Kalyan New Resume

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Kalyan Reddy Kallamadi

Bunglow 107, Railway Officers Quarters South Lallaguda,Secunderabad A. , !"#!A. Email: kkallamadi@gmail.com
Mobile: (91)9848924128.

Over 3+ years of experience in Software testing on Client-Server, Web and Desktop applications. 2+ years of experience using !to"ation #ool - $!ick #est %ro &$#%'. Excellent knowledge of SD(C (Software Development Life Cycle). Experience with various types of testing levels such as )erification, *!nctional, +ntegration, Syste", ,egression and cceptance testing. n +S-. certified #ester. Expertise in /an!al #esting and !to"ation #esting. 2 0ears of e1perience in leading and "anaging a 2.3 based $C tea". !ossess Strong knowledge of 4% /erc!ry5s (oad ,!nner &6.7', Win ,!nner &8.2'. 3nowledge of .!siness Ob9ects O( % ,eporting #ool .O :+ ,3. "ands on experience in #est management #ool such as $!ality Center &6.;). Extensive $nowledge in writing #est Scripts using %& Script in 'uick #est !ro. (ell versed in developing and maintaining test scripts using automation tool '#!. "ands on experience in defect management tools such as / <#+S and .!g=illa. "ands on experience in ) "odel, +teration and gile "odel "et>odology. $nowledge of 2<+:, s>ell Script) #est Director. !roficient in writing S$( ?!eries and e1ec!ting S$( ?!eries to perform .ackend #esting. Creative and analytical pro*lem+solving skills and a*ility to ,uickly learn and adapt to new and challenging scenarios. Experienced in working in a diverse) fast paced environment with a*ility to lead with style and follow with relia*ility. -epeatedly demonstrated a*ility to proficiently communicate (written . oral) technical details to *usiness and non technicalh audience. Technical Skills

Skill Set #esting #ools #est /anage"ent #ools Defect #racking #ools #est Script (ang!ages Operating Syste"s

Software 'uick #est !rofessional /.01/.213.2 ('#!)) (in -unner (3.0)) Load -unner (/.4) 'uality Center (/.2)) #est Director (5.6) 7antis) &ug8illa) Customi8ed Excel Sheets %& Script) "#7L (indows /91/3) (indows :#102221;!1%<S# ) =:<;.

,D./S (ang!ages )ersion Control #ools O( % #ools Project Summary <-+<*OSO*#, 40D-, . D, +<D+ %ro9ectA -nviron"entA D!rationA ,oleA %ro9ect DescriptionA

>racle /i142g) 7S ccess (5.2)) S'Lite) 7S S'L Server 022210229 S'L) ?>-#- :) C1C@@) Aava #ortoise C%S1S%:) !%CS &usiness >*Bects ;< -C Crystal -eports) Cognos 3.4

<O) ;8 @ #ill Date

BO. %O,# ( .<-#,S$( S-,)-, 2;;C,S$(, /icrosoft -1cel, $#% &6.2' <Oove"ber ;8 @ #ill Date #est nalyst

#he Ao* !ortal is a we*+*ased application which allows a Bo* seeker to register) apply and search for a Bo*. 7oreover :ew -ecruiters can also register with the Bo* portal *y providing registration details. #he application suite includes the followingD A>& SEE$E- 7>D=LE -EC-=<#E- -EE<S#E- #<>: 7>D=LE -ES=7E &=<LDEA>& ? <LE-#S S<#E 7 !

,esponsibilitiesA o o o o o o o Conducted discussions and meetings with designers to get a *etter understanding of the application on *oth the technical and *usiness perspective. -eviewed the Design Document with the whole proBect team in order to make sure the re,uirements are feasi*le to implement and testa*le. (as involved in weekly walkthrough and inspection meetings to verify the status of the testing effort and the proBect as a whole. Designed ?unctional #est Cases *ased on =se Cases using 7icrosoft Excel. !erformed different types of #esting including E=< #esting) <ntegration #esting) ?unctional #esting and -egression #esting. Executed S'L ,ueries to test the different scenarios in the application. Detected *ugs and logged and classified them *ased on the severity using 7icrosoft Excel. Eenerated utomated #est Scripts for -egression testing using '#! and executed the #est Scripts. Created '#! scripts with Local and Shared >*Bect repositories and maintained them in >*Bect -epository 7anager. Created Scripts using custom %& script functions *y creating external function li*rary. "andle exceptions using -ecovery Scenario 7anager. <nteracting with the developers on a regular *asis for application updates and enhancements.

o o o o

<-+<*OSO*#, 40D-, . D, +<D+ %ro9ectA -nviron"entA D!rationA ,oleA %ro9ect DescriptionA #o!ris"D4otel /anage"ent Syste" ).,/S- ccess, /icrosoft -1cel,S$( Septe"ber ;8 @ <ove"ber ;8 #est nalyst

S-%# ;8 - <O) ;8

#he #ourism1 "otel 7anagement product is a we*+*ased system providing services for -oom -eservation) &an,uet -eservation) -oom and &an,uet confirmation and Customer *illing. #he pplication consists of following modules F -eservation) -oom #ransaction) ?acilities and -oom Status %iew. ,esponsibilitiesA o o o o o o o o o o o naly8ed re,uirements from ?unctional Specification Document and Design Document. Conducted Discussions and meetings with designers to understand the overall functionality of the application. !rovided inputs towards estimates for preparing test cases and execution. <dentified defects early in the verification phase to avoid functional changes during validation phase. Designed ?unctional #est Cases *ased on S-S using 7icrosoft Excel. !articipated in peer review of #est Cases. !erformed E=<) ?unctional) System) -egression and Data*ase testing. (rote S'L 'ueries to access data from the data*ase. Eenerated Daily and (eekly test status reports and metrics to management. Detected *ugs and logged and classified them *ased on the severity using 7icrosoft Excel. Ensured that defects and re,uirement variances are appropriately communicated to development for correction. C ,D+< ( 4- (#4, 2.3 %ro9ectA ClientA -nviron"entA D!rationA ,oleA %ro9ect DescriptionA Cardinal "ealth is a recogni8ed leader in <% infusion delivery systems and provides a range of disp osable laris F% F!ardrails&G.F' C ,D+< ( 4- (#4 ,. S+<FS#O3-&23' CDC++, S$(ite, %>yton, #ortoise C)SDS)<, /icrosoft -1cel <ove"ber ;E @ /arc> ;8. #est -ngineer <O) ;E- / , ;8

prod!cts for !se wit> inf!sion syste"s and for a wide range of +) t>erapy proced!res. #>e laris %rod!cts &syringe p!"ps, vol!"etric p!"ps, and EuardrailsG Suite of safety software applications' offers t>e very best in safety-first inf!sion syste"s .
Cardinal "ealth) larisG !roducts offers leading+edge solutions for the safe delivery of intravenous (<%) drugs and solutions. #he larisH E! %olumetric !ump offers a range of features suited to general fluid) *lood transfusion . drug therapy. Cardinal "ealth has the EuardrailsG Suite of safety software) a medication safety and ,uality auditing system designed specifically for infusions. #hese software solutions support hospitals in the design) implementation and analysis of clinical *est practices.

#he EuardrailsG Suite of safety software includesD F!ardrailsH Safety Software + #he EuardrailsG safety software which resides on the infusion pumps) allows caregivers to safely select and program infusions. F!ardrailsH -ditor + #he EuardrailsG Editor software is a !C+*ased authoring and pump configuration tool that manages how medications can *e programmed on the infusion system *y setting limits on the rates) volumes) and doses that are appropriate for a given patient care area. #he laris E! %olumetric !ump has 3 different #est protocols such as #ech mode tests (#7 S)) =ser mode tests (=7 S)) Dataset tests) !latform tests) Editor #ests) '-C! tests) Documents tests) and Event log tests. ,esponsibilitiesA o o o o o o o o o o o o naly8ed re,uirements from ?unctional Specification Document and Design Document. Lead and managed a C mem*er 'C team. Designed ?unctional #est Cases using 7icrosoft Excel. !articipated in peer reviews. !erformed ?unctional testing and -egression testing. !erformed System testing of Euardrails pplication. Eenerated -egression #est Scripts. Eenerated Daily and (eekly test status reports and metrics to management. Conducted and Lead defect meetings and weekly status meetings. =sed 7 :#<S defect+tracking tool to analy8e and report application defects and enhancements. ?ollowed up with the development team with respect to the *ug fixes. !repared !roduct -e,uirement #racea*ility 7atrix. ,+ C#+ #-C4<O(OF+-S (#D, 2.3 %ro9ectA ClientA -nviron"entA D!rationA ,oleA %ro9ect DescriptionA :orthwestern 7utual is the largest direct provider of individual life insurance in =.S.#he :orthwestern 7utual provides two types of !roducts namely <nsurance !roducts (Life <nsurance !olicy) Disa*ility <nsurance !olicy) and <nvestment !roducts (7utual ?unds) nnuities). #he :orthwestern 7utual wants to implement a custom A0EE *ased solution to the !olicy >wner Service Department. #he purpose is to develop an application which can keep track of the cases su*mitted to !olicy >wner Service (!>S) department and :orthwestern 7utual <nvestment Service (:7<S) department) *y the policy owners. #he application is called Case #racker application and is developed in A0EE. ,esponsibilitiesA o o o o o naly8ed =se Cases1-e,uirements) =< !rototypes and pplication rchitecture. !repared ?unctional #est Cases) <ntegration #est Cases and expected results from written *usiness re,uirements) =se Cases and !rototypes. !articipated in test case and test script walkthroughs with the proBect team. 7entored new hires in #eam on the !roduct and ongoing ' process methodology. <dentified and generated test data for the test environment. / , ;I-OC# ;E

%OSD</+S Case #racker /anage"ent Syste" <ort>western /!t!al &2.S' B2--, %)CS &so!rce control tool',oracle 7;g, BS%,S$(, $!ality Center &6.;',$#%&6.;' /arc> ;I @ October ;E $!ality nalyst

o o o o o o o o o o o o o o

Set+up configured and maintained system test environment. !erformed ?unctional #esting) <ntegration #esting) -egression #esting and cceptance testing. !erformed testing in an iterative fashion (C iterations). =sed 'uick #est !ro ('#!) for automating manual test cases for regression testing. !erformed regression testing on the application for testing the validity of functionality using 'uick #est !ro ('#!). -esponsi*le for maintaining >*Bect -epositories and ?unction Li*rary. Characteri8ed defects and defined criteria for passing and failing tests for test reports. Logged defects in 'uality Center (#est 7anagement #ool). !articipated in defect discussion meetings. ?ollow up with the !roBect team and pplication #eam for &ug fixes. (rote S'L ,ueries to access data from the data*ase. !repared -esponsi*ility 7atrix for ?unctional #esting and <ntegration #esting. !rovided support for =ser cceptance testing as re,uired along with !roBect #eam and pplication #eam

<-+<*OSO*#, 40D-, . D, +<D+ %ro9ectA ClientA -nviron"entA D!rationA ,oleA

B2( ;C-B < ;I

dvantage J .illgen C!sto"er +nfor"ation Syste" )enty1 &2.S' Oracle *or"s, BS%, Oracle 7;g, Windows server 2;;3, /icrosoft -1cel. B!ly ;C - Ban!ary ;I #rainee nalyst

%ro9ect DescriptionA #he dvantage C<S (Customer <nformation System) is a we*+*ased application designed specifically to support the operations of utility companies providing services in the areas of Electricity) Eas) (ater) Sewer and Ear*age. #he system delivers comprehensive) accurate) and timely information to support high ,uality customer service) efficient operational control) and management decision+making. dvantage C<S has automated capa*ility to collect) manage and analy8e information a*out customers) service locations) accounts) services and inventory. #he Customer <nformation System consists of different modules namely++ &illing) Customer -elationship 7anager (C-7)) ?inancial and Service >rder. ,esponsibilitiesA o o o o o o o o o naly8ed =ser -e,uirements Document and Software Specification Document. Created test cases using 7icrosoft Excel. !erformed <ntegration #esting) ?unctional #esting and -egression #esting. (rote S'L ,ueries to access data from the data*ase. Executed #est Scripts for testing the functionality of the application. Eenerated Daily and (eekly test status reports and metrics to management. Detected *ugs and classifying them *ased on the severity through &ug8illa. ?ollowed up with the Development team for &ug fixes. Eenerated -egression #est Scripts. Qualifications +nfor"ation Syste"s -1a"ination .oard &2;;I' <SE& ?oundation Course in Software #esting 7aster of Science in Electrical . Electronics Engineering from =niversity of Ereenwich) =.$ &achelors in <nstrumentation Engineering from $arnatak =niversity) <ndia

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