Makandi As Medicine
Makandi As Medicine
Makandi As Medicine
Nepal. It has received much scientific interest in recent years and is now renowned for its beneficial effect on the skin, heart, on blood pressure and glaucoma. ENERGETICS Rasa (taste) Pungent Vi-rya (energy) Heating Vipa-ka (post-digestive effect) Pungent Gun.a (quality) Light, dry Dos.a effect VPKDha-tu (tissue) Plasma, blood Srotas (channel) Respiratory, circulatory CONSTITUENTS Essential oil Diterpenes Forskolin (prev. coleonol) AYURVEDIC ACTION Caks us ya Benefits the eyes Kasasvasahara Alleviates coughing and benefits breathing Kus t haghna Alleviates skin diseases Hr daya Heart tonic BIOMEDICAL ACTION Ophthalmic, antiallergenic, bronchodilator, hypotensive, cyclic adenosine monophosphate (cAMP) enzyme activator, alterative INDICATIONS Eyes Specific use for glaucoma; it reduces intraocular pressure. Heart Coleus improves heart function and may benefit congestive heart failure. It also reduces blood pressure at the doses necessary to enhance the heart function. Lungs It acts as an effective bronchodilator. Thyroid May stimulate thyroid activity. Allergies Used for allergic conditions, asthma, hayfever, eczema. As these conditions are marked by low cAMP and high platelet activating factor (PAF) levels Coleus forskohlii is specifically indicated.
Psoriasis This is also a condition marked by low cAMP levels and benefits from increased levels of the enzyme. COMBINATIONS * Amalaki, triphala, punarnava, sevanti for glaucoma. * Amalaki, punarnava, arjuna for heart conditions. * Anthrapachaka, vasa, pippali, ephedra for lung conditions. * Guggulu and bola in thyroid underactivity. CONTRAINDICATIONS Hypotension. SAFETY No drug herb interactions are known. Caution when used with other medication as it may potentiate its effects, and in patients with peptic ulcers. DOSAGE 5 10g per day, 3 15ml of a 1:3 @ 25% tincture or 250 750mg three times per day of a 10:1 forskolin extract. COLEUS Common name Coleus (E) Sanskrit Ma-kandi- Latin Coleus forskohlii Radix (Labiatae) NOTES Coleus forskohlii increases the levels of intracellular cAMP, resulting in reduced mast cell histamine release, relaxation of the arteries, increased insulin production, improved thyroid function, and reduced platelet activity.