Conversion of Solar Energy Into Electrical Energy and Its Storage in Photogalvanic Cells
Conversion of Solar Energy Into Electrical Energy and Its Storage in Photogalvanic Cells
Conversion of Solar Energy Into Electrical Energy and Its Storage in Photogalvanic Cells
The photogalvanic cells are photoelectrochemical devices based on principles of the photogalvanic effect in which compounds are broken up by sunlight into fragments that are electrochemically charged. These fragments usually recombine instantaneously if they are relieved of their electrical charges. In first, Rideal and Williams discovered the photogalvanic effect in 1925 and systematically investigated by Rabinowitch in 1940. A mixture of solutions of dye (rose Bengal), reductant (d-xylose), surfactant (dss) and NaOH were taken in a H type glass tube blackened except a window. A platinum electrode was dipped in one limb of the H-tube having a window and a Saturated Calomel Electrode (SCE) was immersed in another limb. When a stable potential was obtained in dark, then the limb containing platinum electrode was exposed to a 200 W tungsten lamp as light source (shown in fig.).
All results are obtained by variations of concentration of all used chemicals with light intensity. The generated maximum photopotential and maximum photocurrent are 1095.0 mV and 590.0A, respectively. The observed conversion efficiency is 1.54%. The photogalvanic cells so developed can work for 180.0 min. in dark if it is irradiated for 210.0 min. only i.e. the storage capacity of the cell is 85.71%. The overall performance of the developed system is higher among the literature which is observed by using cheaper and stable solutions of chemicals to reduce the cost of constrictions.
Keywords: Photogalvanic cell; Rose Bengal; Performance; Conversion efficiency References: [1]. E.K. Rideal, E.G. Williams, The action of light on the ferrous iodine iodide equilibrium, J. Chem. Soc. Trans. 127 (1925) 258-269. [2]. E. Rabinowitch, The photogalvanic effect I. The photochemical properties of the thionine-iron system, J. Chem. Phys. 8 (1940) 551-55.