Internal Medicine Question Papers For MBBS Final Year Students

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The passages discuss topics related to various medical exams including general medicine. Common topics covered are diseases, their causes, clinical features, investigations and management. Important diseases mentioned include pneumonia, Parkinson's disease, enteric fever and diabetes mellitus.

The exams seem to cover general medicine and assess students' knowledge of various diseases, their presentations and management. Common topics discussed include infectious diseases, respiratory diseases, endocrinology and neurology. Short notes and short answer questions are also part of the exams.

Some important diseases discussed in the passages are pneumonia, Parkinson's disease, enteric fever, diabetes mellitus, rheumatic fever, leptospirosis, hepatic encephalopathy, dengue fever and pulmonary embolism. Details regarding their causes, clinical features and treatment are provided.

February 2009 [KU 551] Sub.

Code : 4081

FINAL M.B.B.S. DEGREE EXAMINATION. Revised (Non-Semester) Regulations Part II Paper I GENERAL MEDICINE Q. P. Code : 524081 Time : Three hours Maximum: 100 Marks Answer ALL questions Draw Suitable diagrams wherever necessary I. Essay Questions : (2 x 15 = 30) 1. Discuss the aetiology, clinical features, diagnosis and management of Nephrotic syndrome. 2. Define stroke. Discuss pathophysiology, investigation and management of cerebral infarction. II. Write Short notes on : 1. Clinical features of food poisoning. 2. Thiamine deficiency disorders. 3. Chest pain. 4. Schilling test. 5. Management of Rheumatoid arthritis. 6. Irritable bowel syndrome. 7. Amoebic liver abscess. 8. Potassium sparing diuretics. 9. Agranulocytosis. 10. Gastric lavage. (10 x 5 = 50)

III. Short Answer Questions : (10 x 2 = 20) 1. Mention four causes for neutropenia. 2. Mention two changes in CNS with ageing and their corresponding consequences. 3. Eradication of H. pylori. 4. Mention four neurological of features of B12 deficiency. 5. Mention four causes of adrenocortical insufficiency. 6. WHO criteria for diagnosis of diabetes mellitus. 7. Enumerate four causes for infective diarrhoea. 8. Aetiology of pyogenic meningitis. 9. List the causes for Parkinsonism. 10. List four antihypertensive drugs. *****

August 2009 [KV 551] Sub. Code : 4081

FINAL M.B.B.S. DEGREE EXAMINATION. Revised (Non-Semester) Regulations Part II Paper I GENERAL MEDICINE Q. P. Code : 524081 Time : Three hours Maximum: 100 Marks Answer ALL questions Draw Suitable diagrams wherever necessary I. Essay Questions : (2 x 15 = 30) 1. Discuss the pathogenesis, clinical features and treatment of acute rheumatic fever. 2. Discuss the pathogenesis, clinical features, treatment and complications of leptospirosis. II. Write Short notes on : 1. Exudative plural effusion. 2. Systemic lupus erythematosus. 3. Hyperthyroidism. 4. Megaloblastic anemia. 5. Hyperkalemia. 6. Post exposive immunization of rabies. 7. Hook worm disease. 8. Erythema nodosum leprosum. 9. Tropical eosinophilia. 10. Celiac disease. III. Short Answer Questions : 1. Four causes of massive splemomegaly. 2. Four causes of hemoptysis. 3. Acute viral hepatitis. 4. Drugs used in organo phosphate poisoning. 5. Four drugs used in chemotherapy of tuberculosis. 6. Two causes of cavities in lung. 7. Henoch schonlein purpura. 8. Two drugs used as DMARDs. 9. Hormers syndrome. 10. Two indications for endotracheal intubation. ***** (10 x 5 = 50)

(10 x 2 = 20)

February 2010 [KW 551] Sub. Code : 4081 FINAL M.B.B.S. DEGREE EXAMINATION. Revised (Non-Semester) Regulations Part II Paper I GENERAL MEDICINE Q. P. Code : 524081 Time : Three hours Maximum: 100 Marks

Answer ALL questions Draw Suitable diagrams wherever necessary I. Essay Questions : (2 x 15 = 30) 1. Describe the etiology, clinical features and management of different types of dengue fever. 2. Describe the etiology, clinical features and management of pulmonary embolism. II. Write Short notes on : (10 x 5 = 50) 1. Clinical features and management of malabsorption syndrome. 2. Pseudo-hypo para thyroidism. 3. Hemophilia. 4. Management of acute myocardial infraction. 5. Mention the chronic complication of diabetes mellitus. Add a note on newer insulins. 6. Discuss laboratory investigations in a case of hemolytic anaemia. 7. Proton pump inhibitors. 8. Management of Gout. 9. Gastric lavage. 10. Agranulocytosis. III. Short Answer Questions : 1. Importance of Philadelphia chromosome. 2. What is sickle cell crisis? 3. Angotensin receptor blockers and indications. 4. Ankylosing spondylitis. 5. Oral rehydration therapy. 6. Mention three gram negative bacilli. 7. Name four macrolide antibiotics. 8. Ill effects of Tobacco Chewing. 9. Pyridoxine. 10. Psychosis. ***** (10 x 2 = 20)

August 2010 [KX 551] Sub. Code : 4081 FINAL M.B.B.S. DEGREE EXAMINATION. Revised (Non-Semester) Regulations Part II Paper I GENERAL MEDICINE Q. P. Code : 524081 Time : Three hours Maximum: 100 Marks Answer ALL questions. Draw Suitable diagrams wherever necessary I. Essay Questions :

(2 x 15 = 30)

1. Discuss the etiology, natural history, clinical features, investigation and management of chronic myeloid leukemia. 2. Discuss the etiology, clinical features, diagnosis and management of Pericardial Effusion. II. Write Short notes on : 1. Gait. 2. Scurvy. 3. Psoriasis. 4. Addisons disease. 5. Erectile Impotence. 6. Causes of Short Stature. 7. Alports Syndrome. 8. Aspergillosis. 9. Splenomegaly. 10. Peripheral Blood Smear Examination. III. Short Answer Questions : 1. Causes of Haematuria. 2. Management of Barbiturate Poisoning. 3. Chylothorax. 4. Mention causes of Meningitis. 5. Mention drugs used in Acute Pulmonary oedema. 6. Mention oral Hypoglycaemic agents. 7. Mention types of Bronchial breath sounds. 8. Mention signs of Meningial irritation. 9. Drugs in helicobacter pylori. 10. Auscultatory signs of Mitral Stenosis. ****** (10 x 5 = 50)

(10 x 2 = 20)

February 2011 Sub. Code : 4081 FINAL M.B.B.S. DEGREE EXAMINATION. Revised (Non-Semester) Regulations Part II Paper I GENERAL MEDICINE Q. P. Code : 524081 Time : Three hours Maximum: 100 Marks Answer ALL questions Draw suitable diagrams wherever necessary I. Essay questions : (2 x 10 = 20) 1. Define and classify Heart Failure. Discuss the clinical assessment of heart failure with investigations and management of congestive cardiac failure. 2. Discuss the pathogenesis, clinical features, investigations and management of ulcerative colitis. II. Write Short notes on : (10 x 5 = 50) 1. Non invasive respiratory support. 2. Weils disease. 3. HAART, 4. Renal osteodystrophy. 5. Modified Dukes criteria. 6. D-dimer. 7. Amiodarone. 8. Guttate Psoriasis. 9. Thyroid profile. 10. Pseudogout. III. Short Answer Questions : (15 x 2 = 30) 1. Four causes of Haematuria. 2. Polycystic ovarian syndrome. 3. Four causes of proximal muscle weakness. 4. Four features of SLE. 5. Four extra articular manifestations of Rheumatoid Arthritis. 6. Four gait disorders. 7. Four drugs producing osteoporosis. 8. Non pulmonary complications of pulmonary Tb. 9. Name four drugs causing neutropenia. 10. Four causes of hydrocephalus. 11. Four causes of pruritis without skin disease. 12. Four complications of UGI (Upper GastroIntestinal) endoscopy. 13. Four common features of Falciparum Malaria. 14. Four features of Jones criteria. 15. Four common features of Feltys Syndrome. ****** [KY 551]

August 2011 [KZ 551] FINAL M.B.B.S. DEGREE EXAMINATION. Revised (Non-Semester) Regulations Part II Paper I GENERAL MEDICINE Q.P. Code: 524081 Time : Three hours Maximum : 100 marks Answer ALL questions. Draw suitable diagrams wherever necessary I. Essay Questions : (2 x 10 = 20)
1. Discuss the etiology, clinical features, management and prevention of acute pulmonary embolism. 2. List five causes of acute renal failure. Discuss the pathophysiology and management of acute tubular necrosis. II. Write Short notes on : (10 x 5 = 50) 1. Rheumatic fever prophylaxis 2. Pneumocystis jiroveci pneumonia 3. Tropical splenomegaly 4. Management acute bleeding from esophageal varices 5. Unstable angina 6. Disseminated intravascular coagulation (DIC) 7. Liver function tests 8. Atrial fibrillation 9. Cerebral malaria 10. Spontaneous bacterial peritonitis III. Short Answer Questions : 1. List 4 causes of secondary hypertension 2. List 4 inotropic agents used for shock 3. List 4 adverse effects of phenytoin 4. List 4 causes for hypoglycemia 5. List 4 causes of megaloblastic anemia 6. Charcots triad 7. List 4 causes for syncope 8. List 4 drugs used for treatment of chronic stable angina 9. List 4 common opportunistic infections seen HIV infected patients 10. List 4 causes for delirium in the elderly 11. List 4 drugs contra-indicated in the first trimester of pregnancy 12. Name the TORCH organisms 13. Name 4 sexually transmitted infections presenting as genital ulcers 14. Name 4 anti-retroviral drugs 15. Name 4 vaccines used in adults ******* (15 x 2 = 30)

Sub. Code: 4081

February 2012 [LA 551] Sub. Code: 4081

THIRD M.B.B.S DEGREE EXAMINATION Revised (Non-Semester) Regulations PAPER I GENERAL MEDICINE Q.P. Code: 524081 Maximum : 60 marks

Time : 3 hours (180 Min)

Answer ALL questions in the same order. Draw Suitable diagrams wherever necessary
I. Elaborate on: (2 x 7.5 =15) 1. Discuss the aetilogy, clinical features, investigations and management of Pericardial effusion. Add a note on cardiac tamponade. 2. Describe the aetiopathogenesis, clinical features, investigations and treatment of Viral hepatitis. Add a note on prevention. II. Write notes on: 1. Dengue shock syndrome 2. Takayasus arteritis 3. Downs syndrome 4. Management of Thalassaemias 5. Hazards of Blood transfusion 6. Alpha-glucosidase inhibitors 7. Management of Migraine 8. Heat stroke 9. Management of Carbon monoxide poisoning 10. Management of Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) III. Short Answers 1. List four causes of Fever and rash 2. List four causes of Pinpoint pupils 3. List four congenital Hyperbilirubinemic disorders 4. List four causes of Xanthochromia in CSF analysis 5. List four Myeloproliferative diseases 6. List four adverse effects of Dapsone 7. List four causes of Charcot joint 8. List four contraindications for ACE inhibitors 9. List four clinical features of Increased intracranial tension 10. List four causes of Hypothermia 11. Name the ingredients in the Oral rehydration solutions (ORS) 12. Name four clinical conditions for use of Rifampicin 13. Name four causes of Microalbuminuria 14. Name four Counter-regulatory hormones 15. Name four Antitumour antibiotics ******* (10 x 3 = 30)

(15 x 1 = 15)

AUGUST 2012 Sub. Code: 4081 THIRD YEAR M.B.B.S DEGREE EXAM Paper I GENEAL MEDICINE Q. P. Code: 524081 Time: 180 Minutes Maximum: 60 marks Answer ALL questions in the same order. I. Elaborate on: Pages Time Marks (Max.)(Max.)(Max.) 1. Discuss aetiology, clinical features, investigations and management of infective endocarditis. 16 25 10 2. Describe aetiopathogenesis, clinical features, investigation and management of hepatic encephalopathy. 16 II. Write notes on: 1. Leptospirosis. 2. Coarctation of aorta. 3. Acromegaly. 4. Management of acute leukemia. 5. Incretin mimetics. 6. Management of organophosphage poisoning. 7. Status epilepticus. 8. Lung abscess. 9. Nephrotic syndrome. 10. Cyanosis. III. Short answers on: 1. List four features of neuropathic pain. 2. List four metabolic causes of coma. 3. List four features of vitamin B12 deficiency. 4. Name any four antibiotics used in the treatment of enteric fever. 5. Name four complications of falciparum malaria. 6. List four causes for purpura. 7. List four causes of bronchiectasis. 8. Name the four target organs of hypertension. 9. List any four methods for the diagnosis of Helicobacter Pylori infection. 10. List any four cerebrospinal fluid changes in tuberculous meningitis. *******

[LB 551]



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FEBRUARY 2013 Sub. Code: 4081 THIRD YEAR M.B.B.S DEGREE EXAM Paper I GENEAL MEDICINE Q. P. Code: 524081 Time: 180 Minutes Maximum: 100 Marks I. Elaborate on: (2x15=30) 1. 2. Describe in detail the causes, clinical features and management of Pneumonia Enumerate the causes of Parkinsonism and describe the approach to management of Idiopathic Parkinsonism. (10x5=50)

[LC 551]

II. Write notes on: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. Rheumatic fever prophylaxis Malabsorption syndrome Ulcerative colitis Upper G.I. Endoscopy Atrial fibrillation Lung abscess Spirometry Peripheral Neuropathy EEG

10. Snake-bite

III. Short answers on: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10.

List 4 features of Organophosphorus Compound Poisoning


Name 4 Inotropic drugs Name 4 complications of corrosive acid ingestion Four adverse effects of chloroquine Four features of vitamin deficiencies Four features of Swine Flu Four complications of cerebral Name 4 sexually transmitted diseases Four causes of syncope Four causes of obstructive jaundice.


AUGUST 2013 Sub. Code: 4081 THIRD YEAR M.B.B.S DEGREE EXAM Paper I GENERAL MEDICINE Q. P. Code: 524081 Time: 180 Minutes Maximum: 60 Marks I. Elaborate on: (2x10=20)

[LD 551]

1. Etiology, clinical features, complications, investigations and management of Enteric fever. 2. Classify Diabetes Mellitus. Enumerate the acute complications of Diabetes Mellitus. Define about Dawn and Somogyi phenomenon.

I. Write notes on: 1. Hepato renal syndrome 2. MDR-TB 3. Primitive reflexes 4. Lichen planus 5. Cardiac enzymes 6. Reactive arthritis 7. Asbestosis 8. Subacute Sclerosing Pan Enaphalitis 9. Migraine 10.Paraneoplastic syndromes in Ca Lung I. Short answers on:



1. Four causes of fever with jaundice 2. Diagnosis of H.Pylori infection 3. Four causes of carpel tunnel syndrome 4. Four causes of dilated cardiomyopathy 5. Drugs for amoebiasis 6. Four immunosuppressive drugs 7. Mention four types of breathing patterns 8. Name four opportunistic infections in AIDS if CD 4 count <50 9. Name four complications of blood transfusion 10.Name four drugs causing gynaecomastia. *******

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