Gastric Cancer
Gastric Cancer
Gastric Cancer
Professor Dr.
Bedii Berat APAYDIN
Epidemiology of Gastric Cancer
Gastric ca. is the 13th most common & the 10th
most deadly cancer in US
Japan, Chile, China, Iceland & Finland have a high
rate of incidence & death from this malignancy
Its true incidence has declined by more than
40 % in the last 30 years in the US
Its world wide frequency has albeit diminished
less dramatically
Decline in mortality rate in Japan in the past
years has been the result of mass screening
Location of the cancers has shifted from the distal
to the proximal portion of the stomac
Is 2 times more common in men than in women
Its incidence & mortality increase with age (>50)
Risk Factors for Gastric Cancer
Social habits
Predisposing conditions
Risk Factors for Gastric Cancer
The fact that the incidence in Japan, Chili
Iceland & Finland is 5-6 times as great as
those in other parts of the world, support
racial differences
Certain families have demonstrated
multiple occurences of Gastric cancer:
Napoleon Bonaparte
4 % of patients with gastric cancer have a
family history of gastric cancer
Patients with gastric cancer have
frequently blood group A
Risk Factors for Gastric Cancer
Foods high in sodium such as pickled
vegetables, salted fishes & meat
Smoked foods
High fat
Items containing nitrite & nitrate
Elevated zinc level in the water
Cigarette smoking
is associated with an increased
risk for Gastric Cancer
Risk Factors for Gastric Cancer
Social & Occupational Factors
Lower socioeconomic class
Coal mining
Timber processing
Rubber production
Ceramic workers
Textile workers
Asbesto exposure
have been associated with gastric ca.
Risk Factors for Gastric Cancer
Predisposing Conditions
Chronic atrophic gastritis & intestinal
Helicobacter pylori infection
Gastric polyps
Previous gastrectomy
Pernicious anemia
Hypertrophic gastropathy (Menetrier
have been associated with Gastric ca
Microscopic Pathology
With only the rare exceptions of
carcinoids & squamous carcinomas,
gastric cancers are all adenocancer
The WHO’s histologic classification
recognizes 4 patterns of adenocancer:
- papillar - mucinous
- tubular - signet ring cell
The most widely used histopathologic
classification is described by Lauren
Lauren’s Classification of Gastric ca.
Intestinal type: Diffuse type:
Cells of this type forme Is composed of
glands resembling colonic
glands dispersed cells which
are not organized in
Manifested by polipoid glandular pattern
mass or ulceration It infiltrates stomach
Occurs usually in wall without forming
geographic areas where mass & produces linitis
gastric ca incidence is plastica
high: worldwide It is endemic
distrubition is epidemic
Associated with atrophic It is less associated
gastritis,intestinal with dietary factors
metaplasia & with diet It is found in young & in
induced dysplastic women
changes Has a greater tendency
Occurs more often in men for peritoneal spreading
& in patients over age 60
Metastasizes to the liver
Early Gastric Cancer
Gastric ca. confined to mucosa or submucosa
regardless of lymph node involvement
EGC ranges from 8-25 % in USA &
35-50 % all of gastric ca in Japan
70 % of EGC are well differentiated & 30 %
are poorly differentiated & lymph node
invasion is less than 5 %
5 year survival is 99 % when cancer is
confined to the mucosa, 90 % when cancer
is confined to the submucosa & survival
drops to 70 % when lymph node
involvement is present
EGC is divided to several types & subtypes
Advanced Gastric Cancer
Gross morphology of advanced gastric ca.
(tumor extending beyond the submucosa)
is classified by BORMANN