Lectia 1
Lectia 1
Lectia 1
Tabita Huluban
Bun dimineaa-Good morning Bun ziua-Good afternoon Bun seara-Good evening Noapte bun-Good night La revedere-Good bye Pa-Bye Salut-Hello-Hy O zi bun-Good day-Have a nice day Ne vedem mai trziu-See you later Ne vedem data viitoare-See you next time Pn data viitoare-Until next time
Cuvintele: I, she, they sunt pronume personale. Iat pronumele personale ale limbii engleze:
I eu You tu He el She ea It el/ea (pentru obiecte, animale) We noi You voi They ei, ele
ZILELE SPTMNII (DAYS OF THE WEEK): Monday - Luni Tuesday - Mari Wednesday - Miercuri Thursday - Joi Friday - Vineri Saturday - Smbt Sunday Duminic
grandfather / granddad / grandpa - bunic grandmother / grandma / granny - bunic grandson - nepot granddaughter - nepoat uncle- unchi aunt - mtu cousin verior, verioar nephew - nepot niece nepoat