Caitlins Resume
Caitlins Resume
Caitlins Resume
A college graduate seeking a position where I would have the opportunity to use my skills in graphic design, art and/or communication. Qualities: Creative, leader, team player, detailed, honest, efficient, organized, effective communicator, persuasive, quick learner, problem solver, optimistic/realistic, sincere, receptive, passionate, and personable. Technologies: Photoshop, Final Cut Pro, Power Director, Kanvus Drawing Tablet, Illustrator, InDesign, Microsoft Word, Excel, PowerPoint, HTML, Jython (Java/Python tool), and Shutterbug. Artist Portfolio:
Bachelor Degree, University of Minnesota-Morris (UMM), Morris, MN 2009-2013 Major: Studio Art GPA: 3.57 on 4.0 scale Major Concentration: Drawing Minor Concentration: Printmaking Minor: Communication, Media, and Rhetoric Lake County High Schools Technology Campus, Grayslake, IL 2008-2009 Concentration: Graphic/Web Design
Spring 2013: Student Center Award from UMM. Summer 2008: 1st place in Nationals of The Best of the Best Show Summer 2008: 2nd place in State of The Best of the Best Show Spring 2008: 1st place in The North Suburban Art Conference Spring 2008: 1st place in The Lisa Show
Lead Cashier, Receptionist, Bather, and Stocker
Petsmart, Gurnee, IL Mar 2008-Present Appoint responsibilities to cashiers, balance cash drawers, make transactions (purchases and returns), friendly customer service, organize shelves and products, bathe dogs, and handle/make appointments. Graphic Designer University Register, UMM, Morris, MN Jan-May 2013 Creation of graphics for articles, assist other designers, work with layouts in Indesign, tablet drawings in Photoshop, dealt with fast deadlines, and doubled as Assistant Editor.
Community Adviser
Office of Residential Life, UMM, Morris, MN Aug 2010-May 2013 Manage 16 to 28 students each year, problem solve resident conflicts, enforce policies, create programs (15 minimum per semester), organize meetings, respond to crisis on the floor, check residents in/out of rooms, organize/fill out paperwork, do rounds in the Residence Halls, and design bulletin boards.
Dance Ensemble choreographer and participant Graphic Artist for the UR (UMM's newspaper) Tug of War Moderator Manage dance's set up Co-Leader of Sincerely Yours Leader of High School's Open Mic Night DJ on KUMM (UMM's radio) Editor of High School's art/ literature magazine Creator, Facilitator, and Organizer of Campus wide Fear Factor Program