Step 1: Change Your Life With One Calculation
Step 1: Change Your Life With One Calculation
Step 1: Change Your Life With One Calculation
If there were an eighth wonder of the world, we'd nominate the equation for compound interest: Your money x (1 + i)^n. (If you're not a math geek, dont worry; we're going to decipher that for you.) Albert Einstein (or maybe it was Yogi Berra) called this deceptively simple formula the "greatest mathematical discovery of all time." We call it your ticket to financial independence. That's right, just three straightforward inputs can change your life: the amount of money you invest; the rate of return you get; and how much time you have to let your money grow. Hate math but like money? Read on. Since words cannot adequately describe the magical nature of compound interest, let's try a few visuals. Here's how a single $1,200 investment grows over time in four savings scenarios. How a single $1,200 investment grows Savings Account (0.5%) Initial investment 5 years 10 years 15 years 25 years 30 years 35 years 40 years $1,200 $1,230 $1,261 $1,293 $1,359 $1,394 $1,429 $1,465 Money Market Fund (2%) $1,200 $1,325 $1,463 $1,615 $1,969 $2,174 $2,400 $2,650 Certificate of Deposit (5%) $1,200 $1,532 $1,955 $2,495 $4,064 $5,186 $6,619 $8,448 Stock Market (9%*) $1,200 $1,846 $2,841 $4,371 $10,348 $15,921 $24,497 $37,691
*Based on the stock market's historical rate of return. As you can see, simply socking away one lump sum and leaving it put could turn $1,200 into nearly $40,000 over 40 years. Not only have you earned interest, but you've earned interest on your interest. And all you had to do was invest your first paycheck. That said, lets be honest: $37,691 aint what it used to be. So lets make one small revision and invest $1,200 every year. Behold compound interest in a mildly caffeinated state. A more compelling table than the previous one Savings Account (0.5%) Money Market Fund (2%) Certificate of Deposit (5%) Stock Market (9%)
Now we're at half a million. Not bad, right? Still, we think you can top it. In fact, its not a stretch to get near that magical $1 million milestone. Just save $2,500 a year (a mere $208 a month), and at 9% youve got a million dollars in 40 years. Or stick with the $1,200 annual contribution but improve your investing skills (which the rest of this series will show you how to do). If you are able to best the stock markets average annual returns by a mere 3 percentage points, the $1 million prize is yours. If we could, we would cue a soaring chorus of angels opening the doors to usher you into the Valhalla of investing but we misplaced that file somewhere on our hard drive. And the best part about compound interest is that it works the same for everyone, whether you have $20 to invest or $200,000. Go ahead, tinker with this compounding calculator to see what we mean. If you don't believe you can become a millionaire with just the resources you have right now, keep reading. The amazing tale of the Mississippi washer woman Oseola McCarty was born in Mississippi in 1908. For nearly 75 years, she lived in the same simple house, washing other people's clothes for a living and putting whatever money she could into savings accounts at local banks. In the summer of 1995, Oseola made local and then national headlines when she donated $150,000 to the University of Southern Mississippi to establish a scholarship fund. "I just figured the money would do [scholarship recipients] a lot more good than it would me," she said. It soon came out that this washer woman had managed to amass nearly one quarter of a million dollars over her lifetime. Time -- a key part of the compounding equation -- helped turn her meager early investments into hundreds of thousands of dollars. We like this ending better As remarkable as the Oseola McCarty story is, the ending could have been a blockbuster. After she died in 1999, one of her bankers wrote to us saying: "Time was able to turn even the modest returns of her early investments into hundreds of thousands of dollars. If we had been able to introduce her to equities earlier, she would have left millions instead of thousands." Remember, the amount you save and your time horizon -- how long you have until you need the money you've invested -- are only two-thirds of the compounding equation. Oseola excelled in both. But she did pay a price for ignoring the rate of return on her investments.
Typically, the more risk you are willing to take on (by, say, investing in stocks rather than bonds), the higher your potential return. But risk is a four-letter word to a lot of folks: They're happy to settle for lesser returns to avoid it. Bad idea. Stuffing all your savings into the Serta -- or sticking only with safer investments like Treasury bills or bonds -- is even more disastrous. It's not simply that they return less. It's that they barely keep up with the rate of inflation, and that means your retirement dollar is not going to go as far as you think. We Fools believe the best place for your long-term (key word as you'll discover in Step 4) savings is the stock market. Your golden ticket to financial independence There you have it: Financial independence is just three variables away. So start saving now (as much as you can), and invest it well. Because the sooner you get the wonder of compounding working for you, the sooner you'll reach your financial dreams. And that's exactly what this series will help you do.
What's in it for us? Navel-gazing warning: The following section may seem rather self-indulgent. That's because it is. For those who are curious about our company, our business model, and the main difference between us and the rest of the financial trade, read on. If that's not you, skip ahead to the next section. No hard feelings, we swear. In all seriousness, The Motley Fool truly is a place with a passion and a purpose. We are dedicated to educating, amusing, and enriching every single person who visits, picks up one of our books, sees our syndicated newspaper column, or happens to catch one of us on TV (in full Fool regalia, if there isnt a dress code). Our workplace has won awards and been highlighted as one of America's great places of employment, and we settle debates at the foosball table. There is a lot of laughter within the walls of Fool HQ. But we are serious about the business of financial education and advice -after all, your money is on the line, and so is ours. We are a commercial enterprise, we have investors, a board of directors, and goals -- just like any other company. We have services that we are proud to sell -- a suite of premium stockpicking and personal finance services. (Our CFO kindly requests that you click that link and take a free trial.) We also offer a mutual fund through our affiliate, Motley Fool Asset Management, as well as a Motley Fool credit card (yes, you can use credit Foolishly!). Finally, we have advertisers (that we vet) who pay us to get access to your eyeballs to pitch their services. (Clicky-click, hint, hint.) But we also never, ever forget that our measure of success is whether we have enriched people's lives in a direct way. We do this every day with the free articles and tools we provide on Oh, and there's one big difference between us and all the other folks pitching financial products and services to you: We want our members to talk to each other -- to talk about us, even. Can you imagine AIGLynchBrothers urging its customers to compare notes? Not a chance. But enough about us. Perhaps you're wondering what's in it for you? What exactly will you get by trading wisdom for Foolishness? Get smart(er) We know that most people have never formally been taught much about finance or investing. That's exactly how Wall Street likes it. It's better for them if you think what they do is rocket science -- that it's too difficult to make your own financial decisions, so just entrust your hard-earned dollars to them so they can generate fat commissions for themselves. Obviously, we think thats bunk. The harsh reality is that there is really only one person who has your best interests at heart -- you. Our job is to show you how to take control of your own financial life so you can make confident, well-informed decisions about every dollar that passes through your hands, whether you're saving it, spending it, paying it back, or making it grow. Make money Most everything in Fooldom is here to fulfill this part of your mission. And you've found the exact right place to start: The next 11 steps of our 13 Steps to Investing Foolishly will help you along the way.
In this series of articles, we lay out a systematic approach to investing that should benefit novice and seasoned investors alike. We cover almost every money situation you can imagine -- paying off debt, finding no-brainer ways to save, exactly what accounts you should use to invest, smart asset allocation, finding the right investing strategy for you, and even the pitfalls you should avoid. But, of course, our job is not complete unless you have some fun along the way. Have fun Back in 1994, we hyped a fictional penny stock called Zeigletics on the Prodigy discussion boards (one of the Internets first chat rooms). "Zeigletics" manufactured "linked sewage disposal systems for the central African nation of Chad." Literally, it shoveled excrement. Our aim was to "out" the penny stock hype-sters that were abusing the money discussion boards. Their electronic pyramid scheme -- pumping tiny, thinly traded stocks to get other investors to load up so they could dump shares at the first sign of an uptick -- was not just harmful to investors, but it also degraded the real conversations people were having. So we fought them the only way we know how: We tried to kill them with humor. A few posts was all it took to get investors excitedly looking to buy shares on the Halifax Stock Exchange (which doesn't exist). Many of the hype-sters were duped, and they were furious at our little joke. The weekend project -- our first April Fool's Day prank -- landed us a spot in the Wall Street Journal and introduced Foolishness to Wall Street and Main Street. But the real triumph wasnt the press attention or the prank -- it was the amazing thing that we witnessed during the weekend of our Zeigletics gag: People started playing along with the joke. We're all Fools The investors we had come to know by their screen names joined the gag, hyping Zeigletics, hinting at their "inside information," and bragging about their "amazing returns" investing in the fictional sewage disposal outfit in Chad. Zeigletics showed us what a group of like-minded individual investors could accomplish by banding together. Even better, it created a bona-fide Foolish community where honesty, optimism, teamwork, and innovation thrived. That's right, pretty soon we noticed that people were identifying themselves as Fools -- just like us. A movement had begun. And now, a hot penny stock Just kidding! We hope that we've made a strong case for Foolishness -- and that you're ready to join us and the hundreds of thousands of Fools who ask and answer each others' money questions, rate stocks, blog about the companies they follow, and invest to secure their financial futures. Like you, we're in this for the long haul. So let's have a blast every step of the way. Without further ado, let's get smarter, make money, and have some fun, Fool!
As you can see, "Pay yourself first" points you in exactly the wrong direction in this scenario. Stashing your cash in a savings account earning nearly 20 times less in interest than you're paying on those lingering credit card balances leaves you $6,288 in the hole after five years, and youve paid nearly $7,000 in cumulative interest charges alone. The bottom line: If you have credit card debt, invest in its destruction. Use the "Should I pay off debt or invest in savings?" calculator to see how much money you can save by making the investment to pay off the plastic. Then, head to's credit and debt area where you'll find a handy "60-Second Guide to Getting Out of Debt" and a step-by-step action plan in the "How-To Guide: Reduce Your Debt." Best of all, you've got a built-in support network ready to answer questions, offer tips, commiserate, and cheer you on at the robust Credit Cards and Consumer Debt discussion board. Investment No. 2: Amass a cash cushion. Stuff happens -- stuff that requires money to fix, such as a job loss, car transmission issues, and a really bad haircut before your high-school reunion. If you don't have the money on hand, you'll have to make a crash financial landing, which could mean patching over the problem with a credit card. Your emergency fund needs to be readily accessible in a simple savings account. Don't expect to make a killing on this investment. The interest you can get on most savings accounts won't even keep up with inflation. How big should this essential investment be? Here are some basic guidelines: If you Have no dependents relying on your income Are the sole breadwinner or work in an unstable industry Are retired and living on a fixed income Then your emergency fund should cover living expenses for 3 to 6 months 6 to 12 months 5 years
Sweat the big stuff and the 80/20 rule One other thing we want to make clear: Not every "investment" has a dollars-and-cents return. Or, in more practical terms: Go ahead and enjoy your daily latte. At The Motley Fool, we're hardly advocates of excruciating denial and extreme penny-pinching in the name of "investing." We'd much rather you spend your energy on the big stuff that really pays off -- the 20% of line items on your budget that counts for 80% or more of your spending -- things like your mortgage, cars, travel, insurance, and any four-figure line items in your budget. Free online budgeting tools like (a Motley Fool partner) and give you an instant snapshot of your spending and saving. Pinpoint your 20%, and earmark a few hours to cut those costs. Then take that savings and put it to work in bona-fide investments -- in the traditional sense, that is.
Not coincidentally, making those first stock market investments is the topic of the next step. And for many of you, we're about to unearth an investment that is guaranteed to double a portion of your money. Really! Action: Spend less -- instantly. Someone somewhere has probably given you the advice to track your spending for a month to see where your money goes. We prefer instant gratification. Instead of recording your every purchase for 31 days, just do it for three days. In fact, you don't even need to track it -- just consciously ask yourself every time you whip out your wallet, "Is this the best investment I can make with this dollar bill?" For a helpful reminder, sheath your credit and debit cards in our "Spend Less Patch." We guarantee you'll start making smarter money choices.
Once you've deployed your funds for near-term needs, it's time to find the right spot for the money you'll need to cover Saturday date nights in the year 2041. Long-term parking Your long-term cash stash (specifically, money designated for your retirement years) belongs in accounts set up solely for that purpose -- we're talking IRAs and employer-sponsored retirement accounts (such as 401(k)s). Now, sit back while we guide you through this savings maze. Long-Term Parking, Lot A: Your 401(k) (or other workplace plan) What if you could invest your money in a place where at least a portion of your contribution was guaranteed to double? Well, if you work full-time, chances are you have that opportunity through your employersponsored retirement account -- your 401(k), 403(b), or 457. If your company offers one of these plans -- with a company match -- for goodness sake (and your sake), don't pass up the free money! We typically recommend that you put your first long-term investment dollars into this type of account if it's available. Ask your friendly HR department how to get started. These plans allow you to contribute pre-taxed money directly from your paycheck (within limits; see the IRS's website at for this year's allowable contribution amounts). That way your money grows tax-free, and (added bonus alert!) your contributions lower your taxable income for the year (which means a lower tax tab come April). You pay the piper (in this case, Uncle Sam), only after you retire and begin to withdraw the money. Unfortunately, not all plans are created Foolishly. Some employers don't offer a match, and some plans provide horrid investment choices and charge high fees. Plus, it's not always easy to figure out if your plan is one of the lemons. Don't worry, we've got your back. "Save Your 401(k)" shows you how to assess your plan, and what to do if it's a stinker. We can even help you identify the best investment alternatives in your 401(k) plan. Long-Term Parking, Lot B: An IRA Once you've maxed out your workplace retirement account (or, if it's an atrocious plan, invested enough to get your employer match), divert your next retirement dollars into an IRA. IRAs have one big advantage over workplace retirement accounts: They typically offer more investment options. However, Uncle Sam won't let you contribute as much money to these accounts each year (again, check with the IRS for this year's limits). And, depending on your income, you may not be eligible to contribute to one fully -- or at all. IRAs come in two garden varieties -- Roth and traditional -- and they offer different tax advantages: Traditional IRA: Tax-wise, this account works just like a 401(k) -- the money you put into it is not taxed until you make withdrawals during retirement. Also, like a 401(k), you can deduct the money you contribute from your income, lowering your tax bill in the year you make the contribution. Roth IRA: This account gives Future You a tax break. The money you sock away here is never deductible. However, come retirement you get off scot-free -- you pay no taxes on the
gains or the principal when you withdraw the money. A Roth IRA also allows you to withdraw your contributions tax-free at any time for certain things, such as a first-time home purchase or education expenses, whereas with a traditional IRA (and 401(k)), you'd not only pay taxes, but you'd also get hit with penalties. Which one is right for you? We like the flexibility of the Roth -- and the fact that the earnings grow tax-free. That said, the Roth is not necessarily the best choice for everyone. Read "Roth vs. Traditional IRA" for a rundown of the choices, and then use our calculators to crunch the numbers. When you're ready to open an account, our three-step article will show you how to get one set up. Long-Term Parking, Lot C: Taxable accounts If, after maxing out the tax-advantaged retirement accounts above, you still have money to sock away, we have just two things to say: (1) Huzzah!, and (2) watch out for Uncle Sam! The only real difference between retirement accounts (IRAs and 401(k)s) and regular (taxable) accounts is, you guessed it, how the investments are taxed. Follow these two basic guidelines to (legally) dodge the taxman (as much as possible): Fill your tax-favored retirement accounts with the most tax-inefficient investments. Those are the investments that generate the biggest tax bills -- bonds, real estate investment trusts (REITs), high-turnover stock mutual funds (if you must, though we're not fans). The payouts from these investments are taxed at ordinary income tax rates, so shelter them within your plan for as long as possible. Use non-retirement accounts for investments that are already tax-efficient. That includes long-term, buy-and-hold vehicles like stocks that pay little or no dividends, or tax-managed stock funds. Since you won't pay taxes on these investments until you sell, they have a builtin tax-deferred benefit -- as long as you hold for many years. When ultimately cashed in, the gains will be taxed at the long-term capital gains rate, which is lower than ordinary income tax rates. Setting up a taxable account is as easy to do as opening an IRA. Compare fees and special deals in our Discount Broker Center, and you'll be off and investing in no time. Once you set up your accounts, just three things are left on your "to do" list: Lather. Rinse. Repeat. Put your savings on auto-pilot OK, now you know that saving and investing your money is good for you -- just like eating right and exercise. Fortunately, discount brokers and fund companies make it a whole lot easier than counting calories and doing your cardio -- through dollar-cost averaging. That's just another name for automatic investing. It works just like your 401(k): Money is taken out of your account before you can even think about spending it. What are you waiting for? The sooner you get your short- and long-term savings accounts set up, the sooner you can get to the fun stuff -- investing.
By Motley Fool Staff | More Articles Comments (10) We're about to share with you the secret to avoiding a $10 billion investing mistake. It's not more money, a higher IQ, or superb market timing. It's mind control. The way we're wired -- our natural inclinations to seek more information, look for patterns, compare options, and even flee to safety -- is great at keeping us out of harm's way. But these same emotional tendencies are also our biggest liability when we're in investing mode. In other words, your brain is to blame for all those boneheaded money mistakes. Just ask uber-investor Warren Buffett. The chairman of Berkshire Hathaway openly admits that a short in his analytical circuitry -- his "thumb-sucking" reluctance (Buffett's words) in the 1980s to pick up more shares of Wal-Mart (NYSE: WMT ) because of a one-eighth of a point uptick in the stock price -- cost him $10 billion in potential profits over time. And this is from a guy who has famously said, "Success in investing doesn't correlate with IQ ... what you need is the temperament to control the urges that get other people into trouble in investing." In other words, the Oracle of Omaha made a $10 billion investing blunder because his emotional brain got in the way. 2 traits you must have to be great And now, the information you've been waiting for: the secret ingredients to investing success, regardless of education, investing styles, or golf handicaps: Timeline and temperament. Timeline: As we mentioned in Step 4, investing in stocks requires a minimum five-year time horizon. Think of it like sending some of your money on vacation while your other money takes care of the more immediate chores, like paying for car repairs, a house, or a kid's college tuition. But, at the risk of sounding like a country and western song, it can be hard to be a long-term investor in a short-term world -- which brings us to the second secret ingredient for investing greatness. Temperament: Successful investors have the ability to remain calm and levelheaded when everyone around them is freaking out. That mindset makes the difference between investors who consistently outperform the market and investors who get lucky for a while. Wal-Mart foible aside, Warren Buffett says this is the key to his success. When a group of businessschool students asked Buffett why so few have been able to replicate his investing success, his reply was simple: "The reason gets down to temperament." Money, IQ points, and lucky socks are no help when your investment is down 50%. But if you can keep your emotions in check and ignore the noise, you'll be able to hang on (even back up the truck and load up) rather than selling out at the worst times. If you look back at history and study how investing fortunes were made, you'll find it wasn't by jumping in and out of stocks based on fear and greed, but by buying great businesses and investing in them over the long haul.
Hop off the emotional roller coaster To cultivate a good temperament -- one that focuses on the long term, not the short term, and ignores the crowd in favor of a well-thought-out strategy -- channel Steve McQueen (or whomever is the cool dude/dame du jour). Build resistance to the emotional triggers that lead to bad investment decisions. Here are a few exercises we regularly do to keep our cool:
1. Memorize this affirmation: "I am an investor; I am not a speculator." All together now: "I am an investor; I am not a speculator." As investors, we:
Buy stock in solid businesses. We expect to be rewarded over time through share price appreciation, dividends, or share repurchases. Don't time the market. And we certainly don't speculate when we buy stocks. Speculation is what Wall Street traders do. Focus on the value of the businesses we invest in. We try not to fixate on the day-to-day movements in stock prices. Buy to hold. We buy stocks with the intention of holding them for long haul. (That said, we are willing to sell for reasons we outline in Step 10.)
We recognize that believing your affirmation is sometimes easier than living it. To avoid behaving like a speculator
2. Tune out the noise: Put down the newspaper, turn off CNBC, and stop clicking that. And that. And, yes, that too. None of it is doing you any good.
Fixating on the market's minute-to-minute news won't help you make your next brilliant financial move. At best, all the hours, days, and weeks spent soaking in sensational stories will yield a few timely bon mots to toss off at the next office happy hour. Mostly, though, it's all noise, and it's costing you a serious amount of sound sleep -- and maybe even some actual money.
3. Spread out your risk: In order to get some quality Zs, you need a solid asset-allocation plan - meaning a portfolio with a bunch of investments that don't always move in the same direction. You need to diversify. (We'll get into the details of diversification in Step 8.)
Putting an assortment of eggs in various baskets isn't the only way to spread your risk. You can also avoid the risk of investing in a company at exactly the wrong time. Say you're interested in buying shares of Scruffy's Chicken Shack (ticker: BUKBUK), but you just don't know when to pull the trigger. The answer? Take a bunch of shots! Practically speaking, you do this through dollar-cost averaging -- accumulating shares in a stock over time by investing a certain dollar amount regularly, through up and down periods. So every month for three months you purchase $500 of Scruffy stock regardless of the stock price. The beauty of this system is that when the stock slumps, you're buying more, and when it's pricier, you're buying less. "Buying in thirds" is another way to average in to an investment: Simply divide the total dollar amount you want to devote to a particular investment by three, and pick three different points in time to add to your position.
4. Stay strong, think long! For Fools, investing success is not measured in minutes, months, or even a year or two: We pick our investments for their long-term potential. So resist the urge to act all the time. Make decisions with a cool head after letting new information sink in. Sometimes the best action to take is no action at all. 5. Distract yourself with something useful: If you're going to obsess about your investments, use your time productively and review your investment philosophy and process. For example, pick any investment that's interrupting your sleep. Write down why you bought the business in the first place. Ask yourself: Has any of that fundamentally changed? This exercise underscores that short-term ups and downs in the stock market have little relevance to winning long-term investments and wealth generation.
If you don't already have one, start a watch list so you can keep up with the companies that pique your interest. (We'll show you how to spot great businesses in Step 6.) Add your list to a portfolio tracker so that all the company news will be in one place. When preparation meets opportunity, that's when great investments are made.
2. Cash aplenty: Cash is the lifeblood of any business. It pays the bills and covers the tab for new growth projects. Fools look for low-debt, cash-rich balance sheets and steady cash flows. Specifically, free cash flow -- the cash left over after funding operations and growth -fuels share repurchases and those sweet, sweet dividends that show up in your brokerage account every three months. 3. Strong leadership: Is management invested alongside you? Do they have a history of creating value for shareholders? Do they have years and years of relevant experience? Do they treat outside shareholders (business partners) with respect?
If you stumble across a company that nails all of the above, odds are good that you're looking at a great candidate for your hard-earned cash. So you've done your homework. Now what? Cheat. Yes, cheat. Thanks to this wondrous Internet-thingy, getting second opinions on stock ideas is just as easy as finding the ideas in the first place. Turns out there are legions of investors just like you freely sharing their ideas, thoughts, and research. Here's where you can find them:
1. Motley Fool CAPS: Looking for a second opinion? How about a few thousand of them? CAPS harnesses the power of collective intelligence to provide ratings on just about any stock you could name. Stop by to read comments from other investors and see which stocks they think are the best -- and worst. Even better, CAPS is full-on free, Fool. 2. Fool discussion boards: According to the lore of Foolish yore, The Motley Fool got its sea legs by connecting like-minded Fools through discussion boards. Today, is host to thousands of investing-focused boards. Portfolio Management? Check. Living Below Your Means? Check. Ask a Foolish Question? Another check. And just like CAPS, our boards are 100% free. 3. Fool Premium Services: From international stocks to small caps to dividend payers, The Motley Fool offers a range of premium stock-picking services where we do the work for you. Try any of them free with a 30-day trial.
With so many ideas and resources at your fingertips, you've lost any excuse not to start digging in and rating stocks yourself. So get on with it!
A journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step. And that's what we recommend to you: Buy a single share of your favorite stock. Just one. This one share will teach you more about life as an investor than we could ever hope to teach you here. Follow it. Get to know it. Read the quarterly earnings releases, listen to the conference calls, and see how the stock's daily fluctuations affect you. For future stock purchases, you should keep trading costs and commissions to less than 2% of your total purchase amount, but we'll let that slide on your first buy. But there's something else we want you to pick up while you're making a stop at your friendly broker: A stake in an index fund. The passive investor's best friend How many times have you heard someone ask, "How'd the market do today?" But what is "The Market?" And how do we know how it did? Usually, the answer reflects the performance of an index -- such as the Dow Jones Industrial Average or the Standard & Poor's 500 -- rather than the market as a whole. What all indexes have in common is that the value of the index changes proportionally to the value of the stocks in the index. So when the index goes up, the aggregate value of the stocks in the index has grown by a proportional amount, and vice versa. And you can invest in those indexes -- through index funds. These funds don't look to beat the market -- they look to match it as closely as possible. That might not sound enticing at first blush, but consider that index funds offer:
1. Instant diversification: When you invest in an index fund, in one fell swoop you've spread your dollars across industries, markets, currencies, and countries, substantially lowering your risk in the process. 2. Low costs: Index funds have much lower expenses than actively managed mutual funds. The average actively managed U.S. fund charges its investors 1.4% for the privilege of owning shares. The Vanguard 500 Index (VFINX) fund, meanwhile, carries an expense ratio of only 0.16%. 3. Superior returns: According to the Fools own research, only 42% of actively managed funds beat the S&P 500 through the 15 years ending January 2009. And we're not alone; numerous studies show that you're likely to underperform by investing in a typical Wall Street fund. And as we just pointed out, youll pay a lot more for that privilege.
Little wonder that we think index funds should be the foundation of your portfolio (more on that in Step 8). But for now, we simply recommend that for every dollar you put into individual stocks, you roll the same amount into an index fund (the Vanguard fund we mentioned above is good choice). But about that stock Yes, we Fools love index funds, but we also believe everyone should own at least one stock (and ultimately, at least 15 to reduce your risk and increase your odds for success). Why? Well, it's fun (really!). By owning a stock, you have your own little piece of history, and you get to witness firsthand the power of capitalism and entrepreneurship at work.
But just as important, if you want to beat the market, you simply can't do that by investing only in index funds. In fact, your goal for every stock you buy should be to outperform the index. So get out there and start having some fun on your way to market-beating returns.
Of course, that's one long time frame, and in the short run, no one knows what stocks will do. But make no mistake: Even if you're in or near retirement, a portion of your money should be invested for the long term. That's because, according to the Centers for Disease Control, a 55year-old can expect to live another 26 years. A 65-year-old has another 18 years ahead of her. The average 75-year-old lives into her late 80s. A 110-year-old, however, should sell everything and get to Vegas while he still can. (Kidding mostly.) So unless you're a 95-year-old skydiver who smokes, expect your retirement to last two to three decades. To make sure your portfolio lasts that long, you should ... Rule 4: Always own stocks. Over the long term, equities are the best way to ensure that your portfolio withstands inflation and your retirement spending. According to Jeremy Siegel's Stocks for the Long Run, since 1802 stocks outperformed bonds in 69% of rolling five-year investing periods (1802-1807, 1803-1808, etc.). The percentage of the time that stocks whoop bonds only improves as you look over a longer horizon. Holding Period Stocks Outperform Bonds 3 Year 67% 5 Year 69% 10 Year 80% 30 Year 99% Data from Stocks for the Long Run, by Jeremy Siegel. For holding periods of 17 years or more, stocks have always beaten inflation, a claim bonds can't make. The bottom line is that when you need your money will partially dictate where you put it. What else determines your asset allocation? That favorite term among financial gurus: your tolerance for risk. Risk drives return Most people base their investment strategies on the returns they want, but they have it backward. Instead, focus on managing risk and accept the returns that go along with your tolerance for it. It'd be great if we could get plump returns with no risk at all. But to achieve returns beyond a minimal level, we have to invest in things that involve some possibility that we'll lose money. So ask yourself: What would you do if your portfolio dropped 10%, 20%, or 40% from its current level? Would it change your lifestyle? If you're retired, can you rely on other resources such as Social Security or pensions, or would you have to go back to work (and how would you feel about that)? Your answers to those questions will lead you to your risk tolerance. The lower your tolerance for portfolio ups and downs, the more bonds you should hold in your portfolio. As an extra aid in determining your mix of stocks and bonds, consider the following table, from William Bernstein's The Intelligent Asset Allocator:
I can tolerate losing ___% of my portfolio in the course of earning higher returns 35% 30% 25% 20% 15% 10% 5% 0%
Recommended % of portfolio invested in stocks 80% 70% 60% 50% 40% 30% 20% 10%
So, according to Bernstein, if you can't stand seeing your portfolio drop 20% in value, then no more than 50% of your money should be in stocks. Sounds like a very good guideline to us. OK, you now know how much you should have in stocks. But what kind of stocks -- large caps, small caps, value, growth, international? And how much? Check out "Pick a Portfolio!" on, and start building your portfolio. But first
comfortably trade in and out of them. The end result is that small caps are frequently misand under-priced, leaving enterprising investors the chance to buy into small, growing businesses on the cheap. 3. Diversify: Lynch's Magellan Fund held an incredible 1,000+ stocks when he finally handed off the reins in 1990. For perspective, that's roughly five times the average number held by U.S. equity funds. Lynch spilled coffee on the Ivory Tower of Modern Portfolio Theory by proving you can comfortably crush the market despite being incredibly well diversified. How? By choosing small, growing, well-managed companies and letting them run.
Value investing, starring Warren Buffett No offense to the father of value investing, Benjamin Graham, but his pupil and understudy Warren Buffett is The Man when it comes to the practice and theory of value investing. Value investing is the art of buying stocks for less than their fair, or "intrinsic" value. For Buffett and his legion of value-investing disciples, the craft involves three steps:
1. Buy great businesses: Buffett looks for businesses that boast strong brands, management teams, cash flow, and staying power. Serious staying power. The kinds of businesses that you think will outlive you -- names like Coca-Cola (NYSE: KO ) , Procter & Gamble (NYSE: PG ) , and Johnson & Johnson (NYSE: JNJ ) . Once he finds these great businesses, he looks to buy them when theyre out-of-favor, and then patiently holds on for years upon years as these beauties compound wealth. 2. Be contrarian: It takes some nerve to buy stocks that everyone else is down on, but Buffett has made a living by going against the grain. As he's been wont to say, "Be fearful when others are greedy, and greedy when others are fearful." 3. Invest for the long haul: As Buffett once said, "Our favorite holding period is forever." And if you can't tell from our section on investor temperament, we feel the same way!
International investing, starring Sir John Templeton As with Lynch and Buffett, we celebrate Sir John Templeton's philanthropy, intellectual curiosity, and Foolishness. Templeton's success was not the result of a proprietary trading scheme, inside information, massive amounts of leverage, or complicated derivatives. Rather, like Lynch and Buffett, Templeton succeeded because of sound, fundamental research and the patience and discipline to hold stocks for years. His philosophies have become widely adopted today because they work and because people realize that in a global economy, it no longer makes sense to be provincial about investing. But many individual investors continue to try to time the markets and trade with a short time horizon. His success also reflected a willingness to look where other investors would not. Appreciate Templeton for all we've said, but also for:
1. Going abroad: In a time when conventional wisdom demanded that investment houses set up on Wall Street, in Boston, or in London, Templeton instead fled to the peace and quiet of the Bahamas. He was one of the first foreign investors to focus on Japan, and he strode early into Russia. 2. Investing consistently: Templeton didn't chase a lower-case fool's errand by trying to time the market. As he once said, "The best time to invest is when you have money. This is because history suggests it is not timing the markets that matters, it is time."
John meets Warren meets Peter Again, the perfect Foolish portfolio blends the traits of all these master investors: A businessfocused, diverse portfolio of growth and value stocks, both foreign and domestic. But your exact mix is a matter of personal style and risk tolerance. For that ...
The company's ability to crank out profits is crippled or clearly fading. Management undergoes significant changes or makes questionable decisions. A new competitive threat emerges or competitors perform better than expected.
We'll also take into account unfavorable developments in a company's industry. Here, it's important to delineate between temporary and permanent changes. In a downturn, financial figures may suffer even for the best-run companies. What's important is how these businesses take advantage of the effects on their industry to improve their competitive position. Reason No. 3: Valuation We're all for the long-term here, but sometimes Mr. Market shows our stock too much love. We will consider selling if a stock price has run up to a point where it no longer reflects the underlying value of the business. Reason No. 4: Faulty investment thesis Everyone makes mistakes. Sometimes, you'll just plain miss something. You should seriously consider selling if it turns out your rationale for buying the stock was flawed, if your valuation was too optimistic, or if you underestimated the risks. Reason No. 5: It keeps us up at night It is tough to put a dollar value on peace of mind. If you have an investment whose fate has whirled such that it now causes you to lose sleep, that could be a great cue to move your dollars elsewhere. We save and invest to improve our quality of life, after all, not to develop ulcers. Adding insult to injury, stressing about a stock might cause you to lose focus and make rash decisions elsewhere in your portfolio. Remember, there's no trophy or prize for taking on risk in investing. Stick with what you're comfy with.
Know When to hold 'em So that's when you fold 'em. But holdin' 'em? Remember, we're long-term investors, not weak-kneed speculators. Over the course of what will be a prosperous investing career for you, the market will rise and fall. Recessions and booms will happen. And all the while, you must stay focused on the long term. Fear is never a reason to sell.
How much money will I need when I retire? What kind of lifestyle will I be able to afford? What will my current savings be worth by then? How much can I afford to take out every year? Will I need to adjust my plan? Does anyone have a brown paper bag? I'm feeling lightheaded.
Relax. We're going to tell you almost everything you need to know about retirement, right now, in less than five minutes. Ready? Here goes. 1. Contribute to the right accounts. If you've read this 13-step investing primer in order and took the 15 to 30 minutes it took to complete the action items in Step 4, then this part is done. Just to review: If your boss matches your contributions to your retirement plan at work (your 401(k), 403(b), 457, or other employer-sponsored plan), save at least enough to take full advantage of that benefit. Remember, contributions reduce your taxable income, and the investments grow tax-deferred. The next stop in the retirement account hierarchy is to fund an IRA (either a Roth or traditional variety). If you're not eligible for the Roth, contribute to the traditional IRA only if contributions are tax-deductible. If not, stick with your 401(k) (unless it really, really stinks), because you'll get the tax deduction. 2. Choose the right investments. A lot of people get tripped up on this one. But don't let it stop you from putting a plan into motion. In Step 8, we showed you how to construct a well-balanced retirement portfolio with a whole day's supply of vitamin D. The "right" investments for you will change over time as you near the point where you stop investing new money and start spending what you've saved. But it's important to remember that retirement is not your investing finish line. You probably still have many years of productive life ahead of you after you retire. While the income and safety of bonds and Treasury bills may seem appealing, approximately half of your portfolio
must still be invested in stocks to ensure you can maintain purchasing power and avoid the devastating effects of inflation. 3. Save enough. With life expectancy increasing by leaps and bounds, if you give notice at the traditional age of 65, you may want to think in terms of a 30-year retirement. That's a lot of electricity bills and all-you-can-eat buffet brunches. So, how much do you need to save? As much as you can. A more specific answer can be found in the following table, which assumes you have not yet started to save for retirement: Your Age Percentage of Income to Save 20s 10%-15% 30s 15%-20% 40s 20%-30% 50s 30%-40% 60s 40%-50% 70s 50%-60% 80s Vegas, baby! 4. Run your numbers to see if you're on track (and then run them again). Are you saving enough to retire when you want? Are you withdrawing too much in retirement? There's one way to find out: Run your plan through a good retirement-savings tool. Check out some of the free financial calculators on the Internet. Since each will give you a different answer, try at least three. First, try our suite of retirement calculators on, in particular "Am I saving enough? What can I change?" and "How much will my savings be worth?" You also might find some good tools on your broker's website or as part of your personal-finance software. If you start pricing it out now, you won't experience sticker shock when your ticker isn't quite as strong. Our post-retirement expense calculator will help you figure out how much that round-the-world trip, fishing cabin, or class in paperclip art will cost. The good news is that many expenses decline or disappear completely in retirement. Once you've retired, you no longer have to pay Social Security or Medicare taxes; you no longer divert money to 401(k)s or IRAs; and retirement income is often taxed at lower rates. 5. Stop paying for other people's retirements. Unless the person managing the money in your mutual funds is bound to you by matrimony or blood relation, you probably don't intend to contribute to their bank accounts. Too many investors overpay for underperforming investments, ponying up 1.4% in management fees (a typical expense ratio) for funds that barely keep up with their benchmarks.
Your generosity is not properly appreciated. By choosing lower-cost but better-performing funds, you can add 1% to 2% a year to your portfolio returns. Compounded over many years, we're talking tens of thousands of dollars. So keep a sharp eye on fees. Below is a pocket guide to what we Fools think is reasonable to pay: The Motley Fool Fee Swatter: What to Pay for Financial Products Financial Service or Product Index funds Reasonable Fee 0.3% or less for domestic index funds; less than 0.05% for others (REITs, international, etc.)
Actively managed mutual 1% or less for domestic funds; 1.5% or less for global funds funds 401(k) administrative fees 0.25% or less (unless your employer picks up the tab) Free, if possible. Many brokers charge no administrative fee for IRA administrative fees retirement accounts, though they may require a minimum investment. Free, if possible. Many brokers waive administrative fees if you Non IRA/401(K) maintain a minimum account balance or sign up for an automatic administrative fees investment plan. Stock trades $20 or less Financial advice from a 1% or less of assets under management, or (even better) choose a certified financial planner fee-only financial planner 6. Know how to crack your nest egg. Finally, the big day. You kissed the boss good-bye, and you're ready for a lifetime of ... well, whatever the heck you want. It's time to begin tapping your portfolio. Should you start with your traditional IRA, your 401(k), or your regular brokerage account? This is no small matter. One study found that choosing the right order could extend a portfolio's life expectancy by more than two years. The general rule: Start withdrawing from non-retirement accounts. After that, move on to tax-deferred money, and save your Roth for last. However, there are many exceptions to these rules, so take the time to learn more before you retire. Live it up today, too! We'd be remiss if we did not give proper due to a very important period in your life: The here and now. In the words of John Lennon: Life is what happens when you're busy making other plans. At The Motley Fool, we firmly believe that saving for tomorrow is not about sacrificing today -it simply requires striking the right life-money balance. So we'll end this lesson with your moment of Foolish Zen: Living rich and getting rich are not mutually exclusive.
The very fact that you are reading this sentence tells us a lot about your character. Clearly, you crave knowledge since you're actively seeking information to increase your financial smarts and portfolio returns. Having gotten this far in this 13-step primer, it's likely you've acquired the skills needed to handle most money-related matters in a take-charge, infront-of-the-8-ball way. You have no problem picking out a decent bottle of red wine, are vigilant about using your turn signal, and are above-average looking. OK, those last three are just hunches. Still, we think the world of you, Fool. And we think the world will be a better place now that you've gotten a bit more Foolish. Have we sufficiently buttered you up? We hope so, because before we come to the grand finale of this motley Magna Carta, we have one favor to ask: How about paying it forward? Put your checkbook away The kind of "pay" we're talking about is much more valuable than writing more zeroes on a check or donating your lightly used kitchen doodads to charity. We're talking about giving away a bit of your most precious asset -- knowledge. If we've done our jobs right (fingers crossed!), you are now on the path to financial freedom. Now you can help others do the same by passing on the important money lessons you've learned. It's as easy as clicking the "Email" link at the bottom of this page (or any of the other 12 pages in this primer), and sending the information to a few friends or loved ones. If each of us pays our knowledge forward -- the money lessons we've learned here and in the school of hard knocks -- we will improve the financial footing of someone we love and care about. But the giving doesn't stop with one person. The pay-it-forward idea is like a chain letter (minus the absurd promises, over-use of exclamation points, and threats of doom befalling those who do not comply): If two of the people you tell about the importance of taking control of their financial futures tell two people and the process keeps repeating, after only about 29 iterations, everyone in the United States will be on their way to becoming successful individual investors. After 33 iterations, we'll have reached everyone on the planet. And it's all thanks to your original, selfless act of paying Foolishness forward. More ways to pay Foolishness forward If you've got more to give, consider helping a friend plot a retirement savings plan, teaching a youngster in your life some basic money math skills, or helping your parents get their important papers in order. You don't have to come up with a way to pay it forward on your own. Ask worthy recipients for suggestions for how you might help lessen their financial worries:
Maybe a co-worker is worried about having too much of his 401(k) in the stock market. Talk about the risk-reward tradeoff, and show him the chart in Step 8 that illustrates how much money he should have in cash versus stocks based on his age. When your neighbor asks for a hot stock tip, instead show her how simple it is to discover great businesses.
If debt's weighing heavy on a friend's shoulders, print out a copy of "How to Reduce Your Debt" and lend a sympathetic ear whenever the urge to splurge strikes.
Of course, this naturally leads to a very important question What's in it for you? Besides the warm-fuzzies and a few giant scoops of good karma, plenty. Paying it forward pays you back. Specifically, there are three ways generosity is good for your mind, your wallet, and the world.
1. It'll make you smarter. First, we guarantee that you will get smarter by sharing what you have learned with someone else. Studies about the way we process information have found that 10% of what we learn is through listening, 20% takes hold when we get involved (or "own" the information by taking notes and actively participating in the learning process), and a whopping 70% of what sticks in our brain for the long haul gets ingrained by the act of teaching what we know to others. 2. It'll make you happier. According to Knox College psychology professor Timothy Kasser, people who focus on generosity are happier (and healthier) than those mired in materialism. That's right, we actually experience a psychological lift from helping others. A University of Oregon study found that giving stimulates the brain centers that tell us that our basic needs are being met (the foundation for success, according to Abraham Maslow -- the man behind Maslow's hierarchy of needs), letting us know that it's safe to dial down our hunt-gatherhoard-guard setting. You don't even have to write a check to get good giving vibes: Offering time or lending skills to a good cause takes us out of our navel-gazing routine and connects us to something grander. 3. It'll make you richer. Another nice side effect of generosity is that giving has been shown to tangibly boost the benefactor's bottom line -- and not just in a tax-writeoff way. Research shows that people who are observed behaving charitably are often recommended for leadership positions in their professional lives.
Imagine the kind of movement that we could start if everyone reading these words right now did just one thing today to improve their finances. You are one click, one phone call, one conversation away from making financial freedom and stability a way of life. Thanks for paying it forward, Fool!
Machine beats man? That's not how we Fools saw it. You see, the machine didn't beat Kasparov. His real opponents were the dozens of IBM programmers who teamed up with the worlds top chess experts to program the machine that beat the man. It took the collective intelligence of the worlds masters to beat the mighty Kasparov. Key difference. Now imagine if investors pooled their collective brain power and funneled it into a stockpicking supercomputer. If it worked like Deep Blue, the result would be, well, mindboggling. It would spit out better information, deeper insights, broader perspectives, and bigger profits than any single mom-and-pop investor, Wall Street analyst, or even an entire hedge-fund research team could get by going it alone. That was exactly our thinking when we launched our own supercomputer called CAPS. What everyone thinks about your stocks Like Deep Blue, the CAPS database captures the collective insights and opinions of tens of thousands of individual investors (as well as more than 100 professional Wall Street firms). Want to find out instantly how a stadium full of people rate the stocks you own (or any of the roughly 5,000 rated companies on the service)? Find out right now -- it's free! Here's how it works:
Members rate the stocks they own or follow, and predict whether they will outperform or underperform the market during a given time frame. The CAPS supercomputer then assigns a rating from one to five stars to each stock based on all of the opinions. But not every opinion carries equal weight. Accuracy counts. The proprietary CAPS algorithm takes into account each member's stock-picking ability when it assigns the star ratings. The more accurate your predictions, the more they influence the stock's rating.
When you log on to CAPS, you enter a world of interactive, community-based research from doctors, techies, homemakers, accountants, mall rats, and investment junkies of all shapes and sizes. It's a completely new model for stock research, and it's much more powerful than the opinion of one lone analyst. And the CAPS community is just one way to tap into the experiences, expertise, and insights of Fools. The world's greatest investing water cooler If you haven't yet spent some time hanging out on our discussion boards, you're missing a lot. Our discussion boards feature thousands of conversations on myriad topics. They've helped people pay off tens of thousands of dollars of debt, find great investments, raise money for the needy, quit smoking, survive the Internet bust of 2000, tile their kitchen floors, tar and feather the disgraced giant called Enron, get help with their stupid computers, and make it through the meltdown of 2008. Fools (emphasis on the plural) discovered a little upstart company called Iomega. And it was The Motley Fool community that launched a grassroots campaign that led to the passage of the SEC's "Regulation Full Disclosure" in 2000. Come on in to strike up a conversation, chime in on one already in progress, or just listen in (or "lurk," as it's known among seasoned discussion board posters) -- all are welcome. Never again do you have to quote your portfolio, read your 10-Qs, check the stock charts, keep tabs
on the news, and track your performance alone. This 24/7 sounding board means that no investor has to settle for solitude. Of course, you're probably wondering Who are these people, anyway? Sure, we're biased, but we think our community members are smart, opinionated, informed, generous, and helpful. Several have been on Jeopardy! (and won!). Many are doctors, lawyers, and teachers. You can learn a lot from them, and they from you. But you don't have to take our word for it. Here's how a Fool we know as Windowseat described her first impression of The Fool: The Motley Fool was a revelation. I discovered that ordinary people, people who didn't have millions of dollars, people who studied the stock market on their own, could still invest small amounts of money. I found the message boards, and, purely by accident, discovered that the first rule of message boards was "Thou Shalt Not Write in All Caps." THAT'S A GOOD RULE-OF-THUMB TO RE- oops remember. On the boards you'll also meet people like Tom Engle (we know him as TMF1000 on the boards), who discovered the Fool community back in 1995 and has been an active Fool -- with more than 20,000 posts under his belt -- since then: The chat rooms, much like today's TMF discussion boards, introduced me to stocks I had never considered as investments before; it changed the ways I thought about building portfolios; it expanded my realm of research which eventually resulted in much wider circles of competence All I had to do to learn it was to ask someone who knew, and those in the know were everywhere I seldom buy a stock without first posting a page on the appropriate board about my target stock and carefully read the feedback. No matter how long I research a company, after I posted my research someone would provide additional facts that supported my thesis and/or additional risk factors I hadn't considered. Since the first pioneering messages Motley Fool co-founders David and Tom Gardner posted on the Internet frontier in 1993, more than 17 million posts have been written by the Windowseats, and TMF1000s, and all of the people who make up this diverse, globespanning community of Fools. Hop on board(s)! To get a sense of the community, skim the index of discussion boards, or head straight to one that focuses on a company you own. We've got discussion boards dedicated to individual companies -- Berkshire Hathaway, Apple, Disney, and General Electric, or whatever stock is in your portfolio. Check out some of the great conversations about more general topics, such as:
Investing Beginners Retirement Investing Dividend Growth Investing The Foolish Collective Mutual Funds Tax Strategies Reading Financial Statements
Turnarounds/Value Investing My Dumbest Investment Discount Brokers Bonds & Fixed Income Investments
As you poke around, you can designate boards as your "Favorites," and we'll park links to those boards on your "My Fool" page. You can also pick Fools you want to follow by making them "Favorite Fools," or place those who annoy you in a "penalty box," so you won't even see their posts. Get to know the people behind the posts by reading their profiles and interviews. (Our discussion board tutorial and FAQ covers the most frequent questions we get.) You know more than you think The Motley Fool isn't a magazine you buy to thumb through at the airport or a book that distills a set of rules that may or may not apply to you. The passive one-way/read-only relationship was never what the Fool was about. From the very beginning, we've seen our customers not as "readers" or "subscribers," but as members of our Motley Fool community. As Deep Blue illustrated, millions of brains are better than one. Now, come join us and find out what millions of Fools can do.