ASME Pressure Vessel Joint Efficiencies
ASME Pressure Vessel Joint Efficiencies
ASME Pressure Vessel Joint Efficiencies
The ASME Pressure Vessel Joint Efficiencies article provides you with information about pressure vessel joint efficiency requirements and their connection with radiography testing.
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You may know Pressure Vessel Joint Efficiencies are linked to the radiography testing grades and there is a concession for full radiography testing as per the UW11(a) (5) (b) clause which it is a little bit confusing. This article provides you the ASME pressure vessel joint efficiencies requirements and guidelines for the above clause. Based on the ASME Code requirement, manufacturers have to mark the type of RT i.e. RT1, RT2, RT3 and RT4 in the pressure vessel name plate and state the same in Pressure Vessel Data Report.
We have seen many professionals, from inspectors to quality control engineers who are confused between RT1 and RT2, specifically when they see ASME Pressure Vessel Joint Efficiencies for both RT1 and RT2 is the same and equal to 1(E=1). They say both RT1 and RT2 are categorized in the Full Radiography part in UW-11 clause ... So why are some joints in RT2 radiographed in spots? We are making spot radiography, but it is categorized in full radiography!!!
So in this "ASME Pressure Vessel Joint Efficiencies" article we want to answer this question in very simple way, but before this, we need review joint categories and summarize them as below: Category A: All longitudinal welds in shell and nozzles All welds in heads, Hemisph-head to shell weld joint Category B: All circumferential welds in shell and nozzles Head to shell joint (other than Hemisph.) Category C and D are flange welds and nozzle attachment welds respectively Longitudinal welds (Category A) are more critical than Circumferential welds (Category B) because they are under double stress. This the reason why in different part of ASME code we have stringent rules in category A joint compared to category B joint. See the following Fig. for joint categories:
Now let's get back to the ASME Pressure Vessel Joint Efficiencies subject, to remove the above confusion about RT1 and RT2. We need to know: When and where is there a code requirement for full radiography? Item 1: All butt welds in vessels used to contain a lethal substance (UW11(a)).Lethal substances have specific definitions in ASME Code in UW-2 and it