Jenna Smith
Andrea Likes
Jonathen Robben
Jeremy Garrett
Kelsey Marlow
Kristina Skoniecke
Ashley Anderson
Adam Hirsch
Table of Contents
Kashi began its endeavor in the frozen pizza market in Market Analysis 5
2007. Even though the Kashi Company has been instrumental Product Analysis 6
in promoting healthy and active living, they have done little to
publicize their new product, Kashi All-Natural pizza. This years’ Competitive Analysis 7-8
case study calls for a 15% growth in pizza sales to reach $40 Consumer Analysis 8
million by the end of next year. True to their values, this campaign
must also incorporate the healthy and active living concept SWOT/
Kashi endorses, with the expectation that Kashi will be recognized Problems and Opportunities 9
as a leader in the all-natural and organic food market.
Brand Strategy 10
Our goal at Liquid Advertising is to increase the
awareness of Kashi’s healthy living concept through promotional Target Market Profile 11
and sponsored events around the United States, and advertising; Media Objectives 12
all the while marketing Kashi All-Natural frozen pizzas.
Media Strategy 12-15
Contingency Plan 16
References 17
“The closer the nature,
the better the food, the
ion An
better the food, the better
we feel, and feeling good is
what it’s all about.”
- Sarah Ceccarelli
Kashi Nutritionist
s y si
Company Analysis Market Analysis
Founded in October 1984, the Kashi In this day and age, society is constantly on While the frozen pizza market showed little growth
Company, a division of Kellogg, is dedicated in the go with little time to sit down to a complete a between 2001 and 2005, Amy’s almost doubled in
continuing to provide its consumers with all- meal. Meals for these fast paced individuals need annual sales. They acquired $24.6 million in sales in
natural, minimally processed foods. As a pioneering to be quick and healthy, however the majority of 2005, which was a 20.3% increase from their sales
all-natural foods company, Kashi lives by their instant meals are full of unhealthy ingredients and in 2004.
concept, “Kashi Seven Whole Grains & Sesame,” deprived of nutritional value that is essential in Trends show that it is more likely for
by emphasizing the importance of healthy and leading a healthy lifestyle. people between the ages of 25-34 and 55 and up to
active living to their consumers with great tasting, The rise in the natural/organic foods purchase natural/organic foods. These people tend
innovative and healthy foods. market has taken a new high. As a result of this, to be college graduates or have graduate degrees.
In pursuit of this, the Kashi Company has many producers are seeing great value in the frozen Surprisingly people who are divorced are most
advertised through many television commercials food market, which consists of fish, vegetables, fruit, likely to buy within this market followed by married
with the use of personal stories from some of their ready-made meals, pizza, and desserts. people. Households of one or more are likely to
own Kashi employees, who are all on the same In 2007, the global frozen food market grew buy natural/organic foods, followed by households
mission in finding new ways to help society achieve by 3.6%, reaching 100 billion dollars. The Asian- of two; furthermore it is also likely that women will
a greater lifestyle. Pacific region claims the largest frozen food market buy within this food market. The pacific, northeast,
Throughout the years, Kashi has been at 34.3% with Europe following close behind with and west central regions are more likely to buy
known for their natural cereals, natural snacks, 34.2%. Supermarkets and hypermarkets are the natural/organic foods.
crackers, and frozen waffles. It was not until main channels of distribution for frozen foods and
recently that Kashi expanded their popular natural makes up roughly 70.2% of the profit at these Chart 1: Consumer Ages of
breakfast and snack products to an ‘All Natural stores. With the recent economy situation, there Frozen Pizza Market
Pizza’ line. Their expansion in this product line has is a noticeable raise in people cooking at home as
placed Kashi with a new set of competitors. This an alternative to eating out, resulting in an increase
goes to show the Kashi Company is confident in of families who purchase frozen meals.
their line of natural products and has over stepped According to AIB International, DiGorno, 10.8%
12.8% 55-64
the line in order to create a healthier lifestyle for Red Baron, Tombstone, and Freschetta, are among
society while still providing great tasting, healthy a few of the frozen pizza markets distinct brands. 45-54
foods. 11.6%
DiGorno checking in at $477,872,300, has the 20.8%
highest sales in the market. Red Baron follows 35-44
closely behind with $292,886,900, Tombstone with
$247,203,300, and Freschetta at $202,506,400. 20.8% 25-34
According to Rate It All, Freschetta obtains the 23.2%
highest rating, with DiGorno, Tombstone, and 18-24
Red Baron falling just behind. Amy’s, an additional
distinct brand, is an organic brand that also sells
frozen entrees and pizzas.
Product Analysis
The Kashi Company has previously established Following the inviting appearance Kashi Current Kashi Website
brand recognition through their breakfast and snack packaging creates; Kashi.com provides similar
product line. By over stepping their boundaries in characteristics that generate a simple, inviting feel.
expanding their natural foods line to include All Natural The website presents a sense of personal contact,
Pizzas, Kashi has enhanced the awareness of their brand not only with employees of Kashi, but also with Kashi
name. When compared to competitors within the supporters. This is created through the Meet Us and
frozen pizza market, Kashi’s high prices reflect strong Our People options. Through the Our People option,
nutritional value and a blend of quality ingredients. At Kashi devotees have the opportunity to read about
seven dollars, Kashi All Natural Pizzas may be higher in website members recent healthy challenges and
price than their competitors; however, the piece of mind daily goals accomplished. Kashi.com offers several
it offers to health conscious individuals outweighs the informational options through their user-friendly
monetary expense.
Kashi continues their dedication to their Our Food allows Kashi supporters and
concept, ‘Seven Whole Grains & Sesame’, by recently potential consumers to view their products
offering three varieties of frozen pizzas in local grocery through specific categories. Also, this page
and natural food stores. Kashi All Natural Pizzas include provides a blog of popular current Kashi
recipes. Similar to Kashi’s appealing product packaging
natural and organic ingredients, providing consumers
with a healthy great tasting alternative meal. These pizzas and intriguing website, this company has done little
Challenge Yourself provides consumers
are of two convenient serving sizes for a fulfilling, healthy with nutrition & health, natural lifestyle, natural to advertise their products. The Kashi Company
meal by one to two people, with approximately three foods and fitness challenges. Each challenge has focused soley on increasing awareness of the
serving sizes per pizza. Thin and original crust pizzas are keeps tab of the number of participants and Kashi brand alone through television commercials.
the two choices Kashi All Natural Pizzas offer. The crust comments to each daily challenge. However no other form of media has been executed
of the pizza contains Kashi’s natural signature blend and to create more of an impact. Due to this, Kashi
is pre-cooked in a stone fire grill, enhancing the natural Wellness Hub offers tips to working towards has lacked the recognition needed for its recent All
a healthier lifestyle through the categories found Natural Pizzas. In a lighter sense, Kashi continues to
flavors Kashi’s pizza supplies. in the Challenge Yourself option.
In order to attract consumers, Kashi packaging offer sales promotions on their products along with
features a signature white background that showcases Meet Us is an informational section about advertising related products within the company.
the desired product. The negative space, void of clutter, Kashi employees, Kashi supporters, their
mirrors their simple, natural ingredients concept. The history, television advertisements and contact
packaging emphasizes Kashi’s high protein and fiber information.
Friends and Events provides information
for a nation wide event, Kashi Day of Change;
a nationwide tour which takes place at existing
festivals. Also this section offers insight on
current partners.
Competitive Analysis
Direct Competition: provided a sales promotion for one dollar off any
Amy’s pizza, which were priced at $10.69, $9.19,
and $7.79.
Amy’s Kitchen
Amy’s, founded in 1987, is an all-natural,
“Amy’s Kitchen
organic, frozen food company. Over the years, Media: posted the biggest
Amy’s has created over 88 frozen meals and in 1999 Amy’s has been featured in articles ranging
introduced a grocery line which displayed Amy’s in from well-respected magazines including, People, company
all natural food stores, supermarkets, and various
club stores throughout United States and Canada.
Good Housekeeping, Women’s Health, and Men’s
Health. Also Amy’s been a subject of conversation
growth at 20.3%
Amy’s frozen pizza market consists of 20 on multiple television shows such as, Good in 2005”
varieties and despite the fact that many companies Morning America where SNL’s Tina Fey mocked -Marketresearch.com
produce similar products, Amy’s continues to hold Amy’s brand.
the number one spot in popularity and sales for all Aside from publicity, Amy’s website is their
natural and organic frozen foods. primary form of advertising. The website includes
Packaging for Amy’s frozen pizza products informational tabs ranging from the history of Wolfgang Puck
features Amy’s logo in the top left corner and the Amy’s, and current products, to special diet plans Wolfgang Puck All Natural Pizza is the result
type of pizza, which consumes over 80% of the front and a members blog. Amy’s website also includes of an exclusive frozen foods partnership between
of the box. The packaging informs the consumer of an interactive section referred to as “Lemon Slice,” award winning Chef Wolfgang Puck’s worldwide
the organic items used. which contains a bounty of information on current corporation and Schwan’s Consumer Brands North
events and the Amy’s company. America, Inc. Wolfgang Puck All Natural Pizza’s
Price and Location: are carefully crafted using Wolfgang’s beloved
recipes using the freshest all-natural herbs, spices,
Kroger: Amy’s is located within the frozen
vegetables, meats and cheeses in every pizza. Each
health foods section apart from the frozen pizza
pizza features Wolfgang’s honey-infused crusts
section. The Amy’s section is designated with their
that are hand-stretched and brushed with olive oil
name written on the freezer door. Amy’s is located
before baking. Wolfgang Puck offers six varieties
on four racks which consists of three varieties of
of pizza.
pizzas per rack, concluding in 12 varieties. Priced
Packaging for Wolfgang Puck features a
at $8.09 or $7.09, depending on toppings, and $5.19
white box with a green tint extruding from the
for the personal-sized pizza, Amy’s falls at about the bottom of the box.The center of the top of the box
same price as Kashi which Amy’s is located next reads “Wolfgang Puck” with his company’s logo
to. above it. The style of pizza included in the
Neighborhood Co-op: Amy’s frozen pizzas packaging is shown on the front center of
cover three top racks of the general frozen pizza the box. Wolfgang Puck’s signature reads
section, adding up to nine different kinds, placed at the bottom of the box with a picture
directly next to Kashi frozen pizzas. The door of Wolfgang Puck himself directly to the
right of it. 7
Price and Location: Media:
Kroger: Wolfgang’s is separate from the Wolfgang Puck’s Margherita pizza was Consumer Analysis
frozen pizza section and is located in the frozen named best cheese Pizza in a frozen pizza taste
health food section. It consumes two rows on test conducted by the magazine Everyday with Based on current advertising by the Kashi
the bottom rack located directly under the Kashi Rachael Ray, which is a nationwide consumer Company, it can be assumed that the typical Kashi
pizzas. They have four varieties and it is priced at magazine circulating of over 1.7 million. consumer is an active person that lives a healthy
$7.99 each. The Wolfgang Puck website consists of lifestyle. Kashi currently displays a series of video
informational links such as Why All-Natural? advertisements on their website that depict their
and All-Natural Pizzas to Wolfgang Puck’s Story employees exercising. These employees also give
and Retail Locations. Although the feature in advice on how to lead a healthy lifestyle; which
Everyday magazine and the website are successful specifically includes eating all-natural foods.
forms of media, Wolfgang Puck’s primary source Kashi’s website also features pictures of people
of advertising is through their association with that appear to be active and love the outdoors,
Wolfgang Puck himself. He has been honored with generally in the age range of 24-35. The assumed
the prestigious James Beard Award for Outstanding goal of the company is to help their customers
Chef of the Year, Humanitarian of the Year, and become better in body and in mind. Although
Outstanding Service (for his Spago Beverly Hills their current marketing features the highly active
restaurant). His Food Network show “Wolfgang go-getters as mentioned earlier, they also have
Puck” has won two Emmy awards, and in 2007 the reoccurring message that states ‘it is never
he started his WELL (Wolfgang’s Eat Love Live) to late to make a change.’ This suggests that they
program, which features a one-of-a-kind humane also want to attract people who are not quite
farm animal treatment program that was created as healthy or active as they would like to be, but
through partnering with the Humane Society who also have the desire to achieve these goals.
of the United States. The publicity and positive By using this appeal of self-improvement, it widens
public relations Wolfgang creates for himself is their range of consumers to include not just the
In-Direct Competitors directly correlated to his products. healthy-living, but the health conscious as well.
The majority of the images on the Kashi
Brand Unique selling point & features website are of women, leading Liquid Advertising
to believe that their products have heavy female
Restaurant quality pizza. Slogan,“It’s not delivery, it’s Digiorno”. They boast a wide range of pizza’s that
Digiorno consumption. Males are still present, but they are
mimic various pizzeria’s. Offer made
typically paired with women in their appearances.
Offered for a cheaper price. Have a plethora of topping choices. Use the tag line,“What do you want on Liquid Advertising’s assumptions of the current
Tombstone your tombstone?” Kashi consumer are supported by the MRI data,
Use the slogan,“Now That’s Fresch”. Fresh ingredients. Inspired by authentic pizzeria’s from an Italian café. which indicates that 63.1% of the current frozen
Freschetta pizza consumer lives a fitness lifestyle. Additionally,
Family positioned brand that everyone can enjoy.
women aged 35-44 make up the largest part of
Red Baron this market at 28.4%.
SWOT Analysis
Problems &
• Recognizable brand • Consumers have bias opinion
Problem: “Dominance of high end
on healthy food products
• Wide range of products competitors.”
• Product not located within Opportunity: We have a chance to gain
• Sold in a variety of stores similar in some stores a completely new audience with our
unique secondary target market.
• Reasonable price for quality of • High price effects Kashi Problem: “Misinterpretation of Kashi
products product sales Pizza location.”
Opportunity: We have the opportunity to
• Appeals to consumers • Lack of recognition among suggest placement within both the frozen pizza
• leading healthy lifstyles frozen pizza market shelves and the healthy frozen foods section.
Problem: “Low recognition for individual
Kashi products due to high concentration
of Kashi healthy and active perception.”
Opportunity: We have the ability to
• Continuing loyal Kashi • No exposure to Kashi create a campaign that will highlight
consumers products Kashi’s new product, Kashi All-Natural
Pizza, while still withholding its original
• Exponential growth within • Significantly higher price than concept.
target market competitors Problem: “Viewed as a tasteless meal.”
Opportunity: By implementing
• Increase wellness in society • Economy situation may slow our media tactics through the use
sales o of traditional and non-traditional
• Appeals to consumers leading advertising, we have the chance
healthy lifstyles • Domination of competing 0 to change this perception.
“Natural foods work with
your body, so your body
St r at works better.”
- Dave Lamb
Kashi Distribution
an d
B r
Target Market Profile
Primary Target Audience: Secondary Target Audience: Tertiary Target Audience:
Liquid Advertising has selectively chosen Our secondary audience for this campaign Men and women ages 65+ also play a
to target single women ages 25-34 in our campaign. is gay men ages 25-34. Although trying to segment distinctive role in our campaign as the tertiary
Our MRI data showed that single women in the this audience is very difficult, this choice is validated audience. The majority of this demographic has a
U.S. account for 23.2% (second largest) of frozen through many economic and psychographic very high disposable income and are open to try
pizza sales in the U.S., and make up 22.4% (second factors. One such factor, in coordinance with our new things that presumably benefit their health.
largest) of the total market.This data illustrates that target audience, is an estimated higher disposable They are also more likely to spread words of
this is an already established part of the market income. It is highly unlikely that these men have product approval with their peers, which in many
that has room for growth. children, however, very assumable that they are instances is more effective than advertising.
From a psychographic standpoint, these career-oriented. This is a group in which physical
women are perceived as being more health appearance and status is highly valued.
conscience and active, along with being more Another key factor in the decision to
career-oriented, providing them with little time propose gay men as our secondary audience is the
for relaxation. At this age, these women are idea that in many circumstances women ages 25-34
beginning to settle into the routine of life and are as well as gay men can be targeted simultaneously.
seeking more convenient alternatives for creating These two groups share many of the same interests
a healthier lifestyle. and are considered to be culturally integrated
Their average disposable income can be through social activities and through medias such
estimated higher than normal considering the fact as television and magazines. In some instances,
that tmost are not settled into a family and their gay men can also be considered proximal opinion
careers are considerably steady. Kashi Pizza’s offer leaders to women of this age group because they
this demographic an all-natural alternative to the may offer a well-informed, however, non-threatening
pizzas they already enjoy, a perceptual benefit to male opinion to a female’s life.
this group. Furthermore, their youth offers promise In addition, gay men are exceptionally
to the company’s longevity. responsive to advertising that is targeted towards
them. One member of a focus group conducted
by Liquid Advertising said, “I thought Levi’s jeans
“Health food doesn’t were out-dated until I saw a commercial that
showed a man being attracted to another man in it.
have to be boring. You
I searched for a month to find the right cut for my
just have to pick the body-type, but I ended up having to squeeze into a
right flavors.” pair I didn’t even like that much.”
-Karen Moyer
Kashi Food Developer
Media Objectives Key Selling Idea
Target Audience and Geographic Objectives Tactics: Liquid Advertising took into
Kashi is a pioneer company for the all-
consideration the amount of Mardi Gras beads that
natural and organic food industry. It has brought
1. Increase national awareness of Kashi would need to be purchased and incorporated this
about changes in the conventional marketplace by
All-Natural Pizza by 15% among our target audiences. into a form of non-traditional media. Each string
adding an affordable, all-natural solution to foods
of beads thrown off the Kashi Pizza float will have
that were previously recognized as unhealthy. Kashi’s
2. Target primary audience, single women ages an attached Kashi logo on them, with a peal off
innovation to offer all-natural food alternatives to
25-34 nationwide: two-dollar off coupon for any variety of Kashi All-
the masses earns it a “green” image, and is the key
-Reach 85% of target audience an average Natural Pizza. The idea is that the attendees will
selling idea of our campaign.
of three times a month. bring home these beads as souvenirs and notice
“Kashi believes that innovation no longer
the coupon attached to the back. This coupon will
paves the way for the future; it plants the seed
3. Target secondary audience, gays and lesbians not expire until the end of May.
for change. Be innovative. Plant your seeds. Watch
ages 25-34 nationwide: yourself grow.”
-Reach 70% of target audience an average Marathons (Bicycling & Running)
The attendees and contestants at these
of twice a month.
Media Strategy & Tactics marathons include people from all three of our
4. Target tertiary audience,men and women ages target audiences and are similar in psychographics
65+: to the current Kashi consumer. Considering the
-Reach 50% of tertiary audience an In order to build and maintain relationsihps activeness of these audiences, it only makes sense
average of once a month. with our target audience, Liquid Advertising to target and support them at locations of high
suggests that Kashi team up with highly recognized interest.
Liquid Advertising believes utilizing media vehicles events throughout the country. Because of The running marathons we chose to
that provides a large national coverage will accomplish these the “hands on” interaction provided by these promote Kashi pizza at include the Boston
objectives.These vehicles include,special events,radio,magazines, events, this will be a crucial part of our campaign. Marathon (April 20th), Chicago Marathon
television and outdoor advertising. Geographically, we chose to advertise at events (October 11th), New York Marathon (November
throughout the United States to achieve our main 1st), and the Honolulu Marathon (December 14th).
Scheduling Objectives (Seasonality) objective; reach. These marathons have the highest attendance of
all running marathons in the United States.
1. Begin campaign in February of 2010 Mardi Gras
Tactics: Liquid Advertising will be giving
2. Create a pulsing schedule focusing on perios of Liquid Advertising has chosen to utilize
away water bottles and towels at these events with
opportune reach. one of very popular event, Mardi Gras, as a “kick
the Kashi logo on them. It is also suggested but
3. Rotate media vehicles in the same categories for a off” event for this campaign and to reach our
more effective reach. not planned that Kashi have food stands on these
objectives for our primary and secondary targets.
Liquid Advertising will focus more heavily during occasions. Radio advertisements featuring the voice
Mardi Gras attracts a high amount of consumers
the months of February, April, June, July, November and of Kashi’s sponsored runner as a spokesperson
within the 25-34 age group. We suggest that Kashi
December. Our campaign concentrates on public relations will be airing the Monday through Thursday before
participates in this event at these loctaions: New
as a form of advertising, with the support of non-tradional each event.These commercials will air once during
Orleans, Louisiana, Galveston, Texas and Tampa,
media to generate interest and the use of the morning drive and twice during the evening
Florida which are the top ranked Mardi Gras events
12 traditional medias as the backbone of the
campaign. in the United States.
drive on and Adult Contemporary station in each
The Grabaawr Marathon in Wisconsin These locations are the most populated Gay should be placed on opposite ends of the parks,
(June 20th-27th), Death Ride Marathon in California Pride festivals/parades in the country, which occur in order to expose people entering from either
(July 11th), and the Ragbrai Marathon in Iowa (July the last weekend in June. They attract a large side of the park.
18th-25th) are the bicycling events we chose to percentage of our suggested secondary target
promote during this campaign. These are the top audience, especially because the events in each Endorsements
bicycling events in the U.S., and we will offer the city occur during the same weekend. Therefore,
same amenities (towels and water bottles) as the we will be able to reach a large number of this Celebrity Endorsements can be a very
running marathons, but we will exclude the radio demographic in a short span of time. useful part of a media plan. They serve as opinion
advertisements due to the course length of these Tactics: Kashi will have a float in each leaders to target audiences, and may enhance
events. A Kashi cycler will also be sponsored for parade, along with sponsoring the St. Louis festival. the message of a campaign if selected properly.
each race. The surplus beads (estimated at 50,000 sets per Liquid Advertising believes that Anderson Cooper
parade) from Mardi Gras will be thrown out is the best candidate for an endorsement in our
Chart 2: Events Breakdown
durring the parade. campaign. Anderson Cooper appeals to all three of
Liquid Advertising’s target audiences for different
Outdoor Advertising reasons. His position on CNN has made him an
influential spokesperson in the eyes of the public.
At Liquid Advertising, we realize that As a major news personality, Anderson Cooper
the current consumers of Kashi pizzas and also appeals to the older generation because he is
all three of our target audiences are drawn to the relatable. His position at CNN also draws in an
natural beauty of National Parks; which is why we older demographic of viewers. Cooper appeals to
feel it is important to place outdoor advertising the gay audience because he is a successful and
in these regions. The national parks we have powerful member of the gay community. In fact,
decided to include in our campaign are; North Out magazine ranked him second in their list of
Carolina’s Blue Ridge National Park, California’s the fifty “Most Powerful Gay Men and Women in
Golden Gate National Park, Tennessee’s Great America.” Middle-aged women look to Cooper not
Macy’s Day Parade Smokey Mountains National Park, New York’s only for his charming good looks, but also because
Macy’s Thanksgiving Day Parade appeals to Gateway National Park, and Nevada’s Boulder he is one of the most trusted names in the news.
all of our target audiences, especially our tertiary City National Park. These are the most visited With his active lifestyle throughout his career in the
audience considering the tradition involved with parks inside the U.S. The advertisements will media at the age of 41 he has become one of the
this event. 40 million people watch this parade begin in May and run throughout September most popular and well-respected men in the media.
from their homes each year, not to mention the due to the summer months bringing the highest He will be featured in Kashi pizza commercial,
close to 2 million people in attendance. In the number of visitors to each of these parks. as well as print advertisements in The Advocate.
parade, we will have a balloon made featuring the Tactics: The suggested layout for the Additionally, we will air his commercial during his
seven whole grains and sesame found in Kashi advertisements will be a two-part billboard show on CNN.
Products. scheme in which the billboards are positioned
consecutively back to back. The first billboard
Gay Pride Parades will incorporate a design that includes Kashi’s
We have chosen five cities that include: seven whole grains and the following billboard
St. Louis, New York City, Chicago, Atlanta and
San Francisco to reach our secondary audience.
will display a visual of Kashi’s All-Natural Pizza.
Liquid Advertising suggests that these billboards 13
Magazines shape for the summer and because the consumer is • Everyday with Rachel Ray has CPM of
$97.70, which is quite expensive. However, the
likely to hold on to this issue throughout the year.
Our campaign will include a heavy amount of Choosing the month of December was also readership of this medium has been growing
magazine advertisements due to the high selectivity a strategic move because women will be looking exponentially and its positioning as a green magazine
of target audiences. Not only do these magazines for new workout plans to reach their new years adds to Liquid Advertising’s interest in advertising
have a high level of readership for their respected resolution goals for the upcoming year, and this iswith this medium, seeing that Kashi is also viewed
demographic, but they are also listed as favorites also a way for our campaign to extend through the as a “green” company. 65% of its readership are
among consumers. By hand picking the specific new year due to pass-along readership. ages 25-54, and the average HHI of its audience
titles that pertain to our three audiences, we plan is $75,000+, indicating that this audience has a
to reach the majority of our target through this • Better Homes and Gardens is a magazine higher disposable income than most. July and
medium. The specific magazines we will use to reach that is quite expensive for advertisers. Aside November are the months that we chose for this
our primary audience are Cosmopolitan, Fitness, from the high cost, however, it has a very high specific magazine.The July and November issues of
Better Homes and Gardens, and Everyday with reach capability. Also, the CPM is low at a price Everyday with Rachel Ray are important because
Rachel Ray. Magazines for our secondary audience of $11.49. This magazine targets both our primary they feature recipes for two national holidays
are The Advocate, Out, and Curve. Our tertiary and secondary audiences. Since this magazine has (Independence Day and Thanksgiving) that appeal
audience can be reached through AARP and can such a high cost for a one-page advertisement, to our target and secondary audiences.
also be included Better Homes and Gardens and we will only execute an ad for Kashi in June. The • The Advocate is a magazine that will
Everyday with Rachel Ray. To ensure an effective reasoning behind choosing this month is that it is target gay men, which is part of our secondary
reach we will rotate our magazine advertisements. the beginning of summer, at a time when many of audience. The CPM for this magazine is $15.65. Our
its readers are looking for new ways to decorate advertisement will depict same-sex relationships,
• Cosmopolitan enables us to reach 25% of while the characters will be using Kashi pizza.
their gardens.
our primary audience; furthermore, 40% of these The issues that we selected to advertise in are
readers are single women. It has a low CPM of October; which will be the back cover because this
$11.87. For these reasons, we chose to run our Chart 3: Magazine Breakdown is national GLBT month, April and November.
advertisements in this magazine in all 11 months in • Out is another magazine that will target our
our campaign. secondary audience. The CPM for this magazine is
• Fitness magazine targets health conscious $17.94. In October we will advertise on the back
females. It has a CPM of $21.46, and the overall cover (for the same reason as above) and we will
monthly advertisement rate is relatively inexpensive also run regular full-page advertisements in March
($138,200). Over one third of the readers of and September. Anderson Cooper, our celebrity
Fitness are single women and their average HHI is endorsement, will appear in these advertisements
$64,987.This is an efficient way to reach the active, due to his previous work with this magazine.
health-conscience women we are targeting in our • Liquid Advertising believes that its
campaign. We chose to advertise in this magazine important to advertise in these gay-oriented
during two months of our campaign (May and magazines during the spring and fall due to
December). We selected the month of May changing fashion trends at these times.
to purchase an advertisement on the • Curve is a magazine that targets the
back cover of this magazine because lesbian community, which is also a part of our
women will be looking for ideas on how to get in secondary audience. We chose to advertise
February through December because of the and tertiary audiences; however our secondary
overall price of an ad in this media. The CPM is audience will be reached through these vehicles
$70.82, which is fairly expensive, but worth the indirectly.
cost overall. People in the GLBT community are
loyal to their magazines and products advertised • Early Morning Television
in them. Theoretically, they are more likely to For this day part, we chose to use Good Morning
buy Kashi’s product when advertised in one of America and The Today Show as our vehicles. The
the three magazines mentioned than in any other plan will have the commercials running everyday,
group is when targeted in a general consumer Monday through Thursday, by alternating between
magazine. each of the two programs. These advertisements
• AARP magazine directly targets our will run during the months of February, June,
tertiary audience. It is a trusted retiree magazine September, and December.
that many 65+ people are loyal readers to. This • Daytime
publication has a high readership of 34,755,000 and The View, Rachel Ray, Ellen, Oprah, and General -Anderson Cooper
a low CPM of $14.90. February and December are Hospital are the specific media vehicles that
the two months we chose to advertise Kashi Pizza we chose to advertise with during the day time • Primetime
in. During these months, it is colder outside so programming hours. Each of these shows will CSI: Miami, American Idol, Grey’s Anatomy, and
many of this older demographic do not get out as have one advertisement running once a week Dancing With The Stars, are the specific media
much. Therefore, it is important for them to stock during the months of February, June, August, and vehicles that we chose to advertise with during
up on supplies at the store. Liquid Advertising’s December. So in other words, each of the five the primetime hours. These vehicles will feature
philosophy is that the ads in this magazines will vehicles represent one day of the work-week commercials during the sweeps periods; including
generate curiosity of Kashi’s product among this (Monday through Friday), therefore this plan will March, April, July, and October. Throughout the
group at this time, and will influence their have one commercial running everyday for this year, the total number of times our commercials
purchasing decisions. day part during the given months. will be run during primetime is 16; breaking down
into four each month (one per week).
Television Chart 4: Media Breakdown
• Syndicated/Late Fringe
Our campaign will produce three, For the final day part, the plan will use the
30-second television advertisements that will be syndicated Will and Grace, Sex and the City,
placed accordingly to reach our desired target Golden Girls, Desperate Housewives, Nip/Tuck.
based on scheduling decisions, and aired nationally. Friends, and Anderson Cooper 360. The months
One of our advertisements will feature Anderson we chose to run commercials in these vehicles are
Cooper to appeal primarily to our secondary March, April, October, and November. Each vehicle
audience, another will feature a woman between will run our commercial once a month except for
the ages of 25-34, and the last one will feature Will and Grace, which will only be during three
a couple around the age of 65 or older. By using months.
this combination of demographic appeals and
the following media vehicle plan, our television
commercials will reach the majority of our primary 15
Contingency Plan Flow Chart
Liquid Advertising has come up with a
media plan budget of $16,000,000. Throughout
our campaign we spent a total of $15,789,108.63.
The money spent thus far has allowed us to target
our audiences through many media vehicles.
However, if we are forced to cut back on campaign
funds, we have many options that could save
Kashi money. Such options include; cutting back
on the frequency of television advertisements,
the number of billboards in each park, and the
amount of beads purchased for the Mardi Gras
event. If we are allotted more money then the
specific television channels we would choose to
advertise on are: Bravo, LOGO, HGTV, Oxygen,
FX and SoapNet.
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bike tour in Wisconsin makes changes due to Kijiji Halifax Classifieds: Free Classified Ads for www.ragbrai.org/info-index.html>.
flooding.” Biking Bis - Bicycle Touring and More Halifax, Nova Scotia. 13 Apr. 2009 <http://www.
:: Main Page. 13 Apr. 2009 <http://www.bikingbis. Halifax.kijiji.ca>. “Kashi Company.” Kashi Company. 2009. 16 Feb.
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Cosmopolitan.com. 13 Apr. 2009 <http://www. Out Magazine | Fashion, Style, Celebrity, Opinion
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CRS Enterprises...Parade floats, parade float
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and Promotional Gifts. 13 Apr. 2009 <http://www.
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