How To Install Ansys
How To Install Ansys
How To Install Ansys
Place license file in C:Program FilesANSYS IncShared FilesLicensing (create folder if nonexistent) 5. Run setup.exe using "run as administrator" option 6. Choose "install License Manager" and follow prompts 7. at type of license server choose "Run the ANSYS Licensing Interconnect with FLEXlm (default) 8. When it asks for license file navigate to C:Program FilesANSYS IncShared FilesLicensing and choose license.txt 9. Install ANSYS, Inc. Products 10. At "ENter the Pro/ENGINEER information" check both skip boxes and again forthe Unigraphics products page 11. It will now install 12. Navigate to C:Program FilesANSYS Incv130icemcfdwin64_amdlic and run lmtools.exe as administrator 13. Under "Configure Services" tab rename FLEXlm Service 1 to ANSYS,path to lmgrd.exe file to C:Program FilesANSYS IncShared FilesLicensingwinx64lmgrd.exepath to the license file to C:Program FilesANSYS IncShared FilesLicensinglicense.txtpath to debug file to C:Program FilesANSYS IncShared FilesLicensingwinx64lmgrd.logcheck "Use Services" and "Start server at Power Up"Click "Save Service" 14. Under "start/Stop/Reread" tab click "Start Server." at the bottom it shouldsay "Server Start Successful" 16. Start ANSYS, allow firewall access 17. Good to go. If toolbox items do not show up Run StartAll ProgramsANSYS License Manager"Server ANSLIC_ADMIN Utility" as administrator and stop and then start the ANSYS License Manager Succesfully installed on 3 machines including one that did have a previous ANSYSinstallWin7 Pro x64fairlanecobra (Reputation: 29)
*Running as administrator is VERY important, do not assume it happens automatically for this instal 1. Mount DVD 2. Move MAGNiTUDE folder to desktop 3. Generate licence by running AP13_Calc.exe 4. Place license file in "C/Program Files/ANSYS Inc/Shared Files/Licensing/" (create folder if nonexistent) 5. Run "DVD Drive/setup.exe" using "run as administrator" option 6. Choose "install License Manager" and follow prompts 7. at type of license server choose "Run the ANSYS Licensing Interconnect with FLEXlm (default)" 8. When it asks for license file navigate to "C/Program Files/ANSYS Inc/Shared Files/Licensing/license.txt"