Employment Communication: Presented By: Ashish Agarwal
Employment Communication: Presented By: Ashish Agarwal
Employment Communication: Presented By: Ashish Agarwal
Presented by:
Ashish Agarwal
Curriculum vitae
The latin word CV literally mean “course of
It is factual record of candidate qualification
and experience.
Written statement of your personal history-
biological details, educational qualification,
work-experience, achievement and other
strong points that make you suitable for
getting selected for a job.
In short CV is a self-introduction to
promote your self, and to be able to
sell your self successfully.
Cv is carefully tailored made
marketing tool that summarizes one’s
employment qualification for a pre-
defined target audience.
Content of a cv
Name ,address, and phone no.
Work experience
Awards and honors
Tips for effective cv