade today is 304 (with 0.08 max carbon, although in reality the levels are lower).
Sulfur is generally kept to low levels as it can form sulfide inclusions. It is used to i hi bilit ( h th i l i t hi b k ) Th dditi f
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improve machinability (where these inclusion act as chip breakers). The addition of sulfur, however, does reduce the resistance to pitting corrosion.