The Schindler Planning Guide For Escalator and Moving-Walk Projects

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prl a n n i ng u i d e T he S c hindl e fo r e s c a l a to arn d projects moving-walk


5 7

INTRODUCTION AND MOVINGWALKSMATTER WHY ESCALATORS 2.1 Commercial sector 2.1.1 Example1: Department store 2: Foodstore 2.1.2 Example parking garage 2.1.3 Example 3: Underground Public 2.2 sector movingwalks and elevators 2.3 Escalators, BASICPLANNING escalators or movingwalks within a building 3.1 Positioning 3.2 Escalators or movingwalks? or movingwalks? 3.3 How many escalators of escalators and movingwalks 3.4 Arrangement 3.5 Properinclination 3.6 Optimalstep, palletand rubberbandwidths 3.7 Optimalspeed DETAILED PLANNING 4.1 Standards persons, 4.2 Transportation of disabled transportation of baby carriages 4.3 Spacerequirement 4.3.1 Step and palletrun 4.3.2 Freespaces 4.4 Safety,regulation-compliant 4.4.1 Balustrade height 4.4.2 Overhead clearance 4.4.3 Safetyclearances 4.4.4 Protective barriers, ceilingdeflectors, wedgingguards provided 4.4.5 Railings by the customer 4.5 Operating modes 4.6 Special applications 4.6.1 Outdoorinstallation n: 4.6.2 Extremelocations 4.6.3 Moving-walk operation with shopping carts 4.6.4 Escalator operation with shopping or baggage carts THE BESTPRODUCT FORYOUR PREMISES interactive DIMENSIONS AND TECHNICAL DATA, configuration with SchindlerDraw@ PROVIDED BY THE CUSTOMER, SERVICES site preparations 7.1 Introduction of the escalator or movingwalk into the building 7.2 Transoortation to the installation site 7.3 Delivery modes 7.3.1 Recessclearances, floor openings, supports pointsto be provided 7.4 Suspension by the customer 7.5 Connections to other installations 7.5.1 Electrical connections 7.5.2 Sprinklers 7.5.3 Firecontrolsystem 7.5.4 Oil seoarator TO FINALINSTALLATION RELEASE FROM PRODUCTION release 8.1 Production insPection 8.2 Site preparation from factory to site 8.3 Transportation into the building 8.4 Introduction 8.5 Settingdown onto the end supports commissioning 8.6 Finalinstallation, - A CHECKLIST PROCESS FORTHE PLANNING KEYPOINTS

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No invention has had more of an influence on shopping than the escalator. Over the past 100 yearsthe escalator has openedup a whole new world as a simple meansof connecting different floors,a world we now move aroundin as a matter of course. The escalator was the most radical elementof this process of architectural change, and even today it is still the most popular installation in our retailenvironment even if it is the one leastperceived by its users. Escalators and moyingwalks still playa key role in transporting largenumbersof people. Planningescalators and moving walks correctlyrn shoppingcenters, trade fair centers,stores, movie theatersand publictransportation facilitiesis essential for the successful courseof business and the smooth flow of oeoole. guideto all the main process This brochure i s your universal stages, from project planning to commissioning.


2.1 Commercial sector Escalators and moving walks are used to increasecustomerdensityand thus purposes. boost salesin buildings used for commercial The followingexamples practice takenfrom everyday clearlyillustrate how and why:

2.1.1 Example 1: Department store A six-story store in the centerof a Eurooean department capital hadthree elevator units operated by a singlecontrolsystem.The objective here was to boost sales on the upperfloorsby 20 percentby increasing customerflow. At the planners'recommendation the owner opted to installescalators. As a result,customerflow was substantially increased and sales rose by more than 30 percent. 2.1.2 Example 2: Food store providedaccessto the upperfloor of his store using two comfortable A retailer glasselevators. and attractrvely designed Movingwalks had not been installed for spacereasons. Evenafterthe elevators had been in operation for som e time, the scheduled salesfigureson the upperf loor were not achieved due to insufficient customerflow. Once movingwalkswere installed, salesincreased several fold 2.1.3 Example 3: Underground parking garage A centrallylocateddepartmentstore with a food hall and a multi-storv undergroundparking garage was unable to achieve its scheduled turnoverobjectives in the food hail. Internalanalysesshowed that elevatoraccess as a whole was insufficient. Usingmovingwalksto provide access to all underground levels solved were ableto get to theircarsdirectly as customers the problem with theirshopping carts. The sizableinvestmentinto the retrofit installation was iustifredbv the increase in sal es.

3.1 Positioning escalators or moving walks within a building Basically, to achieve optimalcustomer density, the movement of customers within the buildinghas to be facilitated. Distances in excess of 50 meters should be premisesand in office buildings. avoidedon commercial The chartsbelow show basicescalator arrangements.

InstaIlation possibiI ities for escalators or moving walks inside buildings

Customercirculation on salespremisesdependson differentcriteria such as the goods are usuallysold in areasthat are layoutof the goods on sale.Fast-selling fartheraway from escalators. We recommendworking closelywith specialized store fitters or planners.

you need to

O nr tLr an snortatinn rs r r r P vl Lhc rrv vrrv v -c t

r c f l r r i 'e m c n t s

have heen stinrrlated

v o U c a n d e te f'n i n e

or movingwalks req-riredOur expertswill be happyto the numberof escalators adviseyou. dependon the width and speed of the transportation capacities The theoretical TA^ ^^^^l^+^"^{{^^. is between40 and 80 percentof rrE vr,trutive transportation capacity ubudrdLUr5. capacity on userdensityand step width transportation dependrng the theoretical takinginto accounttransaccordingly, of movingwalks is calculated The capacity portation and baggage carts of shopping
Effective transportation capacity at a rated speed of v = O.65 m/s v = O.5 m/s uncrowded pers/h 1BO0 2400pers/h 3000 pers/h convenient crowded 3 6 0 0p e r s , / h 4800 pers/h 6000 pers,/h
c row ded

Theoretical Step width capacity v = O.5 nVs 4500 pers/h 6750 pers/h 9000 persih

600 mm 800 m m

2700pers /h
3600 pers/h 4500 pers/h

4400 pers/h 5850pers/h

71OO norc /h

mm 1000

3.4 Arrangement of escalators and moving walks Single unit with It is suitable for buildings unitis usedto connect two levels. Thesingle passenger to trafficflowingmainlyin one direction. Flexible adjustment up in the morning is possible trafficflow (e.9., and down in the evening)

Continuous arrangement (one-way traffic) is usedmainly storesto linkthree Thisarrangement in smaller department lt requires morespacethanthe interrupted arrangement. saleslevels.

Interrupted arrangement (one-way traffic) While relatively inconvenient for the user,for the owner of the that due to the departmentstore it providesthe advantage spatialseparation of the upward and downward directions, placed merchandise customershave to walk past specially displays.



Parallel, interrupted arrangement (two-way traffic) This arrangement is used mainly in departmentstores and public transportation buildingswith heavy traffic volumes. When there are three or more escalators or movingwalks, it possible shouldbe to reverse the direction of traveldepending on the trafficflow.

3.5 Proper inclination Escalators for escalators standard lnclinations of 30'and 35'are the common international 30" inclination providesthe highesttraveling comfort and maximum safetyfor This inclination lne user. 35'inclination less spaceand can is the most efficientsolutionas it requires The 35" escalator is perceived as too However, this inclination more cost-effectively. be implemented According to EN 115, in downwardtravel. steep if risesexceed5 m - particularly is not with risesof inorethan6 m. Thisinclination is not permissible a 35' inclination permittedin countries that stipulate the US ANSI standard.

Moving walks for inclined standard of 10", 11oand 12" arethe commoninternational lnclinations movingwalks. Users find that a 10'inclinationprovidesthe most comfortable is limited is usedwheneverthe spaceavailable ride.A 12'inclination Horizontalmoving walks can generallybe providedfor inclinationsbetween 0o and 6".

3.6 Optimal step, pallet and rubber band widths Escalators Escalators are available with step widths of 600,800 and 1000 mm. The most popular step wi dth is 1000mm Thisstep width givesthe userunimpeded access to the step band, even with baggageand shoppingbags.The other two step widths are used mainlyfor less frequented units or where spaceis restricted.

Moving walks For inclined movingwalks (10" to 12') palletsare available in widths of 800 and 1000mm. The most popular width is 1000mm. Sincemoving walkswith this pallet width are also suitablefor transporting shoppingand baggagecarts, they are used mainlyin shopping centersand railwaystations. A moving-walk width of 1000mm is generally recommended as the pallets should alwaysbe 400 mm wider thanthe shopping cartswhen moving walksare operated w ith shopping carts.

For horizontal movingwalkswith an inclination of 0'to 6', pallets are available in widths of 800, 1000, 1200 and 1400 mm. At airports,there is an increasing tendencyto us e 1200 or 1400 mm wide movingwalks, sincethrs width easily allowsusersto step aroundpassengers with baggage carts.Schindler alsooffers rubber belt moving walks specifically for thrs purpose.Belts are available in widths of 1000,1200 and 1400 mm. lf a numberof escalators or moving walksare to be installed in a continuous arrangement in a building, the same step,palletor rubber band width shouldbe selectedfor all units in orderto avoidlocalconoestion.


3.7 Optimal speed Speednot only has a considerable impacton the potential transportation capacity moving walks, of escalators and but it also influences the space requirements. The tables below summarizethe different product configurationsdepending on sDeeo.

Escalators: Table accordino to EN 115 (othernational requlations can be met) Maximum Rise Speed inclination H< 6m < 0.5m/s 350 > 0.5 < 0.65 m/s 300 > 0.65 s 0 75 m/s 300 H > 6m < 0.5 m/s 300 > 0.5 s 0.65 m/s 300 > 0.65 < 0.75 m/s 300 - recommendation Moving walks: Tableaccording to EN 1 15 (othernational tions can be met) Rise not limited by standards < 0.75 m/s' > 0.75 < 0.9 m/s'

Horizontal eo run (mm)

800 1200 | 6 0 0' 1200 1200 16 0 0'

O.5 m/s for continuous customer flow Thisis the optimal speedfor all escalators and movingwalks in the commercialsector.The combinationof sufficient transportation capacity, optimalsafetyand minimumspace requirement makesthis speedthe worldwidestandard for this application.

Horizontal palletrun (mm) not required 400 at the 1600at top andbottom, widt h< 1 . 1 m

' v< 0. 65 m/s is recommended

O.6 or O.65 m/s for intermittent transportation requirements This speed is recommendedfor intermittentpassenger arrivals, as at railwaystationsor subway has also provedeffectiveat trade fair centers.Longerhorizontal runs and larger transitioncurves are requiredat these speedsto guarantee optimalsafety and loadingfactor of the escalator/moving walk.

O.75 m/s for extreme transportation capacity n: Although speedsup to 0.75 m/s (escalators) and up to 0.9 m/s (moving walks)are possible, they are not recommended as the effectivetransportation will capacity not increase any further and there is an increased dangerof childrenoi elderly peopletrippingor fallingin the landing areas.

Transportation capacity c (persons/h)as a function of speed c = theoretical transportation capacity fuersons/h) for a nominal width of 1000mm
+ h^^. ^+ ; ^^l ^ LI I CUI VLI UaI O


c effective speed in m/s

& l"*il--F i. , a l-i = r ,1 ". i :,.,i i, 1:.-, 4+ ,- = i .J, i Lf, ,- r_.-r :,'.i ; i '_'J -. 4.1 Standards pgl3jlECl The European EN 115 standard and the European Machinery Directive define and regulate the safe structural designand safe installatron of escalators and movingwalks in buildings. ln North Americathe standards of the American (ANSI) National Standards Institute haveto be observed. The planning instructions in this brochur e referto these regulations. The standard-compliant inclination and speedhavealready beendiscussed under sections35and3.7

4.2 Transportation of disabled persons, transportation of baby carriages Escalators and movingwalks are not suitablefor transporting wheelchairs and babycarriages. Usershaveto judgefor themselves whetheror not they are able to use the escalator/moving walk,andare personally responsible for their decision. It is recommended to post a sign in the accessarea of escalators and moving walks indicating where the nearestelevators are located.

4.3.1 Step and pallet run The correctnumberof horizontal steps/pallets in the landing areas(i.e., the so-called step and palletrun)of escalators and inclined movingwalks according to EN 1 15 or ANSI dependson the rise,the inclination and the ratedspeed.The standardcompliant step and palletrun is indicated in the two tablesundersection3.7.

4.3.2 Free spaces To ensuresafe use of the escalators and movingwalk s,sufficiently largef ree spacesmust be provided at the upperand lower landings (seethe figurefor minimumdimensions according to EN 1'15) For movingwalks that are expectedto have a high trafficvolurre for transporting shopprng and baggage and that are also designed carts the free snacesshorrldhavc a lenothof at leaSt5 m. If the on the moving cartsare pushedinto one another when transported
rv rv r :l lz cJ , ur N ^^^+i ^^ J guLtutt tho r roa uL Lr r v fr / A 2\ T .v .9,t. enr n^. J VU UUJ dl E hn dU r nJdpLEu r n+a| LU U U :nnnr 6nl 17 oU U vdi r ur V ry { ru q pu 6 \ plo^ OIJU

4.4 Safety, regulation-compliant 4.4.1 Balustrade height in heightsof 900, 1000 and 1100 mm. The advantage are available Balustrades is that even small childrencan easilyreachthe handrarl of 900-mm balustrades For greaterfall heightswe recommendbalustrades with a cortinuousheightof height 1000mm. A balustrade of 1100mm is alsoavailable if required undernational regulations. 4.4.2 Overhead clearance clearance at everypointalongthe step/pallet The free overhead band must be at to ANSI the dimension least2.3 m. According is 7 ft (2130mm).

4.4.3 Safety clearances The horizontal clearance from the outer edge of the handrail to the walls or other obstaclesmust alwavs be at least B0 mm. Thisclearance must be maintained up to a heightof at least2.1 m above the step/palletband. With verticalwalls, all Schindler escalators and movingwalks provide the specified safetyclearance of B0 mm. In the case of floor openingsand escalators or moving walks arranged pattern, in a crisscross the horizontal distance from the centerof the handrail to the obstacle must be at least0.5 m, lf the distances are shorterthe wall must be even and haveno projecting features. guardsand deflectors Special are required if this safetyclearance rs not met. According to ANSI,a distanceof 102 mm has to be observedbetween handrail and adjacent surfaces.

Wedging guard

Protective barrier between balustrades

4.4-4 Protective barriers, ceiling deflectors, wedging guards With escalators and moving walks patternor with arrangedin a crisscross floor openings, there is a risk of wedging between balustrades and adjacent escalator/moving-walk bodiesor ceilingsand columns. lf the distance between the centerof the handrail and the obstacle is lessthan 0.5 m, the wedgingguardsor ceilingdeflectors are to be provided by the customers. Appropriate structural measures must be installed to preventpeoplefrom accessing escalators or movingwalks from the side. Protective barriers and guardsshould be provided on the balustrades where necessary. Protectivebarriers,guards againstclimbingthe balustrades, ceilingdeflectors and wedgingguardscan also be supplied by Schindler as an opTron.
Guards against climbing the balustrades

Wedging guards Ceiling deflectors

4.4.5 Railings provided by the customer Railrngs are to be f ittedby the customerat the accesses to the escalators and movingwalks.The distance to the handrail of the escalator/ movingwalk must be at leastB0 mm. lt is recommended to provide the supportfor the escalator/moving walk at least 1000 mm away from the ceilingedge, so that the balustrade does not have to be extended(seefigure). 4.5 Operating modes The operatingmode used for the escalators/moving walks can be adaptedto their applications. There are essentially three operating modes: a conttnuous operation, . stop-&-go operation, and . continuous operation with crawling. Schindler escalators and movingwalksoffer optimized energy-saving packages for all three operating modes.
Railinginstalled by customer

ECOLINE Competence Continuous operationis the optimalmode for the commercialsector in which customersare to be transported efficiently to the upperfloors of the store.

{ EGOLINE Plus Stop-&-go operationis recommended for the intermittentarrivalof passengers or for sporadic use outsidepeaktimes.Typical includemovietheaters, applications airports, subwaystations, and railway stations, The unit remains readyfor operation when there are no passengers, as signaled by a direction indicator. The Schindler passengers monitoring systemdetects entrance approaching and setsthe escalator/ movingwalk into motionwheneverrequired.


ECOLINE Premium ln continuous operationwith crawlingthe escalator/ moving walk continues to crawl alongat 0.1 m/s in the absenceof passengers, usinga frequency converter. Unlike conventional stop-&-go operation, mechanical wear is considerablv lower, and in this operating mode the readiness for operation and the direction of travelare indicated more clearlv.




4.6 Special applications 4-6,1 Outdoor installation Special measures are required for escalators and movingwalks that are installedoutdoors and are therefore subject to the effectsof weatherconditions. Thesemeasures are necessary to achieve optimalunit availability and the longestpossible service please life for the components. For more detailedinformation, contactour experts. 4.6.2 Extreme locations Forapplications that require sturdiness and safetyunderextreme transportation conditions, we recommend our balustrade design,. This inclined balustrade, which is made of 12 mm thick,shockresistant stainless-steelsandwich panels, provides optimal operation in ski resorts, outdoor applications or in regions suscepiible to vandalism.

4.6.3 Moving-walk operation with shopping carts Moving-walk width In an emergencysituation,it must be possibleto leavemovingwalks without danger, for exampleif a movingwalk comesto a standstill when an emergency stop buttonis activated. In orderto allowpassengers to leavethe movingwalk in such cases,there must be a minimum distance of 200 mm on one side between the inner side of the balustrade skirting and the part of the shoppingcart that protrudes the farthest.This means that the pallets must be at least400 mm wider than the shopping cart.

Construction considerations Ample free space must be providedat the upper and lower landingsof the by EN 115 for the spacerequired movingwalk. The 2.5-m depth of unrestricted to at least5 m for moving must be doubled of passengers transportation exclusive cartsare alsotransported. walks on which shopping to the movingwalk may not come to an end Marnaislesrunningperpendicularly in the immediatevicinityof the moving walk. The traffic route leadingto the the movingwalk movingwalk must be laid out in such a way that it approaches that the locking walk is traveling. Thiswill assure as the moving in the samedirection for movingwalks will be desrgned of the shoppingcart wheels specially devices gets onto the moving positroned in the directionof travelwhen the passenger The without difficulty. of the pallets walk,andthat they will engagein the grooves cartsof suitable is responsible shopping for providing cart manufacturer shopping (e.9., blocked quality that they can be properly DIN 32601,ParI2),and for ensuring lockingdevrceor brakeas well as properlyaligned by means of an appropriate within the pall etgroovesduringtransportation. for the correctuse of shoppingcartsare to be afftxedto the upper Pictographs cart manufacturer. by the shopping and lower landings

Schindler escalators and movingwalksare ideally adapted for use in allthe relevant application segments. The modularstructure of Schindler escalators and moving walks meansthat the components requiredcan be adapteoto each applicatron while retaining the same outer design. The following table providesan overview of the prodlct types and their main
r a ti n un vn vliiln vu Ln rvr eu o vr n maIntc I u r vr tLr ,

Schindler 95OO@ Horizonta/ moving walk

DIY store Supermarket Movie theater

Mus eum
Trade fair center Raiiway station Subwaystation




W ith the Schindler 9300@ AdvancedEditionCustomescalator there

ar e v i r t r r a l l v n o l i m i t s t n r n r h a t i r o r r r - a n d o S n e c i a l r - .rrs t o m i z e d sn l u ti o n s
v v rru l yvu v v v v rv l




i nr r r od


r i c oc


r r n tn efJ tv

1? rv

m / rr'

The Schindler 9300@Advanced is aimed EditionTransport escalator ^+ +L^ ^^^^:^r -^^,,'rements Jpuur or r ur - 1ul and dL Lr u
cnonif r r vqLr inr tinnc J|Juur vr r J nf vr tho Lr r u n' +r nna 'hl il n FrU Ul U tl O l l - -

nortation sectnr The teChnical equipmentfeaturedby this range of productscomplieswith all the requirements in this segment, combrning them wrth the highest levelsof aesthetic design.

Schindler 95OO@ Schindier offersthe world'smost completerangeof producrs available in the globalmoving-walk market Inclinedmov ng walks with widths of up to 1000 mm are designed to be -seo with shopping carts. With widthsof up to 1400mm, horizontal movingwalks - with a transportation belt made of aluminum pallets - coverperfectly or whisper-quiet rubber with steelinserts
t he nrrhlic t r : n s n or fe tio n ro v Yo v rr r r ir p vm l e n tq :t :irnnrtc l rad,o f s r

centersor other facilities.

Schindler950e horizontalmoving walk with rubber transportation belt with steel inserts

Schindler 950A@ harizantal movtng walk with pallets


are illustrated on the

Rise: max.6matastepwidth o f 1 0 0 0m m Balustrade: designE Balustrade height: 900/1000 mm Inclination: Step width: Step run:

30' 600/800/1 000mm 2 horlzontal steps

S u s p e n s i o np o i n t centered above escalator axis! Carrying force mi n . 5 0 k N

L=H x1.732+4731 = a=H x1.732=l I 2492


Powersupply -

Waterdrainfor outdoorinstallation

Transportation di mens ions


Gapsat jointsto be filled with ioint filler (by customer)

Entire support surface smooth and level

Inlet for lighting and power circuits centered at upper end, through front face

Rise: Balustrade: Balustrade height: m ax . TSm at as t epwidt h of 1000mm designE 900/1000 mm Inclination: Step width: Step run:

30' 600/800/1 000mm 3 horizontal steps

Sus pens i on poi nl centered above escalator axis! Carrying force min. 50 kN

L = Hx1 .7 3 2 + 5 5 3 1 = 2639 a = Hx1 .7 3 2 =


Powersupply -

Water drain for outdoor installation

r000 1000 1158 1 238 1540 1 600 6200 7500

Tra nsportation dimens ions

Entire su ppon surface smooth and level

Inlet for lighting and power circuits centered at upper end, through tront tace

max 6matastepwidth o f 1 0 0 0m m Balustrade: designE mm Balustrade height: 900/1000 Rise: lnclination: Step width: Step run:

Tlype 1O 35'. K

35' 600/800/1000 mm 2 horizontal steps

S u s p e n s i o np o i n t centered above e s c a l a t o ra x i s ! Carrying force mi n . 5 0 k N

t=H x1.428+4825= a = H x 1.428=


D:Width of escalator
Waterdrainfor outdoorinstallation

Transportation dimensions

Transp. dimensions Balustrade height 1000


Gapsat joints to be filled with joint filler (by customer)

Entire suppon surface smooth and level lnlet for lighting and power circuits centered at upper end, through front face

Rise: Balustrade: Balustrade height: max 13 m at a step width of 1000m m designE/F 900/1 000 mm Inclination: Step width: Step run:

30' 600/800/1000 mm 3 horizontal steps

Suspension point centered above escalator axis! Carrying force m i n. 50 k N

L = H x 1 .7 3 2 + 5 6 5 8 = l ---- -l = s
26 39 a= Hx 1. 732

t) z)

a 100

ceitins deflector I



| 8242)l Powersupply

25402t |
+ o

!_l trl


m = 0.5774(x - 2639)- 1523

outdoor installation

o 120 2584
between handrails Handrail center distance

t000 1 000



Transportation dimensions

Entire support surface smooth and level

Inlet for lighting and power circuits centered at upper end, through rront lace

S CHI N D L E 9 R5 OO@
Rise: Balustrade: Balustrade height: max T5matapallet width of 1000mm desrgn EIF 900/1000 mm

Type 1O
f ncf ination: 10", 11", 12' Pallet width: 800/'1 000 mm Horizontal pallet run: 400 mm

Suspension Doint centered above moving walk axis!

Carrying force mi n.50 kN

. //

Susoension Doint centered aboie movirig walk axis! Carrying force min. 50 kN

Ceiling deflector

ot o a

g ' t0 0


ol -l


Water drainfor outdoor



min. 6600
10': L = {H + 18.51 x 5.6713 + 271921 11" : L= H x 5.1446+271921

mi n.6800
12.: L={H - 18.51x 4.7046+27 1 9 2 )

Weight toads tkNJ I Supp rwrI P,[.gt
PalletwidthA=8110 A = l0lll




Gapsat joints to be filled with joint filler {by customer} Entiresupportsurface

smooth and level

Detail Y (from 2 intermediate supportsupward)

Inletfor lightingand Dowercircuitscentered at upperend,through Tronrtace

(4-------r ..#s l

Transportation dimensions

| | --T-.__T-__-


m in .3 5 0


ffih^_= 247s^
l.* = 27ggg rn.'. parts otherwise delivery in several

Detail X (1 intermediate support)

tt ttl

l 0 P : H 1 =1 u x0 1 7 6 3 - 1 1 6 1 1ln: H1= Lux0.1944 - 1111 l ? : H 1=L ux 0 21 2 6 - 1 1 Handrail center distance D: Movinq walk width

^l 4J



| | min. 350 _+r__-_r--

=Lux02126 1T:H1 - 1127 lU:H2=H1+ Lmx 0.1763 1 1 0 : H 2 =H 1 + L m x 120:H2= H1+ Lmx 0.2126


Transportation length: m ax 100 m at an inclination of 0' Balustrade: designE/F Balustrade height: 900/1 000 mm Truss in drive and tension stations Inclination: 0'-6' Pallet width: 800/1 000mm

Tension station

Drive station

S5 = e ve r y1 .2 m n x1 2 o o -


Welding base flat bar steel 200 x 12

Detail E
Suspension points centered above moving walk axis! Carrying force min. 50 kN

Section J k@@@
Welded on site

Weldingbase flat bar steel200x 12 by customer

Welding base flat bar steel 200 x 12 by customer

Detail B (Detail B',mirror-inverted)

lnsulating boardstrips + edgestrips ( d e l i v e r ed by Sch in d le r )
Finished floor level


In l e t fo r l i g h ti n g a n d power circuits centered at drive station, through front face

{by customer)

Detail G (Detail C',mirror-inverted)

Welding base, flat

Motorrating tahle: forhorizontal values installation

Entiresupport surface level

A {mm) (m) Maximum length 1x7.5 1x 11

Welding base (by customer) over the entire width of the pil

S CHI ND L E R 9 5 O O'
Transportation length: m a x . 1 5 0 m at an inclination of 0' Balustrade: d e s i g nP Balustrade height: 900/1000 mm Tension station Truss in drive and tension stations Inclination: '1 Pallet width: 000/1 200/1400 mm

Drive station

55 = every1.2m Gapto be closed(by customer)

(bycustomer) Gapto be closed

Detail D


Welded on site

pointscentered Suspension abovemovingwalk axis! Carrying forcemin. 50 kN


Weldingbase2A0x 12 (bVcustomer)

Detail B
(Detail B' mirror-inverted) r - l------l GaD to be filled with mastic (by customer)

Section A-A

H andrai l Balustrade c

Inlet for lighting and power circuits centered at drive station, through front face

(by customer)

(Detail C' mirror-inverteo Weldingbase200x 12 (by customer)

Detail G

Motorrating table: values forhorizontal installation

Welding base (by customer)

F or outdoor i ns tal l ati ons , feasibility must be checked bythe Tacrory on tne oasts ot c l i m ati c c ondi ti ons .


Transportation length: m ax 100 m at an inclination of 0" Balustrade: des ignP Balustiade height: 1000m m

Type 55
Truss in drive and tension stations Inclination: 0'-6" Rubber belt width: 1000/1200/1400 mm

, flat bar steel200x 15)

points Suspension centered above

moving walk axisl

Y ,,tvv


Detail Z

Carryingforce min. 30 kN

Max. Detail X S1 Detail Y

(kN) loads

GaDs to be filled with mastic (by customer)



Inlet for lighting. ano power ctrcufts centered at drive


Motorrating tabler): values forhorizontal installation

S CHI ND L E 9 R7 O O@
Balustrade: Balustrade height: Truss:

I design 1000 mm standard

+ (11+ L4)= f-----l L= H x 1.732

lnclination: Step width: Step run:


30' mm 800/1000 2, 3, 4 horizontal steps

Suspension point centered above escalator axisl Carrying force mi n . 5 0 k N 0 100


ts r il






Detail Z t-t----__loo
Elastic gap filling



tsi u? io oci [il

Entire support surface level Inlet for lighting and power circuits centered at upper landing, through front face


Detail Y (from 2 intermediate upward) supports

ol -#-----t ol *4 *

B: Width between handrails


I I min.3so --|___-r-Detail X (1intermediate support) Please contact Schindler for support loads, motor ratings, transportation dimensions,and weights. Pleasecontact Schindlerfor dimensionsrelat' ing to truss extensions, doubledrives,drive unitsin cages,frequencyconverte,rs, and lighting installations.Basic design accordingto EN 115 with 1.i-rhm sheet-steelcladding.Pleasecontact Schindler for other specifications. Please request detailed drawings Z, X and Y for expansionjoints, seismic specifications and wind loads respectively from Schindler. For rises > 16000, we recommend to contact the supplying factory LW) For sizes 2 and 3. external control cabinets are required Pleasecontact and delivery dates. the supplying factory LW) for aivailability

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Optimalplanning and preparation of on-srte transportation and introductton of the escalator/moving walk intothe building are essential for ensuring the best possible installation seguenceand thereby minimizing buildingcosts. Escalators/moving preassembled w alks are entirely at the factory. This is why planning on-site transportation of the escalators/moving walks,which can be up to 17 m longandweigh process. up to 100 kN, is such a key step in the planning Planning rs basedon the technical specifications on our dimension sheetsor on the layoutdrawingspecificto the project. As a matter of principle, we recommend that you coordinate the date and time as well as the type of introduction into the building and the access route with our experts lN GOOD TIME. The kev pointsinvolved in this process are summarized below. 7.1 Introducti on of the escalator or moving walk into the building A suitable areafor unloading the escalator/moving walk from the truck has to be provided in front of the building.The access routes to the building and the installation site must be leveland accessible with rollerdollies. Essentially there are two possibilities of introduction into the building: . Introduction throughground-floor openingsin the building usingspecial forklifttrucks o Introductionby on-site or mobile crane through the appropriate side openings in the building or roof

7.2 Transportation to the installation site

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forgetsuspended in the dimension sheet/layout drawing(Don't stipulated dimension pipesor lines!) for productior^ has to be stipulated at the time of the release The type of delivery walks can no longer be designed in After that date the escalators/moving severalparts.
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walk. Giventhe Iength of the escalator/ escalator/moving movrng walk, make sure all curves and bends can be negotiated easily.We recommendthat you plot out the entiretransportatron route on a CAD plan or papermodel.
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and wrthstandparticular f loor loads.lf not, the obstacles, appropriate load distribution has to be provided. Our exoertscan advisevou.



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7.4 Suspension points to be provided by the customel Suspension points for pulley blocks for the proper escalator/moving-walk are to be provided introduction and placement by the cJStomer. The suspension pointsmust be positioned alongthe symmetryaxis of the escalator/moving walk - the intermediate abovethe end supportsand- where applicable The supports. pointsrnust on our layoutdrawings. exact positionis indicated The suspension be ratedfor a loadof 50 kN.

7.5 Connections to other installations 7.5.1 Electrical connections The electrical connection is made in principle at the upperescalator/ station moving-walk as shown in the figure. The numberand minimum of the connectingcables are specified in our layout cross-section drawing.The supplyconnection is to be providedby the customer throughan authorized electrician. 7.5.2 Sprinklers lf requrred by the customer, a sprinkler tubing can be fitted to the escalator/moving walk as an option.The installation of the sprinkler headsand the connection of the sprinkler tubing are to be provided by the customerthroughan authorized specialist. 7-5-g Fire control system The applicable nationalregulations for commissioning fire control svstemsmust be observed.

connection and sprinkler tubing


planning you willobtainfrom us a projectplanning Oncethe detailed is completed, sheetor a layoutdrawingbasedon your indications and containing all the relevant geometry, support loads and key informationsuch as escalator/moving-walk electrical data.You can also draw up this plan yourselfusingSchindlerDraw@ at 8.1 Production release Next, give the go-aheadfor the productionof the escalator/moving walk by signing the validprojectplanning sheetor the layoutdrawing and returning it to us. Check onceagain thatthe maindimensions of the escalator/moving walk correspond with the dimensions of your building structure. Our installation team will be happyto coordinate the accessrouteas well as the introduction and placement logistics with you once agarn. 8.2 Site preparation inspection Before'your escalator/moving walk is delivered, our installation ream examtnes on site the supports and the installation dimensions. Acceptance of the preparations to be made by the customer,i.e., electrical connections, transportation routes, etc., is alsocarried out with the site management.

8.5 Setting down onto the end supports pointsin the form of ceilingplatesor ceilingopenings Usually, suspension with a diameter of 50 mm are prepared by the customer in accordance with the indications gear. on the layout drawing to secure the hoisting Thesepointsare usedto hoistthe walksand set them down onto the s,.rpports. escalators/moving Eachsuspension point must havea load-bearing capacity of at least50 kN. points are providedby the customer,installation lf no suspension scaffolds are methodtakeslongerand involves used.This installation more materials lf the roof or ceilingopeningrs sufficiently large,the escalator/moving walk can be set down onto its end supports from aboveby usinga crane. Because a certainamountof time will probably of the elapsebetweenthe placing walk and its commissioning, escalator/moving the unit should be adequately protected againstdirt and damagedue to building work. The covering fitted by Schindler shouldbe removedonly duringcom missioning phase The escalator is not to be usedas a fixed stairway duringthe construction (increased risk of dirt, soilingand damage). Any dirt that can no longerbe removedcan affect the servicelife of mechanical and electrical components.

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