Thin Layer and Column Chromatography
Thin Layer and Column Chromatography
Thin Layer and Column Chromatography
TLC is used primarily as an analytical technique. It can be used to identify components of a mixture (by comparing Rf values), monitor the progress of a reaction (by comparing the intensity of spots) and check the purity of a sample (more than one spot indicates an impure sample). Rarely is TLC used to isolate and purify compounds into discrete samples. Column chromatography is rarely used as an analytical technique, as TLC is. Column chromatography is primary used to separate relative large samples into pure components. Column chromatography is a preparative technique. 2. The mobile phase moves through the stationary phase and may carry with it some of the compounds. The ability of a solvent to carry and elute compounds from a column or TLC plate is related to the solvents polarityi. In general the stronger the eluting power the more polar the solvent. The stronger the eluting power, the quicker the compounds will exit the column or plate. A ranking of the eluting power of classesii of organic compounds can be made: Acids>Alcohols > Esters> Ketones > Ethers> halogenated hydrocarbons> hydrocarbons The eluting power of specific organic solvents are as follows. Ethanol > ethyl acetate> acetone >MTBE> methylene chloride >toluene>heptane Heptane is much less polar than MTBE. Hexane has a lower eluting power than MTBE. Sometimes the desired polarity or eluting power of a solvent is difficult to achieve with a pure solvent and a mixture of solvents is used. The mobile phase for the TLC is a 30:1 Toluene ethanol mixture. The 1 part of ethanol in 30 parts of toluene slightly increases the eluting power of the solvent. When separating two or more compounds via chromatography, it is very important to choose the correct solvent as a mobile phase. If too weak of an eluting power solvent is chosen, it will take a very long time and a very large volume of solvent to elute the compounds. If too strong of an eluting power solvent is chosen, all the compounds will elute immediately and no separation will occur. 3. The two most common stationary phases used in TLC and Column are alumina and silica gel. Both of these materials are exceedingly polar. Alumina is aluminum oxide or Al2O3.The surface of alumina is covered by oxygen atoms. Because of the small particle sizeiii, a cubic centimeter of alumina may have a surface area of approximately 100 m2. This means that there is just over half a volley ball court of surface area per milliliter of alumina. Silica is SiO2. Silica has similar properties to Alumina. 4. Separation occurs due to different affinities of the compounds within a mixture to the stationary and the mobile phase. Polar compounds easily dissolve in polar solvents and have a low affinity to nonpolar solvents. Compounds have a high affinity for solvents with a similar polarity to themselves. This can also
be paraphrased as like materials like other materials like themselves or like like like. Partitioning takes place as compounds within mixtures self-separate based on affinities. In most column and TLC the stationary phase has a very high polarity and the mobile phase has a lower polarity. The compounds will partition based on their relative affinity to the mobile phase and the stationary phase. Alumina is a very very polar substance. Toluene:ethanol in a 30:1 ratio has a relatively low polarity. Ferrocene is less polar then acetylferrocene. This means that ferrocene will like, or have a higher affinity to the less polar mobile phase than the more polar stationary phase. In contrast acetylferrocene will have a larger affinity to the stationary phase (more polar) than the mobile phase. If a compound has a high affinity to the stationary phase it will come out slower than a compound which has a lower affinity to the stationary phase. Which compound, ferrocene or acetylferrocene, do you expect to elute the column first? 5. The Rf in TLC is the ratio of the distance the spot traveled to the distance the solvent traveled on a TLC plate. The higher polarity the compound, the larger affinity of the compound to the stationary phase and the smaller the Rf. The lower the polarity the compound, the higher the affinity to the solvent and the larger the R f. If a solvent is changed from a low polarity solvent (like hexane) to a higher polarity (like ethylacetate) the eluting power will increase and all the Rf values will increase To obtain a Rf measure the distance from the solvent start line to the middle of the spot. The distance between the smallest two lines on the ruler should be approximated. Measure the distance from the solvent start to the solvent front (where the solvent stopped moving). If more than one spot is present in a channel, calculate the Rf for each spot within each channel.
D Dist tan ce _ spot _ traveled 2.63cm spot 0.489 Dis tan ce _ solvent _ traveled Dsolvent 5.38cm The units cancel. Rf is a unit less value and will always be between 0 and 1, 0Rf1.0. If Rf equals 0 the spot did not move at all, the compound is very polar and has little to no affinity to the mobile phase. If Rf value equals 1.00 the compound traveled right with the solvent, and the compound is very non-polar with little to no affinity to the stationary phase. Rf
The TLC plates being used today are made up of a thin film of alumina on a plastic sheet. The alumina is approximatelyiv 250 m (0.25 mm) thick. Handle TLC plates only by the edges. If a greasy finger is placed on the matte surface of the plate, the plate is ruined. The solvent or mobile phase being used in todays experiment is a 30:1 by volume mixture of Toluene and ethanol. The mobile phase will move up the TLC by capillary action. This same force is responsible for water creeping up a papertowel whose corner has been dipped in a puddle.
7. Here is the apparatus used for thin-layer and column chromatography. The TLC apparatus is on the left, and the column chromatography apparatus as used in this experiment is on the right.
In the TLC apparatus immediately above, the solvent moves upward by capillary action, serving as the mobile phase. The plate has a layer of alumina gel on its surface, serving as the stationary phase. The filter paper is soaked with solvent and puts solvent vapors in the atmosphere inside the beaker, preventing evaporation of the solvent from the plate during the experiment. The watch glass or piece of aluminum foil keeps these vapors inside the beaker. In the column chromatography apparatus, the top layer of sand prevents the solvent (mobile phase) from disturbing the adsorbent (which is the stationary phase) when its poured in. The bottom layer of sand provides a level surface to keep the adsorbent layer uniform. The wad of tissue paper allows the mobile phase to flow through while preventing the sand from doing the same. 8. Here are the structures of the organic chemicals used in this experiment.
Ferrocene and Acetylferrocene are organometallic compounds. This means that they contain both a metal atom and carbon atoms. These two compounds contain an iron atom bonded between two cyclopentadiene units. 9. Here are some pitfalls of TLC: If you use too much solvent in the bottom of the beaker, or if you carry the beaker around during the experiment allowing the solvent to slosh part way up the plate, the sample you are studying may wash off the plate into the solvent at the bottom. If you leave the watch glass off the top of the beaker, the solvent may evaporate from the plate, giving Rf values that are artificially high. The most common error which occurs while running a column chromatography is if any part of the stationary phase is allowed to run dry. This will lead to the column support cracking and will result in poor separation or incomplete elution of the components. TLC interpretation can be a little confusing at first. With practice it will become second nature. Each unique compound has a distinct Rf value in a given solvent system. This means that the Rf can be used to identify compounds.
Two reactions were run. Each sample was spotted on a TLC plate. Note that the absolute distance the spots moved are different. The solvent fronts moved different distances. Calculate the Rf for each. Do you believe these two samples contain the same compound? Different compounds within a mixture usually have different Rf values and hence will be seen as different spots. The number of spots in a given channel can be used to determine the number of different compounds in that mixture.
A reaction was run three different times. The reaction mixtures were spotted on a single TLC plate and developed. The results are above. How many different compounds are located in reaction mixture number 1? 2? 3? 12. Safety Precautionsv,vi Ferrocene causes irritation to the eyes and skin. Prolonged ingestion or inhalation may cause liver damage. Acetylferrocene is toxic if ingested or absorbed through skin. Do not eat or breathe these materials. Keep away from skin. Wear gloves. Wash hands at end of lab. Dichloromethane (Methylene chloride) is a chlorinated organic material. Most chlorinated organics possess some negative health effects. High level exposure to dichloromethane can cause central nervous system depression; long term exposure may cause tumors. Handle in small quantities, minimize contact with liquid and avoid breathing vapors. Toluene, ethanol, Hexane and methyl t-butyl ether (MTBE) are flammable organic liquids. Have no flames in lab. Avoid breathing vapors.
Experimental Organic chemistry, 2nd Ed, J. C Gilbert & S. F. Martin, Sanders New York 1994, P157 Quantitative Chemical Analysis, D. C. Harris W.H Freeman 1982 p584 iii Sigma Aldrich Chemical Company Product specifications (September 14, 2011) iv Fisher Scientific Catalogue Product Specifications http\\ (September 14, 2011) v Fisher Scientific MSDS sheet Ferrocene and Acetylferrocene (September 14, 2011) vi Fisher Scientific MSDS for Dichloromethane methylene chloride MSDS (September 14, 2011)