IT1452 - Fundamentals of Pervasive Computing
IT1452 - Fundamentals of Pervasive Computing
IT1452 - Fundamentals of Pervasive Computing
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)u,-Code. "ame / IT1 452 F("DA!E"TA$) OF PE 0A)I0E CO!P(TI"% &ear . )em / I0 . 0III
PA T1 * 215 !A +)3
1. $xplain the requirements of computational infrastructures 2. $xplain the pervasive computing technology compare with Ubiquitous computing 3. $xplain in detail about the relationship between pervasive and mobile computing 4. !ist and explain the applications of pervasive computing 5. What are the most important characteristics of pervasive environments? 6. What are the features of distributed computing? 7. What are the Design and implementation problems in pervasive comp? 8. $xplain in detail about the pervasive web application architecture %1&'
5. What are the " categories of context? 6. !ist the (w of context 7. What is mobile agent?
PA T1 * 215 !A +)3
1. $xplain the data dissemination and management. 2. $xplain the features of software operating system. 3. $xplain context awareness of the pervasive systems.
4. What is the $*+, operating system consists of the following features. %1&'
5. What are the three types of browsers available for mobile devices 6. !ist and explain -echnical Advantage of obile agents
7. !ist and explain applications of mobile agents. 8. $xplain the functionalities of mobile agent systems.
9. $xplain the adaptation features used by the mobile computing devices. %1&'
1. !ist the advantages and disadvantages of Active ./0D tags1 2. What is A,-02$ ./0D? 4. Write down the advantages and disadvantages of passive ./0D
8. What are the $lements of sensor networ#s? 9. Define1 Wireless 3ensor 4etwor#s 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. !ist the properties of sensor networ#. Draw the protocol stac# of sensor networ# Why we need wireless communication channel? What is advantages and disadvantages of %laser' What is infrared communication? Describe about ./0D7s What are Data gathering sensor networ#s?
PA T1 * 215 ! A +)3
1. $xplain in detail about the following1 (a) ./0D -ransponder and reader architecture.
%89' %89' %1&' %1&' %1&' %1&' %1&' (b) -ypes of -ags and readers 2. $xplain about sensor node architecture 3. $xplain about sensor networ# architecture 4. $xplain the types of sensor networ#s 5. $xplain the applications of wireless sensor networ#s. 6. $xplain the application of ./0D technologies
1. What are the features of 0$$$ 98".11? 2. What are the components used in 0$$$ 98".11: 3ystem 3. !ist the " basic architecture in 0$$$ 98".11: 3ystem 4. What are piconets and scatternets? 5. Draw the W*A4 ;<eacon ode and 3uper frame 3tructu 6. Write down the = ways followed in W*A4 ;0$ -ransmission 7. What are the two different types of devices are defined in an 98".1(.> networ#. 8. Why we go for esh topology?
9. What are the requirements needed for mobile 0*? 10. 11. 12.
PA T1 * 2 1 5 ! A
What is cellular telephony? !ist the specifications included in <luetooth. What is the use of +<$? ob@ect model?
1.a' Write down the application classes of the <luetooth synchroniAation classes.%89' b' $xplain the +<$? protocol operations. 2. a' 3hort notes on obility management%89' obile 0* %89' %89'
2. What are hierarchical routing protocols? 3. What are the /lat .outing *rotocols 4.
3. $xplain the concept and structure of cell. 4. $xplain the personal area networ#s. %1&' 5. $xplain the 0$$$ 98".11 system architecture 6. $xplain the concept of frequency assignment techniques in cell system 7. Discuss medium access control and
%1&' %1&'.
8. What is importance of cell structure in establishing wide area wireless networ#? %1&'
("IT 1 0 P O TO C O $ ) A " D A P P $ I C AT I O ")
T 1 A 22 !A
Write a note on
3 protocol?
PA T1 * 215 !A +)3
1. Discuss why routing protocols for fixed networ# cannot used for wireless 3ensor networ# and explain any two flat routing protocols used for sensor 4etwor#s. 2. $xplain WA* architecture. 3. $xplain the applications of pervasive computing in details.
4. a' 3hort notes on hierarchical routing protocols b' 3hort notes on !ocation <ased .outing *rotocols 5. $xplain the multimedia messaging service protocols.
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