This document provides specifications for the Pelican 1720 Long Case, a watertight, crushproof, and dustproof protective case. Key details include:
- Dimensions of 44.37" x 16" x 6.12" (exterior) and 42" x 13.5" x 5.25" (interior)
- Weight of 18.96 lbs with foam insert or 16.76 lbs without foam
- Materials include an o-ring seal, automatic pressure equalization valve, foam insert, and stainless steel hardware
- Colors available are black, OD green, or desert tan
- Certified to DEF STAN 81-41/STANAG 4320 standards for waterproofing
This document provides specifications for the Pelican 1720 Long Case, a watertight, crushproof, and dustproof protective case. Key details include:
- Dimensions of 44.37" x 16" x 6.12" (exterior) and 42" x 13.5" x 5.25" (interior)
- Weight of 18.96 lbs with foam insert or 16.76 lbs without foam
- Materials include an o-ring seal, automatic pressure equalization valve, foam insert, and stainless steel hardware
- Colors available are black, OD green, or desert tan
- Certified to DEF STAN 81-41/STANAG 4320 standards for waterproofing
This document provides specifications for the Pelican 1720 Long Case, a watertight, crushproof, and dustproof protective case. Key details include:
- Dimensions of 44.37" x 16" x 6.12" (exterior) and 42" x 13.5" x 5.25" (interior)
- Weight of 18.96 lbs with foam insert or 16.76 lbs without foam
- Materials include an o-ring seal, automatic pressure equalization valve, foam insert, and stainless steel hardware
- Colors available are black, OD green, or desert tan
- Certified to DEF STAN 81-41/STANAG 4320 standards for waterproofing
This document provides specifications for the Pelican 1720 Long Case, a watertight, crushproof, and dustproof protective case. Key details include:
- Dimensions of 44.37" x 16" x 6.12" (exterior) and 42" x 13.5" x 5.25" (interior)
- Weight of 18.96 lbs with foam insert or 16.76 lbs without foam
- Materials include an o-ring seal, automatic pressure equalization valve, foam insert, and stainless steel hardware
- Colors available are black, OD green, or desert tan
- Certified to DEF STAN 81-41/STANAG 4320 standards for waterproofing
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1720 Long Case
Wate rtig ht, c rus hp ro o f, and d us t p ro o f Eas y o p e n Do ub le Thro w latc he s O p e n c e ll c o re with s o lid wall d e s ig n - s tro ng , lig ht we ig ht O -ring s e al Auto matic Pre s s ure Eq ualiz atio n Valve Fo ld d o wn hand le s Stro ng p o lyure thane whe e ls with s tainle s s s te e l b e aring s Stainle s s s te e l hard ware and p ad lo c k p ro te c to rs 3-p ie c e fo am s e t Pe rs o naliz e d name p late s e rvic e availab le Life time G uarante e o f Exc e lle nc e
1720 Long Case Conf igurat ions
Cat . # 17 20 17 20NF De script ion 17 20 Long Case 17 20 Long Case (No f oam)
Blac k O D G re e n* De s e rt Tan *O D G re e n availab le up o n re q ue s t (minimum q uantitie s ap p ly)
1720 Long Case Specif icat ions
Ext e rior Dime nsions (L x W x D) 44.37" x 16 .0 0 " x 6 .12" (112.7 x 40 .6 x 15.5 c m) Lid De pt h 1.75" (4.4 c m) Int e rior Cubic Volume 1.72 c ub ic fe e t (48 .78 c ub ic d e c ime te r) We ight wit h f oam 18 .9 6 lb s . (8 .6 kg ) We ight wit hout f oam 16 .76 lb s . (7.6 kg ) Buoyancy Max. 16 0 .9 4 lb s . (73 kg ) Int e rior Dime nsions (L x W x D) 42.0 0 " x 13.50 " x 5.25" (10 6 .6 x 34.3 x 13.3 c m) Bot t om De pt h 3.50 " (8 .9 c m) Tot al De pt h 5.25" (13.3 c m)
Range Te mpe rat ure -40 / 210 F (-40 / 9 9 C)
No. of Whe e ls 2 Pe rsonaliz e d Name plat e Available
1720 Long Case Cert if icat es
De f Stan 8 1-41/STANAG 428 0
1720 Long Case Accessories
Cat . # 17 21 17 23 De script ion 3 pc. Re place me nt Foam Se t Re place me nt O - ring Pe lican Product s, Inc. 23215 Early Ave nue To rranc e , CA 9 0 50 5 Pho ne : (310 ) 326 -470 0 (8 0 0 ) 473-5422 Fax: (310 ) 326 -3311 e -mail:CSR.Co ns ume r@p e lic an.c o m www.p e lic an.c o m