Medical Record Review Form
Medical Record Review Form
Medical Record Review Form
Informed consent for treatment signed by patient Past medical history and history of present illness Documented within 24 hours of admission and prior to surgery: Past history, etc. contains: Chief complaint Medical history Family history Social status Review of symptoms Physical examination Treatment plan Initial nursing plan documented within 24 hours of admission Progress notes documented daily, signed and dated Pre-anaesthesia assessment documented, signed and dated Surgery/procedure performed documented, signed and dated Post-operative monitoring of patient in Recovery room Operation report documented immediately following surgery: Operation report includes:
Procedure Findings Specimen(s) removed Postoperative diagnosis Discharge note recorded in progress notes on day of discharge:
Discharge note includes: Condition on discharge Final diagnosis Prognosis Follow-up details Discharge summary completed by attending doctor: Discharge summary includes: Summary of hospitalization Treatment and medications Final diagnosis (principal) Associated diagnoses Procedures Prognosis and follow-up
CRITERIA YES NO 1. Does it take staff more than 5 minutes to locate a medical record in the permanent file? 2. Does it take staff more than 5 minutes to locate an incomplete medical record? 3. If a medical record is not on file, is a tracer or outguide in its place? 4. Are names and numbers correctly and legibly written on folders? 5. Are stacks of medical records found lying on desks and in no order? 6. Does the medical record department/office have a procedure for medical record location?
Simple Data Collection Form for a Manual Medical/Health Record Tracking System Accessibility of Records Criteria