conducive to learning, be the future leaders of our community, and to promote develop creative, independent, responsible and professional student leadership, do hereby pledge to faithfully abide by the policies set forth by STI and this constitution.
Article I This club shall be officially known as the GigaMinds Article II Purposes/Objectives
1. To unite students with the same passion in IT-related matters. 2. To share and enhance programming ideas and computer concepts that will benefit students. 3. To provide consultations, seminars, educational trips and workshops to members and other students. 4. To develop IT projects that will benefit the members, students and the school. 5. To make students involve in programming and computer-related school competitions or events.
Article III General Provisions: Our Club shall operate under the supervision of the College, thus our Club its officers and members should uphold/observe the following: 1. Our Club shall only be involved in activities/events approved by the college 2. Project proposal should be submitted and approved first before our club execute/facilitate a project 3. Our Club upholds the NO TO CAMPUS VIOLENCE principle. No fraternities/sororities that conduct initiation rites or hazing as defined and prohibited by the law shall not be practiced/observed 4. Our Club shall not be involved in any political undertakings contrary to STIs standards and policies 5. Academics should be the main priority of the members of our Club 6. The Student Council of STI College Muoz EDSA shall be the mother of our Club. We will seek their assistance and we will coordinate with them to fulfill our Clubs objectives
7. Our Club will protect the STI brand, which defines our character as an institution. All designs for logo, letterhead, clothing, and other organization symbols and/or paraphernalia must be submitted to the concerned Dean and GC for approval prior to its printing/production. Non submission of the materials shall be ground for revocation of the RSO recognition status 8. Our Club, in case of maintaining any social networking site or any other related electronic media, will only use the Colleges logo or any other identities of STI College unless it is approved by the College. Our Club shall register this social networking site with our Faculty Advisers as one of the moderators 9. Our Club exist and operate with the existence/presence of at least two (2) appropriate and relevant Faculty Advisers as assigned by the College 10. Our Club may only collect membership fee upon the approval of the College. Collection of Fund should be coordinated with the Finance Office. Only the Cashiers are allowed to receive fee collection from the students. Our Club will only collect a maximum amount of Php. 50.00 per semester from its members. Article IV Founding Members Name Mr. Ely R. Besino Jr. Mr. Aerol Winston Magbanua Mr. Jayson Monares Mr. Allan Jay Tomol Mr. Jayson Monares Mr. Jomari Rafael Mr. Robin Enfectana Mr. Louie Detecio Ms. Joanna Marie Serrano Ms. Melissa Joy Sumaway Mr. Joseph Mendonez Mr. Ferdinand Maat Mr. Jorry Aydalla
Ms. Jovelyn Degenes
Article V Clubs Faculty Adviser Our Club understands that our Faculty Advisers shall serve as our resource, mentor, coach, and advocate. With full-knowledge, the following are the expected roles and responsibilities of our Clubs Faculty Advisers which include but not limited to: 1. Attend to general meetings of our Club 2. Meet regularly with our officers for consultation 3. Assist the organization in the preparation of event, project, and budget proposal 4. Attend events/programs of our Club 5. Help the growth and progress of our Club while assessing if it is still aligned with the College goals and objectives 6. Mediate conflict among officers and members 7. Facilitate Processing before and after the approved events. Ensure that our Club follows all rules and policies of the College 8. Perform any other functions called for as our Clubs Faculty Adviser, and 9. Be a champion of student development.
Article VI MANAGEMENT OF FUNDS: Collection, Utilization, Accounting of Funds and other Related Financial Activities of the RSO. 1. Collection of funds: 1.1 Collection of membership fees, sponsorship, proceeds from fund raising activities shall only be allowed upon the approval of the College, 1.2 It shall be made only thru the Cashiers Office, thus official receipts shall be issued, 1.3 The Faculty Advisers shall mediate between the RSO and the Finance Office, 1.4 The Collected funds shall be in the safekeeping of the Finance Office. A list of payments indicating the names of the payee and amount shall be endorsed to the Secretary of the RSO. 2. Utilization of funds: 2.1 Collected funds may only be used/utilized for an activity/project after a fund request and project proposal is approved by the Program Head/Dean of College of Business and Management 2.2 Expenses shall be supported by official receipts and approved cash voucher 2.3 Students are not allowed to advance/or use his personal budget. The College will not acknowledge such activities as official.
3. Accounting of Funds: 3.1 After the utilization of funds (after the execution of project), the Treasurer of the RSO is required to submit Liquidation report. Liquidation should be supported by approved cash voucher, and/or official receipts 3.2 For transparency to the members of the RSO, Liquidation report, balances and other financial activities of the RSO should be reported during the regular meeting of the RSO 3.3 The Officers of the RSO shall ensure the proper turnover of the financial reports/balances at the end of their elected term. These include but not limited to the accounting of cash receipts and disbursement, and financial report 3.4 Funds or any profit which the organization may obtain shall only be used for the purposes enumerated in Article II. No part of the funds or income may be distributed to its members or officers in case of dissolution.
Article V COMPLIANCE TO STI STUDENT ORGANIZATIONS POLICY: Our Club its Officer and Members shall comply with the STI Student Organization policy and the related Approved Local Policies relevant in the course of its operation. Hence, it is our obligation to stay connected with our Faculty Advisers and with the Guidance and Student Services Office for proper guidance.
Attested by (Signature over Printed Name of the Founding Members. No minimum or maximum number of founding members is required.) ___________________________________________ ______________________________ ___________________________________________ ______________________________ ___________________________________________ ______________________________ ___________________________________________ ______________________________ ___________________________________________ ______________________________ ___________________________________________ ______________________________ ___________________________________________ ______________________________ ___________________________________________ ______________________________ ___________________________________________ ______________________________ ___________________________________________ ______________________________ ___________________________________________ ______________________________ ___________________________________________ ______________________________
______________________________ ______________________________
Article I Meetings Section 1: General Assembly The general assembly of the members shall be held on 3RD WEEK OF OPENING OF THE SEMESTER. A general assembly should be conducted once per term and the President is expected to provide a status report on the activities and accomplishments of the student organization. Section 2: Special Meetings Special Meetings of members shall be called as the need arises by the President, Club Advisers or upon the request of 50% of the general membership. Section 3: Notices Notices of the time and place of the general assembly and special meetings should be announced 1 week before the scheduled meeting. Section 4: Quorum A quorum for any meeting shall consist of 50% + 1 of the total membership. Section 5: Order of Business The order of business at the General Assembly of the members shall be as follows: a. Call to order b. Attendance c. Reading of the Minutes d. Club discussion Section 6: Election Process: Call for a meeting, establish quorum, election proper and majority vote wins. Election of officers shall be held as requested by the officers. Members should have the following qualifications to vote: a. Enrolled in the current semester. b. Active member in the club for the current semester. c. Should be present in the voting.
Article II Committees Elections Committee The head of this committee should be the elected secretary of the club. The member will then be appointed by the committee head and approved by 75% of the club members. This shall consist of 1 Head and max of 2 committee members. The objective of this committee shall be as follows: To approved the legitimacy of elections. To screen candidates. To appoint elected officers. To handle preparations and procedures of elections in the club. Events and Activities Committee The head of this committee should be the elected president of the club. The member will then be appointed by the committee head and approved by 75% of the club members. This shall consist of 1 Head and max of 4 committee members. The objective of this committee shall be as follows: To approved legitimacy of events and activities. To handle preparations and procedures of events and activities for the club such as; workshops, seminars, consultation hours, field trips, IT-related competitions. Budget Committee The head of this committee should be the elected treasurer of the club. The member will then be appointed by the committee head and approved by 75% of the club members. This shall consist of 1 Head and max of 4 committee members. The objective of this committee shall be as follows: To approved legitimacy of fund raising events. To handle preparations and procedures of fund raising events. To handle budgets of the club that will be used for approved events and activities.
Article III Officers Section 1: Officers The officers of the association shall be the President, Vice-President, Secretary, Treasurer, Auditor and the Public Relations Officer. They shall be elected by the majority vote of the members. Section 2: Qualifications - Any member of an organization may be elected provided that they have the following qualifications:
a bona fide STI student without any academic delinquency as stated in the STI Student Handbook for at least one (1) term previous to vying for the position without any history of disciplinary case
Section 3: Functions and Powers of the Officers: 3.1 President: a. Oversees functioning and progress of the whole organization b. Leads the meetings c. Assigns a representative for the organization in any conferences or conventions d. Approves all financial transactions e. Prepares annual report at the end of the Academic Year f. Handles the turn-over of responsibilities to the next set of Officers 3.2 Vice-President: a. Coordinates with all officers in all activities b. In the absence of the President, shall lead the meetings and assume the tasks of the President c. He/she may also be the Activity Coordinator d. Assist the President in preparing the Annual Report e. May review and validate financial transaction reported by the Treasurer in the absence of the Auditor 3.3 Secretary: a. Takes and keeps minutes of the meetings b. Conducts all official correspondence c. Maintains official records and files d. Disseminates information to all members e. Signs and submits all documents as may be required by the school officials, and if applicable, the government f. Prepares and reviews the Calendar of Activities g. May check all financial transactions in the absence of the Treasurer. 3.4 Treasurer: a. Keeper of finances and financial records b. Checks all financial transactions c. Prepares the annual budget 3.5 Auditor: a. Reviews and validates financial transactions reported by the Treasurer b. Checks all financial transactions in the absence of the Treasurer
c. Reviews the monthly financial report and annual budget submitted by the Treasurer d. Makes appropriate corrections whenever necessary 3.6 Public Relations Officer: a. Notifies all members of meetings, events, and activities b. Encourages members active attendance c. Takes care of the logistical concerns during regular meetings such as venue, video equipment, computers, food, as the case may be d. Handles the marketing or promotion of the organization and its activities Section 4: Term of Office All officers of the organization shall hold office for one (1) academic year and until their successors are duly elected and qualified. Section 5: Disqualifications and Successions
Disqualification of officer: Violated the club Constitution. Not performing its role and responsibility as an officer. Not showing interest to club activities. Violated the rules in the Student Handbook. Procedures of succession: Right after the election, there will be a 1 month preparation for the proper turnover of officers, documents and other club-related materials. The incumbent officer should orient the newly elected officer for their roles and responsibilities. Before the end of the 2nd semester, the newly elected officers will assume the office. Article IV Members Section 1: Qualifications for Membership Any bona fide STI student may join a student organization. Any students enrolled in computer-related program in STI-College Muoz-EDSA. No history of violence. Section 2: Rights of Members A member shall have the following rights: a. Participate in activities and events organized by the club. b. To file candidacy for elections and to vote.
c. To express his ideas and suggestion in a meeting and activties. Section 3: Duties and Responsibilities of Members A member shall have the following duties and responsibilities: a. Participate in activities and events organized by the club. b. To vote in the elections. c. Follow the Constitution and by-laws. d. Helps to the development and growth of the club. Section 4: Suspension, Expulsion and Termination of Membership.
Suspension, expulsion and termination of membership shall be in accordance with the rules and regulation of the organization. They are as follows: a. Violated the Constitution and by-laws. b. Violated the rules in the Student handbook. c. Performing activities not approved by the School officials and club officers that can destroy the image of the club. Any member of the association may file charges against a member by club advisers and officers with evidence/s and/or witness/es regarding the said violation. Article VII Seal/Logo
Article VIII Amendments of the By-Laws Section 1: Amendments These by-laws, or any provision thereof, may be amended or repealed at any regular or special meeting duly held for this purpose.
The organization may make changes to its Constitution and By-Laws when necessary to improve the effectiveness of its operation. Amendments to the organization's constitution can only be adopted by a majority vote and approved by club advisers.
Adopted this 22nd day of August, 2013 in STI College Muoz, EDSA, by the affirmative vote of the undersigned members representing a majority of the members of the organization in a special meeting duly held for the purpose.
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