I. II. What is it? Why bother? A. It is not a warm-up (that is separate) B. Trumpet player as athlete How to build a technical routine A. Identify your strengths B. Identify your weaknesses C. Identify what you need from the above and your playing needs and build it D. Important areas to cover (in general) 1. Tone 2. Range 3. Flexibility 4. Articulation (many types) 5. Dynamics 6. Endurance 7. Sight-reading * 8. Transposition * 9. Musicality * 10. Common musical patterns E. Resource Books (for starters) 1. Complete Conservatory Method by Jean-Baptiste Arban (Carl Fischer) 2. Twenty-Seven Groups of Exercises by Earl D. Irons (Southern Music Co.) 3. Technical Studies for the Cornet by Herbert L. Clarke (Carl Fischer) 4. Advanced Lip Flexibitlies (Complete) by Dr. Charles Colin (Chars. Colin) 5. Daily Drills and Technical Studies for Trumpet by Max Schlossberg (M. Baron Co.) 6. Grand Method for Trumpet or Cornet by Saint-Jacome (Carl Fisher) 7. The Complete Book of Vocalises Vol. 1 by G. M. Bordogni ed. by Sluchin (Tezak) * 8. Trente-Six Etudes Transcendantes by Theo Charlier (Alphonse Leduc) * 9. 100 Etudes by E. Sachse (International) * 10. Top Tones for the Trumpeter by W. M. Smith (Carl Fischer) * 11. 17 Studies for Trumpet by V. Berdiev (Robert King) * 12. Vingt Etudes by Marcel Bitsch (Alphonse Leduc) * 13. 34 Studies by Trumpet by V. Brandt (International) * 14. Last Studies for Trumpet by V. Brandt ed. by Foveau (International) * Be Flexible A. Be able to vary the amount of time/material B. Dont do the same exercises every day Re-evaluate from time to time A. Listen to yourself B. Listen to what others have to say about your playing Conclusion