Brochure Furnace Slag en
Brochure Furnace Slag en
Brochure Furnace Slag en
The first LOESCHE mill for grinding cement clinker, an LM 11, was commissioned in Joao Pessao, Brazil. In the previous year E.G.Loesche had travelled there by Zeppelin to sign the contract.
Mills for grinding cement and granulated blast furnace slag were installed in Asia under licence from LOESCHE.
The 2 + 2 technology, which was specially developed for grinding clinker and granulated blast furnace slag, was used for the first time in an LM 46.2 + 2 for cement grinding in the Pu Shin mill works of Lucky Cement, Taiwan.
An LM 35.2 + 2 went into production in Fos sur Mer, Ciments Lafarge, France, as the first mill for grinding granulated blast furnace slag.
The 50th LOESCHE mill with 2 + 2 technology for grinding cement and granulated blast furnace slag was sold worldwide.
The first mill with 3 + 3 technology, an LM 56.3 + 3, was commissioned in the Rajgangpur works of OCL Ltd in India.
The 100th LOESCHE mill for grinding cement and granulated blast furnace slag was sold worldwide.
More than 140 LOESCHE mills for grinding cement and granulated blast furnace slag were sold worldwide.
Central grinding plant for granulated blast furnace slag LM 46.2 + 2, Dunkirk, France, 2005
The spring-loaded roller grinding mill for grinding coal was introduced by LOESCHE in the 1920s. Since the end of the 1930s LOESCHE mills have also been used for grinding cement raw material. The biggest breakthrough in this field of application took place in the 1960s. Soon after this the cement industry expressed the desire to produce the final finished product, cement, using the more energy-efficient roller mill grinding. The first practical trials in Asia with cement grinding using LOESCHE mills showed poor running behaviour of the mill owing to unsatisfactory formation of the grinding bed. The application of this knowledge led to a patented solution in the form of a modified LOESCHE mill for fine grinding: LM CS (cement / slag). In this mill preparatory rollers (support rollers) took over preparation of the grinding bed and the grinding rollers (master rollers) carried out the grinding.
The complete production process for cement was optimised in the 20th century. For a long time, however, the energy-intensive clinker grinding process was not included in these developments. The quality requirements for the various types of cement products also caused a delay in introducing this state of the art technology to this sector. With LOESCHE technology, success has been achieved in producing cementitious binders that conform to the current requirements of worldwide cement standards. The materials for grinding listed below are used today as high quality feed stock in LOESCHE CS mills. Some would previously have been considered as waste products. They can be ground either individually or as a mixture. LOESCHE mills can be adjusted so that in a few minutes a different product quality is achieved. adapted in a few minutes for use with various product qualities.
Materials for grinding, which are ground in different mixtures in LOESCHE-CS mills to produce binders
Moisture Content Dry Up to 15% 10% up to 25% 5% up to 10% Up to 25% < 25% Dry
Granulated blast furnace slag Vitreous, abrasive Gypsum Mainly hard, REA* soft, sticky Hard Hard or soft Sticky Powder
The following features are the basis of our competence: Planning and construction of turn-key grinding plants for cement clinker and granulated blast furnace slag Tailor-made plant concepts from design to commissioning Individual solutions through optimised process technology
Component commonality solutions based mainly on exchangeable components for the cement clinker and cement raw material mills, and including the use of identical gear drives Customer service a guarantee of reliable plant operation. Advice on further technical developments Unlimited spare parts supply (readiness to deliver) Certification according to EN ISO 9001: 2000
LM 56.3 + 3 CS mill in under construction Ras al Khaimah, United Arab Emirates, 2007
Due to the different material structure of cement clinker and blast furnace slag compared to limestone and coal, higher compressive grinding forces are required, with a minimum of shear force.
rollers (small roller width) and the increased distance of the roller from the centre of the grinding chamber. The products to be ground differ from materials
effect being the horizontal shear force. In comparison with the grinding of cement raw material, coal and other minerals, further influencing factors have to be considered for the fine grinding of granulated blast furnace slag and clinker. These factors are as follows: Granulated blast furnace slag feed grain size: normally 0 mm 5 mm edge length Cement clinker feed grain size: normally 0 mm 25 mm edge length. Here the biggest quantitative fraction of the feed grain size of clinker is between 50 m and 100 m, i.e. in the range of the final product grain size of cement raw meal. Cement clinker is dry and hot, i.e. the temperature is typically > 100C The product fineness is in the grain size range 2 m to 50 m The axes of the rollers, which are inclined at 15 to the grinding bed, bring about optimum fine grinding and at the same time result in minimum wear. Owing to the prevailing frictional conditions, aerated dust behaves much like a liquid. Each roller has to prepare its own grinding bed through de-aeration and precompaction. These processes take place consecutively, and mill vibration is consequently difficult to avoid. Ultra-fine products cannot be produced in an airswept vertical roller grinding mill without specific measures being taken to prevent increased mill vibration. previously processed in roller grinding mills mainly owing to the required product grain size and the high material compressive strengths.
Working principle of the LOESCHE 2+2 / 3+3 system with Master and Support roller
S roller
Compaction, grinding
The following features are new for clinker and granulated blast furnace slag: Significantly higher specific grinding pressure Variable grinding pressure during grinding Magnitude of the grinding pressure depends on the required fineness (specific surface area according to Blaine Combination of grinding roller with support roller as M+S system New mill designation, e.g. LM 56.2+2 CS or LM 56.3+3 CS, depending on the number of roller pairs used (C = cement; S = slag). Very low differential speed of grinding roller to grinding track Pure rolling motion of the S roller Low specific wear with ultra-fine grinding. Hard facing of grinding components within the mill is possible with mobile welding equipment. Hard facing accomplished using the integrated service drive on the main gearbox.
M roller module
S roller module
Buffer for S roller for mechanical height positioning Continuous discharge of iron particles in the granulated blast furnace slag during grinding, i.e. significant increase in service life of grinding components Consistent product quality during the service life of the grinding components through maintenance of the parallel grinding gap to a large extent (constant contact geometry) S rollers smaller than M rollers, since these are used only for preparation Separation of tasks: S rollers prepare the grinding bed, M rollers carry out grinding therefore the mill operates with low vibration levels In spite of the different dimensions the M rollers and S rollers can be swung out from the grinding chamber using the same hydraulic auxiliary equipment for fast and easy servicing The modular system of the cement and granulated blast furnace slag mills is supplemented by the new S roller module The S roller module consists of the roller, lever rocker arm, hydraulic pressure system and bearings which are all integrated into the houOutlet openings for foreign particles
sing cover. Owing to its simple construction and the low forces to be transmitted, the S roller module with its sub-assemblies is designed as a complete functional unit. The main components, such as rocker arm, M-rollers, spring system, roller bearings etc in the LOESCHE modular system can be exchanged between related mill sizes for cement raw material and cement grinding Identical gearboxes can be supplied for similarly sized raw material and cement mills.
Service drive
Bladder accumulator 5
Hydraulic cylinder
Mill function
The feed material is discharged into the mill via an airlock and
LOESCHE mill (except during plant start-up). In this case the lower moisture content is evaporated through the heat of grinding. The mill is driven by an electric motor cal gearbox
via a verti-
grinding track towards the edge of the grinding table under the effect of centrifugal force and in this way passes under the hydropneumatically spring-loaded grinding rollers / M rollers
torque are not necessary. A segmented thrust bearing in the top of the gearbox absorbs the roller forces. Before starting the grinding process the M rollers are lifted hydraulically from the grinding track. For this the oil pressure in the hydraulic cylinders is reversed from the spring-loading side to the counter pressure side. In this way the mill can be started (empty or full) with a low starting torque at about 40% of the operational torque. The buffer and automatic lifting of the M rollers
, which each
operate between the M rollers, support preparation of the grinding bed by de-aeration and pre-compaction. The rollers are forced upwards as they roll on the material bed. At the same time the functional unit, consisting of M roller
7 4
, rocker
,spring rod
deflected. The piston displaces the oil from the upper cylinder chamber into the gas-filled bladder accumulator units springs. The buffer stop
10 9
the grinding elements takes place when starting the mill without material. A so-called auxiliary drive for starting up at crawl speed is not required. The support rollers the mill.
accumulator units are compressed and act as gas prevents contact of the grinding
The grinding components subjected to wear roller tyres and table segments can be quickly and easily replaced. Particles of foreign matter which are particularly difficult to mill grind (iron particles from granulated blast furnace slag) cause local wear when they accumulate on the grinding track. In this case mobile welding equipment which operates within the mill is available to hardface these parts. Rotation of the grinding components during welding is achieved by using a service drive with very low power consumption. LOESCHE mills for pure granulated blast furnace slag grinding are fitted with devices for continuous removal of iron particles. This method increases the service life of the grinding components significantly between hardfacing operations.
roller with the grinding track bed. Rotation of the grinding table causes the ground material from the M rollers to be thrown outwards over the edge of the table. In the area of the louvre dam ring
captures .
the mixture of ground material and material still to be ground and conveys this to the classifier Depending on the classifier settings cone table
13 13
coarse mate-
and from there is returned to the grinding for re-grinding under the rollers. Final pro.
duct material passes the classifier and is conveyed from the LOESCHE mill with the gas stream
When grinding mixed cements and moist granulated blast furnace slag the water contained in the feed material evaporates spontaneously through intimate contact with the hot gas stream. The required mill outlet temperature of 80C up to max. 130C is therefore already achieved in the grinding chamber. Portland cement from pure clinker with the addition of gypsum is ground without hot gas in the
LM-CS models with details of structural dimensions, product throughputs and driving power (approx. values)
[m] 23,0 22,5 20,0 20,0 19,0 17,5 16,0 15,0 13,0
7.800 KW
6.600 KW
14,5 13,5
4.650 KW
4.300 KW
3.750 KW
3.150 KW
2.500 KW
1.600 KW
Fineness Fine
Coarse OPC 3.200 cm2/g Ordinary Portland Cement
* Footprint
GGBS 4.200 cm2/g Ground Granulated Blast Furnace Slag Difficult Grindability Easy
Prevailing conditions in process technology, as well as the market and customer requirements will be the decisive factors in achieving this development target. Naturally the mill drives also have to be adapted to the increase in size of LOESCHE mills.
As with LOESCHE mills the modular method of construction has been consistently used for gearboxes. This makes further increases in mill drive capacity possible without the need to develop a new construction concept.
LOESCHE roller grinding mill LM 35.2+2 Fos sur Mer, France, 1995
Cement is a construction material which on the basis of chemical reactions hardens with water and in use retains its hardness and durability both under atmospheric conditions and under water.
The cement industry is an energy-intensive sector, and as such is making every effort to achieve savings in primary raw materials and fuels. To an increasing extent suitable secondary raw
The main component is Portland Cement clinker. For the production of clinker natural and secondary raw materials are used. The raw material mixture for clinker production consists of the following: limestone lime marl clay sand and iron carriers
materials, which are produced as by-products in other industrial production processes, are used for clinker production. These include: lime sludge from drinking water treatment flyash from coal-fired power stations etc
In order to protect natural fuel and raw material resources and therefore to reduce emission of climate-influencing carbon dioxide, secondary raw materials, secondary fuels and substitute materials for partial replacement of clinker in cement grinding are used. Use of these substitute materials is not only environmentally friendly but also has an economic advantage since these by-products are normally available at considerably lower prices than Portland Cement clinker.
The following table shows the most important substitute materials which are used worldwide for clinker replacement.
Granulated blast furnace slag (HS, GBFS): Granulated, glassy blast furnace slag is obtained as a by-product of pig iron production in the blast furnace. It is formed from secondary components of iron ore, coke ash and possibly also additives such as limestone. The slag leaves the blast furnace as a viscous melt at a temperature of between approx. 1350C and 1550C. For use in cement very rapid cooling is required. The liquid slag is cooled in a water bath so quickly that it solidifies to give mainly a glassy material. The granulated blast furnace slag consists of splintery grains with an edge length of between approx. 0.3 and 5 mm, and can have a moisture content of up to 30%. After preliminary dewatering the granulated blast furnace slag is passed to the mill with a moisture content of < 15%.
bustion residues is discharged from the combustion chamber with the flue gas and separated by electrostatic precipitators, bag filters or cyclones. The remaining part of these combustion residues is the bottom ash which is produced at the base of the combustion chamber and is removed with a scraping device. A distinction is made between bituminous coal flyashes and lignite flyashes. Flyashes have mainly spherical, predominantly glassy solidified particles and are characterised by their high SiO2 and Al2O3 contents. Silica fume is obtained during the extraction of Silicon and Silicon alloys in the electric arc furnace. Silica fume consists mainly of very fine grained amorphous silicon dioxide, SiO2. Calcined rice husks: The husks, which are obtai-
Natural Puzzolanas of the most important economical significance are deposits of vulcanic ash. The name is derived from the Italian town, Pozzuoli, situated at the foot of Vesuvius. Their reactivity is based on their high glass content. The Puzzolanas also include Trass from Rhineland. Artificial Puzzolana: Flyash (FA, Puzzolan) is the fine combustion residue from coal dust in steam boilers. The largest part (approx. 80%) of the com-
ned in large quantities during the preparation of rice, are burnt and used for energy production. The ash which is produced contains over 90% Silicon Dioxide. If the combustion temperature does not exceed 600C the silicon dioxide is present mainly in the amorphous state in the form of very fine grained, irregular particles with a high puzzolanic reactivity.
Calcium sulphate compounds are important as setting behaviour regulators and are used in different forms: gypsum (CaSO4 . 2H2O) semihydrate (CaSO4 . 0.5 2H2O) anhydrite (CaSO4) or mixtures of these. Apart from natural CaSO4 materials these compounds are also obtained as by-products in certain industrial processes. In order to fulfil the requirements of the building material industry an exact knowledge of the properties of the materials which are to be ground, individually or as mixtures, is required. There are considerable differences in properties of these materials, depending on their origin and chemical composition. This is evident during comminuiton from the specific energy consumption and wear of the grinding components. Quantitative data on this can be obtained with the aid of grinding tests. In designing the mills two important test methods are used for determining the grindability parameters. Grinding test 1: LOESCHE test grinding mill in continuous operation. Determination of the LOESCHE grindability factor MF. Grinding test 2: ZEISEL apparatus in the batch process. Determination of grindability according to ZEISEL (kWh/t). The LOESCHE test is always used when sufficient quantities of material for milling are available. The ZEISEL test has to be used if only a small quantity of a representative sample of material for milling, which is insufficient for grinding in the LOESCHE test mill, is available. Grindability according to Zeisel of clinker and granulated blast furnace slag at 3300 cm2/g.
Silica sand Flyash Limestone Natural gypsum Iron ore Clay Clinker Granulated blast furnace slag
Frequency of tested samples (%)
Number of samples tested: Clinker: 159 Granulated blast furnace slag: 140
25 20 15 10 5 0 20 30 40
Specific power consumption energy requirement according to Zeisel at 3300 cm2/g [kWh/t]
A fresh air flap is located in the recirculation gas duct to the mill. With increased clinker temperatures the mill can be partially or completely operated with fresh air so that a cooling effect is achieved. With clinker temperatures of e.g. 150C it is possible to adjust to a temperature of 90C at the mill outlet by reducing the recirculation gas and increasing the fresh air intake. 26 27
14 25
6 7 16
In this way the cement temperature, and therefore also the cement quality, can be influenced. The material (reject) falling into the ring channel through the louvre ring is automatically cleaned out and conveyed into a small hopper with a capacity of approx. 5 m3 via an encapsulated conveyor and bucket elevator. The bunker stands on pressure load cells which control the discharge conveyor is such a way that the bunker filling level remains constant. This control also intervenes in the control of the fresh material stream so that the flow of fresh feed material to the mill, as the sum of fresh material and reject material, can be kept constant. When grinding granulated blast furnace slag a magnetic drum for separation of iron particles is built into the reject transport system. 8 19 21 26 24 10 17 17 23 17 17 20 4 9
8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15
Tramp metal bin Rotary Valve LOESCHE mill Rotary valve* Sealing air line with fan* Water sprinkling system* Grinding aid dosing system Material feed bunker for dry material of high fineness,
particularly flyash* Filter Rotary valve Gas flow measuring device* Process gas fan Stack with stack damper Recirculation gas line with damper 22 Fresh air damper* 16 17 18 19 20 21
23 24 25 26 27
Hot gas generator Reject system Bucket elevator Diverter gate Drum magnetic separator
25 26
15 14 16 18 19 20
21 17
3 4 5
8 6
9 11 11 10
4 8
13 23 12 24
1 Material feed bunker (moist material) 2 Material feed bunker (clinker, dry material) 3 Weigh feeder 4 Transport conveyor belt 5 Over belt magnet 6 Metal detector 7 Diverter gate
8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15
Tramp metal bin Rotary Valve LOESCHE mill Rotary valve Sealing air line with fan Water sprinkling system Grinding aid dosing system Material feed bunker for dry material of high fineness,
particularly flyash Filter Rotary valve Gas flow measuring device Process gas fan Stack with stack damper Recirculation gas line with damper 22 Fresh air damper 16 17 18 19 20 21
23 24 25 26 27
Hot gas generator Reject system Bucket elevator Diverter gate Drum magnetic separator
2 6 1
4 5 6 7
The rotor accelerates the gas-solids mixture tangentially. The centrifugal force produced rejects the oversize material. Through selection of the rotor speed, in combination with the gas stream and its direction of flow, the required separation grain size can be adjusted within a wide range. A special feature of this classifier type is the continuous re-classification of the particle stream rejected by the rotor. When the particles are thrown outwards by centrifugal force into the annular gap between static guide vane and rotor they are again subjected to the upwards/inwards directed gas stream. In this way agglomerated particles can be more easily separated, so that they follow the product stream as single grains and do not fall back onto the grinding table with oversize material as apparent oversize.
2 3
in EMERGENCY-OFF SITUATIONS and when starting and stopping. Accessible within after a short time for inspection Low wear Short installation times, low weight, small space requirement. Can be installed in existing plants, complete preassembly is carried out also for 2 larger LOMA combustion units. LOMA Hot Gas Generator units are constantly being developed and conform to current technical
Burner Fuel Combustion air Burner muffle Spiral housing Perforated jacket Annular gap Protective casing Temperature control Hot gas outlet 5 4 1 3
standards. Currently more than 600 hot gas generators (of this type) have been commissioned for a heat flow of between 100 kW and 64,000 kW. LOESCHE hot gas generators are used where hot gases are required for direct drying, e.g. in the cement, power station, steel, industrial minerals, ore, wood, cattle food, agri-food and chemical 9 industries. 8 Mode of operation The process gas stream which enters the spiral housing (5) cools both the protective jacket housing (8) and the perforated casing jacket (6) as a result of the flow pattern. The process gas enters the interior of the combustion chamber through the annular gap (7) and perforations of holes in the perforated jacket, and mixes there with the hot flue gases from combustion. At the same time the flame and hot flue gases are kept away from the perforated jacket.
The perforated jacket combustion system developed by LOESCHE in the mid 1960s consists of a steel combustion chamber of heat resistant steel with burner muffle, and is well known in the market under the name LOMA Hot Gas Generator. The LOMA Hot Gas Generator has been used worldwide for decades in many different types of thermal processes in order to optimise these processes. The combustion chamber consists of heat resistant steels no refractory brickwork is necessary When starting up the hot gas generator heat losses are minimised since it is not necessary to heat up refractory brickwork. A start at full load is therefore possible. Very good thermal shock resistance and rapid load changes with only a short delay High cooling rate of the combustion chamber prevents thermal overloading of following units. An EMERGENCY chimney stack is not necessary
LOMA combustion unit type LF 25 with a natural gas burner in the central grinding plant for granulated blast furnace slag, Dunkirk, France, 2005
Heating media Natural gas, bio gas, coke gas, blast furnace gas and other low calorific value gases Light and heavy oils, wood and lignite dust
The LOESCHE test facility for raw materials testing, Research and Development
Calibrated standard grinding tests for mill sizing
LOESCHE has many years of experience in designing grinding mills. The most important prerequisite for correctly designed grinding mills is an exact knowledge of the physical properties of the materials to be ground. The most important characteristic values of a material to be ground are the LOESCHE grindability factor and the specific power demand in relation to a defined fineness. Depending on the geological formation of the material to be ground, materials with highly different properties are found in nature, even with
Fully-automatic operation with PLC
Three well equipped laboratory LM 3.6 grinding mills are available in the LOESCHE test plant for performing standard grinding tests.
Optimised mill settings for special products are determined Plant components and process configurations are optimised New wear materials and concepts are tested
various modes of operation and plant process configurations can be simulated in the tests.
Germany Loesche GmbH Hansaallee 243 40549 Dsseldorf, Germany Tel. +49 - 211 - 53 53-0 Fax +49 - 211 - 53 53-500 Email: Brazil Loesche Equipamentos Ltda. Rua Mxico 119 sl. 1004 20031-145 Rio de Janeiro, Brazil Tel. +55 - 21 - 22 40 79 00 Fax +55 - 21 - 22 20 94 40 Email: Peoples Republic of China Loesche Mills (Shanghai) Co. Ltd. 5 Dongzhimen South Street Room 817-818, CYTS Plaza 100007 Beijing, R.O.C P. R. of China Tel. +86 - 10 - 5815 - 6205 Fax +86 - 10 - 5815 - 6220 Email: India Loesche India (Pvt.) Ltd. C-3, Sector 3 Noida (U.P.) - 201301, India Tel. +91 - 120 - 24 44 205 Fax +91 - 120 - 42 51 623 Email:
Spain Loesche Latinoamericana S.A. Calle Jos Lzaro Galdiano 4 - 6. Izda 28036 Madrid, Spain Tel. +34 - 91 - 458 99 80 Fax +34 - 91 - 457 10 17 Email: South Africa Loesche South Africa (Pty.) Ltd. 55 Empire Road, Empire Park, Block C 2193 Parktown, South Africa Tel. +27 - 11 - 482 29 33 Fax +27 - 11 - 482 29 40 Email: USA Loesche America, Inc. 20170 Pines Boulevard, Suite 301 Pembroke Pines, Florida 33029, USA Tel. +1 - 954 - 602 14 24 Fax +1 - 954 - 602 14 23 Email: United Kingdom Loesche Energy Systems Ltd. 2, Horsham Gates North Street Horsham, RH135PJ, United Kingdom Tel. +44 - 1403 - 223 101 Fax +44 - 1403 - 223 102 Email: Please visit our homepage at for up-to-date information on our overseas companies
20 m
20 m
Ground section of cement grain with clinker minerals under the direct light microscope
20 m
20 m
2 m
2 m
5 m
2 m
CSH phases
5 m
Natural gypsum
20 m
10 m
10 m