Frame Relay: Term Paper On
Frame Relay: Term Paper On
Frame Relay: Term Paper On
Frame Relay
Course code: CAP630
Today+s commu&icatio& &et!or,s are built usi&" di"ital tru&,s that are i&here&tly reliable- !hile .rovidi&" a hi"h throu"h.ut a&d mi&imal delay/ The traditio&al a..roach to .ac,et s!itchi&" 01/$*2 -used i&3ba&d si"&ali&"- a&d i&cludes e&d3to3e&d a&d !ell as .er3ho. 4lo! co&trol a&d error co&trol/ This a..roach results i& co&siderable overhead/ Frame relay is a .ac,et3mode tra&smissio& service that e5.loits characteristics o4 moder& &et!or,s by mi&imi6i&" the amou&t o4 error detectio& a&d recovery .er4ormed i&side the &et!or,/ Thus- by streamli&i&" the commu&icatio&s .rocess- lo!er delay a&d hi"her throu"h.ut is achieved/ Frame relay o44ers 4eatures that ma,e it ideal to i&terco&&ect 7ANs usi&" a 8ide Area Net!or, 08AN2/ Traditio&ally- this !as do&e usi&" .rivate li&es- or circuit s!itchi&" over a leased li&e/ 9o!everthis method has several dra!bac,s: mai&ly that it becomes .rohibitively e5.e&sive as the si6e o4 the &et!or, i&creases 3 both i& terms o4 miles a&d &umber o4 7ANs/ The reaso& 4or the hi"h3cost is that hi"h3s.eed circuits a&d .orts must be setu. o& a .oi&t3to3.oi&t basis bet!ee& a& i&creasi&" &umbers o4 brid"es/ Also- circuit3mode co&&ectivity results i& a lot o4 !asted ba&d!idth 4or the bursty tra44ic that is ty.ical o4 7ANs/