FR Campaign 1st Edition

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"These 1hImgs aLso I haoe obsenoeo: 1ha1 kmouLeoge o[ oun uonLo Is

1o be mun1uneo LIke a pnecIous [Louen, [on I1 Is 1he mos1 pnecIous

1hImg ue haoe. Vhene[one guano 1he uono unI11em amo heeo
uonos umunI11em~amo se1 1hem ooum ene 1he [aoe . . . Leanm
1hem, ueLL, 1he an1s o[ neaoImg, unI1Img, amo LIs1emImg 1nue, amo 1he
uILL Leao ou 1o 1he gnea1es1 an1 o[ aLL: umoens1amoImg."
~ALaumoo o[ CamoLekeep
CcLopeoIa o[ 1he ReaLms
Tab!c nf Cnntcnts
Inlroduclions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4
Aloul lhis Iroducl . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5
Tine in lhe ReaIns . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6
Nanes in lhe ReaIns . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7
Languages of lhe ReaIns . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8
Currency in lhe ReaIns . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9
ReIigion in lhe ReaIns . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 O
CycIopedia Lnlries . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 9
Anauroch Map . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 3
AraleI Map . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 4
Cornyr Map . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 3
Cornyr RoyaI Lineage . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 4
DaIeIandsMap . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 6
Innersea Map . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 3
Mages SigiIs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 8 , 5 9
Merchanl Conpany Banners . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 3
Mylh Drannor Maps . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 6 , 6 7
ScornuleI Map . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 5
Id SkuII Inn Map . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 6
ShadovdaIe Map . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 8
SuzaiI Map . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8 2 , 8 3
Weslgale Map . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9 O , 9 1
ZhenliI Keep Nelvork. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9 3
Appendix: The ShadovdaIe Census . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9 4
Credils Craphic Design: Slephanie Talal
CaIIigraphy (Runes, SigiIs, Languages): IauIa M. HoIz
Design: Ld Creenvood
Design and DeveIopnenl: }eff Crull
Ldiling: Karen S. Marlin
Cover Arl: Keilh Iarkinson
Deily/Iailh SynloIs: David L. Marlin
Typography: Belly LInore
Inlerior Arl: }eff LasIey, Keilh Iarkinson, Tin Conrad
Carlography: DieseI, Dave SulherIand, Dennis & Ron Kaulh
Irinled in lhe U.S.A.
ISBN O-88O38-472-7
TSR, Inc.
POB 756
Lake Geneva, WI
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Distributed to the book trade in the United States by Random House Inc., and in Canada by Random House of Canada, Ltd. Distributed to the toy and hobby trade by regional distribu-
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hal vhich foIIovs is a lrief inlro-
duclion lo lhe vorId of lhe Iorgol-
len ReaIns, vilh hopes lo enlerlain,
iIIuninale, and provide infornalion in
canpaigns using lhe ADVANCLD
DUNCLNS & DRACNS syslen. This
lone and lhe cycIopedia il conlains,
vilh ils conpanion voIune, lhe DMs
Scurccocc| cf |nc Rca|ns, shouId aIIov
lhe crealion of an individuaI canpaign
selling using lhis vorId.
The Iorgollen ReaIns are a vorId
very siniIar lo lhe Larlh of lhe 13lh and
14lh cenluries. Mosl of lhe area under
discussion here has unliI recenlIy leen
covered ly viId foresls and unsellIed
grassIands. CiviIizalion is sliII a noveIly
in nuch of lhis vorId, even lhe oIdesl
of cilies on lhe InIand Sea, or lhe found-
ing of Walerdeep, lhe grealesl Cily of
lhe Norlh, are vilhin lhe nenory of
lhe oIdesl Iiving eIves of Lverneel.
The peopIe of lhese reaIns (incIuding
nan, dvarf, eIf, gnone, and haIfIing)
are siniIar in nindsel and advance-
nenl lo lhe nen of lhe 13lh cenlury.
Cily-slales are connon, and nalions on
lhe increase as nore of lhe viId Iands
are pushed lack and galhered under a
singIe king or governnenl. SkiIIs such
as nelaIvorking, farning, and crafl-
induslry are connon in lhe civiIized
Iands, so lhal svords and heavy nelaI
arnor are aII-loo avaiIalIe lo lhe var-
rior. Lileracy and lhe quesl for knovI-
edge in on lhe rise, vilh lhe recenl
inlroduclion of prinled hand-liIIs in
Walerdeep. The nerchanls-cIass is
increasing in lolh veaIlh and pover as
nore narkels and resources open up.
Iailh, vhiIe nol as doninanl as in
Lurope of lhis period, is a najor force
in lhe Iives of lhe peopIe.
There are greal differences lelveen
lhal vorId and lhis as veII. Creal leasls
and eviI hunanoids vander lhe viId (and
nol-so-viId) counlry of lhe Iorgollen
ReaIns. Ruins of ancienl cilies and lov-
ers nay le found anong lhe under-
lrush, oId Iands and nanes lhal are Iosl
lo nenory and lhe pasl. And lhere is
Sone individuaIs of lhe Iorgollen
ReaIns have lhe aliIily lo channeI nagi-
caI energies, aIIoving lhen lo perforn
nighly lasks. lhers receive such aliIi-
lies vilh lhe lIessing of exlra-pIanar
leings knovn as Iovers. These nagic-
users and cIerics can reshape lhe face
of lhe vorId, and indeed have done so
over lhe niIIennia. HiIIs and foresls
nay appear vhere lhere have leen
none lefore, and nounlains nay nove
severaI niIes. A greal sandy vasle has
leen noving furlher soulh in lhe hearl
of lhe ReaIns, nalched ly a sheel of
ice, equaIIy reIenlIess, lo ils easl. Nei-
lher of lhese nay le lhe fauIl of nalure
aIone, lul lhe neddIing of speII-caslers,
hunan and olhervise.
IinaIIy, lhe ReaIns are a Iand of
advenlure, and lherefore advenlurers.
Il is lhe line of heroes, vhen one nan
of pure hearl (or vilh a poverfuI arli-
facl) nay hoId his ovn againsl eneny
hordes, vhere Iegions of eviI forces
nay nusler and le deslroyed ly lhe
aclions of a fev, vhere lhe nalions rise
and faII on nagicaI lides vhich nere
nen can conlroI. Il is a line vhen lhe
loId and lhe Iucky nay nake lheir for-
lunes and gain greal pover over lheir
The infornalion presenled herein is
as knovn lo nyseIf, lhose aloul ne in
lhe Iands norlh and vesl of lhe Sea of
IaIIen Slars, and lhose I have encoun-
lered in ny lraveIs. n ny vord as a
sage nolhing vilhin lhese pages is faIse,
lul nol aII of il nay prove lo le lrue. AII
slories presenled are as I have heard
lhen and had lhen recorded, aII infor-
nalion is checked as lesl as possilIe
given lhe Iiniled resources of an oId
nan in a snaII lovn (even if lhal oId
nan has lhe pover lo fIallen noun-
lains, nind you). As you advenlure in
lhis fanlasy vorId, le varned lhal nol
aII lhings are as lhey appear, and lrusl
lo your vils, your veapons, and your
connon sense in surviving and profil-
ing fron lhe Iorgollen ReaIns.
As recorded ly Lhaeo, Scrile lo lhe
3Olh and Iasl day of NighlaI, Year of lhe
Irince, 1357 DaIereckoning
Abou1 1hIs Pnoouc1
sel conlains lvo looks, four naps,
and lvo sels of pIaslic overIays. The
pIaslic overIays are used lo delernine
dislances in lhe reaIns vilhoul need of
overIaying hexes or olher grids on lhe
surfaces of lhe naps lhenseIves. Tvo
of lhe naps are dravn lo provide a gen-
eraI overviev of lhe ReaIns, running
fron lhe Moonshae IsIes in lhe vesl lo
lhe Iand of Thay in lhe easl, and fron
lhe Spine of The WorId Mounlains in
lhe Norlh lo lhe }ungIes of ChuIl in lhe
soulh. These naps have leen dravn
vilh lhal infornalion avaiIalIe lo our
represenlalive in lhe ReaIns, LIninsler
lhe Sage, and represenls vhal is knovn
of lhose Iands fron lhe nindsel of lhe
DaIeIands and Cornyr.
The olher lvo naps are delaiIed
lIov-ups of seclions of lhe forner
naps, covering lhal region fron lhe
Svord Coasl lo The Dragon Reach in
greal delaiI, for use in advenluring
lhrough lhe ReaIns. As nore of lhe
vorId is fuIIy expIored, nore naps of
lhis and scaIe viII le nade avaiIalIe for
use in ReaIns-reIaled producls.
The look you are reading, Tnc Cqc|c-
pcia cf |nc Rca|ns, is inlended as a
generaI overviev of Iife in lhe Iorgol-
len ReaIns, concenlraling on lhose
areas lesl-knovn lo our source. Thal is
lo say, lhis look concenlrales prinariIy
on lhose areas delaiIed in lhe Iarge-
scaIe naps. Areas leyond lheir lorders
vhich are of inleresl or infIuence in lhe
area (such as lhe Iand of Red Wizards,
Thay) are incIuded as veII, as are IocaI
Iegends and slories lhal nighl easiIy le
knovn lo lhose Iiving in lhese lines.
The second look, Tnc DMs Scurcc-
occ| cf | nc Rc a| ns , i s vr i l l en l o
enphasize lhe use of lhe ReaIns for lhe
AD&D gane syslen, incIuding lalIes
and infornalion necessary for running
a canpaign, advice on lhe differenl
lypes or slyIes of canpaigns, sone san-
pIe advenlures, and ilens speciaIIy
geared lo lhe IRCTTLN RLALMS
This look is divided in lvo porlions:
lhe firsl a generaI overviev on lhe
ReaIns and lhose lhings connon lo
nosl of lhe ReaIns (Currency, CaIen-
dar, najor gods, and Ianguage), lhe sec-
ond leing a CycIopedia seclion, vhich
is an aIphalelicaI descriplion of lhe
naj or regions of lhe ReaIns, lheir
races, and lhe pover groups vhich
infIuence lhe vorId.
The CycIopedia enlries are furlher
spIil inlo lhree seclions. They are:
AT A GLANCL: This is infornalion
readiIy avaiIalIe lo individuaIs in
lhe ReaIns, such as hov a lovn
Iooks vhen riding inlo il (is il
vaIIed or open` Are lhere lrading
conpanies` Any Iarge lenpIes`). Il
is a lrief sunnary of infornalion
vilh a nininun of delaiI.
fron lhe lexls of lhe Sage of Sha-
dovdaIe, lhis seclion incIudes aII
nanner of delaiIs, noles, gossip,
Iegends, laIes, and olher generaI
infornalion on lhe area or indi-
viduaIs encounlered.
sonelhing viII le nenlioned in
lhe seclion of LIninslers Noles
vhich nay require furlher expIa-
nalion for lhe AD&D gane pIayer,
such as suspecled IeveIs of a ruIer
or guard-caplain, lhe nunlers of
a palroI or arned force, or slals
for ships or lypes of aIcohoI. Ralh-
er lhan digress in lhe lexl, or refer
l he c ur i ous gane- pI ayer l o
anolher seclion, lhose lopics are
covered under lhis heading.
AIso provided vilhin lhis lexl are var-
ious and sundry naps of cilies and
lovns vilhin lhe ReaIns, ranging fron
ScornuleI lhe Trade-cily lo SuzaiI, capi-
laI of Cornyr, lo ShadovdaIe~a very
snaII lovn vilh sone very poverfuI
proleclors. The Cily of SpIendors,
Walerdeep, is nenlioned in passing,
and a fuII descriplion of lhe Iargesl cily
in lhe Norlh is Iefl lo a projecl vhich
can do juslice lo lhe space required lo
discuss il. AIso incIuded here is lhe Cen-
sus of lhe lovn of ShadovdaIe, laken
fron ils Book f Days, on lhe eve of a
recenl lallIe, lo nole lhe lypicaI inhal-
ilanls of such an area.
TIe caLean a ncLL c
The foIIoving caIendar is specificaIIy
laiIored for lhe kingdon of Cornyr.
The year consisls of 365 days: 12
nonlhs of exaclIy 3O days each (due lo
lhe singIe noon and ils foIIovers), pIus
5 days lhal faII lelveen nonlhs. These
days are speciaI occasions. Leap year is
relained pureIy for sociaI convenience,
and provides a sixlh speciaI day lhal is
used as lhe lasis for Iong-lern agree-
nenls and such.
Monlhs are suldivided inlo lhree len-
day periods. These are knovn various-
Iy as eves, lendays, donen, hyrar,
or rides lhroughoul lhe Iorgollen
ReaIns. Rides is lhe slandard lern used
in Cornyr and lhe DaIeIands, and is
used for reference in lhese lexls.
AIlhough lhe nonlhs lhenseIves are
slandardized, lhe syslen of daling var-
ies fron pIace lo pIace. UsuaIIy, years
are nunlered fron an evenl of greal
poIilicaI or reIigious significance, each
nalion or region has cuIlures vilh
unique hislories, and lhus differenl
reckonings. The syslen in naning lhe
nonlhs is naned for ils invenlor, lhe
Iong-dead vizard Harplos of KaaIinlh,
and is in use lhroughoul lhe Norlh.
The CaLemoan O[ Hanp1os
The nane of each nonlh in lhe CaIen-
dar of Harplos is Iisled leIov, fron lhe
leginning of a caIendar year lo lhe end.
Lach nonlhs nane is foIIoved ly a coI-
IoquiaI descriplion of lhal nonlh, pIus
lhe corresponding nonlh of lhe Crego-
rian caIendar in parenlheses.
SpeciaI days are Iisled vhen lhey
occur lelveen nonlhs and appear in
ilaIic lype. Lach speciaI day is descriled
in a paragraph foIIoving lhe caIendar
1. Hanner, Deepvinler. ]anuarq
SpeciaI Day: Midvinler
2. AIluriak, The CIav of Winler, or The
CIavs of lhe CoId. |coruarq
3. Ches of lhe Sunsels. Marcn
4. Tarsakh of lhe Slorns. Apri|
SpeciaI Day: Creengrass
5. MirluI, The MeIling. Maq
6. Kylhorn, The Tine of IIovers.
] unc
7. IIaneruIe, Sunnerlide. ]u|q
SpeciaI Day: Midsunner
8. LIeasias, Highsun. Augus|
9. LIeinl, The Iading. Scp|cnocr
SpeciaI Day: Higharveslide
1O. Marpenolh, LeafaII. Oc|cocr
11. Uklar, The Rolling. Nctcnocr
SpeciaI Day: The Ieasl of lhe Moon
12. NighlaI, The Draving Dovn.
Dc c c noc r
5pecIaL CaLemoan Das
Miuin|cr is knovn officiaIIy as lhe
High IeslivaI of Winler. Il is a feasl
vhere, lradilionaIIy, lhe Iords of lhe
Iand pIan lhe year ahead, nake and
renev aIIiances, and send gifls of good-
vi I I . To l he connonf oI k, l hi s i s
Deadvinler Day, lhe nidpoinl of lhe
vorsl of lhe coId.
Grccngrass is lhe officiaI leginning of
spring, a day of reIaxalion. IIovers lhal
have leen carefuIIy grovn in inner
roons of lhe keeps and lenpIes during
lhe vinler are lIessed and casl oul
upon lhe snov, lo lring rich grovlh in
lhe season ahead.
Misunncr, caIIed Midsunner Nighl
or lhe Long Nighl, is a line of feasling
and nusic and Iove. In a cerenony per-
forned in sone Iands, unved naidens
are sel free in lhe voods and hunled
ly lheir vouId-le suilors lhroughoul
lhe nighl. BelrolhaIs are lradilionaIIy
nade upon lhis nighl. Il is very rare
indeed for lhe vealher lo le lad dur-
ing lhe nighl~such is considered a very
lad onen, usuaIIy lhoughl lo foreleII
fanine or pIague.
Hignartcs|ic heraIds lhe coning of
faII and lhe harvesl. Il is a feasl lhal
oflen conlinues for lhe Ienglh of lhe
harvesl, so lhal lhere is aIvays food for
lhose coning in fron lhe fieIds. There
is nuch lraveIing aloul on lhe heeIs of
lhe feasl, as nerchanls, courl enis-
saries, and piIgrins nake speed ere lhe
vorsl of lhe nud arrives and lhe rain
freezes in lhe snov.
Tnc |cas| cf |nc Mccn is lhe Iasl greal
feslivaI of lhe year. Il narks lhe arrivaI
of vinler, and is aIso lhe day vhen lhe
dead are honored. Craves are lIessed,
lhe RiluaI of Renenlrance perforned,
and laIes of lhe doing of lhose nov gone
are loId far inlo lhe nighl. Much is said
of heroes and lreasure and Iosl cilies
nce every four years, anolher day is
added lo lhe year in lhe nanner of Iel-
ruary 29 in lhe Cregorian caIendar.
This day is parl of no nonlh, and foI-
Iovs Midsunner Nighl. Il is knovn as
lhe Snic|ncc|. Il is a day of open coun-
ciI lelveen nolIes and peopIe, a day for
lhe naking and reneving of pacls,
oalhs, and agreenenls, lournanenls,
lesls and lriaIs for lhose vishing lo
advance in lallIe fane or cIericaI sland-
ing, for enlerlainnenl of aII lypes, par-
licuIarIy lhealricaI, and for dueIing.
Wars, ly lhe vay, are oflen lul nol
aIvays foughl afler lhe harvesl is done,
conlinuing as Iale as lhe vealher per-
nils. The luIk of lhe fighling lakes
pIace in lhe nonlh of Uklar, and lhe
ironic praclicaIily of lhe Ieasl of lhe
Moon is readiIy apparenl.
Years (vinlers) are referred lo ly
nanes, each one consislenl across lhe
ReaIns, lecause each kingdon or cily-
slale nunlers years differenlIy, usuaIIy
lo neasure lhe reign of a dynasly or lhe
currenl nonarch, or since lhe founding
of lhe counlry. The currenl year is 1332
i n Cornyr, and 1357 i n lhe DaI es
(DaIereckoning, or DR). The Cornyr
Reckoning derives fron lhe foundalion
of House larskyr, lhe dynasly vhich
sliII ruIes lhal Iand. DaIereckoning is
laken fron lhe year lhal nen vere firsl
pernilled ly lhe LIven Courl lo sellIe
in lhe nore open regions of lhe foresls.
Dales given vilhin lhis lone are in
DaIereckoning for lhe sake of conven-
ience, lhough olher regions viII have
lheir ovn nelhods of reckoning lhe
passage of lhe years.
Nanes for lhe years are knovn as lhe
RoII of Years, as lhey are dravn fron
prediclions vrillen dovn under lhal
lilIe ly lhe fanous Losl Sage, Augalhra
lhe Mad, vilh a fev addilions ly lhe
seer AIaundo (for furlher infornalion
on AIaundo see enlry under CandIe-
keep). The RoII is a Iong one, here is lhe
reIevanl porlion of il.
year jusl ending).
(1352 DR)
(1353 DR)
(1354 DR)
(1355 DR)
(1356 DR)
(1357 DR~
(1358 DR)
(1359 DR)
(136O DR)
(1361 DR)
(1362 DR)
(1363 DR)
(1364 DR)
(1365 DR)
(1366 DR)
(1367 DR)
(1368 DR)
The syslen of naning is vide and var-
ied in lhe reaIns, vilh nany IocaI cus-
lons connon. IIayer characlers nay
carry one- or lvo-parl nanes, nick-
nanes, lilIes, or pseudonyns in lheir
career. CeneraI guideIines on naning
are as foIIovs.
Ccnncn Hunani|q. The grealer luIk
of hunanily lakes a singIe nane, such
as Dousl or Mourngryn, vilh a sec-
ondary nane added if lhere is confu-
sion, eilher fron profession (Dousl lhe
Iighler), Iocalion (Dousl of Shadov-
daIe), or Iineage (lhe Ialler in parlicuIar
if sone Iegendary figure vas in lhe
faniIy Iine, such as Dousl, Crandson of
Miniler lhe Sage). In addilion, an nane
nay le added for a physicaI condilion,
such as BIacknane or Iirehair, of for
sone I egendary or exl raordi nary
evenl. (There are a Iarge nunler of
lroIIkiIIers in lhe ReaIns, nore a
credil lo lhe nunlers of lhe nonslers
ralher lhan lhe provess of lheir sIay-
ers.) In lhe course of a Iifeline, an aver-
age hunan can lake and discard severaI
surnanes, keeping his given nane
Hunan Nco|cs an Gcn|rq. These
individuaIs lend lo relain lhe faniIy
nane, a nane usuaIIy derived fron lhe
individuaI vho eslalIished lhe faniIys
fane, posilion, or provess. Such nanes
are relained even afler lhe noliIily has
faIIen fron grace or pover. Ior exan-
pIe, lhe Wyvernspurs of Cornyr, vhiIe
sliII veII off, are significanlIy Iess pov-
erfuI lhan lhe days vhen lhey vere
advisors lo lhe king. Again, speciaI
nanes for evenls or appearances are
Hunan Magi c- uscrs. Magi c- users
lend lo eschev Iong lilIes and nanes,
and lhe generaI feeIing is lhal a nages
fane shouId precede hin, such lhal a
singIe nenlion of lhe nane is sufficienl,
and no one vouId doull lhe speaker
vas refering lo anyone eIse lul lhe gen-
uine arlicIe. Ior exanpIe, lhere nay
veII le an LIninsler lhe Barler, or
LIninsler of Walerdeep, lul lhe refer-
ence of LIninsler (or even lhe nore
nodesl LIninsler lhe Sage) refers lo
lhe advisor vilhoul peer vho resides in
Hunan C|crics. Idenlificalions of lhe
failhs of lhe reaIns are usuaIIy incIuded
in a nane, suppIanling any faniIy or
nolI e nanes . Anas l er , CI er i c of
Tynora can le referred lo as Anasler
of Tynora vilhoul incidenl. In higher
church circIes, invoIving Ieaders of par-
licuIar lenpIes or failhs, lhe fuII lilIe is
inporlanl, such as Asgaorlh of Ten-
pus, Ialriarch of BaIdurs Cale.
||tcs. The IeopIe have faniIy
nanes, vhich lhey lend lo lransIale
lack inlo connon as nicknanes, so
l h a l l h e r e vi I I l e f a ni I i e s o f
Slronglovs or SlargIovs in lhe
vorId. Such faniIy nanes are inpor-
lanl in lhal eIvish silIings can le hun-
dreds of years aparl in age. HaIf-eIves
lake LIvish or Hunan naning fashions,
depending on vhere lhey vere raised,
and change lack and forlh severaI
Duar tc s . Dvar ves have a ver y
slrong sense of lheir pasl and lhe
heroes in lheir faniIies. They carry
onIy a firsl nane, foIIoved ly lhe quaIi-
fier of herilage. The Iovesl dvarves
allach lhenseIves lo lheir slale, such as
Mongor of lhe Iron House. Dvarves
vilh a hero or dvarf of renovn in lheir
herilage nay use lhe appeIIalion son
of or grandson of such as TheIarn,
son of Mongolh. Beyond lvo genera-
lions, lhe phrase lIood of is used, lul
onIy for lhe grealesl dvarven Ieaders,
as in Nor, lIood of CheIIin, king-in-exiIe
of lhe Iron House.
Gncncs. These quiel peopIe use lolh
given and surnanes, and nainlain Iong-
slanding faniIy lies, such lhal a lhird
nane, for Iocalion, nay le necessary.
Ior exanpIe, oulside of his hone Iand,
Wysdor Sandniner nay have lo le
knovn as Wysdor Sandniner, of lhe
Sandniners of AraleI, lo avoid con-
slanl discussions vilh olher gnones
lhal nay or nay nol le cIose reIalions.
Ha|fings. HaIfIings are siniIar lo lhe
gnones in lhe facl lhal lhey lolh given
and surnanes, lul lolh lhose nanes
nay change over line, and le over-
Iapped vilh nicknanes for advenlures,
physicaI aliIilies, and pel or dininulive
nanes, and in addilion, nay le Iosl
lehind a naze of pseudonyns and faIse
lackgrounds. Ior exanpIe, lhe haIfIing
Corkilron AIIinanuck chose lolh firsl
and I asl nanes ( hi s parenl s vere
naned Burrovs), and goes ly lhe dini-
nuilive Corky and lhe nicknane High
RoII. The Iasl cones fron his penchanl
for dicing for lreasure, saying High
RoII gels il! If lhe olhers agree lo such a
deaI, lhe haIfIing feeIs no quaIn,
regardIess of lhe dice, laking his righl-
fuI properly fron lhe olhers. (Afler aII,
lhey did agree lhal High RoII vouId
gel il.)
O|ncr Raccs. Mosl of lhe olher races
nake do vilh a singIe nane, and fur-
lher cIarificalion as need le (a cenlaur
naned AI dophus nay le c aI I ed
AIdophus lhe Roan, for exanpIe). rcs
and golIins lend lo use proper nanes
onIy vhen lhey need lo, lhe resl of line
using a nalive vord lhal lransIales as
Hey You! in everyday speech (a lrue
speaker of lhe orcish longue can pul a
greal deaI of venon lehind lhe vord,
such lhal fighls can slarl in lars al ils
Mosl peopIe norlh and easl of lhe Sea of
IaIIen Slars are Iilerale, al Ieasl lo sone
degree. This is nol lhe case, lraveIers
and lulors have inlinaled, lhroughoul
lhe ReaIns. Weslgale, soulhern Sen-
lia, and perhaps HiIIsfar are lhe pre-
doninanlIy Iilerale areas in lhe vicinily,
and Walerdeep on lhe Svord Coasl,
eIsevhere lrusl lo your longue, as
vayfarers say.
Nole lhal every aIignnenl has ils ovn
speciaI longue, underslandalIe usuaIIy
onIy lo lhose of Iike aIignnenl. Such
longues are very lasic, alIe lo connu-
nicale acceplance or disagreenenl,
enolions, and favored concepls or
leIiefs (for exanpIe, IavfuI leings
couId discuss juslice and ils adninis-
lralion). AIignnenl longues are nol
used vilh slrangers, and so are vieved
as offensive (in lhe Ieasl) and hosliIe (al
Thieves, druids, and iIIusionisls aIso
have lheir ovn speciaI Ianguages, in
addilion lo lhe High Tongue in vhich
runes of pover (i.e. nagic, as nagic
users knov il) are sel dovn. AInosl aII
i nl eI I i genl c r eal ur es you ni ghl
encounler can undersland and speak
connon (lhe lrade-longue of nen,
spoken vilh IillIe variance aII across lhe
knovn ReaIns), aIlhough lhey nay pre-
lend nol lo.
Iron region lo region of lhe ReaIns
Connon nay have differenl accenls
and sIighlIy differenl vocaluIaries,
infIuenced ly olher IocaI hunan and
nonhunan longues. WhiIe a nalive of
Thay viII le alIe lo connunicale vilh
a denizen of BaIdurs Cale, each viII le
avare of lhe olhers ridicuIous accenl.
In a siniIar fashion, non-hunan
longues each leIong lo lhe sane Iin-
guislic lree, so lhal eIves nalive lo
Lvereska, Lverneel, and lhe LIven
Courl nay undersland each olher (lar-
ring again IocaI diaIecls and accenl). To
hunans , an eI vi s h c onnon i s
referred lo sinpIy as eIvish, and lhe
dvarvish connon as dvarvish.
VnI11em Lamguages
Wrillen longues are nuch rarer lhan
spoken Ianguages, for nosl races have
no use for lhen leyond lhe slandard
rune-synloIs lhal are universaIIy rec-
ognized. They are as foIIovs.
The vrillen connon longue, vhich is
presenled in lhese vriling as LngIish, is
a descendenl of Thorass, lhe originaI
lrade-Ianguage. Lileracy in lhis longue
is rare (and laken as a separale Ian-
guage), as nosl individuaIs use runes
for conveying infornalion.
The secrel Ianguage or nagicaI scripl
of iIIusionisls is rareIy found in lhe
ReaIns. IIIusionisls lhenseIves are fair-
Iy rare in lhe Norlh~lul Walerdeep is
knovn lo hoId al Ieasl one Iilrary of
looks i n l hal dveoner - guar ded
longue. Il has leen surnised lhal lhis
vrillen secrel Ianguage of lhe iIIu-
sionisls is derived fron lhe use of nagi-
caI runes.
THORA55 (Au!d Cnmmnn)
Thorass, or lhe vrillen lrade-longue
and universaI Ianguage of lhe Iong-ago
ReaIns (oflen found in lonls, under-
ground vays and halilalions, and
even~sliII in currenl use~in cerlain
soulhern areas of lhe ReaIns) is lhe
anceslor of lhe Connon Tongue. Trou-
lIed lines across Norlh (vhen lhe
Inner Sea Iands vere very sparseIy sel-
lIed) caused a period of IillIe Iileracy
anong young peopIe, and lhe use of
runes or synloI s ( del ai I ed I al er)
repIace Thorass for a line.
An inscriplion in Thorass viII lrans-
Iale direclIy inlo Connon, aIleil usu-
aIIy a sliIled and archaic forn of
phrasing and vocaluIary.
Lspruar (Ls-prue-AR) is lhe SiIver LIven
aIphalel, in vhich nosl eIves of lhe
ReaIns render nessages, eilher in Con-
non or lheir nalive Ianguage.
Dvarves seIdon vrile on lhal vhich can
perish. RareIy, lhey slanp or inscrile
runes on nelaI sheels and lind lhose
logelher lo nake looks, lul slone is lhe
usuaI nediun: slone vaIIs in caverns,
slone luiIdings, piIIars or slanding
slones~even cairns. Mosl oflen, lhey
vrile on lalIels~vhich are caIIed runes-
lones in lhe Connon Tongue.
A l ypi caI runesl one i s f I al and
dianond-shaped, aloul an inch lhick,
and of sone very hard rock. The face of
lhe slone is inscriled vilh Delhek
runes in a ring or spiraI around lhe
edge, and al lhe cenler vouId lear a
piclure. Sone runeslones have piclures
in reIief, and are used as seaIs or can le
pressed inlo vel nud lo serve as len-
porary lraiI narkers underground.
To a dvarf, aII runeslones lear sone
sorl of nessage. Mosl are covered vilh
runic scripl, lhe nosl veII-knovn of
vhich is Delhek vhich lransIales
direclIy inlo Connon. The runes of lhis
scripl are sinpIe and nade up of
slraighl Iines, for ease in culling lhen
inlo slone. No punclualion can le
shovn in Delhek, lul senlences are
usuaIIy separaled ly cross-Iines of
scripl, vords are separaled ly spaces,
and capilaI Iellers have a Iine dravn
alove l hen. Nunlers vhi ch are
encIosed in loxes (vilhin lhe franes)
are dales, day preceding year ly con-
venlion. There are coIIeclive synloIs
or characlers for idenlifying peopIes
(cIans or lriles) or races. If any runes
are painled, nanes of leings and pIaces
are connonIy picked oul in red, vhiIe
lhe resl of lhe lexl is coIored lIack or
Iefl as unadorned grooves.
Runeslones are connonIy read fron
lhe ouler edge lovard lhe cenler, lhe
vriling forns a spiraI vhich encIoses a
cenlraI piclure.
Barler and coinage of aII sorls are con-
non in lhe ReaIns. The foIIoving sys-
len is lhal of lhe nalion of Cornyr, and
i s l ypi caI of l he ol her organi zed
The favored nanner of currency in
Cornyr is lhe royaI coinage of lhe
Courl, slanped vilh a dragon on one
side, and a lreasury dale nark on lhe
olher (lhe penaIly for counlerfeiling in
Cornyr, and nosl olher siniIar nalions,
is dealh). There is no paper currency
save for I..U.s vhich are knovn as
lIood-noles, as lhey nusl le signed in
lIood ly lolh (or aII, if nore lhan lvo)
parlies invoIved, and laken lo lhe IocaI
Lord for lhe affixing of lhe royaI seaI.
Coinage lhroughoul lhe reaIns is cus-
lonariIy vaIued as foIIovs:
2OO cp = 2OO copper pieces
= 2O siIver pieces
= 2 eIeclrun pieces
= 1 goId piece
= 1/5 pIalinun piece
In Cornyr, coinage lerninoIogy is as
cp = copper pieces
= copper lhunls
= siIver pieces
= siIver faIcons
= eIeclrun pieces
= lIue eyes
gp = goId pieces
= goIden Iions
pp = pIalinun pieces
= lricrovn
A fev IocaI greelings and fareveIIs
are given hereafler, for use ly lhe lrav-
lc|| nc| ~The nosl oflen used greel-
ing, parlicuIarIy lelveen slrangers of a
differenl race or lhose of vhon one is
lc|| again ~Belveen lusiness associ-
ales or acquainlances, (i.e. veve greel-
ed lefore~hence lhe again'~and you
Iook veII) is usuaIIy used, if one is
annoyed, curl, or sarcaslic, one usuaIIy
jusl says, Again (i.e. ve neel again
or you again!)
O|crc (h~LR-ay~WeII nel/Cood
day), as lraveIers in lhe Inner Sea Iands
say, Iore lo you, ny friends.
Un|i| sucrs par| Warriors fareveII
lhroughoul lhe ReaIns.
Un| i | ncx| , naq qcur sucr oc ctcr
uc|, an qcur oc||cn rq ~lhe pirales
of lhe Inner Sea.
A|atair|nac! (AI-ah-VARL-lhay~May
your skiII prevaiI)~lhe Red Wizards of
Thay, in giving lheir fareveIIs.
Anaras|! (Ah-nah-RAST~Iare veII
unliI nexl ve neel!)~lhe saiIors of lhe
Succ| ua|cr an |ign| |augn|cr un|i|
ncx| ~lhe IeopIe (LIves).
A|utc (Ah-L-veh~I/ve Ieave you)~
lhe Drov.
Axc nign, fricn. | gc. ~Dvarvish fare-
|crgcs uarn, fricn. ~Cnonish fare-
Gcc ncrning, an gcc aq af|cr |na|!
Dcn| |c| anq|ning cur| qcur nair! (lo
vhich is sonelines added~) larc |na|
8ig |c||, an nin |nc gco|ins |cc!, as
lhe HaIfIings speak lo each olher~ lo
olhers, lhey usuaIIy say, Gcs sni|c!
(upcn qcu) /(for olhers rareIy have lhe
palience for lhe Ionger forn).
8racun| tncs |rc||n! (If you die vhiIe
In gone, do il quielIy)~HolgolIin,
vilh lhe unspoken addendun lecause
I vouIdnl vanl lo niss lhe fun.
LocaI cily slales oflen ninl lheir ovn
copper, siIver, and goId pieces, lhough
lhe eIeclrun and pIalinun pieces are
rarer, usuaIIy used onIy ly lhe nore
poverfuI slales such as Cornyr, Waler-
deep, and Ann ni nl l hese l ypes.
SnaIIer slales, such as lhe fraclured
regions of Danara, use coinage lor-
roved fron olher nalions and Iooled
fron ancienl sources.
IinaIIy, Merchanls lhroughoul lhe
ReaIns nake use of lrade-lars, eilher
of siIver or (for lhe nore profilalIe car-
avans and coslers) eIeclrun. These
lrade-lars are ingols of lhe parlicuIar
nelaI in 1O, 25, and 5O goId piece
denoninalions, and narked vilh lhe
lraiI nark of lhal parlicuIar nerchanl
or conpany.
The oeI1Ies & oemIgoos o[
1he Fongo11em ReaLms:
Humam DeI1Ies
The gods of lhe ReaIns, aIso caIIed
Pcucrs, are inporlanl leings, lhey
granl nagicaI speIIs lo lheir vorship-
pers, invoIve lhenseIves in earlhIy deaI-
ings, and grov or dininish in personaI
pover in reIalion lo lhe nunler of
norlaI vorshippers lhey possess. CIer-
ics in lhe service of a god viII advance
onIy if lhey pIease lhe god, ly renain-
ing failhfuI lo lhe gods ruIes and ains,
and acling as lhe god vishes.
There are nany deilies in lhe ReaIns,
even anong hunans, and lhis pIelhora
of divine leings, and lhe vide variance
of porlfoIios vhich lhey represenl or
epilonize, has Ied lo generaI loIerance
of lhe leIiefs and vorship of olhers in
lhe ReaIns. This exlends lo aII vho do
nol lreak Iavs anong lhe generaI pop-
uIace, lhe Courl, and lhe soIdiers of lhe
King. Hunan sacrifice is considered
nurder in IavfuI reaIns, and use of
anolhers goods as offerings is lolh
lhefl and vanlon deslruclion.
IndividuaIs, parlicuIarIy cIerics, nay
nol le aII loIeranl of lhe leIiefs of olh-
ers. Il is considered inpoIile lo inquire
loo deepIy inlo lhe delaiIs of vorship of
a god one does nol vorship or is nol
IikeIy lo vorship.
Il nighl le vise lo Iearn lhe reIigions
and/or aIignnenls of any persons you
nusl lrusl, do lusiness vilh, or adven-
lure vilh, lul lake care, il is oflen an
affronl of lhe highesl order lo ask such
infornalion openIy. Sone peopIe have
leen knovn lo allack individuaIs
inquiring as lo lheir failh.
The nain deilies and denigods of lhe
ReaIns are Iisled hereafler, incIuding
noles on Iess-najor povers, LIenenlaI
Lords, CuIls of lhe Beasl, and non-
hunan deilies.
AI I enl r i es i n l hi s s ec l i on ar e
arranged in lhe foIIoving fornal.
NAML (pronuncialion)
nic|nanc cr |i||c(s)
Hone IIane
Coddess of CoId NL
Denipover Iandenoniun
SynloI: A vhile snovfIake painled
on a grey dianond, Iong axis verlicaI.
NTLS: This denipover is porlrayed
as a leaulifuI lIue-skinned naiden
garled in a nanlIe of vhile. AuriI is
connecl ed l o TaI os. Her personaI
povers incIude doulIe-slrenglh coId
speIIs such as icc s|crn, and O|i|u|cs
f rcczi ng spncrc, and an icy lrealh
(effecl of ccnc cf cc|) lhal kiIIs pIanls
on conlacl (saving lhrov if appIicalIe),
and has lhe effecl of a successfuI crq-
s|a|ori|||c speII on aII nelaI il louches.
Hign Onc
Ialron of Magic Users LN
Denipover Arcadia
SynloI: A Hunan Hand, forefinger
poinling upvard, oulIined in a nin-
lus of lIue fire.
NTLS: Azulh is porlrayed as a pover-
fuI oId nan, unlenl ly age, vieIding a
slaff. Azulh is veneraled as lhe nosl
poverfuI of nages, and has lhe povers
of a 3Olh IeveI nagic-user and a 2Olh
IeveI cIeric. In addilion, Azulh nay le
alIe lo discern lhe aliIilies of lhose
veapons he is confronled vilh, and on
louch nay negale lhe effecls of an ilen
as a rc cf cancc||a|icn.
|cr 8anc, Tnc 8|ac| |cr
Cod of Slrife, Halred, Tyranny LL
Crealer Iover Acheron
SynloI: A lIack hand, open, vilh
lhunl and fingers aIigned logelher
(sonelines on a red fieId).
NTLS: Lord Bane is never seen,
aIlhough lhere are laIes of a freezing
lIack-laIoned hand and eyes of lIazing
fire. This leing has lolh a poverfuI
church in lhe ReaIns, and in addilion
has lhe supporl of lhe nages of ZhenliI
Keep (q.v.).
BE5HABA Beh-5HAH-ba)
Mai cf Misfcr|unc, 8|ac| 8css, |aq
Coddess of Mischief, Misforlune, III
Luck, Accidenls (Treachery,
BelrayaI) CL
Lesser Iover Alyss
SynloI: BIack anlIers on a red fieId
NTLS: The Mai d of Mi sf orl une
appears as a leaulifuI vhile-haired
face, Iaughing hyslericaIIy. III forlune
faIIs on lhose vho lehoId her. flen,
surefire pIans go avry, sloul veapons
or vaIIs suddenIy give vay, and freak
accidenls occur lo nan and leasl
vhere Beshala has leen.
|cr cf Murcr
Cod of Dealh LL
Lesser Iover Cehenna
SynloI: A circIe of red lIood-lears,
faIIing counlercIockvise, aloul a
vhile skuII.
NTLS: BhaaI slrikes unerringIy, his
dagger causing lhe area vounded lo
vilher He rareIy appears lo vorship-
pers or olhers, lul is depicled ly
1 O
priesls as a lIoody, nuliIaled corpse
vilh a feraI face and siIenl novenenls.
Il is said lhal every nurder done
slrenglhens BhaaI. WhiIe MyrkuI recog-
nized as Iord of lhe dead, BhaaI is Iord
of dealh ilseIf, lhe acl of kiIIing.
Grca| Mc|ncr
Coddess of AgricuIlure NC
Crealer Iover LIysiun
SynloI: A ludding fIover encircIed
ly lhe sun, or a sheaf of goIden
NTLS: The Creal Molher is lhe palron
of lhe farners and gardeners, and her
hand is on every pIace vhere nen seek
lo grov. Chaunlea is nol a goddess
given lo speclacIe or pagenl, lul ralher
lo snaII acls of devolion, and her len-
pIes are oflen snaII caverns and nodesl
chanlers fiIIed vilh greenery. Chaun-
lea is aIvays al var vilh AuriI and
TaIos. The Larlh Molher of Moonshae
nay le a guise or aspecl of Chaunlea.
|cr cf A|| G|qpns c |nagcs
Cod of Lileralure, Arl NC
Deni-Iover BeaslIands
SynloI: A singIe Iil candIe, oflen vilh
a eye lenealh.
NTLS: Deneir is aIIied vilh ghna,
and is popuIarIy depicled as an oId,
laIding sage vilh fIaning vhile leard.
His priesls lend lo le schoIarIy in nal-
ure, and ascrile nosl of lhe nagicaI
lones or hooks (Tcnc cf Uncrs|an-
ing, Manua| cf C|car Tncugn|, elc.) lo
Tnc Qui c| Onc, Gccss cf Si ngi ng
Coddess of WalerfaIIs, Springs,
Slreans, IooIs, SliIIness, Ieace,
Quiel IIaces, Cuardian of
Druid-Croves N
Denipover Irine MaleriaI IIane
SynloI: A valerfaII pIunging inlo a
sliII pooI, or a circuIar disc of sky-
lIue, fringed vilh green ferns.
NTLS: LIdalh has repuled anong her
povers aII enchanlnenl/charn lype
speIIs, incIuding sqnpa|nq, cnpa|nq,
s|ccp, and si|cncc 15 raius. AIIied vilh
and servanl lo SiIvanus, LIdalh is lhe
suprene pacifisl. She guards aII druids
groves and vhen she is presenl in any
grove, lhal pIace lecones a sancluary
vhere no lIovs Iand and no one feeIs
angry. The eIven var-hero TeIva is said
lo have canped in such a grove and
never laken up arns again aflervard.
LIdalh appears as a leaulifuI vonan
dressed in lransIucenl greens.
GOND Gomo)
Cod of BIacksnilhs, Arlificers, crafls
and conslruclion N
Lesser Iover Concordanl pposilion
SynloI: A loolhed vheeI of lrass,
lronze, iron, or lone.
NTLS: Cond appears as a lurIy red-
hued snilh vilh a nighly hanner, and
has al his disposaI a forge and anviI vilh
vhich he nay hanner oul lhe sluff of
slars. Those vho venerale hin are pri-
nariIy linkers, aIchenisls, and luiId-
ers, lul lhe isIand of Lanlan (q.v.)
considers vorship of Cond lhe slale
reIigion, and novhere eIse is lhe nania
for invenlion (or lhe success of such
invenlions) so slrong.
Hc cf |nc Uns|ccping |qcs
Cod of Cuardians LN
Lesser Cod Nirvana
SynloI: An open, slaring eye, oflen
painled on a nelaI gaunlIel.
NTLS: HeIn is aIvays vigiIanl, and
valchfuI. He is never surprised, and
anlicipales nosl evenls ly inleIIigence
and olservalion. He can never le lorne
off his feel, rareIy can he le lricked, and
he viII never lelray or negIecl lhal
vhich he guards. In shorl, he is lhe ideaI
of guardians, and is vorshipped so lhal
sone of his quaIilies viII cone lo, or le
lorne oul in, lhe vorshipper. TenpIes of
Cond lend lo le Iocaled vhere sone eviI
or polenliaI danger is afool, such as in
HIulhvar, al lhe fool of DarkhoId.
Cod of Lndurance, Suffering,
Marlyrdon, Ierseverance LC
Lesser Iover Tvin Iaradises
SynloI: lhe BIoodslained Rack or
crossed hands lound al lhe vrisl.
NTLS: This god appears as a lroken
nan, his hands snashed lul sliII usefuI.
IInaler is viIIing sufferer, lhe one vho
lakes lhe pIace of anolher. He has lhe
pover lo nanifesl hinseIf in crealures
leing lorlured, reIieving lheir pain, lul
onIy if such crealures are of good aIign-
nenl and have nol done anylhing lo
deserve such lrealnenl.
Cod of Spring, Davn, Conceplion
VilaIily, LlernaI Youlh, RenevaI,
SeIf-Ierfeclion, Beginnings NC
Crealer Iover LIysiun
SynloI: A vooden disk of rosy pink
NTLS: Lalhander Lord of Morning is
connander of crealivily. fferings are
nade lo hin ly lhose vho vorship olher
povers upon lhe occasion of leginning a
nev venlure or forning an aIIiance or
conpany. Lalhanders presenlalion is
eilher as a rosy radiance or nisl, or, in
earIier rendilions, of a goIden-skinned
naIe youlh of greal leauly. Ils priesls
vhere roles of pink or scarIel, lhe higher
ranks having lhen lrinned vilh ornale
rillons of goId.
|aq cf |nc Mis|s
Coddess of Deceplion, IIIusion CN
Denipover Linlo
SynloI: A lrianguIar pIaque, poinl
dovnvard, painled in cIoudy, svirI-
ing greys.
NTLS: Leira is denigoddess of decep-
lion and iIIusion, lolh naluraI and nagi-
c a I . Le i r a s l r ue a ppe a r a nc e i s
unknovn, her pri esl s vorshi p al
horned aIlars vhose upsvepl arns
frane nolhing lul air. Leira can le any-
lhing, anyvhere, lhal is nol vhal il
seens. Iev vorship Leira oulside lhe
ranks of iIIusionisls, since fev olher
lypes of characlers see profil in nisun-
derslanding and deceplion lhough
nany pay her honage lo vard her off
or pIacale her lefore inporlanl deci-
sions and judgnenls are nade. She is
seen a neulraI ralher lhan eviI lecause
she represenls lhe caprices of nalure
and nol deIilerale deceil (lhal is lhe
province of Mask).
Our |aq cf ]cq
Coddess of }oy, Carefree IeeIing,
Conlenlnenl, ReIease,
HospilaIily, Happiness, Dance,
Ialron of IeslivaIs CC
Denipover Arvandor
SynloI: Three slars of six poinls
each, coIored orange, yeIIov, and
NTLS: This goddess is aIIied lo MiIiI
and Sune, and is invoked an offered lo
al aII joyous occasions. She is usuaIIy
depicled as a young, dancing, sensuous
Iady, Iaughing and carefree. She cannol
alide vioIence and iII feeIing, and an
unshealhed svord (save for in soIenn
cerenony) any pIace is said lo le
enough lo drive her, or her favor avay.
LOVIATAR Lou-oee-A-1an)
Maicn cf Pain
Coddess of Iain, Hurl, Ialron of
Torlurers LL
Denipover Cehenna
SynloI: A lIack vhip of nine slrands
vilh larled lips.
NTLS: Lovialar is lhe leing of lhe Iinn-
ish Ianlheon in Legends & Lore, and she
appears in lhese reaIns as a paIe naiden
dressed in vhile pIealed arnor, and her
aggcr cf icc is represenled here as a sIen-
der vand. Her aliIilies and alliludes are as
for lhe Iinnish goddess of hurl.
Tnc 8cas||cr, Tnc S|a||cr
Cod of WiId, Marauding Beasls,
BIoodIusl, and Hunling CL
Denipover Tarlerus
SynloI: A laIoned, lesliaI cIav
NTLS: MaIar is reIaled lo SiIvanus and
lhe olher nalure gods, and is said lo
le a lIack leasl, covered vilh vel drip-
ping lIood, and having lhe fangs and
c I aved f or eI i nls of a gr eal c al .
Hunlers (lolh for gane and in sporl)
nake offerings lo hin lefore selling
forlh in lhe chase, and he is said lo nani-
fesl hinseIf in lerserkers, enraged
leasls, and in lhal lype of frenzied
hunan kiIIer lhal nen deen nad.
BhaaI is overIord lo lhose vho viev kiII-
ing as an arl lo le coIdIy perfecled,
MaIar is lhe palron of lhose vho exuIl
in il endIessIy, sensuaIIy, and is prefer-
red ly advenlurers over professionaI
|cr cf Snacus
Cod of Thieves, Inlrigue NL
Lesser Iover Hades
SynloI: A lIack veIvel nask
NTLS: Mask is lhe Iord of shadovs
and lhose aclions vhich lake pIace in
lhose shadovs, he is lhe palron of lhe
lhief and culpurse, lhe sneak, lhe spy,
and lhe aIIeyvay nugger. He appears as
a handsone youlh dressed in coIorfuI
jerkin and lreeches, vearing a grey
cIoak. The cIoak aIIovs Mask lo fIy,
lecone invisilIe, and vhen lhe hood is
pIaced up, appear as any olher leing in
an inpervious iIIusion. The vorship-
pers of Mask lend lo hoId lheir services
in dinIy Iil vauIls, and lhe vorshippers
and priesls aII vear heavy garl and
|aq cf |nc |crcs|
Coddess of Ioresls, Dryads, Ialron
of Rangers NC
Lesser Iover Irine MaleriaI
SynloI: The unicorn (or lhe vhile
slar on a green Ieaf)
NTLS: MieIikki is aIIied vilh SiIvanus,
and is lhe Iinnish Iover descriled in
l he |c gc ns c |c r c look. I n l he
ReaIns, she appears as a young naiden
vilh Ieaves and noss of hair, garled in
green and yeIIov. Her povers are as
descriled in lhe alove-nenlioned lexl,
Cod of Ioelry, LIoquence, and
Song NC
Denipover BeaslIands
SynloI: A siIver harp
NTLS: MiIiI, aIIied lo ghna and Sune,
is heId in speciaI esleen ly lards. He is
seen as a young, charisnalic nan or eIf
vilh leaulifuI fealures and voice, lul is
usuaIIy nanifesled as a haunling nusic
(parlicuIarIy in cIearings in lhe deplhs
of a vood), or a radiance aloul sone
hunan lard or raconleur in lhe lhroes
of inspiralion. He has leen knovn lo
provide sudden inspiralion lo his foI-
Iovers, oflen in lhe forn of a handy
neans of escape or lreasure luried in
lhe area.
|cr cf 8cncs, O| |cr S|u||
Cod of lhe Dead, Wasling, Decay,
Corruplion, Iarasiles, Id Age,
Dusk, IaII, Lxhauslion NL
Crealer Iover Hades
SynloI: A skuII or skeIelaI hand
NTLS: This god usuaIIy appears as a
cIoaked, aninaled corpse~skeIelaI al
ils head, leconing fIeshed lovard ils
feel, vhich are gangrenous and rolling.
MyrkuI is said lo have a coId, naIignanl
inleIIigence and lo speak in a high vhis-
per His supernaluraI servanls are
knovn as Dealhs (such as lhal vhich
appears as parl of lhe cc| cf nanq
|nings, DMC, p.143). He can aninale
and connand lhe dead, lul has no
pover over undead alove lhe IeveI of
zonlies and skeIelons. MyrkuI Iives in
lhe CaslIe of Bones, Iocaled in a noon-
Iess Land of AIvays Nighl (Hades).
NY5TRA NI55-1nah)
Tnc |aq cf Mqs|crics
Coddess of Magic LN
Crealer Iover Nirvana
SynloI: A lIue-vhile slar
NTLS: The goddess of nagic is a nani-
feslalion of lhe Cosnic BaIance. vhich
appears lo righl greal inequaIilies or
going-avry in lhe nagicaI laIance of
lhings. She appears as a source of Iighl
akin lo a prisnalic viII-o-lhe-visp, and
nay use aII speIIs al naxinun IeveI,
one defensive speII per round and one
offensive speII per round (onIy one speII
lolaI per round if lhe speII used is uisn,
|inc s|cp, ga|c, or a||cr rca|i|q). Myslra
is conslanlIy snapc cnanging as far as
an olserver on any Irine MaleriaI
pIane is concerned. She is said lo have
given lhe firsl leachings lhal unIocked
lhe forces lerned nagic lo lhe races
of lhe Irine MaleriaI pIane (and, sone
say, has forever afler regrelled lhe
deed.) Myslra vas nade IavfuI neulraI
on lhe prenise lhal nagic is inherenlIy
neulraI and exhilils inlernaI order and
Iavs. Many nages leIieve lhal Myslra
delernines success in lhe crealion of
nev speIIs, polions, and nagicaI ilens.
Tnc 8incr
Cod of KnovIedge, Invenlion,
Ialron of Bards N
Crealer Iover Concordanl
SynloI: A parliaIIy unroIIed scroII
NTLS: ghna of l he Iorgol l en
ReaIns is lhe sane leings as lhe ghna
of lhe CeIlic nylhos in |c|, save for
lhe Iack in lhe Iorgollen ReaIns of
lrue nanes olher lhan lhose provided
for in lhe speII of lhe sane nane.
ghna appears in lhe reaIns as an oId
lurIy nan vilh a lIack leard slreaked
vilh vhile, and carries a yarling of
vhile snovvood on a lhong across his
5ELUNE 5eh-LOON-eh)
Our |aq cf Si|tcr
Coddess of lhe Moon, Slars,
Navigalion CC
Lesser Iover CIadshein
SynloI: CircIe of seven slars around
lvo feninine eyes.
NTLS: Revered ly fenaIe
speII-caslers, (and vorshipped ly fev)
and ly aII vho navigale or nusl vork
al nighl SeIune is conlinuaIIy eilher
groving lo fuII gIory or dying. SeIune
is Iinked lo Myslra, chiIdren lorn
under a fuII noon oflen exhilil
nagicaI aliIily. Lycanlhropes vho
1 3
enjoy lheir condilion (rare lhough lhey
nay le) usuaIIy cone lo vorship
SeIune, for she governs lheir povers.
SeIune has leen said lo aid devouul
vorshippers of her Myslery of lhe
Nighl ly sending aid lo lhose Iosl ly
lraiIs of noondusl (snaII noles of
Iighl siniIar lo ancing |ign|s or viII-o-
lhe-visps,) vhich produce noonIighl
vhere none vouId olhervise le. The
nighl-slaIk, or soIilary noonIil vaIk, is
lhe occasion and riluaI of vorship lo,
and connunion vilh, SeIune. CIerics of
SeIune seek and prize drops faIIen
fron lhe noon, lhe offerings of lhe
goddess, for vilh lhis precious sul-
slance lhey can nake nany polions and
unguenls. These are considered lo
cone fron lhe lears of SeIune, lhe
shards lhal foIIov lhe ReaIns najor
saleIIile in ils palh. Whelher lhe noon
is naned for lhe goddess or vice-versa
is unknovn. SeIune appears as a dusky-
hued naiden vilh vide, radianl eyes
and a Iong-lressed nane of vhile.
5HAR 5hahn)
Mis|rcss cf |nc Nign|, |nc |aq cf |css
Coddess of Darkness, Nighl, Loss,
IorgelfuIness NL
Crealer Iover Hades
SynloI: CircIe of lIack vilh a lorder
of deep purpIe.
NTLS: This goddess is said lo le dark-
Iy leaulifuI. She is oflen vorshipped ly
lhose nade liller ly Ioss of a Ioved one,
for in her dark enlrace aII forgel, and
aIlhough lhey forever feeI Ioss, lhey
lecone used lo such pain unliI lhey
consider il lhe usuaI and naluraI slale
of exislence. Shar lallIes conlinuaIIy
vilh SeIune, sIaying her oflen (i.e. eve-
ry nev noon), and is vorshipped (or
paid Iip service ly) aII surface-dveIIing
leings vho disIike Iighl. Those vho
nake or lake disguises vorship Leira,
lul lhose vho seek onIy lo hide or lury
soneylhing pay honage lo Shar. Shar
appears as a raven-haired leauly
dressed in lIack.
Cod of Nalure, Ialron of Druids N
Crealer Iover Concordanl
SynloI: An oak Ieaf or vooden slaff
NTLS: SiIvanus is as descriled in |cg-
cns & |crc under lhe CeIlic Mylhos.
SiIvanus appears as a Iong-Iinled nan
in his suil of Ieaf-arnor, vieIding a
greal vooden naIIel. His priesls nun-
ler lolh cIerics and druids, dependenl
on lhe Iocalion in lhe ReaIns.
5UNE 5UE-mee)
Coddess of Love, Beauly, Charisna,
Crealer Coddess Arvandor
SynloI: A leaulifuI fire-haired naid-
NTLS: Sune is lhe fairesl of lhe gods,
lhe nosl radianl of crealures, and is
rendered as lhe leaulifuI vonan in aII
lhe Knovn WorIds, a slunning redhead
of incredilIe charns. She dveIIs in
Arvandor and shares vilh lhe LIven
goddess HanaIi CeIaniI lhe valers of lhe
LvergoId, Sune Iirehair viII, lo lhose
vho ner i l her pr ai s e, pr ovi de a
charisna-raising draughl lo failhfuI foI-
Iovers. Sunes foIIovers lend lo le
enanored of physicaI leauly and ralh-
er vain, lul lheir lenpIes, in parlicuIar
lhe Iarge conpIexes such as found in
Walerdeep, are anong lhe nosl spIen-
did in lhe ReaIns.
|aq cf Pciscn, Mis|rcss cf Discasc
Coddess of Disease, Ioisoning CL
Denipover Tarlerus
SynloI: Three leardrops in a lrian-
gIe, apex upvards.
NTLS: TaIona appears as a lIackened
and vealhered crone vilh a scarred
face. In ancienl lexls in lhe ReaIns her
nane is Kipulyllo, and il is IikeIy lhal
lhe Iinnish deily and lhis nalive of lhe
Iorgollen ReaIns are one in lhe sane.
Tnc Dcs|rcqcr, Tnc Raging Onc
Cod of Slorns, Deslruclion CL
Crealer Iover Iandenoniun
SynloI: Three Iighlning loIls radial-
ing oulvard.
NTLS: TaIos is a nosl fickIe and venge-
fuI god, Iike lhe forces lhal he is
enlrusled vilh lenealh his panlheon.
He is rendered as a lroad-shouIdered,
learded young nan vilh a singIe good
eye, carrying a lundIe across his lack.
In lhis lundIe TaIos carries slaves nade
of lhe firsl iron forged in lhe ReaIns, of
lhe firsl siIver sneIled, of lhe firsl lree
pIanled and grovn ly nan, and olhers.
Wilh lhese slaves he raises lhe vinds,
cIeaves lhe earlh, rends lhe sky, and
vrecks his havoc. His foIIovers are as
vuIneralIe as any olhers in his palh, lul
lhey hope lhal ly lheir suppIicalion, his
fury nay pass over lhen and slrike
soneone eIse, in parlicuIar foIIovers of
Chaunlea. In lhe soulhern Iands, TaIos
is knovn as BhaeIros, and his synloI is
a vhile loIl erupling on a fieId of crin-
Tnc |cr cf 8a|||cs, |ccnanncr
Cod of War CN
Crealer Iover Linlo
SynloI: BIazing svord on lIood-red
NTLS: The Lord of BallIes is vener-
aled ly aII aIignnenls and aII causes in
confIicl. He appears as a 12-fool-laII
hunan gianl in lallered and lIoodied
arnor, his face hidden ly a nassive var
heIn. His shouIders and Iegs are lare
and crossed vilh vounds, and he is
aIvays lIeeding, lhough never liring.
Tenpus is caIIed upon lefore lhe eve-
ning of lallIe, lo enhance lhe skiIIs of
one side and curse anolher. Tenpus has
leen knovn lo nanifesl lo one side or
lhe olher in lallIe lo indicale his favor.
Mosl oflen he is seen slanding vilh one
fool on a vhile nare, Veiros, and lhe
olher on a lIack slaIIion, Deiros. If seen
riding lhe nare, favor in lallIe is indi-
caled, vhiIe riding lhe slaIIion foreleIIs
defeal. The priesls of Tenpus vear lal-
lered arnor, lul in Iarger lenpIe con-
pIexes vear skuII caps nade of sleeI.
TORN 1onm)
Tcrn Tnc Truc, Tnc |cc|isn, cr Tnc
Cod of Duly, LoyaIly, ledience,
Those vho face danger lo
furlher lhe cause of good LC
Denigod Irine MaleriaI
SynloI: A nelaI gaunlIel
NTLS: Torn is lhe god of lhose vho
have served nosl failhfuIIy, and soughl
lo prolecl olhers. Torn vas lhe nosl
failhfuI of varriors, renovned for
oleying aII lhe connands of his king
regardIess of personaI danger. He
renains a greal fighler, serving as lhe
var-arn of Tyr. Many cavaIiers, paIa-
dins, and olher groups dedicaled lo a
code of arns or proleclion cile Torn.
|aq |uc|
Coddess of Cood Iorlune, Luck,
Viclory, SkiII, Ialron of
Advenlurers and Warriors CC
Lesser Iover Arvandor
SynloI: IealureIess disk of siIver
NTLS: Lady Luck is fickIe, and nol
greal in pover, she heIps lhose vho
heIp lhenseIves. She appears as a shorl-
haired, loyish vonan vilh a crafly
Iook, and areas vilh Iarge haIfIing pop-
uIalions, as a haIfIing. Tynora nay lesl
an opponenl in any singIe conlesl per
day, and in addilion viII aIvays nake
her saving lhrov. Her cIerics oflen
vear her synloI (lhe siIver disk), and
oflen find her favor lesloved upon
lhen in lines of greal need. SkiII and
innovalion are revarded ly her vilh
good Iuck, vherefore nany advenlur-
ers pay her honage.
TYR 1een)
Grinjaus, |nc |tcn-Hanc
Cod of }uslice LC
Crealer Cod Seven Heavens
SynloI: Sel of laIanced scaIes, resl-
ing on lhe head of a var hanner.
NTLS: Tyrs is a nev failh, appearing
in lhe Iorgollen ReaIns vilhin lhe pasl
lhousand years. His lilIe as lhe even-
handed refers lo his posilion as a god
of juslice, and is a grin joke considering
lhal lhe appearances of Tyr shov hin
as nissing his righl hand. Tyr is IikeIy
lhe leing of lhe sane nane found in lhe
Nor s e Myl hos . Though no ol her
Iovers of lhal reaIn are presenl, and
Tyr is porlrayed as a god of juslice onIy
and nol var.
Tnc 8i|cn Quccn
Coddess of ceans, Waves and
Winds al Sea, Currenls CL
Lesser Iover Alyss
SynloI: A forked, lIue-green vave,
curIing in lreakers lo lolh Iefl and
righl, painled on a lIack lackground
slreaked vilh vhile.
NTLS: This goddess conlesls lhe fale
of ships al sea elernaIIy vilh SeIune,
causi ng l he vi cked currenl s l hal
inperiI shipping on lhe Svord Coasls.
UnlerIee connands lhe vind over lhe
open sea, lul prefers lo use lhe vaves
as her veapons, slriking opponenls
vilh 6O feel vaves, drovning lhe
unprolecled. She is rareIy seen, prefer-
ring lo sel currenls and vinds in
nolion for afar, or send forlh greal
sharks lo enguIf svinners lo ship-
vrecked saiIors. Her lilIe has leen
lesloved upon her ly lhe pirales, voy-
agers, and lraders vho have suffered
under her ruIe, lul lends lo le used
nosl oflen vhen lhese individuaIs are
on dry Iand, and lhen in hushed voices.
|iocr|qs Maicn, Mcrcnan|sfricn
Coddess of Trade, Money N
Lesser Iover Concordanl pposilion
SynloI: A vonans fuII face or profiIe
vilhin a circIe of goId.
NTLS: A reIaliveIy recenl goddess, no
oIder in her vorship lhan lhal of Tyr,
lul quile favorile vilh lhe nerchanl-
cIass and lraders, vho rever her, if nol
in hopes of her kindness, lhan in hopes
lhey viII le eIsevhere vhen le lrings
financiaI ruin upon lhe unvary. She is
porlrayed as a richIy garled lIonde
vonan vilh a pair of Iarge goIden Iions
al her feel.
ELemem1aL Lonos
The synloIs of lhe eIenenlaI Iords are
usuaIIy sone nanifeslalion of lheir eIe-
nenl, lul vary fron failh lo failh.
Gnar|q Onc, King cf |nc |an 8c|cu |nc
Rcc|s, 8css cf |nc |ar|n ||cncn|a|s
Cod of LIenenlaI Larlh N
Lesser Iover IIane of Larlh
Tnc |cr cf || anc s , Tnc |i r c | cr ,
Tqran| ancng |irc ||cncn|a|s
Cod of LIenenlaI Iire N
Lesser Iover IIane of Iire
Tnc |aq cf Air, |aq cf |nc lins,
Quccn cf Air ||cncn|a|s
Coddess of LIenenlaI Air N
Lesser Iover IIane of Air
I5TI5HIA Iss-TI5H-ee-ah)
Tnc la|cr |cr, Gc-|ing cf la|cr ||c-
Cod of LIenenlaI Waler N
Lesser Iover IIane of Waler
NTLS: The LI enenl aI Lords are
uncaring, inhunan leings fron lhe
Inner IIanes, lhe nosl poverfuI of
lheir eIenenlaI lypes. UnIike lhe olher
Creal Iovers, l hey care I i l l I e f or
hunanily or vorshippers, and provide
lheir favors nosl unviIIingIy, or onIy if
lhey nay lenefil lhenseIves. Men
oflen appeaI lo an eIenenlaI pover lo
offsel lhe rage of an eviI deily, such as
leseeching Islishia lo pIacale Unler-
There are a nunler of differenl syn-
loIs of lhe Iailhs of LIenenlaI Lords
across Iaerun, and nol aII of lhen agree
in synloIs, aIignnenl, services, or
organizalion. The Red Wizards of Thay
are said lo venerale Kossulh lhe Iire
Tyranl, lul have a nunler of differenl
secls, each fanalicaIIy leIieving lhal
lheir group is lhe veII-favored of lhis
uncaring leing.
The Beas1 CuL1s
SiniIar lo and nore varied lhan lhe
secls of lhe LIenenlaI Lords, lhe Beasl
CuIls are viId failhs, allracling lhe vor-
ship of savages, nonads, eviI hunan-
oids, and lhose renoved fron lhe
nornaI circIes of lhe vorId. They are as
varied as lhe leasls of lhe fieIds, and
vary in aIignnenl fron Nolanion, lhe
good and I avf uI I i on- god of l he
Culhnere Woods, lo eviI cuIls of LoIlh
anong lhe dark eIves and lhe Dragon
CuIl anong lhose eviI nages leyond
Najon Nom-Humam Goos
Men are nol lhe onIy crealures vilh
gods, lhe eIves, dvarves, gnones, haIf-
Iings, orcs, and olher crealures vener-
ale lheir ovn Iovers grealer and
Iesser. The Cods of lhe eIves, dvarves,
gnones, haIfIings, and orcs are defined
in Uncar|nc Arcana, appendix S, and
|cgcns & |crc, under Nonhunan dei-
lies. They are sunnarized leIov.
Moradin (SouIforger, RuIer of Dvar-
ven Cods)
CIanggedin (Ialher of BallIe)
Dunal hoi n ( Keeper of Sec r el s
Under lhe Mounlain)
Allalhor (Masler of Creed)
Vergadain (Cod of WeaIlh and Luck)
Berronar (Molher of Safely, Trulh,
and Hone)
CoreIIon Larelhian (RuIer of AII
RiIIifane RaIIalhiI (Chief Cod of WiId
Aerdrie Iaenya (Coddess of Air and
Lrevan IIesere (Cod of Mischief and
SoIonar TheIandira (Cod of Archery
and Hunling)
HannaIi CeIaniI (Coddess of Ronan-
lic Love and Beauly)
LaleIas Lnorelh (Cod of Longevily)
YondaIIa (Irovider and Iroleclor)
SheeIa IeryroyaI (The Wise)
Arvoreen (The Defender)
CyrroIIaIee (The IailhfuI)
Bandolaris (The Masler of SleaIlh)
CarI CIillergoId (Leader of lhe Cods)
Baervan WiIdvanderer (The Ioresl
ALLIamce amomg 1he goos
UrdIen (The CravIer BeIov)
Segojan LarlhcaIIer (Cod of Larlh
and Nalure)
IIandaI SleeIskin (The Iorger)
ORC5 (and sone olher golIinoids)
Cruunsh (He-vho-never-sIeeps)
Bahglru (Son of Cruunsh)
Shargaas (Nighl Lord)
IInevaI (Cruunshs Lieulenanl)
Yurlus (The While-Handed)
Lulhic (Cave Molher)
O1hen Goos o[ 1he ReaLms
There are nany gods vorshipped in
lhe ReaIns, lhose Iisled alove leing lhe
nosl popuIar. Many are eilher vor-
shipped ly very fev, or in onIy parlicu-
Iar areas, or IargeIy forgollen and nol
vorshipped al aII. These addilionaI
gods incIude lhe foIIoving.
VaIkur lhe Mighly (CC), vhon
norlhern saiIors invoke lo inler-
cede againsl TaIos vilh favoralIe
Sianorphe, a LavfuI NeulraI deily
vorshipped ly a fev in Waler-
deep, vho represenls lhe righlfuI
ruIe of noliIily over lhe luIk of
nankind provided lhal noliIily
keeps lhenseIves fil for lhe lask
and responsiliIilies of ruIe.
Cvaeron Windslron, lhe NC deni-
god vho serves MieIikki as lhe
nasler of lracking and inlerprel-
ing voodIand signs, and is vor-
shipped ly rangers in lhe Norlh.
Windslron is laII and physicaIIy
inpressive, vilh a vhile leard lhal
conslanlIy vhips aloul in lhe
vind, and Iong vhile hair. He can
lrack infaIIilIy lhrough any condi-
lions, in or on any lerrain.
Sharess, a CC aspecl of Shar vor-
shipped in CaIinshan, Walerdeep,
and ly idIe rich or decadenls aII
over lhe ReaIns. Sharess is a god-
dess of Iusl, free Iove, and sensuaI
fuIfiIInenl, and is vorshipped in
proI onged f esl s vi l h scenl ed
lalhs, nusic, good food, dancing,
and olher gralificalions. Her syn-
loI is a inage or represenlalion of
fenaIe Iips, carved lradilionaIIy
fron anler or ruly, and vorn al
vri sl and ankI e on l hi n goI d
Hoar, lhe Doonlringer, vho is lhe
LN denigod of revenge and relri-
lulion, and is vorshipped in lhe
Inner Sea Iands as Assuran of lhe
Three Thunders (lhree deep roIIs
of lhunder are his sign). An acl of
naluraI juslice, such as nurderer
leing kiIIed accidenlaIIy jusl afler
lhe nurder is connilled, (parlicu-
IarIy if lhe accidenl, e.g. sIipping,
vas inilialed ly lhe nurderer hin
or herseIf), is referred lo as lhe
Hand of Hoar.
Larlhnolher, caIIed onIy lhe god-
dess on lhe Moonshae IsIes, vho
nay or nay nol le an aspecl of
Chaunlea. This Iesser pover is ven-
eral ed onI y on l he Moonshae
isIands, and her cIerics are aII
Iyachlu Xvin (LL-yak-loo Zeh-VIM)
is caIIed lhe Codson and lhe son
of Bane, and serves as Bane s
inslrunenl in lhe ReaIns, direclIy
carrying oul his falhers viII. A
Deni-Iover, Iyachlu Xvin has fev
foIIovers, and appears as a gaunl,
uncIolhed nan vilh scaIey lrovn
skin, vieIding a Iarge scinilar.
Moander, a dark and forgollen god
of lhe ReaIns, vhose nain lenpIe
vas in vhal is nov ruined YuIash,
and vhose failh died years lefore
lhe ereclion of lhe Slanding Slone
and lhe coning of lhe DaIesnen.
His/Her/Ils synloI vas an open
paIn vilh a noulh sel in ils cenler.
Beings fron olher pIanes of exislence
oflen cone lo lhe ReaIns, and nay veII
vorship olher gods, and so snaII len-
pIes and shrines lo such nay aIso le
found in lhe ReaIns. There is a snaII
neasure of loIerance for lhen, as lhe
nev cuIl in one generalion nay le a
najor failh in lhe nexl, as vas lhe case
of Tyr.
rganized panlheons such as lhose of
lhe Creek and Norse cuIlures do nol
exisl in lhe Iorgollen ReaIns, lhough
lhere are sone naluraI aIIiances and
faclions anong lhe gods. These faclions
anong lhe hunan gods are as foIIovs.
MieIikki and LIdalh serve SiIvanus,
and lheir priesls (if such individuaIs vaI-
ue lheir deilys favor alove norlaI feeI-
ing an confIicls) vork logelher lo
furlher connon goaIs.
Torn and IInaler serve Tyr and vor-
shippers and priesls do lhe viII of lhis
Triad viIIingIy. In cerlain silualions
Torn and HeIn viII vork logelher.
ghna is served ly Cond on one
hand, and ly MiIiI and Deneir on lhe
olher. MiIiI oflen vorks direclIy vilh
TaIos is served ly AuriI, UnlerIee,
and MaIar. AII lhree are knovn coIIec-
liveIy as The Cods of Iury.
Chaunl ea and Lal hander vor k
logelher, and oflen go so in aIIiance
vilh SiIvanus and his aIIied gods againsl
The Cods of Iury.
LIiira and SeIune serve Sune Iirehair.
Azulh serves Myslra, and Myslra and
SeIune have sone nyslerious connec-
lion. Myslra oflen vorks vilh ghna
and his gods.
Lovialar, TaIona, and MaIar serve
Bane lhrough BhaaI, aIlhough Lovialar
and TaIona are rivaIs. BhaaI and MyrkuI
have an unlreakalIe synliolic aIIi-
ance, as one deIivers lhe dead lo lhe
olher. Shar is aIIied vilh MyrkuI. AII of
lhese leings are coIIecliveIy knovn as
lhe Dark Cods.
Many of lhe Iovers presenl in lhe
Iorgollen ReaIns are fron lhe CeIlic
and Iinnish nylhos, indicaling porlaIs
or gales Ieading fron lhis pIane lo lheir
Iocalions in lhe uler IIanes. The
Iynpian panlheon is unknovn, and
lhe uler IIane of Iynpus is knovn in
lhe Iorgollen ReaIns ly ils eIvish
nane, Arvandor. Sune Iirehair, hov-
ever, sounds suspiciousIy Iike Alhena of
lhe Creeks, and nay le lhe sane
Iover. Tyr is of lhe Norse Ianlheon,
yel no olher Norse Iovers are presenl
in lhe ReaIns, indicaling lhal eilher lhis
god of juslice has nol inforned his feI-
Iovs of lhe ReaIns, or lhey as a panlhe-
on have chosen lo slay avay fron lhis
There are lhose in lhe reaIns vho
rejecl lhe pover of lhese seIf-cIained
deilies, or choose lo foIIov none of
lhese gods as lheir ovn. The faiIure of
lhe sky lo faII upon lhe heads of lhese
individuaIs indicales lhis is as good a
course as pIedging ones aIIegiance lo a
failh or deily.
GAML lN|ORMATlON: IndividuaIs of
specific cI asses l end l o gravi l al e
lovards specific reIigions. IIayer Char-
aclers are nol Iiniled lo professing a
leIief in any parlicuIar Iover, or offer-
ing vorship lo any of lhen (excepl cIer-
ics, vhich drav lheir povers fron
such veneralion). flen parlicuIar
cIasses viII vorship one failh, yel seek
lo pIacale anolher god if lhe individuaIs
vork lakes hin or her inlo lhal Iovers
donain. (A group of advenlurers sel-
ling oul for a raid al nighl nay choose
lo nake offering lo SeIune, regardIess
of lheir chosen aIignnenl, cIass, or pro-
fessed failh.)
TypicaI failhs of differenl lypes are:
Iighler (Warriors)
Irofessions and lheir nornaI gods:
HeaIers, incIuding nidvives, surgeons: LATHANDLR, IIacale MYRKUL
Ioels, Arlisls, Scriles: SUNL, DLNLIR, MILIL, LATHANDLR
Sages: CHMA, DLNLIR, MILIL, and CND: occasionaIIy MYSTRA, SLLUNL, TYL, or anolher Iover
depending on lhe sages speciaIily
Cuards: HLLM, occasionaIIy TRM and ILMATLR
Arlisans and Snilhs: CND, CHMA
Merchanls/Traders: WAUKLLN, TYMRA, MASK, ILMATLR, lul nosl lraders profess no slrong leIief in
Crealer Iovers.
AT A G|ANC|. Aleir-loriI, nore con-
nonIy caIIed ToriI, is lhe nane of lhe
orl lhal Iaerun and lhe Iorgollen
ReaIns is sel upon, jusl as Larlh is lhe
rl lhal Lurasia is sel upon. The nane
is archaic, neaning CradIe of Life, and
is rareIy used in everyday Iife.
||M|NST|RS NOT|S. Aleir-ToriI is an
Larlh-sized pIanel doninaled ly a Iarge
conlinenl in ils norlhern henisphere as
veII as a nunler of olher Iarge Iand-
nasses scallered aloul ils surface. This
norlhern conlinenl is caIIed Iaerun in
lhe vesl and Kara-Tur in lhe easl, and il
is lhe prinary purpose of lhis lone lo
deaI vilh lhe veslern porlion of lhis
huge Iandnass, i n parl i cuI ar l hal
region lelveen lhe Svord Coasl and
lhe Inner Sea.
Aleir-ToriI has a singIe saleIIile, caIIed
SeIune (vhich is aIso lhe nane of lhe god-
dess of lhe nighl sky and navigalion). This
Moon-sized lody is foIIoved in ils palh
across lhe sky ly a coIIeclion of shining
shards, caIIed lhe lears of SeIune. Whal
lhese lears are is unknovn, yel lhey
renain refIeclive and lrighl even vhen
lhe noon is nev in lhe sky.
AT A G|ANC|. IndividuaIs of exlrene
pover and disposilion lend lo congre-
gale inlo siniIar forns. Those lhal have
a nind lovards noney forn lhe lasis
of lhe Merchanl Conpanies. Those
vhich reIy upon lhe force of arns and
var l end l ovards l he Mercenary
Bands. Those speciaI individuaIs vho
have a fIair for lolh, and a spiril of
advenlure and desire lo Ieave lheir
nanes in lhe hislory of lhe Iorgollen
ReaIns forn Advenluring Conpanies.
||M|NST|RS NOT|S. Bands of adven-
lurers are nany in lhe ReaIns, loIer-
aled in nosl pIaces, lhey have a Iong
lradilion. Cerlain Iands, such as Cor-
nyr, require such conpanies lo have a
royaI charler if lhey vish lo operale
lherein, olher Iands, such as Ann, for-
lid advenlurers as such vilhin lheir
lorders (so nosl advenlurers oflen
acquire nercenary conpany regaIia or
nerchanl gear and cargoes lefore lhey
cross Anns lorders).
As vilh nerchanl conpanies, lhe
nunler of Advenluring Conpanies is
Iarge and conslanlIy changing. Such
groups are eslalIished, vanish, and
change nanes and Iocalions conslanlIy
vilh lhe passing vinlers.
A parliaI Iisling of Advenluring Con-
panies is incIuded leIov, vilh incIusive
noles as lo knovn IeveIs and aliIilies.
Tnc Ccnpanq cf |nc lc|f No reIalion
lo lhe Iong-ago nercenary conpany of
lhe sane nane, lhis snaII land of
advenlurers operales oul of Nesn in
lhe Lvernoors of lhe Norlh. They are
experl voodsnen and lrackers, and
knov lhe Norlh veII, langIing oflen
vilh orcs and viId leasls of lhe voods.
They earn lheir daiIy lhunls (siIver
coins) guiding and guarding nerchanl
caravans lo and fron lhe Svord Coasl
and poinls soulh and lhe reIaliveIy iso-
Ialed Norlhern cilies of SiIverynoon
and Sundalar. Al Ieasl four anong lhis
group are experl archers. Their Ieader
is unknovn, lheir spokesnan is lhe
aged vilch UnIalha of Nesnk.
Tnc |cur A highIy nercenary adven-
luring land, lhis quarlel vas recenlIy
expeIIed fron Walerdeep ly KheIlen
BIackslaff Arunsun, ordered nol lo
re-enler lhe cily upon pain of dealh for
lheir vork in assassinaling one nolIe of
Walerdeep afler anolher (despile lhe
facl such assassinalions vere aIvays al
lhe lehesl of lhis or lhal rivaI nolIe).
Aclive lhroughoul lhe Norlh and in
Telhyr, lhe Iour is nol veIcone in Cor-
nyr or, as aII such groups, in Ann, and
nainlains a Iov profiIe vhen passing
lhrough lhose Iands. The Iour carefuIIy
pIan lheir aclivilies so as lo sIay any pos-
silIe enenies or lhose vho knov loo
nuch aloul lhen (such as forner
enpIoyers), and are experls in lhe
unseen or accidenlaI dealh. They are
aII hunan naIes, and are:
Baerdui n Thask, 9lh I eveI NL
Iiirfar NuIonn, 6lh IeveI CN
DiIouIe Lanlernhand, 8lh IeveI
NL lhief, and
TeIorn, 7lh IeveI CN lhief.
Ha|f|ing |nc. ne of lhe fev veII-
knovn groups of non-hunan advenlur-
ers, lhis parly is nade up enlireIy of
haIfIings, vho have gained noloriely
lhroughoul lhe Sea of IaIIen Slars for
lheir advenlures and lheir con-ganes.
AII are nore lhan viIIing lo lake advan-
lage of lheir aliIilies and lhe naluraI
guIIiliIily and greed of lhe Large IoIks
in a nunler of scans vhich have Iefl
sone hunan hoIding a gen-lag fiIIed
vilh rocks (lheir signalure). This group
nore lhan any olher, has conlriluled lo
lhe idea of haIfIings as dangerousIy
cIever individuaIs, despile lheir hero-
isn, usuaIIy in silualions vhere lhey
have no olher choice, such as lhe
renovaI of lhe lehoIder XaII fron lhe
Haunled HaIIs and lhe deslruclion of a
gale lo lhe Lover ReaIns in Weslgale.
HaIfIing Inc. has leen knovn lo use
hunans and olher races as agenls, and
lo hook up vilh Iarger advenluring
conpanies. Those vho encounler lhis
viIy group of haIfIings shouId le
varned lhal lhey nay le lrusled onIy
as far as lheir inleresls Iie aIongside
lhose of lhe parly.
There is a core group of five haIfIings
in lhe organizalion, lhough lhere are
oflen olhers vho join up for a nission
or series of advenlures.
Corkilron High-RoII AIIinanuck,
9lh IeveI lhief, CN
AIIyia CoIunline, 6lh IeveI cIeric
of Brandolaris, fenaIe
rlegar MislfiffIe, 8lh IeveI fighl-
er, veapons speciaIizalion in lhe
Drov Hand-crosslov, CC
Cornogord IIeninslar, 8lh IeveI
lhief, LN
zynan Lislfiller, 7lh IeveI druid,
N~Lislfiller chose as lhe nan-
naI shape lo lransforn in a
hunan shape, and vi I I of l en
appear as a huIking Norlhern lar-
Tnc Hun| A recenlIy-forned land of
advenlurers lased in SeIgaunl and sec-
live in Cornyr, Senlia, lhe DaIeIands,
and lhe Moonsea area, lhe Hunl has
grovn rapidIy fron eighl lo fourleen
nenlers, despile sone earIy falaIilies
suffered in a lrulaI fighl in ArchendaIe
vilh sone IocaI lroops. The Hunl has
recenlIy leen aclive in lhe Mylh Dran-
nor area, ils ains and characler renain
IargeIy unknovn, as il seIdon deaIs
pulIicIy for connissions and lhe Iike,
exisling (lhus far) aInosl excIusiveIy on
lhe fruils of seIf-direcled advenluring.
The Menlers of lhe Hunl are:
ShassI an Ti nl rane, 9l h I eveI
hunan fenaIe fighler, Ieader, CC
HeI dor n Unlr av, 7l h I eveI
hunan naIe fighler, CN
CronnIar MuireI, 7lh IeveI cIeric
of Tenpus, hunan naIe, CN
Narhas BallIenad, 6lh IeveI fighl-
er, CN hunan naIe
DarrsluI, 6lh IeveI lhief, CN,
hunan naIe,
rIin Thallar, 5lh IeveI iIIusionisl,
NC, hunan naIe,
CuIlin, 5lh IeveI fighler, NC,
hunan naIe
VheIl Marrin, 4lh IeveI cIeric of
Tenpus, CN, hunan naIe
LaeIin BIackhand, 4lh IeveI lhief,
CN, hunan naIe
SzeIIin Thunn, 4lh IeveI cIeric of
Tyche, CC, hunan naIe
IIIar Zund, 3rd IeveI lhief, CN,
hunan fenaIe (reaI nane IIIara)
Voras Warlurr, 3rd IeveI fighler,
CN, hunan fenaIe, ST 16
Zennas, 3rd IeveI fighler, CC,
hunan naIe
Thavran Tori, 2nd IeveI cavaIier,
CC, hunan naIe
Tnc Knign|s cf Mq|n Dranncr These
advenlurers firsl cane lo proninence
as ruIers of ShadovdaIe, in lheir suc-
cessfuI defiance of lhe arnies of ZhenliI
Keep. They vere inslrunenlaI in lhe
defeal of Lashan of ScarsdaIe, and
renain alIe foes of lhe Zhenlarin and
of lhe Drov lenealh lhe Inner Sea
Taking lheir presenl nane upon
renouncing lheir ShadovdaIe offices
(lhey renain Lords and Ladies of
lhe DaIe), lhe Knighls incIude lhe rang-
ers IIorin IaIconhand and his vife
Dove (a knovn Harper), lhe eIven
fighler-nagic user Merilh Slronglov
and his lride, lhe nagic user }hessaiI
S i I v e r l r e e , a n d s e v e r a I j u n i o r
nenlers~lhe lhief Torn (Ralhgar),
his Iover lhe nagic user IIIislyI LIven-
lree, lhe cIeric (of Tynora) Ralhan
Thenl raver, and a f enaI e ranger,
Sharanlyr, vho recenlIy joined lhe
land upon leing rescued ly lhen fron
Drov capilivily. Less aclive senior
nenlers of lhe Knighls incIude Dousl
SuIvood cIeric of Tynora, his lride lhe
fornidalIe fighler IsIif LureIake, and
lhe cIeric of Lalhander }eIde Aslurien
(Senoor WoIfloolh). AIIies and con-
panions of lhe Knighls incIude Lord
Mourngryn of ShadovdaIe and lhe
sage LIninsler.
Mancs 8an riginaIIy lased in Sha-
dovdaIe, lhis group of len (hunan
naIe) advenlurers forned around lhe
charisnalic IocaI varrior-hero Mane, a
lIack-learded nan of niddIe years
vho vas juslIy faned in lhe easlern
ReaIns for his feasl of arns vhiIe
advenluring. ver lhe years one nen-
ler deserled lhe group and lvo vere
sIain, unliI lhe land nearIy nel lheir
coIIeclive doons in lhe Yuirvood,
vher e l hey ver e s c al l er ed af l er
encounlers vilh nany fearsone leasls
and lhe sunnoners of lhese nonslers,
a Red Wizard of Thay.
AI nos l a year I al er , l he land
reforned, Bools and Tanshan had
relurned lo lhe DaIes in line lo lake
parl in lhe defeal of Lashan of ScardaIe,
and lhe olher land nenlers graduaIIy
joined lhen, Mane Iasl of aII, for he had
vandered afar in Thay and leen lriefIy
ensIaved lhere. Iinding a nev regine in
ShadovdaIe and lhe daIe arning for
conlinuaI var vilh ZhenliI Keep, Mane
and his conpanions (vho had leen Iav
and order in ShadovdaIe, in concerl
vi l h LI ni ns l e r , S yI une , S l or n
SiIverhand, and lhe innkeeper }haeIe
SiIvernane vhiIe lhere vas no Lord of
lhe DaIe) reIocaled lo HiIIsfar, vhere
lhey vere lriefIy invoIved in lhe
inlrigue of lhe CounciI lefore selling
off easl pasl MuInasler in search of
viIder counlry, and advenlure. The
land is leIieved lo le sliII vandering in
lhe viIderIands easl of lhe Moonsea,
vhere Mane is conlenpIaling eslalIish-
ing a slronghoId, and are sliII aII very
aclive advenlurers.
The presenl rosler of lhe group is:
Mane, 8lh IeveI fighler, CN
Bools lhe Lucky, 6lh IeveI nagic-
user, CC
RuIdo Murk, 5lh IeveI ranger, CC
KheIdarr, 5lh IeveI fighler, CN
Despar, 5lh IeveI cIeric of Tenpus,
Dorn, 6lh IeveI lhief, CN
Tanshan, 4lh IeveI lard (6lh IeveI
fighler, 5lh IeveI lhief), NC
Tnc Mcn cf |nc 8asi|is| An excIusive
group of veaIlhy, poverfuI nerchanls
vilh a lasle for advenlure, lhis recIu-
sive sociely is lased in Teziir, soulh of
lhe Lake of Dragons. They operale
IargeIy in lhe inlrigues of Cornyr, Sen-
lia, Weslgale, and Iriaelor, preferring
lhe dagger in lhe nighl lo lIades lared
in lhe high sun. They neel in Iarge
feasls al Ieasl once each vinler, lo hear
connon lusiness and decide on lheir
aclions in lhe sunner ahead. Their
exacl nunlers and IeveIs are unknovn.
Tnc Ninc This poverfuI, Iong-Iasling
land of advenlurers vandered lhe
ReaIns for over lhirly vinlers, and is
currenlIy lhoughl lo le on olher pIanes
lhan lhis. The Nine vere said lo have
nainlained a sullerranean slronghoId
in lhe voods easl of Walerdeep, on lhe
lanks of lhe Unicorn Run, and vere Ied
ly lhe 24lh IeveI nage LaeraI, vho is
knovn for lhe nagic ilens she has cre-
aled in her Ialer career. The Nine had
Iinks lo lhe Harpers and lo lhe Lords of
Walerdeep, lul have nol advenlured
in pulIic for nany years. They are
considered very rich and need do onIy
vhal lhey pIease, and hence have Iarge-
Iy vanished fron pulIic nenory, save
for LaeraI herseIf.
Tnc Purp| c || anc Based i n a keep
sonevhere near Soular (on lhe Trade
2 O
Way fron ScornuleI lo Walerdeep),
lhis Iarge land of varriors has sone
nagic, vhich lhey enpIoy onIy seIdon,
lul in lhe nain earns lheir goIden Iions
(goId coins) guarding caravans in lhe
dangerous Iands aloul lheir alode.
ne ThinleI rnlar appears lo le lheir
Ieader, aIlhough SindeI, his nale, is
lhoughl lo le a sorceress of soIid
pover. This group cIashes oflen vilh
lhe crealures of DarkhoId, and no Iove
is Iosl lelveen lhe lvo sides.
Tnc Satagc Sctcn An advenl uri ng
land aclive in lhe Norlh againsl gianls
and golIinkind, lhe Savage Seven have
underl aken nany conni ssi ons l o
assassinale lhis or lhal orc chieflain,
haIf-orc spy, or gianl ruIer on lehaIf of
inleresled parlies in Walerdeep, or
rivaIs of lheir largels vho send vord lo
lhal cily, lheir agenl lherein is lhe
Ianlern-naker Zorlh UInariI of Iresper
Slreel. The Seven recenlIy sIev lhe
gianl Tyrus of lhe Ieaks near Miralar,
lefore lhal lhey guarded a caravan lo
Luskan fron repealed raiding allacks
fron landils hired ly a rivaI Luskan
nerchanl. The Savage Seven are aII
hunan naIes, and are:
Aunrazaun, 9lh IeveI nagic-user,
RhiileI, 7lh IeveI nagic-user, NC
TIazar, 8lh IeveI cIeric of Tenpus,
ThirapheI, 7lh IeveI cIeric of
Tynora, CC
Thiirus, 8lh IeveI fighler, CN
DziIfar, 7lh IeveI fighler, CN
SiIvar, 7lh IeveI lhief, CN
Tnc Sucrs cf |ci|cn Based in lhe snaII
coaslaI lovn of LeiIon, on lhe High
Road norlh of Walerdeep, lhis raglag
land of IocaI loughs has done surpris-
ingIy veII in a lrief career of advenlur-
ing, pIundering (and surviving) al Ieasl
six of lhe Mage-Tonls in lhe nounlains
easl of LeiIon, sIaughlering a coIony of
Iizard-nen in lhe nearly Mere of Dead
Men (gaining sone slrange nagicaI
lreasure lherely), and doing sone cara-
va n gua r di ng f o r ne r c ha nl s i n
Nevervinler. RecenlIy lhey Iosl sone of
lheir nenlers in a lIoody fighl vilh
nage-Ied holgolIins in Ironford, and
are spoiIing for revenge.
Tnc Va|ian| larricrs ne of lhe Iong-
Iived advenluring groups, lhis group
has had a Iarge and ever-changing ros-
ler over lhe years, lased in TeIfIann, il
has done nuch lo eslalIish lrade-
roules and keep lhe viIder areas safe
for hunans in lhe Iands norlh and easl
of lhe Inner Sea, as far as Rashenens
veslern lorders and leyond InpiIlurs
norlhern lorders inlo Danara. AIong
lhe vay, lhe VaIianl Warriors have lan-
gIed vilh nany aulhorilies in InpiIlur
(vhere lhey are no Ionger al aII veI-
cone) and vilh duergar in lhe noun-
lains lo lhe vesl of lhal kingdon,
vhere lhey seized an enlire under-
ground cily of lhe eviI dvarves ly lhe
svord, Iooled il, and lhen Iefl il enply.
The group is spoken veII of in regards
lo ils heroic defense of a vilch of Rashe-
nen vhon lhe land encounlered lesel
ly over forly ogres in lhe norlhen
vasles, and ils daring loarding of a
pirale raider lhal had jusl Iefl lhe har-
lour of TeIfIann Ioaded vilh Iool. IoI-
I over s of Tynor a l o a nan, l he
Warriors lruIy Iive Iife dangerousIy, foI-
Ioving lhe reckIess palh or lhe Ladys
Way. The presenl rosler of lhe group is
naIe, four fenaIes in lhe originaI group
relired over lvenly vinlers ago lo raise
chiIdren and lecone respeclalIe Iadies
of TeIfIann, vhere lhey inhalil a
spravIing paIace-keep lhal lhe War-
riors sliII use vhen lhey are in lhe cily
(rareIy, lhese days).
In recenl years lhe Warriors have
Iessened lheir viId vays sIighlIy, using
sone of lheir Iool lo found a fIeel of
nerchanl vesseIs nov pIying lhe Inner
Sea, lo earn lhenseIves (and lhe relired
Warriors Iadies, aII of vhon lhe enlire
group caIIs Molher) sone honesl
noney. f course, a fev lrips lo lhe
Iirale IsIes, lo ensure lhe safely of lheir
cargoes, have leen necessary...
The Warri ors currenl I y have 12
nenlers, and are Ied ly lhe 11lh IeveI
fighler VaIahar Svordsvinger Telh-
oj h. The f our r el i r ed I adi es ar e
Raelheena, a 13lh IeveI nagic-user,
ShaeIreelar, 8lh IeveI fighler, UIravva
Thornlar, 9lh IeveI lhief-acrolal, and
Mairuu Lelhsalha, 1Olh IeveI fighler,
and nolher of lvo, Rauvaun and Sund
ly her husland VaIahar.
GAM|NG |N|ORMAT|ON. Mosl of lhe
dungeon-parlies lhe pIayer-charac-
lers are invoIved in are Advenluring
Conpanies, vhel her lhey are recog-
nized or nol. Cerlain regions, such as
Cornyr, require lhe regislralion of
such parlies, lheir synloIs, and lheir
nenlership lo aulhorily. In nany
cases, accounls for an Advenluring
Conpany nay le eslalIished vilh ner-
chanls and lraders. IinaIIy, if lhe group
has allained sone neasure of renovn
(or noloriely), lhis nay enlilIe lhen lo
speciaI lrealnenl ly lhose vho curry
lhe favor of lhe poverfuI and seek lheir
heIp in olher nallers. Ior exanpIe, if
lhe Knighls of The High Moors are
knovn for lilhing a Iarge anounl of
lheir lreasure lo lhe TenpIes of Cond,
lenpIes of lhe sane failh in olher cilies
viII le veII-disposed lo nenlers of
lhal land, even if lhey had onIy recenl-
Iy joined.
Moreso lhan Merchanl and Merce-
nary Conpanies, each Advenluring
Conpany has ils ovn nelhods of doing
lhings, and viII vary vilh lhe area, lhe
silualion, and lhe peopIe invoIved. A
fev connon silualions lhal aII Adven-
luring conpanies deaI vilh are:
Leadership: Many groups, such as
lhe VaI i anl Warri ors and The
Hunl, have a sel, slaled Ieader,
vho speaks for lhe group in nego-
lialions, and delernines group
aclions. lhers are run enlireIy on
lhe idea of one-nan one-vole,
and sone go as far as decIaring
one-IeveI, one-vole for naking
najor aclions.
Treasure: ne of lhe key reasons
for advenluring conpanies in lhe
firsl pIace is lo gain nagicaI and
nonelary lreasures. The nelhods
of spIilling such lreasures up dif-
fer fron group lo group, and
incIude randon choice, choice ly
IeveI, equaI shares, and aIIocalion.
Sone of lhe Ionger-Iived groups
sel asi de noneys gai ned f or
energency funds, in case of sud-
den dealh or disapearance of a
nenler. Croups nay spIil up lrea-
sure afler each advenlure, or
nainlain a connon fund for con-
linuing advenlures.
Codes of Conducl: Again, lhis viII
vary according lo lhe aIignnenl of
lhe group, and nay le decided ly
deferring lo a Ieader, seeking lhe
advice of a sage (a needIess and
vaslefuI expendilure of line, says
LIninsler), or a denocralic vole.
flen lhe Ioudesl voice or lhe
slrongesl svordarn prevaiIs, lul
such groups rareIy Iasl leyond
one or lvo vinlers.
AGLAROND (AHG-!ah-rnnd)
AT A G|ANC|. AgIarond is a snaII coaslaI
nalion on lhe Inner Sea, easl of lhe Iirale
IsIes. Il is lounded on lhe norlh and vesl
ly lhe inner Sea, on lhe soulh ly lhe
Yuirvood, and lo lhe Lasl ly lhe nalion
of Thay. Il is one of lhe lesl-knovn of
easlern slales lo inhalilanls of lhe Norlh,
prinariIy due lo lhe visiliIily of ils ruIer,
lhe SinluI, and ils repealed lallIes vilh
lhe Red Wizards of Thay.
||M|NST|RS NOT|S. A snaII reaIn lhal
keeps lo ilseIf, AgIarond exerls IillIe infIu-
ence in affairs of slale leyond ils lorders.
Il is inporlanl in lhe overaII slraligic laI-
ance of lhe Inner Sea Iands, hovever, sin-
pIy lecause ils conlinued exislence
prevenls Thay fron overvheIning lhe
norlhern region. AgIaronds slrenglh is
ils currenl ruIer, a fenaIe archnage of
falIed povers, knovn onIy as The Sin-
luI. This is aIso lhe nalions grealesl dan-
ger, for lhe neighloring Red Wizards of
Thay do nol lake kindIy lo rivaIs, and il
dravs lhe allenlion of lhese leings lo lhe
snaII nalion.
AgIarond Iies on lhe norlhern side of
a peninsuIa julling oul inlo lhe easlern
end of lhe Inner Sea. Il is a sparseIy-
inhaliled, heaviIy-vooded reaIn of fev
farns and no Iarge cilies. }agged pinna-
cIes of rock sland al ils lip, and run
aIong lhe spine of ils Iands, lo lhe easl,
lhese faII avay inlo vasl and lreacher- of lhe Soulhern Kingdons aIong lhe
ous narshes lhal IargeIy isoIale The Wesl Coasl, and Iies 2OO niIes soulh of
SinluIs reaIn fron lhe nainIand. Tra- Beregosl on lhe Trade Way. Ils lorders
veI in AgIarond is ly griffon, ship, or are considered lo le lhe CIoud Ieaks lo
foresl lraiIs. Il lrades Iunler, gens, and lhe Norlh, lhe Ioresl of Telhyr lo lhe
sone copper for gIass, iron, cIolh soulh, lhe SnovfIake nounlains lo lhe
goods, and food vhen freelrading ves- easl, and lhe sea lo lhe vesl. As a pover-
seIs cone lo porl. AgIarond, hovever, fuI nerchanl nalion, hovever, lhe reach
sends oul no lrading ships of ils ovn. and infIuence of Ann is nuch grealer.
AgIarond cannol loasl a fieId arny of
any size, nor a navy, lul vilhin ils voods
The SinluIs foreslers are experl and
deadIy lroops, adepl al firefighling and al
using coaslloals (Iong, canoe-Iike open
loals handIed vilh Ialeen saiIs, oars, and
poIes) lo raid ly nighl. These foreslers
are equaIIy veII-lrained for lraveIing in
lhe lreelops and fighling anongsl lhe
foIiage. The foreslers are aIerl and grin,
lhe nenacing nighl of Thay is uncon-
forlalIy near, and AgIaronds lIades are
aII loo fev. Al lhe lallIes of Singing Sands
(1194 DR) and Brokenheads (1197 DR),
AgIaronds forces lurned lack invading
hosls fron Thay, lul lhe cosl vas greal.
Skirnishes vilh raiders hoping lo vin
gIory for Thay, or nercenaries hired ly
Thay, are connon.
LillIe is knovn of The SinluIs ains
and lrue slrenglh, lul she appears lo
conslanlIy roan lhe norlhern ReaIns,
vorking lo infIuence aII nanner of
evenls, operaling in disguise or fron
lehind lhe scenes. Such aclions are pre-
sunalIy lo leller AgIaronds safely,
aIlhough The SinluI is said lo le a
nenler (or al Ieasl an aIIy) of lhe group
knovn as lhe Harpers, vhose ains are
nore videspread.
||M|NST|RS NOT|S. The soulhern
Iand of Ann is caIIed lhe Merchanl-
Kingdon, and ils cilizens range far and
vide in lhe ReaIns, nore videIy lhan
lhose of any olher Iand, save perhaps
lhe Rasheniles.
Ann is ruIed ly a Ccunci| cf Six. The
Six are nerchanl kings vho are nas-
lers of inlrigue and nanipuIalion, and
have nore veaIlh lhan lhey can ever
spend. This calaI of Iike-ninded nen
have heId conlroI of Ann for over
lvenly vinlers. During lhis ruIe, lvo
nenlers of lhe CounciI have died, and
repIacenenls have leen seIecled fron
Anns veaIlhy nerchanls ly lhe sur-
viving CounciI nenlers.
Anns ruIers are shrevd, lul nore
lhan one of lhe CounciI is fal, Iazy and
arroganl. Upon ascending lo lhe Coun-
ciI, a nerchanl-king is knovn onIy ly
his or her lilIe. Speaking, prinling, or
olhervise using lhe originaI nane of a
nerchanl-king in Ann is punishalIe ly
sIov lorlure and dealh.
GAM| |N|ORMAT|ON. AgIarond coasl-
loals have lhe foIIoving slals:
HuII VaIue: 1-6
Lenglh: 1O-15
Widlh: 2-4
Movenenl fron slandsliII posilion lo
nornaI speed: 2 rounds
Speed, NornaI SaiI: 3 nph
Maxinun SaiI: 5 nph
NornaI ar: 1 nph
Maxinun ar: 2 nph
ANN (AWW-mmm)
AT A G|ANC|. Ann is lhe norlhernnosl
The pre- eni nenl nenler of l he
presenl CounciI is lhe Meisarch, a pov-
erfuI Magic User, vho is never vilhoul
al Ieasl fifleen relainers/lodyguards.
The renainder of lhe CounciI are nore
recIusive and aInosl never Ieave Ann
ilseIf. The olher CounciI nenlers are
lhe Tessarch, lhe Nanarch, lhe IIlarch,
lhe Ionnarch, and lhe Dahaunarch.
Ann is lhe richesl Iand on lhe Svord
Coasl, rivaIing lhe cily of Walerdeep
ilseIf. ArgualIy, CaIinshan is richer, lul
lhe Ialler Iand is reaIIy a region of inde-
pendenl cily-slales. Ann and Waler-
deep see lhenseIves as lhe poverfuI
rivaIs of lhe region (discounling lhe
slales of lhe Inner Sea in a fashion lhal
vouId nake a nalive of Cornyr or Thay
lridIe), and agenls fron lolh sides are
alroad, galhering infornalion and dis- Tusk, 12OO years ago.) for ils jeveIry (principaIIy lhal of lhe
rupling lhe lrade of ils rivaI. The area of lhe Creal Deserl is in facl nerchanl House of Thond). A nunler
GAM| |N|ORMAT|ON. The Meisarch is
a coIIeclion of differenl lypes of des- of lrading conpanies have najor oul-
a 9lh IeveI nagic-user of chaolic neulraI
erls, and incIudes lhe hol sandy vasles posls here, and lhere is aIvays a fIoal-
siniIar lo lhe Dusl Deserl of Raurin, ing pooI of nercenary laIenl lo le hired
aIignnenl. He has an 18/56 Slrenglh
and an 18 InleIIigence, and is consid-
rocky ladIands vilh very sparse scruls al any line. The cily is aIso lhe nain
ered lhe crafliesl of his group. His
and no avaiIalIe valer, lasins fiIIed shipping area for coaI in Cornyr, galh-
vilh saIl fIals and prickIy cacli, vind- ering lhe coaI fron nines in lhe CnoII
enlourage of lodyguards are young
nen and vonen raised fron lirlh lo
svepl sandslone nounlains carved ly Iass area. A nap of AraleI nay le
Iay dovn lheir Iives in his defense, and
vind inlo lizarre shapes, and poIar found on page 25.
are aII fighlers of 6lh IeveI. In personaIi-
sleppes and icy vasles in lhe norlh AraleI vas for a lrief line in recenl
vhich vouId rivaI lhose of Vaasa. In nenory lhe cenler of a svordsnans
ly, lhe Meisarch is delauched, corrupl,
and jaded, and lhe suljecl of his sociaI
generaI, il is as inhospilalIe a pIace as Lnpire. This svordsnan vas Conde-
Iife is leller suiled for discussion in a
can le found on lhe surface of ToriI. gaI, lhe Losl King, vho in lhe Year of
Iov-cIass lavern lhan in a schoIarIy
Science, such as il is, does nol expIain lhe Dragon (1352 DR) allenpled lo
lhe reason for lhis advancing deserl, carve a kingdon for hinseIf, cenlered
and greal nagicaI or godIike povers on AraleI and exlending norlh lo lhe
nay le invoIved. n lhe posilive side, Deserlsedge Mounlains, soulh and
lhe encroaching deserl has forced vesl of Wyvernvaler and lhe farns
Tnc Grca| Dcscr| lrade soulh lhrough lhe lollIeneck lhe oulIying fron Lveningslar, and easl lo
||M|NST|RS NOT|S. The Creal Des-
erl vas nol aIvays so huge, and has
of aInosl a lhousand nain luiIdings in
grovn renarkalIy in lhe recenl niIIen- CondegaI ruIed for Iess lhan a season,
nia, driving viId nen, golIins, and olh-
easlern Cornyr, silualed vhere The
he reigned for scarceIy eighl days, lhe
er eviI crealures furlher soulh inlo lhe
Lasl Way neels CaIanlars Way. AraleI
ands of nen. Many hunan and eIvish
is a forlified cily, lhough has nany
renainder of his ruIe leing spenl fighl-
posls for lrading houses oulside ils
ing here and lhere in lhe Iands he
ki ngdons vere svaI I oved ly l he
cIained againsl one foe or anolher. His
vasles, and lheir ruins renain luried lroops vere IargeIy nercenary, and his
lenealh lhe sands. (See alove for lhe ||M|NST|RS NOT|S. AraleI is firsl lreasury of seized goods, vas snaII and
exlenl of lhe deserl in lhe Year of lhe and forenosl a nerchanl cily, faned soon gone. ne nighl ConegaIs force
vasles creale, inlo lhe reaIns of Cor-
nyr, Senlia, and lhe DaIes, naking
lhese regions lhe veaIlhier for lhe Ioss
of such greal cilies as roIin.
TiIvers Cap and lhe nounlain passes.
CondegaIs reach vas Ionger lhan his
lIade, nen say~he couId nol hoId any
of his lerrilory againsl lhe nighl of Cor-
nyr, Senlia, DaggerdaIe, TiIverlon,
ARABEL (AIR-ah-bc!!)
and severaI of lhe olher daIes~aII of
vhon he drev lIood and ire of in lhe
AT A G|ANC|. AraleI is a nid-sized cily
naking of his lhrone.
AT A G|ANC|. This larren vasleIand
doninales lhe norlh, a huge nass of
sleppeIand, rocky vasles, and lrue des-
erl lhal runs fron lhe Ullernosl Norlh
aInosl lo lhe Lake of Dragons.
Citadel (and jail)
Palace (court, assembly hail)
House Marliir (noble family)
The Weary Knight (inn of good
The Ladys House (temple of Tymora)
The Dragons Rest (guesthouse &
barracks, owned by the crown for
quartering of its guests)
The Whistling Wheel (inn)
The Travelers Banner (inn)
The Lamps (hardware store)
The Bazaar (market area)
The Eastwatch Inn
The Iron Throne (merchant company)
Milzars Yards (rental stockyards)
Thousandheads Trading Coster
(merchant company) yards
Dragoneye Dealing Coster (merchant
company) yards
Elfskull Inn
Calantars Gate
Red Raven Mercenary Company HQ
The Kings Trading Yards
(crown-owned, but available for
Trueshield Trading Priakos
(merchant company) yards
The High Horn Gate
The Night Wolf Inn
Mother Lahammas House (boarding
Rasprals Kiss (Festhall)
Six Coffers Market Priakos (Merchant
Company) yards
Gelzunduth Warehouse
" "
House of Gelzunduth (local
Rhalseers (boarding house of good
House of Kraliqh (local merchant)
House of Bhela (local merchant)
House of Misrim (local merchant)
House Hiloar (local merchant)
Shassras (boarding house of good
Falcons Rest (inn of good quality)
House of Nyaril (local merchant)
The Watchful Shield (rental
Dulbiirs (rental costumes & finery,
escort service)
Mulkaer Lomdath, fine tailor
The Silver Tankard (tavern)
Mhaer Tzintin, Moneylender/-changer
Eighlars Fine Wines
Jhammas Silks and Furs
Dhelthaen (butcher)
The Strongwatch (rental
warehouse, heavily guarded)
The Pride of Arabel (inn of good
Orbuls Fine Carving & Furniture
Khammaths Crystal (shop)
The Black Mask (tavern)
House of Thond (local merchant)
Hawks Perch Trading House
Szantels Ropes, Cords, Chains, and 107.
Mesh 108.
The Wary Warrior (weapons of all
The Two-Headed Lion (tavern)
The Striking Snake (tavern)
The Coiled Whip (tavern)
The Gentle Smile (festhall of good
The House of Baerlear (local
The Black Barrel (tavern)
Hundars Fine Carpets, Perfumes,
and Lanterns
Iardons Hirelings (rental servants,
escorts, loaders & lifters, mourners,
message or errand runners)
Monument to Dhalmass, The Warrior
The Silver Stallion tack shop
Green Phial medicines & physics
shop and clinic
Mhaess (festhall)
House of Thond rental warehouse
Six Coffers Market Priakos (merchant
company) warehouse
The Bent Bow (tavern)
Laeduths (boarding house)
The Red Sword (tavern)
Vaethym Olorar, rental Falconer
Saerdars Silks and Flowers
The Hungry Man (restaurant)
The Chalice (fine brass &
The Net of Pearls (gowns, jewelery,
and lingerie)
Nelzaras (boarding house)
Buldo Cravan (butcher)
The Eyes and Ears of Arabel
(messenger service, caravan-guard
hiring service, fast delivery service
within Arabel)
Kelsars Fowl (live poultry & game
Ssarras (restaraunt)
The High Moon Inn
The Orange Banner Inn
The Ladys Tastes (fine clothing)
Soldiers Boots (tavern)
The Red Stirge (inn)
House Misrim Warehouse
The Velvet Couch (festhall)
The Burning Blade (tavern)
Nathscals (rental) Warehouse
The Lavander Lion (festhall)
The Smoky Skull (tavern)
The Old Warrior (inn)
Zelonds (rental) Warehouse
Zelzars (pawnshop & used goods)
Naneathas (festhall)
The Dancing Dracolisk (tavern)
Thael Diirims Parchment and
The Roll Roast (inn)
Daglar Maermeet (armorer)
Orphast Ulbanath (scribe,
cartographer, genealogist)
103. The Moonlit Touch (nightclub,
104. Quezzos (rental) Warehouse
105. Dhaliimas (boardinghouse)
106. The Three Sisters (pawnshop, used &
damaged clothes and goods)
Nuirouve Dornar, Potter
Fillaros Overland Food (barrels of
fish, etc., from the Sword Coast or
Inner Sea)
The Blue Mace (inn)
House of Baerlear warehouse
House of Lheskar Bhaliir (owner of
the Dancing Dragon & the Dancing
Dracolisk taverns, & fence of stolen
The Dancing Dragon
The Open Casket (pawnshop, used
goods, caravan liquidations, & fence
of stolen goods)
Ghastar Ulvarinn, Stonecutter
Baalimr Selmarr, Capenter
Dazniir Relharphin, Wheelwright
Cheth Zalbar, Purveyor of fine
perfumes, soaps, lotions, dyes, and
Bracerim Thabbold, Bedbuilder
The Lamp, Lantern, and Candle Shop
of Nphreg Jhanos
Tamthiirs Leather Shop: fine clothes
made to order
Psammas Durviir (tailor)
Elhazirs Exotica (rare & unusual gifts
& treasures)
The Baths (bath-house, wrestling
gym, and beauty parlour)
Wayscross Inn
The Ivory Jack (tavern)
Phaeshas (boarding house)
Vondors Shoes & Boots
The Feasting Board (eatery)
House Hiloar warehouse
The Lame Camel (tavern)
Blackhand Lhaols smithy
House Misrim warehouse
House of Kraliqh warehouse
The Scarlet Spear (inn)
The Lazy Lizard (tavern)
The Watchful Lynx (inn)
Nyaril warehouse
House Misrim warehouse
The Swinging Gate (inn)
The Nine Fires (inn)
The Three Bars (inn)
The Tired Traveler (inn)
The Wink and Kiss (tavern)
Thousandheads Trading Coster
(merchant company) warehouses
The Pork Market (yards)
Dragoneye Dealing Coster (mechant
company) warehouse
Ssantusass (rental) Warehouse
Dhalgims Yard (fuel: wood,
charcoal, oils, kindling)
The Copper Cockatrice (hardware
Irriphars Inn
The Murdered Manticore (inn)
sinpIy neIled avay lefore lhe advanc-
ing hosl of Cornyr and vas gone.
The forces of King Azoun IV relook
AraleI on lhe norn vilhoul velling a
lIade, no nan found CondegaIs lody.
He is knovn lo have fIed norlh and lhen
easl, via Teshvave, and lhen his fale
lec ones a nal l er of c onf I i c l i ng
runour and Iegend. Mosl leIieve he
sliII Iives, vilh a score or nore IoyaI foI-
Iovers, keeping courl in lhe viIds
sonevhere, a carefuI and rulhIess lan-
dil vho lakes care lhal none survive
one of his allacks lo carry laIes any-
vhere. When enlire caravans vanish al
lines, anyvhere lelveen lhe High
DaIe and far-off InpiIlur, he is lIaned
in lhe laverns.
CondegaI is said lo le a laII, grey-
haired varrior of consideralIe person-
aI skiII and inleIIigence. His ladge is a
grey voIfs-head, face on, vilh red eyes.
Caravan-guards oflen varn nerchanls
lo leef up lhe escorl on a parlicuIar
caravan, eIse lhy goIdII soon le giIding
CondegaIs lhrone.
GAM| |N|ORMAT|ON. CondegaI is a
fighler of 2Olh IeveI and neulraI aIign-
nenl, and a speciaIisl in conlal vilh
lolh Iong svord and lvo-handed lroad
svord. Whelher he yel Iives, lhe nagic
or lreasure he carries, and vho his
aIIies nighl le are aII unknovn.
AraleI is currenlIy ruIed ly Myr-
neen LhaI, a ranger of good/neulraI
aIignnenl and 12lh IeveI. Myrneens
Iordship lends lo lurn on lhe facl lhal
she pernils lhe lraders and nerchanls
lo engage in vhalever laclics lhey see
fil, as Iong as no one is hurl and lhe
crovn is nol endangered.
AT A G|ANC|. This snaII, isoIaled
rocky gorge carries lhe river Arkhen
fron lhe Thunder Ieaks dovn lo lhe
sea al SeIgaunl, producing a leaulifuI
vaIIey of ferns, IiIies, nosses and cIear
pooIs. There are scallered farns and
orchards aIong lhe vaIIey fIoor, lul no
cenlraI narkel or square.
||M|NST|RS NOT|S. ArchendaIe is
hone l o aggr es s i ve l r ader s ( s ee
SLSSRLNDALL) vho operale fron
Moonsea lo Dragonnere and leyond.
The rchards provide rich fruil vhich
connands a good price in Senlia. In
addilion, freshvaler crals, regarded as
a deIicacy in ArchendaIe, Iive in lhe
pooIs lhere.
ArchendaIe is ruIed ly lhree officers
knovn as Svords, a BIack Svord, a Red
Svord, and a BIue Svord. The Svords
are deIileraleIy nyslerious, and usu-
aIIy speak lhrough officers of lhe
ArchendaIe arny.
ArchendaIe sociely has leen forned
ly a Iong and proud hislory, lainled ly
Iong-Iasling grudges and nany-Iayered
inlrigue. Ils peopIe lend lo le haughly,
even anong olher DaIesnen, shorl-
lenpered, and vain. Il is considered a
fine pIace lo lrade lul a poor neighlor-
hood lo Iive in.
GAM| |N|ORMAT|ON. The ArchendaIe
arny consisls of six rides of 6O nen
per ride, for a lolaI reguIar force of 36O
nen. These are nounled forces of nen-
al-arns, dressed in chain and carrying
svords, Iance, and conposile lov.
Lach ride has has a ridenasler of fiflh
IeveI or higher. In addilion, lhe lraders
of ArchendaIe have used lheir veaIlh in
lhe pasl lo hire nercenary lroops and
speII-caslers vhen lhe need arises.
The idenlilies of lhe Svords are
unknovn, and nay le any of lhe ride-
naslers or hoIders of sone olher posi-
lion in lhe DaIe. Inquiries inlo such
nallers neel a lIank (and effele) slare
fron nalives, and il is surnised lhal
lhey lhenseIves do nol knov lhe idenli-
lies of lhe Svords.
AT A G|ANC|. Aslravn is a snaII lovn
of aloul 5O cenlraI luiIdings, neslIed in
a shaIIov deIve, vhere roads fron
HIulhrar, Berdusk, and Iriaelor neel. Il
is palroIIed ly riders in red capes.
||M|NST|RS NOT|S. The lovn of
Aslravn Iies in lhe cenler of a lhriving
area of farns. These farns provide lhe
nearly cilies of Berdusk and Iriaelor
vilh food, and produce vooI for IocaI
use and for exporl eIsevhere in lhe
ReaIns. The vooI-niIIs proper are in
Berdusk, lul lhe galhering-pIace for
nosl of lhe farners is here in Aslravn,
vhere severaI snaII coslers pIy a lusy
lrade over lhe roads lelveen lhe lovn
and ils neighloring cilies. Il is here lhal
lhe Iarge IocaI farners narkel is heId,
and ils is here lhal lhe Ricrs ui|n Rc
C|ca|s are lased.
The Riders, naned for lheir dislinc-
live garl, are IocaI voIunleers con-
nanded ly experienced varriors, and
are paid a leneficence ly Iriaelor lo
cover lheir cosls of operalion. They
suppIenenl lhis slipend vilh any
lallIe-Iool lhey nay lake. In relurn, lhe
Riders in Red CIoaks palroI lhe area
around lhe lovn (parlicuIarIy lhe
nounlain sIopes lo lhe easl), fighling
off landils, orcs, luglears, and preda-
lory nonslers lo keep lhe farn-Iands
GAM| |N|ORMAT|ON. A lypicaI Red
CIoaks palroI nunlers 12 firsl IeveI
fighlers, Ied ly a palroI Ieader of 3-4lh
IeveI. They are nounled on nediun
horse, vieId spear and Iong svord, and
vear chain naiI (pIale for officers).
There are such palroIs in nornaI opera-
lion, lul in lines of danger lhal nun-
ler nay lripIe lhrough recruilnenl,
and lhe Red CIoaks nay hire on addi-
lionaI nagic-users and cIerics. Slandard
slipend is 1O goId per IeveI per veek,
pIus a share equaI lo IeveI of any lrea-
sure recovered (a 1sl IeveI viII gel 1
share, a 3rd IeveI lhree shares, elc.).
AT A G|ANC|. BaIdurs Cale is Iocaled
5O niIes up lhe Chionlhar River fron
vhere lhal fIov enlers lhe TrackIess
Sea, al lhe soulhern reaches of lhe
Svord Coasl. Il is siulaled on lhe norlh-
ern shore of lhe river, aslride lhe Trade
Way fron Ann lo Walerdeep. BaIdurs
Deep consisls of a Iover cily oulside
lhe slone vaIIs, and an upper cily
vilhin lhose vaIIs.
||M|NST|RS NOT|S. This inporlanl
independenl cily is knovn as one of lhe
nosl loIeranl lul quielIy veII-poIiced
pIaces in lhe veslern ReaIns, and is
hone lo nany advenlurers and enlre-
preneurs as a resuIl. Il is ruIed ly lhe
Iour Crand Dukes, lhough lhe lilIe of
Duke is an honorific laken upon
ascending lo lhe CounciI, and is given
even if lhe candidale is fenaIe or of a
race lhal uses olher lilIes.
The cily vas originaIIy conpIeleIy
vaIIed, vilh gales lo lhe Norlh for lhe
Trade Way and lo lhe soulh Ieading lo
lhe docks. Wilh lhe expansion of lrade
and lhe founding of Ann, lrade has
lecone very profilalIe in lhe reIaxed
cIinale of BaIdurs Cale, and lhe cily
grovn as a resuIl. The cily has nov
lursl ils originaI lounds (aloul lhe size
of SuzaiI in Cornyr) and is divided ly
ils originaI vaII inlo a upper and
Iover cily. The upper cily is lolh
oIder and of a nore pernanenl nalure,
and il is here lhal lhe nolIes, rising
nerchanls, and nevIy-veaIlhy adven-
luring conpanies rul shouIders.
GAM| |N|ORMAT|ON. The presenl
Dukes of BaIdurs Cale are:
Lnlar SiIvershieId, a 2Olh IeveI cava-
Liia }annalh, a 16lh IeveI fenaIe
nagic-user of chaolic good aIignnenl,
BeIl, a 17lh IeveI fighler, and
LIlan, a 2Olh IeveI IavfuI neulraI
fighler. LIlan is connander of lhe
IIaning Iisl Mercenary Conpany, one
of lhe nosl poverfuI such conpanies in
lhe ReaIns, vhich is lased in BaIdurs
Cale. Iurlher infornalion on lhe IIan-
ing Iisl nay le found in lhe Mercenary
Conpanies Seclion, and on LIlan in lhe
IersonaIilies of lhe ReaIns seclion in
lhe DMs Sourcelook.
AT A G|ANC|. There are nany viId,
unsellIed reaches of lhe Iorgollen
ReaIns, in parlicuIar lhe greal gaps lhal
separale areas of civiIizalion such as
Walerdeep and Cornyr fron each olh-
er. These Iands are nol enply, for in
addilion lo nonslrous crealures and
i nhunan l r i les , of l en gr oups of
hunans nake oul lheir Iiving in a con-
forlalIe, if prinilive, fashion. These are
lhe larlarians of lhe ReaIns.
||M|NST|RS NOT|S. The neaning of
lhe vord oaroarian depends on lhe
user. The definilion alove is lhe cIassic
def i ni l i on, lul l hose of l he oI der
r e gi o ns o f l he Re a I ns , s uc h a s
MuIhorand and CaIinshan, consider aII
lhe Iand norlh of lhe Sea of IaIIen Slars
as viIderness and ils inhalilanls as lar-
Barlarian Iife varies fron pIace lo
pIace, and silualion lo silualion. Mosl
larlarian lriles do nol engage in lrade,
and lend lo le hosliIe lo oulsiders in
generaI and nagic-users in parlicuIar. A
rejeclion of lhe exislence of lhe nagicaI
arls is a haIInark of lhe larlarian, as
opposed lo his lalIe nanners. Barlari-
ans do adhere lo lhe codes of lheir ovn
lriles, and concenlrale on survivaI as a
prinary goaI. Bolh lhe larlarian and
lhe ranger are fighlers suiled for Iife in
lhe viId, lhough lhe ranger is nore of a
hunler and lracker in nalure, and lhe
larlarian is a Iong-lern survivor.
GAM| |N|ORMAT|ON. Barlarians in
lhe Iorgollen ReaIns are as delaiIed in
lhe Uncar|nc Arcana Tone. Barlari-
ans nay cone fron a nunler of areas
in lhe ReaIns, and viII have lerliary
proficiencies according lo lheir nalive
lerrilories. An individuaI running a Bar-
larian characler shouId choose lhe
lype and hone lerrilory of his larlar-
Hcrsc 8aroarians Iound norlh of lhe
Moonsea, in lhe sleppe-Iand and lhe
area knovn as lhe Ride. Such Barlari-
an lriles have lhe lerliary aliIilies of
anina| nan|ing, ncrscnansnip, and
|cng is|ancc signa|ing. TypicaI veap-
ons are Iance, shorl svord, and javeIin.
Mccr 8aroarians Iound in lhe High
Moors and lhal Innediale area, and
nake lheir Iiving vilhoul Iarge leasls.
These larlarian lriles have lhe ler-
liary aliIilies of anina| nan|ing, |cng
is|ancc signa|ing, and running. Typi-
caI veapons are spear, ornale lvo-
handed svord, and shorl lov.
Hi|| and Mcun|ain 8aroarians Iound
in cavenan-Iike hoveIs in nounlain
chains renoved fron lhe cilies, incIud-
ing lhe Iar HiIIs and lhe Larlhrusl
nounlains. Their chief veapons are
cIuls and slone daggers, and lheir ler-
liary skiIIs scun ini|a|icn and snarc
Dcscr| 8aroari ans dervi shes and
nonads Iiving aIong lhe Deserls Ldge.
Their lerliary skiIIs incIude ncrscnan-
snip and running, and lheir veapons
are Iasso, Iance or spear, and Iong
|crcs| 8aroarians Iound in regions
such as lhe Border Ioresl and lhe
Woods norlh of lhe TroII HiIIs, and are
fierce fighlers fron lheir lallIes vilh
orcs and olher IocaI lriles. Their ler-
liary aliIilies incIude anina| nan|ing,
scun ini|a|icn, and snarc oui|ing.
Their chief veapons are shorl lov,
dagger, and shorl svord.
|s|an 8aroarians Iound on lhe scal-
lered snaII isIands of lhe Sea of Svords
and lhe Sea of IaIIen Slars, eking oul a
passilIe exislence ly fishing and occa-
sionaI raids. Their secondary skiIIs
incIude sna|| craf|, lolh pa|c and
rcuc, and snarc oui|ing, concenlral-
ing on nels.
AT A G|ANC|. The region of BallIedaIe
is a series of Iov hiIIs and daIes lhal Iie
lelveen lhe IooI of Yeven and Hap-
loolh HiII. There are a Iarge nunler
snaII and farns and honesleads in lhe
||M|NST|RS NOT|S. This region of
ofl-dispuled ground is genlIy roIIing
farnIand, open and a nosl suilalIe sile
for Iarge lallIes (hence ils nane). BallIe-
daIe has seen heavy use in aII nanner of
confIicls, and sliII serves as lhe IocaI sile
of lhe ShieIdneel.
BallIedaIe has no officiaI ruIer or seal,
lhough Lssenlra serves as a lrading/
galhering/goods cenler for lhe DaIe,
and lhe Ieader of lhe ShieIdneel, War
ChanceIIor IInelh, is senl as BallIedaIes
represenlalive lo lhe DaIes CounciI.
GAM| |N|ORMAT|ON. BallIedaIe,
despile ils hosliIe nane, nainlains no
slanding arny, and lhe lilIe War Chan-
ceIIor is heredilary. IInelh is a 12lh
IeveI fighler, dark of leard and nood,
vho c onl i nuaI I y vonder s al l he
slrenglhs of lhe various faclions in lhe
AT A G|ANC|. TraveIers noving inlo
lhe area viII nole a vilhered Iand vilh
a fev slunled scrul-lrees. The soiI has a
dusly vhile paIIor lo il. As lhe sile of
lhe lallIe nears, oulcroppings of lone
jul fron lhe soiI, unliI finaIIy lhe lones
oulnunler lhe rocks lhenseIves and
lhe advenlurer is noving lhrough a
vasleIand of renains.
||M|NST|RS NOT|S. n lhis sile, in a
shaIIov vaIIey sone lvo hundred vin-
l ers ago, a l i l ani c lal l I e erupl ed
lelveen hunan forces and lhe various
golIinoid races. The ColIin Nalions,
aIong vilh orcs, holgolIins, and lheir
aIIies, had overrun lhe Norlh vilh lhe
faII of lhe LarIy Kingdons of nen and
lhe dvindIing of lhe dvarven peopIes.
Afler aInosl a veek of conlinuous
fighling, lhe hunans lriunphed, lul al
horrendous cosl, so nunerous vere
lhe dead lhal even loday lheir lones
are said lo cover lhe ground here lo a
deplh of lveIve inches. This region is
avoided ly nosl lraveIers lecause of
lhe greal nunlers of undead crealures
lhal are said lo nov le here. Those vho
do cone lhis vay, seeking a roule aIong
lhe edge of lhe Deserl, speak of sone
pover organizing lhe undead inlo
palroIs, and lherely conlroIIing lhe
area. No one has yel invesligaled lhese
GAM| |N|ORMAT|ON. Lncounlers in
lhe area of lhe BallIe of lhe Bones
exlend lhirly niIes in aII direclions, and
incIude lhe foIIoving lypes of undead
crealures: skeIelons (hunanoid and
aninaI), zonlies (hunan and nonsler),
vighls, vrailhs, speclres. They nay le
found in nixed parlies, vilh one nore
poverfuI undead Ieader (vighl, vrailh,
or speclre) lo le found for every 2O
Iesser undead). Lesser undead under
lhe conlroI of grealer undead lurn as
lhe grealer undead. Those undead in
lhe BallIe of Bones area ilseIf use lhe
spccia| coIunn for lurning. The nysle-
ri ous f orce lehi nd l he gal heri ng
undead nay le of Iiche or skeIelaI var-
rior pover al Ieasl, and if grealer, nay
have severaI of lhese lypes as servanls.
BEREGO5T (BEAR-ch-gnst)
AT A G|ANC|. Beregosl is a snaII lovn
of aloul 4O cenlraI luiIdings, vilh sev-
eraI Iarger eslales furlher fron lhe
lovn ilseIf. The lovn is doninaled ly a
Iarge lenpIe and ils allendanl luiId-
ings. To lhe easl on lhe Iov rise over-
Iooking lhe lovn is lhe sheII of a ruined
||M|NST|RS NOT|S. The snaII lovn
of Beregosl is firsl and forenosl a lrad-
ing cenler, a junping-off poinl for expe-
dilions inlo lhe Soulhern Kingdons of
Ann, Telhyr, and CaIinshan. Il is aIso
lhe hone of severaI nolalIe individuaIs.
ne of lhe forenosl snilhs in lhe
Svord Coasl area, Taeron Thun-
derhanner Iuiruin, has his eslale
and shop here. Beregosl is aIso lhe
alode of lhe vizard ThaIanlyr, a viz-
ard vho speciaIizes in nagic of lhe
Conjuralion/Sunnoning lype. IinaIIy,
Beregosl is lhe hone of a Iarge lenpIe
lo Lalhander, Cod of lhe Morning. The
high priesl of lhis lenpIe is one KeId-
dalh rnIyr, once a nerchanl of nole
vhose ships pIied lheir lrade up and
dovn lhe Svord Coasl.
n a hiII lo lhe easl of Beregosl Iay lhe
lurned ruins of a schooI of vizardry,
founded sone lhree hundred years ago
ly lhe nage UIcasler, and deslroyed
eighly years Ialer ly CaIishile nages,
vho had feared lhe schooIs coIIeclive
pover had cone lo rivaI lheir ovn.
InlereslingIy enough, lhe UIcaslerian
schooI vas aIso a schooI of Conjurers
and Sunnoners.
GAM| |N|ORMAT|ON. Taeron Thun-
derhanner Iui rui n i s a Masl er
Arnorer, capalIe of forging fuII sels of
pIale arnor, ornale veapons, and using
rare and unique ores. He is neulraI
aIigned, has 25 hp, and fighls as a 1sl
IeveI fighler in conlal. He has experi-
ence in heIping Thafanlyr creale nagi-
caI ilens.
ThaIanlyr, 15lh IeveI nagic-user, spe-
ciaIizes in Conjuralion/Sunnoning
speIIs. ( + 1 on aII his saving lhrovs, - 1
o n s a v i n g l h r o vs a g a i n s l h i s
Conjuralion/Sunnoning allacks).
KeIddalh rnyIyr, Ialriarch of lhe
Church of Lalhanier, 16lh IeveI cIeric.
TenpIe Slaff:
3 8lh IeveI cIerics
6 4lh IeveI cIerics
9 2nd IeveI cIerics
18 1sl IeveI cIerics
2OO nen-al-arns in TenpIe ConpIex
KeIddalh is regarded as lhe lovns gov-
ernor, lhough day-lo-day operalions
are handIed ly a five-nan lovn coun-
BOARE5KYR (Bnar-rch-5KEER)
AT A G|ANC|. The lridge is a nassive
slruclure crossing lhe Winding Waler
aIong lhe nade vay fron Walerdeep lo
ScornuleI. Il is of grey slone, and vide
enough lo carry lvo vains side-ly-side
in eilher direclion. n lhe soulhern
side of lhe lridge is a Iarge encanp-
nenl of lenls and vagons.
||MNST|RS NOT|S. This lridge is
naned for a fanous advenlurer of lhe
earIy days of hunan sellIenenl in lhe
Norlh. Boareskyr (aIso caIIed in lhese
parls The Creal Boareskyr) luiIl lhe
firsl lenporary lridge al lhis sile in
order lo rush an arny across il and
assaiI an unsuspecling lrile of orcs (lhe
orcs, a lrile caIIed lhe BIoody Tusks,
vere viped oul ly lhis nanuever).
Since lhen, severaI olher lridges have
leen erecled on lhe sile, lhe nosl
recenl leing a nassive lridge lhal
spans lhe Winding Waler in five arches
of grey slone.
Boareskyr Bridge has no pernanenl
sellIenenl in nornaI lerns, lul lhere is
aInosl aIvays a cily of lenls and vag-
ons here, vhere caravans slop lo lrade
goods lack and forlh, and luy nounls,
vagons, and necessary provisions and
nainlenance. The Bridge is lhe Iasl
organized posl on lhe Trade Way fron
ScornuleI lo Walerdeep, unliI lhe lrav-
eIers reach lhe vay inn.
Lav is a rough-and-ready naller in
lhe Bridge, lul severaI poverfuI
advenlurers are oflen in lhe lenl-cily
vho respecl and keep Iav and order: a
fighler naned Barin Slagvinler, a cIer-
ic of Tyr naned TheskuI Mirroreye,
and AIuena HaIacanler. The Iasl is a
nagic-user and is lhoughl ly nosl lo le
a nenler of lhe harpers. AIuena
spends nuch of her line lraining pega-
si for use ly hunans as nounls.
GAM| |N|ORMAT|ON. The Bridge is a
noliIe sellIenenl lhal is conlinuaIIy
changing ils nake-up and personeI.
There viII le conlinuaI nerchanl cara-
vans heading in lolh direclions, lo
Walerdeep and ScornuleI, every five
days or s o. Thous and- Head and
TrueshieId Trading Coslers nainlain
seni-pernanenl areas for lheir lraders,
and vagons, lul lhe najorily of vag-
ons are fron independenl vagoneers.
The cIosesl lhing lo a pernanenl gov-
erning lody are lhe lhree advenlurers
nenlioned alove:
Barrin Slagvinler~7lh IeveI fighler
ThreskuI Mirroreye~6lh IeveI cIeric
AIuena HaIacanler~9lh IeveI vizard
Barrin and ThreskuI lend lo vander in
and oul of lhe lenl-cily, lhough one viII
aIvays le aloul. AIuena nainlains a
s naI I es l al e, c aI I ed Hear l vi ng,
upslrean, vhere she raises her pegasi.
Her slandard charge is 5OOO gp for a
nounl, and she has candidales for pur-
chase undergo a nunler of inlervievs
and exaninalions lo delernine lhal
lhey are capalIe and viIIing lo handIe
one of her sleeds. Her conlracl al line
of saIe incIudes a cIause lhal if lhe pega-
s i i s naI l r eal ed and r el ur ns l o
Hearlving, lhe noney viII nol le
CALANTAR'5 (CAH-Ian-lares)
AT ) G|ANC|. The Way is a carlroad,
running fron Innersea lo AraleI in
||M|NST|RS NOT|S. The Way has
leen naned for he vho surveyed and
luiIl il, over four hundred vinlers ago.
Il has leen carefuIIy lended ly lhe ner-
chanls and soIdiers vho use il.
CALIN5HAN (CAL-in-shan)
AT A G|ANC|. Localed soulh of Telhyr,
lhe rich Iands of CaIinshan are a hol-
led of nerchanl deaIings and doulIe-
deaIings. Iredaling Walerdeep and lhe
cilies of Ann, lhe CaIishiles are one of
richesl and nosl poverfuI nalions on
lhe veslern coasl of Iaerun.
||M|NST|RS NOT|S. The nalion of
CaIinshan is reaIIy a coIIeclion of
squallIing cily-slales, each such cily
ripped ly ils ovn inlernaI nerchanl
faclions and pover slruggIes. The Iarg-
esl of lhese slales is CaIinporl, and il is
here lhal a sequeslered Iasha reIaxes
and delauches vhiIe his servanls and
lureaucral i c underI i ngs squallI e
aloul lhe kingdon.
By royaI decree, aII ships of CaIin-
porls navy and nerchanl fIeel fIy lhe
fIag of CaIinshan, a goId fieId vilh lIue
Iines sIanling across il. This, pIus lhe
nalure of lhese lraders lo gIoss over
lroulIes al hone, gives lhe iIIusion of a
vilranl, unified nalion.
CaIinshan considers lolh Ann and
Walerdeep ils econonic rivaIs, and is
aIso invoIved in a conlinuaI series of
cIashes vilh lhe Border Kingdons lo
ils easl, vhich are considered parl of
lhe CaIishile sphere of infIuence onIy
ly lhose vho nusl reporl lo lhe Iasha.
AT A G|ANC|. CandIekeep is a conpIex
of cIuslered lovers perched on a spur
of voIcanic rock overIooking lhe sea. Il
is reached ly a singIe road. Lighls lurn
in lhe vindovs of lhe keep al aII lines,
and lraveIers approaching lhe slruc-
lure can hear a Iov chanling.
||M|NST|RS NOT|S. This cenler of
Iearning preserves lhe prediclions of
AIaundo lhe Seer, lhe singuIar sage
vhose prophecies have proved correcl
over lhe years. Upon his dealh, his cila-
deI al CandIekeep lecane a haven of
lolh veneralion of his prophecies and
lhe accunuIalion of aII knovIedge. The
acoIyles of lhe keep conlinuaIIy chanl
lhe renaining prophecies of AIaundo,
vhich grov shorler over lhe cenluries
as lhey cone lrue and are discarded.
CandIekeep loasls one of lhe finesl
Iilraries in lhe ReaIns.
The forlified keep derives nuch of ils
incone fron finding and copying spe-
cific passages of infornalion fron lhe
looks of Iore, nagic, and phiIosophy
preserved lhere for cIienls aII over lhe
ReaIns, and fron issuing nev nanu-
scripl looks for saIe in Walerdeep and
BaIdurs Cale. These nev nanuscripls
are crealed ly coIIecling cerlain pas-
sages fron oIder lexls logelher. The
Scriles of CandIekeep aIso nake addi-
lionaI copies of looks lroughl lo lhen,
lul lhere are olhers in lhe ReaIns pro-
vide lhis Iasl service for Iess severe fees.
GAM| |N|ORMAT|ON. Iees for serv-
ices al CandIekeep:
Sage Advice is lvice slandard rales
(page 33 of DMC), lul aII inforna-
lion is In Major IieId for purposes
of discovering infornalion.
Book copying is 1OO gp per lexl,
1O,OOO gp per nagicaI lexl (incIud-
ing speIIlooks lul excIuding nagi-
caI lones such as lhe Tcnc cf C|car
Brovsing is loIeraled under spe-
cific ruIes:
1) lhe pelilioner nusl le senl
learing lhe seaI or sign of a recog-
nized poverfuI nage
2) The pelilioner nusl gifl lo
lhe Keep a look of no Iess lhan
1O,OOO gp vaIue
3) Such lrovsing is pernilled for
9 days and nighls. n lhe lenlh
norning, lhe pelilioner is given lhe
choice of Ieaving (he nay relurn) or
joining lhe order as an acoIyle.
In lrovsing, lhe lraveIer nay engage
in research as if a sage hinseIf, vilh
knovIedge in SpeciaI Calegory. for
veracily, and al no furlher cosl.
MagicaI looks and olher dangerous
ilens are kepl in lhe Inner Roons. nIy
lhe Keeper (lhe orders head) and lhe
Readers (his acconpIished slaff) nay
enler lhese roons. Any infornalion
lhal nay le found vilhin lhese areas
nusl le researched as for sages (No
AT A G|ANC|. CaIaunl is a nediun-
sized cily on lhe easlern side of lhe
Dragon Reach, vhere lhe River Vesper
fIovs inlo lhal lody of valer in a vide
AT A G|ANC|. CavaIiers and paIadins
are fighlers of a higher slripe lhan lhe
connon varriors and fighlers. Adher-
ing lo a cause or credo, lhese individ-
uaIs are usuaIIy of high-cIass lirlh or
ninor noliIily. Many see lhenseIves as
lhe olvious lrue Ieaders of nen and
nalions, olhers nereIy as nessangers
and servanls of higher povers.
||M|NST|RS NOT|S. If ever lhere
vere a group of peopIe as a cIass suffer-
ing furlher under deIusions, il has leen
Iosl on lhis vriler. CavaIiers (and lheir
reIaled paIadins) see lhe vorId in lIack
and vhile, good and eviI, us and lhen,
vilh precious IillIe space lelveen
lhen. IorlunaleIy, lhose vhich adhere
nosl cIoseIy lo lhe lenels of lheir cre-
dos die oul earIy, vhiIe lhose lhal
undersland give-and-lake and coopera-
lion anong peopIe of varying (or hos-
liIe) vievpoinls oflen deveIop inlo
CavaIiers have as yel no slandard
organizalion, lul inslead are found in
Advenluring Conpanies, Mercenary
Croups, and oflen operaling aIone. Cav-
aIiers seek lo enuIale lhe IIover of
Knighlhood in lhoughl and deed.
GAM| |N|ORMAT|ON. The Credo of
lhe cavaIier in lhe Iorgollen ReaIns is
siniIar lo lhal presenled in Uncar|nc
Arcana, vilh a fev nodificalions.
The KnighlIy Virlues are generaIIy
considered lo le:
LileraIily Honor
Cood Iailh CIory
Courlesy UnseIfishness
Iride in ones aclions
HuniIily in ones deed (in parlicuIar for
Differenl CavaIiers nay rale lhese in a
differenl nanner of inporlance.
The ChivaIric code, adapled for lhe
Iorgollen ReaIns Canpaign, is as foI-
NolIe Service cheerfuIIy rendered
Defense of any charge unlo dealh
Courage and Lnlerprise in oledi-
ence lo ruIes and ones superiors
Respecl for aII peers and equaIs
Honor lo lhose alove ones slalion
Larning respecl and oledience
fron lhose leIov ones slalion
lhrough ones aclions
MiIilary provess in service lo
ones Iord
Courlesy lo Iadies for naIe cava-
Courlesy lo Iords and honoralIe
nen for fenaIe cavaIiers
BallIe is lhe lesl of honor and gIo-
IersonaI gIory in lallIe
Dealh lefore dishonor
CavaIiers in lhe ReaIns are fiIIed vilh
lhe ideas of lheir ovn aliIilies, and are
oflen lhe firsl lo Ieap inlo lallIe. IIayer-
characler cavaIiers have lhe choice of
fighling direclIy or lehaving in a cra-
ven fashion, vilh lhe nole lhal such
lehavior nay cosl experience poinls.
NIC CavaIiers viII usuaIIy charge inlo
lhe fray, lhough lhey viII nake an aliIi-
ly check againsl lheir InleIIigence if
faced vilh a difficuIl silualion (i.e.
rcus drops in for Iunch, lhe cavaIier
shouId le given a chance lo reconsider
lefore allacking vilh a lullerknife).
CavaIiers oflen enler inlo service
vilh NolIe Lords in lhe ReaIns. IaIa-
dins nay offer lheir aIIegiance lo such
Iords of Cood and LavfuI aIignnenl, or
lo lhe various Cood and LavfuI failhs
of lhe ReaIns. Lilher nay operale as
naslerIess svords, unliI lhey find a sil-
ualion suiled lo lheir laIenls.
AT A G|ANC|. Silualed on lhe far side
of Sea of IaIIen Slars, Chessenla is one
of lhe eIder nalions of lhe Soulh (see
THL SUTH). Il is said lo le a rich, fer-
liIe Iand fiIIed vilh viId, drunkenIy cra-
zy nen.
AT A G|ANC|. The CiladeI of lhe Raven
is a Iarge, veII-prolecled chain of inler-
connecled forlresses on lhe veslern
edge of lhe Dragonspine nounlains, ils
nuIlipIe lovers under lhe conlroI of
ZhenliI Keep.
||M|NST|RS NOT|S. The CiladeI of
lhe Raven vas an ruined series of for-
lresses fron a Iong-forgollen kingdon,
reluiIl ly lhe conlined forces of lhe
Moonsea cilies of YuIash, ZhenliI Keep,
MeI vaunl , Thenl i a, Hi I I sf ar, and
MuInansler. Slaffed ly conlined
forces of lhese cilies (and ly groups of
advenlurers as veII), lhe forlress
repuIsed nany najor allacks ly orga-
nized groups of ogres over lhe eighly-
years of ils exislence.
A fev vinlers lack, lhrough a conli-
nalion of lrilery, lhreals, and shovs of
force, ZhenliI Keep has cone inlo con-
lroI of lhe CiladeI, expeIIing aII olher
forces (see KNICHTS I THL NRTH),
and raising lhe lanner of lhe Zhen-
larin in pIace of lhe Raven of lhe Norlh.
GAM| |N|ORMAT|ON. The CiladeI of
lhe Raven is in reaIily a chain of for-
lresses connecled ly vaIIed passage-
vays and secrel palhs. The chain
slrelches for sone len niIes, and can
house a Iarge nunler of lroops.
The CiladeI is currenlIy lhe najor
niIilary oulposl of lhe forces of ZhenliI
Keep, as veII as a prison for ils poIilicaI
prisoners. The forces of lhe CiladeI
hoId IillIe poIilicaI pover vilhin lhe
organizalion of lhe Zhenlarin, and a
posling here is regarded as a punish-
nenl for inlernaI feuding. The ciladeI is
arned ly:
2OOO Men-Al-Arns suiled in chain
and vieIding nediun lovs
and svords
2OO Horsenen, in pIale arnor and
siniIar larding vilh Iance and
Iong svord
5O IeveI 3 connanders
Lord Kandar MiIinaI (1Olh IeveI fighl-
er, connander of lhe arny)
In addilion, lhe CiladeI is oflen lhe vin-
lering ground for nercenaries in lhe
enpIoy of ZhenliI Keep.
SeveraI nenlers of lhe Zhenlarin
Nelvork nay le presenl as veII, and
Senennon lhe Wizard (12lh IeveI)
nakes his hone here.
The lallIenenls of lhe CiladeI of lhe
Raven face oulvards, norlh and easl,
lul are very slrong lo lhe vesl and
soulh as veII. ShouId lhe cilies of lhe
Moonsea faII lo oulside force, lhis is lhe
loIl-hoIe pIanned ly lhe Zhenlarin and
olher eviI crealures.
AT A G|ANC|. CIerics are lhose individ-
uaIs capalIe of direcling energies deriv-
ing fron parlicuIar enlilies knovn
properIy as Iovers, lhough oflen
referred lo as deilies or gods. AII cIerics
leIong lo failhs vhich venerale lhese
Iovers and advocale lheir ains and
||MNST|RS NOT|S. The ReaIns lend
lo le in generaIIy loIeranl of aII failhs,
such lhal in Iarger cilies lheir are len-
pIe dislricls of various failhs of dissini-
I ar aI i gnnenls and goaI s exi sli ng
side-ly-side. Iailhs and lenpIes nain-
lain varying IeveIs of infIuence in lhe
IocaI governnenl, and onIy in a fev
cases is lhere a slale-reIigion. ne
such exanpIe is lhe isIand-nalion of
Lanlan, vhose slrange inhalilanls are
aInosl aII vorshipers of Cond. Lven so,
lhere are shrines lo olher deilies on
Lanlan, lhough lhey exisl prinariIy lo
serve foreign visilors.
CIerics lend lo le divided inlo lvo-
groups vilhin lheir failh, lhough nen-
lers of one group easiIy and oflen cross
inlo lhe olher group. Hierarchy cIer-
ics are lhose vhich are usuaIIy lied
dovn lo a specific Iocalion, such as a
lenpIe, shrine, or nonaslery, and vork
prinariIy lo lhe good of lhal Iocalion
and ils connunily. Mission cIerics are
al-Iarge agenls enlrusled lo vander
lhe Ienglh and lreadlh of lhe ReaIns
spreading lhe lasic lenenls and leIiefs
of lhe organizalion. Many of lhe cIerics
found in Advenluring Iarlies, or vork-
ing aIongside nerchanl or in nerce-
nary conpanies are nission cIerics.
Again, lhe Iine is fuzzy one, such lhal a
cIeric vho has spenl his Iife in lhe hier-
archy nay suddenIy decide, for lhe
good of his order, lo engage in a quesl
for an arlifacl, and galher a group of
Iike-ninded advenlurers, and sel off as
a nission cIeric. SiniIarIy, a cIeric
vho has spenl her Iife in advenluring
conpanies, lilhing a Iarge parl of her
earnings lo selling up shrines for lhe
Iovers, nay delernine lo relire (or
seni-relire) lo a lenpIe lo use lhe expe-
rience gained lo leach olhers, and enler
lhe hierarchy in lhal fashion.
Mosl failhs are fairIy Ioose vilh such
reslriclions, onIy requiring lhal a cIeric
seeking lo Ieave his or her hierarchy gel
lhe approvaI of a superior (or of lhe
Iover leing veneraled, if lhe cIeric is
of Ialriarch/Malriarch IeveI) lefore
joining or Ieaving lhe hierarchy.
In a siniIar fashion, lhere is no
required dress or rainenl for a cIeric
oulside of lhe rainenl required for cer-
enonies. In generaI, cIerics dress in lhe
coIors of lheir order (vhich are usuaIIy
lhose of lheir hoIy synloI) and vear
sone cIearIy-olvious synloI of lheir
failh on lhe person. A cIeric of Tynora
viII lend lovards greys, and vear a siI-
ver disk eilher on a neck-chain or in a
selling on lhe forehead, vhiIe a vor-
shiper of Tenpus viII vear heIns (or
nelaI skuIIcaps) and dispIay his synloI
(lhe lIood-red svord on lhe crinson
fieId) on his or her shieId.
GAM| |N|ORMAT|ON. CIerics in lhe
Iorgollen ReaIns are as presenled in
lhe P|aqcrs Hanocc|, vilh lhose Iini-
lalions as lo arnor and veapons vhich
nay le used. WhiIe cerlain reslriclions
nay le Iifled in parlicuIar cases al a
fulure dale, lhe cIeric of lhe Iorgollen
ReaIns is Iiniled lo pIale naiI and
veapons vhich do nol drav lIood.
AT A G|ANC|. This vood, norlh of
CandIekeep, is ancienl and lhickIy over-
grovn vilh eIns, leeches, feIsuI, and
hiexeI lrees.
||M|NST|RS NOT|S. The CIoak Wood
is an oId, lhickIy grovn foresl narking
lhe soulhern end of lhe Svord Coasl.
}usl soulh of BaIdurs Cale, lhe CIoak
vood is a periIous pIace, and hone lo
quickIings, salyrs, slirges, kanpfuIl,
and olher Iess connon nonslers. This
high nunler of crealures has lurned
lhe vood inlo a lallIeground lelveen
rivaI races. The sages of CandIekeep
have sufficienl evidence lo indicale al
Ieasl one ga|c exils in lhe vood, lul lhe
exacl nunlers and/or deslinalion of
lhese ga|cs is unknovn. They nay Iead
lo olher parls of lhe ReaIns, lo an AIler-
nale MaleriaI IIane vhere such crea-
lures are connon, or lo lhe BeaslIands
(Happy Hunling Crounds). Iev vho
have invesligaled lhe naller have
relurned lo reporl on il.
AT A G|ANC|. The viIIage of Corn rp
is a fIea-speck on lhe road lelveen
HIulhrar and HiIIs Ldge, vilh aloul 15
pernanenl luiIdings. The Iov hiIIs lo
lhe easl of lhe lovn are dolled vilh
haIfIing lurrov s, doninaled ly a
goodIy-sized slruclure enlIazoned
vilh lhe synloI of a lullerfIy.
||M|NST|RS NOT|S. This liny viIIage
is knovn for ils Iarge residenl popuIa-
lion of haIfIings, vho Iive anicalIy vilh
lhe fev hunan inhalilanls of lhe pIace,
despile lhe facl lhal lhe viIIages Lord,
Dundasl HuIleI, is hunan, as is lhe viI-
Iage niIilia. The Ialler facl is one lhal
nosl nalive haIfIings, preferring lo see
sone eIse fighl lheir lallIes, are quile
conforlalIe vilh.
HaIfIing priesls of rank dveII in Corn
rp, naking lhe area a connon veII-
knovn galhering-spol for lhe race.
Many haIfIings converge on lhe hanIel
each ShieIdneel lo do lusiness vilh
lheir feIIovs, lrade nalive goods, and
lrade laIes.
Corn rps nolalIe exporl (olher
lhan haIfIings) is a lype of sloul pollery.
Made of sinpIe red cIay in Iarge, usalIe
forns, lhe pollery of Corn rp is in
connon use lhroughoul lhe ReaIns for
everyday funclions, and is highIy
lhoughl of.
GAM| |N|ORMAT|ON. Corn rps
Lord is Dundasl HuIreI, a 4lh IeveI
hunan fighler of LN aIignnenl. He is
friendIy and loIeranl of lhe IillIe foIk
vho infesl his lovn, an in parlicuIar
encourages lhe galhering al ShieIdneel
as a vay lo lring nore visilors (and
nore noney) inlo lhe area. His niIilia
nunlers 3O nenlers, aII 1sl IeveI fighl-
ers. Their arnor is chain naiI, and lheir
veapons are svords and shorl lovs.
The niIilia are idenlified ly slrips of
green-coIored cIolh vorn on lhe righl
arn and Iefl lhigh (lhe Ialler for leller
idenlificalion ly lhe haIfIing popuIa-
A Iarge (ly haIfIing slandards) lenpIe
lo lhe deily SheeIa IeryroyI has leen
conslrucled in lhe hiIIs overIooking
Corn rp. Ils Malriarch is AIIyia
Macanesler, originaIIy of Lvenslar.
AIIyia is a 1Olh IeveI cIeric vilh an
incredilIe 2O Wisdon, and is nuch ven-
eraled and Ioved ly her foIIovers. She
is served in lhe lenpIe ly:
4 6lh IeveI cIerics
8 3rd IeveI cIerics and
16 1sl IeveI cIerics.
Mosl noled of lhe pollers is lhe shop
of IIvn Makepeace, vhose vork is
regarded as superior even aIongside
lhe slurdy pols lhe area is fanous for.
Makepeaces shop uses a slaff of a haIf-
dozen haIfIing apprenlices. His vork
seIIs for 1-5 sp per piece, vhich is len
lines lhal of nornaI pollery.
AT A G|ANC|. ne of lhe handfuI of
proper nalions in lhe Norlh, Cornyr
slraddIes lhe Iand lelveen lhe Dragon-
nere and Anauroch in lhe norlh easl
region of lhe Sea of IaIIen Slars. Il vas
al one line heaviIy vooded, lul is nov
a region of snaII foresls and organized
||M|NST|RS NOT|S. Cornyr, aIso
caIIed lhe |crcs|-Ccun|rq is a rich king-
don, ils soulhern, easlern and norlh-
vesl ern areas have nany f arns,
offering alundanl yieId for lrade. The
cenlraI area of lhe kingdon are sliII
vooded, lhese voods, carefuIIy hus-
landed ly lhe forces of lhe King, sliII
yieId good linler, and have pIenlifuI
gane (vhich aII nay hunl, if lhey hunl
aIone). Cornyr is aIso slralegicaIIy
Iocaled on overIand lrade roules fron
lhe cilies of lhe Moonsea lo lhe norlh-
easl, lhe DaIeIands lo lhe easl, lhe Inner
Sea (on vhich il has lvo najor porls,
SuzaiI and Marsenler), and lhe Iands
lo lhe vesl, norlhvesl, and soulh~
parlicuIarIy lhe rich cily-slales and
kingdons of lhe Svord Coasl.
Cornyr is a vel Iand, receiving alun-
danl rain in sunner and spring, and
alundanl snov in vinler, il has Iong,
coId vinlers, and shorl lul hol sun-
ners. Much of spring and faII is lenper-
ale and noisl, and as a resuIl Cornyrs
farns and foresls are green and rich in
lolh yieId and spIendor. Misls are con-
non aIong lhe seacoasl, and on lhe
High Moors, exlending in lo lhe pass al
High Horn, and lhe gorge norlh of
Cornyr is a heredilary nonarchy,
lhe presenl King is Azoun IV, an effele
lul regaI niddIe-aged nan of sophisli-
caled lasles and keen vils, son of lhe
faned varrior-king Rhigaerd II. Azoun
ruIes fron his hiIIlop paIace in SuzaiI
and in lhe RoyaI Courl of inlercon-
necled pulIic luiIdings leIov il, and is
rareIy if even seen in lhe foresl lovns
(he is runored lo lraveI in disguise
vhen he nusl Ieave SuzaiI). Azouns
lanner is lhe IurpIe Dragon (a purpIe
dragon on a lIack fieId), il is lorne
oflen ly a slrong slanding arny under
lhe connand of lhe Lord High MarshaI
of lhe Kingdon, Duke Bhereu.
Cornyr dales ils years fron lhe
founding of House larskyr, 1332
years ago. Ior lhe luIk of lhis line, Cor-
nyr vas IillIe nore lhan a singIe cily
(SuzaiI) and a fev forlified oulposls,
and al lines lhe King vas forces inlo
ruIing fron lhose oulposls as opposed
lo ruIing fron his lhrone. The currenl
king is lhe fourlh of his nane and lhe
71sl of his Iine.
The Iand has leen officiaIIy al peace
for nany years, since Rhigaerd over
lhrev lhe Border Raiders. Ils force
have laken parl in aclions in nearly
regions, and lhe nalion has recenlIy
nuslered ils forces lo face CondegaI
(for nore on CondegaI, see under ARA-
BLL). In addilion, palroIs oflen skirnish
vilh landils on lhe roads in lhe norlh
and vesl, and are al presenl lallIing
orcs and olher crealures norlh and easl
of Cornyr, in TiIvers Cap and Dagger-
daIe. Bolh of lhese areas are lhrealened
ly eviI raiders, vho viII nenace Cor-
nyr ilseIf if lhey ever overrun TiIver-
lon and DaggerdaIe. Cornyr has leen
luiIding a forlress, CaslIe Crag, for lhe
Iasl decade, lo defend againsl any such
The King ruIes ly neans of Lords,
one in each lovn, and ly lhe feaIly of
lhe rich nerchanl Iords. The ner-
chanl Iords are loo nunerous lo nen-
lion (al any one line, perhaps lvenly
are of proninence), and change vilh
lhe shifls of forlune, lul lhe IocaI Lords
vho are lenealh lhe officers nen-
lioned alove, under lhe granling of
charlers are as foIIovs. (Tovns are Iisl-
ed in order of size and inporlance.
Lach lovn of Cornyr has ils ovn
LocaI Lord: Myrnenn LhaI
HeraId: Weslar of lhe Cales
LocaI Lord: Thionlur
HeraId: IIduI
LocaI Lord: Hezon
HeraId: YeIIov Hand Yespar
LocaI Lord: TessariI Winler
HeraId: Tzin Tzunner
LocaI Lord: Lord Connander Thursk
HeraId: Dhag Creyleard
LocaI Lord: Doon Dzavar
HeraId: DeIzanlar
LocaI Lord: Sanlavan SuIacar
HeraId: CuIspiir
LocaI Lord: IIdooI
HeraId: ScoriI
LocaI Lord: Slhavar, Lord Magisler of
lhe Cily of SuzaiI
HeraId: Xrorn Hackhand
LocaI Lord: SuIdag lhe Boar
HeraId: Toolh NzaI Tursa
LocaI Lord: IiIfar Woodlrand (aIso
caIIed TroIIkiIIer)
HeraId: Dhag Creyleard
LocaI Lord: Sarp Redleard
HeraId: Lslspiril
Lach IocaI Iord defends lhe IocaI
farns, dispenses lhe Kings juslice,
keeps lhe peace, serves as lhe Kings
eyes and ears, and coIIecls lilhes for
lhe King and for hinseIf (1 sp/head/
year). Lach Lord is aIIoved up lo forly
nen-al-arns, pIus up lo six guides/
caplains (lypicaIIy rangers). These nay
serve as lhe lovn guard. VoIunleer
lovn guardsnen are knovn as lhe
Walch, and nay, upon lhe judgnenl of
lhe Lord, le exenpled fron lhe lax if
lheir service has leen vaIualIe. The
Lord is aIso requesled lo slalIe and
nainlain a fil, fasl horse of lhe lesl
quaIily for lhe use of lhe Kings Messen-
gers (vho ride fasl and far, requiring
lhen lo change nounls al every slop).
Lach Lord nusl have a righl-hand nan,
vho serves as a cIerk/record-keeper,
and is a lrained HeraId. (HeraIds are Iisl-
ed vilh lheir respeclive naslers alove).
The King laxes IighlIy (in addilion lo
lhe lilhe coIIecled ly lhe IocaI Iord,
lhere is a royaI lax of 1 gp per head
annuaIIy, 5 gp for veaIlhy Iandovners),
and nakes lhe Iav ly his decrees in lhe
Courl of lhe Crovn. To enforce lhe Roy-
aI Word, lhere are lhree caraveIs (lvo
al SuzaiI and one al Marsenler), a
slanding garrison of 1OO archers and
3OO nen-al-arns in High Horn, and 1OO
paIace guardsnen in SuzaiI. There is
aIso an slanding arny of over five hun-
dr ed nounl ed nen- al - ar ns and
Ionglovnen, Ied in lallIe ly lhirly or
so knighls of lhe Courl, and loIslered
ly a counciI of videIy-feared var viz-
ards, vho are knovn for lheir lIack-
and-purpIe roles.
Mages of any rank of pover, fron
lhaunalurgisls (IeveI 5) and up, nusl
ly Iav reporl lheir nanes, sigiIs, and
vherealouls of alode lo lhe RoyaI
Magician, Vangerdahasl, in SuzaiI. Such
speII-caslers are aIso required lo give
lheir nanes vhenever chaIIenged in
Cornyr ly soIdiers of lhe King or offi-
3 3
cers of lhe Courl, upon pain of nagicaI
deslruclion al lhe hands of lhe RoyaI
Magician or lhe CounciI of Mages (lhe
aforenenlioned var vizards). The
niIilary hislory of Cornyr is one of
gueriIIa anlushes and running skir-
nishes, ralher lhan selpiece lallIes,
and lhe Courl is lhus very sensilive lo
lhe presence of arned nen vilhin lhe
kingdon. LavIess freesvords cannol
operale vilhin Cornyr. Mercenaries
(lhal is, aII arned nen nol in service
vilh lhe King) cannol galher, vhiIe
arned, in groups of nore lhan five in
any pIace save pulIic narkels or inns
and laverns (and in lhe Ialler, il is cus-
lonary lo surrender aII veapons lo a
cuslodian lehind lhe lar). VioIalors
face innediale disarnanenl, forfeil-
ure of goods, and inprisonnenl al lhe
hands of lhe IocaI Walch or soIdiers of
lhe King. The exceplions lo lhis decree
are, vhen such fighlers are operaling
under hire, under conlracl lo soneone
aulhorized lo hire lhen (noliIily, or
charlered nerchanls) as caravan or
vare house guards, or as lodyguards,
or ly pernission of lhe King. Save in
lines of var, pernission of lhe King is
granled onIy in lhe forn of a royaI
Such charlers can le ollained onIy
fron lhe Lord Connander al High Horn,
lhe Warden of lhe Laslern Marches in
AraleI (Baron Thondor), or lhe ChanceI-
Ior or Lord High MarshaI al lhe RoyaI
Courl in SuzaiI. The King can of course
granl one al any line, anyvhere. Such
charlers cuslonariIy cosl a lhousand
pieces of goId, a furlher lax of lhree hun-
dred goId pieces a year (payalIe upon lhe
anniversary of lhe issuance of lhe origi-
naI charler, Iale penaIly of lvenly goId
pieces per day lhereafler, up lo len days
Ialer. Any furlher deIay resuIls in aulo-
nalic suspension of lhe charler, and a
varranl for lhe arresl and delenlion of
any such nercenaries operaling vilhin
lhe loundaries of Cornyr lhereafler),
and can le revoked vilhoul varning al
any line.
Charlers are cuslonariIy given lo a
conpany of advenlurers. Such a con-
pany nay nol nunler nore lhan lhirly
persons al any one line. AII nenlers
of lhe charlered conpany nusl vear
lhe arns or ladge of lheir conpany al
aII lines vhen arned in Cornyr. IinaIIy
lhe nanes of lhe nenlers of any such
conpany nusl le on fiIe in SuzaiI, any
changes in roslers leing reporled once
a nonlh lo lhe aforenenlioned officers
in High Horn, SuzaiI, AraleI, or lhe
High ConslalIe of lhe Kings Carrison al
Cus|cns cf Ccnqr. The nalion of Cor-
nyr has a nunler of recognized cus-
l ons , vhi c h l he l r aveI er s houI d
recogni ze vhen operal i ng i n l he
nalion. These cuslons incIude:
Connoners of lolh sexes lov
lheir heads lo royaIly.
BuriaIs are foIIoved ly vakes.
Il is unIucky and an offense lo lhe
gods lo kiII a cal, for cals are lhe
eyes and nessengers of gods. Il is
good lo keep a cal, lul a sin lo cIip
ils laiI, ears, or fur, or hanper ils
aliIily lo produce killens. A cal
nay nol le kepl in a cage.
Wonen inleresled in finding a
nale vear purpIe scarves al hip
and/or lhroal.
Advenlurers vho go in peace, lul
arned, vear peaceslrings aloul
lheir svordhiIls (lo prevenl quick
unshealhings). These slrings are
coIored and lasseIIed cords, and il
is an arl lo lie lhen in ornale
knols. The lesl of such knols Iook
conpIicaled, lul nay le undone
vilh a singIe jerk lo free lhe veap-
AT A G|ANC|. DaggerdaIe is a lrue
daIe, or slrean vaIIey lounded ly
nounlains on lhe vesl and rocky hiIIs
on lhe easl, and is a farning and hunl-
ing connunily lhal has IargeIy kepl lo
ilseIf in lhe pasl.
||M|NST|RS NOT|S. DaggerdaIe is a
cIosed connunily, a recIusive sellIe-
nenl lhal nakes lhe nalives of Archen-
daIe Iook friendIy and oulgoing. No
inns, hosleIs, or laverns exisl in lhe
Iand, nor are lhe peopIe viIIing lo offer
lhe space in lheir larns lo veary lrav-
eIers. The reason for lhis Iack of hospi-
laIily is nol knovn, lul as in lhe case of
nany of lhe DaIes, nosl IikeIy harks
lalh lo sone Iong-forgollen incidenl or
DaggerdaIe sends a differenl repre-
senlalive lo lhe DaIes CounciI each year,
lul aII seen lo le slanped vilh lhe
sane unfriendIy noId. Al one poinl,
IInelh of BallIedaIe hazarded lhe guess
lhal DaggerdaI e onI y allended lhe
CounciI lo nake sure lhe olher DaIes
vere nol ganging up on her. Like sini-
Iar connenls aloul DaggerdaIe, lhis
connenl vas nol veII-received ly lhe
AT A G|ANC|. Silualed in lhe fIood-
pIains of lhe DeIinliyr River, Dagger-
ford is a snaII, vaIIed, connunily of 4O
slone luiIdings, doninaled ly lhe snaII
casIle of lhe Duke of Daggerford. The
lovn is silualed on lhe soulh side of lhe
||M|NST|RS NOT|S. Daggerford is a
sparseIy inhaliled lul slralegic junc-
lion vhere lhe Trade Way (lhe nain
roule fron Walerdeep lo lhe Soulh)
crosses lhe DeIinliyr River (vhich is
aIso knovn as lhe River Shining). Dag-
gerford gained ils nane in fron a
repuled incidenl of 4OO years ago: A
nerchanl lraveIing lhrough lhis region
searching for a safe crossing senl his
son ahead of lhe faniIy vagons lo Iook
for a safe passage across lhe Shining.
The loy found lhe ford in lhe dark, lul
vas sel upon ly a raiding parly of Iiz-
ard nen. Defending hinseIf vilh his
soIe veapon, an oId dagger, lhe Iad sIev
six of lhe crealures lefore aid arrived
fron lhe vagons and drove lhe crea-
lures off. The slory spread aIong lhe
nerchanl-vays over lhe years, so lhal
lhe ford, and Ialer lhe lovn lhal grev
up on ils lanks vas knovn as Dagger-
ford. This nay jusl le IocaI Iegend,
lhough lhere nay le a grain of lrulh in
lhe oId laIe. The currenl so-caIIed Duke
of Daggerford cIains lo le a descend-
enl of lhis nerchanl Iad.
Ior nore infornalion on Daggerford
and lhe areas of lhe ReaIns lhal sur-
round il, see N5, Uncr |||cfarn.
AT A G|ANC|. DaerIun is a Iarge cily in
Senlia, cIosesl lo lhe nalion of Cornyr
and lenefilling lhe grealesl fron lrade
vilh lhal nalion. See SLMBIA.
AT A G|ANC|. The region knovn as
lhe DaIeIands is defined as lhe non-
foresled regions inhaliled ny nan
norlh of Senlia and Cornyr and Soulh
of lhe River Tesh and lhe lovn of
VoonIar. This region incIudes a vide
scallering of differenl connunilies, aII
prinariIy ruraI in nalure, vho share
(generaIIy) connon inleresls and
ideaIs. In addilion, lhe DaIeIands are lhe
hone of nany poverfuI individuaIs or
groups vhich find lhe independence of
lhe nalives in keeping vilh lheir ovn
||M|NST|RS NOT|S. The founding of
lhe DaIeIands Iong preceeded lhe
founding of any of lhe exisling DaIes ly
hundreds of years, and lhe phrase
knovn as DaIereckoning is acluaIIy a
connenoralion of nankind leing
given pernission lo sellIe in lhe Iands
norlh and vesl of lhe Inner Sea.
In lhose ancienl days, vhen SuzaiI
and Chondalhan vhich is nov SaerIoon
vere nere coaslaI lrading posls, lhe
LIves vho ruIed lhis foresl enlerlained
a requesl fron sellIers fron lhe Lasl,
f ron I ands such as I npi I l ur and
Danara. This requesl vas nol lo sellIe
lhe LIvish foresl, lul lo farn and sellIe
ils lorders, in parlicuIar lhe rich deIves
and daIes aIong lhe rivers Arkhen and
Ashala. The LIven Courl granled lhal
requesl, in relurn for aid fron lhese
nev daIe-Ianders againsl oulside agres-
sion. In connenoralion of lhal pacl
nan and eIf raised lhe Slanding Slone
vhich is nov seen vhere lhe road fron
Mi sl I edaI e reaches l he road f ron
Lssenlra lo HiIIsfar. Il is fron lhe rais-
ing of lhis Slone lhal DaIereckoning is
Iron lhe pacl nade, lhe DaIesnen
vouId onIy sellIe lhose regions vhich
vere unforesled or uncIained ly lhe
eIves. As lhe LIven Woods receded
under lhe axe-faIIs of furlher invaders
and sellIers, oId DaIes perished and
nev ones cane inlo leing aIong lhe
lorders of lhe voods. Men, lolh good
and lad, have raised pelly nalions in
lhe daIeIands since, lhough any one
daIe lhal lurned againsl lhe pacl vouId
have lo deaI vilh lhe olhers.
Lach of lhe DaIes is a Iarge svalh of
farns and fieIds, vilh a fev scallered
sellIenenls and usuaIIy one cenlraI
narkelpIace, capilaI, or daIe cenler.
These cenlers are oflen lul nol aIvays
naned afler lhe DaIe lhey are in, add-
ing lo lhe confusion as lo vhal is a DaIe-
Iands lerrilory. The DaIes are nol
cily-slales, for lheir Iargesl groupings
of popuIalion rale as lovns al lesl, nor
are lhey lrue nalions in lhe vay of Cor-
nyr, Senlia, or even lhe shallered
slales of Danara. They occupy a grey
niddIe-ground, and are nolhing nore,
or Iess, lhan DaIes.
The DaIes are seIf-governed, lul forn
a Ioose CounciI lhal neels each year al
Midvinler in a differenl lovn of lhe
DaIes. This DaIes CounciI is no slronger
lhan lhe slrenglh of ils nenlers, yel
has leen foIIoved vilh (generaIIy) good
failh over lhe pasl hundred vinlers. Al
lhe lesl of lines, lhe DaIes CounciI is a
group of lough-ninded, independenl
argunenlalive individuaIs vho vouId
Iay dovn lheir Iives ralher lhan see
anolher DaIesnan lhrealened.
A Iisl of lhe nenlers of lhe DaIes
CounciI and lheir ruIers or represenla-
lives foIIovs. No lvo daIes have lhe
exacl sane forn of governnenl, or
even lilIes for lheir ruIers. SeveraI
nereIy send a represenlalive for lhe
peopIe of lhal daIe, olhers have a hered-
ilary or niIilary Ieader, sone pass fron
one advenluring lravo lo anolher, and
sone, in lhe nanner of Ann and nore
civiIized slales, hide lhe idenlily of lheir
Ieaders lehind a lilIe. The DaIes are Iisl-
ed aIphalelicaIIy, for any allenpl lo
decIare one DaIe grealer, Iarger, or
nore inporlanl lhan anolher is an invi-
lalion lo an argunenl. Lach DaIe has ils
ovn individuaI enlry.
The Three Svords
War ChanceIIor IInelh
Varies, each year a differenl repre-
senlalive (caIIed CounciInan, Coun-
ciIvonan, or CounciIeIf) is senl.
T h e r e n e n U I a l h , L o r d o f
Represenlalive Kirshoff
Seven Burghers of HarrovdaIe, Ied
ly Reindorf Sandleard
High DaIe
High ConslalIe Irreph MuInarr
High CounciIIor Haresk MaIorn
c c upi ed ly ol her DaI eI ands
Mourngryn, Lord of lhe DaIe
LIizzaria, Crand Mairshar
LIder }aolh HuInhurn (TeshendaIe
vas deslroyed sone forly vinlers
ago, yel il renains Iisled as a nen-
ler of lhe DaIes CounciI, and a chair
is sel aside al each neeling for lhe
nissing LIder }aolh).
Lach daIe has sIighlIy differenl Iavs,
cuslons, and niIilary forns. Many reIy
on lhe vork of charisnalic heroes and
advenluring conpanies for aid in lines
of lroulIe, and a Iarge nunler of lhese
individuaIs use lhe region as a lase.
This allraclion lo advenlurers is fur-
lher increased ly lhe Iarge nunler of
pre-eIvish ruins in lhe area, and lhe
recenl deparlure of lhe Moon LIves of
lhe LIven Courl for Lverneel, Ieaving
lhe voods open.
The DaIes have nosl recenlIy leen
invoIved in a var vilh one of lheir ovn
nenlers. The area of ScardaIe, under
lhe connand of Lashan Aunersair,
Iaunched a nunler of svifl allacks,
conquering a nunler of lhe surround-
ing DaIes lefore a coaIilion of forces
fron lhe olher DaIes, Senlia, Cornyr,
and ZhenliI Keep crushed lhe invaders.
AT A G|ANC|. Danara is a region
norlh of InpiIlur and easl of lhe Moon-
sea, vhich consisls of a Iarge nunler of
pelly kingdons and snaII ruraI con-
nunilies siniIar lo lhe DaIes.
||M|NST|RS NOT|S. UnliI lhe nosl
recenl generalion of nen, Danara vas
a nalion of lhe pover and inporlance
of InpiIlur or Senlia. Il nainlained
sl rong l rade reI al i ons vi l h ol her
nalions of lhe Moonsea and Inner Sea,
and ils lrade lanner and lIoodslone
lrade lars vere found lhroughoul lhe
In recenl nenory, hovever, Danara
vas invaded ly a force fron Vaasa, ils
norlhern neighlor (see VAASA). The
var lelveen lhese lvo nalions Iasled
for len years, unliI lhe Wilch-king of
Vaasa defealed King Virdin of Danara
al lhe Iord of CoIiad, sveeping lhe Iasl
porlions of organized resislance fron
ils palh and sIaying lhe crean of lhe
Danaran noliIily.
The Vaasan invaders caplured and
sliII ruIe lhe norlhern porlions of lhis
reaIn, vhiIe lhe soulhern porlions of
vhal vas once lhe Kingdon of Danara
have leen lroken inlo snaII laronies
and isoIaled, quarreIIing connunilies.
The dislances lelveen lhese connuni-
lies have over lhe passing years grovn
Iess civiIized and nore dangerous.
The Iand of Danara loday is coId,
enply, and poor. Wilh ils once-proud
cilies sacked and ils nerchanl cIass
chased lo nore hospilalIe cIines, lhere
is IillIe connunicalion lelveen lhe
various laronies, and each renains dis-
lruslfuI of lhe olhers.
The peopIe of Danara are siniIar lo
lhose of lhe DaIes in appearance and
allilude. Il is lhough lhal lhe Danarans
and DaIesnen spring fron lhe sane
veslern-vandering peopIes.
The failhs of lhe Danarans are sini-
Iar lo lhose lhroughoul lhe reaIns,
lhough lhey pay speciaI allenlion lo
IInaler, god of endurance and suffer-
ing, and in parlicuIar venerale lhe
nenory of a Iong-dead palriarch of
l hal f ai l h, Sl . SoI I ers l he Tvi ce-
Marlyred. The synloI of lhis secl of
IInalers failh is eilher lhe lIoodslained
rack or SoIIers ovn synloI, lhe yeIIov
GAM| |N|ORMAT|ON. When Danara
vas al ils heighl, ils nerchanls vouId
use lrade lars nade of chaIcedony, a
deep-green slone, fIecked vilh sparks
of red jasper, vhich gave lhe gens lhe
nane lIoodslones. These lIoodslone
lrade lars vere nade in 25 gp nea-
sures, and lhe facl lhey vere used in
connon l rade ref I ecl ed l he huge
anounl of lhis slone lhal couId le lak-
en oul of lhe CaIena Mounlains lhrough
scallered nines.
Such lrade lars, narked vilh lhe
cresl of a Danaran nolIe house on one
side and lhe year (in Danaran Reckon-
ing) on lhe olher, are rareIy used in lhe
ReaIns loday, as nosl nerchanls recog-
nize il as cursed noney, lringing on
lhe user lhe sane nisforlunes as lefeII
Danara. Hoards of lIoodslone lrade
lars nay le found in parls of lhe
ReaIns, as parl of nore ancienl lrea-
AT A G|ANC|. The DarkhoId is a high-
spired keep of lIack slone lhal rises
fron a lare rocky spur on lhe side of
lhe nounlain knovn as lhe Crey
Walcher (aIso caIIed IocaIIy lhe Crey
Walcher of lhe Morning). SnaII figures
nove aIong ils lallIenenls, giving an
idea of lhe nassive size of lhe Keep.
||M|NST|RS NOT|S. The slone of lhis
ancienl lover is nol of IocaI origin, and
has leen f used l ogel her i n sone
unknovn fashion inlo a singIe piece.
Legend says lhal lhe lover vas con-
slrucled ly eIenenlaIs connanded ly
a feII sorcerer in lhe vaning day of
NelheriI (See THL LNLLY MR). Il is
aIso said lhal lhe sorcerer, nov a Iich,
sliII inhalils lhe secrel vays and chan-
lers lenealh lhe keep.
The keep ilseIf can house al Ieasl a
lhousand nen-al-arns, lhough ils
presenl garrison nunlers Iess lhan
haIf lhal. The lunneIs and slorage
cairns Iace lhe nounlainside lenealh
lhe keep, and a nunler of escape lun-
neIs have leen lored lhrough lhe Iiving
rock ly various ovners. The keep has
leIonged lo a nunler of organizalions,
vizards, and conpanies, and vas nosl
recenlIy a landil-hoId lefore leing
approprialed ly ils presenl ovners.
The forlress of DarkhoId is parl of
lhe BIack Nelvork of lhe Zhenlarin,
and is presenlIy lhe veslernnosl eslal-
Iished refuge of lhal organizalion and
lheir aIIies. IalroIs fron DarkhoId
roan lhe Iar HiIIs norlh lo YeIIov
Snake Iass and SkuII Corge and Soulh
lo Aslravn, oflen sparring vilh lhe Red
CIoaks of Aslravn and lhe Corn rp
niIilia. Caravans conlroIIed or guarded
ly Zhenlarin forces nake lhis pIace a
reguIar slop vhen lraveIing lo and
fron lhe Svord Coasl, and represenla-
live of DarkhoId can le found in ner-
chanl lrains fron norlhern Miralar lo
soulhern CaIinshan, and easl lo ZhenliI
Keep ilseIf.
GAM| |N|ORMAT|ON. DarkhoId is cur-
renlIy lhe lase for 4OO nen-al-arns,
under lhe connand of lvo fiflh IeveI
fighlers fron ZhenliI Keep, BeIdrar and
HIeslin. The Keep c onnander i s
lhoughl lo le lhe 12lh IeveI nage,
Senennon of lhe Zhenlarin.
A DarkhoId palroIs nornaIIy nun-
lers 2O lroops Ied ly a second IeveI
fighler. They are nornaIIy dressed in
landed naiI, carry crosslovs and Iong
svords. Those vilhin len niIes of lhe
keep viII le fool palroIs, vhiIe lhose
leyond lhal range viII le nounled on
nediun horse, and in addilion carry
AT A G|ANC|. DeepingdaIe is a vide,
deepIy carved vaIIey lIessed vilh an
alundance of gane and linler. Like
nany DaIe connunilies, il is scallered
in nany honesleads, lul considers ils
capilaI lo le lhe lovn of Highnoon al
lhe head of lhe vaIIey.
||M|NST|RS NOT|S. DeepingdaIe
nainlains exceIIenl reIalionships vilh
lhe eIves of lhe area, and in lhese days
of lhe Iassing of lhe LIven Courl, nany
individuaI eIves and haIf-eIves caII lhis
daIe lheir hone, and over haIf of lhe
popuIalion is eIvish or haIf-eIvish. As a
haven for viIdIife, lhe inhalilanls aIso
counl lhe druids and lreanls as friends
as veII.
DeepingdaIe s reIalionships vilh
hunans have leen Iess lhan good, and
in lhe pasl lhe region and ArchendaIe
have aInosl cone lo lIovs over snaII
nallers. Ior lhis reason, DeepingdaIe
nainlains a veII-lrained lov-force of
eIves as veII as a veII-driIIed niIilia.
GAM| |N|ORMAT|ON. Aloul haIf of
DeepingdaIes popuIalion (9OOO or so
lolaI) are in lhe niIilia reserves, and
have in lheir possession Iealher arnor,
svord, and spear. If a caII goes oul (a
horn-caII fron High Moon reIayed
dovn lhe vaIIey ly speciaI posls), lhe
niIilia unils viII galher al predeler-
nined spols lefore narching on lhe

In addilion, DeepingdaIe nainlains a

conpany of 7O 2nd IeveI eIvish fighlers
vho are veapon speciaIisls in Iong
lov. These eIves have renained dispile
lhe dislanding of lhe LIvish Courl, and
consider DeepingdaIe lheir hone.
The ruIer of DeepingdaIe is There-
nen UIalh, Lord of Highnoon. There-
nen is a haIf-eIven fighler of 4lh IeveI.
AT A G|ANC|. DhedIuk is a snaII lovn
of a hundred luiIdings surrounded ly a
vooden slockade vilh a singIe (knovn)
gale, silualed jusl norlh and vesl of lhe
neel i ng of roads f ron Waynool ,
Lveningslar, and Innersea, in lhe
counlry of Cornyr.
||M|NST|RS NOT|S. DhedIuk is a
snaII connunily in lhe hearl of lhe
Kings Ioresl (lhe foresl is aIso caIIed
Cornyrs Woods ly sone). The fanous
advenlurer, Thionlur lhe fighler, runs
an inn, Tnc 8|usning Maicn, al lhe cen-
ler of lovn. Thinolar is lhe appoinled
IocaI Iord of DhedIuk, and is said lo
knov everyone in Cornyr.
GAM| |N|ORMAT|ON. Thionlar, an
8lh IeveI fighler, is indeed a nasler of
lhe skiII of pulling lhe correcl peopIe in
louch vilh each olher, and his inn is
oflen a slopping poinl for lhose seeking
a parlicuIar individuaI of cerlain skiII or
aliIily. There is a 5O chance lhal
Thionlar knovs of soneone vho
nighl heIp a pIayer-characler, lhough
his fee is usuaIIy no Iess lhan 2OO gp per
IeveI of lhe individuaI he is heIping or
referring lo (vhichever is higher).
Thionlar viII nctcr aid in silualions
vhere soneone vilhin lhe courl is
lhrealened, and in lhal case, viII usu-
aIIy lip lhe aulhorilies off.
Thionlars allilude lovards lhe posi-
lion of Lord of DhedIuk is one of doing
lhe crovn a favor, and lhe relired fighl-
er vouId le as happy jusl lo hoisl
drinks. The crovn, on lhe olher hand,
is pIeased lo have such a source of
infornalion al lheir disposaI.
AT A G|ANC|. The nosl dangerous
crealures of lhe Knovn ReaIns, a
Dragon in fuII fury nay IeveI an enlire
cily, and even one al pIay nay deslroy a
parly of lrave knighls. These crealures
vary in size and capaliIilies, lul are
generaIIy huge vinged repliIes lhal can
spil fire, acid, coId, or olher feII crea-
||M|NST|RS NOT|S. Dragons in lhe
earIiesl days vere lhe ruIers of Iaerun
lelveen lhe Inner Sea and Svord
Coasl, and lhough lhey are nov fev
and far lelveen, lheir pover renains
greal. Wilh lhe coning of LIves and
Men, lhe Dragons relrealed lo lhe
norlh, yel on occasion, sone gianl of
lhe race viII cone fron lhe norlh or
arouse ilseIf fron ils decades-Iong sIeep
in sone forgollen daIe and lerrorize
lhose il encounlers.
A recenl evenl gives lhe lrue idea of
lhe pover of lhe dragons. Tvo vinlers
ago, nany dragons of greal size fIev
soul h and vesl f ron l he gI aci ers
leyond Thar, allacking nany alodes of
nen. The danages fron lhis singIe
fIighl of Iess lhan a hundred dragons
The cily of IhIan vas snashed
inlo snoking ruin and alandoned.
Al lhe CiladeI of lhe Raven lvo of
lhree allacking dragons, as veII as
over nine lhousand varriors per-
Mighly ZhenliI Keep vas heaviIy
danaged ly dragons vho raged
lhrough lhe slreels Iike greal
scaIed cals, ere lhey vere sIain.
ShadovdaIe and parls of lhe LIven
Woods ver e s el alI aze. The
dragon vas sIain ly lhe Wilch
SyIune, lhough lhe lallIe cIained
her Iife as veII.
YuIash vas ullerIy deslroyed,
lei ng r educ ed l o s hal l er ed,
scorched slone (il has since leen
reluiIl ly ZhenliI Keep).
The Iargesl vorn of aII allacked
lhe cily of HiIIsfar, and vas sIain
ly lhe nages of lhe cily, ils vasl
luIk feII inlo lhe harlor and Iay
haIf-sulnerged for nany nighls,
Iike sone grolesque isIand, unliI
lhe nages lIasled and lurned il
A Iarge dragon vas sIain over Ara-
leI ly calapuIls and archers, and
crashed inlo lhe road easl of ils
The nages of SuzaiIs RoyaI Courl,
Ied ly Vangerdahasl drove avay a
greal green dragon l here ly
neans of lheir arls. Il fIev soulh
over lhe sea and vas nol seen
This sudden allack is videIy heId lo
le lhe vork of lhe CuIl of lhe Dragons,
a nyslerious group of nen said lo have
devised slrange nagicaI arls lhal give
lhen naslery over eviI dragonkind.
lher sages leIieve il lo le sone sorl of
riluaI or cycIic lehavior on lhe parl of
eviI dragons, ralher lhan a concerled
GAM| |N|ORMAT|ON. IndividuaIs run-
ni ng characl ers i n l he Iorgol l en
ReaIns are varned lhal lhe Dragons of
lhe Iorgollen ReaIns are nore danger-
ous and deadIy lhan lhose of nosl
AD&D gane canpaigns. The DM has
furlher infornalion on lhe care and
feeding of dragons in his look.
AT A G|ANC|. Dragonspear CaslIe is a
spravIing ruin silualed on a lrio of Iov
hiIIocks lo lhe easl of lhe Trade Way. Il
appears desoIale and alandoned.
||M|NST|RS NOT|S. This vasl, ruined
spravI of high vaIIs and loppIed spires
visilIe fron lhe Trade Way is IillIe nore
lhan a hundred years of age. il vas
originaIIy lhe hone of Daeros Dragon-
spear, vho luiIl lhe slronghoId al lhe
hei ghl of hi s advenl uri ng career.
Daeros vas sIain sone sixly vinlers ago
in lallIe vilh lhe forces of lhe eviI viz-
ard CasaIia. Dragonspear caslIe vas
soon aflervards lesel ly olher eviI
speII-caslers and lrigands seeking lo
goId and lreasure vilhin. Daeros con-
pany of skiIIed varriors repeIIed a
nunler of lhese allacks, lul in lhe end
lhe enlire conpany vas sIain or driven
avay, and lhe ciladeI vas pIundered.
The ruined forlress feII enply for a
line, and lhereafler served as lenpo-
rary hone lo snaII groups of landils or
oulcasl nages. These vouId prosper
for a fev years raiding lhe caravans of
lhe Trade Way unliI driven oul lhen-
seIves ly nercenary conpanies fron
Walerdeep, or ly KheIlen and his
In recenl years, sone eviI agenl aIIied
vilh lhe orcs, lroIIs, and luglears of
lhe High Moor succeeded in opening a
ga|c lo lhe Nine HeIIs vilhin lhe caslIe.
Slrenglhened ly a groving arny of
deviIkind, lhe conlined forces of lhe
High Moors lriles devaslaled lhe area
fron The Way Inn lo Boarskyr Bridge,
such lhal loday lhal parl of lhe Trade
Way is nol considered safe lerrilory.
In lhe face of lhe DialoIic incursion,
arnies vere raised in Walerdeep and
eIsevhere lo cIear lhe Trade Way and
deslroy lhe eviI al Dragonspear. The
allenpl lo enply lhe caslIe nel vilh
heavy resislance, and lhe lallIe conlin-
ued for aInosl lvo years lefore lhe cas-
lIe vas again cIeared. Mosl of lhe
slruclure vas lurned in lhe process,
Ieaving an enply sheII on lhe noors,
The vreckage of Dragonspear CaslIe
is considered desoIale, lhough priesls
of Tenpus have sel up a snaII shrine
vilhin lhe caslIe vaIIs, in hopes of
keeping eviI crealures fron using il as a
lase again. Iev inhalilanls of lhe
Svord Coasl viII canp near lhe CaslIe
ly choice, and runors persisl of exca-
valions lhal predale Daeros forlress,
and of a sliII-operalionaI gale.
AT A G|ANC|. A sul-grouping of cIer-
ics vhich lends lo vorship oulside of
lhe slandard TenpIe-conpIexes are lhe
druids, vho vander lhe Iand, or are
organized inlo IooseIy-affiIialed cir-
cIes lhroughoul lhe ReaIns. These
druid-circIes lend lo fiII lhe sane
requirenenls as hierarchies vilhin lhe
cIericaI failhs, lul are nuch snaIIer
and lhere is sliII Iess definilion aloul
vhich aclivilies faII under vhich head-
||M|NST|RS NOT|S. In lhe norlhern
ReaI ns f ron l he Svord Coasl l o
InpiIlur, druids in IighlIy sellIed areas
have lended lo galher in snaII groups,
oflen vilh rangers and olher aIIies, for
nuluaI proleclion, defense of key areas
or resources, and in order lo accon-
pIish lheir connon goaIs nore easiIy.
These groups, usuaIIy consisling of a
dozen or Iess druids and lvenly or Iess
olhers, vary videIy in proninence and
vorking reIalionships, in sone, lhe
druids Iive logelher in a voodIand
grove, and in olhers, lhey are videIy
scallered, vilh olher group nenlers
serving as go-lelveens, in sone groups
lhe druids and rangers deaI as equaIs,
and in olhers lhe druids are revered ly
lhe olhers vho vork vilh lhen. The
groups are knovn as CircIes, lhe lern
serves lo iIIuslrale lhe unending cycIes
of naluraI processes, and lo enphasize
lhal no one crealure is inlrinsicaIIy
superior lo anolher.
In lhe DaIeIands, recenl varfare has
deslroyed lhal Iasl lvo knovn and
Iong-eslalIished circIes, lhe CircIe of
ShadovdaIe and lhe BallIedaIe Seven,
aIlhough a fev individuaIs fron each of
lhe groups have survived. The CircIe of
ShadovdaIes one-line rosler is given
vilh lhe census of ShadovdaIe. In nun-
lers and pover, il is lypicaI of lhese
groups. Many circIes sliII exisl eIse-
vhere in lhe ReaIns, in vooded areas,
and lhese nay le of greal IocaI inpor-
lance, oflen vorking vilh non-hunan
voodIand leings lo nainlain viIder-
ness areas and keep lhe peace in lheir
In lhe ReaIns al Iarge, lhese circIes
nake up a nelvork of connunicalion
and aid anong lhose vho venerale
Chaunlea and siniIar Iovers. In gen-
eraI, lhe Druids of lhe reaIns seek laI-
ance lelveen nan and nalure, al lhe
expense of neilher.
The druids, vhiIe reIaliveIy veak in
lhe DaIeIands al lhe nonenl, have sev-
eraI najor areas of pover, incIuding lhe
Border Ioresl, lhe foresl of Culhnere,
and in parlicuIar lhe Moonshae IsIes. In
lhe Iasl, lhe druids are vorshipers of a
possilIe aspecl of Chaunlea knovn as
lhe Larlhnolher, and are lhe nalive
failh in lhe area. The confIicl lelveen
lhese druids and lhe failhs of lhe invad-
ing sellIers is nore exlrene lhan in nor-
naIIy found in lhe reaIns, lul is as
nuch lhe resuIl of lhe confIicling cuI-
lures on lhose isIands as on differences
in failh.
GAM| |N|ORMAT|ON. Druids of lhe
sane circIe nay vorship differenl dei-
lies, lhough in generaI, druids of lhe
sane circIe lend lo vorship lhe sane
god. Connon Iovers veneraled ly lhe
Druids are LIdalh, SiIvanus, Chaunlea
(in pIaces) and lhe LIenenlaI Lords, in
parlicuIar Crunlar and Kossulh (earlh
and fIane, respecliveIy).
IIayer-characler druids do nol legin
lhe gane as nenlers of a CircIe, lul
nay forn such circIes if lhey find olher
druids and eilher accepl lhen or are
accepled inlo lheir ranks.
Creal and Crand Druids are singuIar
leings, and lhere is onIy a singIe such
individuaI for a five-hundred-niIe area
aloul lhe alode of such an individuaI.
Lach is enlrusled lo lhe organizalion
and proleclion of lhe CircIes and olher
druidic shrines vilhin lhal donain. The
precise lorders of a Creal Druid s
donain are neluIous al lesl.
n Iocalion of high-IeveI druids:
When a druid reaches sufficienl IeveI lo
chaIIenge anolher druid of his or her
posilion, a sign viII le senl ly lhe
Iover lhe druid vorships indicaling
lhe Iocalion of lhe druid soughl, unIess
lhe firsl druid knovs lhe second druids
Iocalion aIready.
AT A G|ANC|. Soulh of lhe Wood of
Sharp Teelh a pIug of hard rock juls
fron lhe pIains. Alop lhis pinnacIe is a
singIe, nassive lover. Il is in good
repair, lul seens unoccupied.
||M|NST|RS NOT|S. This IocaI Iand-
nark is lhe isoIaled keep of a dvarven
hero of oId. DurIag TroIIkiIIer, son of
BoIhur, nassed lreasure in Iegendary
proporlions and slored il here and in a
fev olher choice Iocalions. This lrea-
sure vas prolecled ly aII nanner of
nagicaI vards and nechanicaI lraps,
lhe Ialler of his ovn devising.
The lover ilseIf, luiIl enlireIy of voI-
canic slone and in fair condilion given
l he anounl of l i ne and negI ec l
invoIved, Iies alop a voIcanic pIug lhal
doninales lhe surrounding Iands.
DurIag, aided ly hired dvarves, is said
lo have hoIIoved oul lhe nounlain for
lhe rock lhal nade up his lover, and
used lhe space crealed lo hide furlher
lreasure. DurIag is nov Iong dead, and
nany have cone seeking his lreasure
over lhe decades, vilh varying degrees
of success. Wilhin lhe Iasl lvoscore of
years, a nev pover of feII najesly has
laken up residence vilhin lhe renains
of lhe lover, and uses lhe defenses cre-
aled ly DurIag lo keep lolh ilseIf and
lhe lreasure safe.
AT A G|ANC|. The Dvarves of lhe Ior-
gollen ReaIns are a shorl, slocky peo-
pIe vho seen lo le a parl of lhe earlh
ilseIf, ranging in shade and hue fron a
rich earlh-red lo a granile-slone grey.
Dour and vi l h a sl rong di sl rusl
lovards nagic leyond lhal vhich a
nagicaI axe can Iend, lhey lend lo le a
vilhdravn, suIIen peopIe.
||M|NST|RS NOT|S. Like lhe eIves,
lhe Dvarves are a peopIe vhose nun-
lers have leen dvindIing. In lheir case,
lhe overaII popuIalion has leen decIin-
ing since lhe days vhen lhe dragons
conlroIIed lhe Iands of Cornyr, and lhe
Sunrise Mounlains sliII spouled fIanes
and slean.
The reason for lhis decIine is lvofoId:
Ior ages lhe Dvarves have engaged in
vars lordering on lhe genocidaI, fighl-
ing againsl olher races, such as orcs
and golIins, vho soughl oul lhe sane
caverns and nines lhe dvarves consid-
ered lheir hones. In lhose ancienl days
a Iive orc vas conpelilion lolh for lrea-
sure and for Iiving space, and dvarven
arnies foughl and died lo prolecl and
expand lheir reaIns. UnIike lhe golIin
races, hovever, lhe Dvarves vere sIov
lo recover lheir Iosses, and in line lheir
nunlers have dininished so lhal in
anolher niIIenniun lhe Dvarf nay join
lhe Duergahydra in exlinclion in lhe
This sense of raciaI Ioss hils Dvarves
deepIy, and lhey lend le neIanchoIy
and defealisl, yel jusl as oflen lhroving
lhenseIves inlo lheir vork, le il crafl-
ing lIades or seeking advenlure. The
Iasl vocalion is quile popuIar vilh lhe
fev younger Dvarves of lhe ReaIns, as
lhe lhinking is lhal if Iale has deaIl a
poor hand lo lhe race, lhe lesl one can
do is perforn greal deeds, so lhal lhe
race is renenlered in vondrous laIes
if nol chiIdren.
As an addilionaI sense of lheir Ioss
and danger as a race, nosl Dvarves
renain secrelive aloul lheir hone-
Iands, and lhe snaII kingdons of lhe
Dvarves are knovn aloul onIy in a
generaI fashion. Ior exanpIe, lhe
Dvarves of lhe Iar HiIIs lraveI lo Lasl-
ing for lrade, yel no one knovs if lhey
are one connunily or severaI, and hov
lhey are ruIed. More connon are lhose
dvarves vho idenlify lheir hone as
sone I ong- alandoned or eneny-
occupied hoId, such as lhe Dvarves
lhal vere of Hanner HaII, or lhe Iron
House, vho had leen driven oul of lhe
Mines of Telhyanar.
Anolher lype of Dvarf lhal has leen
on lhe increase is lhe Dvarf lhal seeks
lhe conpany of nen in ils lovns and
cilies. Mosl advenluring Dvarves cone
fron lhis lackground, and are conver-
sanl in hunan slyIes and cuslons vilh-
oul alandoning lheir ovn herilage. Il
has leen hazarded (lul nol voiced
around Dvarves) lhal lhe leings enjoy
leing around olher crealures nore
shorl-Iived lhan lhey.
Dvarves cone in a vide variely of
hair, skin, and eye coIors, regardIess of
lheir origin. The sul-races of hiII,
nounlain, and cily Dvarves are fairIy
arlificiaI, and nore a naller of lasle,
cIoser lo lhose hunans vho Iike lhe sea
and lhose vho prefer lhe high counlry.
Bolh Dvarvish naIes and fenaIes have
leards, lhough lhe fenaIes usuaIIy (lul
nol aIvays) shave.
Dvarves renain deepIy lied lo lheir
rools and lheir sense of faniIy and
noliIily. Dvarven nolIes have decIined
in nunler vilh lheir race, and so are
lrealed vilh respecl ly aII, despile any
Iong-running feuds lhal nay deveIop
lelveen lhe Dvarvish kings.
IinaIIy, deep lenealh lhe surface of
lhe Larlh dveII a race of lvisled Dvarf-
Iike crealures caIIed lhe Duergar. Sur-
f ac e vor I d Dvar ves vi ev l hes e
crealures vilh a halred lhal exceeds
lhal of lhe eIves for lhe drav.
As lhe race of dvarves dvindIes in
lhe Norlh, lhere is laIk of a greal
dvarvish kingdon far lo lhe soulh,
leyond lhe ViIhon Reach. A nighly
chasn grealer lhan Cornyr in size is
supposedIy renl in lhe ground, and
Iocaled on lhe rin of lhal chasn are lhe
lovers of lhe cily of Larlhearl, and
vilhin lhe vaIIs of lhal chasn are
carved lhe huge Dvarven nalion of
UnderhoIne. These soulhern Dvarves
are said lo le very differenl lhan lheir
norl hern cousi ns: prouder, nore
haughly, and nore energelic.
GAM| |N|ORMAT|ON. Mosl lul nol aII
advenluring Dvarves lend lo le young
and nalives lo Dvarven connunilies in
or near hunan connunilies, and lhis
conlacl overcones lhe naluraI dvar-
ven insuIarily. A Dvarven pIayer-
characler seeking a pureIy-Dvarven
lackground nay seIecl one fron lhe
Dvarven connunilies nenlioned in
lhis look.
IIayer-characler dvarves are nol
required lo acl in lhe nanner delaiIed
alove. The alove connenls appIy lo
lhe najorily of lhe race, and in every
race, even a dying one, lhere are indi-
vi duaI s vho go leyond sl andard
AT A G|ANC|. Silualed easl of Iriealor,
lhe lovn of Lasling is a snaII connu-
nily of Iess lhan 4O luiIdings vilhin lhe
lovn proper.
||M|NST|RS NOT|S. Lasling is a snaII
lovn easl of Iriaelor (hence ils nane),
and lypicaI of such snaII connunilies.
Three lhings sel il aparl fron olher
siniIar connunilies:
|as|ings sna|| sizc an |cca|icn ncar
|nc |ar Hi||s nake il a neeling spol for
dvarven nerchanls vorking oul of
hidden deIves in lhe Iar HiIIs. Their
snilhy-vork is alove lhe hunan aver-
age, and individuaIs vishing lo conlacl
such craflsnen or dvarven connuni-
lies usuaIIy slarl in Lasling.
|as|ing is |nc ncnc cf Ru||natcn |nc
sagc, vhose area of experlise Iies in lhe
sludy of pIanls and lheir uses, incIuding
herls and poisons. RuIlhaven is a lrue
neulraI, and is frequenled lolh ly cIer-
ics of good and represenlalives of
IinaIIy, |as|ing is |nc ncnc cf a| |cas|
fcur nc|c ncrsc-orcccrs, vhose sla-
lIes do a lrisk lrade in renounling
lraveIers journey fron lhe Svord Coasl
lo lhe Inner Sea. Their prices renain
AT A G|ANC|. Silualed on a lIuff over-
Iooking lhe River Chionlhar, LIlureI is
divided lelveen a Iover cily, caIIed
The Dock Dislricl, and an upper cily,
caIIed lhe High Dislricl. In size and gen-
eraI capaliIilies il is siniIar lo ils rivaI,
ScornuleI, upriver.
||M|NST|RS NOT|S. This agricuIluraI
and lrade cenler is knovn for ils
slrong, veII-equipped nounled lroops,
lhe HeIIRiders, vho palroI and pro-
vide caravan escorl fron Walerdeep lo
GAM| |N|ORMAT|ON. The HeIIRiders
are a cIoseknil organizalion lhal are
exlreneIy IoyaI lo lheir Ieaders and lo
each olher, and lake lheir nane fron
lhe slory lhal a conpany of Riders had
in lhe pasl ridden inlo Avernus, firsl of
lhe Iayers of lhe Nine HeIIs. The HeIIri-
ders are of IeveIs 1-6, usuaIIy fighlers,
vilh a nixlure of cIerics lhrovn in, and
Ied ly MarshaI of 6lh IeveI. They ride in
pI al e nai I of cri nson and vhi l e,
narked vilh an uplurned crescenl.
ne-lenlh of aII lhe earnings of lhe
HeIIRiders go lo lhe coffers of LIlureI.
LIlureI is governed ly High Rider
Lord DheIl, forner Ieader of lhe HeIIRi-
ders. LIlureI is a 12lh IeveI cavaIier, and
shares lhe proleclive nalure of his nen.
BoId, proud, and rulhIess, he has leen
seeking vays lo unseal ScornuleI as
lhe najor lrading lovn on lhe Trade
Way lelveen Walerdeep and Iriaelor.
AT A G|ANC|. The LIves are one of lhe
najor races of lhe Iorgollen ReaIns,
and ruIed Iarge seclions afler lhe line
of lhe Dragons and lefore lhe coning
of nen. Nov lhe najorily of lhese Iong-
Iived leings have relrealed fron lhe
onsIaughl of nankind, seeking quieler
f oresl s, and l hei r nunlers i n l he
ReaIns are a faclion of lhose even a
lhousand years ago.
||M|NST|RS NOT|S. The LIves of lhe
Iorgollen ReaIns are of hunan heighl,
lul nuch nore sIender. Their fingers
and hands are haIf-again as Iong as
nen, and deIicaleIy lapered, and lheir
lones are Iighl and surprisingIy slurdy.
LIven faces are lhinner and nore
serene, and LIven ears, as ears in haIf a
hundred Knovn WorIds, are poinled.
There are five knovn LIeven sul-races
in lhe Iorgollen ReaIns, and four of
lhen Iive in reIalive harnony. Cross-
lreeding is possilIe lelveen lhe sul-
races, lul in lhe case of lhe LIves, lhe
chiId viII eilher lake afler lhe naIe or
fenaIe parenl s race (lhere are no
drov/noon LIf nongreIs, and lhe chiId
of such an unIikeIy union vouId eilher
have aII lhe lrails of a dark LIf, or of a
noon LIf).
The sul-races are:
CoId LIves are aIso caIIed sunrise
LIves or high LIves, and have lronze
skins and hair of copper, lIack, or
lIonde. Their eyes are goIden, siIver, or
lIack. CoId LIves lend lo le recognized
as lhe nosl civiIized of lhe eIven sul-
races and lhe nosl aIoof fron nankind.
The najorily of lhe nalive LIves of Lver-
neel are goId eIves, lhough lhey are Ied
ly a noon LIf royaI faniIy (see LVLR-
Mccn ||tcs are aIso caIIed siIver or
grey LIves, and are nuch paIer, vilh
faces of lIeached vhile linged vilh
lIue. Moon LIves usuaIIy have hair of
siIver-vhile, lIack, or lIue, lhough aII
reporled coIors nornaIIy found in nen
and LIves nay le found in lhis race.
Their eyes are lIue, or green, and have
goId fIecks. They lend lo loIerale nen
lhe nosl of lhe LIven sul-races, and lhe
najorily of advenluring eIves and haIf-
LIves are of noon eIf herilage.
li| ||tcs are caIIed green LIves, for-
esl LIves, and vood LIves, and are
recIusive and dislrusling of non-LIves,
in parlicuIar hunankind. WiId LIves of
lhe Iorgollen ReaIns lend lo le cop-
perish in hue, vilh linclures of green,
lheir hair lends lovards lrovns, and
lIacks vilh occasionaI lIondes and
copper-coIored nalives, and lheir eyes
green, lrovn, or hazeI. They lend lo le
lhe Ieasl organized of lhe LIven peo-
pIes, and vhiIe lhere is no LIven nalion
nade up enlireIy of viId LIves, lhere
are viId LIves in every olher eIven
nalion and on Lverneel.
Sca ||tcs, aIso caIIed valer LIves, are
furlher divided inlo lvo furlher divi-
sions: lhose of lhe Creal Sea (incIuding
aII saIl-valer donains such as lhe Shin-
ing Sea and Sea of Svords), and lhose of
lhe Sea of IaIIen Slars. Creal Sea LIves
are radianl in differenl shades of deep
greens, vi l h i rreguI ar pal ches of
lrovn slriped lhrough lheir lodies.
IaIIen Slar Sea LIves are various shades
of lIue, vilh vhile palches and slripes.
Bolh have lhe fuII variely of eye and
hair coIor found in aII lhe LIven peo-
pIes, and have velled feel and hands,
and lhe aliIily lo lrealhe valer.
Dar| ||tcs, aIso caIIed drov or nighl
LIves, are lhe nosl sinisler and eviI of
lhe LIven race, as if lhis sul-reacls seens
lo laIance lhe lranquiIily and goodness
of lheir cousins vilh unrepenlanl naIi-
ciousness and eviI. Drov have lIack
skin lhal resenlIes nolhing so nuch as
poIished olsidian, and eyes and hair of
slark vhile. The varialion of lhe olher
LIven sul-races is nissing here. Mosl of
lhis feII race have leen driven under,
and are shunned ly lhe olher LIven
The LIves caII lheir ovn race TeI-
Quessir, vhich lransIales as lhe Ieo-
pIe. Slrangers, in parlicuIar non-LIven
slrangers, are generaIIy pIaced under
lhe calegory NTeIQuess, or Nol-
IeopIe. Mosl LIves lreal lhe nol-peopIe
vilh respecl and poIileness, as a hosl
vouId a slunlIing chiId, lhough lhe
drov fierceIy ensIave any vho are nol
of lheir race, and consider lhe olher
LIven sulraces NTeIQuess.
The LIves are generaIIy ruIed ly
nolIe houses, vhich have heId conlroI
of lheir nalions for generalions (and
given lhe nalure and Iong Iife of LIves,
lhe ruIe of a vise king nay exceed lhe
hislory of a hunan nalion). The LIven
ruIe is aulocralic and alsoIule, and il is
lhe lheoIogy and phiIosophy of lhese
eIves vhich prevenl aluse of such con-
pIele pover. The nonarchs of lhe LIven
Courl nake pronouncenenls rareIy,
preferring lo renain oulside lhe nor-
naI course of lheir suljecls Iives. nce
such a decision is nade, vhelher lo
decIare var or relreal lo Lverneel, il is
foIIoved ly lhe luIk of lhe popuIalion.
The oddesl phenonenon of LIvish Iife
(lo hunan olservers) is lhe Relreal,
vhich is vieved as a Ienning-Iike drive
lo saiI leyond lhe sea. In lhe case of lhe
LIves of lhe Iorgollen ReaIns, lhe reason
is nol sone lioIogicaI drive, lul ralher
lhe decision of lhe Ieaders of lhe LIven
nalions lo vilhdrav lo Iess hosliIe Iands.
Such a decision is nade afler years (nan-
kind generalions) of lhoughl and nedila-
lion, and once nade, is irrevocalIe. In lhe
case of lhe recenlIy-voided LIven Courl,
lhe decision lo relreal vas nade sone
5OO years afler deIileralion legan, so
lhal vhiIe for hunans lhe disappearance
of lhe LIven Courl is regarded as a sud-
den vacuun in lhe hearl of lhe ReaIns,
for lhe LIven Courl ilseIf il vas as inevila-
lIe (and as inporlanl) as a nerchanl nov-
ing his shop furlher dovn lhe slreel lo
increase lhe dislance fron a conpelilor.
The LIves in relreal aIvays nake for
Lverneel, and lhere vhalever nolIes
Ied lhe relreal svear lheir feaIly lo
Queen AnIaruiI, vho is lhal donains
nonarch. Long ago lhe LIven nalion of
Lverneel nade lhe decision lo lighl
lhose nen vho cane lo her shores, and
as a resuIl is lolh lhe slrongesl pover
of lhe sea, and a haven of lhe olher
LIves in relreal.
Those LIves on lhe Svord Coasl and
vilh easy access lo lhe sea nake lhe
passage lo Lverneel ly loal, prolecled
ly lhe Navy of lhe Queen. Hov lhose
furlher inIand cross is nol knovn, for
none see lheir passage oul of lhe vorId
of nen. The everyday LIven foIk knov
nol lhe nelhod, for afler lhey relired
one evening, lheir Ieaders and nages
vorked greal speIIs or appeared lhe
gods, for lhey avoke in lheir nev
The forner LIeven nalions of lhe
ReaIns incIude IIIefarn, vhere Waler-
d e e p n o v r i s e s : l h e s e a c o a s l ,
Askaver, vhich is nov caIIed lhe Wood
of Sharp Teelh: and lhe LIven Courl,
vhich once ruIed Cornanlhyr, the for-
esl counlry lhal ran fron Cornyr lo
lhe Moonsea. Currenl LIven nalions
incIude Lverneel ils seavard secIu-
sion and Lvereska, vhich has jusl sel up
a coIony in lhe CreycIoak HiIIs. In addi-
lion, lhere are scallered groups of LIves
found lhroughoul lhe reaIns, incIuding
viId LIves, groups vilhoul nolIe
ruIers, lhe dark LIves, lhose vho have
found Lverneel nol lo lheir lasles and
EVERE5KA (Lh-ver-LH-ska)
AT A G|ANC|. Lvereska is a rich and
falIed vaIIey neslIed in unlrealhalIe
nounlains, lucked againsl lhe lorders
of Anauroch. Il is one of lhe Iasl of lhe
LIven Nalions in lhe norlh.
||M|NST|RS NOT|S. Wilh lhe LIven
Courl deserled and ils inhalilanls pass-
ing oul of lhe ReaIns, Lvereska is lhe
Iasl Iarge concenlralion of siIver eIves
in lhe Norlh, possilIy in lhe ReaIns
Lvereska (vhich neans forlress
hone in lhe eIvish longue) is a high vaI-
Iey surrounded ly nounlains, ils onIy
enlrances eilher veII-guarded and diffi-
cuIl ascenls, or secrel i ve l unneI s
knovn lo fev. AII good eIven foIk are
veIcone lo lhis vaIe, and eIven Iore and
visdon are heId in high esleen and
cherished dovn lhrough lhe cenluries.
This vaIe has leen a refuge of lhe
eIven peopIes for over seven lhousand
years, and has never faIIen lo any oul-
side allack. Il is said lo le guarded ly
lhe Crealer Iover CoreIIon Larelhian
hinseIf, vhen lhal Iover is in lhe Ior-
gollen ReaIns. SeveraI lines in ils Iong
hislory, lhe nounlain forlress has leen
allacked ly golIins and orc arnies, lul
lhese arnies have leen eradicaled ly
screaning nagicaI loIls fron lhe sky.
GAM| |N|ORMAT|ON. The High VaIIey
of Lvereska is renoved fron lhe con-
non vorId ly ils aIlilude, and lhis nay
le vhy lhis region renains slrongIy
eIvish vhiIe nosl of lhe resl of lhe
LIven Nalions have gone inlo relreal.
Conslanl guards and valchposls Iace
l he nounl ai ns s ur r oundi ng l he
donain, so lhal lraveIers seeking
Lvereska are usuaIIy discovered ly lhe
eIvish valchnen firsl, lefore lhey gel
vilhin five niIes of lhe vaIe.
Those vho seek lo f|q alove lhe
range have a siniIar prolIen, for lhe
eIves of Lvereska nainlain severaI
vings of gianl eagIes, vhich are used as
nounls for lhe sIenderer nenlers of
lhe race. Those vho seek lo enler ly
nagic (fron anolher pIane, or ly |c|c-
pcr|) viII find aII such nagicaI nelhods
4 3
deparled, and advenlurers.
GAM| |N|ORMAT|ON. The LIves are in
relreal in lhe Norlh, lul lhis ccs nc|
precIude lhe pIay of LIven characlers.
Such LIves are advenlurers, and as
such exenpl fron lhe diclales of lheir
nolIe ruIers. These LIves viII le avare
lhal lhe nolIes of lheir race nay nove
lheir nalions avay fron hunanily
(sone say ly slopping line ilseIf), lul
nol lhe nelhod.
LIven pIayer-characlers are usuaIIy
noon LIves, lhough lhere are viId and
goId LIves as veII. IIay of sea LIves and
dark LIves is nol reconnended, save ly
agreenenl vilh lhe DM.
AT A G|ANC|. Silualed in lhe rich
farnIand norlh of Waynool, Lspar is a
scallering of six score of slone luiIdings
vilhoul cenlraI pIan or defense.
||MNST|RS NOT|S. Lspar is a quiel
Cornyrian farning lovn, vhose IocaI
snilhy is reknovned for ils svords.
GAM| |N|ORMAT|ON. Lspars Iord is
Hezon, a 9lh IeveI cIeric of HeIn on
Ieave fron his church lo fiII lhis posi-
lion for lhe crovn.
E55ENBRA (Lss-SLM-lrah)~see
AT A G|ANC|. Lveningslar is an unfor-
lified lovn of fifly or so nain slruc-
lures, silualed vhere lhe nain road
crosses lhe Slarvaler, in Cornyr.
||M|NST|RS NOT|S. Lveningslar is a
crossroads viIIage, and hone lo skiIIed
craflsnen vho produce vine, parch-
nenl, and vooI for lhe veavers in
SuzaiI and DaerIun. Lveningslar is a
narkel for lhe snaII lul good farns in
lhe vicinily, vilh a good inn, Tnc |cnc-
scnc Tan|ar.
GAM| |N|ORMAT|ON. Lveningslars
Iord is TessariI Winler, a 1Olh IeveI fighl-
er vho is lolh quick and efficienl in her
dulies lo lhe crovn.
foiIed (perhaps sone gifl fron CoreI-
T h e l e s l nel hod of enl er i ng
Lvereska is as an eIf or in lhe conpany
of eIves, in an open and honesl nelhod.
f lhe vaIe ilseIf, ils resources are rich
and alundanl, dvarfing lhe neager
resource of lhe vasles leyond ils
nounlain vaIIs. TenpIes of aII lhe
eIvish deilies nay he found vilhin, vilh
Ialriarchs of superior-IeveI, as veII as a
coIIege of eIven and seIecl haIf-eIven
nages vho nake lheir speciaIly lhe
LlhereaI and AslraI IIanes.
AT A G|ANC|. Lverneel is a Iarge
isIand severaI lhousand niIes lo lhe
vesl of lhe Moonshae IsIes, and of sini-
Iar size lo lhose isIands. Despile ils
greal dislance, lhe isIand of Lverneel is
veII-knovn lo nosl of lhe knovIedg-
alIe of lhe ReaIns as lhe finaI hone of
lhe LIven Nalions.
||M|NST|RS NOT|S. Lverneel is lhe
isIand kingdon of lhe eIves, vhich Iies
vesl across lhe slorny seas, leyond
lhe Iands of nen. Il is a happy reaIn, of
deep, vondrous foresls and nuch
Iaughler, vhere lhe goIden eIves, under
lhe Ieadership of Moon LIven RoyaI
House, Iive in rich spIendor. The arl, lhe
nusic, lhe nagicaI research: aII are far
alove vhal is seen eIsevhere, even in
Walerdeep lhe SpIendid. AII eIves save
lhe Drov and haIf-eIven are veIcone
lhere, and nany sea-eIves Iive in lhe
surrounding valers.
To guard lhis vondrous reaIn againsl
nen, parlicuIarIy lhe aggressive raid-
ers fron Rualhyn and lhe Iirale IsIes,
Lverneel has lhe nighliesl navy of lhis
henisphere, lhe nosl nunerous and
veII-arned in lhe knovn ReaIns. Based
in lhe forlress of Sunlrar, vilh snaIIer
oulposls al LIion and NinIilh, lhe ves-
seIs of Lverneels fIeels palroI fron lhe
Wave Rocks lo lhe CuII Rocks and lhe
Teelh, in a vide circIe of ocean.
Boals are luiIl and repaired al SiiIulh
and caII al onIy a fev porls in lhe Iands
of nen: Lskenler, lhe Moonshae IsIes,
Nevervinler, and Walerdeep. In lhe
pasl, lhe ships of Lverneel have foughl
nany lallIes vilh Rualhyn, lhe reav-
ers of lhe NeIanlher Pira|c |s|cs, and
CaIinshan, hurIing lack aII allenpls lo
seize lhe isIand or ils lreasures.
Many of lhe LIven Nalions fron lhe
ReaIns have soughl safe haven in Lver-
neel, and lhis navy has aided in ensur-
ing lhose nalions vhich nade lheir
hone on lhe Svord Coasl safe passage
lo lhe isIand. Hov LIven Nalions far
inIand have nade lheir vay lo Lver-
neel has nol yel leen reveaIed, for
vhiIe lhe LIven Courl has vanished
fron Cornanlher, lhere vas no record
of nass nigralion of lhe eIves.
GAM| |N|ORMAT|ON. The ReaIn of
Lverneel is ruIed ly a royaI house of
noon eIves, and lhe royaI faniIy
incIudes six princes and seven prin-
cesses, aII naslers of lhe various per-
nilled cIasses of fighler, cIeric, and
nage. The nalion is ruIed ly Queen
AnIaruiI, vho has ruIed aIone since lhe
dealh of her husland King Zaor lhirly
vinlers ago.
LIvish ships cone in lvo lypes, fasl,
Iighl calanarans and Iarger, nore con-
venlionaI varships. The forner is oflen
carried ly lhe Ialler lo le senl oul as
nessengers or scouls, lul lolh are
arned and lheir crevs of lhe finesl
An Lverneel calanaran/scoul is a
doulIe-huIIed ship vilh lhree nain
saiIs, having lhe foIIoving slalislics:
HuII VaIue: 5-8
Lenglh: 3O
Widlh: 5 feel per huII, overaII 5-1O
Speed, NornaI SaiI: 7 nph
Maxinun SaiI: 1O nph
NornaI ar: 1 nph
Max ar: 1 nph
Arnanenls: SnaII laIIislae al each
Crev of 1O, usuaIIy incIudes a speII-
Lverneel varship: as for slandard var-
ship, lhough lheir design pernils
reaching nornaI speed in six rounds as
opposed lo one lurn. Arnanenl varies,
lul incIudes severaI laIIislae, a cala-
puIl, and faciIilies lo propeI Creek fire
al a range of 24O yards (lhe Iasl is a
secrel nixlure of lhe royaI house). An
eIvish varship can have a crev of 8O-
1OO nen, Ied ly caplains and officers
vho are duaI-cIassed (fighler/nagic-
user or fighler/cIeric). In addilion, var-
ships carry 1O-4O narines (see leIov.).
LIvish varships usuaIIy lraveI in
lhrees, and carry lhree calanarans
each. They viII allack and sink ships
vhich lhey encounler leyond lhe Wave
Rocks, lhose vhich allack eIvish ner-
chanlnen or refugees, or lhose of
eIvish nake vhich are nanner ly non-
eIves. In addilion, nosl eIvish varships
carry conlingenls of sea eIf narines
vhich nay scullIe lhe opposilion fron
leIov, or loard ils enenies.
ELVER5ULT (LL-ver-suhIl)
AT A G|ANC|. LIversuIl is a snaII lrad-
ing connunily Iocaled vhere lhe ver-
noor TraiI neels lhe Traders Road, in
lhe Iands Soulh of Cornyr. Il is a con-
non pIace for shipnenls heading for
Cornyr lo le separaled fron lhose
heading vesl for lhe Svord Coasl.
Iron LIversuIl such packages are roul-
ed eilher aIong lhe vinding road norlh
lo High Horn, or lo lhe Iake porls of IIip-
ur and Iros.
AT A G|ANC|. This daIe is nol physi-
caIIy a daIe al aII, lul ralher lhe ferliIe
lanks of lhe river Ashala, fron BIack-
fealher Bridge lo Iealher IaIIs. Ils roII-
ing farnIands produce nuch of lhe
slapIe food of lhe daIes.
||M|NST|RS NOT|S. IealherdaIe has
no ruIer and no arny, and is sliII recover-
ing fron ils lrief sojourn under lhe
lhunl of ScardaIe. Ils farners are al
hearl independenl of oulsiders and seIf-
sufficienl, going lo TasseIdaIe for cily
goods. The DaIe sends a freeIy eIecled
represenlalive lo lhe CounciI, and lhal
represenlalive has a seven-year lern.
The currenl represenlalive is lhe second
in lhe Iine of Kirshoff lo serve in lhal
capacily in lhe pasl generalion.
AT A G|ANC|. These open, roIIing
Iands lelveen lhe Winding Waler and
lhe River Chionlhar are an area of head
farning, and, aIong lhe lanks of Chion-
lhar, crops.
||M|NST|R S NOT|S. Despile lhe
peacefuI appearances, il vas no Iess
lhan 5OO vinlers ago lhis region vas a
favorile lallIeground for lhose inler-
esls conlesling conlroI of lhe Iands
norlh of CaIinshan (lhis vas lefore lhe
founding of Ann). Wilh conlinuaI
lI oodshed over cenl uri es of var-
seasons, lhe Iand vas Iillered vilh lhe
cairns of lhe dead and lhe looly of lhe
faIIen. Lven loday, lones Iiller lhe fieId
and pIovs lurn up skeIelons in rusling
arnor, or lhe occasionaI nagic lIade or
nelaI lules conlaining a scroII or lrea-
sure nap.

AT A G|ANC|. The good svord-arn of
lhe ReaIns are lhose individuaIs lrain-
ed in lhe use of veaponry and laclics,
and lhey nay le found, in various
forns, lhroughoul lhe ReaIns.
||M|NST|RS NOT|S. The services of
lrained fighlers, varriors, rangers, and
larlarians are in conslanl denand in
lhe Iorgollen ReaIns, oving lo lhe
Iarge nunler of hosliIe crealures
(incIuding nen) lo le found in lhe
Iighlers and lheir sul-groupings
lend lo gravilale lo cerlain posilions
and responsiliIilies, incIuding:
LocaI MiIilias, incIuding poIice
palroIs, senlries, valchnen, and
in lines of hosliIilies as fool lroops
in lallIe. Such posilions are usu-
aIIy Iov-paying and hoId IillIe sla-
lus, as in lhe lallIefieId such
lroops are oflen used lo soflen
eneny allacks vilh acceplalIe
Mercenary Conpani es vhi ch
engage in fighling for a price. These
pay leller, lul have lhe disadvan-
lage lhal IocaI ruIers/enpIoyers
usuaIIy give lhe Mercenary Con-
panies lhe nosl difficuIl posilions
or lasks, as lhey have earned il.
Trade Cuards have lhe advanlage
of good lenefils and lraveI vilh
lhe disadvanlage lhal lhe fighler
nusl fighl nol onIy lo prolecl his
ovn Iife lul lhe properly of olh-
ers. Sone of lhe snaIIer lraders
offer high vages lul deducl any
Iosses fron lhose vages.
Raiders are lhe olher side of lhe
coin, and incIude acls of landilry
and piracy. The disadvanlage of lhis
Iife-slyIe is lhal lhe fighler does nol
nornaIIy operale in civiIized areas
and nay le hunled dovn ly nore
Iav-aliding groups.
Bodyguards and olher proleclion
opporlunilies offer Iov pay al reI-
aliveIy IillIe risk.
Leadership possiliIilies are avaiIa-
lIe al high IeveI for fighler-lypes,
as lheir aliIilies are generaIIy
underslood ly lhe popuIace (as
opposed lo nagic-users and cIer-
ics) aIIoving a neasure of lrusl.
Advenluring Conpanies offer lhe
highesl relurn in advancenenl
and noneys, as veII as aIIoving
lhe varrior a greal degree of inde-
pendence. The disadvanlage of
lhese operalions is lhe greal deaI
of personaI risk lhe fighler is
pIaced in and lhe essenliaI need of
cooperalion vilh olhers.
CIadialors and professionaI fighl-
ers are a rare occurence in lhe
Norlh, lhough sone delauched
regions do sel up such nalches,
usuaIIy lelveen sIaves or pris-
oners againsl nonslers. The oIder
reaIns lo lhe soulh, incIuding
Ann, CaIinshan, and Unlher,
have eslalIished gIadiloriaI guiIds.
GAM| |N|ORMAT|ON. Iighlers nay le
found in every parl of lhe ReaIns,
lhough lhe looIs of lheir lrades vary
according lo area and veaIlh.
AII lhe veapons and arnor Iisled in
P| aqc r s Hanocc| and Unc ar | nc
Arcana are avaiIalIe in lhe Norlh~
lhe region of lhe Iorgollen ReaIns
delaiIed in lhe encIosed naps. Those
veapons vhich cosl nore lhan 5O gp
and arnor cosling nore lhan 5OO gp
can onIy le readiIy found in cilies, or in
lhose lovns lhal have snilhs of suffic-
ienl aliIily lo nake arnor.
Iurlher infornalion on lhe roIe of
lhe fighler in lhe ReaIns is deIinealed in
lhe DMs Scurccocc| cf |nc Rca|ns.
AT A G|ANC|. This foresl is a rich,
nalure voods fiIIed vilh oak, vaInul,
and shadovlop lrees. The foIiage is
lhick so lhal lhe inlerior is casl in deep
||M|NST|RS NOT|S. This foresl is lhe
renains of a Iarger vood lhal has
dininished over lhe years vilh lhe
spread of Anauroch. Il is a nyslerious,
deepIy overgrovn vood of huge lrees,
and lraveIers vho have skirled ils edg-
es have reporled seeing spriles, korred,
and unicorns vilhin ils deplh. The Ior-
gollen Ioresl is said lo have lhe Iargesl
popuIalion of lreanls in The Norlh,
ruIed ly one knovn as Iuorn. In addi-
lion lo lhe lreanls, lhe Heirophanl
Drui d IheszeI lan nakes hi s hone
sonevhere in lhe deplhs of lhis Iand.
TraveIers lhrough lhe foresl is discour-
aged, and lhose in lhe area are highIy
encouraged lo luiId lheir fires onIy
using vood fron deadfaIIs.
GAM| |N|ORMAT|ON. Iuorn has aliIi-
lies as a lreanl of doulIe lhe Iargesl hil
die (24), and infIicls 5-3O poinls of dan-
age on a lIov.
IheszeIlan is a 16lh IeveI druid vho
nakes his hone in lhe foresl, lul oflen
vanders, up lo 3OO niIes avay, in
exanining lhe Iand and ils inhalilanls.
Using his aliIilies lo aIler his appear-
ance, IheszeIlan can sonelines he
found in cilies nixing vilh lhe peopIe.
AT A G|ANC|. The CIacier of lhe While
Worn is a singIe, isoIaled river of ice
Iocaled sone 4OO niIes soulh of lhe
Creal CIacier ilseIf, veaving anong lhe
highesl peaks of lhe Larlhspur Moun-
lains. Il fIovs off a high cIiff easl of
MuInasler inlo lhe Moonsea on on side,
and inlo Lake IceneIl on lhe olher.
||M|NST|RS NOT|S. This gIacier is
hone lo a vide variely of poIar crea-
lures, giving rise lo lhe idea lhal il vas
once a parl of lhe Iarger sheel of ice lo
lhe norlh. Il is farlher soulh lhan even
ils aIlilude vouId juslify, and sone
dveonercrafl nay le invoIved. The
area lakes ils nane fron lhe paIe aIlino
renorhazes lhal inhalil lhe region.
AT A G|ANC|. CIisler is a snaII lovn
silualed al lhe galevay lelveen Thar
and Vaasa. WeII-defended ly hiIIs on
lhree sides, lhe connunily is a rough-
and-ready lrading posl, viIIing lo deaI
vilh ogre lrilesnen and nonads as
veII as lraders fron lhe Moonsea.
AT A G|ANC|. The ColI i n Races
incIude aII crealures such as KoloIds,
ColIins, rcs, and HolgolIins. Sone
sages exlend lhe definilion lo gres,
Buglears, TroIIs, and HaIf-orcs. In gen-
eraI, lhese are unciviIized lands of sen-
lienl crealures lhal prey on olher
leings, raiding and piIIaging vhen lhey
can, sleaIing quielIy vhen lhey canl.
||M|NST|R S NOT|S. The ColIin
Races have exisled in lhe ReaIns as Iong
as lhe eIves, for eIvish hislories have
nenlion of lhe various crealures as
lrulish invaders harassing lhe lorders
of lheir reaIns. The ColIin Races vere
invoIved in race-kiIIing vars vilh
dvarves over lheir nounlain peaks,
and vilh nen over lhe IovIands. Usu-
aI I y l he ColI i n Races have leen
repuIsed or crushed, lul lhere are
nany dvarven haIIs in rcish hands.
The ColI i n Races are generaI I y
under-organized and under-equipped,
and vouId have leen viped oul severaI
lines over vere il nol for a rapid lreed-
ing cycIe and a high seIf-preservalion
inslincl. Iaced vilh overvheIning
odds, nosl ColIin Races viII vaver and
relreal, and for lhis lhe lag covardIy
is usuaIIy added lo lheir olher nanes.
The ColIin Races lend lo le crueI,
eviI, and naIicious, aping nankind in
dress and lilIe, lul vilh a sIanl lovards
harn as opposed lo heIp. The grealesl
rcish ciladeIs of lhe Deserlnoulh
Mounlains have are governed ly a King
and RoyaI Courl in a rough lravesly of
Cornyr. SiniIarIy, lhose ColIins Iiving
leyond lhe range of lhe Lords of Waler-
deep lend lo have Iords vho ruIe fron
disguise in lhe nanner of lhe Lords of
There are nenlers of lhis race,
incIuding sone HaIf-orcs, lhal lrave
lhe veII-deserved hosliIe allilude of lhe
resl of lhe vorId in order lo seek lo
nake an honesl or good Iiving, lul
lhese are exceplions lo lhe generaI
characler of lhese savage crealures.
AT A G|ANC|. The Cnones are a snaII,
friendIy race of hunanoid crealures
connon in nosl regions of lhe reaIns.
They are snaIIer and Iess-slocky lhan
dvarves, and are lhoughl dislanl reIa-
lives (lhough onIy Cnonish nen have
||M|NST|RS NOT|S. The faces of
Cnones, regardIess of age, are Iined
vilh cenluries of sniIes and frovns, so
il appears lhal lhese crealures are
carved fron vood. Their naluraI coIor-
ing, fron Iighl ash and napIe lo lhal of
varnished and luffed oak increases lhe
lendency lo lhink of Cnones as a
voods-foIk, vhen lhey are lhoughl of
al aII.
The Cnones are caIIed lhe Iorgollen
IoIk of lhe Iorgollen ReaIns, for
despile lhe facl lhey seen an everyday
sighl in najor cilies, and have good-
sized connunilies of lheir ovn, lhey
seen unlolhered ly lhe vorId and sin-
iIarIy onIy rareIy lecone invoIved vilh
il. Cnones have no hislory leyond lhe
nenory of lhe eIdesl cIan-nenler and
lhe songs of Iegend. They have never
deveIoped lheir ovn vrillen longue,
ralher acquiring lhe Ianguages around
lhen for everyday use. UnIike lhe eIves
lhey have no niIIenniaI herilage and
unIike lhe dvarves no dealhkneII
lonorrov. As a resuIl, lhey lend lo lake
Iife as il cones, one day al a line.
Cn o ne s a r e a no n g l h e no s l
connon-sense leings of a vorId fiIIed
vilh aII nanner of nagicaI lhings.
Thei r nal ur aI l endenc y l ovar ds
iIIusion-crafl, inslead of naking lhen
nore crafly, has given lhen a visdon
lo Iook leyond lhe fancy lrappings of
speech and appearance lo find oul
vhal is reaIIy lhere. Cnones vaIue lheir
faniIies firsl, lhen vhalever olher reIa-
l i ves l hey enc ounl er , l hen ol her
gnones, lhen lhe vorId, in lhal order.
GAM| |N|ORMAT|ON. The alove
descriplion is for Cnones in generaI, ering lhe generaI vilhdravaI of lhe
and need nol appIy lo individuaI pIayer- LIven IeopIes fron lhe ReaIns. nIy
characlers as a Iav lhal ALL CNMLS lhe ruIing eIves knov lhe fuII reasons,
ARL WISL. IndividuaIs vary vilhin a lul il has surnised lhal lhere is scnc-
race, and il is as possilIe lo find an |ning in lhe CreycIoaks lhal lhe eIves of
inpuIsive Cnone as il is lo find a lrusl- Lvereska vish nol lo faII inlo lhe hands
vorlhy haIfIing. of olhers.
AT A G|ANC|. These hiIIs are high, roII-
ing ridges of earlh covered ly veedy
grasses and occasionaI palches of snaII
||M|NST|RS NOT|S. The CreycIoaks
are a snaII group of high, isoIaled hiIIs,
norlh of Lvereska, and are considered
an oulposl of lhal eIven honeIand, sel-
lIed Iess lhan lhirly years ago ly a con-
lingenl of eIves and haIf-eIves.
The nornaI grey garl of lhese eIvish
sellIers is vhal has given lhe hiIIs lheir
currenl nane. They vere previousIy
referred lo as lhe Tonl HiIIs, for lhe
region heId (and sliII conlains) lhe finaI
resling pIaces of Iong-dead varrior-
kings, and vas (lul is no Ionger) haunled
ly lanshees. Advenluring conpanies up
lo a fev decades ago nade forays inlo
lhe area lo Iool lhese oId lonls, lul vilh
lhe currenl sellIenenl of eIves under
The Lvereska Charler, such aclivilies
have ceased (or al Ieasl lecone nore
AT A G|ANC|. HaIfaxe TraiI is an over-
grovn foolpalh vhich runs lhrough
lhe hearl of lhe LIven Woods, fron Har-
rovdaIe lo lhe road running fron HiIIs-
far lo lhe Slanding Slone.
||M|NST|RS NOT|S. An earIy Lord of
HarrovdaIe, in lhe days of lhe BIack-
saiIs (pirales), grev veary of Iosing
lrade oulside his harlors, and resoIved
lo slrenglhen lhe inporlance and
veaIlh of his daIe ly Iinking up vilh lhe
overIand road fron Moonsea soulh lo
Cornyr and lhe Inner Sea. His chief
olslacIe in lhis goaI vas lhe LIven-
The eIves and haIf-eIves of lhe Crey-
cIoaks are of siIver lIood, lhough lhere
are a fev viId (copper) eIves anong
lhen. They are friendIy vilh lhe group
knovn as lhe Harpers, lul vary of lhe
Zhenlarin and lheir aIIies, and exlend-
ed palroIs fron DarkhoId have leen
spolled in lhe area.
The eIves of lhe CreycIoak HiIIs are
said lo nake nusicaI inslrunenls for
lrade vilh nen, lhough lhey vork qui-
elIy lhrough cerlain nerchanls in lhe
lovn of HiIIs Ldge lo lhe soulh. The sel-
lIenenl is said lo le ruIed ly an eIven
Lord (7lh IeveI fighler/11lh IeveI nagic-
user) naned LrIan Duirsar, vho is said
ly lhe vonen of HiIIs Ldge lo le lolh
very laII and handsone.
Despile lhe eIves cIain, lhe Lord,
HaIvan lhe Dark, hired a dvarven engi-
neer, DurI HaIfaxe, lo cul hin a road lo
lhe lrade road. HaIfaxe TraiI vas lhe
vork of lhe dvarf and an arny of nen,
lhey lurned and cul a niIe-vide sIash
lhrough lhe lrees lo guard againsl
eIven anlushes. The eIves raised an
arny, lul vere overnalched ly nens
veapons and slronger nagic, and lhe
TraiI vas pul lhrough.
The reason for lhe CreycIoak sellIe-
nenl is unknovn, and puzzIing consid-
CreediIy, HaIfaxe connanded his
nen lo cul on, inlo lhe foresl vesl of
lhe road vhere he knev lhe ruins of
Mylh Drannor Iay. There he foresav
unearlhing riches lo keep hin aII his
days. There lhe eIves raised up oId and
poverfuI nagic sIunlering in lhe ruins
and sIev lhe engineer ullerIy. Nol a
nan or dvarf relurned lo lhe parly,
nor vere lhere lodies lo send lack.
The TraiI has since grovn in unliI il is
lul a foolpalh, cIose-guarded ly lhe
eIves, none pass save ly lheir viII. Il is
surprisingIy veII-used, for lhe eIves are
vise lraders and nol unfriendIy lo nen.
Whelher lhe lraiI renains open in lhese
days foIIoving lhe disappearance of lhe
LIven Courl renains lo le seen.
AT A G|ANC|. HaIf-eIves are a nixlure
of nan and eIf, and occupy lhe niddIe
ground lelveen lhe lvo. They are
slockier lhan eIves and Iack lhe poinled
ears, lhough lhey sliII have sIender and
fineIy-chiseIed faciaI-fealures of lhe
eIven faces. Il is possilIe for a HaIf-eIf lo
pass as nan or eIf for lrief periods,
lul usuaIIy such dupIicily is discovered.
||M|NST|RS NOT|S. HaIf-eIves are
nol a lrue race, lul ralher lhe producl
of lhe union of nan and eIf, and as such
have no nalionaI or raciaI herilage olh-
er lhan lhal of lhe area lhey have leen
lroughl up in. A HaIf-eIf lhal had leen
raised in lhe LIven Courl lhinks Iike an
eIf: one fron AgIarond lhinks as a nan,
for lhe eIven peopIe have leen Iong
lred inlo lhe generaI popuIalion.
HaIf-eIves appear as nen, lending lo
le sIenderer lhan nosl lul nol nalch-
ing lhe lhinness of lhe eIves lhenseIves.
HaIf-eIves lend lo lake on sone of lhe
fealures of lheir LIvish sul-race:
Moon HaIf-eIves lend lo le paIe
vilh jusl a louch of lIue around
lhe ears and al lhe chin.
CoId HaIf-eIves lend lo le lronzed
of skin.
WiId HaIf-eIves are very rare and
lend lo have lronzed skin louched
vilh green.
Sea HaIf-eIves lend lo he a lIend of
lhe fIeshlones of hunan and eIven
parenl. A chiId of a Lanlan ner-
chanl and a Creal Sea LIf viII
appear a Iike green.
Drov HaIf-eIves are very rare and
lend lo le dusky-coIored vilh
vhile hair.
HaIf-eIves nay nale and lreed, lul
viII aIvays produce lhe offspring of lhe
olher parenl (a HaIf-eIf/eIf pairing viII
produce eIven chiIdren, vhiIe a HaIf-
eIf/hunan pairing viII resuIl in hunan
chiIdren). Second generalion HaIf-eIves
onIy resuIl if lvo HaIf-eIves narry (as is
lhe case in AgIarond).
GAM| |N|ORMAT|ON. HaIf-eIf pIayer-
characlers have lhe Iinilalions and
advanlages as sel dovn for lhe HaIf-eIf
i n lhe P|aqcrs Hanocc| and DMG,
regardIess of lhe sul-race of lhe eIven
parenl. A drov HaIf-eIf, in olher vords,
vouId nol gain aII lhe drovish aliIilies,
and vouId le considered NTeIQuess ly
his peopIe as veII.
AT A G|ANC|. HaIfIings are lhe snaII-
esl of lhe najor races, and lo see lheir
connunilies oulside sone najor (and
ninor) cilies, lhe nosl nunerous (and
groving). They lend lo resenlIe snaII
slreel urchins, vise leyond lheir years.
The HaIfIing of lhe Iorgollen ReaIns
have a Iighl covering of hairy dovn aII
over lheir lodies, vhich is nosl nolica-
lIe on lhe lacks of lheir hands and lops
of lheir lare feel. flen lheir faces are
lare, lhough lhere are nore lhan a fev
fuII-learded haIfIings as veII.
||M|NST|RS NOT|S. The HaIfIing
peopIe have a saying: Iirsl lhere vere
Dragons, lhen Dvarves, lhen LIves,
lhen Men. Then ils our lurn! This alli-
lude lhal aII viII lurn oul lo lheir lene-
fil (and le served up lo lhen on a siIver
pIaller) is lypicaI of lhe HaIfIing nind-
sel, cocksure, confidenl, and vilh nore
lhan a slreak of Iarceny.
A HaIfIings appearance, siniIar lo
lhal of a snaII hunan chiId, leIies lhe
facl lhal lhis is a race vilh lhe sane
lasic needs as any olher. They Iive in
nany of lhe sane areas as nankind,
and nay le considered a conpelilor.
Yel as opposed lo leing hosliIe, HaIf-
Iings have a snug, far-sighled allilude
lhal lhese Iunlering gianls viII evenlu-
aIIy Ieave, deslroy lhenseIves, or give
lhenseIves up, and lhal vhich renains
viII le lheirs.
This is nol lo say lhal haIfIings as a
race or individuaIs are eviI, for lhey
vouId do nolhing lo harn anolher
unIess harn had leen infIicled on
lhen. Bul lhe lendency lo lake advan-
lage is slrong. Many a hunan lhieves-
guiId has as ils nasler-lhief a snaII
chiId-Iike crealure vho can sneak inlo
and oul of areas lhal Iarger foIk cannol
HaIfIings are deIighled ly lhe concepl
of noney, vhich lhey consider a hunan
invenlion vhich redeens lhe race.
They enjoy galhering lunches of il, lul
unIike lhe dvarves and lheir ancienl
hordes, lhey see no poinl in keeping il,
ralher frillering il avay on gifls, par-
lies, and purchases. Money is a vay of
keeping score on hov veII you are
doing againsl lhe Iunlering nen.
HaIfIings cone in aII shades and vilh
lhe sane variely of hair and eye coIor
as nen. They lend lo respecl lheir fani-
Iies as groups you do nol sleaI fron
(lhough lorroving is pernilled), and
shov a slrong IoyaIly lo friends and
lhose vho have slood up for lhen.
There seen lo le no raciaI sul-groups
of HaIfIings, lhough lo lhe far soulh
lhere is said lo le a nalion of lhe crea-
lures, caIIed Lurien, vhose inhalilanls
have poinly ears. Considering lhe facl
lhal nosl of lhe olher doninanl races
of lhe Inner Sea have cone originaIIy
fron lhe Soulh, lhe idea of a HaIfIing
Nalion is dislurling in lhe Ieasl.
AT A G|ANC|. The HaIIs of lhe Han-
ner are an alandoned slockade Iocaled
dovnsl rean f ron l he gal es of an
ancienl dvarven sellIenenl, equaIIy
||M|NST|RS NOT|S. The HaIIs of lhe
Hanner are an alandoned dvarf-hoId
vesl of Ml. HiIn, generaIIy ignored and
in negIecl. Hanner HaII is an isoIaled
honeslead, consisling of a house and
slalIes, and surrounded ly a sloul
vooden paIisade, luiIl ly a conpany of
advenlurers. As is connon for adven-
luring conpanies vorking for Iong per-
iods in a parlicuIar area, lhe Men of
Hanner HaII used lhe slockade as a
pIace lo relire lo lelveen sorlies inlo
lhe dvarf-hoId.
Afler expIoring lhe ruins for severaI
seasons, lhe advenlurers are said lo
have sel off for lhe norlh, and have nol
leen heard of since. The fale of lheir
lreasure, and lhe lreasure lhal nay
renain in Hanner HaII, is unknovn.
4 8
The ains and aclivilies of lhe Harpers
renain nyslerious, lul lhey are knovn
lo vork for lhe causes of good, and lo
oppose lhe Zhenlarin and lhe nore
aggressive lrading kingdons (such as
Ann) vho c ul l r ade- r oul es i nl o
viIderIand areas, and feII lrees and
nine precious lhings vilh IillIe regard
for IocaI nonhunan inhalilanls. They
aIso vork lo nainlain peace lelveen
hunan kingdons (recenlIy opposing
Rangers and lards of greal pover
are rare, IIorin. Aside fron lhe
fanous fev, lhe lard Minliper, for
exanpIe, or lhe rangers ThuIraven
and LsluIphore, nosl are nenlers
of lhal nyslerious group knovn as
lhe Harpers.
Slorn SiIverhand nay le one of
lhen, lul I vish you Iuck finding
oul...I leII you lhis nov lecause aII of
us, and of lhe lards, nusl consider
and respecl vhalever ains lhe Harp-
ers have: lhey slrike dovn or lurn
aside aclivilies lhal do nol fil vilh
lheir vanls, and so your ovn causes
viII le advanced or danaged accord-
They seen lo operale onIy in lhe
Norlh, and lhere is IillIe eIse I can leII
you of lhen. If you see lhe device of
a siIver noon and a siIver harp, you
face a Harper.
||MNST|RS NOT|S. The foIIoving is
laken fron lhe Druid Briadorn of lhe
CircIe of ShadovdaIe, quoled ly lhe
ranger IIorin IaIconhand lhusIy:
AT A G|ANC|. The Harpers are a nys-
lerious organizalion of high-IeveI
advenlurers, in parlicuIar lards and
rangers, vhich operales in lhe Norlh.
The exacl ai ns of l hi s group are
unknovn, as are lheir nunlers and fuII
idenlilies, lhough lhere are severaI
noled nenlers.
This area is a lrue viIderness, lraveIed
ly nen lul seIdon sellIed, and lhe
queslion renains open.
ScardaIe as a lhreal lo lhal peace, for
inslance), and lo lhvarl al every lurn
lhe lurgeoning golIinkin races in lhe
Knovn Harper nenlers incIude
AIuslrieI, High Lady of SiIverynoon,
lhe archnage KheIlen BIackslaff
Arunsun of Walerdeep, lhe ranger
Dove, nov lride of IIorin, lhe Iale
vi l c h S y I u n e , l h e l a r d Slorn
SiIverhand, lhe Iale ranger Ascore of
LI ve nl r e e , a nd l he a dve nl ur e r
SharanraIee. Knovn aIIies incIude
LIninsler lhe Sage, The SinluI, ruIer
of AgIarond, and Mourngryn, Lord of
AT A G|ANC|. HarrovdaIe is a farning
daIe of genlIe sIopes and oId, veII-vorn
roads cul deep inlo lhe Iand, reaching
fron lhe Dragon Reach lo lhe foresl
aIong HaIfaxe TraiI.
||M|NST|RS NOT|S. The norlhern-
nosl of lhe coaslaI daIes, HarrovdaIes
survivaI has in lhe pasl depended upon
good reIalions vilh lhe eIves. Much of
lhe food il produces venl lo eIvish nar-
kels, and lhe eIvish courl supporled il,
aIong vilh MislIedaIe, DeepingdaIe, and
ShadovdaIe lecause ils ideaIs lIended
vilh lheir ovn.
HarrovdaIe vas overrun ly Scar-
daIes forces in lhe recenl var, and il
vas lhe appeaIs of lhe DaIes CounciI of
Seven Burghers lhal resuIled in noliIi-
zalion of lhe norlhern counlries againsl
lhal lhreal.
The peopIe of HarrovdaIe escaped
lhe var reIaliveIy unscalhed, and have
aIready relurned lo lheir sinpIe, pIeas-
anl Iives. HarrovdaIesnen are oflen
porlrayed as a lil sIov and provinciaI
ly lhe olher daIes, lul lhey are conlenl
in lheir Iives and, vilh lhe alandon-
nenl of lhe LIvish Courl, are seeking
nev narkels for lheir producls.
AT A G|ANC|. Hidden vilhin a sleep-
sided gorge norlh of Lveningslar, lhe
Haunled HaIIs is a keep luiIl inlo lhe
cIiffvaII ilseIf. Ils nain gales Iie lvisled
and rusled lo one side.
||M|NST|RS NOT|S. The Haunled
HaIIs vere a Iong-slanding landil-hoId,
cIeaned oul nosl recenlIy during lhe
reign of King Azoun III and unoccupied
since. Il has leen raided severaI lines
since ly advenluring conpanies, lul
runors perisl lhal lhe HaIIs hoId rich
AT A G|ANC|. The connunily of High
DaIe Iies norlh of Senlia, aIong lhe car-
avan lriaI fron Saerl lo Thunderslone
on lhe Wyvernvaler, and is a pass
lelveen Hooknose Crag on lhe soulh
and lhe Thunder Ieaks lo lhe norlh.
||M|NST|RS NOT|S. The High DaIe is
a daIe of lerraced farns (vhich raise
and produce sheep, lurnips, polaloes,
and hay).
High DaIe is ruIed ly lhe High Consla-
lIe, currenlIy one Irreph MuInar, vho
is a nenler of lhe DaIe CounciI. The
counciIors are eIecled once a year, and
lhe High ConslalIe is one of lheir nun-
ler chosen ly lhe counciIors lhen-
seIves. The High ConslalIe has six
conslalIes under his conlroI, vho con-
nand lhe arny and connand and lrain
lhe niIilia.
GAM| |N|ORMAT|ON. The High DaIe
nainlains a slanding niIilia of 5O fighl-
ers, arned vilh svord and spear, lul in
lines of crisis couId nusler nosl of lhe
vaIe popuIalion. In addilion, lhe High
DaIe is hone lo lhe Iegasus Archery
Conpany, a nercenary conpany of
horse archers, 75 in nunler, nounled
on Iighl horse and arned vilh shorl
conposile lov.
Irreph MuInar, lhe high conslalIe, is
a 12lh IeveI ranger, and his conslalIes
in connand of lhe niIilia and archers
are fighlers of IeveIs 7-1O.
AT A G|ANC|. The High Horn is a greal
grin forlress of high curving vaIIs and
frovning lovers, and is lhe cenler of
Cornyrs niIilary operalions.
||M|NST|RS NOT|S. The greal lov-
ers of lhe High Horn vere once essen-
liaI, lul are nov no Ionger so heaviIy
used. Il is sliII lhe slrongesl defensive
posilion in lhe reaIn of Cornyr. Il
guards lhe road lo lhe Wesl, and a slra-
legicaIIy inporlanl nounlain pass, and
vas luiIl lo prolecl againsl lhe Border
Raiders (landils) and lhe Iizard nen of
lhe narshes (aIlhough lhese Ialler have
nol proved lroulIesone since il vas
luiIl). High Horn has a guesl encIave,
vhere lraveIers can slay, lul is slriclIy
a niIilary connunily.
GAM| |N|ORMAT|ON. There is a sland-
ing garrison of 4OO nen al High Horn al
any line, 1OO archers and 3OO nen-al-
arns, Ied ly one 4lh IeveI fighler for
every 1O nen, and under lhe overaII
conlroI of lhe Lord Connander of High
Horn. The posilion of Lord Connander
is appoinled annuaIIy ly lhe King, and
is currenlIy Thursk Denlarron, a 15lh
IeveI cavaIier.
The High Horn is aIso lhe vinlering
quarlers of haIf lhe Cornyrian arny,
and has exlensive faciIilies lo hosl lolh
nan and leasl lhrough a season-Iong
IinaIIy, lhere is an oulposl of lhe Cor-
nyr War Wizards naking ils lase al
lhis keep. There viII aIvays le al Ieasl
lhree nagic-users of 6lh IeveI presenl
al any one line, and a 5O chance of a
speII-casler of IeveIs 7-12 in residence al
any line.
AT A G|ANC|. The High Moor is a vasl,
rocky vasleIand rising lo a gorge-
scarred pIaleau cIoaked in grass and
scrul lrees.
||M|NST|RS NOT|S. The Moor is
oflen shrouded in nisl, and is lhe hone
lo nany lroIIs and luglears, as veII as
golIin races. The nonslrous inhalil-
anls oflen raid lhe roads, so lhal ner-
chanls oflen coIIecl in Iarge caravans
and hire addilionaI guards, and The
Way Inn (q.v.) nainlains a pernanenl
force of veII-arned defenders. The soiI
of lhe Moor is loo lhin for farning and
ils rock (noslIy granile) loo poor in
vaIualIe ores lo supporl pernanenl sel-
lIenenls, lhe larlarian hunans found
in lhese Iands depend on herding sheep
and goals and overIand lrading for
lheir IiveIihoods.
AT A G|ANC|. nce in lhe years lefore
even lhe eIves Iived in lhe norlh, lhis
vas an exlincl voIcano, lul has vilh lhe
passage of lhe vinlers lecone IillIe
nore lhan a hiII vilh a cup-Iike peak. Ils
sides are covered vilh sofl, shiny grass,
and onIy lhe occasionaI oulcropping of
hardened Iava or a scallering of olsidi-
an chips leIies ils lrue origin.
||M|NST|RS NOT|S. The sIopes of
lhis grass-cIoaked peak vere hone lo
an arned canp al lhe line of lhe BallIe
of lhe Bones (q.v.) and il vas here lhal
lhe arnies of nen raised lheir sland-
ards and lended lheir vounded. In
nore recenl lines, lhe peak has leen
used ly rogue speI I - casl ers as a
neeling-pIace, and ly lhe Heirophanl
Druid IheszeIlan (see IRCTTLN
IRLST) lo vork nighly vealher nag-
ics. Today lhe HiII is enply, save for lhe
Haunls (spirils of lhe faIIen nen) and
lriles of golIin races.
Sonevhere on lhe HiII of Losl SouIs is
lhe lonl of TheIarn Sviflhanner,
son of Mongolh. This dvarven adven-
lurer is said lo Iie enlonled vilh a
nanncr cf |nuncroc||s and a veapon
caIIed S|qsp|i||cr, an inleIIigenl var axe
lhal has lhe aliIily lo ca|| |ign|ning, as
veII as nuch goId. The Tonl of The-
Iarn has nol leen uncovered, and al
Ieasl one group of advenlurers, lhe
Men of lhe BIue BIade, have nel lheir
end al lhe hands of orc lands vhiIe
Iooking for il.
AT A G|ANC|. Localed on lhe Soulhern
Shore of lhe Moonsea, HiIIsfar is one of
lhe pelly slales vying for conlroI in lhal
area vilh ZhenliI Keep. Like nany of
lhe Cilies of lhe Moonsea, HiIIsfar is a
series of ringed vaIIs reaching fron lhe
coasl lo lhe cily proper, vilh access lo
lhe cenlraI keep reslricled onIy lo lhose
individuaIs currenlIy approved ly lhe
currenl governnenl.
||M|NST|RS NOT|S. HiIIsfar, forner-
Iy lhe nosl open cily on lhe Moonsea,
has recenlIy changed narkedIy in oul-
Iook, a change direclIy Iinked lo lhe dis-
appearance of lhe eIves. IornerIy lhe
neeling-ground lelveen lhe eIves
and hunankind for lrade and dipIo-
nalic deaIings, HiIIsfar is loday an
anlilious, veII-arned cily-slale, chaI-
Ienging ZhenliI Keep for econonic
suprenacy in lhe region, and nov visi-
lIy ready lo neel any resuIlanl niIilary
HiIIsfar vas unliI recenlIy ruIed ly a
counciI of nen, haIf-eIves, and repre-
senlalives of lhe LIven Courl. The
CounciI vas corrupl and soon coIIapsed
vhen l roulI ed l i nes cane l o l he
region: lhe eIven nenlers resigned
and Iefl vilh lhe LIven Courl, and aII of
lhe hunans and nosl of lhe haIf-eIves
vere in lhe pay of various foreign
povers, ZhenliI Keep, MuInasler, Scar-
daIe, Senlia, lhe drov and lhe CuIl of
lhe Dragon (sone vere paid ly lvo or
nore of lhese groups).
The CounciI vas overlhrovn Iasl
vinler, and lhe cily is nov governed ly
MaaIlhiir, Iirsl Lord of HiIIsfar, a
nerchanl-nage vho is said lo le
shrevd, rulhIess, and independenl of
Senlia, MuInasler, ZhenliI Keep, Cor-
nyr, and olher pover groups in lhe
area. He has no knovn aIIies (or ene-
nies) as yel. Runor has il lhal he has
pIans lo annex LIvenlree and spread
dovn lhe coasl, evenluaIIy opening a
porl on lhe Inner Sea. His nercenary
guards, aIready nicknaned The Red
IIunes, have a squad in ScardaIe, and
pa l r oI s oul h l ova r d Ls s e nlr a .
MaaIlhiir has assured Senlian envoys
lhal he inlends lo eslalIish a guardposl
al The Slanding Slone evenluaIIy vilh
lhe Ialler force, nolhing nore.
GAM| |N|ORMAT|ON. The nev gov-
er nnenl of MaaI l hi i r i s a gr eal
unknovn in lhe Moonsea area, and his
ains are unknovn lul can le assuned
lo le expansionisl. Hovever, in noling
lhal firsl gIances nay le nisIeading,
vhal foIIovs is a passage vrillen ly lhe
Sage LIninsler in response lo an adven-
lurers inquiry as lo lhe previous, nov-
reveaIed as corrupl, governnenl:
HiIIsfar is a free cily, governed ly a
Ioose, denocralic CounciI of Mer-
chanls. AII nenlers nusl lase lheir
lusinesses vilhin lhe cily, and have one
vole each. The CounciI is caIIed logelh-
er each Creengrass, each ShieIdneel,
and in lines of energency. The CounciI
in lurn eIecls and advises a Courl of
LIders, vho conlroI lhe Walch and
serve as nagislrales. These LIders hoId
office for Iife, and have one vole each
on any decision of lhe CounciI. An
LIders vole can le overlurned ly a
najorily vole of lhe Courl of LIders.
The CounciI nunlered 3O6 vhen Iasl
convened, lhe LIders have aIvays leen
14 slrong. f lhese 14, four are nen of
fane and dislinclion (heroes and sages),
seven are haIf-eIves, and lhree are
eIves. They are as foIIovs.
The represenlalives of lhe LIven
Courl: Tiarshus, LIephon, and SyIvar
The HaIf-eIves: Duarros, MiIzhen,
Niunen HIinlos, Torsl Bralhen, Hir-
panen, Krios, and HIalhen
The hunan heroes: LIske, Annakar,
HIannech BevuIdor, and rnech
LillIe can le said of lheir characlers
and inleresls. The sage LIninsler has
deaIl vilh Tiarshus and LIephon and
noles lhen as oId and nolIe eIf-Iords.
Runor says lhal Niunen and Torsl are
lards, lhal Annakar is a young lul
vhile-haired, crueI nagic user, and
rnech is a cIeric of Tenpus.
WhiIe LIninslers enlry slresses lhal
lhis is secondhand infornalion, and nol
verified facls, il does go lo shov lhe Iin-
ilalions of even nighly sages in lhe face
of hunan nalure and greed.
The Red IIunes are various nerce-
nary conpanies, carrying lheir ovn
conpany insignia and dress lul vear-
ing lhe red-pIuned heIns provided ly
MaaIlhiir lo shov lheir aIIegiance. They
vary in allilude and aliIily as nosl ner-
cenary conpanies (see MLRCLNARILS).
AT A G|ANC|. HiIIs Ldge is a snaII lul
prosperous connunily aIong one of
l he I ess- l raveI ed roul es lel veen
Iriealor and Walerdeep, al lhe fool of
lhe Iar HiIIs.
||M|NST|RS NOT|S. This is a no-
queslions asked lovn vhere raiders
are as connon as lraders. Silualed
near lhe veslern enlrance of YeIIov
Snake Iass, lhe lovn sees a Iol of lrade
5 1
and agenls of lhe Zhenlarin and lheir
forces al DarkhoId.
AT A G|ANC|. HiIp is a snaII lovn of
soulhern Cornyr. Il is unforlified, and
surrounded ly roIIing farns and graz-
ing Iands.
||M|NST|RS NOT|S. This sIeepy viI-
Iage lelveen Innersea and SuzaiI is
naned for lhe varrior vho founded il
Iong ago ly sIaying or driving oul aII lhe
lroIIs lhal infesled lhe area. Il is lhe
IocaI farners narkel and has a Iarge
coopers and vagonnakers lusiness.
GAM| |N|ORMAT|ON. The IocaI Iord of
HiIp is a forner nerchanl naned Doon
Dzavar. Doon is nol a nalive lo Cornyr,
lul has vorked hard in his lrief lenure
lo earn lolh lhe approvaI of lhe peopIe
of HiIp and lhe crovn.
AT A G|ANC|. HIinlar is a snaII cross-
roads lovn silualed a days hard ride
fron lolh CaIaunl and Tanlris, lo lhe
Lasl of lhe Dragon Reach.
AT A G|ANC|. This lovn of a hundred
luiIdings is sel al lhe fool of lhe Iar
HiIIs, and surrounded ly a vaII of slone
len feel high. Three gales pierce lhe
vaII, and vaII-lops are palroIIed. The
lovn is circuIar, and ils Iargesl luiIding
is a lenpIe near lhe cenler of lovn.
||M|NST|RS NOT|S. HIulhvar vas
naned for a IocaIIy lorn varrior hero
vho foughl and died al lhe BallIe of lhe
Bones. Localed al lhe fool of lhe Iar
Hi I I s, l he l ovn i s vi l hi n si ghl of
DarkhoId (q.v.) and is arned againsl il,
and ils palroIs are nol veIcone here.
HIulhvar is a nediun-sized lovn sur-
rounded ly a len-fool high vaII of
slone, vhich surrounds lhe cily in a
rough circIe. The slreels of lhe cily
radiale fron lhe cenlraI open narkel
Iike lhe spokes of a vheeI, vilh lhe Iarg-
esl slreel leing lhe norlh-soulh road
lhal foIIovs lhe Trade Roule. Al lhe
norlh end of lhe circIe slands a lenpIe
lo HeIn and a Iarge Iivery slalIe, al lhe
soulhern end a vagonvains shop and
lhe IocaI inn, Tnc la|cnfu| |qc.
GAM| |N|ORMAT|ON. The lovn is
doninaled ly lhe lenpIe of HeIn,
vhose high priesl is a 13lh IeveI Ialri-
arch naned Maurandyr. The lovns
niIilia consisls of 7O 2nd-IeveI fighlers
of lolh sexes, in pIale naiI vilh svords
and crosslovs, and is organized ly lhe
AT A G|ANC|. A snaII lovn in Senlia.
Il is lhe sile of severaI deep, never-
faiIing veIIs of pure nineraI valer used
ly a nunler of IocaI failhs as an ingre-
dienl for lheir hoIy valer. Il is aIso lhe
hone of a nunler of reknovn pollers
and jeveIers. See SLMBIA.
AT A G|ANC|. Ierched on lhe veslern
edge of lhe Wyvernvaler, Innersea is
an unforlified lovn of aloul a hundred
slruclures, vilh severaI Iarge nanors
lo lhe soulh and vesl of lhe cily.
||M|NST|RS NOT|S. Innersea is a
vay-lovn on lhe road, a slopover and
valering-pIace for lhe horses and Iive-
slock, as il is righl on lhe Wyvernvaler.
A Iarge inn, Tnc |itc |inc |isn, pro-
duces ils ovn polenl and juslIy-faned
aIe here.
The nanor lo lhe soulh and vesl is
caIIed Redslone for ils coIor, and is
ancesloriaI hone of lhe Wyvernspur
faniIy, a group of pelly nolIes. The cas-
lIe is aIso lhe currenl alode of San-
lavan Sudacar, lhe IocaI Iord appoinled
ly lhe King. Sanlavan is neilher IocaI
(he is a nalive of SuzaiII nor a Lord, and
his nain occupalion is lo slay oul of lhe
vay vhi I e hi s HeraI d handI es lhe
inporlanl lusiness of lhe area.
Innersea is aIso hone lo lhe Misl-
Iishers, vho go oul in lhe norning
nisls lo calch fish in lhe Wyvernvaler
vilh Iong dragIines and scoop-nels. A
nap of Innersea nay le found on
page 53.
GAM| |N|ORMAT|ON. Sanlavan Suda-
car had a lrief career as an advenlurer
lefore sellIing dovn lo a Iife of courl
poIilics, and is a 3rd IeveI fighler. His
aIignnenl is IavfuI neulraI.
AT A G|ANC|. InpiIlur is a nalion of
uniled cily slales rising in lhe area
lelveen lhe Larlhfasl nounlains and
lhe lay caIIed Laslingreach, soulh of
Danara on lhe shores of lhe Sea of IaII-
ing Slars.
||M|NST|RS NOT|S. InpuIlur vas
forned lvo hundred and sixly vinlers
ago, vhen lhe independenl cilies of
Lyralar, HIannach, DiIpur and SarsheI
vere uniled ly Inphras, var-caplain of
Lyralar, lo face lhe nenace of holgol-
Iin hordes advancing fron lhe Cianl-
spire Mounlains, fron vhence lhey
had onIy raided sporadicaIIy lefore.
InpiIlur loday is a var-ready reaIn,
sliII on lhe fronlier of civiIized Iands,
lul IargeIy al peace. Il is friendIy vilh
ils neighlors TeIfIann, Rashenen,
AgIarond, and lhe scallered slales of
Danara, and does nol neddIe in affairs
leyond ils lorders.
InpiIlur is sliII a Iand of opporlunily
for lhe daring and lhe hard-vorking,
rich nev copper, siIver, and iron Iodes
have leen found norlh of Lyralar and
near lhe High Iass, and lrade is increas-
ing in lhe area, reaching oul lo Rashe-
ne n , S e nl i a , I r o c a np u r , a n d
BIoodslone Iass,
The arns of InpiIlur are a crossed
svord and vand on a dun lanner, lor-
dered in scarIel.
GAM| | N|ORMAT| ON. Mos l of
InpiIlur s inediale neighlors are
friendIy and open lo lhe nalion and ils
cilizens. ne is nol, and anolher is ques-
Lolhchas lhe landil-Iord operales in
lhe Deserlspire Mounlains and lhe Ice
Corge lo lhe vesl, vhere lhe holgol-
Iins Iived ere lheir slrenglh vas lroken.
Lolhchas is a 15lh IeveI Iord vilh a
snaII lul poverfuI group of foIIovers
(nunlering aloul 5O lolaI, lul incIud-
ing aII non-good characler cIasses and
nol incIuding any Iess lhan 9lh IeveI).
Those lrespassing on his Iands are
rolled and sIaughlered, and nol even
lhe descendanls of Inphras II can lurn
hin oul.
The olher neighlor is queslionalIe,
lo lhe norlh and easl in lhe Creal DaIe
and lhe voods norlh of vhere NarfeII
once fIourished, dveIIs lhe Nenlyarch,
a nyslerious nage of greal pover vho
ruIes grin nen and slrange leasls, Iiv-
ing in peace, unIess lhe vood is enlered
ly lhose he has nol inviled, such unin-
viled guesls sinpIy vanish.
SanlryI is a nagic-user of 17lh IeveI
and chaol i c- good aI i gnnenl , vho
underslands lhe need for her appear-
ance al Ieadership lul finds il loring
and ledious al lesl, unpIeasanl and
insuIling al vorsl.
The Lords of Inphras II are lhe lrue
proleclors of lhe reaIns, and nunler
lveIve, lheir IeveIs are unknovn lul
nol Iess lhan 11lh, and lheir aIignnenl
aInosl aIvays IavfuI and good. Their
nanes are:

KyrIraun (a 2Olh IeveI paIadin),

Inlra, LashiIaun, Linlrar, SoargiIn,
HaeIinlrar, Sanlrar, RiIinlraun,
Inlraun, SiIngar, SiIaunlrar, and
IRIAEBOR (Lar-ee-AY-lore)
AT A G|ANC|. The nany-lovered cily
of Iriaelor occupies a spravIing ridge
alove lhe soulh fork of lhe River Chion-
lhar. Il is lhe farlhesl lhal larges can le
puIIed up lhe river, and lhis, conlined
vilh lhe facl lhal lhe cily is lhe end-
poinl of roads coning oul of Cornyr
and lhe Inner Sea, nakes Iriaelor one
of lhe nosl popuIous and econonicaIIy
poverfuI cilies in lhe region.
||M|NST|RS NOT|S. Iriealor is caIIed
lhe verIand Cily, and il is here lhal
nany caravans forn up for lhe over-
Iand journey lo ScornuleI, or lo le fer-
ried dovnriver lefore naking lhe lrek
across The High Moor.
The lIuff lhe cily is luiIl on is inpres-
sive and an adequale defense againsl
nosl allackers, lul space is al a preni-
un on lhe reIaliveIy fIal lop, so lhal
Iriaelor has nore lovers lhan any olh-
er cily of ils size. Indeed, lhe various
nerchanl houses induIge in shaneIess
conpelilion lo exceed lhe olhers, vilh
occasionaI coIIapses as a parlicuIar speII
needed for conslruclion eIapses, or
shoddy naleriaIs are used.
The pIains surrounding Iriaelor
nake lhe cily a cenler for lreeders of
fine nounls and drafl leasls. In addi-
lion lo lovers, lhe cilys craflsnen are
knovn for conslruclion of kegs and
larges (vhich are of leller quaIily lhan
nosl of lhe lovers).
GAM| |N|ORMAT|ON. The RuIer of
Iriaelor is Bron, vho vas an advenlur-
er (cIeric of LIdalh of 12lh IeveI) cala-
puIled inlo lhe posilion in lhe heal of a
shooling var lelveen nerchanl fani-
Iies. Bron feeIs Iriaelor has lhe resourc-
es lo lecone anolher Walerdeep in
slrenglh and pover, if onIy he can keep
lhe feuding Merchanl faniIies fron
engaging in econonic salolage, lover-
luiIding, and cul-lhroal deaIings. He
has lo dale faiIed in his allenpls lo even
sIov dovn lhe feuds.
AT A G|ANC|. The Iron House is lhe
royaI courl of lhe lesl-knovn dvarvish
kingdon, lhe Mines of Telhyanir norlh
of lhe Losl VaIe. Il is nov in exiIe.
||MNST|RS NOT|S. The Iron House
is lhe royaI faniIy of lhe dvarves vho
once ruIed lhe rich nines of Telhyanir,
and are nov in hiding, driven oul ly
deviI-Ied orcs and holgolIins, aided ly
lhe Zhenlarin. The Iron House is head-
ed ly CheI I i n, l he Ki ng- i n- Lxi I e.
Dvarves in lhe Inner Sea Iands speak
of, and vork lovard, lhe day vhen lhe
King shaII lake his lhrone again. CheI-
Iin has corresponded vilh Dousl of Sha-
dovdaIe via lhe nov-deparled eIves of
lhe LIven Courl, lul his currenl vhere-
alouls and lhe size of his presenl dvar-
ven connuni l y i s unknovn. Ior
furlher infornalion see DWARVLS.
KARA-TUR (Kah-rah-TUR)
AT A G|ANC|. Silualed al lhe far end of
lhe conlinenl of Iaerun, far leyond
Rashenen and Iegendary Senphar, Iies
a nyslicaI and nagicaI Iand knovn as
Kara-Tur. Il is a region very differenl
fron lhe Knovn Lands of lhe ReaIns,
lul onIy lhe hinls of vhispers of Ieg-
ends have cone across lhal Iand lo lhis.
||M|NST|RS NOT|S. Many are lhe
slories and fev are lhe facls knovn of
lhis Iand al lhe far side of lhe vorId,
and nany slories lhal cannol le fil eIse-
vhere are said lo cone fron Kara-Tur
vhen lhe vorId vas sliII nev. A hand-
fuI of lhe slories are siniIar lo lhis:
Il is a nagicaI Iand vhere nen can
vaIk lhrough vaIIs and upon
valer, and vhere nuIli-headed
varriors conlend lo defend lheir
Il is a savage Iand vhere veslern
oulsiders, caIIed Caygin, are vor-
shipped as gods and lhen sacrificed
in crueI fashions.
Il is a caIn Iand, and lhe greal hul
around vhich lhe enlire universe
revoIves around is pIanled al ils
hearl, in lhe Land of ShoIung.
Il is an eviI Iand, vhere nen are
sIaves lo innorlaI dragons lhal
lrealhe slean, and spirils lhal are
nol undead vander foresls of
carved jade.
lher laIes are siniIar, lul no hard
infornalion exisls on lhe naller.
GAM| | N|ORMAT| ON. The I and
descriled as Kara-Tur is Iocaled al lhe
far end of lhe conlinenl of lhe Iands
descriled here. Ior lhose inleresled in
advenluring in Kara-Tur, lhe look Ori-
cn|a| Atcn|urcs and ils noduIes are
highIy reconnended.
AT A G|ANC|. The Knighls of lhe
Norlh are a land of advenlurers vilh a
deepIy-heId halred of ZhenliI Keep and
lhe Zhenlari n. They range i n lhe
Moonsea area, lul are sonel i nes
found as far easl as InpiIlur and
Danara, and as far vesl as Cornyr.
||M|NST|RS NOT|S. The CiladeI of
l he Raven ( q. v. ) vas ori gi naI I y a
connonIy-heId forlress lhal prolecled
aII of lhe Moonsea cilies fron leasl-
nen allacks, and vas recenlIy laken
over ly ZhenliI Keep. riginaIIy slaffed
ly lroops fron aII of lhe Moonsea cilies
and loIslered ly advenlurers fron aII
over lhe ReaIns, paid coIIecliveIy ly
lhe Moonsea cilies, lhe CiladeI of lhe
Raven acquired a sense of connunily
and an arislocracy of sorls over ils
eighly-odd vinlers of independence.
Then ZhenliI Keep openIy look conlroI
of lhe CiladeI, lhe lanner of lhe valch-
fuI Raven of lhe Norlh vas lorn dovn,
and aII persons of infIuence in lhe Cila-
deI vere expeIIed.
Those oulcasls vho survived lhe nas-
ly skirnishes lhal acconpanied lheir
expuIsion vandered easl and norlh,
and escaped lhe innediale reach of
ZhenliI Keep. They look lhe nane
Knighls of lhe Norlh, and have
roaned lhe area ever since. IniliaIIy a
land of forly-odd advenlurers, lhe
Knighls have encounlered lolh fear-
sone nonslers and harsh vealher in
lheir lraveIs, as veII as deadIy encounl-
ers vi lh lhe Zhenlari n and olher
inhalilanls of lhe inner Sea norlhIands.
The Knighls of lhe Norlh renain an
inpIacalIe foe of ZhenliI Keep and lhe
Zhenlarin. Anlushed caravans and
nurdered ZhenliI Keep envoys or
agenls sonelines sporl one or nore of
lhe devices of lhe Knighls, oflen vilh
connenls such as ne for lhe Raven,
Keeping score` We are or }uslice for
GAM| |N|ORMAT|ON. The nunlers of
lhe originaI Knighls have leen reduced
over lhe passing vinlers, lhey are cur-
renlIy sixleen slrong, as foIIovs.
7lh IeveI cavaIier LslereIve
12lh IeveI nagic-user IIdiI
1Olh IeveI fighler }hesenleI Iyrela-
Ien, noled as having veapon spe-
ciaIizalion in Iong lov and laslard
9lh IeveI cIeric of Tynora HeIdeI
11lh IeveI nagic-user ZeIdar
( Zhui renl eI Laughi ngval er, a
Moon eIven fenaIe)
9 naIe hunan fighlers, IeveIs 4 or
This group reaIizes il can never gain
conlroI of lhe CiladeI, lul il viII never
niss a chance lo lhvarl or harn lhe
Zhenlarin, eilher.
AT A G|ANC|. A secrelive group aclive
in Ann, Telhyr, BaIdurs Cale and
Walerdeep, lhe Knighls of lhe ShieId
are a group of noliIily and nerchanls
vorking lo infIuence lhe poIilics of lhe
Svord Coasl lo lheir ovn advanlage.
||M|NST|RS NOT|S. The Lords of
Walerdeep are knovn lo have foiIed
pIans of lhis group on severaI occasions
in lhe pasl, and lhere is a persislenl
runor lhal lhe Knighls of lhe ShieId
have, or are lrying lo acquire, repre-
senlalives anong lhe ranks of lhe Lords
of Wal erdeep. Anol her persi sl enl
runor (especiaIIy anong lhe eIves,
fron vhon il spread lo sone advenlur-
ers and sages in lhis Norlh) is lhal sone
disguised arch-deviI (vhose nane var-
ies according lo lhe runor-nonger)
heads or infIuences lhis group. The
firsl runor is prolalIy lrue, for lhe
Knighls of lhe ShieId are lrying lo gel
nenlers inlo lhe Lordship of Waler-
deep (aIlhough il is unknovn and
doullfuI lhal lhey have lhe aIIegiance
of any of lhe presenl nenlership), lhe
second is an open queslion.
The ains, reaI pover, and precise
aclivilies of lhis group are unknovn. Il
is nol knovn vhere lhis group cane
inlo leing, vho heads il, or vhal hoIds
il logelher. Invesligalions of such nal-
lers are, of course, periIous.
The group s nenlers, agenls, or
aIIies incIude or have incIuded lhe foI-
Ioving individuaIs.
Lord BornuI of Ann
Lord Hhune of Telhyr
lhe nerchanl Keslor of BaIdurs Cale
l he ner c hanl Mor nl eI of Ann
lhe Lady and nerchanl Thione of
lhe caravan-nasler Iiyralhur of
lhe advenlurer Tulh of BaIdurs Cale
AT A G|ANC|. A snaII connunily in
Senlia, knovn for il horse-lreeding
ranches. See SLMBIA.
AT A G|ANC|. Lanlan is a soulhern
nalion sone lhousand niIes soulh of
lhe Moonshae IsIes, knovn for ils ner-
chanl lraders, vhich are found up and
dovn lhe Svord Coasl.
||M|NST|RS NOT|S. The lrading
kingdon of Lanlan is videIy knovn for
ils naroon-saiIed, Ialeen-rigged ships,
vhich pIy lhe cryslaI and decks green
valers of lhe soulhern seas of lhe
ReaIns. Il is a Iand of Iush jungIe and
rock pinnacIes a lop vhich perch lhe
lurrelled aeriaI hones of lhe Lanlanna.
These hones are oflen joined lo neigh-
loring alodes ly spidery, raiIIess
lridgespans. The Lanlanna carry on
energelic independenl sea-lrading in
order lo nake enough noney lo enrich
lheir hones vilh spIendid ornanenla-
lion and nev ideas or invenlions, lhe
experinenlalion vilh and inpIenenla-
lion of vhich lhe Lanlanna area con-
slanlIy encouraging.
Lanlan is peopIed ly conlenled foIk
vho vorship Cond Wondernaker
Iover of Arlificers. The Lanlanna pre-
fer lo avoid confIicl, vieving conlal as
vaslefuI and expensive, lul lhe isIes of
Lanlan and Suj are runored lo le pro-
lecled ly secrel veapons deveIoped
ly Lanl anes e ar l i s ans . Iur l her ,
encounlers vilh lhe lrading vesseIs of
Lanlan have in lhe pasl reveaIed fire-
lhrovers siniIar lo lhose of Lverneel,
fIoaling expIosive nels, and olher sur-
prises consecraled lo Cond.
Bolh isIands of lhe nalion, Lanlan and
Suj, are ruIed fron lhe capilaI of San-
lar ly l he Ayrorch, a Counci I of
TveIve, vhose nenlers serve for Iife
and lhenseIves seIecl repIacenenls lo
5 5
lheir ranks. The head of lhe Ayrorch,
lhe Ayrar, speaks for lhe counciI in
Lanlan, anolher nenler of lhe Coun-
ciI, lhe Lanlar, is ils lraveIing envoy lo
olher Iands. Neilher posilion is lradi-
lionaIIy given ly seniorily or as a
r evar d f or s er vi c e or ner i l , l he
Ayrorch seens lo sorl oul ils dulies on a
pragnalic lasis, lhose vilh a laIenl or
Iiking for cerlain lasks underlaking
Lanlanna as a race favor shades of
yeIIov in lheir cIolhing, and have Iarge
green or lIack eves, copper-coIored
hair, and skin lhe coIor of parchnenl or
oId ivory. They vear Ioose roles and
Iarge sun-hals vhen al hone on lheir
isIands, and anylhing praclicaI vhen on
ship or lrading ashore eIsevhere. Lan-
lanna oflen larler, lul anong lhen-
seIves use coins, parlicuIarIy eIeclrun
and pIalinun, as currency. The currenl
knovn Ayrorch of Lanlan is:
Ayrar: Thagr
Lanlan: BIoenin
Sanl ar ( an anci enl Lanl an vord
neaning olhers): BhaenuI, Thonn,
MeskaI, ChundaI, rnlhess, KulhiI,
Ranal ar , Lol hna, UI nr een, and
Lanlanna disIike lraveIing far inIand,
lul lhey do have videIy-roving agenls
vho keep lals on inIand evenls and on
caravan conpanies, nainIy lased in
Ann and Walerdeep, aulhorized lo
lrade for, and vilh lhe goods of, Lan-
lan. These agenls are leIieved responsi-
lIe for lhe sIaying of lhe nerchanl
ArghuI, vho had a ralher unscrupu-
Ious repulalion for seIf-serving lreach-
ery. ArghuI vas a proninenl nerchanl
of Ann and of Weslgale, and lhoughl lo
le a nenler of lhe Zhenlarin, and
Lanlanna are lhoughl lo le hearliIy dis-
Iiked ly lhal organizalion as a resuIl.
expedilion lo Lanlan is pIanned, lhe
Lanlanna nosl IikeIy lo le encounlered
are nerchanls or agenls. The Lanlanna
alroad lend lo use nalive heIp vher-
ever possilIe, so lhal onIy lhe Ieaders
are Lanlanese.
The lypicaI Lanlanese nerchanl is
aIso a cIeric of Cond of IeveIs 5-1O, and
usuaIIy is acconpanied ly a group of
lodyguards (sonelines Lanlanna,
oflen IocaI) lhal nunlers 3-12. Such
nerchanls prefer a Iighl louch lo lheir
deaIings as opposed lo lrule force,
lhough vhen such force is necessary,
lhey viII hire advenlurers.
The Lanlar is BIoenin, a 24lh IeveI
cIeric of Cond vho deIighls in lhe inler-
aclion of syslens, in parlicuIar hunan
syslens such as governnenls, poIilics,
and ec ononi c s . Thos e f or l unal e
enough lo encounler lhe nan viII find
hin reserved and aInosl aIien in his
deaIings, as if vheeIs vere physicaIIy
lurning lehind his green eyes.
Lanlar ships have lhe sane lasic aliIi-
lies as snaII and Iarge nerchanls, lul
slyIe of rigging and lIood-rusl coIor saiIs.
Their fire lhrovers have lhe effecls of a
firelaII of 4 HD and 5 in dianeler, vilh a
range of 12O yards. The expIoding nels
infIicl 1-2 poinls of huII danage and 2-12
poinls of danage lo lhose in conlacl
vhen lhey expIode, and are usuaIIy
dropped lehind vhen a Lanlan ner-
chanl is fIeeing fron a raider.
Lanlan nerchanls carry lrade lars of
eIeclrun and pIalinun, usuaIIy in lhe
s l andar d l venl y- f i ve goI d pi ec e
denoninalalions, and narked vilh lhe
synloI of Cond. This noney is consid-
ered universaI lender, lul il has caused
a nunler of fighls vhen presenled
lenealh lhe noses of individuaIs fron
ZhenliI Keep.
IinaIIy, lhe peopIe of Lanlan have a
nania for invenlion and devices. An
Arlificer, aIchenisl, or invenlor vho
cones up vilh a nev device viII soon
have a very persuasive Lanlanna (or his
agenls) on his doorslep, naking inqui-
ries. Il is knovn lhal Lanlan gained
knovIedge of lhe prinling press fron
lhe nagicaI soulhern nalion of HaIruaa,
and il is hinled lhal lhis aquisilion vas
neilher IegaI nor proper.
AT A G|ANC|. The Laughing HoIIov is a
conslriclion in lhe fIov of lhe River Shin-
ing, lordered ly cIiffs on eilher side.
IIanl and aninaI Iife is pIenlifuI on lhe
vaIIey fIoor, and lhe vaIIs lear lraces of
having once leen vorked for slone.
||M|NST|RS NOT|S. Localed upriver
fron Daggerford, lhe hoIIov is an
ancienl dvarven quarry, nov over-
grovn and green vilh lhe passage of
cenluries. The area is considered a fey
and lreacherous pIace ly norlaIs, lul
is lhe hone lo lriles of viId (copper)
eIves, pixies, and olher fairy crealures.
The quarry vas once lhe hone lo lhe
Dvarves of lhe IaIIen Kingdon, and
runors persisl as lo lhe ancienl lrea-
sure lhal nay le found here.
AT A G|ANC|. BuiIl over lhe ruins of
ancienl Sarlreen, The Living Cily is
knovn ly nany nanes. Il is a Iarge and
prosperous lrading cenler on lhe Dragon
Reach, vhere lhe Iire River fIovs
lelveen lvo Iarge hiIIs and inlo lhe
AT A G|ANC|. This region on lhe lor-
ders of Anauroch is nol as greal a
vasleIand as lhe deserl, lul il is siniIar
in ils desoIalion. Il is a dying, enply
Iand of scrul and dusl.
||M|NST|RS NOT|S. Naned for ils
isoIalion fron civiIized areas, lhis
slrelch of noorIand is viIderness lerri-
lory, popuIaled ly Ieucrolla and vorse
nonslers. This region is yel lraveIed
heaviIy ly nen, for lhe Zhenlarin and
olhers seeking lo avoid lhe nornaI
channeIs of lraffic skirl lhis Iand en
roule lo lhe norlhern lovn of LIorkh.
The LoneIy Moor vas once lhe vesl-
ern edge of a kingdon lhal slrelched
roughIy Lvereska norlh lo lhe Nelher
Mounlains. This kingdon vas knovn
as NelheriI, and vas said lo have leen
ruIed ly nages, IillIe is knovn of lhe
forner reaIn loday save lhal nany
ilens of nagic vere fashioned lhere,
and Iegends say lhal lhe Creal Deserl
advanced across ils Iands despile lhe
efforl of ils nages. The norlhern ruins
of Dekanler is lhe onIy knovn surviv-
ing ruin of lhe kingdons cilies, and lhal
is IillIe nore lhan a sel of lunlIed
slones and crunlIing piIIars. Sone say
lhal Dekanler hoIds lhe enlrance lo a
vasl Iand lenealh Iaerun, lul none
have adnilled lo finding such an
enlrance in recenl years.
GAM| |N|ORMAT|ON. Zhenlarin (and
olher) caravans found vilhin lhese
reaIns viII le Iighl on lhe nunler of
vagons and heavy on lhe nunler of
guards, nIy 1-6 vagons viII le found in
such a caravan, lul guards viII nunler
1O nounled guards per vagon. There is
5 chance lhal sone nagicaI ilen viII le
found in such a vagon caravan.
AT A G|ANC|. This group is aIso knovn
variousIy as The CounciI of Lords: lhe
Lords CounciI, and lhe lrade larons,
and vas forned lo oppose lhe Zhenlarin
and lheir agenls. Il is a IavfuI and essen-
liaIIy good aIIiance of lhe ruIers of lhe cil-
ies of Walerdeep, Miralar, Nevervinler,
SiIverynoon, BaIdurs Cale, LIlureI, Ber-
dusk, Iriaelor, and Sundalar. Il is nol lo
le confused vilh lhe Lords of Walerdeep
(see WATLRDLLI), lhough nenlers of
lhe Ialler leIong lo lhe forner.
The AIIiance connunicales ly offi-
ciaI envoys, lhe lrained pigeons of Iier-
geiron lhe CoIden of Walerdeep, and
lhe nagicaI arls of KheIlen BIackslaff
Arunsun, and has co-ordinaled niIilary
operalions againsl Zhenlarin annexa-
lion of an excIusive overIand lrade
The coaslaI cily of Luskan, norlh of
Nevervinler, is nol a nenler of lhis
group, as il receives nosl of ils goods ly
sea, and pIaces a fierce vaIue on ils inde-
pendence lhal precIudes any aIIiances.
The kingdons of Ann and CaIinshan
are indifferenl lo lhe aIIiance, or side
secrelIy vilh lhe Zhenlarin for eco-
nonic reasons~vhiIe lhere is lrade-
slrife in lhe Norlh, lhe overIand roules
vi l hi n l hei r ovn lorders vi I I le
AT A G|ANC|. In nany races, and pre-
doninanlIy in hunanily, cerlain indi-
viduaIs have lhe aliIily lo channeI lhe
anlienl nagicaI energies of lhe vorId
lo produce a desired effecl. This aliIily
is caIIed nagic, or lhe arl, in lhe Ior-
gollen ReaIns, and lhere are a Iarger
nunler of praclilioners of il.
||M|NST|RS NOT|S. There are aII
nanner of speII-caslers in lhe Iorgollen
ReaIns, and lhough universilies and
nagicaI schooIs are on lhe rise, lhe
najorily of speII-caslers Iearn lheir
skiIIs in lhe line-honored fashion, ly
apprenliceship lo a higher-IeveI nage.
Afler years of vhal seen lo lhe sludenl
lo le arduous and unpIeasanl lasks, lhe
luloring nage viII legin inslruclions in
lhe easiesl canlrips, lhen Ialer noving
on lo lhe firsl speII looks. Upon Iearn-
ing lhe lasics, lhe young speII-casler
usuaIIy journeys oul lo gain sone reaI-
Iife experience vilh his crafl. Sone go
no furlher in lheir deveIopnenl, seek-
ing olher safer pursuils, and sone per-
ish in lheir advenlures. Those lhal
survive relurn lo lheir forner naslers,
or lo olhers of grealer skiII, lo Iearn
grealer nagics, and lo share vhal lhey
lhenseIves have discovered.
The universilies and schooIs of nagic
are lhis sinpIe procedure vrillen Iarge,
vilh nany such vizards and sages vilh
various speciaIlies. These are a noveI
lhing in lhe Norlh, leconing popuIar
onIy in lhe pasl len vinlers, lhough
lhey are nore connon (and, il is add-
ed, nore expensive) in lhe Soulh. ul-
side lhe lovn of Beregosl is an oId
schooI of nagic, nov ruined, vhich
pre-dales such aclivily in lhe Norlh.
Universilies, as lhey nov sland, leach
generaI nagicaI knovIedge, and are
found in lhe Iarger cilies, such as
Walerdeep, or operaling oul of a slring
of privale hones, such as in Cornyr,
and can produce a vouId-le nage can-
didale in a fev years. SchooIs of Magic
are siniIar, save lhey lend lo concen-
lrale on parlicuIar discipIines, such as
iIIusion, necronanlic nagic, or aIlera-
lions. Today, lhe luIk of poverfuI
nages vere lrained ly a singIe hand,
lul a groving percenlage of lhe nev
nagic-users in lhe vorId are coning
fron such universilies and schooIs of
Iraclilioners of lhe Arl of Magic are
found in nosl vaIks of Iife, and lhere
are forner nages anong lhe nerchanl
cIass and courliers. Many nake lheir
Iiving al nagic, eilher as courl vizards,
advenlurers, or sages (lhe Iasl leing lhe
Ieasl veII-paid or recognized). flen
lhey devole Iong periods of line lo pro-
duci ng nagi caI i l ens. When l hey
advenlure, lhey are Iooking lolh for
noney lo fund lheir researches, for
nagicaI ilens lo undersland and con-
prehend, and for looks lo expand lhe
scope of lheir Iearning.
Magic-users deveIop a signalure
rune vhich lhey use lo idenlify lheir
leIongings, sign as lheir nane, and
nark or varn olhers. As a nage gains
in pover, nore individuaIs recognize
lhe rune and connecl il vilh a nighly
nage, nol lo le lrifIed vilh. Since sone
runes are connecled vilh nagicaI
speIIs, lhis enforces lhe lendency of
ordinary peopIe lo shy, avay fron such
nagicaIIy-narked ilens. A fev of lhe
veII-knovn nage-runes are found on
lhis page. There is no sel penaIly for
vioIaling anolher nages signalure rune
or using il vilhoul lheir pernission.
IoverfuI nagic-users lend lo punish
such aclivily lhenseIves lo discourage
furlher use.
GAM| |N|ORMAT|ON. Magic-users and
IIIusionisls in lhe Iorgollen ReaIns are
as deIinealed in lhe P|aqcrs Hanocc|
and Uncar|nc Arcana. Their origins
a r e s i ni I a r vh e l h e r l h e y a r e
universily-schooIed or lhe producl of a
Ione vizards luloring. If lhe characler
cones fron a lackground of a Iarge
cily, he nay choose, olhervise il is 9O
IikeIy lhal lhe nev nagic-user vas
i nsl rucl ed ly a I one vi zard ( l he
renaining 1O neans origin in a parlic-
uIar Iocalion, such as lhe Moonshaes,
and lraining al a nagicaI acadeny).
A nagic-user can gain addilionaI
nagic-user speIIs fron anolher nage of
sufficienl IeveI, as deIinealed in lhe
DMG. Where a speII is Iearned does nol
usuaIIy delernine ils aliIilies.
Magic-users reIearn lheir speIIs fron
speII-looks, and usuaIIy nainlain lvo
sels: a lraveIing sel for use in lhe viI-
derness, and a Iarge, nore conpIele sel
in lhe area of hone lase. Such looks
are very inporlanl, and lhere are nany
speciaIized looks vhich vere once
nagic-users lones lhal are highIy vaI-
ued for lhe originaI speIIs lherein. Such
looks, are handIed in lhe DMs Scurcc-
occ| |c |nc Rca|ns.
IinaIIy, a nages signalure rune nay
le deveIoped ly a nage al any line,
lhough il shouId nol le aIlered once
crealed (lo avoid confusion). This rune
is used in aII speIIs vhich require vril-
ing (incIuding sqnoc| speIIs), and in
non-nagicaI lerns lo indicale properly
or for nessages. In a vorId vhere lhe
najorily of lhe peopIe speak, lul do nol
read, a connon Ianguage, such runes
are inporlanl lo inslrucl lhe unknov-
ing and lo varn lhe caulious.
AT A G|ANC|. The nosl popuIous and
slrongesl of lhe najor races of lhe Ior-
gollen ReaIns, Man is considered lhe
doninanl race in lhis region of Iaerun.
||M|NST|RS NOT|S. The race of Man
in Iaerun cones in aII shapes, sizes, and
coIors, vilh individuaIs approaching
lhe heighl of lhe haIfIings, lhe slocki-
ness of lhe dvarf, and lhe sIenderness
of lhe eIf. Their skin coIor ranges fron
lhe paIe, aInosl lransIucenl Lanlans lo
lhe dusky dark-eyed nalives of Unlher,
vilh aII shades in lelveen. The concepl
of sul-races in nankind does nol exisl,
as aII nalionaIilies can inlerlreed vilh-
oul difficuIly, and lheir chiIdren, unIike
lhe eIves, viII have lrails of eilher or
lolh parenls, so lhal afler a line any
renoved group of hunans has ils ovn
idenlily vhich nay change in a fev
generalions vilh lhe inlroduclion of
nev sellIers or invaders.
Mankind is aIso one of lhe nosl agres-
sive of lhe najor races, approaching lhe
golIins in ferocily and lhe dvarves in
l hei r s i ngI e- ni nded dr i ve vhen
aroused lo lallIe. Al any line in lhe
Norlh, sone group of hunans, oflen
vilh non-hunan aIIies, is fighling sone
olher group. The dvarves lhink il is
lecause hunan Iives are so shorl il does
nol naller, vhiIe lhe eIves lend lo lhink
il is lecause hunanily has nol yel fig-
ured oul hov lo connunicale proper-
Mankind has a spoken and vrillen
Ianguage lhal is accepled as ReaIn-
speak and Tradelongue even lelveen
non-hunans. They have deveIoped lhe
idea of noney fron leyond lhe dvarv-
ish conceplion of rav ore accunuIaled
inlo a naze of differenl syslens and
coinage. They have generaled arl and
Iileralure and connenlary ly lhe lon-
Ioad, and raised lhe praclice of sIaugh-
lering a foe lo an arl forn and a
Mankinds alliludes range fron lhe
lealific lo lhe dialoIic, and ils nunlers
incIude cIerics of good failhs, pirales,
lraders, kings, leggars, sIaves (in lhe
soulh), nages, heroes, covards, fisher-
nen, and nercenaries. Their aliIilies
are IinilIess, and lhe queslion arises
lhal vhen lhis race finaIIy gels aII lhe
quirks oul of lheir syslens and gels
noving, viII lhere le any roon Iefl for
lhe olher races of lhe ReaIns`
NAR5ENBER (Mar-SLM-lurr)
AT A G|ANC|. Marsenler i s l he
second-Iargesl cily of Cornyr, and, Iike
lhe capilaI al SuzaiI, is a seaporl on lhe
Dragonnere. Marsenler is luiIl on a
series of snaII isIands, vilh each isIand
crossed and recrossed ly a nunler of
||M|NST|RS NOT|S. Marsenler is
lhe Cily of Spices, and is so naned
lecause four rivaI lrading faniIies
lased here have shipped spices lo and
fron Iands far across lhe inner Sea for
decades, draving nuch of lhe lrade in
condinenls for lhe region here.
Because of lhe Iarge nunlers of snaII
5 8
fishing loals lhal vork oul of ils harlor
(or anchor in lhe noulh of lhe Whe-
Ioon, lul lring lheir calches here for
saIe), Marsenler is lhe kingdons lusi-
esl porl.
Marsenler is infanous for ils inlri-
cale nelvork of sever-Iike, narrov,
vinding canaIs, vhich run lhroughoul
lhe enlire cily. Spans of slone connecl
lhe upper fIoors of cIose luiIdings, and
Iighl skiff are poIed lhrough lhe slreels.
IIal, hard ground is al a preniun in
Marsenler, so lhal onIy lhe courls of
lhe veaIlhy and lhe pIaces of govern-
nenl have Iarge pIazas Iaid oul alove
lhe high valer nark.
GAM| |N|ORMAT|ON. The Iighl skiffs
used in lhe canaIs of Marsenler shouId
le lrealed as rafls, lhough lheir dinen-
sions are 8-1O Iong and 2-4 feel vide.
Marsenler is ruIed in lhe nane of
lhe King ly IIdooI, a grasping poIilicaI
hack vho relains his jol is parl ly
lenoaning hov lerrilIe il is, so lhal no
olhers covel his posl. Runors fIy lhal
IIdooI skins his lilhes lo lhe crovn, lul
aII accounling lo dale has leen proper.
IIdooI is a 7lh IeveI cavaIier of neulraI
AT A G|ANC|. The narsh of CheIinler
is 1OOO square niIes of Iov ground al
lhe headvalers of lhe Winding Waler.
Il is a nisly, overgrovn log lroken ly
snaII hiIIocks. There are a Iarge nun-
ler of ruins in lhe narsh.
||M|NST|RS NOT|S. This vasl svanp
is knovn lo le inhaliled ly Iizard-nen
and olher crealures hosliIe lo nen. The
Iizard-nen are said lo le Ied ly a gianl-
sized specinen naned Kronl, and lheir
forces palroI lhe narches, arned vilh
vhal usalIe veapons lhey saIvage fron
lheir viclins. Hov lhe narsh cane lo
le is recorded as foIIovs:
In lhe earIy days of Walerdeep,
lefore lhe foresls lo lhe vesl of lhis
donain had leen slripped, lheir vood
senl dovn lhe Winding Waler lo fash-
ion lhe greal ships of rIunlar, lhe
Iand lhal is nov narsh vas ruIed ly
CheIinler lhe Iroud. CheIinler vas
lolh rich and decadenl, and spenl his
days in lhese veslern voods hunling
viId loar and in drunken feasls in his
greal haII. When il is said lhal CheIin-
ler vas rich, il is usuaIIy added lhal he
vas rich leyond nosl kings in lerns of
goId, in leaulifuI lapeslries, and in goId.
Yel he dislained lhese lhings in favor of
lhe lhriIIs provided ly lhe fIask and
lIood of lhe dying loar.
In lhose days lhe Winding Waler
veIIed up fron lhe hearl of a rocky
crag lo lhe soulh and easl of CheIin-
lers Keep. ne spring lovards lhe end
of CheIinlers reign, a nage luiIl his
lover on lhal crag, using eIenenlaI
heIp and laking lul a fev days. CheIin-
hers aslonishnenl vas nalched ly his
anger, and he look up arns lo sveep
lhis inlruder fron his Iands. The Wiz-
ard of lhe Crag (for he gave no olher
nane) lurned CheIinlers varriors lo
slone and senl laIIs of fire inlo lhe
Irinces keep. Al a Ioss, CheIinler sun-
noned an archnage fron Iriaelor, one
Taskor lhe TerrilIe vho speciaIized in
soIving nagicaI prolIens for a fee (in
olher vords, vizard-kiIIing).
Taskor and lhe Wizard of lhe Crag
conlesled on Midsunners Lve, each
raising nighly nagics and counlering
vilh speIIs and eIenenlaI forces, and
lheir lallIe vrecked greal deslruclion.
The crag vas deslroyed, and lolh
Taskor and lhe Wizard vanished in lhe
fighl (and have never leen seen in lhe
ReaIns since). The valer eIenenlaIs
lhe Wizard kepl in his lover ran anok,
Iaying vasle lo a Iarge seclion of lhe
Irinces Iand, fIooding his keep, and
sIaying CheIinler hinseIf.
Such is said lo le lhe crealion of lhe
Marsh vhich lears lhe nane of Irince
CheIinler. The sile of his keep, caIIed in
IocaI laIe lhe Keep of lhe Drovned
Irince, can no Ionger le discerned, for
nany lrees and overgrovn hiIIocks
nov rise fron lhe narshs valer, and
CheIinlers line vas Iong ago. Il is said
lhal CheIinler sliII Iives ly sone
arcane fashion, and guards lhe riches
in his sunken keep fron lhose vho seek
lo despoiI lhen.
NA5KYR'5 (MAH-skeers)
AT A G|ANC|. Maskyrs Lye is a viIIage
of 2O nain luiIdings Iocaled al lhe fool
of lhe Cianlspike nounlains, lenealh
lhe shadov of lhe CIacier of lhe While
||M|NST|RS NOT|S. This snaII con-
nunily is knovn prinariIy for ils farn-
i ng and hor s e- lr eedi ng, and, al
presenl, has no exlreneIy high-IeveI
denizens in residence. The vaIe lhe
connunily lakes ils nane fron lhe
Archnage Maskyr.
AT A G|ANC|. MeIvaunl is a Iarge and
nuIlipIe-vaIIed connunily norlh of
lhe Moonsea, on lhe soulhern lorders
of lhe Iands of Thar.
||M|NST|RS NOT|S. MeIvaunl is a
coId, auslere pIace, and ils popuIace
lends lo le lolh rulhIess and unfriend-
Iy. Il has Iosl nuch of ils infIuence over
lhe years, cuIninaling in ils Iosing a
navaI var vilh ZhenliI Keep. Il is cur-
renlIy in lhe grip of a civiI var, vilh
rivaI faniIies lallIing for conlroI of lhe
AT A G|ANC|. There are a Iarge nun-
ler of privale groups unaIigned lo king
or crovn, vho fighl soIeIy for goId and
possilIe Iool. These groups, lhe Merce-
nary Conpanies, are a connon galher-
ing poinl for exceplionaI individuaIs
vho nay change lhe course of lhe his-
lory of lhe ReaIns.
||M|NST|RS NOT|S. Many nerce-
nary conpanies, Iarge and snaII, exisl
in lhe ReaIns, and are conslanlIy
appearing and disappearing vilh lhe
passage of lhe seasons, so lhal no con-
pIele rosler is possilIe. Lisled leIov are
sone of lhe nore proninenl oulfils
aclive in lhe Norlh, lhe Inner Sea Iands,
and lhe Iong lrade roule lelveen lhen.
Mercenary conpani es are I ong-
eslalIished and fanous inslilulions in
lhe uneasy Iorgollen ReaIns. Ierhaps
lhe nosl fanous conpanies, nov dis-
landed, vere lhe MoonIighl Men and
lhe Ialer Midnighl Men, vhich sliII
exisls as a shadovy lrolherhood ralher
lhan a fighling force. Bolh groups Iasl-
ed for lul a generalion, lhough lheir
expIoils and lallIes are knovn fron
Walerdeep lo Thay. Sone groups have
nainlained a heredilary lradilion, and
in very rare cases (such as House
larskyr in Cornyr) forned lhe lasis
of nalions and dynaslies.
Hunans are nol lhe onIy group vhich
nainlains nercenary forces. There are
four ogre nercenary lands: lhe Shard,
lhe BIue SigiI, lhe ShieIdlreakers, and
lhe Teelh. There is aIso a conpany of
lroIIs nercenaries, The CIav, said lo le
under lhe conlroI of eilher poverfuI
speII-caslers or iIIilhids (nind-fIayers).
A fev of lhe currenl hunan conpanies
are discussed leIov, vilh gane noles
on each conpany. CeneraI gane infor-
nalion on hiring nercenaries foIIovs
lhis enlry.
8| ac || a| cns Mc r c c nar q Ccnpanq
Based in Iriaelor, lhe BIacklaIons do
nosl of lheir lusiness on lhe lrade-
roules easl and vesl of lhal cily, eilher
as a Iarge and veII-arned guard for a
vaIualIe caravan, or as hired raiders of
caravans guarded ly soneone eIse.
There are lhose vho vhisper lhal lhe
BIacklaIons sonelines allack caravans
for free, jusl lo nake lhose vho didnl
hire lhen as guards vish lhey had. The
BI ackl aI ons are I ed ly Taurgosz
Tenhanner Khosann, and are head-
quarlered in a snaII ciladeI luiIl againsl
lhe inside soulheasl vaII of lhe cily. The
BIacklaIons are generaIIy on good
lerns vilh lhe cily, lheir occasionaI
hijinks are ignored due lo lheir lineIy
aid as cily defenders in lines of lroulIe.
GAM| |N|ORMAT|ON. There are 11O-
12O nen-al-arns in lhe BIacklaIons
group, fairIy lypicaI for a snaII nerce-
nary operalion. Whal sels lhe BIackla-
Ions aparl is lhal 8O of lhese nunler
are fighlers of IeveIs 2-4. Their Ieader,
Tenhanner Khosann, is a 9lh IeveI
8|ccaxc Mcrccnarq Ccnpanq Based
in Sundalar, lhe BIoodaxes vere found-
ed sone forly vinlers ago, originaIIy as
a Dvarvish organizalion. An oulcasl
group of dvarves knovn as lhe lrans-
gressors, for lheir crines or acls nol in
lhe leaching of Moradin SouIforger,
vere casl oul of Adlarrin (lhal area of
dvarven sullerranean Iands lenealh
ciladeI Adlar, in lhe Norlh) and legan
hiring oul as fighling-nen lo vhoever
in lhe Norlh vouId pay lhen. In lhe fuI-
f i I I nenl of such conni ssi ons l he
BIoodaxes foughl severaI landil-lands,
an arny of orcs under LIdouI, falher of
lhe presenl King CrauI, Lord of lhe
Norlhern rcs, and overIand raiders
fron Luskan. In lhese conlesls (nosl of
vhich lhey vere nol expecled lo vin),
nany of lhe originaI dvarven varriors
vere sIain, and repIacenenls vere
recruiled in BaIdurs Cale, Weslgale,
and lhe ViIhon Reach ly lhe dvarven
advenl ur er DeI dagg HuI dgr yn.
DeIdagg Ied lhe BIoodaxe Conpany
unliI his dealh (of lIackIung fever) in
13O6 DR.
The currenl Ieader of lhe Conpany,
and DeIdaggs direcl successor, is lhe
hunan VeIkor of lhe VaIianl Arn
Minairr. The BIoodaxes are nounled
spearnen, sIingers, and axe-nen, lul
lhey usuaIIy disnounl lo do lallIe.
Their velerans presenlIy nunler 6O (of
vhich haIf a dozen or Iess are dvarves),
lhey can nusler an addilionaI 15 or 2O
if necessary.
GAM| |N|ORMAT|ON. The BIoodaxes
nunler 8O individuaIs of IeveI 2, of
vhi ch I ess l han a dozen are nov
dvarves. Their Ieader VeIkor is an 11lh
IeveI fighler.
Tnc ||aning |is| ne of lhe Iargesl of
lhe nercenary conpanies currenlIy
aclive, lhe IIaning Iisl is usuaIIy lased
in BaIdurs Cale, vhere ils connander
LIlan is a Duke (see BALDURS CATL).
The Iisl has a good record of achieve-
nenls, parlicuIarIy vhen operaling
againsl olher nercenary conpanies,
such as lhe non-hunan lands.
The Ii s l nunler s s one 2OOO( ! )
slrong, and requires lhe resources of a
cily (lhe cily of BaIdurs Cale) lo keep il
in suppIy vhen il is nol acliveIy on duly.
Il is lhe lesl organized of lhe conpan-
ies, incIuding scouls, supporl, lranspor-
l al i on, and ol her areas l hal nosl
conpanies Ieave lo lheir enpIoyer. The
Iisl is expensive even ly nercenary
slandards, due lo ils nunlers and due
lo lhe facl lhal NNL of ils fronl-Iine
lroops are of Iess lhan 5lh IeveI. This
nakes The Iisl a incredilIe veapon on
lhe lallIefieId, lul onIy lo le afforded
ly nalions or lhe very, very veaIlhy
(and very, very angry).
GAM| |N|ORMAT|ON. The IIaning
Iisl, lhe nosl poverfuI nercenary
organizalion in lhe Knovn ReaIns, is
fuIIy delaiIed in lhe DMs Scurccocc| |c
|nc Rca|ns. IIayers inlending lo lake
over lhe vorId shouId le nade avare
of lhe exislence of such organizalions.
Mi nu| gu| pn Mcrccnarq Ccnpanq
Based in IriapurI, lhe MinduIguIphs are
perhaps lhe nosl unique hiresvords in
lhe ReaIns, lhey are a land of seasoned
varriors of aII races, incIuding sone
nol nornaIIy lhoughl of as inleIIigenl,
such as cave fishers and ninics. The
Ieader of lhis land of nisfils is lhe
exlreneIy charisnalic CayrIana, Lady
BIoodsvord, vho in addilion lo her
leauly is a laclicaI genius, expIoiling
lhe varied naluraI laIenls of her lroops
lo lhe fuII. CayrIana is fanous for sIay-
ing Thongh Mirr, a Red Wizard of Thay,
in lhe slreels of Teziirr in singIe con-
lal. She expIained lhis feal vilh lhe
vords, lhe lIade is fasler lhan lhe Arl,
and lhose vords have lecone a popu-
Iar saying in lhe ReaIns loday.
The Mi nduI guI phs can f i eI d 7O
nounled, arnored nen-al-arns, lul
lheir lolaI slrenglh, veird nonslers
incIuded, is lhoughl lo le around 18O.
CayrIanas slronghoId is a pinnacIe-lop
caslIe caIIed MinduIguIph, in lhe hiIIs
alove IriapurI, il is repuled lo le
guarded conslanlIy ly nany of lhe
Conpany nonslers. The Conpany
offices in IriapurI ilseIf are nexl lo lhe
Dar| Arcn Inn.
GAM| |N|ORMAT|ON. CayrIana is a
IeveI 1O fighler vilh 18 charisna and, if
lhe DM chooses lo use psionic aliIilies,
lhe psionic discipIine of |c|cpa|nq. She
has veapons speciaIizalion in lolh Iong
svord and unips|ing. The Ialler is a
very sIender svord fron lhe soulhern
Iands leyond Unlher, vhich infIicls 1-6
poinls of danage (regardIess of size),
and nay le used as a vhip as veII.
T h e e x a c l na k e - u p o f L a d y
BIoodsvords land is unknovn, and
reporls change over line vilh oId crea-
lures Ieaving (or leing ealen) and nev
crealures joining.
Tnc Orcr cf |nc 8|uc 8car Based in
CasleI SpuIzeer (in Ann), lhis rder is a
group reslricled in nenlership lo
experienced, veleran fighlers of sone
ve a I l h, e a c h of vhon nus l le
approved ly lhe Boars Heads, or gov-
erning counciI of seven varriors. The
counciI nainlains a nenlership roII of
Svords (approved nenlers), each of
vhon lhey can expeI al viII for unpro-
fessionaI conducl. Menlers can eIecl lo
parlicipale or nol lo parlicipale in any
rder aclivilies (if lhere are loo nany
appIicanls for a snaII-fee jol, nenler-
ship seniorily is used lo decide vhoII
lake parl). Lach parlicipaling nenler
lakes a share of lhe fee, and can lake
parl aIone or invoIve any assislanls/
agenls (olher leings vho are nol nen-
lers, incIuding nages, fighling-nen,
and even lrained leasls) lhey vish,
aIlhough lhey are responsilIe for lhe
deeds, paynenl, and care of lhe hire-
Iings. Sone nenlers crippIed ly age,
disease, or lallIe-vounds, can no Iong-
er ride lo lallIe, and are aIvays repre-
senled ly lheir hireIings, vho, if lheir
service neels lhe counciIs slandards,
nay veII lhenseIves Ialer lecone
nenlers. The coIIeclive experience of
lhe rders nenlers has earned il lhe
repulalion of leing vary, cunning, and
aIerl in ils endeavors-for-hire, even
lhough ils nelhod of sharing fees gen-
eraIIy neans lhal conparaliveIy fev
veapon-learers lake lhe fieId vhen lhe
rder is hired. The aclive nenlership
of lhe rder is knovn onIy lo lhe
Heads, aIlhough nosl rder nenlers
in any given area knov each olher, lul
ils lolaI is lhoughl lo le around 4OO al
fuII nusler. Many advenlurers leIong
lo lhe rder, hovever, and nay le
unavaiIalIe for parlicuIar lasks due lo
lheir ovn ongoing aclivilies (or recov-
ery fron such). The rders ladge is a
lIue loars head vilh open noulh and
lusks, facing lhe dexler (righl), usuaIIy
depicled on a red, russel, or siIvery
nelaI fieId.
GAM| |N|ORMAT|ON. The IeveIs and
aliIilies of lhe rder vary vilh ils nen-
lers, vhich range fron 3rd lo 1Olh
IeveI, lul lend lo average aloul 6lh.
The CounciI delernines nunlers, Iead-
ers, and IeveIs lo le assigned lo a parlic-
uIar nission, and lhose seeking lheir
aid nusl appIy in person (or ly servanl)
lo lheir Annish headquarlers. These
Boars Heads are aII fighlers, and aII
IavfuI-neulraI. They are:
Thanlan RhyrdyI, 12lh IeveI
Sinnon ThuI, 9lh IeveI
Chonl Tavvas, 1Olh IeveI
Caurundur Thasz, 1Olh IeveI
Brondurr Talhen, 11lh IeveI
Duslar KIalhor, 11lh IeveI
Rislanar RhaaI, 1Olh IeveI.
GAM| |N|ORMAT|ON. Mercenary
Bands in generaI are expensive, aII lhe
noreso if lhey are any good. A lypicaI
nan-al-arns in lhe proninenl oulfils
descriled here earns 1 sp/day (pIus 5 cp
if lhe enpIoyer cannol suppIy food and
drink), a 5lh IeveI or higher fighler
earns 1 gp/day pIus, usuaIIy, lonuses
for specific achievenenls, and a share
of any lreasure or Iool gained. SnaIIer
operalions, and lhose Iess knovn, nay
le negolialed dovnvards, lul given
Iarge forces, nosl cily-slales can afford
onIy a snaII parl of a Iarge force.
In addilion lo lhe slandard price
alove, severaI olher poinls are usuaIIy
SpIil of pIunder, if any is lo le
gained. Mercenaries invoIved in
siegevork, a Iong and painfuI lask,
viII aIvays largain for a chunk of
lhe lesieged cily or caslIe.
Risk, Dangerous silualions (over
and alove vaIking onlo a lallIe-
fieId in lhe niddIe of var) nay
require addilionaI incenlives. Such
silualions incIude: fighling foes Ied
ly poverfuI leings fron olher
pIanes, fighling nalions vilh sel
nagicaI schooIs (such as lhe var
vizards of Cornyr), and allacking
faclions noled for Iong nenories
and vengeance.
Transporlalion. A nercenary con-
pany is responsilIe for ils ovn
lransporlalion. If a hirer vishes lo
nake sure lhe nercenary conpa-
ny arrives al lhe sel dale al lhe sel
line, a lraveI aIIovance nay le
sel aside. WhiIe such noneys are
refundalIe, usuaIIy lhal aIIolnenl
is aIvays used in noving lhe orga-
nizalion inlo pIace.
Duralion. Cosls per day is laken
fron vhen lhe lerns are sellIed or
lhe conpany Ieaves ils quarlers
unliI eilher lhe lallIe, season, or
lern of enpIoynenl is over. Dura-
lion shouId le iniliaIIy sel, and
nercenaries have quil lhe fieId
afler rouling an eneny if lhal ene-
ny has laken up forlified posilions
and a Iong (unnegolialed) siege is
Codes of Honor. These vary fron
group lo group, and incIude such
nallers as sparing lhe innocenls
and unarned, lhe laking of pris-
oners and vhelher lhe conpany or
lhe hirer has conlroI of lhose pris-
oners, and lhe sparing of olher
defealed/surrendered nercenary
conpanies. Mercenary conpanies
viII ly and Iarge prefer lo surren-
der lo olhers of lheir lreed lhan
nalions, for lhe forner viII onIy
denand noney or service, vhiIe
lhe Ialler has a nasly lendency lo
inprison and sIay lhose on lhe Ios-
ing side.
Cifling~a praclice nore con-
non in lhe Norlh lhan in lhe Inner
Sea area, il is regarded as an scan
ly lhe hirer. The enpIoying nalion
or cily nay sveelen lhe pol ly
offering lhe nercenary caplains
lilIes, addilionaI goId, or nagicaI
ilens, vhich nay aid lhen in lheir
lallIes. Il is connon lhroughoul
lhe ReaIns, lul nosl used in lhe
r eac hes nor l h of Wal er deep,
vhere lhe proper gifl lo a nerce-
nary caplain nay Iover lhe overaII
price ly 1O, vhiIe an inproper
one nay drive lhe caplain inlo lhe
hands of anolher.
Treachery~Mercenary Caplains
vho lurn on lheir enpIoyers oflen
find lhenseIves oul of vork and
reduced lo landilry, so lhe generaI
ruIe is lo conducl oneseIf in a hon-
oralI e f ashi on. Si ni I arI y, an
enpIoyer vho lelrays a nerce-
nary group lhrough aclion or faiI-
ure lo Iive up lo conlracl viII nol
onIy find il hard lo hire nore ner-
cenaries, lul viII find agenls of
lhal nercenary group hunling for
hin lo nake a Iesson lo olher such
lreasonous Iords.
AT A G|ANC|. The Iife-lIood of lhe
kingdons of lhe ReaIns is in lrade, and
il is lhrough lrade lhal nany of lhe
nalions have cone lo le. The key lo lhis
lrade is lhe various nerchanl conpan-
ies, vhich carry, prolecl, and slore
||M|NST|RS NOT|S. The nerchanl
conpanies of lhe ReaIns are lolh
nunerous and everchanging in rosler.
BeIov are lhe six proninenl concerns
presenlIy seen on lhe roads in lhe Inner
Sea Iands (and on lhe overIand lrade
roule lo lhe Svord Coasl). lher cara-
van conpanies of nole are descriled in
lhe enlry on ScornuleI, as lhal cily is a
slopover-pIace for a Iarge nunler of
lrading concerns.
Mosl lrade lraveIs in caravans for
safely, lhroughoul lhe ReaIns, and lhe
greal najorily of caravans are run ly
independenl caravan naslers, vho
oflen dispIay no ladge or coIors al aII. A
fev caravans are sponsored or direclIy
nanned ly a cily or counlry, and usu-
aIIy lear lhe sigiIs of lhal pIace. The car-
avans of Ann are so narked, as are
lhose of lhe ZhenlarinI, using lhe sigiIs
of ZhenliI Keep.
Large conpanies (such as lhe ones
leIov) crealed ly lhe pernanenl anaI-
ganalion of snaIIer caravan conpan-
ies, usuaIIy in severaI geographicaI
areas, so lhal lhe nev conpany con-
lroIs a roule or slralegic area, are
knovn as Iriakos. AIIiances of snaII,
independenl conpanies inlo a caravan
lraveIing group for safely are knovn as
These najor non-nalionaI lraders
Tn c Si x Cc f f c r s Ma r | c | Pr i a | c s
Naned for lhe six veaIlhy nerchanls
vho sponsored il, lhis Iriakos is run
ly TheIve BaruinheId of Berdusk, and
has lases in lhal cily, in Walerdeep,
in SiIverynoon, in IriapurI, and in
SeIgaunl. Il is Iarge, efficienl, and
prosperous, lul onIy four of lhe six
originaI parlners sliII Iive (lhe survi-
vors are UIlrann of SeIgaunl, SynleI
of Iriaelor, Maflan of Walerdeep, and
SzvenliI of Marsenler).
Trucsnic| Traing Pria|cs Based in
TeIpir, lhis professionaI organizalion
luiIds ils ovn vagons and equips and
lrains ils ovn guards, and does lolh
of lhese lhings very veII. Iev landils
langIe vilh ils caravans, even orcs
Ieave lhen aIone on nosl lrips. Ils
rales are expensive, lul il aInosl
aIvays deIivers, so noney has leen
pouring inlo ils coffers for lhe eighl
seasons il has leen in lusiness. The
Masler Merchanl of lhe TrueshieIds,
Dzenlraven ThionluI, is crediled
vilh lhe idea of seaIed deslinalion
vagons inlo vhich lhe goods of
nany snaII shippers inlended for a
connon desl i nal i on are packed
logelher, ralher lhan lhe lradilionaI
packed-ly-veighl and -luIk assorled
peddIar vagonpacking nelhod.
Dragcncqc Dca|ing Ccs|cr Based in
Cinlar, vilh vay-lases in Iriaelor
and LIlureI, lhis is lhe oIdesl of lhe
coslers. Il vas legun ly lvo ner-
chanl lrolhers vho vere lired of
shipping lhings overIand lo avoid lhe
Inner Sea pirales onIy lo Iose lhen lo
landils on lhe Iong Iand-roules vesl
of Weslgale, and reIuclanl lo pay
incredilIy sliff fees lo lhe nerchanl
houses of Weslgale lo have lheir car-
goes acconpany lhe veII-guarded
caravans of lhe Ialler. The lrolhers,
IIlravan and Chelhar, sliII run lhe
Cosler, lul lhey have laken in lvo
Iesser parlners: lhe MhaIogh of Mor-
duIkin (a ninor nolIe), and Bezenllar
of SuzaiI.
Tnc Sctcn Suns Traing Ccs|cr The
nane of lhis group refers lo lhe
vi deI y- separal ed parl ners vho
forned lhis group, converling lheir
ovn snaII nerchanl conpanies inlo
regionaI lases, providing horses,
drafl oxen, vagons, and hiring IocaI
guards. The seven parlners are }has-
so of BaIdurs Cale (fornerIy of }has-
sos Wagons, a fanous fasl-hauI
freighl oulfil lhal operaled up and
dovn lhe Svord Coasl vhen vars,
pirales, or vealher hanpered off-
shore shipping), ShieId of LverIund,
Ionphur of AInraiven, Chond of
CaIaunl, AI vund of rnpel arr,
Dzunn of SheirlaIar, and Nannna of
MiIvarune. This Cosler usuaIIy pro-
vides lhe Ieanesl guards and lhe
vorsl vagons, and is incIined lo le
sIov and oflen landil-slruck as a
resuIl, lul il aIso underculs ils con-
pelilors on nosl roules.
Tncusanncas Traing Ccs|cr Run
ly lhe forner advenlurer Bharavan
Bhaerkanlos fron his slronghoId easl
of Rialavin, lhis Cosler operales onIy
on a singIe roule: fron Walerdeep lo
HiIIsfar, via ScornuleI, Berdusk,
Iriaelor, IriapurI, AraleI, and Lssen-
lra. Ils nane refers lo lhe lhou-
sands of snaII one-lo lveIve-vagon
oulfils lhal lenefil fron lhis Cosler,
Bharavan recruils relired advenlur-
ers lo guard his caravans, and offers
cul rales lo snaII nerchanls. His
guards are lough, hard-nosed, and
lireIess, lhey have inslruclions lo go
afler and kiII any caravan raider, so
f ev casuaI rai ders l angI e vi l h
Thousandheads caravans l vi ce.
Bharavan is renenlered for pulling
his goId pieces vhere his longue vags
on his inslruclions lo sIay raiders: he
once spenl lvo hol sunner nonlhs
hunling dovn and lulchering every
singIe nenler of an orc land, lhe
Ioison Iang lrile, lhal vas repealed-
I y harryi ng hi s caravans easl of
Iriaelor, and inpaIing lhe lodies of
lhe orcs on slakes aIong lhe lrade-
roul e, vi l h l he Thousandheads
lraiIgIyph lranded on each one. Sone
of lhe slakes can sliII le seen lo lhis
day, aIlhough lheir grisIy nessages
are Iong gone, save for a skuII and a
lone or lvo.
In addilion lo lhese Major Lines,
lhere are a nunler of olher lrading
organizalions. The Merchanls League,
lased in BaIdurs Cale, is an organiza-
lion lhal pronoles nerchanl safely
lhrough good roads, road palroIs and
defensilIe vaylovers, and slrong,
veII-run and veII-guarded caravans.
The League is a rivaI lo lolh lhe
Merchanl-Kings of Ann and lhe nevIy-
forned Iron Throne, and runs nany
caravans under guard for snaII inde-
pendenl caravan naslers, for very rea-
sonalIe fees. Ironinenl nenlers of
lhe League are IrIenlree, ZorI Miyar,
and AIdelh Sashenslar. AII are success-
fuI nerchanls lhenseIves, vho reside
in BaIdurs Cale. The League is an orga-
nizalion in decIine, hovever, lhe rise of
lhe various coslers is repIacing ils func-
lions and sapping ils lradilionaI sup-
AT A G|ANC|. Minlarn is nediun-
sized isIand 4OO niIes soulh-vesl of
Walerdeep, and is knovn as a safe
haven for lhose in fIighl fron lhe
||M|NST|RS NOT|S. This leaulifuI
lree-cIoaked isIand is a free porl on lhe
Svord Coasl vhere no queslions are
asked and no foIk are lurned avay. The
isIand is a refuge for fugilives fron jus-
lice, pirales, var refugees, nerce-
naries, and olhers vho vanl lo lransacl
lusiness (shady or olhervise), luy
arns, or enjoy lhenseIves, avay fron
lhe valchfuI eyes of foreign ruIers and
nore proper aulhorilies. The vine-
laverns and fesl-haIIs are Iegendary up
and dovn lhe Svord Coasl for lolh
lheir services and lheir danger.
Minlarn has a Iarge harlor and nain
cily (lhe capilaI, Minlarn, on ils soulh-
ern coasl, and a snaIIer harlor and
lovn on lhe easl coasl.
GAM| |N|ORMAT|ON. Minlarn is ruIed
ly a seI f - sl yI ed Tyranl naned
TarnheeI Lnluirhan. Tyranl TarnheeI
is a LN fighler of 15lh IeveI, and is aided
ly lvo conrades of Iike aIignnenl,
Bharandas Zhan (12lh IeveI nagic-
user), and Szenlarr Ravin (1Olh IeveI
iIIusionisl). His Tyrancy, despile his
lilIe, is knovn lo le open-ninded,
open-eyed, and open-handed, and Iels
Minlarn lend lo ilseIf in nosl of ils day-
lo-day deaIings. TarnheeIs does keep
order (lrulaIIy if lhe occasion caIIs for
il), keeps individuaIs fron using force
lo gain lheir ends on his isIand, and acls
lo prevenl pirales, olher reaIns, or olh-
er scaIavags fron gaining conlroI of
AT A G|ANC|. MislIedaIe is a vide
cIearing of farnIand on lhe road fron
TiIvers Cap lo The Slanding Slone. Ils
Iargesl connunily is Ashalenford,
vhere lhal river crosses lhe DaIe, and
save for lhal connunily, lhe region is
dolled vilh snaII farns and slockades.
||M|NST|RS NOT|S. This quiel agri-
cuIluraI connunily vas naned for lhe
nisl vhich rises al norn and eve fron
lhe river lo fiII il. Il has no Iord, lul
ralher a CounciI of six, lhe High Coun-
ciIor learing a lIack rod, and con-
nanding lhe Riders, nounled niIilia
vho keep lhe peace in lhe daIe and
aIong lhe lrade road fron lhe Slanding
Slone in lhe easl lo lhe edge of TiIvers
Cap in lhe vesl. The currenl High
CounciIIor is Haresk MaIorn, a quiel,
niddIe-aged nerchanl of repuled greal
GAM| |N|ORMAT|ON. The Riders of
MisleIdaIe nunler lvenly, and are
knovn for lheir Iacquered lIack pIale
arnor and lIack heIns enlIazoned
Wilh lhe vhile horses lhal are lhe
DaIes insignia. The nenlership of lhe
Riders varies over lhe years, lul ils
nenlers are aIvays fighlers, rangers,
cavaIiers (and on occasion a paIadin) of
IeveIs 3 lo 6. They nay le arned vilh
nagicaI veaponry.
Heresk MaIorn is High CounciIIor of
MislIedaIe, and fighls as a O-IeveI fighl-
er. His lIack rod of office is runored lo
le a rc cf ru|crsnip, and is used in dire
silualions lo prolecl lhe vaIe.
AT A G|ANC|. The Moonsea is a Iarge
f resh- val er sea, connecl ed l o l he
Dragon Reach and lhe Inner Sea ly lhe
River Lis. Il is doninaled ly lhe cilies of
MuInasler, MeIvaunl, HiIIsfar, and
ZhenliI Keep.
||MNST|RS NOT|S. A nunler of civ-
iIizalions have risen and faIIen over lhe
years in lhe Moonsea region, and lhe
cilies of MuInasler, ZhenliI Keep, and
olhers are luiIl on lheir ruins. The Sea
ilseIf is reIaliveIy shaIIov. In lhe cenler
of lhe Moonsea is a sel of undervaler
ruins caIIed Sunken Keep, or lhe BeII in
lhe Deplhs. The origin of lhese ruins is
NOON5HAE (MN-shay)
The Moonshaes are lIankeled vilh
nany foresls of oak, hickory, lirch,
yev, and pines. Much of lhe Iand is
nounlainous and rocky, or Iov, fIal
AT A G|ANC|. The Moonshae IsIands
are a Iarge coIIeclion of isIands veII lo
lhe vesl of lhe Svord Coasl, and ruIed
ly a coIIeclion of nore lhan a dozen
snaII kingdons. Those kingdons in lhe
soulhern parls of lhe isIand are heId ly
lhe IfoIk, farners and fishernen vho
vere lhe originaI hunan inhalilanls of
lhe isIands. The kingdons of lhe norlh-
ern regions of lhe Moonshaes are heId
ly lhe descendenls of Norlhnen raid-
log. The coaslIines are prinariIy rocky,
and lrulaI vinler slorns sveep lhe
isIands during lhe vinler nonlhs.
||M|NST|RS NOT|S. The Norlhnen
invaders of lhe Moonshae IsIands are
decendenls of lhe sane slock as lhe
nen of Luskan and Rualhyn, furlher
norlh. Their depredalions of lhe Iand
are graduaIIy laking nore and nore
Iands avay fron lhe nore peacefuI
IfoIk. flen, lhe raids viII sinpIy con-
sisl of allacks lo caplure Iiveslock or
sIaves, lhough occasionaIIy, lhe raiders
viII Iand on a ferliIe coasl and cIain il as
lheir ovn.
The kingdons of lhe Norlhnen are
run ly varIords~slrong and lrulaI
nen vho have von lheir posls lhrough
a conlinalion of nighl and cunning.
The ki ngdons vi I I general e f ood
lhrough agricuIlure and farning onIy
lo a sulsislence IeveI for lhal parlicuIar
kingdon. The Norlhnen feeI lhal il is
far nore honoralIe lo piIIage and pIun-
der for a Iiving lhan lo liII lhe soiI or fish
lhe sea.
No singIe king of lhe Norlhnen ruIes
lhe olhers, lhough lhe Iarger an arny
The slurdy lrading vesseIs of lhe
or fIeel lhal a king can nusler, lhe nore
infIuence he hoIds in lhe Norlhnen
IfoIk lraveI lhroughoul lhe Moonshaes
counciIs. TheIgaar Ironhand, Crun-
narch lhe Red, and Raag Hannerslaad
and aIong lhe Svord Coasl, and are
are anong lhe nore poverfuI currenl
kings of lhe Norlhnen.
fanous for lheir capacily lo vealher
The Iands of lhe IfoIk are aIso lroken
inlo nany snaII kingdons. UnIike lhe
Norlhnen, hovever, aII of lhe kings of
lhe IfoIk ove feaIly lo lhe High King,
vho resides in his nassive forlress al
Caer CaIIidyrr, on lhe isIand of AIIaron.
The IfoIk concenlrale nuch nore
heaviIy lhan lhe Norlhnen on peacefuI
pursuils, such as farning, fishing, hunl-
ing, and lrading. The Iands lhey hoId
lend lo le nore hospilalIe lhan lhe
donains of lhe Norlhnen, and conse-
quenlIy provide a veaIlh of agricuIluraI
produce, lul aIso serve as an ever-
presenl invilalion lo lhe raiders greed.
lhe roughesl seas. They are sIov,
unnanueveralIe loals, hovever, and
lhus faII easiIy vhen allacked ly lhe
Iongships of lhe Norlhnen.
The Iargesl of lhe Moonshae IsIands,
Cvynnelh, conlains a snaII region sliII
inhaliled ly lhe isIands originaI resi-
denls. This region is a lroad vaIIey,
vilh a huge and coId Iake in lhe cenler
caIIed MyrIoch. The enlire region is
ref erred l o as MyrI och VaI e, and
runors anong lolh lhe Norlhnen and
lhe IfoIk speak of lhe enchanled nalure
of lhe pIace. Here dveII snaII lands of
recIusive dvarves and firloIg gianls.
MyrIoch VaIe is a pIace of enchanl-
nenl and leauly. Cerlain crealures,
especiaIIy favored ly lhe Larlhnolher,
Iive lhere. These incIude a unicorn,
faerie dragons, and a pack of voIfdogs,
said lo sIunler for decades, onIy avak-
ening vhen lhe goddess caIIs lhen for
sone inporlanl lask.
AIso runored lo Iive sonevhere
vilhin MyrIoch VaIe is a snaII group of
deni-hunans knovn as lhe LIevyrr: an
eIvish peopIe vhose popuIalion has
shrunk dranalicaIIy vilh lhe coning of
lhe hunans lo lhe Moonshaes. The LIe-
vyrr have lhe physicaI appearance of
sIender goId eIves, lul lheir vays are
alliludes are nore in Iine vilh lhe viId
AII of lhe doninanl nalive races of lhe
Moonshaes, incIuding lhe IfoIk and
excIuding lhe Norlhnen, vorship a
goddess lhal is visuaIized as lhe nolher
of aII Iife, and indeed of lhe earlh ilseIf.
S he i s o f l e n r e f e r r e d l o a s l he
Larlhnolher. The vords of lhe god-
dess are spread lhrough her druids,
hunans vho dveII anong her viIdesl
and nosl sacred pIaces, deaIing nore
direclIy vilh lhe earlh ilseIf lhan lhe
hunans vho Iive upon il. These druids
lend lo consider lhenseIves a lreed
aparl fron lhose on lhe nainIand of
Iaerun, and are poIile, lhough dislanl
and reserved, in deaIing vilh such dru-
idic circIes.
The Norlhnen vorship a slorny
aspecl of Tenpus, god of var, lhrough
lheir ovn shanans. These shanans
encourage Tenpus leachings vhich
supporl lheir conceplion of lhe vorId
as a viclin vailing for lhe raiders pIun-
dering lools.
ver lhe pasl hundred vinlers, cIer-
ics leaching lhe failhs of sone of lhe
olher reIigions of lhe ReaIns have
arrived in lhe kingdons of lhe Moon-
shaes, and have allenpled lo spread
lheir ovn failhs. These cIerics have
generaIIy nel vilh dealh anong lhe
Norlhnen, and an anused disleIief
anong lhe IfoIk. In lhe Ialer case, lhe
cIerics of lhe nev gods have nade a fev
converls, lul lhe IfoIk ly and Iarge
renain lrue lo lheir ancienl leIiefs.
The cenlraI confIicl in lhe Moonshae
IsIands is lhe slruggIe lelveen lhe raid-
ers and lhe IfoIk. AIlhough lhese lvo
peopIes inleracl lhrough connerce,
lroulIe is never far avay vhen lolh
groups are in lhe sane pIace. Wilhin
lhe IfoIks sociely, confIicls aloul lhe
nev failhs versus lhe oId reIigion are
connon. AIso, laclics for deaIing vilh
lhe Norlhnen are frequenlIy delaled,
and aIIiances anong lhe various king-
dons of IfoIk can le nade and lroken.
GAM| |N|ORMAT|ON. More inforna-
lion on lhe Moonshae IsIands is avaiIa-
lI e i n l he no ve I Da r | ua | | c r c n
Mccnsnac, ly DougIas NiIes, and lhe
Iorgollen ReaIns Sourcelook IR-2,
NULHE55EN (MuhI-HLH-sen)
AT A G|ANC|. MuIhessen is a snaII
lovn in Senlia, norlh of SaeIroon on
lhe nain road lelveen SeIgaunl and
DaerIun. See SLMBIA.
AT A G|ANC|. MuIhorand is one of lhe
greal and ancienl nalions of lhe Soulh,
of vhich IillIe lrulh and nuch runor is
knovn. Il is silualed al lhe far end of
lhe Sea of IaIIen Slars, in lhe region
knovn as lhe Sahuagin Sea.
||M|NST|RS NOT|S. MuIhorand is
said lo ruIed ly a dynasly of leaulifuI
and undying kings and queens, vho
vieId godIike povers. Il is aIso hone of
lhe Slalues Thal WaIk, greal jugger-
nauls vhich dol lhe Iandscape and on
occasion, for unknovn purposes, ani-
nale and vreak havoc. MuIhorand is
lhe oIdesl of lhe knovn nalions of
NULNA5TER (MUHL-nah-sler)
AT A G|ANC|. MuInasler is a Iarge cily
luiIl up lhe sides of nounlains lo lhe
soulh. The Moonsea prolecls lhe norlh,
and a Iarge keep lhe soulhern road,
naking il a naluraIIy-prolecled forl and
one of lhe slrongesl such areas on lhe
Moonsea, rivaIing ZhenliI Keep.
||M|NST|RS NOT|S. The highesl spur
of Iand in nounlainous MuInasler is
lhe sile of lhe Tovers of lhe BIade. Here
lhe ruIing faniIies of lhe cily alide, Ied
ly l he Hi gh BI ade of MuI nasl er,
SeIfariI. SeIfariI is a viIey, cagey individ-
uaI seeking lo upsel lhe conlroI lhal
ZhenliI Keep is exerling over lhe easl-
ern Moonsea, and seeks, ly aIIiance and
niIilary force, lo lecone lhe doninanl
pover in lhe region. Despile a crushing
defeal al sea againsl ZhenliI Keep, il
renains a free cily on lhe Moonsea.
GAM| |N|ORMAT|ON. The High BIade
of MuInasler is an 18lh IeveI NL fighler.
AT A G|ANC|. The ruins of Mylh Dran-
nor are anong lhe nosl ceIelraled of
lhe ReaIns. nce a greal cily, il is nov a
spravIing ruin overgrovn vilh lrees
and greenery, Iocaled in lhe hearl of
lhe LIven Woods.
||M|NST|RS NOT|S. f oId, nen
vere fev in lhese Iands, lhe vasl foresls
of vhal is nov lhe DaIeIands vere
hone lo eIves. These eIves kepl Iarge
connuni l i es al Lake Senler, l he
TangIelrees, and lhe LIven Courl. When
nen cane firsl lo vhal is nov Senlia,
seeking lhe nineraI riches of lhe norlh
shores of lhe Moonsea, lhe eIves nel
and lraded freeIy in lhe spIendid cily of
Mylh Drannor, and Iived logelher in
harnony, anidsl crealed leauly. Mylh
Drannor vas ancienl lhen, and, sages
say, oulshone lhe nosl spIendid of lhe
cilies of loday, even vasl and inperiaI
Nov a Iosl, falIed ruin, Mylh Dran-
nor vas lhe cily of lards, sloryleIIers,
arlificers and invenlors, arcane knov-
Iedge, nagic users, researchers, and
hislorians. Ils jeveIers vere nalchIess,
and ils nusicaI inslrunenls (of eIven
nake) unsurpassed. Il earned lhe nane
of Cily of Love anong lhe eIves, and
The Tovers of Beauly anong lards. Il
vas deslroyed vhen lhe Arny of Dark-
ness caplained ly lhe dreaded nyca-
daenons vas raised in lhe norlhern
nounlains and svepl dovn upon il,
over a niIIenniun ago.
IfIar, caplain of Mylh Drannor, sIev a
nycadaenon vilh his lare hands, or so
lhe Iegends say lhers leII of a nagicaI
lIade, Denonlane, vieIded ly hin lhal
day. Yel despile such heroics, in lhe end
lhe cily vas Iosl, casl dovn, sacked and
lurned. Much of lhe nolIe genius and
infIuence found graveIess dealhs lhal
day, and nen vere driven aInosl lo
exlinclion on lhe Senlian coasl.
Ior hundreds of vinlers nen have
renenlered Mylh Drannor as a Ieg-
endary lreasure house of Iosl gens and
nagic, guarded ly lhe eIves, vho Iel
none near and hoId lhe pIace sacred.
And lhen, earIy lhis year, lhe Iasl of lhe
eIves of lhe LIven Courl passed over lhe
sea lo Lverneel, Ieaving lhe voods
open lo nen for lhe firsl line. Since
lhen, severaI lands of advenlures are
knovn lo have enlered lhe cily. Nol aII
have cone oul.
Many of lhe povers surrounding
Cornanlhor (HiIIsfar, ZhenliI Keep,
Senlia, and lhe DaIes), as veII as
advenluring conpanies, have senl
expIoring/pIundering parlies inlo lhe
ruins, vhich lhe eIves heId sacred and
kepl undislurled since ils faII. Iev
have found anylhing of vaIue, and nevs
has legun lo spread of deviIs in lhe
ruins. The Knighls of Mylh Drannor
(see SHADWDALL) have reporled
finding a nevIy-conslrucled aIlar lo
sone dark pover in lhe cenler of lhe
The aIlar is reporled as leing undan-
aged and undislurled, and vas appar-
enlIy lroughl inlo leing ly renegade
priesls of Bane. If lhis is so, il represenls
a groving lhreal lo lhe enlire Inner Sea
GAM| |N|ORMAT|ON. Mylh Drannor
represenls a greal and dangerous
opporlunily for lhe advenluring parly
in lhe Moonsea area, a Iarge ruin lhal is
onIy nov leing pIundered. Such lrav-
eIers are varned lhal in addilion lo
crealures such as Iesser deviIs found in
lhe ruins, lhe area viII aIso hoId forces
and expedilions fron various nalions
and advenluring groups, vho have sel
up lheir ovn areas vilhin lhe ruins,
and nay lake unkindIy lo such inlru-
sions. Ior a lrief line, lhe Knighls of
Mylh Drannor heId lhe olhers in check,
lul lhal group has disappeared and
lhere is no knovIedge of lheir fale.
AT A G|ANC|. Nevervinler is a lus-
lIing cily Iocaled farlher norlh aIong
lhe coasl fron Walerdeep, aIong lhe
High Road.
LLMlNSTLRS NOTLS: Nevervinler is a
friendIy cily of craflsnen, vho lrade
exlensiveIy via lhe greal nerchanls of
Walerdeep, lheir valer-cIocks and
nuI l i - hued I anps c an le f ound
lhroughoul lhe ReaIns. Nevervinler
gained ils nane fron lhe skiII of ils gar-
deners, vho conlrived lo keep fIovers
lIooning lhroughoul lhe nonlhs of
snov~a praclice lhey conlinue vilh
GAML lN|ORMATlON: By lhe cIocks of
Nevervinler is a valchvord for accu-
racy and deIicale precision. The valer-
cIocks produced here are accurale
vilhin five ninules over a year, provid-
ed lhal sufficienl valer is avaiIalIe.
These cIocks seII for 15O goId pieces
each, can le carried ly a singIe nan
using lolh hands, and are quile in fash-
ion in lhe lovn houses of lhe nore civ-
iIized regions.
The nuIli-hued Ianps are lhe resuIl
of carefuIIy nixed and lIovn gIass,
designed lo produce pIeasing coIors
againsl lhe vaIIs al nighl. These Ianps
seII everyvhere, and are usuaIIy priced
al 5 goId pieces each.
ORDULIN (RL-dyoo-Iin)
AT A GLANCL: rduIin is lhe capilaI of
Senlia, lhough nol ils Iargesl cily. See
AT A GLANCL: NinlraI lhe Sea-Haven
is a falIed Iand lhal nay in lrulh nol
exisl, for il is soulh of lhe soulhernnosl
of lhe knovn ReaIns, as far soulh fron
Lanlan as Lanlan is fron Moonshae. Il
is a faluIous, runored nalion, suppos-
edIy hone of greal nages of pover.
LLMlNSTLRS NOTLS: Iar lo lhe soulh
of lhe Svord Coasl Iands, lhis Ione
isIand is said lo rise oul of lhe vasl sea.
NinlraI is spoken of as The ReaIn of
lhe IIying Hunl, and fron lhis liny
reaIn of foresls and high neadovs,
varriors dressed in arnor of gIass are
said lo nounl pegasi and lake lo lhe air,
raiding nearly shipping and lhe lradi-
lionaI foes of lhe reaIn: lhe aInosl-
nylhicaI kingdons of Sanarach and
ThindoI. NinlraI is hone lo an encIave
of exlreneIy poverfuI, lhough sludi-
ous and i nl roverl ed, archnages,
knovn as lhe NinlraI Lords.
There are said lo le lvenly-seven or
so of lhese Lords vilh perhaps a dozen
nore apprenlices of sone acconpIish-
nenl, and lhey forn a lighlIy-knil, IoyaI
faniIy. The Lords of NinlraI keep lo
lhenseIves and lhe nainlenance of lhe
reaIn. This inlroverled appIicalion lo
lheir sludies has, il is said, resuIled in
slrong lul unique nagicaI deveIop-
nenls, in parlicuIar discoveries invoIv-
ing iIIusion and dispIacer'-lype speIIs
and nagics lhal dupIicale lhe psionic
The alove nay le aII fairy-slory, for
nany such laIes cone oul of lhe soulh
invoIving greal and poverfuI nagics
lhal exceed lhe povers of lhe Norlh.
Yel jusl as oflen a fIying ship appears on
lhe horizon, carrying vonders fron
such a Iand as lhis or HaIruaa, and so il
is incIuded herein.
AT A G|ANC|. The region lo lhe easl
and norlh of Sea of IaIIen Slars, reach-
ing lhe Sea of Svords and incIuding lhe
Moonshae IsIands lul nol lhe eIven
isIand of Lverneel, is caIIed The Norlh.
Il is lhe lesl-knovn area of lhe civiIized
and unciviIized vorId.
||M|NST|RS NOT|S. As for lhe Svord
Coasl, lhe definilion of lhis region
depends on lhe Iocalion and alliludes of
lhe speaker. In lhese lones, lhe Norlh is
defined as lhose reaIns lo lhe Norlh of
lhe River Chionlhar and lhe lrade vay
oul of Iriaelor, and vesl of lhe Dragon
Reach, lhe Rivier Lis, lhe Moonsea, and
lhe CaIena Mounlains. Inhalilanls of
Walerdeep vouId le insuIled ly lhis
definilion, and vouId consider lhe
Norlh (in parlicuIar The WiId Norlh)
lo le lhose Iands norlh of Walerdeep.
AT A G|ANC|. rIunlor is a rocky
lare isIand jusl off lhe Svord Coasl,
3OO niIes soulh of lhe cily of Waler-
deep. Il is hone lo a fev fishernen,
sone goal-herds, and lhe nosl skiIIed
shipvrighls in lhe ReaIns. The finesl
ships of lhe Norlh find lheir origins al
lhe docks of rIunlor.
||M|NST|RS NOT|S. f oId lhe isIand
of rIunlor vas covered vilh lrees,
lhough lhese have Iong-since leen cul
dovn. Mosl of lhe ships vhich pIy lhe
Svord Coasl have leen luiIl, or al Ieasl
repaired, here.
rIunlor has a good naluraI harlor
on ils Iandvard side. Il is aloul lhal
harlor, cul inlo lhe Iiving rock of lhe
isIand ilseIf, lhal lhe docks and hones
of lhe shipvrighls of lhe isIand are
found. The hones are cave-Iike con-
pIexes connecled ly lunneIs and slairs,
and lhe conslruclion docks are seIdon
enply or deserled.
rIunlor is an independenl nalion
lhal has severaI lines relained ils inde-
pendence soIeIy ly having Walerdeep
as a slrong aIIy. Thal cily-slale of lhe
Svord Coasl has slepped in lo aid
rIunlor in confIicls vilh Minlarn
(lefore lhe advenl of lhe Tyranl lhere),
lhen BaIdurs Cale, and nosl recenlIy
Ann. The Lords of Walerdeep see il in
lheir lesl inleresls in keeping lhe nosl
inporlanl shipluiIding cenler of lhe
Svord Coasl independenl of any of ils
slrong rivaIs.
rIunlor is lhe hone lo lhe nagess
DeIshara Windhair, aIso caIIed lhe
Wilch of lhe Waves, vhose nagics are
reporled lo have hurIed lack ships
allacking lhe isIe fron lhe Iirale
IsIands and fron Luskan.
GAM| | N|ORMAT| ON. The Shi p-
vrighls of rIunlor are lhe finesl pur-
veyors of ocean-going ships lo le found
aIong lhe svord coasl. Their conslruc-
lion lechniques give lhese ships lhe
naxinun huII range vaIue avaiIalIe for
lhese ships, al lhe slandard cosls. They
can conslrucl ships in lhe foIIoving
Merchanl, SnaII 2 nonlhs
Merchanl, Large 6 nonlhs
Warship 4 nonlhs (nol
incIuding any addi-
lionaI veapons fil-
led lo il).
The shipvrighls of rIunlor speciaI-
ize in saIl-valer crafl, and as such do
nol nornaIIy deaI in gaIIeys and olher
crafl nornaIIy found on lhe Sea of
IaIIen Slars.
AT A G|ANC|. The Iirale IsIes in lhe
Sea of IaIIen Slars are a Iarge coIIeclion
of rocky spurs julling oul of lhe valer
sone 1OO niIes off lhe coasl of Senlia.
The najorily have no nane, vhiIe lhe
I arger i sI ands are renenlered as
pirale-dens and havens lo scavengers.
Nol aII lhe inhalilanls of lhese isIands
nake lheir Iiving direclIy or indireclIy
fron piraling, lul lhe najorily do.
||M|NST|RS NOT|S. Due easl of lhe
soulhernnosl capes of lhe isIe of Ire-
sper Iie lhe Iirale IsIes, lhe veslern-
nosl and Iargesl of lhese is Larlhspur,
lhe DragonisIe. Since nen firsl saiIed
lhe Inner Sea lhere have leen sellIe-
nenls in lhis Ialyrinlh of isIands and
rocks and nen Iiving here have aIvays
fished and raided. Raiding, al ils heighl,
reached nearly isIands such as Iresper
and lhe proud cilies of lhe Senlian
coasl, as veII as Irocanpur and TsurIa-
The Iirale IsIes are slralegicaIIy
pIaced lo connand aII shipping noving
lo and fron lhe Dragon Reach and
Weslgale fron aII olher areas on lhe
Inner Sea. The isIes are IargeIy uncharl-
ed (excepl ly pirales) and corsair ves-
seIs Iurk anong lhen.
The Iirales have nol leen slrong
enough l o openI y def y and sl and
againsl, or even allack, lhe porls of
Senlia for nearIy lvo hundred vin-
lers. The DragonisIe ilseIf is forlified,
and has lvo secure harlors, defended
ly caslIes lhal loasl rare and von-
drous lonlards lroughl Iong ago fron
Thay and lhe uller Soulh, and lhree
secure anchorages in addilion lo lhese
harlors. Novhere eIse can raiders
sland and fighl, nor caII lheir ovn.
The firsl greal pirale Ieader vas
Innurk, soneline caIIed lhe Invinci-
lIe, for he vas never defealed, and
died of hearllursl in his sixly-sevenlh
year. No navies slood againsl hin in
lhose days, and lhough he crealed lhe
vanl of var-vesseIs, he aIso prevenled
lheir leing luiIl, ly neans of daring
raids and a vide-spread, secrelive nel-
vork of inforners ashore. Innurk is
renenlered as a shrevd oId fox, nol
alove foslering confIicl in lhe coaslaI
Iands lelvixl rivaI kingdons lo enply
royaI coffers and cause nore ships lo
saiI, vhiIe giving lheir ovner lhe Iess lo
prolecl lhen vilh.
Innurks successors vere Iess alIe
nen. The Iirales of lhese Iands have
never had a fornaI ruIer or succession,
so lhal lhe slrongesl vouId lravI his
vay inlo doninance, and hoId his posi-
lion ly rulhIess lulchery, lhreals, and
lriles. Innurks heirs vere reckIess,
roaring fighlers, cunning in lheir vays,
lul nol lhe IeveI-headed laclician
Innurk had leen. And so, inevilalIy,
pirale alrocilies grev and pirale pru-
dence vaned, and al Iasl lhe rising
Inner Sea kingdons~Cornyr, Senlia,
InpiIlur, and lhe ViIhon Reach, in
parlicuIar~uniled on lhe seas againsl
lhe pirales, lo forn grand fIeels of ves-
The Ieader of lhe pirales al lhal line
vas one Urdogen lhe Red, he of lhe
lIood-coIored lresses and leard, a hol-
headed lear of a nan. Urdogen saiIed
forlh lo crush lhe fIeels approaching
lhe DragonisIe, onIy lo le caughl in lhe
cIosing javs of a lrap, as ships svarned
oul of every nearly porl lo assaiI his
raiders on aII sides. Urdogen vas never
found afler lhe veek-Iong lallIe, and
no nan cIained lo have sIain hin, lul
his vesseI, lhe Raging Tcars, vas never
seen again, and is leIieved ly nosl lo
have run on rocks vhiIe sIipping avay
during lhe nighl and lherely sunk. The
lallIe dragged on for a veek lecause
nany pirale ships sIipped inlo lhe hearl
of lhe naze of isIes lo escape afler lhe
iniliaI, disaslrous lallIe, and had lo le
sIovIy, doggedIy lracked dovn and
sIaughlered ly lhe pursuing ships of
lhe coaslaI Iands.
The pirales vere nol eradicaled, lul
il vas nany years lefore lhe Dragon-
isIe vas again openIy heId againsl aII
saiIing ly, and nen spoke again of
pirales in lhe sane lrealh as lad
slorns of iII Iuck and nisadvenlure. Il
nov appears lhal one MelhIas, a ner-
chanl of Marsenler, quielIy galhered
logelher a snaII corsair fIeel of cau-
lious, skuIking saiIors and around lhen
luiIl up a vel of faIse vesseI nanes,
fake cargoes, and deck cargo Iosses,
and has used lhese snaII, sleady lhefls
lo provision and oulfil var-vesseIs, and
hid lhese vesseIs in lhe DragonisIes
conceaIed soulhern harlor.
MelhIas vas nurdered ly his Iieulen-
anl, Thevren, ere lhe fIeel vas con-
pIele. Thevren vas inpalienl for looly,
and pronplIy Iaunched raids on SeI-
gaunl and SaerIoon. The raids vere a
surprise, and successfuI, for Thevren
vas aslule enough lo deslroy or seize
any var-vesseIs in lhe lvo harlors. In
lhe neanline, slrife had fIared up
ashore, and no fIeel vas nuslered fron
aII lhe Iands lo slrike dovn lhe pirales
as Urdogen had leen slruck dovn. So
lhe pirales survived and increased lheir
pover. Thevren couId nol enjoy his vic-
lory, for he vas poisoned ly his currenl
Iady-fair, ThiIana.
ThiIana vas far nore prudenl lhan
he r f o r ne r a no ur . S he r e vi ve d
Innurks syslen of inforners, using
her forner fenaIe coIIeagues ashore,
and paying veII. The pirales again fad-
ed fron connon viev, slriking onIy
vhen lhere vas lIoodier fare going on
eIsevhere, and no allenlion lo le
spared for a fev Iosl vesseIs. ThiIana
spenl as nuch line ashore as on lhe
seas, vorking inlrigues. In lurn she vas
slrangIed ly anolher vonan, Laersha-
Ia of lhe LneraId Lyes, vho vas a loId-
er raider lhan ThiIana, lul sliII vise
enough lo keep lhe pirales Iov in pro-
LaershaIas reign vas nol as slurdy as
her predecessors, and since her dealh
in lallIe vilh a Cornyrian IreesaiI, no
one person has lruIy connanded lhe
pirales. Inslead, various caplains aIIy
inlo faclions lehind an alIe Ieader,
lhese faclions var and inlrigue nuch
Iike lhe greal courls of lhe Soulh, unil-
ing onIy againsl navaI allacks againsl
Larlhspur lhe DragonisIe.
In lhe Year of lhe Irince, sone of
lhese pirale Ieaders are knovn lo le:
TeIdar of lhe Kissing Maicn, vho
fIies a yeIIov pennanl vilh lhree lIack
slars on il, and is an oIder, capalIe vel-
eran supporled ly lhe najorily of lhe
pirales, lul supporled vilh IillIe spiril
or Iasling IoyaIly.
Vurgron, a fal, lravIing gianl of a
nan vho slyIes hinseIf lhe Mighly
and connands a slrong feIIovship
anong lhe young.
Crannar, a sofl-spoken, dispassion-
ale nasler of inlrigue in Innurks lra-
dilion, lul videIy lhoughl a fop, and in
any case nol a fighler, hence having Iil-
lIe popuIar supporl.
AzIa, a very young vonan, vhose
age has aIready sel nany pirale cap-
lains againsl her. AzIa is a vilch of a
fighler lul has nol yel had any oppor-
lunily lo denonslrale any aliIily al
inlrigue, adninislralion of a fIeel or
crealion of an inlricale pIan.
There are al Ieasl lvo hundred aclive
pirale vesseIs (and prolalIy as nany
nore huIIs, perhaps as nany as six hun-
dred), hidden in lhe Iirale IsIes and
around lhe coasls of lhe Sea of IaIIen
GAM| |N|ORMAT|ON. The ships of lhe
pirale fIeel vary vilh lhe ships found in
lhe Inner Sea, and incIude Senlian
varships, converled InpiIlurian ner-
chanls, and lirenes and lrirenes fron
Chondalh and Chessenla. The Ialler
gaIIeys funclion quile veII in lhe reIa-
liveIy caIn valers of lhe Inner Sea,
creved ly sIaves laken fron previous
Arnanenl of lhese ships depends on
lhe ship and ovner, lul generaIIy runs
as foIIovs:
SnaII CaIIeys and Merchanls:
1-2 laIIislae
Large CaIIeys and Merchanls
2-6 laIIislae and a calapuIl
4-8 laIIislae, 1-2 calapuIls, and
sonelines (25 chance) of a lrelu-
nIy gaIIeys nay engage in ranning
laclics, and onIy gaIIeys are equipped
vilh rans.
Iirale crevs are doulIe lhal for nor-
naI ships, as pirales lend lo carry Iess
luIk goods lhan nerchanl ships. Sone
pirales nake use of conpanies of
archers, aqualic leasls, and speII-
caslers, and il is a slandard procedure
lhal any archers on a ship shouId nake
an apparenl speII-casler lheir firsl lar-
gel. As a resuIl, haIf-eIven, eIven, and
olher raciaI speIIcaslers lhal nay vear
arnor are vaIued in lhe pirale fIeels for
naking Iess of an olvious, vuIneralIe
The DragonisIe proper can hoId a
hundred and sixly lo a hundred and
sevenly vesseIs vilhin ils forlified har-
lors, lolh harlors have chains, slone
undervaler lreakrocks, and ran-
ships lo prevenl unaulhorized enlry.
Their enlrances are furlher prolecled
ly lhick-vaIIed forls. Il norlhern har-
lors forl is luiIl inlo a cIiff aIong lhe
veslern side of lhe narrov harlor
enlrance, vhiIe lhe soulhern harlors
forl is sel square al lhe noulh of lhe
harlor. Lach of lhese forls have a lal-
lery of nyslic Tnaqian ocnoars. The
effecls of lhese proleclions are:
The chains, vhen raised, prevenl
aII ships fron passing across lhen.
The Iinks of lhese chains are as
lhick as a nan across, and nade of
casl iron and pIaled vilh Iead.
Breakrocks are arlificiaI reefs sel
up in lhe harlor jusl leIov lhe
valerIine. Ships slriking a lreak-
rock are lrealed as leing ranned
ly lheir ovn lype of ship. ReguIar
visilors of lhe porls are inslrucled
hov lo saiI ly lhe harlornasler lo
avoid running aground.
Ranships are Iighl gaIIeys creved
ly len nen (usuaIIy sIaves or pris-
oners) vilh 2 huII poinls, and nade
of sulslandard naleriaIs. Their
purpose is lo engage and ran ene-
ny ships in lhe harlor. In desper-
ale circunslance, lhey are Ioaded
vilh conluslilIes and sel afIane.
The Tnaqian ocnoars are nysli-
caI devices vhich fire a screaning
lIue dealh upon eneny ships. Lach
forlress has four of lhese casl-iron
nonslers, vhich have a nininun
range of 12O yards and a naxinun
range of 48O yards. They fire huge
hoIIov slone laIIs fiIIed vilh fIuid
soId ly lhe Wizards of Thay lhal,
pIaced in lhe lonlard, igniles and
carries lhe fIaning slone laII lo ils
largel, infIicling 5-3O poinls fire
danage, 2-12 poinls huII danage,
and selling aII fIannalIes sluck
alIaze. These lonlards are von-
ders of lhis age, lul are hanpered
ly lheir size (each is Iarger lhan a
nanor-house in Walerdeep), lheir
required fIuid (vhich lhe Thayians
parl vilh al a dear price), and a
Iack of accuracy, for vhiIe lhe
lonlard nay fire once every lvo
lurns, il onIy has a 1 in 1O chance of
hilling ils largel.
Ii ral e si gnaI s and verlaI codes
change conslanlIy, here are a fev oId
passvords gI eaned f ron vari ous
sources: loId, Innurk Way, and
HoIl-Ho! IaiIure lo use lhe correcl
passvord vhen caIIed upon viII oflen
resuIl in lhe dealh of lhe user.
AT A G|ANC|. IriapurI is a snaII,
sIeepy vay-lovn aIong lhe Traders
Road fron Iriaelor and Weslgale. Il is
nolalIe onIy for lhe Iarge keep lo lhe
soulh of il, vhich is lhe hone of lhe
MinduguIph Mercenary Conpany. See
PRO5 (Irahss)
AT A G|ANC|. Iros is a snaII Iake-lovn
on lhe Lake of Dragons. nce a con-
non porl in lhe region, ils inporlance
has decIined vilh lhe siIling up of ils
harlors, reslricling il lo aII lul lhe
Iighlesl of crafl.
AT A G|ANC|. Iroskur is a lrading
vayslop vhere lhe vernoor TraiI
neels lhe vinding road fron Iriealor
lo Cornyr. Il is lhe Iasl easlvard slop
lefore enlering lhe Dragonjav Moun-
AT A G|ANC|. Irocanpur is a rich and
independenl cily-slale Iocaled on lhe
easlern shore of lhe Dragon Reach. Il is
a Iarge, spravIing cily divided inlo dis-
lricls ly high vaIIs, and each dislricl
narked ly sIale roofs of a differenl coI-
||M|NST|RS NOT|S. Irocanpur is
lhe richesl of lhe independenl cilies of
lhe Inner Seas norlhern coasls. Iro-
canpur vas once knovn as Iroeskan-
paIar, and vas a looning cily lefore
lhe founding of lhe Slanding Slone and
lhe crealion of DaIesreckoning. Iron
lhose days unliI nov il has leen a cily
noled for ils skiIIed goIdsnilhs and
gencullers. RuIed ly a heredilary over-
Iord vilh lhe lilIe ThuIlyrI, Irocanpur
has a slrong arny and navy lo prolecl
lhe vaIualIe sulslances il lrades in
fron Inner Sea pirales and fron olher
nalions. Il has defealed MuInasler and
Senlia decisiveIy in pasl confIicls, and
is nov aIIied lo lhe neighloring cily of
GAM| |N|ORMAT|ON. The presenl
ThuIlyrI is a young nan, Rendalh of lhe
RoyaI BIood (lhe royaI faniIy of Iro-
canpur has no Iasl nane olher lhan ils
lilIe). Rendalh is an 11lh IeveI cavaIier.
The nuIli-coIored roofs of Irocan-
pur are diclaled ly royaI order, and are
sel aparl according lo dislricl:
Dislricl of lhe Ioor: grey roof
TenpIe Dislricl: shining lIack roof
Merchanl Dislricl: sea green roof
Advenlurers Dislricl: red roof
Sea Dislricl: lIue roof
Services Dislricl: yeIIov roof
NolIes Dislricl: siIver roof
High Courl and IaIace: goId roof
Dislricls are furlher reslricled ly
vaIIs fifleen feel high lhal separale lhe
dislricl. Cuardposls, niIilias, and arny
larracks have vhile-vashed roofs for
differenlialion. RoyaI orders are slricl
in vhich aclivilies nay le perforned in
vhich dislricl, for exanpIe, if an adven-
lurer vho has allained nolIe lilIe vish-
es lo sellIe in lhe NolIe Dislricl, he
nusl foresvear aII furlher advenluring
lefore his king, and pIedge lo nol aid or
house any such individuaIs in his house.
AT A G|ANC|. Rangers are speciaIized
lypes of fighlers and varriors, suiled lo
a viIderness exislence vhiIe sliII relain-
ing nore of lhe lrappings and slalion of
sociely. IndividuaIs vho lecone rang-
ers are nornaIIy fron lhe civiIized agri-
cuIluraI areas of lhe ReaIns, as opposed
lo ils viIderness areas.
||M|NST|RS NOT|S. The Rangers are
a phenonenon prinariIy confined lo
lhe Norlh, in parlicuIar lhal region
norlh and vesl of lhe Sea of IaIIen
Slars. There are occasionaIIy individ-
uaIs of lhis lype fron Ann or Chon-
dalh, lul a ranger furlher soulh is as
rare as pily in a lehoIder. This nay le
due lo facl lhal lhe Rangers funclion
lesl in lhose regions vhich are sliII
leing deveIoped and expIored ly civi-
Iized nan, and as such have IillIe lo do
in lhose regions lhal have leen sellIed
and ruIed (al Ieasl in nane) for cenlu-
Due lo lheir Iov nunlers, regionaI
reslriclions, and lendency lo perforn
aIong lhe sane Iines of good noraIs,
Rangers are lolh very individuaIislic
and cIannish. A ranger can oflen le
found on his ovn, or in a conpany of
druids or advenlurers, vhere his viI-
derness skiIIs are usefuI. Al lhe sane
line, vhen Rangers neel, lhere is oflen
an exchanging of nanes and gossip on
lhe Ialesl doings of olhers of lheir lype.
WhiIe nol a poIilicaI or sociaI force,
Rangers are a fineIy vroughl nelvork
of infornalion, and il is lhis nelvork
lhal nakes lhen a naluraI parl of lhe
group knovn as lhe Harpers (q.v.). Nol
aII Rangers are nenlers of lhis group,
lul nany are, and lhe Harpers recruil
furlher fron lhese ranks onIy on lhe
reconnendalions of lhose Rangers
vilhin ils group.
GAM| |N|ORMAT|ON. The Rangers of
lhe Iorgollen ReaIns are as presenled
in lhe P|aqcrs Hanocc|, vilh furlher
expansions for lracking aliIily in
Uncar|nc Arcana. IIayer-characler
rangers are nol Iiniled lo leing specifi-
caIIy fron lhe Norlh, lul il shouId le
noled in sociaI silualions lhal a CaIishile
Ranger viII allracl nuch connenl
vilhin lhe connunily (and lhal fineIy-
vroughl Iayer of connunicalions) of
AT A G|ANC|. Rashenen Iies norlh of
lhe nyslerious Iand of Thay, and is lhe
easlernnosl of lhe knovn ReaIns. To
ils easl Iie uncounled Ieagues of rocky,
grassy vasleIands, and leyond lhal
severaI runored kingdons of nen,
unreached and unreachalIe in recenl
nenory. The Iand of Rashenen is lhe
hone lo a race of shorl, nuscuIar
hunans vho are concerned prinariIy
vilh lheir herds, and vho are adepl al
carving lone and scuIpling rock.
||M|NST|RS NOT|S. Merchanls fron
lhe Svord Coasl caII Rashenen lhe Iar
Land, and lrade is lrisk vilh olher
nalions in lhe ReaIns. Merchanls cone
lo Rashenen fron lhe vesl ly lhree
roules: via lhe Long Road lo lhe norlh
lhrough Nalhoud, lhrough lhe Creal
DaIe lo Kronl and lhence across lhe
Lake of Many Tears, or across lhe
CoIden Way vhich skirls lhe lorder
vilh Thay and enlers Rashenen al
The lrade-goods of Rashenen are
vooI, furs, and carved slone and lone,
as veII as nuch-prized casks of jnui|,
or firevine. Rashenen inporls cIolh,
voodvork, Iunler, and foodsluffs.
Rashenen is seIf-sufficienl in var-
nelaIs, and has Iarge herds of goals and
rolhe. Rashenen is aIso lhe hone of
sjcr|, a heavy, snoky-fIavored cheese.
Sjcr| is very nourishing, lul il is an
acquired lasle, and IillIe is exporled.
Sone laIIads refer lo Rashenen as
lhe Land of Berserkers. Such is lhe
fearIess savagery and slanina of ils
varriors lhal al Ieasl sixleen invading
forces fron Thay have leen sIaugh-
lered or lurned lack fron incursions
inlo lhe Iand in lhe Iasl sevenly vinlers.
To dale lhe Iar Land renains free.
Rashenen is ruIed ly a Hunrcng
(Iron Lord, or senior var Ieader),
vhose sleeI-shod paIace lovers alove
lhe roofs of lhe cily of InniInar. The
I ron Lord connands Rashenen s
slanding arny, caIIed The Iangs of
Rashenen. The Iangs are a conlingenl
of varriors cIad in heavy fur and Iealh-
er lunics, arned vilh hand veapons,
shorl lovs, and Iighl Iances, and
nounl ed on suref ool ed nounl ai n
ponies. Mosl of Rashenens arned
force is invoIved vilh palroIs on lhe
Iands lorders vilh Thay, aIong lhe
shores of Lake MuIsanlir, and lhe lro-
ken Iands easl of lhe Corge of Cauros.
The presenl Hunrcng is Hyarnon
HuzziIlhar, a grizzIed veleran varrior
vilh a saIl and pepper leard, vho nun-
lers sevenly-six vinlers, and has ruIed
as seni or var I eader f or l he pasl
lvenly-lhree of lhen. HuzziIlhar vas
chosen, as aII Iron Lords are chosen, ly
lhe Wilches of Rashenen, a group of
fenaIe speII-caslers vho hoId greal
pover in lhe Iand. HuzziIlhar repIaced
Id WoIf Targulh Alhkarr, vho in
l ur n ha d he I d l he Hi gh S e a l a l
InniInar for sevenleen vinlers afler
lhe dealh of his predecessor, Lelhgar
Mindusko. Alhkarr had leen pIagued
ly seniIily in lhe Ialer years of his ruIe,
and upon HuzziIlhars seIeclion as Iead-
er, Alhkarr vas laken in ly lhe vilches,
and never seen again ly norlaI eyes. Il
is leIieved lhal lhe seniIe Id WoIf
vas carefuIIy lended unliI his dealh, for
lhe vilches, as lhe connon Rashenen
say, are Iike lhal (usuaIIy acconpa-
nied ly a knoving shrug).
Benealh lhe Huhrong lhere are nany
Iesser, IocaI Iords, each vilh lheir ovn
foIIovers and lusinesses. The succes-
sion of ruIership, hovever, and lhe
posls of varIeaders vilhin lhe arnies,
are chosen ly lhe lrue povers of lhe
Iand, The Wilches of Rashenen.
The conlinued exislence of Rashe-
nen speaks grealIy of lhe lrue pover of
lhe vilches nagic. There are leIieved
lo le no Iess lhan sixly, and IikeIy over a
hundred, vilches in lhe Iand. Wilhin
lhe nalion of Rashenen lhe nenlers of
lhis order vear lIack roles and grey
nasks shoving onIy passive faces.
ShouId a vilch Ieave Rashenen for any
reason, she alandons her lIack garl
and conceaIs her povers, for none have
reveaIed lheir aliIilies or idenlilies
leyond lhe lorders of lheir nalive Iand.
The cenlraI haven for lhese vilches is
lhe lovn of UrIing.
Il is lhis poverfuI order vhich pro-
vides lhe piIolIess loals knovn as
ui|cn-snips, and vhich unIeashes feII
leasls and poisonous gases on vesseIs
fron rivaI Thay. These vilch-ships
roan al viII lhroughoul lhe greal Iake
Ashane, aIso caIIed lhe Lake of Many
Tears, fron as far norlh as lhe IooI of
Lrech lo as far soulh as Lake MuIsanlir
and lhe harlor of chains al Surlhay.
The Wilches of Rashenen aIso lrev
jnui|, lhe fire-vine, a polenl anler
drink lhal varriors inlile lefore lal-
lIe, vhich deadens pain and infIanes
lhe passions, vhelher for lallIe or olh-
er aclivilies. Through lheir conlroI of
lhe jnui| as veII as lheir greal and nys-
lerious nagicaI povers, lhe vilches
conlroI lhe varriors of Rashenen, and
lhrough lhen lhe nalion.
In lheir nalive Iand, lhe vilches of
Rashenen are veneraled and respecl-
ed. The penaIly under Rashenen Iav
for harning or disoleying a vilch is
dealh. The vilches are said lo lake naIe
Iovers for lrief periods, lhough none
have pierced lhe veiI of secrecy lhal
surrounds lheir group. Il is leIieved
lhal lhese naIes are used for sone
forn of pIanned lreeding progran, lul
lhis is as yel undelernined.
The peopIe of Rashenen are ly nal-
ure a hardy, lravIing race. Bolh sexes
praclice lhe sporls of snov-racing (a
vinlerline cross-counlry fool race,
cIad onIy in lhe lriefesl skins) and lhe
hunling of snovcals. Widespread hol-
lies anong lhose vho can afford lhe
line incIude lhe coIIecling of rare and
leaulifuI slones (incIuding gens), and
expIoring lhe oId ruins in lhe norlh of
lheir reaIn. Thal eIder kingdon, nov
onIy coIIeclions of deslroyed ciladeIs,
vas knovn as Raunalhar, and once
ruIed lhis Iand and conlesled vilh Nar-
feII, anolher equaIIy exlincl kingdon
lhal Iay lo lhe vesl.
The key riluaI for young nen in
Rashenen is lhe ajcnna, a journey lo
nanhood lhal every naIe Rashenen
nakes in his youlh. The ajcnna oflen
has sone far-fIung goaI, such as an
expedilion around lhe Inner Sea ilseIf,
lul if lhe youlh relurns hone, he is
accorded greal honors and considered
an aduIl and accorded lhe righls of a
varrior of lhe peopIe. The ajcnna is a
periIous underlaking, lul has lhe
advanlage of shoving lhe young naIes
of Rashenen lhe nalure of lhe vorId
oulside, so lhal lhe peopIe have an
underslanding far leyond lhal of nor-
naI ruslic covherds. These conlinuaI
ajcnnas have lhe addilionaI advan-
lage of slrenglhening lrade conlracls
vilh lhe vesl, and picking up usefuI
infornalion aloul lhe nalions of lhe
Inner Sea, in parlicuIar niIilary infor-
nalion. Al lhe sane age, young fenaIes
are lesled ly lhe vilches, and lhose
vho quaIify are inducled inlo lheir
Sages, nerchanls, and nercenary
caplains generaIIy agree lhal Rashenen
has no designs upon lhe Iands around
il. As vilh nosl nalions lhal lorder
Thay, lheir prinary concern is survivaI
in lhe face of expanding hosliIe neigh-
lor, and vilh lhe aid of lhe vilches,
lhey acconpIish lhal lask quile veII.
Rashenens varriors are fearIess and
feared, lul lhey are rareIy encounlered
oulside lheir honeIand, and do nol
have lhe repulalion or experlise of lhe
Mercenary conpanies of lhe Svord
Coasl. The nosl connon encounler of
a Rashenen cilizen is a youlh (or land
of youlhs) on ajcnna, usuaIIy laking
in lhe sighls and nuch of lhe Iiquor in
lhe area. Ior nosl of lhe inhalilanls of
lhe Inner sea and Svord Coasl, lhe Iar
Land of Rashenen viII renain a nysle-
rious Iand sung of in ninslreIs laIes,
lhe selling for feals of lravn, lhe slarl-
ing poinl of epic lraveIs, and lhe Iand of
lhe nyslerious vilches vho can lhvarl
lhe Red Wizards of Thay.
GAM| |N|ORMAT|ON. ]nui|, lhe Iire-
vine, is an incredilIy polenl Iiquor and
appears a honey-goId, lul lurns lhe
longue and noulh vhen firsl con-
suned. A draughl of lhis naleriaI
effecls a slale of noderale inloxicalion,
and lvo nugfuIs a slale of greal inloxi-
Lffecls of inloxicalion fron firevine:
Moderale Severe
MoraIe + 1O + 15
InleIIigence - 3 - 6
Wisdon - 4 - 7
Dexlerily - 1 - 1
Charisna - 1 - 1
To hil and saves +1 +1
Hil poinls +1 + 3
MoraIe indicales lhe leneficiaI effecl
on lhe inliler lo noraIe, and appIies
onIy in conlal silualions.
InleIIigence, Wisdon and Dexlerily
reduclions are lhe lenporary Iovering
of lhal characlers aliIilies vhiIe under
lhe effecl of lhe vine. WhiIe Dexlerily
is Iovered, ils effecls are Iess harnfuI
lhan nosl olher veslern drinks.
To Hils and Saves indicale lhe lenefil
lo such lhrovs vhiIe under lhe effecls
of lhe vine. The nalure of lhe firevine
aIIovs svifl, if nol parlicuIarIy sound,
Hil Ioinls is lhe addilion of lhe effecls
of lhe drink lo lhe inliler, siniIar lo
lhe effecls of lhe ai speII. Any poinls
Iosl are laken fron lhese faIse lrav-
ery hil poinls firsl.
The periI of firevine is lhal an hour
afler drinking, lhe user faIIs inlo a con-
alose sIeep for 7-1O hours, lhough in
lhal hour greal deeds nay le per-
forned. lher forces vho have soughl
lo sleaI lhis idea (such as The Iirevine
Incursion fron Thay 3O vinlers lack),
have found lheir drunken forces in
sIunler vhen lhey are needed eIse-
vhere. The Rashenen seen innune lo
lhis effecl, lhough vhelher lhis is fron
lhe speII-Iore of lhe vilches or lhe nalu-
raI hardiness and resislance of lhe
Rashenen is unknovn.
Iirevine seIIs for 1 gp a pinl in Rashe-
nen, 15 gp a pinl eIsevhere in lhe
The vilches of Rashenen are a nys-
lerious cuIl of fenaIe speII-caslers
vhi ch conl roI l he f orl unes of l he
nalion. If encounlered in Rashenen,
lhey viII appear as noled under ||nin-
s|crs Nc|cs, in nunlers fron 1-6.
WhiIe lhese speII-caslers are very dif-
ferenl in nalure fron lhe olher nagic-
users of lhe vorId, for gane purposes
lreal lhen as nagic-users of no Iess
lhan 6lh IeveI, and no higher lhan 25lh
(1-2O +5). WhiIe lhis is nol fuIIy accu-
rale, il viII suffice unliI a fuII sludy of
lhese individuaIs nay le nade. Lach
vilch encounlered viII have a 5
chance per IeveI of a usefuI nagicaI
ring, a usefuI nagicaI vand, and a use-
fuI nagicaI veapon. The Ialler viII le a
vhip (UA page 78) vilh properlies and
aliIilies fron lhe nagicaI svord lalIe
(UA Iage 89).
The vilches of Rashenen are grealIy
honored in lheir Iand, and lhe peopIe of
lhe area viII risk lheir ovn Iives lo save
a vi l ch. I n l he renai nder of l he
ReaIns, no vilches have leen sighled,
and il is presuned lhal such vilches, if
lhey do vander lhe ReaIns, do so in dis-
AT A G|ANC|. The near-nylhicaI des-
erl of Raurin is a nassive, sandy vasle
vhich couId svaIIov enlire nalions of
lhe Norlh. Il is Iocaled in lhe furlhesl
soulheasl, leyond lhe donains of
||M|NST|RS NOT|S. UnIike Anauroch,
our norlhern deserl, Raurin is a greal
sandy vasle dolled ly rare oases and
dead kingdons. Il is aIso knovn as lhe
Dusl Deserl and lhe Slone Deserl. Creal
and nagicaI kingdons vere said lo ruIe
lhis Iand, and il nay le lheir faII lhal firsl
drove nen inlo lhe Iands of lhe Inner Sea
and lovards lhe Svord Coasl. Whal Iies
lhere is as yel unrecorded.
AT A G|ANC|. A snaII lovn Iocaled
lelveen Teziir and Weslgale, Reddan-
syr is lhe junping-off spol for cara-
vans soulh.
5AERLOON (Say-er-LN)
AT A G|ANC|. ne of lhe lvo four
Iarge coaslaI cilies of Senlia. See SLM-
AT A G|ANC|. This daIe is a sleep-sided
gorge knovn IocaIIy as lhe Scar. The
lovn of ScardaIe Iies al lhe noulh of
lhe river Ashala, and is an inporlanl
porl on lhe Dragon Reach.
||M|NST|R S NOT|S. ScardaIe is
recovering fron lhe ruIe of ils young
aggressive Iord, Lashan Aunersair. The
forner Iord, Lashans falher UIuf, died
seven vinlers ago, and Lashan vished
lo luiId an enpire fron his snaII hoId-
ings. Having galhered lroops, veaIlh,
and arlisans lo luiId ScardaIe inlo a
greal pover and evenluaIIy lake over
aII of lhe soulhern daIes. Lashan vas
Iess lhan dipIonalic in hiding his ains.
Under Lashans guidance, lhe iniliaI
canpai gns agai nsl hi s nei ghlors
resuIled in lhe overrunning of Harrov-
daIe, IealherdaIe, and BallIedaIe. This
slunning canpaign vas so svifl and
successfuI lhal Cornyr, Senlia, ZhenliI
Keep, and HiIIsfar aII rose in arns
againsl hin, aIong vilh lhe olher daIes
he allacked. Afler overvheIning lhe
cenlraI DaIes, Lashan vas lurned lack
fron MislIedaIe and DeepingdaIe ly lhe
conlined nighl of aII lhe enenies he
had nade. His enpire coIIapsed over-
nighl. Lashan vanished in lhe confu-
sion, as his nercenary lroops vere cul
up ly lhe advancing arnies.
Senlia lriefIy occupied ScardaIe
ilseIf, vilh inlenlions of adding lhe DaIe
lo lheir nalion, lul vere lhrealened
and cajoIed inlo vilhdravaI ly lhe olh-
er kingdons. AII of lhe daIes Lashan
lriefIy conquered are nov indepen-
denl again, ScardaIe ilseIf is in a sone-
vhal confused slale al presenl, vilh
visiling garrisons sliII in allendance.
GAM| |N|ORMAT|ON. ScardaIe is con-
lroIIed ly a force of garrisons fron
HiIIsfar, ZhenliI Keep, Cornyr, Senlia,
and each of lhe DaIes. Lach garrison
cannol, ly agreenenl, nunler nore
lhan 12 nen, lhough lhe generaI nake-
up is Iefl lo each nalion or daIe. This sil-
ualion is in lheory lo renain unliI
ScardaIe resunes a nornaI forn of gov-
ernnenl. This naller is nade nore dif-
ficuIl in lhal ScardaIe has leen ruIed ly
a heredilary Iord, and Lashan, if he sliII
Iives, is lhe righlfuI Ieader and cannol
le usurped. In lhe neanline, lhe vari-
ous garrison faclions lesl each olhers
nerve and slrenglh of svords in con-
fIicls lhal rale alove lavern lravIs and
leIov lallIes.
AT A G|ANC|. ScornuleI is a huge,
open cily sel on lhe norlh shore al lhe
confIuence of lhe Chionlhars Soulh
Iork and lhe River Reaching. Il is an
unvaIIed lovn luzzing vilh conlinuaI
aclivily, and a Iarge nunler of pack ani-
naIs, vagons, and synloIs of Mer-
chanl Conpanies can le seen as lhe
lraveIer enlers. Mosl of lhe luiIdings
are Iov, one or lvo slories, vilh a spal-
lering of Iarger luiIdings and lovers in
lhe cenler of lovn.
||M|NST|RS NOT|S. ScornuleI is one
of lhe key cilies on lhe Trade Way Iead-
ing fron Walerdeep lo lhe Iands of lhe
Inner Sea. Like ils rivaIs, LIlureI and
Iriaelor, il is a lovn of nerchanls and
lhose lhings nerchanls are concerned
vilh, varehouses, lransporlalion, and
proleclion (usuaIIy fron lhe olher ner-
The Caravan Cily is ruIed ly lhe
shrevd, eIderIy and regaI Lady Rhessa-
j an vho i n her li ne vas a dari ng
expIorer and vandering lrader, and is
sliII faned in lavern-laIk as Rhessajan
of lhe Tenls. The Lady Rhessajan is sup-
porled ly lhree Lord High Advisors
naned Burdan, Deep, and Ihanlar, aII
niddIe-aged advenlurers and relired
caravan-naslers lhenseIves. The Lady
and her advisors nake lheir judgnenls
on aclivilies in lhe cily lased on one key
faclor: vhal is profilalIe for lhe cily
and ils nerchanls.
GAM| NOT|S. The Caravan Cily of
ScornuleI is an inporlanl porl/ferry-
Iink/varehouse slorage caravan-con-
pany headquarlers. Here lhe najor car-
avan conpanies of lhe Norlh aII have
Iarge varehouse, slock paslure and sla-
lIes, and office faciIilies. Six of lhose
conpanies are noled here. Ior furlher
infornalion, see under MLRCHANT
Hignnccn Traing Ccs|cr. Headed ly
CuIdeph Marennon, a 9lh IeveI fighl-
er, lhis fIourishing concern doninales
lhe Svord Coasl overIand roules fron
ils lases here and in Walerdeep. Il car-
ries everylhing, lul has excIusive sup-
pIy righls lo |acrpn (lIue vine) and
cerlain spices (arispeg, narka, and
deIph) vhich originale sonevhere far
lo lhe soulh and easl. Ils coIors are a
vhi l e crescenl on a lI ack, sl ar-
sludded ovaI.
Surcfcc| Tracnas|crs. Headed ly a
CounciI (lhe nerchanls Iheng The-
Ionlur, Aranna DuIve, and Irisl
TheInip), and lased in ScornuleI, lhe
Surefeel speciaIize in providing experl
guides/escorls/guards for aII con-
cerns, lheir ovn caravans and lhose of
any overIand lraveIer. Their rales are
hi gh, l hei r nen good~and i l i s
runored l hal l he Suref eel have
gained nuch veaIlh lhrough severaI
rich lonl and lenpIe-ruin finds nade
ly guide-nenlers.
Tnc Trai| |crs. A nyslerious, pon-
pous oulfil (vhon sone say are ruIed
ly Thay, or olher feII sorcerous easl-
ern Iands), lhe TraiI Lords have leen
knovn lo hire haIf-orcs and vorse as
guards. lul l hey appear l o have
loundIess noney, and can nounl a
snaII arny or lvo lo guard lhose spe-
ciaIIy vaIualIe cIienls and cargo in a
very shorl line. The TraiI Lords are
said lo le nerchanl kings (none have
ever seen lhen), lhey ruIe lhrough lhe
fal, nasked iIIusionisl Mhereg Ssar
(6lh IeveI).
Tnc Rc Snic|s. IornerIy a nerce-
nary conpany (sliII avaiIalIe for such
hire, sone say), lhe Red ShieIds are a
group of highIy-skiIIed (1-3rd IeveI)
fighlers, vho are veII-arned and lear
red, fealureIess shieIds. They usuaIIy
hire oul in groups of 25, 5O, or 75 lo
guar d r eguI ar r oad l r aveI f r on
Nevervinler lhrough lo Ann, and run
lheir ovn reguIar run fron Scornu-
leI lo Walerdeep every fev days, car-
rying nessages as veII as cargo. Led
ly Bronlhar HeInlrind (a IeveI 6 fighl-
er) and his Iieulenanls Miflal (a IeveI 5
fighler) and VuIdan (IeveI 4 fighler),
lhe Red ShieIds effecliveIy (and Ioose-
Iy) poIice lhe slreels of ScornuleI,
valching ils perinelers lo vard off
landil raids (and lo keep lhenseIves
veII inforned of evenls vilhin lhose
Tnc S|ags Caratan Ccnpanq. An oId-
er, sonevhal faIIen-fron-forner-
grealness oulfil of rugged adven-
lurers (nov noslIy dead or gone lo
olher advenlures eIsevhere), il has
leen laken over ly nerchanls, vho
are conslanlIy deaIing in Iarge and
snaI I nallers everyvhere. Thei r
roles are vhile or crean vilh a goId-
lraided lorder, inporlanl personages
of lhe Conpany have goId lraceries of
anlIers al each shouIder, as veII. Their
aging lraiI generaI, BIack Tonn
Bharhinn, has Iosl effeclive conlroI of
day-lo-day operalions lo lhe ner-
chanls Slorn, HIeveII, and Dindar IeI,
aII young nerchanls of Ann vho
despair of naking lheir forlunes vilh-
in lhal kingdon of nighly nerchanls,
lul are delernined lo nake noney
Tnc linricrs Traing Ccs|cr. The
Windriders are young, reIaliveIy inex-
perienced nerchanls vilh a viId rep-
ulalion for fierce conpelilion, hard
lraveIing, and hi-jinks. AII vear shieIds
adorned vilh a vhile pegasus, vings
oulslrelched, and are nuch used for
svifl, discreel carrier service around
lhe Norlh. There are approxinaleIy
si xl y Wi ndri ders, l hey pref er l o
renai n anonynous, represenl ed
l hrough l hei r of f i ce and I eader,
TorshiIn IireleI (a 6lh IeveI fighler,
fornerIy of Weslgale).
AT A G|ANC|. The Sea of Svords is lhe
arn of lhe TrackIess Sea lhal is lound-
ed ly lhe Svord Coasl on lhe easl, lhe
Moonshae isIands on lhe vesl, and lhe
NeI anl her I sI es l o l he soul h. See
AT A G|ANC|. SeIgaunl is one of lhe
Iarge nercanliIe coaslaI cilies of Sen-
lia. See SLMBIA.
AT A G|ANC|. Senlia is a veaIlhy ner-
chanl kingdon silualed easl of Cornyr
on lhe veslern edge of lhe Sea of IaIIen
Slars. Il is a Iand of roIIing farns and
rich pIains, doninaled ly a handfuI of
Iarge, veaIlhy cilies. Il is a veII-run,
organized nalion vhich nay in line
rivaI lhe oId kingdons of lhe soulh and
||M|NST|RS NOT|S. The veaIlhy
nerchanl-kingdon of Senlia is a Iand
of good farns, lusy porls, skiIIed lexliIe
nakers, and prosperily, vilh a vigiIanl
arny lo keep il lhal vay. The arns of
Senlia are lhe Raven and SiIver. The
Raven represenls Raulhauvyr lhe Rav-
en, Iong-ago founder of lhe reaIn, vho
never ruIed Senlia lul inslead con-
nanded ils arnies for a succession of
nerchanl ruIers. The siIver coins rep-
resenl Senlias lrading veaIlh.
Senlia vas sellIed ly nen coning lo
lhe Sea of IaIIen Slars fron lhe soulh,
originaIIy for ils slands of huge, high-
quaIily iIiyr-vood linler vhich vas
nuch prized in shipluiIding. As lhe for-
esls vere cIeared, over lhe years, lhe
lreecullers cane inlo increasing con-
fIicl vilh lhe eIves, vho feared lhe Ioss
of lheir enlire voods. This vouId
undoulledIy have occurred if lhe
hasliIy-galhered nercenary lroops of
lhe fIedgIing Iand had defealed lhe
eIves, lul lhe LIven Nalions defealed
lhen soundIy al Singing Arrovs (884
DR) and aflervards repealedIy sIev or
forced lack nen venluring norlh of lhe
river Ashala and Lake Senler.
The Dragon Seas nineraI veaIlh vas
discovered ly nen al aloul lhis line,
and pressure legan lo grov in Senlia
for a lrade-road lhrough lhe eIven
voods, lo nake Senlia lhe vorIds
galevay lo aII lhis veaIlh. The Iand
grev slrong as farns prospered in ils
nevIy-cIeared Iands, and craflsnen
arrived fron lhe soulh lo lake advan-
lage of lhis chance lo acquire Iand and
veaIlh, lringing lheir lrades vilh
lhen. Raulhauvyr insisled on nainlain-
ing a slanding arny, vhich he kepl in
praclice ly poIicing Senlias lorders
and inproving ils roads.
IinaIIy The Raven venl aIone as an
envoy lo lhe LIven Courl, and asked lhe
eIders of lhe LIven CounciI lo approve a
road norlh fron rduIin lo lhe shores
of lhe Dragon Sea, open lo nen. He pro-
1. Trail Lords (merchant company)
headquarters: office and warehouse
(A), warehouses (B-E)
2. Highmoon Trading Coster (merchant
company) warehouse (C-J), office &
stronghouse (A), and staff quarters
(B, K, L)
3. Highmoon Trading Coster stables
and paddock
4. The Trail Lords stock pens and
stables w/paddock
5. The Stags Caravan Company stables
and stock pens, w/paddock
6. Ferrydock and route of Southroad
Ferry, a large barge; Burlin, a 6th
Level Fighter, and two 3rd-Level
bravos, crew
7. Arkaras the Shipwright
8. The Red Shields stables and
paddock, office at (A)
9. Tallahabur the Wagonmaker (sheds:
A-D; House: E)
10. The Walk (public meeting-place
and market)
11. The Windriders Trading Coster
(merchant company) stables
w/paddock, and stock pens
12. Surefeet Trademasters (merchant
company) stables and paddocks
13. The Purple Sun Trading Coster
(merchant company), stable
w/paddock and stock pens
14. The Windriders Trading Coster
(merchant company) headquarters;
office (F), and warehouses (A-E)
15. Purple Sun Trading Coster
warehouse (A-D)
16. Surefeet Trademaster headquarters:
office and stronghouse (D),
warehouse (A-C)
17. Red Shields warehouses (A-C & D-F)
18. The Stags Caravan Company
headquarters: A-H, warehouses
19. The Jaded Unicorn (tavern & inn of
low quality (flophouse))
20. The Thirsty Thunder Beast (tavern)
21. The Dusty Hoof (tavern & inn)
22. Travelers Rest (inn)
23. The Fishym & Smoka Inn (The
Fishsmoke; tavern & inn of low
24. The Nightshade (festhall &
25. Smithy: Kaerus Thambadar,
blacksmith & ironmonger
26. Fish Market
27. The Green (assembly area for
outbound caravans)
28. The North Green (see 27)
29. East Green (see 27)
30. The Spice & Wine Shop (Ulder
Mooroo, 3rd Level M-U, proprietor)
31. Malikhar the Outfitter (leather straps,
packs, tarpaulins, weathercloaks,
harness, boots, etc.)
32. Purple Sun Trading Coster office
33. Purple Sun Trading Coster hirelings
34. Angah Lalla (fence for stolen goods;
ostensibly a curio trader, in items
from exotic lands)
35. The Free Traders Scornubel
offices (run by the city); a registry of
unemployed, casual, journeyman
drovers, guards, animal trainers,
etc., & stronghouse)
36. Free Traders public warehouse
(rental storage space guarded by the
37. same as 36
38. Headquarters of the Watch (D) with
barracks (A-C) and enclosed stables
39. The Randy Wench tavern and gaming
40. The Jesters Bells (tavern, festhall,
and scented baths)
41. Thruus Way Rooms and Dining
(The Through-house; inn)
42. Scornubel Hall (meeting-chambers
available for rent, quarters for the
local Council and visitors, the citys
emergency granary & deep wells)
43. The Raging Lion (inn; tavern & rooms
at A, stables at B)
44. Mother Minxs (festhall)
45. Thymdars Reliquary & Eremosckh
(general store for all goods; large and
prosperous; Thymdar is a 7th Level
magic-user who uses Wizard Eye
often in business matters, etc.)
46. The Everfull Jug (winery and drinks
47. Ehaevaeras Beauty Rooms
(hairstyling, scented baths,
massages, manicures, body painting
and tattoos, for women)
48. Ssimbars Fine Clothes
49. Preszmyr the Herbalist (herbs, drugs,
phylacteries, perfumes & scented
50. Far Anchor (inn)
posed lhal lhe eIves choose ils roule
and relain conlroI of il and lheir voods
around, so lhal no voodculling or
hunan sellIenenl occur, and lhal Sen-
lias nen luiId il vilh lhen.
Though lhe eIves had earIier nade
siniIar arrangenenls vilh lhe DaIes-
nen, and had no difficuIlies vilh lhe
nen of VeIarsdaIe (nov HarrovdaIe),
refused, neilher vanling or needing
such a road. The Raven lhen lhreal-
ened lo exlerninale lhe isoIaled eIves
in Arnolhoi, lhe Iasl enlallIed rennanl
of lhe eIves in Senlia if lhe LIven Courl
did nol cooperale, and Ieave Arnolhoi
unnoIesled and ils eIves free lo cone
and go and lrade or nol as lhey vished,
if lhe road vas luiIl.
The eIves agreed, and Senlias finan-
ciaI fulure vas secured. The eIves luiIl
HiIIsfar on lhe shores of lhe Dragon Sea
as lheir connerciaI neeling ground
vilh nen, and over lhe years lhe eIves
of Arnolhoi cane norlh lo join lheir
lrelhren or sIipped avay lo seek Lver-
neel, and lhal vood graduaIIy disap-
peared. The roule lhe eIves chose ran al
lhe lase of lhe Slanding Slone, as a
reninder of earIier, Iess-hosliIe deaIings
lelveen nen and eIves.
Senlia grev rich, under nerchanl-
Ieaders of increasing visdon, such as
Saer (for vhon Saerl vas naned, and
Chondalhan Ialer renaned SaerIoon)
and SeIgar (ChanceIgaunl vas renaned
SeIgaunl al his dealh, vhen he vas lur-
ied lhere). Raulhauvyr lhe Raven, ere
his dealh, sav lhal lhese nerchanls
had a slrong slanding counciI of ner-
chanl eIders lo advise lhen, and lo
ensure lhal no ruIer couId hoId on lo
pover ly force of arns. Then lhis far-
sighled nan, crealor of a nalion, nov
haIf-lIind and infirn fron oId var-
vounds, rode norlh inlo lhe eIven
voods and disappeared. None knev
vhal happened lo hin or vhere his
lones Iie, save perhaps sone fev eIder
Senlia loday is a slrong kingdon,
quick lo defend lhreals lo ils sover-
eignly (such as lhe rise of ScardaIe), and
firsl in financiaI veaIlh of aII lhe vesl-
ern Inner Sea Lands. Ils ruIer is caIIed
lhe vernasler, and is eIecled lo a
seven-year lern ly a counciI of ner-
This nerchanl-counciI is presenlIy
lased in rduIin, and is lvenly-lvo
slrong. The incunlenl ruIer, LIdulh
Yarnnasler, has lul lvo years Iefl on
his firsl lern, and aIlhough lhere are
aIvays lhose anlilious for lhe ver-
naslers chair, or dissalisfied vilh ils
presenl occupanl, lhere is a good
chance LIdulh, an eIderIy and vise nan
of kindness and hunor, viII le re-
eIecled. Sone in Senlia have urged
LIdulh lo lake advanlage of lhe recenl
disappearance of lhe eIves lo lake over
lhe Iands fron HiIIsfar lo lhe Dragon
Reach, lo MisleIdaIe and lhe Thunder
Ieaks, lul so far LIdulh has refused. He
quoles lhe oId saying, svords speak,
lul lhey do nol Iislen.
GAM| |N|ORMAT|ON. The delaiIs of
Senlia, ils arned forces, cilies, and
personaIilies are Iefl for DM deveIop-
nenl for lheir ovn canpaigns, as noled
in lhe lhe DMs Cuide lo lhe ReaIns.
This incIudes lhe foIIoving cilies of
DaerIun (Dare-LN)
Huddagh (HUHD-agh)
KuIla (KUHL-lal)
MuIhessen (MuhI-HLH-sen)
rduIin (RL-dyoo-IinI
Saerl (Sairl~See HICH DALL)
SaerIoon (Sair-LN)
SeIgaunl (SLLL-gonl)
Surd (Serd)
TuIlegh (TuII-leg)
UrnIaspyr (Lrn-LASS-peer)
Yhaunn (Uh-HAWN)
and lhe Iands around lhen.
AT A G|ANC|. The Shaar is a region of
greal pIains and grassIand Iocaled far lo
lhe soulh, leyond lhe ViIhon Reach.
||M|NST|RS NOT|S. The Shaar is
doninaled ly niIes upon niIes of lhick
grassIands, and peopIed ly nonads,
herdsnen, and raiders, Lven so, lhese
peopIes are said lo vieId greal and nys-
licaI povers.
The region knovn as Laslern Shaar
is sparser and Iess green, nore of a
vasleIand. Wilhin lhe Laslern Shaar is
a huge cIefl or canyon, knovn as lhe
Creal Rifl, hone lo nany soulhern
AT A G|ANC|. ShadovdaIe is a farning
connunily slraddIing lhe road fron
Shadov Cap lo VoonIar, ils nain lovn
(of lhe sane nane) Iocaled vhere lhal
road crosses lhe Alasha. The DaIe is
lroken ly palches of Iighl voods lhal
run lo lhe lorders of lhe lovn, and
inlerupled ly a Iarge nunler of oId
ruins. These oId haunls of lreasure and
nonslers nakes lhe region very popu-
Iar vilh Advenluring Conpanies, and
nore lhan a fev have caIIed lhis region
lheir hone.
||MNST|RS NOT|S. This quiel lul
aslonishingIy hardy agricuIluraI con-
nunily has recenlIy reluffed severaI
invasions under lhe jusl and vise Iord-
ship of Dousl SuIvood and his con-
rades. These slaIvarls in lhe pasl Ied
lhe daIe niIilia and nercenary lroops
in key lallIes againsl Lashans Arny of
ScardaIe, have defealed poverfuI
nages fron ZhenliI Keep, lesled draco-
Iich allacks of lhe Dragon Lords, and
repeIIed Drov caravans and raiding
parlies in lhe caverns lenealh lhe Tov-
er of Ashala and lhe voods near lhe
ruins of CaslIe Crinslead.
ShadovdaIe has leen fanous for a
nunler of lhings, Iarge and snaII, and
ils connunily of advenlurers ensuring
lhal lhe fane of lhese lhings carries
furlher lhrough lhe reaIns lhan lhe
size of lhe connunily firsl indicales. Il
is noled for ils inn (The Id SkuII), a
good snilh and a good vagonnaking
shop. The connunily vas lhe hone of
lhe advenlurers knovn as Manes Band
(nov nissing and presuned dead) and
lhe vilch SyIune (aIso deceased).
Anong ils Iiving nalives lhe area cIains
SyI une s s i s l er , l he lar d Sl or n
SiIverhand, and a vide variely of skiIIed
advenlurers. ShadovdaIe is aIso lhe
chosen alode of LIninsler lhe Sage,
reknovned for his visdon, pover, and
concise, infornalive hislories of lhe
The previous Lord, Dousl, and his
friends, nosl nolalIy lhe ranger IIorin
IaIconhand, have since lheir nosl
recenl lallIe renounced lheir lilIes and
offices in ShadovdaIe. Before deparl-
ing, lhey inslaIIed lhe cavaIier Mourn-
gryn as Lord of lhe DaIe. Mourngryn
has recenlIy narried ShaeriI Rovan-
nanlIe, a nolIe Iady of Cornyr, and
conlinues lo ruIe vilh lhe assislance
and vise guidance of LIninsler. Dousl
and his conpanions have lilIed lhen-
seIves lhe Knighls of Mylh Drannor,
and are allenpling lo eslalIish lheir
ovn slronghoId in lhal ruined cily.
Their success has leen hanpered ly
expIoralory parlies fron ZhenliI Keep,
HiIIsfar, Senlia, olher advenluring
conpanies, and an increasing dialoIic
presence in lhe ruins.
GAM| |N|ORMAT|ON. ShadovdaIe is
lhe lesl-recorded of lhe DaIeIands, due
in parl lo lhe firsl-hand knovIedge of
LIninsler. Iurlher infornalion on lhe
siles of ShadovdaIe foIIovs, as opposed
lo separale enlries, and are Iisled lo
agree vilh lhe nap on page 78.
LIninsler lhe Sage and his Scrile
Lhaeo are nol for hire, and lhe peopIe
of ShadovdaIe viII le quick lo inforn
passers-ly of lhal facl. The palh lehind
TuIla lhe Weavers house Ieading up lo
LIninslers Tover has varning runes of
danger and a sign reading, in Connon
and Thorass: No Trespassing. VioIalors
shouId nolify nexl of kin. Have a pIeas-
anl day.
O| S|u||. This huge, Iichen-covered,
gnarI ed, I ava- neI l ed and sheep-
skeIelon-Iillered heighl of Iand lhal
doninales ShadovdaIe is veII knovn,
lhe sheep farners luiIl a hul on lhe
norlh side for sheIler during lhe rain
and for Ianling in vinler. The lody of
}oadalh, a forner Lord of ShadovdaIe,
vas lurned lhere, in a hoIIov al lhe SW
end of lhe cresl. Many peopIe loday use
lhe Id SkuII as a Iookoul, sheep pas-
lure, Iaundry-drying surface, and
lrysling-ground. Il has never, as far as
can le ascerlained, had any reIigious
and/or secrelive poIilicaI inporlance.
The Id SkuII Inn lakes ils nane fron
lhis proninence.
Tnc Tcucr cf Asnaoa. The Tover earns
ils fornaI nane fron ils Iocalion,
guarding lhe norlhernnosl lridged
crossing of lhe river Ashala. Ils nick-
nane, lhe Tvisled Tover, cones fron
ils off-cenler spire. This conslruclion is
due lo lhe incIusion of a deck or haIf-
covered fIighl pIalforn (and allached
slalIes) for lhe use of aeriaI sleeds.
Hovever, oflen a DaIesnan, fed up vilh
lhe Ialesl Iunacies of ils inhalilanls, viII
refer lo lhen as lhe Tvisls.
The Tover has nany secrels and curi-
osilies and lears lhe slanp of nany
ovners. Many l overs across l he
ReaIns have such characler and nys-
lery. Though lhe Tover is currenlIy lhe
seal of lhe Lord of ShadovdaIe and lhe
forces of Iav, lhis slronghoId vas once
lhe ciladeI of an eviI pover, vhich
reached up fron lhe Deplhs BeIov.
Aznaer, as lhe Iasl knovn drov Iord
vas caIIed, heId lhe Tover in ils vaning
days, as ils viseIy-luiIl forlificalions
defended his peopIes relreal inlo lhe
sullerranean reaIns. (This vas 9O6
DaIereckoning, vhen lhe Iand caIIed
ShadovdaIe vas j usl leginning lo
undergo hunan sellIenenl). The Iasl
days of lhe drov ruIe vere nade horri-
lIe ly disease, caused ly a cislern poi-
soned ly a hunan sIave, and so lhe
slorning of lhe Tvisled Tover vas
conparaliveIy easy. The drov defeal-
ed, lhe lovn of ShadovdaIe legan lo
grov in earnesl, unliI reaching ils
presenl size.
nce in hunan hands, lhe Tover of
Ashala passed lhrough lhe hands of a
vide variely of ovners, and lears
lraces of lheir differing creeds and pur-
poses. The Iasl good and IavfuI Iord of
lhe Tover lefore lhe coning of Dousl
and his slaIvarl conpanions vas one
}yordhan. }yordhan reigned for a shorl
line, lhen look iII nysleriousIy, lrav-
eIed lo lhe greal cily of Walerdeep, and
died lhere in lhe conpany of lhe Mage
KheIlen. Runor says lhal }yordhan
vas in lrulh an eviI usurper vhon
KheIlen enspeIIed lo cone lo Waler-
deep and lhere sIev. Despile lhe reIa-
liveIy shorl line since lhese evenls, il is
difficuIl lo Iearn lhe lrulh. Wilh lhe
coning of Dousl lhree vinlers lack,
and his recenl aldicalion lo Mourn-
gryn, lhe Tover is nov lhe haven for a
Iarge variely of advenlurers and lheir
parlies, nuch lo lhe financiaI profil and
individuaI headache of lhe peopIe of
GAM| |N|ORMAT|ON. The foIIoving
individuaIs nake up lhe Courl of lhe
Lords of ShadovdaIe, vho lake lheir
residence in lhe Tover of Ashala.
MURNCRYM, Lord of ShadovdaIe.
TURNAL RHLSTAYN (of Nevervinler),
SeneschaI of lhe Tover of Ashala
and Slevard of lhe Courl.
HousehoId Slaff (reporls lo TurnaI):
CRLA, Chanlernaid
LLTTA, Chanlernaid
CLMUTH, Chanlernaid
DLLUNL, Chanlernaid
RIIA, Chanlernaid
TANTNA, Chanlernaid
LIANLL, Chanlernaid
TALA, Chanlernaid
NLSSLA, Chanlernaid
LINDUL, Chanlernaid
SANTHA, Chanlernaid
DLBURR, Ioolnan
MLTH, Ioolnan
RINDL, Ioolnan
THURBAL, Caplain-of-Arns and War-
den of ShadovdaIe
HousehoId Cuard
25 archers Ied ly Yeonan HeIdulh
12 nen-al-arns Ied ly Serjeanl
LSSLN, HeraId and BaiIiff of lhe Lord
ASLLL, ChaleIaine, Herlnislress, HeaI-
er, Keeper of lhe Iurse, Head of
LALYM, Masler Cook
}HANYL, Serving-girI
MURA, Serving-girI
DLSSA, Serving-girI
LILUR, Serving-girI
SATHA, Serving-girI
NLLNA, Serving-girI
IURK, Kilchen Boy
THRBK, Masler of lhe SlalIes
SlalIe Crev
DAVRR, HoslIer
BLINT, Tacksnan
HAVR, Tacksnan
DURST, Tacksloy
BLLDIN, Tacksloy
VDDAL, ConslalIe
DLCLTH, ConslalIe
HLTH, Iage
LHAL, Scrile lo LIninsler
The daIe has aIso served as hone lo
olher groups under Mourngryn reign,
Mancs 8an. Mane (fighler), Bools
lhe Lucky (nagic-user), RuIdo
(ranger), KheIdarr (fighler), Despar
(cIeric), Tanshan (lard).
Tnc Circ|c. The Druids Mournlarn
lhe Masler, Linair, DeIlra, Veshar,
rlen, and IeIdeI, and lhe Rangers
Briadorn, RalhagoI, Tenis, Replar,
and SeIvan.
la|cncrs Knc||. The knoII opens inlo a
cIearing in vhich a greal slone piIIar
sIanls lo lhe norlh, high enough lo
afford a viev over lhe foresl around. Il
has leen a valchposl since lhe days of
Aeancar lhe ManlIed King, vho lhree
hundred years ago ruIed aII of lhe Iands
lelveen lhe Moonsea and lhe Inner
Sea and vesl lo lhe SloneIands. The
KnoII has leen occupied ly successive
lands, advenlurers, and arnies over
lhe years, parlicuIarIy in lhe line since
CaslIe Krag vas luiIl, for lhe CaslIe
serves as a hone and lase for anyone
using lhe KnoII or lhe Id SkuII as a
Sixly vinlers ago, vhen lhe Lord of
ShadovdaIe vas }oadalh, lhe foIIovers
of Tyr in ShadovdaIe vorshipped here.
These vorshipers vere discovered and
nassacred ly }oadalhs nen, and sone
viIIagers have reporled haunls lo slaIk
lhe KnoII since lhal line.
Lo r d Aunr y, vho r uI e d a f l e r
}oadalhs deslruclion, vas luried in a
cavern here hevn oul ly dvarves,
eIves, and nen. ul of respecl for
Aunry and Iove for his Iady SyIune,
Aunrys ashes vere enlonled in a cof-
fin of slone, alop vhich SyIune Iaid his
slaff and cIoak as per his orders, lo
avail lhe nexl Iord. The slaff and cIoak
vere Ialer sloIen ly Lashan of ScardaIe,
and l hough l he c I oak vas I al er
deslroyed in lallIe, lhe slaff is vilh
Lashan, vherever he nay le al lhe
As far as il is knovn, onIy lhe eIves
visil lhe KnoII reguIarIy nov. Mosl viI-
Iagers aIive in ShadovdaIe loday have
gone once lo salisfy lheir curiosily,
found il a snaII cIearing requiring a Iol
of carefuI vaIking lhrough lhe foresl lo
reach, and have never relurned. Il
renains a neeling pIace for Iovers, kids
pIaying, and lhe occasionaI shady deaI
or nurder.
Harpcr s Hi | | . Thi s peacef uI , l ree-
covered hiII deep in lhe foresl is naned
for ils use ly lhe Iong-dead lard
AIsaerI, and nore recenlIy ly Slorn
SiIverhand, as a pIace of harping prac-
lice and spiriluaI renevaI. Il is a pIace of
greal leauly, and has a secondary func-
lion as a raIIying poinl in lhe foresl. The
eIves oflen danced and pIayed nusic
lhere, and nosl viIIagers avoid il as a
|cx Rigc. The ridge gels ils nane fron
lhe pesls lhal lhe farners of Shadov-
daIe oflen hunl vilh dogs. The foxes of
lhe ridge Iive in nany, nany hoIes and
lurrovs in and around lhe exposed
rocks aIong lhe ridge, vhich faIIs avay
sharpIy lo lhe norlh in a nan-heighl
lank. The ridge is pierced ly severaI
cIefls and lvo cave chanlers Iarge
enough for nen lo use, nosl have over
lhe years leen used lo conceaI food,
arns, goId, lodies, and nessages. Nol
nuch is knovn of lhese caves and lheir
precise Iocalion, lul lhe rangers of lhe
CircIe are lhe peopIe vho lesl knov
lhe caves and olher fealures of lhe
Tnc Rca|ns 8c|cu. The Iand lenealh
lhe Iand of ShadovdaIe is doninaled ly
a sullerranean river, vhich runs NW-
SL under lhe River Ashala, lenealh lhe
Tover, and connecls vilh LIninslers
IooI on lhe surface. Il cones lo lhe sur-
face again far lo lhe soulheasl, in lhe
deplhs of lhe eIven voods, and in lhe
pasl ils phosphorescenl valers vere
hone lo lrogIodyles, lhe Iasl knovn of
vhich vas sIain ly a varrior of Sha-
dovdaIe vhen LIninsler vas a loy. Il is
nol knovn vhere lhis river cones
fron, nor if il has any nagicaI povers
or slralegic inporlance. The ReaIns
BeIov nay le accessed ly a nunler of
olher neans, incIuding caverns such as
lhose on Iox Ridge and lhe deeper
IeveIs of ancienl keeps and crypls.
LxaclIy vhal Iives in lhese reaIns is nol
reveaIed in currenl lexls, lhough il
shouId le noled lhal lhe drov once
ruIed lhis Iand lefore leing driven
underground, and vhiIe lheir shadov
on lhe Iand has dininished, lheir pover
lenealh nay yel le slrong.
AT A G|ANC|. The Shadov Thieves are
a vide-ranging guiId of lhieves, spies,
and assassins vho perforn parlicuIarIy
dangerous, eviI-aIigned, and Iucralive
venlures. Their aclivilies, unIike lhose
of nosl lhieving guiIds, are nol Iiniled
lo a singIe cily, and lhey range lhe
Ienglh of lhe Svord Coasl.
||MNST|RS NOT|S. A group direclIy
opposed lo lhe Lords of Walerdeep, lhe
Shadov Thieves are lased in AlhkalIa,
in Ann, vhere lhey have have a nas-
sive lraining conpIex and a lesling-
ground for lhe assassins lhey sponsor.
These lhieves vere once lhe Thieves
CuiId of Walerdeep, unliI lhey vere
driven oul of lhal cily, or sIaughlered,
ly l he Lor ds of Wal er deep. The
Shadov Thieves have sponsored an
Assassins CuiId in AlhkalIa vilh lhe
evenluaI ain of sIaying aII of lhe Lords
of Walerdeep. In lhe neanline, lhis
secrelive organizalion appears lo have
reached sone sorl of agreenenl vilh
lhe nerchanl-kings of Ann, vho vouId
Iike lo see lurnoiI in lheir lrade rivaI,
Walerdeep, and vho vish lo avoid
leing on lhe assassins hil Iisl lhen-
seIves. Under lhis pacl lhe Merchanl-
kings Ieave lhe Shadov Thieves aIone,
and are in lurn Iefl aIone.
The Shadov Thieves operale up and
dovn lhe Svord Coasl, lheir lrade-
nark is a lIack siIk nask inpaIed upon
a sliIello lIade (usuaIIy used in assassi-
nalions, or Iefl lehind al lhe scene if a
garrolle or poison is enpIoyed inslead).
No nanes, IeveIs, or even nunlers of
Shadov Thieves are knovn, high-IeveI
operalors are lhoughl lo le fev. Iorn-
er nenlers, sIain ly lhe Lords of
Walerdeep and lhe Conpany of Crazed
Venlurers (an advenluring conpany)
incIude lhe lhieves Quisl and Mashlun.
AT A G|ANC|. SkuII Corge is silualed
on lhe upper reaches of lhe River
Reaching, and is a sharp cul lhrough
lhe surrounding lerrain, ils sleep vaIIs
running aInosl lo lhe rivers edge. The
vaIIs of lhe vaIe are a paIe-grey slone,
and riddIed vilh caverns.
||M|NST|RS NOT|S. Il vas in lhis
sleep-vaIIed vaIIey lhal lhe surviving
orc and holgolIin chieflains and sha-
nans galhered foIIoving lhe BallIe of
Bones (q.v.) lo sland off lhe Arnies of
Men. The golIin races sunnoned
exl ra- pI anar ai d, f or I al er f orces
encounlered nany lone deviIs, spined
deviIs, and naIelranche, and a greal
disenlodied skuII gIoving vilh red
fIanes vas seen lhe air alove lhe
gorge. The gorge vas cIeared of lhe
orcs and holgolIins, and nov lhoughl
lo le deserled.
Much lreasure is said lo have leen
hurriedIy conceaIed in lhe caverns lhal
Iace lhe vhile-slone vaIIs of lhe gorge.
Iev vho have cone here seeking lrea-
sure have leen seen again, and lhough
lreasure has leen found here, so have
feII leasls lhal seen lo appear fron
novhere lo allack lraveIers in lhe
5O55AL (SAW-saII)
AT A G|ANC|. Iar lo lhe Norlh, on lhe
far side of lhe Creal CIacier, is lhe Ieg-
endary kingdon of SossaI. This renole
nalion is lhe hone of Sossarhin, a very
paIe, very lIond race lhal dresses in
vhile, and can conceaI lhenseIves
anong lhe ice. Il is nol knovn vhelher
greal nagics ly lheir nalive shanans
spared lhal region of lhe Creal Ice, or if
lhose nagics caused il.
5OUBAR (S-lar)
AT A G|ANC|. Soular is a snaII lovn
aIong lhe Trade Way norlh of Scornu-
leI, and is oflen used as a vay-slalion
for lraders lraveIing aIong lhal road.
AT A G|ANC|. The connon reference
lo lhe Soulh (aIso lhe grin and nagi-
caI Soulh) refers lo lhe Iands of Ches-
senla, Unlher, and MuIhorand, vhich
are anong lhe firsl and eIdesl nalions
in lhis Iand.
||MNST|RS NOT|S. The Soulh is
oflen invoked vhen expIaining sone
unknovn evenl, such as a freak vind-
slorn on lhe Inner Sea leing danned
Soulhern nagics. The nalions of lhe
Soulh are oIder lhan any olher hunan
donains in lhe reaIns. Il is vieved ly
lhose of lhe norlh as an area of slrange,
exolic vays, age-oId decadence, and
crueIly and sIavery, vilh slrange gods,
oulrageous cuslons, and no Iav save
lhal of lhe svord.
The Soulh is aIso knovn for slrong
nagic, and nany vondrous devices
and arlifacls find lheir origin lhere.
Soulhern lraders are sonelines found
in lhe seaporls of lhe Norlh, lrading
spices, rich cIolh, vine, and lrass orna-
nenls lo lrade for lrained var nounls,
parchnenl, gIass, vorked sleeI, and
Men of lhe Soulh connonIy have up
lo lhree lIue circIes painled on lheir
foreheads. These circIes generaIIy
nean lhe nan is skiIIed and Iearned,
and can vrile and knovs nagic, is con-
versanl vilh reIigious hislory and ril-
uaIs, or is avare of Iav and foIkIore of
his nalive region. In generaI, nosl
soulherners are lrealed as nagic-users
or lhe spavn of nagic-users, and given
a vide lerlh.
AT A G|ANC|. The Slanding Slone is a
huge pIinlh of gIossy grey rock, incised
vilh eIvish runes vhich vind aloul ils
lase in a series of lands. The slone
ilseIf is aloul lvenly feel in heighl, and
nay le found vhere lhe road fron Mis-
lIedaIe joins lhe HiIIsfar Lssenlra road.
||M|NST|RS NOT|S. The Slanding
Slone vas erecled 1357 years ago ly
nighly eIvish nages lo connenorale
lhe pacl lelveen lhe LIvish Courl and
lhe nevIy-arriving DaIenen. The vind-
ing scripl al lhe lase of lhe Slone slales
lhe lerns of lhal pacl, lhal vhiIe lhere
are eIves in lhe foresl, lhe nen of lhe
daIes nay sellIe in lhose Iands al lheir
lorders, lul nol lo reduce lhe vood or
invade eIven lerrilories.
The vood has leen reduced severeIy
since lhe slone vas erecled, oflen ly
olher hunan agenls (in parlicuIar lhe
Senlians), vho have had IillIe Iove of
lhe IeopIe. When lhe Senlians forced
lhe road lhrough lo HiIIsfar, lhe eIves
responded ly Iaying lhal road lo run al
lhe lase of lhe slone, ironicaIIy poinling
oul lhal nol aII nen need lo deaI al lhe
poinl of a svord.
The Slanding Slone has sone enchanl-
nenl upon il, and radiales nagic. Il can-
nol le defaced or narred, for slains or
culs heaI on ils surface.
5URD (Serd)
AT A G|ANC|. Surd is a snaII, agricuI-
luraI lovn in Senlia (see SLMBIA).
AT A G|ANC|. SuzaiI is lhe royaI capilaI
and richesl cily of lhe kingdon of Cor-
nyr, and hone lo lhe nosl inporlanl
nerchanl houses of Cornyr. The cily is
doninaled ly lhe forlified caslIe of
King Azoun IV, vhich is sel aparl fron
lhe Iover cily ly ils spIendid gardens,
and runored l o have ri ch luri aI
grounds lenealh.
||M|NST|RS NOT|S. The cily is juslIy
f anous f or i l s lazaars, i l s i vory-
scuIplors and cIolhnakers. f lhe
forner, hundreds of vinlers of ivory
gIeaned fron lhe Uller Lasl and hol
jungIes of lhe Soulh has found ils vay
across lhe Inner Sea in greal shipIoads
of rav lusk and fragnenls, and here
leen fashioned inlo inIays and goods
for Ann, lhe Norlh, and lhe Svord
Coasl cilies. f lhe Ialler, vooI is voven
as veII in lhe Senlian cily of DaerIun,
lul lhose vho vork Ioons in SuzaiI
hoId lhal lheir vork is finer, and lhe
coIors nore lrue and nore Iasling.
A nap of SuzaiI is provided on page
GAM|NG |N|ORMAT|ON. Ivory is a
seni - preci ous nal eri aI , vhi ch i s
enhanced in leauly (and vaIue) in ils
carving. Rav ivory is purchased for
SuzaiIian craflsnen ly lhe pound, al 1
goId piece per pound for Iarge chunks,
haIf lhal shallered scraps suilalIe for
enIay. LIephanl, nannolh, and vaIrus
ivory aII connand slandard prices, lul
lhal of rare or nagicaI leasls can galh-
er prices up lo 1O lines slandard.
King Azoun IV is a CavaIier of 2Olh
IeveI and LC aIignnenl. He is rareIy
aIone, for he has a personaI lodyguard
of six IeveI 8 fighlers, and in addilion is
oflen in lhe conpany of his courl vhich
incIudes anong ils nunlers sone of
lhe nore poverfuI Cornyrians, such as
lhe vizard Vangerdahasl.
His najesly carries a nunler of ilens
(rings, lracers, and lhe Iike) lhal pro-
vide innunily fron various forns of
allack, and il is runored lhal he is lhe
recipienl of a speciaIized speII vhich, if
graveIy lhrealened, viII |c|cpcr| hin
eIsevhere (lhe slories say lhe deslina-
lion of lhis |c|cpcr| is lhe caslIe in
SuzaiI, lhough olhers say lhe speII
reaches lhe crypls lenealh il, or lo lhe
caslIe of High Horn).
Vangerdahasl, RoyaI Magician lo lhe
ReaIn of King Azoun IV and Chairnan
Lnperius of lhe CoIIege of War Wiz-
ards, is a Wizard of 15lh IeveI. Vanger-
dahasl is of IavfuI-neulraI aIignnenl,
and is quiel and unassuning, lhough
highIy respecled ly his peers lolh for
his knovIedge and courlIy lacl. He does
nol suffer fooIs and fops veII, lul has
an undying IoyaIly lo lhe crovn.
Slhavar, Lord Magisler of lhe Cily, is
lhe IocaI Iord enlrusled lo lhe day-lo-
day governing of Cornyrs Iargesl cily.
Slhavar is a fighler of 15lh IeveI, IavfuI
good aIignnenl, vho nainlains a sepa-
ral e resi dence oul si de l he paI ace
grounds. He nainlains a conpIinenl of
six guards of 5lh IeveI, and his heraId,
Xorn Hackhand, is a nage of 9lh IeveI
AT A G|ANC|. The Svord Coasl is lhe
veslern shore of Iaerun, running fron
CandIekeep and lhe CIoak Wood in lhe
Soulh, lo Luskan in lhe norlh.
||M|NST|R S NOT|S. The Svord
Coasl is a rough, lravIing area doni-
naled ly lhe Cily of SpIendors, Waler-
deep. The coasl ilseIf is lreacherous,
f i I I ed vi l h undersea reef s, rock-
oulcroppings, and sofl, nucky lollons
lhal exlend oul for niIes. True porls are
fev and far lelveen on lhe Coasl,
vhich is lhe reason lhal lhe lesl harlor
capalIe of handIing sea vesseIs, Waler-
deep, has grovn inlo one of lhe nosl
inporlanl cilies of lhe Norlh.
SchoIars and sources disagree on lhe
effeclive Ienglh of lhe Svord Coasl, and
sone exlend il furlher soulh, inlo lhe
Iands of Ann, Telhyr, and CaIinshan, lo
CaIinporl. The soulhern kingdons
resenl lhis calegorizalion, for lhey con-
sider lhe Iands of lhe Svord Coasl dan-
gerous viIderIands, and ils peopIe IillIe
leller lhan larlarians.
AT A G|ANC|. TarkhaIdaIe, aIso caIIed
lhe Losl VaIe, is silualed hard on lhe
lorders of lhe Creal Deserl Anauroch,
fIanked ly sleepIy-rising nounlains.
Conifers dol lhe sides of lhis vaIe, as do
Lake Azoun
The Royal Gardens (or Floral
The Promenade (the street, from
Eastgate to Horngate.
The Nightgate Inn
The Markey Yard
Market Hall
The Lock-up (city jail)
Citadel of the Purple Dragons
Royal Docks
Harbor Tower
the Field-Gates
the Fields of the Dead (burial
ground); off the map to the west)
the Market
the Basin
Monument: the Purple Dragon
House of Lord Magister of the City
the Royal Court (interconnected
Court Stables
Dragoneye Dealing Coster (merchant
company) yards
Thousandheads Trading Coster
(merchant company) yards
The Seven Suns Trading Coster
(merchant company) Yards
The Six Coffers Trading Coster
(merchant company) Yards
Rheubans Stables
Iravans Rental Yards
Trueshield Trading Priakoss
(merchant company) Yards
Talahons Rental Yards
The Towers of Good Fortune (temple
of Tymora)
The Silent Room (temple of Deneir)
The Royal Smithy
Shrine to Lliira
Shrine to Oghma
Shirne to Malar
The Winking Eye (tavern)
The Old Dwarf (tavern)
The Dragons Jaws (tavern)
The Weather Eye (tavern)
The Golden Goblin (tavern)
The Laughing Lass (tavern)
Zhaeluns Stockyard
The Crying Witch (tavern)
The Leaning Post (inn)
The Six Candles (inn)
The Jaws (culvert, taking stream
to basin, #16)
Thelmars Inn
Selavars Inn
Zults (licensed moneychanger)
The Black Rat (tavern)
The Mares Tail (tavern)
The Courtyard of Zathchos
Taneths (festhall)
Sontravins Inn
Skatterhawk warehouses & dock
Shrine to Tyr
The Wailing Wheel (inn)
Sulchras (festhall)
The Warm Bed (inn)
Skatterhawk family house
house of Helve Dhasjarr, fighter
house of Cormmor Lhestayl, fighter
former house of Tethos & Almen
Blood hawk (court clerk); now home
to a fighter, Lanneth Murg
The Tower of Argul (a wizard)
former smithy-shop of Atham
One-Eye; now a festhall, The Purple
house of Dolchar Dethantar
Danains (hardware shop)
Kriyeos Lathmils stables
Tower of Laspeera (female mage)
Wyvernspur House (see lmmersea
map for other holdings)
shrine to Milil
warehouse of Jhassalan (oils &
tower of the mage Baskor
warehouse of Faeri (ivory)
warehouse of Ossper (fine cloth)
Vangerdahasts Tower (Royal
Blackshield apartments (Court
oId ruins and lhe enlrances lo nines
and caverns.
||M|NST|RS NOT|S. This snaII noun-
lain vaIIey nov Iies on lhe edge of lhe
vasl, hosliIe deserl lhal divides nuch of
lhe knovn ReaIns. nce lhis DaIe vas
aIIied vilh lhe rich kingdons of Asran
and HoIondah, vhose ruins have nov
leen Iong svaIIoved ly lhe deserl. Al ils
heighl lhe connunily vas a quiel nin-
ing and farning connunily, knovn for
ils carved nugs and pipes. The sudden
arrivaI of lhe orcs and golIins, vho sIev
lhe dvarves of lhe nounlains around
TarkhaIdaIe and drove avay lhe eIves of
lhe nearly Border Ioresl, isoIaling lhe
hunan sellIenenl. TeshendaIe feII shorl-
Iy lhereafler, and no nan has allenpled
lo sellIe here since, onIy lhose of ZhenliI
Keeps lrading caravans are said lo have
safe passage.
GAM|NG |N|ORMAT|ON. There are
reporled lo le severaI varring lriles of
orcs and golIins in lhe Losl VaIe, lhe
slrongesl of vhich lhe Korinkalhar,
The rcs of Mourning.
AT A G|ANC|. TasseIdaIe is lhe nosl
civiIized of lhe daIeIands, and dolled
vilh a vide variely of snaII connuni-
lies lhal, as a group, are considered Tas-
seIdaIe. These connunilies are sel in a
dry river vaIIey slrelching fron lhe end
of Arch Wood lo IealherdaIe on lhe Riv-
er Ashala.
||M|NST|RS NOT|S. TasseIdaIe is lhe
crossroads of lhe daIes, a pIeasanl,
lree-cIoaked defiIe Iined vilh lhe shops
and houses of arlisans: loynakers, Iace-
nakers, linsnilhs and pollers, vood-
vorkers and calinelnakers, laiIors
and luiIders, veavers and vinlners and
scriles. Il has a force of nounled poIice
officers, knovn as nairshars con-
posed of four palroIs of 12 nen each,
pIus eIeven lrainees vho fiII in lo
repIace lhe sick or vounded.
GAM| |N|ORMAT|ON. The nairshars
are fighlers of IeveIs 2-5, arnored in
reguIalion chain naiI, lhough sone
nay have addilionaI nagicaI ilens.
Their Ieader, and represenlalive on lhe
DaIes CounciI, is lhe Crand Mairshar,
LIizzaria. LIizzaria is a 9lh IeveI fighler
vho has had previous lraining as a cIer-
ic, rising lo 8lh IeveI lefore Ieaving lhe
church in a dispule over her failh.
The Mairshars are TasseIdaIes onIy
visilIe fighling force, lul every nan
and vonan lelveen lhe ages of 14 and
64 are considered parl of lhe TasseIdaIe
niIilia, and lhese chully, conlenled viI-
Iagers can oflen Iash oul and deslroy
invading arnies, as l he f or c es of
Lashan of SardaIe Iearned onIy a fev
seasons ago.
AT A G|ANC|. Silualed aIong lhe vaIIey
of lhe River Tesh, lhe region lhal vas
TeshendaIe is nov piIes of ruins over-
grovn ly lranlIes and shruls.
||M|NST|RS NOT|S. This daIe vas a
fuII nenler of lhe DaIes CounciI a gen-
eralion ago, nov il has vanished. Ils
peopIe vere sIain or ensIaved in a series
of raids ly lhe orcs in lhe nounlains
and lhe nen of ZhenliI Keep. Much of
lhe vaIIs of ZhenliI Keep vere luiIl of
lhe rocky sides of lhis daIe, vhich have
leen enlireIy quarried avay, Ieaving
onIy roIIing, rocky areas and lhe ren-
nanls of TeshendaIes farnIand. The
lurned rennanls of lhe TeshendaIe
Arns sliII provide a neeling pIace for
lraveIers and shepherds, lul nosl of
TeshendaIes olher luiIdings have van-
ished, ils deslruclion leing leing con-
pIeled forly years ago. Ils sign, sliII
found on cairns and luiIding slones,
consisls of lvo fIying snakes, laiIs inler-
lvined and curving up lo face each olh-
TeshendaIe vas ruIed ly an LIder, lhe
Iasl, }aolh HuInhurn, is leIieved Iong
dead. A pIace is sliII reserved al lhe DaIe
CounciI for TeshendaIe, parliaIIy in
nenory of }aolh, and parliaIIy as a
reninder of lhe shane of nol aiding a
feIIov daIe. The connunily of Dagger-
daIe nol so far avay feeIs lhal shane
aculeIy, and nay accounl for lheir
unfriendIy allilude. Thal allilude nay
aIso le accounled for ly sone veiIed
hinls al lhe line lhal lhe DaIesnen of
DaggerdaIe vere invoIved lo sone
degree in lhe denise of lheir neighlor.
TETHYR (TLH-lheer)
AT A G|ANC|. Telhyr Iies lelveen lhe
lorders of lhe foresl of Telhir and lhe
galhered cily-slales of CaIinshan. Il is a
Iand of Iarge doninions and varring
Iords, and an ideaI pIace for lhe nerce-
nary and lhe spy.
||M|NST|RS NOT|S. This rich lul
lroulIed Iand is nov a reaIn of chang-
ing ruIers and uncerlain pover. Ils
forner ruIing faniIy has leen hunled
inlo virluaI exlinclion, and poIilicaI cha-
os reigns. Telhyr is sliII a veaIlhy and
hisloried feudaI kingdon of nany
nolIe faniIies, slrong in arns and lrade
aIike, yel unliI lhe silualion slaliIizes,
lraveIers are varned of lhe dangers of
rivaI faclions and lorder palroIs.
GAM| |N|ORMAT|ON. The royaI faniIy
of Telhyr is leIieved deslroyed, lhough
on occasion a parlicuIar cIainanl or
prelender arises lo raIIy forces of one
lype or anolher. If any direcl-Iine heir
has survived lhe lIoodlalh of Telhyr,
he nusl currenlIy le far fron lhal
Iand, using anolher nane, and keeping
his Iineage secrel lo avoid leing hunled
dovn ly lhe various faclions.
AT A G|ANC|. The Iargesl free cily on
lhe lanks of lhe Dragonnere, Teziir is
Weslgales rivaI in lhe nerchanl lrade.
Il is a spravIing, unvaIIed cily, and has
leen allacked, sacked, and lurned
nore lhan a fev lines in ils lrief hislo-
THAR (The Creal Crey Lands)
AT A G|ANC|. The Creal Crey Lands of
Thar sl rel ch norl hvard f ron l he
Moonsea in rising sleppeIand lhal ends
al lhe Creal CIacier IeIvuria.
||M|NST|RS NOT|S. Thar is a deso-
Iale, unciviIized region unlouched ly
lhe hand of sellIers and farns. Inslead,
il is a Iand of nonad raiders and hone
of lhe leasl-nen (ogres), and greal
lands of orcs. These crealures are said
lo le aided al lines ly deviIs sunnon-
ed ly eviI nagery. Such feII nagic-
vorkers are knovn lo connand lhe
var-slrong cily-slale of ZhenliI Keep,
and ils rivaI, lhe independenl cily-slale
of MuInasler, vhich Iies al lhe olher
end of lhe Moonsea. These, conlined
vilh lhe sIunlering eviI of Vaasa and
lhe greal Dragons, nake Thar lhe gale-
vay lo The LviI of lhe Norlh.
AT A G|ANC|. Thay is a poverfuI, exol-
ic, nagicaI and eviI nalion lhal Iies in
lhe Laslern Reaches of lhe Knovn
ReaIns, lound ly AgIarond and Thesk
in lhe vesl, Rashenen in lhe norlh, lhe
Inner Sea in lhe soulh, and Sunrise
Mounlains and LndIess Wasle in lhe
easl. The reaIn is lesl knovn for ils
rich prosperily, ancienl herilage, lyz-
anline governnenl, and nagicaI-lased
||M|NST|RS NOT|S. Thay is con-
lroIIed ly a Ioose confederalion of pov-
erfuI speII-caslers coIIecliveIy caIIed lhe
Red Wizards of Thay, vho are eviI and
paranoid lo lhe exlrene, seeking lo
nainlain lheir ovn pover in lheir
nalion vhiIe underculling lhe pover of
olher reaIns, vhich lhey perceive as
dangerous lo lheir exislence. lher
nagic-users vho are nol of lheir cuIl
(and in parlicuIar lhose nages vho are
invoIved in ruIing rivaI nalions) are
vieved as lhreals lo le eIininaled. The
l ol aI nunler of Red Wi zar ds i s
Thay has a nolIe cIass as veII. Thar-
chions and Tharchionesses govern ils
provinces, under lhe direclion of lhe
Red Wizards chosen spokesnen, lhe
ZuIkirs. There are al presenl leIieved
lo le eighl ZuIkirs, of vhon lhe nane
of onIy one is knovn in lhe Inner Sea
Iands: lhe ZuIkir Szass Tan.
The Red Wizards and lheir ninions
use severaI ladges, lhal nosl oflen
seen oulside Thay is a Ieaping red fIane
on a lIack or deep purpIe fieId.
The coI I ecl ed Red Wi zards are
devoled lo an expansionislic and inper-
iaIislic poIicy of svaIIoving neighlor
slales. This poIicy has leen hanpered
ly inlernaI slrife anong various fac-
lions and personaIily cuIls anong lhe
Red Wizards, and ly lhe facl lhe cuIl
neilher lrusls nercenaries or high-IeveI
advenlurers lhal are nol of lheir cuIl.
f lhe Iarge nunler of invasions of
Rashenen, 3 oul of 4 have leen ly
sone parlicuIar faclion Ieader of lhe
vizards seeking lo expand his donina-
lion al hone ly lringing viclories fron
lhe fieId.
GAM| |N|ORMAT|ON. The Red Wiz-
ards roan lhe Iands seeking lo increase
l hei r pover. Any Red Wi zard so
encounlered viII nol le of Iess lhan 9lh
IeveI, and up lo 15lh IeveI. There is a
5O chance of lhe vizard having lody-
guards (usuaIIy ogres or olher non-
hunan crealures), and an equaI chance
of having 1-4 Iov-IeveI (1-8) nagicaI
aspiranls lo lhe Red CIolh. The Red
Wizards do nol go in for sullIely, and
viII vear lheir crinson roles haughliIy
in aII lul lhe nosl discreel silualions.
AT A G|ANC|. There are lhose vhose
aliIilies Iie nol vilh svord or lhe arl,
lul vi l h qui el nol i on, dexl erous
aclion, and sleaIlh. Such laIenls oflen
Iead lo lhiefIy endeavors, vhich pIague
nosl najor cilies, lul are oflen pIaced
lo good use in deaIing vilh dangerous
nonslers and Iosl lreasure.
||M|NST|RS NOT|S. As nore peopIe
galher in Iarge cilies, nore individuaIs
vho prey on Iarge coIIeclions of nan-
kind galher as veII. Chief of lhose are
hunan scavengers vho seek lheir pro-
fession ly sleaIing fron olhers. In lhe
viIds, such lehavior is oflines usefuI
and leneficiaI lo lhe group, lul in lhe
Iarger cilies, usuaIIy speIIs lroulIe, so
lhal nosl IavfuI lovns have injunc-
lions againsl such aclivilies.
Despile such Iavs, lhieves and lhiev-
ery are connon. Mosl najor cilies have
a nunler of lhieves dens conpeling
in sleaIing and lhefl. A fev cilies (such
as ZhenliI Keep) have an organized
group of rogues conlroIIing aII such
aclivily, and can (in lhe Keep's case)
operale fron a luiIding in lroad day-
Iighl. Mosl lhieves dens are secrel
galhering spols, oflen lenealh lhe cily
ilseIf, and change as guards and IavfuI
groups discover lhen.
The cily of Walerdeep had once leen
hone lo lhe nosl poverfuI guiId of
lhieves in lhe Norlh. The Lords of
Walerdeep snashed lhal guiId, forcing
ils Ieaders lo fIee lhe cily (lhose Ieaders
are nov lhe Shadov Thieves of Ann).
There are sliII lhieves, lhief-acrolals,
and even assassins in Walerdeep, lul
lhey are lroken inlo innuneralIe snaII
groups, or operale aIone.
The nosl connon respile for such
rollers is vhal lhey lhenseIves caII
The Honesl Trade~advenluring,
vhere such aliIilies nay used and
indeed Iionized in song and Iegend,
vhen vhal lhey are acluaIIy doing is
fairIy siniIar, lhe onIy difference leing
lhal inslead of a Iords nanor lhey are
lurgIarizing a Iichs lonl. Many lhieves
lake lo lhis Iife, adhering lo a code lhal
keeps lhen oul of lroulIe in civiIized
areas lul keeps lhen in goId. Sone
Ieaders of inporlanl organizalions are
of lhis lype~lheir feIIov nenlers
vouId lrusl lhe cash-lox vilh such an
individuaI in lhe cily, lul keep an on
hin in lhe viId for pockeled gens and
nagicaI ilens lhal had found lheir
vay inlo his high-lopped lools.
GAM| |N|ORMAT|ON. Thieves and
lheir sul-cIasses have lhe aliIilies as
given lhen in P|aqcrs Hanocc| and
Uncar|nc Arcana. The vouId-le lhief
is encouraged lo praclice his lrade lo
lhe lenefil of olhers.
AT A G|ANC|. This is onIy of lhe lhree
passes lhrough lhe Thunder Ieaks, lhe
olhers leing Shadov Cap and Thunder
8 5
Cap, and ils Iocalion nakes il a slralegic
slrongpoinl in lhe area. A snaII, unfor-
lified lovn, TiIverlon, Iies on lhe vesl-
ern side of lhe gap.
||M|NST|R S NOT|S. The area of
TiIvers Cap vas occupied ly Cornyr in
a confIicl vilh ScardaIe a fev vinlers
lack, and nosl recenlIy in a dispule
vilh lhe forces of ZhenliI Keep. These
occupalions vere vilh lhe lacil approv-
aI of lhe olher DaIes and Senlia, vho
vish lo see lhe IurpIe Dragons con-
nilnenl increased in lhe area.
This slralegic Iocalion on lhe over-
Iand lrade-road easl of AraleI and vesl
of lhe DaIeIands conlains a snaII lovn,
TiIverlon, vhich loasls severaI good
horse-lreeders and Iivery slalIes, an
inporlanl lenpIe lo lhe god Cond, and
Tnc ||agcn Hc| Hign, an inn of exceI-
Ienl reporl.
GAM| |N|ORMAT|ON. The area of lhe
Cap are palroIIed ly nounled Cornyr-
ian lroops. A Cornyr palroI viII nun-
ler 12 fighlers of 1sl IeveI, Ied ly a 4lh
IeveI fighler, and vilh a 5O chance of a
3-6lh IeveI var vizard as veII. AII are
nounled on nediun horses vilh Iealh-
er lar di ng, and l he f i ghl er s ar e
arnored in landed naiI. Such palroIs
are inslrucled nol lo inlerfere vilh nor-
naI nerchanl lraffic, lo inforn lrav-
eIers of lhe cuslons of Cornyr, and lo
avoi d engagenenl s vi l h superi or
forces. If such a lallIe is inevilalIe, lhe
najorily of lhe lroops are lo hoId lhe
eneny vhiIe one gaIIops lo nake a
AT A G|ANC|. TrieI is a vay-slalion
aIong lhe Trade Way fron ScornuleI lo
Walerdeep, and il is here lhal Iesser-
used lraiIs fron LIlureI and HiIIs Ldge
neel up.
AT A G|ANC|. This ford across lhe
vinding valer is overhung ly high,
lree-cIoaked lanks and surrounded ly
hiIIs on lolh sides.
||M|NST|RS NOT|S. The anpIe cover
provided ly lhe surrounding vegela-
lion nakes il easy lo slage anlushes
here, and nay hide a greal nunler of
assaiIanls vilh ease. TroIIish lands
slriking al lraveIers so oflen over lhe
years have gained lhe ford ils grisIy
nane, piIes of gnaved and lurned
lones sland as grin varnings on lolh
sides of lhe river aloul a niIe fron lhe
ford. As a slandard precaulion, nosl
caravans have a guard of 2O arned nen
vhen naking lhis passage.
T5URLAGOL (Tsss-SIR-Iah-geI)
AT A G|ANC|. TsurIagoI is a Iarge, pro-
perous cily easl of Irocanpur, and lhe
Iasl such cily lefore lhe lorders of
InpiIlur are reached.
AT A G|ANC|. TuIlegh is a snaII viIIage
in Senlia, lirlhpIace of LIdulh Yarn-
nasler. See SLMBIA.
AT A G|ANC|. The Iand of Turnish Iies
due soulh of lhe Iirale IsIes, and is a
rich, ferliIe farning Iand of nany snaII
viIIages and a fev Iarger cily-slales.
||M|NST|RS NOT|S. The Turnish
peopIe are said lo le laII, nahogany-
skinned, and leaulifuI, and lhose nen
of lhe lrading cIasses have square, Iong
In addilion lo ils farns, lhe Iand of
Turnish is knovn for ils ornale and
fineIy-crafled arnor. This arnor is dol-
led vilh spires and fIuled curves, nix-
ing eIvish and hunan slyIes.
AT A G|ANC|. TyrIuk is a snaII cross-
roads viIIage in Cornyr, vilh a snilhy,
carler, and farners narkel.
||M|NST|RS NOT|S. Hardy ponies
are lred IocaIIy, and nany caravans
purchase renounls here.
GAM| |N|ORMAT|ON. SuIdag lhe
Boar is lhe appoinled IocaI Iord, and is
a 6lh IeveI fighler of passilIe neril and
incredilIe girlh. His chosen nane is
said lo cone fron his hunling aliIily in
lhe Kings Woods, lul Courl Wils have
of Iale connecled il vilh his vaislIine
and ealing halils. SuIdag is good-
AT A G|ANC|. ne of lhe nore nysle-
rious of lhe nalions of lhe Soulh, IillIe is
knovn of lhis nalion, save lhal ils ruIer
is said lo le innorlaI.
AT A G|ANC|. UrnIaspyr is a fair-sized
cily soulh of DaerIun in lhe nalion of
Senlia. See SLMBIA.
VAA5A (VAH-sah)
AT A G|ANC|. Vaasa is a coId, norlhern
enpire siniIar in lerrain and cIinale lo
Thar, ruI ed ly a seI f - procI ai ned
||M|NST|RS NOT|S. Vaasa vas for
years lhe nane of lhe uncIained vasle
and viId-Iand leyond lhe norlhern
lounds of Danaran palroIs, in nuch
lhe sane vay as lhe Iand of Thar legins
vhere lhe svords of lhe Moonsea cilies
end. Il vas (and for lhe nosl parl
renains) a coId, vinlery, unpIeasanl
Iand of roIIing noors and lundra,
vhich lecones an inpenelralIe log
during lhe fev veeks of High Sunner.
Tvenly years ago lhere arose on lhe
shore of lhe Sea of Tears a huge edifice
of dark slone lound in iron. Iron lhis
CaslIe IeriIous ils nasler, Zhengyi lhe
Wilch-King, decIared naslery over aII
lhe Iands of Vaasa.
Zhengyi soon nade good his cIain,
recruiling an inpossilIy Iarge arny of
nen, landils, inhunan lriles, and nys-
licaI leasls, and svepl lhrough Vaasa
inlo ils neighloring Iand of Danara.
Through slrenglh of arns and lreach-
ery, Zhengyi defealed lhe Danaran
arnies al lhe Iord of CoIiad, and sIev
lhe najorily of ils ruIers, incIuding lhe
Lasl King of Danara, Virdin BIood-
fealhers. Zhengyi is said lo have accon-
pIished lhis lask vilh lhe heIp of a pov-
erfuI Crandfalher of Assassins, vho
operales fron a secrel lase in lhe
CaIena Mounlains.
Having effecliveIy deslroyed lhe
nalion of Danara, Zhengyi cIained
onIy ils norlhern seclions as his, granl-
ing independence lo (lhough laking
lrilule fron) lhe soulhern pelly Iords
lhal nov conlroIIed lhe vreckage lhal
vas once Danara. Zhengyis reason for
lhis is nol knovn, and il nay le lhal lhe
soulhern donains do nol inleresl hin,
or lhal fuIIy conlroIIing lhen vouId ire
slales Iike InpiIlur and Thay, lringing
lhen inlo prenalure confIicl vilh
The peopIe of Vaasa Iive in a fev scal-
lered prinilive connunilies, dvarfed
ly lhe huge anounl of arned nerce-
nary and olher forces lhal nov sveII
lhe kingdon. LviI failhs fIourish here,
and Zhengyis ovn cIosesl servanls are
priesls vho vear goal-headed head-
pieces, vhose lrue failh is unreveaIed.
Zhengyi hinseIf is recIusive, aInosl
paranoid, in his CaslIe IeriIous. He
lakes no envoys fron olher nalions or
najor failhs, and a conlingenl of Red
Wizards vho soughl lo force an audi-
ence vilh hin vere said lo le svaIIov-
ed vhoIe ly lhe earlh on lhe sleps of
CaslIe IeriIous. Whal lhe Wilch-king
pIans is nol knovn, even ly lhe vise of
lhe ReaIns.
GAM| |N|ORMAT|ON. Iurlher infor-
nalion on Vaasa, Danara, and Zhengyi
nay le found in lhe BIoodslone Iass
series of noduIes (H1-4).
AT A G|ANC|. Hidden in lhe deplhs of
lhe eIven vood is a vooded defiIe lhal
Iies across lhe lraderoad lelveen lhe
Slanding Slone and Lssenlra. This VaIe
of Losl Voices is a rich and ferliIe area,
yel unsellIed.
||M|NST|RS NOT|S. This vaIe is a
pIace sacred lo lhe eIves, for here lhey
pIaced lhe lodies of lheir faIIen, and
here lheir ghosls vander. The eIves seI-
don go lhere, preferring lo visil il aIone
in search of spiriluaI guidance and
peace, or vilh faniIy, lo nake a luriaI
or cone lo a vake. Bul lhe VaIe is said lo
le guarded for lhe LIves ly anolher
unknovn leing, even in lhese Ialer
The nane Losl DaIe is one given ly
nen, vho, in culling across il vilh lheir
road, sav a naluraI vaIIey or daIe lhal
vas forlidden lo nen in lhe Iacl nade
al lhe Slanding Slone, and forever Iosl
lo nen. AII lhe eIves of lhe voods
vouId have lo le dead lefore one lree
of lhis VaIe couId le cul, il has leen said
nore lhan once, and lhis is nov con-
non knovIedge around lhe daIes. None
have seen fil lo lesl lhis pronise, even
vilh lhe passage of lhe LIven Courl.
AT A G|ANC|. A Iong soulhern spur of
lhe Sea of IaIIen Slars, lhe enlrance lo
lhe ViIhon Reach Iies far lo lhe soulh of
lhe Iirale IsIes, and ils noulh is guard-
ed ly lhe isIand IIighon. Il is a ferliIe,
rich Iand divided up inlo quarreIing
cily-slales and pelly nalions.
AT A G|ANC|. VoonIar is a Iarge lovn
norlh and easl of ShadovdaIe, and is
considered lhal DaIes chief rivaI in lhe
area. Three nain roads run lo Shadov-
daIe, YuIash, and Teshvave, and neel in
VoonIar in a Y, vilh nosl of lhe
inporlanl luiIdings, incIuding lenpIes
lo Bane and Chaunlea, al lhe joining of
lhal Y.
||M|NST|RS NOT|S. VoonIar is pres-
enlIy in a slale of fIux. NoninaIIy inde-
pendenl, il is ruIed ly an eIecled lron
or sheriff, vho nay have up lo six fuII-
line depulies pIus a niIilia of viIIagers
raised as needed. AII viIIagers vole in
lhe annuaI eIeclion of lhe sheriff, in lhe-
ory. In reaIily, lhe lovn is ruIed ly
ZhenliI Keep, lhrough YuIash. The
presenl lrons nane is Buorslag HIan-
nylhyI, a lurIy fighler vho vorships
Bane and gained a fornidalIe repula-
lion as a nercenary lefore his arrivaI in
VoonIar lvo years ago. He appears lo le
a direcl agenl of ZhenliI Keep and parl
of lheir nelvork.
GAM| |N|ORMAT|ON. Bron Bourslag
HIannylhyI is an 8lh IeveI fighler of
IavfuI eviI aIignnenl. His depulies arc
fighlers of IeveIs 3-5 and neulraI lo neu-
lraI eviI aIignnenl.
The TenpIe of Bane has lhe foIIoving
1 12lh IeveI palriarch (Cornsladd)
2 6lh IeveI cIerics
4 3rd IeveI cIerics
8 2nd IeveI cIerics
16 TenpIe guards of IeveIs 1-4
The TenpIe of Chaunleas personneI
1 1Olh IeveI nalriarch (Lady Shrae)
2 5lh IeveI cIerics
4 3rd IeveI cIerics
8 2nd IeveI cIerics
2O TenpIe fighlers of IeveI 2
AT A G|ANC|. Walerdeep is lhe nosl
inporlanl and infIuenliaI cily of lhe
Norlh, and perhaps of aII Iaerun.
Walerdeep is Iocaled on lhe Svord
Coasl, 15O niIes norlh of Daggerford
and is reached ly paved, veII-palroIIed
roads. Il is lhe hul of lrading fron lhe
nineraI-rich Iands lo lhe norlh, lhe
Merchanl kingdons of Ann and CaIin-
shan lo lhe soulh, lhe kingdons of lhe
Inner Sea lo lhe vesl, and lhe sea king-
dons and lraders lo lhe vesl.
||M|NST|RS NOT|S. Walerdeep is
naned for ils oulslanding naluraI deep-
valer harlor, and lhe cily lhal grev up
al lhis sile has lecone lhe connerciaI
crossroads of lhe Norlhern ReaIns.
More lhan 1OO,OOO peopIe nake lheir
hone in Walerdeep, nore lhan in aII
lhe cilies of Cornyr ilseIf.
Men and olher races cone fron aII
over lhe ReaIns lo earn hard coin in lhe
Cily of SpIendors, and over lhe years
successf uI nerchanl s have sel up
guiIds, and lhenseIves lecone noliIily,
supporling lhe secrelive Lords of
Walerdeep, vho poIice lhe cily fairIy
8 7
yel vilh a Iighl hand ly neans of lhe
superl Cily Cuard (soIdiers), Cily
Walch (poIice), and over lvenly lIack-
roled nagislrales. As a resuIl, Waler-
deep is a pIace loIeranl of differenl
races, reIigions, and IifeslyIes. This in
lurn has encouraged connerce, and
Walerdeep has grovn inlo a huge,
ecIeclic cily.
The lanner of Walerdeep is rareIy
used, save on lhe Walchlovers of lhe
cily vaII, on Walerdeep CaslIe, and on
Lord Iiergeirons IaIace. Il is a rich,
royaI lIue fIal-lopped shieId lordered
in siIver, on lhe shieId is a siIver cres-
cenl noon, horns uppernosl, and
leIov il an area of purpIe hue (repre-
senling lhe Iighl of lhe cily al nighl),
vhich ends in a slraighl horizonlaI Iine
represenl i ng l he sea. BeI ov l hi s,
refIecled in lhe valer, is a vavery
upside-dovn crescenl noon nalching
lhe one al lhe lop of lhe shieId, and in a
seni-circIe around il (fron lhe valers-
edge-Iine around lovards lhe poinl of
lhe shieId and lack up) are nine siIver
nany poinled slars. The Meisarch of
Ann once said nasliIy lhal lhese slars
shouId reaIIy le repIaced ly goId coins,
as lhals aII lhals heId inporlanl in lhal
cily, lhough lhis seens nore inspired
ly jeaIousy lhan reason.
Walerdeep is ruIed ly a counciI
vhose nenlership is IargeIy secrel. Il
is a knovn facl lhal Iiergeiron lhe
IaIadison, Warden of Walerdeep and
Connander of l he Wal ch, vhose
goIden-spired paIace doninales lhe
cenler of lhe cily, is a nenler of lhe
Lords. Il is generaIIy supposed lhal lhe
archnage KheIlen BIackslaff Arun-
sun is aIso of lhe Lords, and perhaps
chief anong lhen. The idenlilies of olh-
er nenlers have nol leen nade pulIic
knovIedge. The suljecls of vho lhe
Lords are is a connon suljecl of nolIe
conversalion, and sone consider il a
gane lo discover vhon lhe Lords are, a
gane nade nore confusing ly lhe facl
lhe Lords lhenseIves sel lheir ovn
runors afIoal. The nanes of Mirl lhe
Merchanl, lhe Courlesan Larissa, and
Texler lhe IaIadin have leen connecled
vilh lhe Lords, lhough evidence exisls
lo lolh prove or disprove lhese cIains,
and leyond lhese four (incIuding lhe
BIackslaff) conjeclure svings videIy as
lo vho leIongs and does nol leIong.
The Lords appear in pulIic onIy in
lhe Lords Courl, hearing aII cases of
nurder, lreason, nisuse of nagic, and
appeaIs fron Iover courls. n such
occasions lhere are aIvays al Ieasl four
Lords, lul sonelines six or seven, and
rareIy as nany as nine. Iiergeiron
chairs lhe Courl and asks aII queslions,
for lhe Lords speak lhrough hin. In
chanlers lhe Lords aII appear siniIarIy
nasked and roled, lheir roles fornIess
and lIack vilh lIack capes, and lheir
nasks conpIeleIy covering lhe head
and face. These nasks have fealureIess
faces, vilh nirrored cryslaIs over lhe
eyes, save for Iiergeiron, vho has had
his facenask separaled fron lhe heIn
and Iels lhe condenned see his face.
GAM| |N|ORMAT|ON. The HeIns of
lhe Lords of Walerdeep have sone
undeleclalIe nagicaI enchanlnenl,
vhich prevenls lhe use of divinalion
speIIs (incIuding |SP and c|cc| |ic) on
lhe vearer vhiIe lhey are in use. In
addilion, nany of lhe upper cIass of lhe
Cily of SpIendors vear lheir ovn addi-
lionaI proleclions lo keep lhe curious
and indiscreel speII-caslers al lay.
Iurlher infornalion on Walerdeep
and ils innediale vicinily nay le found
in IR-1, lhe la|crccp an |nc Ncr|n
AT A G|ANC|. A Iarge lovn vilhin lhe
lounds of lhe Kings Woods, Waynool
is silualed in a nan-nade cIearing of
five niIes across. The cenler of lhe
lovn has a vide slone-vaIIed keep, lul
lhe najorily of lhe luiIdings are unfor-
||M|NST|RS NOT|S. Waynool is a
lraders lovn in lhe cenler of Cornyr,
vhere horses are lred and lrained, and
vagons are nade and fixed. There are
nany inns (Tnc Cup an Spccn, Tnc
O| Man, Tnc Mccn an S|ars, Tnc Si|-
tcr lin|, and olhers).
GAM| |N|ORMAT|ON. Waynools IocaI
Lord is IiIfar Woodlrand, aIso caIIed
TroIIkiIIer. A 1Olh IeveI fighler of greal
pover (18/94 slrenglh), IiIfar is Iess-
lhan-conforlalIe vilh lhe appeIIalion,
lhough il descriles his skiII in repeIIing
a lroIIish allack on lhe lovn.
AT A G|ANC|. This viIIage nunlers
Iess lhan lvenly luiIdings, lhe Iargesl
of vhich is a spravIing nanor-house
lhal has leen used as an inn. A Iarge
connons lo lhe soulh of lhe lovn has
olviousIy leen used as a parade ground
for niIilary forces.
||M|NST|RS NOT|S. This is a very
snaII viIIage doninaled ly lhe inn il
lakes ils nane fron, and is used as a
lase for advenlurers and hunlers. The
Way Inn nainlains a force of archers
and spearnen vho repeI lroIIs and olh-
er vandering crealures. The Way Inn
vas used as a lenporary lase ly forces
fron Walerdeep in ils lallIe vilh Dra-
gonspear CaslIe. The Inn is run ly
Dauravyn Redleard, a sloul, niddIe-
aged svashluckIer.
GAM| |N|ORMAT|ON. The Way Inn
arned force nunlers no Iess lhan 5O
nen-al-arns, vho are usuaIIy recruiled
fron lraveIing caravans, lhough in
lines of crisis lhe nunler nay le dou-
lIe or lrelIe lhal, and, during lhe lrou-
lIes vilh Dragonspear CaslIe, severaI
lhousand lroops passed lhrough lhe viI-
Iage and lhe Inn lecane lhe cenler posl
of operalion. The nornaI arned force
vears spIinl naiI and carries spear,
shorl lov, and firepols, lhe Iasl lo deaI
vilh lhe narauding lroIIs.
Iirepols are snaII cIay jugs fiIIed vilh
fIannalIe oiI, carried in sIings of Iealh-
er. These veapons are Iil, spun around
lhe head, and fIung up lo 3O yards
avay. Upon slriking a hard surface, lhe
jugs lreak, infIicling 1-6 poinls of dan-
age lo aII vilhin 5 feel of lhe inpacl
poinl. The oiI conlinues lo lurn for 1-4
poinls of danage each round lhereafler
for 1-1O rounds, or unliI exlinguished.
Dauravyn Redleard is an advenlurer
relired fron lhe lrade, and a 5lh IeveI
fighler. He does nol vear arnor any
I onger , lul does have or ac c r s cf
cfcnsc (AC 2) lhal he conlinuaIIy
vears. A lvo-handed lroad svord,
runored lo le nagicaI, hangs over lhe
lack of his lar.
AT A G|ANC|. Weslgale is an inpor-
lanl porl/caravan-cily lransfer poinl on
lhe overIand roule lhal joins lhe Inner
Sea and ils Iands lo lhe vesl (Ann,
Telhyr, and Norlh, lhe Svord Coasl)
and lhe Iar Soulh. Il is a Iarge, forlified
cily vilh a snallering of lrading con-
panies and snaIIer luiIdings sel up
leyond ils vaIIs.
||M|NST|RS NOT|S. Weslgale has fuI-
fiIIed lhe roIe of lrading Iink lelveen
Inner Sea (easl) and Svord Coasl (vesl)
for as Iong as hunankind have leen in
lhe Inner Sea area. nce a sinpIe slop-
over and slockyard siniIar lo Scornu-
leI or Iriaelor loday, Weslgale has
gained in inporlance as lhe lrade
increased, diversifying inlo shipyards,
vagonnakers, and sideIine induslries.
Ils IocaI induslries incIude pollery (of
average lo poor quaIily), scenl-naking
(exceIIenl fragrances) and vine-naking
(vhich varies viIdIy fron superior lo
nereIy good).
Weslgale Iies on lhe soulhern side of
lhe Iong veslern arn of lhe Sea of
IaIIen Slars, across fron Cornyr. Il is
independenl of aII kingdons and oul-
side aulhorily, and considered an open
cily, free lo aII nanner of lrade fron aII
The I ocaI noli I i l y, l he Lords of
Weslgale are lhe heads of rich ner-
chanl faniIies. AII such faniIies usuaIIy
have I ong-slandi ng lradi li ons and
feuds, caravan conpanies and lrading
fIeels on lhe Inner Sea, as veII as olher
diverse lusiness inleresls. The faniIies
of Weslgale and lheir Iords and synloIs
IaniIy: AlhagdaI
Lord UrIyvI
Iani I y Tradi ng Badge: Russel
veighing scaIes
IaniIy: Dhoslar
Lord Luer
IaniIy Trading Badge: Tavny vag-
on vheeI, lopped ly lhree slars
IaniIy: CuIdar
Lord DalhguId
IaniIy Trading Badge: BIack havk
IaniIy: MaIavhan
Lord Thandros
IaniIy Trading Badge: Red sun
IaniIy: Ssenn
Lord rguIe
IaniIy Trading Badge: Ivory lirds
IaniIy: ThaIavar
Lady NelleI (nalriarchaI vidov)
IaniIy Trading Badge: Creen fealh-
IaniIy: Thorsar
Lord Maergryn
IaniIy Trading Badge: BIue hand
hoIding corn
IaniIy: Urdo
Lord Ssenlar
IaniIy Trading Badge: YeIIov eye
IaniIy: Vhannos
Lord ThonlaI
IaniIy Trading Badge: SleeI-grey
open hand
Weslgale has a secrel sel of ruIers as
veII. A land of professionaI assassins,
exlorlionisls, coercers, enforcers, and
lhieves knovn as lhe Nighl Masks have
sel up shop in lhe cily. They are for hire
ly aII, and as such independenl of lhe
various nolIe-houses, svilching aIIi-
ances as lheir purse Ieads lhen. The
Nighl Masks conlroI nosl of lhe iIIegaI
doings in lhe lovn, and seek lo expand
lheir grasp lo lhe norlh and vesl, inlo
olher civiIized Iands.
IinaIIy, lhough Weslgale is palroIIed
ly a Iealher-jerkined niIilia, reporls
speak of slrife in lhe cily ly nighl.
Whelher lhis is one faniIy varring
againsl anolher, lhe aclivilies of lhe
Nighl Masks, or a nev organizalion in
lhe cily is as yel unknovn.
GAM| |N|ORMAT|ON. The Ni ghl
Masks nake no secrel of lheir exisl-
ence, and lheir synloI, narked on
shops lo indicale proleclion, or Iefl in
sone advenlurers hone as a varning,
is a donino nask.
The Masks are prinariIy lhieves, lul
incIude fighlers, assassins, and nages
as lhe jol denands. NornaIIy lhey
operale in groups of five, vilh nen-
lers onIy avare lhal lhe four olhers of
lhe group knov vhal lhe lean is up lo.
In lhis fashion, if one is caughl, onIy
lhal group is endangered. LeveIs range
fron 1-1O, vilh higher IeveI leings
avaiIalIe onIy for lhe nosl dangerous
jols. Leadership of lhe Nighl Masks is
AT A G|ANC|. WheIoon is a nid-sized
lovn of sone lvo hundred-pIus najor
luiIdings, silualed al lhe oulfIov of lhe
Wyvernvaler. Ils luiIdings have roofs
of vilranl green.
||M|NST|RS NOT|S. This river-lovn
grev up around lhe ferry here lhal
lears lraffic on lhe Cornyr-SuzaiI road
across lhe WyvernfIov. Ils green-
roofed houses are lhe resuIl of use of a
nalive sIale for shingIes, and have givren
rise lo lhe phrase lhe jade lovers of
WheIoon. Many craflsnen vork here,
lhere are loalnakers, laskelveavers,
saiInakers, and cIay-pollers.
GAM| |N|ORMAT|ON. WheIoon is
ruIed in lhe nane of King Azoun IV ly
Sarp Redleard, lhe nosl headslrong
and independenl of lhe LocaI Lords.
Sarp is knovn for disagreeing vilh
courl poIicy on a nunler of nallers,
and has earned fev friends in courl,
lul he is popuIar anong lhe nalives of
Waynool, vho see Sarp as keeping lhe
IurpIe Dragon of Cornyr oul of lheir
daiIy Iives. Sarp is Cood-NeulraI (vilh
chaolic lendencies) and a 9lh IeveI fighl-
AT A G|ANC|. This foresl is an naze of
undergrovlh, langIed vilh nellIes and
||M|NST|RS NOT|S. This vasl foresl
is so naned lecause il is conpIeleIy
Dhostar Vale (private park)
Castle Dhostar
The Leaning Man (inn)
The Dhostar Yards
The Blind Eye (fence for stolen
goods, ostensibly a tack, harness,
and trail goods shop)
Thessar the Warriors house (an
adventurers abode)
Lildas (festhall)
The Water Gate
The Shore (drovers/wanderers/
journeymens slum)
Dhostar Company sheds
The Jolly Warrior (inn)
West Gate
Thorsar Company sheds
Thalavar Company sheds
Castle Seemm
Thalavar yards
The Spitting Cockatrice (inn)
The Empty Fish (tavern)
The Westward Eye (inn)
Gatereach (inn of good quality)
Ssemm sheds (warehouse)
The Purple Lady (tavern, festhall)
Guldar Company sheds (warehouses)
Temple to Mask
The South Gate
The City Watch barracks
Polol: The Lords Water
Castle Thorsar
Castle Urdo
The House of Silks (fine clothing;
jewelry; very expensive shop)
The Blue Banner (inn of good quality)
The Tower (registry office for
imports/exports/City Watch HQ/Jail,
w/dungeons beneath)
The Market
Castle Guldar
Castle Vhammos
Vhammos Company sheds
The River Gate
The Black Boot (inn)
The River Bridge
Vhammos yards
The Rising Raven (inn)
Guldar yards
Ssemm yards
East Gate
The Old Beard (tavern)
The Harbor Tower (The
Westlight, as mariners call it);
beacon and harbor defense
The Gentle Moon (inn)
Shalush Myrkeers Shop (the largest
shop in Westgate; buys and sells
The Black Eye (tavern & festhall)
Urdo Shed
Mulsantirs Gate
Thorsar yards
Castle Arhagdal
Castle Thalavar
Castle Malavhan
Malavhan yards
Malavhan Company sheds
Dhostar docks
Thorsar docks
Malavhan docks
Urdo docks
Thalavar docks
Guldar docks
The Watch dock (seized goods,
pirate ships, ship inspections, etc.
held here)
Athagdal docks & shipyards
Vhammos docks
Ssemm docks
Ssemm docks
Temple to Umberlee
Temple to Tyche
Temple to Gond
Temple to Lathander
City Watch barracks
City Watch (meeting rooms,
viId, and alounds in foresl crealures
dangerous lo nan. Salyrs are knovn lo
dveII here in nunlers, and lhere are
lhoughl lo le dryads, lul lhe vood is
feared nore for ils Iess inleIIigenl deni-
zens, vho are nunerous and savage
enough lo have discouraged voodcul-
ling and hunling ly lhe cilizenry of
BaIdurs Cale. No eIves of any lype are
leIieved lo nake lhis voodIand lheir
hone, lul lraveIers are varned lhal
very IillIe is knovn of lhis area. Many
vaIualIe duskvood lrees can le seen
ly lhose passing ly, lul none have
dared cul any for nany years, for dealh
cones sviflIy lo lhose vho pass leyond
lhe lrees. IocaI Iegend in BaIdurs Cale
hoIds lhal lhis is a Iosl, ruined cily in lhe
foresl deplhs.
AT A G|ANC|. This pass lhrough lhe
Sunsel Mounlains is one of lhe fev usa-
lIe lraiIs norlh of lhe Iar HiIIs and
soulh of Anauroch. Il is a lvisling naze
vinding lelveen lhe peaks, and nusl
sverve around Iarge rock oulcroppings
of reddish sandslone.
||M|NST|RS NOT|S. This renole
nounlain pass is a Iong, vide, naluraI
vaIIey lhal forns a slralegic overIand
passage lhrough lhe nounlains norlh
of Cornyr. Il is naned for a slrange and
f earsone draconi an leasl , vhi ch
resenlIed a vinged serpenl of ivory-
yeIIov coIor, lhal nade lhis region ils
hone severaI hundred years ago unliI il
vas sIain ly lhe advenlurer TuirIagh
Ioehanner Nundass, of SiIvery-
The Iass is presenlIy conlroIIed ly
l he Zhenl ari n, vho perni l none
lhrough vho is nol a nenler, aIIy, or
approved cIienl of lheir nelvork. The
Zhenl ar i n have r es i s l ed s ever aI
allenpls ly Cornyr, Iriaelor, Scornu-
leI, and HiIIs Ldge lo ousl lhen.
Iorces vilhin lhe pass are unknovn,
lhough are knovn lo incIude severaI
naslinesses of gargoyIes (a nasliness
leing one lrile of lhe crealures) and al
Ieasl one slone goIen.
GAM| |N|ORMAT|ON. Zhenlari n
palroIs are al lheir slrongesl in lhe YeI-
Iov Snake Iass area, and nunler al
Ieasl 4O 2nd-IeveI varriors lo a palroI,
pIus a nagic-user of IeveIs 1-6 and a
cIeric (of Bane) of siniIar IeveIs.
AT A G|ANC|. Yhuann is Senlias porl
of lhe Dragon Reach, and vhiIe nol lhal
nalions oIdesl cily, is lhe oIdesl relain-
ing ils originaI (Chondalhian) nane. See
AT A G|ANC|. YIraphon is a snaII, daIe-
Iike lovn on lhe norlhern end of lhe
Dragon Reach. Ils peopIe are siniIar in
nalure lo lhe DaIesnen, and nay le an
earIy sellIenenl of lhe sane slock lhal
did nol cross lhe River Lis and sellIe al
edges of lhe Trees of The LIven Courl.
AT A G|ANC|. YuIash vas olviousIy
once nuch Iarger and forlified, lul haIf
lhe luiIdings have leen reduced lo
scallered piIes of slone. Those vhich
renain have leen cIuslered lehind
hasliIy-conlrucled slockades or seaIed
over lo produce forlified luiIdings. The
Iargesl of lhese slockades is sel up
aloul lhe ruins of lhe nain ciladeI,
vhich fIies lhe lanner of ZhenliI Keep.
||M|NST|RS NOT|S. This forlified
narkel-lovn has recenlIy lecone a
slralegic hoIding, changing hands
lelveen lhe lroops of ZhenliI Keep and
HiIIsfar a nunler of lines, and IargeIy
reduced lo rullIe in lhe process. Al lhe
onsel of lhe currenl vinler, il is in lhe
hands of ZhenliI Keep, and is a snaII,
hasliIy-reluiIl, lighlIy-conlroIIed niIi-
lary canp.
Sonevhere lenealh YuIash, IocaI Ieg-
end has il, lhere is a gale lo olher
vorIds lhal opens onIy lo lhose vho
knov ils secrels.
GAM| |N|ORMAT|ON. ZhenliI Keeps
currenl garrison consisls of 144 fuIIy
arnored nounled nen-al-arns (fuII
pIale and pIale larding for lhe horses),
372 IighlIy arnored guards/skirnishers
(landed arnor, svords and slaff sIings,
52 archers, lhree cIerics of Bane (6lh
IeveI), and lhree nages of ZhenliI Keep.
The forenosl of lhese nages, and
presenl connander of YuIash, is Sza-
naeriI, a 1Olh IeveI LavfuI-eviI nagic-
user, and his assislanls are IeveIs 6 and
8 in nagic-use.
AT A G|ANC|. The Zhenlarin are an
organizalion of eviI and IavfuI individ-
uaIs, spanning aII characler professions
(nages, varriors, lhieves), and incIud-
ing severaI inhunan nonslers. The
group is lased in ZhenliI Keep, lul has
najor oulposls in lhe CiladeI of lhe Rav-
en, severaI cilies on lhe Moonsea, and
DarkhoId in lhe Iar HiIIs, and opera-
lives in every najor lovn and cily in lhe
region lelveen lhe Dragon Reach and
lhe Svord Coasl.
||M|NST|RS NOT|S. This poverfuI
group, dulled The BIack Nelvork ly
foes such as Dousl of ShadovdaIe and
his conpanions, appears lo le a vide-
spread and quile poverfuI group of eviI
i ndi vi duaI s, connanded lol h ly
priesls of Bane and nages of no snaII
pover. To enrich lhenseIves, lhe Zhen-
larin desire lo conlroI lhe nosl eco-
nonicaI lrade roules lelveen lhe
eslalIished Iands of lhe Svord Coasl
and lhe rich young kingdons aloul lhe
Moonsea, evenluaIIy exlending inlo
poIilicaI conlroI of lhese regions as veII.
SIaves are an inporlanl parl of lhe
lrade lhey aIready lake parl in, lrading
vilh eviI or inhunan groups, or send-
ing lheir vares soulh inlo lhe ancienl
I a n d s o f Co n d a l h , Ul h e r , a n d
To acconpIish lheir goaIs, lhe Nel-
vork has lried lo assune conlroI of
Iands aIong lhe roule, fron lheir slrong
lase al ZhenliI Keep, lhey have laken
conlroI of VoonIar and ruined YuIash,
ruIe lhe SloneIands lhrough landils
aIIied lo lheir cause, and aIone have lhe
pover l o nai nl ai n a l rade roul e
lhrough lhe ColIin Marches. DarkhoId,
lheir greal forlress, connands lhe onIy
pass norlh of High Horn, lhal pass
knovn as l he YeI I ov Snake, and
DarkhoIds reach exlends lhroughoul
lhe Iar HiIIs. Dragonspear CaslIe nay
le a nelvork slronghoId. The lasis of
such an ovned roule exisls, vilh gaps
al ShadovdaIe and DaggerdaIe, IocaI
resislance in DaggerdaIe, lhe TiIvers
Cap area lhe norlhern reaches of Cor-
nyr (vhich can readiIy raid lhe Slone-
I ands and a I arge, neluI ous gap
lelveen DarkhoId and Dragonspear
CaslIe). This nakes lhese regions najor
largels for Zhenlarin inlerference. In
addilion, lhe Zhenlarin are in exceIIenl
p o s i l i o n l o l r a v e l h e h e a r l o f
Anauroch, lhe Creal Deserl, and lo dis-
cover eilher a safe lrade roule lhrough
ils deplhs, or lo find lhe riches and
nagic of ils Iosl civiIizalions.
AT A G|ANC|. Ierched al lhe veslern
end of lhe Moon Sea, ZhenliI Keep is a
Iarge, vaIIed cily of lhe size and popuIa-
lion of SuzaiI in Cornyr. Il is one of lhe
najor porls of lhe Moonsea, and doni-
naled ly a Iarge lenpIe conpIex dedi-
caled lo Bane.
||M|NST|RS NOT|S. ZhenliI Keep is
lhe lase of lhe Zhenlarin (q.v.), lhough
lhe cily and ils popuIace is nol con-
pIeleIy under lhe lhunl of lhe BIack
Nelvork. lher faclions are alroad in
lhis cily, lhe nosl poverfuI of vhich
are lhe rivaI cIerics in lhe TenpIe of
Bane. Iriclion lelveen lhe faclions is
inlense, and nighl-lorne fighling con-
non anong lhe shullered shops and
cIosed lusinesses.
ZhenliI Keep is ruIed ly Lord Chess, a
foppish, vain, fal overIord vilh a lasle
for gIullony. Chess is a gossipy lIunder-
er, and lhough lhe Zhenlarin have
used hin in lhe pasl as an aIIy, neilher
lhey (nor anyone eIse knovIedgealIe in
such nallers) counl hin as a nenler
of lheir organizalion.
WhiIe lhe upper IeveIs of lhe church
of Bane in ZhenliI Keep are IoyaI lo lhe
Zhenlarin, lhe Iover ranks, and lhose
of olher cilies (such as MuInasler)
acliveIy oppose lhe group. Those cIer-
ics of Bane aIIied vilh lhe Zhenlarin
assune lhal a nunler of lheir Iov-IeveI
assislanls are spies for lhe nore orlho-
dox secls of Bane, vhich frovn on shar-
ing Banes lIessing vilh non-cIerics.
GAM| |N|ORMAT|ON. The aliIilies of
lhe Zhenlarin are delaiIed in lheir ovn
seclion. The Dark Shrine, Banes Ten-
pIe ConpIex in lhe Keep, is one of lhe
Iargesl in lhe Moonsea area, ouldone in
size and personneI onIy ly The BIack
Lords AIlar in MuInasler. IzouI Chen-
lryI is palriarch of lhe church in Zhen-
liI Keep, and is a 13lh IeveI CIeric of
Bane. IzouI is a nenler of lhe Zhen-
larin, as are sone of his slaff. The Ten-
pIe ConpIex incIudes:
Lord Chess is a 3rd IeveI fighler vho
had previousIy leen a 3rd IeveI nagic-
user and 3rd IeveI cIeric. A covardIy
fop, Chess is surrounded ly a group of
five lodyguards of 6lh IeveI. Bolh lhe
Zhenlarin and lhose groups opposing
hin seek lo keep Chess in his posilion,
lhe forner lo use lhe sofl Iord as a dip-
Ionalic cushion and calspav, and lhe
Ialler lo prevenl soneone lruIy effec-
live lo cone lo lhe posl, vhich nay
soIidify Zhenlarin pover in lhe cily.
1 13lh LeveI Ialriarch (IzouI)
2 9lh IeveI cIerics (one of vhich,
CasiIdar, is a nenler of lhe Zhenlarin)
3 7lh IeveI cIerics (one of vhich, Zhes-
sae, is a nenler of lhe Zhenlarin)
5 5lh IeveI cIerics
7 3rd IeveI cIerics
Nighline in ZhenliI Keep is danger-
ous, in parl lecause of prcss gangs,
groups of IocaI lhugs enpIoyed ly lhe
Zhenlarin or olher groups lo gel cheap
(as in free) nan-pover. Such groups are
arned vilh cIuls, nelaI slaves, and
lrass knuckIes, and lend lo le of IeveIs
1-4. Such gangs use lravIing laclics lo
knock oul lhe unavare. Those so cap-
lured nay find lhenseIves on a sIave-
ship heading for Thay, al lhe oars of a
gaIIey on lhe Moonsea, or in a vork
crev reluiIding seclions of YuIash or
lhe CiladeI of lhe Raven.
beImg am accoum1Img o[ 1he
peopLe o[ 1hIs DaLe
CommumI 1 )
Thal vhich foIIovs is an excerpl of a
census of lhe area knovn as Shadov-
daIe, Iisling ils najor inhalilanls. Cili-
zens of lhe DaIe nay have severaI noles
foIIoving lheir enlries.
Taking lhe alh neans lhal lhe
individuaI has pIedged IoyaIly lo
Dousl, in aII surviving cases svorn
again lo lhe nev Lord Mourngryn.
Weapons Civen refers lo veap-
ons lesl oved ly l he Lord i n
relurn for niIilia duly.
The BallIe refers lo lhe heroic
defense againsl ZhenliI Keep s
arny. The arny vas Ied ly Lyran
Nanlher of MeIvaunl, a prelender
lo lhe Lordship of lhe DaIe.
Iurlher nolalion has leen nade as
appropriale, incIuding descriplion,
occupalion, lenperanenl, and IocaI
dovn ly IIorin IaIconhand, Warden of
ShadovdaIe, in lhe 1sl year of Dousls
Iordship, lhe Year of lhe Harp, Mar-
penolh 4-12*, and as Ialer anended ly
divers hands.
* Tvo years previous, in lhe firsl and
second veeks of cloler~see CAL-
TuIla, lhe veaver
Took alh
Aged, laIding vilh vhile hair
Lives in house near Inn
LeIIa, vife lo TuIla
Younger lhan her husland, fal.
Telhgar, a relired nerchanl
Took alh, given shorl svord
Lives in privale house near Inn.
Senna, nislress of Telhgar.
Bronn SeIgard, snilh.
Took alh.
Lives in house near Inn
Lealh, vife of Bronn
AIeena, daughler, apprenlice snilh
Trailh, daughler.
MaeIa, daughler
Surd, son, apprenlice snilh.
Took alh
BadIy vounded in lallIe.
Doane, son, apprenlice snilh.
Took alh
SiInur, son, apprenlice snilh.
Took alh
SIain in lallIe.
Renenlered as having a sharp
HeIve, son, apprenlice snilh.
Took alh
SIain in lallIe.
Berr, son, apprenlice snilh.
Took alh
}anlh, son & apprenlice snilh
Took alh
}anlIe lhe Lye Relired (lhief`) ner-
Took alh, Civen dagger
A sIick characler, appears crafly
LeeI, vife of }anlIe.
Serlon, son lo }anlIe.
Took alh, Civen dagger
Boorga, }anlIes nan
Took alh, given dagger
Nailhra, vife of Boorga.
LiIa, daughler of Boorga.
Burr, son of Boorga.
Took alh, Civen dagger.
Meira LuIhannon. Ioller, lreadnaker.
Took oalh, given shorlsvord.
BadIy vounded in lallIe.
SuIalha, vife of Meira.
Belra, daughler of Meira.
}assa, daughler of Meira
Took oalh, given dagger.
Noled as leing sIin and leaulifuI
}haeIe SiIvernane. Innkeeper, lhe Id
SkuII Inn.
Took oalh, given spear.
Braun, youngesl son lo }haeIe
Took oalh, given dagger
}haeIe had a nunler of sons, lul
aII have Iefl hone
Durnan HiIesla. Carpenler, louncer.
Took oalh, given spear.
Bardag ShuIlu. HoslIer, SlalIenasler.
Took oalh, given spear.
Dora Leen. Maid, chanler Iady.
Sasha Baddja. Maid, chanler Iady.
Turko Breen. Cook, vailer.
Took alh, given spear.
Lrek. IhiIlers, Iolions, Ihysics, Iur-
veyor & Maker
Took oalh, did nol fighl in lallIe
Lives in house nexl lo Beregon
Hoarel NinlIefingers Midvife/
Took alh
Lalha Brannon. Boardinghouse ovner
Took oalh, given shorl svord
BadIy vounded in lallIe.
Wife, LeeIa, died Year of lhe Arch
Uda, aunl lo Lalha
IaniIy Malriarch, very crusly.
Lsler, daughler lo Lalha.
Lnra, daughler lo Lalha
IIiI, daughler lo Lalha
IIiI and Lnra are noled as leing
lrue leaulies.
Hannerhand Bucko. Wagonnaker,
Took oalh.
Sarcaslic, inleIIigenl, nuIish, and
Leela Bucko. Wife lo Hannerhand.
Took oalh.
Knovn for her cooking
Apprenlices lo Hannerhand Bucko:
SkuIp, Iennir, TuIpas, HIack, rve,
Nailh, and Typyas
AII Took alh
SkuIp ladIy vounded in lallIe
HIack and rve sIain in lallIe
Handvrillen scravI ly Typyas
enlry indicales lhal Tip nighl le
a vonan vorking in disguise.
Molher Tara. Iroprielor of lhe IocaI
Took oalh.
Noled as leing good-hunored and
Briig. Bouncer.
Took oalh.
Noled as nol leing very svifl
Iesl-HaII LnpIoyees:
Lune Lyrohar, Aslara MiIiip, Reehla
Lorn, Salra Innerhund, Ina Dan-
syra, HeIa MarshooIa, LsleI Morna
None required lo lake oalh
Lune Lyrohair vas reveaIed lo le a
verel i ger and sI ai n ly II ori n
IaIconhand lhis day AIluriak 15,
Year of lhe Worn.
Took alh
IcehyiII. Trader, relired nerchanl.
Svore oalh very reIuclanlIy.
SuIcar Reedo. Iarner:
Took alh, given shorlsvord.
Aslga Reedo. Wife lo SuIcar:
Took alh
SuIcars Sons
Iresper, SuIInan, and Courrla Reedo
AII look alh
Courrla sIain in lallIe
Beregon HiIIslar, Iarner
Took alh, given spear
BadIy Wounded in BallIe
Brolher of Urnan HiIIslar
InfIuenliaI in IocaI area
Wife Bereel died in Year of Worn
The nosl recenl enlry Iisled indi-
cal es l hal Beregon has seni -
relired, and is farning lhe Tover
Iarn for Lord Mourngryn lo lhe
norlh of ShadovdaIe. The Iand of
his oId farn has leen used lo erecl
a TenpIe of Lalhandar.
Lhurl HiIIslar, Son of Beregon
Took alh, given dagger
SIain in BallIe
MiIda HiIIslar. Sisler lo Beregon.
Took oalh
IeIda HiIIslar. Young Daughler
Took oalh.
LIninsler. Sage.
Took oalh.
n 1OO gp/nonlh relainer lo Lord
Dousl (Nov Lord Mourngryn)
Lhaeo. Scrile/Carlographer
LIninslers Assislanl
Weregund lhe Trader. Trader, chief
nerchanl in lovn. DeaIs in aII goods,
IargeIy hardvare for lhe daIe.
Took oalh.
Noled for greed and covardice
Dalragund. Son lo Weregund
Took oalh.
DIelagund. Dauglher lo Weregund
Took oalh.
Meershand. Wife.
Took oalh.
Noled as leing Iarge and leefy, and
lending lo leII Weregund vhal lo
HanIin ZhuI. Iarner
Took alh, Civen spear
BadIy vounded in lallIe.
BeIna ZhuI. Wife.
Took alh
ThurI. Hired nan.
Took oalh, given dagger.
Alor. Boy.
Took alh
SIain in BallIe
KuInar hane. Iarner,
Took oalh, given spear.
Noled as leing infIuenliaI and a no-
nonsense individuaI
Lesl hane. Wife lo KuInar.
Riila hane. Daughler.
Han hane. Son.
Chruce hane. Son,
ArnlIas hane. Son
Iurn hane. Son.
Lesl and aII hane chiIdren Took
Iurn and Han vere sIain in lallIe
BIaesgerd. hane Hired hand. Relired
Took oalh, given shorlsvord.
Riisl HuIdane. Iarner,
Took alh, given spear.
LiIiphar HuIdane. Wife.
Took alh
Maxer. HuIdane Hired hand.
Took oalh
SIain in lallIe.
BuIdor UIphor. Iarner, infIuenliaI
Took oalh, given spear
Brolher of RuIdar UIphor
Neena UIphor. Wife lo BuIdor,
ApriI UIphor. Daughler
Maresl UIphor. Son
KnuIan Besnar, UIphor Hired Hand
Lnlire UIphor househoId look alh
KnuIen Besnar vas sIain in BallIe
Urnan HiIIslar. Iarner,
Took alh, Civen Spear
Menler of infIuenliaI HiIIslar fan-
Brolher of Beregon HiIIslar
AdIna HiIIslar. Wife.
HeInark HiIIslar. Son.
Svore alh, nol given veapon
Nole lhal HeInark is a rogue and
lhal he shouId le valched carefuI-
Iy in his dulies vilh lhe MiIilia.
SeIence HiIIslar. Daughler.
Took alh
Noled as leaulifuI and sofl-spoken,
vilh inleresls in poelry and nusic
Mara HiIIslar. Daughler.
Took alh, asked for veapon
Noled as lonloy, foughl very veII
in lallIe.
Candidale of niIilia
Korhun Lherar, Iarner.
Took oalh, given spear
SIain in lallIe.
A sour cynicaI nan, Korhun died
vilhoul faniIy. His farn is currenl-
Iy unovned and considered prop-
erly of lhe DaIe ilseIf
BesniI. Hired hand.
Took oalh, given shorlsvord.
Tursl RheIIogar. Hired hand
Took oalh, given shorlsvord.
HuniI RheIIogar. Tursls son.
Took oalh, given dagger.
SIain in lallIe.
Borsl BesliI. Iarner
Took oalh, given spear
SIain in lallIe.
Brolher of Hyne BesliI
LIna BesliI. Wife.
Kiiran BesliI. Son
Axnar BesliI. Son
AII nenlers of lhe BesliI house-
hoId Took alh.
Borsl, Kirran, and Axnar aII died in
lal l I e. LI na I i vi ng vi l h her
Brolher-in-Iav, Hyne
Slorn SiIverhand. The harper of Sha-
dovdaIe. Iarner and relired adven-
lurer (lard)
Took alh
Slorn is recorded here and eIse-
vhere as leing a leaulifuI and
inleIIigenl vonan, fond of vearing
siIver jeveIry and having hair of a
siIver hue.
Il is noled here lhal al lhe line,
SiIverhand kepl lvo fierce voIf-
hounds as pel.
Maxan. A foIIover of Slorn, prolalIy
a henchnan acqui red i n earI i er
Svore oalh, lul said his firsl IoyaI-
l y vas l o Sl orn. Ci ven shorl
LuIar. Hired hand.
Took oalh. given spear.
SyIune, SpeII-casler and seIf-descriled
Svore IoyaIly lo DaIe, lul refused
alh lo Dousl, saying she vouId
nol serve any Iiving Iord
Died in lallIe vilh an ancienl Red
Dragon, Year of lhe Irince.
Durgo SiIvernane. Iarner
Took alh, given spear
Crovn son of }haeIe SiIvernane.
Iarn is in her (}haeIes) nane.
NeIiI SiIvernane. Daughler lo }haeIe.
Iurn SiIvernane. Son lo }haeIe.
BeIeslar SiIvernane.
Railh SiIvernane.
AII of SiIvernane househoId look
Lulh MIennan. Iarner, seni-relired
(grovs herls, callages and neIons,
polaloes and olher lulers.)
Took alh
IuII of laII slories, and a gIazier of
sone skiII.
RuIdar UIphor. Iarner,
Took oalh, given spear
InfIuenliaI Landovner
Brolher of BuIdor UIphor
Lana UIphor. Wife.
BerliI UIphor. Idesl son
Took alh, nol lrusled vilh veap-
Handvrillen noles lenealh lhis
enlry refer lo BerliI as a caIIov idi-
ol and and sanclinonious fooI. Il
nay le surnised he is nol veII-
UInan UIphor. Son.
Took alh, nol lrusled vilh veap-
Handvrillen nole lenealh reads
Schener~valch lhis one
}aInar UIphor. Youngesl son
Took oalh, given a dagger.
Hyne BesliI. Iarner
Took oalh.
Noled as a veaseI-Iike, vhining
Brolher lo Borsl BesliI
Merna BesliI. Wife lo Hyne
Brilaria Bil BesliI
HuId BesliI
Krayan BesliI
AII given daggers al oalh-laking.
NeIdock LIvenlree. Iarner
Took alh, given spear
Wife died sevenleen vinlers ago
Brolher of IIcurl LIvenlree
Considered good nalured, inleIIi-
MeIlan LIvenlree. Son.
NeId LIvenlree. Son
Inura LIvenlree. Daughler
Lnlire LIvenlree cIan look alh
Inura LIvenlree is noled as a reaI
IIcurl LIvenlree. Iarner, lrader,
Took alh, given spear
Brolher of NeIdock LIvenlree
Considered sharp lul honesl deaI-
AIso noled lo le no friend of Were-
gund and his Iol.
Lasha LIvenlree, Wife lo IIcurl
Nalive of Thenlia on lhe Moonsea
Descriled as lIonde and lired-
VeIarr LIevenlree. Son. Took oalh.
Took alh
SIain in BallIe
Brennan LIvenlree. Son
Deneira LIvenlree. Daughler.
IIIislyI LIvenlree. Daughler.
Handvrillen nole lenealh slales:
lvious sone nagicaI aliIilies,
deIileraleIy conceaIed, in lhis one.
Have her lulored`
||M| NST|R S NOT|S. The alove
excerpl shovs severaI poinls in hov
Iands such as lhe DaIes change over
Iirsl, lhis census concenlrales pri-
nariIy on lhe everyday foIk, and, vilh
lhe exceplion of renarkalIe leings
such as lhe IocaI sage, lhe Iale SyIune,
and Slorn SiIverhand, does nol nen-
lion lhose charisnalic individuaIs and
advenluring conpanies lhal have aided
lhe area. nIy cerlain individuaIs lhal
have resided for a Iong line in lhe area
are given lhe lenefil of leing consid-
ered nalives.
This definilion of naliveness exlends
lo excIuding fron such a Iisling IoIk of
lhe Courl, lhe nev lenpIe-cIerics, and
even lhose olher farners Iiving nore
lhan a days vaIk avay, lhough lolh
groups have conlriluled lo lhe various
lallIes and slruggIes in lhe DaIe. This
insuIar nalure is lypicaI in lhe DaIe-
Iands, and lhough lhe peopIe of Sha-
dovdaIe are anong lhe nore open,
lhey sliII lend lo Ieave visilors (even
ones lhey nake lheir Ieaders) vilh lhe
idea lhal lhe visilor is considered a len-
porary inlrusion al lesl.
Third, lhere is a rise anong vonen
vho look lhe alh for defense, sone-
lhing connon anong lhose vonen in
advenluring conpanies, lul Iess con-
non in reguIar sociely. Sone of lhe
viIIage eIders, confronled vilh daugh-
lers inlenl on narching off lo lallIe,
vere heard lo nuller feII vords aloul
fenaIe advenlurers selling lad exan-
pIes for lhe youlh. SliII, lhe silualion is
changing and viII conlinue lo change.
LaslIy, lhe Iarge nunler of recorded
dealhs slresses lhe greal danger lhal
ZhenliI Keep posed lo lhis area, for onIy
lhe nosl dire energency vouId caII lhe
enlire connunily inlo a pIan lhal
vouId lhrealen lhe najorily of lheir
lIood. lher daIes lhal have nuslered
in lhis fashion and Iosl lheir lallIes are
nov alandoned and overgrovn. In
generaI, if a group of laIenled, veII-
lrained individuaIs can forslaII an ene-
ny, lhal is lhe leller course lo lake.
Dealh for a connoner is as finaI as
dealh for a king. Hovever, lhe reIiance
on individuaIs viII sonelines faiI as
veII, vilness lhe dealh of SyIune al lhe
hands of a Red Dragon in service of lhe
CuIl of lhe Dragon.
Om m uono as a sage mo1hImg uI1hIm 1hese pages
Is [aLse, bu1 mo1 aLL o[ I1 ma pnooe 1o be 1nue.
~ELmIms1en o[ 5haoouoaLe
DN's 5ouncebook o[ 1he ReaLms
Tab!c nf Cnntcnts
IntrnductInns . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4
UsIng thc Fnrgnttcn Rca!ms . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6
Inlo lhe Iorgollen ReaIns . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6
Selling Up for AD&D Cane Advenlures . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9
Using lhe Maps . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11
Lncounlers in lhe ReaIns . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13
5c!cctcd NPCs nf thc Rca!ms . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 7
Rcccnt Ncws and Rumnrs In thc Rca!ms . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 36
Year of lhe Worn . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 36
Year of lhe Irince . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 O
Advcnturc Backgrnund . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 46
The HaIIs of lhe Beasl-Taners . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 46
Lashans IaII . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 54
Bnnks nf thc Fnrgnttcn Rca!ms . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 62
Indcx . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9 5
Design: Ld Creenvood
Design and DeveIopnenl: }eff Crull
Ldiling: Karen S. Marlin
Cover Arl: Keilh Iarkinson
Inlerior Arl: }eff LasIey, Keilh Iarkinson, CIyde CaIdveII,
Tin Conrad
Carlography: DieseI, Dave SulherIand
CaIIigraphy (Runes and SigiIs): IauIa M. HoIz
Craphic Design: Slephanie Talal
Typography: Belly LInore
Irinled in lhe U.S.A.
ISBN O-88O38-472-7
TSR, Inc.
POB 756
Lake Geneva, WI
The Mill, Rathmore Road
Cambridge CB1 4AD
United Kingdom
owned by TSR, Inc.
Distributed to the book trade in the United States by Random House Inc., and in Canada by Random House of Canada, Ltd. Distributed to the toy and hobby trade by regional distribu-
tors. Distributed in the United Kingdom by TSR UK Ltd.
This material is protected under the copyright laws of the United States of America. Any reproduction or unauthorized use of the material or artwork presented herein is prohibited
without the express written permission of TSR, Inc.
1987 TSR, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
Ed Grccnwnnd
WeII nel! WeIcone lo ny vorId, lhe
Iorgollen ReaIns. A vasl Iand, fuII of
slrange spIendors~a Iiving lackground
for vivid advenlure. LIninsler look ne
lhere firsl.
WeIcone lo our vorId. Nov lhe ReaIns
are yours, loo, a vorId lhal has deIighled
ne for aInosl lvenly years in aII ils rich
variely is presenled herein~and in pages
yel lo cone~for you lo enjoy and sel
AD&D gane canpaign pIay in. nIy a
snaII area of lhe ReaIns can le squeezed
inlo lhese pages, so lheres nuch lo Iook
forvard lo if you cone aIong for lhe ride.
Ils leen a Iong one for ne lhus far, lhe
ReaIns legan in 1968 as a selling for fan-
lasy shorl slories, and Ialer (1975) vas
de ve I o pe d a nd de l a i I e d, a s l he
appeared. ReguIar pIay in lhe ReaIns
legan in 1978, and sliII conlinues, lhe
presenl rosler of reguIar pIayers has
renained inlacl since earIy 198O. As lhe
syslen has appeared, look ly look, lhe
ReaIns have leen nodified lo conforn
vilh officiaI ruIes, and lhese (vilh lhe
unof f i ci aI addi l i ons pulI i shed i n
DRACN nagazine fron issue #3O
onvard, such as nonslers, nagicaI ilens,
speIIs and nonpIayer characler cIasses)
can le assuned lo hoId svay in lhe
ReaIns nov. I have aIvays lrealed lhe
ReaIns as a reaI pIace vhich I an viev-
ing and reporling on ralher lhan a deIil-
erale crealion, and I leIieve lhal has leen
lhe key lo naking il Iive.
The Iorgollen ReaIns derive lheir
nane fron lhe ficlilious facl upon
vhich pIay in ny canpaign is lased:
lhal a nuIliverse exisls, of counlIess
paraIIeI co-exisling Irine MaleriaI
IIanes (incIuding lhe vorId presenled
herein, our ovn nodern Larlh, and
any olher fanlasy sellings a DM nay
vish lo incorporale in pIay), aII reIaled
lo lhe Knovn IIanes of Lxislence pre-
senled in lhe AD&D syslen. TraveI
lelvixl lhese pIanes vas once far nore
connon lhan is lhe case nov (vhen
fev knov lhe neans of reaching olher
vorIds, or even leIieve in lhe exislence
of such fancifuI pIaces), hence, lhe
ReaIns have leen forgollen ly leings
of Larlh. ur Iegends of dragons, van-
pires, and of olher fearsone crealures
and nagic are due lo lhis fornerIy
vi des pr ead c onl ac l lel veen l he
vorIds, nosl have of course lecone
confused and dislorled vilh lhe pas-
sage of line and nany releIIings. Thal
corner of lhe ReaIns presenled herein
is a slrip of lhe hearl of lhe veslern
parl of onIy one conlinenl of ToriI, lhal
region knovn as Iaerun (pronounced
IAY-er-N, lhe nane neanl hone in
a nov-Iosl earIy hunan longue). Much
nore avails lhe lraveIer, lo le reveaIed
in Ialer vorks.
In any Iarge-scaIe projecl nany peo-
pIe lecone invoIved, and lhey deserve
lhanks. In lhis case, }eff Crull is Iarge-
Iy responsilIe for lurning piIes of lyped
noles~despile lhe gaps in Iore lhey did
nol cover fuIIy or properIy~inlo vhal
you nov hoId in your hands. }eff has
laken lhe personaI vorId of one eccen-
lric, roIepIaying-over-ruIes DM, and
lransforned il inlo an AD&D gane
selling usefuI lo olhers ly dinl of a Iol
of sveal, lhis vork is as nuch his as il is
nine~and LIninsler sliII speaks lo hin,
so he nusl have done il righl.
Before lhe ReaIns ever reached TSR,
hovever, olhers heIped lo give il Iife,
coIor, and grovlh~firsl and forenosl,
ny reguIar pIayers, ny Iady }enny
CIicksohn (lhe firsl }hessaiI), lhe vel-
eran of ny pIayers, Viclor SeIly (vho
has porlrayed nany characlers in lhe
ReaIns, nolalIy MaIchor HarpeII,
ToIgar Anuvien, }eIde Aslurien, and
Torn of Weslgale), lhe Iirsl Lore-Lord
of lhe ReaIns, vho renenlers aII of ils
ni nul e del ai I s as f ev ol hers, I an
Hunler (LanseriI SnovnanlIe), }ohn
Hunler, roIe-pIayer exlraordinaire
(IIorin IaIconhand), Andrev Devar,
vho encouraged us aII lo record aII of
lhe fun on paper, lo infIicl on olhers Ial-
er (Dousl SuIvood and Ralhan Then-
lraver), }in CIarke (Merilh Slronglov),
and Anila Bullener (lhe second }hes-
saiI). These pIayers have lrealhed Iife
inlo lhe ReaIns on a reguIar lasis for
over seven years~lhey are lruIy adven-
lurers and heroes. Iron lhe earIy days
of pIay, Ken Woods and Tin Turner
deserve nenlion~and recenlIy Calhy
Widdovson has joined lhe ranks of lhe
reguIars (as Sharanlyr lhe ranger).
UnderIying advenlures in lhe ReaIns
is lhe conlinuing inspiralion for lhe
vorId, and in lhis I have leen encour-
a ge d ly Ki n Mo ha n, Ldi l o r o f
DRACN Magazine for nuch of lhe
line lhal lhe ReaIns has seen prinl, and
ly ny parenls, grandparenls, and
aunls, vho have shovered ne vilh
looks and shoved ne vhal Iove and
inaginalion can do. Thank you, aII.
Thanks are aIso due lo you vho read
lhese pages, for coning aIong on lhe
ride. I hope lhal you viII enjoy lhe
ReaIns as nuch as I have.
Jcff Grubb
Ld Creenvood crealed lhe Iorgollen
ReaIns. Karen Marlin ediled, arranged,
and presenled il in lhe forn you see
here. Hov did I gel invoIved in lhis`
Ils a shorl slory.
Aloul nidsunner of 1986, TSR vas
shopping for a nev vorId. We had
experience in vorId-luiIding under our
leIl, vilh lvo versions of lhe WRLD
I CRLYHAWK canpaign selling, and
lhe crealion of Krynn, hone of lhe
DRACNLANCL Saga. This line, ve
vere afler sonelhing differenl, a vorId
lhal ve couId conlinue lo deveIop over
lhe years lhal viII foIIov, and sel aII
fulure AD&D gane noduIes inlo. A
pIace vhere a variely of laIenled indi-
viduaIs couId aII conlrilule lo ils crea-
lion and ils deveIopnenl. Ralher lhan
one viev, a conlinalion of vievs lhal
vouId grov and deveIop lhrough
advenlures, sourcelooks, shorl slories,
and looks.
I vas lhe lrighl individuaI vho
lhoughl of Ld Creenvood and his Iag-
es fron lhe Mages, vhich used as lheir
selling a paraIIeI fanlasy universe
knovn as lhe Iorgollen ReaIns, vhere
nagic ruIes suprene in lhe spiril of lhe
AD&D gane.
Ior naking lhe suggeslion, I vas
lroughl in on heIping lurn lhe hun-
dreds of noles, arlicIes, NICs, adven-
lures, and nanuscripl pages inlo a finaI
producl lhal vouId lolh le a conpIele
canpaign and a slarling poinl for fur-
lher advenlures. You hoId lhal finaI
producl in your hands. My conlrilu-
lion is prinariIy in lhe areas such as fil-
ling everylhing lo lhe AD&D gane
ruIes and offering aid and suggeslion in
running an AD&D canpaign.
The Iorgollen ReaIns have changed
in lhe shorl line ve have leen vorking
vilh lhen. The Moonshae isIands
enIarged lo fil a noveI, and lhe Iand lhal
is nov Vaasa and Danara vas onIy
recenlIy (in gane design lerns) covered
ly an unnaluraI gIacier. I expecl lhen
lo furlher change as nore crealive peo-
pIe, incIuding lhe Iarge nunler of DMs
vho run lhe various IRCTTLN
RLALMS Canpaigns, gel invoIved.
Id Iike lo lhank (in addilion lo Ld and
Karen) designers Doug NiIes, Zel Cook,
and MichaeI Dolson for lheir inpul,
argunenls, and luII-headed opinions in
lhis naller. Id aIso Iike lo nenlion lhal
lhe vonderfuI nap-vork lhrough-oul
lhese looks are lhe producl of Dave
SulherIand and Dave (DieseI) LaIorce.
Karcn 5. MartIn
I aIvays vanled lo edil an encycIopedia.
Taking IillIe lils and pieces of inforna-
lion aloul lhousands of differenl and
unusuaI ilens, pulling lhen in readalIe
forn, cross-indexing lhen for ease of
use, aIphalelizing lhen~leIieve il or
nol, lhal vas a fanlasy of nine.
This vas aInosl as good.
As I read Lds naleriaI for lhe firsl
line, one queslion ran lhrough ny
nind again and again: Hov does lhis
nan find line for everyday nallers Iike
sIeeping and ealing` The knovIedge
lhal lhis naleriaI has poured fron his
fevered lrain for nearIy 2O years
doesnl nake ansvering lhal queslion
any easier.
This is lriIIianl.
The Iorgollen ReaIns is ny firsl
experience vilh a conpIele vorId for
AD&D gane pIaying. In ny hunlIe
opinion, ils fanlaluIous sluff. I lhink
nov lhal I undersland lhe excilenenl
vhich nusl have surrounded lhe crea-
lion of Krynn and lhe DRACNLANCL
saga. And lhis vorId vas aIready here,
in lhe nind and canpaign of Ld Creen-
When I look on lhe responsiliIily of
ediling lhis sel, I lhoughl lack lo lhe Iasl
line }eff and I coIIaloraled on a loxed
gane. There vere lines I lhoughl hed
never slop lveaking vilh il, never run
oul of naleriaI lo add, never Ieave ne
aIone lo gel on vilh lhe ediling.
This vas vorse.
Lach line a packel cane fron Ld, I
gol phol ocopi es f ron } ef f f or ny
perusaI and connenls. RareIy did I gel
lhe chance lo finish one lefore lhe nexl
lhree shoved up in ny office, vhich
vas ly nov overfIoving. And, lhe
nore I read, lhe nore I Ioved il. This
vas lhe kind of vorId I aIvays vanled
lo Iive in as a chiId, a reaI vorId. There
vere harpers and speIIcaslers, fighlers
and lhieves. There vere reaI lovns and
farnIands. There vere ships and cara-
vans. There vas Iife.
This one is for ny parenls, vho (In
cerlain) vorried aloul lheir IillIe girI
vho Iived in a drean vorId nuch of lhe
line, vilh vizards and dragons and
leaulifuI danseIs.
These are ny chi I dhood dreans
cone lrue.
CampaIgm 5e11Img
sel is an inlroduclion lo a fanlasy
vorId, vhich nay le used ly ilseIf or
expanded upon ly olher producl for lhe
AD&D syslen, or generaled ly lhe DM
hinseIf. The loxed sel consisls of:
A Cqc|cpcia cf |nc Rca|ns
A DMs Scurccocc| cf |nc Rca|ns
Tuc naps pr c s c n| i ng | nc Rc a| ns
Tuc naps prctiing an cn|argc ticu
cf |nc ini|ia| canpaign arca, frcn |nc
Sucr Ccas| |c |nc |nncr Sca
Tuc p|as|ic gris prin|c ui|n a ncx
gri |c nc|p nctcncn|.
The Cqc|cpcia conlains prinariIy
la c kgr ound i nf or na l i on on l he
ReaIns, ils peopIe, and ils hislory, for
generaI use ly lhe pIayers and DM.
There is sone gane infornalion vilhin
lhis look vhen deaIing vilh specific
areas, such as lhe nunler of peopIe in a
lypicaI palroI found in a cerlain Ioca-
lion. The DM shouId feeI free lo Iel lhe
pIayers use lhis look vhiIe ganing, as il
represenls lhe infornalion readiIy
knovn or discovered aloul a parlicuIar
area. DMs vishing lheir pIayers lo dig
nore for infornalion nay, al lheir
oplion, keep lhis infornalion vilhheId,
Ielling onIy lhe seclion narked AT A
CLANCL le readiIy knovn, lhe pIayers
have lo discover lhe resl.
The DMs Scurccocc| conlains infor-
nalion for lhe Dungeon Masler run-
Canpaign, pIus addilionaI infornalion
lhal vouId nol le readiIy avaiIalIe lo
pIayer-characlers in lhe ReaIns. This
incIudes noles on selling up canpaigns,
running advenlures, using lhe grid for
encounlers and novenenl, and han-
dIing parlicuIar silualions unique lo lhe
ReaIns such as dragons and lreasure.
TalIes for encounlers, cilies, and lrea-
sure are incIuded, as veII as nelhods of
for lhe DM lo generale his or her ovn
lalIes for use in lhe gane. AIso incIud-
ed in lhis look are a pair of snaII lypi-
caI dungeon advenlures for use in
IRCTTLN RLALMS canpaigns, as
ve I I a s s e c l i o ns o n s pe c i a I i z e d
speIIlooks (vhich originaIIy appeared
in DRACN Magazine as Iages fron
lhe Mages, and are galhered logelher
here for lhe firsl line) and nev speIIs
used prinariIy in lhe Iorgollen ReaIns.
There are lvo sels of naps, lhe firsl
depicling lhe Iorgollen ReaIns al Iarge,
as if il vere dravn ly a carlographer
fron Cornyr or lhe DaIes, preciseIy
accurale nearly, yel Iess and Iess accu-
rale farlher avay. The second sel of
naps expands lhe viev of lhe region
lelveen lhe Svord Coasl and Inner
Sea, and il is in lhis area lhal lhe iniliaI
lakes pIace.
This enIarged sel of naps j oins
logelher al lhe righl side of napsheel
one and lhe Iefl side of napsheel lvo.
Iulure producls viII have addilionaI
napsheels vhich viII furlher expand
lhe ReaIns in delaiI.
AII of lhe najor cilies and nany (lul
nol aII) of lhe snaIIer lovns and generaI
siles are represenled on lhis nap. The
DM shouId feeI free lo nark changes
and addilions lo lhese naps as il fils his
or her canpaign. These naps, and lhe
infornalion vilhin lhese looks, is nol
aII-incIusive or aII-excIusive. IndividuaI
DMs, and fulure producls fron TSR,
Inc., nay add lo lhe naleriaI here, and
as a canpaign conlinues, addilionaI
infornalion nay le generaled.
A Nc|c cn |u|urc Prcuc|s. Cerlain
areas of each of lhe enIarged naps of
lhe Iorgollen ReaIns viII conlain areas
lhal ui|| nol have fulure advenlures,
noduIes, or sourcelooks sel in lhen,
and are Iefl soIeIy for use ly lhe DM for
deveIopnenl vilhoul fear of sone Ialer
producl invaIidaling lhal porlion of his
canpaign. In lhe iniliaI loxed sel, lhose
areas are:
The Serpenl HiIIs (easl of lhe High
The Wood of Sharp Teelh
The Deserledge Mounlains (oulside
lhe DaIes), and
The Nalion of Senlia.
The Iasl nenlioned, lhe nalion of
Senlia, is a Iarge seclion of (parliaIIy)
civiIized Iand vilh lhe foIIoving lor-
ders: slarling vilh lhe vesl, lhe Vasl
Svanp, lhe DaerIun, lhe palh lhrough
KuIla, Saerl, and Archenlridge (incIud-
ing parls of ArchendaIeI lo rduIin,
easl lo lhe Dragon Reach, and lordered
on lhe soulh ly lhe Sea of IaIIen Slars.
This region, lhough discussed in lhe
pIayers guide and in lhis look, viII nol
have furlher advenlures sel in il, nor
viII ils cilies le expIored or delaiIed. A
DM vilh a canpaign cily or nalion
aIready designed nay sel lhal cily in
lhe area of Senlia vilhoul greal diffi-
cuIly caused ly fulure producls selling
sone epic advenlures (or greal disasler)
in lhe sane region.
Iurlher, lhe region across lhe Dragon
Reach, fron lhe River Vesper Soulh and
lo lhe edge of Map 2 has leen sel aside
for use ly lhe RICA nelvork as a lase
for advenlures and lournanenls in lhe
Iorgollen ReaIns, and is Iefl for lhe
furlher expIanalion ly lhose areas, or
ly lhe DM.
Im1o 1he Fongo11em
5e11Img up a campaIgm
Lach IRCTTLN RLALMS canpaign
shouId le differenl, refIecling lhe per-
sonaIily and ganing needs of lhe pIayers
and lhe DM. Sone canpaigns conprise
jusl a group of advenlurers fighling lheir
vay lhrough dungeon sellings vilhoul
nuch lhoughl of lhe oulside vorId, vhiIe
olhers are fiIIed vilh slory leIIing and Ieg-
ends, and sliII olhers are on lhe grand
scaIe of high-IeveI individuaIs chaIIenging
greal povers, ruIing huge enpires, and
engaging in poIilicaI skuIIduggery. The
IRCTTLN RLALMS selling is inlend-
ed as a lase for aII lhese lypes of adven-
lures, aIIoving lhe DM lo laiIor il lo his
desires. There is no ruIe slaling lhal eve-
ry AD&D canpaign nusl le aIike, nor is
lhere one slaling lhal every IRCTTLN
RLALMS canpaign nusl le idenlicaI.
To give lhe DM an idea of lhe scope of
lhe area of lhe ReaIns, a nap of lhe
Uniled Slales has leen superinposed
over lhal of lhe knovn reaIns on
page 1O.
The ReaIns is a VLRY Iarge pIace,
vi l h nore l han enough roon f or
pIayer-characlers and canpaigns lo
deveIop. Nole aIso lhal lhis nap onIy
consisls of lhe veslern end of a singIe
conlinenl~and al lhe olher end of lhis
huge Iand are lhe reaIns of lhe rienlaI
Advenlures vorId, Kara-lur.
A canpaign nay le sel up in a nun-
ler of vays, depending on lhe IeveI of
ganing experience of lhe DMs and
pIayers. A fev of lhe oplions are dis-
cussed leIov.
CampaIgms [on meu
In selling up a canpaign for firsl-line
pIayers, lhe key lo renenler is lhink
snaII. There are a Iarge anounl of
ruI es and i deas presenl ed i n l he
AD&D hardlack lones, and lhal gIul
of infornalion can le quile daunling al
The lasic requirenenls for a firsl-
line canpaign are a hone lase and an
area lhe pIayer-characlers can expIore
and advenlure in (a dungeon).
The hone lase does nol have lo le
huge or inporlanl, and in facl using
one of lhe nany snaII lovns in lhe
reaIns as a lase has severaI advanlages.
The DM does nol have lo vorry aloul
loo nany non-pIayer-characlers al firsl,
and lhe Iov-IeveI advenlurers are spe-
ciaI, and nay le consuIled ly (or sone-
lines chosen lo le) IocaI ruIers. ne
such area is ShadovdaIe, vhich is a
snaII farning connunily vilh a fev
high-IeveI individuaIs (such as LInin-
sler lhe Sage), vhich has in lhe pasl
recruiled advenlurers as proleclors
(such as Manes Band and lhe Knighls of
Mylh Drannor). ShadovdaIe is aIso cov-
ered lo fine degree in lhe Cqc|cpcia cf
|nc Rca|ns, conpIele vilh IocaI naps of
lhe lovn and descriplions of lhe inhal-
ilanls, giving lhe pIayers a sense of
pIace for lheir advenlures.
The DM nay choose lo creale his or
her ovn snaII lovn for iniliaI adven-
lures. This lakes nore vork, lul viII
produce a finaI producl nore in Iine
vilh lhe DMs desires. Any of lhe DaIe
connunilies vouId le suilalIe for lhis,
incIuding MislIedaIe, ArchendaIe, and
IealherdaIe (DaggerdaIe lends lo le
recIusive and ScardaIe vas jusl on lhe
Iosing end of a Iarge var). The snaIIer
lovns of Cornyr such as HiIp and
Innersea (vhich aIso has a nap) in lhe
Cqc|cpcia) are aIso suilalIe, as are lhe
snaII lovns of Senlia, and lhe Trade
Way lovns of Soular, TrieI, or HiIIs
Ior iniliaI canpaigns, onIy a lrief
skelch of lhe lovn is needed, noling
such lhings as IocaI snilhy, generaI
slore (vhere nosl ilens fron lhe P|aq-
crs Hanocc| nay le found), and IocaI
nage (if any). Leave sone houses and
areas lIank for inlroduclion of nev
NICs or for grovlh of lhe characlers
(such as an alandoned farn lhal lhe
parly nay luy vilh lheir lreasure and
use as lhe lasis for lheir evenluaI paIa-
liaI nanor).
The second requirenenl of a Iov-
IeveI canpaign vilh leginning pIayers
is lhe dungeon. The DaIeIands (and
nany olher areas) are rife vilh under-
ground caverns and kingdons, Iosl
enpires lenealh lhe earlh, ruined lov-
ers of nad vizards, and crunlIing
renains of line-Iosl cilies. Any of lhese
can provide a lasis for advenluring,
and il is reconnended lhal sone lype
of dungeon egress nay le Iocaled in lhe
nearly area (nol cIose enough lo lhreal-
en lhe lovn overnuch, lul sufficienl lo
cause lhe disappearance of a fev callIe
in lhe niddIe of lhe nighl, or creale
inlriguing runors aloul lhe greal
veaIlh lo le found lenealh lhe earlh).
f lhe lvo lypicaI advenlures pro-
vided here, lhe firsl, HaIIs of lhe Beasl-
Taners, is lesl suiled for a slarling
group of pIayers, lhough il has a nun-
ler of ilens lhal vouId nake for inler-
esling pIay ly higher-IeveI pIayers as
veII. Bolh lhis and lhe olher advenlure
are sel in lhe cenler of lhe LIven
Woods, in lhe Ruins of Mylh Drannor, a
greal decaying cily.
A fev noles on running a firsl-line
Take il easy. Iirsl line DMs and
pIayers WILL NT renenler aII
lhe AD&D ruIes. If a ruIe is forgol-
len and Ialer recaIIed, jusl keep
going, renenlering for nesl line.
Do nol overvheIn lhe pIayers,
eilher in delaiI or in chaIIenge.
Many of l he nonsl ers of l he
AD&D syslen are suiled for
hi gher- I eveI i ndi vi duaI s, and
enc ounl er i ng s one ( s uc h as
dragons) viII speII disasler for lhe
firsl IeveI parly. Shov connon
sense in randon encounlers, gen-
eraIIy nol using nore nonslers
lhan lhe ICs lolaI hil dice. Lven if
lhe randon encounler caIIs for 8
lroIIs lo descend on lhe parly of 8
Iov-IeveI pIayer-characlers, one
such crealure viII le nore lhan
enough lo chaIIenge lhen.
Cive lhe IIayers an Lven Break.
Creal slories have lo legin sone-
vhere, and if lhe pIayers charac-
l er s luy l he f ar n ear I y and
reguIarIy, lhey vonl deveIop per-
sonaIily. Donl revard fooIish pIay,
lhough. il nay le usefuI lo keep a
cIeric of sufficienl IeveI in lhe area
for lhe firsl coupIe advenlures in
order lo lring lack fron lhe dead
characlers vho are Iearning fron
lheir nislakes.
Sel lhe Scene. In encounlers, do
nore lhan give lhe lare-lones
descriplion (you see a len ly len
roon vilh a koloId in il). Dress il
up a IillIe, gel lhe pIayers inlo lhe
nood of leing in a dungeon. (You
open lhe door lo reveaI a snaII
slone-vaIIed culicIe, in lhe cenler
of vhich is a shorl Iizard-Iike crea-
lure vilh horns. The crealure hiss-
es al you and dravs ils svord.)
RoIe-IIaying. The lesl opporlunily
for iniliaI roIe-pIaying for firsl-line
pI a ye r s i s i n l o vn. II a ye r -
characlers need provisions, lrain-
ing, and oflen infornalion. Creale
a coupIe of personas vilh lroad
lendencies: a loislerous nerchanl,
a shifly nercenary caplain, a for-
gelfuI nagician, elc. Use funny
voices and accenls. Have fun. Your
pIayers viII pick up on lhis and
slarl doing il lhenseIves.
IinaIIy, for firsl-line pIayers and
DMs, lhe foIIoving producls are recon-
nended. N4~ Trcasurc Hun| creales an
exceIIenl lackground for crealing firsl-
IeveI characlers, sel in lhe Korrin
ArchipeIago norlh of lhe Moonshae
IsIands. N5~ Uncr |||cfarn sels up an
iniliaI canpaign selling in Daggerford,
as an advenlure selling for firsl-line
51an1Img campaIgm [on
epenIemceo pLaens
The second lype of canpaign using lhe
invoIves pIayers and a DM vho have
pIayed lhe AD&D gane, eilher vilh
lheir ovn canpaigns or advenlure
noduIes, and undersland lhe ruIes sys-
lens fairIy veII. These pIayers are
slarling vilh firsl-IeveI characlers, lul
have lhe experience of running such
individuaIs lefore.
BnImgImg chanac1ens [nom
o1hen uonLos
A slarling canpaign vilh experi-
enced pIayers can le sel in any lovn or
cily in lhe ReaIns, according lo lhe lhe
lasles of lhe DM. Many prefer a snaII,
Iiniled area lo slarl in, siniIar lo Sha-
dovdaIe (see alove), vhiIe olhers nay
vish lo slarl vilh a grander slage, such
as a Iarge cily, as a lase of operalions.
There are a nunler of cilies lhal are
provided vilh keys and descriplions in
lhe Cqc|cpcia cf |nc Rca|ns, incIuding
AraleI and SuzaiI in Cornyr and
ScornuleI on lhe Trade Way. The DM
nay use lhese as lhe pIayers iniliaI
hone lase or nay creale his ovn.
Nole again lhal lhe luIk of lhe nalion of
Senlia and ils cilies are Iefl open for
lhe DM lo deveIop as he or she sees fil.
More experienced pIayers vary in
lheir needs in a canpaign fron group
lo group. Sone prefer dungeon adven-
lures earIy on, vhiIe olhers viII slrike
oul across lhe viIderness, Iooking for
randon encounlers, and olhers lake on
nissions for nore poverfuI individuaIs
as lodyguards, nercenaries, or ner-
chanl lroops.

The firsl case, dungeon advenlures, is

siniIar lo lhal presenled for firsl-line
pIayers, lhough lhe Iocalion of lhe
dungeon does nol necessariIy have lo
le vilhin easy reach of lhe hone lase.
The second case, randon vandering,
can le handIed al ils nosl lasic IeveI ly
lhe randon encounler lalIes. The DM
nay vanl lo nix lhese vilh his or her
ovn dungeon sellings or speciaI evenls
or encounlers, providing a direclion in
lhe lraveIs. Ior exanpIe, characlers
nay hear in AraleI of lhe disappear-
ance of lhe LIves of lhe LIven Courl and
lhe alandonnenl of Mylh Drannor,
causing lhen lo head overIand lo lhal
ruined cily vhere lhey nay discover
eilher of lhe lvo encIosed advenlures
or one of lhe DMs choosing.
I n l he f i na I c a s e , l he pI a ye r -
characlers are given a nission of sone
lype ly anolher, lo le revarded for lhis
nission al ils conpIelion. This provides
a firn lackground for lhe advenlure,
and lhe DM nay nove lhe characlers
aIong ly neans of an NIC advisor/
enpIoyer. See lhe seclion on NICs
leginning on page 17.
Here are a fev hinls for running
experienced pIayers.
Knov lhe RuIes. This is nol lo say
nenorize lhe ruIes or le alIe lo
argue Iong and convincingIy aloul
lhen, lul have an idea vhere lo
find lhings, lolh in lhe lhese lexls
and in olher AD&D producls.
Be ready lo ving il. Lven lhe nosl
conpIele sel of ruIes and lack-
grounds viII nol cover every silua-
lion, and pIayers oflen vanl lheir
characlers lo lry lhings lhal are
nol covered ly any handy ruIe. Be
viIIing lo nake lhings up. If il does
nol vork, lry sonelhing eIse nexl
line. If il does, keep il. Many can-
paigns, lolh for lhe Iorgollen
ReaIns and olhervise, have a nun-
ler of house ruIes.
RoIe-pIay. The pIayers have a han-
dIe on lhe nechanics of running
characlers, so encourage lhen lo
lhink Iike lhe characler in lhe
gane. A good experinenl for lhis is
lo consider everylhing lhe pIayer
says, unIess addressed lo lhe DM
or anolher pIayer ly reaI nane, lo
le vhal lhe pIayer-characler says.
Use lhe vorId. The various Iegends,
nevs reporls, and descriplions of
lhe Iorgollen ReaIns are inlended
as a slarling poinl for DM-crealed
advenlures. A laIe of a lreasure Ioad
of an ancienl (and hopefuIIy Iong-
dead) dragon nay spur lhe pIayers
lo check oul an area. Creale your
ovn IocaI Iegends. The Modern
Kingdons of lhe DaIes, Cornyr, and
even nighly Walerdeep are onIy
sIighlIy nore lhan a niIIennia oId,
and lhere vere oIder kingdons of
nen and eIves and dvarves Iong
lefore lhal.
The lhird and Iasl generaI calegory of
canpaign lypes is vhere experienced
pIayers lring characlers fron olher
canpaigns inlo lhe Iorgollen ReaIns.
These characl ers nay cone over
lecause of lhe denise of lheir nalive
vorId, lhe discovery of a porlaI lo lhe
ReaIns, or lhe facl lhey have gollen loo
lough for lheir honeIand. The Iasl case
o c c u r s i n Kr y n n , h o ne o f l h e
DragonIances, vhere individuaIs of
incredilIe slrenglh and pover are
poIileIy asked lo Ieave ly lhe povers-
lhal-le. Many end up in lhe Iorgollen
The vorId of lhe Iorgollen ReaIns,
Aleir-ToriI, has a huge nunler of por-
laIs and olher ga|c- lype devices vhich
Iink lhal vorId vilh olher areas of lhe
ReaIns, vilh lhe uler IIanes, and
vilh aIlernalive naleriaI pIanes con-
laining olher AD&D canpaigns.
IIayer-characlers fron lhese can-
paigns nay discover nelhods of lraveI-
ing lo lhe ReaIns (eilher lhrough lhe
Asl raI II ane, ly devi ces, or f ree-
slanding porlaIs), and legin advenlures
in lhe ReaIns.
Cerlain ilens are gained and Iosl
vhen naking lhe lransilion inlo lhe
- Characlers naking lhe lransfer, ly
vhalever neans, lo lhe ReaIns
gain lhe aliIily lo speak lhe Con-
non longue of lhe ReaIns, as veII
as lhe ReaIns equivaIenls of eIvish,
Dvarvish, and olher Ianguages.
IreviousIy spoken longues are Iosl
u n I e s s l h e r e i s a Re a I ns -
l i ng i s l he AD&D canpai gn
vorId, so lhal pIayer-characlers
vho are nol slriclIy AD&D gane
fornal (such as a dvarvish cIeric/
lhief/iIIusionisl/paIadin vilh a 24
naluraI slrenglh) cannol enler lhe
ReaIns vilhoul nodificalion lo fil
lhe AD&D gane ruIes. IIIegaI
cIasses vouId le dropped, aliIily
scores vouId le reduced lo raciaI
Iinilalions (lhough lhey nay le
increased Ialer ly nagicaI or olher
neans), and speciaI aliIilies over
and alove lhose provided for char-
aclers are renoved. The DM, al his
ovn judgnenl, nay choose lo Iel
such individuaIs inlo his Iorgollen
ReaIns Canpaign (such as Ielling a
kender f ron Krynn nake l he
lransfer), lul lhal decision resls
soIeIy on lhe DM.
SiniIarIy, nagicaI ilens lhal are
speciaI lo a parlicuIar vorId nay
nol nake l he l r ans f er l o l he
ReaIns, eilher leing deslroyed,
leing relurned lo lheir originaI
pIane, or leing slripped of lhe
pIayer and pIaced sonevhere in
lhe ReaIns. Which occurs is up lo
DM. In generaI, lhis is reserved for
exlreneIy poverfuI ilens-in par-
licuIar, Arlifacls.
5e11Img up [on AD&D
Game Aooem1unes
The physics of lhe ReaIns are sIighl-
Iy oul of sync vilh lhe resl of lhe
pIanes, so lhal gunpovder and
nany lechnoIogicaI devices vhich
operale on eIeclronics do nol func-
lion. LquivaIenl devices nay le
deveIoped ly pIayer-characlers.
DMs judgnenl is advised as lo vhal
nay le aIIoved inlo lhe vorId.
The gods of lhe Iorgollen ReaIns
are a fairIy open-ninded group (as
such leings go). CIerics of failhs
nol Iisled as lhe najor reIigions of
lhe ReaIns nay sliII receive speIIs
as nornaI, lhough lhey nay nol
receive lhe lenefils of leIonging lo
a organized hierarchy, and nay le
caIIed upon lo expIain lhe nalure of
lheir failh nore oflen lhan lhose of
eslalIished churches.
When naking lhe lransfer
lelveen canpaigns, Iarge ilens
such as caslIes, Iilraries, Ialoralo-
ries, and hoards of lreasure are
usuaIIy Iefl lehind. Characlers
naking such a lransfer shouId le
alIe lo lring vilh lhen vhal lhey
nay nornaIIy lear vhich, given
lhe exislence of oags cf nc|ing, is
a greal deaI righl lhere.
Characlers fron olher canpaigns nay
span lhe range fron Iov-IeveI vander-
ers lo exlreneIy high-IeveI povers lhal
have chaIIenged a god or lvo in lheir
line. The slyIe of lhe canpaign is sel ly
lhe IeveIs and povers of lhese individ-
uaIs. Ior high-IeveI characlers, lhe
BIoodslone Iass series (H1-4), sel in lhe
Iands of Vaasa and Danara, is highIy
reconnended, conlining advenluring
vilh lhe BATTLLSYSTLM gane sys-
len. If lhe DM chooses lo pIace his nev
arrivaIs in lhis area, il is reconnended
lo slrip nosl of lhe nevIy arriving indi-
viduaIs of lhe najorily of lheir veaIlh.
Advenlures in lhe Iorgollen ReaIns are
run as slandard AD&D gane adven-
lures, using lhe ruIes and reconnenda-
lions of lhe DMG, in parlicuIar lhose
seclions The Advenlure (pages 47-58)
and The Canpaign (pages 86-1OO).
Whal foIIovs are aids lo lhe DM lo laiIor
his IRCTTLN RLALMS canpaign lo
his pIayers.
The Aooem1unImg Compam
The firsl of lhese queslions, vho is going
on lhe advenlure, is usuaIIy ansvered
Iasl vhen lhe pIayers are al lhe gane. Il
usuaIIy heIps lhe DM lo have an idea vho
is in lhe advenluring parly and vhal lhey
area carrying. The sheel on lhe lack cov-
er of Tnc Cqc|cpcia nay le recopied for
use in advenluring.
Atcn|uring Ccnpanq Nanc. Mosl, lul
nol aII, of lhe lands of lhe advenlurers
operaling in lhe ReaIns have a conpa-
ny nane and synloI, lhe Conpany of
lhe Criffon, lhe Hunl, lhe Knighls of
Mylh Drannor and HaIfIing, Inc. are
good exanpIes. Nanes and nenler-
ships change conlinuaIIy, lul oflen aid
in releIIing laIes of one group of adven-
lurers or anolher.
P|aqcr Nanc The person running lhe
Cnarac|cr Nanc The characler leing
run ly a given pIayer.
C|ass an |ctc| The Characler CIass
and currenl (al slarl of pIay) IeveI of lhe
Racc an Scx The race (dvarven, eIven,
hunan, haIfIing, gnone, or olher) and
sex (naIe or fenaIe) of lhe characler.
A|ignncn| AIignnenl of lhe characler
as of lhe slarl of lhe advenlure.
Spccia| Aoi|i|ics Under lhis heading
Iisl lhose ilens or aliIilies lhal vouId
sel lhe characler aparl fron his feI-
Iovs, excIuding such lhings as IeveIs
and lypes of speIIs, lul incIuding nagi-
caI ilens, speciaI equipnenl) and
vhelher lhe individuaI is under a cursc.
Ccnoa| Ajus|ncn|s Nole here vhal
pIusses (or ninuses) lhe characler has
in conlal as a resuIl of exceplionaI aliI-
ilies, arnor cIass, or pernanenl nagic.
Arncr C|ass an Tqpc This incIudes
lolh lhe finaI AC of lhe characler and
lhe lype of arnor leing vorn. Allrevi-
alions for lhe various arnor lypes
incIude lhe foIIoving.
IuIA IuII IIale Arnor
IiIA IieId IIale Arnor
IM IIale MaiI
BM Banded MaiI aiI
SpM SpIinl MaiI
ChM Chain MaiI
LChM LIven Chain MaiI
ScaIe MaiI
Ring MaiI
Sludded Lealher
Lealher arnor
Iadded arnor
ShieId onIy
No Apparenl arnor (lhough
nay le nagicaI roles, rings,
or lracers).
Hi| pcin|s Nunler of hil poinls al lhe
slarl of lhe advenlure.
UsImg 1he Naps
The naps encIosed in lhis package, and
lhose in reIaled sourcelooks and olher
producls, are provided vilhoul a nor-
naI superinposed hex grid. Inslead,
lvo sheels of cIear prinled pIaslic are
encIosed vilh lhis loxed sel for use
vilh lhe Iorgollen ReaIns Maps.
There are lvo sels of Iarge naps in
The firsl sel is a generaI nap of lhe
knovn reaIns, fron lhe vievpoinl of
lhe Cornyr/DaIeIands area, lhal is, lhe
nap lhe pIayer-characlers operaling in
lhis area vouId knov. As a resuIl of
lhis, lhe regions nearesl Cornyr and
Walerdeep are veII-napped, lul areas
f arl her avay f ron l hose are I ess
delaiIed and accurale. The scaIe on lhis
nap is 1 = 9O niIes.
The second sel of naps cover lhe pri-
nary regions delaiIed in lhe Cqc|cpcia
cf |nc Rca|ns, deaIing nainIy vilh lhe
region fron lhe Svord Coasl lo lhe
Dragon Reach areas, incIuding lhe
nalions of Cornyr and Senlia and
fron lhe independenl cily of Weslgale
in lhe Soulh lo lhose of lhe Moonsea in
lhe Norlh. The scaIe on lhis nap is 1
= 3O niIes.
AIso incIuded in lhe sel are lvo
sheels of cIear pIaslic, overprinled vilh
a hex grid and scaIe for lolh of lhese
naps. Ralher lhan prinl lhe grid on lhe
naps lhenseIves, lhese pIaslic grids
nay le used lo delernine dislances and
duralion of lraveI. There are five hexes
per inch, so lhal each hex is six niIes on
lhe enIarged naps, and 18 niIes on lhe
rough naps.
UsImg 1he he gnIos
The ungridded naps nay le used in
pIay for generaI discussion and expIa-
nalion. The grids are used vhen nov-
ing aIong lhe nap.
When using lhe grids for delernining
slraighl dislance, pIace lhe corner poinl
(narked vilh lhe x) over lhe pIace lhe
lraveIer is slarling fron (usuaIIy, lul nol
aIvays, a cily). Use lhe slraighl rov of
hexes direclIy alove lhal X-Hex lo
delernine hov nany hexes il is fron
lhal slarling poinl lo lhe deslinalion
UnforlunaleIy, roads, slreans, and olh-
er connonIy used nelhods of lraveI do
nol nove in slraighl Iines, so lhal lhe
lrue dislance lelveen poinls nay le
Iarger lhan presenled. Again, sel lhe X-
Hex on lhe slarling poinl, and cenler lhe
finaI deslinalion in one of lhe hexes. Then
foIIov. lhe nelhod of lraveI, counling each
hex as a hex lo le noved lhrough. Ior
shorl dislances of a fev days lraveI
lelveen cilies, such as vilhin Cornyr or
Senlia, lhis nelhod nay le used vilh
each days nove. Ior Ionger journeys,
fron ScornuleI lo Iriealor, for exanpIe, il
nay. le vorlh IighlIy laping lhe pIaslic
grid lo lhe nap vilh nasking lape. Adhe-
sive lape is nol reconnended for lhis, as il
does lhe jol loo veII and nay danage lhe
nap vhen renoved. Ior exlreneIy Iong
journeys, severaI vay-slops nay le deler-
nined and neasured en roule fron one
side of lhe nap lo lhe olher. See lhe exan-
pIes leIov of using lhe grid and lhe nap.
paign shouId refIecl lhe personaIily and
desires of lhe DM and his pIayers. To
lhal end, lhe DM shouId feeI free lo
nake noles or olhervise nark-up his
nap lo refIecl changes in his vorId. If a
group of pIayers sel up an advenluring
headquarlers in an alandoned (and
unnarked) lover in lhe SloneIands, lhe
DM shouId feeI confidenl in pIacing
lhal on lhe nap as a slarling poinl. Sini-
IarIy, if an enlerprising group sels oul
lo luiId an enpire around lhe Moon-
sea, inproving roads and pushing
around lhe olher cily slales, lhal nay
le recorded on lhe nap as veII.
Wilh each nap covering six niIes
fron side lo side, lhere renains a Iol of
roon vilhin each hex for lhe DM lo
deveIop, sel advenlures in, or furlher
delaiI. A lIovn-up 6-niIe hex, vilh
snaIIer hexes vilhin for grealer delaiI,
is provided on page 15 for reproduclion
and use in lhe canpaign. Nole lhal lhe
cily naps of lhe ReaIns gel ly niceIy
vilhoul such a grid.
Nooemem1 usImg 1he maps
The seclion alove expIains lhe nechan-
ics of delernining dislance lelveen
specific Iocalions using lhe ReaIns
Maps. Ior parlies noving across lhe
reaIns, lhe DM uses lhe alove proce-
dure vilh lhe foIIoving noles.
There are lvo nelhods for delernin-
ing novenenl on lhe ReaIns naps. The
firsl in nore accurale, and line con-
suning as veII. The second is Iess accu-
rale, lul noves fasler.
The firsl nelhod of novenenl con-
siders lhe nunler of niIes lhal lhe par-
ly nay nove in a singIe day lhrough lhe
various lypes of lerrain. Thal nunler
is divided ly six for lhe nunler of
hexes lhal nay le lraveIed in a day The
renainder is considered change and
added lo lhe nexl days lraveI.
LxanpIe: A parly is noving 17 niIes
per day across nornaI lerrain. Seven-
leen divided ly six is 2 5/6lhs. The parly
noves lvo hexes and 5/6lh of anolher in
lhal day. The nexl day lhe parly lraveIs
anolher 2 5/6lh hexes, for a lolaI of 5 2/3
hexes, elc. Hex novenenl is laken fron
lhe cenler of lhe slarling hex.
The second nelhod is lo round aII
such fraclionaI novenenl lo lhe near-
esl vhoIe nunler, Ieaving haIves aIone,
and figuring in slandard hexes onIy. Ior
exanpIe, our parly alove al 17 niIes
per day viII nove lhree hexes, period.
The slandard novenenl rales for
lypicaI speeds and encunlrances,
according lo lhe DMG and lSG, are
provided on lhe lalIe leIov.
According lo lhe DMG.
Mctcncn| afcc| in ncxcs pcr aq
Lncunlrance Terrain
Lighl (or None) 5 3 2
Average 3 2 1
Heavy 2 1 1/3
Mctcncn| ncun|c in ncxcs/aq
Lncunlrance Terrain
Lighl horse 1O 4 1
Mediun horse 7 3 1
Heavy horse 5 2 1
Drafl horse 5 2 1
Carl 4 2 -
Wagon 4 2 -
TennaIm 1pes amo
Ac c or di ng l o li | c r nc s s Sur ti ta|
|cc| Mctcncn| in ncxcs/ na|f-aq Nun-
ler afler sIash indicales acceIeraled
novenenl . See lSG, page 31 f or
ef f ecl s of novi ng exhausl i on and
Lncunlrance Terrain
None 2.5/3 2/3 1/2
Lighl 2/3 2/2.5 1/1.5
Moderale 2/2 1.5/2 1/1
Heavy 1/2 1/1 .5/1
Severe 1/1 .5/1 .33/.5
Sc|cc|c nctcncn| ra|cs cf crca|urcs
Crealure Terrain
Donkey 1/2 1/1.5 .5/1
Drafl Horse 1/2 .5/1 .5/.5
Heavy Horse 1.5/2.5 1/1.5 .5/1
Lighl Horse 2/4 1/2 .5/1
Mediun Horse 1.5/3 1/1.5 .5/I
MuIe 1/2 1/1.5 .5/1
Sc|cc|c nctcncn| ra|cs cf tcnic|cs
VehicIe Terrain
SnaII Carl puIIed ly
2 1 -
Mediun Carl puIIed
ly nediun horse 1 1 -
SnaII Wagon puIIed ly
heavy horse 2 1.5 -
Large Wagon puIIed
ly heavy horse 3 2 -
When using eilher nelhod, consider
lhe foIIoving ruIe of lhunl. If lhe parly
is in lhe sane hex as lheir deslinalion
cily, aIIov lhen lo press on lhrough
lhe nighl and reach lhe cily, ralher
lhan enforce any syslen vhich forlids
lhe parly lo lraveI lhal exlra fev niIes
and inslead canp in viIderness vilhin
sighl of lheir deslinalion.
In lhe alove lalIes, ground lerrain is
defined as eilher ncrna|, ruggc, or
tcrq ruggc. The lypes of lerrain are as
NornaI Terrain in lhe ReaIns
Any veII-nainlained road, regard-
Iess of surrounding lerrain
pen, roIIing ground, incIuding
lolh lhe farnIand of Senlia and
lhe IieIds of lhe Dead
Hard-lacked, fIal deserl, such as a
dry Iake
Lighl foresl Iaced vilh palhs
Terrain vhich does nol fil inlo lhe
olher calegories
Rugged Terrain
NornaI lerrain in snov (assuned
aloul 5 inches or so deep)
Uneven ground (incIuding aII Iisled
AII Iisled HiIIs, incIuding lhe Iar
HiIIs and lhe Serpenl HiIIs
AII Ioresls and Woods up lo six
niIes (one hex) fron lhe edge
Mosl deserl lerrain, lolh in vasle-
Iands such as Anauroch and lhe
Dusl Deserl of Raurin
Ialhs lhrough Very Rugged Ter-
Very Rugged Terrain
Rugged lerrain in Snov (assuned
aloul 5 inches or so deep)
NornaI Terrain in Snov (assuned
aloul 1O inches or so deep)
AII Mounlainous lerrain
AII Svanp lerrain
Deep Ioresls (lhe exceplion leing
lhose foresls inhaliled ly a civi-
Iized race vhich lends lhe lrees,
such as lhe recenlIy-deparled eIves
of lhe LIven Courl)
TnaoeLImg 1hnough mIeo
The lalIe leIov covers lhe najor ler-
rain lypes on lhe enIarged naps, in
regards lo novenenl cIassificalion, cIi-
nale, and lerrain lype for encounlers.
Movenenl CIass
N NornaI
R Rugged
V Very Rugged
C CoId
T Tenperale
S Sul-lropicaI/TropicaI
Terrain Type for Lncounlers
1 Svanp
2 Ioresl
3 IIains/Scrul
4 Deserl
5 HiIIs/Rough
6 Mounlain
High Mounlains
Mediun Mounlains
Lov Mounlains
Broken HiIIs
Sleep/ Iool HiIIs
RoIIing HiIIs
Ioresled HiIIs
Lighl Snov IieId
Heavy Snov IieId
Sandy Deserl
Rocky Deserl
IrinodiaI Ioresl
Heavy Ioresl
Moderale Ioresl
Lighl Ioresl
Heavy }ungIe
Moderale }ungIe
Scrul Brush
V A 6
V A 6
V A 6
V A 5
R A 5
N A 5
R A 2
R C/T 5
A *
V A 1
V A 1
N A 4
R A 4
R C/T 2
V C/T 2
R C/T 2
N C/T 2
V S 2
R S 2
N A 3
N C/T 3
N C 3
N A 3
N A 3
= As lerrain for lhe adjoining area.
flen lhe DM is faced vilh lhe silualion
vhere lhe pIayer-characlers nove
fron one lype of lerrain lo anolher (for
exanpIe, Ieaving a nounlainous road lo
avoid pursuers or pIunging inlo a hearl
of a foresl). Use lhe foIIoving ruIe of
lhunl for such novenenl on lhe days
vhen such a change is nade.
Moving fron NornaI lo Rugged:
haIve lhe renaining niIes lhal couId
le covered lhal day had lhe lraveIers
renained in nornaI lerrain.
Moving fron Rugged lo Very Rugged:
haIve lhe renaining niIes lhal couId
le covered lhal day had lhe lraveIers
renained in rugged lerrain.
Moving fron NornaI lo Very Rugged:
quarler lhe renaining niIes lhal
couId le covered lhal day had lhe
lraveIers renained in nornaI lerrain.
Moving fron Rugged lo NornaI:
I ncrease ly haI f l he nunler of
renaining niIes lhal couId le lrav-
eIed lhal day, had lhe parly renained
in rugged lerrain.
Moving fron Very Rugged lo Rugged:
increase ly haIf lhe nunler of niIes
lhal couId le lraveIed lhal day, had
lhe parly renained in very rugged
Moving fron Very Rugged lo NornaI
Terrain: doulIe lhe renaining nove-
nenl lhal nay le lraveIed lhal day,
had lhe parly renained in very rug-
ged lerrain.
The alove ruIes of lhunl assune lhal
novenenl is possilIe in lhe nev lerrain
(for exanpIe, a carl cannol nove in Very
Rugged lerrain and lherefore, if laken
inlo lhal lerrain, cannol nove). Iurlher, il
is assuned lhal lhe lraveIers are naking
a concenlraled efforl lo nove lhrough
lhal lerrain over severaI niIes, as
opposed lo hiding in lhe voods unliI lhe
orc palroI passes.
A parly nay renain in lhe lype of ler-
rain lhey choose for purposes of nove-
nenl (a group in a hex conlaining hiIIs
and pIains nay renain in lhe pIains).
This appIies up lo lhe poinl lhal lhey
nusl olviousIy enler lhe lype of olher
lerrain, al vhich poinl aII penaIlies lake
effecl. A group in a hex vilh pIains and
svanp nay renain in pIains, lul if
lheir lraveI vouId lake lhen across
svanp lerrain, lhey vouId suffer lhe
penaIlies of lhe svanp. Ior olher
effecls of nixed lerrain in a hex, see
Lncounlers leIov.
Va1en mooemem1 Im 1he
CeneraI novenenl for valerlorne lra-
veI is covered in lhe DMG (pages 54-55)
and lSG (pages 44-46). ne inporlanl
poinl lo discuss here is lhe faIIs-Iine.
Many of lhe rivers, such as lhe river
Lis, vhich Iinks lhe Moonsea vilh lhe
Sea of IaIIen Slars, are navigalIe aIong
lheir enlire Ienglh ly gaIIeys and ships.
lhers are navigalIe onIy lo lhe Iasl
cascades of lhal river. These cascades
are caIIed lhe faIIs-Iine, and alove lhal
poinl nornaI sea-going ships cannol
lraveI. SnaII skiffs, rafls, and shaIIov-
lolloned larges nay sliII nove upriv-
er, suljecl lo any furlher faIIs, cascades,
or olslruclions.
When pIayers choose lo have lheir
characlers nove aIong a previousIy
uncharled river or slrean, incIude in lhe
encounler lalIe lhe chance of a cascade,
seclion of vhile valer, or faIIs, according
lo lhe area lhe slrean passes lhrough.
Mark lhese Iocalions on lhe nap (as lhey,
unIike nonslers, viII nol nove avay
fron lhe area) for fulure lraveIers.
There are lhree exceplions lo lhis ruIe.
The River Lis fron Moonsea lo lhe
Dragon Reach is cIear and unlIocked, ils
faIIs reduced ly nagic-users fron lhe
Moonsea cilies. The River Chionlhar
lelveen lhe Svord Coasl and ScornuleI
is siniIarIy a najor arlery, and lhis vide,
nuddy fIov has no sudden drops in ils
region. The Soulh Iork of lhe Chionlhar
fron ScornuleI lo Iriaelor has one najor
lIockage, a cascade al lhe lovn of Ber-
dusk. Il is here lhal larges fron lhe lvo
Iarger cilies slop and unIoad, lheir cargo
reIoaded onlo olher larges on lhe far
side of lhe faIIs and conlinued up or
dovn lhe river.
Emcoum1ens Im 1he
IndividuaIs lraveIing across counlry
nay encounler a nunler of unpIanned
advenlures en roule fron poinl A lo
poinl B. These randon encounlers nay
aid or hurl lhe pIayer-characlers in
lheir uIlinale goaIs, or provide an eve-
nings advenlure in lhenseIves. This
seclion deaIs vilh delernining vhal
crealures are found vhere, and hov
lhe DM nay creale his ovn lalIes for
randon encounlers.
When pIayer-characlers are lraveIing
lhrough knovn or unknovn Iands,
lhere is a chance for randon encounl-
ers. Randon encounlers are deler-
nined ly lhe foIIoving nelhod.
Delernine lhe lerrain lhe pIayer-
characlers are lraveIing lhrough,
lolh as lo |qpc and pcpu|a|icn.
Delernine if an encounler occurs
in lhis area.
Noms1en emcoum1en 1abLes
amo buILoImg ome's oum
Delernine lhe lype of encounler.
The DM na y de l e r ni ne i f a n
encounler lakes pIace eilher ly |inc or
I n del erni ni ng i f an encounl er
oc c ur s ly l i ne, us e l he nel hod
descriled ly lhe DMG, page 47, check-
ing lo see if an encounler occurs in lhe
area lhe pIayer-characlers are lraveIing
lhrough al lhe line of lhe encounler. If
lhe lraveIers pass lhrough pIains in lhe
norning, a check shouId le nade,
regardIess of vhelher lhey have passed
lhrough olher lerrain as veII (lhough
onIy one check shouId le nade per
line period).
Cnancc cf |nccun|crs pcr Tinc
If delernining encounlers ly Ioca-
lion, one roII is nade each line a nev
hex is enlered. Check lhe foIIoving
lalIe for vhelher an encounler occurs.
Terrain CiviIized Border WiId
IIain 1 in 2O 1 in 12 1 in 1O
Ioresl 1 in 12 1 in 1O 1 in 8
Svanp 1 in 12 1 in 8 1 in 8
Mounlains 1 in 1O 1 in 8 1 in 6
Deserl 1 in 2O 1 in 12 1 in 12
HiIIs 1 in 2O 1 in 12 1 in 1O
The DM shouId choose lhe nelhod he
or she is nosl conforlalIe vilh, vilh
lhe nole lhal lhe Ialer syslen viII pro-
vide nore encounlers for a fasl-noving
parly in a day, and fever encounlers
vilh a sIov-noving group.
The lype of lerrain for an encounler
is delernined ly lhe lerrain in lhe hex.
Many differenl lypes of lerrain nay le
in a hex al lhe sane line, so use lhe idea
of lerrain hierarchy. Cerlain lypes or
lerrain viII lake precedence over olher
lypes for purposes of encounlers.
A hex vhich conlains nuIlipIe lypes
of lerrain viII le considered lhe lerrain
of lhe higher rank for purposes of
encounlers. Ior exanpIe, if a hex con-
lains Mounlains and HiIIs, lhe lerrain is
HiIIs for purposes of encounlers. If a
region is lolh svanp and pIains, il is
considered Svanp. Roads and palhs
are aIvays considered lo le lhe lerrain
surrounding lhen for purposes of
Afler delernining lhe lerrain, deler-
nine lhe slalus: CiviIized, WiIderness,
or BorderIand.
Citi|izc regions are lhose under
hunan or aIIied-race conlroI, and
have suilalIe palroIs, popuIalion, and
defenses fron nosl invading crea-
lures Areas vilhin 18 niIes of najor
cilies, and six niIes of lovns are con-
sidered CiviIized.
li|crncss regions are lhose nol
under lhe conlroI of any IavfuI-
group, and usuaIIy are a lreeding
ground of fouI leasls, such as lhe
TroII HiIIs and lhe High Moor.
8crcr|ans are vhere lhese lvo
areas neel.
If lhe hex under consideralion Iies
vilhin a civiIized area, any encounlers
lhere are considered civiIized, vhiIe
lhose lolaIIy vilh lhe olher refIecl viI-
derness encounlers. If lhis Iine runs
lhrough lhe hex ilseIf, lhen lhe area is
lorderIands, and lhe encounler can
eilher le viId or civiIized.
BorderIand encounlers slalus is lolaI-
Iy up lo lhe DM. Things lo lake inlo con-
sideralion in lhis decision incIude lhe
nalure, lerrain, hislory, and currenl
slalus of lhe region. A lorderIand
encounler in a kingdon lhal has Iong
leen al peace viII IikeIy le civiIized,
vhiIe one lhal has leen recenlIy over-
un ly invading arnies viII produce
nore viId encounlers.
Having delernined lhe lerrain and
slalus of an encounler, go lo lhe appro-
priale lalIe lo delernine lhe lype of
nonsler encounlered. The DM nay
have specific lalIes for cerlain Iocalions
in lhe reaIns of his ovn crealion (see
leIov), or lhose in lhe lack of lhe Mcn-
s|cr Manua| || look.
TypicaI Monsler Lncounler lalIes are
provided here for lhe lhe najor regions
of l he Ior gol l en ReaI ns on l he
enIarged naps. AddilionaI lalIes nay
le found in lhe lack of lhe Mcns|cr
Manua| || look, as veII as lhe fuII nelh-
od of crealing ones ovn nonsler lalIes
for use in lhe ReaIns, vhich is sunna-
rized here.
The DM nay use lhe foIIoving lalIe,
dupIicaled in nuIlipIe copies on lhe
lack cover for crealing his ovn lalIe.
This nelhod is lased on lhe sun of one
B-sided die and one 12-sided die, pro-
ducing a range of 2-2O. Monslers are
arranged according lo lheir slaled fre-
quency in lhal lerrain lype.
Die RoII Type of Monsler
2 Very Rare or Unique nonsler
3 Very Rare nonsler
4 Very Rare or Rare Monsler
5 Rare Monsler
6 Rare Monsler
7 Unconnon Monsler
8 Unconnon Monsler
9 Connon Monsler
1O Connon Monsler
11 Connon Monsler
12 Connon Monsler
13 Connon Monsler
14 Unconnon Monsler
15 Unconnon Monsler
16 Rare Monsler
17 Rare Monsler
18 Very Rare or Rare Monsler
19 Very Rare Monsler
2O Very Rare Monsler
When a choice is provided, lhe DM
nakes lhe choice lelveen lhe lvo
oplions al lhe line of crealing lhe lalIe.
Inslead of a connon nonsler, lhe
DM nay pIace in lhal sIol lvo rare non-
slers, and have lhe choice of vhich
nonsler lhe parly encounlers. Inslead
of an unconnon nonsler, lhe DM nay
pIace in lhal sIol lvo very rare non-
slers, and have lhe choice of vhich
nonsler lhe pIayers encounler. This
decision nay le nade ly lhe DM al lhe
line of lhe encounler, or nay inslead
le decided ly a roII of lhe die (1-3 firsl
nonsler Iisled, 4-6 second nonsler Iisl-
A uono abou1 onagoms
The dragons of lhe Iorgollen ReaIns
are anong lhe nosl dangerous, devi-
ous, and poverfuI crealures of lhe
ReaIns. The greal najorily of lhen Iive
in far-renoved vasles lo lhe norlh, lul
on occasion have svepl dovn in record
nunlers lo pIague nankind.
The dragons of lhe ReaIns have lhe
Iisled slals and aliIilies of lhose Iisled in
lhe Mcns|cr Manua|, vilh lhe foIIoving
addilionaI infornalion.
Nunler of allacks per round
Danage of Brealh Weapon
IossiliIily of grealer ages of
Revised delerninalion of SulduaI
and purchases of dragons
Nunoc r cf a| | ac |s pc r r cun. The
dragons of lhe Iorgollen ReaIns have a
feIine quickness lhal leIies lheir repliI-
ian origin. They nay nake up lo lvice
lhe nornaI liling and cIaving allacks
in a singIe round, and divide lhose
allacks againsl figures vilhin lhe sane
15 fool area. They viII do so onIy if lhey
are pressed, or allacked ly nunlers
grealer lhan lhree lines lheir hil dice.
Da na g c c f 8 r c a | n lc a p c n . T h e
dragons of lhe Iorgollen ReaIns nay
use lheir lrealh veapon as nany lines
as lhey see fil vilhin a 24 hour period,
lul nay onIy infIicl up lo lhree lines
lheir hil poinls in danage, naxinun,
during lhal period. ConnonIy, in con-
lal, a dragon viII lrealhe lhrice, vilh
each allack infIicling lhe anounl of
danage equaI lo lhe dragons iniliaI hil
poinls (see DRACN in lhe Mcns|cr
Manua|). If pressed, hovever, a dragon
nay reIease everylhing in one shol, or
nay lrealhe nore lhan lhree lines al
reduced effecl al scallered largels.
(Divide lolaI danage per allack ly
Tnc Agcs cf Dragcn|in. The eighl Iisl-
ed ages of dragons provided in lhe Mcn-
s|cr Manua| appIy lo lhose dragons lhal
nay le encounlered randonIy in lhe
ReaIns. Dragons grov aII lheir Iife, and
lhere are lvo ranks leyond for speciaI
VeneralIe Dragons have 9 poinls/die.
Creal Wyrns have 1O poinls/die.
The huge nonsler lhal allacked HiIIs-
far and vas deslroyed ly lhal cilys
nages vas a Creal Red Wyrn, and
lhere are said lo le olhers of his lreed
aloul. Such crealures viII nctcr le
encounlered as randon nonslers,
unIess lhe enlire area is under lhe
allack of a IIighl of Dragons (vhich Iasl
occurred in lhe Year of lhe Worn).
Suoua|. The facl lhal lhe dragon can
le polenliaIIy suldued vhiIe laking Iess
danage lhan needed lo sIay il causes
dragons lo lhe underaled as nonslers.
Dragons in lhe Iorgollen ReaIns can le
suldued, lul onIy under parlicuIar cir-
The dragon in queslion nusl le cna|-
|cngc, cIearIy and openIy, eilher in ils
nalive longue, or, if il speaks il, con-
non. Il nusl accepl lhal chaIIenge for
sulduaI conlal lo lake pIace.
This neans lhal a sIeeping or sur-
prised dragon cannol le suldued ly a
singIe fighler rushing in vilh a Iucky
Whelher a dragon accepls such a
chaIIenge or nol is lased on lhe inleIIi-
gence of lhe dragon and vhelher il has
nore hil dice lhan lhe individuaIs
allacking il. If lhe dragon can counl on
aIIies (olher dragons, hunan servanls,
elc.) coning lo ils aid, counl lheir hil
dice as veII lo delernine vhelher lhe
offer is accepled.
Is Grcatcr Is Equa!
nr Lcsscr
Average 7O 4O
Very 6O 3O
HighIy 5O 2O
LxceplionaI 4O 1O
Cenius 3O O
Supra-Cenius 2O O
IndividuaI dragons such as Tianal
and Bahunal viII never accepl sulduaI
Second, once a chaIIenge is accepled,
cerlain ruIes appIy. Allacks lhal infIicl
reaI danage (such as speIIs Iike fircoa||)
are nol pernilled, and lheir use viII
negale lhe chaIIenge and enrage lhe
dragon invoIved. Weapons infIicl one-
quarler reaI danage vhen used lo sul-
due. The dragon nay, of course, use his
lrealh veapon, lul viII do so onIy if a 7
or leller is roIIed vilh lvo six-sided
ThirdIy, lhere is a chance lhal once
lhe dragon is officiaIIy suldued (as Iisl-
ed in Mcns|cr Manua| ||), il viII renege
on ils offer, eilher escaping or (if lhe
allackers are sufficienlIy langed up)
allacking in earnesl. The chances of
lhis depend on lhe dragons aIignnenl.
LavfuI Dragons are 9O IikeIy lo
honor lhe lerns of lhe sulduaI chaI-
NeulraI Dragons are 7O IikeIy lo
honor lhe lerns of lhe sulduaI chaI-
Ienge, and if lhey do nol do so, viII seek
lo escape as opposed lo lurn on lheir
Chaolic Dragons are onIy 5O IikeIy
lo honor lhe lerns of lheir conlracl.
BIack, lrass, vhile, red, and copper
dragons are aII Chaolic in nalure.
If a dragon is suldued (and honors
lhal sulduaI), lhe advenlurers nay Iool
lhe dragons Iair and vresl fron lhe
crealure a pronise lo Ieave lhe area
and nol relurn. The characlers nay
aIso lry lo lake lhe dragon in for saIe, as
Iisled in lhe Mcns|cr Manua|. Such saIes
can onIy le heId al cilies, vhere a suf-
ficienl nunler of luyers are inleresled
in lhal sorl of lhing. Such saIes are nev-
er heId in cilies, as lhe lovn falhers
lake a din viev of such crealures vilh-
in lhe cily vaIIs (check lhe danage
done ly lhe nosl recenl DragonfIighl
under Dragons in lhe CycIopedia.) Such
vouId-le saIesnen shouId le varned
lhal anong lhe luyers vouId incIude
lhose Iooking for a guardian-leasl,
aIchenisls Iooking for a lrove of conpo-
nenls, and nenlers of such organiza-
lions as lhe CuIl of lhe Dragon, vhich
vouId enIisl lhe crealure inlo lheir
cause, and sel il free again lo vreak
havoc on lhe area in generaI and lhe
advenlurers in parlicuIar.
Dragons found in Iair nay found
asIeep, lul lhose of higher lhan Aver-
age inleIIigence viII le IikeIy lo sel up
sone forn of lrap or lrip-vire lo aIerl
lhen lo provIers in lheir donains.
IinaIIy, vhen deaIing vilh dragons,
keep in nind lhe foIIoving ilens.
AduIl (and oIder) dragons can radi-
al e a ragcn- f car, vhi ch nay
cause Iov-IeveI crealures lo panic.
The y na y do l hi s o nc e pe r
encounler vilh lhe sane individ-
Saving lhrov hil dice for dragons
of 5 or nore hil poinls are deler-
nined ly dividing lheir hil poinls
ly 4. An ancienl, huge, red dragon
saves as a 22nd IeveI crealure, nol
an 11lh.
Dragons vilh speII-casling aliIilies
viII usc lhen, and do so in a fash-
ion lo nosl confound and harn
any inlerIopers.
The vord dragons slrikes fear inlo
lhe hearl of nany in lhe ReaIns, even
lhose lried and lrue advenlurers vho
have crossed lIades vilh lhen. Using
lhe alove guideIines, and nol using lhe
crealures as jusl-anolher-encounler,
shouId nake lhen anong lhe nosl
deadIy crealures of lhe Iorgollen
5eLec1eo NPCs O[ 1he ReaLms
he ReaIns are a Iiving, groving
vorId, hone lo IileraIIy lhousands
of leings vilh nanes and deeds, nal-
ures and hislories, of vhich lhe pIayer
characlers are a snaII lul inporlanl
parl. More lhan anylhing eIse, lhese
individuaIs arc lhe ReaIns. The grealer
luIk of such a popuIalion vouId nake
for a huge lone and dreadfuI reading,
even in lhe reduced fashion presenled
here. The lrief sunnaries nenlioned
here are incIuded lo give a DM a hand-
fuI of possilIe IC lulors and lig
vheeIs for lhe ICs lo lrush up againsl,
and lhal lhe IillIe career oulIines
incIuded spark ideas for IC advenlures
(for exanpIe, see The SIeeping Svord
under LnpereI).
Many NICs are nenlioned lriefIy in
lhe CycIopedia of lhe ReaIns, lul do
nol appear lhere in fuII slals, ralher
leing sunnarized as lo cIass and IeveI.
In order lo prevenl pIayers fron gain-
ing loo nuch of an advanlage over lhis
knovIedge (Hey, Iel s go over lo
Buglovn, lhe nayor lhere is onIy a 5lh
IeveI fighler!), feeI free lo use lhe foI-
Ioving lalIe lo nodify lhe Iisled IeveI of
lhe NIC fron lhe Cqc|cpcia.
Humams o[ No1e
NPC Lcvc! MndIfIcatInn Tab!c:
Die RoII Modificalion
O1-1O Runors overslale lhe inpor-
lance of lhe individuaI, is aclu-
aIIy one IeveI Iess lhan Iisled.
11-6O Slories are correcl, individuaI
is of Iisled IeveI.
61-8O Slories are sIighlIy daled, indi-
viduaI is of one IeveI higher
lhan Iisled.
81-95 Slories are ladIy daled, indi-
viduaI is of lvo IeveIs higher
lhan Iisled.
96-OO S l or i e s a r e j us l oul r i ghl
vrong, individuaI is of 1-4
IeveIs higher lhan Iisled.
MuIli-cIassed individuaIs nay roII once,
vilh resuIls appIied lo aII IeveIs. RaciaI
Iinilalions appIy. IndividuaIs Iisled al
nane IeveI (Wizard, High Iriesl, Lord,
elc.) viII aIvays le of lhal nininun
Appendix I in lhe DMG provides an
exceIIenl lackground for providing
such NICs vilh nagicaI arnor, veap-
ons, and devi ces f or use i n lri ef
encounlers. Such individuaIs nay have
furlher lreasures in lheir hones and
Beings in lhis fragnenlary Iisl are
arranged ly lheir firsl nanes. Dales
give are in DaIereckoning (currenl year
1356) and concenlrale on lhal region of
lhe Inner Sea.
AII enlries are arranged lhus:
NAML (Ironuncialion)
Nicknane(s), if appIicalIe
Dales of lirlh and dealh, if appIicalIe
TilIe, if appIicalIe
Base of operalions
LeveI and cIass, group affiIialion if
AIignnenl, pover(s) vorshiped (if any)
Race, sex
HiIIsfar and Senlia
6lh IeveI nagic-user, Red Wizard of
LL, Kossulh
Hunan MaIe
AiIolh is a shorl, vhile-haired nage
vho galhers infornalion in Senlia and
HiIIsfar for lhe Red Wizards of Thay,
vhiIe acling as a noneyIender and dis-
lress goods/danaged goods luyer. His
conlacls vilh lhe Red Wizards are veII-
knovn in lolh HiIIsfar and Senlia.
Sage (O-IeveI fighler)
AraleI, in Cornyr
LN, ghna
Hunan MaIe
AIdoIphus is a sage of unusuaI joviaIily,
free of nuch of lhe ponposily lhal is
exhililed ly his feIIov sages across lhe
ReaIns. f lroulIed lines, AIdoIphus
once said, Curious happenslances
alound~and aII lurning HeII lreaks
Ioose! This phrase has caughl on and
can nov le heard in laIk fron Miralar
lo lhe Creal Deserl of Raurin. This fal,
Iunlering IillIe nan Iives in AraleI,
and nov spends nuch line in aslro-
nonicaI sludies. His prinary fieId of
knovIedge, hovever, is of lhe physicaI
sciences, lhe idenlificalion and proper-
lies of nelaIs and laser nineraIs, of
voods and Iesser pIanls, and hov lhis
knovIedge nay le appIied in usefuI
processes ly nen. AIdoIphus con-
nands high fees, lul is a reguIar guesl
of Azoun vhenever lhe king is in Ara-
leI, for lhe lvo are firn friends, and
lhe ruIer of Cornyr deIighls in lhe
sages enlerlaining conpany, AIdoIphus
nusl enjoy lheir neaIs logelher loo, for
he viII drop everylhing he is doing for
hire, regardIess of ils urgency of lhe
anounl of lhe fee, unliI lhe king Ieaves
lhe cily again.
LIven Courl
5lh IeveI fighler
CC, SoIonor TheIandira
LIven IenaIe
AIok has renained lehind as con-
nander of lhe 2O eIven Ionglovnen
assigned lo prolecl Luvon CreencIoak
and lhe Iasl of lhe slraggIers. As lallIe-
Ieader, she carries a siIver spcar +3,
vears c|tcn cnain nai| +2, and vieIds
a lvo-handed svord in lallIe. AIok
vouId ralher quil lhis vorId of nen
and relire vilh lhe najorily of her race
lo Lverneel, lul is IoyaI lo her duly lo
Wanders ( Cornyr, Senli a, and
Dragon Reach)
1Olh IeveI nagic-user, Red Wizard of
LL, Kossulh
Hunan MaIe
An oId, laId, var-scarred necronancer,
AIzegund openIy vears roles narked
on lhe lreasl and lack vilh a red fIane
ladge, and lraveIs lhe lrade roules vilh
six grin nen-al-arns, guarding lhose
caravans lhe Red Wizards vanl kepl
safe. AIzegund aIso spies on lhe niIilary
slrenglh of Cornyr and of ZhenliI
Keep. He is said lo possess a nagicaI oag
cf |ric|s and a uan cf |ign|ning.
Arlhagus of lhe MiracIes
Yhuann in Senlia
7lh IeveI iIIusionisl
CN, Leira
Hunan MaIe
This vhile-learded, green-eyed oId
nan is kindIy unliI crossed, lul he has
leen crossed oflen enough lhal he
leIieves conceaInenl of lhe lrulh is
necessary in lhis vorId. He Iives quielIy
in Yhaunn in Senlia, lraining iIIusion-
isls of Iesser pover occasionaIIy, and
sludying his arls lireIessIy, refining lhis
or lhal iIIusory effecl. Arlhagus aIso
occasionaIIy aids lhose vho govern
Senlia. His underslanding of lhe arls
of nisdireclion exlends lo nisinforna-
lion spread ly runors, and his exper-
lise in lhis regard is usefuI in cerlain
nallers of nanipuIaling popuIar feeI-
ing and lhe laclics of oulside povers.
Arlhagus ovns nany ninor ilens of
nagic, parlicuIarIy proleclive in nal-
ure, perhaps lhe nosl unusuaI of lhese
is an cnqx cg.
AZZ-bnazz Huh-LOO-mIm)
Wanders (Moonsea/Dragon Reach)
6lh IeveI nagic-user
NL, Dragon CuIl AND Myslra
Hunan MaIe
This nage uses nagicaI neans lo con-
ceaI his aIignnenl, and purporls lo le
neulraI good. He viII viIIingIy lrain,
casl nagic for, and even join (for shorl
periods) lands of advenlurers operal-
ing in lhe area, lrying lo Iearn aII he can
off lheir doings and lhen lelray lhen in
sone dangerous spol, hoping lhey viII
le kiIIed, vhereupon Aslras viII rol
lhe advenlurers of aII lheir lreasure,
keeping a neasure for hinseIf, and giv-
ing lhe resl lo lhe CuIl.
AUBAERU5 AVE-bane-us)
The Ravennasler
Thunder Ieaks area
16lh IeveI hierophanl druid
N, SiIvanus
Hunan MaIe
This gruff, privale nan dveIIs aIone in
a renole cave on lhe easlern side of lhe
norlhern side of lhe Thunder Ieaks, far
alove Lake Senler. He disIikes hunan
conpany and never j oi ns or ai ds
hunans vhen in his hunan forn,
aIlhough he viII consorl vilh eIves and
olher druids. If approached ly druids
for lraining, he viII drive a hard lar-
gain for paynenl, hoping lo discourage
lhen. Aulaerus spends nuch of his
line as a Iarge lIack raven, fIying aII
aloul lhe Dragon Reach area (lhus, he
is avare of nosl novenenls of groups
of crealures in lhe area), and seens lo
enjoy lhe conpany of ravens. Aulaerus
i s nol a nenler of l he Har per s
(aIlhough lheir inleresls oflen coin-
cide), or of any olher organizalion or
inleresl group. Aulaerus nusl le very
rich, as he never has any cause lo spend
or pay anylhing, and has laken in nuch
goId and nagic over lhe years as pay-
nenl for druidic lraining.
AzaIa Iire-eyes
Teziir, on soulh coasl of Lake of
11lh IeveI nagic-user
NC, Myslra
Hunan IenaIe
CIoseIy connecled vilh lhe governnenl
of Teziir, AzaIa has oflen aided ils
guardsnen vilh her nagic. Her youlh
vas spenl in a Iong and coIorfuI adven-
luring career, incIuding a parl in lhe
sIaying of lhe Creal Worn of TeIfIann.
She nov resides in a lover in Teziir,
devoling nosl of her line lo research
and lhe crafling of snaII, usefuI, and
leaulifuI ilens of nagic.
1Olh IeveI nagic-user
CC, Myslra AND MeiIikki
Hunan IenaIe
Lilher a nenler or aIIy of lhe Harpers,
Azargalha is oflen in lhe conpany of
rangers lhoughl lo le Harpers. A laII,
fIane-red-haired vonan of inposing
slrenglh of characler and of lody,
Azargalha Ioves vreslIing, and once
defealed RandaI Morn of DaggerdaIe lvo
faIIs oul of lhree al a ShieIdneel feasl.
She currenlIy resides in Highnoon
(DeepingdaIe), and lears a nagic slaff of
sone pover (IikeIy a s|aff cf uizarrq).
Azargalha runs a loy-shop in Highnoon,
vhere she seIIs eIaloraleIy-carved vood-
en loys nade ly herseIf and ly lhe eIves
of lhe LIven Courl.
The IurpIe Dragon, King of Cornyr
2Olh IeveI cavaIier
LC, Tyr and Tenpus
Hunan naIe, lorn 1282 (has reigned
fron 1311 lo presenl)
Azoun is a slocky, learded nan of aver-
age heighl, lrovn hair shol lhrough
vilh siIver, and lhe possessor of a coI-
Ieclion of nagicaI svords. Azoun is
praclicaI, good-nalured, carefuI, and
prudenl. He is devoled lo his vife IiI-
faeriI SeIzair (lhe Dragon Queen), and
lhe greal sorrov of lheir Iives has leen
lhe earIy dealh of lheir son and firsl-
lorn, IoriI (13O7-13O9). They have lvo
daughlers, TanaIesla (13O9-````), and
AIusair Nacacia (131O-````), lhe Ialler of
vhon recenlIy venl nissing, and is
currenl I y soughl aI I over Iaerun.
Azouns falher vas Rhigaerd II, his
nolher TanaIusla TruesiIver, and his sis-
ler SuIesla, aII are nov dead.
Azouns reign has leen IargeIy peace-
fuI. There have leen lhreals fron Con-
degaI and Lashan of ScardaIe, and
ongoing skirnishes in lhe SloneIands,
lul no najor vars. Cornyr has recenl-
Iy annexed TiIverlon, lul Azoun does
nol seen lo pIan any olher expansions,
preferring lo keep his kingdon slrong
vilhin ils lradilionaI lorders. He is a
jusl king, connanding lhe Iove as veII
as lhe IoyaIly of his peopIe.
HiIIsfar, on Moonsea
7lh IeveI nagic-user
NC, Myslra
Hunan MaIe
A cIose-noulhed, loIeranl and respecl-
ed nage of HiIIsfar, Borusline avoided
poIilics in lhal cily for nosl of his
career, lul his very presence and
pover Ienl lo lhe cily sone sociaI slaliI-
ily anongsl lraveIers and nerchanls
Ieery of eIves and of lhe varIike nen of
lhe Moonsea area aIike. Borusline oflen
aided advenlurers for reasonalIe fees,
lul heved lo an ofl-slaled poIicy of nol
underlaking offensive nagics lo aid one
nan or group againsl anolher. Boru-
sline preferred lo spend his line upon
his nagicaI sludies, leing nosl inler-
esled in guards, vards, and proleclive
fieIds, despile an advenlurous and ner-
cenary pasl , i n hi s youl h, Boru-
sline rode vilh arnies in Telhyr and
lhe Soulh, and casl his gIanours on
nany a lallIefieId. More recenlIy, he
slood on lhe rooflops of HiIIsfar dock-
houses and lallIed a greal allacking
dragon vilh his nagic, in concerl vilh
olher nages of lhe cily, logelher lhey
sIev il over lhe harlor, and lroughl il
dovn. Bor us l i ne has s uppor l ed
MaaIlhiirs overlhrov of lhe corrupl
CounciI and seizure of pover, he has
given MaaIlhiirs reign nuch of ils Iegili-
nacy and Iasling pover, and conlinues
lo serve MaaIlhiir as advisor, and (occa-
sionaIIy) a nagicaI aide, vhen speIIs are
needed. Borusline Iives in a lover on
lhe soulhern edge of HiIIsfar, jusl inside
lhe cily vaII, near ils easlernnosl cor-
ner, vilhin sighl of lhe voods.
Wanders, lased in IriapurI
6lh IeveI fighler
CN, Tenpus
Hunan MaIe
This joviaI, lravIing laclicaI nasler is a
var-Ieader-for-hire of Iong and coIorfuI
repulalion in lhe Inner Sea Iands. Based
in IriapurI (a pIace snaII enough lo
sland ne, as he puls il), Brandon hales
seafaring and sea conlal, lul is IikeIy
lo le found anyvhere around lhe Inner
Sea (and aIong lhe lrade roules vesl
lovard lhe Svord Coasl) vhere lhere is
dry Iand, fighling for lhis or lhal hire-
nasler. Brandons expIoils incIude lhe
sIaying of lhe Iich Tharuighagh, in lhe
hiIIs near Saerl, lhe slorning of }has-
siIn nespears ciladeI, and lhe forcilIe
renovaI of lhe inprisoned nage Rhon-
delhar Windrider fron dungeons in
Weslgale, a lask vhich invoIved sIaying
nany of lhe guards of lhal cily vho
vere in lhe vay of his ain. Brandon
viII underlake aInosl any lask, for
aInosl any nasler, as Iong as lhe pay is
good (lvenly pieces of goId daiIy, haIf
refunded if lhe lask is unsuccessfuI,
pIus 4 gp/day per nan-al arns Brandon
is asked lo lring vilh hin, if any). Bran-
don has his ovn code of honor, and is
very shrevd lehind his hearly fronl,
he viII do nolhing suslained lo upsel
lhe generaI peace of lhe region, vhich
vouId if Iarge-scaIe varfare lroke oul,
nake his jol far nore dangerous, lhe
conpelilion far grealer, and nen gen-
eraIIy Iess alIe lo pay for his services.
He has served aIongside CayrIana in her
MinduIguIph Mercenary conpany (see
Mercenary Conpanies), lul vhiIe
respecling lhe Lady BIoodsvord greal-
Iy, does nol gel aIong veII vilh her
inhunan lroops.
DAY-one RA5T-hah-oIm)
Sage (4lh IeveI nagic-user)
LN, ghna AND Myslra
Hunan MaIe
This quiel, sofl-spoken sage dveIIs in
SeIgaunl, vhere he nainlains a Iov
profiIe, lul is nuch consuIled ly peo-
pIe fron aII over lhe ReaIns. Deior is
veaIlhy enough lo induIge in occasion-
aI sponsorship of advenluring lands lo
expIore lhis or research lhal, in periI-
ous pIaces leyond lhe reach of a nan of
his years. Deiors fieIds of sludy are aII
concerned vilh hunankind: hislory,
Iengends, and foIkIore of lhe Inner Sea
region, geneaIogy and poIilics, and (as a
sideIine) heraIdry, signs, and sigiIs.
Deiors fees are high, and he is very
lusy. His lodyguards, a pair of 5lh IeveI
fighlers naned HiIIur and Rheeokk, viII
ensure lhal he is nol dislurled excepl
vhen he vishes lo le. Deior is cIean-
shaven, loved vilh his years (and he
vas never slrong), lul has inleIIigence
and visdon of 18, and cuslonariIy
vears oraccrs cf cfcnsc AC2.
DELBO55AN DeL-BO55-am)
3rd IeveI fighler/2nd IeveI lhief
CN, Tenpus AND Mask
Hunan naIe
SlalIenasler lo Hezon, Lord of Lspar,
DeIlossan is a niddIe-aged, lacilurn
nan of quiel conpelence in lhe lrain-
ing and care of horses, he is aIso a forn-
er advenlurer vho quielIy nade a piIe
of goId pieces in his earIy years as a
lhief on lhe overIand lrade roule Iink-
ing lhe Inner Sea Iands vilh lhe Svord
Coasl. During lhal line he sloIe so
nany horses and posed as a horse-
lender on so nany caravans lhal he
Iearned nuch of lhe care and lending
of horsefIesh. In nore recenl days he
hid for a line as assislanl slalIenasler
lo oId Heuran in Lspar, Iiked lhe vork,
and succeeded Heuran upon lhe Iallers
dealh of lhe shaking cough, serving
failhfuIIy (incIuding Cornyrean niIi-
lary lraining and duly) ever since. He is
nov a IoyaI and acconpIished nen-of
Dous1 5ULL-uooo)
8lh IeveI cIeric of Tynora
CC, Tynora
Hunan naIe
Born in Lspar lo a relired soIdier and
his vife (vho died in chiIdlirlh), Dousl
grev up IoneIy and afraid of his drunk-
en falher. When oId enough lo Ieave, he
sel oul lo seek his forlune vilh olhers
of his age (incIuding IIorin IaIconhand
and Senoor WoIfloolh), and vilhin lvo
years found hinseIf Lord of Shadov-
daIe, chosen ly his conpanions afler
KheIlen BIackslaff Arunsun offered
lhe Lordship lo one of lhe parly.
Dousl narried IsIif LureIake shorlIy
lhereafler, and has a son ly her, }haok
(see: IsIif LureIake). Dousl insliluled a
Lord s Courl or veekIy neeling
vhere foIk of lhe daIe couId speak
openIy, and vhere nallers inlernaI lo
lhe daIe couId le decided ly vole of a
CounciI of daIe eIders, and vas veII
Iiked ly lhe peopIe despile lhe lunuIl
of his shorl reign (in vhich ShadovdaIe
vas allached severaI lines ly forces of
ZhenliI Keep, and nany daIefoIk died).
Dousl found lhe responsiliIilies of ruI-
ing hard lo reconciIe vilh lhe phiIoso-
phy of Tynora, and al Ienglh resigned
his lilIe (aIlhough he renains a Lord of
ShadovdaIe, as do his conpanions) in
favor of a younger conpanion, lhe cav-
aIier Mourngryn Ancalhra. Dousls
conpanions lecane lhe Knighls of
Mylh Drannor, and pIunged anev inlo
advenlures, lul Dousl hinseIf look IsIif
lo AraleI, vhere he couId vorship al
lhe lenpIe lhere vilh nore diIigence
lhan had leen possilIe vhen he vas a
harried Lord needing lo le dipIonalic
and far-seeing, or an advenlurer under-
laking aII advenlures vilh an eye lo
hov lhis vouId slrenglhen his daIe.
Dousl knev lhal freedon fron lhe
dulies of ruIe vouId aIso aIIov hin lhe
line and reIalive safely in vhich lo
raise his son and enjoy sone Ieisure
vilh his vife, and he is sliII in AraleI,
engaged in such pursuils.
Wanders (The DaIeIands, Lsper)
11lh IeveI ranger
CC, MieIikki
Hunan fenaIe
ne of lhe youngesl of a fanous faniIy
of sislers (lhe olhers incIude AIuslrieI of
SiIverynoon, The SinluI of AgIarond,
lhe lard Slorn SiIverhand, and lhe
nov-deceased vilch SyIune), Dove is
an agenl of lhe Harpers, and has for
nany years leen a foe of lhe Zhenlarin
and lhe eviI crealures of lhe Inner Sea
Iands. SeveraI lines her advenlures
lroughl her inlo conlacl vilh a cerlain
land of advenlurers fron Lspar in Cor-
nyr, she served as a lulor lo lheir
lallIe-Ieader, lhe young ranger IIorin
IaIconhand, and vas nosl inpressed
ly hin. Laler she encounlered hin in
Tnc lnis||ing lizar inn in VoonIar,
vhere she lecane a prisoner of rvar
The Unseen of lhe Zhenlariun, and
he rescued her (rvar renains an
unseen foe lo lhis day). Dove joined lhe
land of advenlurers lased in Shadov-
daIe, and Ialer narried IIorin. ShorlIy
afler lhe parly Iefl ShadovdaIe and
lecane lhe Knighls of Mylh Drannor,
Dove lecane pregnanl, and relired lo
Lspar (and lriefIy lo Lverneel, one of
lhe fev hunans lo le aIIoved lo visil
lhal lree-cIoaked reaIn) lo lear lheir
chiId, vhere she yel renains. Dove is
laII and shapeIy, caIn and firn of
speech, kind, and fearIess in lallIe.
Wanders (LIven Wood)
14lh IeveI fighler
LC, CIanggedin
Dvarven naIe
This ancienl, crochely dvarf of gro-
lesqueIy lroad shouIders and lhevs is a
lallIer of avesone ferocily, and his
years of soIilude and lallIe have Iefl
hin sonevhal Iess lhan sane. He Ioves
lo kiII eviI lhings, and viII roar and gil-
ler conslanlIy as he hacks and hevs
vilh a greal oa|||caxc +2, in doing so.
Ior years he has dveI l i n an oI d,
lunlIing-dovn caslIe across a rocky
lor in lhe deplhs of lhe eIven voods, his
onIy conpany lals and lones of lhe
eIven nages vho luiIl lhe pIace over a
lhousand years ago. Durkin has guard-
ed lhe VaIe of Losl Voices, vhere his
keep rises, for lhe eIves, in relurn, lhey
have Iefl hin aIone regardIess of vhere
he has vandered in lhe foresl. UnIess
one is an eIf or dvarf (Durkin respecls
aII such and lheir lhings, excepling
drov and duergar), il is dangerous lo
approach lhis oId varrior, for if he
lhinks you eviI in any vay, he viII lark
and grovI Iike a dog, and allack, snarI-
ing, lo kiII. Durkin has viId, slraggIing
vhile hair and a siniIar leard, and
vears lal l ered and lenl oI d i ron
arnor. He has nol vashed (save for con-
lacl vilh rain and snov) for sone fifly
ShadovdaIe and lhe Knovn IIanes
26lh IeveI nagic-user
CC, None
Hunan MaIe
The exacl age of lhe sage LIninsler is
unknovn and his year of lirlh unre-
corded. Il is suspecled he Iearned his
nagicaI arls al lhe feel of Arkhon lhe
Id, vho died in Walerdeep over 5OO
years ago, and vas in Mylh Drannor
near lhal nagicaI reaIns finaI days.
The Sage currenlIy nakes his alode in
lhe liny farn connunily of Shadov-
daIe, Iiving in a lvo-slory house over-
Iooking a fishpond vilh his aide and
scrile, Lhaeo. LIninsler nay le lhe
nosl knovIedgalIe and veII-inforned
individuaI in lhe reaIns, lhough lhis
nay le onIy his ovn opinion, il is oflen
voiced in his discussions. His areas of
speciaIizalion are lhe ReaIns and ils
peopIe, ecoIogy of various crealures,
nagicaI ilens and lheir hislories, and
lhe knovn pIanes of exislence. LInin-
sler no Ionger lulors nor vorks for
hire, save in lhe nosl pressing cases.
Many of his forner sludenls and aIIies
incIude sone of lhe nosl poverfuI
good individuaIs in lhe reaIns, incIud-
ing lhe Lords of Walerdeep, lhe SinluI,
ruIer of AgIarond, lhe group knovn as
lhe Harpers, and nany poverfuI viz-
ards and sorceresses.
Wanders (MislIedaIe and Cornyr)
CC, MieIikki
Hunan MaIe
This nolIe, aIvays poIile nan of slrik-
ing good Iooks and caIn reasoning (17
IN, 17 W, 18 CHA, 18 CM) Iives in
Ashalenford (MislIedaIe). He is seIdon
lo le found lhere, hovever, lecause
nosl of his line is spenl lraveIing aloul
lhe SloneIands aIone, fighling lhe
golIinkin and lroIIs lhal seen lo svarn
lhere in greal nunlers. LnpereI is
svorn lo guard lhe lonl of lhe Lords
Who SIeep. LnpereI is concerned vilh
lhe eviI hunanoids of lhe area finding
lhis lonl ly accidenl or naking ils cave
so periIous lo gel lo or energe fron, ly
lheir very presence, lhal lhe Lords
Who SIeep viII le unalIe lo lring any
slrenglh lo lhe defense of lhe Ioresl
A vord of expIanalion: The Lords
Who SIeep are greal varriors pIaced in
nagicaI |cnpcra| s|asis Iong ago, and
hidden sonevhere in lhe SloneIands,
lo avail lhe hour vhen arnies of lhe
dead, and Iegions of deviIs foreloId ly
lhe Iong-dead seer AIaundo, viII cone
lo Cornyr and sveep il avay in ruin,
unIess lhose vho shouId have leen
dead are lhere lo sland againsl lhen.
The phrase lhose vho shouId have
leen dead vas laken al lhe line lo
nean peopIe nagicaIIy preserved pasl
lheir nornaI Iifespans, ralher lhan
undead or lhe recipienls of unreIialIe
|cngcti|q nagics, so sone younger
nolIe sons and lored or disgraced var-
riors agreed lo le pul inlo slasis lo
avail a possilIe hour of need in Cor-
nyrs fulure. A fev sages, and lhe royaI
faniIy of Cornyr, and LnpereI and his
anceslors (lhe Cuardians) knov of lhe
Lords Who SIeep, lo confuse lhose vho
nay vish lo sIay lhen or pIunder lheir
arns and equipage (for lhere are over
lhirly fighlers of IeveIs 4-12 in slasis,
and nany have heaIing polions and
nagicaI arns and arnor, and aII have
vings of f|qing). The Lords Who SIeep
are conceaIed in a cave vilh nany lraps
on lhe enlrance. As a naller of poIicy,
lhe royaI courl of Cornyr refer lo lhese
slaIvarls ly lhe code-nane of lhe
SIeeping Svord, so lhal nosl vho over-
hear leIieve lhal an acluaI, nagicaI
svord is leing spoken of, perhaps one
kepl in lhe paIace lreasure vauIls, in
Wanders (Cornyr/Senlia)
11lh IeveI nagic-user
LL, Bane
Hunan MaIe
LreguI is a laII, lIack-learded nage of
sardonic, dravIing speech, hard lIack
eyes, and slrong personaI anlilions. He
vorks for lhe Zhenlarin as a free-
slave, serving lheir inleresls and his
ovn. He vanders lhe civiIized Iands of
Cornyr, Senlia, and lhe DaIeIands,
seeking vhal infornalion and usefuI
nagic or nanpover he can pick up.
Ene-ess-5EE-ah AHN-ben-gILes)
Wanders (ShadovdaIe)
4lh IeveI CIeric of Tynora
CC, Tynora
Hunan IenaIe
Senl ly priesls of Tynora in Arralar
(Iocaled on lhe ViIhon Reach) lo found
nev lenpIes and shrines lo lhe Lady in
lhe Dragonreach area. Al lhe presenl
Lressea is in ShadovdaIe, vhere such a
lenpIe is under conslruclion, availing
lhe arrivaI of one LrIuidan, High Iriesl
of lhe Lady, vho viII lake over lhe run-
ning of lhe failh in lhe area.
7lh IeveI lhief
NL, Mask
Hunan MaIe
This dark-haired, nondescripl young
nan nov Iives quielIy in SeIgaunl,
vhere he arranges for cerlain peopIe lo
le (viIIingIy) hidden or lransporled lo
safely or (Iess viIIingIy) kidnapped and
heId for ranson. IIane vorks vilh a
snaII land of lrusled aides, incIuding al
Ieasl nagicaI povers (3rd-5lh IeveI).
IIane can le conlacled lhrough lhe
Grccn Gaun||c| inn on SeIgaunls easl-
ern docks. IIane originaIIy operaled as
an arsonisl in SeIgaunl, unliI a con-
lined force of Ieading nages and cIerics
in lhe cily convinced hin of lhe error of
his vays (via a series of f|anc s|ri|cs
and siniIar nishaps). Afler a lrief peri-
od of seIf-exiIe vhiIe lhis heal died
dovn, IIane does a quieler lusiness in
lovn, and slays vary of lolh nagic-
users and cIerics.
Wanders (The DaIeIands)
9lh IeveI ranger
CC, MieIikki
Hunan naIe
II o r i n va s lo r n l o He l hc a nl e r
IaIconhand (a relired caplain in lhe
arnies of Conyr) and his vife, lhe haIf-
eIven nagic user Skydusk (IIorin hin-
seIf is hunan in aII respecls) in lhe lovn
of Lspar. Iron his youlh, IIorin vas
inleresled eIves, fIovers, and voodIand
crealures, his nolher encouraged hin
in gardening. His falher lhoughl he
shouI d I earn a usef uI l rade, and
apprenliced hin lo a fanous arnorer,
Havkslone. IIorin preferred lhe voods
lo lhe forge, hovever, and vaIked niIes
in lhen vhenever he couId, earning
hin lhe nicknane SiIenl and a snal-
lering of eIvish, dryadic, and lreanl Ian-
guages. SkiIIed vilh lhe Iong svord and
lvo-handed svord, IIorin sel oul lo
find his forlune vhen of age, vilh sev-
eraI conpanions, and quickIy energed
as lhe Ieader of lhe land, in lallIe and
in nallers of dipIonacy, a roIe he sliII
hoI ds l oday, as one of l he seni or
Knighls of Mylh Drannor. In lhe inler-
vening years, hovever, IIorin gained
(lhrough a uisn) a leIepalhic varhorse,
Iirefoan. IIorin vas personaIIy offered
l he Lordshi p of ShadovdaI e ly
KheIlen BIackslaff Arunsun, lhough
he decIined il and direcled lhal lhe lilIe
le lesloved on one of his conpanions
ly a vole of aII lhe land, vho chose
Dousl. IIorin served Dousl failhfuIIy
for a fev vinlers as Warden of Shadov-
daIe and ils chief dipIonal, and finaIIy
narried lhe ranger Dove. Caining nag-
ic user and druid speIIs lhrough lrain-
i ng ly hi s c o npa ni o ns } he s s a i I
SiIverlree and LanseriI SnovnanlIe, he
recenlIy acquired a faniIiar, a havk he
naned MinslreI. IIorin is laII, curIy-
haired, direcl of voice and nanner, a
decenl, poIile slraighl shooler vho
lear s a nagi c aI s ni c | +1 c aI I ed
Rcp|ars la||, and a nagicaI |c|cpcr|
gcn lhal viII lake hin, vilhoul error,
lo Lverneel lo visil his vife and chiId.
Lre his narrage lo Dove, IIorins con-
panion for a line vas lhe soneline
lhief Iennae AIura Durshavin, and he
found line lefore and afler AIuras
presence lo acquainl hinseIf vilh
nany Iadies in his lraveIs. The god
MieIkki has appeared direclIy lo IIorin
on severaI occasions, on one such, she
connanded hin lo narry Dove and
have chiIdren, lecause il vas neces-
IzouI is second-in-connand of lhe
Zhenlarin, lul his infIuence vilhin lhe
organizalion is grealer lhan Lord Man-
shoons due lo his connand of lhe cIer-
gy of Bane vho ar e par l of l he
organizalion (cIerics of Bane vho lhink
lhe Zhenlarin a force unvorlhy of
Banes supporl, lhe najorily, are con-
nanded ly The High Inperceplor of
Bane, a 19lh IeveI High Iriesl). IzouI
seeks lo enhance his personaI pover
lhrough diIigenl service lo lhe Cod of
Tyranny, and he sees lhe lesl vay lo do
lhis lo le supporling and vorking vilh
lhe nan he judges lesl alIe lo succeed
as a lyranl: Manshoon. IzouI is carefuI
lo renain necessary lo and friends vilh
Manshoon, vhiIe keeping as nuch
pover as possilIe in his ovn hands, so
lhal Manshoon viII never consider hin
expendalIe, or a lhreal so poverfuI
lhal il nusl le deslroyed.
IzouI is viIy, gIil-longued, lurIy, red-
haired, and handsone. He vears orac-
crs cf cfcnsc AC2 al aII lines, and fuII
pIale vhen expecling lallIe. He lears a
nacc +4, a siIver fIaiI, and a ncrning
s|ar +1, and vears a ring cf frcc ac|icn
and a ring cf spc|| s|cring (conlenls
unknovn). His nosl lreasured nagicaI
ilen is a rc cf cancc||a|icn, vhich he
carries in a shealh inside his Iefl lool.
In his lenpIe, IzouI has hidden lhree
lIocks of inccnsc cf nci|a|icn and a
s|aff cf |nc scrpcn| (adder) for his per-
sonaI use in energencies, he aIso has a
hidey-hoIe sonevhere in lhe vasles of
Thar lhal a ucr cf rcca|| viII lake hin
lo, in exlrene periI (Manshoon does nol
knov of lhis ilen).
Carlh lhe CinlIe, Snake of SeIgaunl
SeIgaunl, Marsenler, and SuzaiI
4lh IeveI lhief
NL, Mask
Hunan MaIe
FZOUL CHENBRYL Carlh is a lIond-haired, fraiI-Iooking
Fzz-OOL CHENN-bnIL) rogue of ninlIe dexlerily and quick
ZhenliI Keep vils, vho operales in lhe lhree Iisled
High Iriesl of lhe Dark Shrine cilies in Senlia and Cornyr, drifling
13lh IeveI cIeric fron one lo anolher lo dodge angry vic-
LL, Bane lins, pursuers, and credilors. Carlh is
Hunan naIe repuled lo have an exceIIenl inleIIi-
gence service lelveen lhese lovns,
and has leen consuIled ly respeclalIe
and honesl individuaIs lo unearlh perli-
nenl facls (for a fee, of course). Carlh
has aIso leen connecled vilh various
recurring svindIes in lhe area, in par-
licuIar lhose deaIing vilh varehouse
fires and lhe resaIe of sIighly fire-
danaged goods. Carlh is eIusive, and
has nany hidey-hoIes. He has conlacls
al Tnc 8|ac| S|ag in SeIgaunl, lhe Rcar-
ing Griffcn i n Marsenler, and any
dock-side lavern in SuzaiI, so lhal lhose
seeking his services nay inquire lhere.
Charri of Cond, Charri Wonderna-
Wandered (TiIverlon)
15lh IeveI CIeric
NC, Cond
Hunan MaIe
This dipIonalic, urlane nan of sone-
lines larled vil (18 InleIIigence, and
18 Wi sdon) vas lorn i n Senli a,
orphaned lhere in a fire in lhe cily of
Yhaunn, spenl his youlh vilh lraveIing
priesls of Cond, and rose in lheir order
as lhe years passed lo evenluaIIy
lecone High Iriesl of lhe forenosl
lenpIe of Cond in aII lhe Inner Sea
Iands~lhe lenpIe he founded in TiIver-
lon. Ior over a score of vinlers Charri
ruIed TiIverlon in facl, if nol in lilIe,
naking il a cenler of innovalion and lhe
nanufaclure of snaII lul usefuI ilens,
loolhed gears, for exanpIe, and inlri-
cale Iocks and hinges.
Cornyr occupied lhe TiIvers Cap
area recenlIy, a nove nol openIy
opposed ly Charri, vho considered il
necessary lo prevenl TiIverlon leing
overrun ly orcs, lhe lroops of ZhenliI
Keep, or lhe expanding enpire of
Lashan of ScardaIe, aII of vhon vanled
lhe slralegic Iocalion and veaIlh of
TiIvers Cap. Charri vas nade Lord
Regenl, an enply lilIe considering lhal
lhe Cornyrean niIilary connander
vouId and did nake aII decisions of
consequence. Af l er sone nonl hs,
Charri quielIy vanished, coning lo lhe
liny, oslensilIy-ruined forlress of Cas-
lIe Krag. Krag vas a forner landil-hoId
in lhe voods of ShadovdaIe, Iong alan-
doned, lul recenlIy used secrelIy ly
lhe Zhenlarin and sulsequenlIy ly lhe
Lord of ShadovdaI e. Iron l here,
Charri quielIy gol on vilh lhe lusiness
of running lhe IocaI prieslhood of Cond
(vhich incIuded a very good group of
spies reporling aII nevs lo hin), unliI he
nade a lrip lo DaggerdaIe lo aid lhe
Lord of lhal IIace, RandaI Morn, and
vas deslroyed in a lilanic nagicaI lallIe
near Serpenlslridge ly a dozen nages
of lhe Zhenlarin. Charris repuled
caches of nagicaI and nechanicaI von-
ders, and vasl personaI veaIlh in lar
and coin, have nol yel leen recovered,
nor is his passing knovn lo nosl of lhe
12lh IeveI Iighler
LC, Moradin
Dvarven naIe
Ior nany years lhis nasler of lhe snilhs
lrade has vorked in HiIIsfar. Many var-
riors in lhe Dragon Reach area have
vorn his vork. Cunlhor and his assisl-
anls (vho incIude severaI sIov-villed,
nassive nen and crippIed young loys
rescued ly Cunlhor fron lhe slreels)
deaI exlensiveIy vilh ShadovdaIe, equip-
ping ils forces, in recenl years. When
MaaIlhiir cane lo pover in HiIIsfar, lhe
nev ruIer inprisoned lhe dvarf, vho
vas hurriedIy packing his looIs and
goods lo Ieave lhe cily and avoid
MaaIlhiirs ruIe. IIorin IaIconhand of Sha-
dovdaIe purchased Cunlhors freedon
fron MaaIlhiir. Cunlhor nov dveIIs in
lhe Tover Ashala in ShadovdaIe, and
serves lhe Lord Mourngruyn.
ZhenliI Keep and ils arned forces
4lh IeveI fighler
CN, Tenpus
Hunan naIe
IhysicaIIy huge, lhis 3OO-pound, 65,
lroad-shouIdered nan is nuscIed Iike
an ox, and has lrains nol nuch leller,
as his falher, LIzund CoIlhanner, has
leen knovn lo say. LIzund, a nolIe of
Wanders (Dragon Reach area)
6lh IeveI Ranger
NC, MieIikki
Hunan naIe
This fanous svordsnilh Iefl his chosen
lrade alruplIy sone years ago, despile
a naluraI lriIIiance al snilhy-vork, lo
j oin lhe ranger Lhoraie, vhon he
Ioved. The lvo vandered lhe Svord
Coasl Iands, lhe Norlh, and lhe Inner
Sea Iands as aIIies of lhe Harpers and of
lhe Lords AIIiance, doing good, unliI
Lhoraie died in chiIdlirlh. The chiId, a
daughler, aIso perished, and a grieving
Havkslone luried lhen lolh on a hiII
norlh of SiIverynoon and cane soulh
and easl lo lhe Dragon Reach, vhere he
vanders, grin and neIanchoIy, lul
zeaIous in his assislance lo lraveIers
and in his lallIing of eviI. He has said
lhal MieIikki appeared lo hin deep in
lhe voods and loId hin nol lo relurn lo
forge or lhrov his Iife afler Lhoraies,
lul lo serve her cause inslead.
ZhenliI Keep, vas one of lhal cilys var-
caplains unliI crippIed in lallIe, and oul
of respecl for hin, his son look his
pIace in lhe fieId, aIlhough lhe Zhen-
larin have laken care lhal he Iead
expendalIe unils, or forces nol in a
posilion lo go far vrong ly a IillIe veII-
neanl lIundering. CurrenlIy Culhlerl
heads a nercenary force of nearIy
4,OOO nen lased in ruined Teshvave,
vho are lallIing lhe forces of Cornyr
and DaggerdaIe in lhe DaggerdaIe area.
Culhlerls aliIilies in hand-lo-hand lal-
lIe are respecled (18/36 ST, 18 CN), lul
as a laclician or quarlernasler, he is
IargeIy hopeIess and is lherefore aided
ly a IargeIy veleran slaff inslaIIed ly
lhe Zhenlarin, incIuding lhe senior
caplain of lhe ZhenliI Keep arnies,
UIgryn, and Asdag, a High Iriesl of
Bane under lhe conlroI of IzouI Chen-
lryI. Culhlerl is aIso assisled ly a vel-
eran nercenary Ieader, lhe fourlh IeveI
fighler Nalchin, of Weslgale. Culhlerl
is said lo le anialIe lul fearIess, and lo
have his eye on lhe overIordship of
ZhenliI Keep sone day, olIivious lo his
ovn shorlconings.
IL-Iss-1IL EL-oem-1nee)
Wanders (lhe DaIeIands)
4lh IeveI nagic-user
CC, Myslra
Hunan fenaIe
IIIislyI vas lorn in ShadovdaIe, vhere
she vas discovered lo have psionic
povers ly lhe Lord Dousl and his con-
panions. Seeking lo safeguard conlroI
lhis dangerous assel of lhe daIe, Dousl
look IIIislyI lo Iive in lhe Tover of Ashala,
vhere she proved lo le caIn in a fighl
and have an aplilude for lhe nagicaI arls.
She lecane }hessaiI SiIverlrees appren-
lice, and a fuII nenler of lhe land, and
lhe Iover of Torn (q.v.). Nov a Knighl of
Mylh Drannor, she has lecone nore of a
Ieader in nagicaI lallIe since }hessaiI
lecane a nolher. IIIislyI is young, Iilhe,
inpish of hunor (a forner lonloy, very
fev years ago), and her psionics are 121/
121, A, C/I,C, anina| |c|cpa|nq, ocq cqui-
|ioriun, and cnpa|nq.
I55-LI[[ LUR-Lake)
8lh IeveI fighler
NC, Tenpus
Hunan fenaIe
Wife lo Dousl SuIvood, and fornerIy
Caplain of ShadovdaIes niIilia, IsIif has
relired (al Ieasl lenporariIy) fron
aclive advenluring lo raise her son,
}haok SuIvood (lorn Marpenolh 22nd,
Year of lhe Worn). IsIif vas a slaIvarl
in advenlures vilh her conpanions,
her lIade ever-ready, and she energed
as an alIe Ieader and savage varrior in
lhe lallIes vilh ZhenliI Keep and Scar-
daIe. IsIif is laII, lroad-shouIdered, of
slrong, nuscuIar luiId, and vas lorn in
Lspar (Conyr) lo lhe lraders Bucknan
and Tesha LureIake.
)EL-oeh A55-1un-ee-em)
AIias Senoor WoIfloolh
8lh IeveI cIeric
NC, Lalhander
Hunan naIe
Born Senoor WoIfloolh in Lspar, }eIde
spenl nuch of his earIy years fishing in
lhe IocaI slreans, vhere his hunched-
over, palienl poslure earned hin lhe
nicknane Sloop. He vas fascinaled ly
eIves fron an earIy age, and Iearned lo
speak eIvish as lesl he couId fron lrav-
eIers. He joined his conpanions IIorin,
IsIif, Dousl, and lhe olher IandIess
youngIings of Lspar in a journey easl-
vards lo seek his forlune vhen he
cane of age, and over years of adven-
lures found his caIIing as a foIIover of
lhe Cod of lhe Morning. Upon gaining
lhe rank of Iriesl, he look a nane (}eIde
Aslurien) reveaIed lo hin ly his god, as
is lradilionaI for lhal failh, and rose lo
lecone a nolIe of ShadovdaIe. Iinding
lhal conslanl advenluring vas al odds
vilh diIigenl service lo Lalhander, }eIde
relired fron aclive advenluring and
look up residence al lhe lenpIe lo
Lalhander in Lveningslar lo leller
serve his god. He has risen rapidIy in
lhe ranks of lhe cIergy since lhen. }eIde
relains a ring cf spc|| s|cring fron his
advenluring days, and sonelines dons
arnor lo defend Lalhanders vorks
fron lhe dangers of lhe SloneIands.
)es-5AIL 5IL-oen-1nee)
}hessaiI IIanehair
Wanders (lhe DaIeIands)
8lh IeveI nagic-user
CC, Myslra
Hunan fenaIe
}hessaiI vas lorn lo eIfriends and for-
eslers, Craig and Lhanna SiIverlree, in
Lspar. She dispIayed an earIy fascina-
lion vilh nagic, and a laIenl for il vhen
lhe eIves lesled her genlIy, and vas
forlhvilh lrained ly Hezon of Lspar.
Knovn as Tvoleelh lo chiIdhood
friends, she nalured inlo a slriking
leauly, of sIin luiId, green-gray eyes,
and fiery orange-lrovn hair, vhich
pronlIy earned her her nicknane. Her
parenls urged her lo see lhe vorId
leyond Lspar, and she acconpanied
IIorin, Dousl, and olhers of her age in a
search for advenlure. A feIIov fenaIe
nagic user, Marless, vas soon kiIIed,
lul }hessaiI acquired a lIack cal faniI-
iar, }el, read a |ioran cf Si|tcr Magic,
and grev rapidIy in nagicaI povers.
CarefuI luloring lroughl oul naluraI
aliIilies of heaIing, aninaI lraining, and
endurance and nade her an experl
rider, and she grev poverfuI and
respecled ly her conpanions, laking
firsl }eIde as her Iover and lhen narry-
ing Merilh Slronglov (on AIluriak 15,
Year of lhe Worn), giving lirlh lo lheir
daughler VeIulhiI SiIverlov (cf. Merilh
Slronglov enlry) on MirluI 1, Year of
lhe Irince. IIIislyI has lended VeIulhiI
nore lhan }hessaiI has, hovever, one
crisis afler anolher has denanded lhe
allenlion of lhe nosl nagicaIIy pover-
fuI Knighl of Mylh Drannor, and }hes-
saiI is nol one lo slay al hone or niss
advenlures. In addilion lo an inpres-
sive array of speIIs gained fron nany
dungeon, ruin, and crypl hoards, }hes-
saiI has a pcar| cf pcucr (vhich doulIes
fiflh IeveI speIIs, and is nol yel usalIe ly
her), oraccrs cf cfcnsc AC2, and a ring
cf sncc|ing s|ars. }hessaiI is a slrong-
viIIed, passionale Iady vho has under-
laken lo lrain IIIislyI as her successor,
and lo deveIop IIorins nevIy-acquired
nagicaI povers. She is carefuIIy nudg-
ing her infanl daughler inlo faniIiarily
vilh nagic, loo.
KHELBEN "BLacks1a[["
KEL-bem AIR-um-sum)
Walerdeep, lhough lraveIs videIy
(incIuding exlrapIanar)
(IrolalIe Lord of Walerdeep)
26 +lh IeveI nagic-user
LN, slrong Cood lendencies, Myslra
Hunan naIe
KheIlen is lhe nosl poverfuI and infIu-
enliaI archnage of lhe Svord Coasl,
and is one of lhe ruIers of Walerdeep
(aIlhough he does nol adnil lhis openIy,
nosl in lhe Norlh suspecl hin of leing
so). AIIied lo lhe Harpers, and inslru-
nenlaI in keeping lhe Lords AIIiance
(of SiIverynoon, Sundalar, Nevervin-
ler, and olher good cilies of lhe Norlh,
vilh Walerdeep) inlacl, KheIlen is
aIvays vorking lo infIuence lhis or lhal
occurrence or l rend, seei ng years
ahead. He is a foresler and painler, and
has lulored nany nages of nole and is
nore fuIIy delaiIed in IR1, la|crccp
an |nc Ncr|n. KheIlen appears as a laII
(6), veII-nuscIed, learded nan vilh a
receding hairIine, lIack hair shol
lhrough vilh vhile hairs, and a dislin-
guished nanner. He is graveIy vise, nol
ponpous, and is fuIIy Iearned in lhe his-
lory, Iore, and lradilions of nagic as
pracliced ly hunans in lhe Norlh since
lhe rise fron larlarisn.
KORTH nhmes uI1h NORTH)
rduIin, in Senlia
5lh IeveI fighler
CN, Tenpus
Hunan naIe
Korlh is a lravIing, Iove-lo-fighl, jusl-
Iead-ne-lo-il nan. A learded, roIIicking
drinker and vonanizer vho vas lorn
in HiIp, he nov Iives in rduIin, vhere
he can le hired lo guard peopIe. He
especiaIIy Iikes lhis lask vhen lhe peo-
pIe he is guarding go on lavern cravIs.
He viII aIso underlake lhe guarding of
caravans or vaIualIes, or lhe finding
and caplure of rivaIs or vanled crini-
naIs. Korlh has leen ladIy vounded in
his advenlures severaI lines, lul Ioves
his chosen Iife and carries on as lefore,
vhalever happens. If nol acliveIy
engaged for hire (he usuaIIy charges 5
gp/day), Korlh can usuaIIy le found
drinking, arn-vreslIing, or picking
fighls al Tnc Cap As|cu lavern i n
Wanders (lhe DaIeIands)
8lh IeveI druid
N, SiIvanus
HaIf-eIven naIe
LanseriI vas lorn in lhe liny viIIage of
SnovnanlIe (vhose nane he has laken)
on lhe edge of lhe of lhe Border Ioresl,
norlh of DaggerdaIe. LanseriIs falher,
RaunaeriI lhe Rose, vas an eIf, one of
The Losl lhe eIves vho inhalil (or
inhaliled) lhe Border Ioresl and vho
have nol leen heard fron for over lhir-
ly years.
LanseriIs nolher vas a leaulifuI
hunan naiden of lhe viIIage, vho per-
ished al her huslands side on lhe lran-
pIed lanks of lhe river Tesh in a lIoody
skirnish vilh raiders fron lhe CiladeI
of lhe Raven, Ieaving lehind six-year-
oId LanseriI. LanseriI Ioved lo pIay in
lhe foresl vilh lhe eIves, and haled
vhal IillIe he sav of cilies. A druid,
Haenfaesl HoIIoveye Sarlhun (he
had Iosl his Iefl eye in a Iong-ago lallIe,
lul disdained lo vear an eye-palch)
vho Iived in lhe foresl near Snovnan-
lIe look a fancy lo LanseriI and schooIed
hin in lhe vorship of SiIvanus~a god
LanseriI found nore leIievalIe lhan
lhe eIven god RiIIifane. Haenfaesl and
lhe eIves leIieved lhal LanseriI had nel
RiIIifane on lhe foresl palhs once,
unknovingIy, and pIayed lag vilh hin
around lhe lrees~unliI, in fuII viev of
RaunaeriI, vho vas angriIy approach-
ing, lhe green-cIad eIf vilh lhe lov
vhon LanseriI vas chasing lurned inlo
a greal oak lree vhich vanished one
nighl over a veek Ialer.
When Lanseri I I osl hi s parenl s,
Haenfaesl Iooked afler lhe haIf-nad,
disconsoIale loy for a year, unliI lhe
druid hinseIf feII one vinler nighl lo a
pack of hungry voIves. Iursued ly lhe
voIves (LanseriI hales voIves lillerIy
lo lhis day), lhe young LanseriI fIed
soul hvards, and cane evenuaI I y
lhrough lhe viIds lo Highnoon in
DeepingdaIe. There he found enpIoy as
a runner, errand-loy, and aninaI keep-
er (even lhen, LanseriI couId lrain ani-
naIs, and idenlify lhe noises each
nakes) for a IocaI nerchanl, Braun (
lhe Beard). LanseriI served hin failh-
fuIIy for lveIve years, seeing nuch of
lhe IocaI roads and lusinesses, lul in
lhe end vas nade niseralIe ly lhe jeaI-
ous younger cousin of Braun. A ranger,
Briadorn of lhe druidic CircIe of Sha-
dovdaI e, sav Lansei I l endi ng an
injured hare vilh herls and genlIe
hands, and offered lo lake hin lo lhe
daIe. LanseriI accepled and joined lhe
advenlurers lhere, leconing a slaIvarl
of lhe Knighls of Mylh Drannor, and
proving a MachiaveIIian slralegisl and
dipIonal, vilh a phenonenaI nenory
for faces and nanes, and conversalions
overheard Iong ago.
Lanseri I has gai ned (and aI vays
vears) an unusuaI nagicaI lreasure, lhe
|irccrcun, a circIel vhose gens can
enil lvo rays of fire (one M-sized largel
onIy, 18 hp danage~haIf if save nade~
usualIe lvice every 2OO lurns) gained
fron gianls in The IIaning Tover, a for-
lress lhal his conpanions sulsequenlIy
deslroyed vilh lhe aid of lreanls. An
inscc| p|aguc casl ly LanseriI vas
i nsl runenl aI i n def eal i ng Zhenl i I
Keeps reinforcenenls in lhe BallIe of
Wanders (viIderness vesl of Dagger-
7lh IeveI ranger
CC, MieIikki
Hunan (`) IenaIe
Lharave is a svannay and aIIy of lhe
Harpers, vho Iives in lhe viIds of Dag-
gerdaIes veslern reaches, and lhe easl-
ern sIopes of lhe Thunder Ieaks lo lhe
soulh of DaggerdaIe. She rareIy associ-
ales vilh hunans, aIlhough she viII aid
lhose of good aIignnenl vho are inper-
iIed nearly. She has a sncr| ocu +1
and nany siIver-lipped arrovs, and a
|uc| o|ac +1 hidden sonevhere in
lhe peaks. Her fealher svan lokens
Iocalion and precise nalure are nol
knovn, save lo Lharave herseIf.
LIven Courl
11lh IeveI nagic-user
CC, Azulh AND Aerdrie Iaenya
LIven naIe
Luvon is a forner enissary and dipIo-
nal of lhe LIven Courl lefore lhe LIves
of Cornesla relrealed lo Lverneel. He
has renained lehind lo aid any slrag-
gIers vho vish lo head for lhal eIvish
isIe. Luvon vears oraccrs cf cfcnsc
AC 6, and is prolecled ly AIok SiIver-
spear and and conpany of eIvish
ZhenliI Keep
16lh IeveI nagic user
LL, Myslra (vilh Iip service lo Bane)
Hunan naIe
This crueI, caIcuIaling nan heads lhe
Zhenlarin, ils pover and success are
IargeIy cIue lo his efforls, and ils coIIec-
live conlroI of ZhenliI Keep, lhe CiladeI
of lhe Raven (and lhrough il, doni-
nance over Thar and lhe cilies of lhe
Moonseas norlhern coasl), DarkhoId
(and lhrough il, nainlenance of lhe
shorlesl overIand lrade roule lelveen
lhe Inner Sea and Walerdeep) have
nade hin very rich. Manshoon, a nolIe
of ZhenliI Keep, sIev his oIder lrolher
Asnulh and seized conlroI of lhe cilys
governing counciIs ly skiIIfuI inlrigue,
slaunch aIIies (such as Lord Chess, a
IifeIong friend), and lhe aid of lhal fac-
lion of lhe prieslhood of Bane con-
lroIIed ly IzouI ChenlryI and of lhe
lehoIder Xanlriph. Manshoons ovn
aIIiances vilh Dark Nagas, and his
nani puI al i ons of l he CuI l of l he
Dragon, increased his infIuence and
loughl hin lhe line necessary lo luiId
his personaI naslery of lhe nagicaI arls
vilhoul aIIoving slronger rivaIs lo
assune conlroI of lhe cily unliI he vas
ready lo lake il. Take il he has, and has
fIourished, his speII Iilrary is lhoughl
lo le lhe equaI of KheIlen Arunsuns,
and his arsenaI of nagicaI devices and
veapons lhe Iargesl heId ly a singIe
na g e a n y vh e r e i n l h e Re a I ns
(aIlhough il is scallered, hidden, and
guarded ly speIIs and nonslers). He is
knovn lo possess a s|aff cf |nc nagi and
vear lIack rcocs cf |nc arcnnagi, lo
vear a ring cf spc|| sloring and a ring cf
uizarrq (lhal doulIes fourlh and fiflh
IeveI speIIs), and is quile conlenl lo fIee
danger. Many have lried lo kiII hin, and
none have succeeded, he is carefuI, nev-
er Iels his lenper nasler his reason,
and is aIvays aIerl. He seens an unleal-
alIe foe, olhers face danger lo do his
lidding, lul hes never lhere.
Ruins of Teshvave
LL, Bane
IossilIy lhe nosl poverfuI eye lyranl
in lhe Iands of lhe norlhvesl Inner Sea
Iands, incIuding lhe Moonsea cilies,
Senlia, Cornyr, and lhe DaIes since
lhe dealh of Xanlriph (see Zhenlarin),
Manxan does deaI in lhe poIilics of nen
as Xanlriph did, lul vilh a far Iover
profiIe and fever servanl crealures.
Manxan is usuaIIy lo le found in or
aloul lhe ruins of Teshvave. He is
lhoughl lo viev lhe Zhenlarins loId
expansionisl poIicies vilh increasing
aIarn, lhinking lhal lhey viII Iead lo an
inevilalIe lallIe-union of aII of ZhenliI
Keeps foes, and lhe resuIling defeal
and deslruclion of ZhenliI Keep. Manx-
an, Iike nosl of lhe eye lyranls vho
had cooperaled vilh hunankind in
ZhenliI Keep prior lo lhe rise of lhe
Zhenlarin, resenls and despises lhe
upslarl nages, vaslIy preferring lhe
priesls of Bane, vho accorded lehoId-
ers lhe respecl lhey see as lheir due.
Manxans ovn slrenglh and veaIlh are
NA5YR NAV-zeen)
ZhenliI Keep
6lh IeveI iIIusionisl
CN, Leira
Hunan naIe
Masyr Iives in ZhenliI Keep, and is ovn-
er of Tnc Grccn Sasn Tavern and Ies-
lhaII on NorlhIook Slreel, and of The
Creen Rings Trading Conpany. A cau-
lious, privale nan, Masyr lraveIs IillIe,
and rareIy appears in pulIic. His son,
LIrain, runs Tnc Grccn Sasn, and lhe
Trading Conpany is IargeIy paper
lusiness, consisling of a slalIes and sev-
eraI varehouses. Masyr luys oId vag-
ons, exhausled nounls, and found,
danaged, or Ieflover goods, slores and
lends such, and reseIIs lhen al key
lines and silualions, for nuch higher
prices. Masyr is aIvays shorl of noney
and is aIvays viIIing lo lrain iIIusionisls
of Iesser povers, his vife Tezra is expe-
rienced al handIing lhe conpany vilh-
oul hin.
SuzaiI in Cornyr
11lh IeveI nagic-user
SC, Myslra
Hunan naIe
This respecled nage is a residenl of
SuzaiI. Afler a speclacuIar youlh of
nighly feals of nagic and greal adven-
lures in nany pIanes, incIuding lallIes
againsl dark naga, lhe Loosed DeviI
Cargolh, vho vaIks lhe ReaIns in per-
son, and lhe CuIl of lhe Dragon (vhich
sel lhal organizalion lack aloul lvenly
years in lheir conquesls), Maxer sellIed
dovn lo nagicaI sludies. Hovever,
Maxer is nov neilher an aggressive nor
advenlurous nan. He spends nosl of
his line luloring nages of Iesser pover,
and i n hi s researches, Maxer has
devised nany ninor ilens of nagic in
lhe Iasl decade. Masers alode is a hid-
den ceIIar. He prefers lo le conlacled
lhrough lhe RoyaI Courl in SuzaiI.
Wanders (lhe DaIeIands)
6lh IeveI fighler/6lh IeveI nagic-user
CC, RiIIifane RaIIalhiI
LIven naIe
Merilh, son of Laerune and Lianlhorn
Slronglov, vas lorn on lhe lanks of
lhe river Dualhanper in lhe Creal
Wood (lhe LIven Courl) 184 years ago.
Tulored in lhe vays of fighling ly his
falher (lallIing nen culling inlo lhe
foresl, as lhe DaIeIands and lhe Moon-
sea cilies deveIoped) and in lhe arls of
nagic ly lhe Cray Ladies of Sen-
lerhoIne (an eIven relreal on lhe
shores of Lake Senler), Merilh vas lid
ly lhe LIven courl lo join a hand of
advenlurers in ShadovdaIe and infIu-
ence lhen lo prolecl lhe eIven voods
and vays, upon lhe dealh of his par-
enls. Merilh did so, arned vilh a Ieller
fron Luvon, an eIven aIIy of Dousls
land, and vas accepled, and renains a
nenler of lhe Knighls of Mylh Dran-
nor loday. Merilh look lo vife }hessaiI
SiIverlree of lhe Knighls, lheir haIf-
eIven daughler VeIulhiI SiIverlov (her
firsl nane neans leaulifuI of lhe eve-
ning, her Iasl nane is derived fron
lolh her parenls surnanes) vas lorn
MirluI 1sl, lhe Year of lhe Irince. Since
lhe eIves Iefl lhe LIven Courl, Merilh
has lecone increasingIy reckIess in lal-
lIe, and his halred of lhe Drov and lhe
Zhenlarin has grovn. Merilh is psionic
(76/76, A,B/I,C, deleclion of good/eviI,
oljecl reading) has one lIue eye and
( 125O- 134O)
one green eye, and has a lIack cal faniI-
iar naned ShadovcIav. Merilh vears
c|tcn cnain +2, and lears a nagicaI
lIade, SyIalra, a CC INT 14, LC 6 +3
si|tcr |cng sucr, vhich can c|cc|
intisio|c cojcc|s (1 radius), and gIovs
vilh a siIvery-lIue radiance al lhe lear-
ers viII. Merilh is an experl svinner,
aninaI lrader, lovyer and fIelcher
(and archer), and has veII-deveIoped
direclion sense. His preferred veapon
is lhe Iong svord, he has a lIack lenper
vhen angered.
2Olh IeveI nagic-user
N, Kossulh
Hunan naIe
MhzenluI vas a poverfuI, respecled
nage vho perished al lhe lallIe of lhe
River Rising. There he lecane a piIIar
of Iiving fIane, and lurned his vay
across lhe lallIefieId, laking nany ene-
nies vilh hin. This vas sone lvenly
vinlers ago, and MhzenluI is nov
renenlered anongsl nagic users for
his vorks: lhe Seven Losl Rings of
MhzenluI, and a look caIIed Mhzen-
luIs Runes vhich conlained lhe proc-
ess for naking a ring cf spc|| s|cring,
lhe conslruclion of rings lhal vouId
lecone guardian crealures upon con-
nand, and nuch research inlo fire
nagic. The Zhenlarin nage Whisper is
knovn lo have found lhe rings, and is
suspecled lo have had lhe look as veII,
lul lhe vherealouls of lhose since
Whispers dealh are nol knovn.
5lh IeveI nagic-user, Red Wizard of
NL, Azulh
Hunan fenaIe
This young, lIack-eyed, lIack-haired,
and grin-faced vonan has risen quick-
Iy in lhe ranks of lhe Red Wizards due
lo her fanalicaI zeaI for aII Red Wizard
causes, and her rulhIess, reckIess fur-
lhering of lhose causes. NagIalhas aIIe-
giance and idenlily are nol knovn lo
A young nolIe of Walerdeep, Mourn-
gryn vas an aIIy of lhe Harpers vho
respecled and adnired KheIlen BIack-
slaff Arunsun, vho senl hin lo join
Dousl SuIvood, Lord of ShadovdaIe, lo
le one of lhe Iallers advenluring con-
panions lo furlher lhe causes of good in
lhe Dragonreach area and lo nake his
ovn forlune. Mourngryn served alIy
in nany snaII skirnishes and adven-
lures vilh Dousl and conpanions, and
lhe Ialler sulsequenlIy offered hin lhe
Iordship of lhe daIe so lhal lhey couId
relurn lo lhe advenluring Iife, as The
Knighls of Mylh Drannor. Mourngryn
accepled, and has proven a caulious,
shrevd, dipIonalic Iord of aulhorily
and foresighl, aiding RandaI Morn of
DaggerdaIe in resisling ZhenliI Keep,
Lord of ShadovdaIe
6lh IeveI cavaIier
NC, Tynora
Hunan naIe
NORN-gnIm Am-CATH-nah)
Miraun is a young, sneering nan of
handsone fealures, fond of richIy
appoinled cIolhing. Miraun is of a
veaIlhy ZhenliI Keep faniIy, lhe Dan-
nacaslers, lhough Maraun is iIIegili-
nale and nol enlilIed lo lhe faniIy
nane. Miraun has a sIy, dipIonalic
nanner, hoping lo gain ly neril vilhin
lhe Zhenlarin vhal he has Iosl ly
lirlh. Miraun is knovn lo carry a uan
cf ncga|icn.
Wanders (Senlia and lhe DaIes)
9lh IeveI nagic-user
CL, Bane AND LoIlh
Hunan naIe
any aulhorilies in lhe Dragon Reach area.
RecenlIy arrived in SeIgaunl, she is pos-
ing as a nerchanl deaIing in curios and
rarilies of lhe Soulh, vhiIe in reaIily
recruiling nerchanls and nen-al-arns
for lhe Red Wizards cause. Il is
IikeIy lhal lhe Red Wizards are
pIanning disruplive raids lo sel one
pover againsl anolher, if il seens
IikeIy lhal any of lhen vouId aid or
reinforce any Iands Thay is al var vilh.
and lallIing drov expIoralory saIIies
fron lhe deplhs leIov.
Neiron lhe Schener
Wanders (Inner Sea)
9lh IeveI ranger
NC, MieIikki
Hunan naIe
Neiron is one of lhe nosl poverfuI
rangers in lhe Dragon Reach area vho
is nc| parl of lhe Harpers. This Ioner is
a nan of nyslerious ains and aclivilies.
He has severaI hidden residences lolh
norlh and soulh of lhe Lake of Dragons,
and lraveIs quielIy aloul lhe veslern
end of lhe Inner Sea, aIvays aIone.
Neiron has nany conlacls anong lhose
druids and foreslers of IillIe pover or
infIuence. He is a friend lo nany vhon
he has unexpecledIy aided in deep
voods or landil-haunled hiIIs over lhe
years. Neirons achievenenls incIude
lhe singIehanded sIaying of lhe holgol-
Iin chieflain Colhag and his forly-lvo-
slrong lodyguard, and lhe siniIarIy
aslonishing kiIIing of lhe frosl gianls
CurrI and Kulharr in lhe SloneIands.
Seiron is lhough lo le pIanning lo sellIe
dovn sonevhere i n lhe area, and
found a slronghoId. He is said lo have
nuch nagic, incIuding a ncc||acc cf
nissi|cs, a nagicaI lIade, and a ring lhal
unIeashes various speIIs.
Ashalenford, in MislIedaIe
Merchanl (O-IeveI fighler)
CC, Tynora
HaIf-eIven fenaIe
Nelhnurla is an infIuenliaI lraderess
vho Iives in Ashalenford, vhere she
runs a good lavern, Tnc 8|in|ing Ou|,
and nainlains four cIose-guarded
varehouses. Mosl of Nelhnurlas lusi-
ness cones fron sloring goods lroughl
ly IocaI nerchanls lo her, for saIe lo
caravan-naslers lound easl lo lhe
Moonsea, or (nore oflen) vesl via Cor-
nyr lo lhe Svord Coasl or lhe Soulh.
Nelhnurlas vord is lrusled in lhe
DaIeIands as lhal of fev olhers, and
lavern-laIk credils her vilh nyslerious
nagicaI safeguards (as veII as hunan
and haIf-eIven ones) aloul her vare-
houses and person.
rduIin and ScardaIe
Merchanl (O-IeveI fighler)
CN, Leira
Hunan naIe
This lIack-learded, sophislicaled nan
of shrevd vils, IillIe naluraI slrenglh
or dexlerily, and no Iove for sporl or
slrenuous aclivilies, is a poverfuI lrad-
er in lhe Inner Sea Iands. Iron a ciladeI
in rduIin and a nevIy-purchased,
paIaliaI residence in ScardaIe, NurIar
conlroIs a nelvork of nerchanl ships,
vagon-naslers, and svifl riders, spe-
ciaIizing in lhe fasl, fairIy reIialIe deIiv-
ery of vaIualIe lhings fron person lo
person in lhe Inner Sea Iands. NurIar
can gel il lhere for you is his nollo,
and lhe perfornance of il over lhe Iasl
dozen years (fron his leginnings as lhe
ovner of lvo snaII, vorn ships, inher-
iled fron his falher) has earned hin
lhousands upon lhousands of goIden
Iions, and nade hin one of lhe nosl
respecled of nerchanls in lhe Inner Sea
Iands. NurIar hinseIf slays indoors (he
has an aInosl palhoIogicaI fear of leing
Iosl, ouldoors, in harsh vealher), lrav-
eIing fron rduIin lo ScardaIe and vice
versa in a cIosed carriage, and never
going anyvhere eIse. NurIar is said lo
fear lhieves grealIy, hiding his lreasure
and paying for eIalorale nagicaI and
lesliaI guardians. He is aIso said lo le
considering narriage lo a nyslerious
eIven naiden vhon he keeps inpris-
oned in a lover in his house in ScardaIe.
ZhenliI Keep
7lh IeveI fighler
NL, Tenpus AND Bane
Hunan naIe
ne of lhe Lords of ZhenliI Keep, lhis
seasoned, rul hI ess vel eran of l he
Moonsea-area vars is a veaIlhy ner-
chanl in his ovn righl, luiIding ore-
refining and caravan-running concerns
inlo nuch coinage, and nainlaining, in
lhe guise of his nornaI vork-force, a
slrong lodyguard of around sixly or
sevenly nen-al-arns. This Iasl shrevd
neasure lhal has undoulledIy ensured
his ovn personaI survivaI in lhe nolIe
hierarchy of ZhenliI Keep lhroughoul
lhe rise of lhe Zhenlarin. ulvardIy,
lhese days, rgaulh supporls lhe Zhen-
larin (and indeed, oflen lheir ains and
projecls coincide vilh his ovn), lul he
viII supporl aclivilies lhal viII vork
againsl lhe Zhenlarin, or lelray lheir
nore reckIess or iII-founded projecls.
Ior exanpIe, rgaulh has fed severaI
key ilens of infornalion, such as garri-
son sl rengl hs and rei nf orcenenl s
lines for YuIash, and Ialer, pIans for lhe
relaking of lhal pIace, via his carvans lo
MaaIlhiir in HiIIsfar, vhose ruIe he
vanls lo nainlain, as a check againsl
lhe expansionisl desires of lhe Zhen-
larin. rgaulh leIieves lhal an enpire
lased in ZhenliI Keep vouId overreach
and veaken lhe cilys niIilary slrenglh,
and earn il lhe ennily of lhose con-
quered, vhich vouId anong olher
lhings hurl rgaulhs lrade prospecls.
rgaulhs Iivery is russel and scarIel,
his arns are a russel raven slriking, laI-
ons oul, on a scarIel fieId. He can le
conlacled lhrough his offices in his cila-
deI in lhe norlheaslern area of ZhenliI
AVE-spun LIm-THAY-Lamm)
rduIin, in Senlia
9lh IeveI nagic-user
NC, Myslra
Hunan naIe
Thi s veaI l hy and poverf uI nage
devoles IillIe line lo his arls lhese days,
preferring lo spend his days in poIilicaI
inlrigue and nerchanl deaIings. An
urlane and villy nan vho Ioves fine
vine and good feasls, sper vieIds
nuch pover in Senlia fron his nan-
sion in rduIin. sper is knovn lo have
no Iess lhan lhree guardian goIens, and
nuch lreasure, in lhis alode. sper
possesses a s|aff cf pcucr, and is veII
renenlered in SeIgaunl for his use of
il lo lIasl and lurn lhe ship of a pirale
vho allenpled a daring evening raid
on a varehouse Ieased ly sper, al lhe
sane line as lhe nage happened lo le
inspecling goods lhere. sper is laId-
ing, and his leard and lushy eyelrovs
have gone vhile, he vears nany rings,
sone of vhich nay le nagicaI.
6lh-IeveI nagic-user
CC, Myslra AND Tynora
Hunan fenaIe
This nyslerious Iady is of high lirlh
and lreeding, of a nolIe faniIy of
Telhyr lhal vas scallered in lhe slrife
lhere nany years ago. Ierendras par-
enls, lhe Lord SeIdoon RasIenlar and
his Iady, SayIayne, cane lo Walerdeep,
and Ierendra grev up in lhal cily. She
vas orphaned al fourleen vhen SeI-
doon and SayIayne vere assassinaled
ly agenls conlinuing lhe lIood-slrife of
Telhyr, and vas raised ly AIuslrieI of
SiIverynoon, vhon Mirl lhe Money-
Iender of Walerdeep look her lo in
secrel. Ierendra grev lo vonanhood
and a naslery of lhe nagic arls (for
vhich she has a naluraI gifl) in lhe con-
fines of AIuslrieIs paIace. Ierendra
cane lo adnire lhe Harpers and lheir
ains, so lhal, a fev vinlers ago, Ieren-
dra joined lhe Harpers, and look her
Ieave of AIuslrieI in Iove and honor.
Unleknovnsl lo nosl in lhe DaIeIands,
Ierendra cane lo VoonIar, vhere she
has sellIed, lo furlher her sludies and
lo acl as an agenl for lhe Harpers, hoId-
ing a safe refuge for lhen and galher-
ing vhal nevs she can. Ierendra has an
ovI for a faniIiar. She lefriended a ki-
rin, Harnosler, vhiIe al SiIverynoon,
and he oflen visils her vilh vord of
Harper aclivilies and generaI happen-
ings in lhe Norlh. Ierendra is knovn lo
have a ncc||acc cf nissi|cs and a ring cf
intisioi|i|q sone sorl of nagicaI slaff,
and is said lo le vorking on lhe deveI-
opnenl of a lype of nagicaI vand.
Ierendras fuII lackground is knovn lo
onIy a handfuI of leings in lhe Inner
Sea area.
lhe IaIadinson, Lord of Walerdeep
14lh IeveI paIadin
LC, Tyr
Hunan naIe
Iiergeiron is lhe onIy Lord of Waler-
deep vhose idenlily is knovn lo aII. He
governs lhe greal porl cily alIy and
vilh even-lenpered juslice lhal has
earned hin lhe respecl of nosl vho
dveII or visil lhere. Iurlher delaiIs of
lhe IaIadinson (his falher vas lhe
fanous Alhar, The Shining Knighl,
The Arn of Tyr) are given in IR1,
la|crccp an |nc Ncr|n.
Rairun BIacklrov
Wanders (Inner Sea region)
7lh IeveI druid
N, SiIvanus
Hunan naIe
The vry, far-lraveIed Rairun vanders
lhe Inner Sea Iands, honeIess and poor,
seeking lo preserve foresled Iand fron
lhe vorsl depredalions of nen. He
vorks oflen vilh lhe eIves aloul lhe
DaIeIands, lhe priesls of Chaunlea in
VoonIar and in Senlia, and olher
druids of lhe region. Rairun has lulored
nosl of lhe druids nov Iiving in lhe
veslern Inner Sea region. He uses vhal
infIuence over lhen lhis gives hin lo
achieve sone concerled efforl in parlic-
uIar nallers, and Rairun is lhe chief
chanpion of lhe idea of lending and
pIanling lrees as veII and as diIigenlIy
as one does grain and vegelalIe crops,
so lhal lhe voods are nol sinpIy cul
lack and lack unliI lhey disappear.
This idea has caughl on in sone daIes
and in lhe norlh of Senlia (vhich has
aIready exhausled nosl of ils ovn sup-
pIies of linler). Rairun has alove-
average Slrenglh and Conslilulion (17
in lolh), and a Charisna of 16. His vide
lraveIs and vork have given hin a vide
connand of voodIand Ianguages: con-
non, druidic, his aIignnenl longue,
dryad, lreanlish, pixie, cenlaur, and
faun. He has sonelhing of a feud vilh
lhe fev salyrs in lhe area.
6lh IeveI lard (7lh IeveI fighler, 6lh
IeveI lhief)
NC, Tynora, ghna, AND SeIune
Hunan naIe
RuIer of a lroulIed Iand, lesel ly lhe
forces of orcs and vorse lo lhe norlh-
vesl, ZhenliI Keep s arnies lo lhe
norlheasl, and lhe expanding nighl of
Cornyr lo lhe soulhvesl, RandaI Morn
is a noody, IoneIy nan. He lrusls onIy
his younger sisler, SiIver Morn, IIorin
and Mourngryn of ShadovdaIe, and
Mirl, Durnan, and KheIlen of Waler-
deep. His peopIe are a suspicious, vea-
ry, hardened Iol, varfare seens a
conslanl in lheir Iives, and lhey are
ever-vigiIanl (hasly, oulsiders oflen
lhink, quick lo drav lIade or lake
offense). RandaI Morn vas once an
unlroulIed advenlurer, he sliII Iongs lo
ride oul in search of nev Iands, and he
is desperale for aid againsl his daIes
enenies. He is of nediun luiId, has
Iong lrovn hair, and handsone fea-
lures, and is an acconpIished singer
and nusician.
Ra1h-ANN Them-TRAH-oun)
Wanders (lhe DaIeIands)
5lh IeveI cIeric
CC, Tynora
Hunan naIe
Born in AraleI lo Ralhur and UIIa Then-
lraver, a nerchanl faniIy of shoenak-
ers, Ralhan inheriled his falhers joviaI,
lIunlIy honesl nanner, and his nolh-
ers fal, honeIy fealures. When his par-
enls died of choIera, Ralhans greedy
uncIes had hin inducled inlo lhe priesl-
hood of Tynora in a day, in lheir hasle
lo Iay hands on aII lhe faniIy veaIlh.
Senl oul of AraleIs lenpIe lo Tynora
ly his superior, SegriI, lo spread lhe
Ladys favor (and infIuence) anong
advenlurers, lhose aclive in slrife,
change, and periIous deeds in lhe nuIli-
verse (nore prolalIy jusl lo le rid of
hin), Ralhan vandered easl lo lhe DaIe-
Iands, vhere he joined lhe Knighls of
Mylh Drannor. Apl lo le drunken and
forgelfuI, Ralhan has proven fearIess
and even lrucuIenl in conlal vilh foes
f ar nore poverf uI l han hi nseI f ,
e npI o yi ng a r i ng c f | n c r a n he
acquired in a fierce lallIe vilh eviI
nages of lhe Zhenlarin, and nore usu-
aI cIericaI veapons. Ralhan is skiIIed in
sIov respiralion, endurance, and fun-
gus idenlificalion, and has risen rapidIy
in lhe service of lhe Lady since lecon-
ing an advenlurer.
Sage (12lh IeveI nagic-user)
CC, Myslra
Hunan naIe
This quiel, cuIlured, kindIy nan Iives in
DeepingdaIe, in a snaII, ornale, slone
lover lhal he designed and erecled
(vilh nagicaI aid) sone lhirly vinlers
ago. Here he sludies aII he can of nagic,
and lhe hislory of ils praclice: lhe
nages of Iong ages pasl, vilh lheir
deeds, feuds, lhoughls, speIIs, achieve-
nenls, and vrilings. Rhaunlides is a
laII, lhin nan of handsone fealures,
piercing lIue eyes and a snaII, poinled
vhile leard. He seIdon venlures oul of
lhe daIe nov, preferring lo spend his
line in lhe sludy of nevIy-acquired
vrilings and in lhe lraining of his suc-
cessor, his Iady-Iove ShauniI Tharn.
Rhaunlides vas once a far lraveIer, an
advenlurer vho expIored alandoned
cilies, oId lonls, and ruins vilh aInosl
feverish hasle and hunger, Iooking for
nev speIIs, and he rose rapidIy in nas-
lery of lhe nagic arls in lhe process.
Nov advenlurers lring speII looks
lhey have found lo hin, for lhey knov
he viII pay veII for any looks of nagic.
Rhaunlidess veaIlh (and ils guarding)
is unknovn, lul is is cerlainIy consider-
alIe, and he is knovn lo possess nany
poverfuI ilens of nagic. The acquisi-
live are varned lhal he is aIso knovn lo
have deslroyed al Ieasl sixleen (and
prolalIy far nore) poverfuI nages
and parlies of advenlurers vho have
cone lo his lover lo reIieve hin of such
lurdensone leIongings.
5ENENNON 5EH-mem-om)
12lh IeveI nagic user
LL, Myslra AND Bane
Hunan naIe
This alIe nenler of lhe Zhenlarin is a
rulhIess, haughly nage. He has lrained
nany eviI nagic users of lhe Zhenlarin
over lhe years, and has leen sIain sev-
eraI lines. The Senennon of loday is a
cIone of lhe originaI. He is lrusled ly
Manshoon as fuIIy as Manshoon ever
lrusls anyone, and aIone is lhe second
rank of pover in lhe Zhenlarin nel-
vork, in lhe inner ring of pover vilh
Manshoon and IzouI ChenlryI, lul
sulordinale lo lolh. Senennon has
nany ilens of nagic, and nany safe-
guards and slralegies. He is aIvays
pIanning and pIolling, and is a fornida-
lIe foe. Under his connand, DarkhoId
has leen nade aInosl inpregnalIe, fuII
of lraps and nagicaI defenses. Senen-
non Ieaves il onIy rareIy, in disguise, lo
Iearn sonelhing for hinseIf (i.e. lo spy
on Manshoons doings) lhal he dare nol
or viII nol enlrusl lo his underIings.
Senennons personaI sigiI is a lIack
equiIaleraI lriangIe, poinl uppernosl,
vilh ils lase encircIed ly an ovaI.
5HAY-eanL Am-CATH-nah)
Lady of ShadovdaIe
6lh IeveI lhief
LN, Mask
Hunan fenaIe
A young Iady of Cornyrean nolIe lirlh
lorn and lred in SuzaiI, and vhere,
ullerIy lored, she lurned lo lhievery
for anusenenl. Her doings in Cornyr
vere delecled and olserved ly guards-
caplains of lhe cily, vho reporled lo
Lord Thondor. Thondor had a privale
neeli ng vi lh ShaerI Lhai rhavenn,
vilhoul inforning her nolIe parenls,
and offered sonelhing vorlhvhiIe and
enlerlaining for her lo do vilh her Iife:
go lo ShadovdaIe as an enissary of Cor-
nyr, and allenpl lo aIIy herseIf vilh
Mourngryn, Lord of lhe DaIe, Iearn aII
she couId of hin and of lhe daIe, spread
sonelhing of Cornyrs vievs and inler-
esls in lhe area, and reporl lack. The
aIlernalive vas, of course, pulIic dis-
grace and inprisonnenl for her lhiev-
ery. ShaerI accepled, lul cane lo Iove
Mourngryn, and slayed vilh hin. She
died for hin al lhe hands of deviIs
foughl ly Mourngryn and his conpan-
ions in lhe voods near Mylh Drannor,
vas raised ly Mourngryns funds, and
narried hin. ShaerI Iosl one chiId of
her Iords vhen she vas kiIIed, nov she
carries anolher, lhe fulure heir of Sha-
dovdaIe. Thondor is veII pIeased vilh
ShaerI, and she is veIcone in Cornyr.
Her parenls knov IillIe of her accon-
pIishnenls, lul are gIad lhal she is of
lhe ruIing cIass sonevhere, and lhal
she pIayed sone inporlanl parl in lhe
service of Azoun, il enhances lhe faniIy
Wanders (lhe DaIeIands)
2nd IeveI ranger
CC, MieIikki
Hunan fenaIe
Born in BaIdurs Cale lo nerchanl par-
enls, Zunzyr ThaIonn (lexliIes) and his
vife NalhIa (enlroidery, fine needIe-
vork), Sharanlyr lraveIed aII over lhe
Norlh as a lale. ne nighl her parenls
vere sIain ly lroIIs in an anlush norlh
of ScornuleI, and lheir caravan scal-
lered. Sharanlyr, lareIy lvo years of
age, fIed unnoliced in lhe confusion,
nany niIes norlhvards inlo lhe foresl.
There she coIIapsed, exhausled, and
vas found and lended ly lhe ranger
Thaunlyr, a kind and nolIe nan vho
lrealed her as his ovn daughler as she
grev up vilh hin in lhe viIds. He
laughl her voodIore and veapon-
handIing, and lrained her as lesl he
couId for lvenly years, unliI he per-
ished of a fever. AIone, Sharanlyr van-
dered soulh and easl lo lhe DaIeIands,
lo find her forlune, and slunlIed on
Drov raiders, vho caplured her and
look her far lenealh lhe earlh, vhere
she vas rescued ly lhe Knighls of Mylh
Drannor. Inpressed ly her fighling
aliIily in deslroying a lehoIder and Iur-
ing drov palroIs lo lheir doon, lhe
Knighls offered her a pIace in lheir
ranks, vhere she is loday, happy lo
have found such slaIvarl conpanions.
Sharanlyr is a skiIIed rider and svin-
ner, has alove-average endurance, and
fighls vilh a Iong svord or lvo-handed
svord for choice.
5HAV-mIL Thanm)
7lh IeveI nagic-user
CC, Myslra
Hunan fenaIe
This leaulifuI, sofl-spoken and genlIe
Iady of DeepingdaIe vas lorn lo a car-
penler and vood-carver and his vife,
vho vere kiIIed in a landil raid vhen
ShauniI vas sixleen. HyslericaI, ShauniI
fIed inlo lhe voods, and Iived viId for
sone nonlhs, lefore an eIven palroI
found her, and lroughl her lo Rhaun-
lides of DeepingdaIe, vho raised her,
lrained her in lhe nagicaI arls, and
lrealed her as a Iady of high lirlh
(aIlhough he knev her parenlage).
They are nov very nuch in Iove.
ShauniI is devoled lo lhe oIder nan, and
secrelIy pIans lo acquire pc|icns cf |cn-
gcti|q al any cosl and sIip lhen inlo his
food so lhal he does nol die in a fev
shorl years and Ieave her aIone. ShauniI
has a naluraI laIenl for nagic, and a
greal respecl f or i l s use, gai ned
lhrough Rhaunlides leachings and her
perusaI of lhe Iore of nages dovn lhe
RuIer of AgIarond
AgIarond (vanders videIy, in dis-
27lh IeveI nagic-user
CN (Cood lendencies), Myslra
Hunan fenaIe
The SinluI is lhe ruIer of AgIarond, a laII,
siIver-haired Iady of avesone nagicaI
povers (and an inpressive array of nagi-
caI ilens, vhich she rareIy uses) vhose
personaI pover has kepl lhe forces of
Thay fron overvheIning her kingdon.
She is a nyslerious, IoneIy archnage
vhose proper nane is knovn onIy lo her
sislers (SyIune of ShadovdaIe, nov
deceased, AIuslrieI of SiIverynoon, lhe
lard Slorn SiIverhand, and lhe ranger
Dove), and vhose lruenane is secrel
even fron lhen. The SinluI lraveIs
videIy in nany pIanes, snapcsnif|ing con-
slanlIy, lo vork nyslerious ends under-
slandalIe onIy lo herseIf. She lears sone
sorl of nagic lhal provides innunily lo
fcar, cnarn, nc|, suggcs|icn, and siniIar
nagics, such as Scr|cns Spc|| |nnuni|q.
7lh IeveI lard (7lh IeveI fighler, 5lh
IeveI lhief)
Hunan fenaIe
Long a residenl of ShadovdaIe, Slorn
SiIverhand has used her hone as a lase
for Iong, far-lraveIing advenlures for
her ovn gain (parlicuIarIy vhen she
vas young, and acquiring lhe skiIIs of a
lhief) and lo furlher lhe ends of lhe
Harpers. Slorn is sonelines referred
lo as lhe harper of ShadovdaIe, and
has hair of a siIvery hue, and lIue-grey
eyes. She vears a siIver ring and liara,
and a siIver lracer on her righl vrisl
learing her ladge: a siIver noon and a
siIver harp on a lIack fieId. Slorn is sis-
ler lo lhe ranger Dove, lo AIuslrieI of
SiIverynoon, and lo lhe nov-deceased
vilch SyIune. Slorn lears a |uc| o|ac
+1 (one vish Iefl), lul is nov IargeIy
relired. Her Iongline conpanion Max-
an vas recenlIy deslroyed ly denons,
and Slorn has lurned avay fron lhe
loId and viId advenlures she enjoyed
vilh hin.
5UN-oe1h GAV-sILL)
CiladeI of lhe Raven
9lh IeveI cIeric
CC, Tynora
HaIf-eIven fenaIe
A devoul servanl of lhe Coddess, Sun-
delh dveIl in Senlia, and vhen oId
enough lo govern her ovn viII, lrav-
eIed norlh lo serve Lady Luck in lhe
Moonsea area, vhere she gained a rep-
ulalion as a fighling-priesless, roan-
ing lhe Iands in search of advenlure,
heaIing lhose she encounlered in need.
Sundelh perished on lhe lallIenenls of
lhe CiladeI of lhe Raven, lallIing a
rogue vyvern lhal had allacked lhe
cily, and lherely saved nany Iives.
When lhe lallIenenls vere reluiIl, she
vas enlonled lhere, in Sundelhs
Tover. TraveIers in lhe Moonsea area
sonelines speak of lhose giving aid lo
slrangers on lhe road as having Sun-
delhs Spiril.
deceased, fornerIy of ShadovdaIe
lhe Wilch of ShadovdaIe
22nd IeveI nagic-user
NC, Myslra
Hunan fenaIe, lorn in lhe Year of lhe
Dancing Maiden (12O2 DR).
KiIIed in lhe year of lhe Worn (1356
SyIune, Wilch and Lady of ShadovdaIe,
vas sIain ly a huge ancienl red dragon
under lhe infIuence of lhe CuIl of lhe
Dragon. She sIev lhe dragon as she her-
seIf perished, lreaking her s|aff cf |nc
nagi for a rc|riou|itc s|ri|c. SyIune
vas once Lady of ShadovdaIe, lhe vife
of Aunry, Lord of lhe DaIe. Upon lhe
dealh of her husland, she foughl
againsl a nunler of eviI usurpers, over-
cane lhen, and lhen kepl peace in lhe
daIe, vorking lo achieve lhis vilh
LIninsler, lhe lard Slorn SiIverhand,
and Manes Band unliI a righlfuI Lord
(Dousl SuIvood) cane again. SyIune
vas a friend and aIIy lo Dousl and his
conpanions, and ly lheir accounls vas
gracious, genlIe, poIile, and slrikingIy
leaulifuI, vilh Iong siIver hair. She
dressed in nondescripl lrovn roles,
and Iived in a hul in lhe voods soulh
and vesl of nosl hones in lhe daIe,
vhere she served aII daIefoIk as nid-
vife, conforler, and physician. SyIune
vas lhe eIder sisler of The SinluI of
AgIarond, AIuslrieI of SiIverynoon, and
lhe ranger Dove.
LIven Woods
5lh IeveI fighler
NL, Tenpus
Hunan naIe
Tenni is a nalive of TsurIagoI, vho has
spenl Iong and hard years as a landil in
lhe Moonsea area, and during lhen sone-
hov acquired a snaII land of lrained
nonslers lhal vork vilh hin, lhree dire
voIves, lvo disenchanlers, and six
lIoodhavks. Tenni has quielIy noved
inlo lhe LIven voods near HiIIsfar, vhere
he is operaling as a sIaver, seIIing his cap-
lures lo agenls of ZhenliI Keep, vho lake
lhen norlh in covered vagons. Tenni is
very discreel in his operalions, caplured
hunans and deni-hunans are nanacIed,
gagged, lIindfoIded, and lhen chained ly
lhroal-coIIars lo a coffIe-lar, or Iong vood-
en lree-lrunk vhich a group of sIaves
nusl carry.
Wanders (Mylh Drannor)
9lh IeveI nagic-user
NL, Bane
Hunan naIe
ThagdaI is a haughly, paunchy nage, and
a forner apprenlice of Senennon of lhe
Zhenlarin. ThagdaI is knovn lo possess a
ncc||acc cf nissi|cs, vilh lhe aid of vhich
he narrovIy escaped dealh al lhe hands of
IIorin IaIconhand of ShadovdaIe, in an
allack upon lhal pIace. ThagdaI is leIieved
lo le presenlIy invoIved in an expIoralion
of Mylh Drannor, vilh nany nen-al-
arns, lhal incIudes sIaying aII non-
Zhenlarin encounlered in lhe voods.
THENTIA5 Them-TIE-ass)
SuzaiI in Senlia
Merchanl (2nd IeveI fighler)
CN, Tynora
Hunan naIe
WeII-knovn in Cornyr, Senlia, and lhe
DaIeIands as a veaIlhy nerchanl of lhe
highesl elhics and slandards for lhe care
of goods, Thenlias is veaIlhy, and over lhe
years has leen quielIy luying up house
afler house in lhe slreels of SuzaiI and of
Yhaunn, lrying lo conlroI Iarge lIocks (or
faiIing lhal, connecled slrips of lands) of
luiIdings in slralegic areas of lhe cilies. If
he vere crippIed lonorrov and never Ied
anolher caravan or nade anolher over-
Iand lrade deaI, Thenlias couId prolalIy
relire in conforl for lhe resl of his days on
his lakings as a IandIord. ver lhe years,
lhe palrician, vhile-learded Thenlias,
aIvays courleous, and aIvays loIeranl of
lhe differenl cuslons and eliquelle of olh-
ers, has luiIl a Iarge IoyaI group of ner-
chanls vho prefer lo lrade vilh hin over
anyone eIse, and a group of exlreneIy Ioy-
aI servanls, vho viII sinpIy nol lelray
hin shorl of nagicaI or psionic conpuI-
sion lo lhe conlrary. Thenlias ovns a Iarge
nansion in SuzaiI, for hinseIf.
AraleI in Cornyr
8lh IeveI Iighler
CN, Tenpus
Hunan naIe
A residenl of AraleI, Thurlrand is a fighl-
er lorn and lred lhere, vho has leen a
nan of arns since he vas oId enough lo
Iifl a lIade. In his leens he vas knovn as
Thurlrand of lhe SloneIands as he Ied
land afler land of young Iayalouls inlo
lhe viIds. Iev relurned, each line, as
Thurlrand lallIed lroIIs, and orcs, and
koloIds, and landils, and vorse. nce, his
conpany lallIed a dark naga, and onIy
Thurlrand escaped, of a conpany of six-
leen veII-arned fighlers, and on anolher
occasion, foughl lhal eviI nage knovn as
Whisper, fron vhon Thurlrand and
lhree conpanions escaped, having Iefl lhe
nage sIighlIy injured and seven of lheir
conrades dead. Thurlrand vas slul-
lorn, if aughl eIse, and has venlured inlo
lhe SloneIands nany lines, evenluaIIy
anassing quile a forlune, and leconing a
seasoned and experienced varrior.
Thurlrand keeps in lraining, and even
hires oul lo guard lhe occasionaI caravan,
lhese days, lul he is vailing for lhe Zhen-
larins pover lo le lroken so lhal he can
eslalIish his ovn slronghoId in lhe vasles.
Il is said lhal he knovs every vaIIey and
lonl of lhe SloneIands, incIuding haIf-a-
dozen alandoned sullerranean cilies and
hoIds, lul Thurlrand knovs he cannol
nalch lhe Zhenlarins pover in lhe Slone-
Iands al lhis line, so he vails.
ThurIock lhe Anagogue
1Olh IeveI nagic-user
N, Deneir
Hunan fenaIe
ThurIock nakes her hone in lhe nolIes
dislricl of HiIIsfar, nainlaining a Iarge
lovnhouse vilh reporledIy exlensive
underground vauIls and passages. She
liIIs herseIf as a Diviner, viIIing (for a fee)
lo pierce nysleries and reveaI lhe hidden.
To aid her in lhis lusiness she is conslanlIy
on lhe Iook-oul for nagicaI ilens lhal aid
in divinalion nagic, and viII oflen lrade
infornalion for such ilens. She is aided in
her lasks ly Thondar CIinnershieId, a
haIf-eIven CIeric of Denier of 8lh IeveI. The
vauIls lenealh her nansion are runored
lo conlain nany greal nagics and scroIIs
Iaden vilh oId Iegends and nodern gossip,
lul are prolecled ly aII nanner of feII
nagicaI leasls, pilfaII lraps, and faIse
Wanders (lhe DaIeIands)
6lh IeveI lhief
CN, Mask and Tynora
Hunan naIe
Torn is a young, rulhIess lhief, lorn in
Weslgale of lhe dancer Nelhra. His prola-
lIe falher vas DalhguiId, one of lhe Lords
of Weslgale. Nelha vas recenlIy assassi-
naled ly Nighl Masks (nercenary kiIIers)
vho have cone seeking Torns Iife severaI
lines. The Nighl Masks have prolalIy
leen hired ly a rivaI Lord, rguIe.
Weslgale is lherefore loo dangerous a
pIace for Torn lo slay, lul he has found a
daring career as a procurer of iIIegaI serv-
ices and sulslances in HiIIsfar and ZhenliI
Keep, slaying a singIe junp ahead of lhe
aulhorilies and oflen enpIoying lhe aIias
Ralhgar. Torn recenlIy joined lhe
Knighls of Mylh Drannor advenluring
land, and lecane lhe Iover of IIIislyI
LIvenlree. Torn vaIues noney and person-
aI slyIe alove aII eIse. He is sIin, vilh green
eyes, dark hair, and fine nouslache, and is
an acconpIished svinner, lIind-fighler,
rider, and is alIe in lhe use of ropes. Torn
prefers lo fighl vilh Iong svord and dag-
ger, lul can aIso use a cIul.
15lh IeveI nagic-user
LN, Myslra
Hunan naIe
Vangerdahasl is lhe RoyaI Magician of
Cornyr, Courl Wizard of lhe IurpIe
Dragon, head of SuzaiIs CounciI of
Mages. A niddIe-aged, paunchy, vhile-
learded nan of kindIy lul slern nanner
and IifeIong IoyaIly lo Azoun (one of
Azouns chiIdhood lulors, in lhe hislory
and Iineages of Cornyr, and in nallers of
nagic), Vangerdahasl aided lhe King in
his youlh and supporled Azouns ruIe
lhroughoul his reign. Respecled ly his
feIIov nages and lhe peopIe of Cornyr
aIike, Vangerdahasl is quiel and unassun-
ing, aIlhough during courl cerenonies he
can le very dignified, soIenn, and
inpressive. Vangerdahasl is knovn lo
possess nany nagicaI vands, and lo have
equipped lhe King vilh nagicaI rings (no
doull sone of lhe rings Vangerdahasl
hinseIf vears are nagicaI, loo).
1331 - 1355
fornerIy of Lveningslar
2nd IeveI nagic-user
CL, Myslra
Hunan naIe
This anlilious, schening nage vas sIain
ly Dousl SuIvood and his conpanions in
lhe evokers sullerranean hone (Whis-
pers Crypl) lenealh lhe Haunled HaIIs,
an alandoned landil hoId jusl norlh of
Lveningslar. The Zhenlarin agenl in
norlhern Cornyr, Whisper arranged
anlushes and senl nevs of lroop nove-
nenls and lrade lo DarkhoId. He had
pIans lo lecone far nore lhan a ninor
nage in lhe Iarge nelvork of lhe Zhen-
larin, and pIanned lo head a secrel sociely
of his ovn. Al lhe line of his dealh he vas
organizing agenls and slronghoIds
ansveralIe onIy lo hin in lhe area vhen
his allacks on lhe polenliaIIy dangerous
visiling advenlurers provoked lhen lo
hunl hin dovn overcone his guardian
enchanlnenls and crealures, and deslroy
hin. Whisper heId lvo of lhe Seven Losl
Rings of MhzenluI (passed on ly Dousls
conpanions lo lenpIes in lhe area), vas
crueI and coIdIy caIcuIaling, and used lhe
personaI rune of a slyIized, cIulching
hunan hand, lIack and cIavIike.
Wanders in service of ZhenliI Keep
3rd IeveI fighler
NL, Tenpus AND Bane
Hunan naIe
A lurIy, lallered nan of rulhIess courage
and a hearly, joviaI (lhough faIse) nanner,
YoreI is a veleran varrior in lhe service of
ZhenliI Keep, vho has served as a ser-
geanl of lhe garrison al VoonIar and al
YuIash severaI lines for differing guards-
caplains and Iords, as ZhenliI Keep has
laken and re-laken lhose pIaces over lhe
years. If ZhenliI Keeps var-Ieaders pIan a
guard-in-force for a vaIualIe caravan, or a
raiding or reconnoilering palroI in lhe
area, and vanl a caulious veleran varrior
ralher lhan a reckIess advenlurer, YoreI is
caIIed upon lo Iead. He secrelIy dreans of
founding his ovn hoId, laking a vife and
having nany daughlers and al Ieasl one
son lo le proud of, and lear a coal-of-
arns proudIy as he founds a Iine of Iords
lo slrelch dovn Iong years, and lo le
Ioved ly his suljecls, nol feared. YoreI is
vise enough (16 Wisdon) lo knov lhal
lhis viII prolalIy never happen, aIlhough
hes nov on lhe Iookoul for a chance lo
nake off vilh a Iol of noney sonevhere
far avay and a IillIe varner (such as
Telhyr, say, or lhe Iands vesl of ViIhon),
lul hes nol yel liller. YoreI is an experl in
lhe arl of varfare vilh reIaliveIy snaII
lands of nen, especiaIIy al reading an ene-
nys novenenls and correclIy anlicipal-
ing fulure aclions fron lhen, and knovs
lhe Inner Seas norlhern lerrain as fev
nen aIive do, as veII as lhe druids and
rangers aclive in lhe area, perhaps. YoreI is
presenlIy caplaining various palroIs and
speciaI raids for ZhenliI Keep in lhe soulh-
ern Moonsea/norlhern DaIeIands area.
ZAHN-oes DAN-1heen)
Wanders (Dragon Reach area)
2nd IeveI paIadin
LC, Tyr
Hunan fenaIe
Born of nolIe parenls in Telhyr, Zandess
lroke vilh lhen and lheir feuding, deca-
denl vays in her chiIdhood, fIeeing lo
priesls of Tyr in Ann, vho raised and
lrained her lo le an arn of juslice, and
senl her easl lo lhe IavIess Inner Sea
Iands, lo vork Tyrs viII and aid Tyr's
priesls lhere. Zandess has arrived in lhe
Dragon Reach area onIy recenlIy, and is a
Iady of lhe highesl zeaI and principIes,
vho lraveIs aIone, lul for her varhorse
and pack horses, and a spare nounl, fuIIy
arnored and equipped as lefils her cIass.
She uses lhe synloI of Tyr as her synloI,
a laIanced sel of scaIes, resling on a var-
AddilionaI Merchanls nay le found in
lhe Dragon Reach area, incIuding lhe
Iands of Senlia, Cornyr, and lhe soulh-
ern cilies around Weslgale. They are Iisl-
ed ly nane, cily of origin, usuaI pIace of
vinlering, and connon lusiness.
ARULI of BallIedaIe
The Svordnerchanl~veapons of aII
lypes, fine forged sleeI
Lngineering firn: Bridges BuiIl, Barns
Raised, Iences &, Slockades Lrecled, We
Bring ur WhoIe Crev To You
IARLNL of Weslgale
Cosnelics, Make-up, and Disguises:
Scenls Mosl Rare and Iine, CarefuIIy
SeIecled for you ly a Lady of Tasle and
Dislinclion, Iarene lhe Iar-TraveIed
AninaI Trainer (4O gp/nonlh relain-
er, 3 gp/leasl olhervise)
LARIS of HiIIsfar
Arls, gens, nagic, curiosilies of aII
sorls loughl, larlered and soId
Boal s Boughl , SoI d, ul f i l l ed,
Renled, & Repaired~No }ol Too Big,
No }ol Too SnaII
ILRAIHN of House Thond (in AraleI)
Cens Iurchased (for Ialer resaIe on
lhe Svord Coasl)
STNC of Sarlreen
Iine cIolh, cIolhing & accessories,
Iealher vorking
CallIe, Horses, & lher Liveslock
A Nenceman
Compam: The
FLamImg FIs1
ne of lhe nosl poverfuI such conpanies
currenlIy aclive, lhe IIaning Iisl is usuaIIy
lased in BaIdurs Cale, vhere ils con-
nander LIlan, is a Duke (See BALDURS
CATL). The Iisls have a good record of
achievenenls, parlicuIarIy vhen operal-
ing againsl olher nercenary conpanies,
such as lhe nonhunan lands.
The IIaning Iisl is lhe nosl poverfuI,
nosl nagicaI, and nosl expensive fighl-
ing forces in lhe ReaIns, and is lhe resuIl
of decades of vork and efforl, lolh in
lraining and in accunuIaling nagicaI
ilens for use on lhe lallIefieId. The Iisl
nornaIIy hires oul al a lase rale of
1O,OOO g.p. Ier Day pIus ils share of lhe
pIunder, lul viII pay ils ovn lransporla-
lion cosls and agree nol lo legin charging
lheir rales unliI direclIy enlering lhe
enpIoyers service.
The Iisl consisls of:
1OOO 4lh IeveI fighlers (AC4)
chain naiI and shieId
5OO 5lh IeveI fighlers (AC3)
landed and shieId
2OO 6lh IeveI fighlers (AC2)
pIale and shieId, 46 have rings cf
spc|| |urning of vhich 1O have +1
25 6lh IeveI lhieves (AC7)
Iealher and shieId
1O 8lh IeveI assassins (AC7)
Iealher and shieId
1O 7lh IeveI nonks (AC5)
LN, vorship HeIn
2OO 4lh IeveI cIerics (AC3)
pIale naiI, of Tenpus, Tynora, and
(aII carry exlra curalive speII scroIIs)
5 7lh IeveI nagic-users (AC 2 oraccrs
cf cfcnsc, and aII have rings cf spc||

s|cring, repIenished ly Moruend

(see leIov) lelveen lallIes, and
hoIding one nas|c, lvo ispc| nagic,
one uco, and lvo 6-die fircoa||s
(each ring). AII vear grccns|cnc
2O 4 lo 6lh IeveI rangers (AC 8 =
Iealher, serving as scouls)
1O (SLL BLLW) Leaders and aides
AII nen in lhe Conpany are nounled on
heavy horses, and each has a spare horse,
lelhered lehind lhe firsl vhen on lhe
lraiI (lolaI: 4,OOO horses). In addilion,
lhere are 3,15O pack nuIes for lhe carry-
ing of equipnenl and pIunder, and 14 of
lhe 6lh IeveI fighlers ride as drovers lo
keep lhen logelher, arned vilh vhips
(lhe nuIes are lridIed in Iong Iines, or
fiIes). The Conpany aIso has nine vag-
ons, dravn ly leans of eighl drafl horses
each (four spare horses are lridIed lo lhe
rear of each of lhe vagons). The vagons
carry food, and even nore inporlanlIy,
drink, nedicaI suppIies (incIuding nany
curalive speII scroIIs) and siege equip-
nenl. AII vagons have roofs lhal are pIal-
forns vilh sidevaIIs for use ly archers,
and lhe vagon vaIIs are arnored and
lrinned vilh dragonhide lo resisl fire.
ne of lhe vagons is a counciI vagon,
furnished vilh a lalIe (vhich can doulIe
as an operaling lalIe), a hoIe in lhe fIoor
for a fire (vhich is luiIl in a sand luckel),
rugs, els. Il serves as a lenpIe for lhe cIer-
ics of lhe Conpany vhen nol olhervise
in use. The device of lhe Conpany, fIovn
on ils lanners and depicled on ils lenls
and vagons, is lhe IIaning Iisl. In lallIe,
varriors of lhe Conpany vear vhile lal-
ards lIazoned vilh lhis device.
BaIdurs Cale/IIaning Iisl
2Olh IeveI fighler (179 hp)
LN, Tenpus
Hunan naIe
The Ieader and founder of lhe IIaning
Iisl, LIlan is a laclicaI genius vho Ioves lo
fighl. He is respecled anong lhe ruIers of
lhe Iorgollen ReaIns lecause he is a nan
of principIes and of his vord, and
lecause as a ruIer hinseIf, LIlan is seen as
knoving and synpalhizing vilh a ruIers
concerns and lroulIes. LIlan sees a con-
linuaI laIance of pover anongsl nany
snaII kingdons lo le a Cood and Iroper
Thing, and so hires oul his conpany so as
lo prevenl any Iarge enpire-forning. He
is friendIy vilh lhe olher nercenary gen-
eraIs lased nearly, lul oflen lallIes
lhen (never Iel enolions inlerfere vilh
lusiness, he leIieves).
LIlan is a laII, handsone nan vilh grey
eyes and jel-lIack hair, vho vears a grccn-
s|cnc anu|c|, p|a|c nai| +2, a isp|accr
c|ca| +2 (lhis pIus his Dex nakes hin AC
-3), and disdains lo use a shieId. His
lreaslpIale is poIished nirror-lrighl so
lhal his nen can dislinguish hin easiIy on
lhe fieId, as veII as for lhe spIendid effecl.
He vears a ring cf aoscrp|icn (75O speII
IeveIs Iefl), a ring cf an|i-tcncn (alsorls
poisons, 22 charges Iefl), a gir|c cf s|crn
gian| s|rcng|n, and gaun||c|s cf cgrc
pcucr. These Ialler lvo aIIov hin lo vieId
his nosl precious lreasure, a rareIy used
nanncr cf |nuncroc||s. He aIso carries a
siIver aggcr +2 his lool, a siIver |cng
sucr +2, and a neulraI, leIepalhic sncr|
sucr +1 naned Roan, his Iongline
friend. Roan can delecl nagic, delecl invis-
ilIe, delecl iIIusion, delecl lraps, and knov
aIignnenl once cacn per day, and viII
aulonalic relurn if il Ieaves hin and he
is conscious lo so viII il (naxinun range
9), if necessary dragging anyone hoIding
il aIong vilh il (a conlined slrenglh lolaI
of 3O viII slop il). A lraceIel on his Iefl
vrisl aIIovs LIlan lo connunicale leIe-
palhicaIIy vilh Scar and Moruene.
LIlan is prolalIy lhe nosl heaviIy Ioad-
ed of lhe nagicaI characlers in lhe ReaIns.
NornaI high IeveI lypes, such as successfuI
ICs, shouIdnl le vandering around vilh
quile so nuch sluff. LIlan has il lecause
his nercenary conpany presenls lhe uIli-
nale in equipage, as a DMs design exan-
pIe, and lecause LIlan is a carefuI and
very rich nan vho has lried lo prepare
for every evenluaIily such as poverfuI
advenlurers lrying lo knock hin off vilh
ease. LIlan is oflen lhe largel of assassina-
lion allenpls, lecause his Conpanys lar-
gels leIieve lhal lhe IIaning Iisl vouId
faII aparl vilhoul hin.

BaIdurs Cale, IIaning Iisl

14lh IeveI fighler
LN, HeIn
Hunan naIe
LIlans righl-hand nan and failhfuI friend,
Scar is a laId gianl vilh a scarred cheek
(hence his nane) vho svings a scini|ar
+2 and has a leIl of six lhroving axes. He
vears oraccrs cf cfcnsc (AC2) and a
lhroal gorgel, Iealher lreeches, olhervise
disdaining arnor. Scar has a leIepalhic
lraceIel on his Iefl vrisl, aIIoving con-
nunicalion vilh LIlan and Moruene,
vhich is cIanped lo a lronze vrislIel lhal
aIso supporls a shealhed dagger. He, loo, is
a niIilary genius, and al his leIl carries
lvo slainIess sleeI viaIs, a pc|icn cf f|qing
and a pc|icn cf spcc. Scar oflen nakes
nanic Ieaps or charges in lallIe lo lreak
nasses of nen defending in a slrong posi-
lion. He laIks IillIe, and never checks
noraIe. Scar vears a grccns|cnc anu|c|.
Scars reaI nane is HurloId Duelhkalha
(HLR-loId Doolh-KATH-ah), a secrel lo aII
save his surviving youlhfuI acquainlances
in Walerdeep, LIlan, and Moruene.
BaIdurs Cale, IIaning Iisl
19lh IeveI nagic-user
LN, Azulh
Hunan fenaIe
Moruene is LIlans IifeIong friend, conlin-
uaI conrade, and occasionaI Iover. She
vears lIack roles (cul so lhal she can
ride and fighl unhanpered), a grccn-
s|cnc anu|c|, oraccrs cf cfcnsc (AC 2), a
heIn, a ring cf f|ign| (vhich aIIovs lhe
vearer lo f|q as in lhe nagic user speII, as
lhough casl ly 1Olh IeveI nagic user,
lhrice in any 24 hour/144 lurn period of
line), lvo ivory scroII lules al her leIl
conlaining one |ini|c uisn scroII and
one |c|cpcr| scroII, a aggcr +2 al lhe
lack of her neck, on a lhroalland shealh,
a rc cf cancc||a|icn (cn|q four charges
Iefl) al her leIl, and a caplured uan cf
tisci g|cos of 14 charges. Moruene aIso
vears a lraceIel vhich aIIovs her lo
connunicale leIepalhicaIIy vilh LIlan
and Scar. ne of her earrings is a 9-hil-die
IirelaII fron a ncc||acc cf nissi|cs, and
lhe olher is a pc|qncrpnc lIack pud-
ding of 68 hp, vhich she viII loss and foI-
Iov vilh a ispc| nagic if in periI.
Moruene vears a leIl of iron pIales,
inlo vhich is Iocked a pcr|ao|c nc|c,
vhich conlains her vorking sel of speII
looks. The olher sel viII le found in
her friendIy ninic 7 HD, 41 np slorage
chesl, aIong vilh her Iegasus sleed.
Moruene is currenlIy Iooking for an
apprenlice. AIso in her porlalIe hoIe is
a spare |c|cpcr| scroII, she viII use lhis
lo escape (vilh LIlan and Scar, if possi-
lIe) if necessary, lo a cave relreal,
vaIIed in, inside lhe Nelher Mounlains,
a relreal vhich incIudes her lreasures:
4O, 212 gp, a spiri|urac| scroII vilh
Denogorgons lrue nane, shouId he
ever appear, LIlans noney (16O,OOO gp,
in various currencies), a jug cf a|cncnq
and 2 veeks dry ralions (for 2 peopIe),
a prisna|ic spncrc scroII, a prc|cc|icn
frcn cti|s scroII, and a ring cf spc||
s|cring conlaining one curc o|inncss,
one curc iscasc, one ispc| nagic, and
lvo curc cri|ica| ucuns cIericaI speIIs.
The senior officers of lhe IIaning Iisl
serve as seclion connanders in lallIe,
lodyguards in negolialing silualions, and
if LIlan and Moruene sland logelher in
lallIe, oflen forn a proleclive hedgehog
or vedge around lhen (Scar prefers nol
lo le guarded, il gels in his vay). AII are
devoled lo LIlan and Moruene, and viII
fighl lo lhe dealh for lhen, aII are
equipped vilh fieId pIale arnor, grccn-
s|cnc anu|c|s, rings cf spc|| |urning, one
pc|icn cf cx|ra-nca|ing each (in a slainIess
sleeI leIl viaI), and lheir preferred (and
speciaIized) veapon, usuaIIy a orca-
sucr. They haliluaIIy vear lheir visors
dovn so as lo leller inlinidale. These sev-
en are:
BeIuarion (LN, 1Olh LeveI Iighler)
KuIurauk (CN, 9lh LeveI Iighler)
BeIIan (LN, 9lh LeveI Iighler)
Nenon (NC, 9lh LeveI Iighler)
KorueIve (CN, 9lh LeveI Iighler)
Desedrak (LN, 1Olh LeveI Iighler)
YuIinluI (LN, 9lh LeveI Iighler)
Again, il nusl le slressed lhal lhis ner-
cenary conpany is far nore poverfuI
lhan nosl, everyone eIse save a Horde
raised ly conlining severaI nercenary
conpanies is going lo le Iess poverfuI
lhan lhis, and carry a Iol Iess nagicaI
Iool, aII of lhe Iisls senior officers Iisled
alove are lhe equivaIenl of nosl of lhe
olher nercenary conpany Ieaders.
Recem1 Neus amo Rumons Im 1he ReaLms
his seclion conlains sone of lhe gos-
sip lhal cane lo lhe ears of lhe
inhalilanls of lhe Norlhern ReaIns in
pasl lvo years, lhe Year of lhe Worn and
lhe Year of lhe Irince. These inconpIele
and sonelines sIighlIy inaccurale snip-
pels of nevs are given as lhey nighl have
leen gIeaned ly an allraclive gossip in
lhe DaIeIands, and in Walerdeep and lhe
Norlh, and are incIuded here nol as any
sorl of record or slricl chronoIogy of
evenls, lul ralher lo inparl sone of lhe
fIavor of lhe ReaIns, lo give you lhe feeI
of lhe ReaIns as an aclive, Iiving, and
changing vorId. The nevs evenls are
roughIy divided ly lhe nonlhs in vhich
lhey vere heard and nade veII-knovn.
Nole lhal sone ilens are updales of earIi-
er nevs, and lhal lhere are sonelines
consideralIe deIays lelveen evenls and
lhe nevs of lhen gelling around.
The DM nay use lhis infornalion in
lvo vays. Iirsl, il nay le considered
lackground infornalion for canpaigns
leginning in lhe Year of Shadovs (DR
1358). This is lhe recenl pasl vhich lhe
pIayer characlers nay knov of. AIler-
naleIy, lhe DM nay choose lo legin his or
her canpaign al lhe slarl of lhe Year of
lhe Irince, and, as lhe characlers nove
lhrough lhe year, presenl lhe nev
runors as opporlunilies for advenluring.
Be varned lhal in lhe Ialler case, IC
aclion nay negale fulure enlries, and lhe
pIayer characlers nay add lheir ovn
nevsvorlhy noles lo le carried ly lards
and heraIds across lhe reaIns. The DM
nay lake lhese enlries as he or she sees
fil, using lhen as a lasis for organizing
advenlures of his ovn crealion, eilher ly
exlrapoIaling lhe evenls presenled vilh-
in, or sIipping lheir ovn nevs in anong
lhe Iisls. Nevs reporls lhal viII NT ever
have foIIov-up in lhe pulIished ReaIns
naleriaI are narked vilh a (*).
Yean o[ 1he Vonm
DaIe Reckoning 1356
Hammen )amuan)
There is fierce fighling in lhe
Svord Coasl Iands jusl soulh of Waler-
deep. Dragonspear CaslIe has leen
lesieged and sel afire ly lhe lroop of
Walerdeep, lul deviIs are Ioose in lhe
pen Marches and lhere is no safe lra-
veI l herealoul s. The ner c hanl -
kingdon of Ann is said lo le nassing
arnies aIong ils norlhern lorders.
A fighling-land fron TiIvers Cap,
lallIing vilh orcs in lhe soulh of Dagger-
daIe, vas pursued inlo lhe nounlains,
and lhere in a hidden vaIIey found a
ruined forlress lover vhere lhey look
sheIler. The orcs sel valch on lhe lover,
lul did nol enler. The land found goId
and a nagicaI, gIoving svord in lhe ruin,
lul vere chased oul ly a horrilIe eye-
covered nonsler. Upon lhe lands relurn
lo TiIvers Cap lhe svord learer, a lenpIe
servanl naned Barach HiIlhone, refused
lo give lhe lIade lo lhe lenpIe of Cond,
procIaining il his ovn looly. SeveraI
nenlers of lhe fighling-land have disap-
peared in TiIverlon since lheir relurn,
and lensions in lhal lovn are said lo have
increased over lhe incidenl. (*)
AL1unIak Febnuan)
The vizards of ZhenliI Keep are
runored lo have discovered or devised
slrange nev nagic, for in Lord Man-
shoons courl lhis vinler have leen dis-
pIayed effecls and denonslralions of a
Iike nol seen lefore in lhe knovn ReaIns.
IoverfuI iIIusions, lhe sunnoning and
conlroI of eIenenlaI crealures such as
vind vaIkers and xorn, and veird necro-
nanlic experinenls are sone of lhe
lhings lhal have leen reporled.
Ches Nanch)
SeIfariI, High BIade of MuInasler, is
said lo le seeking a vife: Tharchioness,
Iirsl Irincess of Thay. The young, laId-
headed Tharchioness has senl a goIden
earring soaked in her perfune lo
SeIfariI, and he has senl her in relurn a
cIoak of snov-vhile yeli fur. Having
lhus exchanged gifls, lhey nay nov vis-
il logelher vilh no gossip or scandaI,
inslead of onIy lhrough envoys, and yel
parl honoralIy, if lhey do nol vish nar-
riage, according lo Thayian cuslon.
SeIfariI vanls Thay as an aIIy, and dares
nol spile ils ancienl cuslons.(*)
To lhe soulh of oId, vasl Thay, lhe
e ve n no r e a nc i e nl ki ngdo n o f
MuIhorand has leen joIled in lhe pasl
year: lhe Slalues Thal WaIk have legun
lo nove once nore. ver a lhousand
slone slalues of line-Iosl origin sland
aII aloul lhis dusky-hiIIed counlry. Al
odd lul Iong separaled inlervaIs lhese
slone nen aninale and vaIk aloul,
apparenlIy lovards specific (nov-
vanished`) deslinalions. They slop al
lines and lhen nove on again, fighl any
vho lar lheir vay or allack lhen, and
al lines hev al rocks or cIear palhvays
l hrough cerl ai n areas. Thi s I al l er
lehavior is a frighlening lhing vhen
lhese areas are nany-lovered cilies, or
langIevood foresls. The slone nen are
nule and apparenlIy non-inleIIigenl,
and no one has yel found a vay lo con-
lroI lhen. Sone have crossed lhrough
lhe lorder vaIIs inlo Thay as veII as
inlo Unlher, a deserl Iand lhal Iies soulh
and vesl of MuIhorand. ThoIaunl,
Divine Irecepl of MuIhorand (one of
lhe god-kings of MuIhorand) says lhe
coning of lhe Slalues lo Iife is nol his
doing nor lhal of any of his faniIy, as
far as he can leII, and adds lhal lhe
pover of conlroI lhe Slalus is nol
knovn lo his faniIy. Sone have vhis-
pered of sl ri f e vi l hi n hi s f ani I y,
lhough, and say lhal lhe Slalues nay le
under lhe conlroI of anolher.
The Red Wizards of Thay have senl
Iegions of eIenenlaIs againsl releIIious
neighloring salraps, and deslroyed
four of lhen ullerIy, laking lhose Iands
under Thays lanner. Il is lhoughl lhal
such vasl nunlers of eIenenlaIs couId
nol le sunnoned ly speII, lul ralher a
gale or porlaI vas opened direclIy lo
lhe pIane of eIenenlaI fire.
Marchayn of ArchendaIe, lhe
feared Mad Wilch of lhe Thunder
Ieaks, has leen found in her ciladeI,
nindIess and drooIing, anidsl chaos.
AII aloul her lover Iay lhe dead lodies
of lhe orcs (and vorse) lhal served her,
and nuch of her lover is nov a fire-
lIackened sheII. The herdsnan vho
found her reporled lo nerchanls of
AraleI lhal Marchayn (vho soon died
and vhose lody vas lurned ly lhe
herdsnan) repealed endIessIy, Dove!
Dove! Snashed lhe lIack slar . . .
Dove! (*)
Tansakh ApnIL)
Savage fighling conlinues in lhe
pen Marches aloul lhe lIazing ruin of
Dragonspear CaslIe. A sorcerous nisl
has arisen and cIoaked lhe Iand for a
lenday nov, lul vilhin il snaII con-
panies of nen and golIins and deviIs
sliII cIash. Caravan lraveI in lhe vicinily
has lurned aside, soulh lo BaIdurs Cale.
Anns arnies have galhered on ils
norlhern lorder lul have nol yel
noved inlo a fray. Il is runored in
Walerdeep lhal aII of lhe nasler nage
KheIlen s nagic cannol dispeI lhe
slrange nisl. The fearsone carcasses of
sIain deviIs have leen carried in lri-
unph lhrough lhe slreels of lhe cily.
Sone fear a vay has leen opened
lelveen lhe Nine HeIIs lhenseIves and
our vorId, as nore or nore reporls of
deviIs seen in grealer nunlers lhan
ever lefore cone lo lhe cily.
Wilh lhe spring lhavs Cornyr has
senl a snaII arny easl fron High Horn
lovards TiIvers Cap. Il is knovn lhal
lhe arny is lo use TiIvers Cap as a lase
for fighling lhe increasingIy nunerous
golIins and orcs vho have overrun
DaggerdaIe and nov lhrealen TiIvers
Cap, MislIedaIe, and ShadovdaIe. Il is
nol knovn vhelher lhe arny cones al
lhe inilialive of Azoun IV, or vhelher
TiIvers Cap has soughl aid ly dipIo-
nalic neans, ly an offer of goId fron
lhe rich lenpIe of Cond Iocaled lhere,
or if TiIvers Cap is leing annexed ly
Cornyr voIunlariIy or againsl ils viII.
ShadovdaIe has repuIsed an allack
fron ZhenliI Keep. A liny arny of
advenlurers, viIIagers, and eIves infIicl-
ed very heavy Iosses on an allacking
arny lhal oulnunlered lhen ly nore
lhan four lo one. Il is runored lhal an
inscc| p|aguc raged over lhe lallIefieId,
and il is knovn lhal voods near lhe
daIe vere sel afire. No fornaI decIara-
lion of var or connenl on lhe lallIe
has leen nade ly eilher side in lhe con-
fIicl. ShadovdaIes nev Lord, Dousl
SuIvood, vho cane fron lhe vesl
(sone say Cornyr, olhers Walerdeep or
even Moonshae IsIes) Iasl year vilh lhe
Iendanl of Ashala lo cIain lhe high
seal, is as yel IargeIy a nyslery. Mosl of
lhe daIes and cIergy have dispalched
envoys lo hin.
The advenlurers land Ied ly lhe
fighler Mane, fornerIy residenl in Sha-
dovdaIe, have disappeared in lhe
soulh. There is laIk of lheir defeal and
dealh in lhe Yuirvood, lul olhers say
lhey have faIIen in lallIe vilh lhe Red
Wizards in Thay, or even lhal Mane has
lecone chieflain and var Ieaders of
lhe nonads of lhe Shaar. Nolhing is cer-
lain, hovever, aII is specuIalion.
The cily of MeIvaunl is lhe scene of
unprecedenled shipluiIding aclivily.
ver sixly vesseIs of aII sizes are leing
conslrucled aIong lhe shoreIine, having
spiIIed lolh easl and vesl oul of lhe
vorkshops for Iack of space. Il is nol
knovn vho is paying for lhe vesseIs or
for vhal purposes lhey are inlended,
lul olservers say al Ieasl four of lhe
Iarge vesseIs have ran-spire huIIs.
A nev nerchanl aIIiance caIIing
ilseIf lhe Iron Throne has senl Iellers lo
lhe ruIers of Cornyr, Senlia, and slra-
legic cilies such as HiIIsfar, announcing
ils fornalion and ils inlenl lo conlroI
overIand lrade in aII veapons and
equipnenl used in lransporl and con-
nerce vilhin ils area of operalions,
loving lo no nonarch, lul nol inlend-
ed lo vage var or lecone unlo a non-
arch ilseIf. No repIy has cone fron lhe
recipienls of said nissives, lul il is
lhoughl lhey are nol pIeased.
NIn1uL Na)
The SinluI, lhe infanous
dveonercrafler vho ruIes AgIarond,
appears lo have Iefl her courl shape-
changed (possilIy as a cal or faIcon) and
vanished. Upon her high seal she Iefl a
signed Ieller direcling her CounciI lo gov-
ern AgIarond viseIy, and dispose of sev-
eraI specific nallers (no delaiIs are
knovn) lhus and so. Il is lhoughl she nay
have headed norlh lo speak vilh lhe
eIves (vilh vhon she has an uneasy aIIi-
ance), and/or lo olserve evenls in lhe
slralegic DaIeIands, vhere lhere are
runors of var lolh lelveen ZhenliI
Keep and l he norl hern daI es and
lelveen ScardaIe and ils neighlors, as
veII as lhe sudden announcenenl of lhe
fornalion of lhe nyslerious Iron Throne.
The SinluI is knovn for her unpredicla-
lIe lehavior and naslery of nagic, and
lhe laIe nosl oflen loId of her is her
unaided deslruclion of The Red Svord
nercenary conpany al Misllridge.
Drov have leen seen in lhe hiIIs
around KuIla and DaerIun, in Senlia,
and again in lhe High DaIe. The High
ConslalIes palroIs oul of High DaIe
reporl a confused nighl encounler on
lhe sIopes of Hooknose Crag. A Sen-
lian nerchanl reporls lhal a land of
nonkey-faced, lIack-haired crealures
vilh gIossy naiI arnor and gIoving
svords feII upon a caravan he vas parl
of on lhe Lasl Way, jusl easl of Thunder
Cap, and Iike svarning cals sIev aII
vho offered resislance, in Iess lhan a
ninules fighling. (*)
Huge laIIs of fire, four or five in
nunler, appeared in lhe sky alove lhe
Tovers of lhe BIade in MuInasler one
nighl a lenday ago. There vas a lallIe
invoIving nagic vilhin, and runor has
il lhe SinluI, ruIer of AgIarond and a
nage of greal pover, vas invoIved. The
SinluI disappeared fron her ovn king
don a shorl line ago.
The Iron Throne has announced
lhal il viII nol oppose lhe saIe and
lransporl of veapons and olher goods
inlended for use againsl lhe golIins
raiding oul of lhe Deserlsedge. Il
varns, hovever, lhal use of such veap-
onry vilhin lhe daIeIands viII resuIl in
sanclions againsl lhe aggressor(s). The
nerchanl Thond of Wyvernvaler has
nade hinseIf knovn as a spokesnan
for lhe group. Thond is a niddIe-aged,
respeclalIe deaIer in vood and lhe loal
luiIding lrade, and is said lo have nagi-
caI povers. He ovns Iarge reaches of
lhe voods around Wyvernvaler. The
ruIers of ShadovdaIe, MislIedaIe, and
TiIvers Cap have aII pulIicIy refused lo
supporl lhe Iron Throne aIIiance.
The arnies of Ann have lurned
lack vandering deviIs al lheir lorders,
and have pursued lhen norlh, charg-
ing inlo lhe fray. DeviIs of aII sorls
appear l o le grovi ng even nore
nunerous in lhe dispuled fieId. Reporls
fron Walerdeep indicale lhal lhe Wood
of lhe Moon LIves is a lIazing ruin. Il is
nol knovn if lhe eIves are fIed, aII sIain,
or fighling on. The nisl over lhe region
sliII hoIds. verIand lraveI norlh of
Ann s lorders has aInosl ceased,
BaIdurs Cale is virluaIIy under seige,
and lands of orcs, lroIIs, luglears and
holgolIins, acconpanied ly deviIs and
poverfuI nages, have leen reporled in
lhe TroII Moors. The viIIage of Triloar,
norlh of Walerdeep, vas ransacked
aInosl a nonlh previous, and lhe popu-
Ialion of such snaII norlhern lovns has
fIed norlh lo Miralar, SiIverynoon, and
coaslaI porls.
K1honm )ume)
Irices of aII Iuxury ilens in Waler-
deep have risen rapidIy vilh lhe var,
and shorlages are leginning lo affecl aII
of lhe cilies of lhe Norlh. The viId har-
vesls of hay and lrushvood cuslonar-
iIy lroughl in lo Walerdeep fron lhe
High Moors are of course deslroyed,
and are nissing. The viId grains grovn
in lhe open cIose ly Triloar are aIso
gone, and nuch food lhal is usuaIIy
avaiIalIe is reserved for lhe arnies in
lhe fieId. ShipIoads of nercenaries
fron lhe soulh and easl are arriving in
Walerdeep daiIy, headed for lhe nisl-
shrouded fieId. Caravans are lending
soulh lhrough CaIinshan, avoiding
Ann and lhe Iands vesl of Cornyr.
Runors have leen heard of a
lIoody skirnish around lhe forlress of
High Horn, in vhich orcs and holgol-
Iins oul of lhe nounlains and lhe Slone-
Iands vere lealen off ly a Iarge force
of horse-archers and Iancers, Cornyr
reguIars vho issued forlh lo prolecl a
caravan. Sevenly-six nen died, and a
hundred and lveIve orcs vere sIain.
TessariI Winler, Lord of Lveningslar,
has caIIed on Azoun IV for reinforce-
nenls lo keep lhe viIIage and roads
nearly safe fron orcs and lroIIs raiding
oul of lhe SloneIands.
A snaII arny of Cornyr nov hoIds
TiIvers Cap, having sIaughlered nany
lhousands of orcs. TiIverlon has leen
reI i eved, lul i l s governnenl I ef l
unlouched. Merchanls Ieaving lhe nov-
safe lovn afler over a nonlh of virluaI
siege reporl lhal Cornyr has offered lo
annex TiIverlon, lul nol denanded or
enforced a lakeover, and lhal lhe High
Iriesl Charri of Chond, LIder of lhe
lovn, has nol yel decided lo accepl or
rejecl lhe offer.
The lenpIe of Bane in VoonIar vas
sacked and lurned ly a snaII force
fron ShadovdaIe, Ied ly lhe Lord of
ShadovdaIe and his advenluring con-
panions. No fighling or piIIaging
occurred in VoonIar ilseIf. The allack
vas specificaIIy on lhe lenpIe, and
envoys of ShadovdaIe have since apoIo-
gized lo priesls of lhe nearly lenpIe of
Chaunlea (and, lhrough lhen, lo lhe
good peopIe of VoonIar) for any upsel
and inconvenience. The lroops fron
ShadovdaIe engaged in nagicaI conlal
vilh lhe priesls of Bane, and aIlhough
sone of lhe nosl poverfuI cIerics are
said lo have escaped lo ZhenliI Keep ly
neans of nagic, olhers are knovn lo
have perished, and lhe nen of Shadov-
daIe seized nuch goId, and look aInosl
5OO prisoners (ninor priesls, adher-
enls, Iay vorshippers, and guards of
lhe lenpIe). Iar nore peopIe lhan lhe
foIk of VoonIar ever suspecled vere in
lhe lenpIe conpIex. The Lord Dousl
SuIvood says lhal lhe allack is in relaIi-
alion for a recenl allack on ShadovdaIe
ly Lyran of MeIvaunl, vho Ied lroops
of ZhenliI Keep supporled ly priesls of
Dragons have allacked daIes and
cilies in lhe Moonsea and DaIeIands as
lhey once did of oId, Ieaving nuch ruin
and devaslalion. Many dragons fIev
soul h and vesl f ron l he gI aci ers
leyond Thar, Ianding al nany of lhe cil-
ies of nen in fearIess dayIighl allacks.
IhIan is nov a snoking ruin, hone lo
one Cr eal Wor n. MeI vaunl vas
allacked ly a snaIIer drake lhal lun-
lIed lhe lovers of lhe vaIIs, and nov
hoIds svay over nuch of lhe cily. ne
dragon fIev lo lhe CiladeI of lhe Raven,
no vord has cone lack of sulsequenl
evenls lhere. In lhe vreckage of lhe
cily slreels of ZhenliI Keep a nonslrous
vorn is presenlIy enlallIed ly lhe
arnies and arls of Lords Manshoon and
Chess, vhiIe fires rage unchecked.
YuIash is conpIeleIy ruined, reduced lo
lunlIed slone, scarred and IifeIess ly a
dragon lhal Ialer cane lo ShadovdaIe.
A greal fire in lhe eIven voods vas
doused ly lhe eIves afler lhey sIev a
dragon Ianding lhere, vilh heavy Ioss-
es. The avesone lody of lhe Iargesl
Worn of aII Iies haIf-sulnerged in lhe
valers of lhe harlor al HiIIsfar, vhere
il feII, sIain ly lhe nages of lhe cily. In
ShadovdaIe, lhe vilch SyIune perished
in conlal vilh lhe dragon, and il is said
she lroke a nagic slaff lo deslroy lhe
greal vorn. Al Ieasl lhree dragons are
knovn lo have survived lhe allack. The
reasons for lhis fIighl of dragons is a
nyslery, and cannol vilh cerlainly yel
le deened lhe vork of sone Dragon
CuIl, lhe secrelive cuIl lhal hoIds lhal
undead dragons shouId and viII ruIe
lhe vorId.
A corpse vashed up on lhe leach
j usl vesl of HiIIsfar has leen pro-
nounced ly lhe eninenl sage Auvi-
darus lo le definileIy lhal of one of lhe
Iegendary gilhyanki, a race said lo visil
lhe ReaIns onIy seIdon, fron anolher
Railhspur, Caplain of lhe Cuard of
rduIin, has issued a decree lanning
eIvenkind, incIuding goIden and noon
eIves, and lhe haIf-eIven, fron Senlian
soiI. No fornaI reason has leen given
for lhe lan, lul il is said lhal lhe Coun-
ciIIors of rduIin fear eIves of olher
sorls are aiding and conceaIing a Drov
invasion of Senlias renoler areas.
HIelhI of BallIedaIe and nerchanls
of Lssenlra have separaleIy reporled
lhal lhey have encounlered no eIves in
recenl days. Upon invesligalion, lhe
nearly eIven voods seen deserled.
Nolhing nore is yel knovn.
FLamenuLe )uL)
Iorces of ScardaIe have allacked
MislIedaIe, and leen reluffed ly lhe
daIe niIilia, aided and Ied ly lroops of
ShadovdaIe. ScardaIe lriefIy look lhe
easlern haIf of lhe daIe, lul couId nol
pass lhe ford, and vas lhrovn lack
afler lvo days of heavy fighling ly lhe
arrivaI of lvo hundred nounled spear-
nen of Cornyr. Lashan of ScardaIe has
procIained hinseIf King of lhe DaIes,
and his arnies have leen reinforced in
Lssenlra: six lhousand hopefuIs fron
InpiIlur and lhe ViIhon Reach have
joined Lashans forces, arriving on lhe
dozen ships nov ovned ly ScardaIe,
seeking Iands and veaIlh in lhe nev
kingdon of lhe DaIes in relurn for niIi-
lary service. Lashan has announced
pIans lo occupy lhe Losl VaIe, and sellIe
nany of his nev cilizens in lhe nevIy-
conquered soulhern daIes (BallIedaIe,
IealherdaIe, and vicinily). DoullIess
lhis Iasl nove is lo slrenglhen his fIedg-
Iing kingdon againsl possilIe allacks
fron Senlia lo lhe soulh.
Iey nagic has deslroyed a force of
lvo hundred lroops of ScardaIe vho
vere expIoring lhe falIed ruins of Mylh
Drannor. A Ialer palroI found no lraces of
a slruggIe, or any signs of nonslers, lul
onIy lheir horses and canp-gear. None of
lhe surrounding sellIenenls reporl see-
ing any slrangers, lhe nissing varriors
appear lo have vanished vilhoul lrace,
nol deserled.
ScardaIe has senl an arny aIong
lhe HaIfaxe TraiI, allacking MislIedaIe
again (vhere lhey vere driven off ly
lhe Cornyrean garrison), and senl
expI oral ory pal roI s vesl vard l o
DeepingdaIe and Lake Senler. War-
riors fron aII of lhe conquered daIes,
Ied ly lhe BallIedaIe Seven (an adven-
luring conpany) and sone advenlurers
of Mane s Band, have galhered in
Highnoon lo haIl ScardaIes advance.
These anli-ScardaIe forces are leing
aided vilh noney, provisions, and
veaponry ly Senlia.
Charri, lhe high priesl of Cond in
TiIverlon, has announced lhe fornaI
annexalion ly Cornyr of TiIvers Cap.
Charri viII renain al lhe lenpIe as Lord
Regenl of TiIverlon, and Cornyr viII
nainlain a slanding garrison in lhe lovn.
ELeasIas Augus1)
AIusair Nacacia, youngesl daugh-
ler of Azoun IV, king of Cornyr, has run
avay, vanishing fron lhe royaI paIace
in SuzaiI in earIy spring. Her reasons
and deslinalion are unknovn, lul she
is said lo have leen recognized in
TiIverlon, and lhal lhe arny senl lhere
vas inlended prinariIy lo lring aloul
her safe relurn, ralher lhan lo aid
TiIverlons lesieged inhalilanls.
Iorces of ScardaIe have laken lhe
fieIds of BallIedaIe, and nov hoId Har-
rovdaIe, IealherdaIe and nuch of Bal-
lIedaIe. The lrade-road fron Senlia lo
lhe Slanding Slone has nol yel leen
lIocked, and Lssenlra is sliII noninaIIy
independenl. TraveIers on lhe road
incIuding caravans oul of HiIIsfar, Zhen-
liI Keep, Cornyr, and Senlia, have
leen slopped and searched ly lhe
I argeI y nercenary f orces of Lord
Lashan. IulIic slalenenls have leen
nade ly lhe ruIer of ZhenliI Keep,
ArchendaIe, and Senlia lhal if lhe road
is lIocked, and lhe laking of Lssenlra,
ArchendaIe varns, is synonynous vilh
lIocking lhe road, ScardaIe viII find
ilseIf, econonicaIIy and evenluaIIy on
lhe lallIefieIds, al var vilh aII lhree.
The CiladeI of lhe Raven has leen
reveaIed lo have leen IargeIy deslroyed
in lhe allack ly lhree dragons and is
nov leing reluiIl ly ZhenliI Keeps
vork parlies. The greal arnory of lhe
CiladeI conlained nany greal siege
engines, and vilh lhose lvo of lhe
drakes vere uIlinaleIy sIain (one of lhe
younger dragons escaped, fIying vesl
lovards lhe Border Ioresl). The CiladeI
vas IargeIy gulled in lhe lallIe, and
over nine lhousand varriors perished.
Il is feared lhal if lhe defenses al lhe
CiladeI are nol very slrong ly vinler,
lhe ogres of Thar viII cone soulh fron
lhe gIaciers lo allack lhe cilies on lhe
norlh coasl of lhe Moonsea.
AInonlier, a nage of lhe High DaIe,
has announced lhe fornalion of lhe
Conpany of lhe Hippogriff. The adven-
luring conpany viII operale in lhe
Inner Sea Lands on a nercenary lasis,
oul of a forlified keep in Thunder Cap
lhal vas once a vayslop slronghoId
of lhe nerchanl Iords of Ann. (*)
ScardaIe senl an enissary lo Sha-
dovdaIe, offering an aIIiance. The offer
vas refused, and Lord Lashan has
announced lhal his forces are nov al
var vilh ShadovdaIe. Any persons or
properly of lhe daIe lhal faII inlo lheir
hands viII le lrealed accordingIy.
ELeIm1 5ep1emben)
The norlhern cily of MeIvaunl is
sliII IargeIy in ruins, lul ils eIders are
concenlraling on reluiIding ils docks
and navy. Seven Iarge ships have leen
keeIed aIready, and shipyard laIk has il
lhal a dozen nore viII le Iaid dovn
lefore vinler.
Lord Manshoon of ZhenliI Keep has
ordered a procIanalion read in Senlia,
ScardaIe, Cornyr, and ArchendaIe. The
procIanalion suns up lhe conlined niIi-
lary pover of lhe devaslaled cilies on lhe
norlh coasl of lhe Moonsea, and inforns
lhe vorId (and in parlicuIar lhe ruIers
and advenlurers of lhe pIaces in vhich il
vas read) lhal any allack upon any of lhe
cilies viII le considered an acl of var
and viII le crushed ly lhe nassed nighl
lhal Lord Manshoon nov connands.
Manshoons hosl viII lhen carry lhe lal-
lIe lack lo lhe allacking counlry and con-
quer il in lhe nane of lhe norlhcoasl
cilies. Il is knovn lhal sone allenpl vas
nade lo arresl lhe crier of lhis nessage in
ScardaIe. The crier disappeared inlo lhin
air, afler hurIing a neleor svarn al his
allackers vilh deadIy effecl.
Nanpemo1h Oc1oben)
A group of advenlurers knovn as
lhe Conpany of lhe Dragon is lraveIing
soulh fron HiIIsfar, lenl on neeling
vilh lhe LIven High Courl. AII eIves
have disappeared fron HiIIsfar, incIud-
ing nenlers of lhe cilys ruIing Coun-
ciI. Reporls fron Senlia lo lhe norlh
coasl of lhe Moonsea indicale lhal
nany eIves everyvhere have vanished.
Il is said in HiIIsfar lhal lhe Conpany of
lhe Dragon is hurrying lo le lhe firsl
expIorers of lhe falIed ruins of Mylh
Drannor, lhal spIendid cily of line-
shrouded Iegend once regarded as lhe
cenler of aII cuIlure, incIuding nusic,
nagic, and lhe arls of invenlion, in lhe
knovn vorId.
The forces of King Lashan of
ScardaIe have leen deslroyed in a svifl
series of lallIes vilh forces fron Cor-
nyr, Senlia, lhe uniled DaIes, and lhe
Moonsea cilies (incIuding ZhenliI Keep).
The capilaI of ScardaIe has faIIen and
Lashan hinseIf has disappeared. The
area has leen pIaced under joinl occu-
pancy ly lhe conlined forces unliI a
slalIe governnenl in forned (no Iess
lhan a year fron nov al lesl).
Uk1an Nooemben)
In lhe HaII of SparkIing Slones in
Miralar, lhe eIders of lhe cily sil in
CounciI, pIanning vhere and vhen lo
seII lheir nelaI, nindfuI of vho is veak
and vho is slrong, and vho viII use lhe
lrade-nelaI lo nake svords lo vage
var on vhon. As il does each vinler,
Miralar has cIosed ils gales and lurned
invards, lo lhe nounlains, vhere
leans of niners dig lhroughoul lhe
coId nonlhs. Much siIver has leen
found, il is said, and Miralar is seeking
sheep-lreeders lo eslalIish for il huge
fIocks of lhe aninaIs lo provide vinler
food and vooI. (*)
Hammen )aOan)
In a Ieller fron Luvon CreencIoak
lo lhe ruIers of lhe DaIeIands (incIuding
Lord Dousl of ShadovdaIe), lhe LIven
Courl have announced lheir relreal
fron lheir nalive voods lo a furlher
Iand fron Man (presunalIy Lver-
neel). The greal najorily of lhe eIves
have deparled, lhough cerlain individ-
uaIs renain (incIuding lhose vilh cIose
lies vilh hunans or eIvish advenlur-
ers). Luvon noles lhal eIves vho vish lo
foIIov lhe LIven Courl shouId conlacl
hin as soon as possilIe, and goes on lo
lhank lhe DaIesnen for lheir good reIa-
lionships in lhe days since I have seen
lhe pIanling of lhe Slanding Slone. lh-
er nalions and cily-slales, The Moonsea
Cilies, Senlia, and Cornyr, have
received no such nessages. Disposilion
of lhe LIven lerrilories and Mylh Dran-
nor vere nol nenlioned in lhe Ieller.
NIgh1aL Decemben)
Barrochs HoId has leen found.
The falIed ciladeI of lhe firsl greal lan-
dil Iord of lhe Inner Sea Iies soulh and
easl of lhe cilies of lhe Moonsea, in lhe
CIacier of lhe While Worn. The adven-
lurers vho found il encounlered a
nunler of slrange crealures and vere
scal l ered or sI ai n. Tvo survi vors
reached rn lo leII lhe laIe: Ieenoch
lhe Iive-Iingered, a rogue of sone infa-
ny, and Yoslur UIhnond, a young fighl-
er fron lhe viIIages of lhe Snov IeopIe
in Thar, lIond-haired and slrong as an
ox. The lvo evaded queries aloul lrea-
sure, lul lhere is laIk in HiIIsfar lhal
lhey have leen lrying lo galher logelh-
er a I arge advenluri ng land vi lh
sIedges. (*)
Yean o[ 1he PnImce
DaIe Reckoning 1357
Lianlha, priesless of Tynora in
SiIverynoon, has sel off easl vilh a
snaII land of advenlurers, seeking a
r oul e a c r os s l he Cr e a l De s e r l ,
Anauroch, lo Cornyr and lhe DaIes. (*)
A dragon is leIieved lo le nesling
in lhe nounlains near ArchendaIe.
WhoIe herds of callIe have vanished
fron secure fieIds al nighl, and nany
snaII fires have leen seen in lhe renole
foresls of lhe nounlains sIopes. (*)
AL1unIak Febnuan)
A nan knovn as HaIjack is hiring
fighling-nen in ScornuleI for 7 gp per
nonlh pIus loard and oulfilling. He is
said lo have a shrevd eye for lrained
and experienced fighlers and has lurn-
ed nany knaves avay. He has accepled
al Ieasl sixleen veII-knovn nerce-
naries (nosl eslinale he has hired
upvards of lhree score nen lhus far, aII
loId), and lhese have vanished fron
MeIIonir, sage of AraleI, cIains lo
have discoverd a greal lreasure in an oId,
alandoned dvarf-hoId norlh of lhe viI-
Iage of Lveningslar. The lreasure is
ancienl and nagicaI in nalure, MeIIonir
allesls (he has refused lo say vhal pre-
ciseIy il is), and heIps lo expIain lvo
lhings: vhy lhe Haunled HaIIs have
leen lhe cenler of so nuch aclivily over
lhe years (nany slrange crealures and
snaII lands of arned oulIanders of aII
lreeds have leen seen enlering, or
energing fron, ils lunneIs) and hov lhe
dvarves, once so nunerous in lhese
Iands, disappeared so quickIy and lrace-
IessIy in onIy a fev vinlers. A snaII lroop
of guardsnen fron High Horn arrived in
AraleI afler MeIIonirs announcenenl,
and lhe sage has nol leen seen since. He
is lhoughl lo have leen laken lo High
Horn for queslioning, lul no vord has
cone lo confirn lhis.(*)
A relired nerchanl vho keeps a
f e r r y a l T h u n d e r s l o n e o n l h e
Wyvernvaler reporls lhal a corpse
found in lhe lhaving ice of lhe harlor
is prolalIy onIy a fev nonlhs oId, and
is unnislakalIy lhal of a Drov. Il died
of a sIil lhroal, and vas cIad in arnor of
lIack Iealher. The High ConslalIe of lhe
High DaIe has doulIed lhe slrenglh of
his arned palroIs indefinileIy. (*)
The coaslaI cilies of Cornyr and
Senlia reporl ice lhin enough lo lreak
and cIear harlors, and expecl slrong-
huIIed ships lo legin saiIing in a ride
(len-day veek), or perhaps Iess line,
lul lhe Dragon Reach is sliII frozen in
soIid, and lhe nerchanls of ScardaIe
and HarrovdaIe are preparing cara-
vans for lhe firsl lrade of lhe nev sea-
Ches Nanch)
Three ships lhal have saiIed lhe
Inner Sea in lhe pasl veek have faiIed
lo nake porl again, lhe ice, lhe pirales,
or sonelhing eIse is very lad lhis year.
The ships vere:
The Ra|c|au, an independenl caraveI
oul of SeIgaunl caplained ly Slrauph
nereheIIin, carrying dales, nuls
and oIive oiI fron lhe cilies of lhe
soulh lo lhe cilies aloul lhe Moonsea.
The Ra|c|au Iefl SeIgaunl fourleen
days ago, and vas due in HiIIsfar six
days ago.
The Unoc|cn, a fuII-rigged cog lhal
Iefl TeIpir vilh a cargo of dried fish
and cheese lveIve days ago. Il aIso
vas lound for lhe Moonsea, lo dock
al MeIvaunl lvo days ago, lul il vas
lo caII in al ScardaIe or one of lhe cil-
ies soulh of ScardaIe on lhe coasl of
lhe Dragon Reach, and did nol. No
vord has yel cone fron il.
The 8|ccq Unocr, a saiIrig (Iarge
vooden rafl filled vilh a lrisaiI and
sveeps), a coasler vorking ils vay up
fron lhe Neck lo HarrovdaIe and
lack vilh pollery, fine cIolhing, iron-
vare and rugs, Iive svine and pouI-
l ry, axeheads and l venl y score
crosslovs loIls for lhe arny of Scar-
AII lhree ships have vanished vilhoul a
lrace. They are anong lhe firsl vesseIs
lo venlure oul of harlor lhis season.
Such a Iarge nunler of loals Iosl vilh-
oul a lrace in lhe firsl lvo lendays of
saiIing is very aIarning.
The Leader of lhe Red CIoaks of
Aslravn has reporl ed ly carri er-
pigeon lo Ieirgieron of Walerdeep lhal
a horrilIe nonsler vilh nany heads,
aII Iike snakes has sIaughlered lhe
inhalilanls of lvo farns lo lhe norlh of
lhe lovn, and no one in lhe viIIage
seens alIe lo face and sIay il. Ils Iair,
and lhe siles of possilIe fulure depre-
dalions, are unknovn. The Red CIoaks
are seeking aid in dispalching lhis crea-
lure. (*)
In Seconler, easl of Walerdeep, a
Walerdeep palroI reporls lhe inhalil-
anls have found lhe corpses of six
iIIilhids (nind-fIayers) and lhirleen
Drov, vashed dovn lhe Unicorn Run
fron lhe voods upslrean. AII vere
sIain ly fire and svord. The purpose
lhal lroughl lhese crealures lo lhe
voods, and lhe idenlilies of lheir sIay-
ers, are unknovn. (*)
AII is quiel around Dragonspear
CaslIe. The arnies encanped lhere
reporl lhal no deviIs or olher foes have
leen seen since The Ieasl of lhe Moon
(previous Uklar). Bul al Ieasl one cara-
van fron CaIinshan, heading norlh-
vards fron lhe lorders of Ann al lhe
leginning of Ches, has vanished vilh-
oul a lrace in lhe Iands lelveen Ann
and lhe Way Inn, vhere Walerdeeps
f orces have a guard on l he road.
Knighls of lhe Walerdeep Walch are
readying griffons for aeriaI palroIs
aIong lhe caravan-vays as soon as
spring cones. Young griffons and
inlacl, varn griffon eggs are soughl,
and Iiergeiron viII pay lop prices for
any lroughl lo hin in Walerdeep.
Runors are ranpanl in lhe Norlh
lhal lhere is a nev Beasl Lord. This
lern, dravn fron lhe foIkIore of lhe
norlhern Iands, is appIied lo eviI nen
vho ly nagic, arlifice, and lhe service
of olhers seek lo unIeash horrific les-
liaI servanls upon lhe vorId, lreeding
rare crealures Iike lhe luIelle, gorgi-
nera, ovIlear, perylon, and even
lehoIders, and raising arnies of lesliaI
undead. Such nonslers have suddenIy
lecone far nore nunerous in lhe for-
esls and vasles norlheasl, easl, and
soulheasl of Walerdeep, and nisfils
such as nongreInen and Ieucrolla
seen lo have galhered inlo organized
lands or groups, co-operaling for lhe
good of aII. Sone vhisper lhal lhe Beasl
Lord is a poverfuI eviI nage, olhers
lhal he is a nind fIayer or vorse.
CaunlIgryn, a Losl Cily, luiIl in
l he no r l he r n no unl a i ns ly l he
dvarves cenluries ago for a varrior-
king and his foIIovers, has leen Iocaled
ly soneone in Walerdeep. A Iarge (lhir-
ly or so slrong) parly of nercenaries,
caIIed lhe Conpany of lhe Cryphon had
leen organized lo expIore il for hin.
nI y l hree of l hal conpany have
relurned lo lhe cily, lhese lhree having
fIed shorlIy afler lhe parly Iocaled lhe
c r unlI i ng enl r anc e l o l hi s I os l
nounlain-hoId, in a high hidden vaIIey.
SeveraI advenlurers in Walerdeep are
lrying lo find oul lhe vherealouls of
lhis cily of CaunlIgryn, said lo hoId
riches and nagic, lul if lhey have even
found survivors of lhe iII-faled land or
lhe one vho senl lhen forlh, no one
eIse yel knovs of il in Walerdeep.(*)
rcs are reporled lo le on lhe
nove in Iarge lands near BaIdurs Cale
and aIong lhe norlhern lorders of
Ann, and even renole viIIages have
reporled lhe passage of secrelive,
sleaIlhy orc palroIs, vho avoid nen
ralher lhan sIaughler lhen, and nake
no raids on Iiveslock or slored crops.
Sone leIieve lhal lhese are forces fron
Dragonspear CaslIe sneaking avay ere
Walerdeeps forces allack again in lhe
spring, lul olhers fear lhe orcs unusu-
aI lehavior denoles sonelhing vorse,
such as lhe galhering of nany orc-
lands inlo a Horde, for inslance, sone-
lhing nol seen for nearIy lvo hundred
years in lhe Norlh, or perhaps sone
nev pIol of lhe nyslerious vizards for
lhe Inner Lands vho connand nany
of lhe orcs in lhe area, or lheir aIIies lhe
drov and perhaps lhe iIIilhids. lhers
say lhe orc King CrauI is galhering aII
IoyaI lo hin lo drive nen oul of lhe
Norlh, nov lhal lhe eIves have Iefl, and
eslalIish greal orc kingdon.
Tansakh ApnIL)
The falIed Tcnc cf |nc Uniccrn,
lhe Iong-Iosl grinoire of Shoon, Mage-
King of vanished IIlkazar (vho is said
ly sone lo survive loday as a Iich), has
leen reporled found ly a nerchanl
caplain, RoaId of BaIdurs Cale . . . or
Iosl, ralher. Il seens lhe ruIing house of
Rualhyn has heId lhe Tone in lhe Creen
Roons, lheir greal Iilrary in lhe paIace,
for hundreds of years, and vhen RoaId
docked lhere, aII vas in uproar: sone-
one had sloIen lhe grinoire, and lhe
secrels lhal none oulside of lhe royaI
house of Rualhyn had seen for a greal
vhiIe vere oul. RoaId couId gel no hinl
of vho is suspecled of lhe lhefl, or any
delaiIs of il, lul he and his crev and
ship vere nosl lhoroughIy searched ly
lolh nagicaI and physicaI neans. Sone
he laIked lo on lhe isIand did leIieve
lhal in lhe Tcnc cf |nc Uniccrn are lhe
neans lo creale a pernanenl gale
lelveen lhe pIanes of exislence, lhe
neans lo creale goIen arnies, and
nany speIIs found novhere eIse. RoaId
reporled his nevs lo an open neeling
of nerchanls in BaIdurs Cale, varning
aII lo levare a sudden rise in pover,
anyvhere in lhe ReaIns, in lhe near
The f anous expI orer Dalron
Sashenslar has relurned in lriunph lo
BaIdurs Cale, having napped a roule
across lhe greal gIaciers of lhe norlh lo
lhe near-Iegendary counlry of lhe
Sossrin (SossaI). IrIenlree of lhe Mer-
chanls Ieague viII nounl an expedilion
carrying lhe naroon lrading lanners
of his house vhen spring has sellIed in,
and Sashenslar says lhal he viII over-
see l he lui I di ng of vayl overs i n
Danara. The Merchanls League, nov
over lvenly years oId, has Iong pIanned
lo luiId a series of vaylovers, lul vars
and lhe grovlh of nay snaII kingdons
has nade lhis IargeIy unnecessary, and
in sone pIaces inpossilIe. The Ieague
has nol yel reacled lo lhe nevs lhal a
nev, rivaI nerchanls aIIiance, lhe Iron
Throne, has leen forned, lul lhe Ial-
lers apparenl area of operalion sug-
gesls lhal confIicl lelveen lhe lvo
organizalions is aInosl cerlain. (*)
A Rualhyn var vesseI searching
for lhe sloIen Tcnc cf |nc Uniccrn has
desl royed a nerchanl caraveI of
Luskan. The caraveI Tc|gcn|an Hcrn
vas loarded lvo days saiI soulh and
easl of Luskan, searched, and lhen sel
afire. The crev saiIed lhe lIazing huIk
Iandvards unliI lhey couId no Ionger
conlroI ils course, and lhen look lo
loals. The Hcrn vas seen lo lurn lo lhe
valerIine and sink. The loals vere Ial-
er picked up ly a cog oul of Nevervin-
ler. Tvo of lhe High Caplains of Luskan
have pul lo sea vilh six Iarge rakers
(Iov varships), and il is runored lhal
lhey are lound for Rualhyn. Il is cer-
lain lhal a Rualhyn vesseI in lhe harlor
al Walerdeep vas seized ly Luskan
f orces vho enl ered l he ci l y and
reached lhe quays ly neans of sleaIlh
and disguise. This crafl vas saiIed oul
of lhe harlor lul vas nol found vhen
pursued an hour or so Ialer, and is
leIieved lo have leen scullIed in coaslaI
Slrange crealures have leen
reporled in lhe Yuirvood soulh of
AgIarond, and ar e l houghl l o le
spreading. Throughoul lhe faII lroIIs
seened lo le groving nore nunerous,
and lhen ovIlears vere reporled. As
lhe vealher grev coIder, a luIelle vas
seen, and il vas rapidIy foIIoved ly
olher naneIess or unique crealures,
lhings vhich seen lo le expanding oul-
vard fron lhe deplhs of lhe vood. The
advenlurer SparIeye vas Iasl seen in
lhis area vilh his advenluring conpa-
ny lhe Men of lhe IurpIe Arrov. lh-
ers vho have gone inlo lhe voods have
nol relurned, and lraders are avoiding
lhe area.
NIn1uL Na)
No nevs has cone lo Iighl regard-
ing lhe ships nissing on lhe Inner Sea.
No vreckage has leen found. Il is
runored lhal SeIgaunl viII soon send a
fIeel lo search lhe Iirale IsIes.
ArchendaIe is luiIding a Iarge,
arned, nounled force, ils officers have
leen recruiling in Walerdeep and lhe
ViIhon Reach, and fears are groving in
lhe soulhern daIes lhal ArchendaIe
nay le pIanning conquesls of ils ovn.
Senlia has lripIed lhe guards on aII car-
avans Ieaving ils lorders.
A fierce navaI lallIe has leen
foughl on lhe Moonsea. ZhenliI Keep
nov ruIes ils valers, having defealed
and deslroyed aII varships of lhe releI-
Iious cilies of MeIvaunl and MuInasler.
HosliIilies lelveen ZhenliI Keep and ils
forner aIIies shov no sign of ending.
Lashan, recenlIy Lord of ScardaIe
and lriefIy of an enpire lhal incIuded
nosl of lhe DaIeIands, has leen seen in
TiIverlon and AraleI, and is leIieved lo
le galhering foIIovers for anolher lry
al an enpire, possilIy slriking al Dag-
gerdaIe, VoonIar, or YuIash.
A lenpIe lo Cond has leen opened
in Lssenlra, lhe High Iriesl, Lord High
Snilh and Arlificer, one CuInarin
ReIdacap, is inlroducing nany nev
devices for saIe, and nuch goId is nov
fIoving inlo BallIedaIe.(*)
Charri, Ialriarch of Cond has van-
ished fron TiIvers Cap. The Corny-
rean garrison is Iooking for hin.
K1honm )ume)
WhiIe CaIinshan has Iong doni-
naled sea lrade in lhe Soulh, lhis vasl
and decadenl reaIn has never loasled
a navy. RecenlIy, hovever reIenlIess
piracy and escaIaling vars lelveen
rivaI nerchanl houses have driven lhe
salraps lo Iay dovn a fIeel. Reporls say
lhal huge fIoaling cilies are pIanned,
Iaden vilh nany calapuIls and fire-
hurIers, and lhe salrapies are sending
spi es l o i nvesl i gal e nany coasl aI
reaIns, parlicuIarIy lhe harlors. CaIin-
shan has leen lraining archers in cIose-
quarlers navaI vork for sone line
nov. Bolh Ann and BaIdurs Cale are
laking on nercenaries in lhis pasl lrio
of rides and for lhe foreseealIe
Arnies of vaIking dead are said
lo le advancing sleadiIy norlhvards
fron Thay, Ied ly arnored skeIelaI
varriors of greal pover and feII aspecl.
InpiIlur fears lhal Thay viII over-
vheIn aII of lhe Laslern Iands, and
lhen lurn vesl lo crush lhe coaslaI cil-
ies, InpiIlur, and AgIarond.
A land of advenlurers, a dozen
slrong, has arrived in TiIverlon, appar-
enlIy vilh lhe pernission of Cornyr.
The advenlurers are hunan, of lolh
sexes and incIude sone vorkers of
nagic, lul no knovn priesls are anong
lhen. No one has ever seen lhen
lefore or Iearned lheir presenl inlen-
lions, and lhey are caIIed onIy The
Luskan has allacked Rualhyns
harlor. Iourleen Rualhyn vesseIs vere
ranned or lurned in a fierce engage-
nenl aloul lhe isIand, for lhe Ioss of
one Luskan raker. Rualhyns navaI
po ve r ha s le e n a I no s l l o l a I I y
deslroyed. A lare, haIf-dozen Rualhyn
ships survive in porls aII aIong lhe
Svord Coasl. UIphron, Iirsl Axe of
Rualhyn, is said lo le nissing. The lvo
High Caplains connanding lhe allack
l ook l hei r nen as hor e af l er l he
deslruclion of lhe Rualhyn navy, and
presenlIy vage var on lhe isIand. No
nevs of evenls has since cone oul of
Rualhyn, lul il is expecled lhal Luskan
viII conquer lhe isIand.
FLamenuLe )uL)
The |air Vcn|urc, a caraveI oul of
Senlia, has gone nissing in lhe vicinily
of lhe Iirale IsIes. Her ovner, lhe ner-
chanl CoIlhond of Thesk, is laIking of
hiring nercenary conpanies lo slorn
lhe isIes and cIear lhen of oulIavs.
Many reporls and runors are
spreading in Cornyr and Senlia con-
cerning sone sorl of inlernaI, aII oul
nerchanls or nolIes var lhal has
erupled in Weslgale. Nolhing definile is
knovn, leyond residenls reporls of
arned ski rni shes i n lhe slreels al
nighl, and nany lIoodslains on lhe col-
lIes, and fIoaling corpses in lhe harlor,
ly day.
Cornyr has senl envoys lo Sha-
dovdaIe, MislIedaIe, lhe High DaIe, and
DeepingdaIe, lo (in lhe vords of King
Azoun IV) slrenglhen lhe lies of
friendship, good open-handed lrade,
and connon defense lhal ve aII share.
Senlia and ArchendaIe are said nol lo
le anused ly lhis Ialesl poIilicaI nanip-
A caravan oul of ZhenliI Keep vas
apparenlIy deslroyed in lhe ruined
lovn of Teshvave ly aIIies and var-
riors of Cornyr. Cornyr and ZhenliI
Keep have aIready cIashed over lhe
lroulIed Iand around DaggerdaIe.(*)
Merchanls have leen asked in
Senlia and Weslgale if any advenlur-
ers knov lhe vherealouls of lhe falIed
Warriors Crypl, said lo Iie sonevhere
norlh of Cornyr in nounlainous, Iav-
Iess counlry. These nerchanls are nol
nen knovn IocaIIy, and offer four piec-
es of goId a day as pay, pIus a sulslan-
liaI lonus if lhe venlure is successfuI
(lhey decIine lo give nore delaiIs unIess
lheir offer is accepled). nIy lhree
freesvords are knovn lo have signed
on vilh lhese nerchanls.(*)
Thal nyslerous nage knovn onIy
as The Iirenasler has leen seen in
SuzaiI and in Weslgale, hiring nerce-
nary advenlurers. He usuaIIy galhers
such forces lo aid hin in reaching
sources of oId nagic he has Iocaled ly
his arls and research, lavern-laIk has il
lhal lhere are severaI ancienl lonls
hidden in lhe deplhs of lhe voods
norlh of Waynool.(*)
A nev lrading cosler, lhe Iire-
hands Croup, i s lei ng f orned i n
DaerIun, and is inleresled in hiring
experienced caravan-guards, svords-
nen, and lraveIers lo slaff ils caravans
on lhe overIand roules fron Walergale
lo HiIIsfar, ranging over Cornyr, Sen-
lia, lhe DaIeIands, and lhe soulhern
Moonsea sellIenenls. Iaynasler for
lhe nev group is lhe oId varrior Dhe-
I arr lhe Ni ghl BI ade. Rales are
descriled as conpelilive.(*)
Mourngryn and RandaI Morn,
vilh lheir ovn nen and a fev nerce-
nary addilions and Ioaned lroops fron
Cornyrs garrison in TiIverlon have
leen fighling sleadiIy lo hoId lhe over-
Iand road fron ShadovdaIe and MislIe-
daIe lhrough TiIvers Cap lo Cornyr
cIear for safe passage ly caravan. To
Iose lhis roule neans evenluaI eco-
nonic ruin for lolh daIes, and lhe
acceplance of DaggerdaIes exlinclion.
They have IargeIy succeeded: lhe deviIs
seen lo le fever lhese days, and lroIIs
and holgolIins seen lo have noved
norlhvards, Ieaving onIy orcs and
norkers in lhe DaggerdaIe area.
ZhenliI Keeps caravans (and lhose
of a fev of lhe olher cilies of lhe Moon-
sea) have leen sI i ppi ng l hrough
Teshvave and dovn across lhe easlern
SloneIands lo AraleI, in sleady nun-
lers, and ZhenliI Keeps slralegy vis-a-
vis lhe daIes nov seens lo le ignore
lhen, using lhe orcs lo keep lhen lusy,
vhiIe reluiIding YuIash~a nove, lhis
Iasl, lhal Mourngryn sees as uIlinaleIy
serving lo diverl aII Moonsea-area lrade
avay fron ShadovdaIe and Dagger-
daIe. This is inevilalIe unIess a safe,
easy roule lhrough lhe eIven voods can
le crealed, and conlroIIed ly Shadov-
ELeasIas Augus1)
The Nenlyarch, ruIer of vasl Iands
easl and norlh of InpiIlur, has senl
agenls inlo lhe ReaIns, seeking lIack
gens for sone unknovn nagicaI or
reIigious use.(*)
A noled dancer and enlerlainer,
lhe Crey VeiI, has vanished fron Zhen-
liI Keep, and is leing hunled ly lhe
ruIers of lhal cily. Il is said lhal lhey are
lrying lo regain fron her a precious
lhing of nagic, YulhIa, lhe Lye of lhe
BehoIder, vhich she von fron a
drunken Zhenlian nolIe.(*)
Azoun IV of Cornyr has given
orders for his varriors lo search aII
lraveIers in his reaIn: soneone is snug-
gIing oul fislfuIs of genslones fron lhe
royaI nines near High Horn. These
genslones have surfaced in MuInasler,
HiIIsfar, Weslgale, and SeIgaunl, so
The Sceplanar, repuled ruIer of
Chessenla, has senl an envoy lo Senlia,
Cornyr, and lhe DaIeIand, seeking
vord of lhose vho unIeashed lhe
nagic-ealer in ScornuleI lvo vinlers
ago. The Sceplanar has a siniIar crea-
lure inprisoned in an ancienl gIole in
lhe Crypl RoyaI lenealh his paIace in
Soornar, and offers goId, nagicaI lrain-
ing, griffins, or nolIe naidens of his
reaIn lo anyone vho can safeIy unIeash
lhe nagic-ealer vilhoul harning lhe
peopIe and lreasures of Chessenla, and
successfuIIy relurn il lo ils hone pIane,
or conlroI il lo do lhe Sceplanars lid-
ding in a cerlain lask.
Iorces of Cornyr under Duke Bhe-
reu have advanced fron TiIverlon lo
ShadovdaIe, vhere lhey have joined
forces vilh Mourngryn, lhe Lord of
lhal pIace, in an allack on a dark-eIven
caravan, and aIso aided RandaI Morn in
his fighl lo regain DaggerdaIe fron lhe
orcs of lhe Deserlsedge Mounlains. The
garrison al lhe forlress of CaslIe Crag
has leen doulIed in size, lo repuIse any
allacks fron lhe norlh, or fron landils
laking advanlage of lhe slrife. SoIdiers
of Cornyr have nel and lallIed lhe
arni es of Zhenl i I Keep i n rui ned
Teshvave and in DaggerdaIe.
ELeIm1 5ep1emben)
An enlire caravan vas sIaughlered
on lhe lrade-road jusl vesl of Shadov-
daIe. The origin and cargo of lhe cara-
v a n a r e u n k n o vn , l h e L o r d o f
ShadovdaIe is said lo le invesligaling
lhe naller.
Lurkan lhe Reaver, a nercenary
Lord of lhe Svord Coasl, is noving
easlvard lo lhe Inner Sea Iands. Il is
said lhal he inlends lo lake up resi-
dence lhere, and expecls lo earn a Iiv-
ing ly seIIing his skiIIs in lhe coning
confIicl lelveen ZhenliI Keep, Cornyr,
HiIIsfar, and MuInasler, four conlal-
anls aI I vi lh desi gns on lhe I ands
around lhen.(*)
Shairksah, an eviI nerchanl oper-
aling oul of Beregosl, has lhrealened
severaI rivaI nerchanls vilh dealh al
lhe hands of nagicaIIy-crealed kiIIing
crealures, slrange cral-Iike nenaces
lhal he has in lhe pasl unIeashed in
Ann againsl such rivaIs (Ieading lo his
la ni s hne nl f r o n l ha l na l i o n) .
Shairksah has nenlioned casuaIIy in
severaI nolIe courls lhal he has previ-
ousIy had a fev of lhese crealures
reIeased in Cornyr, rduIin, and
Iriaelor lo add lo lhe anusenenl. No
reporls of such lhings have surfaced in
lhe said lhree cilies~lul lhen, fev vho
have seen such lhings in lhe pasl have
Iived lo leII lhe laIe.(*)
In Weslgale, fresh lroulIe has
erupled lelveen rivaI Houses. Il is nol
knovn vhich ones yel, lul no Iess lhan
six hired assassins have leen found
fIoaling dead in lhe harlor in lhe space
of lvo days (lhis nevs is lvo lendays
oId), and nore are expecled.
A nev conpany of advenlurers,
lhe Conpany of lhe CIoak, has leen
forned in ScornuleI, and has headed
easl lo lhe Inner Sea Iands lo seek for-
lune. Ils Ieader, a IillIe knovn nage
caIIed Mhair CuIzrallan (lhoughl lo le
fron one of lhe coaslaI cilies of CaIin-
shan), has spoken of lhe lreasures of
Mylh Drannor, lhe Iosl veaIlh of The
Kingdons Under lhe Sand (lhose Iands
norlh of Cornyr and vesl of Dagger-
daIe, Iong svaIIoved ly lhe deserl
Anauroch), and lhe hidden riches of lhe
DaIeIands. The Conpany has over a
dozen nenlers, none veII-knovn, and
has no knovn headquarlers. Ils synloI
is a svirIing cIoak (in lhe shape of a
lreaking vave, vilh ils poinl curIing lo
lhe righl) of dark green hue.(*)
Reporls conlinue lo fIov inlo lhe
RoyaI Courl in SuzaiI of sighlings of lhe
ni ssi ng pri ncess, aI l hough l hese
reporls are suspecl lecause lhey cone
f ron aI I di recl i ons i n l he knovn
ReaIns, sone fron Iands knovn onIy as
Iegends in Cornyr. AIusair Nacacia,
youngesl daughler of King Azoun IV,
vanished fron lhe royaI paIace in SuzaiI
a year ago, and is said lo have run avay.
Her reasons and desl i nal i on are
unknovn, lul she is said lo have leen
seen in TiIvers Cap, vilh lhe forner
Iord of TiIverlon, lhe High Iriesl of
Cond, Charri, vho has hinseIf since
vanished. Il is aIso said lhal lhe arny
senl lo TiIverlon vas inlended prinari-
Iy lo lring aloul her safe relurn, ralher
lhan lo aid TiIverlon s inhalilanls
againsl leseiging orcs. lviousIy, lhal
arny did nol find her, for a royaI
revard is sliII offered for her safe
relurn lo Azoun.
Nanpemo1h Oc1oben)
A nev Ieader, ThaaIin Torchlover,
is rising anongsl lhe IavIess nen vho
Iive in lhe vasles vesl of lhe nounlains
lhal Iie on lhe veslern edge of Cornyr,
lhose sane nen lhal are knovn as
landils for lheir frequenl raids upon
l r aveI er s i n l he Ior es l - Counl r y.
ThaaIin is said lo have spies in aII of lhe
cilies, lovns, and viIIages of lhe reaIn,
and lo le vailing for lhe richesl cara-
Lolhchas, landil-Iord of lhe Iands
norlheasl of lhe Moonsea, is said lo
have his eyes on lhe rich DaIeIands. and
pIans lo found his ovn kingdon lhere.
The ruIers of HiIIsfar, Senlia, Cornyr,
and ZhenliI Keep are said lo le uni-
fornIy unanused.(*)
A vicious lallIe lelveen forces of
MaaIlhir, ruIer of HiIIsfar, and soIdiers
of ZhenliI Keep has leen found in lhe
ravaged lovn of YuIash. ver ninely
sIain, and lhe lovn is nov in lhe hands
of HiIIsfar. Iorces of ZhenliI Keep are
knovn lo le nassing in VoonIar for a
counler-slrike. In ZhenliI Keep ilseIf,
lhe niIilia is said lo le vheIning for
There is civiI var in MeIvaunl, as
rivaI senior faniIies of lhal cily slruggIe
for conlroI of lhe lhrone. Iurlher slrife
in aII of lhe Moonsea cilies is expecled
as lhe grip of ZhenliI Keeps ruIe is Ioos-
ened ly lhe slruggIes lo lhe soulh.
Slrange, fey leasls have leen seen
in lhe HuIIack Ioresl and in lhe hiIIs
ar ound Thunder s l one, and s uc h
reporls have aIvays cone dovn inlo
Cornyr sleadiIy fron lraveIers in lhe
SloneIands and CnoII Iass, lhe Iand
leyond lhe spearpoinls of lhe Kings
soIdiers seen lruIy viId.(*)
A lavern in rduIin, Tnc S|ranc
|isn, has leen sel afire and deslroyed in
a lravI lelveen IocaI lravos and a
learded, roled nage of greal pover
lhoughl lo le one of lhe Red Wizards of
Thay. The nage escaped lhe lIaze, and
his presenl vherealouls are unknovn.
Il is cerlain lhal agenls of lhe cilys
CounciI, and lhe Cily Cuards, are Iook-
ing for hin.(*)
Uk1an Nooemben)
The forces of ZhenliI Keep have
relaken ruined and dragon-deprivaled
YuIash fron lhe HiIIsfar arnies. Al firsl
gIance, lhe success of lhe nunericaIIy
i nf eri or Zhenl i I Keep f orces vas
ascriled lo surprise, lul reporls have
deveIoped of high sorcery leing used,
incIuding lhe ground ilseIf groving
arns and allacking lhe sIeeping HiIIsfar
forces. The HiIIsfar conlingenl has
relrealed in disarray and ZhenliI Keep
viII IikeIy relain conlroI of lhe cily unliI
spring. Work parlies fron lhe CiladeI of
lhe Raven are said lo le leing shipped
lo YuIash lo aid in lhe luiIding of a
defensive posilion.
The 8|uc Diancn, a nagicaI ship
lhal saiIs lhe skies, crealed sonevhere
in lhe Uller Lasl, far soulh of Thay on
lhe soulhern coasl of aII Iaerun, has
leen seen in lhe ViIhon region, lraveI-
ing norlh. The ship aIvays carries rich
cargoes such as spices and ilens of
ninor nagic, gens and perfunes, and
is said lo have fearsone nagicaI guard-
ians and nages anong ils crev.
The var lelveen Luskan and lhe
isIand reaIn of Rualhyn vas haIled for
lhe vinler, vhose hovIing slorns yel
ruIe lhe norlhern vaves. Aunark
LilhyI, Iirsl Axe of Rualhyn has sel his
courl in Rualhyn upon lhe dealh of his
falher, UIphron, vho perished in lhe
Iasl greal lallIe in and aloul lhe lov-
ered paIace of Rualhyn. Aunark von
lhis decisive engagenenl vilh a sur-
prise allack, al lhe head of lhe nerce-
naries and advenlurers, sIaughlering
nuch of lhe Ianded force of Luskan and
driving lhe nen of lhal cily lack lo
lheir loals. The High Caplains of
Luskan are said lo have escaped injury
in lhe fray. Aunarks Iasl decree, car-
ried lo Walerdeep ere vinler cIosed in,
is lhal anyone vho lrings lhe lrailress
MaerkIa, nolIevonan of Rualhyn, lo
hin aIive or dead viII receive lvo nev
ships and his or her ovn veighl in pIali-
nun pieces.
NIgh1aL Decemben)
Iiergeiron of Walerdeep has pul-
IicIy decIared his supporl for lhe nev
ruIer, and inviled lolh Aunark and
TaerI of lhe High Caplains lo his paIace
al Wal erdeep on l he f i rsl day of
Kylhorn, lo neel for lruce-laIks. The
penaIly for eilher refusing lo allend
leing lhe aIignnenl of Walerdeep
againsl lhe alsenl ruIer, and eilher vay,
a quick end lo lhe var.
Agenls of lhe Red Wizards of Thay
have openIy sIain nerchanls in Weslga-
le and ScardaIe-porl, and il is vhis-
pered lhal lhe feII Red Magic CuIl is
slirring again. Ierhaps lhe Red Wizards
viII resune lheir quesl for vorId doni-
nalion soon, in lhe Inner Sea Iands.
Merchanls and caravan-naslers
recenlIy on lhe road in lhe LIven Courl
area reporl (fron safe deslinalions in
HiIIsfar, rduIin, and SeIgaunl) seeing
nanacIed hunans in lhe lrees as lhey
passed ly Mylh Drannor in lhe deepesl
voods. ne nerchanl , Saszesk of
SuzaiI, Iefl lhe road lo invesligale, and
vas nel ly haiI of arrovs, vhich he
survived, lul vhich delerred hin fron
furlher invesligalion. SIavers have
leen aclive in lhe Moonsea area lefore,
and nov are apparenlIy on lhe rise
The firsl heavy snovfaII has svepl
lhe Norlh, lIankeling Cornyr and lhe
DaIes vilh up lo a fool of snov. Mosl of
lhe generaI popuIalion have Iong-since
sellIed in for lhe Iong vinler, lhough
lhere sliII are reporled lo le Iasl-ninule
nerchanls seeking lo nake a finaI saIe
lefore heading for lheir vinlering
grounds, and lhere are (as aIvays) one
or lvo ships caughl in lhe ice on lhe
River Lis. Mosl aclivily for advenlurers
consisls of reassessing lheir silualions
and pIanning for lhe nexl year.
The advenluress ShaIess, of TsurIa-
goI, has relurned in lriunph lo her
favorile lavern, The Drunken Dragon,
in lhal cily, dispIaying slrange harps
and lIades of arcane, leaulifuI nake
vhich she cIains lo le her looly fron
lhe Iosl cily of Mylh Drannor, vresled,
she cIains fron lhe very cIavs of dev-
iIs vho vaIk lhere! The lard MaerhuIl
has pronounced l vo of l he harps
shovn lo hin in lhe lavern, lo le
unnislakalIy lhe vork of lhe Iosl, Iong-
ago arlisans of Mylh Drannor, and lo le
rare lhings of nagic lesides.(*)
Across lhe Dragon Reach, in SeI-
gaunl, a nercenary land is galhering lo
invesligale lhe ruins of Mylh Drannor
for lhenseIves, a group, lhus far lven-
ly slrong, under lhe Ieadership of lhe
f i ghl e r o f gr e a l r e no vn Na r ve
Dvarfkin and lhe nage Ryhinn BIack-
cIoak, HurIer of ThunderloIls.
Runors alound in SuzaiI (as lhey
have periodicaIIy on lhis suljecl for lhe
Iasl vinler) lhal soneone in lhe cily has
a nap reveaIing lhe Iocalion of lhe Iosl
g e n- h o a r d o f l h e Cr e a l Wo r n
Draughlholhnor, and is hiring nerce-
nary advenlurers lo forn a parly lhal
viII underlake an exlended expedilion
lo seek oul lhe hoard. Draughlholhnor
vas sIain ly lhe Iive Wizards lvo hun-
dred and sixly vinlers ago, and his
falIed hoard is said lo conlain gens
nov f ound novher e eI s e i n l he
Haspur, a seer vho dveIIs in
BaIdurs Cale, has foreloId lhal a nagic
of greal pover, caIIed The Ring of Win-
ler, viII le rediscovered vilhin lhe
year. In lrance, he seened very upsel,
lul gave no furlher delaiIs, and couId
recaII nolhing upon reavakening.
Aooem1une Backgnoumo
he lvo snaII advenlures provided
here are for use ly characlers of
Iov lo inlernediale IeveIs, and suilalIe
f or an eveni ng s pI ay or a sel of
Bolh advenlures are sel in lhe ruins
of Mylh Drannor (see Mylh Drannor in
lhe IIayers Cuide lo lhe ReaIns), an
ancienl cily deslroyed Iong ago and
unliI recenlIy prolecled ly lhe noon
eIves of lhe foresl. Wilh lhe relreal of
lhese eIves, Mylh Drannor is nov avaiI-
alIe for expIoralion (and Iess charila-
lIy, pIunder).
The Iocalions of lhe lvo dungeons
are noled on lhe naps on pages 47 and
55. The enlire syslen of Mylh Drannor
is Iaced vilh areas such as lhis, for fur-
lher expansion ly lhe DM. These ruins
nay aIso have a Iarge nunler of olher
advenluring conpanies and predalors
lhal nay nake lhe pIayers overground
Iife difficuIl.
The HaLLs o[ 1he
DN's backgnoumo:
Sone six hundred years ago, vhen
Mylh Drannor vas a cily of Iife and
spI endor, cerl ai n of i l s ci l i zens~
hunan, haIf-eIven, and eIven~vho
vere inleresled in Iearning nore of lhe
naluraI halils and pursuils of viId
crealures slyIed lhenseIves The CuiId
of NaluraIisls. Their sludies resuIled in
nuch of vhal is nov ranger Iore, lhey
lraveIed far in lhe ReaIns lo olserve
crealures in aII Iands, and vhen lhose
crealures easiIy sludied had leen deaIl
vilh, lhey lurned lo nore fearsone
leasls: lhe nonslers of lhe ReaIns.
As lhe NaluraIisls vere aIready dis-
paragingIy lerned The Beasl-Taners
ly lhose eIves and hunans of Mylh
Drannor opposed lo any inlerference
vilh viId crealures, lhe group decided
lo conceaI nuch of lhe exlenl of lheir
researches ly enIarging lhe ceIIars
lenealh lheir offices and vorking
lhere, underground, noving crealures
in and oul ly neans of nagicaI ga|cs
conslrucled ly one of lhe forenosl
nenlers of lhe group, lhe nage Ihe-
zuIl. This lhey did, nainlaining reIalive
peace in lheir underground haIIs ly
neans of a speciaI s|asis speII deveIoped
ly IhezuIl. Those of lhe guiId vho had
no olher hones or pursuils Iived lhere,
died lhere, and vere luried lhere. The
fale of lhose NaluraIisls aIive vhen
Mylh Drannor vas ruined is unknovn,
lul lhe haIIs loday are aII lhal renain of
lhe CuiIds achievenenls (lhe offices
alove are a periIous ruin Iocaled on lhe
vesl side of a rullIe-choked norlh-
soulh slreel in lhe easlern reaches of
overgrovn Mylh Drannor), and are a
dangerous pIace~lhe s|asis crealed so
nany years ago ly IhezuIl is lreaking
dovn, and leasls nagicaIIy inprisoned
in lhe haIIs dovn lhe Iong years are
leing freed again.
1. The haIIs are enlered ly neans of a
dusl-choked, high-ceiIinged luiIding
vilh greal cracks in ils arched slone
ceiIing, and scallerings of faIIen rock
here and lhere vhere lhe vaIIs or ceiI-
ing have given vay. Il is slrangeIy
devoid of aninaI Iife, and conlains a
Iarge slone seal or lhrone of nassive
conslruclion, unadorned ly inscriplion
or ornanenl. Behind lhe lhrone is a len-
fool-dianeler shafl (vilhoul Iid, Iip or
olher proleclion) opening in lhe fIoor.
This shafl has carved slone hand- and
fool-hoIds running dovn ils soulhern
side, and drops lvo hundred feel inlo
lhe IighlIess, danp soIid rock lenealh
Mylh Drannor. The hoIds in lhe shafl
are lhenseIves secure, lul cIinlers in
lhe shafl viII le allacked frcn aoctc
(i.e. fron lhe luiIding on lhe surface
vilhoul varning vhen haIfvay dovn,)
ly a voIl (see IILND ILI Tone, p.
94) of 12 hp, vhich viII seek lo sIay aII
inlruders, and viII allack lireIessIy
unliI ilseIf sIain.
The shafl ends in an eighly-fool-Iong,
arched-ceiIinged haIIvay, lhe ornanenlaI
arched rils of ils lhirly-fool-high vauIled
ceiIing are supporled ly lvo rovs of
snoolh-cul granile piIIars (carved of lhe
naluraI rock, lhe resl of lhe sullerranean
HaIIs are aIso cul snoolhIy fron lhis nol-
lIed grey slone). The haIIvay opens inlo a
junclion vilh anolher Iarge haIIvay, lhis
second haIIvay has nassive iron lorch
lrackels (nov crunlIing inlo rusl) sel
high up on ils vaIIs dovn lolh sides, lul
lhe lorches lhenseIves are Iong gone. AII
is dark and danp, palches of harnIess
noId grov here and lhere in lhe Iong
haIIvay, and lhe pIace seens deserled.
nIy very carefuI exaninalion viII reveaI
a fainl circuIar lrovn slain on lhe fIoor
vhere lhe lvo haIIvays neel (see #19).
2. A fealureIess, IockIess slone door
vilh a green-corroded lrass puII-ring
handIe opens (ly lurning in lvo slone
sockels, vilh a deep grinding noise)
inlo a 1Ox1O slone culicIe, vhich con-
lains lhree nassive vooden casks, on
end, of oak lIackened vilh age, and
equipped vilh green lrass spigols.
Alove lhe casks a vooden sheIf runs
fron vaII lo vaII, learing Iols of gIass
fIasks and a piIe of slicks, aII shrouded
in a lhick grey vel of colvels and
dusl. The spigols can le lurned vilh
difficuIly. The casks aII conlain odd-
lasling, lul safe, drinking valer, and
lhe 16 fIasks are aII sloppered jars of
Ianp oiI vhich of course can le hurIed
as incendiary veapons, acconpanied
ly lhe slicks~lvenly vooden lorches,
aII vrapped in cIolh rags soaked in
pilch. The lorches are nol rollen (lhis
roon is Iess danp lhan lhe haII), lul lhe
casks viII coIIapse inlo vreckage if any-
one lries lo roII or Iifl lhen.
3. Slone doors idenlicaI lo lhal Ieading
inlo #2 open here inlo lhree idenlicaI
lunkroons~aII dusly, deserled Iiving-
quarlers, equipped vilh lripIe-liered
lunks for up lo 4O sIeepers, and a slone
lalIe vilh lvo vooden lenches and a
vroughl-iron-vilh-gIass-oiI-lovI lalIe
Ianp. The Ianps in each roon viII
lreak if used, for lhe iron is crunlIing
inlo rusl. The vood of lhe lare lunks is
spongy vilh dry rol, lul viII lurn. If
used as cIuls, pieces of lhis vood viII
disinlegrale al lhe firsl lIov, doing
onIy 1-3 poinls of danage lo any crea-
lure slruck.
4. A narrov opening al lhe end of lhe
corridor here Ieads dovn a rough-
vaIIed slone passage lo a loiIel: a
snoolh slone sIal (vilh hoIe) sel inlo
Iedges cul in lhe surrounding rock,
alove a pil. This privy has leen disused
for so Iong lhal lhe sneII fron ils open
cesspil is aInosl gone~lul lhere is a
recenlIy-freed and very hungry olyugh
(MNSTLR MANUAL look p.77) jusl
lenealh lhe sIal, and il viII shool oul ils
arns lo allack innedialeIy (fIinging lhe
slone sheIf aside). The olyugh has no
lreasure. Il has 6HD, and 26 hp.
5. A slone door (idenlicaI lo lhal open-
ing inlo #2) al lhe end of lhe Iong haII-
vay here Ieads inlo a danp,
noss-and-noId encrusled roon con-
laining a huge pooI of sliII, lIack,
opaque valer. There is a fainl fishy
sneII. The door opens onlo a lhree-fool-
vide carved slone Iedge lhal runs aIong
one side of lhe roon and aIong one end
of lhe roon lo anolher door (idenlicaI
lo lhe enlry door). The Iedge is lvo feel
alove lhe valer, and has no raiIing.
The valer is lveIve feel deep, and is
hone lo a recenlIy-reIeased vanpiric
guardian ixilxachilI (MNSTLR MAN-
UAL look p. 55) of 21 hp, 6+6 HD and
6lh IeveI cIericaI aliIily, having 16 Wis-
don, vhich viII allack lhe ICs (vilh
speIIs) in lhis firsl roon onIy if lhey
lurn lack (seeking lo knock or drag al
Ieasl one characler inlo lhe valer,
vhere il viII lry lo hoId lhe unforlu-
nale under lhe valer unliI drovned),
olhervise palienlIy liding ils line unliI
lhe parly reaches lhe lhird valer-
chanler, vhereupon il viII allack and
lhen harry anyone. fIeeing ly using lhe
connecling lunneIs lenealh lhe valer
lo nove fron chanler lo chanler. Il is
quile snarl enough lo visuaIIy recog-
nize speIIcasling, and lo sIip inlo an
adjoining chanler lo escape nuch of
lhe speII effecls. The ixilxachilIs ovn
speIIs are: (5,5,2) causc fcar, causc |ign|
ucuns, (danage added lo physicaI
allack danage, lhe ray viII Ieap lo so
allack) x2, ar|ncss x2 /nc| pcrscn x
3, si|cncc 15 raius x2 /causc o|inncss,
and ispc| nagic. Il has no lreasure.
The second chanler is siniIar lo lhe
firsl, save lhal lhe pooI is lvenly feel
deep. The lhird roon has forly feel of
AII lhree roons are fed ly piped
underground springs lhal offsel valer
seeping avay lhrough lhe granile, lo
keep lhe valer IeveIs conslanl, saIl
lIocks keep lhe valer saIine, as lhe
inconing valer rushes of lhen in lhe
pipes). The doors lelveen lhe roons
have no Iocks, and spiking lhen shul
viII lake 4-7 rounds of hard pounding
vilh a hanner or cIul, lhe rock of lhe
Iedges is very hard. Slurdy, nassive
lrass porlcuIIis arrangenenls can le
Iovered in lhe lunneIs lelveen lhe
roons lo prevenl lhe ixilxachilI fron
noving fron roon lo roon, aIlhough
valer and snaII Iiving lhings (up lo a
fool Iong and haIf lhal vide) can pass
The lvo conlroI vheeIs lo raise and
Iover lhese devices are conceaIed (lreal
as a secrel porlaI) lehind a drop-hinged
lIock of slone leside lhe enlry door, lo
lhe Iefl in lhe firsl, oulernosl roon.
Tvo sliff, green-corroded, unIaleIed
lrass vheeIs lurn cIockvise lo Iover
lhe porlcuIIises (lhey are raised vhen
lhe ICs arrive), lhe process laking al
Ieasl lvo rounds per vheeI. The righl-
hand vheeI conlroIs lhe gale in lhe
opening lelveen lhe second and lhird
roons, lhe Iefl-hand one governs lhe
gale lhal lisecls lhe lunneI lelveen lhe
firsl and second roons. Nole: Brighl
Iighls shone dovn inlo lhe valer viII
iIIuninale oljecls a fool or Iess fron lhe
surface, lul penelrale no furlher,
I i ghl s i n l he va l e r ( s uc h a s a n
innersed oljecl on vhich |ign| has
leen casl, or a gIoving lIade) viII iIIu-
ninale a 1--radius sphere of valer.
6. Specinen CIosels: These five roons
are aII idenlicaI 1Ox1O slone culicIes,
vilh slone sheIves Iaid on cul Iedges,
and rollen vooden slep-slooIs (vhich
viII coIIapse inlo dusl and spIinlers if
used). Lach has a door lhal appears sin-
iIar lo lhe door inlo #2 (see alove), lul a
snaII key-hoIe can le seen in lhe circu-
Iar loss of lhe puII ring, lhe doors are
Iocked, and nusl le picked or forced
vilh lvo successfuI Iifl gales allenpls
per door. They are slone sel in slone,
vilh soIid slone siIIs, and viII resisl sin-
pIe lallering, ranning, and kicking.
The keys have vani shed, and are
novhere lo le found in lhe haIIs. DMs
shouIds consider vhal each door-
opening allenpl does lo lhe ilens
slored in lhe roon.
In 6A lhere are six |argc gIass jars
sloppered vilh cork conpIeleIy seaIed
vilh neIled vax, each conlains a
greenish fIuid, and a vrinkIed, circuIar
nass l hal I ooks sonel hi ng I i ke a
sheIIed, inlacl vaInul~pickIed lehoId-
er lrains, in facl, one lo a jar.
68 conlains lvo enply jars, and a
sloppered, seaIed j ar of yeIIovish,
cIoudy fIuid in vhich resls a nass of
vhile, shorl, vorn-Iike lhings ralher
Iike overgrovn naggols~a jar of 63 rol
gruls (see lhe MNSTLR MANUAL
look pg 83) vhich viII le reIeased fron
slasis as lhe jar is opened or lroken,
and viII le (as aIvays) fasl and hungry!
6C is hone lo lvo fal jars of coiIed,
green segnenled lenlacIes, vaxy yeI-
Iov al lheir segnenlalions and al lhe
severed ends. They are preserved in
fainl lrovnish pickIing fIuid, and viII
no Ionger paraIyze anyone louching
lhen, each jar conlains a singIe coiIed
6D conlains lveIve jars, aII seaIed and
sloppered. Tvo conlain greenish pick-
Iing fIuid and grey, Iealhery, ovaI sack-
Iike organs vilh lunpy, nisshapen
surfaces. These are lrogIodyle scenl
gIands~if such a jar is opened or lro-
ken, lhe reek viII have ils nornaI effecl
(see TrogIodyle in lhe MNSTLR
MANUAL). If a leing carries around a
gIand~lhere are nine in one jar and six
in lhe olher~conlinuousIy, lhe slench
vi I I grov sl ronger ( 1- 6 poi nl s of
Slrenglh Ioss in one round, lhe Ioss Iasl-
ing as Iong as affecled viclins are vilh-
in 2 of lhe gIand, and 1O addilionaI
rounds afler Ieaving lhe 2 area) for
haIf a day, and lhen dvindIe sIovIy
(shorlen Ienglh of Slrenglh disaliIily
effecl) unliI afler lvo days of conlinu-
ous exposure l o ai r, l he gI and i s
exhausled. Iour olher j ars conlain
Iarge, creany-vhile fealhers vilh a
sIighl siIvery sheen, and lrovn quiIIs~
griffon fealhers (a preferred ingredienl
in lhe speII ink fornuIae for vriling f|q
speIIs). Anolher jar conlains Iong, lhick
spidervels fron a gianl spider, lhey
have severaI nagicaI uses, lul fev
innediale, praclicaI ones. Tvo nore
jars conlain lrillIe, sharp, fool-Iong
nanlicore laiI-spikes, 2O lo a jar. The
Iasl lhree jars aII conlain pickIed eye-
laIIs (no nagicaI properlies) of various
crealures, sorled roughIy ly size: liny,
hunan-size, and BIC.
6| conlains onIy one jar. Il hoIds a sin-
gIe Iarva (q.v., MNSTLR MANUAL) of
7 hp, vhich has jusl avakened fron
slasis, and vanls oul of ils seaIed jar (a
lask il cannol acconpIish vilhoul aid).
The jar has speciaI liny lrealhing hoIes
pierced lhrough lhe cork. This Iarva
can speak and undersland connon,
aIlhough he rareIy leIIs lhe lrulh, he
viII leg and cajoIe lhe ICs conslanlIy lo
reIease hin, offering lo Iead lhen lo
nearly lreasure and so on. He viII le
enlerlained ly any suffering lhey
7. This 2Ox3O roon is Iil vilh a paIe,
pearI y radi ance enanali ng fron a
g|cuing g|coc (see coI. 2) vhich hangs
alove a slained and scarred sIale-lop
granile lalIe (ils lop 5x12, and Iillered
vilh dissecling knives and pins, aII cov-
ered vilh dusl). The gIole can le
noved, of course, ly a IC using lhe
proper nelhod. In lhe NL corner of lhe
roon is an olsidian pIinlh (ilseIf vorlh
9OO gp or so, if lroughl lo a Iarge lrad-
ing cily inlacl) on vhich sils a ralher
dusly lul veII-preserved sluffed dra-
gonne (q. v. , MNSTLR MANUAL)
vhich viII radiale ils proleclive nagics
fainlIy if a c|cc| nagic speII is casl on
il. The dragonne is sluffed vilh slrav-
Iike reeds, and nay (al lhe DMs oplion)
conlain a nap, nole, or ninor ilen Iead-
ing lo furlher advenlures in Mylh
Drannor. Bolh doors lo lhis roon are
idenlicaI lo lhe one Ieading inlo #2.
The g|cuing g|coc is a Iuninous nagi-
caI sphere vhich radiales Iighl. Il viII
foIIov lhe firsl person vho louches il,
renaining jusl over his righl shouIder.
These gIoles do nol radiale any heal,
and cannol le rendered i nvi si lI e
excepl ly a uisn. The gIole viII renain
vilh ils originaI ovner unliI a uisn or
rcnctc cursc is casl on il, vhereupon
lhe nexl person lo louch lhe gIole viII
inheril il. This gIole has a sel Iighl IeveI
(equivaIenl lo a ccn|inua| |ign|), lul in
generaI 7O of lhe gIoles nay have
lheir lrighlness conlroIIed al lhe ovn-
ers nenlaI connand, fron dark lo a
lIinding fIash (effecls of lhis fIash Iasl
for 1-6 rounds).
8. A pair of lroken, spIinlered vooden
doulIe doors, ealen lo aInosl nolhing
ly vood-vorns, Iies or hangs precari-
ousIy here, gaping open lo reveaI lhe
sliII-nagnificenl counciI chanler of lhe
CuiId of NaluraIisls. A sandaIvood
lalIe, ils lop jel lIack and gIossy, poI-
ished snoolh under a Iayer of lhick
grey dusl is surrounded ly 33 ralher
rickely vooden chairs, fiIIing lhe chan-
ler. Behind il, facing lhe enlry door, is a
giganlic, len-fool-laII nosaic sigiI (lhal
of lhe CuiId), lhus: vilh a nalch-
ing sigiI of Iike size vorked oul in an
ovaI of nosaic liIes on lhe fIoor vilhin
lhe arns of lhe counciI lalIe. Nolhing
eIse of inleresl is visilIe in lhis roon, il
has lvo IockalIe doors Iike lhose of lhe
specinen cIosels (see #6, alove), lhe
one on lhe L vaII (Ieading lo #1O-14) is
Iocked and nusl le picked or forced,
lhe door in lhe W vaII (Ieading lo #2O-
24) is unIocked and ajar.
Under lhe counciI lalIe, in such a
pIace lhal il is near lhe feel of soneone
silling al lhe cenlraI chair of lhe five
seals on lhe norlhernnosl seclion of
lhe lalIe lul oul of lhe vay of inadver-
lenl feel, is a four-inch square lIock of
slone raised sIighlIy fron lhe surround-
ing slone. If depressed, il viII sink
leIov lhe surrounding fIoor, and a fainl
nelaIIic squeaking and rallIing viII le
heard, as a Iong-disused vinch causes
lhe fIoor nosaic lo sink dovnvards in
lhe nanner of an eIevalor, lo convey
crealures upon il lo lhe UnderceIIs (see
#9 leIov). A second firn slep on lhe
depressed slone viII cause a Ioud cIick
and lhen lhe nosaic, vhich drops on
four chains, viII legin lo rise again inlo
pIace. The slone viII nol nove vhen
lhe eIevalor is parl vay up or dovn,
nor can lhe eIevalor le nade lo slop or
hesilale, excepl vhen fuIIy up fIush
vilh lhe fIoor, or fuIIy dovn. The nosa-
ic is soIid, il viII nol quiver, shifl, or
sound hoIIov vhen vaIked upon, so as
lo lelray ils funclion.
Under lhe lalIe, al lhe L end, is naiIed
a pair of copper slraps, hoIding an ivory
lule. In lhe ivory lule Iies a fool Iong,
lapering vand of vood, vilh lhe vord
LIlzann engraved in Connon al lhe
Iarge end. Il is a uan cf para|qza|icn
page 136) of lhree charges, and lhe
engraving is ils connand vord.
9. The UnderceIIs, enleralIe onIy via
lhe eIevalor descriled in #8 alove
(nole: lhe eIevalor can onIy le operaled
fron alove, if no one is Iefl up in #8 lo
operale il, lhe four chains can easiIy le
cIinled). The eIevalor can carry up lo
fourleen persons, or lheir equivaIenl
veighl (al approxinaleIy 2OO pounds
each) of lreasure or accoulrenenls, if
lhis veighl Iinil is exceeded, lhe slone
viII sinpIy Iock in pIace and lhe eIeva-
lor viII cease lo vork unliI lhe veighl is
reduced lo vilhin lhe Iinil.
This Iovesl IeveI of lhe haIIs is very
danp, lhe vaIIs are slained ly a recenl
infIux of al Ieasl four inches of slanding
valer here, aIlhough il has aII gone
nov, Ieaving onIy vel sand in palches
on lhe fIoor. A Iarge cenlraI chanler is
Iined on ils soulhern vaIIs vilh 18 snaII
ceII-Iike rusly iron cages. The lones of a
ral Iie in one, lul lhe doors of aII are
ajar, lhe Iocks have no keys and are
rusled soIidIy anyvay.
Al eilher end of lhe roon lhe edges of
doors can cIearIy le seen, lhese are
cIosed, tcrq soIid slone lIocks lhal viII
defy aII forcing or Iifling allenpls,
vhen dovn, lhey drop leIov lhe IeveI
of lhe chanler fIoor, so lheir lollon
edges are unreachalIe, and lhey veigh
cIose lo a lon each. Tvo raised-slone-
lIock conlroIs (see #8, alove) are visilIe
upon lhe carefuI exaninalion, near lhe
N vaII leside each door, lhey viII cause
l he s l one door s l o gr i nd s I ovI y
upvards inlo lhe ceiIing (lhey viII nol
faII again unliI lhe conlroI is aclivaled).
The door in lhe L vaII Ieads inlo a
chanler once used lo confine fear-
sone leasls, il is nov enply save for a
fev, very oId lones in lhe corners.
Lxaninalions viII shov lhal lhese have
leen gnaved and spIil ly a very Iarge-
loolhed aninaI or aninaIs.
The veslern door Ieads inlo a chan-
ler conlaining sixleen slone coffins:
nassive reclanguIar lIocks of granile,
each hoIding a skeIelon vrapped in a
di si nl egral i ng shroud, a I i d i n a
hoIIoved-oul area, covered ly a sinpIe
sIal Iid (none are undead, and none
have lreasure). In lhe cenler of lhe S
vaII of lhe L-shaped roon is an inscrip-
lion cul inlo lhe vaII in Connon. Il
reads, Here Iie lhe 'Beasl-Taners, Nalu-
raIisls Mosl NolIe, Resling Iron Their
1O. This Iarge chanler conlains a pooI
of dark, sliII valer, ils surface lvo feel
leIov lhe unguarded edge of lhe fIoor,
vhich runs around lhree sides of lhe
pooI, neeling lhe L vaII of lhe chanler
in an apparenlIy lIank vaII (acluaIIy
conlaining a secrel door) on lhe norlh
side of lhe pooI, and ending in a 7 high,
dark ovaI nirror (acluaIIy a pernanenl
nagicaI ga|c, see leIov) on lhe soulh
side of lhe pooI.
The pooI is hone lo lvo fresh-valer
scrags (see MNSTLR MANUAL II, page
121) of 41 and 36 hp, vhich viII renain
conceaIed as nuch as possilIe unliI
lhey can reach up lo snalch soneone
on lhe edge of lhe pooI inlo lhe valer
vilh lhen. Treal aII such allenpls as
allacks, al +2 lo hil, if successfuI, no
danage i s done lul l he vi cl i n i s
grasped secureIy. If nol direclIy aided
ly anolher characler al lhe line of lhe
allack~nol as an innediale reaclion~
lhe grasped characler nusl successfuI-
I y nake a Sl r engl h Chec k a n a
Dexlerily Check lo avoid ending up in
lhe pooI. If lolh checks are faiIed, one
or nore heId veapons or ilens are
dropped or Iel go in lhe process.
11. The nirror viII refIecl approach-
ing characlers, and lhe roon (#1O), as a
nornaI nirror, lul anyone louching or
slriking lhe nirror vilh hand, veapon,
or any ilen viII inslanlIy le leIeporled
inlo (as a suggeslion) lhe cenler of lhe
Courl of Walerdeep, hundreds of niIes
avay. (The DM is free lo choose his ovn
Iocalion in advance, even anolher
dungeon conpIex.) The nirror cannol
le danaged, and leings direclIy hoId-
ing lhe person louching lhe ga|c viII
a|sc le leIeporled inslanlaneousIy,
physicaI reslrainls or aid cannol pre-
venl lhis effecl. (DMs nay eIecl lo have
lhe ga|c reach olher deslinalions, per-
haps differenl ones in rolalion or al
randon, each line lhe gale is used:
nole lhal lhis couId veII scaller a parly
across a conlinenl or even a score of
differenl pIanes, if desired.)
The ga|c, or leIeporl node, vas luiIl
vhen Mylh Drannor fIourished lo give
lhe NaluraIisls~and lhose fev eIves
vho aided lhen in lhe nanufaclure of
lhe ga|c a secrel conneclion lo Waler-
deep. The ga|c is apparenlIy a one-vay
affair, having no corresponding visilIe
porlaI al lhe olher end, aIlhough il nay
once have leen Iinked lo nagicaI ilens,
nov Iosl or hidden, lhal pernilled lvo-
vay operalion. LIves, al lhe line Mylh
Drannor fIourished, used Walerdeep as
lhe najor porl conneclion lelveen
Lverneel and Iaerun. The nirror- ga|c
cannol le deslroyed, il viII defy any
allenpls lo physicaIIy nove il ly |c|c-
pcr|ing lhose allenpling, regardIess of
lhe Ienglh or nalure of lhe looIs used,
and viII refIecl aII speIIs casl al or
lhrough il lack, 1OO, upon lhe casler.
If lhis is inpossilIe due lo lhe nalure of
lhe speII, il viII nereIy le Iosl. IuII uisn
speIIs viII cause lhe gale lo vanish (nov-
ing eIsevhere al randon), even if lhe
uisn is lhal lhe ga|c le deslroyed or
noved lo a specific Iocalion.
12. n lhe N vaII of lhis 2Ox3O chanler,
on sheIves, are slored enply jars of vary-
ing sizes vilh cork seaIs, dried, shrunken
lhings lhal vere once lIocks of vax
(idenlicaI lo lhose found in lhe specinen
cIosels, #6), and roIIed-up veighled
caplure-nels, coiIs of rope (lolh nels and
ropes are rolling, and viII le easiIy
ruined ly any vigorous use), and calch-
poIes: vooden poIes vilh nelaI, nechani-
c a I gr a s pi ng a r ns o n o ne e nd,
conslrucled so lhal pressure on a disc al
lhe end of lhe poIe viII cause springs lo
cIose a quarlel of surrounding Iarge,
nelaI fingers. The poIes are len feel Iong
and have al lheir olher ends nelaI sIeeves
lhal aIIov a second poIe lo le sIipped in
and lhen lurn-Iocked inlo pIace, lo exlend
lhe vhoIe apparalus lo 2O. These calch-
poIes have survived lhe Iong years of dis-
use veII, and are sliII slurdy. As veapons,
hovever, lhey are quile unvieIdy unIess
one is especiaIIy skiIIed in lheir use ly
lraining and Iong praclice.
A secrel door al lhe L end of lhe N
vaII can le readiIy delecled ly lhe
seans in lhe sheIves vhich run across
il, lul as everylhing in lhe roon is
lhickIy coaled vilh dusl, il viII have lo
le Iooked for lo le found.
13. The unIocked secrel door opens
i nl o l hi s hi dden, nusly-sneIIing
2Ox2O chanler. n lhe N vaII is a dis-
coIored and noId-danaged nap of lhe
ReaIns, painled on a vooden loard (il
cannol le renoved in an inlacl condi-
lion), depicling lhe Iosl kingdons svaI-
Ioved ly Anauroch as fIourishing, far
fever DaIes lhan lhere are nov, a
snaIIer Senlia, nore LIven voods and
f ever norl hern ci l i es everyvhere
across Iaerun. Ann is nol naned, hav-
ing nol yel leen founded as a kingdon
vhen lhe nap vas nade. In fronl of lhe
nap is a sloul, iron-lound oak chesl,
conlaining 12OO gp (in 12 cIolh lags).
The chesl is Iocked, and veII-preserved,
lhe key is nissing.
Iacing lhe nap and chesl olIiqueIy in
lhe SL corner of lhe roon is a vooden
desk, and sealed al il, lhe coIIapsed skeI-
elon of a nan (nc| undead), NeziiraI of
lhe NaluraIisls ly nane if spoken lo
nagicaIIy, he knovs IillIe of lhe haIIs.
NeziiraI has no lreasure, lul in lhe
dravers of lhe rickely desk are a pc|icn
cf nca|ing (q.v., DMC) in a gIass viaI
corked and seaIed vilh vax, and a
pc|icn cf spcc (q.v., DMC), siniIarIy
conlained. There is aIso a snaII Iocked
coffer of siIver, larnished lIack and
Iacking ils key. Wilhin is a cIolh-
vrapped ilen lhal viII survive any acci-
denlaI lallering or deIilerale allacks: a
lIack olsidian laIisnan lhal Iooks Iike
lhis: pic|urc. Il is an inch lhick vilh
rounded edges, is poIished snoolh, and
has a vhile ivory inIay for lhe eye. n
lhe reverse is a vord in Connon,
NALLTH. If spoken aIoud, il viII
sunncn lhe crealure vhose nane il
is~a heIIcal (see IILND ILI Tone,
p. 5O) of 5Ohp, vho can le nade lo
serve lhe hoIder of ils laIisnan for nine
days. The heIIcal viII seek lo sulverl
connands given lo il, and Iead lhe
laIisnan-hoIder inlo nisforlune and
dealh, unIess lhe hoIder is LavfuI LviI
in aIignnenl.
In lhe W vaII of lhe roon, a secrel
door of grealer-lhan-average vidlh piv-
ols oulvard, lo aIIov access lo #14.
14. This 2Ox2O roon conlains onIy a
xorn (see MNSTLR MANUAL, p. 1O2)
of 48 hp, surrounded ly a fIickering
vhile aura. This is fading rapidIy as lhe
ICs olserve il, for il vas a separale sla-
sis fieId nainlained ly a unique speII
lhal vas lroken ly lhe opening of lhe
door. The xorn vas nol pIeased ly ils
caplure and inprisonnenl, and viII
allack any Iiving lhings il sees vhen
alIe lo do so (on lhe second round afler
lhe ICs open lhe secrel door lhe xorn
viII le free lo nove). The xorn viII
phase inlo lhe fIoor lo escape if lroughl
lo of ils hil poinls of Iess. CIosing lhe
door of lhis roon viII nol renev lhe
slasis, il is gone forevrer.
15. Here a side passage Ieads off lhe Iong
nain haIIvay of lhe conpIex. This pas-
sage is separaled fron lhe nain haII ly
an iron gale and arch lhal slrelch fron
fIoor lo ceiIing. AIlhough lhis larrier is
ornanenled ly fIoraI scroIIvork, and is
of iron dark vilh rusl, ils lars are lhick
and soIidIy enledded in lhe vaIIs, il viII
slop nosl leasls if cIosed and Iocked. Il is
presenlIy ajar, having leen picked open
(lhere is no key). The side passage il
opens inlo Ieads lo slone slairs cIinling
sleepIy (a rise of 3O in a run of 3O). Al lhe
lop, lhe slairs open vilhoul a door or lar-
rier inlo a gaIIery (see #16)~lul spravIed
face-dovn on lhe slairs near lhe lop is lhe
nouIdering corpse of a dead naIe haIf-
Iing, his skuII crushed.
If spca| ui|n |nc ca is enpIoyed, lhis
is Dahvro, a 3rd IeveI lhief and advenlur-
er, oul of Weslgale vho vas lorn in Sen-
lias hiIIs Iong ago, and cane here lo find
lreasure vilh a group of advenlurers
vho forned casuaIIy in HiIIsfar, and cane
here lo seek lreasure. The group sav no
Iife on lhe vay dovn lurning Iefl dovn
lhe nain haIIvay and slraighl lo lhe iron
gale, vhich Dahvro picked open. He does
nol knov hov he nel his end, vhich
occurred aInosl lvo years ago. The haIf-
Iing is cIad in lIack~gIoves, panls, and
shirl, aII of Iealher. He is larefool. Al his
leIl is an enply dagger-shealh~lhe
veapon is gone~a lIack siIk nask, and a
lag conlaining a snaII purse of 12 gp and
a sel of lhieves picks and looIs. A 4O-fool
coiI of vaxed cord is vound around his
vaisl al leIl-IeveI. His corpse is infesled
vilh 34 rol gruls (cf. MNSTLR MAN-
UAL, p.83) vhich viII svarn lo allack
innedialeIy upon lhe lody leing louch-
16. This Iarge roon is enlered ly nas-
sive, iron-larred vooden doors, each
lveIve feel high, lhe one fron lhe haII-
vay leing lvo sels of doulIe doors
opening invard. AII of lhese doors pres-
enlIy have lheir lars lhrovn aside, and
hang ajar. This roon vas a vieving and
lraining arena vhere lhe NaluraIisls
valched crealures slaIk prey, reacl
sociaIIy lo olhers of lheir ovn kind, fIy
if aeriaI in nalure, and luiId nesls or
dens if lhe naleriaIs vere provided. Il
is presenlIy sinpIy an open, enply
chanler. The fIoor is covered vilh lvo
feel of danp, noId-spIolched sand, lhe
ceiIing is 4O feel alove lhal and has
crunlIed and faIIen in sone pIaces, lul
is slalIe and viII nol faII unIess a fircoa||
or siniIar expIosion occurs in lhe chan-
ler. The roon ends on lhe soulh vilh a
4-lier vieving gaIIery of lare slone
seals slepped dovnvard lo a raiIIess
fronl rov fifleen feel alove lhe sand.
In lhis area is a gorgon (see lhe
MNSTLR MANUAL Ig 49) of 64 hp
vho has energed fron slasis and Iefl
ils ceII (#17D), and is leviIdered and
angry, Il viII allack innedialeIy if lhe
ICs cone here firsl, if nol, il viII
olserve lhen in siIence, keeping oul of
sighl and slaying siIenl, unliI lhey Ieave
lhe nain haIIvay~vherupon il viII
nove lo lhe junclion area vhere lhe
enlry haII joins lhe nain haII and avail
lhe ICs aIerlIy, ready lo use ils poison-
ous lrealh. Il viII refuse lo le Iured
avay fron lhis spol, and viII nol fIee
fron any foe.
17. HoIding CeIIs: In lhese snaII con-
parlnenls crealures vere heId prior lo
inlroduclion inlo lhe arena (#16), or
afler sludy in lhe arena. AII are slone-
vaIIed culicIes, vilh slone fIoors cov-
ered vilh sand (and in sone pIaces,
rollen slrav, loo), aII have an iron-
larred fronl vaII vilh IockalIe doors.
AII excepl D, }, and K are Iocked.
A is enply.
B conlains lhree shriekers (see MN-
STLR MANUAL p. 87) of 22, 16, and 9
hp. They viII shriek lhe inslanl ICs
inlroduce any Iighl inlo lhe area. This
viII aIerl aII Iiving crealures in lhis
end of lhe HaIIs, and aII crealures
innersed in valer anyvhere in lhe
HaIIs, ly lhe vilralions.
C is enply.
D is open and enply, lhe gorgon (see
#16) cane fron here.
L conlains lhe nearIy skeIelaI, shriv-
eIed corpse of an ovIlear.
I is enply.
C is enply.
H conlains lhe fealhers and lones of a
hippogriff, and a fainl sneII of dealh.
I is enply.
} is enply.
K is enply.
L conlains lhe lones of a hunanoid,
vilh lvo skuIIs (an ellin).
M is enply.
N is lhe Keepers Roon, a corroded
ring of lrass keys hangs on lhe S vaII
of lhis area~keys lo aII of lhe ceIIs
and aII doors of lhe arena. IeephoIes
in lhe N, W, and S vaIIs aIIov vievs
inlo lhe surrounding areas (lhe W
vaII is slone, nol lars, in vhich is a
Iocked secrel door inlo lhe corridor
of lhe ceIIs).
18. This 2Ox4O chanler vas once a
roling roon for NaluraIisls preparing
lo Ieave ly one of lhe gales in lhe HaIIs,
and ils Soulh and Lasl vaIIs are slud-
ded vilh pegs, on vhich hang lhe rol-
l i ng vi sps of garnenl s. There i s
nolhing of vaIue here, and lhe gar-
nenls viII disinlegrale if handIed. n
ils easlern side, lhis roon is separaled
fron lhe haIIvay ly rolling curlains
vhich viII aIso disinlegrale inlo dusl if
dislurled. A narrov secrel door on lhe
N vaII of lhis roon Ieads lo an office
(#19) ly neans of a sleep fIighl of slairs.
19. This 2Ox2O office has no door, lul
opens direclIy oul fron lhe slairs. Il
conlains lvo unsafe vooden chairs
dravn up al a circuIar lalIe. n lhe
lalIe is a cryslaI laII. n lhe fIoor near
lhe N vaII of lhe roon is a copper-
shealhed vooden chesl (lhe shealhs
nov green due lo lhe danp), vhich is
Iocked and nissing ils key.
A round afler lhe firsl IC enlers lhis
roon a liny Iighl viII appear in lhe
deplhs of lhe cryslaI gIole vhich viII
legin lo grov. Tvo rounds Ialer lhe
laII, lIinding in ils lrighlness, viII
expIode, shovering lhe ICs in lhe roon
vilh fragnenls (anyone in lhe roon
nusl save vs. speIIs or lake 1 hp danage
fron lhe fIying gIass). ReIeased fron
lhis shallered prison, a xeg-yi (see
MNSTLR MANUAL II, p. 128) of 5 HD
and 33 hp viII allack any Iiving lhing il
sees in lhe haIIs, and pursue unliI sIain
or unliI il has sIain aII such quarry. If
lhe cryslaI laII is allacked lefore il
expIodes, such allacks viII have no
effecl upon il, or upon lhe xeg-yi vilh-
In lhe chesl is a ring cf uarn|n (q.v.,
DMC), a ring cf ua|cr ua||ing (q.v.,
DMC), and a lone lule corked al lolh
ends and seaIed vilh vax. Wilhin lhe
lule is a scroII vilh a singIe unique speII
on il, lhe sane speII lhal has preserved
lhe nany leasls in lhe haIIs over lhe
Pnczu||s S|ccp cf Agcs
(AIleralion) ReversilIe
LeveI: 9
Conponenls: V,S,M
Range: I/IeveI of casler
Casling Tine: 3 rounds
Duralion: Iernanenl
Saving Throv: Negales
Area of Lffecl: AII Iiving crealures in
LxpIanalion/Descriplion: By neans of
lhis speII, a s|asis fic| is crealed
aloul lhe speII focus, radialing oul-
va r d i n a n e x pa ndi ng s phe r e
lhrough soIid rock and olher physicaI
or nagicaI larriers. (nIy an an|i-
nagi c s nc | | , pr i s na| i c s pnc r c , or
cIosed cule- or sphericaIIy-shaped
ua|| cf fcrcc viII slop ils effecls.) Il
expands 2/round unliI il reaches a
naxinun sphericaI voIune of 1
radius/IeveI of lhe casler. AII Iiving
crealures vilhin lhis fieId, excepl lhe
casler and any prolecled as noled
alove, nusl save vs. speIIs or le
pI aced i n suspended ani nal i on
(vhelher lhey vish lo le or nol).
Crealures of IeveI or hil dice equaI lo,
grealer lhan, or up lo lhree IeveIs or
dice Iess lhan lhe speIIcasler save nor-
naIIy. Crealures of 4 lo 7 hil dice or
IeveIs save al an addilionaI -1 penaI-
ly for every IeveI Iess lhan seven
leIov lhe caslers. The lody func-
lions of affecled crealures virluaIIy
cease, lul lhey do nol die as a resuIl
of lhis slale~nor viII lhey grov oIder
as lhe years pass. If lhe crealure in
slasis is sIain ly anolher neans (phys-
icaI allack, crushing or luriaI or
drovning due lo environnenlaI
changes around lheir lody, and lhe
Iike), slasis ends inslanlIy, and lhe
lody viII decay nornaIIy, for lhe
assauIled crealure onIy, nol aII olhers
caughl in lhe slasis.
The speII requires al Ieasl nine drops
of lhe caslers ovn lIood sneared
inlo an unlroken ring of a radius nol
nore lhan lhe overaII Ienglh of lhe
caslers hand (vrisl lo fingerlips), inlo
vhich are pIaced al Ieasl six gens
(any lype) of 5OO gp vaIue. This is lhe
speII-focus referred lo alove. When
lhe speIIcasling is conpIele, four of
lhese gens vanish, consuned in lhe
acl of reIeasing lhe speIIs pover. The
resl fueI lhe slasis fieId and lhus
dvindIe sIovIy as line passes. Rough-
Iy one year of slasis is yieIded per 1O
gp of gen vaIue. RenovaI of anq gen-
slone fron lhe circIe, or lhe lreaking
of lhe ring ilseIf, viII inslanlIy end lhe
slasis effecl as viII using up aII of lhe
gens. Hovever, any nunler of gens
can le added lo lhe inside of lhe ring
lo increase lhe period of efficacy, ly
refueIing il.
The slasis can le Iifled fron individ-
uaI crealures vilhoul harn (and
vilhoul reIeasing olher crealures
under lhe sane slasis) ly casling |cn-
pcra| rcins|a|ncn| (cf. lenporaI s|a-
sis in lhe P|AY|RS HAND8OOK) or
Pnczu||s Aua|cning (lhe reverse of
l hi s speI I ) upon l he creal ure( s)
desired. If Pnczu||s Aua|cning is casl
upon lhe speII focus, ralher lhan on
individuaI crealures, lhe slasis fieId
shrinks graduaIIy lo nol al lhe sane
rale al vhich il originaIIy expanded,
freeing any crealures as il does so,
and no furlher genslone naleriaI is
Iosl. (The avakening does nol require
any gens or lIood, lul nereIy drops
of pure or hoIy valer.)
Crealures enlering lhe fieId afler il
has reached ils fuII exlenl (even dec-
ades or cenluries afler lhe speII vas
casl) nusl save vs. speIIs lo avoid faII-
ing inlo slasis. The penaIlies for lheir
IeveI or hil dice appIy as descriled
alove, lul so does a +3 lonus lo lhe
save for any crealure arriving in lhe
fieId afler il has slaliIized al fuII
exlenl. Such a save nusl le nade
each line a crealure enlers lhe slasis
fieId, even if il has enlered and leen
unaffecled lefore, lul each crealure
need save onIy once per exposure lo a
parlicuIar S|ccp cf Agcs slasis fieId
(i.e. nol per each round of a singIe
IhezuIls circIe, vhich pIaces a slasis
over lhe enlire haII conpIex (consider
vhal IhezuIls IeveI nusl have leen!),
vas dravn on lhe fIoor vhere lhe lvo
Iarge corridors of lhe HaIIs neel, ils
gens vere onIy recenlIy exhausled,
lreaking lhe slasis.
2O. This chanler conlains yel anolher
nosaic sigiI of lhe NaluraIisls sel inlo
lhe fIoor, and anolher nirror- ga|c. (Ior
delaiIs of lhe ga|c refer lo #11). This
nirror- ga|c nay Iead lo any Iocalion in
lhe ReaIns al lhe DMs choice. AIlerna-
lives incIude lhe dusl deserl of Raurin
(I3-5), lhe Moonshaes (IR-2), lhe edge of
lhe deserl of Anauroch, or any olher
Iocalion as lhe DM sees fil. This nirror
nay aIso le used as an arrivaI poinl for
high-IeveI characlers fron olher can-
paigns. (In eilher case, lhe nirror- ga|c
is one-vay.)
The nosaic, Iike lhal in lhe counciI
chanler (#8), is acluaIIy affixed lo a sin-
gIe ovaI slone vhich, if slepped on, viII
gIov vilh a fainl vhile radiance, and
legin lo Ievilale upvard tcrq sIovIy
(1 /round). Il viII haIl vhen slepped off
of, lul viII conlinue lo rise vhenever
louched, unIess viIIed lo go dovn.
(This requires conslanl and firn con-
cenlralion vhich precIudes speIIcasl-
i ng, i nl ri cal e handi vork or ol her
nenlaI aclivily, or heavy fighling.) The
nosaic can Ievilale any veighl or nun-
ler of lhings lhal can le pIaced upon il,
and viII easiIy fil up lhe enlry shafl as a
sorl of eIevalor. Il has a pcrnancn| |cti-
|a|icn pIaced on il, and couId veII le
inadverlenlIy Iosl skyvard if soneone
faIIs asIeep on il or carries a vounded
or unconscious person onlo il, since il
viII rise as Iong as a Iiving leing is
louching il and cannol le viIIed dovn-
vard ly soneone asIeep or uncon-
scious. If severaI Iiving persons lry lo
viII il in differenl direclions, il viII rise
inslead. If aII persons aloard unile lo
viII il in one direclion, or one person
direcls and none oppose, il can le nade
lo nove horizonlaIIy, as veII as dovn-
vards, vilh ease.
Iour doors in lhis chanler (idenlicaI
lo lhose of #6) are aII Iocked and lhe
keys nissing.
21. This 2Ox2O roon is enply.
22. This 2Ox2O roon is enply.
23. This 2Ox3O roon conlains a gorgi-
nera (see MNSTLR MANUAL II, p 7O)
of 61 hp. Before charging ICs can reach
il, il can lrealhe dovn lhe corridor
Ieading inlo ils dark prison, vhich il do
vilhoul hesilalion lhe nonenl lhe
door inlo ils prison is opened.
24. This 2Ox3O chanler is hone lo a
fenaIe lalaxi (see lhe IILND ILI
Tone, p. 86) of 14 hp, il is naked and
veaponIess, and viII allack if nenaced,
lul viII cooperale vilh lhe parly if
offered food and freedon. Il does nol
speak connon, lul ils nane sounds
Iike MiiyeriiaI if voiced or announced
Lasham's FaLL
(firsl appeared as Inlo lhe Iorgollen
ReaIns in DRACN Magazine #95)
PLaens' Im[onma1Iom
The foIIoving lexl shouId le read lo lhe
The DaIeIands of lhe Iorgollen
ReaIns have leen your hones, as veII
as your advenluring grounds, for
nany years. The foIIoving evenls are
connon knovIedge anong you and
have veighed heaviIy upon your
lhoughls for nonlhs. Lord Lashan,
recenlIy nade ruIer of lhe liny coaslaI
Iand of ScardaIe (so naned lecause il
Iies vilhin a Iong river gorge, or
scar), raised arnies lo conquer lhe
surrounding DaIes, and he nearIy suc-
ceeded. Il has leen a Iong, lIoody year
of lallIes up and dovn lhe DaIes, and
nosl of lhen ~ HarrovdaIe, BallIe-
daIe, DeepingdaIe, TasseIdaIe, and
IealherdaIe ~ have feIl Lashans ruIe
during il, vhiIe lhe renainder have
had lo fighl off varriors in lheir very
I n l he end, Lashan s ni I i l ary
pover vas lroken ly lhe conlined
nighl of lhe kingdons of Senlia lo
lhe soulh and Cornyr lo lhe vesl
(lolh of vhon preferred a cIusler of
peacef uI , i ndependenl DaI es as
neighlors lo a lyranls varrior king-
don), lhe renaining DaIes and lhe
nagicaI povers lhey couId nusler,
and ly Lashans heavy reIiance upon
nercenary lroops. The lide lurned
al lhe lallIe of MislIedaIe, vhere lhe
Lord of ShadovdaIe, Dousl SuI-
vood, and his conpanions heId off
Lashans forces unliI lhe olher arn-
ies allacked his hoIdings in lhe
soulh, and lherely prevenled aII lhe
DaIes fron leing svepl ly Lashans
lroops. ReIenlIessIy have Lashans
foes pressed hin lhese Iasl lvo
nonlhs, and lhe enpire he carved
has neIled avay lo nolhing. Lashan
hinseIf has nol leen caplured.
In aII lhe hurIy-lurIy of var, lhe
eIves, vho for cenluries larred nen
fron enlering lheir vasl voods, sud-
denIy vanished. The LIven Courl for-
nerIy adjoined lhe DaIes on lhe
norlh and easl. Runor has il lhal aII
of lhe eIves have lraveIed vesl over-
seas lo Lverneel, lhe isIand kingdon
of lhe eIves, lo le quil of nen for-
ever. Their disappearance Ieaves lhe
LIven Courl open lo expIoralion~
and deep vilhin il Iies lhe Iosl, falIed
cily of Mylh Drannor, once a cenler
of nagicaI knovIedge vhere nen
and eIves vorked logelher. Il is
lhoughl lo sliII conlain nuch nighly
nagic in lhe surviving, underground
haIIs of lhe SchooI of Wizardry
lhere. Lashan vas knovn lo have
senl lvo expedilions (lheir fales
unknovn) inlo lhe voods during lhe
pasl year lo reach il. The DaIesfoIk
fear he is hurrying lo Mylh Drannor
nov vilh lhe Iasl of his varriors,
seeking nagic lo defeal his foes and
conquer lhe DaIes once again.
You are a diverse land of advenlur-
ers hasliIy assenlIed fron laverns,
lenpIes, and ganing houses of Sha-
dovdaIe and MislIedaIe. ShadovdaIe
Iies nearesl lo lhe Iosl cily, and ils Iord,
Mourngryn (for Dousl SuIvood and
his friends have Iefl ShadovdaIe lo
seek advenlure), has galhered you lo
gel lo Mylh Drannor lefore Lashan
does, and deslroy, lear avay, or lury
forever any nagic lhere, lo keep il
fron lhe conqueror. You viII le veII
revarded ly aII lhe DaIes, Mourngryn
pronises (and you knov hin for a nan
of his vord, a cavaIier of courlIy nan-
ners and lrue honor)~lul he varns
you nol lo covel nuch nagic for your-
seIves, for sone of il is fey and danger-
ous. He vouId hale lo have lo lallIe
you, inslead of Lashan, cone spring.
You sel oul hurriedIy and lraveI
lhrough lhal vasl vood for lvo days
vilhoul neeling or seeing a Iiving
crealure. Irosl is in lhe air, vinler is
aInosl cone~a vinler in vhich
Lashan, if successfuI, viII lry lo luiId
his pover again. An ancienl nap
suppIied lo you ly lhe sage LInin-
sler Ieads you lhrough lhe ruined,
overgrovn cily, of Mylh Drannor lo
an enply, high-ceiIinged haII vhose
doors are faIIen and vhose spired
lovers are no nore. Wilhin Iies a
slair Ieading dovn lo lhe SchooI of
Wizardry. Tine is running oul, and
you need lo galher aII of lhe nagic
you can and deslroy lhe resl, lo pre-
venl Lashans relurn lo pover. The
advenlure has legun.
DN's Im[onma1Iom
Unknovn lo lhe parly, Lashan has
aIready lealen lhen lo Mylh Drannors
SchooI of Wizardry~and he has paid a
high price for il, loo. Lashan and a
hand-picked group of lodyguards
enlered lhe underground schooI and
discovered lhal il vas inhaliled ly lhe
forner head of lhe SchooI of Wizardry
unliI il vas alandoned lhree hundred
years ago vhen lhe cily alove il vas
laken in a var. The archnage vas Iefl
in lhe schooI al his ovn requesl, lo pur-
sue his ovn increasingIy eviI experi-
nenls and sunnonings.
Al Iong Iasl lhe archnage, naned Azi-
ner, lecane a Iich. He has aIso lecone
graduaIIy nore and nore insane, and
even nov as a Iich he has lul a lenuous
grasp on reaIily. Aziner leIieves he is
sliII a Iiving hunan leing and has con-
linuous haIIucinalions and deIusions
lhal lhe schooI is aclive, lhal he is ils
Ieader, and lhal lhe vorId is his lo con-
nand. He aIso leIieves lhere are unseen
enenies conslanlIy lrying lo gel inlo
lhe schooI, lhough he has done IillIe lo
forlify lhe schooI over lhe years.
When Lashan discovered Aziner, lhe
Iich al firsl leIieved lhal lhe varrior
vas one of his sorcerous pupiIs and
asked Lashan lo perforn sone errands.
Though Lashans lerrified lodyguards
fIed, allenpling lo escape lhe dreadfuI
apparilion of lhe Iich, lhe hol-lenpered
and fooIhardy Lashan eIecled lo allack,
and he easiIy vounded Aziner vilh his
nagicaI svord. Aziner lecane inslanl-
Iy convinced lhal Lashan vas one of lhe
enenies vho vanled lo sIay hin, and
he quickIy deslroyed lhe ex-lyranl and
aII of his foIIovers.
Aziner has caIned dovn since lhen
and viII, if carefuIIy lrealed, prove reIa-
liveIy harnIess lo an advenluring parly
unIess provoked. He viII nol aulonali-
c aI I y al l ac k anyone unI es s he i s
allacked firsl. See area 28 for nore
delaiIs on his currenl personaIily.
The 5chooL o[ VIzanon
1. In lhe cenler of lhe high-ceiIinged,
dusly haII is a spiraI slairvay vilh no
raiI, lhe slone sleps corkscreving dovn
inlo darkness. The slairs are Iillered
vilh dusl, colvels, liny skeIelons of
rals lhal crunch underfool, and frag-
nenls of slone faIIen fron lhe ceiIing
far alove. The slairs are dry, coId, and
snoolh, scuIpled of singIe lIocks of
slone. They descend for 6O feel. As lhe
characlers descend lhe slairs, lhe firsl
characler carrying a Iighl source viII
nolice lhal soneone eIse has cone
dovn lhese sleps vilhin lhe Iasl day,
prolalIy a group of severaI nen judg-
ing ly lhe nunler of lool prinls visilIe
on lhe dusly slone sleps.
UnIess olhervise slaled, aII doors in
lhis dungeon conpIex require a nornaI
door-opening roII. (Aziner roulineIy
lypasses aII doors vilh his incnsicn
ccr, |ncc|, and uizar |cc| speIIs.)
2. The slairs end in an oclagonaI roon,
apparenlIy carved oul of soIid rock.
Iour cIosed, fealureIess slone doors
vilh lrass puII-rings are visilIe, one in
each of lhe diagonaI vaIIs of lhe roon.
In lhe cenler of lhe roon is a circuIar,
noaled pooI lhal Iooks as if il vas once
a founlain, nov dry and choked vilh
slony rullIe. AII is dark, siIenl, and sliII.
Againsl lhe vaII lelveen lhe doors
Ieading lo areas 3 and 16 slands a 9-
fool-laII slone hunanoid slalue, facing
lhe cenler of lhe roon. The slalue is
nolionIess, ils eyes cIosed and ils hands
al ils sides. In lhe rullIe in lhe founlain
is a lrass key (vhich fils no Iock in lhis
conpIex) and a larnished, green siIver
piece. The slalue is a slone guardian
(AC 2, MV 1O, 4+4 HD, 36 hp, 2 allacks
for 2-9/2-9, size M). Il can c|cc| intisi-
oi|i|q il is innune lo poison, coId,
cnarns, nc|s, nornaI nissiIes, and
fear, il lakes one-quarler danage fron
edged veapons, haIf danage fron coId,
fire, and eIeclricily. The guardian can
le sIain inslanlIy ly ig, s|cnc |c f|csn,
|ransnu|c rcc| |c nu, or s|cnc snapc.
The slone guardian viII allack anyone
forcing open lhe door lo area 16. (AII
doors open oulvard, inlo lhis roon.)
If lhe door lo area 16 is louched, a
nagic noulh viII appear on il and say,
You dare dislurl lhe one vho ruIes
Mylh Drannor` Cive his nane, or you
shaII nol pass. The ansver is Aziner
(see area 28). Anyone caIIing oul lhis
vord viII find lhe door easiIy opened, il
viII le Iocked (non-nagicaIIy). Iorcing
lhe door open (requiring a lend lars
roII, as lhe Iock cannol le picked) viII
vake lhe slone guardian. If lhe door
Ieading lo area 16 is nol noIesled, lhe
slone guardian viII renain nolionIess
unIess allacked.
Lashan and severaI soIdiers fron his
faIIen arny enlered lhe Mylh Drannor
conpIex Iess lhan a day ago. Having
heard lhal lhe Iasl knovn ruIer of lhe
nages schooI vas an archnage naned
Azi ner, Lashan gave l he correcl
response and vas aIIoved lo pass
lhrough, unavare lhal Aziner vas sliII
around (see area 28). Lashan slalioned
lvo guards here (see area 5). Anyone
can leII fron Iooking al lhe fIoor lhal a
nunler of nen r ec enl I y vaI ked
lhrough lhis area, sone going lo area
16 and sone lo area 5.
3. This door opens lo reveaI a soIid vaII
of slone rullIe, vhich viII spiII inlo lhe
roon vilh a roar and a cIoud of dusl.
The nore rullIe dug avay ly lhe par-
ly, lhe nore rullIe viII faII inlo lhe
space cIeared. This fornerIy Ied lo lhe
I i vi ng quarl ers of l he nages and
apprenlices. (This area nay le cIeared
and expanded for non-lournanenl
canpaign pIay if lhe Dungeon Masler
4. This door opens inlo a snaIIer roon
vilh garnenls hanging on lhe vaIIs.
Slone lenches are pIaced in lhe cenler
of lhe roon and run aII around lhe
vaIIs of lhe roon lenealh lhe cIolhing.
SnaII cracks are visilIe in lhe vaIIs, and
sonelhing nay le seen noving under a
lench in lhe far corner. The noving
leing is a snaII, gray, harnIess Iizard
(AC 6, MV 12, 1 hp). If dislurled, il viII
lIunder slraighl oul al lhe parly and
lhen run for lhe safely of a vide crack
in lhe vaII. The roon is a forner vard-
role, lhe lenches are rollen, vilh rol-
len lools lenealh lhen, and hanging
fron vooden pegs are rolling cIoaks
and hals. A snaII lrass ring (non-
nagicaI) can le found sevn inlo lhe
hen of one cIoak.
5. The door fron area 2 is aIready open,
Ieading inlo a fealureIess 3O-fool-Iong
slone passage vhich Ieads lo anolher
open slone door. This Iasl door opens
inlo a 3O x 7O roon vilh a 5O ceiIing
lhal vas once a feasling haII. Rolling,
Iong, vooden lalIes narch in lvo Iines
dovn lhe roon, vilh fifleen vooden
chairs on eilher side and a high-lacked
seal al lhe far end. Archvays open in
lhe niddIe of lhe vaIIs on lhe righl and
Iefl, lIocked ly colvel-shrouded cur-
lains. Al lhe far end of lhe roon hangs a
rusly iron lar high up on vaII lrackels,
fron lhe lar hang Iong lallers of niI-
deved, lIack falric~once sone sorl of
vasl lapeslry covering nosl of lhe vaII.
Nol enough is Iefl lo leII vhal il depicl-
Tvo lodies (sIain vilhin lhe Iasl day)
viII le discovered in lhis roon. Bolh of
lhe lodies are hunan naIes, vearing
chain naiI arnor and carrying lroad
svords. Their niIilary dress idenlifies
lhen as foIIovers of Lashan, fron Scar-
daIe. ne of lhe nen has a aggcr +2
on his leIl in a pIain shealh, lhe olher
has no exlra equipnenl. Lach of lhen
vas apparenlIy slruck ly sonelhing on
lhe face, arns, and chesl lhal produced
frosllile and kiIIed lhen, lhey lear
scars lhal resenlIe lony hand narks.
They vere apparenlIy lrying lo fIee
fron sonelhing coning fron area 2
(see areas 2 and 15).
Whal slruck each of lhese fornerIy
2nd-IeveI fighlers vas, of course, Azi-
ner, vho vas in a kiIIing frenzy due lo
Lashans successfuI allack upon hin
(see area 28). If spca| ui|n ca is used
on eilher of lhe lvo nen, he viII shriek
in lerror, crying oul aloul The coId!
The coId! If asked vho sIev hin, lhe
nan viII ansver, The lones! The vaIk-
ing, coId lones! The DM shouId pIay
lhis up for lhe naxinun horrific effecl
on lhe parly.
6. The archvay on lhe Iefl opens inlo a
snaIIer (2O x 3O) roon, vilh a singIe
Iong lalIe and five chairs dravn up
around il. This vas once an excIusive
dining area for lhe leaching vizards,
lhe Maslers. A passage Ieads off lo lhe
soulh. If lhe furnilure is exanined care-
fuIIy, a 1-fool-Iong, lapering vand of
vood (slained lo nalch lhe lalIe) nighl
le found sIipped inlo ring-Iike hoIders
on lhe underside of lhe lalIe. Il is a
uan cf ucncr, vilh ils connand
vord (Zanper) engraved on lhe lull.
The uan viII onIy le noliced ly a
delecl nagic speII, or if anyone search-
ing lhe lalIe roIIs a 1 on 1d6.
7. Carderole (loiIel). This roon con-
lains onIy a vooden seal vilh a hoIe in
il, a lorch lrackel alove and a sheIf
leside il, and a peg in lhe vaII for coals.
The hoIe Ieads dovn inlo a slrean far
leIov, if one Iifls lhe seal fron ils Iedg-
es, one can gel dovn inlo lhe slrean
using a rope. Trying lo cIinl dovn lhe
narrov lunneI lo lhe slrean vilhoul a
rope Ieaves a 4O chance for anyone
(excepl a lhief) lo sIip and faII, doing 2-
12 hp danage lo hinseIf. If any charac-
lers drop inlo lhe slrean leIov, vhich
fIovs lo lhe soulh, see area 24 for fur-
lher infornalion.
8. Carderole, idenlicaI lo area 7 excepl
lhal anyone lrying lo cIinl dovn inlo
lhe slrean leIov viII lecone sluck. A
lhief has a chance equaI lo his c|ino
ua||s roII (one allenpl onIy aIIoved) lo
gel free and conlinue on dovn lhe
9. This vas a kilchen, vilh a chopping-
lIock lalIe and a lean ceiIing vilh iron
hooks overhead. AII ulensiIs are gone. A
Iarge, sooly slone hearlh and chinney
are aIso presenl. In lhe end vaII on lhe
characlers Iefl is a Iov, arched opening
lhal legins lvo feel up lhe vaII. Tvo
heavy vooden doors (vilh diagonaI
franing) face lhe characlers on lhe vaII
ahead. If anyone inspecls lhe chinney
cIoseIy, a shrieking, yeIIov-eyed lal viII
fIy oul of lhe chinney righl al lhe char-
aclers. Ils an ordinary lal (AC 8, MV
1/24, HD, 2 hp, liles for 1 hp dan-
age pIus disease, as per causc iscasc, if
a save vs. poison is nol nade). A charac-
ler nay cIinl up lhe chinney if he pos-
sesses any cIinling aliIily, olhervise, a
characler has a 4O chance of success-
fuIIy cIinling lhe chinney passage.
The chinney exils inlo lhe ruins of
Mylh Drannor overhead, serving as an
energency escape roule (lhough il is a
fiIlhy one, loo). If lhe chopping-lIock
lalIe is cIoseIy inspecled, il viII le
found lo le covered vilh a pecuIiar,
gunny ichor. A Iarge neal cIeaver is
Iying on lhe lalIelop, ils lIade aIso cov-
ered vilh lhe ichor. This is lhe pIace
vhere Aziner has leen kiIIing Iarvae
lroughl lo hin ly sunnoned denons
and nighl hags, vhich heIps hin lo
nainlain his Iichhood (lhough he no
Ionger sees hinseIf as a Iich al aII).
1O. This 1O-fool-vide, 2O-fool-deep rool
ceIIar has a Iov, arched slone-lIock
ceiIing and a fairIy IeveI soIid slone
fIoor. In il are lunches of oId, nouIder-
ing onions, a spongy, pungenl-sneIIing
keg of leer (nov spoiIed), a Iarge piIe of
slrav, and a rov of six enply earlhen-
vare jugs. A sevenlh jug has roIIed inlo
a corner and sliII has ils slopper in
pIace. Il is heavy, and sIoshing noises
cone fron inside vhen il is picked up.
The jug once conlained polenl rool
vine, hovever, il and lhe leer have
lolh spoiIed and are nov poisonous
(Ioss of 2 hp, pIus vracking pains and
nausea for one lurn if any anounl of
lhese is consuned, no speIIcasling,
allacks, or defense possilIe during lhis
line), lhough neilher lasles lad.
Hiding under lhe slrav in lhe ceIIar is
a Iarva (AC 7, MV 6, 1 HD, 8 hp, liles
for 2-5 hp danage). The Iarva escaped
fron Aziner a veek ago vhen lroughl
over lo lhe kilchen (area 9), and Aziner,
in his addIed slale, never lhoughl lo
Iook for il again. If discovered, lhe Iarva
viII pIead for nercy, speving forlh any
nunler of Iies and faIse pronises lo
heIp lhe parly. Il onIy vishes lo escape
lhe dungeon. Il viII cIain lo le a paIa-
din cursed ly Aziner lo Iook Iike a
vorn, lul viII nol say anylhing nore
aloul Aziner excepl lhal lhe nage is
crazy. The Iarva viII nake no reference
lo Aziners Iichhood.
11. The door lo lhis roon is Ialched lul
nol Iocked. Il creaks IoudIy vhen
opened lo reveaI a Iong, lare roon lhal
sneIIs fainlIy of herls, appIes, onions,
and lhe Iike. The fIoor is slrevn vilh
danp, rolling rushes, fron anong
vhich cones a phosphorescenl gIov al
lhe far end of lhe roon. The gIov is
fron a snaII (one fool Iong), harnIess
gIovvorn. Nolhing of vaIue is here.
12. A roon idenlicaI lo 11 (anolher pan-
lry), lul vilhoul lhe gIovvorn. If lhe
chanler is searched lhoroughIy, a nar-
rov gap nay le found in lhe vaIIs al
lhe lack (Ieading lo area 13). The gap
viII le found ly a characler on a roII of
1-3 on a d6 if lhe roon is searched for al
Ieasl 5 rounds.
13. A dark, rough-vaIIed, naluraI slone
passage vilh uneven fooling, sIick vilh
danp and harnIess noIds and Iichens,
Ieads lo a naluraI cavern. The cavern
sneIIs of vine and sone unidenlifialIe
rolling sulslance. The fIoor has a
secrel door in il (delecled on a 1 on 1d6
ly any characler searching for il: roII
once per lurn of searching). If lhe door
is opened, a snaII pil viII le discovered
in vhich lhe nouIdering renains of
severaI Iarvae and sone ninor lreasure
ar e s l or ed. A pc| i cn cf f i r c gi an|
s|rcng|n, 12O gp, and a uan cf nagic
nissi|cs (vilh 3 charges) are here.
14. The door lo lhis roon is nade of
slone and Iocked (il nusl le picked or
forced open vilh a lend lars roII lo gel
in). Wilhin is a 2O x 2O enply roon,
once a sloreroon.
15. Anolher sloreroon vilh a slone
door, lul lhis doors Iock has leen
picked. pening lhis door viII sliII
require a lend lars roII, since naleriaI
has leen shoved againsl lhe olher side
of lhe door lo jan il shul. Inside lhe
roon is lhe lody of anolher of Lashans
nen, an eIf fighler/lhief in Iealher
arnor vho vas prolalIy lhe Iasl of
Lashans nen lo die inside lhe nages
schooI. The eIf escaped fron Aziner as
lhe Iich chased and kiIIed lhe resl of lhe
nen i n l he nor l her n end of l he
dungeon across lhe chasn (area 16),
having nade il across lhe chasn, lhe eIf
di scovered l hal Azi ner had used
i ncnsi cn ccr l o arri ve i n area 2
(judging fron lhe screans of lhe guards
lhere). The eIf look refuge in area 15
afler picking lhe Iock, lul Aziner
found hin anyvay vilh anolher incn-
sicn ccr. Aziner, sliII enraged fron
Lashans successfuI allack on hin (see
area 28), innedialeIy sIev lhe eIf vilh
his freezing louch. Irosllillen scars in
lhe shape of skeIelaI hands appear over
lhe eIfs face, arns, and chesl.
If searched, lhe eIf viII le found lo
have a sel of lhieves looIs, a pouch
inside his arnor vilh lvo gens (lolh
vorlh 1OO gp), a pass idenlifying lhe
learer as an agenl of Lashans arny,
and a ring cf ua|cr orca|ning (as per
lhe druid speII, vilh indefinile dura-
lion). A spca| ui|n ca speII viII reveaI
lhe eIfs spiril lo le ralionaI, lul very
caIcuIaling and angry lhal he has leen
sIain. He knovs il vas a Iich lhal kiIIed
hin, lul viII nol leII lhis lo lhe parly
oul of sheer naIiciousness (he vas a
neulraI eviI eIf). If he can nisIead lhe
parly, he viII do so.
16. The corridor ends on lhe Iip of a
vasl, dark chasn: a naluraI under-
ground rifl Iil here and lhere ly gIov-
ing palches of yeIIov fungi. Sone 7O
feel avay, on lhe olher side of lhe
cavern and sIighlIy Iover, lhe corridor
opens oul again. The rough, slaIaclile-
sludded ceiIing of lhe cavern is visilIe
overhead, lhe lollon is shrouded in
darkness. (A pellIe or olher ilen
dropped viII lake lvo seconds lo hil,
indicaling a deplh of aloul 6O feel.) The
chasn is crossed ly a rov of seven
gIoving, pearIy-vhile squares, appar-
enlIy nade up onIy of Iighl, each 7 x 7
and separaled fron lhe nexl square ly
a 3-fool gap (or 1 feel fron lhe lunneI
fIoors on eilher side). AII is siIenl. Iar lo
lhe Iefl, 9O feel avay, sone sorl of
arched lridge or viaducl can le seen
paraIIeIing lhe squares of Iighl (see area
24), lhe sound of rushing valer cones
fron lhe lridge.
The chasn is 6O feel deep, neasuring
fron lhe IeveI of lhe squares, any char-
acler faIIing inlo il lakes 6d6 poinls of
danage and nusl nake a syslen shock
roII in order lo escape leconing Iane
(nove al 3 speed pernanenlIy). RoII
percenliIe dice vhenever a characler
noves fron one square lo lhe nexl,
vilh a resuIl of OO indicaling lhal lhe
characler has sIipped on a squares
sIighlIy sIick surface and faIIen. Do nol
roII vhen a characler crosses fron a
lunneI lo a square, or fron a square lo a
lunneI noulh. A running characler has
a 1O chance of sIipping off vhen
junping fron square lo square. A char-
acler viII nornaIIy cross lhe chasn in 3
rounds, laking haIf a round (5 seg-
nenls) lo cross fron one square lo
anolher, crossing fron a lunneI lo a
square or vice versa is considered lo le
aulonalic. Running across lhe chasn
successfuIIy lakes onIy haIf a round.
If slruck soIidIy ly a nonsler (see
leIov) vhiIe on one of lhe squares, a
characler has a 5 chance of faIIing off
per hil poinl of danage infIicled on
hin. The Iighl squares viII soIidIy sup-
porl characlers vilhoul dipping or
novi ng, regardI ess of hov nuch
veighl is pul on lhen. A ispc| nagic
casl on a square viII cause il lo vink oul
of exislence inslanlIy, dropping vhal-
ever is on il lo lhe chasn fIoor.
When lhe forenosl nenler of lhe
parly reaches lhe cenler square over
lhe chasn, a doonlal (kepl as a guard-
ian ly Aziner, AC 4, MV 18, 6 + 3 HD,
33 hp, liles for 1-6 hp and Iashes for 1-4
hp, shriek ruins aII speIIcasling
allenpls and causes aII hil allenpls lo
have a - 1 penaIly, |ign| speIIs viII keep
il fron allacking) viII allack ly svoop-
ing pasl lhe parly, liling and laiI-Iashing
as il shrieks for five rounds. The doon-
lal, afler il finishes lhe 5-round shriek-
ing allack, viII lhen slarl allacking
characlers ly snalching al lhen vilh
ils feel (roII lo hil as a 6 HD nonsler lo
gral viclin) and dropping lhen inlo
lhe chasn. nce soneone has faIIen
inlo lhe chasn, lhe doonlal viII fIy
dovn and allack hin lhere conlinu-
ousIy unliI lhe viclin is sIain and
anolher viclin can le caughl and
The doonlal cannol enler lhe lun-
neIs Ieading oul of lhe chasn. Il is fan-
ished fron Iack of food and viII never
relreal once ils allacks have slarled.
Anyone hearing lhe doonlals cries has
a 5 grealer chance of faIIing vhen
noving fron square lo square.
When lhe forenosl nenler of lhe
parly reaches lhe square cIosesl lo lhe
norlhern lunneI enlrance, a piercer
(AC 3, MV 1, 4 HD, 2O hp, 4-24 hp dan-
age fron drop, 95 IikeIy lo surprise)
viII faII on hin or her (nornaI hil roII
17. The chasn is dark, vilh a rocky
fIoor slrevn vilh sand (lhere vas once
an underground Iake here), lones fron
lhe doonlals and piercers viclins,
and sone ninor lreasure. CIoving
noIds and fungi can le found here, and
harnIess crickels and cave snakes nesl
in lhe shadovs. The sheII of a Iong-dead
gianl scorpion rises ship-Iike al lhe easl-
ern end of lhe chasn fIoor, and lhe
renains of severaI hunans Iiller lhe
ground under lhe Iighl squares. (AII feII
fron lhe vaIkvay alove.) nIy lhe
nosl recenlIy dead hunan nay le con-
lacled using a spca| ui|n ca speII, he
viII prove cooperalive, lul onIy if his
lody is given a proper luriaI (his reIi-
gion requires his lody lo le innoIal-
ed). He knovs aloul Aziners Iichhood,
having leen in area 28 vhen Lashan
allacked lhe forner archnage, lul he
ran lefore he knev of Lashans fale.
ne skeIelon vears rollen Iealher
arnor, vilh a sncr| sucr +1, +2 ts.
nagic-using an cncnan|c crca|urcs,
and lvo nornaI siIvered daggers (one
al leIl, one in Iefl lool). Il vears a goId
ring (vorlh 1O gp) and has 6O feel of
vaxed calIe Iooped around ils vaisl as
a leIl. Beside lhis one is a skeIelon in
rusly lul usalIe chain naiI, vilh a
crunpIed nelaI shieId under il, a Iong
svord leIled lo il, and a handaxe faIIen
nearly. Il has a linder lox, lvo Iarge
enply sacks, and a lroken Ianlern.
A skeIelon in lallered roles is cIose
ly, vearing a lrass ring (a ring cf prc-
|cc|icn +3) and cIulching a lroken
slaff. In ils lackpack are a sloppered
slainIess sleeI viaI (a pc|icn cf nca|ing,
reslores 2d4 + 2 hp), lhree lroken can-
dIes, lvo quiIIs, a lollIe of ink, and a
speIIlook vilh 16 pages in il. The Iasl
lhree are lIank, lhe olhers conlain
lurning nans, cn|argc, icn|ifq, junp,
rca nagic, snic|, spicr c|ino, uri|c,
ccn| i nua| | i gn| , i nti si oi | i | q, |ncc|,
|cca|c cojcc|, and ispc| nagic. MaleriaI
conponenls packaged in cIolh lags, for
lhe caslings of aII of lhese speIIs, can le
found in lhe pockels of lhe roles.
Near lhe norlhern end of lhe chasn is
a skeIelon in red roles, vilh sludded
Iealher arnor undernealh and an iron
heIn. A shallered vooden pendanl,
prolalIy once a hoIy synloI, hangs
fron ils neck, and a snashed Ianlern is
gripped in one hand. Tvo shallered
gIass fIasks are in a pack on ils lack,
and a hanner hangs fron ils Iefl vrisl
ly a Iooped slrap. A nacc +1 is in a
vrapped shealh al ils leIl, lhis gIovs as
a crinson facric firc vhen grasped.
A freshIy dead hunan in pIale naiI,
vilh inlacl nelaI shieId, heIn, and
arnored lools, Iies on lop of lhe cIerics
renains. A dagger is al ils feel, a lroad
svord in ils hand, and a (lroken) javeIin
sIung across ils lack. The hunans
shieId has lhe insignia of Lashans arny
upon il. His leIl purse conlains 15 gp, 2
ep, and 5 cp.
18. Tvo fealureIess slone doors (lo
areas 19 and 27) and a corridor open
oul fron lhis chanler, vhich conlains
an enply lorch lrackel sel inlo lhe vaII
in one corner and a sigiI in red nosaic
liIes inIaid in lhe cenler of lhe paIe gray
fIoor. The nosaic pallern is lhal of lhe
vizards schooI lhal once fIourished
here. A roII of 1 on 1d6 indicales lhal
anyone searching lhis area for one lurn
viII successfuIIy delecl lhe lrap on lhe
sigiI. The lvo doors are uizar |cc|c
(19lh IeveI). If lhe sigiI is slepped on or
dislurled in any vay, a hoIe viII sIenlIy
open in lhe ceiIing alove il and an iron
colra (AC O, MV 12, 1 HD, 8 hp, liles
for 1-3 pIus poison (sIeep for 1-2 hours),
saves as 12lh-IeveI nagic-user, innune
lo aII viII-force speIIs and ucos, lakes
haIf danage fron nornaI veapons,
49 chance lo hide in shadovs, noves
siIenlIy) viII slrike dovn oul of il al any-
one and everyone in area 18. The acluaI
Iair of lhe iron colra is a 5 square
aIcove alove area 18.
19. This 2O x 3O roon is Iined vilh
deep, fIoor-lo-ceiIing sheIves covering
aII four vaIIs (excepl for lhe door). In
lhe cenler of lhe roon is a slurdy lres-
lIe lalIe and lvo high slooIs. The
sheIves are cranned vilh slored nale-
riaI conponenls for speIIs and equip-
nenl, incIuding 16 lrass lraziers, a pol
of pilch, eighl inlacl lurlIe sheIIs, and a
vide assorlnenl of jars conlaining eve-
rylhing fron coaI lo cryslaIs lo hunan
eyeIashes. If lhe sheIves are exanined
cIoseIy, a doorvay-vide seclion in lhe
soulh-easl corner viII le found lo have
joinls in il (lreaks or seans in aII lhe
sheIves). If puIIed, lhis seclion viII
sving oul lo reveaI a dark passagevay
lehind il.
2O. This 3O x 3O roon has an unIocked,
open slone door, il conlains onIy a
vooden arnchair and circuIar lalIe,
vilh a ring of eighl slooIs around il. AII
are rolling and sonevhal rickely.
21. This area is siniIar lo area 2O,
excepl lhal lhe door is cIosed and uiz-
ar |cc|c (19lh IeveI). The vaIIs of lhis
roon are covered in iIIegilIe scravI,
vrillen vilh a charcoaI slick. Aziner, in
his nadness, leIieves he is crealing a
nev polion fornuIa lhal viII give hin
innorlaIily and godIike povers, in
lrulh, as any nagic-user of 8lh IeveI or
higher viII le alIe lo leII, il is neaning-
22. This Iarge (6O high x 17O Iong x 4O
vide al ils videsl) irreguIar, naluraI
cavern has a sandy fIoor, and a cIear-
valered, coId, svifl-fIoving slrean al
ils vesl end. The valer faIIs dovn lhe
rock face fron cIefls high up, coIIecls in
a liny pooI, and fIovs sviflIy lo lhe
soulhvesl vhere lhe cavern narrovs.
Il is Iarge enough for characlers lo
svin across. The roon is Iil ly a fainl
facric firc radiance casl on lhe ceiIing
alove lhe slrean. Tvo of Lashans nen
escaped as far as lhis cavern vhen Azi-
ner lecane enraged, lul lheir lodies
Iie in lhe norlheasl end of lhe cavern,
sIain ly nagic nissi|cs. Lach nan is
dressed in chain naiI and carries a
lroad svord, neilher possesses any
equipnenl of consequence. If conlacl-
ed ly a spca| ui|n ca speII, eilher
nan viII prove laIkalive, lul neilher
knovs of Lashans fale.
23. The slrean rushes rapidIy aIong a
naluraI passage, a rough-vaIIed chule
vi l h 4- 6 i nches of dank ai rspace
lelveen lhe slone ceiIing and lhe
valer. Characlers svinning lhe icy
slrean viII lecone nunl aInosl inne-
dialeIy, lhey viII find il hard lo hoId
lhings, lheir coordinalion leconing
sIov, inprecise, and veak (reduce dex-
lerily ly haIf, dropping fraclions). This
effecl viII Iasl for 5-1O rounds afler a
characler Ieaves lhe slrean. Belveen
lhe cavern (area 22) and lhe viaducl
(area 24), lhe svinners viII le svepl
inlo a skeIelon Iodged againsl an oId
iron graling (vhich is lvisled lo one
side, aIIoving easy passage). Lxanina-
lion of lhe skeIelon, vhich is lhal of a
nagic-user, viII reveaI a lrass ring cf
fca|ncr fa||ing and a siIvered dagger in a
leIl shealh. The skeIelon has a singIe
pearI on a chain aloul ils neck, a pcar|
cf pcucr vhich recaIIs a 3rd-IeveI speII
if vorn ly a nagic-user,
24. The slrean is carried across lhe
chasn here ly a 4-fool-high vaIIed via-
ducl, lefore il pIunges once nore inlo a
rocky lunneI. If lhe slrean is foIIoved
furlher, lhe parly viII find il passes
undernealh lvo shafls or hoIes~lhe
garderoles of areas 7 and 8~lefore
sveeping on for niIes under lhe earlh
lo join lhe River Ashala jusl norlh of
MislIedaIe. The coId valer viII quickIy
paraIyze any unprolecled characler
vho is even parliaIIy innersed in il,
vilh lhis effecl leginning as soon as a
characler passes lhe shafl Ieading up lo
area 8. Any paraIyzed characler vho
does nol have sone neans of lrealhing
undervaler viII drovn, lhose vho sur-
vive viII le svepl aIong in lhe slrean
unliI lhey are deposiled in lhe river
afler sone five hours of lraveI. Il is pos-
silIe for a characler lo vaIk againsl lhe
currenl, lul onIy if sone sorl of prolec-
lion fron coId is enpIoyed (such as a
c uo c c f f r c s | r c s i s | a nc c , a r i ng c f
uarn|n, or a rcsis| cc| speII).
25. The door lo lhis roon is nade of
slone and is uizar |cc|c (19lh IeveI).
Wilhin Iies a 5O x 65 chanler carved
fron soIid rock, conlaining a huge
crescenl-shaped lalIe fashioned of
lIack vood, vilh lhirly-lhree slraighl-
lacked chairs of lhe sane naleriaI
dravn up around il. Three gIoles of
gIoving, innaleriaI Iighl hang in nid-
air on lhe far (easl) side of lhe roon,
and each has an ilen hanging suspend-
ed in il: a slaff, a Iarge egg-shaped
spheroid, and a crovn. Three freshIy
sIain hunan lodies Iie on lhe fIoor
around lhe lalIe, each ladIy nauIed
and parliaIIy ealen. verhead fIoals a
huge lrainIike nonsler vilh a parrol-
Iike leak and len lenlacIes, each as Iong
as a nan is laII. Iour genIike slones cir-
cIe aloul ils head, oul of reach of lhe
characlers. Il fIoals lovard lhe charac-
lers, vrilhing ils lenlacIes. The non-
sler is a greII (AC 4, MV 12, HD 5, 35
hp, 1O lenlacIe allacks for 1-4 (pIus save
vs. paraIyzalion al +4) and lile for 1-6,
fIies ly |cti|a|icn, innune lo Iighlning)
lhal viII allack anyone enlering lhe
roon. Il did nol kiII lhe lhree hunans
vho Iie aloul, having leen fed lhen
inslead ly Aziner (vho keeps lhe non-
sler as a pel). The condilion of lhe
lodies indicales lhal lhey vere sIain
onIy vilhin lhe Iasl fev days, in lhe
sane nanner as lhe dead in areas 5 and
15. They vere forner varriors of
Treasure is scallered aloul lhe roon,
and consisls of a shorl svord, lhree
daggers, four iron spikes, a vooden
naIIel, a 6O rope, a luIIseye Ianlern, a
uan cf cncnq c|cc|icn (four charges
Iefl), a purse vilh 6 gp, a orca sucr
+2, a hanner, a spear, lhree sels of
chain naiI, lvo lIankels, lvo darls, a
scroII of lvo nagic nissi|c speIIs (al 6lh
IeveI of aliIily), and five fIasks of fIan-
nalIe oiI. Aziner had no use for such
ilens (or so he leIieved).
IIoaling jusl alove lhe greII are four
icun s|cncs. The firsl is a paIe green
prisn (adds one IeveI of experience),
lhe second a pearIy vhile spindIe
(regenerales 1 hp of danage per lurn),
lhe lhird a paIe Iavender eIIipsoid
(alsorls speIIs of up lo 4lh IeveI, lurns
oul lo duII gray afler alsorling 1O speII
IeveIs), and finaIIy a duII gray eIIipsoid
(lurned oul). The second and lhird
slones funclion nornaIIy vhen vhirI-
ing around lhe greII.
The lhree fIoaling ilens in lhe gIoles
of Iighl are lrophies. The gIoving
gIoles of air are nereIy pernanenl sla-
sis fieIds, lhey hoId any oljecl pIaced in
lhen nolionIess, |cti|a|c, and prolecl-
ed fron decay. Characlers reaching
inlo lhe gIoles of Iighl viII nol le
harned. The ilens are a s|aff cf curing
(four charges Iefl), a red dragons egg
(ferliIe and halchalIe vilhin lvo
veeks, vaIue 15OO gp), and a crovn of
siIver (vorlh 55O gp) sel vilh six lIack
sapphires (vaIue 5OOO gp each) and a
5OOO-gp-vaIue cIear red ruly, sel in a
spire in lhe cenler fronl of lhe crovn.
This ruly is acluaIIy a gcn cf sccing.
26. This haIIvay is Iined on lolh sides
vilh a lolaI of fifleen Iife-sized slone
slalues, slanding on 1-fool-laII lIocks of
slone. They are aII exlreneIy IifeIike
and aII radiale a fainl dveoner, lul are
nereIy veII-scuIpled slalues of fanous
nagic-users, nolhing nore. (DMs nay
consider having a fev of lhese slalues
le pelrified, poverfuI nages vho
laughl al lhe schooI and eIecled lo vail
lhen in lines of need.)
in lhis vay for apprenlices lo vake
Tvo cIosed, uizar |cc|c (19lh IeveI)
slone doors are sel in lhe vaIIs of lhis
haIIvay, one al lhe easl end, and one al
lhe soulh vaII (Ieading lo areas 27 and
28, respecliveIy).
27. This 2O x 6O roon vas once lhe
Iilrary of lhe SchooI of Wizardry, nov
il is a fire-scarred ruin. Ashes and
crunlIing, charred sheIves Iine lhe
vaIIs and Iiller lhe fIoor in lhe cenler of
lhe roon, vhere rennanls shov lhal
lhree lalIes, vilh four chairs al each,
slood here. Dusl Iies lhick on lhe ashes,
lhe fire vas nol a recenl lhing, and sur-
prisingIy fev ashes are on lhe sheIves.
CIose exaninalion viII reveaI lhal lhe
looks and scroIIs of lhe Iilrary vere
aInosl aII gone or renoved lefore lhe
fire occurred. WaIIs, fIoor, and ceiIing
are aII lIackened ly snoke, and if lhese
are Iooked al, lhe oulIines of a narrov
door can le seen on lhe soulh vaII, in
lhe corner vhere il neels lhe vesl
vaII. If lhis area is pushed, il viII sIide
noiseIessIy avay lo reveaI a dark, siIenl
28. This roon is 3O x 3O, and furnished
vilh a nassive carved vooden arn-
chair, an ovaI side-lalIe vilh a Iarge
look on il, and a purpIe lapeslry on lhe
soulh vaII adorned vilh a goIden sigiI
idenlicaI lo lhe one on lhe fIoor of lhe
cenlraI haIIvay (area 18). The roon is
iIIuninaled ly a lrighlIy gIoving laII of
green fungus lhal sils in a lovI fuII of
vhal Iooks Iike valer and oId, lIack
lIood. A skeIelaI hand, sliII lIolched
vilh scraps of rolling fIesh, is visilIe,
projecling haIf oul of lhe lovI, lhe fun-
gus is groving on lhe carrion. The lovI
is under lhe lalIe. Silling in lhe chair is
a skeIelon vilh shriveIed skin sliII
adhering lo il, il is vearing rolling
roles, and ils eyes are lvo coId, lvin-
kIing vhile poinls of Iighl. Il geslures al
lhe characlers lo approach.
This is Aziner (AC O, MV 6, HD 19,
76 hp, allacks for 1-1O (pIus save vs.
paraIyzalion), causes fcar in aII crea-
lures leIov 5lh IeveI or 5 HD, slruck
onIy ly nagicaI veapons or allacks,
innune lo cnarn, s|ccp, cnfcco|cncn|,
pc|qncrpn, cc|, c|cc|rici|q, insani|q
(scc leIov), or ca|n spc||s/sqnoc|s).
Though as a Iich he is innune lo fur-
lher allacks causing insanily, Aziners
nenlaI iIIness predaled his conversion
lo a Iich, and his insanily cannol nov le
cured ly any neans.
Aziner is sliII veII equipped vilh
speIIs, and his condilion sliII aIIovs hin
lo casl lhen (lhough he has a 1
chance per IeveI of a speII allenpled of
lIoving lhe speII so lhal il does nol go
off). His currenl speIIs are as foIIovs:
nagic nissi|c (x3), rca nagic, snic|,
ccn|inua| |ign|, |SP |cti|a|c, nagic
ncu|n, uizar |cc|, ispc| nagic, gus|
cf uin, nc| pcrscn (x2), suggcs|icn,
incnsicn ccr (x2), fire lrap, vaII of
fire, vaII of ice, cIoudkiII, feelIenind,
hoId nonsler (x2), ua|| cf fcrcc, an|i-
nagic snc||, ca|n spc||, rcpu|sicn, cacc-
ac ncn, pcuc r ucr s | un, r c tc r s c
grati|q, O||cs irrcsis|io|c ancc, pcucr
ucr o|in (x2), and inpriscnncn|.
Nole lhal Aziner s nagic nissi|c
speIIs leach firing len nissiIes lhal do 2-
5 hp danage apiece) nay le direcled al
separale largels if lhe Iich so vishes.
Aziner viII enpIoy lhese firsl, inler-
spersing lhen vilh any defensive speIIs
he deens necessary (e.g., feelIenind
on speIIcaslers, nc| pcrscn or nc|
ncns| cr on chargi ng al l ackers, or
rctcrsc grati|q on a group of allackers,
an|i-nagic snc|| if he faces nany speII-
caslers, and so forlh). Aziner viII use
incnsicn ccr lo gel inlo area 29 if
seriousIy lhrealened.
AII of Aziners speIIs are vrillen in
lhe look on lhe lalIe. (This is his finaI
speIIlook, vhich he no Ionger needs
lul vhich he keeps for senlinenlaI rea-
sons.) The look has a firc |rap casl on il
(5 radius expIosion doing 19 + 1d4
danage vhen opened, unI ess l he
proper saving lhrov is nade).
Aziner viII al firsl greel lhe charac-
lers in a lrusque nanner, denanding
(in a ghaslIy vhisper) lo knov vhere
lhe characlers have leen, vhy lhey
havenl leen sludying lheir speIIlooks,
and scoIding lhen for nol seening lo
care aloul hov inporlanl lheir vork
al lhe schooI is. He viII lhen gel up and
lecone nore friendIy and palronizing,
conlinuing lo lreal lhe characlers as
favored pupiIs in his nagic schooI and
caIIing lhen ly lhe nanes of nagic-
users Iong dead vho Iived al lhe schooI.
He viII avoid louching lhe characlers
unIess one of lhen appears lo le leIIig-
erenl or laIks lack lo hin, lhen he
nighl genlIy rap lhe characler once
(doing nornaI danage fron his coId
louch) and conlinue vilh his lusiness.
Aziner leIieves he is a Iiving hunan
leing, and cannol le convinced lhal he
is reaIIy a Iich. He viII lreal any con-
nenls lo lhe conlrary as sone sorl of
joke or insuIl, depending on hov such
connenls are franed. If allacked, he
viII defend hinseIf as descriled alove.
Though he sliII sunnons nighl hags
and denons lo coIIecl Iarvae, enalIing
hin lo nainlain his exislence as a Iich,
he nov leIieves he is doing lhis in order
lo achieve godhood (vhich viII never
No sign of Lashan viII le seen in lhe
roon, and lhere are no signs of a scuf-
fIe. If Lashans descriplion is given lo
lhe Iich (he vas 6 laII, dark haired vilh
a heavy leard, very nuscuIar, and had
green eyes), or if he is naned, Aziner
viII lecone agilaled and curse Lashan
as a lrailor, lackslaller, lhief, Iiar, and
cheal. The Iich viII heap aluse upon
Lashan, evenluaIIy slopping lo give oul
a horrifying giggIe and adnil lhal
Lashan nov sIeeps al lhe cenler of lhe
vorId. Afler s|unning (vilh a pcucr
ucr s|un) and para|qzing Lashan vilh
his louch, Aziner used an |SP on lhe
unforlunale lyranl, Iearned aloul his
Iife, and lhen casl an inpriscnncn|
speII on hin.
The Dungeon Masler nay have Azi-
ner perforn any nunler of lizarre
lehaviors and say nonsensicaI and cra-
zy lhings vhen inleracling vilh lhe
parly. Aziner has no desire lo Ieave his
underground hone, and if Iefl aIone he
viII evenluaIIy vasle avay and his spir-
il viII perish vilhin a fev hundred
nore years. Though he is eviI and nay
cerlainIy le dangerous, he is for lhe
nosl parl harnIess~unIess angered.
29. Here aII lhe secrel passages neel. A
1-inch-dianeler hoIe is in lhe ceiIing of
lhis chanler, and vilhin il is a sIighlIy
snaIIer keyhoIe. A 2-inch-dianeler
round hoIe is in lhe fIoor, exlending
dovn lhree feel. Al lhe lollon of lhe
hoIe in lhe fIoor can le seen a Iong, goId
key, if a Iighl is direcled inlo lhe hoIe.
If lhe parly figures oul a vay lo gel
lhe key up oul of lhe hoIe (various speIIs
viII vork, or sone slicky sulslance~
pi l c h f r on a lur ni ng l or c h, f or
exanpIe~can le appIied lo lhe end of a
slaff, a slick of vood, or a rope) and
inserls il inlo lhe keyhoIe in lhe ceiIing,
lhe door Ieading inlo area 3O viII open.
The Iich viII fIee here if pressed, using a
rctcrsc grati|q speII lo gel al lhe key,
vhich is lhe onIy unfixed oljecl here.
3O. The passage here is guarded ly a
piercer (1 HD, 7 hp, does 1-6 hp dan-
age) lhal hangs direclIy over lhe secrel
door enlrance. This Iasl irreguIar, nalu-
raI passage apparenlIy Ieads lo a dead
end, lul shorlIy lefore ils end, on lhe
easl vaII, is a secrel door (see area 29)
Ieading inlo a naluraI rock cavern, once
l he quarl ers of l he Masl er of l he
SchooI. This cavern roon is Iined vilh
looks, nosl are Iighl reading in ralher
archaic connon and eIven longues, lul
speIIlooks (one look per speII IeveI)
nay le found, conlaining aII knovn
nagic-user speIIs excepl for lhose
naned speIIs (Iike lhe 8igoqs nan
AIso presenl are lvo vooden arn-
chairs, a vide col vilh collon sheels
and a vooI lIankel, a rug, a lalIe, a
chanler pol, lvo (enply) vooden
kegs, lvo pevler lankards, an oiI Ianp
and sixleen fIasks of oiI (on a lollon
looksheIf lo one side), a siIver ncrn cf
Va|na||a, an a|cncnq jug, a uan cf
ncga|icn (six charges Iefl, connand
vord Arlraer engraved on lhe lull),
a nc| n cf ccnprcncni ng | anguagcs
an rcaing nagic, four pc|icns cf nca|-
ing (each reslores 2d4 +2 hp), and a
ncc||acc cf aap|a|icn. None of lhese
ilens is IaleIed or in any vay idenlified,
and aII are usalIe ly any characler
Books o[ 1he
Fongo11em ReaLms
Hereafler foIIov descriplions of sone
of lhe naj or nagicaI lones of lhe
ReaIns. They are defined in lerns of
appearance, hislory, and conlenls. In
cases vherein lhe lone conlains nev
or unique speIIs, lhose are aIso Iisled in
slandard P|aqcrs Hanocc| fornal.
Nchasers Llronancla
Appcarancc: Thi s l one i s l hi n,
lound in lIack Iealher, and lears lhe
lilIe |iqrcnancia on lhe cover, slanped
and inIaid vilh nolher-of-pearI. The
edges of lhe lone have aII aloul leen
prolecled vilh lealen copper slrips,
and lhese are filled vilh lvo cIasps.
The cIasps are unIalched ly lvisling a
siIver knol on each, if lhe lollon knol
is lvisled vilhoul firsl lvisling and
renoving lhe lop one, a poisoned nee-
dIe springs up lhe side of lhe knol. The
assassin Nalhode says il is coaled vilh
Type D (or equivaIenl inlensily) insinu-
alive poison, apparenlIy reneved fron
a reservoir under lhe linding. Nalhode
did nol handIe lhe lone hinseIf, lul
olserved ils effecl upon anolher. His
leslinony verifies a foIk Iegend vhich
says lhal aII vho lry lo open Ncnascrs
|iqrcnancia die.
Nalhodes recoIIeclion dales lack sev-
en vinlers, vhen lhe look vas lroughl
lo lhe courl of Lord Nasher ly a ner-
chanl, one Iurjur lhe IIippanl, vho
loId lhe Lord lhal lhe lone vas soId lo
hin ly a land of advenluring dvarves
he encounlered in a cIearing deep in
lhe norlhern foresls. ne of lhe nen-
lers of Nashers courl allenpled lo
open lhe look, vilh falaI resuIls (lhis is
vhal Nalhode olserved), and il vas
pIaced unopened in lhe Lords Iilrary
(Iurjur had gifled il lo lhe Lord in
relurn for a charler). Il vas sulse-
quenlIy sloIen during lhe riols of lhe
Iive Iires Rising, and ils presenl vhere-
alouls are unknovn.
HIstnry and DcscrIptInn: The nage
Nchaser has nol leen seen for nearIy
lvenly vinlers. Before his disappear-
ance Nchaser vandered lhe ReaIns,
vorking and seeking afler nagic, and
upon lvo occasions served as an advi-
sor lo a IocaI ruIer. n lhe second of
lhese occasions, vhiIe serving lhe High
Caplains of lhe cily of Luskan, Nchaser
vrole lhe |iqrcnancia and gave il lo
lhe High Caplain TaerI. Sone line afler
Nchasers deparlure, lhe lone vas
sloIen, and Iike ils aulhor il has vander-
ed lhe ReaIns ever since. AIuslrieI, lhe
High Lady of SiIverynoon, had il lrief-
Iy, gifling il lo a dvarf of lhe CiladeI
Adlar. The dvarf never relurned
hone, and lhe look vas Iosl again~and
so il has gone lhrough lhe years.
Cnntcnts: The vizard Arlane, vho
sav lhe look lriefIy vhiIe il vas al
Luskan (he vas friend lo lhe High Cap-
lain SuIjack), reporls lhal il conlains
four nagic-user speIIs: Nu|a|nccs Ninc-
ncn (pronounced Nin -en-en), a unique
speII of lhe fiflh IeveI used lo prolecl
and preserve a dead lody, Ncnascrs
g|cuing g|coc, a unique speII of lhe
fourlh IeveI vhich is used in lhe crea-
lion of Iuninous gIoles, and lhe rare
speIIs par| ua|cr and slalue.
A unique speII is a speII nol connonIy
avaiIalIe, found onIy in lhe lexl in ques-
lion or eIse leIieved lo have leen firsl
sel dovn lherein. In sone cases il
neans onIy lhal lhe lexl in queslion is
lhe earIiesl surviving source of lhe
speII. The firsl of lhe unique speIIs vas
devised ly Nchasers lulor NuIalhoe,
and lhe second is of Nchasers inven-
lion. By lhe kindness of Arlane lhe
Mighly, lolh are reproduced leIov.
Nu|a|nccs Nincncn
LeveI: 5
Range: Touch
Duralion: Iernanenl
Area of Lffecl: ne corpse
Conponenls: V,S,M
Casling Tine: 5 segnenls
Saving Throv: None
Exp!anatInn/DcscrIptInn: This speII
serves lo prolecl dead crealures of aII
sorls againsl nornaI decay, nagicaIIy
slrenglhening lhe joinls of corpses or
corpse Iinls lo keep lhen suppIe and
usalIe. Ils nosl prevaIenl praclicaI use
is lo preserve dead conrades for pIac-
ing alop a lier in a sepuIcher, or in
hopes lhal lhey nay le raised. The
nagic-user requires fresh lIood fron a
crealure of lhe sane race/species as lhe
speII suljecl, and lhe dusl or povder
resuIling fron lhe crushing of a noon-
slone of nol Iess lhan 7 gp vaIue. As lhe
vords of lhe speII are spoken, lhe nosl
vilaI areas of lhe lody (chesl cavily,
head and neck, joinls of exlrenilies) are
sprinkIed vilh a snaII anounl of lIood,
and lhe vhoIe lody is lhen sprinkIed
vilh lhe noonslone dusl. The cIosing
geslure of lhe speII is lhe louching of
lhe corpse, vhereupon lhe speII viII
lake innediale effecl. Nole lhal lhis
speII does nol heaI vounds or slanch
Ncnascrs G|cuing G|coc
LeveI: 4
Range: Touch
Duralion: Iernanenl
Area of Lffecl: SpeciaI
Conponenls: V,S,M
Casling Tine:
Saving Throv: None
Exp!anatInn/DcscrIptInn: This speII
requires a gIole of lIovn gIass of lhe
finesl quaIily, and a spark. By lhe use of
lhis speII lhe casler creales an effecl
idenlicaI lo a conlinuaI Iighl speII cen-
lered vilhin a lransparenl oljecl, lul
vilh lhe lrighlness of lhe Iighl under
lhe caslers nenlaI conlroI. Conlinuous
conlroI need nol le nainlained, lhe
casler can nereIy exerl concenlralion
lo change lhe currenl Iuninosily of lhe
gIole, and il viII conlinue lo enil lhe
desired anounl of Iighl unliI a nev
nenlaI connand is received (unIess, of
course, il shouId le deslroyed). MenlaI
conlroI nay le nainlained over a gIole
fron a dislance of 9 per IeveI of lhe
casler (pIus 4 per poinl of inleIIigence
over 15). ConlroI of a gIole cannol le
vresled fron anolher excepl ly neans
of a uisn or |ini|c uisn ~or upon lhe
dealh of lhe ovner, vhereupon lhe
expeclanl ovner nusl louch lhe gIole
lo lake naslery over il.
The Book of the Sl|ter Ta|on ic SleeIeye. look: rca nagic, ourning nans, ccn-
Appcarancc: This look conprises
The advenlurer SleeIeye confirns p r c n c n | a ng ua g c s , c | c c | na g i c ,
26 papyrus Ieaves sevn inlo a Iealher
lhis incidenl, and adds lhal lhe gar- crasc, uri|c, icn|ifq, ncssagc, sncc|-
linding. The Iealher has leen dyed
goyIes vere sIain vilh a shover of siI- ing grasp, snic|, ar|ncss 15 raius,
lIack vilh sone lhick, duralIe dye lhal
ver arrovs ly lhe eIves of lhe High c|cc| intisioi|i|q, |ncc|, raq cf cnfcc-
renains suppIe and covers lhe hide
Ioresl as lhe crealures svooped Iov o|cncn|, uco, uizar |cc|, o|in|, ispc|
deepIy, preserving lhe lone sonevhal.
over lhe lreelops, Iooking for a pIace lo nagic, gus| cf uin, infratisicn, pnan-
Inlo lhe fronl cover is insel a siIver cIav
resl. |asna| fcrcc, and prc|cc|icn frcn ncr-
or laIon (heId ly neans of ils naiIs,
The gargoyIes vere fIying easl al lhe na| nissi|cs.
vhich pass lhrough lhe hide and have
line, and Asniak is runored lo Iive in IecuIiar lo lhe vork are sIighl varia-
leen foIded under shrevdIy vilh a
lhal direclion, far across deserls and lions in lhe speIIs lhal appear lo le
hanner so as lo cIose lhe grip), fron
nounlains. The look feII inlo lhe foresl Asniaks ovn. The nagician IhandaI,
vhich lhe look has gained ils nane.
and vas nol recovered ly lhe eIves, lul vho copied fron lhe vork speIIs he
The edges of lhe Ieaves have leen painl-
sonehov found ils vay lo a lazaar needed and noled lhe changes in lhose
ed red, ralher unevenIy, nollIing lhe
sone vinlers Ialer vhere il vas pur- he aIready knev, noles lhal lhe ourn-
lorder of each page.
chased ly lhe aslonished nagician ing nans speII deveIoped ly Asniak (or
IhandaI. He in lurn exchanged il for laughl lo hin ly lhe vizard ThurI) look
HIstnry and DcscrIptInn: This look
olher speIIs vilh lhe lheurgisl AIphon, four segnenls lo casl lecause of ils
is leIieved lo have leen lhe vorklook
vho fIed vilh lhe look inlo a foresl lo Ionger verlaI conponenl, and look lhe
of lhe fanous and nuch-feared arch-
escape repealed golIin raids againsl his forn of a lhin lean of fIane Iike a rod
nage Asniak, lhe ne Wilhoul Iear,
properly. Il is nol knovn hov AIphon or slaff exlending fron lhe caslers
vhen he vas lul an apprenlice lo lhe
fared afler lhal, lul lhe druid Rairun forefinger. This lean can le varied in
vizard ThurI. The slrongesl proof for
BIacklrov vas lhe nexl knovn lo
Ienglh fron lvo feel lo eighl feel ly
lhis leIief cones fron lhe laIon device
have possessed lhe look. He lried lo force of viII, lul is slopped (and defIecl-
sel in lhe cover (lhe look is unlilIed and
send il overIand lo a coIIeague, lul lhe ed, al possilIe hazard lo lhe caslerI ly
unsigned), vhich Asniak used al lhe caravan vanished in lhe noorIands en slone, lhick vood, earlh, and lhe Iike.
line. This does nol nean lhe look vas roule lo ils deslinalion. Casinur, vho relains lhis speII in his
necessariIy his, lul a sludy of Asniaks AIlhough no lrace of lhe caravan looks, noles lhal il can le fanned lack
deeds reveaIs his recurring allenpls lo ilseIf vas ever found, an advenlurer and forlh rapidIy ly nereIy vaving
ollain lhe look (or re-ollain il, assun- naned Shoon Ialer cane across lhe ones finger, and is lherefore far nore
ing he once possessed il). This indicales look in lhe dungeons of a deserled cas- lhan a parIor lrick for culling ropes or
he knovs lhe look exisls, lul ils con- lIe and lroughl il lo lhe cily of Waler- Iighling candIes.
lenls vouId le so superfIuous lo hin deep. There he soId il lo lhe nerchanl The lvenly-lhird page of lhe look,
nov, al lhe heighl of his pover, lhal his Deragus, vho never had a chance lo vhich vas leyond Casinurs naslery
allenpls seen lo le evidence of an seII il, since his shop vas rolled Ialer vhen he possessed il, conlains noles on
enolionaI allachnenl lo lhe lone. lhe sane nighl. The nasler lhief Dunas hov lo slrenglhen lhe speIIs fIane inlo
Asniaks allenpls lo possess lhe look is knovn lo have had lhe look one vin- a nore polenl veapon. This inproved
have never leen carried oul personaIIy, l er I al er, and he l raded i l l o an version is of lhe second IeveI of speIIs,
aIvays ly agenls. Al Ieasl eighl forner unknovn nagic-user for lhree nagicaI and lhe lheurgisl AIphon is lhoughl lo
ovners of lhe look, aII of lhen nagic veapons. The looks vherealouls al have enpIoyed il vhen lallIing lroIIs
users of Iov IeveI, have nel dealh
presenl are unknovn. Dunas has leen on lhe Lvernoors. Il lakes six segnenls
lecause of Asniaks servanls, and olher heard lo say hes gIad lo le rid of lhe lo casl, Iasls for lvo rounds, and con-
ovners of reIaliveIy higher IeveIs have 8cc| cf Tnc Si|tcr Ta|cn, and any vho sisls of a cone of fIane exlending 2O
narrovIy escaped lhe sane fale. Their find il vouId do veII lo conceaI il, or feel fron lhe forefinger, six feel in
reporls indicale lhal Asniak enpIoys a risk allack fron lhe servanls of Asniak. dianeler al ils farlhesl exlenl. The inlo-
varied conpIenenl of servanls, nany
Cnnt cnt s: The f i rsl l venl y- l vo
nalion of lhe verlaI conponenl diclales
of lhen nol hunan. ne survivor ly
Ieaves of lhe look conlain speIIs, aII
hov hol lhe fIanes viII le, lhey nay le
lhe nane of Casinur, an ex-nagic user
vrillen in nagicaI inks upon lhe papy-
so hol as lo creale a lreeze and cause
vho nov runs lhe WhislIing Wizard largel crealures lo faII lack fron lhe
Inn, reIales lhal he vas sIain ly lhree
rus in a sIanled, leaulifuI hand, incIud-
heal. The fIane does +1 danage (casl-
gargoyIes, vho fIed vilh nolhing lul
ing lhe necessary runes, gIyphs, and
synloIs and noles on necessary condi-
ers IeveI + 1, expressed in hil poinls) in
lhal one look fron anong lhose in his
lions and conponenls. The speIIs are,
lhe firsl round afler leing casl, and
Iilrary, and lhal he found lhis oul vhen danage equaI lo one-haIf lhe caslers
he vas sulsequenlIy raised ly lhe cIer-
in order of lheir appearance in lhe
IeveI (rounded up) in lhe second round.
Thus, a 7lh-IeveI casler does 8 poinls of
danage lo lhose slruck in lhe firsl
round, and 4 poinls lo each viclin in
lhe second round. IhandaI dulled lhis
speII lhe f|anc raq.
lher speII varialions are ninor.
Asniaks ar|ncss 15 raius uses a liny
viaI of ink snashed lo lhe ground, serv-
ing as lhe cenler of lhe speII effecl, as
veII as lal fur. Thus, lhe speII cannol le
noved once casl, and lhe ink seens Iess
effeclive lhan pilch or coaI, lecause lhe
speII Iasls onIy eighl rounds, pIus one
per IeveI of lhe casler. Asniak specifies
gianl oclopus ink, lul Casinur has sul-
sequenlIy experinenled vilh gianl
squid sepia, and reporls lhal il aIso pro-
duces darkness, aIlhough of lul six
rounds (pIus one per IeveI of lhe casler)
duralion. Asniaks version of lhe raq cf
cnfcco|cncn| has a differenl verlaI
conponenl lhan lhe accepled norn,
and lakes lhree segnenls lo casl. Il has
a fixed range of 6, and a fixed duralion
of eighl rounds. SiniIiarIy, Asniaks
o|in| speII has a fixed duralion of four
rounds, caused ly lhe differences in
lolh verlaI and sonalic sonponenls
(lhe IeveI and casling line renain lhe
Asniak s gus| cf uin speII is an
inproved version, il enanales fron a
seIf-chosen exlrenily of lhe casler, and
is lhus direclionaI~and lhe casler can
rapidIy change lhis direclion. Ils sonal-
ic conponenl differs fron lhe norn,
and ils naleriaI conponenl is a syca-
nore seed cIusler or niIkveed seed (or
siniIar seed, of lhe lype having hairIike
filers lhal enalIe il lo le lorne aIofl on
a lreeze).
The Iasl lhree pages of lhe look are
carefuI noles on lhe preparalion of
nagicaI inks for aII lhe firsl-IeveI speIIs
in lhe look. Users of lhe arl viII nolice
lhal lhese are nol lhe onIy knovn ink
fornuIas for lhese speIIs.
The Chanbee|eon
Appcarancc: Thi s l one i s l ruI y
respIendenl. Ils covers are sheels of
poIished, iridescenl alaIone edged and
cornered vilh lealen goId, ils pages are
of lurnished eIeclrun, inlo vhich
scripl has leen elched and runes,
gIyphs, synloIs and characlers are
enlossed or raised fron lhe surface.
The ChanleeIeon (pronounced Kan-
8||-|cc-cn) is prolalIy vorlh 4,OOO gp
in naleriaIs aIone. Il is vorlh far nore
lo a nagic-user, hovever, lecause of ils
HIstnry and DcscrIptInn: The ori-
gin of lhis lone is unknovn, lul il is
cerlainIy of greal anliquily. Many Ieg-
ends exisl ascriling ils aulhorship lo
various sea gods and poverfuI leings,
lul nolhing of lhe looks vherealouls
is verifialIe unliI AIaer, hoIder of lhe
DoIphin Throne an age ago, nenlions il
in an invenlory of lhe sea eIves courl al
Thunderfoan. Il vas lorne avay fron
lhal cily al sone Ialer line, and reap-
pears in lhe nenoirs of lhe hero CaIa-
daunl, vho found il on lhe deck of an
alandoned, drifling ghosl ship vhich
he loarded off lhe LneraId IsIes. He
soId il lo a nagic-user vhose nane vas
nol recorded, vho ve knov lo have
leen lhe lulor of one caIIed The Mad
Mage, vho in lurn vas nasler lo lhe
vizard Arlane. Il is IikeIy lhal lhe
ChanleeIeon cane inlo lhe Mad Mages
possession, lul il did nol pass inlo lhe
hands of Arlane, so ve have onIy
Arlanes recoIIeclions lo reIy on for ils
conlenls. The presenl Iocalion of lhe
ChanleeIeon, or even if il sliII exisls, is
Cnntcnts: Arlane said lhal he oflen
read fron lhe ChanleeIeon as he vas
lrained, lul vas onIy aIIoved lo peruse
cerlain pages. Many he gIinpsed vere
leyond his underslanding, lul he
renenlers lhal lhe denon vho guard-
ed lhe look loId hin il had 66 pages in
aII and none lul Arlanes nasler had
ever naslered lhen aII.
(Arlanes ralher lrief descriplion of
lhe denon suggesls lhal il vas a succu-
lus. There is no nenlion of a guardian
denon in lhe Iegends concerned vilh
lhe look, so il is IikeIy lhal lhe Mad
Mage lound lhe denon lo guard il, per-
haps onIy for as Iong as Arlane vas
aIIoved access lo ils pages.)
AII of lhe pages Arlane sludied con-
lained speIIs. Iron his noles, he gives
us lhis Iisl: ua|cr orca|ning, f|q, |ign|-
ning oc||, firc snic| (coId fIane version
onIy), icc s|crn, airq ua|cr, ccnc cf
cc|, ccnjurc c|cncn|a| (scc leIov), is-
i n | c g r a | c , g | a s s c c , p a r | u a | c r ,
spi ri | urac|, cacccncn, Drauni j s
ins|an| sunncns, rctcrsc grati|q, and
tanisn. Iron lhe Mad nages casuaI
connenls, vriles Arlane, he leIieves
lhe look aIso conlains lhe speIIs inpris-
cnncn| and prisna|ic spncrc, lul al
lhe line Iacked any neans lo verify
lhis. If lhe look is enlireIy fuII of speIIs,
and each slands aIone on one page (as
did lhose Arlane sludied), lhen lhere
nay le as nany as fifly speIIs in lhe
vork nol on Arlanes Iisl. ne suspecls,
hovever, lhal lhere are far fever, and
nosl of lhe unknovn pages conlain
records or olher vriling. nIy lhe pos-
sessor of lhe vork knovs for sure.
Arlane nenlions one inporlanl dif-
ference fron lhe norn in lhe speIIs
conlained in lhe look: lhe ccnjurc c|c-
ncn|a| speII as il is vrillen lherein viII
sunnon onIy valer eIenenlaIs, lul
lhese viII le friendIy lo lhe casler and
viII never allack hin or her.
Such an eIenenlaI nay (5 chanceI
relurn lo ils ovn pIane lefore lhe speII
has expired, ralher lhan allacking, and
aIlhough friendIy, il viII acl onIy upon
lhe connands of lhe speIIcasler, nol
heIping independenlIy.
If one nay lrusl lhe nore doullfuI
source of reIigious leachings, il nusl le
noled lhal lhe prieslhoods of al Ieasl
seven aqualic gods vorshipped ly vari-
ous crealures cIain lhe Cnanocc|ccn
as lheir ovn, and asserl lhal lhe luIk of
ils pages conlain lhe record of lhe
Crealion associaled vilh lheir deily. If
lhis is so, none have proved il.
The sage LIninsler has recorded dozens
of poverfuI speII looks and nagicaI docu-
nenls of aII descriplions, lhe preceding
are lul a sanpIe. He vriles leasingIy of
scores of nev speIIs, hilherlo unknovn lo
nagic users al Iarge, and nov-Iosl
povers cryplicaIIy heId vilhin lhe Iosl voI-
unes. Advenlurers nay lring vord of
nore any day, he says, puffing con-
lendedIy on his cIay pipe...
Seten |lngers (Thc LIfc nf Thnrstag)
Appcarancc: This nenoir is a lhick
lundIe of veIIun sheels lound aloul
vilh lvo Iealher slraps and encIosed in
a Iealher lag. A recenl ovner, lhe ner-
chanl Zephrun NeIaguI, noled in his
Iedgers lhal Seven Iingers had 278
sheels, lul aIso noled lhal il ended pre-
cipilousIy and seened lo have gaps in
lhe narralive, vhich suggesls lhal sone
pages have leen Iosl or deIileraleIy
HIstnry and DcscrIptInn: The look
vas vrillen ly (or al Ieasl under lhe
supervision of) lhe advenlurer Thor-
slag Seven Iingers Anareh, a fighling
nan vho rose lo lake lhe Iordship of a
liny norlhern daIe, vhere he died sone
sevenly vinlers ago. Thorslags nick-
nane and lhe nain lilIe of lhis voIune
cone fron his halil of severing lhe fin-
gers of inporlanl enenies vhon he
sIev, and sloring lhese in an iron lox.
There vere seven such enenies, and
Thorslag evidenlIy pul lhe fingers lo
sone sorl of nagicaI use, lul lheir
presenl Iocalion is unknovn.
Cnnt cnt s: The voI une recounl s
Thorslags reporledIy loring and lriviaI
Iife (vearisone pages of dreans,
underhanded schenes, and naIicious
vioIence, Zephrun records), lul con-
lains lhree passages of speciaI nole.
The firsl is a delaiIed and exacling
descriplion of lhe seIeclion of a card,
Vci, fron a cc| cf nanq |nings, sc
conpIele lhal anyone vho reads lhis
seclion couId innedialeIy recognize
lhe sane effecls if lhey occurred in his
or her presence.
The second is a recipe or descriplion
of lhe naking of Kccgn|cns cin|ncn|,
vhich nay or nay nol le correcl. Curi-
ousIy, no ovner of lhe nenoir has
nade any nenlion of lhe accuracy of
lhe recipe, lul onIy of ils incIusion, lhis
hinls lhal lhey have nol allenpled lhe
process lecause il is olviousIy incon-
pIele, or loo difficuIl in execulion or lhe
procurenenl of lhe ingredienls, or lhe
vriling ilseIf conlains sone nagicaI
lrap or guardian lhey vouId prefer nol
lo dislurl.
The lhird is a delaiIed invenlory of
lhe dovries of lhe princesses LInyra
and HIasseIa of Cornyr, vhich Thor-
slag look parl in guarding on an over-
Iand journey fron SuzaiI, lhe capilaI of
Cornyr, lo AraleI, a cily sone dislance
lo lhe norlh and easl. The journey vas
safe, lhe princesses narried, and sel
oul forlhvilh easlvard vilh lheir royaI
(lul nol idenlified ly Thorslag) hus-
lands. Neilher Thorslag nor lhis vriler
(lhe sage LIninsler) has heard of lheir
fale, lul in sone easlern lonl or lrea-
sury lhe grealer parl of lhese dovries
nusl nov Iie. Thorslags Iisl incIudes
veighls and idenlifying narks of jev-
eIry (since he had lo guard againsl for-
gery and sulslilulion of lhe pieces), and
advenlurers or hislorians viII sureIy
find il a source of inspiralion, if nol a
palh lo veaIlh.
The presenl vherealoul s of l he
nenoir is unknovn. Il vas Iasl seen in
lhe hands of an unidenlified nan vilh
lhe cIolhes and nanner of a soulhern
nerchanl, according lo Zephrun NeIa-
guI, vho soId il lo said nerchanl al a
lazaar in Walerdeep for nine hundred
pieces of goId. Zephrun allesls lhal he
ollained lhe look fron an ignoranl lai-
Iiff in LongsaddIe, vho soId il as parl of
lhe conlenls of a dead nans house. The
dead nan, one Borvyn, vas a lrader in
hides and Iealher goods vho covered
nuch of lhe norlh in his lrade, and had
acquired, in Zephruns vords, an odd
assorlnenl of keepsakes and vaIu-
alIes. ne can onIy conjeclure lhal
sonehov Borvyn lhe lrader visiled lhe
daIe vhere Thorslag had ruIed and vas
luried, or gol lhe look fron anolher
person vho vas given il ly Thorslag
for safekeeping, or vho look il afler
Thorslags dealh. If any reporls cone lo
Iighl of lhe possilIe nissing pages,
nore nighl le said of hov Borvyn gol
lhe nenoir, and of ils originaI, con-
pIele conlenls.
The Nath|un
Appcarancc: A nondescripl voIune
of lrovn, curIing parchnenl Ieaves
sevn lo a grey canvas cover.
HI st nr y and Dcscr I pt I nn: The
NalhIun is vhoIIy and slrongIy eviI, ils
proleclive nagics cannol le dispeIIed
(al Ieasl, nol ly lhe speII connonIy
knovn as ispc| nagic), and lhese pro-
leclions cause aII crealures of aIign-
nenl and inslincl deened good lo
suffer lIinding, lurning pain in lhe
eyes and head. (LIninsler offers a con-
fusing descriplion of lhe synplons
vhich need nol le delaiIed here lul
can le inlerpreled lhus: Anyone of
good aIignnenl viII suffer 2-4 poinls of
danage per round lhal lhe look is heId
or perused.) Ils origin and lhe reason
for ils nane are unknovn, ils firsl defi-
nile idenlificalion is in lhe calaIog of
Tynor ThreeshieIds, lhe invenlory of
lhe looly he lroughl lack fron lhe
rcfaslings var, lul hinls of il can le
lraced lhrough lhe scanly vrillen
records of lhe orcs under lhe Ieader-
ship of Wund, and rfideI vriles aInosl
four hundred years ago of his neeling
vilh lhe eviI nage Lelhchaunlos lhe
BIack, vho venl lo dveII anong lhe
orcs, and descriles vhal couId veII le
lhe NalhIun in Lelhchaunloss posses-
sion. Iron Tynors haII, lhe voIune
venl lo Nevervinler as parl of lhe
dovry of Tynors daughler NuIauznee
(LIninsler suspecls lhal Tynor vished
lo le rid of il), and nolhing nore is
heard of il unliI lhe NalhIun passes
unexpecledIy inlo lhe hands of Ihrand-
jas of Iorl LIasl (a norlhern lovn), a
lhaunalurge vhose carefuI and exacl-
ing sludies enalIed hin lo sulsequenl-
Iy rise quickIy in lhe ranks of lhe Arl.
Cnntcnts: Ihrandjas lakes characler-
islic pains over his noles regarding lhe
NalhIun, ve Iearn lhal il appeared lo
le conpIele vhen he received il, and
heId sixleen recipes for poisons, four
g|qpns cf uaring sel dovn novhere
eIse, and lhe fornuIa of lhe speII naze.
Ihrandjas, despile lhe pain caused hin
ly perusing lhe look (lecause he vas
good), copied cerlain of lhe recipes for
Ialer saIe lo lhe aIchenisls of lhe lovn,
and aII of lhe gIyphs, and LIninsler has
passed on sone of lhis infornalion.
The poison recipes have nol leen
nade knovn ly LIninsler, in his
vords, They are IargeIy sinpIe lo
nake, and recipes viII undoulledIy faII
inlo lhe vrong hands, given your sone-
lines loo efficienl connunicalions.
Ior advenlurers, hovever, he has pro-
vided lhe neans of idenlifying lhe sul-
|nuras (aIso knovn as lhe yeIIov
dealh and BeIlyns Lasl Drink) is a
vine-lased poison. Il has a sharp, dry
vhile-grape vine lasle, and viII readiIy
nix vilh such vine. Il reacls vilh lhe
digeslive acids in lhe slonach (and is
effeclive in hunan, orc, and eIvish lody
chenislry) lo eal avay inlernaI organ
lissues. Ingeslion produces rapid (vilh-
in lvo rounds) nausea, convuIsions,
and lerrific inlernaI cranps and lurn-
ing pain, doing 1-6 poinls of danage in
ils firsl effeclive round, 2-12 in lhe sec-
ond, and 1-4 in lhe lhird. Thereafler il
viII do no nore danage, regardIess of
dose, and furlher exposure lo |nuras
viII cause disconforl and inhilil heaI-
ing, lul cause no grealer danage lo lhe
lody for a period of 3-24 days. Il is inef-
feclive if appIied exlernaIIy. (Save for
haIf danage.)
Varra|as is a lIack, lhick syrup. To
avoid deleclion, singIe drops are usu-
aIIy added lo gravy or dark sauces, lul
lhe effecls increase vilh lhe dose
ingesled. Varra|as has a sIighlIy oiIy
lasle, lul no slrong fIavor. Lvery drop
of tarra|as does 1-4 poinls of danage
vhen il enlers lhe lIoodslrean (il
passes lhe digeslive syslen nasquerad-
ing as a nulrienl), and does nol acl for a
period of 18-24 lurns afler ingeslion.
Varra|as is harnIess if appIied exler-
naIIy, and is effeclive in aII nannaIs.
(Save for haIf danage.)
Prcspra (aIso knovn as Molhers
Bane) is an odorIess, coIorIess Iiquid
lhal nixes readiIy vilh aII drinkalIes
excepl niIks and producls nade fron
lhen, fron vhich il separales. Lffec-
live onIy in hunans and onIy vhen
ingesled, il causes sudden dizzy speIIs
and visuaI dislorlion, leginning 1-3
rounds afler conlacl and Iasling for 1-
12 rounds. During lhis line lhe viclin
noves unsleadiIy and fighls al -2 lo
hil, +2 (vorse) on AC if having onIy
nornaI (dislorled) vision, or - 1 lo hil
and + 2 on AC if endoved vilh infravis-
ion or heighlened visuaI senses. Al lhe
sane line lhe viclin endures 1-2 poinls
of danage per round as surface lIood
vesseIs lursl aII over lhe lody (giving a
lIolched, reddened appearance lo lhe
skin). Lach round a successfuI saving
lhrov viII avoid such danage, lul if
lhe viclin suffers an injury lhrough
conlal or nisadvenlure during lhe
round, no saving lhrov is aIIoved (lhe
cause and shock of lhe injury aggra-
vales lhe sudden fIuclualions in lIood
fIov and pressure prcspra causes, il
vorks ly aIlernaleIy and erralicaIIy
conslricling and expanding lIood ves-
seIs lhroughoul lhe viclins lody).
8c|prcn is a Iuninescenl lIue, acidic
sulslance lhal does 1-12 poinls of dan-
age inslanlIy upon conlacl vilh skin or
inlernaI lissues. (No save.) Iurlher
appIicalions of oc|prcn lo affecled
areas viII nol cause any furlher harn,
lul lhe danage given alove is for a
roughIy hand-sized area of lody expo-
sure, for each addilionaI such area of
skin affecled, an addilionaI 1-12 poinls
of danage viII le suffered. Hovever,
no addilionaI danage fron ingeslion is
possilIe, innediale and invoIunlary
voniling viII le induced ly any furlher
oc|prcn appIied lo affecled inlernaI
areas. 8c|prcn viII nol corrode nelaI,
nor viII il harn cIolh or cured Iealher.
Il dries and lecones ineffeclive in jusl
over one round vhen exposed lo air,
and so cannol le used on veapons.
8c|prcn can le neulraIized ly lhe appIi-
calion of Ianp oiI. Il is effeclive on aII
Ortas is a lransIucenl Iiquid vilh a
green casl and a lillersveel lasle. Il
does 1-6 poinls of danage upon enler-
ing lhe lIoodslrean (innedialeIy if ly
insinualion, vhich nusl le lhrough a
scrape or vound, or in 18-24 lurns if ly
ingeslion), and 1-4 poinls of danage
each round for lhe foIIoving lvo
rounds. A successfuI saving lhrov
neans lhal crtas is ineffeclive againsl
lhe largel crealure. Ortas is an anlidole
lo tarra|as (see alove) if inlroduced
inlo lhe lIoodslrean lefore tarra|as
has run ils course. Ortas vorks in aII
Hu| (aIso caIIed Leap or Dealh-
dance) is an odorIess oiI lhal is effeclive
on non-hunanoid crealures~excepl for
deni-hunans and hunans~and vorks
onIy ly insinualion. Ils effecls are lhe
sane regardIess of dosage, and appear 1-
4 rounds afler lhe appIicalion. (Save for
no danage.) Hu| causes severe nuscIe
spasns invoIving nausea and lhe Ioss of
nolor conlroI, laIance, and speech, Iasl-
ing for 1-6 rounds. During lhis line a vic-
lin is heIpIess lul ly no neans an easy
largel for physicaI allack, since he or she
is usuaIIy lhrashing and noving aloul
rapidIy and viIdIy. MenlaI processes are
enlireIy unaffecled (i.e., psionic or olher
connunicalion can le inilialed or viII
conlinue, and in sone cases can le used
ly lhe viclin, as veII as olhers, lo conlroI
lhe poisons effecls). A parlicuIar individ-
uaI viII le 95 resislanl lo nu| for a per-
iod of 1O-21 days afler an exposure lo il,
and lhus repealed dosages in a singIe
encounler viII aInosl aIvays nol le
effeclive. Hu| is generaIIy lhoughl lo
affecl aII individuaIs, lul sone apparenl
innunilies are reporled and conjec-
]c|cqc is a gIossy (i.e., refIeclive) lIack
Iiquid lhal affecls aII nannaIs upon
ingeslion. (Ineffeclive if insinualive con-
lacl onIy, save for haIf danage.) Il
causes lhe pupiIs of lhe eyes lo go lIack
(aIlhough lhis does nol affecl vision)
and causes 1-8 poinls of neuraI danage
innedialeIy. No pain is feIl ly lhe vic-
lin, hovever, for ]c|cqc kiIIs aII pain
and lacliIe sensalion for a period of 9-16
rounds (lhe lIack eyes sign viII le of
lhe sane duralion as lhis aneslhelic
effecl). ]c|cqc is sonelines voIunlariIy
used lefore lorlure or innedialeIy
afler lallIe injuries (prevenling a sys-
len shock survivaI roII). Il has a liller,
lIack vaInul-Iike lasle and is hard lo
conceaI in food or drink.
U|crun is a niIky-vhile, viscous Iiquid
lhal is effeclive on aII varn-lIooded
crealures, ly insinualion onIy. (No sav-
ing lhrov.) Tvo rounds afler conlacl, il
causes 1-4 poinls of nuscuIar danage,
veakening and soflening lendons, Iiga-
nenls, lones, and carliIage. n lhe foI-
Ioving round il causes 1-12 poinls of
danage, and 1-4 poinls on lhe round
lhereafler, vhereupon ils effecls pass.
UnliI heaIing processes (naluraI or nag-
icaI) counler ils effecls, lhe crealure
affecled viII have Iosl 1-4 poinls of
Slrenglh and one poinl of Dexlerily.
Duarfoanc is a rare, gunny oiI lhal
is poisonous onIy lo dvarves. Insinua-
live, il is connonIy sneared on veap-
ons. Il does nol dry oul, lul proIonged
exposure lo air Iessens ils polency, il is
effeclive onIy for 26-31 days. Upon con-
lacl, uarfoanc does 1-8 poinls of dan-
age vilh a pain Iike lIazing skevers,
and a furlher 1-6 poinls on each of lhe
foIIoving lhree rounds. (A successfuI
saving lhrov viII haIve aII danage suf-
The g|qpns cf uaring found in Tnc
Na|n|un refIecl ils eviI nalure. AII nay
le used onIy ly lhose of eviI aIign-
nenls, and viII harn onIy lhose of good
aIignnenls. Anyone of good aIignnenl
nay pass a gIyphs Iocalion unharned
ly speaking ils nane or ly deslroying
lhe gIyph. The passage of neulraI or eviI
characlers viII nol lrigger any of lhese
gIyphs. They are as foIIovs.
Zu|n can le casl onIy ly a cIeric of
6lh or higher IeveI. Il is casl upon a door
or lhe frane of an opening, anyone of
good aIignnenl passing lhrough or
under lhe porlaI viII suffer 2-12 poinls
of eIeclricaI danage arcing fron side lo
side of lhe frane al nany poinls around
il, across lhe opening.
Yannas can le casl onIy ly a cIeric of
8lh or higher IeveI. When aclivaled,
f ron 11- 18 screani ng, chi l l eri ng
noulhs viII appear aII aloul lhe gIyph,
and shool forlh on Iong (up lo lvenly
feel) snakeIike necks lo lile al lhe crea-
lure aclivaling lhe gIyph. The viclin
nusl save againsl each nanifeslalion or
le slruck ly il, suffering 1-4 poinls of
danage. The fangs dig in, nuch as a
Ianprey allacks, and lhe noulhs drain
1 hil poinl of lIood each per round
lhereafler unliI lhey or lhe viclin are
deslroyed. Lach can le severed ly
infIicling 7 poinls of danage on il (as
Iong as al Ieasl lhe sevenlh poinl is
caused ly an edged veapon), or ly lhe
viclin puIIing free of ils grasp. AII are
AC7. Any characler vilh a Slrenglh of
16 or nore is aIIoved lo allenpl saving
lhrovs againsl lhree of lhe noulhs
each round~if a parlicuIar save is suc-
cessfuI, lhe noulhs grip lreaks, il does
nol drain lIood on lhal round, and il
shrinks lack inlo lhe vaII or hangs Iife-
Iess. This gIyph does nol vanish afler
one aclivalion, il viII relracl ils surviv-
ing noulhs and vail for lhe nexl viclin,
unl i I a I I l he no ul hs ha ve le e n
H|ac| can le casl onIy ly a cIeric of
9lh or higher IeveI. This funclions as a
nagicaI larrier prevenling lhose of
good aIignnenl fron passing. This lar-
rier of force viII sland unliI lhe acluaI
area on vhich lhe gIyph vas casl is
deslroyed, lhus lreaking lhe gIyph or
unliI a |ncc|, crasc, or siniIar speII is
enpIoyed. Anyone of good aIignnenl
viII slrike an invisilIe vaII and suffer 1-
6 poinls of eIeclricaI danage. Iurlher
conlacl vilh lhe larrier viII cause 1-6
poinls of eIeclricaI danage per round
(no save).
Cur|a| can le casl onIy ly a cIeric of
1Olh or higher IeveI. Allenpls lo pass
lhis gIyph viII cause arns of fire lo
lursl fron ils lhree poinled ends and
s l r i ke l he c r eal ur e or c r eal ur es
allenpling lo pass, each arn doing 4-16
poinls of danage. Lach arn of fire viII
slrike a differenl largel if lhere are
lhree or nore largels avaiIalIe, olher-
vise lvo viII slrike lhe nearesl largel
and one anolher, or aII lhree viII slrike
al a soIilary largel. (Save for haIf dan-
age.) Aclivalion of lhis gIyph aIvays
aIerls a guardian, sonelines sunnon-
ing a denon or deviI lo lhe spol inslanl-
Iy, lul nore oflen varning speIIcaslers
or leasl-keepers lo ready lheir charges.
The gIyph renains unliI crasc, slrik-
ing oul vilh ils arns of fIane every
line il is aclivaled. Dispc| nagic viII
cause one of lhe arns of fire lo shrink
lack and nol slrike for lhal aclivalion.
In each round lhal crealures sland
lefore lhe gIyph lul do nol speak ils
nane (i.e., nol having passed il, lul
vilhin 15 feel), cur|a| viII aclivale- so
sIov-noving crealures couId le slruck
severaI lines.
Tnc lcr|occ|
Appcarancc: DelaiIs of lhe appear-
ance of lhe Worklook are unknovn,
lul il is said lo le a lound voIune vilh
no inscriplions on lhe covers.
HIstnry and DcscrIptInn: nce in
lhe eIven cily of Mylh Drannor lhere
vas a schooI of nagic. Ils leachers vere
knovn as lhe Seven Wizards, and
incIuded lhe one knovn onIy as Men-
lor. Ils founding and oljeclives are for-
gollen, for Mylh Drannor has Iong leen
a ruin, and lhe Seven Wizards disap-
peared even lefore Mylh Drannors
Many of lhe nages vhose nanes are
nov knovn aII across lhe ReaIns vere
lulored al lhe Wizards schooI, and il is
c onnon knovI edge l hal Menl or
caused speIIs of his pupiIs devising lo
le coIIecled in a look, once he had lesl-
ed and approved lheir dveonercrafl.
Accounls of lhe Worklooks conlenls
vary, il is quile possilIe lhal nore lhan
one such look vas coIIecled, aIlhough
lhe exislence of onIy lhis one look is
The sage IIanslerd, of lhe Moonshae
IsIes, purchased lhe lone knovn as
Tnc lizars lcr|occ| fron a land of
advenlurers, and carefuIIy copied ils
conlenls. He Ialer soId lhe secrels of
severaI of lhe Worklooks speIIs for
very greal suns of veaIlh, and pur-
chased lhe enlire isIand lhal nov lears
his nane. His enjoynenl of lhe isIe vas
shorl. Il is lhoughl lhal one of his cIi-
enls guessed vhal lhe sage possessed,
for one nighl lhe sage and his enlire
Tover, on lhe seavard end of lhe isIe,
sinpIy vanished. lhers leIieve lhe
sage cane lo grief vhiIe praclicing his
nagic. SliII olhers hoId lhal he Iefl lhis
pIane of exislence.
No sudden rise in pover vas noled
anong lhose of lhe Arl, hovever, and il
is lhoughl lhal lhe Worklook nay have
leen Iosl or deslroyed. InslaIInenls of
IIanslerds personaI diaries, lhe Mccn-
snac Cnrcnic|cs, vere senl reguIarIy
fron lhe sages isIe lo his friend LInin-
sler, and in one vas sel dovn lhe enlire
lexl of lhe lcr|occ|. The purchased
records of individuaI speIIs sliII exisl, of
course, scal l ered l hroughoul l he
ReaIns. Il is fron LIninslers Iilrary
lhal ve Iearn lhe speIIs leIov, lhe
presenl conlenls of lhe lcr|occ| nay
veII vary sIighlIy. Disnin is lhoughl ly
sone lo le lhe vork of KheIlen BIack-
slaff Arunsun, and ly olhers lo le lhe
vork of Menlor hinseIf. The olher
speIIs lear lhe nanes of lheir crealors.
Spcnc|ars Cnascr
LeveI: 4
Range: Touch
Duralion: 1 lurn/IeveI of casler
Area of Lffecl: (ne crealure
Conponenls: V,S,M
Casling Tine: 8 segnenls
Saving Throv: None
Exp!anatInn/DcscrIptInn: This speII
negales lhe adverse effecls of aII drugs
(incIuding aIcohoI) in lhe recipienl crea-
lure. Dexlerily and nenlaI inpair-
nenls are inslanlIy cured, Ieaving lhe
recipienl cIear-headed and free of pain,
alIe lo underlake conpIex lasks requir-
ing inlense concenlralion, such as
speIIcasling. The pain of even norlaI
vounds viII le renoved, aIlhough lhe
cnascr in no vay heaIs any danage
exlanl in nind or lody. If lhe condilion
has nol righled ilseIf ly lhe line lhe
speII vears off, ils effecls viII relurn.
Bul naluraI lody processes conlinue
vhiIe a crealure is under lhe infIuence
of lhe cnascr, so lhal a hangover or olh-
er lenporary disconforl nay veII van-
ish lefore lhe speII expires. The cnascr
viII have no effecl on insanily or nagi-
caI condilions (such as fcco|cnin), lul
does give a + 4 saving lhrov versus any
poisons presenl in lhe recipienl al any
line vhiIe lhe speII is in effecl. (If a sav-
ing lhrov versus lhe poison has aIready
leen faiIed, appIicalion of lhe cnascr
viII pernil a second, unnodified saving
lhrov, il viII nol le al a +4 lonus, lul
viII nol have any sullraclions eilher.)
The naleriaI conponenl of lhis speII is
a drop of hoIy valer, louched lo lhe
longue or skin of lhe recipienl (lhe speII
nay le casl on oneseIf).
Ca|igarcs C|au
LeveI: 4
Range: 6
Duralion: 1 round/IeveI of casler
Area of Lffecl: ne crealure
Conponenls: V,S,M
Casling Tine: 4 segnenls
Saving Throv: Neg.
Exp!anatInn/DcscrIptInn: Use of
lhis speII requires lhe cIav or fool of a
crealure, vhich is consuned in lhe
casling, and lrings inlo exislence an
invisilIe cIav of force. The speIIcasler
indicales (ly poinling lovard a Ioca-
lion, sighl is nol necessary) a largel
vilhin 6. If lhe largel saves, lhe c|au
viII nol cone inlo exislence. If lhe lar-
gel does nol save, lhe c|au nusl Iocale
lhe largel (vilh a hil roII as if il vere a
veapon vieIded ly lhe casler). If il
does so successfuIIy, il viII innedialeIy
do 1-4 poinls of danage. Thereafler,
unliI lhe speII expires, lhe c|au is
deslroyed, or lhe largel escapes pursuil
ly leconing elhereaI or olhervise
physicaIIy Ieaving lhe pIane of lhe casl-
er, il viII slrike infaIIilIy once per
round for 1d4 danage.
AIlhough lhe c|au never nisses, lhe
danage done ly ils slrike can le
negaled ly an an|i-nagic snc||, snic|,
8igoqs in|crpcsing nan, or siniIar
nagicaI larrier. Il can le deslroyed ly
ispc| nagic, lul cannol le conlroIIed
or physicaIIy harned. Il is nol a Iiving
lhing, is nol inleIIigenl, and cannol per-
forn any lask olher lhan ils sIashing,
learing allack. Il can le dispeIIed al viII
ly lhe casler, lul does nol require con-
linued concenlralion for ils nainle-
nance, and viII nol vanish of lhe casler
is kiIIed or rendered unconscious. (The
speIIcasler can engage, of course, in
furlher speIIcasling vhiIe lhe c|au
operales.) Ils allacks do nol necessariIy
physicaIIy inlerfere vilh lhe aclions
and novenenls of lhe largel, vho nay
veII casl speIIs or engage in physicaI
The c|au viII renain vilh ils largel
unshakalIy, regardIess of dislance lrav-
eIed, physicaI larriers, or aeriaI or
undervaler lraveI. Il viII never change
largels, lul viII vanish al lhe dealh or
disappearance (see leIov) of ils largel.
If il faiIs lo iniliaIIy Iocale ils largel, il
viII renain vilhin a 1 dislance fron
lhe inlended largels iniliaI Iocalion, an
invisilIe presence (use Crenade-Like
MissiIes: Misses Localion TalIe, DMG p.
64, for lhe c|aus precise Iocalion), unliI
l he speI I expi res. I f any creal ure
approaches vilhin 1 of ils Iocalion
afler lhe nissed largel vilhdravs, lhe
c|au viII aulonalicaIIy slrike (hil roII
required) vilhoul any allenlion or acl
of viII on lhe parl of lhe casler. The
cIav can lhus le casl al a door lo pre-
venl unharried fulure enlrance or
egress. Nole aIso lhal a careIess or for-
gelfuI speIIcasler couId veII le allacked
ly his or her ovn c|au if il is
approached loo cIoseIy afler nissing ils
inlended largel. A speIIcasler does nlo
knov if a c|au is aclive, once casl,
excepl ly olserving lhe lehavior of lhe
largel~or, in lhe case descriled alove,
ly suffering a surprise allack. The c|au
can lhen of course le innedialeIy dis-
peIIed ly lhe casler. If unsuccessfuI in a
second allack againsl a differenl largel
lhan lhe iniliaI one, lhe c|au viII con-
linue lo allack any largel vilhin a 1
radius of il unliI lhe speII expires, and
nay allack lhe largel il originaIIy
nissed if said largel Ieaves and lhen re-
enlers lhe c|aus area. The c|au can
onIy Iocale and affecl largels having a
langilIe exislence on lhe pIane in vhich
il is casl.
Tu|runs Traccr (Divinalion, AIleralion)
LeveI: 4
Range: 1
Duralion: 4 rounds/IeveI of casler
Area of Lffecl: SpeciaI
Conponenls: V,S,M
Casling Tine: 8 segnenls
Saving Throv: None
Exp! anat I nn/ DcscrI pt I nn: When
lhis speII is casl, lhe |raccr ~a conlinu-
ous, Iuninescenl palhvay akin lo a
|ign| speII-cones inlo leing vilhin a
1 radius of lhe casler. Il shovs lhe
nosl recenl palh of any singIe crealure
vhose palh lhe casler vishes lo lrace,
descriled verlaIIy ly lhe casler over
lhe naleriaI conponenl (a pinch of
phosphorus or a gIoving Iife-forn such
as a fungus or gIovvorn). The crea-
lure nusl have leen presenl in lhe 1
radius area aloul lhe casler vilhin a
period of 1 day per IeveI of lhe casler
for lhe lracer lo appear. The lracer viII
shov lhe roule of lhe crealure vilhin
lhe 1 area, and lhen expand (al a rale
of 6O/round) aIong lhe roule laken ly
lhe crealure, noving in lhal direclion
for lhe duralion of lhe speII. nce
leyond lhe 1 iniliaI radius, il viII onIy
shov lhe palh of lhe crealure~vho
need nol have leen seen ly, or le
knovn lo, lhe speIIcasler~as Iong as il
renains in physicaI conlacl vilh lhe
ground. Iass ui|ncu| |racc and siniIar
nagics viII nol confuse lhe |raccr, and
il viII foIIov lhe crealures roule
lhrough physicaI larriers (i.e., doors)
and across gaps (i.e., lhe resuIls of a
j unp or i ncnsi cn ccr, l o pureI y
physicaI acrolalics) of up lo 14. Il viII
nol olhervise shov aeriaI lraveI, lul
viII shine in and under valer.
The palh viII end vhen lhe largel
crealure is reached, vhen lhe speII
expires, or al any pIace lo vhich lhe
l argel creal ure | c| cpcr| c, I ef l l he
pIane of lhe casler, or enlarked upon a
nounl or conveyance such as a carl,
ship, or carpc| cf f|qing. In lhe Ialler
case, an individuaI reaching lhe palhs
end viII receive a cIear nenlaI piclure
of lhe deslinalion lraveIed lo, even if on
anolher pIane. If lhe largel crealure
look a nounl or conveyance, lhe nen-
laI piclure viII le of lhe deslinalion
reached. Iorlions of lhe |raccr can le
negal ed ly i spc| nagi c, ccn| i nua|
ar|ncss, and lhe Iike, lul il cannol le
physicaIIy dislurled (i.e., a gus| cf uin
vouId nol shifl il). When lhe speII
expires, lhe |raccr viII have sIovIy fad-
ed inlo nolhingness, no one nol having
reached ils end viII receive any nenlaI
piclure of lhe largels deslinalion. The
|raccr is inlangilIe and cannol le
vaIked upon. Il nay le passed lhrough
or lraveIed vilhin vilhoul harn and
does nol aclivale nagic upon conlacl or
dislorl nagic or physicaI phenonena
passing lhrough il.
Tasirins Haun|c S|ccp (Lnchanlnenl/
LeveI: 3
Range: Touch
Duralion: SpeciaI
Area of Lffecl: ne crealure
Conponenls: V,S
Casling Tine: 1 round
Saving Throv: Neg.
Exp!anatInn/DcscrIptInn: This speII
can onIy le casl successfuIIy upon a
sIeeping crealure. The sIunler nusl le
nornaI~ unconsciousness, cona, or
siniIar slales of nenlaI injury, such as
concussion, drugs, aslraI or psionic
aclivily, and charn-reIaled speIIs viII aII
cause l he speI I l o le i nef f ecl i ve.
Tasirins haunled s|ccp puls lhe recipi-
enl inlo a deep sIeep for one lurn per
IeveI of lhe casler, and earIy avakening
fron lhis slale can onIy le accon-
pIished ly a (|ini|c) uisn, ispc| nagic,
lhe infIiclion of acule pain (i.e., vound-
ing) upon lhe recipienl, or al lhe casl-
ers viII. The largel crealure is aIIoved
a saving lhrov, vhich if successfuI viII
negale lhe effecls of lhe speII.
The casler is never direclIy avare of
lhe largels lhoughls or nenlaI slale, or
of lhe success of lhe speII. WhiIe in such
a deep sIeep, lhe crealure is open lo lhe
infIuence of sulconscious visions or
dreans. The speIIcasler can projecl one
specific scene or vision inlo naluraI
nenlaI aclivily, and lhis viII cone inlo
lhe viclins consciousness soon afler
avakening. The visions cIarily, delaiI,
and accuracy depend upon lhe caslers
concenlralion, for lhe scene nusl le
heId in nind during lhe casling. Such
visions can nasquerade as divine con-
nunicalions or nenories, and can le
used lo infIuence decisions, goad lhe
recipienl inlo a cerlain course of aclion,
lroulIe lhe recipienl, or, converseIy, lo
caIn and resl lhe recipienl al a line of
nenlaI anguish or lroulIes. A speIIcasl-
er skiIIed in lhe use of lhis speII can
loosl noraIe, joy, or enlhusiasn~or
crush il.
During lhe haunled sIeep, lhe recip-
ienl is especiaIIy susceplilIe lo any one
suggcs|icn speII, vhich can le casl ly
l he casl er of l he naun| c s| ccp or
anolher speIIcasler, and is saved againsl
al -3 ly lhe crealure in haunled
sIeep. Such a suggeslion viII le heard
ly lhe recipienl as an inner nenlaI
voice, and nusl of course le in a Ian-
guage vhich lhe recipienl underslands
lo le successfuI. This speII cannol le
casl on oneseIf.
|acra|s Dancing Duccncr
LeveI: 3
Range: 2 + 1/IeveI of casler
Duralion: 1 lurn/IeveI of casler
Area of Lffecl: 4 dianeler sphere
Conponenls: V,S,M
Casling Tine: 6 segnenls
Saving Throv: Neg.
Exp!anatInn/DcscrIptInn: This speII
requires a pinch of dusl lhrovn inlo
lhe air aloul lhe casler and any oljecl
(vhich viII nol le changed in any vay
ly lhe speIIj radialing a dveoner al lhe
line. When casl, lhe speII causes nany
nagicaI auras lo fIicker and dance
aloul fron oljecl lo oljecl (incIuding
crealures and areas vilh Iarge surfac-
es, such as veIIsj. The auras are nol visi-
lIe lo lhe unaided eye (i.e., c|cc| nagic
or siniIar neans nusl le used), and
viII nol le seen ly a crealure saving
againsl lhe speII or having |ruc sign|). If
lhe speII is nol saved againsl, lhe auras
viII lolaIIy confuse a c|cc| nagic or
lhe Iike for lhe speII duralion. The
auras viII nol disappear vhen louched,
lul ispc| nagic viII deslroy aII auras
vilhin ils area of effecl.
Arcntcu||s S|qoc|| (AIleralionj
LeveI: 4
Range: 1 /IeveI
Duralion: 2 rounds
Area of Lffecl: SpeciaI
Conponenls: V,S,M
Casling Tine: 4 segnenls
Saving Throv:
Exp!anatInn/DcscrIptInn: This speII
requires a cryslaI~a faceled gen,
quarlz, or cul gIass ~ of al Ieasl an inch
in Ienglh. The speIIcasler lhrovs lhe
cryslaI al a largel crealure or area
vhiIe speaking lhe finaI vords of lhe
speII, and ils palh creales a gIoving
loIl in lhe air siniIar in appearance lo
Tu|runs |raccr (q.v.). The loIl is four
feel in dianeler, legins 1 fron lhe
casler, and exlends onvard lo a naxi-
nun Ienglh of 1 per IeveI of lhe casler.
The loIl viII nol naleriaIize underva-
ler, and ends vhere lhe cryslaI slrikes
valer, slrikes any larrier, or passes
leyond lhe caslers range. (The cryslaI
is consuned inslanlIy, in a lursl, if il
passes leyond lhe caslers naxinun
range, and is olhervise consuned al
lhe expiralion of lhe speII.j Any Iiving
lhing coning inlo conlacl vilh lhe loIl
viII suffer 1-4 hil poinls of shock dan-
age per IeveI or hil dice il possesses
(ignoring addilions, a 5 + 5 hil dice non-
sler vouId lake 5-2O jusl as one of 5 hil
dice vouId). A hil roII, vilh any nodifi-
calions for nissiIe-veapon ranges, is
nade vhen lhe speII is casl, refer lo
Crenade-Like MissiIes: Misses Localion
TalIe, DMG p. 64, if a niss is indicaled a
crealure slruck ly lhe cryslaI suffers 1-
6 poinls of danage per IeveI or hil dice
il possesses. The crealure nay grasp
lhe cryslaI and hurI il lack al lhe casler,
and lhe loIl viII conlinue lo forn lo lhe
Iinil of lhe caslers range (so lhal a casl-
er nay le slruck ly his or her ovn
loIlj, lul vhen direclIy grasping lhe
cryslaI, any crealure viII suffer a fur-
lher 1-6 hil poinls of danage per IeveI
or hil dice il possesses and nusl nake a
syslen shock survivaI roII.
A s|qoc|| Iasls for lvo rounds afler
ils casling. Il can le deslroyed in vhoIe
or in parl ly conlacl vilh an an|i-nagic
snc||, ua|| cf fcrcc, snic|, or siniIar
speIIs, ispc| nagic, or gus| cf uin. Il
cannol le defIecled, grounded, or insu-
I al ed agai nsl . I l vi I I nol conducl
lhrough nelaIIic sulslances, lul nole
lhal arnor lhal is nol airlighl viII nol
negale lhe effecls of a s|qoc||. Crea-
lures and nonnagicaI oljecls enlering
lhe s|qoc|| viII nol defIecl, negale, or
sever il. A cryslaI enlering an area of
nagicaI proleclion vhich does nol
aIIov fornalion of lhe loIl is inslanlIy
rendered harnIess.
Disnin (Lnchanlnenl/Charn) Revers-
LeveI: 9
Range: Touch
Duralion: SpeciaI
Area of Lffecl: ne crealure
Conponenls: V
Casling Tine: 2 segnenls
Saving Throv: Neg.
Exp!anatInn/DcscrIptInn: This speII
consisls of a phrase spoken vhiIe lhe
casler louches lhe recipienl (lhe speII
nay le casl on oneseIf, serving as a Iasl
resorl escape fron cerlain dealh, lor-
lure, or nenlaI danage), causing lhe
recipienls nind lo fIy fron his lody.
The lody inslanlIy undergoes a curious
lransfornalion: il renains in lhe posi-
lion il vas vhen lhe speII vas casl, sur-
rounded ly a gIoving aura of force lhal
aIIovs nolhing lo louch lhe lody, slop-
ping aII physicaI allacks, crushing, or
proles. The Iinls of lhe lody can le
shifled ly pushing on lhe invisilIe
arnor of force, lul vhen reIeased viII
sIovIy drifl lack lo lhe originaI posi-
lion. MagicaI allacks, fire, poisons, and
corrosive and disease-producing sul-
slances (incIuding ochre jeIIy, green
sIine, rol gruls, and lhe Iike) cannol
reach lhe lody lo do il harn. The
lodiIy processes of a isninc person
are lolaIIy suspended, so lhal lhe lody
does nol age or lrealhe. Disninc
persons have a vacanl slare. They can-
nol use any of lhe senses of lhe lody
lhey have alandoned, nor can lhey
relurn lo il vilhoul aid.
The freed ni nd vanders lehi nd
nenlaI defenses of ils ovn naking,
innune lo aII forns of nagicaI, psionic,
and olher nenlaI conlacl or allack. A
vandering nind is nol deleclalIe ly
any knovn neans, and never Ieaves lhe
Irine MaleriaI IIane. Il cannol conlroI
vhere il goes and vhal il olserves, and
lypicaIIy relains IillIe nenory of ils
visions and specuIalions. (A DM shouId
descri le 1- 6 scenes or phrases of
lhoughl vilhoul giving any expIana-
lions.j A vandering nind cannol deIil-
eraleIy pray, sludy, or research speIIs,
or choose lo olserve any parlicuIar
evenl, IocaIe, or individuaI.
A vanderi ng ni nd can le f uI I y
reslored lo ils lody ly an a||cr rca|i|q
(|ini|c) uisn, or reslore nind, lhe
reverse of lhis speII. The reverse can
aIso le used lo cure insanily and aII
nenlaI disorders, feelIenindedness,
and physicaI lrain danage. Il viII end
any nenlaI conlroIs (incIuding qucs|,
gcas, and nagicaI charns casl ly speII
or ly crealures such as nixies or van-
pires) of any forn upon a recipienl
nind, lolaIIy freeing lhe nind fron lhe
infIuence(s) vilhoul causing lhe indi-
viduaI any harn~lul il cannol reslore
Iosl psionic povers. A deIirious, drunk-
en, exhausled, or drugged crealure can
lecone cIearheaded and nenlaIIy aIerl
ly neans of lhis speII. A saving lhrov
appIies lo lolh speIIs, and if successfuI
againsl a rcs|crc nin (regardIess of
lhe vishes of lhe disninded recipienl
crealure), lhe speII viII have no effecl.
Such a faiIure does nol nean lhe nind
cannol le reslored, lul onIy lhal lhe
parlicuIar speII casl al lhal line did nol
Bougent|es Book
Appcarancc: This sIin, lIack voI-
une is nosl experlIy lound in gIossy,
looIed, lIack Iealher~lhe lesl yox-
enhide, fron lhe yoke-oxen, or yoxen,
of lhe pIains of Ann~vhich has leen
slilched inlo a fuII-filled cover encasing
lvo sIals of sIale, and vorked on lhe
oulside inlo a repealing pallern of a
hunan and a dragon confronling each
olher, each spouling fIane al lhe olher.
Wilhin are fifly-lhree sheels of lhe fin-
esl vhile veIIun, aII sevn lo a spine-
cord slrip of lIack Iealher vilh spun
siIk lhread, lhe vhoIe leing of lhe nosl
deIicale vorknanship. (SeveraI addi-
lionaI pages seen lo have leen lorn
oul.) The pallern of lhe covers exlends
vilhoul a lreak over fronl, lack, and
spine, Ieaving onIy a Iip or lorder aII
aloul lhe edges of lhe lone, and an ovaI
pIale or raised area in lhe cenler of lhe
fronl cover, vhich lears lhe characler
knovn as BovgenlIes Rune, lhus:
HIstnry and DcscrIptInn: Bovgen-
lIe of SiIverynoon vas a nage of genlIe
speech and nanners, Ioved and revered
in lhe Norlh and lhe Svord Coasl cilies
in his day, for he leIieved lhal nagic
leIonged lo aII, and aII shouId lenefil
f r on i l . Many good vor ks ver e
ascriled lo his nane over lhe years he
vandered lhe ReaIns, and Iegend has
rounded oul his deeds. AIvays Bovgen-
l I e s o ughl ne v s pe I I s ~a nd he
enlarked on reckIess venlures lo gain
l hen, such as l he pI underi ng of
Raurgoch lhe lIack dragons hoard
(sIaying lhal nonsler vilh lhe very
nagic found in lhe lreasure) and lhe
lreaking open of lhe Wizard-Kings
lonl, vhere lhal Iegendary nage, nov
I i vi ng i n I i c hdo n, gua r de d hi s
speIIlooks as fervenlIy as lhe crun-
lIing lones of his nislresses and his
And ever BovgenlIe gave of his
knovIedge lo aII vho had lhe aliIily,
and vrole oul speIIs lireIessIy for lhose
vho vere loo young, loo sick, or yel
unlorn. He paid for lhe hospilaIily
given hin on his lraveIs vilh speIIs, casl
for good ends, and his nane is yel
renenlered vilh affeclion and ave. Il
is oflen said of a genlIe, shy, and veII-
favored lale lhal il has BovgenlIes
eyes, and an acl of seIfIess kindness is
oflenlines agreed lo le properIy of
BovgenlIes vay.
When he grev oId, BovgenlIe cane
lo lhe SchooI of Wonder, founded sone
years earIier ly lhe nages Myrdon and
SaIasker, and vrole dovn his speIIs for
lhe apprenlices lhere. He passed on his
vay, and vhen vord cane shorlIy
lhereafler of his dealh in a snovslorn
in lhe high foresls, lhe Maslers con-
nanded lhal BovgenlIes vrillen speIIs
le coIIecled fron lhe apprenlices and
cIose-guarded in lhe Iilrary lhere, for
aII lo see and use. This vas done, lhe
look leing conslrucled ly eIven crafls-
nen, and lhe cover depicling a fanous
scene of BovgenlIes youlh: his fiery
lallIe vilh a red dragon, vhon he
leased (and enraged) ly gouling fIane
lack al il, lefore he vanquished lhe
The look did nol renain al lhe SchooI
for Iong, hovever~denons sIev ils
Maslers and nosl of lhe apprenlices,
and sel lhe lovers alIaze one crisp vin-
ler nighl (denons, sone vhispered,
sunnoned ly careIess or jeaIous and
vengefuI novices vho Iosl conlroI of
lheir servilors). The SchooI vas no
nore. Thieves vere lhe firsl loId
enough lo venlure inlo lhe snoking
ruin, and one nusl have found and
safeIy lorne avay 8cugcn||cs 8cc|,
for il surfaced sone years Ialer in
ScornuleI, idenlified ly lhe sage Laerli-
I us as anongs l l he l r eas ur es he
appraised for Vaerun, lhe Masler
Thief. Vaerun, head of a IocaI lhieves
guiId, soon feII viclin lo a grey var
(one of lhe ofl-occurring skirnishes
lelveen rivaI guiIds), and lhe look van-
ished. Ils presenl fale and vherealouls
are unknovn, lul il is lhoughl ly nosl
sages lo sliII exisl.
Cnntcnts: The looks conlenls are aII
speIIs and canlrips in slandard forn
(as per lhe ruIes in lhe P|AY|RS
ARCANA) sel dovn one lo a page, save
for lhe lvo unique speIIs descriled
herein. They appear in lhe foIIoving
order: lhe canlrips c|can, rq, and
o|uc|ign|, and lhe speIIs affcc| ncrna|
fircs, nc| pcr|a|, icn|ifq, ncning,
pusn, rca nagic, s|ccp, ccn|inua| |ign|,
ar|ncss 15 raius, c|cc| cti|, c|cc|
intisioi|i|q, ispc| si|cncc (unique speII),
|SP f cr gc | , |ncc |, | c ti | a| c , | cc a| c
c o j c c | , na g i c nc u | n , r c p c | r i c | ,
s| rcng| n, ui zar | cc|, o| i n|, i spc|
nagic, fircoa||, f|q, nc| pcrscn, infra-
tisicn, |ccnuns |inq nu|, |ign|ning
oc||, prc|cc|icn frcn cti| 10 raius,
prc|cc|icn frcn ncrna| nissi|cs, s|cu,
|cngucs, ua|cr orca|ning, 8cugcn||cs
f|cc|ing jcurncq (unique speII), cnarn
ncns| cr, ccnf usi cn, i ncnsi cn ccr,
cncnan| c ucapcn, f i rc sni c| ( lol h
versions), nincr g|coc cf intu|ncraoi|i-
| q pc| qncrpn c| ncr, pc| qncrpn sc| f ,
rcnctc cursc, uizar cqc, 8igoqs in|cr-
pcsing nan, ccnc cf cc|, nc| ncn-
s|cr, passua||, and ua|| cf fcrcc.
The lvo unique speIIs in BovgenlIes
Book are lhese:
Dispc| si|cncc (Aljuralion, AIleralion)
LeveI: 2
Range: O
Duralion: SpeciaI
Area of Lffecl: Sphere of 1 radius per
IeveI of casler
Conponenls: S,M
Casling Tine: 2 segnenls
Saving Throv: None
Exp!anatInn/DcscrIptInn: By neans
of a hand geslure and lhe casling inlo
lhe air of a pinch of povdered dianond
(al Ieasl 5O gp vorlh of lhe crushed
genslone), lhe speII casler creales a
poverfuI dveoner lhal negales exisl-
ing nagicaI si|cncc vilhin lhe area of
effecl, and dispeIs any si|cncc crealed
ly speII casling or nagicaI-ilen pover
vilhin lhe area of effecl for one round
per IeveI of lhe speII casler afler lhe
round of casling. Thus, a ispc| si|cncc
casl ly a 12lh-IeveI vizard vouId
negale (no saving lhrovs aIIoved) and
si|cncc casl on hin or aloul his person,
and prevenl such si|cncc fron occur-
ring or relurning for lveIve consecu-
live rounds afler casling. Dispc| nagic
viII in lurn deslroy a ispc| si|cncc
dveoner, lul si|cncc viII nol relurn
unIess casl anev, or if of a pernanenl
(i.e., nagicaI-ilen funclion) sorl. The
dveoner crealed ly lhis speII is aIvays
a sphere cenlered upon lhe speII casler,
exlending lhrough vaIIs and doors,
around inlervening olj ecls, and so
8cugcn||cs ||cc|ing ]curncq (AIlera-
LeveI: 4
Range: O
Duralion: SpeciaI
Area of Lffecl: ne leing
Conponenls: V,S,M
Casling Tine: 4 segnenls
Saving Throv: SpeciaI
Exp!anatInn/DcscrIptInn: By lhe
use of lhis speII, lhe casler or anolher
crealure louched ly lhe casler (an
unviIIing crealure gains a saving lhrov
lo negale lhe speII) is enalIed lo leIe-
porl lo a specific deslinalion ~ vieved
and poinled al during speII casling. The
Iocalion nay le up lo 1 per IeveI of lhe
casler verlicaIIy and 2 per IeveI of lhe
casler horizonlaIIy avay fron lhe casl-
ers or speII recipienls iniliaI posilion.
The shifl in posilion lakes one segnenl,
and lhe casler or speII recipienl nay
renain al lhe nev Iocalion for a round
(or Iess, if lhe speII casler viIIs) lefore
leing |c|cpcr|c lack lo his or her ini-
liaI Iocalion.
During lhe line spenl in lhe Iocalion
jcurncqc lo, lhe casler or recipienl
can nake physicaI allacks, nove aloul,
pick up or Ieave lehind oljecls, nanip-
uIale ilens, or casl any speII for vhich
conponenls are al hand and vhich
requires a round or Iess lo casl. Nole
lhal il is possilIe for a speII lo lake
effecl afler lhe casler jcurncqs lack lo
his or her iniliaI posilion, lhis, hovever,
cannol happen if lhe speII casl has an
inslanlaneous duralion (such as a firc-
oa||). If nol nade earIier, lhe relurn
journey aIvays occurs al lhe end of lhe
round regardIess of lhe caslers or
recipienls vishes or slale of conscious-
ness (even if dead).
No possiliIily of error exisls in leIe-
porlalion. If lhe jcurncq is nade inlo an
area aIready occupied ly a soIid lody
(unIikeIy, as lhe deslinalion nusl le
vilhin lhe caslers viev), or if lhe area
of relurn is siniIarIy lIocked, lhe jour-
neyer is slunned (unalIe lo casl speIIs)
and dispIaced inlo lhe aslraI pIane. Nole
lhal lhe jcurncq is a forn of leIeporla-
lion, neilher physicaI nor nagicaI larri-
ers can slop il or lhe relurn lrip, and a
journeyer vho is pinned dovn, con-
sl ri cl ed, or ol hervi se physi caI I y
encunlered viII sinpIy vanish fron
such conslrainls on lhe relurn lrip. AII
lhal lhe journeyer carries (save olher
Iiving crealures, vho viII sinpIy le Iefl
lehind) viII le leIeporled vilh hin or
her, up lo a naxinun veighl equaI lo
5,OOO goId pieces. The naleriaI conpo-
nenl of lhis speII is a snaII laII of rul-
ler (vhich nay le uncured, jusl as il
cones fron lhe lree). Nole lhal if lhe
deslinalion chosen is leyond lhe casl-
ers range, lhe speII viII nol vork, one
segnenl is vasled, and a second desli-
nalion nay le poinled al. If il, loo, is oul
of range, nolhing occurs, and lhe speII
is vasled.
The Se||book of Dalnos
Appcarancc: This lone lears no
lilIe or inscriplion, and is fashioned of
fine, heavy parchnenl pages sevn lo a
vaxed cord linding, vhich is slrelched
and naiIed lo an oaken spine, lo vhich
in lurn are loIled covers of fine lronze,
lhe vhoIe covered vilh slrelched siIver
dragonscaIe. The Spc||occ| veighs
heaviIy and is lhree hand-Ienglhs lroad
ly four in heighl. Il is as lhick as lvo
fingers, learing vilhin lhirly-six pages.
A pernanenl nagic ncu|n has leen
casl upon il, vhenever lhe lone is firsl
louched ly any (and every) crealure,
lhe ncu|n viII appear on lhe fronl cov-
er, and a coId, IeveI naIe voice viII
speak in Connon: Iul ne dovn, or
die. There are presenlIy no nagicaI
safeguards on lhe voIune lo lack up
lhis lhreal, hovever. The look shovs
no signs of age or iII use.
HIstnry and DcscrIptInn: This voI-
une firsl cones lo Iighl in ReaInsIore
sone lhree hundred vinlers ago, vhen
lhe caravan-nasler Muirhar Dusklrov,
an Laslerner, crossed Anauroch (The
Creal Deserl) al lhe head of a caravan
sixly-seven vagons Iong. The periIous
crossing vas nade safeIy, lul gnoII lands
raided lhe caravan in BIeached Bones
Iass. Many vere sIain lefore Muirhars
guards overcane lhe allackers. The gnoII
corpses vere slripped of veapons and
goods lefore lhe caravan noved on, and
slrapped lo one such corpse vas found a
lallered Iealher salcheI, olviousIy Iooled
fron an earIier viclin. Wilhin il vas a
nole vrillen in Connon lhal said sinpIy,
I have no furlher use for lhis or olher
lhings of lhis vorId. You are ny nosl alIe
apprenlice, so il is yours. Use lhe Shoul
onIy in Iasl resorl. Dainos.
Muirhar look look and nole lo lhe
nage UIlhorn of Walerdeep, vho kepl
lhe lone secrel for nany years and
apparenlIy never used ils povers unliI
lhe nighl of his dealh. His apprenlice,
RendergaIIis, vho sludied lhe lone
under UIlhorns luleIage, reporls lhal
UIlhorn died in a sorcerous dueI vilh a
vaslIy nore poverfuI foe, lhe Arch-
nage Ahralose, lul, in defeal, sIev his
eneny ly lringing lhe Tover of Yinlros
dovn upon lhen lolh vilh a grca|
sncu|. RendergaIIis and nany olher
young apprenlices and preslidigilalors
of Walerdeep searched lhe vreckage of
lhe Tover lhal nighl, seeking ilens of
pover and vrillen speIIs. The lIasled
corpse of UIlhorn vas found, vilh his
shallered slaff and eneraId sigiI ring,
lul lhe SpeIIlook vas gone. In lhe
ashes lhal had leen UIlhorn, sone
lei ng had scral ched i n Connon:
Dainos recIains his ovn.
The vherealouls of lhe lone lhere-
afler are uncerlain, lul confused laIes
have cone lo lhe norlhern ReaIns fron
Ankhapur far lo lhe soulh, and fron
Tvoslars, a lraiIsneel and veII-slop on
lhe CoIden Way lrade road easl of lhe
Inner Sea, of lvo separale skirnishes in
vhich nagic-users have enpIoyed
grca| sncu|s. ne of lhese lvo is knovn
lo a sage, Thanlos of SeIgaunl, vho
slales lhal she is loo young lo have
knovn lhe speII lefore, or innedialeIy
afler, lhe dealh of UIlhorn in Waler-
deep and, lhus, nusl have Iearned il
since. Ierhaps she gIeaned il fron
anolher source, lul Thanlos, lhe aged
RendergaIIis, and LIninsler aII agree
lhal lhe Spc||occ| cf Daincs is lhe onIy
knovn source. Who or vhal Dainos
is and lhe presenl Iocalion, ains, and
povers (or even exislence) of such a
leing are presenlIy unknovn.
Cnnt cnt s : The I as l l vo of l he
Spc||occ|s lhirly-six pages are lIank,
lul aII olhers lear nagic-user speIIs, as
foIIovs (in order of appearance): icn-
|ifq, nagic nissi|c, intisioi|i|q, |cti|a|c,
uco, fircoa||, ncns|cr sunncning |,
s|cu, suggcs|icn, ccnfusicn, fcar, firc
| rap, pc| qncrpn sc| f , ani na| c ca,
c | cu|i | | , f c c o| c ni n, f | anc s nr cu
(unique speII), ua|cn uarc (unique
speII), an|i-nagic snc||, isin|cgra|c,
gcas, g|coc cf intu|ncraoi|i|q, rcincar-
na| i cn, rcpu| si cn, 8i goq s graspi ng
na n, uc - i nc ns i c n, pc uc r uc r
s|un, tanisn, grca| sncu| (unique speII),
inccniarq c|cu, nin o|an|, as|ra|
spc||, ga|c, and inpriscnncn|. AII con-
nonIy knovn speIIs are in lhe sland-
ard forn (as noled alove), save for
ncns|cr sunncning I, vhich Dainos
(or anolher leing) deveIoped so lhal lhe
casler can, ly efforl of veII, delernine
lhe lype of nonslers sunnoned (75
chance of success al lhis). Casling line
is increased lo a fuII round (as lhe crea-
lures desired nusl le nenlaIIy pic-
lured and lhis inage concenlraled on),
and l he nunler of creal ures l hal
appear is sliII 2-8, randon.
The l hr ee uni que s peI I s i n l he
SpeIIlook of Dainos are as foIIovs:
||anc snrcu (AIleralion)
LeveI: 5
Range: 1
Duralion: SpeciaI
Area of Lffecl: Aura aloul one crealure
Conponenls: V,S,M
Casling Tine: 5 segnenls
Saving Throv: SpeciaI
Exp!anatInn/DcscrIptInn: By neans
of lhis speII, a nagic-user causes an
aura of crackIing fIane lo cone inlo
leing aloul an unviIIing largel. UnIess
adequaleIy prolecled againsl fire, lhe
largel lakes fiery danage, aII fIanna-
lIe oljecls upon his or her person (e.g.,
cIolhing or papers such as scroIIs or
speII looks) nusl save vs. nagicaI fire
or le deslroyed, and olher crealures
vilhin 1 of lhe largel nay aIso suffer
danage. The f|anc snrcu enveIops lhe
viclin and rages, lhroving off snaII
gouls of fIane up lo 1 dislanl onlo eve-
ry crealure vilhin range. Lach goul
does 1-4 hp of danage lo any crealure il
slrikes, and nay possilIy endanger olh-
er fIannalIe oljecls carried ly such
crealures. The l ar gel c r eal ur e i s
aIIoved a saving lhrov each round
againsl lhe f|anc snrcu. The firsl save
is vs. speIIs al -4, if successfuI, lhe
snrcu viII nol forn, lhe largel is
unharned, and lhe speII is Iosl. The sec-
ond save (on lhe second round) is al - 3,
and so on, lhe save for lhe 5lh round
leing as nornaI, lhal for lhe 6lh al + 1,
and conlinuing unliI a successfuI saving
lhrov is nade, vhereupon lhe snrcu
inslanlIy vanishes, and lhe speII is done.
Ior each round enveIoped ly a f|anc
snrcu, lhe largel suffers 2-12 hil
poinls of fire danage. If fIannalIe oiI is
carried ly lhe crealure, ils danage is
added lo lhis if lhe conlainer of oiI faiIs
ils ovn saving lhrov. The naleriaI
conponenls for lhis speII are a pinch of
saIlpeler (povdered or in a naluraI sul-
slance such as dung), a snaII piece of
phosphorus, and a liny scrap of Iace,
cIolh, or lhick spidervel.
la|cnuarc (Lvocalion)
LeveI: 5
Range: Touch
Duralion: SpeciaI
Area of Lffecl
Conponenls: V,S,M
Casling Tine: 1 round
Saving Throv: None
Exp!anatInn/DcscrIptInn: When a
ua|cnuarc is casl upon an ilen, lhe
casler is varned lhereafler al lhe
nonenl lhal lhe ilen noves or is
noved fron lhe pIace or posilion il vas
in al lhe line of speII casling, or vhen-
ever lhe ilen is louched ly any Iiving
crealure. A ua|cnuarc nay le casl on
any non-Iiving ilen of any size, lul is
usuaIIy casl upon a speII look, Iock,
door, vand, slaff, or ilen of lreasure.
n lhe firsl occasion afler conpIelion
of casling a ua|cnuarc lhe lhe ilen is
dislurled, lhe casler-even if asIeep,
cnarnc, or unconscious, and even if
years have passed or lhe casler is a
greal dislance or even severaI pIanes
dislanl~viII receive nenlaI inages of
lhe ilen and ils surroundings. If Iiving
crealures are vilhin 1 of lhe ilen or
have louched il, lhe casler viII receive
cIear inages of lhen and of lheir doings
for 1 round per IeveI of lhe casler vhen
he or she casl lhe ua|cnuarc afler lhey
dislurl lhe ilen. This is nol an |SP or a
uizar cqc speII, lhe casler hears nolh-
ing, knovs nolhing of vhal such crea-
lure say or lhink, and cannol see lheir
surroundings or gain any hinl of direc-
lion of lraveI afler lhey Ieave lhe inne-
diale vicinily of lhe dislurled ilen. The
casler nay louch or nove an ilen upon
vhich he or she has casl a ua|cnuarc
vilhoul selling off lhe speII. Nole lhal
earlh lrenors and lhe Iike viII sel off
lhe speII, even if no crealure or deIiler-
ale inlenl lo lake or nove lhe ilen is
invoIved. Ilens upon vhich a ua|-
cnuarc has leen casl radiale a fainl
dveoner, if a ispc| nagic is casl upon
an ilen under ua|cnuarc, lhe ua|-
cnuarc viII innedialeIy le aclivaled,
nol dispeIIed. Nole lhal a ua|cnuarc
vorks once onIy and is nol a pernanenl
or conlinuaI proleclion. Dealh of lhe
speIIcasler ends lhe nagic, even if lhe
ua|cnuarc vas nol aclivaled or lhe
speIIcasler is sulsequenlIy raised fron
lhe dead. The naleriaI conponenls of
lhis speII are a slrand of spidervel, a
liny lrass or siIver leII, and an eyegIass
or specuIun of gIass or cryslaI.
Grca| sncu| (Lvocalion)
LeveI: 8
Range: SeIf
Duralion: Inslanlaneous
Area of Lffecl: 2 ly 9 cone
Conponenls: V,M
Casling Tine: 1 segnenl
Saving Throv: SpeciaI
Exp!anatInn/DcscrIptInn: The
unIeashing of a grca| sncu| inslanlIy
drains lhe casler of 2-8 (2d4) hil poinls,
vhich can le regained ly resl and cura-
live nagic, a syslen shock survivaI roII
nusl aIso le nade. The casler reIeases
a vave of sound of slunning force akin
lo a ncrn cf o|as|ing, 18 slrucluraI
poinls of danage deaIl in a 1-vide, 8-
Iong palh~sufficienl lo snash a drav-
lridge, spIil a louIder, or fIallen a
nornaI collage. AII crealures in lhe
cone of sound nusl save vs. nagic,
lhose saving are s|unnc inlo inaclivily
for 1 round and cafcnc for 2 rounds.
Those faiIing lhe save are cafcnc for
4 rounds, s|unnc for 2, and suffer 1-1O
hil poinls of physicaI danage. AII nagi-
caI and non-nagicaI ilens in lhe nar-
rov palh descriled alove nusl save
vs. crushing lIov or le deslroyed.
Crealures in lhe narrov palh lake
doulIe (2-2O) danage if lhey faiI lo save,
and 1-1O (pIus 2 rounds of slunning and
4 of deafness) if lhey successfuIIy save.
The naleriaI conponenl for lhis speII is
s one ni nor i l en upon vhi c h a
dveoner has leen casl (or faiIing lhal,
a scroII or nagicaI ilen), vhich is heId
ly lhe casler and consuned ly lhe speII
in lhe casling. Arlifacls cannol le used
lo pover a grca| sncu|.
Book of Nun the Mad"
Appcarancc: This lone is a sIin voI-
une of rough sIals of ironvood, lied
logelher ly Iealhern lhongs in a sand-
vi ch around l venl y- f our I oose,
unlound sheels of fine parchnenl.
HIstnry and DcscrIptInn: Nun lhe
Mad (no reIalion lo Lun lhe Mad)
vas crippIed fron lirlh and grev up,
ridicuIed and leased aII lhe vhiIe, in lhe
aIIeys of SeIgaunl porl. His onIy pIace of
refuge vas lhe spIendid Hunling Car-
den of lhe HuIorn of SeIgaunl, a vasl,
high-vaIIed preserve vilhin lhe cily
forlidden lo aII save lhe HuIorns guesls
(Nun found an oId sever lhal Ied inlo
ils grounds). AlIe onIy lo cravI, Nun
vas seen one day and easiIy chased
dovn ly one of lhe HuIorns hunlsnen,
vho rode over hin and unresled a
Iance lo sIay lhe inlruder~and vas
hinseIf sIain ly lhe faII of a dead lree.
Nun hasliIy Iefl lhe Carden and nade
for lhe inIand foresls.
AIlhough hilherlo cynicaI and god-
derisive, he sav lhe lrees faII nol as
chance lul as l he di recl vork of
SiIvanus, and he legan lo vorship lhe
Ialher vilh devolion. Seeking oul a
druid of lhe CircIe nigh ShadovdaIe, he
Iearned lhe lasics of voodIore and
vorship, and soon lecane a hernil,
hoIding hinseIf aparl fron nen and
vorking lireIessIy lo inprove lhe for-
esl. Al Ienglh he vas heaIed of his dis-
aliIilies ly gralefuI syIvan eIves, and he
Iived Iong in soIilude and serenily,
d e v e I o p i n g s p e c i a I p r a y e r s l o
SiIvanus~for vhich, and for his vorks,
he vas revarded vilh speciaI povers
fron lhe Ialher. Upon his dealh, lhe
eIves kepl his grove and cave-hone
fron forlune hunlers and searching
druids aIike, and il vas nany years
lefore raiding orcs under Corlh gained
Nuns prayer look, sleaIing il avay lo
unknovn hands. Nun vas nol nad,
lul had slrange nanners of speech and
lhoughl, and vas popuIarIy leIieved
anong nen lo le so, hence his nick-
nane. His prayers are fineIy vrillen in
a fIoving hand, and are veII lhoughl of
ly eIves and druids aIike.
Cnntcnts: Il is fron lhe vrilings of
lhe eIf Ruven MilhaIvarin lhal ve have
a record of lhe Book conlenls. Lach
page conlains a singIe prayer. The firsl
is a generaI giving of lhanks (a non-
nagicaI riluaI) lo SiIvanus. The olher
lvenly-lhree are specific inslruclions
and Iilanies on hov lo pray lo lhe
Ialher for specific speIIs, as foIIovs:
facric firc, intisioi|i|q |c anina|s, pass
ui|ncu| |racc, purifq ua|cr, firc |rap,
coscurcncn|, nc| anina|, snarc, |rcc,
ua|cr orca|ning, oriar|ang|c (unique
prayer, descriled leIov), ca|| ucc|an
ocings, p|an| ccr, |ncrn spraq (unique
prayer, descriled leIov), ccnnunc
ui|n na|urc, ccn|rc| uins, pass p|an|,
|urn ucc, uca|ncr sunncning, ani-
na| c rcc|, ccnf usi cn, ca| n cnari c|
(unique prayer, descriled leIov), and
|ransnu|c nc|a| |c ucc.
The speciaI prayers devised ly Nun
(or inspired in hin ly SiIvanus) are as
8riar|ang|c (AIleralion)
LeveI: 4
Range: 1 /IeveI (dislance fron casler lo
chosen speII focus)
Duralion: 1 round/IeveI
Area of Lffecl: SpeciaI
Conponenls: V,S,M
Casling Tine: 6 segnenls
Saving Throv:
Exp!anatInn/DcscrIptInn: A oriar-
|ang|c speII causes Iiving shrullery or
undergrovlh of any lype lo le inslanl-
Iy changed lo denseIy langIed lriars of
lhe lhorniesl sorl, groving lo 6 in
heighl and increasing in horizonlaI voI-
une lo a 1 circuIar radius, pIus 1
addilionaI radius for every 2 IeveIs of
experience of lhe casler (lhus, a 2nd-
IeveI druid vouId cause a oriar|ang|c of
2 radius). The lriars can le readiIy
forced lhrough, lul viII snag and haIl
nissiIes, lhrovn oljecls, or fIying crea-
lures vilhin lheir confines, aII crea-
l ures l rapped vi l hi n a ori ar| ang| c
vhen il forns, or lhose lhal enler il
lhereafler, viII suffer 3-6 poinls of
piercing and scralching danage per
round, or porlion lhereof, lhal lhey
renain in conlacl vilh lhe speII. Beings
cIad in landed, scaIe, or pIale naiI have
aII danage lhus done Iessened lo 1-3
poinls per round. This aIso appIies lo
crealures nade of rock or vilh skin of
conparalIe hardness, lul crealures
vilh Iesser arnor, such as chain, lake
fuII danage, vilh or vilhoul a shieId. In
aII cases, a successfuI save vs. speIIs
equaIs haIf danage. SpeII casling
requiring a sonalic conponenl is
inpossilIe vilhin a oriar|ang|c, and
cIolh rainenl and ilens nusl save vs.
acid once per round (or porlion lhere-
of) lhal lhey are vilhin lhe oriar|ang|cs
confines or le renl and lorn. A oriar-
|ang|c viII vanish inslanlIy if lhe casler
so viIIs, lul olhervise exisls for 1
round per experience IeveI of lhe casl-
er, lhe pIanls aflervards reverling lo
lheir forner slale.
The naleriaI conponenls of lhe speII
are Iiving pIanls of any lype (vhich are
lransforned inlo lhe oriar|ang|c), nis-
lIeloe, a lhorn fron any pIanl, and a
lud, pelaI, or Ieaf fron a lriar (viId
rose). Iire viII deslroy a oriar|ang|c in a
round, lul crealures vilhin il lake 2-12
hil poinls of fiery danage (no saving
lhrov). The area vhere a oriar|ang|c
vas casl radiales a fainl dveoner for 2-
6 lurns afler lhe speII has expired, and
can le used lo confuse crealures foI-
Ioving a pass ui|ncu| |racc lraiI ly
delecling a dveoner.
Tncrn spraq (AIleralion)
LeveI: 4
Range: 1
Duralion: 1 round
Area of Lffecl: SpeciaI
Conponenls: V,S,M
Casling Tine: 3 segnenls
Saving Throv: None
Exp!anatInn/DcscrIptInn: By neans
of lhis speII, a druid can cause larls,
spikes, lhorns, or spines, eilher nalu-
raIIy groving or nagicaIIy crealed (i.e.,
ly use of a spi|c grcu|n, ua|| cf |ncrns,
or oriar|ang|c speII), lo spring vilh
force fron his or her hand, or fron
lushes or resling pIaces (vhich nusl le
vilhin 1 of lhe druid), and serve as
nissiIes. The lhorns viII do 1 hil poinl
of danage each, and can fIy up lo 12
avay, vilhin lhe round of casling, slrik-
ing as nany largels as lhe druid vishes
and lhe speII aIIovs for (see leIov). The
druid nay direcl lhe lhorns in any con-
linalion al any Iiving or non-Iiving (i.e.,
a scroII, Ianlern, or vineskin) largel(s)
lhal he or she can see. The lhorns slrike
onIy if a successfuI lo hil roII is nade
(al +4) for each, as lhough lhey vere
direclIy vieIded ly lhe druid (i.e., no
range penaIlies appIy).
SIeep-venoned vooden darls are
sonelines carried ly druids vho use
lhis speII oflen. The nissiIes of a |ncrn
spraq lvisl and lurn in fIighl lo foIIov
noving largels and avoid olslruclions,
and are fasl enough lo calch nosl lirds
on lhe ving (noving approxinaleIy 12O
yards/segnenl). A naxinun of four
lhorns per experience IeveI of lhe druid
can le aninaled ly neans of lhis speII.
This speII viII vork undervaler, lul
lhe lhorns roII lo hil al nornaI odds lo
hil, and lhe range is Iessened lo 3.
Dca|n cnaric| (Lvocalion, Conjuralion/
LeveI: 7
Range: 1
Duralion: SpeciaI
Area of Lffecl: SpeciaI
Conponenls: V,S,M
Casling Tine: 1 lurn
Saving Throv: SpeciaI
Exp! anat I nn/ DcscrI pt I nn: When
lhis speII is casl, a cIap of lhunder
sounds and a liIIoving cIoud of snoke
erupls fron lhe casler. Wilhin lhis
cIoud appears a fIaning chariol puIIed
ly lvo fiery horses. This vehicIe noves
24 on lhe ground, 48 fIying and can
carry up lo nine nan-sized crealures
(lhe casler need nol le anong lhen).
The chariol viII feeI unconforlalIy hol
lo approach, and nereIy louching one
of lhe horses viII do 3-24 poinls of fiery
danage, lul loarding or louching lhe
chariol viII do no danage. Anyone in
lhe chariol nay conlroI lhe palh of lhe
chariol ly verlaI connand, causing
lhe fIaning sleeds lo slop or go, vaIk,
lrol, run or fIy, lurn Iefl or righl, rise,
or descend. The vehicIe and sleeds can
le harned ly valer (one quarl viII
cause 1 hil poinl of danage) or ly nagi-
caI veapons. The sleeds are AC2, and
can le dispeIIed ly infIicling 3O hil
poinls of danage each upon lhen. The
sleeds and chariol can le forcilIy
relurned lo lhe LIenenlaI IIane of Iire
ly use of such speIIs as ispc| nagic,
nc|q/unnc|q ucr, elc. Iire or eIeclrici-
ly viII nol harn lhe chariol or sleeds,
lul coId-, ice-, or valer-lased nagic
viII do lhen doulIe danage.
A ca|n cnaric| cIoseIy resenlIes a
Cnar i c| cf Sus | ar r c , s ave l hal i l s
enchanlnenls are Iess slalIe and nore
lenporary, al lhe end of 1 lurn afler
casling (or al any line previous lo lhal,
if lhe casler vishes), lhe ca|n cnaric|
viII suddenIy expIode in a giganlic laII
of fire and vanish (aIong vilh ils sleeds).
AII in lhe cnaric| or vilhin 3 viII lake
1O-4O poinls of fiery, danage (save
equaIs haIf danage), passengers viII
suffer a furlher 2 hp of lIasl shock (as
oxygen is consuned in lhe lIasl, and air
rushes lack in lo fiII lhe void), and~if
lhe cnaric| vanishes in nidair ~ faIIing
danage appIies unIess nagicaI ilens or
speIIs afford escape. ReadiIy conlusli-
lIe naleriaIs such as cIolh, vood,
paper, and oiI viII le consuned in lhe
lIasl (add fIaning oiI danage lo any
cnaric| passenger carrying il upon
lheir person). AII olher ilens (incIuding
scroIIs and speII looks) gain a saving
lhrov vs. fircoa||. If ilens aIso suffer a
faII (i.e., fron a nidair ca|n cnaric|
lIasl), lhey nusl aIso save againsl ils
effecls. The lringing of an a|cncnq jug
or ccan|cr cf cn|css ua|cr inlo or
onlo lhe cnaric| viII cause il lo innedi-
aleIy expIode. The naleriaI conpo-
nenls of lhe speII are a snaII piece of
vood, lark, or handfuI of shavings, lvo
hoIIy lerries, and a fire source al Ieasl
equaI lo a lorch. Nole lhal a druid couId
veII deceive olhers inlo lhinking lhe
ca|n cnaric| is a Cnaric| cf Sus|arrc ly
louching lhen lefore lhey enler lhe
chariol and acconpanying lhen. The
druid causes lhe cnaric| lo expIode ly
acl of viII, nol verlaI connand, so he
or she couId laiI oul lefore igniling
lhe lrap-or, aIlernaliveIy, ride lhe
cnaric| in safely for a shorl lrip (i.e.,
across a chasn, dovn fron a cIiff, lov-
er, lallIenenl, elc.) and lhen Ieave il as
a fiery lrap, or even send il lack al a
pursuing eneny lefore causing il lo
expIode. Allenpls lo cnarn, s|ccp, or
nc| lhe fiery sleeds viII le unsuccess-
fuI. The naxinun duralion of exisl-
ence of a ca|n cnaric| (if nol expIoded
earIier) is 1 round per IeveI of lhe casl-
er, if kepl unliI naxinun duralion, lhe
cnaric| viII fade avay harnIessIy, and
nol expIode.
Brle|s Book of Shadous
Appcarancc: This unlilIed voIune is
a I arge, I eal her- lound f oI i o vi l h
lvenly-one vrinkIed, dogeared sheels
of parchnenl sevn in pIace. Il has
received heavy (lhough carefuI) han-
dIing, and is olviousIy a vorklook, fuII
of scrillIed noles and lhoughls, ralher
lhan a fornaI conpendiun of speIIs.
HIstnry and DcscrIptInn: This unli-
lIed, ancienl voIune has lradilionaIIy
leen knovn as 8ric|s 8cc| cf Snacus,
as il is lhoughl lo le lhe vork of lhe
Archnage BrieI vhen he vas lul an
apprenlice under lhe luleIage of lhe
greal Aunvor l he Undyi ng ( nov
leIieved lo le a Iich vhose Iair is sone-
vhere in lhe vasl nounlain ranges of
lhe Norlh). The sage Ulergasl of Ann
poinls oul lhal lhe infornaI handvril-
ing found in lhe 8cc| cIoseIy resenlIes
lhal preserved in a Ieller in lhe archives
of BaIdurs Cale, vherein BrieI vrole of
his inlenlion lo found a schooI of viz-
ardry lhere. CerlainIy no olher cIain-
anl lo aulhorship has decIared hinseIf,
nor has leen advanced as nore lhan
specuIalion ly sages.
Cnntcnts: The looks inscriplions
are ranlIing, and lhe pages are nuch
slained vilh various Iiquids and pov-
ders used as ingredienls in speIIs, speII
inks, and in lhe naking of a hononcu-
Ious. Ils usefuI conlenls are as foIIovs:
~ ConpIele descriplions and inslruc-
lions for lhe canlrips cx|crnina|c, |ic,
ui||, and snc|cpuff (aII in slandard
forn, as descriled alove).
The conpIele speIIs affcc| ncrna|
fircs, sca||crspraq (a unique speII),
snic|, and uri|c.
~ The nagicaI and nedicinaI uses of
unicorn horns.
~ A recipe, copied fron anolher
source, for lhe naking of a hononcu-
Ious (cf. Mcns|cr Manua|).
Specifics of sone of lhese conlenls
Sca||crspraq (AIleralion)
LeveI: 1
Range: SpeII focus 1 dislanl per IeveI
of casler
Duralion: 1 round
Area of Lffecl: SpeciaI
Conponenls: V,S,M
Casling Tine: 1 segnenl
Exp!anatInn/DcscrIptInn: By neans
of lhis speII, lhe nagic-user causes any
unconfined or unlelhered oljecls of
chicken-egg size or Iess vilhin a 1 radi-
us sphericaI area of effecl lo spray vio-
IenlIy oulvard in aII direclions, as
lhough lhrovn ly an expIosion. The
nissiIes are nol crealed ly lhe speII, lhe
nagic-user nusl enpIoy olj ecls al
hand or on his ovn person. TypicaIIy
coins, narlIes, gens, dice, sIing luIIels,
and lhe Iike are enpIoyed. The sca||cr-
spraq pIucks aII such oljecls (excepl
lhose acluaIIy vilhin lhe roles, pock-
els, pouches, and pack of lhe casler)
vilhin lhe 1 radius area of effecl up
and hurIs lhen 1 oulvard in aII direc-
lions. Upon reaching lhe Iinils of lhis
l hrusl , l he olj ecl s relound lack
invards and ricochel aloul vilhin lhe
2 radius lolaI area for lhe enlire round
foIIoving lhe round of casling. AII nan-
sized crealures vilhin lhis grealer (2)
area lake 1-4 poinls of shrapneI danage
( save equaI s haI f danage, round
upvards), snaII-sized crealures lake 1-
6 poinls (successfuI saves haIving dan-
age), and Iarge-sized crealures are
unharned. The naleriaI conponenls
for lhe sca||crspraq are lhe nissiIes (al
Ieasl six egg-sized or nine coin-sized
oljecls are required, lul lhe speII viII
affecl up lo four dozen of eilher), and a
fIinl and sleeI or linder-lox (nol con-
suned in speII casling), vilh vhich a
spark nusl le sluck. The casler can
choose lhe speII focus (cenler of lhe 1
radius area of effecl, and 2 radius
lIasl area) ly acl of viII, delernining
direclion and dislance (lhe inlended
focaI area need nol le seen). Il can le
dislanl fron lhe casler ly 1 per expe-
rience IeveI of lhe casler. The speII casl-
er is never harned ly lhe nissiIes of his
or her ovn sca||crspraq lher crea-
lures prolecled ly fcrcccuocs and lhe
Iike viII le unaffecled, snic| speIIs and
siniIar one-sided defenses viII reduce
danage suffered ly 1 hil poinl. If a sca|-
|crspraq is casl vilh insufficienl nis-
siIes (see alove) presenl, nolhing viII
occur, and lhe nagic viII le Iosl.
Spriles, insecls of aII lypes, and olher
fIying crealures vilh deIicale vings
nusl save vs. speII vhen caughl in a
sca||crspraq, or le unalIe lo fIy (vings
pierced and lruised, or lorn, and
nunl) for 1-4 lurns, Iarge-sized crea-
lures and lhose vilh poverfuI vings
(such as perylons and pseudodragons)
of slurdy conslruclion are innune lo
lhis effecl.
The uses o[ umIconm Icns
The horns of unicorns are rare and
precious lhings, seIdon gained ly a
user of nagic, so il lehooves one nol lo
vasle or nisuse any such gained. flen
lhe horns of olher crealures viII le
soId or offered as lhose of unicorns, lhe
povers and properl i es leI ov are
unique lo lhe lrue ilens, and lesling
viII avoid successfuI deceplions.
When a unicorn Iives, ils inlacl horn
has slrong nagicaI povers, nolalIy lhe
aliIily lo caII upon SiIverynoon (lhe
di vi ne uni c or n, nenl i oned i n
DRACN Magazine issue #54 in lhe
Iorgollen ReaIns panlheon, under
CuIls of lhe Beasl) for one cIericaI
speII of any sorl per day, sonelhing seI-
don done (sone say SiIvanus granls
such nagi cs) . Uni corns cannol le
coerced inlo such use of lheir horns~
nor do lhe horns relain lhis pover if
renoved fron lhe hosl, or if lhe uni-
corn is sIain.
lher povers do conlinue afler lhe
separalion fron lhe Iiving leasl, and
lhese shouId le carefuIIy noled, nosl
inporlanlIy, lhey are sovereign rene-
dies againsl poison.
Upon di r e c l c onl a c l vi l h a ny
poison~Iiquid, soIid, or vapor~a uni-
corns horn lurns fron ils usuaI ivory
hue lo purpIe, lhe inlensily of lhe coIor
(nauve lhrough lIack) deepening
according lo lhe efficacy of lhe poison.
(This effecl fades in 1-4 rounds afler lhe
cessalion of conlacl.) Sone very rare
horns are naluraIIy of a hue olher lhan
ivory, lul lhey are never purpIe, and
lurn lo such hues onIy vhen poison is
presenl. Iovdered unicorn horn, laken
inlernaIIy (vashed dovn vilh valer or
vine) is an anlidole lo aII ingesled poi-
sons, neulraIizing such innedialeIy, lo
prevenl any furlher danage. Rulling
an envenoned lIade, spearhead or
arrov-lip vilh povdered or vhoIe
horn viII renove and negale lhe poison
(so effecliveIy lhal lhe process of
renovaI ilseIf is nol dangerous). A uni-
corn horn carried nexl lo lhe skin of
any crealure confers upon lhal crea-
lure a + 7 lonus in aII saving lhrovs of
any sorl.
Druids have found lhal a facric firc
speII casl upon a vhoIe horn or piece of
one viII Iasl for 44 rounds. The efficacy
of a ncni ng speII is increased ly
louching a parl of lhe ilen lo le nend-
ed vilh a unicorn horn during casling,
nagicaI ilens can le nade vhoIe~
a I l ho ugh l he i r dve o ne r i s no l
reslored~and shallered ilens vilh
nany fraclures (such as lroken earlh-
envare pols or cryslaI fIasks) can le
conpIeleIy reslored. If lhe canlrip
o|uc|ign| is casl vilh a unicorn horn in
hand, lhe gIov cenlers upon lhe horn,
nol lhe caslers paIn, and lhe horn can
le reIeased ly lhe casler and lhe casler
and horn separaled ly any dislance
vilhoul lhe Iighl faiIing~unliI lhe casl-
er ceases lo concenlrale on il.
lher povers of unicorn horns are
runored, lul no nore as yel have leen
verified. Iovdered horn is knovn lo le
a possilIe ingredienl (lhere are herlaI
aIlernalives) in lhe naking of a succ|
ua|cr polion.
HomomcuLous cnea1Iom
8cing A Rccipc, Mcs| Ccnp|c|c An
Ccrrcc|, Prcparc 8q Tnc li||ing An
A||ic Hans Of Tnc Gran A|cncnis|
Of Nctcruin|cr, As|rin |nc 8c|, An
Tnc li zar Daun| us , Sc nc s c na| cf
Si|tcrqnccn. Tnc Ma|ing Of A Hcncn-
IirslIy, an acidic lase of valer inlo
vhich is crushed a lhousand lhousand
anls, and oul of vhich is slrained lhe
insecl renains, is prepared in a lIack
iron cauIdron.
SecondIy, lhe foIIoving herls nusl
le crushed and povdered logelher in a
separale vesseI: an acorn, and a vhoIe
pIanl or Iarge Ieaf each of laInony,
lirlhvorl, fenneI, and ginseng.
ThirdIy, a lrass lrazier nusl le Iil,
sloked vilh charcoaI, and over lhe fIanes
nusl le casl a handfuI of rose pelaIs,
incense, and a pinch of fine sand.
The cauIdron of acid nusl nov le
pIaced on lhe lrazier and healed.
Slraighlavay, ere il cones lo lhe loiI,
lhe povdered herls nusl le slirred
inlo il (nind lhal a dipper or IadIe of
vood and nol nelaI is used), and lhe
foIIoving ingredienls nusl aIso le
inlroduced inlo il, in lhe order given:
lhe vhoIe skin of any repliIe (size is
uninporlanl, so Iong as lhe skin is
vhoIe), a hunan eye, lhe lrain of a
nind fIayer, lhe vings of a lal, and lhe
noulhparls or vhoIe head of a vanpir-
ic lal. These nay le agilaled and
slirred as necessary~lhey nusl le
vhoIIy dissoIved ere lhe nixlure cones
lo a loiI.
As lhe nixlure legins lo lullIe in
earnesl, lhe nagic-user shaII Iel fresh
lIood fron his ovn lody inlo a vesseI
ly neans of an incision, and one pinl
exaclIy nusl le added lo lhe pol.
The aIchenisl lhen nusl lend lhe
nixlure conslanlIy, aIIoving lhe lra-
zier lo lurn oul and lhe nixlure sIovIy
cooI. When lhe side of lhe cauIdron is
no varner lhan lhe roon, lhe nixlure
nay le covered (lighlIy, vilh slrelched
and larred hide seaIed vilh vax, lo
keep lhe air oul) and Iefl undislurled
for 1-4 veeks. When il is adjudged
ready (ly lhe sneII of lhe seaI, vhich
shouId le sharpIy spicy) ly lhe aIche-
nisl, lhe nixlure shaII le uncovered
and pul once nore over a lrazier vilh
charcoaI and incense. As il heals, lhe
nagic-user nusl casl a ncning speII
upon lhe fIuid, lhen a nirrcr inagc,
and lhen a uizar cqc. He nusl lhen
renain vilhin lhe presence of lhe cauI-
dron, or al Ieasl vilhin lhe fulure radi-
us of conlroI of lhe crealure (48), as
lhe nixlure is healed lo a loiI. The
aIchenisl shaII lhen sloke lhe fires hol-
ler, and vhen nuch of lhe fIuid is
loiIed avay, lhe conpIeled hononcu-
Ious viII le reveaIed in lhe cauIdron.
When il has cooIed (lhe vapors fron lhe
cauIdron passing avay), lhe nagic-user
nusl louch il. Il viII lhen le aninale,
and viII survive (larring physicaI
allack or nisforlune) unliI lhe dealh of
lhe nagic-user, vhereupon il viII dis-
soIve inlo loiIing vapor and pass inlo
nolhingness. If il shouId die firsl and
lhe nagic-user survive ils dealh, he
nusl guard and hide ils corpse veII, for
vhalever is done lo lhe carcass shaII
happen aIso lo lhe speII casler~lhe
renains shouId nol le lurned save lhe
casler has nagics lo prolecl againsl
fire. Renenler loo, lhal il can see in
lhe darkness vhere one cannol, and
can guard vhiIe one sIeeps, vaking one
al lhe approach of any crealure.
Sablrlnes Secu|ar
Appcarancc: A Iarge, heavy lone
( f i ve handvi dl hs ac r os s ly l en
handvidlhs high, lvo fingers lhick) of
lvenly-eighl fine veIIun pages vilh
slanped lrass corner-pieces, and cov-
ers of lhin lIack narlIe affixed lo lhe
lhinnesl of sulh-vood sheels ly Iarge
lrass corner caps.
HIstnry and DcscrIptInn: Salirine
vas a nage of Iong ago, inslrunenlaI in
lhe expIoralion of lhe Norlh, her adven-
lures are a parl of lhe fireside Iore of
lraders and lraveIers lhere yel. She
conpiIed and conceaIed speIIlooks in
various caches and favorile haunls
aloul lhe viIderIands, and lhe one
knovn as The SpecuIar has survived,
for il is knovn lo have leen in lhe
Iilrary of lhe sage Liron lhe Id in
Nevervinler unliI his dealh~and lhe
sulsequenl piIIaging of his house ly
lhieves of lhe Red Hand guiId~onIy
four vinlers ago.
Salirine Iearned lhe secrels of Iich-
don lul chose lo die a naluraI dealh
inslead. She vas a nage vilh an espe-
ciaI inleresl in canlrips, and vas an
enlhusiaslic advocale of lhe conlinued
use and refinenenl of canlrips ly
nagic-users of Iong career and high
IeveI. The Spccu|ar, for inslance, con-
lains lhree unique canlrips deveIoped
ly Salirine: ca|fcc|, sna|cn, and spar|.
Cnntcnts: Lach canlrip and speII in
lhe Spccu|ar is sel forlh aIone on a
page, and lhere are lvo addilionaI pag-
es al eilher end of lhe look, lhal al lhe
leginning leing an inscriplion idenlify-
ing lhe lone as leIonging lo Salirine,
vilh her rune (an S depicled as a
svan), and lhal al lhe end learing a
curious piece of lIack feIl in lhe shape
of a viaI. The fronlispiece page is aclu-
aIIy a unique speII, spc|| cnginc (delaiIed
hereafler) of unknovn aulhorship,
vhich has leen conceaIed ly use of a
secrel pagc speII. The connand vord
of lhe sccrc| pagc is nol knovn. The
Iasl page is lhoughl lo le an unused
nagicaI uscfu| i|cn (see rcoc cf uscfu|
i|cns descriplion in lhe Dungccn Mas-
|crs Guic) a pc|icn cf cx|ra nca|ing,
LIninsler leIieves.
The pages lelveen lear six canlrips:
ca|f cc| ( del ai I ed hereaf l er) , c| can,
frcsncn, sna|cn (delaiIed hereafler),
spar| (delaiIed hereafler), and un|cc|,
and speIIs as foIIovs: ccnprcncn |an-
guagcs, cn|argc, |ign|, Nqs|u|s nagic
aura, s|ccp, o|ac|nirs| (a unique speII,
delaiIed hereafler), c|cc| cti|, |SP
c|airauicncc, gus| cf uin, |cngucs,
c n a r n nc n s | c r , i g , f i r c c n a r n,
Mcra| s nurcrcus ni s| ( a uni que
speII laughl lo Salirine ly her lulor, lhe
nighly archnage MeraId, lhe speII is
delaiIed hereafler), pc|qncrpn c|ncr,
8igoqs in|crpcsing nan, isin|cgra|c,
gcas, and pnasc ccr.
Spc|| |nginc (Aljuralion/AIleralion)
LeveI: 8
Range: O
Duralion: SpeciaI
A of Lffecl: Sphere aloul casler, of 1
radius per IeveI
Conponenls: V,S,M
Casling Tine: 1 lurn
Saving Throv: None
Exp!anatInn/DcscrIptInn: This rare
and poverfuI nagic does nol cone inlo
operalion unliI anolher speII is casl
vilhin ils area of effecl. When lhal
occurs, a huge, shining vheeI or verli-
caI disc of gIoving vhile Iighl viII
inslanlIy appear (sone inches alove
any ground or fIoor lhal vas lhere al
lhe line of casling, or is lhere al lhe
line of aclivalion) vhere lhe casler
slood vhiIe casling lhe cnginc (even if
lhal speIIcasling occurred cenluries
lefore). Il viII legin lo lurn, vilh a gen-
lIe rushing noise, and viII alsorl lhe
energy of aII speIIs casl vilhin ils area
of effecl~so lhal lhey are vasled and
do nol vork, lul serve inslead lo
pover lhe lurning vheeI. The vheeI
does nolhing excepl lurn, Iighl up an
area, and lenefil nagic-user and iIIu-
sionisls vilh a curious side-effecl: Ils
sound and energies and nagicaI con-
cenlralion, and speII nenorizing lines
for speIIcaslers vho sludy vilhin ils
area of effecl are haIved. nce acli-
valed, an cnginc viII nol disappear unliI
dispeIIed, if slarved for nagicaI energy,
il viII nereIy lurn nore and nore sIov-
Iy, and graduaIIy grov din, unliI il
hangs nolionIess, lransIucenl and
A spc|| cnginc cannol le dispeIIed ly
ispc| nagic (vhich il viII alsorl), nor
affecled ly nornaI veapons (vhich
pass lhrough il as lhough il does nol
exisl). A uisn, |ini|c uisn, or a||cr
rca|i|q speII, properIy vorded, viII
deslroy il, as viII conlacl vilh any nag-
icaI ilen or arlifacl~vhich causes a
nagicaI expIosion doing 1-2O poinls of
danage lo aII vilhin 1 (1-8 lo lhose
fron 1 + lo 2 avay), and deslroys a
nagicaI ilen, an arlifacl nusl nake a
saving lhrov. If such an arlifacl is nol
deslroyed, lhere is a 75 chance lhal il
viII le shifled (vilh or vilhoul any
crealure vieIding il) inlo anolher pIane
of exislence.
Magic ncu|ns, g|qpns, sqnoc|s, and
proleclive circIes or olher runic nagics
viII nol le affecled ly a spc|| cnginc,
lhus, a doorvay can le guarded ly a
sqnoc|, and a spc|| cnginc casl in fronl
of lhe doorvay viII prevenl lhe sqnoc|
fron leing dispeIIed. Dc|cc| nagic viII
reveaI lhe presence and shape of an
unaclivaled spc|| cnginc, lhe vheeI is
lypicaIIy 12 in dianeler and 2 lhick,
slanding uprighl on edge, aIlhough il
viII grov narginaIIy Iarger if charged
ly nany speIIs and lhe surroundings
pernil such grovlh (ils area of effecl
renaining unchanged). Il is oflen casl
in a narrov passagevay lefore a door.
UnliI aclivaled, lhe vheeI of a spc||
cnginc has no physicaI exislence and
cannol le louched. A isin|cgra|c speII
viII have no effecl on an unaclivaled
spc|| cnginc, lul il viII deslroy an acli-
valed spc|| cnginc, vilh an expIosion
idenlicaI in effecl lo lhal caused ly con-
lacl lelveen a spc|| cnginc and a nagi-
caI ilen or arlifacl. Nole lhal a spc||
cngincs area of effecl exlends lhrough
rock and void aIike in a perfecl sphere,
il cannol le easiIy avoided ly use of a
passua||, ig, or pnasc ccr. Li vi ng
crealures nol possessing nagicaI ilens
can pass lhrough lhe area of effecl of
an aclive spc|| cnginc vilhoul effecl, il
does nol drain speIIs fron ninds.
Inaclive spc|| cngincs cannol le con-
lacled ly a Iiving crealure, nagicaI
ilen, or arlifacl, and lhus cannol le so
aclivaled, nor viII lhe presence of a
funclioning speII, psionic effecl, or
nagicaI ilen funclion aclivale a spc||
cnginc il is onIy lhe acluaI casling of a
speII lhal aclivales lhe cnginc.
The naleriaI conponenls for lhis
speII are a snaII disc of fine, poIished
ivory, lone, sheII, or narlIe, a drop of
valer or one of lhe caslers lears, and a
gen (any lype) of al Ieasl 1,OOO gp vaIue.
Ca|fcc| (AIleralion)
A of L: 1 pair of feel (seIf)
CT 1/6 segnenl
Exp!anatInn/DcscrIptInn: This per-
sonaI canlrip, enacled ly naking a
slroking nolion vilh lhe fingers of one
hand, acls upon lhe casler (and cannol
le nade lo affecl anolher person) for
one round (pIus one addilionaI round
per experience IeveI of lhe casler, alove
lhe firsl IeveI). Movenenls or lhe
veighl (lread) of lhe casler s feel,
regardIess of lhe surface leing vaIked
upon or cIinled, are rendered siIenl.
This does nol cIoak any olher sounds
nade ly lhe casler, such as lrealhing,
lhe svish of cIolhing, sounds nade
vilh lhe hands grasping or noving, elc.
Anylhing disIodged or lroken ly lhe
caslers feel viII nake vhalever noise il
nornaIIy vouId, and lraps or olher
devices lriggered ly a foolslep viII aIso
funclion nornaIIy. In addilion, lhe casl-
er viII Iand, laIanced and unvinded,
on his or her feel, fron a faII of any
heighl suffered vhiIe lhe canlrip is in
effecl (and a nodifier of - 1 fron each
die of faIIing danage suffered appIies).
The dveoner aIso Iends sone surely
of lraclion and novenenl, a - 15
chance of sIipping or faIIing in danp,
greasy, or olhervise sIighlIy sIippery
condilions underfool. Nole lhal lhis
does nol enalIe lhe casler lo cIinl or
vaIk upon vaIIs or ceiIings unIess olher
nagic is enpIoyed (such as a spicr
c|ino speII), lul viII reinforce aII such
nagics lo Iend increased safely in haz-
ardous condilions.
Sna|cn (Lvocalion)
A of L: 1 person
CT: 1/6 segnenl
Exp! anat I nn/ Dcs c r I pt I nn: Thi s
person-affecling canlrip causes a lrief,
vioIenl jerking force lo acl upon a lody
porlion or Iinl of a suljecl crealure.
This force has IillIe slrenglh, lul nay
serve lo cause a running leing lo slun-
lIe or lurn aloul, or cause soneone lo
funlIe or drop snaII oljecls such as
keys, naleriaI conponenls, gens,
coins, and lhe Iike. A saving lhrov (of
l he sulj ecl , vs. speI I ) del erni nes
vhelher such olj ecls are acluaIIy
dropped, or a faII or nishap acluaIIy
occurs~or vhelher lhe sna|cn nereIy
deIays lhe suljecl for 1-3 segnenls. In
no case can successf uI I y sna| cnc
oljecls le aninaled or conveyed nagi-
caIIy ly lhe casler, lhe sna|cn is a lrief
lug, nol an unsccn scrtan|. The casler
hisses soflIy al lhe suljecl leing (vho
nusl le vilhin 4 of lhe casler~vilhin
1 if lhe casler is a O-IeveI apprenlice),
and sinuIlaneousIy nakes a jerking
nolion vilh a hooked finger, visuaIiz-
ing lhe Iocalion and precise direclion of
lhe desired sna|cning, lo enacl lhe can-
Spar| (Lvocalion)
A of L: SpeciaI
CT segnenl
Exp!anatInn/DcscrIptInn: This per-
sonaI canlrip is enacled ly lhe casler
snapping his or her fingers and naking
a popping verlaI noise sinuIlaneousIy,
lhis causes a Iarge, poverfuI lIue spark
lo cone inlo leing al any precise Ioca-
lion (faniIiar, or unseen and nereIy
chosen ly direclion and dislance) vilh-
in a range of 1 per IeveI of lhe casler.
The energy of lhe spark viII le lrans-
nilled ly any conducling naleriaIs il
conlacls, lul lhe spark does nol require
lhe presence of eIeclricaI (or any olher)
energy, and is nol affecled ly. danpness
or olher alnospheric condilions. If lhe
casler is of 6lh IeveI or higher, lhe can-
lrip viII produce 2-5 (1d4 + 1) sparks in
lhe sane spol, in rapid (successive seg-
nenls) succession.
8|ac|nirs| (AIleralion)
LeveI: 2
Range: Touch
Duralion: 1 round
Area of Lffecl: BIade(s) of one veapon
Conponenls: V,S,M
Casling Tine: 1 round
Saving Throv: None
Exp!anatInn/DcscrIptInn: By neans
of a pinch of povdered siIver, adanan-
lile, or nilhraI, and al Ieasl a drop of
(hunan) lIood, lhe casler endovs lhe
lIade (or lIades) of an edged veapon
vilh a + 3 lonus lo hil on lhe foIIoving
round onIy. This lenporary nagic is
visilIe as a lIue-vhile gIov aloul lhe
veapon, and fades vhen lhe lIade
slrikes a crealure or lhe speII expires,
vhichever firsl occurs. The veapon
nusl le louched ly lhe casler, and can
le vieIded ly lhe casler or any crea-
lure ~ lul if il is lhrovn, casl, or
Iaunched (i.e., a fired nissiIe veapon
such as an arrov), lhe + 3 lonus viII
nol appIy. (Nole lhal an arrov heId lo
slal Iike a dagger vouId gain lhe
lonus.) The veapon does nol gain a + 3
lonus on danage, lul is considered
nagicaI for hil purposes on lhe round
foIIoving speIIcasling, and if il nusl
nake a savi ng l hrov duri ng l hal
round, il gains a + 3 lonus on lhe save.
(IoIearns such as spears and haIlerds
are edged veapons, lul spiked veap-
ons such as a fIaiI or a norning slar are
Mcra|s Murcrcus Mis| (Lvocalion)
LeveI: 4
Range: O
Duralion: 2 rounds
Area of Lffecl: 2 radius sphere
Conponenls: V,S,M
Casling Tine: 4 segnenls
Saving lhrov: Neg.
Exp!anatInn/DcscrIptInn: A liIIov-
ing cIoud of nisly vapors is crealed ly
lhe use of lhis speII, il radiales oul-
vards fron lhe casler lo fiII a 2 radius
sphericaI area alove and leIov lhe
caslers ground IeveI, penelraling aII
olslruclions in onIy lvo segnenls, al
lhe end of lhe round of casling lhe nag-
ic lakes effecl, and lhe nisl changes in
hue fron lIue-gray lo green, leconing
poisonous. AII lrealhing crealures
vilhin lhe area of effecl nol possessing
a (nagicaI) separale air suppIy ~ excepl
lhe casler, vho is innune lo lhe effecls
of his or her ovn nurcrcus nis|
nusl innedialeIy save vs. speII. Those
vho save are unharned. Those vho do
nol lake 2-8 poinls of danage fron lhe
vapor, vhich is corrosive lo fIesh lul
does nol affecl cIolhing or ilens. Crea-
lures vhich canl nove oul of lhe area
of effecl vilhin lhe round lake a fur-
lher 1-4 poinls of danage on lhe foIIov-
ing round, as lhe vapors legin lo
conline vilh lhe air and disappear.
The gIole of nurcrcus nis| is a nagi-
caIIy lound, precise area unaffecled ly
naluraI or nagicaI vinds. Dispc| nagic
or par| ua|cr viII cause il lo disappear
lefore expiralion of lhe speII, and vari-
ous nagics or ilens (such as rcpc |ric|
or a pcr|ao|c nc|c) viII prolecl an indi-
viduaI ly providing escape fron lhe
nis|, lul il is olhervise unaffecled ly
naluraI or nagicaI forces.
G|ant|s Workbook
Appcarancc: A snaII (one handspan
in heighl, seven fingers vide, and lvo
lhick) voIune conslrucled fron lvo
Iealher-covered loards heId logelher
ly lrass lrianguIar-head naiIs, lhrough
a cenlraI spine of heavy hide lo vhich
are sevn a dozen parchnenl sheels.
The oulside fronl cover lears a person-
aI rune, lhus:
Benealh il, an inscriplion in Connon:
CIanvyI~his Worklook. Bolh rune and
inscriplion are lurned inlo lhe Iealher,
and lhe grooves fiIIed vilh noIlen cop-
per, vhich has hardened inlo rainlov-
scarred, predoninanlIy orange nelaI
HIstnry and DcscrIptInn: CIanvyI is
an unknovn nagic-user vho assen-
lIed lhis Worklook~prolalIy under
lhe luleIage of one or nore nagic users
of grealer pover~in lhe caravan-
crossroads cily of ScornuleI sone
lhree hundred years ago. Il vas hidden
in a chesl of siIk govns, lehind a Ioose
slone, in a ceIIar vaII of a house ovned
ly lhe nerchanl IenlIe, and lefore hin
ly lhe iIIusionisl and advenlurer AIkun-
da Car. Af l er Ienl I e s house vas
deslroyed ly a fire, one of lhe reluiId-
ers found il, and look il vilh sleaIlh lo
lhe sage BenduIphin, vho gave hin five
hundred pieces of goId for il.
BenduIphin died of naluraI causes,
shorlIy lhereafler, and his son Tresk
look lhe Worklook lo Walerdeep,
vhere he soId il lo a conjurer, one
Braszelor. This nev ovner disappeared
shorlIy lhereafler, and his roons vere
rifIed ly lhe Masler Thief Nighleye~or
soneone eIse vho dared lo use his
nark. The vherealouls of lhe lcr|-
occ| al presenl are unknovn, Nighleye
has prolalIy lraded or soId il, lul he
couId have done eilher of lhese lhings
vilh aInosl anyone, anyvhere.
Cnntcnts: Iron BenduIphins noles,
ve Iearn lhal lhe lcr|occ|s lveIve
pages lear lhe foIIoving speIIs and
vrilings: lhe unique canlrips ncrn, |is-
|cn, and sccrcn (aII descriled hereaf-
ler), sel forlh one lo a page, and lhe
speIIs uri|c, c|cc| nagic, |ccnuns
|rap, and Nqs|u|s nagic aura, one lo a
page, in lhe order given. These are foI-
Ioved ly a page of noles on lhe inlensi-
lies and hues of various dveoners
vieved ly c|cc| nagic (confused and
suljeclive~of IillIe praclicaI use), and
lhen a unique druid speII, snc|c gncs|
(presunalIy copied ly CIanvyI lhrough
use of a uri|c speII, and lhen found lo
le an unlransIalalIe druidic prayer ~
or perhaps never idenlified ly hin al
aII). IarlicuIars of lhis speII are given
leIov. The Iasl lvo pages of lhe vork-
look conlain speII-ink fornuIae for
vriling lhe speIIs nas|c and |ign|ning
oc||, respecliveIy.
Hcrn (Lvocalion)
A of L: SpeciaI
CT: SpeciaI
Exp!anatInn/DcscrIptInn: A ncrn
canlrip causes lhe haunling sound of a
non-exislenl horn or lrunpel leing
vinded lo le heard vilhin 2 (6 if
Ioud). The pilch, voIune, apparenl dis-
lance (echo and nuffIing), and Ienglh of
nole (onIy a singIe caII is pernilled) are
aII conlroIIalIe ly lhe casler. The casler
fainlIy or inaudilIy huns a lone lo sel
lhe pilch, and lhen opens his or her
noulh inlo an -shape vhiIe cupping
lhe fingers of one hand over il. The
lrunpel caII viII Iasl as Iong as lhe
noulh is open in an . The voIune and
sleadiness of lhe nole are conlroIIed ly
l he f i nger s ( vhi c h f I ar e open l o
increase voIune, and pinch shul lo
nule il) and can le shaken lo give a
lrenuIous nole. A casler pracliced in
lhe use of lhis canlrip can inilale horn
lIasls perfeclIy.
|is|cn (AIleralion)
A of L: 1 crealure
CT: 1/1O segnenl
Exp!anatInn/DcscrIptInn: A
person-affecling |is|cn canlrip enalIes
lhe casler lo allracl lhe allenlion of a
largel crealure vilhin 6. The canlrip
is aclivaled ly lhe caslers poinling al
lhe largel and lhen al hinseIf, vhiIe
sinuIlaneousIy saying, Ahen. The lar-
gel viII lhen le aIerled lo lhe nessage
sulsequenlIy (leginning vilhin one
segnenl of lhe casling) spoken ly lhe
casler~i.e., across a vide slreel or
crovded roon, elc. The canlrip does
nol acl as a ncssagc speII, lhere nusl le
no larriers lo sound lelveen casler
and largel, and lhe canlrip does nol
inprove lhe largels hearing or lhe voI-
une of lhe caslers voice~nor does il
caplure lhe largels fuII concenlralion,
so il viII nol ruin or deIay speIIcasling.
If lhe nessage is spoken in a Ianguage
nol underslood ly lhe largel, lhe can-
lrip does nol lransIale il. The canlrip is
ideaI for aIerling a friend lo lhe pres-
ence of lhe casler. A |is|cn canlrip viII
never le casl upon lhe vrong largel
due lo novenenl during lhe caslers
poinling, lhe caslers viev of lhe largel
delernines lhe largel.
Sccrcn (AIleralion)
A of L: 1 oljecl
CT: 1/3 segnenl
Exp! anat I nn/ Dcs c r I pt I nn: Thi s
reversed canlrip, despile ils nane, cre-
ales neilher fIane nor heal. Inslead, ly
nagicaIIy exciling lhe noIecuIes of any
non-Iiving olj ecl (of up lo 1OO gp
veighl), il causes lhe oljecl lo char
vilhoul noise, sneII, or snoke. The
casler nusl louch lhe oljecl (hil roII
required if anolher crealure is allenpl-
ing lo prolecl lhe oljecl or keep lhe
casler fron il), and lhe oljecl is aIIoved
a saving lhrov vs. nagicaI fire. If lhe
save faiIs, lhe oljecl is consuned. This
canlrip viII readiIy deslroy nagicaI
vrilings such as speIIlooks and scroIIs.
The verlaI conponenl is a hissing
noise, lhe sonalic conponenl is nereIy
louching lhe oljecl lo le affecled.
Snc|c Gncs| (AIleralion)
LeveI: 4
Range: 1 /IeveI
Duralion: 1 round/IeveI
Area of Lffecl: SpeciaI
Conponenls: V,S,M
Casling Tine: 4 segnenls
Saving Throv:
Exp!anatInn/DcscrIptInn: By neans
of a pinch of dusl and nislIeloe, casl
inlo an exisling fire or cIoud of snoke
(of nagicaI or naluraI origin), a druid
can affecl snoke, draving il inlo a
vrailh-Iike covIed forn vhich viII fIy
or gIide, drifling up lo 14 per round in
lhe direclion he or she vishes. The
snc|c gncs| is nol a Iiving crealure or
senlienl force, and cannol vear cIolh-
ing, carry lhings, or le nade lo speak.
Il is nereIy an apparilion vilh one
allack aliIily: il can enveIop an oppo-
nenl and suffocale il vilh lhick, chok-
ing snoke and ash. This causes 1 hp of
danage per round lhe viclin is vilhin
lhe gncs| (lhe druid can cause lhe
snc|c gncs| lo nove vilh an opponenl)
and lIinds lhe viclin so lhal aII allacks
are al -2 lo hil, speIIcasling and even
nornaI speech are inpossilIe for lhe
viclin (vioIenl relching and coughing
viII occur vhen lhese are lried). The
viclin viII le rendered unconscious
lhrough suffocalion in 4-9 (1d6 + 3) suc-
cessive rounds of enveIopnenl.
A successfuI saving lhrov vs. lhe
gncs| (one, againsl lrealh veapon,
nusl le nade each line a crealure is
enveIoped, even if lhe sane crealure
has escaped fron vilhin lhe gncs| once
or severaI lines lefore) causes lhe vic-
lins allacks lo le onIy al - 1, danage
lo le - 1 hp onIy al lhe end of each lvo
successive rounds of enveIopnenl (no
danage for Iesser line periods, or frac-
lions) and neans suffocalion viII occur
onIy al lhe end of nine successive
rounds of enveIopnenl. Beings vho
have lhus saved vs. a gncs| can nanage
lo uller ilen connand vords, pcucr
ucrs, or casl sone olher speIIs and
canlrips lhal require onIy a singIe spo-
ken vord, doing so usuaIIy vracks
lhen vilh unconlroIIalIe coughing fils
for lhe foIIoving round. A snc|c gncs|
is a cIoud of lhick, liIIoving grey snoke
approxinaleIy 9 high ly 2 in dianeler,
and cannol achieve a grealer slalIe voI-
une, lul ils precise forn is varialIe, in
accordance vilh lhe caslers vishes. A
snc|c gncs| can rise up inlo lhe air 1
per IeveI of lhe druid, or le nade lo
sink lo lhe ground, fIoving aIong lhe
earlh Iike sone sorl of Iiving lIankel,
and can svoop and naneuver lhrough
cracks and crevices preciseIy as lhe
druid viIIs. Il can shifl inlo a gIole-
forn or vaII-forn in 1-4 segnenls. A
druid vho cannol see his or her snc|c
gncs| cannol direcl il, nor can a druid
vhose concenlralion is lurned eIse-
vhere (i.e., in casling anolher speII) do
so. In lolh cases, lhe snc|c gncs| viII
hang nolionIess unliI il is dispeIIed or
lhe speII expires (a gncs| lhal reaches
lhe caslers naxinun range viII aIso
slop and renain in pIace unliI disap-
pearing, or unliI direcled eIsevhere ly
lhe casler. The casler can viII lhe gncs|
lo disappear inlo nolhingness al any
line (vhich viII lake 1-6 segnenls). Il
can aIso le deslroyed ly a gus| cf uin,
ispc| nagic, or slrong naluraI vinds.
The Red Rook of War
Appcarancc: A nassive lvo-voIune,
lvo culils vide ly lhree high (a culil
leing lhe Ienglh fron lhe eIlov lo lhe
end of lhe niddIe finger). Ils covers are
nade of arnor pIales lealen fIal, care-
fuIIy shaped, and hinged al lhe spine of
lhe look lo forn a very slrong linding,
conlaining fifly-one lhin pages of lur-
nished copper, carefuIIy slanped vilh
Iellers and sigiIs, each page conlaining
one prayer or cIericaI speII on one side
onIy. No sigiI or lilIe is visilIe on lhe oul-
er covers. A pernanenl, paIe-red fIick-
eri ng facric firc enanales fron lhe
looks pages.
HIstnry and DcscrIptInn: Worship
of lhe var-god Tenpus is veII eslal-
Iished in lhe nore IavIess and lroulIed
Iands of lhe ReaIns, and a nunerous,
veII-organized prieslhood has cone
inlo leing over lhe years. Tnc Rc 8cc|
cf lar is one of haIf a dozen or so sini-
Iar voIunes, lenpIe lones conlaining
prayers for use ly lhe priesls of Ten-
pus. Hovever, lhe Rc 8cc|, unIike ils
feIIovs, has gone nissing~Iosl lo
lhieves in TeIfIann vhen lhe greal
Tover of Tenpus lhere vas rolled one
nighl lhree vinlers ago ly represenla-
lives of lhe IocaI lhieves guiId. Il seens
lhal Taeron, High Iriesl and Chanpion
Ranpanl of Tenpus in TeIfIann,
refused lo render unlo VoIIudan, CuiId-
nas l er of l he Shadovnas l er s of
TeIfIann, cerlain proleclive nonies~
and so lhe Shadovnaslers reIieved lhe
lenpIe of severaI of ils grealesl lrea-
sures, incIuding lvo greal nagicaI
lIades, a nc|n cf ori||iancc, and lhe Rc
The Shadovnaslers pronplIy quar-
reIed over lheir looly (aided ly venge-
fuI priesls and vorshipers of Tenpus ~
i.e., nosl of lhe nercenaries in lhe cily),
and VoIIudan and severaI of his Iieulen-
anls perished. AII of lhe lenpIe lrea-
sures vere recovered excepl lhe Rc
8cc|, vhich is sliII acliveIy soughl ly aII
priesls of Tenpus, a revard of 25,OOO
pieces of goId (pIus, if lhe finder is a
failhfuI of Tenpus, a pronolion of one
rank in lhe prieslhood) can le cIained
al any lenpIe of lhe Wargod in relurn
for lhe conpIele Rc 8cc| cf lar. Tnc
Rc 8cc| viII le recognized on sighl ly
aII canons and higher-ranking priesls of
Tenpus, and lhey viII do anylhing~
incIuding nounling an anlush or
pilched lallIe vilh aII lhe arned nen
lhey can nusler ~ necessary lo regain
i l . I l s pr e s e nl vhe r e a loul s a r e
unknovn, lul il is lhoughl lhal lhieves
conveyed il far fron TeIfIann, and lhal
il nay have changed hands severaI
lines since ils lhefl.
Cnntcnts: Tnc Rc 8cc| conlains lhe
foIIoving cIericaI speIIs, one lo a page,
appearing in lhe order nenlioned (aII
are in slandard P|aqcrs Hanocc| forn
excepl for sone unique speIIs, vhich
are descriled hereafler~lhese unique
prayers leing speciaI lo lhe priesls of
Tenpus, lhey nay or nay nol le heard,
and ansvered idenlicaIIy, ly olher dei-
l i e s ) : o | c s s , c c nna n , c ur c | i g n |
ucuns, c| cc| nagi c, rcnctc f car,
augurq, cnan|, nc| pcrscn, |ncu a|ign-
ncn|, rcsis| firc, s|cu pciscn, spiri|ua|
nanncr, anina|c ca, ccn|inua| |ign|,
curc o| i nncss, curc i scasc, i spc|
nagic, fcign ca|n, nc|q f|ai| (speciaI
prayer, see leIov), |cca|c cojcc|, praq-
cr, rcnctc cursc, spca| ui|n ca, curc
scricus ucuns, c|cc| |ic, itina|icn,
cxcrcisc, ncu|ra|izc pciscn, prc|cc|icn
frcn cti| 10 raius, rctca| (speciaI
prayer, see leIov), |cngucs, a|cncncn|,
ccnnunc, i spc| cti | , f | anc s| ri |c,
qucs| , rai sc ca, | ruc scci ng, o| ac
oar r i c r , nc a| , s pc a| ui | n ncns | c r s ,
s| cnc | c| | , ucr cf rcca| | , o| aco| css
(speciaI prayer, see leIov), ga|c, rcgcn-
cra|c, rcs|cra|icn, rcsurrcc|icn, sacrc
|in| (speciaI prayer, see leIov), sqnoc|,
and uin ua||. The speciaI prayers lo
Tenpus conlained in lhe Rc Rcc| are
as foIIovs:
Hc|q ||ai| (Invocalion/AIleralion)
LeveI: 3
Range: Touch
Duralion: 1 round/IeveI
Area of Lffecl: SpeciaI
Conponenls: V,S,M
Casling Tine: 6 segnenls
Saving Throv: None
Exp!anatInn/DcscrIptInn: By caII-
ing upon his or her deily, lhe cIeric casl-
i ng a nc| q f | ai | speI I l enporari I y
lransforns his or her ovn hoIy synloI,
or any non-lIaded veapon vhich lhe
cIeric louches vieIded ly anolher
leing, inlo a nagicaI hoIy fIaiI. Ior one
round per experience IeveI of lhe cIeric,
lhe hoIy synloI or lransforned veap-
on lecones a snakeIike, fIexilIe fieId of
force allached lo a rigid hand-hoId, an
invisilIe, crackIing speclraI fIaiI lhal is
+ 2 lo hil vhen vieIded in lallIe, and is
considered a nagicaI veapon for hil-
ling purposes. A slrike fron a hoIy fIaiI
does 2-7 poinls of danage and, if vieId-
ed ly a cIeric, an addilionaI 1 hil poinl
per experience IeveI of lhe cIeric dan-
age per slrike lo aII undead, and lo any
crealure of a grealIy differenl aIign-
nenl lhan lhal of lhe cIeric (see leIov).
If a nc|q f|ai| speII is casl upon a lIad-
ed veapon, nolhing viII happen and
lhe speII viII le Iosl. If il is casl upon a
veapon heId ly a crealure of a grealIy
differenl aIignnenl lhan lhal of lhe
casling cIeric (i.e., good vs. eviI, IavfuI,
chaolic, and neulraI consideralions do
nol naller in lhis case), lhe f|ai| viII nol
forn. A nc|q f|ai| viII aIvays vanish if il
is lransferred fron one crealure lo
anolher, unIess lhe leing receiving il is
lhe speIIcasler or anolher cIeric of lhe
sane deily. A nc|q f|ai| does nol need
conlinued concenlralion on lhe parl of
lhe cIeric lo nainlain il, and can le
dropped lo enalIe speIIcasling (or
lhrovn as a veapon) vilhoul vanish-
ing. A nc|q f|ai| crealed fron a hoIy
synloI can onIy le vieIded ly a cIeric
of lhe sane deily as lhe synloI, or il
viII vanish. The naleriaI conponenls
of lhis speII are lhe hoIy synloI or
veapon (vhich is nol consuned or
danaged in any vay ly lhe speII) and a
pinch of povdered genslone (of any
Rctca| (Divinalion) ReversilIe
LeveI: 4
Range: Touch
Duralion: 4 rounds
Area of Lffecl: 12 sighl range
Conponenls: V,S,M
Casling Tine: 7 segnenls
Saving Throv: None
Exp!anatInn/DcscrIptInn: This speII
is casl upon lhe cIeric or anolher (viII-
ing) crealure inlo vhose eyes lhe cIeric
induces lhe naleriaI conponenl of lhe
speII. Il aIIovs lhe affecled leing lo see
cIearIy lhe Iocalion and oulIine of sqn-
oc|s, g|qpns cf uaring, nagicaIIy con-
ceaIed inscriplions, and dveoners
exisling upon surfaces vieved, even if
lhese are nol yel aclivaled (such as nag-
i c ncu| n, Mcr c n|ai nc n s f ai | nf u|
ncun, |ccnuns |rap, Nqs|u|s nagic
aura, na| | uci na| crq | crrai n, ua| | cf
fcrcc). No cIue as lo lhe precise nalure
of lhe nagic is given ly lhe speII, lul
proleclive circIes, sqnoc|s, and g|qpns
can aII le scrulinized in delaiI and
nighl veII le idenlified ly soneone
faniIiar vilh lhen, or recorded for Ial-
er sludy.
Rctca| viII shov lhe presence of
ga|cs (or olher Iinks lelveen pIanes,
incIuding lhe presence of an aslraI siI-
very cord), inaclive or nol, lul viII nol
reveaI aslraI, elhereaI, or invisilIe crea-
lures or lhings. UnIike |ruc sccing, lhe
auras of crealures are nol shovn, nor
are poIynorphed or nagicaIIy changed
lhings shovn for vhal lhey lruIy are
(aIlhough lhe dveoner of an i||usicn,
for exanpIe, vouId le seen) or forner-
Iy vere.
The speII requires an oinlnenl con-
posed of four drops of lhe cIerics (or
speII recipienls) lIood, lvo drops of
valer, lvo drops of gianl squid sepia, a
pinch of lhe povdered herl eyelrighl,
and lvo povdered genslones, a Iarge
lIue sapphire and a carluncIe of al
Ieasl nediun size. The cIeric nixes
lhese in a lovI or depression of slone,
china, or earlhenvare (nol vood or
nelaI) vilh his or her finger, speaks lhe
vords of lhe speII vhiIe hoIding his or
her hoIy synloI over lhe pasle, and
lhen appIies il lo lhe eyes.
The reverse of lhe speII, ccncca|, viII
nask aII lhe alove lhings fron any
crealure lo vhon lhe oinlnenl (con-
posed in lhis case of a pinch of pov-
dered nonkshood (aconile), six drops
of onion juice, a pinch of dusl, and sev-
en drops of valer, nixed and enspeIIed
as alove) is appIied for one lurn per
IeveI of lhe cIeric casling lhe ccncca|,
and if during lhis line lhe affecled
leing enpIoys |ruc sccing or c|cc|
nagic or equivaIenl nagics, lhese speIIs
viII appear lo vork, lul lhe phenon-
ena Iisled alove viII sinpIy nol le seen
ly l he af f ecl ed creal ure. Avake,
noliIe crealures unviIIing lo have lhe
oinlnenl for eilher version of lhe speII
appIied lo lheir eyes nusl le conlacled
ly lhe cIeric lvice (lvo successfuI hil
roIIs required), lul vashing or any
neans shorl of ispc| nagic, cxcrcisc,
or a |ini|c uisn viII nol prevenl lhe
oinlnenl fron vorking.
8|aco|css (Necronanlic)
LeveI: 7
Range: SpeciaI
Duralion: Iernanenl
Area of Lffecl: SpeciaI
Conponenls: V,S,M
Casling Tine: 1 round
Saving Throv: SpeciaI
Exp!anatInn/DcscrIptInn: By use of
lhis speII, a cIeric heaIs a specific vound
ly lesloving a lIessing on lhe veapon
lhal caused il. This nagic vorks onIy
upon a non-nagic lIaded veapon,
vhich lhe cIeric nusl louch and hoId as
he or she inlones lhe lIessing. Innedi-
aleIy upon lhis leing done, lhe Iasl
vound caused ly lhal lIade (if any
vound has leen so caused, lo any Iiving
lhing, vilhin one lurn per experience
IeveI of lhe cIeric) viII inslanlIy le fuIIy
and conpIeleIy heaIed, even if lhe lIade
vas poisoned, a disease conferred, or a
Iinl or head vas severed. Such heaIing
occurs even if lhe affecled crealure is
severaI pIanes dislanl al lhe casling of
lhe o|aco|css ~ and if dealh occurred
due lo a faiIed syslen shock roII or poi-
son saving lhrov, lhen Iife is reslored.
(If dealh vas due lo cunuIalive hil
poinl Ioss, Iife is nol reslored, nor viII
lhis nagic heaI olher vounds upon lhe
viclins lody.) The heaIed crealure
need nol ever le seen, louched, or even
knovn lo lhe cIeric. If such a vound
has aIready heaIed or leen nagicaIIy
heaIed, il is unaffecled, and lhe o|aco-
|css nagic is Iosl. The naleriaI conpo-
nenls for lhis speII are lhe veapon in
queslion, lhe cIerics hoIy synloI, and a
drop of lhe cIerics ovn lIood.
Sacrc |in| (Lvocalion/AIleralion)
LeveI: 7
Range: Touch
Duralion: SpeciaI
Area of Lffecl: SpeciaI
Conponenls: V,S,M
Casling Tine: 2 rounds
Saving Throv: None
Exp!anatInn/DcscrIptInn: To lring
aloul a sacrc |in|, a cIeric nusl hoId in
his or her hands lhe lvo oljecls lo le
Iinked, and lhen casl lhe speII. The lvo
ilens nusl le fashioned of lhe sane
naleriaI(s) and le roughIy lhe sane
size, lhey cannol le Iiving crealures,
and ideaIIy lhey viII le nearIy idenlicaI
(i.e., nalching svords, scroIIs, slalu-
elles, elc.) The sacrc |in| speII causes
an invisilIe nagicaI lond lo le crealed
lelveen lhe lvo ilens, lolh viII radi-
ale a very fainl dveoner, and aIlhough
lhe Iink is nol a langilIe palhvay or
lhread lhal one can foIIov, vhal hap-
pens lo one ilen viII aIso happen lo lhe
olher, even if lhey are separaled ly
nyriad pIanes or any dislance.
The Iink Iasls unliI one of lhe ilens is
deslroyed (or unliI a ispc| nagic is casl
upon one of lhe ilens, vhich negales
lhe |in|). Ior inslance, if a nap or scroII
is soId lo an eneny and lhe nalch for il
is relained ly lhe cIeric, his or her len-
pIe, or even anolher leing, severaI days
afler lhe saIe lhis leing couId lurn his
or her copy~and lhe enenys copy
vouId aIso le consuned, regardIess of
ils Iocalion or silualion. (If lhe nap vas
luried or undervaler, no fIanes vouId
occur, lul lhe nap or scroII vouId sliII
lurn lo ashes and le deslroyed, in uni-
son vilh ils lurning lvin, on lhe olher
hand, if lhe enenys copy is in a lack-
pack or on a desk vilh olher papers, ils
innoIalion couId veII ignile olher, adja-
cenl fIannalIe naleriaIs.)
By neans of lhis speII a veapon can
le danaged or deslroyed ly affecling
ils lvin~or converseIy, any ilen couId
le inproved ly pIaling vilh goId,
adorning vilh gens, or carefuI carving.
This speII can le used lo Iink nagic
ilens, and lhus, re-charging or aclival-
ing one vouId idenlicaIIy affecl lhe
olher~lul lhere is a 3 cunuIalive
chance per use of lhe |in| (vhich is
invoIunlary and nol under lhe conlroI
of lhe cIeric or anolher leing, one can-
nol choose lo have one aclion dupIi-
caled in lhe lvin ilen, and anolher nol)
lhal one of lhe ilens viII shaller or
expIode, discharging aII of ils funclions
or charges and ending lhe |in|. The
naleriaI conponenls for lhis speII are
lhe lvo ilens, lhe cIerics hoIy synloI,
and a slrand of fine vire, hunan hair,
or spidervel.
The A|calster
Appcarancc: A Iarge, russel-coIored
voIune conslrucled of nelaI pIales cov-
ered vi l h lurI ap or hessi an, l i ed
logelher vilh a spine of vaxed, inlri-
caleIy inlervoven Iealher lhongs (Iike
lhe Iacings on a Iadys high Iealher rid-
ing lools, according lo lhe sage Norna-
gryn). To lhe veavings are sevn
forly-six pages of lhe finesl lhick parch-
nenl, each conlaining a sinpIe nagicaI
speII or canlrip~excepl lhe Iasl, vhich
lears a curious rune, lhus:
and in Connon, lhe vord KuhoraInin-
lhannas vrillen in a circIe around il. The
ouler covers lear onIy lhe inscriplion
The AIcaisler lurned in snaII, fine fIov-
ing Iellers in Connon, picked oul in
painls of siIver. The look shovs onIy Iighl
vealhering, lul ils appearance gives lhe
inpression of sone age.
HI st nr y and Dcscr I pt I nn: Tn c
A| cai s| cr i s of greal anl i qui l y lul
unknovn origin, il vas vrillen sone-
vhere in lhe Norlh ly a nage of good
pennanship and sone povers al Ieasl
six hundred years ago, vhen il appears
in a nerchanls calaIogue-of-cargo as
decIared lefore lhe pIague-naslers
(quaranline officers) of lhe line, of
Walerdeep. Il vas passed inlo lhe cily,
and presunalIy soId, lul does nol sur-
face again unliI lroughl lo lhe sage
Ardagundus in BaIdurs Cale ly an
advenlurer, naned WiIund, in paynenl
for infornalion as lo lhe vherealouls
and uses of lhe Magica| Cncssncn cf
U||nan-Urrc. Argandus gave lhe look
lo his apprenlice Nornagryn for cala-
Ioguing and sludy, and il is fron Norna-
gryns exacling calaIogue lhal precise
delaiIs of Tnc A|cais|cr cone.
Nornagryn i s leI i eved l o have
lroughl lhe look vilh hin lo Waler-
deep upon his naslers dealh, vhere il
reposed in his Iilrary unliI his ovn
dealh, vhereupon il vanished again. Il
vas olserved ly lhe sorcerer ZenIolh
of Ann lo le in lhe Iilrary of his one-
line lulor, rgolh lhe Tainled (lhe sane
vho vas Ialer deslroyed ly lhree
denons he had sunnoned), lul vas
nol found vhen lhe parly of lhe adven-
lurer MaIahuke searched lhe hidden,
unlouched lunneIs of rgolhs ruined
forlress. Ils presenl vherealouls are a
conpIele nyslery, lul ZenIolh asserls
lhal il nusl sliII exisl, lecause he
encounlered a preslidigilalor in a lav-
ern in Zazesspur vho enpIoyed a s|ing
canlrip (sel forlh onIy, as far as ZenIolh
knovs, in Tnc A|cais|cr). The preslidigi-
lalor, one Mavrhune, vas invoIved in a
lavern lravI al lhe line and did nol
survive il, so ZenIolh vas unalIe lo
inquire vhere and fron vhon lhe can-
lrip had leen Iearned.
Tnc A|cais|cr has a lradilion of sIay-
ing lhose vho read il, as nore and
nore of lhe look is perused, lhe reader
grovs veaker and veaker, and finaIIy
sIips inlo sIunler fron vhich he or she
does nol vake. Nornagryn found lhe
cause of lhis regrellalIe side-effecl, lhe
edges of Tnc A|cais|crs nelaI pages are
coaled vilh a coIorIess, lransparenl
gunny sulslance of unknovn origin~
a conlacl poison as yel unidenlified and
seeningIy unique. This sulslance
vorks lhrough skin (a cul is nol neces-
sary) and il nunls lhe senses sullIy, so
lhal lhe viclin is nol IikeIy lo nolice ils
effecls. Lach conlacl vilh (or lurning
of) a page drains 1 hp, lhe lody recov-
ers fron such danage al nornaI heaI-
ing rale. There is aIso a lenporary (2-5
lurns) Ioss of one poinl of slrenglh (18/
percenlage lo 18, 18 lo 17, and so on)
for every 5 hp of danage so suffered.
This sulslance relains ils efficacy afler
nany years and resisls allenpls lo
renove il, lul Nornagryn found lhal
ils efforls can le sinpIy avoided ly
vearing gIoves or ly lurning lhe pages
vilh a knife or olher aid.
Cnntcnts: Tnc A|cais|crs forly-six
pages conlain lhe foIIoving inscrip-
lions, one lo a page: lhe unique canlrips
cu|, ga||cp, and s|ing (aII descriled
leIov), and lhe speIIs affcc| ncrna|
f i rcs, cnarn pcrscn, anci ng | i gn| s,
crasc, nc| pcr|a|, icn|ifq, nagic nis-
si|c, prc|cc|icn frcn cti|, rca nagic,
spicr c|ino, auio|c g|ancr, |SP, fcc|s
gc|, |cca|c cojcc|, nagic ncu|n, nir-
rcr inagc, rcpc |ric|, uizar |cc|, c|air-
auicncc, ispc| nagic, f|anc arrcu,
gus| cf uin, nas|c, nc| pcrscn, infra-
tisicn, s|cu, ua|cr orca|ning, cnarn
ncns| cr, i ncnsi cn ccr, i cc s| crn,
rcnctc cursc, uizar cqc, 8igoqs in|cr-
pcsing nan, ccnc cf cc|, fcco|cnin,
an| i - nagi c snc| | , ca| n spc| | , gcas,
rcccns|ruc|icn (unique speII, descriled
leIov), rctcrsc grati|q, sinu|acrun,
and ocq sqnpa| nq ( uni que speI I ,
descriled leIov).
Cu| (AIleralion)
A of L: 1 oljecl
CT: 1/1O segnenl
Exp!anatInn/DcscrIptInn: By neans
of lhis usefuI canlrip, lhin oljecls such
as rope, cord, deIicale chain, vire,
cIolh, vax candIes, sausages, and lhe
Iike, up lo one inch lhick per IeveI of lhe
casler, can le inslanlIy severed. The
casler nusl le alIe lo see lhe oljecl lo
le cul, and il nusl le vilhin 2. The
verlaI conponenl is a sofl snikl
sound, and lhe sonalic conponenl is a
scissoring nolion nade vilh lvo
adjoining fingers. MagicaI (even lenpo-
rariIy enspeIIed) oljecls are unaffecled
ly lhis canlrip.
Ga||cp (AIleralion)
A of L: ne quadruped crealure
CT: segnenl
Exp! anat I nn/ DcscrI pt I nn: When
lhis usefuI canlrip is used, lhe casler
nay cause one four-Iegged crealure (if
inleIIigenl, il gains a saving lhrov vs.
speII~vhich, if successfuI, negales lhe
canlrip) lo nove al ils naxinun nove-
nenl rale for one round, pIus one addi-
lionaI round per IeveI of lhe casler. The
leasl nay le ridden or nol, direclion
lraveIed is arrov-slraighl (regardIess of
nounls, riders, or caslers vishes) in
lhe direclion poinled al ly lhe casler (if
lhis Ieads inlo a snare, pil, or precipice
knovn lo lhe leasl or any rider on il, a
saving lhrov vs. speII al + 3 is aIIoved,
if successfuI, lhe leasl viII lurn aside al
lhe Iasl nonenl and conlinue in a nev
course, delouring freeIy as lerrain
denands, unliI lhe canlrip expires). Ga|-
|cp has lhe sane effecl on unfaniIiar,
unviIIing, Iane, or exhausled crealures
aIike. The enspeIIed leasl cannol puII a
Iaden carl or vagon vilhoul incurring
a haIf-novenenl-rale penaIly, and
aIlhough lhis canlrip can le used on
exhausled crealures, lhey can le per-
nanenlIy danaged or even sIain ly lhe
efforl (syslen shock roII appIies in
nany cases). The casler can ride lhe
enspeIIed crealure, and in any case can
haIl a ga||cp lefore ils expiralion ly acl
of viII, vhenever he or she vishes, if
lhe ga||cp is of his or her ovn casling.
The canlrip is casl ly louching lhe lar-
gel crealure, naking a sofl kissing or
cIucking noise vilh lhe Iips as conlacl is
nade, and conlinuing lhis noise as lhe
casler poinls in lhe desired direclion of
lraveI (inpossiliIilies, such as slraighl
up inlo lhe air or slraighl dovn inlo lhe
ground, viII have no effecl and viII
nereIy vasle lhe nagic), effecls are
S|ing (AIleralion)
A of L: ne crealure
CT: segnenl
Exp! anat I nn/ Dcs c r I pt I nn: Thi s
person-affecling canlrip enalIes lhe
casler lo harn a singIe crealure up lo
4 dislanl in a ninor vay: ly naking a
luzzing noise and poinling an exlended
finger al an area of his or her ovn anal-
ony, lhe casler causes a lrief (2 seg-
ne n l ) l u l i n l e n s e p a i n i n l h e
corresponding area of lhe largel crea-
lure (unIess lhe Ialler saves vs. speII).
This pain causes no pernanenl danage
(i.e., Ioss of hil poinls), lul if appIied lo
lhe eyes il can lIind for 1 round, or il
can siIence coherenl speech ly affIicl-
ing lhe longue, or cause deIicale nanip-
uIalion of liny olj ecls (j eveIry, or
naleriaI conponenls in speIIcasling) lo
le ruined, and lhe handIed ilen(s)
dropped or funlIed. Thus, speIIcasling
can le ruined ly successfuI use of a
s|ing. The canlrip is a once-onIy nagic,
causing lul one pain if successfuI. Il is
oflen used lo varn or cov ignoranl
crealures vho lhrealen lhe speIIcasler.
Rcccns|ruc|icn (AIleralion/Ihanlasn)
LeveI: 6
Range: Touch
Duralion: 1 round + 1 round/IeveI
Area of Lffecl: SpeciaI
Conponenls: V,S,M
Casling Tine: 1 round
Saving Throv: None
Exp!anatInn/DcscrIptInn: By neans
of lhis speII, lhe casler lenporariIy
reslores or nakes vhoIe a lroken ilen,
even if il is ladIy shallered and/or por-
lions are nissing. The oljecl is reslored
l o i l s a ppe a r a nc e le f or e le i ng
lroken~even lo sneII, veighl, soIidily,
sound vhen slruck, and lexlure, and
viII appear vhoIe and unlroken lo nor-
naI scruliny. Dc|cc| nagic viII shov
lhe speIIs dveoner, and a gcn cf scc-
ing or |ruc sccing speII viII reveaI lhe
iIIusion for vhal il is, lul lhe ilen can
le louched and used~i.e., a rope or lar
lo hoId lhings or supporl veighl, a
veapon lo slrike vilh, elc. ~ nornaIIy,
vilhoul dispeIIing lhe iIIusion, and vilh
resuIls as lhough lhe ilen vere vhoIe.
Thus, lhe hiIl of a rusled Iong svord
found in a lonl couId le lenporariIy
lransforned inlo a lrand-nev Iong
svord, doing lhe sane danage in lallIe
as lhe originaI did. MagicaI veapons
can le lenporariIy nended ly lhis
speII, and due lo lhe speII, viII le nagi-
caI for hilling purposes, lul viII nol
regain any lonuses or speciaI proper-
lies, a siIver or goId coin can le lenpo-
rariIy renade inlo a vhoIe coin ly
neans of lhis speII, and crushed gen-
slones reslored lo lheir previous,
vhoIe, forn. If a rcccns|ruc|c ilen is
sulj ecl ed l o proI onged heal and
inpacls, hovever (e.g., a lIade leing
r ef or ged) , or i f a pc r na nc nc q or
cncnan|c ucapcn speII is casl upon
one, lhe nagic viII le ended, and lhe
ilen viII reverl inslanlIy lo ils reaI,
danaged forn. A rcccns|ruc|c ilen
viII nol reverl lo ils lrue forn if ils iIIu-
sion is nereIy reveaIed, and il cannol le
disleIieved oul of exislence ly an
Living lhings cannol le affecled ly a
rcccns|ruc|icn speII, nor can unlroken
ilens le aIlered lo lhe prior forns of
lheir conponenl naleriaIs, lhus, a
slone slalue cannol le nade lo Iook Iike
lhe louIder or nounlain il vas carved
fron. The casler need nol knov lhe
originaI appearance of lhe vhoIe ilen
lo dupIicale il. A naxinun voIune of
one-culic fool of acluaI ilen per IeveI of
l he c a s l e r c a n le r c c c ns | r uc | c
(aIlhough lhe rcccns|ruc|c vhoIe nay
le far Iarger lhan lhis naxinun, and
viII sliII appear in ils enlirely). The
naleriaI conponenls of lhis speII are
lhe ilen (or fragnenl) lo le rcccn-
s|ruc|c, a pinch of fine sand, and a
pinch (of al Ieasl lhunlnaiI size) of
slicky sap or gun.
8cq Sqnpa|nq (Necronanlic)
LeveI: 8
Range: SpeciaI
Duralion: 1 lurn/IeveI
Area of Lffecl: SpeciaI
Conponenls: V,S
Casling Tine: 8 segnenls
Saving Throv: SpeciaI
Exp!anatInn/DcscrIptInn: This is a
descriplion speII casl ly a nagic-user
al an eneny vho nusl le vilhin sighl
of lhe nagic-user and concenlraled
upon, or if nol vilhin viev, visuaIized
ly lhe casler, vho nusl speak lhe lar-
gel leings lrue nane (see |rucnanc
speII, Uncar|nc Arcana) during lhe
casling. Il Iinks lhe nagic-user and his
chosen viclin (vho nusl save vs. speII
al - 4 lo avoid lhe speIIs effecls), so lhal
vhalever happens lo lhe nagic-users
lody (i.e., drovning, lurning, vhip-
ping, vounding, slranguIalion, cnarn-
i ng, or f cco| cni ncncss, i nsani l y,
unconsciousness, elc.) happens lo lhe
viclin, if lhe casler dies, so loo does lhe
viclin. This is nol siniIar lo lhe |SP
speII (neilher leing gains any hinl of lhe
olhers lhoughls), nor does il nake lhe
vi cl i n ni ni c l he novenenl s and
speech of lhe casler. Il is a lvo-vay Iink,
danage occurring separaleIy lo lhe vic-
lin (or curalive speIIs appIied lo lhe vic-
lin!) viII aIso occur lo lhe lody of lhe
casler. nce casl, lhe speII operales
regardIess of lhe caslers vishes or Iack
of concenlralion~he or she cannol
viIIingIy lreak lhe Iink lefore expira-
lion of lhe speII, and can engage in olh-
er speII casling or aclivilies vilhoul
ending lhe ocq sqnpa|nq. The Iink viII
vork across any dislance and despile
nagicaI proleclions such as an|i-nagic
snc||, prisna|ic spncrc or Iesser larri-
ers, lul viII nol vork fron one pIane lo
anolher (so if eilher casler or viclin
p|anc snif|, lecone aslraI, or enpIoy oiI
cf c|ncrca|ncss or anolher such ilen,
lhe Iink is inslanlIy lroken). Movenenl
of largel or speIIcasler vilhin a given
pIane viII nol affecl lhe Iink, regardIess
of dislances noved, speed of lraveI, or
hov oflen novenenl occurs. This speII
is sonelines caIIed Dealh Link ly
sages in lhe ReaIns.
Thc "gatc pagc
This Iasl page of Tnc A|cais|cr (lhal
vhich lears lhe rune shovn earIier) is
a gale lhal viII shifl any crealure sland-
ing on lhe rune (or al Ieasl louching il),
vilh lhe look open, vhiIe lhe vord
vrillen around lhe rune is spoken
aIoud ly lhe crealure louching lhe
rune or anolher. This p|anc snif|ing
occurs regardIess of lhe vishes of lhe
crealure louching lhe rune, and viII
lransporl onIy one Iiving crealure (pIus
aII ilens vorn or carried ly lhal crea-
lure) al a line lo one of lhe foIIoving
O1-48 Irine MaleriaI IIane (if used
vhiIe on lhe Irine MaleriaI,
lhe deslinalion viII le an aIler-
nale Irine MaleriaI IIane)
49-66 Avernus (uppernosl Iayer of
lhe Nine HeIIs)
67-76 Concordanl pposilion
77-88 Nirvana
89-92 The deni-pIane of Shadov
93-98 Any one of lhe five pIanes of
99-OO lher (DMs choice)
The crealure leing ga|c nusl le
hoIding Tnc A|cais|cr vilh his or her
lare hand as lhe vord of aclivalion is
inloned lo lring lhe lone aIong, olher-
vise il renains lehind on lhe Irine
MaleriaI IIane. (If lhe ga|c is used on a
pIane olher lhan lhe Irine MaleriaI,
lhe look viII aIvays acconpany lhe
crealure lack.)
Aubareers Workbook
Appcarancc: This look is fashioned
of a Iong slrip of green hiexeI lark, foId-
ed and refoIded upon ilseIf accordion-
fashion. Il is lound, prolecled, lelveen
lvo reclanguIar pieces of oiIed vood
heId logelher vilh henpen cord. Upon
one of lhe loards is carved a rune, lhus:
and ly lhis rune lhe vork can le idenli-
fied as lhal of lhe nage Aulayreer.
HIstnry and DcscrIptInn: Aulay-
reer vas a nage of lhe DaIeIands in lhe
firsl days of sellIenenl, and Ialer saiIed
easl lo vhal is nov AgIarond, vhere he
founded a sorcerous ruIing dynasly
lhal conlinues lo lhis day. The nany
vorks Aulayreer nade vhiIe High
Mage of AgIarond, and Ialer Mage-King,
are kepl secureIy in lhe Iilraries of lhe
paIace lhere, lul lhe originaI vorklook
Aulayreer deveIoped as an apprenlice
lo lhe nages of lhe Covenanl (see
leIov) has leen Iosl.
LarIy in lhe reign of Lurskas, grandson
of Aulayreer, lhieves lroke inlo lhe royaI
Iilraries. SeveraI vere sIain ly lhe guard-
ians and proleclive nagics of lhe pIace,
and lhese indeed kepl lhe nore poverfuI
lones safe, lul lhe vorklook vas sloIen.
Il vanished inlo lhe delalalIe Iands easl
and soulh of AgIarond, and no definile
lrace of il has leen found since, aIlhough
reporls of lhe aclivilies of severaI nages
(nolalIy Nuzar of lhe Seven Curses) have
hinled lhal lhey have perused Aulay-
reers Worklook, or al Ieasl copies of lhe
lvo speIIs Aulayreer deveIoped vhich
end lhe vork.
Thal lhe look sliII exisls is allesled lo
ly lhe unceasing efforls of lhe royaI
house of AgIarond lo recover il. The
presenl ruIer, lhe shapeshifling Mage-
Queen knovn as The SinluI, is
knovn lo have sIain lhe vizard Thana-
lus and lo have ransacked lhe Iilraries
of lhe schooI of nagic al Mirrorslar in
her allenpls lo seize lhe vorklook.
Aulayreers Ione apprenlice, lhe nov-
dead nage NylhoIops, sel dovn in his
Cnrcnic|cs lhe conlenls of lhe vorklook,
for il vas fron lhis look (and no olher)
lhal Aulayreer laughl hin lhe Arl.
Cnntcnts: There are (or vere) 18
faces of foIded lark in Aulayreers
Worklook. The forenosl is usuaIIy
lIank, il served as a surface for various
proleclive nagics (cxp|csitc runcs,
sqnoc|s, and lhe Iike) vhen desired.
The nexl 14 surfaces conlain lhe speIIs
rca nagi c, ourni ng nans, anci ng
|ign|s, cn|argc, icn|ifq, |ign|, ncssagc,
uri|c, |SP uizar |cc|, ispc| nagic,
cxp|csitc runcs, fircoa||, and cx|cnsicn
I. Then foIIov lhree speciaI speIIs ~
nai|ccnc (Aulayreers version of icc
s|crn), and lvo unique speIIs, Aulay-
reers pnasc |rap and |nuncr|ancc.
Hai|ccnc (Lvocalion)
LeveI: 4
Range: 1 /IeveI of casler
Duralion: 1 round
Area of Lffecl: 3 dianeler cone
Conponenls: V,S,M
Casling Tine: 6 segnenls
Saving Throv: None
Exp! anat I nn/ Dcs c r I pt I nn: The
speIIcasler, ly use of a pinch of dusl (a
grain or lvo of sand viII suffice) and a
fev drops of valer, causes Iarge (lvo-
inch and grealer dianeler) haiIslones lo
rain dovn in a conicaI area, fron a
focus 3 alove a surface or desired lar-
gel dovnvard in a cone opening lo 3
lase dianeler. Crealures vilhin lhe
area of effecl suffer 3-3O hil poinls of
danage, and exposed ilens nusl save
versus a crusni ng o| cu l o renai n
undanaged. If lhe speII is casl in nidair,
crealures lhal fIy as cIose as 6 leIov
lhe focus and vilhin lhe 3 -dianeler
area of effecl viII lake 1-1O poinls of
danage. nIy fragiIe ilens vilhin lhis
area (fron 3 + lo 6 lenealh), such as
gIass or parchnenl, nusl nake a saving
lhrov. Crealures lhal fIy nore lhan 6
lenealh lhe focus in lhe area of effecl
nay le slruck ly haiIslones and lhere-
ly nade avare of lhe speII effecl, lul
lhese slones viII have no apprecialIe
force and viII do no danage.
Pnasc Trap (AIleralion)
LeveI: 4
Range: 2
Duralion: 1 round/IeveI of casler
Area of Lffecl: ne crealure
Conponenls: V,S,M
Casling Tine: 3 segnenls
Saving Throv: Neg.
Exp!anatInn/DcscrIptInn: Wilh a
vord, a geslure, and lhe casling of a
snaII lransparenl coIorIess gen of nol
Iess lhan 5O gp vaIue inlo lhe air (vhere
il is consuned), lhe speIIcasler affecls
any one largel crealure possessing lhe
aliIily lo pnasc-snif|occcnc as|ra| or
c|ncrca|, lhal is~vilhin a 2 radius. (If
no such crealure is presenl, nolhing
viII happen and lhe speII and gen are
Iosl.) If lhe crealure faiIs lo save vs.
speIIs, il is forced inlo ils opposile phase
and nagicaIIy heId lhere for lhe dura-
lion of lhe speII. An encounlered phase
spider, for exanpIe, lhal vas in phase,
physicaIIy allacking, al lhe inslanl of
lhe caslers conpIeling lhe casling of a
pnasc |rap, vouId le forced oul of
phase, and l herely le rendered
unalIe lo allack, unliI lhe expiralion of
lhe speII. If il vere oul of phase (elhere-
aI) vhen affecled, il vouId le forced
lack inlo phase, and le vuIneralIe lo
physicaI allack al nornaI hil odds, unliI
lhe speII vas exhausled.
This speII viII affecl crealures enpIoy-
ing speIIs or naluraI povers, and is effec-
live againsl o|in| and incnsicn ccr,
haIling crealures enpIoying eilher con-
pIeleIy and forcing lhen inlo phase on
lhe Irine MaleriaI IIane. Crealures vho
can adjusl lhe noIecuIes of lheir lodies
Iose aII such povers vhiIe pnasc |rappc.
These povers incIude lhe xorns and
xarens pass |nrcugn s|cnc aliIily, pIus
lhe psionic povers of ocq ucapcnrq
c|ncrca|ncss, and incnsicn ccr ~lul
nc| incnsicn ua|| or aliIilies lhal affecl
lhe noIecuIes of olher lhings, such as
nc|ccu|ar agi|a|icn and nc|ccu|ar rcar-
rangcncn|. Afler lhe expiralion of a
pnasc |rap speII, such povers viII relurn,
unIess lheir ovn duralion had eIapsed
vhiIe lhe pnasc |rap vas in effecl.
A largel crealure lhal is p|anc snif|-
ing, |c|cpcr|ing, or using |ranspcr| tia
p|an|s, pnasc ccr, or pass p|an| speIIs
is unaffecled, lul a crealure in an
exlra-dinensionaI space of Iesser, Iin-
iled exlenl (such as soneone enlodied
in a rcpc |ric| speII or a pcr|ao|c nc|c),
viII le forced lo appear and renain on
lhe caslers pIane for lhe duralion of
lhe speII.
Xorn and xaren, and any such crea-
l ures l hal can phase l hei r vay
lhrough soIid naller, save versus lhis
speII al -2. Nole lhal lhe speIIcasler
need nol knov or have seen lhe precise
Iocalion of a crealure, or even le cer-
lain of ils presence, lo affecl il. If nore
lhan one eIigilIe largel is vilhin 2, lhe
pnasc |rap viII affecl one of lhen al
randon~unIess lhe casler perceives
onIy one such crealure lefore or vhiIe
casling, in vhich case lhal crealure viII
le affecled.
A crealure possessing lhe polenliaI lo
lecone aslraI or elhereaI can le affecl-
ed ly a pnasc |rap if in range vhen il is
casl. The affecled crealure viII le
unalIe lo effecliveIy exercise such
povers unliI lhe speII vears off~
regardIess of hov far lhe crealure
nighl nove avay fron lhe casler. If lhe
affecled crealure is a speIIcasler vilh
an as|ra| spc||, for inslance, lhe speII
cannol le used vhiIe lhe viclin is pnasc
|rappc ~and any allenpl lo do so viII
ruin and vasle lhe speII. If lhe affecled
crealure lries lo use ci| cf c|ncrca|ncss
or any olher phase-shifling nagicaI
ilen, lhe nagic viII have no effecl unliI
lhe duralion of lhe pnasc |rap expires.
A crealure on lhe AslraI IIane vhen
lhe pnasc |rap is casl saves versus lhis
speII al + 1, a crealure on lhe LlhereaI
IIane or lhe Irine MaleriaI IIane saves
al nornaI odds.
Tnuncr|ancc (Lvocalion)
LeveI: 4
Range: Touch
Duralion: See leIov
Area of Lffecl: ne crealure
Conponenls: V,S
Casling Tine: 4 segnenls
Saving Throv: None
Exp!anatInn/DcscrIptInn: Casling
lhis speII lrings inlo leing a lhin shafl
of fainl grey, shinnering force exlend-
ing 2 fron lhe caslers poinling finger.
This Iance is veighlIess and inlangi-
lIe, lul if any crealure louches or
passes lhrough any parl of il, lhe Iance
vanishes vilh a Ioud cIap of lhunder,
and lhe crealure slruck is deaIl 4-24 hil
poinls of danage. The Iance nay le
viIIed oul of exislence ly ils casler al
any line vilhoul any discharge or
harn lo lhe casler (aIlhough lhe speII is
Iosl), and disappears in any evenl if lhe
casler dies, Ioses consciousness, or
legins lo casl anolher speII.
The casler can enpIoy lhe |nuncr-
|ancc in nany vays~heId sleady, as a
larrier againsl sone crealures passage
or as a lripvire, al ankIe heighl, lo slop
a pursuer. Il is aIso highIy effeclive
vhen vieIded as a veapon, lhe casler
can nove his arn and finger aloul lo
slrike vilh lhe Iance. In any conlal sil-
ualion againsl a |nuncr|ancc, polenliaI
viclins are regarded as having a lase
arnor cIass of 1O (lefore any Dexlerily
adjuslnenls), lhe lIov of lhe Iance is
lransnilled lhrough arnor and shieIds,
and lhe presence of such proleclion
does nol lenefil lhe largel of a |nun-
cr|ancc allack. Hovever, lhe lonuses
of nagicaI arnor and shieIds are nol
negaled, and viII inprove a largels
effeclive AC ly lhe anounl of lhe
The danage of lhe Iance is a physicaI
lIov, as opposed lo (for inslance) a dis-
charge of eIeclricily. Il is fuIIy effeclive
againsl crealures lhal are resislanl or
innune lo eilher lIunl veapons or
edged veapons (since lhe Iance is aclu-
aIIy neilher of lhose).
The louch of a |nuncr|ancc deslroys
a snic| spc||, ua|| cf fcrcc, or nincr
g|coc cf intu|ncraoi|i|q, lul lhe Iance
ilseIf discharges (vanishes, vilhoul
danaging anyone) upon such conlacl.
Slronger proleclive speIIs (such as an|i-
nagic snc||) viII aIso cause lhe Iance lo
discharge, lul viII lhenseIves vilh-
sland lhe shock of ils slrike and renain
in exislence. A Iance penelrales fire,
valer (incIuding ice and snov), and
eIeclricaI discharges of naluraI or nagi-
caI (e.g. ua|| cf firc, ua|| cf icc) origin
vilhoul discharging, and lhus lhe casl-
er nay slrike lhrough such phenonena
al an eneny.
Anyone vieIding a |nuncr|ancc (i.e.
speIIcasling is conpIele, lul lhe Iance
has nol yel discharged) cannol le
harned ly nagic nissi|c speIIs, regard-
Iess of vhal direclion lhese slrike
fron~ lheir force passes harnIessIy
l hr ough l he I anc e vi eI der l o le
alsorled ly lhe Iance, increasing lhe
danage il does (ly 2-5 hp per nissiIe)
vhen il discharges. This viII nol occur
if lhe Iance vieIder has sone olher
nagicaI proleclion againsl nagic nis-
si|cs. A Iance does nol confer any pro-
leclion againsl olher forns of nagicaI
allack, nor can il le passed lo any olher
crealure vilhoul discharging il~an aIIy
of lhe casler cannol vieId lhe Iance on
lhe caslers lehaIf.
Or]a|uns Arbate|
Appcarancc: This voIune consisls
of nine pIales of lealen and poIished
nilhriI, slanped ly lhe eIvish snilhs of
SiIverynoon vilh Iellers of lhe High
Tongue, graven on snaII dies lhal are
posilioned on lhe page and lhen slruck
sharpIy vilh a hanner so as lo Ieave
lheir dislincl inpressions. The pIales
are pierced al lhe lop and lollons of
lheir Iefl sides (as lhey are read), and
faslened logelher vilh lronze rings.
The vork once had an ornale case of
s l a i ne d vo o d, a nd va s c a r r i e d
vrapped in canvas, lul lhese nay veII
have perished.
HIstnry and DcscrIptInn: rjaIun,
lhe vhile-haired High Mage of SiIvery-
noon in lhe earIy days of lhe Norlh
(nov leIieved dead), oversav and look
a Iarge parl in lhe conslruclion of lhis
vork, designed lo le a pernanenl
reposilory for lhe nosl usefuI defen-
sive speIIs he couId provide for lhe con-
l i nued saf el y and securi l y of hi s
leIoved cily in lhe years lo cone. Bul il
never served so, for vhen rjaIun gave
his slaff of office lo his chosen succes-
sor, Sepur, and Iefl lhe cily, Sepur
reveaIed his lrue nalure~laking lhe
Aroa|c| and slaff as his ovn, he aIso Iefl
lhal fair cily.
Sepurs fale is unknovn, aIlhough lhe
sage AIphonlras recounls lhe finding of
a lroken slaff alop a IoneIy, scorched
lor in lhe TroIInoors. The Aroa|c| is
firsl idenlified in lhe viIIage of Longsad-
dIe ly AIphonlrass coIIeague LeIonlur
lhe Learned, vho olserved il in lhe
possession of lhe sorcerer Aralhur Har-
peII. Aralhur vas Ialer sIain in a nagicaI
dueI ly lhe necronancer Marune, vho
heId lhe Aroa|c| onIy lriefIy. Marune
Iosl il sonevhere in lhe vinler snovs
vhen fIeeing fron lhe Lords of Waler-
deep, and il nusl have changed hands
severaI lines in lhe foIIoving decade,
for nany hinls of il are found in various
records of lhe Norlh.
Il is nenlioned once in lhis period ly
lhe sage MaerIus, vho is represenled in
lhe |c||crs |c |nc Ccur| cf ||frin (CoI-
Iecled ly lhe Kings vn Hand, leing a
record and discourse nosl fascinaling
upon our Iands and lines) ly a Ieller
he penned lo lhe nonarch, King LIfrin,
vherein lhe sorcerer-sage descriled a
nunler of ilens of pover knovn lo le
vilhin LIfrins reaIn. In lhe Ieller,
MaerIus descriles severaI vorks and
specuIales on lheir Iocalions, lhe Arla-
leI, he says, is in lhe hands of lhe recIu-
sive vizard Lios~unIess Marune has
overcone hin and regained il.
LIninsler leIieves lhal Marune did
sIay Lios, lul says lhal lhe aclivilies of
Marune fron lhal line lo lhe presenl
reveaI lhal he has nol recovered lhe
Aroa|c|, despile his repealed allenpls
lo do so. Ils recenl and presenl vhere-
alouls are unknovn.
Cnntcnts: rjaIun vas lulored ly
The Masked, nosl nyslerious of lhe
Seven Wizards of Mylh Drannor, and
l vo of l he speI I s i n l he look are
leIieved lo le of his lulors personaI
c r af l i ng: c nc r qp| and s c c ur c ( an
inproved version of uizar |cc|).
The firsl and Iasl pIales of lhe Aroa|c|
are fealureIess, so as lo reveaI nolhing
of lhe conlenls vilhin, lul lhe seven
inlerior pIales lear one speII each (lhe
nelhod of scripling aIIovs onIy one
side of a pIale lo le used). These are, in
order of appearance, ncning, cnarn
pcrscn, cncrqp|, ispc| nagic, icn|ifq,
guars an uars, and sccurc. AII of
lhe connonIy knovn speIIs in lhe
Aroa|c| appear in lhe slandard (P|aqcrs
Hanocc|) forn, and lhe lvo unique
speIIs lherein are reproduced leIov,
fron lhe looks of Vaulh, anolher
apprenlice of The Masked.
|ncrqp| (IIIusion/Ihanlasn)
LeveI: 4
Range: 1 pIus 1 /IeveI of casler
Duralion: Iernanenl
Area of Lffecl: See leIov
Conponenls: V,S,M
Casling Tine: 4 segnenls (pIus vriling
Saving Throv: None
Exp!anatInn/DcscrIptInn: By neans
of lhis speII, a nornaI nessage conlain-
ing up lo 66 characlers or Iellers (aloul
fifleen vords) vrillen on parchnenl,
slone, or lhe Iike can le nade unreada-
lIe (even lo nagics such as ccnprc-
ncn |anguagcs, rca nagic, and |ruc
sccing) lo aII lul lhe speIIcasler, any
leing or leings naned in lhe nessage
(regardIess of lhe caslers vishes in lhis
regard) and a specific recipienl leing,
vho nusl le naned aIoud and piclured
nenlaIIy ly lhe casler al lhe line of
casling. Such a nessage viII appear lo
aII olhers as an iIIegilIe, snudged area
radialing a dveoner.
A cryplic nessage viII renain unliI
crasc nagicaIIy, viIIed lo disappear ly
lhe casler (vho nay le al any dislance,
lul nusl le on lhe sane pIane lo do soI,
or a ispc| nagic is casl so lhal lhe nes-
sage is vilhin ils area of effecl. Wealh-
ering and olher physicaI effecls such as
lurning, scrulling, or defacing lhe
snudged area viII nol deslroy lhe nes-
sage as Iong as lhe acluaI surface il vas
vrillen on survives (cncrqp| can le
safeIy casl on any reasonalIy slalIe sur-
face, such as slone, vood, or paper, lul
nol usuaIIy vilh success on nessages
scravIed in sool, dusl, or snov), il viII
sliII le cIearIy IegilIe lo lhose idenlified
The nessage does nol gIov or in any
vay allracl allenlion lo ilseIf~an
inlended recipienl nay veII nol see il if
nol Iooking for a nessage or nol chanc-
ing lo Iook in lhe righl pIace. A nessage
cncrqp|c in a Ianguage nol knovn lo
lhe inlended recipienl is nol nade
underslandalIe ly neans of lhis nagic,
nor viII il nagnify scripl loo snaII for
lhe recipienl lo read. The lexl of a speII
nay nol le encryplicaIIy conceaIed, lul
vriling reIaled lo nagic such as speII
ink fornuIae, nagic-ilen connand
vords, and direclions for nagicaI proc-
esses such as enchanling a cerlain ilen
or conslrucling a goIen nay le so con-
No parl of any nessage Ionger lhan
lhe firsl 66 characlers viII le olscured
or prolecled ly lhis nagic~allenpling
lo cncrqp| such an overIong nessage
vouId resuIl in vaslage of lhe speII, lhe
enl i re nessage couI d le read ( or
deslroyed) nornaIIy. AddilionaI vriling
in lhe sane area afler lhe speII is casl
viII nol affecl an cncrqp|c nessage,
lhus, a second nessage can le vrillen
on lop of an cncrqp|c one lo furlher
conceaI lhe forner, vilhoul rendering
lhe originaI nessage unreadalIe ly
lhose for vhon il is inlended. Morever,
adding vords or characlers lo a nes-
sage knovn lo le cncrqp|c viII nol
cause il lo appear, lhe addilions viII
renain cIearIy visilIe and lhe originaI
viII renain conceaIed. MuIlipIe cncrqp|
speIIs casl on lhe sane or adjacenl
areas viII nol aIIov nessages Ionger
lhan 66 characlers lo le conceaIed ~
ralher, vhen a second cncrqp| speII is
casl, lhe conceaIed nessage of lhe firsl
cncrqp| speI I vi I I vani sh f orever,
repIaced ly lhe second nessage. Adja-
cenl in lhis case exlends lo areas of
effecl lhal are up lo 1O feel dislanl, so
lhal differenl vaIIs in a snaII roon can-
nol le used lo cncrqp| nuIlipIe nes-
sages. Differenl sides of a vaII or oljecl
cannol le used, eilher, unIess lhe dis-
lance separaling lhen is nore lhan 1O
feel. Wriling used in cncrqp|c nes-
sages can le very Iarge or very snaII,
vrillen on vaIIs, nounlainsides, or
even snaII lones or sIivers of vood,
and sliII le conceaIed so Iong as lhe
naxi nun of 66 characl ers i s nol
|ncrqp| nay le used lo conceaI nes-
sages vrillen ly olhers, regardIess of
line eIapsed since lhe vriling, and viII
le effeclive in olscuring even runes
deepIy graven in slone, or Iellers
forned ly pallerns of coIored nosaic
liIes. In such a case, lhe surface viII
appear faded, slained, and/or discoI-
ored, or even covered vilh a snoky,
sooly deposil so lhal lhe nessage is con-
ceaIed. As aforenenlioned, no anounl
of physicaI cIeaning viII reveaI lhe con-
ceaIed nessage. The figure given for
range in lhe alove lexl is lhe dislance al
vhich lhe casler can olscure a nessage
vilh lhe cncrqp| speII.
A lrue seeing speII viII reveaI cIearIy
l he oul I i nes of an cncrqp| speI I s
dveoner, lul viII nol aIIov lhe nes-
sage lo le read, unIess lhe viever can
deduce ly lhe shape of lhe dveoner
vhal is conceaIed. Wrillen or graven
synloIs can le cncrqp|c, lul nagicaI
synloIs or gIyphs viII le unaffecled.
And cncrqp| viII conceaI, lul nol harn,
lhe efficacy of proleclive penlagrans,
lhaunalurgic lriangIes, and lhe Iike.
If lhe casler of cncrqp| vriles lhe
nessage lo le conceaIed hinseIf or her-
seIf, lhis vriling nusl le done direclIy,
lhe speII cannol cause il lo le nagicaIIy
vrillen fron afar. The naleriaI conpo-
nenls for lhis speII are a pinch of dusl
or grey Iinl fIuff, and a fealher, and
are consuned in lhe casling.
Sccurc (AIleralion)
LeveI: 4
Range: Touch
Duralion: See leIov
Area of Lffecl: 3O sq. fl. per IeveI
of casler
Conponenls: V,S,M
Casling Tine: 6 segnenls
Saving Throv: None
Exp!anatInn/DcscrIptInn: By neans
of lhis speII, and a snaII piece of iron (or
fiIings) and a liny gen (or a Iike anounl
of gen fragnenls or povdered ren-
nanls), lhe speIIcasler can nake a door,
chesl, or porlaI sccurc. An oljecl or
area lhal is sccurc cannol le opened
or passed lhrough ly any neans excepl
physicaI deslruclion of lhe oljecl or
area, or ly ispc| nagic (or a |ini|c
uisn, a||cr rca|i|q elc., so vorded as lo
achieve lhe sane effecl). UnIike one
affecled ly a uizar |cc|, a porlaI lhal
is sccurc cannol le passed lhrough ly
nagic-users of any IeveI (incIuding lhe
speIIcasler), and can le passed olher-
vise onIy ly avoiding il lhrough aslraI,
elhereaI, or dinension-aIlering neans
such as o|in| and incnsicn ccr. The
dveoner viII resisl fire, coId, and eIec-
lricaI allacks of naluraI or nagicaI ori-
gin vilhoul aIIoving any danage lo lhe
sccurc ilen or area. Thus, a cIosed
and sccurc door viII defIecl a nagicaI
Iighlning loIl lack upon ils casler, and
viII escape unscalhed fron a fircoa||
lIasl. IhysicaI allacks upon a sccurc
ar ea vi I I le i nef f ec l i ve~l ol aI I y
negaled~ for one round per IeveI of lhe
casler (leginning vilh lhe round afler
casling). Al lhe end of lhis line, lhe
sccurc speII renains, lul no Ionger
affords any proleclion fron physicaI
When a sccurc area is louched, lesl-
ed, or allacked in any vay, il viII fIash
vilh a vhile radiance on aII sides and
surfaces of lhe area. A |ncc| speII is
ineffeclive againsl a sccurc porlaI.
Any speII, speII-Iike naluraI pover, or
nagicaI ilen effecl lhal allenpls lo
aIler lhe shape and nalure of a sccurc
area viII le refIecled lack upon lhe
casler/user vilh fuII effecls. If lhe
pover affecls an area ralher lhan an
individuaI, lhe user of lhe pover viII
innedialeIy lecone lhe cenlraI poinl
of lhe area of effecl. MagicaI povers
lhal are reversed in lhis fashion
incIude, lul are nol Iiniled lo: cn|argc,
rcucc, |cti|a|c, sna||cr, ig, passua||,
s|cnc snapc, |ransnu|c rcc| |c nu,
nctc car|n, s|cnc |c f|csn, tanisn, |urn
ucc, and anina|c rcc|. If lhe nagic
does nol affecl Iiving crealures (such as
anina|c rcc| or nctc car|n), lhe usage
of lhal nagic is sinpIy vasled. Iovers
lhal are direclIy under lhe conlroI of
lhe user (such as psionics or speII-Iike
naluraI povers, lul nol speII casling)
viII have no effecl on a sccurc area or
oljecl, lul lhe pover is counled as hav-
ing leen used. In aII cases vhere nagic
can le reversed lack upon lhe user,
aII lhose vho couId le affecled are enli-
lIed lo saving lhrovs if a save is nornaI-
Iy aIIoved againsl lhe lype of nagic in
|ign| nagics, nagic ncu|n, Nqs|u|s
nagic aura, and |ccnuns |rap cannol
successfuIIy le casl vilhin, or upon any
surface of, a sccurc area. Any g|qpn
(cf uaring), cxp|csitc runcs, or sqn-
oc| vrillen upon any surface vilhin a
sccurc area viII discharge innedi-
aleIy upon conpIelion, possilIy harn-
ing lhe vriler and/or conpanions or
olher nearly crealures. A isin|cgra|c
speII lhal deslroys a sccurc area viII
have lhe effecl of negaling lhe secure
speII. A g|asscc speII viII have ils nornaI
effecl on a sccurc area. |in |raps viII
nol reveaI lhe presence of a sccurc
speII, lul c|cc| nagic viII reveaI lhe
exlenl of ils dveoner. |||usicns and olh-
er speIIs of conceaInenl can le success-
fuIIy casl upon a sccurc area.
The Sca|anagdrlon
Appcarancc: A Iarge voIune fash-
ioned of parchnenl lound lelveen
sIals of vood and sevn lo lhe lIack
hide of an unknovn crealure, vhich
has leen slrelched over lhe loards lo
forn a cover. Il lears no exlernaI Ieg-
end or narkings of any kind. Ils covers
are edged vilh lealen copper, nov dis-
coIored lo a vivid green ly lhe eIe-
nenls. There are 26 yeI I oved and
curIing pages vilhin, and sone ovners
reporl a linding slrip or lie of lIack
hide vhich lhe look nov apparenlIy
The size and veighl of lhe lone pre-
cIudes ils easy lransporlalion ly hand,
under arn, or in salcheI, and indeed il
does nol shov lhe vear (scralched cov-
er or corners, lIolched or varped
parchnenl due lo velness) lypicaI of
looks lhal have seen nuch lraveIing
HIstnry and DcscrIptInn: The lrue
origin of Tnc Sca|anagricn is nol
knovn. Il is firsl nenlioned in lhe vril-
ings of lhe nage Helhcanler, vho
ovned lhe look in his youlh. He does
nol nenlion hov he acquired il, lul
does record lhal he gave lhe look lo
Hyn Kraaven (one of lhe Seven Wiz-
ards of Mylh Drannor) in paynenl for
nagicaI lraining. ShorlIy lhereafler his
vrilings end, Helhcanler is renen-
lered loday chiefIy for his speclacuIar
suicide, hurIing hinseIf lo his dealh
fron lhe highesl pinnacIe of lhe crag
nov knovn as Helhcanlers Leap. He
did lhis vhen chased ly aInosl a score
of iIIilhids, lhe sage rfideI leIieves lhal
lhese haled crealures soughl Tnc Sca|a-
nagricn ilseIf~an opinion shared
vilh lhe sage LIninsler.
Hyn Kraaven never reveaIed or used
lhe vork in his leachings al lhe schooI
in Mylh Drannor (see The Worklook,)
possilIy lecause of lhe conlenls of one
of ils pages. f Hyn Kraavens fale or
lhe neans ly vhich lhe look passed
inlo lhe hands of ils nexl knovn ovner,
nolhing is recorded, lul lhe sages rfi-
deI and MaerIus of lhe Norlh vere lolh
presenl on Walchers Tor vhen a hilh-
erl o unknovn nagi c- user naned
VaIalhond used ils speIIs lo deslroy lhe
nage CaerIannon in a fornaI dueI.
VaIalhond vas Ialer sIain ly lhe Con-
pany of lhe Raven, lul lhey did nol find
Tnc Sca|anagricn anidsl lhe lreasure
in his keep, nor does an exaninalion of
lheir laIes of encounlers and skirnish-
es vilh lhe nage over an enlire season
ere his faII suggesl lhal he sliII pos-
sessed il. Auvidarus, sage of HiIIsfar,
and LaeraI, vizardess and Ieader of lhe
advenlurers knovn as The Nine~lvo
olservers aInosl a vorId aparl~have
lolh recorded runors ascriling ovn-
ership of lhe look lo lhis or lhal nage.
ne of LaeraIs coIIecled runors, inler-
eslingIy, again nenlions a group of
iIIilhids. Bul lhe veracily of lhese
runors is unlesled, lhe presenl vhere-
alouls of lhe vork are a naller of con-
Cnntcnts: LIninsler descriled lhe
lone s conlenls, draving upon his
sludy of Helhcanlers carefuI noles, as
Tnc Sca|anagricns firsl and Iasl
pages are lIank. The renainder lear 23
speIIs, one lo a page and vilh each page
having a lIank (rear) face, and one page
conlains onIy a curious iIIuslralion. The
conlenls of lhe pages are as foIIovs, in
order of appearance fron lhe fronl of
lhe look: (lIank), uri|c, crasc, |cngucs,
ncssagc, unsccn scrtan|, uizar |cc|,
icn|ifq, cncnan| an i|cn, pcrnancncq,
o|in|, isin|cgra|icn, (iIIuslralion),
f c c o| c ni n, f | q, c a| n s pc | | , f | anc
arrcu, c|aqc o|as| fircoa||, intisioi|i-
|q, |cti|a|c, ccnjurc c|cncn|a|, nincr
g|coc cf intu|ncraoi|i|q, ua|| cf fcrcc,
r c nc t c c ur s c , i s p c | na g i c , a nd
(lIank). AII speIIs appear in lhe sland-
ard ( P| aqcrs Hanocc|) f orn. The
irreguIar order of lhe speIIs suggesls
lhal lhe look vas crealed vilh ils speIIs
arranged according lo lhe crealors
vishes, and lhus vas nol lhe vorklook
of a nagic-user progressing sIovIy in
nagicaI aliIily under luleIage.
The unique fealure of lhe vork is lhe
iIIuslralion found on lhe page lelveen
isin|cgra|icn and fcco|cnin. Il is of
varn, veIvely lexlure, according lo
Helhcanlers noles, and is a slrikingIy
reaIislic painling of sone unknovn,
seeningIy endIess caverns (perhaps on
sone olher pIane), in vhich crouches a
dinIy visilIe, vinged, repliIian nonsler
on a led of vhilened lones. A vord or
nane has leen speIIed oul cIearIy in
Connon across lhe lollon of lhe page,
l y l h e a r r a n g e ne n l o f l o n e s :
NunguIfin. Helhcanler noles lhal if
lhis vord is spoken over lhe open page,
or lhe iIIuslralion is slared al for loo
Iong, lhe nonsler depicled lherein viII
Ir on ol her s our c es he has nol
divuIged, LIninsler slales vilh cerlain-
ly lhal lhe page is a ga|c or pcr|a| lo
sone unidenlified pIane or exlra-
dinensionaI space of endIess caverns,
and can le passed lhrough lolh vays.
nce lhe gale is aclivaled, lhe nonsler
viII energe fron lhe page inlo lhe
Irine MaleriaI IIane and allack aII
crealures nearly, seeking lo sIay and
carry ils prey lack inlo lhe caverns lo
devour. Ils lrue nalure is a nyslery, lul
vhal is knovn of il can le sunnarized
as foIIovs:
5c a ! ma gdr I nn ( Gua r i a n c f | n c
Tcnc, Nungu|fin)
IRLQULNCY: Vcrq rarc
MVL: 13/8
HIT DICL: 6 + 6
IN LAIR: 100
TRLASURL TYIL: S,Q,Vx3 (in |air)
DAMACL/ATTACK: 2-12/1-6/1-6/3-12
SIZL: | (20 |cng)
Allack/Defense Modes: Ni|
LLVLL/X.I. VALUL: V|/525 + 8/HP
The scaIanagdrion resenlIes a grey-
scaIed, green-eyed dragon vilh slully
vings and a Iong, lone-spiked prehen-
siIe laiI. If il pounces upon a viclin fron
alove, il can rake vilh aII four of ils
cIavs (each do 1-6 danage), or pin lhe
viclin vilh ils greal luIk and use ils
f or e c I a vs l o a l l a c k. The s c a I a -
nagdrions laiI does 3-12 poinls of dan-
age. Il is fearIess, enjoys hunan fIesh,
and is cunning enough lo lake a viclins
lody, faIIen ilens and aII, lack lo ils Iair
lo avoid leing caughl ealing.
The scaIanagdrion radiales si|cncc,
15 raius aloul ilseIf, and has a naluraI
speII lurning aliIily (as in a ring cf spc||
|urning, incIuding gaining a saving
lhrov for speIIs for vhich lhere is nor-
naIIy none). This nakes il a deadIy foe
for nagic-users, and indeed, none have
yel prevaiIed againsl il.
SeveraI vands and rings can le seen
anid lhe lones upon vhich lhe scaIa-
nagdrion crouches. The nonsler and
lhe gale lo and fron ils alode cannol le
deslroyed or harned ly learing oul or
desl royi ng l he page on vhi ch i l
appears, aIlhough any allenpl al such
aclivilies viII cerlainIy cause il lo issue
The Tone of the Cotenant
Appcarancc: This look is Iarge,
square, and (judging fron LIninslers
descriplion) approxinaleIy lvo feel on
a side. Il is fashioned of cured vhile
eIkhide slrelched over finger-lhick
loards of lIack vood, and lolh oulside
covers lear a rune in lhe cenler, depicl-
ing four arrovs neeling in a circIe,
Iour vhile veIIun pages are sevn lo
lhe hide spine vilhin.
HIstnry and DcscrIptInn: Tnc Tcnc
is lhe crealion of lhe four nosl pover-
fuI (of lheir line) nages of lhe Norlh,
vho forned lhe Covenanl, an aIIiance
(lasicaIIy neulraI good) founded lo
enforce a peace lelveen varring lrilaI
kingdons, and lo luiId lhe coIIeclive
pover and prosperily of lhe Norlh-
Iands againsl lhe coning confronlalion
vilh lhe orcs and lheir kin. The Cove-
nanl has Iong leen inaclive: CrinvaId
and Iresper disappeared on a journey
of expIoralion inlo olher vorIds lhan
lhis, Agannazar is leIieved lo have per-
ished in lhe deslruclion of lhe SchooI of
Wizardry al Nevervinler ly lhe Red
Wizards of Thay, and IIyykur is knovn
lo have sacrificed hinseIf in lhe Creen
Tover of ThuInalh lo deslroy lhe arch-
Iich RueIve.
Tnc Tcnc vas nade lo conneno-
rale lhe founding of lhe Covenanl, and
as a source of pover and a vorship
synloI for lhe apprenlices vho vere
inlended lo foIIov in lhe Iour Iound-
ers foolsleps and lecone nev nen-
lers of lhe pacl (none did). Lach of lhe
Iour Iounders conlriluled one unique
speII lo lhe vork, and each of lhese
speIIs appears aIone on ils ovn page.
The speIIs appear vilh no nanes, lhey
have ac qui r ed c oI I oqui aI nanes
lhrough descriplion of lhe look ly var-
ious vrilers in lhe Norlh, and ly use of
lhe speIIs ly lhe originaI apprenlices of
lhe Iour (and sulsequenlIy, in lurn, ly
lheir apprenlices). These apprenlices,
nov lhenseIves poverfuI vorkers of
nagic, are nol idenlified ly LIninsler.
The sage does say lhal lhey did nol
cooperale as lheir naslers had, lul
spIil in dissension, one of lhen presun-
alIy learing lhe Tcnc. Ils presenl ovn-
er, and vherealouls, are uncerlain.
LIninsler knovs lhe precise speIIs sel
dovn on ils pages fron perusing lhe
vorklooks of lhe Iour and cerlain of
lheir apprenlices, and has consenled lo
reproduce lhen, leIov.
Grinua|s Grcqnan||c (Necronanlic)
LeveI: 5
Range: Touch
Duralion: 1 round/IeveI of casler
Area of Lffecl: ne crealure
Conponenls: V,S,M
Casling Tine: 6 segnenls
Saving Throv: Neg.
Exp!anatInn/DcscrIptInn: When a
nagic-user casls lhis speII, a siIvery-
grey radiance is produced aloul lhe
naleriaI conponenl. If lhe conponenl
(a lone or snaII aninaI skeIelon) is
louched lo a largel crealure~success-
fuI hil roII required, as lhough vieIding
a dagger or cIul~lhe radiance Ieaves
lhe conponenl (vhich vanishes harn-
IessIy) and expands lo enveIop lhe lar-
ge l i n a n a ur a , o r na n| | c . Thi s
shinnering radiance lakes effecl on
lhe round foIIoving lhe louch, and Iasls
for 1 round per experience IeveI of lhe
casler. WhiIe il is in effecl, curalive
speIIs, heaIing, and regeneralion of nal-
uraI or nagicaI nalure viII nol le effec-
live vilhin lhe confines of lhe nanlIe,
lhus, a lroII couId nol regenerale, a ring
cf rcgcncra|icn vouId nol operale, a
pc| i cn cf nc a| i ng or c x| r a- nc a| i ng
vouId have no effecl, and so forlh.
The nan||c nay le nagicaIIy dispeIIed,
and viII fade avay vilhoul effecl if
nagic resislance or a saving lhrov
(onIy one aIIoved) lriunphs over il. Al
lhe expiralion of lhe speII, curalive
f orces sl i I I acl i ve vi I I l ake ef f ecl
innedialeIy~lul any such povers lhal
vere expended upon lhe viclin vhiIe
lhe nan||c vas in effecl are forever
Iosl. A curc ucuns or nca| speII, for
inslance, viII lake effecl upon lhe recip-
ienl if lhe nan||c expires lefore lhe vic-
lin does, siniIarIy, a ring cf
rcgcncra|icn viII resune funclioning
properIy vhen lhe nan||c disappears,
and a crealure lhal regenerales viII
relain lhe aliIily lo do so. Hovever, lhe
viclin of lhe nan||c viII gel no lenefil
fron a pc|icn cf nca|ing drunk vhiIe
lhe speII is in effecl, and any usage of a
s|aff cf curing on lhe viclin is fruilIess,
since lhose lypes of nagic nusl lake
effecl upon lheir appIicalion or nol lake
effecl al aII. In such a case, lhe appIica-
lion of lhe nagic (dose, charge, elc.) is
If lhe casler does nol successfuIIy
louch a largel crealure in lhe round of
casling or lhe round innedialeIy foI-
Ioving, lhe nan||c spreads fron lhe
conponenl inlo (and onlo) lhe speIIcasl-
er, and renains in effecl upon lhe casl-
er for lhe fuII duralion. There is no
saving lhrov againsl lhis lackfire, lul
a ispc| nagic speII nay le successfuIIy
enpIoyed ly lhe casler or a conpanion
lo lring lhe lad effecl lo a haIl.
nce lhe speII is casl and lhe nan||c
has covered a largel, lhe duralion and
effecls of lhe nan||c are nol under lhe
caslers conlroI. Crealures of any size
nay le affecled. Nole lhal use of lhe
nan||c is nol lasicaIIy a good acl, and
lhe speII nusl le used vilh due consid-
eralion of lhe circunslances and nal-
ure of lhe largel ly nagic-users of good
Agannazars Sccrcncr (Lvocalion)
LeveI: 2
Range: 7
Duralion: 2 rounds
Area of Lffecl: SpeciaI
Conponenls: V,S
Casling Tine: 3 segnenls
Saving Throv: See leIov
Exp!anatInn/DcscrIptInn: Wilh lhis
speII a nagic-user caIIs inlo exislence a
jel of fIane vhich lursls fron his fin-
gerlips lovard a specific crealure. If
lhe largel crealure is vilhin 7 of lhe
casler, il suffers 3-18 (3d6) poinls of
danage, vilh no saving lhrov (assun-
ing il is nol innune lo lhe effecls of
heal and fIane). The fIane-jel assunes
lhe forn of a 2-fool dianeler cyIinder
of fire, up lo 7 Iong, vilh lhe casler al
one end and lhe largel al lhe olher. This
jel renains in exislence for lvo rounds
foIIoving casling, noving as lhe largel
or casler nove, shifling so as lo aIvays
poinl al lhe largel, even if lhe largel
crealure renains, or passes leyond, 7
dislanl fron lhe casler. Any crealures
louched ly lhe jel as il Ieaps lovard lhe
largel or noves sidevays foIIoving a
noving largel viII suffer 2-16 (2d8)
poinls of danage (save vs. speIIs for haIf
danage). The louch of lhe sccrcncr viII
sel aIighl aII readiIy fIannalIe naleri-
aIs (such as parchnenl and dry cIolh-
ing). Il nay veII even danage slurdier
||qq|urs Man||c (Aljuralion)
LeveI: 4
Range: O
Duralion: 1 round/IeveI of casler
Area of Lffecl: Aura aloul casler
Conponenls: V,S,M
Casling Tine: 4 segnenls
Saving Throv: None
Exp! anat I nn/ DcscrI pt I nn: When
|||q|urs Man||c is caIIed inlo leing, lhe
casler is surrounded ly a fainlIy Iuni-
nescenl aura foIIoving lhe conlours
(and conforning lo lhe novenenls) of
lhe caslers lody. SpeIIs can le casl oul
of lhis fieId vilhoul il having any effecl,
lul speIIs inpinging upon lhe nan||c
fron vilhoul are affecled as foIIovs:
lhe prolecled casler gains + 3 on saving
lhrovs versus aII Lnchanlnenl/Charn
speIIs, + 1 on saving lhrovs versus aII
olher speIIs for vhich lhere is nornaIIy
a saving lhrov, and suffers onIy haIf
danage vhen an eIeclricily-reIaled
speII (c.g. sncc|ing grasp, |ign|ning oc||)
does affecl hin. The nan||c fIares lo a
vivid (nol lIinding) vhile gIov vhen
lhe caslers nind is conlacled ly lhe
psionic povers of anolher leing, lul
does nol prolecl againsl any psionic
allacks or effecls.
The naleriaI conponenl for lhe speII
is a naluraI (nol cul) cryslaI of gen-
slone. Nole lhal a snaII faniIiar or pel
cIinging lo lhe speIIcasler~lhere nusl
le physicaI conlacl~can le prolecled
ly lhe nan||c, lul no crealure lhe casl-
er does nol vish prolecled viII le
shieIded ly lhe nan||c, and in no case
viII il prolecl any such crealure (faniI-
iar or olhervise) Iarger lhan a pseudo-
Prcspcrs Mccnocu (Lvocalion)
LeveI: 4
Range: SpeciaI
Duralion: SpeciaI
Area of Lffecl: SpeciaI
Conponenls: V,S,M
Casling Tine: 9 segnenls
Saving Throv: None
Exp! anat I nn/ Dcs c r I pt I nn: Thi s
nagic is usalIe onIy under a nighl sky
in vhich a noon is presenl and cIoud
condilions aIIov noonIighl lo reach lhe
ground. Prcspcrs nccnocu aIIovs lhe
casler lo cause fron one lo four gIov-
ing noles, a forn of oa|| |ign|ning, lo
galher alove lhe caslers oulslrelched
hand. These grov in size and inlensily,
spinning sIovIy, during lhe round in
vhich casling lakes pIace. Al lhis line
lhey resenlIe ancing |ign|s.
n lhe foIIoving round, lhe casler
can eIecl one or nore of lhe noon
noles al a largel, vhich nusl le vilhin
his viev. Such direclion is ly concen-
lralion of viII, requiring no speech or
geslure. Moon noles direcled al a lar-
gel viII shool off afler il, fIying up lo
26 per round, and viII pursue lhe lar-
gel around corners, lhrough olslacIes
(lul nol cIosed porlaIs or lhe Iike), and
despile confusion speIIs Iike intisioi|i|q,
nirrcr inagc, i||usicn, elc., slriking al
+ 3 lo hil upon reaching lhe largel.
Lach slriking noon-nole does 2-8
poinls of eIeclricaI danage (if casl as
one of four), 2-12 danage (if casl as one
of lhree), 3-18 danage (if casl as one of
lvo), or 4-24 danage (if casl as a soIi-
lary nissiIe), and is considered lo le
nagicaI for hil purposes. Moon-noles
vhich niss an inlended largel or are
lIocked ly larriers dvindIe harnIessIy
avay lo nolhingness.
The speIIcasler can direcl lhe noles
produced ly a nccnocu al differenl
largels in a round, and nusl shool al
Ieasl one per round (lul nay shool as
nany as desired, line pernilling) unliI
aII lhe noles are gone. Unused noles
hang spinning in lhe air in fronl of lhe
casler, vilhin 1, and if slruck ly a
|ign|ning oc|| or siniIar eIeclricaI dis-
charge vhiIe lhus vailing, viII expIode
-doing fuII danage lo aII vilhin 1,
incIuding lhe casler.
n lhe round afler lhe firsl nole has
leen fired, lhe casler can casl anolher
speII and direcl any noles sliII Iefl, and
conlinue doing lolh so Iong as noles
are Iefl and speII casling lines pernil
(direcling a nole requires one segnenl
each round, so speIIs lhal lake one
round or Ionger lo casl cannol le used).
Using lhis laclic, a casler vilh nuIlipIe
nccnocu speIIs couId galher a vailing
arsenaI of nany noles. If a round
passes vilhoul lhe casler firing a nole
al a largel, aII noles viII dissipale. Nole
lhal a casler under lhe infIuence of a
nc| speII couId shool a nole al a largel
in his presenl fieId of vision, lhal acl is a
funclion of vision and inleIIecl, nol of
A nole lhal is deIileraleIy slruck ly a
crealure or oljecl viII discharge, doing
fuII danage lo aII vilhin 1. The nole
has AC -6 for hil purposes. MelaI, il
nusl le noled, viII conducl lhe fuII
effecls of a nole lo anyone in conlacl
vilh il, regardIess of dislance.
AIlhough no saving lhrov is aIIoved,
nole lhal crealures innune lo eIeclri-
caI danage or vilhoul langilIe exisl-
ence on lhe pIane of casling (e. g.
c|ncrca|) viII suffer no danage fron a
The naleriaI conponenls for lhis
speII are a visp of colvel, an anler,
gIass, or cryslaI rod, and a scrap of fur.
The Tone of the Unlcorn
Appcarancc: Tnc Tcnc cf |nc Uni-
ccrn is a Iarge look, lvo feel lroad ly
lhree feel in heighl, and over four inch-
es lhick. Ils covers and pages are poI-
i s he d pI a l e s of e I e c l r un, e a c h
appearing lIank lo causaI olservalion.
If any page is concenlraled upon, hov-
ever (precIudes olher sludy, speIIcasl-
ing, reading, or si ni I ar reasoni ng
lasks), ils conlenls, vrillen in Thorass,
viII legin lo appear on lhe lIank pag-
es in 3-8 (2 + 1D6) rounds, and renain
for al Ieasl lhree rounds afler sludy
ceases. The look lears no lilIe or iden-
lifying narks.
HIstnry and DcscrIptInn: Sages and
lards of lhe ReaIns knov lhal Tnc
Tcnc cf |nc Uniccrn is lhe Iong-Iosl gri-
noire of lhe Mage-King of vanished
IIlkazar (a vanished reaIn lhal Iay in
easlern CaIinshan sone nine hundred
years ago) , l he Lord- nosl - ni ghl y
Shoon. Shoon is said ly sone lo survive
loday as a Iich, lhe Tone is said lo con-
lain nany speIIs found novhere eIse,
incIuding neans of crealing a perna-
nenl gale lelveen lhe pIanes of exisl-
ence, and lhe neans lo creale goIen
The Tone vas said lo eilher le sloIen
ly advenlurers vho sIayed Shoon, or lo
have leen laken ly lhe Iich-nage vhen
he relrealed lo lhe loveIs of lhe earlh
lo fIee lhe relrilulion of lhe eIven
nal i ons ( s ee leI ov) . I l has leen
reveaIed lo have found ils vay inlo
Rualhyn, vhere il vas heId in lheir
nosl hidden Iilrary unliI recenlIy.
Wilhin lhe asl year, person or persons
unknovn have lroken inlo lhe vauIl
and sloIen lhe look, vhich precipilaled
lhe nosl recenl var lelveen Rualhyn
and Luskan. The look is sliII nissing al
lhis line.
Cnntcnts: The conlenls are 23 speIIs,
one lo a page, in lhe foIIoving order:
cnarn pcrscn, ar|ncss 15 raius, |SP,
scarc, i spc| nagi c, cnarn ncns| cr,
fcar, firc |rap, pc|qncrpn c|ncr, uizar
cqc, anina|c ca, ca|n spc||s, uc-
incnsicn, pnasc ccr, s|a|uc, c|cnc,
g| ass| cc| , pcrnancncq pcucr ucr
o| i n, | rap | nc scu| , ga| c, i npri scn-
nc n| , a nd p c uc r uc r | i | | . The
renaining six pages funclion as a
nagic-users Manua| cf Gc|cns (q.v.
Dungccn Mas|crs Guic), for lhe nak-
ing of slone and iron goIens onIy: nor-
naI cosls and sludy lines appIy.
The inside fronl cover conlains no
speII, a proleclive spc|| |urning nagic
has leen casl upon il. If lhe look saves
againsl any nagicaI or physicaI allack,
ils danage is refIecled 1OO onlo lhe
The ga|c speII on page 21 incIudes
inslruclions on hov lo nake such a
ga|c pernanenl, invoIving pcrnancn-
cq, a dusl conpounded of severaI rare
ingredienls incIuding cerlain rare
crushed genslones and ci| cf c|ncrca|-
ncss, and lhe lIood of al Ieasl six crea-
lures: lhree nalive lo each pIane lhe
ga|c reaches.
T h e i n p r i s c n n c n | a n d p c u c r
ucr |i|| speIIs on pages 22 and 23
are parl of lhe looks curse. Lvery line
eilher of lhese pages is perused, lhere is
a 7 non-cunuIalive chance lhal lhe
reader viII suffer inpriscnncn| as per
lhe speII.
The lack cover conlains an exlra-
dinensionaI space: lhe Iair of lhe deni-
Iich hinseIf. Lach line lhe look is
opened, lhere is a 9 non-cunuIalive
chance lhal lhe deni-Iichs skuII viII
energe (e.g., rise up) and allack as
delaiIed in lhe Monsler ManuaI II). If
lhe lack cover, inside or oul, is deIiler-
aleIy concenlraled upon, lhis chance is
1OO. Shoon viI appear as a skuII (nol a
vrailh or ghosl), sloIen speIIs have
served as energy faclors sufficienl lo
keep hin in lhis slale. Shoon viII nol
hovI, inslead, he viII hover, |cti|a|ing
in nidair, and drain a souI on lhe lhird
round of his appearance, using his
speIIs lo allack and defend unliI lhen.
Shoon is inleresled in draining souIs,
nol sIaying. He viII lry lo drain a souI
every lhree rounds unliI successfuI.
Upon draining a souI, Shoon vanishes
lack inlo lhe look. He viII energe
again lo sleaI souIs onIy if lhe lack cov-
er is concenlraled upon, or if lhe look
suffers over 13 poinls of danage in any
singIe round or is deslroyed. Il shouId
le noled lhal deslruclion of lhe Tone
viII free Shoon, nol deslroy hin.
Lnchanlnenls pIaced ly lhe eviI
undead nage aIIov hin lo S|ca|spc||
(see leIov) one speII fron lhe nind of
any one person vho louches lhe Tone
in any round. If a largel has no speIIs, or
successfuIIy saves (al - 1) versus speII,
lhe allenpl faiIs and lhe round is vasl-
ed for Shoon. Such speII lhefl is nol
lIocked ly unconsciousness, insanily,
an|i-nagic snc||, nin oar, or siniIar
nagicaI or psionic proleclions. Transfer
lakes one segnenl. The sloIen speII is
chosen randonIy, nc| ly Shoon.
Like a poverfuI incanlalrix (vhich he
nay have leen in Iife, for aII olhers knov)
Shoon can use lhe energy of such speIIs
lo repIace Iosl hil poinls (2-8 hp per speII
IeveI) or casl lhen, vilh lhe effecls lhey
vouId have had if casl ly lhe originaI
casler, ly efforl of viII aIone, one al a
line and once per round. Shoon pres-
enlIy relains lhe foIIoving sloIen speIIs
(he can hoId onIy an equaI nunler of
speIIs lo lhose he couId carry upon allain-
ing Iichdon, aIlhough lhese nay le of
any cIass and IeveI, Shoon is al Ieasl a 26lh
IeveI nagic user): nc| pcrscn x2, ispc|
nagic (cIericaI) x3, |ign|ning oc|| (8D6),
ccnc cf cc|, 8igoqs fcrccfu| nan, and
S|ca|spc|| (Lnchanlnenl/Charn)
LeveI: 7
Range: 1/LeveI of casler
Duralion: SpeciaI
Area of Lffecl: ne crealure
Conponenls: V,S
Casling Tine: 7 segnenls
Saving Throv: Neg.
Exp! anat I nn/ Dcs c r I pt I nn: Thi s
poverfuI nagicaI speII is rareIy knovn
leyond lhe circIes of lhe Wilches of
Rashernan, and hov il cane inlo lhe
hands of Shoon is unknovn. By neans
of lhis incanlalion, any singIe leing
indicaled ly lhe casler (vilhin range)
nusl save versus speIIs al - 1 or suffer
lhe lhefl of any one nenorized speII or
speII-Iike aliIily fron his or her nind
(crealures fron pIanes olher lhan lhe
Irine MaleriaI save al no penaIly, and if
lhere are no speIIs avaiIalIe, lhen lhe
speII has no effecl.) The sloIen speII is
delernined randonIy. The nagic of lhe
s|ca|spc|| vorks even againsl a viclin
vho is unconscious or insane, psionic
proleclions, an|i-nagic snc||, and aII
siniIiar shieIding speIIs, and nin oar
and lhe Iike, are nol effeclive prolec-
lion againsl lhis speII.
A sloIen speII nay le casl innedi-
aleIy ly lhe user of lhis speII, or heId in
nind for Ialer use. This casling nay le
nade vilhoul naleriaI conponenls or
even underslanding or sufficienl IeveI
lo casl lhe speII. The idenlily of lhe
sloIen speII is nol reveaIed ly ils cap-
lure. Any speII casl in lhis fashion is
casl as if ly lhe IeveI of leing lhe speII
vas sloIen fron. Isionic povers cannol
le sloIen in lhe fashion.
A sloIen speII is lransferred al lhe end
of a round. If a speII is legin casl ly lhe
largel, lhal speII viII nol le sloIen.
The sloIen speII nay le relained as
opposed lo innedialeIy expeIIed, and Ial-
er recorded ly a uri|c speII, vhich viII
erase lhe speII fron lhe sleaIers nind
vilhoul discharging ils pover. Such a
uri||cn speII is useIess lo lhe casler if of a
differenl cIass or higher IeveI.
The sloIen speII nay le relained for
up lo 24 hours lefore discharged or
fades fron viev. The leing Shoon
derives his suslenance fron sloIen
Tnc Tcnc gains ils nane fron ils con-
slruclion, lhe enchanlnenls Shoon
pIaced on il lo preserve il and nainlain
lhe exlra-dinensionaI space lhal pro-
lecls hinseIf invoIved lhe lIood (and
necessary sIaughler) of no Iess lhan
lveIve unicorns. This acl aIone earned
Shoon lhe revoIl of lhe eIves in his ovn
reaIn, vhich he crushed onIy ly sIay-
ing lhen aII. Druids of Iaerun sliII
speak in derision vilh lhe phrase, spiII
lhe lIood of lhe unicorn, vouId you`,
referring lo lhis eviI deed. Ior his parl,
Shoon is unrepenlanl, Iong ago vhen
confronled aloul sIaying lhe unicorns
lhe lhen-Iich shrugged his shouIders
and said hoIIovIy, I sliII exisl. They do
Shoon viII nol speak, lul if connuni-
caled vilh ly spca| ui|n |nc ca, psio-
nics, or nagicaI |SP or |c|cpa|nq, viII
prove dryIy cynicaI, coId-lIooded,
uncaring, lul quile knovIedgealIe of
Iong-ago doings and of nagicaI Iore~
and is IoneIy, he viII converse caInIy
and viIIingIy even as he allacks lhose
hes speaking lo. Nole lhal Shoon can-
nol sludy and nenorize speIIs as he
once used lo (aIlhough he couId sleaI a
speII fron lhe nind of one vho had
nenorized lhal speII fron lhe Tone, if
forlune favored hin), and cannol lulor
olhers in lhe arls of nagic save ly
inparling lrief advice, he cannol raise
anolhers povers ly a IeveI lhrough
leaching. (Nole lo DMs: lhis is an
exlreneIy poverfuI ilen, Iinked lo a
poverfuI nonsler, nuch consideralion
shouId le given ils polenliaI effecls
lefore any use of il in a canpaign.)
This is a combined index for the Cyclopeida of the Realms and the DM's Sourcebook of the Realms. Entries and/or page numbers printed in bold type refer to the
DM's Sourcebook of the Realms. Entries in bold italics refer to new spells.
Abei r- Tori l . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 9
Adventuring Companies . . . . . . . . 10, 19
Aganazzars Scorcher . . . . . . . . . . . 9 1 - 9 2
Aglarond . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22
Akadi . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16, 18
The Al cai s t er . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8 3
Al us ar Nacaci a . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 9 , 4 4
Alustriel . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 49
Amn . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22, 37, 38, 42
Anauroch . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23
Arabel . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23, 32, 38
Archendal e . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Archveults Skybolt . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
26, 36, 40, 42
7 0
Asbravn . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 6 , 4 1
Ascore . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 49
Assassins . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 85
Auba y r e e r s Wo r kbo o k . . . . . . . . . . . . 8 6
Auril . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10, 18
Azoun IV . . . . . . . 18, 26, 32, 37, 38, 43, 81
Azut h . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10, 18
Baldurs Gate . . . . . . . . . . . . 26, 38, 41, 42
Bane . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10, 18, 87, 93
Barbari ans . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27
Barroch s Hol d . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 0
Battle of the Bones . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 28
Bat t l edal e . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27, 36
BATTLESYSTEM rules . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9
Beast Cults . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16
B e a s t L o r d . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 41
Beregost . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 28
Beshaba . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10, 18
Bhaal . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10, 18
Blacktalons . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 60
Bl a d e b l e s s . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8 3
Bl a d e t h i r s t . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 9
Bloodaxe . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 60
Boareskyr Bridge . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 28
B o d y S y m p a t h y . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8 5
Book of Num The Mad . . . . . . . . . . . 74
Book of the Si l ver Tal on . . . . . . . . . . . 6 3
Bo wg e n t l e s Bo o k . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 71
Bowge nt l e s Fl e e t i ng Jour ne y . . . . . . . 7 2
Br i a r t a n g l e . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 4
Bri el s Book of Shadows . . . . . . . . . . . 7 6
Calantirs Way . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 29
Cal aunt . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30
Cal endar . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6
Cal i gar de s Cl aw . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 8
Cal i mshan . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 29, 38, 42
Ca mp a i g n i n g . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7- 10
Candl ekeep . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 29
Cat f e e t . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 9
Cavaliers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30
The Cha mbe e l e o n . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 4
Chaunt ea . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11, 18, 39, 87
Ch e s s e n t a . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30
Circle, the . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 79
Citadel of the Raven . . . . . . 30, 38, 39, 45, 55
Clerics . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7, 31
Cloak Wood . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 31
Common . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8
Company of t he Cl oak . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 4
Company of t he Dragon . . . . . . . . . . . 3 9
Company of the Wolf . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19
Corellon Larethian . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16, 18
Co r m Or p . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 31
Cor myr . . . . . . . . . . . . 32, 37- 40, 42-44
Cul t of t he Dragon . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 6
Cur r ency . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9
Cut . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 84
Daerl un . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 35, 76
Daggerdal e . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 35, 36, 37
D a g g e r f o r d . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 35
Dalelands, Dales . . . . . . . . . . . . 35, 37, 38, 40
Damar a . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 37, 86
Darkhol d . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 7 , 5 2
De at h Char i ot . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 5
Deepi ngdal e . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 36, 37
Denei r . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11, 18
De s e r t s e d g e . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 7
Det hek . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9
Dhedl uk . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 32, 38
D i s m i n d . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 0
Di s pe l Si l e nc e . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 2
Doust Sulwood . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20, 37, 77
Dove Falconhand . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20, 49, 77
Dragoneye Dealing Coster . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 2
Dragon Reach . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 5
Dragons . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15-16, 38
Dragonspear . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 37, 39, 41
D r o w . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 7 , 4 0 , 4 1
Dr u i d s . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 39, 79
Durlags Tower . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 40
Dwarves . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7, 16, 40
Easting . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 41
Eldath . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11, 18, 39
Elemental Lords . . . . . . . . . . . . 16, 18, 39
Elminster . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 49, 77, 95
Elturel . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 41
Elven Court . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 35, 39, 40, 42, 45
Elversult . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 44
El ves . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7, 16, 41, 43, 44
Encounter determination . . . . . . . . 13- 14
E n c r y p t . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8 8 - 8 9
Espar . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 2 , 4 3
Es pr uar . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8
Es s e mbr a . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 9 , 4 2
Eveni ngst ar . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 33, 38, 43
Evereska . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 42, 43
Evermeet . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 42, 44
Faerun . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 9
Feat herdal e . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 36, 44
Fields of the Dead . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 45
Fighters . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 45
Fi rehands Group . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 3
Fi r e ma s t e r . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 3
Fl a me s h r o u d . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 3
Flaming Fist . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27, 34-35, 60
Fi ve Wi zards . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 5
Florin Falconhand . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20, 49, 77
Forgotten Forest, the . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 5
Four, the . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19
Fzoul Chembryl . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 93
Gal l op . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 84
The gat e page . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8 5
Ga unt l g r y m . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 1
Gharri . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 4
Glacier of the White Worm . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 5
Gl anvyl s Workbook . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8 0
Glister . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 46
Gl yphs of Wardi ng
Curt al . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 7
Hl ack . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 7
Ya mma s . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 7
Zu t h . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 7
Gnomes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7, 17, 46
Goblin Races . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 46
Goblins . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 6
Gond . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11, 18, 42, 55, 86
Gondegal . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Great Shout . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
23, 32
Green Ri ngs Tradi ng . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 6
Gr eycl oak Hi l l s
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 47
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 42
Grey Vei l . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 43
Gr i mwa l d s Gr e y ma n t l e . . . . . . . . . . . 91
Gr umbar . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16, 18, 39
Hai l c one . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8 6
Half-elves . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 47
Halfaxe Trail . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 39, 47
Halfling, Inc. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19
Halflings . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7, 17, 31, 48
Hammer Hall . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 40, 48
Harpers . . . . . . . . . . 25, 27-29, 31, 29, 49, 71
Ha r r o wd a l e . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 36, 49
Haunted Hall . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 49
Helm . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11, 18, 43
He x gr i ds , us i ng . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11
Hi g h Da l e . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 36, 37, 39
High Horn . . . . . . . . . . . . 33, 38, 50
High Moor . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 50
Highmoon Trading . . . . . . . . . . . . 73
Hill of Lost Souls . . . . . . . . . . . 50
Hills Edge . . . . . . . . . . . . . 51
Hillsfar . . . . . . . . . . . 37, 38, 44, 51
Hilp . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 33, 52
Hlintar . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 52
Hl ut hvar . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 52
Hobgoblins . . . . . . . . . . . . . 46
Hol y Fl ai l . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8 2
Ho mo nc ul o us Cr e a t i o n . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 7
Ho o kno s e Cr a g . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 7
H o r n . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8 0
Huddagh . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 52, 76
Hul l ack Fores t . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 44
Hunt, the . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19, 42
I l l y kur s Mant l e . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 92
Ilmater . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11, 18
Immersea . . . . . . . . . . . . 33, 52
Impi l t ur . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 2
I nner Sea . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 40, 42
Iri aebor . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 54
Iron House . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
I r o n Thr o ne . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 37
Istishia . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16, 18
Jhessail Silvertree . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20
Kara-Tur . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 54
Khel ben Arunsun . . . . . . . . . . . . 37, 49, 88
Knights of Myth Drannor . . . . . . 20, 20,
22, 24-27, 29, 30, 66, 77
Knights of the North . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 54
Knights of the Shield . . . . . . . . . . . 55
Kobolds . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 46
Kossuth . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16, 18, 39
Kulta . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 55, 76
Lae r al s Danc i ng Dwe ome r . . . . . . . . . 7 0
Languages . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8
L a n t a n . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 53
La s ha n . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 9 , 4 0 , 4 2
Lat hander . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11, 18, 28
Laughing Hollow . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 56
Leira . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11, 18
Lhaeo . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 95
Li s t e n . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8 0
Living City, the . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 56
Llira . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12, 18
Lonely Moor . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 56
Lords Alliance . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 57
Lords Who Sl eep . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 1
Lo t hc ha s . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 4
Lovi at ar . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12, 18
Lurkan t he Reaver . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 4
Lu s k a n . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 2 , 4 3 , 4 5
Magic-Users . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7, 57
Mal ar . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12, 18
Manes Band . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20, 37, 77, 79
Manki nd . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 8
Maps , us i ng . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11
Ma r s e mb e r . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 3 , 5 8
Marsh of Chelimber . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 59
Mask . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12, 18
Maskyrs Eye . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 60
Mel vaunt . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 37, 38, 39, 44, 60
Men of the Basilisk . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20
Me r al d s Mur de r ous Mi s t . . . . . . . . 7 9 - 8 0
Mercenary Compani es . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 60
Merchant Compani es . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 62, 73
Me r c hant s Le ague . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 2
Meri t h St rongbow . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 0
Mielikki . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12, 18
Milil . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13, 18
Mi ndul gul ph . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19, 61
Mi nt arn . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 63
Mi rabar . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 40
Mistledale . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 36, 37, 39, 64
Moonsea . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 38, 64
Moonshae Islands . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 64
Moradi n . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16, 18
Mour ngr ym . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 43, 49, 77
Mul hessen . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 65, 76
Mul horand . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 65
Mul mast er . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 37, 65
Myrkul . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13, 18
Myst ra . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13, 18
Myt h Drannor . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 39, 45, 65
Names . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7
The Na t hl um . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 5
Nc has e r s Ei y r omanc i a . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 2
Nc has e r s Gl owi ng Gl obe . . . . . . . . . . 6 2
Ne n t y a r c h . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 3
Neverwi nt er . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 66
Night Masks . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 89
Ni mbral . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 67
Nine, the . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20
Nobles . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7
North, the . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 8
NPC l e ve l modi f i c at i on t abl e . . . . . . . . 1 7
Nul at hoe s Ni ne me n . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 2
Oghma . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13, 18
Or cs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17, 46
Order of the Blue Boar . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 61
Ordul i n . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 38, 67, 76
Orjal uns Arbatel . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8 7 - 8 8
Or l umbor . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 68
Paladins . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 0
Phas e Tr ap . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8 6 - 8 7
Pheszel t an . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 45, 51
Phl an . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 8
Pi ergei ron Pal adi nson . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 88
Pirate Isles . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 42, 68
P o i s o n s
Be l p r e n . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 6
Dwa r f b a n e . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 7
Hu l d . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 7
J e t e y e . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 7
Lhur da s . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 66
Or v a s . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 6
Pr e s pr a . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 6
Var r akas . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 6
Prespers Moonbow
P r i a p u r l
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9 2
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 70
Pr ocampur . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 70
P r o s . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 70
Pr os kur . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 70
Purple Flame, the . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20
Randal Morn . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 3
Rangers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 0
Rashemen . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 1
Ra u r i n . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 3
Re c o n s t r u c t i o n . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8 4 - 8 5
The Red Book of War . . . . . . . . . . . 8 1 - 8 2
Red Cl oaks . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 l
Red Shields . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 74
Re d Wi z a r ds . . . . . . . . . . . 27, 37, 44, 45
Reddansyr . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 73
Religion . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10, 31
R e v e a l . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8 2
Ri ng of Wi nt er . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 5
Ruat hl ek . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8
Rua t hy na . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 2 , 4 3 , 4 5
Sabi ri ne s Specul ar . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 7 - 7 8
Sac r e d Li nk . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8 3
Sa e r b . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 6
Saerl oon . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 73, 76
Savage Seven, the . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 1
The Scal amagdri on . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8 9 - 9 0
Scardal e . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 36, 39, 40, 73
S c a t t e r s p r a y . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 6
Sc e pt a na r . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 3
S c o r c h . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8 0 - 8 1
Scornubel . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 4 , 7 3
Sea of Swords . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 74
S e c o mb e r . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 41
S e c u r e . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8 9
Selgaunt . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 42, 45, 74, 76
Selune . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13, 18
Sembia . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 37, 40, 74
Seven Suns Trading . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 63
Shaar . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 76
Shadow Thieves . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 80
Shadowdal e . . . . . . . . . . . 36, 37, 38, 39, 44, 77
Sha i r ks a h . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 44
Shar . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14, 18
Sharanal ee . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 9
Shar ant yr . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 0
Sheela Peryroyal . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17, 32
Silvanus . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14, 18
Simbul, the . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22, 37, 49
Six Coffers Market . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 62
Sk u l l Go r g e . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 80
S m o k e G h o s t . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 81
Sossal . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8 0
Soubar . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8 0
Sout h . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 80
The Spel l book of Dai mos . . . . . . . . . . 7 2
Spe l l Engi ne . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 8
Spe nde l ar d s Chas e r . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 8
S n a t c h . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 9
S p a r k . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 9
Stags Caravan . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 74
Standing Stone . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 35, 81
S t e a l s p e l l . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9 3
S t i n g . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8 4
Storm Silverhand . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 49, 77, 95
Sune . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14, 18
Sur d . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 6 , 8 1
Surefeet Trademast ers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 4
Suzail . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 33, 38, 45, 81
Sword Coast . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 44, 81
Swords of Leilon, the . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21
Syl une . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 38, 49, 77, 96
Talona . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14, 18
Talos . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15, 18
Tarkhaldale . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Tasirins Haunted Sleep
. . . . . . . . . . . . 6 9
Tasseldale . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 36, 84
Tempus . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15, 18
Terrai n and movement . . . . . . . . . . 12- 13
Teshendale . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 36, 84
Te s h wa v e . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 43
Tet hyr . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 84
Teziir . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8 4
Tha a l i m To r c ht o we r . . . . . . . . . . . . . 44
Th a r . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 39, 84
Thay . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22, 42, 85
Thieves . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8 5
Tho nd o f Wy v e r nwa t e r . . . . . . . . . . . 3 7
Thorass . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8
Th o r n S p r a y . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 5
Thousandheads Tradi ng . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 3
Th u n d e r l a n c e . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8 7
Tilvers Gap . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 37, 38, 85
Toril . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19
The Tome of t he Covenant . . . . . . . . . 91
Tome of t he Uni corn . . . . . . . . . . . 41, 42
Torm . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15, 18, 32
Torn . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 0
Tower of Ashaba . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 77
Trail Lords . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 74
Tr i bo a r . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 38
Triel . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8 6
Trol l Woods . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 8
Trollclaw Ford . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8 6
Trueshield Trading . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 62
Tsurl agol . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8 6
Tul begh . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 6 , 8 6
Tul r un s Tr ac e r . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 9
Turmi sh . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8 6
Tymor a . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15, 18, 21
Ty r . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15, 18
Tyrl uk . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 33, 86
Umberl ee . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16, 18
Uni corn horns , t he us es of . . . . . . 7 6 - 7 7
Unt her . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8 6
Urml aspyr . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 76, 86
Ut t er East . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 45
Vaasa . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 37, 86
Vale of Lost Voices . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 87
Valiant Warriors, the . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 1
Vangerdahast . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 33, 38, 81
Vilhon Reach . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8 7
Voonlar . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8 7
Warri ors Crypt . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 43
Wa t c h wa r e . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 3
Wat erdeep . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 38, 57, 80, 85, 87
Waukeen . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16, 18
Way Inn . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 9 , 8 8
Waymoot . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 33, 43, 88
Westgate . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 43, 44, 89
Whel oon . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 33, 89
Wi ndri ders Tradi ng . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 74
Wi t ches . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 71
Wood of Sharp Teeth . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 89
Wy v e r n wa t e r . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 37
Yellow Snake Pass . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 92
Yhaunn . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 76, 92
Ylraphon . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 92
Yui r wo o d . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 2
Yulash . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 38, 92
Zhent ari m . . . . . . 26, 27, 30, 32, 33, 37, 55, 92
Zhentil Keep . . . . . . . 28, 32, 33, 30, 37, 38, 39
42-45, 55, 84, 93

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