Gear Technology
Gear Technology
Gear Technology
Gears are some of the most important elements used in machinery. There are few mechanical devices that do not have the need to transmit power and motion between rotating shafts. Gears not only do this most satisfactorily, but can do so with uniform motion and reliability. In addition, they span the entire range of applications from large to small. To summarize: 1. Gears offer positive transmission of power. 2. Gears range in size from small miniature instrument installations, that measure in only several millimeters in diameter, to huge powerful gears in turbine drives that are several meters in diameter. 3. Gears can provide position transmission with very high angular or linear accuracy; such as used in servomechanisms and military equipment. 4. Gears can couple power and motion between shafts whose axes are parallel, intersecting or skew. 5. Gear designs are standardized in accordance with size and shape which provides for widespread interchangeability. 1.1 Comparison Of Metric Gears With American Inch Gears 1.1.1 Comparison Of Basic Racks In all modern gear systems, the rack is the basis for tooth design and manufacturing tooling. Thus, the similarities and differences between the two systems can be put into proper perspective with comparison of the metric and inch basic racks. In both systems, the basic rack is normalized for a unit size. For the metric rack it is 1 module, and for the inch rack it is 1 diametral pitch. 1.1.2 Metric ISO Basic Rack
This technical manual is written as an aid for the designer who is a beginner or only superficially knowledgeable about gearing. It provides fundamental theoretical and practical information. Admittedly, it is not intended for experts. Those who wish to obtain further information and special details should refer to the reference list at the end of this text and other literature on mechanical machinery and components. SECTION 1 INTRODUCTION TO METRIC GEARS
The standard ISO metric rack is detailed in Figure 1-1. It is now the accepted standard for the international community, it having eliminated a number of minor differences that existed between the earlier versions of Japanese, German and Russian modules. For comparison, the standard inch rack is detailed in Figure 1-2. Note that there are many similarities. The principal factors are the same for both racks. Both are normalized for unity; that is, the metric rack is specified in terms of 1 module, and the inch rack in terms of 1 diametral pitch. 1 2.25 20 1.25 Pitch Line Fig. 1-1 rf = 0.38 2 2 0.6 max. 0.02 max.
This technical section is dedicated to details of metric gearing because of its increasing importance. Currently, much gearing in the United States is still based upon the inch system. However, with most of the world metricated, the use of metric gearing in the United States is definitely on the increase, and inevitably at some future date it will be the exclusive system. It should be appreciated that in the United States there is a growing amount of metric gearing due to increasing machinery and other equipment imports. This is particularly true of manufacturing equipment, such as printing presses, paper machines and machine tools. Automobiles are another major example, and one that impacts tens of millions of individuals. Further spread of metric gearing is inevitable since the world that surrounds the United States is rapidly approaching complete conformance. England and Canada, once bastions of the inch system, are well down the road of metrication, leaving the United States as the only significant exception. Thus, it becomes prudent for engineers and designers to not only become familiar with metric gears, but also to incorporate them in their designs. Certainly, for export products it is imperative; and for domestic products it is a serious consideration. The U.S. Government, and in particular the military, is increasingly insisting upon metric based equipment designs. Recognizing that most engineers and designers have been reared in an environment of heavy use of the inch system and that the amount of literature about metric gears is limited, we are offering this technical gear section as an aid to understanding and use of metric gears. In the following pages, metric gear standards are introduced along with information about interchangeability and noninterchangeability. Although gear theory is the same for both the inch and metric systems, the formulas for metric gearing take on a different set of symbols. These equations are fully defined in the metric system. The coverage is thorough and complete with the intention that this be a source for all information about gearing with definition in a metric format.
Pitch Line s
The Basic Inch Diametral Pitch Rack Normalized for 1 Diametral Pitch
From the normalized metric rack, corresponding dimensions for any module are obtained by multiplying each rack dimension by the value of the specific module m. The major tooth parameters are defined by the standard, as: Tooth Form: Straight-sided full depth, forming the basis of a family of full depth interchangeable gears. Pressure Angle: A 20O pressure angle, which conforms to worldwide acceptance of this as the most versatile pressure angle.
This is equal to the module m, which is similar to the inch value that becomes 1/p. This is 1.25 m ; again similar to the inch rack value. The metric rack value is slightly greater than the American inch rack value. A maximum value is specified. This is a deviation from the American inch rack which does not specify a rounding.
International Standards Organization (ISO). A listing of the most pertinent standards is given in Table 1-1. 1.2.2 Foreign Metric Standards
Most major industrialized countries have been using metric gears for a long time and consequently had developed their own standards prior to the establishment of ISO and SI units. In general, they are very similar to the ISO standards. The key foreign metric standards are listed in Table 1-2 for reference. 1.3 Japanese Metric Standards In This Text 1.3.1 Application Of JIS Standards
Most gear equations that are used for diametral pitch inch gears are equally applicable to metric gears if the module m is substituted for diametral pitch. However, there are exceptions when it is necessary to use dedicated metric equations. Thus, to avoid confusion and errors, it is most effective to work entirely with and within the metric system. 1.2 Metric Standards Worldwide 1.2.1 ISO Standards Metric standards have been coordinated and standardized by the Table 1-1
Japanese Industrial Standards (JIS) define numerous engineering subjects including gearing. The originals are generated in Japanese, but they are translated and published in English by the Japanese Standards Association. Considering that many metric gears are produced in Japan, the JIS standards may apply. These essentially conform to all aspects of the ISO standards.
ISO 53:1974 ISO 54:1977 ISO 677:1976 ISO 678:1976 ISO 701:1976 ISO 1122-1:1983 ISO 1328:1975 ISO 1340:1976 ISO 1341:1976 ISO 2203:1973 ISO 2490:1975 ISO/TR 4467:1982 ISO 4468:1982 ISO 8579-1:1993 ISO 8579-2:1993 ISO/TR 10064-1:1992
Cylindrical gears for general and heavy engineering Basic rack Cylindrical gears for general and heavy engineering Modules and diametral pitches Straight bevel gears for general and heavy engineering Basic rack Straight bevel gears for general and heavy engineering Modules and diametral pitches International gear notation symbols for geometrical data Glossary of gear terms Part 1: Geometrical definitions Parallel involute gears ISO system of accuracy Cylindrical gears Information to be given to the manufacturer by the purchaser in order to obtain the gear required Straight bevel gears Information to be given to the manufacturer by the purchaser in order to obtain the gear required Technical drawings Conventional representation of gears Single-start solid (monobloc) gear hobs with axial keyway, 1 to 20 module and 1 to 20 diametral pitch Nominal dimensions Addendum modification of the teeth of cylindrical gears for speed-reducing and speedincreasing gear pairs Gear hobs Single-start Accuracy requirements Acceptance code for gears Part 1: Determination of airborne sound power levels emitted by gear units Acceptance code for gears Part 2: Determination of mechanical vibrations of gear units during acceptance testing Cylindrical gears Code of inspection practice Part 1: Inspection of corresponding flanks of gear teeth
Table 1-2
AS B 62 AS B 66 AS B 214 AS B 217 AS 1637 1965 1969 1966 1966
Bevel gears Worm gears (inch series) Geometrical dimensions for worm gears Units Glossary for gearing International gear notation symbols for geometric data (similar to ISO 701)
Glossary of gears (similar to ISO 1122) Glossary of worm gears Gearing Symbols (similar to ISO 701) Tolerances for spur gears with involute teeth (similar to ISO 1328) Cylindrical gears for general and heavy engineering Basic rack and modules (similar to ISO 467 and ISO 53) Cylindrical gears Information to be given to the manufacturer by the producer Continued on Calculating spur gears to NF L 32-610 following page
1. Standards available in English from: ANSI, 1430 Broadway, New York, NY 10018; or Beuth Verlag GmbH, Burggrafenstrasse 6, D-10772 Berlin, Germany; or Global Engineering Documents, Inverness Way East, Englewood, CO 80112-5704 2. Above data was taken from: DIN Catalogue of Technical Rules 1994, Supplement, Volume 3, Translations
Gearing Module series Gearing Basic rack Spur gear Order information for straight and bevel gear Gearing Glossary and geometrical definitions Modules and diametral pitches of cylindrical and straight bevel gears for general and heavy engineering (corresponds to ISO 54 and 678) Basic rack of cylindrical gears for standard engineering (corresponds to ISO 53) Basic rack of straight bevel gears for general and heavy engineering (corresponds to ISO 677) International gear notation Symbols for geometrical data (corresponds to ISO 701)
Standards available in English from: ANSI, 1430 Broadway, New York, NY 10018; or International Standardization Cooperation Center, Japanese Standards Association, 4-1-24 Akasaka, Minato-ku, Tokyo 107
Spur gear and helical gears Method for calculation of contact and root bending stresses, (Related but not equivalent with ISO / DIS 6336 / 1, 2 & 3) Specification for worm gearing Imperial units Specification for worm gearing Metric units
1984 1983 1984 1984 1984 1965 1981 1983 1985 1985 1983 1983 1976 1976 1976 1968 1984 1984 1984 1986 1987 1984 1987
Specification for fine pitch gears Involute spur and helical gears Specification for fine pitch gears Cycloidal type gears Specification for fine pitch gears Bevel gears Specification for fine pitch gears Hobs and cutters
Specification for marine propulsion gears and similar drives: metric module
Specification for circular gear shaving cutters, 1 to 8 metric module, accuracy requirements Specification for gear hobs Hobs for general purpose: 1 to 20 d.p., inclusive Specification for rotary form relieved gear cutters Diametral pitch Specification for rotary relieved gear cutters Metric module Glossary for gears Geometrical definitions Specification for rack type gear cutters Specification for gear hobs Hobs for gears for turbine reduction and similar drives
Glossary for gears Notation (symbols for geometrical data for use in gear rotation) Specification for dimensions of worm gear units
Specification for master gears Spur and helical gears (metric module) Dimensions of spur and helical geared motor units (metric series) Fine pitch gears (metric module) Hobs and cutters Fine pitch gears (metric module) Involute spur and helical gears Specifications for general purpose, metric module gear hobs Specification for nonmetallic spur gears
Specifications for pinion type cutters for spur gears 1 to 8 metric module
Standards available from: ANSI, 1430 Broadway, New York, NY 10018; or BSI, Linford Wood, Milton Keynes MK146LE, United Kingdom
1.3.2 Symbols Gear parameters are defined by a set of standardized symbols that are defined in JIS B 0121 (1983). These are reproduced in Table 1-3. Table 1-3A Terms
The JIS symbols are consistent with the equations given in this text and are consistent with JIS standards. Most differ from typical American symbols, which can be confusing to the first time metric user. To assist, Table 1-4 is offered as a cross list. Symbols
pz ga gf g g d d d' dw da db df r r r' rw ra rb rf R Re Rm Ri Rv *A *E
Center Distance Circular Pitch (General) Standard Circular Pitch Radial Circular Pitch Circular Pitch Perpendicular to Tooth Axial Pitch Normal Pitch Radial Normal Pitch Normal Pitch Perpendicular to Tooth Whole Depth Addendum Dedendum Caliper Tooth Height Working Depth Tooth Thickness (General) Circular Tooth Thickness Base Circle Circular Tooth Thickness Chordal Tooth Thickness Span Measurement Root Width Top Clearance Circular Backlash Normal Backlash Blank Width Working Face Width
* These terms and symbols are specific to JIS Standard Table 1-3B Angular Dimensions
Pressure Angle (General) Standard Pressure Angle Working Pressure Angle Cutter Pressure Angle Radial Pressure Angle Pressure Angle Normal to Tooth Axial Pressure Angle Helix Angle (General) Standard Pitch Cylinder Helix Angle Outside Cylinder Helix Angle Base Cylinder Helix Angle Lead Angle (General) Standard Pitch Cylinder Lead Angle Outside Cylinder Lead Angle Base Cylinder Lead Angle
' or w 0 t n x a b a b
Shaft Angle Cone Angle (General) Pitch Cone Angle Outside Cone Angle Root Cone Angle Addendum Angle Dedendum Angle Radial Contact Angle Overlap Contact Angle Overall Contact Angle Angular Pitch of Crown Gear Involute Function
a f a f a r inv
NOTE: The term "Radial" is used to denote parameters in the plane of rotation perpendicular to the axis.
Number of Teeth Equivalent Spur Gear Number of Teeth Number of Threads in Worm Number of Teeth in Pinion Number of Teeth Ratio Speed Ratio Module Radial Module Normal Module Axial Module
Table 1-3C
z zv zw zl u i m mt mn mx
* v n x y
fpt *fu or fpu Fpk Fp
fpb ff Fr F
Japanese Symbol
zv p pn r rb ra s i ha hf c d dp hw w
virtual number of teeth for helical gear diametral pitch normal diametral pitch horsepower, transmitted pitch radius, gear or general use base circle radius, gear outside radius, gear testing radius tooth thickness, gear beam tooth strength Lewis factor, diametral pitch mesh velocity ratio addendum dedendum clearance pitch diameter, pinion pin diameter, for over-pins measurement eccentricity working depth Lewis factor, circular pitch pitch angle, bevel gear rotation angle, general lead angle, worm gearing mean value gear stage velocity ratio pressure angle operating pressure angle helix angle (b=base helix angle; w = operating helix angle) angular velocity involute function
j jt jn a a aw d db da df b K L z zc h z1 zw px pb p pn r rb rf ra s
M N Nc ht mp n nw pa pb pc pcn r rb rf ro t
backlash, linear measure along pitch circle backlash, linear measure along line-of-action backlash in arc minutes center distance change in center distance operating center distance standard center distance pitch diameter base circle diameter outside diameter root diameter face width factor, general length, general; also lead of worm measurement over-pins number of teeth, usually gear critical number of teeth for no undercutting whole depth contact ratio number of teeth, pinion number of threads in worm axial pitch base pitch circular pitch normal circular pitch pitch radius, pinion base circle radius, pinion fillet radius outside radius, pinion tooth thickness, and for general use, for tolerance
1.3.3 Terminology
Terms used in metric gearing are identical or are parallel to those used for inch gearing. The one major exception is that metric gears are based upon the module, which for reference may be considered as the inversion of a metric unit diametral pitch. Terminology will be appropriately introduced and defined throughout the text. There are some terminology difficulties with a few of the descriptive words used by the Japanese JIS standards when translated into English.
One particular example is the Japanese use of the term "radial" to describe measures such as what Americans term circular pitch. This also crops up with contact ratio. What Americans refer to as contact ratio in the plane of rotation, the Japanese equivalent is called "radial contact ratio". This can be both confusing and annoying. Therefore, since this technical section is being used outside Japan, and the American term is more realistically descriptive, in this text we will use the American term "circular" where it is meaningful. However, the applicable Japanese symbol will be used. Other examples of giving preference to the American terminology will be identified where it occurs.
1.3.4 Conversion For those wishing to ease themselves into working with metric To Obtain Table 1-5 Module Module Diametral Pitch
gears by looking at them in terms of familiar inch gearing relationships and mathematics, Table 1-5 is offered as a means to make a quick comparison. Use This Formula* D = mN D p = m = c N 25.4 m = Pd D N = m a = m b = 1.25m Do = D + 2m = m (N + 2) DR = D 2.5m Db = D cos pb = m cos Tstd = m 2 m (N1 + N2 ) C = 2
Module and Pitch Diameter Module Module Module and Pitch Diameter or Number of Teeth Pitch Diameter and Module Pitch Diameter and Pressure Angle Module and Pressure Angle Module Module and Number of Teeth Outside Radii, Base Circle Radii, Center Distance, Pressure Angle Change in Center Distance Change in Tooth Thickness Linear Backlash Along Pitch Circle Linear Backlash Pressure Angle
Outside Diameter Root Diameter Base Circle Diameter Base Pitch Tooth Thickness at Standard Pitch Diameter Center Distance Contact Ratio Backlash (linear) Backlash (linear) Backlash (linear) Along Line-of-action Backlash, Angular Min. No. of Teeth for No Undercutting * All linear dimensions in millimeters Symbols per Table 1-4
INTRODUCTION TO GEAR TECHNOLOGY a reference source for details. For those to whom this is their first encounter with gear components, it is suggested this technical treatise be read in the order presented so as to obtain a logical development of the subject. Subsequently, and for those already familiar with gears, this material can be used selectively in random access as a design reference.
This section presents a technical coverage of gear fundamentals. It is intended as a broad coverage written in a manner that is easy to follow and to understand by anyone interested in knowing how gear systems function. Since gearing involves specialty components, it is expected that not all designers and engineers possess or have been exposed to every aspect of this subject. However, for proper use of gear components and design of gear systems it is essential to have a minimum understanding of gear basics and
1.3.4 Conversion For those wishing to ease themselves into working with metric To Obtain Table 1-5 Module Module Diametral Pitch
gears by looking at them in terms of familiar inch gearing relationships and mathematics, Table 1-5 is offered as a means to make a quick comparison. Use This Formula* D = mN D p = m = c N 25.4 m = Pd D N = m a = m b = 1.25m Do = D + 2m = m (N + 2) DR = D 2.5m Db = D cos pb = m cos Tstd = m 2 m (N1 + N2 ) C = 2
Module and Pitch Diameter Module Module Module and Pitch Diameter or Number of Teeth Pitch Diameter and Module Pitch Diameter and Pressure Angle Module and Pressure Angle Module Module and Number of Teeth Outside Radii, Base Circle Radii, Center Distance, Pressure Angle Change in Center Distance Change in Tooth Thickness Linear Backlash Along Pitch Circle Linear Backlash Pressure Angle
Outside Diameter Root Diameter Base Circle Diameter Base Pitch Tooth Thickness at Standard Pitch Diameter Center Distance Contact Ratio Backlash (linear) Backlash (linear) Backlash (linear) Along Line-of-action Backlash, Angular Min. No. of Teeth for No Undercutting * All linear dimensions in millimeters Symbols per Table 1-4
INTRODUCTION TO GEAR TECHNOLOGY a reference source for details. For those to whom this is their first encounter with gear components, it is suggested this technical treatise be read in the order presented so as to obtain a logical development of the subject. Subsequently, and for those already familiar with gears, this material can be used selectively in random access as a design reference.
This section presents a technical coverage of gear fundamentals. It is intended as a broad coverage written in a manner that is easy to follow and to understand by anyone interested in knowing how gear systems function. Since gearing involves specialty components, it is expected that not all designers and engineers possess or have been exposed to every aspect of this subject. However, for proper use of gear components and design of gear systems it is essential to have a minimum understanding of gear basics and
2.1 Basic Geometry Of Spur Gears The fundamentals of gearing are illustrated through the spur gear tooth, both because it is the simplest, and hence most comprehensible, and because it is the form most widely used, particularly for instruments and control systems. The basic geometry and nomenclature of a spur gear mesh is shown in Figure 2-1. The essential features of a gear mesh are: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Center distance. The pitch circle diameters (or pitch diameters). Size of teeth (or module). Number of teeth. Pressure angle of the contacting involutes.
all positions of the contacting teeth, pass through a fixed point on the lineof-centers called the pitch point." Any two curves or profiles engaging each other and satisfying the law of gearing are conjugate curves. 2.3 The Involute Curve There is almost an infinite number of curves that can be developed to satisfy the law of gearing, and many different curve forms have been tried in the past. Modern gearing (except for clock gears) is based on involute teeth. This is due to three major advantages of the involute curve: 1. Conjugate action is independent of changes in center distance. 2. The form of the basic rack tooth is straight-sided, and therefore is relatively simple and can be accurately made; as a generating tool it imparts high accuracy to the cut gear tooth. 3. One cutter can generate all gear teeth numbers of the same pitch. The involute curve is most easily understood as the trace of a point at the end of a taut string that unwinds from a cylinder. It is imagined that a point on a string, which is pulled taut in a fixed direction, projects its trace onto a plane that rotates with the base circle. See Figure 2-2. The base cylinder, or base circle as referred to in gear literature, fully defines the form of the involute and in a gear it is an inherent parameter, though invisible. Trace Point Involute Curve Unwinding Taut String
Details of these items along with their interdependence and definitions are covered in subsequent paragraphs.
Ou tsi
de Di am
ra Pitch Circle
r( da )
Tooth Profile Pitch Circle Whole Depth (h) Center Distance Addendum (a) ( h ) a Line-ofRoot Centers (Tooth) Fillet Dedendum (hf) Rb R Top Land
Base Cylinder
Fig. 2-2
Generally: Larger Gear Diameter or Radius Symbols capital letters Smaller Gear Diameter or Radius Symbols lower case letters
Pitch Point
The development and action of mating teeth can be visualized by imagining the taut string as being unwound from one base circle and wound on to the other, as shown in Figure 2-3a . Thus, a single point on the string simultaneously traces an involute on each base circle's rotating plane. This pair of involutes is conjugate, since at all points of contact the common normal is the common tangent which passes through a fixed point on the line-ofcenters. If a second winding/unwinding taut string is wound around the base circles in the opposite direction, Figure 2-3b , oppositely curved involutes are generated which can accommodate motion reversal. When the involute pairs are properly spaced, the result is the involute gear tooth, Figure 2-3c .
Fig. 2-1
Base Circle Involute Generating Point on Taut String Base Circle Taut String
2.2 The Law Of Gearing A primary requirement of gears is the constancy of angular velocities or proportionality of position transmission. Precision instruments require positioning fidelity. High-speed and/or high-power gear trains also require transmission at constant angular velocities in order to avoid severe dynamic problems. Constant velocity (i.e., constant ratio) motion transmission is defined as "conjugate action" of the gear tooth profiles. A geometric relationship can be derived (2, 12)* for the form of the tooth profiles to provide conjugate action, which is summarized as the Law of Gearing as follows: "A common normal to the tooth profiles at their point of contact must, in * Numbers in parentheses refer to references at end of text.
(a) Left-Hand (b) Right-Hand (c) Complete Teeth Generated Involutes Involutes by Two Crossed Generating Taut Strings Fig. 2-3 Generation and Action of Gear Teeth
2.4 Pitch Circles Referring to Figure 2-4, the tangent to the two base circles is the line of contact, or line-of-action in gear vernacular. Where this line crosses the line-of-centers establishes the pitch point, P. This in turn sets the size of the pitch circles, or as commonly called, the pitch diameters. The ratio of the pitch diameters gives the velocity ratio: Velocity ratio of gear 2 to gear 1 is: d1 i = d2
the tooth size. The relation between diametral pitch and module is as follows: 25.4 m = (2-5) Pd 2.6 Module Sizes And Standards Module m represents the size of involute gear tooth. The unit of module is mm. Module is converted to circular pitch p, by the factor . p = m (2-6)
Table 2-1 is extracted from JIS B 1701-1973 which defines the tooth profile and dimensions of involute gears. It divides the standard module into three series. Figure 2-6 shows the comparative size of various rack teeth.
Series 1
Table 2-1
Series 2 3.5
unit: mm
Series 3 3.75
4 5 6 8 0.65 10 12 16 20
2.5 Pitch And Module Essential to prescribing gear geometry is the size, or spacing of the teeth along the pitch circle. This is termed pitch, and there are two basic forms. Circular pitch A naturally conceived linear measure along the pitch circle of the tooth spacing. Referring to Figure 2-5, it is the linear distance (measured along the pitch circle arc) between corresponding points of adjacent teeth. It is equal to the pitch-circle circumference divided by the number of teeth: pitch circle circumference d p = circular pitch = = (2-2) number of teeth z p
25 32 40 50
Note: The preferred choices are in the series order beginning with 1. Circular pitch, p, is also used to represent tooth size when a special desired spacing is wanted, such as to get an integral feed in a mechanism. In this case, a circular pitch is chosen that is an integer or a special fractional value. This is often the choice in designing position control systems. Another particular usage is the drive of printing plates to provide a given feed. Most involute gear teeth have the standard whole depth and a standard pressure angle = 20. Figure 2-7 shows the tooth profile of a whole depth standard rack tooth and mating gear. It has an addendum of ha = 1m and dedendum hf 1.25m. If tooth depth is shorter than whole depth it is called a stub tooth; and if deeper than whole depth it is a high depth tooth. The most widely used stub tooth has an addendum ha = 0.8m and dedendum hf = 1m. Stub teeth have more strength than a whole depth gear, but contact ratio is reduced. On the other hand, a high depth tooth can increase contact ratio, but weakens the tooth. In the standard involute gear, pitch p times the number of teeth becomes the length of pitch circle: d = mz Pitch diameter d is then: (2-7) d = mz
d Fig. 2-5 Definition of Circular Pitch Module Metric gearing uses the quantity module m in place of the American inch unit, diametral pitch. The module is the length of pitch diameter per tooth. Thus: d m = (2-3) z Relation of pitches: From the geometry that defines the two pitches, it can be shown that module and circular pitch are related by the expression: p = (2-4) m This relationship is simple to remember and permits an easy transformation from one to the other. Diametral pitch Pd is widely used in England and America to represent
M1 M1.5 M2 M2.5
p 2
hf ha h
db d
Module Pressure Angle Addendum Dedendum Whole Depth Working Depth Top Clearance Circular Pitch Pitch Perpendicular to Tooth Pitch Diameter Base Diameter m ha hf h hw c p = 20 = m 1.25 m 2.25 m = 2.00 m = 0.25 m = m
pn = p cos d = mz db = d cos
Fig. 2-7
Fig. 2-6 Comparative Size of Various Rack Teeth
Metric Module and Inch Gear Preferences: Because there is no direct equivalence between the pitches in metric and inch systems, it is not possible to make direct substitutions. Further, there are preferred modules in the metric system. As an aid in using metric gears, Table 2-2 presents nearest equivalents for both systems, with the preferred sizes in bold type.
Diametral Module, Pitch, P m 203.2000 200 180 169.333 150 127.000 125 120 101.600 96 92.3636 84.6667 80 78.1538 72.5714 72 67.733 64 63.500 50.800 50 48 44 42.333 40 36.2857 36 33.8667 32 31.7500 30 28.2222 28 25.4000 24 22 20.3200 20 18 16.9333 16 15 14.5143 14 13 12.7000 12 11.2889 11 10.1600 10 0.125 0.12700 0.14111 0.15 0.16933 0.2 0.20320 0.21167 0.25 0.26458 0.275 0.3 0.31750 0.325 0.35 0.35278 0.375 0.39688 0.4 0.5 0.50800 0.52917 0.57727 0.6 0.63500 0.7 0.70556 0.75 0.79375 0.8 0.84667 0.9 0.90714 1 1.0583 1.1545 1.25 1.2700 1.4111 1.5 1.5875 1.6933 1.75 1.8143 1.9538 2 2.1167 2.25 2.3091 2.50 2.5400
Circular Pitch in 0.0155 0.0157 0.0175 0.0186 0.0209 0.0247 0.0251 0.0262 0.0309 0.0327 0.0340 0.0371 0.0393 0.0402 0.0433 0.0436 0.0464 0.0491 0.0495 0.0618 0.0628 0.0655 0.0714 0.0742 0.0785 0.0866 0.0873 0.0928 0.0982 0.0989 0.1047 0.1113 0.1122 0.1237 0.1309 0.1428 0.1546 0.1571 0.1745 0.1855 0.1963 0.2094 0.2164 0.2244 0.2417 0.2474 0.2618 0.2783 0.2856 0.3092 0.3142 mm 0.393 0.399 0.443 0.471 0.532 0.628 0.638 0.665 0.785 0.831 0.864 0.942 0.997 1.021 1.100 1.108 1.178 1.247 1.257 1.571 1.596 1.662 1.814 1.885 1.995 2.199 2.217 2.356 2.494 2.513 2.660 2.827 2.850 3.142 3.325 3.627 3.927 3.990 4.433 4.712 4.987 5.320 5.498 5.700 6.138 6.283 6.650 7.069 7.254 7.854 7.980
Circular Tooth Thickness in mm 0.0077 0.0079 0.0087 0.0093 0.0105 0.0124 0.0126 0.0131 0.0155 0.0164 0.0170 0.0186 0.0196 0.0201 0.0216 0.0218 0.0232 0.0245 0.0247 0.0309 0.0314 0.0327 0.0357 0.0371 0.0393 0.0433 0.0436 0.0464 0.0491 0.0495 0.0524 0.0557 0.0561 0.0618 0.0654 0.0714 0.0773 0.0785 0.0873 0.0928 0.0982 0.1047 0.1082 0.1122 0.1208 0.1237 0.1309 0.1391 0.1428 0.1546 0.1571
Table 2-2
in 0.0049 0.0050 0.0056 0.0059 0.0067 0.0079 0.0080 0.0083 0.0098 0.0104 0.0108 0.0118 0.0125 0.0128 0.0138 0.0139 0.0148 0.0156 0.0157 0.0197 0.0200 0.0208 0.0227 0.0236 0.0250 0.0276 0.0278 0.0295 0.0313 0.0315 0.0333 0.0354 0.0357 0.0394 0.0417 0.0455 0.0492 0.0500 0.0556 0.0591 0.0625 0.0667 0.0689 0.0714 0.0769 0.0787 0.0833 0.0886 0.0909 0.0984 0.1000
Circular Tooth Thickness in mm 0.1701 0.1745 0.1855 0.1963 0.2010 0.2164 0.2244 0.2319 0.2474 0.2618 0.2783 0.2938 0.3092 0.3142 0.3401 0.3711 0.3927 0.4020 0.4329 0.4488 0.4947 0.5000 0.5236 0.5566 0.6184 0.6283 0.6803 0.7421 0.7854 0.8658 0.9895 1.0472 1.1132 1.2368 1.3605 1.4842 1.5461 1.5708 1.6697 1.7316 1.8553 1.9790 2.0408 2.0944 2.2263 2.4119 2.4737 2.5974 2.7829 3.0921 3.1416 4.320 4.433 4.712 4.987 5.105 5.498 5.700 5.890 6.283 6.650 7.069 7.461 7.854 7.980 8.639 9.425 9.975 10.210 10.996 11.399 12.566 12.700 13.299 14.137 15.708 15.959 17.279 18.850 19.949 21.991 25.133 26.599 28.274 31.416 34.558 37.699 39.270 39.898 42.412 43.982 47.124 50.265 51.836 53.198 56.549 61.261 62.832 65.973 70.686 78.540 79.796
Addendum in 0.1083 0.1111 0.1181 0.1250 0.1280 0.1378 0.1429 0.1476 0.1575 0.1667 0.1772 0.1870 0.1969 0.2000 0.2165 0.2362 0.2500 0.2559 0.2756 0.2857 0.3150 0.3183 0.3333 0.3543 0.3937 0.4000 0.4331 0.4724 0.5000 0.5512 0.6299 0.6667 0.7087 0.7874 0.8661 0.9449 0.9843 1.0000 1.0630 1.1024 1.1811 1.2598 1.2992 1.3333 1.4173 1.5354 1.5748 1.6535 1.7717 1.9685 2.0000 mm 2.750 2.822 3.000 3.175 3.250 3.500 3.629 3.750 4.000 4.233 4.500 4.750 5.000 5.080 5.500 6.000 6.350 6.500 7.000 7.257 8.000 8.085 8.467 9.000 10.000 10.160 11.000 12.000 12.700 14.000 16.000 16.933 18.000 20.000 22.000 24.000 25.000 25.400 27.000 28.000 30.000 32.000 33.000 33.867 36.000 39.000 40.000 42.000 45.000 50.000 50.800
0.196 0.199 0.222 0.236 0.266 0.314 0.319 0.332 0.393 0.416 0.432 0.471 0.499 0.511 0.550 0.554 0.589 0.623 0.628 0.785 0.798 0.831 0.907 0.942 0.997 1.100 1.108 1.178 1.247 1.257 1.330 1.414 1.425 1.571 1.662 1.813 1.963 1.995 2.217 2.356 2.494 2.660 2.749 2.850 3.069 3.142 3.325 3.534 3.627 3.927 3.990
2.7 Gear Types And Axial Arrangements In accordance with the orientation of axes, there are three categories of gears: 1. Parallel Axes Gears 2. Intersecting Axes Gears 3. Nonparallel and Nonintersecting Axes Gears Table 2-3 Categories of Gears
Spur and helical gears are the parallel axes gears. Bevel gears are the intersecting axes gears. Screw or crossed helical, worm and hypoid gears handle the third category. Table 2-3 lists the gear types per axes orientation. Also, included in Table 2-3 is the theoretical efficiency range of the various gear types. These figures do not include bearing and lubricant losses. Also, they assume ideal mounting in regard to axis orientation and center distance. Inclusion of these realistic considerations will downgrade the efficiency numbers.
Types of Gears and Their Categories Types of Gears Efficiency (%) Spur Gear Spur Rack Internal Gear 98 ... 99.5 Helical Gear Helical Rack Double Helical Gear Straight Bevel Gear 98 ... 99 Spiral Bevel Gear Zerol Gear Worm Gear 30 ... 90 Screw Gear 70 ... 95 Hypoid Gear 96 ... 98
1. Spur Gear This is a cylindrical shaped gear in which the teeth are parallel to the axis. It has the largest applications and, also, it is the easiest to manufacture.
1. Straight Bevel Gear This is a gear in which the teeth have tapered conical elements that have the same direction as the pitch cone base line (generatrix). The straight bevel gear is both the simplest to produce and the most widely applied in the bevel gear family. Fig. 2-8 Spur Gear 2. Spiral Bevel Gear This is a bevel gear with a helical angle of spiral teeth. It is much more complex to manufacture, but offers a higher strength and lower noise.
Fig. 2-14
2. Spur Rack This is a linear shaped gear which can mesh with a spur gear with any number of teeth. The spur rack is a portion of a spur gear with an infinite radius.
Fig. 2-9
Spur Rack
3. Internal Gear This is a cylindrical shaped gear but with the teeth inside the circular ring. It can mesh with a spur gear. Internal gears are often used in planetary gear systems. Fig. 2-10 Internal Gear and Spur Gear 3. Zerol Gear Zerol gear is a special case of spiral bevel gear. It is a spiral bevel with zero degree of spiral angle tooth advance. It has the characteristics of both the straight and spiral bevel gears. The forces acting upon the tooth are the same as for a straight bevel gear.
Fig. 2-15
4. Helical Gear This is a cylindrical shaped gear with helicoid teeth. Helical gears can bear more load than spur gears, and work more quietly. They are widely used in industry. A disadvantage is the axial thrust force the helix form causes. Fig. 2-11 5. Helical Rack This is a linear shaped gear which meshes with a helical gear. Again, it can be regarded as a portion of a helical gear with infinite radius. Fig. 2-12 Helical Rack Helical Gear
Fig. 2-16
Zerol Gear
2.7.3 Nonparallel And Nonintersecting Axes Gears 1. Worm And Worm Gear Worm set is the name for a meshed worm and worm gear. The worm resembles a screw thread; and the mating worm gear a helical gear, except that it is made to envelope the worm as seen along the worm's axis. The outstanding feature is that the Fig. 2-17 Worm Gear worm offers a very large gear ratio in a single mesh. However, transmission efficiency is very poor due to a great amount of sliding as the worm tooth engages with its mating worm gear tooth and forces rotation by pushing and sliding. With proper choices of materials and lubrication, wear can be contained and noise is reduced. 2. Screw Gear (Crossed Helical Gear)
6. Double Helical Gear This is a gear with both lefthand and right-hand helical teeth. The double helical form balances the inherent thrust forces.
Fig. 2-13
Two helical gears of opposite helix angle will mesh if their axes are crossed. As separate gear components, they are merely conventional helical gears. Installation on crossed axes converts them to screw gears. They offer a simple means of gearing skew axes at any angle. Because they have point contact, their load carrying capacity is very limited.
Fig. 2-18
Screw Gear
1. Face Gear This is a pseudobevel gear that is limited to 90O intersecting axes. The face gear is a circular disc with a ring of teeth cut in its side face; hence the name face gear. Tooth elements are tapered towards its center. The mate is an ordinary spur gear. It offers no advantages over the standard bevel gear, except that it can be fabricated on an ordinary shaper gear generating machine. 2. Double Enveloping Worm Gear This worm set uses a special worm shape in that it partially envelops the worm gear as viewed in the direction of the worm gear axis. Its big advantage over the standard worm is much higher load capacity. However, the worm gear is very com- Fig. 2-20 plicated to design and produce, and sources for manufacture are few.
Line-of-Centers Fig. 3-1 Definition of Pressure Angle Figure 3-2 shows a pair of standard gears meshing together. The contact point of the two involutes, as Figure 3-2 shows, slides along the common tangent of the two base circles as rotation occurs. The common tangent is called the line-of-contact, or line-of-action. A pair of gears can only mesh correctly if the pitches and the pressure angles are the same. Pitch comparison can be module m, circular p, or base pb. That the pressure angles must be identical becomes obvious from the following equation for base pitch: pb = m cos Double Enveloping Worm Gear (3-3)
Fig. 2-19
Face Gear
Thus, if the pressure angles are different, the base pitches cannot be identical. The length of the line-of-action is shown as ab in Figure 3-2.
3. Hypoid Gear This is a deviation from a bevel gear that originated as a special development for the automobile industry. This permitted the drive to the rear axle to be nonintersecting, and thus allowed the auto body to be lowered. It looks very much like the spiral bevel gear. However, it is complicated to design and is the most difficult to produce on a bevel gear generator. O1 O2
Fig. 2-21
3.1 Pressure Angle The pressure angle is defined as the angle between the line-ofaction (common tangent to the base circles in Figures 2-3 and 2-4) and a perpendicular to the line-of-centers. See Figure 3-1. From the geometry of these figures, it is obvious that the pressure angle varies (slightly) as the center distance of a gear pair is altered. The base circle is related to the pressure angle and pitch diameter by the equation: db = d cos where d and are the standard values, or alternately: (3-2) (3-1)
db = d' cos' where d' and ' are the exact operating values.
O1 O2
The basic formula shows that the larger the pressure angle the smaller the base circle. Thus, for standard gears, 14.5 pressure angle gears have base circles much nearer to the roots of teeth than 20 gears. It is for this reason that 14.5 gears encounter greater undercutting problems than 20 gears. This is further elaborated on in SECTION 4.3. 3.2 Proper Meshing And Contact Ratio Fig. 3-2 The Meshing of Involute Gear
1. Face Gear This is a pseudobevel gear that is limited to 90O intersecting axes. The face gear is a circular disc with a ring of teeth cut in its side face; hence the name face gear. Tooth elements are tapered towards its center. The mate is an ordinary spur gear. It offers no advantages over the standard bevel gear, except that it can be fabricated on an ordinary shaper gear generating machine. 2. Double Enveloping Worm Gear This worm set uses a special worm shape in that it partially envelops the worm gear as viewed in the direction of the worm gear axis. Its big advantage over the standard worm is much higher load capacity. However, the worm gear is very com- Fig. 2-20 plicated to design and produce, and sources for manufacture are few.
Line-of-Centers Fig. 3-1 Definition of Pressure Angle Figure 3-2 shows a pair of standard gears meshing together. The contact point of the two involutes, as Figure 3-2 shows, slides along the common tangent of the two base circles as rotation occurs. The common tangent is called the line-of-contact, or line-of-action. A pair of gears can only mesh correctly if the pitches and the pressure angles are the same. Pitch comparison can be module m, circular p, or base pb. That the pressure angles must be identical becomes obvious from the following equation for base pitch: pb = m cos Double Enveloping Worm Gear (3-3)
Fig. 2-19
Face Gear
Thus, if the pressure angles are different, the base pitches cannot be identical. The length of the line-of-action is shown as ab in Figure 3-2.
3. Hypoid Gear This is a deviation from a bevel gear that originated as a special development for the automobile industry. This permitted the drive to the rear axle to be nonintersecting, and thus allowed the auto body to be lowered. It looks very much like the spiral bevel gear. However, it is complicated to design and is the most difficult to produce on a bevel gear generator. O1 O2
Fig. 2-21
3.1 Pressure Angle The pressure angle is defined as the angle between the line-ofaction (common tangent to the base circles in Figures 2-3 and 2-4) and a perpendicular to the line-of-centers. See Figure 3-1. From the geometry of these figures, it is obvious that the pressure angle varies (slightly) as the center distance of a gear pair is altered. The base circle is related to the pressure angle and pitch diameter by the equation: db = d cos where d and are the standard values, or alternately: (3-2) (3-1)
db = d' cos' where d' and ' are the exact operating values.
O1 O2
The basic formula shows that the larger the pressure angle the smaller the base circle. Thus, for standard gears, 14.5 pressure angle gears have base circles much nearer to the roots of teeth than 20 gears. It is for this reason that 14.5 gears encounter greater undercutting problems than 20 gears. This is further elaborated on in SECTION 4.3. 3.2 Proper Meshing And Contact Ratio Fig. 3-2 The Meshing of Involute Gear
To assure smooth continuous tooth action, as one pair of teeth ceases contact a succeeding pair of teeth must already have come into engagement. It is desirable to have as much overlap as possible. The measure of this overlapping is the contact ratio. This is a ratio of the length of the line-of-action to the base pitch. Figure 3-3 shows the geometry. The length-of-action is determined from the intersection of the line-of-action and the outside radii. For the simple case of a pair of spur gears, the ratio of the length-of-action to the base pitch is determined from: (Ra2 Rb2) + (ra2 rb2) a sin = p cos (3-4)
Function of , or inv, is known as involute function. Involute function is very important in gear design. Involute function values can be obtained from appropriate tables. With the center of the base circle O at the origin of a coordinate system, the involute curve can be expressed by values of x and y as follows: rb x = r cos(inv) = cos(inv) cos rb y = r sin(inv) = sin(inv) cos rb where, r = . cos y (3-7)
It is good practice to maintain a contact ratio of 1.2 or greater. Under no circumstances should the ratio drop below 1.1, calculated for all tolerances at their worst-case values. A contact ratio between 1 and 2 means that part of the time two pairs of teeth are in contact and during the remaining time one pair is in contact. A ratio between 2 and 3 means 2 or 3 pairs of teeth are always in contact. Such a high contact ratio generally is not obtained with external spur gears, but can be developed in the meshing of an internal and external spur gear pair or specially designed nonstandard external spur gears. More detail is presented about contact ratio, including calculation equations for specific gear types, in SECTION 11. 3.3 The Involute Function
r rb O
c a inv b x
rb T a B Ra W B' Z A
4.1 Standard Spur Gear Figure 4-1 shows the meshing of standard spur gears. The meshing of standard spur gears means pitch circles of two gears contact and roll with each other. The calculation formulas are in Table 4-1.
Figure 3-4 shows an element of involute curve. The definition of involute curve is the curve traced by a point on a straight line which rolls without slipping on the circle. The circle is called the base circle of the involutes. Two opposite hand involute curves meeting at a cusp form a gear tooth curve. We can see, from Figure 3-4, the length of base circle arc ac equals the length of straight line bc. rb bc tan = = = (radian) rb Oc (3-5)
d2 da2 O2
The in Figure 3-4 can be expressed as inv + , then Formula (3-5) will become: inv = tan (3-6)
Fig. 4-1 The Meshing of Standard Spur Gears ( = 20, z1 = 12, z2 = 24, x1 = x2 = 0)
To assure smooth continuous tooth action, as one pair of teeth ceases contact a succeeding pair of teeth must already have come into engagement. It is desirable to have as much overlap as possible. The measure of this overlapping is the contact ratio. This is a ratio of the length of the line-of-action to the base pitch. Figure 3-3 shows the geometry. The length-of-action is determined from the intersection of the line-of-action and the outside radii. For the simple case of a pair of spur gears, the ratio of the length-of-action to the base pitch is determined from: (Ra2 Rb2) + (ra2 rb2) a sin = p cos (3-4)
Function of , or inv, is known as involute function. Involute function is very important in gear design. Involute function values can be obtained from appropriate tables. With the center of the base circle O at the origin of a coordinate system, the involute curve can be expressed by values of x and y as follows: rb x = r cos(inv) = cos(inv) cos rb y = r sin(inv) = sin(inv) cos rb where, r = . cos y (3-7)
It is good practice to maintain a contact ratio of 1.2 or greater. Under no circumstances should the ratio drop below 1.1, calculated for all tolerances at their worst-case values. A contact ratio between 1 and 2 means that part of the time two pairs of teeth are in contact and during the remaining time one pair is in contact. A ratio between 2 and 3 means 2 or 3 pairs of teeth are always in contact. Such a high contact ratio generally is not obtained with external spur gears, but can be developed in the meshing of an internal and external spur gear pair or specially designed nonstandard external spur gears. More detail is presented about contact ratio, including calculation equations for specific gear types, in SECTION 11. 3.3 The Involute Function
r rb O
c a inv b x
rb T a B Ra W B' Z A
4.1 Standard Spur Gear Figure 4-1 shows the meshing of standard spur gears. The meshing of standard spur gears means pitch circles of two gears contact and roll with each other. The calculation formulas are in Table 4-1.
Figure 3-4 shows an element of involute curve. The definition of involute curve is the curve traced by a point on a straight line which rolls without slipping on the circle. The circle is called the base circle of the involutes. Two opposite hand involute curves meeting at a cusp form a gear tooth curve. We can see, from Figure 3-4, the length of base circle arc ac equals the length of straight line bc. rb bc tan = = = (radian) rb Oc (3-5)
d2 da2 O2
The in Figure 3-4 can be expressed as inv + , then Formula (3-5) will become: inv = tan (3-6)
Fig. 4-1 The Meshing of Standard Spur Gears ( = 20, z1 = 12, z2 = 24, x1 = x2 = 0)
Table 4-1 No. 1 2 3 4 5 6 Item Module Pressure Angle Number of Teeth Center Distance
d zm Pitch Diameter db d cos Base Diameter ha 1.00m Addendum 7 8 hf 1.25m Dedendum da 9 d + 2m Outside Diameter df Root Diameter 10 d 2.5m * The subscripts 1 and 2 of z1 and z2 denote pinion and gear. All calculated values in Table 4-1 are based upon given module m and number of teeth z1 and z2. If instead module m, center distance a and speed ratio i are given, then the number of teeth, z1 and z2, would be calculated with the formulas as shown in Table 4-2. No. 1 2 3 4 5 Table 4-2 Item Module Center Distance Speed Ratio Sum of No. of Teeth Number of Teeth The Calculation of Teeth Number Symbol Formula m a i z1 + z2 z1 , z2 2a m i(z1 + z2) i+1 Example 3 54.000 0.8 36 (z1 + z2) i+1 16 20
(z1 + z2)m* 2
36.000 72.000 33.829 67.658 3.000 3.750 42.000 78.000 28.500 64.500
4.3 Undercutting From Figure 4-3, it can be seen that the maximum length of the line-of-contact is limited to the length of the common tangent. Any tooth addendum that extends beyond the tangent points (T and T') is not only useless, but interferes with the root fillet area of the mating tooth. This results in the typical undercut tooth, shown in Figure 4-4. The undercut not only weakens the tooth with a wasp-like waist, but also removes some of the useful involute adjacent to the base circle.
rb T a
Note that the numbers of teeth probably will not be integer values by calculation with the formulas in Table 4-2. Then it is incumbent upon the designer to choose a set of integer numbers of teeth that are as close as possible to the theoretical values. This will likely result in both slightly changed gear ratio and center distance. Should the center distance be inviolable, it will then be necessary to resort to profile shifting. This will be discussed later in this section. 4.2 The Generating Of A Spur Gear Involute gears can be readily generated by rack type cutters. The hob is in effect a rack cutter. Gear generation is also accomplished with gear type cutters using a shaper or planer machine. Figure 4-2 illustrates how an involute gear tooth Rack Form Tool profile is generated. It shows how the pitch line of a rack cutter rolling on a pitch circle generates a spur gear. I d sin2 2 d db O
Fig. 4-3
Fig. 4-4
From the geometry of the limiting length-of-contact (T-T', Figure 4-3), it is evident that interference is first encountered by the addenda of the gear teeth digging into the mating-pinion tooth flanks. Since addenda are standardized by a fixed value (ha = m), the interference condition becomes more severe as the number of teeth on the mating gear increases. The limit is reached when the gear becomes a rack. This is a realistic case since the hob is a rack-type cutter. The result is that standard gears with teeth
Fig. 4-2
numbers below a critical value are automatically undercut in the generating process. The condition for no undercutting in a standard spur gear is given by the expression: mz Max addendum = ha sin2 2 and the minimum number of teeth is: (4-1) 2 zc sin2 This indicates that the minimum number of teeth free of undercutting decreases with increasing pressure angle. For 14.5 the value of zc is 32, and for 20 it is 18. Thus, 20 pressure angle gears with low numbers of teeth have the advantage of much less undercutting and, therefore, are both stronger and smoother acting. 4.4 Enlarged Pinions Undercutting of pinion teeth is undesirable because of losses of strength, contact ratio and smoothness of action. The severity of these faults depends upon how far below zc the teeth number is. Undercutting for the first few numbers is small and in many applications its adverse effects can be neglected. For very small numbers of teeth, such as ten and smaller, and for highprecision applications, undercutting should be avoided. This is achieved by pinion enlargement (or correction as often termed), wherein the pinion teeth, still generated with a standard cutter, are shifted radially outward to form a full involute tooth free of undercut. The tooth is enlarged both radially Pitch Circle and circumferentially. Base Circle Comparison of a tooth form before and after enlargement is shown in Figure 4-5. Fig. 4-5 4.5 Profile Shifting Comparison of Enlarged and Undercut Standard Pinion (13 Teeth, 20 Pressure Angle, Fine Pitch Standard)
Undercutting will get worse if a negative correction is applied. See Figure 4-7. Rack Form Tool
db d
Fig. 4-7
The extra feed of gear cutter (xm) in Figures 4-6 and 4-7 is the amount of shift or correction. And x is the shift coefficient. The condition to prevent undercut in a spur gear is: zm m xm sin2 2 The number of teeth without undercut will be: 2(1 x) z = c sin2 The coefficient without undercut is: zc x = 1 sin2 2 (4-4) (4-3) (4-2)
As Figure 4-2 shows, a gear with 20 degrees of pressure angle and 10 teeth will have a huge undercut volume. To prevent undercut, a positive correction must be introduced. A positive correction, as in Figure 4-6, Rack Form Tool can prevent undercut. xm
Profile shift is not merely used to prevent undercut. It can be used to adjust center distance between two gears. If a positive correction is applied, such as to prevent undercut in a pinion, the tooth thickness at top is thinner. Table 4-3 presents the calculation of top land thickness. Table 4-3 No. Item Pressure angle 1 at outside circle of gear Half of top land 2 angle of outside circle 3 Top land thickness The Calculations of Top Land Thickness Symbol a Formula db cos1 () da Example
m = 2, = 20, z = 16, x = +0.3, d = 32, db = 30.07016 da = 37.2 2x tan + + (inv inva) a = 36.06616 2z z (radian) inva = 0.098835 inv = 0.014904 = 1.59815 da (0.027893 radian) sa = 1.03762
d sin2 2 d
db O
Fig. 4-6
4.6 Profile Shifted Spur Gear Figure 4-8 shows the meshing of a pair of profile shifted gears. The key items in profile shifted gears are the operating (working) pitch diameters dw and the working (operating) pressure angle w. ax
These values are obtainable from the operating (or i.e., actual) center distance and the following formulas: z1 d = 2ax w1 z1 + z2 z2 dw2 = 2ax (4-5) z1 + z2 db1 + db2 w = cos1 2ax
dw1 d1 d O1
df2 w
da2 dw2 d2
O2 w
In the meshing of profile shifted gears, it is the operating pitch circles that are in contact and roll on each other that portrays gear action. The standard pitch circles no longer are of significance; and the operating pressure angle is what matters. A standard spur gear is, according to Table 4-4, a profile shifted gear with 0 coefficient of shift; that is, x1 = x2 = 0. Table 4-5 is the inverse formula of items from 4 to 8 of Table 4-4. There are several theories concerning how to distribute the sum of coefficient of profile shift, x1 + x2, into pinion, x1, and gear, x2, separately. BSS (British) and DIN (German) standards are the most often used. In the example above, the 12 tooth pinion was given sufficient correction to prevent undercut, and the residual profile shift was given to the mating gear.
Fig. 4-8
The Meshing of Profile Shifted Gears ( = 20, z1 = 12, z2 = 24, x1 = +0.6, x2 = +0.36) Table 4-4 No. 1 Module Item The Calculation of Positive Shifted Gear (1) Symbol m x1, x2 inv w w y ax d db dw ha1 ha2 h da df z1, z2 12 x1 + x2 2 tan ( ) + inv z1 + z2 z1 + z2 cos 1 2 cosw z1 + z2 + y m 2 zm
Find from Involute Function Table
2 Pressure Angle
6 Working Pressure Angle 7 Center Distance Increment Factor 8 Center Distance 10 Base Diameter 11 Working Pitch Diameter 9 Pitch Diameter
79.400 66.660
The Calculation of Positive Shifted Gear (2) Symbol ax y w x1 + x2 x1 , x2 Formula ax z1 + z2 m 2 (z1 + z2)cos 1 cos 2y + z1 + z2 (z1 + z2 ) (invw inv ) 2 tan Example 56.4999 0.8333 26.0886 0.9600 0.6000 0.3600
Center Distance Increment Factor Working Pressure Angle Sum of Coefficient of Profile Shift Coefficient of Profile Shift
4.7 Rack And Spur Gear Table 4-6 presents the method for calculating the mesh of a rack and spur gear. Figure 4-9a shows the pitch circle of a standard gear and the pitch line of the rack. One rotation of the spur gear will displace the rack l one circumferential length of the gear's pitch circle, per the formula: l = mz Table 4-6 No. 1 Module 2 Pressure Angle 3 Number of Teeth 4 Coefficient of Profile Shift 5 Height of Pitch Line 6 Working Pressure Angle 7 Center Distance 8 Pitch Diameter 9 Base Diameter 10 Working Pitch Diameter 11 Addendum 12 Whole Depth (4-6)
Figure 4-9b shows a profile shifted spur gear, with positive correction xm, meshed with a rack. The spur gear has a larger pitch radius than standard, by the amount xm. Also, the pitch line of the rack has shifted outward by the amount xm. Table 4-6 presents the calculation of a meshed profile shifted spur gear and rack. If the correction factor x1 is 0, then it is the case of a standard gear meshed with the rack. The rack displacement, l, is not changed in any way by the profile shifting. Equation (4-6) remains applicable for any amount of profile shift.
The Calculation of Dimensions of a Profile Shifted Spur Gear and a Rack Item Symbol m z x H w ax d db dw ha h da df zm + H + xm 2 zm d cos db cos w m(1 + x) 2.25m d + 2ha da 2h 0.6 20 51.800 36.000 33.829 36.000 4.800 45.600 32.100 6.750 3.000 12 Formula Example Spur Gear 20 32.000 3 Rack
d db d 2 a
d db
d 2 xm H ax
Fig. 4-9a
Fig. 4-9b
The Meshing of Profile Shifted Spur Gear and Rack ( = 20, z1 = 12, x1 = +0.6)
5.1 Internal Gear Calculations Calculation of a Profile Shifted Internal Gear Figure 5-1 presents the mesh of an internal gear and external gear. Of vital importance is the operating (working) pitch diameters, dw, and operating (working) pressure angle, w. They can be derived from center distance, ax, and Equations (5-1).
4.7 Rack And Spur Gear Table 4-6 presents the method for calculating the mesh of a rack and spur gear. Figure 4-9a shows the pitch circle of a standard gear and the pitch line of the rack. One rotation of the spur gear will displace the rack l one circumferential length of the gear's pitch circle, per the formula: l = mz Table 4-6 No. 1 Module 2 Pressure Angle 3 Number of Teeth 4 Coefficient of Profile Shift 5 Height of Pitch Line 6 Working Pressure Angle 7 Center Distance 8 Pitch Diameter 9 Base Diameter 10 Working Pitch Diameter 11 Addendum 12 Whole Depth (4-6)
Figure 4-9b shows a profile shifted spur gear, with positive correction xm, meshed with a rack. The spur gear has a larger pitch radius than standard, by the amount xm. Also, the pitch line of the rack has shifted outward by the amount xm. Table 4-6 presents the calculation of a meshed profile shifted spur gear and rack. If the correction factor x1 is 0, then it is the case of a standard gear meshed with the rack. The rack displacement, l, is not changed in any way by the profile shifting. Equation (4-6) remains applicable for any amount of profile shift.
The Calculation of Dimensions of a Profile Shifted Spur Gear and a Rack Item Symbol m z x H w ax d db dw ha h da df zm + H + xm 2 zm d cos db cos w m(1 + x) 2.25m d + 2ha da 2h 0.6 20 51.800 36.000 33.829 36.000 4.800 45.600 32.100 6.750 3.000 12 Formula Example Spur Gear 20 32.000 3 Rack
d db d 2 a
d db
d 2 xm H ax
Fig. 4-9a
Fig. 4-9b
The Meshing of Profile Shifted Spur Gear and Rack ( = 20, z1 = 12, x1 = +0.6)
5.1 Internal Gear Calculations Calculation of a Profile Shifted Internal Gear Figure 5-1 presents the mesh of an internal gear and external gear. Of vital importance is the operating (working) pitch diameters, dw, and operating (working) pressure angle, w. They can be derived from center distance, ax, and Equations (5-1).
O1 ax w O2
d b2 da2 d2 d f2
Fig. 5-1
The Meshing of Internal Gear and External Gear ( = 20 , z1 = 16, z2 = 24, x1 = x2 = 0.5)
Table 5-1 shows the calculation steps. It will become a standard gear calculation if x1 = x2 = 0. If the center distance, ax, is given, x1 and x2 would be obtained from the inverse calculation from item 4 to item 8 of Table 5-1. These Table 5-1 The Calculation of a Profile Shifted Internal Gear and External Gear (1) inverse formulas are in Table 5-2. Example Pinion cutters are often used in cutting Item Symbol Formula No. External Internal internal gears and external gears. The actual Gear (1) Gear (2) value of tooth depth and root diameter, after 1 Module m 3 cutting, will be slightly different from the calculation. That is because the cutter has a 2 Pressure Angle 20 coefficient of shifted profile. In order to get a z1, z2 3 Number of Teeth 16 24 correct tooth profile, the coefficient of cutter x , x 4 1 2 should be taken into consideration. 0 0.5 Coefficient of Profile Shift x2 x1 5 Involute Function w invw 2 tan ( ) + inv 0.060401 z2 z1 5.2 Interference In Internal Gears Find from Involute Function w 6 Working Pressure Angle 31.0937 Table z z cos 2 1 Three different types of interference can ( 1) 0.389426 7 Center Distance Increment Factor y 2 cosw occur with internal gears: z2 z1 ax ( + y)m 8 Center Distance 13.1683 (a) Involute Interference 2 (b) Trochoid Interference zm 9 Pitch Diameter 48.000 72.000 d (c) Trimming Interference db 10 Base Circle Diameter d cos 45.105 67.658 db (a) Involute Interference dw 11 Working Pitch Diameter 52.673 79.010 cosw ha1 (1 + x1)m This occurs between the dedendum of 12 Addendum 3.000 1.500 ha2 (1 x2)m the external gear and the addendum of the internal gear. It is prevalent when the number h 2.25m 6.75 13 Whole Depth of teeth of the external gear is small. Involute da1 d1 + 2ha1 interference can be avoided by the conditions 54.000 69.000 14 Outside Diameter da2 d2 2ha2 cited below: da1 2h df1 40.500 82.500 15 Root Diameter da2 + 2h df2 z1 tana2 1 (5-2) z2 tanw where a2 is the pressure angle seen at a tip of the internal gear tooth. db2 a2 = cos1( ) (5-3) da2 and w is working pressure angle: (z2 z1)mcos w = cos1[ ] 2ax (5-4)
The Calculation of Shifted Internal Gear and External Gear (2) Symbol ax y w x2 x1 x1 , x2 ax z2 z1 m 2 (z2 z1)cos cos1 2y + z2 z1 (z2 z1 )(invw inv) 2tan Formula Example 13.1683 0.38943 31.0937 0.5 0 0.5
Item Center Distance Increment Factor Working Pressure Angle Difference of Coefficients of Profile Shift Coefficient of Profile Shift
Equation (5-3) is true only if the outside diameter of the internal gear is bigger than the base circle: da2 db2 (5-5)
For a standard internal gear, where = 20, Equation (5-5) is valid only if the number of teeth is z2 > 34. (b) Trochoid Interference This refers to an interference occurring at the addendum of the external gear and the dedendum of the internal gear during recess tooth action. It tends to happen when the difference between the numbers of teeth of the two gears is small. Equation (5-6) presents the condition for avoiding trochoidal interference. z1 1 + invw inva2 2 (5-6) z2 Here ra22 ra12 a2 1 = cos1( ) + inv a1 invw 2ara1 (5-7) 2 2 2 a + ra2 ra1 2 = cos1( ) 2ara2 where a1 is the pressure angle of the spur gear tooth tip: db1 a1 = cos1( ) da1
There will be an involute interference between the internal gear and the pinion cutter if the number of teeth of the pinion cutter ranges from 15 to 22 (zc = 15 to 22). Table 5-3b shows the limit for a profile shifted pinion cutter to prevent trimming interference while cutting a standard internal gear. The correction, xc, is the magnitude of shift which was assumed to be: xc = 0.0075 zc + 0.05. Table 5-3b zc z2 zc xc z2 zc xc z2 15 36 28 52 44 71 16 38 30 54 48 76 The Limit to Prevent an Internal Gear from Trimming Interference ( = 20, x2 = 0) 18 19 20 42 34 59 64 95 21 22 24 47 40 66 96 136
17 39 31 55 50 78
27 50
xc 0.1625 0.17 0.1775 0.185 0.1925 0.2 0.2075 0.215 0.23 0.2375 0.2525 40 32 56 56 86 41 33 58 60 0.5 90 43 35 60 66 98 45 38 64 80 115 48 42 68 100 0.8 141
0.26 0.275 0.2825 0.29 0.2975 0.305 0.3125 0.335 0.35 0.365
In the meshing of an external gear and a standard internal gear = 20, trochoid interference is avoided if the difference of the number of teeth, z1 z2, is larger than 9. (c) Trimming Interference This occurs in the radial direction in that it prevents pulling the gears apart. Thus, the mesh must be assembled by sliding the gears together with an axial motion. It tends to happen when the numbers of teeth of the two gears are very close. Equation (5-9) indicates how to prevent this type of interference. z2 1 + inva1 invw (2 + inva2 invw) (5-9) z1 Here 1 1 (cosa1 cosa2)2 1 = sin 2 1 (z1 z2) (5-10) 2 1 (cosa2 cosa1) 1 2 = sin (z2 z1)2 1
There will be an involute interference between the internal gear and the pinion cutter if the number of teeth of the pinion cutter ranges from 15 to 19 (zc = 15 to 19).
5.3 Internal Gear With Small Differences In Numbers Of Teeth In the meshing of an internal gear and an external gear, if the difference in numbers of teeth of two gears is quite small, a profile shifted gear could prevent the interference. Table 5-4 is an example of how to prevent interference under the conditions of z2 = 50 and the difference of numbers of Table 5-4 z1 x1 z2 x2 a 1.00 0.971 1.105 0.60 1.354 1.512 0.40 1.775 1.726 0.30 2.227 1.835 49 The Meshing of Internal and External Gears of Small Difference of Numbers of Teeth (m = 1, = 20) 48 47 46 0 50 0.20 2.666 1.933 0.11 3.099 2.014 0.06 3.557 2.053 0.01 4.010 2.088 45 44 43 42
This type of interference can occur in the process of cutting an internal gear with a pinion cutter. Should that happen, there is danger of breaking the tooling. Table 5-3a shows the limit for the pinion cutter to prevent trimming interference when cutting a standard internal gear, with pressure angle 20, and no profile shift, i.e., xc = 0. Table 5-3a zc z2 zc z2 zc z2 15 34 28 46 44 62 16 34 30 48 48 66 The Limit to Prevent an Internal Gear from Trimming Interference ( = 20, xc = x2 = 0) 17 35 31 49 50 68 18 36 32 50 56 74 19 33 51 60 78 20 34 52 64 82 21 39 35 53 66 84 22 40 38 56 80 98 24 42 40 58 96 114 25 43 42 60 100 118 27 45 37 38
teeth of two gears ranges from 1 to 8. All combinations above will not cause involute interference or trochoid interference, but trimming interference is still there. In order to assemble successfully, the external gear should be assembled by inserting in the axial direction. A profile shifted internal gear and external gear, in which the difference of numbers of teeth is small, belong to the field of hypocyclic mechanism, which can produce a large reduction ratio in one step, such as 1/100. z2 z1 Speed Ratio = (5-11) z1
In Figure 5-2 the gear train has a difference of numbers of teeth of only 1; z1 = 30 and z2 = 31. This results in a reduction ratio of 1/30.
plane is unwrapped, analogous to the unwinding taut string of the spur gear in Figure 2-2. On the plane there is a straight line AB, which when wrapped on the base cylinder has a helical trace AoBo. As the taut plane is unwrapped, any point on the line AB can be visualized as tracing an involute from the base cylinder. Thus, there is an infinite series of involutes generated by line AB, all alike, but displaced in phase along a helix on the base cylinder. Again, a concept analogous to the spur gear tooth development is to imagine the taut plane being wound from one base cylinder on to another as the base cylinders rotate in opposite directions. The result is the generation of a pair of conjugate helical involutes. If a reverse direction of rotation is assumed and a second tangent plane is arranged so that it crosses the first, a complete involute helicoid tooth is formed. 6.2 Fundamentals Of Helical Teeth In the plane of rotation, the helical gear tooth is involute and all of the relationships governing spur gears apply to the helical. However, the axial twist of the teeth introduces a helix angle. Since the helix angle varies from the base of the tooth to the outside radius, the helix angle is defined as the angle between the tangent to the helicoidal tooth at the intersection of the pitch cylinder and the tooth profile, and an element of the pitch cylinder. See Figure 6-3. The direction of the helical twist is designated as either left or right. The direction is defined by the right-hand rule. For helical gears, there are two related pitches one in the plane of Tangent to Helical Tooth Element of Pitch Cylinder (or gear's axis)
Fig. 5-2
The Meshing of Internal Gear and External Gear in which the Numbers of Teeth Difference is 1 (z2 z1 = 1) HELICAL GEARS
The helical gear differs from the spur gear in that its teeth are twisted along a helical path in the axial direction. It resembles the spur gear in the plane of rotation, but in the axial direction it is as if there were a series of staggered spur gears. See Figure 6-1. This design brings forth a number of different features relative to the spur gear, two of the most important being as follows:
Helix Angle
Pitch Cylinder
Fig. 6-1
Helical Gear
1. Tooth strength is improved because of the elongated helical wraparound tooth base support. 2. Contact ratio is increased due to the axial tooth overlap. Helical gears thus tend to have greater load carrying capacity than spur gears of the same size. Spur gears, on the other hand, have a somewhat higher efficiency. Helical gears are used in two forms: 1. Parallel shaft applications, which is the largest usage. 2. Crossed-helicals (also called spiral or screw gears) for connecting skew shafts, usually at right angles. 6.1 Generation Of The Helical Tooth The helical tooth form is involute in the plane of rotation and can be developed in a manner similar to that of the spur gear. However, unlike the spur gear which can be viewed essentially as two dimensional, the helical gear must be portrayed in three dimensions to show changing axial features. Referring to Figure 6-2, there is a base cylinder from which a taut Twisted Solid Involute A A0 B0 B
Fig. 6-3
rotation and the other in a plane normal to the tooth. In addition, there is an axial pitch. Referring to Figure 6-4, the two circular pitches are defined and related as follows: pn = pt cos = normal circular pitch (6-1) pt Fig. 6-4
The normal circular pitch is less than the transverse radial pitch, pt, in the plane of rotation; the ratio between the two being equal to the cosine of the helix angle. Consistent with this, the normal module is less than the transverse (radial) module. The axial pitch of a helical gear, px, is the distance between corresponding points of adjacent teeth measured parallel to the gear's axis see Figure 6-5. Axial pitch is related to
In Figure 5-2 the gear train has a difference of numbers of teeth of only 1; z1 = 30 and z2 = 31. This results in a reduction ratio of 1/30.
plane is unwrapped, analogous to the unwinding taut string of the spur gear in Figure 2-2. On the plane there is a straight line AB, which when wrapped on the base cylinder has a helical trace AoBo. As the taut plane is unwrapped, any point on the line AB can be visualized as tracing an involute from the base cylinder. Thus, there is an infinite series of involutes generated by line AB, all alike, but displaced in phase along a helix on the base cylinder. Again, a concept analogous to the spur gear tooth development is to imagine the taut plane being wound from one base cylinder on to another as the base cylinders rotate in opposite directions. The result is the generation of a pair of conjugate helical involutes. If a reverse direction of rotation is assumed and a second tangent plane is arranged so that it crosses the first, a complete involute helicoid tooth is formed. 6.2 Fundamentals Of Helical Teeth In the plane of rotation, the helical gear tooth is involute and all of the relationships governing spur gears apply to the helical. However, the axial twist of the teeth introduces a helix angle. Since the helix angle varies from the base of the tooth to the outside radius, the helix angle is defined as the angle between the tangent to the helicoidal tooth at the intersection of the pitch cylinder and the tooth profile, and an element of the pitch cylinder. See Figure 6-3. The direction of the helical twist is designated as either left or right. The direction is defined by the right-hand rule. For helical gears, there are two related pitches one in the plane of Tangent to Helical Tooth Element of Pitch Cylinder (or gear's axis)
Fig. 5-2
The Meshing of Internal Gear and External Gear in which the Numbers of Teeth Difference is 1 (z2 z1 = 1) HELICAL GEARS
The helical gear differs from the spur gear in that its teeth are twisted along a helical path in the axial direction. It resembles the spur gear in the plane of rotation, but in the axial direction it is as if there were a series of staggered spur gears. See Figure 6-1. This design brings forth a number of different features relative to the spur gear, two of the most important being as follows:
Helix Angle
Pitch Cylinder
Fig. 6-1
Helical Gear
1. Tooth strength is improved because of the elongated helical wraparound tooth base support. 2. Contact ratio is increased due to the axial tooth overlap. Helical gears thus tend to have greater load carrying capacity than spur gears of the same size. Spur gears, on the other hand, have a somewhat higher efficiency. Helical gears are used in two forms: 1. Parallel shaft applications, which is the largest usage. 2. Crossed-helicals (also called spiral or screw gears) for connecting skew shafts, usually at right angles. 6.1 Generation Of The Helical Tooth The helical tooth form is involute in the plane of rotation and can be developed in a manner similar to that of the spur gear. However, unlike the spur gear which can be viewed essentially as two dimensional, the helical gear must be portrayed in three dimensions to show changing axial features. Referring to Figure 6-2, there is a base cylinder from which a taut Twisted Solid Involute A A0 B0 B
Fig. 6-3
rotation and the other in a plane normal to the tooth. In addition, there is an axial pitch. Referring to Figure 6-4, the two circular pitches are defined and related as follows: pn = pt cos = normal circular pitch (6-1) pt Fig. 6-4
The normal circular pitch is less than the transverse radial pitch, pt, in the plane of rotation; the ratio between the two being equal to the cosine of the helix angle. Consistent with this, the normal module is less than the transverse (radial) module. The axial pitch of a helical gear, px, is the distance between corresponding points of adjacent teeth measured parallel to the gear's axis see Figure 6-5. Axial pitch is related to
6.4 Helical Gear Pressure Angle (6-2) Although, strictly speaking, pressure angle exists only for a gear pair, a nominal pressure angle can be considered for an individual gear. For the helical gear there is T a normal pressure, n, angle as well as the B usual pressure angle in the P plane of rotan W 90 tion, . Fig90 ure 6-8 shows Normal Plane: PAB their relationTransverse Plane: PTW A ship, which is Fig. 6-8 Geometry of Two Pressure Angles expressed as: tann tan = (6-6) cos 6.5 Importance Of Normal Plane Geometry Because of the nature of tooth generation with a rack-type hob, a single tool can generate helical gears at all helix angles as well as spur gears. However, this means the normal pitch is the common denominator, and usually is taken as a standard value. Since the true involute features are in the transverse plane, they will differ from the standard normal values. Hence, there is a real need for relating parameters in the two reference planes. 6.6 Helical Tooth Proportions These follow the same standards as those for spur gears. Addendum, dedendum, whole depth and clearance are the same regardless of whether measured in the plane of rotation or the normal plane. Pressure angle and pitch are usually specified as standard values in the normal plane, but there are times when they are specified as standard in the transverse plane. 6.7 Parallel Shaft Helical Gear Meshes Fundamental information for the design of gear meshes is as follows: Helix angle Both gears of a meshed pair must have the same helix angle. However, the helix direction must be opposite; i.e., a left-hand mates with a right-hand helix. Pitch diameter This is given by the same expression as for spur gears, but if the normal module is involved it is a function of the helix angle. The expressions are: z d = z mt = (6-7) mn cos Center distance Utilizing Equation (6-7), the center distance of a helical gear mesh is: z1 + z2 a = (6-8) 2 mn cos Note that for standard parameters in the normal plane, the center distance will not be a standard value compared to standard spur gears. Further, by manipulating the helix angle, , the center distance can be adjusted over a wide range of values. Conversely, it is possible: 1. to compensate for significant center distance changes (or errors) without changing the speed ratio between parallel geared shafts; and 2. to alter the speed ratio between parallel geared shafts, without changing the center distance, by manipulating the helix angle along with the numbers of teeth.
A helical gear such as shown in Figure 6-6 is a cylindrical gear in which the teeth flank are helicoid. The helix angle in standard pitch circle cylinder is , and the displacement of one rotation is the lead, L. The tooth profile of a helical gear is an involute curve from an axial px Length of Pitch Circle
d Pitch Diameter
pt pn Helix Angle
d L = tan
view, or in the plane perpendicular to the axis. The helical gear has two kinds of tooth profiles one is based on a normal system, the other is based on an axial system. Circular pitch measured perpendicular to teeth is called normal circular pitch, pn. And pn divided by is then a normal module, mn. pn mn = (6-3) The tooth profile of a helical gear with applied normal module, mn, and normal pressure angle n belongs to a normal system. In the axial view, the circular pitch on the standard pitch circle is called the radial circular pitch, pt. And pt divided by is the radial module, mt. pt mt = (6-4) 6.3 Equivalent Spur Gear The true involute pitch and involute geometry of a helical gear is in the plane of rotation. However, in the normal plane, looking at one tooth, there is a resemblance to an involute tooth of a pitch corresponding to the normal pitch. However, the shape of the tooth corresponds to a spur gear of a larger number of teeth, the exact value depending on the magnitude of the helix angle. The geometric basis of deriving the number of teeth in this equivalent tooth form spur gear is given in Figure 6-7. The result of the transposed geometry is an equivalent number of teeth, given as: z zv = (6-5) cos3 Actual Elliptical This equivalent Pitch Circle in number is also Normal Plane called a virtual number because this spur gear is imaginary. The Normal value of this Plane number is used in Pitch Circle of Center of determining helical Virtual Gear Virtual Gear tooth strength. Fig. 6-7 Geometry of Helical Gear's Virtual Number of Teeth
6.8 Helical Gear Contact Ratio The contact ratio of helical gears is enhanced by the axial overlap of the teeth. Thus, the contact ratio is the sum of the transverse contact ratio, calculated in the same manner as for spur gears, and a term involving the axial pitch. ()total = ()trans + ()axial or r = +
It is not that simple in the radial system. The gear hob design must be altered in accordance with the changing of helix angle , even when the module mt and the pressure angle t are the same. Obviously, the manufacturing of helical gears is easier with the normal system than with the radial system in the plane perpendicular to the axis. 6.10 Helical Gear Calculations
6.10.1 Normal System Helical Gear In the normal system, the calculation of a profile shifted helical gear, the working pitch diameter dw and working pressure angle wt in the axial system is done per Equations (6-10). That is because meshing of the helical gears in the axial direction is just like spur gears and the calculation is similar.
Details of contact ratio of helical gearing are given later in a general coverage of the subject; see SECTION 11.1. 6.9 Design Considerations 6.9.1 Involute Interference Helical gears cut with standard normal pressure angles can have considerably higher pressure angles in the plane of rotation see Equation (6-6) depending on the helix angle. Therefore, the minimum number of teeth without undercutting can be significantly reduced, and helical gears having very low numbers of teeth without undercutting are feasible. 6.9.2 Normal Vs. Radial Module (Pitch) In the normal system, helical gears can be cut by the same gear hob if module mn and pressure angle n are constant, no matter what the value of helix angle . Table 6-1
Table 6-1 shows the calculation of profile shifted helical gears in the normal system. If normal coefficients of profile shift xn1, xn2 are zero, they become standard gears. If center distance, ax, is given, the normal coefficient of profile shift xn1 and xn2 can be calculated from Table 6-2. These are the inverse equations from items 4 to 10 of Table 6-1.
The Calculation of a Profile Shifted Helical Gear in the Normal System (1) Example No. Item Symbol Formula Pinion Gear mn 3 1 Normal Module n 20 2 Normal Pressure Angle 30 3 Helix Angle z1, z2 12 (L) 60 (R) 4 Number of Teeth & Helical Hand tann 1 tan ( ) 22.79588 t 5 Radial Pressure Angle cos 0.09809 0 6 Normal Coefficient of Profile Shift xn1, xn2 xn1 + xn2 inv 2 tann () + invt wt 0.023405 7 Involute Function wt z1 + z2 Find from Involute Function Table wt 23.1126 8 Radial Working Pressure Angle z1 + z2 cost 1 y 0.09744 9 Center Distance Increment Factor 2cos coswt z1 + z2 + y mn ax 10 Center Distance 125.000 2cos zmn d 11 Standard Pitch Diameter 41.569 207.846 cos d cos d 12 Base Diameter t b 38.322 191.611 db ha1 41.667 208.333 13 Working Pitch Diameter coswt (1 + y xn2) mn 3.292 2.998 ha2 14 Addendum (1 + y xn1) mn [2.25 + y (xn1 + xn2)]mn h 6.748 15 Whole Depth
da df
d + 2 ha da 2 h
48.153 34.657
213.842 200.346
The Calculations of a Profile Shifted Helical Gear in the Normal System (2) Item Symbol ax y wt xn1 + xn2 xn1 , xn2 Formula ax z1 + z2 mn 2cos (z1 + z2) cost cos1 (z1 + z2) + 2y cos (z1 + z2)(inv wt inv t) 2tann Example 125 0.097447 23.1126 0.09809 0.09809 0
No. 1 2 3 4 5
Center Distance Center Distance Increment Factor Radial Working Pressure Angle Sum of Coefficient of Profile Shift Normal Coefficient of Profile Shift
The transformation from a normal system to a radial system is accomplished by the following equations: xt = xn cos mn mt = cos tann 1 t = tan cos
6.10.2 Radial System Helical Gear Table 6-3 shows the calculation of profile shifted helical gears in a radial system. They become standard if xt1 = xt2 = 0. Table 6-4 presents the inverse calculation of items 5 to 9 of Table 6-3. The transformation from a radial to a normal system is described by the following equations: xt xn = cos mn = mt cos (6-12) 1 n = tan (tant cos)
6.10.4 Helical Rack Viewed in the normal direction, the meshing of a helical rack and gear is the same as a spur gear and rack. Table 6-6 presents the calculation examples for a mated helical rack with normal module and normal pressure angle standard values. Similarly, Table 6-7 presents examples for a helical rack in the radial system (i.e., perpendicular to gear axis).
The Calculation of a Profile Shifted Helical Gear in the Radial System (1) Example Item Symbol Formula No. Pinion Gear mt 1 Radial Module 3 t 20 2 Radial Pressure Angle 3 Helix Angle 30 4 Number of Teeth & Helical Hand 5 Radial Coefficient of Profile Shift wt xt1, xt2 inv wt wt y ax d db dw ha1 ha2 h da df z1, z2 0.34462 12 (L) 0
Table 6-3
60 (R)
6 Involute Function
0.0183886 21.3975 0.33333 109.0000 36.000 33.8289 169.1447 36.3333 181.6667 4.000 44.000 30.568 2.966 185.932 172.500 180.000
7 Radial Working Pressure Angle 8 Center Distance Increment Factor 9 Center Distance 10 Standard Pitch Diameter 11 Base Diameter 12 Working Pitch Diameter 13 Addendum 14 Whole Depth 15 Outside Diameter 16 Root Diameter Table 6-4
d + 2 ha da 2 h
No. 1 2 3 4 5
The Calculation of a Shifted Helical Gear in the Radial System (2) Symbol ax y wt xt1 + xt2 xt1 , xt2 Formula 109 0.33333 21.39752 0.34462 0.34462 0
Center Distance Center Distance Increment Factor Radial Working Pressure Angle Sum of Coefficient of Profile Shift Normal Coefficient of Profile Shift
ax z1 + z2 mt 2 (z1 + z2) cost 1 cos (z1 + z2) + 2y (z1 + z2)(inv wt inv t ) 2tann
3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16
The Calculation of a Double Helical Gear of SUNDERLAND Tooth Profile Example Item Symbol Formula Pinion Gear
mt t z1, z2 12 20 3
Number of Teeth Radial Coefficient of Profile Shift Involute Function wt Radial Working Pressure Angle Center Distance Increment Factor Center Distance Standard Pitch Diameter Base Diameter Working Pitch Diameter Addendum Whole Depth Outside Diameter Root Diameter
60 0
0.0183886 21.3975 0.33333 109.0000 36.000 33.8289 36.3333 3.639 43.278 32.036 180.000 169.1447 181.6667 2.605 185.210 173.968
Find from Involute Function Table z1 + z2 cost ( 1) coswt 2 z1 + z2 ( + y )mt 2 zm t d cost db coswt (0.8796 + y xt2) mt (0.8796 + y xt1) mt [1.8849 + y (xt1 + xt2)] mt d + 2ha da 2h
The Calculation of a Helical Rack in the Normal System Symbol mn n z xn H t ax d db ha h da df tann tan1 cos zmn + H + xnmn 2cos zmn cos d cost mn (1 + xn ) 2.25mn d + 2 ha da 2 h Formula
1 Normal Module 2 Normal Pressure Angle 4 Number of Teeth & Helical Hand 5 Normal Coefficient of Profile Shift 6 Pitch Line Height 7 Radial Pressure Angle 8 Mounting Distance 9 Pitch Diameter 10 Base Diameter 11 Addendum 12 Whole Depth 13 Outside Diameter 14 Root Diameter Table 6-7 No. 1 Radial Module 2 Radial Pressure Angle 4 Number of Teeth & Helical Hand 5 Radial Coefficient of Profile Shift 6 Pitch Line Height 7 Mounting Distance 8 Pitch Diameter 10 Addendum 11 9 Base Diameter Whole Depth 3 Helix Angle Item 3 Helix Angle
20 (R) 0
10 57' 49"
(L) 27.5
55.929 44.679
The Calculation of a Helical Rack in the Radial System Symbol mt t z xt H ax d db ha h da df zmt + H + xt mt 2 zmt d cost mt (1 + xt) 2.25mt d + 2 ha da 2 h Formula
20 (R) 0
10 57' 49"
(L) 27.5
The formulas of a standard helical rack are similar to those of Table 6-6 with only the normal coefficient of profile shift xn =0. To mesh a helical gear to a helical rack, they must have the same helix angle but with opposite hands. The displacement of the helical rack, l, for one rotation of the mating gear is the product of the radial pitch, pt , and number of teeth. mn l = z = pt z cos (6-13)
7.1.2 Module
Because of the possibility of different helix angles for the gear pair, the radial modules may not be the same. However, the normal modules must always be identical. 7.1.3 Center Distance
According to the equations of Table 6-7, let radial pitch pt = 8 mm and displacement l = 160 mm. The radial pitch and the displacement could be modified into integers, if the helix angle were chosen properly. In the axial system, the linear displacement of the helical rack, l, for one turn of the helical gear equals the integral multiple of radial pitch. l = zmt SECTION 7 (6-14)
The pitch diameter of a crossed-helical gear is given by Equation (6-7), and the center distance becomes: mn z1 z2 a = ( + ) (7-2) 2 cos1 cos2 Again, it is possible to adjust the center distance by manipulating the helix angle. However, helix angles of both gears must be altered consistently in accordance with Equation (7-1). 7.1.4 Velocity Ratio
These helical gears are also known as spiral gears. They are true helical gears and only differ in their application for interconnecting skew shafts, such as in Figure 7-1. Screw gears can be designed to connect shafts at any angle, but in most applications the shafts are at right angles.
Unlike spur and parallel shaft helical meshes, the velocity ratio (gear ratio) cannot be determined from the ratio of pitch diameters, since these can be altered by juggling of helix angles. The speed ratio can be determined only from the number of teeth, as follows: z1 velocity ratio = i = (7-3) z2 or, if pitch diameters are introduced, the relationship is: z1 cos2 i = z2 cos1 7.2 Screw Gear Calculations Two screw gears can only mesh together under the conditions that normal modules, mn1, and, mn2, and normal pressure angles, n1, n2, are the same. Let a pair of screw gears have the shaft angle and helical angles 1 and 2: If they have the same hands, then: = 1 + 2 If they have the opposite hands, then: = 1 2, or = 2 1 (7-4)
If the screw gears were profile shifted, the meshing would become a little more complex. Let w1, w2 represent the working pitch cylinder; If they have the same hands, then: = w1 + w2 If they have the opposite hands, then: = w1 w2, or = w2 w1
NOTES: 1. Helical gears of the same hand operate at right angles. 2. Helical gears of opposite hand operate on parallel shafts. 3. Bearing location indicates the direction of thrust. 7.1 Features 7.1.1 Helix Angle And Hands
(Right-Hand) (Left-Hand) 2 1 2 1
Gear 1
The helix angles need not be the same. However, their sum must equal the shaft angle: 1 + 2 = (7-1)
where 1 and 2 are the respective helix angles of the two gears, and is the shaft angle (the acute angle between the two shafts when viewed in a direction paralleling a common perpendicular between the shafts). Except for very small shaft angles, the helix hands are the same. Fig. 7-2
Gear 2
The formulas of a standard helical rack are similar to those of Table 6-6 with only the normal coefficient of profile shift xn =0. To mesh a helical gear to a helical rack, they must have the same helix angle but with opposite hands. The displacement of the helical rack, l, for one rotation of the mating gear is the product of the radial pitch, pt , and number of teeth. mn l = z = pt z cos (6-13)
7.1.2 Module
Because of the possibility of different helix angles for the gear pair, the radial modules may not be the same. However, the normal modules must always be identical. 7.1.3 Center Distance
According to the equations of Table 6-7, let radial pitch pt = 8 mm and displacement l = 160 mm. The radial pitch and the displacement could be modified into integers, if the helix angle were chosen properly. In the axial system, the linear displacement of the helical rack, l, for one turn of the helical gear equals the integral multiple of radial pitch. l = zmt SECTION 7 (6-14)
The pitch diameter of a crossed-helical gear is given by Equation (6-7), and the center distance becomes: mn z1 z2 a = ( + ) (7-2) 2 cos1 cos2 Again, it is possible to adjust the center distance by manipulating the helix angle. However, helix angles of both gears must be altered consistently in accordance with Equation (7-1). 7.1.4 Velocity Ratio
These helical gears are also known as spiral gears. They are true helical gears and only differ in their application for interconnecting skew shafts, such as in Figure 7-1. Screw gears can be designed to connect shafts at any angle, but in most applications the shafts are at right angles.
Unlike spur and parallel shaft helical meshes, the velocity ratio (gear ratio) cannot be determined from the ratio of pitch diameters, since these can be altered by juggling of helix angles. The speed ratio can be determined only from the number of teeth, as follows: z1 velocity ratio = i = (7-3) z2 or, if pitch diameters are introduced, the relationship is: z1 cos2 i = z2 cos1 7.2 Screw Gear Calculations Two screw gears can only mesh together under the conditions that normal modules, mn1, and, mn2, and normal pressure angles, n1, n2, are the same. Let a pair of screw gears have the shaft angle and helical angles 1 and 2: If they have the same hands, then: = 1 + 2 If they have the opposite hands, then: = 1 2, or = 2 1 (7-4)
If the screw gears were profile shifted, the meshing would become a little more complex. Let w1, w2 represent the working pitch cylinder; If they have the same hands, then: = w1 + w2 If they have the opposite hands, then: = w1 w2, or = w2 w1
NOTES: 1. Helical gears of the same hand operate at right angles. 2. Helical gears of opposite hand operate on parallel shafts. 3. Bearing location indicates the direction of thrust. 7.1 Features 7.1.1 Helix Angle And Hands
(Right-Hand) (Left-Hand) 2 1 2 1
Gear 1
The helix angles need not be the same. However, their sum must equal the shaft angle: 1 + 2 = (7-1)
where 1 and 2 are the respective helix angles of the two gears, and is the shaft angle (the acute angle between the two shafts when viewed in a direction paralleling a common perpendicular between the shafts). Except for very small shaft angles, the helix hands are the same. Fig. 7-2
Gear 2
Table 7-1 presents equations for a profile shifted screw gear pair. When the normal coefficients of profile shift xn1 = xn2 =0, the equations and calculations are the same as for standard gears. Standard screw gears have relations as follows: dw1 = d1, dw2 = d2 w1 = 1, w2 = 2 7.3 Axial Thrust Of Helical Gears In both parallel-shaft and crossed-shaft applications, helical gears develop an axial thrust load. This is a useless force that loads gear teeth and bearings and must accordingly be considered in the housing and bearing design. In some special instrument designs, this thrust load can be utilized to actuate face clutches, provide a friction drag, or other special purpose. The magnitude of the thrust load depends on the helix angle and
WT = axial thrust load, and W t = transmitted load. The direction of the thrust load is related to the hand of the gear and the direction of rotation. This is depicted in Figure 7-1. When the helix angle is larger than about 20, the use of double helical gears with opposite hands (Figure 7-3a) or herringbone gears (Figure 7-3b) is worth considering. More detail on thrust force of helical gears is presented in SECTION 16. Figure 7-3a
Figure 7-3b
The Equations for a Screw Gear Pair on Nonparallel and Nonintersecting Axes in the Normal System Symbol mn n z1, z2 zv t xn invwn wn wt y ax d db dw1 dw2 w ha1 ha2 h da df z cos3 tann tan1 ( ) cos xn1 + xn2 2tann( zv1 + zv2 ) + invn
Find from Involute Function Table
Example 3 20 Gear
20 15 (R)
30 24 (L)
4 Number of Teeth & Helical Hand Number of Teeth of an 5 Equivalent Spur Gear 6 Radial Pressure Angle 7 Normal Coefficient of Profile Shift 8 Involute Function wn
9 Normal Working Pressure Angle 10 Radial Working Pressure Angle 11 Center Distance Increment Factor
12 Center Distance 13 Pitch Diameter 14 Base Diameter 15 Working Pitch Diameter 16 Working Helix Angle 17 Shaft Angle 18 Addendum 19 Whole Depth 20 Outside Diameter 21 Root Diameter
22.9338 tan wn tan1() 24.2404 26.0386 cos 1 cosn (zv1 + zv2)( 1) 0.55977 2 coswn z1 z2 ( + + y)mn 67.1925 2cos1 2cos2 zm n cos d cost d1 2ax d1 + d2 d2 2ax d1 + d2 dw tan1( tan) d w1 + w2 or w1 w2 (1 + y xn2)mn (1 + y xn1)mn 47.8880 44.6553 49.1155 83.1384 76.6445 85.2695
d + 2ha
da 2h
For intersecting shafts, bevel gears offer a good means of transmitting motion and power. Most transmissions occur at right angles, Figure 8-1, but the shaft angle can be any value. Ratios up to 4:1 are common, although higher ratios are possible as well. 8.1 Development And Geometry Of Bevel Gears
Fig. 8-1
O P Pitch Line
Bevel gears have tapered elements because they are generated and operate, in theory, on the surface of a sphere. Pitch diameters of mating bevel gears belong to frusta of cones, as shown in Figure 8-2a. In the full development on the surface of a sphere, a pair of meshed bevel gears are in conjugate engagement as shown in Figure 8-2b. Fig. 8-4 Trace of Spherical Surface 2 O 2 P' 1 1 O' (a) Pitch Cone Frusta Fig. 8-2 (b) Pitch Cones and the Development Sphere O" Spherical Basis of Octoid Bevel Crown Gear
8.2 Bevel Gear Tooth Proportions Bevel gear teeth are proportioned in accordance with the standard system of tooth proportions used for spur gears. However, the pressure angle of all standard design bevel gears is limited to 20. Pinions with a small number of teeth are enlarged automatically when the design follows the Gleason system. Since bevel-tooth elements are tapered, tooth dimensions and pitch diameter are referenced to the outer end (heel). Since the narrow end of the teeth (toe) vanishes at the pitch apex (center of reference generating sphere), there is a practical limit to the length (face) of a bevel gear. The geometry and identification of bevel gear parts is given in Figure 8-5.
The crown gear, which is a bevel gear having the largest possible pitch angle (defined in Figure 8-3), is analogous to the rack of spur gearing, and is the basic tool for generating bevel gears. However, for practical reasons, the tooth form is not that of a spherical involute, and instead, the crown gear profile assumes a slightly simplified form. Although the deviation from a true spherical involute is minor, it results in a line-of-action having a figure-8 trace in its extreme extension; see Figure 8-4. This shape gives rise to the name "octoid" for the tooth form of modern bevel gears.
Co Fa
Crown to Back
Pitch Angle
Pitch Angle
O2 Pitch Dia.
Fig. 8-3 Meshing Bevel Gear Pair with Conjugate Crown Gear
Di st.
8.3 Velocity Ratio The velocity ratio, i , can be derived from the ratio of several parameters: z1 d1 sin1 i = = = z2 d2 sin2 where: = pitch angle (see Figure 8-5) (8-1)
8.4 Forms Of Bevel Teeth * In the simplest design, the tooth elements are straight radial, converging at the cone apex. However, it is possible to have the teeth curve along a spiral as they converge on the cone apex, resulting in greater tooth overlap, analogous to the overlapping action of helical teeth. The result is a spiral bevel tooth. In addition, there are other possible variations. One is the zerol bevel, which is a curved tooth having elements that start and end on the same radial line. Straight bevel gears come in two variations depending upon the fabrication equipment. All current Gleason straight bevel generators are of the Coniflex form which gives an almost imperceptible convexity to the tooth surfaces. Older machines produce true straight elements. See Figure 8-6a. Straight bevel gears are the simplest and most widely used type of bevel gears (a) Straight Teeth for the transmission of power and/or motion between intersecting shafts. Straight bevel gears are recommended: 1. When speeds are less than 300 meters/min (1000 feet/min) at higher speeds, straight bevel gears may be noisy. 2. When loads are light, or for high static loads when surface wear is not a critical factor. 3. When space, gear weight, and mountings are a premium. This includes planetary gear sets, where space does not permit the inclusion of rolling-element bearings.
Zerol bevels (Figure 8-6d) have curved teeth similar to those of the spiral bevels, but with zero spiral angle at the middle of the face width; and they have little end thrust. Both spiral and Zerol gears can be cut on the same machines with the same circular face-mill cutters or ground on the same grinding machines. Both are produced with localized tooth contact which can be controlled for length, width, and shape. Functionally, however, Zerol bevels are similar to the straight bevels and thus carry the same ratings. In fact, Zerols can be used in the place of straight bevels without mounting changes. Zerol bevels are widely employed in the aircraft industry, where groundtooth precision gears are generally required. Most hypoid cutting machines can cut spiral bevel, Zerol or hypoid gears.
8.5 Bevel Gear Calculations Let z1 and z2 be pinion and gear tooth numbers; shaft angle ; and pitch cone angles 1 and 2; then: sin tan1 = z2 + cos z1 sin tan2 = z1 + cos z2
Generally, shaft angle = 90 is most used. Other ang les (Figure 8-7) are sometimes used. Then, it is called be vel gear in nonright angle drive. The 90 case is called bevel gear in right angle drive. When = 90, Equation (8-2) becomes: z2 m
z1 m 1 2
Coniflex gears ( Figure 8-6b ) (c) Spiral Teeth are produced by current Gleason straight bevel gear generating machines that crown the sides of the teeth in their lengthwise direction. The teeth, therefore, tolerate small amounts of misalignment in the assembly of the gears and some displacement of the gears under load without concentrating the tooth contact at the ends of the teeth. Thus, for the operating conditions, (d) Zerol Teeth Coniflex gears are capable of transmitting larger loads than the predecessor Fig. 8-6 Forms of Bevel Gleason straight bevel gears. Gear Teeth Spiral bevels (Figure 8-6c) have curved oblique teeth which contact each other gradually and smoothly from one end to the other. Imagine cutting a straight bevel into an infinite number of short face width sections, angularly displace one relative to the other, and one has a spiral bevel gear. Welldesigned spiral bevels have two or more teeth in contact at all times. The overlapping tooth action transmits motion more smoothly and quietly than with straight bevel gears. *
The material in this section has been reprinted with the permission of McGraw Hill Book Co., Inc., New York, N.Y. from "Design of Bevel Gears" by W. Coleman, Gear Design and Applications, N. Chironis, Editor, McGraw Hill, New York, N.Y. 1967, p. 57.
Fig. 8-7 The Pitch Cone Angle of Bevel Gear z1 1 = tan1() z2 z2 2 = tan1( ) z1
Miter gears are bevel gears with = 90 and z1 = z2. Their speed ratio z1 / z2 = 1. They only change the direction of the shaft, but do not change the speed. Figure 8-8 depicts the meshing of bevel gears. The meshing must be considered in pairs. It is because the pitch cone angles 1 and 2 are restricted by the gear ratio z1 / z2. In the facial view, which is normal to the contact line of pitch cones, the meshing of bevel gears appears to be similar to the meshing of spur gears.
The straight bevel gear has straight teeth flanks which are along the surface of the pitch cone from the bottom to the apex. Straight bevel gears can be grouped into the Gleason type and the standard type.
Re b d2
R2 a 90
2 1 R1 d1 f a
X Xb
ha h hf
Fig. 8-8
In this section, we discuss the Gleason straight bevel gear. The Gleason Company defined the tooth profile as: whole depth h =2.188m ; top clearance ca = 0.188m; and working depth hw = 2.000m. The characteristics are: Design specified profile shifted gears: In the Gleason system, the pinion is positive shifted and the gear is negative shifted. The reason is to distribute the proper strength between the two gears. Miter gears, thus, do not need any shifted tooth profile. The top clearance is designed to be parallel The outer cone elements of two paired bevel gears are parallel. That is to ensure that the top clearance along the whole tooth is the same. For the standard bevel gears, top clearance is variable. It is smaller at the toe and bigger at the heel. Table 8-1 shows the minimum number of teeth to prevent undercut in the Gleason system at the shaft angle = 90. Table 8-2 presents equations for designing straight bevel gears in the Gleason system. The meanings of the dimensions and angles are shown in Figure 8-9. All the equations in Table 8-2 can also be applied to bevel gears with any shaft angle. The straight bevel gear with crowning in the Gleason system is called a Coniflex gear. It is manufactured by a special Gleason Coniflex machine. It can successfully eliminate poor tooth wear due to improper mounting and assembly. The first characteristic of a Gleason straight bevel gear is its profile shifted tooth. From Figure 8-10, we can see the positive tooth profile shift in the pinion. The tooth thickness at the root diameter of a Gleason pinion is larger than that of a standard straight bevel gear. Table 8-1 The Minimum Numbers of Teeth to Prevent Undercut z1 Pressure Combination of Numbers of Teeth z2 Angle (14.5) 29 / Over 29 28 / Over 29 27 / Over 31 26 / Over 35 25 / Over 40 24 / Over 57 (25) 20 16 / Over 16 15 / Over 17 14 / Over 20 13 / Over 30 13 / Over 13
A bevel gear with no profile shifted tooth is a standard straight bevel gear. The applicable equations are in Table 8-3. These equations can also be applied to bevel gear sets with other than 90 shaft angle. 8.5.3 Gleason Spiral Bevel Gears
A spiral bevel gear is one with a spiral tooth flank as in Figure 8-11. The spiral is generally consistent with the curve of a cutter with the diameter dc. The spiral angle is the angle between a generatrix element of the pitch cone and the tooth flank. The spiral angle just at the tooth flank center is called central spiral angle m. In practice, spiral angle means central spiral angle. All equations in Table 8-6 are dedicated for the manufacturing method of Spread Blade or of Single Side from Gleason. If a gear is not cut per the Gleason system, the equations will be different from these. The tooth profile of a Gleason spiral bevel gear shown here has the whole depth h = 1.888m; top clearance ca = 0.188m; and working depth hw = 1.700m. These Gleason spiral bevel gears belong to a stub gear system. This is applicable to gears with modules m > 2.1. Table 8-4 shows the minimum number of teeth to avoid undercut in the Gleason system with shaft angle = 90 and pressure angle n = 20. If the number of teeth is less than 12, Table 8-5 is used to determine the gear sizes. All equations in Table 8-6 are also applicable to Gleason bevel gears with any shaft angle. A spiral bevel gear set requires matching of hands; left-hand and right-hand as a pair.
The Calculations of Straight Bevel Gears of the Gleason System Symbol m z1, z2 d 1 2 Re b ha1 ha2 hf f a1 a2 a f da X Xb di sin tan1 ( ) z2 + cos z
Example Gear 90 20 3
Number of Teeth
20 zm 60
40 120
Pitch Cone Angle Cone Distance Face Width Addendum Dedendum Dedendum Angle Addendum Angle Outer Cone Angle Root Cone Angle Outside Diameter Pitch Apex to Crown Axial Face Width Inner Outside Diameter
1 d2 2sin2
2.000m ha2 0.460m 0.540m + z2 cos1 ( ) z1 cos2 2.188m ha tan1 (hf /Re) f2 f1 + a f
3.92194 2.15903 30.48699 65.59398 67.2180 58.1955 19.0029 44.8425 121.7575 28.2425 9.0969 81.6609 24.40602 59.51301
d + 2ha cos
Recos ha sin
Table 8-3 No. 1 2 3 4 5 6 Shaft Angle Module Pressure Angle Pitch Diameter Pitch Cone Angle Cone Distance Face Width Addendum Dedendum Number of Teeth Item
sin z2 z1 +cos
26.56505 63.43495 67.08204 3.00 3.19960 2.56064 29.12569 65.99559 23.36545 60.23535 65.3666 58.6584 19.2374 43.9292 122.6833 27.3167 8.9587 82.4485 3.75 22
1 d2 2sin2
It should be less than Re /3 or 10m
7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18
Dedendum Angle Addendum Angle Root Cone Angle Outer Cone Angle Outside Diameter Pitch Apex to Crown Axial Face Width Inner Outside Diameter
Fig. 8-10
Re b
b 2 b 2
The Minimum Numbers of Teeth to Prevent Undercut z1 Combination of Numbers of Teeth z2 16 / Over 18 15 / Over 19 14 / Over 20
13 / Over 22
Number of Teeth in Pinion Number of Teeth in Gear Working Depth Whole Depth Gear Addendum Pinion Addendum Circular Tooth Thickness of Gear Pressure Angle Spiral Angle
Dimensions for Pinions with Numbers of Teeth Less than 12 z1 z2 hw h ha2 ha1 30 s2 40 50 60 n m
6 7 8 9 10 11 Over 34 Over 33 Over 32 Over 31 Over 30 Over 29 1.500 1.666 0.215 1.285 0.911 0.803 1.560 1.733 0.270 1.290 0.957 0.818 0.757 1.610 1.788 0.325 1.285 0.975 0.837 0.777 0.777 20 35... 40 90 1.650 0.380 1.270 0.997 0.828 0.828 0.860 1.832 1.680 1.865 0.435 1.245 1.023 0.888 0.884 0.883 1.695 1.882 0.490 1.205 1.053 0.948 0.946 0.945
When the spiral angle m = 0, the bevel gear is called a Zerol bevel gear. The calculation equations of Table 8-2 for Gleason straight bevel gears are applicable. They also should take care again of the rule of hands; left and right of a pair must be matched. Figure 8-12 is a left-hand Zerol bevel gear.
Fig. 8-12
The Calculations of Spiral Bevel Gears of the Gleason System Symbol m n z1, z2 t d 1 2 Re b ha1 ha2 hf f a1 a2 a f da X Xb di tan1 zm tan1 m 20 (L) Formula
Example 90 3 20 35
5 Number of Teeth and Spiral Hand 6 Radial Pressure Angle 7 Pitch Diameter 8 Pitch Cone Angle 9 Cone Distance 10 Face Width 11 Addendum 12 Dedendum 13 Dedendum Angle 14 Addendum Angle 15 Outer Cone Angle 16 Root Cone Angle 17 Outside Diameter 19 Axial Face Width 20 Inner Outside Diameter
tann cosm
40 (R)
sin z2 z1 +cos
26.56505 63.43495 67.08204 20 3.4275 2.2365 1.90952 3.40519 1.6725 3.9915 3.40519 1.90952
1 d2 2sin2
It should be less than Re /3 or 10m
1.700m ha2 0.390m 0.460m + z2 cos1 ( ) z1 cos2 1.888m ha tan (hf /Re)
29.97024 65.34447 24.65553 60.02976 66.1313 58.4672 17.3563 46.1140 121.4959 28.5041 8.3479 85.1224
2b sina da cosa
The worm mesh is another gear type used for connecting skew shafts, usually 90. See Figure 9-1. Worm meshes are characterized by high velocity ratios. Also, they offer the advantage of higher load capacity associated with their line contact in contrast to the point contact of the crossed-helical mesh.
Fig. 9-1
When the spiral angle m = 0, the bevel gear is called a Zerol bevel gear. The calculation equations of Table 8-2 for Gleason straight bevel gears are applicable. They also should take care again of the rule of hands; left and right of a pair must be matched. Figure 8-12 is a left-hand Zerol bevel gear.
Fig. 8-12
The Calculations of Spiral Bevel Gears of the Gleason System Symbol m n z1, z2 t d 1 2 Re b ha1 ha2 hf f a1 a2 a f da X Xb di tan1 zm tan1 m 20 (L) Formula
Example 90 3 20 35
5 Number of Teeth and Spiral Hand 6 Radial Pressure Angle 7 Pitch Diameter 8 Pitch Cone Angle 9 Cone Distance 10 Face Width 11 Addendum 12 Dedendum 13 Dedendum Angle 14 Addendum Angle 15 Outer Cone Angle 16 Root Cone Angle 17 Outside Diameter 19 Axial Face Width 20 Inner Outside Diameter
tann cosm
40 (R)
sin z2 z1 +cos
26.56505 63.43495 67.08204 20 3.4275 2.2365 1.90952 3.40519 1.6725 3.9915 3.40519 1.90952
1 d2 2sin2
It should be less than Re /3 or 10m
1.700m ha2 0.390m 0.460m + z2 cos1 ( ) z1 cos2 1.888m ha tan (hf /Re)
29.97024 65.34447 24.65553 60.02976 66.1313 58.4672 17.3563 46.1140 121.4959 28.5041 8.3479 85.1224
2b sina da cosa
The worm mesh is another gear type used for connecting skew shafts, usually 90. See Figure 9-1. Worm meshes are characterized by high velocity ratios. Also, they offer the advantage of higher load capacity associated with their line contact in contrast to the point contact of the crossed-helical mesh.
Fig. 9-1
9.1 Worm Mesh Geometry Although the worm tooth form can be of a variety, the most popular is equivalent to a V-type screw thread, as in Figure 9-1. The mating worm gear teeth have a helical lead. (Note: The name worm wheel is often used interchangeably with worm gear.) A central section of the mesh, taken through the worm's O axis and perpendicular to the worm gear's axis, Fig. 9-2 Central Section of a Worm and as shown in Figure 9-2, Worm Gear reveals a rack-type tooth of the worm, and a curved involute tooth form for the worm gear. However, the involute features are only true for the central section. Sections on either side of the worm axis reveal nonsymmetric and noninvolute tooth profiles. Thus, a worm gear mesh is not a true involute mesh. Also, for conjugate action, the center distance of the mesh must be an exact duplicate of that used in generating the worm gear. To increase the length-of-action, the worm gear is made of a throated shape to wrap around the worm. 9.1.1 Worm Tooth Proportions
zw = number of threads of worm; zg = number of teeth in worm gear zw pn L = lead of worm = zw px = cos zw m zw pn = lead angle = tan1( ) = sin1( ) dw dw pn = px cos
Worm tooth dimensions, such as addendum, dedendum, pressure angle, etc., follow the same standards as those for spur and helical gears. The standard values apply to the central section of the mesh. See Figure 9-3a. A high pressure angle is favored and in some applications values as high as 25 and 30 are used. 9.1.2 Number Of Threads
The worm can be considered resembling a helical gear with a high helix angle. For extremely high helix angles, there is one continuous tooth or thread. For slightly smaller angles, there can be two, three or even more threads. Thus, a worm is characterized by the number of threads, zw. 9.1.3 Pitch Diameters, Lead and Lead Angle
Referring to Figure 9-3: zw pn Pitch diameter of worm = dw = sin zg pn Pitch diameter of worm gear = dg = cos
(9-1) (9-2)
Cylindrical worms may be considered cylindrical type gears with screw threads. Generally, the mesh has a 90O shaft angle. The number of threads in the worm is equivalent to the number of teeth in a gear of a screw type gear mesh. Thus, a one-thread worm is equivalent to a one-tooth gear; and two-threads equivalent to two-teeth, etc. Referring to Figure 9-4, for a lead angle , measured on the pitch cylinder, each rotation of the worm makes the thread advance one lead. There are four worm tooth profiles in JIS B 1723, as defined below. Type I Worm: This pt worm tooth profile is trapezoid in d the radial or axial plane. t d Type II Worm: This tooth profile pn is trapezoid px viewed in n the normal pn surface. Type x III Worm: This worm is formed by a cutter in which the tooth profile is trapezoid L = d tan Fig. 9-4 Cylindrical Worm (Right-Hand)
px zw pn
Lead Ang
dw zw
px L = Worm Lead dw
form viewed from the radial surface or axial plane set at the lead angle. Examples are milling and grinding profile cutters. Type IV Worm: This tooth profile is involute as viewed from the radial surface or at the lead angle. It is an involute helicoid, and is known by that name. Type III worm is the most popular. In this type, the normal pressure angle n has the tendency to become smaller than that of the cutter, c. Per JIS, Type III worm uses a radial module mt and cutter pressure angle c = 20 as the module and pressure angle. A special worm hob is required to cut a Type III worm gear. Standard values of radial module, mt, are presented in Table 9-1. 1 6.30 Table 9-1 1.25 8.00 Radial Module of Cylindrical Worm Gears 1.60 2.00 12.50 2.50 16.00 3.15 20.00 4.00 25.00 5.00 10.00
The equations for normal module system worm gears are based on a normal module, mn, and normal pressure angle, n = 20. See Table 9-4. 9.3 Crowning Of The Worm Gear Tooth Crowning is critically important to worm gears (worm wheels). Not only can it eliminate abnormal tooth contact due to incorrect assembly, but it also provides for the forming of an oil film, which enhances the lubrication effect of the mesh. This can favorably impact endurance and transmission efficiency of the worm mesh. There are four methods of crowning worm gears: 1. Cut Worm Gear With A Hob Cutter Of Greater Pitch Diameter Than The Worm.
Because the worm mesh couples nonparallel and nonintersecting axes, the radial surface of the worm, or radial cross section, is the same as the normal surface of the worm gear. Similarly, the normal surface of the worm is the radial surface of the worm gear. The common surface of the worm and worm gear is the normal surface. Using the normal module, mn, is most popular. Then, an ordinary hob can be used to cut the worm gear. Table 9-2 presents the relationships among worm and worm gear radial surfaces, normal surfaces, axial surfaces, module, pressure angle, pitch and lead. Table 9-2 The Relations of Cross Sections of Worm Gears Worm Normal Surface mn Radial Surface mn mt = sin t = tan1 pt = m t L = m t z w tan Axial Surface
tann cos
tann sin
A crownless worm gear results when it is made by using a hob that has an identical pitch diameter as that of the worm. This crownless worm gear is very difficult to assemble corW or rectly. Proper tooth contact and ob m H a complete oil film are usually not possible. However, it is relatively easy to obtain a crowned worm gear by cutting it with a hob whose pitch diameter is slightly larger than that of the worm. This is shown in Figure 9-6. Fig. 9-6 The Method of Using a This creates teeth contact in the Greater Diameter Hob center region with space for oil film formation. 2. Recut With Hob Center Distance Adjustment.
NOTE: The Radial Surface is the plane perpendicular to the axis. Reference to Figure 9-4 can help the understanding of the relationships in Table 9-2. They are similar to the relations in Formulas (6-11) and (6-12) that the helix angle be substituted by (90 ). We can consider that a worm with lead angle is almost the same as a screw gear with helix angle (90 ). 9.2.1 Axial Module Worm Gears
The first step is to cut the worm gear at standard center distance. This results in no crowning. Then the worm gear is finished with the same hob by recutting with the hob axis shifted parallel to the worm gear axis by h . This results in a crowning effect, shown in Figure 9-7. Fig. 9-7
Offsetting Up or Down
Table 9-3 presents the equations, for dimensions shown in Figure 9-5, for worm gears with axial module, mx, and normal pressure angle n = 20.
In standard cutting, the hob axis is oriented at the proper angle to the worm gear axis. After that, the hob axis is shifted slightly left and then right, , in a plane parallel to the worm gear axis, to cut a crown effect on the worm gear tooth. This is shown in Figure 9-8. Only method 1 is popular. Methods 2 and 3 are seldom used.
Fig. 9-5
Fig. 9-8
1 Axial Module
The Calculations of Axial Module System Worm Gears (See Figure 9-5) Example Item Symbol Formula Worm Wheel mx n zw, z2 d1 d2 xa2 ax ha1 ha2 mx zw tan1( ) d1 d1 + d2 + xa2 mx 2 1.00mx (1.00 + xa2)mx Q mx z2mx Note 1 44.000 20 30 (R) 90.000 3
3 No. of Threads, No. of Teeth 4 Standard Pitch Diameter 5 Lead Angle 6 Coefficient of Profile Shift 7 Center Distance 8 Addendum 9 Whole Depth 10 Outside Diameter 11 Throat Diameter
7.76517 67.000 3.000 50.000 36.500 3.000 99.000 96.000 19.000 82.500 0
d2 + 2ha2
Double-Threaded Right-Hand Worm Note 1: Diameter Factor,Q, means pitch diameter of worm, d1, over axial module, mx. d1 Q = mx
Note 2: There are several calculation methods of worm outside diameter da2 besides those in Table 9-3. Note 3: The length of worm with teeth, b1, would be sufficient if: b1 = mx (4.5 + 0.02 z 2 ) Note 4: Working blank width of worm gear be = 2 m x (Q + 1). So the actual blank width of b be + 1.5mx would be enough.
1 Normal Module
The Calculations of Normal Module System Worm Gears Example Item Symbol Formula Worm Worm Gear mn n zw, z2 d1 d2 xn2 ax ha1 ha2 h da1 da2 dth ri mn zw sin1( ) d1 z2 mn cos d1 + d2 + xn2 mn 2 1.00mn (1.00 + x n 2)mn 2.25mn d1 + 2ha1 d2 + 2ha2 + mn 44.000 20 30 (R) 3
d2 + 2ha2
df1 14 Root Diameter df2 Double-Threaded Right-Hand Worm Note: All notes are the same as those of Table 9-3.
4. Use A Worm With A Larger Pressure Angle Than The Worm Gear.
This is a very complex method, both theoretically and practically. Usually, the crowning is done to the worm gear, but in this method the modification is on the worm. That is, to change the pressure angle and pitch of the worm without changing the pitch line parallel to the axis, in accordance with the relationships shown in Equations 9-4: pxcosx = px'cosx' (9-4)
0.6 0.55 k 0.5 0.45 0.4 0.35 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 Axial Pressure Angle x Fig. 9-10 The Value of Factor (k)
In order to raise the pressure angle from before change, x', to after change, x, it is necessary to increase the axial pitch, px', to a new value, px, per Equation (9-4). The amount of crowning is represented as the space between the worm and worm gear at the meshing point A in Figure 9-9. This amount may be approximated by the following equation: Amount of Crowning px px' d1 = k (9-5) px' 2 where: Fig. 9-9
d1 30 A
9.4 Self-Locking Of Worm Mesh Self-locking is a unique characteristic of worm meshes that can be put to advantage. It is the feature that a worm cannot be driven by the worm gear. It is very useful in the design of some equipment, such as lifting, in that the drive can stop at any position without concern that it can slip in reverse. However, in some situations it can be detrimental if the system requires reverse sensitivity, such as a servomechanism. Self-locking does not occur in all worm meshes, since it requires special conditions as outlined here. In this analysis, only the driving force acting upon the tooth surfaces is considered without any regard to losses due to bearing friction, lubricant agitation, etc. The governing conditions are as follows: Let Fu1 = tangential driving force of worm Then, Fu1 = Fn (cosn sin cos) where: n = normal pressure angle = lead angle of worm = coefficient of friction Fn = normal driving force of worm If Fu1 > 0 then there is no self-locking effect at all. Therefore, Fu1 0 is the critical limit of self-locking. Example 3 2 Let n in Equation (9-6) be 20, then the condition: Fu1 0 will become: (cos20 sin cos) 0 Figure 9-11 shows the critical limit of self-locking for lead angle and coefficient of friction . Practically, it is very hard to assess the exact value of coefficient of friction . Further, the bearing loss, lubricant agitation loss, etc. can add many side effects. Therefore, it is not easy to establish precise self-locking conditions. However, it is true that the smaller the lead angle , the more likely the self-locking condition will occur.
0.20 Coefficient of friction 0.15 0.10 0.05 0
d1 = Pitch diameter of worm k = Factor from Table 9-5 and Figure 9-10 px = Axial pitch after change px' = Axial pitch before change Table 9-5 The Value of Factor k x 14.5 17.5 20 22.5 k 0.55 0.46 0.41 0.375
Because the theory and equations of these methods are so complicated, they are beyond the scope of this treatment. Usually, all stock worm gears are produced with crowning.
Table 9-6
The Calculation of Worm Crowning Symbol Formula Before Crowning mx' n' zw d1 ' x' px' CR' k L' mx' zw tan ( ) d1 tan n' tan1( ) cos ' mx'
2 Normal Pressure Angle 3 Number of Threads of Worm 4 Pitch Diameter of Worm 5 Lead Angle 6 Axial Pressure Angle 8 Lead 7 Axial Pitch
1 Axial Module
mx' zv
10 Factor (k)
9 Amount of Crowning
After Crowning 11 Axial Pitch 12 Axial Pressure Angle 13 Axial Module 14 Lead Angle 16 Lead 15 Normal Pressure Angle tx x mx n L
2CR tx' ( + 1) 9.466573 kd1 px' cos1( cosx') 20.847973 px px 3.013304 mx zw tan1( ) 7.799179 d1 tan (tanx cos )
20.671494 18.933146
mx zw
Fig. 9-11 The Critical Limit of Self-locking of Lead Angle and Coefficient of Friction
6 Lead angle
There are direct and indirect methods for measuring tooth thickness. In general, there are three methods:
The chordal thickness of helical gears should be measured on the normal surface basis as shown in Table 10-3. Table 10-4 presents the equations for chordal thickness of helical gears in the radial system. 10.1.4 Bevel Gears
10.1 Chordal Thickness Measurement This method employs a tooth caliper that is referenced from the gear's outside diameter. Thickness is measured at the pitch circle. See Figure 10-1. sj hj
Table 10-5 shows the equations of chordal thickness for a Gleason straight bevel gear. Table 10-6 presents equations for chordal thickness of a standard straight bevel gear. If a standard straight bevel gear is cut by a Gleason straight bevel cutter, the tooth angle should be adjusted according to: 180 s tooth angle () = ( + hf tan) Re 2 (10-1)
This angle is used as a reference in determining the circular tooth thickness, s, in setting up the gear cutting machine. Table 10-7 presents equations for chordal thickness of a Gleason spiral bevel gear. The calculations of circular thickness of a Gleason spiral bevel gear are so complicated that we do not intend to go further in this presentation. 10.1.5 Worms And Worm Gears
Table 10-8 presents equations for chordal thickness of axial module worms and worm gears. Table 10-9 contains the equations for chordal thickness of normal module worms and worm gears. Fig. 10-1 Chordal Thickness Method 10.2 Span Measurement Of Teeth Span measurement of teeth, sm, is a measure over a number of teeth, zm, made by means of a special tooth thickness micrometer. The value measured is the sum of normal circular tooth thickness on the base circle, sbn, and normal pitch, pen (zm 1). 10.2.1 Spur And Internal Gears
Table 10-1 presents equations for each chordal thickness measurement. Table 10-1 Equations for Spur Gear Chordal Thickness Item Symbol s sj hj No. Example m = 10 + 2 x tan m = 20 2 z = 12 90 360x tan + x = +0.3 z z ha = 13.000 s = 17.8918 zm sin = 8.54270 zm (1 cos ) + ha sj = 17.8256 2 hj = 13.6657 Formula
The applicable equations are presented in Table 10-10. Figure 10-4 shows the span measurement of a spur gear. This measurement is on the outside of the teeth. For internal gears the tooth profile is opposite to that of the external spur gear. Therefore, the measurement is between the inside of the tooth profiles. 10.2.2 Helical Gears
Tables 10-11 and 10-12 present equations for span measurement of the normal and the radial systems, respectively, of helical gears. 10.1.2 Spur Racks And Helical Racks
The governing equations become simple since the rack tooth profile is trapezoid, as shown in Table 10-2. Example m = 3 sj 1 Chordal Thickness = 20 sj = 4.7124 2 Chordal Addendum hj ha ha = 3.0000 NOTE: These equations are also applicable to helical racks. No. Formula m mn or 2 2 Item Table 10-2 Symbol Chordal Thickness of Racks
No. 1 2 3 4 5
Table 10-3
Equations for Chordal Thickness of Helical Gears in the Normal System Item Symbol sn zv v sj hj
Normal Circular Tooth Thickness Number of Teeth of an Equivalent Spur Gear Half of Tooth Angle at Pitch Circle Chordal Thickness Chordal Addendum Table 10-4
Example mn = 5 n = 20 = 25 00' 00" z = 16 xn = +0.2 ha = 6.0000 sn = 8.5819 zv = 21.4928 v = 4.57556 sj = 8.5728 hj = 6.1712 Example m = 4 t = 20 = 22 30' 00" z = 20 xt = +0.3 ha = 4.7184 sn = 6.6119 zv = 25.3620 v = 4.04196 sj = 6.6065 hj = 4.8350
Equations for Chordal Thickness of Helical Gears in the Radial System Item Symbol sn zv v sj hj
No. 1 2 3 4
Normal Circular Tooth Thickness Number of Teeth in an Equivalent Spur Gear Half of Tooth Angle at Pitch Circle Chordal Thickness Chordal Addendum Table 10-5
zv mt cos (1 cosv) + ha 2 NOTE: Table 10-4 equations are also for the tooth profile of a Sunderland gear. 5 No. 1 2 4 5 Item Symbol K s1 s2 sj hj Formula
Equations for Chordal Thickness of Gleason Straight Bevel Gears Obtain from Figure 10-2 below m s2 m (ha1 ha2)tan Km 2 s3 s 6d2 Example
m = 4 = 20 z1 =16 z1 = 0.4 z2 = 90 z2 = 40 K = 0.0259
s 2 cos ha + 4d
ha1= 5.5456 ha2= 2.4544 1 = 21.8014 2 = 68.1986 s1 = 7.5119 s2 = 5.0545 sj1 = 7.4946 sj2 = 5.0536 hj1 = 5.7502 hj2 = 2.4692 13
14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 Over 25
0.7 0.6 0.5 0.4 0.3 0.2 0.1 z1 Speed Ratio, z2 Fig. 10-2 Chart to Determine the Circular Tooth Thickness Factor K for Gleason Straight Bevel Gear (See Table 10-5)
No. 1 2 3 4 5 6
Table 10-6
Number of Teeth of an Equivalent Spur Gear Back Cone Distance Half of Tooth Angle at Pitch Circle Chordal Thickness Chordal Addendum Table 10-7 Item Circular Tooth Thickness Factor Circular Tooth Thickness
No. 1 2
Equations for Chordal Thickness of Gleason Spiral Bevel Gears Symbol K s1 s2 Formula Example = 90 m = 3 Obtain from Figure 10-3 z1 = 20 z2 = 40 ha1 = 3.4275 p s2 K = 0.060 p tann (ha1 ha2) Km p = 9.4248 2 cosm s1 = 5.6722 n = 20 m = 35 ha2 = 1.6725 s2 = 3.7526
0.260 0.240 0.220 0.200 0.180 Circular Tooth Thickness Factor, K 0.160 0.140 0.120 0.100 0.080 0.060 0.040 0.020 0 0.020
z = 15 z = 16 z = 17 z = 20
z = 25 Over 30
1.0 0.9 0.8 0.7 0.6 0.5 Speed Ratio, Fig. 10-3
0.4 0.3 0.2 z1 z2 Chart to Determine the Circular Tooth Thickness Factor K for Gleason Spiral Bevel Gears
16 15
Equations for Chordal Thickness of Axial Module Worms and Worm Gear Item Symbol sx1 sx2 zv2 Formula mx 2 + 2x ( x 2 tan x ) m x 2 z2 cos3 90 360 xx2 tanx zv2 + z v2 sx1 cos zv mx cos sinv 2 (sx1 sin cos )2 ha1 + 4d1 zv mx cos ha2 + (1 cosv2) 2 Formula mn 2 ( + 2xn2 tann)mn 2 z2 cos3 90 360 xn2 tann + zv2 z v2 sn1 cos zv mn cos sinv2 (sn1 sin) 2 ha1 + 4d1 zv mn cos ha2 + (1 cosv2) 2 Example mx = 3 n = 20 zw = 2 z2 = 30 d1 = 38 d2 = 90 ax = 65 xx2 = +0.33333 ha1 = 3.0000 ha2 = 4.0000 = 8.97263 x = 20.22780 sx1 = 4.71239 sx2 = 5.44934 zv2 = 31.12885 v2 = 3.34335 sj1 = 4.6547 sj2 = 5.3796 hj1 = 3.0035 hj2 = 4.0785
Axial Circular Tooth Thickness of Worm Radial Circular Tooth Thickness of Worm Gear No. of Teeth in an Equivalent Spur Gear (Worm Gear) Half of Tooth Angle at Pitch Circle (Worm Gear) Chordal Thickness
2 3 4
Chordal Addendum
Equations for Chordal Thickness of Normal Module Worms and Worm Gears Item Symbol sn1 sn2 zv2 Example mn = 3 n = 20 zw = 2 d1 = 38 ax = 65 ha1 = 3.0000 = 9.08472 sn1 = 4.71239 sj1 = 4.7124 hj1 = 3.0036
Axial Circular Tooth Thickness of Worm Radial Circular Tooth Thickness of Worm Gear No. of Teeth in an Equivalent Spur Gear (Worm Gear) Half of Tooth Angle at Pitch Circle (Worm Gear) Chordal Thickness
z2 = 30 d2 = 91.1433 xn2 = 0.14278 ha2 = 3.42835 sn2 = 5.02419 zv2 = 31.15789 v2 = 3.07964 sj2 = 5.0218 hj2 = 3.4958
2 3 4
Chordal Addendum
Span Measurement of Spur and Internal Gear Teeth Symbol zm m = 3 = 20 Select the nearest natural number of z = 24 z mth as zm. x = +0.4 z mth = 3.78787 m cos [ (zm 0.5) +z inv ] +2xm sin zm = 4 sm = 32.8266 (10-2) Formula z mth = zK ( f ) + 0.5 See NOTE Example
Span Measurement
NOTE: 1 K(f) = [sec (1 + 2f )2 cos2 inv 2f tan] x where f = z Table 10-11 No. 1 Item Span Number of Teeth Symbol zm
Equations for Span Measurement of the Normal System Helical Gears zmth = zK(f, ) + 0.5 See NOTE mn = 3, n = 20, z = 24 = 25 00' 00" Select the nearest natural xn = +0.4 number of zmth as zm. s = 21.88023 zmth = 4.63009 mncosn [ (zm 0.5) +z invt] zm = 5 +2xnmnsinn sm = 42.0085 (10-3) Formula Example
Span Measurement
NOTE: 1 sin2 K(f, ) = [(1 + )(cos2 + tan2n)(sec + 2f )2 1 invt 2f tann ] cos2 + tan2n x where f = n z
Equations for Span Measurement of the Radial System Helical Gears Symbol zm z mth = zK(f,) + 0.5 See NOTE mt = 3, t = 20, z = 24 = 22 30' 00" Select the nearest natural xt = +0.4 number of z mth as zm. n = 18.58597 z mth = 4.31728 mt cos cosn [ (zm 0.5) + zm = 4 z invt ] +2xt mt sinn s = 30.5910 m (10-4) Formula Example
Span Measurement
NOTE: 1 sin2 2 K(f, ) = [(1 + ) (cos + tan2n)(sec + 2f )2 1 invt 2f tann ] cos2 + tan2n xt where f = z cos sm
The procedure for measuring a rack with a pin or a ball is as shown in Figure 10-9 by putting pin or ball in the tooth space and using a micrometer between it and a reference surface. Internal gears are similarly measured, except that the measurement is between the pins. See Figure 10-10. Helical gears can only be measured with balls. In the case of a worm, three pins are used, as shown in Figure 10-11. This is similar to the procedure of measuring a screw thread. All these cases are discussed in detail in the following sections. Note that gear literature uses over pins and over wires terminology interchangeably. The over wires term is often associated with very fine pitch gears because the diameters are accordingly small. d 10.3.1 Spur Gears dp
Fig. 10-4
There is a requirement of a minimum blank width to make a helical gear span measurement. Let bmin be the minimum value for blank width. See Figure 10-5. Then b min = sm sinb + b (10-5) sm
where b is the helix angle at the base cylinder, b = tan1(tan cost) = sin1(sin cosn) (10-6)
From the above, we can determine that b > 3 mm to make a stable measurement of sm. 10.3 Over Pin (Ball) Measurement Fig. 10-5 Blank Width of Helical Gear
In measuring a gear, the size of the pin must be such that the over pins measuredm ment is larger than the inv gear's outside diamdb eter. An ideal value is one that would place d + 2xm tanp 2 d the point of contact (tangent point) of pin p and tooth profile at the invp pitch radius. However, this is not a necessary requirement. Referring to Figure 10-8, following are the equations for calculating the over Fig. 10-8 Over Pins Diameter of pins measurement for a Spur Gear specific tooth thickness, s, regardless of where the pin contacts the tooth profile: For even number of teeth: d cos d = + dp (10-7) m cos1 For odd number of teeth: d cos 90 d = cos() + dp m cos1 z where the value of 1 is obtained from: dp s inv1 = + inv + d d cos z (10-8)
As shown in Figures 10-6 and 10-7, measurement is made over the outside of two pins that are inserted in diametrically opposite tooth spaces, for even tooth number gears; and as close as possible for odd tooth number gears. dp dp
When tooth thickness, s, is to be calculated from a known over pins measurement, dm, the above equations can be manipulated to yield: dp s = d ( + invc inv + ) (10-10) z d cos dm dm where d cos cosc = 2Rc For even number of teeth: dm dp R = c 2 (10-12) (10-11)
Fig. 10-6
Fig. 10-7
In measuring a standard gear, the size of the pin must meet the condition that its surface should have the tangent point at the standard pitch circle. While, in measuring a shifted gear, the surface of the pin should have the tangent point at the d + 2xm circle. The ideal diameters of pins when calculated from the equations of Table 10-13 may not be practical. So, in practice, we select a standard pin diameter close to the ideal value. After the actual diameter of pin dp is determined, the over pin measurement dm can be calculated from Table 10-14. Table 10-15 is a dimensional table under the condition of module m = 1 and pressure angle = 20 with which the pin has the tangent point at d + 2 xm circle. 10.3.2 Spur Racks And Helical Racks
Table 10-20 presents equations for deriving over pin diameters. Table 10-21 presents equations for calculating over pin measurements for helical gears in the normal system. Table 10-22 and Table 10-23 present equations for calculating pin measurements for helical gears in the radial (perpendicular to axis) system. 10.3.5 Three Wire Method Of Worm Measurement
In measuring a rack, the pin is ideally tangent with the tooth flank at m the pitch line. m sj The equations dp sj 2 tan in Table 10-16 can, thus, be derived. In the case of a helical rack, module m, and pressure dm angle , in Table H 10-16 , can be substituted by normal module, mn, and normal pressure angle, n , resulting in Fig. 10-9 Over Pins Measurement for a Rack Using a Pin or a Ball Table 10-16A. 10.3.3 Internal Gears
dp The teeth profile of Type III worms which are most popular are cut by standard cutters with a pressure angle c = 20. This results in the d dm normal pressure angle of the worm being a bit smaller than 20. The equation below shows how to calculate a Type III worm in an AGMA system. Fig. 10-11 Three Wire Method 90 r of a Worm n = c sin3 (10-14) 2 zw rccos + r where: r rc zw = Worm Pitch Radius = Cutter Radius = Number of Threads = Lead Angle of Worm
The exact equation for a three wire method of Type III worm is not only difficult to comprehend, but also hard to calculate precisely. We will introduce two approximate calculation methods here: (a) Regard the tooth profile of the worm as a linear tooth profile of a rack and apply its equations. Using this system, the three wire method of a worm can be calculated by Table 1024. These equations presume the worm lead angle to be very small and can be neglected. Of course, as the lead angle gets larger, the equations' error gets correspondingly larger. If the lead angle is considered as a factor, the equations are as in Table 10-25. (b) Consider a worm to be a helical gear. This means applying the equations for calculating over pins measurement of helical gears to the case of three wire method of a worm. Because the tooth profile of Type III worm is not an involute curve, the method yields an approximation. However, the accuracy is adequate in practice. Tables 10-26 and 10-27 contain equations based on the axial system. Tables 10-28 and 10-29 are based on the normal system. Table 10-28 shows the calculation of a worm in the normal module system. Basically, the normal module system and the axial module system have the same form of equations. Only the notations of module make them different. 10.4 Over Pins Measurements For Fine Pitch Gears With Specific Numbers Of Teeth Table 10-30 presents measurements for metric gears. These are for standard ideal tooth thicknesses. Measurements can be adjusted accordingly to backlash allowance and tolerance; i.e., tooth thinning.
As shown in Figure 1010 , measuring an internal gear needs a proper tanp pin which has its p tangent point at invp d + 2 xm circle. The equations 2 d are in Table 10inv 17 for obtaind + 2 xm dm ing the ideal pin diameter. The db equations for calculating the between pin measurement, dm , are given in Table 10-18. Fig. 10-10 Between Pin Dimension of Table 10Internal Gears 19 lists ideal pin diameters for standard and profile shifted gears under the condition of module m = 1 and pressure angle = 20, which makes the pin tangent to the pitch circle d + 2 xm . 10.3.4 Helical Gears
The ideal pin that makes contact at the d + 2x n m n pitch circle of a helical gear can be obtained from the same above equations, but with the teeth number z substituted by the equivalent (virtual) teeth number zv.
No. 1 2 3
Equations for Calculating Ideal Pin Diameters Symbol 2 p 2x tan ( inv ) 2z z zm cos ] cos1[ ( z + 2 x )m tanp + 2 Formula m z x 2 p dp
dp zm cos ( inv + ) 4 Ideal Pin Diameter 2 NOTE: The units of angles /2 and are radians. Table 10-14 No. 1 2 3 Actual Diameter of Pin Involute Function The Pressure Angle at Pin Center Over Pins Measurement Item Symbol Formula dp See NOTE dp 2x tan inv + inv + mz cos 2z z Find from Involute Function Table
Equations for Over Pins Measurement for Spur Gears Example Let dp = 1.7, then: inv = 0.0268197 = 24.1350 dm = 22.2941
zmcos Even Teeth + dp cos 4 dm zmcos 90 Odd Teeth cos + dp cos z NOTE: The value of the ideal pin diameter from Table 10-13, or its approximate value, is applied as the actual diameter of pin dp here. Table 10-15 Number of Teeth z 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 110 120 130 140 150 160 170 180 190 200 The Size of Pin which Has the Tangent Point at d + 2xm Circle of Spur Gears Coefficient of Profile Shift, x 0 1.7886 1.7245 1.7057 1.6967 1.6915 1.6881 1.6857 1.6839 1.6825 1.6814 1.6805 1.6797 1.6791 1.6785 1.6781 1.6777 1.6773 1.6770 1.6767 1.6764 0.2 1.9979 1.8149 1.7632 1.7389 1.7248 1.7155 1.7090 1.7042 1.7005 1.6975 1.6951 1.6931 1.6914 1.6900 1.6887 1.6877 1.6867 1.6858 1.6851 1.6844 m = 1, = 20 0.8 3.0248 2.2389 2.0324 1.9365 1.8810 1.8448 1.8193 1.8003 1.7857 1.7740 1.7645 1.7567 1.7500 1.7444 1.7394 1.7351 1.7314 1.7280 1.7250 1.7223 0.4 0.2 1.6348 1.6599 1.6649 1.6669 1.6680 1.6687 1.6692 1.6695 1.6698 1.6700 1.6701 1.6703 1.6704 1.6705 1.6706 1.6706 1.6707 1.6708 1.6708 1.6708 0.4 2.2687 1.9306 1.8369 1.7930 1.7675 1.7509 1.7392 1.7305 1.7237 1.7184 1.7140 1.7104 1.7074 1.7048 1.7025 1.7006 1.6989 1.6973 1.6960 1.6947 0.6 2.6079 2.0718 1.9267 1.8589 1.8196 1.7940 1.7759 1.7625 1.7521 1.7439 1.7372 1.7316 1.7269 1.7229 1.7195 1.7164 1.7138 1.7114 1.7093 1.7074 1.0 3.5315 2.4329 2.1542 2.0257 1.9516 1.9032 1.8691 1.8438 1.8242 1.8087 1.7960 1.7855 1.7766 1.7690 1.7625 1.7567 1.7517 1.7472 1.7432 1.7396
1.6231 1.6418 1.6500 1.6547 1.6577 1.6598 1.6614 1.6625 1.6635 1.6642 1.6649 1.6654 1.6659 1.6663 1.6666 1.6669 1.6672 1.6674 1.6676 Table 10-16
No. 1 2
Symbol dp' dm
Equations for Over Pins Measurement of Spur Racks Formula m sj cos m sj dp 1 H + 1 + 2 tan 2 sin
m = 1 = 20 sj = 1.5708 Ideal Pin Diameter dp' = 1.6716 Actual Pin Diameter dp = 1.7 H = 14.0000 dm = 15.1774
No. 1 2
Symbol dp' dm
Equations for Over Pins Measurement of Helical Racks Formula m n sj cosn m n sj dp 1 H + 1 + 2 tann 2 sinn
mn = 1 n = 20 sj = 1.5708 = 15 Ideal Pin Diameter dp' = 1.6716 Actual Pin Diameter dp = 1.7 H = 14.0000 dm = 15.1774
No. 1 2 3 4
The Pressure Angle at the Point Pin is Tangent to Tooth Surface The Pressure Angle at Pin Center Ideal Pin Diameter
NOTE: The units of angles /2 and are radians. No. 1 2 3 4 Table 10-18 Item Symbol dp inv
zm cos inv 2
m z x 2 p dp
Equations for Between Pins Measurement of Internal Gears See NOTE dp 2x tan + inv + 2z zm cos z Formula
Actual Diameter of Pin Involute Function The Pressure Angle at Pin Center Between Pins Measurement
NOTE: First, calculate the ideal pin diameter. Then, choose the nearest practical actual pin size. Table 10-19 The Size of Pin that is Tangent at Pitch Circle d + 2xm of Internal Gears Number Coefficient of Profile Shift, x m = 1, = 20 of Teeth 0.2 0 0.4 0.2 1.0 0.4 0.6 0.8 z 10 1.4789 1.5936 1.6758 1.7283 1.7519 1.7460 1.7092 20 1.4687 1.5604 1.6284 1.6759 1.7047 1.7154 1.7084 1.6837 30 1.5309 1.5942 1.6418 1.6751 1.6949 1.7016 1.6956 1.6771 40 1.5640 1.6123 1.6489 1.6745 1.6895 1.6944 1.6893 1.6744 50 1.5845 1.6236 1.6533 1.6740 1.6862 1.6900 1.6856 1.6732 60 70 80 90 100 110 120 130 140 150 160 170 180 190 200 Table 10-20 1.5985 1.6086 1.6162 1.6222 1.6270 1.6310 1.6343 1.6371 1.6396 1.6417 1.6435 1.6451 1.6466 1.6479 1.6491 1.6312 1.6368 1.6410 1.6443 1.6470 1.6492 1.6510 1.6525 1.6539 1.6550 1.6561 1.6570 1.6578 1.6585 1.6591 1.6562 1.6583 1.6600 1.6612 1.6622 1.6631 1.6638 1.6644 1.6649 1.6653 1.6657 1.6661 1.6664 1.6666 1.6669 1.6737 1.6734 1.6732 1.6731 1.6729 1.6728 1.6727 1.6727 1.6726 1.6725 1.6725 1.6724 1.6724 1.6724 1.6723 1.6839 1.6822 1.6810 1.6800 1.6792 1.6785 1.6779 1.6775 1.6771 1.6767 1.6764 1.6761 1.6759 1.6757 1.6755 1.6870 1.6849 1.6833 1.6820 1.6810 1.6801 1.6794 1.6788 1.6783 1.6779 1.6775 1.6772 1.6768 1.6766 1.6763 1.6832 1.6815 1.6802 1.6792 1.6784 1.6778 1.6772 1.6768 1.6764 1.6761 1.6758 1.6755 1.6753 1.6751 1.6749 1.6725 1.6721 1.6718 1.6717 1.6716 1.6715 1.6714 1.6714 1.6714 1.6713 1.6713 1.6713 1.6713 1.6713 1.6713
No. 1 2 3 4 5
Equations for Calculating Pin Size for Helical Gears in the Normal System Item Symbol zv v 2 v v dp Formula Example z cos3 mn = 1 n = 20 z = 20 = 15 00' 00" xn = +0.4 zv = 22.19211 v = 0.0427566 2 v = 24.90647 v = 0.507078 dp = 1.9020
Number of Teeth of an Equivalent Spur Gear Half Tooth Space Angle at Base Circle
Pressure Angle at the Point Pin is Tangent to Tooth Surface Pressure Angle at Pin Center Ideal Pin Diameter
v tanv + 2
v z v m n cosn invv + 2
Equations for Calculating Over Pins Measurement for Helical Gears in the Normal System Item Symbol dp inv See NOTE dp 2xntann +invt + mnzcos n 2z z Find from Involute Function Table Formula Example Let dp = 2, then t =20.646896 inv = 0.058890 = 30.8534 dm = 24.5696
zmncost Even Teeth: + dp coscos 4 Over Pins Measurement zmncost 90 Odd Teeth: cos + dp coscos z NOTE: The ideal pin diameter of Table 10-20, or its approximate value, is entered as the actual diameter of dp. dm Table 10-22 No. 1 2 3 4 5
Equations for Calculating Pin Size for Helical Gears in the Radial System Item Symbol zv v 2 v v dp z cos3 Formula mt = 3 t = 20 z = 36 = 33 33' 26.3" n = 16.87300 xt = + 0.2 zv = 62.20800 v = 0.014091 2 v = 18.26390 v = 0.34411 invv = 0.014258 dp = 4.2190 Example
Number of Teeth of an Equivalent Spur Gear Half Tooth Space Angle at Base Circle Pressure Angle at the Point Pin is tangent to Tooth Surface Pressure Angle at Pin Center Ideal Pin Diameter
( z x ) +2
zv cosn
t v
v tanv + 2
v zv mt cos cosn invv + 2 NOTE: The units of angles v / 2 and v are radians.
Equations for Calculating Over Pins Measurement for Helical Gears in the Radial System Item Symbol dp inv Formula Example See NOTE dp 2xttant d = 4.2190 +invt + p m t z cos cos n 2z z inv = 0.024302 = 23.3910 Find from Involute Function Table dm = 114.793 zmt cost Even Teeth: + dp cos
Actual Pin Diameter Involute Function Pressure Angle at Pin Center Over Pins Measurement
zmt cost 90 Odd Teeth: cos + dp cos z NOTE: The ideal pin diameter of Table 10-22, or its approximate value, is applied as the actual diameter of pin dp here. Table 10-24 Item Ideal Pin Diameter Three Wire Measurement Table 10-25 No. 1 2 Item Ideal Pin Diameter Three Wire Measurement Equations for Three Wire Method of Worm Measurement, (a)-1 Symbol dp' dm Formula mx 2cosx mx 1 d1 + dp 1 + 2 tanx sinx
mx = 2 zw = 1 = 3.691386 d'p = 3.3440; let dm = 35.3173
No. 1 2
n = 20 d1 = 31 x = 20.03827 dp = 3.3
Equations for Three Wire Method of Worm Measurement, (a)-2 Symbol dp' Formula mn 2cos n mn 1 d1 + dp 1 + 2 tann sinn (dp cosnsin )2 2d1 Example mx = 2 n = 20 zw = 1 d1 = 31 = 3.691386 mn = 1.99585 dp' = 3.3363; let dp = 3.3 dm = 35.3344
No. 1 2 3 4 5
Table 10-26
Equation for Calculating Pin Size for Worms in the Axial System, (b)-1 Symbol zv v 2 v v dp Formula zw cos3(90 ) invn 2zv
Number of Teeth of an Equivalent Spur Gear Half Tooth Space Angle at Base Circle
Pressure Angle at the Point Pin is Tangent to Tooth Surface Pressure Angle at Pin Center Ideal Pin Diameter
) ( )
v zv mx cos cosn invv + 2 NOTE: The units of angles v /2 and v are radians. Table 10-27
No. 1 2 3
Equation for Three Wire Method for Worms in the Axial System, (b)-2 Symbol dp inv See NOTE 1 dp + invt mx zw cos cosn 2zw Formula
Find from Involute Function Table zw mx cost + dp dm 4 Three Wire Measurement tan cos NOTE: 1. The value of ideal pin diameter from Table 10-26, or its approximate value, is to be used as the actual pin diameter, dp. tann 2. t = tan1() sin Table 10-28 Equation for Calculating Pin Size for Worms in the Normal System, (b)-3 Item Symbol zv v 2 v v dp Formula zw cos3(90 ) invn 2zv zv cosn cos1 zv Example mn = 2.5 n = 20 zw = 1 d1 = 37 = 3.874288 zv = 3241.792 v = 0.014420 2 v = 20 v = 0.349550 invv = 0.0149687 dp = 4.1785
No. 1 2 3 4 5
Number of Teeth of an Equivalent Spur Gear Half of Tooth Space Angle at Base Circle
Pressure Angle at the Point Pin is Tangent to Tooth Surface Pressure Angle at Pin Center Ideal Pin Diameter
) )
v tanv + 2
v zv mn cosn invv + 2 NOTE: The units of angles v /2 and v are radians. Table 10-29
No. 1 2 3 4
Equations for Three Wire Method for Worms in the Normal System, (b)-4 Symbol dp inv dm Formula See NOTE 1 dp + invt m n z w cosn 2z w Find from Involute Function Table
zw mncost + dp sin cos NOTE: 1. The value of ideal pin diameter from Table 10-28, or its approximate value, is to be used as the actual pin diameter, dp. tann 2. = tan1() t sin Three Wire Measurement
Module 0.30 Wire Size = 0.5184mm; 0.0204 Inch Pitch Diameter Meas. Over Wire mm Inch mm Inch
1.500 1.800 2.100 2.400 2.700 0.0591 0.0709 0.0827 0.0945 0.1063 0.1181 0.1299 0.1417 0.1535 0.1654 0.1772 0.1890 0.2008 0.2126 0.2244 0.2362 0.2480 0.2598 0.2717 0.2835 0.2953 0.3071 0.3189 0.3307 0.3425 0.3543 0.3661 0.3780 0.3898 0.4016 0.4134 0.4252 0.4370 0.4488 0.4606 0.4724 0.4843 0.4961 0.5079 0.5197 0.5315 0.5433 0.5551 0.5669 0.5787 0.5906 0.6024 0.6142 0.6260 0.6378 0.6496 0.6614 0.6732 0.6850 0.6969 0.7087 0.7205 0.7323 0.7441 0.7559 0.7677 0.7795 0.7913 0.8031 0.8150 0.8268 0.8386 0.8504 0.8622 0.8740 0.8858 0.8976 0.9094 0.9213 0.9331 0.9449 0.9567 0.9685 0.9803 0.9921 1.0039 1.0157 1.0276 1.0394 1.0512 1.0630 1.0748 1.0866 1.0984 1.1102 1.1220 1.1339 1.1457 1.1575 1.1693 1.1811 1.1929 1.2047 1.2165 1.2283 1.2402 1.2520 1.2638 1.2756 1.2874
METRIC GEAR OVER PINS MEASUREMENT Pitch Diameter and Measurement Over Wires for External, Module Type Gears, 20-Degree Pressure Angle
Module 0.40 Wire Size = 0.6912mm; 0.0272 Inch Pitch Diameter Meas. Over Wire mm Inch mm Inch
2.000 2.400 2.800 3.200 3.600 0.0787 0.0945 0.1102 0.1260 0.1417 0.1575 0.1732 0.1890 0.2047 0.2205 0.2362 0.2520 0.2677 0.2835 0.2992 0.3150 0.3307 0.3465 0.3622 0.3780 0.3937 0.4094 0.4252 0.4409 0.4567 0.4724 0.4882 0.5039 0.5197 0.5354 0.5512 0.5669 0.5827 0.5984 0.6142 0.6299 0.6457 0.6614 0.6772 0.6929 0.7087 0.7244 0.7402 0.7559 0.7717 0.7874 0.8031 0.8189 0.8346 0.8504 0.8661 0.8819 0.8976 0.9134 0.9291 0.9449 0.9606 0.9764 0.9921 1.0079 1.0236 1.0394 1.0551 1.0709 1.0866 1.1024 1.1181 1.1339 1.1496 1.1654 1.1811 1.1969 1.2126 1.2283 1.2441 1.2598 1.2756 1.2913 1.3071 1.3228 1.3386 1.3543 1.3701 1.3858 1.4016 1.4173 1.4331 1.4488 1.4646 1.4803 1.4961 1.5118 1.5276 1.5433 1.5591 1.5748 1.5906 1.6063 1.6220 1.6378 1.6535 1.6693 1.6850 1.7008 1.7165
No. of Teeth
5 6 7 8 9
10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99
3.000 3.300 3.600 3.900 4.200 4.500 4.800 5.100 5.400 5.700 6.000 6.300 6.600 6.900 7.200 7.500 7.800 8.100 8.400 8.700 9.000 9.300 9.600 9.900 10.200 10.500 10.800 11.100 11.400 11.700 12.000 12.300 12.600 12.900 13.200 13.500 13.800 14.100 14.400 14.700 15.000 15.300 15.600 15.900 16.200 16.500 16.800 17.100 17.400 17.700 18.000 18.300 18.600 18.900 19.200 19.500 19.800 20.100 20.400 20.700 21.000 21.300 21.600 21.900 22.200 22.500 22.800 23.100 23.400 23.700 24.000 24.300 24.600 24.900 25.200 25.500 25.800 26.100 26.400 26.700 27.000 27.300 27.600 27.900 28.200 28.500 28.800 29.100 29.400 29.700 30.000 30.300 30.600 30.900 31.200 31.500 31.800 32.100 32.400 32.700
4.000 4.400 4.800 5.200 5.600 6.000 6.400 6.800 7.200 7.600 8.000 8.400 8.800 9.200 9.600 10.000 10.400 10.800 11.200 11.600 12.000 12.400 12.800 13.200 13.600 14.000 14.400 14.800 15.200 15.600 16.000 16.400 16.800 17.200 17.600 18.000 18.400 18.800 19.200 19.600 20.000 20.400 20.800 21.200 21.600 22.000 22.400 22.800 23.200 23.600 24.000 24.400 24.800 25.200 25.600 26.000 26.400 26.800 27.200 27.600 28.000 28.400 28.800 29.200 29.600 30.000 30.400 30.800 31.200 31.600 32.000 32.400 32.800 33.200 33.600 34.000 34.400 34.800 35.200 35.600 36.000 36.400 36.800 37.200 37.600 38.000 38.400 38.800 39.200 39.600 40.000 40.400 40.800 41.200 41.600 42.000 42.400 42.800 43.200 43.600
10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99
6.115 6.396 6.717 7.000 7.319 7.603 7.920 8.205 8.521 8.808 9.122 9.410 9.723 10.011 10.324 10.613 10.925 11.214 11.525 11.815 12.126 12.417 12.727 13.018 13.327 13.619 13.927 14.219 14.528 14.820 15.128 15.421 15.729 16.022 16.329 16.622 16.929 17.223 17.530 17.823 18.130 18.424 18.730 19.024 19.331 19.625 19.931 20.225 20.531 20.826 21.131 21.426 21.731 22.026 22.332 22.627 22.932 23.227 23.532 23.827 24.132 24.428 24.732 25.028 25.333 25.628 25.933 26.228 26.533 26.829 27.133 27.429 27.733 28.029 28.333 28.629 28.933 29.230 29.533 29.830 30.134 30.430 30.734 31.030 31.334 31.630 31.934 32.230 32.534 32.831 33.134 33.431
0.2408 0.2518 0.2644 0.2756 0.2881 0.2993 0.3118 0.3230 0.3355 0.3468 0.3591 0.3705 0.3828 0.3941 0.4065 0.4178 0.4301 0.4415 0.4538 0.4652 0.4774 0.4888 0.5010 0.5125 0.5247 0.5362 0.5483 0.5598 0.5720 0.5835 0.5956 0.6071 0.6192 0.6308 0.6429 0.6544 0.6665 0.6781 0.6901 0.7017 0.7138 0.7253 0.7374 0.7490 0.7610 0.7726 0.7847 0.7963 0.8083 0.8199 0.8319 0.8435 0.8556 0.8672 0.8792 0.8908 0.9028 0.9144 0.9265 0.9381 0.9501 0.9617 0.9737 0.9853 0.9973 1.0090 1.0210 1.0326 1.0446 1.0562 1.0682 1.0799 1.0919 1.1035 1.1155 1.1271 1.1391 1.1508 1.1627 1.1744 1.1864 1.1980 1.2100 1.2217 1.2336 1.2453 1.2572 1.2689 1.2809 1.2925 1.3045 1.3162
8.154 8.528 8.956 9.333 9.758 10.137 10.560 10.940 11.361 11.743 12.163 12.546 12.964 13.348 13.765 14.150 14.566 14.952 15.367 15.754 16.168 16.555 16.969 17.357 17.769 18.158 18.570 18.959 19.371 19.760 20.171 20.561 20.972 21.362 21.772 22.163 22.573 22.964 23.373 23.764 24.173 24.565 24.974 25.366 25.774 26.166 26.574 26.967 27.375 27.767 28.175 28.568 28.975 29.368 29.776 30.169 30.576 30.969 31.376 31.770 32.176 32.570 32.977 33.370 33.777 34.171 34.577 34.971 35.377 35.771 36.177 36.572 36.977 37.372 37.778 38.172 38.578 38.973 39.378 39.773 40.178 40.573 40.978 41.373 41.778 42.174 42.579 42.974 43.379 43.774 44.179 44.574
0.3210 0.3357 0.3526 0.3674 0.3842 0.3991 0.4157 0.4307 0.4473 0.4623 0.4789 0.4939 0.5104 0.5255 0.5419 0.5571 0.5735 0.5887 0.6050 0.6202 0.6365 0.6518 0.6681 0.6833 0.6996 0.7149 0.7311 0.7464 0.7626 0.7780 0.7941 0.8095 0.8257 0.8410 0.8572 0.8726 0.8887 0.9041 0.9202 0.9356 0.9517 0.9671 0.9832 0.9987 1.0147 1.0302 1.0462 1.0617 1.0777 1.0932 1.1093 1.1247 1.1408 1.1562 1.1723 1.1877 1.2038 1.2193 1.2353 1.2508 1.2668 1.2823 1.2983 1.3138 1.3298 1.3453 1.3613 1.3768 1.3928 1.4083 1.4243 1.4398 1.4558 1.4713 1.4873 1.5029 1.5188 1.5344 1.5503 1.5659 1.5818 1.5974 1.6133 1.6289 1.6448 1.6604 1.6763 1.6919 1.7078 1.7234 1.7393 1.7549
100 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 109
100 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 109
Module 0.30 Wire Size = 0.5184mm; 0.0204 Inch Pitch Diameter Meas. Over Wire mm Inch mm Inch
33.000 33.300 33.600 33.900 34.200 34.500 34.800 35.100 35.400 35.700 36.000 36.300 36.600 36.900 37.200 37.500 37.800 38.100 38.400 38.700 39.000 39.300 39.600 39.900 40.200 40.500 40.800 41.100 41.400 41.700 42.000 42.300 42.600 42.900 43.200 43.500 43.800 44.100 44.400 44.700 45.000 45.300 45.600 45.900 46.200 46.500 46.800 47.100 47.400 47.700 48.000 48.300 48.600 48.900 49.200 49.500 49.800 50.100 50.400 50.700 51.000 51.300 51.600 51.900 52.200 52.500 52.800 53.100 53.400 53.700 54.000 54.300 54.600 54.900 55.200 55.500 55.800 56.100 56.400 56.700 57.000 57.300 57.600 57.900 58.200 58.500 58.800 59.100 59.400 59.700 60.000 60.300 60.600 60.900 61.200 61.500 72.000 84.000 90.000 102.000 114.000 120.000 132.000 144.000 150.000 1.2992 1.3110 1.3228 1.3346 1.3465 1.3583 1.3701 1.3819 1.3937 1.4055 1.4173 1.4291 1.4409 1.4528 1.4646 1.4764 1.4882 1.5000 1.5118 1.5236 1.5354 1.5472 1.5591 1.5709 1.5827 1.5945 1.6063 1.6181 1.6299 1.6417 1.6535 1.6654 1.6772 1.6890 1.7008 1.7126 1.7244 1.7362 1.7480 1.7598 1.7717 1.7835 1.7953 1.8071 1.8189 1.8307 1.8425 1.8543 1.8661 1.8780 1.8898 1.9016 1.9134 1.9252 1.9370 1.9488 1.9606 1.9724 1.9843 1.9961 2.0079 2.0197 2.0315 2.0433 2.0551 2.0669 2.0787 2.0906 2.1024 2.1142 2.1260 2.1378 2.1496 2.1614 2.1732 2.1850 2.1969 2.2087 2.2205 2.2323 2.2441 2.2559 2.2677 2.2795 2.2913 2.3031 2.3150 2.3268 2.3386 2.3504 2.3622 2.3740 2.3858 2.3976 2.4094 2.4213 2.8346 3.3071 3.5433 4.0157 4.4882 4.7244 5.1969 5.6693 5.9055 33.734 34.031 34.334 34.631 34.934 35.231 35.534 35.831 36.135 36.431 36.735 37.032 37.335 37.632 37.935 38.232 38.535 38.832 39.135 39.432 39.735 40.032 40.335 40.632 40.935 41.232 41.535 41.832 42.135 42.433 42.735 43.033 43.335 43.633 43.935 44.233 44.535 44.833 45.135 45.433 45.735 46.033 46.336 46.633 46.936 47.233 47.536 47.833 48.136 48.433 48.736 49.033 49.336 49.633 49.936 50.234 50.536 50.834 51.136 51.434 51.736 52.034 52.336 52.634 52.936 53.234 53.536 53.834 54.136 54.434 54.736 55.034 55.336 55.634 55.936 56.234 56.536 56.834 57.136 57.434 57.736 58.036 58.336 58.636 58.936 59.236 59.536 59.836 60.136 60.436 60.736 61.035 61.335 61.635 61.935 62.235 72.737 84.737 90.737 102.738 114.738 120.738 132.738 144.738 150.738 1.3281 1.3398 1.3517 1.3634 1.3754 1.3871 1.3990 1.4107 1.4226 1.4343 1.4462 1.4579 1.4699 1.4816 1.4935 1.5052 1.5171 1.5288 1.5407 1.5524 1.5644 1.5761 1.5880 1.5997 1.6116 1.6233 1.6352 1.6469 1.6589 1.6706 1.6825 1.6942 1.7061 1.7178 1.7297 1.7414 1.7534 1.7651 1.7770 1.7887 1.8006 1.8123 1.8242 1.8360 1.8479 1.8596 1.8715 1.8832 1.8951 1.9068 1.9187 1.9305 1.9424 1.9541 1.9660 1.9777 1.9896 2.0013 2.0132 2.0249 2.0368 2.0486 2.0605 2.0722 2.0841 2.0958 2.1077 2.1194 2.1313 2.1431 2.1550 2.1667 2.1786 2.1903 2.2022 2.2139 2.2258 2.2376 2.2495 2.2612 2.2731 2.2849 2.2967 2.3085 2.3203 2.3321 2.3440 2.3558 2.3676 2.3794 2.3912 2.4029 2.4147 2.4266 2.4384 2.4502 2.8637 3.3361 3.5723 4.0448 4.5172 4.7535 5.2259 5.6984 5.9346
METRIC GEAR OVER PINS MEASUREMENT Pitch Diameter and Measurement Over Wires for External, Module Type Gears, 20-Degree Pressure Angle Module 0.40 Wire Size = 0.6912mm; 0.0272 Inch Pitch Diameter Meas. Over Wire mm Inch mm Inch
44.000 44.400 44.800 45.200 45.600 46.000 46.400 46.800 47.200 47.600 48.000 48.400 48.800 49.200 49.600 50.000 50.400 50.800 51.200 51.600 52.000 52.400 52.800 53.200 53.600 54.000 54.400 54.800 55.200 55.600 56.000 56.400 56.800 57.200 57.600 58.000 58.400 58.800 59.200 59.600 60.000 60.400 60.800 61.200 61.600 62.000 62.400 62.800 63.200 63.600 64.000 64.400 64.800 65.200 65.600 66.000 66.400 66.800 67.200 67.600 68.000 68.400 68.800 69.200 69.600 70.000 70.400 70.800 71.200 71.600 72.000 72.400 72.800 73.200 73.600 74.000 74.400 74.800 75.200 75.600 76.000 76.400 76.800 77.200 77.600 78.000 78.400 78.800 79.200 79.600 80.000 80.400 80.800 81.200 81.600 82.000 96.000 112.000 120.000 136.000 152.000 160.000 176.000 192.000 200.000 1.7323 1.7480 1.7638 1.7795 1.7953 1.8110 1.8268 1.8425 1.8583 1.8740 1.8898 1.9055 1.9213 1.9370 1.9528 1.9685 1.9843 2.0000 2.0157 2.0315 2.0472 2.0630 2.0787 2.0945 2.1102 2.1260 2.1417 2.1575 2.1732 2.1890 2.2047 2.2205 2.2362 2.2520 2.2677 2.2835 2.2992 2.3150 2.3307 2.3465 2.3622 2.3780 2.3937 2.4094 2.4252 2.4409 2.4567 2.4724 2.4882 2.5039 2.5197 2.5354 2.5512 2.5669 2.5827 2.5984 2.6142 2.6299 2.6457 2.6614 2.6772 2.6929 2.7087 2.7244 2.7402 2.7559 2.7717 2.7874 2.8031 2.8189 2.8346 2.8504 2.8661 2.8819 2.8976 2.9134 2.9291 2.9449 2.9606 2.9764 2.9921 3.0079 3.0236 3.0394 3.0551 3.0709 3.0866 3.1024 3.1181 3.1339 3.1496 3.1654 3.1811 3.1969 3.2126 3.2283 3.7795 4.4094 4.7244 5.3543 5.9843 6.2992 6.9291 7.5591 7.8740 44.979 45.374 45.779 46.175 46.579 46.975 47.379 47.775 48.179 48.575 48.979 49.375 49.780 50.176 50.580 50.976 51.380 51.776 52.180 52.576 52.980 53.376 53.780 54.176 54.580 54.976 55.380 55.777 56.180 56.577 56.980 57.377 57.780 58.177 58.580 58.977 59.381 59.777 60.181 60.577 60.981 61.377 61.781 62.178 62.581 62.978 63.381 63.778 64.181 64.578 64.981 65.378 65.781 66.178 66.581 66.978 67.381 67.778 68.181 68.578 68.981 69.378 69.781 70.178 70.581 70.979 71.381 71.779 72.181 72.579 72.981 73.379 73.782 74.179 74.582 74.979 75.382 75.779 76.182 76.579 76.982 77.382 77.782 78.182 78.582 78.982 79.382 79.782 80.182 80.582 80.982 81.379 81.780 82.180 82.580 82.980 96.982 112.983 120.983 136.983 152.984 160.984 176.984 192.984 200.984 1.7708 1.7864 1.8023 1.8179 1.8338
No. of Teeth
110 111 112 113 114 115 116 117 118 119
1.8494 1.8653 1.8809 1.8968 1.9124 1.9283 1.9439 1.9598 1.9754 1.9913 2.0069 2.0228 2.0384 2.0543 2.0699 2.0858 2.1014 2.1173 2.1329 2.1488 2.1644 2.1803 2.1959 2.2118 2.2274 2.2433 2.2589 2.2748 2.2904 2.3063 2.3219 2.3378 2.3534 2.3693 2.3849 2.4008 2.4164 2.4323 2.4479 2.4638 2.4794 2.4953 2.5109 2.5268 2.5424 2.5583 2.5739 2.5898 2.6054 2.6213 2.6369 2.6528 2.6684 2.6843 2.6999 2.7158 2.7314 2.7473 2.7629 2.7788 2.7944 2.8103 2.8259 2.8418 2.8574 2.8733 2.8889 2.9048 2.9204 2.9363 2.9519 2.9678 2.9834 2.9993 3.0149 3.0308 3.0465 3.0623 3.0780 3.0938 3.1095 3.1253 3.1410 3.1568 3.1725 3.1883 3.2039 3.2197 3.2354 3.2512 3.2669 3.8182 4.4481 4.7631 5.3930 6.0230 6.3379 6.9679 7.5978 7.9128
120 121 122 123 124 125 126 127 128 129 130 131 132 133 134 135 136 137 138 139 140 141 142 143 144 145 146 147 148 149 150 151 152 153 154 155 156 157 158 159 160 161 162 163 164 165 166 167 168 169 170 171 172 173 174 175 176 177 178 179 180 181 182 183 184 185 186 187 188 189 190 191 192 193 194 195 196 197 198 199 200 201 202 203 204 205 240 280 300 340 380 400 440 480 500
120 121 122 123 124 125 126 127 128 129 130 131 132 133 134 135 136 137 138 139 140 141 142 143 144 145 146 147 148 149 150 151 152 153 154 155 156 157 158 159 160 161 162 163 164 165 166 167 168 169 170 171 172 173 174 175 176 177 178 179 180 181 182 183 184 185 186 187 188 189 190 191 192 193 194 195 196 197 198 199 200 201 202 203 204 205 240 280 300 340 380 400 440 480 500
Module 0.50 Wire Size = 0.8640mm; 0.0340 Inch Pitch Diameter Meas. Over Wire mm Inch mm Inch
2.500 3.000 3.500 4.000 4.500 0.0984 0.1181 0.1378 0.1575 0.1772 0.1969 0.2165 0.2362 0.2559 0.2756 0.2953 0.3150 0.3346 0.3543 0.3740 0.3937 0.4134 0.4331 0.4528 0.4724 0.4921 0.5118 0.5315 0.5512 0.5709 0.5906 0.6102 0.6299 0.6496 0.6693 0.6890 0.7087 0.7283 0.7480 0.7677 0.7874 0.8071 0.8268 0.8465 0.8661 0.8858 0.9055 0.9252 0.9449 0.9646 0.9843 1.0039 1.0236 1.0433 1.0630 1.0827 1.1024 1.1220 1.1417 1.1614 1.1811 1.2008 1.2205 1.2402 1.2598 1.2795 1.2992 1.3189 1.3386 1.3583 1.3780 1.3976 1.4173 1.4370 1.4567 1.4764 1.4961 1.5157 1.5354 1.5551 1.5748 1.5945 1.6142 1.6339 1.6535 1.6732 1.6929 1.7126 1.7323 1.7520 1.7717 1.7913 1.8110 1.8307 1.8504 1.8701 1.8898 1.9094 1.9291 1.9488 1.9685 1.9882 2.0079 2.0276 2.0472 2.0669 2.0866 2.1063 2.1260 2.1457
METRIC GEAR OVER PINS MEASUREMENT Pitch Diameter and Measurement Over Wires for External, Module Type Gears, 20-Degree Pressure Angle Module 0.75 Wire Size = 1.2960mm; 0.0510 Inch Pitch Diameter Meas. Over Wire mm Inch mm Inch
3.750 4.500 5.250 6.000 6.750 0.1476 0.1772 0.2067 0.2362 0.2657 0.2953 0.3248 0.3543 0.3839 0.4134 0.4429 0.4724 0.5020 0.5315 0.5610 0.5906 0.6201 0.6496 0.6791 0.7087 0.7382 0.7677 0.7972 0.8268 0.8563 0.8858 0.9154 0.9449 0.9744 1.0039 1.0335 1.0630 1.0925 1.1220 1.1516 1.1811 1.2106 1.2402 1.2697 1.2992 1.3287 1.3583 1.3878 1.4173 1.4469 1.4764 1.5059 1.5354 1.5650 1.5945 1.6240 1.6535 1.6831 1.7126 1.7421 1.7717 1.8012 1.8307 1.8602 1.8898 1.9193 1.9488 1.9783 2.0079 2.0374 2.0669 2.0965 2.1260 2.1555 2.1850 2.2146 2.2441 2.2736 2.3031 2.3327 2.3622 2.3917 2.4213 2.4508 2.4803 2.5098 2.5394 2.5689 2.5984 2.6280 2.6575 2.6870 2.7165 2.7461 2.7756 2.8051 2.8346 2.8642 2.8937 2.9232 2.9528 2.9823 3.0118 3.0413 3.0709 3.1004 3.1299 3.1594 3.1890 3.2185
No. of Teeth
5 6 7 8 9
10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99
5.000 5.500 6.000 6.500 7.000 7.500 8.000 8.500 9.000 9.500 10.000 10.500 11.000 11.500 12.000 12.500 13.000 13.500 14.000 14.500 15.000 15.500 16.000 16.500 17.000 17.500 18.000 18.500 19.000 19.500 20.000 20.500 21.000 21.500 22.000 22.500 23.000 23.500 24.000 24.500 25.000 25.500 26.000 26.500 27.000 27.500 28.000 28.500 29.000 29.500 30.000 30.500 31.000 31.500 32.000 32.500 33.000 33.500 34.000 34.500 35.000 35.500 36.000 36.500 37.000 37.500 38.000 38.500 39.000 39.500 40.000 40.500 41.000 41.500 42.000 42.500 43.000 43.500 44.000 44.500 45.000 45.500 46.000 46.500 47.000 47.500 48.000 48.500 49.000 49.500 50.000 50.500 51.000 51.500 52.000 52.500 53.000 53.500 54.000 54.500
7.500 8.250 9.000 9.750 10.500 11.250 12.000 12.750 13.500 14.250 15.000 15.750 16.500 17.250 18.000 18.750 19.500 20.250 21.000 21.750 22.500 23.250 24.000 24.750 25.500 26.250 27.000 27.750 28.500 29.250 30.000 30.750 31.500 32.250 33.000 33.750 34.500 35.250 36.000 36.750 37.500 38.250 39.000 39.750 40.500 41.250 42.000 42.750 43.500 44.250 45.000 45.750 46.500 47.250 48.000 48.750 49.500 50.250 51.000 51.750 52.500 53.250 54.000 54.750 55.500 56.250 57.000 57.750 58.500 59.250 60.000 60.750 61.500 62.250 63.000 63.750 64.500 65.250 66.000 66.750 67.500 68.250 69.000 69.750 70.500 71.250 72.000 72.750 73.500 74.250 75.000 75.750 76.500 77.250 78.000 78.750 79.500 80.250 81.000 81.750
10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99
10.192 10.660 11.195 11.666 12.198 12.671 13.200 13.676 14.202 14.679 15.204 15.683 16.205 16.685 17.206 17.688 18.208 18.690 19.209 19.692 20.210 20.694 21.211 21.696 22.212 22.698 23.212 23.699 24.213 24.700 25.214 25.702 26.215 26.703 27.215 27.704 28.216 28.705 29.216 29.706 30.217 30.706 31.217 31.707 32.218 32.708 33.218 33.709 34.218 34.709 35.219 35.710 36.219 36.710 37.219 37.711 38.220 38.712 39.220 39.712 40.220 40.713 41.221 41.713 42.221 42.714 43.221 43.714 44.221 44.714 45.222 45.715 46.222 46.715 47.222 47.715 48.222 48.716 49.222 49.716 50.223 50.716 51.223 51.717 52.223 52.717 53.223 53.717 54.223 54.718 55.223 55.718
0.4013 0.4197 0.4407 0.4593 0.4802 0.4989 0.5197 0.5384 0.5591 0.5779 0.5986 0.6174 0.6380 0.6569 0.6774 0.6964 0.7168 0.7358 0.7563 0.7753 0.7957 0.8147 0.8351 0.8542 0.8745 0.8936 0.9139 0.9330 0.9533 0.9725 0.9927 1.0119 1.0321 1.0513 1.0715 1.0907 1.1109 1.1301 1.1502 1.1695 1.1896 1.2089 1.2290 1.2483 1.2684 1.2877 1.3078 1.3271 1.3472 1.3665 1.3866 1.4059 1.4260 1.4453 1.4653 1.4847 1.5047 1.5241 1.5441 1.5635 1.5835 1.6029 1.6229 1.6422 1.6622 1.6816 1.7016 1.7210 1.7410 1.7604 1.7804 1.7998 1.8198 1.8392 1.8591 1.8786 1.8985 1.9179 1.9379 1.9573 1.9773 1.9967 2.0166 2.0361 2.0560 2.0755 2.0954 2.1149 2.1348 2.1542 2.1742 2.1936
15.288 15.990 16.792 17.499 18.296 19.007 19.800 20.513 21.303 22.019 22.805 23.524 24.308 25.028 25.810 26.532 27.312 28.036 28.813 29.539 30.315 31.041 31.816 32.544 33.318 34.046 34.819 35.548 36.320 37.051 37.821 38.552 39.322 40.054 40.823 41.556 42.324 43.057 43.824 44.558 45.325 46.060 46.826 47.561 48.326 49.062 49.827 50.563 51.328 52.064 52.828 53.565 54.329 55.066 55.829 56.567 57.330 58.067 58.830 59.568 60.331 61.069 61.831 62.570 63.331 64.070 64.832 65.571 66.332 67.072 67.832 68.572 69.333 70.073 70.833 71.573 72.333 73.074 73.834 74.574 75.334 76.075 76.834 77.575 78.334 79.076 79.835 80.576 81.335 82.076 82.835 83.577
0.6019 0.6295 0.6611 0.6889 0.7203 0.7483 0.7795 0.8076 0.8387 0.8669 0.8978 0.9261 0.9570 0.9854 1.0161 1.0446 1.0753 1.1038 1.1344 1.1629 1.1935 1.2221 1.2526 1.2813 1.3117 1.3404 1.3708 1.3995 1.4299 1.4587 1.4890 1.5178 1.5481 1.5769 1.6072 1.6360 1.6663 1.6952 1.7254 1.7543 1.7845 1.8134 1.8435 1.8725 1.9026 1.9316 1.9617 1.9907 2.0208 2.0498 2.0799 2.1089 2.1389 2.1679 2.1980 2.2270 2.2571 2.2861 2.3161 2.3452 2.3752 2.4043 2.4343 2.4634 2.4934 2.5225 2.5524 2.5815 2.6115 2.6406 2.6706 2.6997 2.7296 2.7588 2.7887 2.8178 2.8478 2.8769 2.9068 2.9360 2.9659 2.9951 3.0250 3.0541 3.0840 3.1132 3.1431 3.1723 3.2022 3.2314 3.2612 3.2904
100 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 109
100 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 109
Module 0.50 Wire Size = 0.8640mm; 0.0340 Inch Pitch Diameter Meas. Over Wire mm Inch mm Inch
55.000 55.500 56.000 56.500 57.000 57.500 58.000 58.500 59.000 59.500 60.000 60.500 61.000 61.500 62.000 62.500 63.000 63.500 64.000 64.500 65.000 65.500 66.000 66.500 67.000 67.500 68.000 68.500 69.000 69.500 70.000 70.500 71.000 71.500 72.000 72.500 73.000 73.500 74.000 74.500 75.000 75.500 76.000 76.500 77.000 77.500 78.000 78.500 79.000 79.500 80.000 80.500 81.000 81.500 82.000 82.500 83.000 83.500 84.000 84.500 85.000 85.500 86.000 86.500 87.000 87.500 88.000 88.500 89.000 89.500 90.000 90.500 91.000 91.500 92.000 92.500 93.000 93.500 94.000 94.500 95.000 95.500 96.000 96.500 97.000 97.500 98.000 98.500 99.000 99.500 100.000 100.500 101.000 101.500 102.000 102.500 120.000 140.000 150.000 170.000 190.000 200.000 220.000 240.000 250.000 2.1654 2.1850 2.2047 2.2244 2.2441 2.2638 2.2835 2.3031 2.3228 2.3425 2.3622 2.3819 2.4016 2.4213 2.4409 2.4606 2.4803 2.5000 2.5197 2.5394 2.5591 2.5787 2.5984 2.6181 2.6378 2.6575 2.6772 2.6969 2.7165 2.7362 2.7559 2.7756 2.7953 2.8150 2.8346 2.8543 2.8740 2.8937 2.9134 2.9331 2.9528 2.9724 2.9921 3.0118 3.0315 3.0512 3.0709 3.0906 3.1102 3.1299 3.1496 3.1693 3.1890 3.2087 3.2283 3.2480 3.2677 3.2874 3.3071 3.3268 3.3465 3.3661 3.3858 3.4055 3.4252 3.4449 3.4646 3.4843 3.5039 3.5236 3.5433 3.5630 3.5827 3.6024 3.6220 3.6417 3.6614 3.6811 3.7008 3.7205 3.7402 3.7598 3.7795 3.7992 3.8189 3.8386 3.8583 3.8780 3.8976 3.9173 3.9370 3.9567 3.9764 3.9961 4.0157 4.0354 4.7244 5.5118 5.9055 6.6929 7.4803 7.8740 8.6614 9.4488 9.8425 56.224 56.718 57.224 57.718 58.224 58.719 59.224 59.719 60.224 60.719 61.224 61.719 62.224 62.719 63.225 63.720 64.225 64.720 65.225 65.720 66.225 66.720 67.225 67.720 68.225 68.721 69.225 69.721 70.225 70.721 71.225 71.721 72.225 72.721 73.226 73.721 74.226 74.721 75.226 75.722 76.226 76.722 77.226 77.722 78.226 78.722 79.226 79.722 80.226 80.722 81.226 81.722 82.226 82.722 83.226 83.723 84.226 84.723 85.226 85.723 86.227 86.723 87.227 87.723 88.227 88.723 89.227 89.723 90.227 90.723 91.227 91.723 92.227 92.724 93.227 93.724 94.227 94.724 95.227 95.724 96.227 96.727 97.227 97.727 98.227 98.727 99.227 99.727 100.227 100.727 101.227 101.724 102.224 102.724 103.224 103.725 121.228 141.229 151.229 171.229 191.230 201.230 221.230 241.230 251.230 2.2135 2.2330 2.2529 2.2724 2.2923 2.3118 2.3317 2.3511 2.3710 2.3905 2.4104 2.4299 2.4498 2.4693 2.4892 2.5086 2.5285 2.5480 2.5679 2.5874 2.6073 2.6268 2.6467 2.6662 2.6860 2.7055 2.7254 2.7449 2.7648 2.7843 2.8041 2.8237 2.8435 2.8630 2.8829 2.9024 2.9223 2.9418 2.9616 2.9812 3.0010 3.0205 3.0404 3.0599 3.0798 3.0993 3.1191 3.1387 3.1585 3.1780 3.1979 3.2174 3.2373 3.2568 3.2766 3.2962 3.3160 3.3355 3.3554 3.3749 3.3947 3.4143 3.4341 3.4537 3.4735 3.4930 3.5129 3.5324 3.5522 3.5718 3.5916 3.6112 3.6310 3.6505 3.6704 3.6899 3.7097 3.7293 3.7491 3.7687 3.7885 3.8082 3.8278 3.8475 3.8672 3.8869 3.9066 3.9263 3.9460 3.9656 3.9853 4.0049 4.0246 4.0443 4.0640 4.0837 4.7728 5.5602 5.9539 6.7413 7.5287 7.9224 8.7098 9.4973 9.8910
METRIC GEAR OVER PINS MEASUREMENT Pitch Diameter and Measurement Over Wires for External, Module Type Gears, 20-Degree Pressure Angle Module 0.75 Wire Size = 1.2960mm; 0.0510 Inch Pitch Diameter Meas. Over Wire mm Inch mm Inch
82.500 83.250 84.000 84.750 85.500 86.250 87.000 87.750 88.500 89.250 90.000 90.750 91.500 92.250 93.000 93.750 94.500 95.250 96.000 96.750 97.500 98.250 99.000 99.750 100.500 101.250 102.000 102.750 103.500 104.250 105.000 105.750 106.500 107.250 108.000 108.750 109.500 110.250 111.000 111.750 112.500 113.250 114.000 114.750 115.500 116.250 117.000 117.750 118.500 119.250 120.000 120.750 121.500 122.250 123.000 123.750 124.500 125.250 126.000 126.750 127.500 128.250 129.000 129.750 130.500 131.250 132.000 132.750 133.500 134.250 135.000 135.750 136.500 137.250 138.000 138.750 139.500 140.250 141.000 141.750 142.500 143.250 144.000 144.750 145.500 146.250 147.000 147.750 148.500 149.250 150.000 150.750 151.500 152.250 153.000 153.750 180.000 210.000 225.000 255.000 285.000 300.000 330.000 360.000 375.000 3.2480 3.2776 3.3071 3.3366 3.3661 3.3957 3.4252 3.4547 3.4843 3.5138 3.5433 3.5728 3.6024 3.6319 3.6614 3.6909 3.7205 3.7500 3.7795 3.8091 3.8386 3.8681 3.8976 3.9272 3.9567 3.9862 4.0157 4.0453 4.0748 4.1043 4.1339 4.1634 4.1929 4.2224 4.2520 4.2815 4.3110 4.3406 4.3701 4.3996 4.4291 4.4587 4.4882 4.5177 4.5472 4.5768 4.6063 4.6358 4.6654 4.6949 4.7244 4.7539 4.7835 4.8130 4.8425 4.8720 4.9016 4.9311 4.9606 4.9902 5.0197 5.0492 5.0787 5.1083 5.1378 5.1673 5.1969 5.2264 5.2559 5.2854 5.3150 5.3445 5.3740 5.4035 5.4331 5.4626 5.4921 5.5217 5.5512 5.5807 5.6102 5.6398 5.6693 5.6988 5.7283 5.7579 5.7874 5.8169 5.8465 5.8760 5.9055 5.9350 5.9646 5.9941 6.0236 6.0531 7.0866 8.2677 8.8583 10.0394 11.2205 11.8110 12.9921 14.1732 14.7638 84.335 85.077 85.836 86.578 87.336 88.078 88.836 89.578 90.336 91.078 91.836 92.579 93.337 94.079 94.837 95.579 96.337 97.080 97.837 98.580 99.337 100.080 100.837 101.581 102.338 103.081 103.838 104.581 105.338 106.081 106.838 107.582 108.338 109.082 109.838 110.582 111.338 112.082 112.839 113.582 114.339 115.083 115.839 116.583 117.339 118.083 118.839 119.583 120.339 121.083 121.839 122.584 123.339 124.084 124.840 125.584 126.340 127.084 127.840 128.584 129.340 130.084 130.840 131.585 132.340 133.085 133.840 134.585 135.340 136.085 136.840 137.585 138.340 139.085 139.840 140.585 141.340 142.086 142.841 143.586 144.341 145.091 145.841 146.591 147.341 148.091 148.841 149.591 150.341 151.091 151.841 152.587 153.337 154.087 154.837 155.587 181.842 211.843 226.843 256.844 286.844 301.845 331.845 361.845 376.845 3.3203 3.3495 3.3794 3.4086 3.4384 3.4676 3.4975 3.5267 3.5565 3.5858 3.6156 3.6448 3.6747 3.7039 3.7337 3.7630 3.7928 3.8220 3.8519 3.8811 3.9109 3.9402 3.9700 3.9992 4.0290 4.0583 4.0881 4.1174 4.1472 4.1764 4.2062 4.2355 4.2653 4.2946 4.3243 4.3536 4.3834 4.4127 4.4425 4.4718 4.5015 4.5308 4.5606 4.5899 4.6196 4.6489 4.6787 4.7080 4.7378 4.7671 4.7968 4.8261 4.8559 4.8852 4.9149 4.9443 4.9740 5.0033 5.0331 5.0624 5.0921 5.1214 5.1512 5.1805 5.2102 5.2396 5.2693 5.2986 5.3284 5.3577 5.3874 5.4167 5.4465 5.4758 5.5055 5.5349 5.5646 5.5939 5.6236 5.6530 5.6827 5.7122 5.7418 5.7713 5.8008 5.8303 5.8599 5.8894 5.9189 5.9485 5.9780 6.0073 6.0369 6.0664 6.0959 6.1255 7.1591 8.3403 8.9308 10.1120 11.2931 11.8836 13.0648 14.2459 14.8364
No. of Teeth
110 111 112 113 114 115 116 117 118 119
120 121 122 123 124 125 126 127 128 129 130 131 132 133 134 135 136 137 138 139 140 141 142 143 144 145 146 147 148 149 150 151 152 153 154 155 156 157 158 159 160 161 162 163 164 165 166 167 168 169 170 171 172 173 174 175 176 177 178 179 180 181 182 183 184 185 186 187 188 189 190 191 192 193 194 195 196 197 198 199 200 201 202 203 204 205 240 280 300 340 380 400 440 480 500
120 121 122 123 124 125 126 127 128 129 130 131 132 133 134 135 136 137 138 139 140 141 142 143 144 145 146 147 148 149 150 151 152 153 154 155 156 157 158 159 160 161 162 163 164 165 166 167 168 169 170 171 172 173 174 175 176 177 178 179 180 181 182 183 184 185 186 187 188 189 190 191 192 193 194 195 196 197 198 199 200 201 202 203 204 205 240 280 300 340 380 400 440 480 500
Module 0.80 Wire Size = 1.3824mm ; 0.0544 Inch Pitch Diameter Meas. Over Wire mm Inch mm Inch
4.000 4.800 5.600 6.400 7.200 0.1575 0.1890 0.2205 0.2520 0.2835 0.3150 0.3465 0.3780 0.4094 0.4409 0.4724 0.5039 0.5354 0.5669 0.5984 0.6299 0.6614 0.6929 0.7244 0.7559 0.7874 0.8189 0.8504 0.8819 0.9134 0.9449 0.9764 1.0079 1.0394 1.0709 1.1024 1.1339 1.1654 1.1969 1.2283 1.2598 1.2913 1.3228 1.3543 1.3858 1.4173 1.4488 1.4803 1.5118 1.5433 1.5748 1.6063 1.6378 1.6693 1.7008 1.7323 1.7638 1.7953 1.8268 1.8583 1.8898 1.9213 1.9528 1.9843 2.0157 2.0472 2.0787 2.1102 2.1417 2.1732 2.2047 2.2362 2.2677 2.2992 2.3307 2.3622 2.3937 2.4252 2.4567 2.4882 2.5197 2.5512 2.5827 2.6142 2.6457 2.6772 2.7087 2.7402 2.7717 2.8031 2.8346 2.8661 2.8976 2.9291 2.9606 2.9921 3.0236 3.0551 3.0866 3.1181 3.1496 3.1811 3.2126 3.2441 3.2756 3.3071 3.3386 3.3701 3.4016 3.4331
METRIC GEAR OVER PINS MEASUREMENT Pitch Diameter and Measurement Over Wires for External, Module Type Gears, 20-Degree Pressure Angle Module 1.00 Wire Size = 1.7280mm ; 0.0680 Inch Pitch Diameter Meas. Over Wire mm Inch mm Inch
5.000 6.000 7.000 8.000 9.000 0.1969 0.2362 0.2756 0.3150 0.3543 0.3937 0.4331 0.4724 0.5118 0.5512 0.5906 0.6299 0.6693 0.7087 0.7480 0.7874 0.8268 0.8661 0.9055 0.9449 0.9843 1.0236 1.0630 1.1024 1.1417 1.1811 1.2205 1.2598 1.2992 1.3386 1.3780 1.4173 1.4567 1.4961 1.5354 1.5748 1.6142 1.6535 1.6929 1.7323 1.7717 1.8110 1.8504 1.8898 1.9291 1.9685 2.0079 2.0472 2.0866 2.1260 2.1654 2.2047 2.2441 2.2835 2.3228 2.3622 2.4016 2.4409 2.4803 2.5197 2.5591 2.5984 2.6378 2.6772 2.7165 2.7559 2.7953 2.8346 2.8740 2.9134 2.9528 2.9921 3.0315 3.0709 3.1102 3.1496 3.1890 3.2283 3.2677 3.3071 3.3465 3.3858 3.4252 3.4646 3.5039 3.5433 3.5827 3.6220 3.6614 3.7008 3.7402 3.7795 3.8189 3.8583 3.8976 3.9370 3.9764 4.0157 4.0551 4.0945 4.1339 4.1732 4.2126 4.2520 4.2913
No. of Teeth
5 6 7 8 9
10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99
8.000 8.800 9.600 10.400 11.200 12.000 12.800 13.600 14.400 15.200 16.000 16.800 17.600 18.400 19.200 20.000 20.800 21.600 22.400 23.200 24.000 24.800 25.600 26.400 27.200 28.000 28.800 29.600 30.400 31.200 32.000 32.800 33.600 34.400 35.200 36.000 36.800 37.600 38.400 39.200 40.000 40.800 41.600 42.400 43.200 44.000 44.800 45.600 46.400 47.200 48.000 48.800 49.600 50.400 51.200 52.000 52.800 53.600 54.400 55.200 56.000 56.800 57.600 58.400 59.200 60.000 60.800 61.600 62.400 63.200 64.000 64.800 65.600 66.400 67.200 68.000 68.800 69.600 70.400 71.200 72.000 72.800 73.600 74.400 75.200 76.000 76.800 77.600 78.400 79.200 80.000 80.800 81.600 82.400 83.200 84.000 84.800 85.600 86.400 87.200
10.000 11.000 12.000 13.000 14.000 15.000 16.000 17.000 18.000 19.000 20.000 21.000 22.000 23.000 24.000 25.000 26.000 27.000 28.000 29.000 30.000 31.000 32.000 33.000 34.000 35.000 36.000 37.000 38.000 39.000 40.000 41.000 42.000 43.000 44.000 45.000 46.000 47.000 48.000 49.000 50.000 51.000 52.000 53.000 54.000 55.000 56.000 57.000 58.000 59.000 60.000 61.000 62.000 63.000 64.000 65.000 66.000 67.000 68.000 69.000 70.000 71.000 72.000 73.000 74.000 75.000 76.000 77.000 78.000 79.000 80.000 81.000 82.000 83.000 84.000 85.000 86.000 87.000 88.000 89.000 90.000 91.000 92.000 93.000 94.000 95.000 96.000 97.000 98.000 99.000 100.000 101.000 102.000 103.000 104.000 105.000 106.000 107.000 108.000 109.000
10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99
16.307 17.056 17.912 18.666 19.516 20.274 21.120 21.881 22.723 23.487 24.326 25.092 25.928 26.697 27.530 28.301 29.132 29.905 30.734 31.508 32.336 33.111 33.937 34.714 35.539 36.316 37.140 37.918 38.741 39.521 40.342 41.122 41.943 42.724 43.544 44.326 45.145 45.927 46.746 47.529 48.347 49.130 49.948 50.732 51.548 52.333 53.149 53.934 54.750 55.535 56.350 57.136 57.951 58.737 59.551 60.338 61.152 61.939 62.752 63.539 64.353 65.140 65.953 66.741 67.553 68.342 69.154 69.942 70.754 71.543 72.355 73.144 73.955 74.744 75.555 76.345 77.156 77.945 78.756 79.546 80.356 81.146 81.956 82.747 83.557 84.347 85.157 85.948 86.757 87.548 88.358 89.149
0.6420 0.6715 0.7052 0.7349 0.7684 0.7982 0.8315 0.8615 0.8946 0.9247 0.9577 0.9879 1.0208 1.0511 1.0839 1.1142 1.1469 1.1773 1.2100 1.2405 1.2731 1.3036 1.3361 1.3667 1.3992 1.4298 1.4622 1.4929 1.5252 1.5559 1.5883 1.6190 1.6513 1.6821 1.7143 1.7451 1.7774 1.8082 1.8404 1.8712 1.9034 1.9343 1.9664 1.9973 2.0295 2.0603 2.0925 2.1234 2.1555 2.1864 2.2185 2.2494 2.2815 2.3125 2.3445 2.3755 2.4075 2.4385 2.4706 2.5015 2.5336 2.5646 2.5966 2.6276 2.6596 2.6906 2.7226 2.7536 2.7856 2.8167 2.8486 2.8797 2.9116 2.9427 2.9746 3.0057 3.0376 3.0687 3.1006 3.1317 3.1636 3.1947 3.2266 3.2577 3.2896 3.3208 3.3526 3.3838 3.4156 3.4468 3.4786 3.5098
20.384 21.320 22.390 23.332 24.395 25.342 26.400 27.351 28.404 29.359 30.407 31.365 32.410 33.371 34.413 35.376 36.415 37.381 38.418 39.385 40.420 41.389 42.422 43.392 44.423 45.395 46.425 47.398 48.426 49.401 50.428 51.403 52.429 53.405 54.430 55.407 56.431 57.409 58.432 59.411 60.433 61.413 62.434 63.414 64.435 65.416 66.436 67.417 68.437 69.419 70.438 71.420 72.438 73.421 74.439 75.422 76.440 77.423 78.440 79.424 80.441 81.425 82.441 83.426 84.442 85.427 86.442 87.428 88.443 89.429 90.443 91.429 92.444 93.430 94.444 95.431 96.444 97.432 98.445 99.432 100.445 101.433 102.446 103.433 104.446 105.434 106.446 107.435 108.447 109.435 110.447 111.436
0.8025 0.8394 0.8815 0.9186 0.9604 0.9977 1.0394 1.0768 1.1183 1.1559 1.1971 1.2349 1.2760 1.3138 1.3548 1.3928 1.4337 1.4717 1.5125 1.5506 1.5913 1.6295 1.6701 1.7083 1.7490 1.7872 1.8278 1.8661 1.9066 1.9449 1.9854 2.0237 2.0641 2.1026 2.1429 2.1814 2.2217 2.2602 2.3005 2.3390 2.3793 2.4178 2.4580 2.4966 2.5368 2.5754 2.6156 2.6542 2.6944 2.7330 2.7731 2.8118 2.8519 2.8906 2.9307 2.9694 3.0094 3.0482 3.0882 3.1269 3.1670 3.2057 3.2457 3.2845 3.3245 3.3633 3.4032 3.4420 3.4820 3.5208 3.5608 3.5996 3.6395 3.6784 3.7183 3.7571 3.7970 3.8359 3.8758 3.9147 3.9545 3.9934 4.0333 4.0722 4.1120 4.1509 4.1908 4.2297 4.2696 4.3085 4.3483 4.3872
100 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 109
100 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 109
Module 0.80 Wire Size = 1.3824mm ; 0.0544 Inch Pitch Diameter Meas. Over Wire mm Inch mm Inch
88.000 88.800 89.600 90.400 91.200 92.000 92.800 93.600 94.400 95.200 96.000 96.800 97.600 98.400 99.200 100.000 100.800 101.600 102.400 103.200 104.000 104.800 105.600 106.400 107.200 108.000 108.800 109.600 110.400 111.200 112.000 112.800 113.600 114.400 115.200 116.000 116.800 117.600 118.400 119.200 120.000 120.800 121.600 122.400 123.200 124.000 124.800 125.600 126.400 127.200 128.000 128.800 129.600 130.400 131.200 132.000 132.800 133.600 134.400 135.200 136.000 136.800 137.600 138.400 139.200 140.000 140.800 141.600 142.400 143.200 144.000 144.800 145.600 146.400 147.200 148.000 148.800 149.600 150.400 151.200 152.000 152.800 153.600 154.400 155.200 156.000 156.800 157.600 158.400 159.200 160.000 160.800 161.600 162.400 163.200 164.000 192.000 224.000 240.000 272.000 304.000 320.000 352.000 384.000 400.000 3.4646 3.4961 3.5276 3.5591 3.5906 3.6220 3.6535 3.6850 3.7165 3.7480 3.7795 3.8110 3.8425 3.8740 3.9055 3.9370 3.9685 4.0000 4.0315 4.0630 4.0945 4.1260 4.1575 4.1890 4.2205 4.2520 4.2835 4.3150 4.3465 4.3780 4.4094 4.4409 4.4724 4.5039 4.5354 4.5669 4.5984 4.6299 4.6614 4.6929 4.7244 4.7559 4.7874 4.8189 4.8504 4.8819 4.9134 4.9449 4.9764 5.0079 5.0394 5.0709 5.1024 5.1339 5.1654 5.1969 5.2283 5.2598 5.2913 5.3228 5.3543 5.3858 5.4173 5.4488 5.4803 5.5118 5.5433 5.5748 5.6063 5.6378 5.6693 5.7008 5.7323 5.7638 5.7953 5.8268 5.8583 5.8898 5.9213 5.9528 5.9843 6.0157 6.0472 6.0787 6.1102 6.1417 6.1732 6.2047 6.2362 6.2677 6.2992 6.3307 6.3622 6.3937 6.4252 6.4567 7.5591 8.8189 9.4488 10.7087 11.9685 12.5984 13.8583 15.1181 15.7480 89.958 90.749 91.558 92.349 93.158 93.950 94.758 95.550 96.359 97.150 97.959 98.751 99.559 100.351 101.159 101.951 102.759 103.552 104.360 105.152 105.960 106.752 107.560 108.353 109.160 109.953 110.760 111.553 112.360 113.153 113.961 114.754 115.561 116.354 117.161 117.954 118.761 119.554 120.361 121.155 121.961 122.755 123.561 124.355 125.162 125.955 126.762 127.555 128.362 129.156 129.962 130.756 131.562 132.356 133.162 133.956 134.762 135.556 136.362 137.157 137.962 138.757 139.563 140.357 141.163 141.957 142.763 143.557 144.363 145.157 145.963 146.758 147.563 148.358 149.163 149.958 150.763 151.558 152.363 153.158 153.963 154.763 155.563 156.364 157.164 157.964 158.764 159.564 160.364 161.164 161.964 162.759 163.559 164.359 165.159 165.959 193.965 225.966 241.966 273.967 305.967 321.968 353.968 385.968 401.968 3.5416 3.5728 3.6046 3.6358 3.6676 3.6988 3.7306 3.7618 3.7937 3.8248 3.8566 3.8878 3.9197 3.9508 3.9826 4.0138 4.0456 4.0768 4.1086 4.1398 4.1716 4.2028 4.2346 4.2659 4.2976 4.3289 4.3606 4.3919 4.4236 4.4549 4.4866 4.5179 4.5496 4.5809 4.6126 4.6439 4.6756 4.7069 4.7386 4.7699 4.8016 4.8329 4.8646 4.8959 4.9276 4.9589 4.9906 5.0219 5.0536 5.0849 5.1166 5.1479 5.1796 5.2109 5.2426 5.2739 5.3056 5.3369 5.3686 5.3999 5.4316 5.4629 5.4946 5.5259 5.5576 5.5889 5.6206 5.6519 5.6836 5.7149 5.7466 5.7779 5.8096 5.8409 5.8726 5.9039 5.9356 5.9668 5.9986 6.0298 6.0615 6.0930 6.1245 6.1560 6.1875 6.2190 6.2505 6.2820 6.3135 6.3450 6.3765 6.4078 6.4393 6.4708 6.5023 6.5338 7.6364 8.8963 9.5262 10.7861 12.0460 12.6759 13.9357 15.1956 15.8255
METRIC GEAR OVER PINS MEASUREMENT Pitch Diameter and Measurement Over Wires for External, Module Type Gears, 20-Degree Pressure Angle Module 1.00 Wire Size = 1.7280mm ; 0.0680 Inch Pitch Diameter Meas. Over Wire mm Inch mm Inch
110.000 111.000 112.000 113.000 114.000 4.3307 4.3701 4.4094 4.4488 4.4882 4.5276 4.5669 4.6063 4.6457 4.6850 4.7244 4.7638 4.8031 4.8425 4.8819 4.9213 4.9606 5.0000 5.0394 5.0787 5.1181 5.1575 5.1969 5.2362 5.2756 5.3150 5.3543 5.3937 5.4331 5.4724 5.5118 5.5512 5.5906 5.6299 5.6693 5.7087 5.7480 5.7874 5.8268 5.8661 5.9055 5.9449 5.9843 6.0236 6.0630 6.1024 6.1417 6.1811 6.2205 6.2598 6.2992 6.3386 6.3780 6.4173 6.4567 6.4961 6.5354 6.5748 6.6142 6.6535 6.6929 6.7323 6.7717 6.8110 6.8504 6.8898 6.9291 6.9685 7.0079 7.0472 7.0866 7.1260 7.1654 7.2047 7.2441 7.2835 7.3228 7.3622 7.4016 7.4409 7.4803 7.5197 7.5591 7.5984 7.6378 7.6772 7.7165 7.7559 7.7953 7.8346 7.8740 7.9134 7.9528 7.9921 8.0315 8.0709 9.4488 11.0236 11.8110 13.3858 14.9606 15.7480 17.3228 18.8976 19.6850 112.447 113.436 114.447 115.437 116.448 4.4271 4.4660 4.5058 4.5448 4.5846
No. of Teeth
110 111 112 113 114 115 116 117 118 119
120 121 122 123 124 125 126 127 128 129 130 131 132 133 134 135 136 137 138 139 140 141 142 143 144 145 146 147 148 149 150 151 152 153 154 155 156 157 158 159 160 161 162 163 164 165 166 167 168 169 170 171 172 173 174 175 176 177 178 179 180 181 182 183 184 185 186 187 188 189 190 191 192 193 194 195 196 197 198 199 200 201 202 203 204 205 240 280 300 340 380 400 440 480 500
115.000 116.000 117.000 118.000 119.000 120.000 121.000 122.000 123.000 124.000 125.000 126.000 127.000 128.000 129.000 130.000 131.000 132.000 133.000 134.000 135.000 136.000 137.000 138.000 139.000 140.000 141.000 142.000 143.000 144.000 145.000 146.000 147.000 148.000 149.000 150.000 151.000 152.000 153.000 154.000 155.000 156.000 157.000 158.000 159.000 160.000 161.000 162.000 163.000 164.000 165.000 166.000 167.000 168.000 169.000 170.000 171.000 172.000 173.000 174.000 175.000 176.000 177.000 178.000 179.000 180.000 181.000 182.000 183.000 184.000 185.000 186.000 187.000 188.000 189.000 190.000 191.000 192.000 193.000 194.000 195.000 196.000 197.000 198.000 199.000 200.000 201.000 202.000 203.000 204.000 205.000 240.000 280.000 300.000 340.000 380.000 400.000 440.000 480.000 500.000
117.437 118.448 119.438 120.448 121.438 122.449 123.438 124.449 125.439 126.449 127.439 128.449 129.440 130.450 131.440 132.450 133.440 134.450 135.441 136.450 137.441 138.450 139.441 140.451 141.442 142.451 143.442 144.451 145.442 146.451 147.443 148.451 149.443 150.451 151.443 152.452 153.443 154.452 155.444 156.452 157.444 158.452 159.444 160.452 161.444 162.452 163.445 164.453 165.445 166.453 167.445 168.453 169.445 170.453 171.446 172.453 173.446 174.453 175.446 176.453 177.446 178.453 179.446 180.454 181.447 182.454 183.447 184.454 185.447 186.454 187.447 188.454 189.447 190.454 191.448 192.454 193.454 194.454 195.454 196.454 197.454 198.455 199.455 200.455 201.455 202.455 203.449 204.449 205.449 206.449 207.449 242.456 282.457 302.458 342.459 382.459 402.460 442.460 482.460 502.461
4.6235 4.6633 4.7023 4.7421 4.7810 4.8208 4.8598 4.8996 4.9385 4.9783 5.0173 5.0571 5.0960 5.1358 5.1748 5.2146 5.2536 5.2933 5.3323 5.3721 5.4111 5.4508 5.4898 5.5296 5.5686 5.6083 5.6473 5.6870 5.7261 5.7658 5.8048 5.8445 5.8836 5.9233 5.9623 6.0020 6.0411 6.0808 6.1198 6.1595 6.1986 6.2383 6.2773 6.3170 6.3561 6.3958 6.4348 6.4745 6.5136 6.5533 6.5923 6.6320 6.6711 6.7107 6.7498 6.7895 6.8286 6.8682 6.9073 6.9470 6.9861 7.0257 7.0648 7.1045 7.1436 7.1832 7.2223 7.2620 7.3011 7.3407 7.3798 7.4194 7.4586 7.4982 7.5373 7.5769 7.6163 7.6557 7.6951 7.7344 7.7738 7.8132 7.8525 7.8919 7.9313 7.9707 8.0098 8.0492 8.0885 8.1279 8.1673 9.5455 11.1204 11.9078 13.4826 15.0575 15.8449 17.4197 18.9945 19.7819
120 121 122 123 124 125 126 127 128 129 130 131 132 133 134 135 136 137 138 139 140 141 142 143 144 145 146 147 148 149 150 151 152 153 154 155 156 157 158 159 160 161 162 163 164 165 166 167 168 169 170 171 172 173 174 175 176 177 178 179 180 181 182 183 184 185 186 187 188 189 190 191 192 193 194 195 196 197 198 199 200 201 202 203 204 205 240 280 300 340 380 400 440 480 500
Formula of Radial Contact Ratio, rb da1 2 db1 2 da2 2 db2 2 Gear ra To assure con( ) ( ) + ( ) ( ) ax sinw Spur Pair 2 2 2 2 tinuous smooth Gear m cos T WZ = Length-of-Action tooth action, as W da1 2 db1 2 ha2 x1m d1 Gear one pair of teeth Spur Gear () () + sin BZ = AB = Base Pitch B Z a 2 2 sin 2 ceases action a and Rack Rack A B m cos succeeding pair of T' teeth must already da1 2 db1 2 da2 2 db2 2 External and External Gear ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) + ax sinw Ra have come into 2 2 2 2 Internal Spur Internal Gear engagement. It is m cos Rb desirable to have da1 2 db1 2 da2 2 db2 2 Gear ( ) ( ) + ( ) ( ) ax sinwt as much overlap Helical Pair 2 2 2 2 Gear as is possible. A Fig. 11-1 Geometry of Contact Ratio mt cost measure of this overlap action is 2. Increase the number of teeth. As the number of teeth increases the contact ratio. and the pitch diameter grows, again there is a longer line-of-acThis is a ratio of tion in the region between the outside radii. the length of the line-of-action to the base pitch. Figure 11-1 shows the 3. Increase working tooth depth. This can be done by adding geometry for a spur gear pair, which is the simplest case, and is represenaddendum to the tooth and thus increase the outside radius. tative of the concept for all gear types. The length-of-action is determined However, this requires a larger dedendum, and requires a spefrom the intersection of the line-of-action and the outside radii. The ratio of cial tooth design. the length-of-action to the base pitch is determined from:
Table 11-1
An example of helical gear: mn z2 t da2 = = = = 3 60 22.79588 213.842 n x1 wt db1 = 20 = +0.09809 = 23.1126 = 38.322 x2 mt db2 = 30 = 0 = 3.46410 = 191.611 z1 ax da1 = 12 = 125 = 48.153 = 1.2939
It is good practice to maintain a contact ratio of 1.2 or greater. Under no circumstances should the ratio drop below 1.1, calculated for all tolerances at their worst case values. A contact ratio between 1 and 2 means that part of the time two pairs of teeth are in contact and during the remaining time one pair is in contact. A ratio between 2 and 3 means 2 or 3 pairs of teeth are always in contact. Such a high ratio is generally not obtained with external spur gears, but can be developed in the meshing of internal gears, helical gears, or specially designed nonstandard external spur gears. When considering all types of gears, contact ratio is composed of two components: 1. Radial contact ratio (plane of rotation perpendicular to axes), 2. Overlap contact ratio (axial), The sum is the total contact ratio, . The overlap contact ratio component exists only in gear pairs that have helical or spiral tooth forms. 11.1 Radial Contact Ratio Of Spur And Helical Gears, The equations for radial (or plane of rotation) contact ratio for spur and helical gears are given in Table 11-1, with reference to Figure 11-2. da1 When the contact ratio is inadequate, dw1 db1 w there are three means to increase it. These are somewhat obvious Contact Length from examination of Equation (11-1). 1. D e c r e a s e t h e pressure angle. db2 This makes a w da 2 longer line-of-acdw 2 tion as it extends through the region between the two outside radii.
Note that in Table 11-1 only the radial or circular (plane of rotation) contact ratio is considered. This is true of both the spur and helical gear equations. However, for helical gears this is only one component of two. For the helical gear's total contact ratio, , the overlap (axial) contact ratio, , must be added. See Paragraph 11.4. 11.2 Contact Ratio Of Bevel Gears, The contact ratio of a bevel gear pair can be derived from consideration of the eqivalent spur gears, when viewed from the back cone. See Figure 8-8. With this approach, the mesh can be treated as spur gears. Table 11-2 presents equations calculating the contact ratio. An example of spiral bevel gear (see Table 11-2): m = z2 = Rv1 = ha1 = = 3 40 33.54102 3.4275 1.2825 n = 20 t = 23.95680 Rv2 = 134.16408 ha2 = 1.6725 = 35 d1 = 60 Rvb1 = 30.65152 Rva1 = 36.9685 z1 = 20 d2 = 120 Rvb2 = 122.60610 Rva2 = 135.83658
11.3 Contact Ratio For Nonparallel And Nonintersecting Axes Pairs, This group pertains to screw gearing and worm gearing. The equations are approximations by considering the worm and worm gear mesh in the plane perpendicular to worm gear axis and likening it to spur gear and rack mesh. Table 11-3 presents these equations. Example of worm mesh: mx = 3 d1 = 44 ha1 = 3 n = 20 d2 = 90 dth = 96 zw = 2 z2 = 30 = 7.76517 x = 20.17024 db2 = 84.48050 = 1.8066
Fig. 11-2
11.4 Axial (Overlap) Contact Ratio, Helical gears and spiral bevel gears have an overlap of tooth action in the axial direction. This overlap adds to the contact ratio. This is in contrast to spur gears which have no tooth action in the axial direction. Thus, for the same tooth proportions in the plane of rotation, helical and spiral bevel gears offer a significant increase in contact ratio. The magnitude of axial contact ratio is a direct function of the gear width, as illustrated in Figure 11-3. Equations for calculating axial contact ratio are presented in Table 11-4. It is obvious that contact ratio can be increased by either increasing the gear width or increasing the helix angle.
b px
Equations for Contact Ratio for a Bevel Gear Pair Symbol Rv Rvb Rva Straight Bevel Gear Rv cos Rv + ha d 2cos
Back Cone Distance Base Circle Radius of an Equivalent Spur Gear Outside Radius of an Equivalent Spur Gear
Contact Ratio
Straight Bevel Gear Rva12 Rvb12 + Rva22 Rvb22 (Rv1 + Rv2)sin mcos Spiral Bevel Gear Rva12 Rvb12 + Rva22 Rvb22 (Rv1 + Rv2)sint mcost
Table 11-3
Equations for Contact Ratio of Nonparallel and Nonintersecting Meshes Equation of Contact Ratio, db1 cost1 db2 cost2 a da1 2 db1 2 da2 2 db2 2 2 2 ( ) ( ) + ( ) ( ) 2 2 2 2 sinn mncosn ha1 xx2mx dth 2 db2 2 d2 + ( ) ( ) sinx sinx 2 2 2 mxcosx Equation of Contact Ratio Example
Equations for Axial Contact Ratio of Helical and Spiral Bevel Gears, b = 50, = 30, mn = 3 = 2.6525
bsin mn From Table 8-6: Re = 67.08204, b = 20, R btanm e Spiral Bevel Gear m = 35, m = 3, = 1.7462 Re 0.5b m NOTE: The module m in spiral bevel gear equation is the normal module.
Intentional deviations from the involute tooth profile are used to avoid excessive tooth load deflection interference and thereby enhances load capacity. Also, the elimination of tip interference reduces meshing noise. Other modifications can accommodate assembly misalignment and thus preserve load capacity. 12.1 Tooth Tip Relief There are two types of tooth tip relief. One modifies the addendum, and the other the dedendum. See Figure 12-1. Addendum relief is much more popular than dedendum modification. (a) Addendum Tip Relief Fig. 12-1 (b) Dedendum Modification Tip Relief
11.4 Axial (Overlap) Contact Ratio, Helical gears and spiral bevel gears have an overlap of tooth action in the axial direction. This overlap adds to the contact ratio. This is in contrast to spur gears which have no tooth action in the axial direction. Thus, for the same tooth proportions in the plane of rotation, helical and spiral bevel gears offer a significant increase in contact ratio. The magnitude of axial contact ratio is a direct function of the gear width, as illustrated in Figure 11-3. Equations for calculating axial contact ratio are presented in Table 11-4. It is obvious that contact ratio can be increased by either increasing the gear width or increasing the helix angle.
b px
Equations for Contact Ratio for a Bevel Gear Pair Symbol Rv Rvb Rva Straight Bevel Gear Rv cos Rv + ha d 2cos
Back Cone Distance Base Circle Radius of an Equivalent Spur Gear Outside Radius of an Equivalent Spur Gear
Contact Ratio
Straight Bevel Gear Rva12 Rvb12 + Rva22 Rvb22 (Rv1 + Rv2)sin mcos Spiral Bevel Gear Rva12 Rvb12 + Rva22 Rvb22 (Rv1 + Rv2)sint mcost
Table 11-3
Equations for Contact Ratio of Nonparallel and Nonintersecting Meshes Equation of Contact Ratio, db1 cost1 db2 cost2 a da1 2 db1 2 da2 2 db2 2 2 2 ( ) ( ) + ( ) ( ) 2 2 2 2 sinn mncosn ha1 xx2mx dth 2 db2 2 d2 + ( ) ( ) sinx sinx 2 2 2 mxcosx Equation of Contact Ratio Example
Equations for Axial Contact Ratio of Helical and Spiral Bevel Gears, b = 50, = 30, mn = 3 = 2.6525
bsin mn From Table 8-6: Re = 67.08204, b = 20, R btanm e Spiral Bevel Gear m = 35, m = 3, = 1.7462 Re 0.5b m NOTE: The module m in spiral bevel gear equation is the normal module.
Intentional deviations from the involute tooth profile are used to avoid excessive tooth load deflection interference and thereby enhances load capacity. Also, the elimination of tip interference reduces meshing noise. Other modifications can accommodate assembly misalignment and thus preserve load capacity. 12.1 Tooth Tip Relief There are two types of tooth tip relief. One modifies the addendum, and the other the dedendum. See Figure 12-1. Addendum relief is much more popular than dedendum modification. (a) Addendum Tip Relief Fig. 12-1 (b) Dedendum Modification Tip Relief
12.2 Crowning And Side Relieving Crowning and side relieving are tooth surface modifications in the axial direction. See Figure 122. Crowning is the removal of a slight amount of tooth from the center on out to reach edge, making the tooth surface slightly convex. This method allows the gear to maintain contact in the central region of the tooth and permits avoidance of edge contact with consequent lower load capacity. Crowning also allows a greater tolerance in the misalignment of gears in their assembly, maintaining central contact. Relieving is a chamfering of the tooth surface. It is similar to crowning except that it is a simpler process and only an approximation to crowning. It is not as effective as crowning. 12.3 Topping And Semitopping
13.1 Single-Stage Gear Train A meshed gear is the basic form of a single-stage gear train. It consists of z1 and z2 numbers of teeth on the driver and driven gears, and their respective rotations, n1 & n2. The speed ratio is then: z1 n2 speed ratio = (13-1) z2 = n1 13.1.1 Types Of Single-Stage Gear Trains Gear 2 (z2 , n2) Gear 1 (z1 , n1)
(a) Crowning
Gear trains can be classified into three types: (b) Side Relieving Fig. 12-2 Crowning and Relieving 1. Speed ratio > 1, increasing: n1 < n2 2. Speed ratio =1, equal speeds: n1 = n2 3. Speed ratio < 1, reducing: n1 > n2
In topping, often referred to as top hobbing, the top or outside diameter 0.1m of the gear is cut simultaneously with the generation of the teeth. An advantage is that there will be no burrs 90 on the tooth top. Also, the 2 outside diameter is highly concentric with the pitch circle. This permits secondary machining operations using this diameter for nesting. Recommended Magnitude Semitopping is the Fig. 12-4 of Semitopping chamfering of the tooth's top corner, which is accomplished simultaneously with tooth generation. Figure 12-3 shows a semitopping cutter and the resultant generated semitopped gear. Such a tooth tends to prevent corner damage. Also, it has no burr. The magnitude of semitopping should not go beyond a proper limit as otherwise it would significantly shorten the addendum and contact ratio. Figure 12-4 specifies a recommended magnitude of semitopping. Both modifications require special generating tools. They are independent modifications but, if desired, can be applied simultaneously.
Fig. 12-3
Figure 13-1 illustrates four basic types. For the very common cases of spur and bevel meshes, Figures 131(a) and 13-1(b), the direction of rotation of driver and driven gears are reversed. In the case of an internal gear mesh, Figure 13-1(c), both gears have the same direction of rotation. In the case of a worm mesh, Figure 13-1(d), the rotation direction of z2 is determined by its helix hand. In addition to these four basic forms, the combination of a rack and gear can be considered a specific type. The displacement of a rack, l, for rotation of the mating gear is: mz1 l = (13-2) 360 where: m is the standard circular pitch z1 is the number of teeth of the gear
(a) A Pair of Spur Gears Gear 2 (z2 , n2) Gear 1 (z1 , n1)
(c) Spur Gear and Internal Gear (Right-Hand Worm Gear) (zw , n1) (Left-Hand Worm Gear) (zw , n1)
The objective of gears is to provide a desired motion, either rotation or linear. This is accomplished through either a simple gear pair or a more involved and complex system of several gear meshes. Also, related to this is the desired speed, direction of rotation and the shaft arrangement. (Left-Hand Worm Wheel) (Right-Hand Worm Wheel) (z2 , n2) (z2 , n2) (d) Worm Mesh Fig. 13-1 Single-Stage Gear Trains
12.2 Crowning And Side Relieving Crowning and side relieving are tooth surface modifications in the axial direction. See Figure 122. Crowning is the removal of a slight amount of tooth from the center on out to reach edge, making the tooth surface slightly convex. This method allows the gear to maintain contact in the central region of the tooth and permits avoidance of edge contact with consequent lower load capacity. Crowning also allows a greater tolerance in the misalignment of gears in their assembly, maintaining central contact. Relieving is a chamfering of the tooth surface. It is similar to crowning except that it is a simpler process and only an approximation to crowning. It is not as effective as crowning. 12.3 Topping And Semitopping
13.1 Single-Stage Gear Train A meshed gear is the basic form of a single-stage gear train. It consists of z1 and z2 numbers of teeth on the driver and driven gears, and their respective rotations, n1 & n2. The speed ratio is then: z1 n2 speed ratio = (13-1) z2 = n1 13.1.1 Types Of Single-Stage Gear Trains Gear 2 (z2 , n2) Gear 1 (z1 , n1)
(a) Crowning
Gear trains can be classified into three types: (b) Side Relieving Fig. 12-2 Crowning and Relieving 1. Speed ratio > 1, increasing: n1 < n2 2. Speed ratio =1, equal speeds: n1 = n2 3. Speed ratio < 1, reducing: n1 > n2
In topping, often referred to as top hobbing, the top or outside diameter 0.1m of the gear is cut simultaneously with the generation of the teeth. An advantage is that there will be no burrs 90 on the tooth top. Also, the 2 outside diameter is highly concentric with the pitch circle. This permits secondary machining operations using this diameter for nesting. Recommended Magnitude Semitopping is the Fig. 12-4 of Semitopping chamfering of the tooth's top corner, which is accomplished simultaneously with tooth generation. Figure 12-3 shows a semitopping cutter and the resultant generated semitopped gear. Such a tooth tends to prevent corner damage. Also, it has no burr. The magnitude of semitopping should not go beyond a proper limit as otherwise it would significantly shorten the addendum and contact ratio. Figure 12-4 specifies a recommended magnitude of semitopping. Both modifications require special generating tools. They are independent modifications but, if desired, can be applied simultaneously.
Fig. 12-3
Figure 13-1 illustrates four basic types. For the very common cases of spur and bevel meshes, Figures 131(a) and 13-1(b), the direction of rotation of driver and driven gears are reversed. In the case of an internal gear mesh, Figure 13-1(c), both gears have the same direction of rotation. In the case of a worm mesh, Figure 13-1(d), the rotation direction of z2 is determined by its helix hand. In addition to these four basic forms, the combination of a rack and gear can be considered a specific type. The displacement of a rack, l, for rotation of the mating gear is: mz1 l = (13-2) 360 where: m is the standard circular pitch z1 is the number of teeth of the gear
(a) A Pair of Spur Gears Gear 2 (z2 , n2) Gear 1 (z1 , n1)
(c) Spur Gear and Internal Gear (Right-Hand Worm Gear) (zw , n1) (Left-Hand Worm Gear) (zw , n1)
The objective of gears is to provide a desired motion, either rotation or linear. This is accomplished through either a simple gear pair or a more involved and complex system of several gear meshes. Also, related to this is the desired speed, direction of rotation and the shaft arrangement. (Left-Hand Worm Wheel) (Right-Hand Worm Wheel) (z2 , n2) (z2 , n2) (d) Worm Mesh Fig. 13-1 Single-Stage Gear Trains
13.2 Two-Stage Gear Train A two-stage gear train uses two single-stages in a series. Figure 13-2 represents the basic form of an external gear two-stage gear train. Let the first gear in the first stage be the driver. Then the speed ratio
rotating carrier, and the hazard of jamming, etc. are inherent problems to be solved. Figure 13-4 is a so called 2K-H type planetary gear system. The sun gear, internal gear, and the carrier have a common axis. Internal Gear C zc = 48 Carrier D
Planet Gear B zb = 16
Fig. 13-2 Two-Stage Gear Train of the two-stage train is: z1 z3 n2 n4 Speed Ratio = z2 z4 = n1 n3 In this arrangement, n2 = n3 In the two-stage gear train, Figure 13-2, gear 1 rotates in the same direction as gear 4. If gears 2 and 3 have the same number of teeth, then the train simplifies as in Figure 13-3. In this arrangement, gear 2 is known as an idler, which has no effect on the gear ratio. The speed ratio is then: z1 z2 z1 Speed Ratio = = (13-4) z2 z3 z3
Sun Gear A za = 16 Fig. 13-4 An Example of a Planetary Gear System 13.3.1 Relationship Among The Gears In A Planetary Gear System In order to determine the relationship among the numbers of teeth of the sun gear A, za, the planet gears B, zb, and the internal gear C, zc, and the number of planet gears, N, in the system, the parameters must satisfy the following three conditions: Condition No. 1: zc = za + 2 zb (13-5) zb m za m zb m
This is the condition necessary for the center distances of the gears to B A B match. Since the equation is true only for the standard gear system, it is possible to vary the numbers of teeth by using profile shifted gear designs. To use profile shifted gears, it is necessary to match the center distance C between the sun A and planet B gears, zc m ax1, and the center distance between the planet B and internal C gears, ax2. Fig. 13-5(a) Condition No. 1 of Planetary ax1 = ax2 (13-6) Gear System Condition No. 2: (za + zc) = integer N (13-7) B A B
Fig. 13-3
13.3 Planetary Gear System The basic form of a planetary gear system is shown in Figure 13-4. It consists of a sun gear A, planet gears B, internal gear C and carrier D. The input and output axes of a planetary gear system are on a same line. Usually, it uses two or more planet gears to balance the load evenly. It is compact in space, but complex in structure. Planetary gear systems need a high-quality manufacturing process. The load division between planet gears, the interference of the internal gear, the balance and vibration of the
This is the condition necessary for placing planet gears evenly spaced around the sun gear. If an uneven placement of planet gears is desired, then Equation (13-8) must be satisfied. (za + zc) = integer 180 (13-8)
where: Fig. 13-5(b) = half the angle between adjacent planet gears
B A ax
1 1 Speed Ratio = = za za 1 + 1 zc zc
Satisfying this condition insures that adjacent planet gears can operate without interfering with each other. This is the condition that must be met for standard gear design with equal placement of planet gears. For other conditions, the C system must satisfy the relationship: dab < 2 ax sin
Note that the directions of rotation of input and output axes are the same. Example: z a = 16, z b = 16, z c = 48, then the speed ratio = 1/1.3333333. (c) Star Type
where: dab = outside diameter of the planet gears ax = center distance between the sun and planet gears
This is the type in which Carrier D is fixed. The planet gears B rotate only on fixed axes. In a strict definition, this train loses the features of a planetary system and it becomes an ordinary gear train. The sun gear is an input axis and the internal gear is the output. The speed ratio is: za Speed Ratio = zc (13-13)
Besides the above three basic conditions, there can be an interference problem between the internal gear C and the planet gears B. See SECTION 5 that discusses more about this problem. 13.3.2 Speed Ratio Of Planetary Gear System C (Fixed)
Referring to Figure 13-6(c), the planet gears are merely idlers. Input and output axes have opposite rotations. Example: za = 16, zb = 16, zc = 48; then speed ratio = 1/3. 13.4 Constrained Gear System A planetary gear system which has four gears, as in Figure 13-5, is an example of a constrained gear system. It is a closed loop system in which the power is transmitted from the driving gear through other gears and eventually to the driven gear. A closed loop gear system will not work if the gears do not meet specific conditions. Let z1, z2 and z3 be the numbers of gear teeth, as in Figure 13-7. Meshing cannot function if the length of the heavy line (belt) does not divide evenly by circular pitch. Equation (13-14) defines this condition. z11 z2(180 +z1 +2) z32 + + = integer 180 180 180 (13-14)
In a planetary gear system, the speed ratio and the direction of rotation would be changed according to which member is fixed. Figures 13-6(a), 13-6(b) and 13-6(c) contain three typical types of planetary gear mechanisms, depending upon which member is locked. (a) Planetary Type D A (Fixed)
where 1 and 2 are in degrees. Figure 13-8 shows a constrained gear system in which a rack is meshed. The heavy line in Figure 13-8 corresponds to the belt in Figure 13-7. If the length of the belt cannot be evenly divided by circular pitch then 1
z1 z2 1 z1
In this type, the internal gear is fixed. The input is the sun gear and the output is carrier D. The speed ratio is calculated as in Table 13-1. za zc 1 Speed Ratio = = za zc 1 + + 1 zc za (13-11)
Note that the direction of rotation of input and output axes are the same. Example: za = 16, zb = 16, zc = 48, then speed ratio = 1/4. (b) Solar Type
the system does not work. It is described by Equation (13-15). z11 z2(180 +1) a + + = integer 180 180 m (13-15)
In this type, the sun gear is fixed. The internal gear C is the input, and carrier D axis is the output. The speed ratio is calculated as in Table 13-2.
Table 13-1 No. 1 2 3 Description Rotate sun gear A once while holding carrier System is fixed as a whole while rotating +(za /zc) Sum of 1 and 2
Equations of Speed Ratio for a Planetary Type Sun Gear A Planet Gear B Internal Gear C za zb zc +1 za + zc za 1 + zc za zb za + zc za za zc zb za zc za + zc 0 (fixed)
Carrier D 0 za + zc za + zc
Table 13-2 No. 1 2 3 Description Rotate sun gear A once while holding carrier System is fixed as a whole while rotating +(za /zc) Sum of 1 and 2
Equations of Speed Ratio for a Solar Type Sun Gear A Planet Gear B Internal Gear C za zb zc +1 1 0 (fixed) za zb 1 za 1 zb za zc 1 za 1 zc
Carrier D 0 1 1
Up to this point the discussion has implied that there is no backlash. If the gears are of standard tooth proportion design and operate on standard center distance they would function ideally with neither backlash nor jamming. Backlash is provided for a variety of reasons and cannot be designated without consideration of machining conditions. The general purpose of backlash is to prevent gears from jamming by making contact on both sides of their teeth simultaneously. A small amount of backlash is also desirable to provide for lubricant space and differential expansion between the gear components and the housing. Any error in machining which tends to increase the possibility of jamming makes it necessary to increase the amount of backlash by at least as much as the possible cumulative errors. Consequently, the smaller the amount of backlash, the more accurate must be the machining of the gears. Runout of both gears, errors in profile, pitch, tooth thickness, helix angle and center distance all are factors to consider in the specification of the amount of backlash. On the other hand, excessive backlash is objectionable, particularly if the drive is frequently reversing or if there is an overrunning load. The amount of backlash must not be excessive for the requirements of the job, but it should be sufficient so that machining costs are not higher than necessary. In order to obtain the amount of backlash desired, it is necessary to decrease tooth thickness. See Figure 14-1. This decrease must j almost always be greater than the desired backlash because of the errors in manufacturing and assembling. Since the amount R of the decrease in tooth thickness depends upon the Figure 14-1 Backlash, j, Between accuracy of machining, the Two Gears allowance for a specified backlash will vary according to the manufacturing conditions. It is customary to make half of the allowance for backlash on the tooth thickness of each gear of a pair, although there are exceptions. For example, on pinions having very low numbers of teeth, it is desirable to provide all of the allowance on the mating gear so as not to weaken the pinion teeth.
In spur and helical gearing, backlash allowance is usually obtained by sinking the hob deeper into the blank than the theoretically standard depth. Further, it is true that any increase or decrease in center distance of two gears in any mesh will cause an increase or decrease in backlash. Thus, this is an alternate way of designing backlash into the system. In the following, we give the fundamental equations for the determination of backlash in a single gear mesh. For the determination of backlash in gear trains, it is necessary to sum the backlash of each mated gear pair. However, to obtain the total backlash for a series of meshes, it is necessary to take into account the gear ratio of each mesh relative to a chosen reference shaft in the gear train. For details, see Reference 10 at the end of the technical section. 14.1 Definition Of Backlash Backlash is defined in Figure 14-2(a) as the excess thickness of tooth space over the thickness of the mating tooth. There are two basic ways in which backlash arises: tooth thickness is below the zero backlash value; and the operating center distance is greater than the zero backlash value.
Linear Backlash = j = ss s2
Base Circle
ss s1
Table 13-1 No. 1 2 3 Description Rotate sun gear A once while holding carrier System is fixed as a whole while rotating +(za /zc) Sum of 1 and 2
Equations of Speed Ratio for a Planetary Type Sun Gear A Planet Gear B Internal Gear C za zb zc +1 za + zc za 1 + zc za zb za + zc za za zc zb za zc za + zc 0 (fixed)
Carrier D 0 za + zc za + zc
Table 13-2 No. 1 2 3 Description Rotate sun gear A once while holding carrier System is fixed as a whole while rotating +(za /zc) Sum of 1 and 2
Equations of Speed Ratio for a Solar Type Sun Gear A Planet Gear B Internal Gear C za zb zc +1 1 0 (fixed) za zb 1 za 1 zb za zc 1 za 1 zc
Carrier D 0 1 1
Up to this point the discussion has implied that there is no backlash. If the gears are of standard tooth proportion design and operate on standard center distance they would function ideally with neither backlash nor jamming. Backlash is provided for a variety of reasons and cannot be designated without consideration of machining conditions. The general purpose of backlash is to prevent gears from jamming by making contact on both sides of their teeth simultaneously. A small amount of backlash is also desirable to provide for lubricant space and differential expansion between the gear components and the housing. Any error in machining which tends to increase the possibility of jamming makes it necessary to increase the amount of backlash by at least as much as the possible cumulative errors. Consequently, the smaller the amount of backlash, the more accurate must be the machining of the gears. Runout of both gears, errors in profile, pitch, tooth thickness, helix angle and center distance all are factors to consider in the specification of the amount of backlash. On the other hand, excessive backlash is objectionable, particularly if the drive is frequently reversing or if there is an overrunning load. The amount of backlash must not be excessive for the requirements of the job, but it should be sufficient so that machining costs are not higher than necessary. In order to obtain the amount of backlash desired, it is necessary to decrease tooth thickness. See Figure 14-1. This decrease must j almost always be greater than the desired backlash because of the errors in manufacturing and assembling. Since the amount R of the decrease in tooth thickness depends upon the Figure 14-1 Backlash, j, Between accuracy of machining, the Two Gears allowance for a specified backlash will vary according to the manufacturing conditions. It is customary to make half of the allowance for backlash on the tooth thickness of each gear of a pair, although there are exceptions. For example, on pinions having very low numbers of teeth, it is desirable to provide all of the allowance on the mating gear so as not to weaken the pinion teeth.
In spur and helical gearing, backlash allowance is usually obtained by sinking the hob deeper into the blank than the theoretically standard depth. Further, it is true that any increase or decrease in center distance of two gears in any mesh will cause an increase or decrease in backlash. Thus, this is an alternate way of designing backlash into the system. In the following, we give the fundamental equations for the determination of backlash in a single gear mesh. For the determination of backlash in gear trains, it is necessary to sum the backlash of each mated gear pair. However, to obtain the total backlash for a series of meshes, it is necessary to take into account the gear ratio of each mesh relative to a chosen reference shaft in the gear train. For details, see Reference 10 at the end of the technical section. 14.1 Definition Of Backlash Backlash is defined in Figure 14-2(a) as the excess thickness of tooth space over the thickness of the mating tooth. There are two basic ways in which backlash arises: tooth thickness is below the zero backlash value; and the operating center distance is greater than the zero backlash value.
Linear Backlash = j = ss s2
Base Circle
ss s1
If the tooth thickness of either or both mating gears is less than the zero backlash value, the amount of backlash introduced in the mesh is simply this numerical difference: j = sstd sact = s where: j (14-1)
Hence, an approximate relationship between center distance change and change in backlash is: a = 1.933 j for 14.5 pressure angle gears a = 1.374 j for 20 pressure angle gears (14-3b) (14-3c)
= linear backlash measured along the pitch circle (Figure 142(b)) sstd = no backlash tooth thickness on the operating pitch circle, which is the standard tooth thickness for ideal gears sact = actual tooth thickness Backlash, Along Line-of-Action = jn = j cos r Base Circle j jn j1 Base R Circle Geometrical Definition of Linear Backlash j2
Although these are approximate relationships, they are adequate for most uses. Their derivation, limitations, and correction factors are detailed in Reference 10. Note that backlash due to center distance opening is dependent upon the tangent function of the pressure angle. Thus, 20 gears have 41% more backlash than 14.5 gears, and this constitutes one of the few advantages of the lower pressure angle. Equations (14-3) are a useful relationship, particularly for converting to angular backlash. Also, for fine pitch gears the use of feeler gages for measurement is impractical, whereas an indicator at the pitch line gives a direct measure. The two linear backlashes are related by: jn j = (14-4) cos The angular backlash at the gear shaft is usually the critical factor in the gear application. As seen from Figure 14-2(a), this is related to the gear's pitch radius as follows: j j = 3440 (arc minutes) (14-5) R1 Obviously, angular backlash is inversely proportional to gear radius. Also, since the two meshing gears are usually of different pitch diameters, the linear backlash of the measure converts to different angular values for each gear. Thus, an angular backlash must be specified with reference to a particular shaft or gear center. Details of backlash calculations and formulas for various gear types are given in the following sections. 14.2 Backlash Relationships Expanding upon the previous definition, there are several kinds of backlash: circular backlash j t , normal jt jn backlash j n , center 2 2 backlash jr and angu lar backlash j (), see Figure 14-4. j Table 14-1 reveals relationships jr among circular backlash jt, normal backlash j n and center backlash jr . In this 2jr definition, jr is equi valent to change in jn center distance, a , j in Section 14.1. t Fig. 14-4 Kinds of Backlash and Their Direction
Fig. 14-2(b)
When the center distance is increased by a relatively small amount, a , a backlash space develops between mating teeth, as in Figure 14-3. The relationship between center distance increase and linear backlash jn along the line-of-action is: jn = 2 a sin (a) Gear Teeth in Tight Mesh No Backlash a (14-2)
Figure 14-3
This measure along the line-of-action is useful when inserting a feeler gage between teeth to measure backlash. The equivalent linear backlash measured along the pitch circle is given by: j = 2 a tan (14-3a)
The Relationships among the Backlashes The Relation The Relation between Circular between Circular No. Type of Gear Meshes Backlash j and Backlash jt and t Normal Backlash jn Center Backlash jr 1 2 3 4 5 Spur Gear Helical Gear Straight Bevel Gear Spiral Bevel Gear Worm Worm Gear jn = jt cos jnn = jtt cosncos jn = jt cos jt jr = 2tan jtt jr = 2tant jt jr = 2tan sin
Table 14-1
Circular backlash jt has a relation with angular backlash j , as follows: 360 j = jt (degrees) (14-6) d
From Figure 14-4 we can derive backlash of spur mesh as: jn = jt cos jt jr = 2tan (14-7)
jr1 1 jr2
jn 2 jt 2 tan
The helical gear has two kinds of backlash when referring to the tooth space. There is a cross section in the normal direction of the tooth surface n, and a cross section in the radial direction perpendicular to the axis, t. jnt jtt jnn = backlash in the direction normal to the tooth surface jnt = backlash in the circular direction in the cross section normal to the tooth jtn = backlash in the direction normal to the tooth surface in the cross section perpendicular to the axis jtt = backlash in the circular direction perpendicular to the axis Fig. 14-6 Backlash of Straight Bevel Gear Mesh
The radial backlash in the plane of axes can be broken down into the components in the direction of bevel pinion center axis, j r 1 , and in the direction of bevel gear center axis, j r 2 . jt j r 1 = 2tan sin1 (14-12) jt jr2 = 2tan cos1 14.2.4 Backlash Of A Spiral Bevel Gear Mesh
2 jr
Fig. 14-5 Backlash of Helical Gear Mesh These backlashes have relations as follows: In the plane normal to the tooth: jnn = jnt cosn On the pitch surface: jnt = jtt cos In the plane perpendicular to the axis: jtn = jtt cost jtt jr = 2tant (14-10) Fig. 14-7 (14-9) (14-8)
j r1 1 j r2
jtt 2 tant
In the tooth space cross section normal to the tooth: 14.2.3 Backlash Of Straight Bevel Gear Mesh jnn = jnt cosn On the pitch surface: jnt = jtt cosm (14-14) (14-13)
Figure 14-6 expresses backlash for a straight bevel gear mesh. In the cross section perpendicular to the tooth of a straight bevel gear, circular backlash at pitch line jt, normal backlash jn and radial backlash jr'
In the plane perpendicular to the generatrix of the pitch cone: jtn = jtt cost jtt jr' = 2tant (14-15)
Let the backlash on the center distance direction be jr, then: jt 0.2 jr = = = 0.2747 2 tan 2tan20 These express the relationship among several kinds of backlashes. In application, one should consult the JIS standard. There are two JIS standards for backlash one is JIS B 1703-76 for spur gears and helical gears, and the other is JIS B 1705-73 for bevel gears. All these standards regulate the standard backlashes in the direction of the pitch circle jt or jtt. These standards can be applied directly, but the backlash beyond the standards may also be used for special purposes. When writing tooth thicknesses on a drawing, it is necessary to specify, in addition, the tolerances on the thicknesses as well as the backlash. For example:
0.050 Circular tooth thickness 3.141 0.100
The radial backlash in the plane of axes can be broken down into the components in the direction of bevel pinion center axis, jr 1 , and in the direction of bevel gear center axis, jr 2 . jtt j r 1 = 2tant sin1 jtt jr2 = 2tant cos1 14.2.5 Backlash Of Worm Gear Mesh (14-16)
14.4 Gear Train And Backlash j tt 2 j tt 1 2 jr jnt j tn 1 j tt 1 t The discussions so far involved a single pair of gears. Now, we are going to discuss two stage gear trains and their backlash. In a two stage gear train, as Figure 14-9 shows, j1 and j4 represent the backlashes of first stage gear train and second stage gear train respectively. If number one gear were fixed, then the accumulated backlash on number four gear jtT4 would be as follows: d3 jtT4 = j1 + j4 (14-20) d2
On the pitch surface of a worm: jnt = jtt1 sin jnt = jtt2 cos jtt2 tan = jtt1
In the cross section of a worm perpendicular to its axis: jtn1 = jtt1 cost jtt1 jr = 2tant (14-18)
In the plane perpendicular to the axis of the worm gear: jtn2 = jtt2 cosx j tt 2 jr = 2tanx 14.3 Tooth Thickness And Backlash There are two ways to generate backlash. One is to enlarge the center distance. The other is to reduce the tooth thickness. The latter is much more popular than the former. We are going to discuss more about the way of reducing the tooth thickness. In SECTION 10, we have discussed the standard tooth thickness s. In the meshing of a pair of gears, if the tooth thickness of pinion and gear were reduced by s 1 and s 2 , they would generate a backlash of s 1 + s 2 in the direction of the pitch circle. Let the magnitude of s 1 , s 2 be 0.1. We know that = 20, then: jt = s 1 + s 2 = 0.1 + 0.1 = 0.2 We can convert it into the backlash on normal direction: jn = jt cos = 0.2cos20 = 0.1879 (14-19)
Fig. 14-9
This accumulated backlash can be converted into rotation in degrees: 360 j = j tT 4 (degrees) (14-21) d4 The reverse case is to fix number four gear and to examine the accumulated backlash on number one gear j tT 1 . d2 j = j + j1 (14-22) tT1 4 d3 This accumulated backlash can be converted into rotation in degrees: 360 (degrees) j = j tT 1 (14-23) d1
14.5 Methods Of Controlling Backlash In order to meet special needs, precision gears are used more frequently than ever before. Reducing backlash becomes an important issue. There are two methods of reducing or eliminating backlash one a static, and the other a dynamic method. The static method concerns means of assembling gears and then making proper adjustments to achieve the desired low backlash. The dynamic method introduces an external force which continually eliminates all backlash regardless of rotational position. 14.5.1 Static Method Table 14-2
T h i s i n v o l v e s adjustment of either the gear's effective tooth thickness or the mesh center distance. Gear These two indepenSize dent adjustments can be used to produce four possible combinations as shown in Table 14-2.
Fixed II I
Adjustable IV
Case I By design, center distance and tooth thickness are such that they yield the proper amount of desired minimum backlash. Center distance and tooth thickness size are fixed at correct values and require precision manufacturing. Case II With gears mounted on fixed centers, adjustment is made to the effective tooth thickness by axial movement or other means. Three main methods are: 1. Two identical gears are mounted so that one can be rotated relative to the other and fixed. See Figure 14-10a. In this way, the effective tooth thickness can be adjusted to yield the desired low backlash. 2. A gear with a helix angle such as a helical gear is made in two half thicknesses. One is shifted axially such that each makes contact with the mating gear on the opposite sides of the tooth. See Figure 14-10b. 3. The backlash of cone shaped gears, such as bevel and tapered tooth spur gears, can be adjusted with axial positioning. A duplex lead worm can be adjusted similarly. See Figure 14-10c.
Case III Center distance adjustment of backlash can be accomplished in two ways: 1. Linear Movement Figure 14-11a shows adjustment along the line-of-centers in a straight or parallel axes manner. After setting to the desired value of backlash, the (a) Parallel Movement centers are locked in place. 2. Rotary Movement Figure 14-11b shows an alternate way of achieving center distance adjustment by rotation of one of For Small the gear centers by Adjustment means of a swing arm For Large on an eccentric bushAdjustment ing. Again, once the (b) Rotary Movement desired backlash setting is found, the posiFig. 14-11 Ways of Decreasing tioning arm is locked. Backlash in Case III Case IV Adjustment of both center distance and tooth thickness is theoretically valid, but is not the usual practice. This would call for needless fabrication expense. 14.5.2 Dynamic Methods
Dynamic methods relate to the static techniques. However, they involve a forced adjustment of either the effective tooth thickness or the center distance. 1. Backlash Removal by Forced Tooth Contact This is derived from static Case II. Referring to Figure 14-10a , a forcing spring rotates the two gear halves apart. This results in an effective tooth thickness that continually fills the entire tooth space in all mesh positions. 2. Backlash Removal by Forced Center Distance Closing This is derived from static Case III. A spring force is applied to close the center distance; in one case as a linear force along the line-of-centers, and in the other case as a torque applied to the swing arm. In all of these dynamic methods, the applied external force should be known and properly specified. The theoretical relationship of the forces involved is as follows: F > F1 + F2 where: F1 = Transmission Load on Tooth Surface F2 = Friction Force on Tooth Surface (14-24)
If F < F1 + F2, then it would be impossible to remove backlash. But if F is excessively greater than a proper level, the tooth surfaces would be needlessly loaded and could lead to premature wear and shortened life. Thus, in designing such gears, consideration must be given to not only the needed transmission load, but also the forces acting upon the tooth surfaces caused by the spring load. It is important to appreciate that the spring loading must be set to accommodate the largest expected transmission force, F1, and this maximum spring force is applied to the tooth surfaces continually and irrespective of the load being driven. 3. Duplex Lead Worm A duplex lead worm mesh is a special design in which backlash can be adjusted by shifting the worm axially. It is useful for worm drives in high
precision turntables and hobbing machines. Figure 14-12 presents the basic concept of a duplex lead worm. pR pR pR pR
Single Pitch Error Accumulated Pitch Error Normal Pitch Error fpt Fp fpb 0.71W + 2.0 1.0W + 1.4W + 2.0W + 2.8W + 2.8 4.0 5.6 8.0 0.5W + 1.4 2.0W + 2.8W + 5.6 8.0 1.25W ' + 2.0 1.8W ' + 2.8 2.5W ' + 4.0 4.0W ' + 6.3 6.3W ' + 10.0 0.9W ' + 1.4
The Allowable Single Pitch Error, Accumulated Pitch Error and Normal Pitch Error, m
Fig. 14-12
7 8
4.0W + 11.2
16.0W + 45.0
8.0W + 22.4
The lead or pitch, pL and pR , on the two sides of the worm thread are not identical. The example in Figure 14-12 shows the case when pR > pL. To produce such a worm requires a special dual lead hob. The intent of Figure 14-12 is to indicate that the worm tooth thickness is progressively bigger towards the right end. Thus, it is convenient to adjust backlash by simply moving the duplex worm in the axial direction. SECTION 15 GEAR ACCURACY
In the above table, W and W ' are the tolerance units defined as: 3 W = d + 0.65m (m) (15-1) W ' = 0.56 W + 0.25m (m) (15-2)
The value of allowable pitch variation error is k times the single pitch error. Table 15-2 expresses the formula of the allowable pitch variation error. Single Pitch Error, f pt Table 15-2 The Allowable Pitch Variation Error, m 1.00fpt 1.06fpt Pitch Variation Error, f pu
Gears are one of the basic elements used to transmit power and position. As designers, we desire them to meet various demands: 1. Minimum size. 2. Maximum power capability. 3. Minimum noise (silent operation). 4. Accurate rotation/position. To meet various levels of these demands requires appropriate degrees of gear accuracy. This involves several gear features. 15.1 Accuracy Of Spur And Helical Gears This discussion of spur and helical gear accuracy is based upon JIS B 1702 standard. This specification describes 9 grades of gear accuracy grouped from 0 through 8 and four types of pitch errors: Single pitch error. Pitch variation error. Accumulated pitch error. Normal pitch error. Single pitch error, pitch variation and accumulated pitch errors are closely related with each other. 15.1.1 Pitch Errors of Gear Teeth
less than 5 5 or more, but less than 10 10 or more, but less than 20 20 or more, but less than 30 30 or more, but less than 50 50 or more, but less than 70 70 or more, but less than 100 100 or more, but less than 150 more than 150
1.12fpt 1.18fpt
Figure 15-1 is an example of pitch errors derived from data measurements made with a dial indicator on a 15 tooth gear. Pitch differences were measured between adjacent teeth and are plotted in the figure. From that plot, single pitch, pitch variation and accumulated pitch errors are extracted and plotted. 20 15 10 5 0 5 10 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 Tooth Position Number B A C
1. Single Pitch Error (f pt ) The deviation between actual measured pitch value between any adjacent tooth surface and theoretical circular pitch. 2. Pitch Variation Error (f pu ) Actual pitch variation between any two adjacent teeth. In the ideal case, the pitch variation error will be zero. 3. Accumulated Pitch Error (F p ) Difference between theoretical summation over any number of teeth interval, and summation of actual pitch measurement over the same interval. 4. Normal Pitch Error (f pb ) It is the difference between theoretical normal pitch and its actual measured value. The major element to influence the pitch errors is the runout of gear flank groove. Table 15-1 contains the ranges of allowable pitch errors of spur gears and helical gears for each precision grade, as specified in JIS B 17021976.
NOTE: A = Max. Single Pitch Error B = Max. Accumulated Error C = Max. Pitch Variation Error Fig. 15-1 Examples of Pitch Errors for a 15 Tooth Gear
precision turntables and hobbing machines. Figure 14-12 presents the basic concept of a duplex lead worm. pR pR pR pR
Single Pitch Error Accumulated Pitch Error Normal Pitch Error fpt Fp fpb 0.71W + 2.0 1.0W + 1.4W + 2.0W + 2.8W + 2.8 4.0 5.6 8.0 0.5W + 1.4 2.0W + 2.8W + 5.6 8.0 1.25W ' + 2.0 1.8W ' + 2.8 2.5W ' + 4.0 4.0W ' + 6.3 6.3W ' + 10.0 0.9W ' + 1.4
The Allowable Single Pitch Error, Accumulated Pitch Error and Normal Pitch Error, m
Fig. 14-12
7 8
4.0W + 11.2
16.0W + 45.0
8.0W + 22.4
The lead or pitch, pL and pR , on the two sides of the worm thread are not identical. The example in Figure 14-12 shows the case when pR > pL. To produce such a worm requires a special dual lead hob. The intent of Figure 14-12 is to indicate that the worm tooth thickness is progressively bigger towards the right end. Thus, it is convenient to adjust backlash by simply moving the duplex worm in the axial direction. SECTION 15 GEAR ACCURACY
In the above table, W and W ' are the tolerance units defined as: 3 W = d + 0.65m (m) (15-1) W ' = 0.56 W + 0.25m (m) (15-2)
The value of allowable pitch variation error is k times the single pitch error. Table 15-2 expresses the formula of the allowable pitch variation error. Single Pitch Error, f pt Table 15-2 The Allowable Pitch Variation Error, m 1.00fpt 1.06fpt Pitch Variation Error, f pu
Gears are one of the basic elements used to transmit power and position. As designers, we desire them to meet various demands: 1. Minimum size. 2. Maximum power capability. 3. Minimum noise (silent operation). 4. Accurate rotation/position. To meet various levels of these demands requires appropriate degrees of gear accuracy. This involves several gear features. 15.1 Accuracy Of Spur And Helical Gears This discussion of spur and helical gear accuracy is based upon JIS B 1702 standard. This specification describes 9 grades of gear accuracy grouped from 0 through 8 and four types of pitch errors: Single pitch error. Pitch variation error. Accumulated pitch error. Normal pitch error. Single pitch error, pitch variation and accumulated pitch errors are closely related with each other. 15.1.1 Pitch Errors of Gear Teeth
less than 5 5 or more, but less than 10 10 or more, but less than 20 20 or more, but less than 30 30 or more, but less than 50 50 or more, but less than 70 70 or more, but less than 100 100 or more, but less than 150 more than 150
1.12fpt 1.18fpt
Figure 15-1 is an example of pitch errors derived from data measurements made with a dial indicator on a 15 tooth gear. Pitch differences were measured between adjacent teeth and are plotted in the figure. From that plot, single pitch, pitch variation and accumulated pitch errors are extracted and plotted. 20 15 10 5 0 5 10 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 Tooth Position Number B A C
1. Single Pitch Error (f pt ) The deviation between actual measured pitch value between any adjacent tooth surface and theoretical circular pitch. 2. Pitch Variation Error (f pu ) Actual pitch variation between any two adjacent teeth. In the ideal case, the pitch variation error will be zero. 3. Accumulated Pitch Error (F p ) Difference between theoretical summation over any number of teeth interval, and summation of actual pitch measurement over the same interval. 4. Normal Pitch Error (f pb ) It is the difference between theoretical normal pitch and its actual measured value. The major element to influence the pitch errors is the runout of gear flank groove. Table 15-1 contains the ranges of allowable pitch errors of spur gears and helical gears for each precision grade, as specified in JIS B 17021976.
NOTE: A = Max. Single Pitch Error B = Max. Accumulated Error C = Max. Pitch Variation Error Fig. 15-1 Examples of Pitch Errors for a 15 Tooth Gear
Tooth profile error is the summation of deviation between actual tooth profile and correct involute curve which passes through the pitch point measured perpendicular to the actual profile. The measured band is the actual effective working surface of the gear. However, the tooth modification area is not considered as part of profile error. 15.1.3 Runout Error Of Gear Teeth, Fr
This error defines the runout of the pitch circle. It is the error in radial position of the teeth. Most often it is measured by indicating the position of a pin or ball inserted in each tooth space around the gear and taking the largest difference. Alternately, particularly for fine pitch gears, the gear is rolled with a master gear on a variable center distance fixture, which records the change in the center distance as the measure of teeth or pitch circle runout. Runout causes a number of problems, one of which is noise. The source of this error is most often insufficient accuracy and ruggedness of the cutting arbor and tooling system. 15.1.4 Lead Error, f
Lead error is the deviation of the actual advance of the tooth profile from the ideal value or position. Lead error results in poor tooth contact, particularly concentrating contact to the tip area. Modifications, such as tooth crowning and relieving can alleviate this error to some degree.
Shown in Figure 15-2 is an Table 15-4 The Value of example of a chart measuring tooth Allowable OD and profile error and lead error using a Lateral Runout, m Zeiss UMC 550 tester. OD Lateral Grade Table 15-3 presents the Runout Runout allowable tooth profile, runout and 0.5j 0.71 q JIS 0 lead errors per JIS B 1702-1976. 0.71j 1.0 q 1 15.1.5. Outside Diameter 1.0j 1.4 q 2 Runout and Lateral 1.4j 2.0 q 3 Runout 2.0j 2.8 q 4 To produce a high precision 2.8j 4.0 q 5 gear requires starting with an 4.0j 5.6 q 6 accurate gear blank. Two criteria 8.0j 11.2 q 7 are very important: 22.4 q 8 16.0j 1. Outside diameter (OD) runout. 3 where: j = 1.1 da + 5.5 2. Lateral (side face) runout. da = Outside diameter The lateral runout has a large (mm) impact on the gear tooth accuracy. 6d q = + 3 Generally, the permissible runout b + 50 error is related to the gear size. d = Pitch diameter Table 15-4 presents equations for (mm) allowable values of OD runout and lateral runout. b = Tooth width (mm)
A Sample Chart of Profile and Lead Error Measurement The Value of Allowable Tooth Profile Error, Runout Error and Lead Error, m Runout Error of Gear Groove Fr
Lead Error F
JIS 0 0.71m + 2.24 1.4W + 4.0 1 1.0m + 3.15 2.0W + 5.6 2 1.4m + 4.5 2.8W + 8.0 3 2.0m + 6.3 4.0W + 11.2 4 2.8m + 9.0 5.6W + 16.0 5 4.0m + 12.5 8.0W + 22.4 6 5.6m + 18.0 11.2W + 31.5 7 8.0m + 25.0 22.4W + 63.0 8 11.2m + 35.5 45.0W + 125.0 3 where: W = Tolerance unit = d + 0.65m (m) b = Tooth width (mm) m = Module (mm)
0.63 (0.1b + 10) 0.71 (0.1b + 10) 0.80 (0.1b + 10) 1.00 (0.1b + 10) 1.25 (0.1b + 10) 1.60 (0.1b + 10) 2.00 (0.1b + 10) 2.50 (0.1b + 10) 3.15 (0.1b + 10)
15.2 Accuracy Of Bevel Gears JIS B 1704 regulates the specification of a bevel gear's accuracy. It also groups bevel gears into 9 grades, from 0 to 8. There are 4 types of allowable errors: 1. Single Pitch Error. 2. Pitch Variation Error. 3. Accumulated Pitch Error. 4. Runout Error of Teeth (pitch circle). These are similar to the spur gear errors. 1. Single Pitch Error, f pt The deviation between actual measured pitch value between any adjacent teeth and the theoretical circular pitch at the central cone distance. 2. Pitch Variation Error, f pu Absolute pitch variation between any two adjacent teeth at the central cone distance. 3. Accumulated Pitch Error, Fp Difference between theoretical pitch sum of any teeth interval, and the summation of actual measured pitches for the same teeth interval at the central cone distance. 4. Runout Error of Teeth, Fr This is the maximum amount of tooth runout in the radial direction, measured by indicating a pin or ball placed between two teeth at the central cone distance. It is the pitch cone runout. Table 15-5 presents equations for allowable values of these various errors. Table 15-5 Equations for Allowable Single Pitch Error, Accumulated Pitch Error and Pitch Cone Runout Error, m Runout Error of Accumulated Single Pitch Error Pitch Cone Pitch Error fpf Fr Fp 0.4W + 2.65 1.6W + 10.6 2.36d 0.63W + 5.0 2.5W + 20.0 3.6d 1.0W + 9.5 4.0W + 38.0 5.3d 1.6W + 18.0 6.4W + 72.0 8.0d 2.5W + 33.5 10.0W + 134.0 12.0d 4.0W + 63.0 18.0d 6.3W + 118.0 27.0d 60.0d 130.0d
The equations of allowable pitch variations are in Table 15-6. Besides the above errors, there are seven specifications for bevel gear blank dimensions and angles, plus an eighth that concerns the cut gear set: 1. The tolerance of the blank outside diameter and the crown to back surface distance. 2. The tolerance of the outer cone angle of the gear blank. 3. The tolerance of the cone surface runout of the gear blank. 4. The tolerance of the side surface runout of the gear blank. 5. The feeler gauge size to check the flatness of blank back surface. 6. The tolerance of the shaft runout of the gear blank. 7. The tolerance of the shaft bore dimension deviation of the gear blank. 8. The contact band of the tooth mesh. Item 8 relates to cutting of the two mating gears' teeth. The meshing tooth contact area must be full and even across the profiles. This is an important criterion that supersedes all other blank requirements. 15.3 Running (Dynamic) Gear Testing An alternate simple means of testing the general accuracy of a gear is to rotate it with a mate, preferably of known high quality, and measure characteristics during rotation. This kind of tester can be either single contact (fixed center distance method) or dual (variable center distance method). This refers to action on one side or simultaneously on both sides of the tooth. This is also commonly referred to as single and double flank testing. Because of simplicity, dual contact testing is more popular than single contact. JGMA has a specification on accuracy of running tests. 1. Dual Contact (Double Flank) Testing In this technique, the gear is forced meshed with a master gear such that there is intimate tooth contact on both sides and, therefore, no backlash. The contact is forced by a loading spring. As the gears rotate, there is variation of center distance due to various errors, most notably runout. This variation is measured and is a criterion of gear quality. A full rotation Total (One Turn) Running Error (TCE)
Grade JIS 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
One Pitch Running Error (TTCE) One Turn Fig. 15-3 Example of Dual Contact Running Testing Report
Table 15-6
The Formula of Allowable Pitch Variation Error (m) Pitch Variation Error, fpu 1.3f pt 1.4f pt 1.5f pt 1.6f pt
presents the total gear error, while rotation through one pitch is a tooth-totooth error. Figure 15-3 presents a typical plot for such a test. For American engineers, this measurement test is identical to what AGMA designates as Total Composite Tolerance (or error) and Tooth-toTooth Composite Tolerance. Both of these parameters are also referred to in American publications as "errors", which they truly are. Tolerance is a design value which is an inaccurate description of the parameter, since it is an error. Allowable errors per JGMA 116-01 are presented on the next page, in Table 15-7. 2. Single Contact Testing In this test, the gear is mated with a master gear on a fixed center distance and set in such a way that only one tooth side makes contact. The gears are rotated through this single flank contact action, and the angular transmission error of the driven gear is measured. This is a tedious testing method and is seldom used except for inspection of the very highest precision gears.
Single Pitch Error, fpt Less than 70 70 or more, but less than 100 100 or more, but less than 150 More than 150
Allowable Values of Running Errors, m Total Composite Error (1.4W (2.0W (2.8W (4.0W (5.6W (8.0W (11.2W (22.4W + + + + + + + + 4.0) + 5.6) + 8.0) + 11.2) + 16.0) + 22.4) + 31.5) + 63.0) + 0.5 (1.12m + 3.55) 0.5 (1.6m + 5.0) 0.5 (2.24m + 7.1) 0.5 (3.15m + 10.0) 0.5 (4.5m + 14.0) 0.5 (6.3m + 20.0) 0.5 (9.0m + 28.0) 0.5 (12.5m + 40.0)
0 1.12m + 3.55 1 1.6m + 5.0 2 2.24m + 7.1 3 3.15m + 10.0 4 4.5m + 14.0 5 6.3m + 20.0 6 9.0m + 28.0 7 12.5m + 40.0 8 18.0m + 56.0 3 where: W = Tolerance unit = d + 0.65m (m) d = Pitch diameter (mm) m = Module SECTION 16 GEAR FORCES In designing a gear, it is important to analyze the magnitude and direction of the forces acting upon the gear teeth, shaft, bearings, etc. In analyzing these forces, an idealized assumption is made that the tooth forces are acting upon the central part of the tooth flank. 16.1 Forces In A Spur Gear Mesh The spur gear's transmission force Fn, which is b normal to the tooth surface, Fu as in Figure 16-1, can be resolved into a tangential component, Fu, and a raFn Fr dial component, Fr. Refer to Equation (16-1). The direction of the forces acting on the gears Fig. 16-1 Forces Acting on a are shown in Figure 16-2. Spur Gear Mesh The tangential component of the drive gear, Fu1, is equal to the driven gear's tangential component, Fu2, but the directions are opposite. Similarly, the same is true of the radial components.
Drive Gear
F r1 F u2 F r2 F u1 F u1
Fr1 F u2 F r2
Driven Gear
Fig. 16-2
The helical gear's transmission force, Fn, which is normal to the tooth surface, can be resolved into a tangential component, F1, and a radial component, Fr, as shown in Figure 16-3.
Table 16-1 Types of Gears Spur Gear Helical Gear Straight Bevel Gear
Tangential Force, Fu
2000 T Fu = d 2000 T Fu = dm dm is the central pitch diameter dm = d b sin 2000 T1 Fu = d1 cosncos sin Fu cosnsin + cos 2000 T1 Fu = d1
Radial Force, Fr
Fu tan tann Fu cos Fu tan cos Fu (tann cos + sinm sin) cosm Fu (tann cos sinm sin ) cosm sinn Fu cosn sin + cos
When convex surface is working: Fu (tann sin sinm cos) cosm When concave surface is working: Fu (tann sin + sinm cos ) cosm
cosn cos sin Fu cosn sin + cos Fu cosnsin cos Fu cosncos + sin Fu
Allowable Values of Running Errors, m Total Composite Error (1.4W (2.0W (2.8W (4.0W (5.6W (8.0W (11.2W (22.4W + + + + + + + + 4.0) + 5.6) + 8.0) + 11.2) + 16.0) + 22.4) + 31.5) + 63.0) + 0.5 (1.12m + 3.55) 0.5 (1.6m + 5.0) 0.5 (2.24m + 7.1) 0.5 (3.15m + 10.0) 0.5 (4.5m + 14.0) 0.5 (6.3m + 20.0) 0.5 (9.0m + 28.0) 0.5 (12.5m + 40.0)
0 1.12m + 3.55 1 1.6m + 5.0 2 2.24m + 7.1 3 3.15m + 10.0 4 4.5m + 14.0 5 6.3m + 20.0 6 9.0m + 28.0 7 12.5m + 40.0 8 18.0m + 56.0 3 where: W = Tolerance unit = d + 0.65m (m) d = Pitch diameter (mm) m = Module SECTION 16 GEAR FORCES In designing a gear, it is important to analyze the magnitude and direction of the forces acting upon the gear teeth, shaft, bearings, etc. In analyzing these forces, an idealized assumption is made that the tooth forces are acting upon the central part of the tooth flank. 16.1 Forces In A Spur Gear Mesh The spur gear's transmission force Fn, which is b normal to the tooth surface, Fu as in Figure 16-1, can be resolved into a tangential component, Fu, and a raFn Fr dial component, Fr. Refer to Equation (16-1). The direction of the forces acting on the gears Fig. 16-1 Forces Acting on a are shown in Figure 16-2. Spur Gear Mesh The tangential component of the drive gear, Fu1, is equal to the driven gear's tangential component, Fu2, but the directions are opposite. Similarly, the same is true of the radial components.
Drive Gear
F r1 F u2 F r2 F u1 F u1
Fr1 F u2 F r2
Driven Gear
Fig. 16-2
The helical gear's transmission force, Fn, which is normal to the tooth surface, can be resolved into a tangential component, F1, and a radial component, Fr, as shown in Figure 16-3.
Table 16-1 Types of Gears Spur Gear Helical Gear Straight Bevel Gear
Tangential Force, Fu
2000 T Fu = d 2000 T Fu = dm dm is the central pitch diameter dm = d b sin 2000 T1 Fu = d1 cosncos sin Fu cosnsin + cos 2000 T1 Fu = d1
Radial Force, Fr
Fu tan tann Fu cos Fu tan cos Fu (tann cos + sinm sin) cosm Fu (tann cos sinm sin ) cosm sinn Fu cosn sin + cos
When convex surface is working: Fu (tann sin sinm cos) cosm When concave surface is working: Fu (tann sin + sinm cos ) cosm
cosn cos sin Fu cosn sin + cos Fu cosnsin cos Fu cosncos + sin Fu
16.3 Forces On A Straight Bevel Gear Mesh Fa The forces acting on a straight bevel gear are shown in Figure 16-5. The force which is normal to the central part of the tooth face, Fn, can be split into tangential component, Fu, and radial component, F1, in the normal plane of the tooth. Fu n F1 Fn Fig. 16-3 Forces Acting on a Helical Gear Mesh Fa (16-2) Fr F1 Fr Fu = Fn cos F1 = Fn sin Fu Fn F1 (16-5)
F1 = Fn cosn Fr = Fn sinn
The tangential component, F1, can be further resolved into circular subcomponent, Fu, and axial thrust subcomponent, Fa. Fu = F1 cos Fa = F1 sin (16-3)
Fig. 16-5
Substituting and manipulating the above equations result in: Fa = Fu tan tann Fr = Fu cos (16-4)
Again, the radial component, F1, can be divided into an axial force, Fa, and a radial force, Fr , perpendicular to the axis. Fa = F1 sin Fr = F1 cos And the following can be derived: Fa = Fu tann sin Fr = Fu tann cos (16-6)
The directions of forces acting on a helical gear mesh are shown in Figure 16-4. The axial thrust sub-component from drive gear, Fa1, equals the driven gear's, F a 2 , but their directions are opposite. Again, this case is the same as tangential components Fu1, Fu2 and radial components F r 1 , F r2.
F u2 F a2
F r1 F a1 F r2 F u1 F u1 F a1
F r1 F a2 F r2 F u2
Let a pair of straight bevel gears with a shaft angle = 90, a pressure angle n = 20 and tangential force, Fu, to the central part of tooth face be 100. Axial force, Fa, and radial force, Fr, will be as presented in Table 16-2.
Values of Axial Force, Fa, and Radial Force, Fr z2 Ratio of Numbers of Teeth z1 1.0 25.7 25.7 1.5 20.2 30.3 2.0 16.3 32.6 2.5 13.5 33.8 3.0 11.5 34.5 4.0 8.8 35.3 5.0 7.1 35.7
Forces on the Gear Tooth Axial Force Radial Force (2) Gear Forces on the Gear Tooth Axial Force Radial Force
F u2
F u1 F a2
z2 Ratio of Numbers of Teeth z1 1.0 25.7 25.7 1.5 30.3 20.2 2.0 32.6 16.3 2.5 33.8 13.5 3.0 34.5 11.5 4.0 35.3 8.8 5.0 35.7 7.1
Fig. 16-4
Figure 16-6 contains the directions of forces acting on a straight bevel gear mesh. In the meshing of a pair of straight bevel gears with shaft angle = 90, all the forces have relations as per Equations (16-8). F u1 = F u2 F r 1 = F a2 F a1 = F r2 Pinion as Drive Gear Gear as Driven Gear (16-8)
The transmission force, Fn, can be resolved into components F1 and Ft as (see Figure 16-8): F1 = Fncosn Ft = Fnsinn Fu = F1cosm Fs = F1sinm (16-9)
F u1 F r2
F r1 F a1
F u2
F r1 Fa1 F r2 F a2
F a2
F u2
Fig. 16-6
Directions of Forces Acting on a Straight Bevel Gear Mesh Fig. 16-8 When Meshing on the Convex Side of Tooth Face
16.4 Forces In A Spiral Bevel Gear Mesh Spiral gear teeth have convex and concave sides. Depending on which surface the force is acting on, the direction and magnitude changes. They differ depending upon which is the driver and which is the driven. Figure 16-7 presents the profile orientations of right- and left-hand spiral teeth. If the profile of the driving gear is convex, then the profile of the driven gear must be concave. Table 16-3 presents the concave/convex relationships.
On the axial surface, Ft and Fs can be resolved into axial and radial subcomponents. Fa = Ft sin Fs cos Fr = Ft cos + Fs sin By substitution and manipulation, we obtain: Fu Fa = (tannsin sinmcos) cosm Fu Fr = (tanncos + sin sin) cosm (16-12) (16-11)
Concave Surface
Convex Surface
Right-Hand Spiral
On the surface which is normal to the tooth profile at the central portion of the tooth, the transmission force, Fn, can be split into F1 and Ft as (see Figure 16-9): F1 = Fn cosn Ft = Fn sinn F1 F1 Fs n Ft Fs Fa Fr Ft (16-13)
Concave and Convex Sides of a Spiral Bevel Gear Mesh Right-Hand Gear as Drive Gear
Table 16-3
Meshing Tooth Face Rotational Direction of Drive Gear Right-Hand Drive Gear Left-Hand Driven Gear Clockwise Convex Concave Convex Counterclockwise Rotational Direction of Drive Gear Clockwise Counterclockwise Concave
Left-Hand Drive Gear Right-Hand Driven Gear Concave Convex Convex Concave Fig. 16-9
NOTE: The rotational direction of a bevel gear is defined as the direction one sees viewed along the axis from the back cone to the apex.
And F1 can be separated into components Fu and Fs on the pitch surface: Fu = F1cosm Fs = F1sinm (16-14)
F u1
So far, the equations are identical to the convex case. However, differences exist in the signs for equation terms. On the axial surface, Ft and Fs can be resolved into axial and radial subcomponents. Note the sign differences. Fa = Ft sin + Fs cos Fr = Ft cos Fs sin The above can be manipulated to yield: Fu Fa = (tann sin + sinm cos) cosm Fu Fr = (tann cos sinm sin) cosm (16-16) (16-15)
F r2
F r1
F u1
Let a pair of spiral bevel gears have a shaft angle =90, a pressure angle n = 20, and a spiral angle m = 35. If the tangential force, Fu, to the central portion of the tooth face is 100, the axial thrust force, Fa, and radial force, Fr, have the relationship shown in Table 16-4. The value of axial force, Fa, of a spiral bevel gear, from Table 16-4, could become negative. At that point, there are forces tending to push the two gears together. If there is any axial play in the bearing, it may lead to the undesirable condition of the mesh having no backlash. Therefore, it is important to pay particular attention to axial plays. From Table 16-4(2), we understand that axial thrust force, Fa, changes from positive to negative in the range of teeth ratio from 1.5 to 2.0 when a gear carries force on the convex side. The precise turning point of axial thrust force, Fa, is at the teeth ratio z1/z2=1.57357. Table 16-4 (1) Pinion Values of Axial Thrust Force, Fa, and Radial Force,Fr z2 Ratio of Number of Teeth z1 1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5 3.0 4.0 5.0 80.9 82.9 82.5 81.5 80.5 78.7 77.4 18.1 1.9 8.4 15.2 20.0 26.1 29.8 18.1 33.6 42.8 48.5 52.4 57.2 59.9 80.9 75.8 71.1 67.3 64.3 60.1 57.3 z2 Ratio of Number of Teeth z1 1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5 3.0 4.0 5.0 80.9 75.8 71.1 67.3 64.3 60.1 57.3 18.1 33.6 42.8 48.5 52.4 57.2 59.9 15.2 20.0 26.1 29.8 18.1 1.9 8.4 80.9 82.9 82.5 81.5 80.5 78.7 77.4
F r2 F a2
F u1
Fig. 16-10
Meshing Tooth Face Concave Side of Tooth Convex Side of Tooth (2) Gear Meshing Tooth Face Concave Side of Tooth Convex Side of Tooth
F u2
F u1
Right-Hand Pinion as Drive Gear Left-Hand Gear as Driven Gear F r1 F u1 F r2 F a1 F a2 F u2 F r2 Driver F u2 F a2 F u1 F r1 Fa1
Figure 16-10 describes the forces for a pair of spiral bevel gears with shaft angle = 90, pressure angle n = 20, spiral angle m = 35 and the teeth ratio, u, ranging from 1 to 1.57357. Figure 16-11 expresses the forces of another pair of spiral bevel gears taken with the teeth ratio equal to or larger than 1.57357.
Fig. 16-11
n Fn Fr1
The coefficient of friction has a great effect on the transmission of a worm gear. Equation (16-21) presents the efficiency when the worm is the driver. T2 Fu2 cosncos sin R = = tan = tan T1i Fu1 cosnsin + cos 16.5.2 Worm Gear as the Driver (16-21)
For the case of a worm as the driver, Figure 16-12, the transmission force, Fn, which is normal to the tooth surface at the pitch circle can be resolved into components F1 and F r 1 . F1 = Fn cosn F r 1 = Fn sinn (16-17) Fn
F1 Fa1
For the case of a worm gear as the driver, the forces are as in Figure 16-14 and per Equations (16-22). F u 2 = Fn(cosncos + sin) F a 2 = Fn(cosnsin cos) F r 2 = Fnsinn n F2 Fn F r2 (16-22)
At the pitch surface of the worm, there is, in addition to the tangential component, F1, a friction sliding force on the tooth surface, Fn. These two forces can be resolved into the circular and axial directions as: F u 1 = F1 sin + Fn cos F a 1 = F1 cos Fn sin and by substitution, the result is: F u 1 = Fn (cosn sin + cos) F a 1 = Fn (cosn cos sin) F r 1 = Fn sinn
Fig. 16-12
Fa2 (16-19) Fn
F2 Fu2
Figure 16-13 presents the direction of forces in a worm gear mesh with a shaft angle = 90. These forces relate as follows: F a 1 = F u 2 F u 1 = F a 2 F r 1 = F r 2 (16-20)
Fig. 16-14
When the worm and worm gear are at 90 shaft angle, Equations (16-20) apply. Then, when the worm gear is the driver, the transmission efficiency I is expressed as per Equation (16-23). T1 i F u1 cosn sin cos 1 I = = = T2 Fu2 tan cosn cos + sin tan (16-23)
The equations concerning worm and worm gear forces contain the coefficient . This indicates the coefficient of friction is very important in the transmission of power. 16.6 Forces In A Screw Gear Mesh F a2 F u2 I 1 2 F u1 The Forces in a Screw Gear Mesh F a1
F a1 F u1
F r2 F a2 F u2
F u2 F a2 Driver
F r2 F u1 F a1
F r1
F r1
as Drive Gear II Right-Hand Worm Gear Worm Worm Gear as Driven Gear
F r2 F u1 F u2
The forces in a screw gear mesh are similar to those in a worm gear mesh. For screw gears that have a shaft angle = 90, merely replace the worm's lead angle , in Equation (16-22), with the screw gear's helix angle 1. In the general case when the shaft angle is not 90, as in Figure 16-15, the driver screw gear has the same forces as for a worm mesh. These are expressed in Equations (16-24).
II Fig. 16-15
F r1
Forces acting on the driven gear can be calculated per Equations (16-25). F u 2 = F a 1 sin + F u 1 cos F a 2 = F u 1 sin F a 1 cos F r 2 = F r 1
Conversion Formulas: Power, Torque and Force Gear strength and durability relate to the power and forces to be transmitted. Thus, the equations that relate tangential force at the pitch circle, Ft (kgf), power, P (kw), and torque, T (kgfm) are basic to the calculations. The relations are as follows: 102P 1.95 x 106P 2000T Ft = = = v dw n dw F tv 106 P = = F t d w n 102 1.95 F td w 974P T = = 2000 n where: v : Tangential Speed of Working Pitch Circle (m/sec) d wn v = 19100 (17-1) (17-2) (17-3)
If the term in Equation (16-25) is 90, it becomes identical to Equation (16-20). Figure 16-16 presents the direction of forces in a screw gear mesh when the shaft angle = 90 and 1 = 2 = 45.
F u1 F a1
F u2
F a2
F a1
F r2
F a2
F u2
F r2
F u1
17.1 Bending Strength Of Spur And Helical Gears In order to confirm an acceptable safe bending strength, it is necessary to analyze the applied tangential force at the working pitch circle, Ft, vs. allowable force, Ft lim. This is stated as: Ft Ft lim (17-4)
II Left-Hand Gear
F u1 F u2 F r1
It should be noted that the greatest bending stress is at the root of the flank or base of the dedendum. Thus, it can be stated: F = actual stress on dedendum at root Ft lim = allowable stress Then Equation (17-4) becomes Equation (17-5)
F r2
F a2
F u1
F F lim Equation (17-6) presents the calculation of Ft lim: K LK FX m nb 1 (kgf) Ft lim = Flim YFYY KV KO SF
Fig. 16-16
SECTION 17 STRENGTH AND DURABILITY OF GEARS The strength of gears is generally expressed in terms of bending strength and surface durability. These are independent criteria which can have differing criticalness, although usually both are important. Discussions in this section are based upon equations published in the literature of the Japanese Gear Manufacturer Association (JGMA). Reference is made to the following JGMA specifications: Specifications of JGMA: JGMA 401-01 JGMA 402-01 JGMA 403-01 JGMA 404-01 JGMA 405-01 Bending Strength Formula of Spur Gears and Helical Gears Surface Durability Formula of Spur Gears and Helical Gears Bending Strength Formula of Bevel Gears Surface Durability Formula of Bevel Gears The Strength Formula of Worm Gears
If the gears in a pair have different blank widths, let the wider one be bw and the narrower one be bs . And if: bw bs mn , bw and bs can be put directly into Equation (17-6). bw bs > mn, the wider one would be changed to bs + mn and the narrower one, bs , would be unchanged. 17.1.2 Tooth Profile Factor, YF
Generally, bending strength and durability specifications are applied to spur and helical gears (including double helical and internal gears) used in industrial machines in the following range: Module: Pitch Diameter: Tangential Speed: Rotating Speed: m d v n 1.5 to 25 mm 25 to 3200 mm less than 25 m/sec less than 3600 rpm
The factor YF is obtainable from Figure 17-1 based on the equivalent number of teeth, zv, and coefficient of profile shift, x, if the gear has a standard tooth profile with 20 pressure angle, per JIS B 1701. The theoretical limit of undercut is shown. Also, for profile shifted gears the limit of too narrow (sharp) a tooth top land is given. For internal gears, obtain the factor by considering the equivalent racks. 17.1.3 Load Distribution Factor, Y
Table 17-1 shows the radial contact ratio of a standard spur gear.
Forces acting on the driven gear can be calculated per Equations (16-25). F u 2 = F a 1 sin + F u 1 cos F a 2 = F u 1 sin F a 1 cos F r 2 = F r 1
Conversion Formulas: Power, Torque and Force Gear strength and durability relate to the power and forces to be transmitted. Thus, the equations that relate tangential force at the pitch circle, Ft (kgf), power, P (kw), and torque, T (kgfm) are basic to the calculations. The relations are as follows: 102P 1.95 x 106P 2000T Ft = = = v dw n dw F tv 106 P = = F t d w n 102 1.95 F td w 974P T = = 2000 n where: v : Tangential Speed of Working Pitch Circle (m/sec) d wn v = 19100 (17-1) (17-2) (17-3)
If the term in Equation (16-25) is 90, it becomes identical to Equation (16-20). Figure 16-16 presents the direction of forces in a screw gear mesh when the shaft angle = 90 and 1 = 2 = 45.
F u1 F a1
F u2
F a2
F a1
F r2
F a2
F u2
F r2
F u1
17.1 Bending Strength Of Spur And Helical Gears In order to confirm an acceptable safe bending strength, it is necessary to analyze the applied tangential force at the working pitch circle, Ft, vs. allowable force, Ft lim. This is stated as: Ft Ft lim (17-4)
II Left-Hand Gear
F u1 F u2 F r1
It should be noted that the greatest bending stress is at the root of the flank or base of the dedendum. Thus, it can be stated: F = actual stress on dedendum at root Ft lim = allowable stress Then Equation (17-4) becomes Equation (17-5)
F r2
F a2
F u1
F F lim Equation (17-6) presents the calculation of Ft lim: K LK FX m nb 1 (kgf) Ft lim = Flim YFYY KV KO SF
Fig. 16-16
SECTION 17 STRENGTH AND DURABILITY OF GEARS The strength of gears is generally expressed in terms of bending strength and surface durability. These are independent criteria which can have differing criticalness, although usually both are important. Discussions in this section are based upon equations published in the literature of the Japanese Gear Manufacturer Association (JGMA). Reference is made to the following JGMA specifications: Specifications of JGMA: JGMA 401-01 JGMA 402-01 JGMA 403-01 JGMA 404-01 JGMA 405-01 Bending Strength Formula of Spur Gears and Helical Gears Surface Durability Formula of Spur Gears and Helical Gears Bending Strength Formula of Bevel Gears Surface Durability Formula of Bevel Gears The Strength Formula of Worm Gears
If the gears in a pair have different blank widths, let the wider one be bw and the narrower one be bs . And if: bw bs mn , bw and bs can be put directly into Equation (17-6). bw bs > mn, the wider one would be changed to bs + mn and the narrower one, bs , would be unchanged. 17.1.2 Tooth Profile Factor, YF
Generally, bending strength and durability specifications are applied to spur and helical gears (including double helical and internal gears) used in industrial machines in the following range: Module: Pitch Diameter: Tangential Speed: Rotating Speed: m d v n 1.5 to 25 mm 25 to 3200 mm less than 25 m/sec less than 3600 rpm
The factor YF is obtainable from Figure 17-1 based on the equivalent number of teeth, zv, and coefficient of profile shift, x, if the gear has a standard tooth profile with 20 pressure angle, per JIS B 1701. The theoretical limit of undercut is shown. Also, for profile shifted gears the limit of too narrow (sharp) a tooth top land is given. For internal gears, obtain the factor by considering the equivalent racks. 17.1.3 Load Distribution Factor, Y
Table 17-1 shows the radial contact ratio of a standard spur gear.
3.8 3.7 3.6 3.5 3.4 Tooth Profile Factor, YF (Form Factor) 3.3 3.2 3.1 3.0 2.9 2.8 2.7 2.6 2.5 2.4 2.3 2.2 2.1 2.0 1.9 1.8 10
X =
Normal STD Pressure Angle n = 20 Addendum ha = 1.00 mn Dedendum hf = 1.25 mn Corner Radius of Cutter = 0.375 mn
ic et
c er
3.1 3.0 2.9 2.8 2.7 2.6 2.5 2.4 2.3 2.2 2.1 2.0 1.9
5 0. X= 4 0. 3 X = 0. X = 0.2
wT oot
hT op
1.8 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 60 80 100 200 400 z Equivalent Spur Gear Number of Teeth zv = cos3 Fig. 17-1 Chart of Tooth Profile Factor, YF Radial Contact Ratio of Standard Spur Gears,
35 40 45 50 55 60 65 70 75 80 85
X = 0.7
X = 0.6
0.4 X = 0.5
= 0
Table 17-1
12 12 1.420 15 1.451 1.481 20 1.489 1.519 1.557 25 1.516 1.547 1.584 1.612 30 1.537 1.567 1.605 1.633 1.654 15 20 25 30
( = 20)
90 95 100 110 120
35 1.553 1.584 1.622 1.649 1.670 1.687 40 1.567 1.597 1.635 1.663 1.684 1.700 1.714 45 1.578 1.609 1.646 1.674 1.695 1.711 1.725 1.736 50 1.588 1.618 1.656 1.683 1.704 1.721 1.734 1.745 1.755 55 1.596 1.626 1.664 1.691 1.712 1.729 1.742 1.753 1.763 1.771 60 1.603 1.633 1.671 1.698 1.719 1.736 1.749 1.760 1.770 1.778 1.785 65 1.609 1.639 1.677 1.704 1.725 1.742 1.755 1.766 1.776 1.784 1.791 1.797 70 1.614 1.645 1.682 1.710 1.731 1.747 1.761 1.772 1.781 1.789 1.796 1.802 1.808 75 1.619 1.649 1.687 1.714 1.735 1.752 1.765 1.777 1.786 1.794 1.801 1.807 1.812 1.817 80 1.623 1.654 1.691 1.719 1.740 1.756 1.770 1.781 1.790 1.798 1.805 1.811 1.817 1.821 1.826 85 1.627 1.657 1.695 1.723 1.743 1.760 1.773 1.785 1.794 1.802 1.809 1.815 1.821 1.825 1.830 1.833 90 1.630 1.661 1.699 1.726 1.747 1.764 1.777 1.788 1.798 1.806 1.813 1.819 1.824 1.829 1.833 1.837 1.840 95 1.634 1.664 1.702 1.729 1.750 1.767 1.780 1.791 1.801 1.809 1.816 1.822 1.827 1.832 1.836 1.840 1.844 1.847 100 1.636 1.667 1.705 1.732 1.753 1.770 1.783 1.794 1.804 1.812 1.819 1.825 1.830 1.835 1.839 1.843 1.846 1.850 1.853 110 1.642 1.672 1.710 1.737 1.758 1.775 1.788 1.799 1.809 1.817 1.824 1.830 1.835 1.840 1.844 1.848 1.852 1.855 1.858 1.863 120 1.646 1.676 1.714 1.742 1.762 1.779 1.792 1.804 1.813 1.821 1.828 1.834 1.840 1.844 1.849 1.852 1.856 1.859 1.862 1.867 1.871 RACK 1.701 1.731 1.769 1.797 1.817 1.834 1.847 1.859 1.868 1.876 1.883 1.889 1.894 1.899 1.903 1.907 1.911 1.914 1.917 1.992 1.926
Helix angle factor can be obtained from Equation (17-9). When 0 30, then Y = 1 120 When > 30, then Y = 0.75 17.1.5 Life Factor, KL
Overload factor, KO, is the quotient of actual tangential force divided by nominal tangential force, Ft . If tangential force is unknown, Table 17-4 provides guiding values. Actual tangential force KO = Nominal tangential force, Ft 17.1.9 Safety Factor for Bending Failure, SF (17-11)
We can choose the proper life factor, KL, from Table 17-2. The number of cyclic repetitions means the total loaded meshings during its lifetime. 17.1.6 Dimension Factor of Root Stress, K FX
Safety factor, SF, is too complicated to be decided precisely. Usually, it is set to at least 1.2. 17.1.10 Allowable Bending Stress At Root, F lim
Generally, this factor is unity. KFX = 1.00 17.1.7 Dynamic Load Factor, KV (17-10)
Dynamic load factor can be obtained from Table 17-3 based on the precision of the gear and its pitch line linear speed.
For the unidirectionally loaded gear, the allowable bending stresses at the root are shown in Tables 17-5 to 17-8. In these tables, the value of F lim is the quotient of the tensile fatigue limit divided by the stress concentration factor 1.4. If the load is bidirectional, and both sides of the tooth are equally loaded, the value of allowable bending stress should be taken as 2/3 of the given value in the table. The core hardness means hardness at the center region of the root.
Table 17-2 Number of Cyclic Repetitions Under 10000 Approx. 105 Approx. 106 NOTES: Above 107
Life Factor, KL Hardness (2) Over HB 220 1.5 1.4 1.1 1.0 Gears with Carburizing Gears with Nitriding 1.5 1.5 1.1 1.0
Cast iron gears apply to this column. (2) For induction hardened gears, use the core hardness.
Precision Grade of Gears from JIS B 1702 Tooth Profile Unmodified 1 2 3 4 5 6 Modified 1 2 3 4
Table 17-3
1 to less 3 to less 5 to less 8 to less 12 to less 18 to less than 5 than 8 than 12 than 18 than 25 than 3 1.0 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4 1.5 1.0 1.05 1.15 1.3 1.4 1.5 1.0 1.1 1.2 1.4 1.5 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.5 1.2 1.3 1.5 1.3 1.5
Table 17-4 Impact from Prime Mover Uniform Load (Motor, Turbine, Hydraulic Motor)
Overload Factor, KO Impact from Load Side of Machine Medium Impact Load 1.25 1.5 1.75
See Table 17-5 for F lim of gears without case hardening. Table 17-6 gives F lim of gears that are induction hardened; and Tables 17-7 and 17-8 give the values for carburized and nitrided gears, respectively. In Tables
Table 17-5
S53C | S58C
Quenched SMn443 and SNC836 Tempered | Alloy SCM435 SCM440 Steel Gear SNCM439
120 130 140 150 160 170 180 190 200 210 220 230 240 250 160 170 180 190 200 210 220 230 240 250 260 270 280 290 220 230 240 250 260 270 280 290 300 310 320 330 340 350 360
126 136 147 157 167 178 189 200 210 221 231 242 252 263 167 178 189 200 210 221 231 242 252 263 273 284 295 305 231 242 252 263 273 284 295 305 316 327 337 347 358 369 380
Tensile Strength Lower limit kgf/mm2 (Reference) 37 42 46 49 55 60 39 42 45 48 51 55 58 61 64 68 71 74 77 81 51 55 58 61 64 68 71 74 77 81 84 87 90 93 71 74 77 81 84 87 90 93 97 100 103 106 110 113 117
F lim kgf/mm2 10.4 12.0 13.2 14.2 15.8 17.2 13.8 14.8 15.8 16.8 17.6 18.4 19.0 19.5 20 20.5 21 21.5 22 22.5 18.2 19.4 20.2 21 22 23 23.5 24 24.5 25 25.5 26 26 26.5 25 26 27.5 28.5 29.5 31 32 33 34 35 36.5 37.5 39 40 41
Structural Alloy SCM440 SMn443 Steel SNCM439 Hardened SNC836 Throughout SCM435
Hardened Except Root Area NOTES: 1. If a gear is not quenched completely, or not evenly, or has quenching cracks, the F lim will drop dramatically. 2. If the hardness after quenching is relatively low, the value of F lim should be that given in Table 17-5. Table 17-7 Material Structural Carbon Steel Structural Alloy Steel
SCM415 SCM420
160 180 220 240 200 210 220 230 240 250 230 240 250 260 270 280 290 300 310 320
Core Hardness HB HV
167 189 231 252 210 221 231 242 252 263 242 252 263 273 284 295 305 316 327 337
S15C S15CK
147 157 167 178 189 200 231 242 252 263 273 284 295 305 316 327 337 347 358 369 380 390
F lim kgf/mm2
18.2 19.6 21 22 23 24 34 36 38 39 41 42.5 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 51.5 52
F lim kgf/mm2
30 33 36 38 40 42 44 46 32 35 38 41 44
The above two tables apply only to those gears which have adequate depth of surface hardness. Otherwise, the gears should be rated according to Table 17-5.
17.1.11 Example of Bending Strength Calculation No. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 Item Normal Module Normal Pressure Angle Helix Angle Number of Teeth Center Distance Coefficient of Profile Shift Pitch Circle Diameter Working Pitch Circle Diameter Tooth Width Precision Grade Manufacturing Method Surface Roughness Revolutions per Minute Linear Speed Direction of Load Duty Cycle Material Heat Treatment Surface Hardness Core Hardness Effective Carburized Depth Table 17-8A Symbol mn n z ax x d dw b Spur Gear Design Details Unit mm Pinion Gear
degree mm 20
2 20 0 60
n v
+0.15 0.15 40.000 80.000 40.000 80.000 20 20 JIS 5 JIS 5 Hobbing 12.5 m 1500 750 3.142 Unidirectional Over 107 cycles SCM 415 Carburizing HV 600 640 HB 260 280 0.3 0.5
No. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11
Item Allowable Bending Stress at Root Normal Module Tooth Width Tooth Profile Factor Load Distribution Factor Helix Angle Factor Life Factor Dimension Factor of Root Stress Dynamic Load Factor Overload Factor Safety Factor Allowable Tangential Force on 12 Working Pitch Circle
Table 17-8B
17.2 Surface Strength Of Spur And Helical Gears The following equations can be applied to both spur and helical gears, including double helical and internal gears, used in power transmission. The general range of application is: Module: Pitch Circle: Linear Speed: Rotating Speed: m d v n 1.5 to 25 mm 25 to 3200 mm less than 25 m/sec less than 3600 rpm
surface stress, H lim . The Hertz stress H is calculated from the tangential force, Ft . For an acceptable design, it must be less than the allowable Hertz stress H lim . That is: H H lim (17-12)
The tangential force, Ft lim, in kgf, at the standard pitch circle, can be calculated from Equation (17-13). u K H L Z L Z R Z V Z W K HX 2 1 1 Ft lim = H lim2d1bH ( ) (17-13) u1 ZH ZM Z Z K H K V K O SH2 The Hertz stress H (kgf/mm2) is calculated from Equation (17-14), where u is the ratio of numbers of teeth in the gear pair. H = F db
t 1 H
To rate gears, the required transmitted power and torques must be converted to tooth forces. The same conversion formulas, Equations (171), (17-2) and (17-3), of SECTION 17 are applicable to surface strength calculations. 17.2.2 Surface Strength Equations
u1 ZH ZM Z Z u K H L Z L Z R Z V Z W K HX
As stated in SECTION 17.1, the tangential force, Ft, is not to exceed the allowable tangential force, Ft lim . The same is true for the allowable Hertz
The "+" symbol in Equations (17-13) and (17-14) applies to two external gears in mesh, whereas the "" symbol is used for an internal gear and an external gear mesh. For the case of a rack and gear, the quantity u/(u 1) becomes 1.
17.2.3.A Effective Tooth Width, bH (mm) The narrower face width of the meshed gear pair is assumed to be the effective width for surface strength. However, if there are tooth modifications, such as chamfer, tip relief or crowning, an appropriate amount should be subtracted to obtain the effective tooth width. 17.2.3.B Zone Factor, ZH The zone factor is defined as: ZH = 2cos cos 1 2cos = cos sin cos tan
2 b wt b t wt t wt
1 ZM = 1 12 1 22 ( + ) E1 E2
where: = Poisson's Ratio, and E = Young's Modulus Table 17-9 contains several combinations of material and their material factor. 17.2.4 Contact Ratio Factor, Z
This factor is fixed at 1.0 for spur gears. For helical gear meshes, Z is calculated as follows: Helical gear: When 1, Z = 1 + When > 1, 1 Z =
where: b = tan1(tan cost) The zone factors are presented in Figure 17-2 for tooth profiles per JIS B 1701, specified in terms of profile shift coefficients x1 and x2, numbers of teeth z1 and z2 and helix angle . The "+" symbol in Figure 17-2 applies to external gear meshes, whereas the "" is used for internal gear and external gear meshes. 17.2.3.C Material Factor, ZM
where: = Radial contact ratio = Overlap ratio 3.0 2.9 2.8 2.7 2.6 2.5 2.4
0 ) x 2 = 1 ) (x z 1 z2 (
0. 01 5
0 .01
Zone Factor ZH
+ 0.015
+ 0.025
+ 0.04
+ 0.06
+ 0.01
+ 0.02
+ 0.08
+ 0.09 + 0.1
Table 17-9 Gear Material E Young's Poisson's Symbol Modulus Ratio kgf/mm2 * 21000
Material Factor, ZM
Structural Steel
Meshing Gear
21000 20500 17600 12000 20500 17600 12000 17600 12000 12000
60.6 60.2 57.9 51.7 59.9 57.6 51.5 55.5 50.0 45.8
Structural Steel
Cast Steel Ductile Cast Iron Gray Cast Iron Cast Steel Ductile Cast Iron Gray Cast Iron Ductile Cast Iron Gray Cast Iron Gray Cast Iron
17600 12000
* NOTE: Structural steels are SC, SNC, SNCM, SCr, SCM, etc.
This is a difficult parameter to evaluate. Therefore, it is assumed to be 1.0 unless better information is available. Z = 1.0 17.2.6 Life Factor, KHL (17-18)
The lubricant factor is based upon the lubricant's kinematic viscosity at 50C. See Figure 17-3. Lubricant Factor 1.2 1.1 1.0 0.9 0.8 0
This factor reflects the number of repetitious stress cycles. Generally, it is taken as 1.0. Also, when the number of cycles is unknown, it is assumed to be 1.0.
When the number of stress cycles is below 10 million, the values of Table 17-10 can be applied.
100 200 300 The Kinematic Viscosity at 50 C, cSt NOTE: Normalized gears include quenched and tempered gears Fig. 17-3 Lubricant Factor, ZL
Roughness Factor
NOTES: 1. The duty cycle is the meshing cycles during a lifetime. 2. Although an idler has two meshing points in one cycle, it is still regarded as one repetition. 3. For bidirectional gear drives, the larger loaded direction is taken as the number of cyclic loads.
Duty Cycles less than 105 approx. 105 approx. 106 above 107
Table 17-10
17.2.8 Surface Roughness Factor, ZR This factor is obtained from Figure 17-4 on the basis of the average roughness Rmaxm (m). The average roughness is calculated by Equation (17-19) using the surface roughness values of the pinion and gear, Rmax1 and Rmax2, and the center distance, a, in mm. Rmax1 + Rmax2 3 100 Rmaxm = (m) (17-19) 2 a
1.1 1.0 0.9 0.8 0.7 1 2 Normalized Gear 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 Average Roughness, Rmax m (m) Fig. 17-4 Surface Roughness Factor, ZR Surface Hardened Gear
17.2.9 Sliding Speed Factor, ZV This factor relates to the linear speed of the pitch line. See Figure 17-5. Sliding Speed Factor 1.2 1.1 1.0 0.9 0.8 0.5 1 Normalized Gear Surface Hardened Gear
(a) When tooth contact under load is not predictable: This case relates the ratio of the gear face width to the pitch diameter, the shaft bearing mounting positions, and the shaft sturdiness. See Table 17-11. This attempts to take into account the case where the tooth contact under load is not good or known. (b) When tooth contact under load is good: In this case, the shafts are rugged and the bearings are in good close proximity to the gears, resulting in good contact over the full width and working depth of the tooth flanks. Then the factor is in a narrow range, as specified below: KH = 1.0 1.2 17.2.13 Dynamic Load Factor, KV (17-22)
2 4 6 8 10 20 25 (40) (60) Linear Speed at Pitch Circle, v (m/s) NOTE: Normalized gears include quenched and tempered gears. Fig. 17-5 Sliding Speed Factor, ZV
Dynamic load factor is obtainable from Table 17-3 according to the gear's precision grade and pitch line linear speed. 17.2.14 Overload Factor, Ko
The hardness ratio factor applies only to the gear that is in mesh with a pinion which is quenched and ground. The ratio is calculated by Equation (17-20). HB2 130 ZW = 1.2 (17-20) 1700 where: HB2 = Brinell hardness of gear range: 130 HB2 470 If a gear is out of this range, the ZW is assumed to be 1.0. 17.2.11 Dimension Factor, KHX
The overload factor is obtained from either Equation (17-11) or from Table 17-4. 17.2.15 Safety Factor For Pitting, SH
The causes of pitting involves many environmental factors and usually is difficult to precisely define. Therefore, it is advised that a factor of at least 1.15 be used. 17.2.16 Allowable Hertz Stress, H lim
Because the conditions affecting this parameter are often unknown, the factor is usually set at 1.0. KHX = 1.0 (17-21)
The values of allowable Hertz stress for various gear materials are listed in Tables 17-12 through 17-16. Values for hardness not listed can be estimated by interpolation. Surface hardness is defined as hardness in the pitch circle region.
Table 17-11
Tooth Flank Load Distribution Factor for Surface Strength, KH Method of Gear Shaft Support Bearings on Both Ends Gear Close to One End (Rugged Shaft)
b d1 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0 1.2 1.4 1.6 1.8 2.0
1.0 1.0 1.1 1.2 1.0 1.1 1.3 1.45 1.2 1.5 1.05 1.65 1.85 1.1 1.3 1.7 1.2 1.45 1.85 2.0 1.3 2.15 1.6 2.0 1.8 2.1 1.4 2.2 2.05 1.5 1.8 2.1 NOTES: 1. The b means effective face width of spur & helical gears. For double helical gears, b is face width including central groove. 2. Tooth contact must be good under no load. 3. The values in this table are not applicable to gears with two or more mesh points, such as an idler.
S53C | S58C
SNC836 | SCM435
120 130 140 150 160 170 180 190 200 210 220 230 240 250 160 170 180 190 200 210 220 230 240 250 260 270 280 290 300 310 320 330 340 350 220 230 240 250 260 270 280 290 300 310 320 330 340 350 360 370 380 390 400
126 136 147 157 167 178 189 200 210 221 231 242 253 263 167 178 189 200 210 221 231 242 252 263 273 284 295 305 316 327 337 347 358 369 231 242 252 263 273 284 295 305 316 327 337 347 358 369 380 391 402 413 424
Table 17-13
H lim kgf/mm2
77 80 82 85 87 90 92 93.5 95 96 96 99 101 103 105 106.5 107.5 108.5 109 109.5 109 112 115 117 119 121 123 124 125 126
Table 17-14
S15C S15CK
NOTES: 1. Gears with thin effective carburized depth have "A" row values in the Table 17-14A. For thicker depths, use "B" values. The effective carburized depth is defined as the depth which has the hardness greater than HV 513 or HRC 50. 2. The effective carburizing depth of ground gears is defined as the residual layer depth after grinding to final dimensions.
0 60 50 40 30 20 15 10 8 7 6 5
Gear Ratio 1 2 3 4 5 6
1.5 2 3 4 5 6 8 10 15 20 25 A 0.2 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.9 1.2 1.5 1.8 Depth, mm B 0.3 0.3 0.5 0.7 0.8 0.9 1.1 1.4 2.0 2.5 3.4 NOTE: For two gears with large numbers of teeth in mesh, the maximum shear stress point occurs in the inner part of the tooth beyond the carburized depth. In such a case, a larger safety factor, SH, should be used.
Table 17-14A
n = 25 22.5 20
80 100
Fig. 17-6 Table 17-15 Material Nitriding Steel SACM 645 etc. Surface Hardness (Reference) Over HV 650
Gears with Nitriding Allowable Hertz Stress H lim kgf/mm2 Standard Processing Time Extra Long Processing Time 130 140 120
In order to ensure the proper strength, this table applies only to those gears which have adequate depth of nitriding. Gears with insufficient nitriding or where the maximum shear stress point occurs much deeper than the nitriding depth should have a larger safety factor, SH. Table 17-16 Gears with Soft Nitriding(1) Allowable Hertz Stress H lim kgf/mm 2 10 to 20 90 100 Relative Radius of Curvature mm(2) less than 10 100 110 more than 20 80 90 100 Nitriding Time Hours 2 4
6 120 110 NOTES: (1) Applicable to salt bath soft nitriding and gas soft nitriding gears. (2) Relative radius of curvature is obtained from Figure 17-6. 17.2.17 Example Of Surface Strength Calculation No. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 Table 17-16A Spur Gear Design Details Unit mm
Item Normal Module Normal Pressure Angle Helix Angle Number of Teeth Center Distance Coefficient of Profile Shift Pitch Circle Diameter Working Pitch Circle Diameter Tooth Width Precision Grade Manufacturing Method Surface Roughness Revolutions per Minute Linear Speed Direction of Load Duty Cycle Material Heat Treatment Surface Hardness Core Hardness Effective Carburized Depth
Symbol mn n z ax x d dw b
degree mm 20
2 20 0 60
n v
+0.15 0.15 40.000 80.000 40.000 80.000 20 20 JIS 5 JIS 5 Hobbing 12.5 m 1500 750 3.142 Unidirectional Over 107 Cycles SCM 415 Carburizing HV 600 640 HB 260 280 0.3 0.5
No. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18
Table 17-16B Surface Strength Factors Calculation Item Symbol Unit Pinion Gear H lim kgf/mm2 164 Allowable Hertz Stress d1 40 Pitch Diameter of Pinion mm bH 20 Effective Tooth Width u 2 Teeth Ratio (z2 /z1) ZH 2.495 Zone Factor ZM (kgf/mm2)0.5 60.6 Material Factor Z 1.0 Contact Ratio Factor Z 1.0 Helix Angle Factor KHL 1.0 Life Factor ZL 1.0 Lubricant Factor ZR 0.90 Surface Roughness Factor ZV 0.97 Sliding Speed Factor ZW 1.0 Hardness Ratio Factor Dimension Factor of Root Stress KHX 1.0 KH Load Distribution Factor 1.025 KV 1.4 Dynamic Load Factor KO Overload Factor 1.0 SH Safety Factor for Pitting 1.15 19 Allowable Tangential Force on Standard Ft lim 251.9 251.9 kgf Pitch Circle from Equation (17-28). Ra 0.5b 1 K L K FX 1 Ftm lim = 0.85cosmF limmb ( ) Ra Y FY Y Y C K M K V K O KR where: m : Central spiral angle (degrees) m : Radial module (mm) Ra : Cone distance (mm) And the bending strength F (kgf/mm2) at the root of tooth is calculated from Equation (17-29). YFYYYC Ra K MK V K O F = Ftm ( )KR 0.85cosm mb Ra 0.5b K L K FX (17-29)
17.3 Bending Strength Of Bevel Gears This information is valid for bevel gears which are used in power transmission in general industrial machines. The applicable ranges are: Module: m Pitch Diameter: d Linear Speed: v Rotating Speed: n 1.5 to 25 mm less than 1600 mm for straight bevel gears less than 1000 mm for spiral bevel gears less than 25 m/sec less than 3600 rpm
In calculating strength, tangential force at the pitch circle, Ftm, in kgf; power, P , in kW, and torque, T , in kgfm, are the design criteria. Their basic relationships are expressed in Equations (17-23) through (17-25). 102P 1.95 x 106P 2000T Ftm = = = vm d mn dm F tm v m P = = 5.13 x 107 F tm d m n 102 F tm d m 974P T = = 2000 n (17-23) (17-24) (17-25)
17.3.3.A Tooth Width, b (mm) The term b is defined as the tooth width on the pitch cone, analogous to face width of spur or helical gears. For the meshed pair, the narrower one is used for strength calculations. 17.3.3.B Tooth Profile Factor, YF
where: vm : Tangential speed at the central pitch circle d mn vm = 19100 dm : Central pitch circle diameter dm = d bsin 17.3.2 Bending Strength Equations
The tangential force, Ftm, acting at the central pitch circle should be less than or equal to the allowable tangential force, Ftm lim, which is based upon the allowable bending stress F lim. That is: Ftm Ftm lim (17-26)
The bending stress at the root, F , which is derived from Ftm should be less than or equal to the allowable bending stress F lim. F F lim (17-27)
The tooth profile factor is a function of profile shift, in both the radial and axial directions. Using the equivalent (virtual) spur gear tooth number, the first step is to de1.6 termine the radial 1.5 tooth profile factor, Y FO, from Figure 1.4 17-8 for straight 1.3 bevel gears and Figure 17-9 for 1.2 spiral bevel gears. 1.1 Next, determine the axial shift fac1.0 tor, K, with Equa0.9 tion (17-33) from which the axial shift 0.8 correction factor, 0.7 C, can be obtained using Figure 17-7. 0.6 Finally, calculate YF 0.5 by Equation (170.3 0.2 0.1 0 0.1 0.2 0.3 30). Axial Shift Factor, K YF = CYFO Correction Factor C Fig. 17-7 Correction Factor for Axial Shift, C (17-30)
The tangential force at the central pitch circle, F tm lim (kgf), is obtained
Should the bevel gear pair not have any axial shift, then the coefficient C is 1, as per Figure 17-7. The tooth profile factor, YF, per Equation (17-31) is simply the YFO. This value is from Figure 17-8 or 17-9, depending upon whether it is a straight or spiral bevel gear pair. The graph entry parameter values are per Equation (17-32). YF = YFO z zv = cos cos3m ha ha0 x = m where: ha = Addendum at outer end (mm) h a0 = Addendum of standard form (mm) m = Radial module (mm) The axial shift factor, K, is computed from the formula: (17-31) (17-32)
17.3.3.C Load Distribution Factor, Y Load distribution factor is the reciprocal of radial contact ratio. 1 Y = (17-34) The radial contact ratio for a straight bevel gear mesh is: (Rva12 Rvb12) + (Rva22 Rvb22) (Rv1 + Rv 2 )sin = m cos And the radial contact ratio for spiral bevel gear is: (Rva12 Rvb12) + (Rva22 Rvb22) (Rv1 + Rv 2 )sint = m cos t
4.1 4.0
Standard Pressure Angle n = 20 Addendum ha = 1.000 m Dedendum hf = 1.188 m Corner Radius of Tool = 0.12 m Spiral Angle m = 0
0. 4
3.7 3.6 3.5 Radial Tooth Profile Factor (Form Factor) YFO 3.4 3.3 3.2 3.1 3.0 2.9 2.8 2.7 2.6 2.5 2.4 2.3 2.2 2.1 2.0 12 13 14 15
0 .3
x= 0 .2
x= 0 .1
x = 0
Fig. 17-8 Radial Tooth Profile Factor for Straight Bevel Gear
4.1 4.0
3.9 3.8 3.7 3.6 3.5 Radial Tooth Profile Factor (Form Factor) YFO 3.4
x= .1 0
Standard Pressure Angle n = 20 Addendum ha = 0.850 m Dedendum hf = 1.038 m Corner Radius of Tool = 0.12 m Spiral Angle m = 35
x= 0. 3
x= 0 .2
3.3 3.2 3.1 3.0 2.9 2.8 2.7 2.6 2.5 2.4 2.3 2.2 2.1 2.0 12 13 14 15
x =
1 0.
2.7 2.6
2.5 2.4 2.3 2.2 2.1 2.0 16 17 18 19 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 60 80 100 200 400 Equivalent Spur Gear Number of Teeth, zv Radial Tooth Profile Factor for Spiral Bevel Gear
Fig. 17-9
See Tables 17-17 through 17-19 for some calculating examples of radial contact ratio for various bevel gear pairs. Table 17-17 z2 z1
12 15 16 18 20 25 30 36 40 45 60 12 1.514 1.529 1.572 1.529 1.578 1.588 1.528 1.584 1.597 1.616 1.525 1.584 1.599 1.624 1.640 1.518 1.577 1.595 1.625 1.650 1.689 1.512 1.570 1.587 1.618 1.645 1.697 1.725 1.508 1.563 1.579 1.609 1.637 1.692 1.732 1.758 1.506 1.559 1.575 1.605 1.632 1.688 1.730 1.763 1.775 1.503 1.556 1.571 1.600 1.626 1.681 1.725 1.763 1.781 1.794 1.500 1.549 1.564 1.591 1.615 1.668 1.710 1.751 1.773 1.796 1.833 15
Table 17-18 z2 z1
12 15 16 18 20 25 30 36 40 45 60 12 1.514 1.545 1.572 1.554 1.580 1.588 15 16
= 90, = 20
= 90, = 20
1.571 1.595 1.602 1.616 1.585 1.608 1.615 1.628 1.640 1.614 1.636 1.643 1.655 1.666 1.689 1.634 1.656 1.663 1.675 1.685 1.707 1.725 1.651 1.674 1.681 1.692 1.703 1.725 1.742 1.758 1.659 1.683 1.689 1.702 1.712 1.734 1.751 1.767 1.775 1.666 1.691 1.698 1.711 1.721 1.743 1.760 1.776 1.785 1.794 1.680 1.707 1.714 1.728 1.739 1.762 1.780 1.796 1.804 1.813 1.833
Table 17-19
z1 12
12 15 16 18 20 25 30 36 40 45 60 1.221 1.228 1.254 15
17.3.3.H Tooth Flank Load Distribution Factor, KM Tooth flank load distribution factor, KM, is obtained from Table 17-22 or Table 17-23. Table 17-22 Tooth Flank Load Distribution, KM, for Spiral Bevel Gears, Zerol Bevel Gears and Straight Bevel Gears with Crowning Both Gears Supported on Two Sides 1.2 1.4 1.55 One Gear Supported on One End 1.35 1.75 1.6 Both Gears Supported on One End 1.5 1.8 2.0
= 90, n = 20, m = 35
1.227 1.258 1.264 1.225 1.260 1.269 1.280 1.221 1.259 1.269 1.284 1.293 1.214 1.253 1.263 1.282 1.297 1.319 1.209 1.246 1.257 1.276 1.293 1.323 1.338 1.204 1.240 1.251 1.270 1.286 1.319 1.341 1.355 1.202 1.238 1.248 1.266 1.283 1.316 1.340 1.358 1.364 1.201 1.235 1.245 1.263 1.279 1.312 1.336 1.357 1.366 1.373 1.197 1.230 1.239 1.256 1.271 1.303 1.327 1.349 1.361 1.373 1.392
Stiffness of Shaft, Gear Box, etc. Very Stiff Average Somewhat Weak Table 17-23
Tooth Flank Load Distribution Factor, KM, for Straight Bevel Gears without Crowning Both Gears Supported on Two Sides 1.05 1.6 2.2 One Gear Supported on One End 1.15 1.8 2.5
17.3.3.D Spiral Angle Factor, Y The spiral angle factor is a function of the spiral angle. The value is arbitrarily set by the following conditions: m When 0 m 30, Y = 1 120 (17-36) When m 30, Y = 0.75 17.3.3.E Cutter Diameter Effect Factor, YC This factor of cutter diameter, YC, can be obtained from Table 17-20 by the value of tooth flank length, b / cosm (mm), over cutter diameter. If cutter diameter is not known, assume YC = 1.00. Table 17-20 Cutter Diameter Effect Factor, YC
Stiffness of Shaft, Gear Box, etc. Very Stiff Average Somewhat Weak
17.3.3.I Dynamic Load Factor, KV Dynamic load factor, KV, is a function of the precision grade of the gear and the tangential speed at the outer pitch circle, as shown in Precision Tangential Speed at Outer Pitch Circle (m/s) Grade of Gears Above 1 Above 3 Above 5 Above 8 Above 12 Above 18 from Up to 1 to 3 to 5 to 8 to 12 to 18 to 25 JIS B 1702 1 2 3 4 5 6 Table 17-24. 17.3.3.J Overload Factor, KO Overload factor, KO, can be computed from Equation (17-11) or obtained from Table 17-4, identical to the case of spur and helical gears. 17.3.3.K Reliability Factor, KR The reliability factor should be assumed to be as follows: 1. General case: KR = 1.2 2. When all other factors can be determined accurately: KR = 1.0 3. When all or some of the factors cannot be known with certainty: KR = 1.4 17.3.3.L Allowable Bending Stress at Root, F lim The allowable stress at root F lim can be obtained from Tables 17-5 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.1 1.2 1.4 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4 1.5 1.7 1.15 1.2 1.4 1.5 1.7 1.3 1.5 1.7 1.5 1.7 1.7 1.3 1.4 1.5 1.7 Table 17-24 Dynamic Load Factor, KV
Types of Bevel Gears Straight Bevel Gears Spiral and Zerol Bevel Gears
6 Times 5 Times 4 Times Tooth Tooth Tooth Width Width Width 1.00 0.95 0.90
17.3.3.F Life Factor, KL We can choose a proper life factor, KL, from Table 17-2 similarly to calculating the bending strength of spur and helical gears. 17.3.3.G Dimension Factor Of Root Bending Stress, K FX This is a size factor that is a function of the radial module, m. Refer to Table 17-21 for values. Radial Module at Outside Diameter, m above 5 to 7 above 7 to 9 above 9 to 11 above 13 to 15 above 15 to 17 above 17 to 19 above 19 to 22 above 22 to 25 above 11 to 13 1.5 to 5 Table 17-21 Dimension Factor for Bending Strength, K FX Gears Without Hardened Surface 1.0 0.98 0.97 0.96 0.94 0.93 0.92 0.90 0.88 0.99 Gears With Hardened Surface 1.0 0.96 0.94 0.90 0.88 0.86 0.83 0.80 0.92 0.98
Examples of Bevel Gear Bending Strength Calculations Table 17-24A Gleason Straight Bevel Gear Design Details Symbol m m z d Re b dm Unit degree mm degree mm degree mm 20 40.000 26.56505 Pinion 90 2 20 0
No. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22
Item Shaft Angle Module Pressure Angle Central Spiral Angle Number of Teeth Pitch Circle Diameter Pitch Cone Angle Cone Distance Tooth Width Central Pitch Circle Diameter Precision Grade Manufacturing Method Surface Roughness Revolutions per Minute Linear Speed Direction of Load Duty Cycle Material Heat Treatment Surface Hardness Core Hardness Effective Carburized Depth Table 17-24B
n v
33.292 66.584 JIS 3 JIS 3 Gleason No. 104 12.5 m 12.5 m 1500 750 3.142 Unidirectional More than 107 cycles SCM 415 Carburized HV 600 640 HB 260 280 0.3 0.5
44.721 15
40 80.000 63.43495
No. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16
Item Central Spiral Angle Allowable Bending Stress at Root Module Tooth Width Cone Distance Tooth Profile Factor Load Distribution Factor Spiral Angle Factor Cutter Diameter Effect Factor Life Factor Dimension Factor Tooth Flank Load Distribution Factor Dynamic Load Factor Overload Factor Reliability Factor Allowable Tangential Force at Central Pitch Circle
Bending Strength Factors for Gleason Straight Bevel Gear Symbol Unit m degree F lim kgf/mm2 m b mm Re YF Y Y YC KL KFX KM KV KO KR Ft lim kgf Pinion 42.5 0 2 15 44.721 0.613 1.0 1.15 1.0 1.0 1.4 1.0 1.2
Gear 42.5
17.4 Surface Strength Of Bevel Gears This information is valid for bevel gears which are used in power transmission in general industrial machines. The applicable ranges are: Radial Module: m Pitch Diameter: d Linear Speed: v Rotating Speed: n 1.5 to 25 mm Straight bevel gear under 1600 mm Spiral bevel gear under 1000 mm less than 25 m/sec less than 3600 rpm
central pitch circle, F tm , must remain below the allowable tangential force at the central pitch circle, F tm lim, based on the allowable Hertz stress H lim. Ftm Ftm lim (17-37)
Alternately, the Hertz stress H, which is derived from the tangential force at the central pitch circle must be smaller than the allowable Hertz stress H lim. H H lim (17-38)
The same formulas of SECTION 17.3 apply. (See page 84). 17.4.2 Surface Strength Equations
The allowable tangential force at the central pitch circle, Ftm lim, in kgf can be calculated from Equation (17-39). H lim 2 d1 Re 0.5b u2 Ftm lim = [() b ] ZM cos1 Re u2 + 1
H L L R V W HX 2 [() Z Z Z K K K H H V
1 ] CR2
17.4.3.E Spiral Angle Factor, Z Little is known about these factors, so usually it is assumed to be unity. Z = 1.0 (17-43)
17.4.3.F Life Factor, K HL The life factor for surface strength is obtainable from Table 17-10. 17.4.3.G Lubricant Factor, ZL The lubricant factor, ZL, is found in Figure 17-3. 17.4.3.H Surface Roughness Factor, ZR The surface roughness factor is obtainable from Figure 17-11 on the basis of average roughness, Rmaxm, in m. The average surface roughness is calculated by Equation (17-44) from the surface roughness of the pinion and gear (Rmax1 and Rmax2), and the center distance, a, in mm. Rmax1 + Rmax2 3 100 Rmaxm = (m) (17-44) 2 a
17.4.3.A Tooth Width, b (mm) This term is defined as the tooth width on the pitch cone. For a meshed pair, the narrower gear's "b " is used for strength calculations. 17.4.3.B Zone Factor, ZH The zone factor is defined as: 2cosb ZH = sint cost
where: m = Central spiral angle n = Normal pressure angle tann t = Central radial pressure angle = tan1() cosm b = tan1(tanm cost) 2.6 2.5 2.4 Zone Factor ZH 2.3 2.2 2.1 2.0 1.9 1.8 1.7 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 Spiral Angle at Central Position m Fig. 17-10 Zone Factor, ZH 40 45 n = 20 n = 22.5 n = 25
where: a = Rm(sin1 + cos1) b Rm = Re 2 Surface Roughness Factor, ZR 1.1 1.0 0.9 0.8 0.7 1 Normalized Gear 5 10 15 20 Average Surface Roughness, Rmax m (m) Surface Roughness Factor, ZR 25 Surface Hardened Gear
Fig. 17-11
17.4.3.I Sliding Speed Factor, ZV The sliding speed factor is obtained from Figure 17-5 based on the pitch circle linear speed. 17.4.3.J Hardness Ratio Factor, ZW The hardness ratio factor applies only to the gear that is in mesh with a pinion which is quenched and ground. The ratio is calculated by Equation (17-45). HB2 130 ZW = 1.2 1700 where Brinell hardness of the gear is: 130 HB2 470 If the gear's hardness is outside of this range, ZW is assumed to be unity. ZW = 1.0 (17-46) (17-45)
If the normal pressure angle n is 20, 22.5 or 25, the zone factor can be obtained from Figure 17-10. 17.4.3.C Material Factor, ZM The material factor, ZM, is obtainable from Table 17-9. 17.4.3.D Contact Ratio Factor, Z The contact ratio factor is calculated from the equations below. Straight bevel gear: Z = 1.0 Spiral bevel gear: when 1, Z = 1 + 1 when > 1, Z =
17.4.3.K Dimension Factor, KHX Since, often, little is known about this factor, it is assumed to be unity. KHX = 1.0 (17-47)
17.4.3.L Tooth Flank Load Distribution Factor, K H Factors are listed in Tables 17-25 and 17-26. If the gear and pinion are unhardened, the factors are to be reduced to 90% of the values in the table. Table 17-25 Tooth Flank Load Distribution Factor for Spiral Bevel Gears, Zerol Bevel Gears and Straight Bevel Gears with Crowning, K H Both Gears One Gear Both Gears Stiffness of Shaft, Supported Supported Supported Gear Box, etc. on Two Sides on One End on One End Very Stiff Average Somewhat Weak Table 17-26 1.3 1.6 1.75 1.5 2.1 1.7 2.1 2.5 1.85
17.4.3.M Dynamic Load Factor, KV The dynamic load factor can be obtained from Table 17-24. 17.4.3.N Overload Factor, KO The overload factor can be computed by Equation 17-11 or found in Table 17-4. 17.4.3.O Reliability Factor, CR The general practice is to assume CR to be at least 1.15. 17.4.3.P Allowable Hertz Stress, H lim The values of allowable Hertz stress are given in Tables 17-12 through 17-16. 17.4.4 Examples Of Bevel Gear Surface Strength Calculation
Tooth Flank Load Distribution Factor for Straight Bevel Gear without Crowning, K H Both Gears One Gear Both Gears Stiffness of Shaft, Supported Supported Supported Gear Box, etc. on Two Sides on One End on One End Very Stiff Average Somewhat Weak 1.3 2.8 1.5 2.1 3.3 1.7 2.6 3.8 1.85
Tables 17-26A and 17-26B give the calculations of surface strength factors of Gleason straight bevel gears.
No. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22
Table 17-26A Shaft Angle Module Pressure Angle Central Spiral Angle Number of Teeth Pitch Circle Diameter Pitch Cone Angle Cone Distance Tooth Width Central Pitch Circle Diameter Precision Grade Manufacturing Method Surface Roughness Revolutions per Minute Linear Speed Direction of Load Duty Cycle Material Heat Treatment Surface Hardness Core Hardness Effective Carburized Depth Item
Gleason Straight Bevel Gear Design Details Symbol m m z d Re b dm Unit degree mm degree mm degree mm Pinion 90 2 20 0
n v
rpm m/s
40 20 80.000 40.000 63.43495 26.56505 44.721 15 66.584 33.292 JIS 3 JIS 3 Gleason No. 104 12.5 m 12.5 m 750 1500 3.142 Unidirectional Over 107 cycles SCM 415 Carburized HV 600 640 HB 260 280 0.3 0.5
No. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21
Table 17-26B Surface Strength Factors of Gleason Straight Bevel Gear Gear Symbol Unit Item Pinion H lim kgf/mm2 164 Allowable Hertz Stress mm d1 40.000 Pinion's Pitch Diameter degree 1 26.56505 Pinion's Pitch Cone Angle Re 44.721 Cone Distance mm b 15 Tooth Width u 2 Numbers of Teeth Ratio z2 / z1 ZH 2.495 Zone Factor (kgf/mm2)0.5 ZM 60.6 Material Factor Z 1.0 Contact Ratio Factor Spiral Angle Factor Z 1.0 Life Factor KHL 1.0 ZL 1.0 Lubricant Factor ZR 0.90 Surface Roughness Factor Sliding Speed Factor ZV 0.97 Hardness Ratio Factor ZW 1.0 K HX Dimension Factor of Root Stress 1.0 KH Load Distribution Factor 2.1 Dynamic Load Factor KV 1.4 KO 1.0 Overload Factor CR 1.15 Reliability Factor Allowable Tangential Force on Central Pitch Circle Ft lim Ft d2 u R kgf 103.0 103.0
17.5 Strength Of Worm Gearing This information is applicable for worm gear drives that are used to transmit power in general industrial machines with the following parameters: Axial Module: Pitch Diameter of Worm Gear: Sliding Speed: Rotating Speed, Worm Gear: mx d2 vs n2 1 to 25 mm less than 900 mm less than 30 m/sec less than 600 rpm
= Nominal tangential force on worm gear's pitch circle (kgf) = Pitch diameter of worm gear (mm) = Teeth number ratio = z2 / zw = Transmission efficiency, worm driving (not including bearing loss, lubricant agitation loss, etc.) = Friction coefficient
Sliding Speed, vs (m/s) d1n1 vs = 19100cos 17.5.2 Torque, Tangential Force and Efficiency
(1) Worm as Driver Gear (Speed Reducing) Ft d2 T2 = 2000 T2 Ft d2 T1 = = uR 2000uR tan (1 tan ) cosn R = tan + cosn
where: I = Transmission efficiency, worm gear driving (not including bearing loss, lubricant agitation loss, etc.) (17-49) 17.5.3 Friction Coefficient,
where: T2 = Nominal torque of worm gear (kgfm) T1 = Nominal torque of worm (kgfm)
The friction factor varies as sliding speed changes. The combination of materials is important. For the case of a worm that is carburized and ground, and mated with a phosphorous bronze worm gear, see Figure 1712. For some other materials, see Table 17-27. For lack of data, friction coefficient of materials not listed in Table 17-27 are very difficult to obtain. H.E. Merritt has offered some further information on this topic. See Reference 9.
Table 17-27 Combinations of Materials and Their Coefficients of Friction, Combination of Materials Cast Iron and Phosphor Bronze Cast Iron and Cast Iron Quenched Steel and Aluminum Alloy Steel and Steel in Figure 17-12 times 1.15 in Figure 17-12 times 1.33 in Figure 17-12 times 1.33 in Figure 17-12 times 2.00
0.150 0.120 0.100 0.090 0.080 0.070 0.060 0.050 0.040 0.030 0.020 0.015 0.012
0 0.001 0.01 0.05 0.1 0.2 0.4 0.6 1 1.5 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 12 14 16 18 20 22 24 26 30
Coefficient of Friction
(1) Calculation of Basic Load Provided dimensions and materials of the worm pair are known, the allowable load is as follows: Ft lim = Allowable tangential force (kgf) Z LZ MZ R = 3.82 K v K n S c lim Zd 20.8m x (17-51) KC T2 lim = Allowable worm gear torque (kgfm) ZLZM ZR = 0.00191 K v K n S clim Zd 21.8m x KC (17-52)
17.5.5 Determination of Factors in Worm Gear Surface Strength Equations 17.5.5.A Tooth Width of Worm Gear, b2 (mm) Tooth width of worm gear is defined as in Figure 17-13. b2 b2
(2) Calculation of Equivalent Load The basic load Equations (17-51) and (17-52) are applicable under the conditions of no impact and the pair can operate for 26000 hours minimum. The condition of "no impact" is defined as the starting torque which must be less than 200% of the rated torque; and the frequency of starting should be less than twice per hour. An equivalent load is needed to compare with the basic load in order to determine an actual design load, when the conditions deviate from the above. Equivalent load is then converted to an equivalent tangential force, Fte, in kgf: F te = F t K h K s and equivalent worm gear torque, T2e, in kgfm: T 2 e = T 2 K h K s (17-54) (17-53)
Fig. 17-13
17.5.5.B Zone Factor, Z If b2 < 2.3mxQ + 1 , then: b2 Z = (Basic zone factor) x 2 mx Q + 1 If b2 2.3mxQ + 1 , then: Z = (Basic zone factor) x 1.15 where: Basic Zone Factor is obtained from Table 17-28 d1 Q : Diameter factor = mx zw : number of worm threads Q 1 2 3 4 Table 17-28 7 7.5 8 8.5 9 Basic Zone Factors 9.5 10 11 12 13 14 17 20
(3) Determination of Load Under no impact condition, to have life expectancy of 26000 hours, the following relationships must be satisfied: Ft Ft lim or T2 T2 lim For all other conditions: Fte Ft lim or T2e T2lim NOTE: (17-56) (17-55)
1.052 1.065 1.084 1.107 1.128 1.137 1.143 1.160 1.202 1.260 1.318 1.402 1.508 1.055 1.099 1.144 1.183 1.214 1.223 1.231 1.250 1.280 1.320 1.360 1.447 1.575 0.989 1.109 1.209 1.260 1.305 1.333 1.350 1.365 1.393 1.422 1.442 1.532 1.674 0.981 1.098 1.204 1.301 1.380 1.428 1.460 1.490 1.515 1.545 1.570 1.666 1.798
17.5.5.C Sliding Speed Factor, Kv The sliding speed factor is obtainable from Figure 17-14, where the abscissa is the pitch line linear velocity. 17.5.5.D Rotating Speed Factor, Kn The rotating speed factor is presented in Figure 17-15 as a function of the worm gear's rotating speed, n2. 1.0 0.9 0.8 Sliding Speed Factor KV 0.7 0.6 0.5 0.4 0.3 0.2 0.1
0 0.001 0.01 0.05 0.1 0.2 0.4 0.6 1 1.5 2 3
17.5.5.E Lubricant Factor, ZL Let ZL = 1.0 if the lubricant is of proper viscosity and has antiscoring additives. Some bearings in worm gear boxes may need a low viscosity lubricant. Then ZL is to be less than 1.0. The recommended kinetic viscosity of lubricant is given in Table 17-29.
8 9 10 11 12 14 16 18 20 22 24 26
Fig. 17-14 1.0 0.9 Rotating Speed Factor Kn 0.8 0.7 0.6 0.5 0.4 0.3
0 0.1 0.5 1 2 4 10 20
Fig. 17-15 Rotating Speed Factor, Kn Table 17-29 Recommended Kinematic Viscosity of Lubricant Lubricant Temperature Less than 2.5 at Start of Operation 10C 0C more than 0C more than 0C more than 0C more than 0C more than 0C 110 130 110 150 200 245 350 510 510 780 900 1100
40 60 80 100
Sliding Speed (m/s) 2.5 to 5 110 130 110 150 150 200 245 350 350 510 510 780
Unit: cSt/37.8C
Highest Operating Temperature 0C to less than 10C 10C to less than 30C 30C to less than 55C 55C to less than 80C 80C to less than 100C
More than 5 110 130 110 150 150 200 200 245 245 350 350 510
17.5.5.F Lubrication Factor, ZM The lubrication factor, ZM, is obtained from Table 17-30. 17.5.5.G Surface Roughness Factor, ZR This factor is concerned with resistance to pitting of the working surfaces of the teeth. Since there is insufficient knowledge about this phenomenon, the factor is assumed to be 1.0. ZR = 1.0 (17-58)
Table 17-31 gives the general values of Kc depending on the JIS tooth contact class. 17.5.5.I Starting Factor, Ks This factor depends upon the magnitude of starting torque and the frequency of starts. When starting torque is less than 200% of rated torque, Ks factor is per Table 17-32. 17.5.5.J Time Factor, Kh This factor is a function of the desired life and the impact environment. See Table 17-33. The expected lives in between the numbers shown in Table 17-33 can be interpolated. 17.5.5.K Allowable Stress Factor, Sc lim Table 17-34 presents the allowable stress factors for various material combinations. Note that the table also specifies governing limits of sliding speed, which must be adhered to if scoring is to be avoided.
It should be noted that for Equation (17-58) to be applicable, surfaces roughness of the worm and worm gear must be less than 3 m and 12 m respectively. If either is rougher, the factor is to be adjusted to a smaller value. 17.5.5.H Contact Factor, Kc Quality of tooth contact will affect load capacity dramatically. Generally, it is difficult to define precisely, but JIS B 1741 offers guidelines depending on the class of tooth contact. Class A Kc = 1.0 Class B, C Kc > 1.0 (17-59)
Table 17-30
10 to 14 0.85 1.0
Classes of Tooth Contact and General Values of Contact Factor, Kc Tooth Width Direction Proportion of Tooth Contact Tooth Height Direction KC 1.0 1.3 1.4 1.5 1.7
More than 50% of Effective Width of Tooth More than 35% of Effective Width of Tooth More than 20% of Effective Width of Tooth
More than 40% of Effective Height of Tooth More than 30% of Effective Height of Tooth More than 20% of Effective Height of Tooth Starting Factor, Ks
Table 17-33 Impact from Prime Mover Uniform Load (Motor, Turbine, Hydraulic Motor) Light Impact (Multicylinder engine) Expected Life 1500 5000 26000 60000 Hours Hours Hours* Hours
Time Factor, Kh Kh Impact from Load Medium Impact 0.90 1.0 1.25 1.50
1500 Hours 0.90 1.0 1.25 5000 Hours 1.0 1.25 1.50 26000 Hours* 1.25 1.50 1.75 60000 Hours 1.50 1.75 2.0 1500 Hours 1.0 1.25 1.50 Medium Impact 5000 Hours 1.25 1.50 1.75 (Single cylinder 26000 Hours* 1.50 1.70 2.0 engine) 60000 Hours 1.75 2.0 2.25 * NOTE: For a machine that operates 10 hours a day, 260 days a year; this number corresponds to ten years of operating life.
Table 17-34 Material of Worm Gear Phosphor Bronze Centrifugal Casting Phosphor Bronze Chilled Casting Phosphor Bronze Sand Molding or Forging Aluminum Bronze Brass Ductile Cast Iron
Allowable Stress Factor for Surface Strength, Sc lim Material of Worm Alloy Steel Carburized & Quenched Alloy Steel HB 400 Alloy Steel HB 250 Alloy Steel Carburized & Quenched Alloy Steel HB 400 Alloy Steel HB 250 Alloy Steel Carburized & Quenched Alloy Steel HB 400 Alloy Steel HB 250 Alloy Steel Carburized & Quenched Alloy Steel HB 400 Alloy Steel HB 250 Alloy Steel HB 400 Alloy Steel HB 250 SClim 1.55 1.34 1.12
Ductile Cast Iron but with a higher hardness than the worm gear Phosphor Bronze Casting and Forging Cast Iron but with a higher hardness than the worm gear
20 15 10 8 5
30 20 10
30 20 10
5 2.5 2.5
* NOTE: The value indicates the maximum sliding speed within the limit of the allowable stress factor, Sc lim. Even when the allowable load is below the allowable stress level, if the sliding speed exceeds the indicated limit, there is danger of scoring gear surfaces.
17.5.6 Examples Of Worm Mesh Strength Calculation Table 17-35A Worm and Worm Gear Design Details Worm 2 20
No. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14
Axial Module Normal Pressure Angle No. of Threads, No. of Teeth Pitch Diameter Lead Angle Diameter Factor Tooth Width Manufacturing Method Surface Roughness Revolutions per Minute Sliding Speed Material Heat Treatment Surface Hardness Table 17-35B
Worm Gear
1 28 14 ( )
n vs
rpm m/s
No. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11
Axial Module Worm Gear Pitch Diameter Zone Factor Sliding Speed Factor Rotating Speed Factor Lubricant Factor Lubrication Factor Surface Roughness Factor Contact Factor Allowable Stress Factor Allowable Tangential Force
Surface Strength Factors and Allowable Force Symbol mx d2 Z Kv Kn ZL ZM ZR KC SC lim Ft lim Unit mm
Worm Gear 2 80 1.5157 0.49 0.66 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 0.67 83.5
18.1 General Considerations Of Plastic Gearing Plastic gears are continuing to displace metal gears in a widening arena of applications. Their unique characteristics are also being enhanced with new developments, both in materials and processing. In this regard, plastics contrast somewhat dramatically with metals, in that the latter materials and processes are essentially fully developed and, therefore, are in a relatively static state of development. Plastic gears can be produced by hobbing or shaping, similarly to metal gears or alternatively by molding. The molding process lends itself to considerably more economical means of production; therefore, a more in-depth treatment of this process will be presented in this section. Among the characteristics responsible for the large increase in plastic gear usage, the following are probably the most significant: 1. Cost effectiveness of the injection-molding process. 2. Elimination of machining operations; capability of fabrication with inserts and integral designs. 3. Low density: lightweight, low inertia. 4. Uniformity of parts. 5. Capability to absorb shock and vibration as a result of elastic compliance. 6. Ability to operate with minimum or no lubrication, due to inherent lubricity. 7. Relatively low coefficient of friction. 8. Corrosion-resistance; elimination of plating, or protective coatings. 9. Quietness of operation. 10. Tolerances often less critical than for metal gears, due in part to their greater resilience. 11. Consistency with trend to greater use of plastic housings and other components. 12. One step production; no preliminary or secondary operations. At the same time, the design engineer should be familiar with the limitations of plastic gears relative to metal gears. The most significant of these are the following:
1. Less load-carrying capacity, due to lower maximum allowable stress; the greater compliance of plastic gears may also produce stress concentrations. 2. Plastic gears cannot generally be molded to the same accuracy as high-precision machined metal gears. 3. Plastic gears are subject to greater dimensional instabilities, due to their larger coefficient of thermal expansion and moisture absorption. 4. Reduced ability to operate at elevated temperatures; as an approximate figure, operation is limited to less than 120C. Also, limited cold temperature operations. 5. Initial high mold cost in developing correct tooth form and dimensions. 6. Can be negatively affected by certain chemicals and even some lubricants. 7. Improper molding tools and process can produce residual internal stresses at the tooth roots, resulting in over stressing and/or distortion with aging. 8. Costs of plastics track petrochemical pricing, and thus are more volatile and subject to increases in comparison to metals.
18.2 Properties Of Plastic Gear Materials Popular materials for plastic gears are acetal resins such as DELRIN*, Duracon M90; nylon resins such as ZYTEL*, NYLATRON**, MC901 and acetal copolymers such as CELCON***. The physical and mechanical properties of these materials vary with regard to strength, rigidity, dimensional stability, lubrication requirements, moisture absorption, etc. Standardized tabular data is available from various manufacturers' catalogs. Manufacturers in the U.S.A. provide this information in units customarily used in the U.S.A. In general, the data is less simplified and fixed than for the metals. This is because plastics are subject to wider formulation variations and are often regarded as proprietary compounds and mixtures. Tables 18-1 through 18-9 are representative listings of physical and mechanical properties of gear plastics taken from a variety of sources. All reprinted tables are in their original units of measure.
Acetal ABS Nylon 6/6 Nylon 6/10 Polycarbonate High Impact Polystyrene Polyurethane Polyvinyl Chloride Polysulfone MoS2Filled Nylon
Table 18-1 Physical Properties of Plastics Used in Gears Tensile Flexural Compressive Heat Distortion Water Mold Strength Strength Modulus Temperature Absorption Rockwell Shrinkage (psi x 103) (psi x 103) (psi x 103) (F @ 264psi) (% in 24 hrs) Hardness (in./in.)
8.8 1.0 4.5 8.5 11.2 13.1 7 8.5 8 9.5 1.9 4 4.5 8 69 10.2 10.2 13 14 5 13.5 14.6 10.5 11 13 5.5 12.5 7.1 8 15 15.4 10 410 120 200 400 400 350 300 500 85 300 400 370 350 230 255 180 245 200 145 265 290 160 205 160 205 140 175 345 140 0.25 0.2 0.5 1.3 0.4 0.15 0.05 0.10 0.60 0.80 0.07 0.40 0.22 0.4 M94 R120 R80 120 R118 123 R111 M70 R112 M25 69 M29 R90 R100 120 M69 R120 D785 0.022 0.003 0.007 0.007 0.015 0.015 0.005 0.007 0.003 0.005 0.009 0.002 0.004 0.0076 0.012
Reprinted with the permission of Plastic Design and Processing Magazine; see Reference 8.
* Registered trademark, E.I. du Pont de Nemours and Co., Wilmington, Delaware, 19898. ** Registered trademark, The Polymer Corporation, P.O. Box 422, Reading, Pennsylvania, 19603. *** Registered trademark, Celanese Corporation, 26 Main St., Chatham, N.J. 07928.
Nylon 6/6 1.5 .015/.030 *11,200 175,000 2.1 220 Nylon 6 1.6 .013/.025 *11,800 395,000 1.1 150 Acetal 0.2 .016/.030 *10,000 410,000 1.4/2.3 255 Polycarbonate 30% G/F, 0.06 *17,500 1,200,000 .0035 2 290 15% PTFE 5. Polyester *8,000 1.2 130 340,000 .020 0.08 (thermoplastic) 12,000 6. Polyphenylene sulfide 1.10 500 *19,000 1,300,000 .002 0.03 30% G/F 15% PTFE 7. Polyester *3,780 .012 122 0.3 elastomer 5,500 8. Phenolic .29 270 340,000 .007 0.45 7,000 (molded) * These are average values for comparison purpose only. Source: Clifford E. Adams, Plastic Gearing, Marcel Dekker Inc., N.Y. 1986. Reference 1. 1. 2. 3. 4.
Units ASTM
Property Chart for Basic Polymers for Gearing Coeff. of Tensile Izod Water Deflect. Linear Mold Strength Flexural Impact Absorp. Temp. Thermal Shrinkage * Yield Modulus Strength 24hrs. @264psi Break Expan. Notched
% D570 in./in. D955 psi D638 psi D790 ftlb/in. D256 F D648 4.5 varies 4.6 5.8 1.50 5.3 1.50 10.00 3.75 105 F D696
Table 18-2
Specific Gravity
Table 18-3
Physical Properties of DELRIN Acetal Resin and ZYTEL Nylon Resin ASTM
D638* D732* D256* D638* D790* D785*
Properties Units
2.5% Moisture
8,500 2.0 25 175,000 M 94, R 120, etc.
10,000 Yield Strength, psi 9,510 Shear Strength, psi 1.4 2.3 Impact Strength (Izod) 15 75 Elongation at Yield, % 410,000 Modulus of Elasticity, psi M 94, R 120 Hardness, Rockwell Coefficient of Linear Thermal 4.5 x 105 D696 4.5 x 105 Expansion, in./in.F Water Absorption 0.25 D570 1.5 24 hrs. % 0.9 D570 8.0 Saturation, % 1.425 Specific Gravity D792 1.14 * Test conducted at 73F Reprinted with the permission of E.I. DuPont de Nemours and Co.; see Reference 5.
Table 18-4
Specific Gravity Tensile Strength, 73F Elongation, 73F Modulus of Elasticity, 73F Compressive Strength @ 0.1% Offset @ 1.0% Offset Shear Strength, 73F
psi % psi psi
D 792 D 638 D 638 D 638 D 695
Hardness (Rockwell), 73F Coefficient of Friction (Dry vs Steel) Dynamic Heat Distortion Temp. 66 psi 264psi Melting Point Flammability Coefficient of Linear Thermal Expansion Water Absorption 24 Hours Saturation
R112 - 120 .15 - .35
F F F _ in./in.F
D 732 %
D 621
Resistant to: Common Solvents, Hydrocarbons, Esters, Ketones, Alkalis, Diluted Acids Not Resistant to: Phenol, Formic Acid, Concentrated Mineral Acid Reprinted with the permission of The Polymer Corp.; see Reference 14.
% %
D-570 D-570
Table 18-5
ASTM M Series Property Units Test Method Flow, Softening and Use Temperature Flow Temperature Melting Point Vicat Softening Point Unmolding Temperature1 D 569 D 1525 F F F F 345 329 324 320
331 324
Thermal Deflection and Deformation Deflection Temperature D 648 @264 psi @66 psi Deformation under Load (2000 psi @122oF) D 621
F F %
322 0.6
Miscellaneous Thermal Conductivity BTU / hr. / ft2 /F / in. 1.6 Specific Heat BTU / lb. /F 0.35 Coefficient of Linear Thermal Expansion D 696 in./in.F (Range: 30oC to + 30oC.) Flow direction 4.7 x 10-5 Traverse direction 4.7 x 10-5 Flammability D 635 in. /min. 1.1 Average Mold Shrinkage2 in./in. Flow direction 0.022 Transverse direction 0.018
Unmolding temperature is the temperature at which a plastic part loses its structural integrity (under its own weight ) after a half-hour exposure. 2 Data Bulletin C3A, "Injection Molding Celcon," gives information of factors which influence mold shrinkage. Reprinted with the permission of Celanese Plastics and Specialties Co.; see Reference 3.
Mechanical Properties of Nylon MC901 and Duracon M90 Testing Method ASTM
D 638 D 638 D 638 D 695 D 695 D 695 D 732 D 785 D 790 D 792
kgf/cm2 % 103kgf/cm2 kgf/cm2 kgf/cm2 103kgf/cm2 kgf/cm2 R scale kgf/cm2 g/cm3
Nylon MC901
800 980 10 50 30 35 940 1050 940 970 33 36 735 805 115 120 980 1120 1.15 1.17 0.40
Duracon M90
620 60 28.8 540 980 980 1.41 0.35
Tensile Strength Elongation Modules of Elasticity (Tensile) Yield Point (Compression) 5% Deformation Point Modules of Elasticity (Compress) Shearing Strength Rockwell Hardness Bending Strength Density (23C) Poisson's Ratio
Thermal Properties of Nylon MC901 and Duracon M90 Testing Method ASTM
C 177 D 696 D 648 D 648
101Kcal/mhrC 105cm/cm/C cal/Cgrf C C C
Nylon MC901
2 9 0.4 160 200 200 215 120 150 0.65 220 223
Duracon M90
2 9 13 0.35 110 158 165
Thermal Conductivity Coeff. of Linear Thermal Expansion Specifical Heat (20C) Thermal Deformation Temperature (18.5 kgf/cm2) Thermal Deformation Temperature (4.6 kgf/cm2) Antithermal Temperature (Long Term) Deformation Rate Under Load (140 kgf/cm2, 50C) Melting Point
D 621
% C
Table 18-8
Property English Units (Metric Units) Specific Gravity Density Specific Volume lbs/in3 (g/cm3) lbs/in3 (g/cm3) lbs/in2 (kg/cm2)
Nominal ASTM Specimen Temp. M-Series GC-25A Temp. M-Series GC-25A Test Values Values Values Values Size Method 1.41 1.59 1.41 1.59 D 792 0.0507 0.057 0.71 0.63 19.7 17.54 Type l 1/8" -40 F 73 F 160 F -40 F 13,700 8,800 5,000 16,000 (at break) -40 C 23 C 70 C 965 620 350 1120 (at break)
D 638 Speed B
Elongation at Break
M25/30 M90/20 M270/15 Type l D 638 73 F M25/75 Speed B 1/8" Thick M90/60 M270/40 160 F 250 D 638 D 790 D 790 D 695 Type l 1/8" Thick
-40 C M25/30 M90/20 M270/15 23 C M25/75 M90/60 M270/40 70 C 250 28,800 26,400 12,700 7,000 915 320 1,100 -40 C M25/6.5 M90/5.5 M270/4.4 23 C M25/8.0 M90/7.0 M270/5.5 M25/190 M90/150 M270/130 80
lbs/in2 (kg/cm2) lbs/in2 (kg/cm2) lbs/in2 (kg/cm2) lbs/in2 (kg/cm2) lbs/in2 (kg/cm2)
73 F 375,000 1.05x106 23 C 5" x 1/2" x 160 F 180,000 0.7x106 70 C 1/8" Thick 220 F 100,000 0.5x106 105 C 5" x 1/2" x 1/8" Thick 1" x 1/2" x 1/2" 2 1/2" x 1/2" x 1/8" machined notch 13,000 4,500 16,000
D 256
Tensile Impact Strength ftlb/in2 (kgcm/cm2) Rockwell Hardness Shear Strength Water Absorption 24 hr. Immersion Equilibrium, Immersion M Scale lbs/in2 (kg/cm2) %
-40 F M25/1.2 M90/1.0 73 F M270/0.8 M25/1.5 M90/1.3 M270/1.0 L M25/90 Specimen M90/70 1/8" Thick M270/60 2" x 1/8" Disc 80 7,700 6,700 5,700 0.22 0.16 14mg per 1000 cycles 0.15 0.35 0.80
8,300 0.29
23 C 50 C 70 C
540 470 400 0.22 0.16 14mg per 1000 cycles 0.15 0.35 0.80
584 0.29
Equilibrium, 50% R.H. Taper Abrasion 1000 g Load CS17 Wheel Coefficient of Dynamic Friction against steel, brass and aluminum against Celcon
D 1044 D 1894
Many of the properties of thermoplastics are dependent upon processing conditions, and the test results presented are typical values only. These test results were obtained under standardized test conditions, and with the exception of specific gravity, should not be used as a basis for engineering design. Values were obtained from specimens injection molded in unpigmented material. In common with other thermoplastics, incorporation into Celcon of color pigments or additional U.V. stabilizers may affect some test results. Celcon GC25A test results are obtained from material predried for 3 hours at 240 F (116 C) before molding. All values generated at 50% r.h. & 73 F (23 C) unless indicated otherwise. Reprinted with the permission of Celanese Plastics and Specialties Co.; see Reference 3.
Table 18-9
Water and Moisture Absorption Property of Nylon MC901 and Duracon M90 Conditions Testing Method ASTM Unit
% D 570 % %
Nylon MC901
0.5 1.0 5.5 7.0 2.5 3.5
Duracon M90
0.22 0.80 0.16
Rate of Water Absorption (at room temp. in water, 24 hrs.) Saturation Absorption Value (in water) Saturation Absorption Value (in air, room temp.)
It is common practice to use plastics in combination with different metals and materials other than plastics. Such is the case when gears have metal hubs, inserts, rims, spokes, etc. In these cases, one must be cognizant of the fact that plastics have an order of magnitude different coefficients of thermal expansion as well as density and modulus of elasticity. Table 18-10
Modulus of Elasticity (flexural) (lb/in.2)
For this reason, Table 18-10 is presented. Other properties and features that enter into consideration for gearing are given in Table 18-11 (Wear) and Table 18-12 (Poisson's Ratio).
Ferrous Metals Cast Irons: Malleable 25 to 28 x 106 6.6 x 106 68 to 750 .265 Gray cast 9 to 23 x 106 6.0 x 106 32 to 212 .260 Ductile 23 to 25 x 106 8.2 x 106 68 to 750 .259 Steels: 6 6 Cast Steel 29 to 30 x 10 8.2 x 10 68 to 1000 .283 Plain carbon 29 to 30 x 106 8.3 x 106 68 to 1000 .286 6 6 Low alloy,cast and wrought 30 x 10 8.0 x 10 0 to 1000 .280 High alloy 30 x 106 8 to 9 x 106 68 to 1000 .284 Nitriding , wrought 29 to 30 x 106 6.5 x 106 32 to 900 .286 AISI 4140 29 x 106 6.2 x 106 32 to 212 .284 Stainless: AISI 300 series 28 x 106 9.6 x 106 32 to 212 .287 AISI 400 series 29 x 106 5.6 x 106 32 to 212 .280 Nonferrous Metals: Aluminum alloys, wrought 10 to 10.6 x 106 12.6 x 106 68 to 212 .098 Aluminum, sandcast 10.5 x 106 11.9 to 12.7 x 106 68 to 212 .097 6 6 Aluminum, diecast 10.3 x 10 11.4 to 12.2 x 10 68 to 212 .096 Beryllium copper 18 x 106 9.3 x 106 68 to 212 .297 Brasses 16 to 17 x 106 11.2 x 106 68 to 572 .306 Bronzes 17 to 18 x 106 9.8 x 106 68 to 572 .317 Copper, wrought 17 x 106 9.8 x 106 68 to 750 .323 Magnesium alloys, wrought 6.5 x 106 14.5 x 106 68 to 212 .065 Magnesium, diecast 6.5 x 106 14 x 106 68 to 212 .065 6 6 Monel 26 x 10 7.8 x 10 32 to 212 .319 6 6 Nickel and alloys 19 to 30 x 10 7.6 x 10 68 to 212 .302 Nickel, lowexpansion alloys 24 x 106 1.2 to 5 x 106 200 to 400 .292 6 6 Titanium, unalloyed 15 to 16 x 10 5.8 x 10 68 to 1650 .163 Titanium alloys, wrought 13 to 17.5 x 106 5.0 to 7 x 106 68 to 572 .166 Zinc, diecast 2 to 5 x 106 5.2 x 106 68 to 212 .24 Powder Metals: Iron (unalloyed) 12 to 25 x 106 .21 to .27 Ironcarbon 13 x 106 7 x 106 68 to 750 .22 Ironcoppercarbon 13 to 15 x 106 7 x 106 68 to 750 .22 6 AISI 4630 18 to 23 x 10 .25 Stainless steels: AISI 300 series 15 to 20 x 106 .24 AISI 400 series 14 to 20 x 106 .23 Brass 10 x 106 .26 Bronze 8 to 13 x 106 10 x 106 68 to 750 .28 Nonmetallics: Acrylic 3.5 to 4.5 x 105 3.0 to 4 x 105 0 to 100 .043 Delrin (acetal resin ) 4.1 x 105 5.5 x 105 85 to 220 .051 Fluorocarbon resin (TFE) 4.0 to 6.5 x 104 5.5 x 105 22 to 86 .078 5 5 Nylon 1.6 to 4.5 x 10 4.5 to 5.5 x 10 22 to 86 .041 Phenolic laminate: 5 5 Paper base 1.1 to 1.8 x 10 0.9 to 1.4 x 10 22 to 86 .048 Cotton base 0.8 to 1.3 x 105 0.7 to 1.5 x 105 22 to 86 .048 Linen base 0.8 to 1.1 x 105 0.8 to 1.4 x 105 22 to 86 .049 Polystyrene (general purpose) 4.0 to 5 x 105 3.3 to 4.4 x 105 22 to 86 .038 Source: Michalec, G.W., Precision Gearing, Wiley 1966
Table 18-11
Table 18-12
Acetal ABS Polystyrene Nylon 6-6 Nylon 6-10 MoS2-Filled Nylon Polycarbonate Polyurethane Brass Steel
Polymer Acetal Nylon 6/6 Modified PPO Polycarbonate Polystyrene PVC TFE (Tetrafluorethylene) FEP (Fluorinated Ethylene Propylene)
Nylon 6/6
Source: Clifford E. Adams, Plastic Gearing, Marcel Dekker Inc., New York 1986. Reference 1.
Reprinted with the permission of Plastic Design and Processing Magazine; see Reference 8.
Moisture has a significant impact on plastic properties as can be seen in Tables 18-1 thru 18-5. Ranking of plastics is given in Table 18-13. In this table, rate refers to expansion from dry to full moist condition. Thus, a 0.20% rating means a dimensional increase of 0.002 mm/mm. Note that this is only a rough guide, as exact values depend upon factors of composition and processing, both the raw material and gear molding. For example, it can be seen that the various types and grades of nylon can range from 0.07% to 2.0%. Table 18-13 Material Ranking by Water Absorption Rate Material
Polytetrafluoroethylene Polyethylene: medium density high density high molecular weight low density Polyphenylene sulfides (40% glass filled) Polyester: thermosetting and alkyds low shrink glass preformed chopping roving Polyester: linear aromatic Polyphenylene sulfide: unfilled Polyester: thermoplastic (18% glass) Polyurethane: cast liquid methane Polyester synthetic: fiber filled alkyd glass filled alkyd mineral filled alkyd glasswoven cloth glasspremix, chopped Nylon 12 (30% glass) Polycarbonate (1040% glass) Styreneacrylonitrile copolymer (2033% glass filled) Polyester thermoplastic: thermoplastic PTMT (20% asbestos) glass sheet molding Polycarbonate <10%glass Phenolic cast: mineral filled Polyester alkyd: asbestos filled Polycarbonate: unfilled Polyester cast: rigid Acetal: TFE Nylon 6/12 (3035% glass) 6/10 (3035% glass) Polyester alkyd vinyl ester thermoset Styreneacrylonitrile copolymer: unfilled Polycarbonate ABS alloy Phenolic cast: unfilled Acetal copolymer homopolymer Nylon 12 (unmodified) Acetal (20% glass) Poly (ancideimide) Acetal (25% glass) Nylon 11 (unmodified) Polyester elastomer Polyamide Nylon: 6/12 (unmodified) 6/10 (unmodified) Polyester-thermosetting and alkyds (cast flexible) Nylon 6 (cast) Polyurethane elastomer thermoplastic
Table 18-14 lists safe stress values for a few basic plastics and the effect of glass fiber reinforcement. It is important to stress the resistance to chemical corrosion of some plastic materials. These properties of Table 18-14 Safe Stress some of materials Safe stress, psi used in the Plastic Glass-reinforced Unfilled products presented ABS Resins 3000 6000 in this catalog are Acetal 5000 7000 further explored.
Polycarbonate 6000 9000 Nylon MC901 Polyester 3500 8000 Nylon MC901 has almost the Polyurethane 2500 same level of anti- Source: Clifford E. Adams, Plastic Gearing, chemical corrosion Marcel Dekker Inc.,New York 1986. Reference 1. property as Nylon resins. In general, it has a better antiorganic solvent property, but has a weaker antiacid property. The properties are as follows: - For many nonorganic acids, even at low concentration at normal temperature, itshould not be used without further tests. - For nonorganic alkali at room temperature, it can be used to a certain level of concentration. - For the solutions of nonorganic salts, we may apply them to a fairly high level of temperature and concentration. - MC901 has better antiacid ability and stability in organic acids than in nonorganic acids, except for formic acid. - MC901 is stable at room temperature in organic compounds of ester series and ketone series. - It is also stable in mineral oil, vegetable oil and animal oil, at room temperature. Nylon 6000 12000
Rate of Change %
0.0 < 0.01 < 0.01 < 0.01 < 0.015 0.01
Nylon 6/6: MoS2 0.80 1.10 30 35% glass 0.90 unmodified 1.10 1.50 nucleated 1.10 1.50 Nylon 6 (30 35% glass) 1.30 unmodified 1.30 1.90 nucleated 1.30 1.90 Nylon 6/6 6 (copolymer) 1.50 1.20 Source: Clifford E. Adams, Plastic Gearing, Marcel Dekker, Inc., New York, 1986. Reference 1.
0.01 0.25 0.01 1.0 0.02 0.02 0.02 0.07 0.02 1.5 0.05 0.20 0.05 0.25 0.05 0.50 0.05 0.50 0.06 0.28 0.07 0.07 0.20 0.08 0.22 0.09 0.10 0.10 0.15 0.12 0.12 0.36 0.14 0.15 0.18 0.15 0.60 0.20 0.20 0.20 0.20 0.20 0.30 0.20 0.35 0.20 0.40 0.22 0.25 0.25 0.25 0.29 0.28 0.29 0.30 0.30 0.60 0.32 0.40 0.40 0.50 2.50 0.60 1.20 0.70 0.90
Duracon M90 This plastic has outstanding antiorganic properties. However, it has the disadvantage of having limited suitable adhesives. Its main properties are: - Good resistance against nonorganic chemicals, but will be corroded by strong acids such as nitric, sulfuric and chloric acids. - Household chemicals, such as synthetic detergents, have almost no effect on M90. - M90 does not deteriorate even under long term operation in high temperature lubricating oil, except for some additives in high grade lubricants. - With grease, M90 behaves the same as with oil lubricants. Gear designers interested in using this material should be aware of properties regarding individual chemicals. Plastic manufacturers' technical information manuals should be consulted prior to making gear design decisions. 18.3 Choice Of Pressure Angles And Modules Pressure angles of 14.5, 20 and 25 are used in plastic gears. The 20 pressure angle is usually preferred due to its stronger tooth shape and reduced undercutting compared to the 14.5 pressure angle system. The 25 pressure angle has the highest load-carrying ability, but is more sensitive to center distance variation and hence runs less quietly. The choice is dependent on the application. The determination of the appropriate module or diametral pitch is a compromise between a number of different design requirements. A larger module is associated with larger and stronger teeth. For a given pitch diameter, however, this also means a smaller number of teeth with a correspondingly greater likelihood of undercut at very low number of teeth. Larger teeth are generally associated with more sliding than smaller teeth. On the other side of the coin, smaller modules, which are associated with smaller teeth, tend to provide greater load sharing due to the compliance of plastic gears. However, a limiting condition would eventually be reached when mechanical interference occurs as a result of too much compliance. Smaller teeth are also more sensitive to tooth errors and may be more highly stressed. A good procedure is probably to size the pinion first, since it is the more highly loaded member. It should be proportioned to support the required loads, but should not be over designed.
18.4 Strength Of Plastic Spur Gears In the following text, main consideration will be given to Nylon MC901 and Duracon M90. However, the basic equations used are applicable to all other plastic materials if the appropriate values for the factors are applied. 18.4.1 Bending Strength of Spur Gears
Duracon M90 The allowable tangential force F (kgf) at pitch circle of a Duracon M90 spur gear can also be obtained from the Lewis formula. F = mybb (kgf) where: m = Module (mm) y = Form factor at pitch point (see Table 18-15) b = Teeth width (mm) b = Allowable bending stress (kgf/mm2) The allowable bending stress can be calculated by Equation (18-3): KV KT KL KM b = b' (18-3) CS where: b' = Maximum allowable bending stress under ideal condition (kgf/mm2) (see Figure 18-2) CS = Working factor (see Table 18-17) KV = Speed factor (see Figure 18-3) KT = Temperature factor (see Figure 18-4) KL = Lubrication factor (see Table 18-18) KM = Material factor (see Table 18-19) (18-2)
Nylon MC901 The allowable tangential force F (kgf) at the pitch circle of a Nylon MC901 spur gear can be obtained from the Lewis formula. F = mybbKV (kgf) where: m = Module (mm) y = Form factor at pitch point (see Table 18-15) b = Teeth width (mm) b = Allowable bending stress (kgf/mm2) (see Figure 18-1) KV = Speed factor (see Table 18-16) (18-1)
ule 0
.8 Modu le 1
40 60 80 100 120 Ambient Temperature (C) Allowable Bending Stress, b (kgf/mm2) Table 18-15 14.5 0.355 0.399 0.430 0.458 0.480 0.496 0.509 0.522 0.535 0.540 0.553 0.565 0.569 0.588 0.604 0.613 0.622 0.635 0.650 0.660 Form Factor, y Form Factor 20 Standard Tooth 20 Stub Tooth 0.415 0.496 0.468 0.540 0.503 0.578 0.522 0.603 0.544 0.628 0.559 0.648 0.572 0.664 0.588 0.678 0.597 0.688 0.606 0.698 0.628 0.714 0.651 0.729 0.657 0.733 0.694 0.757 0.713 0.774 0.735 0.792 0.757 0.808 0.779 0.830 0.801 0.855 0.823 0.881 Factor KV 1.0 0.85 1.0 0.7
le 2
106 107 108 Numbers of Cycles Fig. 18-2 Maximum Allowable Bending Stress under Ideal Condition, b' (kgf/mm2) Table 18-17 Types of Load Uniform Load Light Impact Medium impact Heavy Impact Working Factor, CS
24 hrs./day 8-10 hrs./day 0.5 hrs./day 1.25 1.00 0.80 1.50 1.25 1.00 1.75 1.50 1.25 2.00 1.75 1.50 Table 18-18 Lubrication Factor, KL 1 1.5 3.0 KL
1.6 1.4 1.2 Speed Factor Kv 1.0 0.8 0.6 0.4 0.2 0 0 5 10 15 20 Linear Speed at Pitch Point (m/sec) Fig. 18-3 Speed Factor, KV 25
F u+1 1.4 S = (kgf/mm2) (18-4) c bd1 u 1 1 ( + ) sin2 E1 E2 where: F = Tangential force on surface (kgf) b = Tooth width (mm) d1 = Pitch diameter of pinion (mm) u = Gear ratio =z2 /z1 E = Modulus of elasticity of material (kgf/mm2) (see Figure 18-5) = Pressure angle
Duracon M90 Duracon gears have less friction and wear when in an oil lubrication condition. However, the calculation of strength must take into consideration a no-lubrication condition. The surface strength using Hertz contact stress, Sc, is calculated by Equation (18-4).
1,400 1,300 Maximum Bending Strength (kgf/cm2) 1,200 1,100 1,000 900 800 700 600 500 400 300 200 100 0
60 40 20 0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160
1.5 1.4 1.3 Temperature Factor KT 1.1 KT = 1 at 20C 1.0 0.9 0.8 0.7 0.6 0.5 0.4 0.3 0.2 0.1 0 Temperature (C) Temperature Factor, KT
If the value of Hertz contact stress, Sc, is calculated by Equation (18-4) and the value falls below the curve of Figure 18-6, then it is directly applicable as a safe design. If the calculated value falls above the curve, the Duracon gear is unsafe. Figure 18-6 is based upon data for a pair of Duracon gears: m = 2, v = 12 m/s, and operating at room temperature. For working conditions that are similar or better, the values in the figure can be used.
For comparison, the Modulus of Elasticity of Steel is 2.1 x 104 kgf/mm2, for the temperature range between 40 and 120C.
0 Fig. 18-5
60 40 20
Fig. 18-4
Temperature (C)
1. Backlash Plastic gears have larger coefficients of thermal expansion. Also, they have an affinity to absorb moisture and swell. Good design requires allowance for a greater amount of backlash than for metal gears. 2. Lubrication Most plastic gears do not require lubrication. However, temperature rise due to meshing may be controlled by the cooling effect of a lubricant as well as by reduction of friction. Often, in the case of high-speed rotational speeds, lubrication is critical. 3. Plastic gear with metal mate If one of the gears of a mated pair is metal, there will be a heat sink that combats a high temperature rise. The effectiveness depends upon the particular metal, amount of metal mass, and rotational speed.
Application Notes In designing plastic gears, the effects of heat and moisture must be given careful consideration. The related problems are:
Nylon MC901 The allowable tangential force at the pitch circle is calculated by Equation (18-5). Ra b F = m yb b K V (18-5) Ra where: y = Form factor at pitch point (by equivalent spur gear from Table 18-15) z z = (18-6) v cos where: Ra = Outer cone distance = Pitch cone angle (degree) zv = Number of teeth of equivalent spur gear Other variables may be calculated the same way as for spur gears. Duracon M90 The allowable tangential force F(kgf) on pitch circle of Duracon M90 bevel gears can be obtained from Equation (18-7). Ra b F = m ybb (18-7) Ra where: KV KT KL KM b = b' CS and y = Form factor at pitch point, which is obtained from Table 18-15 by computing the number of teeth of equivalent spur gear via Equation (18-6). Other variables are obtained by using the equations for Duracon spur gears. 18.4.4 Bending Strength Of Plastic Worm Gears
Therefore, sliding speeds must be contained within recommendations of Table 18-20. d 1n 1 Sliding speed vs = 60000cos (m/s)
Lubrication of plastic worms is vital, particularly under high load and continuous operation. 18.4.5 Strength Of Plastic Keyway
Fastening of a plastic gear to the shaft is often done by means of a key and keyway. Then, the critical thing is the stress level imposed upon the keyway sides. This is calculated by Equation (18-10). 2T = (kgf/cm2) d lh where: = Pressure on the keyway sides (kgf/cm2) T = Transmitted torque (kgfm) d = Diameter of shaft (cm) l = Effective length of keyway (cm) h = Depth of keyway (cm) (18-10)
The maximum allowable surface pressure for MC901 is 200 kgf/cm2, and this must not be exceeded. Also, the keyway's corner must have a suitable radius to avoid stress concentration. The distance from the root of the gear to the bottom of the keyway should be at least twice the tooth whole depth, h. Keyways are not to be used when the following conditions exist: - Excessive keyway stress - High ambient temperature - High impact - Large outside diameter gears When above conditions prevail, it is expedient to use a metallic hub in the gear. Then, a keyway may be cut in the metal hub. A metallic hub can be fixed in the plastic gear by several methods: - Press the metallic hub into the plastic gear, ensuring fastening with a knurl or screw. - Screw fasten metal discs on each side of the plastic gear. - Thermofuse the metal hub to the gear. 18.5 Effect Of Part Shrinkage On Plastic Gear Design The nature of the part and the molding operation have a significant effect on the molded gear. From the design point of view, the most important effect is the shrinkage of the gear relative to the size of the mold cavity. Gear shrinkage depends upon mold proportions, gear geometry, material, ambient temperature and time. Shrinkage is usually expressed in millimeters per millimeter. For example, if a plastic gear with a shrinkage rate of 0.022 mm/mm has a pitch diameter of 50 mm while in the mold, the pitch diameter after molding will be reduced by (50)(0.022) or 1.1 mm, and becomes 48.9 mm after it leaves the mold.
Nylon MC901 Generally, the worm is much stronger than the worm gear. Therefore, it is necessary to calculate the strength of only the worm gear. The allowable tangential force F (kgf) at the pitch circle of the worm gear is obtained from Equation (18-8). F = m n yb b KV (kgf) where: (18-8)
mn = Normal module (mm) y = Form factor at pitch point, which is obtained from Table 18-15 by first computing the number of teeth of equivalent spur gear using Equation (18-9). z z = (18-9) V cos 3 Worm meshes have relatively high sliding velocities, which induces a high temperature rise. This causes a sharp decrease in strength and abnormal friction wear. This is particularly true of an all plastic mesh.
Table 18-20
Material Combinations and Limits of Sliding Speed Lubrication Condition No Lubrication No Lubrication Initial Lubrication Continuous Lubrication
Sliding Speed
Under 0.125 m/s Under 1 m/s Under 1.5 m/s Under 2.5 m/s
Depending upon the material and the molding process, shrinkage rates ranging from about 0.001 mm/mm to 0.030 mm/mm occur in plastic gears (see Table 18-1 and Figure 18-7). Sometimes shrinkage rates are expressed as a percentage. For example, a shrinkage rate of 0.0025 mm/ mm can be stated as a 0.25% shrinkage rate. Exposure Temperature C 30 50 70 90 100F Mold 150F Mold
quantities after the shrinkage occurred: cos cos' = 1 + s* m' = (1 s*)m d' = zm' p' = m' where: s* m d p' z = = = = = = shrinkage rate (mm/mm) module pressure angle pitch diameter (mm) circular pitch (mm) number of teeth
200F Mold 250F Mold Annealed, all mold temperatures 100 150 Exposure Temperature F 200
It follows that a hob generating the electrode for a cavity which will produce a post shrinkage standard gear would need to be of a nonstandard configuration. Let us assume that an electrode is cut for a 20 pressure angle, module 1, 64 tooth gear which will be made of acetal (s* = 0.022) and will have 64 mm pitch diameter after molding. cos = cos '(1 + s*) = 0.93969262 (1 + 0.022) = 0.96036 therefore, = 1611' pressure angle m' 1 m = = = 1.0225 1 s* 1 0.022 The pitch diameter of the electrode, therefore, will be: d = zm = 64 x 1.0225 = 65.44 mm For the sake of simplicity, we are ignoring the correction which has to be made to compensate for the electrode gap which results in the cavity being larger than the electrode. The shrinking process can give rise to residual stresses within the gear, especially if it has sections of different thicknesses. For this reason, a hubless gear is less likely to be warped than a gear with a hub. If necessary, a gear can be annealed after molding in order to relieve residual stresses. However, since this adds another operation in the manufacturing of the gear, annealing should be considered only under the following circumstances: 1. If maximum dimensional stability is essential. 2. If the stresses in the gear would otherwise exceed the design limit. 3. If close tolerances and high-temperature operation makes annealing necessary. Annealing adds a small amount of lubricant within the gear surface region. If the prior gear lubrication is marginal, this can be helpful. 18.6 Proper Use Of Plastic Gears 18.6.1 Backlash
Reprinted with the permission of E.I. DuPont de Nemours and Co.; see Ref. 8
Fig. 18-7
The effect of shrinkage must be anticipated in the design of the mold and requires expert knowledge. Accurate and specific treatment of this phenomenon is a result of years of experience in building molds for gears; hence, details go beyond the scope of this presentation. In general, the final size of a molded gear is a result of the following factors: 1. Plastic material being molded. 2. Injection pressure. 3. Injection temperature. 4. Injection hold time. 5. Mold cure time and mold temperature. 6. Configuration of part (presence of web, insert, spokes, ribs, etc.). 7. Location, number and size of gates. 8. Treatment of part after molding. From the above, it becomes obvious that with the same mold by changing molding parameters parts of different sizes can be produced. The form of the gear tooth itself changes as a result of shrinkage, irrespective of it shrinking away from the mold, as shown in Figure 18-8. The resulting gear will be too thin at the top and too thick at the base. The pressure angle will have increased, resulting in the possibility of binding, as well as greater wear. In order to obtain an idea of the effect of part shrinkage subsequent to molding, the following equations are presented where the primes refer to Mold
Gear Tooth After Molding (a) Mold Tooth Form Gear Tooth Form After Molding (Superimposed on each other for comparison) (b) Fig. 18-8 Change of Tooth Profile
Due to the thermal expansion of plastic gears, which is significantly greater than that of metal gears, and the effects of tolerances, one should make sure that meshing gears do not bind in the course of service. Several means are available for introducing backlash into the system. Perhaps the simplest is to enlarge center distance. Care must be taken, however, to ensure that the contact ratio remains adequate. It is possible also to thin out the tooth profile during manufacturing, but this adds to the manufacturing cost and requires careful consideration of the tooth geometry. To some extent, the flexibility of the bearings and clearances can compensate for thermal expansion. If a small change in center distance is necessary and feasible, it probably represents the best and least expensive compromise.
In any discussion of tolerances for plastic gears, it is necessary to distinguish between manufacturing tolerances and dimensional changes due to environmental conditions. As far as manufacturing is concerned, plastic gears can be made to high accuracy, if desired. For injection molded gears, Total Composite Error can readily be held within a range of roughly 0.075 0.125 mm, with a corresponding Tooth-to-Tooth Composite Error of about 0.025 0.050 mm. Higher accuracies can be obtained if the more expensive filled materials, mold design, tooling and quality control are used. In addition to thermal expansion changes, there are permanent dimensional changes as the result of moisture absorption. Also, there are dimensional changes due to compliance under load. The coefficient of thermal expansion of plastics is on the order of four to ten times those of metals (see Tables 18-3 and 18-10). In addition, most plastics are hygroscopic (i.e., absorb moisture) and dimensional changes on the order of 0.1% or more can develop in the course of time, if the humidity is sufficient. As a result, one should attempt to make sure that a tolerance which is specified is not smaller than the inevitable dimensional changes which arise as a result of environmental conditions. At the same time, the greater compliance of plastic gears, as compared to metal gears, suggests that the necessity for close tolerances need not always be as high as those required for metal gears. 18.6.3 Avoiding Stress Concentration
minimum wall thicknesses around the inserts must be left. The insertion of inserts may be accomplished by ultrasonically driving in the insert. In this case, the material actually melts into the knurling at the insert periphery. Inserts are usually produced by screw machines and made of aluminum or brass. It is advantageous to attempt to match the coefficient of thermal expansion of the plastic to the materials used for inserts. This will reduce the residual stresses in the plastic part of the gear during contraction while cooling after molding. When metal inserts are used, generous radii and fillets in the plastic gear are recommended to avoid stress concentration. It is also possible to use other types of metal inserts, such as self-threading, self-tapping screws, press fits and knurled inserts. One advantage of the first two of these is that they permit repeated assembly and disassembly without part failure or fatigue. 18.6.5 Attachment Of Plastic Gears to Shafts
Several methods of attaching gears to shafts are in common use. These include splines, keys, integral shafts, set screws, and plain and knurled press fits. Table 18-21 lists some of the basic characteristics of each of these fastening methods. 18.6.6 Lubrication
In order to minimize stress concentration and maximize the life of a plastic gear, the root fillet radius should be as large as possible, consistent with conjugate gear action. Sudden changes in cross section and sharp corners should be avoided, especially in view of the possibility of additional residual stresses which may have occurred in the course of the molding operation. 18.6.4 Metal Inserts
Injection molded metal inserts are used in plastic gears for a variety of reasons: 1. To avoid an extra finishing operation. 2. To achieve greater dimensional stability, because the metal will shrink less and is not sensitive to moisture; it is, also, a better heat sink. 3. To provide greater load-carrying capacity. 4. To provide increased rigidity. 5. To permit repeated assembly and disassembly. 6. To provide a more precise bore to shaft fit. Inserts can be molded into the part or subsequently assembled. In the case of subsequent insertion of inserts, stress concentrations may be present which may lead to cracking of the parts. The interference limits for press fits must be obeyed depending on the material used; also, proper
Depending on the application, plastic gears can operate with continuous lubrication, initial lubrication, or no lubrication. According to L.D. Martin (Injection Molded Plastic Gears, Plastic Design and Processing, 1968; Part 1, August, pp 38-45; Part 2, September, pp. 33-35): 1. All gears function more effectively with lubrication and will have a longer service life. 2. A light spindle oil (SAE 10) is generally recommended as are the usual lubricants; these include silicone and hydrocarbon oils, and in some cases cold water is acceptable as well. 3. Under certain conditions, dry lubricants such as molybdenum disulfide, can be used to reduce tooth friction. Ample experience and evidence exist substantiating that plastic gears can operate with a metal mate without the need of a lubricant, as long as the stress levels are not exceeded. It is also true that in the case of a moderate stress level, relative to the materials rating, plastic gears can be meshed together without a lubricant. However, as the stress level is increased, there is a tendency for a localized plastic-to-plastic welding to occur, which increases friction and wear. The level of this problem varies with the particular type of plastic. A key advantage of plastic gearing is that, for many applications, running dry is adequate. When a situation of stress and shock level is uncertain, using the proper lubricant will provide a safety margin and certainly will cause no harm. The chief consideration should be in choosing a lubricant's chemical compatibility with the particular plastic. Least likely to encounter problems with typical gear oils and greases are: nylons, Delrins (acetals), phenolics, polyethylene and polypropylene. Materials requiring
Table 18-21 Characteristics of Various Shaft Attachment Methods Nature of Torque Cost Disassembly Comments Gear-Shaft Capacity Connection Set Screw Limited Low Not good unless Questionable reliability, threaded metal insert particularly under vibration or is used reversing drive Not possible Not possible Good Good Not Possible Residual stresses need to be considered A permanent assembly Suited for close tolerances Requires good fits Bending load on shaft needs to be watched
caution are: polystyrene, polycarbonates, polyvinyl chloride and ABS resins. An alternate to external lubrication is to use plastics fortified with a solid state lubricant. Molybdenum disulfide in nylon and acetal are commonly used. Also, graphite, colloidal carbon and silicone are used as fillers. In no event should there be need of an elaborate sophisticated lubrication system such as for metal gearing. If such a system is contemplated, then the choice of plastic gearing is in question. Simplicity is the plastic gear's inherent feature. 18.6.7 Molded Vs. Cut Plastic Gears
Although not nearly as common as the injection molding process, both thermosetting and thermoplastic plastic gears can be readily machined. The machining of plastic gears can be considered for high precision parts with close tolerances and for the development of prototypes for which the investment in a mold may not be justified. Standard stock gears of reasonable precision are produced by using blanks molded with brass inserts, which are subsequently hobbed to close tolerances. When to use molded gears vs. cut plastic gears is usually determined on the basis of production quantity, body features that may favor molding, quality level and unit cost. Often, the initial prototype quantity will be machine cut, and investment in molding tools is deferred until the product and market is assured. However, with some plastics this approach can encounter problems. The performance of molded vs. cut plastic gears is not always identical. Differences occur due to subtle causes. Bar stock and molding stock may not be precisely the same. Molding temperature can have an effect. Also, surface finishes will be different for cut vs. molded gears. And finally, there is the impact of shrinkage with molding which may not have been adequately compensated. 18.6.8 Elimination of Gear Noise
different parts. Since special terminology will be used, we shall first describe the elements shown in Figure 18-10. 1. Locating Ring is the element which assures the proper location of the mold on the platen with respect to the nozzle which injects the molten plastic. 2. Sprue Bushing is the element which mates with the nozzle. It has a spherical or flat receptacle which accurately mates with the surface of the nozzle. 3. Sprue is the channel in the sprue bushing through which the molten plastic is injected. 4. Runner is the channel which distributes material to different cavities within the same mold base. 5. Core Pin is the element which, by its presence, restricts the flow of plastic; hence, a hole or void will be created in the molded part. 6. Ejector Sleeves are operated by the molding machine. These have a relative motion with respect to the cavity in the direction which will cause ejection of the part from the mold. 7. Front Side is considered the side on which the sprue bushing and the nozzle are located. 8. Gate is the orifice through which the molten plastic enters the cavity. 9. Vent (not visible due to its small size) is a minuscule opening through which the air can be evacuated from the cavity as the molten plastic fills it. The vent is configured to let air escape, but does not fill up with plastic.
4 Runner 8 Gate
3 Sprue 2 Sprue Bushing 1 Locating Ring 7 Front Side of Mold Mold Parting Line
Incomplete conjugate action and/or excessive backlash are usually the source of noise. Plastic molded gears are generally less accurate than their metal counterparts. Furthermore, due to the presence of a larger Total Composite Error, there is more backlash built into the gear train. To avoid noise, more resilient material, such as urethane, can be used. Figure 18-9 shows several gears made of urethane which, in mesh with Delrin gears, produce a practically noiseless gear train. The face width of the urethane gears must be increased correspondingly to compensate for lower load carrying ability of this material.
Leader Pin
Depending on the quantity of gears to be produced, a decision has to be made to make one single cavity or a multiplicity of identical cavities. If more than one cavity is involved, these are used as family molds inserted in mold bases which can accommodate a number of cavities for identical or
Fig. 18-10
Mold Nomenclature
The location of the gate on the gear is extremely important. If a side gate is used, as shown in Figure 18-11, the material is injected in one spot and from there it flows to fill out the cavity. This creates a weld line opposite to the gate. Since the plastic material is less fluid at that point in time, it will be of limited strength where the weld is located. Furthermore, the shrinkage of the material in the direction of the flow will be different from that perpendicular to the flow. As a result, a side-gated gear or rotating part will be somewhat elliptical rather than round. In order to eliminate this problem, diaphragm gating can be used, which will cause the injection of material in all directions at the same time (Figure 1812). The disadvantage of this method is the presence of a burr at the hub and no means of support of the core
pin because of the presence of the sprue. The best, but most elaborate, way is multiple pin gating (Figure 1813). In this case, the plastic is injected at several places symmetrically located. This will assure reasonable viscosity of plastic when the material welds, as well as create uniform shrinkage in all directions. The problem is the elaborate nature of the mold arrangement so called 3-plate molds, in Figure 18-14 accompanied by high costs. If precision is a Fig. 18-13 Multiple Pin Gating requirement, this way of molding is a must, particularly if the gears are of a larger diameter. To compare the complexity of a 3-plate mold with a 2-plate mold, which is used for edge gating, Figure 18-15 can serve as an illustration.
(b) Gates Separated from Molded Parts Fig. 18-14 Three-Plate Mold Continued on the following page
"A" Plate
"B" Plate
Front Plate "X" Plate Gate and Runner separated from Sucker Pin by motion of "X" Plate and ejected by air Stripper Bolt which caused the separation of "X" Plate from the Front Plate
Ejector Retainer Plate Ejector Plate Back Plate Core Pin Retainer Plate
Ejector Rod (d) Mold Open Fig. 18-14 (Cont.) Three-Plate Mold
SECTION 19 FEATURES OF TOOTH SURFACE CONTACT Tooth surface contact is critical to noise, vibration, efficiency, strength, wear and life. To obtain good contact, the designer must give proper consideration to the following features: - Modifying the Tooth Shape Improve tooth contact by crowning or relieving. - Using Higher Precision Gear Specify higher accuracy by design. Also, specify that the manufacturing process is to include grinding or lapping. - Controlling the Accuracy of the Gear Assembly Specify adequate shaft parallelism and perpendicularity of the gear housing (box or structure). Surface contact quality of spur and helical gears can be reasonably controlled and verified through piece part inspection. However, for the most part, bevel and worm gears cannot be equally well inspected. Consequently, final inspection of bevel and worm mesh tooth contact in assembly provides a quality criterion for control. Then, as required, gears can be axially adjusted to achieve desired contact. JIS B 1741 classifies surface contact into three levels, as presented in
Table 19-1. The percentage in Table 19-1 considers only the effective width and height of teeth. Table 19-1 Level A Types of Gear Levels of Gear Surface Contact
Tooth Width Direction Tooth Height Direction Cylindrical Gears More than 70% More than 40% Bevel Gears More than 50% Worm Gears Cylindrical Gears More than 50% More than 30% Bevel Gears More than 35% Worm Gears Cylindrical Gears More than 35% More than 20% More than 25% Bevel Gears Worm Gears More than 20%
SECTION 19 FEATURES OF TOOTH SURFACE CONTACT Tooth surface contact is critical to noise, vibration, efficiency, strength, wear and life. To obtain good contact, the designer must give proper consideration to the following features: - Modifying the Tooth Shape Improve tooth contact by crowning or relieving. - Using Higher Precision Gear Specify higher accuracy by design. Also, specify that the manufacturing process is to include grinding or lapping. - Controlling the Accuracy of the Gear Assembly Specify adequate shaft parallelism and perpendicularity of the gear housing (box or structure). Surface contact quality of spur and helical gears can be reasonably controlled and verified through piece part inspection. However, for the most part, bevel and worm gears cannot be equally well inspected. Consequently, final inspection of bevel and worm mesh tooth contact in assembly provides a quality criterion for control. Then, as required, gears can be axially adjusted to achieve desired contact. JIS B 1741 classifies surface contact into three levels, as presented in
Table 19-1. The percentage in Table 19-1 considers only the effective width and height of teeth. Table 19-1 Level A Types of Gear Levels of Gear Surface Contact
Tooth Width Direction Tooth Height Direction Cylindrical Gears More than 70% More than 40% Bevel Gears More than 50% Worm Gears Cylindrical Gears More than 50% More than 30% Bevel Gears More than 35% Worm Gears Cylindrical Gears More than 35% More than 20% More than 25% Bevel Gears Worm Gears More than 20%
19.1 Surface Contact Of Spur And Helical Meshes A check of contact is, typically, only done to verify the accuracy of the installation, rather than the individual gears. The usual method is to blue dye the gear teeth and operate for a short time. This reveals the contact area for inspection and evaluation. 19.2 Surface Contact Of A Bevel Gear It is important to check the surface contact of a bevel gear both during manufacturing and again in final assembly. The method is to apply a colored dye and observe the contact area after running. Usually some load is applied, either the actual or applied braking, to realize a realistic contact condition. Ideal contact favors the toe end under no or light load, as shown in Figure 19-1; and, as load is increased to full load, contact shifts to the central part of the tooth width. Even when a gear is ideally manufactured, it may reveal poor surface contact due to lack of precision in housing or improper mounting position, or both. Usual major faults are: 1. Shafts are not intersecting, but are skew (offset error). 2. Shaft angle error of gear box. 3. Mounting distance error. Errors 1 and 2 can be corrected only by reprocessing the housing/ mounting. Error 3 can be corrected by adjusting the gears in an axial direction. All three errors may be the cause of improper backlash.
19.2.2 The Shaft Angle Error of Gear Box As Figure 19-3 shows, the contact trace will move toward the toe end if the shaft angle error is positive; the contact trace will move toward the heel end if the shaft angle error is negative. 19.2.3 Mounting Distance Error (+) Shaft Angle Error () Shaft Angle Error
Fig. 19-3
Toe (Inner) End Fig. 19-1 The Contact Trace on Central Front End
19.2.1 The Offset Error of Shaft Alignment If a gear box has an offset error, then it will produce crossed end contact, as shown in Figure 19-2. This error often appears as if error is in the gear tooth orientation.
When the mounting distance of the pinion is a positive error, the contact of the pinion will move towards the tooth root, while the contact of the mating gear will move toward the top of the tooth. This is the same situation as if the pressure angle of the pinion is smaller than that of the gear. On the other hand, if the mounting distance of the pinion has a negative error, the contact of the pinion will move toward the top and that of the gear will move toward the root. This is similar to the pressure angle of the pinion being larger than that of the gear. These errors may be diminished by axial adjustment with a backing shim. The various contact patterns due to mounting distance errors are shown in Figure 19-4. Mounting distance error will cause a change of backlash; positive error will increase backlash; and negative, decrease. Since the mounting distance error of the pinion affects the surface contact greatly, it is customary to adjust the gear rather than the pinion in its axial direction. (+) Error () Error
19.3 Surface Contact Of Worm And Worm Gear Fig. 19-2 Poor Contact Due to Offset Error of Shafts There is no specific Japanese standard concerning worm gearing,
Therefore, it is the general practice to test the tooth contact and backlash with a tester. Figure 19-5 shows the ideal contact for a worm gear mesh. From Figure 19-5, we realize that the ideal portion of contact inclines to the receding side. The approaching side has a smaller contact trace than the receding side. Because the clearance in Rotating Direction the approaching side is larger than in the receding side, the oil film is established much easier in the approaching side. However, an excellent worm gear in conjunction with a Approach Side Recess Side defective gear box will decrease the level of tooth contact and the performance. Fig. 19-5 Ideal Surface Contact of There are three Worm Gear major factors, besides the gear itself, which may influence the surface contact: 1. Shaft Angle Error. 2. Center Distance Error. 3. Mounting Distance Error of Worm Gear. Errors number 1 and number 2 can only be corrected by remaking the housing. Error number 3 may be decreased by adjusting the worm gear along the axial direction. These three errors introduce varying degrees of backlash. 19.3.1. Shaft Angle Error
() Error ()
LH Helix
RH Helix
LH Helix
Figure 19-8 shows the resulting poor contact from mounting distance error of the worm gear. From the figure, we can see the contact shifts toward the worm gear tooth's edge. The direction of shift in the contact area matches the direction of worm gear mounting error. This error affects backlash, which tends to decrease as the error increases. The error can be diminished by microadjustment of the worm gear in the axial direction.
Error Error
If the gear box has a shaft angle error, then it will produce crossed contact as shown in Figure 19-6. A helix angle error will also produce a similar crossed contact.
Error SECTION 20
Fig. 19-8
Fig. 19-6
The purpose of lubricating gears is as follows: 1. Promote sliding between teeth to reduce the coefficient of friction (). 2. Limit the temperature rise caused by rolling and sliding friction. To avoid difficulties such as tooth wear and premature failure, the correct lubricant must be chosen. 20.1 Methods Of Lubrication There are three gear lubrication methods in general use: 1. Grease lubrication. 2. Splash lubrication (oil bath method). 3. Forced oil circulation lubrication. There is no single best lubricant and method. Choice depends upon tangential speed (m/s) and rotating speed (rpm). At low speed, grease lubrication is a good choice. For medium and high speeds, splash
Even when exaggerated center distance errors exist, as shown in Figure 19-7, the results are crossed end contacts. Such errors not only cause bad contact but also greatly influence backlash. A positive center distance error causes increased backlash. A negative error will decrease backlash and may result in a tight mesh, or even make it impossible to assemble.
Therefore, it is the general practice to test the tooth contact and backlash with a tester. Figure 19-5 shows the ideal contact for a worm gear mesh. From Figure 19-5, we realize that the ideal portion of contact inclines to the receding side. The approaching side has a smaller contact trace than the receding side. Because the clearance in Rotating Direction the approaching side is larger than in the receding side, the oil film is established much easier in the approaching side. However, an excellent worm gear in conjunction with a Approach Side Recess Side defective gear box will decrease the level of tooth contact and the performance. Fig. 19-5 Ideal Surface Contact of There are three Worm Gear major factors, besides the gear itself, which may influence the surface contact: 1. Shaft Angle Error. 2. Center Distance Error. 3. Mounting Distance Error of Worm Gear. Errors number 1 and number 2 can only be corrected by remaking the housing. Error number 3 may be decreased by adjusting the worm gear along the axial direction. These three errors introduce varying degrees of backlash. 19.3.1. Shaft Angle Error
() Error ()
LH Helix
RH Helix
LH Helix
Figure 19-8 shows the resulting poor contact from mounting distance error of the worm gear. From the figure, we can see the contact shifts toward the worm gear tooth's edge. The direction of shift in the contact area matches the direction of worm gear mounting error. This error affects backlash, which tends to decrease as the error increases. The error can be diminished by microadjustment of the worm gear in the axial direction.
Error Error
If the gear box has a shaft angle error, then it will produce crossed contact as shown in Figure 19-6. A helix angle error will also produce a similar crossed contact.
Error SECTION 20
Fig. 19-8
Fig. 19-6
The purpose of lubricating gears is as follows: 1. Promote sliding between teeth to reduce the coefficient of friction (). 2. Limit the temperature rise caused by rolling and sliding friction. To avoid difficulties such as tooth wear and premature failure, the correct lubricant must be chosen. 20.1 Methods Of Lubrication There are three gear lubrication methods in general use: 1. Grease lubrication. 2. Splash lubrication (oil bath method). 3. Forced oil circulation lubrication. There is no single best lubricant and method. Choice depends upon tangential speed (m/s) and rotating speed (rpm). At low speed, grease lubrication is a good choice. For medium and high speeds, splash
Even when exaggerated center distance errors exist, as shown in Figure 19-7, the results are crossed end contacts. Such errors not only cause bad contact but also greatly influence backlash. A positive center distance error causes increased backlash. A negative error will decrease backlash and may result in a tight mesh, or even make it impossible to assemble.
lubrication and forced circulation lubrication are more appropriate, but there are exceptions. Sometimes, for maintenance reasons, a grease lubricant is used even with high speed. Table 20-1 presents lubricants, methods and their applicable ranges of speed. The following is a brief discussion of the three lubrication methods. 20.1.1 Grease Lubrication Grease lubrication is suitable for any gear system that is open or enclosed, so long as it runs at low speed. There are three major points regarding grease: 1. Choosing a lubricant with suitable viscosity. A lubricant with good fluidity is especially effective in an enclosed system. 2. Not suitable for use under high load and continuous operation. The cooling effect of grease is not as good as lubricating oil. So it may become a problem with temperature rise under high load and continuous operating conditions. 3. Proper quantity of grease. There must be sufficient grease to do the job. However, too much grease can be harmful, particularly in an enclosed system. Excess grease will cause agitation, viscous drag and result in power loss. 20.1.2 Splash Lubrication Splash lubrication is used with an enclosed system. The rotating gears splash lubricant onto the gear system and bearings. It needs at least 3 m/s tangential speed to be effective. However, splash lubrication has several problems, two of them being oil level and temperature limitation. 1. Oil level. There will be excessive agitation loss if the oil level is too high. On the other hand, there will not be effective lubrication or ability to cool the gears if the level is too low. Table 20-2 shows guide lines for proper oil level. Also, the oil level during operation must be monitored, as contrasted with the static level, in that the oil level will drop when the gears are in motion. This problem may be countered by raising the static level of lubricant or installing an oil pan. 2. Temperature limitation. The temperature of a gear system may rise because of friction loss due to gears, bearings and lubricant agitation. Rising temperature may cause one or more of the following problems: - Lower viscosity of lubricant. - Accelerated degradation of lubricant. - Deformation of housing, gears and shafts. - Decreased backlash. New high-performance lubricants can withstand up to 80 to 90C. This temperature can be regarded as the limit. If the lubricant's temperature is expected to exceed this limit, cooling fins should be added to the gear box, or a cooling fan incorporated into the system.
20.1.3 Forced-Circulation Lubrication Forced-circulation lubrication applies lubricant to the contact portion of the teeth by means of an oil pump. There are drop, spray and oil mist methods of application. 1. Drop method: An oil pump is used to suck-up the lubricant and then directly drop it on the contact portion of the gears via a delivery pipe. 2. Spray method: An oil pump is used to spray the lubricant directly on the contact area of the gears. 3. Oil mist method: Lubricant is mixed with compressed air to form an oil mist that is sprayed against the contact region of the gears. It is especially suitable for high-speed gearing. Oil tank, pump, filter, piping and other devices are needed in the forcedlubrication system. Therefore, it is used only for special high-speed or large gear box applications. By filtering and cooling the circulating lubricant, the right viscosity and cleanliness can be maintained. This is considered to be the best way to lubricate gears. 20.2 Gear Lubricants An oil film must be formed at the contact surface of the teeth to minimize friction and to prevent dry metal-to-metal contact. The lubricant should have the properties listed in Table 20-3. 20.2.1 Viscosity of Lubricant The correct viscosity is the most important consideration in choosing a proper lubricant. The viscosity grade of industrial lubricant is regulated in JIS K 2001. Table 20-4 expresses ISO viscosity grade of industrial lubricants. JIS K 2219 regulates the gear oil for industrial and automobile use. Table 20-5 shows the classes and viscosities for industrial gear oils. JIS K 2220 regulates the specification of grease which is based on NLGI viscosity ranges. These are shown in Table 20-6. Besides JIS viscosity classifications, Table 20-7 contains AGMA viscosity grades and their equivalent ISO viscosity grades. 20.2.2 Selection Of Lubricant
It is practical to select a lubricant by following the catalog or technical manual of the manufacturer. Table 20-8 is the application guide from AGMA 250.03 "Lubrication of Industrial Enclosed Gear Drives". Table 20-9 is the application guide chart for worm gears from AGMA 250.03. Table 20-10 expresses the reference value of viscosity of lubricant used in the equations for the strength of worm gears in JGMA 405-01.
Ranges of Tangential Speed (m/s) for Spur and Bevel Gears Range of Tangential Speed (m/s) No. Lubrication 0 5 10 15 20 I I I I I 1 Grease Lubrication 2 3 Splash Lubrication Forced Circulation Lubrication
Table 20-1(A)
25 I
25 I
Table 20-2 Gear Orientation Oil level 3h Level 0 1h Types of Gears Horizontal Shaft Spur Gears and Helical Gears Vertical Shaft
Horizontal Shaft
Bevel Gears
Worm Above
Worm Gears
Worm Below
1h 1 h 3
1b 1 b 3
1 d2 3
1 dw 2 1 dw 4
h = Full depth, b = Tooth width, d2 = Pitch diameter of worm gear, dw = Pitch diameter of worm
No. 1 2 3 4 5 6
Properties Correct and Proper Viscosity Antiscoring Property Oxidization and Heat Stability Water Antiaffinity Property Antifoam Property Anticorrosion Property
Table 20-3
The Properties that Lubricant Should Possess Description Lubricant should maintain a proper viscosity to form a stable oil film at the specified temperature and speed of operation. Lubricant should have the property to prevent the scoring failure of tooth surface while under high-pressure of load. A good lubricant should not oxidize easily and must perform in moist and high-temperature environment for long duration. Moisture tends to condense due to temperature change, when the gears are stopped. The lubricant should have the property of isolating moisture and water from lubricant. If the lubricant foams under agitation, it will not provide a good oil film. Antifoam property is a vital requirement. Lubrication should be neutral and stable to prevent corrosion from rust that may mix into the oil.
Table 20-4 ISO Viscosity Grade ISO VG 2 ISO VG 3 ISO VG 5 ISO VG 7 ISO VG 10 ISO VG 15 ISO VG 22 ISO VG 32 ISO VG 46 ISO VG 68 ISO VG 100 ISO VG 150 ISO VG 220 ISO VG 320 ISO VG 460 ISO VG 680 ISO VG 1000 ISO VG 1500
ISO Viscosity Grade of Industrial Lubricant (JIS K 2001) Kinematic Viscosity Center Value 106m2/s (cSt) (40C) 2.2 3.2 4.6 6.8 10 15 22 32 46 68 100 150 220 320 460 680 1000 1500 Kinematic Viscosity Range 106m2/s (cSt) (40C) and and and and and and and and and and and and and and and and and and
More than 1.98 More than 2.88 More than 4.14 More than 6.12 More than 9.00 More than 13.5 More than 19.8 More than 28.8 More than 41.4 More than 61.2 More than 90.0 More than 135 More than 198 More than 288 More than 414 More than 612 More than 900 More than 1350
less than 2.42 less than 3.52 less than 5.06 less than 7.48 less than 11.0 less than 16.5 less than 24.2 less than 35.2 less than 50.6 less than 74.8 less than 110 less than 165 less than 242 less than 352 less than 506 less than 748 less than 1100 less than 1650
Table 20-5 Industrial Gear Oil Types of Industrial Gear Oil ISO VG ISO VG ISO VG ISO VG ISO VG ISO VG ISO VG ISO VG ISO VG ISO VG ISO VG ISO VG ISO VG ISO VG ISO VG 32 46 68 100 150 220 320 460 68 100 150 220 320 460 680
Class One
Class Two
No. 000 No. 00 No. 0 No. 1 No. 2 No. 3 No. 4 No. 5 No. 6
445 475 400 430 335 385 310 340 265 295 220 250 175 205 130 165 85 115
Viscosity Range
NLGI Viscosity Grades Application For Central Lubrication System For Automobile Chassis For Ball & Roller Bearing, General Use For Automobile Wheel Bearing For Sleeve Bearing (Pillow Block)
Semiliquid Semiliquid Very soft paste Soft paste Medium firm paste Semihard paste Hard paste Very hard paste Very hard paste
Table 20-7
AGMA Viscosity Grades ISO Viscosity Grades VG VG VG VG VG VG VG VG VG VG 46 68 100 150 220 320 460 680 1000 1500
EP Type 2 EP 3 EP 4 EP 5 EP 6 EP 7 EP 8 EP 9 EP
Recommended Lubricants by AGMA Ambient temperature C Gear Type Size of Gear Equipment (mm) 10 16 10 52 AGMA No. 2 to 3 3 to 4 Less than 200 Single Stage 2 to 3 4 to 5 200 500 Reduction 3 to 4 4 to 5 More than 500 Center 2 to 3 3 to 4 Parallel Less than 200 Double Stage Distance 3 to 4 4 to 5 Shaft 200 500 Reduction (Output Side) 3 to 4 4 to 5 System More than 500 2 to 3 3 to 4 Less than 200 Triple Stage 3 to 4 4 to 5 200 500 Reduction 4 to 5 5 to 6 More than 500 2 to 3 3 to 4 Planetary Gear Outside Diameter of Less than 400 3 to 4 4 to 5 System More than 400 Gear Casing 2 to 3 4 to 5 Straight and Spiral Less than 300 Cone 3 to 4 5 to 6 Bevel Gearing More than 300 Distance 2 to 3 4 to 5 Gearmotor 1 2 High-speed Gear Equipment
Table 20-8
Table 20-9 Recommended Lubricants for Worm Gears by AGMA Rotating Speed Center Rotating Speed Ambient Ambient Temperature, C Temperature, C of Worm of Worm Distance rpm rpm mm 1016 1052 1016 1052 8 Comp 150 700 700 < 150300 450 450 < Cylindrical 300460 7 Comp 8 Comp 7 Comp 300 300 < Type 460600 250 250 < 600 < 200 200 < 150 700 700 < 150300 450 450 < Throated 8 Comp 8A Comp 8 Comp 300460 300 300 < Type 460600 250 250 < 600 < 200 200 < Types of Worm Table 20-10 Reference Values of Viscosity Unit: cSt / 37.8C Operating Temperature Sliding Speed m/s Maximum Running Starting Temperature Less than 2.5 2.5 5 More than 5 0C 10C 10C 0C 110 130 110 130 110 130 0C 10C More than 0C 110 150 110 150 110 150 10C 30C More than 0C 200 245 150 200 150 200 30C 55C More than 0C 350 510 245 350 200 245 55C 80C More than 0C 510 780 350 510 245 350 80C 100C More than 0C 900 1100 510 780 350 510 5. Increase the Contact Ratio - Bigger contact ratio lowers the noise. Decreasing pressure angle and/or increasing tooth depth can produce a larger contact ratio. - Enlarging overlap ratio will reduce the noise. Because of this relationship, a helical gear is quieter than the spur gear and a spiral bevel gear is quieter than the straight bevel gear. 6. Use Small Gears - Adopt smaller module gears and smaller outside diameter gears. 7. Use High-Rigidity Gears - Increasing face width can give a higher rigidity that will help in reducing noise. - Reinforce housing and shafts to increase rigidity. 8. Use High-Vibration-Damping Material - Plastic gears will be quiet in light load, low speed operation. - Cast iron gears have lower noise than steel gears. 9. Apply Suitable Lubrication - Lubricate gears sufficiently. - High-viscosity lubricant will have the tendency to reduce the noise. 10. Lower Load and Speed - Lowering rpm and load as far as possible will reduce gear noise.
SECTION 21 GEAR NOISE There are several causes of noise. The noise and vibration in rotating gears, especially at high loads and high speeds, need to be addressed. Following are ways to reduce the noise. These points should be considered in the design stage of gear systems. 1. Use High-Precision Gears - Reduce the pitch error, tooth profile error, runout error and lead error. - Grind teeth to improve the accuracy as well as the surface finish. 2. Use Better Surface Finish on Gears - Grinding, lapping and honing the tooth surface, or running in gears in oil for a period of time can also improve the smoothness of tooth surface and reduce the noise. 3. Ensure a Correct Tooth Contact - Crowning and relieving can prevent end contact. - Proper tooth profile modification is also effective. - Eliminate impact on tooth surface. 4. Have A Proper Amount of Backlash - A smaller backlash will help reduce pulsating transmission. - A bigger backlash, in general, causes less problems.
Table 20-9 Recommended Lubricants for Worm Gears by AGMA Rotating Speed Center Rotating Speed Ambient Ambient Temperature, C Temperature, C of Worm of Worm Distance rpm rpm mm 1016 1052 1016 1052 8 Comp 150 700 700 < 150300 450 450 < Cylindrical 300460 7 Comp 8 Comp 7 Comp 300 300 < Type 460600 250 250 < 600 < 200 200 < 150 700 700 < 150300 450 450 < Throated 8 Comp 8A Comp 8 Comp 300460 300 300 < Type 460600 250 250 < 600 < 200 200 < Types of Worm Table 20-10 Reference Values of Viscosity Unit: cSt / 37.8C Operating Temperature Sliding Speed m/s Maximum Running Starting Temperature Less than 2.5 2.5 5 More than 5 0C 10C 10C 0C 110 130 110 130 110 130 0C 10C More than 0C 110 150 110 150 110 150 10C 30C More than 0C 200 245 150 200 150 200 30C 55C More than 0C 350 510 245 350 200 245 55C 80C More than 0C 510 780 350 510 245 350 80C 100C More than 0C 900 1100 510 780 350 510 5. Increase the Contact Ratio - Bigger contact ratio lowers the noise. Decreasing pressure angle and/or increasing tooth depth can produce a larger contact ratio. - Enlarging overlap ratio will reduce the noise. Because of this relationship, a helical gear is quieter than the spur gear and a spiral bevel gear is quieter than the straight bevel gear. 6. Use Small Gears - Adopt smaller module gears and smaller outside diameter gears. 7. Use High-Rigidity Gears - Increasing face width can give a higher rigidity that will help in reducing noise. - Reinforce housing and shafts to increase rigidity. 8. Use High-Vibration-Damping Material - Plastic gears will be quiet in light load, low speed operation. - Cast iron gears have lower noise than steel gears. 9. Apply Suitable Lubrication - Lubricate gears sufficiently. - High-viscosity lubricant will have the tendency to reduce the noise. 10. Lower Load and Speed - Lowering rpm and load as far as possible will reduce gear noise.
SECTION 21 GEAR NOISE There are several causes of noise. The noise and vibration in rotating gears, especially at high loads and high speeds, need to be addressed. Following are ways to reduce the noise. These points should be considered in the design stage of gear systems. 1. Use High-Precision Gears - Reduce the pitch error, tooth profile error, runout error and lead error. - Grind teeth to improve the accuracy as well as the surface finish. 2. Use Better Surface Finish on Gears - Grinding, lapping and honing the tooth surface, or running in gears in oil for a period of time can also improve the smoothness of tooth surface and reduce the noise. 3. Ensure a Correct Tooth Contact - Crowning and relieving can prevent end contact. - Proper tooth profile modification is also effective. - Eliminate impact on tooth surface. 4. Have A Proper Amount of Backlash - A smaller backlash will help reduce pulsating transmission. - A bigger backlash, in general, causes less problems.