Study Nervous System
Study Nervous System
Study Nervous System
Cerebellum 1st cervical vertebrae (transverse process)** Trace of the mandible Supraclavicular n. 1st cervical n. 7th cervicle vertebrae (pedicle & transverse process)** 1st thoracic vertebrae Upper trunk (pedicle)** Middle trunk Trace of the scapula Cervical Inferior trunk plexus Lateral cord Posterior cord 8th cervical n. Medial cord 1st thoracic n. Humerus Spinal cord Musculocutaneous n. Trace of the scapula
Trace of the spinal column
Brain 1st lumbar vertebrae (pedicle)** 5th lumbar vertebrae (pedicle)** Sacrum, is made up of 5 fused vertebrae (pedicles)** Iliohypogastric n. Ilioinguinal n. Brachial plexus Genitofemoral n. Lateral femoral cutaneous n. Trace of the pelvis Intercostal n.n. Femoral n. Superior gluteal n. Inferior gluteal n. Axillary n. Posterior femoral cutaneous n. Musculocutaneous n. Sciatic n. Pudendal n. Inferior rectal n. Dorsal n. of penis (clitoris) Perineal n. Median n. Ulnar n. Posterior brachial cutaneous n. Femur Muscular branches Deep branch Superficial branch Muscular branches Dorsal branch Sciatic n. Palmar branch Dorsal digital n.n. 12th thoracic vertebrae (pedicle)** T11 Thoracic n.n. T12 T1-T12 L1 Lumbar plexus L2 T12-L4 L3 Lumbar n.n. L4 L1-L5 L5 S1 S2 S3 S4 S5 Sacral plexus L5-S4 Sacral n.n. S1-S5 Coccygeal n.
Conus medullaris Axillary n. Cauda equina Radial n. Cutaneous n. of forearm Subcostal n. Iliohypogastric n. Ilioinguinal n.
Radial n.
Ulnar n. Median n.
Palmar digital n.n. of the median n. Dorsal digital n.n. Pudendal n. White matter (sensory) Synapse Gray matter Spinous process Sensory ganglion White matter (motor) Pia mater Motor n. fibers Superior articular process Pedicle Transverse process Gray & white rami communicantes Inferior articular process & facet Sympathetic trunk Medial plantar n. Intervertebral disc Vertebral body (centrum) Proper plantar digital n.n. Arachnoid matter Cell body N. fibers Dura mater Sympathetic ganglion Lateral plantar n. Common plantar digital n.n. Deep peroneal n. Striated m. Saphenous n. Medial dorsal cutaneous n. Myofibrils Common dorsal digital n.n. Palmar digital n.n. of the ulnar n. Posterior femoral cutaneous n. NERVE STRUCTURE Femoral n. Nucleolus Nucleus Muscular branches Axon hillock Saphenous n. Common peroneal (fibular) n. Tibial n. Muscular branches Nissl substance Dendrites Schwann cell nucleus Impulse direction Neurilemma (sheath of Schwann) Axon (n. fiber) Myelin sheath Node of Ranvier (axon) Schwann cell Endoneurium Perineurium
Dorsal root (sensory) Ventral root (motor)
V1 V2 V3 C T L S Co
= Ophthalmic n. = Maxillary n. = Mandibular n. = Cervical = Thoracic = Lumbar = Sacrum = Coccyx Greater occipital n. Lesser occipital n. Great auricular n. C2 Posterior branches of occipital n. Transverse cervical n. C3 C4 C5 C6 C7 C8 T1 T2 T3 T4 T5 T6 T7 T8 T9 T10 T11 T12 L1 L2 L3 L4 L5 S1 S2 S3 Supraclavicular n.n. Posterior cutaneous rami of thoracic spinal n.n. Laterial cutaneous rami of thoracic spinal n.n. Axillary n. Intercostobrachial & medial brachial cutaneous n.n. Posterior brachial cutaneous n. Inferior lateral cutaneous n. Lateral antebrachial cutaneous n. Posterior antebrachial cutaneous n. Medial antebrachial cutaneous n. Radial n. superficial & dorsal digital branches
Intercostal n.n. 1. Anterior cutaneous rami 2. Lateral cutaneous rami Axillary n. Medial brachial cutaneous & intercostobrachial n.n. Lower lateral brachial cutaneous n. Medial antebrachial cutaneous n.n. Lateral antebrachial cutaneous n.n. Iliohypogastric n. Genitofemoral & ilioinguinal n. Radial n. superbrachial branch Median n.: palmar branch Palmar digital branch S4 S5 Co1
Ulnar n. Median n. L1 Ilioinguinal n. Superior cluneal n.n. Inferior & medial cluneal n.n. Lateral femoral cutaneous n.n. Annococcygeal n. Posterior scrotal (labial) n. Posterior femoral cutaneous n. Obturator n. Infrapatellar branch of the saphenous n. S2 S1 L4 Common peroneal n. Lateral sural cutaneous n. Medial crural cutaneous branches of the saphenous n. Sural n. Superficial peroneal n. Tibial n. L5 Lateral plantar n. Medial plantar n.
L2 Common peroneal n. Infrapatellar branch of the saphenous n. Lateral sural cutaneous n. Medial crural cutaneous branches of the saphenous n. L4 S1 L5 Superficial peroneal (fibular) n. Sural n. Deep peroneal (fibular) n.
Use this comprehensive study guide in the classroom, in the gym, at home or anywhere you need complete nervous system information. This guide is not designed to take the place of classroom attendance.
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