Advances Landscape Architecture I To 13
Advances Landscape Architecture I To 13
Advances Landscape Architecture I To 13
Edited by Murat zyavuz
Advances in Landscape Architecture
Edited by Murat zyavuz
Murat zyavuz, A. Esra Cengiz, Jos Manuel Pags Madrigal, Murat Akten, Aybike Ayfer
Karada, Reyhan Erdogan, Umut Pekin Timur, Nurgl Konakl Arsoy, Aydn zdemir, Gken
Firdevs Ycel, Mehmet Kvan Ak, Habibe Acar, Filiz elik, Banu Ozturk Kurtaslan, Robert
Brzuszek, Elif Ebru Sisman, Aysel Uslu, Nasim Shakouri, Rute Sousa Matos, Desidrio Sales
Batista, Murat Z. Memluk, Y.A. Aina, A. Al-Naser, S.B. Garba, Blent Cengiz, zgr Burhan
Timur, Elif Karaca, Aylin Salici, Ercan Gkyer, Canan Cengiz, Mehmet Cetin, Yasar Bahri Ergen,
Mustafa Ergen, Isil Kaymaz, Engin Erolu, Cengiz Acar, brahim Turna, Tuba Kiper, Glhan
Benli, Nazan Kuter, Asl B. Korkut, Ayten zyavuz, Zuhal Dilaver, Candan Kus Sahin
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First published June, 2013
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Advances in Landscape Architecture, Edited by Murat zyavuz
p. cm.
ISBN 978-953-51-1167-2
Preface XI
Section 1 Landscape Planning 1
Chapter 1 Inventory and Analysis of the Landscape 3
Murat zyavuz
Chapter 2 Impacts of Improper Land Uses in Cities on the Natural
Environment and Ecological Landscape Planning 19
A. Esra Cengiz
Chapter 3 Architectures on Territories
Methodologies for the Graphical Representation 53
Jos Manuel Pags Madrigal
Chapter 4 Possibility to Employ AHP as a Multi-Criteria Decision
Making Method in Landscape Planning Initiatives 87
Murat Akten
Chapter 5 Use of Watersheds Boundariesin
the Landscape Planning 105
Aybike Ayfer Karada
Chapter 6 Stakeholder Involvement
in Sustainable Watershed Management 131
Reyhan Erdogan
Chapter 7 Urban Waterfront Regenerations 169
Umut Pekin Timur
Section 2 Landscape Design 207
Chapter 8 Eco-Revelatory Design 209
Nurgl Konakl Arsoy
VI Contents
Chapter 9 Designing Landscapes for Child Health 227
Aydn zdemir
Chapter 10 Integrating Ecosytem Landscapes in Cityscape:
Birds and Butterflies 263
Gken Firdevs Ycel
Chapter 11 Visual Quality Assessment Methods
in Landscape Architecture Studies 279
Mehmet Kvan Ak
Chapter 12 Landscape Design for Children
and Their Environments in Urban Context 291
Habibe Acar
Chapter 13 Ecological Landscape Design 325
Filiz elik
Chapter 14 Crosby Arboretum (Picayune, Mississippi):
A Natural World for All 351
Banu Ozturk Kurtaslan and Robert Brzuszek
Chapter 15 Hospital Outdoor Landscape Design 381
Gken Firdevs Ycel
Section 3 Urban Landscape 399
Chapter 16 Pedestrian Zones 401
Elif Ebru Sisman
Chapter 17 Urban Landscape Design and Biodiversity 427
Aysel Uslu and Nasim Shakouri
Chapter 18 Urban Agriculture: The Allotment Gardens
as Structures of Urban Sustainability 457
Rute Sousa Matos and Desidrio Sales Batista
Chapter 19 Designing Urban Squares 513
Murat Z. Memluk
Chapter 20 Towards an Integrative Theory Approach to Sustainable
Urban Design in Saudi Arabia: The Value of GeoDesign 531
Y.A. Aina, A. Al-Naser and S.B. Garba
Chapter 21 Urban River Landscapes 551
Blent Cengiz
Contents VII
Chapter 22 Vertical Gardens 587
zgr Burhan Timur and Elif Karaca
Chapter 23 Street Furniture and Amenities:
Designing the User-Oriented Urban Landscape 623
Gken Firdevs Ycel
Chapter 24 Greenways as a Sustainable
Urban Planning Strategy 645
Aylin Salici
Section 4 Landscape Ecology 661
Chapter 25 Understanding Landscape Structure
Using Landscape Metrics 663
Ercan Gkyer
Chapter 26 Urban Ecology 677
Canan Cengiz
Chapter 27 Landscape Engineering, Protecting Soil,
and Runoff Storm Water 697
Mehmet Cetin
Section 5 Geographic Information System and Remote Sensing 723
Chapter 28 Application of Geographical Information
System to the Analysis of Urban Green Areas
in Urban Development Plans
A Case Study of Zonguldak, Turkey 725
Yasar Bahri Ergen and Mustafa Ergen
Section 6 Socio-Cultural Landscape 737
Chapter 29 Urban Landscapes and Identity 739
Isil Kaymaz
Chapter 30 Homegardens in Landscape Architecture
A Case Study of Hazelnut Plantations 761
Engin Erolu, Cengiz Acar and brahim Turna
Chapter 31 Role of Ecotourism in Sustainable Development 773
Tuba Kiper
Chapter 32 The Use of Courtyards and Open Areas
in the Ottoman Period in stanbul 803
Glhan Benli
VIII Contents
Section 7 Landscape Restoration 821
Chapter 33 Reclamation of Degraded Landscapes
due to Opencast Mining 823
Nazan Kuter
Section 8 Biodiversity and Plant Material 859
Chapter 34 Native Vegetation 861
Murat zyavuz,
Asl B. Korkut and Ayten zyavuz
Chapter 35 Conservation of Natural Plants
and Their Use in Landscape Architecture 885
Zuhal Dilaver
Chapter 36 Lawns and Ground Covers in Landscape Design 905
Candan Kus Sahin
The purpose of this book, is to reveal the landscape planning and design in recent
years. For this purpose, chapters were selected on the topics of different landscape
architecture study. Landscape architecture is the design of outdoor and public spaces
to achieve environmental, socio-behavioral, and/or aesthetic outcomes. It involves the
systematic investigation of existing social, ecological, and geological conditions and
processes in the landscape, and the design of interventions that will produce the
desired outcome. The scope of the profession includes: urban design; site planning;
town or urban planning; environmental restoration; parks and recreation planning;
visual resource management; green infrastructure planning and provision; and private
estate and residence landscape master planning and design - all at varying scales of
design, planning and management. Landscape planning is the key planning
instrument for nature conservation and landscape management. Apart from the
landscape plans at the local level, i.e. municipal level, there are landscape structure
plans (Landschaftsrahmenplane) at the district or planning region level
(Regierungsbezirk, Landkreis, Planungsregion) and the regional landscape program
(Landschaftsprogramm) for an entire regional state (Land). The local landscape plans
(Artliche Landschaftsplane) are based on the specifications contained in the regional
landscape program and the landscape structure plans. At all levels landscape planning
makes an important long-term contribution to the conservation of natural resources. It
not only addresses the narrower areas of particularly valuable protected sites, but also
devises strategies for full-coverage, sustainable conservation and the long-term
development of nature and landscapes.
This book is for landscape architects; theoretical foundations, theories, methods, and
applications will be essential parts of this reference book. In addition, this book
addresses several very different subjects of study: landscape planning, landscape
engineering, biodiversity, landscape restoration, landscape design, and urban design
related to theory, practice and the results will be covered. Due to the varied usage of
the term Landscape Architecture, the intended readership for this book is a broad
audience including environmentalists, landscape architects, architects,
environmentalists, botanists, urban and regional planners, government agencies, non-
governmental organizations, agricultural organizations, students at all levels, research
organizations, international organizations and all interested parties.
XII Preface
I would like to express my deep sense of gratitude and indebtedness to all the authors
for their valuable contributions and also to the researchers who actually performed
experiments and reported their findings. I must confess that it had been a rare
privilege for me to be associated with InTech publisher. Thanks is the least word to
offer to Ms. Marina Jozipovic, InTech's Publishing Process Manager, yet I shall avail
this opportunity to extend my sincere gratitude for her help and co-operation at
various phases of book publication. Last but not least I express my sincere thanks and
affection to my wife Ayten zyavuz and my daughter Ayza zyavuz for their
patience and cheerful. I hope this book will be beneficial to the scientific world.
Assoc. Prof. Dr. Murat zyavuz
Namk Kemal University
Faculty of Fine Arts, Design and Architecture
Department of Landscape Architecture
Section 1
Landscape Planning
Chapter 1
Inventory and Analysis of the Landscape
Murat zyavuz
Additional information is available at the end of the chapter
1. Introduction
Landscape planning, often referred to as environmental planning or ecological planning,
is a way of directing or managing changes in the landscape so that human actions are in
tune with nature and environment (Zaucer and Golobic, 2010).
Landscape planning is undergoing change due to new requirements. Its previous main task
of controlling spatial uses and the development of nature and the landscape has extended.
Implementation of the European requirements for the Natura 2000 network, for the Water
Framework Directive (WFD), the Floods Directive as well as the Strategic Environmental
Assessment (SEA) can be made considerably easier and can be coordinated with the help of
landscape planning. It is ideally suited, for example, as the basis of the Strategic
Environmental Assessment or as an extensive information base for river basin planning
covering all natural resources. In addition, landscape planning increasingly supports the
tasks of providing members of the public with environmental information and their
participation in sustainable local community and landscape planning (Haaren, et al., 2008).
Landscape planning can be better used as a versatilely usable information basis for overall
spatial planning, impact mitigation regulation or environmental assessments if the
information is presented according to the requirements of this planning and these
instruments. Spatial planning has always been regarded as an activity that, in seeking
solutions for a certain social problem, brings a change into the territory. It primarily looks
after social needs, the economical use of the resource and its fertility. Because spatial
planning is essentially economic in orientation, it is generally characterized as
developmental planning (Zaucer and Golobic, 2010). The basic distinction between spatial
planning and landscape planning is that the former is essentially economic and
developmental in orientation, while the latter is more concerned with environmental and
landscape qualities and thus protective in orientation. It must be noted that landscape
planning does not represent a substitute for spatial planning. With developed approaches
Advances in Landscape Architecture 4
and methods, it may complement a set of spatial planning approaches and methods and
contribute to larger efficiency of bottomup comprehensive planning (Zaucer and Golobic,
2010). The aim of landscape planning is thus to prevent or at least limit the degradation of
the environment to a minimum while increasing, as far as possible, creativity in order to
meet the developmental needs. By combining approaches from the natural sciences and the
planning disciplines landscape planning has developed a range of different methods and
tools for integration of environmental objectives into the process of analysis and the
development of planning proposals. Landscape planning approaches and methods are
transparent and systematic, which makes them useful for participatory and comprehensive
spatial planning (Zaucer and Golobic, 2010).
Landscape planning is currently developing away from rigid planning to a generally
accessible and easy to update information base and a basis for action. By using new data
processing and transfer technologies, landscape planning can be developed into an
information and communication platform, which also communicates data and knowledge
about nature and the landscape to the public and makes simple consultation and
participation possibilities available via the internet. This development is borne by a new
understanding of government action which is characterised by more proximity to citizens
and transparency in politics and the administration. Landscape planning therefore supports
implementation of Agenda 21 as well as the objectives of the Aarhus Convention and the
associated EU Directives and federal laws for the introduction of more democracy in
environmental issues. It promotes the enlightenment of members of the public and
businesses as well as their commitment to their environment and homeland. Because
landscape planning creates fundamentals, competence and incentives for own initiatives,
resourcefulness and commitment to the integration of environmental aspects in landscape
usage (Haaren, et al., 2008).
Landscape planning is also a way to effectively include the environmental requirements of
different sectors into planning process. One of the most valuable approaches is vulnerability
analysis, where environmental qualities are assessed from the viewpoint of potential threat
resulting from planned actions. It functions as an integrating and conflictsolving tool, since
it (Zaucer and Golobic, 2010):
- includes a whole territory (of a chosen administrative / planning unit),
- considers a whole range of diverse environmental components,
- supports active dialog between stakeholders,
- may embrace all interests (natural, social, economic, and political) and evaluate their
consequences and thus supports crosssectoral or comprehensive planning, and
- supports search for an optimal solution.
Landscape planning today should not be viewed as a static plan but as a dynamic,
continuously or modularly changeable information and working basis. Landscape planning
is expected to be need- and problem-oriented. Against the background of fast changes in use
of nature and landscape, these requirements are becoming increasingly important (Haaren,
et al., 2008). Landscape planning, design and management are practised directly or
Inventory and Analysis of the Landscape 5
indirectly by many others and in many sectors, including land use planning, agriculture,
forestry, nature conservation, amenity land management, and so on, and we include all
these in our approach. The term landscape used here is also broad and includes much
more than the appearance of the area of land which the eye can see at once (Chambers,
1993). Landscape is an evolving cross-disciplinary area, which draws contributions from art,
literature, ecology, geography and much more (Benson and London, 2000). As the legal
basis of the various planning and instruments partly name natural resources as sensitive
receptors, partly landscape functions, it should be possible to access landscape planning
information structured both by natural resources and landscape functions.
Landscape-ecological planning is a specialization within landscape planning that focuses on
spatial planning, the organization of uses and relationships of land uses to achieve explicit
goals (e.g. habitat improvement, sustainability). While the landscapeecological planning
approach is characterized by a focus on the linkage of ecological patterns and processes, it
also includes the actions and values of humans, and social and economic dimensions
(Hersperger 1994). Finally, landscape-ecological planning adopts the landscape as the
principle spatial unit of research and planning recommendations (Ahern, 2006).
Landscape analysis has a significant function in the process of decision making for the
future land use, organization of the space, nature protection, and rational use of the nature
resources. Basic problems and tasks of the landscape analysis and planning are located in
discovering and solving the conflicts among the development of the society and very
complex task in nature assignment. The development covers more intensive engagement of
space and more intensive land use, organization and arrangement. The features of the land
and space with their entire natural and produced substratum are the significant categories
for determination of future development. In this context, landscape analysis and planning
appear as an activity of primary task to connect developing possibilities and tendencies for
certain space (Pecova, 2000). These strategies, in essence, define the planning context with
respect to the macro-drivers of change in a given landscape and the strategic nature of the
planners response. Defining these strategies also helps to place the planning activity within
a broader context, which is particularly important when planning methods are transferred
or adopted for use in different locations, contexts or for different applications (Ahern, 2006).
Landscape planning methods can also be classified and understood according to their
strategic orientation: protective, defensive, offensive or opportunistic (Ahern 1995).
Planning methods can also be understood and classified according to their resource or goal
orientation. The abioticbioticcultural (ABC) model is useful to describe the specific goals
addressed in planning and the level of integration between these goals (Ahern, 1995) (Figure
1). In this model, abiotic goals include water resources, soil and air quality. Biotic goals
focus on biodiversity in general, including individual species and habitat protection and
ecological restoration. Cultural goals are human-based and include: transportation, land
use, recreation, historic preservation and economic goals (Ahern, 2006).
Figure 1. presents an array of planning types graphically organized within a triangle that
represents the ABC model. In this diagram a number of planning sectors or themes are
located according to their emphasis and level of integration within the ABC resources. The
Advances in Landscape Architecture 6
figure shows that an evolution is occurring towards a more integrated planning perspective
as represented by the central circle (Ahern, 2006).
Figure 1. The abiotic, biotic and cultural resource-planning continuum (Ahern, 2006).
The combination of different landscape factors and the interactions between the natural
resources are also significant for performance and ability to function. Apart from the
description and assessment of the landscape functions (current condition and development
potential), statements for specific areas are made on the sensitivity of distinct (sub)landscapes
to impacts as well as on the ability to restore their performance and functional capability
(Haaren, et al., 2008). This can be achieved by appropriate linking of standard text units in
digital landscape plans. It is also advisable not only to be able to select specific individual
cartographic areas but also to easily find and collate text statements on special landscape units.
This service will assist the administrations or project sponsors in consolidating the respective
relevant area descriptions for comments or environmental assessments. The effort spent on
these preparations pay off because the information is so conveniently accessible and is easier to
integrate in other planning and instruments (Haaren, et al., 2008). In landscape planning the
existing condition of nature and the landscape is determined and assessed on the basis of legal
and functional objectives and standards, which also include landscape planning objectives at a
higher level. To this end the available data and information is collated and, where necessary, it
is supplemented and updated by additional surveys. The fundamental information on the
soils, geology, bodies of water, air and climate, fauna and flora is used to deduce statements
regarding the performance and functions of the individual natural resources and/or the
balance of nature and the landscape overall (Haaren, et al., 2008).
2. Inventory and analysis of the landscape
2.1. Terrain analysis
Topographical maps of Greek origin Topos (place) and graphics (lines formed figure) is
formed from the word, used for lines shows created in the forms. These are the natural and
Inventory and Analysis of the Landscape 7
cultural aspects of the land, the horizontal and vertical cases, show a horizontal plane and
under a certain scale. Soil maps and other maps are used in making topographic maps as a
base map (Figure 2). Soil experts determine the elevation and slope curves, positions the
most benefit from relief. . Physiography deals with the physical conditions of the surface of
the land. The broad physiography of an area can be determined by the knowledge of the
physiographic region in which it lies. The important aspects of physiography are elevation
and slope. Slope, soils, geology, hydrology, microclimate, plants, and animals may be
strongly related to elevation. This means that elevation is an important feature in analyzing
landscapes. Topographic contour shape on the map, the location, frequency, taking into
account in an area of alluvial fans, colluvial skirt lands, valleys, mountainous-hilly areas, old
terraces, alluvial flood plains, river paths, meanders, lagoons and sand dunes landforms
such as defined. (Figure) Any contour of the land surface structure identifies the most
understandable form. Contour curves, in order to produce a realistic and reliable planning
decisions important.
Figure 2. Grading curves for an example area
First of all, check whether the map is up to date. If the current deficiencies detected during
the observations, can be added to the map. Or new information obtained from different
sources (water sources, wells, dams, ponds, bridges, new uses, etc.) can be placed on the
map. Horizontal and vertical cross-section for the map to be more easily interpreted. Thus,
the difference in level between the high and low parts of the land surface structure and can
be detected (hills, peaks, valleys, valley bottoms, slopes) (Figure 3). This is due to differences
in harmful situations, measures to prevent them must be determined. The base terrain, steep
slopes, private entities, such as delta, flood deposits, flood areas identified as sensitive areas.
The cross sections obtained terrain, concave (depressions, valleys, depressions and so on.)
And convex (ridges, hills) allows to perceive how it has developed to take shape. It is also
important heights, large and small valleys, flood beds and borders determined and
displayed. Accordingly, both precipitation and drainage of surface water streams flow
distribution to be determined. Surface water flow intensive - is less dense areas should be
Advances in Landscape Architecture 8
Figure 3. Elevation for an area
According to Kienast, 1993; for many countries topographic maps in the scale of 1:20000 to
1:30000 provide reliable monitoring data over the last 100 to 150 yrs (Hodgson and
Alexander, 1990). Additionally, there are often rich collections of detailed plans in larger
scales (1 :5000 to 1500) that date back to the late 18th and the early 19th century (, 1990;
Miiller, 1990). For the present study the main data sources are two series of topographic
maps in the scale of 1:25 000 dating back to the 1880s (Figure 4). Since topographic maps
are perceptions of the environment and often rather a text than a mirror of reality (Harley,
1989), definition of specific landscape elements or habitat types may vary considerably over
time and the location of features is often less accurate in earlier map editions compared with
todays standards (Hodgson and Alexander, 1990). Some of these misinterpretations are
impossible to correct. However with a strict crossdating and a comparison of the historic
maps with data from independent sources, most incompatibilities were eliminated. This was
accomplished by consulting the written protocols and field notes of the topographers.
Figure 4. Dijital elevation model (for spatial analyst)
Inventory and Analysis of the Landscape 9
Elevation maps are easily constructed by selecting intervals from the base maps. Altitudes
can be represented by coloring spaces between topographic intervals. Elevation changes are
depicted in shades of browns, yellows, or grays with felt markers, colored pencils, crayons,
or through the use of computer technology, becoming lighter or darker as elevation
In addition, topographic maps allow visibility analysis is made from.Visibility analysis
based on viewsheds is one of the most frequently used GIS analysis. This analyst ise used.
This analysis is used in many studies of landscape architecture (Figure 5).
Figure 5. Visibility analysis (observer offset:120 m. and target offset:100 m.)
Contour curves are some of the features (Karadeniz, 2010):
All points on a contour curve above are the same height above sea level,
Each contour curve closes in on itself. Even with the edge of the map, the map will
continue and close neighbors,
A closed contour curve shows the peak or pit.
Contour curves do not cut each other.
The slope increases, the contour lines pass as close to each other
In the cross-sections in order to compare the characteristic profile shapes with each
other is possible to make topographic maps. (Figure
Contour maps of curves that can be obtained; Height groups, slope, aspect maps
(except that 3-D images);
Height Groups
Curved contour map is obtained by the separation of certain groups heights (Figure 6).
2.2. Slope
Slopes may be subdivided according to steepness and direction. Slope direction is referred
to as aspect, or orientation (Figure 7). Steepness may be important for such activities as
agriculture or the construction of buildings, while the direction of slopes is an important
Advances in Landscape Architecture 10
factor for such activities as siting housing for solar energy collection. Slope composition and
related lithology needs to be determined. Lithology is the soil and rock material that
comprise a slope (Marsh 1998, 80) or the physical characteristics of sedimentary materials.
As with the elevation map, the division of slope categories will depend on the study.On the
map using the horizontal and vertical distances are obtained and analyzed in separate
groups of different units (Kienast, 1993).
Figure 6. Land profile graph (made by DEM)
Figure 7. Slope analysis
2.3. Aspect
Aspect map, facing at the surface indicates in which direction. Aspect of a landscape, the
climate, especially temperature and rainfall affect the amount of that place. In general, the S,
SE, SW, and W aspect "sunny aspects, is called. N, NE, NW, E aspects, "the shady aspects,
has been described as (Figure 8). The shaded look still water evaporation from the soil
temperature is less than would be even less. Therefore, the shady aspects, the same rainfall
conditions, sunny look still have a more favorable water economy
Inventory and Analysis of the Landscape 11
Figure 8. Aspect analysis
2.4. Climate analysis
Climate is the set of meteorological conditions characteristic of an area over a given length of
time. It is defined as the study of extremes and long-term means of weather. The regional (or
macro) climate is the big picture, the meteorological conditions and patterns over a large
area. Macroclimate is affected by physical conditions such as mountains, ocean currents,
prevailing winds, and latitude. It in turn affects the formation of the physiographic region
through the weathering of the terrain and the amounts of precipitation that fall on the
landscape. Climate states the average of the air for a long time in a specific place. Macro,
meso and micro are the 3 types of climate. Long-term measurements, temperature,
precipitation, air humidity and air movement and extreme values determined for the
average for the region, which is characterized by a wide range of climate macroclimate is
called. Climate characteristics of macro-states of different characteristics of land in the air
near the surface have been described as microclimate. Shape of the face of the land, such as
elevation and aspect Relief for small spaces created by the characteristics of the type of
climate is called the mesoclimate. This is located between the macro and microclimate. Plant
growth and biological analyzes to people about the climate are crucial in terms of comfort,
they are temperature and precipitation analysis. Relative humidity, time of sun and cloud
cover, wind direction and nature, frost days, and etc. factors have a significant effect on the
bioclimatic comfort. Precipitation is the most important factor limiting regeneration of
vegetation. The total annual rainfall is 600 mm but not enough for the formation of a local
forest as a result of research that indicated
Heat and temperature are very different concepts. Despite the potential value of objects
based on the heat, the temperature of this value emerged as a kinetic form. Therefore, the air
temperature is not heat.
Bioclimatic limits of comfort with the body temperature of 15 C between 37 C ambient
unless otherwise stated. Temperature of 20-24 C in the summer, optimum indoor
temperature of 21 C values of the optimal bioclimatic comfort. At night, the relative
humidity of 40-70% and 18-24 C temperature limit values.
Advances in Landscape Architecture 12
Climatic elements in preparing the vegetation ecological environment, climate, type of
vegetation and animals living in the rural and urban areas are the limiting factor.
Analysis, planning to put up a field of plant breeding the human race in the comfort of
home to learn about the conditions to create a suitable environment is important for people
in planning will be done.
Therefore, the climatic comfort of people trying to manifestation of the analysis depending
on the season. Bioclimatic comfort level and the amount of which should be of climatic
elements allowing research on human beings endure as a medium between the lowest and
highest temperatures bioclimatic comfort limits.
Meteorological elements change vertically and horizontally within short distances. Small-
scale variations are brought about by changes in slope and orientation of the ground
surface; soil type and moisture; variations in rock, vegetation type and height; and human-
made features. These different climates found within a small space are grouped together
under the general description of microclimate. The term topoclimate is used when the effects of
topographic variations of the land on the microclimate are considered. Generally,
topoclimate is an extension of microclimate into the higher layers of the atmosphere and
over landscapes, depending on the relief of the land. Therefore, topoclimate can be
considered to occupy an intermediate level between macroclimate and microclimate. It is
important to understand microclimate and topoclimate for many of the same reasons that
macro, or regional, climate is important. These finer layers, however, relate more directly to
building and open space design (Kienast, 1993).
2.5. Geology
Geology is the study of the earth. This study involves both what has happened in the past,
or geological history, and what is happening on and in the earth today.
This analysis was prepared by institutions engaged in geological studies consists of the
interpretation of maps and reports. As a result of this review maps and reports, forms the
bedrock of physical and chemical state of the soil, water retention properties of the mass due
to the hydrogeological characteristics of sedimentary or igneous efficiency, earthquake
status (seismicity), the main rock formations are learned.
The inventory of a place requires an understanding of the geological history and processes
of the region. Such understanding can begin with a geological map, which is a graphic
representation of the rock units and geological features that are exposed on the surface of
the Earth. Accordance with the determination of the geological structure of the area in
which such use is put forward. Functional characteristics of a field analysis of geological
bedrock exhibits the aesthetic features can be evaluated. Underground long and wide
fissures (fault lines) goes on and on. These lines are extremely sensitive to the occurrence of
the earthquake areas. These areas should be on residential areas, more use should be
included in nature conservation purposes. In addition to showing different types and ages
of rocks, most geo- logical maps depict geologic features, such as faults, folds, and
Inventory and Analysis of the Landscape 13
volcanoes. The relative timing of events can usually be determined from a geologic map,
usually by the application of these principles: superposition (younger layers are above older
ones); original horizontality (layers formed from deposition of sediment were originally
flat); crosscutting relationships (younger features crosscut older ones; a fault will be younger
than the layers or contacts it cuts); and inclusions (a rock unit is younger than the layers
from which the inclusions it contains came).
Summary of geologic inventory elements; regional geographic history, depth to bedrock,
outcrops, bedrock types and characteristics, cross sections, columnar sections, surficial
deposits (regolith): kames, kettles, eskers, moraines, drift and till, mineral resources, major
fault lines, earthquake zones, and seismic activity, rock slides and mud slides (Kienast, 1993)
2.6. Geomorphological analysis
Geomorphological structure, depending on the geological structure of different geological
times (Era), composed of the structure of the land. Geological times, the base of the valley
bottom and the plain plains, alluvial cones, low and high benches, low, medium, and high
plateaus, hills, hilly and mountainous areas and etc. geomorphological formations emerge.
Generally, plains, hills, high hills and highlands plateaus are around. Maps, brown hills,
valleys, yellow and green, and etc.. are shown in colors. Geomorphological structure
studies, microclimate, ground water, agriculture, transport, housing and construction issues
during the elections helps. For example, the hills are areas that allow private construction.
Dense urban developments planned, slope and valleys, parks and woods considered. Relief:
mountains, hills, plains, valleys and plateaus of the surface forms of the earth's crust. Soil
formation processes such as erosion and drainage efficiency of distribution and orientation
plays a significant role in relief.
The following information can be produced as a result of an examination of relief
the height above sea level
according to an altitude of objects around the comparison and detection of patterns,
certain areas, and the average slope inclination
lands texture local formations (rocks, steep cliffs, sand dunes, karstic, etc.)
Relief, the shape of the land belonging to a landscape on a flat, recessed - ribbed, curved, is a
phrase that allows the introduction of phrases such as low or high. Relief characteristics of a
landscape, "altitude", "examination", "slope of the land", "shape of the earth factors are
introduced. Relief of a place, climate, vegetation and soil characteristics have a significant
impact on.
2.7. Hydrological analysis
According to (Kienast, 1993); Water is essential for all forms of life. It is also a finite resource.
Most water in the hydrosphere is salt water (97.20 percent). Water in the polar icecaps and
other frozen areas accounts for 2.15 percent of the resource. This means only 0.65 percent of
Advances in Landscape Architecture 14
the water in the world is fresh, and its distribution and quality is uneven (Tarjuelo and de
Juan 1999). As a result, water is an essential factor to consider in planning Water resources
in conjunction with the natural function of the aquatic ecosystem at every stage of life, are
needed by all living beings. Hydrological characteristics of the structure is damaged in any
way connected to it will affect the life of the living.
The hydrologic cycle expresses the balance of water in its various forms in the air, on land,
and in the sea. As the hydrologic cycle and water budget illustrate, hydrology deals with the
movement of water through the landscape both on the surface and in the ground.
Groundwater is water that fills all the unblocked pores of materials lying beneath the surface.
Surface water is water that flows above the ground. Depth to water table, water quality,
aquifer yields, direction of movement, and the location of wells are important groundwater
Hydrological survey planned in the field;
surface drainage analysis
analysis of groundwater
surface water analysis
bottom water analyses can be performed in four different fields.
Types of Utilization of Water Resources (Karadeniz, 2008);
Drinking water (surface + underground - wells)
Agricultural activities (surface + underground - wells)
Industrial activities
commercial activities
Recreation / tourism activities
2.8. Soils
The skeleton of the geological structure formed by elements of the vitality of plants and
animals, which have gained ground, first of all exhaustible not protected, there is no place,
no longer works in the life of human nutrition, accommodation, and so on. a substance that
has taken over the function of many. Soil, the water and items such as a living source. Soils
occupy a unique position in the lithosphere and atmosphere. Sustainable soil use is
indispensable for the development of a country. They are a transition zone that links the
biotic and abiotic environments. Soil is a natural three-dimensional body on the surface of
the earth that is capable of supporting plants. Its properties result from the integrated effect
of climate and living matter acting upon parent material, as conditioned by relief over
periods of time. Many processes are linked within the soil zone, so soils often can reveal
more about an area than any other natural factor. The soil survey includes the information
To determine the important characteristics of soils
Inventory and Analysis of the Landscape 15
To classify soils into defined types and other classificational units
To establish and to plot on maps the boundaries among kinds of soils
To correlate and to predict the adaptability of soils to various crops, grasses, and trees,
their behavior and productivity under different management systems, and the yields of
adapted crops under defined sets of management practices
The principal purposes of the soil survey are:
To make available all the specific information about each kind of soil that is significant
to its use and behavior to those who must decide how to manage it
To provide descriptions of the mapping units so the survey can be interpreted for land
uses that require the fundamental facts about soil
Summary of soils inventory elements: Soil series, permeabilit,texture, profiles, erosion
potential, drainage potential, soil associations and catenas, cation and anion exchange,
Soil maps, land capability classes and these classes determine the soil physical, chemical and
biological properties of soils, as well as training courses are available. In addition, usage
patterns according to these properties are stated and symbols are shown on the map.
Soil landslide, fluidity, displacement characteristics of survey plans or maps are very
important in terms of processing uses reach a decision on the erroneous.
Soil, landscape planner is one of the important ecological factors affecting the decision.
Should not be the decision of any plan without understanding the properties of the soil as it
should be.
Soil, landscape planner is one of the important ecological factors affecting the decision.
Different climatic conditions, a wide range of rocks of different plant designs at different
elevations formed land, water and air, one of the indispensable elements of life. Soil is a
limited natural resource. In Turkey, most of the worlds to represent the soil types have
different soil types.
2.9. Vegetation
Plants are important to study for many reasons. They may have economic and medicinal
value. They provide habitat for wildlife. They have significant influence on natural events
like fires and floods and may reduce the human consequences of such events. Plants are
beautiful and contribute to the scenic quality of landscapes. Plants are the source of oxygen,
which humans need to survive.
Survey analysis of landscape vegetation is one of the most important works. Flora and
vegetation survey done by several methods. The flora of an area of all plant species,
surveying, site observations and collected in the form of plants can be identified.
Flora cannot work without knowing the vegetation. Stratification, vitality (naturalness) and
the other based on qualitative and quantitative characteristics of the plants are grouped and
Advances in Landscape Architecture 16
named all of the vegetation. Vegetation surveys, in the form of detailed investigation, Braun
/Blanquet's method and the values determined by the quality and quantity of work done
with the vegetation maps we developed this method in many countries.
The vegetation plots will be determined by dividing the area of the study of flora as simple
as possible. Sample plots can be created in various sizes. For example, a plot of 20x20 m in
size of all trees, shrubs, herbaceous plants is determined by the type and size. Plots more
detailed surveys, 4x4 m and 1x1 m in size by dividing the sub-plots of plant species can be
detected. These plots are given numerical values are determined by density of plant species.
Vegetation, vegetation can be classified as natural and cultural. In vegetation surveys should
be examined in both studies. Vegetation can be determined by aerial photographs.
Vegetation remote sensing system is also an important method used in the search. The
vegetation surveys, and maps are used in planning the elections of most plant material.
Summary of vegetation inventory elements; Plant associations and communities, vegetative
units, species list, species composition and distribution, physiognomic profiles, ecotone and
edge profiles, rare, endangered, and threatened species, fire history (Kienast, 1993).
2.10. Fauna
Fauna, terrestrial and aquatic fauna can be studied in two groups. Land fauna of mammals,
birds, frogs and reptiles, insects and invertebrates. These populations, habitats, and is
determined in terms of activities. Results are reported with a map of a state of wild life.
Within the scope of this report, the general condition of the fauna (endemic, rare,
endangered, extinction, etc.). Indicated. Broadly, wildlife is considered to be animals that are
neither human nor domesticated. Insects, fish, amphibians, birds, and mammals are more
mobile than plants. While closely linked to vegetative units for food and shelter, wildlife
often use different areas to reproduce, eat, and sleep. Like vegetation, wildlife have not been
extensively inventoried except where the animals have some commercial value. Because
animals are mobile, they are even more difficult to inventory than vegetation. Planners are
paying increased attention to wildlife. They observe that in addition to enhancing the
quality of life, wildlife protection is important for ethical and moral reasons, for recreational
benefits, and for economic and tourist values.
Summary of wildlife inventory elements; Species list, species-habitat matrix, animal
populations, habitat value map, habitat of rare, endangered, and threatened species
Animal migration is connected to both the ecological and genetic factors need to be taken
into consideration surveying point. Migration event, both vertically and horizontally
maintained. Regular vertical migration by plankton, the night side of the sea or lakes go deep
into the water again in the morning takes the form of strokes. Horizontal migration of many
invertebrate and vertebrate animals conducted by the immigration. Vertebrate animals are
more regular migrations. Some animals are effective spread plant species. For example, birds,
fruits, taking them to various places after eating the seeds of these plants are to help them
develop those areas. In addition, the fauna that need to fertilize plants.
Inventory and Analysis of the Landscape 17
In addition, creating a major impact on hunting fauna. Hunting generating stations was
established, hunting periods, must be done regularly. Effects on fauna, there are cultural
practices, improper applications, the reductions in fauna, migration, and etc. causes
2.11. Analysis of socio-culturel resources
Landscape architecture, planning activities, as well as natural resources, cultural resources
present in the area is important in the determination of planning decisions to be taken for
these resources. Planning was done by the people for the people by the people are the most
important criterion in planning.
In the selection of a cultural use of natural resources in an area to determine the effects of
this field, if necessary, the effects on natural resources, cultural resources, and these effects
should be known to be determined.
Surveys, social situation, demographics, migration and urbanization, communication and
transportation, education, health and nutritional status, settlement and housing status,
issues such as public-state relations under investigation. In surveys, the economic situation,
land ownership, party products, credit facilities, cooperatives, marketing and market
relations, forms of business power, the income levels of the families studied.
Author details
Murat zyavuz
Namk Kemal University, Faculty of Fine Arts, Design and Architect,
Department of Landscape Architecture, Turkey
3. References
Ahern, J., 1995. Greenways as a planning strategy. In: Fabos, J. and Ahern, J. eds. Greenways:
the beginning of an international movement. Elsevier, Amsterdam, 131-155.
Ahern, J., 2006., Theories, methods and strategies for sustainable landscape planning. In
From Landscape Research to landscape Planning: Aspects of Integration, Education
and Application. B. Tress, G. Tress, G. Fry, and P. Opdam, Editors. Springer. Pp. 119-
Benson, J.F., London, M.H.R. 2000. Landscape are complex systems that require a multiscale
approach to fully understand, manage, and predict their behavior. ISBN 0-419-25080-8
(Print Edition).
Haaren, C.V., Galler, C., Ott, S. 2008.Landscape planning: The basis of sustainable landscape
development, Federal Agency for Nature Conservation, Hannover.
Karadeniz, N. 2008. Kaynak Envanter ve Analizi, Ankara niversitesi, Peyzaj Mimarl
Blm, Ankara, Trkiye.
Advances in Landscape Architecture 18
Kienast, F. 1993. Analysis of historic landscape patterns with a Geographical Information
System - a methodological outline, Landscape Ecology vol. 8 no. 2 pp 103-118.
Pecova, H.S., 2000. Landscape Analysis in Spatial Planning, Landscape Ecology: theory and
applications for practical purposes, The Problems of Landscape Ecology Vol VI., 93-101.
Zaucer, L.B. and Golobic, M. 2010. Landscape plannng and vulnerablty assessment n the
medterranean, Croatia.
Chapter 2
Impacts of Improper Land Uses
in Cities on the Natural Environment
and Ecological Landscape Planning
A. Esra Cengiz
Additional information is available at the end of the chapter
1. Introduction
Irregular and unsound urban development is the common problem of all urban settlements
today. The increasing continuation of this problem is inevitable in this order, where the
economy-ecology balance is not taken into consideration and economic concerns always win.
Urban growth, the density of which is continuing increasingly with the population increase
that has taken place in urban areas in the recent years, leads to the vanishing of an extremely
limited number of natural resources and to the occurrence of irregular and unsound urban
areas, along with impairing the agricultural lands (Brueckner et al., 2001).
When considered from another perspective, it might be stated that urbanization gained
momentum with the industrial revolution. When urbanization and industrialization are
evaluated together in this context, it follows that the share of industrialization in the
concentration of the population in urban areas and in the environmental pressure it creates
is a fact which cannot be ignored (Aksu, 2011). The technological development, the
population increase and the rapid change in cities that particularly occurred upon the
industrial revolution have upset the ecological balance; consequently, the process of rapid
degradation of natural resources commenced. Having continued with a gradual increase in
the need for new living spaces and areas of use, this process of degradation has substantially
altered the working of the ecosystem with either conscious or unconscious planning.
It is impossible to make up for the natural resources which have been used up due to the
degraded ecosystem; furthermore, the vital impacts of this process are increasing day by
day. The cities and industrial areas (technoecosystems) which continue to develop on
natural areas especially due to the shortcomings/mistakes in city planning are striking as
one of the most important results of this situation.
Advances in Landscape Architecture 20
Technoecosystems are ecosystems which occur with the rearrangement of natural
ecosystems and on which urban-industrial societies live. Being relatively new on the earth,
these systems provide their power from advanced technologies and non-self-renewing
energy resources. In order for urban-industrial formations to survive on the earth with
limited resources, it is imperative that they be made more compatible with the natural
ecosystem than that of today and that an order which benefits both parties be created
without the impairment of the working of the ecosystem (Odum and Barrett, 2008).
In conclusion, upon the impairment of the working of the ecosystem, the fertile agricultural
lands which are particularly impossible to reclaim have been confronted with the danger of
degradation and vanishing, along with the natural areas that must absolutely be conserved
within the ecosystem. Therefore, preservation of the ecological balance and the concept of
ecological landscape planning that developed accordingly are the primary issues on which
one must strongly dwell today.
Considering the principle of integration of the urban ecosystem with the natural ecosystem,
this study dwells on the impacts of improper use due to wrong urban development on the
natural environment and the concept of ecological landscape planning. Within this scope,
the subjects Improper Land Use, Planning and the Planning Hierarchy in Turkey,
Ecological/Environmentally-Sensitive Landscape Planning and its Importance, and the Relationship
between Sustainable Urbanization and Ecological Planning were included in the study.
At the next stage of the study, the losses of fertile agricultural lands resulting from the lands
which were opened to development at the city center of anakkale, selected in order to explain
the matter with a concrete example, are contained in the study with numerical expressions and
figures. At the final stage, an overall evaluation of the planning hierarchy on the urban scale in
our country was made, and the legal and administrative gaps in the improper use of the land
were investigated thoroughly. Accordingly, the reasons for, the consequences of and the
solutions to improper land uses frequently taking place in urban area planning were discussed.
2. Improper land use
The importance attached, and the priority given, to the environment and to urban ecological
planning varies by society. Furthermore, it is possible to see the variations in the perspectives of
the environment at various stages. Urban development is defined with the increase in
production and consumption following the industrial revolution with the assumption that the
natural resources were endless and with intensive construction activities. This stage involves
some extravagant energy and land use at this stage. The growth of the city against agricultural
lands is regarded as an essential indication of development (Eke, 2000).
Especially the process of metropolitanization causes cities to grow rapidly in the space and
sprawl over extensive areas and to predominate, economically and socially, in all
surrounding urban and rural communities. As a result of this, the natural resources
remaining within the metropolitan area enter the process of being used up rapidly. This
manifests itself with the unplanned and uncontrolled growth particularly against the rapid
population increase in the metropolises of developing countries (Sezgin and Varol, 2012).
Impacts of Improper Land Uses in Cities on the Natural Environment and Ecological Landscape Planning 21
By the phenomenon of urbanization which appeared in this process of growth, the sprawl of
cities, the absolute necessity for establishing new settlements and the fact that urban lands
could easily be turned into a matter of speculation resulted in the rapid inclusion of fertile
agricultural lands in urban lands (Kele and Hamamc, 1993).
The rapid decrease in agricultural lands upon rapid urbanization and industrialization is a
phenomenon which is observed worldwide besides in our country. The construction
activities of industrial establishments, roads which are their infrastructure, sports facilities
and entertainment centers take place in fertile agricultural lands generally with the
justification that they bring fewer economic losses (epel, 2008).
The reasons for improper use, meaning the use of agricultural land for nonagricultural
purposes, include the gradual increase in urbanization, the rapidly developing industry and
investments accordingly, and, finally, the gaps in laws and regulations. The economic
earnings that develop depending on the construction of houses in rapidly growing areas
where urban development is intensively felt are always higher and less risky than the yield
of the activities to be carried out in agricultural lands, which manifests itself as the most
primary reason why such areas are preferred as urban settlements.
Improper use generally takes place on the fertile agricultural lands which are generally
Class I to Class IV agricultural lands, where any plant can grow, which are plain, which are
well-drained, where the soil depth is high, and which definitely should not be used for
nonagricultural purposes.
In this way, urbanization, one of the most serious threats for the worlds biodiversity, most
dramatically and permanently alters land use in our country, as it does worldwide (Ricketts
and Imhoff, 2003; Yli-Pelkonen and Niemel, 2006).
Upon the industrial branch which developed afterwards, the identification of these lands,
which continued to exist as urban development areas, as areas convenient for any
nonagricultural investment and their use for these purposes were supported. Since no laws
or regulations to prevent all these things and to protect fertile agricultural lands have been
made or since, even if they have been made, they lack the necessary restrictions, the
improper use of fertile agricultural lands continues as a great national problem.
3. Planning and the planning hierarchy in Turkey
With a wide variety of definitions, planning is an integrated system which involves a
series of chaotic cases in theory and practice and which depends on various laws and
regulations besides being a multidirectional and comprehensive concept. According to the
definition by Kele (1972), planning is regarded as the whole of decisions about the actions
in the future, whereas planning also involves the absolute necessity for the rational use of
the available resources and information. The process of preparation of the series of decisions
aiming at attaining the targets which have been specified regarding the activities to take
place in the future as a whole via the optimum means is called planning (Akay, 2009).
Advances in Landscape Architecture 22
Article 166 of the 1982 Constitution is entitled Planning and assigns the state the task of
planning which ensures economic, social and cultural development, particularly the rapid
development of industry and agriculture at the national level in a balanced and compatible way, and
the efficient use of national resources by making their inventory and evaluation.
There are numerous laws, statutes, regulations and circulars which direct development in
our country, with the most determinative one being the Development Law No. 3194 and the
regulations affiliated to it. Depending on the variety of the objects intended to be planned, a
large number of types of plans are encountered in the development law. Some of these types
of plans were organized in the Development Law No. 3194, while some of them were left to
Article 4 of the law and the regulations to be made with special laws. It is possible to classify
the plans which arise from the provisions of the Development Law as types of plans for
general purposes and the plans which are for special purposes and which are envisaged for
the areas that are the subject of a different planning regime as types of plans for special
purposes (Table 1) (Erdem and Cokun, 2009). Of the following types of plans, Upper-Scale
Plans, the Physical Plan of the Country, the Regional Plan and the Land Use Plan are types
of socio-economic and ecological plans, while the remaining plans are called types of
physical plans.
Types of Plans for General Purposes Types of Plans for Special Purposes
Upper-Scale Plans The Development Plan for Conservation
(1:5,000 and 1:1,000)
The Physical Plan of the Country (A five-year
development plan)
The Development Plan for Tourism (1:5,000
and 1:1,000)
The Regional Plan (1:200,000, 1:50,000, 1:25,000,
and 1:10,000) Natural resource
inventory/analysis, Socio-economic resource
The Plan for a Special Environmental
Conservation Zone (1:25,000, 1:5,000, and
The Land Use Plan (Conservation, Agriculture,
Forest, Recreation, Settlement, Industry, etc.)
The Development Plan for Rehabilitation
(1:5,000 and 1:1,000)
The Metropolitan Master Plan (1:50,000) The Village Settlement Plan (1:1,000)
The Environmental Order Plan (1:25,000) The Forestland Development Plan
The Master Plan (1:5,000) The Coastal Development Plan
The Implementation Development Plan
The Development Plan for Mass Housing
Complementary plans which bring change Planning in Agricultural Lands
The Additional Plan Planning of Pastures, etc.
The Partial Development Plan National Park Planning
The Revision Development Plan Planning in Industrial Sites
An Amendment to the Plan Planning in Water Basins
Table 1. Types of plans (Atabay, 2003; Erdem and Cokun, 2009)
Impacts of Improper Land Uses in Cities on the Natural Environment and Ecological Landscape Planning 23
Even though most of the above-mentioned types of plans are in some way contained in the
law, the majority are the types of plans with no implementation in practice. In Article 6,
entitled the Planning Hierarchy, of the second section entitled Fundamental Principles
on Development Plans in the Development Law No. 3194 that was shaped with an
understanding which was extremely far from conserving the natural resources and that was
primarily organized in order to ensure the shaping of urban living spaces, it is laid down
that Plans are prepared as Regional Plans in terms of the area they cover and their purposes,
whereas development plans are prepared as Master Plans and Implementation Development
Plans. In other words, spatial plans are collected in two main ranks as Upper-Scale Plans (the
Regional Plan) and Lower-Scale Plans (Development Plans), although not clearly defined in the
law. Development Plans are subdivided into two as the Master Plan and the
Implementation Development Plan. Another type of plan included in Article 5 of the law,
entitled Definitions, is the Environmental Order Plan. This type of plan should again be
regarded as an upper-scale plan type both owing to the content provided in the definition
and because it is not included in the definition of Development Plans. In conclusion, when
the related articles of the Development Law are evaluated together, it is possible to speak of
three main plan ranks, namely Regional Plans, Environmental Order Plans and Development
Plans, although not defined systematically (Ersoy, 2006).
The types of plans and their definitions which are contained in the law are as follows
(Ercokun et al., 2004; Erdem and Cokun, 2009; Demirel, 2010; the Ministry of Environment
and City Planning, 2012):
Regional Plan: The State Planning Organization (SPO) makes the regional plans which must
reveal the socio-economic development trends and the potential of settlements for
development, or it has them made, when it considers necessary. Having appeared on the
agenda following the establishment of the SPO after the 1960s, this plan hierarchy did not
draw significant interest. Even if it is mentioned in the Development Law, it is not definite
how a plan will be made or will gain legality, and it is not obligatory to make it either.
Metropolitan Area Plans: Metropolitan Area Plans, which are not contained in Definitions
and the Planning Hierarchy in the Development Law No. 3194 but which are mentioned
in Article 9 of the law although they must follow regional plans in the hierarchy of plans, are
plans that must be between regional plans and environmental order plans in terms of scope
and scale.
Environmental Order Plan: In Article 5 of the law, it was stated that it is a plan which
determines the decisions on settlement and land use, such as housing, industry, agriculture,
tourism and transportation, in agreement with national and regional plan decisions;
however, no specific scale was mentioned. On the other hand, the scale of an Environmental
Order Plan was specified as 1:25,000, 1:50,000, 1:100,000 or 1:200,000 in the Regulation on
Plan-Making enacted depending on the same law and it was laid down that it was required
to comply with regional plan decisions, if available. Aiming on the one hand to conserve
natural resources and cultural, historical and environmental assets, but on the other, to
guide settlement demands, this plan has a quality of directing the low-ranking plans.
Advances in Landscape Architecture 24
Development Plans: These plans are organized in accordance with the resolutions on the
higher-level regional or environmental order plans and bring details concerning the
implementation. Development plans are spatial arrangements which are developed on the
present maps so as to find the best solutions that might be provided among urban functions,
such as residing, working, resting and transportation, by meeting social and cultural needs
in order to provide good quality of life by offering the required standards of living to the
residents of a particular locality. The municipalities concerned make these plans, or have
them made, and these plans come into force after having been approved by the municipal
assembly. The requirement for the ensuring of compliance of development plans with regional plan
and environmental plan decisions (if available) is mentioned in Article 8/b of the law.
Development plans are basically implemented at two stages, i.e. the master plan and the
implementation development plan. In Article 5 of the Development Law, it is stated that
implementation development plans will be drawn according to the fundamental principles of the
master plan, and master plans will be organized to form the basis for the preparation of
implementation development plans:
Master Plan: It is a plan which is recorded on the existing maps in agreement with the
regional or environmental order plans, which is explained with a detailed report drawn up
to form the basis for the preparation of implementation development plans, and which is
prepared on the scales of 1:25,000, 1:5,000 and 1:2,000 with the new regulations. It includes
the general ways of use of land pieces drawn with their cadastral status being recorded, if
available, the types of regions, the future population density of regions, the building
density, the development direction and size of various settlements as well as their
principles, their transportation systems, and the solution to problems.
Implementation Development Plan: It is a plan on a scale of 1:1,000 which is drawn on the
approved present maps with the cadastral status being recorded, if available according
to the master plan and which shows in detail the city blocks of various regions, their density
and order, the roads and the implementation stages that will form the basis for the
development implementation programs required for implementation and other information.
Moreover, in addition to this plan, the Revision Development Plan, the Additional Development
Plan and the Partial Development Plan are also made when any type of plan on any scale fails
to respond to the need or when it is impossible to implement it.
As also understood from these definitions and as also stated previously, when the recent
legal regulations are read altogether, it is comprehended that the planning system in force
consists of three main ranks, namely Regional Plans, Environmental Order Plans, and
Development Plans. The Physical Plan of the Country at the top of the planning hierarchy is
the planning which is not included in the law and has no implementation either. Instead,
Development Plans, which had been in five-year periods until 2009 and which have been
covering a seven-year process since 2009, are prepared by the SPO. No plan concepts or
approaches at the national level are included in the spatial planning system in force in our
country; furthermore, the expressions about Regional Plans are extremely inadequate.
Regional planning is a rank whose technical content and sanctions have entirely been left in
Impacts of Improper Land Uses in Cities on the Natural Environment and Ecological Landscape Planning 25
uncertainty. The section which defines the plans in the Development Law in force contains
no elaborate explanation with respect to Regional Plans that are the second upper-scale
plans and that are indicated as the first step of the legal plan hierarchy. It is clearly seen that
these plans, stated to be made by the SPO in the law, must be on the scales of 1:100,000 and
above, despite the presence of no provisions on this matter in the law. Nevertheless, not
enough plans on this scale have been made in our country; moreover, since there is no legal
regulation in the materialization of the projects drawn up, no reality could be achieved
about their implementation (Ersoy, 2006; Akay, 2009).
Although the concept of Environmental Order Plan, an upper-scale plan, is very frequently
considered and discussed, it has not been finalized and clarified yet by which institution it
will be prepared (Demirel, 2010). Especially the development about making an
Environmental Order Plan is continually being disrupted due to the confusion of authority
between the central government and the local government (Ylmaz, 2007).
Although the master plan and the implementation development plan are completely far
from ecological concern in terms of their ways of implementation in our country, these plans
are made to organize the utilization of soil (Kele, 2012). However, the Environmental Order
Plan, the Master Plan and the Implementation Development Plan should be ecological
plans for environmental conservation. These plans should envisage the conservation,
planning and management of sensitive ecosystems and the areas with naturally and
culturally unique features. According to the existing planning system, some shortcomings
and some cases which contradict with the definitions of plans occur in practice.
In fact, environmental order plans should not be the magnified copies of regional plans;
master plans should not be the magnified copies of environmental order plans; and
implementation development plans should not be the magnified copies of master plans.
These plans must be documents whereby abstract-to-concrete plan decisions are taken and
which contain different features and details (Ersoy, 2006). Thus, the inclusion of ecological
planning in the planning hierarchy in the existing system (Table 2) appears an obligation
(Tozar and Ayalgil, 2008).
Brought forward as a solution to/remedy for the consequence that all of these approaches
and the planning ranks also contained in the legal legislation nationwide are inadequate and
up against a brick wall at some point, ecological landscape planning is one of the planning
approaches, the importance of which is gradually increasing today and which might
prevent the systematic destruction of natural resources.
4. Ecological/environmentally-sensitive landscape planning and its
Upon the population increase and the phenomena of urbanization and industrialization
which developed accordingly, all living environments and the natural assets which must be
conserved have been endangered by the intensive pressure of the unlimited use by people.
It is impossible to stop this bad course with standard planning approaches. Therefore,
Advances in Landscape Architecture 26
ecological planning is the most important approach among the approaches set forth in order
to conserve and reclaim the ecosystem which is degrading rapidly today.
Name of the
Scale Authority of
Authority of
Plan Approval
Legal Basis
Regional Plan Region Uncertain The State
The State
Law No. 3194
Order Plan
The area
within the
Uncertain The Special
The Special
and the
Law No. 5302
Uncertain The Ministry of
and City
The Ministry of
and City
Law No. 3194
Order Plan
Basin and
The Ministry of
Forestry and
Water Affairs
The Ministry of
Forestry and
Water Affairs
Law No. 2872
which was
amended by
Law No. 5491
Master Plan The area
within the
boundaries of
1:25,000 Metropolitan
Law No. 5216
Master Plan The
and the
Law No. 3194
and the
1:1,000 All
other than the
Law No. 3194
Table 2. The existing planning hierarchy in our country (adapted from Ersoy, 2006)
Impacts of Improper Land Uses in Cities on the Natural Environment and Ecological Landscape Planning 27
Elimination of the pressure on resources and the carrying out of planning that is suitable for
this are prerequisites for the economical use, and sustainability, of natural resources. In the
ecological landscape planning studies which have substantially developed in the recent
years, it is recommended not to disregard ecological convenience in land uses by developing
a multidirectional way of ecological arrangement and planning (Dramstad et al., 1996;
Makhzoumi and Pungetti, 1999; Ndubisi; 2002). In ecologically-based land uses, particularly
the conservation of natural resources should be the fundamental objective, and the principle
of integration of natural areas into the conventional urban land use planning should be
adopted. The aim of ecological planning, in which the ecology-economy balance is
absolutely taken into consideration in planning studies, is to utilize a region at the optimum
level according to the existing physical factors and open it to multidirectional use (Cook,
1991; McHarg, 1992; Colding, 2007).
The ecological landscape planning studies date back to very ancient times, and the first and
most fundamental work on this subject is Design with Nature the most important
planning book of the 20th century by McHarg (Akpnar, 2008). Ecological planning differs
from physical plans in that it aims at a balanced organization among land uses. This is
achieved when all existing and potential uses in an area maintain the negative impacts with
the environment and among themselves at the minimum level (Kocata, 2010).
So far, various definitions and explanations have been set forth on ecological
planning/urban ecological planning the most influential means of the protection of the
nature, its development, and carrying it to the future. The following are some of these
definitions with common goals:
According to Stitt (2009), ecological planning is defined as the use of natural and socio-
cultural information so as to suggest various probabilities and restrictions in the process of
decision-making regarding the use of natural resources (zgl and Atabay, 2006).
Ecological landscape planning is an area of expertise within the scope of landscape planning
studies and focuses on making a connection between ecological patterns and the processes.
Moreover, it also encompasses social and economic dimensions in terms of human activities
and cultural values. In conclusion, ecological landscape planning bases its research and plan
suggestions on ecological spatial units (Akpnar, 2008).
On the one hand urbanization, industrialization and technological developments provide
societies with better living conditions, but on the other, they lead to the degradation of the
natural environment and cause natural resources to be used up and the environmental
pollution to increase. It is these factors which make it imperative to attach more importance
to cities in environmental conservation studies and to adopt an ecological approach in city
planning (Eke, 2000).
The ecological planning approach in urban areas can be summarized as an approach to a
sustainable urban life which prioritizes the methods and implementations that support the
evaluation and development of urban data according to natural, i.e. ecological, criteria as
well as conservation and reuse (Gl and Polat, 2009).
Advances in Landscape Architecture 28
The natural environment and landscape have been evaluated in an integrated way in
physical planning in the recent years when the environmental problems have reached the
most advanced dimensions. Ecological planning is a planning process in which the
favorable/restrictive conditions of an area and biophysical and socio-cultural data are used
when determining the optimum places for land use in areas which have not degraded yet
(Tozar and Ayalgil, 2008). In other words, it is a planning approach which provides an
opportunity of choosing the living space that is optimum in terms of natural potential
among our living spaces and therefore has sustainability and which entails the spatial
organization of different types of land uses (elikyay, 2005).
Ecological landscape planning is a process which encompasses land use planning besides
decision-making with respect to the way of, and strategies for, using natural resources.
Additionally, it is the whole of the objectives which the society wishes to attain in planning
and the process of physical change resulting from the implementation of these objectives
(Marsh, 1997; Steiner, 2000).
Ecological planning is one of the basic sections of physical planning, and it is generally
related to the arrangement of the physical space for ecological objectives. The primary
purpose of this planning is to enhance the optimum and continuous efficiency of the natural
and artificial environments in all special physical planning. In other words, it refers to
filtering special plan objectives (all wishes regarding the physical structure) through the
filter of ecological planning that is the complementary planning (Kseolu, 1982).
elikyay (2006) states that the aim of ecological evaluations is to determine the negative
effects of human actions and physical factors on natural resources. Ecological planning both
is a link between the process of spatial planning which is particularly directed to land use
and the process of effect evaluation for natural resources and constitutes the foundation of
the effective management of natural resources.
The ecological planning approach envisages preventing environmental problems just before
they occur and arranging the spaces where one will live accordingly. In this planning
approach, first of all, natural-local resources are determined and the uses are arranged
considering the features of these resources. The objective is not to repress the resource with
the planning made but to prevent the damage caused by the uses through planning
according to the resource (Uur, 2009). Accordingly, ecological planning is the process of
examining the physical and social factors about the determination of the optimum place for
the types of land uses selected in order to reveal the opportunities of, and barriers to,
decision-making regarding the use of natural resources (Akpnar, 2008).
According to Atabay (2003), when there is sustainability in planning, first of all, it is
necessary to set forth the sustainable development strategies which are based on the natural
environment, which is only possible through ecological planning. Atabay (2005) states that
particularly country-, region- and basin-based Ecological Master Plans are needed in
order to ensure the sustainable conservation and use of natural resources.
In conclusion, the ability of urban settlements to survive is directly correlated with the concept
of sustainable development that also depends on the conservation and use of natural resources
Impacts of Improper Land Uses in Cities on the Natural Environment and Ecological Landscape Planning 29
(Cheng and Hu, 2009). In other words, urban sustainability can be achieved as a result of the
conservation-use balance provided with ecological landscape planning.
5. The relationship between sustainable urbanization and ecological
Urbanization, expressed as the rate of people living in urban areas, displays rapid growth,
with the values reaching about 80% in most European countries today (Antrop, 2004).
The population increase in the world began to manifest itself in all regions in the midst of
the 18th century and went on increasing rapidly in the 1950s in particular. Recently, the
worlds population has approached 7 billion people, and this figure is estimated to reach
10.5 billion in 2050 (Kocata, 2010; Aksu, 2011). Although it was expressed by Niemel
(1999) that 60% of the worlds population lived in cities as of 2005, in the Sustainable
Cities Development Report (2009) that was prepared by the United Nations in 2009, it was
stated that urban and rural populations were first equalized in the history of the world in
2008 and that 70% of the worlds population would live in urban areas in 2050 (Aydn,
Sustainable development has become an important problem of the agenda since the
Conference of the United Nations that was held in Rio in 1992. According to the Report of
the Commission on Environment and Development, also known as the Brundtland
Report, prepared in 1987 by the United Nations, sustainable development is defined as
development which meets the needs of the present without compromising the ability of future
generations to meet their own needs (WCED, 1987).
According to the Sustainable Cities Development Report prepared in 2009 by the United
Nations, it is stated that for sustainable development, far more ambitious policies are
needed today for development and in order to limit the energy consumption and it is
stressed that the first thing to do is to reduce pollution and conserve natural areas and
arable lands (Naess, 2001).
The main problems resulting from urbanization one of the basic features of the European
civilizations are the upsetting of the ecological balance for reasons, such as the increase in
building as a result of the human activities depending on the population increase and the
improper use of natural areas, and the vital changes that have developed accordingly
(Antrop, 2004; Berry, 2008).
Particularly when the losses of green areas and natural resources are considered today, it is
evident that urban development over the urban nature is gradually increasing and that
urbanization is an issue which should be considered with care (Yli-Pelkonen and Kohl,
2005). The concept of ecological landscape planning, which occurred as the minimization of
the problems urbanization caused in the natural environment and as an organization that
supported a sustainable urban life and on which various studies have been made for long
years, is regarded as the only solution to the problems caused by urbanization.
Advances in Landscape Architecture 30
Nevertheless, although the economic and ecological approaches are complementary when
measuring sustainable development (Rennings and Wiggering, 1997), there has been a
continuous conflict between economic gains and the ecological balance since the past. The
natural areas which were opened to use with economic concerns are now confronted with
many problems with the rapidly increasing urban development. Introducing a real solution to
all those land uses which remain between two contradictory dimensions as ecological
conservation and the economic life today, ecological planning advocates that natural resources
such as water, air, soil and vegetation must definitely be conserved (Van Lier, 1998), for these
natural areas are particularly in a position to be the lungs of urban ecosystems.
Urban ecosystems are able to survive by obtaining their large amounts of food, water,
energy, minerals and other needs from nearby or distant agricultural lands, forests, mines
and water basins. As urban areas grow, the need for resources and pollution create a
gradually increasing pressure on water resources, aquatic regions, estuaries, forests,
cultivated & planted lands, and untouched rural areas (Erdem, 2000).
As also seen in Figure 1, when the relationship of cities with the environment is considered,
their first-degree dependence on the neighboring ecosystems is striking. Cities meet their
vital needs such as raw material, water, food and energy first of all from the ecosystems
located on their fringe, and they leave their wastes again in these areas. That is to say, first of
all, the conservation and continuity of these natural areas are indispensable for the
continuity of cities (Aydn, 2010).
Figure 1. The relationship among natural, structural and social environments (Aydn, 2010)
Impacts of Improper Land Uses in Cities on the Natural Environment and Ecological Landscape Planning 31
Particularly from the environmental problems cities have caused in the recent years, it
follows that the city must also be in harmony with its environment and that cities must also
be considered an ecosystem. Every entity that is randomly (in an unplanned and
uncontrolled way) and rapidly growing without considering the bearing capacity of the life
support system means that it is also preparing its own end rapidly. When the infrastructure
necessary to support and carry on this rapid growth is unavailable, every rapid growth will
inevitably be followed by a rapid end. As Odum and Barrett (2008) also state, the natural
ecosystem and the urban ecosystem must absolutely be integrated in the understanding of
sustainable city planning (Figure 2).
Figure 2. The schematic integration of ecologically-based land use (Van Lier, 1998)
It is impossible to speak of any sustainable society and environment with sustainable urban
planning as long as it is failed to conserve and develop natural resources. The environment and
natural resources are important restrictive elements today and at the point of the possibility of
meeting social and economic needs of the future generations (Cheng and Hu, 2009) (Figure 3).
Figure 3. The relationship of the environment with economy and social development (Cheng and Hu, 2009)
Advances in Landscape Architecture 32
Today sustainable city planning and sustainable development are concepts which are
widely used in the development of urban areas and in environmental issues (Yli-Pelkonen
and Niemel, 2005). Sustainable city planning, a phenomenon with economic and social
dimensions besides its ecological dimension (Figure 4), is an understanding of planning that is
developed against the use of the environment as a resource without attaching importance to its
consumption and loss. It is a contemporary evaluation which considers not only the addressing
of the environment only to the users of that period and its provision of the most benefits but
also the right of the future generations to use the environmental resources (Ercokun, 2005).
Figure 4. A simple conceptual framework to ensure urban sustainability - The connection between the
human-social system and the ecological system in the planning process (Yli-Pelkonen and Niemel,
As Lyle (1993) also states, the cities of the future must embrace the ecology of the landscape
that surrounds them (Odum and Barrett, 2008). The conservation of natural habitats has
gradually gained importance depending on the increase in peoples sensitivity to the
conservation of the natural environment particularly in the last fifty years. Accordingly,
ecology and ecological landscape planning approaches have gained importance as a
response to the questions of how sustainable cities can be formed and how improper land
uses will be prevented.
In conclusion, the first thing to do in city planning that is based on the conservation of the
ecological structure is to determine the natural and cultural resource inventory of the area
and to carry out planning accordingly. An ecologically-based planning approach is also
imperative for the sound development of cities besides the conservation of natural &
cultural resources (Niemel, 1999; Termorshuizen et al., 2007).
6. The sample area: the city center of anakkale
The city center of anakkale, selected as the sample area, is located between 40 09 and 40
18 northern latitudes and 26 33 and 26 48 eastern longitudes and covers an area of about
17.83 km (Figure 5). The sample area was specified as the municipal boundaries of the
central district of anakkale (anakkale Municipality, 2011).
Impacts of Improper Land Uses in Cities on the Natural Environment and Ecological Landscape Planning 33
Figure 5. The geographical location of the sample area, anakkale, Turkey
Improperly Used Natural Areas According to the Development Plan Periods
At this stage of the study, first of all, the areas with a development plan at the city center of
anakkale selected as the sample area, were classified into five periods by utilizing Ko
(2006), and they were digitized by means of the GISs (the Geographic Information Systems)
and computerized. Accordingly, the development periods in anakkale can be listed by
date as follows (Figure 6): a) Areas with a Development Plan in the First Period (between
1949 and 1963) b) Areas with a Development Plan in the Second Period (between 1963 and
1978) c) Areas with a Development Plan in the Third Period (between 1978 and 1984) d)
Areas with a Development Plan in the Fourth Period (between 1984 and 1993) e) Areas with
a Development Plan in the Fifth Period (between 1993 and 1995).
Secondly, the Previous Land Use Map included in the Land Inventory on a scale of
1:100,000 in the Report on the Provincial Land Asset of anakkale, prepared in 1999 by the
Directorate General of Village Services, was digitized by means of the GIS and
computerized in order to express concretely the amount of the loss of agricultural lands
according to all development periods.
At this point, attention should be drawn to the fact that the soil classification was entirely
amended by the Soil Conservation and Land Law No. 5403, and different definitions were
made under the headings of absolute agricultural lands, planted agricultural lands,
marginal agricultural lands, pasture, forest, settlements, and other areas (such as rushy
areas, marshes, and rocky areas). There is a Land Asset Map that was prepared in 2008
according to this new type of classification by the Provincial Directorate of Food,
Advances in Landscape Architecture 34
Agriculture and Animal Husbandry of anakkale. However, in order to express the loss of
fertile agricultural lands more clearly at this stage, a re-classification was made according to
the law concerned besides using the Previous Land Use Map with an earlier date, i.e.
1999. According to this classification, the uses were collected under the headings of urban
area (settlement, recreation, and airport), agriculture (irrigated and rain-fed agricultural
lands), planted agriculture (olive, fruit, and vineyard), forest, and pasture.
Figure 6. Distribution of the areas with a development plan by development plan period
To express the losses of fertile lands of the development periods more clearly and to show
the periodic losses of each development period, the five development periods and the
Previous Land Use Map were overlapped in the computer medium by means of the GIS.
To what use the boundary of each development period corresponds on the previous land
use map and their numerical values are provided in the following maps and tables (Figures
7, 8, 9, 10 and 11; Tables 3, 4, 5, 6 and 7).
Impacts of Improper Land Uses in Cities on the Natural Environment and Ecological Landscape Planning 35
Figure 7. The loss of fertile agricultural lands in the areas with a development plan in the first period
Figure 8. The loss of fertile agricultural lands in the areas with a development plan in the second period
Advances in Landscape Architecture 36
Quality of the Area Covering Area (km) Covering Percentage (%)
Urban Area 1.32 46.48
Agriculture (Irrigated and rain-fed) 1.52 53.52
Total 2.84 100.00
Table 3. Distribution of the losses of fertile agricultural lands in the areas with a development plan in
the first period
Quality of the Area Covering Area (km) Covering Percentage (%)
Urban Area 3.48 82.46
Agriculture (Irrigated and rain-fed) 0.54 12.80
Planted agriculture 0.20 4.74
Total 4.22 100.00
Table 4. Distribution of the losses of fertile agricultural lands in the areas with a development plan in
the second period
Figure 9. The loss of fertile agricultural lands in the areas with a development plan in the third period
Impacts of Improper Land Uses in Cities on the Natural Environment and Ecological Landscape Planning 37
Quality of the Area Covering Area (km) Covering Percentage (%)
Urban Area 2.86 76.68
Agriculture (Irrigated and rain-fed) 0.09 2.41
Planted Agriculture 0.61 16.35
Pasture 0.17 4.56
Total 3.73 100.00
Table 5. Distribution of the losses of fertile agricultural lands in the areas with a development plan in
the third period
Figure 10. The loss of fertile agricultural lands in the areas with a development plan in the fourth
Quality of the Area Kaplama Alan (km) Kaplama Yzdesi (%)
Urban Area 1.17 40.91
Agriculture (Irrigated and rain-fed) 1.69 59.09
Total 2.86 100.00
Table 6. Distribution of the losses of fertile agricultural lands in the areas with a development plan in
the fourth period
Advances in Landscape Architecture 38
Figure 11. The loss of fertile agricultural lands in the areas with a development plan in the fifth period
Quality of the Area Covering Area (km) Covering Percentage (%)
Urban Area 0.19 4.71
Agriculture (Irrigated and rain-fed) 1.84 45.66
Planted Agriculture 1.27 31.51
Pasture 0.71 17.62
Forest 0.02 0.50
Total 4.03 100.00
Table 7. Distribution of the losses of fertile agricultural lands in the areas with a development plan in
the fifth period
Even though there were losses of fertile lands in the second and third periods as well,
serious losses took place especially in the first, fourth and fifth development periods. While
it is observed that as the city expanded towards its fringes, these losses were in irrigated and
rain-fed absolute agricultural lands in particular, the planted agricultural lands also
experienced significant losses, along with the areas that were opened to development.
The following is the numerical distribution of the land asset in all areas with a development
plan i.e. the sample area according to the data by the Directorate General of Village
Services (1999) (Figure 12, Table 8).
When all the areas opened to development as of 2011 are considered according to the table
above, it is seen that only 50.59% of the land asset map corresponds to the urban area. When
the other land uses are considered, it is seen that 31.91% are rain-fed and irrigated
Impacts of Improper Land Uses in Cities on the Natural Environment and Ecological Landscape Planning 39
agricultural lands and 11.67% are planted agricultural (olive, vineyard, and garden) lands.
There is a small amount of pasture areas in an area with a rate of 4.93%.
Figure 12. The previous land use in areas with a development plan
Quality of the Area Covering Area (km) Covering Percentage (%)
Urban Area 9.02 50.59
Agriculture (Irrigated and rain-fed) 5.69 31.91
Planted Agriculture 2.08 11.67
Pasture 0.88 4.93
Forest 0.02 0.11
The Saray Stream 0.14 0.79
Total 17.83 100.00
Table 8. The previous land use at the city center of anakkale (km/%)
Accordingly, as also understood from this table, the master and implementation
development plans of the entire sample area with a size of 17.83 km were made and, as a
result, the areas transformed into an urban settlement by being used improperly are 7.77
km of fertile agricultural lands (43.58%) 5.69 km of irrigated and rain-fed agriculture and
Advances in Landscape Architecture 40
2.08 km of planted agriculture. From this result, it is understood that almost half of the
entire area has a fertile agricultural land status and that an area with such a dimension
has been transformed completely into an urban area with the master and implementation
development plans prepared.
As also understood from the tables and figures, quite substantial losses of fertile agricultural
lands took place in all development periods. The Master and Implementation Development
Plans of all areas with a development plan, also indicated in periods above, were made and the
activities of house construction are still ongoing in the agricultural lands located in these areas.
Although the agricultural activities are still ongoing in the fertile lands which have remained in
a small amount within the city, all of these lands have been excluded from the agricultural land
status and transformed into an urban area with the development plans made (Figure 13).
Figure 13. The agricultural lands with a development plan at the city center, anakkale, Turkey (a-b: on
the anakkale-Lapseki ring road, c-d: ekerpnar locality, e-f: around the airport in Barbaros District)
Impacts of Improper Land Uses in Cities on the Natural Environment and Ecological Landscape Planning 41
At this stage of the study, the Existing Land Use Map prepared in 2011 (anakkale
Municipality, 2011) was used as the basic data so as to make a clearer and more accurate
evaluation. At the next stage, to detect the areas used improperly, the boundary of the
Previous Land Use Map (1999) and the Existing Land Use Map (2011) were overlapped
in the GIS medium. Accordingly, how much of the industrial and settlement areas currently
in use was used improperly and excluded from the agricultural land status was expressed
with concrete data (Figures 14 and 15, Table 9).
Figure 14. The existing land use
Figure 15. The previous land use and improper land uses
Advances in Landscape Architecture 42
Table 9. Improper land uses
As understood from the figures and the table above, of the urban settlement area in current
use which is totally 15.51 km, 8.20 km (46.42%) with a fertile agricultural land status have
been used improperly and opened to settlement. It has been detected that of the industrial
area again in current use which is 0.46 km, 0.43 km
(93.48%) must indeed be used for
7. Discussion and conclusion
All living things are either directly or indirectly soil-dependent for survival. In other words,
soil is a natural space in which all plant species and intra-soil living things survive and a
natural resource by which food is provided (Kocata, 2010).
As a result of the population which has piled up in cities, urbanization gave rise to the need
for accommodation. This led to the use of the land for nonagricultural purposes and caused
the housing sector to capture the land. The limited arable lands and the gradually increasing
improper use of these lands gave rise to a serious problem of degradation and loss of
agricultural lands (Kele and Hamamc, 1993; Ercokun and Karaaslan, 2009).
The perception of the concept of Development merely as the opening of new settlement
zones to development in the process of planning of cities or settlements leads to
consequences that are impossible to compensate for in the ecological dimension in terms of
cities. The important thing here is the materialization of upper-scale plan decisions by local
governments and the production of policies for conservation. In this context, the upper-scale
plan decisions developed in line with the objectives and strategies concerning both the city
and the conservation of the components of the city are of vital importance to the prevention
of the consequences concerned (Erdem and Mehur, 2005).
Today the uncontrolled growth of cities and the issue of how they can respond to the needs
of the public are among the significant planning problems of countries. The most important
issue that must be carried out in order for settlements to display regular and planned
development is how development affairs will be done with a joint interdisciplinary study in
the light of technological and scientific developments (Akay, 2007). The planning hierarchy
in our country is just a ball of problems in this sense. The entry of institutions into each
others area of authority with the continually amended laws and regulations further
complicates the already complicated system; consequently, our natural resource assets are
being destroyed day by day.
Impacts of Improper Land Uses in Cities on the Natural Environment and Ecological Landscape Planning 43
The most serious problem in the planning hierarchy is the absence of Regional Plans that
must be made by the State Planning Organization (SPO). The decisions & main strategies,
whose main headings are given as the ensuring of interregional balanced development by using the
regional potential and the determination of where public investments and the private capital will be
located and which should be decided by Regional Plans have unfortunately been assumed by the
Environmental Order Plans (Demirel, 2010). Furthermore, Environmental Order Plans are
not made with a continuous and serious approach but only when they are considered
necessary by the authorized institutions. However, the physical plan which is directive and
binding at the highest level in Turkey is the Environmental Order Plan (Akay, 2007;
Cengiz and Gnz, 2011).
The fact that the Regional Plan and the Environmental Order Plan, upper-scale plans,
are made only when considered necessary by central governments according to the
Development Law can be expressed as another serious problem. Many urban and
metropolitan settlements do not have such a planning approach. This negative situation
prevents the formation of an integrated and a sound strategic planning approach. For the
formation of the sound planning approach concerned, the plan decisions from the upper
scale to the lower scale should be consistent with each other. At this point, within the
framework of the principle of graded coexistence of plans, each lower-scale plan must
contain more information and details than the one upper-scale plan. An original plan which
also encompasses the new information and data required by the respective original scale of
lower-scale plans but which preserves the main decisions of the one upper scale is expected
(ztrk, 2004; Ersoy, 2006).
Atabay (2005) expressed
the inclusion of provisions like The State Planning Organization makes the regional and basin
plans to be prepared in order to determine socio-economic development trends, the potential of
settlements for development, sectoral objectives and activities, and the distribution of
infrastructural services unique to these activities, or has them made, when it considers
necessary, its definition by ignoring natural resources, and its leaving of this important
planning stage optional,
in Paragraph a of Article 8 in the Development Law No. 3194 with respect to regional
planning, as a great shortcoming for the Development Law.
At this point, although the inclusion of some decisions in the law makes no sense, leaving of
the planning decisions directly concerning the conservation of natural resources to arbitrary
administration is striking as an extremely disadvantageous approach with no sanctions.
Additionally, there is quite great chaos in our country about the planning hierarchy which is
a serious problem. Accordingly, the Special Provincial Administration Law No. 5302,
which came into force in 2005, is essential in terms of the affiliating of public services to
single administration and, through this law, the authority of the Provincial Environmental
Order Plan-Making and Approving was granted to the Special Provincial
Administrations, appearing the most influential institutions today (Demirel, 2010). With
Advances in Landscape Architecture 44
the Law on Environment No. 2872, amended by Law No. 5491, the Ministry of Forestry
and Water Affairs was empowered to make the Environmental Order Plan. When the
recent case in the authority of plan-making is considered, it is the Ministry of Forestry and
Water Affairs which is empowered to make the Environmental Order Plan on the scales of
1:100,000 and 1:50,000; it is the Ministry of Environment and City Planning which is
empowered to make the Metropolitan Area Plan on a scale of 1:50,000; and it is the
Metropolitan Municipalities which are empowered to make the Provincial Environmental
Order Plan on a scale of 1:25,000 and the Master Plan and the Implementation
Development Plan, which are lower-scale plans, in metropolitan provinces.
At this point, it appears an appropriate decision that the plans on a scale of 1:25,000 have
been organized as an obligation particularly for metropolitan municipalities, regarding the
Provincial Environmental Order Plan one of the most important rings of upper-scale
planning. Nevertheless, the failure to form a relationship between the authority of the
central government that is empowered concerning the Environmental Order Plan and
the Provincial Environmental Order Plan which local governments are empowered to
make upon this recent regulation paves the way for the probability of the occurrence of
some problems on this matter (Ylmaz, 2007).
In addition, the chaos experienced in the planning hierarchy in our country worsened upon
the transfer of the authority of making Master and Implementation Development Plans to
metropolitan and district municipalities from the central governments with the
Development Law No. 3194. With this amendment in the law, rent-based approaches in the
division of city block lots and implementations of poor quality in building increased
While the need for integrated ecological planning in this process is evident, it is extremely
saddening that only the understanding of city planning generally predominates in the
society in general and in the governments and that the efforts remain on a personal scale.
The fact that planning has been stuck between the Master Plan and the Implementation
Development Plan, two plans implemented only in practice, causes this vicious circle to
continue. However, within the scope of the conservation and development of natural and
cultural resource assets found within the settlements, the plans with a special purpose (such
as the Development Plan for Conservation, the Plan for Tourism & Recreation, the Special
Environmental Conservation Plan, the Development Plan for Rehabilitation, the
Agricultural Land Conservation Plan, and Land Consolidation) must absolutely be
produced and materialized by the local governments concerned, along with upper-scale
plans (such as the Environmental Order Plan and the Regional Plan), with adhering to the
planning hierarchy and first of all with an approach that aims to conserve and carry on the
ecological balance (Cengiz and Gnz, 2011).
It should be the main goal to carry out upper-scale planning studies at a level whereby the
balance between urban sprawl and the natural ecosystem can be achieved, make them
widespread, and turn them into a state policy. At this point, when the legal regulations in
Impacts of Improper Land Uses in Cities on the Natural Environment and Ecological Landscape Planning 45
the planning hierarchy are considered, there is no doubt that the confusion of authority
among the institutions which results from empowering several institutions to make certain
plans will soon give rise to various problems as well, although the developments about
upper-scale planning in particular are promising.
The actual problem in the continuation of the chaos experienced in the legal process is
experienced in the process following the completion of these plans. It is an essential and
functional requirement for the creation of sustainable cities that primarily the professional
group of landscape architecture have a say in taking the decisions on land use accurately,
particularly in landscape and ecological planning (Atl et al., 2005). The fact that naturalists
are not included in the team in these projects that are predominantly prepared for the
objective of using natural and cultural resources by conserving them causes these plans,
which are made in some way, to fail to attain their target in practice (Demirel, 2010). Besides,
various professional disciplines about the matter (e.g. Geographer and Biologist) should also
have a say in decisions and implementations when taking planning decisions and preparing
plans. The necessity for target-oriented interdisciplinary studies should be kept at a high
level in city planning studies which aim at preserving the ecological balance (Slaydn, 2007;
Cengiz and Gnz, 2011).
At this stage, planners must first of all regard ecology and environmental assets as an
integral part of their professional ethics and disciplines in the context of their position and
the task(s) they have assumed in the society (Arapkirliolu, 2003).
One of the most important and negative results of urbanization is the continuous increase in
the need for new urban areas. The generally pursued urbanization policies pit economy and
ecology against each other, and this event culminates in the destruction of the natural
environment. Nevertheless, ecology is the element which must rank first in the formation
of urban environments (Tuner and Ercokun, 2007).
Economic concerns are remarkable as the primary factors in the opening of fertile
agricultural lands to development. Especially the problem of opening fertile agricultural
lands to development is because the professional disciplines that are specialized in the
subject do not take part in the teams which prepare all these planning approaches and these
Article 45 of the 1982 Constitution contains the provision
The state is liable to prevent the improper use and destruction of agricultural lands as well as
meadows and pastures.
Besides, the provision
Agricultural lands cannot be planned in order to be used for nonagricultural purposes without
obtaining the permits stated in the Soil Conservation and Land Use Law in Paragraph c of
Article 8 in the Development Law No. 3194 regarding the preparation of plans and putting
them into effect supports this expression too.
Advances in Landscape Architecture 46
The laws and regulations enacted to ensure the prevention of the destruction of fertile
agricultural lands in particular and the natural resources in our country are full of legal &
administrative gaps which will lead to extremely restricted and wrong implementations in
terms of content. The recent example of this is striking with many aspects in the Soil
Conservation and Land Law No. 5403 that came into force on 03.07.2005. Even though in the
law it seems that the improper use of agricultural lands is prevented, the law actually contains
various clear expressions on the facilitation of using these lands for other purposes. In fact, the
first thing to do in such laws should be to determine the fundamental principles to encourage
the use of agricultural land for agricultural purposes and make this widespread but not to
determine the fundamental principles for the improper use of agricultural land.
It is an inevitable outcome that the phenomena of house and industry are always in front of
agriculture in the urban growth patterns due to their economic yield. Thus, to increase the
economic yield of agricultural land besides its conservation, new regulations should be
made in the Soil Conservation and Land Law No. 5403 that is in force now for this
purpose or various legal and administrative studies should be made on this matter.
The conservation of natural areas before all depends on the use of land in a way which is
suitable for the nature. This approach basically contains the division of national territories
into Land Use Capacity Classes in terms of suitability for various purposes of use
(Klalolu and Berkes, 2009). This is indeed a sound approach for the conservation of
national territories and for utilizing them more accurately. Previously made by the
Directorates General of Village Services, these plans have not been made for long years.
Upon the establishment of the Ministry of Food, Agriculture and Animal Husbandry in
2011, it was expressed that studies such as land planning and soil classification would be
carried out by the Department of Agricultural Land Utilization of the Directorate General of
Agricultural Reform that was affiliated to this ministry. Nevertheless, the problems
occurring in practice and their outcomes are more important than the making of such plans
by the institutions concerned. That is, the articles on
ensuring the use of an agricultural land basically in agriculture and the allocation of an agricultural
land for nonagricultural purposes under the condition that this be confined to obligatory cases and
evaluating the demands for nonagricultural land use among the duties of the Directorate
General of Agricultural Reform actually confirm that agricultural lands have not been taken
under conservation yet and are in some way left to nonagricultural sectors.
It is possible to multiply such examples in the law. It is obvious that it is not enough to enact
laws for an efficient implementation and a successful outcome on this matter. In conclusion,
the laws and regulations on the matter are inadequate and open to exploitation to the same
extent. In order for urban formation to survive, there is a need for radical change in the
vision of urban planning. In this new planning vision, it should be ensured that cities
form harmonious integrity with the nature and with their environment (Ercokun and
Karaaslan, 2009). It is impossible to preserve the ecological balance with the standard
understanding of city planning; moreover, this integrity is only possible through the
Impacts of Improper Land Uses in Cities on the Natural Environment and Ecological Landscape Planning 47
integration of the phenomenon of Ecological Planning into the existing planning system
in our country.
Especially the planning studies which remain only on the urban scale are stuck at some
point and remain inadequate to produce the expected solutions. The true implementation of
ecological planning is only possible within a planning system that continues systematically
from the highest rank to the lowest rank and that will take place on an integrated scale. On
the other hand, the ecological planning studies considered within a narrow scope by
ignoring the integrated scale serve the process of postponing the problem rather than a
solution. As Slaydn (2007) also states, the ecological conservation studies produced on the
urban scale only become meaningful within an integrated ecological planning construct
based on natural boundaries (e.g. the basin boundary).
Losses of natural areas will continue increasingly as long as urban planning decisions are
defined independently of upper-scale plans and as long as upper-scale plans are not
included in the planning hierarchy. At this point, the ecologically-based Regional Plans
which preserve their place as upper-scale plans in the planning hierarchy in our country but
which lack adequate implementations must be materialized comprehensively.
Besides, the Basin Plan is also recommended as an upper-scale plan rank in some studies.
Basins define the natural boundaries required for the conservation of the water cycle and the
natural resources depending on it. Basin-based planning is an important stage of the
planning understanding for the conservation of natural resources. Thus, a planning rank
with the mental power of comprehending the nature in an integrated way for ecological
planning is formed with the Basin Plan. Besides the fact that Basin Plans are of great
importance to national and regional planning, it is useful to underline that the Ecological
Basin Master Plan is an indispensable method in the context of the sustainable
development of a country. The basin-based planning understanding has not been included
in any planning rank yet. However, it is an issue which the Regional Development
Commission a working sub-commission of the State Planning Organization (SPO)
strongly considers (Slaydn, 2007; Efe and Aydn, 2009; Kkali and Atabay, 2013).
In conclusion, the running out of natural resources is striking as one of the most serious
ecological problems at the present. A wrong understanding of city planning is expressed as
one of the most fundamental causes of this problem, for the selection of locations for the
ways of land use in the present city planning is done without considering the existence of
natural resources.
In addition, the natural areas in our country are continuing to be damaged rapidly as
Ecologically-Based Landscape Plans have not been included in the legal processes and
upper-scale plans implemented in our country yet and as the implementations in the law
remain inadequate (ahin, 2009).
Turkey has turned the European Landscape Convention, a framework convention on the
conservation, management and planning of natural and cultural landscapes as a whole, into
a part of its domestic law with Law No. 4881, dated 10/06/2003. Thus, it is also extremely
Advances in Landscape Architecture 48
important that the environmentally-sensitive/ecological planning approach introduced by
the convention to the planning understanding be integrated into the legal process and be
applicable (Erdem and Cokun, 2009).
However, although a period of nine years passed, there have not been any constructive
studies that support the convention either in the plan hierarchy or in laws and regulations.
This is saddening in terms of the development of the process concerned and worrisome in
terms of the timeout experienced. The fact that ecological conservation now remains merely
in theory postpones the solution process, and more concrete approaches are needed at this
point. As Turan (2007) also states, the conditions of the European Landscape Convention
and the infrastructures brought about by the conditions (such as laws and regulations and
institutions) should be interpreted very carefully at the current stage and materialized
rapidly. In this context, the requirements of the convention should be formulated with
landscape architects, city planners, jurists, and the other disciplines concerned, and they
should take their part on the regional scale.
Our country is not at an irreversible point yet with respect to the prevention of improper
land uses and the allocation of the necessary place to Ecological Landscape Planning studies
in the planning hierarchy. The prevention of improper land uses for new development areas in
particular and the endeavors on the matter by local governments stand out at this point. The
full inclusion of Ecological Landscape Planning in the plan hierarchy is an extremely
important step for the sustainable city planning understanding. In this context, first of all, the
phenomenon we call Ecological Consciousness must descend to the public level, and the
nongovernmental organizations must do what falls to them regarding this matter.
Author details
A.Esra Cengiz
anakkale Onsekiz Mart University, Faculty of Architecture and Design, Department of Landscape
Architecture, Turkey
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Chapter 3
Architectures on Territories
Methodologies for the Graphical Representation
Jos Manuel Pags Madrigal
Additional information is available at the end of the chapter
1. Introduction
Territories were always referred to their architectures in a continuous transformations
process. These architectures were based on natural materials, as a direct consequence of the
agricultural functions and are essential for a right perception of the logic of territorial
This perception is always important for a territorial planning.
This chapter deals problems of the scales study and its validity in certain areas and small-
scale landscapes. Some case studies are being compared and analysis proposal prior to the
territorial drafting.
The proposal is to individual redraw of territories, as a method of knowledge appropriate
for the planning level. Comparisons are made between the performed methods in similar
territories. In the first case an entirely hand survey is done, and in the second one the survey
is based on the knowledge of computer applications. The conclusions summarize the pros
and cons of each of the cases we have studied. Also the basis for a territorial approach
proposed small-scale landscapes are defined.
2. Topics for a chapter
The main argument of this chapter is based on a certain number of topics we are
Our initial point into this discourse is the idea of considering there are architectures without
From our point of view, territories were made by the Man, as the real architect of them, in a
continuous process, as a dialogue between him and the surrounding environment. The
Advances in Landscape Architecture 54
result of this dialogue was, and continues to be, the creation of objects on these territories.
This idea is not really new. It was implicit in the definition of the landscape of Webster
dictionary on 1913: A portion of land or territory which the eye can comprehend in a single
view, including all the objects it contains
The identification and characterization of environments and landscapes in Europe was
made taking in consideration such scale of the landscapes. In fact the European Landscape
map showed us Europe as a conjunct of 2682 different landscapes as the result of a
classification among the 202 types of detected landscapes. Two thousand and six hundred of
theselandscape units were a dimension larger than 2500 Ha. This quantity lets know the
large diversity of landscapes characteristic for specific regions as one of the key cultural-
heritage elements of Europe.
It is important to remember that this dimension (2500 Ha) is equivalent to the size of all
(Spain) It is one of our case studies will be presented. This dimension represents
five times the extension of Brrio
, that is the other case study into Ponte de Lima
Municipality, northern region of Portugal.
These numbers can synthesize the problem we have in front of us. These two spaces are
representative of so many areas into the European continent. They are so rich from a
landscape point of view that so many things and changes are experimented into them. In
our opinion the small scale landscapes are clearly out of the considered dimension. This
chapter is based on this idea: the need to consider the various scales involved in the process
of territorial structure.
The second topic we must underline is the idea of considering the territorial analysis as the
ideal tool to understand their internal structuring. Each analysis has an adequate dimension,
according to its goals. And this dimension is directly associated to the scale of the territory.
When territories to be analyzed are out of the conventional dimensions they are usually
applied we can risk to lose an important number of elements into them, not recognizable by
the tools are used for developing the analysis.
The third topic is related to the existence of constants, as elements able to explain the
different territorial configurations of the place. The temporal dimension becomes as a
reference into it. We can confirm the existence of a number of constants that occur in any
These elements, in combination, cause the different architectures on these lands, in a
continuous process, in a process of transformation of the territory. It is the place where the
Man is the real protagonist.
Medium and short sized scales in territories are the basis for a right perception of extended
areas and regions in all around the world. We can find these characteristics in western
European territories within countries as Ireland, Great Britain, Holland, Spain and Portugal.
Carnoedos dimension is 27,49 km
Barrio is a place into Ponte de Lima Municipality with an extension of 5,31 km
Architectures on Territories Methodologies for the Graphical Representation 55
But this scale can be found in other territories. Lebanese country presents a clear
morphological division (fig. 5):. The waterfront facing to Mediterranean Sea and the inlands.
All these two regions reflect the small-medium sized scales.
Figure 1. Brrio-Ponte de Lima-Portugal , by author.
Figure 2. Correlh-Ponte de Lima-Portugal, by author
Advances in Landscape Architecture 56
Figure 3. Landscapes Portuguese Atlas, from "Contributos para a identificao e caracterizao da
paisagem em Portugal continental"
Figure 4. Lima Valleys landscape units-Portugal, from: "Contributos para a identificao e
caracterizao da paisagem em Portugal continental"
Architectures on Territories Methodologies for the Graphical Representation 57
Figure 5. Lebanons population distribution
Several actions in the way of considering the specificities of these kinds of territories can be
appreciated in the last five years. We highlight last international seminar in Refios do
-Ponte de Lima-Portugal on May 2011 Small scale landscapes in Western Europe,
methodological developments in habitat recording and monitoring. (fig.6) It was possible
there to identify certain alternative studies to fill the existent lacks in the normal scale for the
CLC maps for Europe, when compared with other European initiatives.
Figure 6. Flyer for the seminar
Escola Superor Agrria. Instituto Politnico de Viana do Castelo (IPVC)-Portugal
Advances in Landscape Architecture 58
3. CLC studies: The problems related to the land use and land cover
One of the most direct reflections of all these patterns into the landscape is the land use.
land use patterns in Europe could be seen as an expression of centuries of human
intervention on its environment, an expression of the continuous transformation process
previously referred. Historically, the development of rural areas has depended heavily on
the exploitation of its natural resources
But social components are not the unique elements to define the land use patterns. Other
external elements as the geographical context and the capability to produce enough
resources must be considered. In a parallel way the economic evolution of the territories and
the societies linked to them will depend of these concepts and its demographic evolution.
The interim report of the EU-LUPA
describes the process using the work from SOER
, as
Land use specialization (urbanization, agricultural intensification and abandonment,
natural forestation) decrease of arable land and permanent crops and land
artificialization (residential, economic sites and infrastructures) are major trends that
could be identified in the last decades (SOER, 2010). Those trends are the result of
interacting driving forces including policies.
Land uses and land covers are the trend topics for the CORINE project
. The basis of this
project is the grid of 1 km
dimension applied over all the European territory, analyzing the
several functions develop on this square grid trying to identify the dominant uses can
characterize this cell. Technical reasons were supporting it.
Comparative studies about the evolution of the land use in the partner countries are a reality
today. Analysis on 1990, 2000 and 2006 were a strong contribution. At the same time the
major image resolution has improved the analysis capability detecting a bigger and more
detailed number of topics.
Use changes are always linked to several aspects, where human activities work as the
engine for the changes in the economic field.
We must remember that Land Use Functions (LUFs) express the goods and services that the use of the land provides
to human society that are of economical, ecological and socio-cultural value and likely to be affected by policy changes
In EU-LUPA six LUFs have been identified considering the following criteria:
The main uses of the land in Europe are represented (i.e. agriculture, forestry ,nature conservation, tourism, urban
settlement, transport and energy infrastructure);
Ensure that all three dimensions of sustainability (economic, environmental and societal) have an equal
The functions are likely to be affected by European policies
EU-LUPA is the acronym of European Land Use Patterns
The European environment state and outlook 2010 (SOER 2010)
CORINE project (Co-ORdination of INformation on the Environment) was launched in 1985 as an EU initiative. The
main goal is to provide the information on the status and changes detected in the environmental fields. One of the
databases integrated within this project is the CORINE land cover database (CLC). The working area is a
encompassing most of the European countries
Architectures on Territories Methodologies for the Graphical Representation 59
The right evaluation of the detected changes about the land uses must consider these aspects.
Problems are coming for the small scale territories when the applied grid (1 km* 1 km) is too
big to be identified with a unique dominant use. This classification is hiding other important
functions being developed on the same grid. The relations among the several functions into
territories with a high density use are complex and complementary.
Such of these small scale landscapes have linked their characteristics to national or regional
. The main characteristics of these landscapes can be summarized as follows:
The existence of a large number of small lots
The extent and number of linear features.
The overlaps between lines and areas
The number of different habitats present within a certain agrarian unit
The property structure is helping to consider this diversity into the small scale. This
heterogeneity is supported by the small patches and the different interpretations about the
landscape concept. This system runs the risk of disappearing some centuries after this basic
Figure 7. Brrio-Ponte de Lima-Portugal- 1 km
Figure 8. vora-Portugal- 1 km
Ireland case study can be a clear example about the national identity. Porto and Douro river are identified with a
specific territory where the terraces landscape play an important role as a territorial branding
Advances in Landscape Architecture 60
Figure 9. Brrio-Ponte de Lima-Portugal-250mx250m grid
4. Small agricultural landscapes - The vision of the planner
Studies of local history, regional history, rural geography and archaeology itself reveal the
strong relationship between agricultural use of the various areas and continuous
transformation. In Europe we see the existence of a secular agrarian structure tied in large
parts of the continent. We must look for these phenomena into an dispersed ownership
structure that caused the existence of small-scale agricultural landscape. This small scale has
been disappearing for several reasons. In some cases this change was abrupt: at this point a
broader political project have converged with a landscape incidence. We can see it in two
countries: Czechoslovakia and Portugal. In the first case, we must remember the landscapes
consequences of the socialist revolution (Fig.10) with the change of the economic system. In
th second case, it is clear the Estoros(Portugal) and its new land parceling. On the opposite
side, the fragmentation of the landscape has been seen in the new irrigation systems in the
river Guadiana (Spain). In general terms, abundant water and small property usually go
Figure 10. Sejby-Czech Republic
Central Bohemia region experienced great changes which occurred during the 40 years of
socialist collectivism. The changing process of the property structure reflected important
Architectures on Territories Methodologies for the Graphical Representation 61
landscape transformations. The images below are expressing the radical different points of
view about the landscape changing (fig. 12) This process was filled within a 50 years period.
Aerial photographs show the effects of this controlled planning when comparisons between
both sides of the border, as in the case of Sejby and Moorbad-harbach in the border between
the Czech Republic and Austria (fig12)
Figure 11. Moorbad-harbach- Austria
Figure 12. Border space between Moorbad-harbach and Sejby. From Google earth
Estoros is the first developed project about the land reparcelling in Portugal, into 60s. The
changes were experienced in a short period, between 1961 and 1969 (fig.13, respectively on
the left and on the right). These changes were based about the maintenance of the
infrastructures but grouping the smallest lots where extreme difficulties to apply new
technologies for the agricultural functions existed.
Landscapes tried to be adapted to the new scale. Actors were the same, primary elements
into the memory of the social practices continued to be the same ones. Scale alteration was
For a more detailed information Works published by Zdenk Lipsk de Czech University of Agriculture Prague,
Faculty of Forestry can be consulted.
We take this concept from the different Aldo Rossis works about the city, applied to territories
Advances in Landscape Architecture 62
enough for the landscape transformation. The work consisted of checking how the primary
elements, once recycled and reinterpreted after the redistricting process parcel, are still
conditioning the final layout of the landscape. This hypothesis was not confirmed. However
it was found that the elements shaped the landscape were still present in the new
landscapes resulting from land redistribution although relations were altered depending on
the change of scale. This time the political territorial planning caused effects similar to found
in the case of border space between Czech Republic and Austria(fig. 12).
Finally, the new process of land redistribution experienced in Badajoz-Spain province was
a part of a global strategy: the new irrigation of a large tract of land along the Guadiana
This program included the construction of new villages and the displacement of several
thousand people, the new colonists of the twentieth century. More than 40.000 colonists
spread on 59 new settlements,
together with the irrigation infrastructure, were
transforming totally these territories as perceived in the comparative pictures.(fig 14 and 15).
Figure 13. Estoros-Ponte de Lima-Portugal, Land registry 1961-1969
Figure 14. Badajozs surroundings.2011
Data on 2009, but the first settlements were built on 1956
Architectures on Territories Methodologies for the Graphical Representation 63
Figure 15. Badajozs surroundings.1956
We must resume that small scales present a heterogeneity only compared between them,
with own dynamics. Too many things are happening on these territories where the distance
between two places can be around 200 meters. Correlh is paradigmatic. We can see these
changes occur all along the Portuguese Caminho de Santiago
, as a sequence of places.
Original representation at 1/500 of this continuity may reflect it.
(fig. 16). Done work
expresses the characteristics of the relationship between domestic space and land.
Through all the referred case studies we can repair that the initial situation, identified as
heterogeneity, is decreasing, turning to a specialization caused by the low rates of
employing in the agricultural sector and the low activity in the last years
This specialization is based on the urbanization, mixed with the short number of fixed
residents, converting some areas into a second residential area, more active during the
These questions are helping to provoke important changes in the identities of these places.
Identities are tied closely to their respective territorial morphologies. The understanding of
identity cannot be separated from its territory, as tangible reference point for the
development of the social practices. The maps, as mere and accurate mapping, do not
express these relationships.
The conventional maps use the same criteria of intensity and representation, merely
expressing formal characterizations. They confirm the reiteration of facts in one place.
But the intangibles are hardly expressed in an automatic way, impersonal, thoughtless.
The characterization of these identities is vital in order to act over these territories,
regardless of the scale of the performance.
But, at the same time, this scale will be always essential for choosing the adequate tools.
Caminho de Santiago is the Pilgrims Route from Portugal to Santiago de Compostela
Correlh is a freguesia close to Ponte de Lima was studied by the students of University Fernando Pessoa in the years
2010-2011 and 2011-2012, with the goal to identify the rural morphologies understood as primary elements.
Advances in Landscape Architecture 64
Figure 16. Portuguese Caminho de Santiago (Pilgrims route)
Architectures on Territories Methodologies for the Graphical Representation 65
5. Small landscapes and landscape-characters
Such Atlantic Europe small scale landscapes are known by their rich biodiversities, but their
capability to define per se the elements are defining the Landscape character
. Some of
these elements are related to the definition of primary element. We understand them as
the elements able to define the basic structure of a territory; basic elements are repeated
within the territorial morphologies.
The small scale is capable of receiving therein a larger number of events than other larger
scales, a greater number of elements. A huge variety of scenarios can be checked. They are
created within a small area. This phenomenon provokes a greater distinctive appearance
and amount of agricultural products, into the agricultural landscapes small scale.
These characteristics are coinciding en several cases with the definition of a national or
regional identity
. The image of the small landscape is an important component of this
). Marketing Porto wines example was referred previously. But this example is not
the only one. Vinho verde region is a concept exclusively linked to Alto Minho(NUT III)
region. (fig. 17) In the same way, but with specific characteristics we can talk about the
virtual region of Maronite sanctuaries in Lebanon, almost all of them dedicated to the wines
culture as an identity signal confronted to other religions at Lebanon.
The heterogeneity of these spaces is coming from the numerous actors on a short space. This
heterogeneity is the core of the identity. A few primary elements are composing the several
visual scenarios. Monitoring of these spaces is normally more complicated than larger
scales: several habitats and patches are sharing almost the same spaces; the multi-
functionality of the spaces is a normal solution with two levels of agricultural practices in
the Minho-Galicia region.
We can resume the general characteristics of this scale:
[1] A relative important number of habitats in a short space
[2] The overlapping between lines and areas, especially talking about the fences where
the grape is defining the different types of fences.
[3] A larger number or small lots (smallholding).
[4] The extent and number of linear features, when compared with the small areas.
The knowledge of all these realities is clearly harder and more difficult. The tools for
achieving this knowledge must be more precise, according the territorial scales.
The solutions coming from a right planning must be in the same level.
Landscape character is an English term used for defining what makes an area unique. It is defined as "a distinct,
recognizable and consistent pattern of elements, be it natural (soil, landform) and/or human (for example settlement
and development) in the landscape that makes one landscape different from another, rather than better or worse". The
Countryside Agency (2002) defines the Landscape character as a distinct, recognizable and consistent pattern of
elements in the landscape that makes one landscape different from another ,rather than better or worse-
Works about this issue from Natalino Martins (coordination), Estela Domingos, Flix Ribeiro and Paulo de Carvalho
can be a good reference about it.
Advances in Landscape Architecture 66
Figure 17. Territorial branding with landscapes through the different wines in Northern Portugal.
This adequate relationship between the previous concepts is crucial for the perception of
these territories. Certain tools are unreflective in these processes. The 1 km
grid used in
CLC is very criticized in such small scales. Too many things are happening in these
territories within this grid, where the antropization process is more evident. The choice of
one dominant function, not coincident with the key one sometimes, reduces the possibilities
to observe the multi-functionality of small scale landscapes.(fig. 18) This limitative problem
suggests the proposal of smaller grids able to identify the several functions or characteristics
into these spaces. The 0,625 km
area (250m * 250 m grid) on fig. 9 seems more adequate to
the scale and its needs. We must remember, as a reference, that the typical eira
in some
places of this region is 220 m
. (fig. 19-20) The fragmentation of these territories provokes
this variety, normally associated to these phenomena:
The existence of a strong rural concentration.
A very scattered property structure.
A high antropization process during a long period.
Into the opposite side we can repair the Alentejo case study. Alentejo region occupies most
of the southern half of mainland Portugal. Its extension is equivalent to 35.44% of all
mainland Portugal. Its 128 units are grouped in 22 sets. Five of them refer totally or partially
Alentejo. Both the extent and homogeneity landscape, despite their variety, only 19.5% of
the national total units are in the region.
Eira is the name for the minimal agriculture unit normally close to the house, as a result of smallholder ownership
Architectures on Territories Methodologies for the Graphical Representation 67
Figure 18. Several cultural on the same space. Correlh. Ponte de Lima-Portugal
Figure 19. The formal results of the several eiras with several properties and cultures. Correlh. Ponte
de Lima. Portugal
Figure 20. The espigueiro appears in the middle of this small scale as architectural reference into these
The application of 1 km
grid is logic in certain parts of the region, especially in the
landscape units whose primary elements are related to ecosystem montado.
We can
Montado is a Portuguese word refers the Mediterranean grassland.
Advances in Landscape Architecture 68
repair in these aspects in the comparative photography of an Alentejo landscape, where it is
clear that small grid is unnecessary to be applied for these purposes. Figures 7 and 8 reveal
this contrast between vora region and Ponte de Lima.
6. Territorial design and its scales within the small landscapes
Territorial Design is about generating value to a territory through establishing and
reinforcing its identity, while revitalizing the strength of existing icons in the area.
Territorial design aims to develop a relationship among cultural, social, and economical
processes, searching for references in architecture, urbanism, anthropology and design. This
methodology is considered a project approach of strategic design, building scenarios for
dealing with innovation and sustainability aspects in a territory.
We understand the need to define appropriate tools on a right approach to the problem of
the various territorial scales.
It has raised the need to address the problem of small-scale with greater detail, involving
more physical approach to this reality. However, we must remember that this small scale,
usually in very sensitive situations, depends in turn on its regional context. In the specific
case of Ponte de Lima, one can observe that the territorial branding is based on the small
scale in turn survives by the peculiar structure of existent relationships between the various
scales. The wine stands as a region's economic engine
, which in turn is defined by primary
landscape elements associated with this activity.
But the survival of this land is related through a system of competitive territories to the
existence of a territorial strategy, a territorial project. At the same time this strategy should
be very respectful with the small scale, where branding marks of this land are, as the
primary elements that support. It is, therefore, a two-way process. Need two parallel
actions: we must get to the small-scale project from the upper levels, and proposed solutions
to this small scale should be taken into account in structuring the territorial project.
Applying these design tools, based on the analysis in the project, is essential to achieve these
The question would be which is the architect's role in this process. In the same way of other
designs scales and maybe in a stronger and a deeper level we need to consider the identity
signals as the basis for this territorial design.
The identification of these primary elements will not be enough but the perfect
understanding if the relations among them.
There will be an adequate territorial design if the primary elements are preserved and
improved. And this improvement must be related to the correct utilization of the existent
resources. These resources must be ready to be used or recycled into regional
competitiveness, but identity signals can survive.
The Adega Cooperativa Ponte de Lima is a coop based on the wines product of more than 200 families of the region.
Architectures on Territories Methodologies for the Graphical Representation 69
This is the reason why some actual problems need specific solutions.
One of these problems is the progressive abandonment of the traditional cultures. (fig. 21)
This question must be lethal for the landscapes were created by day. And this problem is
much better in the small scale where the accessibility to the different spaces is enlarging
the visual impact of the problem. This problem is clear in the landscapes based on the
continuous hand work of the Man. This man is not already exists. Demographics data of
these areas indicate there is no generational renewal capacity. (fig.22).
Figure 21. Abandoned lands into Brrio freguesia.Ponte de Lima.Portugal. From the author
Figure 22. Populational pyramid. Ponte de Lima.2001, from Diagnostico social Conselho Local de
Aco Social Ponte de Lima, 2008, adapted
But at the same time, crisis times are more reflected in the urban field. It implies a good
chance for the rural areas, especially for the small landscape areas where the proximity to
Advances in Landscape Architecture 70
the urban areas can be a call for the return of younger population and becoming the future
generations for these lands.
Figure 23. Territorial representation into Projecto V course. University Fernando Pessoa-Portugal-2009-
2010. Author: Rui Pedro Silva. Original scale:1/7000
Figure 24. Anta-Correlh.Ponte de Lima.Portugal. Representation 1/500 scale in original drawing.
There seems to be a clear statement on the issue of small-scale: the approach between the
territory and the Man is greater the smaller the spatial scale of perception. And many of the
Architectures on Territories Methodologies for the Graphical Representation 71
relationships are channeled through this relationship between man and land and it implies.
And these group relations, as social animal that is man, implies the possible evaluation
through social patterns of behavior. In 1977 Christopher Alexander published A Pattern
Language: Towns, Buildings, Construction
justifying it.
These books tried to define new structure for the understanding of the three levels were
"At the core... is the idea that people should design for themselves their own houses,
streets and communities. This idea... comes simply from the observation that most of
the wonderful places of the world were not made by architects but by the people".
At the same time this idea is linked to the definition of social patterns, including the
anthropologic ones. These are patterns in what people do, with or without interfaces
designed for those purposes. These patterns are interesting and fun to talk about and they
help us understand what's likely to happen,
6. Re-drawing territories
Drawing territories, its representation was an obsession from earlier times. The feeling of
control about territories was feeding the need to know about the form, about the conditions
and potentialities form all the points of view.
Antoine Picon
evokes the earlier meaning of territory for administrators, architects and
engineers. They considered territories as lands that were integrated into nations or colonies
by the early modern European countries. This obsession about administrative separation
were dominating the perceptions of territory specially within the 18th- and 19th-century.
This obsession led to a continuation of the ideas in the case of American colonization by the
Spanish military engineers
This desire to represent the territory as its control element is evident in the figure 25. The
author relates the main elements of territorial characterization, not as an actual approach,
but as a way of understanding of the difficulties involved in Mexico's relationship with
water, through the port of Veracruz, in Mexico.(Fig.26) Maps and different territorial
representations were orientated in these lines. This rigorous representation was vital for
achieving the referred goals.
Working on actions for territorial planning obliges to use specific tools, because territorial
planning means at this case territorial project. The key steps for a right process can be the
graphical representation of this territory, where the small details are so important. The
various scales determine the use of specific tools of representation.
Drawing must be considered as a rational activity, basic for the development of the creative
acts into a design activity. The communication of an idea would be different without this
From the book flap in the original version of this book
Advances in Landscape Architecture 72
Figure 25. Almeria. Spain. 18th century from Archivo General de Simancas-Spain
Figure 26. Diego Garca Cinde-1798- Plano direccin de los caminos de bajan de Mxico a Veracruz.
Biblioteca Nacional. Madrid. Spain
A methodology for the site analysis has been developed during last thirty years as the basis
for an adequate territorial planning. This analysis was firstly applied to the Carnoedo case
study, in northern Galicia-Spain, using a hand drawing system (1982).
The aerial photography as a first approach to the reality, confirmed or rejected by the
personal ocular inspection to the place, is a classic methodology related to the hand drawing
as the best way to represent the several aspects of this reality. At the same time, the
representation of intagible appears when the individual interpretation of aerial photography
arises from a process of personal analysis.
The drawing tells us the concept. One classical pedagogic activity into the Faculties of
Architecture during the 60s and 70s was redrawing the images of the most important
works from some sacred architects. When the pen was going up photograph analysis of the
Architectures on Territories Methodologies for the Graphical Representation 73
work was more effective as a rethought drawing, as a rational act that increased the
student's analytical skills.
Taking in consideration this idea, we can apply this technique to the territorial analysis. T
will be a way to feel territory, overwriting territories over maps or aerial photos.
Figure 27. Carnoedo. Spain.From Google-earth
Figure 28. Path to Lobos beach-Carnoedo-Spain
Advances in Landscape Architecture 74
7. The methodology
The work consists of taking territorial redraw as support recognition through numerous
visits to the lot and the aerial photography. It dispenses with the existing conventional
mapping. We understand it could be a disturbing element in the search for relationships in
the analysis process. Thus establishing a direct link between the territory and its observer.
The redrawing of the territory (fig. 29) through exclusive data extraction from aerial
photography work involved two levels. First, the careful observation of this photograph
allowed a selection of elements that made up this country and they deserved representation,
assuming a first level of analysis. There were thus identified territorial primary elements.
(fig. 30)
Figure 29. Handmade graphical representation Original scale 1/2000.
Second, learning techniques of representation required for recycling of previous knowledge
and identifying the relationship between territorial primary elements.
Architectures on Territories Methodologies for the Graphical Representation 75
Finally, the comparison of data collected from the first phase were corroborated or rejected
after the site visit, as a form of complementary knowledge of the local.
Figure 30. Identification of the primary elements Original scale 1/2000
This process contributed to the breakdown of exclusive knowledge through the plan
(standard error of architecture student). Direct relationships between the plan and the third
dimension were attributed through this method. For example, a shadow in the aerial
photograph contributed greatly to this knowledge and assumed values for height, defining
per se he third dimension. After the location of certain primary elements we define one of
these areas as a landscape unit to be studied.
The choice is according to the existent topography and the primary elements previously
identified. Thus, the student approaches the overall understanding of the territory where
the primary elements in its structure constants, abstract territorial complexity.
The proposed work includes a number of stages, referred to below:
Advances in Landscape Architecture 76
Visual recognition case study
Personal data collection on-site.
Understanding the process of territorial transformation, coming from the transversal
The identification of the primary elements
Understanding the territorial syntax, as a result of the combination and interaction of
the various primary elements previously identified.
The definition of the forms resulting from this combination.
Eventual classification of the various combinations detected.
Global understanding of the territory, as the resulting object of a complex process. In
this process, the man appears as an actor in this transformation slowly but steadily.
This work enables deep personal approach to the country's territorial reality. Knowledge of
the various relationships between the various elements and levels of training implies
territorial, while a valuable tool for future project phases.
Figure 31. Interaction between primary elements and paths net.
Architectures on Territories Methodologies for the Graphical Representation 77
Figure 32. Detail of the whole elements, included terraces. Original scale 1/500
The different proposed stages are shown in the following:
Visual recognition case study
This first step is basic for all the process, happening after an initial analysis about the place,
according the observers background. It must occur in parallel with the second stage, as a
way of approximation from the tangible, which tries to identify the fundamental joint
elements of the territory. The always individual data collection is completed with the
identification of these elements on the aerial photo of the site and the use of the camera as
the main ally.
Personal data collection on-site.
Data relating to the territory under study, both statistical and anthropological level, are
important. Knowledge of the various social practices is essential in personal and sensitive
approach to the intangibles. Knowledge of these data helps the development of the state of
the arts over the territory.
Understanding the process of territorial transformation, taking knowledge of science or knowledge
This process arises from the combination of two strong concepts. On one side we have the
knowledge collected in the state of the arts. On the other side territorial representation will
be present. This phase helps the understanding of how the territory as a single complex
The identification of the primary elements
The identification of the primary elements is a direct consequence of the previous phase.
Primary elements concept were previously defined. In practice, the relationship between the
respective elements having primary and the other elements helps perception of a first order
formed by the set of elements. It was established around them a set of relationships that
allow identification of relationships which typically repeat as a constant.
Advances in Landscape Architecture 78
Understanding the territorial syntax, as a result of the combination and interaction of the
various main elements identified above.
In that sense, the primary elements are not really the most important thing in these cases,
but the relationship between them. It is about understanding how to configure and interact
with each other, and how they feel and express these relationships.
This issue is contrary to the consideration of individual elements. The student knows
eventually that these relationships allow consideration of a territorial system, a landscape
The definition of the forms resulting from this combination.
After having defined these formal systems such as landscape units, the resulting set of forms
must provide a first global perception of the territory under study. This vision must come
previously reinforced by the existence of different transition elements. This transition will
depend on the relative position origin of the linkage to perform functions and their
appearance over time. The transition elements are also subject to possible classification.
Global understanding of the territory as the resulting object of a complex process. In this
process, the man appears as an actor in this transformation slowly but steadily.
We present in this chapter two versions of territorial representation. The first example
draws on Carnoedo parish in the municipality of Sada (La Corua) - Spain).This
municipality reflects the characteristics of any of the lands that make up the Galician Rias
Altas with significant housing density
. The landscape shows a remarkable territorial
complexity from a continuous process of anthropization
.(fig. 33)
It was therefore a small-scale agrarian context, typical of the locale of Galicia and, by
extension, of the ledge Northwest of the Iberian Peninsula. On that occasion the
methodology used was based on hand territorial redraw at scale 1/1000. The final layout is
presented at scale 1/2000. The study aimed, among other objectives, the definition of the
primary territorial elements analyzed.(fig. 30)
Among these elements relate the terraces and Agras as territorial configurator completed by
a road structure which allows high permeability. In line with both elements property system
and the capillary structure of the water were analyzed.
Both elements are vital to understand the agricultural cadastre reflecting tensions between
terraces, Agras, roads and water mains. (fig. 31) Last step of this analysis will refer
constructed elements, superimposed to territorial building. Every stage was following a
strong relationship to the outside .In the beginning there were not architectural typologies
but dialogue between territory and built through the various modes of occupation on the
parcel were not absent. (fig. 32)
Available data for this area in 2011 defined a density of 540.92 inhabitants /km
Technical term from the Italian (antropizzazione) that relates the work of transforming the natural environment
applied by humans to meet their needs and improve quality of life, often at the expense of the ecological conditions
Architectures on Territories Methodologies for the Graphical Representation 79
Figure 33. Whole graphic representation, with the different definition of the places.
Figure 34. Campo da Cruz place.Carnoedo
Thus, it was established a direct link between the territory and its observer. After the
location of certain primary elements, such as formal constants appearing in shaping the
territory, one of these areas was defined, such as landscape unit to study.(fig 34)
Advances in Landscape Architecture 80
The choice was made based on the topography and the existence of Agras. (fig 33) Thus, the
student approached the overall understanding of the territory where the trinomial, Sea,
Agra, Mount summarized to territorial complexity. Road structure converged on it. It was
the three scales running along only one path: The urban scale, as the road assumed his
relationship with Sada; the agricultural scale, when the road was associated with the various
agras and plots that make up the landscape around the different places of the Carnoedo
parish and finally the scale when the extension of this road towards formalizing the
going to communal forest area.
Previous experience served as a reference for the development of the work done thirty years
. This territorial representation is about Arrestim and Ponte Nova (Igreja) sites, in the
parish of Brrio - Ponte de Lima,(fig. 35) a Portuguese town near the border between Galicia
and Alto Minho. The morphology responds to the characteristics already referred to the
ledge northwestern Iberian Peninsula. In this case it is a more rugged topography,
predominantly terraced structure with "socalco"
as a structuring element for the
construction of the territory.
Figure 35. Brrio-Ponte de Lima.Portugal from Google-earth
Galician term refers specifically to the cart path.
Work done by students Rachel Campos and Rogrio Soares under supervision of the author of this article
Socalco is the Portuguese name for the terraces.
Architectures on Territories Methodologies for the Graphical Representation 81
Figure 36. CAD graphical representation about Brrio-Ponte de Lima. Portugal
Figure 37. Topography and water structures
Figure 38. Primary elements into Brrio.
Advances in Landscape Architecture 82
Figure 39. Topography,water structures,terraces and built elements
Figure 40. Socalco and ramada, as primary elements in Brrio.
Roads scheme and water mains interact resulting in an agricultural system where wine
architecture, in its various types, define the dominant landscape. The case study prevents
the study of the phenomena of construction in the area in a first phase. It was only in the
characterization influence of agricultural land, avoiding interference built elements. The
following objectives were defined:
a. The student's approach to the territorial level, where it is expected he will develop his
future professional career.
b. The identification and subsequent analysis of territorial primary elements, ie elements
that make up a presence and / or lack of the territory, in turn distributed in different
layers or levels of information.
c. The knowledge of syntax territorial modes how territorial these primary elements
already identified are interrelated, and the results from these interactions.
d. The transdisciplinary understanding of relationships existing in this territory allowed
keeping certain territorial structure till now.
e. The development process of the project. It was based on the knowledge of the scale of
action and its location, as a direct consequence of the previous work.
Architectures on Territories Methodologies for the Graphical Representation 83
Figure 41. Whole graphical representation for Brrio.
The development of the process took place as follows:
We started working on the municipality digital format as graphic bases at 1/5000. Several
visits to the site helped define at first the landscape "unit" study, with the support of existing
aerial photography, always based on following conditions:
Topography, existing land parcel boundaries
Water structure, and natural and artificial joint are various levadas and plots affected
by irrigation.(fig. 42)
Road infrastructure linking all the above items.
Identification of the primary elements of the study area territorial configurators
Based on the foregoing, we defined a perimeter defined by paths that are directed to the
lowest point defined by the course of the riverbank Labruja
in at Ponte Nova. So, we
proceeded to the individual recognition of the terrain and extensive data collection unit and
considered. This confirmed the structuring role of architectures socalcos and wine in its
various variants studied before.
It was also noted the role delineation of water structures,
both natural, formed by the banks of San Gens, Labruja and Mestre, and the artificial one.
This project, integrating the Levada do Caneiro, do Tested, do run it and do Casal,
developed in previous decades to proceed to irrigate the plots studied.
The analysis took advantage of the characteristics of the CAD application to designate layers
for the different levels of information.
Labruja is the main left stream of Lima river. (Limia, while running through galician lands)
Advances in Landscape Architecture 84
This issue is an improvement with respect to previous work, given the correction facilities
introduced in the process and the ability to interrelate two or more levels of information
Given these results, it seems logical to make a comparative study of the two processes.
Figure 42. Levada in Brrio-Ponte de Lima . Portugal
Figure 43. Detail of ramada in Brrio-Ponte de Lima. Portugal
Figure 44. Ramadas in Brrio-Ponte de Lima.Portugal
Architectures on Territories Methodologies for the Graphical Representation 85
1. The use of CAD in the redrawing of the territory has the following advantages:
a. Those are known in CAD drawing, its versatility and its ability to copy repetitive
processes, and choose from several editing modes mechanically.
b. Assignment to the respective levels of information layers, leading to the possibility of
establishing relations between the various levels of information in a direct and
c. The ability to reach scales of analysis hardly achievable in manual drafting
2. On the contrary, the use of these computer applications led to a series of difficulties or
disadvantages with regard to analysis or manually territorial redrawing:
a. The interposition of the computer between the territorial redraw and final expression. It
is a mechanical device incapable of interpreting by itself.
b. Failure to express the author's subjective attitudes into the formal territorial analysis,
reducing the freshness of the final result.
c. The inability to ensure entirely personal processes. Redrawing can be the result of a
joint action that disrupts the production of educational goals facing the approach to
architectural design. Only except personal commitment of the students goals would be
d. The lack of agility in non mechanical processes was confirmed, where the manual
process was more advantageous.
8. Conclusions
We can define a set of initial findings in all this work:
1. The conventional territorial representation involves a process that necessarily reduces
the provided information.
2. This reduction is an important obstacle to the development of territorial project.
3. This problem becomes more complex in the small and medium scales.
4. Solving such problems can be obtained through an individual complementary survey
work. Intangible items must be included somehow in this work.
5. The manual or computerized surveys methods developed according this methodology
are equally valid, with specificities.
6. The manual method allows a greater voice, especially when talking about qualitative
aspects of the territory, but is slower. This method allows rapid consideration of the
interactions between the various layers of information.
7. The computer method loses freshness of expression, but is very effective as far as
regards interaction layers.
8. In any of the cases we have studied, the method allows a very efficient approach to
define the guidelines of design.
9. The method reveals its effectiveness for small and medium scale. In these cases the
dimensions have ranged 27,39 km
for Carnoedo and 5,41 km
for Brrio.
10. The limitations come from the spent time in performing a conventional project
planning, making it difficult to extrapolate to higher dimensions.
Advances in Landscape Architecture 86
Author details
Jos Manuel Pags Madrigal
Faculty of Architectural Engineering, Beirut Arab University, Lebanon
It is only fair to acknowledge the work done by my former students, architects today, Rui
Pedro Silva, Raquel Campos and Rogrio Soares that between 2009 and 2012 developed the
work that became the basis for preparing this chapter.
Pictures are from the author of this cahpter, except other indications
9. References
[1] Porter N. editor . Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary. G & C. Merriam Co.;1913.
[2] Mcher, C.A.,Bunce, R.G.H.,Jongman, R.H.G.,Klijn, J.A.,Koomen, A.J.M.,Metzger,
M.J.,Wascher, D.M. Identification and characterisation of environments and landscapes
in Europe (2003)Wageningen,Alterra, Green World research. Alterra Report, 832
[3] TECNALIA et altri, European Land Use Patterns. Applied Research 2013/1/8. Interim
Report | Version 3rd/June/2011
[4] Pags Madrigal,J.M. Terra gua e Homem. bases para um projecto territorial. Lecin
para prova de agregao.University Fernando Pessoa,2012. accessed 12 december 2012
[5] Alexander, Ch.. A Pattern Language: Towns, Buildings, Construction. Oxford
University Press, USA;1977
accessed 12
[7] Picon, A. What Has Happened to Territory?. Architectural Design, 80:p 9499. ;2010
[8] Len G. M.C. Reconocimiento territorial y obra cartogrfica de los ingenieros militares
en Nueva Espaa (segunda mitad del siglo XVIII) .Scripta nova revista electrnica de
geografa y ciencias sociales universidad de Barcelona Vol. X, nm. 218 (55), 1 de agosto
de 2006 .
[9] Pags Madrigal, J. M & Malafaya Baptista,Ff. Territrios como laboratrios. Territories
as Laboratories Ed List Trento.2011
Chapter 4
Possibility to Employ AHP as a Multi-Criteria
Decision Making Method in Landscape Planning
Murat Akten
Additional information is available at the end of the chapter
1. Introduction
For Ersoy (2006), planning is a process set out to solve the problem. During planning, how
and within what structural relationships this problem and/or problems have appeared, and
how they can be resolved through interventions is analysed. A conceptual overview of plan
and planning reveals that transformation of an intellectual model into a material design
creates the "plan", and the entirety of the implementing process for realizing the plan
constitutes "planning" (Akay, 2009). Planning is an all-round holistic action; contains social,
economical, political, psychological, anthropological and technological factors; and is a
multi-disciplinary, normative, democratic occupation and a professional engagement
encouraging involvement and seeking action paths for options (Bulut and Atabeyolu,
2010). In brief, planning is deciding on the method for utilizing limited natural and cultural
resources with a view to assuring and extending life quality (economical, social,
psychological) of a country on national scale (Akay, 2009).
Parameters such as ensuring sustainable development, safeguarding natural resources, cost-
effective nature of investments during the incorporation and operation process, stripping
catastrophic nature of acts of God, availability to enhance types preferred in land utilization,
etc. represent the generally disregarded, yet crucially significant facts in land utilization
practices. Negligences and wrong practices along these issues lead to economical and social
harm on individual and national scale, and unrecoverable loss of natural resources and
cultural heritage. To avoid such losses, need to Physical Planning initiatives in depth of
physical geography and relying upon ecological principles comes to sight (Turolu, 2005).
Sustainable use of natural and cultural resources, in other words, seating decisions for
physical planning upon an ecologically acceptable base progressively gain weight in spatial
Advances in Landscape Architecture 88
planning strategies today. In this sense, "landscape planning concept and practices" among
other spatial planning strategies come to the forefront with its mediating and guiding
attitude (Ayhan and Hepcan, 2009).
1.1. Landscape planning
Countries plan and reflect to the physical space their socio-economical decisions on national,
regional and local scale for the development and enhancement of their societies. However,
decisions for land utilization assuming various functions regarding residential areas
influence economical actions in particular fields, and such actions consequentially induce
adverse impacts in physical space as well as natural biotopes rising thereon such as the
topography, soil, flora and fauna, and increasingly the ecological composition, culminating
in environmental issues. Examining the topic from the standpoint of the benefit-cost theory
reveals that, such decisions and practices yielding socio-economical benefits in the short run
call forth adverse ecological costs driven by fading away natural assets with implications
upon the whole society in the long run (Atabay, 1991).
According to Buchwald for the sake of preserving the efficiency and attributes of the nature,
enhancing the skills for utilizing natural resources, the natural herbal and animal wealth,
and human recreation in nature, landscape should be safeguarded within a sustainable
framework. Landscape planning takes the following measures to assure the realization of
these objectives: the optimal ecological-biological, visual composition and wealth of
landscape is preserved and enhanced; cross-complementary zones precious for their
ecological features are incorporated into the protected zones system, and plans suggesting
optimal uses in ecological and visual terms where space utilization will have minimum
impact on other uses are elaborated (Uzun, 2003).
The European Landscape Convention; describes "Landscape Planning" concept as the set of
forward-looking actions launched to promote the value of, improve or construct the
landscape (Anonymous, 2000). According to Baal (1998), safeguarding the nature and the
land we live upon, availing of its existing potential in maximum, flourishing and then
offering it to the benefit of future generations is only possible by exploring and scrutinizing
the available use options that do not conflict with each other and implementing them based
on a particular plan as buttressed by a consistent process maintenance and audit. Landscape
planning targets, with reference to the idea favouring the flourishing of human-nature
interaction as aligned to the balance between the process of protection and use, the
construction of an environment promising healthy, free and high-quality life conditions to
the society and its members (Benliay and Yldrm, 2012). According to Ahern (2002),
landscape planning is aimed at protecting rare, scarce and unique resources; avoiding the
hazards; conserving limited resources through a controlled use; and identifying areas
suiting development actions (Ayhan and Hepcan, 2009).
Analysing the definitions suggested by Baal, Buchwald and the European Landscape
Convention reveals that some key concepts are stressed for landscape planning, and
objectives are put forward across such concepts. The priority in this process is attached to
Possibility to Employ AHP as a Multi-Criteria Decision Making Method in Landscape Planning Initiatives 89
putting forward the balance between protection and use, analysing the ecological features,
assessing the uses and therefore the ecological relationships, and then identifying the actions
and construction of the environment that people can avail of to the utmost, yet that induces
minimal damage to other organisms.
For Lewis (1964), McHarg, (1967), Buchwald et al., (1973), Hills (1976) and Kiemstedt, (1967),
landscape planning is an instrument allowing to build up an efficient balance between
human and nature in terms of protection and development. Landscape planning is aimed at
addressing the interactive pattern between natural and cultural resources and the people
utilizing them followed by incorporation of the same into the physical planning process;
minimizing adverse impacts induced by environmental conflicts through the optimum land
utilization approach, and supervising zoning initiatives to ensure optimum and proper
maintenance of landscapes (Yksel, 2003).
Landscape planning does not merely constitute a special planning for a landscape
arrangement in rural or urban space, but represents the process of planning the measures
for flourishing, conserving and maintaining both spaces as per the laws on ecology
(Kseolu, 1982).
The fields of action for landscape planning and landscape management target securing
sustainably the balance between protection and use throughout the human-nature
interaction. Planning practices where the human-nature relationships and interactions are
not properly analysed and assessed are among major factors that trigger environment issues
(ahin, 2009). The demonstrated understanding in the last century is that respecting a
particular system and safeguarding the balance constitutes the condition precedent for the
sustainability of life (clean and accessible water, air and food) in relationships with different
systems. Natural resources that human needs to sustain life are limited to the capacity of the
recycling mechanisms of those resources. Optimally utilizing the available resources,
respecting the rights of future generations to utilize these resources and ensuring the
sustainability of natural systems is a quite tough yet inevitable approach. What makes this
approach tough is associated with the requirement to handle natural systems such that no
damage should be induced to them throughout the entire range spanning from the initial
phase of planning up to the construction, use, post-use and depletion phase (etinkaya,
To secure sustainable development, enhancing the environmental strategy, establishing a
hierarchy of priorities for environment, and building efficient environmental policies in
making decisions for investment are also needed besides economical and social policies.
In resolving the environmental issues, an ecology-based identification is needed with a view
to setting up a hierarchy in the sustainable management of natural resources in relation to
the type of solutions to be produced at the lower and upper scale. This is indeed "ecological
land classification" adopted by myriad of European countries under different names
including the bioregion, ecoregion, ecosystem classification, etc. Ecological land
classification is a hierarchic classification of the space ranging from upper scale down to the
lower scale. Setting up such a hierarchy owes to the assessment of different measures from
Advances in Landscape Architecture 90
the upper scale down to the lower scale. The art of landscape ecology gaining a forward
progress over the last years hierarchically divides landscape into various sub sections, and
allows to make distinct comments on the structure, function and variation of landscape, and
to identify zones in the sustainable ecological management (Uzun, 2003).
Landscape planning methods have greatly been enhanced in the course of time. Despite this
however, like in all planning efforts, the planner should choose the most appropriate one
among a plurality of distinct options impacted by a great number of factors in the landscape
planning process. For the sake of obtaining a healthy decision support through a
participatory approach, decision makers should compare and assess alternative land
allocation forms according to the preferences, demands and expectations of the public,
benefit-interest groups and sectoral specialists. Hence, alternative management strategies
should be assessed in a multi-criteria pattern according to social, economical and
environmental criteria through a participatory approach, and the most appropriate
alternative should be chosen.
Such decision-making process may be quiet complicated some time, therefore multi-criteria
decision making methods are employed to minimize potential errors.
2. Multi-criteria decision making methods
Key issue of the decision-making process is to choose the best alternative out of the
alternatives set assessed by means of criteria competing and conflicting with each other
(Saaty, 1986). Decision-making issue is typically choosing the most appropriate alternative
out of the options set according to at least one objective or criterion. In this sense, if there is
only one possible way to go, in other words if there is no possibility to make a choice, then
there is no decision-making (nal, 2010).
Decision making is to identify and choose the alternatives that would deliver the desired
condition. Decision is only the outcome of particular processes.
It is observed that decision highlights distinct aspects including the choosing action,
alternatives conflicting with each other, and the process. From this point of view, we can
define decision-making as the process of choosing the most appropriate one among
alternatives conflicting with each other to satisfy a particular objective (nal 2010).
Decision making and planning concepts require the holistic perception of objectives, targets
and strategies within a systematic understanding.
There are various methods, analyses and techniques employed to make informed decisions
on case basis as long as the paths to follow for attaining these objectives, data sources, IT
methods and other similar conditions vary.
Capability to make efficient decisions for directors owes to the use of scientific methods that
can concomitantly assess myriad of qualitative and quantitative factors in the decision-
making process. At the forefront of the methods that may be employed in this process is the
Possibility to Employ AHP as a Multi-Criteria Decision Making Method in Landscape Planning Initiatives 91
Multi-Criteria Decision Making method. The literature involves many studies where Multi-
Criteria Decision Making methods are employed.
In the traditional multi-criteria decision making methods, final assessment of criteria and
alternatives is expressed with real numbers and decision is made based on the customary
"alternative fully satisfies the criteria or not" rationale. However, due to the complexity of
the real life and our limited capacity of perception, there are various objects that we are
unable to comprehend in absolute terms which can only be assessed through subjective
opinions. Therefore, to cope with decision-making for complex objects, the general
characteristic feature of the object (e.g. beauty) is handled as a fuzzy attribute, and then a set
of attributes is defined where each attribute corresponds to a single criterion. Hence, while
establishing the alternatives, the decision maker employs linguistic assets involving
uncertainty based on his/her personal opinions which may be represented by fuzzy sets.
Once such type of alternatives produced by the decision maker are assessed in a fully
objective manner against the existing criteria, they are sorted and then the most appropriate
one is identified, leading to the optimum solution (Eminov and Ball, 2004).
It is possible to categorize by objective the huge bulk of multi-dimensional decision-making
methods listed as decision-making methods in the literature in a plurality of forms based on
various criteria such as optimization-consistency, reduction-classification, mathematics-
statistics, etc. (Hala, 2001). Accordingly, classification of multi-dimensional decision-
making methods is shown in Table 1.
In case some sub-systems with logical ties between, yet considered different from each other
are handled in the decision-making process, the objectives of each sub system should be
consistent with the objectives of the master system (macro objectives), in other words, they
should be aligned to inflexible objectives. In such a case, we can talk about consistency, and
methods employed for this purpose are called Methods Aimed at Consistency. On the other
hand, there are also planning methods where consistency is replaced by accessible and
proper objectives. And these methods are called Methods Aimed at Optimization. Data
Reduction Methods represent the methods that describe the variation of the dataset
containing variables in p number, and aimed at defining the data structure through a fewer
number of variables (k<p) with no cross correlation. Classification Methods are the methods
developed to facilitate to the actions for establishing prototype sets (groups, classes) for
structures with unknown population characteristics, and further to assign new units to the
preliminarily defined groups. Furthermore, most significant methods out of a vast set, each
with a distinctive intended use, are discussed under the heading "Other Methods".
There are also some other decision-making techniques in addition to those covered by Table
1. However, Table 1 encompasses techniques that are commonly employed for various
objectives. On the other hand, given the intended use and dominant properties of some
techniques in Table 1, it is understood that they may be involved in multiple classifications.
For instance, some techniques aimed at consistency (PERT and CPM, Input-Output
technique, etc.) may also be used for optimization purposes as well through sensitivity
analyses and dynamic analyses. To display this situation, one or more of the numbers from
Advances in Landscape Architecture 92
- The ELECTRE I Technique (2)
- Network Analysis and PERT/ CPM
Techniques (1, 2)
- The Delphi Technique (2, 1)
- The Analytical Hierarcy Process (2)
- The Preference (Conjoint) Analysis (2)
- Simulation (1)
- Input- Output Analysis (1, 2)
- Dynamic Programming (2)
- Linear Programming (2)
- Goal Programming (2)
- Integer Programlama (2)
- Transport Models (2)
- Inventory Models (2)
- Markov Chains (1)
- Lagrange Factors (2)
- The Benefit-Cost Analysis (2)
- Quadratic Programming (2)
- Factor Analysis (3, 4)
- Correspondence Analysis (3)
- Discriminant Analysis (4)
- Clustering Analysis (4)
- Multi-Dimensional Scaling Analysis (3, 4)
- Multi-Dimensional Variance Analysis (5)
- Multi-Dimensional Regression Analysis (5)
- Canonical Correlation Analysis (5)
(such as surveying the dependence
structure, building hypotheses and
hypothesis tests)
(*) Figures in parentheses denote the dominant intended use of the methods.
Table 1. Classification of Multi-Criteria Decision-Making Methods.
1 to 5 denoting the methodological class in which the technique has been involved according
to its intended use have been supplemented to each technique in Table 1.
The decision analysis deals with using a rational process for choosing the best out of the
alternatives. How "ideal" a chosen alternative is depends on the quality of the data
employed to define the decision case. In this case, the decision-making process may be
involved in one of the three classes below (Taha, 2000):
a. Decision-making under certainty where data are deterministically known.
Possibility to Employ AHP as a Multi-Criteria Decision Making Method in Landscape Planning Initiatives 93
b. Decision-making under the risk where the data may be defined through the
breakdowns of possibility.
c. Decision-making under uncertainty where the data cannot be assigned to relative
weights representing the level of relationship in the decision process.
While data can be defined well under certainty, the data is fuzzy under uncertainty. Hence,
decision-making under the risk is the "half-way" case.
In this section, the Analytical Hierarchical Process approach, one of the abovementioned
models of decision-making under certainty will be discussed.
3. Decision-making under certainty
Linear programming methods is an example to decision-making under certainty. These
methods are only suitable for cases that may be associated with mathematical linear
functions where alternatives are well defined among each other. This section brings a
different approach to cases where thoughts, ideas, senses and ambitions are measured such
that decision alternatives are listed through a numerical scale. This approach is known as
the Analytical Hierarchy Process (Taha, 2000).
3.1. The analytical hierarchy process
The Analytical Hierarchy Process (AHP) is one of the multi-criteria decision-making
methods defined by Thomas L. Saaty (1977). The AHS method imitates the mental action
process for differentiating the groups intrinsically present in the human. The core essence of
AHS is concept fragmentation and synthesis. Once the problem is fragmented into tiny
integral bits, the system identifies the cross-significance of two elements compared as well
as the magnitude of such significance. This system plays a critical role in human perception,
concept formation, classification of examples and logical judgement (Cengiz, 2003).
It is observed that the AHS method is commonly employed to solve the complex multi-
criteria decision-making problems. As a matter of fact, it is reported that, the process has
been applied, since the date it was developed, to various decision-making problems in
various fields including economy, planning, energy policies, resource allocation, health,
resolution of conflicts, project selection, marketing, computer technology, budget allocation,
accounting training, sociology, architecture and many else. Furthermore, there are examples
as to the use of the method in complex environmental decision analyses too.
The AHS method is primarily a theory of measurement based on priority values yielded by
the paired comparison of the elements. This method allows to consider both quantitative
(objective) and qualitative (subjective) factors in choosing the best alternative. Thanks to its
features such as simplicity, flexibility, ease of use and seamless interpretation demonstrated
in the analysis of complex decision problems, the method seems to have a broad field of use
in distinctive decision problems. In its current form, the method is interesting as one of the
most popular multi-criteria decision-making methodologies today (Ylmaz, 1999).
Advances in Landscape Architecture 94
The following steps are followed to solve a decision-making problem by means of the AHS
method (Gksu and Gngr, 2008).
Step 1: A decision hierarchy is formed with the decision elements such that the decision-
making problem is identified.
Step 2: The decision elements are compared on a pairwise basis between each other to yield
a data set. While making pairwise comparisons, it is searched which of the two elements is
more important and at what degree in decision making.
Step 3: The relative priority (significance, weight) values of decision elements is estimated
by means of the eigenvalue method.
Step 4: Based on the relative priority of decision elements, general priority and sequence of
decision alternatives is obtained.
Step 1: Hierarchical Model
A complex system with many common characteristics, yet containing myriad of elements
that are hard to concurrently consider can be simplified and more conveniently analysed by
splitting them into sub systems. In this respect, by arranging the system in sequenced levels
where each hosts different number of elements or factors, hierarchies are obtained. These
hierarchies are formed based on the assumption that system elements can be split into
discrete sets. Therefore, a rational and systematic solution can be reached for the problems
by assessing all factors with potential relevance.
The process of setting up the hierarchic model starts with placing the general objective of
the problem on the top level. Then, criteria to be employed in the assessment of
alternatives are identified, and arranged in a hierarchic layout. In this hierarchy, a level
consisting of the criteria and the sub level(s) into which each criterion is split into sub-
criteria are found. The decision alternatives of the problem are placed on the bottommost
level of the hierarchy, so the hierarchy formation process is completed. Finally, the
topmost level and the bottommost level of the hierarchy is associated with each other
through intermediate levels (Ylmaz, 2004). Factors at the same level are defined
independently from each other (Ejder, 2000).
Creation of the decision hierarchy would vary based on the number of hierarchic levels, the
complexity of the problem, and the depth of detail needed by the person undertaking the
analyses to solve the problem (Ylmaz, 1999).
Step 2: Determining Priority Values
Once the decision hierarchy is created, relative significance or the priority value of each
element (criteria, sub-criteria, alternatives, etc.) at different levels of the hierarchy should
be identified. In the AHS method, first pairwise comparisons are performed for this
Pairwise Comparisons: An element at any level is the relative element of the immediately
upper level. The degree of impact induced by such relative elements in the immediately
Possibility to Employ AHP as a Multi-Criteria Decision Making Method in Landscape Planning Initiatives 95
upper element is compared in pairs. Let's say C1, C2, ..........Cn represents elements at any
level, and let's say W1, W2, ..Wn is the priority of impact (weight) induced by that
element in the upper element to which they are linked, where Wi, reflects the impact
power/weight of Ci on its own relative upper element. To create the weight vector (Wi), first
n number of elements should be compared in pairs in terms of their impact on the respective
upper element (Ylmaz, 2004).
In these pairwise comparisons; by asking questions like "what element is preferred more (is
more significant) when element 1 and element 2 are compared to the respective upper
element?" and "what is degree of preference placed in favour of the more preferred element
compared to the other?", the decision maker is prompted to make a judgement.
The results of these comparisons are arranged in matrix form. The prioritization scale
developed by Saaty (1998) used to convert the results of such pairwise comparisons in the
matrix into numerical values is presented in Table 2.
The table shows numerical values suggested for verbal preferences expressed by the person
undertaking the pairwise comparisons. This scale is employed to construct the pairwise
comparisons matrix.
Judgement for
Verbal Preference
Equal Preference Two activities make equal contributions to the
Partial Preference Experience or judgement places partial preference in
favour of one action to the other
High Preference
Experience or judgement places high preference in
favour of one action to the other
Very High Preference
One action is highly preferred compared to the other
and its dominance is conspicuous in practice.
Absolute Preference
Proofs relating to the preference of an action to the
other are greatly reliable.
Average Values
Values falling between two successive judgements to
be used when compromise is necessary
2, 4, 6, 8
Opposite Values
When an element is compared to the other, one of the
values above is assigned. When the second element is
compared to the first, it gains an opposite value.
Table 2. The Pairwise Comparisons Scale Used for Preferences in the AHS Method (Saaty, 1980).
Advances in Landscape Architecture 96
Pairwise Comparisons Matrix: Values obtained from pairwise comparisons are placed in a
matrix called "pairwise comparisons matrix". Hence, a matrix like in (1) is obtained (Ylmaz,
A =
. . . o
. . . o
. . . . . .
. . . . . .
. . . . . .
. . . o
A = Pairwise comparisons matrix, and
aij = the significance of the i
element to the j
element compared to the upper element in the
The values of the pairwise comparison matrix satisfy the equation in (2) and such equation
is called "reciprocity function" (Saaty, 1989).
For the pairwise comparisons matrix to be fully consistent, it should satisfy the condition in
= o
(i, ], k = 1, 2, , n) (3)
To satisfy this equation is quite difficult due to the fact that values are obtained relatively
from pairwise comparisons. If the judgements of pairwise comparisons are absolutely
consistent, in other words, if the equation above is satisfied, then the inputs of the A
pairwise comparisons matrix will not include any error, allowing it to suggest the equation
in (4).
(i, ] = 1,2, n) (4)
Wi = the priority value for the element i as calculated through the pairwise comparisons
Wj = the priority value for the element j as calculated through the pairwise comparisons
Diagonal elements of the pairwise comparisons matrix take the value of 1 (5).
= o
(i, ], k = 1,2, , n)
= 1 (i = 1,2, , n) (5)
Possibility to Employ AHP as a Multi-Criteria Decision Making Method in Landscape Planning Initiatives 97
Once the pairwise comparison matrices are constructed, the priority values (weights) of
factors compared to the respective immediately upper factor are calculated with reference of
the matrix data.
Step 3: Calculation of Priority Values
Pairwise comparisons matrices are used to calculate the priority values. During this
calculation procedure, consistency of pairwise comparison judgements should be
considered. Various methods have been developed for this purpose.
For fully consistent matrices, it is specified that normalizing any j
column of the matrix
(j=1,2,...,n) would yield the priority vector (Ylmaz, 2004). Accordingly, the priority vector is
calculated as provided in (6):
o =
(i = 1, 2, , n) (6)
Wi = priority value for the element i,
aij = value of the i
row and j
column of the pairwise comparisons matrix.
As another method for the calculation of priority values, normalizing the sum of values in
rows of the fully-consistent pairwise comparisons matrix is suggested. Such mathematical
calculation is carried out as provided in (7):
] =1
i =1
(i = 1,2, , n) (7)
On the other hand, the "eigenvector method" by Saaty is an important method as it suggests a
measure for consistency towards pairwise comparison judgements. Descriptions on this
method are presented below (Ylmaz, 2004);
The eigenvector corresponding to the highest eigenvalue of the pairwise comparisons
matrix(max) is the priority vector. This vector (8) is represented with
w = |w
, w
, , w
] (8)
This eigenvector is also referred to as the right eigenvector. Each normalized element of this
vector indicates a priority value estimate and also involves errors made during comparison.
If Wi (i = 1,2,...,n) values are known, then pairwise comparisons are based on absolute
measurements, and the pairwise comparisons matrix is absolutely consistent. So, where i, j,
k = 1,2,...,n, the following equiation can be derived (9) and (10):
= 1 (10)
Advances in Landscape Architecture 98
Summing based on j on both sides of the equation yields,
= n (i = 1,2, , n) (11)
(11) Transferring 1/Wi on the lef side of the equation to the right side yields the following
= w
n (i = 1,2, , n) (12)
(12). This equation is composed as
w = |w
, w
, , w
] (13)
where (13) being the priority vector composed as
Aw = nw (14)
(14) According to the matrix theory, W in this equation is the eigenvector of the pairwise
comparisons matrix A. Solving this equation yields eigenvalues A1,2,...,n of the pairwise
comparisons matrix.
Indeed, since aij is based on subjective judgements, deviations from the ideal Wi/Wj ratio
occur. Therefore, the matrix theory brings two cases to the foreground:
First, where 1,2,...,n are eigenvalues,
AX = Xz (15)
if aii = 1 for every i, and the eigenvalue of the matrix A above satisfying the equation (15),
= n (16)
Therefore, when the equation AW = nW is satisfied, only one out of the eigenvalues of the
pairwise comparisons matrix A i has n value (equal to n), and all other eigenvalues are
zero. This means, when the matrix A is consistent, the highest eigenvalue of the matrix A
(max) is equal to n (max = n).
Considering them all, if the diagonal elements of the matrix A (aii) are 1, and if the matrix A
is consistent, then it is concluded that variations in aij do not lead to a change in the highest
eigenvalue (max) near n, and that the remaining eigenvalues have values near 0. Once the
pairwise comparisons matrix is actually obtained, the problem (17)
Aw = z
w (17)
will be solved, yielding the W priority vector (eigenvector) satisfying this equation and
constituting the unit vector.
Estimating the Consistency Ratio: While the significance or priority values of elements are
calculated on the basis of the pairwise comparisons matrix in the AHS method, mistakes or
Possibility to Employ AHP as a Multi-Criteria Decision Making Method in Landscape Planning Initiatives 99
inconsistencies may occur since pairwise comparisons are based on subjective
considerations. To measure this condition, the "Consistency Ratio" is employed in the AHS
To create a pairwise comparisons matrix with n elements suggested by the AHS method,
obtaining (n-1) assessments is enough. Accordingly, other assessments may be made. As a
matter of fact, if element X is twice the element Y, and has four folds of significance
compared to element Z, then we may infer X = 2Y, X = 4Z, 2Y = 4Z ve Y = 2Z.
CI =
- n
Matrix Size (n) Random Index (RI)
1 0.00
2 0.00
3 0.58
4 0.90
5 1.12
6 1.24
7 1.32
8 1.41
9 1.45
10 1.49
11 1.51
12 1.48
13 1.56
14 1.57
15 1.59
Table 3. Random Index Values Variable by Matrix Size Used to Calculate Consistency Ratio in the AHS
Method (Ylmaz, 1999).
Advances in Landscape Architecture 100
In this matrix, if the significance of element Z compared to element Y is different than 2,
than this pairwise comparisons matrix will be inconsistent. This fairly common condition
does not constitute a major problem in solving the problem. While making assessments as to
pairwise comparisons, if the decision maker merely refers to the (n-1) key assessment and
neglects other assessments, then the pairwise comparisons matrix should be expected to be
inconsistent. This is a very common case, however this does not lead to major issues in
solving the problem (Cengiz, 2003). In this case, the matrix consistency ratio (1.20) is
measured. Normalizing this measurement through the size of the pairwise comparisons
matrix (n) is defined by Saaty as the consistency index-CI (1.18) (Ejder, 2000).
To calculate the Consistency Ratio, the "Random Index (RI)" values should also be known.
These values have been constructed by randomly placing 100 matrices in each node of the 1-
15 size matrices and then averaging the Consistency Ratios calculated according to the
following formula. However, as the values of random indices increase with the growing
matrix size, 500 random pairwise comparisons matrices have been formed for each matrix
size of 11, 12, 13, 14 and 15, and calculations have been repeated. Hence, RI values by matrix
size as shown in Table 2 have been obtained (Ylmaz, 1999).
CR =
If this ratio (19) is zero, then the judgements of the decision maker are fully consistent. With
this ratio approximating to 1.00, it may be argued that the pairwise comparisons matrix
based on the decision maker's judgements are not rational and consistent, but random.
Furthermore, a consistency ratio of 0.10 or less indicates that the results obtained are within
acceptable limits (Taha, 2000).
Step 4: Determining General Priority Values
The last stage of the AHS method is to identify the general priority values of bottommost
elements of the decision hierarchy (decision alternatives) in reference to the topmost general
objective. For the sake of a description clarity, this may be illustrated on a sample three-level
decision hierarchy as follows (Ylmaz, 1999).
The first level of the three-level decision hierarchy consists of a single element that
represents the overall objective, and has a priority value of 1. Let's assume that the second
level of this hierarchy consists of n elements and third level consists of m elements.
Wh = Priority value of the element at the first level (overall objective),
Vi = Priority values of elements at the second level (i = 1,2,...,n ),
Wij = Priority values of j elements (decision alternatives) at the third level compared to the
element i at the second level (j = 1,2,...,m),
Wi = Priority values of decision alternatives in reference to the overall objective (i = 1,2,...,m)
Possibility to Employ AHP as a Multi-Criteria Decision Making Method in Landscape Planning Initiatives 101
Since the priority value of the overall objective is 1, multiplication of this value
to the priority values of elements at the second level will make no difference. In other
words, the priority values of elements at the second level of the hierarchy will remain the
Hence, priority values of decision alternatives in reference to the overall objective are
obtained by multiplying the priority value of each element at the second level of the
hierarchy to priority values of subordinate elements at the third level, and then by summing
such weighted values of the alternatives. This procedure may be illustrated in matrix form
as follows (20):
. . . w
. . . w
. . . . . .
. . . . . .
. . . . . .
. . . w
= |w
. . . w
] (20)
By calculating the Wi general priority values, a solution is offered to solve complex decision-
making problems. Hence, the highest of these priority values may also be treated as the best,
in other words the decision alternative to be chosen.
4. Conclusion
While previously associated with minor pollution issues together with short-term solutions
aimed at eliminating them, environment today reveals itself as the entire set of natural,
economical, social and cultural values. Comprehending this fact has triggered the
abandonment of traditional development models and exploration towards new models.
Therefore, the traditional unlimited development and unlimited consumption models have
started to be replaced by sustainable and more balanced development models.
Safeguarding the nature and the land we live upon, availing of its existing potential in
maximum, flourishing and then offering it to the benefit of future generations is only
possible by exploring and scrutinizing the available use options that do not conflict with
each other and implementing them based on a particular plan as buttressed by a consistent
process maintenance and audit (Baal, 1998).
As a managerial instrument, Landscape Planning reveals the inventory and analysis of
natural and cultural environment, and so ensures that optimum decisions can be taken for
land utilization alternatives. It is clearly known today that analyses with single dimension or
variable are not sufficient in solving complex problems like the landscape analysis. The
major assumption in single-dimension analyses is to consider the impacts of other
dimensions in the case as constant and study only one dimension (factor) every time.
However, events and objects in the universe are formed not under the influence of only one
factor, but under the collective influence of myriad of internal and external factors, and
Advances in Landscape Architecture 102
reveal a complex nature. For this reason, events and objects should be defined not based on
a single variable, but on myriad of variables and their collective impacts.
When decision makers encounter a complex system formed by interrelated components
(resources, outputs proposed, constraints, etc.) in landscape analyses, they first endeavour
to gain a thorough insight into the composition of this system. Hence, judgements and
decisions made are rather informed. In landscape analyses, particularly in identifying the
criterion weights of natural data, user opinions are of great significance. However, entities
proposing to solve a complex decision problem may take different decisions despite
employing the same method. The reason is that people have different value judgements.
And different value judgements would lead to different priorities. In other words, different
decision makers may attach different priorities to the components of the system. At this
point, AHS comes up as a process distinguished from other decision making approaches as
it directly considers the value judgements of different decision makers.
Author details
Murat Akten
Sleyman Demirel University Faculty of Forestry, Landscape Architecture of Department, Turkey
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Advances in Landscape Architecture 104
[23] Yksel, D.., 2003. Amerika ve Avrupada Ekolojik Planlama Yaklamlar. Ankara
University, Institute of Science and Technology, Phd Thesis, 23 p. Ankara.
Chapter 5
Use of Watersheds Boundariesin
the Landscape Planning
Aybike Ayfer Karada
Additional information is available at the end of the chapter
1. Introduction
Interactions between human society, biosphere, atmosphere, and hydrosphere have
increased extensively, sometimes for the welfare of mankind and environment, but
frequently for their man. These interactions are characterized by increasing complexity,
diversity, use, and misuse of natural resources, the latter permanently decreasing. And this
holds true for any scale in space and time, from global to local and from long-term to short
term.On the regional and local scale the interactions between society, hydrosphere, and
biosphere are relevant (Kaden, 2003) and these interactions determine the future of the
Landscape is complex and far-reaching. People have strong ties to landscapes and use them
in various ways. Thus landscape is interweaves with climate change and ecology,
development, economics, politics, and culture (Bastian et al., 2006; Jones, et al., 2007).
Landscape changes as a result of these relationships that human-nature interaction. The
changes in landscape were brought up idea of planning for sustainable use, conservation
and management. But landscape character and structure make difficult landscape planning
decisions. Therefore it must be understood primarily landscape to successful landscape
Two different approaches have emerged to defining landscape, when the definitions of
landscape are evaluated. According to the first approach, landscape is ecological units. In
this context Forman (1995) defined landscape as a mosaic where the mix of local ecosystems
or land uses is repeated in similar form over a kilometers-wide area. A landscape manifests
an ecological unity thought its area. Within a landscape several attributes tend to be similar
and repeated across the whole area, including geologic land forms, soil types, vegetation
types, local faunas, natural disturbance regimes, land uses, and human aggregation pattern.
Thus a repeated cluster of spatial elements characterizes a landscape. Burel and Baudry
Advances in Landscape Architecture 106
(2003) argue that landscape is a level of organization of ecological systems that is higher than
the ecosystem level (Farina et al., 2005). It is characterized essentially by its heterogeneity and
its dynamics, partly governed by human activities. It exists independently of perception.
Landscape is considered mainly a mosaic of geographical entities in which organisms deal
with the spatial arrangement of these entities determined by complex dynamics (Farina et al.,
2005). Landscape is geographic unit at second approach. Geography, where the landscape
plays a central role and may be considered a fundamental unit, is of particular importance in
the attempt to delineate a clear, scientifically useful concept of landscape. The definitions in
geography essentially focus on the dynamic relationship between natural landforms or
physiographic and human cultural groups (Forman and Godron, 1986). Landscape refers to a
common perceivable part of the earths surface. Landscape became a core topic of geography,
in particular regional geography. It was seen as a unique synthesis between the natural and
cultural characteristics of a region (Mander and Antrop, 2003). As Zonneveld (1979) stated,
landscape is part of the spaces on the earths surface, consisting of a complex of systems,
formed by the activity of rock, water, air, plants, animals and man, and that by its
physiognomy forms a recognizable entity (Forman and Godron, 1986). The European
Landscape Convention defines landscape as an area, as perceived by people, whose character
is the result of the action and interaction of natural and/or human factors (Anonymous, 2000).
In this context Turner et al.(2002) indicated landscape as an area that is spatially heterogeneous
in at least one factor of interest. Opdam et al. (2006) defined landscape as a geographical unit
characterized by a specific pattern of ecosystem types, formed by interaction of geographical,
ecological and human-induced forces.
Regardless of how landscape is defined, landscape can be characterized by structure,
function, and change (Kurum and ahin, 2000). Structure, the spatial relationships among the
distinctive ecosystems or elements present-more specifically, the distribution of energy,
materials, and species in relation to the sizes, shapes, numbers, kinds, and configurations of
the ecosystems. Landscape structure is generally dened in terms of composition and
conguration. Dunning et al. (1992), these are, respectively, the kinds of patches present in
the landscape and the amount of each, and the spatial relationships among them as indices
of landscape structure, landscape metrics can be used to describe the composition and
spatial arrangement of a landscape (Forman and Godron, 1986). They can be applied at
different levels to describe single landscape elements by such features as size, shape,
number or for whole landscapes by describing the arrangement of landscape elements and
the diversity of landscape (Forman and Godron, 1986; Waltz, 2011). Forman and Godron
(1986) dened landscape function from a systems-theoretical point of view as "the interactions
among the spatial elements, that is, the ows of energy, materials, and species among the
component ecosystems. Leser (1997) emphasized that it is necessary to analyze functions
and functional interactions between landscape factors and landscape components in order
to understand the relationships within the system (Bastian, et al. 2006). Change, the alteration
in the structure and function of the ecological mosaic over time (Baker, 1989).
Landscape change, because they are the perceivable expression of dynamic interactions
between the physical and material environment and natural and cultural forces. In addition,
Use of Watersheds Boundaries in The Landscape Planning 107
Consequently, landscapes differ from place to place and different landscape types can be
recognized as well as different landscape regions (Mander and Antrop, 2003). In this context
three main factors can be identified in determining landscape: physical, biological and
anthropic. Their interaction are continuously composing the landscape in such a way that
we can distinguish between a spatial and a temporal aspect of this composition. The spatial
landscape variety consists in the present interrelation of these three factors in a certain place
(Kerkstra et al., as cited in Makhzoumi, 1973 and Pungetti, 1999). In addition history and
ecology are essential factors in the structuring and understanding of landscapes. No
reference is made to special landscapes such as spectacular or ordinary ones, to rural,
industrial or urban ones; all landscapes should be considered equally (Antrop, 2005).
Landscape ecology provides understanding of change of landscapes. In addition landscape
ecology provides a strong conceptual and theoretical basis for management and planning at
the landscape level by contributing to a better understanding of the structure and function
(Uzun, 2003; Ivits et al., 2005). Landscape ecology, a subdiscipline of ecology, is the study of
how landscape structure affects the abundance and distribution of organisms. Landscape
ecology is the study of the pattern
and interaction between ecosystems within a region of
interest, and the way the interactions affect ecological processes, especially the unique
effects of spatial heterogeneity on these interactions (Clark, 2010). Landscape pattern
consists of three elements: patches
, corridors
and a matrix
. In addition, landscape ecology
involves the application of these principles in the formulation and solving of real-world
problems (Forman, 1995).
Landscape planning has come up in the process of understanding, maintainable usage and
preservation of the landscape that changed as a result of the relationship and interaction
between the man and the nature (Bastian et al., 2006; Jones, et al., 2007). Landscape planning
is the key planning instrument for nature conservation. The basis for the concept of
planning is formed by the idea of balancing the needs and the sources by complying with
rational priorities in the long term to reach certain goals with scarce resources (Kele, 2004).
From upper scale to subscale, the planning includes physical environment, socio-cultural
life, history on economic and political issues, decisions concerning today and future (Uzun,
et al., 2012). Also, social and physical are grouped as executive and object planning
(Zaimolu, 2003). At that point, landscape planning is evaluated as the subtopic of physical
planning (Kseolu, 1982) and accepted as the basis for it (Zaimolu, 2003).
The European Landscape Convention defines landscape planning as strong forward-
looking action to enhance, restore or create landscape (Anonymous, 2000). Landscape
planning is an activity that analyses, plans and localises landscape and environmental
characteristics, resources and values (Dkmeci, 1996). Steiner (1999) used the term of
Pattern refers to its spatial arranges of ecosystems and their type, number, size, shape, and relative relationship over
the landscape (Forman, 1995).
Patch is a wide relatively homogeneous area that differs from its surroundings. Patches have familiar attributes, such
as large or small, rounded or elongated, and straight or convoluted boundaries (Forman, 1995).
Corridors, as strips that differ from their surroundings, permeate the land (Forman, 1995).
Matrix is the background ecological system of a landscape (Forman, 1995).
Advances in Landscape Architecture 108
landscape plan to emphasize that such as plans should incorporate natural and social
consideration. Uzun et al., (2012) stated that landscape planning had two basic approaches
which were depending on a certain territory and directed to problem solving. The
landscape planning studies that depend on a certain territory are examples of the planning
studies concerning an area having a developmental potential. It contains the approaches
concerning the formation of criteria about determining the territorial usage (agriculture,
recreation, etc.) in the process of development of a newly developing region or a sub-region.
The landscape planning studies directed to problem solving have the aim of solving the
present problems in the landscape planning and the problems concerning the planned
usage. Choosing places for industry, settlement, highway route, etc. and landscape
renovations are examples for these planning. In addition Uzun and Gltekin (2012)
emphasized landscape planning which is one of the fields of study that creates a balance
between natural sciences and engineering sciences in the best possible way is also important
for natural resource management. One of the main purposes is a balanced planning of
people and nature, instead of people oriented planning. In landscape planning, the
approaches in which landscape functions are analyzed and the structure and change of
landscape is presented have been supported by ecology and landscape ecology sciences.
L. McHarg (1920-2000), the pioneer of the environmental movement, revealed that natural
sciences should be evaluated in solving the problems, by focusing on the natural life
processes and their determinative effects on area usage plans (ahin, 2009a). In this context,
putting preservation and usage balance forward, examining the ecological features,
analysing the usages and accordingly the ecological relationships, and after these
examinations, defining the actions and forming an environment which people will take the
most benefit of, but will be less threat for other animals are emphasised in the landscape
planning (Uzun et al., 2012). At the same time landscape planning provides a coordinated
information basis for all natural resources, which enables us to rapidly obtain an overview
of the nature and landscape situation within the planning areas; fragmented changes to
individual parts of nature and the landscape can be assessed with respect to their effect on
the whole existing condition; planning and nature conservation experts in the
administration can use this as basis for quick and uncomplicated comments. The complex
interaction of all the factors affecting the balance of nature such as soil, water, air and
climate, plants, and animals, as well as diversity, characteristic features and beauty and the
recreational value of nature and landscape as well as the effects of existing and foreseeable
land usages, are analysed and assessed within the landscape planning. As a result, extensive
basic information about nature and the landscape is available for the whole area. The spatial
objectives, measures and requirements developed in the landscape on the protection,
maintenance and development of nature and the landscape (Anonymous, 2008).
In the basis of a successful landscape planning lies understanding and knowing the
landscape. In this context, landscape structure, landscape processes and the changes in
landscape were effective items. Uzun et al. (2012) states that the structure and functions of
landscape are evaluated, landscape processes are analysed and landscape ecology based
approaches are put forward in the recent landscape planning studies. In this context
Use of Watersheds Boundaries in The Landscape Planning 109
landscape ecology have also attached great significance to the issue of scale, and the
landscape units is more widely canvassed as a framework for analyzing inter-relationship
and delivering joined-up policy within a comprehensible and identifiable space (Selman,
In this study, the concept of boundary in landscape planning is emphasized. Additionally,
the use of the ArcHydro Model was described to delineate watershed boundaries.
2. Exploring the boundaries in landscape planning
Natural systems are usually considered parts of hierarchiesan ordering from biggest to
smallest (or vice-versa). For our purposes (planning, management, etc.), ecological hierarchy
will be discussed from the largest to the smallest scale.
Scale is the dimension of an object or process. It can be described as resolution and range,
which indicate in how much detail the object or process has been understood (Du-ning and
Xiu-Zhen, 1999). Scale is a key issue in planning. Due to the interdependencies of
ecosystems, a planning approach is need that examines a site in its broader context. Scale is
related to three dimensions (Selman, 2006).
A spatial dimension: -the mostly cited component of landscape scale, based on both a
rational and intuitive recognitions of distinct physical units.
A temporal dimension: -implying a continuum from the earliest human use of a
landscape into the sustainable use by future generation.
A modification dimension: -from intensely urbanized areas, through farmland and
other types of natural use, to pristine or wilderness areas, with some areas processing
such intense degrees of alteration that the landscape requires human assistance to
accelerate the recovery of its regenerative properties.
The concept of scale can allow to the analysis on the level of different hierarchal system that
can be related to each other and it can be related to the hierarchy theory. Allen and Star
(1982) stated that the hierarchy theory was developed as a study outline for analysis of
complex systems or situations which became organized in certain types. The systems that
become organised hierarchically can be divided into functional components. These
elements structure, function and characteristics related to time and space can be formed in
scale or on different levels. There is no basic hierarchy in the hierarchy theory. Its focus level
can change according to considered events (Hersperger, 1994 as cited in Uzun, 2009). The
hierarchical theory is a useful instrument for exploring numerous patterns and processes
through various scales in space and time. Considering complexity as an attribute that is
intrinsic to a landscape, the hierarchy paradigm explains how the various components
located on certain scales enter into contact with other ones that are visible on different scales
of resolution. The hierarchical theory views a system as a component in a larger system that
consists of subsystems (Allen and Starr, 1982; ONeill et al., 1986; Allen and Hoekstra, 1992
as cited in Farina, 2001).
Advances in Landscape Architecture 110
The concept of boundary is a spatial expression of the scale and it can be expressed in
different ways with hierarchy theory. Such as the biosphere or planet is boundary and is
subdivided into continents (and oceans) within hierarchical theory. Continents are
subdivided into regions, region into landscapes, and landscapes into local ecosystems or
land uses. Region is a broad geographical area with a common macroclimate and sphere of
human activity and interest. This concept links the physical environment of macroclimate,
major soil groups, and biomes, with the human dimensions of politics, social structure,
culture, and consciousness, expressed in the idea of regionalism (Forman, 1995). A region
therefore almost always contains a number of landscapes (Forman and Godron, 1986; Du-
ning and Xiu-Zhen, 1999). In addition the region is composed of patches, corridors and a
matrix that vary widely in size and shape. In this case the spatial elements are whole
landscapes. Unlike the recurring landscape elements in a landscape, a region does not
exhibit a pattern of repeated landscape. Usually the distribution of landscape simply mirrors
the typically coarse-grained, geomorphic land surface. Thus, most regions are coarse
grained or variable-grained with group of small landscapes. In short, the spatial pattern or
arrangement of landscape in a region is just as important functionally as the pattern of
continents on the globe, local ecosystems in a landscape (Forman, 1995).
Landscape is a dynamic and hierarchical setting. Landscape comprises so many
hierarchically constructed ecosystems from a single molecule to the whole Earth and even
the limitless emptiness called the space (Selman, 2006). Considering complexity as an
attribute that is intrinsic to a landscape, the hierarchy paradigm explains how the various
components located on certain scales enter into contact with other ones that are visible on
different scales of resolution (Farina, 2001). Every ecosystem has its own boundaries yet is in
relation with other ecosystems through the flow of energy and data which ensure the
continuity of the system. A system is theoretically in balance when the inputs and outputs
required for its functions within its natural boundaries are equal. Therefore, the assessments
in defining the capability, capacity and sensitivity of the area for any human activity should
be performed within the natural boundaries (ahin, 2009b). For instance, bioregionalists
have argued that nature defines its own integral systems and that, historically,
sustainability in human systems has been a consequence of close alignment between socio-
economic practices and environmental capacity. This leads to arguments, discussed more
fully below, that natural, rather than political, boundaries could form the basis of many
planning and management choices (Selman, 2006).
A landscape can vary in size from a few centimeters to tens of kilometers. The heterogeneity
might be expressed as physically identiable structures. At any rate, the degree of
heterogeneity varies according to the spatial arrangement of the single component parts.
Landscapes do not exist in isolation. Landscapes are nested within larger landscapes that are
nested within larger landscapes, and so on. In other words, each landscape has a context or
regional setting, regardless of scale and how the landscape is defined. The landscape context
may constrain processes operating within the landscape. Landscapes are open systems;
energy, materials, and organisms move into and out of the landscape. This is especially true
in practice, where landscapes are often somewhat arbitrarily delineated. That broad-scale
Use of Watersheds Boundaries in The Landscape Planning 111
processes act to constrain or influence finer-scale phenomena is one of the key principles of
hierarchy theory and supply-side ecology. The importance of the landscape context is
dependent on the phenomenon of interest, but typically varies as a function of the
openness of the landscape. The openness of the landscape depends not only on the
phenomenon under consideration, but on the basis used for delineating the landscape
boundary. For example, from a geomorphological or hydrological perspective, the
watershed forms a natural landscape, and a landscape defined in this manner might be
considered relatively "closed". Of course, energy and materials flow out of this landscape
and the landscape context influences the input of energy and materials by affecting climate
and so forth, but the system is nevertheless relatively closed. Conversely, from the
perspective of a bird population, topographic boundaries may have little ecological
relevance, and the landscape defined on the basis of watershed boundaries might be
considered a relatively open system (Farina, 2001).
Landscape has different hierarchical systems. The classication of a landscape as one goes
from lower to increasingly higher levels in the hierarchy: ecotope (the basic unit in a
landscape consisting of biotic and abiotic elements); microchore (the spatial distribution of
ecotopes); mesochore (the environmental system composed of a group of microchores);
macrochore (a mosaic of landscapes); and megachore (a group of geographical elements
covering several kilometers). A system exists independently of its components and is
generally able to organize itself and to transmit information; in other words, it is able to
exist as a cybernetic system. A landscape exhibits its own type of complexity, and in order to
understand it fully it is necessary to focus on a certain organizational level. There are
innumerable hierarchical levels and thus an equal number of systems that are nested inside
them in one way or another. The behavior of a given subsystem conditions nearby systems
both above and below it. The speed with which the processes unfold and thus the scales in
time are specic to each level. When going from one level to another, it is therefore
necessary to adjust the resolution (Farina, 2001). In the most variants of the landscape,
researchers refer to something framed at the human scale. However, this is revised upwards
to reveal patterns from satellites, and downwards to reveal mosaics related to the life-spaces
of meso- and micro- organism. McPherson and DeStefano (2003), writing from an ecological
perspective, identify landscape studies as being those undertaken at quite an extensive
spatial scale: less extensive than the biome or biosphere, but larger than the ecosystem,
community, population, organism or cell (Selman, 2006).
Landscape ecological concepts and applied metric are likely to be useful to addresses the
spatial dimension of sustainable planning. The landscape ecological aspect of spatial scale
has received so much attention in the literature. Landscape ecology is the study of the
interactions between the temporal and spatial aspects of a landscape and its flora, fauna,
and cultural components in so far as this impact on ecosystem properties. However, the
subject also incorporates the study of water movements, particularly insofar as these impact
on ecosystem properties. An understanding of ecological and hydrological pattern and
processes not only reveals the complex web of natural interdependencies, but also enroll
economic and social systems at these strongly modify the energy and materials inputs into
Advances in Landscape Architecture 112
landscape (Selman, 2006). In this context, watershed boundaries, for having well-defined
edges make up a fundamental unit for landscape planning (Makhdoum, 2008).
A widely advocated approach to landscape planning is to steward resources on the basis of
biogeographic units: that is, segments of the earths surface defined, not on the basis of
traditional political and administrative boundaries. Selman (2006) stated that landscape
planning has three main reasons for the popularity of biogeographic units. First, natural
systems, as watershed, often form logical units for many resources management decisions,
and focusing on an integrative landscape unit may help reduce fragmentation of
environmental processes and of policy delivery. Second, neither wildlife species nor
hydrological systems recognize administrative boundaries, and their natural geographical
range and extend must be taken into account in spatial planning, or even serve as its
framework. Finally, people develop particular attachments to landscape on the basis of both
physical and cultural factors, and so may possibly identify with distinctive biogeographic
space more than with, say, local government districts (Selman, 2006).
Graff, 1993; Metzger and Muller, 1996; ahin, 1996; Tangtham, 1996; Farrina 2006; Uzun,
2003; Selman, 2006; Bulley et al., 2007; Karada, 2007; ahin, 2007; Makhdoum, 2008; ahin,
2009b; Uzun, 2003 and Uzun et al., 2012 have drawn attention to the information of
watershed in landscape planning. Watersheds can be considered as landscapes. It seems
useful to study landscapes by applying the scale of watersheds, which can be considered as
multifunctional units in which ows of water and the transfer of nutrients are distinctive
processes (Farina, 2001).
3. Watershed
Water effects on the environmental and on life in all forms in distribution and circulation of
waters (OCallaghan, 1996). Surface flow, travel of water which is called hydrological circuit
and feeding of ground waters, form the basis for ecological processes. The flow of water not
only provides a unique ecological feature, but also forms geographically unique
Surface flow, travel of water which is called hydrological circuit and feeding of ground
waters affect landscape from different aspects. Surface flow of water and feeding of the
ground waters are related to water period of landscape. Water period depends on
permeability values (Uzun and Gltekin, 2013). Hydrological circuit is the process of
evaporation and condensation of surface waters with the effects of climactic factors
(Karada, 2007).
A watershed is the area drained by a river or stream and its tributaries. Generally many
watersheds are included in a landscape, and a landscape boundary may or not correspond
to the boundaries of watershed (Forman and Godron, 1986). A watershed is a landscape
surface area that surrounds and drains into a common waterbody such as a lake, small
stream or river basin system (Anonymous, 2012a). Davenport, et al. (2012) defined as
watershed is an area of land that drains into a lake or river. As rainwater and melting snow
run downhill, they carry sediment and other materials into streams, lakes, wetlands and
Use of Watersheds Boundaries in The Landscape Planning 113
groundwater. According to United States Environmental Protection Agency (EPA),
watershed is the area of land where all of the water that is under it or drains off of it goes
into the same place (Anonymous, 2012b). A watershed is a catchment basin that is bound by
topographic features, such as ridge tops (Anonymous, 2012c). In addition watershed defined
as a physiographic landscape (ahin, 2007) and units of hydrologically independent areas
(McHarg, 1991). In addition a functioning natural unit with interacting biotic and abiotic
components in a system whose boundaries is determined by the cycles and flux of energy,
materials and organisms. It is valid to describe different ecosystems with different,
overlapping sets of boundaries in the same geographic area (e.g. forest ecosystems,
watershed ecosystems and wetland ecosystems). A watershed is one of many types of
ecosystems (O Keefe et al., 2012).
A large numbers of terms are very frequently and loosely used to classify watershed in
different sizes (micro, small, and large). Small watersheds are those where the overland
flow is the main contributor to peak runoff / flow and channel characteristic do not affect the
overland flow. Large watersheds are those give peak flows are greatly influenced by
channel characteristics and basin storage. Watershed classified according to drainage
systems; main river watersheds, watersheds and sub-watersheds (micro watersheds). River
watersheds are the areas which all the flows on the ground (river, lake, etc.) flow into the
sea through a single river mouth, an estuary or delta from a certain point on the water route.
Watersheds are defined as multiple territorial areas which feed a certain water resource
(river watershed). However, sub-watersheds (micro watersheds) are defined as catchment
areas concerning drainage lines in various sizes which feed watersheds and river
watersheds (Karada, 2007).
Hydrological systems have along with ecological units, long been viewed as a natural basis
for division of the earths surface. Thus the watershed or catchment has often been
proposed as the most appropriate division for landscape planning. Key reasons have been:
its relative self-containment in terms of flows of water, other materials and energy; its
relationship to geomorphic processes and the consequent recognisability of landform
characterizing individual catchments; and the importance of water, often in short or excess
supply, to human settlements. Increasingly, landscape ecologists also recognize the
importance of water catchments in influencing the nature and functionality of ecosystem,
through their role not only in supplying moisture but also moving chemical nutrients along
rivers and though ground and soil water (Selman, 2006).
Watershed classification provides a means for generalizing or grouping watersheds by
characteristics such as ecological properties, or land use patterns, so that they can be
managed, treated, or compared efficiently. Classification can be based on a number of
attributes related to natural or anthropogenic differences in watersheds. Natural features
include climate, physiography, soils, nutrient productivity, watershed size and connectivity
to other aquatic ecosystems. Anthropogenic features are primarily related to land use and
include land-use types (urban, agriculture, forest), the degree of hydrologic disturbance and
imperviousness, water withdrawals, water quality, in stream habitat conditions, and
riparian integrity (Page, et al., 1999).
Advances in Landscape Architecture 114
Climate, hydrology, and geomorphology are physical template to shape forces of
ecosystems. The three elements of the physical template and other factors also interact
significantly in determining the structure and composition of a watershed and its biotic
communities. As a result of different combinations of these formative processes, different
types of watersheds are created (O Keefe et al., 2012). Besides watersheds are continually
changing and evolving. Some changes are natural, or are accelerated by human activities. A
watershed contains information about all the things happening and lands use history within
it (Anonymous, 2012d). Because of that watersheds are frequently used to study and
manage environmental resources because hydrologic boundaries define the flow of
contaminants and other stressors (O Keefe et al., 2012).
Each part of a watershed is unique, even though the characteristics of any watershed are
similar. All watersheds flow from headwaters to outlets, eventually ending in an ocean. As
the water flows, it passes through many parts. And like the parts of a puzzle, if one happens
to be damaged, the result affects the whole picture (Anonymous, 2012d). The watersheds are
complex ecosystems in which land use, surficial geology, climate, and topography are
interrelated with biological components such as vegetation communities (Page, et al., 1999).
Weekes (2009) believe that headwater stream flow patterns are homogenous when they
have similar climate, bedrock type and hardness, topographical range, drainage area, soils
and vegetation). In addition his investigations strongly support that meso-scale geomorphic
processes and structures are first order drivers of hydrologic regimes. Geomorphic
processes are a part of landscape function. Landscape ecology and catchment hydrology,
both disciplines deal with patterns and processes as well as their interactions and functional
implications (Schroder, 2006).
A watershed has three primary functions. First, it captures water from the atmosphere.
Ideally, all moisture received from the atmosphere, whether in liquid or solid form, has the
maximum opportunity to enter the ground where it falls. The water infiltrates the soil and
percolates downward. Several factors affect the infiltration rate, including soil type,
topography, climate, and vegetative cover. Percolation is also aided by the activity of
burrowing animals, insects, and earthworms. Second, a watershed stores rainwater once it
filters through the soil. Once the watershed's soils are saturated, water will either percolate
deeper, or runoff the surface. This can result in freshwater aquifers and springs. The type
and amount of vegetation, and the plant community structure, can greatly affect the storage
capacity in any one watershed. The root mass associated with healthy vegetative cover
keeps soil more permeable and allows the moisture to percolate deep into the soil for
storage. Vegetation in the riparian zone affects both the quantity and quality of water
moving through the soil. Water moves through the soil to seeps and springs, and is
ultimately released into streams, rivers, and the ocean. Slow release rates are preferable to
rapid release rates, which result in short and severe peaks in stream flow. Storm events
which generate large amounts of run-off can lead to flooding, soil erosion and siltation of
streams (Anonymous, 2012b). This situation, as Schroder (2006) stated, forms the interaction
between the landscape and watershed.
Use of Watersheds Boundaries in The Landscape Planning 115
Implementing a watershed approach has environmental, financial, social and administrative
benefits. As well as its potential for considerable impact on the environment, this type of
approach can result in cost savings by building upon the financial resources, knowledge and
the willingness of interested people in the watershed to take action. An action plan that
focuses on solutions evolves from those knowing the local issues and opportunities. This
can help to enhance local and regional economic viability in ways that are environmentally
sound and consistent with defined watershed objectives (Anonymous, 2012b).
4. How to delineate watershed using the archydro model
The advantage of Geographic Information Systems (GIS) technology lies in its data
synthesis, the geography simulation, and spatial analysis ability. Spatial analytical
techniques, geographical analysis and modeling methods are therefore required to analyses
data and to facilitate the decision process at all levels within an urban regional context. GIS
approach is very efficient as a tool to facilitate the decision-making process (Laurini, 2001).
GIS has emerged as a significant support tool for managingand analyzing water resources
using digital elevation models (DEM) of land surface terrain.
Various methods are used in determining the river basin boundaries. The traditional
methods are determining and drawing the boundaries of drainage divides, peaks, stream
beds on the topographical maps by hand. However, the modern methods are determining
the boundaries by digitising and analysing the contour lines developed by GIS.
Arc Hydro is a geospatial and temporal data model for water resources designed to operate
within ArcGIS (Maidment, 2003). Arc Hydro is a geographical data model that describes
hydrological systems. A data model is a set of conceptsexpressed in a data structure; the
data model describes a simplification of reality using tables and relationships within a
database. Geographic data models use database structures to describe the world or part of it
usingGIS technology. The ArcHydro data model is a conceptualization of surface water
systems and describes features such as river networks, watersheds and channels. The data
model can be the basis for a hydrologic information system which is a synthesis of
geospatial and temporal data supporting hydrologic analysis and modeling. Arc Hydro
integrates geospatial and temporal information into a defined structure. Based on this
structure analysis and modeling tools can be applied. The data model provides a common
characterization and understanding of the hydrological system and this description canbe
utilized by multiple models, analysis tools and decision support systems all referring to the
same common structure (Kovar and Nachtnebel, 1996; Strassberg et al.,2011).
This study is going to demonstrate the use of the ArcHydroModel to determine watershed
boundaries of a small stream (Kpr stream) in the Central Mediterranean Basin. The
hydrologic modeling involves delineating streams network and watersheds, and getting
some basic watershed properties such as area, flow length, stream network density, etc.
Traditionally this was (and still is!) being done manually by using topographic/contour
maps. But in ArcHydro Model analysis is performed by using DEM (Ayhan et al., 2012).
DEM generation from topographic maps that derived from a 10 meter DEM from the
General Command of Mapping (Turkey).
Advances in Landscape Architecture 116
Watershed and drainage systems can define generally with 4 stages and 11 analysis in
ArcHydro module. At the first stage of the analysis, DEM reconditioning and fill sink
analysis, which are confirmation and preparation processes for the given analysis, are
carried out. At the second stage, Flow direction, Flow Accumulation, Stream Definition
and Stream Segmentation analysis, by which evaluations concerning surface flow are
made, are carried out. At the third stage, Catchment Grid Delineation and Catchment
Polygon Processing analysis, by which catchment areas are determined, are carried out. At
the last stage, Drainage Line Processing, Drainage Point Processing and Batch
Watershed Delineation analysis, by which watershed boundaries are defined by evaluating
drainage systems according to surface flow and catchment areas, are carried out. But first of
all, Archydro tools must be downloaded to the computer to start the analysis. Archydro tool
1.3 is downloaded because of ArcMap 9.3 is used in this study.
First stage of Archydro Model is Terrain Preprocessing. Arc Hydro Terrain Preprocessing
should be performed in sequential order. All of the preprocessing must be completed before
Watershed Processing functions can be used. DEM reconditioning and filling sinks might
not be required depending on the quality of the initial DEM. DEM reconditioning involves
modifying the elevation data to be more consistent with the input vector stream network.
This implies an assumption that the stream network data are more reliable than the DEM
data, so you need to use knowledge of the accuracy and reliability of the data sources when
deciding whether to do DEM reconditioning. By doing the DEM reconditioning you can
increase the degree of agreement between stream networks delineated from the DEM and
the input vector stream networks (Mervade et al., 2009; Ayhan et al., 2012; Mervade, 2012).
DEM Reconditioning: This function modifies a DEM by imposing linear features onto it
(burning/fencing). The function needs as input a raw dem and a linear feature class (like the
river network) that both have to be present in the map document (Mervade et al., 2009;
Ayhan et al., 2012; Mervade, 2012). This function is located on Terrain Preprocessing on the
ArcHydro Toolbar (Terrain PreprocessingDEM ManipulationDEM Reconditioning)
(Mervade et al., 2009; Ayhan et al., 2012; Mervade, 2012).
Select the appropriate Raw DEM (kpr_dem) and AGREE stream feature (kpr_str). Set
the Agree parameters as shown. You should reduce the Sharp drop/raise parameter to 10
from its default 1000. The output is a reconditioned Agree DEM (default name Agree DEM).
A personal geodatabase with the same name as your ArcMap document has also been
created as shown in the following ArcCatalog view (Figure 1.)(Mervade et al., 2009; Ayhan et
al., 2012; Mervade, 2012).
Fill Sinks: This function fills the sinks in a grid. If cells with higher elevation surround a
cell, the water is trapped in that cell and cannot flow. The Fill Sinks function modifies the
elevation value to eliminate these problems.The model readjusts the height value with this
stage to solve the problem. Therefore, the drainage networks being asunder is prevented.
This function is located on Terrain Preprocessing on the ArcHydrotoolbar (Terrain
Preprocessing DataManipulation Fill Sinks) (Mervade et al., 2009; Ayhan et al., 2012;
Mervade, 2012).
Use of Watersheds Boundaries in The Landscape Planning 117
Figure 1. DEM Reconditioning menu and AgreeDEMlayer.
Confirm that the input for DEM is AgreeDEM. The output is the Hydro DEM layer, named
by default Fil. This default name can be overwritten. Leave the other options unchanged.
The Fil layer is added to the map, when the process completed (Figure 2.) (Mervade et al.,
2009; Ayha net al., 2012; Mervade, 2012).
Figure 2. Fill Sinks menuand Fillayer.
Flow direction: This function computes the flow direction for a given grid. Each grid has a
value of height and water flow will be towards the lowest one, by comparing the height
values of 8 grids. The flow direction is defined as 8 directional flow model in the
computer environment. Digital values, which are developed depending on the directions,
are used to show the flow direction of the grid in the module. This function is located on
Advances in Landscape Architecture 118
Terrain Preprocessing on the ArcHydro toolbar (Djokic 2008, Mervade et al., 2009; Ayhan et
al., 2012; Mervade, 2012).
Confirm that the input for Hydro DEM is Fil. The output is the Flow Direction Grid, named
by default Fdr. This default name can be overwritten. The flow direction grid Fdr is added
to the map, when the process completed (Figure 3.) (Mervade et al., 2009; Ayhan et al., 2012;
Mervade, 2012).
Figure 3. Flow direction menu and Fdrlayer.
Flow Accumulation: This is the stage in which the cells taking place in the catchment area of
each cell are calculated. The water gathered in the lowest grade is calculated, by assuming that
each cell has 1 unit of water. The system defines the value of the cells having no flow as zero,
and cells in which water gathers are defined in the number of cells having flow. The flow
calculation is carried out by taking 8 cells as basis. This function is located on Terrain
Preprocessing on the ArcHydrotoolbar (Mervade et al., 2009; Ayhan et al., 2012; Mervade, 2012).
Confirm that the input of the Flow Direction Grid is Fdr. The output is the Flow
Accumulation Grid having a default name of Fac that can be overwritten. The flow direction
grid Fac is added to the map, when the process completed. Adjust the symbology of the
Flow Accumulation layer Fac to a multiplicatively increasing scale to illustrate the increase
of flow accumulation as one descends into the grid flow network (Mervade et al., 2009;
Ayhan et al., 2012; Mervade, 2012).
Zoom-in to a stream network junction to see how the symbology changes from light to dark
color as the number of upstream cells draining to a stream increase from upstream to
downstream. If you click at any point along the stream network on Fac grid using the
identify button you can find the area draining to that point by multiplying the Fac number
by the area of each cell (cell size x cell size which is 30.89 x 30.89 in this case) (Figure 4.)
(Mervade et al., 2009; Ayhan et al., 2012; Mervade, 2012).
Use of Watersheds Boundaries in The Landscape Planning 119
Figure 4. Flow Accumulation menu and Faclayer.
Stream Definition: This function computes a stream grid which contains a value of "1" for
all the cells in the input flow accumulation grid that have a value greater than the given
threshold. All other cells in the Stream Grid contain no data. This function is located on
Terrain Preprocessing on the ArcHydro toolbar (Mervade et al., 2009; Ayhan et al., 2012;
Mervade, 2012).
Confirm that the input for the Flow Accumulation Grid is Fac. The output is the Stream
Grid. Str is its default name that can be overwritten. The stream grid Str is added to the
map, when the process completed (Figure 5.) (Mervade et al., 2009; Ayhan et al., 2012;
Mervade, 2012).
Figure 5. Stream Defination menu and Str layer.
Advances in Landscape Architecture 120
Stream Segmentation: This function creates a grid of stream segments that have a unique
identification. Either a segment may be a head segment, or it may be defined as a segment
between two segment junctions. All the cells in a particular segment have the same grid
code that is specific to that segment. This function is located on Terrain Preprocessing on the
ArcHydro toolbar (Mervade et al., 2009; Ayhan et al., 2012; Mervade, 2012).
Confirm that Fdr and Str are the inputs for the Flow Direction Grid and the Stream Grid
respectively. Unless you are using your sinks for inclusion in the stream network
delineation, the sink watershed grid and sink link grid inputs are Null. The output is the
stream link grid, with the default name StrLnk that can be overwritten. The link grid StrLnk
is added to the map, when the process completed (Figure 6.) (Mervade et al., 2009; Ayhan et
al., 2012; Mervade, 2012).
Figure 6. Stream Segmentation menu and StrLnk layer.
Catchment Grid Delination: This function creates a grid in which each cell carries a value
(grid code) indicating to which catchment the cell belongs. The value corresponds to the
value carried by the stream segment that drains that area, defined in the stream segment
link grid. This function is located on Terrain Preprocessing on the ArcHydro toolbar
(Mervade et al., 2009; Ayhan et al., 2012; Mervade, 2012).
Confirm that the input to the Flow Direction Grid and Link Grid are Fdr and Lnk
respectively. The output is the Catchment Grid layer. Cat is its default name that can be
overwritten by the user. The link grid StrLnk is added to the map, when the process
completed. The Catchment grid Cat is added to the map, when the process completed. In
addition study case will have 70 catchment (Figure 7.) (Mervade et al., 2009; Ayhan et al.,
2012; Mervade, 2012).
Catchment Polygon Processing:This function converts a catchment grid into a catchment
polygon feature. This function is located on Terrain Preprocessing on the ArcHydro toolbar
(Mervade et al., 2009; Ayhan et al., 2012; Mervade, 2012).
Use of Watersheds Boundaries in The Landscape Planning 121
Figure 7. Catchment grid menu and Cat layer.
Confirm that the input to the CatchmentGrid is Cat. The output is the Catchment polygon
feature class, having the default name Catchment that can be overwritten. The polygon feature
class Catchment is added to the map, when the process completed. In addition there are
important information (HydroID assigned, Length and Area attributes of catchment) in
attribute table of Catchment (Figure 8.) (Mervade et al., 2009; Ayhan et al., 2012; Mervade, 2012).
Figure 8. Catchment polygon processing menu and Catchment layer.
Drainage Line Processing: This function converts the input Stream Link grid into a
Drainage Line feature class. Each line in the feature class carries the identifier of the
Advances in Landscape Architecture 122
catchment in which it resides. This function is located on Terrain Preprocessing on the
ArcHydro toolbar (Mervade et al., 2009; Ayhan et al., 2012; Mervade, 2012).
Confirm that the input to Link Grid is Lnk and to Flow Direction Grid Fdr. The output
Drainage Line has the default name DrainageLine that can be overwritten.The linear feature
class DrainageLine is added to the map, when the process completed (Figure 9.) (Mervade et
al., 2009; Ayhan et al., 2012; Mervade, 2012).
Figure 9. Drainage line processing menu and Drainageline layer.
Drainage Point Processing: This function allows generating the drainage points associated
to the catchments. This function is located on Terrain Preprocessing on the ArcHydro
tools(Mervade et al., 2009; Ayhan et al., 2012; Mervade, 2012).
Confirm that the inputs are as below. The output is Drainage Point with the default name
DrainagePoint that can be overwritten. Upon completion of the process, the point feature
class DrainagePoint is added to the map (Figure 10.) (Mervade et al., 2009; Ayhan et al.,
2012; Mervade, 2012).
Watershed Processing: Arc Hydro toolbar also provides an extensive set of tools for
delineating watersheds and subwatersheds. These tools rely on the datasets derived during
terrain processing.
Batch watershed delineation function delineates the watershed upstream of each point in an
input Batch Point feature class. Batch Point Generation can be used to determine the outlet
of the watershed. Arrange your display so that Fac, Catchment and DrainageLine datasets
are visible. Zoom-in near the outlet of the Kpr stream watershed (Figure 11.). The display
should look similar to the figure shown below and be zoomed in sufficiently so you can see
Use of Watersheds Boundaries in The Landscape Planning 123
and click on individual grid cells. Our goal is to create an outlet point on the flow
accumulation path indicated by Fac grid where the flow leaves the Kpr stream watershed
(Mervade, 2012).
Figure 10. Point processing menu and Drainage point layer.
Figure 11. Batch Point generation
Advances in Landscape Architecture 124
Batch watershed delineation function delineates the watershed. This function is located on
Watershed Processing on the ArcHydro Toolbar. Confirm that Fdr is the input to Flow
Direction Grid, Str to Stream Grid, Catchment to Catchment, AdjointCatchment to
AdjointCatchment, and BatchPoint to Batch Point. For output, the Watershed Point is
WatershedPoint, and Watershed is Watershed (Figure 12.). WatershedPoint and Watershed
are default names that can be overwritten (Mervade et al., 2009; Ayhan et al., 2012; Mervade,
You can see that area and length, if you open the attribute table of Kpr_watershed. In
addition you will see that these two are related through HydroIDthe DrainID of
WatershedPoint is equal to the HydroID of the watershed, when you open the attribute
table of catchment and DranaigePoint. At the same time you can learn length of drainage
line from attributes table of DranaigeLine (Mervade et al., 2009; Mervade, 2012).
Figure 12. Batch watershed delineation and Kpr stream watershed
5. Conclusion
The future of our present societies is determined by environmental, social, economic and
political situations and the problems and the solutions concerning these issues. Landscape,
which can be defined as the interaction space or product of natural and cultural processes,
puts its relation with future at this point. The concept of future brought about the concept of
Use of Watersheds Boundaries in The Landscape Planning 125
planning, which is evaluated in different topics, and transformed landscape planning into a
part of the future. Therefore, ecological, aesthetic and economic importance of landscape has
become a topic for many researchers and the need for landscape planning is emphasised. At
last, vital importance of landscape and need for its being planned were transferred to a legal
text when European Landscape Convention was signed in 20 October 2000.
The aims of European Landscape Convention are to promote landscape protection,
management and planning, and to organise European co-operation on landscape issues. The
Convention applies to the entire territory of the Parties and covers natural, rural, urban and
peri-urban areas. It includes land, inland water and marine areas. It concerns landscapes
that might be considered outstanding as well as every day or degraded landscapes.
Landscape planning means strong forward-looking action to enhance, restore or create
landscapes in the Convention (Anonymous, 2000). The convention intended to plan
landscape with a comprehensive, pedant, holistic, coordinated, participant, rationalist
approach. Also, with the expression transboundary landscape, which took place in 9
clause of the convention and which emphasised local and regional cooperation, brought
about the concept of planning boundary.
The planning, which is defined as balancing the needs and the resources in the long run by
complying with the reasonable priorities to reach certain aims with limited resources (Kele,
2004), is a versatile activity from upper scale to subscale and a body of decisions related to
past, present and future integrating social, economic, political, physical, anthropogenic and
technical elements, as Alipour (1996) stated (Uzun et. al. 2012). This general definition of
planning requires landscape planning to be made in different scales and accordingly in
certain boundaries. Also, as Uzun et. al. (2012) stated, the boundaries of the study area are
the first stage of planning and are very important in clarifying the goal. The data gathering,
which enables the planning to be carried out systematically and defines success (Mcharg,
1967), depends on the boundaries of the planning area. Ultimately, the management process
of realising the plan will be integrated with the administrative structuring within the
boundaries. All these put the importance of the question What should be the boundary of
landscape planning? forward.
When determining the boundaries of landscape, the fact that landscape is a space in which
natural, socio-cultural and economical life come together should not be ignored. This
situation emphasises that the boundary of landscape shouldnt just describe the natural
areas (eco-zone, ecoregion, habitat, etc.) or administrative spaces. Therefore, the boundary
will be integrated with the body of the landscape. Within this context of approach, there are
various consistent points of view about the boundary of landscape. Meijerink (1985)
considered that watersheds were the best units in which the interactions of human and
natural resources, and the geographical distribution of their consequences could be
observed and modeled (Metzger and Muller, 1996). Gregersen et al. (1987), said watersheds
can use as a physical-biological and a socioeconomic-political units for planning of natural
resources (Graff, 1993). According to Farrina (2006) watersheds are examples of the
hierarchical organization of the landscape. River watershed is composed of sub-watershed,
Advances in Landscape Architecture 126
each of which is composed of smaller-order watershed. The upper and lower limits of this
hierarchy are not definitive but it is possible to move in both directions, including smaller
and larger basins. Tangtham (1996) and Karada (2007) lay stress on watershed
classification is thus anticipated as a useful tool for management and planning of natural
resources. Selman (2006) emphasized the importance of watershed boundaries in landscape
ecology. Makhdoum (2008) indicated that the mapping unite (or land unit) is freely derived
from watershed, land system, land form units and ecosystems, at different scale level. He
accepted watershed as one of mapping units in land ecology. Bulley et al. (2007) point out that
watershed provides an important spatial framework to develop a classification system. ahin
(2007) and ahin (2009) suggests that watershed can be descriptive and administrative units
for landscape planning. According to EPA watershed is an example of hierarchical system in
nature (Anonymous 2012a). Efe and Aydn (2009), indicated that the provincial boundaries
which constitute the framework of the administrative organization where planning is
currently authorized do not coincide with the natural boundaries. They suggest redefining the
provincial boundaries compatible with watershed for the protection of the nature.
Actually watershed clarifies the complexity of boundary in the landscape. When we
consider the importance of water in life of living things, its effect on establishing,
developing and even collapsing civilisations, it is clear that watershed will be effective
boundaries in landscape planning; because water turns into the interaction space of natural
and cultural life while forming socio-cultural and economical life by its presence. This
situation enables a watershed to turn into not only a natural boundary, but also a boundary
that effects a humans life. Also, the landscape changes as nature reshapes with human life.
The changing landscape gains a new character. This character is not only a product of the
change of the natural structure caused by the human presence, but also can be expressed
with a hierarchal system from a local scale to upper scales. Thus, the watershed supports the
scale approach in the planning with its hierarchal structure (main river basin, basin,
subbasin, microbasin). Along with that, the main river basins that go beyond the national
boundaries will be able to easily define its collaborators in the transnational landscapes.
Author details
Aybike Ayfer Karada
Dzce University, Faculty of Forestry, Department of Landscape Architecture, Turkey
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Chapter 6
Stakeholder Involvement in Sustainable
Watershed Management
Reyhan Erdogan
Additional information is available at the end of the chapter
1. Introduction
1.1. Water is a main source of life
Water is a key element for human life and philosophy. Many of the thinkers had
considered on this issue and they have produced several theories. For example, Thales'
most famous belief was his cosmological thesis, which held that the world started from
water. This thesis was the first try to explain how was the beginning of the creation and
world, in the terms of the logical and systematical way. On the other side, Aristotle
considered this belief roughly equivalent to the later ideas of Anaximenes, who held that
everything in the world was composed of air. The best explanation of Thales' view is the
following passage from Aristotle's Metaphysics (Anonymous, 2012a). The passage
contains words from the theory of matter and form that were adopted by science with
quite different meanings. "That from which is everything that exists and from which it
first becomes and into which it is rendered at last, its substance remaining under it, but
transforming in qualities, that they say is the element and principle of things that are."
Again: "For it is necessary that there be some nature, either one or more than one, from
which become the other things of the object being saved... Thales the founder of this type
of philosophy says that it is water. A deeper dip into the waters of the theory of matter
and form is properly reserved to other articles (Anonymous, 2012a). Thales taught as
follows: "Water constituted the principle of all things." Heraclitus Homericus states that
Thales drew his conclusion from seeing moist substance turn into air, slime and earth. It
seems likely that Thales viewed the Earth as solidifying from the water on which it floated
and which surrounded Ocean (Anonymous, 2012b). On the other hand, Heraclitus said,
everything in life is changing and will change too. He is famous for his insistence on
ever-present change in the universe, as stated in the famous saying, "No man ever steps in
the same river twice. This quote is the famous speech about waters and river in the
Advances in Landscape Architecture 132
On the other hand, problems about the water should be necessarily solved and it is very
important for human life. The main problem about water is permanent since the human
history. In the right term humans are the main factor of the problems about water and rivers,
they have been effected by these problems in the first hand, but in the same time humans are
responsible about to solve these problems The most challenging activity about water is the
shape and nature of the water. Water can break walls, buildings and cities. Besides this
destructive nature of the water, humans need water for sustaining their lives too. They need it,
to irrigate their fields for producing crops, to drink when they are thirsty. For solving this,
problems humans need to improve their calculations and they try to find a suitable solution
for these situation. A first innovative and qualitative solution in math has been established in
this period, in the field of the geometry (Deauna et al., 2000). Because of them the earliest
branches of Mathematics. Beginnings of the geometry can be traced before 1700 B.C. or in early
ancient Egypt. Due to necessity, every time the Nile River inundated and deposited fertile soil
along the bank, the early Egyptian had to solve the problem of size and boundaries of land
along the Nile River. Changes happened in the contour of the land had caused confusion
among landowners. Therefore, a system of making boundaries, measuring lengths and areas
had to be discovered (Deauna et al., 2000). From this circumstance, the name Geometry has
evolved. The word Geometry originated from the word Geo means earth in Greek and
metros means to measure (Deauna et al., 2000).
Many thinkers of the western World could not be stand indifferent to these rules of the
nature. They were very proud to these knowledge and they have adopted these knowledge
to their societies. These situation is very ironic because today many of the eastern countries
are following western World. However, nowadays the source of the knowledge is not
matter; every country and every nation in the World want to solve the water problems.
Water is the most important source in the World, so water problem is now a global problem
and it is a key issue for every individual in the World.
1.2. Watershed
A watershed is an area of land where all of the water that is under it or drains off it goes into
the same place. John Wesley Powell, geographer and a scientist, put it best when he said
that a watershed is: that an area of land, a bounded hydrologic system, within which all
living things are inextricably linked by their common water course and where, as humans
settled, simple logic demanded that they become part of a community. (USEPA, 2012). The
term watershed is commonly used to describe an area of the earths surface from which
water flows downhill to a single outflow point (Anonymous, 2009). Watersheds come in all
shapes and size. The area encompassed may either be small, such as that which an
ephemeral stream drains only during precipitation events, or be large. Watersheds cross
county, state, and national boundaries (Anonymous, 2009). Because of them managing of
the watersheds is very sensitive political issue between countries.
Health of the watershed has directly effect on the quality of the water, which drain in the
watershed area. In this situation, quality of water is important (Giri,. 2012).
Stakeholder Involvement in Sustainable Watershed Management 133
Furthermore, the size and volume of the water are other important indicators of the water
management. Maintaining proper water quality conditions is important to protect human,
animal, and plant health, and is an on going concern in water resources (Giri,. 2012).
Meanwhile, anthropogenic activities such as direct industrial discharges and agricultural
practices signicantly interfere with natural processes, which ultimately degrade water
quality (Giri,. 2012). Natural systems are mainly working on the logic of life cycle. A
change in a parameter can be effect all other parameters.
Water quality depends on several physical combinations (Said et al., 2006). Sustainability of
these physical components is important. Basically, physical sustainability is the combination
of water quality, water quantity and ecological factors (Said et al., 2006). Evaluating the
water quality situation within a watershed requires information on physical, chemical, and
biological water quality indicators. Unfortunately, for many constituents historical
measurements do not exist for most watersheds. In these cases, estimation of these
constitutes is necessary from the available data on different, related constituents (Said et al.,
2006). Trends of these constituents are very important for complete evaluation and
mitigation of water quality problems and in the long-term decision-making processes. Using
advanced techniques that construct relationships between water quality constituents makes
evaluation and mitigation of water quality problems more reliable (Said et al., 2006).
There are some international tools to protect and improve water quality. One of these tools
is European water Framework. This framework is a proper way to combine countries for
more sustainable management practices. There are many good examples of the plans that
aim to achieve a better understanding of water bodies. To comply with the European Water
Framework Directive (EWFD, 2000/60/EC), which requires a "Good Ecological Status" for all
waterbodies in 2015, French policy adopted a Phyto-Pharmaceutic Products or pesticide
reduction plan (ECOPHYTO 2018 plan). This program aims at inciting farmers to halve the
annual amount of pesticides used. Nevertheless, the question of pesticide transfer is not
solved. Presently the "zero pesticide" solution is not achievable for technical and economical
reasons. The sociological part of the study highlights the importance of a co-construction
process between all involved stakeholders, even if it is time consuming. Theoretical solution
should be adapted not only to hydrological aspects but also to the socio-economical context
(Tournebize et al., 2011).
Altering the landscape can influence the hydrologic integrity of a watershed. Changes in
water quality and quantity that can occur from storm-water runoff include but are not
limited to:
- Decreased and/or lack of infiltration to groundwater recharge areas and potential
aquifer depletion,
- Decreased seasonal stream base-flows,
- Increased storm water volume and velocity contributing to stream-bank erosion, stream
channelization, and more frequent and severe flood events,
- Increased surface water temperatures from heated storm-water runoff and lack of
shaded riparian buffers, and
Advances in Landscape Architecture 134
- Decreased filtration of pollutants from narrowing or damaging riparian buffers
(Tournebize et al., 2011).
Mitigation of water quality problems requires a number of actions by stakeholders and
regulatory agencies. In some cases, especially in locally impaired waters, stakeholders can
identify and mitigate water quality problems directly. In the case of signicant local or
regional pollution, watershed management plans and the total maximum daily loads, issued
by USEPA of the Clean Water Act, enhance the water quality situation in impaired
watersheds (USEPA, 1991). The total maximum daily load establishes a set of required
reductions in target parameters consistent with an implementation policy to protect in
stream water quality (Benham et al., 2002). If the water quality continues to worsen or goals
can not be achieved under easing condition, it may be necessary to apply point source
reductions or best management practices to improve the water quality as a whole. In
summary, the water quality component in watershed management integrates scientic
knowledge and stakeholder supplied information regarding the watershed-scale social,
economic, and environmental processes affecting water quality.
1.3. Watershed management
Watershed management is the integrated use of land, vegetation and water in a
geographically discrete drainage area for the benefit of its residents, with the objective of
protecting or conserving the hydrologic services that the watershed provides and of
reducing or avoiding negative downstream or groundwater impacts (Darghouth et al.,
Watershed management is dedicated to solving watershed problems on a sustainable basis.
These problems can be classified into five categories: lack of water (quantity), deterioration
in water quality, ecological affects, poor public participation, and low output economic
value for the investment in water-related activities. The first three categories constitute
physical or natural sustainability while the last two categories define social and economic
sustainability. For successful implementation of solutions to the physical and economic
issues, a broad, representative array of stakeholders should be involved (Grigg, 1998, Said et
al., 2006).
Watersheds are a highly desirable unit for planning because they are physical features
ubiquitous across the landscape serving as the geographic foundation for political states. As
planning units, watersheds transcend political boundaries. However, prior to the 1970s,
most watershed management focused on solving localized problems without taking into
account the interrelationship between those problems and the biophysical, economic and
social elements of the larger watershed system (Heathcote, 1998). Furthermore, during most
of the mid- to late- 20
century, watershed management was, politically, a top-down
planning process with national concern pre-empting local (National Research Council,
1999). In the mid-1990s, EPAs Risk Assessment Forum and Office of Water cosponsored the
development of five-demonstration watershed ERAs to test application of the ERA
Framework (USEPA, 1992) to Office of Water programs. The five watershed assessments
Stakeholder Involvement in Sustainable Watershed Management 135
were performed in the Clinch and Powell Valley, VA, Middle Snake River, ID, Waquoit Bay,
MA, Big Darby Creek, OH, and the Middle [segment of the] Platte River, NE. All five
selected sites had valued ecological resources, multiple stressors, an existing data set, and
willing assessment participants. Using these assessments, many key aspects of the
watershed ERA process, including challenges encountered and lessons learned,
Chess and Gibson (2001) stated that the attributes intrinsic to a watershed management are:
scientic feasibility, social feasibility, and motivational feasibility. They considered that
these feasibilities are not static attributes although they can be improved through additional
efforts to deal with attributes that limit feasibility. Watershed management plans may not be
implemented due to lack of support even if the planning process and proposed actions are
faultless. However, watershed restoration and protection management are often a complex
web of technical, legal, and economic issues involving numerous stakeholders. The ability to
address these issues depends on the attributes intrinsic to the watershed and whether they
provide sufcient, basis for this innovative approach to watershed management (Chess and
Gibson 2001). These attributes are dened by Chess and Gibson (2001) as follows:
1. Scientic feasibility is tied to the nature of environmental problems and the scientic
capacity to solve them.
2. Social feasibility encompasses public communications and engagement.
3. Motivational feasibility includes issues related to values or economic consideration
(Chess and Gibson 2001).
Scientic feasibility concerns the nature of the environmental problems, the tools to track
them, and the methods to improve them. Examples of scientic feasibility related issues are
the engineering solutions to improve water quality or conserve water quantity,
technological limitations, such as the inability to detect the source of pollution, the absence
of obvious causal relationships, and the development of best management practices (Said et
al., 2006). In some areas, scientic feasibility may be so limited that management of a given
watershed becomes a lower priority than other watersheds in which watershed
management is more likely to succeed. Research and strong leadership can increase
scientic feasibility to overcome technological barriers (Said et al., 2006). In summary,
environmental problems must be measurable and tractable over time in order to predict
performance, achieve public awareness, indicate progress towards goals, locate hot spots,
take actions when appropriate, and sustain watershed management (Said et al., 2006).
Social feasibility means getting stakeholders involved and utilizing their input in a
meaningful process. The National Research Council noted the need for watershed
management to get the participation right. There are many ways to improve stakeholder
partnerships (Said et al., 2006). These include recruiting participants, encouraging
leadership, education, civic engagement, and exploring various structural arrangements.
Watershed management can be implemented through voluntary participation or facilitated
by existing statutory infrastructure. Ideally, all watershed management activities would be
driven by voluntary participation because of enlightened self-interest. However, statutory
Advances in Landscape Architecture 136
authority is often important because of the authority it grants, the planning it may mandate,
and the funding it may provide (Said et al., 2006). Collaborative approaches may not be
appropriate for watersheds in which there is limited evidence of social feasibility. If there is
lack of social feasibility within a watershed, Federal and state agencies need to recognize
that signicant effort may be required to build social capacity to compensate for this
intrinsic limitation. Agencies can build social feasibility by promoting civic efforts and by
following best practices for development of collaborations (Said et al., 2006).
Occurrences of ooding, drinking water contamination, or other threats may increase social
feasibility. Motivational feasibility is needed when there is a lack of sufcient income or
demographic composition and when tax and donation of funds and time are needed.
Motives may fall into three distinct categories: rational (cost-benet assessment), norm-
based (efforts to conform to norms such as pollution remediation), and affective (emotional
attachments that are difcult to quantify such as protection of endangered species and non-
use values) but are powerful in watershed management. Motivational feasibility is closely
linked to social feasibility. For watershed management activities to occur there must be
motivation to take action. Motivation can be induced by infusing funds (incentives for
watershed projects), increasing values, and improving cost benet ratios (Said, 2006).
There is some important plan at maintaining progress towards a sustainable watershed. The
first one is organizational capacity for a long term. The second one is multi-disciplined,
inclusive oversight group. The others are revitalization of existing planning efforts and
programs as planning tools for a sustainable future; broadening the scale of future
sustainability efforts in the region to include the entire Broad-head watershed; further review
and analysis of the regulatory framework affecting sustainable watershed planning efforts,
and continuation of an education and outreach effort through social marketing efforts.
1.4. Identifying and including stakeholders in watershed management
Among the various ways of identifying stakeholders, as well as in the agency, behavioral,
ecological, institutional, resource dependence, and transaction cost theories of the firm, there
has been found no single attribute within a given theory that can guide people to a reliably
on these issues. However, it was found that one can extract from these literatures the idea
that just a few attributes can be used to identify different classes of stakeholders in an
environment. Analysis with Freeman's definition of stakeholder is a good point. He stated
that-"any group or individual who can affect or is affected by the achievement of the
organization's objectives" (Freeman, 1984) and develop a theory of stakeholder identification
drawn from these various theoretical literatures. From this point, there can be a broad
definition can be explained, so that no stakeholders, potential or actual, are excluded from
analysis arbitrarily or a priori (Wamalwa, 2009). Stakeholders are important in the planning
of the natural environment where the human activities and natural processes are multi-
layered combined. And then, a propose that classes of stakeholders can be identified by
their possession or attributed possession of one, two, or all three of the following attributes
(Wamalwa, 2009):
Stakeholder Involvement in Sustainable Watershed Management 137
1. the stakeholder's power to influence life on the watershed,
2. the legitimacy of the stakeholder's relationship with the watershed region, and
3. the urgency of the stakeholder's claim on the watershed area (Wamalwa, 2009).
This theory produces a comprehensive typology of stakeholders based on the normative
assumption that these variables define the field of stakeholders: those entities to whom
managers should pay attention (Wamalwa, 2009). This attention is a very important key
factor that the sustainability of the watershed management.
According to Mitchell et al., (1997) stakeholders can be classified as Latent referring to
those who are of low importance to the organization, because they posses only one of the
three characteristics (urgency, power and legitimacy) or Expectant, having a higher
importance, than the latent by virtue of being in possession of two of the three qualities or
definitive having the highest degree of importance to the organization, because they
posses all the three features. The latent group of stakeholders can be further classified into
three (Mitchell et. al. 1997). Dormant; involving those who have power but of no or little
effect to the goal of integration, because they do not have legitimacy and urgency.
Discretionary; including those who have legitimacy but have no urgency and power.
Demanding; including those who may have the urgency but of low rating because they do
not have legitimacy and power (Mitchell et. al. 1997). The expectant group can also be
further subdivided into dominant, wielding both high influence and stake or, dependent
with high stake and urgency but having low influence, or dangerous with urgency and
power (Wamalwa, 2009).
The planning phase for a watershed assessment is especially complex because a watershed
typically overlaps multiple jurisdictions that are managed by organizations with divergent
goals and responsibilities and inhabited by numerous stakeholders with varied interests.
Depending on the perspectives of the stakeholders involved, a different set of goals and
objectives may emerge. Stakeholder participation may become complex if there are
numerous stakeholders or some of them are interested in only a limited range of issues
(Glicken, 2000).
The inadvertent exclusion of a stakeholder group may influence a groups decision to accept
or reject the outcome of the process. Excluded stakeholders could even take legal actions,
such as filing a citizen lawsuit under the Clean Water Act to challenge the process outcomes.
Therefore, stakeholder involvement needs to be balanced against the limited resources
available for watershed assessment and management (USEPA, 2001).
Participants in the watershed management process should include all regulatory or resource
agencies (state, federal, local) with responsibilities for protecting and managing the water
body and any parties whose authority will be needed to implement a management plan
(e.g., local and county officials with zoning oversight). Nongovernmental organizations
(such as watershed associations or councils, river watch citizen groups, volunteer
monitoring group, educational and research institutions, industries, and agricultural
associations) all have a stake in watershed management. Besides organized groups, other
stakeholders include landowners, those who use the watershed, and those whose
Advances in Landscape Architecture 138
participation is essential to successful management. In some instances, stakeholders may be
hundreds of miles away from the assessment (e.g., bird watchers concerned about migratory
waterfowl). The nongovernmental and unaffiliated stakeholders may have objectives that
are very different from those of the regulatory agencies (e.g., minimizing restrictions on land
use, resource development, or waste disposal). Although such social, legal, and economic
objectives may be in conflict with some environmental objectives, they are still relevant
concerns that need to be considered (Stahl et al., 1999). To help assess these tradeoffs, it may
be helpful to involve environmental economists.
Participants on a watershed assessment team contribute different resources that include
socioeconomic information, historical data, scientific expertise, and assets to conduct the
assessment. The Big Darby Creek assessment project is a good example of team studies in
the watershed management. Team members of the Big Darby Creek assessment project
included biologists, a city planner, and environmental scientists (Cormier et al., 2000). Team
members performed literature reviews and frequently consulted or interviewed experts in
other disciplines. The team interacted regularly with the Big Darby Partners, a group of state
agencies, representatives from The Nature Conservancy, and farmers concerned about the
future of the working landscape. Because of them partnership between stakeholders and
planners are important factor. Integration between these two groups effect the plan and
2. Watershed management approaches
2.1. Collaborative watershed management
Collaborative watershed management has emerged in the last two decades as a promising
approach to address non-point source pollution in waters. With such a wide variety of land-
use patterns across watersheds, it is important that collaborative approaches to water
resource management are tailored to local land-use planning efforts (Wang, 2001; Scott et.
al., 2010). Urban and rural landscapes can have very different biological systems, leading
watershed partnerships located in different areas to address different environmental issues.
Moreover, collaborative management efforts in each setting can be impacted by different
sets of variables, from the level of human capital (e.g., income, education) and social capital
(e.g., trust, networks, norms of reciprocity) in watershed communities, to the financial,
technical, and human resources made available by government agencies, NGOs, academic
units, and local citizens (Hardy and Koontz, 2010).
Successful collaborative watershed management programs emphasize active stakeholder
engagement, employ integrated solutions, recognize the authority of multiple agencies and
jurisdictions, and build on expertise and resources across sectors. Out of bio-geophysical
necessity, managing a watershed involves coordinated stewardship of the waterbody and
the land area that the waterbody drains. Consequently, watershed conservation and
rehabilitation is typically a function of an array of public and private programs.
Representatives of local, state, and federal agencies; nonprot group; and for-prot
businesses each must bring complementary resources to the task (Golden, 1998). Ideally,
Stakeholder Involvement in Sustainable Watershed Management 139
collaborative watershed management refers to shared decision-making and implementation
by public and private sector partners who share the common goal of conserving or
enhancing hydrologic resources (Michaels, 2001).
The collaborative watershed approach is on the agenda of the federal government in the
United States. President Clintons 1998 Clean Water Action Plan explicitly promotes such an
approach nation wide. The plan encourages states to work with watershed stakeholders,
including interested citizens, to identify watersheds with critical water quality problems and
to focus resources and implement strategies to solve these problems (Michaels, 2001).
By collaborating with local entities, states can facilitate ongoing learning; devise systems for
measuring, monitoring, and evaluating; and disseminate best practices or model policies.
They can actively engage in propagating local experiments. States have instrumental roles to
play in achieving Dorf and Sabels (1998) ideal of democratic experimentalism, where the
deliberations and performance of one jurisdiction are considered in like jurisdictions. Since
problems are encountered face-to-face at the local level, a critical function of the states is to
build local collaborative, managerial, nancial, and technical capacity (Cigler, 1998).
Recognizing the political palatability of local collaborative management results in
emphasizing grassroots strategies, such as community education, and local government
tools, such as oodplain zoning (Blatt, 1993).
2.2. Holistic watershed management
Embraces the idea that all aspects of the watershed human resources, economic
development, environmental quality, infrastructure development and public safety must be
considered in a holistic watershed management decision-making process. Holistic
watershed managements fundament approach is in a facilitated process designed for the
integration of organizations and individuals having environmental knowledge, skills and
resources in the water quality and comprehensive community planning.
Consider the following roles agencies could play in sustainable holistic watershed
management decision-making:
1. Catalystincentives or regulation enforcement to improve watershed environment
(Water Quality). Agency representative living in the watershed experiencing a problem.
2. Responsive/Supportiveprovide technical resources as needed for sound holistic
watershed management decisionmaking.
3. Stand back and let local people control the holistic watershed management planning
process (UOEWQP, 2004).
2.3. Integrated watershed management
Previous water management efforts that were sectoral, technological and centralized have
proved inadequate, because they failed to recognize and appreciate the intricacies and inter-
relations of ecosystems (Pereira, 1973). Consequently, integrated watershed Management
Advances in Landscape Architecture 140
has been suggested as a solution and has been tried for decades in several countries in the
world (Bowden, 1999; Mitchell, 1990; Bulkley, 1995; Lant, 1999; Pereira, 1973).
An integrated watershed management approach should strive to create settings for
collaboration and innovation by facilitating dialogue among local stakeholders. The over-
riding charge under the piloting of this approach is fostering a framework for dialogue
among stakeholders for problem solving examining interdisciplinary solutions that are
inherently multi-objective. That is, solutions able to address more than one problem
simultaneously while addressing the entire resource based on local circumstances. The
Integrated Watershed Management Program proposes a framework for fostering
interdisciplinary on-ground implementation activities. Interdisciplinary takes on a meaning
of multiple dimensions and scales. In one instance vertical dimensions: encompassing both
surface water and ground water quality at the watershed scale. In the other instance, the
lateral dimension considering the varied land uses and land covers associated with
agriculture, silviculture, mining, and hydrologic/habitat modification activities, as well as
those associated with urbanization (e.g., land development, transportation, recreation, etc.).
These land uses and activities give rise to varying degrees of non-point source pollution or
polluted runoff, which is the major contributor to impaired waters (National Research
Council, 1999).
Over the past two decades, there have been numerous applications of integrated watershed
management worldwide. For example, integrated watershed management approaches have
been recently used for combating drought in the Jhabua watershed in India (Singh et al.,
2002), assessing and managing water resources in the upper Chao Phraya in Thailand
(Padma et al., 2001), assessing and managing agricultural phosphorus pollution on the
Chesapeake Bay (Sharpley, 2000), tackling the problem of land degradation in Australia
(Ewing, 1999), and managing the Truckee River in Nevada (Cobourn, 1999). Also, in the
United States, the USEPA has been quite instrumental in promoting the integrated
watershed approach to management (National Research Council, 1999).
The lessons learned from these and other initiatives indicate that in order to succeed,
integrated watershed management must be participatory, adaptive and experimental,
integrating all the relevant scientific knowledge/data and user-supplied information
regarding the social, economic and environmental processes affecting natural resources at
the watershed level (Steiguer et al., 2003). This is due to poor integration and coordination,
which is either fostered or hindered by a complex set of environmental and socio-economic
and institutional factors at various spatial levels such as (1) legislation and regulations, (2)
policies and guidelines, (3) administrative structures, (4) economic and financial
arrangements, (5) political structures and processes, (6) historical and traditional customs
and values and (7) key participants or actors (Mitchell, 1990).
3. Organizational approaches in watershed management
With the increase in population water has became a key resources. The result of the
development efforts of the countries, demand on the water has been become on maximum
Stakeholder Involvement in Sustainable Watershed Management 141
level. This situation thread clear water resources and watersheds areas were under the
pressure of human activities. So that, many of the international organizations have
considered on this problem. In addition to this, they have produced many protection
projects to solve water issues. In this study, we compile and evaluate the state of the art,
with a special focus on material, which is produced by international organizations such as
the World Bank, IFAD, FAO, IWMI.
3.1. World bank
Over the past seven years since the World Banks Water Resource Strategy was created, the
Banks water lending commitments have increased significantly, the quality of the water
portfolio was turned around, and the outcome project rating now even outperforms the
Bank average. The 2010 mid-cycle implementation progress report, Water for All in a
Changing Climate, and The Sustainable Infrastructure Action Plan continue to guide the
Banks strategy for managing water resources. The World Bank increasingly works with
partners from multilateral and bilateral agencies, but also agencies within civil society and
the private sector at the global, regional, and country levels. Its partners are Global Water
Partnership (GWP), International Commission on Irrigation and Drainage (ICID), International
Water Association (IWA), UN-WATER, Water Supply and Sanitation Collaborative Council
(WSSCC), World Water Council (WWC).
3.1.1. Watershed management approach before the 2000
The watershed management approach became prominent in developing countries in the
1970 in programs designed to improve upland natural resource management in order to
protect downstream resources and infrastructure, when the problems of watershed
degradation first became apparent.
The origins of modern watershed management can be traced to several parallel and
independent movements: the restoration of the Alps, the conservation movement in the
United States in the 1930s; and the watershed rehabilitation activities of colonial
governments in Africa (Dargouth et. al, 2008). National and regional programs were set up
to address the damage to downstream infrastructure caused by degradation in the uplands.
For instance, Indonesia created a National Watershed Development Program in 1976. From
the mid-1970s, Brazil launched soil conservation programs that evolved by the mid-1980s
into the Integrated Soil and Water Management Program in Microcatchments. India created
the National Watershed Development Program for Rainfed Areas in 1990 (Dargouth et. al,
The watershed management projects in the 1970s and 1980s consisted on specific on-site and
downstream physical outcomes, this works have been done only to protect resources by the
engineer approaches. So investments were high cost and not always well justified, and the
assets and benefits created often had a limited life (Dargouth et. al, 2008). And ecological
dimension has never seen in these works. Because of these approaches, there is no chance to
put a sustainable management approach in a holistic way.
Advances in Landscape Architecture 142
First generation of watershed management projects in the 1970s and 1980s were to prevent
rapid runoff of water, slow down siltation of reservoirs, and limit the incidence of
potentially damaging flash flooding. Targets were fixed in relation to physical outputs
rather than economic and natural resource outcomes and a top-down planning approach
was generally adopted (Dargouth et. al, 2008). In pratical way local people could not
adapted to this planning outputs. So, general result of this top-down planning approach
was a total mass on side. Nowadays, local users empty these old infrastructure buildings,
which have been built by this plan and authors and scholars try to remediate this areas.
The need to improve the livelihoods of the poor upland population was not completely
ignored, but the technical improvements for agricultural production introduced usually
focused on costly vegetative and mechanized technologies (Dargouth et. al, 2008).
Watershed planning was based on land capability rather than on the capacities and needs of
Main Purpose Applications Results
1970s -To protect on-
site and
resources and
infrastructure of
-physical measures designed to
manage soil and water resources
in medium or large river valleys
-to stabilize uplands through
erosion control infrastructure
High government staff turnover and
poor supervision resulted in inconsistent
project management and unaccountable
implementation arrangements.
Projects often ignored crucial inter-
sectoral linkages, resulting in lack of
collaboration and communication
across sectors.
1980s -Beyond the
acceptance of
large scale
between national
-To protect to soil, water and
vegetation resources
-To try to decrease of local
community poverty
-Ecological and institutional
sustainability of the resources
-To try watershed management
approaches in dry land areas
-the comparative failure of the
engineering-led approach was clear
-lack of collaboration and
communication across sectors
1990s -To resource, use
and poverty
objectives in
addition to
-To identify and execute
interventions within an
integrated farming systems
approach, including lowland
and upland agriculture, pasture,
and forest management
-To adopt a participatory and
demand-driven development
approach, which was influenced
by emerging theories of farmer
-To led watershed management
programs to seek ways to build on
existing social structures and institutions
and to support planning and
implementation by community
institutions the promotion of low-cost
vegetative techniques for erosion control
replaced or complemented the previous
mechanical techniques that had relied
on heavy construction and had proved
expensive to build and difficult to
Table 1. Timeline of watershed management practices (Dargouth et. al, 2008; Chambers et .al. 1989)
Stakeholder Involvement in Sustainable Watershed Management 143
local people who lived there. People were hired as manual labor, and projects provided
subsidies to stakeholders as incentives to participate (Dargouth et. al, 2008). There was little
involvement of the communities in planning and implementation, which often resulted in
weak commitment to the project. Benefits were expected to trickle down to the local
population, although this generally happened only on a limited scale. It is given some
information about water-sheet management studies belong to different years in the table 1.
A number of countries as diverse as India, Kenya, and Nigeria have seen environmental
rehabilitation carried out almost spontaneously as population pressure increased or
environmental degradation, particularly erosion, reached high levels. For example, Tiffen,
Mortimore, and Gichuki (1994) explored the relationship between increasing population
density, productivity, and environmental degradation through a case study in southeast
Kenya. They showed that population increase combined with market opportunities
stimulated local investment and innovation in dry land farming and environmental
recovery of heavily degraded land (Dargouth et. al, 2008).
3.1.2. World bank projects
There are many water management projects which were held by World Bank on the issue
that the Participatory Watershed Management. In the same time they want to support local
economies in the same time by the way, they want to protect natural sources. These projects
may include financing critical economic infrastructure such as rural footpaths, sewerage,
drainage, roads and water supply.
The development objective of the proposed Participatory Watershed Management Project
(PWMP) is to improve the productive potential of natural resources and increase incomes of
the rural households in selected watersheds in Jammu & Kashmir using socially inclusive,
institutionally and environmentally sustainable approaches. A secondary objective is to
support policy and institutional development in in Jammu & Kashmir to harmonize
watershed development projects and programs across the state in accordance with best
practices (Darghouth et. al., 2008).
Most of the key lessons stem from the previous project, although they are hallmarks of other
successful watershed development projects in India (Darghouth et. al., 2008):
- Cost-sharing is critical for ensuring ownership and continued operations of project-
financed assets. Hand-outs and full subsidies are to be discouraged.
- Transparency of decision-making and resource allocation is important to ensure that all
community members are fully aware of project activities and benefits. Several
participatory planning tools, such as social mapping and village account displayed in
central places, have been used successfully in this respect.
- As a land-based approach, the watershed development project needs to take into
account marginal groups (women, landless, nomadic tribes) who may not directly
benefit from project interventions unless targeted efforts are made by the project to
cater to their unique needs.
Advances in Landscape Architecture 144
- The proposed project should leverage its resources going beyond target watersheds and
encouraging state-wise initiatives in capacity-building and policy reforms that will
yield wider benefits (Darghouth et. al., 2008).
National policies on watershed management have generally been driven by program
experience rather than vice versa.
Initially watershed management programs were adopted in the 1970s and 1980s by
governments as pragmatic responses to natural resource degradation and the related social
and economic costs. These programs developed in an iterative fashion, with early setbacks
over approaches dominated by engineering being succeeded by tests of community-based
approaches targeting sustainable changes in land use practices. Now, in several countries
success in testing community-based approaches has led to adoption of broader policies for
community-based watershed management (Darghouth et. al., 2008).
Turkey has built on local and regional experience to formulate policies for community based
watershed management in poor upland areas. The Turkish rural economy has been
characterized by a high incidence of poverty, particularly in upland areas. The consequent
growing pressures on forests and pasture have reduced vegetative cover and diminished
soil fertility and the carrying capacity of rangeland. This has contributed to reductions in
infiltration rates and to increases in peak river flows, flooding, and sedimentation problems
(Darghouth et. al., 2008).
Beginning in the late 1980s, Turkey tested an integrated and participatory approach to
watershed management in a number of micro-watersheds, and from 2004 expanded the
approach to three major river basins. Policy is now based on a community-driven approach
to natural resource management, integrating forestry, soil and water conservation, and crop
and livestock production. The government shares the cost of a mutually reinforcing package
of resource use productivity enhancing and conservation measures. This policy has driven
institutional change, particularly the coordination and integration of the activities of
different government departments at the microwatershed level and the development of
watershed-based forest resource management plans (Darghouth et. al. 2008).
There are some projects which has been held by World Bank in Turkey where the two
continent are joined. One example of this projects is Eastern Anatolia Watershed Project.
This subproject would seek to identify and establish in-situ conservation areas in Turkey, for
the protection of genetic resources and wild relatives of important crops and forest tree
species that originated in Turkey. It will provide for sustainable in-situ conservation of
genetic resources in cereals, horticultural crops, medicinal plants, forest trees, and pasture
grasses and legumes through an integrated ecosystem approach. It will also contribute to
the broader objective of conserving sustainable farming and forest systems that is a key
element of the Watershed Rehabilitation project. The project has been developed the
institutional capacity in Turkey for preparing and implementing a national strategy for in-
situ conservation which could include landraces in a second phase Project. The aim was to
test and develop a new approach to conservation of genetic diversity which has not been
tried on a large scale anywhere in the world (Anonymous, 2012c).
Stakeholder Involvement in Sustainable Watershed Management 145
Dams influence both water quality and the very functionality of rivers, of planetary life
cycle processes harming people, culture and nature, collectively. Roughly two-thirds of the
worlds rivers have suffered harm from the ten thousands of dams that have been built over
the past century. Many of the worlds great rivers such as the Indus, the Colorado, and the
Yellow Rivers, no longer reach the ocean, turning once-productive deltas into biological
deserts. More than tropical rainforests, marine environments, or coastal wetlands,
freshwater ecosystems are experiencing the greatest loss of biodiversity, in large measure
due to dams. Over the past 40 years, freshwater ecosystems have lost 50% of their
populations and over a third of remaining freshwater fish species are threatened with
extinction. Presently, the great river basins of the world are experiencing a new wave of
damming: The Amazon, the Mesopotamia, the Congo, the Mekong are each superlative in
their contributions to planetary cycles, biodiversity and cultural evolution of human
civilization. Each of these basins is threatened with audacious and narrow-sighted schemes
that will irreversibly disconnect rivers and cost the planet billions in lost ecosystem services.
The main reason underpinning this new wave is that dams are misinterpreted as
renewable energyand promoted as solution to climate change. Yet, as proven different
parts of the world, such as Amazonia and Mesopotamia, dams do not generate renewable
energy, but irreversible natural and cultural destruction. Also scientific studies indicate that
dams and reservoirs are globally significant sources of the greenhouse gases carbon dioxide
and, in particular, methane (Anonymous, 2012d).
Dams have significant adverse effects on heritage through the loss of local cultural and
archaeological sites and resources. For instance, Ilisu Dam will destroy more than 300
archaeological sites, including the 11,000 year-old historic town of Hasankeyf that is the only
place in the world that meets nine out of 10 criteria for UNESCO World Heritage Site status
(Anonymous, 2012d).
Dams also cause loss or damage of cultural heritage through land reclamation and irrigation
projects and the construction of power lines, roads, railways and workers towns. In most
cases, no measures have been taken to minimize or mitigate the loss of cultural and
archaeological resources (Anonymous, 2012d).
Figure 1. Hasankeyf, a demonstration against the construction of the Ilisu Dam, held by Turkish Nature
Organization and general view of the area (Anonymous, 2012e and Anonymous, 2012f).
Advances in Landscape Architecture 146
3.2. International Fund for Agricultural Development (IFAD)
International Fund for Agricultural Development (IFAD), a specialized agency of the United
Nations, was established as an international financial institution in 1977 as one of the major
outcomes of the 1974 World Food Conference. IFAD is dedicated to eradicating rural
poverty in developing countries (Anonymous, 2012g).
In recent decades, IFAD has supported changes in land and water governance as a way to
improve rural poor peoples access to these natural resources, and to ensure poverty
reduction, increased food security and better livelihoods. This involves working through
community-based and civil society organizations and NGOs to better identify the changes
that are needed, and with national and local governments to change policies and legislation.
The aim is to empower rural poor people to participate in managing the common property
resources on which they depend.
Paid environmental or watershed services are increasingly recognized as a potential source
of additional income for poor rural people. IFADs Environmental and Social Assessment
Procedures, which include operational statements, for example on irrigation, range
resources, inland fisheries and wetlands, regulate exploitation of water resources and the
The State of the World's Land and Water Resources for Food and Agriculture (SOLAW)
analyses a variety of options for overcoming constraints and improving resource
management in these areas of heightened risk. In each location, a mix of changes in
institutional and policy measures will have to be combined with greater access to
technologies for better management of land and water resources. Increased investments;
access to novel financing mechanisms; and international cooperation and development
assistance will also help overcome these constraints (Anonymous, 2012g).
This first issue of SOLAW, which complements other "State of the world" reports published
regularly by FAO, is intended to inform public debate and policy-making at national and
international levels. IWMI is one of 15 international research centers supported by the network
of 60 governments, private foundations and international and regional organizations
collectively known as the Consultative Group on International Agricultural Research (CGIAR).
IWMI's Mission is to improve the management of land and water resources for food,
livelihoods and the environment. IWMI targets water and land management challenges
faced by poor communities in the developing world/or in developing countries and through
this contributes towards the achievement of the UN Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) of
reducing poverty, hunger and maintaining a sustainable environment. These are also the
goals of the CGIAR (Anonymous, 2012g).
In most developing countries, agriculture accounts for more than 80 per cent of water use.
An increased focus on this sector is needed to address the water crisis. For poor smallholder
farmers, water and land cannot be treated as separate issues. Government and development
actions targeting only land or only water governance changes are unlikely to achieve
sustainable impact. For poor farmers, secure land access can lead to secure water access, and
Stakeholder Involvement in Sustainable Watershed Management 147
the reverse is also true. This in turn leads to access to credit and investment in their farms,
which can improve their livelihoods, and improve agricultural water use efficiency
(Anonymous, 2012g).
At local level, land and water governance structures already exist in some form, but these
are not systematically recognized at higher institutional levels. If reforms are to improve the
livelihoods of rural poor people, their voices and concerns need to be heard and
acknowledged as part of the reform process.
Indigenous knowledge and practices need to be recognized as a strong basis for building
lasting change in land and water governance (Anonymous, 2012g).
The role of women in land and water management and use must be recognized as part of
the reform process.
The capacity of individuals, communities and NGOs must be developed so they can take on
the responsibilities associated with reforms. Building trust in communities and among
partners is an essential part of capacity development, so that they can act collectively for
mutual benefit. Sufficient time must be allowed for enlisting broad support for reform.
NGOs can be a useful vehicle to support the reform process, which does not always fit with
time and budget constraints of development projects. External support is important.
Financial support, combined with policy dialogue, can be a catalyst for NGOs, communities
and governments to pursue change. International agencies also provide small communities
and local and national organizations with a valuable sense of international recognition,
credit and encouragement (Anonymous, 2012g).
Documenting land and water governance experiences in a country promotes better
understanding of stakeholders and IFAD partners views. This creates opportunities for
effective pro-poor advocacy and policy dialogue at all levels aimed at improved access to
productive natural resources and technology (Anonymous, 2012g).
3.3. Food And Agriculture Organization of The United Nations (FAO)
As a knowledge organization, FAO creates and shares critical information about food,
agriculture and natural resources in the form of global public goods. However, this is not a
one-way flow. FAO plays a connector role, through identifying and working with different
partners with established expertise, and facilitating a dialogue between those who have the
knowledge and those who need it. By turning knowledge into action, FAO links the field to
national, regional and global initiatives in a mutually reinforcing cycle (Anonymous, 2012h).
In assessing the anticipated impacts of climate change on agriculture and agricultural water
management, it is clear that water availability (from rainfall, watercourses and aquifers) will
be a critical factor. Substantial adaptation will be needed to ensure adequate supply and
efficient utilization of what will, in many instances, be a declining resource (Anonymous,
2012h). By the definitions of the FAO; the world's food production depends on the
availability of water, a precious but finite resource and nearly half of the worlds population
is affected in various ways by mountain ecology and the degradation of watershed areas.
Advances in Landscape Architecture 148
3.4. International Water Management Institute (IWMI)
IWMI is one of 15 international research centers supported by the network of 60
governments, private foundations and international and regional organizations collectively
known as the Consultative Group on International Agricultural Research (CGIAR). It is a
non-profit organization with a staff of 350 and offices in over 10 countries across Asia and
Africa and Headquarters in Colombo, Sri Lanka (Anonymous, 2012).
IWMI's Mission is to improve the management of land and water resources for food,
livelihoods and the environment. IWMI's Vision, reflected in the Strategic Plan is water for a
food-secure world. IWMI targets water and land management challenges faced by poor
communities in the developing world/or in developing countries and through this
contributes towards the achievement of the UN Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) of
reducing poverty, hunger and maintaining a sustainable environment. These are also the
goals of the CGIAR (Anonymous, 2012).
Research is the core activity of IWMI. The research agenda is organized around four priority
Themes including Water Availability and Access; Productive Water Use; Water Quality,
Health and Environment; and Water and Society. Cross cutting activities in all themes
include, assessment of land and water productivity and their relationship to poverty,
identification of interventions that improve productivity as well as access to and
sustainability of natural resources, assessment of the impacts of interventions on
productivity, livelihoods, health and environmental sustainability.
IWMI works through collaborative research with many partners in the North and South and
targets policy makers, development agencies, individual farmers and private sector
organizations. IWMIs new triple approach to uptake is being implemented (Anonymous,
2012). This involves:
1. Project uptake strategies: These are targeted strategies built into projects at the
beginning. They are focused on the project results and the potential users of the results.
2. Regional uptake strategies: These are particularly important to keep the momentum
going when projects are completed, and to build linkages across projects to provide
synthesized messages.
3. Macro uptake strategies: This involves making all information and knowledge
available as broadly as possible, making it easily accessible and promoted widely
(Anonymous, 2012).
IWMI supported to some project about ecosystems for water and food security. The result of
water management in agroecological landscapes is remarkable.
3.4.1. Water management in agroecological landscapes
Managing agricultural land to deliver multiple services considerably improves values
derived. This is best done at the landscape level, linking ecosystems and managing natural
resources such as water and land specifically to enhance ecosystem services, thereby
Stakeholder Involvement in Sustainable Watershed Management 149
integrating all sources of water in the basin, from rain, in the soil, in aquifers and as surface
water. Water is then no longer supplied to crops, trees, livestock, or fish, but to
multifunctional agroecosystem linked and managed together at the river basin or landscape
level. In this way, synergies can be exploited and productivity can be improved, while
obtaining benefit from improved carbon storage, erosion control, water retention, waste
treatment, and cultural and recreational values including tourism. Notably, most of these
added services do not conflict with agricultural production but in many cases improve both
its productivity and sustainability.
The recommendations are based on the findings on the various types of ecosystems and
integrated ways to enhance water management for food security. In addition, principles of
sustainable water management for agriculture in ecoagriculture have been incorporated
(Molden et. al. 2007). As a result, the specific recommendations concerning water are only
part of the larger message on how to manage natural resources sustainably and make the
transition from production systems to multipurpose agroecosystems.
These guiding principles have been combined from various sources and would increase
ecosystem services and sustainability while using the same resources, hence be more
productive (Swift et al., 2004; Molden et al., 2007; Van der Zijpp et al., 2007; Bossio and
Geheb 2008; Hajjar et al., 2008; Swallow and Meinzen-Dick 2009; World Bank 2009; Zomer et
al., 2009; Garrity et al., 2010; McCartney and Smakhtin 2010):
Promote diversity within the production systems: Optimizing the diversity of the above and
below ground biotic components within the production system (crop biodiversity, animal
diversity, soil biodiversity, and pollinators) can increase the adaptive capacity of the
cropping system to buffer against fluctuations in water availability, temperatures, pests and
diseases, thereby enhancing the resilience of rural livelihoods. Synergies with livestock and
aquaculture can be explored to increase resource recovery and productivity, for instance in
crop livestock systems, rice-fish culture, tree-crop systems, aquaculture in reservoirs, forest-
pastures, or wastewater-fed aquaculture. Integration of trees can help fix nitrogen, tighten
nutrient, water, and carbon cycles, and produce additional goods, such as year-round
availability of fodder and biomass for use as organic fertilizer and fuel.
Promote diversity in landscapes: Landscapes with high levels of biodiversity are more
resilient and better able to mitigate environmental impacts. Large mono-cropped areas can
be developed into landscapes with higher levels of biodiversity by identifying and linking
natural habitat patches, including aquatic ecosystems. Habitat integrity and connectivity can
be maintained by incorporating hedgerows, multipurpose trees, and corridors of natural
vegetation interconnecting parcels of agricultural land and natural ecosystems (such as
wetlands and forests these may need to be specifically developed where they are too far
away). In large irrigated areas, canals and roads can be lined with perennial vegetation such
as trees, thereby also serving as important passages and habitats for animals. Canals and
other waterways can connect aquatic ecosystems and thereby maintain the connectivity of
migratory routes, providing the variety in habitats required for subsequent life cycle stages
such as spawning. Landscape-scale planning of strategic tree cover interventions can reduce
Advances in Landscape Architecture 150
flow accumulation by providing sites for water infiltration and penetration. By
incorporating both fodder production and grazing land, livestock can be managed at the
landscape level too, thereby enabling animals to reach otherwise inaccessible feed sources
and avoiding overgrazing and trampling of vulnerable areas.
4. Watershed management studies in developing country
For several decades, Integrated Watershed Management has been suggested and tried in
several countries in the world, as an effective way to address complex water resource
challenges. However its implementation has not been successful in most cases, due to
various barriers. In Kenya, this approach is new and requires appropriate strategies to
overcome these barriers and stimulate effective integrated watershed management. To
design suitable and effective strategies, there is need to understand institutional features at
various spatial levels, which promote or hinder integration and coordination. Wamalmas
paper therefore explores the prospects and barriers of integrated watershed management of
Mara, by examining the existing complex set of biophysical and socio-economic conditions,
stakeholders attitudes and perceptions, arrangements for participation of stakeholders,
available institutional structures and financial plans, and recent policy reforms in water and
forestry sectors. Empirical information was gathered from official documents, direct
observations, semi-structured interviews with managers, administrators, politicians and
households of Mara watershed. Results indicates that, integrated watershed management of
Mara is likely to be fostered by the critical biophysical and socioeconomic conditions,
suitable institutional structures that are being established, water and forestry reforms,
recognition of stakeholder participation and enhanced education of stakeholders, and
leverage of resources from NGOs. However this efforts are likely to be hampered by
disparity of views and perspectives, egoistic tendencies of influential leaders, inadequate
financial plans, lack of effective coordination mechanisms, ineffective multi-stakeholder
process, unwillingness of the local community and the politicians if there interests are not
addressed, and lack of legitimacy for the institutional structures that are being created. This
study therefore suggests adoption of multi-stakeholder forums for building understanding
and bridging the disparity of views, the need to address the legitimate interests of the local
community and politicians, and enhanced level of understanding among stakeholders on
the interactions and interdependencies among the variables of the ecosystem. Finally the
study recommends the need for a more effective coordination arrangement such as
elevation of the CAAC (Catchment Area Advisory Committee) to the level of a coordinating
agency instead of relying on a single government agency like WRMA (Water Resources
Management Authority) as provided for by the water act 2002 at the catchment level. In
conclusion as much as the new water sector reforms provide legitimacy, impetus and a
framework for integrated watershed management in Mara and other water catchments in
Kenya, implementation may still remain a challenge if barriers are not identified and
Liu et al.s study highlights two highly degraded watersheds in the semi-arid Amhara
region of Ethiopia where integrated water resource management activities were carried out
Stakeholder Involvement in Sustainable Watershed Management 151
to decrease dependence on food aid through improved management of green water.
Whiletop-down approaches require precise and centrally available knowledge to deal with
the uncertainty in engineering design of watershed management projects, bottom-up
approaches can succeed without such information by making extensive use of stakeholder
knowledge. This approach works best in conjunction with the development of leadership
condence within local communities. These communities typically face a number of
problems, most notably poverty, that prevent them from fully investing in the protection of
their natural resources, so an integrated management system is needed to suitably address
the interrelated problems. Many different implementing agencies were brought together in
the two study watersheds to address water scarcity, crop production, and soil erosion, but
the corner stone was enabling local potential through the creation and strengthening of
community watershed management organizations. Leadership training and the
reinforcement of stakeholder feedback as a fundamental activity led to increased ownership
and willingness to take on new responsibilities. A series of small short term successes
ranging from micro-enterprise cooperatives to gully rehabilitation have resulted in the pilot
communities becoming condent of their own capabilities and proud to share their
successes and knowledge with other communities struggling with natural resource
degradation (Liu et al., 2008).
Specically it has learned that (1) communities have high interest in development initiatives,
including sustaining natural resources; (2) only when people make real contributions of
their own resources will they strive to ensure the implementation of the planned activities;
(3) emphasis must be given to effective organization of communities rather than only
focusing on technology development; (4) including non-technical leaders in the information
loop provides great benets at the community level. Introduced ideas, such as the fair
representation of women and poor in the management process, womens micro-enterprise
groups, and closing off areas to livestock, faced strong cultural opposition at the beginning
but have proven very successful thanks to trial tests and continue collaboration efforts by
farmers, non-technical leaders, and project personnel. It has also found that communities
most at risk were also the most open to new ideas (Liu et al., 2008).
Partnerships and co-operative environmental management are increasing world wide as is
the call for scientic input in the public process of ecosystem management. In Hawaii,
private land owners, non-governmental organizations, and state and federal agencies have
formed watershed partnerships to conserve and better manage upland forested watersheds.
In this paper, ndings of an international workshop convened in Hawaii to explore the
strength of approaches used to assess take holder values of environmental resources and
foster consensus in the public process of ecosystem management are presented. Authors
draw upon eld experience in projects throughout Hawaii, Southeast Asia, Africa and the
US main land to derive a set of lessons learned that can be applied to Hawaiian and other
watershed partnerships in an effort to promote consensus and sustainable ecosystem
management. Interdisciplinary science-based models can serve as effective tools to identify
areas of potential consensus in the process of ecosystem management. Effective integration
of scientic input in co-operative ecosystem management depends on the role of science, the
Advances in Landscape Architecture 152
stakeholders and decision-makers involved, and the common language utilized to compare
tradeoffs. Trust is essential to consensus building and the integration of scientic input must
be transparent and inclusive of public feedback. Consideration of all relevant stakeholders
and the actual benets and costs of management activities to each stakeholder is essential.
Perceptions and intuitive responses of people can be as inuential as analytical processes in
decision-making and must be addressed. Deliberative, dynamic and iterative decision-
making processes all inuence the level of stakeholder achievement of consensus. In
Hawaii, application of lessons learned can promote more informed and democratic decision
processes, quality scientic analysis that is relevant, and legitimacy and public acceptance of
ecosystem management (Gutrich et. al. 2005).
Maintaining base-flows in the Pocono Creek is a particular concern. Knowing that the
demand for water increases as competition for existing water resources grows with a
growing number of users, concerns about sustaining the exceptional water quality and
supply for future generations were raised throughout the 2003 Pocono Creek Pilot Project
for Goal-based Watershed Planning (Pilot), which was funded by a PA Growing Greener
grant. Local resource managers and citizens emphasized this issue during both the Pilots
goal setting (2000) and project evaluation stages (2003). The Environmental Protection
Agencys Region 3 Office (EPA-3) organized and funded the current project, known as the
Framework for Sustainable Watershed Management (Combe et. al. 2009).
The purpose of the Framework is to introduce a program that balances growth with natural
resource protection, so that future generations can enjoy the highly valued natural resources
of the region, while enjoying economic prosperity. This program is accomplished in three
stages; technical, planning and watershed community outreach. The technical stage
identifies the impacts of rapid growth on a watersheds water resources. The planning stage
develops management strategies that balance regional growth needs with natural resource
protection. The planning and watershed community outreach effort introduces an
innovative approach to protecting the regions water resources through a community-wide
public art event that receives extensive media coverage, has high visibility and generates
enthusiastic community participation (Combe et. al. 2009).
The micro-watershed has proved a flexible and practical unit for project implementation
and has reduced costs. However, the definition of a micro-watershed needs to be adapted to
the social, administrative, and physical context. Best practice is that choice of scale should be
driven by a participatory analysis of problems throughout the watershed, preferably within
a broader watershed planning framework, as was done in the Loess II Project in China. In
1994 the World Bank funded one of the most successful conservation projects in the world,
which improved the local environment, but also boosted the livelihoods of more than 1
million farmers. The number of people living in poverty in the region dropped from 59
percent in 1993 to 27 percent in 2001 and almost 3,000 square kilometers of eroded land was
terraced (World Bank, 2003).
The restoration project worked closely with local farmers to build terraces, plant shrubs and
trees, install irrigation and sediment control dams, and provide training and education on
erosion control.
Stakeholder Involvement in Sustainable Watershed Management 153
This watershed restoration project is now being replicated across China, with continued
success (World Bank, 2003).
Based on this, programs can be clear from the beginning about the proposed scale of
interventions and the socioeconomic, environmental, and technical criteria for defining the
micro-catchment and for selecting which micro-catchments to target. The micro-watershed
approach also raises some difficulties when it comes to scaling up. Working at the micro-
watershed scale does not necessarily aggregate or capture upstream-downstream
interactions. A patchwork of upstream interventions would only have a significant impact
downstream if prioritized and planned within the larger watershed context and with
understanding of the spatial and hydrological links between the perceived externalities and
their causal factors (for example, land and water use). The lesson is that integration of
watershed management activities beyond the micro-watershed requires higher level
technical planning. In best-practice approaches, planning includes an institutional
mechanism where stakeholders have a voice and are able to agree on measures from the
micro-watershed scale upwards that can achieve both local and larger-scale objectives. The
approach also needs to deal with institutional challenges of interagency collaboration and
local-regionallevel coordination.
Groetschels (2000) study has investigated the problem situation in selected villages in
Kachchh and Dahod district and looked into the institutional framework of watershed
development in Gujarat. Field surveys for the target area analysis were carried out in six
villages. In the five priority districts for watershed development activities, 15 NGOs and a
number of Government institutions were met and assessed. The study is part of the
planning process for the Indo-German Watershed Development Program (IGWDP) in
Gujarat. It is geared towards providing a qualitative description of important issues for a
region specific watershed development approach and gives recommendations for possible
adaptations of the watershed development approach. In answer to the problem of natural
resource degradation, more than 1200 watershed development projects have been
implemented under different programs by the Rural Development Department in Gujarat
since 1995. More than 70 percent of these are operated by NGOs. All government funded
watershed development projects in Gujarat follow common guidelines, which determine
implementation strategies, program content and components, principles of project
management, capacity building, financial aspects and monitoring and evaluation. Major
aspects of the approach include sustainability, participation, empowerment and
In general, the spirit of the common guidelines must be considered to be appropriate.
However, as nation wide guidelines, they lack considerations of regional characteristics and
problems. More flexibility would be required in many aspects to ensure appropriate
handling of local problems. As an integrated, but, basically land based approach, watershed
development needs careful consideration of equity concerns. Soil and water conservation
measures alone might otherwise further benefit the rich instead of fostering social and
economic cohesion. Implementation problems also arise from cooperation difficulties among
different GOs and NGOs. The treatment of forest lands and common property resources, as
Advances in Landscape Architecture 154
required in most cases when following the ridge to valley approach, faces many difficulties.
For the last years, the emerging Joint Forest Management Program (JFM) has been trying to
mitigate some of those problems. Meanwhile it is the largest program of the Forestry
Department. In addition to JFM, there are other government programs, which are
supplementary to and supportive of watershed development efforts. The status of NGOs in
Gujarat is very strong. Many of them have been involved in watershed development related
activities for a number of years already. They actively participate in policy dialogues with
the Government and are a driving force in pursuing adaptation of the watershed
development approach. Many of the NGOs have developed special implementation
strategies, often depending on their specific field of interest or the background of their
organization and staff.
Other NGOs are implementing regionally adapted solutions based, for example, on the
problem of salinity in coastal areas. In 1999, the National Bank for Agriculture and Rural
Development (NABARD) joined the watershed development efforts by establishing its
Watershed Development Fund. The fund aims at further strengthening participatory
watershed development initiatives. The selection criteria for watersheds are a significant
proportion of Scheduled Castes/Scheduled Tribes (SC/ST) population, high extent of rainfed
farming and a high potential for watershed development. The regional watershed
management cell of NABARD, which took up work in August 1999, is planning to
undertake 19 projects at the first stage. Number and staff composition will have to widen,
when the program expands.
Successful project implementation demands a range of skills and attitudes at village, NGO
and program management level, which are not always or not sufficiently developed.
Capacity building, therefore, plays a central role. Requirements at village level include
raising awareness for environmental problems and resource management. Additional
training will be required in order to make best sustainable use of conserved resources. Many
NGOs in Gujarat have been successfully involved in watershed development projects. They
have gained ample experience with this approach. What is still needed in some cases is to
balance any existing bias in their work, which in many cases is either on the social or on the
technical side. However, capacity building for the proposed IGWDP in these respects will
probably not require the establishment of a separate institution. There are well established
networks, which take care also of capacity building requirements. Requirements at the
management level will mainly comprise comprehensive supervisory and monitoring
An important goal of watershed management is to ensure the sustainable development of
water resources. However, since integrated watershed management is much easier said than
done, this approach is going to illustrate a real watershed, the Big Lost River watershed
located in south-eastern Idaho, that has suffered from practical problems and examine this
watershed in terms of sustainability just before and after the implementation of this
approach. The Big Lost River watershed is about 3730 km
and drains into the Big Lost River
and its tributaries, which in turn drain to the Eastern Snake River Plain. The Big Lost River
is one of the largest tributaries to the Eastern Snake River Plain. Although the majority of the
Stakeholder Involvement in Sustainable Watershed Management 155
land in the Big Lost watershed are forest and grass land, agriculture, animal raising, and
residential development make signicant contributions to the water quality and quantity
To achieve the goals of both the stakeholders and the management decision-makers under
sustainability conditions, it is necessary to implement the following steps:
1. The existing characteristics of the Big Lost River watershed should be assessed. This
will (a) include determining problems that can hinder the watershed management
effort, (b) classifying these problems into groups (scientic, social, or motivational), and
(c) determining the priorities in solving these problems.
2. Suitable solutions to solve these problems should then be proposed such as:
a. developing useful relationships among selected water quality parameters to make
evaluation of the water quality situations easier by using a small number of
b. improving integrated management of surface and ground waters by estimating
uncertainty in the water budgets,
c. exploring interactive methods for effective public participation, and
d. determining the impact of water quality deterioration and the increase in water
demand on water-use physical sustainability.
3. These solutions should be evaluated by examining the sustainability. This approach
seeks to introduce a pertinent watershed management framework that can be used to
bring Together major stakeholders in a watershed in an-unified effort to protect and
improve the quality and quantity of their watershed. The approach can be shared
among decision-makers and stakeholders and the results can be used to evaluate and
achieve water quality improvements and water quantity conservation. The study
tackles watershed problems using a robust technique based on watershed management
feasibilities. While this technique has scientic tools to solve watershed problems, it also
uses sustainability and public participation as great issues of socio-economic values.
The examination of water quality effects, especially erosion of lands and increasing
sedimentation as well as increases in water demand due to population or land use
changes, on the physical sustainability of water use in a watershed will be a signicant
benet and can be applied for other watersheds. The proposed actions related to
improving water quality and conserving water quantity, will lead to successful
watershed management and encourage stakeholders to participate in the decision-
making processes (Said et. al. 2006).
5. Current situation of watershed management in Turkey
5.1. Watershed in Turkey
Turkey has been separated into 25 different hydrologic watershed area (Table 2. Figure 2)
and annual flow of these areas are nearly 186 billion cubic meters. One of third of these flow
has been calculated in the Tigris watershed area which is situated in the eastern part of the
Advances in Landscape Architecture 156
Turkey. In the spatial terms volume of these watershed has been followed by Kizilirmak and
Sakarya watershed and in the term of the rain regime these watershed has been followed by
the East Blacksea, East Mediterranean and Antalya Regions (Anonymous, 2013).
Social and demographic conditions and resource usage of the watershed has been changed
by the aspect of the vertical and horizontal conditions of the area and it has been showed
differences by the local conditions. Upper parts of the watershed and in the east regions of
the country, the general population levels are commonly low levels. Rural poverty and
necessities to use of natural resources to sustain life is more common in the upper part of the
watershed and eastern part of the country rather than the western parts. Upper parts of the
watershed main economic activities are livestock, small agricultural production and
forestry. In the contrast of these situation downstream areas are widely used for agricultural
products (Anonymous, 2013).
The amount of the total water resource is 112 billion cubic meter and %36 of these water is
proper for use and 32 billion cubic meters are used for irrigation, 7 billion cubic meters are
used for drinking water and 5 billion cubic meters are used for industrial proposes
(Anonymous, 2013).
In the last decades, with the participation of the non-governmental organizations and
universities, there is a great awareness in the public about the sustainable use of natural
resources and its benefits (Such as soil protection, water volume and quality, carbon
emission, protection of the biological diversity etc.). With the parallel these situation, there is
an increase of the projects about rehabilitation works, soil protection barriers and action
plans to protect natural biological diversity (Anonymous, 2013).
Watershed name
Rainfall area
Avarage annual
(km) % (km) (%) (l/s/km)
(01) Meric-Ergene Watershed 14,560 1.9 1.33 0.7 2.9
(02) Marmara Watershed 24,100 3.1 8.33 4.5 11.0
(03) Susurluk Watershed 22,399 2.9 5.43 2.9 7.2
(04) North Aegean Watershed 10,003 1.3 2.09 1.1 7.4
(05) Gediz Watershed 18,000 2.3 1.95 1.1 3.6
(06) Kucuk Menderes Watershed 6,907 0.9 1.19 0.6 5.3
(07) Buyuk Menderes Watershed 24,976 3.2 3.03 1.6 3.9
(08) West Mediterranean Watershed 20,953 2.7 8.93 4.8 12.4
(09) Antalya Watershed 19,577 2.5 11.06 5.9 24.2
(10) Burdur Lake Watershed 6,374 0.8 0.50 0.3 1.8
(11) Akarcay Watershed 7,605 1.0 0.49 0.3 1.9
Stakeholder Involvement in Sustainable Watershed Management 157
Watershed name
Rainfall area
Avarage annual
(km) % (km) (%) (l/s/km)
(12) Sakarya Watershed 58,160 7.5 6.40 3.4 3.6
(13) West Blacksea Watershed 29,598 3.8 9.93 5.3 10.6
(14) Yesilrmak Watershed 36,114 4.6 5.80 3.1 5.1
(15) Kizlrmak Watershed 78,180 10.0 6.48 3.5 2.6
(16) Konya Watershed 53,850 6.9 4.52 2.4 2.5
(17) East Mediterranean Watershed 22,048 2.8 11.07 6.0 15.6
(18) Seyhan Watershed 20,450 2.6 8.01 4.3 12.3
(19) Asi Watershed 7,796 1.0 1.17 0.6 3.4
(20) Ceyhan Watershed 21,982 2.8 7.18 3.9 10.7
(21) Frat-Dicle Watershed 184,918 23.7 52.94 28.5 8.3
(22) East Blacksea Watershed 24,077 3.1 14.90 8.0 19.5
(23) Coruh Watershed 19,872 2.6 6.30 3.4 10.1
(24) Aras Watershed 27,548 3.5 4.63 2.5 5.3
(25) Van Lake Watershed 19,405 2.5 2.39 1.3 5.0
Total 779,452 100.0 186.05 100.0
Table 2. The Watershed of Turkey (Anonymous, 2013)
Figure 2. Watershed areas in Turkey (Anonymous, 2013)
5.2. Stakeholders about watershed management in Turkey
Watershed management practices in Turkey were held mainly by the governmental
organizations such as ministry departments and governmental agencies. Briefly these
agencies can be classified by the ministries occupation. These are include (Anonymous,
Advances in Landscape Architecture 158
Agencies in the Ministry of Forestry and Hydraulic Works: General Directorate of
Combating Desertification and Erosion, General Directorate Of Forestry, General Directorate
for State Hydraulic Works, General Directorate of Water Management, Directorate of Nature
Conservation and National Parks, Directorate of Meteorological Services, Presidency of
Strategy Development, Turkish Institute of Water, Presidency of Information (Anonymous,
Agencies in the Ministry of Food, Agriculture and Livestock: General Directorate of
Agricultural Improvement, General Directorate of Vegetative Production, General
Directorate of Agricultural Researches and Politics, General Directorate of Fishery and
Water productions, Department of GIS (Anonymous, 2013).
Agencies in the Ministry of Environment and Urban Planning: General Directorate of
Spatial Planning, General Directorate of Control about Environmental Impact Assessment,
General Directorate of Environment Management, General Directorate of Protection about
Natural Heritage, General Directorate of City Bank, General Directorate of Infrastructural
Works (Anonymous, 2013).
Agencies in the Ministry of Energy and Natural Resources: General Directorate of Quarry
Companies (Anonymous, 2013).
Ministry of Culture and Tourism, Ministry of National Education, Ministry of Health.
Agencies in Prime Ministry: Under secretariat of Treasury, Disaster and Emergency
Management Presidency
Agencies in the Ministry of Interior: General Directorate of Local Administration
Local Administrations; governorship (Anonymous, 2013).
Other Civil Stakeholders:
Non-governmental Organizations: (Organizations, groups, activists about the issues like Soil
and Water Resources, Biological Diversity and Rural Development)
Profession Chambers
Watershed Groups
Rural Societies who lives in Watershed Region
Science and Education Organizations (Universities, The Scientific and Technological
Research Council of Turkey, Research Institutes)
Stakeholders from Private Sector (Anonymous, 2013).
Stakeholders of Watersheds have different views and importance about economic,
ecological, social and cultural by the results product (energy management, clear water
resources, irrigation water, water for industrial needs, income and productivity,
conservation of the biological diversity, protection of the air cleanness, recreation needs,
Stakeholder Involvement in Sustainable Watershed Management 159
natural landscape, eco-tourism, game sports, protection of the local cultural motivations of
the watershed, national income, surplus to liberal economy) (Anonymous, 2013).
5.3. SWOT analysis of the watershed management
There is a strong need to swot analysis for figuring out about the future goals and aims of
the watershed management (Figure 3).
Strengths Weaknesses
Organizations have gained their experience
about the watershed management and therefore
they can attempt to management in a more
holistic way
Inadequacies in the terms of the watershed
management politics and strategies in addition
to these problems about coordination between
sectorial investments
Increase in the watershed protection and
monitoring action plan and river region
management plans
Coordination, legality, policy problems between
governmental agencies
Increase about governmental investments for the
watershed organizations
Inadequacies in the term of the participation of
the non-governmental organizations and local
Increase in the terms of the soil protection and
watershed rehabilitation
Problems about the sharing information
between agencies about development plans
Increase in the knowledge share between
governmental and non-governmental
Inadequacies conditions about monitoring
system which is caused by the lack of the
modern investigation systems
Increase in the term of the protection area
Lack of national watershed monitoring data set
Biological diversity monitoring department has
been established a data matrix to inventory of
the biological resources
Inadequacies to set priorities about watershed
projects and actions
Deficiencies to set rules of the watershed plans
for coordinating management actions
Deficiencies in the lack about to monitoring of
ecological and socio-cultural datas
Deficiencies in the calculation of the cost benefit
analysis about the stakeholder who effected both
positive and negative
Lack of the sharing information and dialog
between researches and applications
Lack of the stuff who should work for
management agencies
Advances in Landscape Architecture 160
Opportunities Threats
Decrease of pressure on the upper watershed by
stakeholders because of the mitigation
The deterioration and extinction process on
limited natural resources
Access to data and possibilities of utilization of
The deterioration of population balance among
the downstream and upper watershed
Diversity and potentials of Watershed that are
caused by natural resources and living creatures
Because of increasing of the population, increase
of demand and requirement from watershed
areas products and services.
Increase of awareness on the society to natural
resources and environmental protection
Rural poverty
Increase of NGOs effects and contributions Because of migration to urban, decrease of
young population in the term of work force in
rural area
Increase of political attention and support Inadequacies of sensitivity and education of the
watershed resources value
Development of institutional participatory
Problems of ownership and right of usage
Increase of job opportunities to local community
to work in several remediation processes
Increase of industrial pollution
Improvements in legality and policy which was
started with the EU adaptation processes
Increase of using chemical pesticides and
Developments in the watershed management in
the world.
Threats on the biological diversity
Increase of scientific research capacities. Inadequacies in the terms of the legal sanction
about problematic application processes
Negative effects on watershed which is caused
by climate change process
Increase of industry at the watershed areas
Increase of mining at the watershed areas
Figure 3. SWOT Analysis for Watershed Management in Turkey (Anonymous, 2013).
6. Discussions and conclusion
All the organizations is interested with poor people and dedicated to eradicating rural
poverty in developing countries.
Main problem about this issue is rapid demographic chance in both rural and urban areas in
developing countries. Rural areas have been emptied by the migration progress that is
caused by unemployment and poverty in rural areas. Beside this situation, huge urban
sprawl has been seen on many cities in developing countries. Water demand on the cities
Stakeholder Involvement in Sustainable Watershed Management 161
that has got huge reservation of the population has been become big problem for clean
water resources and sustainability of this resources can not be produced by the managers
and governments. However, watershed management should be collaborative. Collaborative
watershed partnerships consist with different land use patterns: one in an urban
environment, and the other rural. A good practice of healthy and sustainable watershed
management is based on a good understanding of these two distinct territories that have
different organic and fabric organization schema.
Researchers have paid particular attention to the effect of land use on water quality (Lenat
and Crawford, 1994; Hall et al., 1994, Wang and Yin, 1997), a water-quality component often
is missing in land-use plans and land-use planning is rarely used in water-quality
management. This could be because water-quality management and land use planning often
are administrated by different agencies that do not coordinate constantly. Both of planning
agencies and local authorities are not use feedback datas for developing plans to monitor of
extensive land use and water-quality chances. Water-quality management agencies
traditionally address existing water-quality problems rather than to prevent to cause a
problem in the main sources. Planners and decision-makers should pay proper attention to
water-quality issues in evaluating plans and facilitating collaborations. They should pay
enough attention to significancy of land and water collaboration (Wang and Yin, 1997),.
Governments and development organizations worldwide are searching for new ideas on
how to bring more participation that is public into environmental policy decision processes.
Some social and political movements, too, are expanding their participatory outreach and
organizing techniques (CIELAP, 2004). Many of the nongovernmental organizations and
green activities seek to focus public opinion globally on the importance of water rights
(Council of Canadians, 2006). In addition, as mentioned above, the European Water
Framework Directive is pushing jurisdictions and cross-jurisdictional water basin
committees to implement new participatory processes. Researchers, consultants and
activists are generating practices, which can be widely discussed and shared. However, in
the end, while many insights can come from hearing what worked and what did not in
other places/situations, there is no substitute for locally designed and locally appropriate
public participation processes, both within and outside of government (David, 2005).
As the conclusion of the European Water Framework Directive Guidance Document on
Public Participation states, The preamble of the Water Framework Directive includes a
very clear statement: active public involvement is most likely the key to success with regard
to achieving the desired water quality objectives. In other view, the water users and water
polluters need to be turned into part of the solution, not kept outside the considerations as
part of the problem. Active involvement is important, however, to take into account that no
blueprint solution can be provided. Each River Basin District has to nd its own way to
handle this, taking into account the prevailing cultural, socio-economic, democratic and
administrative traditions. Careful planning, stakeholder analysis is a particular
recommendation, but each competent authority has to accept that a dynamic and learning
Advances in Landscape Architecture 162
process based on trial and error is the challenge to embark on. Experiences showed that
given sufcient time it would pay off in the long run (EC,). According to Perkins (2011),
government initiatives in a very positive light and ignores issues such as in what sense
water users who are unserved by infrastructure or too poor to pay for water are really
stakeholders, how the payoff of a public learning process might be measured, and to
whom this payoff accrues (Perkins, 2011).
Watershed Watershed management project results which are successful in the term of both
theory and application, the role of class and gender, among other differences, as
determinants of everyones standpoint and possibilities for participation must be
acknowledged. Liberal individualism is certainly not the only thing going on in any
participatory process. The truly radical nature of participation only appears as and when it
leads to economic redistribution not just policy-making within existing structures of
distribution. Under capitalism and due particularly to its second, ecological, contradiction (
OConnor, 1994), the pressing need for local environmental knowledge and the
contributions of diverse constituencies (Fischer, 1993; McKinney, 2002) in order to address
ecological constraints has arguably loosened the controls which the state has traditionally
placed on democracy. The type of policy analysis that is antagonistic to authentic
democratic participation (Fischer, 1993) is now giving way in some instances to more
democratic policy-generating processes as a means of addressing intractable environmental
problems. However, the inherent open questions of gender, race, ethnicity and class
inequities remain. To address both the top-down and the bottom-up challenges to
broadening public involvement in watershed decision processes as cited above, a creative
combination of grassroots environmental education and community organizing is needed.
Community-based environmental education initiatives, which are relevant and they are
interesting for local residents and increase their knowledge of watershed issues (Fischer,
Watershed affect the daily lives of every one of many countries 's citizens and provide a
powerful wall of protection for countries 's economic development. Data are scarce, but
subjective understanding is clear: throughout much of the developing world watersheds are
vital to the livelihoods of many millions of people.
Today issues about the water management should be appropriate to the nature as Thales
had been said water is not a just a common material besides it is a spiritual basin. Because
of them water management should not be just an engineering work besides it should be a
social work which should consider on the both social and cultural work too. So that,
common problems can be solved easily and outputs of the projects will be more productive.
Rivers are not just a natural sources for transportation, fresh water, energy or irrigation,
none or the less they are the basic ground for human culture of the nearby areas. All the
ancient great civilizations have been settled near the great rivers, and most of the modern
civilization have a peace with their rivers. Because of them combining links between nature
and society is the most important issue for sustainability.
Stakeholder Involvement in Sustainable Watershed Management 163
Author details
Reyhan Erdogan
Akdeniz University, Agricultural Faculty, Department of Landscape Architecture, Antalya, Turkey
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Chapter 7
Urban Waterfront Regenerations
Umut Pekin Timur
Additional information is available at the end of the chapter
1. Introduction
Cities seek a waterfront that is a place of public enjoyment. They want a waterfront where there
is ample visual and physical public access all day, all year - to both the water and the land.
Cities also want a waterfront that serves more than one purpose :they want it to be a place to
work and to live, as well as a place to play. In other words, they want a place that contributes to
the quality of life in all of its aspects economic, social, andcultural.
Remaking the Urban Waterfront, the Urban Land Institute
(Seattle Department of Planning and Design, 2012)
Water is an indispensible natural resource that is a renewable, but limited. It uses the aims
of agricultural, industrial, energy generation, household, transportation, recreational and
environmental. Kl (2001) as cited in Hamamcolu (2005), water resources which have
played an important role in most parts of the world throughout history in the establishment
and formation of the settlements and through their getting their own identities (Pekin, 2008).
Sairinen & Kumpulainen (2006), waterfront identifies the waters edge in cities and towns.
Moretti (2007), in pre-industrial cities, waterfront areas were intensely used and thriving
with people and activities. Also, during this period, a close relationship was between
waterfront and cities. With industrial era, this relationship was interrupted due to some
uses, such as huge ports, commercial, industry, warehouses and transportation (Pekin,
2008). Through the evolution of containerization technology, port activities moved to
outside the city. Accordingly, industrial plants were abandoned and forms of
transportation changed (Wrenn et al., 1983). Also with the increasing environmental
awareness and as a consequence of the pressure for upgrade in a urban areas, waterfronts
were rediscovered in the city. So, phenomenon of waterfront regeneration emerged.
Urban waterfront regeneration projects has become an effective tool for urban planning
and politics an international dimension since 1980s (Sairinen & Kumpulainen, 2006;
Goddard, 2002).
Advances in Landscape Architecture 170
This chapter discusses waterfront, urban waterfront, its development phases, typologies of
urban waterfront regenerations, advantages and disadvantage of urban waterfront
regenerations, principle of sustainable and successful development for waterfront and also
case studies in the world.
2. Waterfronts and urban waterfronts definitions
The word meaning of waterfront get through as the part of a town or city adjoining a river,
lake, harbour, etc. in the Oxford American Dictionary of Current English in English
Dictionaries and Thesauruses (Dong, 2004).
Moretti (2008), the word waterfront means the urban area in direct contact with water.
According to the author, waterfront areas usually is occupied by port infrastructures and
port activities. Yasin et al. (2010) indicated that waterfront is defined generally as the area of
interaction between urban development and the water. Hou (2009), described the waterfront
area as the conflux area of water and land.
Although the vocable of waterfront is clear, also it has been met using some different words
instead of the term waterfront in the literature. Hoyle (2002), Hussein (2006); Mann (1973),
Tunbridge and Ashworh, (1992), Vallentine (1991) and Watson (1986), these words are a city
port, harbourfront, riverside, river edge, water edge and riverfront (Dong, 2004; Yassin et al.,
Breen and Rigby (1994), Sairinen and Kumpulainen (2006) and Morena (2012) imply the
same thing with waterfront and urban waterfront. According to these, waterfront identifies
the waters edge in cities and towns or urban area of all sizes. The water body may be a
river, lake, ocean, bay, creek or canal or (e.g. in Shaziman et al., 2010) artificial.
3. The effects of water as a planning element in urban area
The balance is established between nature and social life for a sustainable development of
cities. Urban natural water elements play an important role in the establisment of this
balance. Water is the most important planning element which is comfort of human physical
and psychological. In addition, it brings existing environment in a number of features in
term of aesthetic and functional (Figure 1) (nen, 2007).
One reason for the importance of natural water source in urban area is aesthetic effects
whose creates on human. This effects are visual, auidal, tactual and psychological effects.
The primarily power of attracted people on waterfronts is visual landscape effects of water on
relaxation. Throughout, designs related to water takes over motion and serenity factors.
Moving water (Figure 2a) (waterfall, cascade rivers and etc.) adds vibrancy and excitement to a
space. Stagnant water (Figure 2b) creates the mirror effect in its space as a visual (nen, 2007).
Aksulu (2001), water is used commonly as reflection element by means of the optical
properties. Wide and quiet water surfaces bring in serenity and deepness to its surronding
Urban Waterfront Regenerations 171
or a space. Beside deepness effect of water gives more widening feeling of in living area.
Also, the various light games is formed on this surface (Hattapolu, 2004).
Figure 1. Adapted from nen (2007), the effects of water as a planning element in urban area
Figure 2. (a) The mirror effect of water, (b) The vibrancy effect of moving water (nen, 2007).
Aksulu (2001), the sound of water as an audial, a symbol is in a state which exhibits
continuity of life whereas it gives vibrancy and joy (Hattapolu, 2004). Stagnant water as an
audial creates a serenity sense while moving water adds vibrancy to a space and also creates
music effect (nen, 2007).
For the tactual effects of water in planning varies from rain dropping to our face, getting wet
with splashing water of waterfall to being completely submerged in pool, lake or the sea.
Diving in to the water is a kind of escape from the world. Touch with water is a symbol that
reach the religious serenity for many belief systems (Hattapolu, 2004).
Advances in Landscape Architecture 172
It is possible that an important effects of the aesthetic effects are psychological ones. In fact,
these effects are the emotional result which is perceived with senses. In addition, there is
also psychological reactions towards water which comes from peoples sprits. Human being
trends psychologically to water as an element which provides the continuity of life. Sound
and freshness of water relax people (nen, 2007).
Water in urban areas is aesthetic effects as well as functional effects. These are climatic
comfort, noise control, circulation effects and recreational aims.
Water surfaces cool air by means of increasing the amount of moisture in an environment.
Especially with continental climate, that is a great importance. Also, water is used to freshen
up the outdoors air. Wide water surfaces in regional-scale regulate airs temperature
surrounding areas (nen, 2007). Water element is an important in urban areas where is in
this regions, because of its visual and climatic effects (Gentrk 2006).
In addition, water areas in urban spaces are composed of a barrier to artificial sounds with
its creating the natural sounds (nen, 2007).
Eckbo (1950), water is in the organization of space as a limiting and concealer element.
Because person has to walk around in suitable direction (Gentrk 2006). It is possible to see
mostly this effect at the riverfronts.
Figure 3. Moore, Lidz (1994), urban schema of Manhattan, Philadelphia, Pittsburg and Pekin
(Hattapolu, 2004)
Rivers taked on a spine task which is established cities and in the formation of streets, parks
and other urban spaces have become a major factors. For example, (Figure 3) in Manhattan,
Pittsburg, Philadelphia and Pekin (Hattapolu, 2004).
Recreational use of water element is too varied. Natural and artificial water surfaces and its
surrounding can be serve many recreational uses (Figure 4), such as swimming, fishing, boat
tour, entertaiment, walking etc.
Urban Waterfront Regenerations 173
Figure 4. Recreational uses (a) (, Brighton Pier,
(b) ( The Victoria and Alfred Waterfront (Andini, 2011)
4. Urban waterfronts categories
According to Wrenn et al. (1983), urban waterfronts have been distinguished five categories
to location with water. Explained below the first two line symbolize coastal cities and the
latter three line symbolize inland ones (Al Ansari, 2009).
a. Urban area located on peninsula,
b. Urban area located on a bay,
c. Urban area located on banks of a river,
d. Urban area located on banks of intersecting rivers,
e. Urban area located on a large body of water.
Wrenn et al. (1983), regardless of that separation, the shoreline shape is a major influence on
how the location of the city in reference to the water impacts the city-water links. Cities
which are located on peninsulas, headlands or small islands benefit from longer waterfronts
at a short distance from the city centre. The same could be said of cities located on the banks
of intersecting rivers, estuaries and deltas. They have many long waterfronts, which
increases the chance of public spaces located on the waterfront and also of these being
connected to other hinterland public spaces (Al Ansari 2009).
5. Urban waterfronts features
Akkse (2007), three factors are more important in forming the cities. The first of these is the
natural structure of the city, the second of these is physical structure of the city, and the
other one is social structure of the city. These three factors constitude system of the city in
interaction with each other. In the natural structure of the city, the water element of
presence or absence influences the process and the image of the city. Water resources such
as sea, river or lake are added value in different ways. According to Dong (2004), Yassin et
al. (2010) and Seattle Department of Planning and Design (2012), certain features of
waterfront is represented to below:
Advances in Landscape Architecture 174
It is become an urbanized area, a important land,
Water and land are the two essential elements of waterfront, so this area an aquatic and
terrestial features,
The water may be a river, lake or sea,
It has uncertain spatial boundaries and dimensions which change from place to place,
The waterfront area may be a historical port area or urban area for other usages close to
An essential structure of mixed land uses characterizes this essential area of the city,
It supplies oppurtunity for interaction between human settlement and nature and
As an edge environment, it is a dynamic place which changes biological, chemical and
geological charachter,
It is a special area because of being productive and biologically diverse ecosystems,
It is a natural defense area for flooding, erosion with plant cover,
The waterfront area is a pollution moderator.
6. Waterfront development
Dong (2004), indicated that the meaning of the waterfornt development has differents in
terms of understandings. Also he/she emphasized that the content of waterfront
development varies greatly with respect to the characteristics of sites and cities. For
example, in Japan urban waterfront development is one of the interrelated three water-
related development concepts. Its location is between waterside and coastal development.
Also, these development levels are comen up different field. In here, waterfront
development is evaluated urban planning field.
According to Morena (2011), the urban waterfront development is widely regarded as a frontier
on contemporary urban development, attracting investment and publicity. Sydney, London,
Amsterdam, Hong Kong, Tokyo, Toronto, Osaka, Kobe and Dublin are examples of cities developed
through the waterfront development process .
Yassin et al. (2012), defined ideally as a development directly fronting on water for any purposes
and the water components can include river delta, coastal plains, wetlands, beached and dunes,
lagoon, and other water features. Beside, the boundary of where the water and land meet is
difficult to determine and this boundary usually differ the laws and the administration of
the countrys.
Wrenn (1983), the waterfront development stimulated modern development in the cities.
Therefore, understanding the historical milestone of waterfront development is important
(Yassin et al., 2010). This subject has been explained in the following topic.
7. Typical pattern of waterfront development
Throughout history, waterfronts are the most ideal living area for human being to be able to
provide food, settling, reproduction, defence and learning etc. So, the many cities or towns
Urban Waterfront Regenerations 175
are established waters edge from the history of civilization to until today. Uruk, Erudu, Ur
and Babylon are an examples for early settlement about 6000 years ago (Hamamcolu, 2005;
Morena 2011). In case nowadays, the many cities or towns in China, England, Italy and
America can be given as an examples of waterfront settlement (Zhang, 2002).
Urban waterfronts have historically been the hub of transportation, trade and commerce
(Letourneur, 1993). Rafferty and Holst (2004), they are always connected with close by
means of reflecting immediately any change in social, economic, industrial environmental.
Historically, waterfronts arent planed carefully and consistently. Growth had been
inceasing and disconnected as a result, synthezis of numerous enterprise, activities and
decisions of political authority. Thus, every urban waterfront has its special history (Akkse,
Figure 5. Adapted from Wrenn et al. (1983), typical pattern of waterfront development phases
Wrenn et al. (1983), indicated the historical evolution of waterfront into four periods (Figure
5). These are explained briefly as follows:
a. Emergence of Waterfront Cities
The early American settlements, the waterfront and the city was directly contact.
Waters plays an essential role for trade activity and water tranportation. Settlements
were established and European immigrant colonies arrived. The movement of
production and people is provided between the two continent by sea route. A
settlements waterfront served to link the necessities of Europe with a familiar and
predictable environment (Zhang, 2002; Akkse, 2007; Yassin et al., 2010).
These settlements were established around a port with safe harbor suitable for cargo
and passenger ships (Figure 6). At this time, the waterfront has only a few trails
converging at a jetty. After, a street pattern was slowly installed. In this period, a larger
wood pier was usually established for ship. Also, buildings began to develop on the
street pattern. Though the rapid growth and development, the settlement still connect
with the waterfront a shoreline road (Akkse, 2007; Wrenn et al., 1983).
Advances in Landscape Architecture 176
Figure 6. Typical pattern of waterfront development (Phase 1) (Seattle Department of Planning and
Design, 2012)
b. Growth of Waterfronts
The first period of ports has converted contain of many functions ports with increase of
economic activities. At this time, the settlement became a city and maritime trade
stimulated urban development (Figure 7). The shoreline road turned into a busy street
providing services, supplies, and officespace for commercial activities. The waterfronts
became more important state and commerce escalated with the use of steamships.
Warehouses were constructed along the waterfront and these rows of warehouses
blocked the waters edge from the street. Also, in the former period used of wooden
piers replace by bigger docks made of stone and fill material. By filling out into the
water to expand docking and storage facilities. The rapid development waterfronts as a
port facility caused the formation of a port authority for managing the port activities
(Akkse, 2007; Wrenn et al., 1983).
At this period, railroad was introduced as a new mode of transportation. This required
some space from waterfront to service docks and install tracks. As a result of this
change, effectively severed the central city from the waterfront. Also, the waterfront
became increasingly congested. Since 1930s, elevated highways and interstate freeways
was built the shoreline to decrease this congestion. Offices and stores along the old
shoreline road were converted to warehouses (Wrenn et al., 1983; Zhang, 2002).
Figure 7. Typical pattern of waterfront development (Phase two) (Seattle Department of Planning and
Design, 2012)
Urban Waterfront Regenerations 177
At this time, transportation and industry become the only use of the waterfront. Beside,
in the previous period contact directly with water is lost as construction of warehouses,
railway and highway create a barrier to public access. In the meantime, the waterfront
environment deteriorated because of the industrial pollution. The water became dirty
and the waterfront began to lose its natural attraction to many urban residents. (Wrenn
et al., 1983; Letourneur, 1993).
c. Deterioration of Waterfronts
Rafferty and Holst (2004), until World War II, the loading-offloading activities of ship
was carried out in along time in a port areas (Figure 8). After the War, the amount of
load and speed of the loading-offloading increased with the development of
containerization technology (Akkse, 2007).
Figure 8. Typical pattern of waterfront development (Phase three) (Seattle Department of Planning and
Design, 2012)
Zhang (2002), the old port areas were too constricted for modern container ships and
equipment to maneuver easily, also Rafferty and Holst (2004), as cited in Akkse (2007)
water depth was not enough for approaching the ships. Millspaugh (2001), after World
War II, as a result of developments in maritime industry, thereby growing port
actitivies started to need new areas (Akkse, 2007). Thus, port activities moved to
outside the city. So, the old ports lost the role as the transportation and industry center.
With the construction of highways largely changed the transportation patterns and this
contributed to be abandoned the waterfronts areas. Also, people preferred the
highways to railroads because of their freedom of choice. Due to fewer people chose
railroad, the waterfront became even deteriorated (Zhang, 2002).
Beside these changes, increasing public interest over pollution contributed to the
waterfronts demise. With the introduction of stricter air and water pollution controls,
manufacturers began to leave the city. As a result, many ports fell into disuse. Also, the
railroads suffered because of decline of manufacturing plants and disinvestment.
Railroad yards on the waterfront were neglected. The waterfront virtually became a
deserted, inaccessible and unsafe area, further separating the urban core from the water
(Zhang, 2002; Wrenn et al., 1983).
Advances in Landscape Architecture 178
d. Rediscovery of waterfronts
In the waterfront areas of abandoned old ports was available several problems. The first
of these was caused pollution by the port and industrial activities. Second problem
should be obsolete infrastructure of the industrial areas which is surrounded by
abandoned warehouses and other port structures. In addition, the railroad and the
highway broke off the link between urban center and waterfront area and also
prevented interaction eachother (Akkse, 2007). Also, in the 1960s, people became
more concerned about environmental-city health and the misuse of natural resources.
Locals wanted to recover the aesthetic scenery of the waterfront which had been
neglected for years. As a result, the port's commercial failure caused reevolution of
waterfronts by private developers and city governments (Zhang, 2002). So, U.S.
Department of Commerce, NOAA and OCZM (1980), it was at this time that an
opportunity exists for the public use and a mix of recreational, residential, and
commercial uses were developed (Figure 9). The lost intimate connection was provided
again between the city and its waterfront. In the meantime, a new port to respond to
new technology was established outside the city where space was plentiful (Wrenn et
al., 1983; Letourneur, 1993).
Figure 9. Typical pattern of waterfront development (Phase four) (Seattle Department of Planning and
Design, 2012)
Waterfronts vary depending on many interrelated factors. These are a citys history and size,
its location, land structure and climate, the diversity of water-related uses and citys
management status. For this reasons, each waterfronts may be some variance in the typical
waterfront evolution pattern. But, one fact is common, urban waterfronts dramatically
changed because of the influence of social and technology factors. Finally, much more area
has been regained public use and access (Wrenn et al., 1983; Zhang, 2002).
8. Urban waterfront regeneration
With the rediscovery of the urban waterfronts, Sairinen and Kumpulainen (2006), as cited in
Pekin (2008) new laws were enacted to govern the structural changes in there and for this
goal, new planning methods were developed.
Urban Waterfront Regenerations 179
As most of the waterfront development projects arise in the larger context of urban renewal,
for these projects a number of other expressions are used similar to this phrase. But most of
these projects concentrate on the regenerating function. Such expression include waterfront
regeneration (e.g. in Wood and Handley, 1999; McCarthy 1996), waterfront revitalization
(e.g. in Goodwin, 1999; Hoyle, 2001), waterfront rehabilitation (e.g. in Hoyle & Pinder, 1981:
83), and waterfront redevelopment (e.g. in Gospodini, 2001; Gordon 1999) (Dong, 2004).
Also, the terms which is used in their development may vary according to studys border
and as a regional domain (Koca, 2011).
The interest of waterfront regeneration phenomenon emerged from North America in the
mid 1960s, with a rehabilitate of Baltimores Inner Harbour (Figure 10), a project that
transformed the degraded harbor zone to an urban leisure centre (Papatheochari, 2011; Al
Ansari, 2009; Goddard, 2002; Tastsoglou & Dimitra, 2012). Breen & Rigby (1996), Hoyle
(2001a), Shaw (2001), this phenomenon is characterized as a Baltimore Syndrome, is still in
full swing (Al Ansari, 2009).
Many factors are considered more as the sources of the phenomenon, except those
mentioned previously. But the two most essential are Connors (1986), Meyer (1999),
Norcliffe et al. (1996), Tunbridge (1988), the economic transition from industrial to post-
industrial service base and Clrake (1972), Cohen et al. (1997), Pinder and Witherick (1993),
Vitousek et al. (1997), the high concentration of population at waterside (on the riverine,
lacustrine, estuarine, and costal zones) locations (Al Ansari, 2009).
Tunbridge (1988), remarked that prompted a general revitalisation of US port-cities based
on several factors among which are changing demography, availability of cheap, residential
property, increasing heritage awareness, increasing quality of life awareness, the desire to
live closer to work and the increasing importance of urban tourism (Jones, 1998).
Also Jones (1998), indicated that the movement of waterfront in US is attributed to a few of
factors which have involved the following:
The inreasing amount of leisure time and the need for more recreational area,
The need to conserve historical and architectural heritage, because of being found old
dockland areas of the first American ports,
According to Breen & Rigby (1998), US Federal Government support by means of urban
regeneration action grants and other development tax incentives.
Tunbridge (1988), and Malone (1996), pointed out that the movement provides a parallel
thread to the overall urban regeneration process. Also, Wood (1965) suggested that waterfronts
are naturally prone to renewal and regeneration because they are usually in the oldest parts of
the city (Al Ansari, 2009).
According to Shaw (2001) the regarding theoretical work has always followed the practical
part of the process. Hoyle & Pinder (1992), Hoyle et al. (1988b), explained that the main bulk
of the regarding research started to accrue in North America in the 1970s and in Europe in
the 1980s (Al Ansari, 2009).
Advances in Landscape Architecture 180
Figure 10. (a) 1960s in Baltimore Inner Harbour (Kilduffs Baltimores Harbor, 2013), (b)
Present day (Anonymous, 2013a)
The first examples of waterfront regeneration came in the 1970s from cities in the North
America (Papatheochari, 2011). In case its applications became widespread in the 1980s in
there (Jones, 1998; Goddard, 2002). Generally, the waterfront regeneration varied to urban
interventions and politics of countries. For example, in North America Hoyle (2000), the
waterfront is considered to be part of the urban renewal process in North America, whereas
Hoyle (2000), (2001a), Tunbridge (1988) in Europe, it is regarded as a mere side-effect of the
changes in maritime transportation, however, in the UK, it is a component part of post-
industrial urban regeneration.
The American waterfront regeneration is consist of mixed uses including residential,
recreational, commercial, retail, service and tourist facilities. Mainly residential, recreational
and tourist-related uses were often the predominant than the others in this model. Also this
largely became the typical development model within the US. and this model was widely
accepted by other countries. The experience of Amerikan waterfront regeneration, especially
Baltimores Inner Harbour regeneration, influenced many in Europe (from Scandinavia, UK
and the Netherlands to Spain and all southern Europe) and worldwide (Australia, Japan,
Latin America, the Middle East and South Africa (Papatheochari, 2011; Jones, 1998).
English Tourist Board (1988), Hoyle et al. (1988), indicated that the most influential examples
of the US waterfront regeneration projects in worldwide are The Inner Harbour Baltimore,
Quincy Market Boston, The Pierhead Building New York, San Diegos waterfront village,
Giradelli Square and Pier 63 San Francisco (Jones, 1998).
To Jones (1998), since the mid 1980s the vocabulary of urban waterfront regeneration has been clearly
established in the minds of developers, local authorities and national government departments.
Beside, waterfront regeneration is viewed as a standart catalyst of inner area regeneration
for any city or town in the mid 1980-1990s (Goddard, 2002).
The widespread recognition of the phenomenon and its importance brought about the
establishment of research centres, such as The Waterfront Centre - Washington D.C. (1981),
Association Internationale Villes & Ports - Le Havre (1988), The International Centre Cities
Urban Waterfront Regenerations 181
on Water - Venice (1989). Aim of these enhance scientific studies and research about the
planning and design stages necessary for an effective development of waterfront area.
According to Waterfront Expo (2004) it is guessed that 55 billion is going to be spent on
waterfront projects between 2004 and 2009 (Al Ansari, 2009; Giovinazzi & Giovinazzi, 2008).
As a result, this phenomenon which began about fifty years ago, has been applied vigorously
in recent years on many waterfronts around the world (Tastsoglou & Dimitra, 2012).
The intensification of waterfront regeneration is really remarkable during the last decades as
waterfront cities began to develop postindustrial urban development strategies throughout
the 1970s, 1980s, and 1990s (, 2011).
9. Different typologies of urban waterfront regenerations
Hoyle (2000), urban waterfront regenerations arent just met a phenomenon which is in
post-industrial port cities. They are possible to see all kinds of waterside settlements which
includes waterfronts created on reclaimed wet or foreshore lands (Al Ansari, 2009). With
respect to aims of their classification is very difficult. Because, one regeneration has a few
aims at the same time. Moretti (2008) indicate different typologies of waterfront
regenerations as follow:
a. New Urban Expansion: This typology contains the waterfront areas which is built all
over again in available areas; and reclaimed old industrial or port areas. Some examples
of it can be given a Hafen City in Hamburg, and (Figure 11) on Lake Spandau and the
Bay of Rummelsburg, in Berlin (Moretti, 2008a; Giovinazzi & Giovinazzi, 2008).
Figure 11. A view of Lake Spandau in Berlin (Hellweg, 2013)
Advances in Landscape Architecture 182
b. Waterfronts and Great Events: In this one is establihed as a consequence of important
temporary events in the waterfront area such as the Expos (Figure 12): in Seville (1992),
Barcelona (1992, 2004), Genoa (1992 and 2004), Lisbon (1998), London (2000), Zaragoza
(2008). Afterward, new urban areas are developed around these areas like residental
and production area (Moretti, 2010).
Figure 12. Example visions of Expos (Moretti, 2008b)
c. New Urban Waterfront Itineraries: The waterfront regeneration implies innovative
consequences along the banks and in the surrounding areas. It provides public uses
along pedestrian paths. For example, Barcelonetta Beach and its environs (Figure 13)
which connects the port areas and river bank along the Thames in London (Figure 14)
with public uses like a jogging, walking and cycling etc. (Aksoy, 2006; Moretti, 2008a).
d. These settlements were established around a port with safe harbor suitable for cargo
and passenger ships (Figure 6). At this time, the waterfront has only a few trails
converging at a jetty. After, a street pattern was slowly installed. In this period, a larger
wood pier was usually established for ship. Also, buildings began to develop on the
street pattern. Though the rapid growth and development, the settlement still connect
with the waterfront a shoreline road (Akkse, 2007; Wrenn et al., 1983).
e. Reuse of Port Areas: This typology includes waterfront areas which is regenerated
former port areas. With re-use of these areas, the water is regained the heart of cities.
For instance, (Figure 15) Rotterdam (Moretti, 2008a).
f. Flood Defence: Some structures which is established for river flood defence can
represent a new opportunity for city expansion and for the establishment of new urban
uses. Three examples of this can be given. The first one is with green areas and
Urban Waterfront Regenerations 183
recreational uses like an open air festival and sport activities etc. The Donauinsel
(Danube Island) in Vienna (Figure 16a), as a created barrier island (Moretti 2008a). For
over 20 years at the end of June a couple million people gather at the Donauinsel for to
visit the biggest open air festival in Europe, the Donauinselfest (Anonim, 2013c). The
others are Guadalupe River (Figure 16b) in San Jos, California, USA and Porsuk
Stream in Eskiehir, Turkey.
Figure 13. (a) View from above Barcelonetta Beach in Spain (Anonymous, 2013), (b)
( public uses in the beach (Aksoy, 2006)
Figure 14. Thames River Bank provides public access to the river and cultural sites (Donofrio, 2007)
Advances in Landscape Architecture 184
Figure 15. Reuse of port areas such as Rotterdam in Holland (Moretti, 2008a)
Figure 16. (a) The Donauinselfest in Vienna (Anonymous, 2013d), (b) Guadalupe River in San Jos,
California, USA (nen, 2007)
g. Urban Beaches: Urban beaches are described by urban planners as an artificially created
environment in an urban areas. They show a distinctive and alternative mode of
reusing of waterfronts. Urban beaches are relatively unfixed due to temporary and
mobile. Their locations and uses may be change. They may be a seasonal (especially the
warmer months) installation over a roadway or a parking lot or a public park or a site
cleared by demolition. Urban beaches have a view of urban waterfronts, also in this
areas sometimes can be possible access to the water. These areas are compared with to
natural beach environments by using thematic objects such as a large volume of sand,
beach umbrellas, setting elements, palm trees and thatched huts. The first urban beach
in contemprorary was created in France. Use of urban beaches spread rapidly to major
city centres throughout Europe and in North America and Australia (Anonymous,
2013e; Stevens, 2011). Urban beaches not only provide a lot of recreational and sport
activities but also represent social activities as a sort of piazza (Moretti 2008). For
example, Strand Pauli in Hamburg, The Badeschiff on the Spree River in Berlin, Porsuk
Plage in Eskiehir, Paris Plage in Paris etc.
Urban Waterfront Regenerations 185
Figure 17. (a) Strand Paulion the banks of the Elbe River in Hamburg (Anonymous, 2013f), (b) The
Badeschiff on the Spree River, in Berlin (Anonymous, 2013g), (c) Porsuk Plage in Eskiehir (Original,
2010) Street beachs, (a) Paris Plage (Anonymous, 2011)
Urban Riverfront Regeneration: s the intersection between different aspects of urban life, the river
represents a community heritage and its riverfront demonstrates a great potential for becoming a
central axis in a new and articulated public space. Some examples of it can be the Cheong Gye
Cheon canal in Seoul, Houtan Park Shanghai in China (Figure 18), Brda River in Poland
(Figure 19a), Dark River Irwell in Manchester (Figure 19b), Hudson River Park in New York
(Figure 20a), Emscher Landschaftspark in Germany (Figure 20b).
Figure 18. Houtan Park, Shanghai (Landscape Architecture Foundation, 2013)
Advances in Landscape Architecture 186
Figure 19. (a) Brda River in Bydgoszcz in Poland (Original, 2012), (b) Dark River Irwell in Manchester
(APEM and Environment Agency, 2010)
Figure 20. (a) Hudson River Park, New York (Anonymous, 2013h), (b) Emscher Landschaftspark in
Germany (Anonymous, 2013; Cabe, 2010)
10. Benefits and risks of urban waterfront regeneration
Urban waterfront regeneration, which is phenomenon in global dimension, have a social,
economic and environmental benefits to the community. According to Papatheochari (2011),
Jones (2007) and Goddard (2002), the most pronounced benefits urban waterfront
regenerations are:
The increase in real estate property values,
The preservation historical and local heritage also re-use of historic building,
The improvement of water quality and water ecology by means of the advanced
management processes,
Providing of opportunities for new uses and activities,
Representing of new economic regeneration opportunites for declining inner city areas,
Attracting tourists not only at the regional level, but also nationally and internationally,
The provision of many new homes,
Providing new jobs,
The improvement of the environmental conditions,
Urban Waterfront Regenerations 187
The advancement of better services of transport and social service,
Providing of relationship between water and the city,
Encouring of economic investment on degraded areas,
With the improvement of the citys image which causes right marketing strategies.
Urban waterfront regeneration may also have some of the risks and the negative effects as
well as mentioned these benefits. The risks and negative effects of waterfront regeneration
explain as follow according to Morena (2011).
Standardization of the invertensions; When a regeneration invertension is a planned,
one of the greatest risks is to select. In short, models can be unconnected with area
under evaluation. The result often leads to a kind of disorientation where the identity of
the place is lost.
Little room to real estate logics; Sometimes, the final outcome does not correspond to the
projects initial objectives, and the the common good in terms of spaces, enjoyment and access,
is partly neglected in favour of property interests (Morena, 2011).
An excessively commercial-tourist functions; Domination of these functions over
residential and productive ones are an important risk. Because, these areas are usually
used a few hours a day and in the weekends. While about the project area is done
planing, in order to provide long term use of this area should be also added residential
use as an extra commercial-tourist (Morena, 2011).
The surronding of residental areas should be mixed both functionally and socially
(Giovinazzi & Moretti, 2010).
Aim of high profit level; The achievement of high profit level is considered important
rather than the quest for a high quality (Moretti, 2008a).
Free access to the waterfront; The aim in this project is provided relationship between
people and waterfront. So access of this areas should be free and indiscriminate.
Recently, such transformation have produced new bans and new areas reserved for just
a few categories (Morena, 2011).
Principles for successful development of urban waterfront areas
Waterfront plans are of vital importance to waterfront developments. According to Acosta
(1990) while the plan makes, three elements are considered: public access, walkways and open
spaces; urban design and landscaping; and land uses along the rivers edge (Dong, 2004).
The base of waterfront regeneration are integrated with water and city. So, public access and
open spaces more important for successful development of urban waterfront areas.
Accesibility of the water can be evaluated three formats: City-waterfront connectivity, inter-
waterfront zone continuity and waterfront-water connectivity. These were presented in
Figure 21.
Acosta (1990), urban design guidelines can protect the public interest by spelling out basic
standards for private development. In addition, criteria that are given out for urban design
guidelines should be simple and clearly stated; fully illustrated; remain consistent over time.
Adair et al., (2000) maintained that a master plan approach is essential so that investors can
realize the long-term commitment to a particular scheme (Dong, 2004).
Advances in Landscape Architecture 188
Figure 21. Figure 20. Accessibility of the Waterfront (Al Ansari, 2009)
Furthermore, aesthetic and functional effects of water should be gotten rich with plantal and
structural designs in urban waterfront regeneration plans.
Lynch, Spence, and Pearson (1976), land uses in urban waterfront areas should be
categorized by degree of integration with water (Dong, 2004). In this context water
dependcy is also important. Sairinen & Kumpulainen (2006) and Erdoan (2006), indicated
that a threefold classification of it is dependency is possible:
1. Water-dependent uses: Waterfront location is indispensable. Like a field of ferryboat,
marine terminals, ship repair and construction works, commercial huntings can be
given examples to this group.
2. Water-related uses: Because of in waterfront areas are uses that are in the condition of
advantageous. For example, industrial production fields, some storage facilities and
public spaces.
3. Water-independent uses: This group uses are neither dependent nor related to
waterfront. For instance, public parks, some commercial and service complexs.
Torre (1989) identified that the success of a waterfront development is only achieved once it
can function on all levels and benefit all stakeholders. Also, he/she point outed that 10
elements recommended to be taken into consideration while planning a waterfront
development to achieve the specific aims of a successful waterfront development (Yassin,
Bond and McDonagh, 2012). These were presented in Figure 22.
In addition, Bertsch (2008) recommended several principles that must be included while
developing plans for waterfront areas: (i) accessibility, (ii) integrated, (iii) sharing benefits,
(iv) stakeholder participation, (v) construction phase (Yassin et al., 2012).
Also Wang (2008), have examined samples of waterfront regeneration in USA, UK and
Europe. According to this, he/she suggested that the waterfront regeneration will be
succeeded if the following aspects have been followed:
Urban Waterfront Regenerations 189
i. Waterfront should be define and the future role of waterfront in the city should be
ii. The master plan should be make, the participation of the communities and developers
in the earliest stage,
iii. Physical and economic conditions should be fostered for the waterfront regeneration,
iv. Public authorities, private organisations and community groups should be worked
v. The master plan shoul be reviewed in order to to respond the market change and to
reduce the financial risk.
Figure 22. Figure 21. Torre (1989), elements for successful waterfront development (Yassin et al., 2012)
Principles for a sustainable development of urban waterfront areas
In the present day, to Thomas (2003), 2.8 billion people worldwide live in urban areas. They
are great magnets to most humans with offered social and economic opportunities as well as
facing several problems such as air, water and noise pollution, lack of open and green areas
and inadequate transportation. It is predicted that by the end of the 21st century three-
quarters of the world's population will be urban. There is no doubt that this demographic
trend will increase more the existing negative effects on urban environment. These urban
issues are handled within the framework of sustainability (Vasconcelos Silva, 2006).
Water is basic source of life for the living. At the same time, it is an ecological, economic and
social benefits for the cities.
Areas which is seen these benefits are waterfronts. To be benefited from those should be
provided a sustainable developments in these areas.
Sustainability is evaluated three dimensions: economic, environmental and social. These
three dimensions must be combined at all levels (Vasconcelos Silva, 2006).
Advances in Landscape Architecture 190
Giovinazzi & Moretti (2010) indicated the 10 principles, which were developed by Cities on
Water in collaboration by Wasserstadt GmbH, Berlin, in the course of international
seminars, were approved in the context of the initiatives for the Global Conference on the
Urban Future (URBAN 21) held in Berlin in July 2000 and in the course of the EXPO 2000
World Exhibition, for a sustainable develpoment of urban waterfront areas. Also, Benson
(2002), highlighted 9 lessons, which were experience of the Waterfront Regeneration Trust in
The Lake Ontario Waterfront Trail, for success in regeneration. The some of these lessons
overlaped with sustainability principles.
According to them, principles for a sustainable development of urban waterfront area were
explained as follow.
1. Secure the quality of water and the environment
Bruttomesso (2001), Krieger (2004), Locklin (1999), White (1991), the quality of the water is
an important dimension that could affect the waterfront, particularly its accessibility and the
variety of its uses (Al Ansari, 2009). For this reasons, the quality of water in the system of
streams, rivers, canals, lakes, bays and the sea is a prerequisite for all waterfront
developments. So, the water need to be treated to achieve good water quality and also,
create better sense of smell for the public. Aspect of quality environment is an important
element in dealing space for public comfort and health (Giovinazzi & Moretti 2010;
Shaziman et al., 2010).
The municipalities (local managements) are responsible for the sustainable recovery of
derelict and neglect banks and contaminated water (Giovinazzi & Moretti 2010).
2. Waterfronts are part of the existing urban fabric
Waterfront development plans must ensure that waterfronts are reconnected to urban
fabric. That is to say new waterfronts should be considered as an integral part of the existing
city and contribute to its vitality. So, these plans should be based to develop on overall
urban planning and also conserved the qualities of public areas (Benson, 2002; Giovinazzi &
Moretti, 2010; Hou, 2009). Beside, waterfront green areas should be considered whole city
system (Kaynak!!)
Furthermore, water is a part of the urban landscape and should be used for specific
functions such as waterborne transport, recreation, culture and aesthetic etc. (Giovinazzi &
Moretti, 2010).
3. The historic identity gives character
Collective heritage of water and city, of events, landmarks, existing architecture and nature
should be utilised to give the waterfront redevelopment character and meaning. Especially,
the preservation of the industrial past is an integral element of sustainable redevelopment
for in post-industrial port cities (Giovinazzi & Moretti, 2010). So, natural and cultural
landscape should be conceived together.
Urban Waterfront Regenerations 191
With these aims, while waterfront green areas plan, they should be combined with cultural
landscape. In this manner, continuity of urban historical context will be provided. Beside,
the vitality of waterfront landscape will be enhanced (Anonymous, 2013i).
4. Mixed use is a priority
Urban waterfronts are the interface between water and land (Wrenn et al., 1983). While
apply uses select, uses that require access the water should be priority as water function is in
the foreground. Waterfronts should celebrate water by offering a diversity of cultural,
commercial and housing uses (Giovinazzi & Moretti, 2010).
5. Public access is a prerequisite
Bertsch (2008), as cited in Yassin et al. (2012), the urban waterfront should not be isolated or
separated from the development, so that the public can access the waterfront easily.
Waterfronts should be both physically and visually accessible for locals and tourists of all
ages and income at any time. Visual access to the waterfront area is enhanced by providing
series of view corridors. The accessibility to the waterfront for pedestrians is maximized by
providing physical linkages from the urban core areas. Also, public areas should
constructed in high quality (Figure 23) to allow intensive use (Giovinazzi & Moretti, 2010; Al
Ansari, 2009; Shaziman, et al., 2010). As technology develop, it is subject use of lots new kind
of material (Figure 1) in this area (Hou, 2009). So, that should be considered in planning and
designing phase.
Figure 23. An examples of innovative designs, Dark River Irvel in Manchester (APEM and
Environment Agency, 2010)
6. Make the waterfront a community priority
Once a vision for the waterfront is determined and development (or regeneration) should be
handled not just for local residents and businesses but essentially for the community as its
priority (Benson, 2002).
7. Planning in public private partnerships speeds the process
Waterfront development connects people and spaces. It requires cooperation to reach a
common objective (Benson, 2002). So, new waterfront developments should be planned in
Advances in Landscape Architecture 192
form of public-private partnerships. Public authorities must guarantee the quality of the design,
supply infrastructure and generate social equilibrium. Private developers should be involved from the
start to insure knowledge of the markets and to speed the development (Giovinazzi & Moretti,
8. Secure strategic public investment and attract private resources
Preservation of strategic public investments and luring private resources would have an
increasing effect on utilization of waterfronts in long term. Entrepreneurial leadership, and
strong, strategic planning attract investment of private sectors (Benson, 2002).
9. Public participation is an element of sustainability
Sustainable waterfront development should be developed not only in ecological and
economical aspects but also socially. For this reason, the planning processes must be
transparent and they must provide meaningful opportunities for the involvement of people.
In other words the community should be informed and involved in discussions
continuously from the start (Figure 24). Such an approach should be necessarily taken into
consideration as an important element for sustainability and good planning of waterfront
development (Giovinazzi & Moretti, 2010; Benson, 2002).
Figure 24. Public involvement in Newark Riverfront Regeneration Plan (Booker, Pryor and Rich, 2010)
10. Waterfronts are long term projects
Waterfronts need to be regenerated step by step so the entire city can benefit from their
potentials. They are a challenge for more than one generation and need a variety of characters
both in architecture, public space and art. Public administration must give impulses on a
political level to ensure that the objectives are realized independently of economic cycles or short-
term interests (Giovinazzi & Moretti, 2010).
11. Regeneration is an ongoing process
All master planning must be based on the detailed analysis of the principle functions and
meanings the waterfront is concerned. Plans should be flexible, adapt to change and
incorporate all relevant disciplines. To encourage a system of sustainable growth, the
management and operation of waterfronts during the day and at night must have equal
priority to building them (Giovinazzi & Moretti, 2010).
Urban Waterfront Regenerations 193
12. It requires a multidisciplinary work
The regeneration of waterfronts is a highly complex task. For this reason, participation and
collaboration of several occupational disciplines is required both in its planning and
application (Giovinazzi & Moretti, 2010).
13. Look beyond your boundaries
According to Spirn (1994), although problems caused by urbanization may differ from city
to city and from country to country, they have a lot in common (Arslan 1996). Approach of
the countries and cities which succeeded in solving those problems should be examined and
considered. Accordingly, when waterfront regeneration is also concerned, data, service and
products at both national and international level should be shared and exchanged by means
of a vision overreaching the borders. This reality means that the waterfront has become a
place of international interest and significance. Thats a vital economic reality and also a
huge opportunity for the country or city to attract new investment, and to continue to learn
from others engaged in regeneration (Benson, 2002).
11. Case studies
11.1. Porsuk Stream, Eskiehir, Turkey
According to Anonim (2005), Ulu (2005), Eskiehir which was only a small settlement with
under 30.000 residents until the period of the Republic increased the number of its
population to 706.009 by 2000 with a rise of 4,5 times. Until 2001, Porsuk Stream and its
banks within the city of Eskisehir has been exposed to intensive pressures because of the
increasing number of the city population, and the following inaccurate use of the related
lands. As a result, the stream has become almost an open sewage running through the city
(Pekin, 2008).
Eskisehir Greater Municipality took into consideration the fact that a city with a river
running through is always under threat of possible floods and also the recent earthquake
disaster (August 17, 1999) the city experienced and so initiated the Project of Porsuk Stream
in 2001 (Figure 24) with the support of European Investment Bank with the aim of
protecting the city from the damages of natural disasters and also minimizing the effects.
This project is performed as the Project to Lessen the Damages of the Natural Disasters
(Component 2) which is part of the Urban Development Projects with three main
components (Bykeren & Efelerli, 2005). This project includes the 12 km long part of
Porsuk Stream running through the city center.
This project is basically project of flood defence, river rehabilitation was done to get over
flood in a manner safe. The issue of floods in Eskiehir was examined by State Water Affairs
in the frame of Porsuk Basin Water Administration Plan. In addition to this study, Porsuk
Stream Urban Transition Rehabilitation Project was prepared. The according precautions
may be summed up as follows (1) Building Sarsu Flood Detention Dam since Sarsu Stream
which flows into Porsuk Stream within the city has an increasing effect on flood risk, (2)
Advances in Landscape Architecture 194
Construction of Sarsu and Porsuk sand traps in order to detent swept down dregs and dirt
and also cleaning of these traps before and after the flood season (3) Restoration of 9.6 km
part of Porsuk Stream bed (4) Building nine bridges for vehicles, examination of four
bridges for pedestrians against earthquake risk and building four new bridges for
pedestrians (5) Construction of eight buildings for controlling water level in order to render
the regulation of the river flow uniform in the restored parts and maintain full flow (6)
Equipping water level buildings with automatic sensors which make them mobile in order to
prevent those buildings to become any handicap during floods, (7) Rehabilitation of main
irrigation canals that consists 3408 m. left bank and 5100 m. right bank (Bykeren & Efelerli
2005). Anonim (2006c), Beside, the stream flow is regulated by Porsuk Dam (Pekin, 2008). Also,
it has been necessary to equip the water level buildings with boat transfer shutters in order not
to prevent the waterborne transport within the stream (Bykeren & Efelerli 2005).
Figure 25. Porsuk Stream in Eskiehir in Turkey Porsuk ay (a) before; (b) in application; (c) now
(Eskiehir Greater Municipality, 2006)
Smooth parts revived after the restoration process made waterborne transport on the stream
possible. In addition, a comprehensive landscape project was prepared to accommodate the
restoration to the very surrounding of the stream (Figure 26). According to this, a footpaths,
recreational areas and parks was done on the banks and its environs (Bykeren & Efelerli
Figure 26. (a) The water transport (Eskiehir Greater Municipality, 2006), and (b) Canoe competitions
on the Porsuk Stream (Anonymous, 2013j), (c) Footpaths Eskiehir Greater Municipality, 2006).
Urban Waterfront Regenerations 195
11.2. Hafen City, Hamburg, Germany
The city of Hamburg is located on the river Elbe which flows into the North Sea as
Germanys second largest city and host to Europes second-largest port (Waterfront
Communities Project, 2007). While the important parts of the port are now located on the
south bank of the river Elbe, most of the northwestern bank has become disused for port
functions until 1997 and has thus been regenerated for urban use (Hans, 2008; Erkk, 2009).
This regeneration area described as Hafen City. The Hafencity or harbour city Project
(Figure 27) offers an amazing opportunity on the banks of the river Elbe. Because of its
proximity to the central area, the project has the potential to become a comfortable extension
to the city centre (Appleton, 2005). This project area ( takes place
between the historic Speicherstadt warehouse district and the River Elbe, there will be a new
city with a mixed uses. According to Hafencity Hamburg GmbH (2006), the area
occasionally getting flooded required a smart solution for this problem, not cutting off land
from water by high defenses. With the exception of the waterfront promenades, the entire
area will be raised by 7.50 to 8.00 meters above mean sea level, creating a new and
distinctive topography while preserving access to the water (Erkk, 2009). Beside, residental
areas and promenades will be fixed on concrete piles (Mimdaporg, 2008). In the Project area,
elevated footpaths, waterproof parking basements and the accessible waterfronts, as part of
the new emergency infrastructure, have provided a successful combination of safety and
spatial quality of urban spaces. As a solution for the accessibility of water at all tides in the
very high quays, Enric Miralles designed a descending landscape of surfaces (Figure 28, 29)
(Erkk, 2009).
Figure 27. In application River Elbe, Hafencity in Hamburg (Bruns, 2012)
Advances in Landscape Architecture 196
The project which includes an area of 155 hectares, is currently under construction and
application of it includes an ambitious 25 years period. When it is fully realised, Hafencity
will have 5,500 apartments, 20,000 work places, 20 hectares of public open space and major
cultural facilities to this waterfront. Also it involves approximately 10 km of quayside
promenades (Appleton, 2005; Erkk, 2009).
It is the largest inner city development project in Europe. With Hafencity project will be
enlarged city center by 40 % and also it will be home 10000-12000 inhabitants (Erkk, 2009;
Hans, 2008).
Figure 28. A waterfront terraces and the descending landscape of surfaces (Schneider, 2010)
Figure 29. A views of public uses in Hafencity (Bruns, 2012)
Urban Waterfront Regenerations 197
Beside, in Hafencity Project points out with a highly attractive public transport system.
According to this, pedestrian ways (Figure 29) are more dominant than vehicle ways. Also
70 % of pedestrian ways are away from the streets and bicycle paths take place in the area
(Hans, 2008; Mimdaporg, 2008).
In this project was considered sustainability principles. There was noticed economic use of
energy. In this context, eco-friendly building materials were used (Mimdaporg, 2008).
Numereous Projects which are developed by different architects, are together in Hafencity
(Mimdap, 2008). Cultural highlights of the project range from the striking landmark
Elbphilarmonie Concert Hall (Figure 30a), to International Maritime Museum of Hamburg
(Figure 30b) and the new urban plazas being used for smaller events (Erkk, 2009). Beside,
with reuse of warehouse, bridge and cranes were provided to integrate the historical texture
and waterfront (Waterfront Communities Project, 2007).
Figure 30. (a) Elbphilarmonie Concert Hall, (b) International Maritime Museum of Hamburg
(Schneider, 2010)
11.3. The Cheonggyecheon Canal in Seoul
Cheonggyecheon (clear valley stream) (Figure 31) is a former seasonal waterway in the
city center of Seoul, South Korea and fallen into Han River. Between 1958 and 1976, the
stream was covered and Cheonggye Road and Elevated Expressway were built above it. Per
day, combined traffic counts on both roads were approximately 168000 vehicles and stream
have continued to exist as a sewage canal (Seattle Urban Mobility Plan, 2008; nen, 2007).
In the year 2000, a study by the Korean Society of Civil Engineering discovered that serious
repair works should be done for three years to adress deficiencies of the road and elevated
structure. Also the Cheonggye area become the most congested and noisy part of Seoul.
When Lee Myung-bak was elected Mayor of Seoul in 2001, one of his key campaign
promises was to remove this freeway and restore the Cheonggyecheon Stream. So, instead
of repairing the elevated highway structure, the politicians at the time decided to restore the
historical stream underneath the structure. Thus, a project studies was begun in July 2003
and it became the largest urban reneval project underteaken in Korean history (Martires,
2007; The Preservation Institute, 2007).
Advances in Landscape Architecture 198
Figure 31. Before (a) and after (b) Cheonggye Expressway (Seattle Urban Mobility Plan, 2008)
According to Martires (2007), Seoul Metropolitan Government (2009) the aims of the Project
are as follow:
Creation of environment-friendly urban space,
Restoration of historicity and culture of Seoul,
Solution for safety problem of deteriorating structure over Cheonggyecheon,
Balanced regional development between north and south of Seoul,
To improve the citys water quality,
Stimulate economic growth.
There was a two problem related to in application the Project. One of the problem is being
lived congestion in North Seoul with the replacement of roads which is in position of main
artery. And the other that closed stream is dry except during summer months (nen, 2007).
Between 2003 and 2005, the highway was removed and stream recovered. As a result, the
problem of drought was solved by bringing water from Han River and water depth was 40
cm. The stream is the center piece of a 5,8 km linear park. New two lane, one-way streets are
on each side of the park (nen, 2007; Seattle Urban Mobility Plan, 2008).
The Project divided into three sections (Figure 32) and planning each section with specific
themes, history (tradition), culture-urban (present age), and nature (future). Also, Three
each teams which was civil engineering, landscape architecture and other disciplines
worked together in the each sections (Seoul Metropolitan Government, 2009; Lee, 2006;
nen, 2007).
New Cheonggyecheon provides an uninterrupted tract of green space covering 276650 m
along 5.8 km of the stream. The Project based on technology and creativity. The basic
concept of the landscape design is to implement the image of Urban Stream with Nature.
Main Concepts of Landscape Arragments are considered as follows (nen, 2007; Lee, 2013).
To create green areas with concept of continuous space along 5.8 km of the stream,
To transform from urban landscape to natural structure as gradual,
To create thematic areas like ecological parks, fountain and waterfall,
To provide the optimal balance between exploitation and ecology,
Urban Waterfront Regenerations 199
Figure 32. Three sections of the Project (Lee, 2006)
A number of 22 bridges take place over stream. The seven of their are only pedestrian way,
the others are mixed as pedestrian and vehicle way. And also historic bridges (e.g.
Gwanggyo Bridge) were restored. The bridges that span the restored waterway have been
designed to reflect the character of their neighborhoods ((Martires, 2007; nen, 2007).
The lighting scheme has been designed to give the stream and neighborhood a distinctive
character (Figure 33) at night (Martires, 2007).
Figure 33. The Cheonggyecheon Canal at night (The Preservation Institute, 2007)
Along the stream (Figure 34), small squares, art works, waterfront decks were built for
citizens and biotopes were introduced for plants, fishes and birds. The streambed of upper
reach is mostly built with stone to resist scouring. Slope walls of 41,889 m separating roads
from the stream with a height of 2 to 6.5 m were newly built, and the surface of the wall was
covered with granite plate to recreate the past image of masonry wall.
Advances in Landscape Architecture 200
The construction cost was 386 million (USD). In the 15 months after its opening, the park
attracted approximately 90,000 visitors per day, 30% of them from outside the metropolitan
area (Lee, 2013; Seattle Urban Mobility Plan, 2008).
Figure 34. Cheonggyecheon: (a) Art installation, (b) Marathon (Martires, 2007)
Author details
Umut Pekin Timur
ankr Karatekin University, Faculty of Forestry,
Department of Landscape Architecture,
ankr, Turkey
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Section 2
Landscape Design
Chapter 8
Eco-Revelatory Design
Nurgl Konakl Arsoy
Additional information is available at the end of the chapter
1. Introduction
Built environments ignore peoples need and their potential for learning. The negative
effects related to the ignorance of natural systems in human development are evident.
Making natural cycles and processes visible bring the designed environment back to life.
Effective design helps inform us of our place within nature. Landscape architects have
developed theories and methodologies which represent a new, ecologically oriented
approach to design.
Eco-revelatory design (ERD) is an ecological design concept in the field of landscape
architecture means a design strategy that attempts to enhance site ecosystems as well as
engage users by revealing ecological and cultural phenomena, processes and relationships
affecting a site [1]. Landscape architects reveal nature through their form, materials and
formation, and they also reveal the nature of the person who designed them.
ERD is a new approach to landscape architecture, one where ecological processes and the
environment is a fundamental determinant of the design.
ERD is a different exposition and interpretation updated version- of design. It is an
integrative and ecologically responsible design. It is a partnership between people and nature.
ERD attempts to enhance site ecosystems and engage users by revealing ecological and
cultural phenomena, processes, and relationships affecting a site. It aspires to reveal endemic
ecological process and affords a more direct connection between fundamental ecological
process and the phenomenological experience of landscape. It is important to involve using
knowledge about how interact with environment to form objects and spaces with skill and
artistry [4]. This approach to design should be applied not only to urban sides, but also to non-
urban sides such as wetlands, arboretums. The theory has received heavy criticism about its
ability to absorb an audience in ecological understanding or improve site conditions [2,3].
Another criticism about ERD is some designs make tangible improvements in local
ecological health while others are symbolic gestures [2]. It is adequate for people to develop
Advances in Landscape Architecture 210
ecological perception by means of the visibility of ecological process in design. The theory
has received heavy criticism about its ability to absorb an audience in ecological
understanding or improve site conditions.
It aspires to reveal endemic ecological process and affords a more direct connection between
fundamental ecological process and the phenomenological experience of landscape. It is
important to involve using knowledge about how interact with environment to form objects
and spaces with skill and artistry (Ndubisi, 2002). This approach to design should be
applied not only to urban sides, but also to non-urban sides such as wetlands, arboretums.
They are typically designed landscapes that elucidate natural phenomenon such as the
cleansing action of wetlands. Ecorevelatory landscapes have also been referred to as
educational and enlightening. They are reference sites for what we understand about our
environment and its workings. Designs can convey knowledge through direct experience as
well as by interpretation. Interpretation seeks to create connections between the resources
that are being interpreted and relevant everyday knowledge that everyone has by engaging
emotions, creating experiences, and entertaining ideas through engagement [5]. By
highlighting the particular ecological relationships at any given site, such design can
punctuate and enliven our environment and sensitize us to what is known about its
interlocking complexities [1]. These sites often still use traditional interpretive media such
as wayside exhibits and publications to fully convey their meaning and function, but eco-
revelatory design can bring to light processes that usually remain unseen and forgotten.
2. History
This study explores descriptive theory, principals, techniques and practice of eco-revelatory
design, can help to plan a sustainable development, which uses and reveals natural systems
to reconciling human systems and its effects on the surrounding environment. The goal of
this study, therefore, is to generate ideas and to begin a discussion about how the design
within an eco-revelatory framework will be.
Most of the eco prefixes such as eco-city, eco-technique, eco-efficient was began to used
nineties; also ERD emerged in 1998 as a new theory within the field of landscape architecture.
The term and practice of ERD was coined from an exhibit Nature Constructed/Nature
Revealed sponsored by the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign. Two predominant
schools of thought, one insistently cultural and the other assertively ecological, reigned over
the conceptual and theoretical dialog in landscape design and planning. In 1998 a group of
practitioners and landscape scholars published a special issue of Landscape Journal as a
catalogue and record of the exhibition Eco-Revelatory Design: Nature Constructed/Nature
Revealed. Brenda Brown, Terry Harkness, and Douglas Johnston chaired the exhibition and
served as guest editors of the journal (Figure 1). The exhibit opened at the University of
Illinois in 1998 and closed at the Washington DCs National Building Museum in 2000.
Brown identifies three areas of investigation on landscapes as/of sound: listening gardens,
sound, or listening trails, and sound designs [3]. She is particularly interested in what she
Eco-Revelatory Design 211
calls the reciprocal revelations of landscapes and sounds, how sounds can reveal
landscapes and how landscapes can reveal sounds. She is therefore also concerned with
how people perceive, understand and engage with landscapes.
ERD roots are based on ecologically minded landscape architects such as Ian McHarg and
Frederick Law Olmsted but they didnt use the term as ERD. These landscape architects
created works to foster function in natural systems and processes aesthetically. Ian McHarg
was accepted as the first person who to apply his ecological knowledge into design. He began
advocating the use of ecology as a basis for design in the early 1960s. He accomplished his goal
of merging design with ecology. He gave importance of ecological principles in design.
Thirty years ago, in Design with Nature, McHarg proposed a system of ecological inventories
to help explain the way natural processes may influence regional and urban planning and
design [6]. Also, it makes the case for an ecological approach to design. McHarg gave a new
dimension to the historical goal of 'imitating nature' (mimesis). He was concerned both with
Figure 1. Eco-revelatory design exhibit
Figure 2. Central Park, NYC
Advances in Landscape Architecture 212
the practicalities of 'design with nature' and with the aesthetic results of a naturalist
approach to landscape and garden design. It was demanded that local landscapes should
follow ecological principles that implied that landscape could not represent some particular
claim of social identity.
In the second half of the 19th century, Frederick Law Olmsted completed a series of parks
which continue to have a huge influence on the practices of Landscape Architecture today.
Among these were Central Park in New York City (Figure 2), Prospect Park in Brooklyn
(Figure3), New York and Boston's Emerald Necklace park system (Figure 4).
Figure 3. Prospect Park in Brooklyn
Figure 4. Boston's Emerald Necklace park system
The Emerald Necklace consists of a 1,100-acre (4.5 km
) chain of parks linked by parkways
and waterways in Boston and Brookline, Massachusetts.
Eco-Revelatory Design 213
Several components of the Emerald Necklace pre-date the plan to unite them. Some links of
the Emerald Necklace not only offer an opportunity for recreation in a wooded
environment, but are also ecologically important urban wilds that provide nesting places for
migratory birds, fishes and other animals and improve the air quality of the city. The
Emerald Necklace Project successfully ties together conservation, land restoration, sewage
treatment, solid waste disposal, recreation, transportation, and water and visual quality [7].
The park system provides opportunities for people to learn about natural systems by
enjoying, observing, and appreciating these systems.
Today, landscape architects recognize the effects of ignorance on natural systems in human
development. So they coined a new design approaches.
Arcata Marsh is one of the ERD examples of today design approach. The Arcata Marsh and
Wildlife Sanctuary was constructed in 1981 (Figure 5). The City of Arcata incorporated
wastewater treatment to the system in 1986. The City of Arcata's unique wastewater
treatment facility, marsh, and wildlife sanctuary attracts approximately 150,000 visitors per
year [8]. Arcata's wastewater treatment plant is an example of a community involvement in
environmental politics, innovative uses of land, and applications of appropriate technology
in a small urban community. The Arcata Wastewater Treatment Plant combined with the
Arcata Marsh and Wildlife Sanctuary has multiple uses, including wastewater treatment,
recreation, wildlife habitat, education, and research. The residents of Arcata who stroll by
the wetland can, for instance; see that wastewater treatment wetlands can be important
habitat for fish and birds, as well as an energy-efficient, biologically based method of
controlling water pollution. The experience of the Arcata wetland shows that ecological
processes can be brought into a constructive partnership with human settlements.
Figure 5. The Arcata Marsh and Wildlife Sanctuary
Students are centrally involved in the original design and development of the Marsh's
constructed wetland water treatment system, and they continue to play a key role through
projects and research geared towards the continued optimization of the system.
Advances in Landscape Architecture 214
The second example for ERD is the Gateway Business Center - post-industrial area- is a 25-
acre site consisting of 10 industrial tilt-up buildings located at the San Gabriel Mountain
foothills on a great alluvial fan that crosses the San Gabriel Valley on its way to the Pacific
Ocean. The site concept transformed an industrial building environment into a sustainable
and nature-inspiring experience. The layout of cairns act as way finding and directional
markers and add to the overall landscape display and experience of bioswales, infiltration
zones, rain harvesting, solar canopies and an array of recycled materials.
The site landscape is designed to mimic the natural feel of the local native landscape
character and capture it into the renovated industrial complex. The goal is to create
biophilia (an instinctive bond between man and nature). The bioswale has taken the place
of the previous concrete swale, while the concrete catch basin remains to collect any
additional runoff in a deluge, and as a reminder of the previous form of site storm water
drainage. More than 95 percent of the runoff water in this parking lot is captured.
The storm garden is irrigated by the adjacent rain harvesting tanks. A natural wash picks up
excess rainwater and roof water not captured by the parking lot bioswale. [9] (Figure 6)
Figure 6. The Storm Garden of Gateway Business Center
3. Design and ecology relationship
Design is the intention that redefines how we relate to each other and our environment.
The process of designing places and artefacts are opportunities to reimagine a new
relationship with our environment, especially when it seems remote or difficult to create.
Design that reveals hidden systems, whether ecological or economic, is a powerful way to
meet the challenges of ecologically benign communities. Landscape design is a discipline
which transfer the knowledge developed in landscape ecology to application [10].
Eco-Revelatory Design 215
The term ecology, like the term landscape, has multiple meanings. Ecology has historically
focused on pristine, natural environments, however, by the 1970s many ecologists began to
turn their interest towards the ecological interactions taking place in, and caused by urban
environments. Urban ecology is recognized as a diverse and complex concept which differs
in application between North America and Europe. The European concept of urban ecology
examines the biota of urban areas while to the North American concept which has
traditionally examined the social sciences of the urban landscape as well as the ecosystem
fluxes and processes.
Environmental knowledge have been part of the intent of design in landscape architecture
and various conceptions and methodologies have been improved for measuring the
environmental consequences of design.
Nassauer and Opdam define design as intentional change of landscape pattern, for the
purpose of sustainably providing ecosystem services while recognizably meeting societal
needs and respecting societal values [11]. Design is both a product, landscape pattern
changed by intention, and the activity of deciding what that pattern could be.
Ecology plays a big role in ERD. Disciplines in applied ecology such as urban ecology,
landscape ecology etc. helps planning and design practice in landscape architecture. These
disciplines help put theories into practice. The most important thing is to find how to use
ecological thinking in design.
4. Landscape architecture and landscape ecology
Landscape architecture is informed by scientific knowledge and aspires to provide aesthetic
expressions in landscapes across a range of spatial scales. Landscape ecology has been
defined as the study of the effect of landscape pattern on process, in heterogeneous
landscapes, across a range of spatial and temporal scales [12]. The logical reasons for
integrating these two fields are clear and compelling, with a great potential to support
sustainable landscapes through ecologically based planning and design.
Proponents of ERD recognized that landscape architecture alters and directs both cultural
and ecological systems. Furthermore, they acknowledged landscape architects capacity to
direct human experience and reveal, through design, aspects of ecology and culture. This
integrated approach provides opportunity for people to place themselves in and as part of
an interconnected socio-ecologic world, reinforcing the relationships between humans and
the bio-geosphere.
Landscape ecology is defined as a problem-oriented science [13]. It has developed from the
growing awareness of environmental problems since the nineteen seventies. Spatial
planning and landscape design are disciplines which transfer the knowledge developed in
landscape ecology to application. To optimize this process of knowledge transfer, landscape
ecology must co-evolve with spatial planning [14]. The development of ecologically
sustainable landscapes requires that patterns of future landscapes sustain the necessary
Advances in Landscape Architecture 216
ecological processes in the landscape. Therefore, we must know how landscape patterns
relate to these processes.
Humans are the driving force behind urban ecology and influence the environment in a
variety of ways, such as modifying and altering land surfaces and waterways, introducing
foreign species. In this context, changes between human-environment affect the styles of
landscape design directly.
However, the present concept of ecological design and its interpretation in this sense does
not refer to information charts or written explanations, which people encounter at places
like zoological gardens or arboretums.
Generally, ecological designs blend with their contexts and results in a diffuse visual
pattern [15]. Consequently, this perceptual subtlety can make ecological landscapes
difficult for inhabitants to recognize and care about. ERD make ecological considerations
perceivably a visible part of landscape experience. It achieve this is by benefiting from the
contrast between cultural and ecological domains. One way to achieve this is by exploiting
the power of contrast, particularly the contrast between cultural and ecological domains.
Ecological design has tended to diffuse edges to provide transition.
We can use basic principles of landscape ecology in landscape design. Such as linear parks,
neighbourhood parks, playgrounds as for patch, greenways for corridor.
Every human directly or indirectly contributes towards enriching as well as degrading the
quality and experience of cities. In order to create a successful ecological design it is
important to recognize and interpret the historic and cultural significance of the landscape.
In other words, eco-revelatory design expands by hitching human habitat and their
inevitable cultural determinants in to an environmentally inclusive vision [16].
Farina observed that landscape design is an important component in practical landscape
ecology as it expresses the relationship of spatial patterns and processes in a practical
manner [17]. It provides in depth understanding on wildlife habitats and movements and
biological interdependency within a region. The two disciplines should be complementary
People use land for its scenic and recreational uses. Thus, the aesthetic use is important for
them. However, natural systems are the important part of the designing decisions.
It is important to understand the social and cultural backgrounds and expectations of the
society who use the land are determinant. It depends on two factors [18], in how people
experience and use their landscapes, and their understanding of ecological processes.
It is important to organize a linkage between cultural expectations and ecological process.
Man made land uses affect the ecological system activities such as wildlife crossing and
subsurface water movement. Lyle has explained the following six basic ecological processes
that are vital for operational integrity of natural systems [19].
In order to participate creatively in natural processes and to do so with reasonable hope of
success, we need to include as subject of design the inner workings of the landscape, the
Eco-Revelatory Design 217
systems that motivate and maintain it, and reveal them through creative, imaginative, and
visible form of the landscape [19].
5. Theory
A design theory is a procedure for how to set about a design project. The classical twentieth
century approach to landscape design has been Survey-Analysis- Design (SAD). It has been
elevated to the status of a design methodology and cruelly overworked. The resultant places
lacked clarity of intention. The intention of ERD is to connect people with the natural
environment. A dynamic balance between natural environment and society, intended to
reveal and interpret (resolve and educate the relationship between user and the designed
area ) and finally to provide awareness on ecological understanding.
Most of the landscape designers style ignores natural systems and have only one purpose,
primarily focused on aesthetics. ERD has to combine aesthetics and science. It is one of the
endeavours that contribute to rediscovering aesthetics. It is hard to measure aesthetics
outcome statistically or collectively. But can measure the environmental effects in numbers.
So you can measure the sustainability by its effects on environment not by aesthetics.
6. Method
It is important to choose a method that is most compatible design strategy. It depends on the
design intent, the place and the designer. How methods fit into design process should be
determined clearly.
Generally two methods are used at ERD as follows;
a. Mimic the nature
b. Use the nature
a. We need to design a natural area to show the ecological processes and relationships.
Artificial waterfalls can perfectly mimic the nature a way that highlight the system of the
real one (Figure 7). Native trees and shrubs mimic the adjacent natural areas. The site
landscape is designed to mimic the natural feel of the local native landscape character.
b. ERD utilizes the natural capabilities of the environment. In an ecorevelatory approach
the pre-existing natural, structural and functional characteristics of the place are
integrated into design and made them observable and understandable.
There are a lot of methods for ERD that landscape architecture can use such as
environmental method, man centred method, evaluation method, interpretive analogy
method. The design method is up to designers idea and knowledge.
Through our senses, we form concrete relationships, we reconciliate, with the world. With
this understanding, phenomenology can be used as a method for eco-revelatory design.
Suitability analysis is also one of the approaches for ERD.
Advances in Landscape Architecture 218
Figure 7. Artificial Waterfalls
7. Design process
When we examine the literature about ERD we cant see any knowledge about the design
process. Landscape ecology principles integrate to design process. How can we adopt the
ecology approach and principles into design process? We can use basic principles of
landscape ecology in landscape design such as linear parks, neighbourhood parks,
playgrounds as for patch, greenways for corridor. Landscape ecology principles influence
every stage of landscape design process such as site planning.
One of the design processes is traditional design process that landscape architects
undertake. It typically starts with the selection of a site based on a set of criteria. Once a site
is selected, the typical design process will move through a series of phase including site
inventory, site analysis, conceptual design, design development, construction
documentation and finally implementation [20].
Landscape designers need to understand how natural and human systems work and design
as an integral part of a nature and establish relationship with nature. They can achieve this
by combining those with new technology to meet changing cultural and ecological needs.
8. Principles (Design strategy)
The hosts of the exhibit, Barbara Brown, Terry Harkness and Doug Johnston, take great care
in describing what deserves to be called eco-revelatory design, and stressed stringent and
ambitious goals for the competition. Those chosen for the exhibit represent rigorous
application of eco-revelatory design, and utilize some or all of the following strategies [1]:
Abstraction and simulation of natural processes
New uses of landscapes producing deeper caring for life and ecological processes
Signifying features that speak for natural/cultural processes that might otherwise
remain invisible
Eco-Revelatory Design 219
Expose infrastructure and process
Reclaim landscapes so that the past is remembered
Change perspectives by structuring how we interact with the Landscape.
Interpretation of ecological processes refers to the ability of the design to reveal ecological
processes at work. This process of revealing can only be successful if the environments
created are visible, observable, legible, and have the ability to raise curiosity in visitors to
explore and understand the complexity of the landscape. Principles for ERD are described
generally as follows:
9. Visibility
Visibility is a cardinal point for ERD. Many designers and planners have become concerned
in recent years with "revealing" ecological processes in their designs so that the users of the
environment may experience, learn about, and appreciate those processes. In practice,
"revelation" of ecological process has meant everything from capturing stormwater on the
surface of the land before it drains away to the storm sewers. In addition, the ecological
processes that are revealed may themselves be truly "natural," in the sense that they could
continue to exist without the management of humans, or they may be highly artificial,
engineered systems that need constant supervision if they are to persist in an urbanized
Most of the time, natural systems themselves are not visible and readily engaging. What
are visible are the surface manifestations and the material conclusions of these natural
systems, for example layers of rocks are not ecological process, but the result of it [21].
Thus the most important challenge for designers is to recognize which ecological processes
can actually be made visible and how they can interpret these dynamic processes or their
material conclusions to form and inform landscapes.
The Arcata Marsh and Wildlife Sanctuary, a real-world example of eco-revelatory design,
highlights some of the positive potential of using visibility as a design strategy (Figure 8).
Some ERDs, for example, have sought to bring ecological processes (such as water flows)
into the open, but then blend them in with the surrounding landscape as much as possible.
Many proposals to capture rainfall in grassy areas and infiltrate it into the soil before it runs
off into the storm sewers would use either parks or front lawns for this purpose. Although
this strategy reveals an ecological process occurring during and just after a rainfall, the rest
of the time these spaces would simply look like what they have always looked like--large
grassy expanses--and would forfeit an opportunity to communicate a clear, consistent, and
meaningful landscape message. Making natural cycles and processes visible bring the
designed environment back to life.
In reference [22] the quantitative interpretation challenges aesthetics by rendering it negative,
segregated and unstable. Under this hegemony various endeavours in which eco-revelatory
design played a part involved in. It is important for people to read or experienced the
ecological knowledge tried to given. This attempt is achieved by visibility.
Advances in Landscape Architecture 220
Figure 8. An Oxidation Pond at the Arcata Wastewater Treatment Plant
10. Sustainability
The second concern for ERD is to provide sustainability. The term sustainability was first
used in 1980 in IUCNs World Conservation Strategy. The sustainability concept is arguably
relevant to systems from the global to the local scale. Sustainable ecologically-based
approaches to design are desirable but their application is not widely seen.
Sustainability reshapes environmental ethics, available technologies, planning techniques,
and assessment criteria, which in turn influence environmental design disciplines. This
approach suggests a need to contemplate spiritual aspects of sustainable design. A set of
criteria is developed for sustainability to evaluate the environmental performance. In this
context, sustainability becomes the key consideration in design.
If we propose to use ecological design of urban places to promote cultural change in the
human relationship to the environment, then, we should be thinking about how to create
physical settings with cues for sustainable behaviour.
The design of sustainable systems is consistent with ecological principles, which integrate
human society with its natural environment for the benefit of both. There are many
compelling reasons why environmental and resource problems should be placed in a
dynamic perspective. It is important to provide sustainability by using moderate and
efficient resource use. ERD strives for moderation and efficiency in resource use.
11. The use of native plants (Naturalness)
Naturalness provide to sustainability and knowledge about native plants. It also
engages people and nature as it used to be. We can see the usage of native plants example
Eco-Revelatory Design 221
on stormwater garden (Figure 9). It gives opportunity to people to have information about
their native plants. Native trees and shrubs mimic the adjacent natural riparian areas, native
plant communities and wildlife habitat. Natural water sources and planting zones will be
considered when choosing plant material to minimize the need for irrigation.
Figure 9. Stormwater management- the use of native plants
You can help stop the exotic plant invasion by using and nurturing native plants around
your home and on your property. Native plants generally grow well and require less care
than exotic species when grown on the proper soils under the right environmental
Protective cover for most animals.
Seeds, nuts, and fruits for squirrels
and other mammals.
Seeds, fruits, and insects for birds.
add beauty to the landscape and preserve our natural heritage
provide food and habitat for native wildlife
serve as an important genetic resource for future food crops or other plant-derived
If you enjoy observing nature, are concerned about the environment, or wish to make a
long-term contribution to your communitys ecosystem, then using native plants is a
Advances in Landscape Architecture 222
responsible, money-saving, long-term, positive investment to both your property and your
Landscaping with native plants improves the environment. Native plants are hardy because
they have adapted to the local conditions. The native plants increase our connection to
nature, help educate our neighbours, and provide a beautiful, peaceful place to relax.
The interest in the preservation and restoration of native plant communities increases as the
public becomes more concerned about the environment. Native plants are valued for their
economic, ecological, genetic, and aesthetic benefits in addition to the growing societal belief
in their intrinsic value as living species.
12. Observability
It is relevant with visibility. People observe the design by hearing, listening and seeing. It
makes awareness about the nature.
When ecological design incorporates visibility [23] and observability [24] it reveals
ecological phenomena and processes and can be referred to as ERD.
13. Multifunctionality
Multifunctionality is the most important characteristics of this design strategy. It serves
people multifunctional activities such as recreation, protection and education together. For
instance, The Arcata Wastewater Treatment Plant combined with the Arcata Marsh and
Wildlife Sanctuary has multiple uses, including wastewater treatment, recreation, wildlife
habitat, education, and research.
Some people come to learn about the innovative wastewater treatment that enhances the
community. Other people come to see the more than 270 species of birds that make use of
the habitat provided by the Marsh [8]. Even more people come to exercise on the trails while
enjoying the natural experience.
Multifunctionality is fundamental for sustainability. Multi-functionality is generally
desirable, as it encourages efficient use of land, delivers wider public benefit and builds
partnerships of user groups, leading to better stewardship. [25].
A designed land has many layers for visitors such as place for leisure activities, resting
areas, conservation areas, fish and wildlife areas, sports activities and educational areas
together. People gain social, environmental, economical advantage from multifunctional
14. Legibility
The design gives its mission to the visitor clearly. ERD purpose is educate and illumine.
In this context, the messages have to be understandable. Effective design helps inform us
about our place within nature.
Eco-Revelatory Design 223
Legibility was interpreted as the understanding of how the landscape worked from its
manifestation based on coherence between climate, soil, water and human occupation; or
understanding relationships between process and material, form and space [26].
The spatial organization of design was utilized to clarify the ecological and cultural
phenomena for people. People accompany the space by their senses. It gives people to create
a spiritual connection with their environment and to have an educational consciousness.
15. Ability to raise curiosity
If the design does not take attention it can not to carry out its mission. To make people
curious about the design shows its success. The perception is the most important element of
design that its comprehensibleness and arouse curiosity.
It is important for people to read or experienced the ecological knowledge tried to
given. This attempt is achieved by rising curiosity. If people wonder, they can learn the
ecological awareness. Designers should enhance visitors experience by encouraging
interaction to interpret the ecological processes.
Effective design solutions or distinctive features are chosen as the general publics ability to
gain ecological information from their environment is limited. By using and revealing
natural systems to spread consciousness and earn attention and care for our environment.
ERD overlap cultural needs and ecological processes to raise curiosity in visitors to explore
and understand the complexity of the landscape.
16. Conclusion
ERD is a new approach in subdiscipline of design for landscape architecture, one where
ecological process, the environment and the cultural awareness of people is a fundamental
determinant of the design. Landscape architects should enhance visitors experience by
encouraging interaction to interpret the ecological processes. In this context, the ecological
knowledge of them should be enough for interpretation of ecological processes on their
designs. Also, it is important to be understood that the ecological phenomena helps people
understand their environment and its cycles by their senses.
The present concept of ERD enriches the landscapes by incorporating visibility and
observability. In this context, it reveals ecological phenomena and process. This process of
revealing can only be successful if the environments created are visible, observable, legible,
and have the ability to raise curiosity in visitors to explore and understand the complexity of
the landscape.
In order to create a successful ecological design it is important to recognize and interpret the
historic and cultural significance of the landscape. In other words, ERD expands by
hitching human habitat and their inevitable cultural determinants in to an environmentally
inclusive vision [16].
Advances in Landscape Architecture 224
The Eco-Revelatory Design Exhibit, summarized in the 1998 special issue of Landscape Journal
[1], clearly articulates an open challenge for landscape architects to work as environmental
educators and to help heal the relationship between society and natural systems.
Explaining this new philosophy as distinctly different and complementary to ecological
design, a more technical approach for designing with natural processes, ERD reveals the
significant ecological aspects of a site and helps visitors build meaning and connection
between the landscape and their own lives. In this sense, eco-revelatory designs are
educative landscapes, pushing their visitors to think, gain perspective, and internalize new
information [1].
ERD serves as a lens for reading the landscapes story. This design idea was resulted from
environmental and ecological degradation, and the erosion of spiritual connections with the
Most of the projects have only one purpose: they are planned for recreation that ignores
natural system usually or planned for protection. However, ERD is a multifunctional design
that reveals natural systems and meets the cultural and ecological needs of human systems.
By revealing natural systems earn people consciousness attention, and care for their
environment. The basis for ERD is to create a landscape that is ecologically as well as
culturally sustainable. It provides people educational and recreational opportunities.
The technology and the conditions of life break peoples connections with nature. Landscape
architecture can play a major role in the mission to bring together again nature and people
and reveal the ecological processes by design.
Author details
Nurgl Konakl Arsoy
Seluk University, Agricultural Faculty, Department of Landscape Architecture, Turkey
17. References
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[5] Cox Von Ins R E. Desgnng for Interpretaton: Nannys Mountan Park, Master Of
Landscape Archtecture. Maureen Grasso Dean of the Graduate School The University
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[6] McHarg I L. Design with Nature. Doubleday/Natural History Press, Garden City, NJ;
[7] Forman R T. The Missing Catalyst: Design and Planning with Ecology Roots.
Washington Covelo London:Island Press; 2002
[8] The Ashford Borough Council. 2008
[10] Opdam P Verboom J and Reijnen R.. Landscape cohesion assessment: determining the
conservation potential of landscapes for biodiversity (submitted); 2002
[11] Nassauer J I Opdam P.. Design in science: extending the landscape ecology paradigm,
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[12] Turner M G. Landscape ecology: The effect of pattern on process. Annu. Rev. Ecol. Syst
1989: 20: 171-197.
[13] IALE Executive Committee, 1998. IALE Mission Statement. IALE Bulletin 16:1
[14] Ahern J. Integration of landscape ecology and landscape design: An evolutionary
process. Edited by J. A. Wiens and M. R. Moss. International Association for Landscape
Ecology, Guelph, Ontario, Canada.Landscape Ecology 1999: 119123.
[15] Lyle J T. Regenerative Design for Sustainable Development. New York: John Wiley &
[16] Mozingo L A. The Aesthetics of Ecological Design: Seeing Science as Culture Landscape
Journa,l Spring, 1997 (16) 1 46-59 DOI: 10.3368/lj.16.1.46
[17] Farina A. Principles and methods in landscape ecology. London: Chapman & Hall;
[18] Deshpande A M. Design Process to Integrate Natural and Human Systems, Landscape
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[19] Lyle J T. Design for human ecosystems. Landscape, land use, and natural resources.
New York: Van Nostrand Reinhold Company Inc ; 1985
[20] LaGro J A. Site analysis. Linking program and concept in land planning and design.
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[21] Nassauer J I. The appearance of ecological systems as a matter of policy. Landscape
Ecology 1992: (6) 239250
[22] Zhang B. Technicalization of Environmental Aesthetics and a Resolution of Spirituality,
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Georgia, USA
[23] Hough M. Cities and Natural Process, London: Routledge; 1995
[24] Thayer R L. The experience of sustainable landscapes. Landscape Journal 1989: 8
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Crookesmoor Building, Conduit Road, Sheffield S10 1FL United Kingdom, Planning for
landscape multifunctionality, Sustinnability: Science, Practice &Policy 2009: 5 (2)
[26] Spirn A W. The language of landscape. New Haven and London, Yale University Press;
Advances in Landscape Architecture 226
[27] Lyle J T. Regenerative Design for Sustainable Development. New York: John Wiley &
Sons; 1994
Chapter 9
Designing Landscapes for Child Health
Aydn zdemir
Additional information is available at the end of the chapter
1. Introduction
Childhood obesity has reached epidemic proportions and is a major public health problem
globally (Ebbeling et al., 2002; Pate et al., 2008), which causes many serious health-related
problems (van Emmerik et al., 2012; Daniels et al., 2005; Din-Dzietham et al., 2007; Lorch
and Sharkey, 2007) such as coronary heart disease, diabetes, osteoporosis (Sallis and Owen
1999; Pate et al. 1995; Hume et al. 2005; Raitakari et al., 1997; Teixeira et al., 2001; Bailey,
1995; Berenson, 1986; Van Mechelen et al., 2000), sleep apnea syndrome (Wabitsch, 2000)
and psychological problems (Dietz, 1998; Daniels, 2006). Obesity is caused by a higher
energy intake than energy expenditure, resulting in excessive weight gain (Koezuka et al.,
2006). Theory implies that energy balance is maintained by energy expenditure, and
physical activity helps to improve energy expenditure resulting weight loss (Weinsier et al.,
1998; Lambert and Goedecke, 2004; Chaput et al., 2011). Physical activity helps to improve
metabolic profile, muscular and bone health (Anderson and Butcher, 2006; Ekelund et al.,
2008; Hind and Burrows, 2007; Biddle et al., 1998), mental health and academic performance
(Singh et al., 2012; Strong et al., 2005). For a healthy living, it is recommended that children
should participate to at least 60 min/day of physical activity and include vigorous physical
activity at least 3 days/week (Strong et al., 2008). Daily walking is a useful activity for
healthy living (Shultz et al., 2011) and children should accumulate at least 12.000 steps per
day to maintain a healthy weight (Tudor-Locke et al., 2011).
Environmental factors, which discourage energy expenditure and thus limit the availability
of facilities for physical activity, have potential to influence body weight and healthy
behavior (Lachowycz and Jones, 2011; Feng et al., 2010; Papas et al., 2007; Sallis et al., 2000).
Studies reported a positive relationship between access to greenspaces and physical activity
(Lachowycz and Jones, 2011; Kaczynski and Henderson, 2007; Kaczynski et al., 2008).
Increased vegetation was associated with reduced weight among children (Liu et al., 2007)
and neighborhood greenness influenced less weight gain in children (Bell et al., 2008).
Promoting physical activity among children, therefore, should be a public health priority,
Advances in Landscape Architecture 228
and studies should focus on the determinants of the environmental variables of physical
Previous reviews found associations between aesthetic attributes of the physical
environment with physical activity (Sallis and Owen, 1999; Sallis et al., 1998; Owen et al.,
2000; Humpel et al., 2002). Models developed from such research help to explain
environment-behavior relationships that can play a key role in linking research, policy and
practice. In this context, there is a need for high-quality empirical evidence supporting
environmental influences on health (Humpel et al., 2002) and an understanding of how
these environmental attributes are related to promoting more physical activity.
Within the extant literature there are many models and theories which help to conceptualize
a potential way of mapping ecological, social and biological frameworks. Ecological model
implies that behavior is influenced by the environmental factors, and changes in the
environmentpositive or negativewill have effects on health (McLeroy et al., 1988). The
evidence shows that the built environmentthe office environments (Chao et al., 2003),
healing environments such as hospitals and day care centers (Whitehouse et al., 2001;
Cooper-Marcus and Barnes, 1999), school buildings (Cradock, et al., 2007; Everett Jones et
al., 2003), outdoor school environments (Rivkin, 1997; Dyment et al., 2009; Dyment and Bell,
2007; Tranter and Malone, 2004; Brink et al., 2010; zdemir and Ylmaz, 2008), housing and
home environments (Shaw, 2004; Wigle, 2003; Evans et al., 2003; Saegert, 1982), recreation
facilities and access to green spaces (Wells and Evans, 2003; Maller et al., 2006; Stigsdotter et
al., 2010; Sugiyama et al., 2008), greening vacant urban space (Branas et al., 2011), the design
of neighborhoods (Wells and Yang, 2008) and store locations (Holsten, 2009)will affect
health and well-being of users.
Figure 1. Model of environment health relation (Adapted from Pikora et al., 2003).
Established links between health and environment suggest that individual, social and physical
environmental factors are related to behavioral intention, thus, shape our way of activities
(Figure 1). As a result, improvements in the physical environment might lead to a number of
Designing Landscapes for Child Health 229
long-term health outcomes: decrease in obesity, increase in physical activity, and decrease in
serious health problems. Several studies have linked urban green space to fewer health
complaints (Maas et al., 2009; Takano et al., 2002; Mitchell and Popham, 2008; Richardson and
Mitchell, 2010; Mitchell et al., 2011). Based on these numerous health outcomes, planning and
design decisions should take into consideration these public health impacts.
1.1. Environmental characteristics and health outcomes
Research on the determinants of potential environmental variables of physical activity is a
growing trend (Carnegie et al., 2002; Sallis et al., 1990; Brug et al., 2005; Humpel et al., 2002;
Owen et al., 2004; Trost et al., 2002; Saelens et al., 2003; Cunningham and Michael 2004;
Wendel-Vos et al., 2007). Despite extensive research, the determinants of physical activity
are not fully understood (Dishman and Sallis, 1994; Sallis and Owen, 1997; Vita and Owen,
1995). In order to promote planned and systematic physical activity among children, the key
issue should be to gain insight into environmental factors that facilitate or obstruct physical
activity among children (Baranowski and Jago, 2005; Wendel-Vos et al., 2004).
The social model of health conceptualizes health in environmental and social rather than
just physical or individual terms (Figure 2). Research on the determinants of healthy child
development showed that studies should include a mix of social and environmental
factorsincome, education, health and everyday environmentsand all levels of society
(Bonnefoy, et al., 2007). Healthy children will be those who are enabled to satisfy their needs
and change, and cope with the urban environment (Davis and Jones, 1996; Black and
Krishnakumar, 1998). However there is no systematic analysis of health effects of
environments (Davis and Jones, 1996). Physical activity researchers, on the other hand, have
not seriously addressed how the wider social and physical environment influences
childrens play and mobility.
Figure 2. Factors influencing physical activity in communities (Adapted from Dahlgren and
Whitehead, 1991).
Advances in Landscape Architecture 230
1.2. Outdoor school environments and health outcomes
Despite the fact that most physical activity by children is undertaken outside of the school
building (Sallis et al., 1993; Vicent and Pangrazi, 2002), schools have not been recognized as
key settings both to promote and to contribute to physical activity guidelines (Zimring et al.,
2005; Zask et al., 2001; Iverson et al., 1985; Biddle et al., 1998) because children spend a large
proportion of their time there (Biddle et al., 1998; Iverson et al., 1985).
School environments and policies have been studied for their effects on healthy behavior
and obesity prevention (Trudeau and Shepherd, 2005; Story et al., 2006; Wechsler et al.,
2000). Additionally, school building and campus characteristics have been associated with
objective measures of physical activity (Cradock et al., 2007). Effects of school recess time
(Ridgers et al., 2006), type and size of space and fixed outdoor equipments (Sallis et al.,
2001), school size and available number of balls (Zask et al., 2001), size of schoolyards
(zdemir and Ylmaz, 2008), the provision of extra equipment (Sallis et al., 2003; Verstraete
et al., 2006), school ground paintings (Stratton and Mullan, 2005; Ridgers et al., 2007) and
school environment improvements (Haug et al., 2010) have been found to be associated with
physical activity. Past studies concentrated on environmental influences on health
outcomes, however, found limited and ambiguous results (Ferreira et al., 2007; Davison and
Lawson, 2006). Children were found to be healthier in large schoolyards (zdemir and
Ylmaz, 2008); however, children were more active in small schoolyards (zdemir and
orak, 2010). Additionally, limited outdoor play time and short recess were associated
with a higher body mass index levels in young children (Ernst and Pangrazi, 1999; Alhassan
et al., 2007; Ridgers et al., 2006).
Access to urban parks and recreational facilities, schoolyard renovations, type and quality of
play spaces have been studied for their effects on increased physical activity in children
(Sallis et al., 2009; Stucky-Ropp and DiLorenzo, 1993; Sallis et al., 1993). Some studies
reported a significant association between active commuting to school and weight status
(Faulkner et al., 2009; Lee et al., 2008; Lee and Tudor-Locke, 2005; Heelan et al., 2005; Pabayo
et al., 2011; Rosenberg, et al., 2006; Mendoza et al., 2011), and children who actively
commute to school are healthier than passive commuters (Heelan et al., 2005; zdemir and
Ylmaz, 2008; Lee and Tudor-Locke, 2005). In a comparison between cycling and non-cycling
children, after 6 years of observations, children who cycle to school were found healthier
(Cooper et al., 2008).
In order to develop school-based interventions, it is crucial to better understand the ways by
which the school environment may promote or inhibit childrens physical activity (van Sluijs
et al., 2012). For a sustainable and a successful transition of school grounds from a
conventional asphalt surface to a natural educational setting, outdoor school environments
need to be conducive to health promotion with an integrated and a participatory approach.
1.3. Neighborhood characteristics and health outcomes
Active behaviors should be promoted with city planning and infrastructure by creating safe
and accessible urban environments (Lopez and Hynes, 2006; Frank et al., 2005; Badland and
Designing Landscapes for Child Health 231
Schofield, 2005; Handy et al., 2002), which in turn enhance energy expenditure.
Environmental factors are influential in type and frequency of activity, such as climate of the
region, terrains, neighborhood and traffic safety, and parents perceptions of their childrens
activities outdoors (Saelens et al., 2003; Leslie et al., 2005). Sociocultural background (Flavia
et al., 2010; Fredriks, 2005) and neighborhood characteristics are effective in obesity
prevention; children in deprived neighborhoods are more likely to be overweight (deJong et
al., 2011; Janssen et al., 2006; Lackshman et al., 2010; Veugelers and Fitzgerald, 2005). Several
reviews indicate that people with low income are more likely to live in poor quality built
environments, and this contributes to poor health (Lavin et al., 2006; Sallis et al., 2009).
Parents in lower income neighborhoods reported the highest rates of unpleasant walking
environments (van Lenthe et al., 2005). Neighborhood violent crime may be a significant
environmental barrier to outdoor physical activity for urban dwelling (Bennett et al., 2007;
Gomez, 2004).
Studies reported a positive relationship between access to greenspaces and physical activity
(Kaczynski and Henderson, 2007; Lachowycz and Jones, 2011; Lee and Maheswaran, 2010).
Children living in neighborhoods with playgrounds, parks and other recreational facilities
engage in more physical activities and are less likely to be obese (Veugelers et al., 2008;
Gordon-Larsen et al., 2006). Increased vegetation was associated with reduced weight
among children (Liu et al., 2007) and neighborhood greenness influenced less weight gain in
children (Kaczynski and Henderson, 2007; Roemmich et al., 2006; Bell et al., 2008). Park
playgrounds were influential in reduced BMI values in children (Potwarka et al., 2008). A
cross-sectional survey of adults in 8 European cities found that people in the greenest areas
are less likely to be obese (Ellaway et al., 2005). Parents complained about the heavy traffic
streets and the absence of a park nearby, which limited their childrens play outside.
Additionally, some parents indicated that their children never play outside of their home,
even during the weekend due to the lack of nearby park (Aarts et al., 2012).
1.4. Measurement techniques of physical activity
The assessment techniques of physical activity can be grouped into two categories:
subjective and objective. Subjective techniques include observations, questionnaires,
interviews, physical activity logs and activity diaries. Objective techniques include
physiological indices such as heart rate monitoring and electronic motion sensors
(accelerometry, pedometer measurements), and tracking movement with Global Positioning
Systems (GPS).
1.4.1. Subjective assessments
Assessment of childrens physical activity levels is a research-priority (Trost et al., 2000) and
several tools have been developed for this assessment (Welk, 2002; Ekelund et al., 2001). The
most common technique is the subjectively measurement of child physical activity by
survey techniques with self-reports (Loprinzi and Cardinal, 2011). Sallis et al. (2002)
discussed self-report techniques that are defined as inexpensive and easy to administer.
Advances in Landscape Architecture 232
However, accuracy and reliability of self-report data are discussed, since young children
may have difficulties in recalling their activity behaviors (Pate et al., 1995; Welk et al., 2000;
Affuso et al., 2011), which calls for a response bias that affect the quality of data (Klesges et
al., 2004).
Some studies included parental reports of their childrens height and weight (Hinkley et al.,
2008; Oliver et al., 2007; Eiser and Morse, 2001), which are often inaccurate (Rowland, 1990).
Indirect subjective measures such as parent and teacher questionnaires were also
administered to assess child physical activity (Oliver et al., 2007) and health related quality
of life (Eiser et al., 2000).
The evaluation of the childrens perception of the environment and its effect on behavior
should be provided by multi-method approach. Focus groups are useful techniques in
research with children (Hoppe et al., 1995; Morgan et al., 2002; ODea, 2003; Vaughn et al.,
1996), and discussing topics in groups in schools is an appropriate method to gain insight
into child views on several topics. Focus group method has been used for providing data
which are deeper, more qualified and appropriate to the purpose of the research. Focus
group is one of the rapid scanning methods which provide qualitative information in a short
time. It is generally realized with 10-12 participants. The moderator provides the
different/same opinion, comment or information to occur via questions which help to
discuss. It is one of the most frequently used information gathering methods, because it
provides convenience to reach different information in a short time, enables the flexible,
unexpected and unknown findings to occur, catches extreme points and is cost-effective
(Babbie, 2006; Debus, 1990; Engelbrektsson, 2002; Krueger and King, 1998; Krueger and
Casey, 2000).
1.4.2. Objective measurements
Direct measures with objective tools such as accelerometers, pedometers, heart-rate
monitoring (Oliver et al., 2007; Sirard and Pate, 2001; Trost et al., 2000) and GPS techniques
can be used to monitor, measure and assess childhood physical activity. The use of these
tools reduces the bias commonly associated with self-report measures. The objective
assessment with measurement tools has high practical utility, high reliability and high
validity relative to subjective measurements (King et al., 2011; Corder et al., 2008).
Pedometers and accelerometers
Accelerometer-based devices provide valid and objective information on physical activity
with several outputs such as calories and fat burnt during a period of time, time spent in
moderate and vigorous activity, distance walked and total step counts (Bassett and John,
2010). They are battery-operated devices that are attached to the wrists or ankles of the
subjects to measure the number of steps during activities. Pedometers enable translating
physical activity recommendations into pedometer-based step goals and commonly used in
research with children (Pate et al., 2010; Mitre et al., 2009; Marshall et al., 2009; Tudor-Locke
et al., 2011; Tudor-Locke and Bassett, 2004). They are widely used in medical research to
Designing Landscapes for Child Health 233
compare descriptive data (steps per day) for specific age groups, cultures and
environmental contexts (Whitt et al., 2004). However, they fail to capture data of seated
activity (Berlin et al., 2006) and they only measure horizontal activities such as walking and
Accelerometers are also useful, reliable and valid tools with motion sensors to assess the
intensity, frequency, pattern and duration of activity, which is an advantage over the
pedometers (Berlin et al., 2006). Data collected by these devices should be processed on a
computer. Research that included pedometer measurements found that obese children have
lower pedometer counts than non-obese children (Tudor-Locke and Bassett, 2004;
Eisenmann et al., 2007; Al-Hazzaa, 2007). Tudor-Locke and Bassett (2004) proposed a system
used to classify healthy adults based on their activity levels: <5,000 steps a day for sedentary
lifestyle, 5,000 to 7,499 steps a day for low activity, 7,500 to 9,999 steps a day for somewhat
active, 10,000 to 12,499 steps a day for active, and >12,500 steps a day for highly active.
Heart rate monitoring
Heart rate (HR) monitoring is an objective, inexpensive and unobtrusive assessment tool
providing indirect, intensity and duration data of physical activity among children
(Loprinzi and Cardinal, 2011). HR monitoring provides information about total energy
expenditure and about the amount of time spent in high-intensity activity (Ainslie et al.,
2003). This tool has provided a valid and reliable objective estimate of physical activity
(Rowlands and Eston, 2007) however, the link between heart rate measurements and energy
expenditure is not as strong as other objective techniques (Trost et al., 2001). Heart rate can
be measured easily with monitors attached to the wrists and the beltline. The resting and
maximal heart rate is compared to gauge exercise and activity intensity. According to the
American College of Sports Medicine Position Stand (1998), physical activity intensity
according to frequency of heart rate is calculated for practical purposes as shown in Table 1
Intensity descriptor
Relative Intensity
% Heart rate reserve Rating of perceived exertion
Very light < 20 < 10
Light 20-39 10-11
Moderate 40-59 12-13
Vigorous 60-84 14-16
Very vigorous > 85 17-19
*Adapted from American College of Sports Medicine Position Stand (1998).
Table 1. Physical activity intensity according to frequency of heart rate
Heart rate also has a significant relationship with energy expenditure and has been widely
used in studies of physical activity in children (Eston et al., 1998; Spurr et al., 1988; Ceesay et
al., 1989; Livingstone et al., 1992). HR monitoring reports much lower levels of physical
activity and is based on small sample groups (Livingstone et al., 2003). However there are a
Advances in Landscape Architecture 234
number of limitations to the use of this technique (Armstrong and Welsman, 2006;
Rowlands et al., 1997). Since HR is influenced not only by physical activity, reliability of this
measurement is questionable. A child with low levels of physical activity may have high
heart rates due to the influence of other parameters such as emotional stress, anxiety,
hydration and environment (Armstrong and Welsman, 2006; Rowlands et al., 1997). In this
respect, heart rate monitoring should be considered to measure moderate to vigorous
physical activity, and heart rates below 120bpm would be considered to be valid measures
of physical activity.
Transportation, urban design and planning studies include Geographic Information Systems
(GIS) to support the hypothesis that neighborhood environment is associated with physical
activity in the form of walking and biking for transport (Frumkin, 2002; Saelens et al., 2003).
GIS tools have been used to describe the associations between objective measures of the
built environment and walking and transportation activity (McGinn et al., 2007). In the
public health literature, the relationship between the built environment and physical activity
was assessed by measuring the frequency, intensity and duration of activity. In such studies,
objective measures of the environment were collected and mapped using GIS tools (McGinn
et al., 2007). Global positioning system (GPS) is also used to track areas in a settlement or a
space in a district where physical activity is promoted (Wheeler et al., 2010; Fjrtoft et al.,
2009; Fjrtoft et al., 2010). GPS system was used to record childrens movement patterns,
which was transferred to GIS systems for further analysis (Fjrtoft et al., 2009; Fjrtoft et al.,
2010). The purpose of the studies using GPS tools is to describe the interaction between
environment and physical activity; based on the GPS data, designers explore and determine
how space may interact with physical activity in children. However, GPS devices fail to
record position indoors, under heavy tree canopy and in dense urban areas (Maddison and
Ni Mhurchu, 2009) and they have limited accuracy in sensing stationary device location
(Chen et al., 2012).
Studies of childrens geography and social behavior concluded that childrens physical
activity and use of public spaces have been constricted and controlled (Blades et al., 1998;
Matthews et al., 1998). In order to include views of children as key informants of research
for their health and well-being, qualitative approaches have been employed (Darbyshire et
al., 2005). It is important to offer children the opportunity to portray their own
environments and one of the methods used for this purpose is photography, which is
commonly accepted and validated by many researchers (Booth and Booth, 2003; Sharples et
al., 2003; Wang and Burris, 1997) aiming to generate different and complementary visual
information (Darbyshire et al, 2005). In a current study, children were asked to take pictures
with disposable cameras (zdemir, 2010). This visual data production strategy enabled
children to relate their everyday life with their activities and environmental perceptions.
There is extensive research with children using photography (Aitken and Wingate, 1993;
Dodman, 2003; Morrow, 2001; Young and Barrett, 2001). However, there limits of this
Designing Landscapes for Child Health 235
technique; the method of photography did not include childrens talk about their taken
pictures and the reasons of taking those pictures. Children took pictures and we defined and
discussed them as adults.
2. Schoolyard design to promote physical activity: An exploratory study
2.1. Methodology
This study aims to assess outdoor school environments for their possible association with
healthy behavior of children. For this purpose, childrens total step counts were associated
with the schoolyard size and 1115 students in 4 primary schools were surveyed. The aim of
the project is to examine whether size and design of the outdoor school environments affect
child physical activity. In addition, gender and age were selected to be variables to
determine their relation to physical activity.
A random stratified sampling of primary schools from various districts of the city was used
to represent a cross-section of the population. The schools, which have the adequate open
space for the renewal projects, are located in different districts in terms of socio-culture and
economy, have different numbers of students and need their schoolyards to be renewed,
have been selected from a list of elementary schools provided from the Provincial
Directorate for National Education (Table 2).
District School
ankaya Kavakldere Primary School
Mamak ocuk Sevenler Primary School
Keiren Kamil Ocak Primary School
Akyurt TOK Primary School
Table 2. The primary schools subject to the research and their districts
2.1.1. Defining landscape characteristics of schoolyards
For each schoolyard, ordinal categories were used as being applied for the classification of
landscape quality. Aerial images and photo surveys were used to assess outdoor school
environments; total area, usable area, landscaped-vegetated areas and hard surfaces were
measured. The reliability tests of these measurements showed that both measurements on
aerial images and hand measurements of a selected schoolyard gave specific and similar
results. The photographs describe a variety of outdoor settings suggesting the need for a
more spacious space per student after the calculation of the open space standards for school
population for each case. Outdoor environments and the adjacent areas were assessed with
respect to physical and landscape qualities (i.e. vegetation, material, size). A group of
reviewers, which includes landscape architects and architects, reviewed the photographs
and scored the schoolyards based on the features such as size, material, vegetation cover,
vegetation quality, maintenance and spaciousness. Environments with low physical
qualities scored 1. Environments with advanced features scored 2.
Advances in Landscape Architecture 236
2.1.2. Focus groups
The study also included 30 minutes meetings that were held with the students in each
school. These focus groups, targeting children, included discussions on the current
problems and future developments of the schoolyards; childrens attitudes towards the
school settings and the parents views on their childrens use of the schoolyards were
discussed. Teachers did not attend the meetings; students had the chance to express their
opinions freely.
2.1.3. Pedometer measurements and BMI value assessments
Intensity of childrens school time activities was measured with electronic pedometers
(Omron HJ-12). Pedometers were attached to randomly selected students. Average step
counts of 10 children in each school were determined. Measurements also included distance
covered, the amount of calorie (kcal) and body oil (gram) burnt during activities. It was
assumed that the measurements would be distributed according to age groups, gender and
schoolyard size.
Students were asked to indicate their weight and height on the questionnaire sheets to
assess their nutritional status. In order to ensure reliability of self-reports, we weighed a
group of students using a standard electronic scale, and their heights were measured with a
wooden measuring board. Self-reported and objectively measured height and weight status
were compared and it was found that self-reports were reliable. The height and weight
information obtained in the surveys were used to calculate the BMI, which was computed as
weight in kilograms divided by height in meters squared (kg/m
BMI values according to age groups are shown below (Table 3) (Uluocak et al., 2006; imek
et al., 2005; ner et al., 2004; Altunkaynak and zbek, 2007; Uuz ve Bodur, 2007).
Grade Age Underweight Normal Overweight
Primary School 3 and 4 9-10 <14.0 14.0-20.0 >20
5 and 6 11-12 <14.6 14.6-23.1 >23.1
Table 3. BMI values according to age groups
2.1.4. Photography
Childrens perception of environment was evaluated with photography technique. In this
scope, students, selected randomly from each school, were given disposable cameras and
were asked to take pictures of places they visit during weekend. It was assumed that
children would take pictures of a number of scenes such as greenery, plants, open views,
pets, buildings and structures, traffic, indoors and their daily activities. Childrens
environmental perception would differ according to places they visit such as an urban park
or an indoor environment. Based on the picture characteristics, potential perceptual
variables were listed after expert ratings of scenes; experts included landscape architects and
graduate students.
Designing Landscapes for Child Health 237
2.1.5. Workshops
Researchers offered a variety of workshops for school-aged children, teachers and parents.
These workshops were oriented towards the respective target audience and based on
participatory methods, providing insight into the design process. The aim was to increase
environmental awareness among children and to inspire creative thinking. In these
workshops, children were introduced to landscape design through presentation, design
drawings, sketches and 3D models.
In this case study, after the presentations to the school community, workshops were
organized with the voluntary students. Firstly, borders of the schoolyards on the layout
plans and draft drawings, entrances, current uses (parking, playfield, etc.) and green fields
were shown to the students and they became familiar with the plan. Alternative uses,
requested by the students in the schoolyard, were listed. Group of students prepared their
own designs. In this process, the researchers assisted the children regarding the drawing
techniques. Each project was developed in line with different concepts such as adventure
or blossom. First group made an adventure road strolling along the schoolyard. Each
member of the second group named her/himself after a flower name and requested these
flowers to be planted to the different parts of the schoolyard. The authentic design examples
provided at the end of nearly half-hour study were displayed and presented by the group
representatives (Figure 3).
Each group prepared a draft plan with sketches and colored markings. The final version of
these projects, including before and after images, was displayed on the school boards in
order to get feedback from students and teachers (Figure 4 and 5).
Figure 3. Views from the workshops
Advances in Landscape Architecture 238
Figure 4. Current status of the schoolyards and the views after the arrangement
Figure 5. One of the alternative projects include sport facilities, fruit and vegetable gardens, rose
garden, parking lot, open-air class, play field and walking trail, as proposed by the children
Designing Landscapes for Child Health 239
2.2. Results
Physical and landscape characteristics of schoolyards were defined according to total yard
size, total school size, and available space per students as shown in Table 4.
District School
Number of
Total school
Total yard
Usable yard
space per
ankaya Kavakldere PS 650* 2050 m
1350 m
2.08 m
Mamak ocuk Sevenler PS 580* 5500 m
4750 m
8.19 m
Keiren Kamil Ocak PS 1300* 9300 m
6800 m
5.23 m
Akyurt TOK PS 720 6100 m
4525 m
6.28 m
*The number shows only the morning shift students
Table 4. Physical assessment of schoolyards
Kamil Ocak Primary School has the largest yard; however, the available area per student is
not adequate. According to zoning standards in Turkey, child play spaces should have at
least 10m
usable area per child. This standard is also applicable to schoolyards; however,
none of the schools provide sufficient space for child activities in this study (Table 4). ocuk
Sevenler Primary School, which has the largest usable space per student, received the best
expert rating score. On the other hand, Kavakldere Primary School, which has the smallest
and inadequate space per student, received the lowest expert rating score. It is assumed that
spatial conditions such as spaciousness influence expert ratings. Kamil Ocak Primary School
yard received one of the lowest scores due to the confined feeling and the existence of a high
retaining wall that divides the yard into separate lots. This wall was defined as dangerous
and useless. Green spaces that have the potential for recreational purposes are out of reach
of children and they are not accessible. There is the scarcity of shaded seating spaces and
most of the ground is covered with hard material such as asphalt.
2.2.1. Questionnaires
Almost half of the respondents were boys (49,4%) and 4th and 5th graders (55,6%). Most
of the students have spent at least two years in their school. We may conclude that these
students are familiar with the school settings. More than half of the students (54,8%)
reside in the same neighborhood where the school is located, and most of the students
prefer to walk to their schools. Only 22,3% of respondents commute to school with a
There is variability in type of activities during recess. A considerable amount of children
spend their recess time inside the school (13,5%). More than half of students spend their
recess time both indoors and outdoors (59%). Most of the students prefer to walk in the
schoolyard (43,5%) and 21,2% of them behave active during recess. On the other hand, only
13,3% of children in these four schools prefer passive behaviors such as eating and sitting
during recess (Figure 6).
Advances in Landscape Architecture 240
Figure 6. Scatter-plot diagram showing the distribution of type of activities across schools
More than half of respondents define their schoolyards as inadequate for any of the
activities (59%). Regardless of the size of schoolyards, this relationship was found
statistically significant (F=113.05, df=3, p<0.005, R=0.48) (Figure 7).
Figure 7. Adequacy of schoolyards
There is a statistical significance among number of students who liked yards; most of the
students preferred the larger yards (F=226.6, df=3, p<0.005, R=0.60). Similar results were
identified between the expert ratings and students responses; children liked the yards
which were also highly rated by the experts (F=226.6, df=3, p<0.005, R=0.60) (Figure 8).
Most of the students (65%) were not satisfied with the yards. Responses indicated that the
size of the yards was a major contributor of this result; most of the children (34,2%) did not
enjoy the small yards (F=16.1, p<0.05). Other reasons included inadequacy of sport facilities
and limited green spaces.
Designing Landscapes for Child Health 241
Figure 8. Students satisfaction of schoolyards among scored yards (Quality scores - 1: High quality; 4:
Low quality)
2.2.2. BMI distribution among schools
As a result of BMI distribution among schools, 16,2% of children were defined as
overweight (N=181). Most of the students were in the normal range of BMI values (78,6%,
N=876). Boys had higher BMI values than girls, and as expected, BMI values raised
according to age groups, except 3rd grade students, which had lower BMI values than 2nd
grade students (Table 5).
Domain N Percentage Mean sd
Gender Female 564 50.6 17.89 2.88
Male 551 49.4 18.64 2.96
Grade 2 70 6.3 17.86 2.71
3 215 19.2 17.30 2.79
4 303 27.2 18.15 2.86
5 317 28.4 18.62 2.98
6 210 18.8 18.99 2.93
BMI Underweight 58 5.2
Normal 876 78.6
Overweight 181 16.2
Type of
Walk 866 77.7 18.20 2.95
Vehicle 249 22.3 18.47 2.87
Yard size Kamil Ocak (Largest yard) 293 18.17 2.75
ocuk Sevenler 293 17.58 2.88
TOK Akyurt 55 18.13 2.73
Kavakldere (Smallest yard) 474 18.75 3.02
Table 5. Subject characteristics and BMI values
Advances in Landscape Architecture 242
Results showed that there is a statistical significance between type of activities and BMI
values (F=2.67, P=0.032). Students who were active during recess had lower BMI values than
passive students. This was similar with the active school commuters; children who actively
commute to school have lower BMI values, and this result is statistically significant (F=3.78,
df=1, p=0.013). Interestingly, large schoolyards have limited influence on decreased BMI
values. Children in smaller schoolyards were more active and had lower BMI values. This
finding is assessed by the relationship between total step counts and yard sizes, which is
presented in the next section.
2.2.3. Pedometer measurements
A total of 120 measurements were made to indicate the variations in daily step
counts, distance covered, burnt calories and fat among children at ages between 9 and 11
(Table 6).
N %
Burnt calorie
fat (gr)
Female 65 55 4201.7 1971 2.43 1.19 66.6 33.9 3.75 2.01
Male 55 45 4609.5 2068 2.75 1.25 84.1 41.8 4.71 2.48
3 10 8 5605 2970.8 3.32 1.91 82.5 51.1 4.85 3.2
4 40 34 4839 2041.7 2.81 1.32 74.6 34.3 4.17 1.95
5 70 58 3957 1734.4 2.34 0.96 73.4 39.3 4.1 2.32
Kamil Ocak
(Largest yard)
40 33 3645.8 2171.6 2.23 1.34 61.18 36.9 3.46 2.24
ocuk Sevenler 40 33 4173.7 1585.7 2.49 1.02 61.1 27.3 3.6 1.54
(Smallest yard)
40 33 5346.4 1914.7 3.01 1.76 97.5 40.1 5.5 2.4
Table 6. Step counts, distance, burnt fat and calorie across gender, grades, and yard sizes
Average step counts were 5346 in Kavakldere, 4174 in ocuk sevenler, 3646 in Kamil Ocak
primay schools. Boys were more active than girls, and small children were more active than
older ones. Similar results were found for values of energy expenditure; boys and small
children burnt more calorie and fat than girls and older students. The most interesting
outcome of the study was the statistical significant and inverse relationship
between schoolyard size and pedometer counts. Children in small schoolyards walked more
(F=4.47, df=2, p=0.013), and burnt more calories (F=12.83, df=2, p<0.05) and fat (F=11.78, df=2,
Designing Landscapes for Child Health 243
2.2.4. Assessment of student pictures
Total of 472 pictures taken by students were assessed as shown in Table 7. Experts defined
type of images and visible elements in the pictures. As a control group, researcher took
pictures with a disposable camera and included these images within other groups of images
for a random presentation. Both control group images and student images were similarly
assessed, which conclude that assessments are reliable and valid.
School Gender Total Built Planting Enclosed
F 19 4 5 2 8
F 15 2 7 1 2 3
F 20 3 8 1 8
F 27 5 3 1 13 5
F 20 3 8 1 8
M 22 1 7 1 8 5
M 25 1 16 3 4 1
F 25 2 19 4
F 22 1 6 5 5 5
F 25 1 3 1 20
F 23 7 4 9 3
F 18 3 8 4 3
F 25 1 14 2 1 4 3
F 15 4 4 5 1 1
M 20 10 1 3 6
M 21 1 6 2 7 5
F 23 2 11 2 8
F 16 1 8 4 1 2
F 20 3 6 7 4
F 17 1 5 8 3
F 27 1 10 9 4 3
M 27 2 8 5 12
Table 7. Number of pictures according to the picture character across schools
Most of the students took pictures of plants and plant groups (35%). A considerable number
of students took landscape images (27%). Only 12% of children captured interior spaces
such as their home environments and school interiors. The most frequent type of images
was captured from a vantage pointbalcony or a terracelooking toward the green spaces
and plant groups. Although most of the images were captured during weekend, most of the
pictures included home environments and local parks. We may conclude that children
spend their weekend time at home and in the neighborhood.
Advances in Landscape Architecture 244
Distribution of image properties are associated with regional locations (Figure 9).
Kavakldere Primary School is located in a highly dense region with dense traffic and
limited green spaces. Local parks in the district are scarce and limited front yards of
apartments are used for parking cars. Kamil Ocak Primary School, on the other hand, is
located in a district with lower dense housing distribution. This neighborhood with lower
income families has more open spaces and green lots. Students perceptions of environment,
therefore, may vary according to the neighborhood characteristics. Most of the students in
Kavakldere Primary School took pictures of plants in their homes. On the other hand,
Kamil Ocak and ocuk Sevenler students took pictures of open spaces and open vistas.
These results can be associated with neighborhood characteristics. However, these
assumptions should be based on valid and systematic research that should include
significant comparisons of childrens environmental perceptions and spatial characteristics
of neighborhoods.
Figure 9. Distribution of picture properties across schools
2.3. Discussion
The results of this study contribute to both health and design professionals; environmental
variables are effective in health promotion. In terms of design outcomes, this study provides
evidence indicating the spatial effects of school environments on child health. Although
most schools lack spacious schoolyards that were defined as mostly crowded and congested
during recess, children were more active in small yards. Students generally complain about
limited outdoor space for both play and physical activities; most students requested more
spacious and green space for attraction and comfort. On the contrary of the expectations,
pedometer measurements provided support that space distribution rather than the size is
effective in health promotion. As many children attend to public schools, improvement the
quality of the schoolyards to promote more physical activities is recommended.
Designing Landscapes for Child Health 245
It was expected that larger yards would improve health of students with lower BMI values,
which was found in the study of zdemir and Ylmaz (2008). However, this study found a
statistical significant and inverse relationship between schoolyard size and pedometer
counts. Children in smaller schoolyards were more active with more step counts. The
findings from the questionnaires, which included assessment of BMI values showed similar
results; children in schools with smaller yards are more active and have lower BMI values.
The schools are considered for the purpose of this study in the small to medium size
bracket. The current study questionnaire sample would appear to be representative in terms
of school size and regional distribution. Data in the present study indicate that small schools
reported more positive physical activity promoting practices than larger schools. Small
schools experienced fewer barriers than larger schools specifically with respect to restricted
areas, accessibility, supervision, security and availability of play equipments. Small
schoolyards may provide more opportunities for mixed and group plays and the limited
availability of space may promote children to be more active. Children in small schoolyards
all play together, rather than being in separate groups in larger yards. However, these
factors were not included in this study, which requires further investigation.
On the other hand, larger schoolyards were more likely to permit children to play on the
green areas, which are generally allocated for cars. These schools also permit the free-play of
children during recess for security and health reasons; teachers are generally worried about
the possible injury of children on vast and vacant yards. Meanwhile in larger schoolyards,
children were more likely to engage in group activities. Since these schools lack fixed
equipments and playground markings, children stroll around during recess. Barriers in the
large yards such as walls, fences and parked cars limit the active behavior of children.
The findings of this study are relevant to Zask et al. (2001)s results that as schools got larger
children became less active. On the other hand, the pedometer measurements of Cardon et
al. (2008) and Louie and Chan (2003) indicated that more space per child was found to be
associated with more PA during recess; children in schools with large outdoor space were
significantly more active than children at schools with smaller outdoor space. The present
study would indicate that the comparison of yard sizes exhibit different challenges in
relation to play habits, yard organization, and availability of play equipments, crowding,
landscaping, maintenance and most importantly effects on physical activity and child
health. More research is needed to investigate possible relations between these factors in
order to overcome these challenges and to decide whether yard size is influential on child
Children who were active during recess had lower BMI values than passive students. This
finding is similar with the active school commuters; children who actively commute to
school have lower BMI values. The study also found gender and age differences; boys have
higher BMI values than girls, and as expected, BMI values rise according to age groups,
except 3rd grade students, which have lower BMI values than 2nd grade students. Boys and
small children burnt more calorie and fat than girls and older students. More boys were
engaged in active behavior than girls and similar findings were consistently reported in
Advances in Landscape Architecture 246
other studies (Myers et al., 1996; Sallis et al., 2000; Mota et al., 2005; Tudor-Locke et al., 2006;
zdemir and Ylmaz, 2008).
2.4. Conclusions
Given the increasing rates of childhood obesity, energy expenditure is a research priority to
improve settings promoting more activity. The effect of the built environment on health is a
current research agenda and research has found associations between environmental
features and physical activity and body mass. However, the examination of physical
environments to explain and promote physical activity is an important yet under-
investigated area of research inquiry, and research on health outcomes of the physical
environment has been limited by insufficient data regarding the role of the environment.
Many factors contribute to obesity, and the physical environment in particular can have a
strong influence on childrens opportunities for regular physical activity. Decisions made at
the local level regarding planning and design of school environments can have a significant
impact on child health. By recognizing these links, communities can help reverse obesity
trends and build healthy environments. Young children appear to engage in low levels of
physical activity at school. With more than 25 millions of children attending schools in
Turkey, it is important to better understand factors inherent in school environment that
influence physical activity behaviors of young children.
Major critical factor emerged from this investigation was the spaciousness is not a critical
measure for an active behavior as well as for play and learning. Almost all students had
complaints about the lack of adequate space for play due to the crowded schoolyard in all
recess time. However small spaces may promote more active behavior and public schools
with limited space inside the city centers can better develop design guidelines to improve
the physical qualities of these yards.
Previous studies have shown the impact of outdoor environments on physical activity and
prevention from obesity in various nations, and the recognition of such approach may lead
to the advancement of the outdoor school environments. Encouraging students to be active
in safe and attractive outdoor environments may be accomplished by careful and systematic
landscape designs, but the major concerns are the finance and the maintenance.
The urban environment is not built to suit child needs and to accommodate child play
behaviors in a safe environment. The most natural way to be active and to develop healthy
attitudes in PA among children is to play outside in a safe and open environment (Caroli et
al., 2011), and the school environment is one of the settings to provide safe and healthy
environment for children. School setting is a valuable resource contributing improved PA
and this type of environment should be studied to find ways of reducing obesity by
improving active behavior. Research should include identification of environmental
variables of schools contributing to high levels of obesity in children. Schools in
neighborhoods with high risks of obesity should be the focus of future studies; those school
settings should be re-developed and re-designed to encourage PA in children.
Designing Landscapes for Child Health 247
It is assumed that findings would reinforce the need to provide and support school physical
environments related to physical activity. The results of exploratory studies indicate support
for the contention that child spaces should be thought of as a part of a viable strategy for
health promotion. The hypothesis is that outdoor environments with more natural
landscape characteristics are a viable context for health promotion activities such as physical
A conceptual framework should be outlined that addresses the complexity of the
relationship between spatial characteristics of outdoor environments and students physical
activity behavior, which should be structured to guide future policy and research.
Active behaviors should be promoted with city planning and infrastructure by creating safe
and accessible urban environments. Changes in neighborhood characteristics, adding more
parks, safe walking routes and playgrounds and recreational facilities will have positive
effects on health of children and adults.
2.5. Future directions
Research is needed to develop effective interventions to increase daily physical activity via
active commute to school, monitoring daily physical activity behaviors, promoting school
activity programs and promoting healthy curriculum and dietary habits. Studies should
include more objective measurements of physical activity among different age groups and
the specific roles of environmental factors should be defined that are related to preventing
childhood obesity (Lobstein et al., 2004). School environment represents a fundamental
opportunity for children to gain active lifestyle through the use of spaces that promote
active behavior (Pate et al., 2006; Wagner and Kirch, 2006). Schools are ideal places for
health promotion by including healthy school programs, curriculums and making
availability of daily exercise (Stice et al., 2006; Doak et al., 2006; Brown et al., 2009). Research
should include identification of environmental variables of schools contributing to high
levels of obesity in children. Schools in neighborhoods with high risks of obesity should be
the focus of future studies; those school settings should be re-developed and re-designed to
encourage physical activity focusing on minority and disadvantaged groups and
Research should include longitudinal approach to track changes in childrens activities, and
include sample from rural and remote areas with disadvantaged neighborhoods. Changes in
neighborhood characteristics, adding more parks, safe walking routes and playgrounds and
recreational facilities will have positive effects on health of children. Promoting physical
activity in urban neighborhoods, especially lower income ones, must address concerns
about the physical and social environment.
2.6. Strengths and limitations
The key strengths of this study are the use of measured height and weight for the
calculation of BMI, the objective measurement of the PA by pedometers and the adoption of
Advances in Landscape Architecture 248
BMI cut-off points for children. This use of objective measurement of PA reduces the bias
commonly associated with self-report measures. The sample selected is a good
representative of the population; schools were randomly selected according to regions and a
considerable number of students were included in the study in each school.
This study was conducted during spring season only, and children were more likely to be
outside with active behaviors which resulted with limited variability in the outcomes.
Another limitation of our study is the presentation of results from a single time point, which
limits the casual directions in the relationships between overweight and well-being. In our
study, there may be too many other external factors in the settingthe schoolyardswhich
are difficult to measure and available to include as independent factors affecting health of
As with all questionnaire-based surveys, social desirability bias in the responses is a
problem; children may have difficulties in recalling types of behavior they participated in
the last two weeks.
Studies that define the casual relationships between environmental interventions and health
behaviors with empirical associations usually lack definitions on how and why these
variables influence health behaviors, which is one of the limitations of this study.
Based on these limitations, more systematic research is needed on developing strategies to
prevent childhood obesity, to find ways in promoting more active behavior and to better
design environments for improving child health.
Author details
Aydn zdemir
Ankara University, Faculty of Agriculture, Department of Landscape Architecture, Turkey
This study; Schoolyard Design to Promote Physical Activity: An Exploratory Study was
supported by a grant from the Scientific Research Projects Coordination Unit, Ankara
University, Turkey (BAP-094347001). The author is grateful for the help and support of
Mehmet orak, Gizem Kln, Merve Heper and Filiz Uncu who worked with the author
in the development and design of this case study.
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Chapter 10
Integrating Ecosytem Landscapes in Cityscape:
Birds and Butterflies
Gken Firdevs Ycel
Additional information is available at the end of the chapter
1. Introduction
Today, with the rapid growth of cities, sustainable landscape planning and design are a
serious concern, because within the urban context, green areas such as parks, gardens, green
belts, and road reserves enable positive human interaction with nature, help maintain
natural resources, and form environments that bring in wildlife, including, in particular,
birds and butterflies [1]. Such eco-friendly urban gardens increase peoples appreciation of
nature, which can be a source of pleasure, and also make it possible for the behavior and
ecology of these species of wildlife to be studied [2].
In urban environments which are not ecologically designed, the practices of mowing lawns,
clipping shrubs and raking up organic material from borders, as well as the widespread use
of deadheaded flowers, eliminate food sources, nesting grounds and places of shelter for
wildlife. Typically, gardens designed with open populations of birds and butterflies in mind
are found in urban and suburban areas, and those with closed populations are found in
parks and in public or private lots [3]. These gardens help to create and maintain
communities which are essentially urban ecosystems where human beings interact with
Gardens in urban ecosystems may have co-existing bird and butterfly species, although the
kinds of vegetation and habitats that various species require, as well as their life cycles, may
differ [4]. Australian researchers have noted relationships between endemic vegetation and
the presence of endemic bird species (French et al., 2005; Daniels and Kirkpatrick, 2006), and
Burghardt (2009) found larger populations of endemic birds and butterflies in areas
designed with endemic landscaping [5].
Birds and butterflies have simple needs: consistent food and water sources, safety, and
shelter. It is therefore critical that urban gardens designed to attract them should have
Advances in Landscape Architecture 264
appropriate vegetation, water features, feeding areas, and also areas where they can take
cover from predators and thrive in safety and security.
1.1. Benefits of bird and butterfly gardening
The primary benefits of designing bird and butterfly gardens as part of urban ecosystems
are, for the wildlife, flower pollination, food sharing, and environmental conservation, as
well as public education. Additional benefits for people include pest and weed control, the
stress relief provided by the natural environment, and financial gain as a result of the
increasing value of eco-friendly property.
2. Issues in urban ecosytem landscape design
2.1. Bird gardens
Site Selection
Bird gardens are easy to create, since birds requirements are flexible; however, they should
be open to sunlight as well as have ample areas of shade; and vegetation that affords shelter
should be available.
2.1.1. Criterias for structural design in bird gardens
Rigid, linear paths are less attractive to wildlife than natural, organic paths, and animals are
attracted to unexpected twists and turns, where they can explore new areas. Organically
curved and narrow pathways in a garden make it easy for birds to visit a wide range of
shrubs and flowers.
Certain kinds of birds forage for food on the ground, and they are attracted to uneven
slopes, such as one finds in low, rocky hills where there are fallen trees and underbrush.
This environment can be provided for them in the form of rock walls or rock gardens with
vegetation covering them.
Liquid water is an essential requirement for birds in the winter months, when natural
sources are frozen, and also during the summer, when they use it to cool down [6]. Sources
may include bird baths, misters, ponds, waterfalls or streams; but flowing water is safer
than the static pool of a traditional bird bath, from where diseases may be spread [7].
Interestingly, birds such as robins, flickers, and hummingbirds are highly attuned to the
sound of flowing water, and may hear it even if the source is very small. Robins are
particularly attracted to the steady spray from lawn sprinklers [8]. Some plants, such as
Hosta spp. and Cornus spp., have concave leaf surfaces where water accumulates, and these
are used as baths by small birds, including warblers and hummingbirds.
Integrating Ecosytem Landscapes in Cityscape: Birds and Butterflies 265
Bird baths
Bird baths are made of various substances, including concrete, metal, ceramic and plastic,
and come in various sizes and shapes. A bird bath should be set up at least 4.5m away from
the feeding station, and near plants or shrubs that afford shelter, since birds do not fly
efficiently immediately after bathing. It should also be surrounded by a clearing about three
meters in diameter, so that while they are drinking, the birds will have time to escape from
approaching predators. Several birds can use a bird bath at the same time if it is at least
60cm in diameter; however, the depth of the water in it should not exceed 5cm. The ideal
depth of bath is sloping from 1.25cm 2.5cm at the edges, down to between 6cm and 7.5cm
in the middle [9].
Safety and shelter
Appropriate plants need to be planted in urban gardens, because birds use them as a means
of escape or to seek cover from predators, to perch and rest on, to nest in during the
summer, and to shelter in during the winter months. In the winter, when the leaves have
fallen from other trees, evergreens such as Magnolia spp., Ilex spp., and Rhododenron spp., and
conifers such as the juniper tree provide essential shelter. Landscaping features frequented
by birds seeking shelter include shade arbors, pergolas, arches, and trellises.
Sources of nutrition must be made available throughout the year; birds are more likely to
visit gardens where supplementary food sources are available, especially during the winter
[11]. The saps, buds, and seeds of some plants are also used as food sources [10]. Food
sources and the times they are sought vary depending on the species: chickadees and
nuthatches, for example, tend to eat during daylight hours; some birds eat berries and other
fruits from trees and shrubs; others, such as woodpeckers and many songbirds, hunt for
insect eggs and larvae in tree trunks and branches [12]. In the case of hummingbirds, there
ought to be several feeders available, each at least 180cm away from the others; this is
because these territorial birds do not share food unless there is competition between large
numbers of them, and having several feeders will prevent one hummingbird from
dominating the entire garden [13].
Bird garden equipments
Bird houses
Bird houses are shelters, usually made of wood or more durable composite materials, that
can be set up for birds to nest and roost in. They are quite simple, consisting of four sides, a
base or bottom, and an overhanging sloping roof (this should be watertight to prevent
rainwater entering); the birds go in and out either through a hole or the front side (if this is
left open) under the roof [14]. Bird houses should be fixed to trees, walls or fences, at a
height of about 2-5m, and well insulated to provide shelter; if they are wooden, the walls
should be at least 1.5cm thick. Holes may be drilled in the bottom to drain out any water
that may get in, and these same holes will also provide ventilation. Bird houses should not
Advances in Landscape Architecture 266
be set up in direct sunlight [15]; they should face northeast-southeast, affording protection
from the sun and wet winds [16].
Bird feeders
Providing food to garden birds at feeding stations with bird feeders can increase urban bird
populations in the landscape as a whole [17]. The water in the feeders needs to be changed
at least once a week in hot weather, and the feeders need to be washed regularly with soap
and hot water [18].
Dead trees (snags)
Birds tend to defend their territories by finding perches, such as dead trees, and using them
as singing posts. For this reason, dead trees are particularly useful as supports for bird
houses [6].
2.1.2. Criterias for planting design in bird gardens
The most useful way to plan a bird garden is to start by finding out which bird species already
exist in the area, and which are to be attracted to the birdscape. Each species adapts to different
parts of the habitat, depending on its needs, so native vegetation will provide the best types
and ranges of food and shelter that the birds need at different times of the year.
For the same reasons, diversity in the vegetation will attract a broader range of bird species:
some will be ground foragers, and others bush and shrub feeders; some may prefer nesting
at lower levels, and others higher up. The habits of a single species may include using
different types and layers of vegetation for feeding, roosting and nesting, and these habits
also need to be taken into account.
The landscaping should include trees which afford protection from winds, especially during
the winter months for example, rows of evergreens or a mixture of evergreens and
deciduous trees (a 50:50 mix would be ideal); and if the typical winds are northwesterly, the
trees should line the north and west sides of the garden. These tall trees will also have the
added advantage of attracting birds and providing a high perch for them from which they
can look out for any possible danger before descending into the garden [19].
In addition, the landscaping should provide a variety of levels of vegetation to be used as
food sources and nesting sites, This can be done by layering in smaller trees and shrubs,
such as Malus trees, Rosa, Amelanchier spp., and deciduous lex spp., planted in front of the
windbreaks created by the taller trees. Perennials and annuals, whose seeds and nectar are
an excellent food source, can form yet another layer in front [12]; birds are drawn to the
bright colors of wild flowers and fruit, in particular when they are migrating, and Salvia
coccinea, Penstemon spp., and Campsis radicans will attract a wide range of species [20].
Another essential part of a good birdscape is grasses, which are resilient, tolerate extremes
of heat and dryness as well as the winter cold, and are easily sustainable. Song and game
birds that feed at low levels use the grass seeds as a food source, and the blades of grass to
Integrating Ecosytem Landscapes in Cityscape: Birds and Butterflies 267
build nests; dried grasses during the winter also enable them to hide from predators. For
successful urban ecosystems to flourish, then, this type of landscape should be increased at
the expense of mowed lawn and turf areas, which are unproductive habitats and tend to
attract less desirable species, such as Columba livia, the Sturnidae family, the Molothrus genus
and Quiscalus quiscula [20]. These turf areas provide little in the way of nutrition or
habitable environment, and may also be maintained by fertilizers and pesticides which have
a detrimental effect on birds, as well as on other wildlife [7].
There are two main categories of vegetation that are appropriate for bird gardens: nectar
plants and fruit plants.
Nectar plants
As for this category of plants, it is essential to have diversity, as each species of bird feeds on
different food at different times of the year; at the same time, there should be a sufficient
quantity of plant species that produce visible masses of fruit, so these can be recognized by
the birds (Table 1). However, this diversity should not extend to exotic trees and shrubs,
which can invade and take over endemic habitats.
Fruit plants
In their natural habitats, birds have a wide variety of fruits to choose from during the year,
as different fruits ripen in each season; among the most appealing are: Prunus, Sorbus, Ilex,
Amalanchier, Cornus and Juniper. Vines are also a good food source; and they provide nesting
sites and shelter for birds (Table 1).
Many bird species are attracted to the fruit of Cornus and Juniper; for example, Cornus florida
draws bluebirds, robins, thrushes, and 30 other species. The dogwood tree is colorful in
spring, has beautiful leaves in the autumn, and then produces bright red fruit. Junipers,
many of which have attractive red bark, can be incorporated practically anywhere in an eco-
friendly garden; Juniperus virginiana attracts some 54 bird species, and can tolerate a wide
range of environmental conditions (only the female plant bears fruit, but both male and
female plants are required for fruit to be produced) [8].
Botanical Name Birds Attracted Plant Appeal
Acer spp. Cardinalidae family, Carduelis pinus, Passerina
caerulea, Parulidae family, Pheucticus
melanocephalus, Pheucticus ludovicianus, Poecile
carolinensis, Sitta europaea, Troglodytes
troglodytes and many others
Seeds, nesting
Amelanchier spp. 40+ species, including genus Ailuroedus,
Cardinalidae family, genus Carduelis, Erithacus
Betula nigra 35 + species, including songbirds, genus
Bombycilla, Fringilla coelebs, Garrulus
glandarius, genus Junco, Poecile carolinensis
Seeds; flower buds;
insects on foliage
Advances in Landscape Architecture 268
Botanical Name Birds Attracted Plant Appeal
Carpinus spp. Songbirds, especially Cardinalidae family,
Carduelis carduelis, Passerina caerulea, Pheucticus
melanocephalus, Pheucticus ludovicianus
Nutlets; shelter
Celtis occidentalis 48 + species, including Erithacus rubecula, Picidae
family and Toxostoma rufum
Fruits ripen in late
summer, nesting; shelter
Malus spp. 29+ species, including songbirds, Erithacus
rubecula and Picidae family
Fruit; nesting site
Morus spp.
40+ species. Fruit ripens July-
August; nesting site
Picea spp. 25+ species, including genus Loxia, Sitta europaea,
Poecile carolinensis
Cones; shelter; nesting
Pinus spp. Carduelis spinus, Fringilla coelebs, Garrulus
glandarius, Loxia curvirostra, Picidae family and
Sitta europaea
Cones on trees 10+ years
old; shelter; nesting site
Prunus spp. 84+ species, including genus Bombycilla, Passerina
caerulea, Pheucticus melanocephalus, Pheucticus
ludovicianus, Pheucticus ludovicianus, Picidae
Quercus spp. 60+ species, including Cyanocitta cristata, Picidae
family, Sitta europaea, Toxostoma rufum
Acorns; insects; shelter;
nesting site
Sorbus spp. 20 + species, including genus Bombycilla,
Erithacus rubecula, Icteridae family, Picidae
family and genus Sialia, Turdus migratorius
Fruit ripens in late
August- September
Anatidae family Seeds; shelter
Taxus cuspidata Genus Bombycilla, Cardinalidae family, Turdidae
family and many others
Cones; shelter; nesting
Thuja plicata Cardinalidae family, Erithacus rubecula,
Passeridae family, Passerina caerulea, Pheucticus
melanocephalus, Pheucticus ludovicianus and
Poecile carolinensis
Cones; shelter; nesting
Berberis ssp. Many species Berries ripen in fall;
Cornus spp. 93+ species, including Empidonax minimus,
Picidae family
Fruits ripen in late
Cotoneaster spp. Genus Ailuroedus, Cardinalidae family, Erithacus
rubecula, Fringillidae family, Garrulus glandarius,
Turdus migratorius and many others
Fruit; shelter
Crataegus spp. Bombycilla cedrorum, Cardinalidae family Fruits; insects on foliage;
nesting site
Ilex decidua 49+ species including genus Ailuroedus, genus
Bombycilla and Erithacus rubecula
Fruit matures in autumn
and persists through
winter; nesting site
Integrating Ecosytem Landscapes in Cityscape: Birds and Butterflies 269
Botanical Name Birds Attracted Plant Appeal
Juniperus species Bombycilla cedrorum, Coccothraustes vespertinus,
Erithacus rubecula, genus Junco, Melospiza
melodia, Toxostoma rufum, Turdus migratorius,
Spizella passerina
Fruit; shelter; nesting
Rhus typhina 98+ species, including genus Colaptes, Erithacus
rubecula, Passeridae family, Picidae family, genus
Pipilo and Thraupidae family
Fruit ripens in August
September and persists
into spring; shelter
Ribes spp. 98+ species, including Erithacus rubecula,
Passeridae family, genus Pipilo and Thraupidae
Fruits ripen in June-July
on female plants
Rosa spp. 42+ species, including genus Bombycilla, Passerina
caerulea, Pheucticus melanocephalus, Pheucticus
ludovicianus and Poecile carolinensis
Fruit ripens in August,
often persisting into
winter, nesting site
149+, including genus Ailuroedus, Picidae
families, genus Tyrannus, Thraupidae family,
Zonotrichia leucophrys and Zonotrichia albicollis
Berries ripen from late
August into fall
Sambucus spp. 120+ species including genus Ailuroedus, genus
Bombycilla, Fringillidae family, Parulidae family,
Picidae family and genus Regulus
Fruit ripens July-
September; nesting site
Syringa spp. Cardinalidae family, Fringilla coelebs and Poecile
Nesting site
Erithacus rubecula, Poecile carolinensis and
Berries ripen in October,
persisting late into
Viburnum spp. Cardinalidae family, Genus Sialia, Mimidae
Berries ripen in fall;
nesting site
Other attracting plants for birds:
Vines: Hedera helix, Lonicera spp., Vitis spp.,
Annuals: Cosmos spp., Helianthus spp., Zinnia spp.,
Perennials: Aster spp., Centaurea cyanus, Echinacea spp.
Grasses: Carex spp., Digitaria spp., Panicum spp.
Water plants: Hosta spp., Polygonum spp., Typha spp.,
Table 1. Bird Garden Plant List [8, 12, 28, 30]
2.2. Butterfly gardens
Butterfly gardening is the term used to describe the development and maintenance of a
tract of land as a butterfly habitat. It involves attracting and retaining populations of
butterflies, which, apart from their being beautiful, enable plant reproduction through
pollination [14] . Butterfly gardening is believed to have begun in England in the 1970s, as
an expression of the British love of gardening and nature; the Butterfly World habitat was
inaugurated at Coconut Creek in Florida, in the USA, in 1988.
Advances in Landscape Architecture 270
Site selection
One factor that affects butterflies activities is wind; strong winds tend to work against them,
so a windbreak will be crucial if the chosen site is an open area. Of course, a site surrounded
by trees or houses will not need wind protection [21]; however, the site should not be
shaded: butterflies need warmth to fly and most plants preferred by butterflies also thrive in
sunlight. The ideal site would have a southern exposure and get no less than six hours of
sunlight daily [22].
Sunlight is a critical factor, both for flowers and for butterflies. Butterflies can only fly
efficiently when their body temperature is about 85-100F. This is why they tend to rest in the
early morning on rocks, bricks or gravel paths that have been heated by the sun. When the
temperatures rise during the day, they seek out flowers for their nectar, but only in areas
where there is warm sunlight.
2.2.1. Criterias for structural design in butterfly gardens
The area allocated for a butterfly garden can be as small as a 1.5 x 3m strip of land by a path,
or as large as a naturally landscaped garden, but drainage and walkways around the beds of
plants must be taken into consideration; materials ranging from boards to railroad ties,
rocks, bricks, etc., can be used to create a raised-bed butterfly garden.
Open areas
Because of their need for warmth in order to fly, butterflies need sunny open areas, and
these can be supplied by designing open lawns with groundcover and clover, as well as flat
surfaces such as rocks or paving stones for the butterflies to rest on; in addition, the clover
will provide nectar for adult butterflies, and help the lawns to grow by fixing soil nitrogen.
Butterflies are unable to drink directly from open water; instead, they mud-puddle, which
means they take in water from the moist areas near open water. This situation can be catered
for by leaving a bowl of wet sand or creating a mud puddle in the garden where the
butterflies can drink. [23]. If sand is used, ideally it should be salt-saturated beach sand,
because the salt helps the male butterflies produce sperm; an added advantage is that the
salt keeps away slugs and snails which attack the butterflies host plants and kill caterpillars
[24]. Adding a few rocks or sticks to the bowl or puddle will allow the butterflies to perch on
them while they are drinking, and as the male butterfies need extra sodium in the mating
season, a little salt can be added to the puddle [25].
Like most fauna, butterflies need shelter from wind and rain, and will tend to take cover in
protected areas [26]. They also tend to feed and lay their eggs in warm areas sheltered from
the wind. For these reasons, the design of the butterfly garden might well include a row of
Integrating Ecosytem Landscapes in Cityscape: Birds and Butterflies 271
taller trees or shrubs serving as a windbreak, with another inner layer of tall plants for
further protection [23].
Butterflies begin their life cycle as eggs, which are laid on plants and adult hatch into larvae
or caterpillars, which first eat their egg shells and then feed on the leaves of their host plant.
This is different from the case of the adult butterflies, which feed on primarily on liquid
nectar from flowers [27].
Some butterfly larvae, such as tent caterpillars, cutworms, and the tobacco hornworm, are
seen as pests; most, however, are not, and emerge as beautiful adult butterflies. It is
therefore essential that a butterfly garden have plants which will serve as food for different
kinds of butterfly larvae, such as flowering plants with long blooming periods and life
cycles covering different months. This diversity will create a source of nutrients for a range
of species, and also conceal damaged leaves. In any case, the larvae usually do little harm to
plants; they also feed on tree sap, organic detritus and animal waste, and adults are often
attracted by fruit which has fallen off plants and lies rotting on the ground.
Butterflies tend to sit and warm themselves on rocks that have been heated by the sun.
Fences or corner nooks and crannies may be used by butterflies as shelters in strong winds
and rainstorms.
Butterfly garden equipments
Butterfly houses
In adverse weather conditions, migrating butterflies usually take shelter in cracks in
buildings or trees. A butterfly house is a shelter created specifically to assist migrating and
hibernating butterflies by providing them a place to stay.
Wood piles
Wood piles also offer butterflies shelter and a place where they can hibernate [31].
2.2.2. Criterias for planting design in butterfly gardens
As noted earlier, in a butterfly garden there should be an appropriate range of plants that
will support both the larvae and the adult butterflies [7]. The location of the flowering plants
is not simply a matter of aesthetics; they should be planted in clusters, with taller plants in
the background and shorter ones in the front, so that the butterflies can have access to the
widest possible range of flowers. If the garden is in the middle of an open area, taller plants
should be placed in the center and shorter ones at the outer edge, with the shortest
flowering plants closer to the center.
Advances in Landscape Architecture 272
The types of flowering plant selected are also significant, because the sizes and shapes of
flowers may determine the kinds of butterflies that visit them: large butterflies like Papilio
machaon, for instance, have a tendency to alight on flowers with large compact heads, on
which they can rest their bodies while feeding.
The two basic types of plants that butterflies look for are: first, those that provide nectar for
food; and second, host plants, on which the females lay their eggs, and which also serve,
when the eggs hatch, as food for the caterpillars.
Nectar plants
The butterfly garden can include a wide range of nectar plants, comprising a mixture of
annuals, perennials, herbs, shrubs and endemic wildflowers (Table 2). Such colorful
flowering plants are key to attracting and maintaining butterfly populations [32], for when
the female finds these food sources, she will deposit her eggs [24].
Host plants
Having sufficient host plants in the garden will maintain the butterfly population: when the
female is ready to lay, she searches for and locates host plants with leaves that the
caterpillars will eat when the eggs hatch. Many species of larvae eat only the flowering parts
and ignore the leaves; some feed on the leaves [33]; others feed on the reproductive parts of
flowers or seeds. Caterpillars typically spend most of their time feeding on their host plant
(Table 2); many starve to death if they cannot find the right plant [25]; and in the end, only
about 5% of the 60-150 eggs the female lays will survive to the adult phase.
Botanical Name Butterfly Caterpillar/Larval
Nectar Source/Butterflies
Amelanchier spp. Satyrium liparops
Betula spp. Nymphalis antiopa, N.
Vaualbum; Papilio glaucas,
Enodia anthedon
Gleditsia triacanthos Hesperia comma
Carpinus spp. Limenitis arthemis
Carya spp. Satyrium calanus
Celtis occidentalis Asterocampa celtis, A.clyton;
Libytheana carinenta,
Nymphalis antiopa, Polygonia
Juglans nigra Satyrium calanus
Liriodendron tulipifera Papilio glaucas
Malus spp. Limenitis, Papilio glaucas
Populus spp.
Limenitis arthemis, Nymphalis
antiopa, Rubidus Hybrid,
Satyrium liparops
Enodia anthedon
Integrating Ecosytem Landscapes in Cityscape: Birds and Butterflies 273
Botanical Name Butterfly Caterpillar/Larval
Nectar Source/Butterflies
Prunus spp.
Celastrina ladon, genus of
Limenitis, Papilio glaucas,
Satyrium liparops
Quercus spp. Satyrium liparops
Salix spp. Satyrium liparops, Limenitis
arthemis, L. archippus, Papilio
glaucas, Nymphalis antiopa, N.
Enodia anthedon, Nymphalis
Tilia spp. Polygonia interrogationis
Ulmus hybrids Nymphalis antiopa, Polygonia
interrogationis, Polygonia c-
Buddleja davidii Battus philenor,
Danaus plexippus,
Junonia coenia,
Libytheana carinenta,
Nymphalidae families,
Papilio polyxenes,
Papilio glaucas, Phyciodes tharos,
Pyrgus communis,
Speyeria cybele, Vanessa atalanta
Cornus sericea spp. Celastrina ladon Libytheana carinenta
Crataegus spp. Limenitis arthemis, Satyrium
Hamamelis virginiana Celastrina ladon
Hydrangea paniculata
Danaus plexippus
Lantana spp. Papilio glaucas, Papilio troilus
Papilio zelicaon
Lavandula angustifolia Cupido comyntas, Danaus
plexippus, Papilio machaon
Lonicera spp. Hesperia comma, Papilio
cresphontes, Papilio glaucas,
Papilio cresphontes
Rhododendron spp. Battus philenor, Papilio
cresphontes, Papilio cresphontes
Syringa vulgaris Battus philenor, Danaus
plexippus, Nymphalidae family,
Papilio machaon,
Advances in Landscape Architecture 274
Botanical Name Butterfly Caterpillar/Larval
Nectar Source/Butterflies
Viburnum dentatum Macroglossum stellatarum Polygonia interrogationis, Vanessa
Viburnum lentago Celastrina ladon
Other attracting plants for butterfly:
Annuals: Antirrhinum spp., Cleome spp., Echium vulgare, Helianthus spp., Tropaeolum majus.
Perennials: Asclepias spp., Aster spp., Carex spp., Centaurea spp., Coreopsis spp., Echinops ritro, Rudbeckia hirta,
Solidago spp., Viola odorata, Verbena spp.
Herbs: Anethum graveolens, Artemisia dracunculus, Humulus lupulus, Levisticum officinale, Mentha spp., Origanum
vulgare, Salvia officinalis.
Weeds: Boehmeria spp., Plantago spp., Trifolium spp., Urtica spp.
Table 2. Butterfly Garden Plant List [24, 34, 35, 36]
The flowers selected for a butterfly garden should have a variety of colors [32]. Each butterfly
species has its own preferences as regards color, but they usually tend to prefer warm colors
such as reds, yellows, and oranges, and especially purple, white, yellow, and pink [27].
Yet another factor that affects butterflies choice of habitat is fragrance, which may surpass
color in significance [2]. Butterflies antennae are speckled with thousands of minute holes
that absorb scents so intensely that they can pick up the fragrance of flowers up to two miles
away. Flowers such as Lavandula, Syringa and Lonicera emit strong scents to attract
butterflies for pollination [25], as do the wild flowers that grow in fields, meadows, and
beside roads [29].
2.3. Maintenance of butterfly and bird gardens
These gardens should be maintained in much the same way as any other flower garden.
Applying 5-7.5cm of a coarse wood chip mulch enhances the soil, prevents weed growth, helps
the soil to retain moisture, and also provides cover for butterfly pupae and beneficial insects.
The greatest problem for butterfly gardens is the growth of undesirable plants such as
weeds and grasses that might crowd out the adult butterflies nectar plants and the larvaes
host plants [3]. During weeding and pruning, care should be taken not to damage or destroy
butterfly eggs, which are frequently laid on the undersides of leaves and other parts of host
plants [2]. Pesticides should be avoided [25]; organic pest control in the form of insect-
repelling plants should be used instead.
3. Conclusion
Butterflies and birds, in contrast to most fauna, are not restricted in their habitat to distant
natural environments; they live in both rural and urban environments, and their
Integrating Ecosytem Landscapes in Cityscape: Birds and Butterflies 275
populations can easily be increased and maintained with some basic knowledge and
organization. Urban ecological environments for them do not need much land; indeed,
existing gardens can be modified for this purpose [32].
Urban ecological gardens can be created by carrying out an analysis of the proposed site,
and selecting and arranging the planting of appropriate vegetation and other design
elements. Birds and butterflies have the same fundamental needs food, water, safety, and
shelter and these needs can be met through the creation of simple constructions such as
water features and feeding stations, as well as through basic procedures that afford
protection from predators, and privacy.
There are some design differences in the construction of gardens for birds and those for
butterflies: while butterflies need what is provided by particular plants, birds tend to need
particular kinds of habitat structures which facilitate sheltering, roosting, nesting, and food-
finding. These structures may range from open plains, to deep woods, to a combination of
both [37]. Butterflies prefer, and indeed need, the warmth of the sun, whereas birds make
use of both sun and shade. Water features (e.g. the bird bath) are more important for bird
gardens than for butterfly gardens, because birds need to drink more to cool themselves.
Food is, of course, important for both birds and butterflies; increasing its availability. will
result in larger populations of both in the cityscape [11]. For butterflies, the food source of
the host plant is needed for the larval phase, and nectar for the adult. Food sources like
berries will attract the birds; fragrant flowers will draw in the butterflies. Certain types of
equipment can also enhance the appeal and sustenance provided by both types of urban
ecological garden: these include bird houses, feeders and dead trees for bird gardens; and
butterfly houses and wood piles for butterfly gardens.
The design and organization of vegetation plays a critical role in both types of garden; in
each case the garden should be seen as comprised of three basic areas: the background,
middleground and foreground. The background area, comprising purpose-planted trees
and shrubs, functions as a windbreak, and also as a backdrop for the flowers. The
middleground, comprising clusters of colorful, medium to tall flowers, is the central focus of
the garden; and the foreground, with low-growing plants, marks its front boundary.
Unmowed areas of gardens where nature is left to itself may have more diverse plant
species than are found in mowed areas, and so form better habitats with more food sources.
Because adult butterflies are more likely to recognize plant masses than individual plants,
there should be relatively more massed vegetation in butterfly gardens than in bird gardens.
In the planning of ecological urban gardens, it should be reiterated that plants that produce
seeds, berries, fruit, or nuts tend to attract birds, while fragrant and nectar-producing flowers
attract butterflies; and that host plants are also critical for butterflies, especially in the larval
period. Nectar plants which also serve as food sources are the main desirable plants for both
birds and butterflies. Ecological urban gardens usually contain a mixture of such plants, both
endemic and non-endemic [38], and the landscape should be designed to reflect the natural
environment. Research indicates that the range of bird species seen in these gardens increases
the more endemic plants they contain, and the greater the total plant biomass [39].
Advances in Landscape Architecture 276
Today in the cityscape context, landscaping based on ecological principles is increasing in
importance, and the successful creation, development and maintenance of sustainable
environments requires both the construction of natural habitats, and the attraction to these
habitats of compatible and balanced populations of wildlife species. Bird and butterfly
gardens are paradigms for the new eco-friendly city.
Author details
Gken Firdevs Ycel
Faculty of Engineering and Architecture, Istanbul Aydn University, Istanbul, Turkey
4. References
[1] Lex, Hes and Roy, Tredler. Attracting Birds to Your Garden in Southern Africa,
Publisher: Struik Publishers; 2nd Revised edition edition; 2000.
[2] Gochfeld, Michael and Burger, Joanna. Butterflies of New Jersey: A Guide to Their
Status, Distribution, and Appreciation, Publisher: Rutgers University Press; 1996.
[3] Shepard, John and Guppy, Crispin. Butterflies of British Columbia: Including Western
Alberta, Southern Yukon, the Alaska Panhandle, Washington, Northern Oregon,
Northern Idaho, and Northwestern Montana, University of British Columbia
[4] Ortho. Ortho's All About Attracting Hummingbirds and Butterflies, Publisher: Ortho;
1st edition; 2001.
[5] Gaston, Kevin. J.Urban Ecology (Ecological Reviews), Cambridge University Press;
[6] Kress, Stephen W. Bird Gardens (21st Century Gardening), Publisher: Brooklyn Botanic
Garden; 1998.
[7] Livingston, Margaret. Landscape design for attracting wildlife in southwestern urban
environments, Proceedings 4th International Urban Wildlife Symposium; 2004.
[8] Zickefoose, Julie. The Bird-Friendly Backyard: Natural Gardening for Birds: Simple
Ways to Create a Bird Haven (Rodale Organic Gardening Book), Publisher: Rodale Pr. ;
[9] Adams, George. Birdscaping Your Garden: A Practical Guide to Backyard Birds and the
Plants That Attract Them, Publisher: Rodale Pr; First Edition edition; 1994.
[10] Marinelli, Janet. The Wildlife Gardener's Guide (Brooklyn Botanic Garden All-Region
Guides), Publisher: Brooklyn Botanic Garden; 2008.
[11] Fuller, Richard A. and Warren, Philip H.and Armsworth, Paul R. And Barbosa, Olga
and Gaston, Kevin J. Garden bird feeding predicts the structure of urban avian
assemblages, Diversity and Distributions; 2008, 14, 1, 131137
[12] Ellis, Barbara W. Attracting Birds and Butterflies (Taylor's Guides), Publisher:
Houghton Mifflin (Trade); 1997.
[13] Newfield, Nancy L. Hummingbird Gardens - Attracting Nature's Jewels to Your
Backyard, Publisher: W. W. Norton & Co; 1996.
Integrating Ecosytem Landscapes in Cityscape: Birds and Butterflies 277
[14] Moss, Stephen. The Garden Bird Handbook: How to Attract, Identify and Watch the
Birds in Your Garden, New Hollond Publishers(UK); 2006.
[15] Whittley, Sarah and Cole, Dan. The Garden Bird Book, Publisher: New Holland
Publishers Ltd; 2006.
[16] Golley, Mark and Moss, Stephen and Daly, Dave. The Complete Garden Bird Book:
How to Identify and Attract Birds to Your Garden, New Holland Publishers (UK);
[17] Fuller, Richard A. and Warren, Philip H.and Armsworth, Paul R.and Barbosa, Olga,
and Gaston, Kevin. Garden bird feeding predicts the structure of urban avian
assemblages, Biodiversity Research, Diversity and Distributions (Diversity Distrib.)
2008;14, 131137
[18] Hostetler, Mark E. and Klowden, Gregg and Miller, Sarah Webb and Youngentob Kara
N. Landscaping Backyards for Wildlife: Top Ten Tips for Success, University of Florida
IFAS Extension; 2012,
gardener/gardening-manatee-style/b/backyard-wildlife-habitats.pdf (accessed 20
January 2013)
[19] Rose, Tui. Green, Healthy & Thrifty Gardening Helpful Hints: A Practical Guidebook of
1001 Wholesome Living Solutions to Make Life Easier & Save Money with Safe &
Natural Non-Toxic Tips, CCB Publishing; 2012.
[20] Bender, Kelly Conrad. Texas Wildscapes: Gardening for Wildlife, The Texas A & M
Nature Guides Edition, Texas A&M University Press; 2009.
[21] Schlicht, Dennis W. and Downey, John C. and Nekola, Jeffrey C. The Butterflies of Iowa,
University of Iowa Press; 2007.
[22] Lewis, Alcinda and Buchanan, Steve. Butterfly Gardens: Luring Nature's Loveliest
Pollinators to Your Yard (21st Century Gardening), Publisher: Brooklyn Botanic
Garden; 2007.
[23] Krischik, Vera. Creating a Butterfly Garden From Butterfly Gardening, Regents of the
University of Minnesota; 2012.
[24] Mikula, Rick. Garden Butterflies of North America: A Gallery of Garden Butterflies &
How to Attract Them, Publisher: Willow Creek Press; 2001.
[25] Lamb, S. and Chambers, S. and Allen N. Create a Butterfly Garden, The Wildlife
Garden, Oregon State University Extension Service Press; 2002.
[26] Harris, Linda, D. Gardens for Birds, Hummingbirds & Butterflies (Black & Decker
Outdoor Home), Creative Publishing International, US; illustrated edition edition;
[27] Barnes, Thomas, G. Gardening for the Birds, The University Press of Kentucky;
[28] Trees and shrubs that attract birds,
(accessed 20 January 2013)
[29] Malam, John. Grow Your Own Butterfly Farm, Publisher: Raintree; 2012.
[30] Oddie, Bill, Beddard, Roy. The Garden Bird Year: A Seasonal Guide to Enjoying the
Birds in Your Garden New Holland Publishers Ltd; 2007.
Advances in Landscape Architecture 278
[31] Sprenkel, Richard. Getting Started in Butterfly Gardening, Entomology and
Nematology Department, Florida Cooperative Extension Service, Institute of Food and
Agricultural Sciences, University of Florida, 2005. (accessed 20 January 2013)
[32] Capinera, John L. Encyclopedia of Entomology, Springer Press; 2008.
[33] Allen, Thomas J. Caterpillars in the Field and Garden - A field guide to the butterfly
caterpillar of North America, Oxford University Press; 2005.
[34] Roth, Sally. Attracting Butterflies & Hummingbirds to Your Backyard: Watch Your
Garden Come Alive with Beauty on the Wing (Rodale Organic Gardening Books),
Publisher: Rodale Press; 2002.
[35] Shalaway, Scott. Butterflies in the Backyard, Publisher: Stackpole Books; 2004.
[36] Plants that Attract Butterflies,
butterflies.html (accessed 20 January 2013)
[37] Lowry, Judith Larner. Gardening With a Wild Heart: Restoring California's Native
Landscapes at Home, University of California Press; 2007.
[38] Bauer, Nancy. The California Wildlife Habitat Garden: How to Attract Bees, Butterflies,
Birds, and Other Animals, University of California Press; 2012.
[39] Day, Tim D. Bird species composition and abundance in relation to native plants in
urban gardens, Hamilton, New Zealand, Notornis;1995, 42, 3, 172186.
Chapter 11
Visual Quality Assessment Methods
in Landscape Architecture Studies
Mehmet Kvan Ak
Additional information is available at the end of the chapter
1. Introduction
In our day, the continuous rise in population density and technological developments make
urban life attractive. However, this situation has inevitable negative influences on human
factors. The psychological pressure which is a result of these negative influences alienates
human from natural life and makes human beings admirations and expectations
The visual problems, which are the reflection of changes in urban landscape design, causes
loss of prestige for many settlements and decreases the values of natural-cultural landscape
(Cokun and Kaplan, 2001).
While environmental issues are becoming more and more problematic and the size of green
areas is decreasing day by day, the importance of natural resources are comprehended more
seriously in todays conditions. Therefore, it can be accepted that the landscape is not just an
economic issue but also an aesthetic one to evaluate and discuss about (Erdnmez and
Kaptanolu, 2007). Visual quality assessment becomes an indispensable research topic
when landscape is discussed as an aesthetic entity.
This point depends on visual perception and it can be called as visual quality in cities and
scenery beauty in rural areas. Similar to the natural and cultural landscape areas,
perceiving a space in recreational areas in terms of visuality influences the active or passive
usage of these areas (Polat et al, 2012). Therefore, in order to develop the quality of recreational
areas and increase users satisfaction, specifying users demographical characteristics is
important in studies about visual quality assessment in landscape design.
When more than half of the last century is taken into account, landscape quality assessment
can be seen as a contest between expert or design approach and public perceptual approach.
Advances in Landscape Architecture 280
The previous studies mostly developed perception-centred approaches. These studies are
usually used in sustainable environmental perception and landscape assessment research.
Furthermore, the same studies are developed for public land administration practice. Both
approaches put forward the fundamental idea which claims that biophysical characteristics
are in interaction with the components of environment, human perception or experience.
Landscape quality consists of the relationship between the characteristics of landscape and
the influence of these characteristics on the users (Daniel, 2001).
Visual assessment studies focus on evaluating the visual characteristics, locational
installation, and social life of a place or a route on a perceptual basis (including all sense
organs, especially the eyes) within a functional relationship. These assessments become
operative in urban settlements such as a broad place which includes a whole city or a
division of a settlement or a route (boulevard, main road, street). The findings from the
assessments also shape people's daily life, physical planning and design works (Kaplan and
Hepcan, 2004).
This study presents an analysis of quality assessment and assessment approaches in
landscape architecture, together with conducting a broad literature review and how the was
used in practice. "Landscape quality assessment" studies claim that users' admirations and
expectations have an influence on their awareness. Therefore, the studies put forward that
landscape should not only be evaluated with design rules, and argue that the users'
admirations should also be taken into account together with these rules.
2. Landscape architecture and visual quality
It is immensely important to explain what 'landscape' means in order to better analyse the
work of 'visual quality assessment' within the profession discipline of landscape
architecture. This is because visual quality works can be a research topic for different
profession disciplines.
In this context,
Landscape concept
Landscape is the view which situates in an observable frame and is composed of natural and
cultural substances. At the same time, the notion refers to our capacity of how and how
much we perceive the materials that surround us and how we setup a relationship with
them. Landscapes are the most important aspects in setting up our locational identities. By
the help of nature and history, landscapes provide the fundamental interaction amongst
human (L.C.A., 2008).
Moreover, the lexical meaning of 'landscape' refers to a scene which comprises the natural
beauties of a region or an area. In other words, it refers to the total land form or shape of a
region. According to another definition, landscape can be described as a piece of area which
is positioned in a certain view frame. It also refers to a composition of all natural and
cultural environments within the aforementioned frame (Acar, 2003).
Visual Quality Assessment Methods in Landscape Architecture Studies 281
Visual quality concept
Even though the literature shows that there are different definitions of visual quality
concept in landscape design, it can be argued that the implied concept and the elements that
is served for are similar.
Landscape visual quality is simply defined as 'the aesthetical perfection of landscape' (Polat
and nder, 2011). According to Daniel (2001), landscape visual quality is a common product
of the observer's psychological (perceptual, cognitive, emotional) process which is in an
interaction with apparent (visible) landscape characteristics. According to Kaln (2004),
visual quality for an environment has a remarkable perceptual and objective structure as it
includes many variables inside of it. Because of this characteristic, 'visual quality' is
probably one of the hardest phenomenons that can be analysed and measured in an
In general, visual quality is a concept which shows the degrees of people's opinions and
aesthetic admirations about living creatures, objects and the view around them.
The concept of aesthetic
According to Porteous (1996), the concept of aesthetic originates from the Greek words
"aisthanesthai" which means 'to perceive', and "aistheta" which means 'perceivable objects'.
The lexical meaning of aesthetic is defined as the knowledge which was derived from senses
(akc, 2007).
When its theoretical aspects are taken into account, aesthetics is one of the environmental
design criteria which influences the protection and development of the 'landscape visual
quality' for an ecological and sustainable landscaping (Kamicaityte and Janusatis, 2004). In
this context, researchers' work would become easier by using the analyses on spatial
applications. Photographic images and digital drawings are usually used as a method in
order to evaluate the environmental quality. Most research projects showed that there are
clear similarities between the actual land and the photographs which were employed in the
surveys for the users. This means that objective results can be gathered even if the
participants in the survey only make comments by looking at the images instead of going to
the actual land. In addition to landscape designers and expert resource managers, different
professionals such as ecologists, geographers, environmental experts and psychologists also
use visual quality assessment in their research projects. Each profession discipline looks for
a different method. 'Visual quality assessment' in landscape design are usually named as the
perceptual interactivity of people (Lu et al., 2012).
When the approaches on aesthetic perception are considered, it can be seen that different
methods were used concerning the studies on 'visual quality assessment'. Table 1 below
categorised these approaches in brief.
While the expert approach is particularly powerful in environmental management
applications, the approaches which are based on user perception are dominant in research
Advances in Landscape Architecture 282
projects. Both approaches accept that landscape quality originates from the interaction
between the landscape's biological and the observer's perceptual process. The difference
between the two approaches is the mutual dominancy of expert and user. In today's
approach model, it is internalised that the first two approaches should be applied in parallel.
This research, which prefers to evaluate the users' preferences and the experts' ideas
together, is preferred more as it allows analysis and investigation in landscape planning and
design (Erdnmez and Kaptanolu, 2007).
The evaluation approach which is based on
experts' opinion
Environmental management applications
The evaluation approach which is based on
the perception of users.
Research projects, academic works, etc.
The visual quality assessment approach
which is based on the convergence of users'
preferences and experts' opinions.
Environmental management applications,
research projects, academic works, etc
Table 1. The approaches which are used in visual quality assessment studies
3. Visual quality assessment
In visual landscape assessments -in accordance with landscape planning, design and
management objectives- there are several inventory analysis and assessments for different
visual characteristics of landscape (Palmer and Hoffmann, 2000). Systematic visual
landscape quality assessment developed and manifested in the second half of the 20th
century. It started to be an actor in environmental management and policies, and became a
scientific research area with its important literature (zhanc and Ylmaz, 2011).
In this sense, the fundamental of today's 'visual quality assessment' studies originates from
Kevin Lynch who published the book "The Image of the City" in 1960. The factors
concerning the production of 'urban images', listed in Lynch's book (1960), light the way for
many studies in the field.
Urban landscape is an important concept which mobilises people's joy and emotions, keeps
them away from their daily life's stress, and psychologically refreshes them. For this
purpose, renovating a city and its environment by a systematic way is only possible by
using 'visual quality assessment' studies (Lynch, 1960). In this context, Nasar (1998)
emphasised that the users' preferences can be measured in order to designate the
likability degree of the elements that people like or not in different sectors of their cities
(Chon, 2004).
In order to understand the importance of environment, investigating how people react to
different characteristics of the environment is required. Therefore, experts want to know
Visual Quality Assessment Methods in Landscape Architecture Studies 283
whether the salient criteria, which were evaluated by the users, are statistically meaningful
or not.
Visual quality studies directly address the users and they have an impact on the users.
Therefore, it is important that planners and designers take into account the public opinion
before a decision-making process in order to conduct the research in an objective way.
According to the current literature, collaborating with the users and providing a good
communication with them by employing photomontage and simulation techniques on the
users have a positive impact on decision-making process in environmental design
(Mahdjoubi and Wiltshire, 2001). It is observed that the visual techniques (photomontage,
simulation, etc) that are used in research projects encourage the users' participation in the
decision making process. This kind of comparison work lets the participants imagine their
living space beforehand which is beneficial for us to perceive the participants' impressions.
These impressions gathered from the participants are interpreted together with the experts'
views. Accordingly, this provides a more objective evaluation in scientific research about
visual quality (Chon, 2004).
The previous research also shows that the planning and design decisions which were
supported by simulation and photomontage methods, carried out by the users, are more
reliable and practical knowledge (Kaplan and Kaplan, 1989; Nasar, 1988; Nasar 1998;
Purcell, 1986; Zube 1980). While Chon (2004) argues that the research related to
environmental preference is usually presented with one criterion to the users, Moore (1989)
claims that the preference of more than one user supports an interactive view. As a result of
the interactivity of users' perception and aesthetics, 'environment' occurs.
Likability represents a psychological construction which includes subjective assessments
about environment (Nasar, 1998). Likability includes two types of variables. They are:
Physical environment,
User's reaction
According to Lothian (2012), evaluation and mapping works in Australia was conducted by
'National Trust'. In their work, soil-geology, bio-diversity - geomorphology, rivers-lakes and
the characteristics which were emphasised by those were analysed. The aim of the analysis
was to explore the quality of landscape. However, the biggest shortcoming of their work
was the exclusion of the public in the research. Therefore, the studies were by and large
The method which was used in their studies are summarised in Figure 1 below.
In order to carry out the landscape analysis work in an objective way, the studies should
include observation, analysis and synthesis, and these should undergo the cognitive process
of human brain. On the other hand -within the scope of assessing qualitative values- visual
quality, including the liked and not liked, is an emotional process which consist of people's
preferences. Therefore, in this context, the components are analysed and the preferences are
evaluated. Lothian's work about 'visual landscape quality' (2012) underlines that the
participation of the local users brought more objective results in the Figure 2 below.
Advances in Landscape Architecture 284
Figure 1. Traditional landscape quality assessment method the wrong approach (Lothian, 2012).
Visual Quality Assessment Methods in Landscape Architecture Studies 285
Figure 2. Landscape quality assessment method (Lothian, 2012).
Table 2., illustrates this by showing the influence of familiarity with the Flinders Ranges in
South Australia. Being very familiar lifted the average rating for those persons by 12.5%, or
0.8 on the 1 10 scale. Even being slightly familiar enhanced ratings by 8% or 0.5.
Advances in Landscape Architecture 286
Familiarity Mean %
Not familiar 6.07 100.0
Slightly familiar 6.57 108.3
Very familiar 6.83 112.5
Table 2. Influence of familiarity - Flinders Ranges (Lothian, 2012).
4. Some of visual quality assessment studies and the employed methods
Lynch developed a fundamental method which seeks to evaluate the urban form and
improve the urban images (Cokun and Kaplan, 2001). By the distinct model he established,
Lynch claimed that any environment has the possibility to create a powerful quality and this
was defined as 'imageability'. Lynch worked on this presumption by the quality assignation
programme he conducted in the downtowns of Boston, New Jersey and Los Angeles. After
these applications, the method proposed by Lynch includes two parallel study. In the first
step, the analysed area is scanned and the observations are listed in a report. In parallel with
this, a survey is conducted on a group of people which is large enough to represent the
general characteristics of the society. The questionnaire includes questions related to
important routes and locations. In addition to these two parallel studies, the strong and
weak aspects of environment are analysed. In the second step, the important elements
selected from another group will be placed, virtual travels will be performed, and the
impression of experimental subjects by preparing the rough copies will be presented (Ak,
2010). By preparing a map and a report, the general quality of environment, its visual
weakness and powerful aspects, characteristics and changing possibilities were determined.
In their research, zhanc and Ylmaz (2011) focussed on 120 people and conducted a
survey about a visual quality analysis of the area they chose. For this purpose, 48 pictures
which can represent the area were selected and the participants were asked to evaluate the
area in the pictures. Before the questionnaire, the participants were informed about the
topic. Accordingly, parameters which are based on perception (naturality, diversity,
consistency, openness, mystery, perspective, confidence, order, the beauty of view) and
recreation value parameters were used. In the second evaluation step, expert evaluations
which focus on landscape characteristics were considered.
In Daniel's (2001) research called "Whither Scenic beauty? Visual landscape quality
assessment in the 21st Century", reliability of individual expert evaluations was mentioned.
The research found out that the consistency is not stable and different experts have different
opinions on the same landscape. Studies in the field do not examine whether the abstract
design parameters, which are based on expert evaluations, are related to landscape quality
or perception-centred measurements.
In brief, it was not proved that the expert views were completely confidential in visual
landscape quality assessments.
Visual Quality Assessment Methods in Landscape Architecture Studies 287
James' (2000) study called "Reliability of Rating Visible Landscape Qualities" looked at the
reliability of evaluating the apprehended landscape characteristics by using perception. It
was emphasised that the methods which were used in quality assessments should include
the evaluation forms (questionnaires) which were approved by visual presentations.
Moreover, the requirement to use the pictures while explaining the visual quality criteria
was also mentioned.
Bishop and Rohrmann's (2003) study looks at the comparison of actual images and
animation images. The study evaluated an actual and an animation view of a park at night
and in day time together with the participants' perceptual reactions on these views. The
conceptual framework of the study is shown in Figure.3.
Figure 3. Conceptual framework of the study. Participant responses to the presentations are shown in
circles. The presentations are a combination of the actual features of the environment and the chosen
means of presentation (Bishop and Rohrmann, 2003).
In another study, Kaltenborn and Bjerke (2002) put forward the relationship between
different landscape preferences and the living area. Local people were asked to evaluate the
visual aspects of 24 different pictures which show different areas in the local people's area.
Kaplan and Hepcan's (2004) work focuses on visual quality assessments of the places where
vehicles and pedestrians' way are used together. The study is based on the physical
structure that shapes the location, and the visual analysis and assessment of senses which
were gathered from social life. As the perceived senses differentiate during the day because
Advances in Landscape Architecture 288
of climate, the fieldwork was conducted in zmir, Turkey where this differentiation clearly
appears in June in different times of the day. According to the method, the first section of
the study looks at the typology of views which were perceived from important locations.
The second section deals with the visual experiences and psychological senses which were
gathered on the move and these were transformed into a set of statistical data and then
evaluated. Then, the study presented some findings by ranking the values that were
gathered in morning, noon and evening time. Finally, comparisons on these different
rankings and a discussion were presented.
5. Conclusion
Studies on environmental quality assessment developed in the last 50 years. Researchers are
active and influential in measuring the locational quality of environment, and preparing
reliable visual quality maps about urban and rural environments. The quest for new
methods in recent years in research projects shows how much important the visual quality
studies are in perceiving the environment.
When 'visual quality assessment' studies are examined, there is no study which accepts the
quality among the studies that were conducted only by referring to expert evaluations.
Again, no study verified quality among the studies that were conducted only by the
evaluations of public/users. In this context, the evaluations of experts and the perceptions
and evaluations of public/users should be investigated in order to see how much they are in
line with real aesthetic values.
Until recently, the evaluations were mainly about physical characteristics. In recent years,
because of the aesthetic concerns on landscape, user-centred method selections were also
added to these evaluations. In order to put forward the correct data regarding visual quality
assessments, the physical, biological and social characteristics of environment should be
considered together.
In particular, as long as expert/design approach continues to be unsuccessful in providing
the correct and reliable criteria, the problem of deciding whether this approach is valid or
not will be a continuous discussion.
According to most studies, if objective results are expected in 'visual quality assessment'
studies, expert's view should not be the only source and the view of people who live in the
area should also be taken into account. In this context, the analysis studies which are
continuously renewed and corrected provide a basis for the plan which is going to shape the
visual configuration of environment in the future.
Author details
Mehmet Kvan Ak
Dzce University, Faculty of Forestry, Department of Landscape Architecture, Dzce / Turkey
Visual Quality Assessment Methods in Landscape Architecture Studies 289
6. References
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Chapter 12
Landscape Design for Children
and Their Environments in Urban Context
Habibe Acar
Additional information is available at the end of the chapter
1. Introduction
One of the most important topics of landscape architecture profession is to design high-
quality open spaces for people to meet their needs and expectation. These open spaces range
from smaller-scale residential gardens, used by certain number of people, to large city parks,
used by people with different age groups and the crowded masses. These different open
spaces and differences in uses lead to changes in the needs and expectations. Therefore, it is
necessary to know well about the needs and expectations of people when designing spaces
for them.
Children constitute a significant part of users in urban open spaces. Because childrens time,
spent in open spaces with play during the development, is extremely important and
necessary in terms of physical social, emotional, and cognitive aspects. Therefore, nature of
the play space is very important. Because, the elements, facilities and quality of a space also
affect the quality of the play. As it will be discussed in the following sections of this text,
when importance of play for children is considered, the design of open spaces for children
becomes an extremely important issue.
Today cities are getting crowded due to the variety of business and social opportunities
offered to the people. Due to the increasing population density and intensive construction,
open spaces that children can use are decreasing. In this context, introducing new and
alternative play spaces and play options are a solution. It is extremely important that
designed play areas should be qualified to meet childrens needs and desires and to make
positive contributions to their development.
This chapter focuses on landscape designs for children, particularly in urban spaces. At this
point, the subject will be discussed in terms of landscape design, children, and urban
context. First, it will be focused on the general definition of landscape design, interests, and
Advances in Landscape Architecture 292
the place of children's play areas among them. Second, the concept of play, the relationship
of the child with their environment, open spaces, natural areas and their importance, the
differences between environmental perceptions of children and adults will be mentioned.
Childrens needs and expectations in urban open spaces will also be discussed. Third, all of
above mentioned issues will be evaluated in terms of urban context with playgrounds
examples selected from around the world. Finally, in the light of all this information and
assessments, childrens expectations from open spaces, design process of childrens play
areas and considerations to design an ideal playground will be presented.
2. Landscape design
Landscape, originates from French word paysage which means scenery. Nowadays, the
word encompasses a wider and deeper meaning. While in the medieval period, landscape
was used as a synonym for region and territory in most of the Germanic languages,
beginning from the 15th century landscape became a pictorial genre. The use of landscape as
a term in science is relatively new. Today, landscape refers to not only a phenomenon
described and analyzed by scientific methods, but also a subjective experience which has
perspective, aesthetical, artistic and existential meaning (Memlk, 2012).
Design is the creative process of responding to conditions and concentrating meaning; and
landscape design is the creation of responsive, evocative, meaningful, sustainable, and
regenerative landscapes (Motloch, 2000). In other words landscape design is the art and
science of organizing and enriching outdoor space through the placement of plants and
structures in agreeable and useful relationship with the natural environment (Van Der
Zanden and Rodie, 2008, Adapted from the Nebraska Master Gardener Handbook, 1994).
A designer must handle both aesthetics and function at the same time in the designs.
Because one cannot exist without the other in quality design (VanDerZanden and Rodie,
2008). Especially, when the area is considered for children, function is more important.
Because children evaluate the environment with its functional rather than its esthetical
features. The aim of the landscape design is to build up qualified spaces in open areas for
people. Open areas that are the interest of landscape design may be urban or rural and
private or public. In this article urban landscape will be emphasized. From a wider
perspective, urban landscape is a part of urban matrix. Therefore design of urban
landscapes should be considered as an integral part of urban design. Urban landscape
design is clearly not urban design, but a crucial part of it. Hence, factors influencing urban
design also influence the form and functioning of urban landscapes (Memlk, 2012).
There are lots of spaces, having different functions, that can be subject of landscape design
in urban. Some of them may be ranged as urban squares, public gardens, playgrounds, open
areas of public institutes such as education, healthetc. and yards. Each of these spaces
requires different activity fields according to their users and locations. Among these spaces,
childrens play areas have an important place because playing in open areas in the
childhood period is extremely important for childrens healthy development.
Landscape Design for Children and Their Environments in Urban Context 293
3. Children
When designing places for people, the first necessary thing is to know the users of these
places. In this way, it would be possible to determine the user's needs and expectations.
Places to meet these needs are preferred and used by users. Therefore, design for children
requires to know the child, to understand the importance and necessity of play for child,
and to know activities children do and want to do especially in public areas.
Play and importance of play for children
When you think of a child, the first thing that comes to mind is play. The play is a concept of
universal that extremely important for the development of child's personality. There are
many definitions of play in the literature.
According to the Winnicott to play is to use imagination, the most important thing a person
can doPlay is always an experience of creating, also of uniting time and space- so is
fundamental to how we live(Day and Midbjer, 2007).
Moore (1990) states that play lies at the heart of childhood, limited in its boundaries only
by the opportunities afforded by physical settings and by the attitudes and commitment of
those whose business it is to manage them (Jones, 1997).
According to Piaget, play is not a condition of mental, but is a behavior or action and it
causes the child makes effort about what to do. According to him, the play is necessary for
the development of intelligence (Piaget and Inhelder, 1971).
Play is a form of behavior which has many definition, description and developmental
theories (Piaget and Inhelder, 1971; Jones, 1997). As a result, if we need to briefly mention,
the play refers to a unscheduled, spontaneous situation. It is possible to mention the four
assumptions about the play (Jones, 1997). These are listed as follows;
1. children learn during the play and play is necessary for the child's development and
2. the play is not limited to younger children, it is an important concept in adults life-
3. to play outside is an important need because it offers opportunities not found anywhere
4. play environments are educational areas
Children obtain feelings of achievement and self-security, of being together with others,
respect for themselves and others as a result of playing the play (Day and Midbjer, 2007).
Play is an extremely important concept in terms of children's rights. The International Play
Association (IPA) Declaration of the Child's Right to Play was introduced in November 1977
at the IPA Malta Consultation held in preparation for the International Year of Child (1979)
(Clements and Fiorentino, 2004). Play was emphasized that nutrition, health, housing and
education, as well as of vital importance for the development potential of each child in this
declaration (Ylmaz and Bulut, 2003).
Advances in Landscape Architecture 294
Experts working on childhood states that the best learning is provided through play and
exploration for children (Vicki and Stoecklin, 2004). A child learns and discovers himself
and his environment during the play. During the play, children use objects to learn how to
use them, perform activities with them and recognize them. Children should change the
places of them, create compositions, bring together, separate, take a piece of them, and re-
install the missing part (Piaget and Inhelder, 1971). In this way, children find the
opportunity to learn by trying different things. Therefore play is the child's experiment tool.
Benefits of play on the development of children can be classified under two headings. These
are; the benefits of playing during the play, the benefits of playing over time. In 1978, Jones
and Prescott stated that through play, children (and bigger people, too) learn a great deal
about the variety and complexity of the world, and about themselves as self-directed
learners (Jones and Prescott, in Jones, 1997).
There are also benefits that bring to the play over time, summarized as follows:
Children gain a sense of freedom and self-confidence
When a child's respect for other individuals increases, sharing also increases
Children become an healthy individual both physically and mentally, the learning
ability of children develop
Childrens creativity increases
Recognizing the importance of play and playing game will provide to better understand the
importance of play spaces as well. Because the nature of space and its components affects
children's play. As we live in an environment that surrounds us, outdoor areas where
children play are not possible to think independently from the environment. In this context,
the relationship between the child and their environment is important.
Child and Environment
The physical environment influences everybodys behavior (Proshansky et al., 1976; Day
and Midbjer, 2007) and supports the formation of self-identity during childhood years.
Children obtain information about environment and interact socially as a result of their
experiences in the physical environment. In order to learn about the environment children
need actively use and explore the environment. They invest certain meanings and names in
special environments for themselves. The importance of these special environments
continues through adulthood period. This sense of attachment and meaning of color, smell
and texture of special places has been studied by educators and designers (Francis, C. 1997).
Studies on this subject and the remaining images in the minds of children about their
environment can be evaluated in future play space design.
Individuals' motivation, behavior and mental health are affected between individual
characteristics from the environment and the characteristics of the environment (zdemir
and Ylmaz, 2008). When we look at it in terms of children, if an environment meets the
psychological needs of children, it provides satisfaction, if it does not meet, it provides
dissatisfaction. In addition, motion is required in order the children get to know a place and
to explore it. Before they can locomote or move from place to place (crawl, walk, run, etc.)
Landscape Design for Children and Their Environments in Urban Context 295
independently, infants are interested in many of things that fall within their reach (Bell,
2008). Environments that offer opportunity for movement and that offer diversity for
children are more preferred. At the same time, as this kind of environment will provide an
opportunity to explore, it will make positive contributions to the development of children.
Studies on childrens needs and the experiences in the environment can be found in the
environmental psychology literature (Spencer and Woolley, 2000). Environmental
psychology is a branch of discipline developed by Proshansky, Rivlin and Ittelson. This
interdisciplinary work area includes specific research topics such as perception, cognition
and social learning in the relationship between the environment and human (Loebach,
2004). In the field of environmental psychology, the best concept to assessment the child's
relationship with the environment, the opportunities presented by the environment and
its elements is affordance theory. Affordance generally refers to functional facilities
offered by the environment. Firstly, it has been developed by James J. Gibson in the late
1970's. Later, the concept of affordance used to identify children's environments
opportunities by many researchers particularly in Harry Heft (1988) and Marketta Kytt
(2002, 2003, 2004) (Loebach, 2004; Clark and Uzzell, 2008; Acar, 2009). Functional
possibilities offered by the environment create opportunities for different activities for
children (figure 1, 2, 3).
Figure 1. Sloping surfaces in any area are used to slide by children (Photo Acar, H., Rotterdam,
Advances in Landscape Architecture 296
Figure 2. Any object that children can enter might be a play space for them (Photo Acar, H., Den Haag,
Figure 3. Open green spaces provide opportunities for different activities (Photo Acar, H., Paris, France).
Children use these opportunities according to their own imagination, creativity, or purposes
(figure 4).
Figure 4. Children use materials in the environments according to their own purposes (Photo Acar, H.,
Paris, France).
Landscape Design for Children and Their Environments in Urban Context 297
These activity opportunities may be in open or closed spaces. But open areas are more
important for children than closed areas.
Opportunities offered by open spaces for children
Children need environment-related experiences during the character decisive years of their
life. Environmental experiences helps children prepare for their life and provide positive
contributions to their development. Open spaces are important places for obtaining these
experiences because play outside offers a direct relation with environment and makes
children discover their environment. Therefore open areas must be provided for children to
play. Outside play areas contribute to the development of childrens gross motor, allow
them to play freely and noisier plays, and also help them to learn about the natural
environment (Wilson, 2004).
Open spaces provide more opportunity than the closed spaces with the materials they have
(Heerwagen and Orians, 2002; Day and Midbjer, 2007; Acar, 2009). First of all, these spaces
experimentally allow children to contact with their environment, to make observation
and to learn natural events (change of the seasons and so on). Also, it helps children to
become social because it presents the opportunity of being together with other children
(figure 5, 6).
Figure 5. Open spaces provide the opportunity to be together with other children (Photo Acar, H.,
Paris, France).
It is possible to increase these opportunities offered by open spaces for children. The
importance of children's use of open spaces is more valuable, especially in urban areas.
Childrens opportunity to benefit from and access to open areas is less than in the rural areas
than urban areas due to security, traffic and intensive construction. Therefore, it has become
more important to make the existing places more qualified.
Advances in Landscape Architecture 298
Figure 6. Even a fountain allows children come together, to communicate, to socialize. At the same time
helps them to learn issues such as to respect the rights of others and their right to self-defense (Photo
Acar, H., Paris, France).
Natural materials and play potential
Natural areas, one of the open spaces, and the materials they have can provide lots of
opportunity for different activities when they are used in accordance with the creativity and
imagination of children. Some researchers state that experiences in natural areas play an
important role on children's cognitive and affective development (Pyle, 2002; Derr, 2008).
Actually these studies show that this situation is a reflection of adults childhood experience
(Derr, 2008). That is, adults childhood experiences affect attitudes of their adulthood.
Therefore, being in interaction with nature and natural materials in childhood contribute to
getting information about this subject in future, being sensitive and conscious towards the
environment and handing down this experience to the next generations.
Childhood is a period for exploring and it is wonderful, powerful and life-changing
discoveries for many children. In this process, period of 6-12 years is considered as middle
childhood (Tai et al., 2006). Especially during middle childhood, children get significant
experiences and skills that they can use throughout their lives. Therefore, interaction with
nature is extremely important for people during this period (Bixler et al., 2002; Tai et al.,
2006; Acar, 2009).
Studies show that children have a tendency to more natural materials and these materials
provides a positive contribution to their healthy development (Fjrtoft and Sageie, 2000;
Fjrtoft , 2004; Taylor and Kuo, 2008; Louv, 2008). For this reason, these materials should be
used in the play areas by considering their utility situations in plays and activity facilities.
Especially these materials must be used in play spaces in urban areas where it is difficult to
find natural areas and materials. But, it cannot be provided just by taking these materials
into the playground. The important thing is that these materials should support children's
activities. For example, if the climbing activity will be done by a tree instead of a climbing
wall, the tree should be appropriate for childrens dimensions and in an appropriate form to
Landscape Design for Children and Their Environments in Urban Context 299
As childhood has become more restricted, opportunities for interaction with nature and
natural experience are even more critical (Mark Francis, in Lyle, 1997). Interaction with
nature and natural materials contribute children's physical, mental, moral and emotional
development. There are strong evidences that constant change and growth in nature have a
strong effect on the development of intelligence. Also, when human beings and animals are
in dynamic environment containing natural areas, neural connections in the brain increase
and start to be more complex. Being deprived of such rich environments can cause lack of
energy and violent behavior (Tai et al., 2006).
Diversity and complexity offered by the environment support children's play. This
complexity and diversity creates opportunities for social interaction and problem solving. If
a play environment contains complexity and diversity, this environment will continue to
attract the attention of children over time (Jones, 1997). These complexity, diversity and
richness in the environment can be created more with the natural materials.
Because natural materials can be evaluated in different ways in the extent of children's
creativity due to their variability. Therefore, areas that have such elements will attract the
attention of children for a long time.
In addition, natures contributions to the development of children are frequently mentioned
in the literature. These can be grouped under the following headings (Acar, 2009);
Nature contributes in terms of psychological, cognitive, and emotional health, treatment
of attention deficit and hyperactivity disorder, motor development, play quality,
increased sensitivity to the environment, socialization
Nature develops the imagination, creativity and social play
Nature evokes positive emotions, sense of place
Nature has a stimulating effect
Nature allows thinking, observation and research
Natural environments are rich, tutorial, educational and informative environments
Stephen R. Kellert who is social ecology expert express that children can relate to nature in
three ways. These are (Kellert, 2002);
Direct; there is physical contact with nature and children recognize the nature more
Indirect; physical contact with nature is limited and is programmed, such as zoos,
botanical gardens.
Symbolically; there is no physical contact with nature, children recognize the nature with
materials such as book and computer.
The most ideal of these for children is direct contact with nature (figure 7). But today
establishing a direct relationship with nature and access to natures facilities are limited for
children in their daily experiences. The most important factor of this is the vast majority of
the population has begun to live in urban and suburban areas. In this case children see the
natural areas in their environment less than children live in rural or even they cannot see,
they usually go to school by service or other vehicles, they cannot have the experience or the
Advances in Landscape Architecture 300
opportunity to explore their environment, children use more open areas under adult
supervision due to security matters or they are recommended to use closed areas to play
and due to the increasing constructions children can use limited areas for play. Studies
about subject show that all of them effect the healthy development of children negatively.
Considering we dont have a chance to change our living conditions and after that these
conditions would change more against the children, especially designers who design open
spaces for children have important role from now on.
Study nature, love nature, stay close to nature. It will never fail you Frank Lloyd Wright
(Tai et al., 2006). This expression of Wright explicitly refers to the result of being in
relationship with nature.
Figure 7. An activity allowing direct contact with nature- pony ride on the area- (Photo Acar, H., Paris,
Differences in the perceptions and expectations of children and adults about the environment
Children and adults see and perceive the world differently (Day and Midbjer, 2007) and use
open spaces differently (Moore, 1991). Therefore, while making a decision about the design
of open spaces we should not forget that there are differences between children's and adults
perspectives. Functional features of the environment are more important than the aesthetic
features for children (figure 8). Therefore, when designing areas for children we should
determine according to childrens needs and desires.
Adults just focus on how to use space and they know what it is. On the other hand, for
children what the space means and how they meet and experience it is more important
(figure 9). Paula Lillard distinguishes these approaches: children use the environment to
improve themselves; adults use themselves to improve the environment. Children work for
the sake of process; adults work to achieve and result. This means places-for adults-are for
pre-defined purposes; but to children, they offer opportunities for things to do. Adults live
(mostly) in a world of material facts-known and unchanging. For children, the real world
is often servant to an imaginary world (Day and Midbjer, 2007).
Landscape Design for Children and Their Environments in Urban Context 301
Figure 8. Figure 8. A rock garden and rocks in the garden designed aesthetically for adults are
elements seating, climbing, over and around the watch for children (Photo Acar, H., Trabzon, Turkey)
Figure 9. Figure 9. A curved equipment designed by adults for aesthetically or sitting in the shopping
center can be play element to slide for a child (Photo Acar, H., Trabzon, Turkey)
For example, while adults enjoy looking at a lake, trees, the grass, these must be a tactile
auditory, oral and olfactory experience for children. It is through body contact, direct and
often disorderly, that need to experience their world. Puddles of water that adults avoid
are funny places splashing when pressed for children. Lush green hills adults likes looking
at is a place to roll down, feel the wet soft grass, smell its green smell for a child, an
experience the free fall of tumbling round and round. Adults prefer visually clean and well
maintained places instead of irregular and wet grass in open spaces. However, children as
one of the players that use the environment are place-messers (Francis, M. 1997).
The streets have always been one of the important and attractive play spaces for children
(figure 10). Children meet their friends around there, get to know each other and explore the
environment. The most important feature that makes streets attractive is its accessibility for
Advances in Landscape Architecture 302
both sexes and all age groups. However, streets are thought as a transportation routes used
to go from a point to b point or parking areas for vehicles by adults (Moore, 1991).
Figure 10. Figure 10. Streets are play spaces for children near their home (Photos Acar, H., Trabzon,
One way to understand how children use the environment and what kind of environment
they want is observing them. If the user of area that is designed for the child is apparent - for
example a school or daycare garden- in order to learn the expectations of children we
should observe childrens behavior in the area instead of learning by interviews. In this way,
it can be determined that which points in the area, when, how often, with how many people
and finally and most importantly, for which activity children use. Also, children can build
special places such as wooden houses, clubhouses built with waste materials, cottages, and
so on, for their own needs in their environments. These places built by the children are an
important indicator of their expectations from the environment. These special places are not
very aesthetically pleasing but it is important for the development of children's creativity.
Therefore, designers should learn to look at the environment through childrens eyes or
listen them while designing the spaces for children.
4. Urban context
Human has needed spaces that have different functions for various needs and wishes since
the transition of urban life. These can be either open or closed spaces. Space, with the
simplest definition, is place of a person or group. Space is a place which has human, human
relations, and equipment required for these relations and the boundaries of a space is
defined according to the structure and characteristics of activity (Gr, 1996). Urban is a
settlement consists of these spaces and people using them.
While Norberg Schulz defines the urban as a "meeting place" in which people come together
and a "microcosm surrounding the people (Erdnmez and Ak, 2005), Lynch (1960) defines
the urban as a place of a communication in which there are open and closed symbols,
religious symbols, signs and plates, towers, columns, entries and rural areas. Urban have a
different user segments together with the diversity of this place. So, all of the city's open
Landscape Design for Children and Their Environments in Urban Context 303
spaces especially in public spaces are used by different age groups. Children are one of the
most important of these user groups.
Churchman (2003) began his research with a question "Is there a place for children in the
city?. In fact, we should ask this question for all cities and even all the settlements where
children are in. Because unfortunately open green spaces decreases in parallel with an
increase in the population and the number of structural elements such as residential and
business centers increases in urban areas with the process of urbanization. Decrease in open
areas also causes a decrease in outside play areas for children. Whereas as mentioned in the
previous sections playing in open spaces is really important and necessary for the healthy
development of the children.
Being Child in the City
Nowadays childhood has shown a change through over-controlled by families rather than
child-centered (Francis and Lorenzo, 2008). Especially changing environmental conditions in
urban areas-traffic density, lack of security- have significant impact on this change. As a
result of this, while children spend less time in open areas, they spend more time with
individual plays in their homes, in virtual environments such as computers and television
and with technological devices such as mobile phone, portable play station, play station
(Heerwagen and Orians, 2002; Onur, 2007; Acar, 2009). Eventually, problematic children
who cannot interact with nature and with their peers, cannot develop talents and creativity
and have limited knowledge about their environment are brought up. This also means
problematic adults (Francis and Lorenzo, 2008). Whereas former children were playing in
the gardens of their houses or in vacant fields near their homes, on the streets or special
places they created. They could find opportunity to be with the same or different age groups
and friends in there. Today this condition disappeared in urban areas although it continues
in rural areas. This case is not special only for Turkey but for the world-wide (Francis and
Lorenzo, 2008; Acar, 2009).
Especially in the last four decades of childhood both negative and positive changes have
been occurred. The most alarming cause of these changes is developed cities. Children are
increasingly disappearing in density and the chaos of the cities. They are often under the
control of the adults while using open spaces. Researchers refer that this situation prevents
the needs and the rights of living and enjoying the city of children (Francis and Lorenzo,
2008). Therefore, it is very important to find solutions that will allow children to use open
spaces freely and happily for their needs in advanced and crowded cities. Because kids are
the same everywhere and need opportunities for healthy development. According to Ellen
Ruppel Shell (2001) the title of her article Kids dont need equipment, they need
There are open spaces that have different qualities in the urban centers. These areas provide
opportunities for children and are grouped under the following headings;
Private residential gardens
Schools and daycare centers open spaces
Advances in Landscape Architecture 304
Shopping centers-plazas open spaces and courtyards
Play areas in urban parks
Urban forests
Vacant fields and natural areas
Some of these open areas used by children designed especially for children, some of them
are not designed (such as natural areas, streets). Needs of each designed areas can show
diversity according to the state of the user and usage. While designing these places,
designers should pay attention to these needs and children's desires. There are studies on
the design of these open spaces in the literature (Moore et al., 1997; Francis, 1998; Spencer
and Woolley, 2000). Generally issue of how urban open spaces should be designed for
children will be discussed under the next heading.
How cities should be for the children?
Issues such as how cities should be for children, design criteria for urban open spaces
designed for children, and specific points need to be considered in design are classified
under specific headings by experts who design open space for children and work on these
Elizabeth Jones (1997), classified specific design elements of spaces under the 9 titles
including children play activities depending on the design requirements. These are:
1. Accessible-Inaccessible
2. Active-Passive
3. Challenge/Risk-Repetition/Security
4. Hard-Soft
5. Natural-People/Built
6. Open-Closed
7. Permanence-Change
8. Private-Public
9. Simple-Complex
They all are essential in the creation of outdoor settings offering guidance in meeting the
needs of children intellectually, socially, cognitively and physically (Jones, 1997).
Owen (1988) determined the qualities required for children in urban design in accordance
with the relevant experts and childrens statements to define best cities. Francis and Lorenzo
(2008) also determined characteristics of better urban places for children based on their
design experiences and Owen's (1988) suggestions. These characteristics are;
1. Accessibility: Play areas (if far away from childrens home), especially for small children,
should be separated from traffic flow, and be connected to their home or school with a
good link or be within reach by bike.
Landscape Design for Children and Their Environments in Urban Context 305
2. Mixed use and mixed users: Children do not like mono-functional zoning. These ideas are
consistent with the mixed use and zoning idea of urban designers and planners today.
Children want to be together with individuals with different age groups and cultures
rather than special places for themselves. They want to try events and functions, and
make observations without limitation of adults in a space.
3. Sociability: Children want to be together with different age groups of children and
young people autonomously. Besides, children and youth want to be involved in
management of some places.
4. Small, feasible, flexible: Children often prefer small-scale constructions formed by
recycled, low-cost materials, and natural and green components.
5. Natural, environmentally healthy, growing and in movement: Natural elements, especially
plants are preferred by children and are responded to their expectations as they are
living materials and reflect seasonal changes. Natural elements, therefore, used for
different activities by children and should be included in the design of children places.
In addition, other living materials and water should be considered.
6. Urban and place identity: Disorder in scale, function and form in childrens place,
especially in urban areas, cause perception of space, as a market place. Whereas
children know that places need to be identifiable. Signals and signs can be designed
into the physical plan. Their design solutions are colors, materials, plantings, etc.
7. Places and opportunities for participation: Children want to contribute to the ongoing,
flexible, and permanent design in the process. Children feel good about themselves and
have protective attitudes when they have a voice and contribute to the design of the
environment they live in.
Tai et al. (2006) classified the design process in a play area under the titles such as research
(the inventory and analysis, program development and user needs, design) and construction
documentation (cost estimating, implementation). Considerations for determining user
needs in this process are listed as follows;
Five senses: Designs to outdoor areas used by children should contribute to the use and
are aware of their feelings. Scientifically, unchanging and unchangeable environments
is not ideal for the senses. When diversity is not exist in the environment, the brain
searches for other ways to stimulate such as self-introspection or goes to sleep,
concentration deteriorates, attention fluctuates and lapses. In contrast, varying stimuli
provides attention and awareness keeps you awake (Day and Midbjer, 2007).
Scale: While adults see the world on a larger scale, children are more cautious about the
details. Studies in this area also support this idea. Gary Nabha, one of the authors of
The Geography of Childhood, saw his photographs are different, looking at the photos
taken by his son in western National parks travels. While his photographs present
interesting vistas, his son took more photos with rocks, twigs, lizards and other more
tactile, small-scale objects. Therefore, when an adult designs a space for children, he
should care for the child's point of view.
Safety: Creating a play space, safety is one of the most important design principles to be
considered. At this point, there are two important elements that children like to see
Advances in Landscape Architecture 306
around; the water and the high elements. Therefore they should be used in children
places by taking the necessary safety precautions.
Retreat: Although children are different from adults, it should be noted that they are
also individuals and there are similarities between adult and kids. Adults need special
places that they will be alone for relaxing and escaping. Children need spaces away
from the control of adult, feeling secure and playing privately. These spaces should be
in a safe environment and close to adults so the security of children should be
guaranteed. Such areas can be form in bounded tree house or a building, such as plastic
game tubes.
Play: Play is an activity that is important to explore the world through the eyes of a
child. There are many theories and classifications for play. One of them is contributing
to the child's physical development and active movement. Another one is contributing
to the development of the child's mind and the discovery of creative environment.
Active play: Active play, in essence, includes a lot of action. These are extremely
important for the development of physical health and motor skills. However, it should
be noted that children having different needs have different expectations. This situation
is related to different skill levels and preferences of the children. In this case, play
spaces should be funny and comfortable for physical and active play. These places
should also be versatile for the different needs and abilities of children.
Creative play: Creative play is one of the most important experiences in the childhood
period. Childrens creativity develops when stimulated in a healthy play environment.
The natural environments are the best areas to stimulate creativity and to encourage
children. In such areas, twigs, leaves, rocks, provide opportunities for different play.
When a child is given any material to create a new world, possibilities are endless.
Plants: The selection of plant materials in the play area requires care. Dangerous,
poisonous, thorny, and allergic species should not be used.
Wildlife: Plants, necessary for play areas, is also important for wildlife. Monitoring these
habitats is necessary for childhood learning.
Food: While plants provide habitat for wildlife, they also provide information about
ecology for children with the features such as acorns, nuts, berries, or other seeds.
Water: All animals need water to drink or bathe. A water feature in the garden
guarantees that birds will come into this area in the future. In this way, children can be
ensured to see birds.
Shelter: To attract wildlife and keep them in the area, shelters, especially on plants, can
be made for animals. Brush piles, fallen logs, rock piles and other natural elements can
provide animals safety and shelter.
Place to rise the young: Wildlife has benefits both for adults and children. Children can
learn about wildlife by observing the natural environments.
There are different elements around that we can use to draw childrens attention. These
elements should be utilized in the designed areas for children. Water is one of these
elements. Water, either artificially created or with natural surroundings (a river, lake or sea),
in the city are always offers unlimited opportunities for children to explore (figure 11).
Similarly, blankets, pillows and boxes can be used to create places to hide. Trikes and bikes
Landscape Design for Children and Their Environments in Urban Context 307
encourage children to be active. All of these and other similar elements can contribute to the
development of children's physical ability, motion, coordination, balance and testing skill,
and encourages them to play. The setting that include "attractive materials can be a clue
when designing play spaces for kids (Jones, 1997).
As a part of biological diversity, plants, animals, water elements (lake, river, ...) that provide
habitat for a particular species, and natural areas that include a portion or all of them in
urban areas, can be a source of inspiration for play (Acar, 2010 ) (figure 12). Even if not
completely natural, these should be used in the design of children spaces. As discussed in
detail in the previous sections, contact with natural areas and natural elements in childhood
is extremely important for children. As Robin Moore pointed out, "green" alone is not
enough as well as. Spaces created for children should be child-centered, recollective and
inviting, and should continuously be effective on the development of children (Tai et al.,
Figure 11. Playing with water have always been attractive and exciting for children (Photos Acar, H.)
Gender differences should be taken into account in play space design. Girls and boys are
different from each other physically, and activity elements should be suitable for both sexes.
Although the reason is not always clear, girls and boys are attracted to different places.
Boys plays can often last over days even weeks to complete. While boys usually construct
unused buildings (especially tower), the girls usually construct rooms with people in them.
Advances in Landscape Architecture 308
Girls are often pay attention to the aesthetics of the environment and like colorful and
beautiful flowers. Girls particularly 13-15 aged ones, have a variety of definition about the
space when compared to boys (Day and Midbjer, 2007). It is observed, that girls prefer, for
example, flowers and butterflies and trees, whereas boys prefer more active play such as
sliding and playing hide and seek. However, they all need quite places to rest, talk, and
socialize (Simonic et al., 2005).
Figure 12. Figure 12. The opportunity of interaction with animals allows children to have information
about the animals (Photo Acar, H., Nara, Japan)
Color is an important factor in the children's preferences. Color preferences are personal.
Young children love bright colors. In the 1960s, some educationalists were considering that
children can only perceive main colors. Today, it is believed that they are over-stimulating.
Strong colors can be used in small spaces. But, in large spaces in which we spend more time,
it would be better to use muted colors or mood stabilizers. Distinct and warm colors (red,
yellow, and orange) are preferred by children over 6 years old. This is not surprising. At this
age, they are activity-led, not feeling- or thought-led. Boys preferred red color more than
girls that is compatible with their behavior. Older children prefer blue color. Beyond the
personal preferences, there are also powerful therapeutic effects of the color (Day and
Midbjer, 2007). The color choice seems to change according to age. H. Friedling, in his study
performed in 1974, showed the color preferences of children according to age. According to
this study, popular and unpopular colors vary as follows (Gr and Zorlu, 2002):
Popular colors:
5-8 ages pinkish purple, red, pink, lilac, lemon yellow
9-10 ages purples, pink, red, turquoise, reddish orange, coffee,
11-12 ages green, light blue, red, purple
13-14 ages light blue (masculine), red (feminine), blue, green, orange, dark orange
Landscape Design for Children and Their Environments in Urban Context 309
Unpopular colors:
5-8 ages black, white, gray, dark brown
9-10 ages gray, dark brown, black, rust green, rust blue
11-12 ages olive green, rust green, purple, lilac
13-14 ages rust green, brown, dark brown
Children would like to see plants that can be used for play. For this purpose, plants can also
be used to serve a variety of outdoor activities in open spaces designed for children. Trees,
shrubs, flowers, vegetables and parts of these plants, such as branches, leaves, pinecones are
important elements of children's environments and plays (figure 13, 14, 15). Plants in child
environments are used with the objectives of enclosure, identity, movement, climbing, play
props, programmed activities/education, accessibility/integration, landmarks, seasonal
change, wildlife enhancement, climate modification, and environmental quality (Moore,
2002). Plants offer different color options in different seasons with their colorful leaves,
flowers and fruits. Results of the authors master thesis that focused on the plant preferences
for children play spaces revealed that children like red, yellow, mottled, blue and orange
colored leafs while they do not like yellow and green colored leafs. Study also revealed that
purple, pink and white flowers were favorite, while red and white colors were
unfavourable. In terms of fruit color, study also found that red and blue were favorite, while
yellow and orange colors were unfavourable (Acar, 2003).
Figure 13. Plants are interesting materials for children (Photo Acar, H., Paris, France)
The functional properties of the plants can be assessed by children in addition to the esthetic
properties such as color, form, etc. As mentioned in previous sections, to evaluate existing
elements, such as the functional point of view is more important for children. In this respect,
children use plants in the playground depending on the features that they have for activities
such as climbing, hiding, symbolic games (branch and leaf-like parts of the imaginary cone),
and swinging (Acar, 2009). For these purposes, appropriate species selection is needed
depending on, function and usage of the space, and the activities that will take place (e.g.
size, form, texture, evergreen-deciduous, coniferous-broadleaved, fruit-fruitless, etc.)
Advances in Landscape Architecture 310
(Moore, 2002). In addition, care must be taken for childrens health and safety according to
selected species (allergens, toxic, barbed should not be used).
Figure 14. Figure 14. Plants are ideal materials to hide behind (Photo Acar, H., Trabzon, Turkey)
Figure 15. Figure 15. Plant parts are important play materials (Photo Acar, H., Trabzon, Turkey)
Finally, White and Stoecklin (1998), cited the following features that children likes to see in
public areas;
vegetation including trees, bushes, flowers and the long grass
animals, creatures living in ponds
sand and water
natural colors, diversity and change
places to sit under, in, and on, and sheltered places
hidden, and private, places and places providing good view
especially replaceable structures, materials, and equipment that they imagine
Landscape Design for Children and Their Environments in Urban Context 311
These features and everything mentioned so far are important clues for the design of open
space for the children Needs and preferences can vary depending on the individual;
however, the knowledge of the general trend provides a significant contribution for space
Children's participation in the design process
Overall, by definition, participation refers to that the active participation in decisions
affecting one's self and has a say. This is also the right of individual citizens in a democracy.
A meaningful participation in the design of open space can be achieved by the participation
of individuals from all ages on the subject that includes designed field evaluation,
identification of problems, evaluation of the available data, solution proposals, needs and
the development of alternatives and by combining all of these on a common plan for a
conclusion. Participation is local, transparent, inclusive, interactive, responsive, relevant,
educational, reflective, transformative, sustainable, personal and voluntary (Driskell,
Children should be included in the design of kid play areas through the design process, if
possible. Children participation in the decision-making process has advantages for both
designers and practitioners. In this way, their needs will be met and their contribution to the
construction process leads to a protective attitudes towards these areas among them. Local
Agenda 21 action plan that was introduced in the United Nations Conference on
Environment and Development held in Rio de Janeiro in 1992 and accepted by the UN
members, strongly supports the involvement of children in the planning of local
A meeting was held in Bologna (Italy) in May 1994 to contribute the identification of child-
friendly cities. Approximately more than 300 children from 100 primary and secondary
schools in different cities of Italy, educators, planners, and administrations all have
described the problems of the cities. All of the children supported by WWF Italy took part in
participatory design projects. As a result of these activities, The Children's Manifesto: How to
Win Back Our Cities gives clues for future urban design. According to this, the children's
ideas are grouped under following headings: "needs in general, expectations from the city,
needs regarding urban green spaces, needs in school, needs related to whelming traffic, and
needs for the future" (Francis and Lorenzo, 2002). Some of their expectations are;
to interact with nature in cities which means: playing, climbing, building huts, listening,
looking and understanding,
to have different experiences, sleeping out of doors, strolling together, kites between
the houses, bridges between the windows, etc.
more sport activities and children's theaters,
areas for cycling
to be heard by others
to establish childrens council to participate decision-making
quiet environments
Advances in Landscape Architecture 312
colourful and beautiful schools
secure traffic
a lot of trees, shrubs and grasses,
collect fruit trees
These are very important as it reflects the expectations of children's requests.
Francis and Lorenzo (2002) stated that children should be included into the process of urban
design. In this context, they identified seven realms for childrens participation in urban
design and planning.
1. Romantic
2. Advocacy
3. Needs
4. Learning
5. Rights
6. Institutionalization
7. Proactive
A new approach is on the agenda in line with the participatory design to re-planning of
cities which are not suitable for children to meet their needs. This approach is a proactive
process that is including idea of children, adults and professional designers. This approach
is fundamentally different approach to the participation of children, which indicates multi-
faceted perspective and multi-faceted participation. It is based on listening and learning
the ideas of children, adults, designers, planners and decision-makers. Differences of
opinion between children and adults are negotiated. In the design process, the concepts of
equality, justice, and sustainability are important. This process is also based on social
science methods that adults re-remember their childhood experiences and share them as
their own children. In addition, this involves the use of Internet and Digital Media
interactively. This approach claims that the work of children in other age groups, will
contribute to the formation of livable, ecologically sustainable and child-and adult
friendly cities (Francis and Lorenzo, 2008). In this process, children can participate to the
design of children's play areas.
5. Examples from the world
In order to make an overall assessment of selected samples around the world, it is important
to see the different perspectives and approaches for the design of children's play. It is
possible to increase the number of samples.
Rotterdam, Netherland
This example is a play space in which spaces boundaries are defined with color differences
on the ground in the city. This area is composed of artificial equipment completely and is
quite small. Despite this, it allows more than one activities (figure 16).
Landscape Design for Children and Their Environments in Urban Context 313
Figure 16. Play space from Rotterdam, Netherland (Photos Acar, H.)
Brussels, Belgium
This area was designed in woodland in the city. It is particularly suitable for disabled people
with ramp play equipment. It provides an opportunity to contact with nature for children as
it is in a woodland area (figure 17).
Figure 17. Figure 17. Play space from Brussels, Belgium (Photos Acar, H.)
Luxemburg, Luxemburg
Ship is a play element that is frequently used in playgrounds and is also attractive in any
time for children. It evokes discovery and adventure. The figure of the ship, located in the
city offers many activities (sliding, hiding, stable standing, monitoring around, climbing,
etc.) for children. Timber materials are used in the area and their colour are in a harmony
with wooded area. Animal figures are used as sitting equipment. Although they are
artificial, they give an opportunity to children to see and touch the turtle. Water-related
spaces that children would like to see were designed in a wide range. In addition, there are
towers offering different height options in this play spaces (figure 18).
Advances in Landscape Architecture 314
Figure 18. Figure 18. Play space from Luxemburg, Luxemburg (Photos Acar, H.)
Den Haag, Netherland
There is also a ship figure in this play space. In addition, there are different equipment for
different activities such as swinging, sliding, balancing, jumping, and playing with sand.
Seating areas were also designed around the playground for parents together with the
children (figure 19, 20).
Figure 19. Figure 19. Play space from Den Haag, Netherland (Photos Acar, H.)
Landscape Design for Children and Their Environments in Urban Context 315
Figure 20. Play space from Den Haag, Netherland (Photos Acar, H.)
Istanbul, Turkey
This example is in woodland of the city. There are only artificial equipment offering
different activities in this play space. Because these play spaces located in a natural area,
they provide the opportunity to become intimate with nature for children (figure 21).
Advances in Landscape Architecture 316
Figure 21. Play space from Istanbul, Turkey (Photos Acar, H.)
Paris, France
This play area located in Paris is an extremely good example in terms of different
topography options. The existing slope in this area was evaluated without too much
intervention. As described in affordance theory, curved surfaces afford to climb or slid. So,
there is more climbing activity provided with different equipment such as rope in this play
area. In addition, this play space is suitable for sliding. Also, although this is a fairly curved
area, the safety of children is provided by safety barriers. Boundary elements are also
suitable to sit (figure 22, 23).
Figure 22. Play space from Paris, France (Photos Acar, H.)
Landscape Design for Children and Their Environments in Urban Context 317
Figure 23. Play space from Paris, France (Photos Acar, H.)
6. Conclusion
As a result, looking at the subject in the light of information covered so far in general, the
design process in outdoor play space for children in urban areas can be classified under the
following headings.
Site analysis and data collection
To form main design decisions in accordance with the field opportunities and the needs
and preferences of children
Producing scenario
Selection of ideal scenarios and detailing
In this process, the design considerations of play spaces in urban areas can be grouped
under the following headings.
The nature of the site and facilities:
Designed area: The location of designed area in the city, the relationship of space with its
surroundings and the possible means of transportation and routes of people expected to use
this area should be determined.
Advances in Landscape Architecture 318
The usage status: The place that will be designed as play space or its surroundings and the
purpose of use should be evaluated. For example, the school, city park, playground, and so
on. Accordingly, the users (age group), as well as the needs and demands of these users
should be determined. For example, if the designed area is a primary school, intensive use
depending on the number of students at certain intervals such as break hours; areas of
application that can be made for courses such as science or nature experiences; areas for
active movement such as physical education courses should be considered.
Site facilities: The whole data during the site analysis and information gathering about field
(topography, climate, existing vegetation types, soil, space and constructions around the
pedestrian-vehicle transport) should be reviewed and evaluated. The positive ones (plant
species evaluated in case of the protection, different topography options) should be
evaluated in the designs by maintaining or strengthening. In this way, the area will be
completely unmodified and untreated, so the existing facilities will be evaluated. The
negative features (bad images, features that constitute a threat to children) should be
removed from the area or improved.
The needs of children:
User profile: The user group of the area is extremely important. Because when the
development, changes in physical measurements, sense and mental capacities and motion
abilities of children according to their age is considered, the change of needs and desires is
inevitable. Therefore, the varieties of activity and capacities of spaces should be determined
appropriately for the age groups of children that will use these areas.
Expectations: The preferences of people vary according their personal expectations,
environments and cultures. This situation is also same for children. However, the needs and
desires of children about open spaces have been shown by some investigations. It is possible
to determine on the basis of their general tendency. It will give useful results if some
interviews are made with the users of the area to determine their direct expectations and
even by including the children to the designing process. In this way, children's expectations
will be fulfilled by mutual consultations. In this way, designed play spaces can be used by
children for a long time. Apart from this, if there will be a revision to the design area, giving
design decisions would be more healthy after observing the behaviors of children using the
area for a while before design it from the beginning.
Activities: Before you design an environment, you need to determine the activities which are
expected to be implemented in that area. Because, spaces are designed depending on the
particular activities. When designing the space for the child, users' requests, the age groups
of children are kept in mind to decide which activities would be done. These activities may
be active or passive. The form, capacity and equipment of space are designed according to
the type of determined activity and number of people performing this activity. Suggested
activities for children in outdoor areas should contribute to their physical, mental, emotional
and social developments. In addition, it is essential to suggest some areas for the parents to
sit and rest since they need to be near their children.
Landscape Design for Children and Their Environments in Urban Context 319
Safety: Safety is one of the most important issues in children's play spaces. If a field is not
safe, no matter how many different activities it suggests, the children will not favour them.
Or their families will not allow their children to use that space. Security in play areas should
be ensured in terms of accessories used in the play space as well as its relationships with its
Nature: As it is mentioned the contribution of natural areas and materials for to the
development of children are extremely high. For this reason, the natural elements designed
children's play spaces must be provided transportation. Therefore in designs, natural
materials such as plant, rock, and water should be used so that they allow for children to use
the appropriate size in playing.
Plant: Plants and parts such as branches, leaves, and pinecones are very good play materials
for children. They are preferred especially when children can use them with different aims
due to their creativity during their plays if they are open to be changed. For this reason, they
contribute to children's intellectual development and the development of their power of
creativity. In addition, the use of nature enables the children to learn the natural cycle since
they are alive seasonal changes, leafing, flowering and fructification time. However to
manage this it is necessary to ensure the appropriate planting for play area. For example, for
climbing activity, species that has branching structure which are not so high and are
appropriate for climbing should be selected. To show seasonal variations, species showing
coloration in autumn and having leaved broad can be selected. Species with edible fruits
may be included where appropriate. For the development of children's visual senses, leaves,
wind, sound-producing species should be suggested. These examples can be multiplied. If
the existing plant species in the area will be used for these purposes, they should be
protected. In addition, those which have psychologically negative affect or which are
harmful for children with, such as barbed or very tall species should be avoided.
Water: Water which always attracts the attention of children is a very important material. It
should be used necessarily in play areas. It can be used such as a fountain, water gushing
from the ground, pied feet of small puddles of water, with sand in different forms.
Animal: Animals always attract the attention of children because of they are living
organisms and acting. Children tend to touch or examine a small ant whenever they see
them. Seeing animals around themselves will be affective to understand and have
information on their roles in the life cycle, their nutrition their habitats. Zoos are open areas
offering children a chance to see animals in nearly natural environments. However,
arrangements can be made in smaller areas to provide the opportunity to see animals which
do not need special care such as ant, bird, butterfly. For example, to manage this, plant
species which attract birds and butterflies can be used.
Topography: Topography of the area can be used for different activities. For example, curved
surfaces enable children to climb and slide, high places do the same for going on around
the watch, the hills are good for rolling over and hiding behind. If these and similar
topography options are present in field, they should be established or improved in the
different options. Because children prefer very irregular forms than a uniform backgrounds.
Advances in Landscape Architecture 320
Socialization: Open spaces allow children to be associated with ones at the same or different
ages. It is important for the socialization of children. Therefore, you need to design areas to
ensure children to have time together with other children. These places may include
activities that meet large groups of people, and activities in large areas. Moreover, there
should be relatively small-scale spaces allowing two children to sit and chat in more quiet
corners of the field, either.
The use of the senses: The play spaces should contribute to the development of the senses of
children. Therefore, designs and accessories that we can collect data from environment by
five senses in the play should be used. For example, plant species with fragrant flowers to
smell, different sound-producing musical instruments to hear, different display mirrors
offering a choice of perceive to see by looking at the outside environment, edible plant
species to taste, different textured surfaces or plants created by offering a choice of vertical
and horizontal planes or different textures to touch should be used.
Creativity: Outdoor play areas contribute to the development of children's creativity.
However, for this, environment elements can be modified and used for different purposes.
These can be different materials such as water with sand, or non-constant materials to build
a structure in the field, flowers and leaves to make a symbolic meal in children's plays, the
boat leaves to refloat, the plant parts to ride a horse and so on. Children use them in playing
in accordance with their creativity and imagination.
The materials that is to be used:
Safety: Security is the most important criteria in playgrounds design. For this reason, safety
should come first both for the designed play areas, its surroundings and the material; we
should avoid the life-threatening risks for children.
Soundness: All the materials to be used in play space should be sound, convenient and
ergonomic in terms of anthropometric measurements of children. For more use, the
deformed space and accessories should be renewed or replaced as soon as possible. Wooden
materials that will be used should not be cracked or rough.
Health: Plant material that will be used in the play space should not be constituted a threat to
the health of children. To do this, toxic, allergenic pollen, with thorny species should be
avoided. In addition, horizontal, vertical, or other artificial materials used in contact with
reinforcement made of materials should be non-toxic.
Natural-Artificial: Based on the studies on the subject, most of them appear to prefer natural
areas or natural materials. And this material provides a positive contribution to their
development. However, this does not indicate the need for children's play spaces using only
natural materials. Because, artificial materials with color, texture and potential in different
sizes attract children. For this reason, natural materials, as well as artificial materials should
be included in the designs.
Free materials: In play areas, there should be portable free standing, unstable materials that
allow children to change their places and take them together to build new things. These
Landscape Design for Children and Their Environments in Urban Context 321
enable children to build up the objects in their dreams and to learn while doing and trying
so and to be in cooperation with other children also.
Design for Everyone: The right of every citizen is to take advantages of urban open spaces
equally. Therefore, in the play places designed for children in cities all children (disabled,
non-disabled) should take advantage of them. Therefore, non-impaired persons with
disabilities at the beginning of the design process needs to be considered. Both efficacy and
regulations (space and reinforcement measures) should be considered.
As a result this article deals with children's play areas design in urban open space. It should
not be forgotten that children's preferences and expectations may vary according to the
individual, the society and the culture. However, scientific studies on children, children's
environment and children's preferences, observations and experiences show us that the
general trend is in this direction. In addition, all the types referred to in a play space, variety
of activity areas or equipment may not be able to use together. In particular concept (such as
water gardens, water gardens or sense) of one or a few of them in the play area may be
considered. In addition, the above mentioned information is considered to be an important
resource for those working with children and general open space designer for children.
Finally, "a child's play space should ideally never be finished, it should be in a constant state
of change" (Goltsman, in Loughlin and Suina, 1997).
Author details
Habibe Acar
Karadeniz Technical University, Faculty of Forestry, Department of Landscape Architecture,
Trabzon, Turkey
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Chapter 13
Ecological Landscape Design
Filiz elik
Additional information is available at the end of the chapter
Choose only one master-Nature
Rembrandt Harmenszoon van Rijn (1606-1669)
1. Introduction
The most critical changes in the world over the last century have been derived from the
variety of environmental problems. Growing environmental problems now affect entire the
world. The majority of environmental problems originates in human greed and interference.
It is well known that planet Earth is experiencing a so-called environmental crisis (ecological
crisis). This crisis is characterized by three major themes:
Rapid growth of the human population and its associated economic activity,
The depletion of both non-renewable and renewable resources, and
Extensive and intensive damage caused to ecosystems and biodiversity.
The environmental crisis is a predicament of inappropriate design-it is a consequence of
how cities have been developed, industrialization undertaken, and ecoscapes used.
Fundamentally, the problem has been one of inadequate integration of ecological concerns
into planning (Shu-Yang et al., 2004).
In many ways, the environmental crisis is a design crisis. It is clear that design has not been
given a rich enough context. Design is a hinge that inevitably connects culture and nature
through exchanges of materials, flow of energy, and choices of land use. The every world of
buildings, artifacts, and domesticated landscape is a design world, one shaped by human
(Van Der Ryn and Cowan, 1996).
Some environmental problems have arisen from design problems. Design can have a crucial
impact upon the environment in many different ways. This is because every design decision is
an environmental decision. Design is a consequence of how things are made, and the world
has been shaped by the designers. The present forms of everything in the world have been
Advances in Landscape Architecture 326
derived from design. It is clear that design has been previously used only to meet human
needs. Unfortunately, in many past situations environmental effects were ignored during the
design stage. Design has not been taught in the context of its ecological impact. Many practices
in the design field have been done with unsustainable design principles. The environmental
problems have boosted the sustainable explorations necessary for protecting ecological system
in order to address and find solutions to the problems. Scientists, planners and designers have
questioned the effectiveness of design and have suggested incentives as alternatives. At the
end of 20th century, the power of design for to solve the problem and the potential of design
for sustainability have been noticed; an integration that goes from ecological processes and
functions to design has started. Design and its potential have been regarded a creative
problem solving activity. While ecological sciences provide the knowledge and guidance,
design provides creative solutions for the environmental problems.
In a world facing a future characterized both by expanding metropolitan regions and by
ecological crisis, it is imperative that we re-think the relationship of urban dwellers to the
natural environment. The 21st century is expected to be the first in history in which a majority
of humanity lives in cities, and if present trends continue, it may also be the one in which those
urban populations inflict irreversible damage on the earths living systems (Eisensten, 2001).
Designers and design critics are increasingly emphasizing the actual or, potentially, radical
nature of an ecological approach to design which implies a new critique-a recognition of the
fact that to adopt an ecological approach to design is, by definition, to question and oppose
the status quo (Madge, 1997). In this context design has a crucial role to play in achieving
sustainability and to provide solutions for environmental problems. In parts of the world
dominated by humans, landscape design can have significant and positive environmental
effects (Helfand et al., 2006).
Ecological design explicitly addresses the design dimension of the environmental crisis. It is
not a style. It is a form of engagement and partnership with nature that is not bound to a
particular design profession (Van Der Ryn and Cowan, 1996).
In recent years ecological design has been applied to an increasingly diverse range of
technologies and innovative solutions for the management of resources. Ecological technologies
have been created for the food sector, waste conversion industries, architecture and landscape
design, and to the field of environmental protection and restoration (Todd et al., 2003).
As environmental problems escalate, ecological design in landscape architecture has
increasing in academia and practice. Ecological design is an integrative ecologically
responsible design discipline. Ecological design has been emerged as a means to model
ecological processes and functions, and therefore as a model for sustainability. Todays
ecological landscape design movement tends to address design problems.
2. The relationship between ecology, sustainability and design
Ecology, sustainability and design are different fields, but they have been merged together
in recent years. This is because human lifestyle is having an increasingly negative impact on
the surrounding environments.
Ecological Landscape Design 327
Ecology, in the 100 years since its inception, has increasingly provided the scientific
foundation for understanding natural processes, managing environmental resources and
achieving sustainable development. By the 1960s, ecology's association with the
environmental movement popularized the science and introduced it to the design
professions (e.g. landscape architecture, urban design and architecture) (Makhzoumi, 2000).
Ecology in the profession of landscape architecture and planning cant be understood
solely as meaning the relationship between nonhuman life forms and their environment.
The term ecology is traditionally used as shorthand for the sum of the biophysical forces
that have shaped and continue to shape the physical world. Thus there are other dimensions
to be recognized if we are to understand the key nature of ecology: that of process,
integration, and humanity (Ahern et al., 2001).
The relationship between design and ecology is a very close one, and makes for some
unexpected complexities (Papanek, 1995). Ecology explains how the natural world is and
how it behaves, and design is also the key intervention point for making sustainability in
ecology (Figure 1.). The knowledge gained from ecology can influence landscape design.
Figure 1. The relationship between ecology, sustainability and design
In landscape architecture ecologys emphasis on natural processes and the interrelatedness
of landscape components influenced outlook and method and prompted an ecological
approach to design (Makhzuomi and Pungetti, 1999). The ecological component is crucial in
landscape design according to the principles of sustainability.
The typical relationship of designer and scientist presumes that most of what can be known
is known. The designer is the creative partner; the scientist is an interactive book. Since the
scientific base for ecological design is nascent, the nature of this relationship is flawed.
Advances in Landscape Architecture 328
Science and design are complementary ways to generate knowledge (and therefore both are
creative endeavors). Scientists solve problems inductively, forming generalized principles
from specific observations (Figure 2.). Designers use general principles to solve specific
problems deductively. The knowledge available for ecological design would greatly increase
if designed landscapes were used as ecological research sites. Designed landscapes that are
typical of the surrounding region, with one to a few clear themes and repeated patterns
(replication), are potential ecological research sites (Galatowitsch, 1998).
Figure 2. Design and ecology are complementary problem-solving techniques (Galatowitsch, 1998)
3. Ecological sustainability
Sustainability is not a single movement or approach. It is varied as the communities and
interests currently grappling with the issues it raises. One the one hand, sustainability is the
province of global policy makers and environmental experts. One the one hand,
sustainability is also the domain of grassroots environmental and social groups, indigenous
peoples preserving traditional practices, and people committed to changing their own
communities. The environmental educator David W. Orr calls these two approaches
technological sustainability and ecological sustainability. While both are coherent responses to
the environmental crisis, they are far apart in their specifics. Technological sustainability,
which seems to get most of the airtime, may be characterized this way: every problem has
either a technological answer or a market solution. There are no dilemmas to be avoided, no
domains where angels fear to tread. Ecological sustainability is the task of finding
alternatives to the practices that got us into trouble in the first place; it is necessary to
rethink agriculture, shelter, energy use, urban design, transportation, economics,
community pattern, resource use, forestry, the importance of wilderness, and our central
values. While the two approaches have important points of contact, including a shared
awareness of the extent of the global environmental crisis, they embody two very different
visions of a sustainable society (Van Der Ryn and Cowan, 1996).
Ecological Landscape Design 329
A goal of ecological design is to help meet this vision of ecological sustainability, by finding
ways of manufacturing goods, constructing buildings, and planning more complex
enterprises, such as business and industrial parks, while reducing resource consumption
and avoiding ecological damage to the degree possible (Shu-Yang et al., 2004).
Ecological design strives to achieve an increasing reliance on renewable sources of energy
and materials, while maintaining standards of quality of goods and services and reducing
overall resource consumption, waste generation, and ecological damage through efficiencies
of use, re-use, and recycling.
Ecological design provides a framework for uniting conventional perspectives on design
and management with environmental ones, by incorporating the consideration of ecological
concerns at relevant spatial and temporal scales. If the principles of ecological design are
rigorously applied, important progress will be made towards ecological sustainability (Shu-
Yang et al., 2004).
Landscape design mostly depends on natural resources, so ecological sustainability is very
important. Landscape design contributes to the ecological sustainability.
4. Sustainable design
There is no verifiable starting point for the current sustainable design movement. It seems to
have converged from several different broad ideas concerning our relationship with the
natural world. Some of the key figures who have contributed to the discussion include
Frederick Law Olmsted and Calvert Vaux, John Muir, Theodore Roosevelt and Gifford
Pinchot, Aldo Leopold, Rachel Carson, and Ian McHarg (Cook and VanDerZanden, 2011).
Sustainability is an ecological term that has been used since the early 1970s to mean: "the
capacity of a system to maintain a continuous flow of whatever each part of that system
needs for a healthy existence," and when applied to ecosystems containing human beings
refers to the limitations imposed by the ability of the biosphere to absorb the effects of
human activities. The term sustainable development was first used in the early '80s, but was
popularized by the Brundtland Report of 1987. "Sustainable" has become the buzzword of
the '90s in the same way "green" was in the '80s, and is equally open to different
interpretations and misuse. The Brundtland Report adopted a global perspective on the
consumption of energy and resources, and emphasized the imbalance between rich and
poor parts of the world, arguing that: "Sustainable development requires that those who are
more affluent adopt lifestyles within the planet's ecological means." However, because the
report also argued that economic growth or development is still possible as long as it is
green growth, this has been interpreted by many to endorse a "business as usual" approach,
with just a nod in the direction of environmental protection. This ignores the real meaning
of sustainable development, which is enshrined in the widely quoted concept of "futurity":
..."meeting the needs of the present without compromising the ability of future generations
to meet their own needs."
Advances in Landscape Architecture 330
When applied to design, this not only introduces or reintroduces the ideas of ethical and
social responsibility, but also the notion of time and timescale. Thinking about the life cycle
of products through time, and considerations about design for recycling, have led to the
concept of DfD (Design for Disassembly) followed by the idea of going Beyond recycling
towards the design of long-life, durable products. These two concepts are not as
contradictory as they sound, as Victor Papanek has recently remarked: "To design durable
goods for eventual disassembly may sound like an oxymoron, yet it is profoundly important
in a sustainable world. The term "sustainable design" has begun to be used in the last 15
years or so to refer to a broader, longer-term vision of ecological design. At the Centre for
Sustainable Design, established at the Surrey Institute of Art and Design in July 1995,
sustainable design means "analyzing and changing the 'systems' in which we make, use, and
dispose of products," as opposed to more limited, short-term DFE. The ECO2 group makes a
similar distinction between "green design, project-based, single issue and relatively short-
term; and sustainable' design, which is system-based, long-term" ethical design. Emma
Dewberry and Phillip Goggin have also explored the distinctions between ecological design
and sustainable design; arguing that, whereas ecological design can be applied to all
products and used as a suitable guide for designing at product level: "The concept of
sustainable design, however, is much more complex and moves the interface of design
outwards toward societal conditions, development, and ethics.... This suggests changes in
design and the role of design, including an inevitable move from a product to a systems-
based approach, from hardware to software, from ownership to service, and will involve
concepts such as dematerialization and "a general shift from physiological to psychological
needs." Finally, they emphasize the extent to which consumption patterns must change, and
refer to the inequality between developed and developing nations, the fact that 20 percent of
the world's population consumes %80 of the world's resources and conclude that ecological
design does fit into a global move toward sustainability, but has many limitations in this
context. This is the point made by Gui Bonsiepe, who has expressed the fear that ecological
design will remain the luxury of the affluent countries while "the cost of environmental
standards would be shifted onto the shoulders of the Third World." (Madge, 1997).
Sustainability can be viewed as the long-term outcome of maintaining landscape integrity.
Designing for sustainable landscapes necessitates a holistic and integrative outlook that is
based on ecological understanding and awareness of the potentialities and limitations of a
given landscape. Such understanding ensures that in accommodating future uses their
impact on existing ecosystems and essential ecological processes and biological and
landscape diversity is anticipated. This will allow for healthy ecosystems and long-term
ecological stability (Makhzuomi and Pungetti, 1999).
Designs that promote sustainable landscapes should be simultaneously aware of local
values and resources as well as regional and national ones, as sustainability is the domain of
both. Further, achieving landscape sustainability requires patience, humility and a design
approach that attends to scale, community, self-reliance, traditional knowledge and the
wisdom of natures own (Van der Ryn and Cowan, 1996).
Ecological Landscape Design 331
Whereas maintaining landscape integrity and designing for sustainability can be seen as the
practical objectives of ecological landscape design, the design of creative and meaningful
places addresses aesthetic concerns.
The following is a palette of terms that in some way define or refer to sustainable design:
Design for environment,
Ecological design (ecodesign/eco-design),
Environmental design,
Environmentally oriented design,
Ecologically oriented design,
Environmentally responsible design,
Socially responsible design,
Environmentally sensitive product design,
Sustainable product development,
Green design,
Life-cycle design,
Eco-efficiency design,
Energy efficient design, and
Biodesign (Deniz, 2002).
5. The role of technology in ecological design
Environmental problems become an increasingly important aspect of the designers work to
minimize the risks and to solve the problems. Because of the rapid technological
development, environmental problems increase day by day. On the other hand, new
technologies often tend to be less dangerous than what they replace, and hence designers
may find themselves in the forefront of identifying problems which must be addressed by
technology. Sometimes, existing technologies may not be able to provide the solution, and
the designer may have to influence the development of a new technological approach.
Designers must also follow technological developments in order to be sure of incorporating
the most environmentally advanced technologies (Deniz, 2002).
Technology has been the principal method by which we intervene on the land and modify
the ecosystems to ensure our existence, yet its various manifestations are most often ignored
in discussions of the designed landscape. In fact, much of the rationale for this exhibit might
be based upon the obfuscation of ecological clarity by technology and the subsequent
employment of more benign and expressive techniques for bringing back such clarity. In the
ordinary landscape, the instances in which intentional land design aims at a higher,
symbolic meaning in some decipherable form are few when compared with the countless
millions of ordinary landscape structured by the dominant, operative, contemporary
technological paradigms. In one sense, we have covered up our ecosystems with our
technologies; we have obscured a degree of innate clarity of the former with the vast
Advances in Landscape Architecture 332
complexities of the latter. While science and technology have made it possible to
comprehend deeper levels of ecosystem knowledge, they have also enabled the physical
cover-up and subsequent concealment of dimensions of the landscape once readily
accessible to more primal peoples. With technological hegemony, our ecosystems have
gained little and lost a lot (Thayer Jr., 1998).
This raises the whole issue of the relationship between design and the Appropriate
Technology (AT) movement in the last twenty to thirty years. Schumacher (1973) coined
the term intermediate technology to signify technology of production by the masses,
making use of the best of modern knowledge and experience, conducive to decentralization,
compatible with the laws of ecology, gentle in its use of scarce resources, and designed to
serve the human person instead of making him the servant of machines. The central tenet
of appropriate technology is that a technology should be designed to be compatible with its
local setting. Examples of current projects that are generally classified as appropriate
technology include passive solar design, active solar collectors for heating and cooling,
small windmills to provide electricity, roof-top gardens and hydroponic greenhouses,
permaculture, and worker-managed craft industries. There is general agreement, however,
that the main goal of the appropriate technology movement is to enhance the self reliance of
people on local level. Characteristics of self reliant communities that appropriate technology
can help facilitate include: low resource usage coupled with the extensive recycling;
preference for renewable over nonrenewable resources; emphasis on environmental
harmony; emphasis on small-scale industries; and a high degree of social cohesion and sense
of community (Roseland, 1997).
6. Emerge of ecological landscape design
Landscape architecture is a multi-disciplinary field, incorporating aspects of; botany,
horticulture, the fine arts, architecture, industrial design, geology and the earth sciences,
environmental psychology, geography, and ecology.
Landscape architecture has ecological thinking at the core of its legacy (Mozingo, 1997). As a
result of a trend favoring ecological perspectives in design, significant changes have
occurred in the landscape architecture profession in recent decades through the move to
integrate ecological perspectives (Hooper et al., 2008).
Thinking ecologically about design is certainly not a "new" idea. Since ancient times
"designers" looked to nature for "solutions" to their common problems; they saw nature as
the perfect model to follow. Even though, in recent times, an increase in ecological education
and environmental awareness is apparent among design professionals, there is still the need
to better understand the expression of ecology through design (Lomba-Ortiz, 2003). In the
face of the environmental problems new approaches to reconciling the divide between
ecology and design have been explored in landscape architecture.
Since the 1960s, ecology has increasingly influenced the design professions, providing for a
holistic and dynamic outlook on nature, environment and landscape. The different
Ecological Landscape Design 333
dimensions of ecology have come to imply the ability to think broadly, to search for patterns
that connect and to observe nature with insight. Alternatively, ecological knowledge allows
a comprehensive understanding of landscape as the outcome of interacting natural and
cultural evolutionary processes which account for pattern, diversity, sustainability and
stability (Makhzuomi and Pungetti, 1999).
To date, however, ecological design has been principally concerned with the realistic
emulation of ecological form, function, and, where possible, process. As an outgrowth of,
and to some degree, a fusion between landscape architecture, ecology, environmental
planning, and the building science aspects of architecture, there is a distinctive functional
emphasis in the discipline. Ironically, artistic elements and visual aesthetics have not been a
priority in a discipline that bears the label of "design." I would attribute this principally to
the dominance of landscape architecture in influencing ecological design, itself (until
recently) a discipline characterized by a schism between garden design and horticulture in
one domain, and technical ecologists concerned with ecological restoration and
reconstruction in the other. This remediative, reactive "applied ecology" practice of
landscape architecture along with related environmental professions have understandably
been the progenitors of the new discipline of ecological design, largely (and
understandably) as a response to global environmental crises (Lister, 2005).
Motivated by environmental values, landscape architects became increasingly
knowledgeable about ecological principles and systems (Meyer, 2000). Ecology, the study of
interactions between organisms and their environments, has long been a compelling theme
for faculty, practitioners, and students of landscape design and planning. Frederick Law
Olmsteds visionary public designs, Jens Jensens native plantings, May Watts observations
of vernacular landscapes, and Ian McHargs book, Design with Nature, are all milestones of
ecological thinking in landscape design and planning (Johnson and Hill, 2001). McHarg
(1969), Spirn (1984) and Hough (1995) played seminal roles in applying theories and
principles of ecological landscape design to urban areas (zgner et al., 2007). lan McHarg
who, perhaps more than any other, popularized ecology in landscape architecture. Patrick
Geddes is the initiator of an ecological approach in design and planning and because he
offered an integrative view of the environment that embraced urban design, landscape
design and planning. John Tillman Lyle offers a comprehensive approach embracing theory,
practice and method (Makhzuomi and Pungetti, 1999).
In the late 1860s Frederick Law Olmstead supported the idea that landscape architects were
stewards of the land. Olmsteads designed landscapes borrowed aesthetically from the
picturesque but he was overtly conscious of ecological processes playing a critical role in the
function and design of landscape spaces (Ware, 2004).
The early influence of ecology can be traced to the work of late nineteenth century visionary
biologist Patrick Geddes, the conceptual initiator of an ecological approach to urban and
landscape design and landscape planning. Patrick Geddes had a clear, overall conceptual
strategy for improving the manmade environment and for advocating a sympathetic
coexistence with the natural environment. In his biological principles of economics he
came closest to the present day concept of sustainability (Makhzuomi and Pungetti, 1999).
Advances in Landscape Architecture 334
Ecological thinking was only resumed with the publication of lan McHargs (1969) Design
with Nature. The significance of McHargs work, however, lies elsewhere, namely in
introducing ecological understanding to the profession. McHarg believed that ecology had
the potential to emancipate landscape architects from the static scenic images of ornamental
horticulture by steering them away from arbitrary and capricious designs (Makhzuomi and
Pungetti, 1999). Ian McHargs work fore grounded much of the early sustainable design
discussions of the 1970s and into the 1980s. Carl Steinzs, Fred Steiners, and Rob Thayers
earliest work was a critique of McHargs methods (Ware, 2004).
John Tillman Lyles (1985) Design for Human Ecosystems is a comprehensive integration
of ecological concepts and landscape design. The term human ecosystems is proposed by
Lyle to signify the totality of the landscape at hand as a warning against a strongly visual
notion of landscape assessment and as a reminder that the landscape needs to be evaluated
as the outcome of natural and cultural processes. Lyle argues the necessity of making full
use of ecological understanding in the process of designing ecosystems; only then can we
shape ecosystems that manage to fulfill all their inherent potentials for contributing to
human purposes, that are sustainable, and that support nonhuman communities as well.
Three aspects of Lyles (1985) work are of direct relevance in establishing the conceptual
foundation for ecological design. The first is that he attempts to tackle the complexity of
design method and offers a critical investigation of the design process in the context of
ecosystem, its function, structure and ecological (rather than economic) rationality. The
second is that he includes management as an integral part of ecosystem design, arguing
that ecosystems like any organic entity have a variable future and as such, their design
should be probabilistic; it is difficult to predict the changes that will take place. The
implication here is that design is an ongoing process and that the final product of design is
only one stage in this process; it should not be the objective. It also implies that design is
interactive because it takes into account future change resulting from the designed systems
interaction with its environment. A third aspect of Lyles work is that he breaches the
professional categorization of landscape architecture and landscape planning. The terms
landscape design and landscape planning are often used interchangeably, however, uses
design as giving form to physical phenomena to represent such activity at every scale. In
this he follows others (Steinitz, 1979 and McHarg, 1969) who refer to the regional planning
scale while using design. Lyle viewed landscape plannings focus on the rational as
inevitably excluding the intuitive (Makhzuomi and Pungetti, 1999).
More recently, designers such as Le Corbusier and Frank Lloyd Wright, among many
others, have attempted, with some degree of success, to address ecological issues through
their designs. Green Architecture, Alternative Architecture, Sustainable Design, and
Ecological Design, are some of the terms commonly used today to describe a special
expression of design that takes as its primary driving force natures processes. Van Der Ryn
and Cowan (Ecological Design, 1996) defined this form of expression as "any form of design
that minimizes environmentally destructive impacts by integrating itself with living
processes." A "new" movement among design professionals has been developing for some
Ecological Landscape Design 335
time now with many of its principles synthesized by the current "green" movement in
design (Lomba-Ortiz, 2003).
Ecological design is an emerging interdisciplinary field of study and practice. In fact, many
would argue that it is a transdisciplinary field, concerned with the creation of entirely new
applications that may emerge from its progenitor disciplines or arise from a synthesis of
several. Influenced principally by ecology, the environmental sciences, environmental
planning, architecture, and landscape studies, ecological design is one of several rapidly
evolving (theoretical and practical) approaches to more sustainable, humane, and
environmentally responsible development. As such, it may also be considered a critical
approach to navigating the interface between culture and nature. In the broadest sense,
ecological design emerges from the interdependent and dynamic relationship between
ecology and decision making.
Van Der Ryn and Cowan (1996) described ecological design as a hinge that connects culture
and nature, allowing humans to adapt and integrate nature's processes with human
creations. In modern industrialized societies, human culture and nature are perceived and
treated as separate realms, yet their interface offers fertile ground for the creation of new,
hybridized natural/cultural ecologies and the rehabilitation and re(dis)covery of others.
Ecological design is inspired by the nexus of these worlds and the urgent need to blur the
boundary between them; it seizes on the creative tensions between them and, as such, may
offer opportunities for and insights to a re(dis)covered place of "living lightly" with the land
(Lister, 2007).
By the beginning of the 21st century, ecological design had emerged as an expression of a
sustainability world-view, which seeks to integrate the human enterprise with a sustainable
harvest of resources, while ensuring that stresses caused to natural ecosystems are within
the bounds of viability. If this can be achieved, the integrity of both the human economy and
of natural ecosystems can be maintained. As such, ecological design is an all-encompassing
concept, as it deals with the sustainability of:
The enterprises of families, neighborhoods, and cities;
The construction of buildings in a manner that decreases resource use and
environmental damage to the degree possible;
The manufacturing of certifiably green products;
The organic production of foods and other renewable resources;
The integration of these various activities within ecologically planned mutualisms, such
as industrial and business parks, which are designed to maintain high production while
reducing the use of resources and minimizing waste; and
The maintenance of indigenous biodiversity (Shu-Yang et al., 2004).
Landscape architects continue to speculate how we can design with the materials of nature
and not have the result be confused for nature itself (Ware, 2004). Beth Meyer asserts, to
some it might seem odd that landscape architects looked toward art and design theory and
practice when seeking direction about folding ecological principles and environmental
values into their creative processes. But this simultaneous look to art as well as science and
Advances in Landscape Architecture 336
to theories of site specificity and phenomenology as well as ecology was critical to the
successful integration of environmentalism into landscape architectural design. (Meyer,
7. Ecological landscape design
Ecological landscape design is based on an ecological understanding of landscape which
ensures a holistic, dynamic, responsive and intuitive approach (Figure 3.). It is holistic
because it simultaneously considers past and present as well as local and regional landscape
patterns and processes. It is responsive because it develops from a realization of the
constraints and opportunities of context whether natural, cultural or a combination of both.
Ecological landscape design is guided by three fundamental, mutually inclusive objectives:
the maintenance of landscape integrity; promoting landscape sustainability; and reinforcing
the natural and cultural spirit of place. Ecological landscape design engages the designers
rational, intellectual, emotional and creative capabilities (Makhzoumi and Pungetti, 1999).
Ecological design develops out of two areas of inquiry. On the one hand, it is the outcome of
ecologys interface with the environmental design professions. Despite the differing
perspectives and focus of interest, a number of common concepts have been outlined. On
the other hand, ecological landscape design also utilizes fundamental ecological. Input from
these two areas of inquiry forms the foundation for ecological landscape design which is
here seen as integrating four overlapping attributes (Figure 3.).
Figure 3. Framework for ecological landscape design, drawing on concepts from ecology (left) and
ecological design (right)
Ecological Landscape Design 337
The first is a holistic approach to landscape understanding, integrating abiotic, biotic and
cultural landscape components. The second is a dynamic approach in which landscape is
investigated along two continuums: a spatial one, i.e. movement between a larger scale and
a local one; and a temporal one representing the evolutionary historical development of the
landscape. The third is ecological landscape designs responsiveness to the constraints and
opportunities of context whether natural, cultural or a combination of both. Responsiveness
also dictates an anticipatory approach that considers the impact of the design on existing
ecosystems and resources. Finally, ecological landscape design is intuitive, encompassing
not only the rationality of the outer world but also the neglected intangible relationships of
the inner world. This intuitive approach embraces a new definition of creativity that departs
from the formal, i.e. object-centered, appearance-oriented aesthetics to a phenomenological
participatory aesthetics where the emphasis is on the totality of human experience of the
object (Makhzuomi and Pungetti, 1999).
Reviewing ecologys interaction with the environmental design professions reveals a wide
range of concepts, solutions and approaches (Figure 4.). The contributions in architecture
and the urban landscape design include practical strategies (e.g. energy conservation,
ecological networks) and design solutions to specific problems (e.g. earth-sheltered
architecture and bioclimatic design). The interaction of ecology and landscape architecture
has been more extensive, leading to a holistic approach to landscape design. All the
contributions, however, find inspiration in nature and aim to shape mans environment
sustainably and beautifully.
Ecological landscape design integrates input from landscape ecology and design, both of
which are seen as providing parallel and complementary, albeit different methodological
approaches. The analytic and descriptive nature of landscape ecology, the science, provides
for a holistic understanding of existing landscapes, while the intuitive and creative problem-
solving capabilities of design prescribe alternative courses for future landscape
development (Makhzoumi, 2000).
In the different steps of the design process a lot of information has been needed to analyze
and evaluate ecological processes and functions. Thus ecological design has been
interdisciplinary field of study and practice.
Over the past 20 years landscape architecture has re-invested in ecologically driven design.
Ware (2004) investigates the following typologies:
Interpretation and Environmental Education
Environmental Remediation/Re-vegetation
Eco-Revelatory Design
The Art of Landscape Function
Intertwining Ecologies
Constructed Ecologies
Simulated natural Attractions
Advances in Landscape Architecture 338
The typological framework aims to illustrate and differentiate current methods of
approaching ecological design in landscape architecture. The eight categories include a
critical reflection as to how the work itself may not be addressing much of the dynamic,
ecological processes that the projects are predicated upon (Ware, 2004).
Figure 4. The interface of ecology with architecture, landscape architecture and urban landscape design
(Makhzuomi and Pungetti, 1999)
7.1. Principles of ecological landscape design
The main ecological principles concerning cities are that:
Cities are ecosystems;
Cities are spatially heterogeneous;
Cities are dynamic;
Human and natural processes interact in cities; and
Ecological processes are still at work and are important in cities.
The first three principles address the structure of cities and the change in structure through
time. The remaining two principles focus on ecological processes in cities (Table 1.).
The first principle suggests that landscape design theory and management practice must
address all the components of such systems. Urban ecosystems include four broad kinds of
components (organisms, a physical setting and conditions, social structures, and the built
environment) all interacting with one another. Landscape designs and management
Ecological Landscape Design 339
strategies that are aimed at one or two of these components or interactions, in reality have
the potential to affect them all. Landscape designs that acknowledge and work with the
connections between the social, biological, physical, and built components of the system are
much less likely to produce unintended negative consequences, and are more likely to
contribute to ecological sustainability. Furthermore, enhanced quality of urban life depends
on all components of the urban ecosystem, not just some of them (Cadenasso and Pickett,
Principles Summary of Implication for Landscape Design
Cities are ecosystems Design affects all four components of human ecosystems.
Cities are heterogeneous
Design should enhance heterogeneity, and its ecological
Cities are dynamic
Design must accommodate internal and external changes
projects can experience.
Human and natural
processes interact in
Design should recognize and plan for feedbacks between
social and natural processes.
Ecological processes
remain important in
Remnant ecological processes yielding ecological services
should be maintained or restored.
Table 1. A brief summary of the general implications of each of the five principles of urban ecology for
ecologically motivated landscape design and management
The second principle suggests that interactions and transfers among patches within the
urban matrix are affected by landscape design and management. Urban landscape design
should carefully consider the heterogeneity and its role in maintaining desirable functions
such as biodiversity, storm water retention, microclimate mitigation, and carbon
sequestration. The interaction between a particular landscape project and adjacent patches
of similar or contrasting landscape structure can enhance the function and value of
individual projects. This may mean paying particular attention to the boundaries between
contrasts within or between projects to enhance or protect from exchanges.
The third principle means that landscape designs should accommodate change. Natural
disturbances, extreme climate events, shifting economic investment or disinvestment, the
maturation of households, and the aging of or renovation of infrastructure are but some of
the examples of the kinds of dynamism that landscape designs and management will have
to respond to. Persistent equilibrium in cities is unlikely. Designs that plan for successional
changes in vegetation have redundancies in the face of disturbance, or that encourage use by
different age groups may be more resilient in changing cities.
The fourth principle suggests that both of these major categories must be addressed as
landscape design goals. A design that satisfies only obvious social criteria, such as recreation
or efficiency of commerce, misses an opportunity to contribute to ecosystem services that
Advances in Landscape Architecture 340
may ultimately have great social value. All landscape designs and management schemes
should be judged for their ability to contribute to both social and ecological goods and
services, and to reduce both social and ecological risks and vulnerabilities.
The fifth principle means that landscape designs and management practices have the
opportunity to preserve and promote those basic biological processes upon which human
health and well-being depend. It will be important to provide for these functions even in
areas beyond the large green parcels usually targeted for this kind of benefit. The control of
water flow and infiltration, the retention of limiting and hence potentially polluting
nutrients, the sequestration of carbon dioxide, the neutralization of toxics, the maintenance
of soil respiration, the production of biomass, the amelioration of climate extremes, the
mitigation of natural disturbance, and the preservation of biodiversity, are but some of the
processes that can exist in various places in designed systems. Landscape designs and
management protocols can be purposefully planned so as to maintain, or in some cases
restore, as many of these kinds of natural processes as possible throughout the urban matrix.
As such, landscape design and management can provide creative new ways to insinuate
ecological processes in cities (Cadenasso and Pickett, 2008).
Ecologically designed urban landscapes are ones that can use both ecological processes and
human values as form-giving elements. In addition to their many environmental benefits,
these landscapes -which include systems such as energy efficient buildings, storm water
infiltration, sewage treatment wetlands, and urban forests- can also contribute to local
cultures of sustainability that, like all cultures, both shape and are shaped by the built and
designed environment. If they are to do so, however, their designers must think clearly
about the experience of the users of the urban landscape, and particularly about the
meanings and lessons that they derive from their surroundings. The ways that people learn
from and respond to the urban environment are critical to the prospects for sustainability, if
for no other reason than that for most of us, it is the landscape of the city that helps to shape
our view of nature and our relation to it (Eisenstein, 2001).
Ecological landscape designs fall into four categories:
1. Preservation of existing, functioning ecological systems;
2. Enhancement or re-establishment of degraded ecological systems;
3. Intensification of ecological processes to mitigate potential or existing ecological
degradation; and
4. Environmental interventions which reduce nonrenewable resource consumption
(Mozingo, 1997).
Van Der Ryn and Cowan (1996) have pointed out principles of ecological design Table 2..
The first principle grounds the design in the details of place. In the words of Wendell Berry,
we need to ask, What is here? What will nature permit us to do here? What will nature help
us to do here? The The second principle provides criteria for evaluating the ecological
impacts of a given design. The third principle suggests that these impacts can be minimized
by working in partnership with nature. The fourth principle implies that ecological design is
Ecological Landscape Design 341
the work not just of experts, but of entire communities. The fifth principle tells us that
effective design transforms awareness by providing ongoing possibilities for learning and
participation. Taken together, these five principles help us to think about the integration of
ecology and design.
Principles Summary of Implication for Landscape Design
Solutions grow from
Ecological design grows from an intimate, detailed knowledge
of the place and its nuances.
Make nature visible
Make sure natural cycles and processes are visible to bring the
designed environment back to life.
Design with nature
Natures living processes offer opportunities to design using
natural cycles, natural waste, and regeneration as part of the
total design.
Ecological accounting
informs design
By tracing the environmental impacts of a design, we can
discover the more ecologically sound options.
Everyone is a designer Listen to every voice in the design process.
Table 2. Principles of ecological design
7.2. Examples of ecological landscape design
7.2.1. The West Davis Pond
The West Davis Pond in Davis, California, is exemplary of the new landscape space of
ecological design. The subdivision of a single family and low-rise apartment neighborhood
required capacity improvement of an existing storm-water-treatment settling pond. This
prosaic infrastructure requirement innovatively integrates a constructed habitat for
numerous over-wintering migratory birds and resident wildlife whose wetland habitats
have largely been destroyed in the Central Valley.
The pond had pre-existing development on three sides: an arterial roadway edged by
backyard fences, a long edge of directly adjacent backyard fences, and warehouse
commercial uses. On the fourth side, the project developers and their team of engineers,
environmental scientists, and landscape architects conceived of the pond as integral to the
open space of the new development. In lieu of a more typical suburban park, between the
housing and the pond, a bike path, part of a famous city-wide system, incorporates two
pond overlooks and a constructed arroyo channel as a children's play area. Between the
manicured, exotic landscape of the housing and the habitat planting of the pond,
transitional "native planting" envelopes the bike path, overlooks, and play area (Figure 5.).
Most of the species are not native to this part of California, and many are unhealthy or
As one of the first storm-water-treatment wildlife ponds in the Central Valley, and one of
the first wetland restoration projects within an urban context, the project is laudable in
ways-it is based on sound ecological science, it achieves its clearly stated ecological goals, it
Advances in Landscape Architecture 342
is innovative, and it manifests strong community support. The project was done with
conscience, care, and the considerable risk that precedents always entail (Mozingo, 1997).
Bike path Birding walks
How it looked in 2007 How it looked in 2010
Early fall at the pond
Figure 5. The West Davis Pond (Anonymous, 2012)
The West Davis Pond is a new kind of ecologically integrated project, with measurable
ecological benefits that we want to increasingly infiltrate into the landscape. The Pond is an
enhanced wetland wildlife habitat, while its primary purpose is to retain storm water runoff
and help prevent flooding. In the dry months, water is provided by a supplementary well.
Ecological Landscape Design 343
The Pond is enclosed by a security fence and is designated a "Wildlife Preserve" and
"Sensitive Habitat Area" by the City of Davis. Native trees and shrubs grow on the slopes
around the Pond and provide habitat for a diversity of wildlife (Anonymous, 2012).
7.2.2. The Glenn W. Daniel King Estate Park
The Glenn W. Daniel King Estate Park encompasses eighty acres of a north-south ridge
overlooking the East Bay Hills and an expansive panorama of the San Francisco Bay. The
park is the largest open space and only urban wild land west of Interstate 580, the citys
social and physical divide. The Glenn W. Daniel King Estate Park is not blueprint for a park
constructed as a single project. Rather, it is a guide for a sustained effort to bring to fruition
a park that is ecologically healthy and well integrated into the social life of its community
(Figure 6.). The park lies within a home owning, middle-class, primarily African American
neighborhood considerably integrated with European American, Latino and Asian
American residents (Mozingo et al., 1998).
Figure 6. The Glenn W. Daniel King Estate Park Master plan (Mozingo et al., 1998)
A partnership ethic respects both cultural diversity and biodiversity. In the hills above
Oakland, California, a culturally diverse middle-class neighborhood consisting of a majority
of African Americana along with many European, Asian, and Latin Americans worked in
partnership with the each other and with landscape architect Louise Mozingo of the
University of California, Berkeley. The goal was to restore biodiversity to the oak groves
from which the city derived its name and ecological heritage. Together they devised a plan
to develop the neighborhoods The Glenn W. Daniel King Estate Park to benefit from the
Advances in Landscape Architecture 344
diversity of perennials grasses, oak savannahs, and brushy chaparral indigenous to the area.
At the same time, they revamped hiking trails, added a recreation center, and increased
security. The resulting master plan provided a template for how communities can become
active partners in the fulfillment of their own environmental visions (Merchant, 2004).
7.2.3. Village of Yorkville Park
The idea of this urban park dates back to the late 1950s when a block of Victorian-era row
houses was demolished along Cumberland Street to allow for the construction of the Bloor
Danforth subway line. The park sits at the cusp of two neighborhoods: the small-scale old
Yorkville neighborhood with its late 19th and early 20th century row houses, and the high-
rise commercial core that has built up along the Bloor Street corridor since the subway
opened. For years, this highly visible site remained a parking lot. Activist neighbors fought
to build a public place to bring the neighborhood together rather than to divide it. Finally, in
1991, the City of Toronto Department of Parks, Forestry and Recreation announced an
international design competition (Figure 7.).
Figure 7. Village of Yorkville Park landscape schematic design (Anonymous, 2012a)
The community wanted a park that reflected the scale and context of the neighborhood,
incorporated the native ecology of the surrounding region, and made connections with the
circulation of local streets and a system of midblock passageways. The design strategy for
the competition was to design the park to express the Victorian style of collecting. In this
case, collecting landscapes of Ontario -pine groves, prairies, marshes, orchards, alder
woods, rock outcroppings and so on -and arranging them in the pattern of the nineteenth
century row houses.
The park design creates a series of linear subdivisions with contextual alignments to the
building lot lines across the street and connections to mid-block passageways in the
Ecological Landscape Design 345
adjoining blocks. Each linear park segment is distinct in character but related to the next,
creating a park of diversity and unity. To anchor this space with an element of regional
glacial geology, a large 700-ton bedrock outcrop of native Muskoka granite was taken apart
along natural crevices, moved 150 miles south, and reconstructed on site. Immense yet
inviting, the outcrop has a wonderful tactile surface for sitting and absorbs warmth on cool
sunny days. Moveable tables and chairs next to the boulder offer a nice contrast of
permanence and flexibility (Figure 8.).
Figure 8. Village of Yorkville Park
The park has become a local landmark. While small in size, Yorkvilles park has played an
important role in the revitalization of the neighborhood since its completion in 1994. The
neighborhood has continued its redevelopment with several new high-rise buildings rising
along the edge or near the park. Recently, the park underwent some restoration work, but
its original design integrity as a distillation of regional ecology, along with its role as a
neighborhood connection point, remain as strong as ever. The park is owned and
maintained by the City of Toronto Department of Parks, Forestry and Recreation. The Bloor-
Yorkville Business Improvement Area takes an active role in the management and
programming of the park (Anonymous, 2012a).
7.2.4. Downsview Park
In 1999, the Parc Downsview Park announced an International Design Competition in
attempt to turn Downsview Park into an urban park, and potentially one of the largest ones
Advances in Landscape Architecture 346
in the world, in which Bruce Mau Design, Rem Koolhaas, Oleson Worland, and Petra Blaisse
submitted the winning design scheme, known as "Tree City." Parc Downsview Park has
since come up with a new plan to construct commercial and residential developments
instead (Anonymous, 2012b). This 320-acre federal park will provide natural and formal
garden environments, offering both passive and active recreation while promoting such
themes as environmental sustainability, new ecologies, and the rich heritage of the site.
Contributors to this volume analyze the entries of the competition finalists and consider a
range of issues raised by the competition, including landscape architecture, geography,
landscape ecology, and contemporary urbanism (Czerniac, 2002).
Downsview Park is designed to support environmental, social and economic sustainability.
The vision for the park is the creation of a recreational space incorporating expansive open
space areas, as well as the repurposing of an inventory of historic aviation-related buildings
to create a year-round setting (Figure 9.). Downsview Park is a model development
demonstrating sustainable practices in its design, construction, operation and maintenance.
It is intended to be a recreational, educational and cultural amenity for all Canadians (Figure
10.); a diverse, healthy and livable community for its occupants, visitors and neighbors; and
an educational demonstration project of international significance. In addition to creating a
unique park on the majority of the lands, portions of the property will be developed to
facilitate creating and maintaining Downsview Park. More than $20 million has been spent
to date on construction, improvements to infrastructure and renovations of older buildings.
The investment that Downsview Park is making in the public realm will have a significant
impact well beyond its 231.5 hectares (572 acres) -job creation, increased real estate values,
social and cultural engagement and numerous environmental benefits are all a direct result
of the work being performed in the creation of the Park (Anonymous, 2012c).
Figure 9. Downsview Park (Anonymous, 2012b)
Ecological Landscape Design 347
Figure 10. Recreational, educational and cultural amenities in the Downsview Park (Anonymous,
Advances in Landscape Architecture 348
Author details
Filiz elik
Seluk University, Faculty of Agriculture, Department of Landscape Architecture, Konya,
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Thames and Hudson, p. 256, London.
Roseland, M., 1997. Dimensions of the Eco-city. Cities, vol: 14, no: 4, p. 197-2002.
Shu-Yang, F., Freedman, B. and Cote, R. (2004). Principles and Practice of Ecological Design.
Environmental Review, vol: 12, p. 97112, doi: 10.1139/A04-005, Canada.
Thayer Jr., R. L. 1998. Landscape as an Ecologically Revealing Language. Landscape Journal,
vol: 17, isuue: 2, p. 118- 129.
Todd, J., Brown, E. J. G. and Wells, E., 2003. Ecological Design Applied. Ecological
Engineering, vol: 20, p. 421440.
Van Der Ryn, S. and Cowan S. 1996. Ecological Design. ISBN: 1-55963-389-1, USA.
Advances in Landscape Architecture 350
Ware, S., 2004. The Nature of Design, 2004 AILA Nationla Conference (200 MILE CITY),
Landscape Architecture Online: an online magazin published by the Australian
Institute of Landscape Architects, Australia.
Chapter 14
Crosby Arboretum (Picayune, Mississippi):
A Natural World for All
Banu Ozturk Kurtaslan and Robert Brzuszek
Additional information is available at the end of the chapter
At the Crosby Arboretum, Picayune, Mississippi, I listened for and found my voice...
Edward L. Blake Jr.
1. Introduction
Arboretums are living plant museums where mainly the taxa of trees and other wood-like
plants of known origin and age, each of which are gathered in a correct and careful manner
for the purposes of scientific research and observation, are cultivated, exhibited and
introduced in suitable selected habitats [1].
Arboretums are garden abstractions for interpreting the natural landscape. These gardens
offer biological and ecological diversity of collections, serve as conservation of soil, water
and biological resources, demonstration of environmentally responsible landscape design,
and restoration of degraded landscapes.
Being of vital importance for the protection of the nature in the present day urban life,
arboretums at the same time have important roles in terms of esthetical and recreational
aspects. In addition to providing scientific data regarding plants, arboretums also assume
the function of presenting their natural beauties, esthetical qualities (size, form, texture, line
and color characteristics) and introducing rich species of plants [2].
The functions of arboretums, whose formation on the earth dates back centuries ago, shows
variety. These functions are giving information to all the students from elementary and
secondary education to the university level and to the local community primarily about
wood-like plants and secondly if they desire, about herbaceous plants, introducing these
plants in their habitats and contributing to the development of a consciousness of protecting
the environment. Besides, other functions of arboretums can be listed as introducing the
natural, endemic and exotic plants from all corners of the world without having to go on
Advances in Landscape Architecture 352
long and expensive trips through gathering them as climate allows, giving people the
opportunity to select the plants with esthetical value, taking endangered species under
preservation, conducting studies on the adaptation of the species of foreign origin to the
country. Furthermore, the functions of special-purpose arboretums will certainly be
different. Arboretums that are organized to maintain the cultivation of a limited number of
species can be given as an example to such places [3].
In the beginning, botanical gardens and arboretums were generally created for the
introduction and production of newly discovered plants. Big botanical gardens, such as
Arnold Arboretum or Kew Botanical Garden in London, collect plant species from all
around the world and maintain the affluence of these species by developing and
reproducing them. In recent times, this function has become of secondary importance. This
is because the number of newly discovered plants is not as much as it was in the 19th
century. However, there are still travels for discovering new species [4].
The functions of arboretums can be summarized as follows:
- They maintain the physical balance of the city. They create buffer areas in cities by
eliminating the disharmonies and mutual negative effects among different areas of use
such as housing, commerce and industry,
- They have positive effects on human psychology through providing an opportunity for
- They are the oxygen sources of cities,
- They bring in positive microclimatic characteristics to the city. Wide green areas
considerably improve the air circulation in cities, provide clean air to the city and they
are effective in increasing atmospheric moisture. It was determined that the
temperature in open and green areas was 6.5 degrees cooler in winter and 10 degrees
cooler in summer compared to the temperature in the city. Green areas humidify the air
through transpiration, thus the dust in the humid air either settles as suspended
particles or are taken away through the wind [4].
It is a necessity that arboretums are planned and designed through an ecological approach
in order that they can perform their assumed ecological functions. In landscape architecture,
ecological design is one of the significant aplication of sustainibility. According to Van der
Ryn and Cowan (1996) ecological design is any form of design that minimizes
environmentally destructive impacts by integrating itself with living processes. Ecological
design can apply to many design systems such as architecture, agriculture, engineering and
many other fields. In the scope of this chapter, which is about an arboretum, ecological
design is an important concept in terms of sustainable landscape design [5] [6] [7].
In the XIX century ecological awarenes was reflected to modern urban landscape design and
planning by theorists and practitioners. For instance Frederic Law Olmsted produced
projects such as Central Park (New York), Emerald Necklace (Boston) and other national
parks, and was a pioneer of landscape architecture. This ecological sensitivity continued
with Jens Jensen, Ian Mc Harg, Anne Winston Spirn and Michael Hough [8] [9].
Crosby Arboretum (Picayune, Mississippi): A Natural World for All 353
An example of early ecological design and planning, Crosby Arboretum is one of the
substantial ecological design works in terms of contributions on the urban/nature context
and the development of natural settings in cities. It was established in 1978 as a living
memorial to L.O. Crosby Jr., a prominent Mississippi timber owner and philantropist. The
idea of his immediate family was to create an arboretum and form a board of directors to
fully explore the concept of ecological design. The Crosby family donated a 26-ha (64-acre)
site on which to establish the arboretum. The primarily wetland site was formerly a working
strawberry farm in the 1940s, complete with drainage ditches and old farm roads, that had
been converted to a pine plantation shortly thereafter [10].
The arboretum purchased and leased nearby lands containing pristine examples of local
native plant communities, realizing that nearby natural plant communities would become
important research models for the exhibit design of the arboretum, as well as to fulfill the
preservation aspect of their mission statement. So it was designed by abstracting the natural
habitats of plants and animals, within the Pearl River Basin. The Pearl River is a 444-mile
long major watershed in west Mississippi that Arboretum lands lie within. Each exhibit
illustrates a combination of past human influences and natural succession that reveals the
drama and beauty of the regional flora. During a 10-y period, 11 sites comprising more than
685 ha (1700 ac) would become the satellite natural areas of the arboretum, and they were
systematically inventoried by biologists. Detailed topographical surveys were conducted on
the mostly flat site, and subtle moisture gradients and drainage areas were recorded [10].
The mission of the arboretum is preserving, protecting, and displaying plants native to the
Pearl River Drainage Basin ecosystem, providing environmental and botanical research
opportunities, and offering cultural, scientific, and recreational programs [11].
The Crosby Arboretum is a not-for-profit institution dedicated to educating the public about
their environment by:
Preserving, protecting, and displaying plants native to the Pearl River Drainage Basin in
Mississippi and Louisiana
Providing environmental and horticultural research opportunities
Offering cultural, educational, scientific, and recreational programs
The arboretum located in Picayune, Mississippi is administered by the Mississippi State
University Extension (Figure 1). These lands provides habitats for 300 native plant species
and animals, some of which are endangered or threatened.
With increasing value being placed on our natural heritage, The Crosby Arboretum is the
premier native plant conservatory in the southeast United States. The Arboretum has
expanded to become a resource for education in the region and the world. Today, it
provides for the protection of the region's biological diversity and also a place for the
public's enjoyment of plant species native to the Pearl River Drainage Basin of south-central
Mississippi and Louisiana. People can study and learn about plants and plant products so
that they may use them to their best advantage and ensure their continuous propagation in
Advances in Landscape Architecture 354
Figure 1. Location of the Crosby Arboretum.
the future. Aesthetic, agricultural, scientific, and industrial contributions of native plant
species and ecosystems can be examined in a real-life setting at the Arboretum.
The arboretum has a 104-acre Native Plant Center and it serves as the focus of Arboretum
activities and development. The Pinecote Pavilion and the Piney Woods Lake at the
arboretum display native water plants in their natural setting. The Pinecote Pavilion and the
many wooden bridges that complement the lake were designed by award-winning architect
Fay Jones, of Fayetteville, Arkansas to enhance the artistic and functional aspects of the
The Crosby Aboretum has 6000 visitors annually. Pinecote, the name of the Arboretum site,
was designed to weave the activities and needs of human into an evolving living mosaic of
woodland, aquatic and pine savanna habitats. This 64 acre former strawberry farm and
pine plantation is being transformed to display and interpret the native plant communities
found in our natural areas.
Crosby Arboretum (Picayune, Mississippi): A Natural World for All 355
The Arboretum was designed to be an evolving landscape that abstracts the natural habitats
of plants and animals within the Pearl River Basin. Each exhibit illustrates a combination of
past human influences and natural succession that reveals the drama and beauty of the
regional flora. The pond, slough, pathways, bridges, landscape features and pavilion weave
together into a seamless whole, fortifying each others presence (Figure 2).
Figure 2. Crosby Arboretum trails and other uses
Advances in Landscape Architecture 356
The Crosby Arboretum Master Plan was completed in 1994. The Schematic Master Plan
outlined the following design principles to the Arboretum's Interpretive Center (Pinecote)
site development:
Displaying habitats as well as flora
Creating displays that enhance the character of the native landscape
Fostering a sense of place appropriate to the Piney Woods region of Mississippi
Interpreting how perceptions of landscape by industry, agriculture, and forestry have
resulted in changes in landscape appearance and land use patterns
Developing a holistic approach to interpreting what we see
Encouraging a synthesis to develop between the arts, sciences, and humanities
Focusing on doing a few things well and emphasizing quality
Interpreting the role of fire as a major determinant of landscape form
Displaying the arboretum landscape as a process rather than product
Andropogon Associates Ltd articulated the design at Pinecote as "a new synthesis of the
artistic values of drama and beauty, with the scientific values of correct relationships
between plant and plant and plant and place. This design is based on 3 premises:
1. The Pinecote site will be treated as an entire coherent unit.
2. The site design at Pinecote will accurately reflect the major natural processes of the site.
3. Planting design should reflect Plant Community Structure." [10].
In spring 2011, a graduate class in the department of landscape architecture at Mississippi
State University, was assigned by one of the authors (Brzuszek) the task of conducting the
research and to develop the conceptual designs for the Forested Stream exhibit. The
semester-long project included studying the research literature for small streams and stream
restoration; site visits to small streams near the Arboretum site to measure and map their
wetland configurations; study the plant species and spatial configurations of small stream
corridors; to host a design charrette to consider possible conceptual designs; and the
resolution of conceptual ideas into a proposed exhibit design. To fund the exhibit
construction, a federal grant was applied for and awarded through the National Fish and
Wildlife Foundations 5-Star Grant. The grant awarded $38,870 with a complementary
match by the Crosby Arboretum and its partners, and the period required construction of
the exhibit to be completed by June 2013 [12]. The small stream swamp exhibit covers
approximately four acres and connects the Gum Pond in the northern part of the site to the
Slough and Beaver Pond to the south. This wetland exhibit improves habitat for fish,
amphibians, reptiles, and birds that are indigenous to the Pearl River Drainage Basin. The
forested stream channel offers a unique opportunity to teach visitors about the importance
of forested wetlands by demonstrating the value of its function [10]. Dead Tiger Creek, a
natural stream which is near the arboretum, served as a reference site to closely examine the
regional features of water corridors. The class studied vegetative patterns and aquatic
habitats to aid in understanding the dynamics of small stream swamp forests. With
collective effort, the class created field sketches and detailed notes on various characteristics
of the creek. Reviewing this information provided vital intelligence and was relevant to
future implementation of the Crosby Arboretum exhibit [13].
Crosby Arboretum (Picayune, Mississippi): A Natural World for All 357
2. The ecological significance of the Arboretum
The Crosby Arboretum is preserving existing ecosystems in its natural areas and at the
Interpretive Center site. [14][15] [16]. The designers enabled the site to "express itself" by
introducing periodic fire to maintain the savanna exhibit (fire is an important component of
the Piney Woods ecosystem) and it displays native plants within the context of regionally
occurring native plant communities (Figure 3) [10] [17]. The arboretum is an environmental
intervention and it is the first truly regenerative arboretum in the U.S. because the entire
site, and all of its sites are based solely upon the environment [18] [19]. With these qualities,
Crosby Arboretum is involved in four ecological landscape design categories which were
determined by Mozingo (1997) [20]: preservation of existing, functioning ecological
systems; enhancement or re-establishment of degraded ecological systems; intensification of
ecological processes to mitigate potential or existing ecological degradation; and
environmental interventions which reduce nonrenewable resource consumption.
Figure 3. Precribed fires at te arboretum
The assemblages of carefully selected and protected lands nurtures the species of
indigenous trees, shrubs, wildflowers, and grasses. Together with the rare, or endangered
species of plants and wildlife throughout the Arboretum's preserves, unusual plants have
their place as well. The Arboretum protects and manages several pitcher plant bogs both on
site and within the natural areas. Edible, poisonous, and aromatic plants, too, are found at
the Arboretum. As the seasons unfold their splendor, the Arboretum provides a clear,
unobstructed view of the variety and beauty of our natural resources.
While constituting the master plan of the arboretum; through observation and research, first
the staff uncovered the wet, mesic and dry zones of the site and their associated plants. This
information guided the form of Pinecotes master plan (awarded an honour award by the
Advances in Landscape Architecture 358
American Society of Landscape Architects in 1992). At the Arboretum, each exhibit is
modeled after natural habitats found and oriented at appropriate locations. Predominant
plant species found in these habitats are then planted among the existing vegetation
structure of Pinecote. These introduced species are located with scientific accuracy and
designers eye so that visitors have an opportunity to understand the process that shape
plant communities as well as to experience the heightened drama and beauty of the Piney
The Pearl River Basin is at the hearth of the Arboretums mission, which is to interpret,
promote and preserve the native plant communities along its boundaries. Pinecote has no
irrigation lines or other artificial life support systems, thus existing site hydrology plays a
crucial role in the survival and management of all plant community exhibits. So from this
standpoint, it paid attention to the water related designs in the arboretum constituting
process. The Master Plan identifies the construction of four main wetland exhibits that are
based upon regional water features. These include;
- a two-acre pond called Piney Woods Lake that abstracts the form and function of
locallly-occurring beaver ponds;
- a half-acre Slough Exhibit based upon local bayous;
- a one acre Gum Pond exhibit that features a Gulf Coast waterbody primarily composed
of tupelo gum trees (Nyssa sylvatica var. biflora), (Figure 4) and
- a 970 small stream corridor entitled the Forested Stream Exibit. The Piney Woods Lake,
Slough, and Gum Pond exhibits have already been constructed prior to 2011.
Figure 4. Gum Pond Exhibit area (Photo :Banu Ozturk Kurtaslan, 2011).
Crosby Arboretum (Picayune, Mississippi): A Natural World for All 359
After the completion of Beaver Pond, the success of the pond was demonstrated when
beavers moved in and cut down every Taxodium tree that had been freshly planted along the
ponds margin. Since then a fence has been constructed along the drainage outlet to reduce
the number of problem animal species (Figure 5).
The Mississippi River system alone drains more than 40 percent of the United States and
portions of southern Canada. The original plant community of Pinecote was essentially
wetland in character, a wet pine savanna. Pinus palustris once dominated the dry rises of the
site, supported with a understory of Aristida, Andropogon and a host of wild flowers. Even
after row-cropping in the 1930s, mant native wetland plants such as Sarracenia alata,
Ericaulon decangulare and Habenaria ciliaris reappeared at Pinecote, sustained by periodic
fires set for forestry purposes. These wetland species continue to survive today and their
locations form the basis for the design of Pinecotes plant displays [21].
Figure 5. Beaver Pond Exhibit area (Photo :Banu Ozturk Kurtaslan, 2011).
In its early years, The Crosby Arboretum conducted biological surveys for all of the plants
that existed on site. In order to do this, Arboretum managers had the property surveyed and
established permanent reference markers across the site. These reference markers would
framework the entire site into a grid of one hundred foot square plots that could then be
Advances in Landscape Architecture 360
individually studied. Brass stakes were tamped into the ground at each corner of each grid
section. At the top of each stake, a brass plate was stamped with the unique identifiers for
that location. In addition to becoming permanent reference markers for subsequent floristic
surveys, the brass markers became key alignment points for the locations of structures at the
arboretums Master Plan [12].
On the Table 1, the list of the rich plant species can be seen.
Scientific Name Common Name Duration Habit Sun Water
Acalypha gracilen Slender threeseed mercury Annual Herb
Acer barbatum
Southern sugar maple, Florida maple, Caddo
maple Perennial Tree Part-shade Dry
Acer rubrum Red maple, Scarlet maple Perennial Tree Sun, Part-shade Moist
Acer rubrum var.
Drummond's maple, Drummond red maple,
Swamp maple Perennial Tree Part shade Wet, moist
Aesculus pavia
Scarlet Buckeye, Red buckeye, Firecracker
plant Perennial Shrub,Tree Part shade Wet, moist
Agalinis fasciculata Beach false foxglove Annual Herb
Agalinis purpurea
Purple false foxglove, Purple gerardia,
Gerardia Annual Herb
Sun, Shade,
Part-shade Wet, Moist
Agalinis tenuifolia Slenderleaf false foxglove Annual Herb
Aletris aurea
Golden colicroot, Colicroot, Star grass, Yellow
colic root Perennial Herb
Aletris farinosa White colicroot, Colic root, Unicorn root Perennial Herb Sun Moist, Dry
Alnus serrulata
Hazel alder, Brookside alder, Tag alder,
Common alder Perennial Shrub
Sun, Shade,
Part-shade Wet, Moist
Amelanchier arborea
Common serviceberry, Downy serviceberry,
Shadbush, Juneberry Perennial Shrub
Sun, Shade,
Part-shade Dry
Amorpha fruticosa
Indigo bush, False indigo bush, False indigo,
Desert false indigo Perennial Shrub Sun, Part-shade Moist
Andropogon virginicus Broomsedge bluestem, Broom-sedge Perennial
like Part-shade Moist
Aralia spinosa
Devil's walkingstick, Devils walking-stick,
Prickly Ash, Hercules Perennial Tree Part-shade Moist
Arundinaria gigantea Giant cane Perennial
like Part-shade Wet
Asclepias lanceolata
Fewflower milkweed, Few-flower milkweed,
Red milkweed Perennial Herb Sun Wet
Asclepias longifolia Longleaf milkweed Perennial Herb
Baccharis halimifolia
Groundseltree, Sea-myrtle,
Consumptionweed, Eastern baccharis,
Groundsel, Groundsel bush, Salt marsh-elder,
Salt bush, Florida groundsel bush Perennial Shrub Part-shade Wet
Baccharis halimifolia
Balduina uniflora Oneflower honeycombhead Perennial Herb
Bartonia paniculata Twining screwstem Annual Vine
Betula nigra River birch Perennial Tree Part-shade Moist
Bidens aristosa Bearded beggarticks, Tickseed sunflower Annual Herb
Buchnera americana American bluehearts, Bluehearts Annual Herb Sun Moist
Callicarpa americana American beautyberry, French mulberry Perennial Shrub Part-shade Moist
Calopogon pallidus Pale grasspink Perennial Herb
Calopogon tuberosus Tuberous grasspink, Grass pink Perennial Herb
Canna flaccida Bandanna of the Everglades, Golden canna Perennial Herb Sun Wet
Crosby Arboretum (Picayune, Mississippi): A Natural World for All 361
Scientific Name Common Name Duration Habit Sun Water
Carex glaucescens Southern waxy sedge Perennial
Carphephorus odoratissimus Vanillaleaf, Vanilla Plant Perennial Herb
Carpinus caroliniana
American hornbeam, Blue beech,
Musclewood, Ironwood Perennial Tree
Shade, Part-
shade Moist
Carya glabra Pignut hickory Perennial Tree
Sun, Shade,
Part-shade Dry
Castanea pumila
Chinkapin, Allegheny chinquapin, Allegheny-
chinkapin, Chinquapin Perennial Shrub Part-shade Dry
Ceanothus americanus New Jersey tea, Redroot Perennial Shrub
Shade, Part-
shade Moist, Dry
Cephalanthus occidentalis
Common buttonbush, Buttonbush, Button
willow Perennial Shrub
Shade, Part-
shade Wet, Moist
Cercis canadensis Eastern redbud, Redbud Perennial Tree
Shade, Part-
shade Moist
Chamaecrista fasciculata Partridge pea, Sleepingplant, Sensitive plant Annual Herb Sun, Part-shade Moist, Dry
Chamaecrista fasciculata Partridge pea, Sleepingplant, Sensitive plant Annual Herb Sun, Part-shade Moist, Dry
Chaptalia tomentosa Woolly sunbonnets Perennial Herb
Chionanthus virginicus White fringetree, Fringe tree Perennial Tree Part-shade Moist
Chrysopsis mariana Maryland goldenaster, Maryland golden-aster Perennial Herb Sun Wet
Cirsium muticum Swamp thistle Biennial Herb
Cleistes divaricata Rosebud orchid Perennial Herb
Clematis crispa
Swamp leatherflower, Curly clematis, Blue
jasmine, Curlflower Perennial Vine Sun, Part-shade Wet, Moist
Clethra alnifolia
Coastal sweet pepperbush, Clethra, Summer
sweet Perennial Shrub
Sun, Shade,
Part-shade Wet, Moist
Cliftonia monophylla Buckwheat tree, Buckwheat bush Perennial Shrub Sun Wet
Cnidoscolus urens var.
stimulosus Finger rot, Tread Softly Perennial Herb
Coreopsis lanceolata Lanceleaf coreopsis, Lanceleaf tickseed, Perennial Herb
Sun, Shade,
Part-shade Dry
Coreopsis linifolia Texas tickseed Perennial Herb
Cornus florida Flowering dogwood, Virginia dogwood Perennial Tree
Shade, Part-
shade Moist, Dry
Crataegus marshallii Parsley hawthorn Perennial Tree Part-shade Dry
Crataegus opaca
Mayhaw, Riverflat hawthorn, Western
mayhaw Perennial Tree Part-shade Wet
Crinum americanum
Crinum lily, Seven sisters, Swamp lily,
Southern swamp lily, String lily Perennial Shrub Part-shade Wet
Croton capitatus Hogwort Annual Herb
Cuscuta pentagona Fiveangled dodder Annual Vine
Cyrilla racemiflora
Swamp titi, Titi, Leatherwood, Swamp cyrilla,
Palo colorado Perennial Tree Part-shade Wet
Diodia teres Poorjoe Annual Herb
Diospyros virginiana Common persimmon, Eastern persimmon Perennial Tree Part-shade Dry
Drosera brevifolia Dwarf sundew, Spatulate-leaved sundew Perennial Herb
Drosera capillaris Pink sundew Annual Herb
Drosera intermedia Spoonleaf sundew Perennial Herb Sun
Eleocharis ovata Ovate spikerush Annual
like Sun
Erigeron philadelphicus Philadelphia fleabane, Fleabane daisy Biennial Herb Part-shade
Erigeron vernus Early whitetop fleabane Perennial Herb
Eriocaulon compressum Flattened pipewort, Hat pins Perennial Herb Part-shade Wet
Advances in Landscape Architecture 362
Scientific Name Common Name Duration Habit Sun Water
Eriocaulon decangulare Tenangle pipewort, Pipewort Perennial Herb Sun
Erythrina herbacea Coralbean, Cherokee bean, Red cardinal Perennial Shrub Sun, Part-shade Dry
Euonymus americanus
American strawberry-bush, Strawberry bush,
Brook euonymus, Hearts-a-burstin, Bursting-
heart, Wahoo Perennial Shrub Part-shade Moist
Eupatoriadelphus fistulosus
Trumpetweed, Queen of the meadow, Hollow
Joe-pye weed, Joe-pye weed Perennial Herb Sun Wet, Moist
Eupatorium capillifolium Dog Fennel, Dogfennel Perennial Herb
Eupatorium perfoliatum Common boneset Perennial Herb
Sun, Shade,
Part-shade Wet, Moist
Eupatorium rotundifolium Roundleaf thoroughwort Perennial Herb
Fagus grandifolia American beech Perennial Tree
Shade, Part-
shade Moist
Galium tinctorium Stiff marsh bedstraw Perennial Herb Part-shade
Gaylussacia dumosa Dwarf huckleberry Perennial Shrub Part-shade
Gelsemium sempervirens
Carolina jessamine, Yellow jessamine, Evening
trumpetflower, Poor man's rope Perennial Vine Sun, Part-shade Moist
Geranium maculatum Spotted geranium, Wild geranium, Cranesbill Perennial Herb
Shade, Part-
shade Moist
Gordonia lasianthus Gordonia, Loblolly bay Perennial Shrub Sun Moist
Halesia diptera
Two-wing silverbell, Silver bell, Two-winged
silverbell, Snowdrop tree, American
snowdrop tree Perennial Shrub, Tree Part-shade Dry
Hamamelis virginiana Witch hazel, American witch hazel Perennial Tree
Shade, Part-
shade Moist, Dry
Helenium vernale Savannah sneezeweed Perennial Herb
Helianthus angustifolius Swamp sunflower Perennial Herb Part-shade Wet
Hibiscus aculeatus
Comfortroot, Big thicket hibiscus, Pineland
hibiscus Perennial Herb Sun, Part-shade Moist
Hibiscus lasiocarpos
Rose-mallow, Rosemallow, Woolly mallow,
Wooly Rose-mallow Perennial Shrub Sun Wet
Hydrangea quercifolia Oakleaf hydrangea, Oak-leaf hydrangea Perennial Shrub Shade Moist
Hypericum crux-andreae St. Peterswort Perennial Subshrub Part-shade
Hypericum gentianoides Orangegrass, Pineweed Annual Herb Part-shade
Hypericum gymnanthum Claspingleaf St. Johnswort Perennial Herb
Hypericum tetrapetalum Fourpetal St. Johnswort Perennial Subshrub
Hypoxis hirsuta
Common goldstar, Eastern yellow star-grass,
Yellow star-grass Perennial Herb
Sun, Shade,
Part-shade Dry
Ilex amelanchier Sarvis holly, Swamp holly Perennial Shrub Part-shade Wet
Ilex coriacea Large gallberry, Bay-gall bush, Ink-berry holly Perennial Shrub Part-shade Moist
Ilex decidua
Possumhaw, Possumhaw Holly, Deciduous
Holly, Winterberry, Deciduous yaupon Perennial Shrub Sun, Part-shade Moist
Ilex glabra Inkberry, Gallberry Perennial Shrub Part-shade Wet, Moist
Ilex myrtifolia Myrtle dahoon, Myrtle leaf holly, Myrtle holly Perennial Shrub Part-shade Moist
Ilex opaca American holly, Christmas holly Perennial Tree
Sun, Shade,
Part-shade Wet, Dry
Ilex verticillata
Common winterberry, Michigan holly, Black
alder Perennial Tree
Sun, Shade,
Moist, Dry
Ilex vomitoria Yaupon, Yaupon holly, Cassina Perennial Shrub, Tree
Sun, Shade,
Part-shade Moist, Dry
Illicium floridanum
Florida anisetree, Florida anise, Anise tree,
Stinkbush Perennial Shrub Part-shade
Ipomoea pandurata
Man of the earth, Wild Potato, Wild sweet
potato Perennial Herb
Sun, Shade,
Part-shade Moist
Crosby Arboretum (Picayune, Mississippi): A Natural World for All 363
Scientific Name Common Name Duration Habit Sun Water
Iris fulva Copper iris, Red iris Perennial Herb Sun, Part-shade Wet, Moist
Iris virginica Virginia iris, Great Blue Flag Perennial Herb Sun Wet
Itea virginica Virginia sweetspire, Tassel-white Perennial Shrub Part-shade Moist
Juncus effusus Common rush, Soft Rush Perennial
like Sun Wet, Moist
Juncus tenuis Poverty rush, Path rush Perennial
like Part-shade
Kalmia latifolia Mountain laurel, Calico bush Perennial Shrub Part-shade Moist
Lachnanthes caroliana Carolina redroot, Paint root Perennial Herb Sun, Part-Shade Moist
Lespedeza capitata
Roundhead lespedeza, Roundhead bush-
clover Perennial Herb Sun Dry
Leucothoe axillaris Coastal doghobble, Coast leucothoe Perennial Shrub
Shade, Part-
shade Moist
Liatris aspera
Tall blazing star, Tall gayfeather, Rough
blazing star, Button snakeroot Perennial Herb Sun Dry
Liatris spicata
Dense blazing star, Dense gayfeather, Marsh
blazing star Perennial Herb Sun Moist
Liatris squarrosa
Blazing star, Scaly blazing star, Scaly
gayfeather Perennial Herb Sun Dry
Lilium catesbaei Pine lily, Southern red lily, Catesby's lily Perennial Herb Part-shade Wet, Moist
Liquidambar styraciflua Sweetgum, American sweetgum Perennial Tree Part-shade Moist
Liriodendron tulipifera Tuliptree, Tulip poplar Perennial Tree
Sun, Shade,
Part-shade Moist
Lobelia cardinalis Cardinal flower Perennial Herb
Sun, Shade,
Part-shade Wet, Moist
Lobelia floridana Florida lobelia Perennial Herb
Lobelia puberula Downy lobelia Perennial Herb
Lobelia spicata Palespike lobelia, Pale-spike lobelia Perennial Herb
Sun, Shade,
Part-shade Moist, Dry
Ludwigia peploides
Creeping water-primrose, Floating primrose-
willow, Water-primrose Perennial Herb Sun
Lyonia lucida
Fetterbush lyonia, Shinyleaf, Fetterbush,
Staggerbush Perennial Shrub
Shade, Part-
shade Moist
Magnolia acuminata Cucumbertree, Cucumber tree Perennial Tree
Sun, Shade,
Part-shade Wet, Moist
Magnolia grandiflora
Southern magnolia, Evergreen magnolia, Bull
bay Perennial Tree Part-shade Dry
Magnolia macrophylla Bigleaf magnolia Perennial Tree Part-shade
Magnolia virginiana Sweetbay, Sweetbay magnolia, Swampbay Perennial Tree Part-shade Moist
Malus angustifolia Southern crabapple, Wild crabapple Perennial Tree Part-shade Moist
Mikania scandens Climbing hempvine, Climbing hempweed Perennial Vine Shade Wet
Morella cerifera Wax myrtle, Southern bayberry, Candleberry Perennial Shrub Sun, Part-shade Wet, Moist
Nothoscordum bivalve Crow poison, Crowpoison, False garlic Perennial Herb Sun
Nuphar lutea
Yellow pond-lily, Cow lily, Spatter dock,
Yellow cow lily Perennial Herb Part-shade Wet
Nymphaea odorata
American white waterlily, American white
water-lily, Fragrant white water lily, White
water lily, Fragrant water lily, White water lily Perennial Herb
Sun, Shade,
Part-shade Wet
Nymphoides aquatica Big floatingheart, Floating hearts Perennial Herb Part-shade Wet
Nyssa ogeche Ogeechee tupelo, Ogeechee lime Perennial Tree Part-shade Wet
Nyssa sylvatica Blackgum, Black tupelo, Sourgum, Tupelo Perennial Tree
Sun, Shade,
Part-shade Moist
Orontium aquaticum Goldenclub Perennial Herb Part-shade Wet
Osmanthus americanus Devilwood, Wild olive Perennial Tree Part-shade Moist
Advances in Landscape Architecture 364
Scientific Name Common Name Duration Habit Sun Water
Osmunda cinnamomea Cinnamon fern Perennial Herb, Fern
Sun, Shade,
Part-shade Wet, Moist
Oxalis stricta Common yellow oxalis, Yellow Wood-sorrel Perennial Herb Sun Dry
Oxypolis filiformis Water cowbane Perennial Herb
Panicum virgatum Switchgrass, Wand panic grass Perennial
like Sun, Part-shade Moist, Dry
Paspalum plicatulum Brownseed paspale, Brownseed paspalum Perennial
like Part-shade Moist
Peltandra virginica
Green arrow arum, Tuckahoe, Arrow arum,
Green arrow-arum Perennial Herb Part-shade Wet
Persea borbonia Redbay, Red bay Perennial Tree Part-shade Moist
Persea palustris Swamp bay Perennial Shrub, Tree
Phlox pilosa Downy phlox, Prairie phlox, Fragrant phlox Perennial Herb Sun, Part-shade Dry
Photinia pyrifolia Red chokeberry, Red chokecherry Perennial Shrub Sun Moist
Physostegia virginiana
Fall obedient plant, Obedient plant, False
dragonhead Perennial Herb
Sun, Shade,
Part-shade Moist
Pinguicula lutea Yellow butterwort Perennial Herb Sun Moist
Pinus elliottii Slash pine Perennial Tree Part-shade Moist
Pinus glabra Spruce pine Perennial Tree Part-shade Moist
Pinus palustris Longleaf pine, Georgia pine Perennial Tree Sun Dry
Pinus taeda
Loblolly pine, Old field pine, Bull pine,
Rosemary pine Perennial Tree Part-shade Dry
Pluchea foetida Stinking camphorweed Perennial Herb
Pogonia ophioglossoides
Beard flower, Rose pogonia orchid, Snake-
mouth orchid, Snakemouth Moist Perennial Herb Sun Wet,
Polygala cruciata Candy root, Drumheads Annual Herb
Polygala incarnata Procession flower Annual Herb Sun Dry
Polygala lutea Candy Weed, Orange milkwort Biennial Herb
Polygala mariana Maryland milkwort Annual Herb
Polygala nana Candyroot Annual Herb
Polygala ramosa
Low pinebarren milkwort, Yellow savannah
milkwort Annual Herb
Polypremum procumbens Juniper leaf
Perennial Herb
Pontederia cordata Pickerelweed, Pickerel Weed Perennial Herb Sun, Part-shade Wet, Moist
Prunus angustifolia Chickasaw plum, Sandhill plum Perennial Tree Sun, Part-shade Dry
Prunus serotina Black cherry, Rum cherry Perennial Tree
Sun, Shade,
Part-shade Moist, Dry
Pteridium aquilinum
Western bracken fern, Bracken fern, Western
bracken, Bracken Perennial Herb, Fern
Shade, Part-
Moist, Dry
Ptilimnium capillaceum Herbwilliam Annual Herb
Pyrrhopappus carolinianus Carolina desert-chicory Annual Herb
Quercus alba
White oak, Northern white oak, Stave Oak,
Ridge White Oak, Forked-leaf White Oak Perennial Tree
Sun, Shade,
Part-shade Moist, Dry
Quercus falcata Southern red oak, Spanish oak Perennial Tree Part-shade Dry
Quercus incana
Bluejack oak, Sandjack oak, Upland willow
oak, Cinnamon oak, Shin oak, Turkey oak Perennial Shrub, Tree Part-shade Dry
Quercus laurifolia
Laurel oak, Swamp laurel oak, Darlington oak,
diamond-leaf oak, laurel-leaf oak, water oak,
obtuse oak Perennial Tree Part-shade
Quercus marilandica Blackjack oak, Barren oak, black oak, jack oak Perennial Tree Part-shade Dry
Quercus michauxii Swamp chestnut oak, Basket oak, Cow oak Perennial Tree Part-shade Moist
Crosby Arboretum (Picayune, Mississippi): A Natural World for All 365
Scientific Name Common Name Duration Habit Sun Water
Quercus nigra Water oak Perennial Tree Part-shade Wet
Quercus pagoda Cherrybark oak Perennial Tree
Quercus phellos Willow oak Perennial Tree Part-shade Moist
Quercus virginiana Coastal live oak, Southern live oak, Live oak Perennial Tree Sun, Part-shade Moist
Rhapidophyllum hystrix Needle palm, Blue palmetto Perennial Shrub Part-shade
Rhexia alifanus Savannah meadowbeauty Perennial Herb
Rhexia lutea
Yellow meadow beauty, Yellow
meadowbeauty Perennial Herb
Rhexia mariana
Maryland meadowbeauty, Maryland
meadow-beauty, Meadow beauty Perennial Herb Part-shade Moist
Rhexia petiolata Fringed meadowbeauty Perennial Herb
Rhexia virginica Meadow beauty, Handsome Harry Perennial Herb Part-shade Wet
Rhododendron austrinum Orange azalea, Florida azalea, Yellow azalea Perennial Shrub Part-shade Dry
Rhododendron canescens
Mountain azalea, Wild azalea, Honeysuckle
azalea, Piedmont azalea, Sweet azalea, Hoary
azalea, Southern pinxterflower Perennial Shrub Part-shade Dry
Rhus copallinum
Winged sumac, Shining sumac, Flameleaf
sumac Perennial Shrub Sun Dry
Rhynchospora colorata
Starrush whitetop, Star sedge, White-topped
sedge, Whitetop sedge Perennial
like Sun, Part-shade Wet
Rhynchospora corniculata
Shortbristle horned beaksedge, Horned
Beakrush Perennial
like Sun
Rhynchospora glomerata Clustered beaksedge, Cluster Beak-rush Perennial
Rubus argutus Sawtooth blackberry Perennial Shrub
Rubus trivialis Dewberry, Southern dewberry Perennial Herb Sun, Part-shade Moist, Dry
Rudbeckia hirta
Black-eyed Susan, Common black-eyed Susan,
Brown-eyed Susan Annual Herb
Sun, Shade,
Part-shade Moist, Dry
Sabal minor Dwarf palmetto, Palmetto, Bush palmetto Perennial Shrub
Sun, Shade,
Part-shade Moist, Dry
Sabatia brachiata Narrowleaf rose gentian Biennial Herb
Sabatia campestris
Texas star, Rose gentian, Meadow pink,
Prairie rose-gentian, Prairie sabatia Annual Herb Part-shade Dry
Sagittaria graminea Grassy arrowhead, Grass-leaf arrowhead Perennial Herb
Salix nigra Black willow, Gulf black willow Perennial Tree
Sun, Shade,
Part-shade Wet, Moist
Salvia azurea
Pitcher sage, Big blue sage, Azure sage, Giant
blue sage, Blue sage Perennial Herb Part-shade Dry
Salvia lyrata Lyreleaf sage, Cancer weed Perennial Herb
shade Moist,Dry
Sarracenia alata
Flycatcher, Yellow pitcher plant, Yellow
trumpet, Yellow trumpets Perennial Herb Wet
Sarracenia psittacina Parrot pitcherplant Perennial Subshrub
Sassafras albidum Sassafras Perennial Tree
Sun, Shade,
Part-shade Moist
Saururus cernuus Lizard's tail, Lizards-tail, Breast weed Perennial Herb
Shade, Part-
shade Wet, Moist
Scirpus cyperinus
Woolgrass, Cottongrass bulrush, Marsh
bulrush, Teddybear paws Perennial
like Sun Wet
Scutellaria integrifolia
Helmet-flower, Rough Skullcap, Common
Large Skullcap, Tall Skullcap Perennial Herb Sun Wet
Serenoa repens Saw palmetto Perennial Shrub Part-shade
Sisyrinchium angustifolium
Narrowleaf blue-eyed grass, Narrow-leaf
blue-eyed-grass, Bermuda blue-eyed grass, Perennial Herb Sun, Part-shade Wet, Moist
Advances in Landscape Architecture 366
Scientific Name Common Name Duration Habit Sun Water
Blue-eyed grass
Smilax laurifolia Laurel greenbriar, Laurel greenbrier Perennial Vine Part-shade Wet
Smilax pumila
Sarsaparilla vine, Wild sarsaparilla, Dwarf
smilax, Dwarf greenbrier Perennial Vine Part-shade Dry
Smilax smallii
Lanceleaf greenbrier, Southern smilax,
Jacksonvine, Jacksonbrier Perennial Vine Sun, Part-shade Moist
Solidago altissima
Tall Goldenrod, Late goldenrod, Canadian
goldenrod, Canada goldenrod Perennial Herb
Shade, Part-
shade Moist
Solidago gigantea
Giant goldenrod, Smooth goldenrod, Tall
goldenrod, Late goldenrod, Early goldenrod Perennial Herb Part-shade
Solidago odora var. odora Anisescented goldenrod Perennial Herb
Solidago patula Roundleaf goldenrod Perennial Herb
Sun, Shade,
Part-shade Wet, Moist
Solidago rugosa
Wrinkleleaf goldenrod, Wrinkle-leaf
goldenrod, Rough-leaved goldenrod,
Roughleaf goldenrod,
Rough-stemmed goldenrod, Roughstem
goldenrod Perennial Herb Sun Wet
Spiranthes cernua
Nodding lady's tresses, Ladies tresses,
Nodding ladies tresses orchid Perennial Herb Sun Moist
Spiranthes praecox Greenvein lady's tresses Perennial Herb
Stokesia laevis Stokes aster Perennial Herb Sun, Part-shade Moist
Stylosanthes biflora Sidebeak pencilflower Perennial Herb
Styrax americanus
American snowbell, American snowbells,
American silverbells, Big-leaf snowbell, Storax Perennial Tree Part-shade Wet
Symplocos tinctoria
Horsesugar, Common sweetleaf, Sweetleaf,
Yellowwood Perennial Tree Part-shade Wet
Taxodium ascendens Pond cypress Perennial Tree Sun Moist
Taxodium distichum
Bald cypress, Baldcypress, Common bald
cypress, Southern bald cypress Perennial Tree Sun, Part-shade Moist
Toxicodendron radicans Eastern poison ivy, Poison ivy, Poison oak Perennial Shrub, Vine
Shade, Part-
shade Moist
Ulmus alata Winged elm Perennial Tree Part-shade Dry
Vaccinium arboreum Farkleberry, Tree sparkleberry, Sparkleberry Perennial Tree Part-shade Dry
Vaccinium darrowii Darrow's blueberry, Evergreen blueberry Perennial Shrub Part-shade Moist
Vaccinium elliottii Elliott's blueberry Perennial Shrub
Viburnum nudum Possumhaw viburnum, Possumhaw Perennial Shrub
Sun, Shade,
Part-shade Wet, Moist
Viola septemloba Southern coastal violet Perennial Herb
Vitis rotundifolia Muscadine, Scuppernong grape Perennial Vine Part-shade Moist
Wisteria frutescens
American wisteria, Texas wisteria, Kentucky
wisteria Perennial Vine
Sun, Shade,
Part-shade Moist
Woodwardia areolata
Netted chainfern, Chain fern, Netted chain
fern Perennial Herb, Fern
Shade, Part-
shade Wet, Moist
Woodwardia virginica Virginia chain fern, Virginia chainfern Perennial Herb, Fern Part-shade Wet, Moist
Xyris ambigua
Coastal plain yelloweyed grass, Coastalplain
yelloweyed grass Perennial Herb
Xyris difformis Bog yelloweyed grass Perennial Herb
Zigadenus glaberrimus Camas, Sandbog deathcamas Perennial Herb
Table 1. The list of the plant species at the Crosby Arboretum
Crosby Arboretum (Picayune, Mississippi): A Natural World for All 367
The wildlife patterns at the arboretum as below:
Opposum (sign)
Raccoon (sign)
Skunk (sign)
Fox (sign)
Coyote (reported from neighbours)
Feral (& pet) dogs & cats
Rat (spp. unknown)
Mice (spp. unknown)
Shrew (spp. unknown)
Rat snake (spp. unknown)
Diamond-Backed water snake
Copperhead Snake
Water Moccasin Snake
Garter Snake
Box Turtle
Bobwhite Quail
Great Blue Heron
Little Blue Heron
Red-tailed Hawk
English Sparrow
Red-Headed Woodpecker
Mourning Dove
Bobwhite quail
Brown Thrasher
Crayfish (probably more than one species)
Insects ad infinitum
Advances in Landscape Architecture 368
3. The esthetic significance of the arboretum
Gardener William Robinson (1838-1935) was one of the first to abstract nature in garden
designs. Within natural environments, Robinson was very sensitive to landscape design
characteristics, including vegetation colors, forms, and textures. Robinson advocated
studying the spatial composition of a natural landscape in his book The Wild Garden by
observing how boundaries of a space were contained by the trees and shrubs. Similarly,
Winston Spirn (1984) and further stipulates that landscape architects play a role in creating
"conspicuous expression and visible interpretation" of landscape, and that the use of artistic
interpretation plays an important role. Spirn states that "the current understanding of nature
and culture as comprising interwoven processes that exhibit a complex, underlying order
which holds across vast scales of space and time, not only demands a new aesthetic, new
forms, and new modes of design, construction, and cultivation, but also prompts a fresh
appreciation for the forms of the past and the processes by which they were created."
Calling for a new design aesthetic meant its acceptance and embracement by the general
public was needed as well.
In recent years, considerable debate within the design profession about aesthetics and
values of ecological design, particularly for urban systems. On one hand, landscape
architects are challenged to develop more ecologically sensitive projects, while one the other
hand, they are drawing on the richly established tradition of visually aesthetic design.
According to Mozingo (1997) [20] ecological designers must consider cultural needs and to
incorporate current perceptions of aesthetics and beauty.
As it is mentioned above, there are some water exhibits in the Crosby Arboretum. For
ecosystems that feature riparian or wetland systems, water is an important element in
ecological design interpretation. Its surface, color, form, reflectiveness or movement are
landscape elements in terms of bio-physical perspectives. With its aesthetic quality and the
image and symbol that it offers [12]. It creates a sense of a place. I is often used to symbolize
things in iterature. Water is a universal symbol of change and is often present at turning
points in a story. Since water is often sign of life many times water represents life. Fresh
water can represent good health and bad water symbolizes bad health. Water can also mean
purity and cleansing (http:// For developing the
relationships of people with water, every form of land use must be based upon a clear
understanding of the relationships of the water within the physical characteristics unique to
each place [23].
Art elements and principles can be found near natural small streams. While there is some
degree of presence of all of design principles (balance, proportion, rhythm, emphasis, and
unity) and elements (point, line, form, shape and space, movement, color, pattern, and
texture) found within areas of small streams, the artistic elements such as line and rhythm
dominate this landscape type more strongly than others. Line is one of the more apparent
design elements of a channelized water system. Most small streams have a clearly defined
bank edge where the water travels. Stream lines which are horizontal features, contrast
strongly vertical lines of adjacent mature trees. These line forms create a different emotional
Crosby Arboretum (Picayune, Mississippi): A Natural World for All 369
experience for the viewer, as straight streams provide a distant vanishing point and
meandering streams create a sense of mystery as to what is around the next bend. Like this,
many natural features such as tree trunks in a dense forest create a sense of rhythm, as a
design principal. In a forested system, a creek becomes a contrast as it is a different material
from the surrounding vegetation, rocks or soil. But it also serves importantly as a rhythmic
item which literally flows from one part of the landscape scene to the next. The size of a
landscape element in proportion to its surrounding features is an important principle of
design. Small creek systems not only need to serve their hydrological role, but also serve
their aesthetic parameters. The design principles such as line, rhythm, and scale are
permanent features for small creeks and streams but many of these can be temporal in
nature. However, in the fall season colors can change to brightly colored reds and oranges
for deciduous trees and shrubs. Seasonal changes affect the qualities of other design criteria,
especially spatial formations and scale. When leaves fall in the winter months the spatial
dynamics of the landscapes change from dense layers of shrub and ground vegetation to an
open landscape type. The surrounding land is more easily viewed and the ground plane is
much more apparent. Scale also changes in winter months, and a small stream channel
becomes even smaller in the greater landscape [12].
Mozingo (1997) [20] writes that "examining ecological design in tandem with landscapes of
notable aesthetic quality elucidates tbe difficulties in reconciling their conception of
visibility, temporality, reiterated form, expression and metaphor." She neatly summarizes
their premises into these 5 clearly defined principles. She stipulates that ecological
landscapes have inherent social acceptance problems on their own accord and must become
an accepted icon or symbol by the general public to become broadly accepted. In the study
of Brzuszek and Clark (2009) [10], for the Crosby Arboretum visitors, a questionnaire was
designed by deriving from Mozingos principles. It aimed to examine some qualities of
Crosby arboretum such as visibility, care, orderliness, human presence, meaning were
analyzed for the correlation between their value and perception for each. According to the
results, visitors;
1. Believe that a landscape should blend into its surrounding environment and see this at
2. Believe that a landscape should appear cared for and find Crosby to be well cared for;
3. Believe that landscapes need not be necessarily orderly in their appearance and find
Crosby to be somewhat too orderly;
4. Are somewhat neutral on the question of having human forms of expression in the
landscape but detected a modest presence at Crosby; and
5. Place high value on the need for meaning in the landscape and give Crosby high marks.
Crosby Arboretums project designers merged a symbiotic interplay between the vegetation
patterns and physical processes of the arboretum site with the patterns and processes found
in local plant communities. Selecting its local watershed as its genius loci, the landscape
exhibits of Pinecote (the public interpretive center of the arboretum) are designed to be
"compressed, dramatic expressions of the natural features common to the Piney Woods of
the Deep South" [11]. To accomplish this, project designers, Andropogon Associates Ltd.
Advances in Landscape Architecture 370
and Edward L. Blake Jr., merged a symbiotic interplay between the site's vegetation patterns
and physical processes with natural patterns found in local plant communities [10].
While analyzing the aesthetic qualities of the Crosby Arboretum, it is useful to take a look at
the design principles of Pinecote Pavilion: Pinecote Pavilion is recognized by the Mississippi
Department of Archives and History as a Mississippi Landmark
( pages/pinecote.php). Euine Fay Jones (1921-
2004), the architect of Pinecote Pavilion described the architectural qualities and design
principles of the pavilion by this means: Architecturally, the Pavilion is a symmetrical
shed, resting on a base of earth-toned brick, surrounded by earth, water, and trees. The brick
pattern expresses the basic building modulethe composition and arrangement of all the
vertical columns. The all-wood structure is built of indigenous material, native pine, and is
fastened together with nails, dowels, and metal connections. There is complete exposure of
every construction element, all visible from within and without. Every framing member,
every beam, brace, and connection is absolutely necessary to achieve structural stability. The
building is ordered by a geometric themea step-edged pattern that defines the outline of
the base and the roofs outer edges. Many smaller elements, for lighting and display, are
shaped and detailed to reflect and reinforce the characteristic geometryto build a strong
relationship of each part to the whole and to achieve organic unity. As the vertical supports
rise from the brick pavement, there is a spreading-out of structural members and a
progressively thinning-out of roof decking toward the edges of the hovering roof. There is a
transition in the sheltering overhead arrangement, accented by a central skylight, from close
and dense to open and fragile. This is analogous to the organic unfolding or blossoming of
so many forms of botanical growth. The imbricated pattern of wood shingles also emulate
and recall many of natures surfacesthe bark of trees and the wings of birds. All wood is
stained and the metal painted in colors that harmonize with the earth and plants. Nothing
has been added to the structure as mere decoration. Ornamentation or decorative
enrichment will come from the ever-changing patterns of light and shadows that play on the
closely-spaced structural elements as the sun and moon move across the sky. Time of day
and seasonal changes will modify the shadows that frame the light and will keep the spaces
in and around the Pavilion vital and alive, continuously enhancing the poetics of revealed
E. Fay Jones, FAIA, of Fayetteville, Arkansas, designed all of Pinecote's original buildings.
His modest but stunning Pinecote Pavilion won an Honor Award from the American
Institute of Architects (AIA) in 1990. That same year, the AIA recognized Fay Jones with its
highest individual honor, the Gold Medal. (
4. The recreational significance of the arboretum
Green areas stand out with their qualities of meeting the recreational needs of the people,
both in the city and its vicinity. Especially, arboretums serve various recreational
opportunities which are related to education and nature conservation. When these activities
Crosby Arboretum (Picayune, Mississippi): A Natural World for All 371
are combined with the other attractive activities and events which are for every age groups
succesful results.
The variety and richness of flora and fauna living together in different habitats at
arboretums provides dynamic tools and resources creating great opportunities for cross-
curricular learning. Knowing an outdoor site and identifying the resources available are
important to insure the success of this type of program. Nature teaches many lessons about
diversity and learning to live together and science helps people investigate questions [24].
The Crosby Arboretum is dedicated to educating the public about their environment as well.
Pinecote, serves as the arboretums public interpretive center. It provide environmental and
botanical research opportunities and offer cultural, scientific and recreational programs. The
Crosby Arboretum offers a continual schedule of programs and events designed to educate
the public about their environment, and to celebrate nature. A festival called Piney Woods
Heritage Festival is organized at the arboretum each November. Quarterly native plant
sales are held. The Arboretum also offers guided and self-guided tours. So that people can
observe the threatened or endangered species of plants and wildlife are present at
throughout the Arboretum's preserves.
Arboretum website, entry signage and interpretive trail information prepares visitors to the
exhibition of native plants in respective plant communities, by setting this tone, visitors
understand the context of the facility and better appreciate the educational mission [10]. So,
ecologically designed facilities conveys their purpose in promotional literature and
interpretive signage this way, the inherent value of those landscapes is conveyed to the
visitors. This is an important point for ecologically designed facilities [12].
Central to the arboretum's educational mission was the decision to display native plants in
representative plant communities suitable to the site. The Schematic Master Plan outlined
the some design principles and almost all the principles serve the educational mission.
At the arboretum, trail systems throughout the site allow visitors to experience more than 50
naturally occurring and human-created regional plant habitats. As the Master Plan
stipulates, "Pinecote, a place where the land expresses itself, is the exhibit. Its Master Plan is
the organizing framework for the needs and actions off all who use its landscape. This
interplay between man and the land organizes the thematic composition of Pinecote's
landscape exhibits" [21] [10]. On the walking journey at The Crosby Arboretum the visitor
could experience and learn about Gulf Coast landscape. They can take a stroll around the
Pond Journey to discover the diversity of life in wetland habitats, visit the South Savanna
Exhibit to see carnivorous pitcher plants, and enjoy the wonder of the Pinecote Pavilion, a
Mississippi Landmark. Interpretative signs along the trails describe the flora, fauna and
cultural history of the Piney Woods region of Mississippi (Figure 6).
At Crosby, the Pavilion is a gathering place. This simple, open building marks a place to be
used for many activities. It is a starting point for nature walks, for talks and discussions
about important things in the environment and natural world, a place for exhibits and
artistic performance, and a setting for social gatherings. (http://www.crosbyarboretum. However, a new education building, designed by
Advances in Landscape Architecture 372
Mississippi architect Tom Howorth, at the arboretum is being built for educational activities
(Figure 7).
Some of the recreational events at Crosby Arboretum (2012):
Special events:
- Forge Day January
- Quarterly Native Plant Sales
- Arbor Day Plant Sale (February)
- Spring Plant Sale (April)
- Aquatic Plant Sale (July)
- Fall Plant Sale (October)
- Wildlife Day (March)
Figure 6. Some views from South Savanna Exhibit (Photos: Banu Ozturk Kurtaslan, 2011).
Figure 7. New Education Center building
Crosby Arboretum (Picayune, Mississippi): A Natural World for All 373
- Strawberries and Cream April
- Summer Nature Camp - June
- Bugfest - Third Weekend in September
- Piney Woods Heritage Festival - Second Weekend in November (Figure 8).
- Arboretum Open House December
Figure 8. A concert as part of Piney Woods Heritage Festival
WINTER 2012:
- Winter sparrow banding field walk: A coastal bird biologist, MSU Coastal Research &
Extension Center, will conduct this field walk and workshop that will focus on mist
netting winter sparrows (primarily Henslow's sparrows) and give participants an
opportunity to observe and handle wild birds.
- Holiday ornaments for backyard wildlife-Kids: Birds and other critters often need
extra food in the winter for fuel and warmth. Children will enjoy making tasty delights
such as peanut butter pinecone feeders and popcorn-cranberry garlands that will attract
birds and wildlife to your backyard.
- Arboretum open house
- Introduction to birding-family: An avid birder and writer, will discuss the fun aspects
of birding, including feeding and identification tips. Learn about our resident birds and
migrants that visit each year, books, equipment, materials, and other birding resources.
- Wild about winter: The advanced Project Wild workshop will focus on native
Mississippi winter wildlife and how to incorporate seasonal wildlife, particularly
migratory species and organisms' winter adaptations, into the classroom.
- Forge day: blacksmthing and metalworking: A chance to learn techniques and tips to
get started in metalworking. The demonstrations, or try the hand at the forge (Figure 9)
- Arbor day native plant sale
Advances in Landscape Architecture 374
- Winter botany field walk Family: With a Mississippi Department of Wildlife,
Fisheries, & Parks Botanist, in an exploration of the Pond and Savanna Habitats of the
Crosby Arboretum.
Figure 9. Forge day at the arboretum
SPRING 2012:
- Flying wild: project wild teachers workshop: Flying wild is designed to inspire
young people to discover more about conservation and the natural world, and to get
involved in activities that promote environmental learning and stewardship.
- Firewise event: how to have a firewise home- Adults: Information will be presented
on how to design, construct, landscape, and maintain home or community so as to
withstand a wildfire without the aid of firefighting resources on scene.
- Wildlife day-School Day-: Children will be thrilled to see the array of exhibitors
displaying live and preserved animals, while learning how to protect and maintain
wildlife in a field day open to area K-12 schools and homeschool groups.
- The Jean Chisholm Lindsey lecture in landscape design Adults-: at the Welty House
Garden featuring authors of One Writers Garden: Eudora Weltys Home Place.
- Strawberries & Cream festival: To celebrate the history of the old strawberry farm on
the Pinecote Pavilion. Ice cream, fresh strawberries, and Picayune Frog Lemonade will
be served.
- Spring plant sale
- Spider day- Family: 10:00 a.m. 2:00 p.m. MSU Entomology Student will begin the day
with a 30-minute tarantula presentation in the Pinecote Pavilion. A 30 minute talk on
venomous spiders will be conducted.
Crosby Arboretum (Picayune, Mississippi): A Natural World for All 375
- Spring field walk: native plants for the home landscape: Join Director for a field walk
through the Aquatic, Woodland, and Savanna Exhibits to discuss the plants growing in
these habitats and how to use them in your home landscape.
- Earth day at the arboretum: A program, or visit exhibits that focus on nature and
sustainable gardening. Programs: Earth day strategies used to protect Mississippis
coastal habitat, get to know native azaleas.
- Painted pots kids: Decorating a clay pot and design a Mother's Day Card using
recycled materials (Figure 10).
- The native orchids of south Mississippi Adults: Learning to recognize and enjoy
many of the thirty species of orchids native to the Gulf Coast.
- Walking with Kim: A walk while enjoying the great outdoors.
- Green Fire Film and Discussion: Viewing the new documentary, Green Fire: Aldo
Leopold and a Land Ethic for Our Time. An extension Forestry Professor, will lead an
interesting and lively discussion about the documentary from the perspective of Aldo
Suited to ages 7 and up.
- Kids summer nature camp: Children ages 6 through 12 will enjoy this four-day camp,
learning about the outdoors with fun hands-on lessons, games, and activities.
- Teachers workshop-wild about art and math: This interdisciplinary workshop is open
to teachers and homeschool educators. A fun-filled, hands-on Project Wild workshop
emphasizing art and math, conducted by Mississippi Museum of Natural Science
Educational Outreach Biologist.
- Crosby arboretum's summer aquatic plant sale
- Hummingbirds: Understanding Ruby-throated Hummingbirdsin your yard: James
Bell, Hummingbird Bander, of the Hummer / Bird Study Group Inc. will explain what is
going on in the hummingbirds life, how they feed, why they fight so much, how to
overcome that one bad bird that thinks he owns the feeder, simple tips and tricks that
will insure you see more hummingbirds, and enjoy the beauty of one of natures most
dazzling creations.
- Teachers workshop: wild About Creepy Crawlies: The Project Wild workshop will
focus on native Mississippi creepy crawlies and will be conducted by Crystie Baker,
Mississippi Museum of Natural Science Educational Outreach Biologist.
- Field walk & clay class: Children will journey down the Arboretum pathways with
director to collect natural materials they will use to impress into clay and form lasting
- Summer arboretum field work: Trees, shrubs, and herbaceous plant material native to
the region will be discussed, including uses in the home landscape.
FALL 2012
- Mushroom walk: Learning about fungis fascinating ecology, taxonomy, and
relationship to mankind with a professor in Biology from the University of South
Alabama (Figure 11).
Advances in Landscape Architecture 376
Figure 10. Decorating a clay pot for Mother's Day
- Bugfest family event: Insect collecting by school and homeschool groups (groups over
20 persons must call to pre-register for an arrival time).
- Fall native plants sale
- Winter Sparrow Banding Field Walk
- Wildlife ornaments-Kids
- Arboretum Open House
- Project Learning Tree workshop: One of the oldest and most successful environmental
education programs in the world. PLT activities are unbiased, interdisciplinary, fun,
hands-on lesson plans, based on sound science. The goal is to "teach students how to
think not what to think about environmental issues." For early childhood.
- The Annual Piney Woods Heritage Festival: Offers visitors a chance to see, hear, taste,
learn, and participate in all sorts of crafts and activities from the Piney Woods region.
Celebrating the early days of the Piney Woods in this 10th annual festival with exhibits
and demonstrations of traditional skills such as blacksmithing, quilting, spinning,
basket-making, and more.
- Learn the art of bonsai
- Painted Pumpkins Kids
- Yoga at Pinecote Pavilion Adults (Figure 12).
Crosby Arboretum (Picayune, Mississippi): A Natural World for All 377
Figure 11. A wiew from mushroom walk activity
Figure 12. Yoga class at Pinecote Pavillion
Advances in Landscape Architecture 378
- Fall field walk: Native plants for the home landscape
- Girl scout environmental badges day: Scouting groups may picnic before or after
program times on the grounds as part of their visit.
In addition to these activities and events, every Friday arboretum volunteers meet.
Volunteering presents very important contributions for the arboretum (Figure 14).
Figure 13. Joyce Applegates Pearl River Community College botany class planted swamp gum trees
on February 16, 2011 as volunteer
5. Conclusions
Crosby Arboretum is a public garden that has constituted with the efforts of ecological
design. The ecological, recreational and esthesic values has been attracting a number of
people both from its own site and the world. Especially, Pinecotes aquatic displays serves
visitors to Southern Mississippi a rich taste of the diversity of ife that resides here. The
displays in the arboretum are designed to educate visitors with lots of activities and events.
The goal of the arboretum staff is try to show the importance of these environmental
processes both in natural areas and around all human development. So the unique sense of
the place is preserved and celebrated with all other people. Crosby is fulfilling its missions
of preserving, protecting, and displaying plants native to the Pearl River Drainage Basin
ecosystem, providing environmental and botanical research opportunities, and offering
cultural, scientific, and recreational programs with a succesful planninng, design and
Crosby Arboretum (Picayune, Mississippi): A Natural World for All 379
Author details
Banu Ozturk Kurtaslan
Selcuk University Faculty of Agriculture, Department of Landscape Architecture, Turkey
Robert Brzuszek
Mississippi State University, Department of Landscape Architeture, USA
6. References
[1] Yaltirik, F., 1969. Canli ve Kurutulmus Bitki Muzeleri (Arboretum, Botanik Bahcesi,
Herbaryum), Istanbul Universitesi Orman Fakultesi Dergisi, Seri B, !9. Cilt, Sayi:1.
[2] Sertkaya, S. 1997. Bartin Orman Fakultesi Arboretumunun Kurulmasina Ynelik Bir
Arastirma. Yksek Lisans Tezi. Zonguldak Karaelmas Universitesi Peyzaj Mimarligi
Anabilim Dali Zonguldak.
[3] Francis, J. K., 1989. The Luquillo Experimental Forest Arboretum. United States
Department of Agricultry, Forest Service, Southern Forest Experiment Station, pp. 1-8.
[4] Sat, B., 2002. Doga Koruma ve Cevre Egitimi Acisindan Arboretumlarin Islevleri ve
Ataturk Arboretumu. Istanbul Universitesi Peyzaj Mimarligi Bolumu. Istanbul.
[5] McHarg, I., 1969. Design with Nature. Doubleday/Natural History Press, Garden City,
[6] Mozingo, L. 1997. The Esthetics of Ecological Design: Seeing science as a culture.
Landscape Journal. 16 (2): 46-59.
[7] Van der Ryan, S., and Cowan, S., 1996. Ecological Design. Island Pres. Washington D.C.
1996. pp. 200.
[8] Spirn, A.W., 1984. The Granite Garden: Urban Nature and Human Design. Basic Books,
New York.
[9] Hough, M., 1995. Cities and Natural Process. Routledge, New York.
[10] Brzuszek, B. and Clark, J., 2009. The Crosby Arboretum. Native Plants. 10:2. Summer.
[11] Anonymus, 1984. Crosby Arboretum Quarterly News Journal. Vol. 2.1
[12] Brzuszek, B. 2012. Interview. The Curator of Pinecote, Crosby Arboretum. Mississippi
State University Landscape Architecture Department. Starkville, USA.
[13] Anonymus 2011. Crosby Arboretum-The Small Stream Swamp Forest Exhibit Master
Plan. Booklet by the graduate class in the department of landscape architecture at
Mississippi State University. Starkville.
[14] Brzuszek, R., 2010. Artful Disturbance in The Piney Woods Landscape-The Crosby
Arboretum.New Directions in American Landscape. Power Point Presentation.
Connecticut College, Connecticut.
[15] Templeton, K. and Templeton, B., 2009. Crosby Arboretum: A Celebration of Nature.
The Crosby Arboretum- Mississippi State University Extension Service. Quarterly News
Journal. Spring 2009. pp. 8-9. USA.
Advances in Landscape Architecture 380
[16] Randall L. Meador, 2010. The Crosby Arboretum- Mississippi State University
Extention Service. Quarterly News Journal. Spring.24.2. MSU Masters of Landscape
Architecture student and civil engineer, Neel Schaffer, Inc.
[17] Anonymus, 2006. The Crosby Arboretum- Mississippi State University Extension
Service. Quarterly News Journal. Spring 2006. pp. 223-229. USA.
[18] Brzuszek, R., 2011. Interview. The Curator of Pinecote, Crosby Arboretum. Mississippi
State University Landscape Architecture Department. Starkville, USA.
[19] American Society of Landscape Architects, 1991. Landscape Architecture Magazine,
November 1991.
[20] Mozingo, L., 1997. The Esthetics of Ecological Design: Seeing science as a culture.
Landscape Journal. 16 (2): 46-59.
[21] Brzuszek, R., 1994. Celebrating Water at the Crosby Arboretum. Crosby Arboretum
Quarterly News Journal. October 1994.
[22] Spirn, A.W., 1984. The Granite Garden: Urban Nature and Human Design. Basic Books,
New York.
[23] Patchett,J. M. And Wilhelm, G.S. Conservation Design Forum, Inc. James M. Patchett &
Gerould S. Wilhelm. Conservation Design Forum, Inc. USA.
[24] Betz, S. 2004. Kids, Gardens and Art. A Natural Connection. The Herbarist. Issue 70.pp
Chapter 15
Hospital Outdoor Landscape Design
Gken Firdevs Ycel
Additional information is available at the end of the chapter
1. Introduction
Among public institutions, the large buildings and complicated intervening and
surrounding areas of hospitals usually tend to be seen by the public as removed from the
urban context, as spaces to be feared, which one only accesses in emergencies or out of
necessity. However, this psychological perception of their distance and separation can be
decreased by todays more hospitable approaches to their content and design [1].
With a growing understanding of the importance of the physical environment for the
quality of hospital care and the health and safety of patients and staff, the outdoor spaces of
hospitals are beginning to be considered, particularly in scenic and more green areas, as a
productive complement to the interior areas which are reserved for patient treatment and
have traditionally been prioritized.
As a result of this new, holistic approach to medicine which entails alleviating the fears and
disorientation of patients that may hinder medical treatment, the hospital has come to be
seen today as a necessarily comforting and stress-free environment, created with a broader,
patient-oriented sense that encompasses both master planning and landscaping [2].
This means that the outdoor as well as the indoor spaces of hospitals are understood as
crucial to patients physical, psychological and social recuperation and wellness [1, 3, 4, 5, 6]:
appropriately designed active and passive hospital landscapes enhance patients interaction
with nature and so reduce stress, facilitating interaction with others in ways compatible
with and complementary to those found in the urban environment [7, 4].
1.1. Benefits of natural environments within hospitals
Physical benefits
Research shows that rehabilitative structures and procedures enhance both the physical
endurance and the physical well-being of patients. Interaction with a natural environment
Advances in Landscape Architecture 382
has a positive effect on patients feeling of well-being, which in turn has a salutary effect on
their physical health. In addition to anecdotal evidence, there are theoretical and practical
studies illustrating the positive effects of interaction with nature on blood pressure,
cholesterol levels and stress-reduction [8, 9, 10, 11, 12]: a study by Robert Ulrich concluded
that patients recovering from operations were discharged earlier, took fewer analgesics and
were evaluated less negatively by nurses when they had windows in their rooms
overlooking nature, compared to patients in similar rooms facing brick walls [7, 13]; and a
study of the home environment similarly found that a living context with windows
overlooking a natural scene produced micro-restorative experiences that enhanced a sense
of well-being, as against a context with views of built elements [9].
Psychological benefits
Being able to choose between having privacy and interacting socially may assist in the
process of recovery of patients, for most of whom the rigid regulation of time and activity in
the hospital can have negative psychological effects, such as loss of self-esteem or the feeling
of control, and a resulting increase in stress.
Research shows that high blood pressure and heart activity caused by stress can be
decreased if patients are exposed to natural scenes, because such scenes engage them, draw
their focus away from themselves and disturbing thoughts, and so contribute to their
recovery [5, 14, 8]. Research conducted in London by the Bow Centre has used flower and
cutting gardens for horticultural therapy; patients are overwhelmingly in favor of well-
designed hospital landscapes, because of their positive psychological effects and the chance
to pass time there [15].
Social benefits
Everyone, regardless of age or ailment, needs recreation and social support; participation in
social activities may also be the only means of family and community interaction and
integration, and of sharing similar experiences, for the physically disabled. Studies have
shown that patients with strong social support networks typically experience less stress and
better health, as well as better recovery and survival rates for various conditions, than those
who are isolated [8]. Social support improves immune functions and moods, and results in
better compliance with treatment [16].
Natural environments in health care facilities contribute to social integration by providing
spaces for social interaction and support; evidence indicates that they significantly help
increase access to social support for patients, families, and staff [3].
2. Outdoor hospital spaces
2.1. Typology of outdoor spaces in hospitals
2.1.1. Landscaped grounds
Green areas between buildings, primarily used for waiting and eating in, link the
architecture with walking paths; however, they may be expensive to maintain.
Hospital Outdoor Landscape Design 383
2.1.2. Landscaped setbacks
These are usually planted areas in front of the main entrance, which are visually pleasant
and serve to separate the hospital building from the street.
2.1.3. Front porches
These may include overhangs or porch roofs, an area where vehicles can pick up or drop off
passengers, sitting areas, signs with directions, a mailbox, telephone booth, bus stop, etc.
2.1.4. Entry gardens
These are visually pleasant green spaces designed like gardens and located near hospital
2.1.5. Courtyards
Courtyards are the central and most often used spaces in a hospital building complex,
because of their proximity to the dining area; they tend to be used more by visitors and
patients if they are easily visible, and should be sufficiently large to prevent overcrowding
[1]. Courtyard features may include landscaped tree-shaded areas, water features,
flowerbeds and moveable seats; for reasons of privacy and security as well as aesthetics,
they may be fenced around (especially if designed for care of the mentally ill) up to a height
of 4.27m [17].
2.1.6. Plazas
These outdoor areas, which are typically paved and furnished, should allow easy access to
wheelchairs, walkers and crutches. They should include shade from flowering trees or
spreading evergreens, and at least a quarter of the trees should be above the minimum
specified size. A plaza should have shaded seating areas decorated with plants, colored
shrubs and ground cover, and perhaps a water feature. Because these areas are largely
paved, landscaping and gardening maintenance costs are low.
2.1.7. Roof terraces
A roof terrace is usually a long, narrow balcony occupying one side of the roof of a hospital
building. The elements it is comprised of (plants and seating) and the surface finish are
designed to minimize observation from from higher buildings overlooking it. Roof terraces
are sometimes too exposed to wind, heat or shade, and for this reason care must be taken in
selecting their location [3].
2.1.8. Roof gardens
Gardens located on roofs are visually attractive, enabling patients to look out from their
rooms and have a comforting view of grass, paving stones, benches and people, rather than
Advances in Landscape Architecture 384
roofing material or medical equipment. Depending on how much planting material is used
and to what depth, green roofs generally weigh between 6.82kg and 22.73kg per square foot.
They are a practical and sustainable way of regulating the quantity and speed of run-off, as
they retain 70-90% of the rainwater that falls on them in the summer, and 35-40% of the
precipitation in winter [18]. Roof gardens enable major energy savings that will more than
compensate, in time, for the costs of building, structure, waterproofing, and landscape
maintenance; and they also minimize the environmental impact of a health care facility.
2.1.9. Healing gardens
Gardens which serve as safe and meditative environments for healing and recuperation date
back to the medieval period, and have traditionally been features of hospitals, hospices,
rehabilitation centers, and nursing homes [19]. The wide range of activities related to
healing gardens may be passive or active: looking at the garden from a window, sitting,
eating reading, doing paperwork or taking a nap in the garden, prayer and meditation,
walking to a preferred spot, gardening, exercise and sports, and childrens play [20]. The
gardens are conducive to stress relief, relieving physical symptoms, and enhancing the
feeling of well-being of hospital staff and patients.
Successful healing gardens make use of certain fundamental design principles [21]:
Enhance feelings of control: People should be aware that there is a garden and be able to find,
enter and use its space. The garden should have private areas which cannot be seen from
overlooking windows, and different kinds of spaces so users can feel they are making
choices; if users are also consulted in designing the garden, this will also add to their feeling
of control. All or some of the five senses can be chosen as focal stimuli in the gardens
construction [22].
Have a prevalence of green material and areas: Patients sense of well-being is enhanced by soft
landscapes, so plant material should be dominant and hardscaping reduced to a minimum:
trees, shrubs and flowers should make up about 70% of the garden, with 30% in walkways
and plazas [23].
Encourage exercise: Designs should provide easy access and independence, as well as stress-
reducing structural elements such as walking paths for patients to encourage exercise, and
play areas for children [24].
Provide positive distractions: Stress levels among patients have been shown to decrease when
they are in the presence of plants, flowers, and water features as well as when they are
engaged in gardening. In the Child and Adolescent Mental Health Unit at Great Ormond
Street Hospital, growing vegetables has been seen to have therapeutic value for young
people with eating disorders; and, as mentioned earlier, flower and cutting gardens are
being utilized for horticultural therapy at Londons Bow Centre [25].
Minimize intrusions: Gardens should be designed to minimize negative factors like urban
noise, smoke, and artificial lighting, in favor of natural lighting and sounds. Gardens that
Hospital Outdoor Landscape Design 385
appeal to the different senses are ideal (although strongly scented flowers and other scents
should be avoided for chemotherapy patients) [23].
Minimize ambiguity: Complex or mysterious settings that provide a challenge might be of
interest to the healthy, but research shows show that abstract design may be contra-
indicated for patients who are ill or undergoing stress. For this reason, the use of abstract art
may be unsuitable, and design should focus on clearly identifiable elements.
2.1.10. Meditation gardens
This type of small, enclosed, quiet garden is designed with a central focal point to help
patients (often a single patient at any given time, depending on the size) concentrate and
relax as part of the healing process. It is a space for quiet contemplation, removed from
distractions and private that is, not visible from other indoor spaces. Meditation gardens
are labeled as such and purpose-designed, and their layout is usually simple and
minimalist, comprising, for example, a circle representing life, a square symbolizing order,
or symbols such as the Celtic knot, which represents travel [3]. They usually have a lawn
and/or a comfortable seating area with a focal point, typically a water feature, to encourage
meditation. The vegetation should provide cool colors such as violets, blues and greens,
rather than bright, warm or contrasting colors [26].
2.1.11. Viewing gardens
Some health care facilities with limited space and budgets feature a small, enclosed garden
that can be seen but not entered. Such gardens cost little to maintain, provide some green
space, flowers, perhaps a water feature, and they can be seen from sheltered indoor seating
areas; however, the elements of nature they provide are removed from the senses, as they
cannot be approached smelled, heard or touched.
2.1.12. The viewing/walk-in garden
In this variation on a viewing garden, the green space can actually be entered from a
corridor or waiting room: because it has limited space and seating, it remains a quiet area
which does not disturb the privacy of any nearby rooms or offices, and also provides a
comforting view for people waiting or passing by in the corridor. The main disadvantage is
that people using the space may feel a lack of privacy, as they can be watched by others [3].
2.1.13. Edible gardens
A healing garden can be developed to a new dimension if herbs, fruit plants and vegetables
are grown together with the usual planted vegetation in an easily accessible space. This edible
garden should be simple and balanced, but designed in a repeating pattern with wandering
paths demarcating public and private spaces [27]. The vegetation would favor annuals over
perennials; and the garden could feature a large number and variety of plants, such as, for
example, Nasturtium spp., the flowers of which are beautiful and can also be eaten.
Advances in Landscape Architecture 386
2.2. User groups
2.2.1. Patients
The health-care environment should be designed taking into account patients psychological
as well as physical needs, disabilities, and duration of stay [28]; long-term inpatients or
outpatients will have more varied requirements than short-term ones, and their holistic
treatment will be enhanced by access to gardens, sheltered outdoor plazas, common social
areas, and reading resource areas [29]. In addition, patients undergoing different kinds of
treatment may use these areas for different purposes: for example, othopedics patients may
need to use walking aids in the gardens; facilities for seniors may need handrails and more
shaded areas; physical therapy patients may need to tend to plants at different heights; and
psychiatric patients may need memory cues and planted areas which minimize the risk of
2.2.2. Visitors
A supportive and distractive environment is also essential for people visiting friends or
relatives in the health-care facility, because while visiting patients can be salutary, it may
also be emotionally draining [30].
2.2.3. Staff
Outdoor spaces are especially important for health-care staff, who spend most of their time
in the facility, and need designated and accessible areas removed from their daily activities,
where they can wander, collect themselves, and adjust to the stress of their work [31]. While
administrative staff tend to have the most free time to use outdoor spaces, as they typically
have a one-hour lunch and regular breaks [1], nurses are the staff who have to keep patients
constantly in view and help them go outdoors. However, nurses generally do not have time
to stay with patients outside, and cannot leave them alone, so their responsibilities, as well
as the distances from nursing stations to the outdoor spaces, have a negative effect on the
use of these spaces by both patients and nurses.
3. Outdoor design criteria for hospitals
When creating a garden for a health-care facility, the focus should be on location,
accessibility, patients requirements and preferences, and the design elements to be included
[32]. The garden should have opportunities for mobility and exercise, present a choice
between social and solitary spaces, and facilitate beneficial distraction and direct or indirect
interaction with nature [8].
This is an essential requirement, both within the hospital and in its environment. Gardens
may be designed and set up attractively, but people need to be aware that they exist, that
they are easily accessible through entrances and paths and useable regardless of peoples
Hospital Outdoor Landscape Design 387
age or disability, and that they facilitate certain activities. Within the garden, visitors follow
internal circulation routes, typically between walls, but occasionally crossing open spaces.
Paths help people to find their way in hospitals, and differentiating them can help patients
and visitors find their way [33].
The more a garden is visible and people are aware of it, the more its activity areas and paths
will be preferred. At least one outdoor space should be visible or its location clearly
indicated from the main entrance [34]. Patients rooms should have views of the garden so
they can enjoy it even if they are unable to visit it [35].
Feeling of Control
Research shows that a feeling of lack of control can lead to or aggravate depression,
passivity, elevated blood pressure, and decreased immune system operation [9]. A sense of
control in the garden can be enhanced by getting users involved in its design; and different
types of spaces and layouts can enable them to make their own choices for example, a
variety of pathways, of types of nooks where they can sit, of furniture (if some is moveable),
or of views, ranging from close to distant [36].
Feeling of Security
Patients often feel both physically and psychologically vulnerable in hospitals, and a feeling
of security should be provided. This includes sufficient lighting and public telephones in
isolated areas so people can call for help, and other facilities and design elements in the
garden that make them feel safe. Broadly speaking, there should be a feeling of enclosure
but without the feeling that one is being watched. Features should include handrails and
seating at frequent intervals, particularly near the entrance, to assist the elderly, the disabled
or mobility-impaired, and an avoidance of paving materials like asphalt that reflect a strong
glare [5].
Physiological comfort
As hospital patients are often sensitive to temperature (burn patients, for example, generally
have to keep out of direct sunlight), options such as sunny and shady areas should be
provided [8], as well as seating shielded from breeze by plants or structures. Various
medications require patients taking them to avoid sunlight; some patients might be afraid of
catching a chill if they go outdoors. Others patients have trouble getting up on their feet, so
the garden should have garden seats with arms and backs, and also benches one can sprawl
or lie on.
Research on four hospital gardens showed that users were disturbed by sounds of machines
like air conditioners and traffic noise; areas to be used as garden spaces should be planned
in advance, away from traffic, parking areas, delivery driveways, and helicopter landing
pads [20]. A garden designed for therapeutic purposes should be quiet and removed from
Advances in Landscape Architecture 388
sounds inside the hospital, which range from public announcements, to television sets to
catering trolleys and gurneys; visitors to the garden should feel calm, and be able to hear
reassuring sounds such as birdsong, wind chimes, or flowing water.
Hospitals may cause stress for patients and their families, as they are unfamiliar
environments, and they can be made more comforting and familiar if they include aspects of
nature [37]. People working in hospitals similarly experience stress, and need to have access
to familiar and relaxing garden settings. The aesthetic of the health-care environment should
therefore be based on this fundamental need and provide spaces on a human or domestic
scale as well as familiar-looking plants and furniture; this is particularly important in
facilities for Alzheimers patients and the terminally ill.
Exterior spaces should attract people, invite them in and engage them; they should be
designed based on when (i.e. at what times and in what weather conditions) by whom (i.e.
what groups), and how they are currently used (for example, for a lunch break, exercise, or
socializing), and also on how their usage may be shaped in the future. To maintain interest
and year-round interaction, for instance, they should be studied to see how they are used in
different seasons, and then designed with different seasonal blooms and colors and different
weather conditions taken into account.
Resources should be allocated intelligently when designing outdoor spaces: every material
used does not have to be green, and some hard surfaces like concrete can help prevent storm
water run-off. Wild grasses and Sedum spp. create ground cover which reduces domestic
grass, decreasing the cost of maintaining lawns. Xeriscaping (designing with low water-use
plants) together with native vegetation also helps reduce water use and maintenance.
Nature trails enable users to have exercise, education and a natural aesthetic at a minimal
cost; and solar-powered lights and water features that recycle rainwater can also be cost-
effective and sustainable.
3.1. Hard landscape design
3.1.1. Gateways and entrances
Gateways and entrances welcome people on arrival and provide cues for them to find their
way around the site; they can perform this function if a comprehensive network of
connecting paths is planned, specified, and followed up to ensure they are properly
constructed [25]. The main entrance should be accessed logically by the most direct path,
and the entry way to the outdoor space should have no ramps or steps [1]. Landscaping,
artwork and detailing can prioritize the main access points and create a sense of place, and
benches should be available for people arriving or waiting for rides to sit on [38]. Entrances
must be sufficiently wide to accommodate people with special mobility requirements; for
Hospital Outdoor Landscape Design 389
the visually impaired, different kinds of surfacing materials can be helpful, and tactile
elements should indicate thresholds [39].
3.1.2. Parking areas
Parking areas should be sufficient to accommodate staff and employees, and parking should
ideally be reserved for staff at the back of the hospital so they do not have to deal with
heavy traffic when they come to work [40]. Parking for patients, especially those with
disabilities should be as close as possible to the entrance [6]. Patients and visitors unfamiliar
with the hospital may easily be confused if parking space is difficult to find; this can be
solved by using directional signs that can be altered or moved as conditions change [41].
3.1.3. Paths
Large hospital or medical complexes should be organized within a clear circulation
hierarchy: main roads, shopping streets, neighborhood streets and service alleys. Each of
these, as well as intersections and destinations, should be indicated by a consistent system of
spatial cues [33]. This circulation in the health-care facility should be independent of public
roadways, and public (nonsecured) and private (secured) zones should be distinct,
preferably with patient intake and outdoor recreational areas in the private zone. Traffic
circulation should be organized so that individuals and ambulances can directly access
emergency facilities [29].
The main circulation routes should be clearly indicated, for example by giving easily
understood names to the main corridors like Hospital Street or Blue Corridor (here the
walls and floor should be predominantly blue in color); or having colored lines along the
walls or floor to designate main routes; or using lighting along a route [42]. Primary routes
should be accessible to everyone; however, some people will prefer to experience the natural
environment unmodified and will not expect easy access everywhere [25].
Minor walkways should be at least 1.5m wide, with drainage that will get rid of rainwater
quickly. One-way traffic routes should be at least 1.5m wide to allow for the turning circle of
a wheelchair; while two-way traffic routes should be at least 2.1m wide. There is a risk of
tripping if the edges of a path are raised [26]; and handrails or balustrades and wheelchair
barriers will preclude peoples falling where surface levels change, or from entering uneven
ground beside paths and paved areas.
In the garden, clear links with different facilities and direct routes are essential. Right-angled
corners in paths should be avoided, and slopes designed as follows: a walkways slope
should not exceed 5% (i.e. 30.48cm of rise for a length of 6.1m); cross slopes should not
exceed 2% (30.48cm of rise for a length of 15.24m). Where the slope does exceed 1/20, there
should be a support railing to preclude slipping. The surfaces of paths should be firm,
smooth and level, and provide traction; they should reflect the context, with softer
materials used for informal settings. Paving surfaces should be smooth enough to be used
by wheelchairs and gurneys [3]; but grooved paving may be unsuitable for them. Different
Advances in Landscape Architecture 390
materials have different pros and cons: concrete is suitable, but costly; asphalt absorbs and
radiates heat, and may be too hot in the summer; decomposed granite may be suitable for
wheelchairs, but is not for users of crutches. More recently developed rubberized paving
materials are firm enough to support wheelchairs, and also absorb the force of a fall.
Outdoor areas should be designed so they can be used throughout the year; snow- or ice-
melting devices should be in place for walkways during the winter.
3.1.4. Childrens gardens
Children are usually discouraged from moving around in hospital environments lest they
disturb the health-care workers or patients; there should be spaces set apart for them where
they can move as freely as they need or wish to [43], as they need to engage in imaginative
play regardless of the condition of their health. Children need to feel they can create and
make changes by interacting with their environment and moving objects and parts; as a
result, flexible play areas should be designed to stimulate their imaginations [44] and give
them the pleasure and therapeutic benefit of creative activity.
A childrens area might, in addition to using primary colors and providing climbing
structures, include a path maze, a chalkboard masonry wall, child-sized sculptures, or a
miniature bridge traversing a faux rock stream, which can also be crossed on stepping
stones. Routes should be stable and made of surfaces like decomposed granite, asphalt,
wooden boardwalk, resilient mats, and concrete, to resist slipping. There might be platforms
so children in wheelchairs can safely move onto and off play structures; and sand play areas
may be made available at different heights, so they can be used on the ground or from a
wheelchair [45].
3.1.5. Dining areas
Because the dining area is used by more people than any other hospital area, there are more
potential outdoor space users in it; having an outdoor space near the dining area is essential
[1]. There should be tables in the space for eating, reading, and writing activities, and to
serve as territorial markers, as people rarely intrude on a table that is being used. Shade and
semiprivate group spaces can also be provided by umbrella tables with chairs.
3.1.6. Art
Artworks form part of the healing environment, and works of art in health-care facilities
featuring images of nature have been linked with stress relief in diverse groups of people. In
hospital spaces which can easily be accessed, artworks which create inviting, habitable
spaces should be incorporated into the design.
The type of artwork used is also important; it should have what Niedenthal et al. (1994)
describe as emotional congruence, which means that when confronted with a collection of
environmental stimuli, the viewer will tend to focus on the parts that correspond to his or
Hospital Outdoor Landscape Design 391
her emotional state. For example, abstract art might be seen as interesting by a relaxed
person, but as frightening or threatening by a person in a state of anxiety [8]. As the hospital
environment tends to increase stress, artworks, sculptures and other design elements should
provide an unambiguously positive message; complex or abstract art is therefore not
suitable for this kind of setting.
Appropriate artworks can create an engaging focal point for a hospital space. In terms of
genre, Ulrich has shown that postoperative patients preferred representational pictures,
which tend to incorporate the subdued colors of nature, as opposed to abstract art, which
often features unexpected color combinations; another study found that people in a state of
anxiety prefer less saturated colors [46]. The artworks should therefore be selected with
these effects in mind.
3.1.7. Water
Hearing water running in a fountain, or seeing fish in a pond or sunlight reflecting on water,
can be meaningful for a patient [44]; the sound of running water in particular can mask
other noises which negatively affect the therapeutic value of a space. Such sights and sounds
create sensory focal points for garden spaces which attract all ages and abilities.
Water should be available, close to the garden site, and in a paved area to prevent
muddying. The spigot should be 61-91.5cm above ground, and hand levers (not round
spigot handles) and snap connectors should be used. Soaker hoses and mulch can decrease
the water requirements of the garden. Bubble fountains may be appropriate, as they are
tactile and make use of shallow water, raising fewer health and safety issues.
3.1.8. Site furniture
This term refers to free-standing elements such as seating, litter bins, lighting and signs,
which should be selected to meet the needs of users. Furniture should be anchored to
concrete pads or too heavy to be moved, and in cases where there is a risk of users running
away, it should not be placed near fences or walls [32]. Seating
Seating should be available where people would actually want to use it, typically enclosed
and towards the back, facing an attractive view or focal point, and not obstructing people on
the path. Comfortable, movable, and varied seating can increase usage of the garden,
especially by hospital staff; there should be benches and chairs for individuals, and more
social seating arrangements for groups [38]. Social seating arrangements (right-angled or
centripetal benches, or movable chairs) should be conveniently located near the garden
entrance, where they are most likely to be used by staff for short breaks [3]. In addition to
semiprivate areas there should be some benches arranged in a line rather than in a group,
facing a view or circulation area.
Advances in Landscape Architecture 392
Benches are usually situated at rest places or corridors with an exterior view [44]. Space should
be left beside a seat to accommodate a wheelchair or electric scooter. Raised features can help
wheelchair users and people who cannot easily bend down, and should attract others as well,
for example if the edge can serve as an informal seat. The thinnest construction materials
should be used as long as they are stable, to increase the area of the garden: seating ledges
should be 20-45cm wide, and the sides may range from 45cm high for a child, to 60cm for a
visitor sitting by a bed, to 75cm or more for those who cannot bend easily.
Seats can be artworks in themselves. The material used should not retain heat or cold, so
concrete, aluminium and steel should not be used: wood or hard plastic are preferable.
Moveable chairs can be rearranged depending on the sun or shade, and to adjust the size of
the seated group. In general, seats should have arm and back support, but their height and
depth, as well as their supporting structure, will affect their usefulness to people with
special needs, and this should be taken into consideration [25]. Signage
Being able to choose whether or not to follow or avoid a route that might have rough paths
is essential; appropriate, approachable and welcoming signs are a must. Site signage should
indicate, among other things, directional or one-way traffic, restrictions, parking, deliveries,
patient entry points, entrances to facilities, and so on [32]. Tactile signs should be fixed at a
height of 150cm (120cm for children) [45]. Other sensory indictors, such as audible water
features and wind chimes may also be used to assist wayfinding for the visually impaired in
the garden. Lighting
The primary purpose of lighting is to enhance safety and security. Exterior lighting deters
thieves or vandals; while lights on stairs, walkways or approach roads both increase safety
from attackers and help prevent accidental falls. Parking areas, entrance and service roads,
and also isolated or dark areas need to be clearly defined and lit; bollards or bulkheads are
usually used for this purpose. Lighting along pedestrian routes should be mounted at a
height where faces can be seen and recognized, and any entrances, intersections or hazards
such as changes in path level, should be indicated by beacons. An added therapeutical
benefit of night-time lighting is that it enables safe use of the space at night, and viewing of
the garden from indoors [3]. Receptacles
The locations of trash containers should be considered as an essential element of health-care
facility planning, as they allow for easy disposal of food and paper products outdoors. The
number of receptacles required depends on the population density and the activity level in
an area, as well as how often they are emptied; overflowing litter bins indicate a need either
for more of them or for more frequent service. There should be litter containers at all
transition areas such as doors, building entries, parking access points and social and
pedestrian spaces. To provide a less disturbing environment, receptacles should be placed at
least 3.6m away from where people tend to socialize [38].
Hospital Outdoor Landscape Design 393
3.2. Planting design
As noted earlier, plants which require little water beyond the establishment period and can
tolerate the urban environment and climate changes should take precedence in hospital
garden planning. Other types of vegetation with varied densities should be used to connect
greenways and wildlife corridors; and native vegetation should be mixed with compatible
new plants in such a way as to sustain both. Native trees are particularly useful as they
attract local wildlife: plant species that attract butterflies bring an atmosphere of gentleness;
while additional features (fountains or birdbaths, a bird feeder, trees appropriate for
roosting or nesting) may be used to attract birds, which stimulate the senses with their
colors and sounds and raise peoples morale.
A dark woodland environment might feel oppressive, so open, sunny glades and generous
paths are preferable for the health-care environment: they help wild flowers to grow, and
enhance the sensory aspects of nature [25]. Seasonally changing flowering trees, shrubs and
perennials bring a comforting awareness of lifes rhythms and cycles; and using vegetation
that provides contrast and harmony through textures, forms, colors and arrangements
draws peoples attention and and focus away from themselves [8].
Large canopy trees create shade in summer and provide shelter in winter; they can help
modify the local climate and reduce the air temperature. Trees with foliage that moves in the
breeze attract the gaze to patterns of colors, shadows, light, and movement, providing a
soothing and meditative experience [3]. In mental health facilities with high security, trees
can soften and screen off the sight of security fences, and can also be planted in areas that
patients can access under supervision. Shrubs should be trimmed to emphasize their natural
form, so the space looks well cared for and sends the implied message that patients are also
well cared for.
For all users of the garden, including the partially sighted, scented and brightly coloured
flowers and leaves provide an attractive sensory experience. The olfactory sense is closely
associated with memories and feelings, so scents can suddenly stimulate memories and
responses, aiding those with memory loss. Sensory stimulation is particularly important for
the visually impaired and for patients with reduced cognitive function, and this can be
assisted by plants that are colorful throughout the year, are scented (e.g. Lavandula spp. and
Echinacea spp.), and have tactile qualities (e.g. Festuca caesia). Fruit trees can be good for
smaller spaces, and offer seasonal attractions.
The edible garden is a useful concept, particularly if the produce can be used in the facilitys
kitchens. Long-term residents will be able to experience the seasonal development of the
garden, and patients in day centers will be able to participate in tending the garden at any
time of the year; an activities program might focus on food-growing for example, eating
fruit crumble, or painting berries [25]. Planting an orchard also puts a site which is only
available for a short time to good use.
Precautions should be taken in planting to ensure that there are no hazardous or thorny
plants, especially in gardens for children or psychiatric patients, and also no plants that
Advances in Landscape Architecture 394
drop slippery fruit or leaves that might constitute a hazard [39]. Low shrubs and dense, dark
vegetated walls that obscure the view should not be planted near sidewalks; instead, these
areas should be planted with year-round screens whose appearance is softened by varied
deciduous plants and open spaces.
Elevated gardens can be designed for the use of patients in wheelchairs; here pots and
planters should be raised to a height of at least 61cm and should be accessible from all sides
if they exceed this depth. This kind of vertical garden can be used easily by both ambulatory
and seated patients.
Raised planter boxes can be set up in some areas and looked after by patients in wheelchairs
or on motorized scooters; this adds area to the garden at minimal cost. The width of the
plant beds should be at most 1.5m if they can be accessed from all sides, or 0.75m if they are
used from one side. More area can also be added to the raised bed through the use of
structural extensions.
Table planters are shallow, soil-filled trays supported on legs. These raised planters,
which are the same width as raised planters, need a height of about 70cm of free space
below them (including knee clearance) to allow people to sit on chairs and tend them.
The soil containers should be 20-25cm deep, so the total height of the structure is about
87.5-92.5cm, with the top of the planter no higher than the rib cage of the seated person
3.3. Maintenance of hospital landscape areas
The site should be well manitained, for therapeutic as well as physical safety reasons [47]. In
comparison with patio structures and spaces, shrubs, trees, and flowers are more difficult to
maintain, but they provide the most therapeutic benefits. Suitable fertilizing, selective
thinning rather than shearing, and the use of seasonal color are important factors conducive
to the characteristics of the garden that users prefer [3]; hand weeding, mulching,
companion planting, and the proper spacing of plants will decrease the the use of chemical
fertilizers. In short, a poorly maintained environment offends their dignity and has a
negative effect on the morale of patients.
4. Conclusion
While gardens had been used in the service of health care for centuries, modern medicine,
beginning in the early 20th century, disregarded their therapeutic value [48]. In recent years,
however, there has been a resurgence of interest in the contribution to healing provided by
outdoor garden environments in healthcare facilities. The hours spent in a hospital can be
stressful for patients, staff and visitors, and going out into a garden provides an escape; as
one patient commented: Its a good escape from what they put me through. I come out here
between appointments... I feel much calmer, less stressed. [5].
Easy access to a natural environment can contribute to stress management and potentially
improve health outcomes: physiological studies indicate that 3-5 minutes spent in such
Hospital Outdoor Landscape Design 395
environments reduces anger, anxiety and pain and induces relaxation. Research also shows
that positive distractions can reduce stress [7, 4, 45, 49], and their visual forms include
gardens, scenic views and artwork, which play a critical role in modern hospital design:
gardens, fountains, fish tanks, rooftop gardens, and water features provide patients, staff
and visitors with restorative experiences of nature. Sensory stimulation through design
elements or atmospheric features like labyrinths and reflecting pools, seasonal vegetation
that attracts birds, and found objects of art and other elements of surprise and delight, also
contribute to positive distraction.
Green areas outside hospitals are today seen as both beneficial and necessary, and
specialized gardens have now been designed to meet the needs of particular patient groups
such as children, cancer patients, those undergoing rehabilitation, burn patients, the elderly
and Alzheimers patients, among others. In order to afford the greatest therapeutic benefits,
the health-care garden should have a broad variety of vegetation, including seasonal
flowering species, plants that attract small, safe fauna (birds, squirrels, butterflies), and
leaves or grasses that move in the breeze. There should be views open to the sky and clouds,
and if possible to the horizon; reflecting pools with fish or water lilies; and moving water
features that can be seen and heard.
The benefits of gardens in health-care facilities may be limited by various factors. The first of
these is lack of information on a gardens location, accessibility and purpose: hospital staff
should be educated as to its purpose and users, and on how to make use of it in patient and
family care; and continual feedback to staff from users is essential. To ensure that patients
and their visitors are aware of the garden and can access it, colorful brochures with pictures,
information, and maps should be distributed, and posters about it put up in frequented
areas such as elevators [14]. Other limiting factors may include lack of sensitivity to patients
specific mobility needs; disturbing sensory stimuli (e.g. noise and allergic pollens); lack of
facilities for competing user needs (such as the wish to smoke or the desire for fresh air); and
ambiguous design elements [32].
It is vital that the garden be easily maintainable, to inspire confidence in patients that they
are being well taken care of by the staff. Water-efficient, low-maintenance landscaping
should be used, with water conservation achieved by managing storm water runoff in the
site. Keeping up and using green spaces around hospitals lowers the costs associated with
recovery and also contributes positively to patients survival chances and quality of life
during their stay. Hospitals should landscape and improve their existing green spaces, and
then restructure their facilities and patient care practices to provide maximal interaction
between patients, visitors, staff and these natural environments.
Today the requirements of some specific patient groups are being taken into account
when planning and designing outdoor hospital spaces [36]; there is now a need for
gardens to be designed for other patient groups, such as children with autism, cystic
fibrosis or cerebral palsy; patients with schizophrenia or Parkinsons disease; and heart
surgery patients.
Advances in Landscape Architecture 396
Author details
Gken Firdevs Ycel
Architecture Department stanbul Aydn University, stanbul, Turkey
5. References
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therapeutic benefits, and design recommendations. The Center for Health Design, Inc.;
[4] Ulrich, R. S. Health Benefits of Gardens in Hospitals. Plants for People Conference,
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[5] Marcus, Clare Cooper. Gardens and Health, (IADH) International Academy for Design
and Health; 2000.
[6] Gupta, Kant and Gupta, Shakti Kumar. Modern Trends in Planning and Designing of
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Ensberg, M.J. and Jacobs, J.R. and Mehlenbeck, R.S. Evaluating a childrens hospital
garden environment: Utilization and consumer satisfaction, Journal of Environmental
Psychology, 2001; 21 (3) 301-314.
[15] Julia, Nerangia and Georgi, Anthopoulos Petros. Landscape Preference Evaluation for
Therapeutical Gardens, 2011; 2 (5) 639-647
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[16] Kaplan, R. The nature of the view from home: psychological benefits. Environment and
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[17] Mental Health Facilities Design Guide. Department of Veterans Affairs; 2010 (accessed January 2013)
[18] Schucker, Robert. Hospitals Adding Rooftop Gardens to Improve Patient Care; 2010.
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[19] Gerlach-Spriggs, Nancy and Kaufman, Richard Enoch and Warner, Jr. Sam Bass.
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[20] Marcus, Clare Cooper. Healing Gardens in Hospital. Interdisciplinary Design and
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[21] Mitrione, Steve and Larson, Jean. Healing by Design: Healing Gardens and Therapeutic
Landscapes, Implications, 2007; 2 (10).
[22] Vapaa, Annalisa Gartman. Healing Gardens: Creating Places for Restoration,
Meditation, and Sanctuary, What are the defining characteristics that make a healing
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Architecture and Urban Studies; 2002.
[23] Franklin, Deborah. How Hospital Gardens Help Patients Heal, Scientific American
Magazine, 2012; 3.
[24] Severtsen, Betsy. Healing Gardens, Gardens, 2006; 3. (accessed January
[25] Shackell, Aileen and Walter, Robin. Practice Guide Greenspace design for health and
[26] well being, Forestry Commission: Edinburgh; 2012.
[27] Furgeson, Molly. Healing Gardens, University of Minnesota Department of
Horticultural -Science; 2012.
(accessed January 2013).
[28] Parcell, Stacy. Healing Garden's New Dimension: Edible Gardens, Healthcare Design
Magazine, Chicago, USA, 2012; 5.
[29] Smith, Jerry. Health and Nature: The influence of nature on design of the environment
of care, The Center for Health Design; 2007.
environment-care (accessed January 2013).
[30] American Planning Association. Planning and Urban Design Standards, John Wiley &
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[31] Neducin, Dejana and Krklje, Milena and Kurtovi-Foli, Naa. Hospital outdoor
spaces- Therapeutic benefits and design considerations, Facta Universitatis Series:
Architecture and Civil Engineering, 2010; 8 (3) 293-305.
[32] Tyson, Martha, M. The Healing Landscape, Therapeutic Outdoor Environments,
University of Wisconsin-Madison, Libraries Parallel Press, USA. 2007.
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[33] Epstein, Mark. Hospital gardens help patients heal, Seattle Daily Journal Health Care
Design & Construction, 2006; 11.
[34] Allison, David. Hospital as city, Health Facilities Management Magazine; 2007.
AZINE (accessed January 2013).
[35] Piotrowsk, Christine M. Designing Commercial Interiors, Wiley; 2007.
[36] Sadler, Charles King. Design Guidelines for Effective Hospice Gardens Using Japanese
Garden Principles, Masters Thesis, Faculty of Landscape Architecture Suny College of
Environmental Sciences and Forestry, Syracuse, New York; 2007.
[37] Marcus, C.C. Landscape design: Patient-specific healing gardens. World Health Design;
(accessed January 2013).
[38] Kaplan, R. and Kaplan, S. Cognition and Environment: Functioning in an Uncertain
World. New York, Praeger; 1983.
[39] Main, Bill and Hannah, Gail Greet. Site Furnishings: A Complete Guide to the Planning,
Selection and Use of Landscape Furniture and Amenities, John Wiley & Sons, USA;
[40] Queensland Health. Design Guidelines for Queensland Aged Care Facilities; 1999
[41] (accessed January 2013)
[42] Kunders, G. D. Hospitals: Facilities Planning and Management, Tata McGraw-Hill
Education; 2008.
[43] International Parking Institute. Hospital Parking: A Proactive Approach for Managing,
The Parking Professional Magazine, 2009; October: 33-35.
[44] NHS Estates. Wayfinding, Effective Wayfinding and Signing Systems, Guidance for
Healthcare Facilities, Stationery Office Books; 2nd edition; 2005.
[45] Nord, R. Del. The Culture for the Future of Healthcare Architecture. Proceedings of the
28th International Public Health Seminar; 2009.
[46] Verderber, Stephen and Refuerzo, Ben J. Innovations in Hospice Architecture, Taylor &
Francis; 2006.
[47] Cynthia A. Leibrock and Debra Harris. Design Details for Health: Making the Most of
Design's Healing Potential, 2nd Edition, New York: John Wiley & Sons, Inc.; 2011.
[48] Shepley, M. McCuskey. The role of positive distraction in neonatal intensive care unit
settings, Journal of Perinatology, 2006; 26: 3437.
[49] Leibrock, Cynthia A. and Harris Debra D. Design Details for Health: Making the Most
of Design's Healing Potential, Wiley; 2011.
[50] Verdeber, Stephen F. and Refuerzo, Ben J. Innovations in Hospice Architecture, Taylor
& Francis; 2006.
[51] Bruce, Hank and Folk, Tomi Jill. Gardens for the Senses, Gardening as Therapy, Petals
& Pages Press; 1999.
Section 3
Urban Landscape
Chapter 16
Pedestrian Zones
Elif Ebru Sisman
Additional information is available at the end of the chapter
1. Introduction
Walking is the oldest form of human transportation. With the exception of devices to
enhance the mobility of the disabled, walking demands no special equipment. Thus,
walking is the most affordable and accessible of modes. Walking is clean, easy on the
infrastructure, healthy for the individual and integral to community livability. People who
walk know their neighbors and their neighborhood. A community that is designed to
support walking is livable and attractive.
Every trip begins and ends as a pedestrian action, so everyone is a pedestrian at regular
and various times and places in their lives. Pedestrians can be grouped in a similar
manner as cyclists, but the classifications have less effect on facility design. Adult
commuters walk daily to work or college, and require reasonably direct routes to keep
travel time down. General pedestrians include all people who are walking through
shopping and service areas, from home to a friends house, and typically on short,
purposeful trips. They require safe access to multiple services. Special pedestrians include
children and those with impairments. This group may require special facilities or
assistance when traveling, and facility improvements for these travelers are generally
helpful to everyone. No matter what type of pedestrian or purpose of trip, however, all
pedestrians have basic needs. Safety is the primary need for pedestrians, who are often
the most exposed to the dangers of high speed traffic. A safe system includes designated
separate space for pedestrians that is free of potentially dangerous obstacles and keeps the
pedestrian visible to other traffic. Width and surface of facilities is important depending
on setting. Urban areas should have solid surface walks with adequate room for many
users at one time. Only an aware and educated individual will act in a safe manner when
presented with the numerous decision points along any given pedestrian route.
Information and training programs are essential to any community striving for safe
walking conditions. Because automobile traffic is the largest threat to pedestrians, both
educational and physical improvements should include drivers.
Advances in Landscape Architecture 402
Population and urban living is increasing globally. We have to learn to build new and
regenerated sustainable cities to address global issues at a local level.
Today, people are restrained from walking comfortably around especially in the city centre
due to rapid urbanization and increasing vehicle traffic. It is socially, aesthetically and
economically important to provide people restrained by the urbanization movements with
open spaces that are secure, comfortable, partly or totally cleansed from vehicle traffic. In
order to specify the needs and suggestions of people, it is important to incorporate them into
the processes of planning and designing pedestrian spaces which target to revitalize the
historical urban fabric.
2. History of Pedestrianization
In ancient times, the basic form of transportation was to walk. The relationship between
urban design and transportation dates back to ancient times. City design in the ancient cities
of Mesopotamia, Egypt, and India stressed the laying out proper roads and triumphal
avenues as a key ingredient for good design. Later, Greeks and Roman stressed the
importance of laying out adequate roads (Sen, 1999).
Beginning the ancient times, pedestrian zones have been the mark of bustling, prosperous
cities. Past civilizations banned vehicular and animal traffic from crowded areas, because of
reduce pollution, alleviate congestion in the interests of safety and order, and create
aesthetically pleasing urban areas. Until the automobile age, two types of pollution from
vehicles were noise and manure (Rosen, 2006).
In the classical age, the order minded Romans used the pedestrian zones to solve design
problems throughout their empire. During the middle Ages, Northern Italy was the most
heavily urbanized area of Europe, claiming Europes largest and wealthiest cities (Rosen,
2006). Street design became an integral feature of Roman cities, which had paved streets
with elevated sidewalks. Concern for aesthetics of street design resurfaced during the
Renaissance in fifteenth century Europe (Sen, 1999). The density of the industrial revolution
greatly exacerbated the problems stemming from city life. Some of municipal government
prohibited cart and wagons transporting merchandise on selected central streets during
most daytime hours (Rosen, 2006).
Since the Second World War, down towns in which automobile access was restricted
retained or saw increased activity for more often than downtown areas which were not
pedestrianized. The modern pedestrian zone was born in Kassel, Germany, at the close of
Second World War. With 80% of the city destroyed, urban planners saw once-in- a-lifetime
Over the next few years, most German cities and many in other European countries built
pedestrian zones.
The Dutch invented a compromise pedestrian zone for residential areas, known as the
woonerf that is popular throughout northern Europe. Cars and pedestrians share the
Pedestrian Zones 403
roadway. Pedestrians are the priority users the area. Automobiles are permitted at all times
provided they do not exceed walking speed.
3. Definition of pedestrian zones
Happy and healthy living in towns is related to the extent that towns open green space
system is enough for the requirements. Today, pedestrian zones have been achieved to
increase rapidly disappearing open space and to provide comfortable and safe circulation
for pedestrians.
A pedestrian zone is simply an area where vehicles are restricted and reserved for
pedestrians who are free to occupy the entire space. The zone entrances and exits are often
designated with signage to make all users of the road aware when they are entering or
exiting such an area.
As pointed out by Rubenstein (1992); three types of pedestrian malls have commonly been
implemented in the United States. The first type consists of a traditional pedestrian street
designed for exclusive pedestrian use (Full mall) (Figure2). The second type is the shared
mall that permits limited automobile use such as one lane of one-way traffic (Semi mall)
(Figure3). The third type is the transit mall which accommodates both pedestrian and transit
use (Figure 4).
Figure 1. Pedestrian Zones (Budapest, Hungary)
Advances in Landscape Architecture 404
Figure 2. Full mall
Figure 3. Transit mall
Pedestrian Zones 405
Figure 4. Semi-mall
Research shows that pedestrian zones have some of characteristics (Melia et al, 2010;
Ornetzeder et al, 2008).
Characteristics to the development of pedestrian zones were:
high rates of walking and cycling.
more independent movement and active play amongst children
less land taken for parking and roads - more available green or social space
very low levels of car use, resulting in much less traffic on surrounding roads
The main benefits found for pedestrian zone developments:
Low atmospheric emissions.
Low road accident rates.
Better built environment conditions.
Discouragement of private car and other motorized vehicles (measure of travel demand
Encouragement of active modes.
The main problem of pedestrian zones is related to parking management. Where parking is
not controlled in the surrounding area, this often results in complaints from neighbors about
overspill parking.
4. Principles for pedestrian facility design
Landscaping can add value to the aesthetics of the walking environment but they must be
placed carefully since high shrubs and trees might also obscure from view (of drivers) the
Advances in Landscape Architecture 406
presence of vulnerable road users such as children (OFlaherty, 1997; IHT, 1997). However,
strategically located trees and greenery can be used instead of bollards to act as a marking
for the entrance to the pedestrian area. Innovative design concepts can be used to hide
roadside utilities from view to form a seating area for pedestrians (KonSULT).
The following design principles represent a set of ideals which should be incorporated, to
some degree, into every pedestrian improvement. They are ordered roughly in terms of
relative importance (Portland Transportation Office, 1998)
1. The pedestrian system should be safe. Sidewalks, walkways and crossing should be
designed to minimize conflicts with motorized and non motorized vehicle traffic,
minimize tripping hazards and protruding objects, and promote a reality and
perception of personal safety (Figure 5).
Figure 5. Safety in pedestrian zone (Canakkale, Turkey)
2. The pedestrian system should be accessible to all. Pedestrians of all ages and ability
levels need to be able to safely and conveniently travel on foot or with a mobility
3. The pedestrian system should provide direct and convenient connections.
4. The pedestrian system should provide comfortable place to walk (Figure 6).
5. The pedestrian system should enhance the public realm of the city. The pedestrian
system should be designed not only to serve a transportation function, but also to
provide public spaces that enhance community, interaction, economic vitality, and the
image of the city. Good design should enhance the look and feel of the pedestrian
environment. The pedestrian environment includes open spaces such as plazas,
courtyards, and squares, as well as the building facades that give shape to the space of
the street (Figure 7). Amenities such as street furniture, banners, art, plantings and
special paving, along with historical elements and cultural references, should promote a
sense of place.
Pedestrian Zones 407
Figure 6. Comfortable pedestrian zones (Canakkale, Turkey)
Figure 7. The basilica on Szent Istvan Squares ( Budapest, Hungary)
Advances in Landscape Architecture 408
6. Pedestrian improvements should be cost-effective and financially sustainable.
7. The pedestrian environment should be used for many things. The pedestrian
environment should be a place where public activities are encouraged. Commercial
activities such as dining, vending and advertising may be permitted when they do not
interfere with safety and accessibility (Figure 8).
Figure 8. Sidewalk (Budapest, Hungary)
Pedestrian safety, accessibility, mobility and comfort are enhanced by:
Slower traffic speeds
Fewer traffic lanes
Narrower traffic lanes
Shorter street crossing
Clear visibility between pedestrian and vehicle at intersections
A buffer from traffic provided by winder sidewalks, curbside bike lanes and street
Tighter corner radii
Pedestrian Zones 409
Space in the sidewalk corridor for trees planted boulevards, transit shelters, and other
street furniture.
5. Pedestrian zone design
The pedestrian zone should be organized into four distinct subzones that maintain an
accessible walking path and organize the placement of elements. The four subzones are the;
Kerb Zone, The Planting/Street Furniture Zone, the Through Walk Zone, and the Frontage
Zone (Figure 9). Minimum subzone dimension is given in below Table 1.
Figure 9. Subzone of Pedestrian Zone
Advances in Landscape Architecture 410
Kerb Planting/Street
Arterial roads in
pedestrian district
80 p/min 0.15m 1.2 m 2.4m+ 0.75 m 4.5m CBD
Alongside parks,
schools and other major
Local roads in
pedestrian district
60 p/min 0.15 m 1.2 m 1.8 m 0.45 m 3.6 m
areas outside the CBD
Collector roads 60 p/min 0.15 m 0.9 m 1.8 m 0.15 m 3.0 m
Local roads in
residential areas 50 p/min
0.15 m 0.9 m 1.5 m 0.15 m 2.7 m
Absoulute minimum* 0.15 m 0.0m 1.5 m 0.0 m 1.65 m
Consider increasing this distance where vehicle speeds are higer than 55 km/h
*Only acceptable in existing constrained conditions and where it is not possible to reallocate
road space
Table 1. Minimum Subzone dimensions (NZ Transport Agency, 2009)
6. Kerb zone
The zone is comprised of the top of kerb adjacent to the side walk. The kerb used primarily
for drainage and discourage motorists from driving onto the pedestrian zone. The zone
prevents roadway water run-off entering the footpath. The zone defines the limit of the
pedestrian environment.
7. The planting/Street furniture zone
The zone creates a psychological buffer between motorized vehicles and pedestrians. The
zone contains trees, signs, street lights, seats and parking meters, bicycle parking and other
furniture. Trees benefit from as much space as possible. The minimum width required for
tree planting is 4 feet; yet this is not desirable for long term tree health and vitality.
8. Through route (or clear width)
This area should be kept free of obstructions at all times. The area contains the basic
sidewalk width or clear area for pedestrian travel and is sized to provide for two directions
of pedestrian travel. The area should have a safe and accessible walking surface and free of
vertical obstructions and protruding objects (Figure 10,11).
Pedestrian Zones 411
The width of the footpath is dependent on the location, purpose and expected demand. The
operating space for pedestrians with impairments or mobility devices needs to be
considered. The minimum and desired width for the pedestrian through-route zones in
various situations are summarized below. Wider path widths should be provided where
possible, rather than simply designing for the minimum through-route width (Department
of Transport, 2012).
1.2 m is the absolute minimum through-route width allowing passage for a single
wheelchair (this minimum width should only be used for a short distance in
constrained environments).
1.8 m is the desired minimum path width (1.5 m absolute minimum) to allow for two
wheelchairs to comfortably pass, widened to 2 m near schools and small local shops.
1.54 m wide clearance should be maintained between a bus shelter and the kerb, as
specified in the Public Transport Bus Stop Layout Guidelines, where insufficient space
is available the absolute minimum through route width is 1.2 m.
2.4 m desirable minimum through-route width(or higher based on demand) for
commercial or shopping environments
In busy alfresco dining areas such as the central city area, a minimum through-route of
3 m - 4 m should be provided, reduced to 2.5 m in areas with less pedestrian traffic.
9. Frontage zone
The zone is the space at the edge of walkway adjacent to property line. The area that
pedestrians naturally tend not to enter, as it may contain retaining walls, fences, pedestrians
emerging from buildings, window shoppers or overhanging vegetation.
The Frontage Zone may also be used as a secondary area for plantings, street furniture and
social activities.
Figure 10. Without a Through Pedestrian Zone, the sidewalk corridor loses its essential function
Advances in Landscape Architecture 412
Figure 11. The Through Pedestrian Zone is the area of the sidewalk corridor intended for pedestrian
travel (Canakkale, Turkey)
10. Planting of pedestrian zone
Plantings in the pedestrian zone should create desirable microclimates and should
contribute to the psychological and visual comfort of users.
Planting design and plant choices for areas surrounding pedestrian areas play a big role in
the overall appearance and environmental impact of the pedestrian area installation or new
development. Trees and other landscaped areas near streets, sidewalks, and parking lots can
reduce storm water runoff and adverse impacts to water resources. Trees and vegetation
intercept rainfall, and the exposed soils associated with plants absorb water that will be
returned to ground water systems or used by plants.
Use of native plants and shrubs help restore our natural ecosystems and help insure the
survival of the full range of wildlife native to the area.
Planting trees in the strip of land between sidewalk and the edge of the road can be
attractive and provide a security buffer between pedestrians and automobiles. But this strip
of land is referred to by professional arborists as the death zone because it is so hostile to
The absolute minimum width of the planting strip should be fully 1.2 m. A planting strip of
3 m in width is much more reasonable. This gives enough mass and strength to the trunk to
shrug off snow loads, and should be tall enough to be upbranched to provide clearance for
pedestrians and vehicles.
Evergreen plants are not suitable for sidewalk planting except in very rare circumstances,
such as behind a sidewalk for a buffer hedge. They tend to be low branched, causing
Pedestrian Zones 413
clearance problems, they cast shade in winter, causing icing problems, and most are very
salt intolerant (Figure 12).
Figure 12. Evergreen plants are not suitable for planting (Tekirdag,Turkey)
The tree stock in any one area should not exceed more than 10% of any one species.
Monocultures can lead to widespread tree loss when the population is attached by an alien
invasive insect or disease.
Trees and vegetation help cool urban climates through shading and evapotranspiration.
Trees will provide shade and, if placed between the sidewalk and the road, an additional
level of pedestrian protection (US Environmental Protection Agency).
Planting materials should be chosen which provide visual interest, support the local
ecology, require little or no watering or maintenance, and make the pedestrian experience
more pleasant. Care should be taken to choose plants whose growth will not create
obstructions for the pedestrian nor damage the sidewalk (as certain tree roots may do).
Grass is generally the easiest and least expensive to install but may be harder to maintain
over time where mowing is difficult, such as on slopes or near walls. Alternatives should be
considered, especially when caretakers can be identified who can provide plants and/or who
will care for the area until plants are established (i.e. the property owner or a neighborhood
A mix of native, low-growing ground covers will provide an alternative to grass that will
not need mowing or frequent watering to survive and remain attractive. Flowers and leaves
from native plants will also provide food and habitat for insects that contribute to the
natural life cycle of butterflies, birds, and bees, and therefore play indispensable roles in the
health of our environment.
Advances in Landscape Architecture 414
The nature of the planting materials should be in keeping with the site. Mown grass or
compact shrubs may be more in keeping with a commercial district or town center.
Wildflowers and grasses may be suitable for certain residential areas and more open
landscapes. Larger shrubs can be placed to block undesirable views while not obstructing
important sight lines or snow clearing.
Street trees are a significant component of the green areas, and deliver (social, economic and
environmental) benefits to the city. Studies of urban trees benefits tend to categorize them as
either: social (including both human health and well-being, deeper spiritual and
psychological significance); economic and environmental (including ecological benefits)
(Sommer and Sommer, 1989; Tarran, 2006; Flannigan, 2005). Street trees have aesthetic value
and attractiveness. Tree size is an important variable within this with the general preference
for large, spreading, globular or round trees. Height has also been found to be an important
variable (Kalmbach and Kielbaso, 1979; Williams, 2002).
11. Social benefits
The planting of street trees can provide an opportunity to promote the importance of
preserving remnant vegetation and the need to plant more trees in the urban environment.
Trees can improve the aesthetic of a streetscape thus encouraging walking and increasing
the chance of social encounters and providing health benefits. A well designed and
connected road and path network will optimize walking trips and all abilities access.
Planting in the nature strip delineates the pedestrian space from the vehicular space which
improves the sense of safety.
Furthermore, tree canopies engender a human scale to the street helping to slow vehicles
and create a more pleasant street environment. Trees form a significant component of the
cultural and historical value of an area. Protection of existing trees will ensure a legacy for
future generations. Trees soften the harsh angularities of urban structures, aid healing and
help satisfy the need to recognize seasonal differences. Street trees can enhance historical
areas with plantings that are appropriate to the particular historical period and reflective of
local residential garden and park plantings. A sense of place and local identity can be
created by trees for local residents and visitors to the City. Direction and movement can be
emphasized by trees. By manipulating planting arrangement and spacing to provide a
continuous visual experience, trees can emphasis direction and movement.
12. Environmental benefits
Trees can improve local microclimate, and reduce the urban heat island effect where the
air and surface temperature of urban areas are much higher than these of surrounding rural
or forest areas. Trees naturally purify the air by diluting and absorbing pollution and
collecting airborne particles on their leaves. Trees also reduce carbon dioxide gas in the
atmosphere by direct absorption and oxygen gas production. Furthermore, the provision of
pleasant street environments will encourage more walking, potentially reducing the number
Pedestrian Zones 415
car trips taken and pollution produced. Trees can provide seasonal shade for pedestrians,
cyclists and motorists and reduce the light reflection or glare from buildings and other
surfaces. Trees assist in reducing the extreme temperatures by trapping heat in winter and
by filtering heat and increasing the humidity during summer. Trees are ideal for reducing
wind velocity in streets. The porous structure of trees allows them to temper turbulence and
reduce wind tunnel effects without creating eddy currents that can occur against solid
structures. Linear plantings of appropriate native trees act as valuable flight paths and
habitat corridors for birds and small native mammals and provides shelter, food and nesting
hollows (Moonee Valley City Council 2007).
The visual and aesthetic benefits of street trees as usually classified under social benefits, but
appear to have received less attention in recent years with the focus on quantifying the
measurable social, economic and environmental services provided by the urban forest.
These somewhat intangible benefits may be less well understood, and less easily
measured by researchers from the biological or social science with little research published
by landscape architects and urban designer (Ely, 2010).
13. Economic benefits
Improved amenity and connectivity of the street network, (particularly walking routes
between public transport and major activity centers) can support and improve the viability
of commercial activities within the City. Street trees and in particular avenue plantings are
known to markedly increase property values and to attract industry and new residents to
the City. Appropriate street tree planting along commercial strips can improve the economic
viability of the strip by improving customer comfort and therefore business diversity.
Street trees can reduce energy expenditure by providing shade to houses and cars and
reducing energy consumption. Other aspects of street trees which have been considered in
the development of this Strategy include litter drop, lifting footpaths and other property
damage, obstruction of sight lines for traffic (especially when trees are young), blocking
views and light, competition with other vegetation such as grass or garden plants, and
potential to exacerbate allergies (Moonee Valley City Council 2007).
Acorrding to OBrien (1993) identifies a number of functional and aesthetic contributions to
urban streetscapes. Street trees; (Ely, 2010)
Creating or reinforcing identity in a street (Figure 13)
Complementing historic or culturally significant buildings or streetscape (Figure 14)
Enhancing pedestrian or vehicular orientation legibility and way finding. Street trees
can emphasize direction and directional change by accentuating road lines (Figure 15).
They can emphasize a sense of movement, and their spacing can be manipulated to
create a desired ambience, with closer spacing emphasizing a sense of speed. Trees can
also be used to emphasize road junctions and focal points, and to reinforce the
hierarchy of streets within the city.
Advances in Landscape Architecture 416
Figure 13. Trees reinforcing identity in a street (Canakkale, Turkey)
Figure 14. (Budapest, Hungary)
Pedestrian Zones 417
Figure 15. Street trees can emphasize direction and directional change (Tekirdag,Turkey)
Trees can play a symbolic or monumental role, for example in major boulevards and
city gateway (Figure 16).
Figure 16. Trees Symbolic or monumental role (Burgaz, Bulgaria)
Enhancing visual amenity through screening unsightly views, softening the mass of
large buildings, and reducing the apparent width of streets (especially if trees are
planted adjacent to the kerb) (Figure 17).
Advances in Landscape Architecture 418
Figure 17. Enhancing visual amenity through screening unsightly views (Burgaz, Bulgaria)
Providing visual interest, color and a sense of movement in urban setting (Figure 18).
Figure 18. Providing visual interest (Burgaz, Bulgaria)
Providing awareness of seasonal change
Providing a sense of human scale by creating smaller space within the wider
streetscape, both vertically (by creating walls of tree trunks), and horizontally (by
creating roofs of tree canopies) (Figure 19, 20).
Pedestrian Zones 419
Figure 19. Street plants create a space by trunks and canopies(Tekirdag,Turkey)
Figure 20. Creating walls of tree trunks (Balchk, Bulgaria)
Providing clear spatial definition in streets, for example by separating pedestrian and
vehicular zones, both physically and psychologically (Figure 21).
Advances in Landscape Architecture 420
Figure 21. Street trees separating pedestrian and vehicular zones (Tekirdag,Turkey)
Most significantly, street trees can provide a unifying element in an often visually
diverse and sometimes chaotic urban streetscape.
14. Street tree selection
The choice of tree for a particular street or area is guided by a wide range of factors,
including the ability of the species to withstand various environmental and physical
constraints as well as the type of street environment that is to be created or preserved. These
factors include (Moonee Valley City Council 2007):
Existing tree planting
Species type
Location ( nature/median strip, road, path)
Planting density (number of gaps)
Quality (age, form etc)
Street reserve
Road reserve width
Presence and width of footpath
Presence and width of nature strip and median strip
Overhead or underground services
Pedestrian Zones 421
Other notable features
Surrounding land use (residential, commercial, industrial, open space)
Planting limitations (retail strips, narrow reserves)
Stage of housing development (in new residential areas)
Connections to nearby public open space
Parking and traffic limitations
Site topography and quality of views
Proportion of recent plantings
Proposed tree species
Physical characteristics ( height, spread, shape, ornamental value, etc)
Evergreen or deciduous
Rate of growth and longevity
Resistance to pests and diseases
Tolerances to climatic conditions (periods of drought), soil compaction, poor drainage,
pollution, tree pruning and damage caused by vandalism
Degree of limb shed
Value of tree as a wildlife habitat
Latin name Latin name Latin name
Acer campestre Corylus colura Quercus rubra
Acer negundo Ginkgo biloba Quercus cocinea
Acer platonoides Gleditsia triacanthos Tilia tomentosa
Acer pseudoplatanus Ligustrum ovalifolium Robinia pseudoacacia
Aesculus carnea Liriodendron tulipifera Robinia pseudoacacia
Alnus cordata Morus alba Schinus molle
Betula pendula Platanus orientalis Sorbus araia
Catalpa bignonioides Populus sp. Ulmus glabra
Table 2. Suggested Sidewalk Plants
15. Maintenance of street tree
Street tree maintenance includes the inspection, pruning, removal and replacement of trees.
Street trees are to be pruned using a combination of hazard reduction pruning and
maintenance pruning objectives (Figure 22).
Hazard Reduction Pruning
Primary objective is to reduce the danger to a specific target caused by visibly defined
hazards in a tree. Hazard pruning consists of the removal of dead, dying, diseased, decayed
and obviously weak branches, two inches in diameter or greater.
Advances in Landscape Architecture 422
Maintenance Pruning
Primary objective is to maintain or improve tree health and structure. Maintenance pruning
may include one or all of the pruning types, crown cleaning, crown thinning and crown
Figure 22. Pruning of trees
16. Types of pruning
Crown Cleaning Consists of the selective removal of one or more of the following items;
dead, dying, diseased, or weak branches and water sprouts from a trees crown.
Crown Thinning Consists of the selective removal of branches to increase light penetration,
air movement and reduce weight.
Crown Raising Consists of the removal of the lower branches of a tree in order to provide
clearance for pedestrians and vehicles. Crown raising should be performed with the intent
of providing clearance of eight feet over sidewalks and thirteen and one half feet over
streets. A crown to trunk ratio of two thirds to one third should be maintained. Care must
be taken to eliminate vision obstructions of oncoming traffic, stop signs, stop lights, street
signs, school signs, traffic signs and any other signs or lights that affect public safety.
Crown Reduction Consists of removing limbs to reduce the height and/or spread of a tree.
Crown reduction pruning should only be done in situations where branches interfere with
utility lines, where there has been significant crown dieback, or due to storm damage it is
appropriate to prune for safety and aesthetic reasons (Figure 23, 24).
Crown Restoration Improves the structure, form and appearance of trees that have been
severely headed, vandalized or storm damaged.
Pedestrian Zones 423
Training Pruning Pruning a young tree to develop a strong scaffold branch structure.
Branches that are crossing, interfering with scaffold branches or have included bark should
be removed. Large growing branches with narrow attachments may need removed. Low
limbs should be removed to provide clearance over streets and sidewalks. Young trees
should receive a training pruning at four years after initial planting. Scaffold branches
should be selected with the intent of eventually providing the above mentioned clearances.
A crown to trunk ratio of two thirds to one third should be maintained. Care must be taken
to eliminate vision obstructions of oncoming traffic, stop signs, stop lights, street signs,
school signs, traffic signs and any other signs or lights that affect public safety.
Pruning in late autumn and early winter can lead to winter injury. The pruning wounds
may not have time to harden off or prepare for winter. This can lead to deeper freezing in
the tissues around the wound and in essence a larger wound can be created that the tree will
have difficulty dealing with. During the late winter months (February and March), harmful
pathogens are at a minimum, mostly inactive; therefore, this is a safe pruning environment
from that standpoint. During this season, deciduous trees have hardened off and when the
growing season begins the wounds will be sealed and the callusing process will begin.
Figure 23. Incorrect pruning (Burgaz, Bulgaria)
Advances in Landscape Architecture 424
Figure 24. Incorrect pruning (Tekirdag Turkey)
Author details
Elif Ebru Sisman
Namk Kemal University, Faculty of Fine Arts, Design and Architect, Department of Landscape
Architecture, Turkey
17. References
Department of Transport, 2012. Planning and Designing for Pedestrians: Guidelines,
Western Australia.
Design Guidelines for Streets and Sidewalks 2009. Chapter 10: Pedestrian Facility Design
Pedestrian Zones 425
Ely, M. E., 2010. Integrating Trees Into the Design of the City: Expert Opinions on
Developing More Sustainable Practices for Planting Street Trees in Australian Cities, Ph.
Thesis, p:483, School of Architecture, landscape Architecture and Urban Design Faculty
of the Professions, The University of Adelaide.
Flannigan, J., 2005. An evaluation of residents attitudes to street trees in southwest England.
Arboricultural Journal 28, 219241.
Guidelines for Action Sidewalk Design Transportation Advisory Committee and Town
KonSULT, the Knowledgebase on Sustainable Urban Land use and Transport. Institute for
Transport Studies, University of Leeds, Leeds LS2 9JT
Melia, S., Barton, H. and Parkhurst, G., 2010. Carfree, Low Car - What's the Difference?
World Transport Policy & Practice 16 (2), 24-32.
Mineapolis Pedestrian Master Plan 2009. Access Mineapolis Ten Year Transportation Action
Moonee Valley City Council 2007. Street Planting Strategy.
NZ Transport Agency, 2009. Pedestrian Planning and Design Guide. ISBN 978-0-478-35228-
3 (online), New Zealand.
OBrien, D. 1993. Street Trees for Cities and Towns, Sydney, Imago Press.
Ornetzeder, M., Hertwich, E.G., Hubacek, K., Korytarova, K. and Haas, W., 2008. The
environmental effect of car-free housing: A case in Vienna. Ecological Economics 65 (3),
Portland Transportation Office, 1998. Portland Pedestrian Design Guide City of Portland
Office of Transportation Engineering and Development Pedestrian Transportation
Rosen, S.B., 2006. The success and failure of pedestrian malls in Europe and America. Senior
Project, City and Regional Planning Department California Polytechnic State University
San Luis Obispo.
Rubenstein, H.M., 1992. Pedestrian Malls, Streetscapes and Urban Spaces. John
Wiley&Sons, Inc.
Sen, S., 1999. Toward A Typology of Transportation-Related Urban Design Problems and
Solutions: Case Studies of Small And Medium Sized Cities n The Eastern United States.
National Transportation Center Morgan State.
Sommer, R. and Sommer, B., 1989. The factor structure of street tree attributes. Journal of
Arboriculture 15, 243246.
US Environmental Protection Agency, Heat Island Effect, See:
Advances in Landscape Architecture 426
Tarran, J., 2006. Trees, Urban Ecology and Community Health. TREENET Proceeding of the
National Street Tree Symposium: 7
September, Adelaide, TREENET Inc.
Chapter 17
Urban Landscape Design and Biodiversity
Aysel Uslu and Nasim Shakouri
Additional information is available at the end of the chapter
1. Introduction
Nowadays, cities are focal points of interaction between urbanization and nature. During
the recent years, the density of buildings and other hard surfaces have dramatically
increased by population growth in urban area and urbanization becomes the phenomena in
our century both in developed and developing countries.
Today, more than half of the of the worlds population lives in cities which is increasing by
time (Tratalos et al., 2007). Research indicates that by 2030, 1.75 billion new urban residents
are expected in urban area (Mcdonald et al., 2008). Also, by 2050, more than two-third of the
significantly larger world will be living in urban area (Muller et al., 2010).
Although, cities cover 2% of the worlds surface (Muller et al., 2010), they have an enormous
impact on the earth environment. Urban areas consume 75% of global natural resources and
cause 80% of greenhouse gas emission. Also, urbanization modifies the ecology and
features of urban landscape. There are some of the ecological impacts of the urbanization on
environment such as fragmentation of open and natural areas, degradation of water
resources, loss of free natural services (Benedict & Macmahon 2002), alteration of habitat,
loss and dismemberment of natural vegetation and the creation of novel habitat types
(Tratalos et al. 2007). These rapid changes cause concerns about the future of life in cities.
Therefore, sustainable approach towards use of the earths natural resources and
biodiversity in urban area become vital to ensure the next generations life.
Alberti et al. (2003) claimed that cities are both complex ecological entities which have their
own unique internal rules of behavior, growth and evaluation and important global
ecological forcing functions.
During the last few decades, the topic of urban biodiversity as a component of urban
ecology has been discussed in many researches. These researches indicate that urbanization,
land use and land cover (Muller et al. 2010) are the main factors threat of biodiversity by
direct habitat conversion or indirect effects of human population growth on local, regional
Advances in Landscape Architecture 428
and global scales (Clergeau et al. 1998, Blair 1999, McKinney 2002; Ricketts and Imhoff 2003).
Over the years, an approximately species decline by 10-15% caused just by habitat lost.
These figures will increase by pollution, climate change and other environmental problems
caused by urbanization (Zitkovic 2008).
The distribution of people across the Earths surface is not an equal one. Therefore the
pressure of population growth on balancing the conservation and the use of natural
resources varies in different parts of the world (Kohsaka 2010).
Generally, the levels of urbanization are high in developing countries which most of the
protected areas are located in. In addition, the distance between protected areas and cities is
reducing that brings with it, significant conservation challenges (Mcdonald et al. 2008;
Oliveira et al. 2011).
This situation is not better in developed countries. According to Muller & Warner (2010), the
number of vascular plant species decreases from more than 400 species per km
at urban
fringe to less than 50 species per km
in city center, in central European cities. Thats why
urbanization and its impacts on environment are global issue for human future. However,
there is still a glimmer of hope for preserving the urban biodiversity because there is a
growing awareness that the health of the planet's biological diversity is essential for
determination of human own destiny. Therefore, more protection is required for
biodiversity than what has occurred to date (Millennium Ecosystem Assessment 2005;
Connery 2010). In Addtion, nature in the city and studies of urban biodiversity become
more vital because of rapid urbanization growth in the world.
In this case, landscape architects have significant role in designing the cities as a healthy and
aesthetically pleasing living environments while conserving biodiversity. Preserving and
improving the natural areas in parallel with biodiversity is an important concept in urban
landscape planning and design.
Towards these objectives, this chapter focuses on the urban biodiversity and the
opportunities and conflict of improving urban biodiversity. First section of chapter as a
conceptual framework starts by reviewing some important concepts related with urban
biodiversity. Consequently, the opportunities for improving urban biodiversity are
identified. Also, the planning, management and design of urban landscape have been
discussed as a tool of development, protection and creation of biodiversity. In addition,
planting and constructional urban landscape design has been explained in order to creation
and protection of biodiversity in urban areas. Finally, some of the conflicts in preserving and
improving urban biodiversity are discussed.
2. Conceptual framework
2.1. Definitions of urban biodiversity
The concept of biodiversity is general term that can occur at any levels of life. Savard et al.
(2000) explained that life is structured in a hierarchical manner which start by cells that
Urban Landscape Design and Biodiversity 429
constitute individuals, then form the populations, which regroup into species and as a
results end as a communities.
Biodiversity is usually defined as living diversity of nature and as a component of
environment. It involved all form of life, the structural and functional aspects together.
Biodiversity is not only the quantity. Therefore, as assessment criteria; richness and its
spatial distribution, significant and rare characteristics, homogenization and hybridization
factors will be considered.
The concept of urban biodiversity is specific part of living diversity of nature. Zitkovic
(2008) describes it as plants and animals that are living in the built environment. It also
consists of patches of land that have survived during city expansion and represent the area
before dense human settlement. In another definition by Muller et al. (2010), the urban
biodiversity is explained as the variety and richness of living organisms (including genetic
variation and habitat diversity found in and on the edge of human settlements.
Through the history of human life, a lot of factors affected biodiversity. Permanent
settlement, agriculture revolution, cultivates plants and domesticates animals influenced the
urban biodiversity. In addition the manner that land is used and built up, economic, social
and cultural dynamics affected urban biodiversity. Beside that the cities development
impacts directly urban biodiversity. It also influence how biodiversity is distributed among
the different groups of the population (Oliveira et al.2011).Therefore, in the urban areas with
less dense of population and shorter history of human impact original natural areas and
species can be found. However, in mega-cities or more densely populated areas urban
biodiversity includes only the species that can survive or adapted to the character and
quality of urban ecosystems.
Today, urban biodiversity is not only the important part of urban ecosystem but also, it is a
substantial ecological and cultural integrating element. Furthermore the native flora and
fauna are important tools for urban ecological and cultural identity.
There is variety of biodiversity from rural borders to urban core according to the different
types of habitats. Muller et al. (2010) categorized urban landscape and habitat levels as follows;
Remnants of pristine natural landscape (e.g. leftovers of primeval forests rock faces);
Agricultural landscapes (e.g. meadows, areas of arable land);
Urban-industrial landscape (e.g. city canters, residential areas, industrial parks,
railways areas, formal parks and gardens, brownfields).
It must be highlighted that the concept of urban biodiversity is not include just native
species. Urban biodiversity may not accommodate the native biodiversity of the
surroundings as this may not be compatible with the urban environment or the connivance
of urban residents. For example, Manaus in Brazil is surrounded by the Amazon jungle, but
its citizens do not expect to share their daily life environment with local fauna including
boas or piranhas. Some native trees may not be suitable for urban environment due to the
natural limitations (e.g., the need for space, clean air, water or certain species to survive) or
management constraints (e.g., the frequent need for trimming or cleaning beyond local
Advances in Landscape Architecture 430
capacity). Indeed, removal of some species from cities, like mosquitoes, can add to the
quality of life in those cities. As for desert cities, citizens may want to have trees and other
non-native species. Therefore, the role of cities to foster biodiversity will vary according to
its individual context. For one city, the urban biodiversity may comport with the
surrounding biodiversity and the city can leave a corridor for this biodiversity thus
intertwining the urban fabric with local habitats. For another city (like Manaus), this may
not be possible, or at least for some species (Oliveira et al. 2011).
The modern concepts of biodiversity and ecosystems have the potential to remedy this
misconception. Ecosystems show that components within any geographical unit are
connected, including nature, human beings and cities. Biodiversity reflects the inter-
connectivity of all life on Earth.
2.2. The importance of urban biodiversity
The urban environment is ecologically highly dynamic (Gilbert, 1989; Adams, 1994; Savard
et al. 2000) and can provide opportunities for improving the biodiversity and ensure
beneficial insights into the management of biodiversity in other ecosystems. The existence of
urban biodiversity can have positive impacts on quality of life as well as environmental
improvement. Green areas such as parks can provide interactions between human and
nature (Figure 1). It can also influence the form of the city and its inhabitants. Furthermore,
the conservation of urban biodiversity is an important issue in managing urban landscape
especially in mega-cities (Qureshi & Breuste 2010).
Figure 1. Green areas such as parks can provide interactions between human and nature as well as
improving biodiversity (Photo from Ankara-Turkey taken by Aysel Uslu)
Urban Landscape Design and Biodiversity 431
Also, urban ecosystem can make favorable condition for improving biodiversity. Many
researches indicate that there is a variety of species living in urban area that are well-
adapted to the urban life (Oliveira et al. 2011). Also, some research has produced substantial
evidence indicating that biodiversity in urban area can be more than rural areas
surrounding (Qureshi & Breuste 2010). The reason is that, there are unique physical and
ecological conditions in urban area. These are mixed and small-scale habitat mosaic,
different from of landscapes and land uses, the various influences of people that result in
habitat types and plant and animal associations or communities (Muller & Werner 2010).
Muller (2007) justified the reasons for high biodiversity in cities as follows:
Cities often include relics of natural habitats- forests, rivers
Cities often include relics of semi-natural habitats - meadows, arable fields
The variety and distinctness of urban habitats - residential areas, gardens, parks,
industrial areas, railway areas, brownfields
Cities are centers of immigration
Cities are centers of importation, naturalization and spread of exotic species.
Therefore, the urban ecosystem is valuable for biodiversity including population structure,
genetic diversity. Savard et al. (2000) explained an excellent example for these advantages.
Planting rare vegetable or rare form of plants in backyards can sustain a source for genetic
variability. Additionally creation of pools and wetland can reproduce variety of aquatic
organisms. Cultivation of flowering plants in cities parks and even private lots can attract
butterfly and birds and consequently increase the diversity of these species. For example, in
2010 as part of the Landscape Urbanism biennale, an area was planted up to reintroduce
butterflies back into the city Bat Yam Israel.
2.3. Urban ecosystem and biodiversity
Urban ecosystems are similar from different perspectives such as structure, function and
constraints. The geographical location, size and the type of landscape they modify are the
factors of their difference. One of the important element influences plant and wildlife
species which can be found in urban built environment is the landscape surrounding the
city. Therefore it has a significant role in the management of urban biodiversity (Savard et
al. 2000).
There are lots of examples indicate immigration of animals and plants to urban areas from
their natural habitats. The reason of this immigration in most cases is food supply and lack
of predators (Muller & Werner 2010).
There is a general agreement that cities are characterized by high species richness in terms of
vascular plants and most animal groups. This is the result of the high beta-diversity that
means the large variety of habitats present and variation in vertical and habitat structure,
the considerable variation in the type and intensities of land use, the range of material used
and the huge array of micro-habitants, and the most varied habitant mosaic configurations
(Muller & Werner 2010).
Advances in Landscape Architecture 432
According to Muller & Werner (2010), during the 19
and 20
centuries, the number of
naturalized species (tree, shrubs and herbaceous plants) increased significantly. The
urbanization is shown as basic reason of this biotic homogenization. During these years,
planting small number of nonnative species and cultivars in gardens caused biotic
homogenization of these species. By the time, these species spread as invasive species into
their surroundings (Muller & Werner 2010). Beside these plant species, some of the animal
species also become naturalized in urban area. As a result of biotic homogenization process,
the biodiversity increase in urban areas.
Urban biodiversity have positive impact on human wellbeing. Expanding the urban green
areas and contributing the natural areas development in cities not only promotes species
richness, but also bring better quality of life for the residents. Curitiba Declaration on Cities
and Biodiversity (2007; Connery 2009) emphasized the importance of urban biodiversity
signaling the need to integrate biodiversity concerns into urban planning and
development, with a view to improving the lives of urban residents
Urban biodiversity provide recreational areas in artificial urban environment, so, it is
essential for residents health (Niemela 1999).The biological diversity also helps people,
shape their sense of place.(Connery 2009). Existance of varaiety of plants or animals as
characteristics of places can present a memorable picture from different sites and led to the
identification of places.
Additionally, urban biodiversity as a key component of ecosystems have positive effect on
ecological service function. Several ecological services having significant role and human
wellbeing are the direct products of urban biodiversity. On the other hand, biodiversity loss
can influence almost all services provided by ecosystems (MA, 2005; Oliveira et al. 2011).
These ecological services range from provisioning services (e.g. food, fuel, water) to
regulating (e.g. climate/air pollution regulation, waste assimilation, flood and fire
regulation) and cultural services (Oliveira et al. 2011). Using the local diverse vegetation can
be more effective improving ecological services.
Furthermore, urban biodiversity can play a significant role in improving the green
infrastructure that influences the human health and climate changes and heat islands
positively (Vergnes et al. 2012).
Conservation of urban biodiversity is an important global issue because urban environment
have a significant role in preserving the local species and maintaina platform for urban
citizens to understand the natural process. For a long time, urban planning effort was to
establish protected area and corridors in cities (Hostetler et al. 2011). However today, most
of the biologists and ecologists believed that creating the connection between parks,
preserves and other important ecological areas and establishing green infrastructure is the
key concept for pereserving biological diversity and ecological process (Benedict ve
Macmahon 2002).
Benedict & Macmahon (2002) describes green infrastructure as an ecological framework
needed for environmental, social and economic sustainability. It can also be defined as
Urban Landscape Design and Biodiversity 433
protected natural open space and corridors (adjoining residential yards or sections)
(Hostetler et al. 2011).
Green infrastructures consist of a system of hubs and link. Hubs are destinations for the
wildlife and ecological processes moving to or through them and links are a connections
tying the system together and enabling green infrastructure networks to work.
The corridors have significant role suporting biodiversity because they allowing some
species, especially the less mobile ones, to disperse to distant locations and limit the
negative impacts of fragmentation (Vergnes et al. 2012).
Vergnes et al. (2012) analyzed the effect of corridors on the variety of species, the number of
individuals, the means by which species disperse (in the air or on the ground) and the main
habitats in which the species are typically found. The results of this research indicate that,
not only do corridors affect the dispersal of individual species; they also allow species to
maintain community structure. Furthermore, corridors can connect urban areas with new
city regions locating in rural areas surround the main city.
During the history of life, cities often occur in unique and valuable natural ecosystems such
as the River side and delta. Urbanization in these areas fragments the natural and original
habitats (Schaefer 2003). Over the time, continued urbanization isolates these areas.
However, in some cases these areas are protected as natural parks, but their biodiversity
decreasing as a result of isolation. Planning green infrastructure and green links enables
these areas to act as more viable larger units, thereby helping to protect their biodiversity.
Most of the time the growth of population in cities cause spreading to rural areas
surrounding where original vegetation is exist. These areas have an opportunity for its use
as parts of the urban infrastructure in the new city regions (Breuste, 2004; Florgard 2010).
Planning the green infrastructure will connect these areas to urban areas and can improve
the biological diversity indirectly.
One of the challenges in urban planning and design is the habitat fragmentation caused by
urbanization. Connectivity is the product of green infrastructure in urban environment that
ties the island biogeography and conservation biology and unable them to function as larger
units containing larger breeding populations and more complex food webs (Schaefer 2003).
Habitat fragments are the nodes of this web and corridors are the connection between them.
Linehan et al. (1995; Schaefer 2003) determined the strength and impact of network
connectivity by the number of network in region, the dimensions of the links within the
networks and the number and sizes of the nodes.
Many researchers accepted the value of connectivity in forestry conservation and founding
the movement of wildlife between habitat patches (Harris 1984; Noss 1987; Schaefer 2003).
Wildlife movement through the corridors can range small to large mammals (e.g Wegner
and Merriam 1979) and birds (e.g. Dmowski and Kozakiewicz 1990; Schaefer 2003). Some
criteria can examine the quality of corridors in green infrastructure such as vegetation
Advances in Landscape Architecture 434
layering, diversity of plant life and a minimum of invasive alien species (Thorne 1993;
Schaefer 2003).
Today, there are a lot of examples of ccorridors and ecological connection in European cities
that bringing nature into city centers and developing physical and ecological connection
between built-up areas and natural and greens paces (Beatley 2000).
In many of the urban areas, there is generally one or more open and green spaces with large
size that presenting as a mother habitat patch for preserving biodiversity. But, preserving
and protecting these habitat patches is not enough for improving urban biodiversity. The
reason is that without the connection between them, isolation and loss of genetic diversity is
unavoidable. Corridors of urban green infrastructure connect different size of habitat
patches such as backyards, hedgerows, green roofs to parks.
Population increasingly grows in urban area and human life still depends on the nature and
the ecosystem that they live in. An ecosystem generally can be defined as a set of
interacting species and their local, non-biological environment functioning together to
sustain life (Moll and Petit, 1994; Bolund and Hunhammar 1999). Cities are depending on
the ecosystems beyond the city limits. In the study of 29 largest cities by Bolund &
Hunhammar (1999), in Baltic Sea region, it was estimated that the cities claimed ecosystem
support areas at least 5001000 times larger than the area of the cities themselves. But, in this
chapter the concept of urban ecosystem is focused and the effects of ecosystem inside the
borders of cities.
Ecosystems usually differ in size, borders and location. In the case of urban environment, it
can be defined as a single large ecosystem including all the individual ecosystems like
parks, lakes and etc. or can investigate as several individual ecosystems (Rebele, 1994;
Bolund and Hunhammar 1999). In this chapter the concept of urban ecosystem consist of all
ecosystems located in urban area.
The concept of ecosystem services refers to benefits human populations derive from
ecosystems. Bolund and Hunhammar (1999) identified seven urban ecosystems including;
Street trees; lawns: parks; urban forests; cultivated land; wetlands; lakes: sea; and streams.
Then, they range the ecosystem services generated by these systems as: air filtration, micro
climate regulation, noise reduction, rain water drainage, sewage treatment, and recreational
and cultural values. Finally, they emphasized the locally generated ecosystem services have
a substantial impact on the quality-of-life in urban areas and should be addressed in land-
use planning. Now, what the relations of urban biodiversity and the urban ecosystem
services is.
Urban biodiversity can provide series of benefits in urban ecosystem by improving the
ecosystem services ranging from the more directly perceived, such as water supplies and
recreation facilities (parks) to less tangible effects of large bio diverse areas, such as hosting
species which may help cure diseases or contribute to long term climate stability.
Urban Landscape Design and Biodiversity 435
Nowadays one of the important challenges in urban area is the problems caused by the
climate change. The increasing growth of structural areas and fragmentation of natural and
open spaces is the main reason of the urban heat islands and climate changes (Baris et al. 2010).
Today, it becomes vital to create micro climatically comfortable spaces within the artificial
urban environment both for human thermal comfort and for enabling the conservation of
biodiversity that can still be called the native flora of the region (Hagen & Stiles 2010).
In a variety of studies, the significant impact of vegetation in urban climate, its ecological
balance and effects on citizens comfort is documented (e.g. Bolund &Hunhammar, 1999;
Dimoudi & Nikolopoulou, 2003; Gill et al. 2007; Hagen & Stiles, 2010). Also as Ong (2003;
Hagen & Stiles, 2010) emphasized sustainability of city depends on the urban vegetation.
There is lots of evidence that vegetation can reduce the air pollution in urban area (Svensson
and Eliasson, 1997; Bolund and Hunhammar 1999). Also, research represents the effective
role of the vegetation on air filtering than water or open spaces (Bolund and Hunhammar
1999). Different component are affective on the level of pollution reduction provided by
vegetation. Plants can filter the pollution and particulates in the air using their leaf. Therefore,
filtering capacity increases with more leaf area and using the trees in urban design. Using trees
can be more effective in air pollution reduction than the bushes and grassland.
Complex species assemblages also can improve the soil health. They can decrease the
capacity of soil for absorbing the flood water. Also they can have positive impact on water
filtering. Using the various species of plants specially trees can filter air and reduce the
amount of carbon in the air causing the greenhouse effect in urban area. It must be noted
that using local vegetation has advantages of cutting costs in many cases. The reason is that
these species live several years without requiring little human attendance or input of water.
Green space in the urban landscape helps in overcoming fundamental environmental
problem, further enabling and easing conservation efforts from local and regional
authorities and others.
Biodiversity and healthy ecosystems within city limits support the quality of life of citizens,
facilitate municipal services and aid in restoring a positive and integrated perception of the
environment to citizen.
3. Preserving and restoring urban biodiversity
For decades, preservation of biological diversity restricted just for protected areas where
biodiversity is guarded from human threats. Today, protected areas cover approximately
15% of earth whole land surfaces (Mcdonal et al. 2008). Although having such a small rate,
the protected areas still have significant role on preserving biodiversity. In addition, the
protected area, the concept of preserving biodiversity in urban area gets importance in last
years. There are a few causes for the importance of this issue.
The reason is that the urban areas consist of different habitats and ecosystems allowing
many species to grow and expand as we mentioned before. Therefore, the richness of the
Advances in Landscape Architecture 436
species proliferates in these areas. On the other hand, cities consume a large amount of
natural resources of places, far away from cities and indirectly affect the bio diversities of
these areas. In addition, most of the cities activities generate air pollution, solid waste and
so on that directly has negative impact on cities biodiversity.
Thats why; it is essential to develop methods for identifying where the human threats and
biodiversity coincide (Ricketts et al. 1999; Rickettes & Imhoff 2006) to decrease the negative
impacts of urbanization on urban biodiversity and preserve the existing species while
restoring the damaged areas.
According to these objectives in this section, the opportunities for preserving biodiversity in
urban areas are firstly evaluated. Because preserving a functional biotope and ecosystem
are a basic step in sustainable development in cities and towns. Also, it can provide
aesthetical and functional advantages that can ensure many social and economic benefits in
In second part, the relation between urban landscape design and biodiversity is discussed.
Also, the methods of planning and design of urban landscape that can improve urban
biodiversity are defined. Furthermore, the effective method for improving urban
biodiversity is recommended.
Finally, the conflicts and challenges in preserving and improving urban biodiversity are
investigated. The problems related to preserving urban biodiversity are emphasized in this
part because if the obstructions identified, better solutions will emerged and elimination of
problems will accelerate the improvement of urban biodiversity.
3.1. Opportunities to promoting urban biodiversity
Cities are the parts of larger ecosystems and dont exist isolated. Therefore, investigating
opportunities to promote urban biodiversity can impress the richness of species not only
inside the urban borders but also in areas surrounding the cities. However, while perusing
these opportunities, it must be highlighted that all of the species are not equal in urban area.
Most of the species existing in urban area are different in many features such as size, shape,
abundance, distribution, trophic position, ecological function, feeding habits and
desirability. It is substantial to identify which species have more important role in the
community and their absence will affect other species while evaluating the opportunities for
promoting species life.
Urban structure consists of different natural corridors such as waterways and green ways.
These natural habitats inside the urban borders accommodate many species and generally
are connected to the areas out of the urban boundaries. So, they are important features for
biodiversity both as stable and as transient habitats (McIntyre, 2000; McIntyre et al., 2001;
Angold et al. 2006).
Therefore, evaluating the opportunities in preserving biodiversity in these areas can increase
the urban biodiversity richness as well as near rural and natural areas species diversity. Any
Urban Landscape Design and Biodiversity 437
vegetated corridors linking urban green areas to each other or connecting these areas with
rural habitats are important to maintain and enhance urban biodiversity (Flink and Searns,
1993; Savard et al. 2000). The reason is that, they facilitate the movements of species
between the different habitats. Consequently, they insure the colonization of natural
Streams and other waterways as natural corridors in urban areas are another opportunities
for promoting biodiversity. If these corridors are well managed, they can improve
biodiversity not only in the habitats beside the land but also can have positive effects on the
proliferation of aquatic species (Figure 2).
Figure 2. Waterways in urban areas as opportunity for promoting biodiversity (photo from Brussels-
Belgium taken by Aysel Uslu)
In addition to urban corridors, urban landscape consists of natural areas covered by local
species of plants. These plants constitute habitats for many other animal species. Therefore,
protecting these natural areas inside the cities, results many benefits especially those
influencing biodiversity. They also help preservation of local habitats and species that are in
peril of extinction (Figure 3).
Beyond supporting a variety of species and habitats, other advantages of protecting natural
areas in cities are contributing the essential services including water filtration and
absorption, nutrient cycling, air filtration that can improve biodiversity indirectly. In
addition, they can bring nature closer to city dwellers. As a result, the native species will
recognized and be familiar for inhabitants. Therefore, urban residents will protect these
species by rising awareness of environmental issues and importance of urban biodiversity.
Advances in Landscape Architecture 438
Figure 3. Natural green spaces can support the life cycle of local species (photo from Luxembourg
taken by Aysel Uslu).
Also there are series of open public areas inside the cities that have potential for improving
biodiversity. If these areas including; parks and public gardens, outdoor sports activity
areas, playground, squares, hobby gardens and urban farms are well-designed and
managed, then they will provide life habitats for many plant and animal species.
Apart from preserving and linking of existing green spaces, creating new green spaces
inside the cities is essential to complete green network and sustainable urban development
(Hagen & Stiles, 2010). New green spaces can increase the potential of species to move
through urban areas and colonize the surrounding habitats. Residential areas gardens can
have a significant role in this concept. According to Savard (1978), well vegetated residential
areas can establish aerial corridors through their tree canopy. These areas are beneficial for
migrating birds which use them extensively as they provide food and protection against
aerial predators.
Besides the gardens and greening the courtyard, any other green strategies such as green
roof are essential for improving urban biodiversity. Rapid urbanization caused most of the
natural green spaces inside the cities to be destroyed and fragmented. Consequently of these
modifications, the natural habitats of many species are damaged. Therefore, creating new
green areas can improve these habitats supporting urban biodiversity.
Unused land within cities and brownfield sites are the other parts of urban landscape
structure that can have significant role on rehabilitating the urban natural biodiversity. One
example for unused land within cities is railways. Railway sidings with vegetation can
connect different green spaces within cities and play as a network enhancing habitat for
Urban Landscape Design and Biodiversity 439
biodiversity as well as improving its capacity to provide ecosystem services. They also can
connect cities to the surroundings area and facilitate the movement of different species of
insects and animals depending to the plant species.
An example for brownfield is unused industrial areas inside the cities. If these areas were
abandoned for a long time, natural plants begin to grow without any intervention. As a
result of this vegetation, several species of insects and other animals will attract to the area
and if this habitat modification managed properly, it will be transformed into new habitat
for many species. In some cases these areas turned to man-made parks that have positive
impact on urban biodiversity as well as natural vegetation. The research of Strauss and
Biedermann (2006; Haase& Schetke 2010) indicate the positive response of different species
to large area of inner-city grassy brownfields and negative reaction to the absence of them.
In addition to brownfield, some researchers reported considerable potential of shrinking
cities for biodiversity and the improvement of urban green system. The residential and
commercial properties and their subsequent demolition area provide opportunities
enlargement of urban green space as well as the ecological restoration of cities. Therefore,
identifying these areas and investigating their potential for improving urban green space
will have significant role in increasing urban biodiversity (Haas & Schetke 2010).
Beside the opportunities related to land use, constructional elements in cities can provide
opportunities for promoting urban biodiversity. Walls are one of these noticeable
constructional elements in cities that can support biodiversity and provide other
environmental benefits as well. As a result of population growth and decrease in land area
available for urbanization, the vertical dimension in urban areas expanded. Utilizing these
elements as a habitat for different species can improve urban biodiversity.
In general three types of walls in urban area can be observed; free standing (boundary)
walls, buildings walls and retaining walls. Different vascular plant species have the ability
to grow on these types of walls. Most of the studies on walls vegetation have focused on old
walls maintaining an interesting flora, sufficient to attract some initial botanical attention.
As a result, some walls are identified as worthy of conservation because they have some
biodiversity value as well as historical and cultural value (Darlington, 1981; Gilbert, 1992;
Jim and Chen, 2010; Francis 2010).
However, establishment of more plants on walls depends on the physical and ecological
features of walls allowing the trapping and germination of seeds (Darlington, 1981; Francis
and Hoggart, 2009; Segal, 1969; Francis 2010). Other factors such as physical substrate,
moisture, nutrients, micro climate are also decisive factors on walls biodiversity. Free-
standing walls are often the common location for vegetation in urban areas. But
maintaining the other vegetation species on the buildings wall still require new technologies
and constructional materials development (Figure 4).
Finally, it must be highlighted that urbanization provided appropriate environments for
many exotic species to grow inside the citys boundaries. If these advantages are well-
managed, the biological diversity of urban areas will improve with native species as well as
exotic species. Thus, urban government must plan, design urban environment in such way
Advances in Landscape Architecture 440
that outcomes of urbanization influences on the biodiversity can have positive impact on
quality and quantity of urban biodiversity.
Figure 4. New technologies for maintaining vegetation species on the buildings walls (photo from
Brussels-Belgium taken by Aysel Uslu).
3.2. Urban landscape design and biodiversity
Through the history of civilization, most of the attempts to increase the urban biodiversity
restricted just to managing the particular green areas or conserving and restoring certain
habitats inside the cities. Also, it must be highlighted that the main goal of these activities
was providing recreation areas for urban residents like urban parks and green belts rather
than improving urban biodiversity. As a result, most of planning process and managing
urban land use policies were based on the immediate issues and ignore the wider ecological
patterns in urban area.
Recently, emphasizing the importance of urban biodiversity in many research and
increasing environmental awareness caused urban biological diversity to be slightly
considered in urban planning and designing process to have sustainable and more resilience
environment. However, for the implementation of this concept in comprehensive manner,
more effective urban planning and design policies are required. Therefore, for shedding
light to this issue, in this part some of the planning and design methods for improving
urban biodiversity will be identified and recommended.
According to Angold et al. (2006), better understanding of the interplay between landscape
and local factors that affect urban biological diversity is first step for managing urban
environment. Therefore, identifying the existing biological diversity potential and protecting
these areas is essential for improving biodiversity. Accordingly, local planning and design
practices yields better results in the term of urban biological preservation. Also, local
planners having more information about biodiversity potential of specific area can make
better decision for improving biodiversity and react better facing to particular challenges.
Urban Landscape Design and Biodiversity 441
Urban planners must determine the inventory resources with in cities and organize them by
unique structure, corridors. Therefore the landscape characteristics of the area must be
considered in land-use decision. For example, valley or streams can be considered as natural
corridors. Also, during the urban growth process it must be considered that these areas
must remain as natural as possible (Figure 5).
For example a simple meadow containing wildflowers is valuable from the biological
preserving point of view. However, shearing these flowers before their blooming can cause
the loss of biological diversity values. Therefore, these potential zones, must integrate social
and ecological considerations to avoid conflicts.
Today, there are many examples of strategies for bringing cities and nature more closely all
over the world. The use of native species for ornamental purposes, establishment of
conservation areas, revitalization of the nearby water river basin, planning for tree lined
streets and linear parks are some of these strategies. European cities offer many examples of
these kinds of efforts to incorporate green features and nature into the design of the built
environment in urban areas.
Figure 5. An area with wildflower inside the city borders is valuable for urban biodiversity (photo from
Ankara-Turkey taken by Aysel Uslu).
Also, it is important that urban planners act on large scales including entire city or smaller
scale including neighborhoods. Local action and regional action are equally important in
the concept of improving biodiversity. It is critically important that urban planners and
other related professionals such as landscape designers or urban designers consider the
protection and conservation areas inside the cities in their urban planning and design
strategies. In addition, continuous network of these protected zones together with other
Advances in Landscape Architecture 442
urban greenery must be determined. For this purpose as Niemela (1999), emphasized, green
belts surrounding cities and green corridors running through cities are the effective
strategies. Because these areas, prevent urban sprawl and ensure the connection between
green and natural patches (Oliveira et al. 2011). The surrounding areas of different cities in
world include lawns, grove and forest areas. These areas contain large amount of biological
diversity. Creating network between these areas and inner cities green and open areas is one
of the most effective instruments to preserve and enhance urban biodiversity in large scale.
Also, large scale green spaces inside the city has significant role on improving biodiversity.
The reason is that small parks or green areas are scattered inside the cities without
connectivity to other green spaces. So, they can have slight contributions to preserving
biodiversity in urban area (Figure 6).
(photo from Brussels taken by Oguz Yilmz).
Figure 6. Low-maintenance green area design to promote urban biodiversity in small scale designed by
Christine Guerard & Almuth Bennett
Beside the green spaces, in large scale, planning and design strategies for aquatic urban
habitats are so important for improving urban biodiversity. Therefore, the sustainable
design, planning and management of urban streams, canals, rivers, ponds, reservoirs, lakes
and other water bodies, constitutes can have significant role on aquatic biodiversity inside
the cities. One of the examples for sustainable management of urban aquatic habitats is
Urban Biosphere Reserve (UBR) approach in Istanbul (Tezer, 2005; Oliveira et al. 2011).
Urban Landscape Design and Biodiversity 443
Another important point that must be noted for preserving biological diversity in large scale
is housing programs in urban areas. Designing more natural built environment to have
minimal impact on surrounding landscape and existing biodiversity is a key concept in
urban design according to the goals of preserving urban biodiversity. For these purpose,
during the construction phase and the process following that, the cooperation of ecologist
with urban planners and designers is very important to protect existing local biodiversity
and improving flora and fauna diversity in future. One of the positive initiative according to
these objectives is Eco-housing a program developed jointly by UNEP and UN-HABITAT, a
concept of sustainable principle for entire lifecycle of a housing project. Eco-housing in
urban area will have positive impacts on biodiversity conservation by reducing footprint
and the environmental pollution caused by urbanization (Oliveira et al. 2011).
The concerted efforts at various scales on improving urban biodiversity can produce best
results. Designing with biodiversity in mind must be an important part of sustainable
design strategies at a neighbourhood level such as micro district, subdivision, housing
complexes. In small scale, home-owners can take various actions for improving urban
biodiversity. It is important that home owners realize that their individual effort can
contribute to a larger collective effort that would culminate in the creation of a real
biological corridor. Such a corridor can facilitate the movements of several species
throughout the city and improve urban biodiversity (Laurence and Palmaerts, 1991; Savard
et al. 2000). Plantings on balconies, in window boxes and on roofs beside promote
residential gardens including decorative or vegetable gardens can have positive impact on
improving urban biological diversity (Figure 7).
Figure 7. Flowerboxes containing various flowers diverse (photo from Brussels-Belgium taken by Aysel
Advances in Landscape Architecture 444
In all large and small scale cases, the qualities of plants species used in green spaces are
determinant factor for the habitat that these species provide. The reason is that these
habitats encourage the particular species of animals. Generally, vegetation with a diversity
of native plant species especially in areas, where land development is intensive, is
recommended for increasing animal biodiversity (McKinney, 2002; Oliveir et al. 2011). For
example planting trees in private gardens or cities street provide the opportunities for
improving bird biodiversity in urban area. The main problem in this case is that, after the
urbanization development, most of the animals and plants do not ensure compliance with
city life. But, widely use of native plants can have positive impact on improving the original
habitats. Beside that, many other human efforts can help animals to adapt themselves to
these new conditions. For example, by provision of artificial nesting or feeding structure
inside private gardens or public green spaces in the cities, most of the birds and other
animals are encouraged to live inside the city (Figure 8).
Figure 8. Artificial nesting or feeding structure for improving urban biodiversity (a) Photo from Pol
Ghekiere s house garden in Belgium taken by Aysel Uslu (b) Watering cup for street animals in Izmir
Urban Landscape Design and Biodiversity 445
Tree planting issue is an important to promote biodiversity. Also, the maintenance of green
area should promote some specific animals. For example birds use the branches of trees in
their nesting season. So, cutting of these branches may disturb the life cycle of the bird and
decrease the urban biodiversity. Therefore municipality or the owners of private gardens
must manage their green area maintenance programs according to the biodiversity
One of the important opportunities for improving biodiversity in urban area is that, urban
environment has potential for naturalization of non-native species. Generally the term alien
species are used for these types of plants and animals coming from outside a set area. When
these species adapted to their new environment, they can be able to spread and improve
biological diversity of the area. Therefore particular strategies in planting design of the
green areas inside the cities can help new species to be adapted and existing of these species
beside the local one can help to increase the biological diversity in cities.
Most of the time in planting design of urban areas the designers utilize particular species of
trees, flowers and other plants. But, diversifying plant design can support many animal
species life inside the cities. For example, using different species wildflowers encourage
more insects depending on the nectar feeding these insects. As a result, instead of using a
small number of plants, using large number of plant species increase the opportunities for
improving urban biodiversity.
Also, bringing together different types of habitats can provide shelter and feeding
opportunities for wildlife, therefore can have positive impact on urban biodiversity.
Combination of forest trees, shrubs and meadow can create nesting opportunities for
different animals. Also, diversity in the combination of trees, shrubs, wild flowers, dead
trees inside the public open areas creates more habitats for wildlife in urban areas. These
rich mosaics of different habitats are attractive for urban residents too. The reason is that
diversity of habitat creates different views inside the cities pleasuring the urban residents.
In addition, biological diversity usually increases in the junction point of the habitats
borders. Therefore, these areas constitute habitats with different environmental
characteristics. Thus, it is necessary in urban landscape design to bring different types of
habitats beside each other (Figure 9). For example, Using shrubs beside the meadow area
provide opportunities for life of diverse plants and animals species.
As described above, with various methods of planting design in urban area, the biological
diversity can be improved. On the other hand, there are some incorrect assumptions in
urban landscape design and management that must be modified for getting better result in
biodiversity improvement. One of them is that utilizing plants and vegetation having
attracting fruit or seed for birds and butterfly or any other insects is not applicable in
planting design of urban public open areas and parks. The reason is that, these plants and
animals may cause environmental pollution that can disturb urban residents. But, the fact is
that, these plants can provide habitats for birds and other animals improving urban
biodiversity. Therefore, any kind of plants ensuring the life of animals and birds species
Advances in Landscape Architecture 446
must be identified and the methods of utilizing these plants in the urban area should be
Figure 9. Bringing different type of habitats inside the urban park- Ankara(photo from Ankara-Turkey
taken by Nasim Shakouri).
Besides the visible impacts of biological diversity in urban areas, after the death of animals
and plants, they provide many habitats for fungus, micro-organism and degrading
organisms as well. The reason is that, these corpses are nutrient for many organisms.
Therefore, supporting urban biodiversity improve natural life cycle inside the cities too.
It must be noted that it is essential in urban landscape planning and design to make
biodiversity more viable, more visible and sensible for urban residents (Figure 10). By
engaging with those who design the places where people live and work, human habitats can
be modified to places providing life requirements for wild species, a form of conservation
biology that calls reconciliation ecology(Rosenzweig, 2001, Rosenzweig, 2003; Miller 2005).
These efforts can restore the human connections with the natural world by closing the places
where people live and work to the places having the potential for improving urban
biological diversity, increase public environment awareness and facilitate participation of
urban residents in preserving urban biodiversity.
Another way for reproducing urban biodiversity as well as restoring human connection
with nature is urban agriculture program in public lands. According to these programs,
urban open areas are used for production of organic food while contributing to
environmental education of local residents. These methods can improve biological diversity
by creating spaces for growth of various species of plants inside the city. Also, it contributes
urban residents to participate in agriculture activities that increasing plant cultivation and
preservation knowledge. For better result, urban government, planners and designers must
identify appreciate open places inside the cities and analyzed their potential for vegetation
growth, then utilize these areas by applicable design for agriculture purposes.
Urban Landscape Design and Biodiversity 447
Figure 10. Biodiversity management should create benefits for poor communities and more visible and
sensible for urban residents A sample of edible landscape design in urban area Belgium.
Finally, it must be noted that, creation and improvement of urban biological diversity
processes require time. Therefore, the programs and design methods should be based on
characteristics of the local ecology considering the time required for each stage. Also, it must
be highlighted that, to be successful in conserving biodiversity, the value of nature in public
mind must be made clear. Also, by using different levels of environmental education,
government raises environmental awareness of urban residents to ensure the next
generation life in cities. The reason is that most of the biological diversity restoration and
improvement work would not have been possible without the participation of volunteers
and urban residents (Figure 11).
Figure 11. Promoting awareness of biodiversity to local communities (photo from Brussels in Belgium
taken by Oguz Yilmaz)
Advances in Landscape Architecture 448
In addition, the establishment of networks for city governments, scientific and researchers is
essential for cooperation, knowledge sharing, critical debate, monitoring and evaluation of
the factors effecting urban biodiversity. Integration of biodiversity into urban plan should
be considered.
3.3. The conflicts in order to improvement of biodiversity in the cities
While investigating methods and opportunities for preserving the urban biodiversity has
gained importance, the challenges and conflicts of achieving these goals are more emerged.
Thats why, in this part, the conflicts of improving urban biodiversity is determined and
As described before, urban ecosystem is highly dynamic and beside human beings involves
wildlife communities too. While the proportion of urban residents increasing, the nature
and properties of urban ecosystem gain importance. The reason is that, urban ecosystem is
the determining factor in quality of human life as well as other living creatures. Also, the
scale and speed of urban growth is the main reason of urbanization and transformation of
the spatial configuration and ecological process in urban area (Alberti 2005, Dale et al. 2000,
McDonnell et al. 1997, Dramstad et al. 1996, McDonnel and Pickett 1990; Connery 2009).
Therefore, planning the urban growth and applying the principles used for managing or
enhancing biodiversity not only can be effective in increasing the quality of human life but
also can have positive impact on natural life diversity in urban ecosystem. This section
investigates the difficulties and challenges in enhancing the urban biodiversity from
different points of view.
Nowadays, the words nature and biodiversity remained images of areas that are located
far from the cities. For many people these areas are places that are unaffected by human
impact. Therefore, when the concept of biodiversity is discussed in urban area, the idea of
preserving and improving urban biodiversity is not familiar for them. The reason is that
over the years as the urbanization expands, human being grows more and more distinct
from the natural world. So, the wedge between people and nature is driven deeper. Miller
research (2005) indicates that people spend most of their daily life for indoor activities. It is
not applied just for adults but also it is a tendency for children to spend fewer hours
outdoors as well.
The fact is that, the environment encountered during childhood becomes the baseline
against which environmental degradation is measured later in life. Therefore, one of the
fundamental solutions for preserving urban biodiversity is to bring people closer to the
nature beginning from their childhood and give the opportunities for recognizing the
natural values to preserve them in future (Figure 12).
In addition to these, there is still lack of environmental awareness. People do not understand
the importance of the natural biodiversity of their region. For example, trees that are
established in natural areas and buffers may be cut down by adjoining residents because of
facing conflicted values such as the trees interfering with their view (Hostetler at el. 2011).
Urban Landscape Design and Biodiversity 449
Raising the awareness of biodiversity is an important part of maximizing urban biodiversity
Figure 12. Creating natural areas inside the cities can be effective for bringing together urban residents
and nature (photo from Brussels-Belgium taken by Aysel Uslu).
Furthermore, most of the time the urban residents dont perceive the attempts by planners
and scientists to protect nature in urban environments (Breuste, 2004; Oliveira et al. 2011).
Therefore, they dont participate in the implementation of the strategies for improving
biodiversity. The major problems especially appear when the government and urban
planning neglect the principle of urban biodiversity preservation and improvement in their
urban planning and design strategies.
The other problem relating to preserving urban biodiversity is misperception the concept of
natural areas that are protected inside the cities borders. Most of the people believe that
these areas are squalid and unsafe regions for residents (Figure 13). Therefore they prefere
these areas have particular design and form such as urban park. It is not a problem for
residents but also most of the urban planners and municipalities officials have the same
idea. Therefore, environmental education and defining the value of natural biodiversity is
vital for straighten of this incorrect opinion.
Another problem related to human behavior, is that people do not know about the native
species and they unconsciously influence the spread of non-native species. Urban ecosystem
makes opportunities for growth and the replacement of native species with alien (non-
native) species (Mckinney 2002; Oliveira et al. 2011). Heightened air and surface
temperature in urban areas compering to surrounding areas create new habitat in urban
ecosystem. Consequently, this modification in habitat type can make opportunities for non-
native species to growth and disperse. Also it has a homogenizing effect on biodiversity as
native habitats (McKinney and Lockwood 1999, McKinney 2002; Miller 2005). Urbanrural
Advances in Landscape Architecture 450
gradient research in many cities emphasized that the number of native species decreases in
central parts of cities, where the ratio of built spaces to green spaces and the proportion of
impervious surfaces are high (Zerbe et al., 2003, McKinney, 2002; Oliveira et al. 2011). Also,
most of the native species that remain in cities have tendency to be segregated from the
neighborhoods where most of the human residential areas are located (Turner 2004; Miller
2005). In a research on the conservation value of clustered subdivisions, the result indicate
that plant community within the open space was dominated by exotics because these areas
did not have proper land stewardship to maintain native plant communities (Lenth et al.
2006; Hostetler et al. 2011).
Figure 13. Residents prefer the condition of photo (a) inside the cities. However, preserving the local
biodiversity on (b) is more sustainable (photos taken by Aysel Uslu from Ankara-Turkey).
Urban Landscape Design and Biodiversity 451
As a result, the increase in the number of non-native species in cities causes recognition of
these species as native species by many people and shapes the peoples view about native
biodiversity incorrectly. Therefore, when the concept of preserving urban biodiversity is
discussed, most of the people misunderstand this concept. For figure out such problems,
considering the dynamic of urban ecosystem, the native species of every urban region must
be identify and document, to prevent the unexpected result of non-native species
The other challenge relating to distribution of non-native species is hazards of invasion of
aggressive species. In recent years, several Scientifics have discovered that increasing
urbanization results in large proportion of existing plant species in urban areas being
replaced by small number of wide spread and aggressive species. In some regions of the
world, most of the invasive spices are non-native, which were first introduced into cities
where they got established and naturalized, and spread. Thus, cities were the principle
starting points from where many of these aggressive species spread (Muller et. al 2010).
Also it should be noted that many other factors can have unfavorable impact on native
species. For example, storm water runoff can contain an excessive amount of nutrients,
causing algal blooms in water bodies, fish kills, and the growth of invasive exotic plants.
Therefore, urban planners must consider these hazards and manage them in such a way that
the native species gets least vulnerability.
The other perception by urban resident related to biological diversity is the hazards of the
illnesses causing by birds for human. Therefore most of the urban residents do not want to
share their daily life environment with the birds or other animals. In these cases, urban
inhabitants behavior may influence the life of animals and birds adversely.
In addition to human behavior, biodiversity loss can be linked to the urban planning or lack
of it. The fact is that, there is still a lack of proper instruments to deal with biodiversity at the
city level.
Cities originally include natural areas with native flora and fauna. From the biological point
of view these natural areas contain greater biodiversity than plantations (Mcdonnell, 1988;
Gilbert, 1989; Florgard 2010). A critical problem relating these areas is that if the native
vegetation lost, it cant be replaced by planting replacement species (Florgard 2010).
However in most of the city planning strategies in developing countries this issue is
ignored. As a result, fragmentation of the natural areas has occurred and causes the loss of
native species.
Also, in most of the developing countries the need for housing put stress on surrounding
ecology and cause unplanned and informal city plans. These plans have negative impacts on
highly biodiversity ecosystems such as forests and mangroves. Rio de Janeiro is one of the
top examples for this type of urban biodiversity loss. Research shows that the city lost a
large part of its forests and mangroves due to the expansion of favelas (slums).
Approximately 9% of the sandbank mangroves were lost during the last 3 years alone
(Rocha et al., 2010; Oliveira et al.2011).
Advances in Landscape Architecture 452
This situation in developed countries is not better than developing country. Suburban
lifestyles by middle- and high-income groups in developed and developing countries
caused the urban sprawl and suburbanization. Due to the increasing spread of suburban
housing the rate of structural areas to the lands preserved as parks or conservation areas is
accrued (Oliveira et al. 2011).
The reports of the Secretariat of the CBD (Convention on biological diversity) indicate that
many of the fundamental threats to biodiversity loss in cities associated with public services
and infrastructure planning and design policy that local government are responsible for
these loss (SCBD, 2007; Savard et al 2000). Therefore, making the right decision in urban
planning and design polices can preserve urban biodiversity as well as restoring the losses.
Establishing extensive biotope and habitat mapping and protection programs will have
positive impact on identifying important areas of wildlife habitat in and around cities and
protecting and enhancing these areas. Also, coordination among different levels of
government and among local governments for joint action is vital for getting better result.
Furthermore, addressing the residential issues is vital for controling the cities ecological
footprints. Also, polices of urban development must focus on compact urban forms and
strong housing management to avoid the urban biodiversity losses.
Another issue must be underlined is that the process of urbanization influences habitats of
species typical of open landscape adversely. Also, few local governments establish planning
frameworks and implementation strategies through preserving urban biodiversity. For
example, in central Europe, change in land use caused decrease in calcareous grassland
belongs to the habitat types with the highest species richness (Joas et al. 2010). Therefore,
maintaining high-quality natural areas in urbanizing regions or preserving natural areas
containing high levels of biodiversity will require many municipal governments to change
their perspectives and improve their urban planning according to the goals of urban
biodiversity preservation and improvement.
Also, it must be highlighted that, planning open spaces and greenways are not luxury.
However, they are the essential for preserving urban biodiversity and making connection
between habitats with different species. Fortunately, in North America some local
governments have begun to preserve and improve the urban biodiversity in their planning
framework based in large part on Landscape Ecology's patch-corridor-matrix principles
(Forman 1995; Connery 2009).
Finally, it must be emphasized that the researches and studies about urban biodiversity are
still inadequate and limited. Generally, most of the studies analyses focus on only one or a
few groups of species (e.g., Scott et al. 1993, Sisk et al. 1994; Ricketts and Imhoff 2003).
Therefore, the authors evaluate data without considering the role of other species and the
features of their habitat on the growth and distribution of the sample species. As a result the
methods of preserving and improvement of the species community is not comprehensive
and applicable. Also, many assessments include subjective information to measure threats to
Urban Landscape Design and Biodiversity 453
biodiversity (Olson and Dinerstein 1998, Ricketts et al. 1999, Myers et al. 2000; Ricketts and
Imhoff 2003). Thus, the results cannot be applied in the actual conditions.
However, urbanized areas function within a hierarchical decision system, managing is key
concept for extending biodiversity. It must be highlighted that every nation is responsible
for its own characteristic biotopes and species. Thus, the development plans of cities
definitely affect biodiversity conservation and improvement. Therefore, for getting best
result in conserving biological diversity; all issues related to urban biodiversity should be
considered. Also, the importance of local biodiversity must be emphasized until then, with
the cooperation of residents, scientific and governments, sustainable solution and plans will
be emerged.
Biodiversity is not only an issue of the quantity of species and their habitats, but of the
quality of areas and processes. This relates very much to the local scale because much of
biodiversitys quality exists in its locality, referred to as in situ biodiversity. Biodiversity
existing in its natural setting is considered most valuable, as opposed to specimens in zoos
and botanical gardens. For instance, an assemblage of plants and animals that has occurred
in an area for millennia may not have a comparatively high number of species, but may
have special characteristics as an integrated system together. Targeting single species is
nonetheless often an easier task for cities (Zitkovic 2008).
Finally, urban landscape design issues must have been considered ecological objective;
protecting environment and our planet in contemporary world. It must be noted that the
quality of landscape design must depend on the quality of green areas as a habitat. Urban
green areas and landscape design should contain the subjects of landscape ecology
knowledge which have been successfully implemented in reality.
Author details
Aysel Uslu and Nasim Shakouri
Ankara University, Faculty of Agriculture, Department of Landscape Architecture,
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Chapter 18
Urban Agriculture: The Allotment Gardens
as Structures of Urban Sustainability
Rute Sousa Matos and Desidrio Sales Batista
Additional information is available at the end of the chapter
1. Introduction
This reflexion comes from a look over the city, particularly the relationship between the
built and the open spaces that constitute it. In this look we came across the enormous
importance that the system of open spaces has and has always had on the construction of
the city, its balance, its identity and its experience. On a closer approach to the system of
open spaces of the city, we were confronted with the existence of typologically qualified
spaces and of spaces without any typological attribution but that are, by no means, less
important than the former. Open spaces, interstices between the built fabric of the
contemporary city, that present a certain continuity and that allow the flow of air, of water
and matter, simultaneously with the flow of residents or casual users. Sometimes, besides
that flow, an informal appropriation of these spaces as spaces for fun, games and socializing
is verified, emphasizing the enormous potential presented in the structure and cohesion of
the city as support of the urban experience, of social interaction and, of the development of the
sense of community. About these spaces, several questions have been raised concerning its
quality and diversity, namely its lack of integration in a recognized urban typology and all the
consequences that this determines. However, we considered that this fact, on its own, does not
constitute a negative factor, but a distinct reality determined by the ever-accelerating rhythm
of the technological, economical, social, cultural and demographic chances.
The need to understand the presence of these spaces leads us to a study and analysis of the
evolution of the city and of the transformation process that has been occurring, not only in
the conceptual and ideological point of view, but also in morphological terms determined
by different social-economical and cultural contexts.
During this project we verified that the characteristic discontinuity of the suburbs was the
result of an urban model that, since the 60's of the 20th century, has given birth to a new
concept of city and, in a disorderly growing process, allowed a landscape of problematic
Advances in Landscape Architecture 458
suburbs to arise, anarchically, in an unqualified territory. The interstices over which we lean
are the consequence of this extensive growth of cities and its suburbs.
Aware of the existence of these unnamed intervals, in the city, the open space continues,
frequently, to be called green and to, still, play a secondary role on the construction of the
urban landscape. Despite its high potential in the structure and cohesion of the city, these
spaces the interstices and the greens and the attitude of indifference that has been verified
towards its qualitative definition tends to reduce them to nothing more than another index
in the city's statistics.
Thus, it is necessary a new understanding on the urban condition of the interstitial spaces
and on the importance of the quality of the landscape. We consider fundamental to
implement an intentional and adequate use of these spaces, as a vital condition to its
defense, in a positive way, guaranteed by its comprehension and enjoyment, recognizing
them as the true potential to the development and experience of the city. They should, then,
be acknowledged as spaces of urban cohesion, fundamental and complementary to the built
space and its articulation with the surrounding, ecologically, aesthetically, culturally,
socially, economically and technologically.
With the purpose of obtaining a bigger understanding on the quality of the landscape, and
based on the idea that this should appear as a fundamental structure and a cornerstone on
the qualification of the city, we leaned on its inherent multifunctionality.
From here starts the conscious notion that the landscape is a recent conquest in the western
culture, being considered as such from the moment Man inscribes it in a determined culture
and epoch. Intrinsic to the concept of landscape come the concept of multifunctionality to
which the concepts and the practices of production, leisure and protection have always been
associated. However, this dimension and multifunctional look are lost with the modern
movement where, the sectoral zoning does not allow the coexistence of several roles thus
appearing the vague concept of green space, that stretches throughout the entire city
homogeneously, amorphous and residually.
It becomes, then, urgent and primordial the return to that concept of landscape. Several
authors, searching for new strategies that lead to the multifunctionality of the landscape and
its understanding, defend that in the open spaces of the city it should be implanted a
continuous and structuring fabric where landscape would appear as a fundamental
structure of this continuum, having as a principle the systemic vision of the landscape, long
implicit in practice and in the philosophy of landscape architecture, from the continuous
system of public parks designed by Olmsted, to the concept of continuum naturale,
introduced and developed, in Portugal, by Professor Caldeira Cabral, in the middle of the
last century, covering all the projects that include the concepts of green corridors and of
green or ecological structures, all of them essential, since they allow the occurrence of
ecological processes, fundamental to the growth and sustainable development of the city.
As well in the recent current, designated as Landscape Urbanism (1996), that appears with the
rekindle of environmental and ecological concerns, such as the growth of tourism and the
questions connected with it, with the sense of oneness and entity, as well as with the impact
Urban Agriculture: The Allotment Gardens as Structures of Urban Sustainability 459
that the massive growth of cities has over the rural space, the landscape is proposed as
model to the urbanism, and it is recommended the integration of public landscapes with the
infra-structural systems, formalizing and leading the urban development, similarly to what
happened with Central Park in New York and the continuous system of the Boston Parks by
Frederick Olmsted, where the landscape lead the process of the formation of the city.
In this search for the lost multifunctionality it is frequent the reference to the aesthetic,
social, ecological, economical and cultural components and consequently, the role of
protection, production and leisure.
It then begins to take shape, in this study, the idea of production associated with leisure as a
fundamental component of landscape that structures, qualifies, and gives continuity to the
urban fabric through its interstitial spaces, open spaces and suburbs, all the way to the
countryside, promoting an articulated relationship between this old city-countryside dichotomy.
Our main purpose is the proposal of a new project approach that provides the creation of a
multifunctional structure of landscape dedicated to production and leisure in an urban
context. In this perspective, the interstitial spaces, object of this study, can and should be a
current expression of the landscape continuum, given that it allows the occurrence of the
ecological processes and of the fundamental biological cycles to the harmonious and
balanced development of the city.
This desideratum is accomplished, or can consubstantiate itself, through urban agriculture,
which is perfectly compatible with recreational and leisure activities, as has been long
advocated by Ribeiro Telles, and it is even proposed in his Plano Verde de Lisboa -
Lisbon's Green Plan [1]-, and how it has been proved by the quintas de recreio
(recreational farms), in Portugal.
Although urban agriculture refers, in general, to activities connected to the production of
fresh vegetables in the city, it does not mean that it has to be strictly related with production;
urban agriculture is also fundamental on including ecological, cultural, recreational and
aesthetic concerns, related to the landscape. This means, urban agriculture can integrate,
and be, a structuring continuum that assures the occurrence of the processes and flows of the
various systems that constitute the landscape. This structure should be ecologically justified,
as well as it should be developed according to the holistic view that the landscape demands
in and for its understanding. In it, there should be present the ecological, aesthetic, social,
economical and cultural components and from it there should result spaces and economical,
social, cultural, aesthetic and ecologically balanced structures.
Urban agriculture can be based in the ecological principles of life and on the necessary space
to process its actions, reactions and interactions. It can be considered, even, as other
elements of the urban infra-structure: wide and complex, and demanding planning and
design, management and maintenance. This means, it is perfectly compatible with the
holistic concerns of landscape architecture.
In this sense, urban agriculture is considered, in this study, in its several dimensions
ecological, cultural, social, economical and aesthetic as a constituent of the natural and
Advances in Landscape Architecture 460
cultural continuous that structures the urban and suburban fabric, through its open spaces and
interstices, making the articulation and establishing an inter-relationship with the countryside.
We consider that this option is based on three pillars: one with a historical and temporal
character the multifunctionality (promiscuity) of the Mediterranean landscape, from which
the meridional Portuguese landscape is a part; another of a conceptual and practical
character, that concerns the theory and the praxis of landscape architecture and of the
landscape urbanism; and lastly, in our own opinion, the answer that may be given by the
urban agriculture to the global crisis situation and to the growth of the estimated urban
population (already felt) in the next decades, which lead us to approach the theme of urban
agriculture in a more general way.
According to Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) (2009), for the first time in the history
of humanity, there is a bigger concentration of population in the cities than in the
countryside. This urbanization process determines big challenges to the planning,
management, maintenance and conservation of the urban areas.
In the beginning of the third millennium we inhabit a world with an unprecedented number
of population. There are currently around 6.3 billion people, a number that it is expected to
rise to 9 billion, in 2050 (FAO, 2009). Around half of the world population lives in cities, and
this estimation is expected to rise to two thirds by 2030. A great number of cities grow over
agricultural terrains, a fact that certainly reduces the capability to produce a considerable
amount of the food necessary to the auto-sustainability of the city. It is estimated that if the
developing countries follow the western lifestyle in terms of the usage of food, forest and
energy products three whole planets will be needed. It is, then, of crucial matter that the
city becomes much more efficient in the way it utilizes its resources, which includes,
obviously, the production of food. Urban agriculture constitutes, in this case, a fundamental
contribution to the auto-sustainability of the city. Moreover, urban agriculture will be a
practice that won't compromise uses or future options, thus becoming a guaranty of soil
preservation, a scarce and fundamental resource.
This chapter is centered on the theme of urban agriculture, namely its definition,
identification and characterization, emphasizing three of its typologies based on relevance
and inclusion in the objectives of this study. They are: the urban allotment garden, the
continuous productive landscapes and the urban field. In this context, we leaned over its
relevance and the need in the contemporary city when facing the current social-economical
crisis and the estimated urban growth in a near future. The benefits that can be brought and
the obstacles that can occur are presented, either at a food and nutritional safety level, either
at a health and local development level, or even at a social-cultural and urban
environmental management level. The politics that regulate urban agriculture in its social,
economical and ecological dimensions are addressed, and how it has influenced its practice,
as well as the economical issues associated. We considered fundamental the study of
agriculture throughout history and its evolution in the city, its relationship with the
countryside, as well as the possibility of its integration in the interstitial urban spaces and,
Urban Agriculture: The Allotment Gardens as Structures of Urban Sustainability 461
consequently the relevance of its contextualization, in the landscape urbanism, something that
it is not the happening today.
Lastly, we concluded with the proposal of integrating urban agriculture in a new approach
to the landscape design in an urban context, but also in conceptual terms. And, with the
presentation of strategies to the development of a sustainable urban agriculture, in order to
contribute to a return to the multifunctionality of the landscape, which promotes the
existence of a structure of continuous landscape where the recreation, the production and
protection should be present and inseparable, thus contributing to urban sustainability.
2. Materials and methods
The clear relevance of the presently discussed subject, namely the existence of open spaces
in the city, and the need to revitalize its periphery, the multifunctionality of landscapes, the
concept of landscape as structure, and the pertinence of agriculture through the creation of
allotment gardens, has led many authors from different fields to produce literature, critical
studies, and research on these important matters. Our theoretical support are those authors
who consider open spaces and urban voids as work material, full of potential and value for
the creation of new socially, culturally, economically, ecologically, and aesthetically viable
spaces, as well as those studies centered on the best tools to act on the urban voids, as urban
resources. The rigid building fabric rejects these manageable, flexible spaces, which are
highly adaptable, in constant change, and well articulated with the different systems of city,
and its design.
In recent years, there have been some studies both on the importance of landscape in urban
spaces, and on the ecological systems and their associated aesthetic issues. Some studies and
projects have also been done on urban agriculture and its pertinence, ecological integration
and significance as network, system, and infrastructure.
Therefore, this project is based on a bibliographical review of theoretical studies about the
themes we seek to develop, and about the proposition of Plano Verde de Lisboa, which
includes many interventions on the landscape architecture integrating the design of the
development of allotment gardens.
3. What is urban agriculture?
Where human beings exist, there is an associated food market. To the eyes of planners,
architects, politicians and investors, to practice agriculture in the city was considered all
over the world, and mainly in the previous century, a practice not to be done or to be simply
ignored. However the production of local food was always quite popular appearing,
frequently, in confined spaces given that those with access to land and water would do it,
independently of the political restrictions. Recently, researchers, politicians, urban planners
and landscape architects have given it a growing importance turning a neglected activity,
in the last seventy years, in a great potential to create forms of sustainable subsistence.
Advances in Landscape Architecture 462
If we look to the history of agriculture, in the European context, many have considered
agriculture and city in a different way. However, according to several authors this does not
correspond to reality.
Urban agriculture always existed. As we know, the first human settlements are located near
fertile and arable land to assure a close food source. As cities grew, they were occupying
those agricultural lands, necessitating, consequently, of more sources of food.
The definition of urban agriculture in [2], classical and widely used, refers that urban
agriculture is an industry located inside or in the outskirts of the city, the growth of which,
processes and distributes a diversity of food and other products, widely re-utilizing human
and material resources, products and services found inside and in the outskirts of the urban
area, and providing, in turn, material and human resources, products and services to that
urban area.
This definition articulates production in confined spaces, related economical activities,
localization, destination markets (or just for the consumption inside the house) and the
types of products made in a dynamic interaction that may vary from one urban area to the
other. Urban agriculture does not only present research associated to the natural sciences
(agronomy, pollution, water and soil quality, among others), but also important questions of
social and economical nature (land markets, migration from the rural space to the urban and
social integration among others.)
, not counting the questions associated to urban planning
and the architectures.
Also according to [3], urban agriculture can be defined as the cultivation of plants and the
raising of animals with food purposes, inside and around the cities including, even, other
uses and activities related such as the production and the delivery of inputs, and the
processing and commercialization of the products. Urban agriculture is located inside or in
the outskirts of the city and it comprehends a variety of different production systems,
different from the subsistence production, processing, at the level of the aggregate, a
completely commercialized agriculture.
This activity is generally characterized: by the proximity to the markets, by a high
competitiveness for the land, by being a limited space, by the utilization of organic resources
namely solid organic residues and residual waters, by having a low degree of organization,
by its products being mainly perishable, and by having a high degree of specialization,
among others. Due to the provision of perishable products such as vegetables, fresh milk,
and poultry products, urban agriculture complements, to some extent, rural agriculture and
heightens the efficiency of national and regional food systems.
Henri Bava, Joaquin Sabat, Pablo Arias Sierra, Pierre Donadieu and Ribeiro Telles, among others, argue the
coexistence and the simultaneous development of both.
Currently, the research on urban agriculture is also applicable to the study of politics and is offered as an answer to
the technocratic vision of the way of planning and legislating.
The population capacity to generate income is necessary and profoundly satisfactory. Using the surface, and the land
itself, is one of the most ancient ways of generating income, mainly under the form of food production. It also allows
the so much desired work in and with natural conditions.
Urban Agriculture: The Allotment Gardens as Structures of Urban Sustainability 463
In [4] is referred that the most important characteristic that distinguishes urban agriculture
from any other kind of agriculture, is not so much the location, but the fact that it constitutes
a part of the urban economy and the ecological and social systems: it utilizes urban
resources (land, work, solid organic residues and water); produces for the citizens; it is
strongly influenced by the urban conditions (politics, competition for the land, markets and
urban prices) and causes an impact on the urban system (the effects on food safety, poverty,
ecology and health).
Also in [5] urban agriculture may have place in any part of the city in spaces of different
topography, defined, or undefined typology, brown-fields, green spaces, parks, roadsides,
highway slopes, in wide spaces or hidden corners.
It can appear wherever inside the urban
context, leading many cities to stimulate their multiple use keeping the spaces, inside the
city, simultaneously valuable and free of buildings. In most cases it is high yielding
allotment gardens where fruit and vegetables grow and, if the economical situation is tough,
it can include small animals and/or aquaculture.
Peri-urban agriculture is the agriculture that occurs in the urban-rural borderline or in low
density sub-urban areas, similar to urban agriculture despite the size of the allotment being
frequently bigger. Despite this vast coverage of urban agriculture, typologically and
spatially speaking, we want to make reference to three theoretically distinct types, although
perfectly compatible and complementary in morphological and practical terms.
- The first referring to urban allotment gardens, protagonist typology of the urban
agriculture in the city, and that is why it stands out, and which importance should be
crucial on a productive, economical, ecological, social, and recreational point of view.
- The second refers to the concept of Continuous Productive Urban Landscape CPULs for
its analogy with the concepts of Natural Continuum and Cultural Continuum, perfectly
inclusive of landscape architecture in Portugal and it seems important to us from the
point of view of a possible design strategy of landscape to the urban space.
- The third is the concept of urban countryside of Pierre Donadieu that implies a duality
between ecology and identity, constituting necessarily an urban rurality, similarly to
what succeeded with the Quintas de Recreio (Recreational Farms) in Portugal. In this
concept is implied a project intentionality that we consider fundamental as a strategy to
be implemented.
3.1. Allotment gardens
Allotment gardens are a unique contribution to urban space. Its a contribution challenging
the conventional notion of urban space and of open space design. These spaces are an echo,
and a memory of how the countryside might have been a humanized landscape but with a
peaceful feeling, a shared space with a touch of inner silence.
However, urban/rural conflict has been a consistent source of difficulties for urban designers
because it contradicts imposed rankings of what is, or should be the urban space
The Continuous Productive Urban Landscapes - CPULs may appear in any space of variable shape, dimension and scale.
Advances in Landscape Architecture 464
expressed through particular notions of order and control, purity of shape, and clear limits.
Still, the users and the public in general seem to prize this contradiction of rules. The feeling
many people have about living, working, strolling, and bicycle riding through allotment
gardens is an evidence both of their vital, psychological and physical value and of the need
to involve more people in the debate about the future of these spaces.
3.1.1. Brief historical evolution
Food production is linked to the history of cities, since their origins [6]: the lack of an
efficient transportation system and of sophisticated food preservation techniques before the
Industrial Revolution inevitably meant that the population had to grow vegetables near
their place of residence. In the 18th century, allotment gardens acquired a deliberate social
character to compensate the rural population that had migrated to the city. The purpose of
those allotment gardens was to provide a nutritional and economical safety net against
unemployment or, to supplement reduced incomes. The necessity of urban allotment
gardens quickly rose, occupying the city. At this point, the display and the supply of the
allotment gardens was widely private and ad hoc.
At the end of the 19th century, the power and the rising responsibilities of the local
governments reflected in the appearance of the first law to urban allotment gardens, in
England, that required local authorities to provide allotment gardens to the workers that
showed economical needs. Similar proceedings occurred in other parts of Europe, for
example, the introduction of the Schrebergarten in Germany [5].
Until the third decade of the 20th century, the urban growth of food meant an important
part of the city's consumption. The fresh products, legumes and vegetables came from the
allotment gardens along the streams and rivers of the city. The importance of these rural-
urban bonds transcended the merely economical plan and the environmental issues that
today we are faced with.
The former allotment gardens' zones started to be occupied with highways, residential
areas, railroads and other infra-structures necessary to the growth of the city.
. Throughout
the ages transformations to the agricultural activities in the urban areas occurred as a result
of the new industrial culture of the cities as well as of speculative interests associated with
the improvement of transportation that allowed a quicker and more economical supply of
the central markets. At the same time, the contamination of the waters of the rivers by the
industry represented one of the greatest ecological catastrophes resulting in the
abandonment of the agricultural activity in urban areas.
Metropolization is the major cause of the loss of agriculture in the city. Attests to the supremacy of the terciary
function: commercial, financial, of decision and of command; it depends on a modality of urban growth founded
under the automobile, under the consentment of the urban public administration and, consequently, under the form of
local government. A second series of motives is related with a negative view for sanitary reasons and public health. A
third series has to do with the disadvantages to which the farmers are subjected (the incompatibility of tractors with
the urban traffic, lach of irrigation water () [7]
Urban Agriculture: The Allotment Gardens as Structures of Urban Sustainability 465
Between 1900 and 1945 the bigger stimulant to the production of food in Europe was the
War: the real threat of famine caused by the blockages originated campaigns to increase the
local food production, a lot of which was coming from urban agriculture.
During the First World War, with fear of harming the citizens' morale, the British
governments campaign to increase food production, as well as the rationing, started from
1917. Despite all this, the results of the campaign were outstanding. In [5], the number of
250m2 allotments increased, approximately, from 450 000 to 600 000 in 1913, and from 1 300
000 to 1 500 000 in 1917, having been produced 2 000 000 tonnes of vegetables.
Between wars, the public's interest in allotments and in other forms of urban food
production declined in Europe, although to levels never lower to those recorded in 1914.
The mass unemployment, verified since 1920, revived the interest in allotment gardens as a
valuable means of social-economical aide. Philanthropic Groups of the most varied origins,
namely the Society of Friends, in England, developed plans providing fertilizers, seeds and
tools. Currently, similar supporting mechanisms are used in Cuba, in its national program
of urban agriculture. During the Second World War the production of fruits and vegetables
inside the cities of the UK was shown to have an important value in times of need. The
production in family allotment gardens, making use of gardens in public and private places,
exceeded more than 10% of the country's total needs in terms of fresh vegetables [8].
According to the data in [9], during war time, not only the agricultural activities but also the
livestock and poultry production reached high values. In 1942 there were registered, in
urban zones in England, more than 90 000 poultry farmers with a production of 16 000 000
specimens. In 1944 the allotment gardens, alongside gardens and other portions of land
including parks transformed into agricultural fields, amounted to a total 10% of the
country's food needs and half the fruit and vegetable's needs. The end of the campaign Dig
for Victory, in England, was followed by a harsh decline of the urban food production. The
recent state of well-being, the existence of jobs and a rising prosperity, made that the food
production was no longer a necessity. Also an image problem had a negative effect on the
allotment gardens: people associated them to war, and a time of austerity that no longer was
in line with a time destined to the scientific progress [5].
Among progress and setbacks, in periods of crisis, the strategic value of allotment gardens
has always been emphasized. The 1970s were a turning point for allotment gardens, with
the emergence of new production means. This seemed to be due to a new environmental
ethics, developed in the 1960s as an alternative lifestyle, and a notion of self-sufficiency
based on renewable energies. After the crisis, the urban dynamics of developing societies
brought new freezing techniques, allowing the possibility to find any product regardless of
the season and at a minimal distance. Nevertheless, old urban markets inside the cities are
very significant as a means to re-establish the citizens natural links with nature [10]. This
requires a redefinition of the methods and purposes in the design of open spaces within the
cities, with new roles and goals allowing new urban activities.
It is evident that the new diffuse city carries, in a way, a certain desire of a relationship
between the citizen and nature and, it seems clear that in this context, it is physically easier
to establish this bond through urban agriculture.
Advances in Landscape Architecture 466
It is also to be noted that the settlements from where the great metropolitan areas arose, in the
west, came from rural areas. The will to maintain this old cultural heritage had important
effects in certain working suburbs, in big urban areas not only European, but also American
[8]. The ethnic and cultural variety in the European Union, made of populations that came
from rural cultures and that made sure that, in certain suburban areas, the patios and the open
spaces of the house were used to their full potential with the cultivation of vegetables, keeping
the bond with their origins and, at the same time, helping the family's economy. This practice
can be considered an example for the open spaces of the city that, frequently, with their
standardized treatment, keep the citizen and the city with their backs turned against nature.
In Portugal, the strong migration movements from the 60s and 70s, of population coming
from rural areas towards the big cities [11], lead as well to the appearance of certain ways of
urban and suburban agriculture that answered to a new type o urban space, called in [12] as a
third space, that showed a bond from the new industrial population to the memory of their
old rural habits.
Still today, in our great metropolitan areas, there are small agricultural explorations in the
interstitial spaces, or of difficult use, in suburban areas that, inside their precariousness,
have an exceptional interest as a sociological phenomenon, and that we believe to exceed
what would be a mere mechanism of transition as an adaptation of migrant populations to
the new culture of the urban space
The sub-metropolitan allotment gardens appear in the big cities (take a look at Lisbon) as
very representative places, even from the sociological, geographical, and anthropological
point of view, which has been studying them with obvious interest. These studies show us
what they mean as an expression of a way of understanding the urban space as the habitat of
Man: the sub-metropolitan allotment gardens mean more than just bridges towards
adaptation, being the expression of what the city could be in its definitive form and that that
form is both easy and possible to be accomplished.
In the case of the metropolitan area of Lisbon, the important peri-urban agricultural areas
that had some significant production capability, since the 60s of the 20th century, started to
progressively lose importance as a consequence of the destruction of the agricultural soil,
not only due to the new industrial and residential developments that invaded these
peripheral spaces, but also due to the construction of powerful infrastructures and networks
of services that destroyed the productive space of a primary sector that, on the other hand,
was also losing its manpower, given the new employment opportunities.
Nowadays, it is frequent that the nature and origin of those allotment gardens, either
because of where it came from, or because of its situation, do not have a relationship with
Institutional areas (belonging to hospitals, schools and churches), riverbanks and road edges, parks, terrains under
high voltage power lines, areas that can not be used for construction and its surroundings constitute a great part of
municipal terrain. The planning of the use and exploration of these spaces requires the record of the localization, as a
first step, and then the evaluation of its potential. It is important to evaluate the availability of the land for urban
agriculture in a certain city in a short, medium or long term. The land may not be available due to the rapid growth of
the city and the expansion of built areas [3].
Urban Agriculture: The Allotment Gardens as Structures of Urban Sustainability 467
the conventional agricultural activity that existed or still exists in a determined area. They
are, often, activities done outside the commercial circuits, in small allotments or allotment
gardens that justify themselves, as an activity, with their own reasons more linked to the
urban world, than to the rural one. On the other hand, the agricultural practice by the
working class has survived at the expense of the low cost food available.
Currently, urban agriculture continues to be useful as a means of providing some food and
financial income for the citizens, as well as having some other important benefits [13]:
- Social (leisure, fomenting local groups, therapy for individuals with special needs,
rehabilitation of youngsters).
- Environmental (renewal of abandoned urban spaces, diversification of the usage of
urban land, increase of biodiversity, preservation of the water, soil and air cycle,
reduction of the carbon footprint).
- Human (promotion of sociability through the encouragement of personal qualities such
as altruism, the improvement of the quality of life through social interaction, health
benefits through physical exercise, better food quality and bigger diversity)
- Economical (stimulus of the local economies, creation of employment and wealth,
directly or indirectly).
- Emotional (due to the pause that it can provide to the monotonous and gray everyday
of the citizens, allowing them to realize the real dimension of time).
In England and in Northern Europe in general, a community allotment garden or an urban
farm, are local projects run by and for local community groups. Sometimes they are run in a
partnership with the local authorities but, its main characteristic is the strong local
involvement. These allotment gardens exist mainly in densely built areas where its creation
has been the answer of the community to the lack of a project and/or adequate management
to and of the open spaces.
The urban farms are also known as pedagogical farms or community farms. The agricultural
allotments are not generally run by a community, but there is a rising movement for the
formation of an association of groups of parcels with the objective of practicing a
decentralized management from the Local Authority that will move from the statutory sector
(although with legal protection) towards the run by the community sector. Inside the
movement of the allotments it is verified as well that there is a rising number of groups that
are consciously establishing work run by the community with innovative schemes to obtain
more community support [14].The majority of the projects is centered on food production
activities, formation courses on the area, field trips from schools to community allotments
and the undertaking of community businesses related to the urban agricultural practice.
Some advance with the proposal of recreational and sporting equipments, of free time
activities and vacation schemes.
The community allotment gardens
and the urban farms are extremely flexible and adapt to
the requirements of the local community. They have in common the encouragement of
Relatively to their location and marking of the allotment it is necessary to bear in mind if its objective is therapeutic or
recreational, commercial, for self-consumption or mix use. The gardening allotments are of the most popular for
Advances in Landscape Architecture 468
social participation and of the creation of sustainable communities. The projects contribute
directly to the development of the community generating social participation and
promoting urban regeneration through:
- More open spaces built from living materials (water, soil, vegetation) in the urban
- More educational, formal and informal opportunities;
- More pedagogical information concerning food and animal production;
- Adult formation in a series of subjects, namely gardening, horticulture and livestock;
- School field trips and educational, didactic and pedagogical activities;
- Preschool activities;
- Gaming and sporting activities;
- Leisure occupation and vacation schemes;
- Integration of people with deficiencies in learning and/or other special needs;
- Development of the practice of community companies, such as cafes, markets of
horticultural products, horsemanship centers, gardening centers and/or other
community businesses.
In [15] is considered that the expression agricultural allotment should be replaced by the
concept of recreational gardens because the first one has an historical stigma of low yielding
and relative poverty. Additionally, the tracing and localization of the allotments should
consider not only the individual parcels, but also the community areas, shelters, recreational
areas and even some occasional spaces for orchards and groves. The recreational gardens
should be strategically placed near the requirements and as far way as possible from sources
of known contamination, such as old railroad tracks and some empty spaces resultant from
polluting industries.
In [16] is understood the presence of these sub-metropolitan allotment gardens as the result
of a marginal occupation of soils that comes as the result of problems due to the crisis and of
the industrial stop that in the decade of 1970 affected the working economy. The exploration
of these small parcels serves to grant some additional funds to the families' economies and
to give jobs to young unemployed people with no expectations whatsoever.
This diagnosis, as to the origin and justification of existence of sub-metropolitan allotment
gardens, is not entirely shared in [17] after deeply analyzing the sociological components of
the existing allotment gardens in suburban areas of the city. In[17], the origin of the
metropolitan allotment gardens can not be related to the issue of industrial deactivation,
given that the origin of the allotment gardens is prior to it. Thus, its origin has to be
explained in variables of some other nature.
It does not seem valid, as well, to relate these allotment gardens with factors of economical
benefits to their cultivators. In fact, the greens and vegetables produced do no enter in any
kind of commercialization. The only gains are the occasional family consumption or the
satisfaction of offering the products to friends of acquaintances.
leisure reasons and spare time in England. In fact the management of the allotments is considered by many as a leisure
activity more than a means of producing food.
Urban Agriculture: The Allotment Gardens as Structures of Urban Sustainability 469
The same author refers that the cultivated parcels lack market value. They are precariously
occupied with their owners aware that they can be evicted at any moment. These terrains
were never bought or sold and, if those who cultivate them can no longer enjoy them due to
the age or any familiar reasons, they give them to those that show some interest in
cultivating them. Also, it does not seem common the presence of youngsters in the
cultivation of the allotment gardens; those who work there, occasionally , are men, of
mature age, from 50 to 70 years old, in their majority retired, that use their free time, to fill
the emptiness of their leisure. This dedication is never too intense, nor has any economical
expectations, a fact almost impossible due to being a low quality piece of land, to using
elementary tools and to not having the adequate support.
3.1.2. The reality in Portugal
Relatively to the Portuguese reality, in 2004 the Culturgest issued a challenge for the
attribution of urban allotment gardens in Lisbon. The contestants were all (or almost all)
retired people and migrants in the city. According to the Commissary of Town Hall of
Lisbon (CML) to this contest, the Landscape Architect Rosrio Salema, the children of the
contestants would not carry on this activity, simultaneously productive (because they sell
the products they cultivate) and recreational. Relatively to the community allotment
gardens, it was verified that they covered technical staff (qualified active population), at
least in the medium class neighborhoods, for example Telheiras.
According to the Landscape Architect Maria Jos Fundevila, current commissary for the
legalization of community allotment gardens, the Town Hall of Lisbon, the Heritage and
Investment Division of the CML is finally making a record of urban allotment gardens, with
that information still unavailable. Relatively to the age groups and professional situations of
the farmers, it would depend on the areas in question: in the more marginal zones, socially
speaking, you have a wide variety of farmers being hard to establish a global pattern for the
urban allotment gardens the allotment gardens are very connected to the social and
economical aspect in the city, at least that appeared spontaneously, so that they are directly
related to the social typology of the area in which they are inserted.
The Commissary referred two distinct examples: Quinta da Granja, in front of the Colombo
Shopping Center, and the Parque Hortcola de Chelas, near the J Zone neighborhood in
Chelas: in the first one there is a predominance of retired people, at a 60 to 70% rate, that
have cultivated the area for a long time. The oldest one has done it for 38 years and is 97
years old today. In this case, the number of people that initiate the cultivation already in
retirement is really low. Many have occupied these areas for a long time and have,
meanwhile, retired. The main reason to cultivate the allotment gardens is the fondness for
the cultivation of the land as well as the distraction it provides and the leisure occupation.
In Parque de Chelas the situation is completely different. The age group ranges from 30 to
70 and here, predominate the professionally active individuals or, at least, in this age group,
given that many are unemployed. Here, the main reason for the cultivation of allotment
gardens is the complement to the family income. These farmers sell their products illegally,
Advances in Landscape Architecture 470
unlike those from Quinta da Granja that cultivate solely for themselves. In this case a severe
problem arises which is the watering of the allotment gardens, in the summer, with residual
waters from domestic or industrial origin, and that are improper for such use. They are,
however, ready to be initiated the works of the first phase of a horticultural park, in this
area, that consists precisely in endowing the area with accesses and water for irrigation.
As for the municipal politics, in Lisbon, lately there have been promoted the urban
allotment gardens, which until now, had not yet happened, despite all the continued effort
made by some, trying to rekindle this practice.
About six years ago, a Commission was created, with the purpose of legalizing urban
allotment gardens. It was then proposed a regulation that legitimates the existence of these
spaces conferring some safety to the farmers that, in the last 12 years, have already received
two eviction notices. This proposal has not yet been juridically seen but, however, it is
already being applied. It consists basically in a classification, in order to protect the
economical and social allotment gardens that correspond to 90% of all of the existing
allotment gardens.
Aside from all the economical expectation, the suburban allotment gardens have an
indubitable interest as an urban phenomenon given that it is an activity situated besides the
space offer that the city provides to its citizens. They signify a way of passing time that the city
had not foreseen. In this sense, they constitute an in between space, between their homes and
the cafe as a place of reunion and leisure for the inhabitants. As it was already referred, in
[12] the third space is considered interpreting allotment gardens as a place of leisure, with no
equivalent in what is offered by the cities in a standard way.
In [17] those allotment gardens are linked to the transition of the rural to the urban space, as
a manifestation of the persistence of a rural-agrarian encysted in a urban habitat,
understanding that they constitute a symbol loaded with values, rooted in the interior of the
new citizen. In this sense, they put it inside resistance and protection against hostility
schemes that the city transmits to ethnic groups or cultural misfits. This assimilation of the
sub-metropolitan allotment gardens in the context of the slums does not seem well-thought
to us. The underlying problem in these urban-rural spaces is not only the creation of a safety
space of reunion with their own identity and with the land of origin. It is also the expression
of a will of permanence, an intention to integrate in the urban space something that, with no
apparent reason, disappeared from the city.
Ribeiro Telles, that in Portugal has always been a fervent supporter of the existence of the
urban allotment gardens, says that the new city farmers bring an intelligent message, in a
spontaneous and nave way and, without dogmas nor impositions, show the evidence of the
possible, achieved without political support or public demonstrations. The new energy and
wisdom sap, that the urban context brings, is the result of not only remembering rural
values, but also of recognizing and feeling the urban needs. The suburban allotment gardens
are not ways of socializing that are contradictory and opposite to the urban lifestyle, instead
they are paradigms of the needs that no longer justify themselves in the urban space.
Urban Agriculture: The Allotment Gardens as Structures of Urban Sustainability 471
The in-between space, halfway from the domestic and the pure leisure, considered in [12], is
something that the city has had, in some way and, today, the new neo-liberal city of the
post-modernism has definitely lost allowing as the only option the commercialization of
virtual gadgets. But this third space of life is not commercial nor a mere alienating hobby,
having as a background everything that the city and Man need from Nature. This means the
relationship Man/Nature and includes the understanding of the landscape with all of its
In [17] is warned that there is a confrontation between sub-metropolitan allotment gardens
and planning policy. The insensitivity of the planning about this space is something more
than just ignorance: it is the result of the fear of the same foundations that rules planning, an
image of order, from the social, functional and also aesthetic point of view. The allotment
gardens have little meaning in today's virtual world where the way of existing and of
connecting, given that the understanding of the city-nature does not have a market value.
3.1.3. Other concepts related to the allotment gardens: Continuous Productive Urban
Landscape (CPULs) and Urban Countryside
Continuous Productive Urban Landscape (CPULs)
Viljoen introduced the concept of Urban and Peri-Urban Agriculture and with the concept
of CPULs Continuous Productive Urban Landscape (CPULs)
in 2005, and it sounds quite
interesting to us given the proximity of concepts with the concepts of Natural Landscape
Continuum and Cultural Continuum, profoundly rooted in landscape architecture in Portugal
and with concepts of the current landscape architecture: it consists in a coherently planned
and conceived combination of Continuous Landscape
with Productive Urban Landscape
Continuous Productive Landscape (CPUL) is a concept of project design that advocates the coherent introduction of
productive landscapes. Crucial in the concept of CPUL it is the creation of a network of multifunctional open spaces
that include urban agriculture as a complement and support of the constructed environment.
This concept grew in the project design investigation and explores the role that urban agriculture may play in urban
design. It was thought and articulated for the first time in 1998 by workshop Bohn and Viljoen Architects, followed by a
publication of the book Continuous Productive Landscapes: Designing Urban Agriculture for Sustainable Cities. This concept
was the center of international attention and is, currently, part of the contemporary speech project. Andr Viljoen and
Katrin Bohn are currently developing this concept in Brighton University Faculty of Arts, through the said
Continuous Landscape, similarly to the concept introduced by Caldeira Cabral, in Portugal, in the 50s Continuum
naturale it is a current idea in the theories of architecture and urbanism that has already started to be implemented,
not in a global way but partially, in some cities of the world. It consists in a network of open spaces, predominantly
porous and made of vegetation, namely parks, or inter-connected green spaces, oftentimes referred as an eco-structure
or infra-structure. They are free of automobile circulation, allowing pedestrian movement in the urban open space.
They are an alternative to the use of the urban open space if we compare them with the existing spatial qualities of the
utilized and underutilized disperse parcels of the urban open space. They should constitute an enormous (infra)
structure of walkable landscape that runs through the city. Example of this continuum is the green corridor of
Productive Urban Landscape is an open space made of vegetation and run in an economical way and to be
ecologically productive, for example, providing food through urban agriculture, the absorption of pollution, the
refreshing effects of the trees or the increase of biodiversity in the green corridors.
Advances in Landscape Architecture 472
It corresponds to a non-built and urban landscape, economically, social-culturally and
ecologically productive, situated in a landscaping strategy to a metropolitan scale, built to
include living and natural elements; thought to encourage and allow the urban inhabitants
the contact with the activities and processes normally related to the countryside.
Overlapping the sustainable concept of Productive Urban Landscape with the spatial concept
of Continuous Landscapes it is possible to propose a new strategy of urban design that will
change the appearance of the contemporary cities towards the understanding of the city as a
natural system, similarly to what is pretended with Lisbon's Green Plan and its Green
The CPULs will divulge the productive landscapes economically, social-culturally and
environmentally. They will be inserted in the concept of landscape on an urban scale and, in
the current context can be transposed to a territorial scale, offering the city a variety of
advantages, lifestyles and few, if any, inconveniences or unsustainable aspects. This system
of continuity shall cross the city through the built space, connecting all the open spaces
inside it articulating them, finally, with the surrounding rural space.
In [19], the CPULs will expand to the countryside, enriching the urban fabric and the
lifestyles and actively contributing to the resolution of environmental and urban problems.
Either being different or similar, these productive landscapes will exist on pair with other
urban open spaces. The CPULs will function as a strategy of urban design, hence, being able
to act as moderators between the wishes of the local users and the strategies for urban
planning; between social and economical feasibility; between sustainable ideas and urban
productivity; between short term advantages and long term benefits.
Formally they can be very similar to the urban parks given that they both present a
materiality and spatiality predominantly built with living and natural structures and
elements, and are design with determined spatial criteria, formal and functional. They are as
well, for several reasons, similar to urban forests. The urban parks and groves, being
agriculturally less productive allow, however, a bigger freedom on the utilization of the
space, given that there is not the protection of the cultures condition. In what refers to
countryside, the CPULs can be considered similar to gardens given that they both follow the
same sequences and patterns of plantation.
In comparison with other open kinds of urban open space, in reference [19] are referred
three criteria that cover the most important qualities of a CPUL:
- The time and space amplitude as heritage, legacy and identity;
Included in the Urban Green Structure, Magalhes [18] defends, the existence of an Urban Ecological Structure, in
which it is pretended to assure a bigger biological richness and to safeguard the fundamental systems to the ecological
balance of the city. With this Structure it is pretended the creation of a continuum naturale integrated in the urban
space, as it was congratulated in the Environmental Bases Law, providing the city, in an homogenous way, of a system
constituted by different biotopes and corridors that connect them, represented either by natural occurrences, either by
existing or created spaces for the purpose, that serve as a support to wildlife. To this ecological structure we add a
productive structure, also a subset of the Green Structure.
Urban Agriculture: The Allotment Gardens as Structures of Urban Sustainability 473
- Utilization as the present reality;
- Ecology as its gift for the future.
The amplitude describes the space, in its extension, its width and breath. It means more than
size, but the dimension is its basic element, its beginning. There is no qualitative judgment
connected to dimension
. The size is considered influential in the designation of the space
and in its capability to proportion certain programs and occupations. The sense of
, given that it is connected to the size, reflects this manipulation providing a
much more sensitive measure for the qualitative success of the urban open space.
The utilization/occupation of the space is one of the first concerns when planning the
contemporary open space. It means, frequently, to put in perspective the success of the new
project with designs with criteria, also quantifiable, as for example, the cargo capacity, or the
financial volume obtained by the offer capacity of the place (leisure centers, stores,
restaurants, spas, among others). A more holistic vision of the current occupation of the
open spaces may include more stable and qualifying criteria, namely education, health, the
potential for integration or enrichment of the self, the satisfaction over individual actions
and its importance to a wider urban community
Ecology, in this case, gives importance to the open urban space for the connection of the
present drawing project to the program of a more desirable and sustainable future,
proposing, as well, a strategy for the management of this process. The ecological concept of
gradient, in particular, clarifies the idea of gradation in the process of formation and
transformation of the shape, and of the natural processes, of the organization of the
materials in nature according to a stricter set of rules following the formal creative device,
but coherent with the ecological limit principle. A second type of movement is that of the
misfit, that continuously changes the shape, position and appearance.
The Urban countryside
In [20] is introduced the concept of urban countryside, in which is accepted as valid the
definition of the French rural code, which defines as agricultural every activity of control
and management of a biological cycle of either plant or animal nature, together with the
activity developed by a farmer in the prosecution of the act of production or sustained by
the companies. The concept of urban countryside puts itself in the relationship of movement
A small open space is not a bad open space, neither is a big open space for that matter. They are valued for being
open, exterior, non-built.
Although related to the place, the sense of openness reflects manipulation promoting a qualitative measure more
consensual to the success of the urban open spaces. It is related to the occupation and function of the space as well as
with its position in the urban thread, reinforcing the importance of the open space in the urban net. The potential to
this movement encourages occupation and the occupiers as well as it models the shape and appearance of the urban
open spaces. It also introduces change and renovation in the space, offering with that a particular visual stimulus. The
stimulus can be extracted from a number of sources (events, activities, movement, etc.), but it is, predominantly,
connected to the material and natural processes: the vegetation submitted to a seasonal variation, to the growth and
change of plantation patterns, to water, wind, sun, rain, etc.
Depending on their programs and the tolerance to change, an open space providing social interactions will certainly
accommodate a great variety of occupiers that seem less interested in the dimension of the space or its location, than in
its potential to integrate and participate.
Advances in Landscape Architecture 474
between process and product, between agriculture of the urban space and desagriculture of
the rural space.
Considered as a social project, capable of improving the urban life conditions, the urban
countryside is not reduced to a social-economical process that varies according to the
greatness or richness of the city. Not wanting to renounce to its goal to feed the citizens it
is a part of territory of the city without necessarily transforming into a green space or natural
park, unless the park takes on the content and duties as an experimentation place of the
urban countryside. In this case, we talk about an urban rurality different from the
agricultural rurality similarly to Quintas de Recreio (recreational farms), in Portugal, where
the population does not waive the agriculture but that should be coherent between two
possible paradoxes: to lose agriculture but not the shape of the allotment garden, or to keep
the field with no agriculture similar to the idea of a garden that evokes the agricultural
image, without producing.
Urban countryside (campagne urbaine) coined by Donadieu in 1998 and title of one of his
most well-known works two words that seemingly oppose and create movement fighting
the sedentariness of the thought. But, urban countryside are also two coordinated words in a
single concept through which it is easier to promote the project and an action.
The countryside space infiltrated in the disperse city may be a part of the urban space taking
on rules for the contemporary city project from the new cultural, ecological and social
values that build an inhabitable society. In [20] it is not proposed as an unprecedented space
typology, as a new standard for green, but is aspired to create an inhabitable space, given
that, together with agriculture, a new ecology is proposed, new myths and new symbols to
share with their inhabitants a new landscape.
The goal of Donadieu is that the peri-urban agricultural space, which will tend to be more
extensive in the coming years, never again has to be subjected to the fatality of a next
transformation, but that it shall be a witness of the history, given that it will outlive it. This
countryside, inhabited by a society that combines the practice of the city with landsmen
from several origins, asks to participate in the definition of the urban space given that their
inhabitants do not want to let go of the city, confirming a life choice where a bigger contact
with nature is privileged
The hypothesis that the new city of the urban countryside organizes itself around an
habitability project, or better put of sustainable urbanity, can be put. However, for this new
countryside to become a landscape and, consequently, to acquire a relative perpetuity, it is
obvious that it should be created with the quality that it does not currently have
. It is the
The risk that the peri-urban society takes is alienation, the loss of an horizon of meaning and the feeling of belonging
to a community confused with the place, the attribution of a social category to a stable and immutable context.
In [21] is emphasized that, without the cultural scheme of landscape, the citizen can not understand the countryside:
How can you understand the agricultural logic if you are unacquainted with the subjects of fieldwork and livestock?
And looking to the ecological thought, how can you accept that absolute protection allows the conservation of
biodiversity, when everyone knows that the second natura, once abandoned, can leave the place a lot less diversified
than what ecologists think? And how not to protest against the horticultural academicism that proposes to cover
countries and cities of flowers, to produce nothing more than commonplaces. What the aestheticians say, without
Urban Agriculture: The Allotment Gardens as Structures of Urban Sustainability 475
job of a landscape design to build and design the landscape structure that will build the
Eco-symbols. The innovation will consist in associating the agricultural and the built spaces,
in a project that binds them forever. The inhabitable city will be constructed at the expenses
of creative imagination, over the ruins of conformism and preconceived ideas. The
multicultural concept of nature and the new attribution of the natural sense to the natural
objects can create the foundation to the political project of the urban field.
According to Donadieu the realistic utopia of the urban countryside voluntarily attributes to
the space a spiritual condition, more than reducing it to a lifeless support of equipment and
social practices. Some will participate and will recognize themselves in this project; others
won't, because the constructive tension of the project is that same source of social
differentiation, adhesion, expectancy or denial.
As for us, we consider that the challenge of territorial appropriation is remarkable: first it
includes in the social territory in question, some spaces exclusive for the inhabitants given
that, through a work that involves major actors farmers, associations or municipal staff it
questions the ideal of social organization and discusses that aesthetic job. The virtues of the
dialog are certainly known but, its achievement depends, majorly, from the capability of
society to recognize their own mythical horizons, be them ancient or modern.
It is indispensable to reclaim the myths of nature that, in the urban countryside project, send
us to the founding values of society. The myths and rites keep the group together, gather it
when it falls apart, be it a problem of public order, be it of collective health or of the future
of the planet. Acting in such a way, the interlocutors of the project gather around rites
meetings, expositions, media messages indicating the symbols, spaces or objects, land or
agricultural products, stimulating the processes of socialization where individual dispersion
is the rule.
To say that the habitability of a territory passes through the social appropriation of the
public and private places, mean to enunciate a necessary condition but probably not enough
because the creation of social legacies through founding myths as solidarity or health
benefits makes the social-political regulating system to recognize the collective project and
to accompany it; otherwise it won't be nothing more than pure fantasy. In [20] the
communal administration should, for example, buy agricultural fields to guaranty the
continuity of the cultivation, to systematize leisure routes in the agricultural parks or to
subsidize the farmers in case of prolonged price fall. It is not rare that local administrators
subscribe to the common opinions, making their own the aspirations of society: living in the
countryside, for example, is a slogan that accompanies the farms' policies and local
compromise, is that the ecological sciences should concern themselves about the natural processes, inventory and
environmental sustainability and living species, while nature and landscape pay attention to the perception of this
environment and its representation.
The countryside is, in fact, the second nature made a show, in territory where urbanity and rurality are intimately
connected and still opposed. In [20] the countryside is a concept we need to keep mentally representing to be able to
reach reality.
Advances in Landscape Architecture 476
Localization can be enunciated under the form of a paradox: the more social groups find in
the urban countryside the attributes of nature, the more complex should the social and
technical processes be to produce this way of nature connected dialectically to the central
urban area. The more the countryside becomes inhabitable, offering pleasure and comfort to
its users, the more the collective myths should be renewable.
We can then consider, as being of general consensus that, although it may be placed inside
urban agriculture, given that it refers to activities related to food production in the city,
being able to occur in several situations, the urban countryside allows other activities besides
this one, namely new social and economical practices (ponds, rural tourism, sale of quality
food products, horse raising, among others) carriers of an innovative proposition of
sustainability and of new ways of spatiality. The urban countryside can be that of a more
urban and rural city that will result from the articulation of the natural, urban and rural
systems, that will result in turn in a new idea of space where its appropriation makes it
inhabitable and of identity.
3.2. Why allotment gardens?
Nowadays, half the world population lives in cities. According to the United Nations
Human Settlements Program UN Habitat 2004, State of the World Cities, in 2030, this
proportion will be of 60% (UN-Habitat, 2004).
Many cities cannot stand this massive population growth. Authorities face many challenges:
creating enough employment; providing basic services, such as water supply and sanitation,
health care, education; planning and maintaining open spaces; managing urban waste and
sewage; decentralizing and creating a new efficient local autonomy
Poverty accompanies the urbanization process, gradually affecting urban areas [22]. This is
an indication that cities are quickly becoming the focus of intervention and strategy
planning to eradicate famine and poverty, as well as to improve subsistence means, which
requires new ways to encourage local economies and strengthening nourishment and food
safety. We think urban farming is one of those strategies.
The growth of urban poverty, famine and unemployment, as well as the special
opportunities that the city provides to the farmers
, have stimulated the development of a
diversity of production of the agricultural systems inside and in the outskirts of the city,
frequently specialized in perishable products like fresh vegetables, milk, eggs and meat,
taking advantage of the interstices inside and in the peripheries of the cities. Even though
some ways of urban and peri-urban agriculture are based in a temporary use of these empty
spaces, urban agriculture is a permanent characteristic of many cities, either in developing
countries, either in the so-called developed ones. Also, the meaning of urban agriculture
inside the contemporary open space varies according to the city in question. The
environmental benefits of urban agriculture have only recently been identified and
Namely the rising demand for food, greens and vegetables, the proximity to the markets and the availability of
cheap resources, namely the urban solid residues and residual waters.
Urban Agriculture: The Allotment Gardens as Structures of Urban Sustainability 477
recognized, with very different meanings in the developing countries and in the developed
ones. In the developing countries, urban agriculture is largely oriented around the
economical needs, as in the developed countries it provides, mainly, answer to wishes and
social and recreational needs. Besides the social reasons presented, urban agriculture reflects
and comprehends the multifunctional dimension intrinsic to the concept of landscape.
In Europe the interest on urban agricultural exploration whatever the typology has
constantly been increasing in the last few years resulting in an upwelling of food production
in the urban space.
In [23] agriculture tends to define itself as a bottom-up activity, a movement of timeless roots
to the top-down elitism of landscape design professionals. The policies the questions and
practices whatever the perspective in which they are seen, require top-down and bottom-up
initiatives. To free or reclassify the land for urban agriculture requires more than a simple
desire of holding hands and planting vegetables. It requires a top-down intervention, by the
planners and local authorities. If urban agriculture is seen as one of the various ways to
make an environmentally productive landscape inside, and around and out of the cities,
then the professionals of the field of the urban project open spaces and built fabric are
vital allies in this project.
The urban agriculture in Western Europe can not be reproduced in the same molds as in
countries like China, with a much more rooted and generalized connection to the traditional
agriculture, or even in the United States, with its new immigrant population, that come from
agricultural economies. For urban agriculture in Western Europe to be a part of its own city-
countryside, it needs a wider coalition in the groups of interest: it needs not only to be
tolerated, but to be welcomed. Any interest in the promotion of more complex models of
development already introduced by Geddes and McHarg should pass by finding a place for
urban agriculture.
As it has been referred, urban agriculture never stopped being present in the city, adapting
to the different situations. The inhabitants of the cities have developed different strategies to
improve their subsistence having urban agriculture been one of them.
In [3] urban agriculture answers in three ways to the urban dynamics:
- The first is the answer of the economically disadvantaged and unemployed population
to urban poverty, to food insecurity and malnourishment. Sometimes, it is due to a
temporary crisis like for example a natural disaster, a war or an epidemic. However,
many of these problems related to famine and poverty have become common and
structural showing that urban agriculture will have a much more extended expiration
date as a social safety net for poor urban aggregates and at disadvantage.
- The second is the answer of the economically disadvantaged population, as well as of
other social classes, to the opportunities and relative advantages that the urban
environment provides to farmers.
Direct access to the points of consume and markets,
The cities accumulate nutrients through the concentration of human population and their organic residues, be it solid
or liquid. These nutrients may frequently be acquired without costs or at a low cost and can be converted into edible
Advances in Landscape Architecture 478
availability of cheap inputs such as urban solid residues and residual waters, proximity
to the institutions that provide information on the markets, credits and technical
advices and new urban solicitations, among others.
- The third adaptation of urban agriculture is a direct answer of the urban farmers to the
urban policies and programs, stimulating and enabling the urban agriculture to fill in
certain requirements for the sustainable development of the city namely: the balance of
the water, air and soil cycle, local economical development and food supply, as well as
the recycling of residues, the promotion and maintenance of urban open spaces, the
promotion of recreational and leisure services, social inclusion of minorities.
While some of the functions can be financially evaluated, others will have a tough time such
as the emotional and aesthetic values. The sustainability of urban agriculture is connected
with this multifunctional dimension. Urban agriculture adapts and develops together with
the city according to the wishes of its users that represent the different functions. So, new
ways of government, institutions and policies need to be implemented through processes
that seek synergies and involve different actors [24].
Other city dynamics namely the urban and industrial traffic (that take a negative toll on the
quality of the soils and irrigation waters), the new demands of the citizens (the need for
recreational spaces and new products), changes in urban planning, in its norms and rules
and, changes in the urban work market, among others, directly influence the development
of urban agriculture and the way and where it is practiced.
These dynamics take place in a world increasingly open and global but that at the same
time, searches for a bigger local focus, a greater decentralization and a larger maintenance of
the social-cultural identity [22]. Both tendencies influence urban agriculture globalization
leads to new products entering the market, to more available information, in a general way,
and to transformations in the consumers preferences, which leads to an increase in the
consumption in supermarkets; the focus on local tendencies leads to the preference on
locally produced fresh food and to direct relationships of producer/consumer.
Since 2005 the prices of food items have skyrocketed to alarming values. Several values have
contributed for this situation namely: the idea that agricultural products appear as an
alternative fuel source; the rising need of food from developing countries, like China or
India; a bigger cost for the transportation of the products; and the floods and droughts. The
attention given to urban agriculture has increased considerably during the last two decades.
The number of activities to promote urban agriculture internationally, nationally and
locally, rose, but urban farmers still fight, in many cities of the world, to have their main
strategy of survival recognized by the municipal authorities. Also the demand, by
politicians and local practitioners, of inspiring examples of policies and successful actions is
products, vegetable or animal. On the other hand, while cities develop, there is an increasing demand of habitation
buildings and of services that compete with the agricultural space. The producers need to adapt to these increasingly
awkward conditions, while trying to maintain productivity through intensive production techniques.
Urban Agriculture: The Allotment Gardens as Structures of Urban Sustainability 479
Farming influences a great variety of urban themes, being accepted and used as a
sustainable development tool for the city. Today, farming faces the challenge of being part
of the city planning and of being easily accessible so that urban citizens can enjoy its
multiple benefits [3].
The rising attention of political deciders and local and national practitioners is also reflected
in the rising demand (to the members of Resource Centres on Urban Agriculture and Food
Security RUAF) for inspiring examples of policies and successful programs at the level of
urban agriculture, as well as practices and co-financing of programs of investigation. This
fact can be attributed to several factors, namely:
- To the quick urbanization process and to the discovery that both urban poverty and
insecurity about urban food are increasing. The consumption and waste landscapes,
resulting from fast urbanization processes have created big problems to the urban
authorities. The majority of the cities were not capable of creating enough job
opportunities to its population leading to a fast development of informal occupations
from which urban agriculture is a part.
- To the rising investigation staff in urban agriculture that provides data on its presence
and persistence in the cities, its importance for the safety of urban food and, in the
future to the urban economically disadvantaged classes. Since the beginning of the 90s,
the Cities Feeding People Programme has encouraged an action of investigation in urban
agriculture. In the beginning of 2000, the international research organizations that
belong to the Consultative Group on International Agricultural Research, included urban
agriculture in the investigation agenda and initiated a broad investigation program, the
field of urban agriculture, under the name of Urban Harvest with activities in several
countries. From that point, several research organizations included urban agriculture in
their regular programs (Argentina, Kenya, Senegal and Nigeria).
- To the crescent attention given to urban agriculture and urban food safety by the
international organizations such as Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) and the UN
Habitat, and the crescent attention given to these subjects in International Summits. In
1996, forty international organizations involved in urban agriculture created the
International Support Group on Urban Agriculture (SGUA) to establish a joint agenda and
coordinate activities. The United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) and the UN
Habitat, included urban agriculture in the Urban Management Programme (in the Latin
America section) and have been working with regional town halls to integrate urban
agriculture in urban policies and planning. Recently, this initiative was also undertaken
by the African Network of Urban Management Institutions (ANUMI, 2005). FAO has also
integrated urban agriculture in its agenda and created an inter-departmental work
group about urban agriculture and food safety (now called PAIA Food for the cities).
- To the increasing capabilities, locally and regionally, of thinking about urban
agriculture. The RUAF established regional research centers on urban agriculture and
food safety that have been crucial on adjusting interests and on disseminating the
increasingly bigger corpus of knowledge in this matter, facilitating networking and the
developing capability in terms of the city and region.
Advances in Landscape Architecture 480
As a result of these developments, as well as of the pressure of the economically
disadvantaged local groups, urban farmers, the Non-governmental Organizations (NGOs)
and several municipal authorities have recognized the potential of urban agriculture and are
collaborating with other actors in an effort to maximize the benefits of urban agriculture
while reducing the risks associated to it [3]. In [5], food production where food is being
consumed, establishes a sustainable and healthy balance between production and
consumption. Its an effective, practical, and beneficial way to reduce the energy currently
being wasted in Western food production. This energy reduction in food production is vital
for many reasons: that energy mainly non-renewable is currently used in the
conventional food production; for instance, Europe greatly exceeds the energy use in the
consumption of the food it produces. The unlimited daily use of non-renewable energy
makes a significant contribution to the reduction of global resources, through the emission
of greenhouse gases that generate global warming.
3.3. The benefits of allotment gardens
Over at least the last 50 years, green policies have been opposing the city growth, or limiting
its disadvantages, through the preservation of nature spaces within the city. In Europe, those
policies have safeguarded untouchable spaces in the green belt, as an expression of an ever
growing interest for farming spaces for the services they render the city. On one hand
because their public management costs less than that of parks and gardens, and on the
other, because citizens seek specific goods and services fresh produce, pedagogic centers,
urban waste recycling capacities, and a healthy living environment.
Considered as a social project capable of improving the conditions of the urban life,
agriculture is not reduced to the economical processes that vary according to the wealth of
city, but has important motivations to convince the constructors and organisms of city
management of the third millennium. Urban agriculture can and should feed and nourish
the citizens bound to be increasingly numerous. However, it is not the same in every
. In the developing nations it is not necessary to show the importance of this
function, conditioned, however, by the real-estate pressure that puts farther and farther
away from the urban centers the productive agricultural belt of the gardens, allotment
gardens and orchards. The agriculture practiced in African cities withstands even the
competition from rural agriculture and of the mass markets.
In the developed countries, on the other hand, besides rural agriculture, indifferent to the
city, are appearing in new ways of horticultural production, orchards and flower cultivation
that answer directly to the needs of the citizens, in particular to the demand of buying fresh
food products, with known provenance and quality, or of searching for ornamental
products, especially trees, perennial plants and seeds. These are new urban lifestyles.
Urban agriculture is frequently tabulated by western standards. In the totality of Chinese cities, 85% of the consumed
vegetables by the residents are produced inside the cities Shanghai and Beijing are self-sufficient in vegetable
production. This information may seem irrelevant to the rich European countries. However, the attitudes relative to
food production are based in cultural aspects more than in health aspects as, for example, the Hong Kong case
demonstrates. There, the vegetables to satisfy 45% of local demand are produced in 5-6% of the total land area [23].
Urban Agriculture: The Allotment Gardens as Structures of Urban Sustainability 481
This is the fundamental difference between rich and poor countries. Once satisfied the
feeding needs, it gives way to a new question: the quality of the individual and collective
lifestyles that should have never been separated. That is, it creates urbanity in the sense of
better living the city.
Urban farming has many significant benefits, such as improving the environment and
helping develop ecologically balanced areas, as well as at the social and economic level, for
the community, and in terms of health.
Allotment gardens frequently connect areas with different occupations, establishing a
visible physical link between two spaces. In this approach, they frequently define hidden or
forgotten spaces within the city that may undoubtedly react to the landscapes
Urban agriculture also gives scale to landscape. The way these farming surfaces are changed
to accommodate planted surface links and gives visibility to the underlying topography.
The dimension of crops and cultivated fields offers another standard from which to measure
landscape, allowing people to locate and position themselves within a particular territory.
This capacity to read the landscape, and locate oneself becomes critical, as contemporary
globalization produces more uniform, compact, and timeless landscapes.
Despite the undeniable existence of these benefits, the positive impact of urban agriculture
in the character and quality of the landscape is not shared by everyone. Landscapes that
result from urban agricultural projects tend to share some common characteristics that are
not included in the dominant approaches to the project design of the urban space held by
landscape architects, architects and urban planners.
These characteristics include a subtlety, an introvert character and frequently non-planned
and the constant transformation of the landscape. To some they are understood as detractors
of the quality of the urban landscape. But to others they are some of the most desired and
necessary landscapes.
It is a fact that urban agriculture is crucial to the existence of several poor cities in the world.
However, just recently, the wealthy industrial nations of the world and its politicians started
to consider the potential benefits of urban agriculture. Nowadays, in all European cities,
food production faces a severe competition with the other uses of the land, namely
habitation, commerce and industry that frequently have a high profile and financial
While a great quantity of information on the design of low energy consumption buildings is
available, including examples that take into account the impacts in the life cycle due to the
embodied and operational energy, little bibliography is commonly made available relatively
to urban agriculture. It is not that surprising that professions connected with the built
environment have so little to do with urban agriculture. If the planning is supposed to be
related with the coordination of the use and of land development and public interest, then
the value of food production needs to be more publicized and, even included in the
curricula of studies related to this theme.
Advances in Landscape Architecture 482
The contribution of urban agriculture to food safety and healthy nourishment is, likely, its
most important point. Food production in the city is, in many cases, an answer of the urban
poverty to an inadequate, irregular and insecure access to food, as well as to the lack of
purchasing power. In the urban areas the lack of income translates itself more directly in a
lack of food than in the rural areas (the economical income is necessary to buy food). The
costs of supply and distribution of food from the rural areas to the urban ones, or the import
of food to the cities, are constantly rising and its supply in the cities is irregular. As a
consequence, urban food insecurity will continue to rise [25]. To add to the reinforcement of
food safety and nourishment in urban farmers [26], urban agriculture produces large
quantities of food to other sectors of the population. It was estimated that 200 million
urban residents produce food for the urban market providing 15% to 20% of the food in the
world [27].
The improved access to fresh food is directly linked with health improvement. The
production of food in the cities can and should help improve the diet of the population
allowing it the access to fresh fruit and vegetables, particularly that population with low
income. To add to the diet, urban agriculture can provide an useful way out for the quantity
of regular exercise that health professionals argue to be necessary to avoid health problems
like obesity. Also the practice of gardening or horticulture has been widely recognized for
its beneficial effects in the treatment of mental illnesses.
Urban agriculture is an important income source to a substantial number of aggregates. To
add to the income of the sales of the surplus, the families of the farmers save in household
expenses when cultivating their own food. Given that the economically disadvantaged
classes normally spend a substantial part of their income in food (60-80%) [4], the savings
can be substantial. Urban agriculture also stimulates the development of micro-companies
for the production of the agricultural inputs needed (forage, compound and worms); to the
processing, packing and product marketing and other services (animal health services,
commercial accounting, transportation). In the developing countries it can proportion an
orientation for the economical life.
The economical value of urban agriculture can not be simply compared to the type of
financial flux caused by the exchange of money for agricultural products in supermarkets.
From a small or medium production, preferably organic and seasonal and with aim at the
local market, urban agriculture is a different approach to life and food that, more than to
compete, supplements the already existing products in the supermarkets.
Urban agriculture can function as an important strategy for the attenuation of poverty and
social integration of the disadvantaged groups (like immigrants, families affected by AIDS,
people with deficiency, aggregates lead by women with children, elders without pensions,
youth without jobs) providing them with a stronger way of integration in the urban
network, a decent subsistence and preventing social problems [28]
. The urban and peri-
It is a merit that the inhabitants attribute to the neighboring agriculture of the city, the permission for the existence of
family gardens, the integration of social marginal groups, for example immigrant workers or unemployed people. In
Urban Agriculture: The Allotment Gardens as Structures of Urban Sustainability 483
urban farms can also have an important role having a leisure and educational play in for the
citizens, having a role in biodiversity and landscape management, a bigger proximity with
the natural cycles, as well as with the perceptive development of a different dimension of
Also emphasized in the urban agriculture related bibliography is its importance in terms of
community development and as an agent for social regeneration, reducing the
discrimination, fighting crime and generating economical benefits. In terms of urban
regeneration, one of the strong points in urban agriculture, identified both in the Europe
and North America related bibliography [29], is its capability of making a highly visible and
practical difference in the life of the population.
The waste elimination has become a serious problem in several cities. Urban agriculture can
contribute to solve this problem turning urban waste into a productive resource through the
production of compound, worm culture and irrigation with residual waters.
Urban agriculture and forest can also have a positive impact in the open spaces of the cities,
in the improvement of the urban micro-climate (windbreakers; dust reduction and the
existence of shadow) and in the maintenance of biodiversity as well as in the reduction of
the carbon footprint in the city with the production of fresh food near the consumers
reducing, consequently, the energy consumption caused by transportation, packing,
refrigeration, etc.
Investigation developed in Holland showed that the existence of agricultural spaces, and
thus built with vegetation, near the houses, has a positive effect in people's health [3].
3.4. Policy and allotment gardens
Due to the multifunctional and improvising nature of allotment gardens, policy development
and planning actions must involve many sectors and disciplines: agriculture, health, waste
management, community development, nature and parks management, and others.
On the other hand, urban farmers, as well as the organizations supporting them, must be
involved in the planning process. In [30], the most important thing in strategic planning is
the involvement of the underprivileged populations in the assessment of the situation,
property definition, and the process of action planning and enforcement. These advisory
processes result from development policies and planning actions, not only comprehensive,
but also sustainable. These facts are increasingly acknowledged and included in urban
planning approaches, as planning methodologies of the many players adopted by the
Agenda 21, and by the Sustainable Cities Programme.
Public power has many reasons for wanting to keep farming spaces and farmers in urban
areas. First of all, for food safety reasons in countries with scarce farming areas. Then, for
these domestic allotment gardens, original ways of socializing are developed, particularly on weekends and holidays.
You go to the garden, mainly for food reasons, but also for the regular render-vous with other people and, with their
families, bonds are created, talk, trade and invite.
Advances in Landscape Architecture 484
civil safety reasons (fire hazards due to dry vegetation). There are also economical and social
reasons: the producers geographical distance (due to costs, and also to local food safety in a
crisis situation), requiring short commercial circuits; the diversity of farming products and
their geographical origins, leading public power, for instance in Europe, to distinguish
quality brands in defined territories registered designation of origin (DOC), factory
products or organic products; farming tourism also plays a significant role spreading these
There are other environmental and landscaping reasons: landscape design, multifunctional
use, and identity preservation, amongst others. Under controlled conditions, urban farmers
should recycle a part of urban water and organic waste. Farming landscape structure, such
as productive farmland plots, wind hedges, wells, channels, supports, routes these are all
ways to break the agglomerate density of buildings. There are other vegetable or water
surfaces, which also help purify urban micro-climate; farming spaces are leisure areas. Most
of all, they offer the population public recreational spaces kept by farmers, so long as the
safety of goods and people is guaranteed. Matching Donadieus urban field [20], this image is
not spontaneously born but comes from the collective action of farmers, the population, and
urban public power.
These spaces are emerging as farming parks in South Milan, as orchards by Palermo,
vegetable gardens and orchards in Baix Llobregat, in the Aubagne community not far from
Marseille, in Delft, Holland, and as system of farming parks in Almada, also projected in
Estrutura Verde and Plano Verde de Lisboa. This happens in all cities re-acknowledging the
multifunctionality of landscapes.
Despite the already referred relevance of the existence of urban agricultural practices, its
integration in the contemporary urban economy is still a flaw in the urban policies and
Urban agriculture is an economical activity practiced for commercial reasons, by an
estimated number of 200 million people and informally by 600 million people around the
world. The innovative book United Nations Development Programmes (UNDP), Urban
Agriculture; foods, jobs and sustainable cities, identify three economical benefits in urban
agriculture: employment for the future generations and business development; the
improvement of the national agricultural sector and the supply of urban food; and the
economy of land use.
Even though urban agriculture significantly contributes to the feeding necessities of several
urban populations, the United Nation's Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) informed
that, in the future, the 12 mega-cities (with more than 10 million inhabitants) will experience
an increased difficulty in their feeding. (FAO, 1998).
The land portion necessary for the urban agricultural activities that are commercially viable
will depend of a number of factors that include [31]: the quality of the land; the use of
natural and artificial micro-climates including greenhouses and polyethylene tunnels; the
type of crop growth; the combination of animals and plants, the prices of the products in the
Urban Agriculture: The Allotment Gardens as Structures of Urban Sustainability 485
markets, including the products from rural and overseas areas; its inputs including work
and fertilizers; and the distance from the place to the urban markets.
The urban producers can obtain a bigger efficiency with the utilization of underutilized
resources in the cities such as the interstitial spaces, the city compound and the labor coming
from unemployed people. The productivity of urban agriculture can be 15 times bigger than
that of rural agriculture although the incomes can suffer some inputs, and insufficient
municipal support (FAO, 1998).
The macro-economical effects of urban agriculture can be improved on the level of food
safety and of a reduction in food prices, inducing the increase of employment and
contributing to the industries related to the activity. It is presented as a way out for the
current social-economical problems.
3.5. Allotment gardens in the periphery
The rapid urbanization process, verified along the last half of the 19th century, has lead to a
continuous expansion of the city towards the rural suburbs, leaving big areas under the
direct influence of the urban centers. However, the current problem of the peri-urban space,
understood as a new way, a disperse way, of the construction of the city, corresponds to a
phenomenon that started developing two centuries ago
The process of progressive democratization brought the destruction of the traditional
system of symbolic value and the continuous collocation of new values and references in the
collective imagination. Relatively to the urban space, to its periphery and the diffuse
territory of the city, democracy brought not so much the destruction of the places or their
context, as it brought the trivialization of the shape of the public space and the repetition
and reproduction of the shape of the private space, favoring the appearance of a separation
of the idea of common good
Its common knowledge that cities go through a constant process of construction and
decadence. Open spaces are filled with buildings and their formal or informal temporary
uses are eliminated. Meanwhile, degenerate areas are demolished, creating new open spaces
that can stay empty for a long while, until theyre given a new use with the corresponding
investment. These new spaces are often occupied by urban investors [3].
To be noted that even walled cities looked to, however they could, integrate inside them an area for that purpose
only. For example, the Fernandine wall, in Lisbon, built in the 14th century, covered a wide area (a little bit over 100ha),
to assure some supply autonomy in case of prolonged siege.
Also the Ebenezer Howard model, about the creation of new cities, predicted that each one of them would integrate a
surrounding agricultural zone.
However, if we consider that it starts in the search for the countryside by the citizens we can say for sure that it has
always existed, not only for the needs of agricultural supply, but also for leisure and contact with nature and, for
sanitary and health reasons [32].
A perspective of the defense of the common good is particularly worthy when we talk about the Mediterranean
landscape, especially the coast, where the need for a social solidarity is stronger and an environmental valuation policy
without the reconstruction of a civic tradition that establishes a connection of society with that place is unthinkable.
Advances in Landscape Architecture 486
As for this crescent peri-urbanization, some say that, the city-countryside dichotomy
should give way to spatial integration, which process must not be seen as the countryside
urbanized or as the city ruralized, but as a new way of social reorganization, that should
reflect complementarities
In that same sense of spatial integration and social reorganization Secchi [33] revalues
peripheries, stating that it is less and less certain that the periphery is the place for
subordinated activities of degradation better representing the best place for exchange
between the city and the rest of the world.
Such opinions reflect from the start the reality of the city-countryside relationship that, with
the increasing dispersion, occurs in the urban surroundings. This new territorial localization
and the specific social relationships to it associated indicate a new way of organizing the
city. In its surroundings dynamic zones in expansion are seen, zones of interaction between
the urban and rural areas.
This peri-urban interface [34] is characterized by rapid transformations in the use of the land
and in the way of living of the populations. The traditional systems of local agriculture and
land distribution are interrupted by new citizens looking to acquire land
leading to a
raising in its price.
As an answer, some traditional farmers give up their activity
and sell the land looking for
more profitable and lucrative activities
The interdependence between urban areas and their rural surroundings creates the need of
the existence of approaches of integrated development appealing to rethought areas of
interest, institutional changes and innovative planning approaches [35].
None of this happens in the peri-urban space. The old inhabitants will still have some
connection to agriculture, an increasingly smaller one, and shall keep social relationships of
proximity, but the new inhabitants are essentially urban ones. Many of these come from the
city, of collective habitation areas; they work in the city, in the services or in the industry
and live car-dependent; their leisure and realities of reference are based on television and
superstores; perhaps practicing some gardening; they value individuality and establish few
neighborly connections; sometimes relationship problems occur between younger and elder
The economical, social and demographic decomposition of the rural space makes the
countryside increasingly oriented towards and by the city. The countryside around the city
is, almost always, the most unstable place of the territory and more propitious to processes
Carvalho [11] p. 189.
To speculate: to the exploration of sand and stone, to the development of infra-structures, to the construction of
instalation of more urbanized types of agriculture.
The general devaluation of agriculture is a fact and Portugal is an example of it.
Jobs in the city; the intensification of their agricultural systems of production to a bigger adaptation to the new urban
conditions cultural changes, market orientation, the use of new technologies, namely greenhouse production, direct
market, use of urban waste or residual water, among others.
Urban Agriculture: The Allotment Gardens as Structures of Urban Sustainability 487
of transformation the soil of the future periphery, conditioning of the next votes in the
process of real-estate valuation, of highways, interstitial area hard to interpret. In most
cases, the destiny of the fields is the one of being defined by the dynamics of transformation
of the city [7]
The relationships of the new residents with the space that they occupy, little has to do with
rurality (although they can feel sympathetic about it). Even the older residents, with the
crescent abandonment of agriculture, new jobs and displacements, will eventually be turned
into citizens of this wider city, of this city territory. The peri-urban space, presented as a
return to the field is, before anything else, a new process of urbanization.
This peri-urban interface is defined as land in an advanced state of transition from rural use
to urban use land in construction, land to which the plans for subdivision have been
approved in the end, land where there are little doubts about its orientation to and
conversion into urban uses, where it is not predicted a multifunctional use of the landscape,
but where it is fundamental [36].
Oftentimes the urban periphery is referred more as a phase than as a place [37]; the rural
activities are considered as activities to disappear in the next few years, while urban
activities are simply understood as precursory of the city. The substitution of a rural inclusive
space for a completely urbanized area is stipulated and, the disordered landscapes of the
periphery, characterized by a mixture of rural and urban activities, are regarded according to
this determined succession and established as places in transition that are soon bound to
. The notion that urban development is the best use of the non-urban land is
written in the lexicon of any urban planner or politician. The ignorance of the concept of
multifunctionality and of the concept of landscape lead to the transformation of a the scenery
of periphery and the notion of no place that accompanies it, turned into a battlefield between
the efforts to preserve the rural soil and the ruthless forces of urbanization.
Periphery can then be characterized, by many, simply as the grave to the countryside and a
birthplace to the city, while the intermediate phases of the landscape and of life have been
ignored. The periphery landscape, complex and sometimes chaotic is merely described as a
temporary void. Due to the landscapes in transition being neglected and simplified
according to the urban-rural conflict, the transforming side of the landscape is put aside or
severely reduced
These hybrid spaces of the city and the countryside, or spaces outside the order are common in
the periphery [37]. Vast areas of the periphery are waiting for projects, often for a long time,
When the contemporary city breaks the rules of construction of its growth interrupting the continuity and adjacency
with the pre-existing urban fabric, it simplifies the rules of construction of the boundary space, the in-between space,
isolating the new settlements inside a landscape less and less recognizable as countrysde, but already altered by a
transformation which objectives will be real-estate valuation, a goal to which the owner aspires be it farmer or citizen.
In [38] is referred that the periphery of the city has been, for a long time, the destination of the rural landscape of the
periphery of the city, the natural material to the subdivision for residential and industrial lots and trailer parks
In [39] is referred the artificial division between urban and rural as the primary reason for the existing difficulties
when running the periphery.
Advances in Landscape Architecture 488
that contribute for the qualification of the landscape. The planning, the development, and
the rehabilitation of spaces are part of the contemporary society; an intermediate phase of
abandonment is an inevitable stage of the contemporary city, as well as of the countryside,
that also is transformed [40]
; the peri-urban territory is clearly in the process of social
The use of similar definitions, that refer the transition/indecision of a rural/urban use (and
often the conflict between farmers and the population of the disperse city) have been long
referred to in literature on planning, as well as the discussion around the old question of
considering this as urbanized countryside or ruralized city.
It is certain that in both definitions it is included the idea that this space should contribute to
the supply of food to the city. It is an obvious reality in developing countries, but much
more complex when around the western city, where there is a type of agriculture that
supplies to the big supermarkets and shopping centers, with which urban agriculture can
not compete. In the peri-urban agricultural spaces there are many diverse ways of
agriculture, from the intensive one to the extensive, from commercial to productive, from
traditional to hobby.
This abundance of ways is quite positive because it indicates that, independently of any
global project, these are the differentiation processes that are happening and that farmers
are reacting to the demands of the new markets. The rapid advances of agrifood technology
and modern rural economy management allowed to obtain benefits capable of transforming
and making competitive the peri-urban space as a way of organization of the New Diffuse
City. This new generation of dispersion landscape is related to the territory of peri-urbanity.
In this figure, through discontinuity, a new agricultural space is introduced with
unprecedented form and function. If we consider this space as a part of the new landscape,
then territory and landscape must converge towards an innovative notion of values, non-
measurable as trading values or economical goods, but as use values, that attribute weight
to pragmatics implying a familiarity through the places they inhabit, carrying rhetorical and
aesthetic values, as a premiss to an identity construction or the symbol of a renewed society.
The resistance of the farming space to the absorbing pressure of the neo-liberal city will
depend, almost exclusively, on its own means and on the management of its resources and
possibilities, as well as on the revitalization of its equipment levels and on the effectiveness
of its means of transportation.
The enhancement and the creation of new techniques, as well as, in many cases, the farming
units fragmentation, also beyond the commercial aspect, as in the case of the Hobby Farm
movement and of some family vegetable gardens, generate a dynamic in which part-time
farming includes a double occupation as social and economic reality. This generates a stable
relationship between farming spaces and urban space economy. On the other hand, besides
economic matters, this relationship between farming spaces and urban spaces has also come
Witness of this process are the hesitations of local administrators, the disbelief of the farmers, the pressure of the new
inhabitants and the different lobbys, as defended by ecologists and hunters.
Urban Agriculture: The Allotment Gardens as Structures of Urban Sustainability 489
to imply social motivations rooted in certain urban population sectors with smallholdings
and small family vegetable gardens. These are often marginal and not profit oriented, which
indicates to a tendency to recover connected ways of life, contrary to what we have now.
From an ecological point of view, nowadays, this proximity between farming and urban
reality may be the most efficient vector to achieving a sustainable city, capable of giving a
better use to waste production and to the growing energy consumption.
A policy of maximum reduction of agricultural exploration uncertainties, under the
dominant influence of the urban space, does not connect well with a new neo-liberal culture
utilized as convincing proof of little solidary attitudes. Nevertheless, the maximum
reduction of these uncertainties on agricultural explorations is in the recommendations of
the OCDE. Before this organism agriculture must assume a decisive role in the organization
of the peri-urban areas.
The management of European space policy inscribed in the European Spatial Development
Perspective Postdam 1999 had the merit of putting between the primary objectives the
orientation of the territorial community strategy towards a balanced urban system,
reachable through new ways of city-countryside relationship, aiming to the integration of
the poly-centric urban space of the metropolitan areas and peri-urban agricultural space,
opposing to the union of the built fabric. The challenge of the contemporary city should start
from the peri-urban agricultural space, which surface varies according to the greatness of
the city, and which urbanity is more reinforced the more the urban center presents itself as a
cohesive space, getting closer to the peripheries, including sections of field.
The peri-urban field landscape, for a long time seen as productive agriculture, can become
again, as in the image of the English countryside of Humphrey Repton and Capability
Brown, a place of new symbols and renewed aesthetic values, with no nostalgic intention
and innovative activities, be it from the city, be it from agriculture, that do not refute the city
but embrace the advantages of this closeness and its inter-relationship-.The urban periphery
can simultaneously be a space of predominantly rural use that assumes some urban
functions without losing its sense and its agricultural economy. Transformed space that had
and has, almost permanently, the necessity to adapt to technological innovations and the
increases in production being in this improving capability its shot at survival. In this
sequence, it can include not only small or medium explorations but also those of bigger
dimension that have been and is protagonist of the metamorphism of the peripheries,
important to understand its evolution in time.
The history of peri-urban agriculture shows that, in the beginning of the 19th century, it was
responsible for the production of food of the city. In the end of the said century with the big
developments in transportation, peri-urban agriculture was responsible for the production
of food of the city and neighboring cities (golden age of the horticultural periphery).
In the European market of the 60s of the 20th century, an enormous real-estate speculation
takes place with the peri-urban agriculture. From the end of the 90s, the peri-urban
agriculture painting varies a lot from region to region, with a bigger concern in this sense
Advances in Landscape Architecture 490
due to, in part, the enormous increase of the urban population and the economic crisis that
is globally felt.
The peri-urban space is today, without a doubt, the most representative landscape of our
post-industrial culture, setting a new expression that, in Europe, occupies almost the totality
of the cultivable spaces, as it were the already natural form of expression of the agricultural
spaces that need a high technological level and acquaintanceship with certain populations
and activities [8].
The city demands a new culture concerning landscape. The expectations rural spaces create
as to the location of activities already surpass peri-urban situations and the debate
city/periphery/rural space, revealing a growing recovery of the landscapes
multifunctionality, and implying a new understanding of their possible meaning as urban
space support. What matters most is to surpass the notion of dependency of the rural space
relatively to urban space. We believe that viewing the farming space as equal to any other
soil use is the greatest contribution our time will leave as a legacy for the citys future.
Just as the proposition of landscape urbanism, concerning the relationship between the
landscape and the city landscape as an (infra)-structure determining urban planning and
development Donadieu, and also Ribeiro Telles, suggest instead of trying in vain to
control the citys growth through grids, belts, front sides, and green spaces building the
urban fabric from the farming and forest space.
Like many other authors namely Corner, Donadieu, Hargreaves, Waldheim, and others
Marot [41] also says contemporary context has put landscape architects in the
convergence of farming and urban traditions. This means they are at the core of an
awareness directed to both viewing public spaces (urban projects) as landscapes and
viewing landscapes (rural extensions) as public spaces and consequently as the projects
possible goals.
3.6. Allotment gardens in urban voids
The process of city growth, almost always over the rural space, has produced new
peripheries, hiding with new urban fronts the view over the countryside, introducing in it
the city vocabulary, the houses, the roads, the infra-structures, substituting the agricultural
parceling for the regular strokes of pathways, for a hard and waterproof surface that
overlaps the irregular, porous and topographical surface.
The roles played by the countryside in their proximity to the cities were canceled, modified
or appropriated accordingly to meet the necessities of the city, often conflicting with the
diverse logic of space occupation and urban methods, nature regulators.
The environmental question that appeared in the second half of the 19th century, in the
sequence of the industrial city, was, as we have seen, target of thinkers like Howard, Unwin,
and Geddes, that re-elaborated an innovative culture of inhabiting, finding inspiration in the
poetic of the green.
Urban Agriculture: The Allotment Gardens as Structures of Urban Sustainability 491
The modern society interrupted the dialog with the territory introducing the notion of void
understood as the abstract plan of the urban stereometry, imagined isolated in a space
regarded as isotropic. Newton was the motivator of the space of modern society the space
of abstraction, with no time, a space that is already between the filled ones but that is
neglected. But the sanitarian question, after the First War, with the valuing of the free area
and the sun that, paradoxically inspired the spatiality of the modern city nullifying the
values of composition that are preponderant still today in many cities, or at least parts of
The theory of modern movement on the relationship between the city and the countryside
was often misunderstood. With the image of the tabula rasa ended an articulated reflection
that proposed the recovery of the urban green as a social value of rurality.
The word play country-cities in city-countries with which Walter Gropius pretended to
rebuild the urban city in the countryside; the carefree workers that found job in the
countryside; the meticulous design of the cultivation of Adolf Loos's allotment gardens in
the houses of Siedlung Huberg in Vienna
; the socialization programs of the urban green
aiming at the auto sustainability of the family centers promoted by Leberecht Miggie and of
the Gartenkultur to the attribution of terrains attached to the house; the narrow
complementarity between the urban thread and the agricultural space thought by Fritz
Shumacher to the metropolitan area of Hamburg and Kln; these are just some examples
that show the poetical roots of the garden-city in the modern movement knocking down the
traditional relationship of dependence between the center and the periphery.
The possibility of food supply of the citizens in the planning of the countryside in the
margins of the Siedlungen rediscovered the rural space as a part of the city and the allotment
garden as new urban material.
The contemporary city recomposed the separation between the city and the countryside
occupying the territory again, densifying the chosen places by the rich bourgeoisie, in the
last century the vacation houses, the sea, the lake, the mountain appropriating itself of
the rural space, building an enormous new city in the countryside, continuing to leave
empty great portions of land in which the contemporary city project can and should take
advantage of the potentiality of these empty interstitial spaces reestablishing their historic
and topological value, comprising them inside a new urban space [43]. The discontinuity of
the new urban territories can start with the reconnaissance of the genesis of these interstitial
spaces that can be transformed to any use.
As it was referred, the category of the interstitial space has been an emerging problem to
contemporaneity: the interstitial void renegades urbanization, it is not inserted in a project,
or becomes a new product, or it is rejected by the countryside and becomes a non-cultivated
and abandoned space. It results, generally, from the neglect that derives from the
uncertainty of the way and the indefiniteness of the composition, left to an arbitrariness of a
It is necessary to start from the garden. The garden is of almost importance, the house is secondary. In reference
[42] (p. 109).
Advances in Landscape Architecture 492
flexible pretense made infraction from the collective interest point of view and of a mono
functional vision. The interstitial space calls for a vacant spot, the abandonment, being able
to contain, however, the promise of valuing.
Similarly to the Third Landscape by Gilles Clment, ecology approaches the interstitial space
as a space where nature applies its projectuality, returning to the uncultivated the
evolutionary dynamic of a natural habitat, more effective if it is near or inside the city,
enabling the existence of a series of species of urban flora and fauna that encounter some
naturalness in the inhospitable urban environment.
The theory of Gilles Clment has the merit of keeping the spaces empty, regardless of its
destiny of use, dissociating the value of the space from its functionality, rushing the nature in
the abandoned area and educating a new strategy of the uncultivated.
Also, the studies of urban ecology indicate the importance of safeguarding margins and
interstitial areas, contributing to define rules and fundamental principles, namely to the
construction of the urban countryside
[20] or of the CPULs.
The emerging city is developed through multiple places of life, public or private, where the
pulsating of the natural systems constitutes a third dimension of the city.
The hypothesis of construction either of the urban countryside, or of a CPUL (underlying the
practice of agriculture) can found over the new idea of emerging city, given that it invites to
consider the interstitial void as a positive property of the space and, consequently to favor
every means of occupation that will provide value to this void, assuming it as a structuring
element of the landscape and integrating part of the urban fabric. To the citizen, nature is
first of all, the desire of a non-city or of another city, of a providential refuge, of a break. The
city-nature project implies that the countryside turns into city, that the nature-countryside
urbanizes itself and that the city naturalizes itself or ruralizes itself.
Outside of the built space, the emerging city-nature territory is composed by the three
naturas, bound by singular ties, and that haven found over the centuries, namely in the
roman villae and in the Portuguese Quintas de Recreio (recreational farms).
Interpreted according to this model, the voids constitute the interstices of the city and can be
considered an evolutionary and reversible system, where its natural shape assumes a spatial
and social importance that varies according to the production of the space, of the local
policies and of the users for example the family garden becomes, sometimes, the frontier of
transition between the second and the third natura; the open space that is along the road
network depends, almost always, of the urban functionality and the public parks are, often,
stage of decorative intention.
Urban countryside or rural city? Two different points of view to two complementary and inseparable concepts city-
countryside and countryside-city: a countryside that is built with the city or a city that takes form with the countryside.
The peri-urban countryside shoud provide the city. In the urban countryside a multiple activity should be developed
(multifunctionality) that satisfies simultaneously the agricultural needs of the city provisioning and the recreational
activities necessary to the quality of life of the populations.
Urban Agriculture: The Allotment Gardens as Structures of Urban Sustainability 493
It is reinforced the idea that urban interstices are ideal spaces to include open spaces'
projects that may contain urban agriculture and, simultaneously, spaces of ecological and
social multifunctionality that are characterized by the continuity, polarity, differences in
gradient and social diversity.
As it has been referred, urban agriculture is a term that refers to a description of what is
pretended to be done but, can be, as well, quite conditioning. In an apparently radical idea it
continues the western tendency to create meaning and to make decisions through the
creation of opposite binaries [23].
Urban agriculture is innovative given that it is in contrast with rural agriculture. The
interstices are left out of this opposition the exterior rings of the cities, frequently
neglecting and rudimentary, as well as the suburbs besides them, are often underutilized,
producing a feeling of restlessness that guaranties, once again, the garbage deposit, the
persistence of industrial parks with low rent warehouses, of abandoned allotments and of
the existence of underutilized and insecure urban parks.
If we are capable of thinking in these interstices and other spaces as intense as, if not as
more intense than, than consolidated areas with which they are related and connected, then
the urban agriculture becomes one of the several intensification strategies, without being
necessarily exclusive. It is one among many interventions of landscaping architecture.
The chances of building a productive landscape infra-structure may be based upon the new
idea of an emerging city, for it invites us to view urban voids as a positive property of space,
and consequently, to favor all occupation means valuing that void and setting it both as a
structuring element of landscape and as part of the urban fabric.
Therefore, the notion that urban voids are the perfect spots for open space projects allowing
urban farming and, at the same time, ecologic multifunctionality spaces characterized by
continuity, polarity, gradient differences, and social diversity is strengthened.
In order for these allotment gardens to be successful, it is vital to create simple regulations
ensuring that society will protect the value of natural processes, and itself. At the conceptual
level, these spaces will provide an open space source essential to metropolitan areas, given
the absolutely irresponsible way urbanization has been occurring (concerning natural
processes and their values), generally, through the increase of the density of buildings inside
the cities and extension to the peripheries, always at the cost of open spaces.
3.7. Allotment gardens in the context of landscape urbanism
Despite the strong structuralism potential offered by the design of allotment gardens, the
matter of urban agriculture is not included in the landscape urbanism debate. The most
frequent typologies of this current concern the rehabilitation of old infra-structures and
brownfields, favoring leisure and recreational activities for the benefit of users, and a deep
ecological rehabilitation of these spaces.
Advances in Landscape Architecture 494
However, given the potential of farming practices in urban space and their strong capability
to support a conceptual structure, the subject of landscape design, reference must be made to
allotment gardens, and to their inclusion in the scope of landscape urbanism.
We must also emphasize that, although this current does not include the productive
dimension of landscape, and always keeping in mind our present goal to include the
productive landscape system of urban space as well as, above all, the recovery of the
landscapes multifunctionality, its important to consider it in this project, for many different
- Because some landscape urbanism projects have successfully resisted the private sectors
speculative mindset and the highly bureaucratic and technically oriented public sector.
- Due to the relationship between landscape and infra-structures being promoted.
- Because the strategies of landscape urbanism have given a voice to the territories
restoring of social and cultural formations and the landscapes evocative power.
- Due to the criticism of landscape urbanism concerning the compromise of the classic
design of urban project and planning and the need for an alternative to a new
- Because landscape urbanism has emerged from landscape architecture, which explains its
concerns extending to processes that include both the cultural and historical scope, and
the natural and ecological scope [44], an idea that the emerging concept of ecological
urbanism aims to enforce and potentiate [45].
- Because emerging practices involving landscape urbanism concepts teach many lessons to
urban project design authors who wish to connect specific structures and flows of the
population, activities, building materials, and time [46].
- Because it offers a complex program, at different levels filled with environmental, urban
planning, social, cultural, ecological, technological, functional, and logistical
mechanisms, and framings [47].
- Because it requires a new model of flexible and framed public spaces, caught in the web
of social political, economical, and ecological currents in which they operate [48]
- Because these projects have the potential to unite the gap between ecology, creativity,
and project design, so persistent since the impact of Ian McHargs work.
- Because it opposes the random and opportunistic space composition that often rejects
the landscapes organic structure.
- Because landscape urbanism identifies urban voids as urban space potential [49].
- And also because, in our opinion, landscape urbanism is a promising alternative available
for the emergence of urban project design in the next decades, despite Diedrich's
opinion [50] that considers that the development of the city from the landscape
constitutes a practice to highlight in Europe, reason for which European landscape
architects have never felt the need to, maybe wrongly, emphasize and utilize the
concept of landscape urbanism.
The most clear proof of this are the countless prominent international landscape architects
who coordinate projects proposing a great scale development in which landscape assumes
ecological roles and is both a cultural authority reference and an identity mark. Among
Urban Agriculture: The Allotment Gardens as Structures of Urban Sustainability 495
these landscape urbanisms examples, we can refer Adriaan Geuze, Christine Dalnoky, Florian
Beigel, James Corner, Joaquin Sabat, McGregor+Partners, Michel Desvigne, Philip Christou,
and Teresa Gal.
The landscape design appear as an essential motor in an urban and regional sustainable
development and, the landscape architects, through their holistic and synthetic attitude,
should appear as the major actors in an emerging approach to the system of spaces of
collective use. In these spaces the landscape architect recognizes their organizing and
structuring skills and their qualities, that can be flexibility, reversibility, inclusiveness and,
above all, multifunctionality.
From the above mentioned principles we can therefore say that, nowadays, open space
projects respond to a great variety of wishes and programs, and their themes do not vary as
much as their users occasional or permanent , culminating in a multitude of
approaches and solutions. Urban space has many different types of open space: fantastic
new and old squares, urban parks, riverfronts, forests, and urban beaches. Nevertheless, the
idea of a productive and continual structure is rare [5]. However, both, as well as other urban
agriculture models, namely urban allotment gardens, community or pedagogical gardens,
allow a centered approach in the management of urban spaces in a notable way.
In [20] is referred that the fact of describing urban space as an urban surface does not mean
that it is relative only to the spaces between buildings, namely parking lots, plantation areas
or residual spaces. Nor just the so-called urban parks, the neighborhoods or the few
remaining natural spaces.
The landscape present in the urban space corresponds to the living and energetic structure
that organizes and supports a vast range of fixed and transformable activities in the city. The
landscape is dynamic and literally makes events happen in time. In this sense, the urban
surface can be considered similar to an agricultural field, assuming different roles and
geometries, distributive regimes and appearances, as the circumstances demand it. This
adaptability will be conditioned, in part, by the topography, for a smooth and uninterrupted
continuity to be achieved, but also for the equipment and services existent. This way, if the
purpose of the project design of the urban surface is to increase the support and diversify
activities in time even activities that could not be determined from the start then one of the
first strategies of the urban drawing is to broaden its continuity while it diversifies its range of
services. That is, fewer project design as passive improvement and understood more as an
active accelerator, establishing and creating new conditions to the uncertainty of the future.
For the character presented by urban agriculture, for its potentialities and its pertinence we
think that we can consider the agricultural space, in the broadest sense of the term, as a
natural infra-structure of public interest, in the same level of roads, dams, or electrical
networks; in the same level of public or private woods, for social, economical and ecological
reasons. The structure of the agricultural landscape, namely the productive allotments, the
hedges for the wind, wells, canals, pathways, vegetable and aquatic surfaces, are other ways
that break the mineral compactness of the agglomerate, contributing to the purification of
the urban micro-climate, among many other benefits.
Advances in Landscape Architecture 496
The agricultural space creates the necessary voids to the comfort of their inhabitants or to
their safety in case of a fire, for example. Its reversibility allows, mainly, the possibility of an
open project, making available public opens spaces for leisure purposes, with the condition
of being guaranteed the safety of people and their goods. It makes available a cultivated
area from which the citizens can make a collective use, in the same way of a public park,
that still produces food, offers walking routes and pedagogical services to the schools; and
allows to recycle urban residues, namely a part of the water and urban organic garbage.
If they are not coordinated, these uses and utilizations are not spontaneously compatible
and may even exclude one another. It is important to think in articulating them and
accepting a juxtaposition by exclusion. The concept of spatial agricultural infra-structure,
CPULs, or, we can say, of urban countryside as it is understood by Pierre Donadieu is not
spontaneously born, it requires involvement and joint action of public administration,
farmers and inhabitants. These services provide collectivity with a price that should be
payed proportionally to the objectives of public interest, of private companies that provide it
and of the farmers. In practical terms, the public and private services play a complementary
role to keep this infra-structure in time and, mostly to attribute the one function deemed as a
priority by the administrators: natural area, leisure space, agricultural terrain, etc. To be able
to persist, the cooperation between public organizations and communities should be
integrated in a contract.
For us, agriculture and less dense urbanization, together with the ecological and
infrastructure tendencies, are part of the landscape architectures contemporary discourse
and, in this sense we corroborate the thoughts of Michel Hough, Richard Forman, Denis
Delbaere and Pierre Donadieu, among others. The agriculture and gardens analogy is linked
to an underlying quantifiable and infra-structural support, in which cultures follow the
movements and dynamics of energy transfer demands, ever since the comprehensive and
integrative conception of landscape architecture. This agricultural analogy shares
similarities with landscape urbanism that can be very interesting at the theoretical and
practical level.
4. Results
4.1. Allotment gardens as a new approach to landscape project in urban space
The lack of a clear reference to urban agriculture as a way to establish a clear relationship
between production, safety, and leisure, and the fact that it is an essential activity in the face
of the present and expected future energy and food crisis, has led us to see urban farming,
not only as a production factor, but also as having a great recreational potential, under a
social, economical, ecological, cultural, and aesthetic point of view. As such, we see it as an
essential structure in the re-conceptualization of urban space project.
The project of the urban whole, an extensive metropolis, from which emerge small forest or
rural islands, and the project of the citys strict containment facing a dying and inanimate
countryside, are no longer sustainable nor realistic. The old utopia of the garden-city no
longer promises Mumfordian functionality, and the city in the countryside reflecting
Urban Agriculture: The Allotment Gardens as Structures of Urban Sustainability 497
rurality adapted to the urban need of leisure is no longer an attraction. Theres an alternative
based on two compromising and not very changeable tendencies on one hand, the
urbanization of Western culture and its need of countryside as an alternative to urban
environment; and, on the other hand, the farming economy diversification in response to an
urban question not exclusively connected to food.
A project such as this generally and effectively contradicts the principles of open space
planning that usually eliminate agriculture in urban areas, replacing it with public parks
and gardens. In addition, it contradicts the principles of a planning that divides urban spaces
in many specialized areas with apparently incompatible roles (farming production, leisure,
industrial and commercial activity, among others). To make things worse, local entities are
always less capable of sustaining the high costs of the creation and maintenance of new green
spaces, and the social damages of urban planning zoning are very clear space segregation,
social ghettos, functional inconsistencies, urban identity crisis, among other.
We firmly believe that allotment gardens could and should integrate a continual structure of
production and recreation. The arguments to give planning technicians and managers
favoring a city with farming areas in an assumed form instead of a dense urban center,
should present farming spaces, in a broader sense, as a public interest natural infra-structure at
the same level of roads, dams, or electrical networks, and of public and private forest, for
social, economic and ecological reasons [20].
The concept of farming spatial infrastructure requires cooperation between public
administration and farmers. The price of these services to society from private companies
supplying them, and from farmers is set according to public interest goals.
In practical terms, public and private services should assume a supplementary role to keep
that infrastructure in time, and most of all, to confer the role privileged by administrators:
natural areas, leisure space, farmland, etc. In order to last, the cooperation between public
organizations and communities must be ruled by an agreement.
Both the concepts of urban field in [20], and of continual productive urban landscapes in [5], are
included in this concept of farming spatial infrastructure, in turn approaching the concept of
landscape urbanism and, consequently, of landscape architecture philosophy and practice.
Although the implementation of productive landscapes can start at a small scale, the goal is
to develop a productive and continual urban city. At the largest scale, it should include a
network of open spaces throughout the urban fabric, which in turn includes farmlands in
the continual landscape, as suggested in Plano Verde de Lisboa (Figure 1).
Mainly following models of gardening centers, and gardens, and influenced in the last 20
years by the concept that links the ecology paradigm, open spaces, and the system they
form, they should be now the tissue and the net on which the organization of continual
productive urban landscapes or the urban field are based [20]. Not as inert spaces, but as living
farmland, and forests, in a slow or quick, cyclic or continual future. The tool to build that
future is the landscape project capable of mobilizing the peoples community in that sense
Advances in Landscape Architecture 498
Source: Lisbon City Hall (CML)
Figure 1. Lisbon's Green Plan - Strategic masterplan for the open spaces.
4.2. Practical examples Plano Verde de Lisboa
Presented in 1997 by the landscape architect Ribeiro Telles [1] and now set in motion, Plano
Verde de Lisboa is a system of corridors connecting recreational and production areas seeking
the establishment of a continuum naturale (Figure 2).
Urban Agriculture: The Allotment Gardens as Structures of Urban Sustainability 499
Source: Lisbon City Hall (CML)
Figure 2. Lisbon's Green Plan Articulation between pathways and open spaces
This plan makes it possible to obtain a continual landscape in which the productive aspect is
strongly considered with the inclusion of existing urban vegetable fields and suggested
farming parks, namely Quinta da Granja (Figure 3 and 4) and the Parque Hortcola de
Chelas (Figure 5 and 6). This productive side is articulated with recreation and circulation,
in a structure of open spaces extending all over the city.
Advances in Landscape Architecture 500
Source: Lisbon City Hall (CML)
Figure 3. Figure 3 - Landscape design masterplan for Quinta da Granja
Source: Lisbon City Hall (CML)
Figure 4. Section of Quinta da Granja landscape design
Urban Agriculture: The Allotment Gardens as Structures of Urban Sustainability 501
Source: Lisbon City Hall (CML)
Figure 5. Landscape design masterplan for Horticultural Park of Chelas
Figure 6. Section of Chelas valley
In the first stages of the implementation of these landscapes, a series of interventions leading
to a network of linked spaces were made. In time, this approach will create a sense of
opening inside the urban space that would otherwise be uniformly occupied by buildings.
The implementation of this strategy makes underused and/or abandoned spaces become
active and used in a socially and environmentally productive way. A new meaning and
sense of opening are locally introduced through the definition of outward sights and great
panoramic views, as opposed to the series of isolated, disconnected, and largely underused
land plots they would form.
The benefits occur regardless of the intervention scale. Linear spaces can provide routes
connecting different public or private spaces. Making that connection visible encourages
movement among them. The relationship between the routes and the landscape can be seen
as an intervention emphasizing it and highlighting. In Quinta da Granja and in Parque
Hortcola de Chelas, daily routes become adjacent to spaces where food is grown (Figure 7).
Advances in Landscape Architecture 502
Figure 7. Pathways on Quinta da Granja
Each walk among cultures accentuates the experience of seasonality and intensifies the
notion of time, due to the density of space where nature is experienced. Time is intensified
more nature for its time.
Productive urban landscapes will be part of the idea of building from the natural, like parks
and gardens, which are frequently understood as natural. Allotment gardens in particular
will represent the idea of countryside, of rural life, and through that image, nature is also
One of the most important characteristics of these landscapes is the way in which a great
variety of occupations occur simultaneously, such as gardening, farming, sports, and leisure
activities (Figure 8), practiced by many occupants, that can be articulated with one or more
occupations found. The variety of possible permutations between an individual occupant
and their activity, or the several activities or occupations is generally larger than in many
public types of facilities, namely leisure centers. Continual productive landscapes combine the
peaceful qualities of a park with physical activities. They expect to be occupied, both by
someone looking for a place to relax and read, and by someone who wants to practice
physical exercise.
The economical profits of land use can be measured in two ways: first, by the direct
quantification of economical benefits, resulting from new jobs and companies; secondly, and
following an argument that becomes more relevant in the long run, by measuring the
reduction of environmental degradations through the action of productive urban landscapes.
These benefits result from the reduced environmental impact and cut future costs of
environmental correction work.
Urban Agriculture: The Allotment Gardens as Structures of Urban Sustainability 503
Figure 8. Pathway and sitting on Quinta da Granja
Farming practices can generally be used as part of a strategy to increase development.
Consequently, the increase of development will combine economical and environmental
strategies. Those strategies are acquired by surveying, planning, designing, and articulating
urban voids, parks, and recreational areas.
The introduction of these landscapes will increase the number of habitats for animals and,
therefore, biodiversity an example of ecological intensification. At the same time, the
development of composting systems as the base of organic farming will improve the soil
and reduce the traffic of cars. Therefore, the improvement of biodiversity will reintroduce
the chirping of birds, the buzzing of insects, and the sounds of nature in general.
4.3. Implementation strategies
The open spaces of a city embracing a continual productive landscape infrastructure will change
the physical landscape and its occupation. Superficially, farmers will sculpt a new urban
infrastructure, constantly changing, but always familiar, as crops come and go (Figure 9).
At the same time, a landscape of circulation and movement, and multifunctional, emerges as
the populations move and interact in and with the farming landscape. Theoretical studies
and practical applications will be adjacently rediscovered, not to destroy the city or let
nature be conquered, but to enhance both sides through the acknowledgment of their
Advances in Landscape Architecture 504
Figure 9. Allotment gardens on Quinta da Granja
In this context and in order to assure and increased the chances of success, farming in urban
spaces requires:
- A considerable organization to acquire adequate lands and its farming, so as to allow
lands not used or underused to be turned into areas with environmentally productive
uses, namely the production of bio-fuel. The essential prerequisite of any attempt to
change in that sense is to start understanding the city, the periphery, the suburbs, and
the countryside as part of a continuum extending from the more densely populated
areas but still ecologically active to the less densely populated areas and therefore more
ecologically active.
- Simple regulations ensuring the safety of the community and of the values of natural
processes. In a well-thought way (the lands where those processes occur) will provide a
source of open spaces for the metropolitan areas. Ideally, the metropolitan area should
include two systems on one hand, the natural process preserved in the open space,
and on the other hand, urban development. The fusing of these two systems could
satisfy the provision of space for the population [53].
Although urban farming is conditioned by many social and political circumstances and
political regimes, urban legislators and support institutions may make a substantial
contribution to the development of a safe and sustainable farming through:
- -The creation of a guiding environmental policy and the formal acceptance of allotment
gardens as an urban feature;
- The strengthening of the access to urban voids and to the safety of farming use;
- The strengthening of productivity and economic viability of allotment gardens, by
improving the access of urban farmers to training, technical advice, and credit;
- The support of the establishment and the strengthening of urban farmers'
Urban Agriculture: The Allotment Gardens as Structures of Urban Sustainability 505
- Measures preventing environmental and health hazards associated to farming.
As we have already seen here, and contrary to the common belief, in densely urbanized
areas a surprising number of urban voids can be found and used for farming on a
temporary or permanent basis. City governments can ease the access of urban farmers to
these interstitial spaces by several means:
- Surveying the number of the citys urban voids and studying their farming potential;
- Creating a Municipal Land Bank connecting those who need farmland to the landowners
who need to give a temporary or permanent use to their properties.
- Encouraging the owners of urban voids (including institutional owners) to offer their
lands in a mid-term concession to organized groups of farmers, with tax benefits.
- Creating regulations to organize the (temporary) use of voids in the city.
- Granting the use of municipal urban voids to organized groups of farmers.
- Taking steps to improve the availability and the conditions of the land (for instance,
removing debris or providing access to drinkable water for irrigation).
- Defining areas for allotment gardens in a permanent basis and integrating them in the
city planning. Those areas will usually be more sustainable when located in lands not
destined for construction or not adequate for construction, namely wetlands, under
high voltage lines, and in parks and nature conservancy areas. Effective guidelines
should be created with the active involvement of farmers, including management
practices to be adopted by urban farming in several locations.
- Giving assistance to relocate urban farmers, especially those who are not in a favorable
position and, therefore, who are exposed to serious health or environmental hazards.
- Including space for individual or community gardens in the new public housing
projects, and upgrading plans for poor neighborhoods.
Government organizations and the private sector should be encouraged to provide training,
technical advice, and services to urban farmers, with a strong emphasis on ecological
farming, adequate health risk management, farming development (for instance,
intensification and diversification), company management and advertising. Cost sharing
systems (among farmers, local authorities, sector organizations, and private companies) will
be needed to ensure the systems sustainability.
Municipalities can also encourage the citys universities, non-governmental organizations,
and community organizations, to actively support farmers organizations, their
development capabilities, and their connections to other groups of farmers, private
companies, consumption organizations, and support organizations.
The municipalities and other local participants can communicate the research and
technology development needs of their urban farmers to research institutes and to the
national government. On the other hand, there should be a better promotion of the
coordination of research institutes, farming organizations, non-governmental organizations,
and urban farmers groups.
An increasing number of Portuguese cities are creating urban farming policies and
programs, with the establishment of multi partnerships in planning approaches to find
Advances in Landscape Architecture 506
effective ways to integrate it in urban planning and sector policies and to promote the
development of safe, sustainable and multifunctional farming practices. An example of
these initiatives is the regulation made by Lisbons City Council legitimizing the existence of
its vegetable gardens in order to safeguard them from political whim.
Besides measures such as these, we think its necessary to explore the relationship between
urban agriculture multifunctionality and sustainability. This involves the positive or
negative study of environmental roles, as well as their collective impact. In [3] , it is also
important for the effectiveness of farming in urban spaces: to research and develop subjects
such as land ownership, legislation, and planning, concerning urban land use; to develop
work methodologies with all the participants, namely research actions with urban farmers
or planners to include agriculture in planning (as part of green belts, city parks, and open
spaces); to create new institutions or institutional structures, such as urban and peri-urban
institutions; and to create means of support (commercial and of subsistence) for horticulture,
aquaculture, and systems involving animal raising.
Such research and development actions require an institutional framework providing
allotment gardens with an institutional foundation, and involving active direct or indirect
players in the formulation and implementation of urban farming policies and action programs.
Once accepted, urban farming will become sustainable and adapt to the ever-changing
urban conditions, and to its demands, strengthening its productivity and diversifying its
roles in the city, while reducing the associated health and environmental hazards. This is the
way to win political and social acceptance. In certain parts of the city, the typologies of the
existing farming practices can fade away or drastically change their methods and actions,
while new methods may develop in other parts of that same city (Figure 10).
Figure 10. Organic allotment gardens on Cascais
Urban Agriculture: The Allotment Gardens as Structures of Urban Sustainability 507
In the long run, allotment gardens become sustainable through the acknowledgment and
the full development of their multifunctional use potential. Their sustainability is strongly
connected to the development of a sustainable city, that is, an inclusive city, ensuring food
safety, productivity, and a healthy environment [54].
5. Conclusion
In short, urban areas are generally characterized by their organic growth, resulting in a
multitude of different public and private open spaces. The design and management of those
spaces depend on many factors. Although some have been planned and continue being
positively managed, others were forgotten in terms of a clear sense of ownership and
responsibility, and are left in a natural or artificial wild state, requiring respect and
protection. These are transitional, landscapes, made of time, and registering its passage. The
past becomes the present, and as the future draws near, acquiring larger and larger
dimensions, we see a magnificent and silent presence, which is a kind of empty spot within
the storm.
Finding positive uses for these spaces has been one of the challenges facing urban planning
from the late 20th century on, with a growing number of architecture, landscape
architecture, and landscape urbanism projects now proposing the inclusion of urban farming.
We need to go towards more efficient, and cyclic urban systems; a perspective which
naturally includes land use within the cities and in their peripheries for food production.
We also believe the inclusion of allotment gardens in landscape projects reflects a new
landscape, new symbols, and renewed aesthetic values, setting new patterns reaching from
the memory of the past to the future, where nature, culture, leisure, and production are
present, mutually complementary, and giving birth to public spaces with a strong
involvement of the population. The development of these spaces may be suggested as a
reference illustrating a seemingly contradictory response to contemporary callings, and
which is both the cultural strengthening of the truthfulness of humanization processes, and
the creation of a nature that is simultaneously wild and familiar, near and distant, planned
and spontaneous, dangerous and comfortable, tedious and ordained, alive and waste free.
Our approach to urban design is founded on a global and multifunctional concept of
landscape, through the fulfillment of the idea of cultural and natural continuum, and its
intermingling with the built space, materialized in a complex and dynamic landscape,
structured both by technological networks, and by heritage, ecological, continual,
productive, and active networks. Therefore, it matches a global design inspired by nature,
culture, and landscape, with the fundamental goal to recreate the city-countryside unity, to
reinvent the landscape multifunctionality, and to develop forces allowing life, in the sense of
an ever-growing biologic activity of systems integrated in the landscape, and responding to
the aesthetic restlessness and to current social and cultural needs.
In urban configurations, and the resulting landscapes, through an active interpretation, the
system of urban voids and the city peripheries matches the genuine infrastructure of the city,
Advances in Landscape Architecture 508
through which its structured and organized. Those spaces are no longer considered
fragments, residual elements, or discontinuities, and are acknowledged as spaces that being
part of the new model of organization and territorial management, unite, interconnect,
create continuity and articulation. Theyre active.
Therefore, the strength and vitality of the urban void and the periphery emerge, not as
abandoned areas a residual space of buildings and urbanizations but as continual,
adequate, felt, and experienced spaces with ecological, cultural, recreational, aesthetic,
productive and economical purposes, as valuable as the spaces with buildings, articulating
different parts and promoting connections in the urban area [55].
Capable of significantly changing current mobility trends, and of integrating the existing
urban fabric without causing a great impact, this new approach is directly linked to urban
sustainability and to landscape sustainability and multifunctionality. The employment of the
sustainability and multifunctionality concept and principles underlying the advised design
model implies a process in which the continued use and preservation of resources, the spatial
organization and management, and the associated institutional changes are consistent with the
goal to perpetuate in time the quality of life and the environment, the cultural heritage, the
landscape identity and balance, and the ecosystems social, and economic roles.
By sharing the idea that the world includes complex, interdependent, and interlinked social
and natural systems that, reconciled and sustainable, provide a set of principles centered in
the organization of soil uses according to their ecological capability which help preserve
natural systems and resources in the long run, and create strong, well-knit social
communities, we seek a systemic view of a multifunctional, productive, and recreational
landscape, emphasizing the multifunctional landscape. The landscape is transformed into
something different: a place sensitive to different transformations that records the
movements and the events that occur. An active entity structuring conditions to new
relationships and interactions between the elements that constitute it. In this new concept
the landscape is no longer based on a naturalist image, suggesting instead a continuous
structure where we can operate through the occurrence of different activities. It is not only
the space between the two buildings or the platform in which the process of construction is
organized, but a true energy field, a sensitive and dynamic membrane. It is constituted of
systems that establish relationships, flows and process that occur there [55].
On the other hand, 21st century urban design should start by getting closer to the design of
natural ecosystems. We should learn with the natural systems metabolism, where all waste
is recycled in resources for future growth [56]. This is a matter for politicians to deal with,
but that also concerns the public in general, because we all need to pressure central and local
governments as well as investors to adopt practical views.
Author details
Rute Sousa Matos
CHAIA (Center of Art History and Artistic Investigation), University of vora, vora, Portugal
Urban Agriculture: The Allotment Gardens as Structures of Urban Sustainability 509
Desidrio Sales Batista
CHAIA (Center of Art History and Artistic Investigation), University of Algarve, Faro, Portugal
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Chapter 19
Designing Urban Squares
Murat Z. Memluk
Additional information is available at the end of the chapter
1. Introduction
The effects of fast changing economic and social conditions have increasingly become
significant on how people use and shape their environments. The urban population has
been dramatically increasing worldwide and consequently physical structure of the cities
changes constantly, mostly in negative ways. As the population increases, the demand for
infrastructure and facilities also increases. Privatization and decentralization are the two
major concerns on the future of the cities and open public spaces.
Contemporary urban environment is complex in many ways. It is more heterogeneous;
more multicultural and more multiethnic. Increasing mobility, communication technologies
and globalization leads to expansion of urban areas causing life style changes, thus use of
public spaces. Carmona groups critiques of public space issues in two categories; (i) under-
management of public spaces, and (ii) over-management of public spaces [1]. The first group
focuses on poor design and function loss of public spaces. Increasing vehicle traffic,
segregation of the user groups, neglecting public space, increasing private relations of
individuals are among the reasons why public life declines and public spaces degrade. On
the other hand the second group criticizes designers and authorities for undermining
publicness of public spaces through commodification and homogenization. However,
despite there is a dichotomy in criticism of public space issues, Carmona also states these
critiques represent two sides of the same coin [2].
Public squares are one of the significant public spaces in an urban environment. Urban
squares are open public spaces which reflect the cities identity and the communities
cultural background. They are where people of the community gather and urban life takes
place since the ancient times. As the fundamental component of the city structure, urban
squares contribute to the image and prestige of the city. According to Levy (2012), the main
difference between a public park and a public square is that on a square, citizens are not
connected to manifestations of nature, but to the heart of urban culture, history and memory [3]. In
the last few decades, many urban squares have lost their function and role due to the
Advances in Landscape Architecture 514
changes in use of public spaces. Hence, designing urban squares as both public and open
spaces now require more importance and attention.
Designing urban squares should be a part of urban design. Otherwise they become
disconnected and meaningless, rather than being an integral part of the city. This chapter
aims to investigate the current role and situation of urban squares and to develop design
strategies in context of landscape architecture. First, I will begin with the history of public
squares, and then explain the role of urban squares as open spaces. Finally, I will discuss
design strategies for contemporary urban squares with design examples.
1.1. History of public squares
The first city formations appeared 6000 years ago and city squares were established at the
crossroads of important trade routes [4].
A well-known earliest example of todays public squares is Greeks Agora. Democracy
played an important role in shaping Greek cities. The Agora was an open place in the city
center where political, social and economic activities took place. Greek agoras were public
spaces for all kinds of gatherings; such as political meetings, athletic and musical games,
theatre performances and commercial activities [5]. The geometrical form of the agora was
usually square or rectangle [6] (Figure 1).
Figure 1. Agora of Priene (Aydn, Turkey) [7].
Similarly, the Roman Forum was a large open space where people gather for political,
economic and social activities (Figure 2). According to Mumford (1961) the Roman forum
was the combination of agora and acropolis since it included more activities (such as
Designing Urban Squares 515
shrines, temples, the hall of justice and the council houses) with more formal order [8].
Especially, during the republican period, the forum was the heart of the city. In the last
years of the Roman Empire the Roman Forum lost its importance and was used less by the
Following the collapse of Roman Empire, basilicas were transformed into churches and both
cathedrals and churches became the focus of daily life in the middle ages. Most of the open
public spaces were shaped around religious buildings. During this period commercial
activities took place also in public spaces [8]. Therefore in middle ages, open public spaces
were used mainly for religious ceremonies, and as marketplaces. In some European
countries civic squares and piazzas emerged during this period [10].
In the neo-classical period (the Renaissance and Baroque period), there were some apparent
changes in city morphology. With the changing economical, political and philosophical
perspectives, approaches to planning and design of the towns shifted with the influence of
rationalization during the Renaissance. Formal designs and plans were very common in this
period. Symmetry and order were the essential principles in design of the squares. Italian
piazzas are the very well-known examples of the Renaissance public squares. Monuments
and fountains were added to the design to create aesthetically pleasant environments
(Figure 3).
Figure 2. The Roman Forum [9].
Axial order, balance and hierarchy became main design principles during the Baroque
period. In this period, open spaces were designed to create visual and ceramonial effects [6].
Piazza del Campidoglio, designed by Michelangelo, is one of the earliest examples of
Baroques style open spaces. According to Zeka, the Baroque concept of dynamic motion in
space was introduced in piazza del Campidoglio [6] (Figure 4).
Advances in Landscape Architecture 516
Figure 3. Piazza Navona, Italy [11].
Figure 4. Piazza del Campidoglio [12].
Designing Urban Squares 517
In 19th century, industrial revolution caused a dramatic changes in urban design and
planning. The establishment of broad railway networks leaded to population increase in
urban areas which stimulated growth of cities. New industrial areas were developed near
cities and labor class began to move into cities to dwell. As the bourgeoisie raised, women
became more participant in the city life. The emerge of shopping arcades, shopping streets,
bazaars and department stores created a new form of public space, especially for women
[10]. The changing social, economical and political structure of the city also affected city
morphology. Increased population meant more needs, more services and more waste. The
city structure began to deteriorate. At the end of 19th century, concerns for environmental
deterioration and community well-being triggered the parks movement. Instead of streets
and squares, huge green areas emerged as new public places [13]. Population increase in
urban areas continued during 20
century and cities become more and more expanded,
heterogeneous, and fragmented. Private automobile ownership showed a rapid increase and
cities become motor vehicle dominant environments. As a result pedestrian movement and
freedom were limited. In the second half of the 20
century, many urban squares turned into
crossroads especially in developing countries (Figure 5). New consumer habits and trends
also caused decline in open public space use. Shopping malls have become new leisure
centers. At the end of the 20
century, following the spread of internet use, virtual
environments appeared as new social platforms.
Figure 5. Left:Kzlay Square, Ankara in 1940s [14], Right: Kzlay Square, Ankara today [15].
In Islamic countries, religion has had an important influence on development and use of
open public spaces. The mosque has been the centre of the social life and examples of the
western style of urban squares cannot be seen in Islamic countries. Similarly throughout the
history of Turkish settlements, the squares were formed around the mosques. Since markets
and commercial regions were also located around mosques, these squares were where the
social life took place, especially in Ottoman Empire period. Although one can easily find the
traces of Roman/Byzantine influence in stanbuls current city structure, still urban squares
are located near mosques and other religious buildings. For instance, todays Sultanahmet
square which was once known as hippodrome of Constantinople is surrounded by religious
buildings such as Sultanahmet Mosque and Hagia Sofia Museum (Figure 6). In relatively
Advances in Landscape Architecture 518
smaller Anatolian cities, squares have also been used to celebrate wedding ceremonies,
feasts and festivals.
During the early republican period, new urban squares were established around
administrative and government buildings where national ceremonies took place. After
1950s, urbanization increased dramatically in Turkey. City centres gradually became more
and more crowded and cramped with people and cars. In metropolitan areas, new city
centres emerged and cities expanded uncontrollably. Political developments also influenced
the use of open public spaces. During 1970s the city squares, especially in Ankara and
stanbul, witnessed many protests and gatherings of different groups of the society.
However after 1980 military coup in Turkey, urban squares were transformed to non-
politicaland more passive places. After 1990s globalization has a massive impact on both
life styles and use of public space. People have begun to prefer to spend their spare time
more indoors, rather than open public spaces. As a result, Turkish urban squares have lost
their importance and functions within the city, like in many other countries worldwide.
2. Roles and functions of urban squares
According to Lewis Mumford, primary function of cities is the acculturation and
humanization of its inhabitants [17] and for these purposes public spaces are the essential
tools in the city. Kostof (1992) defines some basic functions of the urban squares as [18];
Figure 6. Sultanahmet Mosque and Sultanahmet square [16].
Designing Urban Squares 519
Being a part of transport system: public squares are the intersection, gathering and waiting
points for both the pedestrian and vehicle traffic.
Commercial activities: public squares are civic centers where citizens engage in commercial
activities. Markets have been one of the essential elements of the public squares throughout
the history.
Games and sports: games and sports activities have always been an important part of public
life and there have been many examples in the history where games and sports activities
took place in public squares.
Kostof also believed that the links between public squares within a city forms a system.
He also stated that this approach was one of the primary issues in city planning and design
during the Renaissance and Baroque periods [18].
Urban public squares are open spaces surrounded by buildings and other structures within
a city. Therefore they play an important role in the context of mass and void composition of
a city. Cities are formed of combination of masses and voids. The amount and ratio of
masses and voids determine the structure of a city. Too many masses (e.g. buildings and
structures) without connection to any voids (e.g. streets, parks and squares) would make a
city cramped, illegible and chaotic. Hence, urban public squares serve as a stabilizing force
especially in contemporary crowded cities.
Public squares provide citizens with places for various leisure and outdoor activities. People
of the city can relax, sit, read a book, play games, meet with friends etc. in these public areas.
The activities are not predefined or limited in the urban squares. Public squares can also be
used for ceremonies, rituals, political activities, musical events, even theatre, and as
Public squares have also ecological benefits to the urban environment. Green areas and
water surfaces within a square provide habitat for living organisms. Existence of green areas
within a public square also helps to improve air quality, lessen surface water runoff, reduce
noise levels and screen unwanted or undesirable views, and reduce negative effects of urban
heat islands.
Well-designed public squares increase the visual landscape value and contribute to
environmental aesthetics. While contributing to the overall city image, visual landscapes
appreciated by individuals also have positive psychological impacts on the users of the
place. Another psychological benefit that urban squares provide is that they are where
people can relax and enjoy their spare time during their busy urban daily lives.
Urban public squares might also provide some economic benefits for the community. It is a
well-known fact that existence of open and green spaces increases the real estate prices
nearby [19]. Urban squares can also be used as marketplaces or they can be a part of
commercial activities, such as shopping malls. There are also examples of squares where
marketing is the dominating feature. Times Square in New York City is one of the well-
known examples (Figure 7). It is also one of the most famous and visited tourist attractions
Advances in Landscape Architecture 520
in the world. Located in Manhattan, it has a busy pedestrian traffic and density all year.
Times Square also hosts various activities and ceremonies throughout the year such as
annual New Years celebrations. It is one of the landmarks of the New York City and an
important part of the city image.
Figure 7. Times Square, New York City, USA [20].
Besides their physical and ecological roles, public squares contribute hugely to the social
cohesion and local identity. They act like social catalysts. The main function of urban
squares is gathering citizens together for various reasons and activities. They have a
symbolic meaning of coexistence. Hence, urban public squares are the essential elements
of the city in terms of democracy. Citizens from different social, economic, and cultural
backgrounds, age groups, etc. all have equal accessibility to the public spaces. Urban
squares are one of these public spaces where individuals and groups learn to respect and
tolerate others. Hence, urban squares are the places where the social interaction and social
cohesion occurs. The way and context of this social interaction displays the local identity.
Many public squares have also historical importance for the citys identity and they usually
reflect the collective values of the community.
All the roles and functions of urban public squares mentioned above also contribute to the
well-being of individuals and communities. Thus, it is important to reconsider and review
urban public square design approaches in order to sustain and improve our existing squares
or create enjoyable new ones.
Designing Urban Squares 521
3. Designing urban squares
It is quite challenging to define universal design principles that would fit for all the squares
in the world. On the other hand it is possible to identify some basics that would help
designers and planners through the design process. However, it is necessary to know and
understand the modern city concept first. Therefore, it might be a good idea to consider the
characteristics of contemporary urban environments before focusing on the design of the
Todays urban environments are discontinuous, diverse and multipolar as Ascher states
[21]. Changing economic and social structure, triggered by globalization, has led to
expansion of urban areas uncontrollably and decentralization of cities. Globalization has
been one of the significant factors that shape our physical and social environments
worldwide during the last few decades. Social and spatial segregation have been increased
in todays metropolitan areas because of globalization [21]. Another consequence of
globalization process is that todays cities are multi-cultural and multi-ethnical more than
ever. Therefore public realm is more heterogeneous today and designers and planners need
to find ways to create places that serve for everyone in these culturally diverse
communities. Finally one of the major and significant challenges of globalizing cities is the
loss of identity in public spaces. Urban designers, planners and authorities should be aware
of the future threats on local identity in decision making, design and planning processes.
Keeping in mind that todays urban environments are more complex and diverse, some
design strategies for public squares are presented below.
Design of urban public realm involves two dimensions; functionality and visual appearance.
Functionality refers to the activities and the degree of activities fitting to that place. On the
other hand visual appearance is about form, image and aesthetics. While some researchers
focus on the spatial arrangement of public spaces, others suggest that functionality comes
first in urban space design. However, neither of them should be neglected in the design
process. In fact, the relationship between these two dimensions determines the character
and success of the urban space.
Many researchers have tried to identify the criteria of the ideal and successful urban space.
Some of them might be useful mentioning here. For example, Carr et al. believe that public
places should be [22]:
1. Responsive: a public place should serve the needs of the community; provide the
citizens with spaces that allow relaxation, discovery, and active and passive
2. Democratic: Public spaces need to be accessible to all groups.
3. Meaningful: People should be able to make connections between the place, their lives
and the world.
Rogers define successful public places as the places which pay dividends for cities, build
civic pride, increase tourism and economic investment, and contribute to health and quality
of life [23].
Advances in Landscape Architecture 522
A public squares form is influenced by the surrounding environment. Even though the
word square points out a form itself, a public square can be in any form such as rectangle,
square, circle, triangle or amorphous.
Camillo Sitte, in his work City Planning According to Artistic Principles focuses on the
visual appearance rather than the functionality and defines the ideal morphological-
aesthetic criteria of the urban square as [3]:
Enclosure; closed and protected space,
The center should be free,
Monuments that are placed on the perimeter,
Existence of the elements of surprise,
Attractiveness of architectural faades,
Concavity and aesthetic pavement.
Sitte also emphasizes that the main requirement of a square is the sense of enclosure [6].
Enclosure is one of the perceptual organization principles of the Gestalt psychology.
Grouping is the fundamental concept of the Gestalt approach. People tend to group objects
that look similar and close to each other. Furthermore enclosure or closure helps us to
perceive objects as a whole. The easiest and straightforward way of creating enclosure is
grouping buildings around a central space [24].
One of the well-known works based on enclosure in the public squares is Rob Kriers work.
In contrast to Sitte, Krier focused on elementary geometry when developing a typology of
urban squares [24]. Krier introduces concepts of angling, segment, addition, overlapping, and
distortion as modulating factors in context of urban space typology (Figure 8). According to
Krier, combining these modulating factors with basic shapes of urban space (square, circle and
triangle) results in either regular or irregular urban space forms [6]. Figure 9 shows some of
the Kriers typologies of the urban square. On the other hand Hsu criticizes Kriers approach
for ignoring the social and historical context of public squares [25].
Zucker suggests five types of urban square forms [24];
The closed square: it often has a regular geometric form. The only interruption to the closed
square is the streets that are leading to it.
The dominated square: the space is directed to a building or a group of buildings.
The nuclear square: it has a central feature which creates a tension that keeps the whole
Grouped squares: individual squares linked organically and/or aesthetically.
The amorphous square: it is unorganized and formless when compared to other types.
Location and size
The first factor to be considered in design of urban squares is the location and the size of the
square. Throughout the history squares and plazas have always been at the intersection of
Designing Urban Squares 523
Figure 8. Modulating factors of urban space [26].
Figure 9. Some typologies of Kriers urban spaces [adopted from 26].
Advances in Landscape Architecture 524
main routes of transportation and pedestrian traffic. Moreover, as Dewitte states the public
squares main function is to symbolize the archetype of human encounters and encourage
urban contemplation [3] .Since human presence and activity is the essence of public squares;
they should be easily accessible (both physically and visually) to public and should be
created in central locations within the city.
On the other hand decentralization is one of the problems faced in contemporary cities,
which makes it difficult to select central locations, since there are too many. Therefore it
should also be noted that links and connections between different squares within the city
should be established in order to sustain continuity of urban form.
Traditionally, squares were located next to religious and government buildings which are
central to public life. However, as life styles change, todays cities involve many other
focuses. For many, work is the central issue in our daily lives with a limited time to spare for
other activities. Emerge of shopping malls also have changed/or a consequence of changing
leisure patterns. Besides shopping activity, shopping malls offer many other recreational
activities and facilities in one place. Therefore, people tend to prefer going to such places
where they can meet their various needs in one facility. As a result, people spend their spare
times more indoors than outdoors and public spaces today. There are many examples of
public squares which are located around shopping malls or commercial centers/buildings in
contemporary cities. Hence, designers and planners should consider the ways of bringing
public squares to people when selecting the location.
Size is another aspect of urban public square design. It is often thought that public squares
must be large in size. However, the size should be determined according to the location,
surrounding uses, and activities nearby. The most and conventional way of determining size
of a square is to calculate the number of possible users. Thus, designers and planners should
focus on the concept of the place and possible user activity before determination of the
size. Several researchers attempted to identify the ideal size of public squares. For instance
according to Lynch 12 to 24 meters along each side and 100 meters for larger squares are
ideal for successful urban squares, while Alexander suggests a maximum of 22 meters for
small squares [6]. On the other hand Gehl suggests a dimension of 30-35 meters for the
optimum size of a square in order to enable people being able to recognize the other people
in the space from one side to other [27].
When determining the size of an urban square, visual perception should also be taken into
account. The scale and density of the surrounding buildings and structures of a square
might affect the perceived size. Squares surrounded by taller and dense buildings may appear
smaller than they actually are. A ratio of 1:2 and a maximum of 1.5:2 between building height
and space width can be successful to create a strong sense of definition of space [26]. Edges are
also important in creating the sense of definition of an urban square. According to Alexander
et al. (1977) if the edge fails, then the space never becomes lively [6].
Urban public squares are venues for various activities that help social cohesion and
individual restoration. Generally, urban public squares are not designed to serve for any
Designing Urban Squares 525
special type of activity. On the contrary they should be designed to provide opportunity for
different kinds of activities at any time. Location and scale of a public square might also
affect the activity types associated with a square. For instance, larger squares near to
government buildings might be preferred to be used for protests or national celebrations by
the public or squares near commercial centers might be mainly used as meeting points,
performing arts venues or as marketplaces. Designers should well analyze possible user
profile, their needs and expectations as well as surrounding environments character. Some
other activities might be associated with the square during design phase to attract people.
For instance, nearby places to eat and drink may increase the use of space. Or placing an
underground parking place might encourage people from different neighborhoods or
districts using the space. However, activities aiming to attract people should never
dominate the character of the square. Besides, designers should ensure involvement and
participation of all social groups within a public space.
Successful urban squares are designed for people to walk in, stand in, sit in, dance in and to
perform in, and to look at other people participating in these activities [27].
Generally, hard surface dominates the landscape of an urban square. Therefore selection of
pavement materials is great of importance in the design phase in terms of both visual
appearance and functionality. Various materials (e.g. stone, concrete, brick etc.) can be used
in public square design. Pavement materials must be durable and aesthetically appealing.
Durability degree of the materials can decrease or increase the maintenance costs.
Surrounding architecture and streetscape should also be taken into account to ensure
continuity of the character and coherence. Focal areas can be created by changing the color,
form or texture, as well as pavement material itself. Similarly, by using the same strategy
different uses within a square (such as seating areas) might be separated. Pavement material
should be non-slippery, and suitable for walking or standing. Reflection of heat and glare
should also be noted when selecting the material. Handicapped or elderly people should not
be forgotten in the design phase in terms of accessibility. Drainage is another factor that
should be taken into account to provide comfort in different weather conditions.
Different kinds of plants (trees, shrubs, flowers, grass etc.) can be used in the design of
urban squares for different purposes such as aesthetics, shading, or visual screening. Plants
also help to soften the strong and sometimes disturbing effects of hard surfaces or sharp
lines. Flowering plants may also add variety to the perceived environment in terms of color
and scent. Green is known for its calming and relaxing effect; hence plants might be used in
order to create places for relaxation and resting. In hot climates, trees provide users with
shade areas. If there is a focal point within the square like a monument, plants can be used
to create a background to emphasize its visual effect. However designers should avoid
using too many plants to preserve the squares main character.
Plant material should be selected based on the climate. This will reduce the maintenance
costs and increase the success of plantation. There are many plants which present
aesthetically pleasing and attractive changes in color and texture (like Acer species), in
Advances in Landscape Architecture 526
different seasons. Some trees have appealing visual effects in winter because of their
geometry or color of trunks and branches, such as Betula alba and Cornus alba. Plants with
poisonous fruits (e.g. Taxus baccata, Aucuba japonica, Viburnum lantana etc.) should not be
used, especially within the reach of children. Plants can also be used for creating enclosure
or dividing the space into subareas.
Water surfaces are landscape elements commonly used in public squares to create a focal
point or aesthetically pleasing views. Water can be used in different types; as still water,
running water, fountains, or combination of these. Still water surfaces create a more relaxing
and tranquil environment while fountains, cascades and other running water surfaces add
movement, vibrancy and dynamism to the space. For environmentally sustainable and low-
cost maintenance, use of recycled water and rain-water systems should be integrated into
the design. Together with lighting, water bodies and plants can be very attractive for users
at night time (Figure 10).
Figure 10. Victoria square, Birmingham, UK [28].
Site furniture
Seats/benches, outdoor luminaries, trash bins, direction signs are the most used site
furniture items in open public spaces. Functionality comes first when selecting or designing
the right site furniture. Materials used must be durable to outdoor and changing climate
Designing Urban Squares 527
conditions. Sharp corners or edges may harm people. The surrounding architectural
character should also be considered when selecting the materials and forms. Designers
should avoid selecting too many different materials for different items. All site furniture
should be harmonious with each other in order to provide integrity in design.
Seats can be placed either at regular intervals or as groups in different parts of the urban
square. Moveable chairs or seats may make it more fun and enjoyable. They can also allow
use of space for different activities at different times. Benches or seats are not necessary for
providing users with a place to sit on. Walls or steps can also be used as seating places.
Seating is one of the key elements in a public square. Seating makes it possible for users to
view, observe, and enjoy the environment. It also increases the users time spent within the
space. Therefore view of the space and orientation should be taken into account in the
placement of seats. Seats should not be back directly to roads or passing users [27].
Designers should keep in mind that seating can act like social catalyst when well-designed.
Social comfort enables spontaneous social interactions and activities [29].
Good quality lighting is necessary for users safety and comfort at night. Lighting can also
be combined with other design elements to create attractive and visually appealing
environments. Direction signs should be legible and clear. Too many direction signs may
cause confusion and create a chaotic environment.
Site furniture should be placed carefully and in coherence with the overall space design.
Pedestrian movement and activity areas should not be obstructed. Site furniture contributes
to the quality of overall design, but they should not be the dominant items in the square.
Focal Point Elements
Focal points elements might be useful to attract users while contributing to the squares
identity and image. A focal point can be created by using any design element (e.g. water
fountain) or public art works (e.g. sculptures, monuments). However, placing focal point
elements at the center of the square is not always necessary. Sitte (1965) suggests that the
centre of the squares should be kept free and focal elements should be placed along to edge,
close to pedestrian routes [6].
4. Conclusions
Today as public spaces decline, concerns for the vitality and liveability of the cities increase.
People are the main ingredients of the city and without public spaces it is impossible to
establish a physical and mental connection between public and urban environment. Urban
public spaces have been negatively affected by globalization and privatization. Furthermore
increasing individualism has caused social fragmantation within the communities which
presents itself in the changing use of public spaces. Internet has become a major component
of our daily lives. Besides its economical, educational and time saving benefits, it has also
dramatically changed public life. Internet has created virtual environments where people
prefer to spend their time rather than going out. Social relations are necessary for the
Advances in Landscape Architecture 528
cohesion of communities, and local and national identity. In this context, urban public
spaces are important venues for creating social relations between people.
Besides the social dimension, urban open spaces also contribute to the city image and
overall quality of the physical environment. Decentralization and urban expansion are major
issues in the sustainability of contemporary urban environments. If urban public spaces had
not been ignored by urban designers and planners, decentralization might have been
prevented to some point.
As one of the significant open public spaces, urban squares are fundamental city elements in
democratic and livable cities. Therefore it is needed to recreate and design urban squares to
enliven the public life and establish social cohesion. In this chapter besides the literature
review, I recommended some design basics in creating successful urban public squares.
Besides the physical dimension of design process, psychological aspects should also be
taken into account by urban designers and planners. Physical design of urban public spaces
can only be successful if safety, comfort, engagement and satisfaction of users are provided.
In summary basic design principles for urban squares can be listed as:
To create identity, sense of place and contribute to the overall city image,
To promote public use and participation,
To encourage social activities, communication and social integration,
To enhance the character of the environment,
To create a public square which is legible, enjoyable and long-lasting,
To create both physically and socially accessible environments,
To achieve environmental sustainability and low-cost maintenance through
environmental friendly design strategies.
To promote art, cultural activities and entertainment.
Urban public squares are more than just physical spaces; they have symbolic meaning for
people. They are vibrant, active and interesting places. Most of the contemporary urban
squares involve a historical value or importance for the community, as well as for the
tourists and visitors. Hence, authorities should realize that urban public squares are
essential for enhancing city image and community development.
Unfortunately, modern Turkey couldnt preserve many of its public squares, especially in
metropolitan areas. What is now called a square often functions as crossroads and is
occupied by vehicle traffic. Although traditional public squares in Turkish cities differ from
European examples, they still have a cultural and social importance in public life. Hence, it
is urgently needed to develop design and management strategies for urban public squares
in order to prevent losing a vital part of the city and the community.
Author details
Murat Z. Memluk
Department of Landscape Architecture, Ankara University, Ankara, Turkey
Designing Urban Squares 529
5. References
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Journal of Urban Design 2010; 15(1) 123-148.
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Design 2010; 15(2) 157-173.
[3] Levy B. Urban Square as the Place of History, Memory, Identity, In : Dusica Drazic,
Slavica Radisic, Marijana Simu (eds), Memory of the City, Kulturklammer, Belgrade,
2012; 156-173.
[4], (Accessed:01.11.2012).
[5] Hlscher T. Urban Spaces and Central Places, Classical Archeology, Ed:Susan E. Alcock
and Robin Osborne, Blackwell Publishing, 2007; 164-181.
[6] Zeka B. The humanistic meaning of urban squares: the case of ayyolu urban square
project. MSc Thesis, Middle East Technical University, Ankara. 2011; 241 pages.
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[8] Xing N. and Siu KWM. Historic definitions of public space: Inspiration for high quality
public space. The International Journal of Humanities, 2010; 7(11) 39-56.
[9], (Accessed:13.11.2012).
[10] lkay Y. The political struggle on and at public space. Master of Science thesis, Middle
East Technical University, 2007.
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[13] Sedlkov M. Social Meaning of a Market on Husitsk Street in Brno. Diploma Work,
Masaryk University,, Accessed:15.11.2012.
[14], (Accessed:13.11.2012).
[15] http:// (Accessed:13.11.2012).
[16] The Greater Municipality of stanbul.
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[17] The European Square Conference Report, 2002,,
[18] Bykcivelek A.B. Meydan- Kent Meydan (Square- Urban square). In: Ersoy M. (ed.)
Kentsel Planlama Ansiklopedik Szlk. Ankara: Ninova Publishing; 2012. p.342-344.
[19] Morris N. Health, well-being and open open space: literature review. Edinburgh
College of Art and Heriot-Watt University: 2003.
[20] Times Square Alliance. (accessed:01.12.2012).
[21] Hamel P. Contemporary cities and the renewal of local democracy. In: Booth P. and
Jouve B. (eds.) Metropolitan Democracies: transformations of the state and urban policy
in Canada, France and Great Britain. England: Ashgate; 2005. p.31-46.
Advances in Landscape Architecture 530
[22] Carr S., Francis M., Rivlin, L. and Stone, A. Public Space. Cambridge: University Press:
1992. 400 pages.
[23] Pasaogullar N. and Doratli N. measuring accessibility and utilization of public spaces
in Famagusta. Cities 2004; 21 (3): 225-32.
[24] Carmona M., Tiesdell S., Heath T., Oc T. Public Places Urban Spaces, 2
Edition. UK
and USA: Elsevier; 2010.
[25] Hsu B. urban Square as a Theatre: Issues of continuity and discontinuity in urban
design. Master of Science Thesis. Massachusetts nstitute of technology: 1993.
[26] Anonymous. (accessed:01.12.2012)
[27] Anonymous. Urban Squares. 2009. Available from:
Type%20-%20Urban%20Squares.pdf (accessed: 03.12.2012).
[28] (accessed 07.12.2012)
[29] (accessed 07.12.2012)
Chapter 20
Towards an Integrative Theory Approach to
Sustainable Urban Design in Saudi Arabia:
The Value of GeoDesign
Y.A. Aina, A. Al-Naser and S.B. Garba
Additional information is available at the end of the chapter
1. Introduction
Sustainable urban design connotes a new relationship between the natural environment,
urban form and structure, economic and institutional processes, and social livelihood. It
requires a transformation of the existing socio-economic, environmental and urban design
settings. Atkinson and Ting (2002) conceptualize sustainable urban design as an attempt to
recognize the complex and hitherto-neglected relationship between the natural environment
(sustainable) and the city as artefact (urban design). It seeks to enable the natural processes
that sustain life to remain intact and to continue functioning alongside initiatives for the
improvement of individual quality of life and the well being of the society. Sustainable
urban design adopts a systemic and synergistic reorganization of environmental, economic
and socio-economic goals that enhances the long-term health of natural systems and the
vitality of urban communities (Wheeler, 1998). The concept of sustainable urban design
requires a comprehensive framework of new urban design ethic to promote sustainable
cities. Different authors have elaborated on the frameworks and guidelines of incorporating
the principles of sustainable development in urban design (Carmona, 2001; Frey, 1999; Jenks
and Burgess, 2000; Jabareen, 2006; Adhya et al., 2010). However, there is no agreed strait-
jacket framework of sustainable urban design. The context in which the principle is applied
determines the form of sustainable urban design. The challenge is to develop the
appropriate urban design guidelines for a particular local context.
In Saudi Arabia, the spate of modernization has led to the replacement of traditional urban
structure and form by Western models of urban form and design. This has resulted in
problematic urban development (Fathy, 1973; Brown, 1973; Alshuwaikhat and Khaled, 1993;
Al-Hathloul, 1981; Elaraby, 1996; Bianca, 2000; Al-Hemaidi, 2001; Eben Saleh, 2002) as
Advances in Landscape Architecture 532
Western models are adopted without recourse to the underlying principles and socio-
cultural background of the traditional form. In the drive towards sustainable cities through
design, the challenge is to develop a framework that will adapt traditional urban form to
changes in the face of Western models of urban form. This chapter proposes that there is a
need to reorient the approach to urban design and development in favour of an approach
that is integrative in terms of theory and provides for sustainable development. It examines
the urban design problems in Saudi urban development, highlights the sustainability issues,
proposes an integrative framework to address the issues and lays out the basic parameters
of the framework and some cases of its application.
2. The integrative theory approach
The integrative theory approach was suggested by Sternberg (2000) in an effort to establish a
theoretical foundation for urban design. Sternberg (2000) observed that urban design had
been relying on techniques and ideas that have no clear theoretical basis and suggested an
integrative approach to defining the foundations of urban design. He posited that ideas
that inform urban design usually coalesce around contending approaches and shared
principles of these approaches should be integrated to establish a general theory of urban
design. Sternberg (2000) highlighted four elements of integrative urban design that include
good form, legibility, vitality and meaning. The principles are mainly related to the
substantive aspect of urban design due to the need for a complement to procedural theory:
a substantive planning theory that sheds light on the specific concerns of the urban
designer (Sternberg, 2000).
In his article, Sternberg (2000) highlighted some criteria (referred to as challenges) that an
integrative theory should fulfill. The set of criteria include highlighting the underlying
principles of contending approaches, addressing substantive urban design issues, awareness
of the constituents of human experience of built form, unifying economic and
architectural traditions and being realistic and practical. These criteria are used as reference
in developing an integrative framework for sustainable urban design in Saudi Arabia.
Urban design principles in Saudi could be considered to be generating from, at least, three
sources; traditional urban design principles, contemporary or conventional urban design
principles and recently emerging sustainable urban design principles. The idea is to
integrate the underlying principles of these sources.
3. Sustainable urban design: A paradigm shift
3.1. The rationale for sustainable urban design
The spatial organization of cities in terms of structure and forms is rapidly being influenced
by economic forces at the detriment of social and environmental factors. For this reason,
cities are characterized by physical and environmental problems in terms of inadequate
infrastructure, deteriorating environmental quality and congestion. Urban problems do not
arise from the inherent nature of the cities but due to the absence of effective urban
Towards an Integrative Theory Approach to
Sustainable Urban Design in Saudi Arabia: The Value of GeoDesign 533
governance and management (Jenks and Burgess, 2000). Planning and urban design are
interlinked with the dynamics of urban transformation and have been recognized as having
a vital role in the management of urban development. Land use planning and urban design
influence urban structure and form which eventually generate social and economic activities
within the city. The BEQUEST framework for sustainable urban development identified
urban design as one of the activities that influence sustainability (Deakin et al., 2002). Jenks
and Burgess (2000) also observed that the manipulation of urban form, and the provision of
better forms of governance, may go some way to overcome city problems. In addition, the
study by Banister et al. (1997) concluded that significant relationship exists between energy
use in transport and physical characteristics of the city such as density, size and amount of
open space.
Further empirical studies have shown that urban form and structure influence the social
configuration (Burton, 2000), economic efficiency (Cervero, 2001) and environmental
performance (Adolphe, 2001) of the city. Adolphe (2001) asserted that urban configuration
influences outdoor climate conditions, energy balance of building and diffusion of
pollutants while Burton (2000) highlighted the negative and positive influences of urban
compactness on social equity. The findings by Cervero (2001) suggested that the urban form
and mobility characteristics of metropolitan areas have some bearing on economic
performance. In essence, there is an interrelationship between the spatial, physical, and
structural characteristics of a city and its functional, socio-economic and environmental
qualities and this relationship should be explored to foster liveable cities (Frey, 1999).
Traditionally, urban design considers the relationship between urban structural elements,
socio-economic activities and environmental quality. Lynch (1960) elaborated on the visual
quality of the city and highlighted elements that are crucial to the imageability of a city. His
emphasis on the interrelationship of these elements and the physical environmental quality
of the city became analytical means of promoting city liveability. Gosling and Maitland
(1984) lucidly stated that the physical design of the city cannot be isolated from the
problematic context of existing cities and highlighted the problems that concern designers as
economic, engineering considerations, social and ecological. Evidently, the emergence of the
concept of sustainable development has boosted the incorporation of social, economic and
environmental dimensions in urban design process. The principles of sustainable
development require a balance consideration of social, economic and environmental
implications of development activities. Urban designers seek to incorporate the principles of
sustainability into urban design through sustainable urban design.
In Saudi Arabia, like other Middle East countries, there is growing awareness of the
unsustainable water and energy consumption. Domestic energy demand is increasing due
to automobile dependence and use of energy dependent air conditioners for cooling
(Elgendy, 2011; Taleb and Sharples, 2011; Almatawa et al., 2012). Saudi Arabia consumes
about one third of its oil production (Elgendy, 2011) and buildings are consuming about
30% of domestic usage (Almatawa et al., 2012). Water production by desalination depends
on fossil energy and high water demand influences energy demand. There are indications
that the usage of water has not been efficient due to wastage (Garba, 2004; Elgendy, 2011)
Advances in Landscape Architecture 534
and high energy consumption and automobile dependence might have led to air and noise
pollution in a typical Saudi city (Alshuwaikhat and Aina, 2006). Therefore, there is the
imperative to charter a new course that is more sustainable. Elgendy (2010) and Mills et al.
(2012) highlighted the recent drive by Middle East governments to start initiatives that will
foster sustainable built environment.
3.2. Saudi pattern of urban development
3.2.1. Traditional urban form in Saudi Arabia
The traditional urban form in Saudi Arabia is similar to that of most traditional Muslim
cities. The traditional urban fabric is characterized by organic narrow winding street
pattern, with homogeneous arrangement of housing plots. The houses open inward in form
of courtyards (Fig. 1) and are centred on mosques, markets 'suqs' and madrassas. As noted
by Bianca (2000), "the formation of the urban structure is not subject to the purely
quantitative division of large space into smaller fragments but based on an incremental or
'organic' aggregation process, originating in the definition of socially relevant micro-spaces
which are then connected into larger units. The enclosure of voids by correlated solids,
repeated in countless variations, is the generating principle of urban form". Pacione (2001)
highlighted the elements of traditional Islamic city as the obviation of the need for public
buildings; the centring of city on mosques that provide a range of welfare and education
functions; the bazaar or 'suq'; the residential fabric that is composed of a compact structure
of open courtyard houses; and the irregular street pattern. The irregularity of forms of the
traditional urban fabric does not necessarily connote lack of order but depicts coherent and
harmonious integration of diverse elements to make a whole.
Figure 1. Traditional courtyards (Source: Arriyadh Development Authority)
In spite of the general elements attributed to the traditional urban fabric, there are notable
variations from place to place. The old Jeddah as a typical example of traditional town in
Towards an Integrative Theory Approach to
Sustainable Urban Design in Saudi Arabia: The Value of GeoDesign 535
Saudi Arabia does have some specific characteristics that are peculiar to it. The old Jeddah
town was significantly different from other Islamic cities by its lack of central space
allocated to governmental or religious institutions (Fig. 2). The core of old Jeddah emerged
around the central 'suq' or market surrounded by residential quarters (Khan, 1981).
Nevertheless, the social and communal activity still centred on the mosque. The main
arteries are very few numbering about five, including the major axis along the 'suq' or
market. The width of the roads varied according to function and location. The narrower
lanes were located within residential quarter (Fig. 3) while the wider streets served the
shopping areas and transportation of goods.
Figure 2. Street patterns in old Jeddah (Source: Google earth)
Figure 3. A narrow street in Old Jeddah (buildings have traditional wooden window screen
Mashrabiyah for privacy)
Advances in Landscape Architecture 536
Religious, environmental, socio-economic and cultural factors have been cited as having
influences on the elements of the traditional urban fabric. For instance, the introverted
housing pattern of courtyards have stemmed from the religious concept of privacy and
adaptation to the local climate. Also, the irregular street pattern reflects an adaptation to the
local climate by maximizing shade. In essence the traditional urban fabric exemplified
adaptation to local environment, integration of socio-economic and religious-cultural
principles in developing harmonious and liveable society. The balance of socio-economic,
environmental, religious and cultural factors in development of traditional urban fabric is
exemplary and noteworthy. In the first instance, the origin of the city could be based on
environmental, socio-economic or religious considerations. Availability of water or good
agricultural land could serve as considerable environmental factor for locating traditional
cities. After which the city is developed in an incremental manner without a 'formalized'
planning but with a general concept of harmony, coherence and liveability.
The spatial geometry of the traditional urban fabric seems to have developed from lack of
planning. Far from that, the structures are planned but the planning principles are flexible
enough to allow for acceptable diversity and the principles are applied by the individuals in
the society as there was limited civic planning. The main sources of these principles are the
religious tenets derived from the Shari'ah (Qur'an and Sunnah). Examples are the principles
of privacy, private and public space. The principle of privacy might have contributed to the
development of the narrow and winding streets apart from the climatic adaptation by
3.2.2. Contemporary urban form in Saudi Arabia
The emergence of contemporary urban form in Saudi Arabia started in the 1930's when
building regulations were enacted to guide building construction and street patterns.
During this period, imported modern technologies and planning models were introduced to
the country without due consideration of the local traditions and socio-cultural factors.
Notable among the contemporary building regulations were the 1358/1938 King Abdulaziz's
order to found Alkhobar city, the 1371/1951 ARAMCO home ownership plan and the 1960
circular by the Deputy Ministry of Interior for Municipalities. These orders and regulations
set the background for the contemporary urban fabric in Saudi Arabia and the structure and
pattern of cities and towns are influenced by the different regulations. Greater degree of
urban transformation set in during the 1970's as a result of the economic boom and the
inauguration of the Five Year Development Planning. Then, the government began a
campaign of modern urban planning and systematic intervention in urban production (Eben
Saleh, 2002). The new urban form was established with the grid-iron patterns and building
regulations and zoning outlined compulsory setbacks and site-coverage limits. The new
spatial models engendered the construction of freestanding, low-density "villa" dwellings
(Eben Saleh, 2002).
Al-Malaz neighbourhood in Riyadh represents a typical Saudi contemporary urban
structure. The neighbourhood, which is located 4.5 km north east of Riaydh, was planned in
Towards an Integrative Theory Approach to
Sustainable Urban Design in Saudi Arabia: The Value of GeoDesign 537
1373/1957 when government headquarters was moved from Makkah to Riyadh. Al-Malaz
was planned following a grid-iron pattern with an hierarchy of streets, rectangular blocks,
and large lots which in most cases are square in shape (Fig. 4) (Al-Said, 1992). The main
thoroughfares are 30 meters in width, secondary streets 20 meters, and minor streets or
access streets of 10 and 15 meters. The block areas are 100 by 50 meters. The typical lot size
is 25 by 25 meters, with some variations in width (Al-Said, 1992). The Al-Malaz
neighbourhood structural pattern was consequent upon the contemporary building
requirements which stipulated the planning of the land, subdivision with cement poles,
heights of the buildings, setbacks and square lot ratio of the buildings.
Figure 4. Structural pattern of Al-Malaz neighbourhood (Source: Google earth)
3.2.3. Issues and problems in contemporary urban form
The contemporary urban pattern is mainly driven by economic considerations and
formalized planning legislations. The streets are widened (Fig. 5) to maintain fast
connectivity among different sectors of the city through the automobile. Urban development
activities are evaluated mainly by economic efficiency and traffic considerations with the
neglect of socio-cultural and environmental dimensions. The contemporary model of urban
design encourages the extensive use of space and the fragmentation of functional spaces. In
essence, the contemporary model contrasts the traditional model by being dynamic and
mechanical while the traditional model is static and human in scale.
The contemporary/modern model of urban form has been found to be in conflict with some
indigenous socio-cultural, environmental, economic and structural concepts. For instance, in
the traditional Arab-Islamic society privacy was very important but the introduction of
setbacks allowed adjoining buildings to open their windows outward thereby infringing on
the privacy of other dwellings (Eben Saleh, 2002). Also, the introduction of glazed glasses as
building materials results in additional costs of cooling and heating during the extremes of
climate in summer and winter. These notable conflicts rendered contemporary model of
urban design to be problematic. The residents have rejected contemporary urban form by
Advances in Landscape Architecture 538
erecting additional structures over fences to ensure privacy and by not using their yards for
female activities (Al-Hemaidi, 2001). Social sustainability is also affected by the use of cars
for movements within neighbourhood such as going to school, mosque or shops instead of
walking (Al-Hemaidi, 2001). Thus, Elaraby (1996) opined that the new mix of Western styles
of design and characters that have appeared recently have changed the spatial environment
of many Islamic countries for worse. The challenge is to develop a framework of adopting
the modern technology and design principles without jeopardizing the elements of
traditional values, forms and design.
Figure 5. A wide street of the contemporary urban form
3.3. Overview of sustainable urban design principles
It is recognized that urban design could foster sustainability by incorporating the principles
of sustainable development with urban design guidelines and process. Different research
studies have elaborated on the key principles that should be incorporated into urban design
to promote sustainability. Selman (1996) and Carmona (2001) highlighted the major tenets of
sustainable development that should be integrated with urban design. These principles
include intergenerational equity, public trust doctrine (maintaining environmental diversity
and carrying capacity), precautionary principle, intra-generational equity, participation and
polluter pays principle. Atkinson and Ting (2002) proposed a framework of transformative
sustainable urban design with the following principles: acknowledgement of fundamental
ecological patterns and limits, environmental and social restoration and regeneration,
seeking better quality of life through liveability, employing integrative and holistic
strategies and solutions and recognizing sustainable urban design as a process and product.
Adhya et al. (2010) opined that sustainable urban design should be able to provide adequate
answers to questions on the aesthetics of the urban form, functionality of the built
environment and the sustainability of the social and economic processes.
Towards an Integrative Theory Approach to
Sustainable Urban Design in Saudi Arabia: The Value of GeoDesign 539
In a bid to present the sustainable urban design principles in an applicable manner,
Carmona (2001) elaborated on the key principles and highlighted ten basic tenets of
sustainable urban design that are found in expounded literature. These include:
stewardship integrated planning, enhancement through change and town centre
resource efficiency economy of means, minimal environmental harm, reducing
travel/energy reduction and recycling;
diversity and choice variety, permeability, mixed development and hierarchy of
services and facilities;
human needs legibility, aesthetics, security, low crime, social mix and imageability;
resilience flexibility and ability to adapt to change;
pollution reduction low pollution and noise, water strategy, climate and air quality;
concentration polycentric city, compact intensification and support services;
distinctiveness heritage, creative relationship, sense of place and regional identity;
biotic support urban greening, open space, biotic support and symbiotic
self-sufficiency environmental literacy, local autonomy, consultation and
He also noted that the spatial scale of urban design (from local to metropolitan) should be
considered in applying urban design principles. In the same vein, Frey (1999) suggested
three levels of urban design interventions that include individual space, city district and
city/conurbation levels. In order to be effective, urban design interventions should have
development frameworks generated at these levels. Choguill (2008) argued for paying more
attention to the development of sustainable neighbourhood since the city cannot be
sustainable with unsustainable neighbourhood.
Jabareen (2006) identified seven concepts of sustainable design that are similar to the ones
developed by Carmona (2001). His principles are more specific about the issues to be
addressed in fostering sustainable urban design. The concepts include:
compactness intensification of built form
sustainable transport design that promotes walking, cycling and transit-oriented
density high density development
mixed land uses diversity of functional land uses
diversity diversity of land uses, rents and architectural styles
passive solar design reduction of fossil fuel consumption
greening provision of adequate urban green areas
A number of the sustainable urban design principles enunciated above need further
research to clarify effect of applying the principles on the urban environment and the
direction (increasing or decreasing) of application. For instance, although different authors
have tried to document the negative effects of sprawl development, the principle of
concentration in form of compact city development is still debatable. As noted by Frey
Advances in Landscape Architecture 540
(1999) that the exact forms and structure that would render the city more sustainable remain
elusive and the claims in support of one or the other urban structure are not substantiated.
The compactness of the city must be decided with due consideration to the cultural, social
and environmental context of the city.
The principles highlighted above are substantive, in line with the criteria by Sternberg
(2000), and might not achieve sustainability without sustainable design procedure. The
design process and the outcome of design should be sustainable. Alshuwaikhat and
Nkwenti (2002) and Abdulgader and Aina (2005) suggested frameworks for ensuring
sustainability in the urban design process. Abdulgader and Aina (2005) identified five
aspects of the urban design process that should be integrated. The aspects include
substantive, procedural, methodological, policy and institutional. Alshuwaikhat and
Nkwenti (2002) expatiated on the procedural aspect by suggesting a design framework that
is within a balanced structure of Top-Down and Down-Top dialoguing with reflection
of various components of the society. The sustainable design process approach consists of
five principal stages: sustainable design objectives, sustainable design guidelines,
sustainable design statements, preliminary design and sustainable design scheme. This
framework has to be integrated with the planning process to promote sustainability of cities.
The planning and urban design process should be incremental and adaptive due to the need
for flexibility and adaptation to changes in social, economic and environmental contexts.
The section below includes further discussion on sustainable design process.
4. The integrated approach to sustainable urban design
As illustrated in the sections above, there are at least three contending issues/concepts of
urban form and design in Saudi Arabia; the heritage of the traditional urban form, modern
concept of urban pattern and the emerging and overarching concept of sustainable urban
design. Contemporary urban design cannot be based solely on the traditional models as the
variables that have contribution to the development of urban development are fast changing
and it could be very difficult and impracticable to conceptualize these changes in the light of
traditional concepts alone. On the other hand, indiscriminate adoption of modern models
has been found to be problematic and incompatible with the traditional city forms. The
total neglect of the traditional forms, and the implications of their meanings and values, will
cause us to lose forever our heritage and architectural identity (Al-Hemaidi, 2001).
Sustainable urban design could provide the opportunity of integrating the traditional and
contemporary models in a resourceful manner, as some of the relevant elements of both
models are embedded in the principles of sustainable design. As noted by Liddell and
Mackie (2002) that the more sustainability principles are applied to design and planning (in
Northern Europe) the more these tend to take on traditional forms. However, there should
be a framework that lays emphasis on the consideration of traditional concepts for the
appropriate integration of these concepts in the principles of sustainable urban design.
The integrated approach to sustainable urban design should have at least three dimensions;
substantive, procedural and methodological. The other two dimensions, policies and
Towards an Integrative Theory Approach to
Sustainable Urban Design in Saudi Arabia: The Value of GeoDesign 541
institutional aspects (Abdulgader and Aina, 2005), are not directly under the control of
urban designers. Yet, urban designers need the skills to manoeuvre the institutional
framework and also promote the implementation of sustainable policies. The procedural
dimension that is adapted from the study of Alshuwaikhat and Nkwenti (2002) has been
highlighted above. That is, the procedure should consist of at least five principal stages of
objective, guidelines, statements, design and scheme. The integration of sustainability in
urban design process is necessary because the process of urban design determines the
transformation of the design and the process cannot be divorced from the product. If the
design process is sustainable there is likelihood that the design itself will be sustainable and
consequently the community will advance towards sustainability. The issue of
implementation is very important in the procedural aspect and efforts should be made to
monitor and improve the efficiency and effectiveness of the implementation mechanism.
4.1. Substantive dimension a synergy of principles
The substantive dimension proceeds from the idea of Sternberg (2000), as mentioned in
section two above, that the underlying principles of the contending approaches be
integrated. Thus, the underlying substantive principles of sustainable urban design should
be integrated with the traditional values and principles of urban form. Elaraby (1996)
expatiated on the underlying principles of traditional Islamic design and highlighted six
principles which are fundamental to traditional design. These principles include:
Unity functional and aesthetic forms that expresses an integrated, indivisible whole
(unity in space and pattern, in light and colour and in space and form);
Openness of space positive, active spaces interact with negative spaces to express
interrelationship between form and space;
Simplicity of form and design use of basic geometric shape and a pure modification
and abstraction of geometrical form;
Simplicity of structural expression organic relationship between structural
Scale respect for human scale in both the whole environment and particular
Harmony, compatibility and balance harmonious integration of structure and form;
Privacy respect individual right to privacy.
The traditional urban and legislative elements which interacted to shape the urban form and
spatial structure should also be integrated into the design process. Some of these elements
are identified by Hakim (1988) as Hisba institution, Waqf, allocation of land, traditional
energy saving techniques, symbolic manifestations, water extraction and surveying and
construction techniques.
A set of principles and elements from traditional and contemporary design are selected to be
integrated with the principles of sustainable urban design to engender better urban form
and design (Fig. 6). As shown in figure 6, the sustainability principles include mainly the
Advances in Landscape Architecture 542
concepts from Jabareen (2006) and some issues that were not explicitly mentioned in his
framework. For example, resilience to climate change and natural hazards has become an
important issue in recent time due to global environmental change. Human needs such as
social relationship are also very important. So, these concepts are selected from Carmonas
(2001) principles. The traditional principles are deduced from issues raised by Al-Hathloul
(1981), Hakim (1988), Al-Hemaidi (2001) and Eben Saleh (2002).
The process issues such as public participation and institutional framework are not
substantive but they are also important. So, they are shown in red boxes outside the
substantive triangle (Fig. 6). Some of the issues feature in more than one set of principles to
Figure 6. Conceptualization of the integrative theory approach
Towards an Integrative Theory Approach to
Sustainable Urban Design in Saudi Arabia: The Value of GeoDesign 543
show the overlap between some of the contending principles. Some challenges might arise
from the issues that are conflicting among the principles. For example, promoting urban
greening might conflict with conservation in a desert environment. Maintaining green areas
require a lot of water and it might impact on energy demand. Also, it might be difficult to
achieve high density neighbourhood with design of courtyards. The principles highlighted
in this study are not conclusive and other principles could still be valid and relevant. In
essence, the paper proposes that different principles of traditional, modern and the
overarching sustainable urban design should be applied in an integrative approach to
achieve better and liveable cities.
4.2. Methodological dimension a case for GeoDesign
The methodological dimension involves the utilization of different analytical, descriptive
and modelling techniques to fully grasp the complexity of different factors involved in
sustainable urban design. No single method is capable of analyzing the components of
urban systems in a comprehensive manner. Thus, there is the need to integrate different
methods of analysis with a view to further understand and model the urban system. Efforts
have been made in this direction with the development of space syntax, cellular automata,
GIS and the collaborative planning support systems. It has been noted by Batty et al. (1998)
that the advances in computer models and information systems have hardly been fully
utilized in urban design. It is highly pertinent now to find ways of utilizing the powerful
potentials of different computer models and information systems to support urban design.
Batty et al. (1998) identified about four ways in which urban system can be represented (by
the information systems) at the level of urban design. These include the representations of
socio-economic, functional, behavioural and physical information. Virtually all the
information can be stored and analyzed digitally by the current level of technology. There is
just the need to fully integrate the available information systems and make them amenable
to supporting sustainable urban design process and product.
Efforts towards the integration of information systems for urban design have led to the
emerging concept of GeoDesign. It is the adaptation of geography, geographic information
system and other information systems in a synergetic way to support urban design. That is,
integrating geospatial technologies into the design process with the goal of living more
harmoniously with nature (Artz, 2010). Goodchild (2010) defined GeoDesign as planning
informed by scientific knowledge of how the world works, expressed in GIS-based
simulations. Apart from utilizing the sketching and simulation capability of GIS
(Goodchild, 2010), with geographic reference, GeoDesign uses web and visualization
technologies to enhance collaboration and stakeholders participation during the design
process. The broad idea is to have all design related technologies, such as computer-aided
design (CAD) and building information modelling (BIM), integrated into GIS to be able to
design in a spatially aware environment.
GeoDesign has been demonstrated to include the following essential elements
(Dangermond, 2009; Abukhater and Walker, 2010; Goodchild, 2010, Wheeler, 2010):
Sketching drawing proposed designs or plans
Advances in Landscape Architecture 544
Spatially aware simulations modelling different systems (environmental, economic
and so on) and how they will respond to proposed design in terms of impacts and
change (with geographic reference)
Fast feedback supporting collaboration
Iteration trying and visualizing different alternatives
3D visualization presenting design alternatives and impacts in three dimension
In their article, Abukhater and Walker (2010) exemplified how GeoDesign can be used in
making cities grow smarter. GeoDesign has also been applied in planning new electricity
networks (Moreno-Marimbaldo et al., 2012), green infrastructure design (Hehl-lange et al.,
2012) and landscape planning (Pietsch, 2012). The capabilities of GeoDesign make it a
valuable tool for urban designers in promoting sustainable built environment. Urban
designers need capable analytical, modelling and visualization tools to synthesize the
varying issues of urban complexity, climate change and human social needs.
A model by Dangermond (2009) successfully highlighted the importance of GeoDesign in
design process (Fig. 7). The model incorporates the design process with the elements of
GeoDesign such as designing, sketching and geo-accounting. It showed that Geodesign
could be a veritable box of tools that enables a rapid and adaptive process for creating a
sustainable future (Dangermond, 2009). In terms of usage, most of the applications of
GeoDesign are still in Europe and North America but there is a growing adoption in other
Figure 7. GeoDesign in the sustainable design process (Source: Dangermond, 2009) Graphic used by
permission. Copyright Esri. All rights reserved.
Towards an Integrative Theory Approach to
Sustainable Urban Design in Saudi Arabia: The Value of GeoDesign 545
countries. In Saudi Arabia, GeoDesign is gaining momentum because GIS technology
(backbone of GeoDesign) is already being used in the kingdom to solve different geospatial
and design problems. Aina (2012) highlighted some of the recent applications of GIS in
Saudi Arabia and affirmed that the utilization of the technology is growing in the Kingdom.
Another indicator of the growing application of GIS and GeoDesign is the GeoDesign
conference that took place in Riyadh in 2011. The conference (
Event.aspx?id=554952) recognized the need to enhance Saudis GeoDesign capabilities to
support the increasing infrastructure expansion projects.
4.3. Case studies Mashair metro and KAUST campus
Saudi Arabia has carried out some projects that are exemplary for sustainable urban design.
One of the projects is the Mashair metro project, which was inaugurated to improve
transportation system during the yearly pilgrimage (Hajj). The Mashair trains have the
capacity to transport about 550,000 pilgrims between the holy sites (Arab News, 2012). The
project could promote sustainable urban design, by reducing carbon emissions and
encouraging transit-oriented development, as the trains will replace about 53,000 buses
(Barry, 2009). Due to the initial success of the project, other metro projects have been
initiated for Jeddah and Riyadh cities and to link Makkah with Madinah (Haramain Metro).
Another prominent design project is King Abdullah University of Science and Technology
(KAUST) campus project. This is the first project to be awarded LEED certificate in Saudi
Arabia (Almatawa et al., 2012). The project was based on sustainability principles from the
scratch and they implemented a sort of GeoDesign for the design of the campus and
monitoring of different sustainability parameters (Elgendy, 2010). The sustainable and
traditional design principles implemented in the project include; compact city planning,
traditional suq (market), traditional passive ventilation, mashrabiyah (Fig. 8), passive
design, energy and water conservation (Elgendy, 2010).
Figure 8. Building facade with window screen similar to traditional mashrabiyah (Source: A. T. Service
Wikimedia commons)
Advances in Landscape Architecture 546
These highlighted constitute a very bold start in embracing the principles of sustainable
urban design in the Kingdom. The challenge is in replicating such projects across the
Kingdom and making the adoption of sustainability principle the norm. Al-Hemaidi (2001)
noted that there few promising traditional designs here and there but there is no
coordinated effort to implement them on a general level. Another challenge is the ability to
change the behavioural pattern of the populace. Authors like Abdulgader and Aina (2005)
and Choguill (2008) have noted the requirement and importance of changing living pattern
to achieving sustainability. Implementing sustainability principles is necessary but not
enough for sustainable urban development (Choguill, 2008).
5. Conclusion
The concept of sustainable urban design is an overarching concept that can serve as a
platform to resolve the conflicting values of the traditional urban form and modern design
models. However, the principles of these models both traditional and modern should be
integrated with the sustainable urban design principles to effectively incorporate them in
urban planning and development. This chapter has tried to highlight some of the pertinent
and core principles of traditional urban form and sustainable urban design that should be
integrated to foster liveable cities. It also highlights the importance and value of GeoDesign
to sustainable urban design. Although the approach that has been proposed by this chapter
evolves from the analysis of Saudi Arabian urban design context, it could be applied in any
other planning and design environment with little variations. As it is evident that the
tendency in almost every society is to follow the new trend of the globalization of cities, by
which forces that are 'alien' to cities dictate their structure and morphology. There is the
need to further examine how to operationalize these integrated principles especially in the
local context of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia.
Author details
Y.A. Aina
Geomatics Technologies Department, Yanbu Industrial College, Yanbu, Saudi Arabia
A. Al-Naser
Department of City and Regional Planning, King Fahd University of Petroleum and Minerals,
Dhahran, Saudi Arabia
S.B. Garba
Department of Civil and Architectural Engineering, Sultan Qaboos University, Muscat, Oman
The authors acknowledge the support of King Fahd University of Petroleum and Minerals
for the research. The authors are also grateful to the editorial board for its comments.
Towards an Integrative Theory Approach to
Sustainable Urban Design in Saudi Arabia: The Value of GeoDesign 547
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Chapter 21
Urban River Landscapes
Blent Cengiz
Additional information is available at the end of the chapter
1. Introduction
The importance of urban rivers have always been recognized [1-6] for water resources,
protection of nature, fisheries and recreation in view of their considerable contributions to
landscape [3, 7]. In addition, rivers have certain definite environmental, social, cultural and
economic values, as well. They are used by humans on a wide variety of purposes such as
drinking water, irrigation, industry, power production, transportation, flood control,
fishing, boating, swimming and aesthetic enjoyment [8].
Rivers have many functions like providing connection between landscapes and
communities and they also gather people around the same idea for a creative and
sustainable environment. People from all parts of society should and also private and public
stakeholders should be included in the development of river management plan in order to
find effective solutions for the use of natural resources [8].
There is an apparent interaction between cultural level of societies and the use of water in all
fields [9]. Many cities in the world have been established along the river banks [6, 9-10]. For
instance, many civilizations settled along the Euphrates- the Tigris Rivers in Mesopotamia,
the Nile in Egypt, the Ganges in India, the Indus in Pakistan and the Huang-Ho in China
throughout the history [11]. The current examples of cities include the Thames in London,
the Seine in Paris, the Tiber in Rome, the Vlvata in Prague, the Danube in Budapest [12-13],
the Hudson in New York, the Yarra in Melbourne [6] and Turkish cities as the Seyhan in
Adana, the Yeilrmak in Amasya, the Asi in Antakya, the Tigris in Diyarbakr, the Meri in
Edirne, the Porsuk in Eskiehir and the Bartn River in Bartn [9].
On the other hand, besides their advantages, this kind of settlement also has some
disadvantages. Floodplains are susceptible to dangers of flooding in relation with the
human and natural activities. Loss of life and property and damages to wildlife habitats can
be cited among the risks caused by civilization on water sides [10]. Past uses of rivers and
social tendencies are effective on the present condition of rivers. Despite the unsatisfactory
Advances in Landscape Architecture 552
conditions of water sources in many parts, the increasing efficacy of sewage treatment
systems provides new opportunities for inhabitants and improvement of rivers in
morphological and economic sense. For attaining a normal level of life quality along river
banks, necessary consideration and importance should be given to flood control systems
and water quality in urban areas. In this regard, there is an increasing concern in the world
over rivers in urban areas in terms of green spaces, urban ecology and life quality [14]. The
major part of works conducted on urban rivers has been carried out in North America
(mainly the USA), Asia (mainly China) and Europe (mainly western Europe) [6].
In this chapter, the main emphasis has put on the understanding of floodplain resources,
principles for an ecologically sound riverfront design, baselines of urban water
rehabilitation and some samples of urban river landscape throughout the world. In line with
the obtained results, certain recommendations have been made for planning of urban river
landscapes in Turkey.
2. Floodplain resources
2.1. Understanding floodplain resources
In this section, floodplain natural resources are introduced with an explanation of
floodplains, watersheds, ecosystems and natural communities.
A typical river corridor has several features brought by geological and hydrological
processes effective on landscapes (Figure 1). The river channel wanders through the
landscape, carving through the terrain and depositing sediment on places where it goes.
Sediment deposits and depressions on water banks might form wetlands, which are always
or periodically flooded with water [10].
Floodplains are the areas bordering rivers and streams. These parts in river valleys are
frequently defined as areas where the likelihood of flooding is high in a given year.
Therefore, the term of "100-year" flood is used to define the flood with 1% of occurrence
possibility in any given year (Similar definitions can be expanded to include 25-or 50-year
floods). As a river goes downward in an area, it may leave terraces, formed in time as the
river flows at higher elevations. These landforms are part of a larger river corridor and play
an extremely important role in the functioning of floodplain ecosystems [10].
Floods are natural outcomes of river ecology. Therefore, it is important to be ready for
floods. The job of flood experts is focused on determining the size of floods in statistical
terms to present the frequency of water flow that passes through a stream channel in a
certain period of time. The frequency of floods is calculated as the time between the same or
greater levels of floods. For instance, a 10-year flood is used to represent the event of flood
occurring about every 10 years. Based on this calculation, there is a 1-in-10 change of
occurrence for a 10-year flood. Historical data is considered in calculation of flood
frequencies such as 10-year flood, 25-year flood and 100-year flood. From this regard, there
is a 1-percent chance of occurrence for a 100-year flood event for any given year, and
Urban River Landscapes 553
Figure 1. Major physiographic elements of a typical floodplain [10].
similarly, there is a 5-percent chance of occurrence for a 20-year flood event. Many factors
including the years of high rainfall and changes in land use are effective for the frequency of
these flood events [8], (Figure 2).
The definition of 100-year floodplain is considered as the basis in the U.S. National Flood
Insurance Program. The boundaries of this zone are drawn by associating the discharge data
and flow elevations to the topography of the stream valley. In this program, two main zones
are defined: the first of which is floodway, lowest part in floodplain where flood flows
deepest and most frequently; and the second of which is floodway fringe, an area on the
margin of regulatory floodway and less frequently and lightly flooded in 100-year flood.
Settlements along regulatory floodway are not found qualified for flood insurance; on the
other hand, settlements on floodway fringe are qualified for insurance if a certain amount of
flood proofing is established (Figure 3) [15].
A developed landscape is confined to the river channel or wider flood-channel. Buildings
and roads are flooded in the event of a 10-year or 100-year flood, which is not a pleasant
situation for users and residents, but their inconvenience should be compared with other
considerations. The preventive efforts for flood events are quite costly from both financial
and environmental considerations, and it is also possible that these events will worsen the
downstream flood problems [16].
Advances in Landscape Architecture 554
Figure 2. Flood backwaters in relation to valley contours. (b) The influence of valley shape on the extent
of the 25-year and 100-year floods [15].
Figure 3. Presentation of the regulator floodway and floodway fringe by U.S. National Flood Insurance
Program [15].
As a solution, management of flood events can be integrated into the land-use planning
system. The present and recommended contours for each flood event can be drawn for each
Half-year: natural reserves, playgrounds, gardens;
One-year: needless car parks, light traffic roads, flood-tolerant buildings.
25-year: many roads and car-parks, the ground floors of needless buildings.
100-year: large urban areas, excluding hospitals or other essential services [16]. The
effective areas of river form the overflow boundary, which was evaluated considering
the following studies in the literature on landscape planning: [2, 4, 8, 10, 15-21].
Urban River Landscapes 555
Watersheds: Watersheds have an important place in understanding and managing the
resources in floodplains. Watershed is an area drained by a river and its tributaries.
Different watersheds are separated with ridges or divides. Similar to floodplains, they are
formed in time with the effects of various climatic, hydrological and geological processes.
On the other hand, watershed differs from floodplain with its much larger size, and
therefore, it can be more difficult to manage because larger areas are usually covered by
various municipalities that have different governments and land-use strategies. However, it
should be understood that upstream uses of land and water in a watershed have negative
effects on downstream areas and bring along the potential for increased flooding [10] (see
Figure 4).
Figure 4. The Bartn River Watershed and stream orders [4, 9, 22].
Natural Resources and Ecosystems: Not only the hydrological features of landscape but
also the geological characteristics have an important role in determining the type of
vegetation in the area. There are a number of plant species grown in floodplains and
adapted to the specific conditions of soil types and water flow cycles, which are the
characteristics of river corridors. In turn, vegetation becomes important to determine how
water flows in land and it is an indispensable factor in the management of erosion and
sediment deposits that can alter the appearance of the landscape [10].
The living and non-living components of natural floodplains are interrelated with each
other and create a dynamic system where one helps another to maintain the properties of
Advances in Landscape Architecture 556
the environment to sustain them in a mutually supportive cycle. These interrelated systems
forming both commercial and recreational sides of physical and biological worlds are
known as ecosystems. These components of floodplain ecosystem work together in storing
and conveying floodwaters, protecting water quality, preventing erosion and sustaining rich
habitats of fish and wildlife. The recognition of these relations among hydrological,
geological and biological characteristics of these systems, one can comprehend how
changing one character can significantly change an entire system [10].
Natural Communities: There can be many different ecological communities, groups of
plant and animal species existing together in a certain area along the floodplain and its
adjacent landforms. Various types of plant species in an ecological community might need
the same type of soil or level of soil moisture available only in a particular area in the
floodplain. Wet meadows, bottomland hardwood forests, and riparian shrub wetlands can
be cited among the examples of such communities. Landform, soil and plant types present
in a certain part of floodplain can identify the boundaries of these ecological communities
2.2. Natural resources and functions of floodplain
The three main categories of floodplain resources and functions include water resources,
biological resources and societal resources (Table 1) [10].
2.3. Multiple uses of floodplain
Different levels of settlement development and disturbance to natural systems have various
effects on natural resources. For instance, the management objectives can be different for an
already fully developed floodplain community than a community with large open spaces
There are four main levels with corresponding considerations [10].
Urban Areas: The floodplain in an urban community is probably highly developed
already. Restoration of natural areas and the relocation of structures particularly
threatened by flood hazards are included in the management options for these areas.
Suburban Areas/Urban Fringe: Urban fringe areas are frequently threatened by great
development pressures, but there might be enough open spaces to work with. Effective
planning is of critical importance in these communities, and a special focus can be put
on maintaining existing open areas along waterways and restoration of vegetation.
Rural Areas: Agricultural communities have different concerns of floodplain. The large
open spaces in the floodplain of these areas are an advantage. In these areas,
management strategies should focus on controlling erosion and excessive nutrient
loadings, as well as vegetation of stream banks to restore natural ecosystem functions.
Wild-lands: The natural system in these communities with very low-density
development and much more open spaces should already be functioning. In these
areas, there is the opportunity to safeguard floodplain functions at the outset and to
maintain valuable habitats and superior water quality.
Urban River Landscapes 557
Natural Flood and
Erosion Control
- Provide flood storage and conveyance
- Reduce flood velocities
- Reduce peak floods
- Reduce sedimentation
Water Quality
- Filter nutrients and impurities from runoff
- Process organic wastes
- Moderate temperature fluctuations
- Improve infiltration and aquifer recharge
- Reduce the frequency and duration of low
surface flows
- Support high rate of plant growth
- Maintain biodiversity
- Sustain the integrity of ecosystems
Fish and Wildlife
- Provide breeding and feeding grounds
- Create and improve waterfowl habitat
- Protect habitats of rare and endangered species
Harvests of Wild and
Cultivated Products
- Improve agricultural lands
- Provide sites for aquaculture
- Restore and improve forest lands
- Provide areas for active and passive usage
- Provide open spaces
- Provide aesthetic pleasure
Areas for Scientific
Study and Outdoor
- Support cultural resources (historical and
archeological sites)
- Provide opportunities for environmental and
other studies
*Adopted from: A Unified Program for Floodplain Management, 1994.
Table 1. Natural resources and functions of floodplain [10].
3. Principles for an ecologically sound riverfront design
The following three main parts in this section demonstrate concrete examples of principles
in planning and design (Table 2) [21].
General Principle 1: Ecological targets and economic development targets should
be mutually beneficial
General Principle 2: Protect and restore the characteristics and functions of natural
General Principle 3: Regenerate the riverfront as a human realm
General Principle 4: Compromises are necessary to achieve multiple objectives
General Principle 5: Obtain broad participation in the process of planning and
designing riverfront
Advances in Landscape Architecture 558
Planning Principle 1: Demonstrate characteristics of the citys unique relationship
with the river in the riverfront design
Planning Principle 2: Know the river ecosystem and plan for a scale larger than the
Planning Principle 3: Because rivers are dynamic, minimize new floodplain
Planning Principle 4: Provide public access, connections, and recreational
Planning Principle 5: Celebrate the rivers environmental and cultural history
through public education programs, riverfront signage and
Design Principle 1: Protect features and functions of natural river
Design Principle 2: Buffer sensitive natural areas
Design Principle 3: Restore riparian and in-stream habitats
Design Principle 4: Use nonstructural alternatives to manage water resources
Design Principle 5: Reduce hardscapes
Design Principle 6: Manage stormwater on site and use nonstructural approaches
Design Principle 7: Balance recreational and public access targets with river
Design Principle 8: Incorporate information about a rivers natural resources and
cultural history into the design of riverfront features, public
art, and interpretive signs
Table 2. Principles for an ecologically sound riverfront design [21].
3.1. General principles for an ecologically sound riverfront design
Five general principles set the stage for the success of planning [21].
3.1.1. Ecological goals and economic development targets should be mutually beneficial
Public and private developments build a sense of connection and stewardship for the river
by attracting people to the waterfront live, eat, shop, relax, recreate, and participate in
cultural events.
Healthy and functioning river systems are appealing and attractive to residents and
businesses. A society engaged in enjoying riverfront features and activities also cares about
the long-term sustainability of river systems. Communities have started to understand the
appeal of a more natural riverfront for residents and visitors. Apart from touristic
advantages, there are some other benefits as well, including cost-effective flood control,
improved water quality, reduced infrastructure costs and increased property values and tax
Urban River Landscapes 559
3.1.2. Protect and restore the characteristics and functions of natural rivers
Rivers provide their regions with some natural benefits of critical importance and therefore
that must be protected. Natural characteristics of river like meanders, backwaters, wetlands,
and gradually sloped banks have important ecological functions. There are also benefits for
inhabitant such as cleaner water and flood storage. It might not be possible to restore these
features in many urban areas, but even a little effort can bring about a positive
effect. Environmental improvements can be achieved on even the most heavily impacted
3.1.3. Regenerate the riverfront as a human realm
There could be some obstacles including physical, political, social and economic barriers for
a riverfront project to overcome and increase public use and enjoyment of these public
resources. There have been many successful projects designed to include spaces that
specially accommodate parks, walkways, docks, and special events such as concerts and
festivals. In a good riverfront design, the need of all neighborhoods, ages, and cultures in
the community should be taken into account. Community members should be enabled to
experience the river closely. In turn, these physical and visual experiences will help
creating lively and diverse places to encourage a sense of community and an appreciation
for nature.
3.1.4. Compromises are necessary to achieve multiple objectives
Sometimes, there could be competing interests in urban waterfronts. Recreational trails and
wetlands are often linked to waterfront condos and port facilities. It cannot be always
possible to give special focus on economic development and environmental concerns on
urban river banks. On account of the present structures, only a few cities can really achieve
to create a fully natural river environment. On the other hand, a development project of
riverfront to enhance economic livelihood of a city should not rule out natural features,
compound riverfront damage, or limit public access. Communities of a riverfront should
take advantage of integrating and balancing ecological, social and economic concerns, as
3.1.5. Obtain broad participation in the process of planning and designing riverfront
The design and planning processes of riverfront should obtain the participation of a wide
variety of community members. The process should be extended beyond the identification
of traditional stakeholders groups and include the neighborhoods that might not have used
the riverfront in the past. There can be different needs of various neighborhoods and
constituencies. Riverfront can be designed more lively, inclusive, and successful if these
different priorities are taken into account. The participation of local officials, developers,
and planning staff in public meetings should be acquired to ensure that everyone aims for
the same vision, and that all important thoughts are known.
Advances in Landscape Architecture 560
3.2. Planning principles
Some important aspects such as regional development patterns, natural and cultural history,
flood control, public access, recreation and education should be taken into account in
planning the revitalization of a riverfront. The five principles below must be incorporated
into master plans and conducted by zoning and building codes, engineering standards and
site plans and designs [21].
3.2.1. Demonstrate characteristics of the citys unique relationship to the river in the
riverfront design
Any river city has a unique relation and a nested history with its river. There should a
special feel and appearance of riverfronts that is directly associated with the history of city
and inspires and celebrates citys character.
It should be known by inhabitants that the river in their city grants the identity of their
region and also provides wildlife habitat, recreation, drinking water and jobs in their area.
Once these values are appreciated by inhabitants, they become supporters for protecting
and restoring their riverfronts.
3.2.2. Know the river ecosystem and plan for a scale larger than the riverfront
Planners must regard riverfront development from the aspects of the natural structures of
river, which includes:
Characteristics of the watershed (the land area drained by a river and its tributaries);
The floodplain and the river channel with the structure of its bed and banks;
Hydrology (water flows and timing);
Water chemistry, and
The biological needs of wildlife, such as insects, fish, amphibians, reptiles, birds, and
Another important point is to understand how the structure of a river has been altered and
how it might change in the future. Rivers are affected by any events occurring in their
watersheds and riverfront activity, in turn, they affect areas beyond the edge of river.
Planners should not disregard the possible effects of design and activities of riverfront on all
areas of the watershed.
3.2.3. Because rivers are dynamic, minimize new floodplain development
Rivers are in a constant change by their nature. For instance, spring flood elevations might
exceed nonflood levels by 30 cm or more on some rivers and some rivers freeze in winter,
while some others show little seasonal change. These natural variations can be considerably
affected by the changes in upstream and the surrounding watershed, often causing
Urban River Landscapes 561
disastrous results. Extreme flooding events, often intensified by settlement developments in
floodplain, are among the most destructive natural disasters.
Undeveloped and connected floodplains are of crucial importance for river health. Future
developments on riverfront like trails and parks should be designed to minimize floodplain
intrusions. From this regard, structures and facilities must be designed to ensure that there
will be no release of contaminants during flooding, no decrease in flood storage capacity,
and no flooding or other downstream impacts.
There should be no large permanent structure built in 100-year floodplain as they increase
the size of resistant surface, aggravate runoff problems, and increase the risk of costly
flooding damages.
3.2.4. Provide public access, connections, and recreational opportunities
Easy access is necessary to attract people to a riverfront. Another important point is visual
connection to the river from nearby commercial and residential areas. Physical and visual
access should not be confined only to the selected neighborhoods or businesses along the
redeveloped river. Riverfronts might offer many recreational usages, like bicycling and bird
watching. Riverfront communities should be provided with areas or facilities offering a
large variety of usage possibilities.
Weather it is through wading, fishing, launching a boat, or sitting on the riverfront, people
should be given opportunities to touch and interact with the river in appropriate locations.
Economic revitalization projects on riverfronts like new developments of mixed-usage with
housing, restaurants or cafes and open spaces become more successful when visual and
physical access to the water is included.
3.2.5. Celebrate the rivers environmental and cultural history through public education
programs, riverfront signage, and events
Riverfronts have a rich human and natural history. Informative and path-finding systems
can define the river, its environment and how river and city history are connected. Certain
activities like educational and cultural programs, performances and public art events can be
organized to attract people to the riverfront.
Ecological education is especially meaningful along urban rivers because most of the
original forms of ecosystems have been damaged. Rivers can be used as a powerful tool in
science and nature education thanks to their active and visually rich environments. Raising
awareness of public about rivers and their natural systems will provide a sense of
stewardship and connection to the history of rivers.
3.3. Design principles
Eight general principles set the stage for design success [21].
Advances in Landscape Architecture 562
3.3.1. Protect natural river features and functions
The water flow and sediment supply are controlled by natural equilibrium in stable streams
and rivers. However, dams and flood control systems have dramatically changed the
structure of many urban rivers. Protection of natural river features and functions
necessitates avoiding the use of new dams and other engineering solutions, such as a
straightening, channelizing, or placing streams in underground pipes and culverts.
It might be possible to fully restore the ecological features and functions in most urban
rivers and streams. However, there are many other opportunities for communities to protect
the critical areas to provide a more natural riverfront. There are surprisingly rich and
extensive predevelopment features in many urban rivers, including forested banks, fish and
bird habitat, and wetlands. Preservation of these properties of natural watershed can also be
cost saving.
3.3.2. Buffer sensitive natural areas
Buffer zones are areas situated next to a shoreline, wetland, or stream where development is
restricted or prohibited. They facilitate the protection of ecological integrity of rivers,
enhance connections between wildlife habitats, and allow rivers to function more
naturally. A buffer network serves as right-of-way for a river or stream and it is an
indispensable part of the stream ecosystem. Various sizes of buffers help protecting the
natural areas close to rivers and streams, and especially fragile zone like steep slopes and
They also reduce the impermeability of an area and filter sediments and storm-water
pollutants like fertilizers and pesticides. They act like a filter and reduce the cost of water
treatment systems by preventing pollutants from entering in the sources of potable water.
Through the protection of open spaces along the river as buffer zones, storm-water and
flood control can be achieved in a cost-effective way. Buffers also play an important role in
reducing the risk of erosion caused by uncontrolled runoff and stabilize riverbanks with
A well designed buffer zone helps protecting the quality of water and habitats for plant and
wildlife. Buffers also provide shadow areas which decrease the temperature of water and
thus protect aquatic habitat. With trees, shrubs, grasses and other native plants, they
provide cover and food for birds, mammals, and other animals along the river. There are
also benefits for humans as flourishing buffers are visually appealing and can often be used
as greenbelts, parks and recreation areas.
On the other hand, the traditional norm of attractive can be abandoned to create buffer
zones beneficial to river ecosystem. There is no advantage for biodiversity in keeping
manicured lawns, formal landscape designs, and pruned shrubs as they frequently require
the use harmful pesticides, and do not provide the food or shelter for wildlife.
Urban River Landscapes 563
3.3.3. Restore riparian and in-stream habitats
The restoration of riparian habitats requires taking other actions than simply replanting
indigenous plants. First of all, watershed and regional factors should be considered by
planners to establish healthy hydrological cycles and acquire a good quality of water. For
example, the planted buffer zones must be created and maintained, stormwater must be
controlled and cleaned, and new dams and reservoirs should be avoided or removed if
possible. Similarly, the good management of in-stream flows from reservoirs and dams
must be provided to protect wildlife habitat.
Also, new researches can be conducted on upstream and downstream natural communities
in order to identify possible restoration areas and habitat types for fish, birds, and other
animals. These areas should be taken into consideration by planners especially in larger
river systems. Following the improvement of water quality and habitat, it will be possible to
introduce native as well as new fish species to a healthy aquatic ecosystem.
3.3.4. Use nonstructural alternatives to manage water resources
In the past, hard engineering approach caused many damages on water quality and wildlife
habitat and also triggered many flooding events. Therefore, a recent and softer
engineering approach has emerged to offer protection from flood as well as restoration
opportunities for natural river functions.
It has acquired a wide acceptance as an alternative to hard engineering-bioengineering (also
known as soft engineering)- among the departments of civil engineers and public works [19].
In this soft engineering approach, the same performance standards as hard engineering are
achieved; at the same time, it is possible for bioengineering to use plants and other natural
materials to simulate natural forces, and in this way, to control floods, maintain water
quality, provide access to recreation, reduce erosion and create wildlife habitat.
3.3.5. Reduce hardscapes
Hardscapes are such places as roads, parking lots, sidewalks, driveways, paved paths,
roottops, and other impermeable surfaces that prevent rainwater from filtering through soil
and replenishing rivers and stream as groundwater. Nearly half of all stream flows are
provided by groundwater. This percentage can increase to a much higher level during
drought periods [23].
The urban rivers are also adversely affected by these impermeable surfaces of hardscapes as
they do not absorb stormwater. In fact, they result in considerable increases in the volume
and velocity of rainwater runoff. Another adverse effect of paved surfaces is their
contribution to pollution as they washes surface oils, fertilizers, heavy metals, bacteria, and
other contaminants into river and streams.
Through the reduction of hardscapes and installation of natural landscapes, it can be
possible to restore natural watershed functions, filter pollutant, and prevent erosion of
Advances in Landscape Architecture 564
banks and channelization of streambeds. The replacement of hardscape with soft, permeable
surfaces, such as native grasses, shrubs, and trees in older, industrial or abandoned
riverfront areas will improve environment from both aesthetic and ecological aspects.
Planners must minimize the amount of hardscapes if they cannot be avoided. The reduction
of hardscapes in new development projects can offer cost efficiency for local governments,
developers, and homeowners. It is expensive to install and maintain infrastructure- roads,
sidewalks, sewer liner, curbs and gutters, and parking spaces.
3.3.6. Manage stormwater on-site and use nonstructural approaches
An ecologically designed riverfront can capture, store, and infiltrate stormwater, or
otherwise, naturally treat and release it. Wildlife habitats and aesthetic value can also be
obtained through systems with natural process, such as wetlands and bioswales (small
linear wetland planted with riparian and water-tolerant trees). These natural systems can be
used to replace the old stormwater pipes and other engineered infrastructures, most of
which give high volumes of untreated stormwater directly into rivers and streams.
3.3.7. Balance recreational and public access goals with river protection
Riverfront communities should be provided with facilities with as many recreational usage
as possible; on the other hand, some conflicting usages should be balanced (e.g. between
power boats and birdwatching platforms) and possible overuse of the river corridor should
be managed.
3.3.8. Incorporate information about a rivers natural resources and cultural history into
the design of riverfront features, public art, and interpretive signs
Ecological interpretation and education is especially meaningful along urban rivers because
most of the original forms of ecosystems have been damaged. The history and function of
rivers may not be known well by the public. A conscious and well-informed society will
understand the river ecology and regeneration potentials and know how to use their river
safely; therefore, communities should be informed about water quality issues and hazards
to swimming and boat navigation.
4. Baselines of urban water rehabilitation
It is a new approach to improve ecological functions of waters and maintain their
anthropogenic use at the same time. In the past uses of waters, human usage was dominant
over all other uses of water. And, this had certain effects on ecological properties and
restricted the consistency with other uses. In the recent times, there have efforts on the
rehabilitation of urban rivers to reverse the adverse effects on ecology including the changes
in hydromorphological properties and water quality, which considerably affected the
availability and biodiversity of aquatic habitat [24].
Urban River Landscapes 565
Water rehabilitation involves cultural works as well as ecological issues in urban areas,
which requires the consideration of social, economic and aesthetic aspects of issue. A good
balance has to be established among all targets with respect to the sustainability principles.
And a special consideration should be given to ecological concerns by the requirements of
the Water Framework Directive (WFD). The site-specific conditions are effective in the
creation of this balance that has to be established among these diverse and often competing
requirements [24].
Considering this background, there are different scopes of rehabilitation, which can be
summarized as follows [24]:
Restoration: Restoration is aimed at reviving the pristine physical, chemical and
biological states of rivers. In its simplest form, it requires a full structural and functional
recovery of a pre-disturbance state.
Renaturalisation or naturalisation: Renaturalisation or naturalisation represents a
natural method of recovering the natural state of a (river-) ecosystem without really
aiming the pristine, predisturbance state.
Rehabilitation: In rehabilitation stage, it is primarily aimed to recover the partly
functional and/or structural conditions of rivers or enabling a functional condition. It is
generally considered with regard to ecologic state (biological, hydromorphological and
physico-chemical) through structural and partly non-structural measures.
Enhancement: Like its lexical meaning, enhancement is the improvement of the present
state of rivers and its surrounding areas. In this stage, it is aimed to evaluate the
ecological, social, economic and aesthetic properties.
Two terms have a special importance in the URBEM (Urban River Basin Enhancement
Methods) research project: one of which is the rehabilitation in its all sense including partial
functional and/or structural recovery of the former or pre-degradation conditions. The other
is enhancement including the social, economic and aesthetic properties in a wider
viewpoint. Actually, the term of rehabilitation would apply better to the inevitable
constraints of urban rivers than the term of restoration. It cannot be always possible to
obtain a pristine state of rivers in towns and cities. It becomes more appropriate to use the
term of enhancement when the rehabilitation of urban waters is considered in a more
comprehensive way for sustainable urban development. This involves the ecological, social,
economic and aesthetic multifunctionality of urban waters with their riparian areas.
Ecological conditions are given a special importance in enhancement despite in contrast to
the background of the WFD [24].
It is not always possible to make a distinction between the economic advantages of restoring
riverfronts and the value of restoring rivers themselves. The protection of watershed and
restoration of upstream could be more effective than the activities of ecological design on
riverfront. On the other hand, it cannot be forgotten that the efforts of restoring riverfront
could be more effective on river condition in general [21].
However, the past experiences have demonstrated that the restoration of rivers and
ecologically sensitive redevelopment efforts can have the following advantages [21]:
Advances in Landscape Architecture 566
The improvement of water quality and cost effective cleanup and treatment of drinking
water sources.
The moderation of damages of flood and the costs of flood control systems.
Low costs of stormwater management systems.
Low costs of sprawl and related infrastructures.
Reactivation of the downtown riverfront with new opportunities for housing, offices,
and commercial services that attract new residents, businesses and visitors.
Creation of new job opportunities for residents in the construction and commercial
Provision of recreational opportunities, open spaces and park areas.
Higher values of property and new tax revenues.
Acquiring funds from state and federal governments, volunteers and broad financial
5. Case studies
5.1. Some samples of urban river landscape throughout the world
5.1.1. The Mississippi River
The places where Mississippi River pours in Minneapolis Minnesota State of USA and
Mexican Gulf and the river course in Baton Rouge and New Orleans in Louisiana were
The views of riverfront in Minneapolis are given in Figure 5-6 below.
Figure 5. The view of Minneapolis Riverfront District, Minneapolis, Minnesota-USA (Original, 2006).
Urban River Landscapes 567
Figure 6. Minneapolis Riverfront District, Minneapolis, Minnesota-USA (Original, 2006).
The views of riverfront park areas along Mississippi River in Baton Rouge are given in
Figure 7-8.
Figure 7. Park areas along Mississippi River in Baton Rouge, Louisiana-USA (Original, 2007).
Advances in Landscape Architecture 568
Figure 8. The view of Mississippi River in Baton Rouge, Louisiana-USA (Original, 2007).
Views of fair and exhibition spaces along Mississippi in New Orleans are given in Figure 9-
Figure 9. Fair and exhibition spaces along Mississippi in New Orleans, Louisiana-USA (Original, 2007).
Urban River Landscapes 569
Figure 10. The view of Mississippi River in New Orleans, Louisiana-USA (Original, 2007).
5.1.2. The San Antonio River Walk
Streams and rivers were restored in a number of small towns and large cities to attract and
improve a tourism economy [19].
The restoration of San Antonio River in San Antonio-Texas, known as San Antonio River Walk
at present, has developed the tourism in the region to an extent to include the city in touristic
places. The river has gained many additional downtown features such as continuous
promenade following both sides of the river and shops, restaurants, and hotels facing the river.
In the survey conducted on citizens of San Antonio in 1973, it was revealed that public had a
strong positive response to the Project, which later even increased further to include more
riverfront restoration. It was reported that almost all of the population (96.6%) believed that
the restoration created a tourism attraction and an important part of population (80%) believed
that the restoration provided economic advantages to the city [19].
The origin of River Walk was based on a flood prevention project developed following a
devastating flood in 1921. The initial plan was aimed at locating the river in a larger
underground culvert and paving the area into a street. This plan was adopted and
considered to act like a channel to circumvent a downtown horseshoes bends in the river in
order to avoid flooding in the area. And the bend was embellished by the Works Progress
Administration (WPA) in 1939 [19]. San Antonios riverfront is a small scale reminder of
Amsterdam and shows the successful development of a very narrow water concourse into a
major land-use development. Barges are available for various organizations to create a
joyful entertainment atmosphere. The bridge element serves as a romantic element
connecting sides of the city and creating an image, which allows the visitor to become
completely involved with edges and land uses of the project [13].
Advances in Landscape Architecture 570
With the San Antonios River Walk, a wide variety of recreational opportunities as well as a
very narrow drainage canal have been created [13], (Figure 11-12).
Figure 11. View of the San Antonio River Walk in San Antonio, Texas-USA (Original, 2007).
Figure 12. The San Antonio River Walk in San Antonio, Texas-USA (Original, 2007).
5.1.3. The Nine Mile Creek
The Nine Mile Creek extending from the Otisco Lake near Syracuse city north east to New
York in USA to Onondaga Lake has a basin of 300 km and 28,98 km in length. Fishery,
Urban River Landscapes 571
wetlands and riverfront forests are of special importance in the basin. The Nine Mile Creek
provides an ideal habitat for trout production with its high quality of water and water
temperature [25].
Wetlands play an important role in the protection of water quality of nine mile creek. At the
same time, wetlands act like a tampon zone against floods. Various commissions (Save the
Country Land Trust and Nine Mile Creek Conservation Council) actively work in the
protection of many wetlands present along the corridor of Nine Mile Creek [25]. One of the
unique characteristics of Nine Mile Creek is the forests along riverfront.
Just like wetlands in the basin, riverfront forests are also important for the protection of
water quality of Nine Mile Creek. They control the erosion along the stream and provide
food sources and shelter for most of the aquatic and fish species. The protection of all
riverfront forests will positively affect the water flow and quality [25].
The important areas in greenway of Nine Mile Creek Corridor and their usages are as
follows [25];
1. Baltimore Woods (trekking)
2. Disappearing Lake
3. Fishing lakes and park areas (fishing)
4. Martisco Station (historical site)
5. Camillus Valley Natural Park (trekking, fishing)
6. Erie Canal Park (trekking, fishing) (see Figure 13)
7. Canoeing and park areas (trekking, canoe access)
8. Camillus Forest Unique Space (trekking)
9. Onondaga Lake Wetlands (trekking)
In addition, the restoration application along stream is given in Figure 14.
Figure 13. Erie Canal Park in Syracuse, New York-USA (Original, 2006).
Advances in Landscape Architecture 572
Figure 14. The Nine Mile Creek in Syracuse, New York-USA (Original, 2006).
5.1.4. The Onondaga Creek
The Onondaga Creek is a revitalization plan in 14.49 km length along the Syracuse city in
New York, USA. This community-based revitalization plan designed for Onondaga Creek
Basin provides guidance for widening social and economic opportunities along Onondaga
Creek and improvement of habitat and water quality. It is aimed to obtain economic and
ecological benefits as well as revitalization of the creek in Syracuse. The reduction of water
quality along the creek, habitat changes and limited public access are the main problems
related to the creek. Therefore, the following options can be realized to attract public
attention to the Onondaga Creek again [26]:
The efforts are still continued to increase the water quality of Onondaga Creek.
Onondaga Creek Festivals were organized in 2004 and 2005 and there is a growing
public interest.
The construction of a walking trail from Armory Square of Syracuse City to Onondaga
Creek is continued.
Stabilization projects along riverfront reduce the sediment load in south tributaries of
the creek.
It is quite important to provide functions attracting public preference with smart planning
and restore the creek for a healthier environment in order to solve the environmental
problems of the Onondaga Creek [26].
The views of Onondaga Creek across Syracuse City are given in the Figure 15-16.
Urban River Landscapes 573
Figure 15. The Onondaga Creek riverside park in Syracuse, New York-USA (Original, 2006).
Figure 16. The Onondaga Creek in Syracuse, New York-USA (Original, 2006).
5.1.5. The Trinity River Corridor
The Trinity River Corridor Project in Dallas City of Texas, USA is consists of flood
protection, environment management, recreation, transportation and socio-economic
sections. The project is investigated in 4 regions. The following recommendations were
made for these 4 regions in the project [27];
Advances in Landscape Architecture 574
1. In the region of Dallas Floodway Extension, construction of bank, wetland
development, protection-improvement of area, restoration of river tributaries, fill area
and public spaces within the boundaries of flood area,
2. For Elm Fork Region, walking trails, football field, green belts, improvement of
underground drainage, banks, wetlands and recreational areas,
3. For Dallas Waterway, 2 ponds without canal connection, meandering river, water
properties, wetlands, pavilion and walking trails, flood protection to create protected
areas against flood water,
4. For Great Trinity Forest, green belt, other parks and green belts, Trinity River
Corridor parks, ponds, suggested wetland connection, Elm Fork region protection
study, and areas like banks etc. are suggested.
The Trinity River Corridor parks in Fort Worth-Dallas city are given in Figure 17-18.
Figure 17. The Trinity River Corridor in Fort Worth-Dallas, Texas-USA (Original, 2007).
Urban River Landscapes 575
Figure 18. The Trinity River Corridor parks in Fort Worth-Dallas, Texas-USA (Original, 2007).
5.1.6. The River Isar
Munich is located 80 kilometers to the north from the Alps in the Munich plain, a glacial and
postglacial outwash of limestone gravel. There are only a few geomorphologic features of
the plain affecting urban development except for the floodplain of the river Isar with its
sequence of river banks and terraces. In spite of the homogeneous appearance of the area, it
contains a wide variety of habitats reflecting the interconnected ecological conditions in the
Munich plain. There are only small patches of natural woodland types which are
predominantly oak and the cultural landscapes such as the once extensive grassy heathlands
and fenlands in the northern Munich plain. The river Isar provides a wide green passage in
south to north direction passing through the city [28] (see Figure 19).
The river Isar acts like a backbone of the green structure system of the Munich city. There
have been many efforts to control the wild nature of this braiding alpine river with its
sudden and large floods since the first establishment of the city. And the river has been
largely exploited since 1889. The main driving forces of turning the river into a bed of
concrete and build canals are the protection from flood and the generation of energy, which
is known as the white gold. Almost all of the water (95%) was cut by such means. A large
water reservoir was built in the Alps in 1959, which had a deep effect on the river dynamics.
Afterwards, it helped to reduce the amount of gravel and sand carried by the river, which
caused continual deepening of the river bed. On the other hand, the water quality of river
was not good, which then created many problems for the bathing facilities in Munich. The
river Isar was called by environmentalists as a dead river in 1980s, and there was an
evident need for a reconstruction project. For this reason, Bavarian state and the city of
Munich have taken serious actions since 1989. For instance, the contract of power generating
Advances in Landscape Architecture 576
Figure 19. The River Isar in Munich-Germany (Original, 2007).
Figure 20. Gravel banks used for recreation in the River Isar in Munich-Germany (Original, 2011).
industry expired in 1993 and a renegotiation was required. Consequently, The main aim of
the next planning and design processes was to increase the water flow rate from 5 m/sec to
12 m/sec. Accordingly, the Isarplan was developed in 1995, which was a comprehensive
and detailed plan involving every aspects of the river. A very important decision was taken
by the civil board of the city of Munich in 2000 for the urban section of the river. The project
primarily aimed to restructure the dams on the river Isar, increase the retention capacity of
the floodplain, regain the river and its banks as living spaces, including the possibility for
Urban River Landscapes 577
swimming without health risks and allowing natural dynamics to form and enrich the
floodplain for wildlife [29].
There have been actions planned and carried out by public staff to cut trees in order to
restore the dams, all of which faced strong criticism by local press in the beginning phase.
However, their positive effects became apparent to public in the next summer.
Consequently, the Munich citizens welcomed the second rebuilt section. The third section to
redesign now provides the inner city with a prominent waterfront. Compared to the earlier
sections, it has a different character in terms of morphology and function. Therefore, there is
a need for well-planned and consistent solutions to improve the recreational, ecological and
technical urban functions of the river. And for this purpose, there was an international
competition in 2003 organized for teams of landscape architects, town planners and river
engineers [29].
The Isar has a very high flow velocity and transports a huge quantity of bed load. The
riverbed was improved before the rehabilitation with low drops to prevent erosion in the
riverbed and reduce gravel transport. The efforts for creating a natural hydromorfologic
process removed the hard confinement, replace the low drops by sills and created the input
of gravel and boulders along the banks and as islands. These gravel banks will be relocated
by natural processes in time. These areas are densely used by many people on recreation
purposes in summer [24] (see Figure 20).
5.1.7. The Cheonggyecheon Restoration Project
The Cheonggyecheon Restoration Project is especially important as it is aimed to revive the
historical and cultural environment of Seoul. This project is an indispensable part Seouls
urban planning but it is also a symbolic project to regain an important part of Koreas
historical and natural heritage at the start of the twenty-first century. The capital city of
Korea will become even more environmentally and human friendly once the project is
finished. It is also expected from the project to create a new pattern for urban management
in the new century and help boosting the image of Seoul [30].
The main targets of the Cheonggyecheon Restoration can be given as follows [30]:
restoring history, culture and the environment in Seoul
altering the look of city by removing repulsive structures and creating beautiful
riverside landscape in downtown of Seoul
presenting the historical and cultural heritages of Cheonggyecheon
creating a new environmentally friendly Seoul
reviving the economy in the downtown and northern Seoul.
The following recommendations are recommended by the Seoul Agenda 21 to construct
different biological corridors and habitat network to create an eco-city [30]:
connecting the axes of ecological green areas
enhancing urban green areas (public sector)
Advances in Landscape Architecture 578
transforming rivers into natural places for flora and fauna.
With the restoration of historical areas, the modern era is harmoniously integrated with the
600 years old history of Seoul as the capital city of Korea. The restored Cheonggyecheon
area will attract many tourists to Seoul from all over the world. In the project, a special focus
is given to the improvement of the environment for living and business, and the project is
expected to help Seoul to become the financial and commercial center of the East Asia. The
new look of Seoul will also increase the expectations of Seoul citizens from the future [30].
Figure 21. Digital model of Cheonggyecheon linear park [31].
5.2. Some samples of urban river landscape in Turkey
5.2.1. The Porsuk Creek
The summary information is given below about the Landscape Planning Project for
Eskiehir Urban Course of Porsuk Creek in the Central Anatolia supported by World Bank
and prepared by Memlk [32].
The project involves the green areas to be formed as a result of planning and restoration of
open and green spaces 10 km along the Porsuk Creek and irrigation canals.
Except for a part of 1.5 km in city center, the entire creek remains in the natural riverbed.
This natural river bed is meandering and polluted. In addition, the rehabilitation of Porsuk
Creek and its tributaries was brought to agenda due to flooding events and the necessary
efforts were immediately started.
As a result of these rehabilitation efforts, green areas have been formed on both sides of
Porsuk Creek and its tributaries along the course within city center. Most of the large open
and green spaces on both sides of creek and canal were rehabilitated. However, new
riverfront tracts as well as open and green spaces created with the enforcement of new
structuring and master plan are investigated in this study.
Urban River Landscapes 579
The main theme of the project is to encourage and incite well-qualified spatial construction
with the new organization and rehabilitation of the creek and canals.
As a result of the surveys, the project and its surrounding area are concluded qualified with
interesting characteristics. For this reason, open spaces within the project area have been
vegetated and opened for limited public use. However, the construction of fairground,
picnic and commercial spaces has been avoided.
Especially, the wet space property of the project area for flora is always emphasized. The
main theme of the project is to develop a landscape approach for rehabilitation and
enhancement of natural structure in the area. It is aimed to attract people to this area not
only for entertainment but also to experience the nature and the conditions it provides.
Consequently, below is given the recommended structure for the project designed to
embellish and revive the Porsuk Creek, one of the most important parts of Eskisehir and
integrated with the city.
Citizens can freely walk in the green areas along the creek and experience the water-green
coherence (Figure 22-23).
Figure 22. The Porsuk Creek riverside in Eskiehir-Turkey [33].
Advances in Landscape Architecture 580
Figure 23. The Porsuk Creek in Eskiehir-Turkey [33].
In addition to forestation and vegetation, large grass-plots have been created for human use
(for recreation purpose). In the project area, spaces with abundant structures have not been
formed except for plazas.
Insofar as the master plan permits, walking trails and fortune balconies are given emphasis
along the riverfront.
About every 100-150 m, steps between trail and canal paths are kept large enough to
provide them with functionality of watching-thinking amphitheater. Rural-like fences are
used to give picturesque appearance to the project area. Besides, a suggestion is made for
trail forestation and canal vegetation.
With this project, Eskisehir comes into prominence as a city that offers modern standards of
living comfort.
5.2.2. The Bartn River
The Bartn River flows through the Western Black Sea Basin in North Turkey. It is the only
river in Turkey enabling 12 km of water transportation from the Black Sea to center of the
Bartn City. Thanks to this feature, the trade made on Bartn River played an important role
in the development of Bartn, which is the center of its region especially during the period of
Ottoman Empire. Besides rich natural sources in Bartn City, there are also valuable cultural
landscape characteristics in the city [34] (Figure 24-25). Due to these special properties of
Bartn River both on regional and national scales. There are many advantages for next
generations in protecting the landscape characteristics of Bartn River and landscape
planning studies with regard to the rising population and urbanization pressure. The main
Urban River Landscapes 581
focus in these studies is to meet the growing demands of population and create protection
strategies from the damages of flood and protect landscape characteristics of the Bartn
River [9]. Therefore, landscape characteristics of Bartn River Floodplain Corridor should be
evaluated and assessed to protected its valuable natural and cultural resources and to
maintain balanced land use and development (Figure 26) [4].
In this study, urban and rural landscape characteristics of research area are determined at
first through Geographic Information Systems (GIS), and then some planning principles and
recommendations are used to address the factors which negatively affect the river landscape
and will be important to reduce flood risk, improve water transportation and connect
natural, cultural and historical environments of the Bartn River in order to protect
landscape and develop tourism in the region. In the study area experiencing such
destructions, necessary plans are developed to protect river landscapes. The main target is
to restore the Bartn River and to develop strategies to transform the riverbank and urban
enhancement areas. This study is expected to contribute to national and regional economies
for a long time by creating a balance between preservation and land use as well as
protecting landscape characteristics of the Bartn River [4].
Figure 24. View of the Bartn River in Bartn-Turkey (Original, 2007).
Advances in Landscape Architecture 582
Figure 25. The Bartn River in Bartn-Turkey (Original, 2007).
A new method is developed by Cengiz [9] for determining and evaluating the landscape
characteristics of Bartn River. This study can be seen as an example in planning the
revitalization projects on urban river landscapes in similar hydrologic regions and further
studies can be conducted based on the guidelines of this study [4].
Figure 26. Alternative land use planning for the Bartn River Floodplain Corridor [4, 9].
Urban River Landscapes 583
6. Discussion
As stated by OECD [35] historical development patterns of urban centers have a general
tendency of destroying ecosystem resources accounting for their own creation, development
and typical characteristics. With well-planned restoration of urban river, multiple ecosystem
services that have been lost or deteriorated can be recovered to some extent. Previous case
studies have demonstrated the apparent benefits of these restoration works to human
wellbeing such as health, economic value, life quality and contribution to regional renewal.
In addition, through planning river management or urban developments for rivers with
potential impacts on ecosystem, the adverse effects can be prevented or minimized and
appropriate mitigation methods can also be determined to deal with damages to important
and socially beneficial river functions. There has been a particular growing agreement on
the value of ecosystem services for handling a wide variety of sustainability challenges
including the demands of land use planning, agriculture and forestry, as well as carbon and
microclimate management, and the management of fisheries, watersheds, biodiversity and
tourism [5].
Base on the results of Cengiz et al. [4], the following recommendations are made for
ecological planning of urban river landscape in Turkey.
Natural and cultural landscape values of the river and historically important areas
should be integrated with potential tourism centers in the region in order to improve
river tourism and recreation. The main aims of river restoration studies are to provide
ecological and economic benefits.
Sustainable ecological characteristics of rivers and boundaries of flooding areas (2-5-10-
25-50-100-500-year floods) should be determined and dealt with in the city
development plans.
It is important to evaluate urban open and green space systems of these areas for public
benefit. Therefore, it could be possible to provide protection from flood risk through
specifying flooding area boundaries on river banks and also to create modern
recreational places for public use in city.
Basin Management Plans and Urban Flood Risk Management Plans should be prepared
with respect to the European Water Framework Directive (WFD). Afterwards, these
plans should be considered in the city development plans.
The main objectives should be to protect, develop and use the current landscape
characteristics of the river and to hand them down the next generations.
It is quite important to plan river landscape studies for protecting landscape
characteristics and alleviating the effects of rising population and urbanization pressure
in order to hand them down the future generations. The main aims of landscape studies
planned on different scales should be to meet increasing demands of future population
growth and develop strategies for the protection of the valuable valued landscape
characteristics of the river basin. Otherwise, a multifunctional river can disappear from
the city landscape as it happened in many other cities of Turkey.
Advances in Landscape Architecture 584
Author details
Blent Cengiz
Bartn University, Faculty of Forestry, Department of Landscape Architecture, Turkey
6. References
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Applied Sciences, Department of Landscape Architecture. Ankara; 2007. (original text
in Turkish)
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publication number 268, Wash., DC; 1995.
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[15] Marsh WM. Landscape Planning: Environmental Applications, Fifth Edition. John
Wiley & Sons, Inc; 2010.
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[16] Turner T. Landscape Planning and Environmental Impact Design. 2nd edition. The
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[24] URBEM (Urban River Basin Enhancement Methods) Existing Urban River
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[33] (accessed 30 March 2013).
Advances in Landscape Architecture 586
[34] Cengiz B., Memlk Y. The Bartn River (Turkey) and its planning strategies.
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Ecosystem Services. OECD Publishing. doi:10.1787/9789264090279-en; 2010.
Chapter 22
Vertical Gardens
zgr Burhan Timur and Elif Karaca
Additional information is available at the end of the chapter
1. Introduction
1.1. Green Walls
Green Wall with the another name Vertical Garden is the term of used to refer to all form of
vegetaded wall surfaces (Gren roof organization 2008). Green walls are not only
spectacularly beautiful, but also helpful in enlivening the ambiance. Green walls can absorb
heated gas in the air, lower both indoor and outdoor temperature, providing a healthier
indoor air quality as well as a more beautiful space (Yeh 2012). They holds or slows
rainwater, providing food and shelter for wildlife (Thompson and Sorvig 2000). As already
mentioned, some plants are able to grow on walls by taking root in the substance of the wall
itself. Typical of these are the small herbaceous species such as ivy-leaved toadflax,
wallflower and plants such as mosses, lichens and grasses. But other species are naturally
adapted to climbing up and over obstacles such as rock faces, trees and shrubs. For these to
grow successfully on walls and buildings some kind of support structure is usually essential
(Johnson and Newton 2004). Also Green walls can be constructed with many systems. This
systems include the following structural concepts (fig 1) (Thompson and Sorvig 2000):
Gren walls can examine two major categories: Gren Facades and Living Walls. This
categories can be divided into other categories (fig2). Green faades are made up of climbing
plants either growing directly on a wall or in specially designed supporting structures. The
plant shoot system grows up the side of the building while being rooted to the ground. On
the other hand, in a living wall the modular panels are often comprised of polypropylene
plastic containers, geotextiles, irrigation systems, a growing medium and vegetation (Gren
roof organization 2008, Sharp R. 2007).
2. Green facades
Green facades are a type of green wall system in which climbing plants or cascading
vegetation. Green facades can be anchored to existing walls or built as freestanding
Advances in Landscape Architecture 588
structures, such as fences or columns (Gonchar 2009, Green roof organization 2008, Yeh
Three green facade systems that are frequently used are Modular Trellis Panel, Grid System
and Wire Rope Net System (Green roof organization 2008, Yeh 2012).
Block : Engineered with gaps where plants root through the wall
Crib Wall : In this system, elements of like tile, concrete, wood stacked log cabin style
Frame : In this system, interlocking flor coverings stacked like massonry
Trough : Used soil filled tubs
Gabion : Used wire baskets filled with Stones to provide strong
Mesh : Like mini gabions
Cell : Used flexible and strong honeycombs which filled with soil
Sendbag : Make with geotextiles wrapped around soil. This systems formally called vegetated geogrid
Figure 1. Structural concepts of Vertical Garden (Thompson and Sorvig 2000).
Vertical Gardens 589
Figure 2. Types of Vertical Garden (Yeh 2012 , Greenroof organization 2008, 2013, 2013, Khler 2008).
2.1. Modular trellis panel system
The building block of this modular system is a rigid, light weight, three-dimensional panel
made from a powder coated galvanized and welded steel wire that supports plants with
both a face grid and a panel depth. This system is designed to hold a green facade off the
wall surface so that plant materials do not attach to the building, provides a captive
growing environment for the plant with multiple supports for the tendrils, and helps to
maintain the integrity of a building membrane. Panels can be stacked and joined to cover
large areas, or formed to create shapes and curves, are made from recycledcontent steel and
are recyclable (fig3, fig4). Because the panels are rigid, they can span between structures and
can also be used for freestanding green walls (Gren roof organization 2008).
2.2. Grid and wire-rope net systems
Planning the Grid and wire-rope net systems used cables and wires (fig5, fig6). Grids are
employed on green facades that are designed to support faster growing climbing plants
with denser foliage. Wire-nets are often used to support slower growing plants that need the
added support these systems provide at closer intervals. Both systems use high tensile steel
cables, anchors and supplementary equipment. Various sizes and patterns can be
Advances in Landscape Architecture 590
accommodated as flexible vertical and horizontal wire-ropes are connected through cross
clamps (Gren roof organization 2008, Yeh 2012).
Figure 3. Freestanding trellis fence (left), coloumn trellis (bottom), custom trellis shapes (right)
Figure 4. Modular wall hung trellis (left), curved trellis (right) ( 2013).
Vertical Gardens 591
Figure 5. Grid System, Ex Ducati Office taly ( 2013, 2013).
Figure 6. Grid and Wire-Rope Net Systems, MFO Park Switzerland (
2013, 2013).
3. Living walls
Living walls, also called bio-walls or vertical gardens. Living wall systems are composed of
pre vegetated panels, vertical modules or planted blankets These panels can be made of
plastic, expanded polystyrene, synthetic fabric, clay, metal, and concrete, and support a
Advances in Landscape Architecture 592
great diversity and density of plant species. Living walls need more protection than green
facades because of its diversity and density of vegetation. Living Walls are made with three
parts: a metal frame, a PVC layer and an air layer (do not need soil). This system supports a
variety of plant species, such as a mixture of vegetation, perennial flowers, low shrubs, and
ferns etc (fig 7). It performs well in various climate environments. However, the selection of
better species may adapt to the prevailing climatic condition, so that the maintenance of the
system be made easy. Generally is used self-automated watering and nutrition system, to
make maintenance of the living walls easy (Gren roof organization 2008, Yeh 2012).
Figure 7. Living wall, Semiahmoo Library in South Surrey ( 2013).
4. Landscape walls
These walls are an evolution of landscape 'berms' and a strategic tool in an approach to
'living' architecture. Landscape walls are typically sloped as opposed to vertical and have
the primary function of noise reduction and slope stabilization (fig 8). They usually are
structured from some form of stacking material made of plastic or concrete with room for
growing media and plants (Gren roof organization 2008).
Figure 8. Landscape Walls ( 2013).
Vertical Gardens 593
5. Vegetated mat walls
The Mur Vegetal is a unique form of green wall pioneered by Patrick Blanc (fig 9). It is
composed of two layers of synthetic fabric with pockets that physically support plants and
growing media. The fabric walls are supported by a frame and backed by a waterproof
membrane against the building wall because of its high moisture content. Nutrients are
primarily distributed through an irrigation system that cycles water from the top of the
system down (Gren roof organization 2008).
Figure 9. Vegetated Mat Walls, Madrid Spain ( 2013, 2013).
Advances in Landscape Architecture 594
6. Modular living walls
A modular living wall system emerged in part from the use of modules for green roof
applications, with a number of technological innovations. Modular systems consist of
square or rectangular panels that hold growing media to support plant material (fig 10).
(Gren roof organization 2008).
Figure 10. Modular Living Wall Canada (above), Atlanta Botanical Garden (below)
( 2013, 2013).
7. History of vertical garden
The ancient concept of Gren walls was built in Babylon (fig 11) about 2500 years ago. In
ancient Babylon, King Nebuchadnezzar II built the Hanging Gardens of Babylon: a wonder
of the ancient world, and ancestor of the modern green wall (Ashmawy 2006, Hamilton
2009, Green roofs for healthy cities, 2008).
Between 3rd BC 17th AD Romans train grape on garden trellies and on villa walls.
Vertical Gardens 595
In 1920s Britania and North America promote trellis structures and self-climbing plants on
houses and gardens
In 1988 started to use stainless steel cable system for green facades
Early 1990s cable and wire-rope net systems (fig 12) and modular trellis panel systems (fig
13) enter the North American marketplace.
Figure 11. Babylon ( 2013).
Figure 12. Cable and wire-rope net systems (Green roofs organization 2008).
Advances in Landscape Architecture 596
Figure 13. Modular trellis panel system (Green roofs organization 2008).
First major application of a trellis panel system had been used in Universal City Walk on
California in 1993 and in 1994 (fig 14). Indoor living wall with bio filtration system installed
in Canada Life Building in Toronto (fig 15) (Gren Roofs Organization 2008).
Figure 14. Universal City Walk on California ( 2013, 2013).
Figure 15. Longwood Gardens in Kennett Square ( 2013, 2013).
Vertical Gardens 597
Green walls are not only spectacularly beautiful, but also helpful in enlivening the
ambiance. Green walls can absorb heated gas in the air, lower both indoor and outdoor
temperature, providing a healthier indoor air quality as well as a more beautiful space. (Yeh
8. Benefits of vertical gardening
Vertical Gardens provide economic and ecologic benets as well as aesthetic value. The
benets change with options such as different buildings, green wall technologies, plant
selections and plant coverage. In this part is examined important values of Green Walls.
1. Beauty abounds and adds visual drama (fig 16)
Plants are one of the fastest, most cost effective agents for rectifying negative perceptions of
an area, enhancing a buildings public profile and significantly improving the visual
amenity, economic, and social conditions of the city. The application of vertical gardens is
shown to increase property values by dramatically increasing the amenity of buildings, and
establishing higher public acclaim, transforming them into recognisable landmarks
( 2013)
Figure 16. Quai Branly Museum ( 2013).
2. Covers up views of plain or ugly walls (fig 17) and provide building protection
Building protection is primarily produced by reducing temperature fluctuations of the
building envelope. Decreased temperature fluctuations reduce the expansion and
contraction of building materials and extend the buildings lifespan. Green Walls shield the
building envelope from ultra-violet rays and acidic rain by reducing cracking and
Advances in Landscape Architecture 598
carbonization of the building envelope, the buildings durability is improved and its service-
life extended (Doernach 1979,
Figure 17. Bridge in France ( 2013, 2013).
3. Decrease voice level (fig 18)
Soil and plants which used for plantal arrengements in Vertical Gardens, have a voice
absorption feature. For this reason they perform to decrease voice function which happened
both in building and its close area Green Walls provide a noise buffer which significantly
reduces outside noise and vibration (up to 40dB) inside our homes and workplaces. A small
indoor hedge placed around a workspace will reduce noise by 5 decibels (Dunnett and
Kingsbury 2004, Erdogan and Aliasghari Khabbazi 2013, 2013, Jacobs 2008,
Wong et al 2010).
Figure 18. Living Wall for voice level (Jacobs 2008).
Vertical Gardens 599
4. Conserves water and watering takes less effort
One of the biggest benefits of vertical gardens is how they manage water. For starters,
watering is very efficient as it is done using a drip irrigation system or a hydroponic system
(fig 19). Any waste water is collected at the bottom of the garden in a special tray where it is
drained away. Alternatively, it can be recycled and put back on the garden. This means that
practically all the water is used up by the plants and there is very little waste. There is also
no runoff into stormwater systems so natural waterways are not affected by pollutants that
can be found in stormwater or waste water (fig 20) (http://www.homeim 2013).
Figure 19. Hydrophonic Vertical Garden.
Figure 20. Greywater Treatment ( 2013).
Advances in Landscape Architecture 600
5. Reduces CO2 levels and increases oxygen and improved air quality
A greenwall offers immediate environmental advances in reducing existing greenhouse and
other volatile organic compounds from our polluted cities. Plants act as bio-purifiers and
can play a dramatic role in improving the quality of city air through a number of
biochemical processes by removing and breaking down airborne contaminants from both
inside and outside a building. When combined with plant photosynthesis, which produces
clean, oxygen rich air, it becomes easy to see the value of employing living plants as bio-
purifiers in polluted urban environments. Approximately 1 square foot of vegetated wall
area will filter the air for approximately 100 square feet of office area. Considered in very
general sense, planting one wall of any house which situated 50 houses on the street is
equal to plant 50 trees on this street (Erdogan and Aliasghari Khabbazi 2013, 2013, Truett 2003, ).
Yet another benefit of vertical gardens is that they improve the air quality of built up areas,
both inside the home and outside. This is because plants are natural filters taking carbon
dioxide from the air and replacing it with much needed oxygen (fig 21). They also help to
filter pollutants from the air (fig 22). This means that the air that you breathe is much cleaner
and healthier ( 2013). Studies have shown that
there are signicantly lower concentrations of toxins in the area surrounding a living wall
(Loh 2008).
Figure 21. Indoor Air Quality ( 2013)
Vertical Gardens 601
Figure 22. Dom Aquitectura Unveils Green Master Plan to Clean Air and Reduce Pollution in Huizhou,
China LoriZimmer,10/12/12 ( 2013)
6. Prevent from dust and harmful microorganisms
Plants reduce wind-speed also they prevent dust with wet environments (fig 23) which
created with their roots and leafs. By means of this event, plants bring about extinction to
harmful microorganisms with on site sap and juice. Air quality improvement from plants
has been shown to reduce coughs by thirty percent and dry throat and irritation by twenty-
four percent also, the plants clean the office air by absorbing pollutants into their leaves and
transmitting the toxin to their roots, where they are turned into food for the plant. With
cleaner office air building occupants are less likely to be sick and rooms with plants contain
50% to 60% fewer of airborne molds and bacteria than rooms without plants (Fjeld at al.
1998, Kemalolu and Ylmaz 1991, Wolf 2002).
Figure 23. Drawing about prevent dust with plants (Johnston and Newton 2004).
7. Acts as natural insulation for hot and cold air and a save energy for your building.
Indirectly, living walls reduce air-conditioning requirements and energy consumption of
urban buildings through cooling the city. Vegetation on walls can assist in cooling buildings
in summer and insulating them in winter. In winter, evergreen species offer a degree of
Advances in Landscape Architecture 602
insulation by trapping a layer of air against the facade and reducing convectional heat loss.
An insulating effect of up to 30% has been recorded although such a high percentage is only
likely when temperatures fall close to freezing. Energy savings are less significant on well-
insulated buildings, such as those with brick cavity walls. During the summer, hot walls cause
temperatures to rise inside buildings, increasing demand on cooling systems and consuming
more energy. A Green Wall surface temperature is reduced when covered with plants,
reducing the wall temperature and building cooling load (fig 24). Green Walls can reduce wall
temperature as much as 15F which results in significant air conditioning savings (Baumann
1986, Doernach 1979, 2013, Johnston and Newton 2004).
In Tokyo Institute of Technology Wall tests shown here, it was discovered that Green Wall
panels reduce the wall temperature by 10C. It was also concluded that Green Wall panel
reduce energy transfer into a building by ~0.24kWh/m
. Green Wall energy savings
calculations depend greatly on the direction the wall is facing, the suns angle, and many
other factors ( 2013).
Figure 24. Stacking green ( 2013).
8. Plants are less accessible to diseases and pests
As they grow vertically, many pests cannot even get to the plants. This means that you have
very little problems with pests attacking your plants so you do not need to use pesticides or
insecticides on your plants, saving you using chemicals. As well, air circulates well around
the vertical garden and they also get plenty of sunshine, so there is much less risk of the
plants suffering from mildew, fungus or disease (http://www.homeimprovement 2013).
9. Live plants decrease stress levels, create peaceful ambiance
Vertical gardens have demonstrated that restorative effect of natural scenery holds the
viewers attention (fig 25), diverts their awareness from themselves and from worrisome
Vertical Gardens 603
thoughts and elicits a meditation-like state. They help ease physiological and psychological
pressures of city life by providing a spiritual and physical connection to nature. The beauty
of a green wall (covering concrete and steel) can rejuvenate our minds and physical fatigue
is greatly reduced. The presence of plants in the office not only reduce stress but also helps
increase workers productivity (Peck et al 1999, 2013).
Participants of Texas A&M University and Surrey University study also reported feeling
more attentive when plants were present. Participants of who worked in an environment
with plants were 12% more productive and less stressed than those who worked in an
environment with no plants (Gilhooley 2002).
Figure 25. Living walls at Gutman Library ( 2013, Kim 2011)
10. Increases value and salability of your home or office building
Plants are one of the fastest, most cost effective agents for rectifying negative perceptions of
an area, enhancing a buildings public profile and significantly improving the visual
amenity, economic, and social conditions of the city (fig 26). The application of vertical
gardens is shown to increase property values by dramatically increasing the amenity of
buildings, and establishing higher public acclaim, transforming them into recognisable
landmarks. American and British Studies show that having a green plant can increase the
value of property by 6-15%. ( 2013, Peck et al, 1999)
Advances in Landscape Architecture 604
Figure 26. BHV Homme in Paris (left) ( 2013), Pacha, The Driver,
London (right) ( 2013).
11. Help restore the places where wildlife can survive
Natural habitats are disappearing at an alarming rate, and habitat loss is the number one
threat to wildlife today. Green Walls are part of the solution to help restore wildlife
habitats. By carefully choosing and planting attractive plant species, a Green Wall will
attract birds and butterflies (fig 27). Green Walls can be designed to provide the ideal
conditions for birds, bees and butterflies to survive. It can provide water, food sources,
protection, and places to bear and raise offspring (Johnston and Newton 2004, 2013).
12. There are also benefits to having an outdoor living wall. They help mitigate the Urban
Heat Island Effect (fig 28)
An urban heat island (UHI) is a metropolitan area which is significantly warmer than its
surrounding rural area (fig 29), especially in late afternoons and nights at winter season. To
avoid confusion with global warming, scientists call this phenomenon the "Urban Heat
Island Effect. "There are several reasons that may explain the Heat Island Effect, but the
main reason is the excessive urban development. Green walls are by far the most popular
way to cooling the city. Green Walls in cooling buildings and combating the Heat Island
Effect and greatly reduce this effect by absorbing a lot of the heat through the evaporation
process ( 2013, Yamada 2008, Yeh 2012 ).
Vertical Gardens 605
Figure 27. Guggenheim Museum, Bilbao, Spain ( 2013).
Figure 28. Urban Heat Island Effect, (Ottele, 2010).
Advances in Landscape Architecture 606
Figure 29. Urban Heat Island Profile ( 2013, 2013).
9. Some of suitable plants for vertical gardens
A lot of plant species can be used for Vertical Gardens. For example there are 15000 plant
from nearly 150 different species on the Caixa Forum Museum vertical garden who has
designed Patrick Blank ( 2013). In this case, impossible to give
all the plants one by one so in this part some plants given used for Vertical Gardens.
1. Self-clinging climbers (Generally no support needed. May need support on very smooth
walls.) (Johnston and Newton 2004).
SPECES Decidius (D)
Evergreen (E)
Annual (A)
Soil Native
Exotic (E)
helix (fig 30)
E N E S W Slow Rich N Excellent wildlife plant.
Good nesting site for robins
and wrens, and hibernating
butterflies esp. brimstone.
Nectar and pollen for bees
and hoverflies.
(fig 30)
D N E S W Average Any E Useful for nesting birds if
grown on a trellis. Provides
nectar and pollen for bees.
attract nesting spotted
Vertical Gardens 607
SPECES Decidius (D)
Evergreen (E)
Annual (A)
Soil Native
Exotic (E)
(fig 30)
D N E S W Fast Any E
(fig 31)
D N E W Average Loam
E Good for nesting birds and
produces nectar for bees and
other insects.
(fig 31)
E N E W Slow Any E
Figure 30. Hedera helix(left) (Erdoan and Aliasghari Khabbazi 2012), Parthenocissus quinquefolia
(bottom) ( 2013), Parthenocissus tricuspidata (right)
( 2013)
Figure 31. Hydrangea petiolaris (left) ( 2013), Euonymus fortunei
(right) ( 2013)
Advances in Landscape Architecture 608
2. Twining climbers (Suport needed. Thin steel wires, roughened plastic lines or timber
battens running vertically will suffice for some species. Others will need a good
network of wire or wooden trellis-work.) (Johnston and Newton 2004).
SPECES Decidius (D)
Annual (A)
Soil Native
Exotic (E)
(fig 32)
D N E S W Fast Any E Good for nesting birds.
(fig 32)
D E S W Average Good
N Must be kept bushy for
nesting birds. Excellent
for insects, especially
moths, due to
nightscented flowers.
Bark from older stems
used by nesting birds.
Berries eaten by birds.
Lonicera spp. D-E N E S W Average Good
E Several varieties are
useful nectar and seed
Evergreen honeysuckly
trained up a trellis makes
a good bird roosting site.
Clematis vitalba
(fig 32)
D E S W Fast Prefers
N Seeds for birds. Nesting
sites. Nectar for insects.
Clematis spp. D E W Fast Various E Useful nectar and/or seed
providers. Useful for
nesting sites if trained
thickly on a trellis.
(fig 33)
D E S W Fast Rich
N Good for bees.
Aristolochia spp.
(fig 33)
D N S W Average Most E
(fig 33)
D E W Fast Well
E Night-scented, attracting
moths and other night-
flying insects.
Vitis spp.
(fig 34)
D E S W Average
E Provides fruit for birds
and nectar and pollen for
Wisteria spp
(fig 34)
D E S W Average Rich
E Excellent nectar and
pollen for bees. Can be
used by nesting.
Vertical Gardens 609
SPECES Decidius (D)
Annual (A)
Soil Native
Exotic (E)
Capsis radicans
(fig 34)
D E S W Slow Rich-
(fig 35)
D E S W Fast Any E Nectar and pollen for
(fig 35)
A S W Fast Rich
Tropaeolum spp.
(fig 35)
Mainly A E S W Fast Poor E Nectar/pollen for bees and
beetles. Seeds eaten by
birds and small
mammals. Food plant of
small and large white
Figure 32. Polygonum bauldschianicum (left) ( 2013), Lonicera
periclymenum (bottom) ( 2013), Clematis vitalba (right)
( 2013)
Advances in Landscape Architecture 610
Figure 33. Humulus lupulus (left) ( 2013), Aristolochia macrophylla (bottom)
( 2013), Jasminum officinale (right) ( 2013).
Figure 34. Vitis amurensis (left) ( 2013), Wisteria floribunda (bottom)
( 2013), Capsis radicans (right) ( 2013).
Vertical Gardens 611
Figure 35. Passiflora caerulea (left) ( 2013), Lathyrus odoratus(bottom)
( 2013), Tropaeolum tricolorum (right) (
3. Rambling shrubs (Not true climbers but can be trained on wide meshed grid structures
or by tying to wall.) (Johnston and Newton 2004).
SPECES Decidius (D)
Annual (A)
Soil Native (N)
Exotic (E)
Rubus fruiticous
(fig 36)
E N E S W Average Most
N Provides pollen for bees
and nectar for bees and
butterflies. Berries for
birds and small
mammals, Night-
scented and attracts
(fig 36)
D N S W Average Most E
Rosa canina
(fig 36)
D E S W Average Good N Night-scented for
moths. Nectar for
insects, rosehips for
birds and small
Good nesting cover for
Rosa spp. D E S W Average Most E Excellent nectar for
bees. Nesting sites for
Advances in Landscape Architecture 612
SPECES Decidius (D)
Annual (A)
Soil Native (N)
Exotic (E)
suspensa (fig 37)
D N E S W Average Most E Nesting sites for birds,
as above
Cotoneaster spp.
(fig 37)
Some E
N E Slow Any E Thick growth may be
used by nesting
blackbirds and tbrushes.
Berries for birds,
especially blackbirds
and small mammals.
Nectar and pollen for
(fig 37)
E E S W Slow Most
E Good for nesting birds
e.g. thrushes, and
provides nectar and
pollen for bees and
berries for birds,
particularly blackbirds.
Figure 36. Figure 36. Rubus fruiticous (left) ( 2013), Jasminum
nodiflorum (bottom) ( 2013), Rosa canina (right) (
Vertical Gardens 613
Figure 37. Forsythia suspensa (left) ( 2013), Cotoneaster lacteus (bottom)
( 2013), Pyracantha atalantiodes (right) ( 2013).
Other typical plants for Vertical Gardens:
Advances in Landscape Architecture 614
Figure 38. Plants for Vertical Gardens ( 2013,
2013, 2013, 2013, 2013, 2013, 2013, 2013, 2013, 2013, 2013, 2013, 2013, 2013, 2013, 2013,
2013, 2013, 2013,
2013, 2013, 2013,
Vertical Gardens 615
10. Applications from Turkey
Vertical Gardens applications have been just started as a new trend by Municipalities in
Turkey. Applications are continued in a lot of cities such as stanbul, Antalya, Balkesir,
Figure 39. stanbul Siemens Building ( 2013).
Figure 40. Application from Balkesir ( 2013).
Advances in Landscape Architecture 616
Figure 41. stanbul airport roadside (left), Antalya airport roadside (right) (
Figure 42. Viaduct pillars from Rize ( 2013).
Author details
zgr Burhan Timur
ankr Karatekin University, Faculty of Forestry, Department of Landscape Architecture, ankr,
Elif Karaca
ankr Karatekin University, Kzlrmak Vocational School, Department of Landscape, Turkey
Vertical Gardens 617
11. References
Baumann, I.R. 1986. The Constructural Importance of Climbing Plants.
Doernach, R. 1979. Uber den Nutzungen von Biotektonischen Grunsystemen. Garten und
Landschaft 89(6)
Dunnett NP, Kingsbury N. 2004. Planting Green Roofs and Living Walls. Portland (OR):
Timber Press.
Erdoan, E., Aliasghari Khabbazi, P. 2013. Yap Yzeylerinde Bitki Kullanm, Dikey
Baheler ve Kent Ekolojisi, Trk Bilimsel Derlemeler Dergisi 6(1) ISSN: 1308-0040
Fjeld,T., Veiersted,B., Sandvik,l., Riise, G. & Levy, F. 1998. The Effect of Indoor Foliage
Plants on Health and Discomfort Symptoms among Ofce Workers. Indoor and Built
Environment, 7(204)
Gilhooley,M. 2002. Green green grass of work: a little bit of green can go a long way, and we
arent talking about money. Facilities Design and Management.
Gonchar, J. 2009. Vertical and verdant, living wall systems sprout on two buildings, in Paris
and Vancouver, Architectural Record, McGraw-Hill Construction.
Green roofs for healthy cities. 2008. Introduction to green walls technology, benets and
design. Retrieved from
Green Roof Organization, 2008. Introduction to Green Walls Technology, Benefits & Design.
Jacobs, H. 2008. Green Plants for Green Buildings,
Johnston, J., Newton, J. 2004. Building Green A guide to using plants on roofs, walls and
pavements, Greater London Authority. London ISBN: 1 85261 637 7
Kemalolu, A. Ylmaz, O. 1991. Cephe Yeillendirmesinin Kent Ekolojisine Katklar. Peyzaj
Mimarl Dergisi, Cilt 2, Say 30
Kim, K.S.J.W. 2011. An Investigation into the Application of Vertical Garden at the New
SUB Atrium. The University of British Columbia
Khler, M. 2008. Green Facades-A view back and some visions, Urban Ecosystem. Vol 11
Ottele, M., van Bohemen, H. & Fraaij, A. 2010. Quantifying the Deposition of Particulate
Matter on Climber Vegetation on Living Walls. Ecological Engineering, Volume 36, p
Peck, S., Callahan, C., Kuhn, M., and Bass, B., 1999. Greenbacks from Green roofs: Forging a
New Industry in Canada, CMHC, Toronto.
Sharp,R. 2007. 6 Things You Need to Know About Green Walls, Building Design and
Construction, BD&C News, Web Article,
Advances in Landscape Architecture 618
Thompson, J.W. and Sorving, K. 2000. Sustainable Landscape Construction, A Guide to
Green Building Outdoors. Island Press, Washington D.C. p.105-131
Truett, R. 2003. Biofilters. Furbish Company, Sustainable Building,
Wolf, K.L. 2002. Retail and Urban Nature: Creating a Consumer Habitat, at the
People/Plant Symposium, Amsterdam.
Wong, N. H., Tan, A.Y., Tan, P.Y., Chiang, K. & Wong, N.C. 2010. Acoustics Evolution
of Vertical Greenery Systems for Building Walls. Building and Environment,
Volume 45
Yamada, H. 2008. How is energy usage reduced by green roof and walls, Gsky, Eco
Innovations Inc. Engineering Department, Wakayama University. http://www.g-
Yeh, Y.P. 2012. Green Wall-The Creative Solution in Response to the Urban Heat Island
Effect. National Chung-Hsing University
11.1. References from web sites, Access: January 2013.,
Access: January 2013.
08_ShiftN.jpg , Access: January 2013., Access: January 2013., Access: January
2013., Access: January 2013., Access:
January 2013., Access: January 2013.
agne_(Chamaedorea_elegans),_famille_des_Ar%C3%A9cac%C3%A9es, Access: January
2013., Access: January
2013., Access: January 2013., Access: January 2013., Access: January 2013., Access: January 2013., Access: January 2013., Access: January 2013.
Vertical Gardens 619
clean-air-and-reduce-pollution/, Access: January 2013., Access:
January 2013., Access:
January 2013., Access: January
20Ruff)/Urticaceae/Soleirolia%20soleirolii.htm, Access: January 2013., Access: January 2013., Access:
January 2013. , Access: January 2013.
sanderana-in-designer-planter.html, Access: January 2013.
2012, Access: January 2013., Access: January 2013.
ed.jpg, Access: January 2013.,
Access: January 2013., Access: January 2013., Access: January
2013., Access: January 2013., Access: January 2013., Access: January 2013., Access: January 2013.
tricolorum/, Access: January 2013.
ducati-gallery-with-grid-for-climbing-plants-domenicali, Access: January 2013., Access: January 2013., Access: January
2013., Access: January 2013.
Advances in Landscape Architecture 620, Access:
January 2013.,fr,4,PM008.cfm, Access:
January 2013., Access: January 2013.
/140548436201, Access: January 2013.
f25, Access: January 2013.
farms/1202?image=23, Access: January 2013., , Access:
January 2013.,
Access: January 2013., Access: January 2013., Access:
January 2013., Access: January 2013., Access: January
2013., Access: January
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2013., Access:
January 2013., Access: January 2013., Access:
January 2013.,
Access: January 2013.
ardens#ixzz2EwQvIPZG, Access: January 2013., Access: January 2013., Access: January 2013.
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syngonium-podophyllum, Access: January 2013. 2012, Access: January
ml, Access: January 2013., Access: January 2013., Access: January 2013., Access: January
2013., Access: January
finder/plant-details/kc/c882/parthenocissus-tricuspidata-fenway-park.aspx, Access:
January 2013., Access: January 2013., Access:
January 2013., Access:
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tml, Access: January 2013., Access: January 2013., Access: January 2013., Access: January 2013.
tent/Forsythia_suspensa_4110431_large.html, Access: January 2013., Access: January 2013.
ertical+gardens/5107779/story.html, Access: January 2013., Access: January 2013.
zebrina-telgraf-cicegi-17/, Access: January 2013.
Advances in Landscape Architecture 622, Access: January
Chapter 23
Street Furniture and Amenities:
Designing the User-Oriented Urban Landscape
Gken Firdevs Ycel
Additional information is available at the end of the chapter
1. Introduction
It is often difficult to understand fully how site design integrates the elements of furniture
that are used for various designated purposes and create a sense of place. Such an
understanding can open up creative possibilities for designers of outdoor areas and enable
them to shape spaces that can succeed in achieving their aims over the long term [1].
If street furniture is properly integrated in the design of a public space, it creates an identity
and develops a sense of place around it [2]. Items of street furniture comprising, for
example, objects used to facilitate transportation or the use of land adjacent to a street, are
commonly used in urban areas with the aim of making the street more aesthetically
appealing; however, these objects, if placed near intersections, may obstruct the view of
drivers, especially if crowds develop around them; and if they are close to the roadway, they
should also not obstruct the sight distance of pedestrians [3].
The furniture should be selected and set up based on an analysis of the sites current and
desired patterns of use, so it can serve its purpose effectively; quality furniture is costly, so it
should be used only where it is really needed. There are various approaches to selecting or
designing street furniture: for example, there could be a coordinated selection which gives a
consistent tone to streets and walkways; or various parts of the streetscape could be
designed to serve as artworks in themselves [4].
Generally speaking, there are five basic criteria involved in selecting and placing items of
street furniture: function (i.e. seeing how necessary an item is and how it can serve its
purpose), siting and layout (i.e. deciding where each item should be places), form and
appearance (i.e. making sure there a continuity or at least a linkage between the designs of
different items), durability (given expected usage), and cost [5].
Advances in Landscape Architecture 624
1.1. The significance of street furniture
Street furnishings create the settings for resting, sitting and eating, and social encounters
with others. Such settings may be of great importance to the elderly, those with limited
mobility, and adults who have small children; but in addition to their functional aspect,
items of urban furniture such as benches and tables in parks and squares can also be socially
significant [6], as they give these sites a comforting and appealing air and draw people in
Appropriately selected and placed furniture can draw people to outdoor spaces and add to
the pleasure of using these spaces; the main challenge is getting them outdoors, with the aim
of making them feel welcome, relaxed, and involved [1]. The quality of urban spaces is
indicated by their character and how well they create a sense of identity, as well as by the
quality and placement of their street furniture, as can be seen in various cities: Londons red
telephone booths and Paris metro entrances, for example, have become iconic and essential
to these cities identities [7]. In addition to their functional and symbolic roles, items of street
furniture may also set standards and expectations of quality for the development of the
areas where they are found [8] and can serve as talking points for planning [9].
2. Furniture planning
In order to plan the design of street furniture, one must first plan establish and define the
type of space under consideration whether it is a park, a street, a plaza, a waterfront, a
recreational area, or a mall, for example. The initial defining questions are: who are the
potential users of the space, for what purpose and at what times will it be used, and how
will it serve users when they arrive there? [1].
Typically, installations where the furnishings have been planned and coordinated as part of
a broader design concept are more successful than those where they have been selected
piecemeal without taking account of users needs, or the architectural character or weather
conditions at the site.
As regards what furniture should be consistent across various sites and which unique to a
particular site, this depends on the situation, but in general there can be some consistent
elements, such as signage, or streetlighting (for quality of illumination, aesthetics, and to
facilitate maintenance by standardizing the types of bulbs used) [10]. In brief, the goal is to
create convenient, easily maintained and publicly accessible amenities that do not hinder
pedestrians or traffic [11].
2.1. Placement of street furniture
The location of the furnishings should be based on their functions [4], and coherent with the
patterns and designs of the hard surfaces at the site. The items of furniture should not give
the appearance of being cluttered, so that, for example, signs are attached to a single post or
column rather than being distributed in several places; group amenities such as seating
Street Furniture and Amenities: Designing the User-Oriented Urban Landscape 625
areas or telephone booths are set up where they will be used, such as at pedestrian
junctions; and features like bollards are used minimally [12].
In addition, the furniture should not be hazardous for pedestrians; if it is used along a
walking area it should be aligned to make passage easier, rather than staggered like an
obstacle course [13, 14]. Varying the texture of the walking surface at key points can also
help the visually impaired to find public amenities more easily [11].
3. Street furniture design
The furnishings of urban outdoor spaces should be designed with the needs of the disabled,
children, and the elderly in mind, and also to enable triangulation i.e. they should be
linked together to stimulate social encounters and encourage people to talk to strangers.
In public spaces this stimulus can be created by the selection and arrangement of the street
furniture; for instance, if benches, rubbish bins and telephones are far apart, they may have
the effect of drawing people apart, whereas if they are arranged closely linked with other
amenities such as a coffee cart, they tend to bring people together quite naturally.
Safety and Security
Furniture items designed for outdoor spaces must be constructed of safe materials and
designed to prevent injury, without sharp edges or exposed fasteners. They are usually
either attached to the ground with anchor bolts (for example, using surface mounting, i.e.
attaching a bench to a concrete slab), or embedded in the ground. Naturally, the technique
used for mounting should be decided on in advance, so the furniture can be made
accordingly [15].
The type of furniture and its arrangement should also take into account visibility and
sightlines, lighting, and accessibility issues that may be faced by women, children, the
elderly and the disabled. Areas which are unsafe or pose risks should be designed taking
these factors into consideration [16].
Materials Used in Street Furniture
Furniture selection and design should take into account weather effects such as sunlight,
expansion and contraction, wind stress, moisture, and in some cases, salt spray, frost, or ice.
The best designs usually incorporate strong, simple shapes, native materials, and natural
finishes, generally in black, grays, and earth tones, accented with bright colors [17].
The most popular materials used are steel and wood; other possibilities are stone, concrete,
recycled plastic and various other materials. The choice of materials depends on the context
and limitations of the design; for example, whether the furniture should be resistant to
vandalism, whether ventilation is needed for drying it during wet weather spells, what the
weather conditions may be, how frequently the furniture is likely to be used and by whom,
what the initial costs are, including mounting, the costs and ease of maintenance, and
whether there is a possibility of using eco-friendly materials [15]. Site furniture should be
Advances in Landscape Architecture 626
made of nonflammable materials such as metal, brick, or stone, and wooden structures
should be avoided in areas where there is a risk of fire [18].
Stainless steel is a popular choice of material, because it is versatile, has a high
strength/weight ratio and can be shaped to fit almost any design aesthetic. It is durable,
resistant to corrosion and impact, and requires no maintenance; it is also cheap compared to
all the other materials in terms of life-cycle cost, and is fully recyclable.
Wood is another popular choice of material for street furniture, because it is a natural
material that feels warmer in cold weather and cooler in hot weather, unlike metals. Its
disadvantages are that it dries more slowly than metals after rain, needs more maintenance,
and is easier to burn, break, carve graffiti into, or otherwise vandalize. Wood may be
inexpensive, but the type of wood selected should depend on the location and frequency of
use of the furniture. For example Pinus spp. is inexpensive and quite durable, but loses its
color and longevity if it is not treated and maintained; the cost of maintaining or replacing it
may outweigh the initial cost of purchasing it. Cedrus spp. weathers naturally, is non-toxic
and has a pleasant odour, but it is not a hardwood, and can easily be carved into or chipped;
it is therefore unsuitable for areas where there is frequent use of the furniture.
Concrete furniture may not need to be mounted, as it is heavy; it is also difficult to vandalize
(except with spray paint). Concrete has a long durability and may be aesthetically attractive
if it is designed to be consistent with neighboring architecture; however, it does not drain or
ventilate well after rain. Much of the concrete street furniture that exists today seems
outmoded and appears to lack innovation.
Like concrete, stone is very durable, does not need to be mounted because it is heavy, and is
resistant to vandalism except when spray paint is used. However, it has many of the same
disadvantages: it does not ventilate or dry well after rain, and is limited in its aesthetic
possibilities where design is concerned [15].
Recycled furniture is generally made from plastics, which give it a smooth texture and
appearance. The resulting furniture is highly durable, often lasting considerably longer than
wood; low-maintenance; and therefore more cost-effective in the long term.
Items of street furniture should contrast significantly in color with the background where
they are situated, and have a luminance contrast of at least 0.3 (30%) to increase their
visibility to pedestrians. This can be supplemented by colored borders in the pavement,
Street Furniture and Amenities: Designing the User-Oriented Urban Landscape 627
which mark the edges of the street furniture and guide pedestrians around it to clear and
unobstructed walking areas [19].
Paint or other finishing materials of furniture should be non-toxic and non-staining [14]. The
use of recycled materials in street furniture enables manufacturers to conserve natural
resources and reduce their carbon footprints; it also educates the users of the furniture, the
public, on the importance and mental and physical benefits of recycling. In addition, such
furniture items can be recycled again when they need to be replaced, further reducing
damage to the environment.
Local city administrations have been increasing initiatives to ensure the sustainability of
their street furniture, including raising civic awareness, in order to reduce costs and fulfil
legal requirements for emissions and energy efficiency. Most of these initiatives are
demonstrably effective; replacing filament light bulbs with new LED bulbs, for example, can
cut the energy consumption of street lighting by 40-70%.
With new, renewable energy sources other possibilities are emerging, such as, for example,
converting street lamps into photovoltaic power sources which supply light, and at the same
time supply energy to a citys power grid. Photovoltaic devices differ from solar panels, in
that the power they generate can either be stored in batteries or added to the mains power
grid [20]. In addition to this variation on solar energy generation, there are items of street
furniture available that are wind-powered, or designed as photovoltaic-windpower hybrids;
these items, according to their designers, optimize the use of renewable energy sources and
also guarantee a power supply through two different sources of energy. Another new power
source that is being explored for street furniture is geothermal energy, which arises from the
subsoil; heat-controlled benches, for example, can be connected through bore holes in the
earth to a geothermal system which produces a comfortable seating temperature [21].
3.1. Seating
Seating facilities, such as benches, should be integrated within the outdoor spaces of the city
wherever people wait, meet, or socialize; in public squares, for instance, they should be
coherent with other elements, so that when seats are not in use they do not create a sense of
isolation or emptiness. Being able to sit within a city landscape provides an opportunity to
pause, and also a tactile and more intimate contact with a place than one has when standing
or walking [22].
The best locations for benches are places where there is heavy pedestrian use: retail
shopping corridors, transit stops, plazas, spaces outside cultural institutions, etc; poor
locations are areas where there is little activity, such as in front of offices that close early or
buildings without windows, and in spaces hidden from view or far away from active areas
[23]. In high-activity areas there should be access to seating every 60m (or every 50m if there
Advances in Landscape Architecture 628
is intense activity) [24]; there should also be rest facilities at regular intervals of 100-200m,
with the needs of the disabled kept in mind [11].
Benches should be set up near other amenities such as bus shelters, kiosks, news stands,
waste receptacles, telephones, etc., and arranged where there is protection from the wind
and to allow a choice of sitting in the sun or shade. Moveable chairs or lightweight benches
allow the widest range of choices. They should be separated from the walking path by a
space of 30-60cm, and with the seats level and having a maximum lengthwise slope of 4%; if
the slope is greater, the ground should be built up to create a level surface [25].
Benches set at right angles to each other create situations conducive to socialization [26],
whereas if they are lined up in a row they prevent group conversation (they could be lined
up in areas with an exceptional view, or where there are many people passing by). In
addition, they should not be set up directly facing each other (unless they are being used to
play games), because people are reluctant to make direct eye contact with strangers and will
turn or sit sideways to avoid it. If pairs of benches are set up at a 90-120 angle, the space
they create facilitates both socialization and sitting alone. There should also be appropriate
space left beside and in front of benches to accommodate wheelchairs and walkers for the
disabled without hindering pedestrians [27].
In designing benches, considerations of comfort are important, but the level of comfort
provided depends on how they will be used: on a shopping street, for example, people may
stop briefly to rest, so comfort is less important than it is, say, in a park, where people may
spend half a day in seating areas. There may also be other things to consider: for example,
large slats in benches might be less comfortable than small slats, but may be more
appropriate in areas where teenagers tend to sit on the back rests of the benches. In general,
the selection or design of benches should take into acount all relevant conditions of use.
Appearance is another important consideration: benches should be designed to fit in with
their surroundings, because a bench functions like an extension of the property it adjoins,
and gives a street a sense of ownership. As a result, it is more likely that business owners
will take responsibility for the care of the bench and the street, and this, on a more general
level, will contribute positively to the areas safety and security [27].
Armrests and back support are normal features of seating; these provide assistance to the
elderly. Back supports, contoured seats and arm rests provide comfort when sitting and
support when getting up and down; these are important design elements, especially in areas
where people sit for longer periods of time. Adding armrests in the center of a bench should
be considered in cases where it is desirable to prevent people from sleeping on benches.
When space is available, steel seating is occasionally used in circular or curved forms to give
an organic feel to an area [28].
The design options for a site can be increased if the types and heights of seating (stairs,
benches, seat walls, etc.) are varied [18]. The length of seating elements should be 60cm per
person. For benches, the recommended height of the seating surface is 42.5cm, with a width
Street Furniture and Amenities: Designing the User-Oriented Urban Landscape 629
of 35-40cm and the back rest extending for 50cm. Benches with arm and back rests provide
support to users bodies; to provide appropriate back support for users, the back rests
should be 32.5-37.5cm in height. Between the seating surface and the back rest there should
be a 95-100 angle, and the seating surface should slope back at an angle of 10. Walls to be
used as seat walls should be 37.5-60cm in height (42.5cm is recommended); and the depth of
a seat wall should be at least 37.5cm if access is only available from one side, or 75cm (90cm
is recommended) if it is available from both sides [25].
Moveable chairs to be used in open spaces are an alternative to benches and other seating
elements; while these may not be ideal in every situation, they can be quite useful, as they
are more comfortable than benches. While their cost varies, they are also less expensive:
approximately ten moveable chairs can be purchased for the cost of one bench. In addition,
users can arrange moveable furniture that they find at a site in any way they wish in order
to sit closer together or further apart, in the sun or under shade.
For users with disabilities, some seating should be located near public toilets and
telephones. In general, rest areas with benches should allow at least 1m of adjoining space to
accommodate wheelchairs [14]; for the same reason, table surface heights should be within
the range 0.75-0.90m, and the minimum height under the table should be 0.6m [11].
3.2. Waste receptacles
The most common error in placing waste receptacles is putting them wherever there is an
empty space, instead of in places where people will use them. If they are not placed
appropriately they will remain empty while the surrounding space becomes dirtied: people
will not change their habitual walking path to find a trash can, so the proper placement of
these items of furniture is crucial.
Waste receptacles should be highly visible and accessible in order to minimize littering.
They should be located where they are most likely to be used, in crowded areas like busy
intersections, close to crosswalks, beside take-out food shops or vendors, at bus stops, in
plazas, outside building entrances such as offices, department stores and homes, and near
other items of street furniture like benches, seats, shelters, walls, fences and telephones [27].
Receptacles should be situated far enough away from seating areas to minimize the
unpleasant effects of trash odors and insects on users; and their fronts should be set back at
least 30cm from walkways [25].
The number of waste receptacles to be provided depends on how many people use an area,
how much litter is produced in the area, and on how efficient maintenance and sanitation
programs are. On streets in the city center, 2-4 waste receptacles per block are usually
sufficient: one should be at each end of the block next to the crosswalk, and one or two more
in the middle of the block if there are benches or food stalls along it [13]. Trash cans are
Advances in Landscape Architecture 630
usually spaced at 30m intervals, unless there is an increased need in a particular area; they
are usually single units rather than groups of receptacles [24]. On commercial streets there
should be at most one trash can every 60.96m; in areas where there is a lot of pedestrian
traffic, the distance between receptacles can be decreased, but additional receptacles should
be provided only if maintenance is provided by a private sponsor [29].
In some isolated natural areas trash cans may not be necessary, or if they are, they should be
selected from a determined range; their location should not detract from the view and they
should not have unnecessary decorations that clash with other items of street furniture. In
these areas, discreet cigarette stubbers should be provided instead of ashtrays [28].
It should also be taken into consideration that waste receptacles will also be used at night in
parks and squares; for this reason, they are most appropriately placed along lit-up
pedestrian walkways or other lighted areas.
Waste receptacles come in numerous forms, and may be designed with open, half-open, or
closed tops, and mounted on colums (lighting, signs etc.), walls or vertical surfaces, free
standing, fixed to the ground surface, moveable (generally for temporary use), built-in bins
(benches, seats, walls etc.) [30,31]; however, appropriate receptacles should have certain
qualities, of which the most important is that they should clearly look like places for
discarding litter; if they blend in with the environment too well they will become
unrecognizable. While they should certainly be compatible with other street furniture and
with the local architecture, their function and purpose must be clearly recognizable.
Another important quality of a good waste receptacle is ease of use; the following
characteristics are the most desirable. First, people should be able to dispose of waste
without having to touch the receptacle or open a door to use it. Trash cans are most easily
accessible when they are about 100cm in height with the receptacle at most 40cm from the
outer edge [19]. The opening of the receptacle should be large enough for litter to be put in,
but the size depends on the context; in parks, for example, people may dispose of larger
items, so the opening should be bigger. In general, it should be at least 25cm wide, so a
folded newspaper or take-out food container can be put into it; if the opening is too small,
items can get stuck in it and litter will be strewn in the vicinity of the receptacle. The
opening should also be at most 90cm above the ground to facilitate use by the disabled.
The size of the receptacle should be determined by its expected use and how often it will be
emptied. Well-organized public spaces have several smaller receptacles that are emptied
often, rather than one large receptacle that is only emptied at long intervals. In most areas,
containers with a volume of 114-190 litres are sufficient. Wheelie bins are suitable for areas
where there is a high volume of trash, if they can be emptied easily by collection equipment.
In shopping centers, 120-litre wheelie bins with a framed cover over the top are required;
while in town and district parks, 240-litre or 120-litre wheelie bins should be provided,
depending on user needs [24].
Street Furniture and Amenities: Designing the User-Oriented Urban Landscape 631
Waste receptacles should be sturdy; to bear the forces of activities such as sitting, leaning,
etc., that may occur beside or on top of them [13]. They should especially be able to contain
all kinds of chemical and flammable materials, and should also be robust enough to
withstand the impact of children climbing on them or bicycles and other motor vehicles
striking them [31]. If they are attached to streetlights they should not obstruct the flow of
pedestrians, and should be painted in contrasting colors to assist those with low vision [32].
It is important to know how often waste receptacles will be emptied. In areas where the
receptacles are being inspected regularly, they can be lined with plastic bags. If it is expected
that the receptacles will be emptied daily, they may be lidless; otherwise there may be a
need for them to have a hinged lid resistant to outdoor weather conditions. Lids are also
important for receptacles outdoors, to prevent the garbage from getting wet. In addition to
having the waste from them collected, the receptacles themselves should also be cleaned
from time to time.
The materials used for waste receptacles should be durable and resistant to vandalism, fire,
rust, and stains. Among the choices of materials available are: enamels, which are graffiti-
and stain-resistant, but may chip easily; wood and rough-textured or porous surfaces,
which are rust- and stain-resistant but easily vandalized and hard to clean; aluminum,
which generally serves its purpose but may be vandalized to be used as scrap metal in some
areas; and plastics, which may be problematic if they are solvent-sensitive, especially in
parks, where discarded barbecue lighter fluids can erode them. Galvanized steel is a very
durable material that can be used for receptacles in aeas where they may be heavily abused
In view of landll costs and the currently growing acceptance and understanding of
recycling, it seems likely that the need for receptacles for recycling will increase in the
3.3. Signage
Signage systems play a number of important roles: they provide information and directions
for people to find their way around a site, help maintain the sites image and coherence, and
encourage learning.
The location of signs significantly reinforces their message. Besides conventional signboards,
maps, kiosks, and other elements may also function as signs; and placing signs at other site
amenities like benches, cafes, restrooms and intersections can help create mini-destinations
in larger open spaces [33].
Signage can be used for various purposes: for example, directional signs can help people
keep their bearings and give them a sense of security; and in parks where there are large
natural areas or no specific destinations, micro-spaces can be created with a sign, a picnic
table, a telephone, or other amenities, facilitating social encounters and enabling
Advances in Landscape Architecture 632
communication in the event of an emergency. If the areas where signage is used incorporate
other activities, these areas can enable visitors to fulfil various needs in one place, and also
create a relaxing social environment in which to spend time.
When people know where they are in a space and know how to get to where they want to
go, they feel safer. Instead of using restrictive signs warning that something is prohibited,
a more constructive approach should be used: signage should be positive and informative,
and give people the confidence to act on their own. Signage can also be used to educate
people on safety issues and to encourage them to report on any dubious activities they may
There are four basic kinds of sign: regulatory, warning, informational and educational [34].
Regulatory signs are used for traffic control, and include stop and yield, right-of-way, speed
limit and exclusion signs. Directional signs, occasionally posted in natural areas in
particular, help people keep their bearings and feel located and secure; they make use of
landmarks and other places of interest and are required to indicate changes in direction [19].
Warning signs indicate existing or potentially dangerous conditions; they are usually found
near intersections, bridges and crossings, and can also indicate changes in the gradient or
surface conditions [34]. Warning signs should make use of all the languages in areas where
more than one language is commonly spoken, and should be posted at all entrances to
limited, controlled, and exclusion areas. The wording should clearly indicate restricted
areas, and the signs (which should not be mounted on fences with intrusion-detection
equipment) should be posted at intervals of less than 30.48m [35].
Informational signs inform visitors about a site; in this way they serve as outreach tools. Maps
at entrances, within the site and at points along pathways can help increase users
knowledge, curiosity and interest about the area. They help visitors guide themselves, and
also highlight places of interest. Maps should not be cluttered with too much or unnecessary
information; they should clearly define important points.
Educational signs are a pleasurable way to get people interested in unique features of a site.
Educational signage should be created with the types of audiences, their interests, and their
reasons for visiting the site in mind.
Poor signage can be confusing rather than illuminating; signs should be posted off-site and
at entrances, grouped on one support for clarity and ease of maintenance [24] and should
include on-site directional, parking, and cautionary signs for visitors, employees, service
vehicles, and pedestrians [35].
Signage should be clearly visible. Directional signs should be visible from a distance of at
least 20m: for clear visibility, the sign should not be further away than 47m or closer than
6m. The design and placement of signs for pedestrian use must take into account such
matters as their visibility, the size and proportions of the writing, and the relation between
the writing and its background. The writing on signs should be complemented by standard
Street Furniture and Amenities: Designing the User-Oriented Urban Landscape 633
graphic symbols to help people; directional arrows should be clearly marked. International
symbols should particularly be utilized in outdoor areas used by foreign visitors.
Different materials can be used for signage: carved wooden signs are attractive in natural
environments, but they are not resistant to theft and damage; metals can become bent and
rusted; plastics can be broken or burned. The most damage-resistant materials are concrete
and stone.
All signage should be accessible, and durable in the long term (at least 7-10 years). In areas
where there is a risk of vandalism, signs on two supports should be used rather than on
single supports. Signs should be easily replaceable in case of damage; and the care of
signage should not be neglected.
The octagon is used only for stop signs [34]; information signboards should be rectangular,
warning signboards triangular, and interdictory signboards circular [11].
There should be a strong color contrast between the text and its background, and between
the sign and the surface or background against which it is seen; black text on a white
background, for example, provides a good color contrast. Clashing colors, such as green text
on a red background, should be avoided. The surface behind the sign should contrast with
the sign to make it stand out; or if this is not feasible, the background within the sign should
be increased in size [19].
The size of the letters used on signs should be proportional to the reading distance: The
character width-to-height ratio should be between 3:5 and 1:1, and the character stroke
width-to-height ratio should be between 1:5 and 1:10. The letters and graphic symbols
should be raised at least 1mm from the background, so the visually impaired can read them
by touching them. The smallest letter type should at least 15 mm, and there should be
normal spacing between words and letters.
The symbol for amenities for the disabled is composed of a wheelchair figure with a square
background or border; the figure is distinguished from the background by contrasting
colors, most commonly white for the figure and blue for the background, and the
wheelchair figure should always be seen as facing right.
Signs should be accessible to wheelchair users; permanently fixed street furniture will also
clearly provide more wayfinding cues for the visually impaired than landmarks [36]. Signs
should not be placed behind glass because reflection may hinder visibility. Signs placed on
the pedestrian path of travel are obstructive; so they should be detectable.
There is no need for large numbers of directional signs; these should be placed at main
entrances and doors and where there are changes in direction or level. Fixed signs indicating
Advances in Landscape Architecture 634
street names should be placed at a maximum height of 2.50m. Maps and information panels
at building entrances, along roads, and on public buildings should be set at a height of 0.9-
1.8m; wall-mounted signs should be installed with the centre line 1.4-1.60m from the
finished floor level; and overhanging signs should allow a minimum clearance of 2m.
Orientation signs and push buttons in lifts should have a text in Braille or in relief for the
visually impaired [11].
Signals at crossings may be supplemented with audible or tactile messages to facilitate
crossing for all users, including the visually impaired; however, audible pedestrian signals
should be used judiciously, because they can create a noise problem [37].
3.4. Lighting
Site lighting design focuses on illuminating the environment to anticipate and respond to
the needs of users of the site. The lighting elements involved in a site may have diverse
functions such as wayfinding, creating social spaces, interacting with the natural and built
environments, and meeting security requirements; the overall design must enable all these
functions to coexist experience for users [38].
Because of security concerns, there is often a tendency to over-light parks, plazas, streets,
and other public spaces; a good design plan should relate lighting to the functions of a
particular space in the evening or at night. Site lighting, beyond its practical functions,
should be considered in terms of how the types of lights used, their location and their
intensity, affect the way a street is perceived and used [39].
Aesthetically speaking, site lighting can add colour and vibrance to an area at night;
however, its primary purpose is to provide safety and security after dark. Lighting is
especially important at building entrances, intersections, stairs, sudden changes in grade,
dead ends, and remote walkways. Areas with high crime rates should be well lit to provide
some security for those using facilities in the evenings or at night; but while it may increase
peoples feeling of safety, lighting may not have an effect on reducing actual crime rates.
Light poles should be coordinated with other streetscape elements, and utility equipment
such as pull boxes and underground trenches, both above and below ground, should be
coordinated when placing lighting fixtures. Fixtures should not be placed near tree foliage
that may block their light; the anticipated height and diameter of the tree canopy should be
considered in relation to the height and spacing of lighting fixtures, the need for a certain
level of light, and the need for uniformity. The most suitable distance between a tree and a
light fixture depends upon the type of tree and on the type of light fixture; if the light from a
fixture is blocked because of the existing locations of the fixture and trees, other light
fixtures may be added to achieve the required level of illumination [29].
The lighting of outdoor spaces should be designed carefully, taking into account placement,
intensity, timing, duration, and color [18]; lighting can be provided by bollards, street lights,
Street Furniture and Amenities: Designing the User-Oriented Urban Landscape 635
faced lights, shop windows, and other elements of the cityscape. In lighting, as in signage
there is a hierarchical order of priority: at the highest priority level, activity areas and
primary walkways should be lit to become the focus of pedestrian activity after dark; at the
lowest level of priority one may find, for example, the decision not to light some areas at all
because using them at night would be unsafe or inappropriate.
Site illumination enhances the safety of traffic and pedestrians crossing; it is used to provide
warnings about hazards, and helps increase security and reduce vandalism. Within the plan
of the site, it gives emphasis to focal and meeting points, and building entrances. Accent
lighting can highlight fine architecture or areas of unusual significance or beauty [17].
Lighting fixtures can also be used to highlight trees and give accents to shrubbery; they can
also be mounted in trees to light pathways below. When deciding on such usages, planning
should take account of which trees are deciduous and which trees retain their foliage [38].
Steps or stairway lighting should provide sufficient light for people to see the stairs and
differentiate between risers and treads: their visibility depends on the materials used for the
steps, as well as the physical form of the stairs; dark materials require a higher level of light,
and a change in color between risers and treads will increase visibility [40].
Quality and quantity of light
Appropriate light sources should be chosen, and fixtures should be designed to direct light
precisely, with shielding used to prevent light trespass and glare. The intensity and color of
the light should complement the elements to be illuminated. High-pressure sodium lighting,
typically used in city street-light fixtures, casts a yellowish-orange glow that distorts colors,
diminishes visual clarity and undermines the quality of the night-time urban environment;
it should therefore be avoided. Metal halide lighting, in contrast, produces a soft, white
glow that renders color accurately, provides better visual clarity, and requires less wattage
for the same level of visibility. The quality of light is also influenced by the relationship
between the brightness of a light source and ones distance from it: light becomes more
diffuse further away from the source, so to produce the desired quality of light, the light
source should be located within the range of heights specified for a given brightness.
Height of luminaires
The illumination standard set for pedestrian walkways by the Canadian Standards
Association, is 0.4 footcandles, at which level a persons face can be identified from a
distance of 12-15 metres [41]. Street and road lights are usually installed on 9-15m high
poles, spaced 45-75m apart. Fixed light poles should have durable marking strips in
contrasting colors, at least 0.3m long, attached along the centre line at a height of 1.4-1.6m to
warn visually impaired pedestrians [32]. Lamps supply an average illumination of one-half
a footcandle on local roads and in all parking areas, and one footcandle on major roads and
in large parking areas. Pedestrian paths require intensities varying from less than one-half
footcandle for walkways to five footcandles for building entrances, steps, and intersections.
Mall and walkway light poles are 3-4.5m in height. Although the mounting heights of
luminaires have increased in recent decades with lamp technology allowing for higher and
Advances in Landscape Architecture 636
brighter road lights, this is not particularly beneficial for pedestrians. If the heights of
luminaires are reduced and adjusted to a pedestrian scale, more fixtures will be needed,
which means the luminaires and poles and their placement can have a more positive effect
on the streetscape [39].
Lamp Types and Wattages
Lamps are usually incandescent or based on mercury vapor. Fixtures where the light source
is below eye level may be used to illuminate landscaping and pedestrian walks; if these are
the main light sources, there should also be peripheral lighting to illuminate the immediate
surroundings and create a feeling of security for passing pedestrians [42]. Excessively bright
lights and frontal floodlighting should be avoided; lower-wattage light sources should be
used instead. The lighting of hardscape elements from a distance can negatively affect night-
time vision, and should also be avoided. Up-lighting should only be used where it will not
interfere with the pedestrians vision [15]: when a luminaires height is lowered, the lamps
brightness must be adjusted so as not to cause excessive glare for pedestrians, but at the
same time, the wattage must also be sufficient to adequately illuminate the road [39].
Reducing light pollution
Light pollution occurs when outdoor lighting is misdirected, misplaced, unshielded,
excessive, or unnecessary [18]. Light pollution, or the over-illumination of the night sky by
electric lights, can be a significant problem in urban areas; it can negatively impact the
normal functioning of humans and many animal species. Light pollution can be decreased if
designers minimize light trespass off the site, thus reducing night-time sky glow, increasing
night-time visibility, and alleviating the negative effects of light pollution on nocturnal
environments. Today newer outdoor lighting products have been designed to minimize
light pollution; these types of products, located strategically within the landscape, can
provide adequate illumination without emitting excess light [43].
3.5. Fountains
In open outdoor spaces, water fountains or drinking fountains provide a focal point.
Flowing water has a visual and auditory appeal that creates ambience, and the sound of a
water fountain can help screen out traffic sounds in seating areas [44]; drinking fountains
should be available for functional reasons as well in regions where there are hot summers
[45]. Care should be taken in designing water fountains for high-rise office districts, as the
buildings can cause air turbulence that blows around the spray from fountains.
Drinking fountains should be designed on a scale appropriate to their setting. These
fountains should be accessible to children and people in wheelchairs, as well as standing
adults, including those on crutches or using walkers, and the water control should be
simple, with little strength required. A well-designed fountain may have a water spigot on
the side for filling containers, or washing hands.
Street Furniture and Amenities: Designing the User-Oriented Urban Landscape 637
Stone, concrete, brick and metals such as copper, bronze, cast iron and steel are suitable
materials for fountains [40]. Taps may also be designed with the disabled in mind, at the
usual height of 85-95cm. This allows sufficient space for them to be approached by users of
wheelchairs, which are usually 85cm in height; the approach should be on a hard surface.
The basin should be cantilevered 20-30cm outwards from the wall or support stand, with
the drinking spigot or bubbler mounted on the outer edge of the basin. To operate the
fountain, a lever-type handle should be located on the side or rim of the basin; foot pedals
should only be used together with a lever for controlling the flow [46].
As wind rises, fountain height should be reduced by 10 percent for each 5mph of wind
speed above 10mph. For critical situations a wind sensor should switch off the fountain [47].
Types of fountains
Fountains fall into three categories: rising jets, downward falls, and a combination of the
Rising jets are often used in public displays, and because they can rapidly change form, they
can be interactive, coordinated with music or easily accessible to people; indeed, the water
itself may be the spectacle, if it flows in large quantities or if advanced technologies are
used. Rising jets can be seen from a distance, and coordinated lighting can change their
appearance into what has been described as "never ending fireworks" [48].
Downward fall or cascade fountains are found in nature in the form of rivers, streams,
waterfalls and rising springs. Throughout history, human beings have contained, diverted,
decorated and reduced or enhanced them, and eventually used them as models,
supplemented by artificial pumping systems.
An example of a combination fountain is the splash fountain, in which people cool
themselves; even if they were not designed with this in mind, fountains are often used by
children for this purpose. Some fountains may be fenced in or built with raised edges to
prevent access; others are designed specifically for easy access, and with nonslip surfaces so
they can be used safely. In recent years, purpose-designed splash fountains have been
created in open spaces in conjunction with public pools, parks, or public playgrounds. These
splash pads have no standing water, so there is no risk of drowning in them and no
supervision is needed.
3.6. Bollards
These are vertical barriers and are one of the most unobstrusive ways of preventing access
by vehicles enroaching on to pedestrian areas.
The use of bollards should be limited to areas where sidewalk structures, furniture, private
property and vegetation are being damaged by vehicles trying to park; this is particularly
problematic on narrow streets. Aesthetically appealing bollards may be used in locations to
Advances in Landscape Architecture 638
indicate special spaces like shared public paths or streets limited to pedestrians. Lighted
bollards can provide additional illumination for pedestrians in median refuges.
The usual lateral distance of a bollard is about 3m from the center of the street. They should
be positioned alongside the the walking path so as not to obstruct pedestrians. Bollards
should be installed 45cm from the back edge of the curb [28].
The design of bollards should be contextualized within a family of streetscape elements
[29]. Their size range is usually 10-25cm in diameter, but decorative bollards may be larger
and may differ in shape. In general, design details appear on the sides and tops of bollards,
which should be articulated for this purpose; bollards should also be painted in colors that
enhance other elements of the streetscape (except for gray) and to assist the visually
impaired. Signs and directions may be affixed to bollards so additional signposts are
unnecessary, and the bollards may be painted with white bands where appropriate [28].
The spacing between bollards is usually about 90cm, wide enough to allow luggage and
wheelchairs to pass between them. The spacing should also be varied to follow the rhythm
of the other elements that make up the streetscape i.e. lighting fixtures, landscaping, etc. In
some contexts, an area may be defined or an entryway blocked by a series of bollards.
Bollard forms vary from the simple and modern to the decorative and traditional,
depending on the surroundings. The simplest bollards are wooden or painted steel posts
embedded in the ground; in their most practical form they demarcate parking areas,
alleyways, or entrances to significant public spaces. More complex, detailed forms and
refined materials are used when the intention is to blend in with the local architecture and
other elements of the city and inform local identity; such forms comprise part of the public
street furniture and amenities. The materials and finishes used for bollards are determined
by their relation to other elements in the space under consideration [1].
Bollards comprise a wide variety of fixed or flexible elements that are used to demarcate
spaces, prevent the entry of vehicles, or otherwise protect a space; they can be designed to
give way to or hold up against any force. They can be removable but locked by means of
locking pins or by sheer weight [14]. They should be used sparingly, and their style should
be determined by their location. Thus distinctive old bollards should be kept and renovated,
and new ones created in the same style, if it is still appropriate, using moulds; plastic
bollards should only be used for temporary purposes. The design concept for an area should
be re-thought in order to minimize the use of bollards: to reduce the need for them,
reinforced slabs or stronger paved areas, as well as the use of other street furniture items or
planting trees should be considered.
Permanent Bollards
Fixed bollards are also known as static, architectural or permanent bollards. These are
usually concrete, wood or metal, and cannot be moved as they are surface-mounted or
embedded in the ground. They should be set 300-450mm in the ground on a concrete or
consolidated hardcore base and surrounded by concrete [49].
Street Furniture and Amenities: Designing the User-Oriented Urban Landscape 639
Rising (retractable) bollards rise up and go back down into the ground again automatically, by
means of an electronic, hydraulic or pneumatic mechanism when they are activated by a
hand-held remote, swipe card, or other remote device.
Security bollards are designed to withstand heavy impacts. They may be fixed or retractable,
and are used to prevent terrorist or criminal attacks.
Removable bollards have a base permanently fixed to the ground, but can be unlocked with a
key and lifted out when necessary.
Telescopic bollards collapse concentrically and retract to street level when they are unlocked
with a key.
Lay-flat bollards, also known as fold-down or collapsible bollards, can be unlocked with
a key and laid flat on the ground when required.
Bell bollards are short and bell-shaped; these are used in areas with frequent U-turns or tight
turning circles, as the slope of the bell enables the wheel of a vehicle to strike it and roll
around it.
Temporary & Flexible Bollards
Qwick Kurb is the brand name of a temporary plastic curb, which is comprised of several
plastic bollards or paddles strung together.
Planters can serve as environmentally friendly bollards, physically delimiting streets,
widening sidewalks and restricting access for motor vehicles. If they are properly funded,
managed and maintained, they can enhance the aesthetics of a public space and facilitate a
communitys acceptance of a new curb or median [50].
Lighted bollards provide illumination in the form of area or marker lighting. Area lighting
illuminates the ground plane around the bollard, while marker lighting provides a glow
indicating a bollards location. Marker bollards are solar powered, so they do not need to be
connected to the electrical grid. In cases where a light is required at a low height for
visibility, a simple path light on a post may be more useful and user-friendly than a strong,
lighted bollard [1].
3.7. Public Art
The term public art refers to sculptures and other artworks which are situated in public
spaces outdoors and are freely and physically accessible by the public. Public art may
belong to the community as a whole, but it can also be displayed in private places and serve
a smaller community of interested people [51].
Public art complements and enhances the environment and brings public spaces to life; it
can range from disparate objects to an entire streetscape [52]. Large-scale works can bring
thematic unity to a district or demarcate a gateway to a neighborhood, while works on a
human scale can provide points of visual interest for pedestrians passing by. Well-designed
Advances in Landscape Architecture 640
public artworks that recognize the local culture as well as broader influences can define a
community, serving as landmarks that uniquely express the spirit of a place or highlight
some of its functional aspects, draw people towards it, and so contribute to its growth and
dynamism [15]. Public art that fits into its surroundings can thus also create a setting for
breaking down barriers, generating diverse forms of social encounters and interactions, and
inspiring creative expression [53].
Public works of art can serve as focal points on streets and in public areas, especially at key
points or intersections where there is pedestrian movement or where people tend to gather,
and they can give these spaces a unique character; however, they may not be appropriate for
high-traffic walking areas such as pedestrian thoroughfares, unless they function as street
furniture. In addition, they can create a special sense of place in less frequented locations.
Works of public art may be permanent, static or based on objects; they can also be
temporary, dynamic, or evanescent; however, they should serve as pedestrian amenities
[51], and the aim in the design and planning phases should be to integrate them with other
elements of the streetscape such as light poles, benches, trash receptacles and utility boxes.
Artworks can be centers of focus in parks or plazas, or visual surprises that appears as one
follows a pedestrian pathway.
The materials used, whether for a modern or a more traditional sculpture will vary
depending on what the sculpture expresses, their appropriateness for its composition, and
the cost factors involved. In any case, public artworks should be of a reasonable quality as
regards their construction, and particularly their surface finish; they should be structurally
sound and designed for minimal maintenance and to resist vandalism [24]. They should also
be accessible to the disabled and not hinder pathways; some may need visible warning
strips around the base for this purpose.
4. Maintenance
If the types of street furniture and manufacturers involved at a site are consistent,
maintaining or replacing worn or damaged furnishings will be less costly [54]; proper
installation of items will ensure their durability, and damaged materials should be replaced
with more sustainable products wherever possible [43]. The furniture should be easy to
repair, and one way to facilitate this is to design it as replaceable modular parts, so that it
does remain unusable for long periods pending repairs [16].
Street furniture is often vandalized by burning, slashing, carving, and spray painting, so this
should be taken into account in the planning phase; some materials and styles are more
resistant to vandalism. The furnishings must be durable and secure, with finishes and
coatings that resist stickers, graffiti and bacteria. Thus while wood may be a cheap and
aesthetically appealing choice, it is easy to carve, burn, and spray-paint, so it is not
particularly resistant to vandalism compared to other alternatives. Recycled plastic is a
Street Furniture and Amenities: Designing the User-Oriented Urban Landscape 641
popular material for street furniture, but it can be burned, carved and painted; wear due to
ultraviolet radiation may be another problem (although some recycled plastic products are
marketed as UV-stable), so this material may be more appropriate indoors. Steel is the
material most resistant to vandalism, but it is usually the most costly: steel meshes and steel
bars cannot be spray-painted, burned or slashed easily, and they also have the advantage of
good ventilation so they dry rapidly after rain [15].
5. Conclusion
Street furniture should be available in proportion to the intensity of activity in a particular
area, and carefully placed to create unobstructed paths for pedestrians without creating
hazards. Furnishings include benches, waste receptacle, signs, lighting, fountain and other
elements that make people feel comfortable. These elements should be coordinated and
integrated so that they are both attractive and functional. However, beyond comfort, the aim
of these furnishings is to provide a place with character and identity, and to encourage
people to enjoy outdoor spaces. Street furniture also addresses specific needs, such as
seating and shelter when one is waiting for transportation. If well planned and designed, it
can also enhance the visual aspects, image and identity of a site. The quality, organisation
and distribution of street furniture reflects the quality of an urban space and can also set
standards and expectations for future development [8], as the aim of these furnishings is to
combine and coordinate form, scale, materials and placement to create visual appeal,
accessibility and safety through understanding the needs of users [55].
Besides its functional aspects, high quality in the designing of street furniture has recently
become a focus of attention in urban landscape design, with emphasis placed on the
integration of function and aesthetics with new materials and technologies, creative
concepts and artistic application in the user-friendly cityscape. Street furniture enables a city
to become closer knit as a community, a space where people can gather, share and
experience life together. Visually unattractive or poorly planned street furniture defines a
city through chaos, a lack of order and harmony, and the absence of community. In recent
years, cities have also become very concerned about waste disposal and the stability of the
environment, as can be seen in the growing tendency of using recycled street furniture; well
designed street furniture enables cities to continually update outdoor spaces sustainably
while being environmentally conscious at the same time.
Author details
Gken Firdevs Ycel
Faculty of Engineering and Architecture, Istanbul Aydn University, Istanbul, Turkey
6. References
[1] Main Bill, Hannah Gail Greet. Site Furnishings: A Complete Guide to the Planning,
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Advances in Landscape Architecture 642
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Design in the Planning System: Towards Better Practice, Thomas Telford Ltd; 2000. p26.
[3] American Association of State Highway and Transportation Officials, Task Force for
Roadside Safety Staff. Roadside Design Guide, 4th edition, AASHTO; 2011. p10-13.
[4] Crankshaw Ned. Creating Vibrant Public Spaces: Streetscape Design in Commercial
and Historic Districts, Island Press, 2 edition; 2008. p187,188.
[5] Evyapan Gnl Aslanolu, Tokol Ayegl S. Landscape design lectures, METU Faculty
Of Architecture Press; 2000. p81.
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University of Montreal, Montreal, Canada, (accessed January 2013).
[8] Carmona Matthew, Heath Tim, Oc Taner, Tiesdell Steve. Public Places Urban Spaces:
The Dimensions of Urban Design, Published Elseiver Ltd.; 2010. p196.
[9] Gehl Jan. Cities for People, Island Press; 2010. p239.
[10] Bain Lesley, Gray Barbara, Rodgers Dave. Living Streets: Strategies for Crafting Public
Space, John Wiley & Sons; 2012. p71.
[11] United Nations. Street Furniture, Urban Design Considerations, Accessibility for the
Disabled - A Design Manual for a Barrier Free Environment, Department of Economic
and Social Affairs Division for Social Policy and Development, (accessed January 2013).
[12] Biddulph, Mike. Introduction to Residential Layout, Architectural Press; 2007. p197.
[13] Traffic Signs, Marking and Street Furniture,
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[14] Derek Lovejoy Partnership. Spon's Landscape Handbook, Taylor & Francis; 1997.
[15] Site Furnishing, Urban Green Inc., Vancouver, B.C., (accessed January 2013).
[16] Toronto (Ont.). Transportation Services, Toronto (Ont.). Urban Development Services.
City Planning Division, Beautiful City Sceretariat. Vibrant Streets: Toronto's
Coordinated Street Furniture Program: Design and Policy Guidelines, City Planning,
Clean & Beautiful City Secretariat and Transportation Services; 2006.p21.
[17] Simonds John Ormsbee. Landscape Architecture: A Manual of Land Planning and
Design, McGraw-Hill Professional; 1998. p155,158.
[18] Calkins Meg. The Sustainable Sites Handbook: A Complete Guide to the Principles,
Strategies, and Best Practices for Sustainable Landscapes (Wiley Series in Sustainable
Design), John Wiley & Sons; 2012. p421,422,468,502.
[19] Planning and designing for pedestrians: guidelines. Department of Transport, 2011.
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[21] Innovation and special features of street furniture, Sustainable thinking,
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[22] Dee Catherine. Form and Fabric in Landscape Architecture, Taylor & Francis; 2001.
[23] Street Design Manual, Furniture, New York City Department of Transportation; 2009.
[24] Canberra Central Design Manual. DS19 - Street and Park Furniture and Barbecues,
Design Standards for Urban Infrastructure, Urban Services, (accessed
January 2013). p19-3,19-5,19-8.
[25] Site Design Guidelines a vocabulary for Clemsons sense of place, Clemson University, (accessed January 2013).
[26] Loidl Hans, Bernard Stefan. Opening Spaces: Design as Landscape Architecture,
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[27] Madden Kathy. Streetscape: A Guide to the Design and Management of Pedestrian
Amenities in Downtowns and Neighborhood Commercial Districts, Project for Public
Spaces, Inc., 1987.
[28] Public Space Design Guidelines, Furniture, London Borough of Richmond upon
Thames Civic Centre, (accessed January 2013).
[29] San Francisco Planning Department, Street Lighting,
(accessed January 2013).
[30] Littlewood Michael. Landscape Detailing 3, Routledge; 1997. p.109.
[31] Harris Charles W., Dines Nicholas T., Brown Kyle. Time-saver standards for landscape
architecture: design and construction data, Second edition, McGraw-Hill publishing
company; 1998. p240-8.
[32] United Nations. Obstructions, Urban Design Considerations, Accessibility for the
Disabled - A Design Manual for a Barrier Free Environment, Department of Economic
and Social Affairs Division for Social Policy and Development, (accessed January 2013).
[33] Project for Public Spaces. Creating Park Signage; 2009. (accessed January 2013).
[34] Flink A. Charles, Olka Kristine, Searns Robert M. Trails for the Twenty-First Century:
Planning, Design, and Management Manual for Multi-Use Trails, Island Press; 2001.
[35] Providing Protection to People and Buildings (Risk Management), FEMA; 2004. p2-41.
[36] Burton Elizabeth, Mitchell Lynne. Inclusive Urban Design: Streets For Life,
Architectural Press; 2006. p91.
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[37] Zegeer Charles V. Pedestrian Facilities Users Guide: Providing Safety and Mobility, U.S.
Department of Transportation Federal Highway Administration, Diane Publishing;
2002. p91.
[38] Ramsey Charles George, Sleeper Harold Reeve. Architectural Graphic Standards:
Student Edition, John Wiley & Sons; 2011. p358.
[39] Project for Public Spaces, Lighting use & design, (accessed
Jauary 2013).
[40] Hopper Leonard J. Landscape Architectural Graphic Standards, John Wiley & Sons;
2007. p257,347.
[41] Project for Public Spaces, What role can design play in creating safer parks,
(accessed Jauary 2013).
[42] Wood H. PaulH. Paul Wood (AuthorSite Design, Kaplan AEC Education; 2004.
p108.Cook Thomas W., Vanderzanden Ann Marie. Sustainable Landscape
Management, Design, Construction and Maintenance, John Wiley & Sons, Inc.; 2011.
[44] Marcus Clare Cooper, Francis Carolyn. People Places: Design Guidlines for Urban Open
Space, John Wiley & Sons; 1998. p50,51.
[45] Marcus Clare Cooper, Sarkissian Wendy. Housing as If People Mattered: Site Design
Guidelines for Medium-Density Family Housing, University of California Press; 1992.
[46] Nelischer Maurice. The handbook of Landcsape Architectural Construction, Volume
two, Amer Society Landscape; 1988. p90.
[47] Littlewood Michael. Landscape Detailing 4, Routledge; 2001. p87.
[48] Hrst Bryan R., Fountains, Master Thesis. The faculty of the school of architecture,
Kingston University, London, England; 1997.
[49] Littlewood Michael. Landscape Detailing 1, Routledge; 1993. p166.
[50] Transportation Alternatives (Organization), Rethinking bollards: how bollards can save
lives, prevent injuries and relieve traffic congestion in New York City, New York, NY:
Transportation Alternatives; 2007. p5.
[51] Coutts Glen, Jokela Timo. Art, Community and Environment: Educational
Perspectives, Intellect Books; 2008. p147.
[52] Cartiere Cameron, Willis Shelly. The Practice of Public Art, Routledge; 2008. p9.
[53] Worth Margareth. Creating significance through public places art an inclusive
+interdisciplinary practice, Public Art and Urban Design. Interdisciplinary and Social
Perspectives Waterfronts of Art III, web version on the w@terfront nr, 4. (accessed January 2013). p51.
[54] LaGro James A. Site Analysis: Linking Program and Concept in Land Planning and
Design, John Wiley & Sons; 2001. p63.
[55] Gu Ji Yong. Advances in Affective and Pleasurable Design (Advances in Human
Factors and Ergonomics Series), CRC Press; 2012. p22.
Chapter 24
Greenways as
a Sustainable Urban Planning Strategy
Aylin Salici
Additional information is available at the end of the chapter
1. Introduction
Greenways are linear open spaces such as canals and scenic roads that are set along the
riversides, hillsides or valleys, converted to a recreational use along the railways (Little,
As the last scientific sources about greenways in landscape planning are examined
(Presidents Commission on Americans Outdoors, 1987; Little, 1990; Flink and Searns, 1993;
Smith and Hellmund, 1993) the definition of "designed and managed space networks that
are compatible with the concepts of sustainable space use" comes out (Ahern, 1995).
In 1970s, when the decreasing of urban open spaces became clear throughout the country,
the greenways planning activities directed to preserving gained importance. Those
greenways which need less open space than conventional parks, make possible various
recreational activities and form a system of being associated different open and green spaces
are supported by authorities and the institutions directed to protecting environment (Arslan
et. al., 2007).
The most clear statement on this subject came out by Presidents Commission on Americans
Outdoors in 1987. The commission sees the greenways as live networks like a giant
circulation system. That provides people with access to open spaces close to where they live,
and link together the rural and urban spaces in the American Greenways in the USA.
Therefore, the commission suggested to generalize greenways which are a vision for the
future as a system. It is possible to see more than 660 greenways examples implemented in
the USA whose 80 % of its population live in cities (Bueno et. al., 1995).
Commission draws a parallel between the evolution model of greenways and motorways or
railway system. According to this idea, the motorways and railways which are firstly
formed in small parts, later the left parts of them are networked by planners, being
Advances in Landscape Architecture 646
combined in scale of national, state and regional. Similarly, greenways are of various widths
and have a network system like main roads and railways junction systems. Just the main
difference is the nature has already an existing system infrastructure corridor (Fabos, 1995).
The first serious attempt in Europe is made, in 1997, by establishing European Greenway
Association (EGWA). This Association define the greenways as both protecting
environmental values and the network of routes that are allocated for only the motorless
vehicles (on horseback, bicycling or etc.) in order to increase the health of environmental
life, considering integrated management approach (Fig. 1) (European Greenways
Association, 2004).
Figure 1. Salisbury Greenway Bicycle Way/ North Carolina
Greenways are defined differently in both the concept and scope. Since these greenways
focus on different aims, their scopes are different (Scudo, 2006). For example, the level of
aims of protection, using mainly under protection, protection mainly under using and using
(like recreation) affects the forming of greenways.
Two words should be examined to make clear the definition. The full word is Greenway.
Green is defined as forests, riversides, natural spaces like wild life, way as a route or an
axis. Two words together are depicted as greenway or an axis integrated with landscape
(Watson et. al., 2003).
Greenways as a Sustainable Urban Planning Strategy 647
Greenways are a general term of showing linear consistency, linking open and green spaces
and providing development into urban texture. There are bicycle passages, wild life routes,
improved water sides or a river far from a city or pedestrian axes forested along a bay.
Within the urban landscape, greenways brought together two functions. One of them is to
form open spaces which are open to public and for recreational uses, and the second one is
to ensure to protect and develop natural resources (Vikipedi zgr Ansiklopedi, 2008).
Greenways are the passages that provide linking the spaces that have the specialty of high
natural resource or are of cultural aspects. These greenways are based on both land and
water (
Greenways are the greened passages which follow the ways that are out of use or used by
motorless vehicles ( DocID=144&v1ID=
2. Developing process of greenways
Even if their scope is narrow, greenways whose first examples come out in the nineteenth
century gave birth as an answer to the needs for the conditions of relevant period, the
changing - corrupting process of landscapes in the last century and negative development of
cities to the detriment of ecosystems. Changing of conditions, conceptions and tendencies
lead to change of the concept and scope of greenways.
In the context of urban planning of nineteenth century, the development process of
greenways classified into 3 categories. These are:
1. First Generation Greenways (the period between1700 and 1960)
2. Second Generation Greenways (the period between 1960-1985)
3. Third Generation Greenways (the period after1985)
2.1. First generation greenways the period (between 1700 and 1960)
First generation greenways are defined as Green Way and the first example of special and
attractive corridors through the city (Searns, 1995). The axes that link in Europe city spaces
and their surrounding are planted, boulevards and at the end of the nineteenth century, the
parkways commonly used in the USA are the systems of first examples of these corridors
(Ahern, 2004).
Frederick Law Olmsted developed the idea of parkway system which leads to taking shape
of current greenways (Kent and Elliott, 1995). The first parkway model started with the
designs of Central Park of New York city by Olmsted and Vaux (http://www. /2GR-def.html).
In later period, Olmsted and Vaux who are affected by the wide boulevards of Paris and
Brussels designed Prospect Park (Macdonald, 2005). One of the important aspects of this
park is its characteristic of rural landscape which is fully different from central park and the
general structure of the city.
Advances in Landscape Architecture 648
At the end of the nineteenth century and beginning of the twentieth century, first real
greenways came from the system of the open spaces of the main city. This mostly is the
network that is formed due to linking spatially linear spaces belong to public. The system is
tied to the current topographical and hydrological models in the landscape. The Boston Park
system is the most important one of these systems that Frederick Law Olmsted designed
(Zube, 1995).
In 1887, The Boston Park System known as Emerald Necklace is the first greenway
planned in the USA. Newton mentions this park system as parkway. This system that is 25
km length link the cities of Boston, Brooklyn to Cambridge city in Massachusetts State and
Charles river to these spaces (Fabos, 2004). Olmsted also named this system as strip park
known as parkway before (Little, 1995).
While, today, Boston Park system provide mostly recreation, transportation, water quality,
flood control, nice view, wildlife, when it was first planned as a model, it was designed for
linking the current conserved areas to the ecological greenways. This first design of Olmsted
is adopted by various landscape architects (Ahern, 2004).
Charles Eliot, the pioneers of Landscape Architecture, suggested a comprehensive park
system for Boston main city region. This corridor combined 6 wide green spaces connected
to each other in the slums of main city into 3 big rivers ( The
suggestion of Eliot that sees rivers and their sides as the complementary of greenway system
is important for the planning of greenways.
In nineteenth century, H.W.S. Cleveland, with Theodore Wirth, beside Eliot in the USA,
planned greenways network for Minneapolis main city region. This parkway that provides
both transportation and walking, picnic and natural hiking and is of 23-mile length is the
parkway of Bronx River (Ryder, 1995).
After Bronx River parkway, parkways started to increase with this new trend and the
architect Robert Moses who is affected by this trend implemented several parkways such as
Hutcheson River Parkway, Taconic Parkway, Saw Mill River Parkway and Cross County
Parkway, in Westchester and Bronx, and Henry Hudson Parkway in Manhattan (Arslan, 2007).
The aim of Moses is to form a recreational network for New York people. Because of the
transporting easiness of motorcars, as tendency for recreational spaces is getting increased.
Moses especially observed that the spaces in Westchester and New Jersey have limited
possibility for weekend activities. For this aim, Moses formed the Brooklyn-Queens
greenways that link all the rural region which include east river, agricultural fields, sea
sides, ponds, rivers and forest areas (Little, 1995).
As well as parkways concept, the green generation concept within the historic development
of the greenway idea has an important place. The idea of parkways of Olmsted and Moses
became the source to thought of surrounding and zoning the city, developing in the course
of time. The first greenway that is The London Plan of Ebenezer Howard is defined as a
Greenways as a Sustainable Urban Planning Strategy 649
band limiting the borders of cities and a wide band of 5-mile or more in rural areas (Searns,
In this period, other landscape architects are Henry Wright and Charles Eliot II who work
on greenways. A park design which is 40 mile length and is named as 40-mile circle by
Wright and Eliot II is held up by other greenway planners instead of a big park design in
Portland, Oregon. Moreover, that Wright include several landscape elements from river
greenways to forest spaces in integrated greenway network is supported by ASLA
(American Society of Landscape Architecture) (Fabos, 2004).
Another plan in this period is the first open space plan which was designed by Charles Eliot
II for Massachusetts state. The comprehensive plan in statewide was named Bay Circuit
Plans. This comprehensive plan which is some 250 km length links several wetlands and
drainage systems and surrounds Boston city (
The most important development in this period is the coupling national parks and
comprehensive recreational areas and parkways and so there will be continuity between the
spaces that are protected and used for recreational aim (http://www.nps.
gov/aboutus/history.htm). A highlighter example of this is Blue Ridge Parkway along the
Appalachian mountain (Fabos, 2004).
2.2. Second generation greenways (the period after 1960-1985)
First generation greenways that are parkways included in the open and green space system
that links urban and rural spaces are firstly converted into the urban corridors after the
second half of twentieth century.
Throughout the 1960s and 1970s, the subjects that support contemporary greenways
development process in terms of environmental aspects are divided into two parts. One of
them is the increasing of bicycle passages and second is the works of landscape architects in
academic area.
Because the harms that motorcars coming out from 1900s do increased towards the second half
of twentieth century so the demand for bicycle passage and pedestrian pathways that are
motorless traffic routes. The implementation of the bicycle passage and pedestrian pathways
that are a part of greenways is practiced several times in the USA and Europe. Throughout the
period of 1960s-1970s, bicycle passage and pedestrian pathways named as city pathways
supported the environmental conscience because they had had the goals of preserving cultural
landscapes, controlling the city development and recreation (Little, 1995).
In this process that environmental conscience was increased, several landscape planning
and design works that are linked to greenways would be a basis for the studies and were
realized. Phil Lewis determined 220 natural and cultural resources in Wisconsin by the
method of mapping that he found. Since these resources are especially along the river or
drainage spaces, Lewis (1964) named these spaces as environmental corridors. Lewiss
mapping, analyzing and evaluating the resources provided a basis for the suggestion plan of
Advances in Landscape Architecture 650
Wisconsin Heritage Pathway. The term of environmental corridor that was created by
Lewis to protect river corridors or the spaces environmentally sensitive is used in first
greenway/green space system planning in statewide. In this planning process, to protect the
spaces that are environmentally sensitive, and river corridors are targeted (Fabos, 2004).
The end of 1960s is the beginning for the term of Greenway. In this period, William H.
Whyte used the term of Greenway for the first time in his book entitled The Last
Landscape that he wrote to get rid of motorcar (Bueno et. al., 1995). The first implemented
greenway project of Whyte is Platte River Greenway in Denver in the mid of 1970s. This
corridor, 10 mile length, comprises parks, spaces having natural characteristics, canals and
harbour region. There is also a stroll and bicycle route, 2.5 m width (Searns, 1995).
2.3. Third generation greenways (the period after 1985)
These greenways targeted to satisfy aesthetical and recreational needs for city dwellers with
the beatified axes and corridors in addition to motorless vehicles routes. Thus, both negative
effects of urbanization are reduced and alternative corridors that supply influential visual
forms and greens for screening the fumes and noises of motorcars are created. This situation
contributes to the spiritual healing of urban people (Searns, 1995).
This generation corridors have more comprehensive duties apart from all these
characteristics of them. Third generation greenways, beyond meet people need, take on a lot
of goals such as preserving habitat, reducing flood harms, increasing water quality,
protecting historical sites, education, which are integrated with space and resource
management concepts (Mugavin, 2004).
3. Greenways types
Greenways that are a part of a wide network to protect the elements which shows physical
continuity in landscape are formed around railways, canals, roads that are along the
hillsides and valleys, watersides and rivers.
Main concept is to keep the corridor "green" with the natural vegetation and to connect the
interesting points along the river and similar systems to a way or line. Greenways are
formed directly and indirectly for people benefits and uses. For example, a greenway can
provide recreational walks, observing wild life, recognition and evaluation of the
environment, river fishing and riverside protecting (Glossary of Bicycle Terms, 2008).
Greenways are divided into 6 groups according to the projections of scientists and planners
who work for different goals;
Urban riverside greenways: they are the greenways that are formed by riversides in urban
areas. Sometimes, the destroyed riversides which are affected by urban activities can be
ameliorated by redevelopment programs. These spaces are thought as a part of greenways
(Little, 1995). Beside this definition, not only riversides but the other sources that are linked
to water are included greenways (Fig. 2). As a result, the greenways are formed along the
Greenways as a Sustainable Urban Planning Strategy 651
water resources such as, flood beds, river corridors and wetlands. The aim of creating these
greenways is to protect resources, ameliorate and manage (Ahern, 1995).
Figure 2. Scioto River Greenway
Recreational greenways: They are the spaces that have characteristics of routes and pathways
of various type and go along a very long line (Little, 1995). Beside the natural corridors,
canals and railway routes can be examples of that kind of spaces. These ways are formed
along the routes and pathways passing through recreational spaces generally linked water
and landscape resources which are of high visual value (Fabos, 1995). The recreational
focuses in these pathways not only can be both urban and rural but local, regional, national
and international (Fig. 3).
Figure 3. Willamette River Greenway, Oregon
Advances in Landscape Architecture 652
Natural corridors that are of Ecological importance: they are the corridors which are formed by
the spaces generally along the rivers, and sometimes valley sides (Little, 1995). These kind of
spaces make possible protecting wild life, migrating of species, sustaining biological
diversity and natural hiking (Fabos, 1995). Ahern (1995), define ecological corridors as "ones
that are linked to biodiversity" (Fig. 4).
Greenways that have visual and historical value: they are the greenways that are attract tourists,
provide benefits of economical, educational and visual and supply permanent-seasonal
accommodation (Fabos, 1995). They generally are the routes along the road or motorways and
the routes rarely along watersides. These routes make possible seeing by getting out of vehicles
and pedestrian activities in specific points (Little, 1995). Another important characteristic of
these greenways is that they link cultural and historic resources (Ahern, 1995).
Figure 4. Oconee River Greenway, Athens, Georgia.
Greenways as a Sustainable Urban Planning Strategy 653
The greenways that aim controlling of urban development: these greenways are formed to
separate urban and rural areas and control enlargement (Ahern, 1995).
Comprehensive greenways systems and networks: they are formed by linking different kinds of
open areas to greenways in urban and regional scale (Little, 1995).
4. The functions and benefits of greenways
Greenways have a lot of functions such as protecting water sources, reducing pollution,
increasing river side habitat and biodiversity, reducing flood harms, providing recreational
opportunity, supplying environmental education, alleviating noise, enhancing micro-
climatical effects of both cooling and decreasing pollution and reducing riverside erosion
(Bischoff, 1995).
It is possible to divide the functions of greenways into two groups as rural and urban.
Within the developing urban landscape, greenways have to functions: one of them is to
create open spaces for people's easy reach (public access) and recreational uses and second
to provide protecting and developing natural resources which are still present nowadays. In
this context, the greenways that tie in with many various linear open spaces in cities and so
provide developing into the textures of cities can be a bicycle passage wildlife routes, urban
riverside corridor etc. These urban corridors take on some various duties such as answering
to the increasing of people interest for their outside recreation, protecting the areas of
habitat and wildlife, balancing between the air pollution and excessive heat changes and
controlling urban development (Watson et. al., 2003).
One of the key functions of greenways is a special way that integrates the uses suitable for
each other and separates the unsuitable ones from each other.
Greenways provide many benefits that increase quality of public life with using spaces for
multiple goals. The recreational, ecological, environmental, cultural, aesthetical, educational
and economical benefits are obtained from developing and protecting greenways.
4.1. Environmental benefits
The ecological characteristics of greenways make possible sustain the life of plants and
animals, and cause bio-diversity to increase and be protected (Ndubisi, 1995).
Several scientists believe that disintegrating of habitat is the most threatening factor to
biologic diversity among the factors such as global warming, extracting metals, grazing,
urban development. Disintegrating stems from the changes that human beings make. The
structures like roads, canals or the activities such as agricultural development and
deforesting prevent the species from their free movement. Ecologists advocate that beside
the reducing obstacles, landscape greenways should be created to solve the problems. These
linear connections combined habitat parts to make link species, populations and ecological
processes (Bueno et. al., 1995).
Advances in Landscape Architecture 654
Greenways take on important duties that are of urban ecological systems. They are
important to protect present natural areas hence urban ecological system for future urban
4.2. Educational benefits
Greenways create practical opportunities for training users about natural landscape and
cultural/historic areas, and create awareness (
Greenways are like an open air class. They especially provide information about the
importance of the natural environment with the children schooled (Searns, 1995).
4.3. Economical benefits
The economical benefits of greenways are the increasing land prices, growing tourism and
increasing business and trade opportunities (Bueno et. al., 1995).
Greenways have positive effects on values of lands that are in neighboring areas. The
outside recreational demands of people and increasing social interaction such as biking,
walking, fishing or sightseeing cause the value of lands near to these greenways to increase
(Rutgers Department of Landscape Architecture and Morris Land Conservancy, 2002).
Greenways create opportunities for economical growth, providing bicycle renting along the
axis, new business areas and establishments such as shops, restaurants and health clubs.
4.4. Aesthetics benefits
Aesthetical quality and public perception can be increased by greenways. Greenways seems
to be such a mechanism that provides a means of preserving open space while at the same
time creating a green infrastructure to link people and places (Fabos, 1995). These
greenways also create opportunities for planners and designers to form new norms in urban
planning and design.
4.5. Recreational benefits
The greenways that are designed for recreational goals include organized sport areas,
bicycle passages, walking routes, hacking courts and group activities.
These greenways as alternative transportation corridors link origins and destinations for
people to go they want along the landscapes that provide sightseeing with pedestrians and
cyclists (Conine et. al., 2004).
Greenways, beside developing opportunities based on natural resources in linear ways
along the rural and urban landscapes, reach a dynamic recreational use, coupling the free
areas that have recreational potential in urban areas on to each other. Hence a setting is
Greenways as a Sustainable Urban Planning Strategy 655
prepared for both recreational diversity, user satisfaction and using potential, and providing
city sustainability (Aydemir, 2004).
4.6. Social benefits
The life quality of communities is increasing due to the natural, visual value and similar
characteristics of greenways. According to the research of Lee (1999), several greenways in
Oakland, Chicago affect local people because of their visual characteristics. Neighboring and
friendship relations of the people who use greenway is increased and so greenways became
focusing points in which various activities are made (Shafer et. al., 2000).
5. Criteria that determine greenways
Five key words show the basic characteristics of corridors in the scope of "relating to
planned, designed and ecological, cultural, aesthetical and sustainable space use concepts,
and space networks which are managed for multipurpose, comprising linear elements" of
greenways (Frischenbruder and Pellegrino, 2006).
According to this definition:
1. The areal shape of greenways is first linear. This characteristic of corridors provide the
recreative activities like bicycle use and it provides ecological contribution by
transporting material, species and nutrients in terms of wild life and cause landscape
planning to have supremacy and opportunities. This characteristic is the point that the
greenways differ from other landscape planning concepts.
2. The greenways that are an integrated system try to make association based on linking
advantages beyond the spatial scales. Link is another key that defines greenways,
contacting the different levels of scales and wholeness of bigger landscape.
3. The structure of multiple functions of greenways is required to be provided functional
and spatial coherence of certain uses. Because of this characteristic, especially
determining process of aims is important for planning of greenways. Determining and
realizing targets can be hard for greenways that carry ecological, cultural, social and
aesthetical aims. For example, because both aims contradict with each other and spatial
and functional differences are required for a greenway protect both recreation and wild
life, one of the special management or uses should be eliminated for their togetherness.
The decisions that are the aims of greenways should reflect the social and cultural
values and suggestions as well as environmental protection.
4. Greenway policy take on a complementary duty between nature protecting and
economical development, beside linking to sustainable development concept. These
greenways are an effort not only protecting nature but also balancing between resource
use that make possible other landscape uses of people and protecting.
5. Greenways supply different spatial policies based on the advantage of integrated linear
systems. These greenways also can be thought as complementary for comprehensive
landscape and physical planning (Viles and Rosier, 2001).
Advances in Landscape Architecture 656
6. Greenway planning
Although the actuality of greenway concept is getting increased more and more, there are
some uncertainties about how these greenways are planned. Some of the greenways are
planned because they have potential for their roles in biological diversity and controlling
and directing the city development, and the others because they have recreational benefits.
Determining the aim is especially important for planning and designing of greenways.
One of the aims of greenway planning is environmental protecting. The greenways along
the river or creek sides have effective duties such as reducing the pollution stemmed from
urban and agricultural irrigation, preventing soil erosion and protecting water quality
(Arendt, 2004).
Planning process targets at establishing a continuous network system that support basic
ecological functions, protect important natural and cultural resources and keeping
sustainability of landscape. In this respect, greenway planning head for an integrated
landscape planning that try to create linear networks in a sustainable frame work (Sijmons,
1990; Kerkstra and Vrijlandt, 1990; Van Buuren, 1991; Ahern, 1995).
Greenway planning began at local scale and go on at regional scale to create greenway
systems (Conine et. al., 2004). Planning process take into account the networks that are taken
place in a wider landscape wholeness, and linear areas. Planning also includes an approach
that provides a lot of benefits because it pays attention to areal and spatial association. In
this context, greenway planning process try to provide sustainable landscapes against
disintegrating, space decreasing, urban development and uncontrollable change of area use
(Ahern, 1995).
7. Implementation examples of greenways
7.1. The Capital Area Greenway, Raleigh, North Carolina
The Capital Area Greenway, the first comprehensive local greenway system, is not an
implementation plan that is prepared by a professional planning team or specialists. This
implementation is developed as a graduate project of a student in North Carolina
University. The aim of the project is to protect the natural structure of Raleigh settlement.
This student suggested a greenway network through all the districts of the city instead of
forming only a riverside park in his project. Today, the plan implemented protects
ecosystems like wetland, suggesting recreation opportunities such as race track, bicycle
passage. The Capital Area greenway is a model to 35 local scale greenways in North
Carolina (Fig. 5) (Little, 1995).
7.2. Lambro River Valley Greenway, Italy
Lambro river and its environment are locally chosen as an exemplary space in order to form
a greenway planning approach in regional scale, in Italy. It is targeted to protect the present
Greenways as a Sustainable Urban Planning Strategy 657
natural resources, historical spaces and to create recreational spaces along the Lambro river
in north of Milan by this greenway. This corridor, including the dwellings that are along the
river, is a basic element formed for the motorless vehicles that couple a lot of sources in the
space on to the city (Toccolini, 2006).
Figure 5. The Capital Area Greenway, Raleigh, North Carolina (Little 1995).
7.3. Calgary, Fish Creek Greenway, Canada
Fish Creek river corridor which passes through Calgary city is evaluated in the scope of
greenway application in 1966 and so, in 1972, it is sequestrated by local authorities to protect
these greenways and to provide possibility of recreational use of them. Calgary urban
greenway is approximately of 1200 hectares with a part within the urban area of Bow River
with Fish Creek River Valley. Moreover, the total length of greenway is 13 km and its wide
0.8 km. Greenway forest spaces comprise pastures, river and river flood and historical
spaces. Therefore, ecological characteristics are primarily taken into account in forming the
corridor. Certain development centers are chosen and connections are provided between
these centers in plan. Some connections are designed as bicycle and walking way. Fish
Creek protect urban greenway, natural and cultural landscape values and is one of the
Advances in Landscape Architecture 658
successful implementations of greenway that meet public recreational needs (Taylor et. al.,
7.4. New England Vision Plan
In this plan, to form an integrated network of greenways that combine the greenway
networks of 6 states, Connecticut, Massachusetts, Maine, New Hampshire, Rhode Island
and Vermont in New England region, ABD is targeted. The basic of the aim is to make
sustain natural landscapes which have mountains, hills and rivers from North to South
between states. When the plan that its implementation has not yet finished is completed, a
greenway connections that are 57.000 km length between the wild life, recreational, historic
and cultural areas mostly along river zones are provided (Fabos, 2004).
7.5. The Brooklyn - Queens Greenway, Coney Island
The aim of BrooklynQueens greenway planning is that ecological, cultural, recreational
sources can be easily reachable and make possible various uses of it for city people (Fig. 6).
Especially, wide open spaces are present for those who prefer a lot of soccer and baseball,
tennis courts that are more than 100, uses that make possible various water activities along
the greenway that have much rich potential in terms of recreational uses, two golf areas, two
ice skate courts, funfair and passive recreations (Little, 1995).
Figure 6. The Brooklyn - Queens Greenway
Greenways as a Sustainable Urban Planning Strategy 659
Author details
Aylin Salici
Mustafa Kemal University, Architecture Faculty, Department of Landscape Architecture, Turkey
8. References
Ahern, J., 1995. Greenways as a Planning Strategy. Landscape and Urban Planning.
Volume:33, 131-155 p.
Ahern, J., 2004. Greenways in the USA: Theory, Trends and Prospects (Jongman, R. and G.,
Pungetti). Ecological Networks and Greenways, Concept, Design, Implementation,
Cambridge University Press, 34-55 p. ISBN 0521827760.
Arendt, R., 2004. Linked Landscapes Creating Greenway Corridors Through Conservation
Subdivision Design Strategies in the Northeastern and Central United States. Landscape
and Urban Planning 68, 241-269 p.
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Proje Numaras: 2000-07-11 032, 139 s.
Aydemir, S.E., 2004. Kentsel Donatlar-Ak Alanlar ve Rekreasyon Kentsel Yeil Alanlar.
Kentsel Alanlarn Planlanmas ve Tasarm. Akademi Kitapevi, Trabzon, 285-337 s.
ISBN: 975-95396-7-5.
Bischoff, A., 1995. Greenways as Vehicles For Expression. Landscape and Urban Planning.
Volume: 33, 317-325 p.
Bueno, J. A., V. A. Tsihrintzis and L. Alvarez, 1995. South Florida Greenways: A Conceptual
Framework For The Ecological Reconnectivity of The Region. Landscape and Urban
Planning. Volume: 33, 247-266 p.
Conine, A., W-N. Xiang, J. Young and D. Whitley, 2004. Planning for Multi-Purpose
Greenways in Concord, North Carolina. Landscape and Urban Planning. Volume: 68,
271-287 p.
European Greenways Association, 2004. The European Greenways Good Practice Guide,
Bruxelles. /European_Greenways_Association.
Fabos, G.J., 1995. Introduction and Overview: The Greenway Movement, Uses And
Potentials of Greenways. Landscape and Urban Planning. Volume: 33, 1-13 p.
Fabos, G.J., 2004. Greenway Planning in the United States: Its Origins and Recent Case
Studies. Landscape and Urban Planning 68, 321-342 p.
Frischenbruder M.T.M. and P, Pellegrino, 2006. Using Greenways to Reclaim Nature in
Brazilian Cities. Landscape and Urban Planning. Volume: 76, 67-78 p.
Glossary of Bicycle Terms, 2008. bicycle/hglossary.html.
Advances in Landscape Architecture 660
Kent, R.L. and C.L. Elliott, 1995. Scenic Routes Linking and Protecting Natural and Cultural
Landscape Features: A Greenway Skeleton. Landscape and Urban Planning, Volume 33,
Issues 1-3, 341-355 p.
Little, C.E., 1995. Greenways for America. The Johns Hopkins University Press, London, 237
p. ISBN: 0-8018-5140-8.
Macdonald, E., 2005. Suburban Vision to Urban Reality: The Evolution of Olmsted and
Vauxs Brooklyn Parkway Neighborhoods. Journal of Planning History 4:495, 295-321 p.
Mugavin, D., 2004. Adelaides Greenway: River Torrens Linear Park. Landscape and Urban
Planning, Volume 68, Issues 2-3, 223-240 p.
Ndubisi, F., T. Demeo and N.D. Ditto, 1995. Environmentally Sensitive Areas: A Template
For Developing Greenway Corridors. Landscape and Urban Planning. Volume: 33, 159-
177 p.
Rutgers Department of Landscape Architecture and Morris Land Conservancy, 2002. High
Lakes Greenway: Linking Communities with Nature. Morris Land Conservancy,
Boonton, NJ., 60 p.
Ryder, B.A., 1995. Greenway Planning and Growth Management: Partners in Conservation?.
Landscape and Urban Planning, Vol: 33, Issues 1-3, 417-432 p.
Scudo, K., 2006. The Greenway of Pavia: Innovations in Italian Landscape Planning.
Landscape and Urban Planning 76, 112-133 p.
Searns, R.M., 1995. The Evolution of Greenways as an Adaptive Urban Landscape Form.
Landscape and Urban Planning 33, 65-80 p.
Shafer, C.S., B.K. Lee, S. Turner, 2000. A Tale of Three Greenway Trails: User Perceptions
Related to Quality of Life. Landscape and Urban Planning 49, 163-178 p.
Taylor, J., C. Paine and J. Fitzgibbon, 1995. From Greenbelt to Greenways: Four Canadian
Case Studies. Landscape and Urban Planning. Volume: 33, 47-64 p.
Toccolini, A., Fumagalli, N. and Senes, G., 2006. Greenway Planning in Italy: The Lambro
River Valley Greenways System. Landscape and Urban Planning, Volume 76, Issues 1-
4, 98-111 p.
Vikipedia zgr Ansiklopedi, 2008. Yeil Yol. /wiki/Ye%C5%9Fil_yollar.
Viles R.L. and D.J. Rosier, 2001. How to Use in the Creation of Greenways: Case Studies in
Three New Zealand Landscapes. Landscape and Urban Planning. Volume: 55, 15-27 p.
Watson, D., A. Plattus, R., Shipley, 2003. Greenways. Greenways Time-Saver Standards for
Urban Design, McGraw-Hill, 5.5-1 p. ISBN: 0-07-068507-X.
Zube, E.H., 1995. Greenways and The US National Park System. Landscape and Urban
Planning, Volume 33, Issues 1-3, October 1995, 17-25 p.
Section 4
Landscape Ecology
Chapter 25
Understanding Landscape Structure Using
Landscape Metrics
Ercan Gkyer
Additional information is available at the end of the chapter
1. Introduction
Landscapes are dynamic systems. Human affects them continuously. Depending on
intensive human effects, pressure was increased on landscapes. Consequently, landscapes
were altered over time.
There are negative effects of pressures on landscape and species living in the area. The
negative effects are especially vulnerable more intense to the human effected landscapes. In
these landscapes, fragmentation increased. Habitats have been damaged. Depending on
these effects material flow and transactions of the species are limited.
Landscape ecology investigates landscape structure and changes in the landscape. Change
expresses any modification occurring in the landscape over time. Landscape structure
evaluates land mosaic as measure, number, size and shape.
Landscape metrics are important tools which are used to understand landscape structure
and landscape changes. To use metrics, numeric data is obtained related to landscape
structure. Numeric data is produced from satellite images and air photos. Also, landscape
metrics are used as compatible with geographical information systems. Landscape metrics
allow doing objective reviews on landscape structure.
In this study it was aimed to understand the landscape metrics. To do this, Landscape
ecology and its characteristics (structure, function and change) must be emphasized. So,
firstly these topics explained. After landscape metrics explained and a case study done on
landscape metrics.
2. Landscape ecology
Landscape Ecology is a science branch in Ecology which uses the numbers. Researchers
intensively investigate on landscape structure and landscape change in this science.
Advances in Landscape Architecture 664
Landscape is the most important research material. What is the Landscape? Researchers
made a lot of definition on landscape.
Landscape was defined firstly by Alexander Von Humbdolt as all of the characteristics of a
land (Farina 2000). Landscape as a heterogeneous land area composed of a cluster of
interacting ecosystems that is repeated in similar from throughout (Forman and Godron
1986). Farina (2000) defines landscape as heterogeneous land area, consisting of interaction
sets between ecosystems. Landscape was defined in European Landscape Convention as
means an area, as perceived by people, whose character is the result of the action and
interaction of natural and/or human factors (
Landscape became an integrative concept in many disciplines (Antrop 2005). All of
Landscape definitions have in common expressions. These are (Antrop 2005):
- is seen as a spatial entity, having a variable extent and scale, and has territorial
- is perceived and experienced,
- is composed of many very different elements and components that interact and are
structured in some way,
- with a spatial organization and management that is largely influenced by humans,
- Is dynamic and changes are an inherent property of landscape.
Landscape ecology is a young but well-recognized ecological discipline dealing with the
spatial distribution of organisms, patterns and processes (Farina 2010). Landscape ecology is
a science branch of ecology to make contributions related to complexity studies (physical,
biological, and ecological) of ecology. Landscape ecology uses numbers related to
complexity studies. Also, it uses remote sensing, geographical information systems and geo-
statistical tools. These tools have been developed for landscape ecology studies (Farina
As simplest expression, landscape ecology investigates internal dynamics and interaction of
landscapes. Landscape ecology focuses on spatial relationship of landscape elements and
ecosystems, functional and structural features of the land mosaic and change that is
emerged over time (Dramstad et al. 1995).
Landscape ecology has been emerged since 1980 that is useful and important for land-use
planners and landscape architects. By this time, the concept of landscape ecology is seen in
other disciplines. After 1980, important study areas of landscape ecology was started to be
publish (Dramstad et al. 1995). The last decade has seen a growth in the number of studies
and variety of topics that fall under the broad banner of landscape ecology (Farina 2010).
Landscape ecology investigates (emphasizes) the interaction between spatial pattern and
ecological process, that is, the causes and consequences of spatial heterogeneity across a
range of scales (Turner et al. 2001). The discipline of Landscape Ecology is rapidly emerging
as a motive force, both in the domain of theoretical ecology, and in applied fields (Sanderson
and Harris 2000).
Understanding Landscape Structure Using Landscape Metrics 665
Landscape ecology recognizes that ecological units (systems) are arrayed in space in
response to gradients of topography, temperature, moisture, and soils. Additional pattern is
imposed by disturbances, biotic interactions, and human use of the land. Spatial
arrangement, in turn, influences many ecological processes, such as the movement patterns
of organisms, the spread of disturbances, and the movement of matter or energy. Landscape
ecology, focusing on spatial pattern and the ecological responses to this pattern, leads to a
new set of principles, distinct from the principles that govern ecosystem and population
dynamics at finer scales (Turner et al. 2001).
Technological developments have also contributed to the emergence of landscape ecology.
These developments include rapid advances in desktop computing power, availability of
remotely sensed data such as satellite images, and development of powerful computer
software packages called geographic information systems (GIS) for storing, manipulating,
and displaying spatial data. New research techniques are required in landscape ecology
because of the focus on spatial pattern and Dynamics and on large areas that simply cannot
be thoroughly sampled or easily manipulated. For example, laboratory and plot
experiments are appropriate at fine scales, but broad-scale experiments are logistically
difficult, and replication is often impossible. Landscape ecologists have needed to
incorporate new sources of data into their studies and creatively study natural experiments.
The availability of remote imagery has made it possible to study spatial pattern over large
areas and its change through time, opening new horizons for landscape analysis (Turner et
al. 2001).
Landscape ecology focuses on three characteristics of the landscape (Forman and Godron
Structure: The spatial relationships among the distinctive ecosystems or elements.
Function: The interactions among the spatial features.
Change: The alteration in the structure and function of the ecological mosaic over time.
3. Landscape structure
Assessing landscape function and landscape change, landscape structure must be known.
Connectivity and fragmentation are known with understanding landscape structure.
Landscape structure expresses the spatial pattern of landscape elements and the connections
between the different ecosystems or landscape elements. Landscape structure assesses
relationship between ecosystems as measure, number, size and shape (Forman and Godron
1986; Gergel and Turner 2002).
Landscape structure has two qualities. These are composition and configuration (Farina
Landscape composition: Attribute of composition is not spatial, and can't be measured. It
defines the quality of the landscape patches, scattered in landscape. The composition is not a
Advances in Landscape Architecture 666
precise identification of the mosaic structure of the landscape. But, It is a good indicator for
living environment suitability of some species (appropriate patch type for species) (Farina
Landscape configuration: Configuration refers to the spatial characteristics. It refers to spatial
characteristics same as the spatial distribution of land cover (Farina 2000).
Landscape ecologists use four basic terms to define spatial structure (FISGRW 1998)
Patch: A nonlinear area (polygon) which is less abundant. It is different from the matrix.
Corridor: A special type of patch which links other patches in the matrix. Typically, a
corridor is linear or elongated in shape, such as a stream corridor.
Matrix: the land cover that is dominant and interconnected over the majority of the land
surface. Often the matrix is forest or agriculture, but theoretically it can be any land cover
Mosaic: a collection of patches, none of which are dominant enough to be interconnected
throughout the landscape.
Figure 1. Basic terms to define landscape ecology (FISGRW 1998)
4. Landscape function
Landscape function involves flows of animals, plants, energy, mineral nutrients and
interactions among these elements. The primary structural characteristics for landscape
function are corridors, hedgerows, matrix and networks (Forman and Godron 1986).
Corridors have four important functions. These are; a habitat for certain type of species,
movement area for species, a barrier or filter area, a source of environmental and biotic
Understanding Landscape Structure Using Landscape Metrics 667
effects. All these functions involve flows of animals and plants; the last two functions also
include flows of energy and mineral nutrients (Forman and Godron 1986).
Corridors serve as conduits and as filters for much of the movement of animals, plants,
materials, and water across the landscape. Network and matrix characteristics affect
transactions in contrasting ways, depending on whether the objects cross corridors or use
corridors as conduits. Landscape functioning integrates flows both between adjacent
ecosystems and across a landscape (Forman and Godron 1986).
Strip corridors have an interior environment and interior species. Stream corridors are most
effective in controlling water and mineral nutrient flows from upland to stream when they
cover both flood plain and banks, when they are wide enough above a bank to enhance the
movement of upland interior species along the corridor. Networks contain alternative
pathways for species movement, have differing types of intersections, enclose landscape
elements, and exhibit varying mesh sizes (Forman and Godron 1986). Hedgerows are
constructed to protect areas from animals. Animals damage crop in a cropland. Hedgerows
network effects wind and water stream.
Various birds and mammals appear to move effectively along hedgerows. In winter (rainy
season) stream flow was lower in the hedgerow landscape than in the open landscape. In the
hedgerow landscape stream flow is less variable through the year (Forman and Godron 1986).
Networks are composed of corridors and notes, and trunk lines handle high-volume flows.
A network is done for the movement of people it is important for other ecological features in
landscape planning and management. Movement through a matrix depends on its
connectivity. Species move along a connected matrix (Forman and Godron 1986).
In the landscape flows dependent on the orientation of the structure (Forman and Godron
1986). Connectivity is very important for landscape function. Sometimes landscapes have
fragmented structure.
Habitat fragmentation severely threatens biodiversity and ecosystem functioning wherever
humans dominated landscape. Land use planners play a significant role in determining
whether and how landscapes and ecosystems are fragmented or maintain natural
connectivity (ELI 2003).
5. Landscape change
The landscapes of today have been shaped by powerful. Ever-present forces are seen in
space and time by anthropogenic activities (Sanderson and Harris, 2000). Landscapes are not
static. Landscapes are impressed by Climate changes, land-use changes and human
activities. It can be changed mosaic structure, shape and size of patches in a landscape. All
these changes could be seen different spatial sizes and frequencies (Farina 2000).
A change can be defined as any modification occurring in a system state (from individual to
biosphere) produced by a broad variety of abiotic and/or biotic factors that introduce or
subtract energy and information to the system (Farina 2010).
Advances in Landscape Architecture 668
Changes can be considered modifications in the availability of an expected resource or
pattern and the temporary or permanent impossibility for species, populations,
communities, ecosystems, and land mosaics to incorporate the new conditions (Farina 2010).
To assess the current conditions of the landscape, historical process must be known.
Depending on the natural and cultural influences the changes are seen over time in the
landscape structure. In this case, landscape structure and relationship between ecosystems
are changed. As a result of change studies, functions and conditions in the mosaic of
different sized and shaped patches can be revealed (Wu and Hobbs 2000).
Changes can be integrated with the abiotic-biotic processes, and basic components of each
ecosystem. Health of the system can be revealed to analyze rate, frequency, and intensity of
change. Change may be occurred at different levels. Small scale systems have a higher
change level from large-scale systems. It is more useful to assessment of the change at large
scales (Farina 2000).
There are two main factors of landscape change. These are natural processes and human
activities (especially nowadays). Both natural conditions and human needs are changed over
time. Complex changes can be emerged in the landscape structure related to natural
conditions and human needs (Antrop 1998; Farina 2000).
Defining change depends upon the temporal resolution of consecutive observations and
data sets. Also, these differences must be observable or measurable in magnitude and this
depends on the degree of detail and accuracy of the data used. Frequent and multiple
observations enhance the knowledge of the dynamics of landscape processes, but became
only available with the technology of remote sensing and the setting up of monitoring
programs (Antrop 2005).
Landscape change can be revealed to analyze of aerial photography, land maps and satellite
images through different techniques. There are some challenges related to landscape change
studies. Data for previous years are different type and quality. It is difficult to get qualified
data (Farina 2000).
Landscapes change naturally as they are the expression of the interaction between the
natural environment and mans activities. Both the natural conditions and the human needs
change in time and are controlled by different but interactive factors (Antrop 1998).
Change can be expressed to made comparison of at least two different time statuses.
Landscapes are mixture of the different qualifications in consists of peculiar dynamics.
Depending on these dynamics, change can be emerged in different speed and scale (Antrop
Five main compelling powers are effective in the landscape change. These are listed below
(Farina 2000; Brgi et al. 2004; Antrop 2005):
Socio-economic forces: Urbanization, industry, industrial activities.
Political forces: Incorrect applications.
Technological forces: Car roads, infrastructure facilities
Understanding Landscape Structure Using Landscape Metrics 669
Natural forces: Avalanche, landslide, flood,
Cultural forces: Accessibility, human intervention, fire.
Accessibility is most important within the forces. Whenever people arrived in a field, they
quickly start to change this field (Antrop 2005).
The nature of change also demands new thinking. Actual changes are so complex and fast it
becomes hard to keep track of them. Comprehensive and integrated methods for fast
inventorying and monitoring and assessment at a landscape scale are urgently needed
(Antrop 2005).
6. Landscape metrics
Landscape metric tools were used in landscape ecology as supporting Landscape planning
and landscape management decisions. Landscape metrics were used to measure the
landscape structure and the complexity of this structure. The complexity of the structure of
landscape structure, landscape metrics used for measuring and Mosaic structure and related
information can be obtained. Thus, the characteristics of the landscape easily perceived
(Farina 2000; Letiao and Ahern 2002; Wu 2004).
Calculation of the landscape structure (Jaeger 2000):
- To put forward the development of the landscape,
- To assess fragility, emerging over time.
- It was required for determining the relations among structural features, landscape
function and landscape change.
Landscape metrics help to calculation composition and configuration, which have two
characteristics of landscape structure. We learn knowledge on ecological processes, to use
calculations related to composition and configuration (Mc Garical et al. 2002).
To perceive of Landscape composition and configuration with landscape metrics, different
approaches are available. To perceive composition, metrics are used to with regard to the
importance of each patch type. It was determined characteristics such as rate, richness
(patch richness), regularity, dominance and diversity (patch number) with metrics related
composition. It was defined physical distribution of patches in mosaic structure with
landscape configuration. Metrics are size and shape, neighborhood (the distance to the
nearest neighborhood) and distribution related configuration, (Farina 2000; Letiao and
Ahern 2002).
Landscape metrics help us to understand changes in landscape from different perspectives
(Visual, ecological, cultural). Landscape metrics have been provided contributions to the
Landscape ecology studies. These contributions are listed below (Letiao and Ahern 2002;
Miller et al. 2005).
It is understood relationship between landscape structure and landscape function with
Landscape metrics. Otherwise, using landscape metrics, It is estimated the effects of
planning activities on ecological systems.
Advances in Landscape Architecture 670
Quantifying of structural characteristics is necessary for sustainable planning. In this
way, ecological processes are understood, various modeling studies are done and
contributions are made to the monitoring studies in the area.
At the same time, landscape metrics are made, to determine the changes in the
landscape over time.
Landscape metrics are used in conjunction with geographic information systems (GIS). GIS
has made a major contribution to the study of the landscape metrics (Johnston 1998). GIS
and related technologies are used for a long time in studies related to the ecology. It offers a
lot of possibilities to the users. To use landscape metrics and digital data adapted with GIS
have been made contributes to the landscape planning studies (Karadeniz and Gkyer
2005). To quantify the Landscape metrics, computer programs have been developed same as
Fragstats (Mc Garical and Marks 1994; Mc Garical et al. 2002), and Patch Analyst (Elkie et al.
Determination of landscape structure, Quantifying changes in this structure and
determination of the structure of the landscape, with regard to the evaluation of these
enhanced measures (Landscaping measures). These metrics are listed below (Elkie et al.
1999; Mc Garical and Marks 1994; Mc Garical et al. 2002):
Area/Density/Edge metrics
Shape metrics
Core area metrics
Isolation/Proximity metrics
Diversity metrics
Evenness metrics
Connectivitiy metrics
Dominance metrics
Patch level Class level Landscape level
Figure 2. Calculation levels of landscape metrics (Farina 2000).
Understanding Landscape Structure Using Landscape Metrics 671
Landscape metrics could be calculated to three categories (Figure 2) (Mc Garical et al. 2002;
Farina 2000):
1. Patch level: To calculation ever patch type in a mosaic.
2. Class level: To calculation ever patch type class.
3. Landscape level: All of the mosaic is calculated.
7. Case study
In this study, Case study area is Bartn province in North part of Turkey (Figure 3). Central
part of the Bartn was selected to analyze (Figure 4).
Figure 3. Bartn province in Turkey
Figure 4. Case study area in Bartn province
Advances in Landscape Architecture 672
In this study, Land cover maps were developed using Landsat satellite images obtained in
2000 (Landsat 7 ETM) and 2010 (Landsat 5 TM). Images were formed by supervised
classification method using ERDAS IMAGINE 8.4. Five land cover types are identified and
used in this study. Classified maps were analyzed with neighborhood functions (3x3
moving window). Land cover types are forest, agriculture, residential, water (river), sand
(sandy areas). Classified maps (landcover maps) can be seen in figure 5-6.
Figure 5. Land cover map for the year of 2000.
Figure 6. Land cover map for the year of 2010.
Understanding Landscape Structure Using Landscape Metrics 673
In the study, the overall Accuracy and Kappa analysis were used to perform a classification
accuracy based on error matrix analysis. For the 2000 dated image, overall classification
accuracy was established as 87.12% and Kappa coefficient was computed 0.7524. For the
2010 dated image, overall classification accuracy was established as 90.27% and Kappa
coefficient was computed 0.8092. Results of the accuracy analysis can be seen in the table1-2.
Class Name Reference
Forest 39 43 37 94.87% 86.05%
River 2 2 2 100% 100%
Sandy Areas 1 1 1 100% 100%
Agriculture 81 82 73 90.12% 89.02%
Resident 9 4 2 22.22% 50.00%
Total 132 132 115
Overall Accuracy 87.12 %, Overall Kappa Statisics 0.7524
Table 1. Accuracy analysis results for land cover map (2000)
Class Name Reference
Forest 47 38 38 80.85 % 100 %
River 1 2 1 100 % 50 %
Sandy Areas 1 1 1 100 % 100 %
Agriculture 62 72 62 100 % 86.11 %
Resident 2 1 1 50 % 100 %
Total 113 113 102
Overall Accuracy 90.27 %, Overall Kappa Statisics 0.8092
Table 2. Accuracy analysis results for land cover map (2010)
Landscape metrics were calculated using the fragstats program (Rempel et al. 2012). Results
can be seen in the table 3-4.
CalculationLevel Calculated Parameters
Class Level CA (ha) TLA (ha) NUMP MPS (ha) TE(m) MSI SEI SDI
Resident 1382 - 1180 1.1 440837 1.3 - -
Agriculture 32834 - 570 57.6 1779556 1.4 - -
Forest 17690 - 1169 15 1368308 1.4 - -
Water (River) 550 - 318 1.7 171174 1.3 - -
Sandy Areas 244 - 155 1.6 64093 1.2 - -
Landscape Level 52703 52703 3392 15.5 3823970 1.3 0.8 0.5
CA: Class Area, TLA: Total Landscape Area, NUMP: Patch Number, TE: Total Edge, MPS: Mean Patch Size, MSI:
Mean Shape Index, SEI: Shannon Evenness Index, SDI: Shannon Diversity Index, ha: hectare, m: meter
Table 3. Calculation results for landscape metrics by the year 2000 land cover map
Advances in Landscape Architecture 674
Calculation Level Calculated Parameters
Class Level CA (ha) TLA (ha) NUMP MPS (ha) TE (m) MSI SEI SDI
Resident 1034 - 731 1.4 316104 1.3 - -
Agriculture 31429 - 666 47 1843999 1.4 - -
Forest 19031 - 1240 15 1543806 1.4 - -
Water (River) 847 - 722 1.2 299287 1.3 - -
Sandy Areas 362 - 279 1.2 109238 1.3 - -
Landscape Level 52703 52703 3638 14.5 4112437 1.4 0.9 0.5
CA: Class Area, TLA: Total Landscape Area, NUMP: Patch Number, TE: Total Edge, MPS: Mean Patch Size, MSI:
Mean Shape Index, SEI: Shannon Evenness Index, SDI: Shannon Diversity Index, ha: hectare, m: meter
Table 4. Calculation results for landscape metrics by the year 2010 land cover map
Class Area (CA): Changes can be identified over time with CA.
Number of The Patches (NUMP): Patch number can be evaluated over time with NUMP. If
NUMP value increases it is understood fragmentation increases in the field. If NUMP value
decreases it is understood fragmentation decreases in the field.
Mean Patch Size (MPS): MPS can be used to evaluate fragmentation. If MPS value increases it
is understood fragmentation increases in the field. If MPS value decreases it is understood
fragmentation decreases in the field.
Total Edge (TE): TE can be used to determine important areas for wild life. Agriculture,
forestry and water are seen as important areas for wildlife in the study area. If TE is high
valued these areas are suitable for edge species. TE value is used to determine suitable
habitats for edge species.
Shannon Evenness Index (SEI): SEI identifies to distribution (regular or irregular) of patches in
the area. If SEI value approaches 1 it is understood patches distribution are regular in the
Shannon Diversity Index (SDI): SDI refers to diversity of patches in the area. If SDI value is
zero it is understood area consist of single patch. Distribution of patches can be identified in
each other and field.
8. Conclusions
In the case study area landscape metrics were calculated by the year 2000 land cover and by
the year 2010 land cover. In the study area;
It is seen increase in forest areas and decrease in agricultural areas.
Patches distribution is regular in the area.
The distribution of the patches does not change over time in the field.
Mean patch size is decreased over time. That describes, fragmentation is increased.
Total edge value for forest, agriculture and river is high. So these areas are appropriate
for edge species.
Understanding Landscape Structure Using Landscape Metrics 675
In the study area, increasing to the forest areas are extremely important for wild life.
Habitats and transaction fields are increased. Increasing to the fragmentation is negative for
living species in the area. Because their habitats and transaction areas is restricted.
In the study area, Bartn River as corridor is important controlling water and mineral
nutrient flows. Area is separated into two parts along the river. Various birds and mammals
appear to move effectively along the River.
Using landscape metrics provide many facilities in landscape ecology studies. We can obtain
objective results on landscape structure with the calculation of landscape metrics. Numerical
results can be obtained on landscape mosaic.
Landscape structure can be analyzed over time using these results. With calculating
landscape metrics, human effects can be detected on landscapes over time. Landscape health
can be determined.
As a result Landscape metrics are important for landscape ecology. Metrics provide
numerical data on landscape. Landscape structure and landscape change can be analyzed.
Information can be obtained about landscape function using metrics.
Author details
Ercan Gkyer
Bartn University, Faculty of Forestry, Department of Landscape Architecture, Turkey
9. References
Antrop, M. 1998. Landscape change: plan or chaos. Landscape and Urban Planning, 41, 155-
Antrop, M. 2005. Handling landscape change. Landscape Change Conference
Proceedings, ECLAS 2005, Ankara, 3-15.
Brgi, M., Anna, M. and Nina, S. 2004. Driving forces of landscape change current and
new directions. Landscape Ecology, 19, 857-868.
Dramstad, E., Olson D.J. and Forman, T.T.R. 1996. Landscape ecology principles in
landscape ecology and land use planning. Island Press, USA.
ELI, 2003. Conservation Thresholds for Land Use Planners, Environmental Law Institute,
Washington D.C., ISBN:1-58576-085-7, ELI project code: 003101.
Elkie, P., Rempel, R., and Carr, A. 1999. Patch analyst users manual, a tool for quantfyng
landscape structure. Northwest Science and Technology, Ontario, Canada.
Farina, A. 2000. Landscape ecology in action. Kluwer Academic Publishers, Netherlands
Farina, A. 2010. Ecology, Cognition and Landscape, Linking Natural and Social Systems,
Springer Science+Business Media B.V., Springer Dordrecht Heidelberg London New
Advances in Landscape Architecture 676
FISGRW, 1998. Stream Corridor Restoration: Principles, Proccesses and Practices by The
Federal Interagency Stream Restoration Working Group (15 Federal agencies of the Us
govt) GPO Item No: 0120-A; Su Docs No.A 57.6/2=EN3/PT.653.ISBN-0-934213-59-3.
Forman, T.T.R. and Godron, M. 1986. Landscape ecology. John Wley and Sons, USA.
Gergel, E.S. and Turner, G.M. 2002. Learning landscape ecology a practical guide to
concepts and techniques. Springer Verlag, New York, USA.
Jaeger, J.A. 2000. Landscape division, splitting ndex, and effective mesh size: new measures
of landscape fragmentation. Landscape Ecology, 15, 115-130.
Johnston, A.C. 1998. Geographic nformation systems in ecology. Black well Science nc.
Karadeniz, N. ve Gkyer, E. 2005. Quantifyng landscape structure using gs, case study
Glba specially protected area. Proceedings X. European Ecological Congress 08-13
November 2005.
Letiao, B.A. and Ahern, J. 2002. Applying landscape ecological concepts and metrics in
sustaniable landsape planning. Landscape and Urban Planning, 59, 65-93.
McGarical, K. and Marks, B. 1994. Fragstats spatial pattern analysis program for qantifying
landscape structure, Version 2.0
McGarical, K., Cushman, A.S, Neel, C.M. and Ene, E. 2002. Fragstats: Spatial pattern analysis
program for categorical maps, Version 3.3
Miller, D., Morrice, J., Andersson, L., Durozard, E., Fidalgo, B., Fry, B., Gaspar, J., Gibon, A.,
Hassan, R., Hislop, M., Horne, P., Huet, B., Ladet, S., Lange, E., Leandro, N., Messager,
P., Mottet, A., Nijnik, M., Ode, A., Pascoa, F., Pinto, L., Quine, C., Schroth, O., Schwarz,
G., Shepherd, N., Tveit, S. M., Vitry, A., Watts, K. and Wissen, U. 2005. Vsulaton tolls
for public participation in the management of landscape change. Fnal project report,
Project Reference QLK5-CT-2002-01017, Aberdeen, 2005.
Rempel, R.S., D. Kaukinen., and A.P. Carr. 2012. Patch Analyst and Patch Grid. Ontario
Ministry of Natural Resources. Centre for Northern Forest Ecosystem Research,
Thunder Bay, Ontario.
Sanderson and Harris, 2000. Landscape Ecology A Top-Down Approach, Lews Publishers,
by CRC Press LLC, N.W. Corporate Blvd., Boca Raton, Florida 33431.
Turner, G. M, Gardner, H. R, ONeill, V. R, 2001. Landscape Ecology in Theory and Practice,
Springer-Verlag New York, Inc.
Wu, J. and Hobbs, R. 2002. Key ssues and research priorities n landscape ecology: an
idiosyncratic synthesis. Landscape Ecology, 17, 355-365
Wu, J. 2004. Effects of changing scale on landscape pattern analysis: scaling relations.
Landscape Ecology, 19, 125-138.
Chapter 26
Urban Ecology
Canan Cengiz
Additional information is available at the end of the chapter
1. Introduction
The growing population of urban centers necessities the study of interaction between living
organisms and urban environment, which is defined as the environment surrounded by
man-made structures, such as residential and commercial buildings, paved surfaces etc [1].
Within this scope, urban ecology developed as a branch of ecology in the last few decades.
According to United Nations [2], in forty years time, two-third of the worlds population
will be living in growing urban centers, thus it is apparent that urban ecology is fairly
As the ecological processes in urban environment are comparable to those outside the urban
context, the methods and studies at urban ecology are similar to ecology, in general. Urban
ecology dictates that local-scale dynamic interactions between socioeconomic and
biophysical forces leading to development of a concept called city. Alberti et al. [3] states
that distinctive ecology and ecological forcing functions for urban areas were also shaped by
means of these complex interactions.
Inherently, urban ecology is an interdisciplinary field of study. The examination of complex
interactions between humans and their surrounding, such as construction, production,
housing, transport etc., necessitates the involvement of natural and social sciences as well as
humanities and engineering. The direct consequence of this interdisciplinary nature is that
urban ecology can be used not only for understanding the urban systems but also for
improving the conditions of urban environments. For example, it is required to comprehend
how the urban system functions and in which extent it is affected from the global and local
processes so that we can analyze how to maintain the water cycle working in a region and
which factors, such as the use of landscape, the effect of green spaces, climate conditions, the
coexistence of species etc., affect this. Similarly, the study of urban ecology is vital if we
would like to understand where and how human activity harms the urban environment or
in which way we could improve the living conditions of humans without giving any
damage to the urban environment. While traditional lines of urban ecology still have a close
Advances in Landscape Architecture 678
connection to the scientific and social context of their time as well as to the respective urban
structures [4], todays urban ecology differs widely from its beginnings.
This chapter aims to examine the differences between the ecological relationships in urban
areas and rural areas. The chapter analyzed landscape degradation and anthropogenic
impacts, and city patterns in terms of urban ecosystems; urbanization; the necessity of the
ecological areas in urban landscapes; urban climate; urban hydrology; urban soil; urban
biodiversity; and, urban wildlife.
2. Urban ecology
Urban ecology studies the relations of mankind with each other and their surroundings
including cities and urbanizing landscapes. This recent and interdisciplinary field tries to
understand the coexistence of human and ecological processes in urban environment and
help humans to build more sustainable living. It is a subfield of ecology and it has strong
connections with many disciplines like sociology, geography, urban planning, landscape
architecture, engineering, economics, anthropology, climatology and public health.
Therefore, urban ecology is used to define the study of humans in urban environment, of
nature in cities, and of the relationships between humans and nature [5].
As seen in Fig. 1, urban ecology can be viewed as composing of ecology in cities and
ecology of cities to functionalize the interdisciplinary nature of it. [5-7]. The former term
deals with the questions asking the effect of urbanization on the ecology of living organisms
as well as the differences between the ecological processes in cities and those in other
environments. The latter one is associated with the interactions between ecological and
social systems in an urban environment. According to Wu [7], in order to investigate the
relation between ecology and humans in urban habitats, the terms science (ecology) and
art (the humanistic and holistic perspectives) should be taken into consideration for
maintaining urban sustainability. Urban ecology basically concerns the relationship between
the spatio-temporal patterns of urbanization and ecological processes [8].
Figure 1. Charts showing the relationships for the ecology in the city (left) and ecology of the city
(right) [5].
Sectlement Patterns
Feeders and Human Health
Plantings And Wellbeing
Fertilizer Sewage Systems
Nitrogen Policy Options
Public Opinion
State Regulations
Urban Ecology 679
There is a mutual interaction between cities and ecological processes such that both are
affecting to each other. This is true not only within the boundaries of the cities but also
beyond them. As a result of this strong interaction, it is not possible and even useful to
insulate human and natural components of urban ecological studies. Based on the definition
of cities, i.e. complex phenomena emerged by human activity, new approaches are
necessary to comprehend their properties [5], which can be outlined as:
1. The complex structure of the cities, a social and biophysical phenomenon, could be
defined by simpler and definable structures, functions and processes.
2. The effects of the cities on the ecological and environmental processes should be well
studied. While the tremendous amounts of requirements of the cities, such as energy
and food, use the natural resources, the emissions and wastes produced by them are
disposed to the country regions. As a result of this strong interaction, it is highly
probable that the ecological processes in the Earth are strongly affected by the cities,
which has not been studied yet. In fact, there is a possibility to conserve the natural
resources and reduce the negative impacts of human activity on the environment with
the help of the concepts emerged by the cities.
Marzluff et al. [5] pointed out that urban ecology can be viewed from three points: (1)
ecology and evolution of living organisms residing in city boundaries; (2) biological,
political, economic, and cultural ecology of humans in urban landscape; (3) cities resultant
of the coupled relations of humans and natural processes. According to them, the third view
in which human and nature are observed as interacting forces shaping the measurable
patterns and processes should be followed by the field. Human factors and naturel systems
with biotic and abiotic factors are coupled together since they both drive and are affected by
the patterns and processes they create, see Fig. 2.
Figure 2. A scheme of urban ecology showing the relationships between humans and natural drivers
which are influenced by the patterns and processes of abiotic and biotic drivers [5].
-Economic Growth
-Land Use Policy
-Human Preference
-Land Use Patterns
-Artificial Drainage
-Heat Islands
Dynamics/ Changes
in Predation
-Human Behavior
-Nutrient Cycles
-Movement of
- Predation
Advances in Landscape Architecture 680
3. Urban ecosystems
According to Moll and Petit [9], a set of interacting species and their local environment
working cooperatively to stay alive is called as ecosystem. In urban environments, it could
be difficult to distinguish different forms of ecosystems. In fact, one can define the whole
city as a single ecosystem, while it is also possible to consider a city is a collection of many
individual ecosystems, such as parks, lakes [10], urban forests, cultivated lands, wetlands,
sea and streams [10]. Here, the second approach is preferred which covers all natural green
and blue areas in the city. Based on this definition, street and ponds should be considered as
individual ecosystems, while actually, Bolund and Hunhammar [11] states that they are
very small and could only be defined as the elements of a larger ecosystem.
According to Marzluff et al. [5], regardless of the approaches mentioned above, the whole
ecosystem in a city is called urban ecosystem which includes abiotic spheres (the atmosphere,
hydrosphere, lithosphere, and soil or pedosphere) and biotic spheres (often viewed as an
interacting biosphere of urban plants and animals plus the socio-economic world of people,
the anthroposphere.
4. Urbanization
Big cities, highly dense population and maximum-imperviousness are local- and regional-
scale environmental effects of urbanization, which are caused by million-plus, core-oriented,
high-rise concentrations [12]. Urban regions are continuing- will most probably continue in
future- to be attraction centers for a number of people [8]. Accordingly, in Europe 75 % of
the population live in big cities, 80% will be so by the year 2020 [13]. Repercussions of the
issue have yet to be grasped within society as a whole. On the other hand, how natural
resources are understood, connected and used is profoundly affected by the phenomenon of
urbanization. For the great majority of population, various types of urban landscape are
familiar environments, and it is expected to be so in future [8]. Landscape is turned into a
complex structure by urbanization in terms of forms, materials and activities, which are
different characteristics compared to rural landscape [14].
Human populations living in urban areas cause dramatic effects on the Earth, even though
those urbanized parts cover small areas on Earths surface. The most critical point is that
urbanization affects global biodiversity and ecosystems, yet this is not understood
adequately. Although there is an increasing interest in urban ecological research, and the
understanding of biotic effects of urbanization is better grasped, still, the efforts to bring
these issues on the agenda of policy, governance, and planning is lacking [8].
At the end of the day, urbanization has numerous effects on environment, but this does not
mean that all of them are negative. Urban environment is diversified by human effects in
various means; this variety of human impact changes ecosystems through urban ecosystems
[15]. As a bottleneck, urban areas make environmental changes multiple level issues.
Material repercussions of production and consumption modify the usage of land; and affect
biodiversity, and hydro systems both locally and regionally; discharge of urban waste
Urban Ecology 681
impacts on biogeochemical cycles as well as climate at the local and global scales. On the
other hand, according to urbanites, the drastic changes in local environment also destroyed
global environment [16]. Urban ecology concentrates on this diversity, which is
characterized by the interaction between organisms and connections to human doings [8].
Ecologists did not study urban areas for the first half of the twentieth century, which is
worth noting especially considering the concerns of urbanites regarding the future of urban
plants and animals [16]. Sukkop [17] claimed that a systematic approach to urban ecological
research started after the World War II. Central Europe and the UK can be considered as the
pioneers of the oldest urban ecological research tradition. In Berlin, for example, the topic
has long been studied (since 1950s) [8]. Now that, as Alberti [18] mentions, the focus on
urban ecology studies has augmented, different arguments on dynamics of urban
ecosystems are accrued. It is of vital importance to offer a common action that includes
comprehensible definition of ecological conditions inside and outside of cities all around the
world [8].
Berkes et al. [19] claimed that, in 19th and early 20th century periods environmentalists and
ecologists neglected the urban landscape, as a result, the wilderness or pristine has been
esteemed very highly over the human environments. This perspective approached people
as the problem itself; in this sense, removal of people from naturally resourceful areas was
the only solution so as to protect the landscape. As a result, cities became the scape goat;
they were reasons to destroy nature. Today, this approach is changing; many people are
comfortable with the idea that cultural and biological diversity support resilience and
sustainability [8].
One should take into account several urban dynamics in order to understand the
relationship between urban sites and biodiversity, and develop a concept satisfying their
needs [13]:
Urbanity stands for citys life quality and character; it refers to the particular pattern of
functional, structural, socio-economic and cultural interplay in urban sites. Although
many enjoy urbanity, still they prefer to live near nature when they need to make a
decision. In this sense, urban revitalization is an attempt to combine nature and city,
especially in popular public sites.
Urbanization is a general term for urban population increase, urban densification
and/or expansion and fragmentation of urban sites. It usually leads to increase in a
city's ecological footprint, and affects biodiversity and environment as a whole. On
the other hand, the nature of footprint depends on the shape and structure of
Urban design is about describing cities location, physical shape and the construction;
therefore, it makes a number of functionalities and life styles possible. In this sense,
through a successful urban design additional urban land-take and fragmentation can be
reduced. What is more, urban design can provide green areas, and support biodiversity
in cities. Additional green areas, recreating brown fields, promoting green roofs and
walls, and keeping the density and compactness in urban areas will maximize
Advances in Landscape Architecture 682
ecosystem activities and ecological footprint in big cities. In point of fact, by providing
convenient pattern and activity plan, urban area can become more environmentally
friendly areas; rather than mere threats to biodiversity.
It is important to highlight the need for an international frame of thought regarding
urbanization, which has recently been experienced as a massive, unplanned course of action
in landscape change in the world. Urbanization offers a diversity of altered types of land
covers in residential, commercial, and industrial areas; they are generally interconnected by
roads and railways, on which special green spaces are allocated. This diversity and similar
structures are common all around the world; yet; how they affect biodiversity and
ecosystem processes has yet to be determined. What is more, international and comparative
research attempts are essential in order to develop the understanding of ecological effects of
urbanization [8].
Sustainability of future can be maintained only if an ecosystem oriented approach is
adopted in terms of urban planning; this approach should include equitable access to
ecosystem services and proper planning [8].
5. The necessity of the ecological areas in the urban landscapes
The biodiversity in the cities are very much influenced by the presence of green spaces,
green roofs and walls along with tree-lined streets. In order to maintain the different
ecosystem services including wildlife and human populations, existence of landscapes with
sufficient size, diversity and distribution is essential. The green infrastructure in the urban
landscape consists of recreation parks and gardens, unmanaged natural open spaces,
wetlands and rural lands. According to EEA [13], the quality of life for most urban dwellers
is closely related to the amount of green areas where they live. Since these areas provide
people with opportunities for social relations, recreation and experiencing nature which
affect them both emotionally and physically. The structure of green spaces and biodiversity
are quite different from each other in rural and urban areas as in Europe. Although different
counties have different green zone policies, it is accepted that nature affects humans in a
very positive way by reducing blood pressure, improving cognitive abilities and increasing
happiness. Meanwhile, green areas and biodiversity are also beneficial in filtering particles,
purifying water, reducing noise, and buffering climate extremes like heat waves. This means
that the green areas in the cities help to reduce the temperatures which are especially
important in adopting the future climate changes for the landscapes which are likely to
experience high temperatures and heat waves [13]. The English Garden in Munich,
Germany is a good sample for this subject (Fig 3-4).
The presence of natural flora in the cities, the establishment of habitats suitable to the
animals adapted to the urban conditions and ecological studies for the protection and
development of ecosystems are considered as environmentally ethical studies, as they
protect the natural resources. Meanwhile, these areas are places which are increasing the
quality of life in the city and allowing the social interaction of the residents [20].
Urban Ecology 683
Figure 3. The English Garden in Munich-Germany (Original 2011).
Figure 4. View of the English Garden in Munich-Germany (Original 2011).
Ecological studies and designs are significantly important for the sustainability of the
mankind and natural environment. The ecological studies carried out for the establishment
of the sustainability in the urban areas as well as the for the protection of the resources
involve not only the construction-scale efforts performed in the urban areas but also the
Advances in Landscape Architecture 684
works conducted in the rural areas. In the construction-scale, the studies comprise efforts
such as taking precautions for the extensive use of solar energy, recycling of the domestic
waste etc [20].
6. Urban climate
The examination of the climatic conditions for lands differ from that of water .The complex
combination of the elements of the lands, such as topography, land form, water and plants,
strongly influences the climatic conditions related with solar radiation, wind precipitation,
temperature and humidity. For example, the movement of air masses are strongly
influenced by land forms and their topography, which are basically considered as obstacles
(when they are tall) or routers (when they are in the valley-shaped) for air flow. A variety of
air flow dynamics, from simple to complex, could be observed in many circumstances. Not
only airflow but also humidity, temperature and absorption of solar energy are strongly
affected by the properties of landscapes. The windward and leeward sides of hills affect the
humidity, while height of the landscapes strongly influences the temperature. Additionally,
higher levels of solar energy are absorbed at the south-facing slopes, giving small micro-
variations in the climate and changing the vegetation patterns [24].
Cities are generally warmer than open lands and forests as walls and roofs of the buildings
and asphalt pavements have higher radiation surface than open lands yielding higher
amount of solar energy absorbed. Meanwhile, the precipitation falls into the cities flow
away to the sewage system through asphalt roads and squares quickly. As a result of this,
the solar radiation is more effective on these surfaces than humid ground in the open lands
and heat up more yielding higher degree of warming. As the terrestrial radiative heat loss
from these city structures is slower, the temperature of the cities is higher. Meanwhile,
evaporation of the water in the open lands also results in energy loss. For these reasons, in
calm weather and invariable weather conditions, the temperature of a city could be 0.5-1.5
C higher than that of its surrounding landscape. This difference could reach to 4-5C in the
night period and even up to 10 C in the first few hours of the winter nights. Additionally
the minimum temperature values could be 0.8 1.5C higher than what is observed in the
rural landscape. As a result of this a city can be termed as heat island. The number of frost
and icy days are lower for cities. The warmer climatic conditions of the cities allow a long
vegetation period for vegetables and reduce the freezing damages especially observed in the
frozen nights. For this reason, the plants that do not grow normally in the climatic
conditions of the open land of that region could grow in the city. The heat production in the
cities and being warmer compared to their surroundings produce a low pressure region in
the atmosphere. This causes a continuous flow of a wind from rural areas to the urban ones.
The amounts of the dust and artificial gases in the atmosphere present on the cities are much
higher than those present on the open lands and forests. Thus, these artificial materials
hinder the sunshine arriving to the city. It was determined that the polluted air reduces the
solar radiation by 15- 20 %. When the plantation is performed in the cities, the level of solar
radiation increases as trees filter the polluted air and dust is partially captured by the long
trees [22].
Urban Ecology 685
The effects of the elements present in the urban areas on the flow of the energy. As depicted
above, a city can be considered as a hot-spot or heat island compared to its surrounding
rural landscape, see Table 1 [12]. In fact, the climatic characteristics of a city can be
considered for smaller scales, such that the effect of each element in the city, e.g.., streets,
buildings, parks etc., could be evaluated individually.
Element Compared to rural environs
Condensation nuclei 10 times more
Particulates 50 times more
Gaseous admixtures 5-25 times more
Total on horizontal surface 0-20% less
Ultraviolet, winter 30% less
Ultraviolet, summer 5% less
Sunshine duration 5-15% less
Clouds 5-10% more
Fog, winter 100% more
Fog, summer 30% more
Amounts 5-15% more
Days with less than 5 mm 10% more
Snowfall, inner city 5-10% less
Snowfall, lee of city 10% more
Thunderstorms 10-15% more
Annual mean 0.5-3.0 C more
Winter minimums (average) 1-2 C more
Summer maximums 1-3 C more
Heating degree days 10% less
Relative Humidity
Annual mean 6% less
Winter 2% less
Summer 8% less
Wind Speed
Annual mean 20-30% less
Extreme gusts 10-20% less
Calm 5-20% more
Source: Landsberg [23]
Table 1. The variation of the climatic conditions in the cities [12]
Advances in Landscape Architecture 686
According to Marsh [14], the following factors affect the temperature of the urban areas:
1. The man-made solid-structures, walls, roofs, roads, paved areas etc., have higher heat
conductivities, heat capacities and reflection capabilities than natural soils.
2. The surface area of these structures with vertical faces increases the total surface area of
the landscape giving higher degree of energy, mass and momentum conversion.
3. The heat is continuously produced by equipments, such as machinery, vehicles, heating
and cooling systems.
4. The amount of evaporation and the energy used for that process decreases in the cities
effecting the humidity and heat of the urban areas.
5. Exposure to long-wave radiation varies due to the pollutants and dusts are given off to
the atmosphere by human activity.
Urban landscapes change the direction and speed of the winds coming from surrounding.
For that reason, differences occur between air flow on the cities and on the forests as well as
open fields. The buildings in cites which are much taller than the average height increase the
number of the calm days in the city and worsen the ventilation. These tall structures are the
sources of the calm air, increased temperature and vapor pressure. In fact, this has a
negative effect on the living conditions of the city resident. However, tall building do not
always reduce the speed of the winds, on the contrary, it is stated that they may improve the
circulation of the wind. For this, the large brows (facades) of the buildings should be
perpendicular and their narrow brows should be parallel to the direction of the wind.
Meanwhile, the distance between buildings should be long enough so that they do not block
the motion of the wind [22].
According to Barner [24], based on the wind profile and wind tunnel experiments, the
following characteristics related to wind flow are apparent [22]:
1. Depending on the height profile of the building, the speed of the wind increases at the
windward brow of the building.
2. The highest value of the wind pressure, which is directly related to the speed of the
wind, appears at the 2/3 height of the building.
3. However, within the 2/3 height of the windward brow of the building, the speed of the
wind was reduced, while the turbulent flow forms due to spinning wind flow.
4. The calm air at the windward side of the building is separated form that at the opposite
brow while it flows away from top and bottom parts which forms a strong air flow at
the lower levels.
The effect of the buildings on the wind flow could be explained by three different examples,
which represent simple and complex situations separately. The first case investigates the
airflow towards an individual building. Here, when the airflow reaches to the building, an
obstacle on route the airflow, its speed should increase according to the continuity of flow
laws. A 2D model could clearly show that the speed of the wind on the different parts of the
building is different being the highest on the windward brow of the building and across the
roof. Meanwhile, air is also deflected from the brow down the face of the building (labeled
Urban Ecology 687
as A in Fig. 5). Additional to those, speeds decrease and streamlines of wind spread out on
the leeward side, with some descending toward the ground [14]. In the second case, two
buildings of similar heights are located close to each other. Different from the first case, the
streamlines of fast wind do not descend to the ground but they were maintained by the roof
of the building. The direct consequence of this event is the formation of small pockets of
calm air between buildings and limited intermixing of the air in between the buildings with
the atmosphere (labeled B in Fig. 5). The properties of air in such pockets could be different
than that of surrounding atmosphere. In the last case, the most complex one, buildings and
streets are aligned such that the structure is similar to that of canyon forming channels for
airflow when the wind is strong. This formation, apparently, increases the speed of the wind
and yields turbulence along the walls of the canyon (labeled as C in Fig. 5) [14].
Figure 5. The flow of air in an urban area. The figure demonstrates the airflow around different
structures, such as tall and short buildings, streets and their different combinations. Different
cases are given here: (A) The strong flow is deflected down the building, (B) calm zone develops
between buildings and (C) combination of large buildings with streets form canyons yield accelerated
airflow [14].
Other than windflaws, water also significantly affects the urban climate in a way that solar
energy is stored by masses of water. As the temperature of water varies much slowly than
that of lands, they adjust the temperature of the lands through breezes. Meanwhile, the
evaporation of water consumes energy and reduces the temperature of air, which might be
called as a natural-air conditioning [21].
The Urban Heat Island as a Climatic Effect of Urbanization
There are different climatic effects of urbanization: formation of urban heat islands,
increasing cloudiness, fog, dust, precipitation and downwind urban heat plume, while
decreasing humidity. Apart from these small-scale effects, activities held in the boundaries
Advances in Landscape Architecture 688
of urban areas are the main sources of greenhouse gases, mainly CO2 and fluorocarbons,
which may influence the global climate and sea levels in the following decades [12].
Among different climatic effects of urbanization, formation of heat island is one of the most
apparent one. It is known that the temperature of the air in the cities is relatively higher than
their surrounding rural areas, defining the urban heat islands [21]. Man-made structures, i.e.
buildings, paving, vegetation and other physical elements of the city, form as active thermal
elements between the ground and atmosphere. The properties of the elements in the land-
covering layer, e.g., height, distribution, determine the thermal behavior of the city and the
distribution of the warm air within the urban region.
There are many factors affecting the formation of the thermal heat islands, primarily,
radiation and beat flows, urban boundary layer, surface heating and heat loss [14]. A sharp
decrease in the temperature profile occurs on the perimeter of the city, defining the
boundaries of the urban heat island which is shown in the Fig. 6 by a cliff in the profile.
While the temperature may fluctuate in the heat island, which is a factor of the type of the
man-made structures, beyond the boundaries of the heat island, rural landscape with much
lower temperature values than those observed in the heat island emerges [14]. Such
variations in the heat island are clearly shown in the Fig. 6 in a way that cool regions formed
by parks and riverside while warmer parts appear as a result of the shopping centers and
industrial zones.
According to Leopold [25], the use of the local-land has four distinguishable effects on the
hydrology, which are relevant to each other: changes in peak-flow characteristics; changes in
total runoff; changes in water quality; and changes in hydrologic amenities. It is known that
stream flows, which are rainstorms characterized by heat islands, expands and becomes
stronger with the growth of the cities, while stronger winds are necessary to overcome them
Figure 6. The schematic representation of the temperature profile of the urban heat island and its
variation with the type of the elements in the urban area [14].
Urban Ecology 689
In fact, a lot of urban planners accept climate as a fundamental factor of urban planning and
design; on the other hand, only few of them are able to combine variables like wind, heat,
and solar radiation with decision making processes. The level of scientific understanding of
microclimate is one of the most significant factors responsible for building the environment
[14]. Climate is an important element for pollution control boards and regional
transportation policies; whereas, for urban planner, landscape architect, and architect small-
scale climatic variations are important. One can refer to the solar radiation around high
buildings as an example of variation; other parameters like temperature, wind, fog, and
pollution can also be seen as other variations in urban landscapes (Fig. 7).
Figure 7. Climatic conditions near the ground in differnt sectors of a city. Conditions vary with surface
cover, solar dadiation, airflow, and air pollution, among other things [14]
7. Urban hydrology
In urban design, groundwater relations and surface flow characteristics of water collection
basins are of vital importance for the citys water requirement. Water economy affects heat
economy as well. In cities, precipitation falling on building roofs and asphalt roads as well
as city centers, are all lost because they go to sewer system through surface fall. As a result,
inside the cities get dry and warmer very soon. Because precipitation waters are carried
outside of the city, the level of humidity in cities is lesser than forest design. However, fog
comes down frequently due to high quantity of solid structures [22].
Within the framework of urban hydrologic processes, trees as well as soils can act as an
important role in terms of intercepting and retaining or slowing the flow of precipitation
Advances in Landscape Architecture 690
reaching the ground. It is possible that these can decrease the frequency and volume of
storm water runoff, flooding damage, storm water treatment costs, and other problems in
terms of water quality. According to the runoff estimates, which were conducted for an
intensive storm in Dayton/OH, the tree canopy (22%) decreased runoff by 7%, and a decent
increase in canopy (around 29%) can decrease runoff by almost 12% (Sanders [26] from
Nowak and Dwyer [27]). In addition, it was revealed that tree cover on pervious surfaces
decreased runoff, total of 40 %; its effect on runoff was lesser on impervious surfaces [27].
In Europe, according to the findings obtained from research, low level humidity and more
frequent fogs cause torrential rainfall repetition to increase. For this reason, it was
determined that the number of days of torrential rainfall in the city is between 13 and 63%
more than the open area and forest designs. Therefore, it was revealed that the city's annual
rainfall is around 5 31% higher than open area and forest designs, depending on the land
surface shape, height, climate characteristics, the size of the structures [24]. However,
torrential rainfall and impervious surfaces inside the city cause this precipitation water to be
lost in a short time; rain water does not contribute to the water economy efficiently [22].
For Bai [28], increased impervious cover is among the most significant modifications
affecting streams in urban sites; it transforms hydrology and funnels accumulated pollutants
from buildings, roadways, and parking lots into streams. In United States point source
pollution was reduced by regulations; yet it is still an important problem in several
developing countries [16]. It is crucial to remember that industrial discharges and sewage
contaminate both rivers and lakes. In new design cities storm water infrastructure is
separate from wastewater discharges; this is not the case in older European and American
cities, where two streams are mixed and causing to acute pollution in recipient systems. The
storms and low flow-discharge of cities lead to local, even regional pollution downstream,
which are particularly caused by pesticides and persistent organic pollutants [16].
Urban hydrology has been altered to develop a way to manage urban runoff against flood,
and to protect health and the environment. In recent years there have been important
developments regarding the measurement and prediction of urban rainfall by using
technologic devices such as radar and microwave networks. The predictability of urban
hydrology has been improved also in order to provide models convenient with small
temporal and spatial scales typical to urban and pheri urban applications. Urban storm
water management has started to take into account the needs of environment and human
beings. There is a strict trend towards restoring pre-development flow-regimes and water
quality; also, it is believed that restoring more natural water balance would not only be an
advantage to environment, but support the livability of the urban landscape. Although it
was regarded as a trouble, today storm water is increasingly seen as a resource [29].
Urban runoff management has evolved with the understanding of its environmental
impacts. Referred approach developed many terms such as, Sustainable Urban Drainage
Systems (SUDS) [30], Water Sensitive Urban Design (WSUD) [31-32] and Low Impact
Development (LID) [33].
Urban Ecology 691
These approaches have similar objectives:
1. To manage urban water cycle in a sustainable fashion (by taking into account both
surface and ground water, flooding and impacts on waterways erosion),
2. To maintain or return the flow regime as much as possible back to its natural level,
3. To protect and restore, if possible, water quality (for both surface and ground water),
4. To protect and restore, if possible, the health of receiving water,
5. To conserve water resources as a resource rather than a nuisance (like, storm water),
6. To enhance urban landscape and amenity by incorporating storm water management
measures, which offer multiple benefits, into the landscape [29].
8. Urban soil
Analyzing and determining the soil features are important in urban design for two reasons.
First, it is important in terms of geologic basis for structure projects like edifice, tunnel,
subway, etc. Second, it is mandatory to know the soil characteristic in growing plant.
Physical features of soil, which can be listed as depth, mechanical structure, general
characteristics, level of ground water, and geological basis; are not only important for
tunnels and edifices, but also for all urban structures (road system, sewage, cesspool, etc).
Soil is the natural environment for plants. Hence, determining soil features is of particular
importance for the planned green areas in the city. For this reason, in establishing cities,
favorable soils for structures should be found through soil analysis and marked on maps,
and the relations between soil characteristic and how to benefit from the soil should be
analyzed [22].
The soil in the areas that were left to make greenery near the building has lost its genetic
characteristic and mixed with construction leftovers, cement, and concrete. Therefore, to
those spots, on which green areas will be built, soil from other places are carried on trucks;
they do not include concrete, but organic materials; and they are generally spread in a thin
layer. For this reason, natural soil features, which are main factors of growing plant in cities,
have rarely survived. As for the plants that will be grown in cities, shadows of buildings
and windbreak, negative effects of salts sprayed onto the city roads in winter, and flue gas
should be prior factors to consider. In this sense, plant species that will be used in urban
design should have a broad ecologic tolerance; in other words, they should be durable
against negative anthropogenic effects [22].
9. Urban biodiversity
Biodiversity provides an ecosystem system, on which the standard of living on European
citizens depends, urban setting proves this successfully. Urbanites benefit from recreational,
social and inspirational services of the nature, both inside and outside of cities. Yet,
ecosystems are also crucial in terms of basic living conditions in cities. Thanks to its positive
climatic effects, urban greenery will play an important role in adapting strategies to deal
with climate change, which is expected to intensify or alter the specific urban climatic
Advances in Landscape Architecture 692
conditions. Urban greenery makes cities attraction centers; it prevents urban sprawl and
saves space for biodiversity. In addition, as in-city services increase, the citys footprint is
decreased; as a result, potential negative effects on biodiversity and environment is
destroyed [13].
In addition to ecologic services, green areas in which biologic diversity is supported- are
also gaining favor in terms of public health, maintaining social cohesion, economic benefit
(like the increase in real estate market thanks to the green areas), and low maintenance cost
(less irrigation and fertilization by creating ecologically sustainable urban designs) [34].
Local and regional authorities have the legal power to designate conservation areas; to
advocate EUs Natura 2000 networks; and, to bring biodiversity concerns urban and spatial
planning agendas. Cities share the responsibility to select Natura 2000 sites. The scale of
public commitment can be traced in Local Agenda 21 processes, which aim to establish
sustainable societies identifying biodiversity as a precondition to build resilient cities.
European Union supports advanced commitment and increased awareness by honoring the
most sustainable cities, the European Green Capital Award (see the box below), and
establishing a legal framework to protect biodiversity through, Natura 2000 network under
the EU Habitats and Birds Directives, Air Quality Directives, the Water Framework
Directive and the development of a Soil Directive [13].
Cities are crucial in terms of sheltering some rare and endangered species and habitats,
which are considered to be important at the European level as well. There are a total of 97
Natura 200 sites are located in 32 major European cities. Of these cities, sixteen are capitals
(for example, London, Paris, Prague, Rome and Tallinn). In addition, one or more harbors in
more than half of the EUs capitals are Natura 2000 sites. Although Berlin has 15 Natura
2000 sites, most of the others have one or two. A new City Biodiversity Index (CBI) has been
developed by favor of Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD) and contributions of
Governments for Sustainability (ICLEI) [13].
In cities, the value of biodiversity is closely related to societies cultural and social
preferences. Biodiversity not only offers quite an amount of ecosystem services to urbanites,
it also modifies negative perceptions created by cities [35].
As Walker and Salt [36] put, it is possible to perceive urban diversity within the framework
of response diversity, which is the case when species and ecosystems respond differently to
external interventions, even though they function collectively. For instance, urban trees
intercept large amounts of precipitation, and prevent flooding; therefore, tree diversity
contributes to precipitation interceptions response diversity function [37]. As a result,
strong biodiversity guarantees lower risk for the entire function, despite local extinction. As
the cities continue to face the effects of climate change, response diversity will be an
important capacity building factor in terms of resistance [37].
From the perspective of urban planning, protection of biodiversity in cities is a high-priority
for both stakeholders and decision-makers. Still, when it comes to put the issue at the top
priority list during the planning process, it is left behind of anthropocentric objectives such
as economic development, transportation, land use and recreation [37].
Urban Ecology 693
Extensive use of native species is essential for the sake of urban biodiversity. By doing so it
could be possible to carry out more sccesful landscape projects with minimum maintenance
work and cost. Furthermore, a breeding and feeding environment can be created through
increasing biodiversity and by using native species. Regarding sustainable cities, floristic
diversity is an important topic [38].
Biotic, physical and social factors along with processes are related to biodiversity in urban
ecosystems. On the other hand, ecology itself is insufficient to delineate urban ecosystems.
As a result, it is advised to establish an interdicplinary approach, including natural and
social sciences, that will discuss ecology-related inputs in terms of urban planning [38].
10. Urban wildlife
Wildlife in cities is generally undervalued. In recent years urban wetlands, abandoned
industrial sites, roadside verges, vacant lots and derelict lands, ruins, allotment gardens and
cemeteries - together with arboreta, residential gardens and villas, botanic gardens and
individual balconies have begun to be seen as potential conservation areas for urban
biodiversity [21, 39]. Dense population and infrastructure are two factors putting pressure
on biodiversity in cities. What is necessary is to establish a balance between the urban green
and tailor made green areas. At this point, 'double inner city development' can be used; this
means to combine the existing made areas with conservation, supporting the presence,
character and availability of green spots and vacant spaces; and, strengthening the green
infrastructure like street-trees, green walls and roofs. These will facilitate the way to access
green areas in and out the city [13].
Wild fauna inside the cities can be a positive demonstration of the richness of the green; on
the other hand, this can be a challenge in some cases (e.g. foxes or seagulls) [13]
Rich diversities in urban landscapes can come to the fore as original communities. Urban
green is an important part of urban landscape, which offers the opportunity to contact with
wildlife in addition to environmental and socio-ecological benefits, regarding the quality of
human life. Urban green areas are ecologically complex structures; their values can be
defined in terms of goods and services within society. What is essential is to pick bio-
indicators that can be accessed and relied with regards to create a proper/balanced urban
ecosystem, through integrating wildlife and biological parameters to human well-being [40].
11. Discussion
What is more, it is important to highlight that urban ecosystems do have contributions to the
well-being of urban life; however, urbanites depend on global ecosystems to survive. There
are some services provided by urban ecosystems in order to improve the quality of life;
accordingly, air quality, lower level noise were all provided, these could not be done from
distant ecosystems. The causes of these problems have yet to be solved, but their effects
have been reduced. Both should be the main aim [11].
At the end of the day, the hope is that the awareness of ecosystem services will be raised,
which will help to maintain a more resource-efficient city structure and design. Only then
Advances in Landscape Architecture 694
urban ecosystems will be respected for their contributions to life in urban areas, and gained
priority when the area faces exploitation. In addition, the idea of significance of ecosystem
services could result in protection of unexploited urban areas, even expanding them. One of
the most important key objectives is that ecosystem services in urban areas and ecosystems
are appreciated by political authorities and city planners as the cities grow in future [11].
In urban ecology studies, natural and social sciences were intermingled; the aim is to
research these radically altered local environments in terms of their regional and global
effects. In this rapidly urbanized world cities are the center of problems as well as solutions
regarding sustainability challenges [16].
Ecologists can approach to cities as real-world laboratories; therefore, they can better
understand the basic patterns and processes; and, work in collaboration with city planners,
engineers, and architects in order to actualize urban policies that enhance and protect
biodiversity and ecosystem function [16].
The main characteristics of cities dense population, center of production and consumption,
and waste disposal- cause the land to change and bring a number of environmental
problems. These problems can be seen as sample microcosms of global environmental
change addressing to the chance to develop ecology as well as global-change science. As
known, human-induced activities take place on Earth, a biophysically constrained planet,
and it is strongly believed that urban ecology can clarify the connection between urbanites
and the biogeophysical environment they live. Ecological footprints are expanding; in this
sense, the perception of issues with greater extent beyond human understanding should
expand along with the broader effect of individual and collective life forms, preferences, and
acts. As a consequence, it is hoped that industry and creativity, which have been located in
urban centers throughout the history of man, would also be discussed as remedy, rather
than problem. Last but not least, as a priority area, urban ecology has a significant mission
to find solutions and develop the future of urban in a sustainable way [16].
Author details
Canan Cengiz
Bartn University, Faculty of Forestry, Department of Landscape Architecture, Turkey
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Chapter 27
Landscape Engineering, Protecting Soil,
and Runoff Storm Water
Mehmet Cetin
Additional information is available at the end of the chapter
1. Introduction
Landscape engineering thinks about the application of mathematics and science to the
creation of convenient outdoor living areas. These outdoor living areas are a consequence of
the design and the construction process made feasible by landscape architects through
landscape contractors. Beside landscape engineers interested in containing site grading and
drainage, earthwork calculations, and watersheds [1,12,13].
Landscape engineers employ engineering knowledge when designing and building spaces.
They demand to know how to interpret contour maps which shows elevations and surface
configuration by means of contour line sand and also consider how to interpret 2-D images,
compute angles and grading requirements for pavements, parking lots, bridges, roads and
other structures. Beside they understand the amount of fill needed for specific areas and
figure out how water runoff and flow should affect their designs.
Developing and improving for landscape engineering [1,3,13,14]
1. Stormwater management: building up bioswales, landscape materials used to gather
and install runoff, rain gardens and porous asphalt.
2. Mitigation of the urban heat island effect: diminishing the quantity of paved surfaces,
building up green roofs and green walls, and using building materials with low
3. Wildlife habitat: protecting habitat and building up green roofs and rain gardens.
4. Social spaces: areas for walking, biking, gathering and eating.
5. Transportation: growth expanding pedestrian accessibility, limiting vehicle speeds and
encouraging the use of public transportation.
All above are using for the mixing plastic with asphalt on the pavement for the above
reasons. One of them we are using porous plastic asphalt on the pavement for diminishing
the sounds of road, and protecting the soil, and making runoff out the structure.
Advances in Landscape Architecture 698
Porous plastic pavement which is a permeable pavement surface permits the action of storm
water in order to infiltrate directly into the soil. It usually constructs with an underlying
stone supply that temporarily stocks surface runoff before infiltrating into the subsoil. It
takes the place of traditional pavement. There are various types of porous surfaces,
including porous asphalt, permeable concrete and even grass or permeable pavers.
Porous plastic asphalt pavements suggest an alternative technology for stormwater
management. It is varied from classical asphalt pavement designs so that the structure
enables fluids to come frankly through it, decreasing or monitoring the amount of run-off
from the surrounding area. By permitting precipitation and run-off to running out the
structure, this pavement kind functions as an additional stormwater management
technique. The mainly benefits of porous plastic asphalt pavements should contain both
environmental and safety benefits including improved stormwater management, improved
skid resistance, decreasing of spray to drivers and pedestrians, as well as a potential for
noise decreasing. Porous plastic asphalt is applicable to many uses, including parking lots,
driveways, sidewalks, bike paths, playgrounds and recreational courts. In addition, with
proper maintenance, including regular vacuuming or pressure washing of the pavement
surface to prevent clogging by sediments, porous asphalt can have a minimum service life of
twenty years [15,16,17,18].
Bitumen is a valuable binder for road construction. Different grades of bitumen which is
30/40, 60/70 and 80/100 are available on the basis of their penetration values. The steady
growth in high traffic intensity in terms of commercial vehicles, and the important variation
in daily and weather temperature demand developed road characteristics.
Nowadays the waste plastics are to exist tremendous, as the plastic elements have been
piece of daily life for using. They either blended with Municipal Solid Waste and/or dispose
of landfill. If not recycled, their present disposal is either by land filling that the method has
certain impact on the environment. Because of that an alternate use for the waste plastics is
also the needed.
Thinner polythene carry bags are most adequately disposed of wastes, which do not draw
attention the attending rag pickers to accumulate for forward recycling, for lesser value.
These polythene bags are simply suitable with bitumen at specified conditions. The waste
polymer bitumen mix may be prepared and a study of the properties can throw more light
on their use for road laying.
Permeable pavements have been sufficient in behalf of environmental problems and
corroborating sustainable green construction procedures. They are planned to support
surfaces for parking lots and pedestrian roads that will permit some of the precipitation to
filter into the ground, decreasing the bulk of stormwater runoff and revitalizing
groundwater [15,16,17]. Permeable porous asphalt and concrete are the most ordinarily used
elements in permeable pavements. Permeable asphalt uses practically the similar elements
as conventional asphalt, order than the percent range of plastic added, and the size of the
aggregate is used to stay thin, permitting for minimum particle packing [16,17]. Permeable
asphalt and concrete has been successfully implemented for road, retaining walls, streets,
Landscape Engineering, Protecting Soil, and Runoff Storm Water 699
driveways, sidewalks, parking lots, and slope protection for the past 30 years in many
countries, including the United States [17]. None of any researchers, to the authors
knowledge, have inquired for mixing permeable plastic asphalt so far that implement plastic
waste as a binder bonder for permeable pavements. This study presents an alternative
sustainable technology, familiar as permeable plastic asphalt, which should be implemented
for permeable pavements. Permeable plastic asphalt material is produced from plastic
waste, porous aggregates, and asphalt. The research evaluated the mechanical and hydraulic
characteristics of permeable plastic asphalt.
An asphaltic paving material involves 4%, 5% and 6% percent, of granular recycled plastic
(LDPE with 1%, 3%, and 6%), which supplements the porous aggregate component
(aggregate size of 3/8, 4, 8, 16) of the mixture. The material produces a structurally superior
paving material and longer lived roadbed. The plastic can contain any and all residual
classes of recyclable plastic. The material produces roadbeds of higher strength with less
total asphalt thickness and having greater water permeability, and is most useful for all
layers below the surface layer. A process of shredding or mechanically granulating
preferably forms the paving product.
A porous plastic asphalt pavement has benefit for using road users and road side
environments such as decreasing road noise, developing drainage function, and driving
security situation. Furthermore, the worth of porous asphalt is to support skid resistance,
particularly in the wet weather, that is distinctly better than that of dense traditional asphalt
Conventional asphalt was not usually acceptable in the high temperature, humid, and
traffic. As a result that some of issues were occurred like the pores were clogged, strength of
drainage, rutting and scattering came off by traffic loading [20]. Large percentage of air
voids of the mixture is adopted in order to maintain the drainage function. Nevertheless, in
the way that the proportions of air void grow, strength feature of the mixture diminish. This
is the main theorem of asphalt mixture. For solving this, landscape engineers think about
the plastic for design and planning as binder.
The aim of this research is to assess strength, which means the performances of porous
asphalt mixtures, for testing Resilient Modulus to find Indirect Tensile Strength (ITS).
Furthermore, it measures the durability of porous asphalt mixture using Marshall
Immersion test.
It is the aim of this chapter (book) to outline the elementary essential parts fundamentals
associate with the design, plan, and construct of pavements and to mix with plastic
techniques that will allow a Landscape Engineer to plan and design a pavement to suit a
variety of situations. After experiments next books chapters will be considered to help
environment and nature same as protect soil and recycling. Next study will keep going to
research the better experiments about permeable surfaces for using different plastic
materials. As a result it gains economic, environmental, and practical design and plan for
Landscape Engineering.
Advances in Landscape Architecture 700
1.1. Landscape engineering
Landscape Engineering defined that is the art of developing land for people use and
entertainment in such a manner as to obtain the utmost utility including with the utmost of
beauty. It is a mistake to take into consideration the subject as implicated mainly with
planting trees or to visualize its main function to be the supply of some decorative
camouflage for some unsightly utility. Conversely, it has to be comprehended as a most
important fundamental to life, and all art, which no utility would be necessary camouflage,
and that every kind of artistic proceedings, instead of being without deep, has to be natural
structural. Landscape engineering verifies the fundamental utilities, not as a necessary bad,
but as necessarily well. In lieu of these utilities existing in the way of the objects, which the
landscape engineer is succeed in doing, they turn out a most sufficient part of her/his own
initiative. Apparently, once this point of view is admitted the Landscape Engineer and the
others are definitely suiting for the same thing. Landscape Engineering impresses the main
ideas, concepts, and techniques that cope with the functional, visual, and ecological
perspectives of grading and landform cultivation. Landscape Engineering points out
introduction to the processes, principles, and techniques of site engineering [1,3,13,21,22,23].
Students who pursue to study their career in Landscape Engineering programs learn about
Landscape Design and Planning, Transportation Plan, Structural Landscape Design, Urban
Planning, Site Planning, Ecological Design, Environmental Design, and Horticulture.
Essential aims of all of subjects in Landscape Engineering pay attention to cover
sustainability, and eco-friendly landscaping processes. They usually not only study with
their specific area of studies like sustainable urbanism, environmental hazard management,
historic preservation, ecological design but also focus in land development along with
construction management, or a compound of land development and architecture [2,14].
Landscape engineer is that construction is the first step after designing and planning.
Landscape engineer have to be continually consider to reach suitable adjustments between
the operating cost, the construction cost, and the maintenance cost. For only during the
construction period can the required savings be influenced at a minimum of expense.
Landscape engineer think about completed without mention of subgrade conditions or
specifications on material and method of placing while designing and planning pavement,
parking lot, etc. Drains are often paid attention as releases for storm water during the catch
basins although the drain is laid to accumulate the soil. With new experiment in planning is
the topographical survey, usually worked out with care and precision during considers
drain and protects soil.
Landscape engineer has to keep in mind when planning the pavement that it is a business
proposition as well as a picture designing and planning. That the Landscape planned with
an eye to operation and maintenance cost must in time, have the better financial situation to
protect appearance. Meanwhile design and plans are begun; we have to never forget that
budget is a factor in maintenance, whether the project is considered on the constant care
principle. The complete design of the pavement is that while every element of pavement
construction must be considered from the point of view of beauty and aesthetic value, the
Landscape Engineering, Protecting Soil, and Runoff Storm Water 701
weight of construction, operation and maintenance must be found and recognized at the
time of beginning [3,22].
A Landscape Engineer conducts and takes advantage of the strengths of nature for the
benefit and satisfaction of man. For instance, if you were designing and planning a new
landscape for your property and wanted to direct the winds to preserve your amusing
areas, a Landscape Engineer would help you make a determination which trees to get and
where to plant them; thus, the wind could avoid your patio or courtyard. Landscape
engineering involves with the application of mathematics and science to the constitution of
practical outdoor living areas. These areas are a conclusion of the design and the
construction process made possible by landscape architects, along with landscape
contractors. Other main contemplates of landscape engineers include drainage and site
grading, watersheds and earthwork calculations. It is the Landscape engineers act to
vigorously interest in the design of the landscape, hence, to significantly supervise the
creation of the landscape design. Landscape engineering exemplifies the traditional
engineering elements of planning, operation, management, design and construction, and
assessment. Before planning and designing, Landscape engineer should consider three main
areas that focus on [4,5,24]:
1. Landscape plan and design that Landscape Engineers interest planning the individual
landforms so that they go along with the objectives arrange in the termination design
phase. It is necessity that the Landscape engineer confers with the rest of the
architectural team for carrying out a sufficient visual result once the construction
process is finished.
2. Termination design and plan that it implies setting targets as well as supporting the
Landscape design of the project at hand. Landscape engineers who works very closely
with the contractors and sub-contractors does for working with Landscape designers as
well as the owner of a home or property for deciding what the desired look is
considered together and the essential steps to be taken in order to success it.
3. Functioning assessment that the reason of performance evolution of the Landscape
engineer results in estimating liability and financial assurance of the landscape design
and plan project. Thus, performance evaluation is vital to both the closure planning
progress and performance evaluation.
1.2. Soil protection
As we preserve air and water, which we use for breathing and drink, the soil is very
important as well. The quality of soil takes care of ecosystems. Soil quality, which would be
linked to water quality, is a measure of soil productivity. As a determination soil quality
which particularly, the bulk of soil to operate within ecosystem borders to endure keep up
environmental quality, biological productivity, and support plant and animal health
Soil structure and water infiltration is very important for soil quality as well as aim attention
at characteristics like organic matter content overall soil biological activity, nutrient
Advances in Landscape Architecture 702
availability, and total organic matter levels [25,27]. Soil can be protected from erosion,
landslide, and compaction by mixing plastic materials. Soil conveys very easy underground
by water. Soil, which is ancient, rock broken into sand, silt and clay is the recycled and
continuously transforming.
The one of ways for protect and sustainably improve of soils is mixed cover pavement with
plastic materials for prevent erosions of soil. Soil tests should be recommended for mixing
with compaction plastic. It is evaluated compliance with hydrologic characteristics like
drainage from plastic compaction.
1.3. Stormwater runoff
Stormwater runoff comes off while precipitations from rain or snowmelt infiltrate the
ground. Impermeable surfaces like pavement, driveways, parking lots, sidewalks, and
streets restrain stormwater runoff from naturally permeate into the ground.
For understanding the impact of stormwater runoff firstly need to consider how important
water cycles through the urban environment. The bulks of precipitation infiltrate forests
flows slowly underground, are infiltrated in by natural progress, and eventually arrive at
lakes, streams while is being its natural. When we design and plan to compress the land
with roads, parking lots, and buildings, the natural progress of water infiltrate in the earth is
diminished. The existing grasslands and forests are put in place of concrete, roofs, and
asphalt that do not permit rain to infiltrate the earth. Rather than, the precipitations soak
through as faster as directly into streams, storm drains, and all without the profit of
filtration. Designing, planning and constructing with mixing plastic material help to
infiltrate water on the driveway, parking lots, pavement in place of concrete or asphalt.
Thus, they permit stormwater to quickly drain into the ground [28,29,30].
Stormwater is water that directly results from a rainfall event is not absorbed into soil and
rapidly flows downstream, increasing the level of waterways. The flow of water results
from precipitation and that occurs immediately following rainfall or as a result of snowmelt.
Stormwater is the portion of rainfall that does not infiltrate into the soil. Rainwater and
snowmelt that runs off impermeable surfaces rather than infiltrate into the soil through a
drainage system of underground pipes, stormwater carries nutrients, fine soils, plant debris,
drippings from vehicles, and other substances from the drainage basin most of lakes, ponds,
and wetlands are connected to the stormwater system. Water collected in a system of pipes
which drain roads and industrial or trade premises Stormwater may contain contaminants
present on drained surfaces.
Stormwater is concerning about two issues that are the volume and timing of runoff water
and prospective polluting. Stormwater is needed to flood control and water supplies. Also
stormwater lead to be water pollution for conveying the water. As a stromwater,
watermanagement on the pavements should probably do urban environments self-sustaining
in terms of water. Stormwater is pollution because impermeable surfaces like parking lots,
roads, buildings, compacted soil do not enable rain to drain into the ground. More runoff is
constituted than in the unprogressive condition. Thus, it should consume waterways like
Landscape Engineering, Protecting Soil, and Runoff Storm Water 703
flooding after stormwater collection system is overwhelmed by the additional flow. So the
water is out of watershed way through little drainage the soil, the storm event [31,32].
Stormwater is a problem so that it could collect chemicals waste, mud, dirt, and other
pollutants and infiltrate in the storm sewer system or directly to a river, lake, coastal water,
stream, or wetland. Anything, which inserts a storm sewer system, is released untilled into
the waterbodies we run for fishing, swimming, and supplying drinking water.
The results of pollution of stormwater runoff could have many unfavorable effects on
animals, plants, people, and fish. Sediment that could blur the water and make it
complicated or unimaginable for aquatic plants to grown could demolish aquatic habitats.
The pollution of stormwater usually influences drinking water sources, which could
transform to imitate human health and grow drinking water treatment costs.
The solution of pollution of stormwater that is permeable pavement consists of mixing
plastic. Traditional concrete and asphalt don't tolerate water to infiltrate into the ground.
Rather than these surfaces depend on storm drains to switch unwanted water, Permeable
pavement systems permit rain and snowmelt to saturate with, diminishing stormwater
runoff [28,32]. Stormwater runoff is without filtered water that arrives at oceans, streams,
and lakes by means of streaming on impermeable surfaces that contain driveways, parking
lots, roads, and roofs.
1.4. Correlation between impermeable pavement and permeable runoff
Impermeable pavement in a watershed occurs in growth permeable runoff. The barely 10
percent impermeable pavement in a watershed would occur in stream decline.
Stormwater is pollution so that impermeable surfaces like parking lots, compacted soil,
roads, buildings, do not permit rain to flows off from the land in the streams, further runoff
is caused to be than in the immature condition [28,31].
This further runoff would spoil streams and rivers as well as bring about flooding after the
stormwater system is overflow by the extra flow so that the water is reveled out of the
watershed through the storm event, barely drains the soil, fills groundwater, or stocks
stream baseflow in dry weather. Contaminant inserting surface waters during rain that is
lead to contaminate runoff. Daily people activities appear in sediment of pollutants on
parking lots, farm fields, driveways, roads, lawns, roofs. As soon as precipitation begins,
water flow off and eventually makes its way to a lake, ocean, and river.
A traditional city block creates more than five times more runoff than the forest because of
impermeable pavement. The waste of penetration from city may come out with depth
groundwater changes [28,31,32].
The present drainage systems, which accumulate runoff from impermeable surfaces like
roads, parking lots, roofs insure that water is effectively transported to ways of water during
pipes. As a matter affects little storms water occur in growth ways of water flows.
Stomwater lead to some of issue that shows below.
Advances in Landscape Architecture 704
1. Impermeable Pavement
2. Roads, sidewalks, rooftops, overly compacted soils
3. Do not allow for natural infiltration of stormwater
4. Increase temperatures (Heat Island Effect)
5. Degradation of water quality and natural habitats
6. Flooding, erosion and may reduce groundwater levels
1.5. Class of plastic for using contemporarily
The simplest way for a user to label the class of plastic used in a product is to recognize the
resin identification code, which is familiar with the material container code as well, is
generally plotted, shaped or symbolized in or close to the middle of the bottom of the
product. In accordance with the society of the plastics industry (SPI) resin identification
code (or material code) is to systematize mutual plastic resins and their characteristics.
The identification of plastics made known in 1988 by The Society of the Plastics Industry
Trade Association (SPI) that provides to build the companies for easy recycles make collect
the consumer plastics during the common pathways for coming together recyclable stuffs
from household waste. It is based on willing for plastic manufacturers, however, it has
evolved into comparatively standard on plastic products sold in the U.S. and
internationally. For example, the identification of plastics is in service and is affirmed by the
Canadian Plastics Industry Association (CPIA) in Canada. It supports specifics on the
identification by mean of its Environment, health and safety strategic unit and its
Environment and Plastics Industry Council (EPIC) [7,33,34].
The aim of the identification provides to make it simpler for recycling to plastics.
Furthermore, it determines consumers with an easy, handy method for identifying the class
of plastic resin used to create a specific product. In conformity with SPI identifications, the
number is intentionally located in an unnoticeable place on the product so that the company
purpose is not to affect the consumer's buying determination, barely to assist the progress of
recycling of the product.
According to SPI, there are seven different classes of plastics. Showing Figure 1, the
identification numbers imprint on the bottom of plastic products that is a number inside of
triangle represents to mean their identifications for recycling. Have you ever been curious
about what the numbers inside the little recycling symbol mean on all of the plastic
packaging and plastic products which we consume for using?
According to SPI the identification in 1988 reciprocates to the consider revising of the plenty
recyclers side to side the countries. Here each class of plastics number and definition [7].
1. PETE, PET (Polyethylene Terephthalate) is clarity, strength or toughness, barrier to gas
and moisture, resistance to heat. It uses for consuming plastic soft drink and water
bottles, beer bottles, mouthwash bottles, peanut butter and salad dressing containers,
oven able film, oven able pre-prepared food trays.
Landscape Engineering, Protecting Soil, and Runoff Storm Water 705
Figure 1. Samples of identification on the bottom of plastic water bottles
2. HDPE (High Density Polyethylene) is stiffness, strength or toughness, resistance to
chemicals and moisture, permeability to gas, ease of processing, and ease of forming. It
uses to make plenty classes of bottles. The bottles are clear, have good limit qualities
and stiffness, and are quite appropriated to packaging products with a short shelf life
like milk so that HDPE has good chemical resistance; it is used for packaging many
household and industrial chemicals such as detergents and bleach. It uses milk, water,
juice, cosmetic, shampoo, dish and laundry detergent bottles; trash and retail bags,
yogurt and margarine tubs, cereal box liners.
3. V, PVC (Vinyl, Polyvinyl Chloride) is versatility, ease of blending, strength or
toughness, resistance to grease or oil, resistance to chemicals, clarity. It has well
chemical resistance, weather ability, flow typical features and constant electrical
qualities. Products made from Vinyl can be both flexible and rigid. It uses toys, clear
food and non-food packaging, shampoo bottles, medical tubing, wire and cable
insulation, film and sheet; construction products such as pipes, fittings, siding, flooring,
carpet backing, window frames.
4. LDPE (Low-Density Polyethylene) is ease of processing, barrier to moisture, strength or
toughness, flexibility, ease of sealing. It is used efficaciously in film uses because of its
flexibility toughness, and approximate transparency, making it familiar for use in uses
that heat sealing is essential. Furthermore, LDPE uses to procedure some flexible lids
and bottles as well as in wire and cable uses. It uses squeezable bottles (honey,
mustard), coatings for paper milk cartons and hot and cold beverage cups, container
lids, toys, dry cleaning, bread, and frozen food bags.
5. PP (Polypropylene) is strength or toughness, resistance to chemicals, resistance to heat,
barrier to moisture, versatility, and resistance to grease or oil. It has good chemical
resistance, is strong, and has a high melting point making it well for hot-fill liquids.
This resin is brought to light in rigid and flexible packaging, fibers, and large pattern
parts for automotive and consumer products. It uses containers for yogurt, margarine,
takeout meals and deli foods, medicine bottles, bottle caps and bottles for ketchup.
Furthermore, for packaging, its plenty of uses are in fibers, appliances and consumer
products, containing strong applications like automotive and carpeting.
Advances in Landscape Architecture 706
6. PS (Polystyrene) is versatility, insulation, and clarity, easily foamed as known
styrofoam. It is clear, hard and brittle. Also, it has an approximately low melting
point. General uses contain protective packaging, food packaging, bottles, and food
containers. It is usually connected with rubber to make high impact polystyrene (HIPS)
that is used for packaging and constant uses necessity stiffness. It uses compact disc
cases, food- service applications, grocery store meat trays, egg cartons, aspirin bottles,
cups, plates, and cutlery.
7. Other is dependent on resin or combination of resins. Use of this number represents
which a package is made with a plastic other than the six listed above, or is made of
more than one plastic and used in a multi-layer combination. It uses usually shows the
exits of polycarbonate which a hard, clear plastic used to make baby bottles, water
pitchers, nalgene brand water bottles, three and five-gallon reusable water bottles, food
containers, some citrus juice and ketchup bottles, compact discs, cell phones,
automobile parts, computers, three and five-gallon reusable water bottles, some citrus
juice and catsup bottles, oven-baking bags, barrier layers and custom packaging.
2. Development of design
2.1. Design factors
The area of pavement design is vigorous in which ideas are steadily changing as new data
evolve into achievable. For mixing plastic pavement that are many majority of design and
plan applicable, since alternatives relating to sustainability, suitability of designs and plans
alter from area to area. Especially, supplies that are applicable for construction and
foundation of pavements have a higher impress on design and plan. There are, nevertheless,
fundamentals of design that are mutual to all problems irrespective of other uncontrollable
situation [35,36,37,38,39].
The plan and design of pavement embrace with a work of soils and paving materials, their
action under load, and the plan and design of pavement to convey which load under all
hydraulic and weather situations. All pavements obtain their eventual support from the
underlying subgrade. As a result, a comprehension of elementary plastic materials,
pavement design and soil mechanics is necessary. Landscape Engineers are familiar that
efficiency of pavement that are connected to a large volume upon the types of plastic, soils
over that the pavement is designed and constructed, therefore, in relationships pavement
efficiency between subgrade types are built. On the whole, the experiments of mixing plastic
pavement demonstrated that pavement designed and constructed over plastic displayed
higher degrees of distress than those designed and implemented over traditional pavement.
Frost process and unfavorable drainage situations were observed early as two of the
primary reasons of pavement lapse.
However, many landscape engineers are made use of standard cross components for most
pavements. It means that a road, even though it crossed several mixing plastic and soil
types, was designed and implemented using a constant thickness. The foreseeing was
usually confirmed on the rest of economics. Beginning of 1980s, people recognized that the
Landscape Engineering, Protecting Soil, and Runoff Storm Water 707
traditional pavement affects the environment and nature. All of thriving technological
elements such as cars, bike for becoming a simple life causes to influence the pavements
lapse [40,41,42,43].
2.2. Conventional pavements
AASHTO have been in charge for various tests, which roads designed and implemented in
United States as well as some of state highway departments have implemented test
pavements for the aim of assessment the influence of load and elements on pavement
There is a small suspicion that the outcomes of test results have had extreme effect on
current design ideas. Furthermore, efficiency of example pavements in service has had
important effect on design. This is not shocking, if one thinks that it is hard to do if not
unreasonable to judge entirely design ideas in the laboratory. In addition, it has been
familiar with for quite a while that reader belief in the final analysis imposes the
competency in some of the design.
2.3. Definition pavement types
Basically, with regard to history of pavements have been classified two main types which
are flexible and rigid. Flexible pavements comprise asphalt. Nowadays flexible pavement is
very important with mixing plastic so that makes permeable areas.
Plan, design, and construction of permeable pavements have altered rather importantly in
the last decades. On account of the current traditional plan, design, and construction
pavements come up severe higher traffic levels, wheel loads, pavement lapse. A growth use
of balanced is base and subbase. Balancers such as asphalt, plastic are repeatedly used to
grow the structural strength of the pavement by growth rigorously. Because of the reason an
extremely concentrated effort was made in the last several years to develop a more
fundamentally based design analysis for asphalt.
2.4. Permeable plastic asphalt
Some of researchers assessed the impact of moisture susceptibility on porous asphalt
samples [44]. Samples were based on wet and dry conditions and then tested for indirect
tensile strength test (ITS). Results showed that ITS decreased noticeably when the sample
was immersed in water.
2.5. Purpose of plastic asphalt
The aims of the study are need to do those. First of all; Disposal of waste plastic is a major
problem, non-biodegradable, burning of these waste plastic bags causes environmental
pollution. Secondly need is it mainly consists of low-density polyethylene, and to find its
Advances in Landscape Architecture 708
utility in bituminous mixes for road construction. Thirdly, Laboratory performance studies
were conducted on bituminous mixes. Laboratory studies proved that waste plastic
enhances the property of the mix, and improvement in properties of bituminous mix
provides the solution for disposal in a useful way.
Waste plastics like polythene carry bags, etc. on heating usually at approximately 160C.
According to thermo gravimetric results has demonstrated that gas evolution isnt found
during the temperature rank of 130 to 180C. Furthermore the mellowed plastics have a
binding feature. Therefore, the melted plastics can be implemented as a binder that they
should be blended with binder like bitumen to improve their binding feature. As a result it
should be a good modifier for the bitumen, implemented for road construction.
2.6. Function of the mix plastic asphalt
The growth of plastic city wastes has affected to wide and creative technologies that
incorporate recycled plastics in miscellaneous uses. Scientists and Departments of
Transportation have been interested in different researches regarding to the feasibility,
economic and ecological impact and the complete efficiency of recycled plastic in connected
landscape engineering projects. For instance, recycled thermoplastics like PET, HDPE, and
LDPE, have been implemented in porous asphalt mixtures to put in place of aggregates with
specified diameters [45,46,47,48,49,50]. Conclusion from these researches demonstrated
improvement in strength, durability, and fatigue life. Nevertheless, the scale of
improvement is a capacity of the plastic types and amount. The rest of researchers
implemented recycled plastic strips to mechanically stabilize and aggregates by mixing
plastic shreds with aggregates to compaction to defeat inadequacies in grading and
diminishing the plasticity index [51,52,53]. The scale of enhancement was affected by many
factors like the class and volume of shreds, and aggregate classes. Furthermore, creative and
innovative study has cause to the development of new mixed elements using recycled
plastic waste for miscellaneous uses. The mixed is produced by heating and blending the
absorption elements, recycled plastic, which flakes, shared, or unprocessed, granulates and
by products to a highlighted temperature. The heated combination is then compacted into a
particular mold to found a final product. The features of the mixed rely on the pressure,
class of recycled plastic and granulates [54,55,56].
3. Material properties
3.1. Recycled Low-Density Polyethylene (LDPE)
The supplier for Recycled Low Density Polyethylene (LDPE) provided the test properties of
the material with respect to density, tensile strength at break, elongation at break, impact
strength, and melting point of the material as shown below Table 1 [8,10]. Recycled
low-density polyethylene (LDPE), which is identification number four, was gathered
together and implemented in this research. The cleaned LDPE has shredded as shown below
Figure 2.
Landscape Engineering, Protecting Soil, and Runoff Storm Water 709
Recycled Low-density polyethylene (LDPE) material is used extensively to produce tote
bags for domestic goods. These bags become solid waste after their use for short periods and
cause serious waste disposal problems. To solve this environmental problem, and at the
same time to improve the drain down and other related engineering properties of the
porous asphalt mixture, reclaimed from LDPE bags was used in this investigation as
additive in porous asphalt mixtures. LDPE material in shredded of used is as added
Recycled Low Density Polyethylene Features (LDPE)
Mechanical Properties
Yield Strength 15-20 MPa
Elongation @ break 600-650 %
Bending Strength 10-40 MPa
Youngs modulus (E) 200-400 MPa
Shear modulus 100-350 MPa
Tensile Strength (t) 8-12 MPa
Physical Properties
Density 910-928 kg/m
Thermal expansion 150-200 e-6/K
Water absorption 0.005-0.015 %
Melting Point 248
F 120
Thermal conductivity 0.3-0.335 W/m.K
Melting temperature 125-136
Maximum Temperature 176
F 80
Minimum Temperature 58
F 50
Specific heat (c) 1800-3400 J/kg.K
Table 1. Recycled Low Density Polyethylene Features (LDPE)
Figure 2. Shredded for recycled Low Density Polyethylene (LDPE)
Advances in Landscape Architecture 710
3.2. Porous aggregate
Crushed limestone was chosen as the course aggregate for mixing LDPE. Bulk samples were
sieved in conformity with the sieve sizes for AASHTO No. 8. According to Figure 3
demonstrates the gradation for aggregates that Porous aggregates confirming to the sizes 3/8
in., Nos. 4, 8, 16 (AASHTO No 8) were used for mixing with permeable plastic asphalt.
Aggregates maintained on each sieve were washed, dried for 24 hours in 110
C in the oven
and then located into their respective batches by sieve maintained. This procedure provided
regenerate samples to meet AASHTO No. 8. Furthermore, it made to be better control over
the gradation of each sample, so that gradation has important impact on the engineering
and physical features of an aggregate mixed.
Figure 3. Grain size distribution of AASHTO No. 8
3.3. Bitumen
PG 68-22 was used in the porous asphalt mixture [9]. Bitumen was mixed with Low-
density polyethylene (LDPE) and porous aggregates. Mixes were prepared for three (4%,
5%, and 6% bitumen) percentages of bitumen. Each % of bitumen has 1% , 3%, and 6%
LDPE. Obviously, four types of mixtures with three different percent of bitumen of 4%, 5%
and 6% were used at a mixing and compacting temperature of 160
C. These are: Without
LDPE, 1% LDPE, with 3% LDPE, and with 6% LDPE.
4. Samples preparation, compaction, and tests
4.1. Mixing of shredded waste plastic (LDPE), aggregate and bitumen
The aggregate mix is heated to 160
C in oven, and similarly the bitumen is to be heated up
to a maximum of 160
C. Plastic waste is shredding for mixing bitumen and aggregate to coat
0.01 0.1 1
Grain Size (mm)
Landscape Engineering, Protecting Soil, and Runoff Storm Water 711
the plastics effectively. After that, put them in oven 160
C in order to mix and compact
simultaneously. For protecting the moisture the spacemen, it compacted immediately after
took out oven with approximately 160
4.2. Mix Design by Marshall method Marshall test
Use of the processed plastic bags is as an additive in bituminous concrete mixes. The
processed plastic was used as an additive with heated bitumen in different proportions
(ranging from 4 to 6 % by weight of bitumen) and mixed well by hand, to obtain the
modified bitumen. The properties of the modified bitumen were compared with ordinary
Varying percentages of waste plastic by weight of bitumen was added into the heated
aggregates. Marshall sample with varying waste plastic content was tested for stability.
Maximum value of stability was considered as criteria for optimum waste plastic content.
The optimum modified binder content fulfilling the Marshall Mix design criteria was found
to be 4, 5, and 6 % by weight of the mix, consisting of 1,3, and 6 % by weight of processed
plastic added to the bitumen. In order to evaluate the ability of the mix prepared with the
bitumen to withstand adverse soaking condition under water, Marshall Stability tests were
conducted after soaking in water at 60
C for 24 hours.
4.3. Porous plastic asphalt for preparation and compaction
Shedder LDPE was simultaneously composed with binder and aggregates for heating and
mixing approximately 160
C for two hours so that a uniform was achieved. Mixed plastic
porous asphalt was poured and compacted into a mold, which is 4 inches diameter and 2.5
inches height, using a steel shovel. The Marshall test procedure was used for designing
porous mix by compacting the sample with 50 blows on one face by Marshall hammer, at
varying binder contents. The mixture design trials used asphalt content in the range of 4 6
%, by total weight of the mixture, excluding the weight of the fibers, with 1% increments.
The LDPE fibers were added to the porous mixtures at a dosage rate of 1,3, and 6 % based
on total mixture weight. The compacted samples were extracted from the mold when they
had sufficiently cooled. After compaction, samples were be kept in the hot (conditioned)
and cold (unconditioned) waters. Resilient Modulus and permameter test conducted.
Samples were tested for hydraulic conductivity and indirect tensile strength. Figure 4
demonstrates the preparation of the Porous plastic asphalt samples.
4.4. Laboratory tests
Porous plastic asphalt samples were tested for hydraulic conductivity and indirect tensile
strength. Hydraulic conductivity tests were operated using a falling head approach in
conformity with a proceeding particularized in the researchers [57,58]. The indirect tensile
tests were conducted in accordance with the ASTM C 6931-07 test methods.
Advances in Landscape Architecture 712
Figure 4. Figure 4 Sample preparation for permeable plastic asphalt that mixing of LDPE, porous
aggregates, binder to create
From equation 1 calculate hydraulic conductivity for testing in the falling head
permameater test. After used Permameters to measure k, use this following formula.
Calculate the hydraulic conductivity of the sediment by using the following formula:
k =
( h
where K = hydraulic conductivity of the sediment sample [L]/[T]
V = volume of water that passed through the sample [L]
L = sample length [L]
h0 = height of top mark above outflow port [L]
h = height of bottom mark above outflow port [L]
A = cross sectional area of sample. For the NEIU permameters, this is 31.65 cm
t = total time for discharge [T]
The indirect tensile test that is one class of tensile strength test implemented in order to
stabilize elements. The test has been run on asphalt-stabilized elements [35,59,60,61]. The
test has many advantages, the most obvious being simplicity of test procedure. From
equation 2 calculate ITS for testing in the resilient modulus (MR) test. After used with the
diametrical Mr test (repetitive indirect tensile modulus test) to calculate ITS, as using the
tensile strength St of the material is given by:
Where P= total applied load (lb)
Landscape Engineering, Protecting Soil, and Runoff Storm Water 713
t= sample thickness (in)
d= sample diameter (in)
5. Test results
5.1. Permeability
According to Table 2 demonstrates the hydraulic conductivity (k) of the porous plastic
asphalt samples. From Table 2, it has provided that the results of k diminished with the
growth of porous plastic mixing. For instance, when the results of k mixed %4 binders with
%1 LDPE were 0.204 in/s, the result of mixing %3 LDPE was 0.193 in/s. Obviously, while
mixing with % of LDPE was increasing, the result of k was diminishing. Figure 5 represents
the results of permeability of porous plastic asphalt with mixing %1 LDPE.
Figure 5. The results of k with mixing %1 LDPE
Binder LDPE k (in/s)
% 4 %0 0.217
%1 0.204
%3 0.193
%6 0.178
% 5 %0 0.259
%1 0.245
%3 0.234
%6 0.223
% 6 %0 0.301
%1 0.294
%3 0.288
%6 0.272
Table 2. The results of hydraulic conductivity
y = 0.2426x
R = 0.9898
0 2 4 6 8 10
hydraulic head (h/l)
Advances in Landscape Architecture 714
5.2. Indirect Tensile Strength (ITS)
Use this test method to determine the tensile strength of compacted bituminous mixtures.
The porous plastic mixed tested as a conditioned and unconditioned. After compaction,
samples were kept in the hot water (conditioned situation) and cold water (unconditioned
situation). The objective of this test was to measure the water resistance of the mixture after
immersion for 24 hours at 60
C. After that, testing the resilient modulus provided the results
of ITS. The purpose of results was to evaluate the resistance of porous plastic asphalt mix on
plastic deformation. Furthermore, from equation 3 Tensile strength ratio (TSR) calculated
that divided by conditioned to unconditioned situation. TSR < 70% considered Susceptible
to Moisture. As a result it provides that the performance of strength of porous plastic
asphalt. Moisture Susceptibility of Porous Plastic tested in accordance with ASTM C 6931-
07. Samples were cured at room temperature, 100
C and 160
C for 24 hours. Samples
dimension is Diameter=4, Height=2.5.
S1 = conditioned set (wet)
S2 = unconditioned set (dry)
According to Table 3 demonstrates that the results of unconditioned decreased with the
growth of porous plastic mixing. For instance, when the results of mixed %5 binders with
%3 LDPE were 57 psi, the result of mixing %6 LDPE was 54 psi. Obviously, while mixing
with % of LDPE was increasing, the results of conditioned ITS was decreasing. On the
contrary, the result of conditioned increased simultaneously with the growth of porous
plastic mixing. Figure 6 represents that the result of conditioned ITS diminished while
unconditioned ITS increased. According to the results of TSR is considered to susceptible to
moisture. It provides that %3 LDPE and over is very strength.
Binder LDPE Unconditioned (psi) Conditioned (psi) TSR (con/uncon)
% 4
%0 67 45
%1 58 52 0.90
%3 46 56 1.22
%6 41 63 1.54
% 5
%0 71 54
%1 62 59 0.95
%3 57 62 1.09
%6 54 68 1.26
% 6
%0 73 63
%1 69 67 0.97
%3 66 71 1.08
%6 61 75 1.23
Table 3. The results of Indirect Tensile Strength test (ITS)
Landscape Engineering, Protecting Soil, and Runoff Storm Water 715
The results of k and ITS of porous plastic asphalt mixtures were within the approximately
predictable ranked come up in the literature for conventional asphalt showing Table 4. It is
an indication that porous plastic asphalt should be used as a sustainable alternative for
permeable pavements.
Figure 6. The results of ITS with mixing %6 LDPE
References ITS ranges (psi)
[62] 29.29-69.76
[63] 18.17-38.82
[64] 253.9-377.09
[65] 29-65.26
[66] 26.1-130.53
[19] 18.30-55.90
Table 4. Summary of ITS porous asphalt from literature
6. Discussion and conclusion
Permeable Plastic Asphalt samples with different percentage of plastic to aggregate ratio
were composed and then tested for hydraulic conductivity (k) and indirect tensile strength
(ITS). Results represented which k and ITS results of samples were within the predictable
results observed in the literature for porous pavements. In addition to it was come up with
that the k, ITS values diminished as the percentage of plastic waste increased. The research
results of Permeable Plastic Asphalt demonstrated that Permeable Plastic Asphalt should be
a sufficient recycle and stormwater runoff with important reasonable economic and
ecological associations.
This research was taken in charge to evaluate the hydraulic and mechanical features of
innovative porous plastic asphalt for implementing in permeable pavements. The test
represented that the result of hydraulic conductivity diminished with the growth of porous
plastic mixing. On the other hand, while the results of unconditioned decreased with the
growth of porous plastic mixing, the result of conditioned increased simultaneously with
0 1 2 3 4 5 6
% of LDPE
average ITS
average ITS
Advances in Landscape Architecture 716
the growth of porous plastic mixing. Furthermore, the results of TSR are the best result over
1 for susceptible to Moisture. The results of experiments were approximately come across
that expected from literature. According to results that demonstrate porous plastic asphalt
could be implement sustainable alternative pavements. It also provides also recycling.
This research concentrated on the hydraulic and mechanical properties of a permeable
pavement like permeable plastic asphalt. Permeable Plastic Asphalt was composed of plastic
waste, aggregates, and asphalt. Permeable Plastic Asphalt should provide a sufficient
method for decreasing stormwater runoff, contributing a structural pavement sufficient for
pedestrian and vehicular loadings. Furthermore, Permeable Plastic Asphalt should take the
part of the currently ongoing recycling aims as a critical role that support to deflect a
majority of plastic from landfills and incinerators.
The laboratory test indicates that aggregate, binder with mixing LDPE affected the results of
k and ITS. Thus, permeability and strength of porous plastic asphalt is getting better with
mixing LDPE. It proves that porous plastic asphalt help to diminish storm water runoff
times diminish urban heat island effects. A new pavement increases for the sustainability of
the nature that will be benefit users for many years. The design of plastic pavements
contains developed pedestrian and public transportation as well as parking lot, driveway,
The results represents porous plastic asphalt should be implemented as a sustainable
alternative for permeable pavements. Porous plastic asphalt is a peerless choice in that it
undertakes two environmental problems that decreasing stormwater runoff and prevent to
fill out with plastic waste at landfills. In the way that we keep up our way to green building
and construction, porous plastic asphalt is new approach on the way to eco-friendly
improvement. The innovative technology comes to grips with two environmental problems
that are plastic waste and stormwater runoff. It provides to prevent a large quantity of
plastic waste at landfills and incinerators, thus the plastic waste uses fro recycling. Also it
decreases stormwater runoff and decreases the use of natural resources.
Permeable plastic pavement has whole with its permeability should be determined by valid
void. Valid void should be directly implement to mixing ratio of permeable plastic
pavement that both take control sufficiently the forming of run off and restrict urban flood.
All above results that Landscape Engineering considers that the progress of permeable
plastic uses to efficiently integrate the mixing permeable plastic pavements with land use
planning. Using recycling service with very powerful has approached to create pleasing
environments in the world. According to test results that the advantages of plastic asphalt
provide that is stronger road with increased plastic, better resistance during stormwater,
without stripping and rutting, develop binder and better linking of the mix. Besides it
support that is the strength of the road is increased. Using permeable plastic asphalt that is
the cost of road construction diminish the maintenance cost of road gradually diminish as
well. Obviously, as the plastic mix with pavement for using, the disposal of waste plastic
will no longer be issue. As a result of that, using plastic helps to decrease in pores in
aggregate save bitumen and help recycling.
Landscape Engineering, Protecting Soil, and Runoff Storm Water 717
Consecutive chapters of this research will count profoundly on the outcomes of the test
pavements mentioned above, as well as efficiency data issued in the research. Detailed
representing results of the several researches projects will be debated during the research.
7. Future research
Effectively managing the collection, separation and processing of plastic waste can limit the
environmental damages limited by eliminating the waste from our streets. Thus, we can
prevent to fill the landfill with plastic waste when we mix the plastic with the other
elements with soil, asphalt and cement in order to use future studies.
Laboratory tests and real life implementation will study that the life expectancy of a plastic
polymer road as compared to a conventional road. Future study will need to study for
expanding of life expectancy for plastic. This study proved that investigates, summarizes
preliminary results, and debates key properties to be considered for future alternative
pavement. Future researchers will keep going to research the better permeable pavement for
economic, environmental and nature.
A long-term monitoring project to document changes in performance, evaluation of
different maintenance strategies, and lifecycle costs of permeable plastic asphalts is
recommended for future research. Future experience is based on designs that provide to
improve future properties such as increased new materials, and developed construction and
maintenance activities.
Author details
Mehmet Cetin
College of Engineering, Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, Temple University,
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, USA
The author gratefully acknowledged Dr. Naji Khoury for his guidance and help.
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Section 5
Geographic Information System
and Remote Sensing
Chapter 28
Application of Geographical Information
System to the Analysis of Urban Green
Areas in Urban Development Plans
A Case Study of Zonguldak, Turkey
Yasar Bahri Ergen and Mustafa Ergen
Additional information is available at the end of the chapter
1. Introduction
One of the most rapidly growing applications of remotely sensed data is the derivation of
landscape pattern metrics for the assessment of land use condition and landscape dynamics
(Betts et al., 2003; Colombo et al., 2004; Egbert et al., 2002; Griffith et al., 2003; Hansen et al.,
2001; Imbernon and Branthomme, 2001; Ji et al., 2008; Millington et al., 2003; Santiago et al.,
2007; Yu and Ng, 2006). The characteristics of green areas are generally analyzed with raster
data by many scholars. In contrast with common practice, this study used vector data instead
of raster data in the analysis of urban green areas in the study area. The fact that study
analyzed urban development plans was the underlying reason that vector data was primarily
used for this research. Geographical Information System (GIS) is one of the most useful
methods for analyzing land use. All land uses for an urban development plan were considered
and comparisons were made based on relative percentage of whole area. The data was derived
from digitized data from an urban development. Urban green area proportion in the current
city development condition was determined. Active and passive green areas were determined
from an urban development plan and were prepared for analysis of trends of land use
condition in the city. GIS was used as an analytical tool for this approach.
GIS data has significant utility in analysis of urban green areas in city development (Ji et al.,
2008). Land use offers critical guidance to identify current landscape characteristics in urban
areas. The study explored urban green areas associated with landscape features in urban
areas and effectively supported an analysis of urban green area characteristics. Urban green
areas can prove to be valid and useful characteristics for general landscape analysis of an
urban environment.
Advances in Landscape Architecture 726
The fact that urban green areas improve the livability of cities has made them the focus of a
great deal of attention. Urban areas completely transform the landscape into which they
spread, leading to the development of entirely new land uses (Busck et al., 2006).
Identification of urban green areas and developed areas are essential for monitoring and
assessment of ecological consequences of changes in land use (Shi et al., 2008). The defined
characteristics of urban green areas put emphasis on approaches to urban development that
take urban land use patterns into consideration.
The spatial characteristics of urban areas are the most important elements of urban green areas
analysis. There are many reasons to analyze urban green areas in urban development. The
most important reason is to understand long-term interactions between humans and nature (Bi
et al, 2011). The natural environment is under pressure from the human impacts involved in
urban development processes. Urban development decisions have considerable impact in
shaping current urban green areas in cities. There is no need to prove that land use is one of
the important elements for analyzing urban green areas in urban development plans.
This research intended to investigate the development direction of land use with regards to
urban green areas in cities. GIS technologies and analysis of proportional land use were
used in this study (Bi et al, 2011). These methods were implemented on Zonguldak city as a
case study. Urban green areas were determined for Zonguldak city in the urban
development plan in an effort to understand current land use conditions in the city.
Consequently, the study emphasized urban landscape characteristics through the analysis of
urban green areas in urban development plans. The study focused on ecological
characteristics of urban areas and provided a potential approach for analyzing landscape
features. The study will lead to identification land use trends and aid land use management
in these areas (Bi et al, 2011).
2. Area description
Located in the Western Black Sea region of Turkey, Zonguldak has an area of 8625 km
covering 1.1% of Turkeys total land area (Figure-1) (ANONYMOUS, 2006). Zonguldak
generally consists of inclined terrain due to its natural topography. Mountains in the
Western Black Sea region run parallel to the coast in Zonguldak, rising sharply from the sea
to elevations of up to 1976 meters (ANONYMOUS, 2006). This high mountain system
provides a block between the sea and the Central Anatolian Plateaus (ANONYMOUS, 2006).
The discovery of coal in Zonguldak led to a population explosion in the region. Zonguldak
was transformed from a village to a city on account of the resulting rapid economic
development. In 1899, the Zonguldak coal harbor (Figure-2) was built as the hub of coal
transportation in the city (ANONYMOUS, 2006). New coal washers, new employee houses
and power plants steadily increased industrial productivity in Zonguldak. Zonguldak has
suffered from the effects of this rapid urbanization.
This part of article is developed from Mustafa ERGEN`s PhD dissertation
Application of Geographical Information System to the Analysis of
Urban Green Areas in Urban Development Plans A Case Study of Zonguldak, Turkey 727
Figure 1. Location of Zonguldak City in Turkey, (The Figure is prepared by Mustafa ERGEN, 2009)
Source: zonguldak_haritas%C4%B1_6.htm and,
Figure 2. Zonuguldak Port Area, Source: Mustafa Ergen, 2007 (Author`s own image)
Advances in Landscape Architecture 728
The form and structure of Zonguldak is shaped by the coal mining industry. After the onset
coal mining in the city, additional exploration accelerated the process of Zonguldak`s
urbanization (Figure-3). This rapid development has had an influence on natural areas and
Figure 3. The View of Zonuguldak City, Source: Mustafa ERGEN, 2007 (Author`s own image)
Figure 4. Development Planning Map, Source: Zonguldak Municipality, 2006
Application of Geographical Information System to the Analysis of
Urban Green Areas in Urban Development Plans A Case Study of Zonguldak, Turkey 729
every part of the urban area. In its history of urbanization, Zonguldak reached its greatest
development during this period. There have been many regulations to attempt mitigate this
unhealthy and fast urbanization. However, there was no effective approach to urban green
area and land use planning during the growth of the city.
The first settlements during this growth period were formed around the port of Zonguldak,
and Uzulmez, Kozlu, Asma mines in the city (ANONYMOUS, 2006). The problem of
settlement areas in the city has grown in parallel with the increasing coal mining activity
(Figure-4). This has had far-reaching effects on planning and urban green areas structure.
As Zonguldak city is located between the sea and mountains, its topographical properties
put obstacles in the way of is development in the city. Urbanization began on flat terrain in
the basin. Because attempts have been made to construct primarily on the flat terrain of
Zonguldak, urban development has been concentrated in certain areas (Figure-5). This led to
a problematic and unhealthy development in the early stages of urbanization in Zonguldak.
Figure 5. General View of City Center and Port Area in Zonguldak, Source: Mustafa ERGEN, 2007
(Author`s own images)
3. Research method
GIS is an important tool for analyzing urban green areas (Irwin, 2003). Urban green areas
are currently a crucial issue in city development, now more than ever. GIS can be used to
define the proportion of urban green areas in a city. These urban green areas analyses can be
compared among each other and to other land uses such that an analysis can show how
urban green areas can be designed and improved in urban developments.
The inclusion of urban green areas is crucial for creating livable places in cities. GIS measures
various aspects of land use patterns, including topography, shapes of land use areas and
future direction of development of the cities (Irwin, 2003). This study used percentage of areas
calculation and arithmetic mean calculation for analyzing green areas that gives us a broad
picture of green areas condition in a city development. Percentage of land use can make clear
Advances in Landscape Architecture 730
explanation of land use tendencies and arithmetic means can help to determine central
tendency for land uses. Arithmetic mean was calculated using the below formula:
1 2
n n n
a a a
AM n ai
a a a
This study used percentage of land use and arithmetic mean to analyze urban green areas in
Zonguldak city. The method measured current land use condition in terms of area
calculation in the cities.
The data obtained through the digitized data of the urban development plan helped to
determine the state of the urban green areas and the characteristics of the whole city. One
reason for choosing to analyze percentage of land uses is that the investigation considered
whole area for urban green areas. The second reason is that it gives a wide range of analysis
options via the arithmetic mean for Zonguldak city.
Figure 6. Flow chart of methodology
Application of Geographical Information System to the Analysis of
Urban Green Areas in Urban Development Plans A Case Study of Zonguldak, Turkey 731
The methodology was composed of three major phases; data preparation, analysis and
conclusion. Data preparation included the following steps; data was converted from another
program to GIS. The plan was projected for calculation in the correct units. All land uses
were determined by urban green areas analysis. The data was transmitted to an excel file.
The analysis converted land use measurements to arithmetic mean and the proportion of
land use was determined for each use. In the he conclusion, the results were used to
formulate some development strategies for Zonguldak city. The flow chart of the
methodology below details the phases step by step.
4. Results and conclusions
Urban green areas were subdivided into Garden, Copse, Park, Forest and Graveyard lands.
The areas of urban green areas were obtained from area calculations in ArcGIS. It should be
noted that both urban green areas and the other land uses can be analyzed for
understanding current development direction in city. The active and passive green areas
were compared to one another and to the other land use areas in the analysis. The method
showed that the topography of Zonguldak is the main obstacle for new development in the
city. It is very important that green zones should be determined for the sustainable growth.
This will offer a new direction for the citys future development. The land use map was
created by ArcGIS software in this study (Figure-6). The comparison data between urban
green areas and the other land uses were acquired from this map.
The urban green areas were derived by urban development plans and calculated from the
same map for analysis of land usage. Forest lands and copse lands border the city
development, largely due to the topography of the region.
As can be seen from the table, the other land uses grow along with total area. On the
contrary, park land is underrepresented. The table shows that Copse land, Garden land and
Forest land are the reasons for this situation. These lands compose most green areas in the
city. This shows that the city does not have many recreational opportunities. It means that
urban development has not included many recreational opportunities but that has still
included enough green areas in the city.
The urban land use shows that urban green areas are dominant areas in land use. That means
Zonguldak is a city with high much potential for urban green areas development. The
topography is the most important reason of this situation in the city. There are not many
appropriate places to settle in the city and around the city. This condition makes green areas
planning in the city easier. The analysis shows that urban green areas in Zonguldak are mostly
passive green areas. Although the city currently has many green areas, few of those are useful.
The topography allows neither settlements nor recreational opportunities.
From the figure, it is apparent that green areas are the dominant characteristic land use in
Zonguldak. It is obvious that Zonguldak has much potential for urban green areas
development. Copse land and garden land are the main types of green areas in Zonguldak.
The figure shows that park land is one of the less frequent land uses in the city. The reason
Advances in Landscape Architecture 732
is behind it that there are not adequate areas in which to design park land in the city because
of the rough topography. Although the topography might not be amenable to the design of
recreational opportunities, urban green areas could be the most important element of
planning for Zonguldak. The figure also shows that garden land provides some degree of
interaction with green areas to the people, but these are also not useful areas and are mostly
converted from copse land and forest land. That means that the city does not have enough
recreational opportunities in reality, such that while Zonguldak may maintain adequate
ecological characteristics, it may not give an option for recreational uses.
Figure 7. Zonguldak City Current Land Use Condition Depends on Urban Development Plan, Source:
Anonymous, 2006 (Basic map was prepared by Modl Planlama Harita Bilgisayar naat ve Ticaret Ltd.
ti with another program for Zonguldak Municipality. The map was converted and was prepared by
Mustafa ERGEN for analyzing urban green areas).
Application of Geographical Information System to the Analysis of
Urban Green Areas in Urban Development Plans A Case Study of Zonguldak, Turkey 733
Land Uses Total Area m
Copse Land 13125850,04
Graveyard Land 149400,47
Garden Land 8033057,98
Park Land 17373,96
Forest Land 6173642,26
The Other Land Use 5137810,08
Table 1. Land Uses Total Areas
Figure 8. Proportion of Land Use Condition
Figure 9. Arithmetic Mean of Land Uses
Percentage of Area
Garden Land
Park Land
Copse Land
Forest Land
Graveyard Land
The Other Land Use
Copse Land Garden Land Park Land Forest Land Graveyard
The Other
Land Use
Arithmetic Mean
Advances in Landscape Architecture 734
It can be seen from the figure that forest land dominates the other land uses. This
demonstrates that the city has adequate green areas. The figure also shows that the other
land uses do not have much representation in the city. There are many reasons behind this;
the most important reason mentioned above is the topographic obstacle. We may claim that
development costs might be another reason for this situation. The study concludes with an
obvious approach to defining several strategies for the future development of Zonguldak;
The planning development should take the difficult topography into consideration.
The potential development option must be defined for future development goals such
as Eco-tourism.
Achieving new development emphasizes new structures and developments in the city.
The green potential provides new opportunities for city development such as ecological
development in city.
Eco-city development elements should be taken into consideration for new
development strategies.
Consequently, this study proves that green areas are the characteristic land use in
Zonguldak. Other land uses use up all the flat terrain in the city. There is no way to sprawl
and develop to the other places in city development. The study showed that rough
topography is main obstacle for development in Zonguldak.
The forest and copse land creates a green belt condition in city, especially in the south,
south-east and east parts. This is the reason that they are also obstacles for new
developments in the city. There is no clear strategy for new development to suggest.
However, it introduces crucial development options in regards to urban greenery. The
urban green areas are the only the option for the new developments for Zonguldak. Possible
basic development approaches might be eco-tourism, recreational opportunities or open air
Author details
Yasar Bahri Ergen and Mustafa Ergen
Amasya University, Faculty of Architecture, Department of Urban and Regional Planning, Amasya,
5. References
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Section 6
Socio-Cultural Landscape
Chapter 29
Urban Landscapes and Identity
Isil Kaymaz
Additional information is available at the end of the chapter
1. Introduction
Identity has always been a popular research subject for various disciplines, such as
psychology, philosophy, sociology, human geography and anthropology. However,
urbanization and globalization processes, which have caused a rapid change on our
environments, have brought the concept of identity on the agenda of planners and designers
in the last few decades. The major concern of the identity related research is on the
sustainability of place identity.
Urbanization and globalization are obviously two major phenomena that affect our social,
economic, cultural lives as well as our physical environment. Despite the broad context of
the issues related to these two processes, it wouldnt be untrue to say the major global
concern that has arisen from urbanization and globalization, is the sustainability of the
environment. On the other hand current studies on sustainability of the urban environments
mainly focus on factors like water, air, energy, and transport while urban identity is
receiving attention rarely [1].
The end of the last century faced a rapid and dramatic increase in urban population
worldwide, mainly because of immigration. Today more than half of the worlds population
lives in urban areas. According to United Nations (UN) 2011 revision of World Urbanization
Prospects, the population living in urban environments is expected to increase from 3.6
billion (2011) to 6.3 million by 2050 [2]. Therefore it seems that the urban environments will
continue to grow in order to accommodate more inhabitants. Consequently, both natural
and cultural landscape resources will continue to be under pressure in and around urban
settlements. Besides the ecological sustainability issues, expansion of urban areas, increasing
urban population and deterioration of both natural and cultural resources raise the concerns
on image and identity of urban landscapes.
Todays cities are considerably multi-cultural and heterogeneous, more than ever. The
influence of neo-liberalism and globalization is very prominent on the development of
Advances in Landscape Architecture 740
urban areas and this consequently affects identity of urban environments. Hence,
management and conservation of local heritage and values have become an important
aspect in urban design and planning.
Place identity is an important dimension of social and cultural life in urban areas and
continuity of place identity is strongly linked to place attachment and sense of belonging. In
environmental psychology, it is assumed that people intrinsically strive to develop a sense
of belonging to a place. Place attachment and sense of belonging are crucial in order to
establish an emotional and cognitive bond with a place, which leads to the feeling of
security and sense of community. Thus, identity of a place is more than just the physical
appearance, but also involves a meaning for the individual and the community.
Republic of Turkey is a relatively young, developing and transcontinental country which is
located on mostly Anatolian peninsula. Due to its geographical context and history, modern
Turkey is a multi-cultural and multi-ethnic society. Turkeys lands hosted many great
civilizations such as Byzantine Empire, Seljuk Empire and Ottoman Empire; thus were
shaped under the influence of many cultures. The traces of those civilizations can still be
seen in the form of current settlements, in various parts of Turkey. However, Turkeys rich
diversity of both cultural and natural assets has been difficult to manage and conserve,
especially due to urbanization and globalization processes.
The westernization efforts during the late Ottoman Empire period continued after Republic
of Turkey was established in 1923. The controlled and planned development of urban areas
in the first decades of the Republic created new identities in urban areas. For instance after
Ankaras proclamation as the capital city of the Republic of Turkey, which had been a small
degraded and insignificant Anatolian town, it was aimed to construct Ankara as a model
city for modern Turkey [3]. Besides new governmental, cultural, financial and educational
buildings, and open and green spaces for recreation and leisure were constructed. All these
new developments changed life-styles, as well as the perceived urban identity. However, in
1950s urbanization process gained a dramatic increase, mainly because of immigration, and
expansion of urban areas subsequently became uncontrollable, not only in Ankara but
across the country. Furthermore economic fluctuations and political instability had
deteriorating effects on the urban environment.
One of the significant impacts on Turkish urban landscape has been the emergence of
shopping malls as an urban landscape element after 1990s. On the other hand, a recent
study showed that leisure time spent in shopping malls has increased in the last decade
while open space use has decreased [4]. Such changes in urban environment are often due to
changing lifestyles which is an important factor in identity of urban spaces. According to
Erkip; shopping malls are the most important additions to urban life in Turkey in terms of
civilization, modernity, and the democratization of consumption patterns. Their impact does not seem
to be limited to the field of consumption only, as they form a new identity combining global and the
local [5].
According to the latest census data of Turkish Statistical Institute, Turkey has a population
of over 74 million, and 77% of the total population lives in urban environments (provinces
Urban Landscapes and Identity 741
and district centres) [6]. However, urbanization patterns are not the same in different parts
of Turkey. Ik argues that industry, tourism (in Mediterranean region), and terror incidents
(in Eastern and South-eastern Anatolia regions) are the major influences on the urbanization
patterns of the Turkish cities [7]. As a result, identities of different urban spaces in Turkey
change and develop in different directions and rates, which deepen national identity crisis
in terms of spatial, social and political aspects.
Following a brief introduction on the concept of identity within the literature, this chapter
will focus on the relationship between place identity and urban landscape. Concepts related
to place identity, such as place attachment will also be discussed and some identity relevant
examples from Turkish cities will be provided.
2. The concept of identity
The concept of identity has a broad context. The term is more common in social sciences and
it has been employed to describe the uniqueness of a person or a thing from very different
perspectives and purposes, such as personal identity, political identity, ethnic identity,
social identity and place identity. The word identity comes from the Latin identitas and is
defined as the fact of being who or what a person or thing is in the Oxford English Dictionary
[8]. According to Gleason the use of the word dates back to 16
century and until the mid of
1950s identity is used to describe the unity of the self by the philosophers [9].
As Fearon points out even though everyone knows how to use the word properly in
everyday discourse, it proves quite difficult to give a short and adequate summary
statement that captures the range of its present meanings [10]. The diverse use of the
concept makes it even harder to define and explain. Definition of identity has been subject to
mainly sociological studies in the last few decades. However, some previous definition
attempts might provide some clues to understand the basics of the identity concept, before
moving to next section; spatial dimension of identity.
According to Wendt identities are relatively stable, role-specific understandings and expectations
about self [9]. Castells defines identity as peoples source of meaning and experience [11].
On the other hand Katzenstein points out that identity is evolving images of self and other
and is mutually constructed [10]. In the encyclopaedic dictionary of Urban Planning
(printed in Turkish) Ocak and Trk defines identity as the expression of distinguishing
features of a being which are unique to it [12]. They also emphasize that since uniqueness of
something can only be understood through its relationship with others, being in relation
is the central form of activity which produces identity.
Erik H. Erikson, German psychologist and psychoanalyst, is one of the well-known
sociologists who had a particular interest in identity. Erikson believed that while identity is
shaped by the individuals experiences and tasks throughout the life cycle, it is also
influenced by the social interaction [9]. On the other hand, Jenkins claims that identity is a
persons capacity to know who is who and what is what; hence the concept of identity
involves a comparison between things and individuals [13]. Furthermore, according to Hall,
individuals assume different identities at different times and within different contexts [14].
Advances in Landscape Architecture 742
This chapter does not aim to identify the concept of identity. However, given the examples
of definitions, some aspects of the identity can be described as follow:
Uniqueness of a thing or a person is central to the identity concept.
Identity requires comparison between things of individuals.
Meaning and experience play an important role in perception of the identity.
Identity is never a stable construct; on the contrary it is a continuously evolving and
dynamic phenomenon.
Identity involves interaction with others.
Although the characteristics of identity concept given above might not be complete and
absolute, they might be useful when integrating the concept into spatial planning and
design in terms of place identity which is the subject of next section.
3. Place attachment and place identity
Identity is often perceived to be linked to the concepts of language, culture,
minority/majority, dissimilarity, self/other, individuality and sense of belonging [13]. On the
other hand place identity is relatively a more recent concept recognized in spatial
planning and design. Moreover, it is also more difficult to explain and define place identity
since place itself is a complicated concept.
Although space and place are often used interchangeably in Turkish language, these two
words have different meanings and content in English and academic literature in
environmental psychology. In his book Space and Place: The perspective of experience,
geographer Yi-Fu Tuan suggests that place is security and space is freedom [15]. He
also states that space is an abstract term for a complex set of ideas and place and objects
define space, giving it a geometric personality.
We need space to realize the activities that are essential for our survival. But when we assign
a meaning to a space, it becomes a place. As Halpenny puts it place is a spatial location
that is assigned meanings and values by society and individuals [16]. Therefore meaning is
a symbolic tool that links an individual with the physical environment. According to Relph,
place is result of the interaction between its 3 components; physical setting, activity and
meaning [17].
In environmental psychology research, many agree that development of emotional bonds
with places is a prerequisite of psychological balance [18]. A sense of belonging is necessary
for psychological well-being which is developed by relationships with the environment [19].
Hence, what should concern planners and designers is to understand how people and
places interact and how they form a bond. That is necessary to create liveable places.
There have been many attempts to explain and define the bond between people and their
physical settings in many different ways. Place identity, place attachment, and sense of
place are some of the concepts that involve the relationship of humankind and his
environment. All these concepts refer to the affective and cognitive relationship between
Urban Landscapes and Identity 743
human and the physical environment. However there is no consensus on definitions of these
concepts, especially how place identity and place attachment is related to each other [18, 20].
Both place identity and place attachment concepts have been regarded as being components
of personal identity, while Stedman recognizes place attachment as an objective dimension
for measuring the sense of place [17].
The emotional bonding between people and places has been defined as place attachment by
Altman and Low in their work Place Attachment (1992) [21]. However, according to
Chow and Healey (2008), place attachment is a more complex and multifaceted
phenomenon which involves the interplay of not only affect and emotions, but also
knowledge and beliefs, and behaviours and actions in reference to a place [20]. Scannell and
Gifford (2010) defines place attachment as: a bond between an individual or group and a place
that can vary in terms of spatial level, degree of specificity, and social or physical features of the place,
and is manifested through affective, cognitive, and behavioural psychological processes [22].
Milligan (1998) states that an emotional bond with a place is formed by the meaning given
to a place by the individual, as a result of his interaction with the place (Inalhan and Finch).
People have feelings about places as well as beliefs and memories and they act certain ways
in different places [17]. According to Riley (1992), place attachment may be primarily
associated with meanings and experiences which often involve relationship with other
people [19].
Peoples affective and cognitive responses to a place are occurred through experiencing the
place. Experience is the key action in development of human-place bond. The intensity,
duration, content and result of the experience may influence the individuals perception of a
place. For instance, home is generally associated with the emotions of safety and comfort.
Sayings like there is no place like home or home sweet home display the universal
perception of home as a place with positive emotions and meanings.
The degree of attachment to a particular place depends on its ability to meet our
physiological and psychological needs. Place attachment is often assumed to develop in a
long period of time. However, it can also be disrupted very quickly [19].Furthermore, a
person can be attached to a place either emotionally or functionally. Altman and Low (1992)
attempted to define theoretical typologies of place attachment [23]. These are [23, 24]:
1. Genealogical attachment (formed through ancestors, family heritage)
2. Economic bonding (material ownership, working, etc.)
3. Attachment via loss or destruction of a place
4. Cosmological bonding (through spiritual or mythological relationship)
5. Bonding through religious or cultural activities.
6. Narratives (stories, place-naming, legends etc.)
On the other hand, Scannell and Gifford (2010) propose a framework for place attachment
which consists of three dimensions [22] (Figure 1):
1. The person dimension: Who is attached? To what extent is the attachment based on
individually and collectively held meanings?
Advances in Landscape Architecture 744
2. Psychological process: How are affect, cognition, and behaviour manifested in the
3. The place dimension: What is the attachment to? What is the nature of this place?
According to Scannell and Gifford, place attachment can occur at both the individual and
group levels. Personal memories and experiences influence the degree of place attachment
at the individual level. On the other hand, place attachment is built through shared
historical experiences and symbolic meanings of a place [22].
Their second dimension of psychological process involves three components: (i) affect
(emotional connection), (ii) cognition (memories, beliefs, meaning and knowledge), and (iii)
behaviour (attachment is expressed through actions).
Figure 1. Scannell and Giffords tripartite model of place attachment (Reprinted from Journal of
Environmental Pschology, 30/1, Scannel L. and Gifford R., Defining place attachment: A tripartite
organizing framework,1-10, 2010, with permission from Elsevier).
Place attachment has different scopes and scales in terms of place as a physical setting.
Therefore the place dimension of the framework has been divided into two levels by the
authors: social and physical place (natural and built) attachment. They stress out that
physical characteristics of a place can be central to attachment; nevertheless people are
attached to places that facilitate social relationships and group identity.
Place attachment is influenced by many factors such as socio-demographic characteristics,
environmental factors (type of involvement, familiarity to a place, activities in a place etc.),
past experiences, culture, psychological factors, biological factors, and place itself [17,
23].Place attachment is also linked to environment friendly behaviour [16]. It is assumed
that people, who develop positive meanings and emotions to a place, tend to protect and
care for that particular place.
Urban Landscapes and Identity 745
As expressed before, the relationship between place attachment and place identity is still
controversial among researchers. Some researchers consider place identity as a dimension of
place attachment; while some others suggest that place identity is necessary for the
formation of place attachment [18]. There are also researchers who assume place identity
and place attachment are two separate concepts.
The term place identity has a duality in its meaning. In spatial planning and design, place
identity is generally linked to the place itself. It refers to the distinctiveness of uniqueness of
a place which is a result of the interaction between its physical features and its users. For
instance Stobbelaar and Pedroli (2011) use the term landscape identity and they point out
that the concept lacks clarity and not well- defined [25]. They define landscape identity as
the perceived uniqueness of a place. Moreover they assert that perceiving has both personal
and social dimension and uniqueness is based on the interaction between the physical
environment and social factors.
On the contrary, in psychology place identity concept is a personal issue and linked to
self-identity. One of the well-known works on place identity in psychology field is
Proshanskys The city and self-identity. In his work Proshansky (1978) defines place
identity as [26]:
those dimensions of self that define the individuals personal identity in relation to the physical
environment by means of a complex pattern of conscious and unconscious ideas, beliefs, preferences,
feelings, values, goals, and behavioural tendencies and skills relevant to this environment.
In summary, Proshanskys definition proposes that physical environments influence self-
identity as a result of the interaction between a person and a place. One of the well-known
examples of how place affects ones identification of self is expressions like New Yorker or
Londoner. Similar to place attachment, place identity may also occur at different levels
and scales of places; such as European at the continental level or East ender at the
neighbourhood level or Turkish at the country level. In this respect, place identity
overlaps with social identity.
While Proshansky promotes place identity as a separate concept, Twigger-Ross and
Uzzell (1996) suggest that all aspects of identity have place-related implications and place
should not be considered as a separate part of the identity [27]. They also comment that
place attachment can function to support or develop aspects of identity.
Place is not merely important in developing and maintaining self identity, but it also has a
significant effect on human well-being and behaviour [17]. There is a two-way relationship
between a person and a place. While place influences self identity, people also tend to
create, change or maintain their physical surroundings in the way which reflect themselves.
Hence, the physical environment is a reflection of the identity of its users.
So far basic approaches to place attachment and place identity have been presented in this
section. Next section will focus on development, maintenance of and current issues on the
identity of urban landscapes from the perspective of urban planning and design.
Advances in Landscape Architecture 746
4. Urban landscape and identity
Landscape is a dynamic phenomenon which is shaped by both natural and cultural forces.
Thus, change is an inherent character of any landscape. Changes in landscape may not
always happen as a result of planned actions, but may also be an unexpected effect [28].
Although change of the environments does not necessarily have to result in negative ways,
it is a process that is often perceived in negative terms. The magnitude and speed of the
change that has been faced since the 20
century is dramatic and environmental problems it
has caused is apparent and alarming. Besides current landscape changes are characterized
by the loss of diversity, coherence and identity of the existing landscapes [29].
The major forces of landscape change can be defined as [28]:
1. Socioeconomic driving forces (primarily economic factors; market economy,
globalization etc.)
2. Political driving forces (political programs, laws, policies etc.)
3. Technological driving forces (information technology, developments in transportation
4. Natural driving forces (changes in climate, topography, soil characteristics etc. and
natural disasters)
5. Cultural driving forces
On the other hand, Antrop (2006) is more specific and definite when defining the driving
sources [30]. According to him the main driving forces of landscape change are [30]:
1. Mobility patterns related to accessibility of places
2. Urbanization process
3. Decisions affecting large areas that overrule local decisions
4. Calamities
Landscape change is a continuous and rather complex process. Dealing with it requires a
multidisciplinary approach. The above factors are all in some extent linked to each other.
However, landscapes are considerably complex systems where it is often difficult to
understand how driving forces interact and influence each other. This section will focus on
the effects of two major driving forces of landscape change on urban landscape identity;
urbanization and globalization.
Urbanization has been one of the significant phenomena which has dramatically changed
our physical and social environments since the second half of the last century. Antrop (2004)
defines urbanization as a complex process that transforms the rural or natural landscapes into
urban and industrial ones forming star-shaped spatial patterns controlled by the physical conditions
of the site and its accessibility by transportation routes [31]. Certainly, improvements in
transportation and increased mobility have led to expansion of urban areas, as well as the
transformation of rural areas into urban ones. Terms like urban sprawl, urban fringe and
suburbanization emerged in relation to urbanization process.
Urbanization process is mainly about industrialization and economic activities. People
prefer living in urban areas rather than rural areas because they hope to achieve a better
Urban Landscapes and Identity 747
quality of life in cities. However, urbanization processes in developed and developing
countries do not necessarily shape cities and towns the same. In most of the developing
countries, planned development of urban areas cannot always catch the population
increase rates (mainly caused by immigration from rural areas) due to insufficient
development and management strategies, as well as funding. Therefore, in contrast to
mostly planned urban expansion in developed countries, developing countries face with
low quality environments such as slums and squatter housings. This not only affects the
quality of physical environment and image of the city, but also leads to fragmentation of
social coherence and social identity. As Antrop (2004) summarizes; urbanization
is primarily a complex of functional changes, followed by morphological and structural
ones [31].
Cities are not only physical constructs, but also involve social structures. The citizens are the
fundamental elements of cities that keep it alive and functioning. There is a mutual
relationship between a citys physical characteristics and its citizens. While the physical
dimension of a city (buildings, open and green spaces, streets etc.) is shaped and formed
under the influence of its citizens, it also shapes its citizens life-styles and social identity
throughout the time. Cities are thus cultural heritages. As Stephenson puts it culture and
identity are not merely about social relationships, but also spatial [32].
From a psychological perspective Gregenli (2005) asserts that urban identity or urban
identities are a result of complex relationships between individual self, place identity and
urban environments [23]. Cities are a product of continuous interaction between the
physical environment and social life; their image reflects the communities experiences,
beliefs and values. Consequently identity of an urban place is the total of both physical and
social distinctive features that is unique to it [12].
Meaning and sense of belonging are central to perceived urban identity. According to Lalli
developing sense of belonging to a city requires coherence in urbanization process [23].
Unfortunately, todays cities are shaped under international influences and it is quite
difficult to define planning and design forms which are necessary to maintain the local
identity [33].
According to Lynch, identity is part of the image of a city. Although the image of a city is
not necessarily the same as its identity [34], it is the physical and most instant perceived
reflection of its identity. In his work The Image of the City, Lynch (1960) defines three
components of an environmental image as; (i) identity, (ii) structure and (iii) meaning [35].
The first two are more related to physical structure of the city, but meaning involves more
difficult processes between the individual and the city. According to Lynch, identification of
an object is the first step for a workable image. He points out that individuality or oneness,
spatial or pattern relation of the object to the observer and to other objects, and finally
practical or emotional meaning are the requirements of a workable image.
Lynch defines paths, edges, districts, nodes and landmarks are the five elements of a city
image. He especially focuses on the legibility of the cityscape and asserts that the overall
Advances in Landscape Architecture 748
pattern of all city image elements determines the legibility of a city. Hence, a citys identity
depends on the easiness of identifying the image which is a result of the way how its
elements are composed of and interact with each other. Obviously, how human experience
influences a citys image and identity is missing in Lynchs approach. Although he admits
meaning is necessary for a workable image, his work basically focuses on the physical
construction of the city. However, even though he is often criticized for neglecting the social
dimension in his work, his work is still influencing and popular in urban planning and
On the other hand according to Relph, identity of a place is strongly linked to the existence
of authentic sense of place [36]. Sense of place is about a persons understanding of a place;
hence it involves (i) experience and (ii) a subjective dimension. Therefore the composition
and characteristics of physical components of the built environment affect the sense of place
perceived and interpreted by people. Rogan et al. defined three variables of sense of place;
legibility, perception of and preference for the visual environment and the compatibility of
the activities with human purposes [17].
Legibility is a concept that is often linked to the identity of an urban space. So what
determines the legibility of a place? According to Lynch visibility, coherence and clarity are
the factors that determine the degree of legibility and should be taken into account in
forming the city [35]. On the other hand, these characteristics may not be sufficient alone for
creating legible cities. According to Carr et al. (1992) a meaningful space has to be
comfortable enough to allow an experience with it to occur and positive meanings can be
created by positive connections to people [37]. Relph argues that ignoring the meanings
attached to places creates inauthentic places and damage authentic ones [17]. He names this
transformation as placelessness. Placelessness has become an important concern for the
sustainability of the urban environments these days.
Although urbanization has some negative impacts on sustainability of the environment,
what really raises the concerns on identity of urban areas is globalization process, which
also influences the context of urbanization worldwide. In social sciences, globalization is
studied primarily in context of economics. Since economical activities are basic to the
functioning of a city, globalized economys global production and consumption patterns
play an important role in the change of urban environments, making them a product of
global culture. Homogenization of urban landscapes is an apparent and concerning effect
of globalization process. Global brands are everywhere, not only selling or presenting or
serving their products, but they also bring their unique architectural patterns, signboards
etc. to wherever they open their branches. One can easily recognize a McDonalds shop or
HSBC branch any city in the world. What is more concerning is the change of life-styles and
thus cultural homogenization which global brands cause.
On the other hand what defines a city lays in its citizens and visitors minds. A citys
identity is what the insiders (citizens) and outsiders (visitors) perceive, feel and remember
about it. Unfortunately, what globalization causes on the image of cities through
homogenization is often irreversible.
Urban Landscapes and Identity 749
Built heritage is definitely one of the most important aspect of the authenticity and
subsequently identity of an urban environment. Cities are formed and develop throughout
the time. They constantly change, develop and transform. Built heritage is the most
apparent reflection of this change. It might also include symbolic meanings for the citizens
and visitors, often because of the significant historical events associated with it. Buildings
and structures of a city tell a story of past with meanings and cultural values involved.
Therefore, built heritage is assumed to be a distinct indicator of urban identity and thus
conservation of the built heritage is one of the major concerns in sustainability of urban
identity. Certainly, it is impossible and senseless to protect all the old buildings and
structures. Cities are growing faster than expected and overcapacity; hence empty lands
are scarce and precious. It is often needed to restructure and reorganize the existing built
environment. Recently some researchers have argued that urban conservation practices
create morphologically standardized urban landscapes and do not contribute to place
identity at all [38]. So identity concerns bring the question of what to protect. Actually,
recent research show that not only historical buildings but also contemporary and newer
structures and buildings are as well associated with the citys image and identity by its
citizens and visitors.
For instance Gospodinis (2004) research on place identity was conducted in Bilbao where
urban landscape is formed by the combination of modern and historical architecture [38].
The findings of the research showed that both innovative design and built heritage
contribute to the image and identity of the city equally, as perceived by the citizens and
tourists. The Guggenheim Museum (Figure 2) in Bilbao is one of the significant examples of
how innovative design schemes can contribute to urban identity. In Gospodinis research
Guggenheim Museum was highly rated as a unique and distinct feature of the Bilbaos
urban identity by both the inhabitants and the tourists.
Figure 2. Guggenheim Museum in Bilbao.
Advances in Landscape Architecture 750
Another significant impact on urban identity is the decline in public realm. Public spaces are
crucial parts of a city where social, cultural and economic activities take place. Therefore
they are the heart of the cities. Public spaces bring citizens together, providing them with
opportunities for relaxing, recreation, socializing, gathering, performing arts, sports
activities, public art and cultural activities. In summary they liven up the city life and create
a sense of community. However, public spaces decrease or lose their importance in many
contemporary cities, mainly due to changing life-styles where people spend most of their
time in virtual environments. But how does this affect identity of urban environments?
Firstly, public spaces are where social interaction and activities occur. Secondly, public
spaces are where individuals and groups experience the city most freely. Thirdly, they
provide spaces where people can express themselves and be themselves. Finally, they
benefit mental and physical health through the opportunities they offer, that are mentioned
above. Therefore, they play an important role in developing and maintaining both self-
identity and place-identity. The loss of public spaces will not only damage social cohesion,
but also reduce the quality of life of an individual.
It is hard to know how the progress of current urbanization trends will exactly shape our
lives and our environments in the future. However, we can only predict the possible
outcomes and so far it is only concerning.
Identity issues in Turkish cities
The characteristics of landscapes in Turkey significantly vary between its regions. For
instance while Black Sea regions landscape is characterized by the plateaus, meadows, tea
farms/gardens and wooden houses, landscape in Aegean region of Turkey is dominated by
olive trees, maquis and stone houses. Similarly, the settlements in different regions have
Figure 3. Local architectural identity in Greme, Cappadocia region, Turkey.
Urban Landscapes and Identity 751
been shaped and formed under the influence of different physical, natural, social, cultural
and economic conditions. In regions where urbanization process is relatively slower, local
unique characteristics can still be seen in towns. In some towns, local landscape and built
heritage is used as marketing products to attract tourists. Although tourism activities
(especially mass tourism) cause irreversible impacts on local environment and resources and
sometimes lead to loss of diversity and identity, there are examples where local character
still exists (Figure 3).
The major problem in maintaining identity of urban environments in Turkey is the lack of
awareness and sensitivity of national and local authorities. The most deteriorating actions
on urban identity of Turkish cities have been decided and implemented by governmental
organizations and local municipalities through urban renewal and urban transformation
projects. Below some of the recent and significant examples are presented.
Housing projects of TOK (Housing Development Administration of Turkey)
Due to the migration from rural to urban areas In Turkey, housing developments cover 95%
of the total building production [39]. TOK is currently the leading and the only legal
authorization in development of new housing projects throughout the country. The total
number of TOKs housing projects as announced on TOKIs web page is; in 81 cities, 800
towns, with 2522 worksites, 560866 housing units [40]. This might seem a huge number,
and it is indeed. But how does TOK manage with so many housing projects in terms of
local identity and character? The answer is quite a disappointment; the body simply ignores
these issues. It rather works like a housing factory. In fact, their vision statement is solely
based on economy and financing, rather than basic principles of urban planning and design;
TOK's vision for the future strives to:
Create a model framework for quality low-cost housing,
Prevent real estate speculation that might use low-quality materials in the construction
of low-margin housing,
Produce housing for regions in Turkey where the private sector is not active,
Offer low and middle income groups the opportunity to finance their own homes,
Offer rural housing opportunities that decrease the pressure on the migration to urban
Collaborate with local municipalities to create urban renewal projects and
Create financial opportunities to finance social housing projects such as innovative
income-sharing projects with the private sector [40].
Bursa branch of the Chamber of Architects of Turkey organized a photography competition
on the negative impacts of TOK projects in Bursa in 2011. The photographs submitted to the
competition revealed the disharmony and incoherence of the housing projects within the
citys existing character (Figure 4).
The main threat caused by TOK is the standardization and homogenization of urban
landscapes throughout Turkey. Although TOK claims that it will pay more attention to the
Turkish architectural styles in its new development projects, Gr discusses that TOKs
Advances in Landscape Architecture 752
Ottoman and Seljuk style architecture approaches in its projects will only be
characterless imitations as long as TOK continues with projects which are unfamiliar
with Anatolian culture in terms of site selection, organization of neighbourhoods,
accommodation characteristics and social and cultural services.
Figure 4. TOK housing projects in Bursa [41] (Left: 2
Prize Winner- Photo by Egemen Ergin, Right:
Photo by Blent Suberk).
As explained previously in the introduction of this chapter, Ankara is the first planned city
of the modern Turkey, and the prescribed identity for Ankara was a modern republican
capital city. Like other metropolitan areas in Turkey, Ankaras urban environment has been
affected by the impacts of immigration, uncontrolled and unplanned urbanization and
globalization since 1950s. However the most destructive actions on its identity have been
taken in the last two decades by the Metropolitan Municipality of Ankara.
Although it is not directly linked to identity of the urban landscape, one of the most
controversial attempts to manipulate Ankaras identity was the change of Ankaras city
emblem by the Metropolitan Municipality of Ankara. Ankaras old emblem was formerly
the Hittite Sun which took its roots from the fact that Ankaras history goes back to Hittites.
In 1995 Metropolitan Municipality of Ankara took a decision to change the emblem of the
city. The new emblem was the combination of Kocatepe Mosque (construction completed in
1987) and Atakule Shopping Mall (opened in 1989). Figure 5 shows the current and the old
emblem of the city.
One might argue whether the both emblems symbolize the identity of Ankara. However it is
obvious that the latter one does not emphasize the modern republican city concept with a
mosque and shopping mall in it.
Despite Ankara has struggled with more serious problems which concern quality of life and
sustainability of urban environment, the change of the city emblem was only the beginning
of Municipalitys policies and future actions on the Ankaras urban landscape.
Ankara has suffered the negative impacts of squatter housing or as said in Turkish
gecekondus, especially after 1950s because of the high rates of migration. Urban
renewal and urban transformation projects have been the most popular and favourite
Urban Landscapes and Identity 753
tools for the municipalities for the last decade. However, similar to many other attempts
on the built environment, these projects have always been controversial and have received
serious criticism from academicians and professional organizations. This is mainly due to
the fact that urban renewal or urban transformation projects in Turkey often ignores the
social, economic and cultural dimensions and based on merely the physical
transformation of the environment. The gecekondus are replaced by TOKs apartment
blocks, transforming the city into homogenized units as explained before. In Figure 6, the
urban transformation project (by TOK) on North Ankara is presented. Such projects do
not contribute to the social and cultural aspects of the city and moreover they are
unsustainable and not incoherence with the Ankaras identity envisaged when the
Republic was first established.
Figure 5. The current emblem of Ankara is on the left and the former is on the right [42].
Traffic is one of the other significant issues in Ankara which affects the urban quality of
life. Because of the community life styles and lack of sufficient public transportation
systems, traffic is a growing problem for Ankara. Besides urban expansion policies which
ignored the transportation dimension has worsen the situation. Moreover, most of the
governmental organizations and ministries have been moved out of the city centre and
because of the lack of public transportation to these units, individual car use has been
increased, especially during the peak hours. Although traffic is a common issue for many
metropolitan cities, what damaged urban image and human experience in Ankara has
been the construction of underground roads within the city centre which ignored the
pedestrian movement and focused on vehicle traffic flow (Figure 7). The initial aim was to
relieve the vehicle traffic within the city. However, building more roads underground did
not solve the problem, but seriously harmed the city image. As stated before, people and
social activity are necessary for the vitality of a city. Moreover, identity is developed by
experiencing the environment. People experience the city best by walking and by using
the public spaces. If vehicle traffic becomes the prominent priority, the city might lose its
basic function and vitality.
Advances in Landscape Architecture 754
Figure 6. North Ankara urban transformation project [43].
Figure 7. An underground road in Ankara [44].
Today there are more than 20 shopping malls in Ankara, which is the result of rapid growth
of market economy globalization and liberalization processes. Besides the consumption
based-culture they partially contributed to and supported, shopping malls have been one of
the reasons of decline in use of public spaces in Ankara. Oguz and akc (2010) have found
that people tend to prefer spending their leisure time in shopping malls rather than outdoor
public spaces due to the services and facilities shopping malls offer [45]. However, public
Urban Landscapes and Identity 755
spaces are crucial parts of a city that support social integration and cohesion. They
contribute to the overall city image and liven up boring city life and the built environment.
They bring different social, ethnic and economic income groups together. They are where
communities express themselves by gathering, protesting, etc. Therefore they play an
important role in the development and maintenance of urban identity. On the other hand,
public spaces have not always been paid the attention they deserved in Ankara. Today
Ankara lacks of public squares which are hearts of the cities and where social interaction is
the highest. The most famous and historical squares of Ankara, Kzlay and Ulus squares
have become urban junctions which have limited pedestrian access and movement.
Ankara is a city shaped by the influences of many civilizations such as Roman Empire,
Byzantine Empire, Seljuk Empire, Ottoman Empire and finally the Republic of Turkey. It has
its unique topographical features, climate, vegetation and fauna, as well as built
environment characteristics. There are too many aspects which can contribute to its identity.
Unfortunately, todays Ankara has been losing its values and meanings belonging to its
history and local character. What is more concerning is the citizens inert response to the
Ankaras identity should be reconsidered in urban design and planning in order to
emphasize Republican values and its history.
stanbul is the most well known Turkish city worldwide because of its historical importance,
geographical position (as a transition point between two continents, Europe and Asia) and
outstanding landscape features. It is also the most crowded city in Turkey with more than
13 million inhabitants. Due to inward migration the citys population have been doubled in
the last two decades. Similar to Ankara, stanbul has been suffering uncontrolled and
unplanned urban expansion which led to urban transformation and urban renewal projects,
again lacking of urban identity aspect.
Haydarpaa Train Station, constructed in 1908, has always been one of the significant
landmarks of stanbul. It has been frequently included in the opening scenes of Turkish
movies, where characters arrive the first time in stanbul and have the first glimpse of the
city while standing on the stairs of Haydarpaa Station. It has always been one of the
entrance points to the city and an important part of the city silhouette (Figure 8).
However, stanbul Metropolitan Municipality approved an urban transformation project
which will change character of Haydarpaa Train Station and consequently stanbuls
silhouette forever; Haydarpaa Port Project. The project has received many criticisms but
it did not prevent taking the project next level. The project will transform this historical and
public site to an economy centre based on tourism and commercial activities. Such
privatization trends by the authorities in urban design and planning definitely cause
irreversible impacts and damages on urban character and identity. However, the
government and the Metropolitan Municipality seem to be content with the project. The
following paragraphs, which reflect the authorities opinions, were taken from the stanbul
Metropolitan Municipalitys website [46].
Advances in Landscape Architecture 756
The Istanbul Municipal Assembly has approved reconstruction plan for protection of the
Haydarpaa Train Station and Port, paving the way to change the entire appearance of a historical
location marked for about a century by one of the architectural symbols of Istanbuls Asian side.
The municipal assembly met Sept. 14, with members representing the ruling Justice and
Development Party (AKP) and the Republican Peoples Party (CHP), according to a report from
Anatolia news agency. The project was approved with affirmative votes from the AKP members, while
the CHP members voted against it.
Akif Burak Atlar, assistant secretary-general of the Istanbul City Planners Chamber said: "The
Haydarpaa Train Station may lose its public function [with this project]. We want to defend the
protection of the train station feature of the Haydarpaa building and leave it as it is for future
generations, because it is part of our cultural heritage.
Commercial and tourism functions would close the building and the surrounding area to public use,
he said. Haydarpaa is planned to become the citys main tourism port, where giant cruise ships will
The government deems it to be one of the most important prestigious projects planned for Istanbul,
along with the Galata Port project on the European side of Istanbul.
Both projects were approved this year by the Cultural and Natural Heritage Conservation Board,
despite having stirred great public controversy. Istanbul Mayor Kadir Topba had previously said
that the two areas, which have cultural and historical value, would be opened to tourism.
Figure 8. Haydarpaa Train Station [47].
Urban Landscapes and Identity 757
Haydarpaa Port Project is not the only project that will change the unique character of
stanbul forever. There are many attempts by the government and the Metropolitan
Municipality o change the urban landscape irreversibly. Non-governmental organizations,
professional organizations and academicians are the primary opponents of these projects.
Regarding these kind of projects in stanbul, Steele and Shafik well summarize the threat
stanbul is facing [48]:
None of these have sufficiently addressed the singular character of Istanbul as a world class city
which is stepped in multiple layers of history and tradition. Its most distinctive aspect has always
been its silhouette and relationship to the water. By erasing this most important feature, Planners and
Developers have erased the very identity of this city. This is a tragedy.
5. Conclusion
Urban landscape is a complex structure which is a result of the interaction between human
and his environment. It also involves a social dimension, a cultural dimension and an
economic dimension. Urban landscapes are formed and shaped mainly under the influence
of human activities. Therefore, they inherit communities values, beliefs, symbolic meanings
which occur and change throughout the time. They change as communities change,
lifestyles change, and world economy change. Thus, they are the physical reflection of urban
Similar to self identity, urban identity is also flexible and evolving. The change is an
inevitable process. However, the question is how to manage the change and urban identity
in todays cities which are more multi-cultural and multi-ethnic than ever. Therefore
sustainability should not be limited to only natural resources, but should also include urban
identity as cultural heritage. Hence there is a need for methodologies of analysis and
assessment of urban identity.
The main goal of planners and designers is to create liveable places for people. Liveability
of a place can be determined through the quality of the environment. On the other hand the
quality of a place not only is determined through physical features of an environment, but
also involves subjective factors. Thus, social and psychological dimension of the urban
environments should be taken into account in planning and design schemes. The mutual
relationship between people and their environments should be well understood and
interpreted in order to create and maintain liveable places. Unfortunately, it is often too late
when we realize the effects of our actions that lead to loss of coherence, diversity and
change. While we put all the blame on globalization and urbanization processes, we should
also acknowledge that we need to develop plans and policies that would adapt the change.
Author details
Isil Kaymaz
Department of Landscape Architecture, Ankara University, Ankara, Turkey
Advances in Landscape Architecture 758
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Chapter 30
Homegardens in Landscape Architecture
A Case Study of Hazelnut Plantations
Engin Erolu, Cengiz Acar and brahim Turna
Additional information is available at the end of the chapter
1. Introduction
Landscape can be defined as from one point of view enter into the framework of a view that
they produce a combination of natural and cultural assets (Council of Europe, 2000). At the
same time, objects or land covers around us and how we perceive and how the relationship
between nature and culture has the meaning established. Landscapes are the most
important elements in building spatial identities. Landscapes, sometimes with their natural
and cultural features can provide information about the way of life of the people. They are
used in a sustainable manner for future generations and makes sense economically. The
decisions to get to taken whether rural or urban landscape in the continuity, management
and use of the quality of life of people are very important.
Landscapes are divided into three basic groups as natural, semi-natural and cultural
(artificial) (Atik, 2009). Natural landscapes include areas that there is little or no human
impact such as mountain forest, river, and lakes (epel, 1988). Semi-natural landscapes are
dominated by the majority of the natural areas of land cover change in the form of areas that
are too small. Urban, recreational, agricultural and industrial areas formed cultural or
artificial landscapes.
Agricultural landscapes that are one of the four elements of cultural landscape (Karahan
and Orhan, 2008) are the main land use form and the resulting high visibility leads to a
widespread perception of rural farming. The importance of preserving agricultural
landscapes is determined as (EC, 2012);
traditional agricultural landscapes form part of the cultural and natural heritage,
the ecological integrity and the scenic value of landscapes make rural areas attractive
for the establishment of enterprises, for places to live, for tourism, and recreation
Advances in Landscape Architecture 762
Agricultural landscapes include fruit and vegetable gardens, livestock and flower-growing
businesses, watering plants. In addition, these areas have been adapted human life as field
which is a recreational, a peaceful space, spending leisure time (Gkalp and Yazgan, 2013).
Agricultural landscapes are an important field in Turkey. Agricultural activities show
ranging from one-year to multi-year products (Table 1).
Agricultural Landscapes Areas (da)
Vegetables and flower gardens
(Land under protective cover is included)
5 867 005
Fruit orchards and other permanent crops
(Land under protective cover is included)
23 891 026
Poplar and willow land 1 973 562
Unused and undeveloped potentially productive land 19 443 399
Permanent meadow 14 493 128
Pasture land 131 673 745
Fallow land 37 459 577
Total 234 801 442
Table 1. Agricultural landscape areas in Turkey (According to values of Republic of Turkey Ministry of
Food, Agriculture and Livestok in 2012)
Hazelnut plantations are in fruit orchards and other permanent crops. Hazelnut plantations
cover 7 138 320 da in agricultural landscapes in Turkey (Table 2). Hazelnut plantations are
located in northern, eastern and middle Black Sea Region of Turkey (Turna, 2012).
Cities of Turkey Areas (da)
Artvin 224 026
Giresun 1 322 837
Ordu 2 106 005
Rize 618 472
Sakarya 759 062
Samsun 947 738
Trabzon 607 456
Dzce 552 724
Total 7 138 320
Table 2. Distribution of hazelnut plantations in Turkey (According to values of Republic of Turkey
Ministry of Food, Agriculture and Livestok in 2012)
In recent years, a new concept that emerged in the agricultural landscape has been the
Homegardens in Landscape Architecture A Case Study of Hazelnut Plantations 763
What is Homegarden?
Homegarden is an agroforestry term for any agro-silvo pastoral activities carried out
intentionally within ones houselot primarily for food, but also for medicine, side-income
and landscape (Mohan, 2004).
Homegardens are unique agroforestry systems. These intensive land-use systems involving
the planned management of multipurpose trees and shrubs grown in intimate association
with herbaceous species (mainly annual, perennial, and seasonal agricultural crops), and
livestock, are all managed within the compounds of individual homes (Fernandes and Nair,
1986 and Mohan, 2004). Homegardens provide both economic and social advantages. They,
with their various agricultural crops and trees, accomplish the basic needs of the local
population. In addition, homegardens provide economic benefits while remaining
ecologically sound and biologically sustainable (Mohan, 2004).
There are the relationship between homegardens and landscape architecture as ecological
and visual.
As ecological, socioeconomic structure, cultural behaviors and personal preferences,
seem to be the main characteristics of the appearance, function, and structure of
homegardens (Christanty, 1990, Mazumdar and Mazumdar, 2012). The homegardens
usually have more various plant canopy types and thus they are more complex than the
urban or rural gardens. The crops, ornamental plants and trees planted in a
homegarden are carefully arranged to provide for specific functions and benefits, which
are primarily economic in nature. The other effects of ecological relation of
homegardens to landscape architecture are their complexity of patterns, diversity of
plants, naturalness or not and climatic features.
As visual, generally, the places are where people live and threw the day unwinding.
They are focal points combining people with have a range of plant richness and
diversity. Most of the time, the people who live in these places is highly valued as a
visual riches on offer. Therefore, the characteristic features of each garden include
cultural designs (Moreno-Black et al., 1996 and Mohan, 2004).
2. An application on homegardens in hazelnut plantations
Homegardening is a traditional agroforestry system where a clearly bounded piece of land
immediately surrounding the dwelling house is cultivated with a mixture of perennials and
annuals. Can homegardens conserve biodiversity and develop landscape planning in
Turkey? This is an important question, given the low forest cover in the country and
peoples high dependency on the natural production systems. The first step in assessing the
conservation value of homegardens is to undertake a thorough botanical and structural
survey. Total plant diversity measures the direct conservation value of homegardens, while
structural features may indirectly conserve other taxa, such as birds, reptiles, amphibians,
small mammals, or arthropods (Kabir and Webb 2007, Sunwar et al. 2006, Smith et al. 2006,
Peyre et al. 2006, Ali 2005, Blanckaert et al. 2004, Wezel and Bender 2003). Homegardens are
Advances in Landscape Architecture 764
an integral part of the farming system, an adjunct to the house where selected trees, shrubs
and herbs are grown for edible products and cash income (Pandey et al. 2007, Trinh et al.
2003, Ceccolini 2002).
Homegardens are a common feature in Turkey like what they are in many countries, and
often exhibit remarkable variability in composition and structure in geographic regions of
Turkey. The homegardens in urban in the Black Sea region in Turkey related to urban-rural
are basically the determiners to form the urban and regional landscape patterns. In this
region, the homegardens having minimal and limited area, the importance and functions
with effective systems contains mainly the hazelnut (Corylus avellena) and tea (Camelia
chinensis) plantations. The hazelnut plantations are more common than the other
agricultural crops in Northern Black Sea Region of Turkey especially in Trabzon.
2.1. Material and methods
Study Area
This stage has been carried out within the city of Trabzon, in the northeastern Black Sea
Region of Turkey (401330N411070N; 371070E401300E UTM) (Figure 1-2). The city of
Trabzon, which covers an area of approximately 4.685 km2, has a population about 283.233
inhabitants making it the third largest principal city in the region (Anonymous 2008).
The aim of this study is to determine the potential of contributions of landscape planning
and designing of the homegardens in Trabzon city of Turkey. Therefore, the hazelnut
plantations were evaluated in Trabzon city.
Figure 1. Study Area
Homegardens in Landscape Architecture A Case Study of Hazelnut Plantations 765
Figure 2. Disturbutions of Home Gardens and Some of the Homegardens in Trabzon City
In this study, about 30 homegardens having hazelnut plantations (Figure 3) around Trabzon
were examined and plants being in these gardens were identified (Acar et al. 2007 and Tokul
2001) (Table 3).
Figure 3. Hazelnut (Corylus avellana) Plantations and Hazelnut Fruits and Leaves
Advances in Landscape Architecture 766
2.2. Results
Turkey has 9 cultivated Corylus avellana taxa and they are named differently by the
indigenous people (Anonymous 2007).
The species near the borders, in deeper sides and under the hazelnut plants in the research
areas were identified. According to this research, totally 90 annual and biannual species (19
species near the borders, 14 inside and 57 under the hazelnut plants) were identified (Figure
4) (Table 3).
Hazelnut is one of the most important income resources among all agricultural products in
Turkey and the country is number one in the list of hazelnut producers with the rate of 72
percent all over the world. Trabzon and its neighborhoods have important hazelnut
plantations and most of the green areas in the urban side are these hazelnut fields (Reis, 2003).
Hazelnut plantations also include fruit trees such as Malus sp. (Apple), Prunus sp. (Plum),
Pyrus sp. (Pear), Prunus persica (Peach).
Hazelnut fields are on slopes of the riverbanks in general, especially because of the
geography of the Black Sea Region. Indigenous people in the area plant some trees to
conserve their hazelnut fields and to make the borders of neighborhoods clear (Table 3).
Plant Species
Acer campestre X X X
Achillea millefolium X X
Agrimonia eupatoria X X
Allium cepa X X
Allium porrum X X
Alnus glutinosa subsp. glutinosa X X X
Bellis perennis X X
Brassica oleracea X X
Capsella bursa-pastoris X X
Carpinus betulus X X X
Carpinus orientalis X X X
Chaerophyllum aureum X X
Cirsium arvense X X
Colchicum speciosum X X
Cornus mas X X X X
Cornus sanguinea X X X
Corylus avellana X X X
Crataegus monogyna X X X
Cydonia oblonga X X
Dactylorhiza euxina X X
Homegardens in Landscape Architecture A Case Study of Hazelnut Plantations 767
Plant Species
Daucus corota X X
Diospyros kaki X X X
Diospyros lotus X X X
Dryopteris dilotata X
Echium vulgare X X
Euphorbia peplis X X
Fagus orientalis X X X
Ficus carica X X X
Fragaria vesca X X X
Fraxinus exelcior X X X X
Galeobdelon luteum X X
Galium aparine X X
Geranium purpureum X X
Hedera helix X X X
Helleborus orientale X X X
Heracleum apiifolium X X
Hypericum perforatum X X
Lamium purpureum X X
Laurocerasus officinalis X X X X
Lysimachia verticillaris X X
Malus sylvestris X X X
Mercurialis perennis X X
Myosoton aquaticum X X
Nasturtium officinale X X
Ostrya carpinifolia X X X
Phaseolus vulgaris X X
Phytolacca americana X X
Picea orientalis X X X X
Pimpinella rhodantha X X
Pisum sativum X X
Plantago major X X
Platanus orientalis X X X X
Polygala major X X
Polygonum aviculare X X
Populus nigra X X X X
Primula vulgaris X X
Prunus avium X X X
Prunus cherry X X X
Prunus domestica X X X
Prunus persica X X X
Pyrus sylvestris X X X X
Advances in Landscape Architecture 768
Plant Species
Quercus hartwissiana X X X
Ranunculus constantinopolitanus X X
Raphanus raphanistrum subsp. Raphanistrum X X
Rhinanthus angustifolius X X
Rosa canina X X X
Rubus fruticosus X X X
Rumex acetosella X X
Rumex pulcher X X
Ruscus acuelatus X X
Salvia glutinosa X X
Sambucus ebulus X X
Sambucus nigra X X X
Scrophularia nodosa X X
Senecio vulgaris X X
Stachys sp. X X
Stelleria media X X
Tanacetum parthenium X X
Taraxacum crepidiforme X X
Trachytemon orientalis X
Trifolium pratense X X
Trifolium repens X X
Tussilaga farfara X X
Ulmus minor X X X X
Veronica officinalis X
Vicia cracca X X
Vinca major X X
Vitis sp. X X X
Zea mays X X
Table 3. Plant Species in Home Gardens (Hazelnut Plantations) of Trabzon City
Ground cover compositions Trifolium repens Bellis perennis
Homegardens in Landscape Architecture A Case Study of Hazelnut Plantations 769
Geranium purpureum Ranunculus constantinopolitanus Vinca major
Fragaria vesca Helleborus orientale Primula vulgaris
Figure 4. Some of the Ground Covers Under the Hazelnut Plantations
3. Conclusions
The results of this study can be given the following items.
Hazelnut plantations are very important income resources for the indigenous people.
The homegardens having hazelnut plantations are the most dominate open green areas
in and around Trabzon city.
Some agricultural products such as hazelnut, tea etc. creates habitats for some other
plants, which makes a serious contribution to biodiversity in urban areas.
It is easy to claim that hazelnut fields are useful to get some fruits at the same time. That
is the reason that hazelnut plantations should be supported for agroforestry studies.
Homegardens contributes to floral diversity of landscape architecture with owned plant
Especially, agricultural landscapes have different visual preferences affect people as
visual effects. In this context, their diversity of size, color, texture, form effect on and
visual state of landscape.
Agricultural landscapes are in the landscape ecology concepts as patch and matrix
(Forman, 1983, Forman and Godron 1986, Forman, 1995). According to Erolu, 2012,
plant compositions that created by agricultural patches are important landscape
element both visually and ecologically. Therefore, homegardens are important
ecological patches and landscape elements.
Advances in Landscape Architecture 770
Homegardens and agricultural landscapes are to consider landscape components with
their visual and ecological potentials in optimal land use planning, landscape
development plans, development plans, landscape plans and local levels in terms of
design applications.
Homegardens include some cultural features such as plant material, planting style,
agricultural applications and architectural structure. In order to evaluated tothese
characteristics in tourism and tourism planning, they must be investigated and explored.
Author details
Engin Erolu
Dzce University, Faculty of Forestry, Department of Landscape Architecture, Dzce,
Cengiz Acar
Karadeniz Technical University, Faculty of Forestry, Department of Landscape Architecture,
Trabzon, Turkey
brahim Turna
Karadeniz Technical University, Faculty of Forestry, Department of Forest Engineering, Trabzon,
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Chapter 31
Role of Ecotourism in Sustainable Development
Tuba Kiper
Additional information is available at the end of the chapter
1. Introduction
Ecotourism is a sub-component of the field of sustainable tourism. Ecotourisms perceived
potential as an effective tool for sustainable development is the main reason why
developing countries are now embracing it and including it in their economic development
and conservation strategies. Ecotourism, as an alternative tourism, involves visiting natural
areas in order to learn, to study, or to carry out activities environmentally friendly, that is, a
tourism based on the nature experience, which enables the economic and social
development of local communities. It focuses primarily on experiencing and learning about
nature, its landscape, flora, fauna and their habitats, as well as cultural artifacts from the
locality. A symbiotic and complex relationship between the environment and tourist
activities is possible when this philosophy can be translated into appropriate policy, careful
planning and tactful practicum. Carefully planned and operated ecotourism sites, especially
if it is village-based and includes local participation, is able to provide direct benefits that
might offset pressure from other less sustainable activities that make use of natural and
cultural resources. Eco tourism, natural resources, cultural heritage, rural lifestyle and an
integrated tourism is a type of local economic activities. Therefore, ecotourism in naturel
and cultural areas was carried out with a number of elements in their natural landscape and
cultural landscape (water, vista, topography, vegetation, clean air), as well as in the variety
of recreational activities suitable for all kinds of environments. Therefore, ecotourism and its
natural assets and raw materials to create, as well as directing people to travel is an
attractive force.
Ecotourism helps in community development by providing the alternate source of
livelihood to local community which is more sustainable. Its aim is to conserve resources,
especially biological diversity, and maintain sustainable use of resources, which an bring
ecological experience to travelers, conserve the ecological environment and gain economic
benefit. However, achieving the aims in ecotourism depends on whether they are
environmentally and ecologically sustainable and economically applicable. Ecotourism
Advances in Landscape Architecture 774
helps in involving local community for the conservation of the ecology and biodiversity of
the area that biodiversity in return provides the economic incentives to the local community.
Eco-tourism contributes to conservation of biodiversity; sustains the well-being of local
people; involves responsible action on the part of tourist and the tourism industry; promotes
small and medium tourism enterprises; requires lowest possible consumption of natural
resources; stresses local participation, ownership, and business opportunities, particularly
for rural people; and above all includes the learning experiences.
In order for ecotourism to encourage patterns of sustainability, which can benefit local
communities, protect the environment, and be economically viable, it must be
comprehensive and account for the complexity of issues that have been mentioned in this
This chapter has revealed that there is a need for sustainable development in tourism, and
the connection between tourism and environment is much stronger than in other sectors.
Ecotourism must account for social, economic and environmental implications, in order to
succeed. The purpose of this study look at ways in which ecotourism and sustainable
development can be evaluated; and suggest ways to improve current ecotourism practices.
In parallel with this purpose, it was aimed at looking for an answer to questions of: What is
Ecotourism? What might be the effects of ecotourism? What are the impacts and
challenges of ecotourism? What are the possible benefits that ecotourism can bring? Within
this scope, we focused on ecotourisms definition, its objectives, the reasons of its emergence
and development, its principles, its types, its environmental, social and economic impacts;
ecotourism and sustainable development and on the examination of approaches to
ecotourism in Turkey and Europe.
In this section, the subjects below will be discussed.
What is ecotourism and its types?
What is sustainable development?
Ecotourism and environmental, social and economic impacts
Ecotourism and sustainable development relationship
Ecotourism examples of implementation
2. What is ecotourism and its types?
Ecotourism, a unique subset of the tourism industry, is focused on the enhancement or
maintenance of natural systems through tourism. Ecotourism means different things to
different people. To some, it is the general term that encompasses nature-based, adventure,
soft adventure, and cultural tourism. The term ecotourism was coined in 1983 by Hctor
Ceballos Lascurain a Mexican environmentalist, and was initially used to describe nature-
based travel to relatively undisturbed areas with an emphasis on education. Ecotourism
guarantees the sustainable use of environmental resources, while generating economic
Role of Ecotourism in Sustainable Development 775
opportunities for the local people (Farrell & Runyan 2001; Bhattacharya, Chowdhury and
Sarkar, 2011).
Ecotourism itself is meant to be a sustainable form of natural resource-based tourism. Even
though ecotourism lacks a concrete definition, there are many wellrecognized definitions
that have formed a clear picture of its core principles, which are shown in Table 1.
Ceballos Lascurain (1987)
(Joshi, 2011)
Ecotourism is defined as travelling to relatively
undisturbed natural areas with specific objective of
studying, admiring and enjoying scenery and its wild
animals and plants as well as existing.
International (Ziffer, 1989).
A form of tourism inspired primarily by the natural history
of an area, including its indigenous cultures. The ecotourist
visits relatively undeveloped areas in the spirit of
appreciation, participation and sensitivity. The ecotourist
practices a non-consumptive use of wildlife and natural
resources and contributes to the visited areas through labor
or financial means aimed at directly benefiting the
conservation of the site and the economic well-being of the
local residents.
The National Ecotourism
Strategy (1994) (QuickStart
Guide to a Tourism Business,
Ecotourism is nature based tourism that involves education
and interpretation of the natural environment and is
managed to be ecologically sustainable.
This definition recognises that natural environment
included cultural components and that ecologically
sustainable involves an appropriate return to the local
community and long term conservation of the resource.
McCormick, 1994 Purposeful travel to natural areas to understand the culture
and natural history of the environment, taking care not to
alter the integrity of the ecosystem, while producing
economic opportunities that make the conservation of
natural resources beneficial to local people
Union (Brandon, 1996)
Environmentally responsible travel and visitation to
relatively undisturbed natural areas, in order to enjoy and
appreciate nature that promotes conservation, has low
negative visitor impact, and provides for beneficially active
socio-economic involvement of local populations.
Honey, 1999 Travel to fragile, pristine, and usually protected areas that
strive to be low impact and (usually) small scale. It helps
educate the traveler; provides funds for conservation;
directly benefits the economic development and political
empowerment of local communities; and fosters respect for
different cultures and for human rights.
Advances in Landscape Architecture 776
Weaver, 1999 Interest in ecotourism, now widespread among tourism
planners and marketers, is rationalized by a number of
popular assumptions regarding the sectors potential
economic, environmental, and socio-cultural benefits
Weaver, 2001 Ecotourism is a form of tourism that fosters learning
experiences and appreciation of the natural environment,
or some component thereof, within its associated cultural
Table 1. Definitions of ecotourism
The (International) Ecotourism Society in 1990: Responsible travel to natural areas that conserves
the environment and improves the well-being of local people in 1996 by the World Conservation
Union (IUCN) which describes ecotourism as: Environmentally responsible travel and visitation
to natural areas, in order to enjoy and appreciate nature (and any accompanying cultural features,
both past and present) that promote conservation, have a low visitor impact and provide for
beneficially active socio-economic involvement of local peoples (Joshi, 2011)
Ecotourism tries to raise environmental consciousness by exploring ecology and ecosystems
and by providing environmental type experiences. Taking part in ecology actively and
getting first hand impressions of how ecosystems work influence peoples ways of thinking,
which finally raises awareness of conservation and protection (Ecotourism Sustainable
Tourism in National Parks and Protected Areas, 2005).
According to Patterson (2002), characteristics of an ecotourism business are that it:
Have a low impact upon a protected areas natural resources and recreation techniques.
Involve stakeholders (individuals, communities, ecotourists, tour operators and
government institutions) in the planning, development, implementation and
monitoring phases
Limits visitation to areas, either by limiting group size and/or by the number of groups
taken to an area in a season
Supports the work of conservation groups preserving the natural area on which the
experience is based.
Orients customers on the region to be visited.
Hires local people and buys supplies locally, where possible.
Recognizes that nature is a central element to the tourist experience.
Uses guides trained in interpretation of scientific or natural history.
Ensures that wildlife is not harassed.
Respects the privacy and culture of local people.
According to Chesworth (1995), Ecotourism has six characteristics. These are: a) ecotourism
involves travel to relatively undisturbed natural areas and/or archeological sites, b) it
focuses on learning and the quality of experience, c) it economically benefits the local
communities, d) ecotourists seek to view rare species, spectacular landscapes and/or the
unusual and exotic, e) ecotourists do not deplete resources but even sustain the environment
Role of Ecotourism in Sustainable Development 777
or help undo damage to the environment, and f) ecotourists appreciate and respect local
culture, traditions, etc.
It focuses primarily on experiencing and learning about nature, its landscape, flora, fauna
and their habitats, as well as cultural artifacts from the locality. A symbiotic and complex
relationship between the environment and tourist activities is possible when this philosophy
can be translated into appropriate policy, careful planning and tactful practicum (Rahman,
While the details vary, most definitions of eco-tourism boil down to a special form of
tourism that meets three criteria:
it provides for environmental conservation;
it includes meaningful community participation;
it is profitable and can be self-sustained
As shown in Fig 1, there is just a thin line of differentiation between sustainable tourism and
ecotourism, which also shows that there is as such no absolute boundary between
sustainable and unsustainable tourism (Eriksson, 2003). According to Weaver (2001);
Ecotourism exists within the broader classification of tourism types which, at an initial level,
can be divided into mass tourism and alternative tourism (Figure 1). Mass tourism is seen
as the more traditional form of tourism development where short-term, freemarket
principles dominate and the maximization of income is paramount. The differences between
mass tourism and ecotourism are shown in Table 2.
Figure 1. Conceptual model of tourism (Eriksson,2003)
Ecotourism as a very specific form is part of the broad concept of nature-based tourism, or it
can be said that ecotourism describes a nature-based operation in the field of tourism. The
most obvious characteristic of Ecotourism is that it is nature based Figure 2 (Weaver (2001);
Advances in Landscape Architecture 778
Characteristics of mass tourism. Characteristics of ecotourism
Large groups of visitors Small groups of visitors
Urban Rural
Touristic general marketing activities Eco-marketing activities.
Average prices for purposes of market
High price with purpose of filtering the
Impact on natural environment Little impact on the natural environment
Advanced control options Limited possibilities of control
Management based on macroeconomic
Management based on local economic
Anonymous relationship between visitors and
local community
Personalized relationships between visitors
local community
General development goals Local development objectives
Behavior-oriented leisure
activities/entertainment, opponents to
education and training actions
Loyalty in the process of training and
education for appropriate conduct for the
natural environment
Intensive development of tourism facilities Reduced development of tourism facilities
Table 2. Distinct characteristics between mass tourism and ecotourism (Dorobantu & Nstoreanu, 2012)
Figure 2. Relationship of ecotourism to other forms of tourism (Hill & Gale, 2009)
Role of Ecotourism in Sustainable Development 779
Adventure tourism is defined as: an outdoor leisure activity that takes place in an unusual,
exotic, remote or wilderness destination, involves some form of unconventional means of
transportation, and tends to be associated with low or high levels of activity (Fennel &
Dowling, 2003). According to this definition of adventure tourism and to that of ecotourism
as previously stated, it seems that there are many overlapping concepts.
Ecotourism is a component of sustainable tourism. In many ways, sustainable tourism
exemplifies the relationship between ecotourism and sustainable development (Smbotn et
al., 2011; Bansal & Kumar, 2011);
Sustainable tourism will focus on three areas:
Quality valuable experience for visitors and increased life quality for host
communities through cultural identity, poverty reduction and environmental quality;
Continuity exploitation is made at the optimum level that allows the preservation and
regeneration of the natural resources;
Balance between the needs of tourism industry, environmental protection, and local
communities by an equitable distribution of benefits among stakeholders
Standarts of ecotourism (Weaver & Lawton, 2007);
a. Protection of the Ecosystem
Maintenance of the ecosystem where the ecotourism attraction is located
Protection and maintenance of wildlife especially endangered species
Wildlife live harmoniously with people
b. Maintenance of the physico-chemical conditions of the area
Maintenance of the quality of fresh water and marine resources
No wastes overflow and contamination of the environment (water, soil and air)
c. Conservation of local culture and history
Culture of locality is maintained
Historical structures are maintained as part of cultural heritage
d. Infrastructures and signboards blend with the environment
e. Sustainability
Maintenance of Carrying Capacity of the environment;
Environmental education program is part of the ecotourism package;
Livelihood must benefit more the local community than outside entrepreneurs;
The local government supports the ecotourism project through ordinances and
resolutions; and
The Management Board (community-based) and appropriate government agencies, e.g.
DENR, support the project through strict enforcement of environmental laws
Experience and product management should follow principles and practices associated
with ecological, socio-cultural and economic sustainability.
Many dimensions clearly emerge from these widely stated definitions including (Matthews,
Advances in Landscape Architecture 780
1. Ecotourism occurs in natural areas (most often protected areas) and/or places of unique
ecological or cultural interest
2. Ecotourism contributes to conservation or preservation of the natural resources and
promotes stewardship of natural and cultural resources.
3. Ecotourism should create necessary funds to promote permanent protection of
ecological and socio-cultural resources
4. The local residents accrue economic and social benefits thereby contributing to projects
long-term success.
5. Ecotourism incorporates environmental and cultural education.
6. Ecotourism should be effectively managed for the long-term through minimal negative
impacts on the host environment.
7. Ecotourism should provide a quality tourism experience.
These principles and standards must be put in place by those who develop ecotourism
products, as well as those who plan the development of an area-based ecotourism. In
ecotourism branch a special place is given by the marketing concept. The importance of
proper marketing is widely recognized throughout the tourism sector that today tourism
market has become increasingly segmented over the methods of communication to reach
consumers have multiplied and diversified (Boghean & Boghean, 2006).
3. What is sustainable development?
The concept of sustainability first appeared in the public scene in the report put out by the
World Commission on Environment and Development (Brundtland Commission) in 1987.
The commission report advances the idea of sustainable development by noting that
economic growth and environmental conservation are not only compatible but they are
necessary partners. One cannot exist without the other (Harris et al., 2002).Sustainable
development is high potential for any community within economic, social, cultural, ecologic
and physical constraints (Bhuiyan et al., 2012). Sustainable development has been defined in
many ways, but the most frequently quoted definition is from Our Common Future, also
known as the Brundtland Report:
"Sustainable development is development that meets the needs of the present without
compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs. It contains within it
two key concepts (IISD, 2012):
The concept of needs, in particular the essential needs of the world's poor, to which
overriding priority should be given; and
The idea of limitations imposed by the state of technology and social organization on
the environment's ability to meet present and future needs."
Van der Merwe & Van der Marwe (1999) add that Sustainable development is a program for
changing the process of economic development so that it ensures a basic quality of life for all
people and at the same time protects the ecosystems and community systems that make life
possible and worthwhile.
Role of Ecotourism in Sustainable Development 781
This was the dominant dilemma addressed by the Brundtland Commission which indicated
that sustainable development should, as a minimum, address the following elements (Wall,
Maintenance of ecological integrity and diversity;
Meet basic human needs;
Keep options open for future generations;
Reduce injustice; and
Increase self-determination.
It was further suggested that in order for this to occur, it would be necessary to:
Revive economic growth;
Change the quality of growth;
Meet essential needs such as for jobs, food, energy, water and sanitation;
Conserve and enhance the resource base;
Reorient technology and manage risk; and
Merge environment and economics in decision making.
Defined sustainable development as development that meets the needs of the present
without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs. It is often
called intergenerational equality, the idea is that we should share natural resources not just
with people who are alive on the planet today but also with future generations of the earths
inhabitants. Sustainable development integrates economic, social with the aforementioned
environmental goals. Sustainability highlights on the resource conservation (Dixon &
Pretorius, 2001; Mebratu, 1998; Jaini, Anuar & Daim, 2012). Dixon & Pretorius (2001) cite the
International Council for Local Environmental Initiatives (ICLEI), which emphasizes
environmental, social and economic concerns as three distinct but interrelated components
of sustainable development.
According to Hall (2008) sustainable development and tourism present change which refers
to the movement from one state or condition to another. Whether such a transition is
positive or negative depends on the original criteria by which change is measured.
Sustainable tourism requires the informed participation of all relevant stakeholders, as well
as strong political leadership to ensure wide participation and consensus building.
Achieving it requires monitoring of impacts, introducing the necessary preventive and/or
corrective measures whenever necessary. Sustainable tourism should also maintain a high
level of tourist satisfaction and ensure a meaningful experience to the tourists, raising their
awareness about sustainability issues and promoting sustainable tourism practices amongst
them (World Tourism Organisation, 2001).
Sustainable development through ecotourism is a concerning issue in the world today.
Many countries have ensured their regional development by this concept. In this concept,
sustainable development may be occurred by the ecotourism and regional development
(Figure 3) simultaneously in an area. Dimensions of ecotourism development refer to the
environmental, economic, and social aspects of tourism development, and a suitable balance
Advances in Landscape Architecture 782
between these dimensions must be established to maintain its long-term sustainability
(Bhuiyan et al, 2012).
Figure 3. Sustainable development throught ecotourism (Bhuiyan et al., 2012)
4. Ecotourism and environmental, social and economic impacts
Tourism can be sustainable if development meets the needs of tourists and local residents
while protecting future opportunities. Ecotourism offers benefits for local residents,
conservation, development and educationalexperiences. Ecotourism is a sustainable form of
natural resource-based tourism. It focuses primarily on experiencing and learning about
nature, its landscape, flora, fauna and their habitats, as well as cultural artefacts from the
locality (Dowling,1997; Fennell, 1999).
Ecotourism entails a combination of conservation and tourism (the economics related with it) to
benefit local communities, especially focusing on sustainability (Myburgh & Saayman, 2002).
Natural and cultural landscape values form a basis for ecotourism. These values are
geographical position, microclimatic conditions, existence of water, natural beauties,
existence of natural vegetation, existence of wildlife, surface features, geomorphologic
structure, local food, festivals and pageants, traditional agricultural structure, local
handicrafts, regional dress culture, historical events and people, heritage appeals,
architectural variety, traditional music and folk dance, artistic activities and so on (Gerry,
2001; Lane, 1993, Lanquar, 1995; Soykan, 1999; Brassoulis, 2002, Catibog-Sinha & Wen, 2008;
Mlynarczyk, 2002; Drzewiecki, 2001; Kiper, 2006).
Role of Ecotourism in Sustainable Development 783
Ecotourism operates for one or more of the eco-friendly alternatives for the economic use of
natural resources compared with mining, hunting, farming and so on (Li, 2006). Ecotourism
promotes an enhanced appreciation of natural environments and environmental education
by exposing visitors and locals to nature and conservation (Bob et al., 2008).
Ecotourism is largely perceived to safeguard natural areas and thereby to contribute to the
conservation of biodiversity. It focuses primarily on experiencing and learning about nature,
its landscape, flora, fauna and their habitats, as well as cultural artefacts from the locality. In
ecotourism planning the first issue that emerges is the environment and its conservation
(Munn, 1992; Ceballos-Lascurain, 1996; Gssling, 1999; Tisdell & Wilson, 2002; Lindsey et
al., 2005; Lopez-Espinosa de los Monteros, 2002; Fung & Wong, 2007)
An ecotourism destination must in no way be developed without planning in terms of
environmental concern (Rahman, 2010). Within the ecotourism implementation existence of
water resources creates advantages in terms of both visuality and utilization. Climatic
features of a region influence tourism directly and indirectly and play a crucial role in the
development of tourism. Plants drawing interest thanks to their size, age or appearance are
other appealing components of ecotourism. Flowering plants are important resources in
ecoturism. Historical, natural and folkloric values are important sources for ecotourism.
According to Soykan, traditional commercial products are one of the most significant
appeals leading to development of ecotourism in a region. This is because whole production
process from planting to harvest and processing bear cultural differences, and most of them
are performed in traditional ways (Kiper, 2011).
Ecotourism has the potential to seriously impact local communities, largely due to the
tendency of ecotourists to have a greater interest in the culture and nature of the areas they
visit, as compared to mass tourists (McMinn, 1997).
Ecotourism destinations are always environmentally sensitive because ecotourism activities
directly involve various environmental phenomena including bird watching, trekking,
mountaineering, horse riding and elephant riding within the forest wilderness trail, staying
in natural caves, studying about flora and fauna, simple bush walking, fishing, animal
behavior study, ecological studies (Rahman,2010). Ecotourism always incorporates various
activities in nature (hiking, mountain climbing, observing the living beings in their natural
habitat, etc.), but it may include cultural activities, too. Ecotourism is an important
educational component, it is a chance to learn respect for nature, for the local culture, and
for some it is a chance to self-reflection being inspired by the beauty of the surroundings.
5. Ecotourism and sustainable development relationship
Tourism is a highly complex activity and thus requires tools to assist in effective decision
making to come to terms with the competing economic, social, and environmental demands
of sustainable development (Fadahunsi, 2011). Table 3 indicates some interesting examples
of potential risks from tourism activities, which are especially crucial in naturel and culturel
Advances in Landscape Architecture 784
Element Examples of risks from tourism activities
Ecosystems The construction of accommodation, visitor centres,
infrastructure, and other services has a direct impact on the
environment, from vegetation removal, animal disturbance elimination
of habitats, impacts on drainage etc.
Wildlife habitat may be significantly changed (travel routes, hunting
areas, breeding areas, etc.) by all kinds of tourist development and use.
Soils Soil compaction can occur in certain well-used areas.
Soil removal and erosion also occurs, and may continue after the
disturbance is gone
Vegetation Concentrated use around facilities has a negative effect on vegetation.
Transportation may have direct negative impacts on the environment
(e.g. vegetation removal, weed transmission, animal disturbance).
Fire frequency may change due to tourists and park tourism
Water Increased demands for fresh water.
Disposal of sewage or litter in rivers, lakes or oceans.
Release of oil and fuel from ships and smaller craft.
Propeller-driven watercraft may affect certain aquatic plants and
Air Motorised transportation may cause pollution from emissions (from
plane, train, ship or automobile).
Wildlife Hunting and fishing may change population dynamics.
Hunters and fishers may demand the introduction of foreign species,
and increased populations of target animals.
Impacts occur on insects and small invertebrates, from effect of
transportation, introduced species, etc
Disturbance by visitors can occur for all species, including that are not
attracting visitors.
Disturbance can be of several kinds: noise, visual or harassing
The impact can last beyond the time of initial contact (e.g. before heat-
rate returns to normal, or before birds alight, or mammals resume
breeding or eating).
Marine mammals may be hurt or killed by boat impacts or propeller
Habituation to humans can cause changed wildlife behaviour, uch as
approaching people for food.
Table 3. Potential Risks from Tourism (Ecotourism Sustainable Tourism in National Parks and
Protected Areas, 2005)
Ecotourism has been regarded as a panacea for solving many of the environmental and
economic problems of lessdeveloped nations. Yet, regardless of how socially and
environmentally responsible ecotourism may be in theory, in practice it remains rooted in
Role of Ecotourism in Sustainable Development 785
the tourism industry (Wall, 1997). Similarly, tourism activities generally can create various
negative impacts on the surrounding environment. Increased human interference in
ecologically fragile areas can cause irreversible change in the existing ecological processes.
These problems can be reflected in degrading natural resources, vegetation structure and
the size of the habitat patch, increasing deforestation and decreasing upstream water flow
(Tourism Queenland, 2002).
Ecotourism is rooted in the concept of sustainable development, as defined by the World
Commission on Environment and Developments Brundtland report (1987) (Place, 1995;
King & Stewart, 1992; McMinn, 1997; Stem et al., 2003). According to the emergence of
sustainable tourism development it is proven that the milestone for its emergence was the
Brundtland Report by the WCED in the year 1987. Previously, many ideas in this field had
been developed at the IUCN -The World Conservation Union and referenced in the World
Conservation Strategy published in 1980 (Ritchie & Crouch, 2003). Ecotourism is often
perceived as an tool for promoting sustainable development in developing countries.
Ecotourism helps in community development by providing the alternate source of
livelihood to local community which is more sustainable. Many view ecotourism as a viable
way to protect the natural environment and create social and economic benefits for local
communities. Ecotourism encompasses a spectrum of nature-based activities that foster
visitor appreciation and understanding of natural and cultural heritage and are managed to
be ecologically, economically and socially sustainable. Therefore, ecotourism is accepted as
an alternative type of sustainable development. Ecotourism has attracted increasing attention
in recentyears, not only as an alternative to mass tourism, but also as a means to promote a
countrys economic development and environmental conservation. Its aim is to conserve
resources, especially biological diversity, and maintain sustainable use of resources, which can
bring ecological experience to travelers, conserve the ecological environment and gain (Bansal
& Kumar, 2011; Godratollah et al., 2011; Tewodros, 2010). Ecotourism is increasingly being
lauded as a sustainable development option for rural communities, one that is able to spur
economic development (Vogt, 1997) and instill environmental protection at the same time
(Cater, 2002). If the environment has not at least achieved a net benefit toward its sustainability
and ecological integrity, then the activity is not ecotourism.
Many groups have proposed sets of guidelines or principles for sustainable tourism and
ecotourism. Ecotourism is a sustainable version of tourism in natural areas, including at the
same time elements of rural and cultural tourism. Besides subscribing to the principles of
sustainable tourism, ecotourism has specific principles: it contributes actively to the
conservation of natural and cultural heritage, it includes local communities in planning,
development and operation activities, and it contributes to their welfare, it involves
complete and interesting explanations for visitors, regarding the natural and cultural
resources, it is intended mainly to individual visitors and also to small organized groups
(Smbotn et al, 2011). According to Buchsbaum 2004; in many ways, sustainable tourism
exemplifies the relationship between ecotourism and sustainable development. Many
groups have proposed sets of guidelines or principles for sustainable tourism and
ecotourism Tourism Concern and the World Wildlife Fund for Nature developed a
wellknown list of principles and guidelines in 1991, which are presented in Table 4.
Advances in Landscape Architecture 786
1. Using resources
The conservation and sustainable use of resources -natural,
social, cultural, -- is crucial and makes long-term business
sense Using resources sustainably:
2. Reducing over
consumption and waste
Reduction of over-consumption and waste avoids the costs
of restoring long-term environmental damage and
contributes to the quality of tourism
3. Maintaining Biodiversity Maintaining and promoting natural, social, and cultural
diversity is essential for long-term sustainable tourism,
and creates a resilient base for the industry
4.Integrating tourism into
Tourism development which is integrated into a national
and local strategic planning framework and which
undertakes environmental impact assessments, increase
the long-term viability of tourism
5. Supporting local
Tourism that supports a wide range of local economic
activities and which takes environmental costs and values
into account, both protects these economies and avoids
environmental damage
6. Involving local
The full involvement of local communities in the tourism
sector not only benefits them and the environment but also
improves the quality of the tourism project
7. Consulting stakeholders
and the public
Consultation between the tourism industry and local
communities organizations and institutions is essential if
hey are to work alongside each other and resolve potential
conflicts of interest
8. Training Staff
Staff training which integrates sustainable tourism into
work practices, along with recruitment of personnel at all
levels, improves the quality of the tourism product
9. Marketing tourism
Marketing that provides tourists with full and responsible
information increases respect for the natural, social and
cultural environments of destination areas and enhances
customer satisfaction
10. Undertaking research
Ongoing research and monitoring by the industry using
effective data collection and analysis is essential to help
solve problems and bring benefits to destinations, the
industry and consumers
Table 4. Principles for Sustainable Tourism (Blamey, 2001).
Medina (2005) explains that a criterion for sustainable tourism should include indicators of
social and economic sustainability adding up to indicators of environmental sustainability.
In addition, Wall (1997) has argued that for tourism to contribute to sustainable
development it must be economically viable, environmentally sensitive and culturally
Role of Ecotourism in Sustainable Development 787
appropriate, and the forms that this might take are likely to vary with location. The
following table 5. develops sustability goals of ecotourism. Achieving sustainable tourism
defined here as tourism that is ecologically benign, economically feasible and socially
acceptableis thus contingent on environmental protection and reconciling tourism
activities with local socio-economic values (Brown et al., 1997).
A: Environmental sustainability goals of
promotes environmental protection (impact
assessment and environmental planning,
construction methods and materials, visual
impacts, water supply, air quality, waste
minimisation and litter drainage and stormwater,
wastewater, water conservation, energy
minimisation buildings, energy minimisation
transport, minimal impact on wildlife)
provides environmenta education
-increases public environmental consciousness
-fosters healty attitudes and behaviors towards
encourages donations to contribute to the
protection of local natural resources air quality
B: Sociocultural sustainability goals of
Promotes local peoples active participation
Promotes local ownership
Empowers local people
-e.g. builds up local peoples confidence/self-esteem
Enhances local communitys equilibrium
Encourages intercultural appreciation and
communication between host communities and
C: Economic sustainability goals of
Contributes to lasting local economic development
Creates permanent jobs for local people
Drives the development of other related industries
Ungrades local infastructure
Profits esrned retained within local communities
Equal distribution of revenues
Promotes consumption and production
Finances the establishment and maintenance of
prodected areas
Uses natural resources efficiently
Table 5. Three systems of sustainability in ecotourism development (According to Wall 1997;
Alexander and Whitehouse 2004; (Jiang 2008).
These criteria include quantification of environmental performance for most of the key
environmental indicators. This allows recognition and encouragement of ecotourism
product that makes measured environmental improvements which result in a more
Advances in Landscape Architecture 788
sustainable world (
2004.pdf. Review of criteria, procedures and legal framework for ecotourism in Europe).
According to Rome (1999); Ecotourism is one strategy for supporting conservation and
providing income for communities in and around protected areas. It can contribute to
economic development and conservation of protected areas by: a) generating revenues that
can be used to sustainably manage protected areas, b) providing local employment and c)
inculcating a sense of community ownership. However, without careful planning and
management that balance ecological, social, and economic objectives, it may lead to
environmental damage. Furthermore, envisioned as a positive approach towards
sustainable development, unplanned or poorly planned and implemented tourism can have
serious negative effects, offsetting the benefits it was designed to provide. Even the potential
local benefits of ecotourism can lead to environmental damage to a protected area.
The core set of eight principles are that ecotourism product should: (The Green Globe 21
International Ecotourism Standard , 2004)
1. Focus on giving visitors the opportunity to personally and directly experience nature
(Natural Area Focus);
2. Provide opportunities to experience nature in ways that lead to greater understanding,
appreciation and enjoyment (Interpretation);
3. Represent best practice for environmentally sustainable tourism (Environmental
Sustainability Practice);
4. Contribute directly to the conservation of natural areas (Contribution to Conservation);
5. Provide ongoing contributions to the local community (Benefiting Local Communities);
6. Be sensitive to, interpret and involve the culture/s existing in the area (Cultural
7. Consistently meets consumer expectations (Customer Satisfaction) ; and
8. Be marketed and promoted honestly and accurately so that realistic expectations are
formed (Responsible Marketing).
One of the most influential ecotourism documents, the Quebec Declaration on Ecotourism
(2002), produced after the World Ecotourism Summit during the International Year of
Ecotourism, recognized that not only does ecotourism embrace the principles of sustainable
tourism but it also embodies the following specific principles: (1) contributes actively to the
conservation of natural and cultural heritage; (2) includes local and indigenous communities
in its planning, development and operation, and contributes to their well-being; (3)
interprets the natural and cultural heritage to visitors; (4) encourages independent travelers,
as well as organized tours for small size groups. TIES (2010) asserts that those involved in
ecotourism should follow six principles: (1) minimize impact; (2) build environmental and
cultural awareness and respect; (3) provide positive experiences for visitors and hosts; (4)
provide direct financial benefits for conservation; (5) provide financial benefits and
empowerment for local people; and (6) raise sensitivity to hosts cultures political, and social
climate)(McLaughlin, 2011).
Role of Ecotourism in Sustainable Development 789
The participants at the World Ecotourism Summit, held in Quebec in May 2002, have
acknowledged that ecotourism respects the principles of sustainable tourism referring to the
economic, social and environmental impact, with some further specific principles (Smbotn
et al, 2011);
Ecotourism actively contribute to the conservation of natural and cultural heritage.
Ecotourism include local communities in the activities of planning, development and
operation, and it contributes to
their welfare.
Ecotourism involves complete and interesting explanations for visitors, regarding the
natural and cultural resources.
Ecotourism is intended mainly for individual visitors and small organized groups.
According to Ramwell and Henry (1996) point out four basic principles of sustainable
development and sustainable ecotourism tourism development (Yogi, 2010).
Holistic and strategic planning
Conservation of essential ecological system
Conservation of both human (cultural) and natural heritage
Long term development and productivity for the future generation.
So both sustainable tourism and sustainable development focuses on the same key issues of
ecology, society, and a systemic process of development that is guided by strategic planning
(Yogi, 2010).
6. Ecotourism examples of implementation
More tranquil, natural and original spaces are preferred to ordinary tourism centers.
Likewise, individuals have begun to prefer activities, which they can particularly perform in
naturel and culturel areas and with which they can learn original cultural values and be
within the nature, instead of sea-sand-sun tourism. Ecotourism has increased very quickly
in recent years especially in developing countries. These are highlighted in Table 6 and
pertain to economic aspects, impacts on culture, environmental concerns and development.
In the Tourism Strategy of Turkey-2023 and the Ninth Development Plan (2007-2013), it is
aimed to utilize natural, cultural, historical and geographical values of Turkey based on
conservation-use balance, to increase the share of Turkey from tourism and to promote the
attractiveness of regions via alternative tourism types like ecotourism (Tourism Strategy of
Turkey-2023, 2007; Ninth Development Plan, 2006).
Ecotourism is implemented differently around the world, and the impacts on native cultures
vary similarly. It is universal that tourism is a crucial industry to provide economic support
to developing countries. An international pact in 1996 designated the tourism industry as
the paramount economic growth strategy within Central America (Moreno, 2005). At this
point, Ecotourism activities have particularly recently become sectors which can create
great changes both in socio-cultural and economic aspects.
Advances in Landscape Architecture 790
pros cons
Environmental Low environmental impact
Watching landscape, plants and
animals, being acquaintance with
local cultural activities, observing
through directly contacting with
nature, obtaining knowledge and
assessment will be provided via
ecotourism activities.
The affective factor of region rises.
Natural texture is protected.
The opportunities of underwork
and bodywork rise.
Risk of environmental
Environmental pollution rises
The decays of natural resource
Developmental Provision for the development of
the community
Capacity building within the
Provision for health and family
Extending ecotourism activities year
round will prevent to utilize natural
landscape assets of the region only
in summer and will prevent short
time pressure on the sources.
New investments come to region
The quality of agricultural
production rises and in quality
production has its real value.
Failure to meet the communitys
perception of development
Advantages open to abuse by
community members
Controversy about the motivation
of such programmes
Hotel, motel or other usages cause
environmental decays.
Transportation density rises.
Conservation Enhancement of conservation
Monitoring of habitat and species
Disturbance to habitats and
Threats posed by dangerous
Cultural aspects Aw a reness of the local cultures
Low cultural impact
Internal migration happens with
Festival etc. activities rise.
It supplements intersectoral
Conventional culture is lived by
Misre presentation and
degradation of cultures
Visual and noise pollution
Feasible population rise effects
local peoples daily life in a
negative way.
Conventional life style changes.
Education Education can help reduce
avoidable impacts such as
littering, ad hoc campfires,
inappropriate disposal of waste,
Erosion of traditional values and
for the guests
Role of Ecotourism in Sustainable Development 791
pros cons
and damage to vegetation. Much
research has been directed toward
determining acceptable standards
for a variety of social and ecological
Awareness increase, both for the
Economic Revenue generation
E m p l o y m e n t
P romotion of local micro enterprise
New opportunities for employment
can be composed.
Diversity can be provided for
agricultural product
Life standarts rise.
It supplements women
The quality of agricultural
production rises and in quality
production has its real value.
Uneven benefit sharing between
Low percentage of community
Risk of failure in small businesses
Table 6. Effects of eco-tourism in international countries (Watkin, 2003; Kiper, zdemir, Salam, 2011)
Ecotourism activities have been sorted into the following categories: (Economic
Development Branch BC Ministry of Sustainable Resource Management, 2003)
Marine Ecotourism
marine cruising including sailing, yacht and power cruising
sea kayaking tours
Land based Ecotourism
Bicycle Touring/Mountain Biking
Horseback Trail Riding
Freshwater River Rafting, Canoeing and Kayaking
Winter Tourism (Back Country /Tour Skiing, Dog Sledding, Snow Shoeing)
Walking, camping, boating, hunting, sight-seeing, swimming, cultural activities,
observing wildlife and nature, skiing, visiting historical places, and horse riding among
The general trend in ecotourism is to increase experiences by encouraging activities such as
long-distance walking, camping, boating, hunting, sight-seeing, swimming, cultural
activities, bicycling, observing wildlife and nature, skiing, visiting historical places, and
horse riding among others. Generally, instructive activities, for example, wildlife
observation, participation in festivals, cultural activities and nature landscapes, attract most
Advances in Landscape Architecture 792
attention. Activities like hiking, outdoor sports, picnic, paragliding arranged according to
different areas of interest influence the preferences of many visitors (Kiper, 2011; Cengiz,
2007). According to Soykan, for Europeans rural roads are natural and cultural heritages.
This is because they have natural, economic and cultural identities. Some give us
opportunity to familiarize with local planting patterns by passing through agricultural
lands, some lie among virgin natural areas with beautiful views (e.g. forests, rivers, lakes)
and some connect the settlements which have unique cultural monuments. Therefore, in
many countries in Europe (specifically Austria, Switzerland and France, which have
mountainous areas) long distance trekking is well-organized (Kiper, 2011).
In order for ecotourism to have a sustainable development, the analyses for determining land
use suitabilities gain importance. It and other similar methods set standards or ranges of
acceptable change and describe a methodology for determining these standards, measuring
impacts and identifying management strategies for controlling negative impacts. They include
ve includeIn recent years resources assessments have adopted oppottunity spectrum methods.
Opportunty spectrum this group includes (Fagence, 2001; Rome, 1999) ;
ROS (Recreation Opportunty Spectrum)
TOS (Tourism Opportunty Spectrum)
LAC (Limits of Acceptable Change)
TA (Threshold Analysis, and more recently UET-ultimate environmental thresholds)
ECOS (Ecotourism Opportunty Spectrum)
Limits of Acceptable Change (LAC)
Visitor Impact Management (VIM)
Visitor Experience and Resource Protection (VERP)
Tourism Optimisation Management Model (TOMM)
The ECOS model (Table 7) has been developed especially to cope with the peculiar needs of
planning for ecotourism the capture of ecolpgical base-line data is the important first step.
Refinement to ECOS assesments could include
Landscape assesments (to differentiate geographical sectors according to their principal
ecotourism resources, stages of naturalness/change, levels of ecotourist interest)
Attractiveness indices ( to differentiate according to uniqueness, international drawing
power, primacy-a measure of comparative attraction)
Resource status (to differentiate according to the degree of disturbance of the natural
resource, and any circumstance which might impede its sustainability or cause its
attractiveness to be forfeited a form of carrying capacity assesment)
Conservation potential (including rehabilitation potential)
Marketing assesments (combining some of the other assessments according to an
aggregation of attractiveness for particular consumer/tourist market segments to
interpet the feasibility of capturing and sustaining tourist interest)
This data is then assessed or measured in terms of the capacity to be used in ecotourism,
with the assessment focusing on eight important factors:
Role of Ecotourism in Sustainable Development 793
Accessibility Tho the ecotourism region
Tho the site
Relationship Between ecotourism and other potential uses of the same resource
Complementarity, compatibility, integration, competition
Attractions Types of ecotourism experiences
IN (Tropical forests, mountain areas)
OF (birds, tress, wild flowers, mammals)
BY (watching, filming, collecting)
Infastructure Support infastructure
Support services
Prior knowledge
Prior skills
Level of interaction sought, achieved
Level of interaction with local/host community sought, achieved
Visitor impacts Consequences of visitor access
Controls on visitor access, use
Management Stakeholder involvement
Decision process
Table 7. ECOS models (Fagence, 2001)
Also, Multi-Criteria Decision-Making Methods are used widely in detecting land use
suitabilities. The integration of ELECTRE, to give the order of precedence of uses, with GIS, a
quite important means in spatial planning studies, will enable to reach successful results.
Studies for determining the suitabilities for use of a land for ecotourism will also determine the
development of the land in the following years and the sustainability of its resource values.
In the eco-tourism plans, diversifying economic and ecologic activities by starting and
developing organized eco-tourism practice, enhancing the life quality of the locals with the
economic gains provided by eco-tourism, increasing the participation of habitat
conservation, improving environmental conscious, conserving natural, cultural and
historical landscape values and passing them onto the next generation and popularizing
ecotourism planning with the support and participation of responsible and related
organizations should be aimed. Good planning of natural and cultural elements that create
resources for eco-tourism activities and their management will make important
contributions to the local public. (Gltekin, 2010).
While envisioned as a positive approach towards sustainable development, unplanned or
poorly planned and implemented tourism can have serious negative effects on the
environment and on communities, offsetting the benefits it was designed to provide. In
order to anticipate negative impacts and to prevent or mitigate them, ecotourism impacts
monitoring is required. The sample of potential ecotourism monitoring ndicators are shown
in Table 8.
Advances in Landscape Architecture 794
Environmental Species of special tourism interest numbers recorded per time
or area, breeding sites
Endangered species numbers recorded per time or area,
breeding sites
Keystone species numbers recorded per time or area,
breeding sites
Trail width
Trail maintenance required
Water quality
Vegetation trampled near trails and infrastructure
Experiential Number of other people or groups encountered on trails
Number and size of vehicles in parking areas
Degree of solitude experienced by visitors
Number of repeat visitors
Tourist ratings of guides
Ratings of food and accommodations
Socio-cultural Quality of historical, cultural sites
Knowledge of traditional uses of flora and fauna and rituals
Changes in land use near protected areas
Quality and quantity of consumption
Changes in dress and language
Use of free time
Community attitudes about tourists and tourism
Economic Number and size of vehicles in parking areasIncome levels of
Residents working directly in ecotourism
Residents providing ecotourism services indirectly
Residents not involved with ecotourism
Amount of protected area budget spent on ecotourism-related
Revenue generated by ecotourism for protected area
Amount of money spent on community improvements
Changes in costs of local goods and services
Rate of new construction in the area
Population changes
Number and volume of new businesses
(or managerial)
Number and length of trails
Amount of infrastructure development within protected area
Amount of time spent in maintenance of infrastructure
Lodging capacity in and around the protected area
Degree of road maintenance required
Methods of communication and transport
Table 8. A sample of potential ecotourism monitoring ndicators (Rome, 1999)
Role of Ecotourism in Sustainable Development 795
7. Conclusion
Various tendencies also occur in the understanding of tourism upon changing living
conditions. More tranquil, natural and original spaces are preferred to ordinary tourism
centers. Likewise, individuals have begun to prefer activities, which they can particularly
perform in naturel and culturel areas and with which they can learn original cultural values
and be within the nature, instead of sea-sand-sun tourism. At this point, Ecotourism
activities have particularly recently become sectors which can create great changes both in
socio-cultural and economic aspects. Main purpose is not only ensuring the socio-economic
development but also the protection of natural and cultural landscape values to ensure
awareness of nature conservation on the other hand.
Ecotourism should be seen in direct relation to nature conservation (protected areas), with
preservation of the authentic and involving local communities in all stages of the process.
Development process is a lengthy process, which requires a sustained effort from all those
involved but can bring major benefits in the long term, contribute directly to the creation of
"sustainable existing 'target area (Roxana, 2012).
Ecotourism is about (Roxana, 2012);
environmentally responsible travel to relatively undisturbed natural areas,
travel in order to enjoy, study and appreciate nature,
the promotion of conservation,
combining sustainable development with the natural environments,
the use of natural assets and resources in ecologically sensitive areas to create unique
visitor experiences with minimal impact on the area.
After research we can draw the main conclusions of this work, as it follows: (Smbotn, 2011)
Ecotourism is a form of tourism developed in natural areas, whose goal is to
acknowledge and to appreciate nature and local culture, which includes conservation
measures and ensures an active involvement, generating benefits for the local
Ecotourism clothes the sustainable tourism principles, but differs from it by aspects
related to local community issues, interpretation for visitors to a particular destination,
the number of visitors;
Tourism has a complex impact on the environment, but it is also generating both cost
and benefits;
The interest of tourists for travel in natural areas (land or water) has increased recently;
Ecotourism contributes to increased revenues from tourism, but also to the positive
social effects;
Worldwide, there are a large number of natural areas associated with a specific cultural
diversity, resulting in particular through the perpetuation of the long traditions and
Tourists have a certain responsibility towards the destination visited and the
environment by their choice itself, behavior and activities performed in that space, and
therefore it is important to be informed about the quality and sensitivity of destinations.
Advances in Landscape Architecture 796
These principles should be envisaged both for lovers of this form of tourism and service
providers of such eco-touristic products.
Basic purposes of ecotourism are to preserve and utilize natural and cultural resources in a
sustainable way and to enable economic development of local people. However, achieving
the aims in ecotourism depends on whether they are environmentally and ecologically
sustainable and economically applicable. In order to achieve these, a participative tourism
planning is required (Kiper, 2011). Figure 4 illustrates the multiple and diverse elements
essential for ensuring that communities fulfil their role in ecotourism development (Drumm
& Moore, 2002).
Figure 4. Essential elements for ecotourism in community setting
Now that ecotourism has reached such stature, it is especially important to scrutinize its
effectiveness as a strategy for sustainable development, and search for ways to improve
policies and practices. Clearly ecotourism is not a universal remedy; but its potential to
promote sustainable development deserves considerable attention.
In conclusion, According to Kiper, zdemir and Salam (2011); ecotourism activities which
are not performed according to the purpose, the principles and the characteristics cause the
disturbance in environmental, economic and socio-cultural fields due to over-intensification
to be occurred especially in sensitive ecosystems like naturel and culturel areas. Therefore,
in order to provide sustainability in the ecotourism, it is necessary to know environmental,
social and economical effects of ecotourism activities and to consider these effects during the
Role of Ecotourism in Sustainable Development 797
planning. Tourism planning purposes this. relationship between rational resources
requirements Ensuring the sustainable use of natural (water, vista, topography, clean air,
natural vegetation structure, microclimatic features of climate, marine and coastal
topographic structure and motion, etc.) and cultural resources (Archeological heritage,
Religious structures, Conventional architecture, Traditional social activities) to the
evaluation of the physical planning decisions in the field of ecological planning strategies
(Din and Kocan, 2012). Additionally, According to Bunruamkaew & Murayama (2012);
ecotourism development must promote educational development and create awareness in
people of the need to jointly maintain the ecosystem of the area. There is a need to
implement development plans and manage natural resources in a way that ensures
ecological and environmental integrity. Environmental education and interpretation is the
key to creating an enjoyable and meaningful ecotourism experience, and is one of the key
points of differentiation between ecotourism and other tourism products. Successful
interpretive components of ecotourism products will foster appreciation and support for
conservation efforts, local communities and culture.
Author details
Tuba Kiper
Namk Kemal University, Faculty of Fine Arts, Design and Architect, Department of Landscape
Architecture, Turkey
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Chapter 32
The Use of Courtyards and Open Areas
in the Ottoman Period in stanbul
Glhan Benli
Additional information is available at the end of the chapter
1. Introduction
The courtyards of the mosques were gathering places frequently in use, public meetings
always had a pleasant environment. The courts of the Imperial mosques and large building
complexes called klliye, have a regularity and symmetrical form. Evliya elebi [1], the
famous Ottoman Turkish travel writer, tells us of the fragrance of the mosque courtyards,
with fruit trees and flower beds. The types of Ottoman open space other than mosque-courts
are open praying platforms;namazgah, open air grounds promenade; mesire or
meadows/large green areas which were called ayr. Open praying platforms which
Ottomans called Namazgah have regular forms, although the open spaces of the Ottoman
urban model has been judged to be formless. The open areas of Ottomans were not
architecturally designed; their margins are quite casual or simply enhanced by single
monuments. The open air grounds, promenade (Mesire) are the actual core of the open air
system. The open space when it is very large does not have a form as it is natural and has a
manner of being situated in nature. They were quite widespread in public use in the 18th
century and they represented a form that was latent in the preceding period.
2. A type of open area: Klliye
Until the mid-16
century, the daily life of the common people was experienced around the
mosque, open market and residence. Since the social life was self-enclosed, public open
spaces were not felt as required; instead the courtyards of mosques and klliyes were used as
gathering places for the people. The klliyes built after the Sultan Mehmed the Conqueror
conquered Constantinople, were building complexes which reached wide functional
resources, possessing an urban vision, with their inherent structures of multiple
functionality. These complexes which harbored various functions of religious service,
education, social aid (hosting travelers, feeding the poor and providing health-care for the
Advances in Landscape Architecture 804
sick) and trade, were designed keeping the whole of the city in consideration. One of the
characteristics of the slamic cities, great mosque and market constituting the city-center, is
also prevalent for the klliyes built in stanbul.
Large klliyes were institutions which addressed the needs of the society, enabling social
development and betterment by providing social services. Large-scale klliyes in stanbul
(Fatih Klliyesi, Sleymaniye Klliyesi, ehzade Klliyesi, Sultanahmet Klliyesi etc.) are
enormous social institutions consisting of a mosque, turbe (a sepulcher for usually
religiously reputable people), hazire (a reserved burial area surrounded with fences), medrese
(or madrassah, muslim theological school), sbyan mektebi (primary school for young boys),
ifahane (hospital), imaret (public soup-kitchen), sebil (public water distribution place),
fountain, market, lodging inn and a hamam (Turkish bath).
Major Ottoman Klliyes in stanbul were located on the main road axis of the city and
corresponded to the preceding Roman and Byzantine era forums; however the spatial
differences in two types of spaces are the results of the differences between Byzantine and
Ottoman social structures. The decisions concerning the urban life were announced to the
public in mosques and mosque courtyards, thus they held the function of communication
between the government and the people, well before the information age. The reactions of
the community were evaluated in those public spaces, to be reported to the government.
However, some courtyards were nested with the klliye of the mosque, or the neighboring
market, undertaking several other functions. The surrounding shopkeepers came to the
mosque for namaz, five times a day, and after the prayers, they held conversations with
other shopkeepers usually about commercial, social or political issues. The children of those
shopkeepers, who comes with their fathers attended to lessons of Arabic, Persian, religious
rules and ethics in those mosques. In the courtyards of large, central mosques, chatters or
peddlers were present through all day. These courtyards were also appointment points;
those who came from the provincial areas or residents of peripheral neighborhoods used the
courtyards as reference points, met each other in these public areas.
3. Natural and public parks Promenades
Places for promenade, as today is called as picnic after the Western societies, were open
spaces of common use in spring and summer months in the Ottoman society. Although
promenades are not architectural works, they are a major historical element in the urban
planning of stanbul. In the heart of the 16
century Istanbul, the area around the Bayram
Pasha Creek (Lykos Creek as called in the Byzantine era) was called Yenibahe and was the
most preferred promenade.
Promenades are places for countryside walks, which displayed a vast expansion in the 18
century. They were one of the first places the people preferred to visit for pleasure in leisure
days and holidays. Being at liberty in those vast meadows always rejoiced the visitors.
Enjoying the cool breeze of the Bosphorus in the shades of huge trees was a popular
entertainment for the residents of Istanbul. During the public improvement works in the 16
century under the command of Suleyman the Magnificent, gardens in Istanbul were also
The Use of Courtyards and Open Areas in the Ottoman Period in stanbul 805
reconstructed. Many gardeners were assigned for the reconstruction works. Hasbahe
Sarayburnu, stanbul; Halkal Garden, skdar Garden, HaydarPaa Garden are some
among those gardens.
On Fridays the people went to promenades with rowboats, carts, animals or on foot. Light
rowboats, which were called piyade were built for using in tours of this kind. Families who
did not have rowboats would rent them. As a result of the ongoing popularity of these
excursion areas and outdoors, various promenades were formed in Istanbul, which
contributes even more to the beauty of the city. Greenwoods next to the rivers of Istanbul
stand out as pleasant places used by the people in spring and summer seasons. The hills
constituting the topography of Istanbul create eye pleasing perspectives, with the green
texture formed by the trees, shrubs and meadow grass.
4. Landscape designs in promenades
Promenades were composed in places allowed by the topography of Istanbul, according to
the existing structure of the land, freely and with respect to the nature; being the largest
common use areas and usually had flat meadows. However, there are much smaller
promenades near the city, which made landscape designs necessary from a topographical
view. The solution was hanging gardens in these areas. Kk amlca, Stlce or ubuklu
promenades of Istanbul were planned as terraces overlooking to the sea. In Saryer rr
promenade, the sustaining walls, whose drawing samples can be found in Drawing 1, are
placed on the land by avoiding any damage on the natural beauty [2]. Today, some of the
century-old trees in this area are cut down. The common feature of these examples is that
the floor is divided into seperate layers with sustaining walls and the open area is organized
as a hanging garden, facing one specific direction. The separate terraces enabled different
families independently. The trees were planted in layers on the terraces.
The handmade paths in the promenade are rare, narrow and are paved with stones which
are in various sizes and not fully smooth. The paths are straight in direction, where the land
allows. The paths are used for connecting the meadows at specific points. The formation of
the trees had an important place in promenades. Large shades are formed by preserving the
existing trees and planting other trees next to them. Reference points such as fountains,
target stones and outdoor praying places, called namazgh were placed in appropriate points
in the area.
Flat meadows were separated for entertainment, games or sports. Plane trees were preferred
in promenades due to its large shade. Starting in the 18th century, especially in hanging
gardens, stone pines were used, by planting in rows [2]. It is possible to see many of those
stone pines in many hanging gardens which are today in the boundaries of private
properties. From the 19th century on, ornamental trees such as Magnolia and Blue Pine
were two of the most popular choices. While the common people prepared food from the
earlier day and brought them in food boxes, the rich people had their servants bring their
food on rowboats.
Hasbahe: the garden of Sultans.
Advances in Landscape Architecture 806
Furthermore, there used to be many peddlers in promenades. Sellers of strawberries,
oranges, chestnuts, paste candy, halva, ice cream, chickpeas shouted what they sold. When
some disturbed the public, they were intervened. Okmeydan Promenade, Bykdere, Veli
Efendi, rpc Meadows in the European side of stanbul; Fener Garden, Haydarpasa
Meadow, amlca, Beykoz Meadows, Gksu Promenade and Kksu Meadow in the
Asian side of the city were the major promenades of the Ottoman Empire.
The most famous promenade, which was in its heydays especially in the 18th century was
the wooded meadows next to the Kathane River, close to the Topkap Palace. In the 20th
century, some promenades such as Kudili and ifte havuzlar, on the banks of the Yourtu
creek in the Anatolian side of Istanbul gained a larger fame. Today, Beykoz meadow in the
north of Istanbul is kept in its old form to some extent.
Figure 1. Drawn by Sedat Hakk Eldem [2], Terraced public garden with decorative ponds, Saryer,
rr, Bosphorus.
The Use of Courtyards and Open Areas in the Ottoman Period in stanbul 807
4.1. The most famous meadow and promenade of Istanbul: Kathane
The name of the Kathane River used to be Barbisos in the Byzantine times. This open area
became a promenade which hosted various entertainments in the beginning of the 1600s.
Kathane Promenade was popular among the people of Istanbul for several centuries. It is
one of the largest promenade of Istanbul, with respect to its length. For women who usually
preferred travelling on land, a one-day excursion to Kathane was a cause to celebrate. For
travelling they used a cart pulled by two oxen, decorated with red fringes. Inside the car
cushions were laid and on top of it an awning was spread on a pillar (Figure 2).
Kathane was popular especially because of its water. The Krk eme Waters which was
brought to Istanbul in the time of Suleyman the Magnificent was distributed from
Kathane. Orchards and gardens were not allowed where the water conduits were passing
in Kathane. In the meadows around Kathane, also grazing and building sheep pens
were prohibited. Kathane Valley, whose width varies from part to part, and lies between
two naked ranges of hills, formed an extraordinary effective and proportionate space. Over
the river which traversed the promenade, two wooden bridges were built and a certain part
of the river was taken in a canal with a wall.
As the longest canal built in Ottoman era landscape architecture, from the first bridge to the
land, one part of the bank was reserved for women, when the other side was for men.
Sometimes the popularity went on to congestion, and it made berthing the rowboats, or
even rowing impossible.
According to the ancient Turkish traditions, 6
of May was accepted as the coming of spring
and in the Hdrellez Festivals on that day hundreds of people from all over stanbul would
visit Kathane on boats and carts. The river passing in the middle of the area enabled a
convenient atmosphere for boat rides. Huge clothes, rugs, carpets were laid on the ground
to sit in the shades of huge plane trees, under the drooping willows and poplar trees on the
banks. Tents were set up for groups.
The most frequent visits to Kathane promenade were in spring, and it was not preferred in
hot months of the summer. In the area men sat under the trees, next to the river, while
women mostly toured around in carts. Kathane promenade was both a place the people
enjoyed, and also a place for official feasts, meetings and weddings. It is known that
goldsmiths and saddler makers among the guild branches set up tents in the area for both
entertainment and mercantile negotiations. Evliya Celebi mentions the plane, poplar and
willow trees on the both banks of the river in the 17
century, and calls the area with the
name of Lalezar. This definition indicates that the tulip flower (lale in Turkish) was
commonly used in the area. Eremya elebi Kmrciyan (1637-1695) [3] tells us that from the
huge dairy farms in the area, milk and yoghurt was provided to the Ottoman palace, there
were huge trees and mills near the river and the people of Istanbul visited the place for
entertainment. The reason why Kathane came to be known with the name of Sadabad
in Europe is the foundation of Sadabad Palace here in 1722. Sadabad defines the complex
Advances in Landscape Architecture 808
of palaces, summer palaces and gardens in the area and the style of entertainment and
The main landscape designs in the area started in 1719, in the times of Sultan Ahmed III.
Yirmisekiz elebi Mehmet Efendi who was sent to Paris as an ambassador was deeply
affected by the Versailles, Fontainebleau Palaces and gardens of other French mansions and
palaces. The mansions, summer houses, fountains and gardens around Kathane were built
upon his descriptions of those gardens to the palace authorities. The area with the plane
trees was arranged, rows of trees were planted on two sides of the river, and rose and tulip
gardens were formed in 1721. The most important aspect of the area is the waterfalls created
in here. Sadabad reached the peak of its fame during the Tulip Era of the Ottoman
Empire. The usage of water together with architectural applications defines a periodic
The Sadabad Summer Palace, with its marble floors, built on top of 30 columns next to the
river, had an important place and left important traces in the Ottoman history, culture, arts
and literature. Kathane Promenade kept its importance by being an actively used area
until the beginning of the 20
century. The area which was for a period used as a military
zone, now is filled with residential buildings. Today, apart from plane and ash trees, two
types of trees which are not found in elsewhere in Istanbul: first is American swamp cypress
(Taxodium distichum) and the second is Zelkova (Zelkova carpinifolia), a type of elm tree
originating in North Persia. Four of the American cypress trees (trunk peripheries: 290, 285,
268 and 265 cms.) and two of the Zelkovas (trunk peripheries: 285 and 277 cms.) are in
considerably good health and are estimated to be 200-250 years old [4]. Those trees are
presumed to be the ones which could reach our day and age, among the hundreds of exotic
trees brought from European plantations for this promenade area.
Figure 2. An ox-cart going to the promenade area, in a photograph by B. Kargopoulo, 1854.
The Use of Courtyards and Open Areas in the Ottoman Period in stanbul 809
Figure 3. Kathane Festivals in the beginning of the 20
century in a photograph by Berggren.
Figure 4. mrahor (Mirahur) Mansion in Kathane Promenade area and the touring rowboats
Figure 5. Rowboats on the Kathane river, 19
Advances in Landscape Architecture 810
Figure 6. Caglayan Summer Palace built next to the water canal by Sultan Abdulaziz in 1862 (Ircica
archives). (aglayan Summer Palace was built in the place of previous sultan mansions. Its architects
are Agop and Sarkis Balyan. The water of the river was taken in a canal, directed in front of the palace
and it enabled an unlike landscape design)
4.2. The largest entertainment area of Istanbul: Beykoz Meadow
The area known as Beykoz Meadow or Tokat Garden, is known to exist since the time of
Mehmed II the Conqueror (the second half of the 15
century). The meadow which lies
kilometers deep from the Bosphorus is famous for the abundance of water springs. The river
which passes through the meadow is dry today, yet it was a scene for rowboat tours until
the end of 19
century (Figure 7) [2]. The area, like Kathane Promenade area was
beautified with various fountains, mansions and halls.
The foundation of Beykoz Promenade was in the time of Mehmed II the Conqueror and it
was a busier scene compared to other promenades. Special care was given to the area as
Sultan Murad IV. (1623-1640) enjoyed throwing javelin and hunting in the area. Waistcloth
wearing ceremonies, which represent the rises of status from apprenticeship to
foremanship, and to the mastership were organized in this promenade for decades.
Groups of Istanbul craftsmen used to go to a promenade away from the city every year with
their foremen and apprentices as a tradition of the guilds
. They would set up tents in the
area and stayed for several days, up to 10 days. For example, goldsmiths guild would go to
Kathane, when shoemakers always preferred the Beykoz meadow. Guild governors also
invited the sultan, by sending appropriate gifts via their assistants. Popular entertainments
such as wrestling competitions between apprentice boys, engi
and kek
dancers, orta
and karagz
performances, funambulist shows were organized. Promenade were
never deserted through the summer season. When football was starting to be played in
Turkey, one of the first game fields was Beykoz meadow, due to its flat topography. Also,
Guild: a professional association, founded by organized merchants and artisans living in the same area.
engi: a female-dancer who uses cymbals
Kek: a male dancer disguised as female
Orta oyunu: Ottoman folk theater performed in open space, inside the crowd
Karagz: traditional shadow puppet play, based on imitation and conversation
The Use of Courtyards and Open Areas in the Ottoman Period in stanbul 811
the meadow had been used for military purposes, such as the accumulation of the soldiers
and camping.
Figure 7. Beykoz Meadow, S. H. Eldem, A: Summer house and its garden, B: Fountain, C: Barracks, D:
Namazgah, E: Seaport and summer house, F: Stable
4.3. Gksu Promenade, also known as The Sweet Waters of Asia
Two valleys parallel to each other, formed by Big and Small Goksu rivers, and the meadow
in between two, was the most famous promenade area, known as The Sweet Waters of
Asia, in the Anatolian side of Istanbul. Gksu Promenade which enveloped a large area,
was an entertainment scene for officials of high-ranks, princes and aristocratic stratum until
the time of Abdulhamid II., and the common people started to use the are in the time of
Abdulhamid II.
Evliya Celebi tells that health-giving water ran in Gksu River and was surrounded by high
trees. The season for Gksu started in the hot summer days and continued until autumn,
unlike Kathane. On summer nights with full moon rowboat tours were organized on
Gksu. Gksu Promenade was famous for its corn, eggplant and the fair that is founded in
the area. Although a river passes the area like Kathane, the topographical structure is
different. There were wooden bridges on the bridge and there were greenwoods, fountains
and a namazgah around it.
Miss Julia Pardoe, who visited Istanbul in the 18
century, describes the Kksu meadow,
where she went with Geselligkeit Duma Funkerin as such: The Valley of Guiuk-Suy
charmingly situated about mid-way of the Bosphorus, and called by Europeans the Asian Sweet
Waters, owes its charm and its popularity to the circumstance of its being intersected by a pretty
stream of fresh water, which, after flowing along under the shadows of tall and leafy trees, finally
mingles its pigmy ripples with the swifter waves of the channel. [] The visitor to Guiuk-Suy might
fancy himself in Arcadia, so lovely is the locality. [] On Fridays, (the Mahommedan Sabbath,) the
valley is thronged with holiday- keeping idlers. [] The Fountain of Guiuk-Suy stands in the midst
of a double avenue of trees, which fringe the border of the Bosphorus. It is built of delicate white
marble, is extremely elegant in design, and elaborately ornamented with arabesques. The spot which it
adorns is a point of reunion for the fair idlers of the valley, when the evening breeze upon the channel
Guiuk-Suy: Gksu
Advances in Landscape Architecture 812
renders this portion of the glen more cool and delicious than that in which they pass the earlier hours
of the day ; and is only separated from it by tlie stream already named, which is traversed by a heavy
wooden bridge... [5].
Gksu Promenade started to fall into decay as from the end of the times of Abdulhamid II.
and lost its vivacity with the announcement of the second constitutionalism. Today the
meadow between the two rivers is filled with buildings, however the topography can still be
Figure 8. Women having a picnic in the promenade, 1854.
4.4. Sports field of Istanbul: Okmeydan Meadow and Promenade
Okmeydan, in the European side of stanbul, near Kasmpaa, was created by Sultan
Mehmed II the Conqueror by confiscating the gardens and yards in the area after he
conquered the city. By decrees, intervening with the area, burying the dead and making
gardens were prohibited [6]. In this large meadow there was a lodge for archers, a mosque, a
sultan summer house, and a large namazgah with a marble pulpit. Also, at various places of
this land, range stones with epitaphs were erected. These stones erected as memories of
empire-wide archery competitions were each objects of art. Today this historical area is
occupied by squatter houses and most of the range stones are lost. Ottoman sultans used to
come to this land by sea, climbed to Okmeydan on horses which stay in the stables and
played a sport which is a favorite of Turks, cirit or also called as avgan
. Cirit is a
avgan; Cirit match (an equestrian game between two teams in which short javelins are thrown) How the game is
played: A one meter long, heavy and thick stick, made of either dried oak or peeled date tree branches is used. The
players on their horses make two rows facing each other, by leaving a distance of 100 m. between each horse rider. One
of the riders in a team shouts the name of a player in the opposing team, riding his horse towards, and the game starts.
The player who rides his horse throws the javelin to his opponent and starts running back. The player to whom the
javelin was thrown chases the runner and throws him the javelin. Meanwhile, another player from the team of the
runner starts chasing the player who is chasing his team-mate and the games continues in this manner. The target in
the game is the rider on the horse. If the javelin hits the horse, the thrower is disqualified. Therefore the riders employ
different tactics to avoid the javelin thrown towards them. Ducking, drooping to the sides of the horse, and some
The Use of Courtyards and Open Areas in the Ottoman Period in stanbul 813
short lance, made of hard wood, with an iron head. The game is a centuries-old one, played
on horses in two teams. It is a field and war game, which was played in many open areas in
the empire. To attract the public attention, drums and shawms were played.
Figure 9. Sultan Selim III. Period Cirit Field, in an engraving by Melling.
5. The garden of the Sultan: Hasbahes
It is known that in the Ottoman era, like all the houses and mansions, also palaces, summer
houses and manors of the sultan had gardens. Gardens which were allocated to the sultan,
outside the Ottoman Palace, were called hasbahe and for the gardening works in those
gardens, skilled gardeners were trained in the Bostanc Oca [7]. Most of the buildings in
the Hasbahe of the Topkap Palace in stanbul were centers for teaching science and arts.
Architect Sinan, who carried the Ottoman architecture to its peak, and architect Mehmed
Aga are known to have studied in the inspiring atmosphere of those hasbahes. It was
common practice to found and run gardens in various places of Istanbul for financial
income and personal pleasures, and this was the task of the class of Bostanc, who had an
important place in the Ottoman Palace. Officials of the Bostanc Oca served either in the
Hasbahe of the palace, or in other gardens outside the palace.
Gardens which belonged to the palace were scattered in various parts of Istanbul. The
number of those gardens increased or decreased, in line with the choices of the sultan
governing the Ottoman Empire. According to Evliya elebi, the number of the hasbahces
was 21, and the number of promenades was 30. Most of them were used for daily visits. In
some of the gardens and meadows, horses of the palace were grazed.
For resting and entertainment purposes, sultans preferred these gardens and promenades in
and around stanbul. Major parks and promenades were also open to the public in specific
days of the week. Most probably these meadows were enjoyed by the common people of
Constantinople in the Byzantine era. Hasbahces, apart from the palace gardens were the first
examples of planned green areas. Besides, parks, orchards and graveyards were also open
acrobatics are employed. Every hit on target wins a point fort he team. After all the players throwing their javelins, the
winner is announced according to the number of hits.
Advances in Landscape Architecture 814
areas used by the people. At Meydan (Horse Square) in Sultanahmet, where the Sultan
Festivals were organized is the only example for squares [8]. Tersane Garden, which was
an open area used frequently by Sultan Mehmed II who conquered stanbul, is located in
Haskoy, stanbul; between Stlce and Kasmpaa. Although it is not in the boundaries of
the Ottoman Palace, it is accepted as a palace garden and here a summer house was built
and various vegetables and fruits of the best kind, such as lemon, bitter orange, citron,
pomegranate, grapes, peaches, and apricots were grown. According to Eremya elebi, who
gives a depiction of the place in the 17
century, the existing mansions in the area were
allocated to the harem and its garden was decorated with flowers in all colours, and the
stone pine trees grew high as they constituted a dome on top of the garden [3].
Evliya elebi, in his work Seyahatname tells us about the Tersane Garden that various
orders to liven up the place were given by Sultan Mehmet II. the Conqueror, various baths
and summer palaces, rooms, halls, pools and tank-fountains were built, around 12000
cypress trees were planted in the area [1]. In the times of Murad IV, around 100 bostanci
foremen were registered in the bostanc oca of the Tersane Garden. As these areas were
only used in the summer months, the residents of the sultan were stone structures and the
residents for the servants were either tents or wooden structures, giving rise to frequent fires
which caused major problems in the area. Ahmed I, brahim, Mehmed IV, Ahmed III, and
Selim III were Ottoman sultans who frequently used the green areas of the Tersane Garden.
It is recorded in written accounts that Sultan Mehmed the Hunter who came back from a
siege in 1677 watched the Galata craftsmen from his caged manor in this garden, and
watched a funambulist in 1678 [9]. In the periods to follow, Tersane Gardens name was
changed to Aynalkavak Garden and a stable
was added as in many other hasbahces.
6. Main principles of open area planning in the Ottoman period
Use of water as a need
As the most crucial need of any living, water had been carried using pipe drains and
aqueducts, then pools, and distributed to all over the city. For keeping the green texture in
open areas and gardens, Ottomans took water from springs or creeks, forwarded it to artificial
channels and brought water to the lands. For this purpose, a slight slope on the ground helped
with easing the flow in the channels. Where the slope was not enough, artificial grades were
formed in the channels. Considering the planning level, it might be stated that the network of
channels which intersect in straight lines, pioneered to the geometrical landscape architecture.
The sections and width of the channels were specified according to their types of directing and
sharing the water. In joints and intersection points, storage reservoirs and circulation ponds
were built and in time they were also changed into decorative pools.
Use of water for scenic and relaxation purposes
Water is one of the most actively used elements in the Ottoman architecture and landscape
architecture. From hospital architecture to residential buildings, a variety of application is
Stable: the stable built for the horses of the sultan and other lesser palace authorities
The Use of Courtyards and Open Areas in the Ottoman Period in stanbul 815
observed. In open areas, water is used with elements such as decorative pools, waterfalls,
cascades, etc. to bring comfort and vivacity to the atmosphere. In many pools, animal
shaped sculptures which flowed water from the mouth were used as decorative elements.
Building hanging gardens
In Ottoman landscape architecture, applications of hanging terraces to make slopes level
(which is an ancient eastern tradition) were plenty. As the slope of the land increased, the
water flowed stronger and reached the desired speed. The garden ground becomes sloped,
instead of horizontal. Due to these two reasons which cannot possibly be accepted, the
ground was divided into horizontal layers, graded and the area is held by sustaining walls.
These applications gave birth to hanging gardens. It became possible to enable a normal
current for the channels in their shortened lengths and many elements to decorate the
garden are achieved. These are points of superior view and comfort, together with the
waterfalls, which are a result of the channels passing from one grade to another.
Road planning
One of the characteristics of the gardens is the elevation of the roads. Due to the roads in the
shape of dams or levees, garden plans could keep their traditional axiality and order.
Building kiosks on various points in the gardens
The Eastern garden is usually accepted as the beginning of the understanding of garden.
Although scattering kiosks in various points in the gardens is accepted as an application
which is widely practiced in the East, most of the Ottoman promenades and large gardens
had kiosks and summer houses in small or large scales.
7. Effects of the Tulip Era on promenades
The period between the years 1718-1730 is named as Tulip Era in Ottoman history. Many
changes and novelties took place in the Tulip Era in the Ottoman State. In this era when
scientific advances were experienced, architectural activities were accelerated, translation
committees were started, opening up new promenades to public use and reorganizing the
old ones caused a more lively social life. The Ottoman women, who started going outdoors
much more than they used to, who practiced more existence in the social life started to
appear more in promenades. Even their clothing got more varied and more colorful. Not
only the wealthy women, but women of all strata of the society had a sense of decoration in
the era. In the accounts of the era, the lifestyle in Sadabad is one of the hot topics. Sadabad
is not only the name of a promenade, or a palace, but the name of a huge structural complex
and the name of the life style of the era. The bed of Kathane River was altered and a canal
was built, and lands were given to 170 prominent statesmen to build eye pleasing manors
on the both sides of the canal. A palace named Sadabad was built for Sultan Ahmed III
between the years 1721-1722 [2].
Entertainments in Sadabad were the most important elements for enriching the social life in
the Tulip Era. In old stanbul gardens, first quadrangle shapes, then in the 18
Advances in Landscape Architecture 816
rounded, oviform, sinuous lines, and then in the 19
century artificial lake forms gained
importance. The first urban design example of the era, Kathane promenade also reflects
this understanding [10]. Artificial hills, valleys, lakes and woods were intentionally formed
to look natural. Natural gardens and promenades were placed in valley opening up to the
Bosphorus or the Golden Horn, for the view. Groups of trees or single but monumental
trees, water elements such as creeks, springs, canals, fountains, pools, stone or grass halls,
viewing areas were formed in these vast areas. The flat meadow was kept for various
entertainments, games, and sports activities such as javelin, wrestling and archery.
Walkways were paved on the hills which surrounded the meadow as if an amphitheater.
Especially the sloped land in Bosphorus gave possibility to various levee applications and
in later times high cost levees with baroque curves found places in the proudest gardens
8. Namazgahs
Namazgahs were places of praying outdoors, when mosque or prayer rooms were not
available in the area. Namazgahs were built for summer services in the city and
promenades. In namazgahs, Friday and Bairam prayings were held by groups of men.
Also they were built out of the city, to cater for the needs of resting and praying while
Apart from the yards of the social complexes, the only open area typological element which
has a certain architectural form is the namazgah. It was a platform, with a tiled floor, in
square or rectangular shape, elevated from the surrounding are with a couple of stairs, with
sides and top open. The architectural shape of the namazgahs are defined by the low walls
enveloping the area, a pulpit and a mihrab. In some of the namazgahs on interurban road
sides, there is only a rammed earth floor and a large stone which points to the direction of
Mecca. On some of these stones, also the name of the person who financed the building of
the namazgah, and various Quran verses are inscribed.
Where the climate is warm, there are also some examples where the top is covered with a
roof (some have inner wooden ceilings) or shaded by trees such as plane or nettle trees.
Around the namazgahs, fountains, wells or springs for drinking water and ritual ablution
are also found. Some examples are two storied: first floor for a fountain, and upper floor for
the namazgah. As the ones on the stanbul Baghdad road, some namazgahs which used to
be on caravan-routes in the past, are in the city in our day, due to the growth of the cities.
Also from some, only fountains or the mihrab stones are left, usually preserved as they were
mistaken for tombstones. Also Julia Pardoe in her travel writings stated that the mihrab
stone in front of the Kathane Summer Palace was a tombstone, by error.
9. Assessment and conclusion
It is difficult to specify and determine the scope, methods and principles of landscape
architecture in a holistic way, for the public areas of the Ottoman era, as so few examples
The Use of Courtyards and Open Areas in the Ottoman Period in stanbul 817
remain. However, some information can be derived from the archives, engravings and
works on the gardens.
In the designs of areas used commonly by the public, such as promenades, meadows and
large gardens, largely and characteristically materials such as pools, sprinklers, fountains,
sculptures were used. It is known that there were trees with large leaves which gave shades,
fruit trees, pergolas, levees and stairs, sprinklers and sculptures, flower beds like roses and
tulips and green areas around the pools. Geometrical elements are rarely used. In the
designs of Ottoman gardens, applications which refer to the Islamic depiction of the Heaven
were used: Heaven is a garden in which rivers flow, with large pools and waterfalls,
various trees, date palms and vineyards. With the desire to create a corner of the paradise
in the world, plane, ash, lime, elm, nettle, bay, redbud trees; rose, tulip, jacinth and
carnation flowers were used as decorative elements in the Ottoman gardens.
Tersane Garden, Kathane, or with its later name Sadabad, and the Beykoz Meadow are
the most cited, most depicted and most famous promenades of stanbul in both local and
foreign sources.
The festivals held in open areas were also causes for social solidarity and social cohesion.
People from all strata of the society participated in those festivals, some as audience, some
as performers, and some as workers. Among the most important aims of these festivals were
creating a communication between the palace and the people, to satisfy the public curiosity
about the palace, to receive the ideas of the people on the government and to reinforce the
legal status on the people.
Racynski, who visited Istanbul in the August of 1814, tells his observations that Turks
organize horse races in Atmeydani, entertainments in Kathane, javelin matches in
Sadabad yard, and in these organizations thousands of people, men and women gather,
giving rise to different perceptions than of Eastern tradition [11]. Miss Julia Pardoe,
expresses her observations in a 19
century Istanbul promenade: [] To enjoy what none
know better how to appreciate than the Orientals a bright sky, a running stream, flowers, leaves,
and sunshine. Bullock-carriages, covered with gay- coloured awnings of silken shag, fringed with
gold; gilded arabas, drawn by swift horses ; and caiques, the number of whose elegantly-clad rowers
denotes the rank or wealth of their owners [] It is, in short, a spirit-stirring scene ; and the poorer
classes who are unable to command a carriage, or a caique, will cheerfully toil on foot from the city,
under a scorching sun, in order to secure their portion of the festival.
When the arrangements of urban open areas in the Ottoman Empire until the 18
are examined, areas designed with as little intervention as possible to the nature, due to
topographical and sociocultural aspects, still develop a unique style. However, after the 18
century, with the effects of European styles, the Ottoman style begins to change. After this
period, Ottoman is heavily affected by European fashions of Baroque and English
Naturalistic trends, and although Ottoman forms are kept in Ottoman palace gardens and
promenades to some extent, many formal and informal arrangements were performed in
decorations and details.
Advances in Landscape Architecture 818
Some gardens kept giving service to the dwellers of the city for a long time, and some were
deserted in short time. In the gardens which lost their appeal, public buildings such as
barracks, hospitals, and ship building yards were built and in our day the old traces of the
gardens are impossible to follow. Those green areas of the past have been shattered, dived
and turned into private properties under the pressures of modernization and dens
urbanization. Levees in some gardens were demolished according to the gardening trends
of the day, the flower beds were altered, century-old trees were removed and replaced with
foreign decorative plants and with these endeavors became works of the new era as a whole.
The affection and respect towards the nature in the Ottoman Period, the modesty in the
gardens inside the nature continued until the beginning of the 19
century. The Ottomans
felt the hidden beauty and possibilities of the piece of nature they came across with the most
refined and indulgent sense and knew how to process these areas. Ottoman naturalist
garden, unlike the European, was never carried away with romantic inclinations; never felt
the need to build artificial ruins, grotesque and exotic structures [2]. The topographical slope
was not accepted as a rule in beds and roads, the courage to draw straight lines in nature
was displayed and it was succeeded, never causing impropriety, never going beyond the
frames. Usually in Ottoman landscape architecture the piece of nature processed is not
forced, but affected with small retouches and inclusions. All its power is in choosing the
appropriate places and the incisiveness in discovering them [2]. Geometrical gardens
formed in narrow terraces and yards of the monasteries and chateaus in Italy, France and
England, with the inspirations of Roman villa, also took Ottoman garden planning in its
command. In the 17
century, France reflected her brilliance in magnificent perspectives,
parterres and aqueducts, creating the richest gardens based on geometrical and axial patterns.
In the 18
century Europe, instead of the small geometrical garden, baroquely French gardens
become more prominent. The garden designs in the Ottoman, kept its characteristics until the
end of the 18
century, due to its proximity to Eastern and Muslim areas [2].
Figure 10. People having fun in Kathane Promenade in an engraving by Thomas Allom, R. Walsh,
Constantinople and the Scenery of the Seven Churches of Asia Minor, 1838.
The Use of Courtyards and Open Areas in the Ottoman Period in stanbul 819
Figure 11. People having fun in Kathane Promenade in an engraving by Barlett.
Author details
Glhan Benli
Istanbul Aydn University Faculty of Engineering and Architecture,
Architecture Department,
Florya Campus, stanbul
10. References
[1] Danman Z. Evliya elebi Seyahatnamesi. stanbul: 1969.
[2] Eldem SH. Trk Baheleri. stanbul: 1976.
[3] Kmrciyan E. Translated: Andreasyan H.D. stanbul Tarihi XII. Asrda stanbul.
stanbul: 1988.
[4] Yaltrk F. Baheler. Dnden Bugne stanbul Ansiklopedisi. stanbul:
1993;4 p.4-5.
[5] Pardoe J. Beauties of Bosphorus. London: 1838.
[6] Altnay A.R. Onikinci Asr- Hicride stanbul Hayat (1689-1785). stanbul: 1935.
[7] Erdoan M. Osmanl Devrinde stanbul Baheleri. Ankara:1958;4 p.151
[8] Aslanolu GE. Eski Trk Baheleri ve zellikle Eski stanbul Baheleri. Ankara: 1972.
Silahtar tarihi 1. stanbul: 1928
[9] Atasoy N. Hasbahe - Osmanl Kltrnde Bahe ve iek. stanbul: 2003.
[10] Racynski E. Translated: Turan K. 1814de stanbul ve anakkaleye Seyahat. stanbul:
Advances in Landscape Architecture 820
[11] Schiele R., Wiener MW. 19. yzylda stanbul Hayat. stanbul: 1988.
[12] Erdoan E. Tarih inde Trk bahesi. evre ve nsan Dergisi. stanbul:
1997;37 p.24-29.
Section 7
Landscape Restoration
Chapter 33
Reclamation of Degraded Landscapes
due to Opencast Mining
Nazan Kuter
Additional information is available at the end of the chapter
1. Introduction
Even though it is regarded as a crucial economic activity worldwide, mining has a
significant negative impact on environment. Due to its nature, especially opencast mining
inevitably leads to serious degradation on ecological and aesthetic values of the landscape.
Topography and drainage, air, soil and water quality, vegetation including forest
ecosystems, noise levels and ground vibrations, human health and habitation can be listed
as the typical parameters that are mainly affected by opencast mining activities. When the
extraction of reserve is over, the altered landscape has to be reclaimed in order to relieve the
damaging effects of opencast mining and restore the landscape and its immediate
On the other hand, reclamation of post-mining landscapes is a very challenging task since
there is no unique reclamation planning scheme for such landscapes, and it highly depends
on the site-specific characteristics. Therefore, successful and sustainable reclamation
requires interdisciplinary approach leading to an integrated and effective proposal to restore
ecological, hydrological, aesthetic, recreational and other functions of the post-mining
landscape. Different methods and approaches for the reclamation of opencast mine sites
have been proposed by several disciplines such as landscape architecture, environmental
and mining engineering, forestry, archeology and social sciences.
The main motivation of this chapter is to emphasize both the importance of reclamation
studies and the fact that natural and cultural characteristics of the post-mining landscapes
have to be considered within different point of views by various disciplines simultaneously
in order to obtain the most suitable landscape use planning for such areas.
The remainder of this chapter is organized as follows. The next section gives basic overview
of the effects of opencast mining activities on both environment and human health. In
Advances in Landscape Architecture 824
Section 3, reclamation and rehabilitation are addressed within a broader perspective,
including the definition of basic terminology; the aim, the importance and the necessity for
the reclamation of opencast mine sites; methods and techniques; evaluation of the success of
reclamation; interdisciplinary dimension of the issue; several case studies; and legislative
matters as well. Finally, Section 4 concludes this chapter.
2. The effects of opencast mining activities on environment and human
Mining is important for local and global economy, but this operation mostly and inevitably
leads to substantial environmental damage and due to these kinds of activities, original
potential of landscape is extremely altered.
Especially in the case of opencast mining, where a mineral is fairly close to the surface in a
massive or wide tabular body, or the mineral itself is part of the surface soil or rock, surface
mining methods are often considered as more economical. The most common surface
mining methods such as strip mining, open pit mining, opencast mining and quarrying
start from the earths surface and keep exposure to the surface during the extraction
period. Disruption of the surface significantly affects the soil, fauna, flora and surface
water, thereby influencing all types of land use. Additionally, if the operation goes further
below the water table, it will affect the near-surface groundwater (Chamber of Mines of
South Africa 2008).
Most surface mining methods are large scale, involving removal of massive volumes of
material, including overburden, to extract the mineral deposit. Large amounts of waste can
be produced in the process. Surface mining also can cause noise and disturbance, leave scars
on the landscape and may pollute the air with dust (Bell and Donnelly 2006). Therefore, it is
not only crucial to have a detailed understanding of the pre-mining environment, but also
important to apprehend the utilized mining method in order to plan a meaningful surface
rehabilitation, wherever possible (Chamber of Mines of South Africa 2008). The process of
removing, storing and subsequently replacing the soil during the mining activity lead to
potential problems in relation to subsequent restoration. In this respect, a major distinction
should be drawn between those sites where, for operational reasons, soil has to be stored for
a period of years while the mining progresses, and those, usually larger, sites where a
progressive system of restoration can be practiced (Rimmer and Younger 1997).
The negative impacts of surface mining on environment can be listed as the following
(Kavourides et al. 2002):
occupation of large farming areas needed for excavation and dumping operations,
alteration of land morphology,
disturbance of native fauna and flora,
modification of surface and ground water balance,
resettlement of residential areas, roads and railways,
release of air, liquid and solid pollutants and noise pollution.
Reclamation of Degraded Landscapes due to Opencast Mining 825
Water resources and the quality of air are seriously modified by surface mining operations.
One problem introduced during surface mining operations is groundwater, which contains
dissolved salts derived from the rock that it has been in contact with, and it is characterized
according to the concentrations and proportions of combinations of ions that it contains.
Impacts of surface mining are often large and unpredicted such as a former zinc-copper
mine polluting the environment due to cadmium leachates or a former gold-copper ore
causing arsenic pollution of surface waters (Sengupta 1993; Sams and Beer 2000; Salonen et
al. 2003; Bell and Donnelly 2006).
Pyki et al. (2002) have evaluated the impact of a chromium opencast mining complex on
the ambient air environment at Kemi, Northern Finland. The total suspended particles and
associated metal (Cr, Ni and Pb) concentrations in the air were determined in their study
Soil destruction is one of the most crucial environmental impacts of opencast mining
activities. In the course of removing the desired mineral material, original soil become lost,
or buried by wastes. When mining is going and has gone on, particularly top soil must be
conserved because it is an essential source of seed and nutrients, and should be preserved
for use in reclamation. According to Mummey et al. (2002), disturbance of soil ecosystems
that disrupts normal functioning or alters the composition of soil microbial communities is
potentially destructive for both short and long term ecological stability.
Surface mining speeds up erosion and sedimentation and short duration, high intensity
storms can be a violent force moving thousands of tons of soil. Physical characteristics of the
overburden, degree and length of slope, climate, amount and rate of rainfall, type and
percentage of vegetative ground cover affect the vulnerability of strip mined land erosion
(Sengupta 1993). According to the Kleeberg et al. (2008); soil erosion is frequently related to
high rates of particulate phosphorus (P) transfer from land to water bodies. Providing a long
term source of P for aquatic biota, and accelerating freshwater eutrophication, information
on P sources is important for good environmental management. In their study, a year-long
monitoring, and ten short rainfall simulations on plot scale, at ridges and rills and a
combination of them, revealed high erosion from bare lignite mining dumps at
Schlabendorf-North, Lusatia, Germany.
Another adverse impact of opencast mining on land is soil contamination with a range of
potentially hazardous substances (both chemical and biological) which, if present at
sufficiently high levels, may introduce potential problems related to public health and
environment. For example, soils can contain high levels of heavy metals such as cadmium
and lead, which can severely affect the local population (Kibble and Saunders 2001). So,
identifying and dealing with contaminated land is important in order to support increased
quality of life for communities and conservation of biodiversity (Kibblewhite 2001).
It has been recently declared by the United States Environmental Protection Agency (US EPA)
that the imperfect management of wastes produced in the course of mining and reclamation
works is detrimental to environmental and human health. The effect of wastes due to
Advances in Landscape Architecture 826
mining and processing activities on ecosystems can be observed in groundwater, surface
water, and soil and the following points may put human health in danger (Passariello et al.
inhalation of aerosols containing high levels of metals,
percutaneous absorption following skin contact,
use of contaminated water,
consumption of food from contaminated areas.
As a result of the study of Coelho et al. (2007), it has been stated that irritating symptoms
have been found in the eye mucous and respiratory system of people living near abandoned
mine pits, and population in the Vila Real district, in the Northeast of Portugal have been
exposed to higher level of lead and cadmium.
Razo et al. (2004) assessed the environmental impact of arsenic and heavy metal pollution of
soil, sediment and surface water in the Villa de la Paz-Matehuala, San Luis Potosi in Mexico,
and the results of soil samples reported high concentrations of chemicals hazardous to
human health. In order to give a specific example, the maximum arsenic concentration in
pluvial water storage ponds (265 g.L
), near the main potential sources of pollution,
exceed by 5 times the Mexican drinking water quality guideline (50 g.L
It is a matter of necessity at this point to both emphasize and focus on the negative effects of
opencast coal mining on ecosystems at a landscape level, which may not only be large scale,
but also be intense.
Environmental impacts of opencast coal mining have been thoroughly investigated by many
researchers and defined for the various stages of the coal fuel cycle. The coal cycle
comprises five main activities: i) Exploration and extraction; ii) Preparation; iii) Handling
and supply; iv) Conversion (where applicable); and v) Utilization, including waste disposal.
The principal environmental impacts and concerns specific to exploration, extraction, and
preparation phases are listed below (Buchanan and Brenkley 1994):
Surface mines: siting; large-scale land use; overburden removal and disposal;
disturbance of hydrology and run-off; acid mine drainage; visual intrusion; noise; blast
vibration; fly rock; fugitive dust; transportation/traffic; high wall stability; restoration of
soil fertility; recreating ecosystem diversity; recreating landscape; amenity value;
historic resource preservation.
Abandoned mines: methane migration; flooding; groundwater contamination;
structural integrity; land rehabilitation.
The environmental impacts resulting from coal mining activities are mainly attributable to
the exposure of decreased earth materials, especially such as coal, pyrite, siderite, and
ankerite, and to the oxidizing power of the Earths atmosphere. The consequences range
from the spontaneous combustion of coal to the release of acidic waters from pyrite
oxidation. If no extenuating measures are used, potentially many unpleasant environmental
impacts result from surface coal mining area. A typology of the known impacts resulting
from mine voids and wastes in coal mining districts has been developed, which recognizes
Reclamation of Degraded Landscapes due to Opencast Mining 827
many subcategories of impacts such as air pollution, ground deformation, water pollution
and water resource depletion (Sengupta 1993; Younger 2004).
According to Ghose (2002), opencast coal mining causes much more environmental
pollution especially air quality deterioration in respect of dust and gaseous pollutants. It
creates air pollution problem in the mining premises and the surrounding locations. In the
study, the sources of air pollution in Jharia Coalfield, Indiana were identified, and Suspended
Particulate Matter (SPM) and Respirable Particulate Matter (RPM) concentrations were found
to be very high in work zone as well as surrounding locations. The study emphasized that
stringent air quality standards should be set for coal mining areas.
In Sokolov coal mining district in Czech Republic, total area of more than 6000 ha will have
been disturbed around year 2036 at the end of mining activities. Spoil material overlying the
coal layer was removed and deposited in heaps. The largest heaps formed by removal of
spoil material are thousands of hectares in the area and reach elevations of more than 100 m
above the original terrain (Frouz et al. 2006).
In the Lusatian mining district of eastern Germany, where 6% of the global lignite
production occurred during 90s, this influence is of particular concern. Over the last
hundred years 75,000 ha of land have been turned into dumps. The water balance of the
whole region has been changed by groundwater pumping. Fifty percent of the dump area
was not reclaimed by the year 1998. At many places recultivation efforts were impeded by
extreme ecological site conditions mainly due to the high pyrite content of the spoil material
(Httl 1998).
Xin-yi et al. (2009) investigated Yanma coal mining waste dump in China in their study. The
surface layer soil around the mountain was gathered, and the heavy metal content and pH
were measured out. The heavy metal (Pb, Zn, Cu, Cr, Cd) pollution situation of the soil was
researched according to the distance of coal mining waste dump. As revealed out from the
study, heavy metal polluted the soil in certain distance to the coal mining waste dump, and
the content is in negative correlation with the distance to the coal mining waste dump.
Bell et al. (2001) studied the environmental degradation associated with the abandoned
Middelburg Colliery in the Witbank Coalfield, South Africa. The chemical composition of
spoil materials of the mine mainly consist of two principal oxides: silica and alumina;
calcium, magnesium, iron, sodium, potassium, and titanium oxides are also present in small
concentrations. Pyrite takes place in the shales and coal of the spoil heaps, and its contact
with air gives a toxic nature to soil heaps, which is not in favor of healthy vegetation growth
and plant life.
The chemistry of groundwater in contact with coal mine workings may change due to
reactions with iron pyrite, which may result either from oxidation of pyritic materials
increasing the acidity of the water, or from dissolution of soluble salts in the spoil,
overburden, or increasing levels of dissolved solids in the water. The oxidation process
requires that both air and water come in contact with pyritic materials, whereas air is not
required for dissolution of soluble salts. As a result of these chemical changes, groundwater
Advances in Landscape Architecture 828
becomes highly ferruginous and often has a low pH value, and hence it is referred to as acid
mine drainage, which can be toxic due to high values of sulphate and increased levels of
heavy metals. Where this groundwater flows into surface watercourses, the latter may
become grossly polluted, and it may also cause other problems such as faults and
subsidence being reactivated or the displacement and emergence of mine gases into the
environment. Acid mine drainage is a significant, unremedied environmental problem which
deteriorates surface and ground water quality. Also, it is of value to notice that some of the
closed mine sites under investigation still cause severe environmental degradation due to
metal load resulting in disruption of fish and algae growth (Sengupta, 1993; Sams and Beer,
2000; Salonen et al, 2003; Bell and Donnelly, 2006).
In the case of Britain, most coal field areas have been closed and mine water pumping has
stopped. As a result, the emission of ferruginous effluents and acid mine drainage from the
various exits to mines due to groundwater rebound are two of the most remarkable effects
of coal mine closure (Bell and Donnelly, 2006). In Adak, located in the Vasterbotten district
in northern Sweden, surface water, sediment and soil samples contain higher concentrations
of As, Cu, Fe and Zn, compared to the target and intervention limits set by international
regulatory agencies (Bhattacharya et al. 2006).
Studies of both Song et al. (1997) in Daesong coal mine, Keumsan in South Korea and Sams
and Beer (2000) along the Allegheny and Monongahela rivers in the US including their sub-
basins revealed the extent of polluted area by acid mine drainage due to upward trends in
sulphate concentrations. These trends appear to be related to increase in coal production.
Klukanova and Rapant (1999) showed that waters draining freely from the mines transport
large amounts of toxic elements into surface streams which contaminate broader
surroundings in the HandlovaCigel brown coal district, Slovakia. The results from
monitored localities indicated that long-term mining activities adversely influence the
environment. Although during the past decades or centuries many of these effects may have
been reduced or eliminated, such as in old dumps that were covered by vegetation and
where their toxic elements washed out to become part of present-day environment.
However, many past mining activities cause environmental problems even today, and they
must be mapped and monitored.
In order to have detailed knowledge on the extent of impacts of opencast mining, site
assessment is necessary and various kinds of investigations should be explored in order to
choose the best technique for the environmental reclamation. Various analysis techniques,
sampling and modeling schemes have been proposed and applied by researchers and
according to Cuccu (2002), judgmental sampling, systematic and regular grid sampling,
simple random sampling, stratified sampling, ranked set sampling, composite sampling can
all be used as sampling method, and the techniques to achieve sampling operations may
differ in function of number of sampling area and geometric features of sampling location.
Navarro et al. (2004) have carried out field and laboratory studies in order to investigate soil
contamination derived from past mining activity in the Sierra Almagrera district in
Reclamation of Degraded Landscapes due to Opencast Mining 829
southeast Spain. According to the study, the tailings, soil and sediment samples that were
collected showed high concentrations of Ag, As, Ba, Cu, Pb, Sb and Zn when analyzed.
Navarro et al. (2008) evaluated the dispersion and influence of soluble and particulate
metals present in the materials from an abandoned mine, Cabezo Rajao, in Spain. Tailings
and soils were sampled and analyzed for pH, EC, CaCO3, grain size, mineralogical
composition and heavy metal content, while water samples were collected and analyzed for
pH, EC, soluble metals and salts. A total of eighteen sampling stations were selected from
Cabezo Rajao mining site, to be representative of the different soils or waste material types
present at the site. Solid samples were air dried and sieved to < 2 mm for general analytical
determinations. Equivalent calcium carbonate was determined by the volumetric method
using a Bernard calcimeter. Textural analysis was performed after dispersion of the fine soil
and by combining extraction by Robinson pipette and sieving, and the mineralogical
composition of the samples was determined by X-ray diffraction analysis.
In the study conducted by Jun-bao et al. (2002) in the Fushun coal mine, the northeast China,
the spatiotemporal variation of heavy metal element content in reclamation soil was studied
and grid method was used in order to sample covering soil at the test field. The soil samples
were taken at different locations, including three kinds of covering soil, three different
depths of soil layers and four different covering ages of covering soil.
Komnitsas and Modis (2006) aim to map As and Zn contamination and assess the risk for
agricultural soils in a wider disposal site containing wastes derived from coal beneficiation
in coal mining region of Tula, south of Moscow, Russia. Geochemical data related to
environmental studies show that the waste characteristics favor solubilization and
mobilization of inorganic contaminants and in some cases the generation of acidic leachates.
135 soil samples were collected from a depth of 20 cm using a 500 m x 500 m grid and
analyzed by using geostatistics under the maximum entropy principle in order to produce
risk assessment maps and estimate the probability of soil contamination. The samples were
oven dried, sieved, ground, dissolved in aqua regia and analyzed for 23 inorganic elements
by atomic absorption spectrophotometry.
All types of opencast mining have serious impact on all landscape components and
functions, leading to significant alteration of the original landscape, which is actually a
subcategory of cultural landscape. Once mining operations start, the landscape development
in progress is disturbed, the original ecosystems are removed, the topography is
significantly altered, the basic ecological relations are unchangeably disrupted, and
biodiversity is decreased. These factors consequently lead to total ecological destabilization,
elimination of the aesthetic values and decrease in the recreational potential of the
landscape. Therefore, post-mining landscapes are often called landscapes without a memory,
which gives landscape architects one of the few opportunities in order to create a new
landscape that will rapidly improve the visual quality of a region. (Sklenicka et al. 2004;
Sklenicka and Kasparova 2008).
As a result of the aforementioned changes in the ecosystem, disturbance on nourishment
and energy flows is inevitable, which mostly leads to devastation of the ecosystem. When
Advances in Landscape Architecture 830
viewed in the landscape planning perspective, landscape evaluation can be considered as a
management tool and the first thing to consider is to decide for which purpose the
landscape will be used. Then, the implementation of reclamation should be carried out by
taking the basic rules of ecology into account. In case of having connected habitats, a small
portion of land may serve as a healthy ecosystem. The impacts of mining on the social and
environmental structure are mostly long-term and closely associated with the social level of
the local society (Gillarova and Pecharova 2009).
3. Reclamation of opencast mine sites
Its crucial to make a mine disturbed land environmentally stable in order to transfer an
unpolluted environment and natural resources to the next generations. However, when a
demolished land is left with its own, it may take years and years to recover and reach an
ecological balance. During this period, these types of lands need human hand for
reclamation and recovery. Therefore, post-mining reclamation works are those aiming to
regain landscapes fertility, its ecologic, economic and esthetic values (Akpnar, 2005).
3.1. Basic terminology
There are different terms that have been used for reclamation such as rehabilitation,
restoration and recultivation. Whereas these terms are mostly used interchangeably, there are
obviously some fine differences in meaning.
Restoration is used as the act of restoring to a former state or position or to an unimpaired or
perfect condition. To restore means to bring back to the original state or to a healthy or vigorous
state. This usage implies returning to an original state and to a state that is perfect and
healthy. On both sides of the Atlantic, the word is used in that way. Rehabilitation is the action
of restoring a thing to a previous condition or status. This may sound similar to restoration;
however, there is little or no implication of perfection. In common usage, something that is
rehabilitated is not expected to be in as original or healthy state as if it had been restored.
Remediation is the act of remedying. To remedy is to rectify, to make good. There is more
emphasis on the process rather than on the endpoint reached. Reclamation is used particularly
in Britain but also in North America. It is defined as the making of land fit for cultivation.
However, to reclaim is defined as to bring back to a proper state. This definition does not imply
returning to an original state but rather to a useful one. Replacement is, therefore, a possible
alternative option. To replace is to provide or procure a substitute or equivalent in place of
(although an alternative meaning is to restore). Mitigation is a word often used when
restoration is considered. It is important to note that it is nothing to do with restoration. To
mitigate means to appease or to moderate the heinousness of something (Bradshaw, 1996).
Three categories of remedial treatment have been defined by the National Academy of
Sciences, America: Rehabilitation: The land is returned to a form and productivity in
conformity with a prior land-use plan with a stable ecological state that does not contribute
substantially to environmental deterioration and is consistent with surrounding aesthetic
Reclamation of Degraded Landscapes due to Opencast Mining 831
values.; Reclamation: The site is hospitable to organisms that were originally present or
others that approximate the original inhabitants.; Restoration: The condition of the site at
the time of disturbance is replicated after the action.. According to these definitions: i)
rehabilitation usually allows the greatest flexibility in future land use and incurs the least
cost; ii) reclamation means that the pre- and post-disturbance land uses are nearly the same;
and iii) restoration allows no land use flexibility and results in the greatest cost (Sahu and
Dash, 2011).
In British terminology, restoration means the return of newly mined land to post-mining
productivity, whereas reclamation means the recovery of derelict land (abandoned industrial
land including that from mining) to usefulness. American usage of the word restoration has
caused it to mean a strict replication of conditions existing before mining. (Saperstein 1990).
According to Del Tredici (2008), restoration has inherent assumptions stating that it is both
possible and desirable to establish some portion of the original ecological conditions of a
site. People in favor of following strict restoration guidelines have to answer two very
difficult questions: i) to what former time period should the site be restored? And ii) how
should one deal with the imponderable environmental changes affecting the site? On the
other hand, reclamation, also referred to as revitalization, assumes that there is no ecologic
time travel to an earlier state of the site. Instead, to minimize the negative impacts of the site
on the surrounding environment and to maximize its aesthetic and ecological functionally
are the main objectives of reclamation projects, which are usually large scale and heavily
3.2. Aim, importance and necessity of reclamation
A rational reclamation objective should not only aim to create a permanently stable
landscape that is both aesthetically and environmentally compatible with surrounding
undisturbed lands, but also take into consideration aesthetics, intended use, and versatility
when shaping the land in order to construct a land resource with both maximum feasible
utility and versatility for future generations. Even though the approximate original contour
as a minimum condition is generally required by reclamation regulations, there can be cases
where variance from that is allowed as long as desirable results are guaranteed (Jansen and
Melsted 1988; Sengupta 1993).
Within the frame of remediation of a contaminated land, either the minimization of actual or
potential environment threat, or the reduction of potential risks to acceptable levels are the
main goals, which can be accomplished by applying one or more of the following (Wood
1997; 2001):
elimination of the hazard by removal or treatment/modification of the contaminant,
control of the hazard by isolation or separation of the contaminant,
interruption of the pathway of contaminant movement and exposure,
protection or removal of the receptor (essentially involving an interruption of the
Advances in Landscape Architecture 832
When viewed in mine reclamation perspective, the fundamental objectives are given as (Cao
to eliminate health and safety hazards (i.e., removal of all facilities and structures
threatening human health and safety),
to restore impacted land and water resources (i.e., progressive re-vegetation and
stabilization of residues to reduce potential of acid mine drainage or water
to eliminate off-site environmental impacts (i.e., cleaning up sites to conform to the
communitys surrounding landscape),
to ensure that post-mining land has a feasible self-sustaining future with respect to both
environmental and socio-economic benefits (i.e., developing publicly owned land for
recreation, historic purposes, conservation purposes, or open space benefits, or for
constructing public facilities in communities),
to encourage better use of energy and natural resources, and to guarantee sustained
mining operations.
Mining and land development are closely linked in the dynamic and integrative process
addressed by a range of environmental, production, aesthetic, land use, and economic issues
related within the reclamation planning objectives. This process, whose outline is briefly
given below, starts at the opening of a mine operation and terminates at the closure of the
mine, which may take five to fifty years (Bauer, 2000):
build a mine environment compatible with neighboring land uses during the whole
mine operation,
maximize access to aggregate resources on the site,
use all unique deposit features created by the mining operation in shaping new
employ non-aggregate earth materials such as overburden, clay deposits, and mine
waste in building and shaping land forms,
use available earth moving equipment and earth moving procedures efficiently for
reclaiming the mine site, without interfering with ongoing mining operations,
develop a coordinated and sequential program of mining, earth moving, land shaping,
and landscaping to ensure that lands are prepared for development as mining
progresses through the deposit.
3.3. Methods and techniques for reclamation
The process of choosing the most appropriate technique for the reclamation is often a
painstaking task, and many economic and operational parameters (i.e., process applicability,
effectiveness and costs, process development status and availability and operational
requirements) should be taken into account, as well as several additional factors such as
process limitations, monitoring needs, potential environmental impact, health and safety
Reclamation of Degraded Landscapes due to Opencast Mining 833
needs and post-treatment management requirements (Wood 1997). Additionally, large
extend of areas within the mining and industrial structures (i.e., traffic network, electricity
grid, pipelines, canalization streams, storage areas, industrial parks etc.) also increase the
complexity of rehabilitation works, and restrain the possibilities (Prikryl et al. 2002).
In reclamation of post-mining landscapes, there are generally two basic motives:
determinism and contingency, and the processes related with the former are mostly
considered. Several factors associated with the latter have also significant role on the success
of the reclamation, and these factors are often unpredictable and can be grouped in four
categories: i) Initial conditions (natural climate and topography, type and abundance of
topsoil); ii) Natural perturbations (droughts, extreme rainfall events, frost periods, pests); iii)
Influence of the surrounding ecosystems and people (runoff and sediment flows, grazing,
hunting, land uses); and iv) Human contingencies (modification/intermittence of mining
operations; mistakes in the performance of reclamation works; changes in legal rules, etc.).
Additionally, it is necessary to consider the reclaimed areas as open ecosystems that interact
with their surrounding environment, so landscaping schemes and reclamation work must
be included in any proposal for the development of a mine that broadly evaluates the
impacts of open mine sites on local residents, the landscape and the environment. The
following points should be considered to improve the performance of opencast mine
reclamation (Bell and Donnelly 2006; Ibarra and de las Heras 2005):
simultaneous integration of mining and reclamation activities to optimize the
opportunities offered by mining operations,
interactive development of reclamation projects by all actors and to have a consensus
on the final objectives for the reclaimed areas,
specific research to acquire detailed knowledge about the reference ecosystem in order
to adopt the general protocols for reclamation to local conditions,
plan for monitoring and survey to check, improve, or redirect the applied practices.
For achievable and sustainable reclamation, detailed information on various important
factors, classified as either natural or cultural, is required during the post-mining land use
planning, and they are listed in Table 1 (Ramani et al. 1990):
Naturally, not every mine has the same motives and methods for site rehabilitation, and it is
important to point out that it is not feasible to restore all mine sites due to economic and
operational considerations. However, even though disturbed by mining activities, all post-
mining lands eventually inherit some economic, recreational and esthetic potential. Hence,
discovering the unique potential of mined land and choosing appropriate methods and
measures, which actually form the core of reclamation, are necessary for the successful
transformation of this potential into a sustained capability. In order to obtain satisfactory
results in reclamation, special attention must be paid to the post-mining use of the land and
its potential functions (i.e., pasture, hayland, recreational areas, wildlife habitat, wetlands,
fishing ponds etc.), together with the implementation of environmental conservation and
land reclamation programs to minimize the negative environmental effects (Cao 2007;
Kavourides et al. 2002; Saperstein 1990).
Advances in Landscape Architecture 834
A. Topography
1. Relief
2. Slope
B. Climate
1. Precipitation
2. Wind-airflow patterns, intensity
3. Humidity
4. Temperature
5. Climate type
6. Growing season
7. Microclimatic characteristics
C. Altitude
D. Exposure (aspect)
E. Hydrology
1. Surface hydrology
a. watershed consideration
b. flood plain delineations
c. surface drainage patterns
d. amount and quality of runoffs
2. Ground water hydrology
a. ground water table
b. aquifers
c. amount and quality of ground
water flows
d. recharge potential
F. Geology
1. Stratigraphy
2. Structure
3. Geomorphology
4. Chemical nature of overburden
5. Coal characterization
G. Soil
1. Agricultural characteristics
a. texture
b. structure
c. organic matter content
d. moisture content
e. permeability
f. pH
g. depth to bedrock
h. color
2. Engineering characteristics
a. shrink-swell potential
b. wetness
c. depth to bedrock
d. erodibility
e. slope
f. bearing capacity
g. organic layers
H. Terrestrial ecology
1. Natural vegetation, characterization,
identification of survival needs
2. Crops
3. Game animals
4. Resident and migratory birds
5. Rare and endangered species
I. Aquatic ecology
1. Aquatic animals-fish; water birds, resident
and migratory
2. Aquatic plants
3. Characterization, use, and survival needs of
aquatic life system
A. Location
B. Accessibility
1. Travel distance
2. Travel time
3. Transportation networks
C. Size and shape of the site
D. Surrounding land use
1. Current
2. Historical
3. Land use plans
4. Zoning ordinances
E. Land ownership
1. Public
2. Industry
3. Private
F. Type, intensity, and value of use
1. Agriculture
2. Forestry
3. Recreational
4. Residential
5. Commercial
6. Industrial
7. Institutional
8. Transportation/Utilities
9. Water
G. Population characteristics
1. Population
2. Population shift
3. Density
4. Age distribution
5. Number of households
6. Household size
7. Average income
8. Employment
9. Educational levels
Table 1. Required information for reclamation and postmining land use planning (Ramani et al. 1990)
Reclamation of Degraded Landscapes due to Opencast Mining 835
Since it is inevitable to have various mutual associates (i.e., companies, state and local
agencies, as well as special interest groups and general public) in the planning of surface
mines, the major objective is to preserve or enhance the long term use of the land within an
integrated mining, reclamation, and land use planning concept that accounts for the
interactions that must take place between the various levels of land use planners. A sample
framework of such a plan is illustrated in Figure 1 (Ramani et al. 1990).
Figure 1. Process of the integration of surface mining, reclamation, and land use planning (Ramani et
al. 1990)
Rearrangement and rehabilitation works, which may be either to remove the visual effects
of an existing mine site or to reduce the impact of a new mine site to a lowest degree, should
be planned before starting operation and carried out in parallel with mining activities. By this
way, reclamation can be implemented in a more economical way with minimum cost. During
the planning of rehabilitation works, research for land use and purpose of use for the
reclaimed land are crucial (Akpnar et al. 1993), and this type of landscape planning should
fulfill some or all of the following general conditions (Fanuscu 1999; Grceliolu 2002):
During mining operations:
to minimize the visual impact at lowest possible degree,
to take the necessary landscape planning measures against noise and dust
Subsequent to mining operations:
to carry out an effective and economic rehabilitation in order to have an efficient
post-mining utilization,
to reform the land in accordance with the final scope of use within the frame of
available resources,
Advances in Landscape Architecture 836
to rehabilitate the lower layer material, which has been dug up and is
inappropriate for vegetation,
to take replantation and post-mining land use issues into account.
According to Akpnar et al. (1993), rearrangement and rehabilitation works on degraded
areas due to mining activities are carried out in four main steps: i) post-mining land use
planning; ii) rearrangement within the frame of existing land use plan (excavation, dumping,
water regime control, removing and laying out of top soil separately etc.); iii) rehabilitation
(biological reclamation); and iv) monitoring and maintenance.
One of the main aims of reclamation is to restore the land use capability of disturbed
landscape; within this context, reclamation planning is necessary and strictly related to land
use planning. Substantial deformation of the topographic structure of the landscape, loss of
fertile top soil, detriment in the flora and fauna; reduction of such negative effects to a
minimum level or complete removal of them are achieved by landscape use planning, which is
the first stage of the landscape restoration studies.
Landscape use planning, briefly, is to investigate a landscape in point of different aspects and
research its availability for the proposed purpose of use. Such plans ensure an optimum
utilization of resources by either preservation of environmental values or reducing harmful
effects. Re-establishing the balance between ecology and economy in order to decrease the
inevitable environmental problems at a minimum level caused by mining, reconstructing
the disturbed ecosystem and introducing the possible new uses according to the needs of
dwellers are among the main concerns of landscape use planning. These studies are part of the
reclamation work and begin with planning of all mining activities, then continue during the
whole production process. At the beginning, preliminary decisions about the post-mining
land use of region are made. This initial plan constitutes the base for detailed decisions to be
made later and provides a chance for preliminary evaluation (Akpnar et al. 1993).
Potential future use of the post-mining lands basically depends on the nature of the land,
soil conditions, and communal structure of nearby surrounding to be rehabilitated by
technical, biological, agricultural means or forestry applications. The followings are the
potential land use types that follow successful land reclamation (Grceliolu 2002; Topay et
al. 2007; Tshivhandekano 2004):
The original land use,
Afforestation, forestry,
Nature conservation and wildlife,
Site improving,
Special reserve,
Settlement or industry,
Solid waste or rubble storage area.
Reclamation of Degraded Landscapes due to Opencast Mining 837
Rearrangement includes excavation and dumping according to the planning, stable design of
dump sites and chamfers with proper slope and elevation, laying out of top humus layer
and fertile soil right beneath it either directly or later, grading, drainage and water regime
control, constructing surrounding drainage channels against floods, and constructing
infrastructure and road network; whereas rehabilitation comprises improvement of soil
conditions and re-vegetation on topographically graded lands (Akpnar et al., 1993).
Factors related to soil and climatic conditions play significant role in the reclamation of post-
mining lands. Although it is easy to modify soil factors, it is practically impossible to
manipulate the climatic factors except for those related to moisture (i.e., irrigation for water-
deficient periods and drainage for water excess periods). Since the climatic adaptation of
plants to a certain specific region is one of the major concerns for the fulfillment of
reclamation objectives, a special attention must be paid to climate when selecting plants for
erosion control and targeted land uses (Powell 1988).
Since there is an urgent need for soil reconstruction and restoration of productive and
functional soil plant systems on abandoned and degraded opencast mine sites, soil
improvement is an indispensable stage of any reclamation process, where geological
substrate, slope and type of reclamation are the key determinants. The whole process
consists of a sequence of interrelated stages: i) application of additives, ii) spreading and
defraying organic materials, and iii) fertilizing crop rotation. It has also be noted that Mg
and Ca amounts, absorption capacity, and available humus forms of the soil horizons
should be carefully analyzed in deciding which type of plant is more appropriate (i.e.,
deciduous or coniferous) (Hendrychova 2008).
Vegetation cover has some significant functions on post-mining landscapes in different
ways by i) modifying the surface characteristics, ii) controlling the erosion and reducing
slope failures, iii) lessening stream sedimentation, and iv) restoring the beauty and
productivity of the land (Schor and Gray 2007; Hutnik and McKee 1990). So, in order to
reduce the probability of negative consequences, selection of suitable plant material, which
may be either native or introduced plant species, is critical. Additionally, the planners
should not only take site specific conditions under consideration, but also pay special
attention to those points during vegetation establishment, as will be explained now
compactly (Hutnik and McKee 1990; Powell 1988):
it should be considered as an integral part of the mining and reclamation process,
appropriate methods should be chosen according to the aim of re-vegetation and the
plant species used,
local variations in climate, geology, and soils should be considered.
Basic knowledge about both biotic and abiotic factors, as well as ecological processes is
necessary to reduce the time period needed for creating the favorable soil characteristics
required for prosperous biological reclamation. The properties of the reconstructed soils
should be analyzed since the structure of future ecosystem highly depends on physical and
chemical soil characteristics, which directly affect the amounts of available resources (i.e.,
Advances in Landscape Architecture 838
nutrient levels), initial species establishment, and long-term successional trends
(Hendrychova 2008).
After a proper rearrangement and rehabilitation work, an additional time is needed to ensure a
fertile use of land. At this stage, monitoring, maintenance and controlling of many
environmental and ecologic parameters (i.e., water quality, drainage, vegetation growth, soil
condition, erosion etc.) closely associated with the restoration site are essential to improve
the quality of the restoration (Akpnar 2005).
Mining activities definitely have long-term impacts on terrestrial ecosystems: i) land
degradation, ii) deforestation, iii) loss of fertile topsoil, iv) change in topography and
hydrologic conditions, and v) pollution of usable surface and ground water (Tren 2002). So,
monitoring and management of post-mining environment are necessary to evaluate the
environmental impacts and long term behaviors of post-mining landscapes, and they
should be handled with in the perspective of a well-planned environmental policy.
Besides, even during any remediation process, adequate quality control measures are also
needed to ensure that the methodology conforms to specification or that treatment targets
have been achieved. In many cases, environmental monitoring is required while
remediation is still in progress. These objectives naturally imply the utilization of
scientific methodology, particularly, when field data is unavailable or insufficient
(Hancock et al. 2006; Wood 1997).
The basic principles of the environmental management policy for reclamation are given as
(Kavourides et al. 2002):
knowledge of the local environmental conditions,
selection of the proper methods and techniques of land reclamation,
general land-planning for the areas under reclamation (land use map),
systematic realization of the environmental protection and restoration programs
according to the environmental terms determined by the Ministry,
monitoring and evaluation of the environmental restoration results by geographic
information systems (GIS).
Reclamation studies often require the integration of multi-source data acquired by different
sources of diverse technical and operational characteristics (Kyzeridi et al. 2002). Such data
is mostly in both time and spatial domains. So, use of GIS incorporated with remote sensing
(RS) technologies provides a suitable platform for the monitoring and the management of
reclamation, since it offers unique capabilities for editing, managing, analyzing and
automating different kinds of spatial data required for decision making (Bruns and Sweet
2004; Chevrel et al. 2001; Chevrel et al. 2002; Smyth and Dearden 1998; Ganas et al. 2004).
GIS-based decision support systems have many potential applications in reclamation: i) to
derive computer-based landscape evolution models for better understanding of geomorphic
landscape process in reclamation (Hancock 2004), ii) to evaluate the future development of
terrestrial ecosystem under the extreme environmental conditions of post-mining
landscapes (Httl 1998), iii) to reduce the cost of spoil handling during mining and
Reclamation of Degraded Landscapes due to Opencast Mining 839
reclamation (Harwood and Thames 1988), iv) to detect reclamation sites and to measure the
impacts of increasing land degradation (Gorokhovich et al. 2003; Hladnik 2005), and v) to
increase sophistication of mining industry in rehabilitation practices (Hancock 2004).
3.4. Evaluating the success of reclamation
Restoration of a landscape disturbed by opencast mining operations is mostly viewed in
technical or economic perspectives only. Even though the public focused only on the
forestry and agricultural aspects of restoration previously, there has been a recent interest in
nature conservation and recreation. In order to restore ecological, hydrological, aesthetic,
production, recreational and other functions of the post-mining area, a sustainable land use
development plan should be prepared through a holistic approach (Sklenicka and
Kasparova 2008).
Three basic goals that any restoration plan should reach are given as (Powell 1988):
stabilization of newly reclaimed lands against accelerated wind and/or water erosion,
development of target specific re-vegetation programs,
achievable and sustainable land use by enforcing certain minimum performance
The evaluation of restoration success is a tough issue, since it strictly depends on the
character of the post-mining land, inherent features of ecological species involved, and the
main objectives of the restoration operation. According to Pecharova et al. (2011), the
process should allow spontaneous succession, or use technical restoration by sowing or
planting target species and restoring or improving the site conditions.
The Society for Ecological Restoration International addresses the same issue by taking 9
ecosystem-related parameters under consideration to measure the restoration success
(Hendrychova 2008):
similar diversity and community structure in comparison with reference sites,
presence of local species,
functional groups necessary for long-term stability,
capacity of the physical environment to sustain viable populations,
regular functioning,
integration with the landscape,
removal of potential threats,
resilience to natural disturbances,
3.5. Interdisciplinary dimension of reclamation
All mining operations, due to their nature, have negative impacts on the cultural landscape.
And opencast mining activities are not an exception, as they drastically change the former
dynamic equilibrium of the landscape, leading to the formation of new ecosystems. Only the
Advances in Landscape Architecture 840
vegetation establishment by itself is not a proper approach. Instead, sustainable
establishment of new ecosystems in the post-mining areas should be seen as an
interdisciplinary challenge, in which the active participation of both science and society is
highly required (Httl and Gerwin 2005).
The negative visual impact of the mining sites unavoidably lowers the aesthetic value of the
landscape and its surroundings. So, post-mining landscape planning and rehabilitation
activities should strictly consider the previous aesthetic characteristics of the land and
their future development within an interdisciplinary approach (Sklenicka and Kasparova
As important as the interdisciplinary dimension of the issue, all mutual associates such as
stakeholders, state officials and laws, environmental groups, engineers, landscape
architectures, ecological experts, soil and social scientists should be creatively involved in
the planning phase (Miao and Mars 2000; Saperstein 1990). By this way, significant social
and environmental gains can be obtained by improving the conditions of post-mining
landscapes through a relatively small investment (Garavan 2008).
When building up such a project team, scale of the project and its complexity, special
issues, and the clients demands are the key factors to get the best results. For projects that
require permitting and the preparation of mining and reclamation documents, landscape
architects, mine operators, geologists, hydro-geologists, and civil engineers are possible
candidates for the team (Bauer 2000).
The involvement of landscape architects in the industry has increased steadily and their role
has gone far beyond the traditional boundaries of the profession; commonly and
mistakenly thought as basic beautification and site planning duties. Based on their
education and experiences, landscape architects now can easily deal with more complex
sequential mining and reclamation plans, including site analysis, site and land use planning,
visual analysis, grading, zoning, re-vegetation, slope stabilization, etc. They also play active
roles in the permitting, regulatory, environmental assessment and community relation
processes. The form, the function and the purpose of post mine landscape planning should
be considered within earth science issues by landscape architects. By this way, they can
approach the issue with more systematic and comprehensive manner. Landscape architects
should aim to develop integrated multi-scale design approaches not only to be an equal
partner in the planning process, but also to be in a position to direct the project team and
undertake the responsibility for the success of reclamation planning (Arbogast 2008; Bauer
For a landscape architecture, a working knowledge on the following three points is essential
for the understanding and success of reclamation planning services (Bauer 2000): i)
components of mining processes associated with reclamation, ii) geologic complexities and
structures within each aggregate deposit, and iii) mechanics and procedures for
incorporating the mining procedures with reclamation activities. Table 2 overviews the mine
reclamation studies within a multidisciplinary point of view.
Reclamation of Degraded Landscapes due to Opencast Mining 841
Mine Planning Phase Planning Activities Areas of Specialization
Legal requirements analysis Identification of regulatory
constraints related to land use
Land use planner
Attorney or paralegal specialist
Land and reserve acquisition Prepare land use / land cover
Prepare land ownership map
Land use planner
Landscape architect
Plant biologist
Market development Check market potential of site Geographer
Transportation engineer
Land use planner
Financial evaluation Check if land development
potential of the site will justify
reclamation to a higher, more
costly land use
Engineering economist
Land use planner
Real estate specialist
Fiscal planner
Coal beneficiation studies and
plant design
Determine the impact of waste
disposal on the Postmining
uses of land
Mineral processing engineer
Environmental engineer
Landscape architect
Environmental impact studies Evaluate the impact mining
will have on the site with
respect to capability and
Mining engineer
Environmental engineer
Forest engineer
Terrestrial ecologist
Plant biologist
Agricultural engineer
Landscape architect
Land use planner
Social scientist
Preliminary mine planning Preliminary identification of
postmining land uses
Mining engineer
Land use planner
Landscape architect
Engineering economist
Permits acquisition Land use information and
postmining land use plan
Mining engineer
Land use planner
Environmental engineer
Advances in Landscape Architecture 842
Mine Planning Phase Planning Activities Areas of Specialization
Administrative detail analysis Submitted / approval of final
land use plan
Agricultural engineer
Plant biologist
Engineering economist
Detailed mine planning Detailed land use plan design Land use planner (specifically
landscape architect)
Mining engineer
Environmental engineer
Civil engineer
Agricultural engineer
Plant biologist
Engineering economist
Table 2. The areas of technical expertise essential in pre-mining (Adapted from Ramani 1990;
imir et al. 2007)
3.6. Case studies of reclamation
In the 20
century, rapid developments and new innovations in the technology and the
machinery used in the mining industry have changed the whole face of landscape
modification in all large mining districts of the world. Common problems in such post-
mining areas are the increase in water surface area and the acid mine drainage, leading to
severe site conditions. Hence, prior to any reclamation study, site specific conditions due to
previous mining activities should be taken into account, and the plans toward sustainable
ecosystem development should be prepared accordingly. Additionally, soil fauna,
mechanisms of plant succession and site specific biocoenosis should be investigated
thoroughly for the successful establishment of terrestrial ecosystems on post-mining sites
(Httl and Gerwin 2005).
Flambeau Mine, located in Wisconsin, is one of the prominent examples for the application
of sustainable development principles and implementation of twenty first century materials
and engineering technology to reclamation of post-mining landscapes. The implementation
of sustainable development at Flambeau Mine has four main pillars: i) economic prosperity,
ii) environmental protection, iii) social and community well-being, and iv) governance. The
design is based upon a collaborative approach from overlapping disciplines. In addition to
traditional engineers and architects, community planners, transportation planners,
biodiversity specialists, energy efficiency specialists (e.g. green building) and landscape
architects all contribute to the master design. The key to a successful design is to meld the
wants and needs of the community with the various ideas and designs from the design team
(Cherry 2008).
The study was designed, constructed, operated, and reclaimed in the 1990s. Reclamation of
the site began during the fall of 1996 with the initiation of sequential backfilling of the open
Reclamation of Degraded Landscapes due to Opencast Mining 843
pit, which was substantially complete by the fall of 1997. During 1998, the contours of the
site were reestablished, topsoil replaced, wetlands constructed, and seeding and planting
were initiated. The majority of seeding and planting was completed by year and 1999.
Additionally the design constructed hiking, biking and equestrian trails for public
recreational use. The pre-mining, active mining, and reclaimed site are shown in Figure 2 for
a chronological comparison (Fox 2002 ; Cherry 2008).
Figure 2. Flambeau Mine Site: a) before mining (1991), b) during mining (1996), and c) after mining
(2002) (Fox 2002)
Advances in Landscape Architecture 844
The reclamation of the Flambeau Mine has included (Flambeau Reclaimed 2012):
returning the site to its original approximate contours,
planting clusters of trees to attract and support wildlife habitats,
creating and restoring over 10 acres of wetland on site,
creating over 120 acres of grassland habitat,
constructing four miles of trails for non-motorized recreational activities.
The completion of surface contouring and return of the topsoil in 1998 were followed by the
planting of native plant species necessary for the creation of prairie grasslands, woodlands
and wetlands. In order to monitor and evaluate the success of the reclamation, 300 locations
were randomly selected across the reclaimed Flambeau Mine. At these locations, necessary
studies are performed each year in order to observe whether the performance standards
(i.e., vegetative cover, planted native species, diversity and woody species survival) are met.
In 2001, all necessary standards were met at the reclaimed mine site, which allowed the
submittal of the Notice of Completion to the Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources. Recent
surveys show a fully utilized wildlife at the reclaimed site, which provides unique and
critical habitat, particularly for grassland bird species (Flambeau Reclaimed 2012).
Another outstanding example is Jarrahdale in Australia. The mining operations for bauxite
at Jarrahdele started in 1963 and continued until 1998. During this period, over 160 million
tons of ore was mined. Site rehabilitation studies continued for another 3 years. By 2001, all
mined areas, haul roads and building sites were completely rehabilitated (Figure 3) (Alcoa
Figure 3. a) The original Jarrahdale crusher circle before its closure in 1998, and b) the same crusher
circle site at Jarrahdale, after rehabilitation has been completed (Alcao 2012)
As shown in Figure 4, reclaimed mine sites are returned to productive use in a variety of
ways that will serve for future generations.
Reclamation of Degraded Landscapes due to Opencast Mining 845
Figure 4. A site reclaimed by Starvaggi Industries in West Virginia is developed into the Star Lake
Amphitheater: a) post-mining landscape, b) after the reclamation (Mineral Information Institute 2012)
In Turkey, reclamation of abandoned mine sites is generally carried out in the form
afforestation (Figure 5 and 6).
Figure 5. Afforestation operations in ile, stanbul (ile Forestry Operation Directorate 2012)
Figure 6. Afforestation in Aal, stanbul (Kutorman 2012)
Rehabilitation and restoration operations in most of the abandoned coal mine areas are
conducted by Turkish Coal Enterprises (TK). According to General Directorate of Turkish
Coal Enterprises (2011), between 1991 and 2011, nearly 7.3 million trees in various species
[stone pine (Pinus pinea), black pine (Pinus nigra), red pine (Pinus brutia), cypress (Cupressus
sp.), cedar (Cedrus sp.), horse chestnut (Aesculus hippocastanum), black locust (Robinia
pseudoacasia), tree of heaven (Ailanthus altissima), oak (Quercus sp.), maple (Acer sp.), ash
(Fraxinus sp.), etc.] were planted on 4455 hectares of post-mining lands in various
establishment directorates of TK (Figure 7).
Advances in Landscape Architecture 846
Figure 7. Afforestation of soil waste dumps by the establishment directorates of TK (General
Directorate of Turkish Coal Enterprises 2011)
3.7. Legislative and regulatory issues in mine reclamation
Since the late 20
century, reclamation has been widely accepted by both developed and
developing countries as a desirable and necessary remedy in order to: i) reestablish the
environmental conditions in post-mining landscapes at an acceptable level, and ii) increase
their economic value to an optimum level (Cao 2007).
The law plays a critical role in reclamation of the post-mining landscape. It does not only
define the legal status of the issue, but also reveals the outlook and approach of individual
governments, which differ significantly in their attempts to mitigate the effects of mining
For many of the developing countries, mining has a significant contribution to economy,
which often puts a certain pressure on policy makers in order to establish an appropriate
balance between national economic growth and environmental protection. Generally
speaking, developing countries do not have strict environmental regulations and effective
enforcement programs, and they usually address the issue within mining and
environmental acts, or related national laws. Additionally, these countries mostly consider
the reclamation and pollution control after the mine operations end (Cao 2007).
On the other hand, the approach in developed countries is more comprehensive and they
have more stringent and effective regulations. Besides, restoration is regarded as a
continuous process during mining, and mining companies have to prepare detailed
environmental management plans and use expensive environmental technologies.
At this point, it would be wise to basically give examples of legislations related to mining
and reclamation in several developed countries. The situation in Turkey is also overviewed
With both the foundation of the Soil Conservation Service in the early 1930s and increasing
local and state concerns about the degradation of land due to surface mining operations,
protection of land resources became a publically important issue after World War I. This
movement evolved into surface mine legislation, first in West Virginia in 1938, and then, in
Indiana (1941), Illinois (1943), Pennsylvania (1945), and in Ohio (1947). Parallel to the
increase in surface mining activities due to the energy crisis in the 1970s, the protection of
environment gained more public interest (Doll 1988).
Reclamation of Degraded Landscapes due to Opencast Mining 847
In the first half of the 1970s, many states asked mine operators to provide methods for
certain mine operations and requirements for reclamation. During the late 1970s and early
1980s, more compulsive regulations were imposed by the states with coal mining activities
and the federal government. In this period, under the influence of Congress and pending
legislation, public education campaigns by local mining associations and new research
efforts by the industry to reduce the economic impact of legislated reclamation gained
speed. Today, all surface mining in the US is regulated by federal or state laws (Harwood
and Thames 1988).
The reclamation for the surface effects of coal mining activities (including underground
operations) on public and private lands in the US is based on the Surface Mining Control and
Reclamation Act (SMCRA) of 1977 (Micsak, 2008).
This principle law (i.e., SMCRA/PL 95-87) defines the federal standards for the reclamation
of surface mine sites. Within the guidelines and regulatory procedures set by this law, the
industry was pinned for the reclamation of surface-mined lands, which has led to major
changes in mining practices and reclamation techniques. By this way, many surface-mined
lands have been successfully reclaimed (Doll 1988).
Section 101(c) of SMCRA states: Many surface mining operations result in disturbances of
surface areas that burden and adversely affect commerce and the public welfare by
destroying or diminishing the utility of land for commercial, industrial, residential,
recreational, agricultural, and forestry purposes, by causing erosion and landslides, by
contributing to floods, by polluting the water, by destroying fish and wildlife habitats, by
impairing natural beauty, by damaging the property of citizens, by creating hazards
dangerous to life and property by degrading the quality of life in local communities, and by
counteracting governmental programs and efforts to conserve soil, water, and other natural
resources. Section 101(e) of SMCRA says: Surface mining and reclamation technology are
now developed so that effective and reasonable regulation of surface coal mining operations
by the States and by the Federal Government in accordance with the requirements of this
Act is an appropriate and necessary means to minimize so far as practicable the adverse
social, economic, and environmental effects of such mining operations. (Office of Surface
Mining Reclamation and Enforcement 2012).
Each Canadian provincial government has the authority to make laws related to property,
contracts, natural resources, employment, land use and planning, education, health care and
municipalities. So, most laws in respect of commercial nature are enacted by provincial
governments. Mining activities are mainly governed by the laws of the province or territory
where a mine is physically located. Additionally, the federal government has overlapping
jurisdiction in a number of areas such as taxation and the environment. The federal Canadian
Environmental Assessment Act (CEAA-2012) constitutes the main legislative frame for all
environmental assessment processes. It requires an environmental assessment when a
federal authority proposes the mining project, provides financing or lands for the project, or
issues certain permits or approvals for the project. In general, a federal environmental
Advances in Landscape Architecture 848
assessment is required for most major mining projects. Federal and/or provincial
environmental impact assessments are required prior to commencing or expanding
operations or even conducting exploration in order to decide whether or not a proposed
mining project should proceed based on its environmental and social impacts. The
government generally has the authority to require a public hearing and the discretion to
accept a proposed mining project or reject it (Davies 2011).
The first Australian mining law dates back to 1851. Legal dimension of environmental issues
associated with mine operations are defined within the various sections of Mining Act and
the Environmental Protection Act, which was enacted in 1986. According to the act, any
project proposal, which may potentially have a significant impact on the environment, is
referred to the Environmental Protection Authority. The Environmental Protection Authority
evaluates the proposal and prepares a report on whether the proposal should proceed. In
relation to the minerals and the environment, four important points are always kept under
consideration: i) assessment and recommendation on the environmental management
related to exploration and mining proposal, ii) collaboration with the industry and the
community on the environmental management of the mining industry, iii) compliance with
environmental conditions during exploration and mining, and iv) cooperation with other
governmental agencies in order to keep lands of high conservation under protection, and
not to exclude land unnecessarily from exploration and development activity (Hunt 2009).
German mining law dates back to 1865, when the Allgemeines Berggesetz (AGB) was
established. The first reclamation amendments to the mining law were enacted in 1929. Due
to the increase in demand for coal after World War II, reclamation was ignored. However,
beginning in 1950, reclamation efforts increased and new laws with more precise
requirements were put into force in Germany (Knabe 1964). The act has been amended
several times and was replaced in 1980 by the Federal German Mining Act (BGBl. IS. 1310).
This act was set into force in January 1982 and revised on December 9, 2006, through slight
revision to provisions of Article 11 (BGBl. IS. 2833) (Anderson 2012; Betlem et al. 2002).
United Kingdom
The main laws related to the mining and the environment in UK are i) Coal Mines Regulation
Act (1908), ii) Mining Industry Act (1920), iii) Coal Act (1938), iv) The Town and Country
Planning Act (Scotland) (1947), v) Coal Industry Act (1949), vi) Mineral Workings Act (1951),
vii) Mines and Quarries Act (1954), viii) Opencast Coal Act (1958), ix) Mines Act (Northern
Ireland) (1969), and x) Environmental Protection Act (1990) ( 2012). English
mining law operates primarily by public (administrative) law rather than by private (civil)
mechanisms. The central administrative body is the Coal Authority and it was established
under the Coal Industry Act (1994) during the privatization of the industry. There are lots of
acts in the area of mining regulation; however, the Coal Industry Act (1994) and the Coal
Mining Subsidence Act (1991) are the most pertinent ones (Betlem et al., 2002). Environmental
Reclamation of Degraded Landscapes due to Opencast Mining 849
Protection Act was amended by Environment Act in 1995, and Part IIA of this amendment
defines a detailed framework for the identification and the compulsory remedial action for
contaminated land ( 2012).
The French Mining Code (Code Minier) was enacted on 21 April 1810. The old Mining Code
was amended by Law No. 94- 588 of 15 July 1994, which organizes existing case law and aims
at a better protection of the environment, and can be seen as revisions to bring the French
Mining Code in conformity with relevant European regulations. During the development of
the French environmental law in the past three decades, mechanisms for financial sanctions
for those causing environmental damage have been incorporated without proper
coordination in enforcement. With the Environmental Code enacted in 1999 (Code de
lEnvironnement), a more coherent regime was aimed by the Government. The Code
addresses to several environmental issues in more than 975 articles over six chapters,
combining liability clauses (Betlem et al. 2002). The central government representatives
(prfets) can legislate for promoting the conservation of the habitat of listed protected
species, according to a decree adopted in 1977 for the implementation of the Act
(Groombridge 1992).
In Turkey, there have been several efforts to designate the principle legal guidelines for the
reclamation of post-industrial landscapes. The Regulation on Reclamation of Lands Disturbed
by Mining Activities is an important landmark for mine closure planning in Turkey. It
basically aims to establish the basic requirements for this purpose, and was published on
of December, 2007, and amended on 23
of January, 2010. According to this regulation,
reclamation plans for mining projects must be appended to the Environmental Impact
Assessment (EIA) reports. A summary of related laws and regulations is given in Table 3.
Laws and Regulations Effective
Repealed by Valid
General Hygiene Law No.
1930 - General Hygiene Law No.
1593 (1930)
Forest Law No. 6831 1956 - Forest Law No. 6831 (1956)
The Constitution of the
Republic of Turkey
1982 - The Constitution of the
Republic of Turkey (1982)
Environmental Law No.
1983 - Environmental Law No.
2872 (1983)
National Parks Law No.
1983 - National Parks Law No.
2873 (1983)
Regulation on Unhealthy
1983 Regulation on Unhealthy
Institutions (1995)
Regulation on Repealing of
Unhealthy Institutions
Regulation (2005)
Repealed (2005)
Mining Law No. 3213 1985 - Mining Law No. 3213 (1985)
Advances in Landscape Architecture 850
Laws and Regulations Effective
Repealed by Valid
Regulation on Protection of
Air Quality
1986 Regulation on Air Quality
Assessment and
Management (2008)
Regulation on Air Quality
Assessment and
Management (2008)
Regulation on Noise
1986 Regulation on Assessment
and Management of
Environmental Noise (2005;
2008; 2010)
Regulation on Assessment
and Management of
Environmental Noise (2010)
Regulation on Water
Pollution Control
1988 Regulation on Water
Pollution Control (2004)
Regulation on Water
Pollution Control (2004)
Regulation on Control of
Solid Wastes
1991 - Regulation on Control of
Solid Wastes (1991)
Regulation on
Environmental Impact
1993 Regulation on
Environmental Impact
Assessment (1997; 2002;
2003; 2008)
Regulation on
Environmental Impact
Assessment (2008)
Regulation on Allocation of
Forest Lands
1995 Regulation on Permissions in
Forest Lands (2007)
Regulation on
Implementation of 17th and
18th Articles of the Forest
Law (2011)
Regulation on
Implementation of 17th and
18th Articles of the Forest
Law (2011)
Regulation on Control of
Hazardous Wastes
1995 Regulation on Control of
Hazardous Wastes (2005)
Regulation on Control of
Hazardous Wastes (2005)
Regulation on Control of
Soil Pollution
2001 Regulation on Control of
Soil Pollution (2005)
Regulation on Control of Soil
Pollution and Point-Source
Contaminated Fields (2010)
Regulation on Control of Soil
Pollution and Point-Source
Contaminated Fields (2010)
Regulation on Noise 2003 - Regulation on Noise (2003)
Regulation on the
Implementation of Mining
2005 Regulation on the
Implementation of Mining
Activities (2010)
Regulation on the
Implementation of Mining
Activities (2010)
Regulation on Permission
of Mining Activities
2005 - Regulation on Permission
Mining Activities (2005)
Regulation on Reclamation
of Lands Disturbed by
Mining Activities
2007 Regulation on Reclamation
of Lands Disturbed by
Mining Activities (2010)
Regulation on Reclamation
of Lands Disturbed by
Mining Activities (2010)
Regulation on Protection of
Groundwater against
Pollution and Deterioration
2012 - Regulation on Protection of
Groundwater against
Pollution and Deterioration
Table 3. The main laws and regulations related to mining and reclamation in Turkey (Official Gazette
of Republic of Turkey 2012; Republic of Turkey Prime Ministry 2012; Republic of Turkey Ministry of
Justice 2012; Chamber of Mining Engineers of Turkey 2012)
Reclamation of Degraded Landscapes due to Opencast Mining 851
4. Concluding remarks
One of the human footprints that cause drastic changes on environment is mining. Although
it has a significant contribution to world economy and an indisputable social influence on
the life of communities, its devastating negative impacts on environment cannot be
disregarded. Particularly, opencast mining activities severely alter the topography and the
physical conditions of the atmosphere, and inversely affect plant life, soil conditions,
wildlife habitats, and water resources in the mining area and in its immediate surroundings.
As a result of above mentioned factors, post-mining landscapes lose their previous aesthetic,
ecological and socioeconomic values. If effective mitigation measures are not taken to
decrease the adverse environmental impacts, environmental degradation due to opencast
mining operations may be irreversible.
As addressed within the chapter, the ultimate goal of reclamation is two-fold: i) to
sustainably establish the aesthetic and ecological conditions of the post-mining landscape so
that it become as much compatible as with surrounding undisturbed lands, and ii) to regain
or enhance the productive capacity and stability of the land so that it contributes to
communitys economic and social welfare in a more efficient way.
Due to rapid industrialization and economic growth, the size and the content of the
problems arising from negative impacts of mining activities have been changed and become
more complicated than ever. So, in order to achieve successful results in reclamation studies,
multidisciplinary approach enriched with the latest technological means is highly required.
Of course, there is no unique and magical reclamation plan that can be directly applied
on all post-mining areas, since major determinants in each reclamation study highly differ
and depend on the specific characteristics of the site. Additionally, collaborative and
creative involvement of all concerned parties (i.e., state and company officials, local
authorities and non-governmental organizations, scientist, engineers and specialists,
environmental groups etc.) is crucial for the development of permanently stable landscape
use and reclamation plans. It is also necessary to emphasize that reclamation studies should
begin at the earliest stages of project development, continue during mining, and proceed
after the operation is completed.
The role of landscape architects in such studies has recently gone far beyond the classical
borders of the profession. Instead of routine beautification and site planning tasks, now they
often involve in large-scale complex reclamation and rehabilitation projects, and they even
serve as the leader of the project team by taking the advantage of their education and
practical experiences, which enables them to develop more innovative, consolidative and
comprehensive approaches toward the optimum solution.
Legislative issues in mining and reclamation studies are mostly contingent to the visions of
the governments. However, in order to foster efficiency and sustainability of post-mining
landscapes, and to protect our valuable natural resources, much stricter global
standardization on legal measures is needed in our rapidly changing world.
Advances in Landscape Architecture 852
Our future depends on what we do today and how we interact with nature. So, it is essential
to sustainably reclaim mine-disturbed lands through comprehensive and collaborative
planning that considers all key aspects. Because we borrow the nature that we live in from
future generations, which is a fact that we should always recall.
Author details
Nazan Kuter
Cankiri Karatekin University, Faculty of Forestry, Department of Landscape Architecture, Cankiri,
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Section 8
Biodiversity and Plant Material
Chapter 34
Native Vegetation
Murat zyavuz, Asl B. Korkut
and Ayten zyavuz
Additional information is available at the end of the chapter
1. Introduction
Biodiversity is the diversity of life in all its forms across the planet. The National State of the
Environment Report made the following statements in defining biodiversity (Slattery, et al.,
Biodiversity is the variety of all forms of life - the different plants, animals and microorganisms, the
genes they contain and the ecosystems of which they form a part.
It ranges from large scale ecosystems to the different species of flora and fauna, and to
genetic differences between individuals of the same species. These three levels work
together to create the complexity of life on earth. Accordingly, biodiversity is conventionally
partitioned into three components: (1) genetic diversity, (2) species diversity and (3) diversity of
ecosystems (Slattery, et al., 2003).
Genetic diversity
Genetic diversity is normally considered to be the range of genetic information present
within a species. Genetic information is passed on to successive generations either directly
in asexual reproduction or by mixing of genetic material from both parents in sexual
reproduction. Genetic diversity increases the diversity of form and behavior within a
species, which provides it with greater capacity to cope with changing environmental
conditions or make use of completely different environments. Genetic diversity may be
expressed in the form of genetic variation within individuals, within populations and/or
between populations. Genetic diversity can decline if populations are lost or if the total
population of the species is drastically reduced. If populations become fragmented into very
small sub-populations, inbreeding depression may cause the genetic diversity to decline
further (Smith, et. al., 2000).
Advances in Landscape Architecture 862
Species diversity
The number of species present in a location depends on the type of ecosystem. Subtropical
rainforests usually contain over 100 vascular plant species in a hectare, including 30-40 tree
species, whereas a hectare of cool temperate rainforest may contain only 5-10 tree species.
Grassy woodlands and heaths may also be diverse with more than 100 species in a hectare,
although sometimes these vegetation types contain relatively few species. However,
ecosystems with relatively few species, such as temperate rainforests, can be important for
species diversity if those species are unique. The diversity of various animal species
assemblages varies even more than that of plants, and some groups also show distinct
seasonal variation (Smith, et. al., 2000) (Figure 1.).
Figure 1. Hedera colchica (This plant is covered Prunus avium and has taken its place)
Diversity of ecosystems
The species in a given area interact with each other and with their environment to form
complex networks known as ecosystems. These differ from place to place, thus creating
ecosystem diversity. Each ecosystem differs from all others because it contains a unique
combination of species (and therefore genes) and because these species interact with each
other and with each environment in distinctive ways. Biodiversity is not static but is
constantly changing. It is increased by genetic change and evolutionary processes and
reduced by processes such as habitat degradation, a decline in flora and fauna, and the
extinction of species. Diversity in all its forms (genetic, species and ecosystem) is a critical
factor in the resilience of an area and its ability to respond to significant changes such as fire,
food, climate and human impacts. Diversity is the key to maintaining viable populations of
our native flora and fauna (Environmental Protection Authority, 2000) (Figure 2).
This is due to three major components, loss of biodiversity can result in reduction or loss of
ecosystem function. Therefore, it is very important the need for conservation of biodiversity.
There are four main reasons for preserving biodiversity: maintaining ecosystem processes,
ethics, aesthetics and culture, and economics (Environmental Protection Authority, 2000).
Biodiversity has two key aspects:
its functional value at the ecosystem level; and
its intrinsic value at the individual species, species assemblages and genetic levels.
Native Vegetation 863
Figure 2. With a variety of important plant Ganos Mountain, Tekirdag, Turkey
The functional value is derived from the parts played by the species assemblages in
supporting ecosystem processes and is expressed through the kinds of plant and animal
assemblages occurring in various parts of the landscape on different soil types. In
addressing this, matters requiring consideration include (Environmental Protection
Authority, 2000):
species richness;
species composition;
differences in composition pre and post disturbance; and
the ecosystem processes, linkages and how they are supported.
The intrinsic values relate to the actual species and species associations. Two species
assemblages may have different intrinsic values but may still have the same functional value
in terms of the part they play in maintaining ecosystem/ecological processes (Environmental
Protection Authority, 2000).
Figure 3. The Saka Lake, neada, Krklareli, Turkey (It is an important area for a variety of birds and
Advances in Landscape Architecture 864
Biodiversity provides the critical processes that make life possible, and that are often taken
for granted. Healthy, functioning ecosystems are necessary to maintain the quality of the
atmosphere, and to maintain and regulate the climate, fresh water, soil formation, cycling of
nutrients and disposal of wastes (often referred to as ecosystem services). Biodiversity is
essential for controlling pest plants, animals and diseases, for pollinating crops and for
providing food, clothing and many kinds of raw materials (Environmental Protection
Authority, 2000).
Biodiversity refers to the living pieces that shouldnt be discarded since we use the earths
resources to sustain us. Experience suggests to us that the first rule of intelligent tinkering is
to keep all of the pieces. Because of the interconnected nature of ecosystems, the loss or
addition of one species has the potential to change an ecosystem.
High levels of biodiversity are associated with greater ecosystem stability. The more
diverse a system is, the better able it is to cope with environmental stressors, such as
floods or drought. Biodiversity gives us choices, options and flexibility to help us cope
with variability, including long-term habitat changes.
When a system is simplified, such as having only one species of crop or type of grass, it
increases the odds that environmental stressors will have a more pronounced impact or
that a disease or pest will be able to spread rapidly. Animal and plant populations with
low genetic diversity are much more susceptible to stress and vulnerable to extinction.
We all rely on the tremendous variety of species, genes and ecosystems in our world
and the many benefits we receive from them - they deserve our respect and
The Importance of Biodiversity
Potential benefits of biodiversity are; health of ecosystems, their ability to maintain and
regulate atmospheric quality, climate, fresh water, marine productivity, soil formation,
cycling of nutrients and waste disposal, Resilience of ecosystems, their ability to respond to
and recover from external shocks such as drought, flood, and climate change, cultural
values (Figure 4). Biodiversity is extremely important to people and the health of
ecosystems. A few of the reasons are (National Wildlife Federation, 2013):
Biodiversity allows us to live healthy and happy lives. It provides us with an array of
foods and materials and it contributes to the economy. Without a diversity of
pollinators, plants, and soils, our supermarkets would have a lot less produce.
Most medical discoveries to cure diseases and lengthen life spans were made because of
research into plant and animal biology and genetics. Every time a species goes extinct
or genetic diversity is lost, we will never know whether research would have given us a
new vaccine or drug.
Biodiversity is an important part of ecological services that make life livable on Earth.
They include everything from cleaning water and absorbing chemicals, which wetlands
do, to providing oxygen for us to breatheone of the many things that plants do for
Native Vegetation 865
Biodiversity allows for ecosystems to adjust to disturbances like extreme fires and
floods. If a reptile species goes extinct, a forest with 20 other reptiles is likely to adapt
better than another forest with only one reptile.
Genetic diversity prevents diseases and helps species adjust to changes in their
Simply for the wonder of it all. There are few things as beautiful and inspiring as the
diversity of life that exists on Earth.
Figure 4. Reedy areas, is applied to the regular cutting program has an important economic function.
Threats to Biodiversity
Extinction is a native part of life on Earth. Over the history of the planet most of the species
that ever existed, evolved and then gradually went extinct. Species go extinct because of
native shifts in the environment that take place over long periods of time, such as ice ages.
Today, species are going extinct at an accelerated and dangerous rate, because of non-native
environmental changes caused by human activities. Some of the activities have direct effects
on species and ecosystems, such as are (National Wildlife Federation, 2013):
Habitat loss/ degradation
When an ecosystem has been dramatically changed by human activitiessuch as
agriculture, oil and gas exploration, commercial development or water diversionit may no
longer be able to provide the food, water, cover, and places to raise young. Every day there
are fewer places left that wildlife can call home (Figure 5). There are three major kinds of
habitat loss are (National Wildlife Federation, 2013):
Habitat destruction: A bulldozer pushing down trees is the iconic image of habitat
destruction. Other ways that people are directly destroying habitat, include filling in
wetlands, dredging rivers, mowing fields, and cutting down trees.
Habitat fragmentation: Much of the remaining terrestrial wildlife habitat in the U.S. has
been cut up into fragments by roads and development. Aquatic species habitat has
been fragmented by dams and water diversions. These fragments of habitat may not be
large or connected enough to support species that need a large territory in which to find
Advances in Landscape Architecture 866
mates and food. The loss and fragmentation of habitat make it difficult for migratory
species to find places to rest and feed along their migration routes.
Habitat degradation: Pollution, invasive species and disruption of ecosystem processes
(such as changing the intensity of fires in an ecosystem) are some of the ways habitats
can become so degraded that they no longer support native wildlife.
Figure 5. Applied to the wrong policies of nature conservation, local communities could lead to
damage to the environment.
Over exploitation (such as overfishing)
People have always depended on wildlife and plants for food, clothing, medicine, shelter and
many other needs. But today we are taking more than the native world can supply. The
danger is that if we take too many individuals of a species from their native environment, the
species may no longer be able to survive. The loss of one species can affect many other species
in an ecosystem. Overexploitation is the over use of wildlife and plant species by people for
food, clothing, pets, medicine, sport and many other purposes. The hunting, trapping,
collecting and fishing of wildlife at unsustainable levels is not something new. The passenger
pigeon was hunted to extinction early in the last century, and overhunting nearly caused the
extinction of the American bison and several species of whales. Today, the Endangered Species
Act protects some U.S. species that were in danger from overexploitation, and the Convention
on International Trade in Endangered Species of Fauna and Flora (CITES) works to prevent
the global trade of wildlife. But there are many species that are not protected from being
illegally traded or overharvested are (National Wildlife Federation, 2013).
Spread of Non-native Species/ Diseases
Human health and economies are also at risk from invasive species. The impacts of invasive
species on our native ecosystems and economy cost billions of dollars each year. Many of our
commercial, agricultural, and recreational activities depend on healthy native ecosystems.
Some human activities have indirect but wide-reaching effects on biodiversity, including:
Native Vegetation 867
Climate change
All of these threats have put a serious strain on the diversity of species on Earth. According
to the International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN), globally about one third of
all known species are threatened with extinction. That includes 29% of all amphibians, 21%
of all mammals and 12% of all birds. If we do not stop the threats to biodiversity, we could
be facing another mass extinction with dire consequences to the environment and human
health and livelihood are (National Wildlife Federation, 2013).
Native Vegetation
In an area without anthropogenic influences, vegetation consisting of completely native
causes "native vegetation" is called. Anthropogenic impacts on vegetation by humans and
animals all the destroyed (cut plants, fires, grazing, irrigation and drying of areas of life,
such as climate change).
A lot of people from the intensification of economic activities in the world, after the last 50
years, especially with the increasing environmental pollution, anthropogenic influences
largely been talk of a distant vegetation. The world's most secluded and found not the
people living in the bodies of living things, even if the environmental pollution caused by
the accumulation of many chemicals were transported. For these reasons, today, even the
anthropogenic impact in less developed regions is still far from human influence.
Description of the plant natively grows only in certain areas of native vegetation, but also to be
expressed in those areas should be moved by the people. Native plants in geological times in a
region that region-specific climate, soil, rainfall, drought and frost, depending on the physical
and biotic characteristics evolve and interact with other species in that region are found in the
local plant communities. In this way, the conditions under which native plants will have
certain features that makes them perfectly adapted to the characteristics and landscaping,
conservation and restoration projects is extremely important to provide alternatives.
Plant sociologists, often talking about the native vegetation of different Potential Native
Vegetation. Potential Native Vegetation, all the external influences in an area
(anthropogenic effects) resulting from native plant cover is removed. Generally, founded by
ancient civilizations such as Turkey, passed away of native resources and areas of use, this
day there are big differences between vegetation and native vegetation. However, in areas
that are difficult to reach believers hardly influence the high mountains and vegetation, is
equivalent to the present.
The material is of great importance for landscaping with native plants and plant
communities that make us the main ones are as follows: Forests, savannah, maquis,
savannahs, deserts, meadows, tundras, alpine plants, swamps. These are usually the most
important plant communities that make up the earth, ecological sense, have come together
and established a partnership between the livings, rather than growing the plant complied
evaluated in terms of their formation and utilization conditions.
Advances in Landscape Architecture 868
Development of vegetation in an area and constantly remain in the area of environmental
conditions that have an impact on the router. Environmental conditions, climatic conditions
generally (temperature, humidity, rainfall, light, wind, etc.)., edaphic conditions (soil,
water), orographic conditions (pressure area, slope, elevation, etc.)., biotic conditions (the
effect of the surrounding creatures) is understood. Environment, living environment,
"Biyosenoz" and the non-living environment "Ecotope" ecosystem, which together are
called. Ecotopes a harmonious balance between native surroundings and has biyosenoz. At
the end of the evolution of ecosystems composed of many years in this environment and
vegetation is appropriate that this "Klimax" is called. There is one or more of the conditions
that make the environment as a result of changes in the plant community, especially, are
seen in the changing ecosystem. For these reasons, making any assessment of the vegetation
in an area that should be examined thoroughly the effects of local environmental conditions
and their vegetation.
Plants form the key elements stored in the primary energy production. All living things
depend on other living plants. Native plants natively occur in the region in which they
evolved. While non-native plants might provide some of the above benefits, native plants
have many additional advantages. Because native plants are adapted to local soils and
climate conditions, they generally require less watering and fertilizing than non-natives.
Natives are often more resistant to insects and disease as well, and so are less likely to need
pesticides. Wildlife evolved with plants; therefore, they use native plant communities for
food, cover and rearing young. Using native plants helps preserve the balance and beauty of
native ecosystems (Figure 6.).
Figure 6. Different plant species in small area (Acer platanaoides, Hedera helix, lex aquifolium, Rubus sp.)
Native species are those that occur in the region in which they evolved. Plants evolve over
geologic time in response to physical and biotic processes characteristic of a region: the
Native Vegetation 869
climate, soils, timing of rainfall, drought, and frost; and interactions with the other species
inhabiting the local community. Thus native plants possess certain traits that make them
uniquely adapted to local conditions, providing a practical and ecologically valuable
alternative for landscaping, conservation and restoration projects, and as livestock forage. In
addition, native plants can match the finest cultivated plants in beauty, while often
surpassing non-natives in ruggedness and resistance to drought, insects and disease
(Virginia Department of Conservation & Recreation, 2012) (Figure 7.).
Figure 7. Thymelaea tartonraira an important plant in arid area
Native vegetation is defined differently in different jurisdictions but typically is defined to
include natively occurring local vegetation (in some cases defined as vegetation that existed
before a certain date), including in some jurisdictions native grasses and aquatic vegetation.
The definition of terms such as remnant, regrowth, and thickening is more contentious.
(Productivity Commission, 2004).
Potential benefits of Native vegetation
Fodder; food; seeds; wildflowers and plants; medicines; timber, including for fencing
and firewood; shade; shelter; honey production; pollination and pest control services
Tourism, recreation and visual amenity
Habitat for native fauna (Figure 8)
Soil and water protection (eg prevention of salinity, soil erosion or acidification)
Carbon sinks and/or storage
Existence and option values (Productivity Commission, 2004).
In other words, native vegetation is;
Oxygen production is the largest function.
Advances in Landscape Architecture 870
Figure 8. Larva fed on leaves of Euphorbia sp.
The native vegetation is important in terms of microclimatic effects.
It is important in relation to hydrological events.
I is important in relation to soil
It is home to wildlife
It is high and significant economic value.
It is important in relation to recreational (Figure 9)
Figure 9. Sand dune areas are important for recreational activates.
Native vegetation provides many benefits principally through the protection of the land
surface, amelioration or modification of local climate, maintenance of critical ecosystem
processes, conservation of biodiversity, enhancement and protection of cultural and
aesthetic values, and the provision of economically important products such as timber and
grazing forage. However, significant degradation and loss of native vegetation has taken
place since European settlement, principally as a result of human activity (Smith, et. al.,
Native Vegetation 871
The native vegetation is directly related to land use and environmental change and is the
most easily visible and perceived part of the landscape. It is important in relation to visual
effects. However, without detailed studies cannot be understood fully the relationship
between other landscape elements. According to Peter et al. (2000), as well as providing
essential habitat, native vegetation, including small isolated remnants and scattered trees,
has an important role in providing connectivity across the landscape (Figure 10).
Figure 10. The Mert Lake, neada, Krklareli, Turkey
According to (Smith, et. al., 2000); Connectivity concerns how easily the landscape allows
plant and animal species to disperse or move through it. Adequate connectivity in the
landscape reduces the probability of small isolated populations occurring, allows mobile
species to access essential but dispersed resources, and may be important for species
migration. Connectivity needs to be considered on a whole-of-landscape basis. This is
because species movement can occur from any patch or island that is either large enough or
of sufficient habitat quality to support a breeding population or among a number of smaller
patches that combine to provide suitable habitat for a population. Corridors are generally
considered important for providing connectivity in highly cleared and fragmented
landscapes (Fahrig and Merriam 1985, Downes et al. 1997). However, there is only limited
proof of their efficacy in allowing species movement and they may indeed negatively affect
individual species by promoting transmission of diseases and disturbances (Simberlof and
Cox 1987, Hess 1994). Nevertheless, it is generally agreed that species response to
fragmentation is individualistic and that corridors enhance landscape connectivity for many
species (Saunders et al. 1991, Dawson 1994, Beier and Noss 1998).
According to (Smith, et. al., 2000); Native vegetation plays an important role in many
ecosystem processes. These processes include nutrient retention and cycling, carbon storage,
purification of water and the maintenance of viable and diverse populations of important
Advances in Landscape Architecture 872
components of biodiversity such as detritivores (organisms that break down organic matter)
pollinators and parasites and predators of farm pests (Figure 11). For example the life cycle
of some parasitic wasps and flies depend on nearby sources of food found in native
vegetation. Some species of these parasites seldom travel more than 200 metres from such
sources of food (Davidson and Davidson 1992).
Figure 11. Ferula communis subsp.communis is used in pharmaceutical industry
Degradation and loss of native vegetation resulting from human activity has altered and
disturbed many of these ecosystem processes. Broad-scale loss of vegetation cover has led to
considerable land degradation by exposing the land surface to wind and rainfall, which
greatly increases soil erosion. These problems are exacerbated by some agricultural
management practices, which cause loss of soil organic matter and nutrient decline and, in
some places, increasing soil salinity and acidity. For example, it has been estimated that
some 120,000 ha of NSW are currently affected by salinity and that 7.5 million ha could
potentially become salt affected (Smith, et. al., 2000).
Disturbance of ecosystem function, fragmentation of habitats, the introduction of foreign
species and ecologically unsympathetic agricultural systems has been widespread. As a
consequence, species decline and extinction has been marked, while altered community
balance has frequently led to the unchecked and damaging spread of exotic plants and
animals. Halting the decline in native vegetation cover and rectifying some of the damage
that has been done is not an easy task, but is possible. Nature reserves have a vital role in
this recovery but are only part of the solution. We also need sympathetic management of
privately owned native vegetation, and it should be recognised that such management can
offer production benefits by preserving land and water quality. Restoration of vegetation
cover also provides considerable potential for improved ecosystem function, increased
biodiversity and better health for the wider environment (Smith, et. al., 2000).
Benefits of native vegetation
Biodiversity conservation is an essential component of responsible environmental and
native resource management. It is fundamental to quality of life and supports our economy
Native Vegetation 873
and productivity, both now and in the future. Native vegetation provides habitat for native
animals. It delivers a range of ecosystem services that make the land more productive and
that contribute to human wellbeing. The benefits provided by native vegetation can be
separated into the following categories (Victorian Government Department of Sustainability
and Environment, 2012).
Use values
Use values involve people physically using or experiencing native vegetation and the
attributes it provides, and deriving value from this use. These use values comprise both
direct use values and indirect use values.
Direct use values. These values include benefits to agricultural production, such as enriching
soils, shade for animals, pollination of plants, and native vegetation as the provider of goods
such as honey, timber and pasture for grazing. Other direct uses of native vegetation include
recreation and cultural uses.
Indirect use values. These values include functional benefits derived from relying on native
ecosystems for life support functions including providing clean air, water and other
resources, along with the conservation of biodiversity. Other benefits include resilience to
climate change, and reduced susceptibility to disease and extreme weather events.
Non-use values
There are a range of benefits that flow from native vegetation that are enjoyed without
contact with the native vegetation. These are known as non-use values and include existence
values, option values and bequest values (Victorian Government Department of Sustainability
and Environment, 2012).
Existence values. This means the satisfaction that the community derives simply from
knowing that native vegetation and biodiversity exist.
Option values. These are benefits derived from retaining the option to use native
vegetation in the future without necessarily planning to do so. These benefits include
the value of waiting until a time in the future when better information is available to
inform decisions about the use of native vegetation.
Bequest values. These values derive from the knowledge that maintaining native
vegetation and biodiversity will benefit future generations. (Victorian Government
Department of Sustainability and Environment, 2012).
Identification and classificiation of native vegetation
The aim is to determine the extent of the formation and vegetation. Classificiation table is;
1. Floristic:As an individual species, genera, families and so on. to classify the botanical
names of the form
2. Form and structure: This is based on the dominant forms (forest, pasture etc.) of plant
communities by giving importance to classify plants (the most abundant, etc.)
3. Ecological: This classification, to classify plants according to habitat and some of the
critical environmental parameters.
Advances in Landscape Architecture 874
Turkey and Native Vegetation
Biodiversity is the great wealth of the countries that have the most perceived. Turkey is the
world's richest in terms of native vegetation one of the countries. Mediterranean, Irano-
Turanian and Euro-Siberian phytogeographical regions of Anatolia into finding and
intertwined with each other, this is the main cause of wealth.
Meadows and pastures in our country is one of the most important sources of biological
diversity. These are considered one of the largest renewable native resources. Turkey, in
terms of plants in the world, is one of the countries in the temperate climate zone. The main
reasons for this wealth, climate differences, topographical diversity, geological and
geomorphological diversity, sea, lake, river, such as various water variety of environments,
ranging from 0-5000 meters height differences, three different combined with the fact that
the place of plant geography, east and west of Anatolia differences between the
present ecological and floristic diversity in all of these ecological reflection of the diversity
(Figure 12).
Figure 12. The Hamam Lake, neada, Krklareli (the lake in forest)
Turkey, around 9000 with the type of ferns and seed plants is a country very rich in terms of
flora. Whereas, flora of the European continent contains about 12,000 species. The
importance of the flora of Turkey, as well as species richness is due to the high rate of
endemism. There are 2750 endemic species in the European countries, Turkey, this number
is around 3000 (Figure 13).
In our country, the factors leading to the formation of native vegetation regions of Anatolia,
depends on the structure of a specific native. The first of these stages of the country that are
turning very sharp elevation in mountainous morphological structure. Accordingly, in the
Native Vegetation 875
north, north west, south of the south-westerly winds, the creation of different climates.
Therefore, the vegetation varies in the vertical direction only, but also by looking also varies
widely (Figure 14).
Figure 13. Silene sangaria Coode & Cullen (endemic)
Figure 14. Arbutus andrachne L. (Southern slopes overlooking the sea), Ganos Mountains, Tekirda,
The native vegetation has taken over the operations supported by the complex structure of
biological diversity reveals the cycle of a healthy ecosystem. For this reason, all of the
physical and biotic factors in areas where native vegetation and an interaction of mutual.
The native vegetation on the one hand living environments affected by factors other living
and non-living, and their presence on the other hand constitute one of the most important
Advances in Landscape Architecture 876
factors in terms of diversity. Native plants that will blend the best of local environmental
conditions, plant species, and above all a large scale ecological plantation of native plants
provides significant contributions to native and biological communities. Aesthetic and
functional characteristics of many native plants, as well as contribute to the efficiency of the
soil, reduce erosion, and often less than many exotic plants, fertilizers, pesticides and other
chemicals, such as input, show the need for maintenance measures. Plantation studies,
native plants are becoming increasingly popular for many countries.
The main reasons for this interest;
Aesthetics: Beauty, interesting or rare forms and the native environment, establishing the
Environment: Water use reduction, less pesticide and fertilizer use, the creation of a suitable
environment for wildlife.
Maintenance: low long-term maintenance costs, and less work needed to increase the
durability of the plant listed as heard.
The presence of native vegetation of the countrys economy is the direct and indirect
benefits of unlimited. A rich variety of plant species in the flora of Turkey, local people need
to grow them, as well as industrial and scientific organizations, benefits for different
purposes. Native vegetation, improving a country's climatic conditions and soil loss
prevention in rural areas, preparing the ground for scientific research, forest products, food,
and pharmaceutical industry is a source of units to meet the need for raw materials and fuel.
Especially important in the protection of endemics are carried out. Classes of endangered to
which they belong are determined internationally, is under a lot of pressure given priority
species which are in danger of extinction.
Threats to plants in Turkey are shown below. These factors are;
Industrialization and urbanization,
Urbanization in rural areas is particularly damaging to vegetation
Agricultural extension and excessive grazing
The native pasture areas, overgrazing, and prevents the growth of weeds as well as to the
spread of cosmopolitan species are herbaceous origin. The animals eating the herbs roots up
to their neck that prevents the growth of weeds and grass pastures deteriorate the quality of
output. The inedible prickly weeds are spreading.
Dunes and coastal area to be occupied by tourism facilities
Collecting plants from nature
Native plants are collected from nature for various purposes (medical, spices, ornamental,
fuel, animal feed, especially bulbous plants)
Native Vegetation 877
Reclamation of Halophytic Areas
Large halophytic areas are improved, especially for agricultural purposes.
Agricultural Control and Pollution
Unconscious use of agricultural pesticides. Especially in endemic and rare plants are
Reforestation activities is changed environmental conditions of the plants. This activity is
made of a plant endemic to the place where you are likely to disappearance.
Fires can damage local and rare endemic species
The European continent in the Thrace Region, different climates, soil types, and due to the
geographical characteristics of the floristic aspect is very rich. Although there are many
different vegetation types in the Thrace Region, There are four main types:
1. Forest vegetation
2. Shrub vegetation
3. Meadow vegetation
4. Aquatic vegetation
2. Tekirda and Ganos mountains
Northwest Turkey Tekirdag, Marmara Sea, one of the three provinces in the north of the
territory of the whole of Thrace, as well as two sea-coasts in Turkey is one of the six
provinces. With a surface area of 6313 km , Istanbul, Tekirdag from the east, north, BSNL,
west of Edirne, Canakkale south-west to the south, surrounded by the Sea of Marmara.
North-east to the Black Sea is 2.5 km from the coast.
The geological structure of Tekirda is relatively young. area of the province while the sea
covered the first time, the current image of the IV. from time. Increased Anatolia and
Thrace, the Aegean Marmara and Black Sea basins lowered. Soils generally consist of
sandstones containing clay and cemented.
Tekirdag, approximately 1,200 km long starting Karlova 100-15000 m wide, consisting of
the many faults of the North Anatolian Fault (NAF) is located near the end. (15-25 km).
Faults may be caused by an earthquake within the boundaries of Tekirdag Province; Saros -
Gaziky fault in the Sea of Marmara with the edges of the trench part of the fault. Ministry
of Public Works and Settlement, dated 04.18.1996 "Seismic Zoning Map of Turkey"
according to the outcrops, and Barbaros 1 Mrefte Degrees are in the earthquake area.
Advances in Landscape Architecture 878
Located in the southeastern part of the Balkan Peninsula in the Thrace region has a different
morphological units. The most important of these morphological units in the province of
Tekirdag Ganos and Koru Mountain (Figure 15).
Between these two mountainous terrain, river branches and split Ergene, mild, moderate,
and sometimes pen plain steep slope lands in the south and middle parts are the high hills
and sloping hillside land (Figure 16).
Ganos Mountain is located in the south of Thrace. Mountains, extends northeast-southwest
direction. By Streams highly fragmented appearance. There are many hill and mountain
villages in the region. Ganos Mountain is cool and a little rainy Mediterranean climate.
Figure 15. Morphological structure of Ganos mountains
Figure 16. Profiles of Ganos Mountains, Tekirda, Turkey (zyavuz, 2011)
Native Vegetation 879
Therefore, there are so many taxa of Mediterranean origin. Ganos Mountain, Quercus sp. and
Carpinus sp. representation of the Balkans, central Europe and the Euxine falls into the area
of the dominant elements of the flora. In addition, shrubs Ganos Mountain foothills
overlooking the Marmara Sea and the lowlands of the elements is observed that the
Constitute the most important Tekir Mountain the elevation of the province; 12 km south of
the city of Tekirdag Kumba from the start, until to Gelibolu in a row (60 km) stretches. The
highest point Ganos Mountain. The eastern part of the province is less high. Some of the
ridges on the plains is slightly wavy. One of them is around Corlu, extends east-west
direction. Line is part of a water basin that serves as a teenager, and this limits the ridge to
the east foot of the Strandja Tekirdag regains the west. Istrancalar (Ganos Mountains),
erkezky starts and rises gradually to the north.
In inland areas covering the vast and fertile plains of river valleys are broad-based. The
most important of these, from the western direction erkezky, Ergene river flowing
through the bed with an ever-expanding Ergene Plain Hayrabolu and Cene (Beiktepe)
alluvial deposits along the creeks and Maxillofacial Hayrabolu plains.
Small and narrow coastal plains along the shores of the Marmara, the materials brought by
the rivers along the coast, is a result of the accumulation. Tekirdag, Ergene Despite the fact
that the basin, vegetation, rainfall, due to lack of geological structure is sparse and has a
network of small streams. Irregular flow regimes of rivers, and is proportional to the
amount of rainfall and the regime. In the summer, the waters decreased drying grows in
winter precipitation and snow melt, or even brimming. City streams Saros Gulf, the Sea of
Marmara and the Black Sea is poured. Ergene important rivers of our city with the River
Corlu, Hayrabolu, Iklar, Olukba and puddles streams.
133 km along the coast of the Sea of Marmara Tekirda is the southern boundary. 2.5 km
from the coast of the Black Sea, there are also. Marmara coast, leaving aside the small and
narrow coastal plains, no generally high coasts. Marmaraerelisi the only native harbor off
the coast of Tekirdag. This is a peninsula. Marmaraerelisi east of the port in the form of a
semi-circle diameter of 1.600 m. Northeasterly mouth open, the other winds are closed. To
prevent severe winds and west southwest wind is a haven of refuge for boats.
Tekirdag province, Black Sea Kastro (Camlikoy) dating back to the bay and the bay ilingoz
high and steep rocky coastline has a view.
Does not exceed 100 m in the Gulf of Tekirdag depth. Self called a shallow sea. Rich in
marine plants and animals. More than 1000 m in the Gulf Kumba'dan south west of the line
will be drawn deeper. Fishermen here or com channel are also. And the actual currents
through shoals of fish here.
Temperature averages and indices, given the general humidity, Tekirda province's climate
is characterized as temperate semi-humid. The effect of distance and elevation coastal walks
inland sea temperature and precipitation values are entered variations are small.
Advances in Landscape Architecture 880
Along the coast of the Sea of Marmara, summer is hot and dry, while winters are mild and
rainy characteristics of the Mediterranean climate. However, the effect of the Black Sea
climate lighter summer drought. During the winter season snowfalls are common. More
arid inland summer is entered the semi-continental climate with cold winters more
Extending to the north of Tekirdag House Strandja more rainfall due to the mass of the
northern slopes are covered with beech forests. In this section cover ormanalt
rhododendrons (Rhododendron) creates. The further south, the southern slopes and, due to
reduced rainfall, Fagus sp., Quercus sp. and Carpnus sp. seen that place.
Adolescents in the residential areas near the basin rarely leave the bus at the correct Quercus
sp., Carpinus sp, Paliurus and Ulmus sp. populations are outstanding. These small groups
of trees, whether Thrace is a testament to the inner sections of the steppe area. Thrace
region, as a result of the destruction of forests to make farmland, today has the appearance
of steppe land. (Anthropogen step) In this section and in the valleys of the land base poplar
and willow species are common (Figure 17).
Figure 17. lex aquifolium L.
The northern slopes of the mountains of southern Ganos, Carpinus sp., Quercus sp., Tilia sp.,
and under dense forest cover evident, due to reduced rainfall in the southern slopes are dry
forests and scrub communities. Quercus sp. and Pinus sylvestris sp. forests in the Ganos
Mountains communities are dominant.
3. Conclusion
As a result of the researches of the Ganos Mountain, 202 genera and 64 families, 305 plant
taxa were included in these genera. Compositae families in terms of richness of species in
this family are the most important. This is followed by Leguminosae family. Ganos
Mountain taxa of flora distribution of parts of the Euro-Mediterranean elements with the
elements of Sibirian comes first. Tekirda can be shown poor in terms of forest. Istranca
mountains fall within provincial areas, in places, are oak groves. In some areas, Alnus sp,
Ulmus sp. and Pinus species where observed. Typical plants are Mediterrean Climate maquis,
vineyards, fruit orchards and olive groves. Plants identified in this study are shown below;
Native Vegetation 881
Acer campestre L. subsp. Campestre, Alkanna tinctoria Tausch, Arbutus andrachne L, Asparagus
acutifolius L., Briza maxima L., Calycotome villosa (Poir) Lk., Capparis spinosa L., Carpinus betulus
L., Carpinus orientalis Miller, Cersis siliquastrum L, Cistus creticus L., Colutea cilicica Bal.,
Coronilla emerus subsp. Emeroides, Cercis siliquastrum L., Cistus creticus L., Clematis vitalba L.,
Colchicum autumnale L., Colutea cilicica Bal. Cornus mas L., Crataegus monogyna L.,
Cydonia oblonga Miller, Dittrichia viscosa L. Greuter, Doronicum orientale HOFFM., Emerus
majus Mill., Euphorbia rigida Bieb., Euphorbia characias subsp.wulfenii, Ferula communis subsp.
Communis, Fraxinus ornus L. subsp. ornus, Glaucium flavum Crantz, Hymenocarpus circinnatus L.
Savi, Hypericum perforatum L., lex aquifolium L., Jasminum fruticans L., Juncus acutus L.,
Juniperus oxycedrus L. subsp. oxycedrus., Phyllrea latifolia L. Prunus spinosa L. subsp. dasyphylla.,
Quercus frainetto Ten., Quercus infectoria Olivier, Quercus petraea (Mattuschka) Liebl. subsp.
Petraea, Muscari armeniacum Lechtln Ex Baker, Nasturtium officinale L., Paliurus spina-christi
Mill., Parietaria officinalis L., Phyllirea latifolia L., Pistacia terebinthus L. Platanus orientalis L.,
Ruscus hypoglossum L., Salix viminalis L., Salvia triloba L., Sambucus ebulus L., Sarcopoterium
spinosum (L.) SPACH., Scorpiurus muricatus L. Fiori., Seseli tortuosum L., Smilax excelsa L.,
Spartium junceum L., Tamus communis L., Thymelaea tartonraira L., Thymus atticus Celak., Tilia
argentea Desf. (Korkut, 1987; zyavuz, 2011)
Figure 18. Ruscus hypoglossum L Figure 19. Emerus majus Mill.
Figure 20. Hymenocarpus circinnatus L. Figure 21. Phyllrea latifolia L..
Advances in Landscape Architecture 882
Figure 22. Scorpiurus muricatus L. Fiori.
Figure 23. Clematis vitalba L. Figure 24. Spartium junceum L.
Figure 25. Paliurus spina-christi Mill Figure 26. Doranicum orientale Hoffm.
Native Vegetation 883
Figure 27. Thymelaea tartonraira L. Figure 28. Tussilago farfara L..
Figure 29. Sarcopoterium spinosum (L.) SPACH. Figure 30. Parietaria sp.
Author details
Murat zyavuz and Asl B. Korkut
Namk Kemal University, Faculty of Fine Arts, Design and Architect, Department of Landscape
Architecture, Turkey
Ayten zyavuz
Namk Kemal University, Turkey
4. References
Environmental Protection Authority, 2000. Clearing Of Native Vegetation, With Particular
Reference To The Agricultural Area, Environmental Protection Of Native Vegetation In
Western Australia Position Statement No. 2, 15 p.
Korkut, A. 1987. Trakya Blgesi Doal Bitki rtsnde Peyzaj planlama almalar
Ynnden Deerlendirilebilecek Baz Bitkisel Materyalin Saptanmas, TBTAK Tarm
ve Ormanclk Aratrma Grubu Proje no: TOAG-581, Tekirda.
Advances in Landscape Architecture 884
National Wildlife Federation, 2013. What is Biodiversity?,
zyavuz, A. 2011. Determnaton of some plants grown n natural vegetaton n Tekrda
(kumba-sarky between) Coastlne and usage Opportuntes n landscape archtecture,
MSc. Thesis, Namk Kemal University, Graduate School of Natural and Applied
Sciences, Department of Landscape Architecture, Turkey.
zyavuz, M. 2011. Analysis with Geographic Information Systems and Remote Sensing
Techniques, Ecological Conditions of Vegetation, Ganos (Iklar) Mountain (Tekirda),
Journal of Tekirdag Agricultural Faculty, 8(2), p.37-48.
Peter L. Smith, Brian Wilson, Chris Nadolny, Des Lang. 2000. The ecological role of The
native vegetation Of new south Wales, Native Vegetation Advisory Council, 60 p.
Productivity Commission 2004, Impacts of Native Vegetation and Biodiversity Regulations,
Report no. 29, Melbourne.
Slattery, Britt E., Kathryn Reshetiloff, and Susan M. Zwicker. 2003. Native Plants for Wildlife
Habitat and Conservation Landscaping: Chesapeake Bay Watershed. U.S. Fish &
Wildlife Service, Chesapeake Bay Field Office, Annapolis, MD. 82 pp.
Smith, P. L., Wilson, B., Nadolny, C. 2000. The ecological role of the native vegetation of new
south Wales, Native Vegetation Advisory Council, 60 p.
Victorian Government Department of Sustainability and Environment, 2012. Future
directions for native vegetation in Victoria Review of Victorias native vegetation
permitted clearing regulations, ISBN 978-1-74287-616-0 (online), 36 p.
Virginia Department of Conservation & Recreation, 2012. Native Plants for Conservation,
Restoration, and Landscaping,
Chapter 35
Conservation of Natural Plants
and Their Use in Landscape Architecture
Zuhal Dilaver
Additional information is available at the end of the chapter
1. Introduction
Biological diversity means the diversification of living organisms in all sources including the
terrestrial, marine and other aquatic ecosystems and the ecological structures that are part of
these ecosystems. It refers to the differences exhibited by the living environments (habitats
or, more broadly, ecosystems) of species in terms of various biotic and abiotic factors. It also
refers to the differences between living things in ecosystems and between living and non-
living things, which vary according to place and time and to all of genes, species,
ecosystems and functions [1].
Biological diversity can be divided into three hierarchical categories: genetic diversity,
species diversity and ecosystem diversity.
Genetic Diversity means the diversity within a given species. It is measured by the genetic
difference within a certain species, population, variety, sub-species or race.
Species Diversity means the diversity of the species in a particular region or in the entire
world. Species richness, i.e. the number of species in a region is the most commonly used
measure in this regard.
Ecosystem Diversity is about the whole created by the community of organisms that
interact with each other as an ecological unit and by their physical environment. The
ecosystem consists of factors, such as fire, climate and the food cycle, which are separate
from the community level and which are non-living themselves but still they affect the
formation, structure and interaction of the community of living things. The conservation of
biological diversity at the ecosystem level includes the conservation of the food chain and of
the energy flow. At this level, it is necessary to protect not only species or groups of species
but also characteristics and processes [1].
Advances in Landscape Architecture 886
As human activity continues to spread throughout the earth, natural areas are changed,
resulting in increasing extinctions of plants, animals, and other types of species. Currently,
many experts believe such extinctions are occurring at the fastest rate in history and perhaps
the fastest rate since the extinction of dinosaurs 65 million years ago. This loss of biological
diversity is accelerating as desertification, deforestation (especially in the tropics),
degradation of oceans and water resources, atmospheric change, and other environmental
changes continue rapidly [2].
Biological diversity is important to human welfare for many reasons. Agricultural crops
derive from wild species, and the high-yielding hybrids of modern agriculture depend on
continuing revitalization from wild genetic stock. Furthermore, future crop species that
could be used directly or modified by biotechnology are lost when entire ecosystems are
wiped out. Plants are the basis of prescription drugs; a number of plants discovered in
tropical rainforests or other wild areas have made significant contributions to treatment of
serious diseases. Also, loss of species often means the breakdown of ecosystems that may
have important roles in regulating rainfall, controlling floods, producing oxygen and storing
carbon, affecting both regional and global climate [2].
At the World Summit on Sustainable Development held in 1992 in Rio de Janeiro, it was
agreed that the decrease of biological diversity is a major problem and can only be
prevented through international efforts. The Summit ended with the signing of important
global conventions including the Convention on Biological Diversity, to which Turkey is a
party by signing and ratifying it through the No. Law 4177 of 29 August 1996. The
Convention entered into force in our country on 14 May 1997 [1].
The three main goals of the Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD) are:
Conservation of biological diversity;
Sustainable use of biological resources; and
Fair and equitable sharing of the benefits arising from the utilization of genetic
resources [1].
The Convention dictates that each country must identify its biological resources for which
special protection measures are needed and which have a greater potential for sustainable
use and also identify and monitor the categories and processes of actions that may have a
negative effect on conservation and sustainable use [1].
2. Biological diversity in Turkey
Turkey displays the character of a small continent in terms of biological diversity. Among
the reasons for this are the following facts:
the country has three different types of bio climate and three Biogeographical Zones,
namely Euro-Siberian, Mediterranean and Irano-Turanian,
its topographic, geological, geomorphologic and soil diversity,
the existence of different types of aquatic bodies such as the sea, lakes, rivers, and fresh
water, salt water and mineral water lakes,
Protection of Natural Plants and Their Use in Landscape Architecture Works 887
the altitude differences that range between 0 and 5,000 meters,
the country has deep canyons and very different types of ecosystems,
it was less affected by the glacial period in comparison with European countries,
the existence of the Anatolian Diagonal which links Northern Anatolia to Southern
Anatolia resulting in ecological and floristic differences,
the country is at the point where three continents intersect [1].
The Euro-Siberian Biogeographical Zone extends throughout Northern Anatolia and
through those parts of the Thracian Region which face the Black Sea. This climatic region
has the highest rainfall and is largely covered with forests. The Mediterranean
Biogeographical Zone, on the other hand, covers all areas on the Mediterranean cost and the
western parts of Thrace and includes very different types of ecosystems. The Irano-Turanian
zone is the largest of the Biogeographical Zones, starting in Central Anatolia and extending
as far as Mongolia. The continental climate and steppe flora are predominant in this zone
3. Ecosystem diversity
Turkey has agricultural, forest, mountain, steppe, wetland, coastal and marine ecosystems
and different forms and combinations of these ecosystems [1].
Agricultural Ecosystems: In Turkey different agricultural ecosystems are seen in coastal
regions, inner regions and transition regions. Cultivated areas, located mostly in steppe
zones, constitute about 35 percent of Turkeys total surface area [1].
Steppe Ecosystems: There are about 21 million hectares of steppes and grasslands, defined
as areas covered with herbaceous plants in Turkey. The steppe ecosystems are prevalent
especially in Central Anatolia, in the high mountain floors of the Aegean and Mediterranean
Regions and in a major part of Eastern Anatolia. The most characteristic feature of the
steppe ecosystem is the predominance of annual or perennial herbaceous plants. The
floristic composition of the steppe vegetation is very rich and includes many endemic
plants. The steppe formation can be divided into two as Plain Steppe and Mountain
Steppe in Turkey depending on the topographical structure of the area in which it lies. The
plain steppe provides a habitat for species such as halophilic plants, members of the
Chenopodiaceae, Juncaceae and Cyperaceae, Peganum harmala L., Veroniva cymbalaria Bodard,
Thymus L. and Salvia L. The mountain steppe on the other hand, hosts the species of Astragalus
L., Onobrychis cornuta (L.) Desv., Acantholimon Boiss., Asphodelus L. and Thymus L. In the
Eastern Anatolia mountain steppe, Ferula L. becomes more predominant unlike in other
regions. Alpine and sub-Alpine meadows cover large areas in the higher parts of the Eastern
Black Sea Mountains and in the northern and northeastern parts of Eastern Anatolia [1].
Forest Ecosystems: In Turkey, forest ecosystems cover a total area of 21,188,747 hectares.
Forests consisting of broad-leaved trees are more widespread in Turkey. Coniferous trees
occur at all altitudes from sea level to the highest limit where forests exist. In the Aegean
and Mediterranean regions, there are humid and semi-humid coniferous and dry forests
Advances in Landscape Architecture 888
(Quercus L, Pinus nigra Arnold and Pinus brutia Ten.) as well as shrubs and maquis. These
rich forest ecosystems of Turkey provide habitats for a great number of endemic plant
species, important bird species and other wildlife species. These ecosystems also include the
wild relatives of many cultivated plants which are important for agricultural biological
diversity [1].
Mountain Ecosystems: In Turkey, there are mountain systems formed by folding, faulting
and volcanism. The types of the mountain ecosystems differ according to biogeographical
regions, to patterns of formation and to altitudes [1].
Inland Waters Ecosystems: Turkey has very important inland water resources to maintain
biological diversity with its rivers and lakes covering an area of about 10,000 km2. In studies
conducted so far, 135 wetlands of international significance have been identified and 12 of
them designated as Ramsar sites. In Turkey, there are 7 drainage basins including 26 river
basins, and the ground waters are estimated at 94 billion m. The average annual rainfall is
about 640 mm, roughly one third of which reaches water reserves and thus contributes to
the maintenance of wetlands. In Turkeys wetlands, plants such as Typha L., Phragmites L,
Schoenoplectus (REICHB.) PALLA and Juncus L. form large communities. In addition, there
are also plants that cover the water surface such as Nymphae L. and underwater plants that
grow in shallow lakes such as Phodophyllum L., Wolffia Horkel ex Schleid., Lemna L. and
Ceratophyllum L., Myriophyllum L. and Potamogeton L. [1].
Coastal and Marine Ecosystems: Different characteristics of the seas surrounding Turkey,
namely the Black Sea, the Marmara, the Aegean and the Eastern Mediterranean, have
resulted in the diversification of the biological resources they contain. The Mediterranean,
which has the highest salinity and temperature among the Turkish seas, is the area with the
richest biological diversity. Coastal ecosystems are highly special ecosystems as they are
important sudden transition zones (ecotones) where marine and terrestrial ecosystems
intersect. Coastal ecosystems form 4.1 % of the terrestrial resources that make up the
countrys surface area. The fact that the patterns in which mountains come down to the sea,
and the coastal topography, differ from each other in the coastal areas of our country have
resulted in various coastal ecosystems such as dunes, caves, deltas, lagoons, marshes and
calcerous terraces. Among all these coasts, particularly the coastal areas in the Eastern
Mediterranean region are rich ecosystems with very high flora and fauna diversity [1].
4. Species diversity
Turkey has a relatively rich flora (about 12 000 species) and still a great number of species
are being described (Figure 1,2,3,4). In this flora, there are a lot of interesting species such as
halophytic species, semi-desert plants, carnivorous plants and nickel hyperacumulators. In
Turkey, the rate of endemism is relatively high when compared with other European
countries. It is about 34 percent in Turkey while it is 14.9 percent in Greece, 2.9 percent in
France, 18.6 percent in Spain and 0.1 percent in Poland. The number of endemic species in
Turkey is greater than 3000 [3].
Protection of Natural Plants and Their Use in Landscape Architecture Works 889
Figure 1. Iris schachtii Markgraf (Z. Dilaver)
Figure 2. Crocus danfordiae Maw.(Z. Dilaver)
Advances in Landscape Architecture 890
Figure 3. Astragalus anthylloides Lam. (Z. Dilaver)
Figure 4. Scutellaria orientalis L. (Z. Dilaver)
Protection of Natural Plants and Their Use in Landscape Architecture Works 891
In terms of endemic plant species, the richest family of Turkey is Compositae, which has
approximately 425 endemic species. The richest genus in terms of endemic species, on the
other hand, is Astragalus L. with 250 species. It is followed by Verbascum L. with 185 species
Among the phytogeographical regions, the Irano-Turanian is the region having the highest
number of endemic. Mediterranean Region is the second and the Euro-Siberian Region is the
third in this regard. Turkey's richest region in terms of endemic plants unique to that region
alone is the Mediterranean region with 800 or so species. In Eastern Anatolia 375, in Central
Anatolia 275, in Black Sea 210 and in the Aegean Region 150 endemic species grow.
Marmara (70) and Southeast Anatolia (35) Regions are the poorest geographical regions of
Turkey in terms of endemics. The other endemics are distributed in more than one
geographical area [4].
Red List of Threatened Species is the most well-known study of the World Conservation
Union (IUCN), which was last published in 2004. This red list is accepted to be the most
comprehensive source about the latest status of threatened plant and animal species. IUCN
cited the danger categories as:
1. Extinct,
2. Extinct in the wild,
3. Critically endangered
4. Endangered
5. Vulnerable
6. Lower risk
7. Data deficient
8. Not evaluated [5].
In our country, after being completed 9 volume of Flora of Turkey as a main source in 1985,
a list similar with this was started to be constituted with the help of Turkish Association for
Conservation of Nature and Natural Resources. It was published in 1989 with the name of
List of Rare Threatened and Endemic Plants in Turkey. After this publication, more and
more floristic studies -especially the project investigating endemic plants of Turkey in detail-
showed that some data in the first list should be changed or at least could be updated.
Thereupon Red Data Book of Turkish Plants which was prepared and published in 2000
became a national list using new threat categories of IUCN. This source is because it shows
Turkeys biological diversity and the status of species in terms of the danger categories. In
order to protect biological diversity it is necessary to know about it and to create its
database. In this study 3504 endemic and 1096 rare plants were assessed and listed in
accordance with appropriate danger categories. According to this list, 46.6 percent of 3504
endemic plants and 77.4 percent of 1096 rare plants is under threat. On the other hand, 13
plant taxon in total, of which 12 was endemic, and one was rare, already extinct. While 270
endemic and 244 rare plant taxon could not be placed under a danger category because of
lack of data and were listed under DD-Data deficient category [6].
Advances in Landscape Architecture 892
Table 1. Taxon numbers of species and subspecies of various plant groups; endemism, rare and
endangered species, extinct species
5. Genetic diversity
Plant genetic diversity is of great importance for both Turkish and world agriculture.
Turkey has a very special position in terms of plant genetic resources. Turkey is situated at
the intersection of two important Vavilovian gene centers: Mediterranean and Near East.
These two regions have a key role in the emergence of cereals and horticultural plants. Some
of the cultivated plant species of Anatolian origin are the following: Linum L., Allium L.,
Hordeum L., Triticum L., Avena L., Cicer L., Lens Mill., Pisum L., Vitis L., Amygladus L, Prunus L.,
Beta L., etc. Turkey, situated where two different gene and diversity centres overlap, is the
gene and origin centre of the following cultivated plants among others: Triticum L, Hordeum L,
Secale L., Avena L., Linum L., Allium L., Cicer L., Lens Mill., Pisum L., Medicago L. and Vicia L.
Turkey is the home of many decorative plants including Tulipa L. and Galanthus L. [1].
Turkey is also quite rich in gene resources, including the valuable gene resources of Cedrus
libani A. Rich., Picea orientalis (L.) LINK and Fagus orientalis LIPSKY together with 5 Pinus L.,
4 Abies Mill., 20 Quercus L. and 8 Juniperus L. species among the local forest trees of national
and global importance. The important forest trees are as follows: Pinus L. species (Pinus
brutia Ten., P. nigra Arnold, P. sylvestris L., P. halepensis Mill. and P. pinea L.), Abies Mill.
species (Abies nordmanniana (STEV.) SPACH subsp. nordmanniana (STEV.) SPACH, A.
nordmanniana (STEV.) SPACH subsp. bornmulleriana (mattf.) COODE ET CULLEN, A.
nordmanniana (STEV.) SPACH subsp. equitrojani (ASCHERS. ET SINT. EX BOISS.) COOD ET
C, A. cilicica (ANT. ET KOTSCHY) CARR. subsp. cilicica (ANT. ET KOTSCHY) CARR., A.
cilicica (ANT. ET KOTSCHY) subsp. isaurica COODE ET CULLEN), Cedrus libani A. Rich.,
Fagus orientalis LIPSKY, Picea orientalis (L.) LINK, Tilia L., Alnus Mill. (2 species, a total of 6
taxons), Juniperus L. (8 species), and Quercus L. (about 20 species) [1].
Protection of Natural Plants and Their Use in Landscape Architecture Works 893
6. Conservation of biological diversity
There are two different methods that are widely accepted in the world, used in order to
conserve biological diversity. First of these is the In Situ conservation that aims at
protecting the plants within their own natural growth areas. The other system is the Ex
Situ conservation that envisages the protection of biological diversity features outside their
natural living areas [7].
Despite it is possible to protect a large number of plant species by moving them to the areas
outside their ecosystems by means of ex-situ conservation methods, the most important way
to protect plant species is to protect them in the habitats they live. The reason for this is that
all living things depend on each other in an ecosystem. No species in nature has an isolated
environment and the species interact with other in many ways. Another advantage of in situ
conservation is that protecting an efficient species population in its own habitat is easier
when compared with ex situ conservation. As a result, ex situ conservation methods appears
to be only as supporting methods alongside the in situ conservation. However, the botanical
gardens allowing you to see many species of plants together and learn about are important,
especially in terms of education and scientific research. Likewise, seeds and tissue banks is
increasingly gaining importance with the fast growing biotechnology methods. However, in
species with the physical environment as a whole to protect ecosystems, the future will be
guaranteed [8].
7. In Situ Conservation
In the In Situ system, the restricted areas where the genetic material is found are protected
by minimizing the human and animal effects [9].
The rapid consumption of natural resources, the increasing amount of pollution and
environmental problems that have reached a global dimension have brought the obligation
for countries to act in cooperation. Today, protected areas are vital component of all global
and National nature conservation efforts. Many areas that have rich biodiversity and natural
- cultural values have been designated as a national park and other protection statues to
support conservation [10].
Protected areas are the cornerstone of biodiversity conservation; they maintain key habitats,
provide refugia, allow for species migration and movement, and ensure the maintenance of
natural processes across the landscape. Not only do protected areas secure biodiversity
conservation, they also secure the well-being of humanity itself. Protected areas provide
livelihoods for nearly 1.1 billion people are the primary source of drinking water for over a
third of the worlds largest cities and are a major factor in ensuring global food security.
Well managed protected areas harboring participatory and equitable governance
mechanisms yield significant benefits far beyond their boundaries, which can be translated
into cumulative advantages across a National economy and contribute to poverty reduction
and sustainable development including achievement of the Millennium Development Goals
Advances in Landscape Architecture 894
Definition of Protected Area According to the IUCN (1994): An area of land and/or sea
especially dedicated to the protection and maintenance of biological diversity, and of
natural and associated cultural resources, and managed through legal or other effective
means [11].
Definition of Protected Area According to the IUCN (2008): A clearly defined geographical
space, recognized, dedicated and managed, through legal or other effective means, to
achieve the long-term conservation of nature with associated ecosystem services and
cultural values [12].
IUCN divided the protected areas into the following categories [12]:
Category I a: Strict nature reserve
Category I a - strictly protected areas set aside to protect biodiversity and also possibly
geological/geomorphological features, where human visitation, use and impacts are strictly
controlled and limited to ensure protection of the conservation values. Such protected areas
can serve as indispensable reference areas for scientific research and monitoring.
Category I b: Wilderness area
Category I b - protected areas are usually large unmodified or slightly modified areas,
retaining their natural character and influence, without permanent or significant human
habitation, which are protected and managed so as to preserve their natural condition.
Category II: National park
Category II - protected areas are large natural or near natural areas set aside to protect large-
scale ecological processes, along with the complement of species and ecosystems
characteristic of the area, which also provide a foundation for environmentally and
culturally compatible spiritual, scientific, educational, recreational and visitor opportunities.
Category III: Natural monument or feature
Category III - protected areas are set aside to protect a specific natural monument, which
can be a landform, sea mount, submarine cavern, geological feature such as a cave or even a
living feature such as an ancient grove. They are generally quite small protected areas and
often have high visitor value.
Category IV: Habitat/species management area
Category IV - protected areas aim to protect particular species or habitats and management
reflects this priority. Many category IV protected areas will need regular, active
interventions to address the requirements of particular species or to maintain habitats, but
this is not a requirement of the category.
Category V: Protected landscape/Seascape
Category V - protected areas where the interaction of people and nature over time has
produced an area of distinct character with significant ecological, biological, cultural and
Protection of Natural Plants and Their Use in Landscape Architecture Works 895
scenic value: and where safeguarding the integrity of this interaction is vital to protecting
and sustaining the area and its associated nature conservation and other values.
Category VI: Protected area with sustainable use of natural resources
Category VI - protected areas conserve ecosystems and habitats, together with associated
cultural values and traditional natural resource management systems. They are generally
large, with most of the area in a natural condition, where a proportion is under
sustainable natural resource management and where low-level non-industrial use of
natural resources compatible with nature conservation is seen as one of the main aims of
the area.
Besides these categories, it is observed that countries develop others based on their
regulations and institutional structure. Also, there are other protected areas like UNESCO
Biosphere Reserves, World Heritage Areas, and RAMSAR Areas. While there are protected
areas managed by national legislations and specific laws that belongs to the areas, at the
same time, those are affected by the international conventions and agreements which are
relevant with the conservation of biodiversity and natural resources, management and
sustainable use of the values and sustainable development [13].
Protected Areas in Turkey
Protection initiatives in Turkey are mostly in the form of in situ protection. There are
various protected areas in Turkey which are under different institutions authority and
supervision and defined under certain laws. Turkey has signed many international
conventions and protocols on Nature Protection. These conventions are;
Convention on Biodiversity Conservation (Rio Convention) (1997)
Cartagena Protocol (2004)
CITES (1996)
Barcelona Convention (1988)
Bucharest Convention (1994)
Protection of Cultural and National Heritage (1983)
Convention on Combating Erosion (1998)
European Landscape Convention (2000)
Bern Convention(1984)
Ramsar Convention (1994)
Kyoto Protocol (2009) [14].
In accordance with these conventions, by 2011, nearly 1800 sites had been identified by
the Ministry of Forest and Water as warranted protection under the 1983 law (Table 2)
Turkey has 41 National Parks and approximately 37 percent of their total area is forest
ecosystems (Figure 5,6,7). Besides, Turkey has 41 Nature Parks and approximately 25
percent of them are forest ecosystems (Figure 8) [15].
Advances in Landscape Architecture 896
Table 2. Protected areas which identified by the Ministry of Forest and Water [14].
Figure 5. National Parks in Turkey [16].
Protection of Natural Plants and Their Use in Landscape Architecture Works 897
Figure 6. Munzur Valley National Park, Turkey [17].
Figure 7. Souksu National Park, Turkey [17].
Advances in Landscape Architecture 898
Figure 8. Nature Parks in Turkey [16].
8. Ex Situ conservation
This method is composed of;
storage, production and replacement,
distribution and material exchange,
cooperation and organization steps [7].
Ex Situ conservation actions are an important complementary measure to In Situ habitat
management. Ex situ conservation of wild plants is a central and unique role of botanic
gardens. They have the appropriate facilities and staff expertise in botany and horticulture
to be an insurance policy against plant extinction. The Botanic Gardens ex situ program
primarily employs three strategies: seed banking, tissue culture and genetic analysis of
endangered plants. Seed banking is one of the most effective and useful ways of conserving
genetic diversity ex situ, as the majority of wild plant species from dry land environments
produce desiccation tolerant seeds that can be successfully stored for over 200 years. In most
outbreeding species, the majority of the genetic diversity of the species may be captured by
a single large seed sample. Conservation of population seed samples from these species
Protection of Natural Plants and Their Use in Landscape Architecture Works 899
provides insurance against loss of the wild population, whilst allowing biologists to develop
germination protocols, propagation techniques etc. to support use of the species [22]. Tissue
culture is the propagation, under controlled laboratory conditions, of rare and endangered
plants that are difficult to propagate from seed or whose seed does not store well. Genetic
analysis of rare species through various techniques, including, Microsatellites, Sequencing,
AFLP (Amplified Fragment Length Polymorphism and ISSR (inter-simple sequence
repeats), is helping guide preservation and restoration activities [18].
Ex Situ Conservation in Turkey
Botanic gardens, which are the most significant applications of Ex situ protection methods,
have been newly developing in Turkey. The first botanic garden to be established in Turkey
is Istanbul University, Alfred Heilbronn Botanic Garden. It was established in 1935 under
Istanbul University, Faculty of Applied Sciences, Department of Botany and it was given its
current name in 2003. In this garden, there are 5 thousand genus and 6 thousand species
belonging to 127 families, which are endemic and foreign homed. There are also seed banks
and herbarium units in the garden. Istanbul Botanic Garden Seeds Catalog was published
for the first time in 1935. The garden has been exchanging seeds with 373 botanic gardens
from 63 countries. Istanbul University, Center for Research and Application of Natural
Resources, established in relation with the Botanic Garden, aims at preventing the loss of
rare and epidemic species of Turkish plant possessions by making them live in appropriate
areas and conservatories [18].
Another important botanical garden in Turkey is Nezahat Gokyigit Botanical Garden
(NGBB), located in Istanbul (Figure 9). NGBB is established on 32 hectares of parkland and it
was opened to public in 2002. NGBB forms a space for breath-taking offering Istanbul 12
percent of its green space, and it is also a research, education and training center [19].
Figure 9. Nezahat Gkyigit Botanical Garden, Garden of Medicinal and Aromatic Plants [19].
Advances in Landscape Architecture 900
Besides, National Botanical Garden is planned to be established in Ankara. The project
covering an area of 2000 decare has started in 2008 and the construction work has begun in
Gene banks are also ex situ conservation units apart from the botanical gardens. Aegean
Agricultural Research Institute Gene Bank and Plant Genetic Resources Unit of Field Crops
Central Research Institute have been working for the conservation of genetic resources. In
addition, the world's 3
largest gene bank (Seed Gene Bank) after the U.S. and China was
established in Ankara in 2010 with a storage capacity of 250 thousand samples.
9. Use of natural plants in landscape architecture in the scope of
preserving biological diversity
Years before, when the natural areas had not been this much damaged with the pressure
from the settlement, industrial and even agricultural areas, people would find it absurd to
use the natural vegetation species in plant design work. Furthermore, until recently, many
natural samples were seen as weed. But today, it has been realized that especially in developed
countries, cities and areas of cultural activities puts nature away from people. For this reason,
people want to see natural plant samples around them in order to feel close to nature.
The fact that the natural areas are confronted with an increasing pressure increases concerns
over plants of natural vegetation. Today, some species are threatened and are in danger of
extinction. For some, on the other hand, it is observed that their expansion areas are getting
narrower and that they do not grow in areas where they have been previously observed. In
this regard, the use of natural vegetation samples which are in danger of extinction or
damaged, in landscape architecture is important. Transfer of natural samples to gardens, are
important for providing these plants with protection areas, as well as for increasing the
awareness of protection and their recognition by the people.
Native plants naturally occur in the region in which they evolved, while non-native plants
might provide some of the above benefits, native plants have many additional advantages.
Because native plants are adapted to local soils and climate conditions, they generally
require less watering and fertilizing than non-natives. Natives are often more resistant to
insects and disease as well, and so are less likely to need pesticides. Wildlife evolved with
plants; therefore, they use native plant communities for food, cover and rearing young.
Using native plants helps preserve the balance and beauty of natural ecosystems [20].
Non-native plants can be invasive. They have few or no naturally occurring measures to
control them, such as insects or competitors. Invasive plants can spread rapidly and smother
or out-compete native vegetation. Invasive, non-native plants are not effective in providing
quality habitat [20].
Use of natural vegetation species in landscape architecture, creates a landscape harmonious
with nature, and it is an application compatible with economic conditions. In this way,
Protection of Natural Plants and Their Use in Landscape Architecture Works 901
selection of plant materials that meet environmental conditions with minimal care should be
preferred as an economic approach to planning.
In Turkey, due to lack of work for cultivation of natural plants, obtaining plants from
nurseries is not yet possible. In this case, it is not possible to provide the supply of plants for
applications, as well as natural vegetation cannot become a sector generating income. Over
the years, the greatest economic gain has been derived from the plants with bulb, tuber and
corm, which have been pulled out from their natural areas. However, with their extensive
use in landscape architecture natural plants will be an important branch of ornamental plant
10. The utilization process of natural plants
Anatolia, throughout the history, has been the location where many natural species were
cultivated for the first time. For example, it is known that the origin of 30 percent of the field
corps is Anatolia. Besides the field crops, in many parts of Turkey, many natural plant
species are collected directly from nature and used for nourishment. Plants are also used for
different purposes other than nourishment [3].
About 1000 species of Geophytes are grown in Turkey which constitute an important part in
the biological richness of the country and majority of which have economic potential as
ornamental plants and medicinal plants [21]. Collection of certain types of bulbs of these
plants was initially in the form of a personal curiosity but afterwards it gained commercial
importance with the collection of flower bulbs in bulk. This trade, which was conducted in
Netherlands, Denmark, Switzerland, Germany, Italy and in various other European
countries, reached fairly large quantities since the 1960s. While up to 15000 Galanthus L.
bulbs were exported in the early 1970s after 10 years, the amount has exceeded two times of
this amount. Although in some species, small-scale domestic production activities are
carried out, Galanthus L., Eranthis hyemalis (L.) Salisb., Anemone blanda Schott et Kotschy,
Leucojum aestivum L., Cyclamen L., Fritillaria L., et Sternbergia Waldst kit, Lilium candidum L. ,
Tulipa humilis Herbert L., Arum, Dracunculus Miller, Geranium tuberosum L., Colchicum
speciosum Stev., Muscari Miller, Ornithogalum nutans L., Scilla bifolia L., Gladiolus L., Oxalis L.,
Urginea maritima (L.) Baker, Pancratium maritimum L. and Narcissus L. are largely collected
from nature and became the species traded most [23]. However, in recent periods, controls
over the onion pull-outs are from nature are conducted and cultivation of bulbous plants is
carried out. Due to the measures taken after 1990s, the populations of geophytes sold abroad
were brought back to their former levels and important progress was made in the
production and exportation of Lilium candidum L., Sternbergia lutea (L.) KER-GAWL. EX
SPRENGEL, Fritillaria imperialis L., F. persica L., Leucojum aestivum L. and Cyclamen
hederifolium AITON abroad. [4].
Besides bulbous plants, some plant species are collected from the nature and consumed in
the country or sold abroad, because of their medical and aromatic qualities. Plant species
with scientifically identified medical feature and which are used by the people are
numerous in the flora of Turkey. Aromatic plants such as Origanum L. and the plants used
Advances in Landscape Architecture 902
as tea like Salvia L. and Sideritis L. are used in small residential gardens. In addition, with
the spread of theme parks, gardens of medicinal and aromatic plants are organized in parks
and botanical gardens. However, due to the difficulties in finding local plant samples
foreign plants are more commonly found.
The most important condition for the promotion of the use of natural plants is conducting
studies for their production; cultivation, variety creation and adaptation, as well as enabling
users obtain them through nurseries. In recent years, studies on this issue have been
Some research has been being carried out at Atatrk Garden Culture Central Research
Institute regarding the cultivation of various ornamental plants. In 2002, within the
framework of the project on "Detection, Rehabilitation and Growing Techniques of Existing
Paeonia L. Species in the Flora of Turkey" which was realized by the cooperation of private
sector, university and public sector, species belonging to 11 taxon out of 55 populations
were collected and preserved in peony gene resources garden [21].
Another important work was the Cultivation of Some Natural Plants and the Inclusion of
New Species and Varieties in Ornamental Plants Industry" project, carried out in 2006-2009.
In the framework of the project which was conducted with the participation of 7 research
institutes, 8 universities and 18 private sector organizations; 1166 population have been
identified covering 241 species (177 geophytes species, 20 dune, and 44 outdoor plant
species). Plant samples were subjected to pre-selection, moved to cultivation areas and
preserved at responsible institution. Candidates of new varieties of existing species were
determined at end of the study. The work under the project is continuing with variety
creation activities [21].
In addition, a project has been initiated in 2010 called Cultivation of Turkeys Geophytes,
Providing New Species and Cultivars to the New Sectors. With this work it is aimed to
collect the geophytes to be exhibited in Turkey Geophyte Garden, to develop of varieties
from the collected plants and to determine the biological activities of the plants collected.
11. Conclusion
Increasing human activity results in negative effects for the natural areas, threatening the
existence of plants, animals, and other types of species. It is generally admitted that the
extinctions of plant species are occurring at an unprecedented pace in recent years. Thus,
conservation of biological diversity is an issue gaining greater importance in todays world.
Turkey is an important country in terms of biological diversity as it displays the character of
a small continent having a rich flora. However, Turkey has been facing the same threats
against its biological diversity and its conservation becomes more and more important. As
described above, there are different ways and methods used for preserving plant diversity
in Turkey. One method is to protect the endemic species and prevent their extinction by
making use of these plants in gardens and other living environments of people. By doing so,
Protection of Natural Plants and Their Use in Landscape Architecture Works 903
there would be an important step taken for increasing peoples consciousness. As people
spend more time with natural plants, their protection motives and knowledge would
certainly increase.
However, in order for providing these environments to people and increase their access to
natural plants, more works and projects for improving cultivation and production of natural
plants are needed.
Author details
Zuhal Dilaver
Ankara University, Faculty of Agriculture, Department of Landscape Architecture, Turkey
12. References
[1] Ministry of Environment and Forestry, The National Biological Diversity Strategy and
Action Plan, General Directorate of Nature Conservation and National Parks,
Department of Nature Conservation, ISBN: 978-605-393-030-3, Tasarm Ofset, Ankara.
[2] Fletcher, S.R., Biological Diversity: Issues Related to the Convention on Biodiversity,
CRS Report for Congress. 1995.
[3] Avc, M. eitlilik ve Endemizm Asndan Trkiyenin Bitki rts. stanbul
niversitesi Edebiyat Fakltesi Corafya Blm, Corafya Dergisi, Say 13, Sayfa 27-
55, stanbul. 2005.
[4] Trkiye evre Vakf, Trkiyenin Biyolojik Zenginlikleri. TV Yayn No: 170, ISBN:
975-7250-79-1, Ankara. 2005.
[5] Ekim, T., Koyuncu, M., Vural, M., Duman, H., Ayta, Z. and Adgzel, N., Red Data
Book of Turkish Plants. Trkiye Tabiatn Koruma Dernei, Van Yznc Yl
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[7] Dokuzouz, M. Bitki Genetik Kaynaklar. Trkiyenin Biyolojik Zenginlikleri. Trkiye
evre Sorunlar Vakf Yayn, nder Matbaa, Ankara. 1990.
[8] Kaynak, S. Biyolojik eitlilik ve evre Koruma Rehberi. Trkiye Tabiatn Koruma
Dernei, ISBN: 975-93611-1-6, Ankara. 2001.
[9] Ycel, M. Korunan Alanlarn Snflandrlmas ve Uzun Devreli Gelime Planlar
Yapmnda Yaanan Sorunlar. Korunan Doal Alanlar Sempozyumu Szl Bildiriler
Kitab, 8-10 Eyll 2005, Isparta. 2005.
[10] Gm, S.C., en, G., Toksoy, D., Ayaz, H. and Bahat, B. Nature Conservation and
National Parks in Turkey. First Serbian Forestry Congress, 11-13 November 2010,
Belgrade. 2010.
Advances in Landscape Architecture 904
[11] IUCN, Guidelines for Protected Area Management Categories. IUCN Commission on
National Parks and Protected Areas with the assistance of the World Conservation
Monitoring Centre, ISBN 2-8317-0201-1, Cambridge, UK. 1994.
[12] Dudley, N. (Editor) Guidelines for Applying Protected Area Management Categories,
IUCN, 86 pp., ISBN 978-2-8317-1086-0, Gland, Switzerland. 2008.
[13] Yaknkl, M.K., Yenilmez Arpa, N. Trkiyedeki Korunan Alanlar ve Ekoturizm.
Korunan Doal Alanlar Sempozyumu Szl Bildiriler Kitab, 8-10 Eyll 2005, Isparta.
[14] zyavuz, M. Protected Areas, Landscape Planning, Dr. Murat Ozyavuz (Ed.), ISBN:
978-953-51- 0654-8, InTech, Available from:, 2012.
[15] Ertrk, E. Protected Area Management in Turkey. Republic of Turkey, Ministry of
Environment and Forestry, Ankara. 2011.
[16] Yalnkl, M.K. Protected Areas of Turkey. General Directorate of Nature Conservation
and National Parks. alanlar/turkiyenin_korunan_alanlari_en-
US.pdf, stanbul. 2010.
[18] Dilaver, Z. 2007. Conservation of Biological Diversity in the World and in Turkey.
International Conference on Environment: Survival and Sustainability, Near East
University, 19-24 February 2007, Proceedings, pp. 521-528, Nicosia- Turkish Republic of
Northern Cyprus.
[19], 2013.
[20] Slattery, Britt E., Kathryn Reshetiloff, and Susan M. Zwicker. Native Plants for Wildlife
Habitat and Conservation Landscaping: Chesapeake Bay Watershed. U.S. Fish &
Wildlife Service, Chesapeake Bay Field Ofce, Annapolis, MD. 82 pp. 2003.
[21] Kaya, E. Kr ieklerimizi Etkin Deerlendiriyoruz. Plant Peyzaj ve Ss Bitkileri
Dergisi, Yl:3, Say:6, Nisan-Temmuz 2012, Adapazar. 2012.
[22] Wyse Jackson, P.S. and Sutherland, L.A. International Agenda for Botanic Gardens in
Conservation. Botanic Gardens Conservation International, U.K. 2000.
[23] Ekim, T., Koyuncu, M., Gner, A., Erik, S., Yldz, B. Ve Vural, M. Trkiyenin
Ekonomik Deer Tayan Geofitleri zerinde Taksonomik ve Ekolojik Aratrmalar.
Orman Genel Mdrl Yayn Sra No: 669, Seri No: 65, Ankara. 1991.
Chapter 36
Lawns and Ground Covers in Landscape Design
Candan Kus Sahin
Additional information is available at the end of the chapter
1. Introduction
It is well known that the lawn is one of the basic elements of garden designs, linking
together all the other planting trees, shrubs, flowers into a harmonies whole. However, a
beautiful lawn has an emotional appeal that can be translated into spiritual comforts. Hence,
the lawn typically offers peace and serenity, and an escape from the glare and hard surfaces
of sidewalks.
In suitable growing conditions, the grasses are one of the well lawn covering materials due
to uniform in color and texture, soft and resilient, easy to take care of. In many areas,
grasses can provide a surface that maintenance frees than paving. They can be walked on,
sat on and used for many outdoor activities and sport activities such as; football, soccer,
volleyball and related practices. However, although the green of a lawn is usually grass, but
not necessarily that.
It is also well established that the lawns can be made of almost any plant that spreads fairly
to cover the ground, and in certain places ground covers other than grass are very popular,
either as grass substitutes, or as companions for grass, to provide visual variety. However,
despite the importance of the non-grass of ground covers, grass continues to be one of the
favorite in open spaces and gardens. Hence, the leaves of the grasses are different in form
and behavior from those of many other plants. They can grow from stem joints, first in one
direction, then in another, and each leaf is divided into distinct parts. Moreover, many
grasses flower in great clusters and individual flowers of which the clusters are composed
are having neither fragrance nor bright color because these insect attracting characteristics
are not needed. Grasses can be pollinated either by the wind or self-pollinating with their
own seeds. A few-notably the bluegrasses often develop without fertilization and are able to
reproduce either sexually or by a kind of self-pollination.
A fine lawn directly influences on suburban landscape practices that other ground covers
have usually not considered. However, no other ground cover is as durable underfoot as a
Advances in Landscape Architecture 906
grass lawn, or produces as satisfying a sense of orderliness. For a while, tufted grasses and
bushes as well as a multitude of hybrids that plant breeders have developed over the years.
In Figure 1, typical lawn and woody plant mixtures well organized in public area and effects
value of its environments
Figure 1. Typical lawn and woody plant mixtures in public area
2. Lawn properties
Lawn variations
The gardeners like to intervene in the plants natural distribution with their natural breeding
processes whenever the demand for lawn grasses grew. However, the scientists search new
grasses as well as cultivation of existing grasses and explorers the lifecycle of grasses in
experiment stations to improve current strains and create hybrids. Moreover, the
painstaking search for naturally produced new varieties still continues. But these days, it is
becoming more practical to create improved grasses in the laboratory than before. For
instance, the bluegrasses that multiply by a type of asexual reproduction; more than 90% of
the time they produce viable seeds without normal fertilization.
The search for new varieties has led to lawn grasses that are better than those of even a
generation ago. The way of crossing one strain with another is to catch a plant during
flowers open, before the seeds start developing and at that moment to fertilize it with pollen
from another plant. As a result of those, there are currently so many strains and mixtures of
lawn grasses, each of which has its own advantages and drawbacks that can be a careful
choice, whether is to nature the established lawn, replant a small section or start an entirely
new lawn.
Climate effects
It is well known that the choice of a lawn grass is governed by a variety of things, and one of
the most important things of these are climate. In the north hemisphere, the lawn grasses are
usually grouped into three major climate categories;
Lawns and Ground Covers in Landscape Design 907
Warm-climate grasses,
Cool-climate grasses
Dry-land grasses.
With-in these three broad categories, many individual species of grass have special
preferences as to fertilizer and soil pH.
Cool-climate grasses have usually distributed east-west on the hemisphere. However, warm
climate grasses predominate in the regions close to equator. On the other hand, the dry-land
grasses are usually utilized in certain areas where the lack of moisture makes it difficult or
impossible to grow other strains. Moreover, the territorial imperatives of the grasses are
greatly influenced by elevation. While both cool- and warm-climate grasses can provide fine
lawns, the dry-land grasses are coarse in texture and generally grayish-green in color.
Cool climate grasses survive during the winter months, decay in the heat of summer, but
retain some trace of green during most of the year. There are a number of varieties for cool
climate grasses but three major kinds are those most often utilized;
Blue grasses,
Bent grasses.
Regular watering and fertilizing are essential, and so is attention to the control of disease on
lawns. However, the bent grass is fine and soft, it is the grass often associated with well in
the gentle, cool climate. Moreover, it is also host to much well known fungus that attacks
lawn grass.
Typically, many of the cool climate lawns are planted in fescue and blue grass. Fescues are
sturdy grasses that demand a well sharpened lawn mower. However, fescues tolerate sun or
shade and can be grown in poor sandy soil, under dry conditions and with very little
fertilizer. On the other hand, the blue grass is generally considered to be one of the best all
purpose lawn grass because it combines both beauty and practicality. Its color is a clear, rich
green and it produces a thick, soft turf that is both pleasant to walk on. Moreover, sturdy
properties of blue grass are one of the choices for the turf of football fields.
The warm climate grasses suffer in hot weather and are killed by prolonged exposure to
cool temperatures. Most of them survive mild frost, but when the weather gets cool in fall
they become dormant and turn brown. The four most popular warm climate grasses are;
Bermuda grass,
St. Augustine grass,
Centipede grass.
Of these Bermuda grass is most widely used because it spread very rapidly in a year.
Selection of grasses for mixture
Although, a lawn of one kind yields a superbly uniform turf, unvarying in color and habit of
growth, and may be exceptionally resistant to certain kinds of lawn damage, the mixture of
Advances in Landscape Architecture 908
the grass are usually combined together. But these have some drawbacks. Merion blue
grass, for instance, requires more fertilizer than do other blue grasses. Also, a pure stand of
grass makes a much more vulnerable lawn. However, one type may resist one disease or
one kind of lawn trouble, its susceptibility to another leaves the lawn open to catastrophe.
But, it is important to note that no single type of grass is likely to suit every part of a lawn.
Because mixture offers many advantages, but gardeners must consider their components
carefully before establishing. It is well known that in mixture nurse grasses, fast growing
types that provide a temporary cover of green until the slow growing, more permanent and
more desirable grasses can develop. The commonly used for this purpose is rye grass. It
comes in two forms, annual and perennial, and both have been favored upon by most turf
experts. However, rye grass is cheap and its seeds are large and bulky, so that a mixture
provides less grass per kg than finer seeds do. Gardeners usually feel that in the role of
nurse grass, steal moisture and fertilizer from the more valued grasses and should properly
be called a robber grass. Moreover, new improved rye grass strains, have more or less
removed coarse bladed and unattractive structure. These rye grasses may still steal other
grasses of some food and moisture, but it has shiny dark leaves and a fine texture, and it is
longer lived than the older rye grasses.
For most lawns are started from pieces of living plants. However, many of the finer varieties
of warm climate grasses are hybrids. They may provide seeds, but the seeds of hybrids
seldom produce new plants. Most of the warm climate grasses spread by sending out lateral
stems from which new plants take root and grow at intervals. The rhizomes if they creep
along the surface, are simply placed in the ground to spread and grow together, forming a
People who prefer a green lawn in winter use a technique known as over seeding. With this
approach, they spread over the existing turf seeds of a cool-climate grass, usually an annual
such as rye grass during the fall. The cool-climate grass quickly germinates and grows well,
its green hiding the dormant brown, until warm weather returns and the permanent grass of
the lawn takes over once more. One of the example as; Zoysia, which loses its green color at
the autumn frost and stays brown until after the spring.
Ground covers selection and blending in lawns
Ground covers such as shrubs are as useful and decorative as grass, and sometimes more so,
in many areas around the homes. However, the term ground cover applies to any
vegetation that blankets the soil, from moss to forest. In horticulture, however, it means low-
growing plants in close proximity, used to ornament lands that otherwise would have only
For an average-size home a low-growing cover might be anything up to 30 cm high; for a
small one it would probably not exceed 7 cm. On the other hand, Santa Cruz fire thorn,
which attains approximately 100 cm in height, or Tamarix juniper, which may grow 60 cm
tall, might well qualify as a low-growing ground cover on large lands. In any event, there
are no rigid rules, and overall appearance as well as actual size might make a particular
Lawns and Ground Covers in Landscape Design 909
ground cover seem perfectly suitable on an open, rolling terrain and wholly out of place in a
confined area.
Plants need conditions like those they enjoy in the wild, and the ground covers that can
grow best in garden are those that naturally grow in a similar habitat. If the area wish to
cover lies under a heavy roof of conifers, it should be best to use such typical forest ground
covers as ferns or mosses. But if the area receives full sun and is unprotected from the wind,
better to put plants that grow naturally on open fields, for instance bearberry or cotoneaster.
Although nature provides ground covers for many conditions of climate, soil and moisture
environment, these plants are usually categorized by their light requirements. Those
growing on the forest floor and those growing in the wide open spaces even look different.
As a general rule the forest habitats, the leaves of a dark green, indicating the added
chlorophyll they contain to make the most of dim light for photosynthesis. However, plants
that grow in full sun vary from the dark green of the cotoneaster to the red and yellow color.
There are many cultivation techniques and grass varieties. However, the choice of different
grass types is limitless. Every types of grass belong to the same botanical family and within
that family only a few botanically distinct groups are used for lawns. But if gardeners decide
to cover ground not with grass but with the plants that are loosely categorized as ground
covers, the choice broadens. Many of ground covers are distinctly different from one
another in appearance and habit. Moreover, ground covers often do what grasses do and are
often thought of as grass substitutes. For instance, of dichondra, ground covers commonly
used for lawns in the desert or warm climate areas and cannot stand cold weather. A very
tiny evergreen vine with round cup shaped leaves creates a smooth, turf sturdy surface and
good enough to walk on.
Grown covers could be rough or fine, smooth or billowy, green, gray or bright color. They
grow in the places where grass can grow and in other places where grass can not deep
shade, rocky or moist soil, steep, rain washed slopes. However, grown covers combined
with the grasses, provide the variety that enables to make grounds enjoyable and admirable.
It is well established that a well established lawn is pleasing when it is skillfully blended
into the landscape. And its appearance is even more enhanced when some ground covers
are blended in with the lawn itself. However, the possible variations are limited only by the
availability of ivy and vines, juniper and bellflower, and all the other ground covers that can
be interspersed with and contrasted with the even carpets of lawn.
One of the major advantages of many ground covers over grass is that they are colorful and
decorative. The varied ornamental qualities of ground covers offer pleasing contrasts in
texture and color. And they have added advantage of lasting longer than flowers. Evergreen
ground covers are not only ornamental in areas where a lawn has turned brown for the
winter, but their bright berries add color at the time is most welcome.
As esthetic considerations help in the selection and matching of ground covers. Boxwood
and periwinkle, for example, blend naturally and have been used together. The choice of
Advances in Landscape Architecture 910
dichondra, which can flourish in rocky crevices, is perfect for the stone terrace, as is the use
of arid-resistant for a low drive way border in the dry desert climates. However, contrasting
ground covers are more effective than complementing ones, especially when the aim is to
create borders upon borders, as in the case of the differing textures and zig zag patterns. In
choosing a ground cover, it should be considering first the effect it may produce; then,
among the plants that can achieve the effect.
A practical approach and a general rule from the point of view of landscape design are:
create a border, which is planted in periwinkle, beside each path. Because periwinkle
tolerates the shade of the boxwood hedge better than most grass would. However, annual
periwinkle, which has rose, pink or white blossoms, is often preferred for its longer
blooming season. It begins to flower soon after being set out in spring and continues to
blossom until autumn.
However, apart from height distribution, ground covers vary in many ways. Evergreen
ground covers such as ground covers that are herbaceous perennials-nonwoody plants die
in the ground in late fall and reappear the following spring. Moreover, their foliage may
range in color from the dark green through the gray green and in shape from smooth edged
to serrate. Each of them does an outstanding function under the conditions for which it is
best suited and each of them also deserves to be appreciated for its beauty as well as its
If ground covers are chosen with well planned way, the opportunities for enriching grounds
with beauty and interest are limitless. Hence, ground covers usually make a well
contribution to the overall design of the landscape than grass can. A slope might look well if
planted in green plants or yellow blossoms. A hot, dry area carpeted in any one of a number
of plants that are capable of turning this garden liability.
However, ground covers can lighten the burden of lawn on step slopes and rocky terrain,
where mowing is sometimes dangerous and where a lot of hand clipping is generally
required. Hence, ground covers need to be groomed less frequently than grass needs to be
mowed. The sight of a billowing surface of Sprenger asparagus is pleasing, while a
billowing stand of uncut blue grass is not. The ground covers need care, and the work
usually done by hand. Unlike grass, which heals quickly when stepped on, most ground
covers needs further attentions.
Typically, ground covers are useful plants for trying different configurations. However,
there are ground covers that can grow in wetter or drier places than grass can tolerate. Many
of the ground covers usually prefer dense shade to sunlight, and over the years have
acquired the ability to compete successfully with the roots of trees for the available supply
of nutrients and moisture. Moreover, ground covers are a natural protect soil erosion.
Hence, their roots stabilize the soil, but their thick foliage breaks the force of lashing rains
and channels it into gentle dripping onto the ground beneath. They are also provided living
mulch for rhododendrons, azaleas and clematis. In a bed of spring-flowering bulbs an
evergreen ground cover not only sets off the blossoms, it also hides the fading leaves after
the bloom is past.
Lawns and Ground Covers in Landscape Design 911
With a few exceptions, the planting procedures for ground covers are more less the same as
those for grass. However, the following issues should be handled with care;
Soil preparation.
There might be fewer opportunities to alter them after the ground cover is in place. In
Figure 2, typical well organized lawn in selected area and effects value of its environments
Figure 2. A well organized a lawn in historical sites
3. Lawn and ground cover maintenance
Maintaining a lawn involves using well planned approaches throughout the growing
season. The following things should be considered all the time for a dense, healthy, well-
quality lawn.
Thatch control,
Restoring bare spots,
Rebuilding from scratch,
However, fall lawn care somewhat depending on the location and type of grass. The cool
season grasses, such as; Kentucky blue grass, fescue, and bentgrass, are as much green as in
the cooler weather of spring and fall. These grasses usually sourt during the summer, the
time of the year when the warm season species such as Bermuda grass, St. Augustine, and
Zoysia hit their stride. But conversely, the warm season grasses turn completely brown
when the temperature begins to decrease. On the orther hand, the warm season lawns,
because of their earlier onset of dormancy, dont need much of autumn care.
Advances in Landscape Architecture 912
Although there are a few ground covers that can grow in wet or soggy soil, the majority of
them prefers well drained soil. Hence, the ground covers need frequent and regular
supplemental moisture and good drainage. However, with the sprinklers, the drainage
should be considered when the grading is done, particularly if water does not drain off from
the site naturally.
For supplemental moisture, the spray heads can be set to the proper height and should be 7-
10 cm above the height of the ground cover at maturity and there should be enough spray
heads to cover the whole bed evenly. From time to time most ground covers develop one or
two stem that must be clipped off, and occasionally a rambling branch can fail to come
through the winter. However, pruning unwanted stems and branches is a regular routine of
ground cover care and should be performed early in the spring. Moreover, species like
Aarons beard, St.-Johns-worth and Algerian and English ivy generally produce a dense mat
of low-growing fresh foliage. Pruning is also vital for such fast-growing, invasive vines as
Halls Japanese honeysuckle, a useful semi evergreen ground cover that has a tendency to
grow so rapidly that it can very easily get quite out of hand.
The tools for grooming ground covers vary with the plant and the size of the grooming
problem. For one or two dead branch, a small pruning tool can be useful, but if the clipping
the surface of an entire bed, the most efficient tool is hedge shears. Low-growing ground
covers like dichondra, which do not decay easily and are common grass substitutes in hot
climate regions, can be cut with a rotary lawn mower. In Figure 3, ground covers, grass and
shrubs shown together in a small home garden areas.
Figure 3. Ground covers, shrubs and grass together in home garden
Lawns and Ground Covers in Landscape Design 913
Lawn moving
Mowing is one of the most repetitious and time-consuming maintenance practice. It is
typically influence on the turf density, uniformity and aesthetic quality of a lawn. However,
lower mowing encourages broadleaf weed invasion and invasion from grassy weeds such as
creeping bentgrass and annual bluegrass. Hence, low mowing produces a shallow root
system, making the lawn susceptible to arid stress. But, cutting a new lawn too short could
damage the young plants permanently by preventing deep root growth as well.
Weed invasion can be kept to a minimum if a lawn is mowed in a timely period, at the
proper mowing height, fertilized and irrigated properly. Due to dry grass cuts cleanly, and
clippings distribute more evenly, it is best to mow a lawn when the leaves are dry.
Moreover, if leaves are excessively heavy, they should be rake up and remove. On the other
hand, clippings include nutrients and water, breakdown rapidly and do not contribute
significantly to thatch. The amount of fertilizer (especially nitrogen) can be reduced by 15-
30% by leaving the clippings on.
The sensitive young plants of a new lawn need gentle treatment. However, weed killers
should not be applied for about a year after sowing seed. Nor should the lawn be mowed
for some time. It should be waiting until the grass is almost half again as high as its
recommended mowing height such as; 7 to 10 cm high if it contains grasses such as
bluegrasses or fescues, which should normally be moved to 5 to 8 cm. Then mow no lower
than the recommended height.
The sharp bladed mower cuts should be useful with a scissors action without pulling at the
grass plants. If a rotary mower use, its blades could be very sharp; otherwise it may jar the
tender plants, tear their blades and dislodge their tiny roots.
Understanding and implementing a well-balanced fertilizer practices are one of the most
important factors in maintaining an healthy lawn. Typically, there are three main nutrients
for lawns;
Nitrogen (N): It promotes dark green colour, leaf and blade development, and density
of the turf.
Phosphorus (P; P2O5): It is important for good root and rhizome development and
promotes plant maturity.
Potassium (K; K2O): It contributes to the general vigour of the plant and promotes wear,
drought tolerance and winter hardiness.
However, a lawn maintenance should be begun with a test to determine the soils level of
pH, which determines how easily grass can get nutrients from the soil. Moreover, a soil test
can provide the amount of phosphorus, potassium, sulphur or lime required. Since
potassium and phosphorus, along with nitrogen, are standard ingredients in all lawn
fertilizer mixtures, chances are that a soil being treated for nitrogen deficiency can also be
receiving adequate amounts of the other two chemicals.
Advances in Landscape Architecture 914
Typically 1.5-2.0 kg/100 m
of nitrogen can be applied throughout the season, split into 2-4
applications. There are three numbers on the fertilizer bag represent the amount of nitrogen,
phosphorus and potassium in that order. For example, the 20-5-10 fertilizer ratio represents
20% N, 5% P and 10% K respectively. On the other hand, without a soil test, a 4-1-2 ratio (N-
P-K) such as 20-5-10% is recommended. It is important to note that nitrogen must be applied
every year, while phosphorus and potassium are stable in the soil. However, on newly
established lawns and sand soils, higher levels of phosphorus and potassium applications
could be used.
The timing of fertilizer application is determined by the total amount of fertilizer required to
use in lawn. However, late-fall practices with a quick-release nitrogen fertilizer is beneficial
for home lawns. It can be applied when the lawn has stopped growing but is still green.
These approaches can be effects:
increases fall and spring root growth
promotes a thicker lawn
results in an early spring green-up
However, the added organic material creates a problem as it decomposes it uses up the
soils nitrogen. The practical way to compensate the loss of nitrogen is to mix in with the
organic matter double the usual amount of fertilizer. In addition to the temporary deficiency
in nitrogen that may be caused by the addition of organic matter, many soils typically lack
other nutrients such as; iron, an important ingredient in the manufacture of chlorophyll, the
green substance that makes grass grow. The acid-alkaline balance may require redressing
with lime or sulfur. Iron is commonly added to soils in the form of iron sulfate. The usual
dosage for iron sulfate is approximately 2 kg per 100 m
land area.
It should be kept in mind that to ensure lawn quality, the lawn must be watered. Even a
mulched lawn needs regular watering, especially during hot or windy weather. The water
should fall on the ground as a gentle mist without wash the seed loose; such a fine spray can
be produced by any of several types of sprinklers. However, during the growing season,
grass goes dormant and turns brown if normal rainfall does not provide enough moisture.
The best time for watering and better water distribution is in the early morning during a day
when there is little or no wind. However, evening watering may cause disease development
due to most disease causing fungi require several hours of leaf wetness for infections.
Moreover, too much water can cause thatch, fertilizer leaching, increased grassy weed
problems (i.e., creeping bentgrass, annual bluegrass or rough bluegrass). In contary, too
little water applications can cause shallow rooting of the turf, which makes the lawn
susceptible to disease, drought stress or winter injury. It is well established that the amount
of water required to achieve clearly depends on soil characteristics. Hence, the water should
be use with required amount to be ensure healty lawn. The lawn areas such as slopes, areas
near buildings, curbs, sidewalks and light soils needing more water while low-lying areas,
shaded areas and heavy soils may not need as frequent irrigation.
Lawns and Ground Covers in Landscape Design 915
Thatch control
Thatch is simply referred to the mat of dead stems and clippings that collected along the
surface of lawns. Hence, it is a layer of organic matter made up of decaying grass leaves,
stems and roots that build up in between the lawn and soil surface. However, it is a
common problem that has been established for several years and over watered and
over fertilized lawns. Heavy watering and fertilizing could cause some new vigorous
growing grasses produce such thick turf that, particularly if clippings are not raked up.
Thatching associated primarily with warm-climate creeping grasses like Zoysia and
Bermuda grass.
For a typical lawn, it is beneficial to have a shallow layer of dead plant material around the
base of the grass plants. This layer acts as a mulch to retain moisture and keep soil
temperatures cool; it discourages germination of weed seeds; and its decay adds nutrients to
the soil. But when the layer becomes more than 1.5 cm thick, it acts like a thatched roof;
air, water, soil additives and fertilizers cannot pass. It also harbours insects and diseases and
can restrict grass roots from growing into the soil root zone, resulting in a shallow rooted
However, a thick lawn is one of the best prevention approach against weed invasion. A
dense stand of turf can compete successfully with weed seedlings for light and nutrients.
But a well maintained lawn can be defense against insect invasion due to the fact that insect
damage is usually less severe on well-watered lawns. On the other hand, insects damage of
lawns are usually difficult to notice and their presence goes undetected until significant
destroy has been done. If the lawn remains brown or shows signs of thinning out despite
watering, closer examination for insects should be made. Regular control of the lawn
including leaves, stems, roots, thatch and soil will help to determine if the problem is insect-
A lawn repair practice should be begun with a test to determine the soils pH level, which
determines how grass can get nutrients from the soil. Typically, there are two equally simple
corrective steps such as; raise the cutting height of the mower 1 to 3 cm, and give the lawn an
extra application of fertilizer. These practical approaches usually result in dramatic
improvement. However, it is usually difficult to determine what a disaster in lawn.
Some lawns do not thrive because they are planted in the wrong grasses. The lawn problem
may be;
Poor drainage,
Tightly compacted soil
All these three conditions interfere with root development by cutting off the roots supply of
moisture and air, and all these are controlable.
Advances in Landscape Architecture 916
Restoring bare spots
If a lawn has bare patches that need seeding, Autumn is the best time to do for cool-season
grasses. It is well established that its hard to put in new seeds in the spring because the soil
heats up too fast and even with watering, the root usually dry up before they get achance to
develop. Warm-season grasses, however, are best sown in late spring or early summer
If the spots are larger than 20-30 cm across, however, new grass must be put in them.
Sodding is a reliable way to cover the spots immediately. But many gardeners are put off by
the high price of sod and use springs, plugs or seed. Any of these methods work well-if the
suitable procedure has been followed.
Sprigged and plugged grasses spread by moving along or under the ground on lateral
stems called rhizomes. Thus pieces of plant set in at intervals soon fill the bare spots between
Rebuilding from scratch
An old lawn, no matter how bad its appearance, still consists of a dense mat of dead and
living plants together. However, when dug up of that, this turf becomes a mass of root filled
parts that may not disintegrate and cannot be raked smooth. Hence, if gardener decides to
establish the lawn again, it must first strip off this turf with a sod cutter, or chop it up into
small pieces with a rotary tilling machine.
However, the sod cutter slices off the top of lawn, taking with it the heaviest part of the root
growth, and thus practically eliminates the material that forms clods. The drawbacks of the
sod cutter lead to utilize rotary tiller. Moreover, the rotary tiller does two jobs at once, chops
up the turf and tills the soil. From this point onward the task of preparing the ground is
practically the same for rebuilding an old lawn as for starting a new one.
If the soil has not been properly prepared with sufficient nutrituent and organic matter,
sodded grass soon thins out and loses vigor. And if the soil is bumpy or uneven, the sod
may conform, producing a lawn that is bumpy and uneven as well.
Sodding is an excellent way to patch persistent bare spots and to establish lawns on steep
slopes and the crests of embankments, where seeds tend to wash out with the first rain.
Hence, sodding provides a lawn immediately, and for this reason it is used everywhere, on
cool-climate as well as warm-climate lawns. However, in laying sod the time that elapses
between cutting and laying is critical for success.
4. New lawn foundation
The foundation of a problem-free lawn is land that has been proper drainage and watering
system. However, the ground should slope gently and evenly so that rain water is carried
steadily away from the land. Moreover, there should be no low spots in the lawn to collect
Lawns and Ground Covers in Landscape Design 917
and hold water as well. Most land has a general slope in one direction, and a well-planned
lawn and its surroundings (house) are placed to take advantage of it. It is well established
that the following steps should be considered all the time for a new, healthy lawn
foundation. They are;
Soil preparation
Plants preparation
Nutrition adding
The Bed preparation
The time selection for plant grass
Seeds selection and sowing
Springs, Plugs and Sodding
Soil preparation
The preparation of soil for lawn foundation has some steps. The first step is to loosening of
the subsoil because the heavy traffic may have packed the soil hard that nothing less than a
pickax can penetrate it. Obviously neither water nor roots can pass such a compacted soil.
Thus, after the rough grading is done, but before the topsoil is replaced, it is recommend
that the entire area be tilled with a rotary tiller to a depth of 10-15 cm. These effects the
health of the lawn subsequently planted in the area.
Organic matter, with proper fertilizer, can convert subsoil into a satisfactory growing
medium for grass. Hence, in heavy clay soils organic matter opens the soils structure,
improving drainage and allowing air and water easier access to the root zone. In light,
sandy soils it can acts as a sponge, soaking up and holding moisture and nutrients.
Aeration is also important step and done by a machine called an aerator (a drum-shaped
device) that fitted with hollow tines, pulls plugs of soil from the lawn, leaving holes that
permit movement of air, nutrients, beneficial microorganisms, and water as well as creating
more growing room for the grass roots. However, when rough grading is completed and
topsoil put back, the soil conditioning should be start immediately. Some organic material to
improve the soils texture, with a fertilizer may be needed to bring the soil into the proper
pH range. Moreover, soil amendment may be needed to alter the pH factor at this stage. It
can reduce future maintenance if in selecting a ground cover that pH preferences are close
to the natural pH of the soil. Hence a numbers of organic materials are suitable for ground
covers such as; well-rotted manure, spent mushroom soil, compost, leaf mold etc.. One of
the most popular and most widely available types is peat moss.
A 5-8 cm layer of peat moss spread evenly on the surface and thoroughly incorporated to a
depth of 15-20 cm could be adequate for most soils. However, it is important to note that
ground covers do not have the same fertilizer requirements as grass. But it is advisable to
add some nutrients to the soil to get the young plants off. Moreover, ground cover
fertilizers, have less nitrogen and higher amounts of phosphorus and potassium than grass
fertilizers. These produce strong roots and healthy top growth. Hence, the fertilizer should
Advances in Landscape Architecture 918
contain N, P and K elements in the right proportion. Spread the fertilizer evenly over the
soil at the rate of 10 to 15 kg per 100 m
area it in thoroughly along with the peat moss. The
peat moss, fertilizer with other materials can be useful into the soil quite satisfactorily with a
four-tined spading fork if the area is small; when the area to be useful is of any appreciable
size, it is easier to use a rotary tiller.
After the soil is prepared, the land should be prepared for planting. However, on slopes, a
diamond pattern can help prevent gullies forming during a rainfall. For that reason, there
are two steps that should be taken to protect the soil around the roots of new plants.
The first step; setting the plants into scooped-out pockets, which serve as catch basins
for rainfall and act as moisture reservoirs for the young plants.
The second step; the entire area should be mulched. The kind of mulch depends on the
size and scale of the plant. Around woody plants like juniper and bearberry, coarse
mulch like wood chips is suitable. On the other hand, for small creeping plants like
Corsican mint or thyme, fine-textured mulch like buckwheat hulls or finely ground
bark is more appropriate.
Plants preparation
It is well known that the cost of ground covers is important criteria for selection. However,
although some varieties can be started from seed, for quicker results most are purchased as
young plants, and plants in large numbers can be expensive. But gardeners who want to
economize can purchase only enough stock for one small area, and then propagate their
own new plants from that parent stock. Moreover, many ground covers root and transplant
rather easily.
One of the most common form of propagation is to take cutting from the ends of the stems.
A cutting should be 7-15 cm long. Strip the cutting of its lower leaves and dip the end of the
cutting in a rooting hormone powder. Then plant the cutting in a 7 cm pot filled with coarse
sand, peat moss, perlite or a mixture of equal parts of coarse sand and peat moss. Water the
cutting well and then slip it, pot and all, inside a clear plastic bag that will serve for the
rooting period as an individual greenhouse. However, the place the encased cutting in a
warm, partly shaded place until new growth begins, indicating that roots have formed. If a
number of cuttings are being grown, they can be set in a flat, a shallow box in which
seedlings are started, filled to within 2 cm of the top with damp rooting medium. Once the
roots have formed, remove the cutting from the plastic bag or the glass-topped rooting
medium, knock it out of the pot, soil mixture and plant it wherever need in the garden. It is
also important to note that the ground covers should not transplant any rooted cutting
outdoors later than two months before frost is expected. Hence, if in complicated situations,
it is a good idea to keep the plants through the winter in a cold frame and set them out in
the spring.
However, there are some ground covers that should not take cuttings until before frost,
when the growth is mature. The best rooting bed for these cuttings is a flat, 7 to 10 cm deep,
containing a mixture of equal parts of peat moss and coarse sand. If kept in a cool place (5-
Lawns and Ground Covers in Landscape Design 919
C), they should have rooted by spring. At this point it is better to plant them outdoors in
a protected spot until they have become well established; the following year they will be
sturdy enough to flourish.
Another method of propagating, especially for herbaceous plants, is by division these plants
develop thick crowns of roots and stems, which can be broken apart. Plant the separated
sections quickly, before the roots dry, watering thoroughly, and they should flourish as
additional plants in your ground-cover bed.
A third method of propagating is by layering. However, layering is best begun in early
spring. To layer a woody plant, notch the underside of a stem and dust it with rooting
hormone powder, then pin it against the ground with a forked stick or a loop of wire and
cover it with a mound of soil. Moreover, the soil should be kept steadily damp. Roots will
eventually sprout from the notched section of the stem, which can then be removed from the
ground, severed from the parent plant and set out as a new plant.
Nutrition adding
Ground covers, like other plants, benefit from an annual application of fertilizer in the
spring just as their season of new growth begins. As mention above, a typical fertilizer
application would be 10-15 kg per 100 m
used in setting out the plants. However, fertilizer
should be sprinkled over the surface of the ground on a day when the foliage is completely
dry, and watered in thoroughly as a result none remains on the foliage to burn it.
After that, maintenance is of minor concern for the balance of the season. About the only left
is the removal of leaves that fall among ground cover plants, and they can be dispatched
easily with a stream of water from a garden hose.
The bed preparation
The simplest way to get these soil supplements into the ground is to till them in all in one
operation. For that, first spread them on the topsoil. Then, with a rotary tiller, go over the
soil in a crisscross pattern until the added materials and existing soil are well blended to a
depth of 10 or 15 cm. After the surface dries out, it should be raked with a garden rake to
remove stray roots and stones. However, this is one that many gardeners find frustrating,
mainly because they do not handle the rake properly.
Raking, no matter how carefully it is done, often leaves small irregularities in the soils
surface. However, the best way to level out these high and low spots is to use a drag a
ladder. The texture of the top of the soil need not be very fine; in fact, it helps if the soil
clumps are a little rough, 0,3 to 2,0 cm in diameter, so that the grass seeds will fall into the
crevices in the surface.
However, most new beds of ground cover benefit from a mulch to help hold down weeds
and keep the soil moist. Not only does the mulch shade the ground to prevent weed seeds
from sprouting, its soft texture also makes stray weeds easier to pull out. Moreover, weeds
can be very troublesome in ground cover because they are so inaccessible, and perennial
Advances in Landscape Architecture 920
weeds can be a particular problem because they will continue to sprout from any stray
pieces of root left in the ground. In pulling a perennial weed, always pull all of them
Mulching not only keeps weeds away from ground covers but also insulates the soil,
keeping it cool and moist. However, even after the ground cover has overgrown it, the
mulch will continue to serve as a water absorbing medium beneath the plants. For the first
year or so, a bed of ground cover will usually need a frequently watering even in areas
where the annual rainfall is sufficient. This is especially important during dry spells.
Moreover, mulching protects the soil and seeds from driving rain, especially on slopes,
holding them in place until the grass roots are well developed.
One of the cleanest mulch for a lawn is straw. One bale of straw is enough to cover 100 m
since only a thin layer is needed, three or four straws deep. The soil should still be visible
through the mulch. However, straw has one drawback: it may contain seeds of undesirable
plants. It is better, therefore, to put the straw several weeks in advance, and to open it and
wet it down; this will allow any grain or weed seeds to germinate and die before using the
straw on the lawn. But, it is important to notice that not use hay instead of straw. Straw is
the stems of cereal grains wheat, buckwheat, oats all of which are annual plants that die
after one season and there is no trouble for lawn. But hay is full of seeds of wild perennial
meadow grasses and their presence can create problems for years. Moreover, salt hay is the
exception which is native to shore areas and its seeds normally do not germinate in ordinary
garden soil.
In windy locations, straw mulch should be anchored with string stretched between pegs and
kept moist so that it will not blow away. Natural mulches like straw can be left in place to
rot into the soil, or can be raked up when the seedlings are 3-4 cm high.
In cold climates, the aim of winter protection is not to keep the ground warm, but to prevent
it from thawing and freezing, with the resultant heaving that forces plant roots out of the
soil. However, one of the best protections any ground cover can have is a blanket of snow.
The protective covering should not put before the ground is frozen, and do not remove it
until the ground has thawed in the spring.
The time selection for plant grass
The ideal time to plant a lawn is at the beginning of a period when grass growth is most
aggressive and weed growth is slow. Although, this period varies with the region and the
climate, cool-climate grasses begin new growth in early spring, reach a peak of activity
during the late spring and early summer, and then lapse into relative inactivity during mid-
summer. But by summers end, when autumn rains begin, they grow luxuriantly again until
slowed by cold weather late in the fall.
Perennial weeds such as; mouse ear, chickweed, dandelion, ground ivy and others
developed in cool weather; they are in direct competition with desirable grasses throughout
the year and the choice of planting time has no effect on competition from them. But annual
Lawns and Ground Covers in Landscape Design 921
weeds are easier to deal with. While many such as common chickweed, mayweed and
pepper grass compete with grasses in early spring, all slow or stop their growth in fall.
In cool-climate regions, it is typically practices; one of the best possible times to sow grass
seeds in cool-climates is in late summer or early fall, up to two months before the ground
freezes. From that point on, it is advisable to start planting early spring. However, seeds
may be sown after the ground is frozen, so that they will begin to grow with the first warm
weather of spring and get an early start in their competition with weeds.
In warm-climate regions, it is better to start new lawn not with seed but with pieces of
growing grass. Live grass can be installed in three forms:
Sod, large rectangles of turf cut free of the ground,
Plugs, which are small pieces of sod each about 5 to 10 cm across and 5 cm deep,
Springs, which are bits of stems with several blades of grass and bits of root attached.
However, the habits of grasses dictate planting times, and variations in weed growth
structure cannot easily be taken advantage of warm-climate grasses, such as Bermuda grass,
Centipede grass, Zoysia grass, St. Augustine grass, Carpet grass and Bahia grass, are at their
best during the hot days of summer. The time to start a new lawn in warm regions is just
before this period of rapid growth begins, in the spring or early summer. Hence, grasses
started then from sprigs and given proper care will become well established before they
enter their dormant period and turn brown in fall.
Seeds selection and sowing
As mention above, mixtures contain some grasses that thrive in sun and others that grow in
shade, since most lawns have areas of both; each type of grass eventually predominates in
the area best suited to it. But before establishing a mixture, it is better to know about the
nature of each of its ingredients.
Most grass seed is usually sold by weight, and the package specifies what percentage of the
total weight is accounted for by each type grass, as well as how large an area the seed
should cover. Kentucky bluegrass, for instance, has about 5,000,000 seeds per kg; fescues
average 1,200,000 seeds per kg; rye grasses contain only 500,000 seeds per kg. Thus a
mixture labeled 52 per cent bluegrass, 80 per cent germination; 35 per cent creeping red
fescue, 80 per cent germination; 35 per cent creeping red fescue, 80 per cent germination;
and 10 per cent Chewings fescue, 85 per cent germination, might seem to contain about half
bluegrasses, a sun-loving type, and half fescues, which are shade tolerant (the remaining 3
per cent is inert matter). In fact the mixture contains more than four times as many useful
bluegrasses as fescue seeds.
Once a seed selected, there are two important things to consider when using it. That are;
Sow the seed as evenly as possible,
Cover it with a very thin layer of soil.
As like spreading fertilizer; first lay down a double swath of seeds at each and of the lawn as
a turn-around areas, than overlap all rows slightly to prevent bare strips.
Advances in Landscape Architecture 922
Seeds of fine-textured grasses, which make the most attractive lawns, should be covered
with soil to a depth no greater than 2-8 cm; more than that and the seeds may not germinate.
There are two methods for covering seeds lightly; neither covers all the seeds, but the first
watering will carry most of the unburied seeds down into the soil crevices.
A practical approach especially useful for small areas as; a leaf rake is inverted and dragged
with slight pressure across the seeded surface; the inverted tines bury some seeds and leave
behind small stripes into which others fall, to be covered when the stripes disintegrate
during the first sprinkling. However, for larger areas, employs a piece of chain link fencing
or a flexible wire and rubber door mat, to which a rope is attached. When it is pulled, it
tumbles the soil, covering seeds as well as footprints and leaving behind a crumbly surface
percipient to moisture.
Another approaches as; after seeding a lawn it has been rolled it once lightly. It is suggested
that simply water the lawn; sprinkling is necessary, and it will settle the surface sufficiently
in most cases.
Springs, Plugs and Sodding
Springs are cheaper than plugs. However, plugs are easier to handle. Springs are generally
set 15 cm apart, plugs 9 cm apart, on a planting grid marked in the soil. Plugs are set into the
ground upright, with the leaf bases level with at least part of the leafy portion above the
surface. After planting, firm the surrounding soil to assure contact between the dirt and the
roots, then water the lawn gently but thoroughly. Mulching is not necessary because the
plants spread rapidly and soon come together. Until they do, weeds can e kept down by
hoeing; using weed killing chemicals on a newly sprigged or plugged lawn is as dangerous
as it is on a newly seeded one.
Sodding that are laying a growing turf in place piece by piece, is one of the fastest way to
create a lawn. However, sod can be supplied from sod farms and nurseries in strips a 30 cm
to 40 cm wide and up to 2.0 m. long. Ideally, the strips should be cut from their original
growing bed so that the root zone in the strips is no deeper than 2 cm. This requirement may
seem contrary to good garden practice, which ordinarily demands the deepest roots possible
for transplanting. But in fact, thick sod will take a long time to push roots down into the soil
beneath and take hold, while a 2 cm sod, given plenty of moisture, will begin to send out
new feeder roots that will knit to the soil beneath it in a few days.
Author details
Candan Kus Sahin
Suleyman Demirel University, Faculty of Forestry, Department of Landscape Architecture, Turkey
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