Lesson plan:
Slide 1: There are many things that you may hear about sex, or assume that you have the facts regarding issues that you may not want to assume. These facts and rumors can mean the difference in decisions you make when it is your body on the line. Listening to a friend rather than a more credible source could mean the difference between you finding your feet in the sexual world and finding an unexpected pregnancy or sexually transmitted disease that are now your responsibility to deal with. Regardless of your political or moral views this is a huge amount of stress for anyone to have to deal with, especially someone as young as you guys. We will be discussing the best way to get what you want out of sex and not let it alter your options that you have to experience for the rest of your life. Slide 2:
Today there are more teenagers than ever using condoms to protect their sexual decision but more pre teens than ever are engaging in sexual intercourse before they understand enough about sex to protect themselves from the damages that can be caused. Not only are these preteens risking pregnancy and disease but the subsequent pregnancy that will follow is far more dangerous for the mothers health than a regular pregnancy due to the extremely immature developed body of the preteens who are becoming pregnant. These are the statistics involved and I would like to mention that half of the pregnancies that occur are from couples who WERE protected. What do you think your chances are without using anything at all? Test cases prove 100% that all those who engage in unprotected sexual activities will become pregnant within a year. Protection EVERY TIME is very important information to know in order to keep yourself safe when you are faced with the decision whether or not to participate in these risky behaviors. Slide 3: In the hallways at school, while talking with your friends, while watching a movie or TV, or while listening to music you may hear things about sex, but that does not mean that information is correct and safe to risk your life on. The best way to know what is true and what is not true that you hear about sex is to ask someone who knows what they are talking about or to go online and research the subject yourself. Relying on the information of others is not considered a responsible way to learn the facts about sex.
Slide 4: More myths discussed Slide 5: Understanding what is normal for your body and what is different for you will be helpful in being responsible concerning your sexual health. There are many unsafe practices that are constantly used in sexual intercourse that are not actually considered safe and health for your body. Making sure you understand the rules and guidelines of taking care of yourself sexually is the responsible way to learn about your sexuality. The female reproductive system has internal and external structures. The external structures are accurately referred to as the vulva. These structures have functions of pleasure as well as mechanical lubrication for penetrating sexual intercourse. Each woman responds to sensation in different areas in different ways and may want to get to know herself intimately to know what ways might be beneficial for her and her partner to experiment with while having sex together. The clitoris is the only structure that is only useful in the act of pleasure. The internal structures for a woman can be more complex to learn but the diagram illustrates the main areas involved with reproduction. Slide 6: The male reproductive system is more external than with females. The penis is made up of blood vessels, fibrous tissue, and spongy tissue that assist the penis in erecting itself into a harder stiff position that makes it ready for sexual intercourse. The scrotum is the sac located behind the penis that contains the testicles. The testes also include numerous blood vessels and also the vas deferens which is how the semen travels through the male reproductive system and is ejaculated during sex. It is the responsibility of the male to inspect his penis and scrotum regularly and watch for changes or sores that may indicate something that needs to be looked at by a health care provider. At this time men can also perform their testicular exams and feel for small BB shaped lumps in their scrotum that is indicative for cancer. Slide 7: A big part of sexual responsibility is learning your body and knowing when something is not right for you. The following slides will discuss the female health concerns that are associated with sexual health. Some of these tips may be habits to implement into your daily life to prevent disease process development and some may be warning signs for what to watch for concerning your reproductive health. Slide 12: Hygiene is a very important part of the males reproductive health. Depending on whether or not the man is circumcised or not, he may have to have extra daily care
to be sure there is no infection developing. Properly retracting the foreskin beforehand for the uncircumcised male is an important step in cleaning himself daily. Not cleaning the penis after intercourse can cause the penile skin to erode in some cases as an allergic reaction to the females vaginal secretions causing a weepy sore to form on the penis. Understanding what is comfortable for your body positions is important to avoid penile fractures and these usually occur with fast vigorous motions that are misaimed. Slide 13: When you are deciding to have sex for the first time there are some questions that you should contemplate personally before you know what your answer may be. Emotionally protecting yourself when deciding to have sex can be easily overlooked if you are letting your hormones take control of your actions and its important to decide before you find yourself in that situation if you are ready to begin having sex or not. It is easy to get in over your head with sex when you havent made that decision yet or not and contraception takes planning and does not just happen on its own. If you feel ready for sex or think you will be headed down that road soon, dont wait go into your doctors beforehand and be responsible with your body. Make sure you know that the first time wont be remembered with an unwanted pregnancy. Slide 14: Having an adult who you feel comfortable talking to about sexual matters is extremely important when you first begin being sexually active. Not all the information you hear is going to be reliable and this is one area of your life there is not room for errors. Do not guess about sexual matters. Find someone to ask and make sure you are protecting yourself, your partner, and both of your futures. Not every sexual decision you make will be a good one so make sure that you have the basics covered and always use protection every time you engage in sexual behavior. It only takes once for you or your partner to become pregnant. So never leave it up to chance to decide your future. Slide 15: Sexually transmitted diseases do not always have warning signs for you to know they are there. You may become infected from a partner that does not even know they are infected with the disease. Some diseases can be temporary but some you will have for life. It is hard to remember in the moment but if you do not protect yourself you are having sex with every person your partner has engaged sexual activates with and are open to anything they have accumulated along the way with every partner they have each had sex with. This is not an area to trust people with your body because they may not know they have a disease. Use a condom every time you decide to have sex. Be responsible and protect yourself from disease and possibly death.
Slide 16: Today there are many different types of contraception and many that you may not have even heard of. Each way is different and will compliment each persons life differently. It is important to find what works best for your body rather than just taking what they give you. This is a part for the woman to really decide what she prefers and what makes her most comfortable so that she can have more rewarding sex. There are advantages and disadvantages that associated with each form. Slide 17: Hormone based contraceptives come in several forms. Each is administered in a different way but they are all giving the woman a hormone that will affect her menstrual cycle altering ovulation. Oral contraception is one pill taken daily at the same time. This can be challenging for women who are not consistent and may result in missed pills which can result in ovulation and pregnancy. The vaginal ring and the transdermal patch release hormones into your bloodstream and affect your cycle and ovulating in the same way. These forms are good for women who arent as consistent as a daily pill. The patch is changed once a week and the ring is place for three weeks and then left out for one week for the woman period. This can be helpful for forgetful women to be more safely protected during sex. Contraceptive implants are longer-acting forms of hormonal birth control that are implanted under the skin of the upper arm. They are small matchstick-sized rode shaped devices that release a steady stream of birth control into the blood stream that affect a woman cycle and alter ovulation. These are effective in protecting against pregnancy for up the 3 years. The IUD is another form of contraception that is longer-acting. The IUD is a T shaped device that is either made of plastic with copper wiring or polyethylene that also contains the hormone Progestin. The devices are placed by a healthcare professional in a short in office procedure. The IUD containing copper can be placed and is effective to protect a woman against unwanted pregnancies for up to 12 years and the polyethylene IUD will last up to five years. Slide 18: Barrier and spermicide methods are different approaches that work to prevent pregnancy by blocking the sperm from ever reaching the ovum for fertilization. The most common type of barrier method is the condom. Less commonly known is the female condom that works in the same way as a male condom but previously inserted into a female before engaging in sexual intercourse. Which may be preferred to some couples due to the fact that the woman can insert the condom before sexual intercourse and thus not having to pause to do so before penetration occurs. Male condoms are effective when used correctly but are often not used correctly we are shown by statistics with the most common error being not twisting the tip of the condom while you put it on to ensure there is space left at the end of the condom for the ejaculate. Spermicides are types of vaginal creams, foams,
jellies, suppositories, and contraceptive films that all contain a chemical that kills sperm. These types are not as well known due to the higher failure rates from not being used correctly. These methods would need to be used with every instance of intercourse that occurs. Cervical barrier devices also need to be inserted each individual time the woman is preparing to have sex. Most of these devices have to be fit to size by your healthcare providers before you can begin using them. These devices are used with spermicidal jellies that block the entrance of sperm into the cervix and thus causing the woman to be at risk for pregnancy. All cervical barrier devices should be let inside the vagina for 8 hours after sexual intercourse in order to be effective in killing sperm and not permitting them to swim up the vagina. Slide 20: Sterilization is the option that many couples eventually decide to use as their form of contraception. This option involves a reversible surgical procedure that causes the couple to be unable to become pregnant though having sex. This option can be helpful for couples who do not want to risk having children again for many different personal reasons. Slide 21: Fertility awareness methods are some that are even less heard of as a method of contraception. This method involves the woman watching her body signs for ovulation indication and avoiding sexual intercourse when she is ovulating. These forms are also referred to as natural family planning. These methods are for a more experienced woman who is comfortable with her body. Slide 22: It is extremely important that you discuss contraceptive use with your partner. Communication is a very big part of sexual intimacy and is necessary for partners to have to ability to discuss important issues. It is important for you to remember to take care of yourself because your partner may be too caught up in the moment to be able to communicate effectively. Especially when you are new to sex do not begin by being passive about protecting yourself. Finding a partner that agrees with you about contraception is an important part of your sexual relationship. Make sure you make it your responsibility to protect yourself. Remember that only condoms will effectively protect you from contracting a sexual disease. If it is a new partner for you and you are not necessarily in a monogamous relationship to insist on using a condom every time. Slide 23: The responsible way to ensure that you are protected is to have a back up method in case of failure. This is the best way to have stress-free safe sex with your partner. This is a point that I think does not get emphasized enough when teaching sex
education to teenagers who are considering sexually risk taking behaviors. If you are going to have sex, this is the safest way to ensure that you will not get an unwanted pregnancy that derails you life. Take all of the necessary precautions when its your body and life on the line. Slide 24: How would sex affect your life? Activity. In this activity different students will help fill in the bubbles around the center and help paint a more intricate picture of what could happen to their life if they start having sex. Each student will also be given a blank bubble sheet to then fill in their personal affects that could be altered. Slide 25 &26: Both slides contain sexual discussion topics to discuss together as a class. Allowing students to voice their opinions and contemplate some more difficult topics that relate to what is going on in the world around them. Help them understand the depth of sexuality that goes far beyond the act of having sex. Activity number two will be for the students to take the quiz provided for what type of birth control fits their life best to help them think about their personal life and what would make their sex more protected.