Pe 1 Syllabus Sample
Pe 1 Syllabus Sample
Pe 1 Syllabus Sample
COURSE DESCRIPTION: Lectures on the principles and practices of fitness, sports, and recreation. Practical sessions involving fitness testing and various fitness programs.
COURSE OBJECTIVES: At the end of the course, the students will be able to: 1) Understand how systematic exercise and physical activity stimulates changes that are beneficial in the body; 2) Understand how physical activity and exercises for fitness reduce the risk of many diseases and helps us deal with stress while reducing anxiety and depression; 3) Understand the basics components of fitness 4) Observe safety measures in the course of performing different fitness tests; 5) Performs exercises and activities that will enhance cardiovascular and muscular fitness; 6) Demonstrates understanding of the benefits of skill and health related activities; 7) Develop a personal fitness program based on age, fitness level and goals, and prepare for athletic competition safely and effectively. COURSE OUTLINE: 1. INTRODUCTION OF THE COURSE a) Class Orientation b) Physical Education: Its value to the development and adjustment of the individual. 2. PHYSICAL FITNESS TESTING a) Meaning of Physical Fitness b) Importance of Physical Fitness c) Principles of Physical Fitness d) Components of Physical Fitness e) Meaning of Physical Wellness f) Benefits of Health and Wellness g) Physical Fitness Testing (Pre Test) 1) Anthropometric Test - Body Mass Index - Body Fat Percentage 3. PHYSICAL FITNESS TESTING HEALTH RELATED COMPONENTS a) 3 Minute Step Test 2 hrs Week 1
2 hrs
Week 2
b) Zipper test 4. PHYSICAL FITNESS TESTING HEALTH RELATED COMPONENTS(Continuation) a) 1 Minute Curl-ups b) 90 Degrees Push ups c) Sit and Reach d) 3 minute step test 5. PHYSICAL FITNESS TESTING SKILL RELATED COMPONENTS a) 40 Meter Sprint b) Agility T Test c) Basketball Pass d) Standing Long Jump/Vertical Jump e) Hexagon Jump f) Stick Drop Test g) Paper Juggling h) Stork Balance Stand Test 6. Evaluates Fitness Testing Results 7. MIDTERM EXAM 8. GROUP GAMES FOR FITNESS a) Suggested Group Games for Fitness/Skill Related Activities 9. IMPROVING PHYSICAL FITNESS a) Aerobic Dance for Health and Fitness b) Group practice on Aerobic Dance 10. FINAL EXAM Group Presentation of Aerodance Steps TOTAL
2 hrs
Week 3
4 hrs
Week 4-5
2 hrs 2 hrs
Week 6 Week 7
4 hrs
Week 8-9
2 hrs 20 hrs
Week 10