Ppfa Newsletter Spring2000
Ppfa Newsletter Spring2000
Ppfa Newsletter Spring2000
Volume 2, Issue
Spring 2000
2000 Mfunicipa{
Well this year looks like it is starting right where last year left off, With the talk of Automatic Aid and the ongoing talks about dispatch amalgamation, all
this with no consultation from the PPFA" The present Executive has found this past year a very tough and ftustrating time. The City was going to hire two new Dispatchers or Firefighters to fill'in the two vacancies for Dispatch but as of today we are still short the two positions which must be filled every shift with a Firefighter that should be on the trucks.
With the new Millenium also comes the 2000 Municipal Election. The time
has come for every Firefighter in this local to put their time and effort into this upcoming fall election. We as the
Down to 68 Firefighters
Our Firefighting complement is dovm to an all time low of 68 Firefighters on the
Pickering Firefighters Association must back the candidatds) that will listen to the Association before fire related iszues are bnought forward to council. Please help out the Association and get involved in the next election. This can be something as simple as handing out flyers for the candidate, answering phones, putting in lawn signs or helping on election day. The members of the PPFA can make a difference in elections if we all contribute our time and effort. One ofthe courses that was offered at the Spring seminar held in Niagaru Falls this March was Governme,nt Relations. Tho PPFA sent Colin Arnott to attend this very important session. Colin has come back with some new ideas for the fall election and will be asking members to get involved. Gerry Pedwell our newly elected VicePresident affended the Legislative Conference in Ottawa from April 9th -
Ajax council passed the hiring of eight new Firefighters and one Fire Prevention Officer,
2 3
fdeep Tnc& of Attendanre
PPFA 2000-0
I Executive:
seems like
Grievance [Ipdate
the Economic Planning it on
We had 15 grievances outstanding from 1999:. Grievances #l-#6 & #12-99 are being dealt with by our legal counsel. We are hoping to resolve the other 8 of these by the end of April, The City thinks that every grievance is a waste of
Vice President:
Gerry Pedwell
Secretary - Treasurer:
their time. Well guess what, the committee gives up their oFduty time too. So we don't see any grievances as
a waste of time. The grievance procedure is the only vehicle the PPFA has to get management and the City officials to talk.
Colin Arnott
Immediate Past President: Fred Hyland
Calls as ofApril
1999 Grievances:
#1-#6 & #12-99 ne regarding Rick Strong's te,rmination. #7-#8-99 were for Bob Williams not receiving his holiday pay wtren he retired. On advice from our legal counsel the PPFA has
withdrurwn these two grievances.
61 61
#5-330 #6-345
Public Relations:
bargaining room.
Lotto-6149 Wnner
Lynne Medora our newest retiree will find life a little easier with her $74,000
#9-99 is regarding the Sick Leave Bank. This has bee,n resolved with the new sick leave bank request f,orm. The members must fill out the request form each and every time they are requesting a draw from the Sick Leave Bank.
Kirk Smythe
Executive Officers: Ian Eibbitt
John Mairs
The City is blindsiding us at these meetings with new issues. The PPFA would like to see the items that the City is bringing forward for these meetings at least 24 hours in advance. This will give the Association time to prepare for proper discussion.
#10-#ll-99 are concerning Ron heland Regarding withholding salary. We hope to have this resolved soon.
#13-99 has been withdraram. This was a grievance concerning how members were being chose,n to affend courses. #14-#l
5 -99
High*ay # 407
With Highway # 407 slated to com.e right through Brougham the Assmiation would like to see the City become proactive and think
about staffing Clare,mont on a
the bank.
time basis.
P.P.F..[ Nemslettrr
Heatrth and
The clothing committee has been working on some new items that should be on our 2000 uniform issue, The measuring of uniforms should be taking place in April.
The new pumper will be headittg to Station # 5 shortly and heading to Station # 3 will be the Mack. City Council passed the new Aerial and the Truck Committee is already looking at the trucks available.
138.45 Days
Note: you must apply to the bank each and every time you request it.
Hockuy l{ews
The Team finished in second place in the Southern Ontario Fire Fighters Hockey League this year, Toronto was our first opponent in the playoffs. Pickering won both games by scores of 4-3 n overtime and 5-0 to advance to the final against North York. The one day final was held at Westwood arena on Tuesday March 28, 2000. Pickering beat North York by ascore of 4-0 and are nolu the cec)) division champio'ns of the Southsrn Ontario Fire Fighters Hockey League.
badge of honou4 signifying tltut he works in coar&ge u ludder rang awayfrom death.
containing naphtha. When they were saturated with the liquid, the Saracens threw flaming torches into the crusaders, Hundreds of knights were burned alive while others risked their lives in an effort to save their
Public Relations
Kirk Smythe and Lorne McNeil are once again working hard on the 3rd Bill Jerdan Mernorial golf tourname,nt which will be
held on Thursday June 15, 2000 at Four Seasons Golf
Course. Al is working days and Bl is working nights. Please try and make arrange,meqts to attend this event. Even ifyou are not a golfer, Kirk and
kinsmen from painful fiery deaths. Thus these men became the first Firemen, and the first of a long line of Firefighters. Their heroic efforts were recognized by fellow crusaders who awarded each other with a badge of honor similar to the cross firefighters
wear today. Since the Knights of St. John lived for close to four centuries on the island of Malta, in the Mediterranean Sea, the cross name came to b known as the Maltese Cross. The Maltese Cross is your s)4nbol of protection. It means that the Firefighter that wears this cross is willing to lay down his life for you, just as the crusaders sacrificed their lives for their fellow man so many years ago. The Maltese Cross is a Firefighter's badge of honor, signifyrng thathe works in courage - a ladder rung away from death.
by Brwce Compton
By the time our newsletter is published and distributed I will have been to Haiti. This marks the second time I have gone to this country, poorest in the Western hemisphere, I enjoy doing this t1pe of work as it gives me a chance to participate in sport and promote my faith. Athletes in Action Ontario Camps is a charitable organizatiorr which uses sport to develop the social, mental, physical and spiritual characteristics in our children for a reasonable cost to us parents. Thanks to all those who have take,n this opporfunity to provide finan cial support for this mission trip.
Ifyou know of anyone that would like to help sponsor this event or would like to donate prizes please forward this information to Kirk or Lorne as smn as possible.
Aaron Feldman - Training Officer Vancouver Fire & Rescue Services Vancouver, 8.C., Canada
Shift News
Bl - Update: Bruce Compton was down in Haiti, teaching the I{aitian kids how to play
baseball, soccer and basketball. Jim Young was on WSIB for a bnoken finger. Mark Harvey and Jennifer are expecting a 'little
membership meeting on Tuesday January 11,2000. This was passed with an unanimous vote.
Whereas It is a long
and honoured
hadition that firefighters have worked in the Pickering Fire Departmffit, and
we The Jireftghters serve has who ore the embraced the term oPickering Fire "Fire Department" and uses Departmcnt" hove this rnms without t.ritiilrr, ' never been and
Whereas The public that
of a
by-law that establishes the '?ickering Fire Departme,nt" has not been repealed or amended by Council, and
- Len Greene returned to work on March 30th. Ron Roberge has applied
'?ickering Fire
The attendance reporting procedure is quite archaic aled a lot of it is still b"i*g done with paper and pencil.
Here's what happens to your attendance
Department" have never been consulted about this changing of this honoured
Therefore be it
resolved that The Pickering Professional Firefi ghters Association strenuously objects to any atte,mpt to
change our name,
A copy
This is all a manual process and as you can see, there are three chances of error. Please keep a personal diary of your attendance and compare it to the master list which is published Febnuarr.y 28th of
each year.
of this resolution be sent to the Mayon and all members of Council for the Tovrn of Picktrirg, the Fire Marshal for the Province of Ontario, the HON. Janet Ecker, MPP, the International Association of Fire Fighters, the Canadian Association of Fire Fighters and the Ontario Professional Fire Fighters Association,