Borewell Rescue Robot........
Borewell Rescue Robot........
Borewell Rescue Robot........
This is to certify that the work recorded in this project entitled BORE
The assistance and help received during the course of investigation and source of literature have been fully acknowledged.
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We got an opportunity to present a project report on BOREWELL RESCUE ROBOT to Dr. N.K.BATRA (H.O.D Mech. Dept.) and Dr. S.P.Tayal (Professor Mech. Dept.) The objective of this report is to present the subject matter in a most concise, compact, to the point and lucid manner. We wish to express our sincere thanks to Dr.S.P.Tayal for their valuable suggestions while preparing the project. I would also like to express our all faculty members of mechanical engineering department for their unwavering support and critical suggestions during the course of study without which the project would not be possible.
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The proposed system is to save life from the bore wells. Small children without noticing the hole dug for the bore well slip in and get trapped. Since the holes are dug too deep it is quite impossible to save life. The fire force and medical team find it difficult to rescue children due to unknown levels of humidity, temperature and oxygen in the depths of the bore well. Rescue work can be a long drawn affair lasting close to thirty hours. The time taken is long enough to kill a precious life. Even if rescued the child may die due to injuries sustained. This has created an open challenge to the field of medicine, rescue and the whole human society. To aid in such rescue we have proposed a system that will easily rescue within two hours of time without any major injury. By that a precious life can be saved.
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Children often fall down in the borewell which have been left uncovered and get trapped. The rescue of this trapped children is not only difficult but also risky. A small delay in the rescue can cost the child his or her life. To lift the child out the narrow confines of the bore wells is also not very easy. The child who has suffered the trauma of the fall and is confined to a small area where, with a passage of time the supply of oxygen is also reduces. Robot for borewell rescue offers a solution to these kind of situations. It is a robot that has been designed for the purpose of aiding rescue workers. It is fast, economical and safe. Moreover, it has the facility to monitor the trapped child, supply oxygen and provide a supporting platform to lift up the child. Todays major problem faced by human society is water scarcity, which leads to a large number of bore wells being sunk. These bore wells in turn have started to take many innocent lives. Bores which yielded water and subsequently got depleted are left uncovered. A suitably strong cap of bright colour to cover the mouth of the bore will avoid such accidents. Small children without noticing the hole, dug for the bore well slip in and get trapped. Human search of water finally has ended in disaster. Since the holes are dug too deep it is quite impossible to save life. The fire force and medical team find it difficult to rescue children due to unknown levels of humidity, temperature and oxygen in the depths of the bore well. Rescue work can be a long drawn affair lasting close to thirty hours. The time taken is long enough to kill a precious life. Even if rescued the child may die due to injuries sustained. This has created an open challenge.
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2- Pneumatic cylinders 1-Hydraulic cylinder (Injection type) 3-Solenoid coils Hand like Grip fingers 2-Strip sliders Rotating screw thread Supporting stands Direction control handle 2-Way switch boards 5-Pneumatic connecting pipes Balancing load Oxygen cylinder Camera Aux cables Camera Adaptor LCD Display Monitor Supporting Stands
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Pneumatic cylinders (sometimes known as air cylinders) are mechanical devices which use the power of compressed gas to produce a force in a reciprocating linear motion. Like hydraulic cylinders, something forces a piston to move in the desired direction. The piston is a disc or cylinder, and the piston rod transfers the force it develops to the object to be moved. Engineers prefer to use pneumatics sometime because they are quieter, cleaner, and do not require large amounts of space for fluid storage. Because the operating fluid is a gas, leakage from a pneumatic cylinder will not drip out and contaminate the surroundings, making pneumatics more desirable where cleanliness is a requirement.
Characteristics of Pneumatic cylinder Used: It is made up of silver steel It is 1ft in height. It has carrying capacity of 75 kg. The rod inside the cylinder is 9mm in diameter. It consists of 2-o-rings. Both Rod & cylinder are of center less. It has UP and DOWN movement. Two inlet points for air are connected by pvc pneumatic pipes.
ADVANTAGES OF CYLINDER No rusting issues. No seize problems. More compact and reliable.
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Single-acting cylinders (SAC) use the pressure imparted by compressed air to create a driving force in one direction (usually out), and a spring to return to the "home" position. More often than not, this type of cylinder has limited extension due to the space the compressed spring takes up. Another downside to SACs is that part of the force produced by the cylinder is lost as it tries to push against the spring. Because of those factors, single acting cylinders are recommended for applications that require no more than 100mm of stroke length.
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It is a type of the Hydraulic cylinder which uses the hydraulic pressure to move the Robotic hand fingers in To and Fro direction. When we press the injection using hand then mechanical pressure is transferred to fingers of robotic arm to move fingers. Mechanical pressure is transferred using pipe arrangements from injection to Robotic fingers. The fluid is made up of water and glycerin. Glycerin has the advantage of making fluid free from leakage and also it makes fluid more freely movable. Though the exact pressure cant be controlled with automatic control system, it became necessary to use a hand operated hydraulic cylinder in order to control the movement of fingers of Robotic Hand. Another reason to choose such an equipment is because when person operating this hydraulic cylinder then it became easy and safe as there are certain situation arises where concern of human feeling and decision is very important.
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It consists of two sliders. It is made up stainless steel. It consists of 18 balls each. Balls are used to make the movement flexible and smooth. Slider makes movements in three positions. Movement of slider is adjusted with hydraulic cylinder movement. One of the slider is used to lift the section-1 of Robotic arm. Second cylinder is used to lift the section -2 of Robotic arm. Slider strips are directly controlled with the movement of pneumatic cylinder. Movement of slider is very accurate.
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BORE WELL RESCUE ROBOT ADVANTAGES: Our Pneumatic Solenoid Coil (Comp Air Type) is designed by the experts as per the requirements of systems. The compact designing and ability to perform hassle free operations have made it for use.
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. Camera is also capable of getting audio sound from inside the bore well. It is connected with Aux cables and wires are used to connect the Camera with display and power supply for working of camera. A output display is also used to see the actual on time location of the child every time. It is a must requirement item in rescue of child trapped inside the bore well.
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Pneumatic pipes are used to make the compressed air pass from one place to other required place. In systems where cylindrical containers are propelled through a network of tubes by compressed air or by partial . They are used for transporting solid objects, as opposed to conventional pipelines, which transport fluids. Pneumatic tube networks gained great prominence in the late 19th and early 20th century for businesses or administrations that needed to transport small but urgent packages (such as mail or money) over relatively short distances (within a building, or, at most, within a city). Some of these systems grew to great complexity, but they were eventually superseded by more modern methods of communication and courier transport, and are now much rarer than before. However, in some settings, such as hospitals, they remain of great use, and have been extended and developed further technologically in recent decades. A small number of pneumatic transportation systems were also built for larger cargo, to compete with more standard train and subway systems. However, these never gained as much popularity as practical systems
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A pneumatic solenoid valve is a switch for routing air to any pneumatic device, usually an actuator, allowing a relatively small signal to control a large device. It is also the interface between electronic controllers and pneumatic systems.
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There are 3 Pneumatic solenoid coils used in the project. The function of these coils are explained below as: Act as an air pressure controller. Act as a connector b/w two or more pipes. Ac power supply is required for actuation of solenoid coils. Ac power supply activates the magnetic strips inside the coil. Power capacity of 2 coils is b/w (0.15-0.8) MPa. One of the coil is having a pressure capacity of (0.5-1.5) MPa. Every coil has one inlet and two outlet points. 2 way switch board controls the exaust port output.
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A two way switch board is used to control the supply at output or exaust ports of pneumatic valves. When electricity is supplied to solenoid coil then it activates the solenoid coil because of which a magnetic field is generated and North-South pole is made out and these generated poles controls the exaust ports by sequentially opening one port and closing another port at that time. To open another exhaust port, 2 way switch is pressed to another position and then second exhaust port get open and compressed air get passed into cylinder.
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Balancing load is used to give proper balance to the Robotic arm. Weight of balancing load used is 350gm. A hollow pipe handle is attached with robotic section of robotic arm. Balancing load is attached at end of section 2 of arm. It is attached to the section with the help of screw nuts. A handle is also attached with the balancing load just above the balancing load.
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One iron angular rod is fixed at the lower end of section 1 of robotic arm. It is fixed with the help of TIG welding. Section 1 is 1ft and 9inches. Section 2 is 2ft and 4inches. Section 3 is also 1ft and 9inches.
All the parts of robotic arm are made up of Aluminum metal with a coating of silver acrylic paint.
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It consists of the one wooden stand having 4 feet lenth, 2 feet 1 inch breadth and 2feet 2 inch height. It contains one borewell. The borewell depth is 2 feet 2 inch and borewell daimeter is 1 feet and 8 inch. The robotic arm is of three sections. 1st and 3rd sections are capable of sliding and 3rd section is rigid in nature. It consists of two single acting pneumatic cylinders. One of them cylinder is attached with the rigid support rod at one end and other end is attached with 2nd section of robotic arm to lift it. Second cylinder is attached with the robotic finger at one end and other end is attached with 2nd section to lift the 3rd section of robotic arm contains robotic fingers. Both of pneumatic cylinders are operated electrically. The third cylinder which is single acting hydraulic injection type is capable of adjusting the robotic fingers. It is operated mechanically. 2 solenoid coils acts as pneumatic devices which controls the positions of magnetic strips which further control the in and out of air with the help of two way switches.
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Working of Bore Well Rescue Robot has been successfully tested. Need more modification for better pressure control, i.e. a better quality pressure controller is needed. More improvement can be made on Robotic hand fingers by providing more cushioning system to grip the child trapped inside Bore Well. Air bags can be used as a base below the Robotic hand fingers in order to lift the child from bore with more safety. This project is based on pneumatic i.e. compressed air and hydraulic pressure which is much safer to use and easy availability. Less costlier than other method (like digging a parallel bore to bore well where child is trapped) of rescuing child from Bore Well. This project is very useful in developing a further advanced system which will result in rescuing a child from bore well.
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