New Online Appointment Booking Process
New Online Appointment Booking Process
New Online Appointment Booking Process
1. Introduction
The process for booking PSK appointments through Passport Seva Online Portal has undergone a few changes. As per the new process, appointment date/time will be automatically allotted by the system as per the availability of appointment slots at the desired PSK. Prior payment of passport service fee will be mandatory for booking appointments at PSKs. For this purpose, the Online Payment feature has been introduced through the Passport Seva Online Portal The Online Payment functionality will be deployed in phased manner starting with the Dehradun Passport Office. An applicant will be able to cancel/reschedule the appointment only twice within one year of first appointment date. System will not allow booking of online appointment for that ARN once two reschedule options are exercised or first appointment was scheduled more than one year ago. These changes will be effective from 01-Jun-2013.
2. Appointment Booking Process for PSKs where Online Payment is NOT Mandatory for Appointments
1. Generate an ARN online for the desired passport service. 2. Select the ARN and click the Schedule Appointment link.
Figure 1 3. Select the Appointment Quota (required only in case of Tatkaal ARNs), and click the Next button. 4. Select PSK location whose appointment is sought, enter Captcha characters displayed, and click the Next button.
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5. System will display the next available appointment date for the selected PSK. Click the Book Appointment button to book an appointment.
Figure 2 Note: In case appointments are not currently available for the desired PSK/Appointment Quota, system will display the message Currently no appointment is available for the selected Passport Seva Kendra (PSK). Please try scheduling an appointment from <next availability date/time> onwards. . 6. An appointment slot will be automatically booked by the system for the ARN, and the same will be displayed on screen.
Figure 3 7. Click Print Application Receipt to take a printout of Appointment Receipt and carry it along with the required documents while visiting the PSK on the appointed date and time.
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3. Process for PSKs where Online Payment is Mandatory for Appointment Booking
Prior payment of applicable passport service fee has been made mandatory for booking appointments in Passport Seva Kendras of a few Passport Offices. For this purpose, the Online Payment feature has been introduced. The Online Payment functionality will be deployed in an RPO-wise phased manner. Online payment for Passport or related service fee can be done using one of the following payment modes: e-Payment Modes: o o o Internet Banking (through SBI and associate bank accounts only) Debit Card (Visa and MasterCard only) Credit Card (Visa and MasterCard only)
Challan Payment Mode: Bank Challan (payable at SBI branches in India only)
Figure 4
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9. Select NET BANKING as the preferred mode of payment by selecting SBI or any other SBI associate bank listed in the menu. Login using the Internet Banking User Id and password to make Online Payment of indicated passport service fee.
Figure 5 10. Login through the Internet Banking screen to make Online Payment of indicated passport service fee. 11. After successful payment, applicant is redirected to the Passport Seva Online Portal. 12. The Appointment Confirmation screen is displayed along with appointment details. 13. Click the Print Application Receipt button to print the Appointment Receipt, which contains details of the payment made along with the Payment Reference Number as proof of payment.
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Figure 6 3. Applicant will need to provide necessary card details as per the following self-explanatory screens. 4. After successful payment, applicant is redirected to the Passport Seva Online Portal. 5. Appointment Confirmation screen is displayed along with appointment details.
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Figure 7 2. Click the Pay using Challan link to navigate display the Make Payment screen.
Figure 8 3. Click the Generate Challan button to generate an SBI Bank Challan.
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Figure 9 4. Take a printout of this Challan and deposit the same along with the indicated amount (in cash) at any of the SBI branch during banking hours. On deposition, SBI official will enter the fee payment details in the system. The Transaction ID (Bank Journal Number) will be generated and noted in both copies of the Challan. One copy will be kept by the bank and the other copy, duly stamped and signed by bank official, will be returned to the applicant. The ARN details printed on the Challan will be validated by SBI and Payment Status will accordingly be updated in the Passport Seva system after at least two working days. 5. The reconciliation process updates Passport Seva Online Portal regarding Payment Status of the Challan. Applicant will be notified by an e-mail regarding the actualisation of the Challan. 6. Applicant can also track the status of the Challan using the Track Payment Status screen.
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Figure 10 7. Once the Payment Status is confirmed as Success, an e-mail will be sent to the applicant (if e-mail ID has been provided while filling application form) to book a PSK appointment. Applicant needs to navigate to the View Saved/Submitted Applications screen and click the Schedule Appointment link to schedule an appointment. 8. Select the Appointment Quota (Normal/Tatkaal). This option is available only to the applicants with Tatkaal ARNs. 9. Select the preferred PSK for appointment booking.
10. Click the Book Appointment button. An Appointment Slot (if available) is booked automatically for the selected
4. Cancel/Reschedule Appointment
Applicant needs to perform the following steps for cancelling or rescheduling a booked appointment: 1. Click the Schedule Appointment link on the View Saved/Submitted Applications screen. 2. Click the Reschedule Appointment/Cancel Appointment button. A confirmation message displaying the count of reschedule/cancel attempts left is shown.
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Figure 11 3. In case of rescheduling the appointment, select the preferred PSK and click the Next button. 4. After checking the available appointment date displayed for the PSK, click the Book Appointment button. An appointment (if available) is booked automatically for the selected PSK and previously booked appointment for the ARN is automatically cancelled. 5. The Appointment Confirmation screen is displayed with the Print Application Receipt button to print the application receipt.
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