FR Campaign 1st Edition
FR Campaign 1st Edition
FR Campaign 1st Edition
AT A G|ANC|. The good svord-arn of
lhe ReaIns are lhose individuaIs lrain-
ed in lhe use of veaponry and laclics,
and lhey nay le found, in various
forns, lhroughoul lhe ReaIns.
||M|NST|RS NOT|S. The services of
lrained fighlers, varriors, rangers, and
larlarians are in conslanl denand in
lhe Iorgollen ReaIns, oving lo lhe
Iarge nunler of hosliIe crealures
(incIuding nen) lo le found in lhe
Iighlers and lheir sul-groupings
lend lo gravilale lo cerlain posilions
and responsiliIilies, incIuding:
LocaI MiIilias, incIuding poIice
palroIs, senlries, valchnen, and
in lines of hosliIilies as fool lroops
in lallIe. Such posilions are usu-
aIIy Iov-paying and hoId IillIe sla-
lus, as in lhe lallIefieId such
lroops are oflen used lo soflen
eneny allacks vilh acceplalIe
Mercenary Conpani es vhi ch
engage in fighling for a price. These
pay leller, lul have lhe disadvan-
lage lhal IocaI ruIers/enpIoyers
usuaIIy give lhe Mercenary Con-
panies lhe nosl difficuIl posilions
or lasks, as lhey have earned il.
Trade Cuards have lhe advanlage
of good lenefils and lraveI vilh
lhe disadvanlage lhal lhe fighler
nusl fighl nol onIy lo prolecl his
ovn Iife lul lhe properly of olh-
ers. Sone of lhe snaIIer lraders
offer high vages lul deducl any
Iosses fron lhose vages.
Raiders are lhe olher side of lhe
coin, and incIude acls of landilry
and piracy. The disadvanlage of lhis
Iife-slyIe is lhal lhe fighler does nol
nornaIIy operale in civiIized areas
and nay le hunled dovn ly nore
Iav-aliding groups.
Bodyguards and olher proleclion
opporlunilies offer Iov pay al reI-
aliveIy IillIe risk.
Leadership possiliIilies are avaiIa-
lIe al high IeveI for fighler-lypes,
as lheir aliIilies are generaIIy
underslood ly lhe popuIace (as
opposed lo nagic-users and cIer-
ics) aIIoving a neasure of lrusl.
Advenluring Conpanies offer lhe
highesl relurn in advancenenl
and noneys, as veII as aIIoving
lhe varrior a greal degree of inde-
pendence. The disadvanlage of
lhese operalions is lhe greal deaI
of personaI risk lhe fighler is
pIaced in and lhe essenliaI need of
cooperalion vilh olhers.
CIadialors and professionaI fighl-
ers are a rare occurence in lhe
Norlh, lhough sone delauched
regions do sel up such nalches,
usuaIIy lelveen sIaves or pris-
oners againsl nonslers. The oIder
reaIns lo lhe soulh, incIuding
Ann, CaIinshan, and Unlher,
have eslalIished gIadiloriaI guiIds.
GAM| |N|ORMAT|ON. Iighlers nay le
found in every parl of lhe ReaIns,
lhough lhe looIs of lheir lrades vary
according lo area and veaIlh.
AII lhe veapons and arnor Iisled in
P| aqc r s Hanocc| and Unc ar | nc
Arcana are avaiIalIe in lhe Norlh~
lhe region of lhe Iorgollen ReaIns
delaiIed in lhe encIosed naps. Those
veapons vhich cosl nore lhan 5O gp
and arnor cosling nore lhan 5OO gp
can onIy le readiIy found in cilies, or in
lhose lovns lhal have snilhs of suffic-
ienl aliIily lo nake arnor.
Iurlher infornalion on lhe roIe of
lhe fighler in lhe ReaIns is deIinealed in
lhe DMs Scurccocc| cf |nc Rca|ns.
AT A G|ANC|. This foresl is a rich,
nalure voods fiIIed vilh oak, vaInul,
and shadovlop lrees. The foIiage is
lhick so lhal lhe inlerior is casl in deep
||M|NST|RS NOT|S. This foresl is lhe
renains of a Iarger vood lhal has
dininished over lhe years vilh lhe
spread of Anauroch. Il is a nyslerious,
deepIy overgrovn vood of huge lrees,
and lraveIers vho have skirled ils edg-
es have reporled seeing spriles, korred,
and unicorns vilhin ils deplh. The Ior-
gollen Ioresl is said lo have lhe Iargesl
popuIalion of lreanls in The Norlh,
ruIed ly one knovn as Iuorn. In addi-
lion lo lhe lreanls, lhe Heirophanl
Drui d IheszeI lan nakes hi s hone
sonevhere in lhe deplhs of lhis Iand.
TraveIers lhrough lhe foresl is discour-
aged, and lhose in lhe area are highIy
encouraged lo luiId lheir fires onIy
using vood fron deadfaIIs.
GAM| |N|ORMAT|ON. Iuorn has aliIi-
lies as a lreanl of doulIe lhe Iargesl hil
die (24), and infIicls 5-3O poinls of dan-
age on a lIov.
IheszeIlan is a 16lh IeveI druid vho
nakes his hone in lhe foresl, lul oflen
vanders, up lo 3OO niIes avay, in
exanining lhe Iand and ils inhalilanls.
Using his aliIilies lo aIler his appear-
ance, IheszeIlan can sonelines he
found in cilies nixing vilh lhe peopIe.
AT A G|ANC|. The CIacier of lhe While
Worn is a singIe, isoIaled river of ice
Iocaled sone 4OO niIes soulh of lhe
Creal CIacier ilseIf, veaving anong lhe
highesl peaks of lhe Larlhspur Moun-
lains. Il fIovs off a high cIiff easl of
MuInasler inlo lhe Moonsea on on side,
and inlo Lake IceneIl on lhe olher.
||M|NST|RS NOT|S. This gIacier is
hone lo a vide variely of poIar crea-
lures, giving rise lo lhe idea lhal il vas
once a parl of lhe Iarger sheel of ice lo
lhe norlh. Il is farlher soulh lhan even
ils aIlilude vouId juslify, and sone
dveonercrafl nay le invoIved. The
area lakes ils nane fron lhe paIe aIlino
renorhazes lhal inhalil lhe region.
AT A G|ANC|. CIisler is a snaII lovn
silualed al lhe galevay lelveen Thar
and Vaasa. WeII-defended ly hiIIs on
lhree sides, lhe connunily is a rough-
and-ready lrading posl, viIIing lo deaI
vilh ogre lrilesnen and nonads as
veII as lraders fron lhe Moonsea.
AT A G|ANC|. The ColI i n Races
incIude aII crealures such as KoloIds,
ColIins, rcs, and HolgolIins. Sone
sages exlend lhe definilion lo gres,
Buglears, TroIIs, and HaIf-orcs. In gen-
eraI, lhese are unciviIized lands of sen-
lienl crealures lhal prey on olher
leings, raiding and piIIaging vhen lhey
can, sleaIing quielIy vhen lhey canl.
||M|NST|R S NOT|S. The ColIin
Races have exisled in lhe ReaIns as Iong
as lhe eIves, for eIvish hislories have
nenlion of lhe various crealures as
lrulish invaders harassing lhe lorders
of lheir reaIns. The ColIin Races vere
invoIved in race-kiIIing vars vilh
dvarves over lheir nounlain peaks,
and vilh nen over lhe IovIands. Usu-
aI I y l he ColI i n Races have leen
repuIsed or crushed, lul lhere are
nany dvarven haIIs in rcish hands.
The ColI i n Races are generaI I y
under-organized and under-equipped,
and vouId have leen viped oul severaI
lines over vere il nol for a rapid lreed-
ing cycIe and a high seIf-preservalion
inslincl. Iaced vilh overvheIning
odds, nosl ColIin Races viII vaver and
relreal, and for lhis lhe lag covardIy
is usuaIIy added lo lheir olher nanes.
The ColIin Races lend lo le crueI,
eviI, and naIicious, aping nankind in
dress and lilIe, lul vilh a sIanl lovards
harn as opposed lo heIp. The grealesl
rcish ciladeIs of lhe Deserlnoulh
Mounlains have are governed ly a King
and RoyaI Courl in a rough lravesly of
Cornyr. SiniIarIy, lhose ColIins Iiving
leyond lhe range of lhe Lords of Waler-
deep lend lo have Iords vho ruIe fron
disguise in lhe nanner of lhe Lords of
There are nenlers of lhis race,
incIuding sone HaIf-orcs, lhal lrave
lhe veII-deserved hosliIe allilude of lhe
resl of lhe vorId in order lo seek lo
nake an honesl or good Iiving, lul
lhese are exceplions lo lhe generaI
characler of lhese savage crealures.
AT A G|ANC|. The Cnones are a snaII,
friendIy race of hunanoid crealures
connon in nosl regions of lhe reaIns.
They are snaIIer and Iess-slocky lhan
dvarves, and are lhoughl dislanl reIa-
lives (lhough onIy Cnonish nen have
||M|NST|RS NOT|S. The faces of
Cnones, regardIess of age, are Iined
vilh cenluries of sniIes and frovns, so
il appears lhal lhese crealures are
carved fron vood. Their naluraI coIor-
ing, fron Iighl ash and napIe lo lhal of
varnished and luffed oak increases lhe
lendency lo lhink of Cnones as a
voods-foIk, vhen lhey are lhoughl of
al aII.
The Cnones are caIIed lhe Iorgollen
IoIk of lhe Iorgollen ReaIns, for
despile lhe facl lhey seen an everyday
sighl in najor cilies, and have good-
sized connunilies of lheir ovn, lhey
seen unlolhered ly lhe vorId and sin-
iIarIy onIy rareIy lecone invoIved vilh
il. Cnones have no hislory leyond lhe
nenory of lhe eIdesl cIan-nenler and
lhe songs of Iegend. They have never
deveIoped lheir ovn vrillen longue,
ralher acquiring lhe Ianguages around
lhen for everyday use. UnIike lhe eIves
lhey have no niIIenniaI herilage and
unIike lhe dvarves no dealhkneII
lonorrov. As a resuIl, lhey lend lo lake
Iife as il cones, one day al a line.
Cn o ne s a r e a no n g l h e no s l
connon-sense leings of a vorId fiIIed
vilh aII nanner of nagicaI lhings.
Thei r nal ur aI l endenc y l ovar ds
iIIusion-crafl, inslead of naking lhen
nore crafly, has given lhen a visdon
lo Iook leyond lhe fancy lrappings of
speech and appearance lo find oul
vhal is reaIIy lhere. Cnones vaIue lheir
faniIies firsl, lhen vhalever olher reIa-
l i ves l hey enc ounl er , l hen ol her
gnones, lhen lhe vorId, in lhal order.
GAM| |N|ORMAT|ON. The alove
descriplion is for Cnones in generaI, ering lhe generaI vilhdravaI of lhe
and need nol appIy lo individuaI pIayer- LIven IeopIes fron lhe ReaIns. nIy
characlers as a Iav lhal ALL CNMLS lhe ruIing eIves knov lhe fuII reasons,
ARL WISL. IndividuaIs vary vilhin a lul il has surnised lhal lhere is scnc-
race, and il is as possilIe lo find an |ning in lhe CreycIoaks lhal lhe eIves of
inpuIsive Cnone as il is lo find a lrusl- Lvereska vish nol lo faII inlo lhe hands
vorlhy haIfIing. of olhers.
AT A G|ANC|. These hiIIs are high, roII-
ing ridges of earlh covered ly veedy
grasses and occasionaI palches of snaII
||M|NST|RS NOT|S. The CreycIoaks
are a snaII group of high, isoIaled hiIIs,
norlh of Lvereska, and are considered
an oulposl of lhal eIven honeIand, sel-
lIed Iess lhan lhirly years ago ly a con-
lingenl of eIves and haIf-eIves.
The nornaI grey garl of lhese eIvish
sellIers is vhal has given lhe hiIIs lheir
currenl nane. They vere previousIy
referred lo as lhe Tonl HiIIs, for lhe
region heId (and sliII conlains) lhe finaI
resling pIaces of Iong-dead varrior-
kings, and vas (lul is no Ionger) haunled
ly lanshees. Advenluring conpanies up
lo a fev decades ago nade forays inlo
lhe area lo Iool lhese oId lonls, lul vilh
lhe currenl sellIenenl of eIves under
The Lvereska Charler, such aclivilies
have ceased (or al Ieasl lecone nore
AT A G|ANC|. HaIfaxe TraiI is an over-
grovn foolpalh vhich runs lhrough
lhe hearl of lhe LIven Woods, fron Har-
rovdaIe lo lhe road running fron HiIIs-
far lo lhe Slanding Slone.
||M|NST|RS NOT|S. An earIy Lord of
HarrovdaIe, in lhe days of lhe BIack-
saiIs (pirales), grev veary of Iosing
lrade oulside his harlors, and resoIved
lo slrenglhen lhe inporlance and
veaIlh of his daIe ly Iinking up vilh lhe
overIand road fron Moonsea soulh lo
Cornyr and lhe Inner Sea. His chief
olslacIe in lhis goaI vas lhe LIven-
The eIves and haIf-eIves of lhe Crey-
cIoaks are of siIver lIood, lhough lhere
are a fev viId (copper) eIves anong
lhen. They are friendIy vilh lhe group
knovn as lhe Harpers, lul vary of lhe
Zhenlarin and lheir aIIies, and exlend-
ed palroIs fron DarkhoId have leen
spolled in lhe area.
The eIves of lhe CreycIoak HiIIs are
said lo nake nusicaI inslrunenls for
lrade vilh nen, lhough lhey vork qui-
elIy lhrough cerlain nerchanls in lhe
lovn of HiIIs Ldge lo lhe soulh. The sel-
lIenenl is said lo le ruIed ly an eIven
Lord (7lh IeveI fighler/11lh IeveI nagic-
user) naned LrIan Duirsar, vho is said
ly lhe vonen of HiIIs Ldge lo le lolh
very laII and handsone.
Despile lhe eIves cIain, lhe Lord,
HaIvan lhe Dark, hired a dvarven engi-
neer, DurI HaIfaxe, lo cul hin a road lo
lhe lrade road. HaIfaxe TraiI vas lhe
vork of lhe dvarf and an arny of nen,
lhey lurned and cul a niIe-vide sIash
lhrough lhe lrees lo guard againsl
eIven anlushes. The eIves raised an
arny, lul vere overnalched ly nens
veapons and slronger nagic, and lhe
TraiI vas pul lhrough.
The reason for lhe CreycIoak sellIe-
nenl is unknovn, and puzzIing consid-
CreediIy, HaIfaxe connanded his
nen lo cul on, inlo lhe foresl vesl of
lhe road vhere he knev lhe ruins of
Mylh Drannor Iay. There he foresav
unearlhing riches lo keep hin aII his
days. There lhe eIves raised up oId and
poverfuI nagic sIunlering in lhe ruins
and sIev lhe engineer ullerIy. Nol a
nan or dvarf relurned lo lhe parly,
nor vere lhere lodies lo send lack.
The TraiI has since grovn in unliI il is
lul a foolpalh, cIose-guarded ly lhe
eIves, none pass save ly lheir viII. Il is
surprisingIy veII-used, for lhe eIves are
vise lraders and nol unfriendIy lo nen.
Whelher lhe lraiI renains open in lhese
days foIIoving lhe disappearance of lhe
LIven Courl renains lo le seen.
AT A G|ANC|. HaIf-eIves are a nixlure
of nan and eIf, and occupy lhe niddIe
ground lelveen lhe lvo. They are
slockier lhan eIves and Iack lhe poinled
ears, lhough lhey sliII have sIender and
fineIy-chiseIed faciaI-fealures of lhe
eIven faces. Il is possilIe for a HaIf-eIf lo
pass as nan or eIf for lrief periods,
lul usuaIIy such dupIicily is discovered.
||M|NST|RS NOT|S. HaIf-eIves are
nol a lrue race, lul ralher lhe producl
of lhe union of nan and eIf, and as such
have no nalionaI or raciaI herilage olh-
er lhan lhal of lhe area lhey have leen
lroughl up in. A HaIf-eIf lhal had leen
raised in lhe LIven Courl lhinks Iike an
eIf: one fron AgIarond lhinks as a nan,
for lhe eIven peopIe have leen Iong
lred inlo lhe generaI popuIalion.
HaIf-eIves appear as nen, lending lo
le sIenderer lhan nosl lul nol nalch-
ing lhe lhinness of lhe eIves lhenseIves.
HaIf-eIves lend lo lake on sone of lhe
fealures of lheir LIvish sul-race:
Moon HaIf-eIves lend lo le paIe
vilh jusl a louch of lIue around
lhe ears and al lhe chin.
CoId HaIf-eIves lend lo le lronzed
of skin.
WiId HaIf-eIves are very rare and
lend lo have lronzed skin louched
vilh green.
Sea HaIf-eIves lend lo he a lIend of
lhe fIeshlones of hunan and eIven
parenl. A chiId of a Lanlan ner-
chanl and a Creal Sea LIf viII
appear a Iike green.
Drov HaIf-eIves are very rare and
lend lo le dusky-coIored vilh
vhile hair.
HaIf-eIves nay nale and lreed, lul
viII aIvays produce lhe offspring of lhe
olher parenl (a HaIf-eIf/eIf pairing viII
produce eIven chiIdren, vhiIe a HaIf-
eIf/hunan pairing viII resuIl in hunan
chiIdren). Second generalion HaIf-eIves
onIy resuIl if lvo HaIf-eIves narry (as is
lhe case in AgIarond).
GAM| |N|ORMAT|ON. HaIf-eIf pIayer-
characlers have lhe Iinilalions and
advanlages as sel dovn for lhe HaIf-eIf
i n lhe P|aqcrs Hanocc| and DMG,
regardIess of lhe sul-race of lhe eIven
parenl. A drov HaIf-eIf, in olher vords,
vouId nol gain aII lhe drovish aliIilies,
and vouId le considered NTeIQuess ly
his peopIe as veII.
AT A G|ANC|. HaIfIings are lhe snaII-
esl of lhe najor races, and lo see lheir
connunilies oulside sone najor (and
ninor) cilies, lhe nosl nunerous (and
groving). They lend lo resenlIe snaII
slreel urchins, vise leyond lheir years.
The HaIfIing of lhe Iorgollen ReaIns
have a Iighl covering of hairy dovn aII
over lheir lodies, vhich is nosl nolica-
lIe on lhe lacks of lheir hands and lops
of lheir lare feel. flen lheir faces are
lare, lhough lhere are nore lhan a fev
fuII-learded haIfIings as veII.
||M|NST|RS NOT|S. The HaIfIing
peopIe have a saying: Iirsl lhere vere
Dragons, lhen Dvarves, lhen LIves,
lhen Men. Then ils our lurn! This alli-
lude lhal aII viII lurn oul lo lheir lene-
fil (and le served up lo lhen on a siIver
pIaller) is lypicaI of lhe HaIfIing nind-
sel, cocksure, confidenl, and vilh nore
lhan a slreak of Iarceny.
A HaIfIings appearance, siniIar lo
lhal of a snaII hunan chiId, leIies lhe
facl lhal lhis is a race vilh lhe sane
lasic needs as any olher. They Iive in
nany of lhe sane areas as nankind,
and nay le considered a conpelilor.
Yel as opposed lo leing hosliIe, HaIf-
Iings have a snug, far-sighled allilude
lhal lhese Iunlering gianls viII evenlu-
aIIy Ieave, deslroy lhenseIves, or give
lhenseIves up, and lhal vhich renains
viII le lheirs.
This is nol lo say lhal haIfIings as a
race or individuaIs are eviI, for lhey
vouId do nolhing lo harn anolher
unIess harn had leen infIicled on
lhen. Bul lhe lendency lo lake advan-
lage is slrong. Many a hunan lhieves-
guiId has as ils nasler-lhief a snaII
chiId-Iike crealure vho can sneak inlo
and oul of areas lhal Iarger foIk cannol
HaIfIings are deIighled ly lhe concepl
of noney, vhich lhey consider a hunan
invenlion vhich redeens lhe race.
They enjoy galhering lunches of il, lul
unIike lhe dvarves and lheir ancienl
hordes, lhey see no poinl in keeping il,
ralher frillering il avay on gifls, par-
lies, and purchases. Money is a vay of
keeping score on hov veII you are
doing againsl lhe Iunlering nen.
HaIfIings cone in aII shades and vilh
lhe sane variely of hair and eye coIor
as nen. They lend lo respecl lheir fani-
Iies as groups you do nol sleaI fron
(lhough lorroving is pernilled), and
shov a slrong IoyaIly lo friends and
lhose vho have slood up for lhen.
There seen lo le no raciaI sul-groups
of HaIfIings, lhough lo lhe far soulh
lhere is said lo le a nalion of lhe crea-
lures, caIIed Lurien, vhose inhalilanls
have poinly ears. Considering lhe facl
lhal nosl of lhe olher doninanl races
of lhe Inner Sea have cone originaIIy
fron lhe Soulh, lhe idea of a HaIfIing
Nalion is dislurling in lhe Ieasl.
AT A G|ANC|. The HaIIs of lhe Han-
ner are an alandoned slockade Iocaled
dovnsl rean f ron l he gal es of an
ancienl dvarven sellIenenl, equaIIy
||M|NST|RS NOT|S. The HaIIs of lhe
Hanner are an alandoned dvarf-hoId
vesl of Ml. HiIn, generaIIy ignored and
in negIecl. Hanner HaII is an isoIaled
honeslead, consisling of a house and
slalIes, and surrounded ly a sloul
vooden paIisade, luiIl ly a conpany of
advenlurers. As is connon for adven-
luring conpanies vorking for Iong per-
iods in a parlicuIar area, lhe Men of
Hanner HaII used lhe slockade as a
pIace lo relire lo lelveen sorlies inlo
lhe dvarf-hoId.
Afler expIoring lhe ruins for severaI
seasons, lhe advenlurers are said lo
have sel off for lhe norlh, and have nol
leen heard of since. The fale of lheir
lreasure, and lhe lreasure lhal nay
renain in Hanner HaII, is unknovn.
4 8
The ains and aclivilies of lhe Harpers
renain nyslerious, lul lhey are knovn
lo vork for lhe causes of good, and lo
oppose lhe Zhenlarin and lhe nore
aggressive lrading kingdons (such as
Ann) vho c ul l r ade- r oul es i nl o
viIderIand areas, and feII lrees and
nine precious lhings vilh IillIe regard
for IocaI nonhunan inhalilanls. They
aIso vork lo nainlain peace lelveen
hunan kingdons (recenlIy opposing
Rangers and lards of greal pover
are rare, IIorin. Aside fron lhe
fanous fev, lhe lard Minliper, for
exanpIe, or lhe rangers ThuIraven
and LsluIphore, nosl are nenlers
of lhal nyslerious group knovn as
lhe Harpers.
Slorn SiIverhand nay le one of
lhen, lul I vish you Iuck finding
oul...I leII you lhis nov lecause aII of
us, and of lhe lards, nusl consider
and respecl vhalever ains lhe Harp-
ers have: lhey slrike dovn or lurn
aside aclivilies lhal do nol fil vilh
lheir vanls, and so your ovn causes
viII le advanced or danaged accord-
They seen lo operale onIy in lhe
Norlh, and lhere is IillIe eIse I can leII
you of lhen. If you see lhe device of
a siIver noon and a siIver harp, you
face a Harper.
||MNST|RS NOT|S. The foIIoving is
laken fron lhe Druid Briadorn of lhe
CircIe of ShadovdaIe, quoled ly lhe
ranger IIorin IaIconhand lhusIy:
AT A G|ANC|. The Harpers are a nys-
lerious organizalion of high-IeveI
advenlurers, in parlicuIar lards and
rangers, vhich operales in lhe Norlh.
The exacl ai ns of l hi s group are
unknovn, as are lheir nunlers and fuII
idenlilies, lhough lhere are severaI
noled nenlers.
This area is a lrue viIderness, lraveIed
ly nen lul seIdon sellIed, and lhe
queslion renains open.
ScardaIe as a lhreal lo lhal peace, for
inslance), and lo lhvarl al every lurn
lhe lurgeoning golIinkin races in lhe
Knovn Harper nenlers incIude
AIuslrieI, High Lady of SiIverynoon,
lhe archnage KheIlen BIackslaff
Arunsun of Walerdeep, lhe ranger
Dove, nov lride of IIorin, lhe Iale
vi l c h S y I u n e , l h e l a r d Slorn
SiIverhand, lhe Iale ranger Ascore of
LI ve nl r e e , a nd l he a dve nl ur e r
SharanraIee. Knovn aIIies incIude
LIninsler lhe Sage, The SinluI, ruIer
of AgIarond, and Mourngryn, Lord of
AT A G|ANC|. HarrovdaIe is a farning
daIe of genlIe sIopes and oId, veII-vorn
roads cul deep inlo lhe Iand, reaching
fron lhe Dragon Reach lo lhe foresl
aIong HaIfaxe TraiI.
||M|NST|RS NOT|S. The norlhern-
nosl of lhe coaslaI daIes, HarrovdaIes
survivaI has in lhe pasl depended upon
good reIalions vilh lhe eIves. Much of
lhe food il produces venl lo eIvish nar-
kels, and lhe eIvish courl supporled il,
aIong vilh MislIedaIe, DeepingdaIe, and
ShadovdaIe lecause ils ideaIs lIended
vilh lheir ovn.
HarrovdaIe vas overrun ly Scar-
daIes forces in lhe recenl var, and il
vas lhe appeaIs of lhe DaIes CounciI of
Seven Burghers lhal resuIled in noliIi-
zalion of lhe norlhern counlries againsl
lhal lhreal.
The peopIe of HarrovdaIe escaped
lhe var reIaliveIy unscalhed, and have
aIready relurned lo lheir sinpIe, pIeas-
anl Iives. HarrovdaIesnen are oflen
porlrayed as a lil sIov and provinciaI
ly lhe olher daIes, lul lhey are conlenl
in lheir Iives and, vilh lhe alandon-
nenl of lhe LIvish Courl, are seeking
nev narkels for lheir producls.
AT A G|ANC|. Hidden vilhin a sleep-
sided gorge norlh of Lveningslar, lhe
Haunled HaIIs is a keep luiIl inlo lhe
cIiffvaII ilseIf. Ils nain gales Iie lvisled
and rusled lo one side.
||M|NST|RS NOT|S. The Haunled
HaIIs vere a Iong-slanding landil-hoId,
cIeaned oul nosl recenlIy during lhe
reign of King Azoun III and unoccupied
since. Il has leen raided severaI lines
since ly advenluring conpanies, lul
runors perisl lhal lhe HaIIs hoId rich
AT A G|ANC|. The connunily of High
DaIe Iies norlh of Senlia, aIong lhe car-
avan lriaI fron Saerl lo Thunderslone
on lhe Wyvernvaler, and is a pass
lelveen Hooknose Crag on lhe soulh
and lhe Thunder Ieaks lo lhe norlh.
||M|NST|RS NOT|S. The High DaIe is
a daIe of lerraced farns (vhich raise
and produce sheep, lurnips, polaloes,
and hay).
High DaIe is ruIed ly lhe High Consla-
lIe, currenlIy one Irreph MuInar, vho
is a nenler of lhe DaIe CounciI. The
counciIors are eIecled once a year, and
lhe High ConslalIe is one of lheir nun-
ler chosen ly lhe counciIors lhen-
seIves. The High ConslalIe has six
conslalIes under his conlroI, vho con-
nand lhe arny and connand and lrain
lhe niIilia.
GAM| |N|ORMAT|ON. The High DaIe
nainlains a slanding niIilia of 5O fighl-
ers, arned vilh svord and spear, lul in
lines of crisis couId nusler nosl of lhe
vaIe popuIalion. In addilion, lhe High
DaIe is hone lo lhe Iegasus Archery
Conpany, a nercenary conpany of
horse archers, 75 in nunler, nounled
on Iighl horse and arned vilh shorl
conposile lov.
Irreph MuInar, lhe high conslalIe, is
a 12lh IeveI ranger, and his conslalIes
in connand of lhe niIilia and archers
are fighlers of IeveIs 7-1O.
AT A G|ANC|. The High Horn is a greal
grin forlress of high curving vaIIs and
frovning lovers, and is lhe cenler of
Cornyrs niIilary operalions.
||M|NST|RS NOT|S. The greal lov-
ers of lhe High Horn vere once essen-
liaI, lul are nov no Ionger so heaviIy
used. Il is sliII lhe slrongesl defensive
posilion in lhe reaIn of Cornyr. Il
guards lhe road lo lhe Wesl, and a slra-
legicaIIy inporlanl nounlain pass, and
vas luiIl lo prolecl againsl lhe Border
Raiders (landils) and lhe Iizard nen of
lhe narshes (aIlhough lhese Ialler have
nol proved lroulIesone since il vas
luiIl). High Horn has a guesl encIave,
vhere lraveIers can slay, lul is slriclIy
a niIilary connunily.
GAM| |N|ORMAT|ON. There is a sland-
ing garrison of 4OO nen al High Horn al
any line, 1OO archers and 3OO nen-al-
arns, Ied ly one 4lh IeveI fighler for
every 1O nen, and under lhe overaII
conlroI of lhe Lord Connander of High
Horn. The posilion of Lord Connander
is appoinled annuaIIy ly lhe King, and
is currenlIy Thursk Denlarron, a 15lh
IeveI cavaIier.
The High Horn is aIso lhe vinlering
quarlers of haIf lhe Cornyrian arny,
and has exlensive faciIilies lo hosl lolh
nan and leasl lhrough a season-Iong
IinaIIy, lhere is an oulposl of lhe Cor-
nyr War Wizards naking ils lase al
lhis keep. There viII aIvays le al Ieasl
lhree nagic-users of 6lh IeveI presenl
al any one line, and a 5O chance of a
speII-casler of IeveIs 7-12 in residence al
any line.
AT A G|ANC|. The High Moor is a vasl,
rocky vasleIand rising lo a gorge-
scarred pIaleau cIoaked in grass and
scrul lrees.
||M|NST|RS NOT|S. The Moor is
oflen shrouded in nisl, and is lhe hone
lo nany lroIIs and luglears, as veII as
golIin races. The nonslrous inhalil-
anls oflen raid lhe roads, so lhal ner-
chanls oflen coIIecl in Iarge caravans
and hire addilionaI guards, and The
Way Inn (q.v.) nainlains a pernanenl
force of veII-arned defenders. The soiI
of lhe Moor is loo lhin for farning and
ils rock (noslIy granile) loo poor in
vaIualIe ores lo supporl pernanenl sel-
lIenenls, lhe larlarian hunans found
in lhese Iands depend on herding sheep
and goals and overIand lrading for
lheir IiveIihoods.
AT A G|ANC|. nce in lhe years lefore
even lhe eIves Iived in lhe norlh, lhis
vas an exlincl voIcano, lul has vilh lhe
passage of lhe vinlers lecone IillIe
nore lhan a hiII vilh a cup-Iike peak. Ils
sides are covered vilh sofl, shiny grass,
and onIy lhe occasionaI oulcropping of
hardened Iava or a scallering of olsidi-
an chips leIies ils lrue origin.
||M|NST|RS NOT|S. The sIopes of
lhis grass-cIoaked peak vere hone lo
an arned canp al lhe line of lhe BallIe
of lhe Bones (q.v.) and il vas here lhal
lhe arnies of nen raised lheir sland-
ards and lended lheir vounded. In
nore recenl lines, lhe peak has leen
used ly rogue speI I - casl ers as a
neeling-pIace, and ly lhe Heirophanl
Druid IheszeIlan (see IRCTTLN
IRLST) lo vork nighly vealher nag-
ics. Today lhe HiII is enply, save for lhe
Haunls (spirils of lhe faIIen nen) and
lriles of golIin races.
Sonevhere on lhe HiII of Losl SouIs is
lhe lonl of TheIarn Sviflhanner,
son of Mongolh. This dvarven adven-
lurer is said lo Iie enlonled vilh a
nanncr cf |nuncroc||s and a veapon
caIIed S|qsp|i||cr, an inleIIigenl var axe
lhal has lhe aliIily lo ca|| |ign|ning, as
veII as nuch goId. The Tonl of The-
Iarn has nol leen uncovered, and al
Ieasl one group of advenlurers, lhe
Men of lhe BIue BIade, have nel lheir
end al lhe hands of orc lands vhiIe
Iooking for il.
AT A G|ANC|. Localed on lhe Soulhern
Shore of lhe Moonsea, HiIIsfar is one of
lhe pelly slales vying for conlroI in lhal
area vilh ZhenliI Keep. Like nany of
lhe Cilies of lhe Moonsea, HiIIsfar is a
series of ringed vaIIs reaching fron lhe
coasl lo lhe cily proper, vilh access lo
lhe cenlraI keep reslricled onIy lo lhose
individuaIs currenlIy approved ly lhe
currenl governnenl.
||M|NST|RS NOT|S. HiIIsfar, forner-
Iy lhe nosl open cily on lhe Moonsea,
has recenlIy changed narkedIy in oul-
Iook, a change direclIy Iinked lo lhe dis-
appearance of lhe eIves. IornerIy lhe
neeling-ground lelveen lhe eIves
and hunankind for lrade and dipIo-
nalic deaIings, HiIIsfar is loday an
anlilious, veII-arned cily-slale, chaI-
Ienging ZhenliI Keep for econonic
suprenacy in lhe region, and nov visi-
lIy ready lo neel any resuIlanl niIilary
HiIIsfar vas unliI recenlIy ruIed ly a
counciI of nen, haIf-eIves, and repre-
senlalives of lhe LIven Courl. The
CounciI vas corrupl and soon coIIapsed
vhen l roulI ed l i nes cane l o l he
region: lhe eIven nenlers resigned
and Iefl vilh lhe LIven Courl, and aII of
lhe hunans and nosl of lhe haIf-eIves
vere in lhe pay of various foreign
povers, ZhenliI Keep, MuInasler, Scar-
daIe, Senlia, lhe drov and lhe CuIl of
lhe Dragon (sone vere paid ly lvo or
nore of lhese groups).
The CounciI vas overlhrovn Iasl
vinler, and lhe cily is nov governed ly
MaaIlhiir, Iirsl Lord of HiIIsfar, a
nerchanl-nage vho is said lo le
shrevd, rulhIess, and independenl of
Senlia, MuInasler, ZhenliI Keep, Cor-
nyr, and olher pover groups in lhe
area. He has no knovn aIIies (or ene-
nies) as yel. Runor has il lhal he has
pIans lo annex LIvenlree and spread
dovn lhe coasl, evenluaIIy opening a
porl on lhe Inner Sea. His nercenary
guards, aIready nicknaned The Red
IIunes, have a squad in ScardaIe, and
pa l r oI s oul h l ova r d Ls s e nlr a .
MaaIlhiir has assured Senlian envoys
lhal he inlends lo eslalIish a guardposl
al The Slanding Slone evenluaIIy vilh
lhe Ialler force, nolhing nore.
GAM| |N|ORMAT|ON. The nev gov-
er nnenl of MaaI l hi i r i s a gr eal
unknovn in lhe Moonsea area, and his
ains are unknovn lul can le assuned
lo le expansionisl. Hovever, in noling
lhal firsl gIances nay le nisIeading,
vhal foIIovs is a passage vrillen ly lhe
Sage LIninsler in response lo an adven-
lurers inquiry as lo lhe previous, nov-
reveaIed as corrupl, governnenl:
HiIIsfar is a free cily, governed ly a
Ioose, denocralic CounciI of Mer-
chanls. AII nenlers nusl lase lheir
lusinesses vilhin lhe cily, and have one
vole each. The CounciI is caIIed logelh-
er each Creengrass, each ShieIdneel,
and in lines of energency. The CounciI
in lurn eIecls and advises a Courl of
LIders, vho conlroI lhe Walch and
serve as nagislrales. These LIders hoId
office for Iife, and have one vole each
on any decision of lhe CounciI. An
LIders vole can le overlurned ly a
najorily vole of lhe Courl of LIders.
The CounciI nunlered 3O6 vhen Iasl
convened, lhe LIders have aIvays leen
14 slrong. f lhese 14, four are nen of
fane and dislinclion (heroes and sages),
seven are haIf-eIves, and lhree are
eIves. They are as foIIovs.
The represenlalives of lhe LIven
Courl: Tiarshus, LIephon, and SyIvar
The HaIf-eIves: Duarros, MiIzhen,
Niunen HIinlos, Torsl Bralhen, Hir-
panen, Krios, and HIalhen
The hunan heroes: LIske, Annakar,
HIannech BevuIdor, and rnech
LillIe can le said of lheir characlers
and inleresls. The sage LIninsler has
deaIl vilh Tiarshus and LIephon and
noles lhen as oId and nolIe eIf-Iords.
Runor says lhal Niunen and Torsl are
lards, lhal Annakar is a young lul
vhile-haired, crueI nagic user, and
rnech is a cIeric of Tenpus.
WhiIe LIninslers enlry slresses lhal
lhis is secondhand infornalion, and nol
verified facls, il does go lo shov lhe Iin-
ilalions of even nighly sages in lhe face
of hunan nalure and greed.
The Red IIunes are various nerce-
nary conpanies, carrying lheir ovn
conpany insignia and dress lul vear-
ing lhe red-pIuned heIns provided ly
MaaIlhiir lo shov lheir aIIegiance. They
vary in allilude and aliIily as nosl ner-
cenary conpanies (see MLRCLNARILS).
AT A G|ANC|. HiIIs Ldge is a snaII lul
prosperous connunily aIong one of
l he I ess- l raveI ed roul es lel veen
Iriealor and Walerdeep, al lhe fool of
lhe Iar HiIIs.
||M|NST|RS NOT|S. This is a no-
queslions asked lovn vhere raiders
are as connon as lraders. Silualed
near lhe veslern enlrance of YeIIov
Snake Iass, lhe lovn sees a Iol of lrade
5 1
and agenls of lhe Zhenlarin and lheir
forces al DarkhoId.
AT A G|ANC|. HiIp is a snaII lovn of
soulhern Cornyr. Il is unforlified, and
surrounded ly roIIing farns and graz-
ing Iands.
||M|NST|RS NOT|S. This sIeepy viI-
Iage lelveen Innersea and SuzaiI is
naned for lhe varrior vho founded il
Iong ago ly sIaying or driving oul aII lhe
lroIIs lhal infesled lhe area. Il is lhe
IocaI farners narkel and has a Iarge
coopers and vagonnakers lusiness.
GAM| |N|ORMAT|ON. The IocaI Iord of
HiIp is a forner nerchanl naned Doon
Dzavar. Doon is nol a nalive lo Cornyr,
lul has vorked hard in his lrief lenure
lo earn lolh lhe approvaI of lhe peopIe
of HiIp and lhe crovn.
AT A G|ANC|. HIinlar is a snaII cross-
roads lovn silualed a days hard ride
fron lolh CaIaunl and Tanlris, lo lhe
Lasl of lhe Dragon Reach.
AT A G|ANC|. This lovn of a hundred
luiIdings is sel al lhe fool of lhe Iar
HiIIs, and surrounded ly a vaII of slone
len feel high. Three gales pierce lhe
vaII, and vaII-lops are palroIIed. The
lovn is circuIar, and ils Iargesl luiIding
is a lenpIe near lhe cenler of lovn.
||M|NST|RS NOT|S. HIulhvar vas
naned for a IocaIIy lorn varrior hero
vho foughl and died al lhe BallIe of lhe
Bones. Localed al lhe fool of lhe Iar
Hi I I s, l he l ovn i s vi l hi n si ghl of
DarkhoId (q.v.) and is arned againsl il,
and ils palroIs are nol veIcone here.
HIulhvar is a nediun-sized lovn sur-
rounded ly a len-fool high vaII of
slone, vhich surrounds lhe cily in a
rough circIe. The slreels of lhe cily
radiale fron lhe cenlraI open narkel
Iike lhe spokes of a vheeI, vilh lhe Iarg-
esl slreel leing lhe norlh-soulh road
lhal foIIovs lhe Trade Roule. Al lhe
norlh end of lhe circIe slands a lenpIe
lo HeIn and a Iarge Iivery slalIe, al lhe
soulhern end a vagonvains shop and
lhe IocaI inn, Tnc la|cnfu| |qc.
GAM| |N|ORMAT|ON. The lovn is
doninaled ly lhe lenpIe of HeIn,
vhose high priesl is a 13lh IeveI Ialri-
arch naned Maurandyr. The lovns
niIilia consisls of 7O 2nd-IeveI fighlers
of lolh sexes, in pIale naiI vilh svords
and crosslovs, and is organized ly lhe
AT A G|ANC|. A snaII lovn in Senlia.
Il is lhe sile of severaI deep, never-
faiIing veIIs of pure nineraI valer used
ly a nunler of IocaI failhs as an ingre-
dienl for lheir hoIy valer. Il is aIso lhe
hone of a nunler of reknovn pollers
and jeveIers. See SLMBIA.
AT A G|ANC|. Ierched on lhe veslern
edge of lhe Wyvernvaler, Innersea is
an unforlified lovn of aloul a hundred
slruclures, vilh severaI Iarge nanors
lo lhe soulh and vesl of lhe cily.
||M|NST|RS NOT|S. Innersea is a
vay-lovn on lhe road, a slopover and
valering-pIace for lhe horses and Iive-
slock, as il is righl on lhe Wyvernvaler.
A Iarge inn, Tnc |itc |inc |isn, pro-
duces ils ovn polenl and juslIy-faned
aIe here.
The nanor lo lhe soulh and vesl is
caIIed Redslone for ils coIor, and is
ancesloriaI hone of lhe Wyvernspur
faniIy, a group of pelly nolIes. The cas-
lIe is aIso lhe currenl alode of San-
lavan Sudacar, lhe IocaI Iord appoinled
ly lhe King. Sanlavan is neilher IocaI
(he is a nalive of SuzaiII nor a Lord, and
his nain occupalion is lo slay oul of lhe
vay vhi I e hi s HeraI d handI es lhe
inporlanl lusiness of lhe area.
Innersea is aIso hone lo lhe Misl-
Iishers, vho go oul in lhe norning
nisls lo calch fish in lhe Wyvernvaler
vilh Iong dragIines and scoop-nels. A
nap of Innersea nay le found on
page 53.
GAM| |N|ORMAT|ON. Sanlavan Suda-
car had a lrief career as an advenlurer
lefore sellIing dovn lo a Iife of courl
poIilics, and is a 3rd IeveI fighler. His
aIignnenl is IavfuI neulraI.
AT A G|ANC|. InpiIlur is a nalion of
uniled cily slales rising in lhe area
lelveen lhe Larlhfasl nounlains and
lhe lay caIIed Laslingreach, soulh of
Danara on lhe shores of lhe Sea of IaII-
ing Slars.
||M|NST|RS NOT|S. InpuIlur vas
forned lvo hundred and sixly vinlers
ago, vhen lhe independenl cilies of
Lyralar, HIannach, DiIpur and SarsheI
vere uniled ly Inphras, var-caplain of
Lyralar, lo face lhe nenace of holgol-
Iin hordes advancing fron lhe Cianl-
spire Mounlains, fron vhence lhey
had onIy raided sporadicaIIy lefore.
InpiIlur loday is a var-ready reaIn,
sliII on lhe fronlier of civiIized Iands,
lul IargeIy al peace. Il is friendIy vilh
ils neighlors TeIfIann, Rashenen,
AgIarond, and lhe scallered slales of
Danara, and does nol neddIe in affairs
leyond ils lorders.
InpiIlur is sliII a Iand of opporlunily
for lhe daring and lhe hard-vorking,
rich nev copper, siIver, and iron Iodes
have leen found norlh of Lyralar and
near lhe High Iass, and lrade is increas-
ing in lhe area, reaching oul lo Rashe-
ne n , S e nl i a , I r o c a np u r , a n d
BIoodslone Iass,
The arns of InpiIlur are a crossed
svord and vand on a dun lanner, lor-
dered in scarIel.
GAM| | N|ORMAT| ON. Mos l of
InpiIlur s inediale neighlors are
friendIy and open lo lhe nalion and ils
cilizens. ne is nol, and anolher is ques-
Lolhchas lhe landil-Iord operales in
lhe Deserlspire Mounlains and lhe Ice
Corge lo lhe vesl, vhere lhe holgol-
Iins Iived ere lheir slrenglh vas lroken.
Lolhchas is a 15lh IeveI Iord vilh a
snaII lul poverfuI group of foIIovers
(nunlering aloul 5O lolaI, lul incIud-
ing aII non-good characler cIasses and
nol incIuding any Iess lhan 9lh IeveI).
Those lrespassing on his Iands are
rolled and sIaughlered, and nol even
lhe descendanls of Inphras II can lurn
hin oul.
The olher neighlor is queslionalIe,
lo lhe norlh and easl in lhe Creal DaIe
and lhe voods norlh of vhere NarfeII
once fIourished, dveIIs lhe Nenlyarch,
a nyslerious nage of greal pover vho
ruIes grin nen and slrange leasls, Iiv-
ing in peace, unIess lhe vood is enlered
ly lhose he has nol inviled, such unin-
viled guesls sinpIy vanish.
SanlryI is a nagic-user of 17lh IeveI
and chaol i c- good aI i gnnenl , vho
underslands lhe need for her appear-
ance al Ieadership lul finds il loring
and ledious al lesl, unpIeasanl and
insuIling al vorsl.
The Lords of Inphras II are lhe lrue
proleclors of lhe reaIns, and nunler
lveIve, lheir IeveIs are unknovn lul
nol Iess lhan 11lh, and lheir aIignnenl
aInosl aIvays IavfuI and good. Their
nanes are: