Uji Wel
Uji Wel
Uji Wel
NPar Tests
Notes Output Created Comments Input Data Active Dataset Filter Weight Split File N of Rows in Working Data File Missing Value Handling Definition of Missing Cases Used User-defined missing values are treated as missing. Statistics for each test are based on all cases with valid data for the variable(s) used in that test. Syntax NPAR TEST /WILCOXON=sebelum WITH setelah (PAIRED) /STATISTICS DESCRIPTIVES /MISSING ANALYSIS. Resources Processor Timea Elapsed Time Number of Cases Allowed a. Based on availability of workspace memory. 00:00:00.032 00:00:00.015 112347 F:\VALIDITAS T-TEST 2.sav DataSet1 <none> <none> <none> 10 18-Sep-2013 18:34:25
Descriptive Statistics N sebelum setelah 10 10 Mean 3.10 1.40 Std. Deviation .738 .699 Minimum 2 0 Maximum 4 2
N setelah - sebelum Negative Ranks Positive Ranks Ties Total a. setelah < sebelum b. setelah > sebelum c. setelah = sebelum 10
0b 0
Test Statisticsb setelah sebelum Z Asymp. Sig. (2-tailed) a. Based on positive ranks. b. Wilcoxon Signed Ranks Test -2.919a .004