Skit Rubric
Skit Rubric
Skit Rubric
Category 4 3 2 1
Speak Group Group Group Group
Cleary members members members members often
speak clearly speak clearly speak clearly mumble or
all the time, all the time, most of the cannot be
and and time. understood OR
mispronounce mispronounce Mispronounce mispronounce
no words. one word. no more than more than one
one word. word.
Enthusiasm Facial Facial Facial Very little use
expressions expressions expressions of facial
and body and body and body expressions
language language language are and body
generate sometimes used to try to language.
strong interest generate a generate Did not
and strong interest enthusiasm, generate much
enthusiasm and but seem interest in the
about the topic enthusiasm somewhat topic being
in others. about the topic faked. presented.
in others.
Interest and Skit has a clear Skit is Skit is not very Skit is not
Purpose and interesting interesting, but interesting and interesting and
purpose. purpose is purpose is has no
somewhat somewhat discernable
unclear. unclear. purpose.
Content Group shows a Group shows a Group shows a Group does not
full good good seem to
understanding understanding understanding understand the
of the topic. of the topic. of parts of the topic very well.
Volume Volume is loud Volume is loud Volume is loud Volume is often
enough to be enough to be enough to be too soft to be
heard by all heard by all heard by all heard by all
audience audience audience audience
members members at members at members.
throughout the least 90% of least 80% of
presentation. the time. the time.
Preparednes Group is Group seems Group is Group does not
s completely pretty somewhat seem at all
prepared and prepared but prepared, but prepared to
has obviously might have it is clear that present.
rehearsed. needed some rehearsal was
more lacking.
Cooperation Group Group Group Group often is
delegates delegates delegates not effective in
tasks and tasks and tasks and delegating
shares shares shares tasks and/or
responsibility responsibility responsibility sharing
effectively all most of the some of the responsibility.
of the time. time. time.
Total: ____/28