Kindergarten Sight Words Tracing Penmanship Cards
Kindergarten Sight Words Tracing Penmanship Cards
Kindergarten Sight Words Tracing Penmanship Cards
the like
she are
he my
me /I/
a by
have here
with you
for do
they First
Next Then
of /is/
go was
SEGMENTING: $2 Cut & Paste: Sorting: Short A Word Families $2 Cut & Paste: Sorting: Short E Word Families $2 Cut & Paste: Sorting: Short I Word Families $2 Cut & Paste: Sorting: Short O Word Families $2 Cut & Paste: Sorting: Short U Word Families $6 Cut & Paste: Sorting: All five Short Vowel Word Family packets. (Five for the price of Three) DIGRAPHS: Cut & Paste: Digraph Sorting: CH $2.50 Cut & Paste: Digraph Sorting: SH $2.50 Cut & Paste: Sorting Digraphs: Th verses Sh, Ch, Wh $3 More Vowels:$ Cut & Paste: Kindergarten: Sorting Ii sound vs. 4 other vowels $2.50$
RTI Phonemic Awareness: Leveled Word Lists for Segmenting Practice & Elkonin Boxes $3 Blending Word Families in Isolation: An RTI Strategy $3 Phoneme Isolation: Medial Sounds: Short Vowels $2 Kindergarten Sight Words: Trace, Write, Cut & Sort $4