How To Call Upon 70,000 Malaaika (Angels) !
How To Call Upon 70,000 Malaaika (Angels) !
How To Call Upon 70,000 Malaaika (Angels) !
Malaaikat (Angels)!
Below are various ahadith on
how to actually have 70,000
Real Genuine Malak (Angel’s)
work for you. This will test your
Iman (Belief). Enjoy
1. Visiting the sick 70,000
The first ahadith comes from a set of Books
by the name of Riyad Us-Saliheen and is
found within “The Book of Visiting The Sick”,
Hadith # 899.
899. Narrated ‘Ali bin Abu Talib, radi Allahu
Anhu: I heard Allah’s Messenger, Sallallahu
alaihi wa salaam, saying, “When a Muslim
visits a sick Muslim at dawn, seventy
thousand angels keep on praying for him till
dusk. If he visits him in the evening, seventy
thousand angels keep on praying for him till
the morning; and he will have (his share of)
reaped fruits in Paradise.” [At-Tirmidhi]
3. Ayat Al-Kursi. 70,000
11.. The Holy Prophet has said: When leaving
home, if one
recites Ayatul Kursi then Allah will send 70,000
Angels to do
Istighfaar for him until he returns home, and upon
his return
Poverty will be removed from him.
Source: Internet ;