Plot No. 22/A, Bharath Nagar Hyderabad, (A.P) : Mr. P Ravi Kumar
Plot No. 22/A, Bharath Nagar Hyderabad, (A.P) : Mr. P Ravi Kumar
Plot No. 22/A, Bharath Nagar Hyderabad, (A.P) : Mr. P Ravi Kumar
Dear Ravi, Further to the rece t i tervie! a " the #ub#e$ue t "i#cu##io # that %ou have ha" !ith &'()E* TELE+O,,'N*+(T*ONS -*ND*(. +O,/(N0 /1T2 LTD, !e are 34ea#e" to o55er %ou a e634o%6e t a# 7Engineer8 o co tractHyderabado i a#a4ar% o5 R#2 2,9:,:::;- 3er a u6 -T!o Lac Fort% Thou#a " 3er a u6. a# +T+2 0ou are re$ue#te" to i 5or6 u# %our "ate o5 joi i < !ithi o e !ee= o5 thi# 6ai4, 5ai4i < !hich thi# job o55er !i44 #ta " ca ce44e"2 Other ter6# o5 e634o%6e t !i44 be attache" i e634o%6e t co tract !hich !i44 be i##ue" at the ti6e o5 Joi i <2 (ttache" 34ea#e 5i " the #a4ar% "etai4# #heet 5or %our 3eru#a42 0our# Si cere4%, FOR SANCHAYA STAFFING SERVICES
REGD OFFICE: 1178/49 ! "lats, /al0a1i, 2ew elhi 311% %19 5h: %11($#1%98$8 / +$97
DELHI OFFICE: #$%, !nsal &ham'ers( )), #(4hi0a1i &ama 5lace, 2ew elhi 311% %## ph: %11($#18#977/88
BANGALORE OFFICE: $9#/), )st. *ain )st. 4loc0 /oramangla 4angalore 3,#% %+4
HYDERABAD OFFICE: th +%,, 4 -loor, .eliance .esidency 6pp. 2T. 7tadium, )ndira 5ar0 .oad omulguda, 8ydera'ad 3,%% %$%
Employer: SANCHA A S!A""#N$ SER%#CES 'o(ation: Hyderabad C!C )RS.*: +,-.,.../0 M1N!H' ANN2A ' 8>:? 92>3 1@:1 1@:1 1@:1 @:A 3456. 1:21 9:A +.... 1:2:?8 >1:39 2:919 2:919 2:919 8>:2 22289> 12298 9A:@ +-....
Ba#ic &ou#e Re t (44o!a ce +o ve%a ce (44o!a ce ,e"ica4 (44o!a ce Other (44o!a ce LT( $ro&& Salary /rovi"e t Fu " -E634o%erB# +o tributio . CR(T'*T0 +T+ -+o#t to the +o63a %. 'ESS /rovi"e t Fu " -e634o%eeB# co tributio . Tota4 De"uctio $ro&& &alary 0 !otal Dedu(tion 7 Net ta8e Home
REGD OFFICE: 1178/49 ! "lats, /al0a1i, 2ew elhi 311% %19 5h: %11($#1%98$8 / +$97
DELHI OFFICE: #$%, !nsal &ham'ers( )), #(4hi0a1i &ama 5lace, 2ew elhi 311% %## ph: %11($#18#977/88
BANGALORE OFFICE: $9#/), )st. *ain )st. 4loc0 /oramangla 4angalore 3,#% %+4
HYDERABAD OFFICE: th +%,, 4 -loor, .eliance .esidency 6pp. 2T. 7tadium, )ndira 5ar0 .oad omulguda, 8ydera'ad 3,%% %$%