Notice of Demand For Bonds
Notice of Demand For Bonds
Notice of Demand For Bonds
It was Affiant's intention to say; "For and on the record, this court is NOTICED of my demand for a statement of accounting for the BID bond, the PAYMENT bond, and the PERFORMANCE bond." I have heard that sometimes a judge will get up and walk out of the Court room when you ask for a statement of accounting. The reason is that pursuant to the Uniform Commercial Code, you are entitled to a statement of accounting for the bonds, and all of these bonds have been issued, at this stage. If the judge gives you a statement of accounting he will be giving you evidence that he is in violation of his Oath of Office, so he cannot do it without exposing himself big time. If he leaves the court room, you are free to go, he has left the field of battle and you have won, and you should immediately leave.