Lesson Plan-Something From Nothing
Lesson Plan-Something From Nothing
Lesson Plan-Something From Nothing
1. Lesson Plan Information Subject/Course: Language Arts Grade Level: Kindergarten %o'ic: Accountable Talk Something From Nothing by Phoebe Gilman
Name: Danielle Liedtke Date: Ma !" !#1$ %ime: !:1#& !:$# Len(t) of Period: ! minutes
!. *+'ectation,s*+'ectation,s- ,Directly from The Ontario Curriculum): Oral: "# listen and res$ond to others %or a &ariety o% $ur$oses 'e#g#( to e)change ideas( e)$ress %eelings( o%%er o$inions* and in a &ariety o% conte)ts 'e#g#( a%ter read+alouds* Reading: #, make $redictions regarding an un%amiliar te)t that is read by and -ith the .L/K team( using $rior e)$erience( kno-ledge o% %amiliar te)ts( and general kno-ledge o% the -orld around them 'e#g#( use the co&er $ictures and0or title to determine the to$ic and0or te)t %orm Learnin( S.ills (Where applicable): 1ollaboration+ acce$ts &arious roles and an e2uitable share o% -ork in a grou$3 res$onds $ositi&ely to the ideas( o$inions( &alues and traditions o% other $. Content What do I want the learners to now and!or be able to do" .nsure that e&ery student it engaged in thinking o% the ans-er to the 2uestion $osed .nsure that e&ery student is able to a$$ro$riately $redict -hat 4ose$h5s grand%ather may turn his blanket into 'e#g#( hat( scar%( &est etc#* .nsure each student understands the im$ortance o% recycling and the alternati&es to thro-ing out old clothing %oda learners /ill: 6ake te)t to sel%( te)t to te)t and te)t to -orld connections .)$lain their emotions relating to Something From Nothing in a -hole grou$ discussion 7es$ect%ully res$ond to others ideas and build on their $artners connections 'think+$air+share* 0. 1ssessment ,collect data- / *valuation ,inter'ret data,2ecordin( Devices ,/)ere a''licable-: anecdotal record" c)ec.list" ratin( scale" rubric#ased on the application$ how will I now students ha%e learned what I intended" Assessment8 This -ill be an in%ormal assessment o% acti&e listening and understanding o% the story# A anecdotal record -ill be used -ith students during small grou$ discussion 3. Learnin( Conte+t 1. %)e Learners ,i- What prior e&periences$ nowledge and s ills do the learners bring with them to this learning e&perience" Practice listening to stories read aloud Listening skills 'criss+cross a$$le sauce( eyes on the teacher( listening and 2uiet* Practice -ith -hole grou$ discussion and making $redictions ,ii- 'ow will I differentiate the instruction (content$ process and!or product) to ensure the inclusion of all learners" ,Must include /)ere a''licable accommodations and/or modifications for learners identified as e+ce'tional.-
Demonstration o% reading aloud and $redicting -hat the blanket may be turned into+ modeling ensures all students are a-are o% the lessons e)$ectations .SL student+ .nsure A is gi&en the o$$ortunity to $redict -hat article o% clothing the blanket may be turned into# 9se $rom$ts and re$eat his ans-er to the class# S( 4 and 6+ .nsure students remain engaged in story by directing their attention back to the %ront o% the class -hen necessary
4. Learnin( *nvironment 1ar$et area %or lesson C. 2esources/Materials Something %rom Nothing by Phoebe Gilman Great+Grandmothers 2uilt Pre&iously used :big $icture5 o% Land%ill 1lass list -ith cli$board %or teacher 'checklist*
5. %eac)in(/Learnin( Strate(ies IN%26D7C%I6N 'ow will I engage the learners" ,e.(." motivational strate( " )oo." activation of learners8 'rior .no/led(e" activities" 'rocedures" com'ellin( 'roblem ;a&e students gather at car$et area to signi%y the start o% a ne- lesson 7emind children o% the $icture o% land%ill and garbage truck# Ask <hat are some -ays -e can sto$ $utting all this garbage in a land%ill= '7ecycling* .)$lain that -e can also recycle our clothing# As a class brainstorm -ays -e can recycle clothing 'e#g#( gi&e our clothes to a younger brother0sister or donate them to charity or >alue >illage* ?ntroduce great+grandmothers 2uilt# .)$lain that the 2uilt is o&er ,! years old and -as se-n by hand by my Great+Grandmother# Sho- students the di%%erent $ieces o% material used in the 2uilt# .)$lain that these $ieces use to be old clothes# This is one -ay to recycle clothes# MIDDL*: %eac)in(: 'ow does the lesson de%elop" 9o/ /e teac) ne/ conce'ts" 'rocesses ,e.(." (radual release of res'onsibilit & modeled" s)ared" and (uided instruction-. ?ntroduce the children to the story :Something %rom Nothing# .)$lain that this story is also about reusing or recycling old clothing# 6odel ho- to $redict -hat the grand%ather might turn the blanket into ne)t# Say The grand%ather is going to turn 4ose$h5s %a&orite blanket into something ne- that 4ose$h can -ear# ? -onder -hat it might be= Ask children to raise their hands i% they ha&e a $rediction o% -hat the ne)t item might be# Consolidation and/or 2eca'itulation Process: 'ow will I bring all the important ideas from the learning e&periences together for!with the students" 'ow will I chec for understanding" .ach student -ill be asked to $redict -hat the blanket may be turned into ne)t Prom$t children -ho are unsure and0or shy -hen talking in %ront o% the class
1''lication: :)at will learners do to demonstrate their learning" ,Movin( from (uided" scaffolded 'ractice" and (radual release of res'onsibilit . As a <hole Grou$8 o Ask8 <hat are other -ays to recycle clothing= o Think Aloud8 ? -onder -hat ha$$ened to 4ose$h5s button at the end o% the story= o Look through the book and direct students attention to the mice gathering material scra$s under the %loor# Discuss ho- e&en the mice are recycling# C6NCL7SI6N: 'ow will I conclude the lesson"
Say Good @ob today e&eryone( you all listened &ery -ell and learned that -e too can recycle or reuse our clothes like 4ose$h# Aou may no- get ready to go home#
;. M 2eflections on t)e Lesson What do I need to do to become more effecti%e as a teacher in supporting student learning" B&erall the lesson -ent &ery -ell# The students -ere &ery engaged throughout the ma@ority o% the lesson and the use o% the 2uilt -as &ery e%%ecti&e to demonstrate a real li%e e)am$le o% reusing clothing# <hen students became distracted ? success%ully managed to direct their attention back to the book and onto -hat their %elloclassmates -ere trying to communicate# ? think my conclusion could ha&e been more e%%ecti&e# ? should ha&e encouraged more grou$ discussion about the book#