Valdez v. Republic Digest
Valdez v. Republic Digest
Valdez v. Republic Digest
Valdez v. Republic, G.R. No. 180863, September 8, 2009 ANGELITA VALDEZ, Petitioner, vs. REPUBLIC OF THE PHILIPPINES, Respondent. Other SC Justices: Ynares-Santiago (Chairperson), Chico-Nazario, Velasco, Jr. and Peralta, JJ., concur. Ponente: NACHURA, J.: EMERGENCY DIGEST: ANGELITA Valdez was married to Sofio in January 1971 (prior to Family Code). She gave birth to a baby girl named Nancy. They argued constantly because Sofio was unemployed and did not bring home any money. In March 1972, the latter left their house. ANGELITA and her child waited until in May 1972, they decided to go back to her parents home. 3 years have passed without any word from Sofio until in October 1975 when he showed up and they agreed to separate and executed a document to that effect. It was the last time they saw each other and had never heard of ever since. Believing that Sofio was already dead, ANGELITA married Virgilio Reyes in June 1985 (also prior to Family Code). Virgilios application for naturaliza tion in the US was denied because ANGELITAs marriage with Sofio was subsisting. Hence, in March 2007, ANGELITA filed a petition seeking declaration of presumptive death of Sofio. RTC dismissed the petition saying that Angelita "was not able to prove the well-grounded belief that her husband SOFIO was already dead under Article 41 of the Family Code. Hence, ANGELITA went to SC on Petition for Certiorari (Rule 45). ISSUE: WON the petition for presumptive death can be granted? NO, BECAUSE THERES NO NEED FOR A DECLARATION, the presumption of death having arisen BY OPERATION OF LAW. SC: Petition must be dismissed since no decree on the presumption of SOFIOs death can be granted under the Civil Code, the same presumption having arisen by operation of law. However, we declare that ANGELITA was capacitated to marry VIRGILIO at the time their marriage was celebrated in 1985 and, therefore, the said marriage is legal and valid. Under the Civil Code, the presumption of death is established by law and no court declaration is needed for the presumption to arise. Since death is presumed to have taken place by the seventh year of absence, Sofio is to be presumed dead starting October 1982. At the time of petitioners marriage to Virgilio, there existed no impediment to petitioners capacity to marry, and the marriage is valid under paragraph 2 of Article 83 of the Civil Code. Further, considering that it is the Civil Code that applies, proof of well founded belief is not required. Petitioner could not have been expe cted to comply with this requirement since the Family Code was not yet in effect at the time of her marriage to Virgilio. The enactment of the Family Code in 1988 does not change this conclusion. The Family Code itself states: Art. 256. This Code shall have retroactive effect insofar as it does not prejudice or impair vested or acquired rights in accordance with the Civil Code or other laws. To retroactively apply the provisions of the Family Code requiring petitioner to exhibit well-founded belief will, ultimately, result in the invalidation of her second marriage, which was valid at the time it was celebrated.
COMPLETE DIGEST Before this Court is a Petition for Review on Certiorari under Rule 45 assailing the Decision of the RTC of Camiling, Tarlac dated November 12, 2007 dismissing petitioner Angelita Valdezs (ANGELITA) petition for the declaration of presumptive death of her husband, Sofio Polborosa (SOFIO). ANGELITA married SOFIO on January 11, 1971 (before the present Family Code) in Pateros, Rizal. On December 13, 1971, ANGELITA gave birth to the spouses only child, Nancy. o ANGELITA and SOFIO argued constantly because the latter was unemployed and did not bring home any money. In March 1972, SOFIO left their conjugal dwelling. ANGELITA and their child waited for him to return but, finally, in May 1972, ANGELITA decided to go back to her parents home in Bancay 1st, Camiling, Tarlac. 3 years passed without any word from SOFIO. In October 1975, SOFIO showed up at Bancay 1st. He and ANGELITA talked for several hours and they agreed to separate. They executed a document to that effect. That was the last time ANGELITA saw him. After that, ANGELITA didnt hear any news of SOFIO, his whereabouts or even if he was alive or not. Believing that SOFIO was already dead, ANGELITA married Virgilio Reyes on June 20, 1985. Subsequently, however, Virgilios application for naturalization filed with the United States Department of Homeland Security was denied because ANGELITAs marriage to SOFIO was subsisting. Hence, on March 29, 2007, ANGELITA filed a Petition before the RTC of Camiling, Tarlac seeking the declaration of presumptive death of SOFIO. RTC RULING: dismissing the Petition for lack of merit. The RTC held that Angelita "was not able to prove the well-grounded belief that her husband SOFIO Polborosa was already dead under Article 41 of the Family Code. This belief, the RTC said, must be the result of proper and honest-to-goodness inquiries and efforts to ascertain the whereabouts of the absent spouse. RTC found that: o By ANGELITAs own admission, she did not try to find her husband anymore in light of their mutual agreement to live separately. Likewise, ANGELITAs daughter testified that her mother prevented her from looking for her father. o There is a strong possibility that SOFIO is still alive, considering that he would have been only 61 years old by then, even assuming as true ANGELITAs testimony that SOFIO was a chain smoker and a drunkard. There is no evidence that he continues his vices until now. ANGELITA filed MR. She argued that it is the Civil Code that applies in this case and not the Family Code since ANGELITAs marriage to SOFIO was celebrated on January 11, 1971, long before the Family Code took effect. o ANGELITA further argued that she had acquired a vested right under the provisions of the Civil Code and the stricter provisions of the Family Code should not be applied against her. To apply the stricter provisions of the Family Code will impair the rights ANGELITA had acquired under the Civil Code. The RTC denied the MR. Hence, ANGELITA now comes before SC (bypassed CA) seeking the reversal of the RTC Decision and MR.
SpecPro Digest. Atty. De Santos. Digested by Karen S. Pascual. 3C. ALS 2015.
OSG1: sided with ANGELITA. Recommended that the Court set aside the assailed RTC Decision and grant the Petition to declare SOFIO presumptively dead. The OSG argues that the requirement of "well-founded belief" under Article 41 of the Family Code is not applicable to the instant case. It said that ANGELITA could not be expected to comply with this requirement because it was not yet in existence during her marriage to Virgilio Reyes in 1985. o The OSG further argues that before the effectivity of the Family Code, ANGELITA already acquired a vested right as to the validity of her marriage to Virgilio Reyes based on the presumed death of SOFIO under the Civil Code. o Also, OSG contends that Article 390 of the Civil Code was not repealed by Article 41 of the Family Code.10 Title XIV of the Civil Code, the OSG said, was not one of those expressly repealed by the Family Code. Moreover, Article 256 of the Family Code provides that its provisions shall not be retroactively applied if they will prejudice or impair vested or acquired rights.11 ISSUES: (1) WON the petition for presumptive death can be granted? NO, since no decree on the presumption of SOFIOs death can be granted under the Civil Code, the same presumption having arisen by operation of law (2) WON ANGELITAs marriage to Virgilio is valid despite lack of declaration of presumptive death of Sofio? YES, valid marriage! HELD: WHEREFORE, the foregoing premises considered, the Petition is DENIED. The RTC Decision, insofar as it dismissed the Petition, is affirmed. However, we must state that we are denying the Petition on grounds different from those cited in the RTC Decision. RATIO: Procedural Issue: party may directly appeal SC from a decision of RTC only on pure questions of law Here, the facts are not disputed; the controversy merely relates to the correct application of the law or jurisprudence to the undisputed facts. For the purposes of the civil marriage law, it is not necessary to have the former spouse judicially declared an absentee under the Civil Code The RTC erred in applying the provisions of the Family Code and holding that ANGELITA needed to prove a "well-founded belief" that SOFIO was already dead. The RTC applied Article 41 of the Family Code. See footnote for Art 41.2
Office of the Solicitor General Art. 41. A marriage contracted by any person during subsistence of a previous marriage shall be null and void, unless before the celebration of the subsequent marriage, the prior spouse had been absent for four consecutive years and the spouse present has a well-founded belief that the absent spouse was already dead. In case of disappearance where there is danger under the circumstances set forth in the provisions of Article 391 of the Civil Code, an absence of only two years shall be sufficient. For the purpose of contracting a subsequent marriage under the preceding paragraph, the spouse present must institute a summary proceeding as provided in this Code for the declaration of presumptive death of the absentee, without prejudice to the effect of reappearance of the absent spouse.
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It is readily apparent, however, that the marriages of ANGELITA to SOFIO and VIRGILIO on January 11, 1971 and June 20, 1985, respectively, were both celebrated under the auspices of the Civil Code. The pertinent provision of the Civil Code is Article 83:
Art. 83. Any marriage subsequently contracted by any person during the lifetime of the first spouse of such person with any person other than such first spouse shall be illegal and void from its performance, unless: (1) The first marriage was annulled or dissolved; or (2) The first spouse had been absent for seven consecutive years at the time of the second marriage without the spouse present having news of the absentee being alive, of if the absentee, though he has been absent for less than seven years, is generally considered as dead and believed to be so by the spouse present at the time of contracting such subsequent marriage, or if the absentee is presumed dead according to Articles 390 and 391. The marriage so contracted shall be valid in any of the three cases until declared null and void by a competent court.
Art. 390. After an absence of seven years, it being unknown whether or not the absentee still lives, he shall be presumed dead for all purposes, except for those of succession . The absentee shall not be presumed dead for the purpose of opening his succession till after an absence of ten years. If he disappeared after the age of seventy-five years, an absence of five years shall be sufficient in order that his succession may be opened.
The Court, on several occasions, had interpreted the above-quoted provision in this wise: o For the purposes of the civil marriage law, it is not necessary to have the former spouse judicially declared an absentee. The declaration of absence made in accordance with the provisions of the Civil Code has for its sole purpose to enable the taking of the necessary precautions for the administration of the estate of the absentee. o For the celebration of civil marriage, however, the law only requires that the former spouse has been absent for seven consecutive years at the time of the second marriage, that the spouse present does not know his or her former spouse to be living, that such former spouse is generally reputed to be dead and the spouse present so believes at the time of the celebration of the marriage. Further, the Court explained that presumption of death CANNOT be the subject of court proceedings independent of the settlement of the absentees estate. In re Szatraw is instructive (See footnote for facts).3 SC said: The petition is not for the settlement of the estate of Nicolai Szatraw, because it does not appear that he possessed property brought to the marriage and because he had acquired no property during his married life with the petitioner. The rule invoked by the latter is merely one of evidence which permits the court to presume that a person is dead after the fact that such person had been unheard from in seven years had been established. This presumption may arise and be invoked and made in a case, either in an action or in a special proceeding, which is tried or heard by, and submitted for decision to, a competent court. Independently of such an action or special proceeding, the presumption of death cannot be invoked, nor can it be made
In that case, PETITIONER contracted marriage with a Polish national in 1937. They lived together as husband and wife for three years. Sometime in 1940, the husband, on the pretext of visiting some friends, left the conjugal abode with their child and never returned. After inquiring from friends, PETITIONER found that her husband went to Shanghai, China. However, friends who came from Shanghai told her that the husband was not seen there. In 1948, PETITIONER filed a petition for the declaration of presumptive death of her husband arguing that since the latter had been absent for more than seven years and she had not heard any news from him and about her child, she believes that he is dead.
SpecPro Digest. Atty. De Santos. Digested by Karen S. Pascual. 3C. ALS 2015.
the subject of an action or special proceeding. In this case, there is no right to be enforced nor is there a remedy prayed for by the petitioner against her absent husband. Neither is there a prayer for the final determination of his right or status or for the ascertainment of a particular fact (Hagans v. Wislizenus, 42 Phil. 880), for the petition does not pray for a declaration that the petitioners husband is dead, but merely asks for a declaration that he be presumed dead because he had been unheard from in seven years. If there is any pretense at securing a declaration that the petitioners husband is dead, such a pretension cannot be granted because it is unauthorized. The petition is for a declaration that the petitioners husband is presumptively dead. But this declaration, even if judicially made, would not improve the petitioners situation, because such a presumption is already established by law. A judicial pronouncement to that effect, even if final and executory, would still be a prima facie presumption only. It is still disputable. It is for that reason that it cannot be the subject of a judicial pronouncement or declaration, if it is the only question or matter involved in a case, or upon which a competent court has to pass. The latter must decide finally the controversy between the parties, or determine finally the right or status of a party or establish finally a particular fact, out of which certain rights and obligations arise or may arise; and once such controversy is decided by a final judgment, or such right or status determined, or such particular fact established, by a final decree, then the judgment on the subject of the controversy, or the decree upon the right or status of a party or upon the existence of a particular fact, becomes res judicata, subject to no collateral attack, except in a few rare instances especially provided by law. It is, therefore, clear that a judicial declaration that a person is presumptively dead, because he had been unheard from in seven years, being a presumption juris tantum only, subject to contrary proof, cannot reach the stage of finality or become final. Proof of actual death of the person presumed dead because he had been unheard from in seven years, would have to be made in another proceeding to have such particular fact finally determined. If a judicial decree declaring a person presumptively dead, because he had not been heard from in seven years, cannot become final and executory even after the lapse of the reglementary period within which an appeal may be taken, for such presumption is still disputable and remains subject to contrary proof, then a petition for such a declaration is useless, unnecessary, superfluous and of no benefit to the petitioner. In Lukban v. Republic, PETITIONER Lourdes G. Lukban contracted marriage with Francisco Chuidian on December 10, 1933. A few days later, on December 27, Francisco left Lourdes after a violent quarrel. She did not hear from him after that day. Her diligent search, inquiries from his parents and friends, and search in his last known address, proved futile. Believing her husband was already dead since he had been absent for more than twenty years, PETITIONER filed a petition in 1956 for a declaration that she is a widow of her husband who is presumed to be dead and has no legal impediment to contract a subsequent marriage. On the other hand, the antecedents in Gue v. Republic are similar to Szatraw. In both cases, the Court reiterated its ruling in Szatraw. It held that a petition for judicial declaration that Petitioner's husband is presumed to be dead cannot be entertained because it is not authorized by law. From the foregoing, it can be gleaned that, under the Civil Code, the presumption of death is established by law and no court declaration is needed for the
presumption to arise. Since death is presumed to have taken place by the seventh year of absence, SOFIO is to be presumed dead starting October 1982. Consequently, at the time of ANGELITAs marriage to VIRGILIO, there existed no impediment to ANGELITAs capacity to marry, and the marriage is valid under paragraph 2 of Article 83 of the Civil Code. Further, considering that it is the Civil Code that applies, proof of "wellfounded belief" is not required. ANGELITA could not have been expected to comply with this requirement since the Family Code was not yet in effect at the time of her marriage to VIRGILIO. The enactment of the Family Code in 1988 does not change this conclusion. The Family Code itself states:
Art. 256. This Code shall have retroactive effect insofar as it does not prejudice or impair vested or acquired rights in accordance with the Civil Code or other laws.
To retroactively apply the provisions of the Family Code requiring ANGELITA to exhibit "well-founded belief" will, ultimately, result in the invalidation of her second marriage, which was valid at the time it was celebrated. Such a situation would be untenable and would go against the objectives that the Family Code wishes to achieve. In sum, we hold that the Petition must be dismissed since no decree on the presumption of SOFIOs death can be granted under the Civil Code, the same presumption having arisen by operation of law. However, we declare that ANGELITA was capacitated to marry VIRGILIO at the time their marriage was celebrated in 1985 and, therefore, the said marriage is legal and valid.