Data Structure File
Data Structure File
Data Structure File
1 If UB=max then write araay is overflow and stop 2 Read data 3 K<UB 4 Repeat step (5) while k>=LB 5 A(K+1)<-A(K) K<-K-1 6 A(LB)<-DATA 7 STOP
INSERTION AT THE GIVEN ELEMENT 1 2 3 4 5 6 IF UB=max then array is overflow and stop Read data Read LOCon location at where insertion will be made K<-UB Repeat step (6) while K>=LOC A[K+1<-A[K] K<-K-1 7 A(LOC)<-DATA 8 STOP
1 If N=0 then array is underflow and stop 2 x<-LB 3 Repeat step 4 while x<UB 4 A(x)<-A(x+1) X=x+1 5 A(UB)<-NULL UB<-UB-1 6 STOP
1 IF N=0 then the array is underflow and stop 2 A[UB]->NULL UB->UB-1 3 STOP
void create() { struct node*ptr,*cpt; char ch; ptr=(struct node*)malloc(sizeof(struct node)); printf("\n input the info of first node"); scanf("%d",&ptr->info); first=ptr; do { cpt=(struct node*)malloc(sizeof(struct node)); printf("\n input the info of next node"); scanf("%d",&cpt->info); ptr->link=cpt; ptr=cpt;
void traverse() { struct node*ptr,*cpt; ptr=first; printf("traversing of nodes"); while(ptr!=NULL) { printf("%d\n",ptr->info); ptr=ptr->link; } }
Void sorting() { Int temp; Struct node *ptr,*cpt; Ptr =first; While(ptr->!=NULL) { Cpt=ptr->link; While(cpt!=NULL) { If(ptr->info>cpt->info) { Temp=ptr->info; Ptr->info=cpt->info;
Reverse_list() { Struct node *ptr,*cpt,*tpt; Ptr=first Tpt=NULL; While(ptr!=NULL) { Cpt=ptr->link; Ptr->link=tpt; Tpt=ptr; Ptr=cpt; } }
void create() { struct node*ptr,*cpt; char ch; ptr=(struct node*)malloc(sizeof(struct node)); printf("\n enter the first term of expression"); scanf("%d%d",&ptr->coeff,&ptr->expo); first=ptr; do { cpt=(struct node*)malloc(sizeof(struct node)); printf("\n enter the next term of expression"); scanf("%d%d",&cpt->coeff,&cpt->expo); ptr->link=cpt; ptr=cpt;
printf("press<y/n>for more nodes"); ch=getch(); }while(ch=='y'); ptr->link=NULL; } void traverse() { struct node*ptr; printf("\n traversal of terms of expreesion"); printf("\n"); ptr=first; while(ptr!=NULL) { printf("coefficient:%d \n",ptr->coeff); printf("exponent:%d\n",ptr->expo); ptr=ptr->link; } }
void insert_beg() { struct node*ptr,*cpt; printf("\n input the info of new node"); scanf("%d",&ptr->info); cpt=first; while(cpt->link!=first) { cpt=cpt->link; } ptr->link=first; first=ptr; cpt->link=first; printf("\n after insertion ");
display() } void delete_end() { struct node*ptr,*cpt; cpt=first; while(cpt->link!=first) { ptr=cpt; cpt=cpt->link; } ptr->link=first; free(cpt); printf("\n after deletion"); display(); }
Void insert_at_begining() { Struct node*ptr; Ptr=(struct node*)malloc(sizeof(struct node)) If(ptr==NULL) { Printf(overflow); Return; } Else { Printf(\n enter the new node info); Scanf(%d \n,& ptr->info); { Ptr->lpt=NULL;
Void delete_end() { Struct node *ptr,*cpt; Ptr=first; While(ptr->rpt!=NULL) { Cpt=ptr; Ptr =ptr->rpt; } Cpt->rpt=NULL; Free(ptr); }
Void insert() { Struct node *ptr,*tpt; Ptr=(structnode*)malloc(sizeof(structnode)); Printf(enter first mode); Scanf(%d,7ptr->info); Tpt=first->lpt; Ptr->rpt=first; First->lpt=ptr; Ptr->lpt=tpt; Tpt->rpt=ptr; First=ptr; }
Void delete() { Struct node *ptr;*cpt;*tpt; Ptr=((struct node*)malloc(sizeof(struct node)); Tpt=first Ptr=first->rpt; Cpt=first->lpt; Ptr->lpt=cpt; Cpt->rpt=ptr; First=ptr; Tpt->lpt=NULL Tpt->rpt=NULL Free(tpt)
PUSH OPERATION 1 initialize set top=-1 2 repeat step(3) until top<maxsize-1 Read item 3 set top=top+1 Set stack[top]=item 4 print stack overflow
POP OPERATION 1 repeat step 2to4 until top>=0 2 set item=stack[top] 3 set top=top-1 4 print,no deleted is,item 5 print stack underflow occurs
PUSH OPERATION 1 if rear =max-1 then write queue is overflow and stop 2 read data 3 if front=-1 then Front=front+1 Rear=rear+1 Q(rear)=data Else Rear=rear+1 Q(rear)=data 4 stop
POP OPERATION 1 If front =-1 then write queue as underflow and stop. 2 if front=rear then Q(front)<-NULL
void create() { struct node*ptr,*cpt; char ch; ptr=(struct node*)malloc(sizeof(struct node)); printf("\n enter the info of first node"); scanf("%d",&ptr->info); ptr->link=NULL; do { cpt=(struct node*)malloc(sizeof(struct node)); printf("input the info of next node\n"); scanf("%d",&cpt->info); cpt->link=ptr; ptr=cpt; printf("\n press<y/n> for more nodes");
printf("\n after creation the stack"); traverse(); } void traverse() { struct node*ptr; printf("\n traversing of stack:"); ptr=top; while(ptr!=NULL) { printf("%d\n",ptr->info); ptr=ptr->link; } }
void push() { struct node*ptr; ptr=(struct node*)malloc(sizeof(struct node)); if(ptr==NULL) { printf("\n overflow"); return; } else { printf("\n input the info of next node"); scanf("%d",&ptr->info); ptr->link=top; top=ptr; } printf("\n after push"); traverse();
} void pop() { struct node*ptr; if(top==NULL) { printf("\n underflow"); return; } else { ptr=top; top=ptr->link; free(ptr); } printf("\n after pop"); traverse(); }
void main() { int choice; char option; node front,rear; front=rear=NULL; do { clrscr(); printf("1.push\n"); printf("2. pop\n"); printf("3. traverse\n"); printf("\n enter your choice:"); scanf("%d",&choice); switch(choice) {
case 1: rear=push(rear); if(front==NULL) { front=rear; } Break; case 2: front=pop(front,rear); rear=NULL; break; case 3: traverse(front,rear); break; } printf("\n press<Y/y> to continue="); fflush(stdin); scanf("%c",&option);
} while(option=='Y'||option=='y'); } node push(node rear) { node newnode; newnode=(node)malloc(sizeof(struct queue)); printf("\n enter the be pushed"); scanf("%d",&newnode->info); newnode->next=NULL; if(rear!=NULL) rear->next=newnode; rear=newnode; return(rear); } node pop(node f,node r) { if(f==NULL)
printf("queue is empty"); else { printf("\n the popped element is =%d",f->info); if(f!=r) f=f->next; else f=NULL; } return(f); } void traverse(node fr, node re) { if(fr==NULL) printf("\n the queue is empty"); else { printf(" the element are");
1 if (front==0 && rear =max-1//(front=rear+1) then write (overflow in queue and stop) 2 read data to insert 3 if(front== -1) front=0 rear=0 4 if(rear=max-1) then rear =0 else rear =rear+1 5 queue[rear]=data 6 stop
1 if front= -1 Then writequeue underflow and stop 2 if front =rear then Queue(front)=NULL Front= -1 Rear= -1 3 if front=max-1 Queue (front)=NULL Front =0 Else Q[front]=NULL Front=front+1 4 stop
Void insert_first() { Int m; If(front==0) { Printf(overflow); Return;} Printf(input element to insert); Scanf(%d,&m); Front --; Dequeue[front]=m; }
int array[MAX]; void merge(int low,int mid,int high) { int temp[MAX]; int i=low; int j=mid+1; int k=low; while((i<=mid)&&(j<=high)) { if(array[i]<=array[j]) temp[k++]=array[i++]; else
temp[k++]=array[j++]; } while(i<=mid) temp[k++]=array[i++]; while(j<=high) temp[k++]=array[j++]; for(i=low;i<=high;i++) array[i]=temp[i]; } void merge_sort(int low,int high) { int mid; if(low!=high) { mid=(low+high)/2; merge_sort(low,mid); merge_sort(mid+1,high); merge(low,mid,high);
} } void main() { clrscr(); int i,n; printf("\n enter the no. of elements"); scanf("%d",&n); for(i=0;i<n;i++) { printf("\n enter the elements of array %d\n",i); scanf("%d",&array[i]); } printf("\nunsorted list"); for(i=0;i<n;i++) printf("%d",array[i]); merge_sort(0,n-1); printf("\nsorted list is:\n");
#include<stdio.h> #include<conio.h> void main() { clrscr(); int i,j,size,AR[50],temp; printf("\n enter the desired size of array"); scanf("%d",&size); printf("\n enter the elements of array"); for(i=0;i<size;i++) { scanf("%d",&AR[i]); } for(i=0;i<(size-1);i++) { for(j=0;j<(size-1-i);j++)
{ if(AR[j]>AR[j+1]) { temp=AR[j]; AR[j]=AR[j+1]; AR[j+1]=temp; } } } printf("\n the sorted array is as shown below"); for(i=0;i<size;i++) printf("%d\n",AR[i]); getch(); }
int i,j,size,AR[50],temp; printf("\n enter the desired size of array"); scanf("%d",&size); printf("\n enter the elements of array"); for(i=0;i<size;i++) { scanf("%d",&AR[i]); } for(i=0;i<(size-1);i++) { for(j=i+1;j<size;j++)
{ if(AR[i]>AR[j]) { temp=AR[i]; AR[i]=AR[j]; AR[j]=temp; } } } printf("\n the sorted array is as shown below"); for(i=0;i<size;i++) printf("%d\n",AR[i]); getch(); }
#include<stdio.h> #include<conio.h> void main() { clrscr(); int i,j,size,AR[50],temp,k,item; printf("\n enter the desired size of array"); scanf("%d",&size); printf("\n enter the elements of array"); for(i=0;i<size;i++) { scanf("%d",&AR[i]); } for(k=1;k<size;k++) { item=AR[k];
for(i=k-1;item<AR[i]&&i>=0;i--) AR[i+1]=AR[i]; AR[i+1]=item; } printf("\n the sorted array is as shown below"); for(i=0;i<size;i++) printf("%d\n",AR[i]); getch(); }
#include<stdio.h> #include<conio.h> void main() { int i,N,AR[50],item,mid,low,up; clrscr(); printf("\n enter the desired size of array"); scanf("%d",&N); printf("\n enter the elements of array"); for(i=0;i<N;i++) { scanf("%d",&AR[i]); } printf("\n enter the element to be searched "); scanf("%d",&item); low=0,up=N-1;
while(low<=up &&AR[mid]!=item ) { mid=(low+up)/2; if(item>AR[mid]) { low=(mid+1); } else if(item<AR[mid]) { up=(mid-1); } } if(item==AR[mid]) { printf("\n item found at position %d",mid); } else
#include<stdio.h> #include<conio.h> void main() { int i,AR[10],found=0,max,num; clrscr(); printf("\n enter the desired size of array"); scanf("%d",&max); printf("\n enter the elements of array"); for(i=0;i<max;i++) { scanf("%d",&AR[i]); } printf("\n enter the element to be searched "); scanf("%d",&num);
for(i=0;i<max;i++) if(AR[i]==num) { found=1; break; } if(found==1) printf("\n element exist at %d position", i); else printf("\n the element doest not exist in the array"); getch(); }
#include<stdio.h> #include<conio.h> Void main() { Int a[20],n,i,low,high,temp,key; Clrscr(); Printf(\nenter the no. of element); Scanf(%d,&n); Printf(\nenter the array elements); For(i=0;i<=n-1;i++) { Scanf(%d,&a*i+); } Low=0; High=n-1; Key=a[low+high]/2;
{ Temp=key;
Void count node(struct rec *tree) { If(tree!=NULL) { IF(tree->left!=NULL} { Node++ Count node(tree->left) } If(tree->right!=NULL) { Node++ Count node(tree->right); } } }
Void count leaves(struct rec *tree) { If(tree!=null) { If(tree->left==NULL)&&(tree->right==NULL)) Total++ Count leaves (tree->left); Count leaves(tree->right); } }
Void depth(struct rec*tree) { If(tree->left!=NULL) { Total 1 ++; { Depth(tree->left); } If(tree->right!=NULL) { Total2++; Depth(tree->right); } } }
Void*exchange(struct rec*tree) { If((tree->left->num!=0)&&(tree=>right->num!=0)) { Temp=tree->left; Tree->left=tree->right; Tree->right=temp; printf(%d \n,tree->left->num); printf(%5d \n,tree->right->num); exchange(tree->left); exchange(tree->right); } }
#include<stdio.h> #include<alloc.h> #include<process.h> #include<stdlib.h> Struct node { Int num; Struct node *left; Struct node *right; }; Typdef struct node node; Node *root=NULL; Node *insert=(struct node *node,int num); Void preoder(node *P); Void inorder(node *P); Void postorder(node *P);
Int count=1; Void main() { Int choice; Int digit; Do { Printf(enter the choice); Scanf(%d,choice); Switch(choice); { Case1: Printf(enter integer:to quit enter 0); Scanf(%d,digit); While(digit!=NULL); { Root=insert(root,digit); Scanf(%d,digit);
Continue; } Case2: Printf(preorder); Preorder(root); Continue; Case3: Printf(inorder); Inorder(root); Continue; Case4: Printf(postorder); Postorder(root); Continue; Case5: Puts(END); Exit(0); }
} While(choice!=5); } Node *insert(node *P,int digit) { If(P==NULL) { P=(node *)malloc(sizeof( node)); P->left=P->right=NULL; p->num=digit; count++; } Else If(count%2==0) p->left=insert(p->left,digit); else p->right=insert(p->right,digit); return(P);
} Void preorder(node *P) { If(P!=NULL) { Printf(%d,P->num); Preorder(,P->left); Preorder(P->right); } } Void inorder(node *P) { If(P!=NULL) { Inorder(P->left); Printf(%d,P->num); Inorder(P->right); }