Virtual Surgery Report
Virtual Surgery Report
Virtual Surgery Report
Sherin N Sultana
Department of Computer Science and Engineering
M G College of Engineering
Abstract — Rapid change is under way on several fronts in II. VIRTUAL SURGERY
medicine and surgery. Advance in computing power have enable
continued growth in virtual reality, visualization, and simulation Virtual surgery, in general is a Virtual Reality Technique of
technologies. The ideal learning opportunities afforded by simulating surgery procedure, which help Surgeons improve
simulated and virtual environments have prompted their surgery plans and practice surgery process on 3D models.
exploration as learning modalities for surgical education and
training. Ongoing improvements in this technology suggest an
In case of virtual surgery a simulated model of the human
important future role for virtual reality and simulation in
autonomy which looks, feel and respond like a real human
body is created for the surgeon to operate on. The simulator
I. INTRODUCTION surgery results can be evaluated before the surgery is carried
out on real patient. This helps the surgeon to have clear
Rapid change in most segments of the society is occurring picture of the outcome of surgery. If the surgeon finds some
as a result of increasingly more sophisticated, affordable and errors, he can correct by repeating the surgical procedure as
ubiquitous computing power. One clear example of this many number of times and finalizing the parameters for good
change process is the internet, which provides interactive and surgical results.
instantaneous access to information that must scarcely
conceivable only a few years ago. The surgeon can also view the anatomy from wide range of
angles. This process, which cannot be done on a real patient in
Same is the case in the medical field. Adv in the surgery, helps the surgeon correct the incision, cutting,
instrumentation, visualisation and monitoring have enabled gain experience and therefore improve the surgical skills.
continual growth in the medical field. The information
revolution has enabled fundamental changes in this field. Of The virtual surgery is based on the patient specific model,
the many disciplines arising from this new information era, so when the real surgery takes place, the surgeon is already
virtual reality holds the greatest promise. The term virtual familiar with all the specific operations that are to be
reality was coined by Jaron Lanier, founded of VPL research, employed.
in the late 1980’s. Virtual reality is defined as human
computer interface that simulate realistic environments while
enabling participant interaction, as a 3D digital world that
accurately models actual environment, or simply as