This Week at FBC: October 10, 2013
This Week at FBC: October 10, 2013
This Week at FBC: October 10, 2013
Church Leadership
Our ministers and lay leaders are available to answer any questions you may have to help you connect with the ministries of First Baptist Church. Rev. Matt Sturtevant Senior Pastor, x. 202 Rev. Dr. Meredith Holladay Associate Pastor of Spiritual Formation, x. 204 Jenny Purvis Office Manager, x.203 Nathan Benfield Volunteer Building Manager, x.201 Jim Davidson Chancel Choir Director Holly Grassy Bookkeeper John Pauls Moderator Evelyn Falen Organist Buddy Langford Custodian Church Office: 785/843.0020
Sunday, November 10
Immediately following 11 a.m. worship
Our call to mercy and justice Health Care and the Faith
The World Mission Offering will be collected throughout the month of October. Your gift to the WMO makes you a crucial part of this global mission movement. Your gift will support the entire work of International Ministries missionaries, staff, projects and partners in 70 countries! When You Plant the Seed The World is Blessed!
Childrens SabbathOctober 20
Sponsored by the Children's Defense Fund, the National Observance of Children's Sabbaths Celebration is a way for faith communities to celebrate children as sacred gifts of the Divine, and provides the opportunity for houses of worship to renew and live out their moral responsibility to care, protect and advocate for all children. This celebration is a part of a broader children's movement that aims to unite communities and religious congregations of all faiths across the nation in shared concern for children and a common commitment to improving their lives and working for justice on their behalf. In that respect, each action is bigger, more powerful and more inspiring than the efforts of any one celebration. We will celebrate our first Childrens Sabbath as a community, along with other churches, synagogues, and mosques around the nation, on October 20.
Matthew 25
Our Call to Mercy and Justice
October 13Health Care and the Faith I was sick and you cared for me. Moment for Mission with Heartland Medical Clinic Church-wide Tour of Clinic at 1 pm October 20Childrens Sabbath the least of these Beating Swords into Plowshares Micah 4.1-5 October 27Our Mission with Dezo and Haiti I was a stranger and you welcomed me.
Womens Retreat
Feb. 28-Mar. 2 Heartland Center, Parkville, MO Look for registration/cost info next week!
Remember in Prayer
Vera DeMott, Sr. Diagnostic Center, Stormont Vail, Topeka. We express our sympathy to Judy Stuart, following the loss of sister last week. International Ministries Missionary: Mylinda Baits, serving in the Caribbean region. American Baptist Home Mission Society Missionary: Growing Healthy Churches Inc., ABC/West, Rev. Richard Brock, San Ramon, CA Local congregation: Lawrence Life Fellowship
Childrens Corner
Wednesday Evenings:
On Sunday, October 20 at 12:00 p.m., immediately following Worship, you are invited to our Meet, Greet, and Eat Kickoff! For those of you who signed up for our new meet and eat groups, please come on the 20th to find out what your new groups will look like! If you have not signed up, but would like to be a part of a fellowship group designed to build relationships within the church, come on the 20th to sign up. If you are still unsure what this whole Meet and Eat thing is about, come and find out more. We will share a meal together, and then share the groups.
Mark your calendar for Children Matter - conversations about faith, spirituality, parenting and children. October 23 November 20 5:30-7:30 p.m., childcare provided.
Sunday mornings:
Chupper Schedule: 10/13: Eskilson Family 10/20: Trent Family October 20: Following Chupper, the youth will split up into their normal small groups, and parents are invited to stay and join in a conversation about faith and teenagers. Pastor Meredith will lead the conversation, sharing some information and insights, and then allow time to hear from you. October 27: Quad Nox Pumpkin Carving & Chili Supper
We are slowly working our way back to normal with Sunday School. Thank you for your patience as we continue to figure out what normal is!
Sunday Morning Music has started!!
For 1st-5th graders. Michaela Schenkel and Jesse Dowell will be leading our elementary-age kids in music and movement time immediately following Sunday School, from 10:30-10:50, in room 139.
First Baptist Church 1330 Kasold Drive Lawrence, Kansas 66049 785/843-0020 785/843-0021 (fax)
Staff Whereabouts
Matt and Meredith will be attending the ABCCR (American Baptist Churches of the Central Region) Annual Gathering in Hesston, KS Oct. 18-19.
Looking Ahead:
Oct. 20Meet & Eat Groups Gathering Oct 23Children Matter mtg. Oct. 27Quarterly Business Gathering If you wish to receive/or not receive this weekly newsletter by postal mail, please contact the church office: 843-0020. Please send your e-mail to Jenny if you wish to be included on the weekly E-mail announcements list.
By the NumbersAs of Sept. 29th: Operating: Weekly Capital Campaign: YTD Operating: (Cumulative) Capital Campaign: YTD Operating Budget Deficit: $6,364.50 $563.00 $260,909.51 $146,247.86 -8422.00